Wideband and Energy Efficient Power Amplifiers for Wireless
Wideband and Energy Efficient Power Amplifiers for Wireless
Wideband and Energy Efficient Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications Mustafa Özen on behalf of Christian Fager {chrisitan.fager,mustafa.ozen}@chalmers.se Microwave Electronics Laboratory | Chalmers University of Technology www.chalmers.se/ghz Sweden Göteborg Located by the west cost of Sweden … Founded 1829 by William Chalmers …11000 students (1150 doctoral students) …Long tradition in microwaves Microwave Technologies at Chalmers GaN HEMT technology InP HEMT technology Transmitters for telecom GaN HEMT MMICs Robust transceivers, high RF power InP and InAs HEMT MMICs Cryogenic low-noise amplifiers Power amplifiers High efficiency and linearization THz devices & instrumentation Mixers: Schottky diode, varactors Hot-electron bolometer SIS Heterodyne receivers beyond 1 THz III-V MMIC design Multifunctional THz > 300 GHz Communication > 100 GHz GaN HEMT VCOs Mixed signal (>100 Gbps) Emerging MW components Graphene HF electronics Ferroelectric tunable devices Full Professors: Victor Belitsky, Spartak Gevorgian, Jan Grahn, Jan Stake, Herbert Zirath Outline • • • 4 Background Energy efficient wideband transmitter architectures – Varactor based dynamic load modulation – Doherty power amplifiers (PA) – Outphasing PAs – Mixed Doherty-outphasing techniques Summary Transmitter Demands • A radio transmitter generates high power information carrying electromagnetic signals. 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Message • • Most power hungry unit in a radio base station. Higher transmitter efficiency for –Lower operational costs –Smaller environmental footprint 55 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Transmitter Demands • • Strong demand for higher data rates Wireless providers allocate more spectrum – 44 different bands are utilized in LTE-A 0.7 GHz 0.9 GHz 1.8 GHz 2.1 GHz 2.3 GHz 2.65 GHz • 66 Wideband transmitters enable covering multiple bands with a single unit Transmitter Demands • Carrier aggregation in LTE-A for higher data rates f Intra-band contiguous Band I f Intra-band non-contiguous Band I f Inter-band non-contiguous Band I • 7 Band II In summary: Energy efficient, large RF and signal bandwidth transmitters Traditional linear PA operation • • 8 The peak output power is determined by PA saturation – PA efficiency is maximum close to saturation – Operating it into compression results in severe distortion The total PA efficiency is weighted by the signal input power probability density function – For this case: Peak PAE = 55%, total average PAE = 22% Efficiency enhancement via Supply modulation Transistor current Imax High power load line Low power load line VDD2 VDD1 Transistor voltage Dynamic reduction of VDD • • Opt. supply Fixed supply 9 Provides large RF bandwidth Difficult to power scale at large instantaneous signal bandwidths • More suitable for handsets Efficiency enhancement via load modulation Power Amplifier Transistor current Imax High power load line Low power load line Load VDD1 Transistor voltage • Optimal Load 50 Ω 10 Output High power realization at large signal bandwidths • Challenging to achieve large RF bandwidth Outline • • • 11 Background Energy efficient wideband transmitter architectures – Varactor based dynamic load modulation – Doherty power amplifiers (PA) – Outphasing PAs – Mixed Doherty-outphasing techniques Summary Varactor based DLM • • • 12 Variation of output power by dynamically tuning the PA load network Chalmers SiC varactors Varactors typically used as tuneable elements – Breakdown voltage > 100V – Low series resistance, large tuning range Simple and efficient control electronics – No need for high power dc converters etc. – Potentially wideband modulation Varactor-based DLM High power demonstrator [C. M. Andersson, et. al, “A Packaged 86 W GaN Transmitter with SiC Varactor-based Dynamic Load Modulation”, EuMC 2013] Packaged (40x20mm) 100W GaN demo Power scalable load network topology GaN HEMT SiC Varactor Microchip capacitor 13 Reactive Class J DLM Results @ 2.14 GHz Vds = 20 V Vds = 30 V Vds = 40 V • • • 14 Peak power = 86W 6.7 dB PAPR WCDMA signal – ACLR < -46 dBc – 34% average efficiency Losses in load network limits efficiency enhancement Dual-band Varactor-based DLM Dual band DLM PA prototype • • Dual band operation – 700 MHz & 1900 MHz Double stub tuner Optimal load trajectories 15 Dual band tunable load network Dual-band Varactor-based DLM Dual band DLM PA prototype • • Dual band operation – 700 MHz & 1900 MHz Double stub tuner Lower band Freq 685 MHz Upper band 80 w/o DPD w DPD 70 -10 60 Drain efficiency [%] -30 40 30 -40 20 -50 -20 50 40-30 30 -40 20 -50 10 16 w/o DPD w DPD 70 -10 60 -20 50 -60 0-15 28 0 Normalized PSD [dB] Drain efficiency Normalized PSD[%] [dB] 800 10 -10 30 -5 0 5 32 Frequency 34 36 38 [MHz] Pout [dBm] 10 40 15 42 -60 0 -15 28 30 -10 32 -5 0 5 34 36 Frequency [MHz] 38 Pout [dBm] 10 40 15 42 Outline • • Background Energy efficient wideband transmitter architectures – Varactor based dynamic load modulation Main – Doherty power amplifiers (PA) Analog v – Outphasing PAs Power Divider Aux – Mixed Doherty-outphasing techniques in • 17 Summary Zo λ/4 RL Conventional Doherty PA Concept Transistor voltages and currents Conventional Doherty PA Zo Im Main Class-B vin Analog Power Divider Class-C Aux 1 + Vm - Ia + Va - 0.8 Vm λ/4 0.6 Im 0.4 RL Ia 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Input voltage 0.8 1 Ideal efficiency Efficiency (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 18 -15 -10 -5 back-off (dB) 0 Conventional Doherty PA Concept Transistor voltages and currents Conventional Doherty PA Zo Im Main Class-B vin Analog Power Divider Class-C Aux 1 + Vm - Ia + Va - 0.8 Vm λ/4 0.6 Im 0.4 RL Ia 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Input voltage 0.8 1 Ideal efficiency • • 19 Higher PAPRLarger class-C – Lower gain and PAE – Uneven power division Increased manufacturing cost Efficiency (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 -15 -10 -5 back-off (dB) 0 Hypothesis • Large efficiency range (>6 dB) with identical devices? Modify? Zo Main vin • 20 Analog Power Divider λ/4 RL Aux Devices should be fully utilized – Both devices are biased with nominal VDD – Use all available current Novel Symmetrical Doherty PA Efficiency of symmetrical Doherty PA 100 Drain eff. (%) Schematic used for the derivations 80 60 40 20 -16 -14 • -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 Normalized output power (dB) 0 Calculate the combiner network parameters assuming identical devices Boundary Conditions: – Efficiency range (arbitrary) – Class-B and class-C impedances at peak power & back-off 21 Novel Symmetrical Doherty PA 3.5 GHz Hardware Demonstrator load pull data • Combiner S-parameters: – S11 = -0.81 + j0.24 – S21 = -0.022 - j0.38 – S22 = -0.27 + j0.24 Empirical combiner topology 22 Load Cut-ready simulation results Efficiency,PAE (%) Peak Main 100 80 60 PAE 40 20 0 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Output power (dBm) 44 46 Novel Symmetrical Doherty PA Experimental verification • A 3.5 GHz 30 watt GaN HEMT symmetical Doherty PA prototype Cross-verified at NXP Fabricated prototype Static efficiency results (Credits Reza Abdoelgafoer) Efficiency,PAE (%) 100 23 PAE 60 40 20 0 31 • 80 33 35 37 39 41 Output power (dBm) 43 45 A record high PAE of 55% at 8 dB back-off – Symmetrical devices & novel load-pull based combiner design approach Novel Symmetrical Doherty PA Experimental verification • Tested with carrier aggregated 100 MHz (5x20) OFDM signals Output spectrum with 100 MHz OFDM signals Pow. spec. density (dB/Hz) Fabricated prototype • 24 0 -10 w/o DPD -20 w/ DPD [1] -30 -40 -50 -60 3.3 3.35 3.4 3.45 3.5 3.55 3.6 3.65 Frequency (GHz) 3.7 -50 dBc ACLR with 100 MHz signals. – 5 dB margin to spectral mask. – High efficiency with excellent linearity [1] S. Afsardoost, T. Eriksson, and C. Fager, "Digital Predistortion Using a Vector-Switched Model," IEEE TMTT, 2012 A Novel Wideband Doherty [D. Gustafsson et al., "A Modified Doherty Power Amplifier With Extended Bandwidth and Reconfigurable Efficiency," IEEE T-MTT, Jan. 2013] ZL Frequency Frequency response response at the at back-off peak power f Z Z 1 T Z Z 1 T Doherty PA topology Z Z 1 T Z jZ tan( L T 2 R jZ tan( L T Z jZ tan( 2 T L 2 Z jR tan( T L 2 ) ffo ) ffo ) ffo ) fo Doherty PA Back-off efficiency is strongly frequency dependent! 25 A Novel Wideband Doherty [D. Gustafsson et al., "A Modified Doherty Power Amplifier With Extended Bandwidth and Reconfigurable Efficiency," IEEE T-MTT, Jan. 2013] Doherty PA topology • • 26 Doherty PA – Backoff efficiency bandwidth limited by l/4 impedance inverter – ZT ≠RL Proposed PA – ZT ≡ R L – New drive scheme and biasing A Novel Wideband Doherty Bandwidth performance Doherty PA • • 27 Frequency independent backoff efficiency Extended average efficiency bandwidth Proposed PA A Novel Wideband Doherty GaN MMIC Demonstrator 2.9 mm • • • • TriQuint 0.25µm GaN process 5.7-8.8 GHz (42% bandwidth) PAE: 30-39% @ 9 dB BO Reconfigurable PAE shape by Vdd/Vgg adjustments only Large PAE bandwidth 28 2.9 mm Reconfigurable PAE @ 6.4 GHz Outline • • Background Energy efficient wideband transmitter architectures – Varactor based dynamic load modulation Main – Doherty power amplifiers (PA) Analog CMOS v – Outphasing PAs Power Divider Aux – Mixed Doherty-outphasing techniques Zo Δt λ/4 SMPA in • 29 Summary Sout(Δt) RL SMPA Outphasing Transmitter Architecture • • Two constant envelope signals are summed to achieve amplitude modulation Possibility for high efficiency switch mode operation S1 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 S1 1 -1 0.8 -1.5 0.6 0.4 -2 0.2 -2.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 Signal splitter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 0.8 0.6 Combiner 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.6 -0.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Power Amplifier 30 𝜃 -0.4 -1 • Sout Sin Sin S2 Combiner determines the interaction between the PAs Chireix Outphasing Combiner • Chireix outphasing combiner enables proper load modulation and thus high efficiency. Chireix combiner Branch 2 input 0.8 2 0.6 1.5 0.4 1 0.2 0 Probability Branch 1 input Drain efficiency Efficiency of Chireix System 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1 Output amplitude • 31 Combiner is inherently narrowband (~5% efficiency bandwidth). – Mainly due to quarter wave transformers. Novel Outphasing Combiner Design Approach • Combiner network parameters are derived from the boundary conditions – The transistors experience optimal class-E impedances at peak and average power levels Class-E PA Waveforms Branch 1 switch 32 + P1 V1 - I2 2 Port P2 + V2 - Combiner network, including load Z nB Vie -jθ Branch 2 switch 3 2 2 1 0 0.5 1 t/T 0 1.5 Current Vi I1 Voltage Z nA Wideband Outphasing Transmitter Realization • A 25 W 750-1050 MHz CMOS-GaN HEMT transmitter prototype – Combiner S-parameter continuum is mapped to the frequency response of practical network VDD=6 V Combiner Combiner S-parameters +j1.0 +j0.5 Synthesized Calculated S11 +j5.0 f 2.0 1.0 S12 0.5 0.0 VDD 0.2 +j0.2 50 Ω +j2.0 5.0 VDD1 = 28 V VDD1 = 28 V -j0.2 -j5.0 S22 -j0.5 -j2.0 -j1.0 CMOS 33 GaN Theory Circuit Wideband Outphasing Transmitter Experimental Results Measured Drain efficiency Fabricated prototype Branch 1 input CMOS • 34 Branch 2 input GaN Antenna Drain efficiency (%) 100 80 60 0.75 GHz 0.80 GHz 0.90 GHz 1.00 GHz 1.05 GHz 40 20 Class-B 0 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 Output power (dBm) Efficiency improvement is 20 to 40 percentage units – Efficiency enhancement, large RF bandwidth (33%) and possibility for high level of integration Outline • • • 35 Background Energy efficient wideband transmitter architectures – Varactor based dynamic load modulation – Doherty power amplifiers (PA) CMOS – Outphasing PAs – Mixed Doherty-outphasing techniques Summary Δt SMPA SMPA Sout(Δt) Outphasing/Doherty continuum [C. Andersson et al., "A 1–3-GHz Digitally Controlled Dual-RF Input Power-Amplifier Design Based on a Doherty-Outphasing Continuum Analysis," IEEE T-MTT, 2013] Average efficiency General dual-input PA Doherty 180 70 160 65 140 60 120 Outphasing 55 2 100 Doherty Doherty 80 50 Outphasing 60 45 40 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 Doherty 80 100 120 140 160 180 1 Doherty (θ1 = 90°, θ2 = 0°) 36 Outphasing (θ1 = 114°, θ2 = 57°) Outphasing/Doherty continuum [C. Andersson et al., "A 1–3-GHz Digitally Controlled Dual-RF Input Power-Amplifier Design Based on a Doherty-Outphasing Continuum Analysis," IEEE T-MTT, 2013] Average efficiency General dual-input PA Doherty 180 70 160 65 140 60 120 Outphasing 55 2 100 Doherty Doherty 80 50 Outphasing 60 45 40 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 Doherty 80 100 120 1 • • 37 Continuum between Doherty and outphasing operation Potential for >octave bandwidth and efficient operation – Class B (short circuited harmonics) assumed 140 160 180 Outphasing/Doherty continuum Demonstrator results ADS simulations 38 Measurements Outphasing/Doherty continuum Excellent 1-3 GHz performance • • 39 CW measurements – Pmax = 44 ± 0.9 dBm – >45 % PAE at 6 dB OPBO from 1.0 – 3.0 GHz DPD linearized measurements – 5 MHz WCDMA – ACPR < -57 dBc – PAE > 40/50% Class-B @ 6dB Summary • • 40 Dynamic load modulation architectures – Varactor-based dynamic load modulation – Doherty PA – Outphasing PA – Mixed Doherty and outphasing techniques New circuits and design techniques – Enabling large RF bandwidhts (1-3 GHz) – Excellent linearity with 100 MHz carrier agg. OFDM signals – Reduced cost solutions (Symmetrical Doherty) Acknowledgments • …past and present power amplifier research collaborators C. Fager (Assoc. Prof.) S. Gustafsson (PhD stud) • 41 T. Eriksson (Prof.) Adj. Prof. R. Jos (NXP) Dr. P. Landin (post-doc) Dr. U. Gustavsson Dr. A. Soltani (Qamcom) (Ericsson) & Dr. H. Cao (Ericsson) Dr. M. Özen (post-doc) Dr. P. Saad (Ericsson) Dr. C. Sanchez K. Hausmair (post-doc) (PhD stud) Dr. H. Nemati (Ericsson) S. Afsardoost (Ericsson) J. Chani (PhD stud) Dr. C. Andersson (Mitsubishi) Companies and research funding agencies D. Gustafsson (PhD stud) X. Bland (SATIMO) W. Hallberg (PhD stud) F. Johansson (MSc stud)