dee`s gatering servige - Picket Fence Learning Center
dee`s gatering servige - Picket Fence Learning Center
DEE'S GATERING SERVIGE 1517 Bourbon Parkway , Plaza ll . Streamwood, lllinois 60107 (630) 289-3930 . Fax (630) 289-1248 3-5 year olds Jan./Feb./Mar. WEEKSl-4 \ryEE K ONE TUESDAY MONDAY .UU NCIl Spaghetti/ll'leat Sauce Sliced TurkeylGravy Beef Ravioli 1.512 oz 211.512 oz 1.512 oz Cotr^r lo c Peas Yo Cl % C Carrot/ %Cl %C Orange 4/6 oz Chicken Noodle Casserole 3l5oz c MashedPotatoes %clYzc Greert Beans Spinach la c I '/, c Wheat Bread '/z I 1 Apricot 4 /6oz -lropical Fruil 1% MILK 6/8 oz llz Ya c I '/t c 1% MILK 6/8 oz WE EK TWO Sweet PotatoesYo c I 416 oz Carrots 1/o cI 1r'z l./ashed Potaloes % c I c c Wheat Bread'/z I Spir-,ach /o c I lz 1 /, c li Chicken Nuggetsl .512 oz c CollardGreens %cl%c Wax Beans l/, %c c ozll Wax Beans Biscuit Rolls )'z Eroccoli lq c I '/z c 1/^ c I 1/z C /'l /, I 1 Banana 416oz MILK 6 /Boz 1% MILK 6/8 oz Sloppy J<tel1.5l2 oz Mac&Clreese w/turkey ham BakedFnes%cllrc Green Bean /, c I /, c 315oz Green Peas lo c I 'ti c Coleslaw lt Bun lz Mixed Fruit 4/ 6oz Wheat Bread '/, 11 Mandarin oranges 4/6 oz Applesauce 4 /6oz Pear 4 16oz l% MILK 6/8 oz 1% MILK 6/8 oz 1% MILK 6 /8oz 1% 1-urkey Mac (NO Beans) Chicken sandwich/bun Mcstaccioili/meatsauce2/1 Wheat Bread'/z Pineapple 4 /6oz 1.512 Carrol'/ocIlzc Peas'/^clYrc 1% Meatballs /Gravy 1.512 oz 1/z Egg Roll Pineapplt; Chunks 4 i6oz 1 % MILK 6/8oz Oven Fried Chix 1.5 l2oz FRIDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 11 cI 1/z c MILK 6/8 oz 1% MILK 6 /Boz Meat Loaf/Gravy 1.512 .)15 EEK THREE Spinach Biscuit % / Wheat Bread'/z I 1 Applesauce 4/6 1% WE EK FOUR oz Mlt-K 6/8 oz E.iaked Fries Y, c I Y, c %cl'/,c 1 Tropical Fruit 4 /6oz 'l BBQ Chicken 1.512 oz 1.512 oz Corn'/oCl'/zC l'ator tots % C l% C Wheat Bread '/z ll1 Carrols %Cl%C 1 Oranges 4/6 oz 1% MIL"K 6/8 oz J.( trzrrrilk scrrcd as rcrlLrirc.l 1 Fish sticks 1.5l2oz Cornlocl /, c Wax Beans % Cl % C Broccoli%Cl%C Green Beans % cl Fresh Apple 4 /6oz Apricot % 4 16oz Wheat Bread '/, I Oranges 4 /6oz 1% MILK 6/8oz 1% MILK 6/8 oz 1% MILK 6/8 oz Beef Ravioli 1.512 oz Zucchini &Tomalo'/. C I Chili Mac (no Beans)3/5 oz Sliced Turkey 1.5l2ozi1 Yq cl 1/z Beet Salad c lrc Caulifower lc c I Y2 c 1 "/o MILK 6i8 oz Turkey Meatballs/ Gravy Spinach%Cl%C Wheat bread '/z I (;i;. 1.5 ol2 oz I oz l%C MixedVeg %Cl%C Mash Potatoes%C . 5l2oz Pineapple 4/6oz luub MILK 6/8 oz cll/zc %C: Tossed Salad % WaxBeans/,cl%c Peas %cl Peach 4/6 oz Saltine Crackers lz 1% Ivlilk6/B oz Pear lrc 416oz- 1% Milk 6/8oz 12 Sweet poiatoes '/q cI Collard Greens '/q c I Wheat Bread'/z !1 Banana 416 oz 1% MILK 6/8 oz lt 1/z c c ,*,,1r'f/U DEE'$ GATERING SERVIGE 1517 Bourbon Parkway, Plaza ll . Streamwood, lllinois 60107 124 630) 289-3930 . Fax Jan /Feb./Mar WEDNESDAY Spaghetti/Meat Sauce 211.512 oz Peas Y, Cl % C Orange 4/6 oz Caulillower'Acl%c Green Beans /, c I '/z c Apricot 4 /6oz Sweel Potatoes% c I Y, c Pineapple 4 /6oz Peas t/r c l 'A c Rolls % 1% CollardGreens Y,cl%c Wax Beans%cl%c Wlteal Bread '/z l1 '/.cl%c Wax Beans '/. c I '/z c % /'l MILK ozll Broccoli 1 % MILK 6/8oz MashedPotatoestAcl%c Spinach%cl%c 1.512 Carrol Y, c I '/z c Tropical Fruit 4/6 oz Chicken Nuggelsl .512 oz Egg Roll Chicken Noodle Casserole 3l5oz Pineapple Churrks 4 /6oz Wlteat Bread % 11 1 FRIDAY THURSDAY Biscuit 1% MILK 6/8 oz 1 Meatballs lGravy 1.512 oz %cl%c I %cl%c %cl'Ac Wheat Eread Yt I Oven Fried Chix 1.5 l2oz Yt 1.512 oz Spinach 1% MILK 6/8 oz Wheat Bread Beef Ravioli 1 512 oz MashedPotatoes CarroU %Cl%C Carrots Sliced TurkeylGravy WEEKS 1-4 / 1 Banana 4/6oz 6 /8oz 1% MILK 6/8 oz Sloppy Joell .512 oz Mac&Cheese w/ttttkey harrr Baked Fries'/. c I 315oz ',1 c GreenBean%cl%c Green Peas '/, c I Beels I '/, c Mixed Fruit 4/ 6oz Mandarin oranges 4/6 oz Applesauce 4 /6oz Pear 4 16oz 'l% MILK 6/8 oz 1% MILK 6/8 oz 1% MILK 6 /Boz 1% Turkey Mac (NO Beans) Chicken sandwich/bun Mostacciolli/nrealsauce2/1 5l2oz MILK 6/8 '/z c oz 1% MILK 6 /8oz Meat Loaf/Gravy 1.512 oz EE Mash Potatoes% C I Yz .MrxedYeg %Cl%C Biscuit % / 1 Applesauce 4/6 oz 1% MILK 6/8 oz Turkey Meatballs/ Gravy 1.512 oz R Carrots %C I %C Spinach%ClY,C Wheat bread Yz I 1 Oranges 4/6 oz 1% MILK 6/8 oz rrrilk scrvctl as rcrltrirccl 1.5 ol2 oz 315 oz C Baked Fries Y, c I Spinach Yz c %cl%c Wheat Bread% l1 Tropical Fruit 4 /6oz 1% I 1 d . Fish sticks Broccoli c Wax Beans '/, Cl % C Beet Salad % Broccoli%Cl%C Green Beans Fresh Apple 4 /6oz Apricot 'A 4 16oz 'l% MILK 6/8 oz Oranges 4 /6oz Chili Mac (no Bearrs)3/S oz Sliced Turkey 1 .5l2ozl Carrol Sweet polaloes 1% MILK 6/8oz Yz /z c cl '/z c Caulifower t/t c I '/z c WheatBread %11 1% MILK 6/8 oz MILK 6/8 oz BBQ Chicken 1.512 oz Green beans Tator tots %Cl%C Wheat Bread % ll1 Pineapple 4/6oz 'l% MILK 6/8 oz Beef Ravioli 1.512 oz Zucchini Y,C l'/rC Wax Beans Y, c l% c Peach 416 oz 1% Milk6/8 oz Y, c I 1 'A c Yz c t/. Peas c lYz c CollardGreens Y,cl%c Pear 416oz Wheat Bread'/z l1 1% Milk 6/8oz r i Banana 416 oz . 1% MILK 6/8 oz () HEALTHY START - CACFP CYCLE II MENU JANUARY 1,2015 . MARCH 31 ,2015 PICKET FENCE SITE NAME: 1% Mitk Sliced Orange Oatmeal I 1% Mitk Apples French Toast Sticks Maple Symp l% Mirk Pineapple Scrambled Egg Toast 10lo Milk 1% Mitk Sliced Orange Pancakes Maple Syrup Pears Com Flakes 1% Mitk Pears Com Flakes Butter l% Mitk 1% Mitk r% Mitk r% Mirk Sliced Orange Oatmeal Apples French Toast Sticks Maple Syrup Pineapple Scrambled Egg Sliced Orange Pancakes Maple Syrup Toast Butter 1% Mitk Sliced Orange Oatrneal 1% Mitk Sliced Orange Oatmeal t% Mitk Apples French Toast Sticks Maple Syup 1% Uitk Apples French Toast Sticks Maple Syrup 1% Mitk Pineapple Scrambled Egg Toast Butter 1% Milk Pineapple Scnambled Egg Toast 1"/o M:tlk Sliced Orange Pancakes Maple Syrup l% 1% Mirk Pears Com Flakes Matk 10l. Sliced Orange Pancakes Maple Syrup Milk Pears Corn Flakes Juice may not be seryed when milk is serued as the only other component Mitk Mitk Juice/FruiWegetable MeaUMeat Altemate Grain/Bread cereal cold cereal hot Juice/FruWegetable Grain/Bread be water packed or packed in light syrup MeaUMeat Alternate Juice/FruiWegetable Grain/Bread should be serued at each meal Based on ages 3-5; refer to meal pattern chart for 1-2 and 6-12 Representative LAUREN FINNEKE Beans, Beet Cheese Chicken, Eggs, Fish, Per CACFP regulations, hoUcold cereals, fruits, and fruit juices must be "specific" (i.e. oatmeal, com flakes, fresh orange,l0oo/o apple juice) Site selections must appear on the approved cycle menu and/or menu substitution form (if a change is made) €N-Z>- Lre -?1E:"