
Roselló, 149-153
08036 Barcelona
Your gateway to IDIBAPS. A portal
open to medical professionals,
scientists and biomedicine
enthusiasts where you will find
information about the institution
and its activities
Annual Scientific Report
Rosselló, 149-153
08036 Barcelona
Hospital Clínic – Fundació Clínic
University of Barcelona – Faculty of Medicine
CSIC – Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques de Barcelona
Generalitat de Catalunya – Departament d’Economia i Coneixement
Published by:
Rosselló, 149-153 – 08036 Barcelona
Editorial Board:
Dr. Ramon Gomis, Director of IDIBAPS
Dr. Joan Rodés, Director of IIS IDIBAPS - Hospital Clínic
Dr. Pastora Martínez, Managing Director of IDIBAPS
Dr. Albert Barberà, IDIBAPS Scientific Manager
Mrs. Teresa Peña, Fundació Clínic Research Management Office
Mrs. Sandra Vidal, Fundació Clínic Technical Office
Mr. Àlex Argemí, IDIBAPS Communication Officer
Production and design:
BPMO Edigrup
C/ Guitard, 43, 1ª planta
08014 Barcelona
Tel.: 933 637 840
Legal Deposit: B-47.798-2005
Centres de recerca
de Catalunya
This centre has been cofinanced by the European Union through
the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
IDIBAPS is accredited as a Health
Care Research Institute by the
Carlos III Health Institute
Foreword IDIBAPS
• Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
• Presentation..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
• Organisation chart....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
• IDIBAPS Research and Innovation.............................................................................................................................................. 13
• Platforms.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
• Networking...................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
• International projection............................................................................................................................................................ 61
• Biotrack............................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
• Training............................................................................................................................................................................................. 64
• IDIBAPS and society......................................................................................................................................................................... 68
AREA 1 Biological aggression and response mechanism ............................................................................................. 70
AREA 2 Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal and pathobiology bioengineering ..................................................... 102
AREA 3 Liver, digestive system and metabolism ............................................................................................................... 142
AREA 4 Clinical and experimental neuroscience .............................................................................................................. 196
AREA 5 Oncology and haematology ..................................................................................................................................... 246
Transversal research groups ...................................................................................................................................... 294
• TEAM LEADER INDEX........................................................................................................................................................................... 308
Josep Maria Martorell i Rodon
Director General of Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya and President of the Steering Committee of IDIBAPS
The Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), a secure mark of value related to research conducted in Catalonia, works with renewed energy to maintain its excellence in the midst of a complex international scenario. Therefore it gives me great satisfaction to be in charge of introducing this Annual Report, which reflects a year of
advances made by a large team of professionals with the highest scientific standards.
IDIBAPS is the flagship of biomedical research conducted in Catalonia, focused on the patient and destined to improve
public health. Since its creation in 1996, many successful projects have served to define IDIBAPS as the most productive
biomedical research centre in Catalonia and in the rest of Spain, as its scientific publications demonstrate.
The past, present and future of IDIBAPS speak of this excellence. The Institute honours the reputed Catalan physician,
August Pi i Sunyer, who contributed to establishing Medicine as we know it today in Catalonia. The present IDIBAPS
is founded upon initiatives merging both public and private efforts –such as the Esther Koplowitz centre–, to ensure
sustainability of the research work. Based on solid foundations, this Institute looks to the future with enthusiasm, with
projects such as the creation of the new Cellex Biomedical Research Centre - the future headquarters of IDIBAPS. This
enormous potential for capturing resources and their conversion into results applicable to clinical practice constitute the
best guarantee for securing the future of the Centre.
As Director General of Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya and President of the Steering Committee of this Institute, I will strive to consolidate research in our country, and the ascending trajectory of centres such as IDIBAPS. This demands reorganization of the research system in Catalonia and firm efforts to consolidate and extrapolate those initiatives
which offer added value, such as the ICREA - a key tool for the recruitment and preservation of talent. We must strive to
ensure that the research centres in Catalonia continue to serve as a model of excellence and the capture of competitive
funding. It is essential to intensify the scientific and technological capacities of Catalonia and its unique facilities that allow it to compete at top international level. It is advisable to shorten the interval between the generation of new knowledge and its application - this likewises represents a key objective for IDIBAPS.
I invite you to learn further about the achievements of our professionals, through the pages of this Report.
Josep Maria Martorell i Rodon
Director General of Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya and President
of the Steering Committee of IDIBAPS
IDIBAPS Foreword
We are very pleased to present the Scientific Memorandum of the Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer
(IDIBAPS), one of the first Health Care Research Institutes accredited by the Carlos III Health Institute in 2009. The research
activities of the centre are divided into five different areas, which group around 55 top-level research teams. This Memorandum
offers a summary of the objectives and configuration of each of these research teams, together with an exhaustive presentation
of the data relating to their scientific production. The objective of this document is to underscore the enormous potential of the
investigators of the IDIBAPS and to reflect the numerous financing entities and collaborators that make it all possible.
In addition to the information on the different areas, we have also included the research made by three transversal groups:
Primary Care, Clinical Pharmacology and Nursing – these groups are very important to ensure top-quality research and enhance the valorisation and transfer of the knowledge gained to the patient. Moreover, a summary of the research made by the
Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB) has also been included due to the tight collaboration between
the two CERCA institutes, since CRESIB was created from the IDIBAPS’ area 6 of International Health.
A good indicator of the good health of IDIBAPS is the number of publications made by its investigators. In 2010, IDIBAPS
published a total of 846 original articles in international journals, with a global impact factor of 4.176,72. This means an average of 4,94 impact factor points per article – an important figure that adequately reflects the quality of our research which has
significantly increased from 2009.
All considered, we have nothing but admiration for the professionals who allow the Institute to advance, allowing us to view
the future with optimism. In this Memorandum you will find interesting lines of research and front-line initiatives. We have
achieved many things, but we can most certainly achieve many more. We have human potential, institutional and economical
support, and the desire to continue moving forward.
Management Report
1. Funding of IDIBAPS. The funding of IDIBAPS during
2010 totalled 18.339.000 Euros. Twenty three percent of this
amount corresponds to the contribution of the Department of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise (Departament d’Innovació,
Universitats i Empresa) of the Catalan government (Generalitat
de Catalunya). The rest of the funding received by IDIBAPS during 2010 corresponds to calls for research funding (71%), as
well as contracts and cooperation agreements with private entities (5%), and financial income sources (1%).
2. Resource volume generated by the IDIBAPS researchers.
A significant aspect is the resource volume generated by
the IDIBAPS research groups. In this context, the resources
executed by researchers of the IDIBAPS during the financial
year corresponding to 2010 totalled 43.319.435 Euros. These
resources have been managed by different institutions:
IDIBAPS itself (12.622.559 Euro) and the Fundació Clínic per a
la Recerca Biomèdica (30.696.876 Euro).
It is important to mention that 63% of the resources executed by
investigators of IDIBAPS during 2010 (more than 27 MEuro) correspond to competitive research projects and grant basis (calls
for funding). The remaining 37% is distributed as follows: 19%
contracts with private entities, 5% clinical trials managed by the
Fundació Clínic, 10% donations, and 4% teaching contracts.
13.031.000 €
948.000 €
174.000 €
4.186.000 €
27.098.759 € 63%
8.380.685 € 19%
2.011.198 € 5%
4.205.317 € 10%
1.623.475 € 4%
Enhancing the Impact of Research and Innovation at IDIBAPS
Enhancing the Impact of Research and Innovation at IDIBAPS
For many years IDIBAPS has been one of the leading institutions in Spain and a major player in Europe in terms of the
scientific impact of its biomedical and clinical research. This is thanks to the scientific excellence of its partners that work
together in order to ensure fruitful cooperation between basic biomedical research and patient driven clinical research.
A few years ago, the governing bodies of IDIBAPS decided to move several steps ahead and start fostering and measuring additional outcomes closely related with the impact of the job done by IDIBAPS researchers beyond the scientific
impact factor, specifically the impact on clinical guidelines and the ability of the institution to partner and to create new
opportunities in the biotech and medtech sectors.
It is remarkable to see that the scientific output of IDIBAPS has kept its growing trend in 2010, but even more remarkable is the fact that this biomedical and clinical research output has influenced as many as 23 clinical guidelines.
In terms of patenting and transferring activity, it is worth mentioning that 3 additional patents have been extended internationally and that 6 technologies developed at IDIBAPS have already been transferred or were in an advanced stage to
be transferred to industry partners in 2010.
A new spin-off, Immunovative Developments, was created in February 2010 aimed at developing new biological therapies for the prevention and treatment of immunological disorders. Immunovative Developments, as well as the other two
start – up companies created from IDIBAPS research, has been able to raise enough capital to move forward in spite of
the difficult economical environment.
The opening of the new Esther Koplowitz Center has been another remarkable achievement in 2010, that will provide additional competitive capacities to keep on pursuing our objective of striving to advance medical knowledge that is actually
applied to patients, and that has the potential of making an impact on healthcare and on society overall.
Idibaps and the Health University of Barcelona Campus (HUBc)
In 2010 the University of Barcelona obtained the accolade ‘excellence of research in health’. This recognition was called Health
Universitat de Barcelona Campus (HUBc). IDIBAPS is an active member of the HUBc project. It participated in the design of
the new Campus and is one of the key players for the success of its research strategy.
The HUBc project has its origins in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona, one of the constituent institutions
of IDIBAPS. The faculty is the main hub for the various connections that make up the campus, from top hospitals and research
centres committed to training and medical research, to business sectors closely linked to technological development and the
progress of innovation.
The main strength of HUBc is its high level of specialization in the field of health, which is the reason for the strategic alliance
to promote excellence, the ability to attract talent, internationalization and the power to transform the local environment.
The HUBc project aims to take the opportunity to accelerate the positive factors driving this circle shaped by teaching, research and healthcare. At the same time, because it is a complex project involving multiple participants, HUBc also has the
opportunity to become a means of forging relationships with the production sector, of creating new wealth and transforming
the local urban environment.
For further information:
Organisation chart
Governing Board 2010
Scientific council
Joan Roca i Acín,
Director General of Research, Catalan Government
(Generalitat de Catalunya)
Jesús Ávila,
Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Centre, Madrid
José A. Berciano,
Neurology Department, Hospital Universitario
Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander
Lisardo Bosca,
Biochemical Institute, Universidad Complutense,
Jesús Florez,
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, School
of Medicine, University of Cantabria, Santander
Roberto Gallego,
Neuroscience Institute, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Alicante
Francisco Javier García-Sancho,
Biology and Molecular Genetics Institute, School of
Medicine, Valladolid
Roberto Groszmann,
Hepatic Hemodinamic Lab. Yale University School of
Medicine, West Haven
José López Barneo,
Department of Medical Physiology and Biophysics,
School of Medicine, Seville
Carlos López Otín,
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
University of Oviedo
José M. Mato,
Cooperative Bioscience Research Centre
(CIC bioGUNE), Biscay
Federico Mayor,
Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Centre, Madrid
Ginés Morata,
Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Centre, Madrid
Miguel Ángel del Pozo,
Integrin Signalling Laboratory, National Cardiovascular
Research Centre (CNIC), Madrid
Ciril Rozman,
Haematology Department, Hospital Clínic de
Barcelona, University of Barcelona
Margarita Salas,
Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Centre, Madrid
Jesús San Miguel,
Haematology Department, Hospital Clínico de
Francisco Sánchez-Madrid,
Immunology Department, Hospital La Princesa,
Eugenio Santos,
Cancer Research Centre, Salamanca
Cristina Suñol,
Director of Barcelona Biomedical Research Institute
Board members
Jordi Alberch,
Research Vice-Dean of University of Barcelona
Josep Maria Piqué,
General Manager of Hospital Clínic of Barcelona
Joan Bigorra,
Innovation Director of Hospital Clínic of Barcelona
Lluís Calvo i Calvo,
Institutional Coordinator of the CSIC in Catalonia
Francesc Cardellach,
Dean of the University of Barcelona School of
Miquel Gómez,
Secretari d’Estratègia i Coordinació - Catalan
Government (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Ramon Gomis,
Director of IDIBAPS
Pastora Martínez,
Managing Director of IDIBAPS
Director’s Advisory Committee
Management Committee
Ramon Gomis,
Director of IDIBAPS and of the Fundació Clínic for
Biomedical Research
Cristina Suñol,
Director of Barcelona Biomedical Research Institute
Francesc Cardellach,
Dean of the UB School of Medicine
Persons representing the Institutions
Xavier Bosch,
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Doctors’ Representatives
Guadalupe Mengod,
Researcher at IIBB-CSIC
Persons representing the Areas
Area 1
Jordi Vila Estapé, Coordinator
Ana Angulo, Representative
Area 2
Ramón Farré, Coordinator
Joan Albert Barberà, Representative
Area 3
Julià Panés, Coordinator
Jorge Ferrer, Representative
Area 4
Anna Planas, Coordinator
Pablo Villoslada, Representative
Area 5
Dolors Colomer, Coordinator
Cristina Nadal, Representative
Neus Agell,
School of Medicine (UB)
Guest members
Joan Rodés,
Director of IDIBAPS Health Research Institute Hospital Clínic
Antonio Sisó,
CAPSE-GESCLINIC Research Coordinator
Joan Bigorra,
Hospital Clínic Innovation Director
Jaume Bosch
CIBERehd Scientific Director
Josep M. Gatell,
National Coordinator of the RETIC on AIDS
Albert Barberà,
Scientific coordinator of IDIBAPS
Teaching Coordinator
IDIBAPS Organisation chart
The IDIBAPS organisation chart is shown below. With a view to ensuring smooth functioning, the research structure of
IDIBAPS is supported by the Management and Administration Departments offered by the Fundació Clínic.
Ethical Committee
in Clinical Research
Ethical Committee
in Animal
Director’s Consultant
Research Areas
and response
and Kidney
Bioengineering and
Liver, Digestive
System and
Clinical and
Oncology and
Scientific Manager
Scientific Platforms
Managing Director
Scientific Management
Flow Cytometry
and cell separation
Medical Imaging
Administration Units
& Finance
& General
IDIBAPS Research and Innovation
Scientific production
Since its creation in 1996, IDIBAPS has shown constant growth of the principal quality indicators of a research centre: The
number of scientific publications, theimpact factor, the economic resources, and the contracting of qualified personnel.
This section aims to show the evolution of these indicators and other success factors over time, in a graphic and comprehensible manner.
Scientific production
The number of publications and their impact factor represent one of the most reliable indicators of the competitiveness
of a research centre. Both parameters show a clear rising trend in IDIBAPS, and in the year 2010 there have been 846
original publications in scientific journals with an important impact factor.
An original paper is taken to be an article contributing new knowledge as a result of experiments performed by investigators of the Institute. In order to be counted as such, the article must have among its signing authors at least one member
of the IDIBAPS pertaining to one of the research teams reflected in this Report, with specific mention of IDIBAPS or of
the entities with which agreements have been signed.
ORIGINALS 2002-2010
1.Biological aggression and response mechanisms
2.Respiratory, cardiovascular and renal pathobiology and
3.Liver, digestive system and metabolism
4.Clinical and experimental neuroscience
5. Oncology and haematology
ORIGINALS 2008-2010
Below is a list of the reported areas, with a graphic representation of the scientific production of each of them - once again considering only the number of original papers.
A good part of the Area of International Health comprises the
activity carried out within the setting of the Research Centre in
International Health in Barcelona (Centre de Recerca en Salut
Internacional de Barcelona) (CRESIB), a centre which thanks to
the support of the Catalan government (Generalitat de Catalunya)
and other sources of funding has been consolidated due to its
solid foundations established over time in IDIBAPS. This implies
that the level of growth in number of publications has been attenuated due to the fact that this year it has not been possible to
assume as proprietary of IDIBAPS the activities of the mentioned
centre, which now takes its own course. Nevertheless, close
scientific and administrative ties are maintained with the setting
of the IDIBAPS.
The investigators of the IDIBAPS, originating from the different institutions that conform it, are distributed into 5 fields of
activity. Each area is divided into different teams that combine
in-house research conducted with their own lines of research or
in cooperation with other teams. It should be commented that in
this Report, and apart from the 5 areas of the IDIBAPS, there is a
specific section dedicated to research in Primary Care, Nursing,
Pharmacology and Clinical Trials, which also play a very important
role in translational research.
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
It should be mentioned that the sum of the articles per area is
higher than the institutional total. This is because publications
resulting from collaboration between teams in two different areas have been counted once for each area. The representation
shows that production in all the areas has been of a very high
level, and collaboration among areas has increased notoriously
compared with the previous year.
The impact factor (IF) of the journals in which publication is
made constitutes a measure or marker of the influence of the
research carried out in a given centre. This comprises statistical data measured based on the number of times the articles
published in a certain journal are cited. Even though there are
probably many factors that are just as important or even more
important for analysing the work carried out by our researchers,
the IF is an objective piece of information that serves as a guide.
The progression of the total IF for IDIBAPS publications in recent
years is shown in the following figure. In 2010, the 846 articles
published by investigators of IDIBAPS have reached a total of
4.176,72 IF points. This means that the mean IF points per article
published by IDIBAPS during 2010 is 4,94 - a figure that implies
an important increase with respect to the 4,62 points recorded in
2009. Added to this, close to 60% of these original papers, have
appeared in journals pertaining to the upper quartile of impact
in their field. Thus, while the number of publications increases
yearly, their quality does not decrease.
It should be commented that the number of editorials (72) and
reviews (102) has also been outstanding. This reflects the role
as opinion leaders of the members of IDIBAPS. On the other
hand, the present Report documents 47 multicentre studies, in
which the professionals of IDIBAPS have participated actively,
but without being the main signing authors of the studies. These
authors are specifically mentioned in some section or annex of
the article, forming part of the work group.
It should be mentioned that for the first time, the 23 clinical
guides published in 2010 in high impact factor journals have
been contemplated as an independent category. This has reduced the number of original papers and reviews that would
have been registered if the methodology of the preceding year
had been followed. Nevertheless, this decision allows us to
underscore the importance of these documents through which
the members of the IDIBAPS leave their mark upon international
clinical practice.
846 originals
IF: 4.176,72
Mean: 4,94
102 reviews
72 editorials
23 guies
47 multicentrics studies
Since the impact factor (IF) refers to the journals and not to the specifically published articles, a figure is presented below, indicating the number of citations received by the studies published by the investigators of the IDIBAPS (data calculated through the ISI Web of Knowledge):
The total is 142.513 citations received by IDIBAPS studies in the last four years. This figure confirms the international projection of the work carried out by this Institute.
Another important aspect to be taken into account is the type of research reflected in the original works published by our
investigators. Of note is the fact that over 15% of the original publications listed in this Report have been carried out in
collaboration between two or more IDIBAPS teams, while 26,5% of the publications have received the collaboration of
two or more teams of the IDIBAPS. In the collaborative projects, the joining of efforts between basic and clinical research teams accounted for 30% of the studies carried out among different IDIBAPS teams.
It also should be noted that 23% of the originals have been developed in collaboration with other Spanish institutions,
corresponding to all the Autonomous Communities, and that 28% of the original publications have been made in collaboration with leading foreign institutions.
Research resources
The funding obtained from public institutions is one of the main driving forces of research. The table below shows the
large number of projects granted in 2010 by different entities that make the excellence of the IDIBAPS possible:
Public funding (competitive calls for funding) Funding Institutions
Number of Projects
Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) / National Plan I+D+i
Carlos III Hralth Institute (MICINN)
Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad
Autonomus Communities – Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government)
Agencia d’Avaluació de Tecnologies i Recerca Mèdica
European Comission
National Institute of Health (NIH)
Private funding (competitive calls for funding)
Funding Institutions
Number of Projects
Asociación Española contra el Cancer
Fundació Marató TV3
Fundació Caja Navarra
Fundació Mutua Madrileña
Fundació Olga Torres
High Q Foundation
In the area of Human Resources, it should be mentioned that many of the professionals of IDIBAPS come from the different
institutions that make up the latter. The table below shows the origin of the 416 accredited investigators:
Hospital Clínic and University of Barcelona
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
University of Barcelona
Fundació Clínic
In order to carry out their work, these investigators are supported by the contributions of investigating and research support
personnel contracted through the Clinical Foundation for Biomedical Research (Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica)
(472 contracts) and the IDIBAPS itself (290 contracts).
Also of great importance is funding from public calls for research aids, allowing us to expand our number of top-line investigators:
Funding Institutions
1. Public funding (competitive
calls for funding)
Number Aids
(Grants and contracts)
Number of Projects
Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN)
a) Ramon y Cajal
b) Juan de la Cierva
c) Research Personnel Training (FPI)
d) Supporting Technicians
Carlos III Health Institute (MICINN)
a) Miguel Servet
b) Post-doctorate training (CD)
c) Río Hortega (Post-medical residency)
d) Research Personnel training (FI)
e) Supporting Technicians
Ministry of Education
a) University Professor Training (FPU)
Autonomous Communities – Generalitat de Catalunya
(Catalan Goverment)
a) Beatriu de Pinós scholarships
b) Research Personnel Training (FI-DGR)
a) Pre-doctorate
b) Post-doctorate
2. IDIBAPS’ calls
Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA)
The Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, ICREA) is a
foundation that is supported by both the Catalan Government through the Catalan Ministry of Innovation, Universities and
Enterprise (Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa, DIUiE), and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació, FCRI).
Through its programme for contracting of senior investigators, ICREA reinforces the principal Catalan research institutions. The IDIBAPS has four ICREA investigators that contribute knowledge, experience and leadership for the teams to
which they have been incorporated:
Dr. Josep M. Llovet
Translational research group in liver oncology
The Translation research group in liver oncology was created in 2006 by Dr. Josep M. Llovet, ICREA
Research Professor of the DIBAPS-Hospital Clínic and Professor of Medicine of the Mount Sinai
School of Medicine. The group is composed of 8 people from the IDIBAPS and leads an international consortium on genomic research in liver cancer, the HCC Genomic Consortium, with about
30 investigators. In 2009 it received the AACR-Landon International Innovator Award, and was acknowledged as a Singular Research Group by the Catalan Government. In 2010 the group received
a European Project, FP-7-HEALTH (HEPTROMIC), involving the coordination of 6 academic centres
and two companies, with the purpose of identifying new oncogenes and treatment targets.
The fundamental contributions of the group during these years
have been the following:
• Definition of a molecular classification of hepatocellular carcinoma (Chang, Can Res, 2008; Hoshida, Cancer Res 2009).
• Identification of key oncogenes in hepatocarcinogenesis, such
as miRNA Let-7 (Viswanathan, Nature Genetics 2009), EGF
and c-MET (Keng, Nature Biotech 2009), AEG-1 (Yoo, J Clin
Invest, 2009) and the signalling pathway of IGFR1 (Tovar, J
Hepatol 2010).
Dr. Albert Pol
Cell proliferation and signalling
The aim of our project is to characterize - in health and in illness - the cellular processes that
are regulated or altered due to lipid accumulation within the cells. All prokaryote and eukaryote cells maintain the evolutive competence of accumulating lipids in organelles known as
intracellular lipid bodies. In healthy cells, a small population of lipid bodies is present at all
times, though these organelles become abundant in response to different physiopathological
conditions such as obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease (steatosis), liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, arteriosclerosis and even cancer. Globally, these disorders affect over half of the population in western countries. Recent advances in the cellular biology of lipid bodies have shown
the latter to be multifunctional organelles that are metabolically very active and thus constitute key elements in the complex system of lipids and proteins in constant movement within the cells.
Dr. Antonio Postigo
Transcriptional regulation of genic expression laboratory
The laboratory investigates mechanisms involved in the regulation of genic expression during cell differentiation and in
cancer, using as models the ZEB transcription factors. The ZEB1 and ZEB2 proteins regulate key events during embryonic
development, the truncal maintenance of normal stem cells and cancer cells, the differentiation of many tissues, tumour
invasion, and metastasis.
The main lines of research being developed are the following:
• Study of the mechanisms by which ZEB1 and ZEB2 regulate E-cadherin and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)
during tumour invasion and carcinoma metastasis.
• Role of ZEB1 and ZEB2 in genic regulation during normal haematopoietic differentiation and its malignant transformation.
Dr. Maria V. Sánchez-Vives
Cortical networks and EVENT Lab (Virtual Environments in Neuroscience and Technology)
Dr. Sánchez-Vives joined the IDIBAPS in 2008 and is the head of the Systems Neurosciences
Group of the IDIBABS, acknowledged by the AGAUR as a Consolidated Research Group.
Understanding how the brain processes information and how brain activity is generated and
modulated in neuronal networks is crucial for intervening in cerebral function when the latter
has been altered.
Neuron connectivity and the cellular and synaptic properties conform brain activity, and the latter at the same time has
effects upon the network. The objective of the group is to determine how these processes take place, particularly as
regards the generation of brain rhythms: how information is generated, synchronized or encoded. These activity patterns
are altered under pathological conditions, and their restoration may contribute to recover function. The models of diseases in genetically modified mice allow us to carry out such studies.
Another line of research of the group is referred to the integration of information in the brain cortex, resulting in body
representation. We use virtual reality and brain-computer interfaces with a view to understanding and acting upon these
processes. At present, and within the setting of a project integrated in the European Union, we are studying the usefulness of body representation in virtual reality for the treatment of pain and the restoration of motor function.
Dr. Josep Dalmau
Autoimmunity against synaptic antigens
The Autoimmunity Against Synaptic Antigens team is led by Dr. Josep Dalmau i Obrador,
ICREA Research Professor of the DIBAPS-Hospital Clínic and Professor of Neurology at the
University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Dr. Dalmau is a clinical neuro-oncologist trained and
working as Associate Professor of Neurology in the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
in New York. His research focuses on a group of diseases located at the intercrossing of autoimmunity, cancer and synaptic proteins. This includes the description of new syndromes,
the associated immune mechanisms, isolation of the target antigens, and the development of
diagnostic tests and treatment strategies. These studies have identified 17 autoantigens and
have led to diagnostic tests - some of which are used all over the world.
In the last 5 years we have discovered a new category of autoimmune processes resulting in alterations of memory,
behaviour and cognition, and which may cause psychosis. These processes are associated with autoimmune responses
characterized by antibodies targeted to synaptic proteins and receptors such as for example the glutamate receptors
(NMDA, AMPA) or the GABA(B) receptors, or to synaptic proteins related with epilepsy (LGI1, Caspr2), among others.
Once the antigens have been identified, our studies focus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms whereby the antibodies alter the function of the synaptic proteins and receptors and produce the symptoms. The results of these studies
have had an impact on many medical disciplines and on neuroscience, since they offer a link between immune processes
and synaptic activity related to memory, behaviour, psychosis, epilepsy and neuron degeneration.
Innovation and transference
With the aim of improving people’s health, the IDIBAPS is firmly committed to innovation in the healthcare sector. Above and
beyond evaluating research and protecting knowledge, IDIBAPS is concerned with promoting the use of new medical technologies that will improve patients’ state of health, their quality of life and the efficiency of healthcare processes.
Taking innovation into consideration is not a complementary task in the routine work of researchers, but a philosophy that is
present in all the activities they carry out. It is important for researchers, for patients and for the Institute.
A list is provided below of the patents that have evolved during 2010.
Patents applied for:
Official code
Farré Ventura, Ramon
Navajas Navarro, Daniel
Montserrat Canal,
Josep Mº
Universitat de Barcelona Hospital
Clínic de Barcelona
Ciber de enfermedades respiratorias
Institut d’investigacions
Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer
Dispositivo para regenerar
una obstrucción de las vías
respiratorias superiores en
Sánchez Fueyo, Alberto
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Method and Kit for the diagnosis
LOZANO, Juan José
Centro de Investigación Biomédica and prognosis of tolerance in liver
Martínez Llordella, Marc
en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas
transplantation employing liver
Rimola Castella, Antoni
y Digestivas (CIBEREHD)
Bohne, Felix
Berruezo Sanchez,
Universitat de Barcelona Hospital
Clínic de Barcelona
Tissue characterization tool kit
Silvia García, Etelvino
Fundacio Clinic per la recerca
Andreu Caballero, David
Gabriel Alvarado;
Francesc Artigas; Analía
Bortolozzi; Andrés
Montefeltro; Miquel Vila
nLife Therapeutics, S.L.
Compositions and methods
for selective delivery of
oligonucleotide molecules to
specific neuron types
Morales Funciños,
Miguel; Gasull
Casanova, Xavier;
Acebes Vindel, Ángel;
Ferrús Gamero, Alberto;
Pintor Just, Jesús
Universitat de Barcelona
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas (CSIC)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques
August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
Fundación Rioja Salud
Péptidos para el tratamiento
de la hipertensión ocular y/o el
Campo Güerri, Elías;
Salamero García, Olga;
Fernàndez Pascual,
Verònica; Jares
Gerboles, Pedro; López
Guillermo, Armando
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques
August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca
Universitat de Barcelona
Método y kit para el pronóstico
de linfoma de células del manto
Chamorro Sánchez,
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Pharmaceutical composition for
neuroprotective treatment in
patients with ictus
Moreno, Beatriz;
Villoslada, Pablo;
Navarro, Gloria;
Messeguer, Joaquín;
Messeguer, Àngel
Institut d’Investigacions
Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas (CSIC)
Peptoid agonists of nerve
growth factor and their use as
Moreno, Beatriz;
Villoslada, Pablo;
Messeguer, Joaquín;
Navarro, Gloria;
Messeguer, Àngel
Institut d’Investigacions
Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer
3 -Oxopiperazinium derivatives as
agonists of nerve growth factor
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
and their use as medicaments
Científicas (CSIC)
61/325,515 - United
States Patent
Gabriel Alvarado,
Francesc Artigas, Analía
Bortolozzi, Andrés
Montefeltro, Miquel Vila
10382087.4 - 1216
European Patent Office
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCTs):
nLife Therapeutics, S.L
Compositions and methods
for selective delivery of
oligonucleotide molecules to
specific neuron types
Patents in course of transference:
Official code
Universitat de Barcelona
Carmen Peralta
Institut d’Investigacions
(IDIBAPS); Joan Roselló
Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer
(CSIC); Ismail Ben
(CSIC); Ramón Bartrons
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas (CSIC)
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca
Universitat de Barcelona
Licensed to
Aqueous solution for the
preservation of tissues and
CD5 pharmaceutical
compositions for the
treatment of infectious and
inflammatory processes of
fungal origin
Protein product for the
treatment of infectious
diseases and related
inflammatory processes
López Soto, Francisco;
Vera Fernández, Jorge
López Soto, Francisco;
Sarrias, Maria Rosa
Gratacós Solsona,
Eduard; Amat Roldán,
Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Universitat de Barcelona
Equipment for infrared vision
of anatomical srtuctures and
signal processing methods
Moreno, Beatriz;
Villoslada, Pablo;
Navarro, Gloria;
Messeguer, Joaquín;
Messeguer, Àngel
Institut d’Investigacions
Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas (CSIC)
Peptoid agonists of nerve
growth factor and their use as
Bionure Farma
Moreno, Beatriz;
Villoslada, Pablo;
Messeguer, Joaquín;
Navarro, Gloria;
Messeguer, Àngel
Institut d’Investigacions
3 -Oxopiperazinium derivatives
Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer
as agonists of nerve growth
factor and their use as
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas (CSIC)
Bionure Farma
Fondevila, Constantino;
Ruíz, Ángel; GarcíaValdecasas, Juan Carlos
Universitat de Barcelona
Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca
Devide for the preservation
of a hepatic graft in
Spin-off companies
The knowledge dealt with from the IDIBAPS usually completes its cycle when transferred to the industry. In other cases the
link with the centre is maintained through the creation of spin-off companies.
A new company has been created in the course of 2010:
ImmunNovative Developments S.L. (IND). This spin-off company was created in February 2010, based on the transference of two patents pertaining to the University of Barcelona, the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, and the Fundació Clínic per
a la Recerca Biomèdica. The activity of IND focuses on the development of new biological therapies for the prevention and
treatment of inflammatory disorders with an immune basis.
For further information:
Other spin-off companies in the setting of the IDIBAPS are:
Bionure (2009). Spin-off of Hospital Clínic/IDIBAPS and CSIC for the development of new neuroprotective drugs for the
treatment of multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases.
For further information:
Transmural Biotech (2009). Spin-off of the Hospital Clínic and the UB, for the development and commercialization of different diagnostic devices in the gynecology field.
For further information:
Health Services (2009). Linkcare HS administers a Patient-Centric, Case Management oriented Open Health Care model
that has been designed as a joined effort of several leading medical care research centers in Europe leaded by Hospital
Clínic. Linkcare’s Open Source platform links clinical data from different systems such as Primary Care Information (PCIS),
Hospital Information (HIS), Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Enterprise Resource Programming (ERP) Systems with a
library of customized patient profile protocols. Linkcare application main areas are: Chronicity, Fragility, End of life care, Reproduction and perinatology, Wellness and Clinical Research.
For further information: [email protected]
Neurotec Pharma (2006). A R&D company which centres its activity on the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools for acute and chronic central nervous system diseases that occur with inflammation and/or neurodegeneration such
as Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson (PD) and Alzheimer disease (AD), among
For further information:
IDIBAPS Research and Innovation
Clinical trials approved by the CREC
The IDIBAPS constitutes the ideal setting for completing a number of the crucial steps in the development of new medicinal
products. Basic biomedical research and applied clinical research, together with quality specialized healthcare practice, are aspects of IDIBAPS that may be very useful for the development of drugs.
The table below summarizes the number of clinical trials approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee (CREC) in the past
years. Of note is the large number of clinical trials designed and promoted by the investigators of the IDIBAPS setting themselves:
Clinical trial type
in 2010
Single centre trial
Multicentre (reference ethics
Medical devices
Multicentre (concerned ethics
phase IV study
Clinical trials
to the CREC
Clinical trials
promoted by
investigators of the
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Impact upon clinical practice
The fundamental objective of IDIBAPS is to combine clinical research of proven quality with high-level basic research. It can
thereby achieve a more effective transfer of scientific advances in the prevention and treatment of the most common health
As a measure of such transference, the list below reflects the participation of investigators of the IDIBAPS in clinical guides
published in international journals subject to peer review. In addition to contributing new data for improving patient treatment,
the influence of the investigators of the IDIBAPS places them at the head of expert committees that establish the new tendencies to be followed in medical practice. The names of the investigators of the IDIBAPS are reflected in capital letters under
the section Authors:
Diagnosis and treatment of
melanoma: European consensusbased interdisciplinary guideline
Associated Journal
Short Text
Authors Text
2010; 46:270-283
Garbe C, Peris K, Hauschild A, Saiag P,
Middleton M, Spatz A, Grob JJ, MALVEHY J,
Newton-Bishop J, Stratigos A, Pehamberger H,
Eggermont A
Natale A, Raviele A, Al-Ahmad A, Alfieri O,
Aliot E, Almendral J, Breithardt G, BRUGADA
J, Calkins H, Callans D, Cappato R, Camm JA,
DellaBella P, Guiraudon GM, Haissaguerre M,
Hindricks G, Ho SY, Kuck KH, Marchlinski F,
Packer DL, Prystowsky EN, Reddy VY, Ruskin
JN, Scanavacca M, Shivkumar K, Soejima K,
Stevenson WJ, Themistoclakis S, Verma A,
Wilber D
Venice Chart International Consensus
Document on Ventricular Tachycardia/
Ventricular Fibrillation Ablation
ELECTR 2010;
Guidelines for the use of
bisphosphonates in multiple
myeloma: Recommendations of the
expert committee of the Spanish
Myeloma Group from the PETHEMA
Garcia-Sanz R, Alegre A, Capote FJ, Hernandez
JM, Rosinol L, DeLaRubia J, Sureda A, DeArriba
F, Bargay J, Mediavilla JD, Garcia-Larana J,
Lahuerta JJ, Mateos MV, Prosper F, Miguel JS,
The second European evidencebased Consensus on the diagnosis
and management of Crohn’s disease:
Definitions and diagnosis
2010; 4:7-27
VanAssche G, Dignass A, PANES J, Beaugerie L,
Karagiannis J, Allez M, Ochsenkuhn T, Orchard
T, Rogler G, Louis E, Kupcinskas L, Mantzaris G,
Travis S, Stange E
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) A
Global Perspective
2010; 44:239-245
Ferenci P, Fried M, Labrecque D, BRUIX J,
Sherman M, Omata M, Heathcote J, Piratsivuth
T, Kew M, Otegbayo JA, Zheng SS, Sarin S,
Hamid SS, Modawi SB, Fleig W, Fedail S,
Thomson A, Khan A, Malfertheiner P, Lau G,
Carillo FJ, Krabshuis J, LeMair A
Recommendations for diagnosis,
staging and treatment of pancreatic
cancer (Part I). Grupo Español de
Consenso en Cáncer de Páncreas
JA, DeJuan C, Feliu J, Cruz LF, GINES A, Girela
E, Rodriguez R, Sabater L
Recommendations for diagnosis,
staging and treatment of pancreatic
cancer (Part II)
JA, DeJuan C, Feliu J, Cruz LF, GINES A, Girela
E, Rodriguez R, Sabater L
Associated Journal
Short Text
Authors Text
Consensus guidelines for the optimal
management of adverse events in
newly diagnosed, transplant-ineligible
patients receiving melphalan and
prednisone in combination with
thalidomide (MPT) for the treatment
of multiple myeloma
Palumbo A, Davies F, Kropff M, BLADE J,
Delforge M, DaCosta FL, Sanz RG, Schey S,
Facon T, Morgan G, Moreau P
Familial colorectal cancer risk: ESMO
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Balmana J, CASTELLS A, Cervantes A
Antiretroviral Treatment of Adult HIV
Infection 2010 Recommendations of
the International AIDS Society-USA
ASSOC 2010;
Thompson MA, Aberg JA, Cahn P, Montaner
JSG, Rizzardini G, Telenti A, GATELL JM,
Gunthard HF, Hammer SM, Hirsch MS, Jacobsen
DM, Reiss P, Richman DD, Volberding PA, Yeni P,
Schooley RT
Mosca M, Tani C, Aringer M, Bombardieri S,
Boumpas D, Brey R, CERVERA R, Doria A, Jayne
D, Khamashta MA, Kuhn A, Gordon C, Petri M,
Rekvig OP, Schneider M, Sherer Y, Shoenfeld Y,
Smolen JS, Talarico R, Tincani A, VanVollenhoven
RF, Ward MM, Werth VP, Carmona L
Bousquet J, Schunemann HJ, Zuberbier T,
Bachert C, Baena-Cagnani CE, Bousquet PJ,
Brozek J, Canonica GW, Casale TB, Demoly P,
GerthVanWijk R, Ohta K, Bateman ED, Calderon
M, Cruz AA, Dolen WK, Haughney J, Lockey
RF, Lotvall J, O’byrne P, Spranger O, Togias A,
Bonini S, Boulet LP, Camargos P, Carlsen KH,
Chavannes NH, Delgado L, Durham SR, Fokkens
WJ, Fonseca J, Haahtela T, Kalayci O, Kowalski
ML, Larenas-Linnemann D, Li J, Mohammad Y,
MULLOL J, et al.
European League Against
Rheumatism recommendations for
monitoring patients with systemic
lupus erythematosus in clinical
practice and in observational studies
Development and implementation of
guidelines in allergic rhinitis - an ARIAGA2LEN paper
2010; 69:1269-1274
Associated Journal
Short Text
EULAR points to consider in the
development of classification and
diagnostic criteria in systemic
2010; 69:1744-1750
Guidelines on acute pulmonary
embolism from the European Society
of Cardiology: reflections from
the perspective of the emergency
Community Acquired Pneumonia.
New Guidelines of the Spanish
Society of Chest Diseases and
Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR)
2010; 46:543-558
EULAR recommendations for the
management of systemic lupus
erythematosus with neuropsychiatric ANN RHEUM DIS
manifestations: report of a task force 2010; 69:2074-2082
of the EULAR standing committee for
clinical affairs
Authors Text
Basu N, Watts R, Bajema I, Baslund B, Bley
T, Boers M, Brogan P, Calabrese L, CID MC,
Cohen-Tervaert JW, Flores-Suarez LF, Fujimoto
S, DeGroot K, Guillevin L, Hatemi G, Hauser T,
Jayne D, Jennette C, Kallenberg CGM, Kobayashi
S, Little MA, Mahr A, Mclaren J, Merkel PA, Ozen
S, Puechal X, Rasmussen N, Salama A, Salvarani
C, Savage C, Scott DGI, Segelmark M, Specks U,
Sunderkoetter C, Suzuki K, Tesar V, Wiik A, Yazici
H, Luqmani R
Menendez R, TORRES A, Aspa J, Capelastegui
A, Prat C, DeCastro FR
Bertsias GK, Ioannidis JPA, Aringer M, Bollen E,
Bombardieri S, Bruce IN, CERVERA R, Dalakas
M, Doria A, Hanly JG, Huizinga TWJ, Isenberg D,
Kallenberg C, Piette JC, Schneider M, Scolding
N, Smolen J, Stara A, Tassiulas I, Tektonidou M,
Tincani A, VanBuchem MA, VanVollenhoven R,
Ward M, Gordon C, Boumpas DT
Colorectal Cancer OncoGuia: surgical
pathology report guidelines
ONCOL 2010; 12:211- 1,146
Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on
Asthma (ARIA) guidelines: 2010
IMMUN 2010;
Sanjuan X, SALAS A, Lloreta J, Walsh PM
Brozek JL, Bousquet J, Baena-Cagnani CE, Bonini
S, Canonica GW, Casale TB, VanWijk RG, Ohta K,
Zuberbier T, Schunemann HJ (MULLOL J)
Guidelines on myocardial
revascularization The Task Force on
Myocardial Revascularization of the
European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
and the European Association for
Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS)
Guidelines on myocardial
revascularization The Task Force on
Myocardial Revascularization of the
European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
and the European Association for
Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS)
Associated Journal
Short Text
EASL clinical practice guidelines
on the management of ascites,
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and J HEPATOL 2010;
hepatorenal syndrome in cirrhosis
European Association for the Study of
the Liver
Authors Text
Wijns W, Kolh P
Kolh P, Wijns W, Danchin N, DiMario C, Falk V,
Folliguet T, Garg S, Huber K, James S, Knuuti J,
Lopez-Sendon J, Marco J, Menicanti L, Ostojic
M, Piepoli MF, Pirlet C, POMAR JL, Reifart N,
Ribichini FL, Schalij MJ, Sergeant P, Serruys PW,
Silber S, Uva MS, Taggart D
GINES P, Angeli P, Lenz K, Møller S, Moore K,
Moreau R, Merkel C, Ring-Larsen H, Bernardi M,
Garcia-Tsao G, Hayers P
Colorectal Cancer OncoGuia
ONCOL 2010; 12:188210
ManchonWalsh P, Borras JM, Ferro T, Espinas JA
EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines:
Management of chronic hepatitis B
FORNS X, et. Al.
Surgical innovations
Another way of exerting an impact upon patient care through research is surgical innovation. It is also possible to improve the
processes that take place in the operating room through experimental surgical facilities and the daily experience of many of
the investigators of the IDIBAPS – Hospital Clínic, as well as collaboration with pioneering companies.
Some of the advances made during 2010 by different IDIBAPS teams are:
Area 3
Gynaecological endocrinology and human reproduction
The use of minimally invasive surgical techniques is
one of the options for improving the medical care of
our patients. This makes it essential to investigate
surgical innovations with a view to expanding procedures of this kind. Minimally invasive surgery is a
surgical innovation representing a clear quality marker
for the benefit of patients.
Our group was the first to introduce such minimally
invasive techniques in both benign and malignant
gynaecological diseases. In this context, we have extensive experience in the conservative management
of fertility in cervical cancer patients (Pahisa J, Int J
Gynecol Cancer 2010); have been the first to describe
the learning curve associated with the conservative
treatment of severe deep endometriosis via laparoscopy (Carmona F, Fertil Steril 2009); and have gained
extensive experience in the detection of the sentinel
node in laparoscopically treated gynaecological cancers - with the description of a specific technique for detecting the mentioned node in endometrial cancer (Torné A, Rev Esp Med Nuc 2009).
Our recent research activity has focused on demonstrating that the inflammatory response and haemodynamic effects of a
type of ultra-minimally invasive surgery known as LESS (Laparoendoscopic Single-site Surgery) in experimental animals (Yorkshire pigs) are similar to those found in conventional laparoscopic surgery. On the other hand, we have introduced a new technique for improving the intraoperative search for sentinel nodes in difficult locations, based on the use of a portable gamma
camera (Vidal S, J Nucl Med 2010).
Area 3
Gastrointestinal and pancreatic oncology
Innovation and minimum invasiveness in surgery
The experimental research conducted by IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic, as
well as close participation of the industrial sector, have allowed the
development of surgical innovation, paving a new way towards the
obtainment of improved results in patient care. The development of a
technological application through new experimental procedures aims
to offer a practical demonstration of the feasibility and safety of a new
technical resource for transfer to the operating room and to the patient
- avoiding its inherent risks and taking advantage of its benefits, with
the objective of minimizing tissue damage, reducing pain, and shortening the time to healing and recovery.
Through its investigators, the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery of the IDIBAPS - Hospital Clínic de Barcelona offers some
examples of innovation in surgery. The Department, and particularly its Director, Dr. Antonio Lacy, represent a pioneering effort
in Spain and throughout the world in technological advances for the development of surgical procedures in the treatment of benign and malignant gastrointestinal diseases, as well as in the management of morbid obesity and metabolic syndrome.
The Department is a leader in innovation in minimally invasive techniques. It has been the first to develop laparoscopic surgery
technology in digestive cancer treatment, with excellent oncological results. It has also been the first to publish a randomized
study demonstrating the safety and reliability of this new approach compared with conventional open surgery. The Department
is also regularly called upon for reviews in important topics in laparoscopy.
Revision surgery after sleeve gastrectomy. Lacy AM, Ibarzabal A, Pando E, Adelsdorfer C, Delitala A, Corcelles R, Delgado S,
Vidal J. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2010; 20 (6): 428-33.
Some examples of the main contributions to surgical innovation are the following:
NOTES surgery
NOTES (Natural Orifices Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) is
the combination of two imaging guided surgical approaches
- flexible endoscopy and laparoscopy - in which access to the
abdominal cavity is gained through the human body’s orifices:
the mouth (transgastric route), vagina, urethra and anus (transrectal route) - lessening surgical aggression by reducing or eliminating abdominal wall incisions; minimizing pain and disability; and improving the aesthetic component, with avoidance of
the complications associated with conventional surgery. This
technique started in 2008 with the extraction of a gallbladder,
followed by the caecal appendix via the transgastric approach.
Following technological improvements and the adoption of experimental protocols to evaluate safety and feasibility of use,
the complexity of the procedures has increased with very
successful results in the extraction of gastric and colorectal
tumours via the vaginal, transgastric and transanal routes.
Rectal resection through NOTES, using TEM (Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery), in the management of rectal cancer; the
first case in the world of transrectal low anterior resection was performed by this group. Prior experience had been limited to
experiments in animals. NOTES transanal rectal cancer resection using transanal endoscopic microsurgery and laparoscopic
assistance. Sylla P, Rattner DW, Delgado S, Lacy AM. Surg Endosc, 2010 May; 24 (5): 1205-1210.
MA-NOS (Mini-laparoscopic Assisted Natural Orifices Surgery) is a hybrid procedure combining mini-laparoscopic surgery
(instruments measuring 2-3 mm in diameter) with transvaginal natural orifices surgery. This technique has been used for the
extraction of colorectal tumours in over 30 patients, as well as for the resection of a gastric tumour (GIST) measuring 9 cm
in diameter. Hybrid vaginal MA-NOS sleeve gastrectomy: technical note on the procedure in a patient. Lacy AM, Delgado S,
Rojas OA, Ibarzabal A, Fernandez-Esparrach G, Taura P. Surg Endosc, 2009 May; 23 (5): 1130-1137. MA-NOS radical sigmoidectomy: report of a transvaginal resection in the human. Lacy AM, Delgado S, Rojas OA, Almenara R, Blasi A, Llach J. Surg
Endosc, 2008; 22: 1717-1723.
Study of experimental surgery in large animals (Yorkshire pigs). The results of the research done in these animals has shown
that the effects of NOTES upon the microcirculation of the intraabdominal organs is not altered compared with the situation
found in conventional laparoscopic surgery. Effects of pneumoperitoneum on intra-abdominal organs perfusion during natural
orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery: the role of NAC and hypertonic saline pre-treatment. Euro NOTES 2010. Research
Fund Project Grant Winners.
Single-port surgery
Surgery with the same objectives as NOTES as regards to the minimization of surgical invasion, involving a single peri-umbilical port using the same instrumentation as in conventional laparoscopic surgery. We have used this technique to perform
sleeve gastrectomy in 30 morbidly obese individuals, with long-term results that warrant its use.
Area 5
Diagnosis and therapy in oncology
This team has promoted innovations such as the three-dimensional reconstruction of SPECT/CT images with volume rendering
to assess the sentinel node in surgical patients.
jouRnAl InDex
This list reflects all the journals with an impact factor over 5 in which the investigators of the IDIBAPS have published original articles during 2010. The publications with an impact factor over 10 points are highlighted.
Original Articles Published
in 2010
Impact Factor (IF)
Abreviated Journal Name
Abreviated Journal Name
Original Articles Published
in 2010
Impact Factor (IF)
Original Articles Published
in 2010
Impact Factor (IF)
Abreviated Journal Name
Original Articles Published
in 2010
Impact Factor (IF)
Abreviated Journal Name
Scientific Platforms and Services
High-level biomedical research requires the use of high-cost techniques and equipment. In addition, the high competitiveness
of many of these techniques requires the dedication of specialized personnel. In many cases a given technique is applied by
different research teams without any of them requiring an exclusive and permanent use of the methodology.
IDIBAPS promotes the constitution of common service platforms to support research for use by all researchers, with the purpose of improving the performance and profitability of investments and efficiency in the use of available resources.
The IDIBAPS has 5 scientific platforms of its own:
• Biobank of Hospital Clínic – IDIBAPS (Page 36)
• Bioinformatics (Page 39)
• Cytometry and cell sorting (Page 40)
• Functional genomics (Page 42)
• Medical imaging (Page 43)
In turn, other services are shared with the entities with which agreements have been established:
• Proteomics Unit (IDIBAPS-UB-PCB platform) (Page 44)
• Animal housing facilities (UB) (Page 45)
• DNA unit (Hospital Clínic) (Page 46)
• Confocal microscopy unit (UB) (Page 47)
• Electronic microscopy unit (UB) (Page 48)
IDIBAPS Platforms
Biobank of Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS
The Biobank is a centralised institutional support platform for coordinating the collection, processing, storage and transfer of
biological samples to promote biomedical research of the highest standard.
When it was first set up, the Biobank had a dual mission:
• To provide the scientific community with standard, well characterised biological samples with high added value, in order to
promote, foster and develop biomedical research in accordance with current legislation.
• To standardise all the Institute’s research sample collections (in accordance with article 67 of Law 14/2007, relating to Biomedical Research Act).
The bank’s catalogue of samples is divided into three broad categories which are available for scientific purposes for the consolidation of personalized medicine:
1) Neurological Tissue Biobank
A nervous tissue repository (brain and spinal cord) created from donations from cadavers with or without neurological conditions, helping to facilitate research into neurological illnesses in order to improve diagnoses and enhance patient assistance.
2) Tumour Biobank and Anatomical Pathologies Collections
A Repository of tumorous tissue and samples from cancer patients. This biobank also manages an extensive collection of
other disease-related tissue provided by the Department of Anatomical Pathology at the Hospital Clínic from excess samples
used in their diagnoses. This material is essential to providing current large-scale tissue research projects with the samples
they require.
3) Blood and Fluid Biobank
This repository contains samples of metabolic, inflammatory bowel, hepatic, digestive and maternal and foetal diseases,
among others. It houses a large range of samples of scientific interest, primarily DNA, serum and plasma, which are provided
by doctors’ surgeries and laboratories where blood and fluid are taken for lab tests and blood and fluid donation.
The Biobank of Hospital Clínic – IDIBAPS offers a wide range of samples and services. The scientific community may make
full use of the bank’s equipment and professional staff to achieve their most ambitious goals. The work of the biobank
goes beyond simply providing samples; they offer support to researchers during the various stages of projects requiring the
use of biological samples.
Sample providing
• Nerve tissue from cadaveric donors affected by neurologic diseases
• Frozen biological samples and paraffin-embedded tissue blocks representing the most common tumours
• DNA, serum, plasma and PBMCs from different diseases as well as from control donors
Technical and scientific advice
• Creation and management of new collections
• Methodology (technical guidance)
• Experimental design with human and animal tissue samples
• Design and interpretation of immunohistochemical studies
• Quality management programmes
• Harmonization of quality procedures for the handling of DNA samples
• Technical assessment for the manipulation of the Biobank equipment (microdissector and morphometre)
Private collections management
• Collection management of multicentre studies
• Storage of pre-existing collections
Histological techniques
• Processing of frozen and paraffin embedded tissues (macroscopy, cryopreservation, paraffin blocks)
• Lasser microdissection
• Tissue microarrays (TMA)
• Histological staining
• Definitive neuropathological diagnosis of neurological diseases
Cellular techniques
• Purification and cryopreservation of mononuclear cells
• Immortalization of B lymphocytes
• Explant obtaining
Molecular techniques
• DNA extraction from peripheral blood
• DNA/RNA/protein extraction from tissue (frozen and paraffin embedded)
• Serum and plasma isolation
• -20ºC, -80ºC and -150ºC freezers with safety systems
• Vapour phase liquid Nitrogen tanks
Neurological tissue bank
• Cubicles for obtaining the material in sterile conditions
• Instruments for preparing samples for the microscope
• Filing cabinets for collecting paraffined samples
• Gas filtration cabinet
• Automated immunostaining appliance
• Combination refrigerator and -40ºC freezer for preserving fungibles
• Autoclave for sterilising surgical material
Tumour bank
• Equipment for preparing tissue microarrays
• Tissue microdissection microscope with laser
• Microtome and cryostat
Blood and Fluid Biobank
• Programmable freezer with a controlled freezing ramp
• “Chemagic MSM1®” automated device for obtaining DNA from large volumes of blood
• “Tecan EVO150®” automated station for the aliquoting of samples
• “CoulterZ1®” cells and particles counter
• Cabinets for isolating cells in sterile conditions
• Cell immortalisation platform
• Computer systems for managing samples and related data
Scientific coordinator(s):
Dr. Joan Albert Barberà
[email protected]
Scientific coordinator
Dr. Anna Bosch Comas
[email protected]
Managing assistant
Ms. Meritxell Rufet
Fundació Clínic
[email protected]
Informed Consent Manager
Ms. Ángela Martín
Fundació Clínic
[email protected]
Lab Manager
Ms. Regina A. Cañaveras
Fundació Clínic
[email protected]
• Neurological tissue bank
Dr. Francesc Graus
[email protected]
• Tumour bank
Dr. Pedro L. Fernández
[email protected]
• Blood and Fluid Biobank
Dra. Anna Bosch Comas
[email protected]
• Neurological tissue bank
Dr. Maria Jesús Rey
Neuropathologist. Senior technician – I (UB)
Dr. Ellen Gelpí
Neurologist. Senior Technician I (UB)
Ms. Carina Antiga
Secretary (IDIBAPS)
Ms. Sara Charif
Laboratory technician (IDIBAPS)
Ms. Rosa Rivera
Specialised technician – III (UB)
Ms. Verónica Santiago
Laboratory technician (CIBERNED)
Mr. Abel Muñoz
Autopsy Assistant (Fundació Clínic)
Ms. Leyre Etxarri
Autopsy Assistant (Fundació Clínic)
• Tumour bank
Laura Gelabert
Laboratory technician (Fundació Clínic)
Mónica Marín
Laboratory technician (Hospital Clínic)
Eva Fernández López
Laboratory technician (Hospital Clínic)
Raquel Bermudo Gascón
Bank Manager (Fundació Clínic)
• Blood and Fluid Biobank
Albert Davins
Laboratory technician (CIBERDEM)
Roser Mas
Laboratory technician and quality supervisor (IDIBAPS)
Anna Morales
Laboratory technician (IDIBAPS)
Laura Tugores
• Neurological tissue bank
Faculty of Medicine UB. South wing, floor 0 (~140 sq m)
• Tumour bank, Blood and Fluid Biobank
C/ Roselló 149-153, -1 Floor
IDIBAPS Research and Innovation
The Bioinformatics Unit is mainly devoted to the analysis and support in the interpretation of data coming from OMICS disciplines. The integration of data coming from the Genomics, Proteomics, or Metabolomics fields requires huge efforts in the
development of common languages, tools, and specific databases.
Differential expression or classification studies in every OMICS field usually face two big challenges: the high dimensionality
and the small sample size. Furthermore, clinical research is frequently aimed at understanding very complex biological problems for the discovery of specific biomarkers for diagnosis. It is then necessary to use sophisticated tools with complex statistical methodologies to derive information in the usual conditions of high-throughput experiments. At this current moment,
the emerging field of Systems Biology is aimed at analyzing and integrating data from the entire OMICS field to ultimately
create working models of entire biological systems.
Bioinformatic support in different areas of biomedical research, particularly in OMICS technologies; development of new tools
and diffusion:
• Consultancy: counselling in experimental design; low-level and quality control analyses; orientation on biostatistical resources; assistance in tool utilisation; intensive analysis of OMICS technology data in collaborative settings; interpretation of
• Bioinformatic resources development and administration: software processing; access to computer resources via proprietary Linux services; development of customised tools and databases, particularly in web settings.
• IBM eServer BladeCenter HS21 server. 1 Intel (R) Xeon (R) E5345 @ 2.33 Ghz CPU. 64 Bit. RAM: 16 GB. H.D: 465 GB (Raid
5) OS: Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10
• Intel Dual Xeon 3.0 GHz Server. 32 Bit. RAM 3 GB. HD 120 GB. OS Linux Red Hat 9
• Intel Dual Xeon 3.0 GHz Server. 32 Bit. RAM 3 GB. HD 120 GB. OS Windows 2003 OS
• HP XW4200 Server. Pentium IV 3.5 GHz. HD 120 GB. RAM 2 GB. OS Windows XP
• 2 PC Intel Core 2 Duo® E8400 @3.0GHz. Arq. 32 Bits, Memoria RAM 3.5GB, HD: 250 GB. OS: Windows XP
Scientific coordinator:
• Dr. Susana Kalko (IDIBAPS)
[email protected]
• Dr. Nuria Queralt Rosinach
Technician (IDIBAPS)
• Sr. Joan Protasio
Technician (IDIBAPS)
• Bioinformatics Platform CEK
C/ Roselló, 149-153, -1 Floor
Cytometry and cell sorting
Flow cytometry measures and analyzes the characteristics of single particles, normally cells, as they move in a stream and are
passed through a laser. Thousands of cells can be analyzed by a flow cytometer in a single second. It is possible to mark the
particles with one or more fluorescent substances that then makes it possible to measure physical characteristics such as cell
size, shape, internal complexity and any cell component or function that can be detected by a fluorescent compound.
The applications of flow cytometry are numerous, and this has led to the widespread use of these instruments in the biological
and medical fields.
The facility is subdivided into four groups: FACS analysis, data analysis, cell sorting and high resolution images of each cell
directly in flow.
1.Analysis of population of interest (Up to 18 colors)
• FACSCalibur (Up to 4 colors)
• FACSCantoI (Up to 6 colors)
• FACSCantoII (Up to 8 colors)
• LSRFortessa SORP HTS 4 LASER (Up to 16 colors)
• LSRFortessa SORP 5 LASER (Up to 18 colors)
• LSRFortessa SORP 5 LASER
3.Cell cycles
• LSRFortessa SORP 5 LASER
4.Functional Analysis
• LSRFortessa SORP 5 LASER
5.Stem Cells
• LSRFortessa SORP 5 LASER
• LSRFortessa SORP 5 LASER
7.Multiparameter quantitative trials on soluble molecules and phosphoproteins (CBA and CBA Flex Set)
• LSRFortessa SORP 5 LASER
8.Cell sorting
• autoMACS (magnetic sorter)
• FACSAria II (Up to 9 colors)
• FACSAria SORP 5 LASER (Up to 18 colors)
9.High resolution microscopy in flow (Cell Signaling and molecular translocation, Internalization, Co-localization, Cellcell Interaction, Morphology Analysis, Cell Death and Autophagy, Cell Cycle and Mitosi, DNA damage and repair)
• ImageStreamX : 2 cameras, 4 LASER (AMNIS Corporation)
• FACSCalibur cytofluorimeter (IDIBAPS)
• FACSCantoll cytofluorimeter (IDIBAPS)
• Vantage SE FACS cell sorter (IDIBAPS)
• FACSAriaII cell sorter (IDIBAPS)
Scientific coordinator(s):
• Scientific advisor
Dr. Pablo Engel
[email protected]
• Department head
Isabel Crespo
Specialist technician (IDIBAPS)
[email protected]
• Cristina López
Technician (IDIBAPS)
• Cytomics Platform CEK
C/ Roselló 149-153, -1 Floor
Functional Genomics
The Genomic Unit of IDIBAPS provides access to different genome wide protocols. We manage samples for genomic projects
starting from quantitative and qualitative analysis of nucleic acids up to genome wide gene expression, genotyping and gene
dose analysis using different platforms including real-time PCR and microarrays. Recently we have incorporated a next generation sequencer in our facility.
• Quantification of nucleic acids
• Qualitative analysis of nucleic acids
• Expression analysis by Real-time PCR
• Genotyping analysis by Real-time PCR
• Digital PCR
• Genome Wide Expression analysis (Affymetrix microarrays)
• Genome Wide Genotyping analysis (Affymetrix microarrays)
• High thought put expression analysis (GeneTitan Affymetrix)
• High thought put Genotyping analysis (GeneTitan Affymetrix)
• CGH-Arrays (Agilent)
• Scanner Axon 4000B
• Next generation sequencing (Illumina)
In addition to these services, the Platform offers advice on experimental design for transcriptomic studies, on extracting RNA
and on analysis of microarray data.
• Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent)
• Viia7 (Applied Biosystems)
• Fluidigim (BioMark)
• GeneChip Affymetrix genetic analysis system
• GeneTitan Affymetrix genetic analysis system
• Agilent platform
• Axon 4000B scanner
• GenomeAnalyzer IIx (Illumina)
Scientific director:
• Dr. Elías Campo
[email protected]
Scientific coordinator:
• Dr. Pedro Jares
[email protected]
Unit manager:
• Dra. Magda Pinyol
[email protected]
• Montse Sánchez
Technician (IDIBAPS)
• Laura Plà
Technician (IDIBAPS)
• Helena Suárez
Technician (IDIBAPS)
• Dra. Anna Enjuanes
Technician (IDIBAPS)
• Genomics Platform CEK
C/ Roselló 149-153, -1 Floor
IDIBAPS Research and Innovation
Medical Imaging
Main objectives
• To provide services related to medical imaging techniques for researchers from IDIBAPS and other institutions, and to industries connected with health.
• To perform first-rate basic and clinical research into medical imaging using structural and functional magnetic resonance, resonance spectroscopy, molecular imaging, image processing and other types of medical imaging.
• Researcher training in techniques and basic research to enable them to conduct experimental and clinical studies, thereby
allowing them to explore the advantages of translational research.
Departments and equipment
Clinical Imaging Research (3T MRI Unit)
• RM 3T- Siemens 3T TRIO, B17 software
• 32 phased-array head coil
• 8 phased-array head coil
• Body coil
• Others phase array coil
Experimental Imaging Research (7T MRI Unit)
• Bruker BioSpec 70/30 (gradient system of 400 mT/m)
• Imaging volume coils for mice, rat and small cats or rabbits
• Surface coil for rat and mouse brain imaging
• Surface coil for rat heart imaging (with CINE acquisition sequence)
• Volume coils for 1H/13C, 1H/31P and 1H/19F spectroscopy
• Surface coil for 1H/13C spectroscopy
• Electric stimulator for fMRI
• Inhalation anaesthetic system including animal monitoring
• 4 PC for imaging post-processing and analysis
Post-processing Imaging Lab
• 3 dedicated workstations (1 Mac, 2 linux) and 7 high performance PC (5 dual windows-linux, 2 windows) for image postprocessing
• 10 standard PC
• Software licenses: 10 Matlab, 2 LcModel, 1 AnalyzeDirect
Scientific coordinator(s):
• Clinical Imaging Research (3T MRI Unit)
Dr. Núria Bargalló Alabart
Hospital Clinic
[email protected]
• Experimental Imaging Research (7T MRI Unit)
Dra. Guadalupe Soria Rodríguez
[email protected]
Dr. Raúl Tudela (CIBER-BBN, GIB-UB)
• Post-processing Imaging Lab
Dr. Carles Falcón Falcón
[email protected]
• 3T MRI Unit 7T MRI Unit
Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, floor 0, 3a stairs
• Post-processing Imaging Lab
C/ Roselló 149-153, -1 Floor
Imaging Lab, CEK
Shared Platforms
Proteomics Unit (IDIBAPS-UB-PCB Platform)
• Separation of peptides and proteins
• Characterisation and sequencing of peptides and proteins
• Analysis of complex protein samples
• Quantitative analysis of complex protein samples (DIGE, ITRAQ, LABEL-FREE LC-MS)
• Whole protein analysis (top-down proteomics)
• Strips Protean IPG Bio-Rad system for sorting of proteins by pl (IDIBAPS)
• SDS-PAGE system for sorting of Protean Dodecacell Bio-Rad gels (IDIBAPS)
• SDS-PAGE system for sorting of Mini Protean Dodecacell Bio-Rad gels (IDIBAPS)
• PDQUEST Bio-Rad analysis software for 2-dimensional gels (IDIBAPS)
• Scanner for digitising G-810 Bio-Rad gels (IDIBAPS)
• Fluro-S Bio-Rad analyser (IDIBAPS)
• Solution automatic genomic digester (IDIBAPS)
• Espectròmetre de masses: MALDI-TOF-TOF 4800 (Applied Biosystems)
• MALDITOF Voyager DE Prespective (IDIBAPS)
• Thermo Finnigan NanoESI-Ion Trap LCQ DECA XP (IDIBAPS)
• Thermo Finnigan MicroHPLC Surveyor (IDIBAPS)
• Typhoon (GE HealthCare) for quantitative analysis of proteins (UB)
• Decyder; computer analysis of differential studies (UB)
• Peptide and protein analytical software (SEQUEST, PROTEOME DISCOVERER, PEAKS, etc.)
Scientific coordinator(s):
• Dr. Oriol Bachs
[email protected]
• Dr. Josep Maria Estanyol
Unit supervisor (SCT-UB)
[email protected]
• Dr. M. José Fidalgo
UB. Masses supervising technician
• Dr. Eva Olmedo
IDIBAPS. Technician
• Mr. Juan Martínez Heredia
IDIBAPS. Technician
• UB School of Medicine
5th floor, South Wing, Casanova, 143
IDIBAPS Research and Innovation
Animal housing facilities (UB)
• To comply with the applicable legislation on protecting animals used for experiments and for other scientific purposes:
- Curing and maintenance of the housed species
- Accreditation control of the personnel implicated in the handling of animals, according to legislation
- Control of the procedures approved by the Catalan Environmental Departament. Generalitat de Catalunya
• Forming part of the Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee (CEEA-UB)
• Crossbreeding and maintenance of colonies of transgenic breeds, knock-out and special breeds of rat
• Technical and veterinary counselling. Veterinary control
• Supervision of reception and the shipment of animals to other centres
• Stabling drawers and racks (FC + UB)
• Ventilated racks (UB)
• Extractors (UB + FC)
• Biological safety chamber (UB)
• Siemens X-ray equipment (FC)
• Experimental large animal operating theatre (UB + FC)
• Surgical lenses (UB)
• Ventilators (UB + FC)
• Anaesthesia equipment (UB)
• Autoclaves (UB)
• Equipment washer and bottle washer (UB)
• SAS (UB)
Scientific coordinator(s):
• Dr. Jordi Alberch
[email protected]
• Dr. Jaume Bosch
[email protected]
• Dr. Josep Mª Tusell
[email protected]
• Dr. Amèrica Giménez
Animal housing facilities supervisor. Senior technician (UB)
[email protected]
• Mr. Josep Ma Marimon
Cryopreservation and embyonic transference supervisor.
Senior technician (UB)
• Ms. Leire Barguín
Veterinarian (UB)
• Mr. David Almató
Experimenter. Category III stabling technician (UB)
• Ms. Dolores Ruiz
Experimenter. Category III stabling technician (UB)
• Ms. Blanca Caballero
Keeper. Stabling assistant (FC)
• Sr. David López
Keeper. Stabling assistant (FC)
• Mr. Ivan Ortega
Experimenter. Category III stabling technician
• Mr. Raul Ramírez
Experimenter. Category III stabling technician
• Mr. Robert Fortea
Experimenter. Category III stabling technician
• Cleaning personnel
1FC and 3UB
• 6th floor, School of Medicine (~600 sq m)
DNA Unit (Hospital Clínic)
• DNA extraction
• DNA sequencing
• Genotyping (Analysis of DNA fragments, microsatellites, SNPs, MLPA, etc.)
• One DNA capillary sequencer (IDIBAPS)
• One ultra-deep sequencing system (HC)
• Two genetic analyzers (HC/IDIBAPS)
• Two automatic DNA extraction systems (HC)
Scientific coordinator(s):
• Dr. Joan Clària
[email protected]
• Ms. Montserrat Bernat
Specialist technician (HC)
• Ms. Anabel Martínez
Specialist technician (IDIBAPS)
• Hospital Clinic’s Biological Diagnosis Centre
Stairway 7, 5th floor. HC (~20 sq m)
IDIBAPS Research and Innovation
Confocal microscopy unit (SCT-UB)
Light microscopy
• Confocal laser microscopy
• Two-photon excitation microscope (multiphoton)
• Wide-field microscopy
• Multiphoton and high-velocity spectral confocal microscope (Leica
• Spectral confocal microscope (Leica TCS-SL)
• Confocal microscope (Leica TCS-NT)
• Microinjector (Leica AS TP)
• Wide-field fluorescence microscope (Leica DMI6000 B) (Faculty of
• General laboratory
• Culture room
• Imaging analysis workstations
Scientific coordinator(s):
• Dr. Carles Enrich
Department of Cellular Biology, UB
[email protected]
Light microscopy applications
• Fluorescent, reflection and transmitted light, multi-channel and
multidimensional (xyztλ) images. Mosaic and multi-position images
• Live cell microscopy
• Molecular proximity analysis: FRET (Fluorescence resonance energy transfer)
• Molecular dynamics analysis by photobleaching and photolabelling
techniques: - FRAP (Fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching)
- Inversed FRAP
- FLIP (Fluorescence loss in photo-bleaching)
- Photo-activation, photo-conversion
• Intravital Microscopy (live animal):
- Confocal, multi-photon
- Resonant scan (high speed)
• Two photon excitation microscopy (Multi-photon):
- Second Harmonic Generation
Cell culture and micromanipulation
• Maintenance of cell lines for microscopy experiments
• Molecular and cellular dyes (transfection, staining)
• Dr. Maria Calvo
Senior technician and head of the Confocal Microscopy Unit,
[email protected]
• Anna Bosch
Specialised technician, IDIBAPS
[email protected]
• Faculty of Medecine,
South Wing, 5 floor (c/ Casanova, 143, 08036, Barcelona)
Image processing and analysis
• Technical assistance in image processing and analysis (3D
reconstruction, quantification, co-localization, FRET analysis,
molecular dynamics analysis, particle tracking)
• Development of custom instructions macros
• Training days of image processing and analysis
User support and innovation
• Assistance in planning, preparation, performance and analysis of
light microscopy experiments
• Training in the use of equipment
• Development of new methodologies
Electronic Microscopy Unit (UB)
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
• Ultrastructure studies of tissues and cell cultures (on different subtrates)
• Studies of suspensions ( bacteria, virus, flagella, lipid vesicles...)
• Studies of cellular organelles extraction (reticulum, mitochondria, exosomes...)
• Molecular localization and colocalization of proteins, glucidic residues,...
• Molecular localization of DNA or RNA sequences by “in situ” hybridation
• Cytochemical studies (enzymatic activity, enzymatic digestions...)
• Correlative techniques (optical, confocal and electron microscope)
• Preparing of samples for TEM-based microanalysis
• Studies of viruses, organules and proteins by negative staining
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
• Microstructural analysis of surface cell cultures on different substrates (glass, thermanox, aclar,...)
• Surface characterization of tissues or organs
• Studies of cellular suspensions(bacteira
• Studies of surfaces: bony, teeth, cornea, skin,...
• Characterization of biofilms and their formation
• Morphological studies of small organisms and micro-organisms
• Surface molecular localization
• Characterization of biomaterials, implants...
• Study, analysis and assessment of the images
Examples of applications
• Biomedical characterization of any kind of cell culture or tissues by SEM or TEM
• Studies of markers incorporation (colloidal gold, quantum-dots..) inside the tissues or cell culture (ex. Inhalation of nanogold
and their localisation by light and transmissionn electron microscopy)
• Sperm cell study by TEM and SEM for diagnosis
• Studies of biofilms on water filters, tracheal tubes, historical monuments...
• Characterization of protein aggregates for example in Alzheimer’s disease
• Biopsies in pathology
• Calcium microanalysis detection
Sample preparation types
• Cryomethods preparation (cryofixation)
- High pressure cryofixation, cryosubstitution, cryo embedding in epoxy resins ( for ultrastructural studies)
- High pressure cryofixation, cryosubstitution, cryo embedding in acrylic resins at low temperatures (molecular location studies: immunolocalization, “in situ” hybridization, etc.)
- High pressure cryofixation, cryosubstitution, critical point process (3-D studies using scanning electron microscopy)
• Standard preparation method (chemical fixation)
- Chemical fixation, dehydration and embedding in epoxy resins for ultrastructural studies
- Ultramicrotomy at room temperature
- Negative staining (viruses, flagella, proteins, etc.)
- Cytochemical techniques (detection of enzymes, glycoproteins, sugars, etc.)
- Chemical fixation, dehydration, critical point (scanning electron microscopy)
• Mixed preparation: combination of standard methods and cryomethods
- Chemical fixation, cryoprotection, cryosubstitution and embedding in epoxy resins (ultrastructural study)
- Chemical fixation, cryofixation and embedding in epoxy resins (ultrastructural study)
- Chemical fixation, cryoprotection, cryosubstitution and embedding at low temperatures (molecular localization studies:
immunolocalization, “in situ” hybridization, etc.)
- Chemical fixation, cryoprotection, cryofixation and cryoultramicrotomy (molecular location studies: immunolocalization,
“in situ” hybridization, etc.)
- Chemical fixation, cryofixation, cryosubstitution, critical point process (for scanning electron microscopy)
• Molecular localization
- Proteins, sugar residues,...
- Markers: nanogold, silver enhancement, colloidal gold, quantum-dots, lectins,..
• Correlative techniques
- To observe the “same” cell (for example a dynamic process) by light microscopy (at low resolution) and by transmission
electron microscopy (higher resolution) using cryofixtion or chemical fixation
• Jeol EM 1010 transmission electronic microscope
• Zeiss DSM 940A scanning electron microscope
• EM PACT cryofixation system (Leica)
• Cryosubstitution systems
- AFS (Leica)
- AFS2 (Leica)
- Ultracut (Reichert-Jung)
- Ultracut E (Reichert-Jung)
- Ultracut UCT (Leica) + FCS Cryoultramicrotomy Unit (Leica)
• VGMicrotech CPD 7501 critical point system
• Fisons Instrument FC510 Sputtering System
• Optical microscopes
- Leica DMLS
- Olympus CX41 RF + Olympus DP 70 digital camera
Scientific coordinator(s):
• Dr Núria Cortadellas
Unit Head
[email protected]
Tel. 93 403 44 07 - 93 403 98 59
• Ms Almudena Garcia
Ultramicrotomy Section Manager
• Ms Ana Ribera
Laboratory technician
• Ms Eva Fernández
IDIBAPS technician – research support contract
• UB Faculty of Medicine,
North Wing, 6th floor
Spanish excellence networks (CIBERS, RETICS and CAIBER)
The Ministry of Science and Innovation promotes health research through the Carlos III Health Institute. In the last few years
much of its economical effort has focused on the consolidation of the Spanish National Research Networks. The Networked
Biomedical Research Centres (Centros de Investigación Biomédica en Red, CIBERs), Health Cooperative Research Topic Networks (Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud, RETICs), and the Networked Biomedical Research Support
Consortium - Spanish Clinical Trials Platform (Consorcio de Apoyo a la Investigación Biomédica en Red – Plataforma Española
de Ensayos Clínicos, CAIBER), represent a new way of understanding cooperative biomedical research that has given excellent results during recent years.
The IDIBAPS participates in most of these virtual research structures and leads some of them. Investigators of the IDIBAPS
direct the following networks:
• Networked Biomedical Research Centre for Hepatic and Digestive Diseases (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red
de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas, CIBERehd)
• Networked Biomedical Research Centre for Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas, CIBERDEM)
• CIBER for Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES)
• AIDS Research Network (RIS)
• Spanish Multiple Sclerosis Network (REEM)
Networked Biomedical Research Centre for Hepatic
and Digestive Diseases
(Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas, CIBERehd)
CIBERehd was created on 29 November 2006, and is presently composed of 49 groups (one
of them on an associated basis), corresponding to 28 centres in 10 Autonomous Communities
throughout Spain. It is headed by a Scientific Director, Dr. Jaume Bosch, and its activities are
supervised by an external Steering Committee and Scientific Committee. Its central facilities are
located in calle Córcega 180, in Barcelona.
Director: Dr. Jaume Bosch
The objectives of the CIBER for Liver and Digestive Diseases are the following:
• To promote top level research in liver and digestive diseases, in an international context, promoting interaction among
the best Spanish groups.
• Preferentially focusing on translation research, favouring the obtainment of results that can be transferred to clinical
practice and to biotechnological applications.
• Activity as a promoting and facilitating agent in the national setting, and serving as a reference in international
The scientific activity of the CIBERehd fundamentally focuses on its research programs and strategic actions, and is complemented by the training programme, the platforms and common resources. The CIBERehd has its own platforms in genomics,
transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, genic silencing and bioinformatics, as well as a biobank (integrated within the
IDIBAPS biobank), a steatosic liver bank and telemedicine platforms for diagnostic and therapeutic support in liver cancer, and
genetic counselling in colorectal cancer.
The CIBERehd has 6 major research programs:
• Portal hypertension and mechanisms of transition to cirrhosis
• Hepatitis viruses
• Cholestasis and metabolic disorders
• Liver immunology, cell therapy and transplantation
• Liver and digestive cancer
• Gastrointestinal inflammation and motility
Its budget, totalling 6,3 million euros in 2010, covers the salaries of the investigators that work in the different groups, the
scientific infrastructure, training programmes and strategies actions - involving the implementation of large research projects
that can only be addressed through firm cooperative action.
The activity of the CIBERehd is reflected in its annual report, with the publication of over 200 articles a year in journals pertaining to the upper quartile of the SCI, and numerous clinical guides, as well as the conduction of over 50 clinical trials. In the
last year, the CIBERehd has obtained two large projects of the INPACTO programme and the CDTI, and moreover participates
in many European consortiums.
Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes
and Associated Metabolic Disorders
(Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes
y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas, CIBERDEM)
The CIBER in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders is a public state consortium established by the Carlos III Health Institute-Ministry of Science and Innovation. Constituted
by 32 elite research groups in 19 associate institutions, it represents the biggest network of
scientific diabetes research in Spain. Its objectives are to lead highest standards of research
practice and to accelerate the translation of scientific results into clinical application.
Director: Dr. Ramon Gomis
CIBERDEM began its activity over three years ago and it is now time to take stock of its achievements. Some are already
evident and among these is the qualitative leap forward as regards the number and excellence of publications. To this
success we should add others such as the ability of groups to work together, especially in the case of clinical and basic
research groups, which is a clear indication of our strong commitment to translational research, as well as an obvious
demonstration that these associations between groups are advantageous when it comes to obtaining funding.
With the objective of achieving pioneering biomedical advances, CIBERDEM fosters the development of projects in collaboration with other national and international institutes, and it counts on its own two technological platforms: the Biobank, which with more than 10.000 samples provides characterised human DNA and other types of biological samples to
the scientific community; and the Metabolomics Platform which offers high performance technology for the profiling and
identification of metabolites.
The consortium looks to involve not only the scientific community but also the business sector in R&D investment. It
offers companies the possibility of working together on research projects, scientific consultancy, organisation of scientific events and socially responsible corporate actions. Furthermore, it diffuses and divulges its scientific work through
multiple actions such as the periodic organisation of scientific seminars and its annual Science Open Day always with the
active collaboration of patient associations.
In its mision to promote diabetes research CIBERDEM has created «Investiga la diabetes», an initiative which seeks to
increase awareness of the diabetes problem in Spain. Its objective is to generate active participation from society and
business with the aim of collecting funds which will enable the continued promotion and financing of scientific activity to
find new means of preventing, diagnosing, treating and curing diabetes.
CIBER for Respiratory Diseases
The CIBER for respiratory diseases (CIBERES) is a networked, multidisciplinary and multicentre
research institution integrating basic, clinical and populational research in respiratory illnesses.
CIBERES is composed of 34 research groups, of which 60% belong to hospitals and 40% to
universities and research centres. The Scientific director of CIBERES is Dr. Alvar Agustí (Chest
Institute, Hospital Clinic). The administrative centre of CIBERES is in the Fundació Caubet-Cimera
in Mallorca.
Director: Dr. Àlvar Agustí
The research activity of CIBERES is structured upon the basis of Corporate Research Programmes (Programes Corporatius
de Investigació) (PCI). Each PCI comprises a series of projects that in a cooperative and integrated manner address a relevant
healthcare problem in the field of respiratory disease. At present, CIBERES has 10 active PCIs:
• Refractory asthma
• Pulmonary fibrosis
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
• Thoracic cancer
• Acute lung injuries
• Sleep apnoea syndrome
• Respiratory infections and sepsis
• New therapeutic targets
• H1N1 influenza
In parallel to these PCIs, CIBERES has organized a series of research support platforms, such as: (1) Pulmonary biobank; (2)
Technological development and transference; (3) Training program; and (4) Communications Department. CIBERES organizes
annual scientific sessions and different monographic research seminars.
AIDS Research Network
The AIDS Research Network (Red de Investigación en SIDA) (RIS) was created in 2003, and established the
bases for driving vanguard research in the field of AIDS. In its second call (2007-2010), the Network has become
consolidated and has centred its activity on the creation of common platforms (Cohorts, Laboratories and Resistances) that generate data and biological samples on which the research strategies are founded (clinico-epidemiological, clinico-therapeutic, immunopathogenesis and vaccines). Priority has focused on those projects that
require a network in order to function, and on those subjects which are specific to our country, or in which we are
able to make high-level original contributions.
Director: Dr. Josep M. Gatell
The AIDS network aims to address original problems through novel technological approaches. A series of large scale projects
have been defined. The strategies used to reach the established objectives are based on references which can only be addressed through network-based effort and the creation of different platforms. A numerous cohort has been defined, corresponding
to different groups of patients of homogeneous characteristics which allows us to evaluate the efficacy of new treatment protocols and intervention strategies, and to carry out studies on toxicity, resistances and pathogenesis. The particular characteristics of the HIV epidemic in our country allows the study of certain pathologies associated to HIV infection, such as hepatitis C.
The AIDS network is composed of 19 research groups, 17 clinical healthcare groups and three associated groups, and includes
groups with different experience in virology, immunology, and cellular and molecular biology that contribute complementary
points of view and techniques to globally address complex problems in relation to the pathogenesis of HIV infection, such as
immune reconstitution, virus-host interaction and the mechanisms underlying cell damage.
Spanish Multiple Sclerosis Network
The Spanish Multiple Sclerosis Network (Red Española de Esclerosis Múltiple) (REEM) is composed of basic
and clinical investigators at national level, interested in the aetiopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and in the
development of new diagnostic and treatment methods with which to combat the disease. The Director of
the institution is Dr. Pablo Villoslada, Head of the IDIBAPS Neuroimmunology team.
Approved by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III in 2008, it is coordinated through the IDIBAPS by Dr. Pablo
­Villoslada and his management team, composed of a project manager and an assistant.
Director: Dr. Pablo Villoslada
The REEM has three objectives:
• Development of a cooperative research programme on the aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis.
• Promotion of the creation of shared resources among the different centres participating in the REEM, such as biobanks
or clinical databases.
• Training of young investigators in the knowledge of multiple sclerosis, based on courses, conferences and stays in
other laboratories.
Multiple sclerosis presently affects over two million people throughout the world, and our greatest challenge is to improve the
quality of life of the affected patients.
Networked Biomedical Research Support Consortium
(Consorcio de Apoyo a la Investigación Biomédica en Red)
Spanish Clinical Trials Platform
(Plataforma Española de Ensayos Clínicos, CAIBER)
The CAIBER is composed of 40 Central Units of Clinical Research in Clinical Trials (Unidades Centrales de Investigación
Clínica en Ensayos Clínicos, UCICEC), distributed in centres with research excellence in 16 Spanish Autonomous Communities, coordinated by the Central Unit of the CAIBER (UCCA), located in the central or core facilities of the CAIBER in the
Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Different clinical investigators of the IDIBAPS form part of the UCICEC.
The aim of the CAIBER is to promote the development of clinical research programs and clinical trials generated internally and
conducted on a networked basis, particularly those lacking commercial interest, together with preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and services studies, in the subject areas reflected in the Strategic Action in Health, as most relevant groups of social
and healthcare interest. The idea is to facilitate and promote the conduction of multicentre clinical trials that are safe, rigorous,
controlled and with guarantees for preserving quality of the study, patient safety and data reliability.
CIBERs and RETICs in which IDIBAPS takes part
The IDIBAPS also actively participates in the rest of CIBER and RETIC research networks, through its research teams:
Networked Biomedical Research Centres (CIBERs)
Principal investigator
CIBERdem - Diabetes y enfermedades
Diabetes: metabolic and molecular networks
Anna Maria Novials Sardà
CIBERdem - Diabetes y enfermedades
Genomic Programming of Beta Cells and Diabetes
Jorge Pedro Ferrer Marrades
CIBERdem - Diabetes y enfermedades
Diabetes: metabolic and molecular networks
Ramon Gomis Barbarà
CIBERehd - Enfermedades hepáticas y
Physiopathology and treatment of ascites and
altered renal function in liver cirrhosis
Vicente Arroyo Pérez
CIBERehd - Enfermedades hepáticas y
Liver hemodynamics and portal hypertension.
Digestive bleeding secondary to ruptured
esophageal varicose veins
Jaime Bosch Genover
CIBERehd - Enfermedades hepáticas y
Hepatic oncology
Jordi Bruix Tudó
CIBERehd - Enfermedades hepáticas y
Gastrointestinal and pancreatic oncology
Antoni Castells Garangou
CIBERehd - Enfermedades hepáticas y
Viral hepatitis in the immune competent host and
in liver transplant patients
Xavier Forns Bernhardt
CIBERehd - Enfermedades hepáticas y
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Julián Panés Díaz
CIBERehd - Enfermedades hepáticas y
Cholestasis and bone pathology
Albert Parés Darnaculleta
CIBERehd - Enfermedades hepáticas y
Liver transplantation and graft viability
Antonio Rimola Castellà
CIBERehd - Enfermedades hepáticas y
Mitochondrial regulation of cell death and
José Carlos Fernández-Checa
CIBERned - Enfermedades
Neurodegenerative diseases: Clinical and
experimental research
Eduard Tolosa Sarró
CIBERned - Enfermedades
Neuropharmacology and experimental
Guadalupe Mengod
CIBERned - Enfermedades
Cellular biology of pathological processes
Jordi Alberch
CIBERned - Enfermedades
Neurobiology Unit
Ramon Trullas Oliva
CIBERned - Enfermedades
Neuropharmacology and experimental
Eduard Rodríguez Farré
CIBERer - Enfermedades raras
Secondary lesions due to chronic alcohol
ingestion, muscle pathology
Francesc Cardellach López
CIBERer - Enfermedades raras
Fetal and perinatal medicine
Eduard Gratacós Solsona
CIBERer - Enfermedades raras
Montserrat Milà Recasens
CIBERer - Enfermedades raras
Hereditary metabolic diseases
Maria Antònia Ribes Rubio
CIBERes - Enfermedades respiratorias
Physiopathological mechanisms of respiratory
Joan Albert Barberà Mir
CIBERes - Enfermedades respiratorias
Applied research in infectious respiratory
diseases, critically ill patients and lung cancer
José María Montserrat Canal
CIBERes - Enfermedades respiratorias
Clinical and Experimental Respiratory
Immunoallergy (IRCE)
César Picado Vallés
CIBERes - Enfermedades respiratorias
Applied research in infectious respiratory
diseases, critically ill patients and lung cancer
Antoni Torres Martí
Principal investigator
CIBERes - Enfermedades respiratorias
Respiratory biophysics and bioengineering
Ramón Farré
CIBERobn - Fisiopatología de la obesidad y
Hypertension, lipids and cardiovascular risk
Emili Ros Rahola
CIBERobn - Fisiotatología de la obesidad y
Secondary lesions due to chronic alcohol
ingestion, muscle pathology
Ramon Estruch Riba
CIBERsam - Salud Mental
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders and
nuclear psychiatry
Miguel Bernardo Arroyo
CIBERsam - Salud Mental
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders and
nuclear psychiatry
Eduard Vieta Pascual
CIBERsam - Salud Mental
Neuropharmacology and experimental
Francesc Artigas
CIBER-BBN - Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y
Nanomedicina (Grupo Asociado)
Respiratory biophysics and bioengineering
Ramón Farré
CIBER-BBN - Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y
Respiratory biophysics and bioengineering
Javer Pavia
Cooperative Health Research Thematic Networks (RETICs)
Principal investigator
REDINSCOR - Red de Investigación en
Insuficiencia Cardíaca en España
Arrhythmias, resynchronization and cardiac
Josep Brugada Terradellas
RIS - Red Española de Investigación en SIDA
Infectious diseases and AIDS
Josep Maria Gatell Artigas
REIPI - Red española de investigación en
patología infecciosa (REIPI)
Immune receptors of the innate and adaptive
Francisco Lozano Soto
HERACLES - Determinantes Genéticos y
Ambientales de la Disfunción Vascular en la
Hipertensión y Cardiopatía Isquémica
Atherosclerosis and coronary disease
Maria Magdalena Heras Fortuny
HERACLES - Determinantes genéticos y
ambientales de la disfunción vascular
Hemotherapy - hemostasis
Ginés Escolar Albaladejo
Red de Terapia Celular
Cellular biology of pathological processes
Josep Mª Canals Coll
RETICEF - Red temática de investigación
cooperativa en envejecimiento y fragilidad
Neuropharmacology and experimental
Coral Sanfeliu Pujol
RECAVA - Factores de Riesgo, Evolución
y Tratamiento de las Enfermedades
Cardiovasculares y sus Mecanismos
Diagnosis and therapy in oncology
Maria Àfrica Muxí Pradas
REDINREN - Red de Investigación en
Enfermedades Renales
Nephro-urological diseases and kidney
Esteban Poch López de Briñas
REDINREN - Red de Investigación en
Enfermedades Renales
Nephro-urological diseases and kidney
Josep Maria Campistol Plana
RED DE CANCER - Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer
Hematological oncology
Francisco Cervantes Requena
RED DE CANCER - Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer
Hematological oncology
Juan Bladé Creixenti
RED DE CANCER - Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer
Cell proliferation and signaling
Oriol Bachs Valldeneu
RED DE CANCER - Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer
Hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation
Álvaro Urbano Ispizúa
RED DE CANCER - Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer
Physiopathology and molecular bases in
Dolors Colomer Pujol
RED DE CANCER - Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer
Diagnosis and therapy in oncology
Francisca Eugenia Pons Pons
Principal investigator
RED DE CANCER - Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer
Human and experimental functional
Elias Campo Guerri
RED DE CANCER - Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer
Hematological oncology
Emili Montserrat Costa
RED DE CANCER - Red tematica de
investigación cooperativa de cancer.
Molecular and translational oncology
Pedro Gascón Vilaplana
RED DE CANCER - Red tematica de
investigación cooperativa de cancer
Cell proliferation and signaling
Carles Enrich
REEM - Red Española de Esclerosis Múltiple
Clinical and experimental neuroimmunology
Pablo Villoslada Díaz
REEM - Red Española de Esclerosis Múltiple
Clinical and experimental neuroimmunology
Francesc Graus Ribas
RIRAAF - Red de Investigación de Reacciones
Adversas a Alérgenos y Fármacos
Clinical and Experimental Respiratory
Immunoallergy (IRCE)
Joan Bartra Tomàs
RIER - Red de investigación en inflamación y
enfermedades reumáticas
Inflammatory joint diseases (IJDs)
Juan de Dios Cañete Crespillo
RETIC de Biobancos
Physiopathological mechanisms of respiratory
Joan Albert Barberà Mir / Anna
en Tecnologías Médicas y Sanitarias
Direction of Innovation, Hospital Clínic of
Juan Bigorra Llosas
OFTARED - RETIC en Oftalmología
Neurophysiology and functional studies of the
nervous system
Arcadi Gual
In addition to the necessary traditional research projects, where a point line of investigation is financed, there are more ambitious long-term options. In effect, more important funding is possible for developing projects aimed at transference and the
definition of settings for broad scientific collaboration. In this context, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation promotes major initiatives within the setting of the Inventiveness Programme (Programa Ingenio).
CONSOLIDER is a strategic line focusing on research excellence, with the formation of large cooperative research groups. The
increase in critical mass and research excellence through this programme makes it possible to improve the competitiveness of
the Spanish research groups.
The CENIT programme (National Strategic Consortiums for Technological Research) (Consorcios Estratégicos Nacionales de
Investigación Tecnológica) aims to stimulate cooperation in R&D+I among companies, universities public research organisms
and centres, scientific and technological institutions and technological centres. In this way cooperation between the public and
private sectors is reinforced.
The IDIBAPS has again formed part of the Consolider and CENIT programmes with new projects in the calls for 2010:
• CONSOLIDER: BRAINAGE - Brain dysfunction in ageing: relevance to Alzheimer’s disease
A program headed by the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Centre (CBM) of the CSIC, with very active participation on the
part of the IDIBAPS team, Neurodegenerative diseases. Its planned duration is until 2015, and the programme will make
it possible to define the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for functional deterioration of the brain in ageing,
and particularly in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) - validating this knowledge in primary diagnosis of the disease, its evolution
and/or treatment.
• CENIT: Projects evaluated and approved by the Industrial Technological Development Centre (Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial, CDTI)
- DENDRIA - Innovative Solutions Aimed at Accelerating Novel Drug Discovery and Development for Nervous
System Pathologies. DENDRIA Consortium is composed of 12 specialized biopharmaceutical companies: Noscira,
S.A. (leader company of the consortium), Faes Farma, S.A., Palau Pharma, S.A., Sylentis, S.A.U., Instituto Biomar,
S.A., Biocross, S.L., Brainco Biopharma, S.L., Protein Alternatives, S.L., One Way Liver Genomics, S.L., Neurosciences
Technologies, S.L., nLife Therapeutics, S.L. and Oryzon Genomics, S.A. The project also includes 24 state biomedical
research centers, including three IDIBAPS teams: Respiratory biophysics and bioengineering, Systems neuropharmacology and Neurophysiology.
- AMIT: Advanced Molecular Imaging Technologies. The AMIT consortium is composed of 10 companies and 13
public research organisms that have joined their efforts to overcome technological barriers in the field of molecular
imaging technology, in benefit of Medicine and Biomedicine. This discipline offers important biological information in
clinical medicine and biomedicine, and promises exponential expansion of its applications. However, in practice the
development of its full potential is hampered by limiting factors, identified during the CDTEAM project; the solution
of these problems would represent an important step forward, with technological, scientific and medical implications.
The Respiratory Biophysics and Bioengineering team of the IDIBAPS participates in this project in reference to definition of the system, simulations and design, biomarkers and animal models, and in the integration and evaluations of
the demonstrators.
European projects and international networks
International projection is one of the strategic objectives of IDIBAPS, with a view both to establishing collaborative ties with reference entities in other countries and to gain access to international calls for research funding. The presence of investigators of this
Institute in major international projects is a growing reality.
A good example is offered by the increasing presence of investigators of the IDIBAPS in research projects financed by the European Commission. At present we are participating in 86 projects financed by the European Commission (FPVI and FPVII). Of these
projects we coordinate a total of 17; in 64 we participate as partners; and we have 5 monocontract Marie Curie projects.
Of note is the fact that this year we have received coordination of the HEPTROMIC project (Genomic predictors and oncogenic
drivers in hepatocellular carcinoma), headed by an ICREA investigator (Dr. Josep M. Llovet). This project aims to establish a new
approach to the fight against hepatocellular carcinoma (
We also wish to mention that in July 2010, the IDIBAPS - together with the CDTI - organized a Spanish-French Partnering Session
involving Catalan and French investigators, with a view to establishing new collaborations.
The collaborative projects in which the IDIBABPS participates are not limited to Europe. In the year 2010 we also participated in
8 projects financed by the United States National Institutes of Health, with the following working teams: Mitochondrial regulation
of cell death and steatohepatitis; Genomic programming of beta-cells and diabetes; Human and experimental functional oncomorphology; Liver transplantation and graft viability; Damage secondary to chronic alcohol consumption; Muscle disease; and Biological bases of psychic disorders and nuclear psychiatry.
Some of the international networks in which the IDIBAPS participates with its investigators of greatest projection are presented
European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network and biotherapy facilities: Preparation Phase for the
Infrastructure (ECRIN-PPI)
Coordinating centre: INSERM - DRCT Institut Thématique Santé Publique
Coordinator of the Spanish node: Xavier Carné
PI IDIBAPS: Xavier Carné
2008 - 2011
Funding source: European Commission
Official code: 211738
NoE - Diagnostic Molecular Imaging (DiMI)
Coordinating centre: Klinikum Der Universität München
PI IDIBAPS: Anna Planas-Obradors
2005 - 2010
Funding source: European Commission
Official code: LSHB-CT-2005-512146
NoE-Strengthen and develop scientific and technological excellence in research and therapy of leukemia
(CML,AML,ALL,CLL,MDS,CMPD) by integration of the leading national leukemia networks and their interdisciplinary
partner groups in Europe (EUROPEAN LEUKEMIANET)
Coordinating centre: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
PI IDIBAPS: Emili Montserrat
2004 - 2010
Funding source: European Commission
Official code: LSHC-CT-2004-503216
NoE - Genetic and environmental risk factors for melanoma: translation into behavioural change (GenoMel)
Coordinating centre: University of Leeds
PI IDIBAPS: Susana Puig
2005 - 2010
Funding source: European Commission
Official code: LSHM-CT-2006-018702
NoE - Integrated Genomics, Clinical Research and Care in Hypertension (InGenious Hypercare)
Coordinating centre: ISCCS Instituto Auxologico Italiano
PI IDIBAPS: Antonio Coca
2006 - 2010
Funding source: European Commission
Official code: LHSM-CT-2006-037093
NoE - European AIDS Treatment Network (NEAT)
Coordinating centre: Instituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive
PI IDIBAPS: Josep Maria Gatell
2007 - 2012
Funding source: European Commission
Official code: LSHP-CT-2006-037570
Estudio de la genómica de Leucemia Linfática Crónica (International Cancer Genome Consortium)
Coordinating centre: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona - Fundació Clínic
Coordinator of the Spanish node: Elías Campo
PI IDIBAPS: Elías Campo
2009 - 2012
Funding source: MICINN - ISCIII (Spanish part)
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) Genomic Consortium (HCC Genomic Consortium - AARC)
Coordinating centre: IDIBAPS
PI IDIBAPS: Josep Maria Llovet 2009 - 2011
Funding source: American Association for Cancer Research
BIOTRACK is a co-funded project by the Marie Curie Actions of
the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission and the
IDIBAPS consortium for the Professional Training and Career Development in Biomedicine. With this programme, IDIBAPS creates
new positions and helps researchers in their further development
and expertise, to keep being part of the most productive Biomedical
Research Consortium in Southern Europe.
For more information visit:
Research seminars
The research seminars of the Biomedical Research Institute August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) reflect clear teaching dedication, as
well as being orientated towards the creation of networks. The speakers participating in the seminars organized by this Institute always offer added value that can contribute to the knowledge of our investigators. The goal is to share knowledge as it
becomes available, with the consolidation of alliances all over the world in order to secure better research.
The institutional seminars organized by the management of IDIBAPS during the year 2010 have been the following:
• Neurocritical care of stroke
Stephan A. Mayer
Professor of Neurology and Neurological Surgery,
Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons;
Director, Neurological Intensive Care Unit, New York
Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia
• The chemical environment and the neurodevelopment
Jordi Sunyer
Centre for Research on Environmental Epidemiology
(CREAL), Barcelona
• Cortex and Memory: Emergence of a New Paradigm
Joaquin M. Fuster
Professor of Psychiatry and Cognitive Neuroscience,
University of California Los Angeles
• Seeing and hearing actions: Phenomenology and neural
Salvatore M Aglioti
Cognitive and Social Neuroscience Laboratory Sapienza
University of Rome (Italy)
• Pattern recognition proteins containing fibrinogen-related
domains: The case of FIBCD1, a new acetyl-group binding
molecule with a possible role as a chitin-receptor
Uffe Holmskov
Head of Institute of Molecular Medicine Winsløwparken,
Odense (Denmark)
• From Molecules to Nutritional Interventions for Healthy
Rafael de Cabo
Ph.D., Investigator; Aging, Metabolism, and Nutrition Unit;
National Institutes of Aging (NIA-NIH), Bethesda, USA
• TAM receptor regulation of the innate immune response
Greg Lemke
Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory, Immunobiology and
Microbial Pathogenesis Laboratory, The Salk Institute
(La Jolla)
• Identification of drivers through sequencing in cancer
Jessica Zucman-Rossi
Head of Inserm unit U674, Génomique Fonctionnelle des
tumeurs solides
• Harnessing autoregulatory T-Cell memory for the treatment
of autoimmune disease
Pere Santamaria
Department of Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Chair,
Julia Mc Farlane Diabetes Research Centre (Calgary)
Apart from the institutional seminars, the setting of IDIBAPS offers numerous scientific sessions and seminars from the
other institutions in the consortium: the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, the University of Barcelona School of Medicine, and the
Barcelona Biomedical Research Institute of the CSIC. In the year 2010 alone, under the communications coordination of the
IDIBAPS, over 100 activities were registered in the IDIBAPS website, related to its research activities, and over 200 scientific
seminars were announced in the weekly sessions calendar.
Doctoral theses
The training dedication of the IDIBAPS is also reflected by the large number of doctoral theses that are driven and supported by the IDIBAPS
integrated members. A list is provided below of the 69 doctoral theses directed by investigators from this centre during 2010:
Doctorate thesis reader
Morales, Emma M.
Anàlisis de prevalença, despesa sanitària i morbimortalitat cardiovascular
del dolor crònic no-oncológic a l’atenció primària
Siso A
Sara de Mateo López,
Universitat de Barcelona
Proteomic and molecular characterization of human spermatozoa in
infertile patients and controls
Oliva R
Anna Serra-Pérez
Efecte de la glucosa en un model d’isquèmia in vitro: modulació del factor
Santalucia T, Planas A
induït per hipòxia i de la mort cel·lular programada
Ana Celia Adet Caldelari
Neoplasias quísticas del páncreas: Análisis descriptivo y factores
predictivos de malignidad
Elena Alcover Bloch
Seguimiento del desarrollo psicomotor de prematuros extremos mediante
la Escala del Desarrollo Infantil de Kent(EDIK) cumplimnetada por los
Figueras-Aloy J
padres y situación neuroevolutiva a los 2 y 5 años
Jordi Altirriba Gutierrez
Bases Moleculares del efecto del tungstato de sodio sobre la plasticidad
pancreática y Tmem27
Gomis R
Blanca Alvarez Moya
Regulación de la funcionalidad de K-Ras4B por unión A Cam y
fosforilación de la Ser 181
Agell N
Marta Amigo Correig
Efecte Hipotalàmic del tungstat de sodi i la seva relació amb la via de la
leptina: una possible teràpia antiobesitat
Carmona MC, Gomis R
Maria del mar Bennasar Sans
Aplicación de la ecografia 4D-STIC(Spatio temporal image correlation) en
el diagnóstico prenatal de las cardiopatías
Martinez JM, Puerto B
Carolina Berga Cullere
Acontecimientos adversos producidos por medicamentos en pacientes
hospitalizados: Influencia de las estrategias de actuación en su detección Codina C
y prevención
Guillem Bori Tuneu
Utilitat de la histologia en el diagnòstic de la infecció de l’ artroplàstia de
Beatriz Bosch Capdevila
Influencia de la reserva cognitiva en la estructura y funcionalidad cerebral
Bartres D, Molinuevo JL
en el envejecimiento sano y patologico
David Calatayud Mizrahi
La perfusión normotérmica “Ex - Situ” como continuación de la “
Recirculación Normotérmica” en la obtención de injertos hepáticos
procedentes de donantes a corazón parado.
Fondevila C, GarciaValdecasas JC
Joaquim Carreras Esteban
Factors pronòstics en neoplàsies limfoides B de cèl·lula petita
Campo E
Alba Carreras Palou
Activation of bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a rat model of
obstructive sleep apnea
Farre R
Jose Antonio Carrion Rodriguez
Tratamiento de la hepatitis crónica C antes y despues del trasplante
Hepático(TH) y diagnóstico no invasivo de su recurrencia tras el TH
Forns X
Carlos Cervera Alvarez
Influencia de los poliformismos de los genes de la inmunidad innata en
el desarrollo y evolución de las infecciones tras un trasplante de órgano
Lozano F, Moreno A
Laura Conde del Campo
Mecanismos moleculares implicados en el desarrollo del carcinoma
escamoso de laringe
Nadal A
Desamparats Crespo March
Caracterizacion de los factores de transcripcion de la familia Ikaros
durante el desarrollo estriatal
Canals JM
Nuria Cruz Culebra
Diagnostic specifiers of the onset, course and outcome of bipolar disorder Colom F, Vieta E
Rogelio Cruz Martinez
Cerebral and cardiac doppler parameters in the identification of fetuses
with late-onset intrauterine growth restriction at risk of adverse perinatal
and neurobehavioral outcome
Gratacos E
Sara de Mateo Lopez
Proteomic and molecular characterization of human spermatozoa in
infertile patients and control
Oliva R
Castells A, Navarro S
Garcia S, Soriano A
Doctorate thesis reader
Emilio Fernandez Egea
Diferencias en la respuesta a pruebas de reconocimiento facial de
las emociones entre pacientes esquizofrénicos deficitarios versus
esquizofrénicos no deficitarios
Parellada E, Bernardo M
Davinia Fernández Espejo
The vegetative and the minimally conscious state: brain function,
connectivity and structural abnormalities
Junque C
Alejandro Forner Gonzalez
Actitud a seguir ante la detección de una lesión focal inferior o igual a 2
cm de tamaño en un paciente con cirrosis hepática.
Bruix J
Miguel Angel Galicia Paredes
Aportaciones a al epidemiologia y a las manisfestaciones clínicas de las
sobredosis causadas por la cocaina y las nuevas drogas de diseño
Miro O, Nogue S
Ana García Martínez
Consecuencias clínicas de la persistencia de actividad inflamatoria en la
arteritis de células gigantes. Estudio de factores implicados.
Cid MC
Yoelvis Garcia Mesa
El ejercicio físico voluntario como terapia para la enfermedad de
Alzheimer. Estudio en ratones tripletransgénicos 3xTg-AD
Sanfeliu C
Ellen Gelpi Mantius
Fatal Human Tick-Borne Encephalitis: Immunohistochemical
characterisation of viral distribution and inflammatory reaction
Ribalta T
Eva Giné Soca
Estudi del fenomen de la transformació histològica en síndromes
limfoproliferatives indolents
Bosch F
Albert Giralt Torroella
Estudio de los procesos activadores de la patologia en la enfermedad
de Huntington: Alteraciones en la plasticidad sinaptica y perspectivas
Alberch J
Marta Gomez Nuñez
Vacunas con células dendríticas y pépticos en el tratamiento de las
enfermedades neoplásicas
Cervantes F
Jose Maria Guilemany Toste
Asociación de bronquiectasias pulmonares y patologia nasosinusal.
Estudio de los aspectos epidemiológicos etiológicos, de diagnóstico y
Mullol J
Eva Guisantes Pintos
Injertos de tejido adiposo autólogo en la lipoatrofia facial de pacientes
VIH+: Comparación de dos estrategias de tratamiento y utilidad de la
tomografia computerizado en la evaluación de su durabilidad.
Martinez-Chamorro E
Raquel Horrillo Saura
Paper de la ciclooxigenasa-2 i la 5-lipooxigenasa en la inflamació hepàtica i
Claria J
del teixit adipós.
Laura Izquierdo Reyes
Factores pronóstico moleculares en el carcinoma urotelial de tracto
urinario superior
Vincenzo La Mura
Valor pronóstico de nuevos parámetros hemodinámicos en el tratamiento
Bosch J
de la hipertensión portal
Laia Lladó Pelfort
Paper del receptor 5HT 1A en el mecanisme d’ acció de psicofàrmacs
Ingrid Lopez Lerma
Estudio de moléculas de adhesión en procesos dermatológicos
malignos(Micosis fungoide-síndrome de Sézary) y benignos mediados por Estrach MT
células T
Luis Mº Lozano Lizarraga
Artroplastia total de rodilla en pacientes obesos graves y mórbidas
Victor Angel Macias Hernandez
Radioterapia hipofraccionada acelerada como tratamiento curativo del
cáncer de próstata localizado: Análisis prospectivo de la toxicidad aguda y Biete A
de la toxicidad tardía
Marc Mejias Hernandez
Implicació de l’ angiogènesi en al patofisiologia de la hipertensió portal
Bosch J, Fernandez M
Pedro Melgar Lesmes
Fisiopatologia del edema y de la formacion de ascitis en la cirrosis
hepática experimental
Jimenez W
Jose Maria Mora Guix
Nuevo protocolo de lectura de imágenes y sistemas de clasificacion de las
Suso S
fracturas del humero proximal(FHP)
Montserrat Moreno Sanchez
Investigación de nuevas estrategias terapeúticas para la inflamación y la
fibrosis hepática.
Alcaraz A
Artigas F, Celada MP
Macule F, Segur JM, Suso S
Bataller R
Doctorate thesis reader
Susagna Padrissa Altes
Noves dianes terapèutiques en el trasplantament de fetge amb empelt de
Peralta C, Rosello-Catafau J
mida reduïda
Nuria Palau Balaña
Plasticitat de la cèlula Beta en l’ obesitat
Gomis R
Daniel Orós López
Perinatal and neurodevelopmental outcome of late-onset growth
restricted fetuses
Figueras F
Paola Paoletti Rubia
Estudio de las vías de supervivencia y muerte neuronal en modelos de la
nefermedad de Huntington
Gines S
Marta Perez de Lis Novo
Impacto de la enfermedad cardiovascular en el síndrome de Sjögren
Coca A, Ramos M
Isabel Puig-pey Comas
Phenotypic and transcriptional biomarkets in organ transplantation
Sanchez-Fueyo A
Santseharay Ramirez Almeida
Estudio de la evolución genética y la compartimentalización del virus de la
Forns X
hepatitis C
Mariana Rickmann Ashwell
Estudio de los tocotrienoles como inductores de muerte programada en
las células estrelladas del páncreas
Vaquero E
Francisco Rodriguez Moranta
Prevención del cáncer colorrectal: Nuevas estrategias de cribado,
vigilancia y quimioprofilaxis
Castells A, Pique JM
Ignasi Salaet Madorran
Paper de P27kip1 en la respiració cel·lular
Bachs O
Jacobo Sellares Torres
Fisiopatología y papel de la ventilación no invasiva en el fracaso del
Ferrer M, Torres A
Juan Turnes Vazquez
Implicaciones pronósticas de la reducción farmacologica de la presión
portal en pacientes con cirrosis hepatica.Mecanismos fisiopatologicos de Bosch J, Garcia-Pagan JC
no respuesta a los betabloqueantes y nuevas estrategias terapeuticas
Xabier Urra Nuin
Implicaciones Clínicas y pronósticas del síndrome de inmunodepresión
mediado por el ictus agudo
Chamorro A, Planas A
Nasiruddin Khan
Interaction between cocoa polyphenols and inflammatory biomarkers of
atherosclerosis in high-risk subjects for cardiovascular disease
Andres-Lacueva C, Estruch
R, Monagas M
Raquel Bermudo Gascón
Perfiles transcripcionales del cáncer de próstata
Fernandez PL
Benito Herreros Gilarte
Repercusiones Cardiovasculares de la Anorexia Nerviosa
Mont L
Gemma Gay Jordi
Efecto del ejercicio crónico en el desarrollo de fibrosis cardíaca:
mecanismos implicados
Mont L, Serrano-Mollar A
Gelabert Arbiol E.
Depresión posparto y rasgos de la personalidad
Martin-Santos R
Marta Díez Cuñado
Mecanismos implicados en la diferenciación de las células progenitoras
endoteliales durante el remodelado vascular pulmonar
Peinado V, Barbera JA
María Umpiérrez
Impact of aging and physical exercise on transcriptional and epigenetic
profiles (brain and cardiac studies)
Kaliman P
María Jesús Álvarez López
Estudio epigenético y transcripcional de un modelo murino de
envejecimiento acelerado (estudio en linfocitos)
Kaliman P
Julita de la Vega Arias
Real time analysis of hippocampal activity for the control of external
Sanchez-Vives MV
Rosario Jesús Perea Palazón
Utilidad de la resonancia magnética en pacientes con fibrilación
auricular tributarios de tratamiento con ablación percutánea de las venas
Brugada J, DeCaralt MT
Lluís González de Paz, Universitt
de Barcelona.
Vigència de la Carta de Drets i Deures dels ciutadans en relació a la Salut
i l’Atenció Sanitària entre els usuaris dels serveis d’Atenció Primària de
Siso A, Navarro D
IDIBAPS and society
This research centre does not wish to conclude its work with new biomedical discoveries. The idea is to inform society of the
advances, of the basic and healthcare novelties, and the principal research lines being pursued. The responsibility of informing
society is based upon the principle that a well informed person is a healthier person.
A key aspect is the relationship with the communication and news media, where IDIBAPS and its professionals have a very
important presence. But this is not the only way to reach society. Thanks to the involvement of many investigators, under
communications coordination of the IDIBAPS, each year numerous informative activities are promoted or shared with the contribution of the Institute. Some noteworthy examples are the following:
• School visits to the laboratories of the IDIBAPS. Each year different centres visit the scientific facilities of the IDIBAPS,
where they can interact with professionals in different fields. Some of these visits are set within the ESCOLAB project,
promoted and propelled by the Barcelona city authorities.
• Virtual Laboratory divulgating project. Thanks to initial funding by the Generalitat de Catalunya through the ACDC aids,
and posteriorly with the implication of the Foundation “La Caixa”, the IDIBAPS coordinates informative activities targeted
at school children. The generation of contents linked to the teaching programmes of the secondary school students is
carried out in collaboration with many specialists and with the company Ambientech, dedicated to the creation and presentation of contents of this kind.
• World Brain Week. This is an initiative promoted by the Dana Foundation and organized by the Centre de Regulació
Genòmica (CRG) and the Institut d’Educació de Barcelona, in the setting of the programme Barcelona Ciència 2010. The
World Brain Week was held in the month of March simultaneously in 76 countries with over 2200 collaborating centres,
with the aim of informing about the efforts being made in the study of the human brain. In Catalonia over 30 groups participated, including the IDIBAPS team in Brain ischemia: Clinical and experimental studies, with Dr. Anna M. Planas and Dr.
Guadalupe Soria of the IIBB-CSIC-IDIBAPS as leading experts.
• Cell therapy, the Medicine of the future. Cell therapy is one of the treatment alternatives of the future, and aims to restore the function of organs and tissues damaged as a result of trauma or chronic degenerative illnesses. In order to make
this therapy known, Dr. Josep M. Canals, of the IDIBAPS team Cellular biology of disease processes, and a Professor of
the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona, has developed and directed the informative video: “Cell therapy,
the Medicine of the future”. This documentary has been produced by the Audiovisual Department of the University of
Barcelona, and has been coordinated by the Cell Therapy Network of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Inflammatory joint diseases 72
Systemic autoimmune diseases 73
Infectious diseases and AIDS 79
Immune receptors of
the innate and adaptive system 89
Musculoskeletal repair and plasticity 92
Immunogenetics of the
autoinflammatory response 95
Emergencies: Processes and pathologies 97
Molecular and cellular bases of inflammation.
Structural and biological mass spectrometry 100
Team envolved in:
Red de Investigación en Inflamación
y Enfermedades Reumáticas (RIER)
Inflammatory joint diseases
Group Members
Raimon Sanmartí
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
(Ext.: 2236/2604)
[email protected]
Juan D. Cañete (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Raquel Celis (Fundació Clínic)
Maria Victoria Hernández (Fundació Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Virginia Ruiz-Esquide (Fundació Clínic)
Guadalupe Ercilla (Hospital Clínic)
Jaume Pomés (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Tomas (Hospital Clínic)
Odette Viñas (Hospital Clínic)
J.A. Gómez-Puerta (Fundació Clínic)
Promotion of research into the most
prevalent chronic forms of arthritis:
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and spondyloarthritis, including psoriatic arthritis.
I.F.: 10,06
Main Lines
of Research
1. Prognostic factors in initial arthritis
a.Prognostic factors (clinical and
immunogenetic) in patients with
initial rheumatoid arthritis.
b.Production of new synthetic
citrullinated peptides for the
design of immunoassays with
diagnostic and prognostic value
in recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Immunopathology of synovitis
in chronic arthritis
a.Utility in differential diagnosis
and prognosis. Immunopathological changes related to biological
treatments. Synovial response
3. Role of synovial fibroblasts in
arthritis refractory to antirheumatic treatment
4. Role of autoinflammatory genes
in the pathogenesis of chronic
a. MEFV gene mutations in intermittent arthritis.
Alonso A, Julia A, Tortosa R, Canaleta
C, Canete JD, Ballina J, Balsa A, Tornero
J, Marsal S. CNstream: A method for the
identification and genotyping of copy number polymorphisms using Illumina microarrays. BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 2010. 11:-.
Graell E, Arostegui JI, Sanmarti R, Blanco FJ, Yague J, Pinto JA, Plaza S, FernandezSueiro JL, Gonzalez A, Canete JD. Possible
association between NOD2 variants and
joint surgery in psoriatic arthritis. CLIN EXP
RHEUMATOL, 2010. 28:30-34. I.F.:2,40.
Balsa A, DelAmo J, Blanco F, Caliz R,
Silva L, Sanmarti R, Martinez FG, Tejedor D,
Artieda M, Pascual-Salcedo D, Oreiro N, Collado MD, Andreu JL, Graell E, Simon L, Martinez A, Mulero J. Prediction of functional
impairment and remission in rheumatoid
arthritis patients by biochemical variables
and genetic polymorphisms. RHEUMATOLOGY, 2010. 49:458-466. I.F.:4,24.
I.F.: 8,11
Canete JD, Celis R, Hernandez V, Pablos JL, Sanmarti R. Synovial immunopathological changes associated with successful
abatacept therapy in a case of severe
refractory psoriatic arthritis. ANN RHEUM
DIS, 2010. 69:935-U195. I.F.:8,11.
I.F.: 8,11
Garcia-Doval I, Perez-Zafrilla B, Descalzo MA, Rosello R, Hernandez MV, GomezReino JJ, Carmona L. Incidence and risk of
hospitalisation due to shingles and chickenpox in patients with rheumatic diseases
treated with TNF antagonists. ANN RHEUM
DIS, 2010. 69:1751-1755. I.F.:8,11.
Systemic autoimmune diseases
Strategic Objectives
Group Members
Dr. Ricard Cervera
Segura (Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 57 74
Fax: 93 227 17 07
E-mail: [email protected]
Gerard Espinosa Garriga
(Hospital Clínic)
Miguel Ingelmo Morín
(Hospital Clínic)
Manuel Ramos Casals
(Hospital Clínic)
Alfredo Adán (Hospital Clínic)
Albert Bové (Facultat de Medicina)
Ricardo P. Casaroli (Hospital Clínic)
Maria Cinta Cid (Hospital Clínic)
José Hernández Rodríguez
(Hospital Clínic)
Elena Millá (Hospital Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Joan Plaza Nicolau (Hospital Clínic)
Ana García Martínez (Hospital Clínic)
Sergio Prieto (Hospital Clínic)
Georgina Espígol (IDIBAPS)
Marc Corbera (IDIBAPS)
Montserrat Butjosa (Hospital Clínic)
Miguel Angel Plasín (Hospital Clínic)
Guillermo Pons-Estel (IDIBAPS)
Juan Carlos Mejía (Hospital Clínic)
Cándido Díaz-Lagares (Hospital Clínic)
Ester Planas (IDIBAPS)
Administrative Staff:
Isabel Chaves (Hospital Clínic)
Silvia Bucciarelli (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Bosch Aparici (Hospital Clínic)
María Teresa Sainz de la Maza
(Hospital Clínic)
Antoni Sisó (GESCLINIC)
Visiting Scientists:
María Kourilovitch (Cuenca, Ecuador)
Marta Pérez de Lis (Vigo)
Roberto Pérez-Alvarez (Vigo)
Rafael Belenguer (València)
Miriam Akasbi (Madrid)
Miriam Gandía (Cádiz)
The Systemic Autoimmune Diseases
research group promotes basic, clinical
and translational research in these
diseases in a multidisciplinary manner,
with the participation of members of
the following Departments: Autoimmune Diseases, Ophthalmology, Internal
Medicine, Nephrology, Immunology,
Hemostasis, Hepatology, Obstetrics and
Dermatology, among others.
These activities are carried out in close collaboration with different international work
groups, of which the team members are
national and/or international coordinators:
European Working Party on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (EWPSLE), European
Forum on Antiphospholipid Antibodies
(EFAPL), Catastrophic Antiphospholipid Syndrome (CAPS) Registry Project
Group, International Pediatric Register
of Antiphospholipid Syndrome (Ped-APS
Register), Systemic Lupus International
Collaborative Centers (SLICC), Sjögren’s
Syndrome-Hepatitis C Virus (SS-HCV)
Heart valve damage in a patient with
primary antiphospholipid syndrome
requiring valve replacement surgery.
Systemic autoimmune diseases
Study Group, HISPAMEC Study Group,
Systemic Autoimmune Disease Study
Group – Use of Biological Therapies (BIOGEAS), Spanish Sjögren’s Syndrome Multicenter Study Group (GEMESS), European
Vasculitis Study Group (EUVAS), European
League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)
Systemic Vasculitis Task Force, EULAR
Standing Committee for International Clinical Studies Including Therapeutics, and the
American College of Rheumatology (ACR)
Work Group for Development of Classification Criteria for Rheumatic Polymyalgia,
among others.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Systemic lupus erythematosus
and antiphospholipid syndrome:
• Epidemiological multicenter
studies on the clinical
manifestations and long-term
evolution of these diseases.
• Clinical trials in new biological
• Study of genetic polymorphisms as
risk factors of the different clinical
manifestations of these diseases.
• Study of the cardiovascular and
endothelial damage risk factors
found in these diseases.
• Basic research in animal models
on the mechanism of action of
antiphospholipid antibodies.
2. Sjögren’s syndrome and
autoimmune manifestations of
hepatitis C virus infection:
• Epidemiological multicenter studies
on the clinical manifestations and longterm evolution of these diseases.
• Study of lymphomas associated
with Sjögren’s syndrome.
• Study of the cardiovascular and
endothelial damage risk factors
found in this syndrome.
• Clinical and basic studies in mixed
Emergent Group
Autoimmune ophthalmopathy
Group Leader: Alfredo Manuel Adan (Hospital Clínic)
This group studies the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic
aspects of autoimmune eye diseases. The scientific contribution of this line of research is very competitive and is
internationally renowned. The group also studies the genetic
polymorphisms of uveitis as risk factors for the different clinical manifestations of the disease, and participates in different clinical trials involving novel
biological treatments.
research Group
Systemic vasculitis
Group Leader: Maria Cinta Cid (Hospital Clínic)
This group studies the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic
aspects of systemic vasculitic disorders, as well as the
mechanisms producing vascular damage in these diseases.
The scientific contribution of this line of research is very
competitive and is internationally renowned. Clinical studies are also made
of the systemic vascular lesions characterizing giant cell arteritis, exploring
the mechanisms that produce these vascular lesions in this disease, and participating in different clinical trials involving new biological treatments. The
group also coordinates the Spanish registries of vasculitis associated with
antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) and Behçet’s disease.
• International registry of treatments
with biological drugs for systemic
autoimmune disorders (BIOGEAS).
3. Systemic vasculitis:
• Investigation of the mechanisms
involved and the clinical
consequences of the persistence
of vascular inflammation in giant
cell arteritis. Identification of new
therapeutic targets.
• Study of the mechanisms involved
in the development of abnormal
vascular remodelling (occlusion
or dilatation) and its clinical
• Development of an organ culture
model for studying the factors
implicated in the perpetuation
of inflammation and in vascular
• Study of the prevalence of large
vessel inflammatory involvement
at the start and during the course
of giant cell arteritis.
• Clinical trials promoted
fundamentally for investigating
new biological therapies in
the management of systemic
• Spanish systemic vasculitis
• Spanish Behçet’s disease registry.
4. Autoimmune ophthalmopathy:
• Clinical trials in new biological
• Study of genetic polymorphisms
in uveitis as risk factors of the
different clinical manifestations of
such ophthalmological disorders.
• Treatment with anti-Vascular
Endothelial Growth Factor
(VEGF) drugs for choroid
neovascularization and cystic
macular edema secondary to
Systemic autoimmune diseases
I.F.: 173,60
1 Houssiau FA, D’cruz D, Sangle
S, Remy P, Vasconcelos C, Petrovic
R, Fiehn C, Garrido ED, Gilboe IM,
Tektonidou M, Blockmans D, Ravelingien I, LeGuern V, Depresseux G,
Guillevin L, Cervera R. Azathioprine
versus mycophenolate mofetil for
long-term immunosuppression in
lupus nephritis: results from the
MAINTAIN Nephritis Trial. ANN
RHEUM DIS., 2010. 69:2083-2089.
2 Espinosa C, Cervera R. Belimumab, a blys-specific inhibitor for
the treatment of systemic lupus
erythematosus. DRUG TODAY, 2010.
46:891-899. I.F.:1,59.
3 Soto-Cardenas MJ, Perez-De-Lis
M, Bove A, Navarro C, Brito-Zeron P,
Diaz-Lagares C, Gandia M, Akasbi M,
Siso A, Ballester E, Torres A, RamosCasals M. Bronchiectasis in primary
Sjogren’s syndrome: prevalence
and clinical significance. CLIN EXP
RHEUMATOL, 2010. 28:647-653.
4 Perez-De-Lis M, Akasbi M, Siso
A, Diez-Cascon P, Brito-Zeron P, DiazLagares C, Ortiz J, Perez-Alvarez R,
Ramos-Casals M, Coca A. Cardiovascular risk factors in primary Sjogren’s
syndrome: a case-control study in
624 patients. LUPUS, 2010. 19:941948. I.F.:2,59.
5 Pinazo MJ, Espinosa G, Gallego
M, Lopez-Chejade PL, Urbina JA,
Gascon J. Case Report: Successful
Treatment with Posaconazole of a
Patient with Chronic Chagas Disease
and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
AM J TROP MED HYG, 2010. 82:583587. I.F.:2,80.
6 Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zeron
P, Perez-De-Lis M, Diaz-Lagares C,
Bove A, Soto MJ, Jimenez I, Belenguer R, Siso A, Muxi A, Pons F. Clinical and Prognostic Significance of
Parotid Scintigraphy in 405 Patients
with Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome.
J RHEUMATOL, 2010. 37:585-590.
308 patients stratified by gender. CLIN
EXP DERMATOL, 2010. 35:729-735.
12 Adan A, Serra-Grabulosa JM.
Effects of caffeine and glucose, alone
and combined, on cognitive performance. HUM PSYCHOPHARM CLIN,
2010. 25:310-317. I.F.:2,50.
7 Ruiz-Irastorza G, Ramos-Casals M,
13 Mendoza-Pinto C, Garcia-
Brito-Zeron P, Khamashta MA. Clinical
efficacy and side effects of antimalarials in systemic lupus erythematosus: a
systematic review. ANN RHEUM DIS,
2010. 69:20-28. I.F.:8,11.
Carrasco M, Jimenez-Hernandez M,
Hernandez CJ, Riebeling-Navarro
C, Zavala AN, Recabarren MV, Espinosa G, Quezada JJ, Cervera R. Etiopathogenesis of Behcet’s disease.
AUTOIMMUN REV, 2010. 9:241-245.
8 Martinez-Zamora MA, Tassies
D, Carmona F, Espinosa G, Cerverac R, Reverter JC, Balasch J. Clot
lysis time and thrombin activatable
fibrinolysis inhibitor in severe preeclampsia with or without associated
antiphospholipid antibodies. J REPROD IMMUNOL, 2010. 86:133140. I.F.:2,52.
14 Rojas-Villarraga A, Toro CE, Espinosa G, Rodriguez-Velosa Y, DuarteRey C, Mantilla RD, Iglesias-Gamarra
A, Cervera R, Anaya JM. Factors influencing polyautoimmunity in systemic
lupus erythematosus. AUTOIMMUN
REV, 2010. 9:229-232. I.F.:6,37.
9 Vera-Recabarren MA, Garcia-Car-
15 Pisoni CN, Brucato A, Ruffatti
rasco M, Ramos-Casals M, Herrero
C. Comparative analysis of subacute
cutaneous lupus erythematosus and
chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus: clinical and immunological study
of 270 patients. BRIT J DERMATOL,
2010. 162:91-101. I.F.:4,26.
A, Espinosa G, Cervera R, BelmonteSerrano M, Sanchez-Roman J, GarciaHernandez FG, Tincani A, Bertero MT,
Doria A, Hughes GRV, Khamashta MA.
Failure of Intravenous Immunoglobulin
to Prevent Congenital Heart Block
Findings of a Multicenter, Prospective, Observational Study. ARTHRITIS
RHEUM-US, 2010. 62:1147-1152.
10 Luceno F, Castilla JA, GomezPalomares JL, Cabello Y, Hernandez J,
Marqueta J, Herrero J, Vidal E, Fernandez-Shaw S, Coroleu B. Comparison of
IVF cycles reported in a voluntary ART
registry with a mandatory registry in
Spain. HUM REPROD, 2010. 25:30663071. I.F.:3,86.
11 Vera-Recabarren MA, GarciaCarrasco M, Ramos-Casals M, Herrero
C. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus:
clinical and immunological study of
16 Smithson A, Perello R, Aibar
J, Espinosa G, Tassies D, Freire C,
Castro P, Suarez B, Lozano F, Nicolas
JM. Genotypes Coding for Low Serum
Levels of Mannose-Binding Lectin
Are Underrepresented among Individuals Suffering from Noninfectious
Systemic Inflammatory Response
2010. 17:447-453. I.F.:2,37.
Systemic autoimmune diseases
17 Serra-Grabulosa JM, Adan A,
22 Praprotnik S, Agmon-Levin N,
Falcon C, Bargallo N. Glucose and
caffeine effects on sustained attention: an exploratory fMRI study. HUM
PSYCHOPHARM CLIN, 2010. 25:543552. I.F.:2,50.
Porat-Katz BS, Blank M, Meroni PL,
Cervera R, Miesbach W, Stojanovich
L, Szyper-Kravitz M, Rozman B, Tomsic M, Shoenfeld Y. Prolactin’s role
in the pathogenesis of the antiphospholipid syndrome. LUPUS, 2010.
19:1515-1519. I.F.:2,59.
18 Colli A, Mestres CA, Espinosa
G, Plasin MA, Pomar JL, Font J,
Cervera R. Heart valve surgery in
patients with the antiphospholipid
syndrome: analysis of a series of
nine cases. EUR J CARDIO-THORAC,
2010. 37:154-158. I.F.:2,40.
Bellalta M, Garcia-Martinez A,
Espigol-Frigole G, Pla-Campo A,
Hernandez-Rodriguez J, Cid MC.
Increased expression of the endothelin system in arterial lesions
from patients with giant-cell arteritis: association between elevated
plasma endothelin levels and the
development of ischaemic events.
ANN RHEUM DIS, 2010. 69:434442. I.F.:8,11.
L, Bae SC, Gordon C, Wallace DJ,
Clarke A, Bernatsky S, Isenberg D,
Rahman A, Alarcon GS, Gladman
DD, Fortin PR, Sanchez-Guerrero J,
Romero-Diaz J, Merrill JT, Ginzler E,
Bruce IN, Steinsson K, Khamashta
M, Petri M, Manzi S, Dooley MA,
Ramsey-Goldman R, VanVollenhoven
R, Nived O, Sturfelt G, Aranow C,
Kalunian K, Ramos-Casals M, Zoma
A, Douglas J, Thompson K, Farewell
V. Prospective analysis of neuropsychiatric events in an international
disease inception cohort of patients
with systemic lupus erythematosus.
ANN RHEUM DIS, 2010. 69:529-535.
20 Ramos-Casals M, Garcia-
24 Quintana G, Coral-Alvarado P,
Hernandez FJ, DeRamon E, Callejas
JL, Martinez-Berriotxoa A, Pallares
L, Caminal-Montero L, SelvaO’callaghan A, Oristrell J, Hidalgo C,
Perez-Alvarez R, Mico ML, Medrano
F, Gomez-De-La-Torre R, Diaz-Lagares
C, Camps M, Ortego N, SanchezRoman J. Off-label use of rituximab
in 196 patients with severe, refractory systemic autoimmune diseases.
28:468-476. I.F.:2,40.
Aroca G, Patarroyo PM, Chalem P,
Iglesias-Gamarra A, Ruiz AI, Cervera
R. Single anti-P ribosomal antibodies
are not associated with lupus nephritis in patients suffering from active
systemic lupus erythematosus. AUTOIMMUN REV, 2010. 9:750-755.
19 Lozano E, Segarra M, Corbera-
21 Siso A, Ramos-Casals M, Bove
A, Brito-Zeron P, Soria N, Nardi N,
Testi A, Perez-De-Lis M, Diaz-Lagares
C, Darnell A, Sentis J, Coca A. Outcomes in Biopsy-Proven Lupus Nephritis Evaluation of 190 White Patients
From a Single Center. MEDICINE,
2010. 89:300-307. I.F.:5,05.
23 Hanly JG, Urowitz MB, Su
25 Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zeron
P, Perez-De-Lis M, Jimenez I, Blanco
MJ, Bove A, Soto MJ, Akasbi M,
Diaz C, Sentis J, Siso A. Sjogren
Syndrome or Sjogren Disease? The
Histological and Immunological Bias
Caused by the 2002 Criteria. CLIN
REV ALLERG IMMU, 2010. 38:178185. I.F.:2,60.
26 O’neill S, Cervera R. Systemic
lupus erythematosus. BEST PRACT
RES CL RH, 2010. 24:841-855.
27 Segarra M, Lozano E, CorberaBellalta M, Vilardell C, Cibeira MT,
Esparza J, Izco N, Blade J, Cid MC.
Thalidomide decreases gelatinase
production by malignant B lymphoid
cell lines through disruption of multiple integrin-mediated signaling
2010. 95:456-463. I.F.:6,42.
28 Houssiau FA, Vasconcelos C,
D’cruz D, Sebastiani GD, Garrido
ED, Danieli MG, Abramovicz D,
Blockmans D, Cauli A, Direskeneli
H, Galeazzi M, Gul A, Levy Y, Petera
P, Popovic R, Petrovic R, Sinico RA,
Cattaneo R, Font J, Depresseux G,
Cosyns JP, Cervera R. The 10-year
follow-up data of the Euro-Lupus Nephritis Trial comparing low-dose and
high-dose intravenous cyclophosphamide. ANN RHEUM DIS, 2010.
69:61-64. I.F.:8,11.
29 Galarza-Maldonado C, Kourilovitch MR, Molineros JE, Cardiel
MH, Zurita L, Soroka NF, Yagur VY,
Doukh N, Cervera R. The administration of low doses of rituximab
followed by hydroxychloroquine,
prednisone and low doses of mycophenolate mofetil is an effective
therapy in Latin American patients
with active systemic lupus erythematosus. AUTOIMMUN REV, 2010.
10:108-111. I.F.:6,37.
30 Espinosa G, Mendizabal A,
Minguez S, Ramo-Tello C, Capellades
J, Olive A, Cervera R. Transverse
Myelitis Affecting More Than 4 Spinal
Segments Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Clinical,
Immunological, and Radiological
Characteristics of 22 Patients. SEMIN
ARTHRITIS RHEU, 2010. 39:246-256.
Systemic autoimmune diseases
31 Ramos-Casals M, Tzioufas
3 Cervera R. Catastrophic antiphos-
AG, Stone JH, Siso A, Bosch X.
Treatment of Primary Sjogren Syndrome A Systematic Review. JAMA-J
AM MED ASSOC, 2010. 304:452460. I.F.:28,90.
pholipid syndrome (CAPS): update
from the ‘CAPS Registry’. LUPUS,
2010. 19:412-418. I.F.:2,59.
32 Garcia-Martinez A, HernandezRodriguez J, Espigol-Frigole G, PrietoGonzalez S, Butjosa M, Segarra M,
Lozano E, Cid MC. Clinical Relevance
of Persistently Elevated Circulating
Cytokines (Tumor Necrosis Factor
alpha and Interleukin-6) in the LongTerm Followup of Patients With Giant
Cell Arteritis. ARTHRIT CARE RES.
62 (6): 835-841. I.F.: 4,75 33 Urowitz MB, Gladman D, Ibanez
D, Bae SC, Sanchez-Guerrero J, Gordon C, Clarke A, Bernatsky S, Fortin
PR, Hanly JG, Wallace DJ, Isenberg
D, Rahman A, Alarcon GS, Merrill
JT, Ginzler E, Khamashta M, Nived
O, Sturfelt G, Bruce IN, Steinsson K,
Manzi S, Ramsey-Goldman R, Dooley
MA, Zoma A, Kalunian K, RAMOS M,
van Vollenhoven RF, Aranow C, Stoll
T, Petri M, Maddison P. Atherosclerotic Vascular Events in a Multinational
Inception Cohort of Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus . ARTHRIT CARE
RES. 62 (6): 881-887. I.F.: 4,75
I.F.: 25,341
1 Ramos-Casals M, ROBERTOPEREZ-ALVAREZ, Diaz-Lagares C,
Cuadrado MJ, Khamashta MA. Autoimmune diseases induced by biological agents A double-edged sword?.
AUTOIMMUN REV, 2010. 9:188-193.
2 Cervera R, Balasch J. Autoimmunity and Recurrent Pregnancy Losses. CLIN REV ALLERG IMMU, 2010.
39:148-152. I.F.:2,60.
4 Erkan D, Espinosa G, Cervera R.
Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome: Updated diagnostic algorithms.
AUTOIMMUN REV, 2010. 10:74-79.
5 Serra-Grabulosa JM, Adan A, Perez-Pamies M, Lachica J, Membrives
S. Neural bases of numerical processing and calculation. REV NEUROLOGIA, 2010. 50:39-46. I.F.:1,23.
6 Espinosa G, Cervera R. RECENT
TODAY, 2010. 46:39-47. I.F.:1,59.
7 Hernandez-Rodriguez J, Hoffman GS, Koening CL. Surgical
interventions and local therapy for
Wegener’s granulomatosis. CURR
OPIN RHEUMATOL, 2010. 22:2936. I.F.:4,60.
I.F.: 3,713
1 Cervera R, Espinosa G. Antiphospholipid syndrome: long-time
research on pathogenic mechanisms
has finally lead to new therapeutic
2010. 14:1279-1282. I.F.:3,71.
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 24,33
Y, Shoenfeld Y, Smolen JS, Talarico R,
Tincani A, VanVollenhoven RF, Ward
MM, Werth VP, Carmona L. European
League Against Rheumatism recommendations for monitoring patients
with systemic lupus erythematosus
in clinical practice and in observational studies. ANN RHEUM DIS, 2010.
69:1269-1274. I.F.:8,11.
2 Basu N, Watts R, Bajema I, Baslund B, Bley T, Boers M, Brogan P,
Calabrese L, Cid MC, Cohen-Tervaert
JW, Flores-Suarez LF, Fujimoto S, DeGroot K, Guillevin L, Hatemi G, Hauser
T, Jayne D, Jennette C, Kallenberg
CGM, Kobayashi S, Little MA, Mahr
A, Mclaren J, Merkel PA, Ozen S,
Puechal X, Rasmussen N, Salama A,
Salvarani C, Savage C, Scott DGI, Segelmark M, Specks U, Sunderkoetter
C, Suzuki K, Tesar V, Wiik A, Yazici H,
Luqmani R. EULAR points to consider
in the development of classification
and diagnostic criteria in systemic
vasculitis. ANN RHEUM DIS, 2010.
69:1744-1750. I.F.:8,11.
3 Bertsias GK, Ioannidis JPA, Aringer M, Bollen E, Bombardieri S, Bruce IN, Cervera R, Dalakas M, Doria
A, Hanly JG, Huizinga TWJ, Isenberg
D, Kallenberg C, Piette JC, Schneider
M, Scolding N, Smolen J, Stara A,
Tassiulas I, Tektonidou M, Tincani
A, VanBuchem MA, VanVollenhoven
R, Ward M, Gordon C, Boumpas
DT. EULAR recommendations for
the management of systemic lupus
erythematosus with neuropsychiatric
manifestations: report of a task force
of the EULAR standing committee
for clinical affairs. ANN RHEUM DIS,
2010. 69:2074-2082. I.F.:8,11.
1 Mosca M, Tani C, Aringer M,
Bombardieri S, Boumpas D, Brey R,
Cervera R, Doria A, Jayne D, Khamashta MA, Kuhn A, Gordon C, Petri
M, Rekvig OP, Schneider M, Sherer
Systemic autoimmune diseases
I.F.: 12,08
1 Ginzler EM, Wofsy D, Isenberg
D, Gordon C, Lisk L, Dooley MA.
Nonrenal Disease Activity Following
Mycophenolate Mofetil or Intravenous Cyclophosphamide as Induction Treatment for Lupus Nephritis.
62:211-221. I.F.:7,33.
2 Seror R; Mariette X; Bowman S;
Baron G; Gottenberg JE; Boostma
H; Theander E; Tzioufas A; Vitali
C; Ravaud P . Accurate Detection
of Changes in Disease Activity in
Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome by the
European League Against Rheumatism Sjogren’s Syndrome Disease
Activity Index4,152. ARTHRIT CARE
RES. 62 (4): 551-558. I.F.: 4,75
Grants for research
in progress
Identificación de dianas terapéuticas.
Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación (Plan Nacional I+D), SAF
08/04328. Amount: 232.320,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Ramos M. Alteraciones genéticas
del sistema inmunitario innato y estado protrombótico como factores
predisponentes de arteriosclerosis
subclínica y enfermedad cardiovascular en pacientes con síndrome de
Sjögren primario. Sponsored by: FIS,
PI040154. Amount: 68.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Casaroli R. Análisis celular y molecular de las células progenitoras mesenquimales estromales de la medula
ósea humana y su potencial en la en
la terapia celular para la superficie
ocular. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 102.074,40 euros. Duration:
Cid MC. Mechanisms involved in
the development of neurologic ischemic complications in giant-cell
arteritis. Sponsored by: Fundació
Marató TV3, 60710. Amount:
170.375,00 euros. Duration:
Ramos M. Multilingual Organic
Information Management in the
Medical Domain. Sponsored by:
European Comission, Coordinador:
Kentro Erevnon Notioanatolikis Evropis Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki, 250534.
Amount: 83.250,00 euros. Duration:
Adan AM. Estudio aleatorizado y
abierto de la eficacia, seguridad y
tolerabilidad de dosis repetidas de
bevacizumab intravítreo en pacientes con edema macular uveítico
refractario. Sponsored by: Fondo
de Investigaciones Sanitarias,
EC08/00096. Amount: 218.405,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2011.
Ramos M. Susceptibilitat immunogenètica i alteracions metabòliques
com a factors etiopatogènics de dolor
crònic en pacients amb síndrome
de Sjögren en comparació amb pacients atesos a l’àmbit de l’atenció
primària. Sponsored by: FUNDACIÓ LA MARATÓ DE TV3, 071810.
Amount: 180.525,00 euros. Duration:
Cid MC. Mecanismos implicados
y consecuencias clínicas de la persistencia de la inflamación vascular
en la arteritis de células gigantes.
Casaroli R. Medicina Regenerativa
en la Superfície Ocular: Aplicación de
terapia celular para la reparación de la
superficie oculr mediante amplifica-
ción ex vivo de éclulas progenitoras
autólogas del limbo esclerocorneal
sobre membrana amniótica. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD,
TRA-072. Amount: 110.160,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2011.
Cid MC. Consecuencias clínicas de la
persistencia de actividad inflamatoria
en la arteritis de células gigantes.
Estudio de factores implicados. PhD
student: Ana García Martínez
Coca A, Ramos M. Impacto de la
enfermedad cardiovascular en el
síndrome de Sjögren primario. PhD
student: Marta Pérez de Lis Novo
Team envolved in:
Infectious diseases and AIDS
Group Members
Josep M. Gatell
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 30
Fax: 93 451 54 38
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Mireia Arnedo (IDIBAPS)
Miguel Caballero (Hospital Clínic)
Felipe García (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Laguno (Fundació Clínic)
Josep Mallolas (Hospital Clínic)
Esteban Martínez (Hospital Clínic)
José Antonio Martínez
(Hospital Clínic)
José Mensa (Hospital Clínic)
José M. Miró (Hospital Clínic)
Asunción Moreno (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Plana (IDIBAPS)
Alex Soriano (Hospital Clínic)
M. Eloisa Yuste (IDIBAPS)
Research Fellows:
Victor Casanova
(Facultat de Farmàcia)
Maria Lopez-Dieguez (Fundació Clínic)
Christian Manzardo (Fundació Clínic)
Hodei Arneras (Fundació Clínic)
Nicolas Boulanger (IDIBAPS)
Laura Linares (IDIBAPS)
Gemma Sanclemente (Hospital Clínic)
Irma Hoyo (UB)
Carolina Ferreira (IDIBAPS)
Pilar Callau (Fundació Clínic)
Tuixent Escriba (IDIBAPS)
Ana García (Fundació Clínic)
Maria Teresa García (Fundació Clínic)
Carmen Hurtado (Fundació Clínic)
M. José Maleno (Fundació Clínic)
Laia Miralles (IDIBAPS)
Sara Nieto (IDIBAPS)
Yolanda Armero (Fundació Clínic)
Alberto Crespo (IDIBAPS)
Manuel Enric Bargalló (IDIBAPS)
Carmen Álvarez (Fundació Clínic)
Cristina Rovira (Fundació Clínic)
Alberto Merino (IDIBAPS)
Nursing Staff:
Emmanuela Fernandez (Fundació
Administrative Staff:
Carmen Mensa (IDIBAPS)
Irene Ruíz (Fundació Clínic)
Jose Ignacio Pérez (Fundació Clínic)
José Luis Blanco (Hospital Clínic)
Marta Calvo (Fundació Clinic)
Carlos Cervera (Hospital Clínic)
Nuria Climent (IDIBAPS)
Ana del Rio (Fundació Clínic)
Teresa Gallart (Hospital Clínic)
Cristina Gil (IDIBAPS)
Joan Joseph (Fundació Clínic)
Elisa de Lazzari (Fundació Clínic)
Agathe León (Fundació Clínic)
Montserrat Loncà (Fundació Clínic)
Sonsoles Sánchez-Palomino
(Fundació Clínic)
Narcís Saubí (IDIBAPS)
Sara Varea (Fundació Clínic)
Laura Zamora (Fundació Clínic)
María Martínez (IDIBAPS)
Víctor Sánchez-Merino
(Fundació Clínic)
Cristina García de la María
(Fundació Clínic)
Ana Muñoz (Fundació Clínic)
Ana Gonzalez (Fundació Clínic)
Florencia Etcheverry (Fundació Clínic)
Luisa Benito Serrano (GESCLINIC)
Zoe Herreras Pérez (CAPSE)
Ignacio Menacho Pascual (GESCLINIC)
Ethel Sequeira Aymar (CAPSE)
Olga Barba (CAPSE)
Mª Angeles Moreno Ubiedo (CAPSE)
Marta Catalán (CAPSE)
Valentín Araunde (CAPSE)
Jordi Hoyo (GESCLINIC)
Mª José Giner (GESCLINIC)
Dani Cararach (GESCLINIC)
Eloisa Molés (GESCLINIC)
Mª Luisa Moro (GESCLINIC)
Pilar Arrabal (GESCLINIC)
Visiting Scientists:
Sebastien Lyonnais (IDIBAPS)
Gilles Mirambeau (UB)
Infectious diseases and AIDS
1. In the AIDS field:
• Immunotherapy of the disease
and natural and acquired
defense mechanisms,
including the development of
therapeutic and preventive
• Efficacy and resistance and
tolerance mechanisms of new
• Immunopathogenesis, treatment
response and resistance
mechanisms of certain
opportunistic infections, including
tuberculosis, pneumocystis
carinii pneumonia (PCP) and
2. In the general infections field:
• Prevention and treatment support
in endocarditis due to multiresistant
germs, including animal models.
• Infection in solid-organ transplant
• Interactions between nosocomial
infections and antibiotic use.
Main Lines
of Research
1. In the AIDS field:
• The most important line focuses on
the peripheral (blood) and central
response (lymphatic tissue and cerebrospinal fluid) to different antiretroviral therapies when administered
in very early evolutive stages (CD4
> 500 mm3). We have developed
ultrasensitive techniques for the determination of viral load in plasma and
tissues, as well as techniques for the
determination of genotypic resistance
and for immunophenotyping and
the evaluation of CD4+ lymphocyte
proliferation in response to antigens
of the HIV virus. Techniques for the
determination of drug levels have
also been developed in collaboration
with the clinical pharmacology group.
Having ruled out the possibility of
eradicating the HIV virus, the working
hypothesis is to see whether it is possible to almost completely suppress
HIV replication over the long term,
recover the host immune system and
quantify the degree of such recovery.
The interruption of treatment leads to
a rapid disease rebound effect.
Endocarditis. Cardiovascular infections.
Experimental model
Group Leader:
Josep Maria Miro
(Hospital Clínic)
Levels of a-defensins 1-3 produced by imMDDC from HIV-infected individuals.
(A) Comparison between the secreted levels of a-defensins 1-3 by imMDDC
from HIV-controllers (elite controllers and viremic controllers; n = 19) and HIV
non-controllers (viremic non-controllers and patients with HAART; n = 20). (B)
Secreted levels of a-defensins 1-3 by imMDDC from healthy non-infected (NI;
n = 15), elite controllers (ELITE; n = 4), viremic controllers (VC; n = 15), viremic
non-controllers (VNC; n = 11) and patients receiving HAART (HAART; n = 9).
Dots indicate each patient, and lines represent median 6 interquartile ranges
(Rodriguez-Garcia M, et al. PloS ONE 2010;5:1-10).
This group studies the epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic,
preventive and therapeutic aspects of infectious
endocarditis. This is done based on studies
of local, national or international cohorts (ICE)
that have revealed an increase in endocarditis
produced by methicillin-sensitive and -resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA and MRSA,
respectively). Studies using the experimental
model of endocarditis due to MRSA and glycopeptide intermediate-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (GISA) have evaluated the activity of
new antibiotic combinations (phosphomycin and
imipenem), or new antibiotics such as daptomycin and telavancin.
Infectious diseases and AIDS
•The mechanism by which the virus is able to escape the cytotoxic
immune response is subject to
study, and could correspond to the
selection of quasispecies different
from the reservoirs (immunological
resistance). For this reason we have
started a research line aimed at developing techniques for stimulating
the immune system, with a view to
associating them with antiretroviral
therapy. Cyclic interruption of the
treatment can induce recovery of
the specific immune response to
HIV antigens, associated with a
spontaneous decrease in viral load,
which is correlated to the degree of
proliferative and specific cytotoxic
response against HIV-1 in a small
percentage of patients.
• We have also developed an immunotherapeutic technique based
on the administration of autologous dendritic cells stimulated ex
vivo with the virus of the patient.
The first phase I study in patients
has already been completed and
published. The second study, using
higher viral concentrations to induce the ex vivo stimulation of the
autologous dendritic cells, has now
practically been completed.
• We are developing different immunogens which may be potential
candidates for therapeutic or preventive vaccines.
2. In the general infections field:
• Clinical and experimental endocarditis, including endocarditis in
illegal drug abusers (Dr. J.M. Miró).
Infections in solid-organ transplant
Group Leader:
Asunción Moreno
(Hospital Clínic)
In the last year, this group has
studied the clinical and evolutive
characteristics of bacteremias in patients subjected
to different solid organ transplants (kidney, liver, heart
and renal-pancreatic). We have shown that mannose
binding to lectin polymorphisms (MBL) condition an
increase in the prevalence of cytomegalovirus (CMV)
disease, and have analyzed the mortality risk factors
of pneumonia in transplant patients. Studies have
been made of the prevalence of other viruses of the
herpes group (HHV-6 and -7) in the transplant population, as well as their pathogenic role in the post-transplantation period. These studies have been made
jointly with investigators specialized in Microbiology
and Immunology, and with the different Transplantation Units (Institutes of Digestive, Renal and Thoracic
• Infections in transplant recipients.
Microbiological diagnosis and prognostic markers (Dr. A. Moreno).
• Predictive factors and markers of
treatment response in nosocomial
infections (Dr. J. Mensa).
• Response to treatment, resistance
and transmission of tuberculosis.
• Prognostic factors of communityacquired and nosocomial respiratory
infections in both immunocompetent
and immune depressed individuals.
• The genetic fundaments of host
susceptibility and the biochemical,
molecular and replicative capacity
bases of the resistant strains.
For further information:
AIDS and HIV infection
Group Leader:
Josep Maria Gatell
(Hospital Clínic)
This group studies the
clinical, diagnostic,
therapeutic and preventive aspects of
HIV infection. The scientific contribution
of this line of research is very competitive and is internationally renowned.
This group of investigators focuses on
exploration of the potential for eradicating HIV infection and on reconstruction of the immune system, including
the development of preventive and
therapeutic vaccines. Since its start in
2002, Dr. Gatell has coordinated the
Spanish network of research groups
in AIDS (RIS), funded by the FIS, and
since 2007 has coordinated the HIVACAT project on research into vaccines
against HIV infection.
Emergent Group
Nosocomial infection
study group
Group Leader:
Álex Soriano
(Hospital Clínic)
This group studies the clinical,
diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive aspects of nosocomial
(in-hospital) infections. The scientific contribution is particularly
notorious in the treatment and
management of bacteremia,
infections in Intensive Care
Units, and infections related to
orthopedic implants. Its components are members of the REIPI
(Spanish Research Network in
Infectious Disease), and participate actively in multicenter projects financed by the FIS.
Infectious diseases and AIDS
I.F.: 207,37
1 Martinez E, Larrousse M, Podzamczer D, Perez I, Gutierrez F, Lonca
M, Barragan P, Deulofeu R, Casamitjana R, Mallolas J, Pich J, Gatell
JM. Abacavir-based therapy does not
affect biological mechanisms associated with cardiovascular dysfunction.
AIDS, 2010. 24:F1-F9. I.F.:4,91.
Lujan B, Hakim S, Moyano S, Nadal A, Caballero M, Diaz A, Valera A,
Carrera M, Cardesa A, Alos L. Activation of the EGFR/ERK pathway in highgrade mucoepidermoid carcinomas of
the salivary glands. BRIT J CANCER,
2010. 103:510-516. I.F.:4,35.
Lalani T, Cabell CH, Benjamin DK,
Lasca O, Naber C, Fowler VG, Corey
GR, Chu VH, Fenely M, Pachirat O,
Tan RS, Watkin R, Ionac A, Moreno
A, Mestres CA, Casabe J, Chipigina
N, Eisen DP, Spelman D, Delahaye F,
Peterson G, Olaison L, Wang A. Analysis of the Impact of Early Surgery on
In-Hospital Mortality of Native Valve
Endocarditis Use of Propensity Score
and Instrumental Variable Methods to
Adjust for Treatment-Selection Bias.
CIRCULATION, 2010. 121:1005-1013.
JAIDS-J ACQ IMM DEF, 2010. 55:582589. I.F.:4,21.
12 Puisac B, Arnedo M, Casale
Fernandez-Ruiz M, Cervera C,
Pitart C, Perez G, DelRio A, Miro
JM, Marco F, Moreno A. Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus Meningitis
Complicated by Cerebral Infarction.
Role of Antibiotic Combination of Linezolid Plus Levofloxacin. INTERNAL
MED, 2010. 49:1971-1974. I.F.:1,04.
Kanafani Z, Boucher H, Fowler
V, Cabell C, Hoen B, Miro JM, Lalani
T, Vigliani G, Campion M, Corey R,
Levine D. Daptomycin compared to
standard therapy for the treatment of
native valve endocarditis. ENFERM
INFEC MICR CL, 2010. 28:498-503.
Garcia-De-La-Maria C, Marco F,
Armero Y, Soy D, Moreno A, DelRio A,
Almela M, Cervera C, Ninot S, Falces
C, Mestres CA, Gatell JM, DeAnta
MTJ, Miro JM. Daptomycin Is Effective for Treatment of Experimental
Endocarditis Due to Methicillin-Resistant and Glycopeptide-Intermediate
Staphylococcus epidermidis. ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH, 2010. 54:27812786. I.F.:4,80.
CH, Ribate MP, Castiella T, Ramos
FJ, Ribes A, Perez-Cerda C, Casals
N, Hegardt FG, Pie J. Differential
HMG-CoA lyase expression in human tissues provides clues about
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric aciduria. J
INHERIT METAB DIS, 2010. 33:405410. I.F.:3,60.
13 Poveda E, Anta L, Blanco JL,
Casado JL, Gutierrez F, Garcia F,
Gomez-Sirvent JL, Iribarren JA, Soriano V, DeMendoza C. Drug Resistance
Mutations in HIV-Infected Patients in
the Spanish Drug Resistance Database Failing Tipranavir and Darunavir
2010. 54:3018-3020. I.F.:4,80.
14 Herrera E, Tenckhoff S, Gomara
MJ, Galatola R, Bleda MJ, Gil C, Ercilla G, Gatell JM, Tillmann HL, Haro
I. Effect of Synthetic Peptides Belonging to E2 Envelope Protein of GB
Virus C on Human Immunodeficiency
Virus Type 1 Infection. J MED CHEM,
2010. 53:6054-6063. I.F.:4,80.
15 Veloso S, Olona M, Garcia F,
4 Ortega M, Marco F, Soriano A, Al-
10 Lifson AR, Belloso WH, Davey
mela M, Martinez JA, Pitart C, Mensa
J. Candida spp. bloodstream infection:
influence of antifungal treatment on
2010. 65:562-568. I.F.:4,35.
RT, Duprez D, Gatell JM, Hoy JF,
Krum EA, Nelson R, Pedersen C, Perez G, Price RW, Prineas RJ, Rhame
FS, Sampson JH, Worley J. Development of Diagnostic Criteria for Serious
Non-AIDS Events in HIV Clinical Trials.
HIV CLIN TRIALS, 2010. 11:205-219.
Domingo P, Alonso-Villaverde C, Broch
M, Peraire J, Vilades C, Plana M,
Pedrol E, Lopez-Dupla M, Aguilar C,
Gutierrez M, Leon A, Tasias M, Gatell
JM, Richart C, Vidal F. Effect of TNF-a
genetic variants and CCR5 Delta 32
on the vulnerability to HIV-1 infection
and disease progression in Caucasian
Spaniards. BMC MED GENET, 2010.
11:63-63. I.F.:2,84.
11 Trullas JC, Mocroft A, Cofan F,
16 Gonzalez R, Castro P, Garcia
Tourret J, Moreno A, Bagnis CI, Fux
CA, Katlama C, Reiss P, Lundgren J,
Gatell JM, Kirk O, Miro JM. Dialysis
and Renal Transplantation in HIVInfected Patients: a European Survey.
F, Plana M, Bayas JM, Lafuente S,
Serrano B, Mora B, Argelich R, Gatell
JM, Vilella A. Effects of highly active
antiretroviral therapy on vaccine-induced humoral immunity in HIV-infected
Tuset M, Lopez-Sune E, Cervera C,
Moreno A, Miro JM. Characteristics of
antiviral drugs, excluding antiretroviral
agents: Update 2009. ENFERM INFEC
MICR CL, 2010. 28:199-199. I.F.:1,39.
Lopez-Sune E, Tuset M, Laguno
M, Moreno A, Miro JM. Characteristics of hepatitis and influenza antivi-
rals: update 2009. ENFERM INFEC
MICR CL, 2010. 28:253-253. I.F.:1,39.
Infectious diseases and AIDS
adults. HIV MED, 2010. 11:535-539.
Antiretroviral Therapy. J CLIN DENSITOM, 2010. 13:197-203. I.F.:2,39.
17 Cobos-Trigueros N, Pitart C,
23 Buzon MJ, Massanella M, Llibre
Marco F, Martinez JA, Almela M, Lopez J, Ortega M, Soriano A, Mensa J.
Epidemiology and clinical presentation
of Panton-Valentine leukocidin positive
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus. REV ESP QUIM, 2010. 23:9399. I.F.:0,73.
JM, Esteve A, Dahl V, Puertas MC,
Gatell JM, Domingo P, Paredes R,
Sharkey M, Palmer S, Stevenson M,
Clotet B, Blanco J, Martinez-Picado
J. HIV-1 replication and immune
dynamics are affected by raltegravir
intensification of HAART-suppressed
subjects. NAT MED, 2010. 16:460U143. I.F.:27,14.
18 Hoyo I, Linares L, Cervera C,
Almela M, Marcos MA, Sanclemente
G, Cofan F, Ricart MJ, Moreno A.
Epidemiology of Pneumonia in Kidney
Transplantation. TRANSPL P, 2010.
42:2938-2940. I.F.:0,99.
19 Mocroft A, Kirk O, Reiss P,
DeWit S, Sedlacek D, Beniowski M,
Gatell J, Phillips AN, Ledergerber B,
Lundgren JD. Estimated glomerular
filtration rate, chronic kidney disease
and antiretroviral drug use in HIV-positive patients. AIDS, 2010. 24:16671678. I.F.:4,91.
20 Poveda E, Anta L, Blanco JL,
Perez-Elias MJ, Garcia F, Leal M, Ribera E, Gutierrez F, Soriano V, DeMendoza C. Etravirine resistance associated
mutations in HIV-infected patients failing efavirenz or nevirapine in the Spanish antiretroviral resistance database.
AIDS, 2010. 24:469-471. I.F.:4,91.
21 Diaz A, Alos L, Leon A, Mozos
A, Caballero M, Martinez A, Plana M,
Gallart T, Gil C, Leal M, Gatell JM, Garcia F. Factors associated with collagen
deposition in lymphoid tissue in longterm treated HIV-infected patients.
AIDS, 2010. 24:2029-2039. I.F.:4,91.
22 Freitas P, Santos AC, Carvalho D,
Pereira J, Marques R, Martinez E, Sarmento A, Medina JL. Fat Mass Ratio:
An Objective Tool to Define Lipodystrophy in HIV-Infected Patients Under
24 Miro JM, Manzardo C, Pich
J, Domingo P, Ferrer E, Arribas JR,
Ribera E, Arrizabalaga J, Lonca M,
Cruceta A, DeLazzari E, Fuster M,
Podzamczer D, Plana M, Gatell JM.
Immune Reconstitution in Severely
Immunosuppressed AntiretroviralNaive HIV Type 1-Infected Patients
Using a Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor-Based or a Boosted
Protease Inhibitor-Based Antiretroviral
Regimen: Three-Year Results. AIDS
RES HUM RETROV, 2010. 26:747757. I.F.:2,18.
25 Fortun J, Martin-Davila P, Pascual J, Cervera C, Moreno A, Gavalda
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M, Blasco F, Bou G, Torre-Cisneros
J. Immunosuppressive therapy and
infection after kidney transplantation.
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26 Rodriguez-Garcia M, Climent
N, Oliva H, Casanova V, Franco R,
Leon A, Gatell JM, Garcia F, Gallart T.
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Individuals Is Associated with Slower
Disease Progression. PLOS ONE,
2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
27 Martinez JA, Cobos-Trigueros
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J, Mensa J. Influence of Empiric
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28 Linares L, Cervera C, Hoyo I,
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Epidemiology and Antibiotic Resistance. TRANSPL P, 2010. 42:2941-2943.
29 Steigbigel RT, Cooper DA,
Teppler H, Eron JJ, Gatell JM, Kumar
PN, Rockstroh JK, Schechter M, Katlama C, Markowitz M, Yeni P, Loutfy
MR, Lazzarin A, Lennox JL, Clotet
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Drug-Resistant HIV Infection: Week
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30 Gatell JM, Katlama C, Grinsztejn
B, Eron JJ, Lazzarin A, Vittecoq D,
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Zhao J, Meibohm AR, Strohmaier KM,
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31 Joseph J, Fernandez-Lloris
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32 Polverino E, Dambrava P, Cilloniz
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33 Moreno A, Sanchez F, Nelson
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Control and Prevention. GAC SANIT,
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34 Pion M, Serramia MJ, Diaz L,
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35 Etcheverry MF, DeLazzari E,
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E, Jacques C, Rojas D, Segu M, Gatell
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Non-injection Drug Users, and Men
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36 Perello R, Miro O, Marcos MA,
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37 Rodriguez D, Almirante B,
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J, Ledergerber B, Kowalska J, Chiesi
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38 Letang E, Almeida JM, Miro
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D. Predictors of Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory SyndromeAssociated With Kaposi Sarcoma in
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39 Alvarez-Martinez MJ, Miro JM,
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43 Martinez E, Larrousse M, Llibre
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44 Martinez E, Visnegarwala F,
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41 Guerra S, Gonzalez JM, Climent
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47 Gatell JM. When and why to
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8 Marshall V, Martro E, Labo N, Ray
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11 Ray M, Logan R, Sterne JAC,
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12 Smith C, Sabin CA, Lundgren JD,
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18 Reekie J, Mocroft A, Ledergerber B, Beniowski M, Clotet B, VanLunzen J, Chiesi A, Pradier C, Machala L,
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Grants for research
in progress
Gatell JM. CA - The EuroSIDA
Network 2005-2009. Clinical and
Virological outcome of patients with
HIV under care in Europe. Sponsored
by: European Comission, LSHPCT-2006-018632. Amount: 11.578,00
euros. Duration: 01/03/200628/02/2010.
Gatell JM. NoE - European AIDS
Treatment Network. Sponsored
by: European Commission, LSHPCT-2006-037570. Amount: 45.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/02/200731/01/2012.
Infectious diseases and AIDS
Mallolas J. Cohorte de GESIDA de
pacientes coinfectados por VIH y
virus de hepatitis C que reciben
tratamiento para la hepatitis C (20082010). Sponsored by: Fundación
para la Investigación y la Prevención del Sida en España, 36702/07.
Amount: 3.300,00 euros. Duration:
Martinez JA. Eficacia y seguridad
del tratamiento de infecciones
nosocomiales graves causadas
por Acinetobacter Baumannii multiresistente con rifampicina más
imipenem. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, EC07/90565.
Amount: 3.533,20 euros. Duration:
Miro JM. Tratamiento antiretroviral
una vez al dia en pacientes con infecciones por el VIH-1 no tratados
previamente y con cifras de linfocitos
CD4+ inferiores a 100 céls/MM3.
Estudio prospectivo aleatorizado,
multicéntrico y abierto. Estudio
advanz-3. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, EC07/90642.
Amount: 219.615,00 euros. Duration:
Plana M. Caracterización Ex Vivo
de la respuesta inmunitaria celular
frente al VIH-1 mediante vectores
virales. Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, PI070291.
Amount: 119.790,00 euros. Duration:
Caballero M. Desarrollo de un modelo
experimental en cobaya de enfermedad
de vías aéreas superiores por exposición
al humo de tabaco. Estudio de los
cambios anatomopatológicos y de los
marcadores de inflamación. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI070434. Amount: 40.777,00 euros.
Duration: 26/11/2007-30/12/2010.
Gatell JM. Red de SIDA. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, RD06/0006/0000. Amount:
1.426.015,20 euros. Duration:
Arnedo M. Factores genéticos implicados en el desarrollo de dislipemia
en pacientes infectados por VIH-1
que inician tratamiento antiretroviral
de gran actividad. Sponsored by:
Amount: 124.480,00 euros. Duration: 30/10/2008-29/10/2011.
Miro JM. Optimización farmacocinética/farmacodinámica del
tratamiento con vancomicina de
la endocarditis experimental por
Staphylococcus aureus resistente o
no a la meticilina causada por cepas
con una CMI a la vancomicina de
0.5, 1 o 2 mcg/mL. Sponsored by:
FIS, PI080268. Amount: 81.675,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2011.
Miro JM. Proyecto de constitución y
organización del banco de muestras
biológicas de pacientes coinfectados
vih-VHC y/o VHB de la cohorte de
trasplante hepático (TOH). Sponsored by: FIPSE, BB-TOH/VIH-07.
Amount: 49.821,00 euros. Duration:
Miro JM. Estudio FIPSE de trasplante hepático en pacientes
infectados por el VIH en España.
Sponsored by: FIPSE, TOH/VIH-08.
Amount: 600.000,00 euros. Duration:
Miro JM. Supervivencia de los pacientes con infección por el VIH
en terapia renal sustitutiva o trasplante renal en España. Sponsored
by: FIPSE, 24-0858-09. Amount:
133.925,00 euros. Duration:
Garcia F. Desarrollo de una vacuna
frente a VIH: Estudio de los cambios
de la biología de células dendríticas humanas tras interacción con
distintos inmunógenos. Sponsored
by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
PS09/01297. Amount: 219.615,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2013.
Arnedo M. Factores genéticos implicados en el desarrollo de dislipemia
en pacientes infectados por VIH-1
que inician tratamiento antiretroviral
de gran actividad. Sponsored by:
PI09/0396. Amount: 80.465,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Eloisa Yuste. Desarrollo de una
vacuna frente al VIH: aislamiento
y caracterización de nuevos anticuerpos neutralizantes de amplio
espectro. Diseño de inmunógenos
capaces de generar dichos anticuerpos. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 116.765,00 euros. Duration:
Gatell JM. Evaluación del impacto
de nuevos sistemas de información
en el cuidado de pacientes VIH
crónicos. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 49.610,00 euros. Duration:
Miro JM. Supervivencia de los pacientes con infección por el VIH en
terapia renal sustitutiva o trasplante
renal en España. Sponsored by:
SIDA EN ESPAÑA, 24-0858-09.
Amount: 28.600,00 euros. Duration:
Infectious diseases and AIDS
Joseph J. Inclusión social, sanitaria y
laboral de personas vulnerables que
se encuentran en riesgo de exclusión
social y pobreza: mujeres que ejercen
la prostitución en la calle, usuarios de
drogas y/o población inmigrante con
bajos recursos económicos. Sponsored by: FUNDACIO “LA CAIXA”,
ES100192. Amount: 24.000,00 euros.
Duration: 09/07/2010-30/09/2011.
Garcia F. Estudio en fase I abierto
para evaluar la seguridad e inmunogenicidad de la vacuna frente a VIH-1
MVA-B en pacientes infectados por
VIH crónicos en tratamiento antirretroviral (RISVAC03). Sponsored by:
Amount: 411.906,60 euros. Duration:
Moreno A. Evaluar la eficacia y la
seguridad de la cambinación de
fosfomicina (F) e imipenem (I) para
el tratamiento de la endocarditis (EI)
sobre la válvula nativa o protésica
por S.aureus resistente a meticilina
(MRSA). Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 339.634,90 euros. Duration:
Lozano F, Moreno A. Influencia de los
poliformismos de los genes de la inmunidad innata en el desarrollo y evolución
de las infecciones tras un trasplante
de órgano sólido. PhD student: Carlos
Cervera Alvarez.
Martinez-Chamorro E. Injertos de tejido
adiposo autólogo en la lipoatrofia facial
de pacientes VIH+: Comparación de
dos estrategias de tratamiento y utilidad de la tomografia computerizado
en la evaluación de su durabilidad. PhD
student: Eva Guisantes Pintos.
Team envolved in:
Red Española de Investigación
en Patología Infecciosa (REIPI)
Immune receptors of the innate
and adaptive system
Group Members
Francisco Lozano
(Hospital Clínic/UB)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
(Ext.: 4217/4546)
Fax: 93 451 80 38
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Ana Angulo (IDIBAPS)
Pablo Engel (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Carles Serra (Hospital Clínic)
Ricardo Bastos (IDIBAPS)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Esther Carrasco Miguel (Fundació Clínic)
Mario Martínez Florensa (UB-FBG)
Vanesa G. Martínez (Fundació Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Lyzette Bonet (Fundació Clínic)
Rafael Fenutría (Fundació Clínic)
Elena Isern (IDIBAPS)
Jordi Sintes (UB)
Antonio Guilabert Vidal (FIS-FSE)
Cristina Miró (MEC/FPU)
Cristina Escoda (MEC/FPI)
Natalia Pérez Carmona (UB)
Jessica Matesanz (IDIBAPS)
Jose de Salort (UB)
M. Carmen Diaz-Ramos (IDIBAPS)
Adriana Lázaro (Fundació Clínic)
Laia Llinas (Fundació Clínic)
Noelia Armiger Borràs (IDIBAPS)
Main Lines
of Research
1. Genetic and molecular characterization of receptors of both the innate
and adaptive immune system.
2. Functional characterization of the
ligand- receptor interactions responsible for intercellular communication
between the innate and adaptive immune system components.
3. Molecular characterization of pathogenhost interactions.
4. Molecular characterization of the
biology, pathogenesis and immunology of cytomegalovirus (CMV).
1. Study of the structure and function
of the SLAM (Signaling Lymphocytic Activation Molecule) and SAP
(SLAM-Associated Protein) leukocyte
molecule families.
2. Identification and characterization of
leukocyte receptors and intracellular
ligands of the 3BP2 adaptor molecule. Molecular dissection of the 3BP2
signaling pathways in lymphocytes.
3. Study of the molecules that intervene in
leukocyte adhesion and inflammation.
4. Immunogenetics of receptors and molecules implicated in the regulation of
innate and adaptive immune responses.
5. Study of the role of the CD5 and
CD6 receptors in lymphocyte activation and differentiation.
6. Molecular and functional characterization of nonlymphoid members of
the superfamily of receptors with
extracellular domains rich in cysteine (SRCR, Scavenger Receptor
Cysteine-Rich) residues.
7. Characterization of the genic regulation
mechanisms of CMV and identification
of functions encoded for by CMV.
8. Study of CMV mediated modulation
of immune response and immune
evasion strategies.
Immunohistochemical staining of a normal tonsil specimen exhibiting secondary
folicles. Brown, CD279/PD-1
(Programmed death-1) positive cells (activated T and B
lymphocytes). Red, CD23
positive cells (activated B cells
and Follicular Dendritic Cells).
Emergent Group
Molecular mechanisms of the pathogenesis of CMV disease
Group Leader: Ana Angulo (IDIBAPS)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is an ubiquitous pathogen that
establishes latent infections for life – with serious consequences for immune-compromised individuals. The group
studies different aspects of the interactions between CMV
and the host, with special emphasis on the mechanisms that regulate viral
genic expression, the determination of new functions encoded by the virus,
and the identification of processes of interference with the immune system.
Immune receptors of the innate
and adaptive system
I.F.: 55,45
Smithson A, Perello R, Aibar J,
Espinosa G, Tassies D, Freire C, Castro P, Suarez B, Lozano F, Nicolas JM.
Genotypes Coding for Low Serum
Levels of Mannose-Binding Lectin Are
Underrepresented among Individuals
Suffering from Noninfectious Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. CLIN VACCINE IMMUNOL, 2010.
17:447-453. I.F.:2,37.
2 Herrero-Gonzalez JE, Iranzo P,
Benitez D, Lozano F, Herrero C, Mascaro JM. Correlation of Immunological
Profile with Phenotype and Disease Outcome in Pemphigus. ACTA
DERM-VENEREOL, 2010. 90:401-405.
Wang NH, Calpe S, Westcott J,
Castro W, Ma CY, Engel P, Schatzle
JD, Terhorst C. Cutting Edge: The
Adapters EAT-2A and -2B Are Positive
Regulators of CD244- and CD84Dependent NK Cell Functions in the
C57BL/6 Mouse. J IMMUNOL, 2010.
185:5683-5687. I.F.:5,65.
Fink DR, Holm D, Schlosser
A, Nielsen O, Latta M, Lozano F,
Holmskov U. Elevated numbers of
SCART1(+) gamma delta T cells in
skin inflammation and inflammatory
bowel disease. MOL IMMUNOL,
2010. 47:1710-1718. I.F.:3,20.
Podlech J, Pintea R, Kropp KA,
Fink A, Lemmermann NAW, Erlach
KC, Isern E, Angulo A, Ghazal P,
Reddehase MJ. Enhancerless Cytomegalovirus Is Capable of Establishing
a Low-Level Maintenance Infection in
Severely Immunodeficient Host Tissues but Fails in Exponential Growth.
J VIROL, 2010. 84:6254-6261.
Cervera A, Planas AM, Justicia C,
Urra X, Jensenius JC, Torres F, Lozano
F, Chamorro A. Genetically-Defined
Deficiency of Mannose-Binding Lectin
Is Associated with Protection after
Experimental Stroke in Mice and
Outcome in Human Stroke. PLoS
ONE. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
Muntasell A, Magri G, Pende D,
Angulo A, Lopez-Botet M. Inhibition
of NKG2D expression in NK cells by
cytokines secreted in response to
human cytomegalovirus infection.
BLOOD, 2010. 115:5170-5179.
Grants for research
in progress
Lozano F. Estudio de las propiedades
inmunomoduladoras de miembros
linfoides y no linfoides de la superfamilia de receptores SRCR (Scavenger
Receptor Cysteine-Rich). Sponsored
by: Ministerio Educación y Ciencia,
SAF2007-62197. Amount: 376.310,00
euros. Duration: 01/12/200730/11/2010.
Angulo A. Regulación transcripcional
y funciones de los genes principales
inmediatamente tempranos: implicaciones en la patogénesis viral.
Amount: 121.000,00 euros. Duration:
Lozano F. Red Española de Investigación en Patología Infecciosa (REIPI).
Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RD06/0008. Amount: 60.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2010.
Sintes J, Romero X, DeSalort J,
Terhorst C, Engel P. Mouse CD84 is a
pan-leukocyte cell-surface molecule
that modulates LPS-induced cytokine
secretion by macrophages. J LEUKOCYTE BIOL, 2010. 88:687-697.
Valles X, Roca A, Lozano F, Morais
L, Suarez B, Casals F, Mandomando
I, Sigauque B, Nhalungo D, Esquinas
C, Quinto L, Alonso PL, Torres A.
Serotype-specific pneumococcal disease may be influenced by mannosebinding lectin deficiency. EUR RESPIR
J, 2010. 36:856-863. I.F.:5,53.
10 Guilabert A, Lozano F, Iranzo P,
Julia M, Suarez-Casasus B, Moreno N,
Herrero-Gonzalez J, Mascaro JM. The
role of Fc gamma receptors polymorphisms in bullous pemphigoid. J AM
ACAD DERMATOL, 2010. 63:161-163.
11 Sanchez-Tillo E, Lazaro A, Torrent R, Cuatrecasas M, Vaquero EC,
Castells A, Engel P, Postigo A. ZEB1
represses E-cadherin and induces
an EMT by recruiting the SWI/SNF
chromatin-remodeling protein BRG1.
ONCOGENE, 2010. 29:3490-3500.
Lozano F. Nova bioteràpia en sepsis
fùngica i polimicrobiana. Sponsored
by: Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament Empresarial (CIDEM), VALTEC08-2-0034. Amount: 62.998,11
euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2010.
Lozano F. Immunoreceptores del
Sistema Inmunitario Innato y Adaptativo. Sponsored by: Agència de
Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de
Recerca (AGAUR), 2009/SGR/00252.
Amount: 68.640,00 euros. Duration:
Lozano F. Papel modulador de receptroes linfocitarios tipo scavenger
(CD5 y CD6) en la patofisiología de la
infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana 1 (VIH-1). Spon-
Immune receptors of the innate and adaptive system
DEL SIDA EN ESPAÑA, 36-0773-09.
Amount: 159.665,00 euros. Duration:
Engel P. Estudio de las moléculas
CD150/SLAM en la función efectora
de los linfocitos B de “tipo innato”.
Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, SAF2009-07071.
Amount: 219.900,00 euros. Duration:
Lozano F, Moreno A. Influencia de
los poliformismos de los genes de la
inmunidad innata en el desarrollo y
evolución de las infecciones tras un
trasplante de órgano sólido. PhD student: Carlos Cervera Alvarez.
Musculoskeletal repair and plasticity
Group Members
Joaquim Forés i Viñeta
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 93 14
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Jesús Benito (Hospital Clínic)
Andrés Combalía (Hospital Clínic)
Francisco Maculé (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Nuñez (Hospital Clínic)
Jaume Pomés (Hospital Clínic)
Josep M. Segur (Hospital Clínic)
Sebastián García (Hospital Clínic)
Sergi Sastre (Hospital Clínic)
Santiago Suso (Hospital Clínic)
Administrative Staff:
Antònia Bayo (Hospital Clínic)
Alex Soriano (Hospital Clínic)
M.ª Teresa Anglada (Hospital Clínic)
Jordi Asunción (Hospital Clínic)
Misericordia Basora (Hospital Clínic)
Guillem Bori (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Carné (Hospital Clínic)
Ana Carreño (Hospital Clínic)
Adela Faulí (Hospital Clínic)
Jenaro A. Fernández-Valencia
(Hospital Clínic)
Joan Xavier Fontdevila (Hospital Clínic)
Salvador Fuster (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Gallart (Hospital Clínic)
Eloy M. García Díez
Ruben García Elvira
Raquel García Tarriño
Anna López Gutiérrez
Felipe Orient (Hospital Clínic)
Lluis Peidro (Hospital Clínic
Daniel Poggio (Hospital Clínic)
Dragos Popescu (Hospital Clínic)
Salvi Prat (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Riba (Hospital Clínic)
Moisés Rios (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Sala (Hospital Clínic)
Isabel Sañudo (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Tomás (Hospital Clínic)
Pere Torner (Hospital Clínic)
Antoni Trilla (Hospital Clínic)
Raquel Vilarrasa (Hospital Clínic)
Josep M. Serra (Hospital Clínic)
Our research group, which was incorporated to the IDIBAPS in 2007,
aims to agglutinate and generate
synergies among specialists in different disciplines that work in the field
of the locomotor system. This is a
field with a growing social and technological demand, but with scant
incidence in the research setting of
this institution.
There are many aspects of new
knowledge related to the musculoskeletal system: cellular, genic and
pharmacological therapies; new
materials and implants; robotics;
top-level surgical and anesthetic
technology; and sophisticated imaging techniques. The lack of clinical
scientific evidence relating to much
of the new knowledge, and the great
volume of patients in our setting,
with limited resources, represent
an important source of work from
which to derive intellectual benefit. Working with humbleness but
“thinking big” seems to us to be the
best strategy for reaching the objective of being a reference group in our
Navigation and robotics applied
to skeletal grafts.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Bone physiopathology, pathological
variation with age, evaluation of
fracture setting techniques and
bone substitutes.
2. Cartilage, degeneration and repair
through tissue engineering.
3. Evaluation and design of new
prosthetic implants.
4. Minimally invasive surgery with
new technology and instruments.
5. Infections of the locomotor apparatus, their prevention and treatment.
6. Acute postoperative pain and chronic musculoskeletal pain.
7. Functional re-adaptation, prevalence and evaluation of health results
in degenerative arthropathies.
8. Biology of autologous adipose tissue grafts.
9. Musculoskeletal system tissue
10.Imaging diagnosis, new technologies in diagnosis and follow-up.
11.Collaboration in joint projects with
the UASP.
12.Acute-phase response in open
fractures. Use of IL-6, C-reactive
protein and CK in predicting results,
and correlation with the Gustilo
13.Vascular anatomy of the upper
extremity applied to reconstructive
14.Surgical management of facial
lipoatrophy based on the injection
of autologous adipose tissue in HIVinfected patients.
15.Nervous system:
• Tubulization repair of peripheral
nervous system damage.
• Experimental reimplantation of
nerve root preganglionic avulsions.
I.F.: 27,313
1 Ortega M, Marco F, Soriano A, Almela M, Martinez JA, Pitart C, Mensa
J. Candida spp. bloodstream infection:
influence of antifungal treatment on
2010. 65:562-568. I.F.:4,35.
2 Martinez JA, Cobos-Trigueros N,
Soriano A, Almela M, Ortega M, Marco
F, Pitart C, Sterzik H, Lopez J, Mensa
J. Influence of Empiric Therapy with a
beta-Lactam Alone or Combined with an
Aminoglycoside on Prognosis of Bacteremia Due to Gram-Negative Microorganisms. ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH,
2010. 54:3590-3596. I.F.:4,80.
3 Basora M, Pereira A, Soriano A, Martinez-Pastor JC, Sanchez-Etayo G, Tio M,
Salazar F. Allogeneic blood transfusion
does not increase the risk of wound
infection in total knee arthroplasty. VOX
SANG, 2010. 98:124-129. I.F.:2,59.
4 Martinez-Pastor JC, Vilchez F, Pitart
C, Sierra JM, Soriano A. Antibiotic resistance in orthopaedic surgery: acute
knee prosthetic joint infections due to
extended-spectrum beta-lactamase
(ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae.
29:1039-1041. I.F.:2,61.
5 Font-Vizcarra L, Garcia S, MartinezPastor JC, Sierra JM, Soriano A. Blood
Culture Flasks for Culturing Synovial
Fluid in Prosthetic Joint Infections. CLIN
ORTHOP RELAT R, 2010. 468:22382243. I.F.:2,07.
6 Sastre S, Popescu D, Nunez M,
Pomes J, Tomas X, Peidro L. Doublebundle versus single-bundle ACL
reconstruction using the horizontal
femoral position: a prospective, randomized study. KNEE SURG SPORT TR A,
2010. 18:32-36. I.F.:1,67.
7 Ruiz-Gaspa S, Guanabens N, Enjuanes A, Peris P, Martinez-Ferrer A,
DeOsaba MJM, Gonzalez B, Alvarez
L, Monegal A, Combalia A, Pares A.
Lithocholic acid downregulates vitamin D effects in human osteoblasts.
EUR J CLIN INVEST, 2010. 40:25-34.
8 Popescu D, Sastre S, Caballero M,
Lee JWK, Claret I, Nunez M, Lozano
L. Meniscal repair using the FasT-Fix
device in patients with chronic meniscal lesions. KNEE SURG SPORT TR A,
2010. 18:546-550. I.F.:1,67.
9 Jansa M, Hernandez C, Vidal M,
Nunez M, Bertran MJ, Sanz S, Castell
C, Sanz G. Multidimensional analysis
of treatment adherence in patients
with multiple chronic conditions. A
cross-sectional study in a tertiary hospital. PATIENT EDUC COUNS, 2010.
81:161-168. I.F.:1,98.
Rodriguez-Blanco T, FernandezSan-Martin I, Balague-Corbella M,
Berenguera A, Moix J, Montiel-Morillo
E, Nunez-Juarez E, Gonzalez-Moneo
MJ, Pie-Oncins M, Martin-Penacoba
R, Roura-Olivan M, Nunez-Juarez M,
Pujol-Ribera E. Study protocol of effectiveness of a biopsychosocial multidisciplinary intervention in the evolution
of non-speficic sub-acute low back
pain in the working population: cluster
randomised trial. BMC HEALTH SERV
RES, 2010. 10:-. I.F.:1,66.
Enjuanes A, Ruiz-Gaspa S, Peris
P, Ozalla D, Alvarez L, Combalia A,
DeOsaba MJM, Monegal A, Pares
A, Guanabens N. The effect of the
alendronate on OPG/RANKL system
in differentiated primary human osteoblasts. ENDOCRINE, 2010. 37:180186. I.F.:1,28.
Grants for research
in progress
Soriano A. Estudio aleatorizado y doble
ciego para establecer el momento más
apropiado de la administración de la
proxilaxis antibiótica en la artroplastia
total de rodilla cuando se realiza bajo
isquemia. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, EC07/90330.
Amount: 147.741,00 euros. Duration:
Fores J. Taller sobre el dolor per
pacients i familiars (Chronic pain
workshop for patients and relatives).
Sponsored by: Fundació Marató TV3,
72810. Amount: 198.468,76 euros. Duration: 22/01/2008-21/01/2011.
Nuñez M. Calidad de vida relacionada
con la salud, dependencia física y costes en pacientes con artrosis después
de artroplastia total de rodilla. Estudio
prospectivo. Sponsored by: Fondo de
Investigacion Sanitaria (FIS) Instituto de
Salud Carlos III, PS09/01148. Amount:
35.695,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Nuñez M. Efectivitat d’una intervenció
multidisciplinària en l’evolució de la
lumbàlgia subaguda inespecífica en
població activa. Sponsored by: Patronat
de la Fundació de la Marató de TV3,
TV3 071610. Amount: 177.425,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2010.
Fores J. Eficacia del tratamiento con
condroitin sulfato en la rizartrosis.
Medicion con test sensoriales y funcionales cuantitativos y analisis de concordancia con escalas subjetivas de dolor.
CARLOS III, EC08/00079. Amount:
77.198,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200930/12/2011.
Garcia S. Estudio aleatorizado y abierto
para determinar si la administración de
un antibiótico puede reducir la incidencia de infección en pacientes con cultivos positivos durante una artroplastia
de cadera. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 46.464,00 euros. Duration:
Soriano A. Estudio comparativo de la
eficacia de pautas “cortas” y “largas”
de la combinación rifampicina-levofloxacino en la infección estafilocócica
postquirúrgica precoz y hematógena
de prótesis articular.. Sponsored by:
EC08/00189. Amount: 6.050,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-30/12/2011.
Garcia S, Soriano A. Utilitat de la histologia en el diagnòstic de la infecció de
l’ artroplàstia de maluc. PhD student:
Guillem Bori Tuneu.
Macule F, Segur JM, Suso S. Artroplastia total de rodilla en pacientes obesos
graves y mórbidas. PhD student: Luis
Mª Lozano Lizarraga.
Suso S. Nuevo protocolo de lectura de
imágenes y sistemas de clasificacion
de las fracturas del humero proximal
(FHP). PhD student: Jose Maria Mora
Immunogenetics of the
autoinflammatory response
Group Members
Jordi Yagüe
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
(Ext: 2155)
Fax: 93 451 80 38
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Juan Ignacio Aróstegui (Hospital Clínic)
Manel Juan (Hospital Clínic)
In the field of autoinflammatory
Promotion of basic, clinical and
translation research in the physiopathology of autoinflammatory diseases as a model for gaining in-depth
knowledge of the regulation of the
normal inflammatory response, its
dysfunctions, and its repercussions
upon the immune response.
In the field of immune response:
Determination of the components of
normal and pathological inflammatory response is essential for modulating the specific recognition phenomena of the immune response.
Main Lines
of Research
Research Fellows:
Emma Garcia Melchor (Agaur)
Laura Carretero (IDIBAPS)
Mariona Pascal (Hospital Clínic)
Eva Gonzalez Roca (Hospital Clínic)
In the field of autoinflammatory
• Determination of the genetic and
molecular bases of the autoinflammatory process.
• Characterization of the regulatory
mechanisms of the inflammasome
and its dysfunction.
• Characterization of the specific
transcriptional profiles of autoinflammatory diseases.
• Isolation of new genes responsible
for hereditary autoinflammatory
diseases and identification of genetic susceptibility factors for the
development of polygenic autoinflammatory processes.
• Definition of new therapeutic targets for the treatment of autoinflammatory diseases.
I.F.: 19,96
1 Graell E, Arostegui JI, Sanmarti R,
Blanco FJ, Yague J, Pinto JA, Plaza
S, Fernandez-Sueiro JL, Gonzalez A,
Canete JD. Possible association between NOD2 variants and joint surgery
in psoriatic arthritis. CLIN EXP RHEUMATOL, 2010. 28:30-34. I.F.:2,40.
2 Arostegui JI, Saldana MDL, Pascal
M, Clemente D, Aymerich M, Balaguer
F, Goel A, DelCastillo CF, Rius J, Plaza
S, Robledillo JCL, Juan M, Ibanez M,
Yague J. A Somatic NLRP3 Mutation as
a Cause of a Sporadic Case of Chronic
Infantile Neurologic, Cutaneous, Articular Syndrome/Neonatal-Onset Multisystem Inflammatory Disease Novel
Evidence of the Role of Low-Level Mosaicism as the Pathophysiologic Mechanism Under. ARTHRITIS RHEUM-US,
2010. 62:1158-1166. I.F.:7,33.
3 Picard C, VonBernuth H, Ghandil
P, Chrabieh M, Levy O, Arkwright PD,
Mcdonald D, Geha RS, Takada H, Krause
JC, Creech CB, Ku CL, Ehl S, Marodi L,
Al-Muhsen S, Al-Hajjar S, Al-Ghonaium
A, Day-Good NK, Holland SM, Gallin JI,
Chapel H, Speert DP, Rodriguez-Gallego
C, Colino E, Garty BZ, Roifman C, Hara
T, Yoshikawa H, Nonoyama S, Domachowske J, Issekutz AC, Tang M, Smart
J, Zitnik SE, Hoarau C, Kumararatne
DS, Thrasher AJ, Davies EG, Bethune
C, Sirvent N, DeRicaud D, Camcioglu
Y, Vasconcelos J, Guedes M, Vitor AB,
Rodrigo C, Almazan F, Mendez M,
Arostegui JI, Alsina L, Fortuny C, Reichenbach J, Verbsky JW, Bossuyt X,
Doffinger R, Abel L, Puel A, Casanova
JL. Clinical Features and Outcome of
Patients With IRAK-4 and MyD88 Deficiency. MEDICINE, 2010. 89:403-425.
Immunogenetics of the
autoinflammatory response
4 Faner R, James E, Huston L, PujolBorrel R, Kwok WW, Juan M. Reassessing the role of HLA-DRB3 T-cell
responses: Evidence for significant
expression and complementary antigen presentation. EUR J IMMUNOL,
2010. 40:91-102. I.F.:5,18.
I.F.: 3,01
1 Colobran R, Pedrosa E, CarreteroIglesia L, Juan M. Copy number
variation in chemokine superfamily:
the complex scene of CCL3L-CCL4L
genes in health and disease. CLIN
EXP IMMUNOL, 2010. 162:41-52.
Grants for research
in progress
Juan M. Variantes de CCL4 (MIP-1beta) y linfocitos T intratiroideos: modelo
de la implicación de las quimiocinas
en el reconocimiento de los linfocitos
T CD4+ autorreactivos. Sponsored by:
Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PI070329.
Amount: 116.160,00 euros. Duration:
Yagüe J. Análisis de las vías de señalización TOLL/IL-1 receptor (TIR), NODLIKE receptor (NLR) y NF-kB en las
formas hereditarias y no hereditarias
de las enfermedades autoinflamatorias. Sponsored by: FIS, PS09/01182.
Amount: 161.535,00 euros. Duration:
Lozano F. Nova bioteràpia en sepsis
fùngica i polimicrobiana. Sponsored
by: Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament Empresarial (CIDEM),
VALTEC08-2-0034. Amount: 62.998,11
euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2010.
Yagüe J. Análisis de las vías de señalización TOLL/IL-1 receptor (TIR), NODLIKE receptor (NLR) y NF-kB en las
formas hereditarias y no hereditarias
de las enfermedades autoinflamatorias. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 161.535,00 euros. Duration:
Group Members
Oscar Miró Andreu
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
(Ext.: 3153)
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Santiago Nogué Xarau (Hospital Clínic)
Miguel Sánchez Sánchez (Hospital Clínic)
Blanca Coll-Vinent Puig (Hospital Clínic)
Sònia Jiménez Hernández (Hospital Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Emilio Salgado García (Hospital Clínic)
Beatriz López Barbeito (Hospital Clínic)
Albert Antolín Santaliestra (Hospital Clínic)
María Torres Oliveros (Hospital Clínic)
Núria Corominas García (Hospital Clínic)
María Teresa Ruiz (Hospital Clínic)
Victor Gil Espinosa (Hospital Clínic)
Sira Aguiló Mir (Hospital Clínic)
Rafel Perelló Carbonell (Hospital Clínic)
Rosa Escoda Turón (Hospital Clínic)
Francesc Xavier Escalada Roig (SEM)
Núria Díaz Miranda (Pedagoga, Escola Molina,
Alba Riesgo (Facultat de Medicina)
Maria Luisa Benito (CAP Les Corts)
Nursing Staff:
Montserrat Amigó Tadín (Hospital Clínic)
Eva Gómez Rodríguez (Hospital Clínic)
Elisenda Gómez Angelats (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Ramon Alonso Viladot (Hospital Clínic)
Miguel Galicia Paredes (Hospital Clínic)
Francesc Xavier Jiménez Fábrega (SEM)
Mar Ortega Romero (Hospital Clínic)
The group has a general interest in the
study of all processes and pathologies
inherent to the emergency setting - in
all cases adopting a patient – centered
approach and focusing on the acute
process leading to emergency consultation. This approach is absolutely unique
in Catalonia and in Spain, in view of the
topic involved and the perspective from
which it is addressed. The processes
seen in the Emergency Department are
exclusive and unique, and improvement
in their knowledge leads to healthcare
and organizational implications with
considerable scope and repercussion.
While the transverse characteristics
of emergency disease conditions
cause them to be dealt with by other
disciplines, in the first few hours of
their presentation they are exclusively
addressed by the Emergency Department, where clinical research has not
classically been considered. As a result,
the possibilities for gaining in-depth
and new knowledge on the part of the
group are immense.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Functional aspects of Hospital
Emergency Departments.
Since 1997, the group has dedicated
an important part of its research
effort to exploring the fundamental
functional mechanisms of a Hospital Emergency Department. In
a series of studies, the group has
demonstrated that the most important limiting element regarding the
efficacy, effectiveness and quality
of the Emergency Department is
fundamented upon extrinsic rather
than upon intrinsic factors (service
demand). Among the intrinsic factors, those dependent upon the
Hospital rather than on the Emergency Department as such are the
most decisive in determining the
functionality of a given Emergency
2. Clinical aspects of intoxicated
This is a line of long tradition and history in our research group. The Clinic
Hospital is a reference centre in Catalonia for healthcare and research in relation to intoxications of all kinds. It is
a member of the SEMES-TOX group,
which is the toxicology working group
of the Spanish Society of Emergency
Care Medicine and Urgencies, and of
the STC-AETOX group of the Spanish
Association of Toxicology.
3. Treatment of arrhythmias in the
emergency room.
For over 10 years the group has
participated in a coordinated manner
with the cardiologists of the center,
with primary care physicians working in clinics in their corresponding
reference areas, and with other
investigators in Spain who work in
Emergency Departments (the group
forms part of the arrhythmias chapter
of the Spanish Society of Emergency
Care Medicine and Urgencies), in the
investigation of disorders of this kind.
The most relevant contributions of
the group in this setting have been in
4. Evaluation of chest pain in the
Emergency Department.
The group coordinates and conducts
important research work in the only
structural chest pain unit currently operating in Spain, which began its activities in 2002. From the start, the group
has centered its efforts on taking advantage of this fact to investigate the
medical care of these patients, and to
further knowledge of a subgroup of
these subjects who had not been diagnosed at the time with acute coronary
disease, and had therefore not been
sufficiently investigated.
5. Diffusion of the teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers among the general population.
This is an interdisciplinary line of work
which, from its start in the year 2000,
has involved different professionals
(physicians and nurses in both out-
and in-hospital emergency services,
with pedagogical support). Its main objective is to explore all the possibilities
and difficulties for diffusing knowledge
of cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers among the general population.
The setting in which the research
activity has been most intense is
among students in secondary education (14-16 years of age), where the
approach is made through a specific
program, the PROCES (Programa de
Reanimació cardiopulmonar Orientat a
Centres d’Ensenyament Secundari, or
cardiopulmonary resuscitation program
oriented towards secondary education centres) designed exclusively for
application in the current Catalan educational model, which has been fully
developed by members of the group
(Òscar Miró i Andreu, Miquel SánchezSánchez, and Núria Díaz-Miranda).
6. Emergency medical care for problems caused by drug abuse.
Originally conceived as a toxicological
variant, the importance and specificity of research in this field made it
possible in 2001 to create this line of
research. The advantages derived as a
result of research from the emergency
care perspective has made it possible
to clearly improve our knowledge of
this group of disorders. At present, the
group works in collaboration with other
groups in Spain and in other countries.
7. Acute heart failure.
This more recently created research
line focuses on the differential aspects
(both clinical and epidemiological) of
acute decompensated heart failure.
Investigation of this syndrome – highly
prevalent in Emergency Departments –
is carried out in combination with other
Emergency Departments throughout
Spain, within the context of the acute
heart failure working group of the
Spanish Society of Emergency Care
Medicine and Urgencies.
I.F.: 40,833
Perello R, Miro O, Marcos MA, Almela M, Bragulat E, Sanchez M, Agusti
C, Miro JM, Moreno A. Predicting bacteremic pneumonia in HIV-1-infected patients consulting the ED. AM J EMERG
MED, 2010. 28:454-459. I.F.:1,54.
2 Miro O, Martin-Sanchez FJ, BurilloPutze G, Julian A, Tomas S, Pacheco A,
Sanchez M. Bibliometric and publication
quality markers of Emergencias from
2005 to 2009 and comparison with
emergency medicine journals included
in Journal Citation Reports. EMERGENCIAS, 2010. 22:165-174. I.F.:3,08.
3 Noguera A, Moren C, Rovira N,
Sanchez E, Garrabou G, Nicolas M, Munoz-Almagro C, Cardellach F, Miro O,
Fortuny C. Evolution of Mitochondrial
DNA Content After Planned Interruption of HAART in HIV-Infected Pediatric
2010. 26:1015-1018. I.F.:2,18.
4 Miro O, Galicia M, Sanchez M, Nogue S. Factors related to emergency
department revisits after cocaine use.
EMERGENCIAS, 2010. 22:408-414.
5 Miro O, Burillo-Putze G, Plunkett PK,
Brown AFT. Female representation on
emergency medicine editorial teams. EUR
J EMERG MED, 2010. 17:84-88. I.F.:0,73.
6 Duenas-Laita A, Putze GB, Alonso
JR, Bajo A, Climent B, Corral E, Felices F, Ferrer A, Frutos MDH, Nogue
S, Puiguriguer J. Fundamentals in the
clinical management of intoxication due
to smoke inhalation. EMERGENCIAS,
2010. 22:384-394. I.F.:3,08.
7 Antolin A, Ambros A, Mangiron P,
Alves D, Sanchez M, Miro O. Grade of
knowledge about the advance directive
document by the chronic patient who comes to the emergency department. REV
CLIN ESP, 2010. 210:379-388. I.F.:0,58.
8 Riesgo A, Herrero P, Llorens P, Jacob J, Martin-Sanchez FJ, Bragulat E,
Miro O. Influence of patient’s sex in the
form of presentation and the management of acute heart failure in Spanish
emergency rooms. MED CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 134:671-677. I.F.:1,23.
9 Coll-Vinent B, Sanchez M, Nogue R,
Miro O. Instruction in emergency medicine at university schools of medicine:
the current situation in Spain. EMERGENCIAS, 2010. 22:21-27. I.F.:3,08.
Antolin A, Sanchez M, Llorens
P, Sanchez FJM, Gonzalez-Armengol
JJ, Ituno JP, Carbajosa JF, FernandezCanadas JM, DelCastillo JG, Miro O.
Knowledge About Disease Course and
Living Wills Among Patients With Heart
Failure. REV ESP CARDIOL, 2010.
63:1410-1418. I.F.:2,75.
Coll-Vinent B, Torres S, Sanchez
A, Miro N, Sanchez M, Miro O. Medical
students’ predisposition to specialize in
emergency medicine. EMERGENCIAS,
2010. 22:15-20. I.F.:3,08.
Negredo E, Romeu J, RodriguezSantiago B, Miro O, Garrabou G, Puig J,
Perez-Alvarez N, Moren C, Ruiz L, Bellido R, Miranda C, Clotet B. Mild Improvement in Mitochondrial Function After
a 3-Year Antiretroviral Treatment Interruption Despite Persistent Impairment
of Mitochondrial DNA Content. CURR
HIV RES, 2010. 8:379-385. I.F.:1,98.
13 Xarau SN, Romay MA, Martinez
JMM, Clanchet JD, Prat ER, Sola JF.
Multiple chemical sensitivity: Epidemiological, clinical and prognostic differences
between occupational and non-occupational cases. MED CLIN-BARCELONA,
2010. 135:52-58. I.F.:1,23.
Miro O, Llorens P, Martin-Sanchez FJ, Herrero P, Jacob J, PerezDura MJ, Gonzalez C, Alonso H, Gil
V, Alvarez AB, Perello R, GonzalezArmengol JJ. Predicting the risk of
reattendance for acute heart failure
patients discharged from Spanish
Emergency Department observation
units. EUR J EMERG MED, 2010.
17:197-202. I.F.:0,73.
15 Bosch X, Loma-Osorio P,
Guasch E, Nogue S, Ortiz JT, Sanchez M. Prevalence, Clinical Characteristics and Risk of Myocardial
Infarction in Patients With CocaineRelated Chest Pain. REV ESP CARDIOL, 2010. 63:1028-1034. I.F.:2,75.
Jimenez S, Aguilo S, Gil V,
Antolin A, Prieto S, Bragulat E,
Coll-Vinent B, Miro O, Sanchez M.
Psychosocial factors determine
patients’ acceptance of emergency
department discharge directly to
hospital-at-home care. GAC SANIT,
2010. 24:303-308. I.F.:1,17.
Fonseca M, Sanclemente G,
Hernandez C, Visiedo C, Bragulat E,
Miro O. Residents, duties and burnout syndrome. REV CLIN ESP, 2010.
210:209-215. I.F.:0,58.
18 Nogue S, Ramos A, Portillo
Sitges M, Pare C, Bosch X, Bragulat
E, Sanchez M. Utility of coronary computed tomography to rule out acute
coronary syndrome in the emergency
department: a pilot study. EMERGENCIAS, 2010. 22:101-108. I.F.:3,08.
Galicia M, Nogue S, Sanjurjo E,
Miro O. Visits to the emergency department due to ecstasy (MDMA) and
amphetamine derivative consumption:
Epidemiological, clinical and evolutional
profile. REV CLIN ESP, 2010. 210:371378. I.F.:0,58.
I.F.: 3,08
1 Oliu G, Nogue S, Miro O. Carbon
monoxide poisoning: pathophysiologic
principles underlying good treatment.
EMERGENCIAS, 2010. 22:451-459.
I.F.: 12,32
1 Ferrando JP, Martin BB, Puig TC,
Xarau SN. Assessing risk of liver toxicity in acute paracetamol intoxication
when basing treatment on a RumackMatthew toxicity nomogram is not
feasible. EMERGENCIAS, 2010.
22:365-368. I.F.:3,08.
M, Bohils M. Triage and assignment
of responsibility for care in cases of
acute intoxication in the emergency
department. EMERGENCIAS, 2010.
22:338-344. I.F.:3,08.
2 Miro O. Nenikekamen We have
3 Miro O. Project EMEGER: A bonis
Amigo M, Nogue S, Miro O.
Use of activated charcoal in acute
poisonings: Clinical safety and factors
associated with adverse reactions in
2010. 135:243-249. I.F.:1,23.
Miro O, Ortiz-Perez JT, Leon
R, Lopez B, Perea R, DeCaralt TM,
prevailed!. EMERGENCIAS, 2010.
22:401-403. I.F.:3,08.
ad meliora. EMERGENCIAS, 2010.
22:1-2. I.F.:3,08.
4 Miro O. Specialization in emergency medicine: a residency program that is needed and in demand.
EMERGENCIAS, 2010. 22:321-322.
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 3,08
Jimenez S. Guidelines on acute pulmonary embolism from the European Society
of Cardiology: reflections from the perspective of the emergency physician. EMERGENCIAS, 2010. 22:61-67. I.F.:3,08.
Grants for research
in progress
Coll-Vinent B. Utilidad de la detección precoz de la fibrilación auricular. Sponsored
by: Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias,
PI070278. Amount: 99.220,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2008-30/12/2010.
Miro O. Grup de recerca consolidat. Sponsored by: Generalitat de Catalunya, SGR
2009-1385. Amount: 45.760,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Miro O, Gomez E, Bragulat E, Nogue S,
Sanchez M. Prevalencia, perfil demográfico, social y clínico, y pronóstico de los
pacientes consumidores de cocaína que
acuden a urgencias por dolor torácico.
Sponsored by: Fondo de Investigaciones
Sanitarias, PI07/0089. Amount: 32.500,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2010.
Miro O. “Comparación de dos metodologías diferentes para la difusión de la enseñanza de la reanimación cardiopulmonar
básica durante la escolarización obligatoria”. Sponsored by: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS), PI 07/0073. Amount:
33.456,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2010.
Miro O, Nogue S. Aportaciones a al epidemiologia y a las manisfestaciones clínicas
de las sobredosis causadas por la cocaina y
las nuevas drogas de diseño. PhD student:
Miguel Angel Galicia Paredes.
Molecular and cellular bases of inflammation.
Structural and biological mass spectrometry
Group Members
Daniel Closa
Tel.: 93 363 83 43
Fax: 93 363 83 01
E-mail: [email protected]
1.Molecular and cellular bases of
Study of inflammatory response in
1.Structural and biological mass
Development of techniques for
solving problems in proteomics and
in the analysis of biomolecules in
general. Application to the study of
antigen presentation in autoimmune
diseases and to the investigation of
therapeutic targets and markers of
the disease.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Molecular and cellular bases of
• Mechanisms involved in the
development of systemic
inflammatory processes.
• New therapies for idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis.
• Study of the protein associated
with pancreatitis.
Idibaps members:
Oriol Bulbena (IIBB-CSIC)
Emili Gelpí (IIBB-CSIC)
Joaquín Abián (IIBB-CSIC-UAB)
Montserrat Carrascal (IIBB-CSIC)
Emma Folch (IBB-CSIC)
Research Fellows:
Gemma Gay
S. Gea (TS)
C. Lebrero (GENAME)
R. Guillamat (CIBERES)
L. Ignacio Sanchez
V. Sirenko (IDIBAPS)
Edita Bueno (JAE-TEC)
Joan Villanueva (Proteored)
Ana González (Proteored)
D. Ovelleiro (Proteored)
V. Casas (TS- MICINN)
A. Salas (RC)
A. Serrano (IIBB-CSIC)
M. Gay (JAE-DOC)
N. Franco (CIBEREHD)
2. Structural and biological mass
• Phosphoproteomics of the human
T lymphocyte.
• Diagnostic and prognostic markers
in cancer and other diseases.
• External scientific-technical
services. Proteomics Services
and Coordination of Proteored
I.F.: 51,15
1 Gay M, Carrascal M, Gorga M,
Pares A, Abian J. Characterization of
peptides and proteins in commercial
HSA solutions. PROTEOMICS, 2010.
10:172-181. I.F.:4,43.
2 Carrascal M, Gay M, Ovelleiro
D, Casas V, Gelpi E, Abian J. Characterization of the Human Plasma
Phosphoproteome Using Linear Ion
Trap Mass Spectrometry and Multiple
Search Engines. J PROTEOME RES,
2010. 9:876-884. I.F.:5,13.
7 Franco-Pons N, Gea-Sorli S, Closa
D. Release of inflammatory mediators
by adipose tissue during acute pancreatitis. J PATHOL, 2010. 221:175-182.
8 Ponce J, Brea D, Carrascal M, Guirao V, Degregorio-Rocasolano N, Sobrino T, Castillo J, Davalos A, Gasull T. The
effect of simvastatin on the proteome
of detergent-resistant membrane domains: Decreases of specific proteins
previously related to cytoskeleton regulation, calcium homeostasis and cell
fate. PROTEOMICS, 2010. 10:19541965. I.F.:4,43.
3 Rodriguez-Trigo G, Zock JP, Pozo- 9 Banon-Maneus E, Diekmann F,
Rodriguez F, Gomez FP, Monyarch
G, Bouso L, Coll MD, Verea H, Anto
JM, Fuster C, Barbera JA. Health
Changes in Fishermen 2 Years After
Clean-up of the Prestige Oil Spill.
ANN INTERN MED, 2010. 153:489W176. I.F.:16,23.
Gutierrez P, Closae D, Piner R,
Bulbena O, Menendez R, Torres A.
Macrophage activation in exacerbated
COPD with and without communityacquired pneumonia. EUR RESPIR J,
2010. 36:285-291. I.F.:5,53.
5 Vendrell I, Carrascal M, Campos
F, Abian J, Suñol C. Methylmercury
disrupts the balance between phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated
cofilin in primary cultures of mice
cerebellar granule cells A proteomic
2010. 242:109-118. I.F.:3,36.
Carrascal M, Quintana LF, Moya-Rull
D, Bescos M, Ramirez-Bajo MJ, Rovira
J, Gutierrez-Dalmau A, Sole-Gonzalez
A, Abian J, Campistol JM. Two-Dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis
Urinary Proteomic Profile in the Search
of Nonimmune Chronic Allograft Dysfunction Biomarkers. TRANSPLANTATION, 2010. 89:548-558. I.F.:3,50.
Grants for research
in progress
Closa D. Caracterización de la activación de macrófagos intersticiales y
alveolares en patologías respiratorias
no infecciosas. Sponsored by: SEPAR,
2009-841. Amount: 12.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2010.
6 Lopez-Font I, Gea-Sorli S, De-
Abian J. ProteoRed (Instituto Nacional
de Proteómica). Sponsored by: Genoma
España, 0000. Amount: 432.829,00 euros. Duration: 01/06/2005-01/06/2010.
Madaria E, Gutierrez LM, PerezMateo M, Closa D. Pancreatic and
pulmonary mast cells activation during experimental acute pancreatitis.
16:3411-3417. I.F.:2,09.
Abian J. GENAME: Defining targets for
therapeutics in spinal muscular atrophy.
Sponsored by: Genoma España, 0000.
Amount: 205.775,00 euros. Duration:
Abian J. Análisis proteómico de marcadores de enfermedad en suero
humano. Sponsored by: Ministerio de
Industria, Turismo y Comercio, CENIT/
ONCNOSIS. Amount: 499.903,00 euros. Duration: 18/01/2006-18/01/2010.
Abian J. La activación linfocitaria a
través del análisis del fosfoproteoma.
Determinación de perfiles de fosforilación in vivo. Sponsored by: MICINN,
BIO2009-11735. Amount: 147.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Closa D. Trasplante de macrófagos
reprogramados ex vivo como terapia
para la pancreatitis aguda experimental.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Ciencia e
Innovación, SAF2009-07605. Amount:
80.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2011.
Closa D. Derivados lipídicos como
agentes moduladores de la respuesta
hiperinflamatoria sistémica. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Ciencia e Innovación,
201022002. Amount: 18.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/06/2010-01/06/2011.
Bulbena O. Trasplante de células alveolares tipo II, derivadas de células madre
adultas, para el tratamiento de la fibrosis pulmonar idiopática. Sponsored by:
FIS, 201022002. Amount: 169.400,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2013.
Mont L, Serrano-Mollar A. Efecto del
ejercicio crónico en el desarrollo de
fibrosis cardíaca: mecanismos implicados. PhD student: Gemma Gay Jordi
renal AND
Atherosclerosis and coronary disease 104
Arrhythmias, resynchronization and cardiac imaging 109
Nephro-urological diseases and kidney transplantation 114
Hypertension, lipids and cardiovascular risk 118
Respiratory biophysics and bioengineering 122
Applied research in infectious respiratory diseases, critically
ill patients and lung cancer 125
Physiopathological mechanisms of respiratory
illnesses 131
Clinical and Experimental Respiratory
Immunoallergy (IRCE) 134
Inflammation and repair in respiratory illnesses 138
Urological genetics and tumors 140
Team envolved in:
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Determinantes genéticos y ambientales de la disfunción
vascular en la hipertensión y cardiopatía isquémica
Atherosclerosis and coronary disease
GROUP Members
Manel Sabaté
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 93 05
Fax: 93 227 93 05
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Magda Heras Fortuny (Hospital Clínic)
Amadeu Betriu (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Bosch (Hospital Clínic)
Ana Paula Dantas (IDIBAPS)
Carles Paré (Hospital Clínic)
Félix Pérez Villa (Hospital Clínic)
José Luis Pomar (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Rigol (IDIBAPS)
Mercè Roqué (Hospital Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Luis Álvarez Contreras
Nadia Castillo (Fundació Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Anna Barrabés (Fundació Clínic)
Elisabet de Mingo (IDIBAPS)
Administrative Staff:
Montserrat Vázquez González (FCRB)
Mª Ángeles Álvarez (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Batlle (IDIBAPS)
Mònica Masotti (Hospital Clínic)
África Muxí (Hospital Clínic)
Núria Solanes (FCRB)
José Ortiz Pérez (Hospital Clínic)
Alessandro Sionis (Hospital Clínic)
Laura Novensà (IDIBAPS)
Rut Andrea (Hospital Clínic)
Manel Azqueta (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Cardona (Hospital Clínic)
Carles Falces (Hospital Clínic)
Victoria Martín Yuste (Hospital Clínic)
Sussanna Prat (Hospital Clínic)
Mª José Pulgarín (IDIBAPS)
1. Physiopathology and improvement in the diagnosis and
treatment of acute coronary
syndrome. Role of the vascular
inflammation mechanisms and
a.Identification of different clinical
signs and biomarkers of inflammation, necrosis and hemodynamic stress allowing improved
diagnostic evaluation and risk
stratification of patients with chest
pain and negative troponin findings.
b.Evaluation of the role of different
inflammatory biomarkers and
thrombosis in the physiopathology
and course of patients with myocardial infarction.
2. Prevention of ventricular dysfunction in patients subjected to
chemotherapy. A randomized study
evaluating different drugs in the
prevention of ventricular dysfunction
in oncological patients subjected to
high-dose chemotherapy with drugs
of known cardiotoxicity.
3. Control mechanisms of post-vascular lesion intimal hyperplasia
and regulation of vascular tone:
a.Porcine model with femoral artery
b.Graft vasculopathy model with aortic transplantation in the rat.
c.Model of femoral artery damage in
the mouse.
d.Porcine model of intimal hyperplasia of the coronary arteries.
4. Post-infarction myocardial regeneration. Study of the mechanisms of
implantation, differentiation and regeneration of pluripotent stem cells in
a porcine model of acute myocardial
5. Determination of the mechanisms involved in the regulation of nitric oxide and superoxide anion systems
through steroid receptors, and their
role in regulating the development of
cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes
and metabolic syndrome.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Atherosclerosis and coronary disease
6. Clinical evaluation of new devices
for the treatment of ischemic and
structural heart disease.
7. Evaluation of the efficacy of cellular
therapy in patients with refractory
Main Lines
of Research
1. Physiopathology and improvement in
the diagnosis and treatment of acute
coronary syndrome. Role of the vascular inflammation mechanisms and
thrombosis. Evaluation of circulating
endothelial cells and precursor endothelial cells.
2. Prevention of ventricular dysfunction
in patients subjected to chemotherapy.
3. Study of the impact of gender difference upon ischemic heart disease.
Evaluation of the characteristics of
cardiovascular diseases in women
and the different factors influencing
their prognosis.
4. Vascular biology. Study of the mechanisms underlying post-revascularization procedure intimal hyperplasia.
Within this line of work we have
different projects involving different
vascular lesion models in both large
animals (such as pigs) and in small
mammals (rats and mice). Specifically,
in the experimental cardiology laboratory we have a model of angioplasty
and stent placement in pigs, a model
of intimal hyperplasia development in
mice - with which studies in genetically modified animals are made – and
two vascular transplant models in pigs
and rats.
5. Study of neurohormonal activation and the fibrotic process associated with ventricular remodelling
in heart failure in idiopathic or ischemic dilatory myocardiopathies. We
use molecular biological and immunohistochemical techniques in
myocardial tissue and serum neurohormonal determinations. This
line will allow us to gain in-depth
knowledge of the physiopathological mechanisms and evolutive
course of heart failure.
6. Study of neurohormonal activation
and the fibrotic process associated
with ventricular remodelling in
heart failure in idiopathic or ischemic dilatory myocardiopathies. This
line will allow us to gain in-depth
knowledge of the physiopathological
mechanisms and evolutive course of
heart failure.
7. Investigation of the mechanisms by
which aging and menopause affect
the signaling pathways of the nitric
oxide and superoxide anion systems,
and their role in regulating cardiovascular function in both healthy individuals and in patients with pre-existing
cardiovascular diseases.
8.Clinical studies for evaluating the
efficacy and safety of intracoronary
devices (stents).
9.Chronic total coronary artery
occlusion in humans: from physiopathology to the clinical implications
of successful recanalization via percutaneous coronary intervention.
10. Cellular therapy in patients with
refractory angina not amenable to
11. Structural heart disease: study of
quality of life in patients subjected
to TAVI.
12. Mechanical circulatory assist devices. Ventricular assist as a bridge
to transplantation.
The role of estrogens upon oxidative
stress in vivo. Representative images
at left show mesenteric arterioles under
visible light, and at right under fluorescent light, nuclei stained with ethidium
bromide, 60 minutes after starting the
hydroethidine perfusion. A)arterioles of
a spontaneously hypertensive female
rat (SHR) with physiological stress (OE);
B) arterioles of an ovariectomized SHR
(OVX); C) arterioles of an ovariectomized
SHR treated with estrogen (OVX + E2).
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Atherosclerosis and coronary disease
I.F.: 131,29
Colli A, Mestres CA, Espinosa G,
Plasin MA, Pomar JL, Font J, Cervera R.
Heart valve surgery in patients with the
antiphospholipid syndrome: analysis of
a series of nine cases. EUR J CARDIOTHORAC, 2010. 37:154-158. I.F.:2,40.
2 Garcia-De-La-Maria C, Marco F,
7 Ortiz-Perez JT, Betriu A, Lee DC,
Armero Y, Soy D, Moreno A, DelRio A,
Almela M, Cervera C, Ninot S, Falces C,
Mestres CA, Gatell JM, DeAnta MTJ,
Miro JM. Daptomycin Is Effective for
Treatment of Experimental Endocarditis
Due to Methicillin-Resistant and Glycopeptide-Intermediate Staphylococcus
CH, 2010. 54:2781-2786. I.F.:4,80.
DeCaralt TM, Meyers SN, Davidson CJ,
Perea RJ, Sitges M, Bosch X, Bonow
RO, Masotti M, Brugada J, Wu E. Angiographic and Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Evaluation of In-Hospital Delay
in Primary Percutaneous Intervention
Delivery on Myocardial Salvage. AM J
CARDIOL, 2010. 106:924-930. I.F.:3,58.
Bosch X, Loma-Osorio P, Guasch
E, Nogue S, Ortiz JT, Sanchez M.
Prevalence, Clinical Characteristics
and Risk of Myocardial Infarction in
Patients With Cocaine-Related Chest
Pain. REV ESP CARDIOL, 2010.
63:1028-1034. I.F.:2,75.
Miro O, Ortiz-Perez JT, Leon R,
Lopez B, Perea R, DeCaralt TM, Sitges M, Pare C, Bosch X, Bragulat E,
Sanchez M. Utility of coronary computed tomography to rule out acute
coronary syndrome in the emergency
department: a pilot study. EMERGENCIAS, 2010. 22:101-108. I.F.:3,08.
Abu-Assi E, Ferreira-Gonzalez I,
Ribera A, Marsal JR, Cascant P, Heras
M, Bueno H, Sanchez PL, Aros F,
Marrugat J, Garcia-Dorado D, Pena-Gil
C, Gonzalez-Juanatey JR, PermanyerMiralda G. “Do GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary events) risk
scores still maintain their performance
for predicting mortality in the era of
contemporary management of acute
coronary syndromes?”. AM HEART J,
2010. 160:826-U73. I.F.:4,36.
Martinez-Olondris P, Sibila O, Agusti
C, Rigol M, Soy D, Esquinas C, Piner R,
Luque N, Guerrero L, Quera MA, Marco
F, DeLaBellacasa JP, Ramirez J, Torres
A. An experimental model of pneumonia induced by methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus in ventilated
piglets. EUR RESPIR J, 2010. 36:901906. I.F.:5,53.
8 Garcia-Alvarez A, Sitges M, GarciaAlbeniz X, Sionis A, Loma-Osorio P,
Bosch X. Atypical cardiac manifestation
of hypereosinophilic syndrome and reversible cardiotoxicity to imatinib. INT J
CARDIOL, 2010. 139:E29-E31. I.F.:3,47.
Ferreira-Gonzalez I, Marsal JR,
Ribera A, Permanyer-Miralda G, GarciaDelBlanco B, Marti G, Cascant P,
Martin-Yuste V, Brugaletta S, Sabate M,
Alfonso F, Capote ML, DeLaTorre JM,
Ruiz-Lera M, Sanmiguel D, Cardenas
M, Pujol B, Baz JA, Iniguez A, Trillo R,
Gonzalez-Bejar O, Casanova J, SanchezGila J, Garcia-Dorado D. Background,
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Year After Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation. CIRCULATION, 2010. 122:1017U122. I.F.:14,82.
Miguel-Velado E, Perez-Carretero FD, Colinas O, Cidad P, Heras M,
Lopez-Lopez JR, Perez-Garcia MT. Cell
cycle-dependent expression of Kv3.4
channels modulates proliferation of
human uterine artery smooth muscle
cells. CARDIOVASC RES, 2010. 86:383391. I.F.:5,80.
11 Garcia-Alvarez A, Sitges M, Pinazo
MJ, Regueiro-Cueva A, Posada E, Poyatos
S, Ortiz-Peerez JT, Heras M, Azqueta M,
Gascon J, Sanz G. Chagas Cardiomiopathy: The Potential of Diastolic Dysfunction
and Brain Natriuretic Peptide in the Early
Identification of Cardiac Damage. PLOS
NEGLECT TROP D, 2010. 4:-. I.F.:4,69.
12 Cidad P, Moreno-Dominguez A,
Novensa L, Roque M, Barquin L, Heras
M, Perez-Garcia MT, Lopez-Lopez JR.
Characterization of Ion Channels Involved in the Proliferative Response of
Femoral Artery Smooth Muscle Cells.
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13 Rodriguez-Guardado A, Miquel R,
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14 Guerrero L, Martinez-Olondris P,
Rigol M, Esperatti M, Esquinas C, Luque
N, Piner R, Torres A, Soy D. Development and validation of a high performance liquid chromatography method
to determine linezolid concentrations in
pig pulmonary tissue. CLIN CHEM LAB
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15 Sanchez MA, Jimenez-Navarro M,
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With Heart Failure. REV ESP CARDIOL,
2010. 63:677-685. I.F.:2,75.
16 Rigol M, Solanes N, Farre J, Roura
S, Roque M, Berruezo A, Bellera N, Novensa L, Beng DT, Prat-Vidal C, Huzman
MA, Batlle M, Hoefsloot M, Sitges M,
Ramirez J, Dantas AP, Merino A, Sanz
G, Brugada J, Bayes-Genis A, Heras M.
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CARD FAIL, 2010. 16:357-366. I.F.:3,25.
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FAIL, 2010. 12:492-498. I.F.:3,71.
17 Novensa L, Selent J, Pastor
23 Diaz-Ricart M, Brunso L, Pino M,
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18 Novella S, Dantas AP, Segarra G,
24 Crespo-Leiro MG, Delgado JF, Pania- 28 Sionis A, Garcia-Alvarez A, Castel
Novensa L, Bueno C, Heras M, Hermenegildo C, Medina P. Gathering of aging and
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GERONTOL, 2010. 45:868-874. I.F.:3,34.
gua MJ, DePrada JAV, Fernandez-Yanez J,
Almenar L, Diaz-Molina B, Roig E, Arizon
JM, Alonso-Pulpon L, Garrido IP, Sanz ML,
DeLaFuente L, Mirabet S, Manito N, Muniz
J. Prevalence and severity of renal dysfunction among 1062 heart transplant patients
according to criteria based on serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration
rate: results from the CAPRI study. CLIN
TRANSPLANT, 2010. 24:E88-E93. I.F.:2,00.
19 Molina BD, Leiro MGC, Pulpon
LA, Mirabet S, Yanez JF, Bonet LA,
Vilchez FG, Delgado JF, Manito N, Rabago G, Arizon JM, Romero N, Roig
E, Blasco T, Pascual D, DeLaFuente L,
Muniz J. Incidence and Risk Factors for
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer After Heart
Transplantation. TRANSPL P, 2010.
42:3001-3005. I.F.:0,99.
20 Colli A, D’amico R, Mestres CA,
Pomar JL, Camara ML, Ruyra X, Mulet J. Is Early Antithrombotic Therapy
Necessary after Tissue Mitral Valve Replacement?. J HEART VALVE DIS, 2010.
19:405-411. I.F.:1,03.
21 Bellera MN, Ortiz JT, Caralt MT,
Perez-Rodon J, Mercader J, FernandezGomez C, Pare C, Heras M. Magnetic
resonance reveals long-term sequelae
of apical ballooning syndrome. INT J
CARDIOL, 2010. 139:25-31. I.F.:3,47.
22 Tolosana JM, Mont L, Sitges M,
Berruezo A, Delgado V, Vidal B, Tamborero D, Morales M, Batlle M, Roig E, Castel
MA, Perez-Villa F, Godoy M, Brugada J.
Plasma tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1): an independent
25 Sanchis J, Bosch X, Bodi V, Nunez
J, Doltra A, Heras M, Mainar L, Santas
E, Bragulat E, Garcia-Alvarez A, Carratala A, Llacer A. Randomized comparison
between clinical evaluation plus N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide versus exercise testing for decision making
in acute chest pain of uncertain origin.
AM HEART J, 2010. 159:-. I.F.:4,36.
26 Widimsky P, Wijns W, Fajadet J,
DeBelder M, Knot J, Aaberge L, Andrikopoulos G, Baz JA, Betriu A, Claeys
M, Danchin N, Djambazov S, Erne P,
Hartikainen J, Huber K, Kala P, Klinceva
M, Kristensen SD, Ludman P, Ferre JM,
Merkely B, Milicic D, Morais J, Noc M,
Opolski G, Ostojic M, Radovanovic D,
DeServi S, Stenestrand U, Studencan
M, Tubaro M, Vasiljevic Z, Weidinger F,
Witkowski A, Zeymer U. Reperfusion
therapy for ST elevation acute myocardial infarction in Europe: description of the
current situation in 30 countries. EUR
HEART J, 2010. 31:943-957. I.F.:9,80.
Delgado JF, Crespo-Leiro MG,
Gomez-Sanchez MA, Paniagua MJ,
Gonzalez-Vilchez F, DePrada JAV, Fernandez-Yanez J, Pascual D, Almenar L,
Martinez-Dolz L, Diaz B, Roig E, Segovia
J, Arizon JM, Garrido I, Blasco T, Lopez
J, Brossa V, Manito N, Muniz J. Risk factors associated with moderate-to-severe
renal dysfunction among heart transplant
patients: results from the CAPRI study.
CLIN TRANSPLANT, 2010. 24:E194-E200.
MA, Cordero M, Josa M, Perez-Villa F,
Roig E. Severe aortic regurgitation and
reduced left ventricular ejection fraction:
Outcomes after isolated aortic valve
replacement and combined surgery. J
HEART LUNG TRANSPL, 2010. 29:445448. I.F.:3,54.
Sola R, Bruckert E, Valls RM,
Narejos S, Luque X, Castro-Cabezas M,
Domenech G, Torres F, Heras M, Farres
X, Vaquer JV, Martinez JM, Almaraz MC,
Anguera A. Soluble fibre (Plantago ovata
husk) reduces plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides,
insulin, oxidised LDL and systolic blood
pressure in hypercholesterolaemic patients: A randomised trial. ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 2010. 211:630-637. I.F.:4,52.
Portillo K, Santos S, Madrigal I,
Blanco I, Pare C, Borderias L, Peinado VI,
Roca J, Mila M, Barbera JA. Study of the
BMPR2 Gene in Patients with Pulmonary
Arterial Hypertension. ARCH BRONCONEUMOL, 2010. 46:129-134. I.F.:2,17.
31 Castel A, Magnani S, Mont L,
Roig E, Tamborero D, Mendez-Zurita F,
Femenia JF, Tolosana JM, Perez-Villa F,
Brugada J. Survival in New York Heart
Association class IV heart failure patients
treated with cardiac resynchronization
therapy compared with patients on
optimal pharmacological treatment. EUROPACE, 2010. 12:1136-1140. I.F.:1,87.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Atherosclerosis and coronary disease
32 Gonzalez-Vilchez F, Almenar L,
Arizon JM, Mirabet S, Delgado JF,
DeMolina BD, Gomez M, Paniagua
MJ, Perez-Villa F, Roig E, DePrada
JAV. Temporal Trends in the Use of
Proliferation Signal Inhibitors in Maintenance Heart Transplantation: A Spanish
Multicenter Study. TRANSPL P, 2010.
42:2997-3000. I.F.:0,99.
33 Martinez-Olondris P, Rigol M,
Torres A. What lessons have been
learnt from animal models of MRSA
in the lung?. EUR RESPIR J, 2010.
35:198-201. I.F.:5,53.
I.F.: 8,40
1 Bosch X, Marrugat J, Sanchis J.
Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa blockers
during percutaneous coronary intervention and as the initial medical treatment
of non-ST segment elevation acute
coronary syndromes. COCHRANE DB
SYST REV, 2010. :-. I.F.:5,65.
Segovia J, Bermejo J, Alfonso F,
Heras M. The Right Heart and Pulmonary Circulation. Is It Really a Minor
Circulation?. REV ESP CARDIOL,
2010. 63:77-80. I.F.:2,75.
I.F.: 6,91
1 Bosch X. Safeguarding good scientific practice in Europe The increasingly
global reach of science requires the
harmonization of standards. EMBO
REP, 2010, 2010. 11:252-257. I.F.:6,91.
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 12,20
Wijns W, Kolh P. Guidelines on myocardial revascularization The Task Force
on Myocardial Revascularization of the
European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
and the European Association for CardioThoracic Surgery (EACTS). EUR HEART J,
2010. 31:2501-2555. I.F.:9,80.
2 Kolh P, Wijns W, Danchin N, DiMario C,
Falk V, Folliguet T, Garg S, Huber K, James
S, Knuuti J, Lopez-Sendon J, Marco J,
Menicanti L, Ostojic M, Piepoli MF, Pirlet
C, Pomar JL, Reifart N, Ribichini FL, Schalij
MJ, Sergeant P, Serruys PW, Silber S, Uva
MS, Taggart D. Guidelines on myocardial
revascularization The Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European
Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS). EUR J CARDIO-THORAC,
2010. 38:S1-S52. I.F.:2,40.
I.F.: 61,87
1 Gerstein HC, Ratner RE, Cannon CP,
Serruys PW, Garcia-Garcia HM, VanEs
GA, Kolatkar NS, Kravitz BG, Miller DM,
Huang C, Fitzgerald PJ, Nesto RW. Effect
of Rosiglitazone on Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Patients With
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Coronary
Artery Disease. CIRCULATION, 2010.
121:1176-1187. I.F.:14,82.
2 Mehta SR, Bassand JP, Chrolavicius
S, Diaz R, Eikelboom JW, Fox KAA,
Granger CB, Jolly S, Joyner CD, Rupprecht HJ, Widimsky P, Afzal R, Pogue
J, Yusuf S. Dose Comparisons of Clopidogrel and Aspirin in Acute Coronary
Syndromes. NEW ENGL J MED, 2010.
363:930-942. I.F.:47,05.
Grants for research
in progress
Heras M. HERACLES - Determinantes
Genéticos y Ambientales de la Disfunción Vascular en la Hipertensión
y Cardiopatía Isquémica. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
RD06/0009/0008. Amount: 204.018,22
euros. Duration: 01/01/2007-31/12/2010.
Batlle M. Análisis del papel del péptido
Ang1-7 del Sistema Renina Angiotensina en el desarrollo del remodelado
ventricular en la Insuficiencia Cardíaca.
Sponsored by: Sociedad Española
de Cardiología, IP004486. Amount:
12.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2010.
Dantas AP. Regulación hormonal del
perfil proteómico y la función vascular
durante el envejecimiento y la evolución de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Sponsored by: FIS, PI040171.
Amount: 104.302,00 euros. Duration:
Heras M. Células endoteliales circulantes y células progenitoras endoteliales
en la enfermedad cardiovascular aguda. Correlación con la función endotelial y la evolución clínica. Sponsored by:
FIS, PI080272. Amount: 68.002,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2011.
Bosch X. Prevención de la disfunción
ventricular con enalapril y carvedilol en
pacientes sometidos a quimioterapia
intensiva para el tratamiento de hemopatías malignas. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, EC07/90211.
Amount: 289.825,25 euros. Duration:
Roque M, Heras M, Novensà L, Rigol
M, Solanes N. Prevenció i tractament
de la hiperplàsia de l’íntima mitjançant
l’ús de bloquejants del canal Kv1.3.
Sponsored by: Generalitat de Catalunya (VALTEC), PI040823. Amount:
80.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2011.
Sabate M. Chronic total occlusions of
human coronary arteries: from pathophysiology to long-term clinical implications of successful recanalization by
means of percutaneous coronary intervention. Sponsored by: FUNDACIÓ LA
MARATÓ DE TV3, 082130. Amount:
95.200,72 euros. Duration: 29/04/201004/03/2012.
Respiratory, cardiovascular and renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Team envolved in:
Red de Investigación en Insuficiencia
Cardiaca en España (REDINSCOR)
Arrhythmias, resynchronization
and cardiac imaging
Group Members
Josep Brugada
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 55 51
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Lluis Mont (Hospital Clínic)
Marta Sitges (Hospital Clínic)
Teresa M. de Caralt (Hospital Clínic)
Vidal, Bárbara (Hospital Clínic)
José Tomás Ortiz (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Gemma Gay-Jordi (FIS)
Montserrat Batlle (Fundació Clínic)
Montserrat Rigor (Fundació Clínic)
Núria Solanes (Fundació Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Etel Silva (Fundació Clínic - cvREMOD)
Paola Berne (CNIC)
Eduard Guasch (Rio OrtegaIDIBAPS-ISC III)
David Andreu (Fundació Clínic)
Silvia Montserrat (Hospital Clínic- Fundació Clínic)
Juan Fernández-Armenta
(Fundacio Clínic - cvREMOD)
Ada Doltra (Fundació Clínic cvREMOD)
Naiara Calvo (Hospital Clínic - Premi fi
de residència, 3 anys)
Pablo Ramos (Premi fi de residència
HCP, 1 any)
Esther Guiu (Fundació Clínic)
Cira Rubies (Fundació Cinic HERACLES)
Nursing Staff:
Mariona Matas (Hospital Clínic)
Silvia Poyatos (Fundació Clínic)
Anna Barrabes (Fundació Clínic)
Silvia Vidorreta (Fundació Clínic iCARDEA)
Sara Hevia (Fundació Clínic REDINSCOR)
Administrative Staff:
Neus Portella (Fundació Clínic)
Roger Borras (Fundació Clínic)
Antonio Berruezo (Hospital Clínic)
Mª Àngels Castel (Hospital Clínic)
José Mª Tolosana (Hospital Clínic)
Rosario J Perea (Hospital Clínic)
Visiting Scientists:
Csaba Herczku (Beca EHRA,
European Heart Rhythm Association)
Hervoika M Zeljo (Beca EHRA,
European Heart Rhythm Association)
Edi Belu (Beca EHRA, European Heart
Rhythm Association)
Freddy E. Diaz (Fellow Venezuela)
Damian Azocar (Beca Fundación
Carolina, Argentina)
The aims for the coming year are
fundamentally to continue developing
the five main research lines of the group:
genetic cardiovascular diseases, atrial
fibrillation, cardiac resynchronization,
ventricular tachycardias, and
experimental models of etiological factors
in atrial fibrillation. A new research line
may be added in sports cardiology, taking
advantage of our previous experience
in arrhythmias and cardiac imaging,
and in the previous development of a
murine experimental model of chronic
training. Another strategic aim of the
group is to consolidate the Cardiac
Imaging Subgroup, which collaborates
with all the group research lines, applying
cardiac imaging techniques to the study
of the physiopathology of arrhythmias
and their mechanics. Furthermore, we
wish to continue promoting prospective
multicenter projects allowing the
obtainment of transcendental clinical
results, without abandoning practical
clinical research, with a view to improving
patient care.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Cardiovascular genetic diseases:
•This year patients continue to be
included in the multicenter study
‘Sudden cardiac death: Translating
basic science into clinical care’,
in collaboration with Dr. Ramon
Brugada of the Cardiovascular
Genetics Center UdG-IDIBGI, in
2. Experimental models for the
study of etiological factors in
atrial fibrillation:
•We wish to continue analyzing
the mechanisms conditioning the
appearance of atrial and ventricular
fibrosis in the rat model of
resistance exercise.
•We are continuing collaboration with
the Pneumology Sleep Unit and the
Department of Physical Medicine of
the Faculty of Medicine of Barcelona
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Arrhythmias, resynchronization
and cardiac imaging
University, with the purpose of
studying the repercussions of
obstructive apnea upon the heart,
using an experimental model in rats.
3. Atrial fibrillation (AF):
•On one hand we are continuing the
study of etiological factors in primary
atrial fibrillation, specifically with the
FUTURE study, which analyzes the
role of undetected hypertension and
physical exercise.
•Recruitment is continuing in
the SARA study (Spanish Atrial
Fibrillation vs Antiarrhythmic Drugs).
Comparative multicenter study of
the efficacy of ablation versus drug
•Recruitment has been completed in
two randomized, prospective studies
designed to compare different
ablation techniques.
4. Ventricular tachycardia (VT):
•Multicenter study of antiarrhythmic
drugs versus ablation in ischemic
patients with automated implantable
•A prospective study evaluating
the ejection fraction following
ventricular extrasystolia ablation
in patients with ventricular
extrasystoles and structural heart
•Different prospective studies are
being conducted, evaluating the
clinical usefulness of epicardial
ablation in different substrates.
•Software has been developed to
delimit the slow conduction zones
within myocardial scars by means
of magnetic resonance studies
and their fusion with images
obtained from three-dimensional
navigation sysems.
•Siemens has has sponsored a
prospective study to evaluate
remodelling and sudden death
risk predictive capacity with MRI
and biomarker levels in patients
with structural heart disease.
5. Sports cardiology:
•We are continuing work on
the murine experimental
model of cardiac adaptation to
chronic training, developed for
the study of atrial fibrillation
physiopathology, focusing
research mainly on right ventricle
•We have incorporated the
human clinical model thanks to
collaboration of the group with
elite sports entities (FC Barcelona
and the Consell Català de la
Salut), performing cardiac imaging
studies of all the athletes,
and again focusing on cardiac
adaptation to chronic training.
(A) Map of atrial fibrillation: Atrial fibrillation ablation procedure. We see the
ablation scheme and integration of the 3D reconstruction of a CAT scan
within the navigator. This system allows real time catheter localization
within the heart of the patient.
(B) Map of ventricular tachycardia: Ventricular tachycardia ablation procedure.
In this case we see an epicardial map of the left ventricle in a patient with
structural heart disease (right). The 3D reconstruction derived from an MRI
scan with gadolinium contrast injection allows noninvasive characterization
of the tissue and planning of the intervention (left).
Cardiac resynchronization
Group Leader: Lluis Mont (Hospital Clínic)
Our group focuses its research on
the applications and results of cardiac
resynchronization techniques. At
present we are carrying out a number of
studies:- We are continuing recruitment in two studies
to evaluate the effect of optimization in the success
of cardiac resynchronization. BEST study.- Inclusion is
continuing in the ECHO-CRT study on the efficacy of
cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with
narrow QRS waves.- Inclusion has ended in the multicenter
SEPTAL-CRT trial, designed to evaluate the efficacy of
septal versus right ventricle apical stimulation.- We have
started the CRT CAT project, which is a multicenter
prospective study in Catalonia, designed to evaluate the
efficacy, cost and complications of cardiac resynchronization
in our setting.- We have started the multicenter SPARE
III study, designed to evaluate the efficacy of CRT in atrial
fibrillation. - The cvREMOD study is ongoing, financed by
the CENIT (CDTI). This project has allowed us to develop a
porcine experimental model of mechanical dyssynchrony,
with the purpose of producing the tools necessary for
further exploring the mechanisms of action of CRT.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Arrhythmias, resynchronization and cardiac imaging
I.F.: 93,71
Diastolic Dysfunction and Brain Natriuretic Peptide in the Early Identification of
D, 2010. 4:-. I.F.:4,69.
encoded cardiac sodium channel in
patients referred for Brugada syndrome
genetic testing. HEART RHYTHM, 2010.
7:33-46. I.F.:4,56.
10 Partemi S, Berne PM, Batlle M,
2 Miro O, Ortiz-Perez JT, Leon R,
Rigol M, Solanes N, Farre J, Roura
S, Roque M, Berruezo A, Bellera N, Novensa L, Beng DT, Prat-Vidal C, Huzman
MA, Batlle M, Hoefsloot M, Sitges M,
Ramirez J, Dantas AP, Merino A, Sanz
G, Brugada J, Bayes-Genis A, Heras M.
Effects of Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem
Cell Therapy After Myocardial Infarction: Impact of the Route of Administration. J CARD FAIL, 2010. 16:357-366.
Garcia-De-La-Maria C, Marco F,
Armero Y, Soy D, Moreno A, Del
Rio A, Almela M, Cervera C, Ninot
S, Falces C, Mestres CA, Gatell
JM, DeAnta MTJ, Miro JM. Daptomycin Is Effective for Treatment of
Experimental Endocarditis Due to
Methicillin-Resistant and Glycopeptide-Intermediate Staphylococcus
CH, 2010. 54:2781-2786. I.F.:4,80.
Lopez B, Perea R, DeCaralt TM, Sitges M, Pare C, Bosch X, Bragulat E,
Sanchez M. Utility of coronary computed tomography to rule out acute
coronary syndrome in the emergency department: a pilot study.
EMERGENCIAS, 2010. 22:101-108.
3 Ortiz-Perez JT, Betriu A, Lee DC,
DeCaralt TM, Meyers SN, Davidson
CJ, Perea RJ, Sitges M, Bosch X,
Bonow RO, Masotti M, Brugada J,
Wu E. Angiographic and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging Evaluation of
In-Hospital Delay in Primary Percutaneous Intervention Delivery on
Myocardial Salvage. AM J CARDIOL,
2010. 106:924-930. I.F.:3,58.
Garcia-Alvarez A, Sitges M,
Garcia-Albeniz X, Sionis A, LomaOsorio P, Bosch X. Atypical cardiac
manifestation of hypereosinophilic
syndrome and reversible cardiotoxicity to imatinib. INT J CARDIOL, 2010.
139:E29-E31. I.F.:3,47.
5 Garcia-Alvarez A, Sitges M, Pinazo MJ, Regueiro-Cueva A, Posada E,
Poyatos S, Ortiz-Peerez JT, Heras M,
Azqueta M, Gascon J, Sanz G. Chagas Cardiomiopathy: The Potential of
Tolosana JM, Mont L, Sitges M,
Berruezo A, Delgado V, Vidal B, Tamborero D, Morales M, Batlle M, Roig
E, Castel MA, Perez-Villa F, Godoy M,
Brugada J. Plasma tissue inhibitor of
matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1): an
independent predictor of poor response
to cardiac resynchronization therapy.
EUR J HEART FAIL, 2010. 12:492-498.
Castel A, Magnani S, Mont L, Roig E,
Tamborero D, Mendez-Zurita F, Femenia
JF, Tolosana JM, Perez-Villa F, Brugada J.
Survival in New York Heart Association
class IV heart failure patients treated
with cardiac resynchronization therapy
compared with patients on optimal
pharmacological treatment. EUROPACE,
2010. 12:1136-1140. I.F.:1,87.
Kapplinger JD, Tester DJ, Alders M,
Benito B, Berthet M, Brugada J, Brugada P, Fressart V, Guerchicoff A, HarrisKerr C, Kamakura S, Kyndt F, Koopmann
TT, Miyamoto Y, Pfeiffer R, Pollevick
GD, Probst V, Zumhagen S, Vatta M,
Towbin JA, Shimizu W, Schulze-Bahr E,
Antzelevitch C, Salisbury BA, Guicheney
P, Wilde AAM, Brugada R, Schott JJ,
Ackerman MJ. An international compendium of mutations in the SCN5A-
Berruezo A, Mont L, Riuro H, Ortiz JT,
Roig E, Pascali VL, Brugada R, Brugada
J, Oliva A. Analysis of mRNA from human heart tissue and putative applications in forensic molecular pathology.
FORENSIC SCI INT, 2010. 203:99-105.
11 Silva E, Sitges M, Doltra A, Mont
L, Vidal B, Castel MA, Tolosana JM,
Berruezo A, Juanatey JRG, Brugada J.
Analysis of temporal delay in myocardial
deformation throughout the cardiac
cycle: Utility for selecting candidates
for cardiac resynchronization therapy.
HEART RHYTHM, 2010. 7:1580-1586.
12 Auricchio A, Brugada J, Ellenbogen KA, Gold MR, Leyva F. Assessment
of a novel device-based diagnostic algorithm to monitor patient status in moderate-to-severe heart failure: rationale and
design of the CLEPSYDRA study. EUR
J HEART FAIL, 2010. 12:1363-1371.
13 Tamborero D, Mont L, Berruezo
A, Guasch E, Rios J, Nadal M, Matiello
M, Andreu D, Sitges M, Brugada J. Circumferential pulmonary vein ablation:
Does use of a circular mapping catheter
improve results? A prospective randomized study. HEART RHYTHM, 2010.
7:612-618. I.F.:4,56.
14 Vidal B, Delgado V, Mont L,
Poyatos S, Silva E, Castel MA, Tolosana
JM, Berruezo A, Brugada J, Sitges M.
Decreased likelihood of response to cardiac resynchronization in patients with
severe heart failure. EUR J HEART FAIL,
2010. 12:283-287. I.F.:3,71.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Arrhythmias, resynchronization
and cardiac imaging
15 Berruezo A, Zeljko HM, Bartrons J, Mayol J, Prada F, Brugada J.
Defibrillation threshold decrease with
the supradiaphragmatic extracardiac
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
implantation technique. EUROPACE,
2010. 12:1649-1651. I.F.:1,87.
16 Calvo N, Mont L, Tamborero D,
Berruezo A, Viola G, Guasch E, Nadal
M, Andreu D, Vidal B, Sitges M, Brugada J. Efficacy of circumferential pulmonary vein ablation of atrial fibrillation
in endurance athletes. EUROPACE,
2010. 12:30-36. I.F.:1,87.
17 Wu J, Shimizu W, Ding WG,
Ohno S, Toyoda F, Itoh H, Zang WJ,
Miyamoto Y, Kamakura S, Matsuura H,
Nademanee K, Brugada J, Brugada P,
Brugada R, Vatta M, Towbin JA, Antzelevitch C, Horie M. KCNE2 modulation of Kv4.3 current and its potential
role in fatal rhythm disorders. HEART
RHYTHM, 2010. 7:199-205. I.F.:4,56.
18 DePotter T, Berruezo A, Mont L,
Matiello M, Tamborero D, Santibanez
C, Benito B, Zamorano N, Brugada J.
Left ventricular systolic dysfunction by
itself does not influence outcome of
atrial fibrillation ablation. EUROPACE,
2010. 12:24-29. I.F.:1,87.
22 Criado E, Sanchez M, Ramirez J,
Arguis P, DeCaralt TM, Perea RJ, Xaubet
A. Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: Typical and
Atypical Manifestations at High-Resolution CT with Pathologic Correlation.
RADIOGRAPHICS, 2010. 30:1567-U155.
23 Pepi M, Evangelista A, Nihoyannopoulos P, Flachskampe FA, Athanassopoulos G, Colonna P, Habib G,
Ringelstein EB, Sicari R, Zamorano JL,
Sitges M. Recommendations for echocardiography use in the diagnosis and
management of cardiac sources of embolism. EUR J ECHOCARDIOGR, 2010.
11:461-476. I.F.:1,48.
24 Pava LF, Perafan P, Badiel M,
Arango JJ, Mont L, Morillo CA, Brugada
J. R-wave peak time at DII: A new criterion for differentiating between wide
complex QRS tachycardias. HEART
RHYTHM, 2010. 7:922-926. I.F.:4,56.
25 Moreno J, Quintanilla JG, Lopez-
D, Berruezo A, Montserrat J, Embid C,
Rios J, Villacastin J, Brugada J, Mont
L. Low efficacy of atrial fibrillation
ablation in severe obstructive sleep
apnoea patients. EUROPACE, 2010.
12:1084-1089. I.F.:1,87.
Farre A, Archondo T, Cervigon R,
Aragoncillo P, Usandizaga E, Silva J,
Rodriguez-Bobada C, Rojo JL, PerezCastellano N, Mironov S, Mont L, DePrada
TP, Macaya C, Perez-Villacastin J. Skeletal
myoblast implants induce minor propagation delays, but do not promote arrhythmias in the normal swine heart. EUROPACE,
2010. 12:1637-1644. I.F.:1,87.
20 Herrera-Mundo N, Sitges M.
26 Prystowsky EN, Camm J, Lip
Mechanisms underlying striatal vulnerability to 3-nitropropionic acid. J NEUROCHEM, 2010. 114:597-605. I.F.:4,00.
GYH, Allessie M, Bergmann JF, Breithardt G, Brugada J, Crijns H, Ellinor PT,
Mark D, Naccarelli G, Packer D, Tamargo
J. The Impact of New and Emerging
Clinical Data on Treatment Strategies
for Atrial Fibrillation. J CARDIOVASC
ELECTR, 2010. 21:946-958. I.F.:3,70.
19 Matiello M, Nadal M, Tamborero
21 Richter S, Sarkozy A, Paparella
G, Henkens S, Boussy T, Chierchia
GB, Brugada R, Brugada J, Brugada
P. Number of electrocardiogram leads
displaying the diagnostic coved-type pattern in Brugada syndrome: a diagnostic
consensus criterion to be revised. EUR
HEART J, 2010. 31:1357-1364. I.F.:9,80.
27 Merkely B, Roka A, Kutyifa V, Boersma L, Leenhardt A, Lubinski A, Oto
A, Proclemer A, Brugada J, Vardas PE,
Wolpert C. Tracing the European course
of cardiac resynchronization therapy
from 2006 to 2008. EUROPACE, 2010.
12:692-701. I.F.:1,87.
I.F.: 10,65
Capulzini L, Brugada P, Brugada J,
Brugada R. Arrhythmia and Right Heart
Disease: From Genetic Basis to Clinical Practice. REV ESP CARDIOL, 2010.
63:963-983. I.F.:2,75.
Mont L. Arrhythmias and sport practice. HEART, 2010. 96:398-405. I.F.:5,39.
Giada F, Biffi A, Cannom DS, Cappato R, Capucci A, Corrado D, Delise
P, Drezner JA, El-Sherif N, Estes M,
Furlanello F, Heidbuchel H, Inama G,
Lindsay BD, Maron BJ, Maron MS,
Mont L, Olshansky B, Pelliccia A, Thiene
G, Viskin S, Zeppilli P, Natale A, Raviele
A. Sports and arrhythmias: a report of
the International Workshop Venice Arrhythmias 2009. EUR J CARDIOV PREV
R, 2010. 17:607-612. I.F.:2,51.
I.F.: 9,80
Auer J, Brugada J. Restoration of
sinus rhythm in patients undergoing
surgery for rheumatic valvular heart disease: is it worth the effort?. EUR HEART
J, 2010. 31:2572-2574. I.F.:9,80.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Arrhythmias, resynchronization and cardiac imaging
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 3,70
Grants for research
in progress
Natale A, Raviele A, Al-Ahmad A,
Alfieri O, Aliot E, Almendral J, Breithardt G, Brugada J, Calkins H, Callans
D, Cappato R, Camm JA, DellaBella P,
Guiraudon GM, Haissaguerre M, Hindricks G, Ho SY, Kuck KH, Marchlinski
F, Packer DL, Prystowsky EN, Reddy
VY, Ruskin JN, Scanavacca M, Shivkumar K, Soejima K, Stevenson WJ,
Themistoclakis S, Verma A, Wilber D.
Venice Chart International Consensus
Document on Ventricular Tachycardia/Ventricular Fibrillation Ablation. J
Brugada J. Integración de las diferentes
técnicas de imagen médica en una
única imagen multimodal. Desarrollo
de distintos modelos de aplicación. Estudios electrofisiológicos y de imagen
cardiaca. Sponsored by: Ministerio de
Industria Turismo y Comercio, CDTEAM1. Amount: 500.000,00 euros.
Duration: 11/01/2006-11/01/2010.
I.F.: 5,94
Mont L. Estudi de la terapia de resincronització a Catalunya (TRC-CAT).
Sponsored by: AATRM (Agencia
d’Avaluació de Tecnología i Recerca
Mèdiques, 0000. Amount: 76.800,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2012.
Ruiter JH, Mulder E, Schuchert A,
Burri H, Stuhlinger MC, Hartikainen J,
Sermasi S, Vlasinova J, Mairesse GH,
Bub E, Lewalter T. The Feasibility of
Fully Automated Pacemaker Advise in
Treating Atrial Tachyarrhythmias. PACE.
33:605-614. I.F.:1,58.
Boriani G, Kranig W, Donal E, Calo
L, Casella M, Delarche N, Lozano
IF, Ansalone G, Biffi M, Boulogne E,
Leclercq C. A randomized double-blind
comparison of biventricular versus
left ventricular stimulation for cardiac
resynchronization therapy: The Biventricular versus Left Univentricular Pacing with ICD Back-up in Heart Failure
Patients (B-LEFT HF) trial. AM HEART
J. 159:1052-U12. I.F.:4,36.
Brugada J. REDISCOR - Red de Investigación en Insuficiencia Cardíaca
en España. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, RD06/0003/0008.
Amount: 346.785,30 euros. Duration:
Brugada J. Mecanismos y reversibilidad
de la fibrosis miocàrdica asociada al
ejercicio. Sponsored by: Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación, DEP2009-12455.
Amount: 42.350,00 euros. Duration:
Brugada J. Arítmies i Estimulació
Cardíaca. Sponsored by: Agència
de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de
Recerca, 2009 SGR 1104. Amount:
43.680,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2013.
Brugada J. Mecanismos y Reversibilidad
de la Fibrosis Miocárdica Asociada al
Ejercicio. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO
DE EDUCACIÓN, DEP2009_12455.
Amount: 42.350,01 euros. Duration:
Ortiz JT. Utilidad de la angiografía coronaria no invasiva mediante tomografía
computerizada multidetector en el diagnóstico del síndrome coronario agudo
en urgencias. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III, PI09/90513.
Amount: 48.400,00 euros. Duration:
Brugada J. An Intelligent Platform for
Personalized Remote Monitoring of the
Cardiac Patients with Electronic Implant
Devices. Sponsored by: SRDC YAZILIM
219.400,00 euros. Duration: 01/02/201031/01/2013.
Mont L. Repercusiones Cardiovasculares de la Anorexia Nerviosa. PhD student: Benito Herreros Gilarte.
Mont L, Serrano-Mollar A. Efecto del
ejercicio crónico en el desarrollo de fibrosis cardíaca: mecanismos implicados.
PhD student: Gemma Gay Jordi.
Brugada J, De Caralt MT. Utilidad de la
resonancia magnética en pacientes con
fibrilación auricular tributarios de tratamiento con ablación percutánea de las venas pulmonares. PhD student: Rosario
Jesús Perea Palazón.
Brugada J. iCARDEA. Sponsored
by: European Comission, PI040847.
Amount: 219.400,00 euros. Duration:
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Team envolved in:
Red de Investigación en
Enfermedades Renales (REDINRED)
Nephro-urological diseases
and kidney transplantation
GROUP Members
Josep Mª Campistol
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00 (Ext.: 9346)
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Pilar Arrizabalaga (Hospital Clínic)
Albert Botey (Hospital Clínic)
Aleix Cases (Hospital Clínic)
Guadalupe Ercilla (Hospital Clínic)
Georgina Hotter (IIBB-CSIC)
Jaume Martorell (Hospital Clínic)
Eduard Mirapeix (Hospital Clínic)
Federico Oppenheimer (Hospital
Esteban Poch (Hospital Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Joan Nistal (Fundació Clínic)
Michaela Jung (IIBB-CSIC)
Marina Ventayol (IIBB-CSIC)
Chrysa Mastora (IIBB-CSIC)
Maite del Hierro (IIBB-CSIC)
Celia Bádenas (Fundació Clínic)
Pablo Carretero (Hospital Clínic)
Federico Cofán (Hospital Clínic)
Elisabeth Coll (Hospital Clínic)
Marta Crespo (Hospital Clínic)
Nuria Esforzado (Hospital Clínic)
V. Fortuna (Hospital Clínic)
J. Jiménez (Hospital Clínic)
O. Millán (Fundació Clínic)
Vicenç Torregrosa (Hospital Clínic)
Anna Sola (IIBB-CSIC)
José Luis Viñas (IIBB-CSIC)
Eugenia Vinuesa (IIBB-CSIC)
The general objectives of this research
team are to gain in-depth knowledge
of the physiopathology and treatment
of diseases of the kidneys, urinary
tract and male genital apparatus, as
well as of the medical complications
derived from renal replacement
therapy in the form of dialysis or
transplantation. The objectives
include particularly the study of
immunosuppression in aspects
relating to pharmacokinetics and
On the other hand, with the
incorporation of a team specialized in
transplant immunology, our objectives
also include the improvement of
allograft and xenograft tolerance,
and minimization of the need for
immunosuppressors. Another
new challenge is to gain in-depth
knowledge of the degree of immune
depression achieved in patients
in accordance with their needs:
(PK/PD) relationship.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
nephro-urological diseases and kidney transplantation
Main Lines
of Research
1. Hereditary renal diseases,
especially renal polycystosis, Alport
syndrome and benign familial
2. Amyloidosis associated with
dialysis or beta-2-microglobulin, and
other types of hereditary and nonhereditary amyloidosis with renal
3. Diabetic nephropathy and
antiproteinuric effect of ARA II
4. Anemia of renal origin, and
erythropoiesis-stimulating proteins
in uremia.
5. Uremic myopathy.
6. Renal osteodystrophy and calciumphosphorus metabolism.
7. Cardiovascular risk and accelerated
arteriosclerosis in the renal patient.
8. Hepatitis C virus infection in
patients on dialysis and renal
9. Endothelial dysfunction and effect
of the uremic medium upon the
endothelial cells.
10. Chronic rejection and role of TGFbeta.
11. Dyslipidemia and cardiovascular
risk in renal transplantation, and
apolipoprotein polymorphisms.
12. Immunosuppressor drug
pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics: Calcineurin
inhibitors, sirolimus, rapamycin and
13. Renal-pancreatic transplantation
and metabolic control.
14. Neoplasms of the urinary system
(kidney, prostate and bladder).
15. Erectile dysfunction and the use of
sildenafil in kidney transplantation.
16. Experimental kidney
17. Definition of the molecular bases of
the mechanisms regulating clonal
anergy or deletion in a model of
allogenic or xenogenic presentation,
thus determining transplant antigen
18. Definition of the pharmacokinetic
and pharmacodynamic parameters
allowing the minimization of
immune depression to meet the
needs of each individual organ
19. Identification of strategies allowing
the replacement of cell, organ or
tissue functions with minimization
of immune depressor use.
Our investigators also have lines of
research shared with other teams
of the IDIBAPS, very particularly in
the fields of arterial hypertension,
endothelial dysfunction and systemic
autoimmune diseases with renal
I.F.: 117,61
Herrera E, Tenckhoff S, Gomara MJ,
Galatola R, Bleda MJ, Gil C, Ercilla G,
Gatell JM, Tillmann HL, Haro I. Effect of
Synthetic Peptides Belonging to E2 Envelope Protein of GB Virus C on Human
Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection. J MED CHEM, 2010. 53:60546063. I.F.:4,80.
Banon-Maneus E, Diekmann F, Carrascal M, Quintana LF, Moya-Rull D,
Bescos M, Ramirez-Bajo MJ, Rovira J,
Gutierrez-Dalmau A, Sole-Gonzalez A,
Abian J, Campistol JM. Two-Dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis
Urinary Proteomic Profile in the Search
of Nonimmune Chronic Allograft Dysfunction Biomarkers. TRANSPLANTATION, 2010. 89:548-558. I.F.:3,50.
Durrbach A, Pestana JM, Pearson
T, Vincenti F, Garcia VD, Campistol J,
Rial MD, Florman S, Block A, DiRusso
G, Xing J, Garg P, Grinyo J. A Phase
III Study of Belatacept Versus Cyclosporine in Kidney Transplants from
Extended Criteria Donors (BENEFIT-EXT
Study). AM J TRANSPLANT, 2010.
10:547-557. I.F.:6,43.
Oppenheimer F, Revuelta I, Serra N,
Lozano M, Gutierrez-Dalmau A, Esforzado N, Cofan F, Ricart MJ, Torregrosa
JV, Crespo M, Paredes D, Martorell J,
Alcaraz A, Campistol JM. ABO incompatible living donor kidney transplantation: a dream come true. Experience of
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. NEFROLOGIA, 2010. 30:54-63. I.F.:0,53.
Gomara MJ, Fernandez L, Perez
T, Ercilla G, Haro I. Assessment of
synthetic chimeric multiple antigenic
peptides for diagnosis of GB virus C
infection. ANAL BIOCHEM, 2010.
396:51-58. I.F.:3,29.
Nephro-urological diseases
and kidney transplantation
Team Members
Larsen CP, Grinyo J, MedinaPestana J, Vanrenterghem Y, Vincenti
F, Breshahan B, Campistol JM, Florman S, Rial MD, Kamar N, Block A, DiRusso G, Lin CS, Garg P, Charpentier
B. Belatacept-Based Regimens Versus
a Cyclosporine A-Based Regimen in
Kidney Transplant Recipients: 2-Year
2010. 90:1528-1535. I.F.:3,50.
py. AM J TRANSPLANT, 2010. 10:26042614. I.F.:6,43.
12 Duran CE, Torregrosa JV, Almaden
Go T, Jungebluth P, Baiguero S,
Asnaghi A, Martorell J, Ostertag H,
Mantero S, Birchall M, Bader A, Macchiarini P. Both epithelial cells and
mesenchymal stem cell-derived chondrocytes contribute to the survival of
tissue-engineered airway transplants
2010. 139:437-443. I.F.:3,06.
8 Puig-Pey I, Bohne F, Benitez C,
Lopez M, Martinez-Llordella M, Oppenheimer F, Lozano JJ, GonzalezAbraldes J, Tisone G, Rimola A,
Sanchez-Fueyo A. Characterization of
gamma delta T cell subsets in organ
transplantation. TRANSPL INT, 2010.
23:1045-1055. I.F.:3,25.
9 Baccaro ME, Pepin MN, Guevara
M, Colmenero J, Torregrosa JV,
Martin-Llahi M, Sola E, Esforzado N,
Fuster J, Campistol JM, Arroyo V,
Navasa M, Garcia-Valdecasas J, Gines
P. Combined liver-kidney transplantation in patients with cirrhosis and
chronic kidney disease. NEPHROL
DIAL TRANSPL, 2010. 25:2356-2363.
10 Brouard S, Puig-Pey I, Lozano
JJ, Pallier A, Braud C, Giral M, Guillet M, Londono MC, Oppenheimer F,
Campistol JM, Soulillou JP, SanchezFueyo A. Comparative Transcriptional
and Phenotypic Peripheral Blood
Analysis of Kidney Recipients Under
Cyclosporin A or Sirolimus Monothera-
11 Gutierrez-Dalmau A, Revuelta I,
Ferrer B, Mascaro JM, Oppenheimer
F, Albanell J, Campistol JM. Distinct
Immunohistochemical Phenotype of
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers Between
Renal Transplant and Immunocompetent
Populations. TRANSPLANTATION, 2010.
90:986-992. I.F.:3,50.
Y, Canalejo A, Campistol JM, Rodriguez
M. Dynamics of calcium-regulated PTH
secretion in secondary hyperparathyroidism: comparison between “in vivo”
vs. “in vitro” responses. NEFROLOGIA,
2010. 30:73-77. I.F.:0,53.
13 Gomez-Alamillo C, FernandezFresnedo G, Ortega F, Campistol JM, Gentil MA, Arias M. Erythropoietin Resistance
as Surrogate Marker of Graft and Patient
Survival in Renal Transplantation: 3-Year
Prospective Multicenter Study. TRANSPL
P, 2010. 42:2935-2937. I.F.:0,99.
14 Clemente PA. Feminisation and
nephrology. NEFROLOGIA, 2010.
30:110-113. I.F.:0,53.
15 Hor H, Kutalik Z, Dauvilliers Y, Valsesia A, Lammers GJ, Donjacour CEHM,
Iranzo A, Santamaria J, Adrados RP, Vicario JL, Overeem S, Arnulf I, Theodorou
I, Jennum P, Knudsen S, Bassetti C, Mathis J, Lecendreux M, Mayer G, Geisler
P, Beneto A, Petit B, Pfister C, Burki JV,
Didelot G, Billiard M, Ercilla G, Verduijn
W, Claas FHJ, Vollenwider P, Waeber G,
Waterworth DM, Mooser V, Heinzer R,
Beckmann JS, Bergmann S, Tafti M. Genome-wide association study identifies
new HLA class II haplotypes strongly protective against narcolepsy. NAT GENET,
2010. 42:786-U80. I.F.:34,28.
16 Maduell F, Arias M, Garro J, Vera
M, Fontsere N, Barros X, Masso E, Mar-
tina MN, Sentis A, Duran C, Bergada E,
Cases A, Campistol JM. Guidelines for
Automated Manual Infusion: A Practical
Way of Prescribing Postdilution On-line
Haemodiafiltration. NEFROLOGIA, 2010.
30:349-353. I.F.:0,53.
17 Duran CE, Torregrosa JV, Canalejo
A, Almaden Y, Campistol JM, Portillo
MR. In vitro dynamics of parathyroid
hormone secretion regulated by calcium
and effects on the cell cycle: parathyroid
hyperplasia versus adenoma. NEFROLOGIA, 2010. 30:413-419. I.F.:0,53.
18 Morales JM, Campistol JM,
Dominguez-Gil B, Andres A, Esforzado N,
Oppenheimer F, Castellano G, Fuertes A,
Bruguera M, Praga M. Long-Term Experience With Kidney Transplantation From
Hepatitis C-Positive Donors Into Hepatitis
C-Positive Recipients. AM J TRANSPLANT, 2010. 10:2453-2462. I.F.:6,43.
19 Campistol JM. Long-Term Maintenance Therapy With Calcineurin Inhibitors: An Update. TRANSPL P, 2010.
42:S21-S24. I.F.:0,99.
20 Campistol JM, DeFijter JW,
Flechner SM, Langone A, Morelon E,
Stockfleth E. mTOR inhibitor-associated
dermatologic and mucosal problems.
CLIN TRANSPLANT, 2010. 24:149-156.
21 Musquera M, Peri LL, Alvarez-Vijande R, Oppenheimer F, Gil-Vernet JM,
Alcaraz A. Orthotopic Kidney Transplantation: An Alternative Surgical Technique
in Selected Patients. EUR UROL, 2010.
58:927-933. I.F.:7,67.
22 Collado S, Coll E, Deulofeu R,
Guerrero L, Pons M, Cruzado JM, DeLaTorre B, Vera M, Azqueta M, Nicolau C,
Cases A. Prevalence of cardiovascular
disease in uraemia and relevance of cardiovascular risk factors. NEFROLOGIA,
2010. 30:342-348. I.F.:0,53.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
nephro-urological diseases and kidney transplantation
23 Fons C, Arias A, Sempere A,
28 Izquierdo L, Peri L, Piqueras M,
Poo P, Pineda M, Mas A, LopezSala A, Garcia-Villoria J, Vilaseca MA,
Ozaez L, Lluch M, Artuch R, Campistol J, Ribes A. Response to creatine
analogs in fibroblasts and patients
with creatine transporter deficiency.
MOL GENET METAB, 2010. 99:296299. I.F.:2,90.
Revuelta I, Alvarez-Vijande R, Musquera M, Oppenheimer F, Alcaraz A.
Third and Fourth Kidney Transplant:
Still a Reasonable Option. TRANSPL P,
2010. 42:2498-2502. I.F.:0,99.
24 Marti J, Fuster J, Hotter G, Sola
AM, Deulofeu R, Modolo MM, Loera
MA, Ferrer J, Fondevila C, GarciaValdecasas JC. Serum neutrophil
gelatinase-associated lipocalin in patients with colorectal liver metastases:
preliminary results of an exploratory
prospective study. INT J BIOL MARKER, 2010. 25:21-26. I.F.:1,42.
25 Pinto JR, Torres EMA, Franco
A, Morales JM, Ruiz JC, Diekmann
F, Alperovich G, Campistol JM. Sirolimus monotherapy as maintenance
immunosuppression: a multicenter
experience. TRANSPL INT, 2010.
23:307-312. I.F.:3,25.
26 Polanco N, Gutierrez E, Covarsi
A, Ariza F, Carreno A, Vigil A, Baltar
J, Fernandez-Fresnedo G, Martin C,
Pons S, Lorenzo D, Bernis C, Arrizabalaga P, Fernandez-Juarez G, Barrio
V, Sierra M, Castellanos I, Espinosa
M, Rivera F, Oliet A, Fernandez-Vega
F, Praga M. Spontaneous Remission
of Nephrotic Syndrome in Idiopathic
Membranous Nephropathy. J AM
SOC NEPHROL, 2010. 21:697-704.
27 Cabanas NS, Freiria XB, Martinez JG, Pelicano MB, Canals FM,
Rabasa AT, DeBrinas EPL. The monitoring of dialysis dose by ionic dialysance-based Kt reveals less dialysis
adequacy than the Kt/V-UREA-based
measurement in critically ill patients
with acute renal failure. NEFROLOGIA, 2010. 30:232-235. I.F.:0,53.
29 Oliveras A, Armario P, Hernandez-DelRey R, Arroyo JA, Poch
E, Larrousse M, Roca-Cusachs A,
DeLaSierra A. Urinary albumin excretion is associated with true resistant
hypertension. J HUM HYPERTENS,
2010. 24:27-33. I.F.:2,29.
Maduell F, Arias M, Fontsere N,
Vera M, Masso E, Garro J, Barros X,
Martina MN, Elena M, Bergada E, Cases A, Bedini JL, Campistol JM. What
Infusion Flow Should Be Used for MidDilution Hemodiafiltration?. BLOOD
PURIFICAT, 2010. 30:25-33. I.F.:1,89.
I.F.: 0,99
Miro JM, Ricart MJ, Trullas JC,
Cofan F, Cervera C, Brunet M, Tuset
M, Manzardo C, Oppenheimer F,
Moreno A. Simultaneous PancreasKidney Transplantation in HIV-infected
Patients: A Case Report and Literature
Review. TRANSPL P, 2010. 42:38873891. I.F.:0,99.
I.F.: 0,99
1 Campistol JM. Conclusions From
the Symposium. TRANSPL P, 2010.
42:S47-S48. I.F.:0,99.
Grants for research
in progress
de vejiga mediante marcadores moleculares y utilización de éstos para
pronosticar la evolución clínica de la
enfermedad. Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, PI070040.
Amount: 61.468,00 euros. Duration:
Poch E. REDINREN - Red de Investigación en Enfermedades Renales.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y
Consumo, RD06/0016/0015. Amount:
60.242,42 euros. Duration:
Alcaraz A. Red de Investigación de
Reacciones Adversas a Alérgenos
y Fármacos (RIRAAF). Sponsored
by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
RD07/0064/0006. Amount: 6.000,00
euros. Duration: 29/02/200831/12/2011.
Martorell J, Rimola A, Millan O, Ruiz
A. Valor predictivo de parámetros
inmológicos pre-trasplante del receptor y de donante en el desarrollo
de rechazo e infección en el trasplante hepático. Sponsored by: FIS,
PS09/00418. Amount: 92.565,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Poch E. Análisis de biomarcadores
predictores de insuficiencia renal
aguda post cirugía cardíaca. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
PI08/0140. Amount: 178.475,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-30/12/2011.
Campistol JM. Análisis de biomarcadores urinarios en la disfunción crónica del injerto: estudio de validación
e implicación de la vía WNT/BETACATENINA. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 305.525,00 euros. Duration:
Alcaraz A. Determinación de la diseminación linfática del carcinoma urotelial
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Team envolved in:
CIBER en Fisiología de la obesidad y nutrición
Hypertension, lipids and cardiovascular risk
GROUP Members
Emili Ros
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 93 83
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Antonio Coca (Hospital Clínic)
Daniel Zambón (Hospital Clínic)
Cristina Sierra (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Montserrat Cofán (ISCIII)
Aleix Sala-Vila (ISCIII)
Research Fellows:
Verònica Escurriol (AGAUR)
Cinta Valls (ISCIII)
Nursing Staff:
Anna López (ISCIII)
Ana Mª Pérez-Heras
(Fundació Clínic)
Mercè Serra (ISCIII)
Emili Corbella (IDIBELL)
Núria Bargalló (Hospital Clínic)
Maria Teresa de Caralt (Hospital
Mònica Doménech (Fundació Clínic)
Ramón Estruch (Hospital Clínic)
Rosa Gilabert (Hospital Clínic)
Isabel Núñez (Hospital Clínic)
Visiting Scientists:
Nagila R. Teixeira Damasceno
(University of Sao Paulo)
Ana Paula de Queiroz Mello
(University of Sao Paulo)
Patricia Casas Agustench (URV)
The general aim of our group is to gain
in-depth knowledge of the epidemiology,
pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment
and prevention of arterial hypertension,
dyslipidemia and associated
cardiovascular risk. The research lines
we wish to continue consolidating are
the following:
1. Mechanisms and consequences
of silent lesions in target organs of
2. Interaction of environmental
determinants in cardiovascular disease,
such as salt intake and the salt
sensitivity phenomenon.
3. Candidate genes of hypertension and
its complications.
4. Characterization of genetic
5. Detection of preclinical atherosclerosis.
6. Study of the intestinal absorption of
7. Phytosterolemia as a cardiovascular
risk factor.
8. Determination of the fatty acids
profile in phospholipids and blood cell
membranes, and their associations
with diet, metabolic syndrome,
cardiovascular risk phenotype and
preclinical arteriosclerosis.
9. Study of the cardiovascular
functionality of foods, including the
effects of foods rich in omega-3 fatty
acids upon carotid atheroma plaque
10. Effects of the Mediterraenan diet upon
carotid atheroma plaque vulnerability
evaluated by MRI.
11. Identification of genetic variants
associated with different responses to
foods and nutrients (nutrition genetics).
Main Lines
of Research
1. External arterial ultrasound applied
to femoral and carotid arteries,
coronary CAT and carotid plaque
MRI. Relationship between
preclinical atherosclerosis and
conventional and emergent risk
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
hypertension, lipids and cArdiovascular risk
An updated scheme of the cardiovascular continuum. Abbreviations: BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CHF, chronic heart failure; CV, cardiovascular; GFR, glomerular filtration rate;
HF-PEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; hsCRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive
protein; LAD, left atrial dilatation; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; MI, myocardial infarction; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; UAE, urinary albumin excretion.
factors and biomarkers of the
usual diet, including unsaturated
fatty acids and phospholipids in
plasma, circulating vitamins and
phytosterols. Influence of diet upon
carotid atheroma plaque vulnerability
evaluated by sequential MRI.
Correlation of plaque composition by
MRI with histology.
2. Circadian patterns, arterial pressure
variability and target organ damage.
Sensitivity to salt in arterial
hypertension. Inflammation in
hypertension. Hypertension and
atrial fibrillation as manifestation
of hypertension-induced cardiac
3. Candidate genes for cerebrovascular
stroke risk in hypertensive
patients. Candidate genes for the
development of left ventricular
hypertrophy and heart failure in
hypertensive patients.
4. Functionality of the dietary
standards and complete foods:
influence upon arterial pressure
evaluated by ambulatory and home
monitoring, insulin resistance,
biological markers of cholesterol
absorption and vascular risk, dietary
biomarkers (unsaturated fatty acids
in whole blood, carotenes and
vitamin E in plasma, polyphenols
in urine) and physicochemical
properties of the low-density
lipoproteins (LDLs) and high-density
lipoproteins (HDLs).
5. Mild age-associated cognitive
impairment in participants in the
PREDIMED study after two years
of intervention with Mediterranean
diets or low-fat diets.
6. Effect of hypercholesterolemia of
different origins and severity upon
cognitive function as assessed
by neuropsychological tests and
functional brain MRI.
7. Cholesterol absorption and
synthesis evaluated by the
determination of plasma non-
cholesterol sterol levels using gas
chromatography: measurement,
genetic conditioning factors,
influence upon cardiovascular
risk and relationship with lipid
response to phytosterols,
ezetimibe and statins.
8. Influence of polyunsaturated
long-chain fatty acids (plant
and marine omega-3) upon
preclinical atherosclerosis of the
carotid arteries, evaluated by
high-resolution ultrasound with
microbubble contrast and with MRI.
9. Associations of the fatty
acids profile in whole plasma,
whole blood and a circulating
phospholipid fraction with SCD1
activity; cardiometabolic risk
factors and non-alcoholic liver
steatosis; dietary determinants of
the omega-3 index in whole blood;
fatty acids composition of the
“lipid rafts”; and effect upon cell
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Hypertension, lipids and cardiovascular risk
Team Members
I.F.: 97,91
Perez-De-Lis M, Akasbi M,
Siso A, Diez-Cascon P, Brito-Zeron
P, Diaz-Lagares C, Ortiz J, PerezAlvarez R, Ramos-Casals M, Coca A.
Cardiovascular risk factors in primary
Sjogren’s syndrome: a case-control
study in 624 patients. LUPUS, 2010.
19:941-948. I.F.:2,59.
2 Siso A, Ramos-Casals M, Bove
A, Brito-Zeron P, Soria N, Nardi
N, Testi A, Perez-De-Lis M, DiazLagares C, Darnell A, Sentis J, Coca
A. Outcomes in Biopsy-Proven
Lupus Nephritis Evaluation of 190
White Patients From a Single Center. MEDICINE, 2010. 89:300-307.
Martin B, Solanas-Barca M,
Garcia-Otin AL, Pampin S, Cofan M,
Ros E, Rodriguez-Rey JC, Pocovi M,
Civeira F. An NPC1L1 gene promoter
variant is associated with autosomal
dominant hypercholesterolemia.
20:236-242. I.F.:3,52.
Tovillas-Moran FJ, Vilaplana-Cosculluela M, Dalfo-Pibernat A, ZabaletaDel-Olmo E, Galceran JM, Coca A,
Dalfo-Baque A. Decreased glomerular
filtration rate using the CockgroftGaultand MDRD formulas does not
always predict cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertensive
primary care patients. NEFROLOGIA,
2010. 30:653-660. I.F.:0,53.
Lohse B, Psota T, Estruch R, Zazpe
I, Sorli JV, Salas-Salvado J, Serra M,
Krall JS, Marquez F, Ros E. Eating
Competence of Elderly Spanish Adults
Is Associated with a Healthy Diet and
a Favorable Cardiovascular Disease
Risk Profile. J NUTR. 140:1322-1327,
2010. I.F.:4,09.
5 Tovillas-Moran FJ, Vilaplana-
Llorente-Cortes V, Estruch R,
Mena MP, Ros E, Gonzalez MAM, Fito
M, Lamuela-Raventos RM, Badimon
L. Effect of Mediterranean diet on the
expression of pro-atherogenic genes
in a population at high cardiovascular
208:442-450. I.F.:4,52.
Guillen D, Cofan F, Ros E, Millan
O, Cofan M, Brunet M. Biomarker
Assessment of the Immunomodulator Effect of Atorvastatin in Stable
Renal Transplant Recipients and Hypercholesterolemic Patients. MOL
DIAGN THER, 2010. 14:357-366.
Cosculluela M, Zabaleta-Del-Olmo E,
Dalfo-Baque A, Galceran JM, Coca A.
Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and electrocardiographic criteria
of left ventricular hypertrophia in hypertensive patients treated in primary
135:397-401. I.F.:1,23.
Corella D, Carrasco P, Amiano
P, Arriola L, Chirlaque MD, Huerta
JM, Martinez C, Martinez-Camblor P,
Molina E, Navarro C, Quiros JR, Rodriguez L, Sanchez MJ, Ortega-Azorin C,
Ros E, Sala N, Gonzalez CA, Moreno
C. Common cholesteryl ester transfer
protein gene variation related to highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol is not
associated with decreased coronary
heart disease risk after a 10-year
follow-up in a Mediterranean cohort:
Modulation by alcohol consumption.
ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 2010. 211:531538. I.F.:4,52.
10 Prieto RM, Fiol M, Perello J,
Estruch R, Ros E, Sanchis P, Grases
F. Effects of Mediterranean diets with
low and high proportions of phytaterich foods on the urinary phytate
excretion. EUR J NUTR, 2010. 49:321326. I.F.:2,87.
11 Cabre A, Lazaro I, Cofan M,
Jarauta E, Plana N, Garcia-Otin AL,
Ascaso JF, Ferre R, Civeira F, Ros E,
Masana L. FABP4 plasma levels are
increased in familial combined hyperlipidemia. J LIPID RES, 2010. 51:11731178. I.F.:4,92.
12 Redon J, Coca A, Lazaro P, Aguilar MD, Cabanas M, Gil N, SanchezZamorano MA, Aranda P. Factors
associated with therapeutic inertia in
hypertension: validation of a predictive
model. J HYPERTENS, 2010. 28:17701777. I.F.:4,99.
13 Sala-Vila A, Cofan M, PerezHeras A, Nunez I, Gilabert R, Junyent M, Mateo-Gallego R, Cenarro A,
Civeira F, Ros E. Fatty acids in serum
phospholipids and carotid intimamedia thickness in Spanish subjects
with primary dyslipidemia. AM J CLIN
NUTR, 2010. 92:186-193. I.F.:6,31.
14 Corella D, Carrasco P, Fito
M, Martinez-Gonzalez MA, SalasSalvado J, Aros F, Lapetra J, Guillen
M, Ortega-Azorin C, Warnberg J, Fiol
M, Ruiz-Gutierrez V, Serra-Majem L,
Martinez JA, Ros E, Estruch R. Geneenvironment interactions of CETP
gene variation in a high cardiovascular
risk Mediterranean population. J LIPID
RES, 2010. 51:2798-2807. I.F.:4,92.
15 Zambon D, Quintana M, Mata P,
Alonso R, Benavent J, Cruz-Sanchez F,
Gich J, Pocovi M, Civeira F, Capurro S,
Bachman D, Sambamurti K, Nicholas
J, Pappolla MA. Higher Incidence of
Mild Cognitive Impairment in Familial
Hypercholesterolemia. AM J MED,
2010. 123:267-274. I.F.:4,47.
16 Junyent M, Gilabert R, Jarauta
E, Nunez I, Cofan M, Civeira F, Pocovi
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
hypertension, lipids and cArdiovascular risk
M, Mallen M, Zambon D, Almagro F,
Vega J, Tejedor D, Ros E. Impact of
low-density lipoprotein receptor mutational class on carotid atherosclerosis
in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. ATHEROSCLEROSIS,
2010. 208:437-441. I.F.:4,52.
17 Pladevall M, Brotons C, Gabriel
R, Arnau A, Suarez C, DeLaFiguera M,
Marquez E, Coca A, Sobrino J, Divine
G, Heisler M, Williams LK. Multicenter
Cluster-Randomized Trial of a Multifactorial Intervention to Improve Antihypertensive Medication Adherence
and Blood Pressure Control Among
Patients at High Cardiovascular Risk
2010. 122:1183-U81. I.F.:14,82.
18 Sabate J, Oda K, Ros E. Nut
Consumption and Blood Lipid Levels
A Pooled Analysis of 25 Intervention
Trials. ARCH INTERN MED, 2010.
170:821-827. I.F.:9,81.
19 Escurriol V, Cofan M, MorenoIribas C, Larranaga N, Martinez C,
Navarro C, Rodriguez L, Gonzalez CA,
Corella D, Ros E. Phytosterol plasma
concentrations and coronary heart disease in the prospective Spanish EPIC
cohort. J LIPID RES, 2010. 51:618624. I.F.:4,92.
20 Zazpe I, Estruch R, Toledo E,
Sanchez-Tainta A, Corella D, Bullo
M, Fiol M, Iglesias P, Gomez-Gracia
E, Aros F, Ros E, Schroder H, SerraMajem L, Pinto X, Lamuela-Raventos
R, Ruiz-Gutierrez V, Martinez-Gonzalez
MA. Predictors of adherence to a
Mediterranean-type diet in the PREDIMED trial. EUR J NUTR, 2010. 49:9199. I.F.:2,87.
21 Perona JS, Covas MI, Fito M, Cabello-Moruno R, Aros F, Corella D, Ros
E, Garcia M, Estruch R, Martinez-Gonzalez MA, Ruiz-Gutierrez V. Reduction
in systemic and VLDL triacylglycerol
concentration after a 3-month Mediterranean-style diet in high-cardiovascularrisk subjects. J NUTR BIOCHEM, 2010.
21:892-898. I.F.:4,29.
I.F.: 3,52
1 Lopez-Miranda J, Perez-Jimenez
F, Ros E, DeCaterina R, Badimon L,
Covas MI, Escrich E, Ordovas JM,
Soriguer F, Abia R, DeLaLastra CA,
Battino M, Corella D, Chamorro-Quiros
J, Delgado-Lista J, Giugliano D, Esposito K, Estruch R, Fernandez-Real
JM, Gaforio JJ, LaVecchia C, Lairon
D, Lopez-Segura F, Mata P, Menendez
JA, Muriana FJ, Osada J, Panagiotakos
DB, Paniagua JA, Perez-Martinez P,
Perona J, Peinado MA, Pineda-Priego
M, Poulsen HE, Quiles JL, RamirezTortosa MC, Ruano J, Serra-Majem L,
Sola R, Solanas M, Solfrizzi V, DeLaTorre-Fornell R, Trichopoulou A, Uceda
M, Villalba-Montoro JM, Villar-Ortiz JR,
Visioli F, Yiannakouris N. Olive oil and
health: Summary of the II international
conference on olive oil and health
consensus report, Jaen and Cordoba
(Spain) 2008. NUTR METAB CARDIOVAS, 2010. 20:284-294. I.F.:3,52.
I.F.: 5,75
Camafort M, Coca A. Hypertension and Analgesic Intake: Light and
Shade on an Old Problem. REV ESP
CARDIOL, 2010. 63:265-267. I.F.:2,75.
Volpe M, Camm J, Coca A, Unger T. The cardiovascular continuum
refined: A hypothesis. BLOOD PRESSURE, 2010. 19:273-277. I.F.:1,77.
Grants in research
in progress
Coca A. NoE - Integrated Genomics,
Clinical Research and Care in Hypertension. Sponsored by: European
Commission, INGENIOUS HYPERCARE, LHSM-CT-2006-037093.
Amount: 136.281,00 euros. Duration:
Ros E. Projecte d’investigació postdoctoral: Ácidos grasos omega-3 y
aterosclerosis carotídea evaluada
mediante técnicas de bioimagen.
Sponsored by: FIS, CD07/00083.
Amount: 36.500,00 euros. Duration:
Ros E. Contribución de la variabilidad
en el promotor del gen del receptor
LDL a la hipercolesterolemia poligénica. Subproyecto 5: Análisis de biomarcadores de absorción y síntesis de
colesterol. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 68.365,00 euros. Duration:
Coca A, Ramos M. Impacto de la
enfermedad cardiovascular en el
síndrome de Sjögren primario. PhD
student: Marta Perez de Lis Novo.
Salinas AM, Coca A. Obesity,
physical activity and cardiovascular
risk: ergoanthropometric classification,
pharmacological variables, biomarkers
and “obesity paradox”. MED CLINBARCELONA, 2010. 134:492-498.
Respiratory, cardiovascular and renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Team envolved in:
Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina
Respiratory biophysics and bioengineering
GRUOP Members
Ramon Farré
de Barcelona)
Tel.: 93 402 45 15
Fax: 93 403 52 78
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Javier Pavía (Hospital Clínic)
Domènec Ros (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Mar Rotger (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Main Lines
of Research
The general objectives of the group are
the study of the biophysical mechanisms
determining respiratory function, and the
development of models and methods
for the processing of biomedical images
and signals. The work of the group is
based on an interdisciplinary approach,
with integration between basic and
clinical research. In parallel to the
scientific objectives, our group promotes
transfer to the industrial setting of the
technological advances derived from the
research work.
1.Respiratory mechanics.
The aim of research in respiratory
mechanics is to investigate the
viscoelastic properties of the airways
and lung tissues. At present, the
work fundamentally focuses on the
study of upper airway collapsibility
in obstructive apnea-hypopnea
during sleep and in the monitoring of
noninvasive mechanical ventilation
during respiratory failure. The clinical
aim of this research is to obtain
improved noninvasive diagnostic
techniques, and to optimize the
treatment methods based on
ventilation assist measures.
Postdoctoral fellows:
Theodora Tsapikouni (CIBERES)
Elena Garreta (Marie Curie - IDIBAPS)
Laura Chimenti (Marie Curie - European Respiratory Society)
Research Fellows:
Irene Acerbi (MEC)
Alba Carreras (MEC)
Núria Roé (IDIBAPS)
Berta Martí (CIBER-BBN)
Esther Melo (MEC)
Valentina Isetta (UE)
Foteini Popota (IDIBAPS)
Miguel Rodríguez (UB)
Rocío Nieto (CIBERES)
Carles Falcón (IDIBAPS)
Raúl Tudela (CIBER-BBN)
Albert Cot (UB-CIBER-BBN)
Jordi Alcaraz (UB)
Xavier Trepat (UB-IBEC)
Daniel Navajas (UB-IBEC)
De-cellularized rat lung.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Respiratory biophysics and bioengineering
2.Molecular and cellular
The introduction of nanotechnologies
allowing the manipulation of
materials on the nanometric and picoNewton scale has opened up new
perspectives for the investigation
of individual biomolecules and
cells. Our group uses atomic force
microscopy, magnetic microspheres
and traction force microscopy
to study cell adhesion and the
mechanical properties of lung cells
and leukocytes. Studies are also
made of the mechanical properties of
embryonic and adult stem cells during
the differentiation process, and of the
way in which mechanical stimuli can
enhance differentiation towards the
alveolar epithelial phenotype. One of
our projects in this setting focuses
on organ regeneration. Specifically,
work is done on the bioartificial
production of functional rat lungs
by means of the re-cellularization of
the extracellular matrix of the organ
with stem cells, and recreation of
the mechanical pulmonary micronano environment, to optimize cell
3.Biomedical imaging analysis.
Research in imaging analysis currently
focuses on the processing of photon
emission tomography (SPECT) and
positron emission tomography (PET)
images, with the purpose of securing
more precise quantification of
gammagraphic (scintigraphic) studies.
With this objective in mind, iterative
algorithms are being developed for
the three-dimensional reconstruction
of images and for the fusion of SPECT
and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) images.
For further information:
I.F.: 48,63
Iranzo A, Isetta V, Molinuevo JL,
Serradell M, Navajas D, Farre R, Santamaria J. Electroencephalographic
slowing heralds mild cognitive impairment in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder. SLEEP MED, 2010.
11:534-539. I.F.:3,70.
Aguiar P, Rafecas M, Ortuno JE,
Kontaxakis G, Santos A, Pavia J, Ros
D. Geometrical and Monte Carlo
projectors in 3D PET reconstruction.
MED PHYS, 2010. 37:5691-5702.
Fernandez-Egea E, Parellada E,
Lomena F, Falcon C, Pavia J, Mane
A, Horga G, Bernardo M. (18)FDG
PET study of amygdalar activity
during facial emotion recognition
in schizophrenia. EUR ARCH PSY
CLIN N, 2010. 260:69-76. I.F.:2,75.
Lage E, Villena JL, Tapias G,
Martinez NP, Soto-Montenegro ML,
Abella M, Sisniega A, Pino F, Ros
D, Pavia J, Desco M, Vaquero JJ.
A SPECT Scanner for Rodent Imaging Based on Small-Area Gamma
Cameras. IEEE T NUCL SCI, 2010.
57:2524-2531. I.F.:1,59.
Almendros I, Montserrat JM,
Torres M, Gonzalez C, Navajas D,
Farre R. Changes in oxygen partial
pressure of brain tissue in an animal model of obstructive apnea.
RESP RES, 2010. 11:-. I.F.:3,13.
Iranzo A, Lomena F, Stockner
H, Valldeoriola F, Vilaseca I, Salamero M, Molinuevo JL, Serradell M,
Duch J, Pavia J, Gallego J, Seppi
K, Hogl B, Tolosa E, Poewe W,
Santamaria J. Decreased striatal
dopamine transporter uptake and
substantia nigra hyperechogenicity
as risk markers of synucleinopathy
in patients with idiopathic rapideye-movement sleep behaviour
disorder: a prospective study. LANCET NEUROL, 2010. 9:1070-1077.
Martinez-Vidal B, Farre R, Montserrat JM, Torres M, Almendros I,
Aguilar F, Embid C, Vilaseca I. Effects of heated humidification on
nasal inflammation in a CPAP rat
model. SLEEP MED, 2010. 11:413416. I.F.:3,70.
Bullich S, Cot A, Gallego J,
Gunn RN, Suarez M, Pavia J, Ros
D, Laruelle M, Catafau AM. Impact
of scatter correction on D-2 receptor occupancy measurements using
I-123-IBZM SPECT: Comparison to
C-11-Raclopride PET. NEUROIMAGE,
2010. 50:1511-1518. I.F.:5,74.
Carreras A, Almendros I, Montserrat JM, Navajas D, Farre R.
Mesenchymal stem cells reduce inflammation in a rat model of obstructive sleep apnea. RESP PHYSIOL
NEUROBI, 2010. 172:210-212.
Carreras A, Rojas M, Tsapikouni T, Montserrat JM, Navajas D,
Farre R. Obstructive apneas induce
early activation of mesenchymal
stem cells and enhancement of endothelial wound healing. RESP RES,
2010. 11:-. I.F.:3,13.
Guerrero A, Embid C, Farre R,
Navajas D, Masa JF, Duran J, Montserrat JM. Sleep Breathing Flow
Characteristics as a Sign for the
Detection of Wakefulness in Patients
with Sleep Apnea. RESPIRATION,
2010. 80:495-499. I.F.:1,94.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Respiratory biophysics and bioengineering
Team Members
Grants for research
in progress
Farré R. Efecto de los estímulos
mecánicos en la diferenciación
de células madres hacia el fenotipo epitelial alveolar. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, SAF2008-02991. Amount:
133.100,00 euros. Duration:
Ros D. Desarrollo del proyecto
“Tecnologías de Imagen Molecular
Avanzada (AMIT)”. Sponsored by:
10/192. Amount: 50.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-01/01/2013.
Ros D. Cuantificación de estudios de
SPECT cerebral utilizando ligandos
del transportador de dopamina en
modelos animales y en diagnóstico
clínico. Sponsored by: Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación, SAF200908076. Amount: 36.300,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Farré R. Michromechanics of airway
smooth muscle in culture. Sponsored by: NIHE - National Institutes
of Health (USA), 2RO1-HL65960-06.
Amount: 3.360.362,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2005-31/12/2010.
Farré R. An open, ubiquitous and
adptive chronic disease management platform fr COPD and renal
insufficiency (CHRONIOUS). 7COICT
- COOPERATION. ICT. 7è Programa
Marc. Information and Communication Technologies (Tecnologies de la
Informació i la Comunicació). Sponsored by: European Commission,
FP7-ICT-2007-1#216461. Amount:
189.844,75 euros. Duration:
Pavia J, Ros D. Caracterización de
gammacámaras: estandarización
de estudios para SPECT cerebral.
Sponsored by: GEHE - GE HEALTHCARE BIO-SCIENCES,S.A, 09/484.
Amount: 17.000,00 euros. Duration:
Farre R. Activation of bone Marrow
Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a rat
model of obstructive sleep apnea.
PhD student: Alba Carreras Palou.
Estrach MT. Estudio de moléculas
de adhesión en procesos dermatológicos malignos(Micosis fungoide-síndrome de Sézary) y benignos
mediados por células T. PhD student: Ingrid Lopez Lerma.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Team envolved in:
Applied research in infectious respiratory
diseases, critically ill patients and lung cancer
Strategic Objectives
GROUP Members
Antoni Torres (Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 55 49
Fax: 93 227 55 49
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Carles Agustí (Hospital Clínic)
Joan Ramon Badia (Hospital Clínic)
Miquel Ferrer (Hospital Clínic)
Ramon Marrades (Hospital Clínic)
Néstor Soler (Hospital Clínic)
Dolors Soy (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Mª Montserrat
Marc Miravitlles (Fundació Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Gianluigi Li Bassi (IDIBAPS)
Laura Guerrero (IDIBAPS)
Isaac Almendros (CIBERes)
Research Fellows:
Mariano Esperatti (FIS)
Arnoldo Guerrero (Hospital Clínic)
Arturo Huerta (FIS)
Catia Cillóniz (SGR)
Gema Tirado (SEPAR)
Laia Fernàndez (CIBERes)
Hugo Loureiro (Hospital Clínic)
Carmen Lucena (Hospital Clínic)
Zinka Matkovic (ERS)
Lina María Saucedo
(Fundació Clínic)
Marta Torres (CIBERes)
Nursing Staff:
Patrícia Fernández (FIS)
Encarnación Moreno
(Fundació Clínic)
Alicia San José (CIBERes)
Isabel Martín (Fundació Clínic)
Rebeca Domingo (FIS)
Administrative Staff:
Elisabet Sancho (CIBERes)
Albert Gabarrús Barri (CIBERes)
Joan Daniel Martí (Fundació Clínic)
Beatriz Herrero (Fundació Clínic)
Núria Sànchez (CAPSE)
Jacobo Sellarés (Hospital Clínic)
Pilar Martínez (Hospital Clínic)
Eva Polverino (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Rigol (IDIBAPS)
1. Study of community-acquired
respiratory infections, nosocomial
infections and infections in immune
depressed patients.
2. Study of invasive and noninasive
mechanical ventilation in acute
respiratory failure, particularly in
weaning from artificial ventilation.
3. Study of the exacerbation of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) and the implication of
bacterial, viral and fungal infectious
4. Physiopathological and treatment
studies in an animal model of
ventilation associated pneumonia.
5. Human and animal model research in
sleep apnea syndrome.
6. Multicenter studies in relation to
sleep respiratory pathology and
cardiovascular disease.
7. Epidemiology, diagnosis and
treatment of adult bronchiectasia
not associated with cystic fibrosis:
Study of inflammatory response,
new treatment modalities and
immunoglobulin replacement
Main Lines
of Research
1. Epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis
and new treatments of pneumonias
associated with artificial ventilation. Resistances of microorganisms.
Study of biofilms in endotracheal
2. Epidemiology and diagnosis of
community-acquired pneumonia.
Multicenter studies in the setting
of community-acquired pneumonia.
New treatments. Resistances of microorganisms.
3. Study of the risk factors, microbiology and prognosis of Health Care
Associated Pneumonia (HCAP).
4. Etiopathogenesis, bronchial infection
and inflammation in the patient with
chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD). Role of infections
in exacerbation of the disease. Study
of bronchial and associated systemic
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Applied research in infectious respiratory
diseases, critically ill patients and lung cancer
response. Analysis of the risk and
prognostic factors in acute episodes.
Smoking. Epidemiology and diagnosis of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency.
Chronic pulmonary infections:
bronchiectasia not associated with
cystic fibrosis, immune deficiencies and cystic fibrosis in the adult.
Control of bronchial colonization.
Study of bronchial inflammatory
and associated systemic response.
New treatment modalities (nebulizer
antibiotic treatment). Replacement
therapy with immunoglobulins.
Infectious lung complications
in immune depressed patients.
Evaluation of the etiological factors.
Optimization of the diagnostic techniques. Study of bronchial inflammatory and associated systemic response. Analysis of prognostic factors.
Invasive and noninvasive mechanical ventilation: epidemiology,
cost-effectiveness and physiopathology. New techniques. Weaning from
mechanical ventilation: role of the
inflammatory response and respiratory failure following extubation.
Study of the pharmacokinetics of
antibiotics and other drugs in the
ventilated and non-ventilated patient.
Porcine model of acute pulmonary
damage due to P. aeruginosa and
methicillin-resistant S. aureus: study of new coadjuvant drugs in the
treatment of pneumonia, study of
new antibiotics, prevention of ventila-
Noninvasive ventilation after extubation significantly improves
patient survival in relation to conventional treatment with oxygen
therapy (Lancet; 374: 1082–88).
tor-associated pneumonia (VAP), and
new forms of mechanical ventilation.
10. Chronic sleep apnea models.
11. European studies of respiratory
infections. Participation in the GRACE, MOSAR and THERAEDGE projects, which respectively investigate
community-acquired respiratory infections, in-hospital respiratory infections and new diagnostic methods.
For further information:
Breathing disturbances in sleep
Group Leader: Josep M. Montserrat (Hospital Clínic)
The main research line of this group is the analysis of respiratory
disturbances in sleep. Specifically, the two most important
lines are the following: the study of diagnostic methods and
effects of treatment in a population of apneic patients in which
the indication is not clear; and the study of animal models for exploring the
mechanisms underlying the origin and consequences of the disorder. Both lines
are carried out in the context of national multicenter clinical trials.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Applied research in infectious respiratory diseases, critically ill patients and lung cancer
I.F.: 197,85
fected patients. DIAGN MICR INFEC
DIS, 2010. 68:60-65. I.F.:2,45.
1 Soto-Cardenas MJ, Perez-De-Lis
6 Ferrer M, Liapikou A, Valencia M,
M, Bove A, Navarro C, Brito-Zeron P,
Diaz-Lagares C, Gandia M, Akasbi M,
Siso A, Ballester E, Torres A, RamosCasals M. Bronchiectasis in primary
Sjogren’s syndrome: prevalence and
clinical significance. CLIN EXP RHEUMATOL, 2010. 28:647-653. I.F.:2,40.
Esperatti M, Theessen A, Martinez JA,
Mensa J, Torres A. Validation of the
American Thoracic Society-Infectious
Diseases Society of America Guidelines for Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
in the Intensive Care Unit. CLIN INFECT DIS, 2010. 50:945-952. I.F.:8,20.
2 Garcia-De-La-Maria C, Marco F,
7 Valles X, Roca A, Lozano F, Morais
Armero Y, Soy D, Moreno A, DelRio A,
Almela M, Cervera C, Ninot S, Falces
C, Mestres CA, Gatell JM, DeAnta
MTJ, Miro JM. Daptomycin Is Effective for Treatment of Experimental Endocarditis Due to Methicillin-Resistant
and Glycopeptide-Intermediate Staphylococcus epidermidis. ANTIMICROB
AGENTS CH, 2010. 54:2781-2786.
L, Suarez B, Casals F, Mandomando
I, Sigauque B, Nhalungo D, Esquinas
C, Quinto L, Alonso PL, Torres A.
Serotype-specific pneumococcal disease may be influenced by mannosebinding lectin deficiency. EUR RESPIR
J, 2010. 36:856-863. I.F.:5,53.
3 Polverino E, Dambrava P, Cilloniz
C, Balasso V, Marcos MA, Esquinas
C, Mensa J, Ewig S, Torres A. Nursing
home-acquired pneumonia: a 10 year
single-centre experience. THORAX,
2010. 65:354-359. I.F.:7,04.
4 Perello R, Miro O, Marcos MA,
Almela M, Bragulat E, Sanchez M,
Agusti C, Miro JM, Moreno A. Predicting bacteremic pneumonia in HIV-1-infected patients consulting the ED. AM
J EMERG MED, 2010. 28:454-459.
5 Alvarez-Martinez MJ, Miro JM,
Valls ME, Mas J, DeLaBellacasa JP,
Sued O, Sole M, Rivas PV, DeLazzari
E, Benito N, Garcia F, Agusti C, Wilson
PE, Gatell JM, DeAnta MTJ, Meshnick SR, Moreno A. Prevalence of
dihydropteroate synthase genotypes
before and after the introduction of
combined antiretroviral therapy and
their influence on the outcome of
Pneumocystis pneumonia in HIV-1-in-
8 Gutierrez P, Closae D, Piner R,
Bulbena O, Menendez R, Torres A.
Macrophage activation in exacerbated
COPD with and without communityacquired pneumonia. EUR RESPIR J,
2010. 36:285-291. I.F.:5,53.
9 Martinez-Olondris P, Sibila O,
Agusti C, Rigol M, Soy D, Esquinas C,
Piner R, Luque N, Guerrero L, Quera
MA, Marco F, DeLaBellacasa JP,
Ramirez J, Torres A. An experimental
model of pneumonia induced by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in ventilated piglets. EUR RESPIR
J, 2010. 36:901-906. I.F.:5,53.
Guerrero L, Martinez-Olondris
P, Rigol M, Esperatti M, Esquinas C,
Luque N, Piner R, Torres A, Soy D.
Development and validation of a high
performance liquid chromatography
method to determine linezolid concentrations in pig pulmonary tissue. CLIN
CHEM LAB MED, 2010. 48:391-398.
Martinez-Olondris P, Rigol M,
Torres A. What lessons have been
learnt from animal models of MRSA
in the lung?. EUR RESPIR J, 2010.
35:198-201. I.F.:5,53.
Almendros I, Montserrat JM,
Torres M, Gonzalez C, Navajas D,
Farre R. Changes in oxygen partial
pressure of brain tissue in an animal
model of obstructive apnea. RESP
RES, 2010. 11:-. I.F.:3,13.
Martinez-Vidal B, Farre R, Montserrat JM, Torres M, Almendros I,
Aguilar F, Embid C, Vilaseca I. Effects
of heated humidification on nasal
inflammation in a CPAP rat model.
SLEEP MED, 2010. 11:413-416.
Carreras A, Almendros I,
Montserrat JM, Navajas D, Farre
R. Mesenchymal stem cells reduce
inflammation in a rat model of obstructive sleep apnea. RESP PHYSIOL NEUROBI, 2010. 172:210-212.
Carreras A, Rojas M, Tsapikouni
T, Montserrat JM, Navajas D, Farre
R. Obstructive apneas induce early
activation of mesenchymal stem
cells and enhancement of endothelial
wound healing. RESP RES, 2010. 11:-.
Guerrero A, Embid C, Farre R,
Navajas D, Masa JF, Duran J, Montserrat JM. Sleep Breathing Flow Characteristics as a Sign for the Detection
of Wakefulness in Patients with Sleep
Apnea. RESPIRATION, 2010. 80:495499. I.F.:1,94.
Soler N, Ballester E, Martin
A, Gobartt E, Miravitlles M, Torres A. Changes in management of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) in primary care: EMMEPOC
study. RESP MED, 2010. 104:67-75.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Applied research in infectious respiratory
diseases, critically ill patients and lung cancer
Team Members
18 Malinis M, Myers J, Bordon J,
Peyrani P, Kapoor R, Nakamatzu R,
Lopardo G, Torres A, Feldman C, Allen M, Arnold F, Ramirez J. Clinical
outcomes of HIV-infected patients
hospitalized with bacterial communityacquired pneumonia. INT J INFECT
DIS, 2010. 14:E22-E27. I.F.:2,17.
Pineiro L, Sanchez G, Serra J, SolerCataluna JJ, Torres A, Viejo JL, Sobradillo-Pena V, Ancochea J. Geographical
Variations in the Prevalence of COPD
in Spain: Relationship to Smoking,
Death Rates and other Determining
2010. 46:522-530. I.F.:2,17.
19 Miravitlles M, Marin A, Monso
24 Almirall J, Bolibar I, Serra-Prat
E, Vila S, DeLaRoza C, Hervas R,
Esquinas C, Garcia M, Millares L,
Morera J, Torres A. Colour of sputum
is a marker for bacterial colonisation
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease airway. RESP RES, 2010. 11:-.
M, Palomera E, Roig J, Hospital
I, Carandell E, Agusti M, Ayuso P,
Estela A, Torres A. Inhaled drugs as
risk factors for community-acquired
pneumonia. EUR RESPIR J, 2010.
36:1080-1087. I.F.:5,53.
20 Pino-Yanes M, Corrales A, Casula M, Blanco J, Muriel A, Espinosa
E, Garcia-Bello M, Torres A, Ferrer M,
Zavala E, Villar J, Flores C. Common
Variants of TLR1 Associate with Organ
Dysfunction and Sustained Pro-Inflammatory Responses during Sepsis.
PLOS ONE, 2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
21 Duran-Cantolla J, Aizpuru F,
Montserrat JM, Ballester E, TeranSantos J, Aguirregomoscorta JI, Gonzalez M, Lloberes P, Masa JF, De La
Pena M, Carrizo S, Mayos M, Barbe F.
Continuous positive airway pressure
as treatment for systemic hypertension in people with obstructive sleep
apnoea: randomised controlled trial.
BRIT MED J, 2010. 341:-. I.F.:13,66.
22 Partridge MR, Miravitlles M,
Stahl E, Karlsson N, Svensson K,
Welte T. Development and validation
of the Capacity of Daily Living during
the Morning questionnaire and the
Global Chest Symptoms Questionnaire in COPD. EUR RESPIR J, 2010.
36:96-104. I.F.:5,53.
23 Soriano JB, Miravitlles M, Borderias L, Duran-Tauleria E, Rio FG,
Martinez J, Montemayor T, Munoz L,
25 Miravitlles M, Herr C, Ferrarotti
I, Jardi R, Rodriguez-Frias F, Luisetti
M, Bals R. Laboratory testing of
individuals with severe alpha(1)-antitrypsin deficiency in three European
centres. EUR RESPIR J, 2010. 35:960968. I.F.:5,53.
26 Barbe F, Duran-Cantolla J, Capote F, DeLaPena M, Chiner E, Masa
JF, Gonzalez M, Marin JM, Garcia-Rio
F, DeAtauri JD, Teran J, Mayos M,
Monasterio C, DelCampo F, Gomez
S, DeLaTorre MS, Martinez M,
Montserrat JM. Long-term Effect of
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
in Hypertensive Patients with Sleep
Apnea. AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 2010.
181:718-726. I.F.:10,69.
27 Esperatti M, Ferrer M, Theessen
A, Liapikou A, Valencia M, Saucedo
LM, Zavala E, Welte T, Torres A. Nosocomial Pneumonia in the Intensive
Care Unit Acquired by Mechanically
Ventilated versus Nonventilated Patients. AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 2010.
182:1533-1539. I.F.:10,69.
28 Polverino E, Nava S, Ferrer M,
Ceriana P, Clini E, Spada E, Zanotti
E, Trianni L, Barbano L, Fracchia C,
Balbi B, Vitacca M. Patients’ charac-
terization, hospital course and clinical
outcomes in five Italian respiratory
intensive care units. INTENS CARE
MED, 2010. 36:137-142. I.F.:5,17.
Arnold FW, Brock GN, Peyrani
P, Rodriguez EL, Diaz AA, Rossi P,
Ramirez JA. Predictive accuracy of
the pneumonia severity index vs
CRB-65 for time to clinical stability: Results from the CommunityAcquired Pneumonia Organization
(CAPO) International Cohort Study.
RESP MED, 2010. 104:1736-1743.
30 Diez-Padrisa N, Bassat Q,
Machevo S, Quinto L, Morais L,
Nhampossa T, O’callaghan-Gordo C,
Torres A, Alonso PL, Roca A. Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein for
Invasive Bacterial Pneumonia Diagnosis among Children in Mozambique,
a Malaria-Endemic Area. PLOS ONE,
2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
31 Sethi S, Jones PW, Theron MS,
Miravitlles M, Rubinstein E, Wedzicha
JA, Wilson R. Pulsed moxifloxacin
for the prevention of exacerbations
of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease: a randomized controlled trial.
RESP RES, 2010. 11:-. I.F.:3,13.
32 Soriano JB, Ancochea J, Miravitlles M, Garcia-Rio F, Duran-Tauleria
E, Munoz L, Jimenez-Ruiz CA, Masa
JF, Viejo JL, Villasante C, FernandezFau L, Sanchez G, Sobradillo-Pena V.
Recent trends in COPD prevalence in
Spain: a repeated cross-sectional survey 1997-2007. EUR RESPIR J, 2010.
36:758-765. I.F.:5,53.
33 Ewig S, Welte T, Chastre J,
Torres A. Rethinking the concepts
of community-acquired and healthcare-associated pneumonia. LANCET
INFECT DIS, 2010. 10:279-287.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Applied research in infectious respiratory diseases, critically ill patients and lung cancer
34 Garcia-Rio F, Miravitlles M, Soriano JB, Munoz L, Duran-Tauleria E,
Sanchez G, Sobradillo V, Ancochea
J. Systemic inflammation in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease: a
population-based study. RESP RES,
2010. 11:-. I.F.:3,13.
35 Miravitlles M, Ferrara G, Lange
C, Dimopoulos G, Rohde G, Blasi F,
Migliori GB. TB or not TB: update
from the ERS Respiratory Infection
Assembly 10. EUR RESPIR J, 2010.
36:665-670. I.F.:5,53.
Pinazo MJ, Munoz J, Posada E,
Lopez-Chejade P, Gallego M, Ayala E,
DelCacho E, Soy D, Gascon J. Tolerance of Benznidazole in Treatment of
Chagas’ Disease in Adults. ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH, 2010. 54:48964899. I.F.:4,80.
37 Butler CC, Hood K, Kelly MJ,
Goossens H, Verheij T, Little P, Melbye H, Torres A, Molstad S, GodyckiCwirko M, Almirall J, Blasi F, Schaberg
T, Edwards P, Rautakorpi UM, Hupkova H, Wood J, Nuttall J, Coenen
S. Treatment of acute cough/lower
respiratory tract infection by antibiotic
class and associated outcomes: a
13 European country observational
study in primary care. J ANTIMICROB
CHEMOTH, 2010. 65:2472-2478.
38 Torres A, Rello J. Update in
Community-acquired and Nosocomial
Pneumonia 2009. AM J RESP CRIT
CARE, 2010. 181:782-787. I.F.:10,69.
39 Espana PP, Capelastegui A, Quintana JM, Bilbao A, Diez R, Pascual S,
Esteban C, Zalacain R, Menendez R,
Torres A. Validation and comparison of
SCAP as a predictive score for identifying low-risk patients in communityacquired pneumonia. J INFECTION,
2010. 60:106-113. I.F.:3,06.
I.F.: 13,55
1 Bassi GL, Ferrer M, Saucedo LM,
Torres A. Do guidelines change outcomes in ventilator-associated pneumonia?. CURR OPIN INFECT DIS,
2010. 23:171-177. I.F.:4,72.
2 Gomez-Caro A, Badia JR, Ausin P.
Extracorporeal Lung Assist in Severe
Respiratory Failure and ARDS. Current
Situation and Clinical Applications.
46:531-537. I.F.:2,17.
3 Anzueto A, Miravitlles M. Shortcourse fluoroquinolone therapy in exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and
COPD. RESP MED, 2010. 104:13961403. I.F.:2,33.
4 Martinez-Garcia MA, Duran-Cantolla J, Montserrat JM. Sleep ApneaHypopnea Syndrome in the Elderly.
46:479-488. I.F.:2,17.
5 Sevilla-Sanchez D, Soy-Muner D, Soler-Porcar N. Usefulness of Macrolides
as Anti-Inflammatories in Respiratory
2010. 46:244-254. I.F.:2,17.
I.F.: 16,35
1 Torres A, Menendez R. Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa in community-acquired
pneumonia: the reality after a decade
of uncertainty?. EUR RESPIR J, 2010.
35:473-474. I.F.:5,53.
Ferrer M. Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation and the Prognosis
in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
2010. 46:399-401. I.F.:2,17.
3 Ewig S, Torres A. Severity scores
for CAP. ‘Much workload for the next
bias’. THORAX, 2010. 65:853-855.
4 Polverino E, Ferrer M. VAP surveillance: role of non-quantitative culture
of endotracheal aspirates (NQC-ETA).
76:572-574. I.F.:1,61.
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 2,17
1 Menendez R, Torres A, Aspa J,
Capelastegui A, Prat C, DeCastro
FR. Community Acquired Pneumonia. New Guidelines of the Spanish
Society of Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR). ARCH BRONCONEUMOL. 46:543-558. I.F.:2,17.
I.F.: 47,05
1 Sciurba FC, Ernst A, Herth FJF,
Strange C, Criner GJ, Marquette CH,
Kovitz KL, Chiacchierini RP, Goldin J,
Mclennan G. A Randomized Study of
Endobronchial Valves for Advanced
Emphysema. NEW ENGL J MED.
363:1233-1244. I.F.:47,05.
Grants for research
in progress
Ferrer M. Eficacia de los glucocorticoides en la neumonía asociada a la
ventilación mecánica estudio clínico
aleatorizado. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, EC07/90390.
Amount: 34.418,45 euros. Duration:
Soy D. Eficacia del tratamiento con
Linezolid comparado con vancomicina
en la neumonia asociada a la venti-
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Applied research in infectious respiratory
diseases, critically ill patients and lung cancer
Team Members
lación mecánica (NAVM) por Staphylococcus Aureus Meticilin-resistente.
Estudio en un modelo porcino. Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, PI070419. Amount: 87.107,90
euros. Duration: 26/11/200730/12/2010.
Soler N. Evalución prospectiva
de la purulencia del esputo y la
procalcitonina como marcadores
de infección respiratoria discal
en la agudización de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica
(EPOC). Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, PI070472.
Amount: 43.560,00 euros. Duration:
by: Universiteit Antwerpen,
LSHM-CT-2005-518226. Amount:
151.700,00 euros. Duration:
Torres A. An integrated platform
enabling Theranostic applications at the Point of Primary Care.
Sponsored by: NTE, S.A., 216027.
Amount: 99.999,75 euros. Duration:
Torres A. Health Care Associated
Pneumonia (HCAP). Sponsored by:
Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria,
PI080240. Amount: 127.292,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2012.
Torres A. Coordinador de equipo del
Grup de Recerca de Qualitat . Sponsored by: Generalitat de Catalunya,
SGR/911. Amount: 58.240,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Ferrer M. Papel de la respuesta
inflamatoria y el estrés oxidativo
sistémico en la retirada de la ven-
tilación mecánica invasiva. Sponsored by: Fondo de Investigación
Sanitaria, PI080232. Amount:
61.962,00 euros. Duration:
Marrades R. Expresión y cuantificación de micrornas en sangre
periférica, tejido tumoral y tejido
normal en pacientes con cáncer de
pulmón: relaciones terapéuticas y
pronósticas. Sponsored by: Fondo
de Investigación Sanitaria, PI080135.
Amount: 61.962,00 euros. Duration:
Soler N. Utilidad del tratamiento
antibiótico en las agudizaciones de
la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva
crónica (EPOC) sin purulencia en el
esputo: ensayo clínico aleatorizado,
controlado y doble ciego de eficacia
y seguridad. Sponsored by: Fondo de
Investigación Sanitaria, EC08/00061.
Amount: 109.505,00 euros. Duration:
Torres A. Mastering of Hospital
Antimicrobial Resistance (MOSAR) Surgical WP4. Sponsored by:
European Comisión, CP040280.
Amount: 75.877,00 euros. Duration:
Torres A. Mastering of Hospital
Antimicrobial Resistance (MOSAR) ICU WP3. Sponsored by:
European Comisión, CP040280.
Amount: 69.102,00 euros. Duration:
Torres A, Polverino E. Fracaso del
tratamiento en la neumonía adquirida
en la comunidad. Factores de riesgo
de exceso de inflamación y su impacto en el pronóstico. Sponsored
by: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria
(FIS), PI080472. Amount: 27.346,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2010.
Torres A. Efectos de los flujos insipartorio-respiratorio y la presión positiva
al final de la espiración en el aclaramiento de secreciones y la neumonía
asociada al ventilador. Sponsored by:
PI09/1249. Amount: 38.115,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Montserrat JM. Efectos sistémicos
del síndrome de las apneas durante
el sueño. Análisis mediante modelos
animales y estudios cognitivos en
humanos.. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 98.252,00 euros. Duration:
Ferrer M, Torres A. Fisiopatología y
papel de la ventilación no invasiva en
el fracaso del weaning. PhD student:
Jacobo Sellares Torres.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Team envolved in:
RETICS de Biobancos
Physiopathological mechanisms of respiratory illnesses
GROUP Members
Strategic Objectives
Joan Albert Barberà (Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 57 47
Fax: 93 227 54 55
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Josep Roca (Hospital Clínic)
Robert Rodríguez-Roisín
(Hospital Clínic)
Elizabeth Zavala (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Melina Musri (IDIBAPS)
Research Fellows:
Marta Díez (FIS)
Elisabeth Ferrer (FIS)
Diego Rodríguez (ERS-SEPAR)
Karina Portillo (Fundació Clínic)
Ebymar Arismendi (Fundació Clínic)
Jéssica Garcia (Fundació Clínic)
David Domínguez (Fundació Clínic)
Borja Lobo (Fundació Clínic)
Raquel Puig-Pey (IDIBAPS)
Núria Coll (Fundació Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Conchi Gistau (Hospital Clínic)
Yolanda Torralba (CIBERES)
Maite Simó (Hospital Clínic)
Maria Palomo (Fundació Clínic)
Xavier Alsina (Hospital Clínic)
Beatriz Valeiro (Fundació Clínic)
Administrative Staff:
Mirjam Hillenius (Fundació Clínic)
Julio Más (Fundació Clínic CIBERES)
Anael Barberan (Fundació Clínic)
Ane Arbillaga (Fundació Clínic)
Albert Alonso (Fundació Clínic)
Isabel Blanco (Hospital Clínic)
Felip Burgos (Hospital Clínic)
Federico Gómez (Universitat de
Carme Hernández (Hospital Clínic)
Graciela Martínez-Pallí (Hospital
Victor I. Peinado (CIBERES)
Sandra Pizarro (Hospital Clínic)
Jordi Vilaró (Fundació Clínic)
Elena Gimeno (IDIBAPS)
1. Investigation of the molecular and cellular bases of
chronic respiratory diseases, with special emphasis
on pulmonary circulatory disorders and systemic
2. Study of the physiopathological and pathogenic mechanisms related to acute and chronic respiratory
failure, focusing on chronic obstructive diseases,
hepatopulmonary disorders and obesity.
3. Evaluation of the potential of cell therapy and tissue
engineering applied to respiratory diseases.
4. Development of artificial and bioartificial lung models for the support of patients with acute and chronic respiratory failure.
5. Study of the determining factors of the clinical
course and healthcare resource utilization in chronic
respiratory diseases.
Main Lines of Research
1. Biopathology and physiopathology of pulmonary
circulation disorders.
2. Physical activity, cell bioenergetics and systemic
effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
3. Physiopathological mechanisms underlying gas exchange alterations in airway obstructive diseases.
4. Interaction between systemic and pulmonary inflammation in COPD and morbid obesity.
5. Tissue engineering and bioartificial lung models.
6. Prognostic and determining factors of healthcare
resource utilization in chronic respiratory disease.
7. Analysis of inflammation and oxidative stress biomarkers in exhaled air in the study of respiratory
View of two precursor vascular cells with interdifferential technology. One of the cells maintains
the precursor phenotype, while the other has
acquired a smooth muscle cell phenotype.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Physiopathological mechanisms
of respiratory illnesses
Team Members
I.F.: 121,18
1 Rodriguez-Trigo G, Zock JP, PozoRodriguez F, Gomez FP, Monyarch G,
Bouso L, Coll MD, Verea H, Anto JM,
Fuster C, Barbera JA. Health Changes
in Fishermen 2 Years After Clean-up
of the Prestige Oil Spill. ANN INTERN
MED, 2010. 153:489-W176. I.F.:16,23.
2 Portillo K, Santos S, Madrigal I,
Blanco I, Pare C, Borderias L, Peinado
VI, Roca J, Mila M, Barbera JA. Study
of the BMPR2 Gene in Patients with
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
46:129-134. I.F.:2,17.
3 Go T, Jungebluth P, Baiguero S,
Asnaghi A, Martorell J, Ostertag H,
Mantero S, Birchall M, Bader A, Macchiarini P. Both epithelial cells and
mesenchymal stem cell-derived chondrocytes contribute to the survival of
tissue-engineered airway transplants
2010. 139:437-443. I.F.:3,06.
4 Pino-Yanes M, Corrales A, Casula
M, Blanco J, Muriel A, Espinosa E,
Garcia-Bello M, Torres A, Ferrer M,
Zavala E, Villar J, Flores C. Common
Variants of TLR1 Associate with Organ
Dysfunction and Sustained Pro-Inflammatory Responses during Sepsis.
PLOS ONE, 2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
5 Esperatti M, Ferrer M, Theessen
A, Liapikou A, Valencia M, Saucedo
LM, Zavala E, Welte T, Torres A. Nosocomial Pneumonia in the Intensive
Care Unit Acquired by Mechanically
Ventilated versus Nonventilated Patients. AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 2010.
182:1533-1539. I.F.:10,69.
6 Melgosa MT, Ricci GL, GarciaPagan JC, Blanco I, Escribano P,
Abraldes JG, Roca J, Bosch J, Barbera
JA. Acute and Long-Term Effects of
Inhaled Iloprost in Portopulmonary
2010. 16:348-356. I.F.:3,72.
7 Haq I, Chappell S, Johnson SR,
Lotya J, Daly L, Morgan K, GuettaBaranes T, Roca J, Rabinovich R,
Millar AB, Donnelly SC, Keatings V,
Macnee W, Stolk J, Hiemstra PS,
Miniati M, Monti S, O’connor CM,
Kalsheker N. Association of MMP-12
polymorphisms with severe and very
severe COPD: A case control study
of MMPs - 1, 9 and 12 in a European
population. BMC MED GENET, 2010.
11:-. I.F.:2,84.
8 Macchiarini P, Rovira I, Ferrarello
S. Awake Upper Airway Surgery. ANN
THORAC SURG, 2010. 89:387-390.
9 Barreiro E, Peinado VI, Galdiz JB,
Ferrer E, Mann-Corral J, Sanchez F,
Gea J, Barbera JA. Cigarette Smokeinduced Oxidative Stress A Role
in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction. AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 2010.
182:477-488. I.F.:10,69.
10 Azzalini L, Ferrer E, Ramalho
LN, Moreno M, Dominguez M, Colmenero J, Peinado VI, Barbera JA, Arroyo
V, Gines P, Caballeria J, Bataller R.
Cigarette Smoking Exacerbates Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obese
Rats. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:15671576. I.F.:10,84.
11 Mascia L, Pasero D, Slutsky
AS, Arguis MJ, Berardino M, Grasso
S, Munari M, Boifava S, Cornara G,
DellaCorte F, Vivaldi N, Malacarne P,
DelGaudio P, Livigni S, Zavala E, Filippini C, Martin EL, Donadio PP, Mastromauro I, Ranieri VM. Effect of a Lung
Protective Strategy for Organ Donors
on Eligibility and Availability of Lungs
for Transplantation A Randomized
Controlled Trial. JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, 2010. 304:2620-2627. I.F.:28,90.
Diez M, Musri MM, Ferrer E,
Barbera JA, Peinado VI. Endothelial
progenitor cells undergo an endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition-like
process mediated by TGF beta RI.
CARDIOVASC RES, 2010. 88:502-511.
Vilaro J, Ramirez-Sarmiento
A, Martinez-Llorens JM, Mendoza
T, Alvarez M, Sanchez-Cayado N,
Vega A, Gimeno E, Coronell C, Gea
J, Roca J, Orozco-Levi M. Global
muscle dysfunction as a risk factor of
readmission to hospital due to COPD
exacerbations. RESP MED, 2010.
104:1896-1902. I.F.:2,33.
Blanco I, Gimeno E, Munoz PA,
Pizarro S, Gistau C, Rodriguez-Roisin
R, Roca J, Barbera JA. Hemodynamic
and Gas Exchange Effects of Sildenafil
in Patients with Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease and Pulmonary
Hypertension. AM J RESP CRIT
CARE, 2010. 181:270-278. I.F.:10,69.
Blanco I, Villaquiran C, Valera
JL, Molina-Molina M, Xaubet A, Rodriguez-Roisin R, Barbera JA, Roca J.
Peak Oxygen Uptake During the Sixminute Walk Test in Diffuse Interstitial
Lung Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension. ARCH BRONCONEUMOL,
2010. 46:122-128. I.F.:2,17.
Sanchez-Lorente D, Go T, Jungebluth P, Rovira I, Mata M, Ayats
MC, Macchiarini P. Single double-lumen venous-venous pump-driven extracorporeal lung membrane support.
140:558-U105. I.F.:3,06.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Physiopathological mechanisms of respiratory illnesses
I.F.: 2,75
1 Subias PE, Mir JAB, Suberviola V.
Current Diagnostic and Prognostic Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension.
REV ESP CARDIOL, 2010. 63:583596. I.F.:2,75.
I.F.: 50,08
1 Sciurba FC, Ernst A, Herth FJF,
Strange C, Criner GJ, Marquette CH,
Kovitz KL, Chiacchierini RP, Goldin J,
Mclennan G. A Randomized Study of
Endobronchial Valves for Advanced
Emphysema. NEW ENGL J MED,
2010. 363:1233-1244. I.F.:47,05.
2 Leidy NK, Wilcox TK, Jones PW,
Murray L, Winnette R, Howard K,
Petrillo J, Powers J, Sethi S. Development of the EXAcerbations of Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Tool
(EXACT): A Patient-Reported Outcome
2010. 13:965-975. I.F.:3,03.
Grants for research
in progress
Roca J. Indicators for Monitoring
COPD and Asthma in the Eu - IMCA
2005121. Amount: 240.115,00 euros.
Duration: 15/12/2006-30/06/2010.
Roca J. IP - Healthcare by Biosensor Measurements And Networking.
Sponsored by: European Commision, NMP4-CT-2006-017333.
Amount: 203.670,00 euros. Duration:
Barbera JA. Estudio de los efectos de
sildenafilo sobre el intercambio gaseoso, la hemodinámica pulmonar y la
tolerancia al esfuerzo en pacientes con
hipertensión pulmonar asociada a la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.
Sponsored by: Fondo de Investigación
Sanitaria (FIS), EC0790049. Amount:
332.750,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2011.
Peinado V, Barbera JA. Mecanismos
implicados en la diferenciación de las
células progenitoras endoteliales durante el remodelado vascular pulmonar. PhD student: Marta Díez Cuñado.
Roca J. Healthier and Independent
Living for Chronic Patients and Elderly
- NEXES». Sponsored by: Unión Europea, FP7 (CIP-ICT) 225025. Amount:
484.280,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2011.
Peinado V. Mecanismos moleculares de
la diferenciación de células progenitoras
endoteliales durante la reparación del
endotelio en la hipertensión pulmonar.
Sponsored by: Fundació Marató TV3,
08/1310. Amount: 195.725,63 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Barbera JA. Estudio de nuevas dianas
terapéuticas en el tratamiento de la
hipertensión pulmonar asociada a la
enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva
crónica. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
SALUD CARLOS III, PI09/0536. Amount:
328.515,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2013.
Roca J. Servicios innovadores de atención integrada para pacientes crónicos.
CARLOS III, PI09/90634. Amount:
167.585,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Rodriguez R. Obesidad mórbida e
inflamación sistématica y pulmonar.
CARLOS III, PI08/0311. Amount:
92.202,00 euros. Duration: 31/12/200830/12/2011.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Clinical and Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy (IRCE)
Team envolved in:
Red de Investigación de
Reacciones Adversas a
Alérgenos y Fármacos
Team Members
César Picado
(Hospital Clínic, Universitat de Barcelona)
Tel.: 93 227 26 34
Fax: 93 227 98 13
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Joaquim Mullol (IDIBAPS)
Antoni Xaubet (Hospital Clínic)
Joan Bartra (Hospital Clínic)
Antonio Valero (Hospital Clínic)
Laura Pujols Tarrés (Fundació Clínic)
Isam Alobid (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Josep Maria Guilemany (FIS - SEORL)
Jordi Roca-Ferrer (UB)
Research Fellows:
Rosa Maria Muñoz-Cano (FIS)
Francisco Garcia Garcia (FIS)
Laura Fernández-Bertolin (IDIBAPS)
Francisco de Borja Callejas (FIS)
Marta Gabasa (CIBERES)
Suha Jabr (Ministeri d’Afers Exteriors i Cooperació)
Jaume Sánchez López
(Fundació Clínic)
Maria Rueda (Fundació Clínic)
Liliana Carbalho (Erasmus Portugal)
Franklin Mariño Sánchez
(Hospital Clínic)
Erola Ainsua Enrich (FPI)
Esteban Cano (Hospital Clínic)
Mireia Fuentes Prado
(Fundació Clínic)
María Pérez Gonzalez
(Fundació Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Sílvia Centellas (Hospital Clínic)
Sarai Sánchez Fuentes
(Fundació Clínic)
Administrative Staff:
Elena Arrufat (Fundació Clínic)
Assumpció Martínez-Antón
Yvonne Torres (Ministeri d’Educació,
Govern de Panamà)
Rosa Torres (FIS)
María del Carmen Vennera
Joaquim Ensenyat Nora
(Hospital Clínic)
Margarita Martin Andorrà
(Fundació Clínic)
Damiana Alvarez Errico
(Juan de la Cierva)
1. Investigation of the mechanisms regulating inflammatory response and
remodelling in bronchial asthma, rhinosinusitis and pulmonary interstitial
2. Investigation of the mechanisms underlying food allergies.
3. Investigation of the mechanisms
involved in anaphylaxis of complex
4. Investigation of the mechanisms involved in loss of smell.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Molecular and cellular bases of the
inflammatory response in asthma,
rhinosinusitis and pulmonary interstitial diseases.
2. Role of the MUC genes in the modulation of mucosal secretion in respiratory diseases, and glucocorticoid
3. Role of arachidonic acid metabolites
(prostaglandins and leukotrienes) in
the etiopathogenesis of asthma, rhinosinusitis and pulmonary interstitial
4. Role of the angiotensin system in
lung fibrosis.
5. Study of the mechanisms regulating the response to glucocorticoid
treatment in inflammatory respiratory
6. Study of the mechanisms involved in
severe asthma and relationship with
alterations in glucocorticoid receptor
7. Study of the relationship between
upper airway disorders (nasal and
sinuses) and alterations of the lower
airway (asthma, bronchiectasia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
8. Study of the mechanisms regulating
the response to food allergens and
relationship with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and arachidonic
acid metabolism.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Clinical and Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy (IRCE)
9. New therapeutic modalities (endothelin, proteosome and COX-2
inhibitors; prostaglandin E2 receptor
3 agonists) in asthma, rhinosinusitis
and pulmonary interstitial diseases
based on in vitro models and animal
models of asthma and pulmonary
10. Study of the mechanisms of anaphylactic reactions of multiple origin
(indolent mastocytosis, predisposing
genetic alterations).
11. Study of quality of life in nasosinusal
12. Loss of smell: role of nasosinusal
inflammation, Parkinson’s disease
and congenital alterations.
I.F.: 58,14
1 Criado E, Sanchez M, Ramirez
J, Arguis P, DeCaralt TM, Perea RJ,
Xaubet A. Pulmonary Sarcoidosis:
Typical and Atypical Manifestations at
High-Resolution CT with Pathologic
Correlation. RADIOGRAPHICS, 2010.
30:1567-U155. I.F.:2,75.
Immunohistochemical study showing the
presence of mucin 5C in the epithelial goblet
cells of a nasal polyp.
2 Blanco I, Villaquiran C, Valera
JL, Molina-Molina M, Xaubet A,
Rodriguez-Roisin R, Barbera JA, Roca
J. Peak Oxygen Uptake During the
Six-minute Walk Test in Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease and Pulmonary
Hypertension. ARCH BRONCONEUMOL, 2010. 46:122-128. I.F.:2,17.
3 Xaubet A, Fu WJ, Li M, SerranoMollar A, Ancochea J, Molina-Molina
M, Rodriguez-Becerra E, Morell F,
Rodriguez-Arias JM, Pereda J, Casanova A, Molins L, Picado C. A haplotype of cyclooxygenase-2 gene is
associated with idiopathic pulmonary
2010. 27:121-130. I.F.:1,06.
Nasosinusal Inflammatory and Olfactory Research Group (INGENIO)
Group Leader: Joaquim Mullol (IDIBAPS)
In this group we investigate different aspects of inflammatory
nasosinusal disorders (allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, chronic
rhinosinusitis, nasal polyposis):
• We explore the physiopathological mechanisms of nasosinusal mucosal
hypersecretion and the regulation of mucins and MUC genes.
• We analyze the physiopathological and clinical association of nasosinusal
disorders with asthma, atopy, NSAID intolerance and bronchiectasia, and their
impact upon patient quality of life.
• We evaluate olfactory alterations and their mechanisms of action as diagnostic
and severity markers. We have validated a proprietary olfactometric test (BAST24), and have carried out an epidemiological study (OLFACAT) on olfactory
function in the Catalan population.
• We use an eosinophil and epithelial cell culture model for testing and
comparing the antiinflammatory action of different drugs employed in situations
of respiratory inflammation, such as corticosteroids, antihistamines and
4 Munoz-Cano R, Salvador R, Valero
A, Berenguer J, Alobid I, Bartra J,
Guilemany JM, Mullol J, Picado C.
Accuracy of acoustic rhinometry
versus computed tomography in the
evaluation of nasal cavity in patients
with nasal polyposis. RHINOLOGY,
2010. 48:224-227. I.F.:2,18.
5 Palacin A, Bartra J, Munoz R,
Diaz-Perales A, Valero A, Salcedo G.
Anaphylaxis to Wheat Flour-Derived
Foodstuffs and the Lipid Transfer
Protein Syndrome: A Potential Role
of Wheat Lipid Transfer Protein Tri a
152:178-183. I.F.:2,54.
6 Romero ADB, Nora JE, Topczewski TE, DeAguiar PHP, Alobid I,
Rodriguez EF. Cerebrospinal fluid
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Clinical and Experimental Respiratory
Immunoallergy (IRCE)
fistula after endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery Experience in a spanish center. ARQ NEURO-PSIQUIAT,
2010. 68:414-417. I.F.:0,55.
7 Sastre J, Olaguibel J, Vega JM,
DelPozo V, Picado C, Vina AL. Cut-off
points for defining asthma control in
three versions of the Asthma Control
Questionnaire. J ASTHMA, 2010.
47:865-870. I.F.:1,37.
8 Valero A, Ferrer M, Baro E, Sastre
J, Navarro AM, Marti-Guadano E,
Davila I, DelCuvillo A, Colas C, Antepara I, Alonso J, Mola O, Izquierdo
I, Mullol J. Discrimination between
moderate and severe disease may be
used in patients with either treated or
untreated allergic rhinitis. ALLERGY,
2010. 65:1609-1613. I.F.:6,38.
9 Bousquet J, Bachert C, Canonica
GW, Mullol J, VanCauwenberge P,
Jensen CB, Fokkens WJ, Ring J,
Keith P, Gopalan G, Lorber R, Zuberbier T. Efficacy of Desloratadine in
Persistent Allergic Rhinitis - A GA(2)
IMM, 2010. 153:395-402. I.F.:2,54.
10 Ebbens FA, Toppila-Salmi SK,
Renkonen JA, Renkonen RLO, Mullol
J, VanDrunen CM, Fokkens WJ.
Endothelial L-selectin ligand expression in nasal polyps. ALLERGY, 2010.
65:95-102. I.F.:6,38.
11 Serrano C, Torrego A, Loosli A,
Valero A, Picado C. Hypersensitivity
Pneumonitis after Exposure to Candida spp. ARCH BRONCONEUMOL,
2010. 46:275-277. I.F.:2,17.
12 Zoccatelli G, Pokoj S, Foetisch
K, Bartra J, Valero A, SanMiguelMoncin MD, Vieths S, Scheurer S.
Identification and characterization
of the major allergen of green bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris) as a non-specific
lipid transfer protein (Pha v 3). MOL
IMMUNOL, 2010. 47:1561-1568.
13 Sastre J, Olaguibel JM, Vina
AL, Vega JM, DelPozo V, Picado C.
Increased Body Mass Index Does Not
Lead to a Worsening of Asthma Control
in a Large Adult Asthmatic Population in
20:551-555. I.F.:1,19.
14 Bellido-Casado J, Plaza V, Perpina
M, Picado C, Bardagi S, Martinez-Bru
C, Torrejon M. Inflammatory Response
of Rapid Onset Asthma Exacerbation. ARCH BRONCONEUMOL, 2010.
46:587-593. I.F.:2,17.
15 Mullol J, Callejas FB, Mendez-Arancibia E, Fuentes M, Alobid I, Martinez-Anton A, Valero A, Picado C, Roca-Ferrer J.
Montelukast reduces eosinophilic inflammation by inhibiting both epithelial cell
cytokine secretion (GM-CSF, IL-6, IL-8)
and eosinophil survival. J BIOL REG HOMEOS AG, 2010. 24:403-411. I.F.:3,17.
16 Castillo JA, Molina J, Valero A, Mullol
J. Prevalence and characteristics of rhinitis
in asthmatic patients attending primary
care in Spain (the RINOASMAIR study).
RHINOLOGY, 2010. 48:35-40. I.F.:2,18.
17 Ibanez MD, Navarro A, Sanchez
MC, Rondon C, Montoro J, Mateu V,
Lluch-Bernal M, Fernandez-Parra B,
Dordal MT, Davila I, Conde J, Anton E,
Colas C, Valero A. Rhinitis and its Association With Asthma in Patients Under
14 Years of Age Treated in Allergy Departments in Spain. J INVEST ALLERG
CLIN, 2010. 20:402-406. I.F.:1,19.
Iniguez-Cuadra R, Alobid I, BoresDomenech A, Menendez-Colino LM,
Caballero-Borrego M, Bernal-Sprekelsen M. Type III Tympanoplasty With
Titanium Total Ossicular Replacement
Prosthesis: Anatomic and Functional
Results. OTOL NEUROTOL, 2010.
31:409-414. I.F.:1,44.
20 Bousquet PJ, Bachert C, Canonica
GW, Casale TB, Mullol J, Klossek JM,
Zuberbier T, Bousquet J. Uncontrolled
allergic rhinitis during treatment and its
impact on quality of life: A cluster randomized trial. J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN,
2010. 126:666-668. I.F.:9,17.
DelCuvillo A, Montoro J, Bartra J,
Valero A, Ferrer M, Jauregui I, Davila
I, Sastre J, Mullol J. Validation of ARIA
duration and severity classifications in
Spanish allergic rhinitis patients - The
2010. 48:201-205. I.F.:2,18.
I.F.: 7,47
1 Pujols L, Mullol J, Picado C. Importance of glucocorticoid receptors in upper and lower airways. FRONT BIOSCI,
2010. 15:789-800. I.F.:3,74.
2 Pujols L, Mullol J, Picado C. mportance of glucocorticoid receptors in upper and lower airways. FRONT BIOSCI,
2010. 15:789-800. I.F.:3,74.
I.F.: 14,94
18 Marino-Sanchez FS, Alobid I,
1 Sanchez-Lopez J, Munoz-Cano R,
Centellas S, Alberca C, Guilemany JM,
Canals JM, DeHaro J, Mullol J. Smell
training increases cognitive smell skills
of wine tasters compared to the general healthy population. The WINECAT
Study. RHINOLOGY, 2010. 48:273-276.
Bartra J, Valero A, Picado C. Desensitization to clopidogrel: a growing need. ALLERGY, 2010. 65:279-280. I.F.:6,38.
2 Alobid I. Nasal polyposis, sense of
smell, and surgery. RHINOLOGY, 2010.
48:377-378. I.F.:2,18.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Clinical and Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy (IRCE)
3 Munoz-Cano R, Sanchez-Lopez J,
Bartra J, Valero A. Yellow fever vaccine
and egg allergy: really a problem?. ALLERGY, 2010. 65:533-534. I.F.:6,38.
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 15,55
Bousquet J, Schunemann HJ, Zuberbier T, Bachert C, Baena-Cagnani CE, et
al. Development and implementation of
guidelines in allergic rhinitis - an ARIAGA2LEN paper. ALLERGY, 2010. 65:12121221. I.F.:6,38.
2 Brozek JL, Bousquet J, Baena-Cag-
Mullol J. Estudio del papel de la inflamación neurógenano alérgica en la
expresión de mucinas y el proceso de
remodelado de la mucosa respiratoria
nasosinusal. Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, PI080188.
Amount: 140.844,00 euros. Duration:
Picado C. Estudio de la regulación
epigenética del gen de la COX-2 en
el asama con intolerancia a los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI080249. Amount: 139.150,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-30/12/2011.
nani CE, Bonini S, Canonica GW, Casale
TB, VanWijk RG, Ohta K, Zuberbier T,
Schunemann HJ. Allergic Rhinitis and
its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) guidelines:
2010 Revision. J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN, 2010. 126:466-476. I.F.:9,17.
Xaubet A. Implicación del sistema de
la angiotensina en la etiopatogenia de
la fibrosis pulmonar idiopática. Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, PI0900672. Amount: 209.171,49
euros. Duration: 01/01/201030/12/2012.
Grants for research
in progress
Valero AL. Efecto clínico e inflamatorio
nasal tras la aplicación frl factor de
agregación plaquetaria (PAF). Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI0901202. Amount: 55.660,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-30/12/2012.
Mullol J. Global Allergy and Asthma
European Network. Sponsored by:
Universiteit Gent Directie Financiën,
FOOD-CT-2004-506378. Amount:
40.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/08/200831/01/2010.
Valero AL. Inhibición del efecto de
la administración nasal del Factor de
Activación Plaquetaria (PAF) tras la
administración de Rupatadina (NARUPAF). Sponsored by: Beca Grupo Uriach
Pharma , DC/03/RUP/I/08. Amount:
119.231,00 euros. Duration: 01/09/200831/03/2010.
Pujols L. Papel de la prostaglandina E2
en la determinación de la sensibilidad de
los glucocorticoides en enfermedades
respiratorias de origen inflamatorio.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, PI080419. Amount: 91.718,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-30/12/2011.
CARLOS III, PI08/0419. Amount:
91.718,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200930/12/2011.
Xaubet A. Trasplante de células alveolares tipoII para el tratamiento de la
fibrosis pulmonar idiopática. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social, CP09/00233. Amount: 240.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Mullol J. Asociación de bronquiectasias
pulmonares y patología nasosinusal.
Estudio de los aspectos epidemiológicos
etiológicos, de diagnóstico y tratamiento. PhD student: Jose Maria Guilemany
Valero AL. Efecto clínico e inflamatorio
nasal tras la aplicación del factor de
agregación plaquetaria (PAF). Sponsored
PI09/1202. Amount: 55.660,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Xaubet A. Implicación del sistema de
la angiotensina en la etiopatogenia
de la fibrosis pulmonar idiopática.
Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
Amount: 209.172,71 euros. Duration:
Pujols L. Papel de la prostsglandina E2
en la determinación de la sensibilidad a
los glucocorticoides en enfermedades
respiratorias de origen inflamatorio.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Inflammation and repair in respiratory illnesses
GROUP Members
Alvar Agustí
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00 (1701)
Fax: 93 227 98 68
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Eugeni Ballester (Hospital Clínic)
Dra. Patricia Sobradillo (CIBERes)
Dra. Rosa Faner (CIBERes)
Sra. Gemma Sunyer (CIBERes)
Nuria Gonzalez (CIBERes)
(A) Healthy lung,
(B) Unstructured lung of a COPD patient.
The general objective of the group is to
investigate the inflammatory and tissue
repair mechanisms in chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), their clinicalfunctional correlation, the diagnostic,
prognostic and therapeutic implications
of such knowledge, and particularly
their relevance in relation to pulmonary
oncogenesis. COPD is presently the fourth
most common cause of death in the world,
and will rank third within a decade. Lung
cancer is the most common malignant
tumor in males (and soon also will be the
most common malignancy in females), and
involves one of the poorest prognosis with
the currently available treatment options.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Mechanisms of autoimmunity and
autoinflammation that may contribute
to the pathogenesis of acute outbreaks
of the disease (in collaboration with the
group headed by Dr. J. Yagüe, of the
Department of Immunology of the Clinic Hospital).
2. Mechanisms of abnormal katabasis
(resolution of the inflammation) that
perpetuate the inflammatory response even after smoking cessation (a
necessary yet insufficient treatment
measure) (in collaboration with Dr. J.
Clària, of the Clinic Hospital Biomedical
Diagnostic Center).
3. Mechanisms of oncogenesis in COPD
(in collaboration with investigators of
the Fundació Caubet-Cimera in Mallorca
and the CIBER of respiratory diseases
(CIBERES): SINECAN project).
4. Application of the methodology of systems biology (“omic” platforms and
bioinformatics) to COPT, with a view to
integrating the cellular and molecular
alterations with clinical data. This line is
developed in the setting of the CIBER
of respiratory diseases (www.ciberes.
org), involving a strategic alliance with
the Institute for Systems Biology
(Seattle, USA), Harvard University
(USA) and the pharmaceutical industry
with an interest in COPD.
I.F.: 99,55
1 Soto-Cardenas MJ, Perez-DeLis M, Bove A, Navarro C, BritoZeron P, Diaz-Lagares C, Gandia
M, Akasbi M, Siso A, Ballester E,
Torres A, Ramos-Casals M. Bronchiectasis in primary Sjogren’s
syndrome: prevalence and clinical
significance. CLIN EXP RHEUMATOL, 2010. 28:647-653. I.F.:2,40.
2 Soler N, Ballester E, Martin
A, Gobartt E, Miravitlles M, Torres A. Changes in management
of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) in primary care:
2010. 104:67-75. I.F.:2,33.
Duran-Cantolla J, Aizpuru
F, Montserrat JM, Ballester E,
Teran-Santos J, Aguirregomoscorta JI, Gonzalez M, Lloberes
P, Masa JF, DeLaPena M, Carrizo
S, Mayos M, Barbe F. Continuous
positive airway pressure as treatment for systemic hypertension
in people with obstructive sleep
apnoea: randomised controlled
trial. BRIT MED J, 2010. 341:-.
4 Sala E, Villena C, Balaguer C,
Rios A, Fernandez-Palomeque
C, Cosio BG, Garcia J, Noguera
A, Agusti A. Abnormal Levels of
Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells During Exacerbations
of COPD. LUNG, 2010. 188:331338. I.F.:1,58.
5 Sorheim IC, Bakke P, Gulsvik
A, Pillai SC, Johannessen A,
Gaarder PI, Campbell EJ, Agusti
A, Calverley PMA, Donner CF,
Make BJ, Rennard SI, Vestbo J,
Wouters EFM, Pare PD, Levy RD,
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Inflammation and repair in respiratory illnesses
Coxson HO, Lomas DA, Hersh CP,
Silverman EK. alpha(1)-Antitrypsin
Protease Inhibitor MZ Heterozygosity Is Associated With Airflow
Obstruction in Two Large Cohorts.
CHEST, 2010. 138:1125-1132.
6 Agusti A, Calverley PMA, Celli
B, Coxson HO, Edwards LD, Lomas
DA, Macnee W, Miller BE, Rennard
S, Silverman EK, Tal-Singer R, Wouters E, Yates JC, Vestbo J. Characterisation of COPD heterogeneity in the
ECLIPSE cohort. RESP RES, 2010.
11:-. I.F.:3,13.
7 Pozo-Rodriguez F, Alvarez CJ,
Castro-Acosta A, Moreno CM, Capelastegui A, Esteban C, Carcereny
CH, Lopez-Campos JL, Alonso JLI,
Quilez AL, Agusti A. Clinical Audit
of Patients Admitted to Hospital in
Spain due to Exacerbation of COPD
(AUDIPOC Study): Method and
Organisation. ARCH BRONCONEUMOL, 2010. 46:349-357. I.F.:2,17.
8 Soriano JB, Rigo F, Guerrero D,
Yanez A, Forteza JE, Frontera G, Togores B, Agusti A. High Prevalence
of Undiagnosed Airflow Limitation
in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease. CHEST, 2010. 137:333-340.
9 Gomez-Caro A, Garcia S, Reguart
N, Arguis P, Sanchez M, Gimferrer
JM, Marrades R, Lomena F. Incidence of occult mediastinal node
involvement in cNO non-small-cell
lung cancer patients after negative
uptake of positron emission tomography/computer tomography scan.
37:1168-1174. I.F.:2,40.
10 Sala E, Balaguer C, Villena C,
Rios A, Noguera A, Nunez B, Agusti
A. Low Erythropoietin Plasma Levels during Exacerbations of COPD.
RESPIRATION, 2010. 80:190-197.
11 Renom F, Yanez A, Garau M,
Rubi M, Centeno MJ, Gorriz MT,
Medinas M, Ramis F, Soriano JB,
Agusti A. Prognosis of COPD patients requiring frequent hospitalization: Role of airway infection. RESP
MED, 2010. 104:840-848. I.F.:2,33.
12 Hurst JR, Vestbo J, Anzueto A,
Locantore N, Mullerova H, Tal-Singer
R, Miller B, Lomas DA, Agusti A,
Macnee W, Calverley P, Rennard S,
Wouters EFM, Wedzicha JA. Susceptibility to Exacerbation in Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease..
NEW ENGL J MED, 2010. 363:11281138. I.F.:47,05.
13 Barcelo A, Pierola J, LopezEscribano H, DeLaPena M, Soriano
JB, Alonso-Fernandez A, Ladaria A,
Agusti A. Telomere shortening in
sleep apnea syndrome. RESP MED,
2010. 104:1225-1229. I.F.:2,33.
Marin A, Monso E, Garcia-Nunez M, Sauleda J, Noguera A, Pons
J, Agusti A, Morera J. Variability and
effects of bronchial colonisation
In patients with moderate COPD.
EUR RESPIR J, 2010. 35:295-302.
nary Disease Phenotypes The Future of
182:598-604. I.F.:10,69.
2 Cosio BG, Agusti A. Update in
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
2009. AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 2010.
181:655-660. I.F.:10,69.
3 Agusti A, Barnes PJ. What the Journal Would Like to Publish on Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. AM
J RESP CRIT CARE, 2010. 182:1-2.
I.F.: 47,05
1 Sciurba FC, Ernst A, Herth FJF,
Strange C, Criner GJ, Marquette CH,
Kovitz KL, Chiacchierini RP, Goldin J,
Mclennan G. A Randomized Study of
Endobronchial Valves for Advanced Emphysema. NEW ENGL J MED, 2010.
363:1233-1244. I.F.:47,05.
Grants for research
in progress
Agusti A. Cohorte Española de Pacientes con EPOC Avanzada (CEPA):
Inflamosoma, comorbilidad y curso
clínico. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 145.200,00 euros. Duration:
I.F.: 32,07
1 Han MK, Agusti A, Calverley PM,
Celli BR, Criner G, Curtis JL, Fabbri
LM, Goldin JG, Jones PW, Macnee
W, Make BJ, Rabe KF, Rennard SI,
Sciurba FC, Silverman EK, Vestbo
J, Washko GR, Wouters EFM, Martinez FJ. Chronic Obstructive Pulmo-
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal
pathobiology and bioengineering
Team involved in:
Urological genetics and tumours
GROUP Members
Antonio Alcaraz
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 55 45
Fax: 93 227 55 45
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Maria José Ribal (Hospital Clínic)
Mireia Musquera (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Lourdes Mengual (Fundació Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Cristina Gázquez (IDIBAPS)
Mercedes Ingelmo-Torres (IDIBAPS)
Administrative Staff:
Maite Dalet (Fundació Clínic)
Laura Izquierdo (Hospital Clínic)
At present, the research group in urological
oncology is conducting two main lines of
research, based on the two most frequent
urological tumors: urothelial and prostate
The objectives are summarized below:
1. Identification of molecular markers in
the urine of bladder cancer patients,
for the non-invasive diagnosis of the
2. Identification of molecular markers for the
noninvasive diagnosis of prostate cancer.
3. Identification of molecular markers
for the prognosis of muscle invading
bladder cancer.
4. Study of the prognostic factors of upper
urinary tract tumors.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Microchips for the diagnosis and
prognosis of bladder tumors.
2. Identification of micro-RNA for the
noninvasive diagnosis of bladder
3. Determination of disseminated tumor
disease in patients with muscle invading
bladder cancer, based on evaluation of
the genic expression of bladder-specific
markers in lymph nodes and peripheral
4. Determination of the genic expression
profile associated with treatment
response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy
with cisplatin and gemcitabine in patients
with muscle invading bladder cancer.
5. Study of the prognostic factors of
upper urinary tract tumors based on
immunohistochemistry and quantitative
6. Microchips for the diagnosis and
prognosis of prostate tumors.
7. Identification of micro-RNA for the
noninvasive diagnosis of prostate tumors.
I.F.: 42,53
Oppenheimer F, Revuelta I, Serra
N, Lozano M, Gutierrez-Dalmau A,
Esforzado N, Cofan F, Ricart MJ, Torregrosa JV, Crespo M, Paredes D,
Martorell J, Alcaraz A, Campistol JM.
ABO incompatible living donor kidney
transplantation: a dream come true.
Experience of Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. NEFROLOGIA, 2010. 30:5463. I.F.:0,53.
Musquera M, Peri LL, AlvarezVijande R, Oppenheimer F, Gil-Vernet
JM, Alcaraz A. Orthotopic Kidney
Transplantation: An Alternative Surgical Technique in Selected Patients.
EUR UROL, 2010. 58:927-933.
Izquierdo L, Peri L, Piqueras M,
Revuelta I, Alvarez-Vijande R, Musquera M, Oppenheimer F, Alcaraz A.
Third and Fourth Kidney Transplant:
Still a Reasonable Option. TRANSPL
P, 2010. 42:2498-2502. I.F.:0,99.
Izquierdo L, Peri L, Alvarez-Vijande R, Alcaraz A. Audit of an Initial
100 Cases of Laparoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy. TRANSPL P, 2010.
42:3437-3439. I.F.:0,99.
Alcaraz A, Peri L, Molina A,
Goicoechea I, Garcia E, Izquierdo L,
Ribal MJ. Feasibility of Transvaginal NOTES-Assisted Laparoscopic
Nephrectomy. EUR UROL, 2010.
57:233-237. I.F.:7,67.
Mengual L, Burset M, Ribal MJ,
Ars E, Marin-Aguilera M, Fernandez
M, Ingelmo-Torres M, Villavicencio
H, Alcaraz A. Gene Expression Signature in Urine for Diagnosing and Assessing Aggressiveness of Bladder
Urothelial Carcinoma. CLIN CANCER
RES, 2010. 16:2624-2633. I.F.:6,75.
Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal pathobiology and bioengineering
Urological genetics and tumours
14 Fourcade RO, Benedict A,
Black LK, Stokes ME, Alcaraz A,
Castro R. Treatment costs of prostate cancer in the first year after diagnosis: a short-term cost of illness
study for France, Germany, Italy,
Spain and the UK. BJU INT, 2010.
105:49-56. I.F.:2,87.
Izquierdo L, Truan D, Mengual
L, Mallofre C, Alcaraz A. HER-2/AKT
Expression in Upper Urinary Tract
Urothelial Carcinoma: Prognostic Implications. ANTICANCER RES, 2010.
30:2439-2445. I.F.:1,43.
Garcia-Cruz E, Vera-Rivera M, Molina JMC, Mallafre-Sala JM, Alcaraz A.
Laparoscopic placement of peritoneal
dialysis catheter: description and results of a two-port technique. NEFROLOGIA, 2010. 30:354-359. I.F.:0,53.
Izquierdo L, Mengual L, Gazquez
C, Ingelmo-Torres M, Alcaraz A.
Molecular characterization of upper
urinary tract tumours. BJU INT, 2010.
106:868-872. I.F.:2,87.
10 Siddiqui K, Chopra R, Vedula
S, Sugar L, Haider M, Boyes A,
Musquera M, Bronskill M, Klotz L.
MRI-guided Transurethral Ultrasound
Therapy of the Prostate Gland Using
Real-time Thermal Mapping: Initial
Studies. UROLOGY, 2010. 76:15061511. I.F.:2,37.
11 Sebastia C, Peri L, Salvador R,
Bunesch L, Revuelta I, Alcaraz A,
Nicolau C. Multidetector CT of Living
Renal Donors: Lessons Learned from
Surgeons. RADIOGRAPHICS, 2010.
30:1875-1890. I.F.:2,75.
12 Alcover J, Filella X, Luque P,
Molina R, Izquierdo L, Auge JM,
Alcaraz A. Prognostic Value of IL-6
in Localized Prostatic Cancer. ANTICANCER RES, 2010. 30:4369-4372.
13 Hou M, Venier N, Sugar L, Musquera M, Pollak M, Kiss A, Fleshner
N, Klotz L, Venkateswaran V. Protective effect of metformin in CD1 mice
placed on a high carbohydrate-high
2010. 397:537-542. I.F.:2,55.
15 Casas F, Borras JM, Ferrer F,
Guanyabens N, Gutierrez R, Leon C,
Lopez J, Mellado B, Morote J, Puig
J, Ribal J, Serra A, Valls V, Zapatero
A. Evidence-based consensus recommendations to improve the quality of
life in prostate cancer treatment. CLIN
TRANSL ONCOL, 2010. 12(5):346355. I.F.:1,15.
Alcaraz A. Determinación de la disem
inación linfática del carcinoma urotelial de vejiga mediante marcadores
moleculares y utilización de estos
para pronosticar la evolución clínica
de la enfermedad. Sponsored by:
Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias
(FIS), PI070040. Amount: 61.468,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2010.
Alcaraz A. Factores pronóstico moleculares en el carcinoma urotelial de
tracto urinario superior. PhD student:
Laura Izquierdo Reyes.
I.F.: 7,67
1 Greco F, Hoda MR, Alcaraz A, Bachmann A, Hakenberg OW, Fornara P.
Laparoscopic Living-Donor Nephrectomy: Analysis of the Existing Literature.
EUR UROL, 2010. 58:498-509. I.F.:7,67.
I.F.: 7,67
1 Alcaraz A. Nephron-Sparing Surgery: Some Considerations Regarding
an Underused Standard of Care. EUR
UROL, 2010. 58:346-348. I.F.:7,67.
Grants for research
in progress
Alcaraz A. Estudio de validación
prospectivo de método no invasivo
para el diagnóstico del cáncer de
próstata. Sponsored by: Beca “Pedro Cifuentes Díaz”, Fundación de
Investigación en Urología (FIU), 0000.
Amount: 35.000,00 euros. Duration:
system AND
Gynecological endocrinology and human reproduction 144
Fetal and perinatal medicine 148
Metabolic regulation and molecular pathology 153
Viral hepatitis in the immune competent host
and in liver transplant patients 154
Physiopathology and treatment of ascites
and altered renal function in liver cirrhosis 157
Hepatic oncology 161
Liver hemodynamics and portal hypertension.
Digestive bleeding secondary to ruptured
esophageal varicose veins 164
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 169
Cholestasis and bone pathology 172
Mitochondrial regulation of cell death and steatohepatitis 175
Liver transplantation and graft viability 178
Gastrointestinal and pancreatic oncology 182
Hereditary metabolic diseases 186
Genomic Programming of Beta Cells and Diabetes 189
Diabetes: metabolic and molecular networks 191
Gynecological endocrinology
and human reproduction
Group Members
Juan Balasch
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 36
Fax: 93 227 93 25
[email protected]
IDIBAPS Members:
Francisco Carmona (Hospital Clínic)
Camil Castelo-Branco (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Creus (Hospital Clínic)
Dolors Manau Trullás (Fundació Clínic)
Jaume Ordi (Hospital Clínic)
Bienvenido Puerto (Hospital Clínic)
Francisco Fábregues (Hospital Clínic)
Jaume Pahisa (Hospital Clínic)
Aureli Torné (Hospital Clínic)
Main Lines
of Research
The global aim of this research group
for the coming years is to advance in
the knowledge of different aspects
relating to the physiopathology
of human reproduction: from endocrinological considerations to the
most important benign and malignant
pathological processes of the female
reproductive system, as well as the
investigation and treatment of human
reproduction failure.
1. Reproductive failure markers.
Analysis of the possible role of new
markers of hemostasis alterations
as a new pathogenic mechanism of
thrombotic disease in early and advanced pregnancy, in patients with or
without antiphospholipid syndrome.
Study is also made of the usefulness
of immunohistochemical and quantitative and qualitative proteomic parameters in the human endometrium
as markers of endometrial receptiveness. In-depth research of the pathogenic mechanisms involved in the
block of pre-implantation embryonic
development in vitro.
2. Ovarian dysfunction and stimulation/hyperstimulation.
Investigation of the possibilities of
ultrasound, hormonal, endocrinemetabolic and genetic markers in
relation to the prediction of ovarian
response. Study of the role of LH and
the androgens as ovarian sensitizing
factors in relation to ulterior stimulation with FSH. Investigation of the
possible role of the ovarian follicular
cells (granulosum, macrophages) in
More specifically, the main objectives
of our research group are to advance
in the existing lines of work, with the
purpose of:
1. Determining the most relevant mechanisms in the pathogenesis of reproductive failure (sterility, repeated
miscarriages, repeated implant failure
after in vitro fertilization) and of the
principal female reproductive disease
processes (endometriosis, uterine
myoma, genital cancer).
2. Optimizing and innovating as far as
possible the preventive or therapeutic potential in the aforementioned
Research Fellows:
Elena Suárez Cisneros (IDIBAPS)
Gemma Casals (Hospital Clínic)
Roser Casamitjana (Hospital Clínic)
Salvadora Cívico (Hospital Clínic)
Marta Guimerà (Hospital Clínic)
José Luís Ballescá (Hospital Clínic)
Mª Angels Martínez-Zamora (Hospital Clínic)
Joana Peñarrubia Alonso (Funació Clínic)
Radical cervix resection piece obtained via laparoscopic surgery from a young
patient with invasive cervical cancer, but with a wish to preserve fertility.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
Gynecological endocrinology and human reproduction
the pathogenesis of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, with the exploration of new ovarian stimulation
or endometrial preparation protocols
allowing improved results in assisted
reproduction techniques.
3. Optimization of the surgical management of diseases of the reproductive apparatus.
Designed to analyze the role of the
surgical variables allowing improvement of the results and reduction
of the morbidity in the surgical
treatment of benign and malignant
disorders of the female reproductive
apparatus. This also implies defining
the prognostic value of HPV (human
papillomavirus) detection and viral
typing as prognostic markers of the
neoplastic evolution of precancerous
lesions of the cervix.
I.F.: 89,86
1 Martinez-Zamora MA, Tassies D,
Carmona F, Espinosa G, Cerverac R, Reverter JC, Balasch J. Clot lysis time and
thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor
in severe preeclampsia with or without
associated antiphospholipid antibodies.
J REPROD IMMUNOL, 2010. 86:133140. I.F.:2,52.
2 Bennasar M, Martinez JM, Gomez
O, Bartrons J, Olivella A, Puerto B, Gratacos E. Accuracy of four-dimensional
spatiotemporal image correlation echocardiography in the prenatal diagnosis of
congenital heart defects. ULTRASOUND
OBST GYN, 2010. 36:458-464. I.F.:3,15.
rience. INT J GYNECOL CANCER, 2010.
20:173-178. I.F.:2,18.
Bergeron C, Ordi J, Schmidt D,
Trunk MJ, Keller T, Ridder R. Conjunctive p16(INK4a) Testing Significantly
Increases Accuracy in Diagnosing HighGrade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia.
AM J CLIN PATHOL, 2010. 133:395406. I.F.:2,47.
8 Reina MF, Ciaravino H, Llovera
N, Castelo-Branco C. Contraception
knowledge and sexual behaviour in secondary school students. GYNECOL ENDOCRINOL, 2010. 26:479-483. I.F.:1,36.
9 Cruz-Martinez R, Moreno-Alvarez
Pahisa J, Martinez-Roman S, Caparros
X, Vilalta A, Rull R, Pons F. Added Value
of Intraoperative Real-Time Imaging in
Searches for Difficult-to-Locate Sentinel
Nodes. J NUCL MED, 2010. 51:12191225. I.F.:6,42.
O, Hernandez-Andrade E, Castanon
M, Done E, Martinez JM, Puerto B,
Deprest J, Gratacos E. Contribution of
intrapulmonary artery Doppler to improve prediction of survival in fetuses with
congenital diaphragmatic hernia treated
with fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion. ULTRASOUND OBST GYN, 2010.
35:572-577. I.F.:3,15.
4 Castelo-Branco C, Steinvarcel F,
10 Penarrubia J, Peralta S, Fabregues
Osorio A, Ros C, Balasch J. Atherogenic
metabolic profile in PCOS patients: role
of obesity and hyperandrogenism. GYNECOL ENDOCRINOL, 2010. 26:736742. I.F.:1,36.
F, Carmona F, Casamitjana R, Balasch
J. Day-5 inhibin B serum concentrations
and antral follicle count as predictors of
ovarian response and live birth in assisted reproduction cycles stimulated with
gonadotropin after pituitary suppression.
FERTIL STERIL, 2010. 94:2590-2595.
3 Vidal-Sicart S, Paredes P, Zanon G,
5 DelPino M, Torne A, Alonso I, Mula
R, Masoller N, Fuste V, Ordi J. Colposcopy Prediction of Progression in
Human Papillomavirus Infections With
Minor Cervical Lesions. OBSTET GYNECOL, 2010. 116:1324-1331. I.F.:4,36.
6 Pahisa J, Martinez-Roman S, Torne
A, Fuste P, Alonso I, Lejarcegui JA,
Balasch J. Comparative Study of Laparoscopically Assisted Radical Vaginal
Hysterectomy and Open WertheimMeigs in Patients With Early-Stage
Cervical Cancer Eleven Years of Expe-
Castelo-Branco C, Palacios S,
Ferrer-Barriendos J, Alberich X. Do
Patients Lie? An Open Interview vs. a
Blind Questionnaire on Sexuality. J SEX
MED, 2010. 7:873-880. I.F.:4,88.
12 Valduvieco I, Rovirosa A, Colomo
L, DeSanJuan A, Pahisa J, Biete A. Endometrial stromal sarcoma. Is there a
place for radiotherapy?. CLIN TRANSL
ONCOL, 2010. 12:226-230. I.F.:1,15.
Gynecological endocrinology
and human reproduction
13 Molina R, Auge JM, Escudero
JM, Filella X, Zanon G, Pahisa J,
Farrus B, Munoz M, Velasco M. Evaluation of tumor markers (HER-2/neu
oncoprotein, CEA, and CA 15.3) in patients with locoregional breast cancer:
prognostic value. TUMOR BIOL, 2010.
31:171-180. I.F.:1,94.
14 Borras A, Gomez O, Sanz M,
Martinez JM, Puerto B. Feticide Followed by Mifepristone-Misoprostol
Regimen for Midtrimester Termination
of Pregnancy in Two Cases of Complete Placenta Previa. FETAL DIAGN
THER, 2010. 28:114-116. I.F.:0,91.
15 DeSanjose S, Quint WGV, Alemany L, Geraets DT, Klaustermeier
JE, Lloveras B, Tous S, Felix A, Bravo
LE, Shin HR, Vallejos CS, DeRuiz PA,
Lima MA, Guimera N, Clavero O, Alejo M, Llombart-Bosch A, Cheng-Yang
C, Tatti SA, Kasamatsu E, Iljazovic E,
Odida M, Prado R, Seoud M, Grce
M, Usubutun A, Jain A, Suarez GAH,
Lombardi LE, Banjo A, Menendez
C, Domingo EJ, Velasco J, Nessa A,
Chichareon SCB, Qiao YL, Lerma E,
Garland SM, Sasagawa T, Ferrera A,
Hammouda D, Mariani L, Pelayo A,
Steiner I, Oliva E, Meijer CJLM, AlJassar WF, Cruz E, Wright TC, Puras
A, Llave CL, Tzardi M, Agorastos T,
Garcia-Barriola V, Clavel C, Ordi J,
Andujar M, Castellsague X, Sanchez
GI, Nowakowski AM, Bornstein J,
Munoz N, Bosch FX. Human papillomavirus genotype attribution in invasive cervical cancer: a retrospective
cross-sectional worldwide study. LANCET ONCOL, 2010. 11:1048-1056.
16 Cruz-Martinez R, Figueras F,
Hernandez-Andrade E, Puerto B,
Gratacos E. Longitudinal brain perfusion changes in near-term small-forgestational-age fetuses as measured
by spectral Doppler indices or by
fractional moving blood volume. AM
J OBSTET GYNECOL, 2010. 203:-.
17 Casals G, Ordi J, Creus M,
Fabregues F, Carmona F, Casamitjana R, Balasch J. Osteopontin and
alpha V beta 3 integrin as markers of
endometrial receptivity: the effect of
different hormone therapies. REPROD
BIOMED ONLINE, 2010. 21:349-359.
Sanjuan A, Escaramis G, VidalSicart S, Illa M, Zanon G, Pahisa J,
Rubi S, Velasco M, Santamaria G, Farrus B, Munoz M, Garcia Y, Fernandez
PL, Pons F. Predicting Non-Sentinel
Lymph Node Status in Breast Cancer
Patients with Sentinel Lymph Node Involvement: Evaluation of Two Scoring
Systems. BREAST J, 2010. 16:134140. I.F.:1,61.
19 Sanz-Cortes M, Martinez JM,
Bennasar M, Puerto B, Graracos E.
Prenatal diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis and analysis using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. ULTRASOUND
OBST GYN, 2010. 36:522-524.
20 Fuste V, DelPino M, Perez A,
Garcia A, Torne A, Pahisa J, Ordi J.
Primary squamous cell carcinoma
of the vagina: human papillomavirus
detection, p16INK4A overexpression
and clinicopathological correlations.
HISTOPATHOLOGY, 2010. 57:907916. I.F.:3,86.
21 Molina R, Auge JM, Farrus B,
Zanon G, Pahisa J, Munoz M, Torne A,
Filella X, Escudero JM, Fernandez P,
Velasco M. Prospective Evaluation of
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) and
Carbohydrate Antigen 15.3 (CA 15.3)
in Patients with Primary Locoregional
Breast Cancer. CLIN CHEM, 2010.
56:1148-1157. I.F.:6,26.
22 Martinez JM, Gomez O, Bennasar M, Olivella A, Crispi F, Puerto
B, Gratacos E. The ‘question mark’
sign as a new ultrasound marker of
tetralogy of Fallot in the fetus. ULTRASOUND OBST GYN, 2010. 36:556560. I.F.:3,15.
23 Castelo-Branco C, Coloma JL.
The role of intranasal estradiol spray
in the management of moderate to
severe vasomotor symptoms in menopausal women. GYNECOL ENDOCRINOL, 2010. 26:23-29. I.F.:1,36.
Martinez-Zamora MA, Creus
M, Tassies D, Bove A, Reverter JC,
Carmona F, Balasch J. Thrombin
activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor and
clot lysis time in women with recurrent miscarriage associated with
the antiphospholipid syndrome.
FERTIL STERIL, 2010. 94:24372440. I.F.:3,97.
25 Castelo-Branco C, Cortes X,
Ferrer M. Treatment persistence and
compliance with a combination of calcium and vitamin D. CLIMACTERIC,
2010. 13:578-584. I.F.:2,57.
Arjona JE, Serrano JJ, Povedano B, Carrasco S, Castelo-Branco
C. Unintended pregnancy after longterm Essure microinserts placement.
FERTIL STERIL, 2010. 94:2793-2795.
I.F.: 12,55
Cervera R, Balasch J. Autoimmunity and Recurrent Pregnancy Losses.
39:148-152. I.F.:2,60.
Balasch J. Ageing and infertility: an
2010. 26:855-860. I.F.:1,36.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
Gynecological endocrinology and human reproduction
Castelo-Branco C, Cancelo MJ.
Comprehensive clinical management
of hirsutism. GYNECOL ENDOCRINOL, 2010. 26:484-493. I.F.:1,36.
Gameiro CM, Romao F, CasteloBranco C. Menopause and aging
Changes in the immune system-A review. MATURITAS, 2010. 67:316-320.
5 Martinez-Maestre MA, GonzalezCejudo C, Machuca G, Torrejon R,
Castelo-Branco C. Periodontitis and
osteoporosis: a systematic review. CLIMACTERIC, 2010. 13:523-529. I.F.:2,57.
Al-Azzawi F, Bitzer J, Brandenburg
U, Castelo-Branco C, Graziottin A,
Kenemans P, Lachowsky M, Mimoun
S, Nappi RE, Palacios S, Schwenkhagen A, Studd J, Wylie K, Zahradnik
HP. Therapeutic options for postmenopausal female sexual dysfunction.
CLIMACTERIC, 2010. 13:103-120.
I.F.: 0,77
1 Munoz M, Pahisa J, Caparros FX,
Vidal-Sicart S. Sentinel lymph node
and neoadjuvant therapy in breast
cancer. REV ESP MED NUCL, 2010.
29:319-320. I.F.:0,77.
Grants for research
in progress
Balasch J. Caracterización del proteoma del epitelio y del estroma
endometriales y expresión proteica
diferencial en la ventana de implantación. Sponsored by: Fundación Salud
2000, PI040634. Amount: 0,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Balasch J. Grup de Fisiopatologia de la
Reproducció Humana. Sponsored by:
Generalitat de Catalunya, 2009 SGR
1099. Amount: 0,00 euros. Duration:
Ordi J. Patrones de expresión de
miRNA en la progresión y la transformación maligna de las lesiones
precursoras del cáncer de cérvix
uterino. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 61.710,00 euros. Duration:
TORNE, AURELI. Valor clínico de la
infección múltiple por virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en pacientes con
lesiones premalignas y cáncer de cuello uterino. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 50.215,00 euros. Duration:
Martinez JM, Puerto B. Aplicación de
la ecografía 4D-STIC (Spatio temporal
image correlation) en el diagnóstico
prenatal de las cardiopatías. PhD student: Maria del mar Bennasar Sans.
Balasch J. Efectos de los fármacos
empleados para la estimulación
ovárica sobre las células foliculares.
Implicaciones en el síndrome de
hiperestimulación ovárica. Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, PI070355. Amount: 47.190,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200830/12/2010.
Team envolved in:
CIBER en enfermedades raras
Fetal and perinatal medicine
Group Members
Eduard Gratacós
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 99 46
Fax: 93 227 56 05
E-mail: [email protected]
The principal strategic objective is
to search for solutions to prenatal
diseases, identifying the mechanisms
involved in fetal brain and cardiac
reprogramming, developing new
technologies allowing an early
diagnosis, and identifying potential
therapeutic targets.
Other objectives of the team are the
development and consolidation of
the existing lines of work in different
fields, such as perinatal infections, HIV
and neonatal infection, fetal therapy
and surgery, screening strategies
and prediction of fetal and maternal
pathology in large populations,
preeclampsia and prematureness.
Idibaps members:
Antoni Borrell (Hospital Clínic)
Francesc Botet (Hospital Clínic)
Vicenç Cararach (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Carbonell (Hospital Clínic)
Elena Casals (Hospital Clínic)
Francesc Figueras (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Figueras (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Maria Martinez-Crespo (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Palacio (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Emilia Ruthy Acosta-Rojas
(Fundació Clínic-CIBER-ER)
Fátima Crispi (IDIBAPS)
Nelly Fabiola Padilla (Fundació Clínic)
Magdalena Sanz (IDIBAPS)
Research Fellows:
Ivan Amat-Roldan (Fundació Clínic)
Montse Comas (Hospital Clínic)
Anna González (pre-doc IDIBAPS)
Alvaro Pérez (IDIBAPS)
Dafnis Batallé (CIBER-ER)
Jesús Mª Domínguez (CIBER-ER)
Violeta Tenorio (Fundació Clínic)
Mónica Cruz-Lemini (Fundació Clínic)
Patricia Garcia (Fundació Clínic)
Stefan Savchev (Fundació Clínic)
Imma Mercade (Fundació Clínic)
Marina Coll (Fundació Clínic)
Ariadna Arbat (Fundació Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Angela Arranz (Fundació Clínic)
Administrative Staff:
Maite Aguilera (Fundació Clínic)
Estefanía Callado (Fundació Clínic)
Pere Lorente (Fundació Clínic)
Jordi Bellart (Hospital Clínic)
Olga Gómez (Hospital Clínic)
Anna Gonce (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Miracle (Hospital Clínic)
Mª Dolors Salvía (Hospital Clínic)
Iratxe Torre (Fundació Clínic-Sara Borrell)
Rogelio Cruz (Fundació Clínic)
Elisenda Eixarch (IDIBAPS-Rio Hortega)
Joan Junyent (Fundació Clínic)
Teresa Cobo (IDIBAPS - Río Hortega)
Mar Benassar (Hospital Clínic)
Leticia Vinyoles (Fundació Clínic)
Alba Camacho (Fundació Clínic)
Marta García (Fundació Clínic)
Visiting Scientists:
R. Bartrons
D. Valsky
Iosefine Stergitou
Main Lines
of Research
1. Neurological damage of fetal and
perinatal origin. Characterization
of the physiopathology and
development of methods for the
diagnosis and treatment of prenatal
brain damage, with preferential
use of fetal growth retardation as
a model. The group possesses
an important interdisciplinary
structure for the characterization
and prediction of perinatal brain
damage, with special attention to the
fetal reprogramming mechanisms
secondary to chronic hypoxia. The
line is structured into major interrelated areas: fetal and neonatal
brain imaging (ultrasound, moving
blood fraction and MRI- DTI-RMS),
neurological damage biomarkers,
and follow-up of neurological
development over the long term.
2. Cardiac function and cardiovascular
programming in the fetus. The aim
of this research line is to characterize
cardiac function and develop
methods for the prediction and
treatment of fetal programming in
the context of cardiac dysfunction
in fetuses and infants. This includes
new echocardiographic markers
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
of fetal myocardial function,
biochemical and genomic markers
of ischemia and immune/endothelial
3. Fetal therapy and surgery. As
members of the European
Eurofoetus group, we study the fetal
surgical treatment of complications
of monochorial gestation and
congenital diaphragmatic herniation,
and the tissue engineering repair
of fetal membranes. Screening of
aneuploidy and maternal disease
4. Perinatal pathology. This is a mixed
line that groups projects relating to
prematureness (chorioamnionitis,
aggressive nutrition), clinical
pathology (diabetes, autoimmune
diseases), preeclampsia and
placental disorders (developing
methods for early prediction), HIV
and pregnancy, neonatal respiratory
disease (study of pulmonary
inflammation and prevention of
bronchopulmonary dysplasia),
and investigation of neonatal
infection (perinatal and nosocomial
infections, respiratory syncytial
virus infection, etc.).
I.F.: 120,82
1 Sola R, Bruckert E, Valls RM, Narejos S, Luque X, Castro-Cabezas M,
Domenech G, Torres F, Heras M, Farres
X, Vaquer JV, Martinez JM, Almaraz
MC, Anguera A. Soluble fibre (Plantago
ovata husk) reduces plasma low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin, oxidised LDL and systolic
blood pressure in hypercholesterolaemic
patients: A randomised trial. ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 2010. 211:630-637. I.F.:4,52.
2 Bennasar M, Martinez JM, Gomez
O, Bartrons J, Olivella A, Puerto B, Gratacos E. Accuracy of four-dimensional
spatiotemporal image correlation echocardiography in the prenatal diagnosis of
congenital heart defects. ULTRASOUND
OBST GYN, 2010. 36:458-464. I.F.:3,15.
3 Cruz-Martinez R, Moreno-Alvarez O,
Hernandez-Andrade E, Castanon M, Done
E, Martinez JM, Puerto B, Deprest J,
Gratacos E. Contribution of intrapulmonary
artery Doppler to improve prediction of survival in fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia treated with fetal endoscopic
tracheal occlusion. ULTRASOUND OBST
GYN, 2010. 35:572-577. I.F.:3,15.
4 Borras A, Gomez O, Sanz M, Martinez JM, Puerto B. Feticide Followed by
Mifepristone-Misoprostol Regimen for
Midtrimester Termination of Pregnancy
in Two Cases of Complete Placenta Previa. FETAL DIAGN THER, 2010. 28:114116. I.F.:0,91.
5 Cruz-Martinez R, Figueras F, Hernandez-Andrade E, Puerto B, Gratacos
E. Longitudinal brain perfusion changes
in near-term small-for-gestational-age
fetuses as measured by spectral Doppler
indices or by fractional moving blood volume. AM J OBSTET GYNECOL, 2010.
203:-. I.F.:3,28.
Sanz-Cortes M, Martinez JM, Bennasar M, Puerto B, Graracos E. Prenatal
diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis and
analysis using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. ULTRASOUND OBST GYN,
2010. 36:522-524. I.F.:3,15.
7 Martinez JM, Gomez O, Bennasar M,
Olivella A, Crispi F, Puerto B, Gratacos E.
The ‘question mark’ sign as a new ultrasound marker of tetralogy of Fallot in the
36:556-560. I.F.:3,15.
Sanz-Cortes M, Figueras F, Bargallo
N, Padilla N, Amat-Roldan I, Gratacos
E. Abnormal brain microstructure and
metabolism in small-for-gestational-age
term fetuses with normal umbilical artery
2010. 36:159-165. I.F.:3,15.
9 Martinez JM, Comas M, Borrell A,
Bennasar M, Gomez O, Puerto B, Gratacos E. Abnormal first-trimester ductus
venosus blood flow: a marker of cardiac
defects in fetuses with normal karyotype
and nuchal translucency. ULTRASOUND
OBST GYN, 2010. 35:267-272. I.F.:3,15.
Illa M, Bennasar M, Eixarch E, Berge R, Font C, Palacio M. Acute Coronary
Artery Vasospasm Associated with Misoprostol for Termination of Pregnancy.
FETAL DIAGN THER, 2010. 27:174-177.
Badenas C, Rodriguez-Revenga L,
Morales C, Mediano C, Plaja A, PerezIribarne MM, Soler A, Clusellas N, Borrell
A, Sanchez MA, Miro E, Sanchez A, Mila
M, Jimenez W. Assessment of QF-PCR
as the First Approach in Prenatal Diagnosis. J MOL DIAGN, 2010. 12:828-834.
Moreno R, Martinez-Gonzalez I, Rosal M, Farwati A, Gratacos E, Aran JM.
Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem
Team Members
Cells Isolated from the Rabbit Fetal Liver. STEM CELLS DEV, 2010. 19:15791588. I.F.:4,15.
Munoz M, Arigita M, Bennasar
M, Soler A, Sanchez A, Borrell A. Chromosomal anomaly spectrum in early
pregnancy loss in relation to presence
or absence of an embryonic pole.
FERTIL STERIL, 2010. 94:2564-2568.
Botet F, Figueras J, CarbonellEstrany X, Arca G. Effect of maternal
clinical chorioamnionitis on neonatal
morbidity in very-low birthweight infants: a case-control study. J PERINAT
MED, 2010. 38:269-273. I.F.:1,74.
Skupski DW, Chervenak FA,
Mccullough LB, Bancalari E, Haumont
D, Simeoni U, Saugstad O, Donn S,
Arabin B, Greenough A, Donzelli G,
Levene M, Sen C, Carbonell X, Dudenhausen JW, Vladareanu R, Antsaklis A,
Papp Z, Aksit M, Carrapato M. Ethical
dimensions of periviability. J PERINAT
MED, 2010. 38:579-583. I.F.:1,74.
Crispi F, Bijnens B, Figueras
F, Bartrons J, Eixarch E, LeNoble F,
Ahmed A, Gratacos E. Fetal Growth
Restriction Results in Remodeled
and Less Efficient Hearts in Children.
CIRCULATION, 2010. 121:2427-U123.
17 Esteban FJ, Padilla N, SanzCortes M, DeMiras JR, Bargallo N,
Villoslada P, Gratacos E. Fractaldimension analysis detects cerebral
changes in preterm infants with and
without intrauterine growth restriction.
NEUROIMAGE, 2010. 53:1225-1232.
18 Xuncla M, Badenas C, Dominguez M, Rodriguez-Revenga L, Madrigal I, Jimenez L, Soler A, Borrell A,
Sanchez A, Mila M. Fragile X syndrome
prenatal diagnosis: parental attitudes
and reproductive responses. REPROD
BIOMED ONLINE, 2010. 21:560-565.
19 Bennasar M, Martinez JM, Gomez O, Figueras F, Olivella A, Puerto
B, Gratacos E. Intra- and interobserver
repeatability of fetal cardiac examination
using four-dimensional spatiotemporal
image correlation in each trimester of
2010. 35:318-323. I.F.:3,15.
Figueras-Aloy J, Rodriguez-Miguelez JM, Iriondo-Sanz M, Salvia-Roiges
MD, Botet-Mussons F, CarbonellEstrany X. Intravenous Immunoglobulin
and Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Newborns With Hemolytic Disease. PEDIATRICS, 2010. 125:139-144. I.F.:4,69.
Cruz-Martinez R, Figueras F,
Moreno-Alvarez O, Martinez JM, Gomez O, Hernandez-Andrade E, Gratacos
E. Learning curve for lung area to head
circumference ratio measurement in
fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic
2010. 36:32-36. I.F.:3,15.
Moreno-Alvarez O, Cruz-Martinez
R, Hernandez-Andrade E, Done E, Gomez O, Deprest J, Gratacos E. Lung
tissue perfusion in congenital diaphragmatic hernia and association with the
lung-to-head ratio and intrapulmonary
artery pulsed Doppler. ULTRASOUND
OBST GYN, 2010. 35:578-582. I.F.:3,15.
Oros D, Figueras F, Cruz-Martinez
R, Padilla N, Meler E, HernandezAndrade E, Gratacos E. Middle versus
anterior cerebral artery Doppler for
the prediction of perinatal outcome
and neonatal neurobehavior in term
small-for-gestational-age fetuses with
normal umbilical artery Doppler. ULTRASOUND OBST GYN, 2010. 35:456461. I.F.:3,15.
Gomez O, Borras A, Rabanal A,
Palacio M, Carceller A, Coll O, Gratacos
E. Mifepristone-misoprostol midtrimester
abortion: impact of gestational age on the
induction-to-abortion interval. CONTRACEPTION, 2010. 81:97-101. I.F.:2,37.
Boer K, England K, Godfried MH,
Thorne C, Newell ML, Mahdavi S, Giaquinto C, Rampon O, Mazza A, DeRossi A,
Worner IG, Mok J, DeJose MI, Martinez
BL, Pena JM, Garcia JG, Lopez JRA, Rodriguez MCG, Asensi-Botet F, Otero MC,
Perez-Tamarit D, Scherpbier HJ, Kreyenbroek M, Nellen FJB, Naver L, Bohlin AB,
Lindgren S, Kaldma A, Belfrage E, Levy J,
Barlow P, Manigart Y, Hainaut M, Goetghebuer T, Brichard B, DeBruycker JJ,
Thiry N, Waterloos H, Viscoli C, DeMaria
A, Bentivoglio G, Ferrero S, Gotta C, Mur
A, Paya A, Lopez-Vilchez MA, Carreras R,
Valerius NH, Rosenfeldt V, Coll O, Suy A,
Perez JM, Fortuny C, Boguna J, Savasi V,
Fiore S, Crivelli M, Vigano A, Giacomet V,
Cerini C, Raimondi C, Zuccotti G, Alberico
S, Tropea M, Businelli C, Taylor GP, Lyall
EGH, Penn Z, Buffolano W, Tiseo R, Martinelli P, Sansone M, Maruotti G, Agangi A,
Tibaldi C, Marini S, Masuelli G, Benedetto
C, Niemiec T, Marczynska M, Dobosz S,
Popielska J, Oldakowska A, Malyuta R, Semenenko I, Pilipenko T. Mode of delivery
in HIV-infected pregnant women and prevention of mother-to-child transmission:
changing practices in Western Europe. HIV
MED, 2010. 11:368-378. I.F.:2,88.
26 Carbonell-Estrany X, Simoes EAF,
Dagan R, Hall CB, Harris B, Hultquist M,
Connor EM, Losonsky GA. Motavizumab
for Prophylaxis of Respiratory Syncytial
Virus in High-Risk Children: A Noninferiority Trial. PEDIATRICS, 2010. 125:E35-E51.
Stensballe LG, Fullarton JR, Carbonell-Estrany X, Simoes EAF. Population
based external validation of a European
predictive model for respiratory syncytal
virus hospitalization of premature infants
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
born 33 to 35 weeks of gestational age.
PEDIATR INFECT DIS J, 2010. 29:374376. I.F.:2,85.
Gonce A, Borrell A, Meler E, Arigita
M, Martinez JM, Botet F, Sanchez A, Gratacos E. Prevalence and perinatal outcome of dichorionic and monochorionic
twins with nuchal translucency above the
99(th) percentile and normal karyotype.
ULTRASOUND OBST GYN, 2010. 35:1418. I.F.:3,15.
Meler E, Figueras F, Mula R, Crispi F,
Benassar M, Gomez O, Gratacos E. Prognostic Role of Uterine Artery Doppler in
Patients with Preeclampsia. FETAL DIAGN
THER. 27:8-13. I.F.:0,91.
Bodri D, Guillen JJ, Lopez M, Vernaeve V, Coll O. Racial disparity in oocyte
donation outcome: a multiethnic, matched cohort study. HUM REPROD, 2010.
25:436-442. I.F.:3,86.
31 Benavides-Serralde JA, Hernandez-Andrade E, Figueroa-Diesel H,
Oros D, Feria LA, Scheier M, Figueras
F, Gratacos E. Reference Values for
Doppler Parameters of the Fetal Anterior
Cerebral Artery throughout Gestation.
GYNECOL OBSTET INVES, 2010. 69:3339. I.F.:1,05.
Valsky DV, Eixarch E, Martinez JM,
Crispi F, Gratacos E. Selective intrauterine growth restriction in monochorionic
twins: pathophysiology, diagnostic
approach and management dilemmas.
15:342-348. I.F.:2,74.
Srisupundit K, Brady PD, Devriendt
K, Fryns JP, Cruz-Martinez R, Gratacos
E, Deprest JA, Vermeesch JR. Targeted
array comparative genomic hybridisation
(array CGH) identifies genomic imbalances associated with isolated congenital
diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). PRENATAL
DIAG, 2010. 30:1198-1206. I.F.:1,71.
Meler E, Figueras F, Bennasar
M, Gomez O, Crispi F, Gratacos E. The
prognostic role of uterine artery Doppler
investigation in patients with severe
early-onset preeclampsia. AM J OBSTET
GYNECOL, 2010. 202:-. I.F.:3,28.
35 Padilla N, Perapoch J, Carrascosa A,
Acosta-Rojas R, Botet F, Gratacos E. Twelve-month neurodevelopmental outcome
in preterm infants with and without intrauterine growth restriction. ACTA PAEDIATR, 2010. 99:1498-1503. I.F.:1,77.
36 Munim S, Figueras F, Shah SM,
Khan F, Gardosi J. Ultrasound estimation
of fetal weight: A formula for a Pakistani
2010. 36:479-483. I.F.:0,78.
37 Comas M, Crispi F, Cruz-Martinez
R, Martinez JM, Figueras F, Gratacos E.
Usefulness of myocardial tissue Doppler
vs conventional echocardiography in the
evaluation of cardiac dysfunction in earlyonset intrauterine growth restriction. AM J
OBSTET GYNECOL, 2010. 203:-. I.F.:3,28.
Carbonell-Estrany X, Simoes EAF,
Fullarton JR, Ferdynus C, Gouyon JB.
Validation of a model to predict hospitalization due to RSV of infants born at 3335 weeks’ gestation. J PERINAT MED,
2010. 38:411-417. I.F.:1,74.
I.F.: 5,69
Lopez M, Coll O. Chronic Viral
Infections and Invasive Procedures: Risk
of Vertical Transmission and Current Recommendations. FETAL DIAGN THER,
2010. 28:1-8. I.F.:0,91.
Valsky DV, Eixarch E, Martinez JM,
Gratacos E. Selective intrauterine growth
restriction in monochorionic diamniotic
twin pregnancies. PRENATAL DIAG,
2010. 30:719-726. I.F.:1,71.
3 Deprest JA, Flake AW, Gratacos E,
Ville Y, Hecher K, Nicolaides K, Johnson
MP, Luks FI, Adzick NS, Harrison MR.
The making of fetal surgery. PRENATAL
DIAG, 2010. 30:653-667. I.F.:1,71.
Arca G, Botet F, Palacio M, Carbonell-Estrany X. Timing of umbilical cord
clamping: New thoughts on an old
discussion. J MATERN-FETAL NEO M,
2010. 23:1274-1285. I.F.:1,36.
I.F.: 1,19
Deprest J, Breysem L, Gratacos E,
Nicolaides K, Claus F, Debeer A, Smet
MH, Proesmans M, Fayoux P, Storme
L. Tracheal side effects following fetal
endoscopic tracheal occlusion for severe
congenital diaphragmatic hernia. PEDIATR RADIOL, 2010. 40:670-673. I.F.:1,19.
I.F.: 13,66
Zhang WH, Deneux-Tharaux C,
Brocklehurst P, Juszczak E, Joslin M,
Alexander S. Effect of a collector bag
for measurement of postpartum blood
loss after vaginal delivery: cluster randomised trial in 13 European countries.
BRIT MED J, 2010. 340:-. I.F.:13,66.
Grants for research
in progress
Coll JO. Paediatric European Network
Treatment AIDS and European Collaborative Study on HIV-infected pregnant
women and their children. Sponsored
by: European Commission, LSHPCT-2006-018865. Amount: 0,00 euros.
Duration: 01/03/2006-28/02/2010.
Gratacos E. IP- Soft tissue engineering for congenital birth defects in
children: new treatment modalities for
spina bifida, urogenital and abdominal
wall defects (EuroSTEC). Sponsored
by: European Commision, LSHBCT-2006-037409. Amount: 91.500,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2007-31/12/2011.
Palacio M. Progesterona vaginal como
tratamiento de mantenimiento de gestantes con amenaza de parto pretérmino. (Promesa). Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, EC07/90023.
Amount: 296.450,00 euros. Duration:
Gratacos E. Novel ultrasound-based
tridimensional tools for structural and
fucntional evaluation of interest in
human organs. (Uvolumes). Sponsored by: European Commision , PIAPGA-2008-219911. Amount: 695.550,00
euros. Duration: 01/08/2008-31/07/2012.
Gratacos E. A multidisciplinary research
programme for the evaluation of diagnostic techniques and intervention.
Measures for preantal brain damage
using growth restriction as a model.
Sponsored by: Cerebra Foundation, CEREBRA_07_001. Amount: 850.930,00
euros. Duration: 01/10/2007-30/09/2013.
Gratacos E. Clinical use of assesing reginal brain circulation perfusion to identify
long term neurodevelopmental anomalies
in small for gestational age fetuses (SGA).
Sponsored by: Thrasher Research Fund,
THRASHER08_001. Amount: 289.792,00
euros. Duration: 01/04/2009-31/03/2012.
Gratacos E. eVV-endovascular vision.
Sponsored by: Generalitat de Catalunya
(ACC1Ó), VALTEC09-1-0048. Amount:
76.744,42 euros. Duration: 30/06/200930/06/2011.
Figueras F. Acciones estratégicas en
salud. Cambios hemodinámicas adaptativos a la insuficiencia placentaria crónica
y relación con la lesión neurológica
perinatal en modelo animal de coneja
gestante. Sponsored by: FIS, PI08/0230.
Amount: 43.802,00 euros. Duration:
vascular assisted vision. Sponsored by:
379.879,00 euros. Duration: 01/09/201030/08/2014.
Gratacos E. Desarrollo de marcadores
predictivos y búsqueda de mecanismos
moleculares responsables de la reprogramación cardíaca en la restricción de crecimiento fetal. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO
DE EDUCACIÓN, SAF2009_08815.
Amount: 96.800,00 euros. Duration:
Palacio M. PROgesterona vaginal como tratamiento de Mantenimiento en gEStantes
con Amenaza de parto pretérmino. Ensayo
clínico aleatorizado, enmascarado a doble
ciego y controlado con placebo. Sponsored
52.932,85 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2011.
Borrell A. Aplicación clínica del genotipado RHD fetal en sangre materna en
una población general de estantes RHD
negativas. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 41.745,00 euros. Duration:
Figueras F. Evaluación de fracción sanguínea en movimiento como estrategia
de cribado de hipoxia crónica cerebral
fetal para la perdicción de alteraciones
del neurodesarrollo. Sponsored by:
PI09/90391. Amount: 56.870,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2011.
Gratacos E. Evaluación de la eficacia
de un algoritmo combinando variables
biológicas maternas, ecografía y marcadores bioquímicos para la predicción de
preeclampsia y retraso de crecimiento
intrauterino en primer trimestre de gestación. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III, PI09/90404. Amount:
38.720,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201030/06/2011.
Gratacos E. Diagnóstico precoz en niños
con daño cerebral y trastornos del aprendizaje. Sponsored by: FUNDACION CAJA
NAVARRA, 14802. Amount: 14.422,69
euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2010.
Gratacos E. eVV- endoVascularVision:
new endoscopic tools for real time
Gratacos E. Biomarcadors quantitatius
d’imatge: Nous mètodes per a la predicció
del neurodesenvolupament anormal en
nens amb retard de creixement fetal basats
en connectòmica. Sponsored by: CAIXA
D’ESTALVIS I PENSIONS, 10/503. Amount:
1.228.315,00 euros. Duration: 03/12/201031/12/2013.
Figueras-Aloy J. Seguimiento del desarrollo
psicomotor de prematuros extremos mediante la Escala del Desarrollo Infantil de
Kent (EDIK) cumplimnetada por los padres
y situación neuroevolutiva a los 2 y 5 años.
PhD student: Elena Alcover Bloch.
Martinez JM, Puerto B. Aplicación de la
ecografia 4D-STIC (Spatio temporal image
correlation) en el diagnóstico prenatal de las
cardiopatías. PhD student: Maria del mar
Bennasar Sans.
Gratacos E. Cerebral and cardiac doppler
parameters in the identification of fetuses
with late-onset intrauterine growth restriction at risk of adverse perinatal and neurobehavioral outcome. PhD student: Rogelio
Cruz Martinez.
Figueras F. Perinatal and neurodevelopmental outcome of late-onset growth restricted
fetuses. PhD student: Daniel Orós López.
Metabolic regulation and molecular pathology
Group Members
Josep Carreras
(Facultat Medicina UB)
Tel.: 93 402 45 41
Fax: 93 403 58 82
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Ferran Climent (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Roser Cussó (Facultat de Medicina UB)
1. Study of rabbit and rat muscle metabolism and proteome in fast and
slow fibers, and the modifications
associated with electrostimulation
and training work.
2. Use of biochemical markers to determine muscle damage.
3. Study of the metabolic alterations of
the transplanted heart and its preservation.
4. Study of apoptosis extrinsic pathway
in the transplanted heart and its
Main Lines
of Research
1. Study of the fast and slow muscle
Research Fellows:
Feliu Roset (Facultat de Medicina)
Maria Carmen Eraso (Facultat de Medicina)
Mario Guerrero (Facultat de Medicina)
Anna Belén Sánchez (Facultat de Medicina)
proteome in trained and sedentary
2. Metabolic analyses of human muscle biopsies in relation to training.
3. Study of the serum fast and slow
myosins as muscle damage markers. Effect of exercise in athletes
and diabetics.
4. Reversal of metabolic block in the
transplanted heart based on TATFLIPS proteins.
5. Use of TAT-FLIPS protein to block
apoptosis in the transplanted heart.
Joan Aureli Cadefau Surroca
(Facultat de Medicina)
Anna Novials (IDIBAPS)
Laura Brugnara (IDIBAPS)
Andreu Farran Codina
(Facultat de Farmàcia)
Mª Antonia Lizárraga
(Facultat Medicina, Bellvitge)
I.F.: 4,35
Gorostiaga EM, NavarroAmezqueta I, Cusso R, Hellsten
Y, Calbet JAL, Guerrero M, Granados C, Gonzalez-Izal M, Ibanez
J, Izquierdo M. Anaerobic Energy
Expenditure and Mechanical Efficiency during Exhaustive Leg Press
Exercise. PLOS ONE, 2010. 5:-.
Grants for
research in
Cusso R. Marcadores moleculares
de la lesión muscular. Sponsored
by: TRACE Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación, PET2008-0224.
Amount: 72.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2010.
Cusso R. Astronaut exercise prescriptions promoting Health and
fitness on hearth. Sponsored by:
Agencia Europea de l‘Espai, ESAA0-2010. Amount: 300.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2013.
Cusso R. Marcadors de lesió
muscular i de tendó. Fundació
MuscleTech. Sponsored by: Fundación FC Barcelona, Generalitat de
Catalunya, La Caixa, ESA-A0-2010.
Amount: 100.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2013.
Penetration of PTD-galactosidase in
erythrocytes (left) and myocytes (right).
Cusso R. Valoración de las isoformas de miosina como marcadores
de lesión muscular en jugadores
de fútbol y baloncesto durante una
temporada deportiva. Sponsored
by: Consejo Superior de Deportes,
042/UPB10/11. Amount: 12.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2011.
Team involved in:
Viral hepatitis in the immune competent
host and in liver transplant patients
Strategic Objectives
Group Members
Xavier Forns
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 99
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Jose M Sánchez-Tapias (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Maria Barrera (Hospital Clínic)
Miquel Bruguera (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Costa (Hospital Clínic)
Miquel Navasa (Hospital Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Jakub Dragun (Marie Curie)
Stella Martínez (Fundació Clínic)
Mairene Coto (MAEC-AECI)
Gonzalo Crespo (Hospital Clínic)
Laura Mensa (CIBERehd)
Investigation of epidemiological, pathogenic,
diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of hepatitis virus infections in immune competent
patients and liver transplant recipients.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Study of host factors in relation to
the natural history and treatment
response among patients with
chronic hepatitis C.
In this setting, mention should be
made of the studies which the group
is carrying out on the influence of polymorphisms of the IL28B gene (which
encodes for interferon lambda-3) upon
the natural history and antiviral treatment response of chronic hepatitis C
(in immune competent individuals and
liver transplant recipients). In transplant
patients with hepatitis C, our group
has shown that the presence of a
favorable IL28B polymorphism in the
recipient, if associated with the favorable polymorphism in the donor liver,
significantly increases the antiviral treatment response (Fig. 1). In the coming
months, evaluation will be made of the
role of this polymorphism in relation to
the natural history of chronic hepatitis C
virus infection.
2. Development of models for the in
vitro study of the hepatitis C virus
At present there is only a single model
for studying the complete life cycle of
HCV. This is a limited model, since it
is based on the culture of a single cell
line, in which only one viral strain grows.
Over the last year we have started the
development of new cell culture systems based on different cell lines with
incorporated markers, allowing the detection of viral replication and the screening of biological samples with considerable rapidity. The ultimate aim of these
studies is to establish one or more HCV
culture systems allowing the growth
and adaptation of viruses from biological
samples, and which are therefore more
representative of real life situations.
3. Detection of HCV antigens in liver
This is a project which in a sense represents continuity of the work started in
2008 with the purpose of characterizing
the expression of HCV penetration receptors (claudin-1, occludin SR-B1 and
CD81). Following completion of this
project, we wish to detect viral antigens
in liver tissue. While this may seem an
easy project, to date it has not been
possible to detect these antigens in a
reproducible manner. Since we have
samples from transplant patients with
Patricia González (CIBERehd)
Nursing Staff:
Concepció Bartrés (Fundació Clínic)
Sofia Pérez del Pulgar (CIBERehd)
Georgios Koutsoudakis (CIBERehd)
Influence of polymorphisms of the interleukin-28B (IL28B) gene upon antiviral
treatment response in liver transplant patients with hepatitis C. Those patients
with a favorable polymorphism (CC) and who receive a liver from an IL28 CC
d­onor have a high probability of healing the infection with interferon and ribavirin.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
very high viral loads, and taking advantage
of the experience gained over the past
years with confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry techniques, we aim
to evaluate the presence of different viral
antigens in liver biopsies. Success with
the project could have clinical applications
in aspects as relevant as the differential
diagnosis of rejection and the recurrence
of hepatitis C after transplantation.
4. Noninvasive diagnosis of chronic
hepatitis C.
This is a consolidated line of research within the group. Over the past years, different
studies by our group have demonstrated
the diagnostic validity of transient elastometry (TE, Fibroscan) in diagnosing advanced
liver fibrosis or portal hypertension in
patients with HCV infection and subjected
to liver transplantation. During 2009 and
2010, other non-invasive markers of liver
fibrosis have been evaluated (such as the
combination of different serum markers
of fibrogenesis). Within a more ambitious
project (LiverBiomark) forming part of the
Ciberehd, the group has proposed the
utilization of metabolomics in an attempt
to secure the early identification of those
patients with hepatitis C presenting a risk
of developing serious forms of the disease
(in both immune competent individuals and
in liver transplant recipients).
5. Treatment of chronic hepatitis C.
Logically, our group continues to focus
great effort on improving the efficacy and
safety of antiviral therapy in patients with
chronic HCV infection. Different aspects
are included within this line of research:
1) Participation in clinical trials of new
antiviral molecules (in both early stages
and in pre-marketing phases); and 2) Study
of the predictive factors of treatment response and designing of models allowing
a reliable prediction of treatment results
– particularly as regards the prediction
of infection relapse in patients that have
been able to achieve negative conversion
of HCV during treatment. In the last year
we have found that direct antiviral drug
treatment (therefore not requiring interferon) is able to definitively eliminate HCV,
and thus heal the chronic infection. This is
an important step in the field of hepatitis,
which will lead to radical changes in treatment in the next 10 years.
1 Linares L, Cervera C, Hoyo I, Sanclemente G, Marco F, Cofan F, Ricart
MJ, Navasa M, Moreno A. Klebsiella
pneumoniae Infection in Solid Organ
Transplant Recipients: Epidemiology
and Antibiotic Resistance. TRANSPL P,
2010. 42:2941-2943. I.F.:0,99.
2 Baccaro ME, Pepin MN, Guevara M,
Colmenero J, Torregrosa JV, MartinLlahi M, Sola E, Esforzado N, Fuster
J, Campistol JM, Arroyo V, Navasa M,
Garcia-Valdecasas J, Gines P. Combined
liver-kidney transplantation in patients
with cirrhosis and chronic kidney disease. NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL, 2010.
25:2356-2363. I.F.:3,31.
3 Morales JM, Campistol JM, Dominguez-Gil B, Andres A, Esforzado N,
Oppenheimer F, Castellano G, Fuertes
A, Bruguera M, Praga M. Long-Term
Experience With Kidney Transplantation
From Hepatitis C-Positive Donors Into
Hepatitis C-Positive Recipients. AM J
TRANSPLANT, 2010. 10:2453-2462.
Benitez CE, Puig-Pey I, Lopez M,
Martinez-Llordella M, Lozano JJ, Bohne
F, Londono MC, Garcia-Valdecasas JC,
Bruguera M, Navasa M, Rimola A, Sanchez-Fueyo A. ATG-Fresenius Treatment
and Low-Dose Tacrolimus: Results of
a Randomized Controlled Trial in Liver
Transplantation. AM J TRANSPLANT,
2010. 10:2296-2304. I.F.:6,43.
5 Bellot P, Garcia-Pagan JC, Frances
R, Abraldes JG, Navasa M, PerezMateo M, Such J, Bosch J. Bacterial
DNA Translocation Is Associated With
Systemic Circulatory Abnormalities and
Intrahepatic Endothelial Dysfunction in
Patients With Cirrhosis. HEPATOLOGY,
2010. 52:2044-2052. I.F.:10,84.
6 Vilaplana C, Montane E, Pinto S,
Barriocanal AM, Domenech G, Torres
F, Cardona PJ, Costa J. Double-blind,
randomized, placebo-controlled Phase I
Clinical Trial of the therapeutical antituberculous vaccine RUTI (R). VACCINE,
2010. 28:1106-1116. I.F.:3,62.
Moreno M, Chaves JF, Sancho-Bru P,
Ramalho F, Ramalho LN, Mansego ML,
Ivorra C, Dominguez M, Conde L, Millan
C, Mari M, Colmenero J, Lozano JJ,
Jares P, Vidal J, Forns X, Arroyo V, Caballeria J, Gines P, Bataller R. Ghrelin Attenuates Hepatocellular Injury and Liver
Fibrogenesis in Rodents and Influences
Fibrosis Progression in Humans. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:974-985. I.F.:10,84.
Ramirez S, Perez-Del-Pulgar S,
Carrion JA, Coto-Llerena M, Mensa L,
Dragun J, Garcia-Valdecasas JC, Navasa
M, Forns X. Hepatitis C virus superinfection of liver grafts: a detailed analysis
of early exclusion of non-dominant virus
strains. J GEN VIROL, 2010. 91:11831188. I.F.:3,26.
9 Carrion JA, Torres F, Crespo G, Miquel R, Garcia-Valdecasas JC, Navasa
M, Forns X. Liver Stiffness Identifies
Two Different Patterns of Fibrosis Progression in Patients with Hepatitis C
Virus Recurrence After Liver Transplantation. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:23-34.
Fernandez-Rodriguez CM, Alonso
S, Martinez SM, Forns X, Sanchez-Tapias JM, Rincon D, Rodriguez-Caravaca
G, Barcena R, Serra MA, Romero-Gomez M, Fernandez I, Garcia-Samaniego
J, Fuente J, Sola R, Moreno-Otero R,
Planas R. Peginterferon Plus Ribavirin
and Sustained Virological Response in
HCV-Related Cirrhosis: Outcomes and
Factors Predicting Response. AM J
GASTROENTEROL, 2010. 105:21642172. I.F.:6,01.
11 Plans P, Costa J, Dominguez
A, Torner N, Borras E, Plasencia A.
Prevalence of Protective Measles Virus Antibody Levels in Umbilical Cord
Blood Samples in Catalonia, Spain.
17:691-694. I.F.:2,37.
12 Carrion JA, Navasa M, Forns
X. Retransplantation in patients with
hepatitis C recurrence after liver transplantation. J HEPATOL, 2010. 53:962970. I.F.:7,82.
13 Carrion JA, Fernandez-Varo G,
Bruguera M, Garcia-Pagan JC, GarciaValdecasas JC, Perez-Del-Pulgar
S, Forns X, Jimenez W, Navasa M.
Serum Fibrosis Markers Identify
Patients With Mild and Progressive
Hepatitis C Recurrence After Liver
Transplantation. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 138:147-158. I.F.:12,90.
14 Lens S, Crespo G, Carrion JA,
Miquel R, Navasa M. Severe acute hepatitis in the dress syndrome: Report
of two cases. ANN HEPATOL, 2010.
9:198-201. I.F.:1,67.
15 Ruiz-Antoran B, Escasany AA,
Ferraz AV, Carreras ID, Riba N, Escudero SM, Costa J, Santiago MBS,
Laredo L, Quintana JAD, Castillo JR,
Abad-Santos F, Herrera CP, DeRada
BSD, Ontanon EG. Use of non-specific
intravenous human immunoglobulins
in Spanish hospitals; need for a hospital protocol. EUR J CLIN PHARMACOL, 2010. 66:633-641. I.F.:2,74.
Navasa M, Bruix J. Multifaceted
Perspective of the Waiting List for
Liver Transplantation: The Value of
Pharmacokinetic Models. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:12-15. I.F.:10,84.
Forns X, Bruix J. Treating hepatitis
C in patients with cirrhosis: The effort is
worth it. J HEPATOL, 2010. 52:624-626.
Clinical Guidelines
Forns X, Et AL. EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of chronic
hepatitis B. J HEPATOL. 50:227-242.
Kwo PY, Lawitz EJ, Mccone J, Schiff
ER, Vierling JM, Pound D, Davis MN,
Galati JS, Gordon SC, Ravendhran N,
Rossaro L, Anderson FH, Jacobson IM,
Rubin R, Koury K, Pedicone LD, Brass
CA, Chaudhri E, Albrecht JK. Efficacy of
boceprevir, an NS3 protease inhibitor, in
combination with peginterferon alfa-2b
and ribavirin in treatment-naive patients
with genotype 1 hepatitis C infection
(SPRINT-1): an open-label, randomised,
multicentre phase 2 trial. LANCET,
2010. 376:705-716. I.F.:30,76.
2 Zeuzem S, Sulkowski MS, Lawitz
EJ, Rustgi VK, Rodriguez-Torres M,
Bacon BR, Grigorescu M, Tice AD, Lurie Y, Cianciara J, Muir AJ, Cronin PW,
Pulkstenis E, Subramanian GM, Mchutchison JG. Albinterferon Alfa-2b Was
Not Inferior to Pegylated Interferonalpha in a Randomized Trial of Patients
With Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010.
139:1257-1266. I.F.:12,90.
Grants for research
in progress
Forns X. Entry Inhibitors for the
treatment of HCV Infection. Sponsored by: European Commission,
MRTN-CT-2006-035599. Amount:
245.901,26 euros. Duration:
Forns X. Caracterización de la expresión hepática de los receptores
de entrada del virus de la hepatitis
C y su relación con la cinética de
infección del injerto y la evolución
clínica después del trasplante hepático. Sponsored by: Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación, PI080239.
Amount: 92.081,00 euros. Duration:
Forns X. Tratamiento de la hepatitis
crónica C antes y después del trasplante Hepático (TH) y diagnóstico no
invasivo de su recurrencia tras el TH.
PhD student: Jose Antonio Carrion
Forns X. Estudio de la evolución genética y la compartimentalización del
virus de la hepatitis C. PhD student:
Santseharay Ramirez Almeida.
Team involved in:
Physiopathology and treatment of ascites and
altered renal function in liver cirrosis
Group Members
Vicente Arroyo
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 17 24
Fax: 93 312 94 03
E-mail: [email protected]
This is an interdisciplinary group
that investigates the mechanisms
and treatment of liver fibrotic
inflammation leading to cirrhosis,
as well as the pathogenesis
and treatment of the multiorgan
complications derived from the
existence of established liver
Main Lines
of Research
Idibaps members:
Ramón Bataller (Hospital Clínic)
Joan Clària (Hospital Clínic)
Pere Ginès (Hospital Clínic)
Mónica Guevara (IDIBAPS)
Wladimiro Jiménez (Hospital Clínic)
Manuel Morales-Ruiz (Hospital Clínic)
Javier Fernández-Gómez (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Josefa Ros (FIS-IDIBAPS)
Ana González-Périz (CIBERehd)
Esther Titos (CIBERehd)
Guillermo Fernandez Varó (CIBERehd)
Marta López-Parra (MCyT)
Pau Sancho (Fundació Clínic)
Gregori Casals (Fundació Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Raquell Horrillo (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Marta Martín (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Moreno (CIBERehd)
Montserrat Pauta (FPI-MEC)
Jordi Ribera (CIBERehd)
Marcos Martínez-Clemente (MEC)
Eva Morán (FPU-MEC)
Juan Acevedo (Hospital Clínic)
Marcella Marinelli (Fundació Clínic)
Cristina López Vicario (IDIBAPS)
Vedrana Reichemback (Fundació Clínic)
Silvia Affò (IDIBAPS)
Oriol Morales (IDIBAPS)
José Altamirano (IDIBAPS)
Gustavo Henrique Santos Pereira
(Fundació Clinic)
Claudia Fagundes Gonçalves
(Fundació Clinic)
Elsa Solà (Hospital Clinic)
Bibiana Rius Boadas (Fundació Clínic)
Verónica García Alonso (FPI MEC)
Daniel Rodrigo Torres (FPU-MEC)
Javier Michelena (CIBERehd)
Ignacio Barrau (Fundació Clínic)
Denisse Oro Bozzini (Fundació Clínic)
Montse Bernat (Hospital Clínic)
Cristina Díez (Hospital Clínic)
Carmen Escofet (Hospital Clínic)
Cristina Millán (IDIBAPS)
Anabel Martinez (IDIBAPS)
Carmen Cano (Hospital Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Miriam Castro (CIBERehd)
Raquel Cela (Hospital Clínic)
Jordi Colmenero (Hospital Clínic)
Marco Pavesi (CIBERehd)
1. Molecular determinants of liver
inflammation. Role of the Kupffer
2. Acute bacterial infections in
3. Physiopathology and treatment of
hepatorenal syndrome and renal
failure associated with bacterial
4. Evaluation of cirrhotic
5. Relationship between hepatic
encephalopathy and alterations in
renal function in cirrhosis.
6. Pathogenesis, clinical implications
and treatment of hyponatremia.
7. Evaluation of different brain
MRI techniques in cirrhotic
patients. Relationship to hepatic
8. Role of endogenous cannabinoids
in the physiopathology of arterial
9. Application of genomics and gene
therapy to liver dysfunction.
10. Angiogenesis, endothelial
dysfunction, edema and vascular
remodeling in liver cirrhosis.
11. Pathogenesis of liver fibrosis:
cellular bases and identification of
new therapeutic strategies.
12. Physiopathology and treatment of
arterial vasodilatation.
13. Physiopathology and treatment of
14. Artificial liver support systems.
15. Identification of new therapeutic
targets in alcoholic hepatitis.
Tolosana JM, Mont L, Sitges M,
Berruezo A, Delgado V, Vidal B, Tamborero D, Morales M, Batlle M, Roig
E, Castel MA, Perez-Villa F, Godoy M,
Brugada J. Plasma tissue inhibitor of
matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1): an
independent predictor of poor response
to cardiac resynchronization therapy.
EUR J HEART FAIL, 2010. 12:492-498.
2 Baccaro ME, Pepin MN, Guevara
M, Colmenero J, Torregrosa JV, MartinLlahi M, Sola E, Esforzado N, Fuster
J, Campistol JM, Arroyo V, Navasa M,
Garcia-Valdecasas J, Gines P. Combined liver-kidney transplantation in patients with cirrhosis and chronic kidney
2010. 25:2356-2363. I.F.:3,31.
Carrion JA, Fernandez-Varo G, Bruguera M, Garcia-Pagan JC, Garcia-Valdecasas JC, Perez-Del-Pulgar S, Forns X,
Jimenez W, Navasa M. Serum Fibrosis
Markers Identify Patients With Mild and
Progressive Hepatitis C Recurrence After
Liver Transplantation. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 138:147-158. I.F.:12,90.
7 Horrillo R, Gonzalez-Periz A, MartinezClemente M, Lopez-Parra M, Ferre N,
Titos E, Moran-Salvador E, Deulofeu R,
Arroyo V, Claria J. 5-Lipoxygenase Activating Protein Signals Adipose Tissue
Inflammation and Lipid Dysfunction in
Experimental Obesity. J IMMUNOL,
2010. 184:3978-3987. I.F.:5,65.
8 Martinez-Clemente M, Ferre N,
Moreno M, Dominguez M, Colmenero
J, Peinado VI, Barbera JA, Arroyo V,
Gines P, Caballeria J, Bataller R. Cigarette Smoking Exacerbates Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obese
Rats. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:15671576. I.F.:10,84.
Gonzalez-Periz A, Lopez-Parra M, Horrillo
R, Titos E, Moran-Salvador E, Miquel
R, Arroyo V, Funk CD, Claria J. 5-Lipoxygenase Deficiency Reduces Hepatic
Inflammation and Tumor Necrosis Factor
alpha-Induced Hepatocyte Damage in
Hyperlipidemia-Prone ApoE-Null Mice.
HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:817-827.
4 Badenas C, Rodriguez-Revenga L,
9 Moles A, Tarrats N, Morales A,
Morales C, Mediano C, Plaja A, PerezIribarne MM, Soler A, Clusellas N,
Borrell A, Sanchez MA, Miro E, Sanchez
A, Mila M, Jimenez W. Assessment of
QF-PCR as the First Approach in Prenatal Diagnosis. J MOL DIAGN, 2010.
12:828-834. I.F.:3,41.
Dominguez M, Bataller R, Caballeria J,
Garcia-Ruiz C, Fernandez-Checa JC, Mari
M. Acidic Sphingomyelinase Controls
Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation and in
Vivo Liver Fibrogenesis. AM J PATHOL,
2010. 177:1214-1224. I.F.:5,67.
3 Azzalini L, Ferrer E, Ramalho LN,
5 Moreno M, Chaves JF, Sancho-Bru
P, Ramalho F, Ramalho LN, Mansego
ML, Ivorra C, Dominguez M, Conde L,
Millan C, Mari M, Colmenero J, Lozano JJ, Jares P, Vidal J, Forns X, Arroyo
V, Caballeria J, Gines P, Bataller R.
Ghrelin Attenuates Hepatocellular Injury and Liver Fibrogenesis in Rodents
and Influences Fibrosis Progression in
Humans. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:974985. I.F.:10,84.
Altamirano J, Zapata L, Poblano M,
Rodriguez A, Camargo L, Martinez B,
Bataller R. Acute Pylephlebitis Following
Gastrointestinal Infection: An Unrecognized Cause of Septic Shock. SOUTH MED
J, 2010. 103:956-959. I.F.:0,92.
Melgar-Lesmes P, Casals G, Pauta M, Ros J, Reichenbach V, Bataller
R, Morales-Ruiz M, Jimenez W. Apelin
Mediates the Induction of Profibrogenic
Genes in Human Hepatic Stellate Cells.
ENDOCRINOLOGY, 2010. 151:53065314. I.F.:4,75.
Altamirano J, Bataller R. Cigarette
smoking and chronic liver diseases. GUT,
2010. 59:1159-1162. I.F.:9,36.
13 Gines P, Wong F, Watson H, Terg R,
Bruha R, Zarski JP, Dudley F. Clinical trial:
short-term effects of combination of satavaptan, a selective vasopressin V-2 receptor antagonist, and diuretics on ascites in
patients with cirrhosis without hyponatraemia - a randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled study. ALIMENT PHARM THER,
2010. 31:834-845. I.F.:4,36.
14 Martinez-Clemente M, Ferre N, Titos
E, Horrillo R, Gonzalez-Periz A, Moran-Salvador E, Lopez-Vicario C, Miquel R, Arroyo
V, Funk CD, Claria J. Disruption of the
12/15-Lipoxygenase Gene (Alox15) Protects Hyperlipidemic Mice from Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. HEPATOLOGY,
2010. 52:1980-1991. I.F.:10,84.
15 Wong F, Gines P, Watson H, Horsmans Y, Angeli P, Gow P, Minini P, Bernardi M. Effects of a selective vasopressin
V-2 receptor antagonist, satavaptan, on
ascites recurrence after paracentesis in
patients with cirrhosis. J HEPATOL, 2010.
53:283-290. I.F.:7,82.
16 VanDeVeire S, Stalmans I, Heindryckx F, Oura H, Tijeras-Raballand A,
Schmidt T, Loges S, Albrecht I, Jonckx
B, Vinckier S, VanSteenkiste C, Tugues
S, Rolny C, DeMol M, Dettori D, Hainaud
P, Coenegrachts L, Contreres JO, VanBergen T, Cuervo H, Xiao WH, LeHenaff
C, Buysschaert I, Masouleh BK, Geerts
A, Schomber T, Bonnin P, Lambert V,
Haustraete J, Zacchigna S, Rakic JM,
Jimenez W, Noel A, Giacca M, Colle I,
Foidart JM, Tobelem G, Morales-Ruiz M,
Vilar J, Maxwell P, Vinores SA, Carmeliet
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
G, Dewerchin M, Claesson-Welsh L,
Dupuy E, VanVlierberghe H, Christofori
G, Mazzone M, Detmar M, Collen D,
Carmeliet P. Further Pharmacological
and Genetic Evidence for the Efficacy
of PlGF Inhibition in Cancer and Eye
Disease. CELL, 2010. 141:178-190.
17 Sancho-Bru P, Juez E, Moreno M,
Khurdayan V, Morales-Ruiz M, Colmenero J, Arroyo V, Brenner DA, Gines P, Bataller R. Hepatocarcinoma cells stimulate
the growth, migration and expression of
pro-angiogenic genes in human hepatic
stellate cells. LIVER INT, 2010. 30:31-41.
Sola E, Lens S, Guevara M, MartinLlahi M, Fagundes C, Pereira G, Pavesi
M, Fernandez J, Gonzalez-Abraldes J,
Escorsell A, Mas A, Bosch J, Arroyo
V, Gines P. Hyponatremia in Patients
Treated With Terlipressin for Severe
Gastrointestinal Bleeding Due to Portal
Hypertension. HEPATOLOGY, 2010.
52:1783-1790. I.F.:10,84.
19 Fernandez-Varo G, Melgar-Lesmes
P, Casals G, Pauta M, Arroyo V, MoralesRuiz M, Ros J, Jimenez W. Inactivation
of extrahepatic vascular Akt improves
systemic hemodynamics and sodium
excretion in cirrhotic rats. J HEPATOL,
2010. 53:1041-1048. I.F.:7,82.
Ki SH, Park O, Zheng MQ, MoralesIbanez O, Kolls JK, Bataller R, Gao B.
Interleukin-22 Treatment Ameliorates
Alcoholic Liver Injury in a Murine Model
of Chronic-Binge Ethanol Feeding: Role
off Signal Transducer and Activator of
Transcription 3. HEPATOLOGY, 2010.
52:1291-1300. I.F.:10,84.
21 Padrissa-Altes S, Zaouali MA, Franco-Gou R, Bartrons R, Boillot O, Rimola
A, Arroyo V, Rodes J, Peralta C, RoselloCatafau J. Matrix Metalloproteinase 2
in Reduced-Size Liver Transplantation:
Beyond the Matrix. AM J TRANSPLANT,
2010. 10:1167-1177. I.F.:6,43.
22 Kluwe J, Pradere JP, Gwak GY,
Mencin A, DeMinicis S, Osterreicher
CH, Colmenero J, Bataller R, Schwabe
RF. Modulation of Hepatic Fibrosis by
c-Jun-N-Terminal Kinase Inhibition. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 138:347-359.
Nazar A, Pereira GH, Guevara M,
Martin-Llahi M, Pepin MN, Marinelli M,
Sola E, Baccaro ME, Terra C, Arroyo
V, Gines P. Predictors of Response to
Therapy with Terlipressin and Albumin in
Patients with Cirrhosis and Type 1 Hepatorenal Syndrome. HEPATOLOGY, 2010.
51:219-226. I.F.:10,84.
24 Titos E, Ferre N, Lozano JJ, Horrillo
R, Lopez-Parra M, Arroyo V, Claria J. Protection from hepatic lipid accumulation
and inflammation by genetic ablation of
5-lipoxygenase. PROSTAG OTH LIPID M,
2010. 92:54-61. I.F.:2,56.
25 Moreno M, Gonzalo T, Kok RJ,
Sancho-Bru P, VanBeuge M, Swart J,
Prakash J, Temming K, Fondevila C, Beljaars L, Lacombe M, VanDerHoeven P,
Arroyo V, Poelstra K, Brenner DA, Gines
P, Bataller R. Reduction of Advanced Liver Fibrosis by Short-Term Targeted Delivery of an Angiotensin Receptor Blocker
to Hepatic Stellate Cells in Rats. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:942-952. I.F.:10,84.
26 Guevara M, Baccaro ME, Rios J,
Martin-Llah M, Uriz J, DelArbol LR, Planas R, Monescillo A, Guarner C, Crespo
J, Banares R, Arroyo V, Gines P. Risk
factors for hepatic encephalopathy in
patients with cirrhosis and refractory ascites: relevance of serum sodium concentration. LIVER INT, 2010. 30:1137-1142.
27 Albillos A, Nieto M, Ubeda M,
Munoz L, Fraile B, Reyes E, Lledo L,
Blanco I, Pastor O, Salas C, Lario M,
Monserrat J, Bataller R, Alvarez-Mon
M. The biological response modifier
AM3 attenuates the inflammatory
cell response and hepatic fibrosis in
rats with biliary cirrhosis. GUT, 2010.
59:943-952. I.F.:9,36.
Romero-Gomez M, Jover M, DelCampo JA, Royo JL, Hoyas E, Galan
JJ, Montoliu C, Baccaro E, Guevara
M, Cordoba J, Soriano G, Navarro JM,
Martinez-Sierra C, Grande L, Galindo A,
Mira E, Manes S, Ruiz A. Variations in
the Promoter Region of the Glutaminase Gene and the Development of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients With
Cirrhosis A Cohort Study. ANN INTERN
MED, 2010. 153:281-294. I.F.:16,23.
1 Salerno F, Guevara M, Bernardi M,
Moreau R, Wong F, Angeli P, GarciaTsao G, Lee SS. Refractoryascites:
pathogenesis, definition and therapy
of a severe complication in patients
with cirrhosis. LIVER INT, 2010.
30:937-947. I.F.:2,99.
2 Sola E, Gines P. Renal and circulatory
dysfunction in cirrhosis: Current management and future perspectives. J HEPATOL, 2010. 53:1135-1145. I.F.:7,82.
3 Gonzalez-Periz A, Claria J. Resolution of Adipose Tissue Inflammation.
10:832-856. I.F.:1,66.
Claria J. Resolution of Acute Inflammation and the Role of Lipid Mediators.
10:1553-1555. I.F.:1,66.
Clinical Guidelines
1 Gines P, Angeli P, Lenz K, Møller S,
Moore K, Moreau R, Merkel C, Ring-Larsen H, Bernardi M, Garcia-Tsao G, Hayers
P. EASL clinical practice guidelines on the
management of ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and hepatorenal syndrome
in cirrhosis European Association for the
Study of the Liver. J HEPATOL, 2010.
53:397-417. I.F.:7,82.
Jimenez W. Remodelado tisular y disfunción
circulatoria en modelos experimentales
de enfermedad hepática. Identificación y
caracterización de nuevas dianas terapéuticas. Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación, SAF2009-08839. Amount:
254.100,00 euros. Duration: 01/10/200930/09/2012.
Grants for research
in progress
Bataller R. Projecte TRACE 2009. Desarrollo de un test genético para predecir la
progresión de la fibrosis en pacientes con
hepatitis crónica C” (POLIGEN). Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación,
PET2008_0304. Amount: 121.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/03/2009-28/02/2011.
Gines P. Efecto de la administración prolongada de albúminay midodrina en la prevención de complicaciones en pacientes
en lista de espera de transplante hepático.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, EC07/90077. Amount: 666.710,00
euros. Duration: 29/10/2007-30/12/2010.
Bataller R. Investigación traslacional en pacientes con hepatopatías crónicas: desarrollo
de métodos pronósticos e identificación de
nuevas dianas terapéuticas. Sponsored by:
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS), PI08/0237.
Amount: 135.762,00 euros. Duration:
Guevara M. Estudio Aleatorizado y controlado sobre la eficacia de la albúmina en
la prevención de las complicaciones de
pacientes de cirrosis en la lista de espera
de trasplante hepático. Sponsored by:
Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, PI070443.
Amount: 105.875,00 euros. Duration:
Arroyo V. Investigació hepàtica: Recerca bàsica i experimental. Sponsored by: AGAUR,
2009SGR3009. Amount: 43.680,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Gines P. Grup de recerca en hepatologia clínica. Sponsored by: AGAUR, 2009SGR1401.
Amount: 45.760,00 euros. Duration:
Claria J. Participación de los mediadores lipídicos derivados del ácido araquidónico en
el desarrollo y progresión de la inflamación
y esteatosis hepática. Efecto de los ácidos
grasos poliinsaturados Omega-3. Sponsored by: Ministerio Educación y Ciencia,
SAF2006-03191. Amount: 244.420,00 euros. Duration: 01/10/2006-30/09/2010.
Gines P. Disfunción Renal en la cirrosis
hepática: Investigación de nuevos métodos
diagnósticos y terapéuticos. Sponsored by:
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Instituto
de Salud Carlos III, PI 080126. Amount:
427.952,80 euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2012.
Morales M. Función fisiopatológica de la
activación de las células endoteliales hepáticas en la cirrosis. Posibles implicaciones
terapéuticas. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Educación y Ciencia, SAF2007-63069.
Amount: 229.900,00 euros. Duration:
Claria J. Papel de los mediadores lipídicos
en la inflamación del tejido adiposo y su
influencia sobre la respuesta esteatogénica
del higado en la obesidad. Sponsored by:
Ministerio de Educación, SAF2009_08767.
Amount: 330.330,01 euros. Duration:
Jimenez W. Remodelado tisular y disfunción
circulatoria en modelos experimentales de
enfermedad hepática. Identificación y caracterización de nuevas dianas terapeuticas.
Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, SAF2009_08839. Amount: 254.100,01
euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Bataller R. Hepatic Microfluidic Bioreactor. Sponsored by: Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, FP7-2010-TESTING_1. Amount:
276.801,80 euros. Duration: 03/02/201002/02/2015.
Jimenez W. Grupo de Investigación traslacional en nuevas estrategias de diagnóstico
y tratamiento de la enfermedad hepática.
Sponsored by: GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA, 2009_SGR_1496. Amount: 42.640,00
euros. Duration: 20/08/2009-31/12/2013.
Claria J. Paper de la ciclooxigenasa-2 i la
5-lipooxigenasa en la inflamació hepàtica i
del teixit adipós. PhD student: Raquel Horrillo
Jimenez W. Fisiopatologia del edema y de
la formacion de ascitis en la cirrosis hepática
experimental. PhD student: Pedro Melgar
Bataller R. Investigación de nuevas estrategias terapeúticas para la inflamación y la
fibrosis hepática. PhD student: Montserrat
Moreno Sanchez.
Team involved in:
Group Members
Jordi Bruix
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 98 03
Fax: 93 227 57 92
[email protected]
This multidiscipline group, internationally known as the Barcelona Clinic Liver
Cancer (BCLC) group, carries out clinical
research into hepatocellular carcinoma
and translation research. The objective is
to investigate both the efficacy of clinical
and therapeutic interventions and the
mechanisms that regulate the progression of this disease.
Main Lines
of Research
Idibaps members:
M. Carmen Ayuso (Hospital Clínic)
Concepció Bru (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Fuster (Hospital Clínic)
Josep M. Llovet (ICREA)
Ramon Vilana (Hospital Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Clara Alsinet (Fundació Clínic)
María Reig (IDIBAPS)
Carlos Rodriguez de Lope (Hospital Clínic)
Helena Cornella (IDIBAPS)
Silvia Tremosini (Fundació Clínic)
Juan M. López (Fundació Clínic)
Ingrid Rengel (CIBERehd)
Nursing Staff:
Adela Godoy (Fundació Clínic)
Neus Llarch (Fundació Clínic)
Administrative Staff:
Núria Pérez (Fundació Clínic)
Diana Segarra (CIBERehd)
Ariadna Farré (IDIBAPS)
Loreto Boix (CIBERehd)
Judit Peix (CIBERehd)
Manel Solé (Hospital Clínic)
Victoria Tovar (IDIBAPS)
Alejandro Forner (CIBERehd)
Jordi Rimola (CDIC)
Marta Burrel (CDIC)
Maria Isabel Real (CDIC)
Lluís Bianchi (CDIC)
Augusto Villanueva (Ciberehd)
M. Angeles García-Criado (Hospital Clínic)
At clinical level, work is done in the
definition of new diagnostic tools and,
with a view to evaluating treatment efficacy, the optimum criteria for indicating
radical treatment are perfected (surgical
resection, transplantation, percutaneous
approach with ablation) – with the aim of
ensuring maximum efficacy in terms of
both survival and associated morbidity.
In the treatment setting, evaluations are
made of the options for improving the
efficacy of non-curative therapies which
have been shown to improve survival (arterial chemical embolization, sorafenib).
In this sense, phase 1, 2 and 3 studies
are carried out and led at international
level, with a view to determining the efficacy of new molecular agents. At the
same time, evaluations
are being made of the
efficacy of antiangiogenic treatment to prevent
relapse after surgical
treatment or ablation.
Likewise, prevention
studies are being conducted in patients with
liver cirrhosis.
In relation to translation
research, studies are being made of the pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma, together
with the analysis of new
signaling pathways and
genomic aberrations
implicated in the development of the tumor, as
well as the identification
of novel therapeutic
targets. An international
genomic research consortium has been created in hepatocellular carcinoma, in collaboration
with the Mount Sinai
Medical School, Harvard
University and the Instituto di Tumori in Milan,
which has consolidated
a tissue bank of capital
Diagnosis of
early stage
HCC based on
staining with
GPC3 (A),
HSP70 (B) and
GS (C).
Translational research in liver oncology
Group Leader: Josep M. Llovet (ICMDM)
The group was created in the year 2006 with the purpose of
conducting genomic studies in hepatocellular carcinoma and of
identifying therapeutic targets and new molecular treatments.
We have established two lines of research in the context of an
international consortium (HCC Genomic Project), organized by
Dr. Llovet, and involving the participation of the BCLC-Clínic-IDIBAPS, the Mount
Sinai School of Medicine (NY), the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Broad
Institute (Boston), and the National Tumor Institute (Milan):1. Genomics. Identification of the genomic alterations in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and clarification of their implications in relation to diagnosis and treatment. Integral analysis
of the transcriptome (oligonucleotide microarrays) and of the genomic aberrations
(SNP arrays). Identification of markers for the early diagnosis of HCC.2. Signaling pathways and molecular therapies. Identification of the role of the signal
transduction pathways in the pathogenesis of HCC, and identification of new
therapeutic targets and new molecular treatments. We are currently studying the
signaling pathways corresponding to Akt/mTOR, EGFR-Ras-MAPK, IGF and Wnt,
in human samples, cell lines and experimental animals. Recently, the group has
been coordinating a European Project, FP-7-HEALTH (HEPTROMIC) with 6 academic centers and two companies, with the purpose of exploring the prognostic
oncogenes and potential treatment targets in liver cancer.
Team Members
I.F.: 62,23
1 Baccaro ME, Pepin MN, Guevara
M, Colmenero J, Torregrosa JV, Martin-Llahi M, Sola E, Esforzado N, Fuster
J, Campistol JM, Arroyo V, Navasa M,
Garcia-Valdecasas J, Gines P. Combined liver-kidney transplantation in patients with cirrhosis and chronic kidney
2010. 25:2356-2363. I.F.:3,31.
Marti J, Fuster J, Hotter G, Sola
AM, Deulofeu R, Modolo MM, Loera
MA, Ferrer J, Fondevila C, Garcia-Valdecasas JC. Serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in patients with
colorectal liver metastases: preliminary
results of an exploratory prospective
study. INT J BIOL MARKER, 2010.
25:21-26. I.F.:1,42.
3 Cabibbo G, Enea M, Attanasio M,
Bruix J, Craxi A, Camma C. A MetaAnalysis of Survival Rates of Untreated
Patients in Randomized Clinical Trials
of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:1274-1283. I.F.:10,84.
4 Greten TF, Forner A, Korangy F,
N’kontchou G, Barget N, Ayuso C, Ormandy LA, Manns MP, Beaugrand M,
Bruix J. A phase II open label trial evaluating safety and efficacy of a telomerase peptide vaccination in patients with
advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.
BMC CANCER, 2010. 10:-. I.F.:2,74.
Plessier A, Darwish-Murad S,
Hernandez-Guerra M, Consigny Y,
Fabris F, Trebicka J, Heller J, Morard
I, Lasser L, Langlet P, Denninger MH,
Vidaud D, Condat B, Hadengue A,
Primignani M, Garcia-Pagan JC, Janssen HLA, Valla D. Acute Portal Vein
Thrombosis Unrelated to Cirrhosis:
A Prospective Multicenter Follow-up
Study. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:210218. I.F.:10,84.
6 Tovar V, Alsinet C, Villanueva A, Hos-
hida Y, Chiang DY, Sole M, Thung S, Moyano S, Toffanin S, Minguez B, Cabellos L,
Peix J, Schwartz M, Mazzaferro V, Bruix
J, Llovet JM. IGF activation in a molecular
subclass of hepatocellular carcinoma and
pre-clinical efficacy of IGF-1R blockage. J
HEPATOL, 2010. 52:550-559. I.F.:7,82.
Zender L, Villanueva A, Tovar V,
Sia D, Chiang DY, Llovet JM. Cancer
gene discovery in hepatocellular carcinoma. J HEPATOL, 2010. 52:921-929.
7 Vilana R, Forner A, Bianchi L, Garcia-
2 Forner A, Reig ME, DeLope CR,
Criado A, Rimola J, DeLope CR, Reig
M, Ayuso C, Bru C, Bruix J. Intrahepatic
Peripheral Cholangiocarcinoma in Cirrhosis
Patients May Display a Vascular Pattern
Similar to Hepatocellular Carcinoma on
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:2020-2029. I.F.:10,84.
Bruix J. Current Strategy for Staging
and Treatment: The BCLC Update and
Future Prospects. SEMIN LIVER DIS,
2010. 30:61-74. I.F.:5,17.
8 Hessheimer AJ, Forner A, Varela M,
Bruix J. Metabolic risk factors are a major
comorbidity in patients with cirrhosis independent of the presence of hepatocellular
2010. 22:1239-1244. I.F.:1,66.
9 Fondevila C, Hessheimer AJ, Taura P,
Sanchez O, Calatayud D, DeRiva N, Munoz
J, Fuster J, Rimola A, Garcia-Valdecasas
JC. Portal Hyperperfusion: Mechanism
of Injury and Stimulus for Regeneration
in Porcine Small-for-Size Transplantation.
LIVER TRANSPLANT, 2010. 16:364-374.
Taura P, Fuster J, Mercadal J,
Martinez-Palli G, Fondevila C, Blasi A,
Balust J, Garcia-Valdecasas JC. The use
of beta-adrenergic drugs improves hepatic
oxygen metabolism in cirrhotic patients
undergoing liver resection. J HEPATOL,
2010. 52:340-347. I.F.:7,82.
Varela M, Reig M, DeLaMata M,
Matilla A, Bustamante J, Pascual S, Turnes
J, Aracil C, DelVal A, Pascasio JM, Rodriguez M, Bruix J. Treatment approach of
hepatocellular carcinoma in Spain. Analysis
of 705 patients from 62 centers. MED
CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 134:569-576.
I.F.: 40,02
3 Villanueva A, Minguez B, Forner A,
Reig M, Llovet JM. Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Novel Molecular Approaches
for Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Therapy.
ANNU REV MED, 2010. 61:317-328.
Lencioni R, Llovet JM. Modified
RECIST (mRECIST) Assessment for
Hepatocellular Carcinoma. SEMIN LIVER DIS, 2010. 30:52-60. I.F.:5,17.
5 Hoshida Y, Toffanin S, Lachenmayer A, Villanueva A, Minguez B, Llovet
JM. Molecular Classification and Novel
Targets in Hepatocellular Carcinoma:
Recent Advancements. SEMIN LIVER
DIS, 2010. 30:35-51. I.F.:5,17.
6 Villanueva A, Hoshida Y, Toffanin
S, Lachenmayer A, Alsinet C, Savic R,
Cornella H, Llovet JM. New Strategies
in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Genomic
Prognostic Markers. CLIN CANCER
RES, 2010. 16:4688-4694. I.F.:6,75.
I.F.: 108,53
Navasa M, Bruix J. Multifaceted
Perspective of the Waiting List for Liver Transplantation: The Value of Pharmacokinetic Models. HEPATOLOGY,
2010. 51:12-15. I.F.:10,84.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
2 Forns X, Bruix J. Treating hepatitis C in
patients with cirrhosis: The effort is worth
it. J HEPATOL, 2010. 52:624-626. I.F.:7,82.
Forner A, Bruix J. Ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma: Is there need to have
a winning technique?. J HEPATOL, 2010.
52:310-312. I.F.:7,82.
4 DeLope CR, Bruix J. Failure of interferon to prevent disease progression and
liver cancer in hepatitis C virus infection:
proof of absence or absence of proof?.
GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 138:777779. I.F.:12,90.
5 Lachenmayer A, Hoshida Y, Llovet
JM. Hippo tumor supressor pathway:
novel implications for the treatment of
hepatocellular carcinoma. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 139:692-694. I.F.:12,90.
6 Boix L, Bruix J. MicroRNA analysis for
outcome prediction in hepatitis B virusrelated liver cancer. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 138:1624-1626. I.F.:12,90.
Toffanin S, Villanueva A, Llovet JM.
miRNA delivery: emerging therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 138 (3):1202-1204. I.F.:12,90.
Toffanin S, Friedman SL, Llovet JM.
Obesity, Inflammatory Signaling, and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma-An Enlarging
Link. CANCER CELL, 2010. 17:115-117.
Bruix J, Llovet JM. Two Decades of
Advances in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
DIS, 2010. 30:1-2. I.F.:5,17.
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 2,21
Ferenci P, Fried M, Labrecque D, Bruix
J, Sherman M, Omata M, Heathcote J,
Piratsivuth T, Kew M, Otegbayo JA, Zheng
SS, Sarin S, Hamid SS, Modawi SB, Fleig
W, Fedail S, Thomson A, Khan A, Malfertheiner P, Lau G, Carillo FJ, Krabshuis J,
LeMair A. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
A Global Perspective. J CLIN GASTROENTEROL, 2010. 44:239-245. I.F.:2,21.
I.F.: 28,90
Paoletti X, Oba K, Burzykowski T,
Michiels S, Ohashi Y, Pignon JP, Rougier P, Sakamoto J, Sargent D, Sasako
M, VanCutsem E, Buyse M. Benefit of
Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Resectable
Gastric Cancer A Meta-analysis. JAMA-J
AM MED ASSOC, 2010. 303:1729-1737.
Grants for research
in progress
Bru C. Integración de las diferentes técnicas de imagen médica en una única
imagen multimodal. Desarrollo de distintos modelos de aplicación. Angiología
cerebral y cardiológica (TC, RM, SPECT).
Sponsored by: Ministerio de Industria
Turismo y Comercio, CDTEAM. Amount:
428.000,00 euros. Duration: 17/01/200618/01/2010.
Llovet JM. Papel de la vía de señalización
del IGF en el carcinoma hepatocelular
(CHC). Terapia molecular in vitro e in
vivo. Sponsored by: Ministerio Educación
y Ciencia, SAF2007-61898. Amount:
209.330,00 euros. Duration: 01/10/200704/10/2010.
Llovet JM. Integrative genomic analysis
in hepatocellular carcinoma. Sponsored by: National Institutes of Health,
1R01DK076986-01. Amount: 142.780,00
euros. Duration: 08/10/2007-31/07/2012.
tumorales en líneas celulares derivadas
de carcinoma hepatocelular humano.
Sponsored by: Fondo de Investigación
Sanitaria, PI080146. Amount: 105.754,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-30/12/2011.
Bruix J. Grup de Recerca Consolidat -Oncologia Hepàtica- Barcelona Clinic Liver
Cancer (BCLC). Sponsored by: AGAUR.
(Generalitat de Catalunya), SGR 1100.
Amount: 47.840,00 euros. Duration:
Llovet JM. Grup de Recerca SingularRecerca Translacional en Oncologia
Hepàtica. Sponsored by: AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya), SGR 1186. Amount:
41.600,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2014.
Award for International Collaborations
AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, USA.
Sponsored by: American Association
for Cancer Research, 0000. Amount:
74.900,00 euros. Duration: 01/06/200901/06/2011.
Llovet JM. Genomic predictors and
oncogenic drivers in hepatocellular carcinoma. Sponsored by: EUROPEAN COMISSION, 259744. Amount: 796.901,00
euros. Duration: 01/11/2010-30/10/2013.
Llovet JM. Oncogenic addiction and
gatekeepper genes in hepatocellular carcinoma. Sponsored by: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH,
09-60-27-LLOV. Amount: 100.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/07/2009-30/06/2011.
Bruix J. Actitud a seguir ante la detección de una lesión focal inferior o igual
a 2 cm de tamaño en un paciente con
cirrosis hepática. PhD student: Alejandro
Forner Gonzalez.
Bruix J. Identificación y caracterización
de la población de células madre adultas
Team involved in:
Group Members
Jaume Bosch
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 57 90
Fax: 93 227 93 48
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Ramon Deulofeu (Hospital Clínic)
Àngels Escorsell (Hospital Clínic)
Mercè Fernández Lobato (IDIBAPS)
Joan C. García-Pagán (Hospital Clínic)
Mª Rosa Gilabert (Hospital Clínic)
Carles Nicolau (Hospital Clínic)
Juan Manuel Salmerón (Hospital Clínic
Juan González-Abraldes (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Aina Rodríguez (CIBERehd)
Jordi Gracia-Sancho (CIBERehd)
Research Fellows:
Marta Divi (FIS)
Marcos Pasarín (FIS)
Sebastián Raffa (Fundació Clínic)
Eva Erice (CIBERehd)
Susana Seijó (Beca Río Hortega)
Mario d’Amico (IDIBAPS)
Vincenzo La Mura (Fundació Clínic)
Lucía Russo (CIBERehd)
Andrea Ribeiro (Fundació Clínic)
Giusi Marrone (ISCIII)
Javier Gallego (CIBERehd)
Marc Mejías (SAF)
Eugeni Rosado (CIBERehd)
Eyal Ashkenazi (CIBERehd)
Mª Gabriela Delgado Navas
(Fundació Clínic)
Marco di Pascoli (EASL)
Enric Reverter (Fundació Clínic)
Federica Cerini (MRLD)
Cintia de Meireles (MRLD)
Maeva Guillaume (Aide Jeunes Chercheurs)
Dinesh Mani Tripathi
(ACI-COLABORA 2009-0938)
Esther García (CIBERehd)
Héctor García (CIBERehd)
Montse Monclús (Idibaps)
Nursing Staff:
Rosa Sáez (CIBERehd)
Annalisa Berzigotti (Hospital Clínic)
The gaining of in-depth knowledge of
the mechanisms underlying portal hypertension – the main complication of liver
diseases – and development of new
treatments for this syndrome, and new
noninvasive assessment techniques.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Factors regulating liver microcirculation under normal conditions and
in cirrhosis, based on isolated liver
perfusion studies and studies in liver
sinusoid endothelial cells.
2. Intrahepatic endothelial dysfunction
in liver cirrhosis.
3. Post-transcriptional regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)
activity. Relevance in the treatment
of portal hypertension.
4. Regulation of the transcription of liver
sinusoid endothelial cell protecting
genes: relevance in the physiopathology of portal hypertension and in ex
vivo liver preservation.
5. Regulation of the development of
collateral circulation, hyperdynamic
circulation and liver fibrogenesis by
angiogenic factors.
6. New noninvasive methods for evaluating cirrhosis.
7. Randomized clinical studies of novel
treatments for portal hypertension.
8. Hepatic vascular diseases.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
I.F.: 211,12
1 Martinez E, Larrousse M, Podzamczer
Tracing of liver venous pressure gradient.
Regulation of liver microcirculation in cirrhosis
and hepatic vascular diseases
Group Leader: Juan Carlos García-Pagán (Hospital Clínic)
One of the mechanisms responsible for the development of
portal hypertension and its serious consequences is the increase in portal resistance observed within the cirrhotic liver.
Part of this increase is dynamic and amenable to modification
by means of drugs. Therefore, improved knowledge based on
experimental models in animals of the cellular, biochemical and molecular mechanisms regulating this dynamic component will allow us to design new strategies for the treatment of these disorders.Liver vascular disorders, particularly
Budd-Chiari syndrome and non-cirrhotic portal thrombosis, are infrequent causes
of portal hypertension. This complicates progress in our knowledge of these
illnesses, their prognosis and treatments. This circumstance is of particular
relevance, since these diseases mainly affect young patients with a potentially
long life expectancy. For a number of years, our group has served as a reference
center for these illnesses – thus allowing us to propose new treatment options
and to advance in furthering our knowledge.
Angiogenesis in liver diseases
Group Leader: Mercè Fernandez Lobato (IDIBAPS)
We focus our research on the implication and regulation of
angiogenesis in the physiopathology of portal hypertension.
Recent studies in experimental models of portal hypertension
have shown that angiogenesis or the formation of new blood
vessels is crucial to two of the most important components
of the physiopathology of portal hypertension: the formation of portosystemic
collateral vessels and the development of hyperdynamic splanchnic circulation.
The results of these studies may contribute valuable information with a view
to improving our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms implicated in the
physiopathology of portal hypertension and chronic liver diseases – these being
a leading cause of mortality and an important indication for liver transplantation
both in this country and worldwide. Our aim is that the studies of this project
can lead to the development of new therapeutic approaches designed to reduce
the morbidity and mortality of patients diagnosed with these disorders.
D, Perez I, Gutierrez F, Lonca M, Barragan
P, Deulofeu R, Casamitjana R, Mallolas J,
Pich J, Gatell JM. Abacavir-based therapy
does not affect biological mechanisms associated with cardiovascular dysfunction.
AIDS, 2010. 24:F1-F9. I.F.:4,91.
2 Puig-Pey I, Bohne F, Benitez C, Lopez
M, Martinez-Llordella M, Oppenheimer F,
Lozano JJ, Gonzalez-Abraldes J, Tisone
G, Rimola A, Sanchez-Fueyo A. Characterization of gamma delta T cell subsets
in organ transplantation. TRANSPL INT,
2010. 23:1045-1055. I.F.:3,25.
3 Collado S, Coll E, Deulofeu R, Guerrero L, Pons M, Cruzado JM, De LaTorre
B, Vera M, Azqueta M, Nicolau C, Cases
A. Prevalence of cardiovascular disease
in uraemia and relevance of cardiovascular risk factors. NEFROLOGIA, 2010.
30:342-348. I.F.:0,53.
4 Marti J, Fuster J, Hotter G, Sola AM,
Deulofeu R, Modolo MM, Loera MA, Ferrer J, Fondevila C, Garcia-Valdecasas JC.
Serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated
lipocalin in patients with colorectal liver
metastases: preliminary results of an exploratory prospective study. INT J BIOL
MARKER, 2010. 25:21-26. I.F.:1,42.
Sala-Vila A, Cofan M, Perez-Heras A,
Nunez I, Gilabert R, Junyent M, MateoGallego R, Cenarro A, Civeira F, Ros E.
Fatty acids in serum phospholipids and
carotid intima-media thickness in Spanish
subjects with primary dyslipidemia. AM J
CLIN NUTR, 2010. 92:186-193. I.F.:6,31.
6 Junyent M, Gilabert R, Jarauta E,
Nunez I, Cofan M, Civeira F, Pocovi M,
Mallen M, Zambon D, Almagro F, Vega J,
Tejedor D, Ros E. Impact of low-density
lipoprotein receptor mutational class on
Team Members
carotid atherosclerosis in patients with
familial hypercholesterolemia. ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 2010. 208:437-441.
Melgosa MT, Ricci GL, GarciaPagan JC, Blanco I, Escribano P,
Abraldes JG, Roca J, Bosch J, Barbera
JA. Acute and Long-Term Effects of
Inhaled Iloprost in Portopulmonary
2010. 16:348-356. I.F.:3,72.
8 Sebastia C, Peri L, Salvador R,
Bunesch L, Revuelta I, Alcaraz A,
Nicolau C. Multidetector CT of Living
Renal Donors: Lessons Learned from
Surgeons. RADIOGRAPHICS, 2010.
30:1875-1890. I.F.:2,75.
9 Bellot P, Garcia-Pagan JC, Frances
R, Abraldes JG, Navasa M, Perez-Mateo M, Such J, Bosch J. Bacterial DNA
Translocation Is Associated With Systemic Circulatory Abnormalities and
Intrahepatic Endothelial Dysfunction in
Patients With Cirrhosis. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 52:2044-2052. I.F.:10,84.
10 Carrion JA, Fernandez-Varo G,
Bruguera M, Garcia-Pagan JC, GarciaValdecasas JC, Perez-Del-Pulgar
S, Forns X, Jimenez W, Navasa M.
Serum Fibrosis Markers Identify
Patients With Mild and Progressive
Hepatitis C Recurrence After Liver
Transplantation. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 138:147-158. I.F.:12,90.
11 Horrillo R, Gonzalez-Periz A,
Martinez-Clemente M, Lopez-Parra
M, Ferre N, Titos E, Moran-Salvador
E, Deulofeu R, Arroyo V, Claria J. 5-Lipoxygenase Activating Protein Signals
Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Lipid
Dysfunction in Experimental Obesity.
J IMMUNOL, 2010. 184:3978-3987.
Sola E, Lens S, Guevara M,
Martin-Llahi M, Fagundes C, Pereira
G, Pavesi M, Fernandez J, GonzalezAbraldes J, Escorsell A, Mas A, Bosch
J, Arroyo V, Gines P. Hyponatremia in
Patients Treated With Terlipressin for
Severe Gastrointestinal Bleeding Due
to Portal Hypertension. HEPATOLOGY,
2010. 52:1783-1790. I.F.:10,84.
13 Plessier A, Darwish-Murad S,
Hernandez-Guerra M, Consigny Y,
Fabris F, Trebicka J, Heller J, Morard
I, Lasser L, Langlet P, Denninger MH,
Vidaud D, Condat B, Hadengue A,
Primignani M, Garcia-Pagan JC, Janssen HLA, Valla D. Acute Portal Vein
Thrombosis Unrelated to Cirrhosis:
A Prospective Multicenter Follow-up
Study. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:210218. I.F.:10,84.
Tandon P, Saez R, Berzigotti A,
Abraldes JG, Garcia-Pagan JC, Bosch
J. A Specialized, Nurse-Run Titration
Clinic: A Feasible Option for Optimizing beta-Blockade in Non-Clinical Trial
2010. 105:1917-1921. I.F.:6,01.
Coll M, Martell M, Raurell I,
Ezkurdia N, Cuenca S, HernandezLosa J, Esteban R, Guardia J, Bosch
J, Genesca J. Atrophy of mesenteric
sympathetic innervation may contribute to splanchnic vasodilation in rat
portal hypertension. LIVER INT, 2010.
30:593-602. I.F.:2,99.
Mehta G, Abraldes JG, Bosch J.
Developments and controversies in
the management of oesophageal and
gastric varices. GUT, 2010. 59:701705. I.F.:9,36.
17 Nicolau C, Bunesch L, Sebastia
C, Salvador R. Diagnosis of bladder
cancer: contrast-enhanced ultrasound.
ABDOM IMAGING, 2010. 35:494-503.
18 Thabut D, D’amico G, Tan P,
DeFranchis R, Fabricius S, Lebrec
D, Bosch J, Bendtsen F. Diagnostic
performance of Baveno IV criteria in
cirrhotic patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding: Analysis of the F7
liver-1288 study population. J HEPATOL, 2010. 53:1029-1034. I.F.:7,82.
19 Garcia-Pagan JC, Caca K, Bureau C, Laleman W, Appenrodt B,
Luca A, Abraldes JG, Nevens F, Vinel
JP, Mossner J, Bosch J. Early Use of
TIPS in Patients with Cirrhosis and Variceal Bleeding.. NEW ENGL J MED,
2010. 362:2370-2379. I.F.:47,05.
20 Pietrobattista A, Luciani M,
Abraldes JG, Candusso M, Pancotti
S, Soldati M, Monti L, Torre G, Nobili
V. Extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis
in children and adolescents: Influence
of genetic thrombophilic disorders.
16:6123-6127. I.F.:2,09.
21 Mas A, Escorsell A, Fernandez
J. Liver Transplantation for Acute
Liver Failure: A Spanish Perspective. TRANSPL P, 2010. 42:619-621.
22 Miraglia R, Luca A, Maruzzelli L,
Spada M, Riva S, Caruso S, Maggiore
G, Gridelli B, Bosch J. Measurement
of hepatic vein pressure gradient in
children with chronic liver diseases. J
HEPATOL, 2010. 53:624-629. I.F.:7,82.
23 Berzigotti A, Bellot P, DeGottardi A, Garcia-Pagan JC, Gagnon C,
Spenard J, Bosch J. NCX-1000, a
Nitric Oxide-Releasing Derivative of
UDCA, Does Not Decrease Portal
Pressure in Patients With Cirrhosis:
Results of a Randomized, DoubleBlind, Dose-Escalating Study. AM J
GASTROENTEROL, 2010. 105:10941101. I.F.:6,01.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
24 To-Figueras J, Lopez RM, Deu-
30 Bargallo X, Carrera A, Sala-
lofeu R, Herrero C. Preliminary report
Hyperhomocysteinemia in patients
with acute intermittent porphyria.
METABOLISM, 2010. 59:1809-1810.
Blanch X, Santamaria G, Morro R, Llusa M, Gilabert R. Ultrasound-anatomic
correlation of the peripheral nerves of
the upper limb. SURG RADIOL ANAT,
2010. 32:305-314. I.F.:0,93.
25 Mejias M, Garcia-Pras E, Gallego
J, Mendez R, Bosch J, Fernandez
M. Relevance of the mTOR signaling
pathway in the pathophysiology of
splenomegaly in rats with chronic portal hypertension. J HEPATOL, 2010.
52:529-539. I.F.:7,82.
26 Tandon P, Abraldes JG, Berzigotti
A, Garcia-Pagan JC, Bosch J. Reninangiotensin-aldosterone inhibitors in
the reduction of portal pressure: A
systematic review and meta-analysis.
J HEPATOL, 2010. 53:273-282.
27 La Mura V, Abraldes JG, Berzigotti A, Erice E, Flores-Arroyo A,
Garcia-Pagan JC, Bosch J. Right Atrial
Pressure Is Not Adequate to Calculate
Portal Pressure Gradient in Cirrhosis:
A Clinical-Hemodynamic Correlation
Study. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:21082116. I.F.:10,84.
28 Iqbal F, Item CB, Vilaseca MA,
Jalan A, Muhl A, Couce ML, Duat A,
Delgado MP, Bosch J, Puche A, Campistol J, Pineda M, Bodamer OA. The
identification of novel mutations in
the biotinidase gene using denaturing
high pressure liquid chromatography
100:42-45. I.F.:2,90.
29 Berzigotti A, Abraldes JG,
Tandon P, Erice E, Gilabert R, GarciaPagan JC, Bosch J. Ultrasonographic
evaluation of liver surface and transient elastography in clinically doubtful
cirrhosis. J HEPATOL, 2010. 52:846853. I.F.:7,82.
I.F.: 54,87
Garcia-Tsao G, Bosch J. Current
Concepts: Management of Varices
and Variceal Hemorrhage in Cirrhosis.
NEW ENGL J MED, 2010. 362:823832. I.F.:47,05.
2 Bosch J, Abraldes JG, Fernandez
M, Garcia-Pagan JC. Hepatic endothelial dysfunction and abnormal angiogenesis: New targets in the treatment of
portal hypertension. J HEPATOL, 2010.
53:558-567. I.F.:7,82.
I.F.: 13,83
1 De Gottardi A, Abraldes JG. An
uncommon cause of massive scrotal enlargement. LIVER INT, 2010.
30:995-995. I.F.:2,99.
Bosch J. Carvedilol for Portal Hypertension in Patients with Cirrhosis.
HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:2214-2218.
Grants for research
in progress
Garcia-Pagan JC. Mecanismos moleculares de la disfunción endotelial
intrahepática en la cirrosis. Nuevas
dianas terapéuticas de la hipertensión portal. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Educación y Ciencia, SAF2007-61298.
Amount: 222.156,00 euros. Duration:
Gonzalez-Abraldes J. Insulino resistencia y disfunción endotelial sinusoidal
en las hepatopatías crónicas. Mecanismos moleculares y significación
clínica. Sponsored by: FIS, PI08/0193.
Amount: 42.592,00 euros. Duration:
Mercè Fernández Lobato. Regulación
de la angiogénesis en la hipertensión
portal y la cirrosis hepática. Evaluación
de nuevos enfoques terapéuticos.
Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, SAF2008-02461.
Amount: 121.000,00 euros. Duration:
Mercè Fernández Lobato. Regulació
de l’angiogènesi en la hipertensió
portal. Avaluació de noves estratègies
terapèutiques. Sponsored by: Fundació Marató TV3, MARATO-081210.
Amount: 118.497,50 euros. Duration:
Escorsell A. Eficacia y seguridad de
la prótesis esofágica autoexpandible
versus sonda-balón de sengstaken
como tratamiento hemostático de
emergencia en pacientes con hemorragia aguda por varices esofágicas y
fracaso del tratamiento farmacólogico
y endoscópico. Sponsored by: Fondo
de Investigaciones Sanitarias de la
Seguridad Social, FIS PI 08/0504.
Amount: 0,00 euros. Duration:
Bosch J. Reconocimiento GRUP DE
by: Generalitat de Catalunya, 2009_
SGR_1108. Amount: 47.840,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Bosch J. Mecanismos celulares
y moleculares en la hipertensión
portal no cirrótica. Sponsored by:
Ministerio Ciencia e Innovación
(FCCI-ACI-Colabora), ACI2009-0938.
Amount: 95.000,00 euros. Duration:
Bosch J. Estudio multicéntrico,
aleatorizado, doble-ciego, controlado
con placebo, sobre la eficacia del
tratamiento de beta-bloqueantes
para prevenir la descompensación
de la cirrosis con hipertensión portal.
Sponsored by: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS), EC 08/00091 .
Amount: 134.310,00 euros. Duration:
Bosch J. Hepatic hemodynamics and
portal hypertension in cirrhosis. Advances in the pathophysiology, non-invasive evaluation and therapy. (Clinical
& experimental studies). Sponsored
III, PI09/1261. Amount: 655.215,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2013.
Bosch J. Asociación de estatinas al
tratamiento estándar en la prevención de la recidiva hemorrágica en
pacientes con cirrosis y hemorragia
por varices.. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD, POLITICA
Amount: 204.000,00 euros. Duration:
Bosch J. Estudio multicéntrico,
aleatorizado, doble-ciego, controlado
con placebo, sobre la eficacia del
tratamiento con beta-bloqueantes
para la prevención de la descompensación de la cirrosis con hipertensión
portal. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
Amount: 134.310,00 euros. Duration:
Bosch J. Valor pronóstico de nuevos
parámetros hemodinámicos en el
tratamiento de la hipertensión portal.
PhD student: Vincenzo La Mura.
Bosch J, Fernandez M. Implicació de
l’ angiogènesi en al patofisiologia de la
hipertensió portal. PhD student: Marc
Mejias Hernández.
Bosch J, Garcia-Pagan JC. Implicaciones pronósticas de la reducción
farmacologica de la presión portal
en pacientes con cirrosis hepatica.
Mecanismos fisiopatologicos de no
respuesta a los betabloqueantes y
nuevas estrategias terapéuticas. PhD
student: Juan Turnes Vázquez.
Team involved in:
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Group Members
Julián Panés
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 18
Fax: 93 227 93 87
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Josep Mª Bordas (Hospital Clínic)
Faust Feu (Hospital Clínic)
Glòria Lacima (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Llach (Hospital Clínic)
Josep M. Piqué (Hospital Clínic)
Azucena Salas (IDIBAPS)
Elena Ricart (Hospital Clínic)
Salvadora Delgado (Hospital Clínic)
Miquel Sans (IDIBAPS)
Main Lines
of Research
The strategic objectives of the
research group in inflammatory
bowel disease comprise aspects
relating to the physiopathology,
diagnosis and treatment of these
disorders, as specified by the following points:
•The development of new treatment strategies for Crohn’s
disease and ulcerative colitis,
focused on cell therapy and the
identification of new therapeutic
targets susceptible to pharmacological modulation.
•Further in-depth knowledge of
the genetic and environmental
factors responsible for susceptibility and the course of the disease, with a view to designing
personalized therapies.
•Optimization of the radiological
and biochemical diagnostic techniques with the aim of adapting
treatment to the needs of each
individual patient, avoiding invasive explorations.
1. Hematopoietic stem cell autotransplantation in refractory Crohn’s
disease in conventional treatment
and biological therapies.
2. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of treatment with autologous
dendritic cells derived from peripheral blood monocytes in refractory
Crohn’s disease.
3. Optimization of magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound
techniques with contrast injection,
for evaluation of the extent and severity of the inflammatory lesions
in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
4. Evaluation of the prognostic value
of the magnetic resonance imaging findings in predicting the
course of the disease and treatment response.
5. Characterization of the genetic factors determining susceptibility and
phenotype in Crohn’s disease and
ulcerative colitis. Construction of
diagnostic genetic chips.
6. Study of the environmental factors influencing susceptibility and
the course of inflammatory bowel
Research Fellows:
Marisol Veny (Fundació Clínic)
Maria del Carme Masamunt
(Fundació Clínic)
Raquel Cabezón (Fundació Clínic)
Rut Mora (IDIBAPS)
Carolina España (Ciberhed)
Miriam Esteller (CIBERehd)
Nursing Staff:
Susana Pinó (Fundació Clínic)
Marta Gallego (Hospital Clínic)
Anna Ramírez (CIBERehd)
Montserrat Aceituno (Hospital Clínic)
Orlando García (Hospital Clínic)
Ingrid Ordás (Hospital Clínic)
Daniel Benítez (CIBERehd)
Culture of intestinal fibroblasts. Vimentin positivity.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Team Members
I.F.: 115,79
Gonzalo V, Lozano JJ, Munoz J, Balaguer F, Pellise M, DeMiguel CR, Andreu
M, Jover R, Llor X, Giraldez MD, Ocana
T, Serradesanferm A, Alonso-Espinaco V,
Jimeno M, Cuatrecasas M, Sendino O,
Castellvi-Bel S, Castells A. Aberrant Gene
Promoter Methylation Associated with
Sporadic Multiple Colorectal Cancer. PLOS
ONE, 2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
2 Hanauer SB, Panes J, Colombel JF,
Bloomfield R, Schreiber S, Sandborn WJ.
Clinical trial: impact of prior infliximab therapy on the clinical response to certolizumab
pegol maintenance therapy for Crohn’s
disease. ALIMENT PHARM THER, 2010.
32:384-393. I.F.:4,36.
3 Rimola J, Ordas I, Rodriguez S, Panes J.
Colonic Crohn’s disease: value of magnetic
resonance colonography for detection and
quantification of disease activity. ABDOM
IMAGING, 2010. 35:422-427. I.F.:1,79.
4 Bujanda L, Sarasqueta C, Hijona E, Hijona L, Cosme A, Gil I, Elorza JL, Asensio JI,
Larburu S, Enriquez-Navascues JM, Jover
R, Balaguer F, Llor X, Bessa X, Andreu M,
Paya A, Castells A. Colorectal cancer prognosis twenty years later. WORLD J GASTROENTERO, 2010. 16:862-867. I.F.:2,09.
5 DelRio AS, Baudet JS, Rodriguez AN,
DeLosRios RCF, Franco IS, Tormo JRA,
Munoz DS, Llach J, Molina AH, Parra-Blanco A, Acosta JAD. Development and validation of quality standards for colonoscopy.
MED CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 134:49-56.
6 Sendino O, Fernandez-Esparrach G,
Sole M, Colomo L, Pellise M, Llach J, Navarro S, Bordas JM, Gines A. Endoscopic
ultrasonography-guided brushing increases
cellular diagnosis of pancreatic cysts: A
prospective study. DIGEST LIVER DIS,
2010. 42:877-881. I.F.:2,97.
7 Fernandez-Esparrach G, Sendino O,
Sole M, Pellise M, Colomo L, Pardo A,
Martinez-Palli G, Arguello L, Bordas JM,
Llach J, Gines A. Endoscopic ultrasoundguided fine-needle aspiration and trucut
biopsy in the diagnosis of gastric stromal tumors: a randomized crossover
study. ENDOSCOPY, 2010. 42:292-299.
Franke A, Mcgovern DPB, Barrett
JC, Wang K, Radford-Smith GL, Ahmad
T, Lees CW, Balschun T, Lee J, Roberts
R, Anderson CA, Bis JC, Bumpstead S,
Ellinghaus D, Festen EM, Georges M,
Green T, Haritunians T, Jostins L, Latiano A, Mathew CG, Montgomery GW,
Prescott NJ, Raychaudhuri S, Rotter JI,
Schumm P, Sharma Y, Simms LA, Taylor
KD, Whiteman D, Wijmenga C, Baldassano RN, Barclay M, Bayless TM, Brand
S, Buning C, Cohen A, Colombel JF, Cottone M, Stronati L, Denson T, DeVos M,
D’inca R, Dubinsky M, Edwards C, Florin
T, Franchimont D, Gearry R, Glas J, VanGossum A, Guthery SL, Halfvarson J, Verspaget HW, Hugot JP, Karban A, Laukens
D, Lawrance I, Lemann M, Levine A, Libioulle C, Louis E, Mowat C, Newman W,
Panes J, Phillips A, Proctor DD, Regueiro
M, Russell R, Rutgeerts P, Sanderson J,
Sans M, Seibold F, Steinhart AH, Stokkers
PCF, Torkvist L, Kullak-Ublick G, Wilson D,
Walters T, Targan SR, Brant SR, Rioux JD,
D’amato M, Weersma RK, Kugathasan
S, Griffiths AM, Mansfield JC, Vermeire
S, Duerr RH, Silverberg MS, Satsangi J,
Schreiber S, Cho JH, Annese V, Hakonarson H, Daly MJ, Parkes M. Genome-wide
meta-analysis increases to 71 the number
of confirmed Crohn’s disease susceptibility loci. NAT GENET, 2010. 42:1118-U121.
Schreiber S, Colombel JF, Bloomfield
R, Nikolaus S, Scholmerich J, Panes J,
Sandborn WJ. Increased Response and
Remission Rates in Short-Duration Crohn’s
Disease With Subcutaneous Certolizumab Pegol: An Analysis of PRECiSE 2
Randomized Maintenance Trial Data. AM J
GASTROENTEROL, 2010. 105:1574-1582.
10 Veny M, Esteller M, Ricart E, Pique
JM, Panes J, Salas A. Late Crohn’s disease
patients present an increase in peripheral
Th17 cells and cytokine production compared
with early patients. ALIMENT PHARM THER,
2010. 31:561-572. I.F.:4,36.
11 Loras C, Gisbert JP, Minguez M, Merino
O, Bujanda L, Saro C, Domenech E, Barrio J,
Andreu M, Ordas I, Vida L, Bastida G, Gonzalez-Huix F, Piqueras M, Ginard D, Calvet
X, Gutierrez A, Abad A, Torres M, Panes J,
Chaparro M, Pascual I, Rodriguez-Carballeira
M, Fernandez-Banares F, Viver JM, Esteve
M. Liver dysfunction related to hepatitis B
and C in patients with inflammatory bowel
disease treated with immunosuppressive
therapy. GUT, 2010. 59:1340-1346. I.F.:9,36.
Lacima G, Pera M, Amador A, Escaramis G, Pique JM. Long-term results of biofeedback treatment for faecal incontinence:
a comparative study with untreated controls.
COLORECTAL DIS, 2010. 12:742-749.
Sylla P, Rattner DW, Delgado S, Lacy
AM. NOTES transanal rectal cancer resection
using transanal endoscopic microsurgery and
laparoscopic assistance. SURG ENDOSC,
2010. 24:1205-1210. I.F.:3,31.
Lacy A, Ibarzabal A, Pando E, Adelsdorfer C, Delitala A, Corcelles R, Delgado S,
Vidal J. Revisional Surgery After Sleeve Gastrectomy. SURG LAPARO ENDO PER, 2010.
20:351-356. I.F.:0,83.
Fernandez-Esparrach G, Bordas JM,
Giraldez MD, Gines A, Pellise M, Sendino
O, Martinez-Palli G, Castells A, Llach J. Severe Complications Limit Long-Term Clinical
Success of Self-Expanding Metal Stents in
Patients With Obstructive Colorectal Cancer.
AM J GASTROENTEROL, 2010. 105:10871093. I.F.:6,01.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Abuli A, Bessa X, Gonzalez JR, RuizPonte C, Caceres A, Munoz J, Gonzalo V,
Balaguer F, Fernandez-Rozadilla C, Gonzalez
D, DeCastro L, Clofent J, Bujanda L, Cubiella
J, Rene JM, Morillas JD, Lanas A, Rigau J,
Garcia AM, Latorre M, Salo J, Banares FF,
Arguello L, Pena E, Vilella A, Riestra S, Carreno R, Paya A, Alenda C, Xicola RM, Doyle
BJ, Jover R, Llor X, Carracedo A, Castells
A, Castellvi-Bel S, Andreu M. Susceptibility
Genetic Variants Associated With Colorectal Cancer Risk Correlate With Cancer
Phenotype. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010.
139:788-U129. I.F.:12,90.
Fernandez-Esparrach G, Estepar RS,
Guarner-Argente C, Martinez-Palli G, Navarro
R, DeMiguel CR, Cordova H, Thompson CC,
Lacy AM, Donoso L, Ayuso-Colella JR, Gines
A, Pellise M, Llach J, Vosburgh KG. The role
of a computed tomography-based image registered navigation system for natural orifice
transluminal endoscopic surgery: a comparative study in a porcine model. ENDOSCOPY,
2010. 42:1096-1103. I.F.:5,55.
18 Nunes T, Barreiro-DeAcosta M, Nos
P, Marin-Jimenez I, Bermejo F, Ceballos D,
Iglesias E, Gomez-Senent S, Torres Y, Ponferrada A, Arevalo JA, Hernandez V, Calvet X,
Ginard D, Monfort D, Chaparro M, Mancenido N, Dominguez-Antonaya M, Villalon C,
Perez-Calle JL, Munoz C, Nunez H, Carpio
D, Aramendiz R, Bujanda L, Estrada-Oncins
S, Hermida C, Barrio J, Casis MB, DuenasSadornil MC, Fernandez L, Calvo-Cenizo MM,
Botella B, DeFrancisco R, Ayala E, Sans M.
Usefulness of oral beclometasone dipropionate in the treatment of active ulcerative colitis
in clinical practice: The RECLICU Study. J
CROHNS COLITIS, 2010. 4:629-636. I.F.:1,73.
19 Guarner-Argente C, Cordova H, MartinezPalli G, Navarro R, Cuatrecasas M, DeMiguel
CR, Beltran M, Lacy AM, Gines A, Pellise M,
Llach J, Fernandez-Esparrach G. Yes, we can:
reliable colonic closure with the Padlock-G
clip in a survival porcine study (with video).
GASTROINTEST ENDOSC, 2010. 72:841-844.
I.F.: 4,36
1 Garcia-Bosch O, Ricart E, Panes J. Re-
management of Crohn’s disease: Definitions
and diagnosis. J CROHNS COLITIS, 2010.
4:7-27. I.F.:1,73.
view article: stem cell therapies for inflammatory bowel disease - efficacy and safety.
ALIMENT PHARM THER, 2010. 32:939952. I.F.:4,36.
Sanjuan X, Salas A, Lloreta J, Walsh PM.
Colorectal Cancer OncoGuia: surgical pathology report guidelines. CLIN TRANSL ONCOL.
12:211-213. I.F.:1,15.
Grants for research
in progress
I.F.: 38,16
Lanas A, Calvet X, Feu F, Ponce J, Gisbert JP, Barkun A. First spanish consensus
on peptic ulcer bleeding management.
MED CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 135:608616. I.F.:1,23.
2 Veny M, Salas A, Panes J. Is Lack of
“Education” a Mechanism Driving Loss
of Tolerance in Crohn’s Disease?. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 139:1056-1058.
Panes J, Ricart E, Rimola J. New MRI
modalities for assessment of inflammatory
bowel disease. GUT, 2010. 59:1308-1309.
Salas A, Panes J. The 2-phase model
of Crohn’s disease: from immune defect to
hyperresponse. GASTROENTEROLOGY,
2010. 138:1204-1206. I.F.:12,90.
Sans M. Trying to Reconcile Genetic
Findings with Resistance to Lymphocyte
Apoptosis in Crohn’s Disease Pathogenesis.
DIGESTION, 2010. 81:244-245. I.F.:1,77.
Panes J. Terapia con células dendríticas tolerogénicas en la enfermedad de Crohn refractaria.
SAF2009_07272. Amount: 254.100,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Sans M. ECCO Fellowship 2010 Agreement.
Prize awarded to Dr. Sans for ECCO’s interest in supporting future research in the field
of “Molecular determinations of homing of
stem cells in IBD.”. Sponsored by: European Crohn’s & Colitis Organisation ECCO,
10/311. Amount: 30.000,00 euros. Duration:
Panes J. Tratamiento de la enfermedad de
Crohn refractaria con células dendríticas reguladoras: estudio piloto.. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD, POLITICA SOCIAL
E IGUALDAD, TRA-097. Amount: 155.856,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2011.
Clinical Guidelines
Sans M. Estudio de la fibrogénesis intestinal
en la enfermedad de Crohn. Evaluación de
nuevas estratégias para el tratamiento de
la fibrosis intestinal. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, SAF2008-03676.
Amount: 84.700,00 euros. Duration:
I.F.: 2,88
VanAssche G, Dignass A, Panes J,
Beaugerie L, Karagiannis J, Allez M,
Ochsenkuhn T, Orchard T, Rogler G, Louis
E, Kupcinskas L, Mantzaris G, Travis S,
Stange E. The second European evidencebased Consensus on the diagnosis and
Castells A, Pique JM. Prevención del cáncer
colorrectal: Nuevas estrategias de cribado,
vigilancia y quimioprofilaxis. PhD student:
Francisco Rodriguez Moranta.
Team involved in:
Cholestasis and bone pathology
Group Members
Albert Parés
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 57 53
Fax: 93 451 55 22
[email protected]
Núria Guanyabens
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
(Ext.: 2235)
[email protected]
Main Lines
of Research
1. Study of the epidemiology, pathogen-
The research lines of this team are divided into two research groups.
esis, diagnosis and treatment of adult
chronic cholestatic disorders and
autoimmune hepatitis.
2. Knowledge of the pathogenic mechanisms underlying pruritus and osteoporosis in primary biliary cirrhosis.
3. Definition of the therapeutic potential
of different artificial liver support procedures in liver failure.
4. Investigation of the pathogenic and
therapeutic aspects of metabolic
bone diseases.
Group Leader: Albert Pares (Hospital Clínic)
1. Epidemiology, natural history and therapeutic response of
chronic cholestatic disorders in adults. Determination of the
prevalence and incidence of cholestatic disorders in adults in
Spain, and definition of the factors associated with the forms
of presentation of primary biliary cirrhosis – particularly of its asymptomatic
forms. Evaluation of the factors conditioning treatment response, and proposition of new treatment regimens in patients showing suboptimum response to
ursodeoxycholic acid. Relevance of the anionic exchanger AE2.
2. Diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis. Development of a new diagnostic
procedure for autoimmune hepatitis, based on peptide mapping – a project
conducted in collaboration with 6 centers in Europe and one in Israel.
Idibaps members:
Antoni Mas (Hospital Clínic)
M. Lluisa Álvarez (Hospital Clínic)
Pilar Peris (Hospital Clínic)
Ana Monegal Brancós (Hospital Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Pau Bosch (Fundació Clínic)
Marta Dubreuil (CIBERehd)
Nursing Staff:
Lucia Lorente (CIBERehd)
Rosana Ahuir (CIBERehd)
Mª Jesús Martinez de Osaba (Hospital Clinic)
Àngels Martinez-Ferrer (Hospital Clínic)
Silvia Ruiz-Gaspá (CIBERehd)
3. Pruritus in chronic cholestasis and treatment response to albumin dialysis:
proteomic analysis. Evaluation of treatment response based on albumin dialysis in patients with chronic cholestasis and refractory pruritus, and identification of the eliminated peptides and proteins using MARS. Study of the skin
of these patients, in order to identify potential molecules associated with
pruritus. Evaluation of the bile acid fractions and their eliminated conjugates
based on the MARS system, and their relationship to diminished pruritus.
4. Pathogenesis of osteoporosis and fracture development in primary biliary cirrhosis and other chronic cholestatic disorders. In collaboration with
the Bone Metabolic Diseases group, evaluation of the factors underlying
fractures in primary biliary cirrhosis, and the proposal of new therapeutic
modalities for increasing bone mass. Likewise, investigation is conducted
into the repercussion of retained bile acids and bilirubin in cholestasis upon
the development of bone disease.
5. Artificial liver support. Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of different bioartificial liver and hepatic support systems in treating acute liver failure and
exacerbated chronic liver failure. An open-label, prospective randomized
study versus conventional treatment involving cryopreserved human hepatocytes from organs not apt for transplantation.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
I.F.: 59,69
Effect of dialysis with albumin (MARS) on
pruritus in patients with chronic cholestasis.
VAS: visual analogue scale.
Bone metabolic disease
Group Leader:
Nuria Guanyabens
(Hospital Clínic)
1. Osteoporosis in premenopausal women
and in males. Study of the clinical characteristics and mechanisms involved in
the development of the disorder.
2. Osteoporosis in primary biliary cirrhosis. Clinical and “in vitro” analysis.
Evaluation of the key factors in the low
development of bone mass and the appearance of fractures, and proposal of
new therapeutic protocols. In addition,
evaluation of the effect of bilirubin and
bile acids upon primary osteoblasts in
3. Osteoporosis in liver transplantation.
Evaluation of the hormonal changes
regulating bone remodeling in this pathology.
4. Analysis of the efficacy of vertebroplasty. Evaluation of the clinical usefulness
and the complications of this procedure
in the treatment of pain secondary to
recent vertebral fracture due to osteoporosis.
5. Evaluation of bone remodeling regulators. Evaluation of the role of sclerostin
and, through this protein, investigation
of the influence of osteocytes upon
bone loss associated with glucocorticoid treatment and immobilization.
Ruiz-Gaspa S, Guanabens N, Enjuanes A, Peris P, Martinez-Ferrer A,
DeOsaba MJM, Gonzalez B, Alvarez
L, Monegal A, Combalia A, Pares A.
Lithocholic acid downregulates vitamin D effects in human osteoblasts.
EUR J CLIN INVEST, 2010. 40:25-34.
Enjuanes A, Ruiz-Gaspa S, Peris P,
Ozalla D, Alvarez L, Combalia A, DeOsaba MJM, Monegal A, Pares A, Guanabens N. The effect of the alendronate
on OPG/RANKL system in differentiated
primary human osteoblasts. ENDOCRINE, 2010. 37:180-186. I.F.:1,28.
3 Gay M, Carrascal M, Gorga M,
Pares A, Abian J. Characterization of
peptides and proteins in commercial
HSA solutions. PROTEOMICS, 2010.
10:172-181. I.F.:4,43.
4 Sola E, Lens S, Guevara M, MartinLlahi M, Fagundes C, Pereira G, Pavesi
M, Fernandez J, Gonzalez-Abraldes J,
Escorsell A, Mas A, Bosch J, Arroyo
V, Gines P. Hyponatremia in Patients
Treated With Terlipressin for Severe
Gastrointestinal Bleeding Due to Portal
Hypertension. HEPATOLOGY, 2010.
52:1783-1790. I.F.:10,84.
5 Mas A, Escorsell A, Fernandez J.
Liver Transplantation for Acute Liver
Failure: A Spanish Perspective. TRANSPL P, 2010. 42:619-621. I.F.:0,99.
6 Hernandez MV, Peris P, Monegal A,
Reyes R, Muxi A, Gifre L, Guanabens
N. Effects of Intravenous Pamidronate
on Renal Function, Bone Mineral Metabolism and Bone Mass in Patients With
Severe Osteoporosis. AM J MED SCI,
2010. 339:225-229. I.F.:1,20.
7 Casas F, Borras JM, Ferrer F, Guanyabens N, Gutierrez R, Leon C, Lopez
J, Mellado B, Morote J, Puig J, Ribal J,
Serra A, Valls V, Zapatero A. Evidencebased consensus recommendations to
improve the quality of life in prostate
cancer treatment. CLIN TRANSL ONCOL, 2010. 12(5):346-355. I.F.:1,15.
8 Guanabens N, Cerda D, Monegal A,
Pons F, Caballeria L, Peris P, Pares A.
Low Bone Mass and Severity of Cholestasis Affect Fracture Risk in Patients
With Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 138:23482356. I.F.:12,90.
9 Palenzuela L, Mas A, Montaner J,
Cordoba J. Matrix Metalloproteinase-9
in Fulminant Hepatic Failure. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:1475-1476. I.F.:10,84.
Arboleya L, Diaz-Curiel M, DelRio
L, Blanch J, Diez-Perez A, Guanabens
N, Quesada JM, Sosa M, Gomez C,
Munoz-Torres M, Ramirez E, Combalia
J. Prevalence of vertebral fracture in
postmenopausal women with lumbar
osteopenia using MorphoXpress (R)
EXP RES, 2010. 22:419-426. I.F.:1,26.
Gabaroi DC, Peris P, Monegal A,
Albaladejo C, Martinez MA, Muxi A,
DeOsaba MJM, Suris X, Guanabens N.
Search for hidden secondary causes in
postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. MENOPAUSE, 2010. 17:135-139.
Enjuanes A, Ruiz-Gaspa S, Peris
P, Ozalla D, Alvarez L, Combalia A,
DeOsaba MJM, Monegal A, Pares
A, Guanabens N. The effect of the
alendronate on OPG/RANKL system
in differentiated primary human osteoblasts. ENDOCRINE, 2010. 37:322-328.
Pares A, Herrera M, Aviles J,
Sanz M, Mas A. Treatment of resistant pruritus from cholestasis with
albumin dialysis: Combined analysis
of patients from three centers. J HEPATOL, 2010. 53:307-312. I.F.:7,82.
I.F.: 3,05
1 Guanabens N, Pares A. Liver and
2010. 503:84-94. I.F.:3,05.
Grants for
research in progress
Pares A. Enfermedades hepáticas autoinmunes. Nuevos procedimientos
diagnósticos mediante mapeo peptídico. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PI07/1318E (E-RARE).
Amount: 220.220,00 euros. Duration:
Peris P. Efecte de la vertebroplàstia
percutània en la qualitat de vida
dels pacients amb dolor relacionat
amb fractures vertebrals osteoporòtiques. Comparació amb el
tractament conservador. Sponsored
by: Fundació Marató TV3, 0000.
Amount: 149.844,00 euros. Duration:
Pares A. Prurito de la colestasis:
fisiopatología y análisis proteómico.
Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, SAF200804012.
Amount: 96.800,00 euros. Duration:
Guanyabens N. Influencia de la bilirrubina y los ácidos biliares sobre la
formación ósea. Estudio “in vitro”
en osteoblastos humanos. Sponsored by: Ministeri Sanitat i Consum ,
PI080105. Amount: 91.113,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-30/12/2011.
Peris P. Efecte de la vertebroplastia
percutània en la qualitat de vida dels
pacients amb dolor relacionat amb
fractures vertrebals osteroporòtiques. Comparació amb el tractament
conservador. Sponsored by: FUNDACIÓ LA MARATÓ DE TV3, 071710.
Amount: 149.844,00 euros. Duration:
Team involved in:
Mitochondrial regulation of
cell death and steatohepatitis
Group Members
José Carlos
Tel.: 93 227 57 09
Fax: 93 363 83 01
Idibaps members:
Joan Caballeria (Hospital Clínic)
Anna Colell (IIBB-CSIC)
Carmen García Ruíz (IIBB-CSIC)
Montserrat Marí (IDIBAPS)
Albert Morales (IIBB-CSIC)
Main Lines
of Research
1. Determination of intracellular signaling and the role of mitochondria in
cell susceptibility in inflammation,
hypoxia and chemotherapy, and their
relevance in relation to liver carcinogenesis.
2. Determination of the mechanisms of
cholesterol and sphingolipid participation in hepatocellular death in different disorders such as non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis (NASH) or ischemia/
reperfusion damage.
3. Analysis of the role of free cholesterol in patients with non-alcoholic
4. Contribution of the physicochemical
properties of the mitochondrial membrane in cell death.
1. Ischemia-reperfusion liver cell
damage mechanisms and their
regulation based on antioxidant and
antiinflammatory strategies.
2. Sphingolipid and mitochondrial oxidative stress regulation of cell death.
3. Regulation of cholesterol homeostasis in patients and experimental models of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
4. Mechanisms responsible for cholesterol mitochondrial transit.
5. Role of cholesterol in hepatocellular carcinoma response to chemotherapy.
6. Role of cholesterol and mitochondrial GSH in Alzheimer’s disease.
7. Contribution of acid sphingomyelinase to liver fibrosis.
Postdoctoral fellows:
Laura Conde de la Rosa (CSIC)
Claudia Von Montfort (CSIC)
Research Fellows:
Anna Fernández (McyT)
Anna Moles (FIS)
Raquel Fucho (CIBERehd)
Nuria Matias (MCyT)
Nuria Tarrats (FIS)
Elisabeth Barbero (CSIC)
Cristina Bárcena (IDIBAPS)
Laura Martínez (MCyT)
Milica Stefanovic (CSIC)
Susana Núñez Pozuelo (Ciberehd)
In vivo analysis of the liver production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) of mitochondrial origin based on
two-photon confocal microscopy. The induction of nutritional liver steatosis was carried out by administering
a high-cholesterol (HC) diet or a choline-deficient diet
(Lombarda) during 48 hours. The administration of DCF
and TMRE was carried out via the portal vein, examining
the fluorescence emission of both probes in intact liver
in vivo with two-photon confocal microscopy.
Three lines in which we have obtained
important results are:
1. Alterations of the mitochondrial
antioxidants glutathione and
S-adenosylmethionine in the
development of non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis (NASH).
A diet deficient in methionine
and choline is the typically
applied animal model of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH),
since it reflects the steatosis,
mitochondrial dysfunction, liver
cell damage, oxidative stress,
inflammation and fibrosis
characteristic of the human
disease. Our study in the Journal
of Biological Chemistry shows
that methionine deficiency is
specifically the cause of the
decrease in mitochondrial
antioxidant defense (glutathione
and S-adenosylmethionine) and
of the increase in mitochondrial
membrane rigidity. These
mitochondrial alterations
favor liver cell sensitivity to
“second impacts” such as the
inflammatory cytokines. For this
reason, therapies with permeable
pro-glutathion compounds can
be effective for avoiding the
progression of non-alcoholic
2. Acid sphingomyelinase
participates in the activation
of stellate cells and in liver
Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs)
participate in the development of
liver fibrosis through their transdifferentiation/activation to yield
myofibroblast-type cells. Acid
sphingomyelinase (ASMase) is
a known sphingolipid enzyme
that regulates liver cell death
induced by oxidative stress
and through the mediation of
death receptors. Our article
in the American Journal of
Pathology shows that ASMase is
activated during HSC activation
in parallel to an increase in
catepsin B and D processing.
The pharmacological inhibition
of ASMase or its genic silencing
reduces catepsin activation
and the trans-differentiation
and proliferation of HSCs. In
samples from patients with
fibrosis induced by non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis (NASH), the
ASMase/catepsin axis is clearly
increased compared with
the situation found in healthy
subjects. These results point to
the importance of the ASMase/
catepsin pathway in HSC
activation, and suggest that their
antagonism may prove relevant
in the treatment of liver fibrosis.
3. Growth arrest-specific 6 (GAS6)
protein induces liver protection
against murine ischemia/
reperfusion (I/R) damage.
While GAS6 is known to promote
cell growth and survival during
cell repair and the development of
different organs, its participation in
the protection and posterior repair
of liver cell damage caused by
ischemia/reperfusion had not been
previously explored. Our paper
published in Hepatology evidences
that GAS6 activates post-ischemic
protection mechanisms (AKT) in the
liver, and that animals deficient in
this protein are highly sensitive to
I/R. Moreover, recombinant GAS6
is able to protect the ischemic liver,
administered to both wild-strain
animals and animals deficient in
this protein. Thus, GAS6 appears
as a liver protective molecule and
as a potential therapeutic target
for increasing protection against
I/R and possibly also against other
hepatotoxic stimuli.
I.F.: 70,69
Azzalini L, Ferrer E, Ramalho LN,
Moreno M, Dominguez M, Colmenero J, Peinado VI, Barbera JA, Arroyo V, Gines P, Caballeria J, Bataller
R. Cigarette Smoking Exacerbates
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in
Obese Rats. HEPATOLOGY, 2010.
51:1567-1576. I.F.:10,84.
Moreno M, Chaves JF, Sancho-Bru
P, Ramalho F, Ramalho LN, Mansego
ML, Ivorra C, Dominguez M, Conde
L, Millan C, Mari M, Colmenero J,
Lozano JJ, Jares P, Vidal J, Forns X,
Arroyo V, Caballeria J, Gines P, Bataller
R. Ghrelin Attenuates Hepatocellular
Injury and Liver Fibrogenesis in Rodents and Influences Fibrosis Progression in Humans. HEPATOLOGY, 2010.
51:974-985. I.F.:10,84.
Moles A, Tarrats N, Morales A,
Dominguez M, Bataller R, Caballeria
J, Garcia-Ruiz C, Fernandez-Checa
JC, Mari M. Acidic Sphingomyelinase Controls Hepatic Stellate
Cell Activation and in Vivo Liver
Fibrogenesis. AM J PATHOL, 2010.
177:1214-1224. I.F.:5,67.
Montero J, Mari M, Colell A,
Morales A, Basanez G, Garcia-Ruiz
C, Fernandez-Checa JC. Cholesterol
and peroxidized cardiolipin in mitochondrial membrane properties,
permeabilization and cell death.
1797:1217-1224. I.F.:3,69.
5 Llacuna L, Barcena C, BellidoMartin L, Fernandez L, Stefanovic M,
Mari M, Garcia-Ruiz C, FernandezCheca JC, DeFrutos PG, Morales A.
Growth Arrest-Specific Protein 6 Is
Hepatoprotective Against Murine Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 52:1371-1379. I.F.:10,84.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
Vazquez-Chantada M, FernandezRamos D, Embade N, MartinezLopez N, Varela-Rey M, Woodhoo A,
Luka Z, Wagner C, Anglim PP, Finnell
RH, Caballeria J, Laird-Offringa
IA, Gorospe M, Lu SC, Mato JM,
Martinez-Chantar ML. HuR/MethylHuR and AUF1 Regulate the MAT
Expressed During Liver Proliferation,
Differentiation, and Carcinogenesis.
GASTROENTEROLOGY. 138:1943U97. I.F.:12,90.
Barr J, Vazquez-Chantada M,
Alonso C, Perez-Cormenzana M,
Mayo R, Galan A, Caballeria J,
Martin-Duce A, Tran A, Wagner C,
Luka Z, Lu SC, Castro A, LeMarchand-Brustel Y, Martinez-Chantar
ML, Veyrie N, Clement K, Tordjman
J, Gual P, Mato JM. Liquid Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryBased Parallel Metabolic Profiling
of Human and Mouse Model Serum
Reveals Putative Biomarkers Associated with the Progression of
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
J PROTEOME RES, 2010. 9:45014512. I.F.:5,13.
Rodriguez-Suarez E, Duce AM,
Caballeria J, Arrieta FM, Fernandez E, Gomara C, Alkorta N, Ariz
U, Martinez-Chantar ML, Lu SC,
Elortza F, Mato JM. Non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease proteomics.
4:362-371. I.F.:1,88.
Fernandez-Checa JC, Fernandez
A, Morales A, Mari M, Garcia-Ruiz
C, Colell A. Oxidative Stress and
Altered Mitochondrial Function in
Neurodegenerative Diseases: Lessons From Mouse Models. CNS
NEUROL DISORD-DR, 2010. 9:439454. I.F.:3,57.
Caballero F, Fernandez A, Matias N, Martinez L, Fucho R, Elena
M, Caballeria J, Morales A, Fernandez-Checa JC, Garcia-Ruiz C. Specific Contribution of Methionine and
Choline in Nutritional Nonalcoholic
Steatohepatitis Impact on mitochondrial S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine and
glutathione. J BIOL CHEM, 2010.
285:18528-18536. I.F.:5,33.
I.F.: 10,97
Seth D, El-Guindy NBD, Apte
M, Mari M, Dooley S, Neuman M,
Haber PS, Kundu GC, Darwanto A,
DeVilliers WJ, Vonlaufen A, Xu Z,
Phillips P, Yang S, Goldstein D, Pirola
RM, Wilson JS, Moles A, Fernandez
A, Colell A, Garcia-Ruiz C, Fernandez-Checa JC, Meyer C, MeindlBeinker NM. Alcohol, Signaling, and
RES, 2010. 34:4-18. I.F.:3,39.
Mari M, Colell A, Morales A,
VonMontfort C, Garcia-Ruiz C,
Fernandez-Checa JC. Redox Control of Liver Function in Health and
2010. 12:1295-1331. I.F.:7,58.
Grants for research
in progress
Mari M. Catepsinas en la Fibrosis
Hepática: Regulación por TNF.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad
y Consumo, PI070193. Amount:
217.800,00 euros. Duration:
Carmen Garcia Ruiz. Papel de los esfingolipidos en la esteatohepatitis no
alcohólica y resistencia a la insulina
hepática. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Educación y Ciencia, SAF200802199. Amount: 100.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Colell A. Papel del colesterol y la
autofagia en la muerte celular inducida por péptidos beta-amiloides.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Educación y Ciencia, SAF2008- 04974.
Amount: 80.000,00 euros. Duration:
García C. Papel de la ceramida y los
esfingolípidos en la estetohepatitis.
Sponsored by: Fundación de Investigación Médica Mútua Madrileña,
0000. Amount: 21.500,00 euros. Duration: 31/12/2008-30/12/2011.
Fernández-Checa JC. Mitochondrial
cholesterol and sphingolipids in ALD:
trafficking and cross-talk with the
ER. Sponsored by: National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA -NIH), P50-AA11999 .
Amount: 614.293,00 euros. Duration:
Caballeria J. Desarrollo de métodos
diagnósticos no invasivos para el
diagnóstico y pronóstico de las enfermedades hepáticas inducidas por
el alcohol. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 122.210,00 euros. Duration:
Fernández-Checa JC. Mitocondria y
cáncer: papel del colesterol, GSH y cardiolipina en la regulación de la permeabilización de la membrana mitocondrial
y muerte celular. Sponsored by: Ministerio Educación y Ciencia, SAF200911417. Amount: 359.950,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Morales A. Interacción parénquimaestroma en patologías hepáticas
asociadas al eje inflamación-cáncer
e isquemia/reperfusión: implicaciones terapéuticas. Sponsored by:
PI09/00056. Amount: 120.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Team involved in:
Strategic Objectives
Group Members
Investigation of clinical, mechanistic
and therapeutic aspects of liver transplantation.
Antoni Rimola
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 57 53
Fax: 93 451 55 22
E-mail: [email protected]
Main Lines
of Research
1. Ischemia-reperfusion liver damage
in different models: warm ischemia;
experimental liver transplantation
in the rat with normal reduced or
steatosic grafts; experimental liver
transplantation in the pig with whole
or partial grafts, or grafts obtained
from donors in asystolia; and liver
transplantation in humans.
2. Immune suppression, with special
interest in three fields: immune
tolerance of the allograft, biomarkers of the effects of immune
suppressors, and identification of
populations with different risks of
Idibaps members:
Constantino Fondevila (Hospital Clínic)
Juan C. García-Valdecasas (Hospital Clínic)
Martí Manyalich (Hospital Clínic)
Albert Sánchez Fueyo (Hospital Clínic)
Joan Rosselló-Catafau (IIBB-CSIC)
Carmen Peralta (IDIBAPS)
Brunet, Mercedes (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Felix Bohne (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
Isabel Puig-Pey (CIRIT)
Araní Casillas (Soc. Catalana de Trasplantament)
Susana Padrissa (MCyT)
Research Fellows:
Lourdes Rafael-Valdivia (Fundació Clínic)
Belinda Martínez (Fundació Clínic)
Amine Zauali (IDIBAPS)
Xavier Muñoz (CIBERehd)
Isabel Alfany (IDIBAPS)
Mª Carlota Londoño
(Hospital Clínic, Premi Final Residència)
Ana Teresa Menjívar (Fundació Clínic)
Anna Rodríguez (CIBEREHD)
Mariangeles Bintanel (IDIBAPS)
Nursing Staff:
Pilar Sesé (IDIBAPS)
David Calatayud (Hospital Clínic)
Jose Fuster (Hospital Clínic)
Marta Massip (CIBERehd)
Marta López (IDIBAPS)
Olga Millán (CIBEREHD)
Chloë Ballesté (UB)
Visiting Scientists:
Eleonora Boncompagni (EASL)
Ex vivo normothermal perfusion
machine with oxygenation for the
liver. The essential elements are
an organ receptacle, a perfusion
pump, an oxygenator and a heater.
The graft shows the drainage of bile
from the perfused liver.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
Team Members
I.F.: 110,83
1 Puig-Pey I, Bohne F, Benitez
C, Lopez M, Martinez-Llordella M,
Oppenheimer F, Lozano JJ, GonzalezAbraldes J, Tisone G, Rimola A,
Sanchez-Fueyo A. Characterization of
gamma delta T cell subsets in organ
transplantation. TRANSPL INT, 2010.
23:1045-1055. I.F.:3,25.
2 Baccaro ME, Pepin MN, Guevara M, Colmenero J, Torregrosa JV,
Martin-Llahi M, Sola E, Esforzado N,
Fuster J, Campistol JM, Arroyo V,
Navasa M, Garcia-Valdecasas J, Gines
P. Combined liver-kidney transplantation in patients with cirrhosis and
chronic kidney disease. NEPHROL
DIAL TRANSPL, 2010. 25:2356-2363.
3 Brouard S, Puig-Pey I, Lozano JJ,
Pallier A, Braud C, Giral M, Guillet M,
Londono MC, Oppenheimer F, Campistol JM, Soulillou JP, Sanchez-Fueyo A.
Comparative Transcriptional and Phenotypic Peripheral Blood Analysis of Kidney Recipients Under Cyclosporin A or
Sirolimus Monotherapy. AM J TRANSPLANT, 2010. 10:2604-2614. I.F.:6,43.
4 Marti J, Fuster J, Hotter G, Sola
AM, Deulofeu R, Modolo MM, Loera
MA, Ferrer J, Fondevila C, GarciaValdecasas JC. Serum neutrophil
gelatinase-associated lipocalin in patients with colorectal liver metastases:
preliminary results of an exploratory
prospective study. INT J BIOL MARKER, 2010. 25:21-26. I.F.:1,42.
5 Guillen D, Cofan F, Ros E, Millan
O, Cofan M, Brunet M. Biomarker
Assessment of the Immunomodulator
Effect of Atorvastatin in Stable Renal
Transplant Recipients and Hypercholesterolemic Patients. MOL DIAGN
THER, 2010. 14:357-366. I.F.:2,17.
6 Benitez CE, Puig-Pey I, Lopez M,
Martinez-Llordella M, Lozano JJ, Bohne F, Londono MC, Garcia-Valdecasas
JC, Bruguera M, Navasa M, Rimola
A, Sanchez-Fueyo A. ATG-Fresenius
Treatment and Low-Dose Tacrolimus:
Results of a Randomized Controlled
Trial in Liver Transplantation. AM J
TRANSPLANT, 2010. 10:2296-2304.
7 Ramirez S, Perez-Del-Pulgar S,
Carrion JA, Coto-Llerena M, Mensa
L, Dragun J, Garcia-Valdecasas JC,
Navasa M, Forns X. Hepatitis C virus
superinfection of liver grafts: a detailed analysis of early exclusion of nondominant virus strains. J GEN VIROL,
2010. 91:1183-1188. I.F.:3,26.
8 Carrion JA, Torres F, Crespo G, Miquel R, Garcia-Valdecasas JC, Navasa
M, Forns X. Liver Stiffness Identifies
Two Different Patterns of Fibrosis
Progression in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Recurrence After Liver
Transplantation. HEPATOLOGY, 2010.
51:23-34. I.F.:10,84.
9 Carrion JA, Fernandez-Varo G, Bruguera M, Garcia-Pagan JC, Garcia-Valdecasas JC, Perez-Del-Pulgar S, Forns
X, Jimenez W, Navasa M. Serum
Fibrosis Markers Identify Patients
With Mild and Progressive Hepatitis
C Recurrence After Liver Transplantation. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010.
138:147-158. I.F.:12,90.
Padrissa-Altes S, Zaouali MA,
Franco-Gou R, Bartrons R, Boillot O,
Rimola A, Arroyo V, Rodes J, Peralta
C, Rosello-Catafau J. Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 in Reduced-Size Liver
Transplantation: Beyond the Matrix.
AM J TRANSPLANT, 2010. 10:11671177. I.F.:6,43.
Moreno M, Gonzalo T, Kok RJ,
Sancho-Bru P, VanBeuge M, Swart
J, Prakash J, Temming K, Fondevila
C, Beljaars L, Lacombe M, VanDerHoeven P, Arroyo V, Poelstra K, Brenner DA, Gines P, Bataller R. Reduction
of Advanced Liver Fibrosis by ShortTerm Targeted Delivery of an Angiotensin Receptor Blocker to Hepatic
Stellate Cells in Rats. HEPATOLOGY,
2010. 51:942-952. I.F.:10,84.
Fondevila C, Hessheimer AJ,
Taura P, Sanchez O, Calatayud D,
DeRiva N, Munoz J, Fuster J, Rimola
A, Garcia-Valdecasas JC. Portal Hyperperfusion: Mechanism of Injury and
Stimulus for Regeneration in Porcine
Small-for-Size Transplantation. LIVER
TRANSPLANT, 2010. 16:364-374.
Taura P, Fuster J, Mercadal J,
Martinez-Palli G, Fondevila C, Blasi A,
Balust J, Garcia-Valdecasas JC. The
use of beta-adrenergic drugs improves
hepatic oxygen metabolism in cirrhotic
patients undergoing liver resection. J
HEPATOL, 2010. 52:340-347. I.F.:7,82.
BenMosbah I, Rosello-Catafau J,
Alfany-Fernandez I, Rimola A, Parellada PP, Mitjavila MT, Lojek A, BenAbdennebi H, Boillot O, Rodes J, Peralta
C. Addition of Carvedilol to University
Wisconsin Solution Improves Rat
Steatotic and Nonsteatotic Liver Preservation. LIVER TRANSPLANT, 2010.
16:163-171. I.F.:3,72.
Vidal O, Valentini M, Ginesta C,
Espert JJ, Marti J, Martinez A, Ruiz
C, Soliva R, Martrat A, Benarroch G,
Garcia-Valdecasas JC. Appendectomy
using single-incision laparoscopic
surgery: experience in an emergency
department. EMERGENCIAS, 2010.
22:361-364. I.F.:3,08.
Team Members
Millan O, Benitez C, Guillen D,
Lopez A, Rimola A, Sanchez-Fueyo
A, Brunet M. Biomarkers of immunoregulatory status in stable liver transplant recipients undergoing weaning
of immunosuppressive therapy. CLIN
IMMUNOL, 2010. 137:337-346.
17 Zaouali MA, BenMosbah I, Boncompagni E, BenAbdennebi H, Mitjavila MT, Bartrons R, Freitas I, Rimola A,
Rosello-Catafau J. Hypoxia inducible
factor-1 alpha accumulation in steatotic liver preservation: Role of nitric
2010. 16:3499-3509. I.F.:2,09.
18 Sanchez-Fueyo A. Identification
of tolerant recipients following liver
transplantation. INT IMMUNOPHARMACOL, 2010. 10:1501-1504.
19 Zaouali MA, Padrissa-Altes S,
BenMosbah I, Alfany-Fernandez I,
Massip-Salcedo M, Casillas-Ramirez
A, Bintanel-Morcillo M, Boillot O,
Serafin A, Rimola A, Rodes J, RoselloCatafau J, Peralta C. Improved Rat
Steatotic and Nonsteatotic Liver
Preservation by the Addition of Epidermal Growth Factor and Insulin-Like
Growth Factor-I to University of Wisconsin Solution. LIVER TRANSPLANT,
2010. 16:1098-1111. I.F.:3,72.
Zaouali MA, Padrissa-Altes S,
BenMosbah I, BenAbdennebi H, Boillot O, Rimola A, Saidane-Mosbahi D,
Rosello-Catafau J. Insulin like growth
factor-1 increases fatty liver preservation in IGL-1 solution. WORLD J GASTROENTERO, 2010. 16:5693-5700.
Pascual J, DelCastillo D, Cabello
M, Pallardo L, Grinyo JM, Fernandez
AM, Brunet M. Interaction Between
Everolimus and Tacrolimus in Renal
Transplant Recipients: A Pharmacokinetic Controlled Trial. TRANSPLANTATION, 2010. 89:994-1000. I.F.:3,50.
Vidal O, Valentini M, Ginesta
C, Marti J, Espert JJ, Benarroch G,
Garcia-Valdecasas JC. Laparoendoscopic single-site surgery appendectomy.
SURG ENDOSC, 2010. 24:686-691.
Zaouali MA, BenMosbah I, BenAbdennebi H, Calvo M, Boncompagni
E, Boillot O, Peralta C, Rosello-Catafau
J. New Insights Into Fatty Liver Preservation Using Institute Georges Lopez Preservation Solution. TRANSPL
P, 2010. 42:159-161. I.F.:0,99.
Zaouali MA, BenMosbah I,
Padrissa-Altes S, Calvo M, BenAbdennebi H, Saidane-Mosbahi D, Bjaoui
M, Garcia-Gil FA, Panisello A, RoselloCatafau J. Relevance of Epidermal
Growth Factor to Improve Steatotic
Liver Preservation in IGL-1 Solution.
TRANSPL P, 2010. 42:3070-3075.
25 Marmol F, Sanchez J, Lopez
D, Martinez N, Xaus C, Peralta C,
Rosello-Catafau J, Mitjavila MT, PuigParellada P. Role of Oxidative Stress
and Adenosine Nucleotides in the
Liver of Aging Rats. PHYSIOL RES,
2010. 59:553-560. I.F.:1,43.
26 Manyalich M, Paredes D, Balleste C, Menjivar A. The PIERDUB
Project: International Project on Education and Research in Donation at
University of Barcelona: Training University Students About Donation and
Transplantation. TRANSPL P, 2010.
42:117-120. I.F.:0,99.
I.F.: 5,45
1 Miro JM, Ricart MJ, Trullas JC, Cofan
F, Cervera C, Brunet M, Tuset M, Manzardo C, Oppenheimer F, Moreno A. Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation
in HIV-infected Patients: A Case Report
and Literature Review. TRANSPL P, 2010.
42:3887-3891. I.F.:0,99.
2 Garcia-Valdecasas JC, Fondevila C.
In-vivo normothermic recirculation: an update. CURR OPIN ORGAN TRAN, 2010.
15:173-176. I.F.:1,22.
3 Londono MC, Lopez MC, SanchezFueyo A. Minimization of immunosuppression in adult liver transplantation:
new strategies and tools. CURR OPIN
ORGAN TRAN, 2010. 15:685-690.
4 Zaouali MA, BenAbdennebi H,
Padrissa-Altes S, Mahfoudh-Boussaid A,
Rosello-Catafau J. Pharmacological strategies against cold ischemia reperfusion
11:537-555. I.F.:2,02.
I.F.: 6,43
1 Fondevila C. Is Extracorporeal Support
Becoming the New Standard for the Preservation of DCD Grafts?. AM J TRANSPLANT, 2010. 10:1341-1342. I.F.:6,43.
I.F.: 33,74
1 Paoletti X, Oba K, Burzykowski T,
Michiels S, Ohashi Y, Pignon JP, Rougier
P, Sakamoto J, Sargent D, Sasako M, VanCutsem E, Buyse M. Benefit of Adjuvant
Chemotherapy for Resectable Gastric
Cancer A Meta-analysis. JAMA-J AM MED
ASSOC, 2010. 303:1729-1737. I.F.:28,90.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
2 Kuypers DRJ, LeMeur Y, Cantarovich
M, Tredger MJ, Tett SE, Cattaneo D,
Tonshoff B, Holt DW, Chapman J, VanGelder T. Consensus Report on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Mycophenolic
Acid in Solid Organ Transplantation. CLIN
J AM SOC NEPHRO, 2010. 5:341-358.
Grants for research
in progress
Sanchez A. IP: Reprogramming the
Immune System for the Establishment
of Tolerance. Sponsored by: European Commision, 512090. Amount:
154.200,00 euros. Duration: 01/09/200728/02/2010.
Martorell J, Rimola A, Millan O, Ruiz A.
Valor predictivo de parámetros inmológicos pre-trasplante del receptor y de
donante en el desarrollo de rechazo e infección en el trasplante hepático. Sponsored by: FIS, PS09/00418. Amount:
92.565,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Sanchez A. Métodos para inducir y
diagnosticar la tolerancia inmunológica
en el trasplante hepático. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
España, Programa I+D, SAF2008-04092.
Amount: 130.000,00 euros. Duration:
Sanchez A. Effect of rapamycin on tolerance biomarkers in liver transplantation.
Sponsored by: Immune Tolerance Network (Consorcio financiado por el National Institute of Health, USA), Sirolimus
Liver Tolerance. Amount: 172.932,00
euros. Duration: 01/11/2009-30/11/2011.
Sanchez A. Impact of hepatitis C virus infection on tolerance acquisition
after liver transplantation. Sponsored
by: Roche Organ Transplantation
Research Foundation, ROTRF.
Amount: 200.000,00 euros. Duration:
Fondevila C. Efecto de la modificación
farmacológica del flujo portal sobre
la aparición del síndrome “small-forsize” en el trasplante hepático en
cerdos. Sponsored by: FIS, PI080273.
Amount: 74.052,00 euros. Duration:
Brunet M. Estudio multicéntrico para
la validación de los biomarcadores de
elección que reflejen la respuesta individual de los pacientes trasplantados
de órganos sólidos al tratamiento inmunosupresor. Sponsored by: Fondo
de Investigación Sanitaria, PI080300.
Amount: 61.952,00 euros. Duration:
Peralta C. Una conservación acuosa
para la conservación de órganos.
Sponsored by: CIDEM, Generalitat
de Catalunya, VALTEC08-2-0033.
Amount: 88.203,00 euros. Duration:
Peralta C. Regulación del RBP4 en
trasplante de higados esteatósicos.
Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE
EDUCACIÓN, BFU2009_07410.
Amount: 133.100,00 euros. Duration:
Peralta C. Mecanismos de protección
del precondicionamiento isquémico en
el injerto esteatósico. Sponsored by:
FIS, PI060021. Amount: 89.540,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2007-31/03/2010.
Fondevila C, Garcia-Valdecasas JC.
La perfusión normotérmica “ex-situ”
como continuación de la “Recirculación Normotérmica” en la obtención
de injertos hepáticos procedentes de
donantes a corazón parado. PhD student: David Calatayud Mizrahi.
Peralta C, Rosello-Catafau J. Noves
dianes terapèutiques en el trasplantament de fetge amb empelt de mida
reduïda. PhD student: Susagna Padrissa Altes.
Sanchez-Fueyo A. Phenotypic and
transcriptional biomarkets in organ
transplantation. PhD student: Isabel
Puig-pey Comas.
Manyalich M. European living donor
psychosocial follow-up (ELIPSY).
Sponsored by: Executive Agency for
Health and Consumers (EAHC), by the
Commission of the European Communities, 20081104. Amount: 498.835,00
euros. Duration: 30/12/200930/05/2012.
Rimola A. Valor predictivo de parametros inmunológicos pretrasplante del
receptor y del donante en el desarrollo
de rechazo e infección en el trasplante
hepático. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 92.565,00 euros. Duration:
Team involved in:
Group Members
Antoni Castells
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 57 39
Fax: 93 227 55 89
E-mail: [email protected]
The gaining of in-depth knowledge of
the mechanisms underlying the development and progression of gastrointestinal and pancreatic premalignant and
malignant lesions, with a view to defining new diagnostic, therapeutic and/or
preventive strategies.
Main Lines
of Research
Idibaps members:
Juan Ramon Ayuso (Hospital Clínic)
Sergi Castellví (IDIBAPS)
José Ignacio Elizalde (Hospital Clínic)
Laureano Fernández-Cruz (Hospital Clínic)
Àngels Ginès(Hospital Clínic)
Antonio Lacy (Hospital Clínic)
Salvador Navarro (Hospital Clínic)
Maria Pellisé (Hospital Clínic)
Glòria Fernández (Hospital Clínic)
Francesc Balaguer Prunes (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Mariana Rickmann Ashwell (CIBERehd,
Hospital Clinic)
Research Fellows:
Victòria Gonzalo Pascual (Hospital Clínic)
Oriol Sendino Garcia (Hospital Clínic)
Mª Dolores Giráldez Jiménez
(Hospital Clínic)
María López-Cerón Pinilla (Fundació Clínic)
Xavier Borrat (Hospital Clínic)
Leticia Moreira Ruiz (Hospital Clínic)
Jennifer Muñoz Sancho (CIBERehd, Hospital Clínic)
Georgina Ramirez Ramal (Fundació Clínic)
Esther Samper Lirola (CIBERehd, Hospital
Nursing Staff:
Teresa Ocaña Bombardo (Hospital Clínic)
Cristina Rodríguez de Miguel
(Fundació Clínic)
Anna Serradesanferm Fabregas
(Hospital Clínic)
Pere Gambús Cerillo (Hospital Clínic)
Eva Vaquero Raya (Hospital Clínic)
Virginia Alonso Espinaco
(CIBERehd, Hospital Clínic)
Meritxell Gironella Cos
(CIBERehd. Hospital Clínic)
Imma Garrell Lluis (CAPSE)
The activity of the research group in
gastrointestinal and pancreatic oncology is divided into four areas, and these
in turn correspond to different lines of
1. Physiopathology of colorectal
• Hereditary forms of colorectal cancer, screening and vigilance.
• Genetic susceptibility in colorectal
• Epigenetics of colorectal cancer.
2. Physiopathology of pancreatic
• Implication of microRNAs in pancreatic cancer.
•Epithelial-mesenchymal transition
in the local and metastatic spread
of pancreatic cancer.
3. Research and innovation in endoscopy:
• Endoscopic ultrasound.
• Advanced diagnostic techniques.
• Endoscopic therapies.
4. Research and innovation in surgery:
• Surgery for colorectal cancer.
• Surgery for pancreatic cancer.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
Team Members
I.F.: 132,71
1 Balaguer F, Link A, Lozano JJ,
Cuatrecasas M, Nagasaka T, Boland
CR, Goel A. Epigenetic Silencing of
miR-137 Is an Early Event in Colorectal
Carcinogenesis. CANCER RES, 2010.
70:6609-6618. I.F.:7,54.
Sanchez-Tillo E, Lazaro A, Torrent R,
Cuatrecasas M, Vaquero EC, Castells
A, Engel P, Postigo A. ZEB1 represses
E-cadherin and induces an EMT by
recruiting the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling protein BRG1. ONCOGENE,
2010. 29:3490-3500. I.F.:7,14.
Arostegui JI, Saldana MDL, Pascal
M, Clemente D, Aymerich M, Balaguer
F, Goel A, DelCastillo CF, Rius J, Plaza
S, Robledillo JCL, Juan M, Ibanez M,
Yague J. A Somatic NLRP3 Mutation
as a Cause of a Sporadic Case of Chronic Infantile Neurologic, Cutaneous,
Articular Syndrome/Neonatal-Onset
Multisystem Inflammatory Disease
Novel Evidence of the Role of LowLevel Mosaicism as the Pathophysiologic Mechanism Under. ARTHRITIS
RHEUM-US, 2010. 62:1158-1166.
4 Plessier A, Darwish-Murad S,
Hernandez-Guerra M, Consigny Y, Fabris
F, Trebicka J, Heller J, Morard I, Lasser
L, Langlet P, Denninger MH, Vidaud D,
Condat B, Hadengue A, Primignani M,
Garcia-Pagan JC, Janssen HLA, Valla D.
Acute Portal Vein Thrombosis Unrelated
to Cirrhosis: A Prospective Multicenter
Follow-up Study. HEPATOLOGY, 2010.
51:210-218. I.F.:10,84.
5 Gonzalo V, Lozano JJ, Munoz J, Balaguer F, Pellise M, DeMiguel CR, Andreu
M, Jover R, Llor X, Giraldez MD, Ocana
T, Serradesanferm A, Alonso-Espinaco
V, Jimeno M, Cuatrecasas M, Sendino
O, Castellvi-Bel S, Castells A. Aberrant
Gene Promoter Methylation Associated
with Sporadic Multiple Colorectal Cancer.
PLOS ONE, 2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
6 Bujanda L, Sarasqueta C, Hijona E, Hijona L, Cosme A, Gil I, Elorza JL, Asensio
JI, Larburu S, Enriquez-Navascues JM, Jover R, Balaguer F, Llor X, Bessa X, Andreu
M, Paya A, Castells A. Colorectal cancer
prognosis twenty years later. WORLD
J GASTROENTERO, 2010. 16:862-867.
7 Sendino O, Fernandez-Esparrach G,
Sole M, Colomo L, Pellise M, Llach J,
Navarro S, Bordas JM, Gines A. Endoscopic
ultrasonography-guided brushing increases
cellular diagnosis of pancreatic cysts: A
prospective study. DIGEST LIVER DIS, 2010.
42:877-881. I.F.:2,97.
Fernandez-Esparrach G, Sendino O, Sole
M, Pellise M, Colomo L, Pardo A, MartinezPalli G, Arguello L, Bordas JM, Llach J, Gines
A. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle
aspiration and trucut biopsy in the diagnosis
of gastric stromal tumors: a randomized crossover study. ENDOSCOPY, 2010. 42:292299. I.F.:5,55.
Sylla P, Rattner DW, Delgado S, Lacy AM.
NOTES transanal rectal cancer resection
using transanal endoscopic microsurgery and
laparoscopic assistance. SURG ENDOSC,
2010. 24:1205-1210. I.F.:3,31.
Lacy A, Ibarzabal A, Pando E, Adelsdorfer C, Delitala A, Corcelles R, Delgado S,
Vidal J. Revisional Surgery After Sleeve Gastrectomy. SURG LAPARO ENDO PER, 2010.
20:351-356. I.F.:0,83.
Fernandez-Esparrach G, Bordas JM,
Giraldez MD, Gines A, Pellise M, Sendino
O, Martinez-Palli G, Castells A, Llach J. Severe Complications Limit Long-Term Clinical
Success of Self-Expanding Metal Stents in
Patients With Obstructive Colorectal Cancer.
AM J GASTROENTEROL, 2010. 105:10871093. I.F.:6,01.
Abuli A, Bessa X, Gonzalez JR, RuizPonte C, Caceres A, Munoz J, Gonzalo V,
Balaguer F, Fernandez-Rozadilla C, Gonzalez
D, DeCastro L, Clofent J, Bujanda L, Cubiella
J, Rene JM, Morillas JD, Lanas A, Rigau J,
Garcia AM, Latorre M, Salo J, Banares FF,
Arguello L, Pena E, Vilella A, Riestra S, Carreno R, Paya A, Alenda C, Xicola RM, Doyle
BJ, Jover R, Llor X, Carracedo A, Castells
A, Castellvi-Bel S, Andreu M. Susceptibility
Genetic Variants Associated With Colorectal
Cancer Risk Correlate With Cancer Phenotype. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 139:788U129. I.F.:12,90.
Team Members
Fernandez-Esparrach G, Estepar
RS, Guarner-Argente C, Martinez-Palli
G, Navarro R, DeMiguel CR, Cordova H,
Thompson CC, Lacy AM, Donoso L, Ayuso-Colella JR, Gines A, Pellise M, Llach
J, Vosburgh KG. The role of a computed
tomography-based image registered navigation system for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery: a comparative
study in a porcine model. ENDOSCOPY,
2010. 42:1096-1103. I.F.:5,55.
tinez-Palli G, Navarro R, Cuatrecasas M,
DeMiguel CR, Beltran M, Lacy AM, Gines
A, Pellise M, Llach J, Fernandez-Esparrach
G. Yes, we can: reliable colonic closure
with the Padlock-G clip in a survival porcine study (with video). GASTROINTEST
ENDOSC, 2010. 72:841-844. I.F.:6,71.
Fernandez-Rozadilla C, Tarrio R,
Clofent J, DeCastro L, Brea-Fernandez
A, Bessa X, Abuli A, Andreu M, Jover R,
Xicola R, Llor X, Castells A, Castellvi-Bel S,
Carracedo A, Ruiz-Ponte C. Colorectal Cancer Susceptibility Quantitative Trait Loci in
Mice as a Novel Approach to Detect LowPenetrance Variants in Humans: A Two-Stage Case-Control Study. CANCER EPIDEM
BIOMAR, 2010. 19:619-623. I.F.:4,31.
15 Fernández-Esparrach G, Matthes
19 Obstein KL, Martins FP, Fernandez-
EL, Maurice D, Enderle M, Thompson CC,
Carr-Locke DL. A novel device for endoscopic submucosal dissection that combines
water-jet submucosal hydrodissection and
elevation with electrocautery: initial experience in a porcine model. GASTROINTEST
ENDOSC, 2010. 71:615-618. I.F.:6,71.
Esparrach G, Thompson CC. Endoscopic
ultrasound-guided celiac plexus neurolysis
using a reverse phase polymer. WORLD
J GASTROENTERO, 2010. 16:728-731.
14 Guarner-Argente C, Cordova H, Mar-
Alfaro I, Ocana T, Castells A, Cordero
C, Ponce M, Cajal TRY, Andreu M, Bujanda
L, Herraiz M, Molina AJH, FernandezBanares F, Riestra-Menendez S, Gargallo C,
Ruiz A, Bustamante M, Blanco I, DeJuan
FM. Characteristics of patients with familial adenomatous polyposis in Spain. First
results of the Spanish Registry of Familial
Adenomatous Polyposis. MED CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 135:103-108. I.F.:1,23.
17 Tomlinson IPM, Dunlop M, Campbell H, Zanke B, Gallinger S, Hudson
T, Koessler T, Pharoah PD, Niittymaki I,
Tuupanen S, Aaltonen LA, Hemminki K,
Lindblom A, Forsti A, Sieber O, Lipton L,
VanWezel T, Morreau H, Wijnen JT, Devilee P, Matsuda K, Nakamura Y, CastellviBel S, Ruiz-Ponte C, Castells A, Carracedo
A, Ho JWC, Sham P, Hofstra RMW, Vodicka P, Brenner H, Hampe J, Schafmayer C,
Tepel J, Schreiber S, Volzke H, Lerch MM,
Schmidt CA, Buch S, Moreno V, Villanueva CM, Peterlongo P, Radice P, Echeverry
MM, Velez A, Carvajal-Carmona L, Scott
R, Penegar S, Broderick P, Tenesa A,
Houlston RS. COGENT (COlorectal cancer
GENeTics): an international consortium to
study the role of polymorphic variation on
the risk of colorectal cancer. BRIT J CANCER, 2010. 102:447-454. I.F.:4,35.
Link A, Balaguer F, Shen Y, Nagasaka T, Lozano JJ, Boland CR, Goel A. Fecal
MicroRNAs as Novel Biomarkers for Colon Cancer Screening. CANCER EPIDEM
BIOMAR, 2010. 19:1766-1774. I.F.:4,31.
Maurel J, Martins AS, Poveda A,
Lopez-Guerrero JA, Cubedo R, Casado
A, Martinez-Trufero J, Ayuso JR, LopezPousa A, Garcia-Albeniz X, DelMuro XG,
De Alava E. Imatinib Plus Low-Dose
Doxorubicin in Patients With Advanced
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Refractory to High-Dose Imatinib A Phase I-II
Study by the Spanish Group for Research
SOC, 2010. 116:3692-3701. I.F.:5,42.
22 Perez-Carbonell L, Alenda C, Paya A,
Castillejo A, Barbera VM, Guillen C, Rojas
E, Acame N, Gutierrez-Avino FJ, Castells
A, Llor X, Andreu M, Soto JL, Jover R.
Methylation Analysis of MLH1 Improves
the Selection of Patients for Genetic
Testing in Lynch Syndrome. J MOL DIAGN,
2010. 12:498-504. I.F.:3,41.
23 Borras E, Pineda M, Blanco I, Jewett
EM, Wang F, Teule A, Caldes T, Urioste M,
Martinez-Bouzas C, Brunet J, Balmana J,
Torres A, Cajal TRY, Sanz J, Perez-Cabornero
L, Castellvi-Bel S, Alonso A, Lanas A, Gonzalez S, Moreno V, Gruber SB, Rosenberg NA,
Mukherjee B, Lazaro C, Capella G. MLH1
Founder Mutations with Moderate Penetrance in Spanish Lynch Syndrome Families.
CANCER RES, 2010. 70:7379-7391. I.F.:7,54.
Mora M, Ricart MJ, Casamitjana R, Astudillo E, Lopez I, Jimenez A, Fernandez-Cruz
L, Esmatjes E. Pancreas and kidney transplantation: long-term endocrine function. CLIN
TRANSPLANT, 2010. 24:E236-E240. I.F.:2,00.
25 Moize V, Moize L, Lacy A, Vidal J. Pica
secondary to iron deficiency 1 year after gastric bypass. SURG OBES RELAT DIS, 2010.
6:316-318. I.F.:3,86.
Fernandez-Rozadilla C, DeCastro L, Clofent J, Brea-Fernandez A, Bessa X, Abuli A,
Andreu M, Jover R, Xicola R, Llor X, Castells
A, Castellvi-Bel S, Carracedo A, Ruiz-Ponte C.
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Wnt
and BMP Pathways and Colorectal Cancer
Risk in a Spanish Cohort. PLOS ONE, 2010.
5:-. I.F.:4,35.
I.F.: 4,25
1 Link A, Balaguer F, Goel A. Cancer
chemoprevention by dietary polyphenols:
Promising role for epigenetics. BIOCHEM
PHARMACOL, 2010. 80:1771-1792. I.F.:4,25.
I.F.: 12,89
Castellvi-Bel S, Castells A. Differential risk
depending on parental origin: a new layer of
complexity for genetic susceptibility variants.
GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 139:689-690.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 10,41
1 Navarro S, Vaquero E, Maurel J, Bombi JA,
DeJuan C, Feliu J, Cruz LF, Gines A, Girela E,
Rodriguez R, Sabater L. Recommendations for
diagnosis, staging and treatment of pancreatic
cancer (Part I). Grupo Español de Consenso en
Cáncer de Páncreas. MED CLIN-BARCELONA,
2010. 134:643-655. I.F.:1,23.
2 Navarro S, Vaquero E, Maurel J, Bombi JA,
DeJuan C, Feliu J, Cruz LF, Gines A, Girela E,
Rodriguez R, Sabater L. Recommendations for
diagnosis, staging and treatment of pancreatic
cancer (Part II). MED CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010.
134:692-702. I.F.:1,23.
3 Balmana J, Castells A, Cervantes A. Familial
colorectal cancer risk: ESMO Clinical Practice
Guidelines. ANN ONCOL, 2010. 21:v78-v81.
4 Sanjuan X, Salas A, Lloreta J, Walsh PM.
Colorectal Cancer OncoGuia: surgical pathology
report guidelines. CLIN TRANSL ONCOL, 2010.
12:211-213. I.F.:1,15.
5 ManchonWalsh P, Borras JM, Ferro T, Espinas JA. Colorectal Cancer OncoGuia. CLIN
TRANSL ONCOL. 12:188-210. I.F.:1,15.
Grants for research
in progress
Castells A. Cribado del cáncer colorrectal en
población de riesgo intermedio: estudio multicéntrico, aleatorizado y controlado en el que
se compara la prueba de detección de sangre
oculta en heces mediante método inmunológico
y la colonoscopia. Sponsored by: Fundación de
la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC),
AECC_07/185. Amount: 300.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/03/2007-30/06/2011.
Castells A. Hipermetilación de la región
promotora de los genes MLH1, MGMT, CDKN2A, RASSF1A, CDX1 y SFRP1 en mucosa
colorrectal no tumoral como factor favorecedor del desarrollo del cáncer colorrectal.
Sponsored by: Comisión Interministerial de
Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT), SAF-200764873. Amount: 145.200,00 euros. Duration: 02/07/2007-31/12/2010.
Castellvi S, Castells A, Balaguer F, Giraldez
M, Ocaña T. Caracterización clínica, histológica y molecular del cáncer colorrectal diagnosticado antes de los 50 años. Sponsored
by: Fundación Investigación Médica Mutua
Madrileña, PI040296. Amount: 30.000,00
euros. Duration: 15/07/2008-15/07/2010.
Castellvi S, Castells A, Balaguer F, Gonzalo
V. Genetic study of common hereditary
bowel cancers in Hispania and the Americas (CHIBCHA). Sponsored by: European
Commission, 7th Framework Programme,
PI040378. Amount: 63.338,00 euros. Duration: 01/06/2009-30/11/2012.
Fernandez M, Almela M, Bombi JA, Delgado S, Filella X, Gines A, Lacy A, Llach J,
Martinez G, Rodriguez C, Pellise M. Estudio comparativo de los cambios fisiológicos
e inmunológicos de la NOTES utilizando diferentes vías de acceso versus la laparoscopia. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos
III, PI08/90026. Amount: 97.526,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-01/06/2010.
Gironella M, Castells A, Navarro S, Miquel
R, Gines A, Alonso V, Gonzalo V. Implicación de los microRNAs en la fisiopatología
y quimioresistencia del cáncer de páncreas.
Sponsored by: Fundación Mutua Madrileña,
FMM-MG2008-11. Amount: 50.000,00 euros. Duration: 31/07/2008-31/07/2011.
Castells A. Grup de Recerca en Oncología
Gastrointestinal i Pancreàtica . Sponsored
by: Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), 2009-SGR849. Amount: 50.960,00 euros. Duration:
Vaquero EC, Rickmann M, Navarro S,
Miquel R. Transición Epitelio-Mesénquima
y reclutamiento de fibrocitos en el desarrollo y extensión del cáncer de Páncreas.
Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
PI080280. Amount: 70.543,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2010.
Castellvi S, Pique JM, Giraldez M, Ocaña T.
Componentes genéticos comunes y de baja
penetrancia implicados en cáncer colorrectal: correlación genotipo-fenotipo e identificación de variantes genómicas de riesgo.
Sponsored by: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, FIS08/0024. Amount: 95.469,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Castells A. Convenio de colaboración entre
la Fundació Clínic y la AECC para el proyecto “Cribado del cáncer colorrectal en
población de riesgo intermedio: estudio
multicéntrico, aleatorizado y controlado en
el que se compara la prueba de detección
de sangre oculta e. Sponsored by: Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, CP040377.
Amount: 60.000,00 euros. Duration:
Castells A. Subproductos de la desinfección y
otros determinantes ambientales, genéticos y
moleculares del cáncer colorrectal. Sponsored
by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PI080533.
Amount: 244.420,00 euros. Duration:
Pellise M. Implicación de los focos de criptas
aberrantes en la carcinogénesis colorrectal: estudio morfológico con técnicas de endoscopia
avanzada y caracterización molecular. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III,
PI09/0669. Amount: 68.365,00 euros. Duration:
Castells A, Navarro S. Neoplasias quísticas del
páncreas: Análisis descriptivo y factores predictivos de malignidad. PhD student: Ana Celia
Adet Caldelari.
Vaquero E. Estudio de los tocotrienoles como
inductores de muerte programada en las células estrelladas del páncreas. PhD student:
Mariana Rickmann Ashwell.
Castells A, Pique JM. Prevención del cáncer
colorrectal: Nuevas estrategias de cribado,
vigilancia y quimioprofilaxis. PhD student: Francisco Rodriguez Moranta.
Team envolved in:
CIBER en enfermedades raras
Hereditary metabolic diseases
Group Members
Antonia Ribes
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 56 72
(Ext.: 9340)
Fax: 93 227 56 68
[email protected]
The strategic objective of our group
is to investigate the genetic and biochemical bases, as well as the physiopathological mechanisms, of hereditary
metabolic diseases. The ultimate aim
is to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
On the other hand, we conducttranslational research, stimulating the transfer
of knowledge from basic research to the
clinical practice setting, and vice versa.
Main Lines
of Research
Idibaps members:
Paz Briones (CSIC)
Laura Gort (Hospital Clínic)
Teresa Pàmpols (Hospital Clínic)
Mª Josep Coll (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Frederic Tort (CIBERer)
Aleix Navarro-Sastre (CIBERer)
Angela Arias (CIBERer)
Research Fellows:
Judith Macías (Fundació Niemann Pick)
Nuria Bujan (FIS)
Aida Font (FIS)
Leslie Matalonga (Fundació Clínic)
Within the general line of hereditary
metabolic diseases, our concrete research lines are based on the following:
1. In vitro therapeutic approaches.
This study involves the testing of
chemical and peptide libraries. Selection has been made of disease stop
mutations and mis-sense mutations
previously identified by our group.
We make use of fibroblasts IPI cells
and neuron cultures as cell models.
2. CoQ10 deficiency. We are carrying
out the biochemical selection of patients with CoQ10 deficiency, based
on the study of the mitochondrial
respiratory chain and the analysis of
the metabolic pathways, using stable
isotopes in fibroblasts from the previously selected patients. Posteriorly, in
patients that prove negative for mutations of the genes known to date, an
exome analysis will be made to identify the gene causing the disease.
3. Cerebral creatine deficiency. Our
group has been a pioneer in the identification of patients with cerebral
creatine deficiency. At present we
are centered on the evaluation of different creatine derivatives with the
purpose of establishing a treatment
for creatine transport deficiency.
these creatine uptake studies are carried out in neurons derived from IPI
cells and HUVEC and HBMEC cells
silenced with interference RNA.
4. mtDNA depletion. A nucleotide
metabolic defect may give rise to mitochondrial DNA depletion. Since we
have identified patients with these
characteristics, without mutations of
the genes known to date, our objective is to explore new genes capable
of explaining the disease.
5. Type C Niemann-Pick disease. The
study of patients with this disorder has
been carried out in a knock-in murine
model, with a view to gaining further
knowledge of the underlying physiopathology. On the other hand, this model
will be used to test different drugs that
act upon proteosomal degradation.
Marisa Girós (Hospital Clínic)
Judit Garcia-Villoria (Hospital Clínic)
José Luis Marin (Hospital Clínic)
Rosa Maria López (Hospital Clínic)
Calculation of the
number of mitochondrial DNA
copies, based on
real-time PCR.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
Team Members
I.F.: 59,95
Navarro-Sastre A, Garcia-Silva
MT, Martin-Hernandez E, Lluch M,
Briones P, Ribes A. Functional splicing
assay supporting that c.70 + 5G > A
mutation in the MPV17 gene is disease causing. J INHERIT METAB DIS,
2010. :-. I.F.:3,60.
2 Puisac B, Arnedo M, Casale CH, Ribate MP, Castiella T, Ramos FJ, Ribes
A, Perez-Cerda C, Casals N, Hegardt
FG, Pie J. Differential HMG-CoA lyase
expression in human tissues provides
clues about 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric
2010. 33:405-410. I.F.:3,60.
3 Fons C, Arias A, Sempere A, Poo
P, Pineda M, Mas A, Lopez-Sala A,
Garcia-Villoria J, Vilaseca MA, Ozaez L,
Lluch M, Artuch R, Campistol J, Ribes
A. Response to creatine analogs in
fibroblasts and patients with creatine
transporter deficiency. MOL GENET
METAB, 2010. 99:296-299. I.F.:2,90.
Pineda M, Montero R, Aracil A,
O’callaghan MM, Mas A, Espinos C,
Martinez-Rubio D, Palau F, Navas P,
Briones P, Artuch R. Coenzyme Q(10)Responsive Ataxia: 2-Year-Treatment
2010. 25:1262-1268. I.F.:4,01.
Quintana E, Pineda M, Font A,
Vilaseca MA, Tort F, Ribes A, Briones
P. Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
(DLD) deficiency in a Spanish patient
with myopathic presentation due to
a new mutation in the interface domain. J INHERIT METAB DIS, 2010.
:-. I.F.:3,60.
6 VanKuilenburg ABP, Dobritzsch
D, Meijer J, Meinsma R, Benoist JF,
Assmann B, Schubert S, Hoffmann
GF, Duran M, DeVries MC, Kurlemann
G, Eyskens FJM, Greed L, Sass JO,
Schwab KO, Sewell AC, Walter J,
Hahn A, Zoetekouw L, Ribes A, Lind
S, Hennekam RCM. Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency: Phenotype, genotype
and structural consequences in 17
patients. BBA-MOL BASIS DIS, 2010.
1802:639-648. I.F.:4,14.
7 Serra-Perez A, Planas AM, NunezO’mara A, Berra E, Garcia-Villoria
J, Ribes A, Santalucia T. Extended
ischemia prevents HIF1alpha degradation at reoxygenation by impairing
prolyl-hydroxylation: role of Krebs cycle metabolites. J BIOL CHEM, 2010.
285:18217-18224. I.F.:5,33.
8 Marti R, Nascimento A, Colomer
J, Lara MC, Lopez-Gallardo E, RuizPesini E, Montoya J, Andreu AL,
Briones P, Pineda M. Hearing Loss in
a Patient With the Myopathic Form of
Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome and a Novel Mutation in the TK2
Gene. PEDIATR RES, 2010. 68:151154. I.F.:2,61.
9 Pampols T. Inherited Metabolic
Rare Disease. ADV EXP MED BIOL,
2010. 686:397-431. I.F.:2,02.
10 Serrano M, Garcia-Silva MT,
Martin-Hernandez E, O’callaghan
MD, Quijada P, Martinez-Aragon A,
Ormazabal A, Blazquez A, Martin MA,
Briones P, Lopez-Gallardo E, RuizPesini E, Montoya J, Artuch R, Pineda
M. Kearns-Sayre syndrome: Cerebral
folate deficiency, MRI findings and
new cerebrospinal fluid biochemical
features. MITOCHONDRION, 2010.
10:429-432. I.F.:4,15.
11 Urreizti R, Moya-Garcia AA,
Pino-Angeles A, Cozar M, Langkilde
A, Fanhoe U, Esteves C, Arribas J,
Vilaseca MA, Perez-Duenas B, Pineda
M, Gonzalez V, Artuch R, Baldellou
A, Vilarinho L, Fowler B, Ribes A,
Sanchez-Jimenez F, Grinberg D, Balcells S. Molecular characterization of
five patients with homocystinuria due
to severe methylenetetrahydrofolate
reductase deficiency. CLIN GENET,
2010. 78:441-448. I.F.:3,30.
12 Quintana E, Gort L, Busquets C,
Navarro-Sastre A, Lissens W, Moliner
S, Lluch M, Vilaseca MA, DeMeirleir
L, Ribes A, Briones P. Mutational study in the PDHA1 gene of 40 patients
suspected of pyruvate dehydrogenase
complex deficiency. CLIN GENET,
2010. 77:474-482. I.F.:3,30.
13 Serrano M, Martins C, PerezDuenas B, Gomez-Lopez L, Murgui E,
Fons C, Garcia-Cazorla A, Artuch R,
Jara F, Arranz JA, Haberle J, Briones
P, Campistol J, Pineda M, Vilaseca
MA. Neuropsychiatric Manifestations
in Late-Onset Urea Cycle Disorder
Patients. J CHILD NEUROL, 2010.
25:352-358. I.F.:1,59.
14 Amorosi CA, Treslova H, DodelsonDeKremer R, Coll MJ, Dvorakova L, OllerRamirez AM. Novel human
pathological mutations. Gene symbol:
ABCD1. Disease: X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. HUM GENET, 2010.
127:486-487. I.F.:4,52.
Sempere A, Arias A, Farre G,
Garcia-Villoria J, Rodriguez-Pombo P,
Desviat LR, Merinero B, Garcia-Cazorla
A, Vilaseca MA, Ribes A, Artuch R,
Campistol J. Study of inborn errors of
metabolism in urine from patients with
unexplained mental retardation. J INHERIT METAB DIS, 2010. 33:1-7. I.F.:3,60.
16 Flanagan JM, Mcmahon G, Chia
SHB, Fitzpatrick P, Tighe O, O’neill C,
Briones P, Gort L, Kozak L, Magee A,
Naughten E, Radomyska B, Schwartz
M, Shin JS, Strobl WM, Tyfield LA,
Waterham HR, Russell H, Bertorelle
G, Reichardt JKV, Mayne PD, Croke
DT. The role of human demographic
history in determining the distribution
and frequency of transferase-deficient
galactosaemia mutations. HEREDITY,
2010. 104:148-154. I.F.:4,12.
17 Garcia-Villoria J, Gort L, Madrigal
I, Fons C, Fernandez C, NavarroSastre A, Mila M, Briones P, GarciaCazorla A, Campistol J, Ribes A.
X-inactivation of HSD17B10 revealed
by cDNA analysis in two female patients with 17 beta-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase 10 deficiency. EUR J
HUM GENET, 2010 . 18:1353-1355.
Grants for research
in progress
Pampols T. Defining targets for therapeutics in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
(GENAME). Grupo 5. Sponsored by:
Genoma España, GenEsp2006-07/107.
Amount: 101.280,00 euros. Duration:
Briones P. Estudios bioquímicos
y mutacionales en pacientes con
deficiencias primarias de CoQ. Selección bioquímica de pacientes y
análisis de la vía metabólica mediante
sustratos marcados con isótopos
estables. Sponsored by: Fondo de
Investigación Sanitaria, FIS 08/00082.
Amount: 157.905,00 euros. Duration:
Ribes A. Automatización de métodos
de diagnóstico molecular de enfermedades mitocondriales. Parte 4,
Hospital Clínic: Depleción de mtDNA;
Cálculo del número de copias de mtDNA y obtención de valores de referencia según edad y tejido. Sponsored
by: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria,
ETES PI08/90348. Amount: 70.785,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2010.
Ribes A. Desarrollo de compuestos
capaces de inducir la lectura de codones de terminación temprana (PTCs).
Sponsored by: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. BCN-Peptides, 0000.
Amount: 300.000,00 euros. Duration:
Ribes A. Estudios de captación de
creatina, con distintos preparados
de la misma, en neuronas derivadas
de células IPS y en células HUVEC
silenciadas con RNA de interferencia. Sponsored by: Fondo de
Investigación Sanitaria, PS09/02128.
Amount: 61.710,00 euros. Duration:
Ribes A. Diagnóstico, fisiopatología y
tratamiento en la deficiencia cerebral
de creatina. Subproyecto 4. Estudios
de captación de creatina, con distintos
preparados de la misma, en neuronas
derivadas de células IPS y en células HUVEC silenciadas con RNA de
Amount: 61.710,00 euros. Duration:
Team involved in:
Group Members
Jorge Ferrer
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
(Ext.: 4542)
Fax: 93 312 94 09
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Ildem Akerman (IDIBAPS)
1. Use of genomic tools for establishing
the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that modify the risk of developing diabetes.
2. Identification of pathogenic mechanisms and new therapeutic options
for monogenic forms of diabetes.
3. Discovery of new pancreatic regeneration pathways.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Pancreatic regeneration and programming.
2. Epigenomic regulation of beta cells
and diabetes.
3. Monogenic diabetes.
For further information:
Research Fellows:
Joris van Arensbergen (Fundació Clínic)
Myriam Solar (Fundació Clínic)
Ignasi Moran (Fundació Clínic)
Miguel Angel Correa (Marie Curie, IDIBAPS)
Nikolina Nakic (Marie Curie, IDIBAPS)
Vanessa Grau (CIBERDEM)
Xavier Garcia (CIBERDEM)
Takao Nammo (IDIBAPS)
Lorenzo Pasquali (IDIBAPS)
Miguel Angel Maestro (CIBERDEM)
Santiago Rodriguez (IDIBAPS)
of E13.5 mouse embryonic pancreas. Nuclear
staining of ductal cells,
hnf1b (blue). Nuclear
staining of endocrine
cells, nkx2.2 (red). Cytoplasmic staining of acinar cells, CPA1 (green).
I.F.: 64,59
Gaulton KJ, Nammo T, Pasquali
L, Simon JM, Giresi PG, Fogarty MP,
Panhuis TM, Mieczkowski P, Secchi A,
Bosco D, Berney T, Montanya E, Mohlke KL, Lieb JD, Ferrer J. A map of
open chromatin in human pancreatic
islets. NAT GENET, 2010. 42:255-U41.
2 Van Arensbergen J, GarciaHurtado J, Moran I, Maestro MA, Xu
XB, VanDeCasteele M, Skoudy AL,
Palassini M, Heimberg H, Ferrer J.
Derepression of Polycomb targets during pancreatic organogenesis allows
insulin-producing beta-cells to adopt a
neural gene activity program. GENOME RES, 2010. 20:722-732. I.F.:11,34.
3 Boj SF, Petrov D, Ferrer J. Epistasis
of Transcriptomes Reveals Synergism
between Transcriptional Activators
Hnf1 alpha and Hnf4 alpha. PLOS GENET, 2010. 6:-. I.F.:9,53.
Garin I, Edghill EL, Akerman I,
Rubio-Cabezas O, Rica I, Locke JM,
Maestro MA, Alshaikh A, Bundak R,
DelCastillo G, Deeb A, Deiss D, Fernandez JM, Godbole K, Hussain K,
O’connell M, Klupa T, Kolouskova S,
Mohsin F, Perlman K, Sumnik Z, Rial
JM, Ugarte E, Vasanthi T, Johnstone
K, Flanagan SE, Martinez R, Castano
C, Patch AM, Fernandez-Rebollo E,
Raile K, Morgan N, Harries LW, Castano L, Ellard S, Ferrer J, DeNanclares
G, Hattersley AT. Recessive mutations
in the INS gene result in neonatal
diabetes through reduced insulin
biosynthesis. P NATL ACAD SCI USA,
2010. 107:3105-3110. I.F.:9,43.
Grants for research
in progress
Ferrer J. Analysis of the plasticity
of pancreatic duct cells. Sponsored by: JUVENILE DIABETES
RES.FOUNDATION, 26-2008-633.
Amount: 498.901,00 euros. Duration:
Ferrer J. Regulación epigenética
y plasticidad de las células beta
pancreáticas. Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, 0000.
Amount: 358.160,00 euros. Duration:
Ferrer J. Collaborative European Effort
to Develop Diabetes Diagnosis. Sponsored by: VII Programa Marc, UE,
223211. Amount: 196.363,00 euros.
Duration: 01/12/2008-30/11/2012.
Ferrer J. Biology of Liver and Pancreatic Development and Disease.
Sponsored by: VII Programa Marc, UE,
238821. Amount: 377.055,77 euros.
Duration: 01/09/2009-31/08/2013.
Ferrer J. Empleo de epigenomas celulares para optimizar la terapia celular
a partir de células madre. Sponsored
PLE2009-0162. Amount: 265.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/11/200901/11/2011.
Team involved in:
Group Members
Ramon Gomis
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 98 84
Fax: 93 451 66 38
E-mail: [email protected]
1. Molecular mechanisms regulating
plasticity of the islets in diabetes
and obesity.
2. Molecular determinants regulating
pancreatic beta-cell function: etiopathogenic role in diabetes.
3. Diabetes andobesity as cardiovascular disease.
Main Lines
of Research
Idibaps members:
Roser Casamitjana (Hospital Clínic)
Ignacio Conget (Hospital Clínic)
Enric Esmatjes (Hospital Clínic)
Rosa Gasa (IDIBAPS)
Marcelina Parrizas (IDIBAPS)
Joan Marc Servitja (IDIBAPS)
Josep Vidal (Hospital Clínic)
Anna Novials (IDIBAPS)
Marc Claret (IDIBAPS)
Pablo Miguel García-Roves
Carles Lerin (IDIBAPS)
Antonio Ceriello (IDIBAPS)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Rebeca Fernández (CIBERDEM)
Sandra Rebuffat (CIBERDEM)
Maud Soty (CIBERDEM)
Paola Casini (IDIBAPS)
Nathalie Nicod (IDIBAPS)
Sara Cervantes (IDIBAPS)
Rita Malpique (IDIBAPS)
Elena Gonzalez (CIBERDEM)
Research Fellows:
Esther Llagostera (Universitat de Barcelona)
Joana Duarte (Fundació Clínic)
Miriam Ejarque (IDIBAPS)
Fabian Pardo (Fundació Clínic)
Gemma Pujadas (Fundació Clínic)
Montse Visa (Fundació Clínic)
Alba Moreno (IDIBAPS)
Katerina Papageorgiou (IDIBAPS)
Silvia Canivell (IDIBAPS)
Lisa Cadavez (IDIBAPS)
Marc Schneeberger
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Marta Pradas (Fundació Clínic)
Mariona Balfego (Fundació Clínic)
Carlos Castaño (CIBERDEM)
Yaiza Esteban (CIBERDEM)
Ainhoa García (CIBERDEM)
Marta Julià (CIBERDEM)
Sandra Piquer (CIBERDEM)
Lidia Sanchez (IDIBAPS)
Nursing Staff:
Judith Viaplana (IDIBAPS)
Mercè Lara (CIBERDEM)
Serafín Murillo (CIBERDEM)
1. Analysis of the transcriptional circuits regulating the beta-cell population and its function.
2. Description of the modulating effects of the transcription factors
neuroD1 and neurogenin 3 in the
embryonic development of the
3. Description of the molecular pathways involved in the antiobesity
and antidiabetic effects of sodium
tungstate in experimental animals.
4. Impact of normal blood glucose
upon endothelial dysfunction: use
of treatments with insulin pumps.
5. Determination of the role of the hypothalamus in the control of energy
homeostasis in obesity.
6. Analysis of the epigenetic regulation
of adipogenesis.
7. Determination of the molecular effects of SNP rs7903146 of TCF7L2
and its role in the risk of developing
For further information:
María José Coves (CIBERDEM)
Marga Gimenez (Hospital Clínic)
Belén Nadal (Universitat de Barcelona)
Alexandra Felicia Hanzu (IDIBAPS)
Laura Brugnara (CIBERDEM)
Lilliam Flores (Hospital Clínic)
Emilio Ortega (Hospital Clínic)
Pere Leyes (Hospital Clínic)
I.F.: 84,13
Martinez E, Larrousse M, Podzamczer D, Perez I, Gutierrez F,
Lonca M, Barragan P, Deulofeu R,
Casamitjana R, Mallolas J, Pich J,
Gatell JM. Abacavir-based therapy
does not affect biological mechanisms associated with cardiovascular dysfunction. AIDS, 2010.
24:F1-F9. I.F.:4,91.
Expression of b-site amyloidogenic cleavage of precursor protein-cleaving enzyme
(BACE) in the human pancreas. BACE (red), insulin (blue) and glucagon (green)
(BACE co-localization with insulin: magenta).
Penarrubia J, Peralta S, Fabregues F, Carmona F, Casamitjana R,
Balasch J. Day-5 inhibin B serum
concentrations and antral follicle
count as predictors of ovarian
response and live birth in assisted
reproduction cycles stimulated
with gonadotropin after pituitary
suppression. FERTIL STERIL, 2010.
94:2590-2595. I.F.:3,97.
3 Casals G, Ordi J, Creus M, FaRESEARCH GROUP
Pancreatic islets: biomarkers and function
Group Leader: Ramon Gomis (IDIBAPS)
The group headed by Dr. Ramon Gomis investigates the physiology of pancreatic islets and adipose tissue, and the causes
leading to dysfunction of these tissues. A central aspect of
these studies is the determination of the molecular mechanisms implicated in cell mass balance at both embryonic development level
and as refers to adult age – with special emphasis on cell regeneration and
apoptotic processes.
Molecular and metabolic alterations in diabetes
Group Leader: Anna Novials (IDIBAPS)
The main line of research of the group headed by Dr. Novials
involves the study of the molecular, genetic and environmental
factors critical to pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction and destruction in type 2 diabetes.
bregues F, Carmona F, Casamitjana
R, Balasch J. Osteopontin and
alpha V beta 3 integrin as markers
of endometrial receptivity: the
effect of different hormone therapies. REPROD BIOMED ONLINE,
2010. 21:349-359. I.F.:2,38.
4 Moreno M, Chaves JF, SanchoBru P, Ramalho F, Ramalho LN,
Mansego ML, Ivorra C, Dominguez
M, Conde L, Millan C, Mari M,
Colmenero J, Lozano JJ, Jares P,
Vidal J, Forns X, Arroyo V, Caballeria J, Gines P, Bataller R. Ghrelin
Attenuates Hepatocellular Injury
and Liver Fibrogenesis in Rodents
and Influences Fibrosis Progression
in Humans. HEPATOLOGY, 2010.
51:974-985. I.F.:10,84.
5 Lacy A, Ibarzabal A, Pando E,
Adelsdorfer C, Delitala A, Corcelles
R, Delgado S, Vidal J. Revisional
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
Team Members
Surgery After Sleeve Gastrectomy. SURG LAPARO ENDO PER,
2010. 20:351-356. I.F.:0,83.
6 Casas S, Casini P, Piquer S,
Altirriba J, Soty M, Cadavez L,
Gomis R, Novials A. BACE2 plays
a role in the insulin receptor trafficking in pancreatic beta-cells.
299:E1087-E1095. I.F.:4,40.
7 Flores L, Osaba MJM, Andreu
A, Moize V, Rodriguez L, Vidal J.
Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation after Gastric Bypass Should
Be Individualized to Improve or
Avoid Hyperparathyroidism. OBES
SURG, 2010. 20:738-743. I.F.:2,93.
8 Ceriello A, Esposito K, Ihnat
M, Thorpe J, Giugliano D. Effect
of acute hyperglycaemia, longterm glycaemic control and insulin
on endothelial dysfunction and
inflammation in Type 1 diabetic
patients with different characteristics. DIABETIC MED, 2010.
27:911-917. I.F.:2,87.
9 Komajda M, Mcmurray JJV,
Beck-Nielsen H, Gomis R, Hanefeld M, Pocock SJ, Curtis PS,
Jones NP, Home PD. Heart failure
events with rosiglitazone in type 2
diabetes: data from the RECORD
clinical trial. EUR HEART J, 2010.
31:824-831. I.F.:9,80.
10 Musri MM, Carmona MC,
Hanzu FA, Kaliman P, Gomis R,
Parrizas M. Histone Demethylase
LSD1 Regulates Adipogenesis. J
BIOL CHEM, 2010. 285:3003430041. I.F.:5,33.
11 Moize VL, Pi-Sunyer X,
Mochari H, Vidal J. Nutritional
Pyramid for Post-gastric Bypass
Patients. OBES SURG. , 2010
20:1133-1141. I.F.:2,93.
12 Murillo S, Brugnara L, Novials
A. One year follow-up in a group of
half-marathon runners with type-1
diabetes treated with insulin analogues. J SPORT MED PHYS FIT,
2010. 50:506-510. I.F.:0,76.
13 Hanzu F, Gomis R, Coves MJ,
Viaplana J, Palomo M, Andreu A, Szpunar J, Vidal J. Proof-of-concept trial
on the efficacy of sodium tungstate in
human obesity. DIABETES OBES METAB, 2010. 12:1013-1018. I.F.:4,13.
Andreu A, Moize V, Rodriguez
L, Flores L, Vidal J. Protein Intake,
Body Composition, and Protein
Status Following Bariatric Surgery.
OBES SURG, 2010. 20:1509-1515.
Esmatjes E, Montana X, Real
MI, Blanco J, Conget I, Casamitjana
R, Rovira M, Gomis R, Marin P. Regeneration of insulin production by
autologous bone marrow blood autotransplantation in patients with type
1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, 2010.
53:786-789. I.F.:6,55.
Fernandez-Real JM, Valdes S,
Manco M, Chico B, Botas P, Campo A, Casamitjana R, Delgado E,
Salvador J, Fruhbeck G, Mingrone
G, Ricart W. Surfactant Protein D, a
Marker of Lung Innate Immunity, Is
Positively Associated With Insulin
Sensitivity. DIABETES CARE, 2010.
33:847-853. I.F.:6,72.
Gimenez M, Lara M, Conget
I. Sustained Efficacy of Continuous
Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion in
Type 1 Diabetes Subjects with
Recurrent Non-Severe and Severe
Hypoglycemia and Hypoglycemia
Unawareness: A Pilot Study.
12:517-521. I.F.:2,62.
Luque-Ramirez M, Portoles
GR, Varela C, Albero R, Halperin I,
Moreiro J, Soto A, Casamitjana R.
The Efficacy of Octreotide LAR as
Firstline Therapy for Patients with
Newly Diagnosed Acromegaly is
Independent of Tumor Extension:
Predictive Factors of Tumor and
Biochemical Response. HORM METAB RES, 2010. 42:38-44. I.F.:2,69.
ltirriba J, Gasa R, Casas S,
Ramirez-Bajo MJ, Ros S, GutierrezDalmau A, DeVilla MCR, Barbera A,
Gomis R. The role of transmembrane
protein 27 (TMEM27) in islet physiology and its potential use as a beta
cell mass biomarker. DIABETOLOGIA, 2010. 53:1406-1414. I.F.:6,55.
I.F.: 5,12
Ceriello A, Ihnat MA. ‘Glycaemic variability’: a new therapeutic
challenge in diabetes and the critical care setting. DIABETIC MED,
2010. 27:862-867. I.F.:2,87.
2 Ceriello A. The glucose triad and
its role in comprehensive glycaemic control: current status, future
management. INT J CLIN PRACT,
2010. 64:1705-1711. I.F.:2,25.
I.F.: 6,72
Ceriello A. Point: Postprandial
Glucose Levels Are a Clinically
Important Treatment Target. DIABETES CARE, 2010. 33:1905-1907.
Grants for research
in progress
Servitja JM. Estudio de la respuesta del islote pancreático
a la hipoxia: papel de HIF-1.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Educación y Ciencia, BFU2006-09072.
Amount: 75.020,00 euros. Duration: 01/10/2006-30/11/2011.
Esmatjes E. Efectos del by-pass
gástrico sobre la presión arterial y la disfunción endotelial en
personas con obesidad grave.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad
y Consumo, PI070124. Amount:
44.770,00 euros. Duration:
Gomis R. Dianes moleculares
inducidas por tungstato en la obesidad. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Educación y Ciencia, SAF200607382. Amount: 560.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/10/200630/09/2011.
Gomis R. FOOD FOR LIFE-Supporting Healthy Lifestyles in the
Mediterranean Area. Sponsored
by: Marie Curie Actions - International Research Staff Exchange
Scheme , FP7- PEOPLE - IRSES
- 2008. Amount: 54.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Gomis R. The role of adipose tissue in obesity: beta cell crosstalk
(ADIBET). Sponsored by: FP7
PEOPLE-2007-3-1-IAPP , 218131.
Amount: 465.597,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2011.
Gomis R. Diabetis experimental,
investigació cel·lular i molecular
en models de diabetis experimental. Sponsored by: Direcció
General de Recerca. Generalitat
de Catalunya: Ajuts de suport als
grups de recerca de Catalunya
(SGR), 2009 SGR 1426. Amount:
53.040,00 euros. Duration:
Gomis R. Papel de la fracción noadipocitaria del tejido adiposo visceral en el inicio y la propagación
de la enfermedad aterotrombótica.
Sponsored by: I Beca Boston
Scientific de Investigación Cardiovascular en Diabetes (Sociedad
Española de Diabetes), 0000.
Amount: 4.500,00 euros. Duration:
Gasa R. Cascada transcripcional
inducida por neurogenina3 en el
páncreas: estudio de los factores
de transcripción math6 y ebf1.
Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, BFU2008-02299/
BMC. Amount: 100.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Novials A. Papel del enzima bace
(beta-site amyloid precursor protein
cleaving enzyme) en la funcionalidad
del islote pancreático. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Sanidad, PI080088.
Amount: 75.504,00 euros. Duration:
Marcelina Parrizas. Papel de la
demetilasa de histonas LSD1
en la adipogénesis. Sponsored
by: MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, BFU2009-09988. Amount:
98.010,01 euros. Duration:
Servitja JM. Epigenetic control
of gene expression in pancreatic
islets. Sponsored by: EUROPEAN
Amount: 50.000,00 euros. Duration: 08/05/2010-07/11/2012.
Claret M. Role of hypothalamic
mitochondrial fusion in appetite
and body weight control: potential
therapeutic target for the treatment
of obesity.. Sponsored by: ASSOC CAT UNIVERSITATS PUBLIQUES - ACUP, 2010ACUP_00275.
Amount: 71.859,53 euros. Duration:
Vidal J. GLP-1 y resolución tras
el bypass gástrico de la diabetes tipo 2 asociada a obesidad.
Sponsored by: FUNDACION DE
AP62572009. Amount: 65.000,00
euros. Duration: 03/08/200931/07/2011.
Vidal J. Estudi aleatoritzat prospectiu sobre els efectes del tractament
mèdic intensiu amb o sense bypass
gàstric en Y de Roux, sobre el gruix
de la íntima mitja carotídea en
malalts amb obesitat grau I. Sponsored by: AGENCIA D’AVALUACIÓ
401/17/2008. Amount: 70.541,00
euros. Duration: 01/12/200930/11/2012.
Claret M. Role of miRNAs in
hypothalamic populations of neurons upon energy and glucose
homeostasis: potential targets for
obesity and diabetes treatment.
Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
Amount: 196.875,00 euros. Duration: 20/01/2010-19/01/2016.
Liver, digestive system and metabolism
Gomis R. Bases Moleculares del
efecto del tungstato de sodio sobre la plasticidad pancreática y
Tmem27. PhD student: Jordi Altirriba Gutierrez.
Carmona MC, Gomis R. Efecte Hipotalàmic del tungstat de sodi i la
seva relació amb la via de la leptina:
una possible teràpia antiobesitat.
PhD student: Marta Amigo Correig.
Gomis R. Plasticitat de la cèlula
Beta en l’ obesitat. PhD student:
Nuria Palau Balaña.
Clinical and
and experimental neuropathology 198
Brain ischemia: Clinical
and experimental studies 203
Neurodegenerative diseases:
Clinical and experimental research 206
Neurophysiology and functional
studies of the nervous system 211
Secondary lesions due to chronic
alcohol ingestion, muscle pathology 212
Cellular biology of
pathological processes 218
Biological bases of psychiatric
disorders and nuclear psychiatry 221
Neuropsychology 233
Systems neuroscience 236
Clinical and experimental
neuroimmunology 240
Neurobiology Unit 244
Team envolved in:
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
CIBER en enfermedades
CIBER en salud mental
RETIC en envejecimiento
y fragilidad (RETICEF)
Neuropharmacology and experimental neuropathology
GROUP Members
Furthering of knowledge of the
physiopathological mechanisms of
neurological and psychiatric diseases
and neurotoxic and aging processes
of the central nervous system, with
a view to identifying new cellular and
functional targets and proposing new
Guadalupe Mengod (IIBB-CSIC)
Tel.: 93 363 83 23
Fax: 93 636 83 01
E-mail: [email protected]
Systems neuropharmacology
Idibaps members:
Albert Adell (IIBB-CSIC)
Francesc Artigas (IIBB-CSIC)
Analia Bortolozzi (IDIBAPS)
Anna Castañé (IIBB-CSIC)
Pau Celada (IDIBAPS)
Roser Cortés (IIBB-CSIC)
Rosa Cristòfol (IIBB-CSIC)
Sebastià Pons (IIBB-CSIC)
Eduard Rodriguez Farré
Coral Sanfeliu (IIBB-CSIC)
Josep Saura (Facultat de
Medicina UB)
Joan Serratosa (IIBB-CSIC)
Carme Solà (IIBB-CSIC)
Cristina Suñol (IIBB-CSIC)
Josep Maria Tusell
Mª Teresa Vilaró (IIBB-CSIC)
Research Fellows:
Julián de Almeida
Mercedes Barzi
Jordi Berenger (CSIC)
Victor Briz (FPI-IDIBAPS)
Yoelvis García
(Marató TV3-IDIBAPS)
Núria Gresa (I3P-CSIC)
Emily Johansson (FPI-CSIC)
Pilar Mancera (Marató TV3)
Mercè Masana (I3P-CSIC)
Cristina Sanabra (FPIIDIBAPS)
Marco Straccia (I3P-CSIC)
Anna García (FPI-IDIBAPS)
Giuseppe Mocci (JAE-CSIC)
Rocío Rodríguez-Minguela
Susana Revilla (FPU-MICINN)
Eva Troyano (FPI-CSIC)
Aina Palou (FPI-IDIBAPS)
Antonio Herrera-Camacho
Guido Dentesano
(Marató TV3)
Cristina Viéitez (La Caixa)
Núria Paúl (IIBB-CSIC)
Laura Jiménez (IDIBAPS)
Maurizio Riga (IDIBAPS)
Mireia Galofré
(Fundació Clínic)
Group Leader:
Francesc Artigas
Leticia Campa (IIBB-CSIC)
Rocío Martín-Álvarez
Anghara Menéndez
Albert Parull (IIBB-CSIC)
Sara Sánchez-Redondo
Verónica Paz (CIBERSAM)
Silvia Serrano (CIBERNED)
Noemí Jurado (CSIC)
Jofre Serret (RETICS)
Irene Porcar (IIBB-CSIC)
Rosario Ruiz (UB)
The group
studies the
neuronal circuits implicated in the
physiopathology and treatment
of depression and schizophrenia.
Special emphasis is placed
on the prefrontal cortex and
anatomically and functionally related
areas. It also explored chemical
neurotransmission processes and
physiology in animal models of
mental disease, with a view to
identifying new therapeutic targets.
Administrative Staff:
María Jaramillo (CIBERSAM)
Neuronal proliferation
control group
Elisenda Rodríguez Vargas
Xavier López Gil (IIBB-CSIC)
Laia Lladó (IIBB-CSIC)
Noemí Santana (CIBERSAM)
Tamara Romón (IDIBAPS)
Tony Valente (IDIBAPS)
Beatriz Caballero (CIBERESP)
Group Leader: Sebastián Pons
This group centers its efforts on
the description of mechanisms
implicated in the regulation of
neuronal proliferation. Specifically,
it studies the molecules opposing
proliferation induced by the Sonic
Hedgehog oncogene in cerebellar
granular cells.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Neuropharmacology and experimental neuropathology
I.F.: 105,96
Human astrocytes suffer
inflammatory morphological
changes and apoptosis
(arrow) under amyloid beta
and pro-oxidant treatment.
Cultures are stained with
anti-GFAP and bisbenzimide.
Scale bar = 20 µm.
Neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration
mechanisms group
Molecular neuropharmacology group
Group Leader:
Guadalupe Mengod
Group Leader:
Cristina Suñol (IIBB-CSIC)
The group carries out studies
on cytotoxicity, oxidative
stress, synaptic functions and
proteomics, for the determination of altered
targets in toxicity and aging processes of the
central nervous system. It also focuses on
neuroprotective strategies and the development
of in vitro methods for predicting neurotoxicity.
The group studies
neurotransmission and its
anatomical, cellular and molecular aspects
implicated in neurodegenerative disorders
with an inflammatory component. The
objective is to identify and characterize
new targets for therapeutic action.
Cellular neurobiology group
Group Leader: Josep Saura (IIBB-CSIC)
It has been suggested that glial activation plays an important role in the
development of many neurodegenerative disorders. Glial activation is an
inflammation-type process that takes place in the presence of neuron damage, and
implies morphological changes as well as changes in the expression of different
molecules in both astrocytes and microglial cells. It is still not clear whether glial activation is
a consequence of neuron degradation or a phenomenon that precedes such degradation. The
principal objective is to obtain information allowing the development of new strategies capable
of contributing to the prevention of neurodegenerative processes characterized by chronic glial
activation, based on adequate animal and cellular models. We are exploring the implication of
certain transcription factors(C/EBPs and NF-B) and other proteins (CD200, CD200R, TREM) in the
glial activation process and in the associated neurotoxicity. Our hypothesis is that modulation of the
function of these proteins may constitute a therapeutic target in relation to the neuroinflammation
and neuron damage observed in neurodegenerative diseases. We conduct in vitro and in vivo
studies using experimental animals, primary cell cultures (mixed glial cultures, cultures enriched
with microglia, astrocytes or neurons, mixed neuron-glia cultures) and cell lines. We are specialized
in histological, cytological and molecular and cellular biology techniques.
Vendrell I, Carrascal M, Campos F, Abian J, Suñol C. Methylmercury disrupts the balance
between phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated cofilin in primary
cultures of mice cerebellar granule
cells A proteomic study. TOXICOL
APPL PHARM, 2010. 242:109-118.
2 Suñol C, Babot Z, Cristofol R,
Sonnewald U, Waagepetersen HS,
Schousboe A. A Possible Role of
the Non-GAT1 GABA Transporters
in Transfer of GABA From GABAergic to Glutamatergic Neurons in
Mouse Cerebellar Neuronal Cultures. NEUROCHEM RES, 2010.
35:1384-1390. I.F.:2,72.
3 Ejarque-Ortiz A, Gresa-Arribas
N, Straccia M, Mancera P, Sola C,
Tusell JM, Serratosa J, Saura J.
CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein
Delta in Microglial Activationº. J
NEUROSCI RES, 2010. 88:11131123. I.F.:2,99.
4 Scorza MC, Castane A, Bortolozzi A, Artigas F. Clozapine does
not require 5-HT1A receptors to
block the locomotor hyperactivity
induced by MK-801 Clz and MK801 in KO1A mice. NEUROPHARMACOLOGY, 2010. 59:112-120.
5 DeAlmeida J, Mengod G. D2
and D4 dopamine receptor mRNA
distribution in pyramidal neurons
and GABAergic subpopulations in
monkey prefrontal cortex: implications for schizophrenia treatment.
NEUROSCIENCE, 2010. 170:11331139. I.F.:3,29.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
and experimental neuropathology
Team Members
DeGortari P, Mengod G. Dopamine
D1, D2 and mu-opioid receptors are
co-expressed with adenylyl cyclase
5 and phosphodiesterase 7B mRNAs
in striatal rat cells. BRAIN RES, 2010.
1310:37-45. I.F.:2,46.
Mataix L, Cortes R, Scorza MC,
Gingrich JA, Toth M, Artigas F.
Dopamine release induced by
atypical antipsychotics in prefrontal
cortex requires 5-HT1A receptors
but not 5-HT2A receptors. INT J
NEUROPSYCHOPH, 2010. 13:12991314. I.F.:4,87.
Martin-Ibanez R, Crespo E,
Urban N, Sergent-Tanguy S, Herranz
C, Jaumot M, Valiente M, Long JE,
Pineda JR, Andreu C, Rubenstein JLR,
Marin O, Georgopoulos K, Mengod G,
Farinas I, Bachs O, Alberch J, Canals
JM. Ikaros-1 Couples Cell Cycle Arrest
of Late Striatal Precursors With Neurogenesis of Enkephalinergic Neurons.
J COMP NEUROL, 2010. 518:329351. I.F.:3,72.
8 Martin-Carrasco M, Otermin P,
7 Bortolozzi A, Masana M, Diaz-
Perez-Camo V, Pujol J, Aguera L, Martin MJ, Gobartt AL, Pons S, Balana M.
EDUCA study: Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the
Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale. AGING
MENT HEALTH, 2010. 14:705-711.
Garcia I, Mayol G, Rodriguez E,
Sunol M, Gershon TR, Rios J, Cheung
NKV, Kieran MW, George RE, PerezAtayde AR, Casala C, Galvan P, DeTorres C, Mora J, Lavarino C. Expression
of the neuron-specific protein CHD5 is
an independent marker of outcome in
neuroblastoma. MOL CANCER, 2010.
9:-. I.F.:4,16.
Galofre M, Babot Z, Garcia DA,
Iraola S, Rodriguez-Farre E, Forsby A,
Suñol C. GABA(A) receptor and cell
membrane potential as functional endpoints in cultured neurons to evaluate
chemicals for human acute toxicity.
32:52-61. I.F.:3,27.
Aschner M, Levin ED, Suñol
C, Olopade JO, Helmcke KJ, Avila
DS, Sledge D, Ali RH, Upchurch L,
Donerly S, Linney E, Forsby A, Ponnuru P, Connor JR. Gene-environment
interactions: Neurodegeneration in
non-mammals and mammals. NEUROTOXICOLOGY, 2010. 31:582-588.
Moreno M, Cardona D, Gomez
MJ, Sanchez-Santed F, Tobena A,
Fernandez-Teruel A, Campa L, Suñol
C, Escarabajal MD, Torres C, Flores
P. Impulsivity Characterization in the
Roman High- and Low-Avoidance Rat
Strains: Behavioral and Neurochemical Differences. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOL, 2010. 35:1198-1208.
Slevin M, Matou-Nasri S, Turu M,
Luque A, Rovira N, Badimon L, Boluda
S, Potempa L, Sanfeliu C, DeVera N,
Krupinski J. Modified C-Reactive Protein
Is Expressed by Stroke Neovessels and
Is a Potent Activator of Angiogenesis
In Vitro. BRAIN PATHOL, 2010. 20:151165. I.F.:5,90.
Ventura M, Mateo F, Serratosa J,
Salaet I, Carujo S, Bachs O, Pujol MJ.
Nuclear translocation of glyceraldehyde3-phosphate dehydrogenase is regulated
by acetylation. INT J BIOCHEM CELL B,
2010. 42:1672-1680. I.F.:4,89.
Llado-Pelfort L, Assie MB, Newman-Tancredi A, Artigas F, Celada P. Preferential in vivo action of F15599, a novel
5-HT1A receptor agonist, at postsynaptic
5-HT1A receptors. BRIT J PHARMACOL,
2010. 160:1929-1940. I.F.:5,20.
20 Vidal R, Valdizan EM, Vilaro MT,
Pazos A, Castro E. Reduced signal
transduction by 5-HT4 receptors after
long-term venlafaxine treatment in rats.
BRIT J PHARMACOL, 2010. 161:695706. I.F.:5,20.
Briz V, Galofre M, Suñol C. Reduction of Glutamatergic Neurotransmission by Prolonged Exposure to Dieldrin
Involves NMDA Receptor Internalization
and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor
5 Downregulation. TOXICOL SCI, 2010.
113:138-149. I.F.:4,81.
Garcia-Matas S, DeVera N, Aznar AO, Marimon JM, Adell A, Planas
AM, Cristofol R, Sanfeliu C. In Vitro
and In Vivo Activation of Astrocytes
by Amyloid-beta is Potentiated by ProOxidant Agents. J ALZHEIMERS DIS,
2010. 20:229-245. I.F.:3,83.
Gresa-Arribas N, Serratosa J,
Saura J, Sola C. Inhibition of CCAAT/
enhancer binding protein delta expression by chrysin in microglial cells
results in anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. J NEUROCHEM,
2010. 115:526-536. I.F.:4,00.
Sans-Fons MG, Sole S, Sanfeliu
C, Planas AM. Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 and Cell Division in Neuroblastoma Cells and Bone Marrow
Macrophages. AM J PATHOL, 2010.
177:2870-2885. I.F.:5,67.
22 Castane A, Theobald DEH, Robbins TW. Selective lesions of the dorsomedial striatum impair serial spatial
reversal learning in rats. BEHAV BRAIN
RES, 2010. 210:74-83. I.F.:3,22.
Martinez-Boubeta C, Balcells L,
Cristofol R, Sanfeliu C, Rodriguez E,
Weissleder R, Lope-Piedrafita S, Simeonidis K, Angelakeris M, Sandiumenge F,
Calleja A, Casas L, Monty C, Martinez
B. Self-assembled multifunctional Fe/
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Neuropharmacology and experimental neuropathology
MgO nanospheres for magnetic
resonance imaging and hyperthermia.
6:362-370. I.F.:5,44.
24 Mnie-Filali O, Amraei MG, Berimbarek S, Archer-Lahlou E, Penas-Cazorla
R, Vilaro MT, Boye SM, Pineyro G. Serotonin 4 receptor (5-HT4R) internalization
is isoform-specific: Effects of 5-HT and
RS67333 on isoforms A and B. CELL
SIGNAL, 2010. 22:501-509. I.F.:4,09.
Barzi M, Berenguer J, Menendez A, Alvarez-Rodriguez R, Pons S.
Sonic-hedgehog-mediated proliferation requires the localization of PKA
to the cilium base. J CELL SCI, 2010.
123:62-69. I.F.:6,14.
26 Mori F, Perez-Torres S, DeCaro
R, Porzionato A, Macchi V, Beleta J,
Gavalda A, Palacios JM, Mengod G.
The human area postrema and other
nuclei related to the emetic reflex express cAMP phosphodiesterases 4B
and 4D. J CHEM NEUROANAT, 2010.
40:36-42. I.F.:1,75.
I.F.: 10,08
Adell A. Lu-AA21004, a multimodal
serotonergic agent, for the potential
treatment of depression and anxiety.
IDRUGS, 2010. 13:900-910. I.F.:1,93.
2 Artigas F. The prefrontal cortex: a
target for antipsychotic drugs. ACTA
PSYCHIAT SCAND, 2010. 121:11-21.
Lopez-Gil X, Artigas F, Adell A.
Unraveling Monoamine Receptors
Involved in the Action of Typical and
Atypical Antipsychotics on Glutamatergic and Serotonergic Transmission in
Prefrontal Cortex. CURR PHARM DESIGN, 2010. 16:502-515. I.F.:4,41.
I.F.: 9,23
Adell A. New Strategies in the
Search of Antipsychotic Drugs. CURR
PHARM DESIGN, 2010. 16:486-487.
2 Suñol C. Use of Gene Expression
of Neural Markers in Cultured Neural Cells to Identify Developmental
Neurotoxicants. TOXICOL SCI, 2010.
113:1-3. I.F.:4,81.
Grants for research
in progresss
Sanfeliu C. Counteracting Alzheimer’s disease progession: effects of
early-environmental treatments on
the triple-transgenic 3xTgAD mic.
Sponsored by: Fundació Marató TV3,
62931. Amount: 120.000,00 euros.
Duration: 14/03/2007-13/03/2010.
Serratosa J. Excitotoxic mechanisms,
neuroinflammatory response and
seric factors in experimental and human amyotrophyc lateral esclerosis.
Sponsored by: Fundació Marató TV3,
63031. Amount: 84.372,00 euros. Duration: 02/03/2007-01/03/2010.
Amount: 223.877,51 euros. Duration:
Artigas F. Modulación serotoninérgica
de la corteza prefrontal: relevancia en
el tratamiento de la depresión y la esquizofrenia. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Educación y Ciencia, SAF2007-62378.
Amount: 430.760,00 euros. Duration:
Suñol C. Optimization and pre-validation of an in vitro test strategy for
predicting human acute toxicity (ACute-Tox). Sponsored by: European
Commission, LSHB-CT-2004-512051.
Amount: 259.797,00 euros. Duration:
Sanfeliu C. Red temática de investigación cooperativa en envejecimiento
y fragilidad (RETICEF). Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
RD06/0013/1004. Amount: 74.954,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200807/10/2010.
Saura J. ¿Es C/EBPbeta una diana
para atenuar la respuesta neuroinflamatoria asociada a enfermedades
neurodegenerativas?. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI070455. Amount: 88.330,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2010.
Adell A. Alteraciones de las conexiones de la corteza prefrontal en
el modelo de esquizofrenia de antagonismo NMDA. Sitio de acción y
mecanismo de los fármacos antipsicóticos. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, PI070111.
Amount: 152.460,00 euros. Duration: 26/11/2007-30/06/2011.
Celada MP. Actividad cortical y alucinaciones. Nuevo modelo experimental para la identificación de dianas
terapeuticas en esquizofrenia. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos
III, PS09/01245. Amount: 74.415,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Artigas F. Monoaminergic neurotransmission in prefrontal cortex:
Target for augmentation strategies in
schizophrenia. Sponsored by: SENYFundació - Schizophrenia Research
Foundation, SenyFund_07_002.
Artigas F. Estudio del mecanismo de
acción de la estimulación cerebral
profunda sobre la neurotransmisión
serotoninérgica y dopaminérgica.
Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, 201020E046.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
and experimental neuropathology
Team Members
Amount: 45.000,00 euros. Duration:
Bortolozzi A. In vivo silencing of
5-HT2A receptor and serotonin
transporter by RNA interference
mechanism. Relevance to the
cognitive-affective disorder in schizophrenia and depression. Sponsored
by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, P91C.
Amount: 48.000,00 euros. Duration:
Artigas F. Grup de Recerca Consolidat,
Neuroquímica i Neurofarmacologia.
Sponsored by: Generalitat de Catalunya,
2009SGR220. Amount: 49.920,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Artigas F. Novel Methods leading to
New Medications in Depression and
Schizophrenia (NEWMEDS). Sponsored by: IMI JU, (Comisión Europea
- CE y la Federación Europea de Industrias y Asociaciones Farmacéuticas EFPIA), Grant Agreement N° 115008.
Amount: 416.232,00 euros. Duration:
Cortés R. Estudio de la aplicación
de nanopartículas metálicas para
usos de diagnóstico y terapéutica de
enfermedades del sistema nervioso
central. Sponsored by: Ministerio de
Ciencia en Innovación, PET2008-0066.
Amount: 19.965,00 euros. Duration:
Pons S. de la proliferación de los precursores de neuronas granulares del
cerebelo. Sponsored by: Instituto de
Investigaciones Biomedicas de Barcelona CSIC, MCI BFU2008-024024BFI.
Amount: 185.000,00 euros. Duration:
Joan Serratosa Serda. Mecanismes
excitotòxics, resposta inflamatòria
i factors sèrics en l’escelorosi
lateral amiotròfica humana i ex-
perimental. Sponsored by: Fundació
Marató TV3, V-2006-TV063031-O.
Amount: 84.372,00 euros. Duration:
Solá C. Inhibición de la activación
glial como diana terapéutica en
enfermedades neurodegenerativas. Sponsored by: FIS, PI081396.
Amount: 191.906,00 euros. Duration:
Cortés R. Títol del projecte: Expresión
de marcadores neuronales en demencias: enfermedad de los granos
argirófilos y Alzheimer. Sponsored by:
MICINN - Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
PS09/01087. Amount: 124.025,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Sanfeliu C. Implicación de la sirtuina
1 en procesos neurodegenerativos.
Sponsored by: MICINN, SAF200913093-C02-02. Amount: 181.500,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Mengod G. Neuroinflamación: Regulación molecular de la señalización
por AMPc en el modelo EAE murino
de esclerosis múltiple. Sponsored
by: Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, SAF2009-11052.
Amount: 30.000,00 euros. Duration:
Mengod G. Fármacos innovadores
para la esclerosis múltiple. Sponsored
by: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología (FECYT), INC-0367.
Amount: 150.000,00 euros. Duration:
Artigas F, Bortolozzi A. DENDRIA Modulación de los genes asociados al
sistema serotonérgico con moléculas
RNA antisentido (siRNA) y su efecto
en modelo. Sponsored by: nLife Therapeutics, 10/166. Amount: 97.500,00
euros. Duration: 01/07/201031/12/2013.
Celada MP. DENDRIA -Estudios de
la actividad oscilatoria cortical. Sponsored by: BRAINco Biopharma, S.L.,
10/156. Amount: 24.200,00 euros.
Duration: 01/07/2010-31/12/2013.
Artigas F. Deep Brain Stimulation in
patients with Resistant Major Depressive Disorder. Mechanism of action,
clinical and preclinical studies. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
P82. Amount: 20.000,00 euros. Duration: 21/11/2008-21/11/2011.
Sanfeliu C. Disfunción cerebral durante el envejecimiento: relevancia
para la enfermedad de Alzheimer
(BrainAge). Sponsored by: MICINN,
CSD2010-00045. Amount: 0,00 euros.
Duration: 27/12/2010-26/12/2015.
Vilaró MT. Efecto de la activación de
receptores 5-HT4 de serotonina sobre
la deposición del péptido amiloide Aß‚
en un ratón triple transgénico de la
enfermedad de Alzheimer. Sponsored
by: MICINN - Instituto de Salud Carlos
III, PS09/00468. Amount: 59.500,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Sanfeliu C. El ejercicio físico voluntario como terapia para la enfermedad de
Alzheimer. Estudio en ratones tripletransgénicos 3xTg-AD. PhD student:
Yoelvis Garcia Mesa.
Artigas F, Celada MP. Paper del receptor 5HT 1A en el mecanisme d’ acció
de psicofàrmacs. PhD student: Laia
Lladó Pelfort.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Brain ischemia: Clinical and experimental studies
GROUP Members
Anna M. Planas (IIBB-CSIC)
Tel.: 93 363 83 27
Fax: 93 363 83 01
E-mail: [email protected]
Study of cerebrovascular pathology from
the clinical and basic perspective, with
special emphasis on inflammation and
immune response, as well as on the use
of neuroimaging techniques. The ultimate
aim is to develop therapeutic strategies in
application to stroke.
Idibaps members:
Ángel Chamorro (Hospital Clínic)
Tomàs Santalucia (IDIBAPS)
Luisa Camon (IIBB-CSIC)
Nuria de Vera (IIBB-CSIC)
Emili Martínez (IIBB-CSIC)
Esther Pozas (IDIBAPS)
Justicia, Carles (IIBB-CSIC)
Cervera, Álvaro (Hospital Clínic)
Valérie Petegnief (IIBB-CSIC)
Research Fellows:
Sergi Amaro (FIS)
Miriam Font Nieves
de la Vega (MEC)
Manuel Gómez-Choco
(Fundació Clínic)
Anna Serra (IDIBAPS)
Xabier Urra (FIS)
Isabel Pérez de Puig (IDIBAPS)
Xavier de la Rosa Siles (CSIC)
Fernando Yepes Calderón (CSIC)
Unai Perpiñá Martín (IDIBAPS)
Víctor Obach (Hospital Clínic)
Marta Vargas (Fundació Clínic)
Fernando Pérez Asensio
(Juan de la Cierva, CSIC)
Guadalupe Soria
(contracte I3P, CSIC)
Leonardo J. Márquez
Luca Maggioni (IDIBAPS)
Glòria Sans Fons (IDIBAPS)
Study of the rat brain using magnetic
resonance imaging.
A) Fractional anisotropy map offering
information on the magnitude of white
matter fibre anisotropy, showing the
anatomy of the rat brain. Control of
the coronal section at three different
levels of the brain. B) The same brain sections, with a colour-code map
providing information on the threedimensional orientation of the white
matter fibres using the diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) technique. C) Coronal
sections of fractional anisotropy map
images of the brain of an animal 7
days after occlusion of the middle cerebral artery during 90 minutes.
D) Colour-code map of the same ischemic brain sections.
Noelia Montoya (IDIBAPS)
Francisca Ruiz (IDIBAPS)
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Brain ischemia:
Clinical and experimental studies
Main Lines
of Research
I.F.: 90,59
1. Immunological mechanisms
implicated in the progression
of ischemic stroke and in
the appearance of infectious
complications. Study of
inflammatory and innate immune
responses in stroke. Genetic
aspects of immune response.
2. Identification of new antioxidant
treatments in stroke. Preclinical
studies of the protective effects
of these treatments and of the
mechanisms involved. Design and
conduction of a phase IIb study
involving the administration of uric
acid in stroke treated with rtPA.
3. Use of intraarterial rescue
treatments with rtPA in patients
previously treated with intravenous
rtPA and selected by multimodal
imaging techniques.
4. Neuroimaging in brain ischemia:
application of magnetic resonance
(MR) techniques for the in vivo
noninvasive monitorization of
patients and experimental animals in
relation to anatomical and functional
parameters of brain damage –
including immune response.
5. Signals implicated in neuron death
and survival in ischemia: role of
endoplasmic reticulum stress and
molecular regulation of hypoxiainducible factor (HIF-1a).
6. Neurological repair and
neurogenesis in brain ischemia:
effect of inflammation upon
Cervera A, Planas AM, Justicia C,
Urra X, Jensenius JC, Torres F, Lozano
F, Chamorro A. Genetically-Defined
Deficiency of Mannose-Binding Lectin
Is Associated with Protection after
Experimental Stroke in Mice and Outcome in Human Stroke. PLoS ONE,
2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
Rodriguez G, Soria G, Coll E, Rubio
L, Barbosa-Barros L, Lopez-Iglesias C,
Planas AM, Estelrich J, DeLaMaza A,
Lopez O. Bicosomes: Bicelles in Dilute
Systems. BIOPHYS J, 2010. 99:480488. I.F.:4,39.
Serra-Perez A, Planas AM, NunezO’mara A, Berra E, Garcia-Villoria
J, Ribes A, Santalucia T. Extended
ischemia prevents HIF1alpha degradation at reoxygenation by impairing
prolyl-hydroxylation: role of Krebs cycle metabolites. J BIOL CHEM, 2010.
285:18217-18224. I.F.:5,33.
Ederle J, Dobson J, Featherstone RL,
Bonati LH, VanDerWorp HB, et al. Carotid
artery stenting compared with endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic
carotid stenosis (International Carotid
Stenting Study): an interim analysis of
a randomised controlled trial. LANCET,
2010. 375:985-997. I.F.:30,76.
9 Canas N, Gorina R, Planas AM,
Garcia-Matas S, DeVera N, Aznar
AO, Marimon JM, Adell A, Planas AM,
Cristofol R, Sanfeliu C. In Vitro and In
Vivo Activation of Astrocytes by Amyloid-beta is Potentiated by Pro-Oxidant
Agents. J ALZHEIMERS DIS, 2010.
20:229-245. I.F.:3,83.
Sans-Fons MG, Sole S, Sanfeliu
C, Planas AM. Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 and Cell Division in Neuroblastoma Cells and Bone Marrow
Macrophages. AM J PATHOL, 2010.
177:2870-2885. I.F.:5,67.
5 Slevin M, Matou-Nasri S, Turu
M, Luque A, Rovira N, Badimon L,
Boluda S, Potempa L, Sanfeliu C,
DeVera N, Krupinski J. Modified CReactive Protein Is Expressed by
Stroke Neovessels and Is a Potent
Activator of Angiogenesis In Vitro.
BRAIN PATHOL, 2010. 20:151-165.
Perez-Asensio FJ, DeLaRosa X,
Jimenez-Altayo F, Gorina R, Martinez
E, Messeguer A, Vila E, Chamorro A,
Planas AM. Antioxidant CR-6 protects
against reperfusion injury after a transient episode of focal brain ischemia in
rats. J CEREBR BLOOD F MET, 2010.
30:638-652. I.F.:5,46.
Verges J, Montell E, Garcia AG, Lopez
MG. Chondroitin sulfate inhobits Lipopolysaccharide-inducedinflammation in rat
astrocytes by preventing nuclear factor
kappa activation. NEUROSCIENCE, 2010.
167:872-879. I.F.:3,29.
Chamorro A. Dual antiplatelet
therapy is not optimal for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation. INT J STROKE, 2010. 5:28-29.
11Paco S, Pozas E, Aguado F. Secretogranin III Is an Astrocyte Granin
That Is Overexpressed in Reactive Glia.
CEREB CORTEX, 2010. 20:1386-1397.
12 Ramos-Cabrer P, Justicia C,
Wiedermann D, Hoehn M. Stem Cell
Mediation of Functional Recovery after
Stroke in the Rat. PLOS ONE, 2010. 5:-.
13 Amaro S, Canovas D, Castellanos
M, Gallego J, Marti-Fabregas J, Segura
T, Chamorro A. The URICO-ICTUS study,
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Brain ischemia: Clinical and experimental studies
a phase 3 study of combined treatment
with uric acid and rtPA administered
intravenously in acute ischaemic stroke
patients within the first 4 center dot 5 h
of onset of symptoms. INT J STROKE,
2010. 5:325-328. I.F.:2,87.
14 Casteels C, Martinez E, Bormans
G, Camon L, DeVera N, Baekelandt V,
Planas AM, VanLaere K. Type 1 cannabinoid receptor mapping with [F-18]MK9470 PET in the rat brain after quinolinic
acid lesion: a comparison to dopamine
receptors and glucose metabolism. EUR
J NUCL MED MOL I. 37:2354-2363.
Grants for research
in progress
Planas A. Diagnostic for Molecular Imaging. European Network of Excellence.
Sponsored by: European Community.
Sixth Framework Programme (Life Sciences, genomics and biotechnology for
health), LSHB-CT-2005-512146. Amount:
400.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/04/200530/03/2010.
Planas A. Affording recovery in Stroke
(ARISE). Sponsored by: European
Community. Seventh Framework Programme (Life Sciences,), 0000. Amount:
558.079,00 euros. Duration: 01/04/200801/03/2013.
Esther Pozas. Neurogenesis endógena
e inflamación en la isquemia cerebral
en modelos experimentales murinos y
en pacientes con ictus. Sponsored by:
Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (FIS),
PI070917. Amount: 214.170,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2010.
Tomás Santalucía. Efecto de la glucosa
sobre la función de HIF-1alfa en neuronas y glía sometidas a isquemia y
estímulos proinflamatorios. Sponsored
by: Programa Nacional de Biomedicina
(MICINN), SAF2008-04515-C02-02.
Amount: 84.700,00 euros. Duration:
Valerie Petegnief. Mecanismos de
muerte y neuroprotección en la
isquemia cerebral. Efecto de la inflamación y papel de la UPR. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
(FIS), PI081932. Amount: 80.586,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-01/12/2011.
Carles Justicia. Estudio de la función
cerebral por resonancia magnética de
alto campo en modelos experimentales
de isquemia: Degeneración y regeneración de la sustancia blanca. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación
(FIS), PI081880. Amount: 171.215,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Planas A. Inflamación y respuesta inmune innata como dianas terapéuticas
en la isquemia cerebral. Sponsored
by: Programa Nacional de Biomedicina
(MICINN), 0000. Amount: 255.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Chamorro A. Estudio de marcadores inmunológicos circulantes y tisulares (tejido linfoide y cerebro) y de su relación
pronóstica en el paciente con ictus isquémico. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
SALUD CARLOS III, PI09/1313. Amount:
259.545,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Santalucia T, Planas A. Efecte de la glucosa en un model d’isquèmia in vitro:
modulació del factor induït per hipòxia
i de la mort cel·lular programada. PhD
student: Anna Serra-Pérez.
Chamorro A, Planas A. Implicaciones
Clínicas y pronósticas del síndrome de
inmunodepresión mediado por el ictus
agudo. PhD student: Xabier Urra Ruin.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Team envolved in:
CIBER en enfermedades
neurodegenerativas (CIBERned)
Neurodegenerative diseases: Clinical
and experimental research
GROUP Members
Eduardo Tolosa (Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 57 85
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Mario Ezquerra (Fundació Clínic)
Conxita Marín (IDIBAPS)
Maria Josep Martí (Hospital Clínic)
José Luís Molinuevo (Hospital Clínic)
Esteban Muñoz (Hospital Clínic)
Francesc Valldeoriola (Hospital Clínic)
Albert Lladó (Hospital Clínic)
Raquel Sánchez del Valle (Hospital Clínic)
Lorena Rami (Fundació Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Beatriz Bosch (IDIBAPS Pharmacog)
Anna Antonell (IDIBAPS Consolider)
Cristina Solé Padulles
(Fundació Clinic)
Research Fellows:
Yaroslau Compta (Hospital Clínic)
Carles Gaig (ISC3, Hospital Clínic)
Claustre Pont (CIBERNED)
Teresa Botta
Judith Navarro (Hospital Clínic)
Magda Castellví (Hospital Clínic)
Juan Fortea (Hospital Clínic)
Mircea Balasa (Hospital Clínic)
Jaume Olives (Fundació Clínic)
Rebeca Adánez (Fundació Clínic)
1. Development of research projects,
with results that may find short term
application, with a view to improving
the diagnosis and treatment of
degenerative neurological diseases.
Many of the research lines are linked
to clinical research protocols of
the Clinic Hospital Department of
2. Investigation of the molecular
mechanisms implicated in
dopaminergic neuron degeneration
and in the physiopathology of the
motor complications induced by drug
treatment, in experimental models
of Parkinson’s disease and other
movement disorders.
Esther Aguilar (Fundació Clínic)
Mercè Bonastre (CIBERNED)
Eva Caballero
(Grup Suport Generalitat)
Manel Fernández (Fundació Clínic)
Maria Teresa Buongiorno
(Fundació Clínic)
Ana Camara (Fundació Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Rosa Maria Álvarez (Fundació
Rubén Fernández-Santiago
Results of a brain transcriptomic study using
Heat map analysis showed partial segregation of the expression profiles of controls,
idiopathic PD (IPD) and LRRK2-associated
mutation PD (MPD). IPD and controls have
expression patterns that are clearly different,
while MPD tissues show heterogeneous
patterns - two resembling controls and one
resembling IPD. This suggests the presence
of different transcription processes in the
putamen of MPD versus IPD.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases: Clinical and experimental research
Main Lines
of Research
1. Genetic analyses, biological markers
and experimental therapies in
Parkinson’s disease and other
movement disorders. Genetic and
expression studies in parkinsonisms.
2. Studies in in vivo and in vitro
experimental modelsof the
physiopathological mechanisms
involved in Parkinson’s disease and
other movement disorders.
3. Genetic and diagnostic and
predictive marker studies in
Alzheimer’s disease and other
dementias. Experimental functional
neuroimaging studies in healthy and
in pathological aging.
4. Study of the biological and molecular
bases of Alzheimer’s disease and
Parkinson’s disease in preclinical
stages: mild cognitive impairment
and pre-motor Parkinson’s disease.
5. Study of neurogenesis in the
subventricular zone, olfactory bulb
and striate nucleus in experimental
models of Parkinson’s disease and
tardive dyskinesia.
Parkinson’s disease
and movement disorders
Group Leader:
Eduardo Tolosa
(Hospital Clínic)
We have consolidated
the line of genetics in
degenerative disorders, particularly
Parkinson’s disease. This year we
have explored or published different
studies on genetic brain expression
of genes potentially implicated in
progressive supranuclear paralysis
(isoforms of tau, CRHR1, IMP5,
cdk5, GSK3 and saitohin). In
addition, we have determined the
frequency of the most common
mutations of the LRRK2 gene in
patients with Parkinson’s disease
seen in our Department, and
in cases of parkinsonism in the
Neurological Tissue Bank.
Team Members
I.F.: 188,85
Iranzo A, Lomena F, Stockner H,
Valldeoriola F, Vilaseca I, Salamero M,
Molinuevo JL, Serradell M, Duch J,
Pavia J, Gallego J, Seppi K, Hogl B,
Tolosa E, Poewe W, Santamaria J. Decreased striatal dopamine transporter
uptake and substantia nigra hyperechogenicity as risk markers of synucleinopathy in patients with idiopathic
rapid-eye-movement sleep behaviour
disorder: a prospective study. LANCET NEUROL, 2010. 9:1070-1077.
2 Iranzo A, Isetta V, Molinuevo JL,
Serradell M, Navajas D, Farre R, Santamaria J. Electroencephalographic
slowing heralds mild cognitive impairment in idiopathic REM sleep behavior
disorder. SLEEP MED, 2010. 11:534539. I.F.:3,70.
Llado A, Fortea J, Ojea T, Bosch B,
Sanz P, Valls-Sole J, Clarimon J, Molinuevo JL, Sanchez-Valle R. A novel
PSEN1 mutation (K239N) associated
with Alzheimer’s disease with wide
range age of onset and slow progression. EUR J NEUROL, 2010. 17:994996. I.F.:2,51.
4 Guardia-Laguarta C, Pera M, Clarimon J, Molinuevo JL, Sanchez-Valle
R, Llado A, Coma M, Gomez-Isla T,
Blesa R, Ferrer I, Lleo A. Clinical, Neuropathologic, and Biochemical Profile
of the Amyloid Precursor Protein
1716F Mutation. J NEUROPATH EXP
NEUR, 2010. 69:53-59. I.F.:4,56.
Bosch B, Batres-Faz D, Rami
L, Arenaza-Urquijo EM, FernandezEspejo D, Junque C, Sole-Padulles C,
Sanchez-Valle R, Bargallo N, Falcon
C, Molinuevo JL. Cognitive reserve
modulates task-induced activations
and deactivations in healthy elders,
amnestic mild cognitive impairment
and mild Alzheimer’s disease. CORTEX, 2010. 46:451-461. I.F.:4,06.
6 VanDeerlin VM, Sleiman PMA,
Martinez-Lage M, Chen-Plotkin A,
Wang LS, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW, Rademakers R, Boeve BF,
Grossman M, Arnold SE, Mann DMA,
Pickering-Brown SM, Seelaar H, Heutink P, VanSwieten JC, Murrell JR,
Ghetti B, Spina S, Grafman J, Hodges
J, Spillantini MG, Gilman S, Lieberman AP, Kaye JA, Woltjer RL, Bigio
EH, Mesulam M, Al-Sarraj S, Troakes
C, Rosenberg RN, White CL, Ferrer
I, Llado A, Neumann M, Kretzschmar
HA, Hulette CM, Welsh-Bohmer KA,
Miller BL, Alzualde A, DeMunain AL,
Mckee AC, Gearing M, Levey AI, Lah
JJ, Hardy J, Rohrer JD, Lashley T,
Mackenzie IRA, Feldman HH, Hamilton RL, Dekosky ST, VanDerZee J,
Kumar-Singh S, VanBroeckhoven C,
Mayeux R, Vonsattel JPG, Troncoso
JC, Kril JJ, Kwok JBJ, Halliday GM,
Bird TD, Ince PG, Shaw PJ, Cairns NJ,
Morris JC, Mclean CA, Decarli C, Ellis
WG, Freeman SH, Frosch MP, Growdon JH, Perl DP, Sano M, Bennett DA,
Schneider JA, Beach TG, Reiman EM,
Woodruff BK, Cummings J, Vinters
HV, Miller CA, Chui HC, Alafuzoff I,
Hartikainen P, Seilhean D, Galasko D,
Masliah E, Cotman CW, Tunon MT,
Martinez MCC, Munoz DG, Carroll SL,
Marson D, Riederer PF, Bogdanovic
N, Schellenberg GD, Hakonarson H,
Trojanowski JQ, Lee VMY. Common
variants at 7p21 are associated with
frontotemporal lobar degeneration
with TDP43 inclusions. NAT GENET,
2010. 42:234-U34. I.F.:34,28.
7 Ibarretxe-Bilbao N, Ramirez-Ruiz
B, Junque C, Marti MJ, Valldeoriola
F, Bargallo N, Juanes S, Tolosa E. Differential progression of brain atrophy
in Parkinson’s disease with and without visual hallucinations. J NEUROL
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases: Clinical
and experimental research
Team Members
NEUROSUR PS, 2010. 81:650-657.
8 Timmermann L, Pauls KAM, Wieland K, Jech R, Kurlemann G, Sharma
N, Gill SS, Haenggeli CA, Hayflick SJ,
Hogarth P, Leenders KL, Limousin P,
Malanga CJ, Moro E, Ostrem JL, Revilla FJ, Santens P, Schnitzler A, Tisch
S, Valldeoriola F, Vesper J, Volkmann
J, Woitalla D, Peker S. Dystonia in
neurodegeneration with brain iron
accumulation: outcome of bilateral
pallidal stimulation. BRAIN, 2010.
133:701-712. I.F.:9,49.
Fortea J, Sala-Llonch R, BartresFaz D, Bosch B, Llado A, Bargallo
N, Molinuevo JL, Sanchez-Valle R.
Increased Cortical Thickness and
Caudate Volume Precede Atrophy
in PSEN1 Mutation Carriers. J ALZHEIMERS DIS, 2010. 22:909-922.
13 Stocchi F, Rascol O, Kieburtz
Valldeoriola F, Regidor I, MinguezCastellanos A, Lezcano E, GarciaRuiz P, Rojo A, Salvador A, Castro A,
Grandas F, Kulisevsky J, Marti MJ,
Martinez-Martin P, Relova L, Rumia J,
Camara A, Burguera JA, Linazasoro
G, DeVal JL, Obeso J, Rodriguez-Oroz
MC, Tolosa E. Efficacy and safety of
pallidal stimulation in primary dystonia:
results of the Spanish multicentric
2010. 81:65-69. I.F.:4,87.
10 Guerreiro RJ, Baquero M, Blesa
R, Boada M, Bras JM, Bullido MJ,
Calado A, Crook R, Ferreira C, Frank
A, Gomez-Isla T, Hernandez I, Lleo A,
Machado A, Martinez-Lage P, Masdeu J, Molina-Porcel L, Molinuevo
JL, Pastor P, Perez-Tur J, Relvas R,
Oliveira CR, Ribeiro MH, Rogaeva E,
Sa A, Samaranch L, Sanchez-Valle
R, Santana I, Tarraga L, Valdivieso F,
Singleton A, Hardy J, Clarimon J. Genetic screening of Alzheimer’s disease
genes in Iberian and African samples
yields novel mutations in presenilins
31:725-731. I.F.:5,94.
11 Sala-Llonch R, Bosch B, Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Rami L, Bargallo N,
Junque C, Molinuevo JL, Bartres-Faz
D. Greater Default-Mode Network
Abnormalities Compared to High
Order Visual Processing Systems in
Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment:
An Integrated Multi-Modal MRI Study.
J ALZHEIMERS DIS, 2010. 22:523539. I.F.:3,83.
K, Poewe W, Jankovic J, Tolosa E,
Barone P, Lang AE, Olanow CW. Initiating Levodopa/Carbidopa Therapy
With and Without Entacapone in Early
Parkinson Disease The STRIDE-PD
Study. ANN NEUROL, 2010. 68:18-27.
14 Coelho M, Marti MJ, Tolosa E,
Ferreira JJ, Valldeoriola F, Rosa M,
Sampaio C. Late-stage Parkinson’s
disease: the Barcelona and Lisbon
cohort. J NEUROL, 2010. 257:15241532. I.F.:2,90.
Sanchez-Benavides G, GomezAnson B, Molinuevo JL, Blesa R,
Monte GC, Buschke H, Pena-Casanova J. Medial Temporal Lobe Correlates
of Memory Screening Measures in
Normal Aging, MCI, and AD. J GERIATR PSYCH NEUR, 2010. 23:100-108.
Emre M, Tsolaki M, Bonuccelli
U, Destee A, Tolosa E, Kutzelnigg A,
Ceballos-Baumann A, Zdravkovic S,
Bladstrom A, Jones R. Memantine for
patients with Parkinson’s disease dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies:
a randomised, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial. LANCET NEUROL,
2010. 9:969-977. I.F.:18,13.
17 Laugel V, Dalloz C, Durand M,
Sauvanaud F, Kristensen U, Vincent
MC, Pasquier L, Odent S, CormierDaire V, Gener B, Tobias ES, Tolmie
JL, Martin-Coignard D, Drouin-Garraud
V, Heron D, Journel H, Raffo E,
Vigneron J, Lyonnet S, Murday V,
Gubser-Mercati D, Funalot B, Brueton
L, DelPozo JS, Munoz E, Gennery AR,
Salih M, Noruzinia M, Prescott K, Ramos L, Stark Z, Fieggen K, Chabrol B,
Sarda P, Edery P, Bloch-Zupan A, Fawcett H, Pham D, Egly JM, Lehmann
AR, Sarasin A, Dollfus H. Mutation
Update for the CSB/ERCC6 and CSA/
ERCC8 Genes Involved in Cockayne
Syndrome. HUM MUTAT, 2010.
31:113-126. I.F.:6,89.
18 Llado A, Sanchez-Valle R, Rey
MJ, Mercadal P, Almenar C, LopezVillegas D, Fortea J, Molinuevo JL.
New mutation in the PSEN1 (E120G)
gene associated with early onset
Alzheimer’s disease. NEUROLOGIA,
2010. 25:13-16. I.F.:0,60.
19 Costa J, Gonzalez HA, Valldeoriola F, Gaig C, Tolosa E, Valls-Sole J.
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Oscillatory Repetitive Movements in Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor.
MOVEMENT DISORD. 25:2577-2586.
20 Ibarretxe-Bilbao N, Junque C,
Marti MJ, Valldeoriola F, Vendrell P,
Bargallo N, Zarei M, Tolosa E. Olfactory Impairment in Parkinson’s
Disease and White Matter Abnormalities in Central Olfactory Areas: A
Voxel-Based Diffusion Tensor Imaging
25:1888-1894. I.F.:4,01.
21 Barone P, Poewe W, Albrecht
S, Debieuvre C, Massey D, Rascol O,
Tolosa E, Weintraub D. Pramipexole
for the treatment of depressive symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases: Clinical and experimental research
disease: a randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial. LANCET NEUROL, 2010. 9:573-580. I.F.:18,13.
Disease: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. MOVEMENT DISORD,
2010. 25:896-905. I.F.:4,01.
22 Kollensperger M, Geser F, Ndayi-
26 Beyer K, Domingo-Sabat M,
saba JP, Boesch S, Seppi K, Ostergaard K, Dupont E, Cardozo A, Tolosa
E, Abele M, Klockgether T, Yekhlef F,
Tison F, Daniels C, Deuschl G, Coelho
M, Sampaio C, Bozi M, Quinn N,
Schrag A, Mathias CJ, Fowler C, Nilsson CF, Widner H, Schimke N, Oertel
W, DelSorbo F, Albanese A, Pellecchia
MT, Barone P, Djaldetti R, Colosimo C,
Meco G, Gonzalez-Mandly A, Berciano
J, Gurevich T, Giladi N, Galitzky M,
Rascol O, Kamm C, Gasser T, Siebert
U, Poewe W, Wenning GK. Presentation, Diagnosis, and Management of
Multiple System Atrophy in Europe:
Final Analysis of the European Multiple
System Atrophy Registry. MOVEMENT DISORD, 2010. 25:2604-2612.
Santos C, Tolosa E, Ferrer I, Ariza A.
The decrease of beta-synuclein in
cortical brain areas defines a molecular subgroup of dementia with Lewy
bodies. BRAIN, 2010. 133:3724-3733.
23 Sanchez-Benavides G, GomezAnson B, Quintana M, Vives Y, Manero RM, Sainz A, Blesa R, Molinuevo
JL, Pena-Casanova J. Problem-solving
abilities and frontal lobe cortical thickness in healthy aging and mild cognitive impairment. J INT NEUROPSYCH
SOC, 2010. 16:836-845. I.F.:2,77.
24 Montagut N, Sanchez-Valle R,
Castellvi M, Rami L, Molinuevo JL.
Relearning vocabulary. A comparative
analysis between a case of dementia
and Alzheimer’s disease with predominant compromise of language. REV
NEUROLOGIA, 2010. 50:152-156.
25 Eggert K, Squillacote D, Barone
P, Dodel R, Katzenschlager R, Emre M,
Lees AJ, Rascol O, Poewe W, Tolosa
E, Trenkwalder C, Onofrj M, Stocchi
F, Nappi G, Kostic V, Potic J, Ruzicka
E, Oertel W. Safety and Efficacy of
Perampanel in Advanced Parkinson’s
27 Rami L, Bosch B, Sanchez-Valle
R, Molinuevo JL. The memory alteration test (M@T) discriminates between subjective memory complaints,
mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. ARCH GERONTOL
GERIAT, 2010. 50:171-174. I.F.:1,36.
I.F.: 41,00
Marin C, Obeso JA. Catechol-Omethyltransferase inhibitors in preclinical models as adjuncts of L-dopa
2010. 95:191-205. I.F.:4,02.
2 Valls-Pedret C, Molinuevo JL,
Rami L. Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
disease: the prodromal and preclinical phase. REV NEUROLOGIA, 2010.
51:471-480. I.F.:1,23.
3 Pont-Sunyer C, Marti MJ, Tolosa E.
Focal limb dystonia. EUR J NEUROL,
2010. 17:22-27. I.F.:2,51.
Valldeoriola F, Camara A. Intraduodenal infusion of levodopa. REV NEUROLOGIA, 2010. 51:41-48. I.F.:1,23.
5 Obeso JA, Rodriguez-Oroz MC,
Goetz CG, Marin C, Kordower JH, Rodriguez M, Hirsch EC, Farrer M, Schapira AHV, Halliday G. Missing pieces
in the Parkinson’s disease puzzle. NAT
MED, 2010. 16:653-661. I.F.:27,14.
Kagi G, Bhatia KP, Tolosa E. The
role of DAT-SPECT in movement disorders. J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS,
2010. 81:5-12. I.F.:4,87.
I.F.: 2,51
Tolosa E, Molinuevo JL. Cognition
in essential tremor: should we worry
about progressive cognitive decline?.
EUR J NEUROL, 2010. 17:1227-1228.
I.F.: 16,34
Cubo E, Martin PM, Martin-Gonzalez JA, Rodriguez-Blazquez C, Kulisevsky J. Motor Laterality Asymmetry
and Nonmotor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease. MOVEMENT DISORD,
2010. 25:70-75. I.F.:4,01.
Cubo E, Martin PM, Gonzalez
M, Bergareche A, Campos V, Fernandez JM, Alvarez M, Bayes A,
RODRIGUEZ-BALZQUEZ. What contributes to driving ability in Parkinson’s
disease. DISABIL REHABIL, 2010.
32:374-378. I.F.:1,56.
Forjaz MJ, Ayala A, RodriguezBlazquez C, Frades-Payo B, MartinezMartin P. Assessing autonomic
symptoms of Parkinson’s disease with
the SCOPA-AUT: a new perspective
from Rasch analysis. EUR J NEUROL,
2010. 17:273-279. I.F.:2,51.
Feldman HH, Doody RS, Kivipelto
M, Sparks DL, Waters DD, Jones RW,
Schwam E, Schindler R, Hey-Hadavi
J, Demicco DA, Breazna A. Randomized controlled trial of atorvastatin
in mild to moderate Alzheimer disease
LEADe. NEUROLOGY, 2010. 74:956964. I.F.:8,17.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases: Clinical
and experimental research
Team Members
Grants for research
in progress
Marti M. Combined use of neuropsychological, biochemical, and neuroimaging biomarkers for assessment of
risk of dementia in Parkinson disease.
Sponsored by: Fundació Marató TV3,
60510. Amount: 105.970,00 euros.
Duration: 06/02/2007-05/02/2010.
Tolosa E. Genetic and environment
factors influencing disease expression in Parkinson’s disease caused by
LRRK2 mutations. Clinical and imaging studies in LRRK2 mutation carriers
without parkinsonism. Sponsored by:
Fundació Marató TV3, 061130/31.
Amount: 122.845,00 euros. Duration:
Valldeoriola F. Estudio de la enervación simpática cardíaca a través de
gammagrafía con 123I-MIBG en la
enfermedad de parkinson, parkinsonismo vascular y en pacientes con mutaciones del gen LRRK2. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI070426. Amount: 67.125,96 euros.
Duration: 26/11/2007-30/12/2010.
Tolosa E. Síntomas no-motores e integridad de la vía nigroestriatal en portadores “asintomáticos” de mutaciones
en el gen LRRK2. Sponsored by: Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de
la Seguridad Social (FISS), PI080155.
Amount: 77.319,00 euros. Duration:
Marti M, Tolosa E, Valldeoriola F,
Compta Y. Valor predictivo y diagnóstico de demencia en la enfermedad
de parkinson de los marcadores
de patología tau y beta-amiloide en
líquido cefalorraquídeo y tomografía
de emisión de positrones. Sponsored
by: Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de la Seguridad Social (FISS),
PI080236. Amount: 189.728,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Tolosa E. Grup de recerca de malalties neurològiques. Sponsored by:
AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts
Universitaris i de Recerca -Generalitat de Catalunya), 2009 SGR1019.
Amount: 72.800,00 euros. Duration:
Ezquerra M. Factores genéticos y
ambientales modificadores de la
expresividad de las mutaciones del
gen LRRK2 en la enfermedad de
Parkinson. Sponsored by: Fondo de
Investigaciones Sanitarias de la Seguridad Social (FISS), CP06/00126.
Amount: 18.050,00 euros. Duration:
Marin C. Disfunción olfativa en la enfermedad de Parkinson y su relación
con la neurogénesis en la zona
subventricular: estudio funcional, molecular e in vitro en el parkinsonismo
experimental. Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: Fondo
de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS),
PI080060. Amount: 122.331,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Ezquerra M. Identificación de biomarcadores de mirnas en el líquido
cefalorraquídeo con interés diagnóstico para la enfermedad de Parkinson
y otros parkinsonismos relacionados. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
Amount: 86.515,00 euros. Duration:
Tolosa E. European Project on Mendelian Forms of Parkinson’s Disease. Sponsored by: Eberhard-Karls
Universitaet Tuebingen, 241791.
Amount: 34.204,50 euros. Duration:
Molinuevo JL. Disfunción cerebral
durante el envejecimiento: relevancia
para la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Amount: 428.000,00 euros. Duration:
Marti M. Combined use of neuropsychological, biochemical, and
neuroimaging biomarkers for assessment of risk of dementia in Parkinson
disease.. Sponsored by: FUNDACIÓ
LA MARATÓ DE TV3, 060510.
Amount: 105.970,00 euros. Duration:
Sanchez R. Estudio portadores de mutaciones determinantes de demencias
monogénicas en fase preclínica: valoración cognitiva, estudio por RMN de
volúmenes y conectividad cerebral y
de marcadores en LCR. Sponsored by:
PI080036. Amount: 44.770,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-30/12/2011.
Tolosa E. Grup de recerca de malalties
neurològiques. Sponsored by: GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA, 2009_
SGR_1019. Amount: 72.800,00 euros.
Duration: 15/09/2009-31/12/2013.
Rami L. Caracterización de sujetos
con pérdida objetiva o subjetiva de
memoria mediante biomarcadores de
enfermedad de alzheimer. Análisis de
líquido cefalorraquídeo y resonancia
magnética como predictores de la
evolución cognitiva.. Sponsored by:
CP08/00147. Amount: 223.287,50 euros. Duration: 07/01/2009-06/01/2015.
Bartres D, Molinuevo JL. Influencia de
la reserva cognitiva en la estructura y
funcionalidad cerebral en el envejecimiento sano y patologico. PhD student: Beatriz Bosch Capdevila.
Team envolved in:
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
RETIC en Oftalmología
Neurophysiology and functional studies
of the nervous system
GROUP Members
Josep Valls Solé
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 13
Fax: 93 227 57 83
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Mar Carreño (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Gasull (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Arcadi Gual (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Alejandro Iranzo (Hospital Clínic)
Joan Santamaria (Hospital Clínic)
Expansion of scientific knowledge
on functional aspects of the
nervous system, with maximum
integration of the basic and clinical
aspects, fundamentally using
neurophysiological techniques. From
the clinical perspective, the principal
objectives are the characterization
of the neurophysiological aspects
of motor control and perception,
and the physiopathological aspects
of neuromuscular diseases, sleep
disturbances, epilepsy, and conditions
characterized by neuropathic pain. In
basic research, the principal objectives
are the characterization of the cellular
physiological mechanisms in both
ocular physiology and in the context of
neuronal hyper-excitability in neuropathic
pain, and the in-depth study of the
synaptic transmission modulatory
Main Lines
of Research
1. The participation of subcortical
motor systems in the execution of
movements, postural maintenance
and reflex control. Study of the
alarm circuits based on auditory or
somatosensory stimuli. Prepulse
2. Physiology and physiopathology
of neuropathic pain. Study of
nociceptive evoked potentials. Reflex
reactions of the autonomous nervous
system in response to nociceptive
stimulation. Conscious sensory
Research Fellows:
Elena Abad (Facultat de Medicina)
Germán Cuesto Gil (IDIBAPS)
Enrique Emilio Syriani (Facultat de Medicina)
Gisela Lorente (Facultat de Medicina)
Monica Serradell (Fundació Clínic)
Astrid Tulleuda (Facultat de Medicina)
Jordi Casanova (IDIBAPS)
Javier Aparicio (Hospital Clínic)
Carlos David Castillo (Hospital clínic)
Olga Sierra Bernat (IDIBAPS)
Merche Morales (IDIBAPS)
Gerard Callejo Martin (Facultat de Medicina)
Antonio Donaire (Hospital Clínic)
Jordi Palés (Facultat de Medicina)
Xavier Sala Blanch (Hospital Clínic)
Carles Gaig (Hospital Clínic)
Miguel Morales (IDIBAPS)
Schematic representation of the experiment carried out to examine
subjective perception of a somatosensory stimulus. The patient is subjected
to electroencephalographic and electromyographic monitorization and
is placed in front of a computer showing a clock with 60 conventional
divisions but with a single needle travelling at a speed of 2560 ms per
full cycle. The patient is instructed to state the number between 1 and 60
marked by the needle at the moment of stimulus perception. The perception
time is determined by subtracting the number stated by the patient from
the number corresponding to actual application of the stimulus. The
perception time can be checked with the potentials evoked by the stimulus
and the reaction time, and reveals the time required for processing of the
somatosensory impulse to become conscious.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Neurophysiology and functional
studies of the nervous system
3. Study of sleep and its
disturbances in different
disorders. Numbness. Sleep
multiple latency testing. Restless
legs syndrome. Periodic leg
movements during sleep.
4. Epileptic phenomena and their
treatment. Status epilepticus.
Monitoring of epileptic seizures.
Video-EEG and epidural recording.
Epileptic crisis recordings with
functional magnetic resonance
5. The role of actin in the
regulation of synaptic
transmission. Characterization
of the leak channels implicated in
neuronal hyper-excitability and cell
memory, in neurons of the dorsal
root ganglia.
6. Physiology of aqueous humor
drainage and physiopathology
of glaucoma. Ocular pathology in
aging. Physiology of the cells of the
ocular trabecular meshwork.
Group Leader:
Xavier Gasull
Within the field of
neurophysiology, the
group is interested in establishing
the functions of different ion
channels in the regulation of
different cell processes. In particular,
at neuron level, we are investigating
different ion channels implicated
in cellular excitability in sensory
neurons of the dorsal root ganglia
and trigeminal ganglion, and their
relationship with neuropathic pain.
On the other hand, in trabecular
cells that regulate aqueous humor
flow in the eye, we are exploring
the role of the cytoskeleton
and of different ion channels in
the functioning of these cells
and their relationship with the
physiopathology of glaucoma.
I.F.: 107,69
and Essential Tremor. MOVEMENT DISORD, 2010. 25:2577-2586. I.F.:4,01.
1 Hor H, Kutalik Z, Dauvilliers Y, Valsesia 6 Kumru H, Vidal J, Kofler M, Portell
A, Lammers GJ, Donjacour CEHM, Iranzo
A, Santamaria J, Adrados RP, Vicario JL,
Overeem S, Arnulf I, Theodorou I, Jennum P, Knudsen S, Bassetti C, Mathis
J, Lecendreux M, Mayer G, Geisler P,
Beneto A, Petit B, Pfister C, Burki JV,
Didelot G, Billiard M, Ercilla G, Verduijn
W, Claas FHJ, Vollenwider P, Waeber G,
Waterworth DM, Mooser V, Heinzer R,
Beckmann JS, Bergmann S, Tafti M. Genome-wide association study identifies
new HLA class II haplotypes strongly protective against narcolepsy. NAT GENET,
2010. 42:786-U80. I.F.:34,28.
2 Iranzo A, Lomena F, Stockner H, Valldeoriola F, Vilaseca I, Salamero M, Molinuevo JL, Serradell M, Duch J, Pavia J,
Gallego J, Seppi K, Hogl B, Tolosa E, Poewe W, Santamaria J. Decreased striatal
dopamine transporter uptake and substantia nigra hyperechogenicity as risk
markers of synucleinopathy in patients
with idiopathic rapid-eye-movement
sleep behaviour disorder: a prospective
study. LANCET NEUROL, 2010. 9:10701077. I.F.:18,13.
Iranzo A, Isetta V, Molinuevo JL, Serradell M, Navajas D, Farre R, Santamaria
J. Electroencephalographic slowing
heralds mild cognitive impairment in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder.
SLEEP MED, 2010. 11:534-539. I.F.:3,70.
E, Valls-Sole J. Alterations in Excitatory
and Inhibitory Brainstem Interneuronal
Circuits after Severe Spinal Cord Injury.
J NEUROTRAUM, 2010. 27:721-728.
Pintor L, Bailles E, Matrai S, Carreno
M, Donaire A, Boget T, Setoain X, Rumia
J, Bargallo N. Efficiency of Venlafaxine in
Patients With Psychogenic Nonepileptic
Seizures and Anxiety and/or Depressive
2010. 22:401-408. I.F.:2,34.
8 Lauria G, Hsieh ST, Johansson O,
Kennedy WR, Leger JM, Mellgren SI, Nolano M, Merkies ISJ, Polydefkis M, Smith
AG, Sommer C, Valls-Sole J. European
Federation of Neurological Societies/
Peripheral Nerve Society Guideline on
the use of skin biopsy in the diagnosis of
small fiber neuropathy. Report of a joint
task force of the EFNS and PNS. EUR J
NEUROL, 2010. 17:903-E49. I.F.:2,51.
Lauria G, Hsieh ST, Johansson O, Kennedy WR, Leger JM, Mellgren SI, Noland
M, Merkies ISJ, Polydefkis M, Smith AG,
Sommer C, Valls-Sole J. European Federation of Neurological Societies/Peripheral
Nerve Society Guideline on the use of
skin biopsy in the diagnosis of small fiber
neuropathy. Report of a joint task force of
SYST, 2010. 15:79-92. I.F.:3,62.
Llado A, Fortea J, Ojea T, Bosch B,
Sanz P, Valls-Sole J, Clarimon J, Molinuevo JL, Sanchez-Valle R. A novel
PSEN1 mutation (K239N) associated with
Alzheimer’s disease with wide range age
of onset and slow progression. EUR J
NEUROL, 2010. 17:994-996. I.F.:2,51.
Nijhuis LBO, Allum JHJ, Valls-Sole
J, Overeem S, Bloem BR. First Trial Postural Reactions to Unexpected Balance
Disturbances: A Comparison With the
Acoustic Startle Reaction. J NEUROPHYSIOL, 2010. 104:2704-2712. I.F.:3,48.
5 Costa J, Gonzalez HA, Valldeoriola F,
11 Penalva JB, Opisso E, Medina J,
Gaig C, Tolosa E, Valls-Sole J. Nonlinear
Dynamic Analysis of Oscillatory Repetitive Movements in Parkinson’s Disease
Corrons M, Kumru H, Vidal J, Valls-Sole
J. H reflex modulation by transcranial
magnetic stimulation in spinal cord injury
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Neurophysiology and functional studies of the nervous system
subjects after gait training with electromechanical systems. SPINAL CORD,
2010. 48:400-406. I.F.:1,78.
Weiss D, Wachter T, Breit S, Jacob
SN, Pomper JK, Asmus F, Valls-Sole J,
Plewnia C, Gasser T, Gharabaghi A, Kruger
R. Involuntary eyelid closure after STNDBS: evidence for different pathophysiological entities. J NEUROL NEUROSUR
PS, 2010. 81:1002-1007. I.F.:4,87.
Carreno M, Garcia-Alvarez D, Maestro I, Fernandez S, Donaire A, Boget T,
Rumia J, Pintor L, Setoain X. Malignant
autosomal dominant frontal lobe epilepsy
with repeated episodes of status epilepticus: successful treatment with vagal
nerve stimulation. EPILEPTIC DISORD,
2010. 12:155-158. I.F.:1,20.
14 Sansa G, Iranzo A, Santamaria J.
Obstructive sleep apnea in narcolepsy.
SLEEP MED, 2010. 11:93-95. I.F.:3,70.
Soto O, Valls-Sole J, Kumru H.
Paired-Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation During Preparation for Simple and
Choice Reaction Time Tasks. J NEUROPHYSIOL, 2010. 104:1392-1400. I.F.:3,48.
16 Sanchez-Gistau V, Pintor L, Sugranyes G, Bailles E, Carreno M, Donaire A,
Boget T, Setoain X, Bargallo N, Rumia J.
Prevalence of interictal psychiatric disorders in patients with refractory temporal
and extratemporal lobe epilepsy in Spain.
A comparative study. EPILEPSIA, 2010.
51:1309-1313. I.F.:4,05.
17 Kumru H, Murillo N, Samso JV,
Valls-Sole J, Edwards D, Pelayo R, ValeroCabre A, Tormos JM, Pascual-Leone A.
Reduction of Spasticity With Repetitive
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in
Patients With Spinal Cord Injury. NEUROREHAB NEURAL RE, 2010. 24:435441. I.F.:5,40.
Aiguabella M, Falip M, Veciana M,
Bruna J, Palasi A, Corral L, Herrero JI,
Boluda S, Mora J, Iranzo A, Serrano C.
Refractory nonconvulsive status epilepticus in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. EPILEPTIC DISORD, 2010. 12:239-242. I.F.:1,20.
19 Queralt A, Valls-Sole J, Castellote
JM. Speeding up gait initiation and gaitpattern with a startling stimulus. GAIT
POSTURE, 2010. 31:185-190. I.F.:2,58.
Perez-Diaz H, Iranzo A, Santamaria
J. Zolpidem-induced sleep-related behavioural disorders. NEUROLOGIA, 2010.
25:491-497. I.F.:0,60.
I.F.: 12,91
Deval E, Gasull X, Noel J, Salinas
M, Baron A, Diochot S, Lingueglia E.
Acid-Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs):
Pharmacology and implication in pain.
128:549-558. I.F.:8,90.
Hogl B, Arnulf I, Comella C, Ferreira J,
Iranzo A, Tilley B, Trenkwalder C, Poewe
W, Rascol O, Sampaio C, Stebbins GT,
Schrag A, Goetz CG. Scales to Assess
Sleep Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease:
Critique and Recommendations. MOVEMENT DISORD, 2010. 25:2704-2716.
Grants for research
in progress
Valls J. Intervencions sobre els components sensorial i emocional de les respostes a estímuls de dolor en pacients
amb dolor neuropàtic crònic (Interventions on emotional responses to pain
stimuli in patients with chronic neuropathic pain). Sponsored by: Fundació
Marató TV3, 71930. Amount: 121.502,00
euros. Duration: 25/02/2008-24/02/2011.
Morales M. Synaptic recovery. A new
therapy in Alzheimer Disease. Sponsored
by: Fundación CIEN. Proyecto Alzheimer
Reina Sofia, 0000. Amount: 50.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2011.
Valls J. Mecanismos fisiopatológicos
en la cronificación del dolor neuropático y en el origen del síndrome regional
complejo. Sponsored by: Instituto de
Salud Carlos III, PI080266. Amount:
55.418,00 euros. Duration: 31/12/200830/12/2011.
Gual A. Patologia ocular del envejecimiento, calidad visual y calidad de
vida. Redes temáticas de centros
(RETIC). Sponsored by: Ministerio de
Sanidad y Consumo, RD07/0062/0006.
Amount: 22.500,00 euros. Duration:
Gasull X. El canal de leak TRESK en
la excitabilidad neuronal nociceptiva:
implicaciones en el dolor neuropático.
Sponsored by: FIS, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, PI080014. Amount:
76.351,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2011.
Gual A. Lab. Neurofisiologia. Grup consolidat Generalitat de Catalunya. Sponsored by: Generalitat de Catalunya,
SGR869. Amount: 42.640,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Donaire A. Utilidad de la resonancia
magnética funcional ictal en la localización del área epileptógena en pacientes pediátricos con epilepsia focal
fármacorresistente. Sponsored by: FISETES, 0000. Amount: 30.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2010.
Valls J. Intervencions sobre els components sensorial i emocional de
les respostes a estímuls de dolor en
pacients amb dolor neuropàtic crònic
(Interventions on emotional responses
to pain stimuli in patients with chronic
neuropathic pain). Sponsored by: FUNDACIÓ LA MARATÓ DE TV3, 071930.
Amount: 121.502,00 euros. Duration:
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Team envolved in:
CIBER en enfermedades
raras (CIBERer)
CIBER en fisiopatología de la
obesidad y nutrición (CIBERobn)
Secondary lesions due to chronic alcohol ingestion, muscle pathology
GROUP Members
Álvaro Urbano Márquez
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 55 39
Fax: 93 227 55 39
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Francesc Cardellach
(Hospital Clínic)
Ramón Estruch (Hospital Clínic)
Joaquin Fernández
(Hospital Clínic)
Josep M. Grau (Hospital Clínic)
Ferran Masanes (Hospital Clínic)
José Maria Nicolás
(Hospital Clínic)
Emilio Sacanella (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Glòria Garrabou (CIBERER)
Mireia Urpí (Sara Borrell FCRB)
Sara Arranz (Sara Borrell)
Research Fellows:
Rosas Casas (PREDIMED)
Ana García Martínez (SAF08)
Constanza Morén (CIBERER-FIPSE)
Georgina Espígol (PostMIR ISCIII)
Marc Corbera (Marató TV3)
Sergio Prieto (SAF08)
Ester Planas (SAF08)
Anna Sandra Hernàndez
(Hospital Clínic)
Jordi Casanova (PostMIR ISCIII)
Gemma Chiva
(Beca Manuel de Oya)
Palmira Valderas (becària UB)
Marco Alba (Hospital Clinic)
Itziar Tavera (Hospital Clinic)
Sarai Córdoba (Estudiant de
Marc Catalán
(Estudiant de Màster)
Francesc Borrisser
(Estudiant de Màster)
Maria Boto (FPU-MICINN)
Esther Tobias (PAS UB)
Mireia Nicolàs (CIBERER)
Mercedes Morales (Marató TV3)
Nursing Staff:
Laia de Lama (PREDIMED)
Administrative Staff:
Maria Ángeles Galán
Concha Viñas (PREDIMED)
Olalla Rey (PREDIMED)
Emilia Antunez (Facultat de
Xavier Bosch (Hospital Clínic)
Edwin Saúl Romero (CNIC)
1. Study of the pathological
mechanisms of alcohol upon the
organ cells and its pathological
effects at neurological and
cardiocirculatory level.
2. Importance of alcohol in
intracytosolic calcium transport.
3. Effect of food upon the prevention
of chronic diseases and cancer.
4. Prognosis of alcoholic
myocardiopathy and its best
management options.
5. Study of muscle and myocardial
apoptosis in subjects presenting
chronic alcohol abuse.
6. Study of the physiopathology
of muscle diseases, particularly
as regards the muscle
immunogenetic and angiogenic
changes (prognostic factors) in
inflammatory myopathies.
7. Study of metabolic myopathic
disorders, particularly relating to
glycogenosis and myoadenylate
deaminase deficiency.
8. Study of myocardial regeneration
in alcoholic myocardiopathy.
9. Clinical and functional
repercussions of chronic fatigue
10. Study of the moderate
consumption of wine and the
Mediterranean diet in the
prevention of cardiovascular
11. Study of primary mitochondrial
myopathic disorders in the adult
and of secondary mitochondrial
involvement in different
pathological and toxic situations.
12. Study of the physiopathological
mechanisms involved in the
development of systemic
Our future challenges are:
1. Furthering of knowledge of the
action of alcohol upon signals
translation and the appearance
of apoptosis at muscle and
myocardial level, and of the
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Secondary lesions due to chronic alcohol ingestion, muscle pathology
impact that alterations in
mitochondrial DNA and in the
mitochondrial respiratory chain
may have upon degenerative
diseases such as Alzheimer’s
disease, inflammatory myopathy
and inclusion body diseases.
Furthering of knowledge
of the prognostic factors in
dermatomyositis, with a view to
allowing early identification of
those cases requiring stronger
treatment measures (anti-TNF
agents, gammaglobulins).
Characterization of the clinical
and morphological aspects of
metabolic muscle diseases
(glycogenosis and MDA
Study of sarcopenia in the
geriatric population.
In-depth investigation of
the mitochondrial toxicity of
antiretroviral drugs and carbon
monoxide (CO).
Proteomic studies to clarify the
mechanisms of skeletal and
cardiac muscle damage secondary
to alcohol exposure.
Study of myocardial cell
regeneration from stem cells
in the myocardium of chronic
alcoholic patients.
Study of serum and urine
biomarkers in relation to food
consumption and changes in
cardiovascular disease risk
In-depth study of the mechanisms
involved in the development of
systemic vasculitis.
3. Study of mitochondrial diseases,
with special emphasis on
biochemical and genetic
investigations in different cell
4. Analysis of mitochondrial
respiration and DNA in muscle,
adipose tissue and lymphocytes of
HIV-infected patients subjected to
antiretroviral therapy.
5. Effect of smoking, carbon
monoxide, neuroleptic drugs and
antibiotics upon the mitochondrial
6. Mitochondrial dysfunction in sepsis.
II Vascular inflammation:
1. Expressions of cytokines and
growth factors in vascular
inflammatory lesions and their
relationship with phenotypic
expression, complications and the
prognosis of systemic vasculitis.
2. Study of the interactions among
lymphocytes, endothelium
and extracellular matrix in the
development and perpetuation
of vascular inflammation and in
the mechanisms that participate
in vascular occlusion and
3. Development of a questionnaire
for evaluating quality of life in
patients with giant cell arteritis
(international study).
4. Expression of angiogenic
and antiangiogenic factors
as prognostic data in
IIIPrevention and treatment
of cardiovascular diseases:
1. Research is being carried
out into the relationship
between alcohol and arterial
hypertension; the evolution of
alcoholic myocardiopathy, the
role of phenolic derivatives in
wine and alcohol as influencing
factors in the development
of atherosclerosis; the effect
of nicotine and aging upon
mitochondrial respiration;
and the presence of growth
factors and adhesion molecules
in angiogenesis, apoptosis,
myocardiopathy and alcoholic
2. Study of the effects of
moderate wine consumption,
the Mediterranean diet and
other polyphenol-rich products
in the primary prevention of
cardiovascular disease and
other degenerative disorders.
3. Proteomic studies of skeletal
and cardiac muscle in relation
to the pathogenesis of tissue
damage secondary to alcohol
Main Lines
of Research
I Research Group in Muscle
and Mitochondrial Function:
1. Histological, histochemical and
immunohistochemical study of
muscle diseases.
2. Study of mitochondrial function
in patients susceptible to
mitochondrial disorders of genetic
(primary) or toxic (secondary)
Gomori trichromic staining of a muscle fibre in a patient with HIV infection
showing mitochondrial toxicity due to antiretroviral treatment with
zidovudine (AZT). The white arrows indicate the presence of so-called raggedred fibres, suggestive of toxic myopathy.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Secondary lesions due to chronic alcohol
ingestion, muscle pathology
Team Members
I.F.: 65,52
Smithson A, Perello R, Aibar J, Espinosa G, Tassies D, Freire C, Castro P,
Suarez B, Lozano F, Nicolas JM. Genotypes Coding for Low Serum Levels of
Mannose-Binding Lectin Are Underrepresented among Individuals Suffering
from Noninfectious Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. CLIN
VACCINE IMMUNOL, 2010. 17:447-453.
2 Lozano E, Segarra M, Corbera-Bellalta M, Garcia-Martinez A, Espigol-Frigole
G, Pla-Campo A, Hernandez-Rodriguez
J, Cid MC. Increased expression of the
endothelin system in arterial lesions
from patients with giant-cell arteritis:
association between elevated plasma
endothelin levels and the development
of ischaemic events. ANN RHEUM DIS,
2010. 69:434-442. I.F.:8,11.
Prieto RM, Fiol M, Perello J, Estruch
R, Ros E, Sanchis P, Grases F. Effects of
Mediterranean diets with low and high
proportions of phytate-rich foods on the urinary phytate excretion. EUR J NUTR, 2010.
49:321-326. I.F.:2,87.
Corella D, Carrasco P, Fito M, MartinezGonzalez MA, Salas-Salvado J, Aros F, Lapetra J, Guillen M, Ortega-Azorin C, Warnberg
J, Fiol M, Ruiz-Gutierrez V, Serra-Majem L,
Martinez JA, Ros E, Estruch R. Gene-environment interactions of CETP gene variation
in a high cardiovascular risk Mediterranean
population. J LIPID RES, 2010. 51:27982807. I.F.:4,92.
Noguera A, Moren C, Rovira N,
Sanchez E, Garrabou G, Nicolas M,
Munoz-Almagro C, Cardellach F, Miro
O, Fortuny C. Evolution of Mitochondrial
DNA Content After Planned Interruption
of HAART in HIV-Infected Pediatric Patients. AIDS RES HUM RETROV, 2010.
26:1015-1018. I.F.:2,18.
Zazpe I, Estruch R, Toledo E, SanchezTainta A, Corella D, Bullo M, Fiol M, Iglesias
P, Gomez-Gracia E, Aros F, Ros E, Schroder
H, Serra-Majem L, Pinto X, Lamuela-Raventos R, Ruiz-Gutierrez V, Martinez-Gonzalez
MA. Predictors of adherence to a Mediterranean-type diet in the PREDIMED trial. EUR
J NUTR, 2010. 49:91-99. I.F.:2,87.
10 Perona JS, Covas MI, Fito M, Cabello-
Xarau SN, Romay MA, Martinez
JMM, Clanchet JD, Prat ER, Sola JF.
Multiple chemical sensitivity: Epidemiological, clinical and prognostic
differences between occupational
and non-occupational cases. MED
CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 135:52-58.
Lohse B, Psota T, Estruch R, Zazpe I,
Sorli JV, Salas-Salvado J, Serra M, Krall
JS, Marquez F, Ros E. Eating Competence of Elderly Spanish Adults Is Associated with a Healthy Diet and a Favorable
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Profile. J
NUTR, 2010. 140:1322-1327. I.F.:4,09.
Llorente-Cortes V, Estruch R, Mena MP,
Ros E, Gonzalez MAM, Fito M, LamuelaRaventos RM, Badimon L. Effect of
Mediterranean diet on the expression of proatherogenic genes in a population at high
cardiovascular risk. ATHEROSCLEROSIS,
2010. 208:442-450. I.F.:4,52.
Moruno R, Aros F, Corella D, Ros E, Garcia
M, Estruch R, Martinez-Gonzalez MA,
Ruiz-Gutierrez V. Reduction in systemic and
VLDL triacylglycerol concentration after a
3-month Mediterranean-style diet in highcardiovascular-risk subjects. J NUTR BIOCHEM, 2010. 21:892-898. I.F.:4,29.
11 Razquin C, Martinez JA, Martinez-Gonzalez MA, Salas-Salvado J, Estruch R, Marti
A. A 3-year Mediterranean-style dietary
intervention may modulate the association
between adiponectin gene variants and
body weight change. EUR J NUTR, 2010.
49:311-319. I.F.:2,87.
Estruch R. Anti-inflammatory effects
of the Mediterranean diet: the experience
of the PREDIMED study. P NUTR SOC,
2010. 69:333-340. I.F.:4,32.
13 Selva-O’callaghan A, Grau JM,
Gamez-Cenzano C, Vidaller-Palacin A,
Martinez-Gomez X, Trallero-Araguas E,
Andia-Navarro E, Vilardell-Tarres M. Conventional Cancer Screening versus PET/
CT in Dermatomyositis/Polymyositis. AM
J MED, 2010. 123:558-562. I.F.:4,47.
Urpi-Sarda M, Llorach R, Khan N,
Monagas M, Rotches-Ribalta M, LamuelaRaventos R, Estruch R, Tinahones FJ,
Andres-Lacueva C. Effect of Milk on the
Urinary Excretion of Microbial Phenolic
Acids after Cocoa Powder Consumption
in Humans. J AGR FOOD CHEM, 2010.
58:4706-4711. I.F.:2,47.
Cuatrecasas G, Gonzalez MJ, Alegre
C, Sesmilo G, Fernandez-Sola J, Casanueva
FF, Garcia-Fructuoso F, Poca-Dias V, Izquierdo JP, Puig-Domingo M. High Prevalence
of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Severe
Fibromyalgia Syndromes. J CLIN ENDOCR
METAB, 2010. 95:4331-4337. I.F.:6,20.
Roson B, Monte R, Gamallo R, Puerta R, Zapatero A, Fernandez-Sola J, Pastor
I, Giron JA, Laso J. Prevalence and routine
assessment of unhealthy alcohol use
in hospitalized patients. EUR J INTERN
MED, 2010. 21:458-464. I.F.:1,39.
Prieto S, Grau JM. The geoepidemiology of autoimmune muscle disease.
AUTOIMMUN REV, 2010. 9:A330-A334.
I.F.: 8,12
Lopez-Miranda J, Perez-Jimenez F,
Ros E, DeCaterina R, Badimon L, Covas
MI, Escrich E, Ordovas JM, Soriguer F,
Abia R, DeLaLastra CA, Battino M, Core-
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Secondary lesions due to chronic alcohol ingestion, muscle pathology
lla D, Chamorro-Quiros J, Delgado-Lista
J, Giugliano D, Esposito K, Estruch R,
Fernandez-Real JM, Gaforio JJ, LaVecchia C, Lairon D, Lopez-Segura F, Mata
P, Menendez JA, Muriana FJ, Osada J,
Panagiotakos DB, Paniagua JA, PerezMartinez P, Perona J, Peinado MA,
Pineda-Priego M, Poulsen HE, Quiles
JL, Ramirez-Tortosa MC, Ruano J, SerraMajem L, Sola R, Solanas M, Solfrizzi
V, DeLaTorre-Fornell R, Trichopoulou A,
Uceda M, Villalba-Montoro JM, Villar-Ortiz
JR, Visioli F, Yiannakouris N. Olive oil and
health: Summary of the II international
conference on olive oil and health consensus report, Jaen and Cordoba (Spain)
20:284-294. I.F.:3,52.
2 Selva-O’callaghan A, Trallero-Araguas
E, Grau-Junyent JM, Labrador-Horrillo
M. Malignancy and myositis: novel autoantibodies and new insights. CURR
OPIN RHEUMATOL, 2010. 22:627-632.
I.F.: 35,59
1 Estruch R, Lamuela-Raventos RM.
Alcohol, wine and cardiovascular disease,
two sides of the same coin. INTERN
EMERG MED, 2010. 5:277-279. I.F.:2,37.
2 Grau JM, Prieto-Gonzalez S. Biologic
agents in myositis: unsolved questions.
MED CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 135:263264. I.F.:1,23.
3 Grau JM, Cardellach F. Rare diseases
and the internal medicine specialist. MED
CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 134:540-541.
4 Jubany LI, Selva-O’callaghan A, PerezVega C, Grau-Junyent JM, HernandezLosa J, Vilardell-Tarres M. The patient has
the diagnosis. LANCET, 2010. 376:14361436. I.F.:30,76.
Grants for research
in progress
Estruch R. Balance beneficio / riesgo del
contenido en polifenoles y alcohol del
vino: bases científicas de los efectos del
consumo moderado de vino sobre el
sistema cardiovascular. Sponsored by:
Ministerio Educación y Ciencia, AGL200614228-C03-01. Amount: 38.720,00 euros.
Duration: 01/10/2006-31/12/2010.
Estruch R. Efectos de tomate procesado
casero sobre los biomarcadores inflamatorios relacionados con la arteriosclerosis.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Educación y
Ciencia, AGL2007-66638-C02-02. Amount:
100.430,00 euros. Duration: 01/12/200730/11/2010.
Estruch R. Bases biológicas de los Efectos
Protectores de la Dieta Mediterránea en
la Enfermedad Cardiovascular: Efectos
sobre la adiposidad, hormonas relacionadas y marcadores de inflamación. Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI070473. Amount: 333.960,00 euros.
Duration: 26/11/2007-30/12/2010.
Estruch R. Alimentación saludable en la
prevención primaria de enfermedades
crónicas: la Red PREDIMED. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
RD06/0045/1003. Amount: 27.840,00 euros. Duration: 29/02/2008-31/12/2011.
Estruch R. Effects of a mediterranean diet
intervention on atherosclerotic burden
measured by imaging techniques and systemic biomarkers. PREDIMED. (Effects of
a 2-year Mediterranean diet intervention
on 3T MRI-monitored carotid plaque
progression and vulnerability). Sponsored
by: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones
Cardiovasculares (CNIC), 06-2007-S01.
Amount: 53.062,79 euros. Duration:
Cardellach F, Coll JO, Hernandez AS,
Garrabou G, Morén C. Toxicidad mitocon-
drial inducida por el consumo de tabaco en
gestantes y sus recién nacidos. Sponsored
by: FIS ISCIII, PI080229. Amount: 40.250,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Estruch R, Sacanella E, Masanes F, Chiva
G, Casas R. Desarrollo de biomarcadores
de consumo y de efecto de un patrón de
alimentación Mediterranea en la prevención de la enfermedad cardiovascular. Una
aproximación metabolómica. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación,
AGL2009-13906-C02-01. Amount:
90.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2013.
Estruch R. Desarrollo de biomarcadores de
consumo y efecto de un patrón de alimentación mediterráneo en la prevención de la
enfermedad cardiovascular: biomarcadores
de inflamación y estabilidad de la placa de
AT. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, AGL2009_13906_C02_02. Amount:
108.900,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Grau J. Grup de recerca muscular. Sponsored by: GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA,
2009_SGR_1158. Amount: 0,01 euros. Duration: 23/09/2009-31/12/2013.
Grau J. Anticossos antitransglutaminasa en
biòpsies musculars de pacients amb miopatia inflamatòria. Sponsored by: FIS-ISCIII,
PI08/0450. Amount: 33.880,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2010.
Grau J. Grup de Recerca Consolidat SGR
1158. Sponsored by: AGAUR-Generalitat de
Catalunya, 48/227.06/09. Amount: 0,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2012.
Andres-Lacueva C, Estruch R, Monagas M.
Interaction between cocoa polyphenols and
inflammatory biomarkers of atherosclerosis
in high-risk subjects for cardiovascular disease. PhD student: Nasiruddin Khan.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Team envolved in:
CIBER en enfermedades
neurodegenerativas (CIBERned)
Red de Terapia Celular
Cellular biology of pathological processes
GROUP Members
Jordi Alberch
(Facultat de Medicina UB)
Tel.: 93 403 52 85
Fax: 93 402 19 07
Idibaps members:
Josep M. Canals
(Facultat de Medicina UB)
Gustavo Egea
(Facultat de Medicina UB)
Esther Perez
(Facultat de Medicina UB)
Silvia Gines
(Facultat de Medicina UB)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Albert Giralt (Facultat de Medicina)
Miriam Esgleas (RETICS, IDIBAPS)
Ana Saavedra (CIBERNED, UB)
Verónica Brito (CHDI Foundation)
Juan Manuel Durán (UB)
Research Fellows:
Olga Carretón (UB)
Laura Rué (UB)
Laia Salcedo (FPI, UB)
Javier Selva (UB)
Enrique Gutiérrez (CIRIT)
Mar Puigdellívol (CHDI Foundation)
Adrià Sicart (UB)
Marta Anglada (FPI, UB)
Andreas Mezger (PLE2009, UB)
Mónica Pardo (PLE2009, UB)
Carla Serra (FPI, UB)
Cristina Herranz (RETICS, IDIBAPS)
Ana López (CIBERNED)
Maite Muñoz (Facultat de Medicina)
Josep Barrachina (Facultat de
Raquel Martín-Ibáñez (CIBERNEDUB)
Bet Sarri (Facultat de Medicina)
Xavier Xifro (UG)
1. Study of the cellular and molecular bases
involved in neuronal dysfunction and
death associated with basal ganglia
neurodegenerative disorders, fundamentally
Huntington’s disease. Our aim is to identify
intracellular pathways – both neuroprotective
and apoptotic – that are selectively altered
in the affected neuron populations, with
the ultimate purpose of identifying new
therapeutic targets in the management of
these neurodegenerative diseases.
2. Identification of the mechanisms participating
in the cognitive defects seen in Huntington’s
disease. Knowledge of these mechanisms will
make it possible to develop new treatments
for avoiding the cognitive disorders induced by
the mutated huntingtin gene.
3. Characterization of the mechanisms of
neuron differentiation of stem cells from
different organs. Our aim is to identify
different extrinsic and intrinsic factors
contributing to neuron differentiation, with
the aim of employing stem cells in cell
substitution therapies.
4. Exploration of the molecular mechanisms
involved in the interaction of the
cytoskeleton with the cell endomembrane
system as structural and functional support
in secretory and endocytic membrane traffic.
Studies are also made of the way in which
this interaction is altered in certain diseases
such as alcoholism and other conditions with
a strong cardiovascular base such as Marfan
syndrome and Loeys-Dietz syndrome.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Molecular bases of the interaction of actin
dynamics with the Golgi apparatus and
secretory traffic.
2. Role of diacylglycerol and phosphatidic acid
in the formation of transport vesicles and
in the structural organization of the Golgi
3. Study of the signaling pathways that regulate
the cytoskeleton and actin dynamics, altered
by ethanol and other toxic agents.
4. Intracellular traffic and cytokine receptor
signaling (TGF-beta).
5. Study of the implication of neurotrophic
factors in the physiopathology and treatment
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Cellular biology of pathological processes
of neurodegenerative diseases of the
basal ganglia.
6. Study of the intracellular signaling
cascades implicated in the degeneration
of striatal and hippocampal neurons in
Huntington’s disease.
7. Study of the mechanisms underlying
the differentiation of stem cells into
neurons, for application to cellular therapy
in neurodegenerative diseases such as
Huntington’s chorea.
I.F.: 65,35
Martin-Ibanez R, Crespo E, Urban
N, Sergent-Tanguy S, Herranz C, Jaumot M, Valiente M, Long JE, Pineda
JR, Andreu C, Rubenstein JLR, Marin
O, Georgopoulos K, Mengod G, Farinas I, Bachs O, Alberch J, Canals JM.
Ikaros-1 Couples Cell Cycle Arrest of
Late Striatal Precursors With Neurogenesis of Enkephalinergic Neurons.
J COMP NEUROL. 518:329-351.
Distribution of optineurin (red) and
Golgi (green) in neuron precursors. The
nucleus is stained with Topro-3 (blue).
Membrane traffic
Group Leader:
Gustavo Egea (UB)
The objective of this
group is to understand
the principles that control and regulate transport of the membrane components (lipids and proteins)
within the cell. In particular, we are investigating the interaction of the transport
intermediaries (vesicles and tubules) with
the actin cytoskeleton and its associated
proteins and regulators (myosins and Rho
GTPases). We are also exploring the way
in which lipid homeostasis (particularly referred to diacylglycerol) participates in the
organization and traffic of membranes
and in the formation of transport intermediaries. Lastly, we wish to establish the
physiopathological bases whereby ethanol alters nerve cell function and the mechanism underlying internalization of the
receptors of cytokines such as TGF-beta
in the smooth muscle cells of the coronary vessels in cardiovascular patients.
Twohig JP, Roberts MI, Gavalda
N, Rees-Taylor EL, Giralt A, Adams
D, Brooks SP, Bull MJ, Calder CJ,
Cuff S, Yong AA, Alberch J, Davies
A, Dunnett SB, Tolkovsky AM, Wang
ECY. Age-Dependent Maintenance
of Motor Control and Corticostriatal
Innervation by Death Receptor 3. J
NEUROSCI. 30:3782-3792. I.F.:7,18.
DelToro D, Xifro X, Pol A, Humbert S, Saudou F, Canals JM, Alberch
J. Altered cholesterol homeostasis
contributes to enhanced excitotoxicity
in Huntington’s disease. J NEUROCHEM. 115:153-167. I.F.:4,00.
Giralt A, Friedman HC, CanedaFerron B, Urban N, Moreno E, Rubio
N, Blanco J, Peterson A, Canals JM,
Alberch J. BDNF regulation under
GFAP promoter provides engineered
astrocytes as a new approach for
long-term protection in Huntington’s
disease. GENE THER. 17:1294-1308.
Estevez M, Fernandez-Ulibarri I,
Martinez E, Egea G, Samitier J. Changes in the internal organization of the
cell by microstructured substrates.
SOFT MATTER. 6:582-590. I.F.:4,87.
Gines S, Paoletti P, Alberch J.
Impaired TrkB-mediated ERK1/2 Acti-
vation in Huntington Disease Knock-in
Striatal Cells Involves Reduced p52/
p46 Shc Expression. J BIOL CHEM.
285:21537-21548. I.F.:5,33.
Urban N, Martin-Ibanez R, Herranz
C, Esgleas M, Crespo E, Pardo M,
Crespo-Enriquez I, Mendez-Gomez
HR, Waclaw R, Chatzi C, Alvarez S,
Alvarez R, Duester G, Campbell K,
DeLera AR, Vicario-Abejon C, Martinez
S, Alberch J, Canals JM. Nolz1 promotes striatal neurogenesis through the
regulation of retinoic acid signaling.
NEURAL DEV. 5:21-. I.F.:3,39.
Saavedra A, Garcia-Martinez JM,
Xifro X, Giralt A, Torres-Peraza JF,
Canals JM, Diaz-Hernandez M, Lucas
JJ, Alberch J, Perez-Navarro E. PH
domain leucine-rich repeat protein
phosphatase 1 contributes to maintain
the activation of the PI3K/Akt prosurvival pathway in Huntington’s disease striatum. CELL DEATH DIFFER.
17:324-335. I.F.:8,24.
Rocher-Ros V, Marco S, Mao JH,
Gines S, Metzger D, Chambon P,
Balmain A, Saura CA. Presenilin modulates EGFR signaling and cell transformation by regulating the ubiquitin
ligase Fbw7. ONCOGENE. 29:29502961. I.F.:7,14.
Selva J, Martinez SE, Buceta D,
Rodriguez-Vazquez MJ, Blanco MC,
Lopez-Quintela MA, Egea G. Silver
Sub-nanoclusters Electrocatalyze
Ethanol Oxidation and Provide Protection against Ethanol Toxicity in Cultured Mammalian Cells. J AM CHEM
SOC. 132:6947-6954. I.F.:8,58.
Graus F, Boronat A, Xifro X,
Boix M, Svigelj V, Garcia A, Palomino
A, Sabater L, Alberch J, Saiz A. The
expanding clinical profile of anti-ampa
receptor encephalitis. NEUROLOGY.
74:857-859. I.F.:8,17.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Secondary lesions due to chronic alcohol
ingestion, muscle pathology
Team Members
Grants for research
in progress
Alberch J. Development of neuroprotectve strategies with BDNF in
Huntington’s Disease. Sponsored
by: Fundació Marató TV3, 62010.
Amount: 187.500,00 euros. Duration:
Canals JM. Red de Terapia Celular.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad
y Consumo, RD06/0010/0006.
Amount: 409.198,00 euros. Duration:
Perez E. Estudio de mecanismos
moleculares implicados en la vulnerabilidad. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud, PI071183. Amount:
125.840,00 euros. Duration:
Egea G. Nanotecnologías en Biomedicina. Sponsored by: Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN),
Amount: 0,00 euros. Duration:
Alberch J. Generación de nuevos modelos de enfermedad de Huntington
para valorar el papel del BDNF en los
mecanismos patogénicos y en nuevas
perspectivas terapéuticas. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), SAF2008-04360.
Amount: 266.000,00 euros. Duration:
Alberch J. Habilitación de salas GMP
para el programa de terapia celular
de la Facultat de Medicina. Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia e
Innovación (MICINN), PLE2009-0128.
Amount: 950.000,00 euros. Duration:
Canals JM. Mejora de la supervivencia
y diferenciación de células madre neu-
rales humanas para terapia celular de la
enfermedad de Huntington. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
(MICINN), PLE2009-0089. Amount:
950.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/11/200931/10/2012.
Gines, S. Role of p75 Neurotrophin
Receptor in Huntington’s Disease. Sponsored by: HIGH Q FOUNDATION - INC
-OFICIAL, A-3468. Amount: 159.145,00
euros. Duration: 01/05/2010-30/04/2012.
Gines, S. Role of Cdk5 in Striatal and
Hippocamapl Pathology in Huntingtons Disease. Sponsored by: HIGH Q
Amount: 152.557,00 euros. Duration:
Egea G. Red Nacional sobre Integración
funcional del tráfico de membranas, la
señalización intracelular y la dinámica
del citoesqueleto. Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN),
BFU2008-03958-E/BMC. Amount:
30.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/11/200930/12/2012.
Egea G. La dinámica de la actina y la
homeostasis del diacilglicerol en la organización del aparato de Golgi. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
(MICINN), BFU2009-07186(BMC).
Amount: 260.000,00 euros. Duration:
Egea G. Nanotecnologías en Biomedicina. Sponsored by: Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), 20100012. Amount: 0,00 euros. Duration:
Gines, S. Estudio de las cascadas de
señalización asociadas a la activación
dopaminérgica y glutamatérgica como
estrategia terapéutica en modelos murinos de la enfermedad de Huntington:
Papel de la vía de Cdk5. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación,
SAF2009-07077. Amount: 108.900,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2012.
Canals JM. Caracterización de nuevos
factores de transcripción para la diferencaicaión neuronal de células madre
para la enfermedad neurodegenerativa
de Huntington. Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN),
SAF2009-07774. Amount: 217.800,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Alberch J. Fisiopatología de las enfermedades neurodegenerativas. Sponsored
by: Generalitat de Catalunya, SGR200900326. Amount: 45.760,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Canals JM. Terapia Celular: Implicación
de células madre adultas. Sponsored
by: CMRB-Generalitat de Catalunya,
PROMT-0901. Amount: 0,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2011.
Canals JM. Caracterizacion de los factores de transcripcion de la familia Ikaros
durante el desarrollo estriatal. PhD student: Desamparats Crespo March.
Alberch J. Estudio de los procesos
activadores de la patologia en la enfermedad de Huntington: Alteraciones en
la plasticidad sinaptica y perspectivas
terapeuticas. PhD student: Albert Giralt
Gines S. Estudio de las vías de supervivencia y muerte neuronal en modelos
de la nefermedad de Huntington. PhD
student: Paola Paoletti Rubia.
Team envolved in:
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
CIBER en Salud Mental
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders and nuclear psychiatry
GROUP Members
Miguel Bernardo
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00 (Ext.: 3142)
Fax: 93 227 55 48
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Josefina Castro (Hospital Clínic)
Rosa Catalán (Hospital Clínic)
Cristobal Gastó (Hospital Clínic)
Antoni Gual (Hospital Clínic)
Fernando Gutierrez (Hospital Clínic)
Amalia Lafuente (TU)
Luisa Lázaro (Hospital Clínic)
Francisco J. Lomeña (Hospital Clínic)
Anabel Martínez-Arán (Hospital Clínic)
Guillem Masana (Hospital Clínic)
Eduard Parellada (Hospital Clínic)
Luis Pintor (Hospital Clínic)
Mercè Torra (Hospital Clínic)
Manuel Valdés (Hospital Clínic)
Eduard Vieta (Hospital Clínic)
Antonio Benabarre (Hospital Clínic)
Rocío Martín-Santos (Hospital Clínic)
Francesc Colom (Fundació Clínic)
Lluïsa Garcia (Hospital Clínic)
Inmaculada Baeza (Hospital Clínic)
Astrid Morer Liñán (Hospital Clínic)
Susana Andrés (Hospital Clínic)
Rafel Penadés (Hospital Clínic)
M Alicia Durán (Fundació Clínic)
Rosa Maria Palaus (Fundació Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Ana Meseguer (CIBERSAM)
Administrative Staff:
Anna Folch (CIBERSAM)
Jordi Blanch (Hospital Clínic)
Mercè Comes (Hospital Clínic)
Jose Manuel Goikolea
(Hospital Clínic)
Ester Gómez (Hospital Clínic)
Joana Guarch (Hospital Clínic)
Teodoro Marcos (Hospital Clínic)
Sergi Mas Herrero (Associat)
Victor Navarro (Hospital Clínic)
Joan de Pablo (Hospital Clínic)
Maria Reinares (CIBERSAM)
Jose Toro (Hospital Clínic)
Carla Torrent (CIBERSAM)
Elena de la Serna (CIBERSAM)
Patricia Gasso (Fundació Clínic)
Eva Baillés (Fundació Clínic)
Montse Batllé (IDIBAPS)
Piero Castro Loli (Fund. Clinic)
Anna Crescenti (FI, Generalitat)
Caterina del Mar Bonnin (IDIBAPS)
José Sánchez-Moreno (CIBERSAM)
Carolina Franco (Hospital Clinic)
Isabella Pachiarotti (CIBERSAM)
Adriane R. Rosa (IDIBAPS)
Marc Valentí (IDIBAPS)
Clemente Garcia-Rizo (Hospital Clínic)
Andrea Murru (Fundació Clinic)
Brisa Solé (IDIBAPS)
Rosa Calvo (Hospital Clinic)
Miquel Bioque (CIBERSAM)
Alicia Valiente (Hospita Clínic)
Cristina V. Oliveira (Fundació Clínic)
Claudia Cullell (CIBERSAM)
Esther Jimenez (IDIBAPS)
Alessandra Nivoli (Fundació Clínic)
Pere Castellví (CIBERSAM)
Núria Cruz (CIBERSAM)
Javier Goti (Hospital Clínic)
Rosa Díaz (Hospital Clínic)
Maria Teresa Plana (Hospital Clínic)
Vanessa Sánchez (Hospital Clínic)
Soledad Romero (Hospital Clínic)
Bibiana Cabrera (Fundació Clínic)
Enric Buisan (ForumClinic)
Nuria Pujol (IDIBAPS)
Olga Puig (Hospital Clínic)
Our group studies serious psychiatric
disorders from the neurobiological
and therapeutic perspectives, based
on the following 6 research lines:
bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and
depression-anxiety, pediatric psychiatry
and psychology, psychiatric intervention
in medical pathology and alcoholism.
Main Lines
of Research
The bipolar disorders program mainly
investigates the neurobiological and
anatomofunctional mechanisms
implicated in the development of the
disease (genetics, neuromodulators,
hormone factors and neuroimaging)
and its relapses, the clinical course and
neuropsychological consequences,
the efficacy of drug treatments and
novel therapies, and psychological
interventions for the early detection
and prevention of recurrences –
increasing treatment compliance
and improving the efficacy of the
therapeutic strategies applied to bipolar
disorder. The strategic objectives are to
investigate the causes and mechanisms
involved in the etiopathogenesis of
bipolar disorder, and to investigate new
treatments with a view to improving
the prognosis of the disease.
The schizophrenia program focuses
research on the first schizophrenic
episodes and on resistant and comorbid
schizophrenia, through functional
neuroimaging (brain perfusion and
receptors SPECT, PET and functional
magnetic resonance imaging).
Sensory and cognitive neuroactivation
studies have been made with frontal
activation neuropsychological tests
and dopaminergic receptor occupation
studies, as well as studies of the
presynaptic dopaminergic function.
Likewise, plasma metabolites of
dopamine have been investigated as
biological indicators of relapse in a
prospective longitudinal follow-up and
treatment response study. We have
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders
and nuclear psychiatry
examined the role of schizophrenia in
the development of cardiovascular and
metabolic diseases, and secondarily
also the role of antipsychotic
drugs. The pharmacogenetics
of antipsychotic drugs has been
studied to assess the efficacy and
safety of these drugs on the basis
of the individual patient genetic
characteristics. Specifically, we have
analyzed the pharmacogenetics of
the extrapyramidal effects caused
by antipsychotic drug therapy, the
polymorphisms associated with
the risk of schizophrenia, and new
pharmacogenetic techniques for
implantation at healthcare and hospital
level. A psychoeducational program
has been introduced, adopting
new knowledge transmission
and exchange formulas, with the
application of new technologies and
offering rigorous and communicatively
adequate contents. The new
FòrumClínic web is an interactive
program designed to increase patient
autonomy in relation to personal
health. A program is being developed
for characterizing and preventing
second psychotic episodes, in order to
design preventive strategies allowing
us to influence the course of the
The Alcohol Unit is the reference in
Catalonia for the treatment of alcohol
dependency. We are one of the
main research groups in Spain and at
present are attempting to consolidate
a European leadership position in
the setting of short interventions
designed to reduce consumption
among alcohol consumers at risk. A
number of research lines are being
conducted in the context of the
Alcohol Unit. The main lines are the
following: Prospective longitudinal
study of alcoholic disease; Follow-up
of a cohort of 850 patients starting
treatment in 1987 in the Catalan
Drug Dependencies Network (Xarxa
Catalana de Drogodependències);
Screening instruments and techniques
for early detection and short counselling
in alcohol-consumers at risk in
the hospital setting and in primary
care; Evaluation and prognosis of
alcoholic patients candidates for liver
transplantation; treatment of smoking
in alcoholic patients; and Evaluation of
the European alcohol policies and their
public health impact.
The line relating to depression aims
to implement new psychopathological
and biological endophenotypic
methods in application to major
depression, with the development of
mechanisms for the analysis of the
mechanism of action of antidepressant
drugs based on the platelet model
of depression (developed together
with the hemostasis group led by
Prof. Ginés-Escolar); the investigation
of neurotrophic factors (BDNF) in
depressive patients; and the exploration
of factors conditioning the residual
symptoms of major depression.
The main research lines of the
pediatric psychiatry and psychology
research group of the Clinic hospital
are the following:
• Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder:
Study and follow-up of the first
psychotic episodes, cognitive
rehabilitation of adolescent patients
with schizophrenia, study of children
and adolescents with a high genetic
risk of developing schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder (offspring of patients
with such disorders), study of the
prodromic manifestations of psychotic
disorders in children and adolescents,
and study of the tolerance and safety
of antidepressants in children and
• Anorexia and bulimia nervosa, and
obsessive-compulsive disorder:
Study of the common and
differential alterations (genetic,
neuropsychological and neuroimaging)
of anorexia nervosa and obsessivecompulsive disorder, study of
MRI image of a healthy control of
the study; genotype-phenotype and
environment interaction. Application
of a predictive model in first
psychotic episodes.
new management approaches
(psychological and pharmacological)
in bulimia and anorexia nervosa, and
study of autoimmune alterations in
obsessive behavior and in anorexia.
• Others: mention should be
made of the investigation of
addictive behaviors, analyzing
the percentages of patients seen
in the Department of Pediatric
Psychiatry with different disorders
and who moreover consume, abuse
of or show dependency of toxic
substances – exploring the efficacy
of new multimodal management
modalities for addictive behavior
in adolescents. In addition, the
study line of the efficacy and safety
of psychoactive drugs in children
and adolescents focuses on the
evaluation and follow-up of the side
effects of these drugs in children
and adolescents, as well as on the
identification of pharmacogenetic
predictors of drug response in such
patients. The study line in autistic
spectrum disorders explores the
efficacy of new psychological and
pharmacological treatments in these
disorders, with examination of the
neuropsychological profile of children
with high-function autistic spectrum
disorders and the correlation to clinical
variables. Mention also should be
made of the line for the development
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders and nuclear psychiatry
and validation of scales in application
to different pathologies or
symptoms. In turn, the line referred
to attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHA) involves the
neuropsychological, clinical and
neuroimaging assessment of
predominantly inattentive children
versus children with combinedtype attention deficit. Lastly, the
research line in autoimmune/Tourette
syndrome explores the inflammatory
and autoimmune processes, and
their relation to serious psychiatric
pathology, in children and
The line of psychiatric intervention
in clinical pathology has focused
research on knowledge of the
psychiatric alterations seen in the
main neurological diseases: dementia,
multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Parkinson’s
disease and Huntington’s disease.
The study of psychiatric disease and
psychological aspects associated with
medical-surgical hospital processes
in turn addresses: transplantation,
delirium, psychiatric problems in
clinical patients admitted to a general
hospital, the evaluation of predictive
variables and factors associated with
suicide in a general hospital. Studies
are also made of the biological markers
and therapeutic aspects of major
Investigations likewise have been
conducted into personality disorders:
the structure of the diagnostic systems,
their relationship to adjustment to the
environment and the validation of new
models and instruments.
For further information:
Centro de Investigación Biomédica
En Red de Salud Mental
Group Leader: Miquel Bernardo (Hospital Clínic)
The Clinical Schizophrenia
Group (GEC) has been
recognized as a consolidated research group
(2005SGR00223; 2009SGR1295) by the
Agency for the Management of University and
Research Aids (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, AGAUR) since the year
2005. This is an interdisciplinary group composed of psychiatrists, psychologists, neuropsychologists, nurses, physicians specialized in
nuclear medicine, physicists, pharmacologists,
toxicologists and biochemists linked to the
Clinic Hospital and the University of Barcelona.
Ours is a group of investigators forming part of
the Clinical Schizophrenia Program (PEC) and
working in disorders related to schizophrenia.
This is a clinical care, research and teaching
program at both hospital and outpatient level
that includes different management and research protocols designed to address problems
raised by schizophrenia and which integrates
the different resources of the Barcelona Clinic
Hospital. In the year 2007, the group became a
constituting member of the Network of Mental
Diseases and Affective and Psychotic Disorders
(REMTAP), and in 2008 we likewise became
a constituting member of the Center of Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network
(CIBERSAM) ( Clinical
Schizophrenia Group centers its research on
the study of the first schizophrenic episodes,
schizophrenia starting in childhood/adolescence, and resistant and comorbid schizophrenia.
The main research lines are physical health,
neuroimaging, neuropsychology and psychometric assessment, genetics psychological
education, neurobiology and neuropsychopharmacology in schizophrenia, with a supervisor
for each of them, under the coordination of Dr.
Miguel Bernardo. Another research line focuses
on childhood- and adolescent-onset schizophrenia – these representing a high risk population
for schizophrenia. This line is conducted in
close collaboration with the Department of Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Clinic
Hospital, directed by Dr. Castro, together with
Drs. Baeza, Lázaro and Sánchez-Gistau (Study
of high genetic risk for schizophrenia and early
onset schizophrenia).
Bipolar disorders
Group Leader: Eduard Vieta (Hospital Clínic)
The bipolar disorder program
has been recognized as a
consolidated research group
(2009 SGR 1022) by the
Agency for the Management of University
and Research Aids (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts
Universitaris i de Recerca, AGAUR). The bipolar
disorders program fundamentally investigates
the neurobiological and anatomofunctional
mechanisms involved in the development of
the disease and its clinical course, comorbidity
with other diseases, the implicated neurocognitive mechanisms, and the search for new
pharmacological, biophysical and psychosocial
treatments designed to improve the prognosis
and quality of life of the patients. The program
is characterized by a multidiscipline approach
and includes psychiatrists, psychologists,
pharmacologists, biologists, nurses, social
workers and personnel in training. Our group
has pioneered effort in the characterization of
associated neurocognitive dysfunction, in the
development of new drug treatments, and
in the implementation of psychoeducational
techniques targeted at both patients and their
relatives. As a result of such research and innovation, the main international diagnostic and
treatment guides document these contributions
and recommend their application in clinical
practice. Our program is carried out in active
collaboration with other groups of the IDIBAPS,
with other groups of the CIBERSAM, and with
European and other international research
centers, with a view to conducting multicenter
studies with a special dedication to translational
and innovative investigation.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders
and nuclear psychiatry
Emergent Group
Clinical depression group
I.F.: 271,16
Group Leader: Cristóbal Gasto (Hospital Clínic)
Our group is specialized in
the investigation of the neurobiological bases and clinical indicators of depression
associated with treatment
response and the course of this disease. It
has been estimated that depression affects
10% of all people at some point in their
lives. Depression is currently one of the
most important health problems, particularly
considering its slow and sometimes incomplete resolution. This disorder significantly
interferes with the normal functions of the
patients and their relatives, and implies a
suicide risk in more than 10% of cases. The
project of the World Health Organization
(WHO) for the year 2020 considers that
depression will be the second cause of disability after cardiovascular disease. In Europe
it has been estimated that about 30 million
people suffer some form of depression,
generating an annual cost of approximately
100 billion euros. Our group is actively involved in the early detection and treatment of
this disease, and its comorbidities (medical
and psychiatric). The genetic and neuroendocrine markers we are investigating have
contributed better understanding of the physiopathological mechanisms of depression.
Likewise, a number of investigators in our
group are actively working on the design of
new individual- and group-based pharmacological and psychotherapeutic management
Research group in pediatric psychiatry and psychology
Group Leader: Josefina Castro (Hospital Clínic)
The research group in
childhood psychology and
psychiatry of the Clinic
Hospital forms part of the
Department of Childhood and Adolescent
Psychiatry, which has developed three fields:
healthcare, teaching and research. These
fields are all clearly interrelated with a view to
affording better healthcare, with standardized
protocols and evaluation and teaching at preand post-graduate level. Our aim is to facilitate
both clinical research and collaboration with
groups specialized in genetics, neuroimaging
and neurobiology. The group is predominantly
composed of members of the Department of
Childhood Psychology and Psychiatry, and is
integrated within the Biological Bases of Psychiatric Disorders group (coordinated by Dr.
M. Bernardo). It also forms part of the CIBERSAM (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en
Red de Salud Mental) of the Carlos III Healthcare Institute. In addition, it has established
important collaboration agreements with the
Department of Adult Psychiatry of the Clinic
Hospital (especially as refers to schizophrenia,
bipolar disorder and addictive behavior), as
well as with other centers at international
level, such as the Childhood Psychiatry Group
of the ECNP (European College of Neuopsychopharmacology), with which relevant
aspects of childhood psychopharmacology
are investigated in the context of different
projects, the University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center, Neuroimaging Laboratory, Western
Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh
(United States), with which studies are made
in relation to bipolar disorder, and the Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry Yale Child Study
Center, New Haven (United States), with
which aspects relating to autoimmunity are
studied. Our research objectives are the study
of the manifestations, causes and treatment
of the most serious and/or prevalent disorders
found in these age groups: schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder, anorexia and bulimia nervosa,
obsessive-compulsive behavior, autistic disorders, attention deficit disorders, and addictive
behaviors. In parallel, other lines have been
developed related to the efficacy and safety
of psychoactive drugs in children and adolescents, the development and validation of
assessment scales, and the investigation of
autoimmunity and psychiatric disease such as
Tourette syndrome.
Fernandez-Egea E, Parellada E,
Lomena F, Falcon C, Pavia J, Mane A,
Horga G, Bernardo M. (18)FDG PET
study of amygdalar activity during facial emotion recognition in schizophrenia. EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N, 2010.
260:69-76. I.F.:2,75.
Gomez-Caro A, Garcia S, Reguart
N, Arguis P, Sanchez M, Gimferrer
JM, Marrades R, Lomena F. Incidence
of occult mediastinal node involvement in cNO non-small-cell lung
cancer patients after negative uptake
of positron emission tomography/
computer tomography scan. EUR J
CARDIO-THORAC, 2010. 37:11681174. I.F.:2,40.
Pintor L, Bailles E, Matrai S, Carreno M, Donaire A, Boget T, Setoain X,
Rumia J, Bargallo N. Efficiency of Venlafaxine in Patients With Psychogenic
Nonepileptic Seizures and Anxiety
and/or Depressive Disorders. J NEUROPSYCH CLIN N, 2010. 22:401-408.
Carreno M, Garcia-Alvarez D,
Maestro I, Fernandez S, Donaire A,
Boget T, Rumia J, Pintor L, Setoain X.
Malignant autosomal dominant frontal
lobe epilepsy with repeated episodes of status epilepticus: successful
treatment with vagal nerve stimulation. EPILEPTIC DISORD, 2010.
12:155-158. I.F.:1,20.
Sanchez-Gistau V, Pintor L, Sugranyes G, Bailles E, Carreno M, Donaire A, Boget T, Setoain X, Bargallo
N, Rumia J. Prevalence of interictal
psychiatric disorders in patients with
refractory temporal and extratemporal
lobe epilepsy in Spain. A comparative
study. EPILEPSIA, 2010. 51:13091313. I.F.:4,05.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders and nuclear psychiatry
Martin-Santos R, Torrens M, Poudevida S, Langohr K, Cuyas E, Pacifici R,
Farre M, Pichini S, DeLaTorre R. 5-HTTLPR polymorphism, mood disorders and
MDMA use in a 3-year follow-up study.
ADDICT BIOL, 2010. 15:15-22. I.F.:4,73.
ElMallakh RS, Vieta E, Rollin L,
Marcus R, Carson WH, Mcquade R.
A comparison of two fixed doses of
aripiprazole with placebo in acutely
relapsed, hospitalized patients with
bipolar disorder I (manic or mixed) in
subpopulations (CN138-007). EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARM, 2010. 20:776-783.
SCHIZOPHR RES, 2010. 121:66-74.
12 Vieta E, Owen R, Baudelet C,
Mcquade RD, Sanchez R, Marcus RN.
Assessment of safety, tolerability and
effectiveness of adjunctive aripiprazole
to lithium/valproate in bipolar mania: a
46-week, open-label extension following
a 6-week double-blind study. CURR
MED RES OPIN, 2010. 26:1485-1496.
13 Donner J, Haapakoski R, Ezer S,
Castro-Fornieles J, Caldu X, AndresPerpina S, Lazaro L, Bargallo N, Falcon
C, Plana MT, Junque C. A cross-sectional and follow-up functional MRI study
with a working memory task in adolescent anorexia nervosa. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 2010. 48:4111-4116. I.F.:4,35.
Melen E, Pirkola S, Gratacos M, Zucchelli M, Anedda F, Johansson LE, Soderhall C, Orsmark-Pietras C, Suvisaari J,
Martin-Santos R, Torrens M, Silander K,
Terwilliger JD, Wickman M, Pershagen
G, Lonnqvist J, Peltonen L, Estivill X,
D’amato M, Kere J, Alenius H, Hovatta
I. Assessment of the Neuropeptide S
System in Anxiety Disorders. BIOL PSYCHIAT, 2010. 68:474-483. I.F.:8,93.
14 Costas J, Gratacos M, Escaramis
Mas S, Bernardo M, Gasso P, Alvarez
S, Garcia-Rizo C, Bioque M, Kirkpatrick
B, Lafuente A. A Functional Variant Provided Further Evidence for the Association of ARVCF With Schizophrenia. AM J
MED GENET B, 2010. 153B:1052-1059.
10 Vieta E, Nuamah IF, Lim P, Yuen
EC, Palumbo JM, Hough DW, Berwaerts
J. A randomized, placebo- and activecontrolled study of paliperidone extended release for the treatment of acute
manic and mixed episodes of bipolar
I disorder. BIPOLAR DISORD, 2010.
12:230-243. I.F.:5,50.
11 Rametti G, Junque C, Bartres-Faz
D, Zubiaurre-Elorza L, Catalan R, Penades R, Bargallo N, Bernardo M. Anterior
cingulate and paracingulate sulci morphology in patients with schizophrenia.
G, Martin-Santos R, DeDiego Y, BacaGarcia E, Canellas F, Estivill X, Guillamat
R, Guitart M, Gutierrez-Zotes A, GarciaEsteve L, Mayoral F, Molto MD, Phillips
C, Roca M, Carracedo A, Vilella E, Sanjuan J. Association study of 44 candidate genes with depressive and anxiety
symptoms in post-partum women. J
PSYCHIATR RES, 2010. 44:717-724.
15 Tohen M, Vieta E, Gonzalez-Pinto
A, Reed C, Lin D. Baseline Characteristics and Outcomes in Patients With First
Episode or Multiple Episodes of Acute
Mania. J CLIN PSYCHIAT, 2010. 71:255261. I.F.:5,22.
16 Goti J, Diaz R, Serrano L, Gonzalez
L, Calvo R, Gual A, Castro J. Brief intervention in substance-use among adoles-
cent psychiatric patients: a randomized
controlled trial. EUR CHILD ADOLES
PSY, 2010. 19:503-511. I.F.:1,65.
17 Plaza A, Garcia-Esteve L, Ascaso
C, Navarro P, Gelabert E, Halperin I,
Valdes M, Martin-Santos R. Childhood
sexual abuse and hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis in postpartum major depression. J AFFECT DISORDERS, 2010.
122:159-163. I.F.:3,76.
18 Kirkpatrick B, Garcia-Rizo C, Tang
K, Fernandez-Egea E, Bernardo M.
Cholesterol and triglycerides in antipsychotic-naive patients with nonaffective psychosis. PSYCHIAT RES, 2010.
178:559-561. I.F.:2,37.
19 Bonnin CM, Martinez-Aran A, Torrent C, Pacchiarotti I, Rosa AR, Franco
C, Murru A, Sanchez-Moreno J, Vieta E.
Clinical and neurocognitive predictors of
functional outcome in bipolar euthymic
patients: A long-term, follow-up study.
J AFFECT DISORDERS, 2010. 121:156160. I.F.:3,76.
Baeza I, Flamarique I, Garrido JM,
Horga G, Pons A, Bernardo M, Morer A,
Lazaro ML, Castro-Fornieles J. Clinical
Experience Using Electroconvulsive
Therapy in Adolescents with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders. J CHILD
ADOL PSYCHOP, 2010. 20:205-209.
DeLaSerna E, Mayoral M, Baeza I,
Arango C, Andres P, Bombin I, Gonzalez
C, Rapado M, Robles O, RodriguezSanchez JM, Zabala A, Castro-Fornieles
J. Cognitive Functioning in Children and
Adolescents in Their First Episode of
Psychosis Differences Between Previous Cannabis Users and Nonusers. J
NERV MENT DIS, 2010. 198:159-162.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders
and nuclear psychiatry
Team Members
22 Sala R, Axelson DA, Castro-
27 Fusar-Poli P, Bhattacharyya S,
33 Rosa AR, Reinares M, Michalak
Fornieles J, Goldstein TR, Ha W, Liao
FZ, Gill MK, Iyengar S, Strober MA,
Goldstein BI, Yen S, Hower H, Hunt
J, Ryan ND, Dickstein D, Keller MB,
Birmaher B. Comorbid Anxiety in
Children and Adolescents With Bipolar
Spectrum Disorders: Prevalence and
Clinical Correlates. J CLIN PSYCHIAT,
2010. 71:1344-1350. I.F.:5,22.
Allen P, Crippa JA, Borgwardt S, MartinSantos R, Seal M, O’carroll C, Atakan Z,
Zuardi AW, Mcguire P. Effect of image
analysis software on neurofunctional activation during processing of emotional
human faces. J CLIN NEUROSCI, 2010.
17:311-314. I.F.:1,17.
EE, Bonnin CM, Sole B, Franco C, Comes M, Torrent C, Kapczinski F, Vieta
E. Functional Impairment and Disability
across Mood States in Bipolar Disorder.
VALUE HEALTH, 2010. 13:984-988.
23 Saus E, Brunet A, Armengol
L, Alonso P, Crespo JM, FernandezAranda F, Guitart M, Martin-Santos
R, Menchon JM, Navines R, Soria V,
Torrens M, Urretavizcaya M, Valles V,
Gratacos M, Estivill X. Comprehensive
copy number variant (CNV) analysis of
neuronal pathways genes in psychiatric disorders identifies rare variants
within patients. J PSYCHIATR RES,
2010. 44:971-978. I.F.:3,72.
24 Torres A, Navarro P, Garcia-Esteve L, Tarragona MJ, Ascaso C, Herreras Z, Gelabert E, Imaz M, Roca A,
Subira S, Martin-Santos R. Detecting
Domestic Violence: Spanish External
Validation of the Index of Spouse Abuse. J FAM VIOLENCE, 2010. 25:275286. I.F.:0,94.
25 Vieta E, DeArce R, JimenezArriero MA, Rodriguez A, Balanza V,
Cobaleda S. Detection of Subclinical
Depression in Bipolar Disorder: A
Cross-Sectional, 4-Month Prospective
Follow-Up Study at Community Mental Health Services (SIN-DEPRES). J
CLIN PSYCHIAT, 2010. 71:1465-1474.
26 Gonzalez-Pinto A, Alberich
S, Barbeito S, Alonso M, Vieta E,
Martinez-Aran A, Saenz M, Lopez P.
Different profile of substance abuse
in relation to predominant polarity in
bipolar disorder The Vitoria long-term
follow-up study. J AFFECT DISORDERS, 2010. 124:250-255. I.F.:3,76.
28 Lopez-Jaramillo C, Lopera-Vasquez J, Gallo A, Ospina-Duque J, Bell
V, Torrent C, Martinez-Aran A, Vieta E.
Effects of recurrence on the cognitive
performance of patients with bipolar
I disorder: implications for relapse
prevention and treatment adherence.
BIPOLAR DISORD, 2010. 12:557-567.
29 VanDerLoos MLM, Mulder P,
Hartong EGTM, Blom MBJ, Vergouwen
AC, VanNoorden MS, Timmermans MA,
Vieta E, Nolen WA. Efficacy and safety
of two treatment algorithms in bipolar
depression consisting of a combination
of lithium, lamotrigine or placebo and
2010. 122:246-254. I.F.:3,73.
30 Cruz N, Sanchez-Moreno J, Torres
F, Goikolea JM, Valenti M, Vieta E. Efficacy of modern antipsychotics in placebo-controlled trials in bipolar depression:
a meta-analysis. INT J NEUROPSYCHOPH, 2010. 13:5-14. I.F.:4,87.
34 Rosa AR, Bonnin CM, Vazquez
GH, Reinares M, Sole B, TabaresSeisdedos R, Balanza-Martinez V,
Gonzalez-Pinto A, Sanchez-Moreno J,
Vieta E. Functional impairment in bipolar
II disorder: Is it as disabling as bipolar I?.
J AFFECT DISORDERS, 2010. 127:7176. I.F.:3,76.
Montoya A, Tohen M, Vieta E, Casillas M, Chacon F, Polavieja P, Gilaberte I.
Functioning and symptomatic outcomes
in patients with bipolar I disorder in syndromal remission: A 1-year, prospective,
observational cohort study. J AFFECT
DISORDERS, 2010. 127:50-57. I.F.:3,76.
36 Colom F, Reinares M, Pacchiarotti
I, Popovic D, Mazzarini L, Martinez-Aran
A, Torrent C, Rosa A, Palomino-Otiniano
R, Franco C, Bonnin CM, Vieta E. Has
number of previous episodes any effect
on response to group psychoeducation
in bipolar patients? A 5-year follow-up
post hoc analysis. ACTA NEUROPSYCHIATR, 2010. 22:50-53. I.F.:0,94.
32 Penades R, Catalan R, Puig O,
Gomez-Gil E, Navines R, DeOsaba
MJM, Diaz-Ricart M, Escolar G, Salamero M, Martin-Santos R, Galan A, Gasto
C. Hormonal responses to the 5-HT1A
agonist buspirone in remitted endogenous depressive patients after long-term
imipramine treatment. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO, 2010. 35:481-489.
Masana G, Pujol N, Navarro V, Guarch J,
Gasto C. Executive function needs to be
targeted to improve social functioning
with Cognitive Remediation Therapy
(CRT) in schizophrenia. PSYCHIAT RES,
2010. 177:41-45. I.F.:2,37.
Angst J, Meyer TD, Adolfsson R,
Skeppar P, Carta M, Benazzi F, Lu RB,
Wu YH, Yang HC, Yuan CM, Morselli P,
Brieger P, Katzmann J, Leao IAT, DelPorto JA, Moreno DH, Moreno RA, Soares
31 Morer A, Chae W, Henegariu O,
Bothwell ALM, Leckman JF, Kawikova I.
Elevated expression of MCP-1, IL-2 and
PTPR-N in basal ganglia of Tourette syndrome cases. BRAIN BEHAV IMMUN,
2010. 24:1069-1073. I.F.:5,06.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders and nuclear psychiatry
OT, Vieta E, Gamma A. Hypomania: a
transcultural perspective. WORLD PSYCHIATRY, 2010. 9:41-49. I.F.:4,38.
39 Garcia-Portilla MP, Saiz PA, Benabarre A, Florez G, Bascaran MT, Diaz
EM, Bousono M, Bobes J. Impact of
substance use on the physical health
of patients with bipolar disorder. ACTA
PSYCHIAT SCAND, 2010. 121:437-445.
Aran A, Vieta E. Lithium Treatment
Effects on the Neuropsychological
Functioning of Patients With Bipolar
I Disorder. J CLIN PSYCHIAT, 2010.
71:1055-1060. I.F.:5,22.
45 Nivoli AMA, Murru A, Vieta E.
Lithium: Still a Cornerstone in the LongTerm Treatment in Bipolar Disorder?.
NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY, 2010. 62:2735. I.F.:2,15.
40 Valdes M, Collado A, Bargallo N,
46 Aspiazu S, Mosquera F, Ibanez
Vazquez M, Rami L, Gomez E, Salamero M. Increased Glutamate/Glutamine
Compounds in the Brains of Patients
With Fibromyalgia A Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study. ARTHRITIS
RHEUM-US, 2010. 62:1829-1836.
B, Vega P, Barbeito S, Lopez P, DeAzua
SR, Ugarte A, Vieta E, Gonzalez-Pinto
A. Manic and depressive symptoms
and insight in first episode psychosis.
PSYCHIAT RES, 2010. 178:480-486.
41 Gonzalez-Pinto AM, Dardennes R,
DeZelicourt M, Lopez P, Oliveros RG,
Vieta E, Barbeito S, Echevarria E, Fagnani F. In-patient care costs of patients
with bipolar I disorder: A comparison
between two European centers. J
AFFECT DISORDERS, 2010. 121:152155. I.F.:3,76.
47 Moreno C, Merchan-Naranjo J,
Alvarez M, Baeza I, Alda JA, MartinezCantarero C, Parellada M, Sanchez B,
DeLaSerna E, Giraldez M, Arango C.
Metabolic effects of second-generation
antipsychotics in bipolar youth: comparison with other psychotic and nonpsychotic diagnoses. BIPOLAR DISORD,
2010. 12:172-184. I.F.:5,50.
42 Gasso P, Mas S, Crescenti A, Alva- 48 Rojo E, Pino O, Guilera G, Gomezrez S, Parramon G, Garcia-Rizo C, Parellada E, Bernardo M, Lafuente A. Lack
of association between antipsychoticinduced extrapyramidal symptoms and
polymorphisms in dopamine metabolism
and transport genes. PSYCHIAT RES,
2010. 175:173-175. I.F.:2,37.
43 Alvarez S, Mas S, Gasso P, Bernardo M, Parellada E, Lafuente A. Lack
of association between schizophrenia
and polymorphisms in dopamine metabolism and transport genes. FUND
CLIN PHARMACOL, 2010. 24:741-747.
Benito J, Purdon SE, Crespo-Facorro B,
Cuesta MJ, Franco M, Martinez-Aran A,
Segarra N, Tabares-Seisdedos R, Vieta
E, Bernardo M, Mesa F, Rejas J. Neurocognitive diagnosis and cut-off scores of
the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in
2010. 116:243-251. I.F.:4,46.
49 Baldessarini RJ, Bolzani L, Cruz
N, Jones PB, Lai M, Lepri B, Perez J,
Salvatore P, Tohen M, Tondo L, Vieta
E. Onset-age of bipolar disorders at six
international sites. J AFFECT DISORDERS, 2010. 121:143-146. I.F.:3,76.
44 Lopez-Jaramillo C, Lopera-Vasquez 50 Bhattacharyya S, Morrison PD,
J, Ospina-Duque J, Garcia J, Gallo A,
Cortez V, Palacio C, Torrent C, Martinez-
Fusar-Poli P, Martin-Santos R, Borgwardt
S, Winton-Brown T, Nosarti C, O’carroll
CM, Seal M, Allen P, Mehta MA, Stone JM, Tunstall N, Giampietro V, Kapur
S, Murray RM, Zuardi AW, Crippa
JA, Atakan Z, Mcguire PK. Opposite
Effects of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol on Human
Brain Function and Psychopathology.
35:764-774. I.F.:6,99.
51 Colom F, Cruz N, Pacchiarotti
I, Mazzarini L, Goikolea JM, Popova
E, Torrent C, Vietac E. Postpartum
bipolar episodes are not distinct from
spontaneous episodes: Implications
2010. 126:61-64. I.F.:3,76.
52 Rapado-Castro M, Soutullo C,
Fraguas D, Arango C, Paya B, CastroFornieles J, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Parellada M, Graell M, Baeza I, Bombin
I. Predominance of Symptoms Over
Time in Early-Onset Psychosis: A
Principal Component Factor Analysis
of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. J CLIN PSYCHIAT, 2010.
71:327-337. I.F.:5,22.
53 Castro-Fornieles J, Diaz R,
Goti J, Calvo R, Gonzalez L, Serrano
L, Gual A. Prevalence and Factors
Related to Substance Use among
Adolescents with Eating Disorders.
EUR ADDICT RES, 2010. 16:61-68.
54 Vieta E, Morralla C. Prevalence
of mixed mania using 3 definitions. J
AFFECT DISORDERS, 2010. 125:6173. I.F.:3,76.
55 Mazzarini L, Colom F, Pacchiarotti I, Nivoli AMA, Murru A, Bonnin
CM, Cruz N, Sanchez-Moreno J,
Kotzalidis GD, Girardi P, Tatarelli R,
Vieta E. Psychotic versus non-psychotic bipolar II disorder. J AFFECT
DISORDERS, 2010. 126:55-60.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders
and nuclear psychiatry
Team Members
56 De La Serna E, Baeza I, Toro J,
Andres S, Puig O, Sanchez-Guistau V,
Romero S, Bernardo M, Castro-Fornieles J. Relationship between clinical
and neuropsychological characteristics
in child and adolescent first degree
relatives of subjects with schizophrenia.
SCHIZOPHR RES, 2010. 116:159-167.
57 Garin O, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Almansa J, Nieto M, Chatterji S, Vilagut
G, Alonso J, Cieza A, Svetskova O,
Burger H, Racca V, Francescutti C,
Vieta E, Kostanjsek N, Raggi A, Leonardi M, Ferrer M. Research Validation
of the “World Health Organization
Disability Assessment Schedule,
WHODAS-2” in patients with chronic
2010. 8:-. I.F.:2,46.
Fonseca F, Gratacos M, Escaramis
G, DeCid R, Martin-Santos R, FernandezEspejo E, Estivill X, Torrens M. Response
to Methadone Maintenance Treatment is
Associated with the MYOCD and GRM6
Genes. MOL DIAGN THER, 2010.
14:171-178. I.F.:2,17.
59 Parellada E, Kouniakis F, Siurkute A, Schreiner A, Don L. Safety and
efficacy of long-acting injectable risperidone in daily practice: an open-label,
noninterventional, prospective study
in schizophrenia and related disorders.
25:149-154. I.F.:3,35.
60 Filho AS, Hetem LAB, Ferrari
MCF, Trzesniak C, Martin-Santos R,
Borduqui T, Osorio FD, Loureiro SR,
Busatto G, Zuardi AW, Crippa JAS.
Social anxiety disorder: what are we
losing with the current diagnostic
2010. 121:216-226. I.F.:3,73.
61 Meneses-Gaya C, Crippa JAS,
Zuardi AW, Loureiro SR, Hallak JEC,
Trzesniak C, DeSousa JPM, Chagas
MHN, Souza RM, Martin-Santos R. The
Fast Alcohol Screening Test (FAST) is as
Good as the AUDIT to Screen Alcohol
Use Disorders. SUBST USE MISUSE,
2010. 45:1542-1557. I.F.:0,73.
67 DeDios C, Ezquiaga E, Garcia
A, Soler B, Vieta E. Time spent with
symptoms in a cohort of bipolar disorder
outpatients in Spain: A prospective,
18-month follow-up study. J AFFECT DISORDERS, 2010. 125:74-81. I.F.:3,76.
62 Reinares M, Colom F, Rosa AR,
68 Plana T, Gracia R, Mendez I, Pintor
Bonnin CM, Franco C, Sole B, Kapczinski F, Vieta E. The impact of staging
bipolar disorder on treatment outcome
of family psychoeducation. J AFFECT
DISORDERS, 2010. 123:81-86. I.F.:3,76.
L, Lazaro L, Castro-Fornieles J. Total
serum cholesterol levels and suicide
attempts in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatients. EUR CHILD ADOLES
PSY, 2010. 19:615-619. I.F.:1,65.
63 Fagundo AB, Cuyas E, Verdejo-
69 Vieta E, Locklear J, Gunther O, Ek-
Garcia A, Khymenets O, Langohr K,
Martin-Santos R, Farre M, DeLaTorre
R. The influence of 5-HTT and COMT
genotypes on verbal fluency in ecstasy
24:1381-1393. I.F.:3,65.
man M, Miltenburger C, Chatterton ML,
Astrom M, Paulsson B. Treatment Options for Bipolar Depression A Systematic Review of Randomized, Controlled
30:579-590. I.F.:5,09.
64 Selva-Vera G, Balanza-Martinez
70 Gonzalez-Ortega I, Rosa A, Albe-
V, Salazar-Fraile J, Sanchez-Moreno
J, Martinez-Aran A, Correa P, Vieta E,
Tabares-Seisdedos R. The switch from
conventional to atypical antipsychotic
treatment should not be based exclusively on the presence of cognitive
deficits. A pilot study in individuals with
schizophrenia. BMC PSYCHIATRY, 2010.
10:-. I.F.:1,83.
rich S, Barbeito S, Vega P, Echeburua
E, Vieta E, Gonzalez-Pinto A. Validation
and Use of the Functioning Assessment
Short Test in First Psychotic Episodes.
J NERV MENT DIS, 2010. 198:836-840.
65 Torres X, Bailles E, Collado A,
Taberner J, Gutierrez F, Peri JM, Arias
A, Fullana MA, Valdes M. The Symptom
Checklist-Revised (SCL-90-R) is Able to
Discriminate Between Simulation and
Fibromyalgia. J CLIN PSYCHOL, 2010.
66:774-790. I.F.:1,53.
66 Grunze H, Vieta E, Goodwin GM,
Bowden C, Licht RW, Moller HJ, Kasper
S. The World Federation of Societies
of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Guidelines for the Biological Treatment of
Bipolar Disorders: Update 2010 on the
treatment of acute bipolar depression.
WORLD J BIOL PSYCHIA, 2010. 11:81109. I.F.:5,56.
Rosa AR, Cruz N, Franco C, Haro
JM, Bertsch J, Reed C, Aarre TF, Sanchez-Moreno J, Vieta E. Why Do Clinicians Maintain Antidepressants in Some
Patients With Acute Mania? Hints From
the European Mania in Bipolar Longitudinal Evaluation of Medication (EMBLEM),
a Large Naturalistic Study. J CLIN PSYCHIAT, 2010. 71:1000-1006. I.F.:5,22.
Reed C, Goetz I, Vieta E, Bassi M,
Haro JM. Work impairment in bipolar disorder patients - results from a two-year
observational study (EMBLEM). EUR
PSYCHIAT, 2010. 25:338-344. I.F.:3,08.
Gasso P, Mas S, Alvarez S, Trias
G, Bioque M, Oliveira C, Bernardo M,
Lafuente A. Xenobiotic metabolizing
and transporter genes: gene-gene inte-
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders and nuclear psychiatry
ractions in schizophrenia and related
2010. 11:1725-1731. I.F.:3,89.
74 Vieta E, Ramey T, Keller D,
English PA, Loebel AD, Miceli J. Ziprasidone in the treatment of acute
mania: a 12-week, placebo-controlled,
haloperidol-referenced study. J PSYCHOPHARMACOL, 2010. 24:547-558.
75 Bowden CL, Vieta E, Ice KS,
Schwartz JH, Wang PP, Versavel M.
Ziprasidone Plus a Mood Stabilizer in
Subjects With Bipolar I Disorder: A
6-Month, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial. J CLIN PSYCHIAT, 2010. 71:130-137. I.F.:5,22.
I.F.: 35,65
1 Baldessarini RJ, Vieta E, Calabrese
Tamayo JM, Zarate CA, Vieta E, Vazquez G, Tohen M. Level of response and
safety of pharmacological monotherapy
in the treatment of acute bipolar I disorder phases: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. INT J NEUROPSYCHOPH, 2010. 13:813-832. I.F.:4,87.
6 Balanza-Martinez V, Selva G,
Martinez-Aran A, Prickaerts J, Salazar
J, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Vieta E, TabaresSeisdedos R. Neurocognition in bipolar
disorders-A closer look at comorbidities
and medications. EUR J PHARMACOL,
2010. 626:87-96. I.F.:2,59.
Martin-Santos R, Fagundo AB,
Crippa JA, Atakan Z, Bhattacharyya S,
Allen P, Fusar-Poli P, Borgwardt S, Seal
M, Busatto GF, Mcguire P. Neuroimaging
in cannabis use: a systematic review of
the literature. PSYCHOL MED, 2010.
40:383-398. I.F.:5,01.
2 Bonnin CM, Martinez-Aran A, San-
Castro-Fornieles J, Garcia AI, Lazaro
L, Andres-Perpina S, Falcon C, Plana MT,
Bargallo N. Prefrontal brain metabolites
in short-term weight-recovered adolescent anorexia nervosa patients. PROG
NEURO-PSYCHOPH, 2010. 34:10491053. I.F.:2,82.
chez-Moreno J, Torrent C, Franco C,
Pacchiarotti I, Vieta E. Bipolar disorder,
cognitive functioning and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. ACTAS
ESP PSIQUIATRI, 2010. 38:223-228.
Valenti M, Morer A, Lazaro ML, Bernardo M, Castro-Fornieles J. Repeated
transcranial magnetic stimulation in children and adolescents. REV NEUROLOGIA, 2010. 50:230-234. I.F.:1,23.
JR, Tohen M, Bowden CL. Bipolar
Depression: Overview and Commentary. HARVARD REV PSYCHIAT, 2010.
18:143-157. I.F.:1,34.
Berk L, Hallam KT, Colom F, Vieta E,
Hasty M, Macneil C, Berk M. Enhancing
medication adherence in patients with
bipolar disorder. HUM PSYCHOPHARM
CLIN, 2010. 25:1-16. I.F.:2,50.
Avila CC, Cabello M, Cieza A, Vieta E, Ayuso-Mateos JL. Functioning
and disability in bipolar disorders: a
systematic review of literature using
the ICF as a reference. BIPOLAR DISORD, 2010. 12:473-482. I.F.:5,50.
Yatham LN, Torres IJ, Malhi GS,
Frangou S, Glahn DC, Bearden CE,
Burdick KE, Martinez-Aran A, Dittmann
S, Goldberg JF, Ozerdem A, Aydemir
O, Chengappa KNR. The International
Society for Bipolar Disorders-Battery
for Assessment of Neurocognition
12:351-363. I.F.:5,50.
Smith LA, Cornelius VR, Azorin
JM, Perugi G, Vieta E, Young AH, Bow-
den CL. Valproate for the treatment
of acute bipolar depression: Systematic review and meta-analysis. J
AFFECT DISORDERS, 2010. 122:1-9.
I.F.: 27,03
Gual A. A case of double exclusion. EUR J PUBLIC HEALTH, 2010.
20:618-618. I.F.:2,31.
Colom F. Achieving remission
and recovery in bipolar disorder. J
CLIN PSYCHIAT, 2010. 71:e32-e32.
Gual A. Conflicts of interest. A golden standard to generalize in addiction
research. ADDICTION, 2010. 105:199200. I.F.:3,84.
Vieta E. Individualizing treatment
for patients with schizoaffective disorder. J CLIN PSYCHIAT, 2010. 71:e26e26. I.F.:5,22.
Vieta E. Long-term treatment of
bipolar depression and other issues.
J CLIN PSYCHIAT, 2010. 71:e07-e07.
Vieta E. Role of antidepressants in
bipolar depression. J CLIN PSYCHIAT,
2010. 71:e21-e21. I.F.:5,22.
Grants for research
in progress
Bernardo M. Diabetes in Neuropsychiatric Disorders. (subaward
nº 07-20846A1. Sponsored by:
National Institutes of Health - EU,
1R01DK069265-01A1 S02078- .
Amount: 352.201,00 euros. Duration:
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders
and nuclear psychiatry
Team Members
Masana G. Ensayo doble ciego controlado con placebo de la eficacia
de reboxetina y citalopram como
tratamiento coadyuvante de los antipsicóticos de segunda generación en
el tratamiento de los símtomas negativos de la esquizofrenia. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
EC07/90553. Amount: 15.730,00 euros. Duration: 29/10/2007-30/12/2010.
Gasto C. Estrategias terapeuticas en
trastorno depresivo mayor resistente
a tratamiento con inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina.
Ensayo clínico pragmático, paralelo.
Aleatorizado con evaluación enmascarada. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, EC07/90825.
Amount: 14.036,00 euros. Duration:
Gutierrez F. Una taxonimía con base
empírica para los transtornos de la
personalidad: reorganización factorial
del Eje II (DSM-IV). Sponsored by:
PI070033. Amount: 9.317,00 euros.
Duration: 26/11/2007-30/12/2010.
Castro J. Características psicopatológicas, neuropsicológicas y de
neuroimagen comunes y diferenciales en niños y adolescentes hijos
de pacientes con esquizofrenia o
con transtorno bipolar. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI070066. Amount: 58.080,00 euros.
Duration: 26/11/2007-30/12/2010.
Penades R. Análisis de los efectos del
tratamiento de rehabilitación cognitiva
en la esquizofrenia mediante técnicas
de neuroimagen funcional. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI070258. Amount: 61.226,00 euros.
Duration: 26/11/2007-30/12/2010.
Lazaro L. Estudio de la relación clínica
y genética entre un subgrupo de pa-
cientes con anorexia nerviosa y pacientes con trastorno obsesivo compulsivo
en niños y adolescentes. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI070350. Amount: 47.916,00 euros.
Duration: 26/11/2007-30/12/2010.
Gual T. Standardizing Measurement of
Alcohol Related Troubles. Sponsored by:
(IPIN), 2007308. Amount: 27.275,37 euros. Duration: 01/09/2008-31/08/2010.
Martinez A. Eficacia de la rehabilitación
cognitiva en pacientes con trastorno
bipolar: estudio aleatorizado controlado
para evaluar la mejoría de las disfunciones cognitivas y el impacto sobre
el funcionamiento psicosocial. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
CP07/00144. Amount: 92.591,00 euros.
Duration: 01/02/2008-31/01/2011.
Lazaro L. Anàlisi dels polimorfismes en
gens candidats en el trastorn obsessiucompulsiu d’inici primerenc. Relació
amb alteracions cerebrals i dimensions
simptomàtiques. Sponsored by: Fundació Marató TV3, PI040588. Amount:
164.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Castro J. Marcadores de pronóstico y
neurodegeneración en primeros episodios psicóticos en niños y adolescentes:
seguimiento longitudinal a 5 años. Sponsored by: Fundación Alicia Koplowitz,
CP040501. Amount: 11.805,00 euros.
Duration: 17/07/2009-17/07/2011.
Castro J. Seguiment a dos anys de nens
i adolescents fills de pacients amb esquizofrènia o trastorn bipolar. Sponsored
by: Fundació Marató TV3, PI040582.
Amount: 182.356,00 euros. Duration:
Gutierrez F. Eficacia comparada de
cuatro modelos diagnósticos de Trastorno de la Personalidad. Sponsored
PI040232. Amount: 72.963,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/01/2011.
Bernardo M. Interacción genotipofenotipo y ambiente. Aplicación a un
modelo predictivo en primeros episodios
psicóticos. Sponsored by: FIS (ISCIII). ,
PI080208. Amount: 399.663,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Parellada E. Apoptosis y cambios estructurales progresivos en pacientes
con un primer episodio de esquizofrenia: estudio longitudinal y multimodal
de neuroimagen y biología molecular.
Sponsored by: FIS (ISCIII) , PI080055.
Amount: 68.728,00 euros. Duration:
Catalan R. Identificación de predictores
clínicos, neurohormonales, farmacogenéticos en la respuesta terapéutica a
clozapina en pacientes diagnosticados
de Esquizofrenia Refractaria . Sponsored
by: FIS (ISCIII) , EC81/00331 . Amount:
33.517,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2011.
Bernardo M. Reconocimiento como Grupo Consolidado de Investigación. Sponsored by: Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts
Universitaris i de Recerca, Generalitat
de Catalunya , 2009SGR1295 . Amount:
47.840,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2014.
Vieta E. Grup de Recerca Consolidat de
la Generalitat de Catalunya . Sponsored
by: Generalitat de Catalunya , 2009_
SGR_1022. Amount: 44.720,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Vieta E. Eficacia comparativa de dos
estrategias de intervención psicosocial
(neurocognitiva versus psicoeducativa)
como tratamiento coadyuvante al farmacológico versus tratamiento habitual
en el trastorno bipolar . Sponsored by:
Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PI08/90094.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders and nuclear psychiatry
Amount: 29.040,00 euros. Duration:
Vieta E. European Network of Bipolar
Research Expert Centres (ENBREC) .
Sponsored by: European Union, 223102.
Amount: 85.550,00 euros. Duration:
Martinez A. Discapacidad en el trastorno
bipolar e impacto funcional de una estrategia de intervención neurocognitiva.
Sponsored by: FIS, PI080180. Amount:
130.680,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2011.
Martin Santos R, Navines R, Valdes
M. Estudio farmacogenético y de predicción de la depresión inducida por el
tratamiento con interferón alfa pegilado
y ribavirina en pacientes con hepatitis C
crónica (ESTUDIO PSIGEN-VHC). Sponsored by: Fondo Investigación Sanitaria,
EC08/00201. Amount: 0,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2010.
Martin Santos R, Garcia L, Gutierrez F,
Navines R, Imaz ML. Grup de Recerca en “Vulnerabilitat, psicopatologia
i gènere” Modalitat Grup de recerca
emergent. Sponsored by: Generalitat
de Catalunya, SGR 2009/1435. Amount:
0,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2013.
Garcia L, Imaz ML, Botet F, Ascaso C,
Salamero M. Estudio farmacogenético y
de seguridad clínica en niños de madres
tratadas con inhibidores selectivos de
la recaptación de serotonina durante el
embarazo: evaluación del funcionamiento cognitivo conductual a los 5 años de
edad. Sponsored by: European Comission, EC08/00170. Amount: 0,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Pintor L. Análisis de los indicadores clínicos que diferencian entre crisis epilépticas y crisis no epilépticas psicógenas
(CNEP): Hacia un mejor diagnóstico dife-
rencial a través de un cuestionario de
sospecha diagnóstica. Sponsored by:
Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias
(FIS), PI080111. Amount: 17.908,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2011.
Gual A. Alcohol Public Health Research Alliance (AMPHORA). Sponsored by: Comissió Europea, 0000.
Amount: 502.741,00 euros. Duration:
Vieta E. Discapacidad y funcionamiento en el trastorno bipolar: seguimiento
a los 3 años. (FPU). Sponsored by:
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,
AP2008-01923. Amount: 40.060,84
euros. Duration: 20/07/200919/12/2011.
Colom F. A study of response predictors to psychoeducation in bipolar
disorder. Sponsored by: Instituto
de Salud Carlos III, CP08/00140.
Amount: 220.149,00 euros. Duration:
Benabarre A. Identificación de variables clínicas, sociológicas y genéticas predictoras de la respuesta
al tratamiento eutimizante en el
Trastorno Bipolar. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PI080247.
Amount: 20.207,00 euros. Duration:
Colom F. Factores neurobiológicos,
cognitivos y clínicos asociados al
pronóstico clínico y funcional a un año
de seguimiento de la psicoeducación
en el trastorno bipolar. Sponsored by:
PI09/1044. Amount: 170.005,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Morer A. Inflamación, autoinmunidad y psicopatología: estudio en
niños y adolescentes con patología
psiquiátrica aguda y en hijos de ma-
dres afectadas de lupus eritematoso
sistémico. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 84.095,00 euros. Duration:
Vieta E. The neural correlates of
euthymic cognitive impairment
in bipolar disorder. Sponsored by:
PI09/1893. Amount: 15.730,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Castro J. Paediatric European Risperidone Studies. Sponsored by: RADBOUD UNIVERSITEIT NIJMEGEN,
241959. Amount: 181.500,00 euros.
Duration: 01/05/2010-30/04/2015.
Castro J. Two year follow-up study of
children and adolescent offspring of
subjects with schizophrenia or bipolar
disorders. Sponsored by: FUNDACIÓ LA MARATÓ DE TV3, 091630.
Amount: 182.356,25 euros. Duration:
Lazaro L. Analysis of polimorphisms in
candidate genes in early onset obsessive-compulsive disorder. Relationship
with cerebral abnormalit and symptom
dimensions. Sponsored by: FUNDACIÓ LA MARATÓ DE TV3, 091710.
Amount: 164.000,00 euros. Duration:
Andres S. Trastornos de la Conducta
Alimentaria, veinte años después.
Estudio de estado psicopatológico
y físico y su relación con el funcionamiento general. Sponsored by:
Amount: 43.484,00 euros. Duration:
Gomez E. Adaptación psicosocial, calidad de vida, y demanda de asistencia
sanitaria durante 10 años en personas
diagnosticadas de trastorno de la
identidad de género. Sponsored by:
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Biological bases of psychiatric disorders
and nuclear psychiatry
Team Members
Amount: 15.107,00 euros. Duration:
Castro J. Suicidality: Treatment
Occurring in Paediatrics. Sponsored
by: University College London UCL,
261411. Amount: 157.500,00 euros.
Duration: 01/11/2010-30/04/2014.
Garcia L. Violencia sexual, estrés
agudo y calidad de vida: estudio de
los factores de riesgo en las mujeres atendidas en urgencias tras
una agresión sexual. Sponsored by:
Amount: 33.471,00 euros. Duration:
Bernardo M. Antipsicóticos típicos
vs. atípicos; impacto de la farmacogenética en la farmacocinética, la
ocupación de receptores estriatales
y la aparición se sintomatología
extrapiramidal.. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD, POLITICA
Amount: 134.211,60 euros. Duration:
Martin Santos R. Estudio farmacogenético y de predicción de la depresión inducida por el tratamiento de
la hepatitis C crónica con interferón
alfa pegilado y rivabirina. Estudio
psigen-vhc. subproyecto coordinado
I. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
Amount: 46.827,00 euros. Duration:
Garcia L. Estudio farmacogenético
y de seguridad clínica en hijos de
madres tratadas con antidepresivos
ISRS durante el embarazo: Evaluación del funcionamiento cognitivoconductual a los 5 años. Sponsored
III, EC08/00170. Amount: 177.870,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200930/12/2011.
Catalan R. Identificación de predictores
clínicos, neurohormonales, farmacogenéticos en la respuesta terapéutica a
clozapina en pacientes diagnosticados
de esquizofrenia refractaria.. Sponsored
EC08/00184. Amount: 33.517,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-30/12/2011.
Lazaro L. Identificación de predictores
farmacogenéticos en la respuesta
terapéutica a fluoxetina en pacientes
diagnosticados de trastorno obsesivocompulsivo en la infancia y la adolescencia. Sponsored by: Fundación
Alicia Koplowitz, PS09/00468. Amount:
73.700,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2011.
Colom F, Vieta E. Diagnostic specifiers
of the onset, course and outcome of
bipolar disorder. PhD student: Nuria Cruz
Parellada E, Bernardo M. Diferencias en
la respuesta a pruebas de reconocimiento facial de las emociones entre pacientes esquizofrénicos deficitarios versus
esquizofrénicos no deficitarios. PhD
student: Emilio Fernandez Egea.
Martin-Santos R. Depresión posparto y
rasgos de la personalidad. PhD student:
Gelabert Arbiol E.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Group Members
Carme Junqué
(Facultat Medicina UB)
Tel.: 93 403 44 46
Fax: 93 403 92 98
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Núria Bargalló (Hospital Clínic)
David Bartrés-Faz (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Teresa Boget (Hospital Clínic)
Teodor Marcos (Hospital Clínic)
José M. Mercader (Hospital Clínic)
Manuel Salamero (Hospital Clínic)
Josep M. Serra (Universitat de Barcelona)
Pere Vendrell (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Naroa Ibarretxe (MEC)
Bárbara Segura (UB)
Research Fellows:
Davinia Fernández (MEC)
Joana B. Pereira (MICINN)
Leire Zubiaurre (MICINN)
Eider Martinez de Arenaza (DGR)
Eva Palacios (IDIBAPS)
Roser Sala (Becari projecte)
Didac Vidal (DGR)
Nuria Pujol (Rio Hortega)
Silvia Juanes (UB)
Study of the consequences of cerebral
lesions and dysfunctions in relation to
behavior and cognition. The technique
preferentially used in our studies is magnetic resonance imaging in its structural
and functional applications. We are equipped with a neuroimaging laboratory with
different high-performance workstations.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Neuropsychology and neuroimaging in normal aging and in degenerative diseases.
Neuroanatomical and neurofunctional bases of cognitive impairment
in normal aging, Pakinson’s disease
and Alzheimer’s disease. This line
makes use of combined structural
and functional magnetic resonance
imaging to detect early alterations in
brain connectivity prior to clear cerebral atrophy caused by neuron death.
Identification of the symptoms prior
to actual clinical manifestations in
degenerative diseases is a challenge
for treatment intervention aiming to
slow the neurodegenerative processes. As a subline, mention should be
made of the study of the contribution
of the cognitive reserve variables in
the degree of cognitive deterioration
associated with age and dementia, as
well as of the neuroanatomical and
neurophysiological bases of this phenomenon.
2. Cerebral plasticity.
Long-term consequences of brain damage. In the field of cerebral plasticity
we investigate the changes in brain
structure and function detectable by
magnetic resonance imaging that
are induced by transcranial electric
stimulation. This technique can be
used to simulate reversible lesions
or to investigate the changes in brain connectivity in normal subjects
and also in degenerative processes.
Another line of interest in which work
is being done is the study of cerebral
language response in patients who
as a result of head injuries are in a
chronic vegetative state or minimally
responsive state. Brain response in
the absence of motor response can
have clear consequences in the differential diagnosis of these two conditions. Likewise in head injury patients,
we study the relationship between
the long-term cognitive sequelae and
the white matter alterations identified
by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and
also analyze the changes in the cortical
layer related to alterations attributable
to diffuse axonal damage. 3. Development of imaging techniques to study
the areas of the brain implicated in the
higher function alterations in epileptic
patients, based on functional magnetic
resonance imaging. The aim of this
line of research is to develop cognitive
paradigms such as those relating to
speech, perception or memory, based
on functional magnetic resonance
imaging techniques - validating and
applying them to clinical practice with a
view to predicting neuropsychological
sequelae and investigating cerebral
plasticity mechanisms.
Regional reductions in thalamus
morphology in trauma patients in the
vegetative state (VS) and minimum
consciousness state (MCS).The color
bar indicates the value of F. The
dorsomedial nucleusis correlated to
the degree of patient disability.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
I.F.: 100,84
1 Serra-Grabulosa JM, Adan A, Falcon C,
Bargallo N. Glucose and caffeine effects on
sustained attention: an exploratory fMRI
25:543-552. I.F.:2,50.
Iranzo A, Lomena F, Stockner H, Valldeoriola F, Vilaseca I, Salamero M, Molinuevo
JL, Serradell M, Duch J, Pavia J, Gallego
J, Seppi K, Hogl B, Tolosa E, Poewe W,
Santamaria J. Decreased striatal dopamine
transporter uptake and substantia nigra
hyperechogenicity as risk markers of synucleinopathy in patients with idiopathic rapideye-movement sleep behaviour disorder:
a prospective study. LANCET NEUROL,
2010. 9:1070-1077. I.F.:18,13.
3 Sanz-Cortes M, Figueras F, Bargallo
N, Padilla N, Amat-Roldan I, Gratacos E.
Abnormal brain microstructure and metabolism in small-for-gestational-age term fetuses with normal umbilical artery Doppler.
ULTRASOUND OBST GYN, 2010. 36:159165. I.F.:3,15.
4 Esteban FJ, Padilla N, Sanz-Cortes M,
DeMiras JR, Bargallo N, Villoslada P, Gratacos E. Fractal-dimension analysis detects
cerebral changes in preterm infants with
and without intrauterine growth restriction. NEUROIMAGE, 2010. 53:1225-1232.
5 Bosch B, Batres-Faz D, Rami L, ArenazaUrquijo EM, Fernandez-Espejo D, Junque
C, Sole-Padulles C, Sanchez-Valle R, Bargallo N, Falcon C, Molinuevo JL. Cognitive
reserve modulates task-induced activations and deactivations in healthy elders,
amnestic mild cognitive impairment and
mild Alzheimer’s disease. CORTEX, 2010.
46:451-461. I.F.:4,06.
Ibarretxe-Bilbao N, Ramirez-Ruiz B, Junque C, Marti MJ, Valldeoriola F, Bargallo N,
Juanes S, Tolosa E. Differential progression
of brain atrophy in Parkinson’s disease with
and without visual hallucinations. J NEUROL
NEUROSUR PS, 2010. 81:650-657. I.F.:4,87.
Sala-Llonch R, Bosch B, Arenaza-Urquijo
EM, Rami L, Bargallo N, Junque C, Molinuevo
JL, Bartres-Faz D. Greater Default-Mode Network Abnormalities Compared to High Order
Visual Processing Systems in Amnestic Mild
Cognitive Impairment: An Integrated MultiModal MRI Study. J ALZHEIMERS DIS, 2010.
22:523-539. I.F.:3,83.
8 Fortea J, Sala-Llonch R, Bartres-Faz D,
Bosch B, Llado A, Bargallo N, Molinuevo JL,
Sanchez-Valle R. Increased Cortical Thickness
and Caudate Volume Precede Atrophy in
PSEN1 Mutation Carriers. J ALZHEIMERS
DIS, 2010. 22:909-922. I.F.:3,83.
Ibarretxe-Bilbao N, Junque C, Marti MJ,
Valldeoriola F, Vendrell P, Bargallo N, Zarei M,
Tolosa E. Olfactory Impairment in Parkinson’s
Disease and White Matter Abnormalities
in Central Olfactory Areas: A Voxel-Based
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study. MOVEMENT
DISORD, 2010. 25:1888-1894. I.F.:4,01.
10 Pintor L, Bailles E, Matrai S, Carreno M,
Donaire A, Boget T, Setoain X, Rumia J, Bargallo N. Efficiency of Venlafaxine in Patients With
Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures and Anxiety and/or Depressive Disorders. J NEUROPSYCH CLIN N, 2010. 22:401-408. I.F.:2,34.
Carreno M, Garcia-Alvarez D, Maestro
I, Fernandez S, Donaire A, Boget T, Rumia
J, Pintor L, Setoain X. Malignant autosomal
dominant frontal lobe epilepsy with repeated
episodes of status epilepticus: successful
treatment with vagal nerve stimulation. EPILEPTIC DISORD, 2010. 12:155-158. I.F.:1,20.
Castro-Fornieles J, Caldu X, AndresPerpina S, Lazaro L, Bargallo N, Falcon C, Plana
MT, Junque C. A cross-sectional and follow-up
functional MRI study with a working memory
task in adolescent anorexia nervosa. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 2010. 48:4111-4116. I.F.:4,35.
Rametti G, Junque C, Bartres-Faz D,
Zubiaurre-Elorza L, Catalan R, Penades R,
Bargallo N, Bernardo M. Anterior cingulate
and paracingulate sulci morphology in patients
with schizophrenia. SCHIZOPHR RES, 2010.
121:66-74. I.F.:4,46.
Gomez-Gil E, Navines R, DeOsaba MJM,
Diaz-Ricart M, Escolar G, Salamero M, MartinSantos R, Galan A, Gasto C. Hormonal responses to the 5-HT1A agonist buspirone in remitted
endogenous depressive patients after long-term
imipramine treatment. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO, 2010. 35:481-489. I.F.:4,19.
16 Valdes M, Collado A, Bargallo N, Vazquez
M, Rami L, Gomez E, Salamero M. Increased
Glutamate/Glutamine Compounds in the Brains of Patients With Fibromyalgia A Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy Study. ARTHRITIS
RHEUM-US, 2010. 62:1829-1836. I.F.:7,33.
Solana E, Poca MA, Sahuquillo J, Benejam B, Junque C, Dronavalli M. Cognitive
and motor improvement after retesting in
normal-pressure hydrocephalus: a real change
or merely a learning effect? Clinical article. J
NEUROSURG, 2010. 112:399-409. I.F.:2,59.
18 Fernandez-Espejo D, Junque C, Cruse
D, Bernabeu M, Roig-Rovira T, Fabregas N, Rivas E, Mercader JM. Combination of diffusion
tensor and functional magnetic resonance
imaging during recovery from the vegetative
state. BMC NEUROL, 2010. 10:-. I.F.:2,11.
12 Sanchez-Gistau V, Pintor L, Sugranyes
19 Carrillo B, Gomez-Gil E, Rametti G,
G, Bailles E, Carreno M, Donaire A, Boget T,
Setoain X, Bargallo N, Rumia J. Prevalence of
interictal psychiatric disorders in patients with
refractory temporal and extratemporal lobe
epilepsy in Spain. A comparative study. EPILEPSIA, 2010. 51:1309-1313. I.F.:4,05.
Junque C, Gomez A, Karadi K, Segovia S,
Guillamon A. Cortical activation during mental
rotation in male-to-female and female-to-male
transsexuals under hormonal treatment. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO, 2010. 35:12131222. I.F.:4,19.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
20 Sanchez-Castaneda C, Rene R, Ramirez-Ruiz B, Campdelacreu J, Gascon J,
Falcon C, Calopa M, Jauma S, Juncadella
M, Junque C. Frontal and Associative
Visual Areas Related to Visual Hallucinations in Dementia with Lewy Bodies
and Parkinson’s Disease with Dementia.
MOVEMENT DISORD, 2010. 25:615622. I.F.:4,01.
21 Grau-Olivares M, Arboix A, Junque C, Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Rovira M,
Bartres-Faz D. Progressive Gray Matter
Atrophy in Lacunar Patients with Vascular
Mild Cognitive Impairment. CEREBROVASC DIS, 2010. 30:157-166. I.F.:3,54.
Fernandez-Espejo D, Junque C,
Bernabeu M, Roig-Rovira T, Vendrell P,
Mercader JM. Reductions of Thalamic
Volume and Regional Shape Changes in
the Vegetative and the Minimally Conscious States. J NEUROTRAUM, 2010.
27:1187-1193. I.F.:4,25.
Segura B, Jurado MA, Freixenet N,
Bargallo N, Junque C, Arboix A. White
matter fractional anisotropy is related to
processing speed in metabolic syndrome
patients: a case-control study. BMC NEUROL, 2010. 10:-. I.F.:2,11.
I.F.: 2,82
1 Castro-Fornieles J, Garcia AI, Lazaro
L, Andres-Perpina S, Falcon C, Plana MT,
Bargallo N. Prefrontal brain metabolites in
short-term weight-recovered adolescent
anorexia nervosa patients. PROG NEURO-PSYCHOPH. 34:1049-1053. I.F.:2,82.
Grants for research
in progress
Bargallo N. Usefulness of ictal functional
MRI in localization of epileptogenic area
in patients with refractory focal epilepsy.
Sponsored by: Fundació Marató TV3,
60910. Amount: 115.135,00 euros. Duration: 15/02/2007-14/02/2010.
Salamero M. Desarrollo y validación en
una nueva escala de somnolencia de aplicación clínica. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, PI070318. Amount:
179.624,50 euros. Duration: 26/11/200730/12/2010.
Junqué C. Distinció de la Generalitat
de Catalunya per a la Promoció de la
Recerca Universitària. Sponsored by:
Generalitat de Catalunya, UNI/2001/2004.
Amount: 180.522,00 euros. Duration:
Bargallo N. Red española de investigación en patología infecciosa (REIPI).
Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos
III, RD06/0008/1013. Amount: 20.500,00
euros. Duration: 29/02/2008-31/12/2010.
Junqué C. Aplicación de la resonancia
magnética estructural y funcional al estudio del estado vegetativo y el estado
de mínima conciencia en los traumatismos craneo encefálicos. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Educación y Ciencia, SAF
2007-66077. Amount: 28.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2010.
y genéticas y la función y estructura
cerebrales en el envejecimiento sano y
patológico. Sponsored by: Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación, 052296. Amount:
50.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2013.
Bartres D. Prediction of cognitive properties of new drug candidates for neurodegenerative diseases in early clinical
development. Sponsored by: Cordis
Europa, 052297. Amount: 660.950,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2015.
Bartres D, Molinuevo JL. Influencia de la
reserva cognitiva en la estructura y funcionalidad cerebral en el envejecimiento
sano y patológico. PhD student: Beatriz
Bosch Capdevila.
Junque C. The vegetative and the minimally conscious state: brain function,
connectivity and structural abnormalities.
PhD student: Davinia Fernández Espejo.
Junqué C. Ajuts de Suport als grups de
Recerca. Sponsored by: DURSI - Departament d’Universitats, Recerca i Societat
de la Informació, 2009SGR941. Amount:
58.240,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2013.
Marcos T. Estudio de la eficacia de la rehabilitación cognitiva en el trastorno depresivo mayor refractario al tratamiento
farmacológico. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III, PI09/90126.
Amount: 26.620,00 euros. Duration:
Bartres D. Relación entre variables de
reserva cerebral de tipo ambientales
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Systems neuroscience
Group Members
Maria Victoria Sánchez Vives
Tel.: 93 227 5400
(Ext.: 4301)
Fax: 93 227 1890
E-mail: [email protected]
Recently, the growing knowledge of synaptic
physiology and brain circuits, together with the
development of new instruments with which
to register, analyze and model the activity of a
large number of neurons has made it possible
to address one of the great pending challenges
in neuroscience: to understand the relationship
between the activity of the neuron population
and behavioral performance. The objective of
the systems neuroscience group is to address
this challenge combining experimental studies
in basal ganglia, hippocampal and cortical networks with a theoretical approach.
Main Lines
of Research
Idibaps members:
Albert Compte (IDIBAPS)
David Robbe
Perla Kaliman (IDIBAPS)
Jaime de la Rocha
Enrique Pérez-Garci (IDIBAPS)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Daniel Perez Marcos (IDIBAPS)
Ramón Reig (IDIBAPS)
David Borland (IDIBAPS)
Ilias Bergstrom (IDIBAPS)
Pavel Rueda-Orozco (IDIBAPS)
Alexander Roxin (IDIBAPS)
Rita Almeida (IDIBAPS)
Klaus Wimmer (IDIBAPS)
Lucila Kargieman (IDIBAPS)
Francesca Barbieri
Research Fellows:
Maria Cano Colino
Daniel Jercog
Diego López Pigozzi
Maria Pérez Zabalza
Marcel Ruiz Mejias
María Jesús Álvarez López
María Umpierrez
Thomas Gener
Juan Abolafia
Salvador de la Torre
Marco Castro (IDIBAPS)
Juan Pablo Ramírez Mahaluf
Carolina Sales Carbonell
Vanessa Fernandez Descalzo
Xavier Palomer
Lorena Pérez Méndez
Laura Ciria
Luis Zapata (IDIBAPS)
Marcelina Párrizas (IDIBAPS)
Mercè Pallàs (CIBERNED - UB)
Julita de la Vega
(La Caixa, IDIBAPS)
Visiting Scientists:
Maurizio Mattia (Istituto
Superiore di Sanità, Roma)
Duane Q. Nykamp
(Univ. Minnesota, USA)
Electrical activity generation and control mechanisms in neuronal networks – specifically,
in the brain cortex.Hippocampal and subicular
mechanisms of spatial processing.Neuronal
activity synchronization mechanisms in cortical networks.Distributed cortical network
mechanisms implicated in selective attention,
working memory and executive control.Simple
motor coding (head movement, lever activation) based on striatal clustering.Mechanism of
information transfer between networks.Effect
of cannabinoids on high-voltage axes.Use of
virtual reality in neuroscience, in the context
of theEVENT Lab (Virtual Environments in
Neuroscience and Technology), in collaboration
with Mel Slater (University of Barcelona).Effect
of behavioral interventions on the epigenetic
regulation of processes implicated in chronic
diseases and related to aging.
1. Cortical networks and EVENT Lab
(Virtual Environments in Neuroscience
and Technology). Headed by Dr. Maria
Victòria Sánchez (IDIBAPS).
Neuronal connectivity and cellular and synaptic properties determine and give shape
to the emergent population activity (spontaneous or invoked) generated by the neuronal
networks. At the same time, such activity
has effects upon the network, with the
regulation of relevant mechanisms such as
synaptic plasticity. We are interested in different aspects of the activity generated: the
mechanisms that regulate it, the information
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Systems neuroscience
it encodes, and the consequences of
this activity upon the network.
The impact which the different cellular
processes (e.g., ion channel activation)
have upon the resultant network activity tends to be non-intuitive and unpredictable – thus making it necessary to
adopt a theoretical and experimental
As regards the information encoded by
the network activity, we have worked
with different sensory modalities (visual, tactile, auditory), and are presently
especially interested in the spatial processing that occurs in the hippocampal
Lastly, integration of the cortical
information giving rise to bodily representation and the combination of braincomputer interfaces and virtual reality
for understanding these processes, is
another research line of our group, as
part of the EVENT Lab.
For further information:
2. Theoretical neurobiology of the cortical networks. Headed by Dr. Albert
Compte (IDIBAPS).
Our research is aimed at clarifying the
mechanisms that operate in the cortical
microcircuit, with a view to conducting
computations of relevance to behavior. The tools we use are computerimplemented cortical network models
seeking biological plausibility at all times, and technically sophisticated dataanalyzing tools. We work in parallel at
two levels: on one hand, we model
the activity of the cortical microcircuit
in order to understand and quantify the
mechanisms underlying the generation
of population activity in the circuit, and
on the other we study the physiological
bases of cognitive capacities such as
working memory and selective attention, and their dysfunction in psychiatric
For further information:
3. Physiology and basal ganglia networks and regulation with cannabinoids. Headed by Dr. David Robbe
The principal objective of the laboratory
is to understand the processing of cognitive and motor-sensory (cortical) information in the basal ganglia - a group of
subcortical nuclei that are essential for
motor coordination and the formation
of habits, and which are implicated in
Parkinson’s disease and in addictions.
Surprisingly, the excellent description
of the anatomical characteristics of
the basal ganglia (BG) has given rise
to two opposed reference models
of processing carried out in the BG.
In the first model, the BG have been
modelled as independent information
processing channels, while the other
model postulates that the ganglia act
as cortical input integrators. In order to
address this controversy, we use largescale electrophysiological recording
techniques (silica catheters, tetrodes) in
the course of specific motor activities,
in combination with advanced analytical
tools and pharmacological perturbation
For further information:
and mindfulness-based stress reduction trainings in humans) on the epigenetic regulation of processes such
as oxidative stress and inflammation,
which are at the root of most chronic
and aging-related diseases.
5. Cortical Circuit Dynamics Group.
Headed by Dr. Jaime de la Rocha
The main focus of our research is
the study of the circuit mechanisms
underlying perception and decision
making. In particular we are interested
in the neural basis of auditory representation and its dependence on brain
state and other contextual variables.
We investigate the generation of
ongoing cortical activity, its impact on
perception and guiding decisions. We
are particularly interested in the variability and co-variability observed in the
sensory-evoked responses of cortical
neurons, the mechanisms which generate them and their role in a neural
code. We combine population cortical
recordings in rats, quantitative analysis
and computational modeling to address
these questions.
For further information:
4. Neuroepigenetics lab. Headed by
Perla Kaliman (IDIBAPS).
It is now accepted that brain networks
and genetic information in adults
are both sensitive and responsive to
experience. An increasing number of
studies in animal models are starting to
show that behavioral interventions can
induce changes in epigenetic codes in
the nervous system that may be critical
for synaptic plasticity and complex
processes such as memory, learning
and stress resistance. In this context,
our research is aimed at identifying behavioral-induced molecular biomarkers
associated with adaptive psychological
and physiological changes. Accordingly,
we investigate the effect of behavioral
interventions (e.g. voluntary exercise
and enriched environment in rodents
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Systems neuroscience
6. Laboratory of Dendritic Computation. Headed by Enrique PerezGarci (IDIBAPS).
It is becoming clear now that dendrites can be considered as active excitable entities which can be subject to
modulation by different neurotransmitters (Dendritic Neuromodulation).
With the emergence of imaging and
electrophysiological approaches to
study dendritic physiology, I believe
the field is poised to explore the fundamentals of dendritic computation.
With this in mind, I aim to take advantage of these developments and
combined them with pharmacological
and molecular biological tools, to get a
more detailed picture of the impact of
interacting sub-cellular dendritic regions and their modulation for determining the firing output of the neuron.
The apical tuft of layer 5 pyramidal
neurons is innervated by a large number of inhibitory inputs with unknown
functions. Inhibitory postsynaptic
potentials (IPSPs) evoked by distal
GABAergic terminals have little or no
direct impact on the somato-axonic
compartment of the neuron. A possible role for these inhibitory inputs is
to modulate the so called Na+-Ca2+
spikes that occur in the apical tuft.
My research work focuses on the
molecular mechanisms by which
GABA mediates the inhibition of such
regenerative processes. In particular,
activation of metabotropic GABAb
receptors exerts an inhibitory control
of dendritic spikes by means of a very
refined molecular machinery.
Research Techniques:
•Simultaneous whole-cell recordings
along the somato-dendritic axis of
layer 5 pyramidal neurons using the
in vitro slice preparation.
•Ca2+ fluorescence recordings.
I.F.: 51,07
Musri MM, Carmona MC, Hanzu FA,
Kaliman P, Gomis R, Parrizas M. Histone
Demethylase LSD1 Regulates Adipogenesis. J BIOL CHEM, 2010. 285:3003430041. I.F.:5,33.
2 Lundqvist M, Compte A, Lansner A.
Bistable, Irregular Firing and Population
Oscillations in a Modular Attractor Memory Network. PLOS COMPUT BIOL,
2010. 6:-. I.F.:5,76.
3 Slater M, Spanlang B, Sanchez-Vives
MV, Blanke O. First Person Experience
of Body Transfer in Virtual Reality. PLoS
ONE, 2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
Fernandez V, Salamero O, Espinet
B, Sole F, Royo C, Navarro A, Camacho F, Bea S, Hartmann E, Amador V,
Hernandez L, Agostinelli C, Sargent
RL, Rozman M, Aymerich M, Colomer
D, Villamor N, Swerdlow SH, Pileri SA,
Bosch F, Piris MA, Montserrat E, Ott G,
Rosenwald A, Lopez-Guillermo A, Jares
P, Serrano S, Campo E. Genomic and
Gene Expression Profiling Defines Indolent Forms of Mantle Cell Lymphoma.
CANCER RES, 2010. 70:1408-1418.
Bermejo-Martin JF, Martin-Loeches
I, Rello J, Anton A, Almansa R, Xu LL,
Lopez-Campos G, Pumarola T, Ran LS,
Ramirez P, Banner D, Ng DC, Socias L,
Loza A, Andaluz D, Maravi E, GomezSanchez MJ, Gordon M, Gallegos MC,
Fernandez V, Aldunate S, Leon C, Merino P, Blanco J, Martin-Sanchez F, Rico L,
Varillas D, Iglesias V, Marcos MA, Gandia F, Bobillo F, Nogueira B, Rojo S, Resino S, Castro C, DeLejarazu RO, Kelvin
D. Host adaptive immunity deficiency in
severe pandemic influenza. CRIT CARE,
2010. 14:-. I.F.:4,93.
DeLaPena N, Weil P, Llobera J, Giannopoulos E, Pomes A, Spanlang B,
Friedman D, Sanchez-Vives MV, Slater
M. Immersive Journalism: Immersive
Virtual Reality for the First-Person Experience of News. PRESENCE-TELEOP
VIRT, 2010. 19:291-301. I.F.:1,24.
7 Sanchez-Vives MV, Mattia M, Compte
A, Perez-Zabalza M, Winograd M, Descalzo VF, Reig R. Inhibitory Modulation of
Cortical Up States. J NEUROPHYSIOL,
2010. 104:1314-1324. I.F.:3,48.
Ardid S, Wang XJ, Gomez-Cabrero
D, Compte A. Reconciling Coherent
Oscillation with Modulation of Irregular
Spiking Activity in Selective Attention:
Gamma-Range Synchronization between Sensory and Executive Cortical
Areas. J NEUROSCI, 2010. 30:28562870. I.F.:7,18.
9 Brotons-Mas JR, Montejo N, O’mara
SM, Sanchez-Vives MV. Stability of subicular place fields across multiple light and
dark transitions. EUR J NEUROSCI, 2010.
32:648-658. I.F.:3,42.
10 Reig R, Mattia M, Compte A,
Belmonte C, Sanchez-Vives MV. Temperature Modulation of Slow and Fast
Cortical Rhythms. J NEUROPHYSIOL,
2010. 103:1253-1261. I.F.:3,48.
11 Sanchez-Vives MV, Spanlang B, Frisoli A, Bergamasco M, Slater M. Virtual
Hand Illusion Induced by Visuomotor Correlations. PLoS ONE, 2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
I.F.: 3,48
Nowak LG, Sanchez-Vives MV,
Mccormick DA. Spatial and Temporal
Features of Synaptic to Discharge Receptive Field Transformation in Cat Area
17. J NEUROPHYSIOL, 2010. 103:677697. I.F.:3,48.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Systems neuroscience
Grants for research
in progress
Kaliman P. Identificación de vias de
señalización molecular reguladas por
DMPK (Myotonic Dystrophy Protein
Kinase) y su papel en el desarrollo de
las alteraciones metabólicas asociadas
a la Distrofia Miotónica. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Educación y Ciencia,
SAF2007-63353. Amount: 145.200,00
euros. Duration: 01/10/200704/10/2010.
Robbe D. Dynamic of neuronal network
interactions in the basal ganglia. Sponsored by: EUROPEAN COMISSION,
230976. Amount: 100.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/09/2008-31/08/2012.
Sanchez-Vives MV. Synthetic Forager. Amount: European Commission,
217148. Amount: 320.309,10 euros.
Duration: 15/01/2008-14/01/2011.
Sanchez-Vives MV, Compte A. Estudi
de tècniques avançades de modelització i estimulació neuronalModalitat
Projectes en Recerca Industrial i Desenvolupament Experimental - Projectes
Comuns. Sponsored by: GENERALITAT
DE CATALUNYA - CIDEM, RD08-20013. Amount: 190.054,18 euros. Duration: 15/07/2008-15/07/2010.
Sanchez-Vives MV. Grups Consolidats de Recerca “Neurociencias de
Sistemas”. Sponsored by: AGAUR,
2009 SGR1363. Amount: 45.760,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2013.
Compte A. Mecanismos de redes
distribuidas en memoria de trabajo
y atención selectiva. Sponsored by:
BFU2009_09537. Amount: 234.740,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Sanchez-Vives MV. Beaming through
augmented media for natural networked gatherings. Sponsored
by: Starlab Barcelona SL, 248620.
Amount: 540.313,00 euros. Duration:
Sanchez-Vives MV. Virtual Embodiment
and Robotic Re-Embodiment. Sponsored
552.700,00 euros. Duration: 01/06/201031/05/2015.
Sanchez-Vives MV. Optimización
de la respuesta terapéutica a la
modulación de estímulos auditivos.
Sponsored by: iSOFT SANIDAD, S.A,
IPT-300000-2010-0010. Amount:
450.207,00 euros. Duration:
Kaliman P. Impact of aging and
physical exercise on transcriptional
and epigenetic profiles (brain and
cardiac studies). PhD student: María
Kaliman P. Estudio epigenético y transcripcional de un modelo murino de
envejecimiento acelerado (estudio en
linfocitos). PhD student: María Jesús
Álvarez López.
Sanchez-Vives MV. Real time analysis of hippocampal activity for the
control of external devices.. PhD student: Julita de la Vega Arias.
Robbe D. Basal Ganglia and the control
of locomotion. Sponsored by: EUROPEAN COMISSION, 253873. Amount:
161.293,00 euros. Duration: 01/10/201030/09/2012.
Sanchez-Vives MV. Dinámica cortical en los diferentes estados de
activación de la red. Sponsored by:
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia
(MICINN), BFU2008-01371/BFI.
Amount: 285.000,00 euros. Duration:
Sanchez-Vives MV. Synaptic drugs for
cognitive disorders: identifying new
targets for pharmacological intervention.
Amount: 7.374,91 euros. Duration:
Robbe D. Entendiendo los efectos de
los canabinoides en los episodios epilépticos en la red talamocortical Tipo
de proyecto: A. Sponsored by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, BFU200803946/BFI. Amount: 90.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
De La Rocha J. Network dynamics of
auditory cortex and the impact of correlations on the encoding of sensory
information. Sponsored by: EUROPEAN
Amount: 100.000,00 euros. Duration:
clinical and experimental neuroscience
Team envolved in:
Clinical and experimental neuroimmunology
GROUP Members
Francesc Graus
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 57 85
Fax: 93 227 57 83
[email protected]
1. The principal objective of the neuroimmunology group is the study of inflammation of the central nervous system,
and of the mechanisms that are involved in this inflammatory response, and
their implication in neurological disorders - fundamentally multiple sclerosis,
autoimmune encephalitis and paraneoplastic neurological disorders.
2. Identification and characterization of
factors implicated in the pathogenesis of gliomas, based on the study of
proteins that control the maintenance,
differentiation and migration of normal
neural stem cells.
Main Lines
of Research
Idibaps members:
Pablo Villoslada (IDIBAPS)
Moreno, Beatriz (IDIBAPS)
Núria de la Iglesia
Lidia Sabater
(Fundació Clínic)
Albert Saiz (Hospital Clínic)
Yolanda Blanco
(Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Begonya Otal (IDIBAPS)
Valeria Colafrancesco
Research Fellows:
Inna Pertsovskaya (IDIBAPS)
Oihana Errea (IDIBAPS)
Ion Agirrezabal (FIS)
Anna Boronat (FIS)
Sara Llufriu (Río Hortega)
Francesco Mannara
(Fundació Clínic)
Marta Moreno (FPI)
Iñigo Gabilondo (IDIBAPS)
Begoña Fernández (IDIBAPS)
Alice Taubes (IDIBAPS)
Nagore Escala (IDIBAPS)
Mercè Albà (Fundació Clínic)
Eva Caballero
(Fundació Clínic)
1. Study of autoimmune mechanisms in
paraneoplastic neurological disorders.
2. Synaptic autoimmunity study in encephalitis and other autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system.
3. Development of biomarkers and new
therapies in application to multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases.
Nursing Staff:
Montserrat Artola (REEM, Red
Española Esclerosis Múltiple)
Administrative Staff:
Juan Alejandro Virgili (REEM)
Berta Alcahud (REEM)
Gemma Castillo
(Fundació Clínic)
Ana Catafau (IDIBAPS)
Bernardo Sanchez-Dalmau
(Hospital Clínic)
Automatic segmentation of the corpus
callosum through diffusion tensor imaging
and 3D-T1 imaging using FSL software.
In this way it is possible to determine the
volumetric characteristics of this structure,
which is frequently altered in multiple sclerosis.
Accepted for the 17th Annual Meeting of
the Organization for Human Brain Mapping
(Quebec, June 2011).
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
clinical and experimental neuroimmunology
4. Functional imaging in neuroimmunology.
5. Study of the molecular bases of glioma pathogenesis: Identification and
functional characterization of new
factors implicated in the maintenance,
differentiation and/or migration of neural stem cells, and study of the role of
these factors in the initiation and invasion of gliomas.
Pathogenesis and new treatments in multiple sclerosis
Group Leader:
Pablo Villoslada (IDIBAPS)
The great challenge for our research team is to
apply our discoveries to the clinical management
of patients with multiple sclerosis. By late 2010 we
plan to enter the clinical phase of the study of methylthioadenosine as
treatment in cases of multiple sclerosis. As the coordinating team of
the RETICS REEM (Spanish Multiple Sclerosis Network - www.reem.
es), another of our strategic objectives is the transverse diffusion of
knowledge and optimum use of synergies, with a view to transferring
the advances in research to the clinical practice setting and to patients.
Lastly, the group has a constant commitment to innovation, both in
terms of the generation of patents and as regards the creation of spinoff companies to cover the gap in financing existing between basic
research and the clinical phase development of new drugs on the part
of the biopharmaceutical industry.
Web of the group:
Immunopathogenesis of paraneoplastic neurological disorders
Group Leader:
Francesc Graus (Hospital Clínic)
Paraneoplastic neurological disorders manifest in
cancer patients generally in very early stages, and
their correct diagnosis is essential for detecting the
tumor and for preventing progression of the neurological disease. Our
group has made a fundamental contribution to confirmation of the
immunological cause of these disorders, and is an international reference center for the evaluation of antineuronal antibodies associated
to paraneoplastic neurological disorders. The group is interested in the
characterization of antineuronal antibodies and corresponding antigens
of potential diagnostic or pathogenic relevance in relation to these
diseases. Some of the antibodies identified by our group, such as
anti-Hu, anti-Tr or anti-SOX1, are currently used on a routine basis as
predictors of paraneoplastic neurological disorders.
I.F.: 98,76
Esteban FJ, Padilla N, SanzCortes M, DeMiras JR, Bargallo
N, Villoslada P, Gratacos E. Fractaldimension analysis detects cerebral
changes in preterm infants with
and without intrauterine growth
restriction. NEUROIMAGE, 2010.
53:1225-1232. I.F.:5,74.
Graus F, Boronat A, Xifro X, Boix
M, Svigelj V, Garcia A, Palomino
A, Sabater L, Alberch J, Saiz A.
The expanding clinical profile of
anti-ampa receptor encephalitis.
NEUROLOGY, 2010. 74:857-859.
Lancaster E, Lai MZ, Peng
XY, Hughes E, Constantinescu R,
Raizer J, Friedman D, Skeen MB,
Grisold W, Kimura A, Ohta K, Iizuka
T, Guzman M, Graus F, Moss SJ,
Balice-Gordon R, Dalmau J. Antibodies to the GABA(B) receptor in
limbic encephalitis with seizures:
Case series and characterisation
of the antigen. LANCET NEUROL,
2010. 9:67-76. I.F.:18,13.
Villoslada P. Biomarkers for multiple sclerosis. DRUG NEWS PERSPECT, 2010. 23:585-595. I.F.:2,10.
Liimatainen S, Peltola M, Sabater
L, Fallah M, Kharazmi E, Haapala AM,
Dastidar P, Knip M, Saiz A, Peltola J.
Clinical significance of glutamic acid
decarboxylase antibodies in patients
with epilepsy. EPILEPSIA, 2010.
51:760-767. I.F.:4,05.
6 Blanco Y, Hankiewicz K, Llufriu
S, Sabater L, Graus F, Saiz A. Clinical
spectrum associated with aquaporin-4 antibodies (NMO-IgG). NEUROLOGIA, 2010. 25:5-12. I.F.:0,60.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Clinical and experimental neuroimmunology
Team Members
Ducray F, Graus F, Vigliani MC,
Antoine JC, Rogemond V, Saiz A,
Honnorat J. Delayed onset of a second paraneoplastic neurological syndrome in eight patients. J NEUROL
NEUROSUR PS, 2010. 81:937-939.
8 Robinson-Agramonte MA, Goncal-
18 Llufriu S, Pujol T, Blanco Y, Hankiewi-
I, Brieva L, Bufill E, Cano A, Carmona
O, Escartin A, Marco M, Moral E,
Munteis E, Nos C, Pericot I, Perkal H,
Ramio-Torrenta L, Ramo-Tello C, Saiz
A, Sastre-Garriga J, Tintore M, Vaque
J, Montalban X. Multiple sclerosis
epidemiological situation update:
pertinence and set-up of a population based registry of new cases in
Catalonia. REV NEUROLOGIA, 2010.
50:623-633. I.F.:1,23.
cz K, Squarcia M, Berenguer J, Villoslada
P, Graus F, Saiz A. T2 hypointense rims
and ring-enhancing lesions in MS. MULT
SCLER, 2010. 16:1317-1325. I.F.:3,28.
ves CAS, Portela VL, Saiz-Hinarejos
A, Oses PJ, Motta SL, Muller AP,
Gonzalez MEM, DeSouza ODG. Differential Regulation of IgG-NMO Autoantibodies on S100Beta Protein and
Disability in Relapsing Neuromyelitis
2010. 17:177-179. I.F.:2,03.
13 Saiz A, Graus F. Neurologic Com-
14 Giometto B, Grisold W, Vitaliani
Soffietti R, Baumert BG, Bello L,
VonDeimling A, Duffau H, Frenay M,
Grisold W, Grant R, Graus F, HoangXuan K, Klein M, Melin B, Rees J,
Siegal T, Smits A, Stupp R, Wick W.
Guidelines on management of lowgrade gliomas: report of an EFNSEANO* Task Force. EUR J NEUROL,
2010. 17:1124-1133. I.F.:2,51.
10 Lai MZ, Huijbers MGM, Lancaster E, Graus F, Bataller L, BaliceGordon R, Cowell JK, Dalmau J.
Investigation of LGI1 as the antigen
in limbic encephalitis previously
attributed to potassium channels: a
case series. LANCET NEUROL, 2010.
9:776-785. I.F.:18,13.
11 Marignier R, Chenevier F, Rogemond V, Smitt PS, Renoux C, Cavillon
G, Androdias G, Vukusic S, Graus F,
Honnorat J, Confavreux C. Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Type 1
Autoantibody-Associated Cerebellitis
A Primary Autoimmune Disease?.
67:627-630. I.F.:6,31.
12 Otero S, Batlle J, Bonaventura
plications of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. SEMIN NEUROL, 2010.
30:287-295. I.F.:2,53.
R, Graus F, Honnorat J, Bertolini G.
Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndrome in
the PNS Euronetwork Database A European Study From 20 Centers. ARCH
NEUROL-CHICAGO, 2010. 67:330-335.
15 Moreno B, Fernandez-Diez B,
DiPenta A, Villoslada P. Preclinical
studies of methylthioadenosine for
the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
MULT SCLER, 2010. 16:1102-1108.
16 Martinez-Forero I, Pelaez-Lopez
A, Villoslada P. Steady State Detection
of Chemical Reaction Networks Using
a Simplified Analytical Method. PLOS
ONE, 2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
17 Goni J, Martincorena I,
Corominas-Murtra B, Arrondo G,
Ardanza-Trevijano S, Villoslada P.
Switcher-Random-Walks: a cognitiveinspired mechanism for network exploration. INT J BIFURCAT CHAOS, 2010.
20:913-922. I.F.:0,92.
19 Alcina A, Vandenbroeck K, Otaegui D, Saiz A, Gonzalez JR, Fernandez
O, Cavanillas ML, Cenit MC, Arroyo R,
Alloza I, Garcia-Barcina M, Antiguedad
A, Leyva L, Izquierdo G, Lucas M, Fedetz M, Pinto-Medel MJ, Olascoaga J,
Blanco Y, Comabella M, Montalban X,
Urcelay E, Matesanz F. The autoimmune disease-associated KIF5A, CD226
and SH2B3 gene variants confer susceptibility for multiple sclerosis. GENES
IMMUN, 2010. 11:439-445. I.F.:4,22.
I.F.: 6,18
1 Graus F, Saiz A, Dalmau J. Antibodies and neuronal autoimmune disorders of the CNS. J NEUROL, 2010.
257:509-517. I.F.:2,90.
Freedman MS, Bar-Or A, Atkins
HL, Karussis D, Frassoni F, Lazarus
H, Scolding N, Slavin S, LeBlanc K,
Uccelli A. The therapeutic potential of
mesenchymal stem cell transplantation
as a treatment for multiple sclerosis:
consensus report of the International
2010. 16:503-510. I.F.:3,28.
I.F.: 3,28
1 De Stefano N, Curtin F, Stubinski B,
Blevins G, Drulovic J, Issard D, Shotekov P, Gasperini C. Rapid benefits
of a new formulation of subcutaneous
interferon beta-1a in relapsing-remitting
multiple sclerosis. MULT SCLER, 2010.
16:888-892. I.F.:3,28.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
clinical and experimental neuroimmunology
Grants for research
in progress
Villoslada P. United europeans for the
development of pharmacogenomics
in multiple sclerosis. Sponsored by:
European Comisión. Marie Curie
Training Network, PITN-GA- 212877.
Amount: 198.422,00 euros. Duration:
Villoslada P. Análisis de la respuesta al
tratamiento con interferon beta en la
esclerosis múltiple mediante biología
de sistemas. Sponsored by: Fundación
Mutua Madrileña, FMM-2008-061.
Amount: 45.000,00 euros. Duration:
Villoslada P. Estudio del daño axonal en
esclerosis múltiple mediante estudios
de neuroimagen de la vía óptica. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
PS09/00259. Amount: 245.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Villoslada P. Estudio de la dinámica remitente-recurrente en depresión mayor
mediante el análisis de redes de conectividad funcional por resonancia magnética funcional: implicaciones para la
terapia. Sponsored by: Fundació Marató
TV3, 0000. Amount: 345.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Graus F. Anticuerpos contra de antígenos de membrana neuronal en síndormes neurológicos paraneoplásicos del
sistema nervioso central. Sponsored
PI09/0193. Amount: 413.215,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Villoslada P. Studying the relapsing
dynamics of major depression through
network analysis of fMRI connectivity
maps: inplications for therapy.. Sponsored by: FUNDACIÓ LA MARATÓ DE
TV3, 091430. Amount: 237.325,00 euros. Duration: 29/01/2010-28/01/2013.
De La Iglesia N. Factores de mantenimiento y diferenciación de células madre neurales como actores
principales en la patogénesis de los
gliomas. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO
DE EDUCACIÓN, BFU2009_14616.
Amount: 145.200,00 euros. Duration:
Villoslada P. Terapia neuroprotectora para EM mediante agonistas
del Factor de Crecimiento Nervioso
(NGF). Sponsored by: MINISTERIO
DE EDUCACIÓN, INC-0059. Amount:
14.500,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2011.
by: ADVANCELL-Advanced in vitro
cell techno., IPT-010000-2010-0035.
Amount: 487.254,00 euros. Duration:
Saiz A. Trasplante autólogo de células
madre mesenquimales en esclerosis
múltiple: ensayo clínico fase II aleatorizado, doble-ciego y cruzado con placebo. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2011.
Villoslada P. Congreso Internacional
de Neuroinmunología. Sponsored by:
20.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/06/201031/05/2011.
Villoslada P. Congress of the International Society of Neuroimmunology (ISNI).
Sponsored by: GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA, 2010 ARCS1 00329. Amount:
3.000,00 euros. Duration: 26/10/201030/10/2010.
Graus F, Dalmau J. Clinical spectrum
and cellular and synaptic mechanisms
of autoimmune synaptic encephalitides.
DE TV3, 101530. Amount: 283.200,00
euros. Duration: 10/12/2010-09/12/2013.
Saiz A. Analysis of new antigens in seronegative (NMO-IgG/AQP4) neuromyelitis optica (Devic disease). Sponsored
101610. Amount: 162.500,00 euros.
Duration: 10/12/2010-09/12/2013.
Mahy N, Villoslada P. Nuevas aproximaciones terapéuticas para la Esclerosis
Múltiple y la Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica: efectos modificadores de la enfermedad y neuroprotección. Sponsored
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Team envolved in:
CIBER en enfermedades
neurodegenerativas (CIBERned)
Neurobiology Unit
GROUP Members
Ramon Trullàs
Tel.: 93 363 83 03
Fax: 93 363 83 24
Idibaps members:
Nicole Mahy (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Manuel Rodríguez (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Research Fellows:
Montse Batlle (Facultat de Medicina)
Lluís Benítez (IIBB-CSIC)
Javier Ortega (Facultat de Medicina)
Joana Figueiro-Silva (IIBB-CSIC)
Margot Martínez (IDIBAPS)
Carmen Andrade (Facultat de Medicina)
Nuria Serra (IIBB-CSIC)
Natalia Castro (IIBB-CSIC)
Kevin Clayton (CIBERNED)
Marco Pugliese (Facultat de Medicina)
Petar Podlesniy (IDIBAPS)
José Manuel Vidal-Taboada (Facultat de Medicina)
The Neurobiology Unit investigates
molecular mechanisms of excitotoxic
and apoptotic neuron death with the
objective of identifying new therapeutic targets for the management of
neurodegenerative diseases. Another
objective is to gain knowledge of the
mechanisms regulating neurogenesis in
the adult brain.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Investigation of the biochemical
mechanisms causing excitotoxic
neuron death. This project postulates that the inhibition of phospholipid synthesis is a key mechanism in
neuron death produced by over-activation of glutamatergic receptors.
2. Investigation of the function of neuronal pentraxin 1 (NP1) during programmed neuron death, with the
hypothesis that inhibition of the expression of this protein may constitute a new treatment for chronic
neurodegenerative disorders.
3. Study of the mechanism by which
the KATP channel modulates microglial activation, thereby allowing
the in vivo and in vitro characterization of the neuroprotective and
neurotoxic effect of microglia in
situations of brain damage, through
the activation and blockade of this
4. Investigation of the role of the glia
in the neurogenesis mechanisms
associated with chronic neurodegeneration in the hippocampus of the
adult brain.
5. Investigation of the efficacy and
safety of anti-A beta immunotherapy as treatment for Alzheimer’s
We have shown that shortly after activation of the apoptotic death program, NP1
synthesis begins and is directed towards
the mitochondria, where the protein
facilitates Bax activation. Blocking the
synthesis of NP1 prevents Bax activation
and arrests the apoptotic death process.
We have also shown that excitotoxic
hippocampal damage induces a chronic
neurodegenerative process with the migration of neuroblasts from the subventricular zone towards the damaged hippocampus – this inducing neurogenesis
independent of that intrinsic to the actual
hippocampus. Likewise, in the early
stages of excitotoxic damage, the microglia undergoes a change in phenotype,
evolving from neuroprotective activity
towards a more proinflammatory profile.
Under these conditions, we have shown
that activation of the microglial KATP
channels reduces this proinflammatory
activity and reduces neuronal damage.
Excitatory synapses in
cortical neurons. Blue:
VGLUT1 glutamate
vesicular transporter.
Red: SYNAPSIN presynaptic protein. Green:
GLUR2 glutamate
receptor subunit.
Magenta: SYNAPSINVGLUT1 distribution in
excitatory pre-synaptic
endings. White:
distribution of the three
proteins, showing
the pre-synaptic
compartment of the
excitatory synapses.
Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Neurobiology Unit
I.F.: 16,78
Pugliese M, Rodriguez MJ,
Gimeno-Bayon J, Pujadas L, Billett
EE, Wells C, Mahy N. Alzheimer’s
Disease Modifies Progenitor Cell
Expression of Monoamine Oxidase
B in the Subventricular Zone. J
NEUROSCI RES, 2010. 88:25882597. I.F.:2,99.
Alberdi E, Sanchez-Gomez MV,
Cavaliere F, Perez-Samartin A,
Zugaza JL, Trullas R, Domercq M,
Matute C. Amyloid beta oligomers
induce Ca2+ dysregulation and
neuronal death through activation
of ionotropic glutamate receptors.
CELL CALCIUM, 2010. 47:264-272.
Ortiz O, Delgado-Garcia JM,
Espadas I, Bahi A, Trullas R,
Dreyer JL, Gruart A, Moratalla R.
Associative Learning and CA3-CA1
Synaptic Plasticity Are Impaired
in D1R Null, Drd1a(-/-) Mice and
in Hippocampal siRNA Silenced
Drd1a Mice. J NEUROSCI, 2010.
30:12288-12300. I.F.:7,18.
Pugliese M, Carrasco JL,
Gomez-Anson B, Andrade C,
Zamora A, Rodriguez MJ, Mascort
J, Mahy N. Magnetic resonance
imaging of cerebral involutional
changes in dogs as markers of
aging An innovative tool adapted
from a human visual rating scale.
VET J, 2010. 186:166-171. I.F.:2,32.
Grants for research
in progress
Mahy N. Validación del efecto
neuroprotector de la glibenclamida
en la isquemia cerebral. Sponsored
Y CIENCIA, PET2007-0450.
Amount: 61.045,00 euros. Duration:
Trullas R. Regulación de proteinas
sinapticas por la pentraxina
neuronal y disfuncion sinaptica
en modelos de alzheimer.
Sponsored by: Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación, SAF200803514. Amount: 229.900,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Mahy N. Grup de Neuroquímica FM.
Sponsored by: AGAUR (Generalitat
de Catalunya), 2009SGR1380.
Amount: 45.760,00 euros. Duration:
Mahy N, Villoslada P. Nuevas
aproximaciones terapéuticas para la
Esclerosis Múltiple y la Esclerosis
Lateral Amiotrófica: efectos
modificadores de la enfermedad
y neuroprotección. Sponsored by:
ADVANCELL-Advanced in vitro
cell techno., IPT-010000-20100035. Amount: 487.254,00 euros.
Duration: 25/06/2010-31/12/2012.
oncology and
Biological markers in oncology 248
Human and experimental functional oncomorphology 250
Diagnosis and therapy in oncology 256
Molecular genetics 260
Genetics 262
Melanoma: imaging, genetics and immunology 265
Hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation 268
Hematological oncology 272
Physiopathology and molecular bases in hematology 279
Hemotherapy – hemostasis 282
Molecular and translational oncology 286
Cell proliferation and signaling 290
Oncology and haematology
Biological markers in oncology
Group Members
Rafael Molina
(Hospital Clínic Facultat de Medicina)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Xavier Filella (Hospital Clínic)
Antonio Maria Ballesta (Hospital Clínic - UB)
Research Fellows:
Jose M. Escudero (Hospital Clínic)
M. Sánchez (Fundació Bosch i Gimpera)
C. Aparicio (Hospital Clínic)
F. Coca (Hospital Clínic)
Amàlia Lafuente (Facultat de Medicina)
M. Portas (Hospital Clínic)
S. Román (Hospital Clínic)
M. Sasot (Hospital Clínic)
José María Auge Fradera (Fundació Clínic)
The activity of the group is fundamentally circumscribed to the setting of
applied clinical research, and takes place
in collaboration with different clinical
groups both within and outside the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Circulating tumor markers. Development of new techniques for the
study of biological markers, which
are the peripheral expression of the
presence of malignant tumors. Study
of the usefulness of proPSA in the
diagnosis of prostate cancer. Evaluation of new tumor markers such
as: ProGRP (progastrin releasing
peptide), of use in undifferentiated
small cell lung carcinoma, epididymal protein HE4, of great interest in
ovarian cancer; andthymidine kinase
for lung tumors. Comparison of the
clinical application of the isoforms of
squamous cell carcinoma-associated
antigen, and evaluation of the S-100
isoforms and their implication in the
study of malignant melanoma.
2. Consolidation of diagnostic guides
to the clinical use of tumor markers. Collaboration with European
and North American groups for establishing consensus and publishing
clinical guides. Diffusion of these guides at national level through the Cancer Biological Markers Commission,
created by members of the group,
within the scientific committee of the
Spanish Society of Biochemistry and
Molecular Pathology.
3. Incorporation of a quantitative
technique for the detection of
circulating cells of epithelial tumors (CECs), and improvement of
the methods to obtain, separate
and quantify them based on the
detection of mRNA encoding for
cytokeratin-19. Evaluation of the
clinical interest of this methodology
in application to breast and prostate
Oncology and haematology
Biological markers in oncology
neoplasms. Study of mutations of
oncogenes and suppressor genes
based on PCR-SSCP techniques (ras
and p53), and p16 and p14 methylation studies.
4. Collaboration in the colon and
rectal cancer population screening
program through the detection of
occult blood in stools. During the
last year over 15,000 asymptomatic
individuals have been analyzed.
5. Development of a software application for establishing risk in patients with symptoms suggestive
of lung cancer, assessing risk based
on the determination of 6 tumors
markers, with orientation regarding
the histological type (small cell or
non-small cell carcinoma). In process
of license obtainment for diffusion.
6. Investigation of cytokine involvement in cancer development and
progression. We are consolidating
research into the clinical usefulness
of cytokines in cancer patients. This
line is preferentially developed in
hematological and urological neoplasms.
7. Markers used in pharmacogenetics.
Study of the genetic polymorphisms
implicated in metabolism and pharmacological targets. This line is
particularly focused on predicting the
safety and efficacy of antineoplastic
drugs. During the last year we have
developed high performance genotyping techniques, such as minisequencing-SBE.
I.F.: 20,19
1 Alcover J, Filella X, Luque P, Molina R, Izquierdo L, Auge JM, Alcaraz
A. Prognostic Value of IL-6 in Localized Prostatic Cancer. ANTICANCER
RES, 2010. 30:4369-4372. I.F.:1,43.
2 Molina R, Auge JM, Escudero
JM, Filella X, Zanon G, Pahisa J,
Farrus B, Munoz M, Velasco M. Evaluation of tumor markers (HER-2/neu
oncoprotein, CEA, and CA 15.3) in
patients with locoregional breast cancer: prognostic value. TUMOR BIOL,
2010. 31:171-180. I.F.:1,94.
3 Molina R, Auge JM, Farrus B, Zanon G, Pahisa J, Munoz M, Torne A,
Filella X, Escudero JM, Fernandez P,
Velasco M. Prospective Evaluation of
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) and
Carbohydrate Antigen 15.3 (CA 15.3)
in Patients with Primary Locoregional
Breast Cancer. CLIN CHEM, 2010.
56:1148-1157. I.F.:6,26.
4 Moreno C, Hodgson K, Ferrer G,
Elena M, Filella X, Pereira A, Baumann T, Montserrat E. Autoimmune
cytopenia in chronic lymphocytic
leukemia: prevalence, clinical associations, and prognostic significance.
BLOOD, 2010. 116:4771-4776.
Team envolved in:
Oncology and haematology
Red temática de investigación
cooperativa de cáncer
Human and experimental functional oncomorphology
Group Members
Elías Campo Güerri
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 50
Fax: 93 227 57 17
E-mail: [email protected]
1. Identification of genetic and molecular mechanisms implicated in
the development and progression of human neoplasms.
2. Development of strategies for
transferring to clinical practice
the knowledge generated by basic
research on human tumors. Identification of parameters allowing the
improved diagnosis and prognosis
of neoplastic disease, and the
identification of possible therapeutic targets.
Main Lines
of Research
Idibaps members:
Llúcia Alós (Hospital Clínic)
Virginia Amador (IDIBAPS)
Silvia M. Beà (Fundació Clínic)
Josep Antoni Bombí (Hospital Clínic)
Pedro Luis Fernández (Hospital Clínic)
Lluis Hernández Pous (IDIBAPS)
Pedro Jares (Hospital Clínic)
Carme Mallofré (Hospital Clínic)
Alfons Nadal (Hospital Clinic)
Antonio Palacín (Hospital Clínic)
Antonio Postigo (ICREA - IDIBAPS)
José Francisco Ramírez (Hospital Clínic)
Teresa María Ribalta (Hospital Clínic)
Manel Solé (Hospital Clínic)
Antonio Martínez Pozo (Hospital Clínic)
Lluis Colomo (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Ana Enjuanes Guardiola (IDIBAPS)
Research Fellows:
Julia Calvo Castillo (Fundació Clínic)
Alba Navarro López (MCyT)
Cristina Royo Moreno (MCyT)
Raquel Bermudo Gascón (IDIBAPS)
Maria Carmela Vegliante (Fundació Clínic)
Adriana García Herrera (Hospital Clínic)
Lourdes Sánchez Cid (IDIBAPS)
Jara Palomero Gorrindo (MCyT)
Marta Kulis (Fundació Clínic)
Laura Pla Rodríguez (IDIBAPS)
Miriam Prieto Beato (IDIBAPS)
Montse Sánchez Reina (IDIBAPS)
Sara Guijarro Gallardo (Fundació Clínic)
Concepción Muñoz Lozano (IDIBAPS)
Eva Fernández López (Fundació Clínic - CDB)
Laura Gelabert Blesa (IDIBAPS)
Cristina Capdevilla (Fundació Clinic)
Mónica Marín (CDB - XBTC)
Noelia García Martínez (Fundació Clínic)
Silvia Martín (Fundació Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Judith Safont (Fundació Clínic)
Administrative Staff:
Carmen Muro (Fundació Clínic)
Nathalie Villahoz (Fundació Clínic)
Guillem Clot Razquin (Fundació Clínic)
Rosa Miquel Morera (Hospital Clínic)
Laura Conde del Campo (Fundació Clínic)
Ester Sánchez Tilló (IDIBAPS)
Magdalena Pinyol Martínez (IDIBAPS)
Roberto Alonso Gil (Fundació Clínic)
1. Lymphoid neoplasms
a) Study of the alterations of the
molecular mechanisms related
to the cell cycle, genomic instability and the transcriptional
expression profiles involved in
the development and progression of these tumors as biomarkers of clinicopathological
b) Functional study of molecular
factors that may contribute to
tumor pathogenesis, and which
therefore may be candidates
for the development of novel
guided treatment strategies.
2. Solid neoplasms
a) Study of the molecular mechanisms of invasion and metastasis, transcriptional expression
profiles implicated in the development and progression of
different human tumors in relation to development, biological
aggressivity (adhesion molecules) and therapeutic options.
We focus mainly on breast and
prostate tumors as neoplasms
under hormone influence, and
urological tumors and airway
neoplasms – including head and
neck tumors.
b) Study of the possible criteria of
treatment response and prognosis in neurological tumors.
Oncology and haematology
Human and experimental functional oncomorphology
Microarray platforms allow the massive-scale
analysis of genic expression profiles. In our group
we use this technique in translation research of
human lymphomas, as can be seen in the image,
where cluster analysis allows us to detect new types
of lymphomas at molecular level that also exhibit
different clinical behaviors.
Molecular pathology of solid tumors
Group Leader: Pedro Luis Fernández (Hospital Clínic)
The group studying the progression of solid neoplasms has continued with the
analysis of different tumor types, including urological, breast, neurological and head
and neck neoplasms. In reference to prostate cancer, mention may be made of the
investigation of practical applications of its genetic signature, based on the analysis
of surplus biopsy material. Different potential partners in the industry have been contacted to this
effect. In addition, in collaboration with the group of Dr. Thomson, or the IBM-CSIC in Barcelona,
studies have been of cellular models of prostate cancer with different aggressivity profiles and
phenotypes, and which are being extended to “in vivo” studies in mice. In breast cancer, analyses
have been made of the transcriptional profiles of primary infiltrating ductal carcinomas and their lymph
node metastases, which have allowed us to define genetic signatures of disease progression and
potential metabolic pathways affected by them in the early metastatic process. Furthermore, inverse
genetic studies based on transcriptomic results have given rise to the discovery of genic alterations in
chromosomes 5 and 12 that may help to differentiate tumors with lymph node metastatic potential.
In reference to neural neoplasms, confirmation and validation studies are ongoing, referred to
the candidate genes EPHB1, BNIP3 and STAT1, obtained from the genic expression analyses of
glioblastomas in patients with an unusually prolonged survival. These identified genes are implicated
in signaling pathways and intercellular interactions, in the development and function of the nervous
system, and in cell movement and cancer. On the other hand, analyses are being continued of 1p and
19q by FISH in oligodendrogial tumors and their morphological correlation, and of the clinical course
and prognostic or predictive value of the methylation status of MGMT in malignant gliomas amenable
to treatment with alkylating agents. In 2010, we have introduced the study of a new diagnostic and
prognostic marker of malignant gliomas, known as IDH1, the full potential role of which remains to be
defined. The research line in head and neck disorders explores the genetic alterations characterizing
premalignant lesions of the oral cavity, with special emphasis on those that may be predictive of the
development of oral carcinoma. In addition, analyses are made of the molecular alterations implicated
in laryngeal cancer, and particularly of acquisition of the metastatic phenotype.
Emergent Group
Transcriptional regulation
of genic expression
Group Leader: Antonio Postigo
The laboratory investigates
mechanisms involved in the regulation
of genic expression during cell
differentiation and in cancer, using
as models the ZEB transcription
factors. The ZEB1 and ZEB2 proteins
regulate key events during embryonic
development, the truncal maintenance
of normal stem cells and cancer cells,
the differentiation of many tissues,
tumor invasion, and metastasis. The
main lines of research being developed
are the following: - Study of the
mechanisms by which ZEB1 and ZEB2
regulate E-cadherin and epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT)
during tumor invasion and carcinoma
metastasis.- Role of the ZEB1 and
ZEB2 proteins in genic regulation during
normal hematopoietic differentiation
and its malignant transformation.Figure
legend: ZEB1 and BRG1 regulate the
initial phases of tumor invasion in
Oncology and haematology
Human and experimental functional
Team Members
I.F.: 317,65
1 Lujan B, Hakim S, Moyano S,
Nadal A, Caballero M, Diaz A, Valera
A, Carrera M, Cardesa A, Alos L.
Activation of the EGFR/ERK pathway
in high-grade mucoepidermoid carcinomas of the salivary glands. BRIT
J CANCER, 2010. 103:510-516.
2 Diaz A, Alos L, Leon A, Mozos A,
Caballero M, Martinez A, Plana M,
Gallart T, Gil C, Leal M, Gatell JM,
Garcia F. Factors associated with collagen deposition in lymphoid tissue
in long-term treated HIV-infected
patients. AIDS, 2010. 24:2029-2039.
3 Alvarez-Martinez MJ, Miro JM,
Valls ME, Mas J, DeLaBellacasa JP,
Sued O, Sole M, Rivas PV, DeLazzari E, Benito N, Garcia F, Agusti C,
Wilson PE, Gatell JM, DeAnta MTJ,
Meshnick SR, Moreno A. Prevalence
of dihydropteroate synthase genotypes before and after the introduction
of combined antiretroviral therapy
and their influence on the outcome of
Pneumocystis pneumonia in HIV-1-infected patients. DIAGN MICR INFEC
DIS, 2010. 68:60-65. I.F.:2,45.
4 Sanchez-Tillo E, Lazaro A, Torrent
R, Cuatrecasas M, Vaquero EC,
Castells A, Engel P, Postigo A. ZEB1
represses E-cadherin and induces
an EMT by recruiting the SWI/SNF
chromatin-remodeling protein BRG1.
ONCOGENE, 2010. 29:3490-3500.
5 Martinez-Olondris P, Sibila O, Agusti C, Rigol M, Soy D, Esquinas C, Piner
R, Luque N, Guerrero L, Quera MA,
Marco F, DeLaBellacasa JP, Ramirez
J, Torres A. An experimental model
of pneumonia induced by methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus in
ventilated piglets. EUR RESPIR J,
2010. 36:901-906. I.F.:5,53.
Rigol M, Solanes N, Farre J, Roura
S, Roque M, Berruezo A, Bellera N, Novensa L, Beng DT, Prat-Vidal C, Huzman
MA, Batlle M, Hoefsloot M, Sitges M,
Ramirez J, Dantas AP, Merino A, Sanz
G, Brugada J, Bayes-Genis A, Heras
M. Effects of Adipose Tissue-Derived
Stem Cell Therapy After Myocardial
Infarction: Impact of the Route of Administration. J CARD FAIL, 2010. 16:357366. I.F.:3,25.
Criado E, Sanchez M, Ramirez
J, Arguis P, DeCaralt TM, Perea RJ,
Xaubet A. Pulmonary Sarcoidosis:
Typical and Atypical Manifestations at
High-Resolution CT with Pathologic
Correlation. RADIOGRAPHICS, 2010.
30:1567-U155. I.F.:2,75.
Izquierdo L, Truan D, Mengual L,
Mallofre C, Alcaraz A. HER-2/AKT Expression in Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: Prognostic Implications.
ANTICANCER RES, 2010. 30:24392445. I.F.:1,43.
Sanjuan A, Escaramis G, Vidal-Sicart
S, Illa M, Zanon G, Pahisa J, Rubi S, Velasco M, Santamaria G, Farrus B, Munoz M, Garcia Y, Fernandez PL, Pons F.
Predicting Non-Sentinel Lymph Node
Status in Breast Cancer Patients with
Sentinel Lymph Node Involvement:
Evaluation of Two Scoring Systems.
BREAST J, 2010. 16:134-140. I.F.:1,61.
Molina R, Auge JM, Farrus B,
Zanon G, Pahisa J, Munoz M, Torne A,
Filella X, Escudero JM, Fernandez P,
Velasco M. Prospective Evaluation of
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) and
Carbohydrate Antigen 15.3 (CA 15.3)
in Patients with Primary Locoregional
Breast Cancer. CLIN CHEM, 2010.
56:1148-1157. I.F.:6,26.
Moreno M, Chaves JF, Sancho-Bru
P, Ramalho F, Ramalho LN, Mansego
ML, Ivorra C, Dominguez M, Conde L,
Millan C, Mari M, Colmenero J, Lozano
JJ, Jares P, Vidal J, Forns X, Arroyo V, Caballeria J, Gines P, Bataller R. Ghrelin Attenuates Hepatocellular Injury and Liver
Fibrogenesis in Rodents and Influences
Fibrosis Progression in Humans. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 51:974-985. I.F.:10,84.
Lacima G, Pera M, Amador A, Escaramis G, Pique JM. Long-term results
of biofeedback treatment for faecal
incontinence: a comparative study with
untreated controls. COLORECTAL DIS,
2010. 12:742-749. I.F.:2,41.
Fernandez V, Salamero O, Espinet B, Sole F, Royo C, Navarro A, Camacho F, Bea S, Hartmann E, Amador
V, Hernandez L, Agostinelli C, Sargent
RL, Rozman M, Aymerich M, Colomer
D, Villamor N, Swerdlow SH, Pileri SA,
Bosch F, Piris MA, Montserrat E, Ott
G, Rosenwald A, Lopez-Guillermo A,
Jares P, Serrano S, Campo E. Genomic
and Gene Expression Profiling Defines
Indolent Forms of Mantle Cell Lymphoma. CANCER RES, 2010. 70:14081418. I.F.:7,54.
14 Martin M, Segui MA, Anton A,
Ruiz A, Ramos M, Adrover E, Aranda
I, Rodriguez-Lescure A, Grosse R,
Calvo L, Barnadas A, Isla D, DelPrado
PM, Borrego M, Zaluski J, Arcusa A,
Munoz M, Vega JM, Mel JR, Munarriz
B, Llorca C, Jara C, Alba E, Florian J, Li
JF, Garcia-Asenjo JA, Saez A, Rios M,
Almenar S, Peiro G, Lluch A. Adjuvant
Docetaxel for High-Risk, Node-Negative Breast Cancer.. NEW ENGL J MED,
2010. 363:2200-2210. I.F.:47,05.
Davis RE, Ngo VN, Lenz G, Tolar
P, Young RM, Romesser PB, Kohlhammer H, Lamy L, Zhao H, Yang YD, Xu
WH, Shaffer AL, Wright G, Xiao WM,
Powell J, Jiang JK, Thomas CJ, Ro-
Oncology and haematology
Human and experimental functional oncomorphology
senwald A, Ott G, Muller-Hermelink HK,
Gascoyne RD, Connors JM, Johnson NA,
Rimsza LM, Campo E, Jaffe ES, Wilson
WH, Delabie J, Smeland EB, Fisher RI,
Braziel RM, Tubbs RR, Cook JR, Weisenburger DD, Chan WC, Pierce SK, Staudt
LM. Chronic active B-cell-receptor signalling in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
NATURE, 2010. 463:88-U97. I.F.:34,48.
16 Gutierrez-Garcia G, Colomo L, Villa-
Perez-Magan E, DeLope AR,
Ribalta T, Ruano Y, Campos-Martin Y,
Perez-Bautista G, Garcia JF, GarciaClaver A, Fiano C, Hernandez-Moneo
JL, Mollejo M, Melendez B. Differential
expression profiling analyses identifies
downregulation of 1p, 6q, and 14q genes and overexpression of 6p histone
cluster 1 genes as markers of recurrence in meningiomas. NEURO-ONCOLOGY, 2010. 12:1278-1290. I.F.:4,98.
mor N, Arenillas L, Martinez A, Cardesa
T, Garcia-Herrera A, Setoain X, Rodriguez
S, Ghita G, Abrisqueta P, Gine E, Bosch F,
Campo E, Montserrat E, Lopez-Guillermo
A. Clinico-biological characterization and
outcome of primary nodal and extranodal
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the
rituximab era. LEUKEMIA LYMPHOMA,
2010. 51:1225-1232. I.F.:2,40.
Bermudo R, Abia D, Benitez D,
Carrio A, Vilella R, Ortiz AR, Thomson
TM, Fernandez PL. Discovery of genomic alterations through coregulation
analysis of closely linked genes: a
frequent gain in 17q25.3 in prostate
cancer. ANN NY ACAD SCI, 2010.
1210:17-24. I.F.:2,67.
21 Costa D, Valera S, Carrio A, Arias
Crowther-Swanepoel D, Broderick
P, DiBernardo MC, Dobbins SE, Torres
M, Mansouri M, Ruiz-Ponte C, Enjuanes
A, Rosenquist R, Carracedo A, Jurlander
J, Campo E, Juliusson G, Montserrat
E, Smedby KE, Dyer MJS, Matutes E,
Dearden C, Sunter NJ, Hall AG, MainouFowler T, Jackson GH, Summerfield G,
Harris RJ, Pettitt AR, Allsup DJ, Bailey
JR, Pratt G, Pepper C, Fegan C, Parker A,
Oscier D, Allan JM, Catovsky D, Houlston RS. Common variants at 2q37.3,
8q24.21, 15q21.3 and 16q24.1 influence
chronic lymphocytic leukemia risk. NAT
GENET, 2010. 42:132-U59. I.F.:34,28.
Rui LX, Emre NCT, Kruhlak MJ,
Chung HJ, Steidl C, Slack G, Wright GW,
Lenz G, Ngo VN, Shaffer AL, Xu WH,
Zhao H, Yang YD, Lamy L, Davis RE, Xiao
WM, Powell J, Maloney D, Thomas CJ,
Moller P, Rosenwald A, Ott G, MullerHermelink HK, Savage K, Connors JM,
Rimsza LM, Campo E, Jaffe ES, Delabie
J, Smeland EB, Weisenburger DD, Chan
WC, Gascoyne RD, Levens D, Staudt
LM. Cooperative Epigenetic Modulation
by Cancer Amplicon Genes. CANCER
CELL, 2010. 18:590-605. I.F.:25,29.
A, Munoz C, Rozman M, Belkaid M,
Coutinho R, Nomdedeu B, Campo E.
Do we need to do fluorescence in situ
hybridization analysis in myelodysplastic syndromes as often as we do?.
LEUKEMIA RES, 2010. 34:1437-1441.
22 Gine E, Martinez A, Villamor N,
Lopez-Guillermo A, Camos M, Martinez D, Esteve J, Calvo X, Muntanola
A, Abrisqueta P, Rozman M, Rozman
C, Bosch F, Campo E, Montserrat E.
Expanded and highly active proliferation
centers identify a histological subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
(“accelerated” chronic lymphocytic
leukemia) with aggressive clinical behavior. HAEMATOL-HEMATOL J, 2010.
95:1526-1533. I.F.:6,42.
Mani H, Climent F, Colomo L,
Pittaluga S, Raffeld M, Jaffe ES. Gall
Bladder and Extrahepatic Bile Duct
Lymphomas: Clinicopathological Observations and Biological Implications. AM
J SURG PATHOL, 2010. 34:1277-1286.
24 Valera A, Balague O, Colomo L,
Martinez A, Delabie J, Taddesse-Heath
L, Jaffe ES, Campo E. IG/MYC Rearrangements are the Main Cytogenetic
Alteration in Plasmablastic Lymphomas. AM J SURG PATHOL, 2010.
34:1686-1694. I.F.:4,06.
25 Espinet B, Salaverria I, Bea S,
Ruiz-Xiville N, Balague O, Salido M,
Costa D, Carreras J, Rodriguez-Vicente AE, Garcia JL, Hernandez-Rivas
JM, Calasanz MJ, Siebert R, Ferrer A,
Salar A, Carrio A, Polo N, Garcia-Marco JA, Domingo A, Gonzalez-Barca
E, Romagosa V, Marugan I, LopezGuillermo A, Milla F, Mate JL, Luno E,
Sanzo C, Collado R, Oliver I, Monzo
S, Palacin A, Gonzalez T, Sant F, Salinas R, Ardanaz MT, Font L, Escoda L,
Florensa L, Serrano S, Campo E, Sole
F. Incidence and Prognostic Impact of
Secondary Cytogenetic Aberrations in
a Series of 145 Patients with Mantle
Cell Lymphoma. GENE CHROMOSOME CANC, 2010. 49:439-451.
26 Bonin S, Hlubek F, Benhattar J,
Denkert C, Dietel M, Fernandez PL,
Hofler G, Kothmaier H, Kruslin B, Mazzanti CM, Perren A, Popper H, Scarpa
A, Soares P, Stanta G, Groenen PJTA.
Multicentre validation study of nucleic
acids extraction from FFPE tissues.
VIRCHOWS ARCH, 2010. 457:309317. I.F.:2,31.
27 Hartmann EM, Campo E, Wright
G, Lenz G, Salaverria I, Jares P, Xiao
WM, Braziel RM, Rimsza LM, Chan
WC, Weisenburger DD, Delabie J,
Jaffe ES, Gascoyne RD, Dave SS,
Mueller-Hermelink HK, Staudt LM,
Ott G, Bea S, Rosenwald A. Pathway
discovery in mantle cell lymphoma by
integrated analysis of high-resolution
gene expression and copy number
profiling. BLOOD, 2010. 116:953-961.
Oncology and haematology
Human and experimental functional
Team Members
28 Massi D, Franchi A, Alos L, Cook
M, DiPalma S, Enguita AB, Ferrara
G, Kazakov DV, Mentzel T, Michal M,
Panelos J, Rodriguez-Peralto JL, Santucci M, Tragni G, Zioga A, Tos APD.
Primary cutaneous leiomyosarcoma:
clinicopathological analysis of 36 cases.
HISTOPATHOLOGY, 2010. 56:251-262.
29 Yakirevich E, Sabo E, Klorin G,
Alos L, Cardesa A, Ellis GL, Shumway
BS, Gnepp DR. Primary mucin-producing tumours of the salivary glands: a
clinicopathological and morphometric
study. HISTOPATHOLOGY, 2010.
57:395-409. I.F.:3,86.
30 Santamaria G, Velasco M, Bargallo X, Caparros X, Farrus B, Fernandez
PL. Radiologic and Pathologic Findings
in Breast Tumors with High Signal
Intensity on T2-weighted MR Images.
RADIOGRAPHICS, 2010. 30:533-548.
31 Willers IM, Isidoro A, Ortega
AD, Fernandez PL, Cuezva JM. Selective inhibition of beta-F1-ATPase
mRNA translation in human tumours.
BIOCHEM J, 2010. 426:319-326.
32 Steidl C, Lee T, Shah SP, Farinha
P, Han G, Nayar T, Delaney A, Jones
SJ, Iqbal J, Weisenburger DD, Bast
MA, Rosenwald A, Muller-Hermelink
HK, Rimsza LM, Campo E, Delabie
J, Braziel RM, Cook JR, Tubbs RR,
Jaffe ES, Lenz G, Connors JM, Staudt
LM, Chan WC, Gascoyne RD. TumorAssociated Macrophages and Survival
in Classic Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. NEW
ENGL J MED, 2010. 362:875-885.
33 Crowther-Swanepoel D, Mansouri M, Enjuanes A, Vega A, Smedby
KE, Ruiz-Ponte C, Jurlander J, Juliusson G, Montserrat E, Catovsky D,
Campo E, Carracedo A, Rosenquist
R, Houlston RS. Verification that
common variation at 2q37.1, 6p25.3,
11q24.1, 15q23, and 19q13.32 influences chronic lymphocytic leukaemia risk. BRIT J HAEMATOL, 2010.
150:473-479. I.F.:4,60.
34 Papadopoulou V, Postigo A,
Sanchez-Tillo E, Porter ACG, Wagner
SD. ZEB1 and CtBP form a repressive
complex at a distal promoter element
of the BCL6 locus. BIOCHEM J, 2010.
427:541-550. I.F.:5,16.
I.F.: 2,75
Castaner E, Alguersuari A, Gallardo
X, Andreu M, Pallardo Y, Mata JM,
Ramirez J. When to Suspect Pulmonary Vasculitis: Radiologic and Clinical
30:33-U59. I.F.:2,75.
I.F.: 8,35
Bea S. Amplifications and target
genes in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: real targets or consequences of
structural features of the genome?.
51:743-744. I.F.:2,40.
Horcajada JP, Perea RJ, Ribalta
T, Gonzalez-Martin J. An 80-year-old
male with pleural effusion and mediastinal lymph nodes. MED CLINBARCELONA, 2010. 135:700-706.
Leal L, Vicente MA, Mascaro JM,
Bombi JA, Gonzalez-Ensenat MA. Picture of the Month - Denounement and
Discussion - Kindler Syndrome. ARCH
PEDIAT ADOL MED, 2010. 164:875876. I.F.:4,73.
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 2,46
Navarro S, Vaquero E, Maurel J,
Bombi JA, DeJuan C, Feliu J, Cruz
LF, Gines A, Girela E, Rodriguez R,
Sabater L. Recommendations for
diagnosis, staging and treatment of
pancreatic cancer (Part I). Grupo Español de Consenso en Cáncer de Páncreas. MED CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010.
134:643-655. I.F.:1,23.
2 Navarro S, Vaquero E, Maurel J,
Bombi JA, DeJuan C, Feliu J, Cruz LF,
Gines A, Girela E, Rodriguez R, Sabater L. Recommendations for diagnosis,
staging and treatment of pancreatic
cancer (Part II). MED CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 134:692-702. I.F.:1,23.
I.F.: 34,48
Hudson TJ, Anderson W, Aretz A,
Barker AD, Bell C, et al. International
network of cancer genome projects.
NATURE, 2010. 464:993-998. I.F.:34,48.
Grants for research
in progress
Jares P. Identification of Tumor Supressor Genes, Epigenetic Portrait,
and Genotyping of Mantle Cell Lymphomas. Sponsored by: Lymphoma Research Foundation, 07/168.
Amount: 186.883,00 euros. Duration:
Postigo A. Regulación de la Cadherina e
y de la capacidad invasiva/metastásica
de tumores epiteliales por la familia
ZEB de represores transcripcionales.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Educación
y Ciencia, BFU2007-60302/BMC.
Amount: 121.000,00 euros. Duration:
Oncology and haematology
Human and experimental functional oncomorphology
Campo E. Red temática de investigación cooperativa de cáncer. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
RD06/0020/0039. Amount: 455.296,66
euros. Duration: 01/01/2007-31/12/2011.
Martinez A. Estudio de la activación de
las vías de supervivencia y apoptosis en
respuesta al estrés secretor dependiente
del retículo endoplasmítico en linfomas
de células grandes como una nueva diana terapéutica. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, PI080095. Amount:
90.145,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200801/12/2012.
Bea S. Estudio de las Alteraciones Genómicas y los Perfiles de Expresión de
Neoplasias Linfoides. Identificación de
genes diana implicados en el desarrollo y progresión de estas neoplasias y
definición de su impacto clínico. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
PI080077. Amount: 74.052,00 euros.
Duration: 31/12/2008-30/12/2011.
Amador V. Estudio de los mecanismos
responsables de la estabilización de skp2
en los linfomas humanos. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,
V-2006-RC-2110-0. Amount: 15.000,00
euros. Duration: 30/05/2007-19/08/2012.
Campo E. Molecular Signatures to
Improve Diagnosis and Outcome Prediction in Lymphomas. Sponsored by:
National Institutes of Health, USA, 5 U01
CA114778-03. Amount: 510.948,00 euros. Duration: 31/07/2007-31/05/2010.
Campo E. Caracterización Genética y
Molecular de Alta Resolución de Neoplasias Linfoides. Implicaciones patogenéticas y clínicas. Sponsored by: Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación, SAF200803630. Amount: 600.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Campo E. Estudio de la Genómica de la
Leucemia Linfocítica Crónica. Sponsored
by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, 0000.
Amount: 10.000.000,00 euros. Duration: 27/03/2009-31/12/2012.
Campo E. Ajuts per donar suport a
les activitats dels grups de recerca.
Sponsored by: Generalitat de Catalunya, 2009, SGR_992. Amount:
58.240,00 euros. Duration: 30/06/200931/12/2013.
Ribalta T. Ayuda a grupo emergente
“Grupo de estudio de Tumores del
Sistema Nervioso Central. Sponsored
by: Fundación para la Investigación Sanitaria en Castilla-La Mancha (FISCAM),
0000. Amount: 30.559,20 euros. Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Jares P. Identificación de potenciales
genes supresores de tumores en neoplasias linfoides y análisis de su implicación en el desarrollo y progresión de
estas neoplasias. Sponsored by: Asociación Española contra el cáncer, PI09
09/004. Amount: 18.000,00 euros. Duration: 13/10/2008-22/01/2011.
Fernandez PL. Análisis de los fenotipos
CSC y EMT y su potencial modulación por miRNA en la progresión de
los tumores mamarios y próstáticos.
Sponsored by: Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación FIS, PI080274. Amount:
97.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2011.
60.000,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2011.
Campo E. Procurement of 40 paired pre- and post-chemotherapy
samples of DNA derived from peripheral blood for TCGA analysis.
Sponsored by: European Commission,
HHSN261201000076I. Amount:
15.000,00 euros. Duration: 08/09/201007/09/2012.
Campo E. Factors pronòstics en neoplàsies limfoides B de cèl·lula petita. PhD
student: Joaquim Carreras Esteban.
Nadal A. Mecanismos moleculares implicados en el desarrollo del carcinoma
escamoso de laringe. PhD student:
Laura Conde del Campo.
Ribalta T. Fatal Human Tick-Borne
Encephalitis: Immunohistochemical
characterisation of viral distribution and
inflammatory reaction. PhD student:
Ellen Gelpi Mantius.
Fernandez PL. Perfiles transcripcionales
del cáncer de próstata. PhD student:
Raquel Bermudo Gascón.
Amador V. Papel de los factores de
transcripción High-Mobility Group
(HMG) en los Linformas Malignos
Agresivos. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO
DE EDUCACIÓN, BFU2009_09235.
Amount: 170.609,99 euros. Duration:
Postigo A. Regulación transcripcional
de la cadherina E y de la capacidad invasiva y metastática de tumores de colon.
Sponsored by: Fundació Privada Olga
Torres (FOT), FOT_09_002. Amount:
Team envolved in:
Oncology and haematology
Factores de riesgo, evolución y tratamiento
de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y
sus mecanismos (RECAVA)
Red temática de investigación
cooperativa de cáncer
Diagnosis and therapy in oncology
Group Members
Francesca Pons
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 82
Fax: 93 451 81 37
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Albert Biete (Hospital Clínic)
Carles Conill (Hospital Clínic)
David Fuster (Hospital Clínic)
Xavier Setoain (Hospital Clínic)
Martín Velasco (Hospital Clínic)
Sergi Vidal-Sicart (Hospital Clínic)
Marià Monzó (Universitat de Barcelona)
Laura Oleaga (Hospital Clínic)
Maria Africa Muxí
Sebastián Capurro (Hospital Clínic)
Francesc Casas (Hospital Clínic)
Lluís Donoso Bach (Hospital Clínic)
Blanca Farrús (Hospital Clínic)
Mario Pagés (Hospital Clínic)
Teresa Pujol (Hospital Clínic)
Sonia Rodríguez (Hospital Clínic)
Angels Rovirosa (Hospital Clínic)
Marcelo Sánchez (Hospital Clínic)
Gorane Santamaría (Hospital Clínic)
Eugènia Verger (Hospital Clínic)
Pilar Paredes (Hospital Clínic)
Francisco Lomeña (Hospital Clínic)
Javier Pavía (Hospital Clínic)
Francisco Campos (Hospital Clínic)
1. Development of techniques for
improving the diagnosis, prognostic
evaluation and treatment response
assessment in oncological patients.
2. Development and application of new
therapies in oncology.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Molecular studies in embryonic
and tumor cells: applications to
Two types of studies are carried out:
one type analyzes and compares
microRNA patterns in embryonic
and tumor tissues, and the other
uses allelic discrimination to analyze
polymorphic profiles (SNPs) in
oncological patients, with a view to
selecting more specific treatments.
2. Effects of synchrotron radiation
upon the neoplastic cell.
In this study, which is carried out
jointly with Barcelona Autonomous
University (UAB), comparison is made
of the biological action of synchrotron
radiation (currently the Grenoble system
until the UAB Alba unit comes into
operation) with conventional X-rays
used in radiotherapy. The cell-sensitizing
effectiveness of gold nanoparticles and
cisplatin is also studied.
3. Irradiation of melanoma lymph
node metastases.
A study is made of the role of
the postoperative irradiation of
melanoma lymph node metastases
in the locoregional control of the
4. Breast cancer imaging diagnosis.
Two types of studies are carried
out. One type of study uses 10G
needle biopsies to improve the
presurgical diagnosis of breast
tumors, particularly in application
to those with microcalcifications.
The aim is to minimize the number
of surgical biopsies required for
establishing the diagnosis. The
other type of study assesses
the response to neoadjuvant
chemotherapy in breast cancer
based on breast MRI evaluation.
5. Gammagraphic (scintigraphic)
detection of the sentinel node.
Lymphogammagraphy and posterior
use of an external detection probe
during surgery serves to identify
and remove the sentinel node.
This technique makes it possible
to avoid 75% of all unnecessary
lymphadenectomies. The use
of a portable gammacamera
during surgery offers additional
6. Application of positron emission
tomography (PET-CT) in
PET studies are made for the
staging and control of treatment
response in different types of
tumors, including lymphomas,
breast cancer and digestive
tract lesions. We plan to use an
intraoperative PET probe to improve
the detection of tumor lesions.
Patient with endometrial
carcinoma and drainage in
the paraaortic region (A). A
portable gammacamera was
used to locate the sentinel
node (B). The real time
images (C) were decisive
in removal of the sentinel
node (yellow arrow), through
coincidence of the 125-I signal
(green circle) with the activity
of the node (D).
Oncology and haematology
Diagnosis and therapy in oncology
I.F.: 67,05
1 Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zeron
P, Perez-De-Lis M, Diaz-Lagares C,
Bove A, Soto MJ, Jimenez I, Belenguer R, Siso A, Muxi A, Pons F. Clinical and Prognostic Significance of
Parotid Scintigraphy in 405 Patients
with Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome.
J RHEUMATOL, 2010. 37:585-590.
2 Vidal-Sicart S, Paredes P, Zanon
G, Pahisa J, Martinez-Roman S,
Caparros X, Vilalta A, Rull R, Pons F.
Added Value of Intraoperative Real-Time Imaging in Searches for Difficultto-Locate Sentinel Nodes. J NUCL
MED, 2010. 51:1219-1225. I.F.:6,42.
3 Valduvieco I, Rovirosa A, Colomo
L, DeSanJuan A, Pahisa J, Biete A.
Endometrial stromal sarcoma. Is
there a place for radiotherapy?. CLIN
TRANSL ONCOL, 2010. 12:226-230.
4 Molina R, Auge JM, Escudero
JM, Filella X, Zanon G, Pahisa J,
Farrus B, Munoz M, Velasco M. Evaluation of tumor markers (HER-2/neu
oncoprotein, CEA, and CA 15.3) in
patients with locoregional breast cancer: prognostic value. TUMOR BIOL,
2010. 31:171-180. I.F.:1,94.
5 Sanjuan A, Escaramis G, Vidal-Sicart S, Illa M, Zanon G, Pahisa J, Rubi
S, Velasco M, Santamaria G, Farrus
B, Munoz M, Garcia Y, Fernandez
PL, Pons F. Predicting Non-Sentinel
Lymph Node Status in Breast Cancer
Patients with Sentinel Lymph Node
Involvement: Evaluation of Two
Scoring Systems. BREAST J, 2010.
16:134-140. I.F.:1,61.
6 Molina R, Auge JM, Farrus B, Zanon
G, Pahisa J, Munoz M, Torne A, Filella
X, Escudero JM, Fernandez P, Velasco
M. Prospective Evaluation of Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) and Carbohydrate Antigen 15.3 (CA 15.3) in Patients
with Primary Locoregional Breast Cancer. CLIN CHEM, 2010. 56:1148-1157.
7 Hernandez MV, Peris P, Monegal A,
Reyes R, Muxi A, Gifre L, Guanabens
N. Effects of Intravenous Pamidronate
on Renal Function, Bone Mineral Metabolism and Bone Mass in Patients With
Severe Osteoporosis. AM J MED SCI,
2010. 339:225-229. I.F.:1,20.
8 Guanabens N, Cerda D, Monegal A,
Pons F, Caballeria L, Peris P, Pares A.
Low Bone Mass and Severity of Cholestasis Affect Fracture Risk in Patients
With Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2010. 138:23482356. I.F.:12,90.
9 Gabaroi DC, Peris P, Monegal A,
Albaladejo C, Martinez MA, Muxi A,
DeOsaba MJM, Suris X, Guanabens N.
Search for hidden secondary causes in
postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. MENOPAUSE, 2010. 17:135-139.
Pintor L, Bailles E, Matrai S, Carreno M, Donaire A, Boget T, Setoain
X, Rumia J, Bargallo N. Efficiency of
Venlafaxine in Patients With Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures and Anxiety
and/or Depressive Disorders. J NEUROPSYCH CLIN N, 2010. 22:401-408.
11Carreno M, Garcia-Alvarez D,
Maestro I, Fernandez S, Donaire A,
Boget T, Rumia J, Pintor L, Setoain X.
Malignant autosomal dominant frontal
lobe epilepsy with repeated episodes of status epilepticus: successful
treatment with vagal nerve stimulation. EPILEPTIC DISORD, 2010.
12:155-158. I.F.:1,20.
Sanchez-Gistau V, Pintor L,
Sugranyes G, Bailles E, Carreno M,
Donaire A, Boget T, Setoain X, Bargallo N, Rumia J. Prevalence of interictal
psychiatric disorders in patients with
refractory temporal and extratemporal
lobe epilepsy in Spain. A comparative
study. EPILEPSIA, 2010. 51:13091313. I.F.:4,05.
Gutierrez-Garcia G, Colomo L,
Villamor N, Arenillas L, Martinez A,
Cardesa T, Garcia-Herrera A, Setoain
X, Rodriguez S, Ghita G, Abrisqueta P,
Gine E, Bosch F, Campo E, Montserrat E, Lopez-Guillermo A. Clinico-biological characterization and outcome
of primary nodal and extranodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the rituximab era. LEUKEMIA LYMPHOMA,
2010. 51:1225-1232. I.F.:2,40.
Santamaria G, Velasco M,
Bargallo X, Caparros X, Farrus B, Fernandez PL. Radiologic and Pathologic
Findings in Breast Tumors with High
Signal Intensity on T2-weighted MR
Images. RADIOGRAPHICS, 2010.
30:533-548. I.F.:2,75.
Vidal-Sicart S, Aukema TS, Vogel WV, Hoefnagel CA, Valdes-Olmos
RA. Added value of prone position
technique for PET-TAC in breast cancer patients. REV ESP MED NUCL,
2010. 29:230-235. I.F.:0,77.
16 Vila A, Sanchez-Reyes A, Conill
C, Gispert JD, Trampal C, Lainez C,
Vayreda J, Pedro A. Comparison of positron emission tomography (PET) and
computed tomography (CT) for better
target volume definition in radiation
therapy planning. CLIN TRANSL ONCOL, 2010. 12:367-373. I.F.:1,15.
Oncology and haematology
Diagnosis and therapy in oncology
Team Members
Torregrosa JV, Fuster D, Gentil
MA, Marcen R, Guirado L, Zarraga S,
Bravo J, Burgos D, Monegal A, Muxi
A, Garcia S. Open-Label Trial: Effect
of Weekly Risedronate Immediately
After Transplantation in Kidney Recipients. TRANSPLANTATION, 2010.
89:1476-1481. I.F.:3,50.
18 Chawla S, Oleaga L, Wang SM,
1 Navarro A, Monzo M. MicroRNAs
in Human Embryonic and Cancer
Stem Cells. YONSEI MED J, 2010.
51:622-632. I.F.:0,77.
2 Torregrosa JV, Felez I, Fuster D.
Usefulness of imaging techniques
in secondary hyperparathyroidism.
NEFROLOGIA, 2010. 30:158-167.
Krejza J, Wolf RL, Woo JH, O’rourke
DM, Judy KD, Grady MS, Melhem
ER, Poptani H. Role of Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in
Differentiating Oligodendrogliomas
from Astrocytomas. J NEUROIMAGING, 2010. 20:3-8. I.F.:1,72.
I.F.: 6,06
1 Munoz M, Pahisa J, Caparros FX,
Pinero A, Gimenez J, VidalSicart S, Intra M. Selective sentinel
lymph node biopsy and primary systemic therapy in breast cancer. TUMORI, 2010. 96:17-23. I.F.:0,86.
Gonzalez JA, Chust M, Delgado
R, Gomez A, Rodriguez N, Ruiz MJ,
Casas F. Spanish radiobiological pattern of care in lung cancer: a GOECP/
2010. 12:292-298. I.F.:1,15.
Oleaga L, Dalal SS, Weigele JB,
Hurst RW, Lee J, Voorhees A, Melhem ER. The role of time-resolved
3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography in the assessment and grading
of cerebral arteriovenous malformations. EUR J RADIOL, 2010. 74:E118E122. I.F.:2,65.
Artells R, Moreno I, Diaz T,
Martinez F, Gel B, Navarro A, Ibeas R,
Moreno J, Monzo M. Tumour CD133
mRNA expression and clinical outcome in surgically resected colorectal
cancer patients. EUR J CANCER,
2010. 46:642-649. I.F.:4,12.
I.F.: 1,30
Vidal-Sicart S. Sentinel lymph node
and neoadjuvant therapy in breast
cancer. REV ESP MED NUCL, 2010.
29:319-320. I.F.:0,77.
2 Domenech B, Fuster D, Haddad
S, Setoain X, Lafuente S, Pons F.
Arterial thrombosis of the renal graft
diagnosed with Tc-99m-MAG 3 renogram in a female patient with polycystosis. REV ESP MED NUCL, 2010.
29:40-41. I.F.:0,77.
3 Olmos RAV, Vidal-Sicart S,
Nieweg OE. Technological innovation in the sentinel node procedure:
towards 3-D intraoperative imaging.
37:1449-1451. I.F.:4,53.
Grants for research
in progress
Setoain FJ. Development and
validation of an automatic dose
injection system for ictal spect in
epilepsy. Sponsored by: Fundació
Marató TV3, 60610. Amount:
89.357,00 euros. Duration:
Fuster D. Utilidad de la tomografía por
Emisión de Positrones con Tomografía
Computerizada Integrada (PET/TC)
en la estadificación inicial y en la
monitorización de la respuesta a la
quimioradioterapia neoadyuvante del
adenocarcinoma gástrico. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI070270. Amount: 41.573,18 euros.
Duration: 26/11/2007-30/12/2010.
Pons F. Valoración de la PET-TC
(Tomografía de Emisión de PositronesTomografía Computarizada) de baja
dosis sin utilización de contraste
radiológico como única exploración
de imagen para la estadificación y
re-estadificación de los linfomas.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad
y Consumo, PI070277. Amount:
86.573,08 euros. Duration:
Muxi A. RECAVA - Factores de
Riesgo, Evolución y Tratamiento de
las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares
y sus Mecanismos. Sponsored by:
RD06/0014/0024. Amount: 20.940,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200731/12/2010.
Pons F. Red temática de investigación
cooperativa de cáncer. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
RD06/0020/0038. Amount: 7.140,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200731/12/2010.
Oncology and haematology
Diagnosis and therapy in oncology
Monzó M. Utilidad clínica de
biomarcadores tumorales mediante
análisis de microarrays de microRNAs
en sangre periférica de pacientes con
cáncer colorrectal. Sponsored by:
Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo,
PS09/00547. Amount: 86.515,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2012.
Biete A. Radioterapia hipofraccionada
acelerada como tratamiento curativo
del cáncer de próstata localizado:
Análisis prospectivo de la toxicidad
aguda y de la toxicidad tardía.
PhD student: Victor Angel Macias
Santamaria G. Resonancia magnética
dinámica del carcinoma in situ de
mama: utilida en la planificación del
tratamiento quirúrgico y relación
de la captación neoplásica con
la microvascularización tumoral
y la expresión del factor de
permeabilidad vascular. Sponsored
by: Sociedad Española de Radiología
Médica, 04-GSO-INVESTIGACIONSERAM-2007. Amount: 3.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/04/200831/10/2010.
Monzó M. Utilidad clínica de
biomarcadores tumorales mediante
analisis de microarrays de microRNAs
en sangre periférica de pacientes con
cáncer colorrectal. Sponsored by:
PI09/0547. Amount: 86.515,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Vidal S. Utilidad clínica del SPECT-CT
y una gammacamara portátil para la
detección del ganglio centinela en
el cáncer de cérvix y endometrio.
Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
Amount: 56.870,00 euros. Duration:
Pons F. Imatge Molecular en Medicina
Nuclear. Sponsored by: GENERALITAT
DE CATALUNYA, 2009_SGR_1049.
Amount: 69.680,00 euros. Duration:
Oncology and haematology
Molecular genetics
Group Members
Cristóbal Mezquita
(Facultat Medicina UB)
Tel.: 93 402 45 18
Fax: 93 403 52 79
Idibaps members:
Jovita Mezquita (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Rafael Oliva
(Hospital Clínic i Facultat de Medicina UB)
Josep Oriola
(Hospital Clínic i Facultat de Medicina UB)
Main Lines
of Research
The research group comprises the
laboratories ofGene Expression
and Cancer and Human Genetics.
Our research work is set within the
paradigm of current physiology: the
study of genic expression mechanisms
as a new approach to the study of
the functions of the body. On one
hand, our work is presently directed
towards the proteomic and molecular
characterization of spermatozoa in
infertile patients and controls, while
on the other, studies are made of the
mechanisms involved in angiogenesis
and in tumor cell invasion.
The group has traditionally worked
in relation to mechanisms of genic
expression and differentiation of the
spermatogenic germinal line, and
more recently on the mechanisms
involved in angiogenesis and in
tumor cell invasion.
One of the relevant subjects has
been the identification of numerous
new proteins of the spermatozoon,
with consideration of the potential
for transmission to the oocyte and
epigenetic function (Oliva et al.,
2010). We have also contributed
to the identification of alterations
Research Fellows:
Sara de Mateo (Fundació Clínic)
Meritxell Jodar (Fundació Clinic)
Rubén Azpiazu (Fundació Clinic)
Judit Castillo (Fundació Clinic)
Montserrat Pau (Facultat de Medicina)
Betlem Mezquita (Facultat de Medicina)
José Manuel Vidal (Facultat de Medicina)
Juan Martínez (Fundació Clínic)
Josep Lluís Ballescà (Hospital Clínic)
Principal changes in chromatin structure during spermatogenesis and in
the early stages of development. The spermatozoon is able to transmit
epigenetic information through the methylation pattern of different genes,
through the differential distribution of genes in the regions associated
to nucleohistone and nucleoprotamine, and through the proteome
transmitted to the oocyte (Oliva et al., Proteomics 2009; 9:1004-17).
Oncology and haematology
Molecular genetics
in relation to protamines in the
sperm nucleus, predictive of the
results of assisted reproduction
techniques (de Mateo et al.,
2010). In another line of research
we have completed a mutational
study of the genes encoding for
protamines 1 and 2 in infertile
patients – identifying different new
mutations, polymorphisms and
haplotypes (Jodar et al., 2010). One
of the important challenges is to
elucidate the basic mechanisms
that operate in the nucleus-histone,
nucleus-protamine transition during
spermatogenesis, and to clarify the
way in which its alterations may
lead to alterations in the epigenetic
information of the spermatozoon.
An additional challenge will be
the translation of important basic
investigational findings to the clinical
In relation to the tumor invasion
mechanisms, the main challenge will
be to determine the mechanisms
implicated in regulating the genic
expression of the new family of
intracellular truncated forms of the
VEGFR-1 molecule which we have
characterized in our laboratory.
I.F.: 2,94
1 Mezquita B, Mezquita J, Pau M,
Mezquita C. A Novel Intracellular
Isoform of VEGFR-1 Activates Src
and Promotes Cell Invasion in MDAMB-231 Breast Cancer Cells. J CELL
BIOCHEM, 2010. 110:732-742.
Grants for research
in progress
Oliva R. Proteomic and molecular
characterization of human spermatozoa
in infertile patients and controls.
PhD student: Sara de Mateo López,
Universitat de Barcelona.
Oliva R. Proteomic and molecular
characterization of human spermatozoa
in infertile patients and control. PhD
student: Sara de Mateo Lopez.
Oliva R. Caracterización proteómica
y genómica del núcleo del
espermatozoide humano normal y
de sus alteraciones en pacientes
infértiles. Sponsored by: Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación, BFU200907118. Amount: 187.550,00 euros.
Duration: 31/12/2009-30/12/2012.
For further information:
Team envolved in:
Oncology and haematology
CIBER en enfermedades raras
Group Members
Montserrat Milà
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
(Ext.: 2784)
Fax: 93 227 56 97
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Anna Carrió (Hospital Clínic)
Carmen Herrero (Hospital Clínic)
Mario Lecha (Hospital Clínic)
Ester Margarit (Hospital Clínic)
Aurora Sánchez (Hospital Clínic)
Anna Soler (Hospital Clínic)
Jordi To-Figueras (Hospital Clínic)
Characterization of rare hereditary diseases in the clinical, cytogenetic and
molecular contexts.
There are four main lines of research.
Each line has the strategic objectives
defined by the supporting research
projects. In this context, the study of
mental retardation (MR) and identification of the causal genetic factors are
fundamented upon the application of
high performance array CGH and Next
Sequencing Generation (NSG) technologies. On the other hand, the study
of fragile X–associated tremor/ataxia
syndrome (FXTAS) aims to identify a biological marker allowing us to establish a
presymptomatic diagnosis of FXTAS in
carriers of the premutation in the FMR1
gene, based on study of the miRNA
profile. Regarding the porphyrias, the
strategic objective is to advance in our
knowledge of the correlation genotype
– phenotype: biochemical and clinical
Main Lines
of Research
Cèlia Badenas (Hospital Clínic)
Irene Mademont
Irene Madrigal (CIBERER)
Carmen Morales (Hospital Clínic)
Laia Rodriguez Revenga (CIBERER)
Mar Xunclà (Fundació Clínic)
1. Identification of the genetic bases
of mental retardation (MR) of
genetic origin, both syndromic
and non-syndromic, using the new
NSG technologies.
Application of massive sequencing to different groups of clinically well characterized MR will
allow us to identify new genes
and establish new molecular
bases in MR. Application is also
planned to the study of familial
mental retardation and to sporadic
cases of non-syndromic MR.
2. Fragile X syndrome: Study of the
pathologies associated with premutation of the FMR1 gene: POIFX (Premature ovarian insufficienciy), FXTAS
(Fragile X Tremor Ataxia Syndrome),
and fibromyalgia associated with the
FMR1 gene. Study of the microRNA
and ASFMR1 gene expression profiles as possible susceptibility factors
for FXTAS.
MRI images showing characteristic
findings in FXTAS. 1a. Axial
FLAIR- MCP sign (middle cerebellar
peduncle hyperintensities); 1b.
Axial T1- Cerebellar and pontine
atrophy; 1c. Coronal T1- Cerebral
atrophy; 1d. Axial FLAIRHyperintensities in the cerebral
white matter.
3. Detection of cryptic chromosomal
imbalances and the identification
of new phenotypes, based on
cytogenetic - molecular techniques.
One is conducted in the prenatal
and postnatal diagnostic setting.
The aim is to characterize chromosomal imbalances in fetuses with
congenital anomalies and a normal
karyotype, based on the use of
CGH arrays.
4. Study of the genotype-phenotype correlation and expression mechanisms
of porphyria. The research lines aim
to establish the following:
•Advance in the study of the alterations in iron regulation and metabolism in skin and erythropoietic
•Investigate the role of modifier
genes that modulate the clinical
expression of erythropoietic porphyria.
•Study of new serum and urine biomarkers of acute porphyria severity
of use in clinical practice.
The group will remain a member of
the “European Porphyria Initiative”
network as a reference center for
the diagnosis, investigation and
treatment of porphyria.
Oncology and haematology
I.F.: 78,70
1 Vera-Recabarren MA, Garcia-Carrasco M, Ramos-Casals M, Herrero
C. Comparative analysis of subacute
cutaneous lupus erythematosus and
chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus: clinical and immunological study
of 270 patients. BRIT J DERMATOL,
2010. 162:91-101. I.F.:4,26.
presence or absence of an embryonic
pole. FERTIL STERIL, 2010. 94:25642568. I.F.:3,97.
7 Xuncla M, Badenas C, Dominguez
M, Rodriguez-Revenga L, Madrigal I,
Jimenez L, Soler A, Borrell A, Sanchez
A, Mila M. Fragile X syndrome prenatal
diagnosis: parental attitudes and reproductive responses. REPROD BIOMED
ONLINE, 2010. 21:560-565. I.F.:2,38.
2 Vera-Recabarren MA, Garcia-Ca-
8 Gonce A, Borrell A, Meler E, Arigita
rrasco M, Ramos-Casals M, Herrero
C. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus:
clinical and immunological study of
308 patients stratified by gender.
CLIN EXP DERMATOL, 2010. 35:729735. I.F.:1,55.
M, Martinez JM, Botet F, Sanchez A,
Gratacos E. Prevalence and perinatal
outcome of dichorionic and monochorionic twins with nuchal translucency
above the 99(th) percentile and normal
2010. 35:14-18. I.F.:3,15.
3 Herrero-Gonzalez JE, Iranzo P, Benitez D, Lozano F, Herrero C, Mascaro JM. Correlation of Immunological
Profile with Phenotype and Disease
Outcome in Pemphigus. ACTA
DERM-VENEREOL, 2010. 90:401405. I.F.:3,01.
4 Portillo K, Santos S, Madrigal I,
Blanco I, Pare C, Borderias L, Peinado VI, Roca J, Mila M, Barbera JA.
Study of the BMPR2 Gene in Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. ARCH BRONCONEUMOL,
2010. 46:129-134. I.F.:2,17.
5 Badenas C, Rodriguez-Revenga
L, Morales C, Mediano C, Plaja A,
Perez-Iribarne MM, Soler A, Clusellas
N, Borrell A, Sanchez MA, Miro E,
Sanchez A, Mila M, Jimenez W. Assessment of QF-PCR as the First Approach in Prenatal Diagnosis. J MOL
DIAGN, 2010. 12:828-834. I.F.:3,41.
6 Munoz M, Arigita M, Bennasar
M, Soler A, Sanchez A, Borrell A.
Chromosomal anomaly spectrum in
early pregnancy loss in relation to
9 To-Figueras J, Lopez RM, Deulofeu
R, Herrero C. Preliminary report Hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with acute
intermittent porphyria. METABOLISM,
2010. 59:1809-1810. I.F.:2,59.
Garcia-Villoria J, Gort L, Madrigal
I, Fons C, Fernandez C, Navarro-Sastre
A, Mila M, Briones P, Garcia-Cazorla A,
Campistol J, Ribes A. X-inactivation of
HSD17B10 revealed by cDNA analysis
in two female patients with 17 betahydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 10
deficiency. EUR J HUM GENET, 2010.
18:1353-1355. I.F.:3,56.
Bermudo R, Abia D, Benitez D,
Carrio A, Vilella R, Ortiz AR, Thomson
TM, Fernandez PL. Discovery of genomic alterations through coregulation
analysis of closely linked genes: a
frequent gain in 17q25.3 in prostate
cancer. ANN NY ACAD SCI, 2010.
1210:17-24. I.F.:2,67.
Madrigal I, Rodriguez-Revenga
L, Costa L, Xuncla M, Sanchez A, Mila
M. A study of subtelomeric rearrange-
ments in 300 patients with mental
retardation and multiple congenital
anomalies: their clinical and molecular
characterisation. REV NEUROLOGIA,
2010. 51:465-470. I.F.:1,23.
13 Demenais F, Mohamdi H, Chaudru V, Goldstein AM, Bishop JAN,
Bishop DT, Kanetsky PA, Hayward NK,
Gillanders E, Elder DE, Avril MF, Azizi
E, VanBelle P, Bergman W, BianchiScarra G, Bressac-DePaillerets B, Calista D, Carrera C, Hansson J, Harland
M, Hogg D, Hoiom V, Holland EA,
Ingvar C, Landi MT, Lang JM, Mackie
RM, Mann GJ, Ming ME, Njauw CJ,
Olsson H, Palmer J, Pastorino L, Puig
S, Randerson-Moor J, Stark M, Tsao H,
Tucker MA, VanDerVelden P, Yang XR,
Gruis N. Association of MC1R Variants
and Host Phenotypes With Melanoma
Risk in CDKN2A Mutation Carriers: A
2010. 102:1568-1583. I.F.:14,07.
Romanelli V, Belinchon A,
Benito-Sanz S, Martinez-Glez V,
Gracia-Bouthelier R, Heath KE,
Campos-Barros A, Garcia-Minaur S,
Fernandez L, Meneses H, LopezSiguero JP, Guillen-Navarro E, GomezPuertas P, Wesselink JJ, Mercado G,
Esteban-Marfil V, Palomo R, Mena R,
Sanchez A, DelCampo M, Lapunzina
P. CDKN1C (p57(Kip2)) Analysis in
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
(BWS) Patients: Genotype-Phenotype
Correlations, Novel Mutations, and
Polymorphisms. AM J MED GENET
A, 2010. 152A:1390-1397. I.F.:2,40.
Mademont-Soler I, Morales
C, Armengol L, Soler A, Sanchez A.
Description of the Smallest Critical
Region for Dandy-Walker Malformation in Chromosome 13 in a Girl With
a Cryptic Deletion Related to t(6;13)
(q23;q32). AM J MED GENET A,
2010. 152A:2308-2312. I.F.:2,40.
Oncology and haematology
Team Members
Munoz-Santos C, Guilabert A,
Moreno N, To-Figueras J, Badenas
C, Darwich E, Herrero C. Familial and
Sporadic Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
Clinical and Biochemical Features and
Risk Factors in 152 Patients. MEDICINE, 2010. 89:69-74. I.F.:5,05.
17 Darwich E, To-Figueras J, Badenas C, Herrero C. Hepatoerythropoietic Porphyria and Familial Porphyria
Cutanea Tarda in Spanish Patients:
G281E Mutation in the Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase Gene. ARCH
DERMATOL, 2010. 146:1313-1314.
Rodriguez-Revenga L, Pagonabarraga J, Gomez-Anson
B, Lopez-Mourelo O, Madrigal I,
Xuncla M, Kulisevsky J, Mila M.
Motor and mental dysfunction in
mother-daughter transmitted FXTAS.
NEUROLOGY, 2010. 75:1370-1376.
Morales C, Cuatrecasas E, Mademont-Soler I, Clusellas N, Peruga
E, Catala V, Garrido C, Mila M, Soler
A, Sanchez A. Non-mosaic trisomy 20
of paternal origin in chorionic villus
and amniotic fluid also detected in
fetal blood and other tissues. EUR
J MED GENET, 2010. 53:197-200.
Xuncla M, Rodriguez-Revenga
L, Madrigal I, Jimenez D, Mila M,
Badenas C. Protocol proposal for
Friedreich ataxia molecular diagnosis
using fluorescent and triplet repeat
primed polymerase chain reaction.
TRANSL RES, 2010. 156:309-314.
Mademont-Soler I, Morales
C, Bruguera J, Madrigal I, Clusellas
N, Margarit E, Sanchez A, Soler A.
Subtelomeric MLPA: is it really useful
in prenatal diagnosis?. PRENATAL
DIAG, 2010. 30:1165-1169. I.F.:1,71.
Madrigal I, Fernandez-Burriel
M, Rodriguez-Revenga L, Cabrera
JC, Marti M, Mur A, Mila M. Xq26.2q26.3 microduplication in two
brothers with intellectual disabilities:
clinical and molecular characterization. J HUM GENET, 2010. 55:822826. I.F.:2,55.
I.F.: 1,89
1 Fernandez EL, Pares L, Ajuria I,
Bandres F, Castanyer B, Campos F,
Farre C, Pou L, Queralto JM, To-Figueras J. State of the art in therapeutic drug monitoring. CLIN CHEM LAB
MED, 2010. 48:437-446. I.F.:1,89.
Grants for research
in progress
To-Figueras J. European Porphyria
Network: providing better healthcare
for patients and their families. Sponsored by: European Commision, PHEA
2006107. Amount: 5.332,13 euros.
Duration: 01/04/2007-31/03/2010.
Mila M. Clinical and molecular study
of fxtas syndrome (fragile X tremor Ataxia Syndrome). Sponsored
by: Fundació Marató TV3, 60810.
Amount: 170.000,00 euros. Duration:
Mila M. Caracterización y estudio
de la implicación de las variaciones
en número de copia en pacientes
con retraso mental ligado a cromosoma X. Sponsored by: Fundación
Ramón Areces, Areces_06_001.
Amount: 50.000,00 euros. Duration:
Sánchez A. Caracterización de desequilibrios cromosómicos, análisis de
los puntos de rotura en reordenamientos aparentes equilibrados e identificación de cromosomas marcadores
mediante microdisección cromosómica y posterior análisis con técnicas de
array-CGH y/o. Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, PI070385.
Amount: 56.870,00 euros. Duration:
Mila M. Estudio de los perfiles de
expresión de microRNAS y del gen
ASFMR1 como factores de susceptibilidad para el desarrollo del síndrome
FXTAS. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 74.415,00 euros. Duration:
Soler N. Utilidad del tratamiento
antibiótico en las agudizaciones de
la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva
crónica (EPOC) sin purulencia en el
esputo: ensayo clinico aleatorizado,
controlado y doble ciego de eficacia y
seguridad. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO
Amount: 109.505,00 euros. Duration:
Oncology and haematology
Melanoma: imaging, genetics and immunology
Group Members
Susana Puig
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
(Ext.: 2891)
Fax: 93 227 54 38
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Ramón Vilella (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Malvehy (Hospital Clínic)
1. Development of noninvasive imaging
techniques for the diagnosis of
2. Study of the genetic bases implicated
in susceptibility to melanoma and
melanoma photocarcinogenesis.
3. Development of treatment study
strategies in melanoma and skin
cancer: target-specific molecular,
immunological and photoprotection
4. Application of artificial intelligence
systems for evaluating complex
data in melanoma, combining
imaging, epidemiological, clinical and
molecular information.
5. Development of models of
humanized mouse skin for the
study of photoprotection and
Main Lines
of Research
Research Fellows:
Zighe Ogbah (Fundació Clínic)
Joan Anton Puig (CIBERER)
Gabriel Salerni (Fundació Clínic)
Remedios Cervera (CIBERER)
Dani Gabriel (Fundació Clínic)
Pablo Iglesias (Fundació Clínic)
Jordi Milà (Hospital Clínic)
Luchi Millan (Hospital Clínic)
Paula Aguilera (Hospital Clínic)
Pedro Arguís (Hospital Clínic)
Celia Badenas (Hospital Clínic)
Cristina Carrera (Hospital Clínic)
Antonio Campo (Hospital Clínic)
Carlos Conill (Hospital Clínic)
Melinda González (IDIBAPS)
Ramon Rull (Hospital Clínic)
Sergi Vidal (Hospital Clínic)
Ramón Vilana (Hospital Clínic)
Pedro Zaballos (UB)
Teresa Castel (Hospital Clínic)
Antoni Vilalta (Hospital Clínic)
José Palou (Hospital Clínic)
Our main lines of research, and some
of the most relevant results obtained to
date, are the following:
1. Dermatoscopy and digital
dermatoscopy. In dermatoscopy
studies are being made of the
diagnostic criteria of different
disorders that have still not been well
characterized, the correlations with
other imaging techniques, the impact
upon the management of patients
at risk, and the relationship between
dermatoscopy and the genetic
profile of the patients. In digital
dermatoscopy we are examining
the use of full body maps and digital
dermatoscopy in the follow-up of
patients at risk.
1.1 Definition of new dermatoscopic
criteria in different dermatological
processes (dermatofibromas,
angiokeratomas, botryomycosis,
blue nevus, xanthogranuloma,
leishmaniasis, lichenoid
keratosis, collision tumors).
1.2 Development of dermatoscopy
for introduction in primary care,
in pathology and dermatology
(development of combined clinical
dermatoscopic algorithms for the
identification of melanomas that
are difficult to diagnose).
1.3 Combined dermatoscopic and
ultrasound protocol of the
primary tumor for preoperative
Breslow score estimation.
2. Confocal microscopy in vivo.
Description of new algorithms,
study of the evolution of lesions,
new classifications and the use of
2.1 Definition of criteria in nodular
2.2 Creation of a differential
diagnostic algorithm for
melanocytic and non-melanocytic
2.3 Characterization of pigmented
basal cell carcinomas.
2.4 Study of the use of confocal
microscopy for the correct
treatment of achromatic or poorly
delimited lesions (delimitation
of surgical margins or control of
2.5 Use of ex vivo confocal
microscopy for application to
Mohs surgery.
3. Genetic epidemiology. Study of
melanoma susceptibility genes in
familial melanoma and in sporadic
melanoma. Study of nevogenicity
and risk genes in melanoma. Study
of pigmentation and risk genes in
melanoma. Identification of new
genes and new mechanisms of
melanoma susceptibility using
Genome Wide Scan.
3.1 Penetrance and phenotypic
expression studies in patients
and families carrying known
CDKN2A and p14arf mutations.
3.2 Study of the effect of
polymorphisms of the MC1R
gene as modifier gene and low
penetrance gene in relation to
melanoma risk, and in reference
to the clinical and dermatoscopic
aspects of melanomas.
3.3 Identification of new melanoma
and nevogenicity susceptibility
genes based on the study of
homozygous genome regions.
Oncology and haematology
Melanoma: imaging, genetics and immunology
I.F.: 62,31
1 Bermudo R, Abia D, Benitez D,
Carrio A, Vilella R, Ortiz AR, Thomson
TM, Fernandez PL. Discovery of genomic alterations through coregulation analysis of closely linked genes:
a frequent gain in 17q25.3 in prostate
cancer. ANN NY ACAD SCI, 2010.
1210:17-24. I.F.:2,67.
2 Demenais F, Mohamdi H, Chau4. Study of the mechanisms involved
in melanoma carcinogenesis and
4.1 Analysis of oral photoprotection.
Study of genetic (CDKN2A,
interaction (UVR) in melanoma
risk. Study of the influence
of ultraviolet radiation (UVR)
(UVA; UVB; UVA/UVB) in the
dermatoscopic, histological
and immunohistochemical
characteristics of melanocytic
4.2 Dermatoscopic and genetic
characterization of the different
Clark nevi in dysplastic nevus
syndrome, in relation to c9orf14
4.3 Investigation of somatic
mutations of NRAS, BRAF,
cKIT, genomic amplifications
of different oncogenes, and
genomic losses of 9p21 (MLPA)
in melanoma.
4.4 Expression studies (MAGE and
others) in melanoma.
4.5 Development of experimental
models of gene/gene, gene/
environment interactions
between CDKN2A and
MC1R. Expression studies in
keratinocytes, melanocytes and
fibroblasts according to their
genetic profile.
5. Development of new treatment
strategies for melanoma.
5.1 Hyperthermal perfusion of
5.2 Vaccines and new therapeutic
targets in melanoma.
5.3 Electrochemotherapy in
6. Evaluation of immune response in
6.1 Genetic expression arrays and
studies of SNPs associated
with prognosis and treatment
dru V, Goldstein AM, Bishop JAN,
Bishop DT, Kanetsky PA, Hayward
NK, Gillanders E, Elder DE, Avril MF,
Azizi E, VanBelle P, Bergman W, Bianchi-Scarra G, Bressac-DePaillerets
B, Calista D, Carrera C, Hansson J,
Harland M, Hogg D, Hoiom V, Holland EA, Ingvar C, Landi MT, Lang
JM, Mackie RM, Mann GJ, Ming
ME, Njauw CJ, Olsson H, Palmer J,
Pastorino L, Puig S, Randerson-Moor
J, Stark M, Tsao H, Tucker MA, VanDerVelden P, Yang XR, Gruis N. Association of MC1R Variants and Host
Phenotypes With Melanoma Risk in
CDKN2A Mutation Carriers: A GenoMEL Study. J NATL CANCER I, 2010.
102:1568-1583. I.F.:14,07.
3 Lovato L, Salerni G, Puig S, Carrera C, Palou J, Malvehy J. Adult
Xanthogranuloma Mimicking Basal
Cell Carcinoma: Dermoscopy, Reflectance Confocal Microscopy and
Pathological Correlation. DERMATOLOGY, 2010. 220:66-70. I.F.:2,74.
4 Gil I, Segura S, Martinez-Escala E,
Lloreta J, Puig S, Velez M, Pujol RM,
Herrero-Gonzalez JE. Dermoscopic
and Reflectance Confocal Microscopic Features of Exogenous Ochronosis. ARCH DERMATOL, 2010.
146:1021-1025. I.F.:4,76.
Oncology and haematology
Melanoma: imaging, genetics and immunology
5 Haliasos HC, Zalaudek I, Malvehy
J, Lanschuetzer C, Hinter H, HofmannWellenhof R, Braun R, Marghoob AA.
Dermoscopy of Benign and Malignant
Neoplasms in the Pediatric Population.
29:218-231. I.F.:1,81.
6 Zaballos P, Carulla M, Ozdemir F,
Zalaudek I, Banuls J, Llambrich A, Puig
S, Argenziano G, Malvehy J. Dermoscopy of pyogenic granuloma: a morphological study. BRIT J DERMATOL, 2010.
163:1229-1237. I.F.:4,26.
7 Aspizua SG, Garcia M, Murillas R,
Retamosa L, Illera N, Duarte B, Holguin
A, Puig S, Hernandez MI, Meana A, Jorcano JL, Larcher F, Carretero M, DelRio
M. Development of a Bioengineered
Skin-Humanized Mouse Model for Psoriasis Dissecting Epidermal-Lymphocyte
Interacting Pathways. AM J PATHOL,
2010. 177:3112-3124. I.F.:5,67.
8 Kalkhoran S, Milne O, Zalaudek I,
Puig S, Malvehy J, Kelly JW, Marghoob
AA. Historical, Clinical, and Dermoscopic Characteristics of Thin Nodular
Melanoma. ARCH DERMATOL, 2010.
146:311-318. I.F.:4,76.
9 Garcia M, Llames S, Garcia E, Meana A, Cuadrado N, Recasens M, Puig
S, Nagore E, Illera N, Jorcano JL, DelRio M, Larcher F. In Vivo Assessment
of Acute UVB Responses in Normal
and Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP-C)
Skin-Humanized Mouse Models. AM
J PATHOL, 2010. 177:865-872. I.F.:5,67.
Branstrom R, Chang YM, Kasparian N, Affleck P, Tibben A, Aspinwall
LG, Azizi E, Baron-Epel O, Battistuzzi L,
Bruno W, Chan M, Cuellar F, Debniak T,
Pjanova D, Ertmanski S, Figl A, Gonzalez M, Hayward NK, Hocevar M, Kanet-
sky PA, Leaf SL, VanNieuwpoort FA,
Heisele O, Palmer J, Peric B, Puig S,
Ruffin AD, Schadendorf D, Gruis NA,
Brandberg Y, Newton-Bishop J. Melanoma risk factors, perceived threat
and intentional tanning: an international online survey. EUR J CANCER
PREV, 2010. 19:216-226. I.F.:2,21.
Branstrom R, Kasparian NA,
Chang YM, Affleck P, Tibben A, Aspinwall LG, Azizi E, Baron-Epel O,
Battistuzzi L, Bergman W, Bruno W,
Chan M, Cuellar F, Debniak T, Pjanova D, Ertmanski S, Figl A, Gonzalez
M, Hayward NK, Hocevar M, Kanetsky PA, Leachman SA, Heisele O, Palmer J, Peric B, Puig S, Schadendorf
D, Gruis NA, Newton-Bishop J, Brandberg Y. Predictors of Sun Protection
Behaviors and Severe Sunburn in an
International Online Study. CANCER
EPIDEM BIOMAR, 2010. 19:21992210. I.F.:4,31.
DiStefani A, Campbell TM,
Malvehy J, Massone C, Soyer HP,
Hofmann-Wellenhof R. Shiny white
streaks: An additional dermoscopic
finding in melanomas viewed using
contact polarised dermoscopy.
51:295-298. I.F.:0,97.
Argenziano G, Kittler H, Ferrara
G, Rubegni P, Malvehy J, Puig S,
Cowell L, Stanganelli I, DeGiorgi V,
Thomas L, Bahadoran P, Menzies
SW, Piccolo D, Marghoob AA, Zalaudek I. Slow-growing melanoma:
a dermoscopy follow-up study. BRIT
J DERMATOL, 2010. 162:267-273.
Keratosis in Lichenoid Keratosis with
Sequential Dermoscopy Imaging.
DERMATOLOGY, 2010. 220:103-109.
Zalaudek I, Kittler H, Blum A,
Hofmann-Wellenhof R, Marghoob AA,
Malvehy J, Menzies SW, Puig S, Soyer
P, Stolz W, Argenziano G. Who benefits
from prophylactic surgical removal of
“dysplastic” nevi?. J DTSCH DERMATOL GES, 2010. 8:279-280. I.F.:1,40.
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 4,12
1 Garbe C, Peris K, Hauschild A,
Saiag P, Middleton M, Spatz A, Grob
JJ, Malvehy J, Newton-Bishop J, Stratigos A, Pehamberger H, Eggermont A.
Diagnosis and treatment of melanoma:
European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline. EUR J CANCER,
2010. 46:270-283. I.F.:4,12.
Grants for research
in progress
Puig S. NoE - Genetic and environmental
risk factors for melanoma: translation
into behavioural change. Sponsored
by: European Commission, LSHMCT-2006-018702. Amount: 322.173,00
euros. Duration: 01/12/2005-30/11/2010.
Puig S. Identificación de genes
implicados en desarrollo y progresión de
melanoma mediante la caracterización
de regiones homozigotas. Sponsored
PI09/1393. Amount: 217.800,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Zaballos P, Salsench E, Serrano P, Cuellar F, Puig S, Malvehy J.
Studying Regression of Seborrheic
Team envolved in:
Oncology and haematology
Red temática de investigación
cooperativa de cáncer
Hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation
Group Members
Álvaro Urbano-Ispizúa
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 75
Fax: 93 227 98 11
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Enric Carreras (Hospital Clínic)
Francesc Fernández-Avilés (Hospital Clínic)
Pedro Marín (Hospital Clínic)
Carmen Martínez Muñoz (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Rovira (Hospital Clínic)
In the last few years our group has
developed basic and translational
research lines, thanks to collaboration
with other research groups of the Clinic
Hospital (Department of Immunology,
Department of Hemostasis) and of
the Medical School (Department of
Human Anatomy). Very recently, we
have established research space of our
own in the CEK, and have expanded
our collaboration with other research
groups – particularly in reference to cell
therapy. Likewise, we have started the
expansion of hematopoietic precursors
from umbilical cord blood based on
co-cultures of mesenchymal cells
and research lines in antitumor cell
therapy, anti-infectious treatment and
cell immune modulation. Functional
studies of genic polymorphisms
have also been started. Lastly,
we plan to develop an important
line of research in the field of the
pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics
and pharmacogenomics of immune
modulators, as well as in the
development of in vitro predictive
models of graft-versus-host disease.
Main Lines
of Research
Clinical research lines
Postdoctoral fellows:
Beatriz Martin Antonio (IDIBAPS)
Anna Mantecon (Fundació Clínic)
Nuria Montfort (Hospital Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Ariadna Domènech (Fundació Clínic)
Josep Mensa (Hospital Clínic)
Alfons Navarro (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Marià Monzó (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Maribel Díaz Ricart (Hospital Clínic)
1. Assessment of new hematopoietic
precursor transplantation (HPT)
Treatment of diseases such as
amyloidosis, POEMS syndrome,
scleromyxedema, autoimmune
disorders (multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s
disease, lupus erythematosus),
primary myelofibrosis or paroxysmal
nocturnal hemoglobinuria – these
being diseases in which our group
has the most extensive experience in
the country.
Oncology and haematology
Hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation
2. Evaluation of new progenitor
sources (high-complexity
hematopoietic precursor
The lack of compatible siblings for all
patients amenable to hematopoietic
precursor transplantation is leading
to the development of transplants
from non-consanguineous donors
or umbilical cord blood. We are the
most active group in the country in
relation to these high complexity
procedures, which represent 30% of
our activity.
3. Evaluation of new transplant
•Domiciliary autogenic HPT (the only
such program in Europe, awarded
on several occasions by the
scientific and healthcare societies)
– a modality which we aim to
extend to domiciliary allogenic HPT.
•Umbilical cord blood cell
transplantation administered via the
intraosseous route – an innovating
modality which we and another
European center are analyzing.
4. Studies addressing the prevention
and treatment of the main
complications of HPT.
Prevention and treatment of graftversus-host disease with new
agents (anti-IL-2 receptor antibodies,
new anti-thymocyte globulins,
alemtuzumab and cell therapy using
mesenchymal cells). Participation in
different multicenter studies.
Basic and translational
research lines
1. Study of the post-HPT
complications originating from
endothelial dysfunction.
Different early complications
appearing after HPT, such as
veno-occlusive syndrome, capillary
rupture syndrome, thrombotic
microangiopathy, graft syndrome,
and idiopathic pneumonia
syndrome, appear to originate
from endothelial dysfunction. Our
project aims to characterize such
dysfunction and then to seek
effective preventive and treatment
options. This research line is
supported by two FIS grants and an
aid from the German José Carreras
2. Study of immune reconstitution
following HPT.
Following characterization of immune
reconstitution in HPT from bone
marrow, peripheral blood and in
reduced intensity regimens, we plan
to assess immune reconstitution in
the transplantation of umbilical cord
blood – this not ever having been
achieved to date.
A. Sphere obtained after one week of
bone marrow isolated nestin-positive
mesenchymal cell culture.
3. Study of the impact of genic
polymorphisms upon the
complications and outcomes of HPT.
Following demonstration of the
impact of the mannose-binding
lectin variants upon the incidence
of fungal infections, of the NOD2/
CARD15 gene variants upon survival
and the incidence of bronchiolitis
obliterans and, more recently, of the
impact of the NLRP2 and NLRP3
gene variants upon HPT survival, we
plan to continue this line of research,
assessing new polymorphisms that
may affect the evolution of HPT.
4. Study of new techniques for the
early diagnosis of infections in HPT.
Following the advances made in the
early diagnosis of fungal diseases
(galactomannan antigen, highresolution CAT) and viral infections
(CMV antigenemia and PCR applied
to all herpes viruses and other
pathogens), which have facilitated
our healthcare activities, we plan to
continue evaluating new diagnostic
techniques (quantitative PCR for
EBV, the application of PCR to
tissue samples, biological markers in
bronchoalveolar lavage, and PET scan
assessment of infections).
B. Sphere expansion after four weeks
of culture.
Oncology and haematology
Hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation
Team Members
I.F.: 43,66
Escurriol V, Cofan M, MorenoIribas C, Larranaga N, Martinez C,
Navarro C, Rodriguez L, Gonzalez CA,
Corella D, Ros E. Phytosterol plasma
concentrations and coronary heart disease in the prospective Spanish EPIC
cohort. J LIPID RES, 2010. 51:618624. I.F.:4,92.
Esmatjes E, Montana X, Real
MI, Blanco J, Conget I, Casamitjana
R, Rovira M, Gomis R, Marin P. Regeneration of insulin production by
autologous bone marrow blood autotransplantation in patients with type
1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, 2010.
53:786-789. I.F.:6,55.
DeLaCamara R, Jarque I, Sanz
MA, Grau S, Casado MA, Sabater FJ,
Carreras E. Economic evaluation of
posaconazole vs fluconazole in the
prevention of invasive fungal infections in patients with GVHD following
haematopoietic SCT. BONE MARROW TRANSPL, 2010. 45:925-932.
Palomo M, Diaz-Ricart M, Carbo C,
Rovira M, Fernandez-Aviles F, Martine
C, Ghita G, Escolar G, Carreras E.
Endothelial Dysfunction after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Role
of the Conditioning Regimen and the
Type of Transplantation. BIOL BLOOD
MARROW TR, 2010. 16:985-993.
5 Carreras E, Fernandez-Aviles F, Silva L, Guerrero M, DeLarrea CF, Martinez C, Rosinol L, Lozano M, Marin
P, Rovira M. Engraftment syndrome
after auto-SCT: analysis of diagnostic criteria and risk factors in a large
series from a single center. BONE
MARROW TRANSPL, 2010. 45:14171422. I.F.:3,00.
DeLarrea CF, Rosinol L, Cibeira
MT, Rozman M, Rovira M, Blade J.
Extensive soft-tissue involvement by
plasmablastic myeloma arising from
displaced humeral fractures. EUR
J HAEMATOL, 2010. 85:448-451.
7 Carreras E, Cahn JY, Puozzo C,
Kroger N, Sanz G, Buzyn A, Bacigalupo A, Vernant JP. Influence on
Busilvex (R) Pharmacokinetics of
Clonazepam Compared to Previous
Phenytoin Historical Data. ANTICANCER RES, 2010. 30:2977-2984.
8 Pinana JL, Valcarcel D, FernandezAviles F, Martino R, Rovira M, Barba P,
Martinez C, Brunet S, Sureda A, Carreras E, Sierra J. MTX or mycophenolate
mofetil with CsA as GVHD prophylaxis
after reduced-intensity conditioning
PBSCT from HLA-identical siblings.
45:1449-1456. I.F.:3,00.
DeLarrea CF, Martinez C, Gaya
A, Lopez-Guillermo A, Rovira M,
Fernandez-Aviles F, Lozano M, Bosch
F, Esteve J, Nomdedeu B, Montserrat
E, Carreras E. Salvage chemotherapy with alternating MINE-ESHAP
regimen in relapsed or refractory
Hodgkin’s lymphoma followed by
autologous stem-cell transplantation.
ANN ONCOL, 2010. 21:1211-1216.
10 Martinez C, Virgili N, Cuerda C,
Chicharro L, Gomez P, Moreno JM,
Alvarez J, Marti E, Matia P, Penacho
MA, Garde C, DeLuis D, Gonzalo M,
Lobo G. Transversal study on the
prevalence of metabolic bone disease
(MBD) and home parenteral nutrition
(HPN) in Spain: Data from Nadya
Grop. NUTR HOSP, 2010. 25:920-924.
11 Ferra C, Sanz J, DeLaCamara
R, Sanz G, Bermudez A, Valcarcel D,
Rovira M, Serrano D, Caballero D, Espigado I, Morgades M, Heras I, Solano
C, Duarte R, Barrenetxea C, GarciaNoblejas A, Diez-Martin JL, Iriondo A,
Carreras E, Sierra J, Sanz MA, Ribera
JM. Unrelated Transplantation for
Poor-Prognosis Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Long-Term Outcome Analysis and Study of the Impact
of Hematopoietic Graft Source. BIOL
BLOOD MARROW TR, 2010. 16:957966. I.F.:3,15.
12 Cordonnier C, Rovira M, Maertens J, Olavarria E, Faucher C, Bilger
K, Pigneux A, Cornely OA, Ullmann
AJ, Bofarull RM, DeLaCamara R,
Weisser M, Liakopoulou E, Abecasis
M, Heussel CP, Pineau M, Ljungman
P, Einsele H. Voriconazole for secondary prophylaxis of invasive fungal
infections in allogeneic stem cell
transplant recipients: results of the
J, 2010. 95:1762-1768. I.F.:6,42.
I.F.: 15,66
DeLaCamara R, Mensa J, Carreras E, Estrella MC, Rodriguez JAG,
Gobernado M, Picazo J, Aguado JM,
Sanz MA. Antifungal prophylaxis in
oncohematologic patients: Literature
review and recommendations. MED
CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 134:222233. I.F.:1,23.
Blade J, Rosinol L, Cibeira MT,
Rovira M, Carreras E. Hematopoietic
stem cell transplantation for multiple
myeloma beyond 2010. BLOOD,
2010. 115:3655-3663. I.F.:10,56.
Oncology and haematology
Hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation
3 Coppell JA, Richardson PG, Soiffer
R, Martin PL, Kernan NA, Chen A, Guinan E, Vogelsang G, Krishnan A, Giralt
S, Revta C, Carreau NA, Iacobelli M,
Carreras E, Ruutu T, Barbui T, Antin JH,
Niederwieser D. Hepatic Veno-Occlusive
Disease following Stem Cell Transplantation: Incidence, Clinical Course, and
2010. 16:157-168. I.F.:3,15.
4 Vallejo C, Rovira M. Prophylaxis and
treatment of invasive fungal infection in
neutropenic patients. REV ESP QUIM,
2010. 23:177-183. I.F.:0,73.
I.F.: 10,56
1 Gorin NC, Labopin M, Reiffers J, Milpied N, Blaise D, Witz F, DeWitte T, Meloni
G, Attal M, Bernal T, Rocha V. Higher
incidence of relapse in patients with acute
myelocytic leukemia infused with higher
doses of CD34(+) cells from leukapheresis products autografted during the first
remission. BLOOD, 2010. 116:3157-3162.
Carreras E. Disfunción endotelial
post-trasplante hematopoyético.
Impacto de los agentes empleados
en el régimen de acondicionamiento
y análisis de posibles agentes
protectores. Sponsored by: Ministerio
de Sanidad y Consumo, PI080156.
Amount: 61.952,00 euros. Duration:
Martinez Munoz C. Estudio de la
farmacogenómica y la farmacodinámica
de los inmunosupresores en el
trasplante alogénico de progenitores
hemopoyéticos y su implicación en
las reacciones injerto contra huésped
e injerto-contra-tumor. Sponsored by:
PI09/1043. Amount: 67.760,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Urbano A. Papel de los factores
inducidos por hipoxia (HIFs), Notch,
Oct4 y de microRNAs en la patogenia
y transformación de los síndromes
mielodisplásicos a leucemia aguda.
Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
Amount: 29.499,20 euros. Duration:
Grants for research
in progress
Urbano A. Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer.
CARLOS III, RD06/0020/0012.
Amount: 107.539,01 euros. Duration:
Carreras E. Characterization of
endothelial dysfunction that develops in
haematopoietic stem cell transplantation:
role in the main complications appearing
early after transplantation. Sponsored
by: Deutsche Jose Carreras LeukämieStiftung eV, R07/41v. Amount:
185.000,00 euros. Duration: 30/01/200830/09/2010.
Team envolved in:
Oncology and haematology
Red temática de investigación
cooperativa de cáncer
Hematological oncology
Group Members
Francisco Cervantes
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 75
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Prof. Emili Montserrat (Hospital Clínic)
Joan Bladé (Hospital Clínic)
Jordi Esteve (Hospital Clínic)
Armando López-Guillermo (Hospital Clínic)
Research Fellows:
Anna Gaya (Hospital Clínic)
Marta Pratcorona (IDIBAPS)
Gonzalo Gutierrez (Hospital Clínic)
Margheritta Maffioli (Fundació Clínic)
Marina Díaz Beyá (Fundació Clínic)
Alejandra Martínez Trillos (Fundació Clínic)
Carlos Fernández de Larrea (Fundació Clínic)
Raquel Jiménez (Fundació Clínic)
Kate Hodgson (Fundació Clínic)
Gerardo Ferrer (Fundació Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Sonia Chaves (Hospital Clínic)
Eva Carrera (Hospital Clínic)
Administrative Staff:
Maria José Sánchez Melero (Hospital Clínic)
Cristina Cerrato (Hospital Clínic)
The main strategic objectives of our
team are clinical, applied and basic
research in hematological oncology.
The team is structured into three
study groups of three major disease
Main Lines
of Research
1. Study of lymphoid neoplasms.
2. Multiple myeloma and other
monoclonal gammapathies.
3. Study of myeloid neoplasms.
Antonio de la Riva (Fundació Clínic)
Mª Carmen Pastor (Fundació Clínic)
Montserrat Pérez (Fundació Clínic)
Benet Nomdedeu (Hospital Clínic)
Laura Rosiñol (Hospital Clínic)
Arturo Pereira (Hospital Clínic)
Eduardo Arellano (Hospital Clínic)
Maria Teresa Cibeira (Hospital Clínic)
Alfons Navarro (Universitat de Barcelona)
Dolors Costa ( Hospital Clínic)
Ana Carrió (Hospital Clínic)
Eva Giné (Hospital Clínic)
Oncology and haematology
Hematological oncology
Lymphoid neoplasms study group
Group Leader:
Armando López (Hospital Clínic)
•Investigation of the progression mechanisms of
the disease.
•Study of minimum residual disease and its clinical significance.
•Genomic profiles of the different types of lymphoma and their
clinical significance (in collaboration with the National Cancer
Institute (USA) and the Leukemia Lymphoma Molecular Profiling
Project (LLMPP)).
•New prognostic models in T cell lymphomas (collaboration in
international studies, particularly the International T-cell Lymphomas
Project. University of Nebraska) and follicular lymphoma.
•Utility of PET in evaluating the response of lymphomas and
chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).
•Genic profile of Hodgkin lymphoma.
•Phase I-II clinical trials with new drugs (bevacizumab, bortezomib,
anti-CD40, aplidin, GA101, etc.), and international phase III trials to
establish new indications in lymphomas (PRIMA and ZAR studies)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
•Mechanisms of progression of the disease.
•Biology of ZAP-70 in relation to BCR.
•Analysis of transforming CLL.
•Influence of the cellular microenvironment upon the disease.
•Study of the immunological alterations and immune reconstitution
in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL Global Research Foundation
•Evaluation of cellular proliferation in CLL.
•Study of autoimmune phenomena.
•Multiparametric analysis of prognostic factors in CLL. - Phase I/II
and III clinical trials.
Myeloma and other monoclonal gammapathies study group
Group Leader: Joan Blade (Hospital Clínic)
•Studies on the role of angiogenesis inhibitors in
the treatment of multiple myeloma.
•Clinico-biological studies on the progression
mechanisms of monoclonal gammapathy of
uncertain significance and quiescent myeloma.
•Phase I, II and III clinical trials with new drugs (thalidomide, bortezomib,
lenalidomide, deacetylase histone inhibitors, aplidin, anti-IL-6 antibodies
and anti-CD40 antibodies, heat shock protein-90 inhibitors).
•Clinical trials in the treatment of primary amyloidosis
(transplantation, therapy with lenalidomide).
Myeloid neoplasms study group
Group Leader:
Francisco Cervantes (Hospital Clínic)
Myeloproliferative neoplasms
•Analysis and final evaluation of the Spanish
protocol for the treatment of chronic
myeloid leukemia with scaled doses of imatinib versus
imatinib in combination with interferon(CML/PETHEMA).
•Treatment of CML with new tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
•Role of the polymorphisms of the genes encoding for the
imatinib transporter proteins in resistance to therapy with
imatinib in CML.
•Thrombotic mechanisms in chronic myeloproliferative
•Primary myelofibrosis prognostic studies.
•Analysis of the relationship between the mutational status
and allelic load of JAK2 and MPL, haplotype 46/1 of the
JAK2 gene, and the initial characteristics, evolutive pattern
and prognosis of myelofibrosis.
Acute leukemias
•Biological prognostic factors in intermediate cytogenetic
risk AML: genetic mutations, genic expression profile,
microRNA expression pattern.
•Analysis of the microRNA expression pattern in AML with
translocation (8;16)/rearrangement MYST3-CREBBP.
•Biological and clinical characterization of acute leukemia
with multiline dysplasia.
•Analysis of the prognostic value of molecular markers in
AML in relation to the outcome of hematopoietic progenitor
cell transplantation.
•Phase II and III clinical trials of drugs for the treatment
of AML (midostaurin, Mylotarg, amonafide, AC220,
•Sequential allogenic hematopoietic precursor transplantation
strategy for the treatment of refractory or relapsing AML.
Myeloproliferative syndromes
•Natural history and prognosis of myelodysplastic
- transfusional sensitization.
- prognostic importance of transfusion requirements.
•Cytogenetic and molecular alterations in myelodysplastic
- Prognostic implications of cytogenetic alterations.
- translocations and myelodysplastic syndromes.
- microRNA in myelodysplastic syndromes.
•Treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes.
Oncology and haematology
Hematological oncology
Team Members
I.F.: 243,89
1 Segarra M, Lozano E, CorberaBellalta M, Vilardell C, Cibeira MT,
Esparza J, Izco N, Blade J, Cid MC.
Thalidomide decreases gelatinase
production by malignant B lymphoid
cell lines through disruption of multiple integrin-mediated signaling
2010. 95:456-463. I.F.:6,42.
2 Fernandez V, Salamero O, Espinet B, Sole F, Royo C, Navarro
A, Camacho F, Bea S, Hartmann E,
Amador V, Hernandez L, Agostinelli
C, Sargent RL, Rozman M, Aymerich
M, Colomer D, Villamor N, Swerdlow
SH, Pileri SA, Bosch F, Piris MA,
Montserrat E, Ott G, Rosenwald A,
Lopez-Guillermo A, Jares P, Serrano
S, Campo E. Genomic and Gene
Expression Profiling Defines Indolent
Forms of Mantle Cell Lymphoma.
CANCER RES, 2010. 70:1408-1418.
3 Moreno C, Hodgson K, Ferrer G,
Elena M, Filella X, Pereira A, Baumann T, Montserrat E. Autoimmune
cytopenia in chronic lymphocytic
leukemia: prevalence, clinical associations, and prognostic significance.
BLOOD, 2010. 116:4771-4776.
4 Gutierrez-Garcia G, Colomo L,
Villamor N, Arenillas L, Martinez A,
Cardesa T, Garcia-Herrera A, Setoain
X, Rodriguez S, Ghita G, Abrisqueta P,
Gine E, Bosch F, Campo E, Montserrat E, Lopez-Guillermo A. Clinico-biological characterization and outcome
of primary nodal and extranodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the rituximab era. LEUKEMIA LYMPHOMA,
2010. 51:1225-1232. I.F.:2,40.
5 Crowther-Swanepoel D, Brode-
8 DeLarrea CF, Rosinol L, Cibeira
rick P, DiBernardo MC, Dobbins SE,
Torres M, Mansouri M, Ruiz-Ponte C,
Enjuanes A, Rosenquist R, Carracedo
A, Jurlander J, Campo E, Juliusson
G, Montserrat E, Smedby KE, Dyer
MJS, Matutes E, Dearden C, Sunter
NJ, Hall AG, Mainou-Fowler T, Jackson GH, Summerfield G, Harris RJ,
Pettitt AR, Allsup DJ, Bailey JR, Pratt
G, Pepper C, Fegan C, Parker A, Oscier D, Allan JM, Catovsky D, Houlston RS. Common variants at 2q37.3,
8q24.21, 15q21.3 and 16q24.1 influence chronic lymphocytic leukemia
risk. NAT GENET, 2010. 42:132-U59.
MT, Rozman M, Rovira M, Blade J.
Extensive soft-tissue involvement by
plasmablastic myeloma arising from
displaced humeral fractures. EUR
J HAEMATOL, 2010. 85:448-451.
6 Gine E, Martinez A, Villamor N,
Lopez-Guillermo A, Camos M, Martinez D, Esteve J, Calvo X, Muntanola
A, Abrisqueta P, Rozman M, Rozman
C, Bosch F, Campo E, Montserrat E.
Expanded and highly active proliferation centers identify a histological
subtype of chronic lymphocytic
leukemia (“accelerated” chronic lymphocytic leukemia) with aggressive
clinical behavior. HAEMATOL-HEMATOL J, 2010. 95:1526-1533. I.F.:6,42.
7 Espinet B, Salaverria I, Bea S,
Ruiz-Xiville N, Balague O, Salido M,
Costa D, Carreras J, Rodriguez-Vicente AE, Garcia JL, Hernandez-Rivas
JM, Calasanz MJ, Siebert R, Ferrer A,
Salar A, Carrio A, Polo N, Garcia-Marco JA, Domingo A, Gonzalez-Barca
E, Romagosa V, Marugan I, LopezGuillermo A, Milla F, Mate JL, Luno E,
Sanzo C, Collado R, Oliver I, Monzo
S, Palacin A, Gonzalez T, Sant F, Salinas R, Ardanaz MT, Font L, Escoda L,
Florensa L, Serrano S, Campo E, Sole
F. Incidence and Prognostic Impact of
Secondary Cytogenetic Aberrations in
a Series of 145 Patients with Mantle
Cell Lymphoma. GENE CHROMOSOME CANC, 2010. 49:439-451.
9 Passamonti F, Cervantes F, Vannucchi AM, Morra E, Rumi E, Pereira
A, Guglielmelli P, Pungolino E, Caramella M, Maffioli M, Pascutto C,
Lazzarino M, Cazzola M, Tefferi A. A
dynamic prognostic model to predict
survival in primary myelofibrosis: a
study by the IWG-MRT (International
Working Group for Myeloproliferative
Neoplasms Research and Treatment).
BLOOD, 2010. 115:1703-1708.
Sanchez-Espiridion B, Montalban C, Lopez A, Menarguez J,
Sabin P, Ruiz-Marcellan C, Ramos R,
Rodriguez J, Canovas A, Camarero C,
Canales M, Alves J, Arranz R, Acevedo A, Salar A, Serrano S, Bas A, Moraleda JM, Sanchez-Godoy P, Burgos
F, Rayon C, Fresno MF, Larana JG,
Garcia-Cosio M, Santonja C, Lopez
JL, Llanos M, Mollejo M, GonzalezCarrero J, Marin A, Forteza J, GarciaSanz R, Tomas JF, Morente MM, Piris
MA, Garcia JF. A molecular risk score
based on 4 functional pathways for
advanced classical Hodgkin lymphoma. BLOOD, 2010. 116:E12-E17.
Mateos MV, Oriol A, MartinezLopez J, Gutierrez N, Teruel AI, DePaz R, Garcia-Larana J, Bengoechea
E, Martin A, Mediavilla JD, Palomera
L, DeArriba F, Gonzalez Y, Hernandez
JM, Sureda A, Bello JL, Bargay J, Penalver FJ, Ribera JM, Martin-Mateos
ML, Garcia-Sanz R, Cibeira MT, Ramos MLM, Vidriales MB, Paiva B,
Montalban MA, Lahuerta JJ, Blade J,
SanMiguel JF. Bortezomib, melpha-
Oncology and haematology
Hematological oncology
lan, and prednisone versus bortezomib, thalidomide, and prednisone as
induction therapy followed by maintenance treatment with bortezomib and
thalidomide versus bortezomib and
prednisone in elderly patients with
untreated multiple myelom. LANCET
ONCOL, 2010. 11:934-941. I.F.:14,47.
Lahuerta JJ, Mateos MV, Martinez-Lopez J, Grande C, DeLaRubia J,
Rosinol L, Sureda A, Garcia-Larana J,
Diaz-Mediavilla J, Hernandez-Garcia
MT, Carrera D, Besalduch J, DeArriba
F, Oriol A, Escoda L, Garcia-Frade J,
Rivas-Gonzalez C, Alegre A, Blade
J, SanMiguel JF. Busulfan 12 mg/
kg plus melphalan 140 mg/m(2)
versus melphalan 200 mg/m(2) as
conditioning regimens for autologous
transplantation in newly diagnosed
multiple myeloma patients included
in the PETHEMA/GEM2000 study.
95:1913-1920. I.F.:6,42.
13 Ribera JM, Oriol A, Gonzalez M,
Vidriales B, Brunet S, Esteve J, DelPotro E, Rivas C, Moreno MJ, Tormo
M, Martin-Reina V, Sarra J, Parody
R, DeOteyza JP, Bureo E, Bernal MT.
Concurrent intensive chemotherapy
and imatinib before and after stem cell
transplantation in newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute
lymphoblastic leukemia. Final resullts
of the CSTIBES02 trial. HAEMATOLHEMATOL J, 2010. 95:87-95. I.F.:6,42.
Cervantes F, Lopez-Garrido P,
Montero MI, Jonte F, Martinez J,
Hernandez-Boluda JC, Calbacho M,
Sureda A, Perez-Rus G, Nieto JB, Perez-Lopez C, Roman-Gomez J, Gonzalez M, Pereira A, Colomer D. Early
intervention during imatinib therapy
in patients with newly diagnosed
chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia: a study of the Spanish PETHEMA group. HAEMATOL-HEMATOL J,
2010. 95:1317-1324. I.F.:6,42.
Martinez-Trillos A, Gaya A,
Maffioli M, Arellano-Rodrigo E, Calvo
X, Diaz-Beya M, Cervantes F. Efficacy
and tolerability of hydroxyurea in the
treatment of the hyperproliferative
manifestations of myelofibrosis: results in 40 patients. ANN HEMATOL,
2010. 89:1233-1237. I.F.:2,92.
Ernst T, Chase AJ, Score J, Hidalgo-Curtis CE, Bryant C, Jones AV,
Waghorn K, Zoi K, Ross FM, Reiter A,
Hochhaus A, Drexler HG, Duncombe
A, Cervantes F, Oscier D, Boultwood
J, Grand FH, Cross NCP. Inactivating
mutations of the histone methyltransferase gene EZH2 in myeloid
disorders. NAT GENET, 2010. 42:722U109. I.F.:34,28.
Alvarez-Larran A, Cervantes F,
Pereira A, Arellano-Rodrigo E, PerezAndreu V, Hernandez-Boluda JC,
Ayats R, Salvador C, Muntanola A,
Bellosillo B, Vicente V, HernandezNieto L, Burgaleta C, Xicoy B, Besses
C. Observation versus antiplatelet
therapy as primary prophylaxis for
thrombosis in low-risk essential
thrombocythemia. BLOOD, 2010.
116:1205-1210. I.F.:10,56.
Ballen KK, Shrestha S, Sobocinski KA, Zhang MJ, Bashey A,
Bolwell BJ, Cervantes F, Devine SM,
Gale RP, Gupta V, Hahn TE, Hogan
WJ, Kroger N, Litzow MR, Marks DI,
Maziarz RT, Mccarthy PL, Schiller G,
Schouten HC, Roy V, Wiernik PH,
Horowitz MM, Giralt SA, Arora M.
Outcome of Transplantation for Myelofibrosis. BIOL BLOOD MARROW
TR, 2010. 16:358-367. I.F.:3,15.
19 Mateos MV, Cibeira MT, Richardson PG, Prosper F, Oriol A, DeLaRubia J, Lahuerta JJ, Garcia-Sanz
R, Extremera S, Szyldergemajn S,
Corrado C, Singer H, Mitsiades CS,
Anderson KC, Blade J, SanMiguel J.
Phase II Clinical and Pharmacokinetic
Study of Plitidepsin 3-Hour Infusion
Every Two Weeks Alone or with Dexamethasone in Relapsed and Refractory Multiple Myeloma. CLIN CANCER
RES, 2010. 16:3260-3269. I.F.:6,75.
20 Buda G, Ricci D, Huang CC,
Favis R, Cohen N, Zhuang SH, Harousseau JL, Sonneveld P, Blade J,
Orlowski RZ. Polymorphisms in the
multiple drug resistance protein 1 and
in P-glycoprotein 1 are associated with
time to event outcomes in patients
with advanced multiple myeloma treated with bortezomib and pegylated
liposomal doxorubicin. ANN HEMATOL, 2010. 89:1133-1140. I.F.:2,92.
Mohty M, Labopin M, Volin L,
Gratwohl A, Socie G, Esteve J, Tabrizi
R, Nagler A, Rocha V. Reduced-intensity versus conventional myeloablative conditioning allogeneic stem
cell transplantation for patients with
acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a retrospective study from the European
Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. BLOOD, 2010. 116:44394443. I.F.:10,56.
Ludwig H, Bolejack V, Crowley
J, Blade J, SanMiguel J, Kyle RA,
Rajkumar SV, Shimizu K, Turesson I,
Westin J, Sonneveld P, Cavo M, Boccadoro M, Palumbo A, Tosi P, Harousseau JL, Attal M, Barlogie B, Stewart
AK, Durie B. Survival and Years of
Life Lost in Different Age Cohorts of
Patients With Multiple Myeloma. J
CLIN ONCOL, 2010. 28:1599-1605.
Diaz-Beya M, Rozman M,
Pratcorona M, Torrebadell M, Camos
M, Aguilar JLI, Esteve J. The prognostic value of multilineage dysplasia
in de novo acute myeloid leukemia
patients with intermediate-risk cytogenetics is dependent on NPM1
mutational status. BLOOD, 2010.
116:6147-6148. I.F.:10,56.
Oncology and haematology
Hematological oncology
Team Members
Barbui T, Carobbio A, Cervantes
F, Vannucchi AM, Guglielmelli P, Antonioli E, Alvarez-Larran A, Rambaldi
A, Finazzi G, Barosi G. Thrombosis in
primary myelofibrosis: incidence and
risk factors. BLOOD, 2010. 115:778782. I.F.:10,56.
Tefferi A, Siragusa S, Hussein
K, Schwager SM, Hanson CA, Pardanani A, Cervantes F, Passamonti F.
Transfusion-dependency at presentation and its acquisition in the first
year of diagnosis are both equally
detrimental for survival in primary
myelofibrosis-prognostic relevance
is independent of IPSS or karyotype.
AM J HEMATOL, 2010. 85:14-17.
26 Guillem VM, Cervantes F, Martinez J, Alvarez-Larran A, Collado M,
Camos M, Sureda A, Maffioli M, Marugan I, Hernandez-Boluda JC. XPC
genetic polymorphisms correlate with
the response to imatinib treatment in
patients with chronic phase chronic
myeloid leukemia. AM J HEMATOL,
2010. 85:482-486. I.F.:2,61.
I.F.: 76,54
1 Blade J, Rosinol L, Cibeira MT,
Rovira M, Carreras E. Hematopoietic
stem cell transplantation for multiple
myeloma beyond 2010. BLOOD,
2010 . 115:3655-3663. I.F.:10,56.
2 Gine E, Gutierrez-Garcia G,
Lopez-Guillermo A. Current immunochemotherapy strategies in follicular
lymphoma. ADV THER, 2010. 27:704713. I.F.:0,94.
3 Ludwig H, Beksac M, Blade J,
6 Blade J, Dimopoulos M, Rosinol
Boccadoro M, Cavenagh J, Cavo M,
Dimopoulos M, Drach J, Einsele H,
Facon T, Goldschmidt H, Harousseau
JL, Hess U, Ketterer N, Kropff M,
Mendeleeva L, Morgan G, Palumbo
A, Plesner T, SanMiguel J, Shpilberg O, Sondergeld P, Sonneveld
P, Zweegman S. Current Multiple
Myeloma Treatment Strategies with
Novel Agents: A European Perspective. ONCOLOGIST, 2010. 15:6-25.
L, Rajkumar SV, Kyle RA. Smoldering
(Asymptomatic) Multiple Myeloma:
Current Diagnostic Criteria, New Predictors of Outcome, and Follow-Up
Recommendations. J CLIN ONCOL,
2010. 28:690-697. I.F.:17,79.
4 Kyle RA, Durie BGM, Rajkumar
SV, Landgren O, Blade J, Merlini
G, Kroger N, Einsele H, Vesole DH,
Dimopoulos M, SanMiguel J, AvetLoiseau H, Hajek R, Chen WM, Anderson KC, Ludwig H, Sonneveld P,
Pavlovsky S, Palumbo A, Richardson
PG, Barlogie B, Greipp P, Vescio R,
Turesson I, Westin J, Boccadoro M.
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and
smoldering (asymptomatic) multiple
myeloma: IMWG consensus perspectives risk factors for progression and
guidelines for monitoring and management. LEUKEMIA, 2010. 24:11211127. I.F.:8,30.
5 Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E,
Chanan-Khan A, Leung N, Ludwig H,
Jagannath S, Niesvizky R, Giralt S,
Fermand JP, Blade J, Comenzo RL,
Sezer O, Palumbo A, Harousseau JL,
Richardson PG, Barlogie B, Anderson
KC, Sonneveld P, Tosi P, Cavo M,
Rajkumar SV, Durie BGM, SanMiguel
J. Renal Impairment in Patients With
Multiple Myeloma: A Consensus Statement on Behalf of the International
Myeloma Working Group. J CLIN ONCOL, 2010. 28:4976-4984. I.F.:17,79.
7 Delforge M, Blade J, Dimopoulos
MA, Facon T, Kropff M, Ludwig H, Palumbo A, VanDamme P, San-Miguel JF,
Sonneveld P. Treatment-related peripheral neuropathy in multiple myeloma: the
challenge continues. LANCET ONCOL,
2010. 11:1086-1095. I.F.:14,47.
I.F.: 27,75
1 Montserrat E. Advances in Biology and Therapy of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Preface. BEST PRACT
RES CL HA, 2010. 23:1-2. I.F.:3,13.
2 Moreno C, Montserrat E. Genetic lesions in chronic lymphocytic
leukemia: what’s ready for prime
2010. 95:12-15. I.F.:6,42.
3 lade J, Rosinol L, Cibeira MT,
DeLarrea CF. How to Treat Multiple
Myeloma: Thoughts on a Multicentre
Survey in Germany. ONKOLOGIE,
2010. 33:577-578. I.F.:1,23.
4 Blade J, Cibeira MT, Rosinol L.
Novel drugs for the treatment of multiple myeloma. HAEMATOL-HEMATOL J, 2010. 95:702-704. I.F.:6,42.
5 Blade J, Rosinol L. Refining “total therapy” for myeloma. BLOOD,
2010. 115:4152-4153. I.F.:10,56.
Oncology and haematology
Hematological oncology
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 4,15
I.F.: 51,46
1 Garcia-Sanz R, Alegre A, Capote
FJ, Hernandez JM, Rosinol L, DeLaRubia J, Sureda A, DeArriba F, Bargay
J, Mediavilla JD, Garcia-Larana J,
Lahuerta JJ, Mateos MV, Prosper F,
Miguel JS, Blade J. Guidelines for the
use of bisphosphonates in multiple
myeloma: Recommendations of the
expert committee of the Spanish
Myeloma Group from the PETHEMA
2010. 134:268-278. I.F.:1,23.
2 Palumbo A, Davies F, Kropff M,
Blade J, Delforge M, DaCosta FL,
Sanz RG, Schey S, Facon T, Morgan G,
Moreau P. Consensus guidelines for
the optimal management of adverse
events in newly diagnosed, transplantineligible patients receiving melphalan
and prednisone in combination with
thalidomide (MPT) for the treatment
of multiple myeloma. ANN HEMATOL,
2010. 89:803-811. I.F.:2,92.
Hudson TJ, Anderson W, Aretz A,
Barker AD, Bell C, et al. International
network of cancer genome projects. NATURE, 2010. 464:993-998.
2 Oriol A, Vives S, Hernandez-Rivas
JM, Tormo M, Heras I, Rivas C,
Bethencourt C, Moscardo F, Bueno
J, Grande C, DelPotro E, Guardia R,
Brunet S, Bergua J, Bernal T, Moreno MJ, Calvo C, Bastida P, Feliu E,
Ribera JM. Outcome after relapse of
acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adult
patients included in four consecutive
risk-adapted trials by the PETHEMA
J, 2010. 95:589-596. I.F.:6,42.
3 Sanz MA, Montesinos P, Rayon C,
Holowiecka A, DeLaSerna J, Milone
G, DeLisa E, Brunet S, Rubio V, Ribera JM, Rivas C, Krsnik I, Bergua J,
Gonzalez J, Diaz-Mediavilla J, Rojas
R, Manso F, Ossenkoppele G, Gonzalez JD, Lowenberg B. Risk-adapted
treatment of acute promyelocytic
leukemia based on all-trans retinoic
acid and anthracycline with addition
of cytarabine in consolidation therapy for high-risk patients: further
improvements in treatment outcome. BLOOD, 2010. 115:5137-5146.
Grants for research
in progress
Cervantes F. European Treatment
and Outcome Study for CML.
Sponsored by: European Comission
(European LeukemiaNet), 07/350.
Amount: 90.000,00 euros. Duration:
Cervantes F. Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad
y Consumo, RD06/0020/0004.
Amount: 34.800,00 euros. Duration:
Blade J. Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer.
CARLOS III, RD06/0020/0005.
Amount: 181.999,51 euros. Duration:
Montserrat E. Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad
y Consumo, RD06/0020/0051.
Amount: 313.946,32 euros. Duration:
Montserrat E. Diseño de un sistema
clínico-biológico para el pronóstico
de los pacientes con leucemia
linfática crónica (LLC). Sponsored
by: Instituto Carlos III- Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación, PI080304.
Amount: 225.786,00 euros. Duration:
Oncology and haematology
Hematological oncology
Team Members
Montserrat E. Grup de Recerca
Consolidat: Unitat Clínico-Biològica
per a l’estudi de limfomes i síndromes
limproliferatives. Sponsored by:
Generalitat de Catalunya. Ajuts
a grups de recerca, SGR 1008.
Amount: 43.680,00 euros. Duration:
Montserrat E. Unitat Clínico-biològica
per l’Estudi de Limfomes i Síndromes
Limfoproliferatives. Sponsored by:
2009_SGR_1008. Amount: 43.680,00
euros. Duration: 23/09/200931/12/2013.
Blade J. Impacto de la variabilidad
genética individual mediante el análisis
de single neucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPS) en la respuesta al tratamiento
en el mieloma múltiple. Sponsored
by: Instituto Carlos III- Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación, PI080147.
Amount: 11.400,00 euros. Duration:
Esteve J. Generación de un índice
pronóstico molecular en los enfermos
con LMA de riego citogenético
intermedio: análisis de mutaciones,
nivel de expresión génico y patrón
de expresión microRNA. Sponsored
by: Instituto Carlos III- Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación, PI080158.
Amount: 138.908,00 euros. Duration:
Bosch F. Biología y valor pronóstico
del compartimento celular proliferante
en la leucemia linfática crónica.
Sponsored by: Instituto Carlos IIIMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación,
PI080211. Amount: 228.811,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Lopez A. Estudio de la expresión
de las citoquinas y receptores de
citoquinas en los diferentes tipos de
linfomas T periféricos. Correlación con
los perfiles genotípicos y significado
clinicopatológico. Sponsored by:
Instituto Carlos III. Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación, PI070409.
Amount: 193.963,00 euros. Duration:
Bosch F. Estudi del fenomen de
la transformació histològica en
síndromes limfoproliferatives
indolents. PhD student: Eva Giné
Cervantes F. Vacunas con células
dendríticas y pépticos en el
tratamiento de las enfermedades
neoplásicas. PhD student: Marta
Gomez Nuñez.
Team envolved in:
Oncology and haematology
Red temática de investigación
cooperativa de cáncer
Physiopathology and molecular bases
in hematology
Group Members
Dolors Colomer
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
(Ext.: 2269)
Fax: 93 227 55 72
[email protected]
Idibaps members:
Josep Lluís Aguilar (Hospital Clínic)
Marta Aymerich (Hospital Clínic)
Teresa Estrach (Hospital Clínic)
Gael Roue (Fundació Clínic)
Maria Rozman (Hospital Clínic)
Neus Villamor (Hospital Clínic)
Joan Lluís Vives Corrons (Hospital Clínic)
Patricia Pérez Galán (IDIBAPS)
Epidemiological, genetic, molecular and
physiopathological study of malignant
hematological diseases and erythrocyte
Main Lines
of Research
1. Molecular bases of apoptosis
regulation induced by drugs in
lymphoid neoplasms. Evaluation of
new strategies for the treatment of
these disorders.
2. Cytological, immunophenotypic
and molecular study of malignant
hematological diseases.
Development of new technologies
for the diagnosis and follow-up of
minimum residual disease.
3. Promotion of cooperative strategies
in the molecular diagnostic setting of
leukemias and lymphomas.
4. Design and implementation of
internal and external quality control
5. Cutaneous T and B cell lymphomas.
Clinical, histopathological and
immunophenotypic study. Prognostic
factors and epidemiology.
6. Molecular study of the congenital
alterations of erythrocytes and of
the physiopathological mechanisms
intervening in the production and
destruction of erythrocytes as a
cause of anemia or erythrocytosis.
7. Genetic and epidemiological
study of hemoglobin diseases and
Postdoctoral fellows:
Mónica Lopez (Hospital Clínic, RTICC)
Ifigènia Saborit (IDIBAPS)
Maria del Mar Mañu (ENERCA)
Research Fellows:
Laia Rosich (IDIBAPS)
Silvia Xargay (Ministerio Ciencia e Innovacion)
Roser Mas (Fundació Clínic)
Arnau Montraveta (FPI, MICINN)
Laura Olaya (ENERCA)
Sandra Cabezas (Fundació Clínic)
Laura Jimenez (IDIBAPS, RTICC)
Jocabed Roldan (IDIBAPS, RTICC)
Synergism between GX15-070, a BCL-2 protein inhibitor, and
bortezomib, a proteosome inhibitor in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).
A) Primary cells of MCL affected patients
were incubated with 5 or 10 nM of bortezomib and different doses
of GX15-070 (0.1-1 mM) during 18 hours. Cytotoxicity was evaluated
by flow cytometry, using annexin V-APC labelling. The associated
arrows indicate similar cytotoxicities (cases 4 and 7). The arrows
in cases 2 and 9 indicate that incubation with GX15-070 sensitizes
the cells to bortezomib. B) Analysis of the expression of Mcl-1, Bak
and Noxa via western blot after incubation for 18 h with GX15-070
1 mM and/or bortezomib 5 nM. C) Immunoprecipitation with Mcl-1
and posterior development with Bak and Noxa in cells treated with
GX15-070 1 mM and/or bortezomib 5 nM during 5 hours.
Oncology and haematology
Physiopathology and molecular bases
in hematology
Team Members
I.F.: 78,59
1 Arostegui JI, Saldana MDL, Pascal M, Clemente D, Aymerich M, Balaguer F, Goel A, DelCastillo CF, Rius
J, Plaza S, Robledillo JCL, Juan M,
Ibanez M, Yague J. A Somatic NLRP3
Mutation as a Cause of a Sporadic
Case of Chronic Infantile Neurologic,
Cutaneous, Articular Syndrome/
Neonatal-Onset Multisystem Inflammatory Disease Novel Evidence of
the Role of Low-Level Mosaicism
as the Pathophysiologic Mechanism
62:1158-1166. I.F.:7,33.
2 Fernandez V, Salamero O, Espinet B, Sole F, Royo C, Navarro
A, Camacho F, Bea S, Hartmann E,
Amador V, Hernandez L, Agostinelli
C, Sargent RL, Rozman M, Aymerich
M, Colomer D, Villamor N, Swerdlow
SH, Pileri SA, Bosch F, Piris MA,
Montserrat E, Ott G, Rosenwald A,
Lopez-Guillermo A, Jares P, Serrano
S, Campo E. Genomic and Gene
Expression Profiling Defines Indolent
Forms of Mantle Cell Lymphoma.
CANCER RES, 2010. 70:1408-1418.
3 Gutierrez-Garcia G, Colomo L,
Villamor N, Arenillas L, Martinez A,
Cardesa T, Garcia-Herrera A, Setoain
X, Rodriguez S, Ghita G, Abrisqueta P,
Gine E, Bosch F, Campo E, Montserrat E, Lopez-Guillermo A. Clinico-biological characterization and outcome
of primary nodal and extranodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the rituximab era. LEUKEMIA LYMPHOMA,
2010. 51:1225-1232. I.F.:2,40.
4 Costa D, Valera S, Carrio A, Arias
8 Diaz-Beya M, Rozman M, Pratco-
A, Munoz C, Rozman M, Belkaid M,
Coutinho R, Nomdedeu B, Campo
E. Do we need to do fluorescence in
situ hybridization analysis in myelodysplastic syndromes as often as we
do?. LEUKEMIA RES, 2010. 34:14371441. I.F.:2,36.
rona M, Torrebadell M, Camos M,
Aguilar JLI, Esteve J. The prognostic
value of multilineage dysplasia in de
novo acute myeloid leukemia patients
with intermediate-risk cytogenetics is
dependent on NPM1 mutational status. BLOOD, 2010. 116:6147-6148.
5 Gine E, Martinez A, Villamor N,
Lopez-Guillermo A, Camos M, Martinez D, Esteve J, Calvo X, Muntanola
A, Abrisqueta P, Rozman M, Rozman
C, Bosch F, Campo E, Montserrat E.
Expanded and highly active proliferation centers identify a histological
subtype of chronic lymphocytic
leukemia (“accelerated” chronic lymphocytic leukemia) with aggressive
clinical behavior. HAEMATOL-HEMATOL J, 2010. 95:1526-1533. I.F.:6,42.
6 DeLarrea CF, Rosinol L, Cibeira
MT, Rozman M, Rovira M, Blade J.
Extensive soft-tissue involvement by
plasmablastic myeloma arising from
displaced humeral fractures. EUR
J HAEMATOL, 2010. 85:448-451.
7 Cervantes F, Lopez-Garrido P,
Montero MI, Jonte F, Martinez J,
Hernandez-Boluda JC, Calbacho M,
Sureda A, Perez-Rus G, Nieto JB, Perez-Lopez C, Roman-Gomez J, Gonzalez M, Pereira A, Colomer D. Early
intervention during imatinib therapy
in patients with newly diagnosed
chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia: a study of the Spanish PETHEMA group. HAEMATOL-HEMATOL J,
2010. 95:1317-1324. I.F.:6,42.
9 Lopez-Royuela N, Perez-Galan
P, Galan-Malo P, Yuste VJ, Anel A,
Susin SA, Naval J, Marzo I. Different
contribution of BH3-only proteins
and caspases to doxorubicin-induced
apoptosis in p53-deficient leukemia
2010. 79:1746-1758. I.F.:4,25.
Gulbis B, Eleftheriou A, Angastiniotis M, Ball S, Surralles J, Castella
M, Heimpel H, Hill A, Corrons JLV.
Epidemiology of Rare Anaemias in
Europe. ADV EXP MED BIOL, 2010.
686:375-396. I.F.:2,02.
White HE, Matejtschuk P,
Rigsby P, Gabert J, Lin F, Wang YL,
Branford S, Muller MC, Beaufils N,
Beillard E, Colomer D, Dvorakova
D, Ehrencrona H, Goh HG, ElHousni
H, Jones D, Kairisto V, Kamel-Reid
S, Kim DW, Langabeer S, Ma ESK,
Press RD, Romeo G, Wang LH, Zoi
K, Hughes T, Saglio G, Hochhaus
A, Goldman JM, Metcalfe P, Cross
NCP. Establishment of the first World
Health Organization International
Genetic Reference Panel for quantitation of BCR-ABL mRNA. BLOOD,
2010. 116:E111-E117. I.F.:10,56.
Muniesa C, Estrach T, Pujol
RM, Gallardo F, Garcia-Muret P, Climent J, Servitje O. Folliculotropic
mycosis fungoides: Clinicopathological features and outcome in a series
of 20 cases. J AM ACAD DERMATOL, 2010. 62:418-426. I.F.:4,11.
Oncology and haematology
Physiopathology and molecular bases in hematology
13 Mollinedo F, DeLaIglesia-Vicente J, Gajate C, DeMendoza AEH,
Villa-Pulgarin JA, DeFrias M, Roue
G, Gil J, Colomer D, Campanero MA,
Blanco-Prieto MJ. In vitro and In vivo
Selective Antitumor Activity of Edelfosine against Mantle Cell Lymphoma
and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Involving Lipid Rafts. CLIN CANCER
RES, 2010. 16:2046-2054. I.F.:6,75.
Salgado R, Servitje O, Gallardo
F, Vermeer MH, Ortiz-Romero PL,
Karpova MB, Zipser MC, Muniesa C,
Garcia-Muret MP, Estrach T, Salido
M, Sanchez-Schmidt J, Herrera M,
Romagosa V, Suela J, Ferreira BI,
Cigudosa JC, Barranco C, Serrano
S, Dummer R, Tensen CP, Sole F,
Pujol RM, Espinet B. Oligonucleotide Array-CGH Identifies Genomic
Subgroups and Prognostic Markers
for Tumor Stage Mycosis Fungoides. J INVEST DERMATOL, 2010.
130:1126-1135. I.F.:5,54.
I.F.: 7,64
1 Saborit-Villarroya I, Roue G,
Lopez-Guerra M, Alonso R, XargayTorrent S, Rosich L, Colomer D.
Cell Death Targeting Therapies in
B Lymphoid Malignancies. CURR
DRUG TARGETS, 2010. 11:769-780.
2 Lopez-Guerra M, Colomer D.
NF-kappa B as a therapeutic target
in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. EXPERT OPIN THER TAR, 2010. 14:275288. I.F.:3,71.
Grants for research
in progress
Aymerich M. Desarrollo de un
biobanco para muestras biológicas
prospectivas de pacientes oncológicos
como soporte a la investigación
biomédica. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, PI070301.
Amount: 153.428,00 euros. Duration:
Colomer D. Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad
y Consumo, RD06/0020/0014.
Amount: 127.900,46 euros. Duration:
Colomer D. Utilización de terapias
selectivas contra rutas de señalización
desreguladas en neoplasias linfoides.
Mecanismos de acción y estrategias
de sensibilización. Sponsored by:
SAF2009_09503. Amount: 254.100,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Vives JL. Creation of a catalan
network for the diagnosis and clinical
management of rare anemias due
to major haemoglobinopathies.
Sponsored by: FUNDACIÓ LA
MARATÓ DE TV3, 101730. Amount:
168.795,00 euros. Duration:
Vives JL. European Reference
Network of Expert Centres in Rare
Anaemias . Sponsored by: European
Commission- Executive Agency for
Health and Consumers, 2008 12
10. Amount: 1.193.799,97 euros.
Duration: 01/06/2009-31/05/2012.
Colomer D. Dianes terapèutiques i
noves tècniques diagnòstiques en
neoplasies limfoides. Sponsored
by: Generalitat de Catalunya, 2009_
SGR_967. Amount: 43.680,00 euros.
Duration: 15/09/2009-31/12/2013.
Roue G. Identificación de nuevas
dianas terapéuticas para mejorar
la actividad de VELCADE TM en
el linfoma de células del manto.
Sponsored by: ISCIII, CP07/00072.
Amount: 42.000,00 euros. Duration:
Roue G. Identificación de nuevas
dianas terapéuticas para mejorar la
actividad del velcade en el linfoma
de células del manto. Sponsored by:
PI09/0060. Amount: 99.825,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2012.
Team envolved in:
Oncology and haematology
Determinantes genéticos y ambientales
de la disfunción vascular (HERACLES)
Hemotherapy – hemostasis
Group Members
Ginés Escolar
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 00
(Ext.: 2306)
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Antonio Ordinas (Hospital Clínic)
Maribel Díaz-Ricart (Hospital Clínic)
Ana M. Galán (Fundació Clínic)
Pablo García de Frutos (CSIC)
Miquel Lozano (Hospital Clínic)
Anna M. Merino (Hospital Clínic)
Joan Monteagudo (Hospital Clínic)
Arturo Pereira (Hospital Clínic)
Juan Carles Reverter (Hospital Clínic)
Cristina Ch. Sanz (Hospital Clínic)
M. Dolors Tàssies (Hospital Clínic)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Irene López-Vilchez (IDIBAPS)
Research Fellows:
Marta Palomo de Udaeta (Fundació Clínic)
Carolina Caballo Gordillo (Fundació Clínic)
Main Lines
of Research
1. Study of the basic mechanisms
regulating blood cell function and of
the interactions between such cells,
with the vascular wall, and with other
2. Evaluation of congenital and acquired
defects in hemostasis and their
pharmacological and/or transfusional
3. Laboratory characterization of
bleeding and thrombotic phenotypes
and genotypes.
4. Analysis of the efficacy and safety
of new strategies for sparing blood
component transfusions.
5. Development and evaluation of
the efficacy of synthetic platelet
6. Characterization of animal models of
hemostasis, preferentially in mice.
1. Study of the mechanisms involved
in the development of bleeding and
thrombotic disorders. Proteomic
study for determining the changes
in the vascular system and in the
different blood cells in thrombotic
and bleeding disorders.
2. Evaluation of the physiological
and pathological implications of
circulating and/or intraplatelet tissue
factor in atherothrombosis.
3. Characterization of endothelial
dysfunction as a common factor in
the development of complications
associated with multiple diseases.
A physiological, biochemical and
proteomic approach.
4. New therapeutic measures
in autoimmune diseases of a
fundamentally humoral character.
Incompatible ABO kidney
transplantation as a model.
5. Evaluation of the participation
of serotoninergic and purinergic
mechanisms in platelet function.
Study of the antithrombotic potential
of pharmacological inhibitors.
6. Role of the phenotype/genotype of
fibrinolysis and its repercussions
upon global or specific functional
tests in hemorrhagic and thrombotic
7. Study of the GAS6 vitamin
K-dependent protein in hemostasis
and the vascular wall, using knockout
mice for this gene.
Marc Pino (Hospital Clínic)
Patricia Molina Moreno (Fundació Clínic)
Rosa Brugués (Hospital Clínic)
Gabriela Gutiérrez (Hospital Clínic)
M.Rosa Hernández (Fundació Clínic)
Josep M. Jou (Hospital Clínic)
Begoña Hurtado Villarejo (JAEDOC-CSIC)
Cristina Aresté (JAEDOC-CSIC)
Joan Cid Vidal (Hospital Clínic)
Eduardo Arellano Rodrigo (Hospital Clínic)
Ultrastructural studies of washed platelets exposed to microvesicles rich
in FT (MV-FT). A) Resting platelets. B) After the first minute of activation
with MV-FT, the latter are found in different sizes within the open platelet
canalicular system (arrow), and platelet activation is observed with loss of
shape and signs of partial degranulation. C) After 5 minutes, the platelets
return to their resting state, but retain the internalized MV-FT.
Oncology and haematology
Hemotherapy – hemostasis
I.F.: 93,91
Martinez-Zamora MA, Tassies
D, Carmona F, Espinosa G, Cerverac R, Reverter JC, Balasch J. Clot
lysis time and thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor in severe
preeclampsia with or without
associated antiphospholipid antibodies. J REPROD IMMUNOL, 2010.
86:133-140. I.F.:2,52.
Smithson A, Perello R, Aibar
J, Espinosa G, Tassies D, Freire
C, Castro P, Suarez B, Lozano F,
Nicolas JM. Genotypes Coding for
Low Serum Levels of MannoseBinding Lectin Are Underrepresented among Individuals Suffering
from Noninfectious Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.
17:447-453. I.F.:2,37.
Basora M, Pereira A, Soriano A,
Martinez-Pastor JC, Sanchez-Etayo
G, Tio M, Salazar F. Allogeneic
blood transfusion does not increase the risk of wound infection in
total knee arthroplasty. VOX SANG,
2010. 98:124-129. I.F.:2,59.
Rigol M, Solanes N, Farre J,
Roura S, Roque M, Berruezo A,
Bellera N, Novensa L, Beng DT,
Prat-Vidal C, Huzman MA, Batlle
M, Hoefsloot M, Sitges M, Ramirez J, Dantas AP, Merino A,
Sanz G, Brugada J, Bayes-Genis
A, Heras M. Effects of Adipose
Tissue-Derived Stem Cell Therapy
After Myocardial Infarction: Impact
of the Route of Administration.
J CARD FAIL, 2010. 16:357-366.
Diaz-Ricart M, Brunso L, Pino
M, Navalon F, Jou JM, Heras M,
White JG, Escolar G. Preanalytical
treatment of EDTA-anticoagulated
blood to ensure stabilization of the
mean platelet volume and component measured with the ADVIA
counters. THROMB RES, 2010.
126:E30-E35. I.F.:2,41.
Oppenheimer F, Revuelta I, Serra
N, Lozano M, Gutierrez-Dalmau A,
Esforzado N, Cofan F, Ricart MJ,
Torregrosa JV, Crespo M, Paredes
D, Martorell J, Alcaraz A, Campistol
JM. ABO incompatible living donor
kidney transplantation: a dream come
true. Experience of Hospital Clinic
of Barcelona. NEFROLOGIA, 2010.
30:54-63. I.F.:0,53.
Martinez-Zamora MA, Creus
M, Tassies D, Bove A, Reverter JC,
Carmona F, Balasch J. Thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor and clot
lysis time in women with recurrent
miscarriage associated with the antiphospholipid syndrome. FERTIL STERIL, 2010. 94:2437-2440. I.F.:3,97.
Llacuna L, Barcena C, BellidoMartin L, Fernandez L, Stefanovic M,
Mari M, Garcia-Ruiz C, FernandezCheca JC, DeFrutos PG, Morales A.
Growth Arrest-Specific Protein 6 Is
Hepatoprotective Against Murine
Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. HEPATOLOGY, 2010. 52:1371-1379.
Gomez-Gil E, Navines R, DeOsaba MJM, Diaz-Ricart M, Escolar G,
Salamero M, Martin-Santos R, Galan
A, Gasto C. Hormonal responses
to the 5-HT1A agonist buspirone in
remitted endogenous depressive
patients after long-term imipramine
treatment. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO, 2010. 35:481-489. I.F.:4,19.
Moreno C, Hodgson K, Ferrer
G, Elena M, Filella X, Pereira A,
Baumann T, Montserrat E. Autoimmune cytopenia in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: prevalence, clinical
associations, and prognostic significance. BLOOD, 2010. 116:47714776. I.F.:10,56.
11 Palomo M, Diaz-Ricart M,
Carbo C, Rovira M, Fernandez-Aviles
F, Martine C, Ghita G, Escolar G,
Carreras E. Endothelial Dysfunction
after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Role of the Conditioning
Regimen and the Type of Transplantation. BIOL BLOOD MARROW TR,
2010. 16:985-993. I.F.:3,15.
Carreras E, Fernandez-Aviles
F, Silva L, Guerrero M, DeLarrea
CF, Martinez C, Rosinol L, Lozano
M, Marin P, Rovira M. Engraftment
syndrome after auto-SCT: analysis
of diagnostic criteria and risk factors in a large series from a single
center. BONE MARROW TRANSPL, 2010. 45:1417-1422. I.F.:3,00.
DeLarrea CF, Martinez C,
Gaya A, Lopez-Guillermo A, Rovira
M, Fernandez-Aviles F, Lozano M,
Bosch F, Esteve J, Nomdedeu B,
Montserrat E, Carreras E. Salvage
chemotherapy with alternating
MINE-ESHAP regimen in relapsed
or refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma
followed by autologous stem-cell
transplantation. ANN ONCOL,
2010. 21:1211-1216. I.F.:5,65.
Cervantes F, Lopez-Garrido
P, Montero MI, Jonte F, Martinez
J, Hernandez-Boluda JC, Calbacho
M, Sureda A, Perez-Rus G, Nieto
JB, Perez-Lopez C, Roman-Gomez
J, Gonzalez M, Pereira A, Colomer
D. Early intervention during imatinib therapy in patients with newly
Oncology and haematology
Hemotherapy – hemostasis
Team Members
diagnosed chronic-phase chronic
myeloid leukemia: a study of the
Spanish PETHEMA group. HAEMATOL-HEMATOL J, 2010. 95:13171324. I.F.:6,42.
Alvarez-Larran A, Cervantes
F, Pereira A, Arellano-Rodrigo E,
Perez-Andreu V, Hernandez-Boluda
JC, Ayats R, Salvador C, Muntanola
A, Bellosillo B, Vicente V, Hernandez-Nieto L, Burgaleta C, Xicoy
B, Besses C. Observation versus
antiplatelet therapy as primary
prophylaxis for thrombosis in lowrisk essential thrombocythemia.
BLOOD, 2010. 116:1205-1210.
Hurtado B, Abasolo N,
Munoz X, Garcia N, Benavente Y,
Rubio F, DeFrutos PG, Krupinski
J, Sala N. Association study between polymorphims in GAS6-TAM
genes and carotid atherosclerosis.
104:592-598. I.F.:4,45.
Reesink HW, Panzer S,
Mcquilten ZK, Wood EM, Marks
C, Wendel S, Trigo F, Biagini S,
Olyntho S, Devine DV, Mumford I,
Cazenave JP, Rasongles P, Garraud
O, Richard P, Schooneman F, Vezon
G, AlRadwan R, Brand A, Hervig
T, Castro E, Lozano M, Navarro L,
Puig L, Almazan C, Maclennan S,
Cardigan R, Franklin IM, Prowse
C. Pathogen inactivation of platelet
concentrates. VOX SANG, 2010.
99:85-95. I.F.:2,59.
Pellitero S, Reverter JL, Tassies D, Pizarro E, Monteagudo J,
Salinas I, Aguilera E, Sanmarti A,
Reverter JC. Polymorphisms in platelet glycoproteins Ia and IIIa are
associated with arterial thrombosis
and carotid atherosclerosis in type
2 diabetes. THROMB HAEMOSTASIS, 2010. 103:630-637. I.F.:4,45.
Lozano M, Heddle N, Williamson LM, Wang G, Aubuchon
JP, Dumont LJ. Practices associated with ABO-incompatible platelet
transfusions: a BEST Collaborative
international survey. TRANSFUSION, 2010. 5:1743-1748. I.F.:2,98.
Tadokoro K, Reesink HW,
Panzer S, Chabanel A, Santailler
G, Guerin T, Socquet D, David B,
Labrune JL, Lin CK, Tsoi WC, Letowska M, Antoniewicz-Papis J,
Naniewicz J, Dudziak K, Lachert E,
Lozano M, Schneider K, Snyder EL,
Champion MH. Problems with irradiators. VOX SANG, 2010. 98:7884. I.F.:2,59.
Sanz C, Ghita G, Franquet C,
Martinez I, Pereira A. Red-bloodcell alloimmunization and female
sex predict the presence of HLA
antibodies in patients undergoing
liver transplant. VOX SANG, 2010.
99:261-266. I.F.:2,59.
Brunso L, Segura D, Monreal
L, Escolar G, White JG, Diaz-Ricart
M. The secretory mechanisms in
equine platelets are independent
of cytoskeletal polymerization and
occur through membrane fusion.
PLATELETS, 2010. 21:658-666.
I.F.: 7,91
Beya MD, Pereira A, Merino
A. Erythrophagocytosis in cold
agglutinin disease. TRANSFUSION,
2010. 50:2310-2310. I.F.:2,98.
Hurtado B, DeFrutos PG. GAS6
in systemic inflammatory diseases:
with and without infection. CRIT
CARE, 2010. 14:-. I.F.:4,93.
I.F.: 2,98
Cazenave JP, Follea G, Bardiaux L, Boiron JM, Lafeuillade B,
Debost M, Lioure B, Harousseau
JL, Tabrizi R, Cahn JY, Michallet M,
Ambruso D, Schots R, Tissot JD,
Sensebe L, Kondo T, Mccullough
J, Rebulla P, Escolar G, Mintz P,
Heddle NM, Goodrich RP, Bruhwyler J, Le C, Cook RJ, Stouch
B. A randomized controlled clinical
trial evaluating the performance
and safety of platelets treated
with MIRASOL pathogen reduction technology. TRANSFUSION.
50:2362-2375. I.F.:2,98.
Oncology and haematology
Hemotherapy – hemostasis
Grants for research
in progress
Reverter JC. Cancer y
Tromboembolismo: Importancia de la
generación de trombina relacionada
con las micropartículas procoagulantes
circulantes y los polimorfirmos de las
mismas en el desarrollo de trombosis
en los pacientes de cancer. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
PI070387. Amount: 106.480,00 euros.
Duration: 26/11/2007-30/12/2010.
Galan A. Desarrollo de preparaciones
con actividad hemostática como
alternativa a la transfusión plaquetaria
y al tratamiento procoagulante.
Sponsored by: Ministerio de
Educación y Ciencia, PET2007-0169.
Amount: 147.015,00 euros. Duration:
Escolar G. Red HERACLES:
Determinantes genéticos y
ambientales de la disfunción
vascular. Sponsored by: Instituto de
Salud Carlos III, RD06/0009/1003.
Amount: 40.133,94 euros. Duration:
Escolar G. Desarrollo de modelos de
coagulopatía dilucional y evaluación
comparativa de eficacia correctora con
distintos concentrados de factores
de la coagulación. Sponsored by:
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación,
PET2008-0231. Amount: 77.440,00
euros. Duration: 01/03/200928/02/2011.
García P. Mecanismos de activación
plaquetar en la interacción plaquetaendotelio. Sponsored by: Ministerio
de Educación y Ciencia. Programa
Nacional de Biología Fundamental,
BFU2007-61699/BFI. Amount:
142.780,00 euros. Duration:
Marin PJ. Adaptación de la zona
blanca del Hospital Clínic de
Barcelona a las Normas de Correcta
Fabricación de Medicamentos de Uso
Humano. Sponsored by: Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación, PLE09-135 .
Amount: 360.000,00 euros. Duration:
Galan A. El sistema serotoninérgico:
una concexión entre los mecanismos
de la depresión mayor, la inflamación
y el riesgo cardiovascular. Sponsored
III, PI09/0664. Amount: 79.860,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Escolar G. Papel de Los receptores
ligados a proteína G y los mecanismos
de señalización mediados por kinasas
en la internalización y expresión
del factor tisular por plaquetas:
Implicaciones en la trombogénesis.
Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE
EDUCACIÓN, SAF2009_10365.
Amount: 145.200,01 euros. Duration:
García P. Thrombus stabilization
as therapeutic target: from in vitro
studies to animal models. Sponsored
by: Fundació Marató de TV3, 0000.
Amount: 291.125,00 euros. Duration:
Team envolved in:
Oncology and haematology
Red temática de investigación
cooperativa de cáncer
Molecular and translational oncology
Group Members
Dr. Pere Gascón Vilaplana
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 02
Fax: 93 454 65 20
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Juan José Grau (Hospital Clínic)
Joan Maurel (Hospital Clínic)
Begoña Mellado (Hospital Clínic)
Núria Viñolas (Hospital Clínic)
Cristina Nadal (Hospital Clínic)
Reguart, Noemí (Hospital Clínic)
Muñoz, Montserrat (Hospital Clínic)
Vanessa Almendro (IDIBAPS)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Anna Vidal (Fundació Clínic)
Raquel Longarón (Fundació Clínic)
Eva Maria Pastor (Fundació Clínic)
Mireia Parés Guerrero (Fundació Clínic)
Laia Viñals Galí (Fundació Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Àngels Olivera (Hospital Clínic)
Administrative Staff:
Marta Digón (Hospital Clínic)
Elisabet Ametller (Fundació Clínic)
Jordi Codony (Fundació Clínic)
Susana Garcia Recio (Fundació Clínic)
Cristina Mayordomo (Fundació Bosch
i Gimpera)
Mercedes Marin (Fundació Clínic)
Laura Vidal (Hospital Clínic)
Laura Visa (Hospital Clínic, Emili Letang)
Xabier García-Albéniz (Hospital Clínic,
Josep Font)
Estela Pineda (Hospital Clínic, Emili Letang)
Jordi Alcaraz (Unitat Biofísica i
Bioenginyeria, UB)
Ana Arance (Hospital Clínic)
The strategic objectives of the laboratory
are centered in three fields:
1. A purely scientific area corresponding
to the consolidation of the
investigational lines and groups
that work in each of them.
2. A second area corresponding to the
obtainment of aids and funding for
research, in order to ensure the good
functioning of the laboratory.
3. A third area established in recent
years aims to expand the
laboratory - this process being
completed this year with the transfer
to the new CEK Building. This
will make it possible to contract
new investigators needed for the
laboratory research objectives.
The first of the mentioned areas
(scientific) comprises a qualitative
and quantitative increase in scientific
production. In particular, the colorectal
and breast cancer stem cell lines are in
their early stages.
Both the subject and the quality of
research can attract investigators
interested in a stay, in preparing a
doctoral thesis, or in becoming part
of the laboratory personnel. In this
sense we have incorporated three new
biologists into the group.
As regards the second area (funding
of research), we must continue with
the same criterion established years
ago in order to ensure the continuity of
all the research lines and facilitate the
recruitment/contracting of new personnel
members. At present, the laboratory
has four FISS grants (2007, 2008, 2009,
2009), Networks funding from the Carlos
III Institute, three aids from the Spanish
Association Against Cancer (2007, 2008,
2009), and different research grants from
the CELLEX Foundation.
Main Lines
of Research
1. Tumor chemoresistance
1.1. Resistance mechanisms in
colorectal cancer linked to the
Oncology and haematology
Molecular and translational oncology
extrinsic apoptotic pathway, in
vitro and in vivo (Joan Maurel).
1.2. Change in Fas receptor signaling
during the acquisition of
chemoresistance in colon cancer
(Vanessa Almendro; Susana
Garcia; Elisabet Ametller).
1.3. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition
and resistance to chemotherapy
(Elisabet Ametller; Vanessa
Almendro; Cristina Mayordomo).
1.4. Resistance to antitumor drugs in
head and neck cancer (Principal
investigator: Juan J. Grau.
Collaborators: Carmen Muñoz;
Miguel Caballero; Andrea
Tagliapietra; Mariano Monzó).
1.5. Electrochemotherapy in solid
tumors. Study of electroporation.
(Principal investigator: Juan J.
Grau. Collaborators: Carmen
Muñoz; Miguel Caballero.
1.6. Implication of IGF-1R and MMP-7
in the mechanisms of resistance
to chemotherapy and antibodies
against tyrosine kinase receptors.
Therapeutic strategies for the
reversal of chemoresistance
(IDIBAPS: Joan Maurel; Jordi
Codony; Mercedes Marín.
Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital:
Albert Abad; Eva Martínez; Anna
1.7. Characterization of the role
of MMP-7 in resistance to
bevacizumab in colon cancer
(Joan Maurel; Estela Pineda;
Jordi Codony; Mercedes Marín;
Cristobal Mezquita; Jovita
Mezquita; Betlem Mezquita).
1.8. Platform in orthotopic murine
platforms characterized by the
study of new drugs in pancreatic
cancer (IDIBAPS: Joan Maurel;
Pere Gascón; Salvador Navarro;
David Fuster; Rosa Miquel; Jordi
Codony. University of Barcelona:
Adela Mazo; Sandra Pérez-Torras;
Anna Vidal-Pla; Nerea Urtasun.
CETIR: Yolanda González;Ignasi
2. Stem cells, microenvironment and
mechanisms of metastasis.
2.1. Implications of substance P in
the regulation of avb3 and a5b1
in breast cancer cell lines (Pere
Gascón; Vanessa Almendro;
Susana Garcia).
2.2. Interaction between GPCRs and
RTKs (Vanessa Almendro; Elisabet
Ametller; Susana Garcia).
2.3. Role of the PPT-I gene in the
metastatic process (Pere Gascón;
Vanessa Almendro; Cristina
Mayordomo; Elisabet Ametller).
2.4. Pre-angiogenic micrometastases of
circulating cells (Cristina Nadal).
2.5. Mechanisms of liver metastasis in
colorectal cancer (Cristina Nadal).
Pharmacodynamic studies and
prediction of therapeutic response.
3.1. Predictive and pharmacodynamic
study of the response to
neoadjuvant chemotherapy in
prostate cancer. (Begoña Mellado).
3.2. Mechanisms and markers of
chemoresistance in prostate
cancer. Therapeutic strategies for
the reversal of chemoresistance.
(Begoña Mellado; Jordi Codony;
Mercedes Marín).
Study on the determination and
characterization of circulating
tumor cells.
4.1. In prostate cancer (Begoña
4.2. In breast cancer (Montse Muñoz;
Xavier González).
Micro-RNAs in the development
and prognosis of non-small cell
lung cancer.
Nuria Viñolas.
Study of the tumor and stroma
interactions in non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC): role of fibroblasts
associated with cancer in NSCLC.
N. Reguart; J. Alcaraz; Marta Puig.
Effect of anomalous hardening of
tumor tissue in NSCLC.
J. Alcaraz; N. Reguart; Marta Puig.
Study of sensitivity to trastuzumab
in relation to the expression of
topoisomerase I.
Xavi González; Montse Muñoz; Ana
Characterization of the metastatic
profile of malignant melanoma
in circulating cells and primary
Ana Arance; Laura Visa.
I.F.: 131,60
1 Gomez-Caro A, Garcia S, Reguart
N, Arguis P, Sanchez M, Gimferrer JM,
Marrades R, Lomena F. Incidence of
occult mediastinal node involvement in
cNO non-small-cell lung cancer patients
after negative uptake of positron emission tomography/computer tomography
scan. EUR J CARDIO-THORAC, 2010.
37:1168-1174. I.F.:2,40.
2 Molina R, Auge JM, Escudero JM,
Filella X, Zanon G, Pahisa J, Farrus B,
Munoz M, Velasco M. Evaluation of
tumor markers (HER-2/neu oncoprotein,
CEA, and CA 15.3) in patients with
locoregional breast cancer: prognostic
value. TUMOR BIOL, 2010. 31:171-180.
3 Sanjuan A, Escaramis G, Vidal-Sicart S, Illa M, Zanon G, Pahisa J, Rubi
S, Velasco M, Santamaria G, Farrus
B, Munoz M, Garcia Y, Fernandez PL,
Pons F. Predicting Non-Sentinel Lymph
Node Status in Breast Cancer Patients
with Sentinel Lymph Node Involvement: Evaluation of Two Scoring Systems. BREAST J, 2010. 16:134-140.
4 Casas F, Borras JM, Ferrer F, Guanyabens N, Gutierrez R, Leon C, Lopez
J, Mellado B, Morote J, Puig J, Ribal J,
Serra A, Valls V, Zapatero A. Evidencebased consensus recommendations to
improve the quality of life in prostate
cancer treatment. CLIN TRANSL ONCOL, 2010. 12(5):346-355. I.F.:1,15.
5 Maurel J, Martins AS, Poveda A,
Lopez-Guerrero JA, Cubedo R, Casado
A, Martinez-Trufero J, Ayuso JR, LopezPousa A, Garcia-Albeniz X, DelMuro
XG, DeAlava E. Imatinib Plus Low-Dose
Doxorubicin in Patients With Advanced
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Refractory to High-Dose Imatinib A Phase
Oncology and haematology
Molecular and translational oncology
Team Members
I-II Study by the Spanish Group for
Research on Sarcomas. CANCER-AM
CANCER SOC, 2010. 116:3692-3701.
6 Martin M, Segui MA, Anton A,
Ruiz A, Ramos M, Adrover E, Aranda
I, Rodriguez-Lescure A, Grosse R,
Calvo L, Barnadas A, Isla D, DelPrado
PM, Borrego M, Zaluski J, Arcusa A,
Munoz M, Vega JM, Mel JR, Munarriz B, Llorca C, Jara C, Alba E, Florian
J, Li JF, Garcia-Asenjo JA, Saez A,
Rios M, Almenar S, Peiro G, Lluch
A. Adjuvant Docetaxel for High-Risk,
Node-Negative Breast Cancer.. NEW
ENGL J MED, 2010. 363:2200-2210.
7 Gascon P, Fuhr U, Sorgel F, KinzigSchippers M, Makhson A, Balser
S, Einmahl S, Muenzberg M. Development of a new G-CSF product
based on biosimilarity assessment.
ANN ONCOL, 2010. 21:1419-1429.
8 Gascon P, Pirker R, DelMastro
L, Durrwell L. Effects of CERA
(continuous erythropoietin receptor
activator) in patients with advanced
non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
receiving chemotherapy: results of a
phase II study. ANN ONCOL, 2010.
21:2029-2039. I.F.:5,65.
9 Arnal-Estape A, Tarragona M, Morales M, Guiu M, Nadal C, Massague
J, Gomis RR. HER2 Silences Tumor
Suppression in Breast Cancer Cells
by Switching Expression of C/EBP
beta Isoforms. CANCER RES, 2010.
70:9927-9936. I.F.:7,54.
10 Maio M, Mackiewicz A, Testori
A, Trefzer U, Ferraresi V, Jassem
J, Garbe C, Lesimple T, Guillot B,
Gascon P, Gilde K, Camerini R, Cognetti F. Large Randomized Study of
Thymosin alpha 1, Interferon Alfa,
or Both in Combination With Dacar-
bazine in Patients With Metastatic
Melanoma. J CLIN ONCOL, 2010.
28:1780-1787. I.F.:17,79.
Rojo F, Gracias E, Villena N,
Cruz T, Corominas JM, Corradino I,
Cedeno M, Campas C, Osorio M,
Iznaga N, Bellosillo B, Rovira A, Marsoni S, Gascon P, Serrano S, Sessa
C, Crombet T, Albanell J. Pharmacodynamic Trial of Nimotuzumab in
Unresectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: A SENDO
Foundation Study. CLIN CANCER
RES, 2010. 16:2474-2482. I.F.:6,75.
12 Fernandez-Martos C, Pericay C,
Aparicio J, Salud A, Safont M, Massuti B, Vera R, Escudero P, Maurel J,
Marcuello E, Mengual JL, Saigi E, Estevan R, Mira M, Polo S, Hernandez
A, Gallen M, Arias F, Serra J, Alonso
V. Phase II, Randomized Study of
Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgery and Adjuvant Capecitabine Plus Oxaliplatin (CAPOX)
Compared With Induction CAPOX
Followed by Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy and Surgery in Magnetic
Resonance Imaging-Defined, L. J
CLIN ONCOL, 2010. 28:859-865.
Trabal J, Leyes P, Forga M,
Maurel J. Potential usefulness of an
EPA-enriched nutritional supplement
on chemotherapy tolerability in cancer patients without overt malnutrition. NUTR HOSP, 2010. 25:736-740.
14 Martin-Broto J, Gutierrez A,
Garcia-Del-Muro X, Lopez-Guerrero
JA, Martinez-Trufero J, DeSande LM,
Lainez N, Maurel J, DeJuan A, Losa
F, Andres R, Casado A, Tejido PG,
Blanco R, Carles J, Bellmunt J, Gomez-Espana A, Ramos R, MartinezSerra J, Llombart-Bosch A, Poveda
A. Prognostic time dependence of
deletions affecting codons 557 and/or
558 of KIT gene for relapse-free survival (RFS) in localized GIST: a Spanish
Group for Sarcoma Research (GEIS)
Study. ANN ONCOL, 2010. 21:15521557. I.F.:5,65.
Ametller E, Garcia-Recio S,
Costamagna D, Mayordomo C, Fernandez-Nogueira P, Carbo N, PastorArroyo EM, Gascon P, Almendro V.
Tumor promoting effects of CD95
signaling in chemoresistant cells.
MOL CANCER, 2010. 9:-. I.F.:4,16.
I.F.: 10,37
1 Tusquets I, Garcia-Estevez L,
Adrover E, Calvo L, Alvarez I, Mata JG,
Fernandez Y, Margueli M, Segui MA,
Rodriguez C, Lescure AR, Colomer R,
Gascon P, Martin M, Alba E, Barnadas
A, Llombart A, Albanell J, Lluch A. Current controversies in the management
of breast cancer. CLIN TRANSL ONCOL, 2010. 12:278-286. I.F.:1,15.
2 Estevez LG, Alvarez I, Segui MA,
Munoz M, Margeli M, Miro C, Rubio
C, Lluch A, Tusquets I. Current perspectives of treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ. CANCER TREAT REV,
2010. 36:507-517. I.F.:5,30.
3 Almendro V, Garcia-Recio S,
Gascon P. Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Transactivation Associated to G
Protein-Coupled Receptors. CURR
DRUG TARGETS, 2010. 11:11691180. I.F.:3,93.
I.F.: 0,76
1 Munoz M, Pahisa J, Caparros FX,
Vidal-Sicart S. Sentinel lymph node
and neoadjuvant therapy in breast
cancer. REV ESP MED NUCL, 2010.
29:319-320. I.F.:0,77.
Oncology and haematology
Molecular and translational oncology
Clinical Guidelines
I.F.: 2,46
1 Navarro S, Vaquero E, Maurel J,
Bombi JA, DeJuan C, Feliu J, Cruz
LF, Gines A, Girela E, Rodriguez R,
Sabater L. Recommendations for
diagnosis, staging and treatment
of pancreatic cancer (Part I). Grupo
Español de Consenso en Cáncer de
2010. 134:643-655. I.F.:1,23.
Navarro S, Vaquero E, Maurel J,
Bombi JA, DeJuan C, Feliu J, Cruz
LF, Gines A, Girela E, Rodriguez R,
Sabater L. Recommendations for
diagnosis, staging and treatment
of pancreatic cancer (Part II). MED
CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010. 134:692702. I.F.:1,23.
I.F.: 49,30
1 Paoletti X, Oba K, Burzykowski
T, Michiels S, Ohashi Y, Pignon JP,
Rougier P, Sakamoto J, Sargent D,
Sasako M, VanCutsem E, Buyse M.
Benefit of Adjuvant Chemotherapy
for Resectable Gastric Cancer A
Meta-analysis. JAMA-J AM MED
ASSOC, 2010. 303:1729-1737.
Beyer J. Prognostic Factors in
Patients With Metastatic Germ Cell
Tumors Who Experienced Treatment
Failure With Cisplatin-Based FirstLine Chemotherapy. J CLIN ONCOL,
2010. 28:4906-4911. I.F.:17,79.
Steinberg MH, Mccarthy WF,
Castro O, Ballas SK, Armstrong FD,
Smith W, Ataga K, Swerdlow P, Kutlar
A, Decastro L, Waclawiw MA. The
risks and benefits of long-term use of
hydroxyurea in sickle cell anemia: A
17.5 year follow-up. AM J HEMATOL,
2010. 85:403-408. I.F.:2,61.
Grants for research
in progress
Gascon P. Mecanismos de
transactivación de los miembros de
la familia ERB-B en cáncer de mama:
importancia de las neuroquininas y la
neurogénesis. Sponsored by: Fondo
de Investigaciones Sanitarias de la
Seguridad Social (FISS) , PI080022.
Amount: 71.632,00 euros. Duration:
Gascon P. Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de Cáncer.
Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud
Carlos III, RED07/0020/2014.
Amount: 34.716,57 euros. Duration:
Grau JJ. Efectividad y seguridad de la
electroquimioterapia en el tratamiento
de tumores sólidos. Sponsored by:
Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de
la Seguridad Social (FISS) , PI09/90664.
Amount: 58.144,00 euros. Duration:
Reguart N. Papel de los fibroblastos
asociados a tumores (cafs) en
el carcinoma broncogénico de
pulmón: mecanismos de interacción
en modelos de cultivo celular
3d. Sponsored by: Fondo de
Investigaciones Sanitarias de la
Seguridad Social (FISS) , PS09/01377.
Amount: 86.515,00 euros. Duration:
Gascon P. La célula stem tumoral:
estudios moleculares sobre
mecanismos de metástasis.
Sponsored by: Fundació CELLEX,
0000. Amount: 360.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Reguart N. Contribució dels
fibroblastes asociats a tumors (cafs)
en el carcinoma pulmonar estudiat
en models de cultivo tridimensionals.
Sponsored by: AECC 2009, 0000.
Amount: 18.000,00 euros. Duration:
Reguart N. Papel de los fibroblastos
asociados a tumores (CAFS) en
el carcinoma broncogénico de
pulmón: mecanismos de interacción
de modelos de cultivo celular 3D.
Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
Amount: 86.515,00 euros. Duration:
Grau JJ. Efectividad y seguridad de la
electroquimioterapia en el tratamiento
de tumores sólidos. Sponsored by:
III, PI09/90664. Amount: 56.144,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2011.
Reguart N. Contribución de los
fibroblastos asociados a tumores
(CAFs) al cáncer de pulmón
estudiada con modelos de cultivo
celular tridimensionales. Sponsored
Amount: 18.000,00 euros. Duration:
Maurel J. Papel de MMP-7 en la
transactivación IGF-1R-EGFR y la
resistencia intrínseca a los inhibidores
de Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
(EGFR) en cáncer colorectal.
Sponsored by: FUNDACION DE
MADRILEÑA, AP75002010.
Amount: 10.000,00 euros. Duration:
Gascon P. El papel de las taquininas
en el proceso metástasico. Sponsored
by: Fundació CELLEX, 0000.
Amount: 500.000,00 euros. Duration:
Team envolved in:
Oncology and haematology
Red temática de investigación
cooperativa de cáncer
Cell proliferation and signaling
Group Members
The general goal of the group is the
analysis of the mechanisms involved
in cell cycle progression and signaling
in health and disease.
Oriol Bachs
(Facultat de Medicina UB)
Tel.: 93 403 52 86
Fax: 93 402 19 07
Idibaps members:
Neus Agell (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Rosa Aligué (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Carles Enrich (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Albert Pol (ICREA)
Francesc Tebar (Facultat de Medicina UB)
Montserrat Jaumot (Facultat Medicina UB)
Maria Jesús Pujol (Facultat Medicina UB)
Research Fellows:
María Pérez (Facultat de Medicina)
Raffaella Pippa (Facultat Medicina)
Sandra Vilà de Muga (Facultat de Medicina)
Marta Sanchez (Facultat de Medicina)
Serena Orlando (IDIBAPS)
Albert Herms (IDIBAPS)
Meritxell Reverter (Facultat Medicina)
Adam Kassan (IDIBAPS)
Alba Llopis (Facultat Medicina)
Carles Barceló (Facultat Medicina)
Natalia de Olano (Facultat de Medicina)
Anna Alvarez-Guaita (Facultat de Medicina)
Atilla Biçer (Facultat de Medicina)
Main Lines
of Research
Eugenia Cisneros (Facultat de Medicina)
Amaia Ercilla (Facultat de Medicina)
Amaia Ercilla (Facultat de Medicina)
Mariona Gelabert (Facultat de Medicina)
Alba Gómez (Facultat de Medicina)
Noelia Paco (Facultat de Medicina)
Anna Perearnau (Facultat de Medicina)
David Soriano (Facultat de Medicina)
Maite Vidal-Quadras (Facultat de Medicina)
Gemma Ventura (IDIBAPS)
Sonia Brun (Facultat de Medicina)
Alba Fajardo (Facultat de Medicina)
María Molinos (Facultat de Medicina)
Eulalia Rius (Facultat de Medicina)
David Gimenez (Facultad Medicina)
Marta Bosch (IDIBAPS)
Teresa Royo (IDIBAPS)
Edurne Gallastegui (Facultat de Medicina)
Carles Rentero (IDIBAPS)
1. Cell proliferation and Cancer:
The objective of this line of
research is the analysis of the
mechanisms involved in cell cycle
regulation and its alterations
during tumorigenesis: - Role of the
CKI p27(Kip1) on the regulation
of transcription, splicing and
translation of genes involved in
•Cell cycle regulation by protein
•Role of calmodulin in nuclear
2. Cell cycle: signal transduction
and checkpoints: The main
topics in this research line are
the analysis of: the regulation
of the functionality of K-Ras
by Calmodulin-binding and by
phosphorylation; the regulation
of p21CIP1 localization and
the relevance of its binding to
calmodulin and its phosphorylation;
and, the DNA replication
checkpoint in not transformed
versus transformed cell lines.
3. Signaling and regulation of
the cell cycle: In eukaryotic
organisms, the response to stress
insults is through the activation
of the MAP kinases pathway,
Progression through the cell
cycle is dependent on external
stimuli and failure to correctly
integrate the induced signals can
lead to accumulation of genetic
damage contributing to cancer
development. Understanding
how signaling networks and the
cellular responses are regulated
is one of the most crucial
objectives in biomedical research.
The aim of this research focuses
Oncology and haematology
Cell proliferation and signaling
Co-localitzation of p27 (green) and PCAF (red) during apoptosis.
on identifying the molecular
mechanisms by which cell cycle
is regulated by stress-activated
protein kinases.
4. Endocytosis, membrane trafficking
and signaling: This line of research
include the following activities:
•Study of endocytosis and
membrane trafficking in polarized
cells, such as hepatocytes and in
non-polarized cells.
•Study the role of calmodulin in
the regulation of trafficking and
signalling of EGFR.
•Study the role of Annexin A6
in the transport of caveolin,
the formation of caveolae,
homeostasis of cholesterol and
signaling of Ras/MAPK.
5. Lipid trafficking and storage:
The aim of our project is to
characterize in health and disease,
the cellular processes regulated or
deregulated by the accumulation
of lipids within cells. With an
special attention to the cellular
cost of accumulation of cholesterol
in the organelles and the role
of the caveolin protein in the
regulation of these mechanisms.
Oncology and haematology
Cell proliferation and signaling
Team Members
I.F.: 41,72
Martin-Ibanez R, Crespo E, Urban
N, Sergent-Tanguy S, Herranz C, Jaumot M, Valiente M, Long JE, Pineda
JR, Andreu C, Rubenstein JLR, Marin
O, Georgopoulos K, Mengod G, Farinas I, Bachs O, Alberch J, Canals JM.
Ikaros-1 Couples Cell Cycle Arrest of
Late Striatal Precursors With Neurogenesis of Enkephalinergic Neurons.
J COMP NEUROL, 2010. 518:329351. I.F.:3,72.
Ventura M, Mateo F, Serratosa J,
Salaet I, Carujo S, Bachs O, Pujol MJ.
Nuclear translocation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is
regulated by acetylation. INT J BIOCHEM CELL B, 2010. 42:1672-1680.
Abella N, Brun S, Calvo M,
Tapia O, Weber JD, Berciano MT,
Lafarga M, Bachs O, Agell N. Nucleolar Disruption Ensures Nuclear
Accumulation of p21 upon DNA Damage. TRAFFIC, 2010. 11:743-755.
Grants for research
in progress
Enrich C. Red temática investigación
cooperativa de cáncer. Sponsored
by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo,
RD06/0020/0008. Amount:
114.109,24 euros. Duration:
Bachs O. Red temática de
investigación cooperativa de cáncer.
Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad
y Consumo, RD06/0020/0010.
Amount: 840.000,00 euros. Duration:
DelToro D, Xifro X, Pol A, Humbert S, Saudou F, Canals JM, Alberch
J. Altered cholesterol homeostasis
contributes to enhanced excitotoxicity in Huntington’s disease. J NEUROCHEM, 2010. 115:153-167. I.F.:4,00.
Grewal T, Koese M, Rentero C,
Enrich C. Annexin A6-regulator of the
EGFR/Ras signalling pathway and
cholesterol homeostasis. INT J BIOCHEM CELL B, 2010. 42:580-584.
Woudenberg J, Rembacz KP,
VanDenHeuvel FAJ, WoudenbergVrenken TE, Buist-Homan M, Geuken M, Hoekstra M, Deelman LE,
Enrich C, Henning RH, Moshage H,
Faber KN. Caveolin-1 Is Enriched in
the Peroxisomal Membrane of Rat
Hepatocytes. HEPATOLOGY, 2010.
51:1744-1753. I.F.:10,84.
Alvarez-Moya B, Lopez-Alcala
C, Drosten M, Bachs O, Agell N.
K-Ras4B phosphorylation at Ser181
is inhibited by calmodulin and modulates K-Ras activity and function.
ONCOGENE, 2010. 29:5911-5922.
Enrich C. Ras/Mapk signalling
regulates colesterol efflux. Sponsored
by: Fundació Marató TV3, 0000.
Amount: 198.125,00 euros. Duration:
Bachs O. Proteored. Sponsored by:
Genoma España, 0000. Amount:
217.329,30 euros. Duration:
Agell N. Regulación de la función
de K-Ras y su localización en
microdominios de membrana
plasmática por unión a calmodulina y
fosforilación en Ser181. Sponsored
by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,
SAF2007-60491. Amount: 263.780,00
euros. Duration: 01/10/200730/09/2010.
Aligué R. La MAP quinasa p38 y
la MAPKAP en la señalización de
respuesta a estrés y el control
del ciclo celular. Sponsored by:
BFU-2009-10778/BMC. Amount:
150.000,00 euros. Duration:
Bachs O. Papel del regulador del ciclo
celular p27Kip1 en la oncogénesis.
Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE
EDUCACIÓN, SAF2009- 07769 (GEN).
Amount: 459.800,00 euros. Duration:
Bachs O. Proteored. Sponsored by:
Genoma España, SAF2009- 07769
(GEN). Amount: 264.000,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2005-31/12/2011.
Bachs O. Proliferació Cel·lular.
Sponsored by: Grups de Recerca
de la Generalitat de Catalunya, 2009
SGR 1382. Amount: 43.680,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2013.
Enrich C. Ras/MAPK signaling
regulates cholesterol efflux.
Sponsored by: MARATÒ DE TV3,
PI040236. Amount: 198.125,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Enrich C. Endocitosi, tràfic i
senyalització. Sponsored by:
Grups de Recerca de la Generalitat
de Catalunya, 2009 SGR 1526.
Amount: 47.840,00 euros. Duration:
Oncology and haematology
Cell proliferation and signaling
Enrich C. Estudio de l tráfico
intracelular de la caveolina, formación
de caveolas y la señalización: papel de
la annexin A6. Sponsored by: MCINN,
BFU2009-10335. Amount: 359.370,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2012.
Pol A. Hepatic and brain mitochondrial
cholesterol/glycosphingolipids and
altered metabolism contribute to
the pathology of Niemann Pick type
C disease and caveolinopathies.
Sponsored by: Fundació Marató de
TV3, PI041315. Amount: 147.686,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/201031/12/2014.
Agell N. Regulación de la
funcionalidad de K-Ras4B por unión A
Cam y fosforilación de la Ser 181. PhD
student: Blanca Alvarez Moya.
Bachs O. Paper de P27kip1 en la
respiració cel·lular. PhD student:
Ignasi Salaet Madorran.
Pol A. Mechanism of Lipid Droplet
formation. Sponsored by: MICINN,
CSD2009.00016. Amount: 420.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200931/12/2014.
Pol A. Intracellular accumulation
of lipids: Role of CAV1, molecular
mechanisms and implications on cell
proliferation. Sponsored by: MICINN,
BFU2008-00345. Amount: 210.000,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200831/12/2011.
Tebar F. Función de PKCdelta y
calmodulina en la regulación de la
dinámica del citoesqueleto de actina
y del tráfico intracelular del factor de
crecimiento epidérmico. Sponsored
by: MICINN, BFU2009-13526/BMC.
Amount: 157.300,00 euros. Duration:
Tebar F. Integración funcional
del tráfico de membranas, la
señalización intracelular y la dinámica
del citoesqueleto. Sponsored by:
MICINN, BFU2006-26075-E/BMC.
Amount: 30.000,00 euros. Duration:
Research Groups
Barcelona Centre for International Health
Research (CRESIB) 296
Clinical pharmacology 298
Transversal group for
research in primary care 302
Research in nursing 305
transversal research groups
Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB)
Research Professors:
Pedro L. Alonso
Hernando del Portillo
Joaquim Gascón
Edward B. Hayes
Clara Menéndez
Ivo Mueller
Jaume Ordi
Robert Pool
Tomàs Pumarola
Antoni Trilla
Jordi Vila
Associate Research Professors:
John J. Aponte
Carlota Dobaño
Marjolein Gysels
Alfredo Mayor
IDIBAPS’ area 6 of International Health
became in 2006 a new CERCA research centre monographic in international health, the Barcelona Centre for
International Health Research (CRESIB,
Hospital Clínic – Universitat de Barcelona) from which IDIBAPS is a Trustee
together with the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Hospital Clínic and the Univesitat de Barcelona.
CRESIB has more than 85 researchers
from different backgrounds including
molecular biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, epidemiology, clinics,
statistics, medical anthropology and
health economy.
CRESIB’s mission is to improve global
health through research and training.
The Centre is scientifically organized
in a matrix to maximize interaction
between researchers and promote multidisciplinary, translational and crosscutting research in order to achieve its
mission (See Figure).
CRESIB collaborates with more than 100
research centres in 40 countries, but we
have stable strategic partnerships:
•In Mozambique the Manhiça Health
Research Centre (CISM), studying
the most prevalent diseases in sub-
transversAL research groups
Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB)
Saharan Africa such as malaria, HIV/
AIDS, tuberculosis, pneumonia and
other bacterial invasive diseases and
diarrheal disease.
•In Morocco we develop a broad portfolio of activities in maternal and child
health in partnership with the Ministry
of Health, the University Hospital of
Rabat and two main women’s and
children’s hospitals.
•In Bolivia we work together with the
Universidad Mayor de San Simón,
the Viedma Hospital, CEADES and
the Ministry of Health to improve the
understanding of the epidemiology,
clinical presentation and immunology
of Chagas disease and develop new
diagnostic and treatment tools.
The centre’s scientific output has grown
continuously over the last years in terms
of both volume and the impact factor of
its publications, with 84 original articles
and an impact factor of 324 in 2010.
Highlights of our
results in 2010
• CRESIB lead the Malaria Eradication
Research Agenda (malERA) initiative
which brought together more than
250 scientists from 36 countries in
a series of consultations with the
aim of identifying the research and
development priorities to potentially
eradicate malaria. The results will be
published at the beginning of 2011 in
a special issue of PLoS Medicine.
• Several studies have assessed the
immune response to malaria infection in pregnancy and the effect of
HIV infection, suggesting a higher
efficacy of the Intermittent Preventive Treatment for malaria in
pregnancy (IPTp) among HIV-positive
• A novel immune spleen evasion mechanism for Plasmodium vivax has
been described
• CRESIB promoted the creation of
the Ibero-American network NHEPACHA, which aims to accelerate
the development of new diagnostic
and treatment tools for Chagas disease.
• 3.3% of the HIV seronegative adult
patients presenting with fever at the
Manhiça District Hospital (Mozambique) were found to have Acute
HIV Infection. These individuals may
be hypertransmitters and could be
targets for the positive prevention of
sexually-transmitted HIV.
• The Microbicide Development Program completed its MDP301 Phase
III trial of a candidate microbicide,
which included a social science component led by CRESIB who developed an innovative mixed-methods
model for studying adherence and
sexual behavior.
• A new efflux pump contributing to
resistance to different classes of antibiotics has been characterized.
• Procalcitonin and reactive-C-protein
have been shown to be potential
markers to differentiate viral and
bacterial pneumonia in a malariaendemic area.
• CRESIB researchers participated in
the international Brighton Collaboration process to develop a casedefinition for viscerotropic disease as
an adverse event after yellow fever
For further information:
transversal research groups
Clinical pharmacology
Group Members
Xavier Carné
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 91 68
Fax: 93 227 98 77
E-mail: [email protected]
Idibaps members:
Joan Albert Arnaiz (Hospital Clínic)
Gonzalo Calvo (Hospital Clínic)
José Ríos (IDIBAPS)
Ferran Torres (IDIBAPS)
Begoña Gómez (Hospital Clínic)
Amalia Lafuente (UB)
Neus Riba (Hospital Clínic)
Josep Ribas (Hospital Clínic)
Ana Cruceta (Fundació Clínic)
Judit Pich (Fundació Clínic)
Sara Varea (Fundació Clínic)
Núria Sanz (Fundació Clínic)
Carles Codina (Hospital Clínic)
The team carries out clinical research support activities with different Departments:
1. The Clinical Trials Agency,
together with the Department
of Pharmacy, provides support
of all technical and administrative aspects related to clinical
trials carried out in the Clinic
Hospital - IDIBAPS. The Agency
serves as a single window for
sponsors and investigators, and
as secretary to the CREC of the
Clinic Hospital (Clinical Research
Ethics Committee).
2. The CTU (Clinical Trials Unit),
provides support for the conduction of clinical trials on the part of
the investigators of the institution
that act as sponsors, in aspects
related to study design, implementation and monitorization.
3. The Statistical and Methodological Support Unit (USEM)
offers counselling in trial data
analysis and planning.
4. The Pharmacoepidemiology
and Therapeutic Evaluation
Unit, offers support of activities in pharmacovigilance, epidemiology and the evaluation of
drugs in our setting.
transversAL research groups
Clinical pharmacology
5. The team collaborates with Dr.
Amàlia Lafuente (UB) of the
Pharmacology Unit of the University of Barcelona, who conducts studies relating genetics
to drug substance activity and
6. Lastly, the team participates in
the trial follow-up committees
known as DSMB (Data and
Safety Monitoring Boards), in
charge of external supervision of
the course of the clinical trials,
and of deciding the pertinence of
their continuity over time.
Main Lines
of Research
• Ethics in clinical research.
• Clinical trials, design and
• Statistical support of clinical research.
• Pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology.
• Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics.
I.F.: 78,15
1 Izquierdo I, Borja J, Rovira S, Pelagio P, Torres F, Cebrecos J, GarciaRafanell J. Comparative bioavailability
study of triflusal oral solution vs.
triflusal capsules in healthy subjects
A single, randomized, two-way
cross-over, open-label phase I study.
60:36-41. I.F.:0,69.
2 Carretero M, Fontanals J, Agusti
M, Arguis M, Martinez-Ocon J, Ruiz
A, Rios J. Monitoring in resuscitation:
Comparison of cardiac output measurement between pulmonary artery
2010. 81:404-409. I.F.:2,71.
3 Roca O, Riera J, Torres F, Masclans JR. High-Flow Oxygen Therapy
in Acute Respiratory Failure. RESP
CARE, 2010. 55:408-413. I.F.:1,52.
Salvador L, Valero R, Carazo J,
Caral L, Rios J, Carrero E, Tercero J,
DeRiva N, Hurtado P, Ferrer E, Fabregas N. Pressure Inside the Neuroendoscope: Correlation With Epidural
Intracranial Pressure During Neuroendoscopic Procedures. J NEUROSURG
ANESTH, 2010. 22:240-246. I.F.:2,41.
5 Poggio D, DeRetana PF, Borda D,
Hortua P, Asuncion J, Rios J. Analysis of the Clinical Score Progressions
During the First Year After First MTPJ
Fusion. FOOT ANKLE INT, 2010.
31:578-583. I.F.:1,10.
6 Llupia A, Garcia-Basteiro AL,
Olive V, Costas L, Rios J, Quesada
S, Varela P, Bayas JM, Trilla A. New
interventions to increase influenza
vaccination rates in health care
2010. 38:476-481. I.F.:3,01.
Kuchinke W, Ohmann C, Yang
Q, Salas N, Lauritsen J, Gueyffier F,
Leizorovicz A, Schade-Brittinger C,
Wittenberg M, Voko Z, Gaynor S, Cooney M, Doran P, Maggioni A, Lorimer
A, Torres F, Mcpherson G, Charwill J,
Hellstrom M, Lejeune S. Heterogeneity prevails: the state of clinical trial
data management in Europe - results
of a survey of ECRIN centres. TRIALS,
2010. 11:-. I.F.:2,02.
Lloberes P, Lozano L, Sampol G,
Romero O, Jurado MJ, Rios J, Untoria
MD, Tovar JL. Obstructive sleep apnoea and 24-h blood pressure in patients
with resistant hypertension. J SLEEP
RES, 2010. 19:597-602. I.F.:3,50.
9 Cesarini C, Monreal L, Armengou
L, Delgado MA, Rios J, Jose-Cunilleras E. Association of Admission
Plasma D-Dimer Concentration with
Diagnosis and Outcome in Horses
with Colic. J VET INTERN MED,
2010. 24:1490-1497. I.F.:2,17.
Marti S, Pallero M, Ferrer J,
Rios J, Rodriguez E, Morell F, Munoz
X. Predictors of mortality in chest
wall disease treated with noninvasive
home mechanical ventilation. RESP
MED, 2010. 104:1843-1849. I.F.:2,33.
Lozano LK, Tovar JL, Sampol G,
Romero O, Jurado MJ, Segarra A, Espinel E, Rios J, Untoria MD, Lloberes
P. Continuous positive airway pressure treatment in sleep apnea patients
with resistant hypertension: a randomized, controlled trial. J HYPERTENS,
2010. 8:2161-2168. I.F.:4,99.
Armengou L, Monreal L, Delgado MA, Rios J, Cesarini C, Jose-Cunilleras E. Low-Molecular-Weight
Heparin Dosage in Newborn Foals.
J VET INTERN MED, 2010. 24:11901195. I.F.:2,17.
transversal research groups
Clinical pharmacology
Esteva-Font C, Wang XY, Ars E,
Guillen-Gomez E, Sans L, Saavedra
IG, Torres F, Torra R, Masilamani S,
Ballarin JA, Fernandez-Llama P. Are
Sodium Transporters in Urinary Exosomes Reliable Markers of Tubular
Sodium Reabsorption in Hypertensive
Patients? NEPHRON PHYSIOL, 2010.
114:P25-P34. I.F.:2,53.
Miro JM, Manzardo C, Pich
J, Domingo P, Ferrer E, Arribas JR,
Ribera E, Arrizabalaga J, Lonca M,
Cruceta A, DeLazzari E, Fuster M,
Podzamczer D, Plana M, Gatell JM.
Immune Reconstitution in Severely
Immunosuppressed Antiretroviral-Naive HIV Type 1-Infected Patients
Using a Nonnucleoside Reverse
Transcriptase Inhibitor-Based or a
Boosted Protease Inhibitor-Based
Antiretroviral Regimen: Three-Year
2010. 26:747-757. I.F.:2,18.
Martinez E, Larrousse M, Llibre
JM, Gutierrez F, Saumoy M, Antela
A, Knobel H, Murillas J, Berenguer J,
Pich J, Perez I, Gatell JM. Substitution of raltegravir for ritonavir-boosted
protease inhibitors in HIV-infected
patients: the SPIRAL study. AIDS,
2010. 24:1697-1707. I.F.:4,91.
Cervera A, Planas AM, Justicia
C, Urra X, Jensenius JC, Torres F, Lozano F, Chamorro A. Genetically-Defined Deficiency of Mannose-Binding
Lectin Is Associated with Protection
after Experimental Stroke in Mice
and Outcome in Human Stroke. PLoS
ONE, 2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
Sola R, Bruckert E, Valls RM,
Narejos S, Luque X, Castro-Cabezas
M, Domenech G, Torres F, Heras M,
Farres X, Vaquer JV, Martinez JM,
Almaraz MC, Anguera A. Soluble
fibre (Plantago ovata husk) reduces
plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin,
oxidised LDL and systolic blood
pressure in hypercholesterolaemic
patients: A randomised trial. ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 2010. 211:630-637.
18 Tamborero D, Mont L, Berruezo A, Guasch E, Rios J, Nadal
M, Matiello M, Andreu D, Sitges M,
Brugada J. Circumferential pulmonary
vein ablation: Does use of a circular
mapping catheter improve results? A
prospective randomized study. HEART
RHYTHM, 2010. 7:612-618. I.F.:4,56.
19 Vilaplana C, Montane E, Pinto
S, Barriocanal AM, Domenech G, Torres F, Cardona PJ, Costa J. Doubleblind, randomized, placebo-controlled
Phase I Clinical Trial of the therapeutical antituberculous vaccine RUTI
(R). VACCINE, 2010. 28:1106-1116.
Carrion JA, Torres F, Crespo
G, Miquel R, Garcia-Valdecasas JC,
Navasa M, Forns X. Liver Stiffness
Identifies Two Different Patterns of
Fibrosis Progression in Patients with
Hepatitis C Virus Recurrence After
Liver Transplantation. HEPATOLOGY,
2010. 51:23-34. I.F.:10,84.
Guevara M, Baccaro ME, Rios
J, Martin-Llah M, Uriz J, DelArbol LR,
Planas R, Monescillo A, Guarner C,
Crespo J, Banares R, Arroyo V, Gines
P. Risk factors for hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis
and refractory ascites: relevance of
serum sodium concentration. LIVER
INT, 2010. 30:1137-1142. I.F.:2,99.
Garcia I, Mayol G, Rodriguez
E, Sunol M, Gershon TR, Rios J,
Cheung NKV, Kieran MW, George RE,
Perez-Atayde AR, Casala C, Galvan P,
DeTorres C, Mora J, Lavarino C. Expression of the neuron-specific pro-
tein CHD5 is an independent marker
of outcome in neuroblastoma. MOL
CANCER, 2010. 9:-. I.F.:4,16.
Cruz N, Sanchez-Moreno J, Torres
F, Goikolea JM, Valenti M, Vieta E. Efficacy of modern antipsychotics in placebo-controlled trials in bipolar depression:
a meta-analysis. INT J NEUROPSYCHOPH, 2010. 13:5-14. I.F.:4,87.
I.F.: 22,52
1 Friis-Moller N, Thiebaut R, Reiss
P, Weber R, Monforte AD, DeWit S,
El-Sadr W, Fontas E, Worm S, Kirk
O, Phillips A, Sabin CA, Lundgren
JD, Law MG. Predicting the risk of
cardiovascular disease in HIV-infected
patients: the Data collection on Adverse Effects of Anti-HIV Drugs Study. EUR J CARDIOV PREV R, 2010.
17:491-501. I.F.:2,51.
2 Smith C, Sabin CA, Lundgren JD,
Thiebaut R, Weber R, Law M, Monforte AD, Kirk O, Friis-Moller N, Phillips A, Reiss P, El-Sadr W, Pradier C,
Worm SW. Factors associated with
specific causes of death amongst
HIV-positive individuals in the D:A:D
study The Data Collection on Adverse
Events of Anti-HIV drugs (D:A:D) Study Group. AIDS, 2010. 24:1537-1548.
3 Worm SW, Sabin C, Weber R,
Reiss P, El-Sadr W, Dabis F, DeWit
S, Law M, Monforte AD, Friis-Moller
N, Kirk O, Fontas E, Weller I, Phillips
A, Lundgren J. Risk of Myocardial
Infarction in Patients with HIV Infection Exposed to Specific Individual
Antiretroviral Drugs from the 3 Major
Drug Classes: The Data Collection
on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs
(D:A:D) Study. J INFECT DIS, 2010.
201:318-330. I.F.:5,87.
transversAL research groups
Clinical pharmacology
4 Worm SW, Friis-Moller N, Bruyand M, Monforte AD, Rickenbach
M, Reiss P, El-Sadr W, Phillips A,
Lundgren J, Sabin C. High prevalence of the metabolic syndrome
in HIV-infected patients: impact of
different definitions of the metabolic
syndrome. AIDS, 2010. 24:427-435.
5 Weber R, Sabin C, Reiss P,
DeWit S, Worm SW, Law M, Dabis
F, Monforte AD, Fontas E, El-Sadr
W, Kirk O, Rickenbach M, Phillips
A, Ledergerber B, Lundgren J. HBV
or HCV coinfections and risk of
myocardial infarction in HIV-infected
individuals: the D:A:D Cohort Study.
ANTIVIR THER, 2010. 15:1077-1086.
Grants for research
in progress
Trilla A. European Network for Highly
Infectious Diseases. Sponsored by:
European Commission, 2006205.
Amount: 5.644,34 euros. Duration:
Carne X. Estudio observacional,
controlado en pacientes hipertensos
tratados con iecas para valorar riesgo
genético de hipersensibilidad pulmonar (tos seca). Sponsored by: Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo, EC07/90239.
Amount: 141.812,00 euros. Duration:
Vilella A. Planes de actuación frente
a una pandemia de gripe: Análisis
sistemático de los actualmente
vigentes en España y desarrollo
de un ejercicio de simulación para
evaluar localmente su factibilidad. Sponsored by: Ministerio
Sanidad y Consumo, PI070184.
Amount: 32.186,00 euros. Duration:
Carne X. European Clinical Research
Infrastructures Network and biotherapy facilities: Preparation Phase for
the InfrastructureCentre coordinador:
INSERM. Sponsored by: INSERM
- DRCT Institut Thématique Santé Publique, 211738. Amount: 336.074,00
euros. Duration: 01/03/200828/02/2011.
Arnaiz JA. Fixed Dose Combination
drugs for Secondary Cardiovascular
Prevention. Sponsored by: CNICCENTRO NAC. INVEST. C.CARLOS
III, 241559. Amount: 482.878,00
euros. Duration: 01/07/201030/06/2013.
Calvo G. Estudio de cohortes para
evaluar la seguridad y la efectividad
del programa de vacunación frente
a la gripe A (H1N1) en el área de
cobertura sanitaria de un hospital
de tercer nivel. Sponsored by: MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD, POLITICA
Amount: 120.478,32 euros. Duration:
Calvo G. Servicios de asesoramiento
en evaluación clínica de solicitudes
de autorización y comercialización
de medicamentos de uso humano
autorizados por procedimiento centralizado. Sponsored by: Agencia
Española de Medicamentos y Productos Farmacéuticos, 48/227.06/09.
Amount: 29.902.699,00 euros. Duration: 09/02/2010-08/02/2012.
Codina C. Acontecimientos adversos
producidos por medicamentos en
pacientes hospitalizados: Influencia
de las estrategias de actuación en su
detección y prevención. PhD student:
Carolina Berga Cullere.
Calvo G. Estudio prospectivo multicéntrico de la incidencia, relevancia
clínica, factores de riesgo y preventibilidad del ingreso hospitalario por
fracaso renal agudo asociado al uso
de fármacos inhibidores del sistema
renina-angiotensina.. Sponsored by:
EC08/00173. Amount: 43.318,00
euros. Duration: 01/01/200930/12/2011.
Calvo G. Servicio Técnico para la
emisión de informes de validación de
modificacioens de importancia mayor
de medicamentos de uso humano.
Nº Procedimiento 48/227.06/09.
Sponsored by: Agencia Española Medicamento AEMPS, 09/484.
Amount: 148.747,14 euros. Duration:
transversal research groups
TransversAL group for research in primary care
Group Members
Antoni Sisó Almirall
Tel.: 93 227 99 24
Fax: 93 227 55 97
E-mail: [email protected]
IDIBAPS Members:
Lluisa Benito Serrano (GESCLINIC)
Marta Catalán Adell (CAPSE)
Zoe Herreras Pérez (CAPSE)
Imma Garrell Lluís (CAPSE)
Joan Gené Badia (CAPSE)
Imma Grau Corral (Hospital Clínic)
Pilar Navarrete Duran (CAPSE)
Marta Navarro González (CAPSE)
Jacinto Ortiz Molina (GESCLINIC)
Ignacio Menacho (GESCLINIC)
Antoni Salvà Riquer (CAPSE)
Núria Sánchez Ruano (CAPSE)
Laura Sebastián Montal (GESCLINIC)
Ethel Sequeira Aymar (CAPSE)
Josep Miquel Sotoca (Hospital Clínic)
Marina Rovira (CAPSE)
Lluís González de Paz (GESCLINIC)
Elisenda Sant Arderiu (CAPSE)
Research Fellows:
Emma Marianela Morales Espinoza
Norma Nely Nardi (Hospital Clínic)
Belchin Adriyanov Kostov
(Fundació Clínic)
Nursing Staff:
Narly Benachi Sandoval (CAPSE)
Noemí García (CAPSE)
Rosa Segarra (CAPSE)
Esther Blat (GESCLINIC)
Sílvia Canivell Fusté (IDIBAPS)
Jaume Benavent Àreu
(Institut Català de la Salut)
Primary care is the point of patient entry to the healthcare system, and the
primary care centers are where most
of the population health problems are
dealt with. It is in this setting where
the relationship between the patient
and reference primary care physician
and nurse is a key factor in preventing
and healing diseases, and in promoting
healthy habits. In the research context,
the multidisciplinary and transverse
nature of the activities of the primary
care professional favors a biological,
psychological and social approach to the
patients and their illnesses, in both the
consulting office and in the home. The
integral approach to the individual and
longitudinal care over the full course of
the life of the patient makes it possible
to conduct proprietary and/or collaborative studies targeted at knowledge of the
characteristics of the population, people
and their illnesses. Primary care aims to
carry out research inherent to its nature,
integrating within the existing investigational networks and groups, and working
in a coordinated manner with other consolidated research teams from different
• Conduction of population-based studies (both descriptive and evaluating
interventions and follow-up), in an accessible and well defined population
of subjects, taking advantage of the
computer-based filing of clinical data.
• Conduction of research into healthcare results or outcomes.
• Description of the natural history
of the patient and disease from a
biological, psychological and social
transversAL research groups
Transversal group for research in primary care
• Conduction of studies of risk factors
and preventive medicine.
• Analysis of the morbidity and mortality
of the most prevalent disorders.
• Development of collaborative studies
with the administration and research
entities or groups allowing the implementation of translation research.
In the year 2010, Research in Primary
Care has been organized around the
CAPSE-GESCLINIC Research Unit, integrated by Dr. Antoni Sisó (Director of the
CAPSE_GESCLINIC Unit), Dr. Laura Sebastián (Manager of CAPSE-GESCLINIC),
Dr. Anna Pereira (Management adjunct
to the CAPSE), Lluís González (DUEGESCLINIC), Elena Mañes (DUE-CAPSE),
and Narly Benachi (DUE-Clinical TrialsCAPSE).
Main Lines
of Research
• Healthcare continuity and management of chronic diseases.
• Use of healthcare services.
• The fragility – geriatrics – dependency
– home care axis.
• Use of medicines.
• Primary care and autoimmunity.
• Atherogenesis, risk factors and cardiovascular diseases.
• Chronic pain.
• Mental health, smoking and other
• Respiratory diseases.
• Digestive and liver diseases.
• HIV infection – AIDS and other infectious diseases.
• 2.0. Health.
For further information:
I.F.: 49,85
1 Soto-Cardenas MJ, Perez-De-Lis
M, Bove A, Navarro C, Brito-Zeron
P, Diaz-Lagares C, Gandia M, Akasbi
M, Siso A, Ballester E, Torres A,
Ramos-Casals M. Bronchiectasis in
primary Sjogren’s syndrome: prevalence and clinical significance. CLIN
EXP RHEUMATOL. 28:647-653.
2 Perez-De-Lis M, Akasbi M, Siso
A, Diez-Cascon P, Brito-Zeron P, DiazLagares C, Ortiz J, Perez-Alvarez R,
Ramos-Casals M, Coca A. Cardiovascular risk factors in primary Sjogren’s
syndrome: a case-control study in
624 patients. LUPUS. 19:941-948.
3 Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zeron
P, Perez-De-Lis M, Diaz-Lagares C,
Bove A, Soto MJ, Jimenez I, Belenguer R, Siso A, Muxi A, Pons F. Clinical and Prognostic Significance of
Parotid Scintigraphy in 405 Patients
with Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome. J
RHEUMATOL. 37:585-590. I.F.:3,85.
4 Siso A, Ramos-Casals M, Bove A,
Brito-Zeron P, Soria N, Nardi N, Testi
A, Perez-De-Lis M, Diaz-Lagares C,
Darnell A, Sentis J, Coca A. Outcomes in Biopsy-Proven Lupus Nephritis Evaluation of 190 White Patients
From a Single Center. MEDICINE.
89:300-307. I.F.:5,05.
5 Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zeron P,
Perez-De-Lis M, Jimenez I, Blanco
MJ, Bove A, Soto MJ, Akasbi M,
Diaz C, Sentis J, Siso A. Sjogren
Syndrome or Sjogren Disease? The
Histological and Immunological Bias
Caused by the 2002 Criteria. CLIN
REV ALLERG IMMU. 38:178-185.
6 Ramos-Casals M, Tzioufas AG, Stone JH, Siso A, Bosch X. Treatment of
Primary Sjogren Syndrome A Systematic Review. JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC.
304:452-460. I.F.:28,90.
7 Zambon D, Quintana M, Mata P, Alonso R, Benavent J, Cruz-Sanchez F, Gich J,
Pocovi M, Civeira F, Capurro S, Bachman
D, Sambamurti K, Nicholas J, Pappolla
MA. Higher Incidence of Mild Cognitive
Impairment in Familial Hypercholesterolemia. AM J MED. 123:267-274. I.F.:4,47.
Grants for research
in progress
Grau I. Desarrollo y coorganización
del proyecto ForumClinic. Programa
interactiu per a pacients adreçat a
què aquests augmentin el seu grau
d’autonomia respecte a la seva salut
utilitzant les oportunitats de les noves
tecnologies. Sponsored by: Fundación
BBVA, 0000. Amount: 0,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2012.
Juan C. Identificació de grups de pacients amb requeriments similars de
temps de cures d’infermeria en un
programa d’atenció domiciliària urbà en
l’àmbit de l’atenció primària. Sponsored
by: FIS, PI060337. Amount: 0,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2008-31/12/2010.
Siso A. Multilingual OrganiK Information
management in the medical domain
(Projecte MORMED). Sponsored by:
Comission Europea, 250534. Amount:
0,00 euros. Duration: 01/03/201031/08/2012.
Siso A. Usefulness of the VScan in
Primary Care (PC) daily practice as complementary to physical examination.
Sponsored by: General Electrics Healthcare, 10/503. Amount: 0,00 euros. Duration: 16/07/2010-31/12/2012.
transversal research groups
TransversAL group for research in primary care
Morales EN. Prevalencia, gasto sanitario y morbimortalidad cardiovascular del dolor crónico no oncológico
en Atención Primaria. Sponsored by:
CAPSE-GESCLINIC, 10/503. Amount:
0,00 euros. Duration: 01/06/201001/06/2011.
Serrat M. Intervenció social sobre la
implantació de grups terapèutics per
a cuidadors de pacients amb malaltia
d’Alzheimer. Sponsored by: Fundació
Pasqual Maragall i Obra Social de La
Caixa, 10/503. Amount: 0,00 euros.
Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2010.
Siso A, Navarro D. Vigència de la Carta de Drets i Deures dels ciutadans
en relació a la Salut i l’Atenció Sanitària entre els usuaris dels serveis
d’Atenció Primària de Salut. PhD student: Lluís González de Paz, Universitat de Barcelona.
Erdozain MA. Impacte del tractament
del Dolor amb Acupuntura a l’Atenció
Primària. Sponsored by: CAPSE,
10/503. Amount: 0,00 euros. Duration: 01/01/2009-31/12/2010.
Siso A. Anàlisis de prevalença,
despesa sanitària i morbimortalitat
cardiovascular del dolor crònic nooncológic a l’atenció primària. PhD
student: Morales, Emma M.
transversal research groups
Research in nursing
Group Members
Adelaida Zabalegui
(Hospital Clínic)
Tel.: 93 227 54 24
Fax: 93 227 17 77
E-mail: [email protected]
Mercè Piazuelo i Pont (Hospital Clínic)
Amèlia Pérez González (Hospital Clínic)
Miquel Sanz Moncosi (Hospital Clínic)
Mª Teresa Hospital Vidal (Hospital Clínic)
Mercè Comes Forastero (Hospital Clínic)
Felip Burgos Rincón (Hospital Clínic)
Dolors Robles Antúnez (Hospital Clínic)
Montserrat Amigó Tandin (Hospital Clínic)
Luis González de Paz (Gesclínic)
Research in nursing is essential for
responding to the healing demands of
the current healthcare system. Its complexity in the hospital setting is derived
from the associated increase in patient
severity upon admission, the reduction
in hospital stay, the incorporation of new
technologies, the aging of the population, patient requests for information,
social change, and the global crisis.
Main Lines
of Research
Internationally, research activity in nursing
is improving thanks to the definition of
priorities, the identification of groups
and the focusing of their research lines,
increased funding, and integration of the
results obtained in the clinical practice
setting. Accordingly, an increase is being
observed in the number of publications in
international journals, documented in the
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied
Health Literature (CINAH) and the Medline database, affording credibility and acknowledgement to our research activities.
This improved scientific production has
been achieved through the competitive
funding of projects and the development
of research training programs on the part
of the professional and government organizations, and the generalized application
of anonymous and rigorous peer review
of the results of the investigations made.
Research in nursing presents differential
paradigmatic elements with respect to
other types of research in the health
sciences, such as its particular patient
focus (rather than disease-based focus),
and the study of physiological, psychological, sociocultural and/or spiritual aspects
of the individual, with a view to improving
healing. The effort to secure this unique
approach has resulted in the definition of
priority research areas in nursing, which
in this country comprise the following:
evaluation of the efficacy of nursing interventions; the promotion of health and
the development of strategies designed
to implicate patients in their own healing;
transversal research groups
Research in nursing
healing based on evidence; the implementation and evaluation of results in
clinical practice; and measurement of the
quality of nursing care.
In Spain, research in nursing is still an
emergent activity. Its consolidation will
be facilitated by the recent introduction of
degree programs, masters and doctorate
courses specifically targeted at nursing,
with the participation of professionals
accredited for teaching in research. For
the first time, nurses following a doctorate
program will be able to access extensive
and rigorous training in the scientific
method, to ensure the quality of their
scientific production in the field of nursing
care. Our present challenge is application
to the healthcare setting: nurses should
understand research as a driving force in
their professional development and in the
improvement of their care of patients and
their families – incorporating it into their
daily clinical practice.
We are aware of the enormous task awaiting us. In this context, we are inspired
by the brilliant trajectory of research in
nursing in the United States or Europe
(United kingdom, Sweden, Finland, the
Netherlands, etc.) – countries where nursing has been capable of attracting financial support, gaining access to mentors,
and consolidating its lines of research.
Nursing in the Clinic Hospital can lead the
process of incorporating research to clinical practice, based on a solid institutional
reference and a strongly-rooted scientific
culture. The recent creation of the Nursing
Research Committee aims to visualize and
reinforce this activity. We already have
competitive projects financed by national
and European agencies, and have ambitious plans for improvement that should
result in an increase in the number and
relevance of our publications. In sum, our
hospital has the motivation and scientific
leadership needed to face the challenge of
research in nursing.
I.F.: 22,63
Sastre S, Popescu D, Nunez M,
Pomes J, Tomas X, Peidro L. Doublebundle versus single-bundle ACL
reconstruction using the horizontal
femoral position: a prospective, randomized study. KNEE SURG SPORT TR A,
2010. 18:32-36. I.F.:1,67.
2 Popescu D, Sastre S, Caballero M,
Lee JWK, Claret I, Nunez M, Lozano L.
Meniscal repair using the FasT-Fix device in patients with chronic meniscal lesions. KNEE SURG SPORT TR A, 2010.
18:546-550. I.F.:1,67.
Jansa M, Hernandez C, Vidal M,
Nunez M, Bertran MJ, Sanz S, Castell
C, Sanz G. Multidimensional analysis of
treatment adherence in patients with
multiple chronic conditions. A crosssectional study in a tertiary hospital.
PATIENT EDUC COUNS, 2010. 81:161168. I.F.:1,98.
Rodriguez-Blanco T, FernandezSan-Martin I, Balague-Corbella M,
Berenguera A, Moix J, Montiel-Morillo
E, Nunez-Juarez E, Gonzalez-Moneo
MJ, Pie-Oncins M, Martin-Penacoba
R, Roura-Olivan M, Nunez-Juarez M,
Pujol-Ribera E. Study protocol of effectiveness of a biopsychosocial multidisciplinary intervention in the evolution of
non-speficic sub-acute low back pain in
the working population: cluster randomised trial. BMC HEALTH SERV RES,
2010. 10:-. I.F.:1,66.
Amigo M, Nogue S, Miro O. Use of
activated charcoal in acute poisonings:
Clinical safety and factors associated
with adverse reactions in 575 cases. MED CLIN-BARCELONA, 2010.
135:243-249. I.F.:1,23.
Pozo-Rodriguez F, Alvarez CJ, CastroAcosta A, Moreno CM, Capelastegui A,
Esteban C, Carcereny CH, Lopez-Campos JL, Alonso JLI, Quilez AL, Agusti
A. Clinical Audit of Patients Admitted to
Hospital in Spain due to Exacerbation of
COPD (AUDIPOC Study): Method and
2010. 46:349-357. I.F.:2,17.
Gonzalo V, Lozano JJ, Munoz J, Balaguer F, Pellise M, DeMiguel CR, Andreu
M, Jover R, Llor X, Giraldez MD, Ocana
T, Serradesanferm A, Alonso-Espinaco
V, Jimeno M, Cuatrecasas M, Sendino
O, Castellvi-Bel S, Castells A. Aberrant
Gene Promoter Methylation Associated
with Sporadic Multiple Colorectal Cancer. PLOS ONE, 2010. 5:-. I.F.:4,35.
Valldeoriola F, Regidor I, MinguezCastellanos A, Lezcano E, Garcia-Ruiz P,
Rojo A, Salvador A, Castro A, Grandas F,
Kulisevsky J, Marti MJ, Martinez-Martin
P, Relova L, Rumia J, Camara A, Burguera JA, Linazasoro G, DeVal JL, Obeso J,
Rodriguez-Oroz MC, Tolosa E. Efficacy
and safety of pallidal stimulation in primary dystonia: results of the Spanish
multicentric study. J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS, 2010. 81:65-69. I.F.:4,87.
Rosa AR, Reinares M, Michalak EE,
Bonnin CM, Sole B, Franco C, Comes
M, Torrent C, Kapczinski F, Vieta E.
Functional Impairment and Disability
across Mood States in Bipolar Disorder.
VALUE HEALTH, 2010. 13:984-988.
transversAL research groups
Research in nursing
I.F.: 1,234
Valldeoriola F, Camara A. Intraduodenal infusion of levodopa. REV NEUROLOGIA, 2010. 51:41-48. I.F.:1,23.
I.F.: 5,527
Miller MR, Hankinson J, Brusasco V,
Burgos F, Casaburi R, Coates A, Enright
P, VanDerGrinten C, Gustafsson P, Jensen R, Macintyre N, Mckay RT, Pedersen OF, Pellegrino R, Viegi G, Wanger J.
Standardisation of lung function testing:
the authors’ replies to readers’ comments. EUR RESPIR J, 2010. 36:14961498. I.F.:5,53.
Grants for research
in progress
Zabalegui A. Patrones de afrontamiento
al cuidado oncológico paliativo. Sponsored by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias,
PI061269. Amount: 24.623,50 euros.
Duration: 12/11/2006-30/06/2010.
Zabalegui A. Grup de recerca reconegut
com consolidat de Catalunya al “Grup
de Cures a la Gent Gran Dependent”.
Sponsored by: Agència de Gestió
d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
(AGAUR), 2009 SGR 916. Amount: 0,00
euros. Duration: 03/07/2009-31/12/2012.
Zabalegui A. Estudio experimental
sobre la eficacia de una intervención
innovadora de información, formación
y apoyo social “INFOSA” a cuidadores
principales de personas mayores dependientes. Sponsored by: INSTITUTO DE
SALUD CARLOS III, PI09/0111. Amount:
62.315,00 euros. Duration: 17/02/201031/12/2012.
Burgos F. Estudio Europeo de Salud
Respiratoria: Seguimiento de la población española a los 18 años de su inicio.
Sponsored by: FIS, 2009 ECRHS III.
Amount: 77.440,00 euros. Duration:
Zabalegui A. Improving health services
for European citizens with dementia:
Development of best practice strategies for the transition from ambulatory
to institutional long-trem care facilities (RightTimePlaceCare). Sponsored
by: European Commission, 2421153.
Amount: 249.075,00 euros. Duration:
Team leader index
Àlvar Agustí.............................. 138
Jordi Alberch............................ 218
Antonio Alcaraz........................ 140
Vicente Arroyo.......................... 157
Francisco Lozano........................ 89
Oriol Bachs............................... 290
Juan Balasch............................ 144
Joan Albert Barberà.................. 131
Miguel Bernardo....................... 221
Jaume Bosch........................... 164
Josep Brugada......................... 109
Jordi Bruix................................ 161
Josep Mª Campistol................. 114
Elías Campo Güerri................... 250
Xavier Carné............................. 298
Josep Carreras......................... 153
Antoni Castells......................... 182
Francisco Cervantes................. 272
Ricard Cervera............................ 73
Daniel Closa............................. 100
Dolors Colomer........................ 279
Cristóbal Mezquita.................... 260
Guadalupe Mengod.................. 198
Montserrat Milà........................ 262
Oscar Miró Andreu..................... 97
Rafael Molina........................... 248
Julián Panés............................. 169
Albert Parés............................. 172
César Picado............................ 134
Anna M. Planas........................ 203
Francesca Pons........................ 256
Susana Puig............................. 265
Antonia Ribes........................... 186
Antoni Rimola........................... 178
Emili Ros.................................. 118
Ginés Escolar........................... 282
Manel Sabaté........................... 104
Maria Victoria Sánchez............. 236
Raimon Sanmartí........................ 72
Antoni Sisó Almirall.................. 302
Ramon Farré............................. 122
José Carlos Fernández-Checa... 175
Jorge Ferrer............................. 189
Joaquim Forés i Viñeta............... 92
Xavier Forns............................. 154
Eduardo Tolosa......................... 206
Antoni Torres............................ 125
Ramon Trullàs........................... 244
Pere Gascón Vilaplana.............. 286
Josep M. Gatell.......................... 79
Ramon Gomis........................... 191
Eduard Gratacós....................... 148
Francesc Graus........................ 240
Núria Guanyabens.................... 172
Álvaro Urbano-Ispizúa............... 268
Álvaro Urbano Márquez............ 212
Josep Valls Solé....................... 211
Jordi Yagüe................................. 95
Carme Junqué.......................... 233
Adelaida Zabalegui.................... 305
Roselló, 149-153
08036 Barcelona
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