December 6, 2015 Second Sunday of Advent PARISH DIRECTORY
December 6, 2015 Second Sunday of Advent PARISH DIRECTORY
December 6, 2015 Second Sunday of Advent PARISH DIRECTORY Parish Office: 412-833-1010 • Fax: 412-833-6624 Website: Email: [email protected] Pastoral Associate Office: 412-833-1240 Religious Education Office: 412-835-1155 • Fax: 412-833-3952 Saint Louise School Office: 412-835-0600 • Fax: 412-835-2898 Youth Ministry Office: 412-833-5757 PARISH STAFF Father Joseph Sioli Pastor Father Daniele Vallecorsa, STL Parochial Vicar Deacon William F. Strathmann Permanent Deacon Sr. M. Faith Balawejder, CSSF Pastoral Associate MASS SCHEDULE Monday−Friday 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Mr. Michael Buechel Maintenance Supervisor Mr. Gregory Fincham Music Director Mrs. Beth Guzowski Bookkeeper SACRAMENTAL LIFE Baptism Sundays following the 12:30 p.m. Mass. Please call the Parish Office to schedule. Pre-Baptism instruction (best between the 5th and 7th month of pregnancy) is required. A one-hour class for both parents is offered at Saint Louise. Marriage Arrangements must be made with the parish priest at least six months prior to the anticipated celebration. Sacrament of the Sick Holy Days See Schedule in Bulletin Mrs. Lisa Osterhaus Director of Stewardship The parish priests are available for home visitation for the Sacraments of the Eucharist, Confession and Anointing of the Sick. Eucharistic Ministers are available on Sundays following the 9:00 a.m. Mass for distribution of the Holy Communion. To arrange for a visit please call the parish office. CONFESSIONS Ms. Renee Pollice Office Manager Bulletin Deadline Saturday 9:00 a.m., and 6:00 p.m. (Sunday Vigil Mass) Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 4:30 p.m. Tuesday 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Saturday 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mr. Ken Klase School Principal Mrs. Marcella Lantzman Church Sacristan Mrs. Loretta Uhlmann Director of Religious Education Mr. Jason Zych Youth Minister Articles for the bulletin must be submitted in writing 10 days prior to publication. Lift Up Your Hearts This week, on the feast day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pope Francis will solemnly open the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica and, with this gesture, the Extraordinary Year of Mercy. As we begin this special Jubilee Year we can understand it in continuity with the ministry of John the Baptist—whose voice cried out in the desert, “Prepare the way of the Lord.” The very idea of the holy door as a place of pilgrimage joined with the Jubilee Year lays out a path for us to approach the Lord Jesus, most especially through the ministry of the Church. John called the people of Israel to meet the coming Messiah by being baptized in the waters of the Jordan River, reminding them that God is always faithful to His people whom He led across the Jordan to inherit the land he promised them. Entering into the Church through our Baptism, we gain the great privilege of calling God our Father and become heirs to His Kingdom. Through the Eucharist, and in a particular way through the sacrament of Penance, Jesus is present to show us the Father’s mercy as a way of helping us on our way, making our path toward Him straight. Perhaps the image of the holy door will inspire us to continue to journey toward the Father with confidence, trusting especially in His patience and mercy. May it also serve as a reminder of our place in God’s plan to lead others to Him, inviting them to know Christ through His Church. Yours in Christ, Fr. Joe “Mercy is the very foundation of the Church’s life. Mercy becomes a criterion for ascertaining who the Father’s true children are. Wherever the Church is present, the mercy of the Father must be evident. Wherever there are Christians, everyone should find an oasis of mercy.” -Pope Francis, in Misericordiae Vultus Holy Day of Obligation Mass Schedule for the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) Monday, December 7— Vigil 4:00pm Tuesday, December 8—6:45am, 9:00am, 12:00pm & 7:00pm Mass Intentions Monday, December 7 Saint Ambrose Is 35:1-10; Ps 85; Lk 5:17-26 7:00am David Baker (The Bodner Family) 9:00am Samuel D’Amico (Bill & Ruth Coyle) 4:00pm Vigil: Eva Bucci (Ron & Joyce Koerner) 6:45pm Holy Hour (Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet) Tuesday, December 8 The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38 6:45am Matilda Young (Bill & Pat Gallagher) 8:30am Morning Prayer 9:00am Andrew Kolesar (Family) 12:00pm John Abruzzino (Angela Abruzzino) 7:00pm Christine Dillon (The Fogarty Family) Wednesday, December 9 Saint Juan Diego Is 40:25-31; Ps 103; Mt 11:28-30 7:00am Mabel K. Weitzel (John Weitzel) 9:00am Mary R. Petras (Tony & Nancy Betz) 8:00pm Rosary for Peace Thursday, December 10 Is 41:13-20; Ps 145; Mt 11:11-15 7:00am Rosalia Billante Swarmer (Anna & Ed Dunlap) 9:00am Rebecca Petrosky (L) (Godparents) 7:00pm DeMarillac Guild Mass Friday, December 11 Saint Damasus I Is 48:17-19; Ps 1; Mt 11:16-19 7:00am Murphy Irwin (Dad, Mom, Kaitlin & Deric) 9:00am Bob Larkin (Pat, Colleen, Bria, & Quinn) Saturday, December 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe Zec 2:14-17; Jdt 13; Lk 1:26-38 9:00am Louis Piconi (Barbara Piconi) After Mass Mother of Perpetual Help Novena 6:00pm Anne Lipinsky (Irene Koestner & Family) Sunday, December 13 Third Sunday of Advent Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18 7:30am People of the Parish 9:00am Lucia Budau (The Grigore Family) 11:00am Lily & Benny Fiori (Grandchildren) 12:30pm Rosalia & Nunzio Billante (Anna & Ed Dunlap) 4:30pm Al Jason (Phil & Joan & Family) School Notes Saint Louise de Marillac School; a culture of high achievement fostered in faith, knowledge and discipline. Currently our school serves 500 students in grades K-8. We would love to add your child to our school. Tuition assistance is available! If you would like to set up a tour with Mr. Klase, the school Principal or are interested in registering your child at Saint Louise de Marillac School, please contact the school office at 412-835-0600 or visit us at Saint Louise de Marillac School Calendar Advent Evening for Families 6:30-7:30pm “Welcome the Child” Service Project Begins—benefits Angel’s Place LeGras Hall Advent Prayer Service 8:30am Gym Reconciliation Grades 4, 7, 8 Church Tue. 12/8 9am All School Liturgy Church Wed. 12/9 Reconciliation Grades 3, 5, 6 1pm Church Thur. 12/10 Band Concert 1pm Band Concert 7pm Gym Cafeteria Sun. 12/6 Mon. 12/7 School Highlights of the Week Congratulations Honors Band Students Congratulations to Becky Mack and Dabria DiCenso who have been selected for the South District Diocesan Honors Band. Among the thirteen flute students who auditioned Thursday night, Becky earned sixth chair and Dabria earned first chair. The band, which is made up of students from Catholic schools across the southern part of the diocese, will perform a special concert in February. Saint Louise Men’s Retreat Thinking about New Year’s resolutions; why not do something concrete to improve your relationship with our Lord and those you love. Consider a weekend get-away at Saint Paul Monastery on Friday-Sunday, February 19-21, 2016 for the annual Saint Louise Men’s Retreat. Contact Rich Lynch at (412) 841-4851 for details. “Don’t forget your Pittsburgh Catholic Newspaper, a weekly gift to you from our parish for your enjoyment!” SCHEDULE CHANGE Eucharistic Adoration, the Rosary and Confessions will not be held on Tuesday, December 8. Night of Worship at Saint Louise Night of Worship on Friday, December 11 at Saint Louise de Marillac Church Join us from 7:00-8:30pm for an evening of contemporary Praise and Worship music (K-Love 98.3FM type music). There will also be Eucharistic Adoration during the evening and confessions will be available. A light reception will follow in the lower level of the church. Everyone is invited to attend, from young children to senior citizens and everyone in between! Please contact Jason Zych, Youth Minister with any questions. Parish Nurse Ministry Healthy Habit #12 - Family and Friends: The holidays are upon us, a time to gather with family and friends, to share prayer and worship, good food, and provide opportunities for love and support. Strong connections can enhance good health too! Dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends, and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer. Conversely, a relative lack of social ties is associated with depression and later-life cognitive decline, as well as with increased mortality. One study, which examined data from more than 309,000 people, found that lack of strong relationships increased the risk of premature death from all causes by 50% — an effect on mortality risk roughly comparable to smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, and greater than obesity and physical inactivity. Around the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in the business of the season and perhaps lose track of their deeper purpose: providing an opportunity for people to come together. Of course, not all forms of holiday conviviality are health-promoting – such as eating and drinking excessively. Likewise, social contacts don’t always enhance our well-being – family conflicts for example. So, during this busy season, take time to foster your most meaningful relationships, using our best example as lived in the person of Jesus Christ. Religious Education Sharing the GOOD NEWS: As we take the fir st steps in this new Chur ch year , Pope Fr ancis has blessed us naming this the “Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.” It is a profound opportunity for us to prepare ourselves for the second coming of Christ. In the Gospel writings of Luke, we hear proclaimed, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths…..all flesh shall see the Salvation of God.” The Holy Father tells us, “Throughout the history of humanity, God will always be the One who is present, close, provident, holy, and merciful. This Advent is the time for ALL people to prepare to celebrate the Incarnation. God has come and dwelt among us! Let us prayerfully open ourselves to experience God’s mercy, and plan to participate in the Sacrament of Penance before Christmas. Then we can truly welcome Christ in our hearts and recognize His presence every day… RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Class Schedule for December: Regularly scheduled classes will be held the week of December 7, 9, and 10; as well as December 14, 16, and 17. PLEASE NOTE = If you and your family were unable to participate in the Sacrament of Penance last week, opportunities are available throughout the month of December, here at Saint Louise: Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30p.m., Saturdays from 11:30 to 12:30p.m., and Friday, December 11 at the Festival of Praise, from 7:00 to 8:30p.m. The Diocese of Pittsburgh is offering many opportunities for the Sacrament as well. Just check Homepage. The carousel shows the tab, “Parish Events Planned for A dvent & Christmas” as well as The Light is On for Y ou event throughout the region. Many opportunities to experience God’s love, forgiveness and mercy are offered. Have a very blessed Advent. Home School Family Session: The next session for Unit #2 Assessment will be held on Thur sday, December 10, 2015, from 4:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. in the School Cafeteria. Please enter the doors at the back of the school building. If you have further questions, please contact the Religious Education Center at 412-835-1155. May our loving God continue to bless you and your family. FIRST EUCHARIST PARENT MEETING: Monday, January 11, at 7:00p.m. in LeGras Hall. ALL parent(s)/ guardians of children who will be participating in First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in 2016, are cordially invited to an important Sacramental Preparation Meeting. The gathering will offer an opportunity for prayer, reflection and information sharing, so that you may actively participate in preparing your child for these holy encounters with Jesus. Schedules for the sacramental celebrations will be determined at that time. Please mark your new calendars with this information. If you have questions, please call or e-mail the Religious Education Center: 412-835-1155 or [email protected] We look forward to seeing everyone on the 11th. 2nd Week of ADVENT Family Prayer: Come, Lord Jesus! Come quickly! Blessed ar e You, Lor d, God of all Creation, in the darkness and in the light. Blessed are You in our living and our sharing. Blessed are You as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours, now and forever. Amen. (LTP publishing) Baptismal Preparation Parents wishing to have their child baptized who have never taken the Baptism Preparation Class should do so. Classes ar e fr ee of charge and no reservations are required. The next class is Sunday, December 6 at 6:00pm in the Bishop Leonard Room. Rest In Peace Catherine Daniels, aunt of Ginger of Eisenbeis Young Adult Ministry Come join South Hills Alive, a Young Adult Ministry for those in their 20s and 30s, for Church and Chow. We will be attending the 7:00pm Mass on December 8th to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at Saint Louise de Marillac Church. We will then grab dinner together at Al's Cafe after. Click the QR code to find us on Facebook where you will find a complete listing of our events and uplifting posts to lead you closer to Catholic community. Also, follow us on Twitter @southhillsalive or contact Lori Farnsworth at [email protected] for more details. Stewardship Date Offertory* Budget November 22 $24,872.31 $27,500.00 November 29 $25,594.33 $27,500.00 *includes electronic giving Advent Candles Over/Under $-2,627.69 $-1,905.67 Retirement Fund for Religious: $16,690.00 Bulletin Advertisement Thank you Bulletin Ad Sponsors! Help Still Needed Mike McAleer from Liturgical Publications, our bulletin publisher, was with us this past week securing advertisers for our Bulletin. We would like to thank all of the advertisers who have generously committed to the Bulletin for this year! We still have space available and humbly ask that you consider advertising your business or remembering a loved one in our weekly bulletin. Our parish bulletin is one of our main communication tools to our parish members. It provides inspirational words from Father, Mass intentions, news, and events for the week ahead. We are thankful that this crucial communication piece is provided to our parish at no cost thanks to the generous advertising support of our parishioners and community-minded businesses. Please let us know if you can help. Sponsors of our bulletin recognize the tremendous value of connecting with our church family, who in turn respond by supporting our sponsors! If you would like to advertise in the weekly bulletin, please contact Mike McAleer at 412-855-8013 or via email to [email protected]. Thank you! Experience God’s Mercy Experience God’s Mercy this Advent: The Light is Still On for You! Consider making a commitment this Advent to experience the healing grace of God’s forgiveness and love. This Advent on the evening of December 9, from 6:00 to 9:00pm, r ediscover the healing power of the Sacrament of Reconciliation at any Catholic parish in the Diocese. If you've been away for a long time, don't worry. We'll leave the light on for you... Visit for more information. Got Advent Candles? Saint Louise de Marillac School students are selling Advent Candle Bundles which include weekly prayers for your family to pray together around your Advent Wreath. These bundles also make a lovely, ready-wrapped hospitality gift to friends and family and all profits will be donated to Saint Anthony School Programs which aid students in kindergarten through age 21 with Down Syndrome, autism, and other special needs. Currently, there is a matching gift offer which will double the funds we raise! Help us make an Advent gift to this wonderful Pittsburgh organization! Candle bundles may be purchased from either the Saint Louise Parish Office or the School Office. Our stock is limited, so don’t delay! Price: $8.00. Have a Blessed Advent! Tuesday Morning Prayer Pray Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours Tuesdays at 8:30am. In anticipation of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, please join us this Advent Season for the praying of Psalms with Scriptural proclamation and intercessions. The Liturgy of the Hours is connected to the sacrifice of the Eucharist as Morning Prayer both prepares and flows from the Mass. Marked booklets are provided which are very easy to follow. Needleart Club De Marillac Guild Needlearts Club will be meeting on the second Sunday of each month at 1:30pm in LeGras Parish Center conference room. You are encouraged to bring your own needlework (cross stitch, embroidery, canvas work, knitting, crocheting, etc.) projects to work on. We meet to enjoy each other’s company while we sit, talk and stitch. For more information, contact Colleen Brennan at [email protected]. Volunteer Income Tax Preparers Volunteer Income Tax Preparers Needed: The IRS (VITA) has a mission doing free income tax returns for people of all ages with modest income. The IRS provides training, certification and continuing support. For information contact Bernie Grimes at 412 841-1151. For reliable Catholic news: There is also an app for mobile phones. Meetings for the Week Today Sew I May Serve 12:00pm LeGras Conference Room Life Night 5:30pm LeGras Conference Room Baptismal Preparation 6:00pm Bishop Leonard Room Men’s Basketball 8:00pm Gymnasium Monday, December 7 Morning Glory 9:30am Bishop Leonard Room Ladies of Charity 1:00pm LeGras Conference Room Boy Scouts 6:30pm LeGras 1,2,3 Knights of Columbus 7:00pm Bishop Leonard Room Tuesday, December 8 Guild Retreat 8:00am Bishop Leonard Room Catholic Wm’s Fellowship 7:00pm LeGras Conference Room Wednesday, December 9 Divine Mercy Ministry 9:30am LeGras 1 Bible Study 9:30am LeGras Conference Room RCIA 6:30pm LeGras Conference Room Thursday, December 10 Book Club 9:00am LeGras Conference Room Good Old Boys 12:00pm LeGras 3 DeMarillac Guild 7:00pm Bishop Leonard Room Bible Study 7:00pm LeGras Conference Room Friday, December 11 Charismatic Prayer Group 7:00pm Church Saturday, December 12 Catholic Men’s 7:45am LeGras Conference Room Fellowship Sunday, December 13 Respect Life Meeting 10:00am Bishop Leonard Room Needleart Club 1:30pm LeGras Conference Room Life Night 5:30pm Youth Ministry Room Men’s Basketball 8:00pm Gymnasium Youth Ministry Youth Ministry Please join us on Tuesday, December 8 for our next Pray and Play! Pray and Play is every Tuesday from 7:009:00pm and includes a bible study, time for fun, food and fellowship! This event is open to all students who are entering grades 9-12. Life Night Join us on Sunday, December 13 for our next Life Night! Life Nights will go from 5:30-7:30pm on Sundays throughout the school year. All teens in grades 9-12 are invited to participate in these awesome gatherings with their peers. Middle School Middle School Youth Ministry will be meeting on Wednesday, December 16 from 6:00–7:00pm in the Youth Room at LeGras Parish Center. This will be a time of making new friends, playing games, eating pizza, and a study of the upcoming Sunday Gospel! There is no need to sign up so just bring a friend and show up on December 16. (Please note that these meetings will take place bi-weekly, however, the following one will be on January 6). Ministry of Prayer Ministers of Prayer ar e asked to pr ay for : Kimberly Rehak, Barbara Sasser, Ross Stumpf, John Way and Ed M. Tomkowitz. To request prayers or to remove a name, please call Philly Sysak, 412-853-1151. *Note: Prayers continue after names are removed. Giving Tree Mary’s Prayer Garden Thank you for supporting the Giving Tree project. You will make so many people smile and rejoice this season because of your goodness and generosity. ALL GIFTS ARE DUE BY THIS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 AT 4:30 P.M. Please PROMPTLY return the gift wrapped or unwrapped (follow instructions on the tag )WITH THE TAG ATTACHED to LeGras Parish Center Social Ministry Office. Gifts need to be delivered on time to various organizations since they often give the gifts at their planned events. If you cannot get the gift here on time, please email Sr. Faith or call 412-833-1240 so that we know when the gift will be coming. Gerry Till (Suzanne & Al Czapik) Special Intention Suzette Cronin (De Mar illac Guild) Bernie Hanna (Ron & Car ole Cor tes) M/M Anthony & Rose Vitto (Family) M/M Michael & Florence Shubosky (Family) M/M Anthony & Lena Antinozzi (Family) M/M Allan & Ada Cargill (Family) Mr. Russell Cargill (Family) Mr. Timothy Cargill (Family) Michael Cargill (Family) Christmas Trees for Sale Immaculate Conception Retreat Saint Louise Boy Scout Troop 4 are selling Christmas Trees now through December 19 in the upper parking lot next to the LeGras Parish Center. A variety of trees will be available. We will be selling the trees every weeknight from 6:00pm – 9:00pm, Saturday 9:00am – 9:00pm and Sunday noon – 9:00pm. This is our major fund raiser for the year and all members of Troop 4 wish to thank you for your generous support of our program. The Guild will host a retreat on Wednesday, December 8th, the feast honoring the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Father Angelus Shaughnessy, OFM, will be the Retreat Master. It will be held in the Bishop Leonard Room starting at 9:00 AM. Mass will be celebrated at 12:00 in the church. Father Angelus will hear confessions before and after mass. A beverage and light snack will be provided for those attending the Retreat. Cost - $5.00. Please use the form below to register. ALL ARE WELCOME! Newly Baptized Gianna Lily Epps, daughter of Jeffrey & Kelly Wheeler Epps Ryan Anthony Mascaro, son of Jeffrey & Michelle Asti Mascaro IMMACULATE CONCEPTION RETREAT DECEMBER 8TH - 9:00 AM Name__________________________________________ Phone number _________________________________ Cost - $5.00. Drop this form and your check in the collection basket or church office, or mail to the church: Eric Leonard Paske, son of Justin & Gina Longo Paske Saint Louise de Marillac c/o DeMarillac Guild 320 McMurray Road Pittsburgh PA 15241 Clara Marie Pokrifka, daughter of Daniel & Anne Klein Pokrifka For more information contact: Dorothy Holden (412-8316216) or Suzanne McNally (724-260-0099). Daniel James Wilson, son of Jay & Colette Janiak Wilson Respect Life News Please pray for these children, their parents and godparents. Class of 1966 Reunion The Saint Basil High School Class of 1966 is approaching the 50th anniversary of their graduation. A two day reunion is being planned for June 3, 2016 and June 4, 2016. If you have not received your informational packet please contact Diane (Hess) Tierno at 412-884-9549 or email your name, address, telephone number and email address to [email protected] Caroling: The Respect Life Committee will be visiting the residents at the Bethel Park Manor Care at 60 Highland Road in Bethel Park on December 12th at 3:00pm to spread Christmas cheer through Christmas caroling. All members of Saint Louise Parish are invited to participate. To confirm your availability to attend or for questions, please email [email protected] or call Andy Lucas at 330-5900343. March for Life 2016: Please mar k your calendar s for the 2016 March for Life which will take place on January 22, 2016. Saint Louise has two coach buses chartered to provide roundtrip transportation to our parishioners. All eighth graders from Saint Louise School along with our CCD student’s eighth grade and higher can attend without a parent. The eighth grade bus will include chaperones. Students below grade eight can attend with a parent. Please contact Jim Kohler at 412-512-3193 or email at [email protected] with questions or to register. Reservations are on a first come basis. December RLC Meeting will take place on December 13, 2015 immediately after the 9:00am Mass. We will meet in the Bishop Leonard Room. On Mission for The Church Alive! Father of Mercy, as we journey On Mission for The Church Alive!, endow us with your gifts of collaboration, courage and compassion. Help us to fulfill the mission of Jesus and His Church through vibrant parishes and effective ministries. Raise up selfless, energetic leaders to serve the Church in fidelity and with care. May we, the Church of Pittsburgh in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Greene, Lawrence and Washington Counties, be sustained and strengthened by your grace. Help us to learn Jesus, to love Jesus and to live Jesus. Hekima Place Christmas Concert On Saturday, December 12, the fifth Annual Christmas Concert will be held at Saint Thomas More Church, Bethel Park, at 7:30pm. Please come and enjoy live Christmas music with refreshments to follow. There will be a free will offering to benefit the children of Hekima Place, a home for orphaned and abused girls in Kenya, Africa. Bereavement Retreat Sooner or later grief comes to all of us. We find ourselves unprepared for the wide range of emotions and reactions we feel as we undertake the mourning journey. Each person grieves differently. Brother Andre Mathieu, C.P. offers hope and encouragement by gently demonstrating the importance of dealing with grief in a healthy way, both emotionally and spiritually. This retreat will offer a prayerful and nurturing environment to reflect on the dynamics of grief and loss in the context of Christian spirituality. Hear this prayer and grant it through Place: Saint Paul Retreat Center, 148 Monastery Avenue, South Side, 15203 Jesus Christ our Lord, Date: Friday, December 11 to Sunday, December 13 with the help of Time: 6:00pm Friday (Dinner) through 12:00pm Sunday. our dear Blessed Mother, Suggested Offering: $185.00 ($50.00 deposit required) under the mantle of her love, To register, please call Saint Paul Retreat Center at 412-381-7676. Amen. PLEA Respite Care Parish Office Hours M,T,W,TH 8:00am-7:30pm Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Saturday 9:00am-3:00pm Sunday 8:00am-2:00pm For holiday hours please consult the bulletin. Do you have time to offer love and understanding to a child with special needs? Become a Specialized Childcare provider. Call PLEA for details: 412-243-3464. PLEA Respite Care is a program for families of children with special needs like autism and other behavioral health challenges. There are many families who could greatly benefit from this program who are unable to take care of basic family and person needs due to the need to be at home with their special needs child(ren). DIOCESAN VICTIM ASSISTANCE HOTLINE: 1-888-808-1235 Altar Servers, Lectors/Commentators, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers: Jason Zych, 412-833-1010 Athletic Director: Joe Luvara, 412-257-2319 Baptism Preparation: Sue Walsh, 724-745-8338 Bible Study: Mary Campbell, 412-257-2789 Thursday A.M. Bible Study: Rita Liebegott 724-514-7471 Book Club: Kathy Zukowski, 412-831-6982 Bowling: Esther Hartsell, 412-831-0703 Boy Scouts: Tom O’Brien, 412-854-3153 Catholic Men’s Fellowship (Sat): Rich Lynch, 412-220-7813 Catholic Scripture Study: [email protected] Catholic Women’s Fellowship: Diana Swank, 412-860-6488 Parish Ministries and Organizations Charismatic Prayer: Lee Matelan, 412-833-4760 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: 412-835-1155 De Marillac Women’s Guild: Suzanne McNally 724-260-0099 Dignity Robes: Karen Radu, 724-969-4190 Girl Scouts: Colleen Michalski, 724-941-8229 Good Old Boys: Sam Trentadue, 412-833-7869 Knights of Columbus: Ryan McNamara, 412-360-9402 Ladies of Charity: Pat Vogel, 724-260-0508 Parish Staff Parish Office: 412-833-1010 Father Joseph Sioli, Pastor [email protected] Father Daniele Vallecorsa, STL, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Deacon William F. Strathmann, Permanent Deacon [email protected] Mr. Michael Buechel, Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] Mr. Gregory Fincham, Music Director [email protected] Mrs. Beth Guzowski, Bookkeeper [email protected] Mrs. Nikki Konyk, Advancement & Development Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Marcella Lantzman, Church Sacristan [email protected] Ms. Gerre Lorincy, Assistant Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Jean McGarvey, Assistant Secretary [email protected] Men’s Fish Fry Club: Bill Luckasevic, 412-835-5103 Mrs. Lisa Osterhaus, Director of Stewardship [email protected] Men’s Golf League: Dave Zimba, 412-337-6860 or [email protected] Moms & Tots: Lisa Weber, [email protected] Ms. Renee Pollice, Office Manager [email protected] New Beginnings: Norma Derrick, 412-221-4779 Nocturnal Adoration: Denny Costello, 412-714-4622 Parish Nurse Ministry: Kathy Bonessi, 412-220-4438 Prayer Shawl Ministry: Rose Russell, 412-833-7192 Pre-Cana: Julie Cugini, [email protected] Quilters: Bernie Fix, 412-833-0722 RCIA: Rebecca Pettigrew, [email protected] Respect Life: Jim Kohler, 412-512-3193 or [email protected] Retreats: Men-Rich Lynch, 412-220-7813 Women-Kathy Bonessi, [email protected] Substance Addiction Ministry: Mike Hensler 412-833-1524 or [email protected] Sew I May Serve: Hannah Wilding, [email protected] Thurs. Morning Prayer Group: Marie Byrne, 412-257-4733 Wedding Coordinators: Karen Radu, 724-969-4190 Welcome Ministry: Charlene Plachecki, [email protected] Mrs. Virginia Rockenstein, Receptionist Pastoral Associate Office: 412-833-1240 Sr. M. Faith Balawejder, CSSF, Pastoral Associate [email protected] School Phone: 412-835-0600 Mr. Ken Klase, School Principal [email protected] Mrs. Christine Makowski, School Secretary [email protected] Religious Education Office: 412-835-1155 Mrs. Loretta Uhlmann, Director of Religious Education [email protected] Mrs. Lisa Ruggieri, Religious Education Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Nancy Beaver, Religious Education Receptionist [email protected] Youth Ministry Office: 412-833-5757 Mr. Jason Zych, Youth Minister [email protected]