Sample file - Unlock the Past
Sample file - Unlock the Past
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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) but is not FASTFIND enabled South Australian Police Gazette 1941 Ref. AU5103-1941 ISBN: 978 1 921494 53 6 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by the South Australia Police Historical Society Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use the bookmarks and Adobe Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Alternatively use any table of contents or book index to look for specific information and then use Adobe Reader’s page navigation controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to go to the relevant page. Searching this CD This CD is searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later. It is also FASTFIND enabled, giving very fast searches of all files on the CD at once! The FASTFIND search enhancement only works with Adobe Reader 6 or later. Use the Binoculars/Search icon in Adobe Reader or “Search” under the Edit menu to initiate all searches. 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All Rights Reserved I FAITH r THE SOUTH POLICE AND, COURAGE' AUSTRALIAN GAZETTE 1941 By AUTHORITY : K.M. STEVENSON, Government 1942. A Printer, Adelaide. KEY TO INDEX. A.-Special Inquiry. B.-Prohibited Immigrants. C.-Escaped Prisoners and Mental Defectives. D.-Absconders. E.-Provisional Warrants. F.-Warrants Issued and Warrants G.-Burglary, Housebreaking, H.-Stealing I.-Motor J.-Lost in Dwellings, Executed. Shopbreaking, Etc. Etc. Vehicles and Bicycles. or Stolen. K.-Horses, Cattle, Etc. L.-Deserting Wives, Families, M.-Deserting from H.M. Service. N.-Deserting from Merchant O.-Missing Etc. Vessels. Friends. P.-Inquests. Q.-Apprehensions. R.-Complainants. S.-Prisoners Tried T.-Prisoners Discharged U.G.-Persons Suspected or Wanted for Burglary, U.H.-Persons Suspected or Wanted for Stealing U.I.-Persons at Supreme Suspected and Circuit Courts. from H.M. Gaols. or Wanted for Stealing Housebreaking, in Dwellings, Etc. Etc. Motor Vehicles or Bicycles. V.-Photographs. NOTE.-The figures in parentheses name appears on any particular denote page. the number of times the same IND E X . A Abbattista, Don, 156, G. Abbott, Edward John, 128, Q. Abbott, Florence, 151, Q. Abbott, Jack Gaston, 228, Q. Abdulla, Gilbert (half-caste aborigine ), 54, 315, Q. Abdulla, William (half-caste aborigine), 54, Q. Abernethy, K. (N.S.W.), 149, 372, I. Aborigines Granted Exemptions from the Provisions of the Aborigines Act, 1941, 309, 310, 311, 344. Abotomey, Kenneth Robert, 345, G. Abraham, see John William Harris. Ackerie, Adelaide, 90, G. Ackerie, Italy, 90, G. Ackerie, Kusahay Ruben, 265, 288, G; 291, R. Ae'kerie, Morneer Joseph, 265, G; 291, R; 305, 321, I; 324, R. Ackerie, Morneey, 90, G. Ackerie, Reuben, 90, G. Ackerie, Ruben Albert, 2,65, 288, G; 291, R. Ackland, Colin, 195, 203, I. Ackland, Thomas David, 143, 174, J. Acres, Cyril Linley, 244, Q; 272, 388, F. Acres, Peggy, 105, 117, I. Adam, Clement, 298, 306, O. Adam, George Burgess, 72, Q. Adams, Alfred John, 189, M. Adams, Arthur James, 296, H. Adams, Elizabeth, 372, H. Adams, Emma, 337, 345, H. Adams, Eric Michael, 196, M. Adams, Frederick, 285, Q. Adams, Hugh George, 84, H. Adams, James Henry, 175, Q. Adams, John, 87, Q. Adams, Martha Dunlop, 58, Q. Adams, Percy, 12, J. Adams Proprietary Ltd., 65, R. Adams, Ronald James, 177, T. Adams, Thomas Francis, 272, F. Adams, William & Co. Ltd., 106, R; 217, I. Adams, William Charles, 219, 221, Q; 293, T. Adams, William Charles, 217, H. Adcock, Allen Ross, 198, R. Adcock, Geoffrey Albert, 30, Q. Adcroft, Sylvia Gwendoline, 18, J. Addems, Raymond King, 356, R. Addison, Harold John, 30, Q. Addison, William Simpson, 388, H. Adelaide Benevolent & Strangers' Friend Society Incorporated, 184, R. Adelaide City Council, 381, H. Adelaide Co-operative Society Limited, 352, F. Adelaide Dog Store, 304, G. Adelaide Electric Supply Company Limited, 206, 390, R. Adelaide Rope and Nail Company, 355, R. Adelaide Steamship Company Ltd., 104, 110, H; 176, 400, R. Adelaide Used Cars (M. G. Jacka, manager), 25, A. Adey, Charles William, alias William Charles Adey, 113, 245, T; 384, Q; 385, T. Adoy, William Charles, see Charles William Adey. Adkins, Alec Edward, 339, P. Aesche, Johannes Theodor, 1,60, R. Aesche, Norman Oscar, 396, F. Agnew, John, identical with James Mann with aliases George Anderson, Charles Percival Bromley, George Culvert Dalgetty, Michael Frank Foy, James Lewis, Thomas Lloyd, James Morris Machin, James Machin, Massey, James Munro, C. Schultze, James Thompson, 194, A. Agouras, Nicholas, 5, N. Ah Chung, 99, Q. Ahern, Thomas James, 245, 292, Q; 342, 358, T; 365, Q. Ahmed, Maghraley Osman, 206, 221, Q. Ahsbahs, Hermann (N.S.W.), 360, 395, A. Aiken, Charles Luke, 333, R. Ainsworth, Herbert, 166, P. Air, Keith, 256, H. Air, Raymond, alias George Renfrey, 375, Q. Aircraft Industrial Marine Instrument Co. (N.S.W.), 345, G. Aird, Archibald James, 127, Q. Aiston, Leonard John, 120, Q. Aitchison, Margaret, 42, H. Aitchison, Roland Carr, 243, P. Aitchison, Shirley, 306, O. Aitken, Albert Henry, 91, M. Aitken, Edward, 218, M. Alaska Ice Cream & Produce Company, 337, H. Alcorn, Francis Roy, 92, Q. Alderson, Henry, 92, Q. Alderton, C. (N.S.W.), 321, 337, I. Aldridge, Herbert Charles, 112, Q. Aldridge, John William, 384, Q. Alex (Abo.), 176, Q; 177, T. Alexander, Albert William, 192, T. Alexander, B. A. (Vic.), 196, 297, I. Alexander, Clarence Roy; 171, F. Alexander, Douglas, 396, F. Alexander, Elizabeth, 58, Q. Alexander, George Sydney, 251, Q. Alexander, Hurtle Everett, 19-6, 218, K. Alexander, John Frederick Richard, 348, Q. Alexander, Ronald Arthur William, 164, H. Alexander, S., see Alexander Shearwin. Alexander, Stanley, 202, F. Alexander, Stanley Gordon, 292, Q. Alexander, William David Norman, 60, 153, T; 272, 288, F. Alford, Edward George, 283, M. Algate, Bryant Garfield, 221, Q. Algie (Abo.), 382, Q; 385, T. Algie, C. W. (Vie.), 4, 12, I. All, William, 150, P. Alikaris, Peter, 46, T; 299, Q. Alstergren Pty. Ltd. (Vie.), 204, I. Allan, Eric, see Frank Vickers. Allan, Kathleen Jessie, 137, O. Allan, Percival John James, 212, J. Allan, Russell Arthur, 332, Q. Allan, S. (Vic.), 51, 105, I. Allan's Limited, 104, H. Allard, William George, 112, Q. Allardoyce, Gordon Arthur, aliias Gordon Arthur Allardyce, 145, Q; 172, 202, F. Allardyce, Gordon Arthur, see Gordon Arthur Allardoyce. Allder, Edward George, 202, R. Allen, see Michael Henry John Ryan. Allen, Adelia, 220, Q. Allen, Clyde Herbert , 235, 282, I. Allen, Albert James, 168, Q. Allen, Edward James, alias James Allen, 222, T. Allen, Edward John, alias Tait Allen, 237, Q. Allen, Frederick Gordon, 150, M. Allen, James, see Edward James Allen. Allen, Harold Percy, 166, 167, P. Allen, John Edward, 316, Q. Allen, Leonard, 97, 135, I; 138, R. Allen, Leonard Raymond, 10, 25, F. Allen, Lilian May, 92, Q; 92, R. Allen, Reginald Joseph Thomas , 188, I. Allen, Rita Marie Agnes, 355, O. Allen, Robert Grant Gethings, 106, R; 105, I. Allen, Russell Arthur, 299, Q; 392, T. Allen, Sydney Harry, 61, F. Allen, Tait, see Edward John Allen. Allen, William, 45, Q. Allen, William Arthur, 30, Q. Allington, Harold William, 65, R. Allington, Percy, 243, Q. Allnutt, Marion Ellen Lea, 289, 330, I. Allsebrook, George William John, 86, M. Alsop, Sydney, 2, 16, 103, 124, F. Alsop, William Donald Claude, 181, I. Altman, Leslie Arthur, 51, I. Altmann. Wilhelm Ardolph, 135, H. Amato, Domonic, 349, Q. Amato, Fillipo, 124, H. Ambler, Albert Mark, 292, R. Ambrey. Warwick, 258, M. Amies, Frederick George, 306, P. Amos, Charles Kenneth, 118, L; 183, O. Amos, Oliver Arnold, 399, Q. Amoy, Gladys Emma, 159, 364, Q. Amoy, Thomas. 159, Q. Anders, Conrad William, 324, R. Andersen, Nils Henry, alias Nils Henry Anderson , 325, Q ; 401, T. Anderson, see Mary Elizabeth Williams. Anderson, see James Henderson. Anderson, Alan Douglas, 167, R. Anderson, Albert Alfred Edwin, 305, I; 308, Q. Anderson, Alexander Francis, 72, Q. Anderson, Alfred John, 363, P. Anderson, Allan Joseph, 338, I. Anderson, Andrew, see Andrew Herman Sundell. Anderson, Anton Ignatius, 348, Q. Anderson, Cecil Reginald, 346, I. Anderson, Charles Bernard , 5, 408, Q. Anderson, Charles Francis, 384, Q. Anderson, Clarence William, 6, Q. Anderson, Colin George, 240 , 282, I. Anderson, Cyril Francis, 221, R. INDEX. iv. Anderson, Donald Edward, 104, H. Anderson, Donald Keith, 51, 97, 235, I. Anderson, Douglas Waldermar Emil, 156, (3), G; 160, Q; 199, S; 202, G; 206, Q. Anderson, Edward Keith, 364, Q. Anderson, Edwin Laurence, 307, 340, Q. Anderson, Frank, 163, 216, D. Anderson, Frederick James with aliases Frederick James Kay, Frederick Brady, Frank Brady, Sydney Carter, Paddles Anderson, 77, 123, E. Anderson, George, see John Agnew. Anderson, George David Frank, 85, I. Anderson, George Owen Allen, 382, J. Anderson, G. M. (Vic.), 182, I. Anderson, Gustav Gotthold, alias Gustav Gotlieb Anderson, 332, Q; 342, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, T; 390, Q; 408, T. Gustav Gotlieb, see Gustav Hughie, 145, Q. J. (Vie.), 218, 226, I. James, see Angus McLeod. John, 364, R. Gotthold Anderson. Anderson, John, 19, Q; 47, T; 134, 181, F. Anderson, J. R. (Vie.), 143, I. Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Kenneth Albert ,127, 145, 383, Q. Lena Olive Pearl, 298, 0. Leslie Ross, 87, Q. Anderson, Louis James, 152, Q. Anderson, May Matilda, 99, R. Anderson, Paddles, see Frederick James Anderson. Anderson, Robert, 285, Q; 342, T. Anderson, Ronald Alexander, 289, 337, I; 340, R. Anderson, Walter Christian, 111, 117, I. Anderton, John Knight, 28, M. Andreula, Donato, 364, Q. Andrew, Hedley Victor, 180, 194, F. Andrews, Albert John, 71, Q. Andrews, Edward Harold, 297, I. Andrews, George Reginald, alias George Scott, 396, F; Andrews, James Alfred, 248, 256, I. Andrews, William, see Leonard Stephens. Angel, Roy George, 316, Q; 391, T. Angelinawich, Jane Evelyn, 5, R. 400, Q. Angelo, Con Jack, alias Con Nicholas, 37, Q; 159, 212, 0. Angie, Alfred, 80, 298, 324, Q; 326, T; 336, F. Angie, Frank James, 340, Q. Angie, Noel Thomas, 233, 239, F. Angrave, Myra Pearl Valentine, 346, I. Angrave, W. H., 86, 91, M. Angus, Ernest Melrose, 365, R. Angus, Sydney, 297, J. Angwin, John Henry, 34, F. Annear, Jean, 212, Q. Annels, Leslie Millard, 119, Q. Annetts, W. S. (N.S.W.), 43, I. Annis, Edgar John, 221, Q. Ansell Rubber Co., 30, R. Anstey, Ernest Gordon, 244, R. Anstey, John Alfred, 3,61, H. Anstey, Kevin Thomas, 155, F. Ante, Foretie, see Ante Foretie. Anthoney, John, 81, Q. Anthony, Alfred Charles, 71, Q. Anthony, T. L. (Vic.), 85, 182, I. Antipas, Vassilios, 10, B. Aplin, Stanley Keith, 289, 329, I; 332, R. Aplin, Sydney Charles, 26, F. Appelt, Ronald Harold, 333, Q. Appleby, Robert Stanley, 198, Q. Applekamp, Cleveland Henry, 298, 0. Appleton, Harold Richard, see Richard Appleton. Appleton, Lilian (half-caste abo.), 244, Q; 269, T. Appleton, Mabel, see Mabel Thelma Jennings. Appleton, Richard, otherwise Harold Richard Appleton, 264, D; 275, 383, Q. Q. Appleton, William, Appleton, William Squires, 235, 249, I. Applications for the Public Service- 233, 113, Adelaide Police Court Department, 279. Agricultural Department, 9, 41, 75, 163, 343. Agricultural College Department, 171, 327. Architect-in-Chief's Department, 327. Children's Welfare and Public Relief Department, 9 (2), 115, 171, 295, 327. Department of Lands, 41, 223, 295. Education Department, 41. Engineering and Water Supply Department, 9, 33, 1" 171, 271, 295, 327, 343. Harbors Board Department, 171. Highways and Local Government Department, 271. Hospitals Department, 327. Produce Department, 33. Public Stores Department, 163. Registrar-General of Deeds Department, 75, 171, 223, 279. Stamp and Succession Duties Department, 33. Supreme Court Department. 49. Taxation Department, 115, 271. Woods and Forests Department, 49. Appsley. William Albert, see Norman Wilson. Arbon, George Francis, 213, Q. and Oxy-Welding Company (S. W. Lucas Miles, proprietors), 142, H. Are Archer, Arthur William, 2, F. Archer, Henry James, 106, M. Arenas, M. A. (Vie.), 63, 322, I. Argitis, Pandeles, 5, N. Aries, Robert John, alias Hall, 331, Q. Armstrong, see Ronald Percival Kerrison. Armstrong, Bertha, 322, J. Armstrong, John Alexander, alias Bruce, alias Burns (N.S.W.), 209 (Vic.), 352, A. Armstrong, Joseph Race, 189, P. Armstrong, Kate Marion, 331, K. Armstrong, Mina Elizabeth Mary, alias DeLacey, 115, A. Armstrong, R. M. (Vic.), 118, I. Arneson, Norman Victor Roy, 400, Q. Arnold, see Frank Arnold Lecky. Arnold, Alfred Andrew, 127, Q; 210, 281, F; 324, Q. Arnold, Darrold Vivian, 31, Q; 60, T. Arnold, Frederick C. G., 165, I. Arnold, Frederick Charles Grimley, 113, T; 213, Q; 286, T; 381, H; 383, Q. Arnold, Geoffrey Thomas, 198, Q. Arnold, Iris, 10, 96, F. Arnold, Jack, 372, 381, H. Arnold, Jane, 181, H. Arnold, Martha, 11, 35, H. Arnold, Oswald William, 42, H. Arnold, Thomas, 399, Q. Arnold, Verna Muriel, 285, R. Arnott, H. E. (N.S.W.), 143, I. Arnscott, William Henry, 176, Q. Arthur, Allen Spencer, 30, Q. Arthur, James Sydney, 168, Q. Arthurson, James Thomas, 31, Q. Ash, Leslie H. W., 353, I. Ash, Roy, 272, 380, 404, F. Ash, Shadrack Alfred, 360, F. Ashby, August James, 34, 77 (2), F. Ashby, E. & Son, 338, K. Ashby, Florence Elizabeth, 21, S. Ashe, Charles Patrick, 407, M. Ashenden, Frederick Charles, 189, I. Asher, Sydney Victor, 59, Q. Ashton, S. (Vic.), 118, I. Ashwood, John Henry, 38, Q. Asikas, John Angelo, 349, Q. Aspinall, Leslie Cyril, otherwise O'Brien, 98, 0. Aspinall, Robert Howard, 285, R. Associated Smelters Bowling Club, 275 (2), 384, R. Aston, Eric Reuben, 109, F. Atchinson Bros., 45, R. Atchison, Albert Archer, 221, Q. Athanasiou, Jim, 225, 312, H. Athanasos, Peter, 65, Q. Athorn, Ruby Victoria, 361, H. Atkins, Ada Jane, 315, Q. Atkins, C. (N.S.W.), 203, 211, I. Atkins, Charles Edwin, 362, H. Atkins, Charles James, see Victor Clare Mills. Atkins, George, 272, F. Atkinson, Dulcie, 211, 218, I. Atkinson, James Ashby, 88, Q. Atkinson, J. H., 226, 250, M. Atkinson, Joseph, 348, P. Atkinson, Leslie, 107, Q; 108, T. Atkinson, Ronald C., 148, H. Atkinson, Thomas Keith, 292, Q. Atkinson, T. G. (Vic.), 96, 181, H. Attiwill, Robert Edward, 348, Attridge, Clifford Colville, 243, Aubert, Jack, 34, F. P. Aubert, Jean, 344, A. Aubert, Paul Andre, 4, M. Aubert, Phillip John, 259, Q. Aufderheide, Jack, 406, I. Auld, David Stewart, 337, I. Aumont, Walter Charles, 182, 235, M. Aust, Arthur Henry, 57, M. Austin, Charlotte Florence, see Charlotte Florence Matthews. Australasian Automatic Scale & Weighing Machine Company Incorporated, 45, R. Australian Red Cross Society, South Australian Division (Incorporated), 112 (2), 151, R. Australian Wheat Board, 124, H. Averett, Ruth Lily, 353, F. Avery, Agnes Mildred, 5, R. Avery, Ray Garfield, 236, Q. Ayliffe, James Burton, 5, Q; 241, K. Allward, A.R.(N.S.W.), 111,118,I. Ayres, Ayres, Ayton, Leslie Ernest, 384, Q. Stewart Ralph, 183, Q. Keith Oliver, 280, F. B Bacash, Frederick (Vic.), 283, I. Baches, George, 5, 390, N. and D. R. Back, William Backhouse Charles, 251, Q. (Smith Implement) Ltd., 376, R. INDEX. Backhouse, Thomas Salmon, 176, R. Backler, Clarence Bede, 89, F. Backman, John Henry, 268, Q; 308, T. Backman, Reginald Leonard, 46, R; 267, Q. Backshall, Leland Wallace, 71, Q; 88, T. Badcock, Clayvel Lindsay, 233, 320, F. Badcock, Doris Sylvia, 84, H. Baddams, Brian W., 173, I; 177, R. Badenoch, Henry A., see Badenoch Transport Service. Badenoch Transport Service (Henry A. Badenoch, manager), 110, G. Badgan, Colin Jack, 137, Q. Baggott, Alison May, 117, H. Baggott, Warren Hamilton, 12, 28, M. Bagnell, David Henry, 4, 36, I. Bagot, John Frederick, 167, R. Bagot's Executor and Trustee Company Limited, 119, R. Bagshaw, Ray, see Ray Thomas Walton. Bagshaw, Roy Thomas, see Ray Thomas Walton. Bailetti , Eugenia, 398, Q. Bailey , A. V. (Vic.), 157, I. Bailey, Bruce Greville, 58, Q. Bailey , Catherine, 73, Q. Bailey , Cecil Hector, 16, F. Bailey, Cecil Theodore , 284, R. Bailey, Charles Foster, 71, B. Bailey, Chase , see Ray Bailey. Bailey, Clement Clarence , 183, Q. Bailey, Clement Craig, 175, R. Bailey, F. W. (Vic.), 79, I. Bailey , Florence May, 20, R. Bailey, Frederick Roy, 72, Q; 93, T. Bailey, Harold George, 155, 187, F. Bailey, Kevin Douglas , 384, Q. Bailey , Lloyd Miell, 29, Q. Bailey, Ray, alias Chase Bailey, 384, Q. Bailey, Raymond Harry, 71, Q. Bailey, John, 287 , 311, D; 332, Q. Gaily, Linton Strongman, 86, Q. Baillie, Veronica Rose, 319, F. Bain , Allen James , 259, Q. Bain, Leslie Gilbert, 159, P. Bain, Mavis Winifred , 315, R. Bain, Robert John, see Robert John Peter Pini. Bain, Winifred, 315, R. Bainbridge, Edward Maher, 373, M. Bainbridge, William Geoffrey, 41, 61, A. Baines, Mabel Olive Lydia, 127, R. Baird, S. (N.S.W.), 79, I. Baker, Allen Edward, 291, R. Baker & Hall, 92, R. Baker, Anthony George, 407, J. Baker, Barry, 45, Q. Baker, Beatrice Muriel Stella, 31, R. Baker, Cyril Albert, 44, Q. Baker, C. W. (N.S.W.), 173, 189, I. Baker, Donald Frederick, 289, 297, I. Baker, Douglas George, 110, I. Baker, Elsie Frances, 177, R. Baker, Errol Kitchener, 87, Q; 199, S. Baker, Fanny Charlotte, 374, R. Baker, Herbert Charles, 192, Q. Baker, Jack, 10, 16, 172, F. Baker, Jeffery Athol, 107, Q. Baker, Kelly, see Lance Gilbert Baker. Baker, Lancelot Gilbert, alias Kelly Baker, 70, 80, 0; 384, Q. Baker, Lancelot Horace, 333, R. Baker, Leonard Edward, 197, Q. Baker, George Paterick, see Francis O'Brien. Baker, Hughes, see Francis O'Brien. Baker, Leslie Keith, 44, Q. Baker, Lionel Ronald John, 26, G; 30, Q. Baker, Stewart Frederick, see Francis O'Brien. Baker, Walter John, 100, Q. Balcock, Jane, 399, Q. Bald, Ronald, 324, Q. Baldock, Herbert, 166, 174, O. Baldock, Les Garfield, 22, T. Baldwin, Edgar Valentine, 103, F. Baldwin, Lawrence Malcolm, 77, 84, 103, F. Baldwin, Michael James, 352, 361, F. Baldwin, Reginald Edwin, 151, Q. Baldwin, Ronald Richard, 77, 156, F. Balestrin, Giovanni, 221, Q. Balfour, Wauchope, Limited, 323, R. Ball, Clifford Leslie Frederick, 314, M. Ball, Colin Ray, 49, A; 311, F. Ball, Kenneth Leon, 53, Q. Ball, Leonard Harry, 180, 273, F. Balll Robert Petherton, 218, K. Ball, Ronald, aliases Ronald Leonard Parker, Arthur Priest, Ronald Joseph Brown, Ronald Leonard Selby, 6, Q; 42, F. Ball, William, see Lawrence John O'Brien. Ballard, Frank, 276, Q. Ballard, Noel Henry, 204, M. Ballinger, Albyn Lancelot, 212, J. Balnave, Francis Henry, 143, M. Balson, R. (N.S.W.), 321, I. Balzen, William Herbert, 274, M. Bambach, Joseph Dominic, 83, E. Stanley V. Bampton, Eleanor Esther, 217, 282, H. Banfield, George William, 280, F. Banfield, Pearce Bennett, 252, R. Banfield, Peter, 234, 248, H. Banks, Clifford George, 315, Q. Banks, Ernest Edward, 375, Q. Banks, Leslie Victor Richard, 206, Q. Banks, J. R., 36, 52, M. Bannerman, Gordon James, 167, Q. Bannister, Clarence William, 59, Q. Bannister, Marmaduke (N.S.W.), 10, E. Bannon, Gerald Francis, 338, I. Banos, George, 71, Q. Banos, Michael, 43, J. Baptist Church (Harold George Hackworthy, minister), 296, 361, G; 365, R. Baragalia, Giovani, 236, Q. Barber, Clarence Richard, 31, Q. Barber, Ian Albert, 168, Q. Barber, Samuel Albert, 211, 217, I. Barber, Sydney Bruce, 167, Q. Barclay, John McGeorge, 228, Q; 266, P. Barclay, Paul Henry, 91, M. Bardon, see Frank Harold Barndon. Bareham, William Reginald, see William Reginald Barham. Barham, William Reginald, alias William Reginald Bareham, 219, Q; 250, 258, M. Bari, Angelantonio De, 175, 191, Q. Barkell, Mervyn Sincock, 110, 117, I. Barker, Colin Leslie, 53, Q. Barker, Douglas Roy, 34, F. Barker, Francis Walter, 284, Q. Barker, Muriel H., 19, R. Barker, Muriel Rosalie, 237, R. Barker, William Leonard, 182, J. Barkla, Moana, 322, J. Barltrop, George Allan, 243, Q. Barltrop, Raymond Douglas, 243, Q. Barndon, Frank Harold, aliases Harold Bernard, Lindner, T. W. Geraly, Burnard, Mudie, G. Sanders, Bardon, 92,- Q; 286, T. Barnes, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Barnes, Cecil Cyril, 331, Q. Barnes, Charles William, 296, 328, F. Barnes, George Dominick, 220, Q; 317, T. Barnes, Geoffrey Robert, 2, F. Barnes, Herbert James, 127, Q. Barnes, Jessie, 112, Q. Barnes, Keith Cleaver, 349, Q. Barnes, Leonard, see Stanley John Wells. Barnes, Percy William, 119, Q. Barnes, Thelma Victoria, 112, Q. Barnes, William, 284, P. Barnes, William Arthur Henry, 199, Q. Barnett, Clifford John, 165, I. Barnett, Frank Stewart, 1016, M. Barnett, Geoffrey Philip, 372, 381, I. Barnett, Jack, see John James Barnett. Barnett, John James, alias Jack Barnett, 30-7, Q; 325, T. Barnett, Robert William, 20, R. Barney, Mathew John, 104, F. Barnfield, Augustus, see Gustave Barnfield. Barnfield, Augustus Francis Birdwood, see Gustave Barnfield. Barnfield, Gustave aliases Augustus Barnfield, Bertram William Davis, Augustus Francis Birdwood Barnfield, 46, 59, 73, Q; 200, T; 300, Q; 376, T. Barns, Hazel Mary, 59, R. Barr, B., see Douglas Harry Black. Barratt, Frederick Jack, 205, Q. Barratt, George James, 213, Q; 269, S. Barratt, Richard Noel, 290, Q. Barratt, William Frederick Joseph, 19, Q. Barraud, Murray Alwyn Telfer, 65, Q. Barrett, Amelia Irene, 106, 150, O. Barrett, Elizabeth Gertrude, 100, Q. Barrett, Herbert Cloyed, 244, Q; 269, S. Barrett, Marjorie Joyce, 56, H. Barrett, Peggy Clare, 19, Q. Barrett, Ruel Thomas, 219, Q. Barrie, Dene Albert, 137, Q. Barringer, Robert, see Robert Harris. Barrington, see Robert Harris. Barron, David, 384, Q. Barron, Margaret Ann Jean, 13, Q. Barr-Smith, Nancy L., 382, J. Barr-Smith, Thomas, 160, R. Barry, Artemus Lancelot, 181, H. Barry, Auberon, 27, 43, H. Barry, Donald Stanley, 306, 314, M. Barry, Ernest William, 106, M. Barry, Harold Wesley, 52, O. Barry, Herbert William Joseph, 214, Q. Barry, Joan, 189, 197, O. Barry, Robert, see Robert Harris. Bartch, Lewis Erwin, 323, O. Barter, John Joseph, 157, 165, I. Bartholomaeus, Edward, 2-67, R. Bartholomaeus, Rex Faull, 260, Q. Bartholomew, Horace Charles, 384, Q. Bartle, Kevin Percival Ronald, 71, Q. vi. INDEX. Bartlett, Alfred Ernest, 57, 63, I. Bartlett, Garth Hedley, 160, Q. Bartlett, Ina Amy, 151, R. Bartlett, Jack, 259, R.. Bartlett, Jack, 224, F. Bartley, Patricia Lorraine, 144, O. Barton, Alec' Roy, see Alexander Roy Barton. Barton, Alexander Roy, aliases Alick Burton, Riley, Alec Roy Barton, 198, Q; 233, 281, F; 316, I; 355, Q. Barton, Alick, see Alexander Roy Barton. Barton, George (N.S.W.), 67, E. Barton, Ronald James, 321, 329, I. Bartrop, James Samuel, alias James Brett, James Colin Best, Raymond Murray Voce, 119, Q; 185, S. Basford, Walter, 256, 372, I. Basheer, A. (Archie), 45, 276, R. Basheer, James, 81, R. Basheer, Roufe, 80, Q. Bass, George Ernest, 300, R. Bassacca, Cristiano, 213, Q. Basser, L. W. (N.S.W.), 330, 337, I. Basset, Glenville Vosper, 273, G. Bassett, Harry, 81, Q. Bassett, Jessie Isobel, 86, Q. Bassett, Joyce Loraine, 324, R. Bassett, Lillian, 361, H. Bassett, William Henry, 86, Q. Bassin, S. (N.S.W.), 388, 397, I. Bastian, Hezekiah, 214, Q. Bastian, Richard Henry, 176, Q. Batavia Fire Insurance Co., 13, 236, R. Bate, Arthur John, 87, R. Bateman, John, 107, Q. Bates, Edwin Charles, 213, Q. Bates, Joseph Edward, 276, 407, Q. Bates, Reubin Henry, 218, 226, J. Batis, John Henry, 54, T. Battams, Stanley Blair, 137, Q. Baudinet, Dr. Walter Hooper, 240, 248, 361, H. Bauer, Ronald Campbell, 315, Q. Bauer, Silva Elvina, 144, O. Bauld, W. H. (Vic.), 218, 354, I. Baulderstone, Leslie Charles, 99, R. Baum, Leonard Edward, 21, Q. Baust, Alfred Max, 6, R. Bavendamm, Henry Johann, 99, Q. Bawden, John Henry, 19, Q. Bawden, Lionel Hugh Oliver, 109, F. Baxter, Clarence Graham, 374, Q. Baxter, Dr. (N.S.W.)., 211, 241, I. Baxter, Ronald Joseph, 332, Q. Baxter, Sparks, see Stanley Robert Baxter. Baxter, Stanley Robert, alias Sparks Baxter, 77, F; 81, Q; 128, S; 253, T. Bayley, Olive Mary, 46, R. Bayliss, Leonard Charles, 213, Q; 381, G; 383, Q. Baynes, Lawrence Joseph John, 341, Q. Bax, Carl Lew, 375, Q. Bazely, Arthur, 6, Q. Beadel, George Joseph, 52, R. Beaglehole, William Curtis, 185, Q. Beale, Leslie H., 166, M. Beames, Harold F., identical with Henry Frederick Dennise, alias Beamish, 380, A. Beames, Leslie Neil, 213, A. Beamish, see Harold F. Beames. Beams, W. C. (Miss), see Dulsie Livina Sweeney. Beard, John Patrick, alias John Beard, 224, F. Beard, John, see John Patrick Beard. Beard, Frederick Walter, 54, T. Beard, John Patrick, alias John Patrick Reid, 307, Q. Beasley, Charles J., 142, I. Beaton, Edward Gibson, 150, 166, 0. Beattie, Barbara Clair, 72, R. Beattie, Mervyn Alfred Francis, 20, Q; 39, T. Beattie, R. A., see R. A. Beatty. Beatty, George William, 176, Q. Beatty, John Lindsay, 363, 364, P. Beatty, R. A., alias R. A. Beattie, 210, F. Beaty, Thomas Malachi, 332, Q. Beaumont, Frederick, see Harold Richard Thomas. Beaumont, Sydney George, 4, I. Beavis, F. (Vic.), 51, I. Beca, J. (N.S.W.)., 182, 189, I. Beck, John Harold, 107, Q. Beck, Rex Bernard, 77, F. Becker, Cecil Allan, 187, 224, F. Beckey, Ken (Vic.), 204, 354, I. Bedford, Anthony Peter, 290, M. Bedfor', Silva, 225, H. Bee, Thomas, 15, 147, D. Bee, Thomas Henderson, 112, R. Beek, Alan, 363, M. Beer, Graham, 5, Q. Beer, Samuel James, 333, Q. Beerworth, Jane Gertrude, 228, Q. Beeton, Lionel Hoperaft, 277, Q. Begg, Irvine Hanson, 347, K. Begg, Lancelot, 56, 62, H. Begg, William Jacob, 312, H. Beilby, S. Beitis, 0., Ltd., John, 81, R. 388, F. Belgrave, Reginald John, alias Alex John Jeffries, 126, Q; 134, F.; 138, T. Bell, see William John Scott. Bell, Alan Alexander, 65, Q; 77, F. Bell, Alfred Edwards, 127, R. Bell, A. M. (trading as A. M. Coombe), 388, I. Bell, Donald Roy, see Douglas Harry Black. Bell, Frederick Edward, 126, M. Bell, Graham, aliases Percy Arthur Lowen, Percival Arthur Lowen, William Ernest Clarke, Arthur Kerr, 62, F; 65, Q; 77, F; 128, S; 222, T. Bell, John Allen, 26, G; 30, Q. Bell, John Spencer, 126, 138, R. Bell, Kenneth Davis, 127, R. Bell, Lawrence, 284, Q. Bell, L. J. (Vic.), 63, I. Bell, Leslie Lance, 29, Q. Bell, L. W. (N.S.W.)., 397, 406, I. Beljamy, John Herbert, 56, F. Belling, Theodor August, 244, R. Bellinger, George Edward, 307, Q. Bellis, Lionel Hugh, 362, I. Bellman, Alfred Henry, 5, Q. Bellow, Maxwell Michael Robert, see Maxwell Michael Robert Below. Bell's Manufacturing and Trading Company, 227, 299, R. Below, Maxwell Michael Robert, alias Maxwell Michael Robert Bellow, 150, Q; 161, T; 328, F; 371, F; 404, F. Belsham, Violet Linda, 190, Q; 229, T. Benbow, William, 137, Q. Benfield, Norman Victor, 191, Q; 221, T. Bennett, Alan William, 148, 164, H. Bennett, Albert John, alias Casey Bennett, alias James Casey, 153, T. Bennett, Arnold Thomas, 244, R. Bennett, Beatrice Mary Joseph, 237, Q. Bennett, Casey, see Albert John Bennett. Bennett, Dulcie Livina, see Dulsie Livina Sweeney. Bennett, Edward, 112, Q. Bennett, Ethel Lorraine, 105, 157, I. Bennett & Fisher, 191, R. Bennett, George McNaught, see Alexander McPherson MacLeod. Bennett, Herbe Kinnish, 391, R. Bennett, Jack Webster, 406, I. Bennett, John McNaught, see Alexander McPherson MacLeod. Bennett, Martin William, 152, Q. Bennett, Maxwell Bruce (N.S.W.), alias M. H. Foster, 233, UG; 381, G. Bennett, Raymond George, 251, Q. Bennett, Reginald Franklyn, alias Jack Williams, 81, Q; 128, S; 409, T. Bennett, Reginald Jack, 258, Q. Bennett, Richard George, 252, Q. Bennett, Sydney Ernest, 257, J. Bennett, Valmai G., 337, I. Bennett, Walter Henry, 243, R. Bennett, William Hacket, 273, G. Bennett, William Joseph Percival, 44, P. Bennetta, Richard William, 29, Q; 94, T; 258, Q; 308, T. Bennetts, A. (Mrs.), 225, I. Bennetts, Albert William, 245, R. Bennetts, Albina, 236, Q. Bennie, see Benjamin Blueskin. Bennier, William John, 2, 25, 352, F. Benny, Jennifer, 155, A. Bensch, Douglas John, 185, T. Bensch, Johann Friedrich Ernst, 292, Q. Bensch, Lawrence Charles, 345, G; 408, R. Bensch, Maxwell Ernest, 297, I. Benson, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Benson, Maude (N.S.W.), 141, 187, E. Bentley, Kathleen, 26, 51, H. Bentley, Thomas Aquance, 332, R. Benton, Ronald, see Rudolph Charles Morris. Benz, Leslie Albert, 290, 298, O. Berg, Maurice Hyman Charles, 383, P. Bergamin, Guiseppe, 191, Q. Bergamin, Virginia, 191, Q. Bergen, John Albert, 268, R. Berman, Nellie, 338, 347, J. Bermingham, Francis William, see Frank Bermingham. Berminghan, Frank, alias Francis William Bermingham, 39, T. Bernard, Harold, see Frank Harold Barndon. Berndt, Kenneth Lewis, 12, J. Berry, Archie William, 145, 213, Q. Berry, Celia Adelaide, 62, H. Berry, Kenneth Martin, 79, 306, O. Berry, Lavinii Nellie, 255, G. Berry, Norma, 26, 35, H. Bert, Ronald Marno, 143, I. Bertram, Frederick Henry, 280, F. Bertram, Frederick Henry, 88, R. Bertrams Ltd., 164, H. Beshara, Jimeel 19, Q. Best, Colin, 20, Q. Best, James Colin, see James Samuel Bartrop. Best, Kenneth, 335, 344, C. INDEX. Beswetherick, Henry Thomas Cecil, 31, Q. Bethel, George William, alias George Nile, 93, 161, T. Betteridge, Mary, 321, 338, I. Betterman, Albert Ernest, 244, Q. Betterman, Edgar Ralph, 20, Q. Betterman, Evelyn Gertrude, 144, O. Betterman, Stanley Richard, 337, 346, I. Bettison, Henry Irvine, 298, K. Bettison, Kendall Albert, 288, 329, G. Betts, Arthur Ross, 316, Q. Betts, Francis William, 88, Q. Bevan, Ernest, 26, F. Bevan, Frederick, 88, R. Beveridge, Stanley Robert, 324, Q. Bevis, William, 216, F. Bews, Eustace John, see John Eustace Dews. Bews, John Eustace, aliases John Eustace, John Watson, Eustace John Bews, 59, Q; 88, T; 213, Q; 253, T; 268, Q; 301, T; 384, Q. Beythien, Horace William, 348, Q. Beythien, Kenneth George, 399, Q. Bhagwan-Singh, 292, R. Bickford, A. M. & Sons Limited, 376, R. Bickford, Ethel, 29, Q. Bickford, Rosamond Cudmore, 29, Q. Bickmore, Frederick, 384, Q. Biddle, Reginald Alvin, 119, R. Biddle, Samuel George, 234, 241, I. Bidgood, Ernest Roy, 376, Q. Bidwell, George, see Arthur Hilton. Bierman, Solomon Heyman, 348, Q. Biggins, Thomas, 356, Q. Biggs, Claudius, 307, Q. Biggs, Edgar Ruebin, 277, Q; 342, T. Biggs, Robert Keith, 119, Q. Biggs, William, see Lawrence John O'Brien. Bigham, D. J. S. (Vic.), 118, 174, I. Biglands, William, 374, P. Bigwood, William James, 255, F. Biles, Betty Joyce, 348, R. Biles, Shirley Dawn, 348, R. Bill, Jack Hammer, see William Hadden Wilson. Billin, Francis Joseph, 240, G; 287, F; 288, G. Billing, Angas William, 176, R. Billing, Audrey Isabell, 353, G. Billinghurst, Eric, 176, Q; 221, T. Billingsley, Rayner John William, 216, 288, F. Billy (half-caste aborigine), 71, Q; 81, T. Bilney, Lawrence, 227, 275, Q. Binding, Leonard Harold, 72, 167, Q. Bing, John Edward, 250, 298, M. Binns, C. W. (N.S.W.), 125, I. Binns, Ralph James, 399, Q. Birbeek, Lance Albion, 116, F. Birch, Derek Frederick, 257, M. Birch, Horace, 181, H. Bircham, James Edmund, 37, Q; 60, S; 162, T. Bird, Alfred Malin, 220, Q. Bird, Colin, 205, Q. Bird, Fanny S., 322, J. Bird, James Robert, 96, H. Bird, Margaret Anne, 227, R. Bird, Roy Albert, 364, Q. Birkett, Claude Percy, 159, Q; 177, T. Birks, Charles & Company, 38, 72, 190, R; 202, H; 205, 276, 307, 375, R. Birks, Lucy, 53, R. Birks, Norman Frank, 296, H. Birrell, Cyril Patrick, 27, 69, I. Birrell, Myrtle, 149, I. Birtwhistle, Herbert Joseph, 291, Q. Bishop, Elliot, 125, 149, I. Bishop, Hartley Harold, 71, R. Bishop, James Aloysius, 87, Q. Bishop, Kenneth William, 388, 397, I. Bishop, L., 57, I. Bishop, Malcolm Keith, 175, Q. Bishop, Roy Ernest, 226, M. Bitmead, Arthur, 19, Q. Black, Aubrey (Qld.), 330, 338, U.I. Black, Douglas Harry, aliases James Norton, Donald Roy Bell, B. Barr, 59, Q; 109, A; 128, S. Black, Duncan, alias Frederick Keough, 77, F; 88, Q; 100, T; 112, Q; 142, F; 146, T. Black, Emanuel, 380, F. Black, Henry Thomas, 66, R. Black, James, Limited, 259, R. Black, John Joseph, 398, M. Black, R. (N.S.W.), 85, I. Black, Reuben, 364, Q. Black, Rodger Foster, 45, Q. Blackall, Albert, 99, Q. Blackensee, Walter John Von, see Walter John Von Blankensee. Blackham, Desmond O'Cahan, 331, K. Blackman, William George, 59, Q. Blackmore, Bruce Robert Gayner, 220, Q. Blackmore, Raymond Alfred, 38, Q. Blacks Limited, 124, 156, G; 160, R; 195, G; 224, F; 227, R; 248, G; 250 R. Blackwell, Albert Frederick Henry, 334, T. Blackwell , Lawrence Gordon , 177, Q. Blackwell, William Reginald Gilbert, 440, Q. Blades, Thomas Francis, 164 , 370, 380, F. Blair, William Horace , see Leonard Stephens. Blake, Allan Herbert, 151, Q. Blake, Eric Jack , 184, Q. Blanchard , Mervyn James , 267, P. Bland , Clarence , 241, I. Bland , Gordon Leslie , 105, I; 1,06, R. Bland, Myrtle, 145, R. Bland Radio Company , 3, H; 5, R. Blanks, Maxwell George , 268, R. Blanks, William Daniel, 224, 233, F. Blaser, Peter Frank, 303, D. Blaski, Doctor Eric P. (Vic.), 125, 143, I. Blaubaum, Reginald Noel , 127, Q. Bleaney, Maude, 150 , 157, J. Blenkiron, Henry Douglas, 183, P. Blennerhassett's Institute of Accountancy Limited , 195, 202, H. Blesing, Norman, 43, I. Blight, Berthram John Henry, 407, R. Blight, Charles Royston, 284, Q. Blight, Gordon Cyril Frederick, 54, Q. Blight, Louisa, 168, R. Blight, Olive Claudine , 235, J. Blinkhorn , Leonard Allan , 250, 331 , 353, M. Blinman , Thomas Noel, 87, Q. Blinman, Vandra Edith, 87, Q. Bloc, Roy Winter , 135, H; 138, R. Blomquist , Oscar Alfred , see Oscar Alfred Blonquist. Blonquist , Oscar Alfred, alias Blomquist, alias William Weston, 272, 288, F; 291, Q ; 325, T; 354, J. Blood , Joan, 52, 70, 91, O. Bloom field , Florence, 53, Q. Bloomfield, Jack ( N.S.W.), see Maurice Adolph Joseph Waldemar Lovell. Bloom field , John Charles, 322 , 331, M. Bloor, Reginald Stanley, 45, Q. Blower, George Ross, alias George Ross, 6, Q; 39, T. Blucher, Arnold, 90, H. Blucher, Arnold William, 329, H. Blue, Malcolm, 320, 362, I. Blueskin , Benjamin , alias Bennie ( half-caste aborigine), 95, 109, F; 113, 197, Q; 214, S; 269, T. Bluett, Lloyd James , 363, M. Blumanfeldt , Jacob, see Maurice Adolph . Joseph Waldemar Lovell (N.SS.W.). Blundell , Herbert Pole , 190, R. Blyth, Charles Alexander, 71, Q. Board, Walter Charles, 88, Q. Boase, B., 45, R. Bob, Box, see Daniel Mann. Bobridge , Frederick Howard , 168, T. Bockman, Warwick Douglas , 289, 354, I ; 356 (2), R. Bockmann, Erick Arthur, 291, Q. Boehm, Ernest James , 185, Q. Boer, A . E., Limited , 373, K. Boer , Lena Violet, 176, R. Bofill, Lionel James, 96, F. Bohlin, Gustav N., 109, 135, F. Bohlin, Ronald Gusta, 363, 373, 390, O. Bohnsack, Henry Meyer , 58, 161, 168, R. Bohringer , A. C. (Mrs.) ( N.S.W.)., 337 , 372, I. Boig, Frank , see Frank Borg. Boitano, Arthur John, 282 , 289, I. Bollen , Dr. C., 26, H. Bollen, Jack Halstead , 406, I. Bolling, Carl Lauritez, 308, Q. Bollmyer , Beryl, 134, R. Bollnow, Alfred John , 364, Q. Bolte, Donald Dudley, 71, Q. Bolton , Frank, see Garnet Francis Bolton. Bolton , Garnet Francis, aliases Boulton, Frank Bolton, 39, T. Bolton , Mabel , 399, Q. Bond , B. T., 265, H. Bond, James William, 28, M. Bond , Lloyd Harry, 165 , 173, I. Bond , William, 175, Q. Bonfield , C. D. (N.S.W.), 111, I. Bongiorno , Rupert, 313, I. Bonner, James Doulgas, 198, Q. Bonney , Mervyn Henry , 383, Q. Bonney, Phillip, 3-65, Q. Boomer, Douglas Clayton , 268, Q. Boomer , Lloyd Hugh, 305, I. Boon, Kenneth James, 199, R. Borg, Francis, see Frank Borg. Borg, Frank, aliases Francis Borg, Borick, Richard, 390, Q. Frank Boig, 355, Q; 366, T. Borlace, Caroline Olga, 331, 339, O. Borley, Sidney , see Walter Godfrey Radcliffe. Borman, Leonard , 375, Q. Bormann, Clarence Edgar, alias Pat Borman , 197, Q. Bormann, Herbert Edmund , 144, Q. Bormann, Julius Adolph , 112, Q. Bormann, Pat, see Clarence Edgar Bormann. Borowicke , Mary Ann, 376, Q. Borthwick , Ronald Charles, 357, Q; 380, F. Boscence , Reece Clifford , 339, Q. Bosher, Arthur George, 240, 249, I. viii . INDEX. Botten, Keith Arthur Maxwell, 308, Q. Bottom, Laurel Henry, 307, Q; 326, T. Bottomley, Alfred H., 165, I. Bottrell, Escott Albert, 136, Q; 195, H; 199, Q. Bottrill, Frederick Ernest, 45, R. Bottrill, Maurice Allen, 332, R. Boucher, David, 371, G. Boucher, Leonard, 268 (2), R. Bouguey, Thomas Noel Michael, 96, H. Boulden, Albert Amos, aliases Ernest Amos Boulden, Arthur Amos Boulden, 39, T. Boulden, Arthur Amos, see Albert Amos Boulden. Boulden, Ernest Amos, see Albert Amos Boulden. Boulden, Norman Vivian, alias Vivian Boulden (N.S.W.), 34, 103, E ; 119, Q. Boulden, Susan Ellen (N.S.W.), 34, 103, E; 119, R. Boulden, Vivian, see Norman Vivian Boulden. Boulton, see Garnet Francis Bolton. Bourke, Horace John Conway, 29, Q; 31, T; 112, Q; 134, 142, F ; 168, T. Bourke, John Buller, 384, Q. Bourke, Len, see Arthur William Harcourt. Bourke, Thomas William James, 227, Q. Bourke, William Cornelius, 374, Q. Bourke, W. C. (Mrs.), 3,65, R. Bourn, Thomas Arthur, 267, P. Bournan, Victor Bernard, see Victor Bernard Bowman. Bourne, Daniel, 219, P. Bourne, Roy, 152, Q. Bowan, Frank, see Francis Anthony Knox. Bowden, Arnold Clyde Castle, 191, R. Bowden, Desmond Kennard, 37, 52, O. Bowden, Francis Richard, 124, I. Bowden, Kenneth Andrew, 37, 52, O. Bowden, William Halstead, 315, Q. Bowels, Edward, 220, Q. Bowen, 'Ronald James Ernest, 252, Q. Bowen, William Harold, 189, M. Bowering, John, see Roy Bowman. Bowering, Jonathon Duncan, see Roy Bowman. Bowering, Leonard Richman, 145, Q. Bowering, William Wheatley, 138, Q; 174, P; 232, A; 237, Q; 269, S. Bowers, Charles, 38, Q. Bowers, George Horace, see George Horace Capper. Bowes, Robert William, 68, F. Bowes, Thomas Daniel, 87, Q. Bowley, Maxwell Richard, 141, F. Bowley, Nancy Fay, 155, A. Bowley, Reginald Alfred, 16, 34, F. Bowman, B., 204, I. Bowman, C. B., & Company, 191 (2), R. Bowman, Clarence Fyfe, 106, K. Bowman, Hubert Nigel, 237, R. Bowman, Jack, see Roy Bowman. Bowman, J. H., 323, M. Bowman, M. B., 174, I. Bowman, Roy, aliases Jonathon Duncan Bowering, Jack Bowman, John Bowering, 68, F; 93, T; 228, Q; 261, T; 340, 341, Q; 358, T. Bowman, Victor Bernard, alias Victor Bernard Bournan, 286, T; 375, Q. Bown, Percival Tod, 356, Q. Box, A. E., 189, 235, M. Box, Harold James, 245, T; 345, F. Box, Martha Alice, 353, H. Box, Mouley Wallis, 331, M. Box, Peter, 111, 118, I. Boxer, Myra Elizabeth, 291, R. Boyce, Gundry Scott, 374, Q. Boyce, James Henry, 87, Q. Boyce, John Charles, alias Paddy Boyce, 292, Q; 316, T. Boyce, Paddy, see John Charles Boyce. Boyd-Bullen, D. (Vic.), 118, I. Boyd, Charles Raymond, aliases Raymond Boyd, Raymond Powell, 276, Q; 277, T; 298, Q; 325, T; 384, Q. Boyd, F. R. (N.S.W.)., 241, 274, I. Boyd, James Josiah, 274, 282, I. Boyd, Raymond, see Charles Raymond Boyd. Boyley, Albert Victor, 126, Q. Boynes, Leonard Andrew, 406, I. Brabin, Margaret, 183, R. Brabyn, Hedley Maxwell, 184, Q; 224, 240, F. Bracknell, Raymond, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Bradbeer, F. R., 12, 35, I. Bradbrook, Gordon William Charles, 125, I. Bradbury, Alfred, 364, Q. Bradbury, Ernest, 110, 124, H; 126, R. Bradbury, Kevin, 370, D. Bradbury, Thomas, 141, F. Braddock, Walter Raymond, 324, Q. Bradley, Albert Leopold, 333, Q; 333, T. Bradley, Alfred Lake, 64, R. Bradley, John Hilton, 72, Q; 180, 188, 210, F. Bradley, John Stanley, 226, J. Bradley, Joseph William, 365, Q. Bradley, Murray George, aliases Louis De Kuyper, Allan Thompson, Murray Oliver Bradley, John McPhie, 165, U.I.; 173, I; 183, Q; 206, T; 332, Q; 377, T; 398, Q; 408, T. Bradley, Murray Oliver, see Murray George Bradley. Bradley, Ralph Irving, 307, Q. Bradley, Robert Gladstone, 256, 266, I. Bradley, Sara Gardner, 297, J. Bradmore, H. J., 283, 382, M. Bradshaw, L. T., 57, 86, M. Bradshaw, Leslie Norman, 72, Q; 128, S. Bradshaw, Noel Leonard, 12, 28, M. Bradshaw, Philip John, 111, 118, I. Bradshaw, Ronald James, 400, Q. Brady, see Edward James May (Vic.). Brady, Alice Doreen, 85, I. Brady, Frank, see Frederick James Anderson. Brady, Frederick, see Frederick James Anderson. Brady, Frederick Keith, 353, H. Brady, Howard Hurley Joseph, 251, Q. Brady, H. V., otherwise Edward May (N.S.W.)., Brady, James, 267, Q. 50, E. Brady, John Henry, 117, 256, I; 260, R. Brady, Patrick Joseph, 164, H. Braendler, Christoph, 283, 290, K. Braham, Charles Edward, 119, Q. Braham, Charles Williams, see William Charles Brame. Braid, Frederick Roy, alias Roy Braid, 80, Q; 139, T; 176, Q. Braid, Leo, 119, Q. Braid, Roy, see Frederick Roy Braid. Braidwood, Frederick, aliases Frederick Vivian Cooper, Snowy Horan (Vic.), 141, 147, E. Braidwood, Glen Horace, alias Alfred Leonard Small, 340, Q. Brame, William Charles, alias Charles William Braham, 259, Q; 269, T; 280, F. Brammer, Doreen Mavis, 11, H. Brand, A. L. W., 27, 36, I. Brand, Stanley George, see Ray Stanley. Brands, Edward Walter, 209, F. Branford, Margaret, 268, Q. Branson, Charles Henry, 42, H. Branston, Walter Ernest, 195, H. Bratchell, Arthur Lyndon, 143, 157, I. Bratchell, William Henry, 243, Q. Braun, Alfred Lawrence, 60, Q. Braun, Ronald Maxwell, 60, Q. Bray, see George Watson. Bray, Edward Lionel, 290, P. Bray, Lydia, 226, 257, J. Brazzle, Balsamina, 407, R. Breeding, Lawrence Eric, 110, H. Breen, George Gordon, 348, 365, Q. Breen, Johnny, see Jack Dromgoole. Brennan, Daphne Marie, 211, I. Brennan, David Lyle, 107, Q. Brennan, Frederick, see Edward Joseph Temple. Brennan, Harold Lawrence, 80, Q; 108, T. Brennan, James Edward (Qld.), 27, I. Brennan, John Joseph, 299, Q. Brennan, Thomas, 218, 274, M. Brenton, Alfred, 315, Q ; 334, T. Brentson, Carl George, 211, I. Breton, Wallace Llewellyn, 145, 407, Q. Brett & Company Pty. Limited (Qld.), 330, 338, I. Brett, James, see James Samuel Bartrop. Brettell, Cecil Sydney George, 242, M. Brettig, Brian Edgar, 331, P. Breuer, Henry Joseph, 138, 390, R. Brew, John, 175, Q; 206, T. Brewer, Albert Rendall, 276, Q. Brewer, Arthur, 276, Q. Brewer, John, 316, Q. Brian, see Leslie Roy Bryant. Brice, Alfred Reginald, 52, Q. Brice, Douglas Francis, 13, Q; 43, 51, I. Brice, Laurence Roy, 54, Q. Brice, Norman Charles, 50, F. Briekwell, Albert, 109, F. Bridge, Leonard James, 124, 135, I. Bridge, Stanley Charles, 298, 398, M. Bridgeman, Charles John, 332, R. Bridges, Laurel Kathleen, otherwise Lambden, 227, 250, O. Bridgland, Edward Thomas, 38, 46, R. Brienesse, C. (N.S.W.), 321, 330, I. Brigden, Arthur Charles, 45, Q. Brigden, Dorothy Hannah, 213, Q. Brigg, Reginald Wellington, 258, M. Briggs, Agnes Annie (N.S.W.), 62, G. Briggs, Frank Edward, 352, F. Briggs, Henry Morris, 29, Briggs, Kenneth Birdwood, 158, 373, M; 375, Q. Bright, A., 298, M. Bright, Bright, Bright, Brilis, Brine, Brink, Alice Naida, Brinns, A. (N.S.W.), Brisbane, Briscoe, Bristow, Bristow, 145, R. George Franklin, 95, 104, Melvin James, 399, Q. Demetrious, 19, 57, 166, N. Victor Leslie, 125, 354, I. Anton, 35, 43, I. F; 169, T. 125, I. Fibrous Plaster Works (Qld.), Ernest Edward, 71, Q; 71, R. Charles Stanley, 50, 56, F. Roy George, 184, Q. 63, 125, I. ix. INDEX. Bristow, Violet Isobel, 306, K. Britain, Sydney William, 189, I. Britannia Hotel, 77, G. British India Steam Navigation (McDonald, Hamilton, & Company), 26, H; 275, R. British Tube Mills (Australia) Limited (L. Homes, manager), 42, 320, 362, H. Brittain, Albert Grovner, 265, H. Brittain, William James, 381, I. Britton, Frederick Ernest, 107, Q. Broadbent, Allan Keith, 19, Q. Broadbent, Ralph Victor, 93, Q; 199, S. Broadbent, Robert, 396, F. Broadbridge, David Percy, 275, 375, Q; 377, T. Broadbridge, Frederick James, 392, T. Broadstock, Douglas Victor, 384, Q. Brock, Angus Robert, gazetted as Angus Robert Brook, 36, I; 38, R; 248 (3), G; 250, Q; 365, S. Brock, Robert Bruce, 28, P. Broderick, Denis, 85, 90, I. Broderick, Nicholas Aloysius, 19 (2), R. Brodie, see William Henry Heyer. Brogan, Hillary James, 107, Q. Broken Finger (half-caste aborigine), 167, Q; 169, T. Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited, 38, R; 96, H; 161, 391 (2), R. Bromley, John George, 333, R. Bromley, Charles Percival, see John Agnew. Bromley, Raymond John, 405, H. Bromley, William, 183, O. Brook, Angus Robert, see Angus Robert Brock. Brook, John Lancelot, 399, Q. Brook, Kenneth Richard, 45, Q. Brooke, Charles Edward, 391, Q. Brooke, Thomas L., see Francis Anthony Knox. Brooker, Gordon Roy, 89, F. Brooks, Alfred, see Albert Sydney Hunt. Brooks, Clarence William, 184, Q. Brooks, Clive Ellis, 194, F. Brooks, Edward Joseph, 243, Q. Brooks, Francis James, 340, R. Brooks, Gordon Bruce Willard, 191, Q. Brooks, Herbert Bertwell, 364, 40,0, Q. Brooks, Irvine Dudley Maynard, 3, H; 6, Q. Brooks, L. D., 250, M. Brooks, Margaret Ethel, 400, R. Brooks, Richard, 111, K. Brooksby, Leslie Claude, 398, R. Brougham, Maurice Oswald, 388, I. Broughton, James, 245 (2), Q. Brown, A. E. (N.S.W.), 97, I. Brown, Albert, 91, P. Brown, Alfred William Albert, 59, Q; 113, T. Brown, Allen James, 408, Q. Brown, Allen John, see Ernest Peter Mercer. Brown, Andrew George, 88, Q. Brown, Bruce Wallace, 215, A; 217, G. Brown, Charles Edwin, 258, R. Brown, Clifford William, 119, Q. Brown, Edwin Collard, 206, R. Brown, Eliza Jane Owen, 176, R. Brown, Ernest Thomas, 357, Q. Brown, E. W. (N.S.W.), 4, I. Brown, Frank, see Francis Anthony Knox. Brown, Frank Reginald, 213, Q; 353, F. Brown, Frederick, see Leslie Stephen Smith. Brown, Frederick Charles, 175, Q. Brown, George Martin, 4, L. Brown, Gilbert Harold, 213, R. Brown, Gwenneth Irene, 42, H. Brown, H. A., 204, 212, M. Brown, Harold Frederick, 287, F. Brown, Harold Joseph Mutcutt, 194, F. Brown, Horace Mitchell, 381, I. Brown, James Irwin, 90, 234, I. Brown, Joe, see Claude Herbert Turner. Brown, John Robert, see Ernest Peter Mercer. Brown, Keith Michael, see Keith John Lohrey. Brown, Kelvin R. D., 181, 188, I. Brown, Kenneth Frank, 265, H. Brown, Leonard George, 189, P. Brown, Leslie Robert, 81, Q. Brown, Muriel Ivy, 72, R. Brown, Mary Ann, 361, H. Brown, Neil Lawson, 59, Q. Brown, Norman Huxley, 204, 290, M. Brown, Patrick Joseph, 299, Q. Brown, Peggy, 172, H. Brown, Reginald William, alias Reginald Harris, 138, Q. Brown, Robert, 266, 282, I. Brown, Ronald, see William Gordon Goldsmith Fraser. Brown, Ronald Joseph, see Ronald Ball. Brown, Roy, 375, Q. Brown, S. (N.S.W.), 195, 211, I. Brown, Thomas Arthur, 6, R. Brown, Violet Betty, see Violet May Pullman. Brownbill, Cornelius Edmund, 147, 180, F. Browning, Mrs. (N.S.W.)., Bruce Bruce, 181-182,1893 I. (Vic.), see May Heath. see John Alexander Armstrong. B Bruce, Albert Charles, 150, M. Bruce, Allan, aliases Allan Robert Bruce, Robert Cumming, Robert Bruce, Robert Walker, Robert Cumming Walker, 307, 357, 408, Q. Bruce, Allan Robert, see Allan Bruce. Bruce, Gwendoline, 406, J. Bruce, Herbert William Arthur, 196, I. Bruce, Howard Victor, 300, Q. Bruce, Miss Kathleen, 97, I; 370, F. Bruce, Robert, see Allan Bruce. Bruce, Victor, 80, Q. Bruce, William, 64, Q. Bruce, William, 276, Q. Bruhn, Richard, 107, Brumby, Marjorie Eva, 81, Q; 108, T. Brumfield, Gordon Stanley, alias Norman Sydney Stewart, 167 (2), 177, Q; 199, S. Brunac, Albert, 176, Q; 206, T. Brunell, William Samuel, 390, Q. Brunton, Donald, 297, 321, 329, I. Brus, E., 405, H. Bruse, Ivan Frederick, 213, Q. Bryant, "Buller," see Mervyn Gilmore Bryant. Bryant, Clem George, 268 (2), Q. Bryant, Ethel May, alias The Black Bomber (half-caste aborigine), 31, Q; 93, T; 106, Q; 177, T; 190, Q; 252, T; 276, Q; 342, T; 384, Q; 392, T. Bryant, F. (Vic.), 241, 266, I. Bryant, Leslie Roy, alias Brian, 293 T. 21, T; 86, 87, Q; 152, 214, Bryant, Mervyn, see Mervyn Gilmore Bryant. Bryant, Mervyn Gillman, see Mervyn Gilmore Bryant. Bryant, Mervyn Gilmore, aliases Mervyn Gillman Bryant, Mervyn Bryant, "Buller" Bryant, 39, T; 235, I; 244, 260, Q; 366, T. Bryant, William, 287, F. Bryce, see Charles Lewis (N.S.W.). Bryce, Gordon Edward, 120, T. Bryden, Edward Thomas, 276, Q. Bryson, Dean Leslie, 27, I. Buchanan, Gordon Stuart, 98, 112, M. Buchanan, Maxwell, identical with Ian Duncan McNeil, 27, UI. Buchanan, Mary Jane, 175, Q. Buchanan, Robert Keith, 53, 175, Q. Buck, Alma Evelyn, 241, J. Buck, Leila Emily Chrissie, 190, Q. Buck, Ronald Claude, 298, M. Buck, Walter James, 399, Q. Buckingham, Colin Charles, 306, M. Buckley, Alwyne Thomas, see Arthur Alwyne Thomas Buckley. Buckley, Arthur Alwyne Thomas, aliases Pat Buckley, Alwyne Thomas Buckley, 72, Q; 97, I; 108, T. Buckley, Frederick Charles, 314, J. Buckley, John Patrick, 134, 148, F; 152, 356, Q. Buckley, John William, 177, R. Buckley, Maurice Stanley, 341, Q. Buckley, Pat, see Arthur Alwyne Thomas Buckley. Buckley, Thomas, 148, F. Buckskin, Ross Mervyn (half-caste aborigine), 233, 239, F; 315, Q.. Buddle, Melville Reuben, 362, 372, I. Buderick, Marjorie Pearl, 243, R. Buderick, Phyllis Shyley, 183, 189, O. Budgen, Bertha Phillis Mary, 381, H. Buffham, Norman Joseph, 110, H. Bugg, Kenneth Ray, 252, Q. Bugg, Leslie John, 50, 68, 96, F. Bulbeck, Francis Paul, 361, H. Buley, Lloyd Edgar, alias Keith Conlon, 292, Q. Bulfield, Sidney Bland, 251, Q. Bull, Frederick Alexander, 399, Q. Bull, William Arthur, 248, 266, I. Bullen, Noel Joseph, alias Neil Jeanne Burton, 364, Q. Bulling, Laurence Henry, 367, T. Bullock, Albert Joseph, 119, R. Bullock, Clyde Stephen, 240, 281, F. Bullock Cycles Limited, 126, 357, R. Bullock, F. W., & Company, 372, I. Bullock, John Kay, 307, Q. Bullock, Leonard Hyman, 2,02, G. Bullock, Mary 202, G. Bulmer, George Joseph, 381, UH. Bulmer, William John Rex, 347, O. Bulstrode, Elsie Myrtle, 60, S; 80, Q. Bunge (Australia) Limited, 145, R. Bunn, George, 90, H. Bunney, Malcolm, 257, I. Bunting, John, 89, 109, D. Bunyan, James, 80, Q. Bunton, G. H. (N.S.W.), 203, 226, I. Burchell, Christina Charlotte, 405, I. Burchett, Richard Frederick, 191, Q. Burchett, Roderick, 268, 276, Q. Burden, Charles Leslie, alias C. L. McCabe, 185, Q. Burfield, Arthur, 297, 330, I. Burfit, James Stanley, 87, Q ; 204, 212, O. Burfitt, Selth, & Company, Limited, 236, R. Burfitt, William, 184, R. Burfitt, Lloyd Benjamin, 168, Burford, Cyril Richard, 89, 96, Q F. Burford, D. H. C., 57, 64, M. INDEX. x. Cahill, P., see Percy Collard West. Cahir, James Agustine, 347, M. Cailes, Victor Reginald, 39, T; 219, Q; 229, T. Cain, John Alexander, 290, 306, 338, K. Caines, Redvers McLaren (N.S.W.)., 321, 330, I. Caire, Edwin Clarence, 372, 381, I. Caldwell, Hilda Valmai, 289, H. Caldwell, Robert Vance, 84, G. Calf, Tom (aborigine), 384, Q. Callaghan, Patrick Joseph, 250, 290, M. Callaghan, Paul Frederick Arthur, aliases Kennedy, Wilson, 21, S; 138, T. Callahan, Morris Kevin, 65, 107, Q. Callipari, Nicola Antonio, 176, Q. Calnan, Leah, 291, Q. Caltex Limited, 285, R. Cameron, see Ernest Campbell. Cameron, Alan George, 247, 288, F. Cameron, Anthony Gerard, 234, 241, I; 287, F. Cameron, Edward John, 71, Q. Burford, John Gimber Frederick, 118, J. Burgemeister, Johann August, 81, Q; 108, T. Burgess, Charles Graham, 95, F. Burgess, George Arthur, 268, Q. Burgess, George William Frederick, 199, R. Burgess, Percy, 85, 143, I. Burgess, Herbert James, 197, R. Burgoyne, George, 91, O. Burke, Francis Luckinan, 151, Q. Burke, Frank Royston, 391, Q. Burke, James, see Peter McGoldrick. Burke, James Francis, 331, M. Burke, T. M. (Vic.), 105, 118, I. Burleigh, Raymond Thomas, see Francis Anthony Knox. Burley, Ross, 51, I. Burlington, Audrey Mavis, 382, J. Burlinson, Claude Cecil, 117, H. Burnard, see Frank Harold Barndon. Burnard, Edward William Richard, 198, Q. Burne, William, 19 1 , Q. Burner, Leslie Stanley Edward, 145, Q. Burner, Richard Noel Tennyson, 184, Q. Burness, James, 36, 43, I. Burnett, George Ayles Fletcher, 289 (2), UI; 291, Q. Burns, see John Alexander Armstrong. Burns, see Louis Richman. Burns, Charles Bruce, 306, 331, M. Burns, Charley, 73, S. Burns, Claude Sydney Bruce, 59, R. Burns, Elsie May, 214, R. Burns, Robert Joseph, see Robert Lawrence Painter. Burns, William, 348, Q. Burnside, Joseph Henry, 242, P. Burow, Theodor Carl, 198, Q. Burpee, Maxwell, 107, Q. Burra Corporation, 184, R. Burrows, Frederick William, 258, Q. Burrows, John Charles, 72, Q; 128, S. Burrows, Stanley Vincent, 242, O. Burston, S. W., 12, 27, I. Burt, Ronald Andrew, 266, I. Burton, see William Henry Taylor. Burton, Arthur Leonard, 324, R. Burton, E. J., 12, 35, I. Burton, Cameron, Harold Cameron, James, Cameron, Cameron, Cameron, Burtt, Lawrence Burtt, Ronald Dufuse, Hurtle, Burtt, Walter Keith, T. Joyce Ronald Clement, see William William, 191, Q. see Thomas John Farrell. Agnes Emma, 11, H. Allan, 385, Q. Campbell, Allen James, Campbell, Colin, 3, F. Campbell, 300, Q; Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Jones, 300, Q. Q. 30.01 Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, 169, T. Byrnes, Stephen Dennis, 166, 189, M. C Carbine, 107, Q; 169, T; 244, Joseph Temple. Billie, see William 158, 189, N; 207, T; Carbine. Carbine, William, alias Billy Carbine, 16, F; 146, T; 273, F; 275, 374, Q. Cabot, William, 267, R. Cadd, Warren Kenneth, 127, Q. R. Cahill, Owen John, 307, Q. 284, Flora Jane, 300, R. Henry Claude, 152, 356, Q. John, 364, Q. John Thompson, 66, T. Lancelot Roy, 406, I. Leonard, 45, Q; 153, T; 300, Q. Leonard William, 245, Q. Maxwell Gordon, 346, I. Myrtle Annie, 315, R. Myrtle Beatrice, 225, 329, H; 365, R. Neil Joseph Francis, 385, Q. Pamela Rose, 112, 192, R. Peter, 147, 163, D. Peter Costella, alias Degner, 237, Q. Roderick Walter, 110, I. Vincent Patrick, 284, O. Caravas, George, alias Georgios Karavas, 213, 0.,45, 160, Campion, Cecily Hilda, 93, Q. Camplin, Florence Maude, 176, 177, R. Camplin, Ralph Clifton, 387, 396, F. Camporeale, Francesco, 384, Q. Camporeale, Margherita (female), 384, Q. Camporeale, Paulo, 384, Q. Canala, Umberto, 184, Q. Canavan, Gerald, 332, Canhan, Donald Cooper, 87, Q. Canino, Carmelo, 87, Q. Cann, Coris James, 399, Q. Cannan, David Harold John, 65, Q. Cannata, Spezio, 184, Q. Cannavan, James Edward, 212, M. Canney, Ernest Tolcher, alias Kennedy, 323, 324, Q; 325, T. Canning, Alan, 16, 34, F. Canning, Richard Ernest Alan, 374, Q. Canny, Manda Kathleen, 237, R. Cant, C. M. (N.S.W.), 195, 203, I. Cant, N. S. (Vic.), 19-6, I. Cantone, Domenic, 267, Q. Cantwell, John Charles, 332, Q. Caple, James, 45, Q. Caple, William Edward Thomas, 45, Q. Capper, George Horace, alias George Horace Bowers, 150, 166, 0; 324, Q; 325, T. Caramanis, Mick, 124, 165, I. Caramenis, Mike, 87, Q. Carapetis, Antonio, 30, R. Butterworth, William Henry, 243, Q. Buxton, Frank, 160, Q. Buxton, Peter Richardson, 383, P. Buyers Limited, 120, R. Byass, George William, 259, R. Byrne, see Murray Laurence Hall. Byrne, Edward, 324, Q; 326, T. Byrne, Hugh Alexander, 284, Q; 380, F. Byrne, John Ernest, 203, I. Byrne, Kevin Ashton (Qld.), 346, 354, U.I. Byrnes, Francis Brian, 376, Q. Caddy, W. Ritchie. Donald Alexander (half-caste aborigine), 341, S; 385, T; 404, F. Donald Alexander, 407, Q. Donald Francis James, 148, H. Edward, see Edward Joseph Temple. Campbell, William Edward, see Edward Campe, Alfred Charles, 25, E. Cadman Bros., 353, H. Caffery, Donald James, alias Donald James Caffrey, 377, T. Caffrey, Donald James, see Donald James Caffery. Cahill, Clarence Jeremiah, 280, 361 (3), F. Cahill, Gordon, 356, Q. John 372, I. Campbell, Ernest, alias Cameron, 26, F; Q; 260, T; 276, Q; 308, T. 300, Q. H. G., 217, H. Horace George, 123, 164, F; Tom Edward, 117, H. 165, 173, I. Brian, 237, Q. Cameron, Robert Thomas Graham, 267, R. Burzacott, Paul, 151, Q. Buscombe, William John, 313, 346, 362, I. Bushell, Claude Frederick, 219, R. Bushell, Ray Ormond Edwin, 14, T. Butcher, Alfred Levy, 250, 298, 355, M. Butcher, Eddie, see Edwin Charles Wright. Butler, B. F. (Vic.), 149, I. Butler, Frank, see Gordon John Lee. Butler, George Edward, 42, F. Butler, Joseph (Qld.), 330, 338, U.I. Butler, Lloyd Luther, 342, T. Butler, Phillip John, 172, F. Butler, Randall Herbert, 397, H. Butler, Robert Norman, 354, I. Butler, Thomas James, 226, 283, M. Butler, T. C., 274, M. Butterfield, Butterfield, Butterfield, Frank, 260, Q; 404, F. 216, F. Peter, Limited, Peter Raymond R., 196, M. Cameron, Cameron, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, George Henry, 299, Q. Burton, Neil Jeanne,, see Noel Joseph Bullen. Burton, Reginald Frederick, 27, 57, I. Burton, William Russel, alias Bill Russel, 366, Burtonclay, Joyce, aliases Joyce McLaughlin, Joyce Miles, Daphne Jones, 83, E. James. 290, Q; Carbone, Giuseppe, 241, K. Carey, Daniel William, 323, Q. Carey, James McKenzie, 337, 372, H. Carey, Maurice Henry, 292, Q. Carey, Michael, see Kevin Michael McInerney. Carey, Ross Clifford, 26 (2), G; 30, Q. Carey, RossMaxwell, 269,T. Carlier, Arthur William, 37, 53, Q. INDEX. Carling, Derrick, 252, Q; 300, S. -Carling, Ross, 64, 252, Q; 300, S. •Carlsen, John Edward, 65, Q. Carlson, Ella Carroll, 26, H. Carlson, Harold Lindsay, 205, Q; 269, S. 'Carlson, Edward Leonard, 3'61, G. Carman, Robert Stanley, 119, Q. Carmichael, Andrew, 2, 264, 272, F. Carminite, Giovanni Antonia, 65, Q. Carmody, Bernard Joseph, 159, Q. Carmody, Ignatius Michael, 381, 388, I. Carmody, Reginald, 198, Q. Carn, Clarence Roy, 221, Q. Carnell, Allen Bruce, 275, Q. Carnie, Alfred Victor, 31, Q. 4Carnie, Ronald Farquhar, 143, 174, 218, 250, M. -Carolan, Rupert Bernard, 213, R. Carpenter, John Robert, 184, Q. Carpenter, Reginald Ambrose, 276, 291, Q; 341, S. Carpenter, Ronald James, alias Bob Henderson, 145, Q; 148, G; 199, S; 329 (3), I; 332, Q; 349, T. ,Carpenter, Thomas, 245, Q. Carr, Edward Robert, 184, Q. Carr, James William, 194, F. Carr, John, 346, I. 'Carr, Joy A. (Vie.), 196, I. Carr, Robert, 46, Q; 54, T. Carr, Sydney Raymond, 242, M. Carraill, Ronald George, 14, T. Carr-Fish, Lorna Myra, 260, Q. Carrison, Sydney Charles, 99, Q. Carroll, Albert George Watson, see Albert George WatsonCarroll. Carroll, James William, 86, Q. Carroll, John, 123, F. Carroll, Marlan Kathleen, 373, J. Carroll, Peter Desmond, 59, R. ,Carroll, Ronald William, 87, Q. Carruthers, Edward Malcolm, 292, R. Carruthers, K. N. (N.S.W.), 321, 382, I. Carruthers, Thomas, 256, I. Carslake, Clarence Ross, 264, 272, F. Carson, Ella Carroll, 26, H. Carson, John, see John Clarence Wilson. Carson, Leslie Francis, alias Les Williams, 136, 158, M; 407, Q. Carson, Martin, 328, F. Carswell, Henry, 158, 182, 323, 389, M. Carter, A. J. (Vie.), 27, 79, I. Carter, Arthur Wellelesy, 353, U.H. Carter, Cyril Vernon, 300, Q. Carter, Darcy William, 97, I. Carter, Ellen, 331, 347, O. Carter, Jack, 71, Q; 128, S. 'Carter, Josiah Samuel Valentine, alias Valentine Carter, 284, Q; 308, T. Carter, Mervyn Winzel (half-caste 384, Q; 385, T. aborigine), Carter, Milton Ronald, 85, 90, I. 'Carter, Patricia, 46, R. Carter, Proughton, 81, Q. Carter, Ralph Stanley, 127, Q. Carter, Saul, 126, Q. Carter, Stanley John, see Stanley James. Carter, Sydney, see Frederick James Anderson. Carter, Valentine, see Josiah Samuel Valentine Carver, Alfred Edward, 338, 346, I. Carver, E. C. (Vic.), 297, 305, I. Case, Lindsay Frederick, 324, Q. Casey, A. (N.S.W.), 173, I. Casey, Edward, 164, 239, 360, F. Casey, James, see Albert John Bennett. Casey, Joseph John, 244, Q. Casey, Thomas William, 384, Q. Cashin, Patrick, 323, O. Cashworth Limited, 106, 16.0, R. Caskey, Sylvia, 192, R. Caspers, Allan Hayling, 245, Q; 308, T; 197, 221, Q. Catchpool, Sydney John, 127, Q. Cattermole, Albert John, 127, Q; 128, T; 155, 202, F; 214, T. Cauchi, Annie, 98, P. Caughtrey, Albert George, 388, H. Causby, Clifton Charles, 298, 331, M. Caust, Arnold Ray, 43, 51, I. Caust, Arnold Raymond, 248, G; 252, Q. Caust, Henry Frank, 360, 388, F. Cavanagh, see Eliza Jane Jamieson. Cave, Francis Horace, aliases Francis Gilbert, Frank Cave, John Christie, Moore, Frank Wilson, 151, Q; 199, S; 366, T. 'Cave, Frank, see Francis Horace Cave. Alfred, 87, Q; 141, 181, F. Chandler, Chandler, Ernest Irvine, Charles, 322, J. 45, Q; 229, T. Chandler, John Handforth, 67, 77, 155, 224, 239, F. Chandler, Joseph Edward, 37, Q. Chandler, Leonard Malcolm, 275, 316, Q; 349, Chant, Kevin, 399, Q. Chaplin, Ivan Noel, 54, T. Chaplin, Jack Hardwick, 258, O. Chaplin, Lionel George, 283, M. Chaplin, R. (Vic.), 204, I. Chaplin, Robert Ernest, 99, Q. Chapman, Cecil Victor, 181, 346, I. Chapman, David, 338, 347, 363, J. Chapman, Desmond, 296, P. Chapman, Douglas Crawford, 399, Q. Chapman, Florence Mary, 330, I. Chapman, Frank, 266, U.I. Chapman, Herbert Clive, 203, I. Chapman, Jane Maud, 144, O. Chapman, M. (N.S.W.), 257, I. Chapman, Peter, 257, 266, I. Chapman, Ralph Alexander, 65, Q. Chapman, Reginald Bernard, 93, Q; 199, S. Chapman, Rupert Leslie James, 34, F. Chapman, Stephen Jeffrey, 175, Q. T. Chapman, William James, 69, 85, I; 116, 142, 181, F. Chappell, Walter Guy, 2, F; 71, Q. Chenoweth, Arthur Henry, 212, 219, Chenoweth, 375, R. Ernest, 0; 324, Q. Chenoweth, Lloyd, 51, I; 52, Q. J. Catchlove, Leslie Albert, 145, Q; 218, I; 251, Q; 256, I; 259, Q. Catchpool, Reginald John, 375, Q. `Cave, Reginald Chandler, Charles Raymond Fox, 134, 216, F. Chandler, Donald Bertram, 284, Q. Chard, J. A. (N.S.W.), 226, 241, I. Charles, Edward John, 374, R. Charles, George Audley, 329, H. Charles, Norman Howard, 53, Q. Charles, Roy Victor, 53, Q; 60, 128, S; 137, Q. Charleston, A. (N.S.W.), 226, 241, I. Charleston, Frederick Leslie, 389, M. Charlesworth, Alwyn Robert, 62, H. Charlesworth, Louisa May, 275, R. Charlton, F. L., 347, 355, M. Charlton, William George, 236, Q. Charnstrom, William George, 160, Q. Charters, Limited, 313, I. Chase, Elvera Gwendolyne, 357, R. Chatterton, Harold Lindsay, 20, R. Cheetham, Albert, 312, G. Cheethorn, Keith James, 312, G. Chegwidden, Kevin James, 16, F. Chennell, Leonard, 38, R. Carter. Cassebohen, Yvonne Betty, 232, A. Cassidy, G. F. (Vic.), 305, I. Castle, Allan Leonard, aliases Collin William Duvale, Monash, Manning, Allan Reynolds, 219, Q; 245, T. Castle, Kelvin Wilfred Martin, 59, Q. Cates, Harold William, 205, O. Cates, Mary Ann, 323, 331, O. Cates, Raymond William, 120, Q. Cavendish Laboratories (Aust.) Limited, 339, Q. Cawrse, Clarence James, 182, K. Cawse, Victor Leslie, see Victor Leslie Crawse. Cawthorne's Limited, 265, H. Central Cars, 41, 61, A. Ceini, Pavoa, see Pavoa Cerni. Cerni, Pavao, otherwise Pavoa Ceini, 176, Q; 207, T. Central Methodist Mission, 156, G. Chadwick, James William, 7, T; 71, R. Chadwick, R. G., see Roy Norman Wilson. Chalklen, William George, 176, R. Chalker, Oscar William, 322, J. Challans, George William, 277, Q. Chalmers, Dene Maurice, 173, I. Chalmers, Livingstone Wallace, 151, Q. Chamberland, Reginald Henry, 329, I. Chambers, Albert, 407, O. Chambers, Francis Leo, 120, Q. Chambers, John Albert James, 300, R. Chambers, John Charles, 276, Q. Chambers, Julia, 120, Q. Chambers, Lawrie Charles, 191, R. Chambers, Robert Arthur, 276, Q. Chambers, Ronald William, 229, R. Champion, Richard Clement Westly, 173, I. Champion, Sydney, see Angas McLeod. Chandler, Artley Edwin, 30, 307, Q. Cherry, Edith Yvonne (now Edith Yvonne Morrison), Cheshire, Eric Frank, alias Turner, 260, Q. Cheshire, Frank Walter, 260, R. Chesser, Emil Leonard, 134, F. Chesser, Mervin Leith, 297, H. Chesterman, Victor Harvey, 258, 266, O. 268, Q. Chimmentz, William Frederick William, see Frederick Sehiementz. Chiero, Francesco, 357, Q. Chigwidden, Ethel M., 372, H. Child, Clarence George, 256, I; 339, R. Child, D. O. (Vic.), 182, 274, I. Children's Welfare Department (Vie.), 370, A. Childs, Thomas Henry, 99, 167, R. Chillios, Mick, 30, R. Chilman, Reginald Gordon, 78, 85, I. Chiltna, Jack, alias 119, 245, Q. Jack Wombat Chilton, Algie, see Alfred Stewart Chilton, Cyril Ivor, 375, Q. Chimente, Damiana (female), (aborigine), Hartley 384, Q. 45, Q; Taylor. 82, T; xii. INDEX. Clayton, Jane,64,Q; 120,T. Chirgwin, Lionel Joseph, 344, F. Chivell, Teresa May, 191, Q. Clayton, It. A., 35, 43, I. Choon, Gordon Robert Sym, see Gordon Sym Choon. Chorley, Nevin, 291, It. Choules, Frank, 144, Q; 168, R. Christopherson, Gladys Elizabeth, 396, H. Christensen, Frank Lawrence, 382, 397, I. Christensen, James Stephen, 165, I. Christenson, Clarence, 356, Q. Christian, Richard Gustov, 324, It. Christiansen, Carl Wilhelm, aliases Charles Olsen, Christian Olsen, Charles Johnson, Charles Carl Wink, 7, T. Christie, Edward J., 248, 273, I. Christie, Edwin John Robert, alias Robert John Christie, 29, 45, Q; 47, T; 245, Q; 255, 265, F; 275, Q; 285, T. Christie, John, see Francis Horace Cave. Christie, K. (N.S.W.), 203, I. Christie, Patrick Joseph, 194, 272, F; 332, 333, Q; 341, S. Christie, Robert John, see Edwin John Robert Christie. Christopher, Douglas Keith, 119, Q. Christopher, Graham, 244, Q. Chrystal, J. M., 36, M. Chubb, F. (N.S.W.), 173, I. Chuck, James, 206, It. Churcher, George, aliases Tomlin, Green, 7, T. Churchill, Frederick Spencer, alias George Frederick Spencer Churchill, 88, Q; 108, T; 119, Q; 152, T. Churchill, George Frederick Spencer, Churchill. Churchman, Norman Reece, 339, Q. Harold Rankine, 104, H. see Frederick Spencer Cilento, Cilento, Ray Charles, 340, Q. Clair, Jean St., 319, F. Clair, Roy St., 216, D. Clancy, John, see Patrick John Clancy. Clancy, Patrick John, aliases Edward Hart, William John Clarke, William Colvin, John Harry Forbes, William O'Brien, John Turner, John Clancy, 361, G (2) ; 365, Q. Clare, Colin, 149, 173, I. Clare, James George, 237, T. Clark, see John Maxwell Martin. Clark, see Michael Madigan. Clark, Allen Howard, 307, Q. Clark, Alexander Rintoul, 16,01 It. Clark, Bruce Frederick, 107, Q. Clark, E. S. (Vic.), 63, 98, I. Clark, Ethel Jane, 340, It. Clark, Florence Robina, 157, J. Clark, Frank, alias Frank Clarke, 82, T; 119, Q. Clark, Frederick D., 234, I. Clark, Geoffrey, 289, I. Clark, James Harold, 355, Q. Clark, Kenneth Roy, 164, F. Clark, Lilian Doris, 265, G. Clark, Lionel David, 256, 289, I. Clark, M. It., 204, M. Clark, Norman Stead, 265, G. Clark, Olive Gothenberg, 4, 18, J. Clark, Raymond Kenneth, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, 106, 314, 0; 382, L. Susan, alias Susan Clarke, 45, Q; 82, T; 119, Q. Valerie, 81, Q. William Arthur, 17, H. William Gratton, 323, P. see Elsie May Forward. Betty Lorraine, 290, 298, O. Brian G., 17, I; 20, It. Charles Richard, 373, J. Frank, see Frank Clark. Frank, 45, Q. George Thomas, 290, Q. Graham Walter, 192, Q. Harold, see Leonard Stephens. Harold Clyde, 373, P. James Harold, 247, 264, F; 401, T. John, 70, P. Joseph, 2, 89, D; 91, O. Lawrence Charles Murray, 184, Leonard Arthur, 212, 241, K; 345, F. May, see Catherine Keogh. Maxwell Roland, 214, Q. Mervyn Henry, 357, Q. Norma Leslie, 90, I. Percival Charles, 106, Q. 7Raymond, 91, 119, 0; 143, I; 151, Q. Private Kevern Douglas, 305, J. Robert, 27, I. 0; Q. Clarke, Ronald Robert, 187, F. Clarke, Roy, 59, Q. Clarke, Susan, see Susan Clark. Clarke, Veronica, 124, H. Clarke William Ernest, see Graham Bell. Clarke, William John, see Patrick John Clancy. Clarke, William Orlando, 380, F; 409, T. Clarksons Limited, 145, It. Clauser, Lawrence Peter, 185, Q. Claydon, Harold Samuel, 66, R. Clayer, Helen Irene, 237, It. Clayton, Alfred Henry, 144, It. Clayton, Beatrice, 217, H. Clayton, Ian Frederick, 237, Q. Clayton, Robert, see Claude Grenfell Halls. Clayton, William James, 20, Q. Cleary, Colin James, 126, 266, M. Cleary, Ida, 198, Q; 255, F. Cleary, John Henry, 136, 218, M. Cleary, John Lionel, 244, Q. Cleary, Patrick Robert, 28, 44, M. Cleck, Leo Francis, 126, Q. Cleggett, James Roy, 177, Q. Clements, Edgar, 53, R. Clements, Jack William, 244, Q. Clements, William Arthur, alias William Greenslade, 268, Q;. 301, 349, T. Clements, William John Thomas, 244, Q. Clemou, Albert George, 266, I. Clemou, Frederick William, 203, I. Clendinnen, Sydney Claude Ellis, 268, It. Cliff, Thomas, 289, I. Clifford, Charles Thomas, 126, 185, R. Clifford, Daniel, see Dennis Daniel Clifford. Clifford, Dennis Daniel, otherwise Daniel Clifford, 152, 161, T; 243, Q; 366, T. Clifford, Edith May, 407, O. Clifford, Glen William Joseph, 31, Q. Clifford, Terence, 371, H. Clifford, William James, 332, Q.. Clifton, William George, 59, Q. Clisby, Allen Edward, 160, Q. Clisby, Colin Horace, 144, Q. Close, John, 265, H. Clough, Lionel William, 80, Q; 128, S. Cludde, Wilfred James, 116, F. Coad, Gertrude Winifred Joyce, 328, F. Coad, Harold James, 126, Q. Coad, James, 399, Q. 14, T; 59, Q; Coad, James William, 308, T. Coad, Robert, 244, Q. Coad, Robert Joseph, 72, Q. Coake, W. J. (N.S.W.) 226, 241, I. Cobby, Ronald, 124, 143, I. Cocci, Luigi, 205, Q. Cochrane, Gertrude May, 259, It. Cock, Mervyn, 49, 67, D. Cock, Stella Gertrude, 16, F; 37, R. Cockburn, Janet May, 220, Q. Cockburn, Muriel Florence, 19, R. Cockburn, N. (N.S.W.), 149, I. Cocker, Lawrence Ernest, 333, Q. Cocking & Co., Ltd., 11, H. Cockroft, Francis Joseph, 408, Q. Cocks, Herbert Leslie, 29, P. Cocks, Jack Hayes, 344, F. Cocks, John Leslie, 272, 288, F. Cocks, Joseph Douglas, 56, I. Cocks, Leonard Bertram, 340, R. Cocks, Sydney Groden, 228, R. Cocksedge, Kenneth John William, 138, Q; 238, T. Cockshell, Cecil, 313, 347, I. Coffee, Thomas John, 59, Q. Coffey, I. E. (Mrs.), 182, J. Coffey, William, 197 (2), 205, 227, Q; 229, 301, T; 376, Q. Coggins, Keith Edward, 235, 241, I. Coghlan, Michael Joseph, 93, Q. Coglin, Michael Joseph, 58, Q. Cohen, Frederick Leon, 287, A. Cohen (N.S.W.), see Clarence Percival Elliott. Cohn, Julius, 112, It. 370, F; Colbey, Colin, 307, Q. Cole, Arthur, 155, F; 284, O. Cole, Gordon Arthur, 92, Q. Coleman, Hartley Alex, 42, H. Coleman, Murray Gladstone, 183, Coleman, Victor Preston, 72, Q. Coleman, William Martin, 13, Q. Coles, Edward, 337, H. ' P; 236, Q. Coles, G. J., & Co., Ltd., 45, 54, 65, 268, R; 282, H; 339, 340, 385, It. Coles, Malvern, 316, Q. Coles, Stanley Edward, 316, R. Collaton, Annie, 5, Q. Collection for Charitable Purposes Act, Collett, George Selwyn, 43, I. Collett, Herbert Brayley, 235, 250, M. Collett, William Darcy, 53, Q. Collicott, Reuben Keith, 235, 250, M. Collie, Frank L., 297, 313, I. Colligan, Lawrence William, 244, Q. Colligan, Reginald, 60, T. Collings, William Henry, 38, Q. Collingwood, I., 98, I. Collins, see Robert Harris. Collins, Alfred Leslie, 57, O. Collins, Arthur, 390, Q. Collins, Arthur John Colin, 91, M. Collins, B. G., 182, 382, M. Collins, Clinton William, 29, Q. Collins, Edward Thomas, 37, Q. 75, 76, 179, 180. INDEX. Collins, Elizabeth, 137, R. Collins, Frederik Warren, 53, Q. Collins, George Frederick, 85, I. Collins, Jack, alias Darcy Hillier, 335, E. Collins, James, 288, 297, H. Collins,'J. W., 274, M. Collins, Laban Charles, 145, 384, Q. Collins, Lance Verdun, 86, 126, M. Collins, Norman Ivor, 196, M. Collins, Sid, see Sydney Louis Cossons. Collins, Thomas J., 373, M. Collins, Thomas John, 352, F. Colmer, Peter, 60, Q. Colokas, Jenny, 167, R. Colquhoun, Colin Roy, 233, G; 236, R. Colquhoun, M. (Vic.), 51, I. Colquhoun, Mabel Jessie, 236, R. Colton, Palmer & Preston Limited, 31, 250, 275, R. Colvin, William, see Patrick John Clancy. Combe, Stanley, 150, Q. Cometti, Francis Raymond, 25,0, M. Comley's Limited, 86, R; 370, A. Commane, John, 38, Q. Commercial Bank of Australia Limited, 6, R. Commercial Bank of Australia Limited (Vic.), 352, A. Commonwealth GovernmentDefence DepartmentAdelaide, 43, J; 72, 137, R; 142, H; 182, J; 183, 213, 237, 323, 348, R; 354, J; 357, 398, 399, 408, R. Alice Springs, 195, H. Barmera-Mile End, 104, H. Keswick, 149, 195, H; 235, 306, J. Mallala, 362, H. Mount Gambier, 105, 226, J. New South Wales, 156, H; 163, 164, E. Northern Territory, 354, I. Parafield, 117, 288, G. Port Pirie, 78, H. Queensland, 15, A. Salisbury, 145, R. Snowtown, 184, R. Victoria, 196, 322, I. Warradale, 283, J; 313, I; 346, H; 347, I; 353, 362, H. Wayville, 217, H; 218, J; 225, 381, H. Woodside, 381, H. Department of the InteriorAdelaide, 237, R. P.M.G. DepartmentAdelaide, 78, I; 339, 399, R. Gawler, 376, R. Mallala, 329, H. Port Augusta, 240, H. Queensland, 148, G. Railway DepartmentMarree, 390, R. Port Augusta, 243, 259, R. Small Arms Factory (N.S.W.), 203, H. Commonwealth Oil Refineries, 203, 234, H. Conaghan, Hugh Anthony, see Hugh Anthony Parker. Condie, Malcolm McKenzie, 296, F. Condon, J., 12, 43, I. Condon, Kevin, 189, 242, O. Condon, P. J., 196, M. Cone, Bernard Victor, 356, Q. Conley, J. W. (N.S.W.), 35, 51, I. Conley, William Alexander, 175, Q. Conlon, Donald, 213, Q. Conlon, Keith, see Lloyd Edgar Buley. Conlon, Mary Patricia, 391, Q. Conlon, Ronald, 160, Q. Connell, Geral Francis, 306, 314, M. Connell, Norm, 118, 257, I. Connellan, E. J., 195, H. Connelly, Bernard, 228, Q. Connole, Francis Edward, 13, R. Connolly, Francis Bernard, 347, 389, K. Connor, Leonard, 220, Q; 269, S. Connor, Thomas, 168, Q. Connor, William Arthur, 145, Q. Connors, Arnold Edward, 182, M. Connors, J. S., 51, I. Connorty, James Bernard, 20, Q. Conrad, Aubrey Raymond, 303, F. Conrad, Oscar Leopold, 44, P. Conroy, Francis James, 313, I. Conroy, Philip Martin, 81, Q ; 147, F. Considine, Douglas William, 45, Q. Considine, Martin John, 176, Q; 229, T. Constable, Cyril Lawrence, 112, Q. Constable, Harold Garnett, 56, 69, I. Constable, Thomas William, 160, Q. Constantas, Alkie William, 71, Q; 128, S. Constantas, Rudolph, 71, Q ; 128, S. Constantine, Samuel, 399, Q. Conti, William Edward, 362, H. Conway, H. E. (Vic.), 85, I. Conway, Leonard Gordon, 180, F. Conway, Lionel St. Barbe, 20, Q. Conway, Mr. W. (Broken Hill), 3,05, J. Cook, Alfred William, 214, Q. xiii. Cook, Arnold Nickolas, 315, Cook Brothers, 349, R. Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook, R. Jack, 78, 97, I. James, see Herbert James Hayes. John William, 198, Q. Miss E. (N.S.W.), 69, 79, I. Oliver Charles, 25, F. Cooke, Frank Wilbur, see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Cooke, Wilbur Frank, aliases Frank Wilbur Cooke, H. Jackson, J . Fenton, E. Roberts, Alwyn Charles Williams, Alwyn Richard Crawford, 222, T; 349, Q. Coom, Cyril Mervyn, 195, 203, I. Coomanyarrah, Freddie, 53, Q; 82, T. Coombe, A. M., see A. M. Bell. Coombe, Edward Ingerson, 166, 167, P. Coombe, Herbert Stanley, 3, G. Coombe, Jean, 156, G. Coombe, John Edward, 236, Q. Coombe, Ronald Merrett, 381, 388, 397, I. Coombe, Walter Stanley, 315, Q. Coomblas, Gertrude, 316, Q. Coombs, Cecil Edward, aliases Edward Cecil Coombs, 167, Q; 199, S. Coombs, Edward Cecil, see Cecil Edward Coombs. Coombs, Hazel Olive, 400, R. Coombs, William, 137, Q. Coombs, William Thomas, 357, Q. Coonan, Julia, 259, Q; 269, T. Coonan, William Thomas, 203, I. Cooney, Edward James, 241, J. Cooney, Keith, 105, 111, I. Cooney, Phillip Frederick, 292, R. Cooney, Philip Joseph, 30, Q. Cooper, see Thomas Nickolas Patrick Mullins. Cooper, Alan Joseph, 406, I. Cooper, Albert Henry, 322, I. Cooper, Bill, see Allan Arnold Rix. Cooper, Cyril Herbert, 315, R. Cooper, Edwin Henry Clifford, 80, R. Cooper, Eric Ronald, 380, F. Cooper, Frederick Vivian. see Frederick Cooper, John W. (N.S.W.), 389, J. Braidwood E. Martin, (Vic.). Cooper, Kenneth Harold, 356, Q. Cooper, Kevin William, 46, Q. Cooper, Leslie Roy, 356, Q. Cooper, Mabel May, 242, P. Cooper, Margaret Harvey, 292, R. Cooper, Raymond, 225, 256, I; 260, R. Cooper, Raymond Ralph, 408, R. Cooper, Robert Leslie John, see Herbert Leslie Paterick Gipp. Cooper, Samuel Cyril, 86, Q. Cooper, Stanley Henry, 296, G. Cooper, Thomas Raymond, 399, Q. Co-operative Bakery Society, 190, R. Cope, Frederick, 285, Q. Copeland, Robert, 383, Q. Copley, Harold, 382, I. Coppi, Albert Carl, 56, H. Coppin, Lorna Joan, 43, I. Coppinger, John Campbell, 50, 56, F (2). Coppins, Anthoney Beulah, 331, 373, K. Coppleman, Lionel Edward Linsay Bryce, aliases Sydney Rollings, George Henry William Sixton, George Dixon, Elliot Rollins, Sydney Elliot Rollings, Fred Jackson, Lionel Edward Linsay, Bryce Maurice, 21, S; 230, T. Corbel, Norman William, 91, P; 222, T; 237, 292, Q; 325, T. Corbell, Catherine, 274, J. Corbell, Ronald Arthur, 214, 251, Q. Corbett, Lawrence William, 266, H. Corbitt, Margaret Ellen, 399, R. Corby, John, 160, Q. Corcoran, Patrick Gerald, 127, Q. Cord, H., 43, 51, I. Cordan, Norman James, 6, Q. Cork, Albert Jeffrey Maurice, 16, F. Cormier, Donald Barette, 299, 356, Q. Cornelius, Rosslyn Eugarde, 160, Q. Cornell Limited, 86, R. Corpe, Frieda Minna, 63, J. CorporationsBurra, 184, R. Mount Gambier, 45, 390, R. Prospect, 325, R. Quorn, 265, H. Thebarton, 260, R. Victor Harbour, 6, R. Woodville, 28, K. Correll, John Clarke, 190, P. Corrigan, Gordon, 143, M. Corry, John Francis, 159, Q; 224, F. Corry, Kevin James, 322, M. Cosgrove, Francis, 383, Q. Cosgrove, Leonard Lee, 46, T. Cosgrove, Malcolm John Leonard, 244, Q. Cosh, Frank Alman, 331, O. Cossons, Sydney Louis, aliases Shard, Sid Collins, 53, Q; 194, 202, 209, D; 214, Q; 216, F; 287, 295, 303, D. Costalos, Maria, 214, O,; 291, Q. Costalos, Peter, 285, R; 285, Q. Costello, John Charles, 3, I. xiv. INDEX. Costigan, Thomas, alias Bob Murrey Costin, Edith Evelyn, 137, Q. (Qld.), 284, O. Cotter, Garnet, see Garret Cotter. Cotter, Garrett, aliases Garnet Cotter, Paddy Cotter, 7, T; 184, 191, Q; 301, T; 357, Q. Cotter, John Lexford, 357 (2), Q; 381, G; 383, 400, 401, Q. Cotter, Walter James, 92, Q. Cottington, Frederick John, 184, Q. Cotton, Adeline Louisa, 37, Q. Cotton, Allan, 304, H. Cotton, Charles Henry, 198, Q; 214, S. Cotton, Hilary George, 187, 224, F. Cotton, Hugh Reginald, 92, Q; 90, I; 153, T; 240, Q; 342, T; 346, I. Cotton, Joseph, 298, M. Q 4Kevin Walter, 37, 51, I (2) ; 52, Q; 361, G (3) ; 365, Cotton, Cotton, Robert Daniel, 126, Q. Cotton, Walter Edward, 37, R. Cottrell, Arthur Victor, 92, R. Couanis, Michael, 276, Q. Couch, Norman Maxwell, 124, 135, I. Couchi, Louis, 304, H. Couckshell, Douglas, 191, Q. Coulter, Edward Stanley, 6, Q. Coulter, Gordon Ray, 283, 289, J. Coulter, Herbert Richard, 112, R. Coulter, Maxwell Lawrence, 349, Q. Coulter, Norman David, 244, Q. Coulter, Robert Gordon Edward, 98, P. Coulter, Thomas, 291, Q. Coulter, William Ferdinand, 349, Q. Coulthard, Alice, 16, 90, 116, 187, F. Coulton, A. (N.S.W.), 105, 111, I. Counterfeit £5 Bank Notes, 370. Countess of Bective, see Elsie Florence. Courtney, H. (N.S.W.), 149, 157, I. Cousens, Frederick Vincent, see Frederick Vincent Cousins. Cousins, Cedric Robert, aliases Williams, John Arthur, 31, Q. Cousins, Frederick Vincent, alias Cousens, 7, 161, T; 244, Q; 253, 392, T. Cousins, William John, 203, I. Coutts, Alec Arthur, 285, 399, Q. Coutts, Geoffrey, 52, 70, 91, O. Coventry, A. F., 280, 360, F. Cowan, Arthur Morrison, 276, Q. Cowan, James E., 110, G. Cowan, Lancelot Hooper, 59, Q. Cowan, William John Keith, aliases Clayton George Grigg, William Kenneth Taylor, 79, L; 87, Q; 367, T. Coward, Annie Pearce, 188, G. Coward, Raymond Gordon, 313, 337, I. Cowell, Walter, D., 142, H. Cowen, Herbert Carlyle, 28, M. Cowley, Arthur, alias Arthur Harold Cowley, Cowley, Arthur Harold, see Arthur Cowley. Cowley, B. (Vie.), 3 , 51, I. Cowley, Charles John, 382, M. Cowley, Robert Clifford, 316, Q. Cowling, Ronald Lewis Roy, 373, 382, K. Cox, Albert, 264, 273, 288, F. Cox, Alfred Benjamin, 272, 281, F. Cox, Alfred Bertram, 110, 117, I. Cox, Barbara, 142, U.H. 229, Q; 270, T. 6 Cox Bros. (Australia) Ltd., 64, R; 181, 240, H; 243, R. Cox, George Albert, 382, 389, K. Cox, Cox, Cox, Cox, Cox, Cox, Cox, Herbert, see Ernest David James Herbert John, 2, 10, F. Kevin Joseph, 243, Q. Lancelot Bruce, 219, Q. Murray Graham, 336, 396, F. Oliver Stimpson Frederick, 2, F. Rennick Anzac, 299, Q. Thompson. Cox, Richard, 333, Q. Cox, Wilfred, 360, F. Cox, Wilfred Lionel, 137, Q. Coyle, Joseph Henry, 43, 70, M. Coyle, Stewart Patrick, aliases Steven Proud, Proud, Bergen, Stokke, 314, 315, Q; 341, S. Coyle, William, 356, Q. Crabb, James, 384, Q. Crabby Violet Irene, 197, Q; 214, T. Crabbe, S. J. (N.S.W.), 43, I. Cradd, Alfred James, 381, I. Craddock, Thomas Ronald, 53, R. Crafter, Kenneth Herbert, 251, Q. Crafter, Leslie John, 228, Q. Craig, John Benedict, alias, Wells, 202, E. Cram, R. B. (N.S.W.), 17, 35, I. Crammond, Clarence, 239, 281, F. Crampton, Rollin John, 6, 307 Q. Crane, Arthur, 126, Q. Crane, Augustus Moutray, 189, 218, 1. Crane, Frank Albert, 407, R. Crapp, Jean May, 245, R. Crase, Ewart, 315, R. Crase, John Turner, 111, J. Craven, David Edward, 53, Q. Craven, J., & Co., Ltd., 138, 355, R. Craven, John Bruce, 150, Q. Stewart Steven Crawcour, Murray Mayer, 127, Q. Crawford, Alwyn Richard, see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Crawford, Andrew, 276, Q. Crawford, George Hunter, 84, F. Crawford, Norman (Rev.), 304, H. Crawse, Victor Leslie, alias Victor Leslie Cawse, 357, Q. Creacy, Alexander (or Creasy), 355, 389, M. Crease, Arthur Wallace, 198, Q. Creasy, see Alexander Creacy. Creed, John Henry, 243, R. Creek, Frederick George, 60, T; 104, F. Creek, Peggy, 406, I. Creswell, Frederick James, 194, 195, G. Crisford, Walter Harold, 399, Q. Crispin, Albert Victor, 152, Q. Critchley, Albert, 339, Q. Critchley, Dominic Patrick, 176, Q. Crittenden, William James, 65, Q. Crocker, Norman Sydney, 34, F. Crocker, Norman T., 372, I. Crockford, Allan William, 158, M. Crockford, Russell, 78, I. Crompton & Son, Ltd., 107, R. Crompton, Cora, 16, 25, D. Cronin, William, 6, Q; 31, T. Crook, Alva Neil, 268, Q. Crook, Clifford Mervyn, 265, H. Crookes, William Henry, 142, I. Crosby, Amy Clarissa, 382, J. Crosby, Charles Du Rieu, 267, Q. Croser, Percival Clarence, 2, 10, 116, 142, 187, 239, 404, F. Cross, se-, Robert Jenkinson. Cross, Elie Ansell, 151, Q. Cross James, 54, Q. Cross, Lionel Edward, 292, R. Cross, Ray, 265, H. Cross, Rossiter Gerald, 57, I; 58, R. Crossley, Andrew, 6, 45, Q; 47, T; 59, Q; 161, T; 276, Q ; 349, T. Ernest Crossman, Langworthy, Crotty, D. J. (Vie.), 27, I. 7, T; 325, Q; 349, T; 398, Q. Crotty, William, 234, 240, H. Crouch, George Keith, 348, R. Croucher, C. G. (N.S.W.), 149, I. Croucher, Joseph, 36, I; 38, Q; 101, T. Crowe, James Edward, see Brian Thomas Hanney. Crowe, Michael Charles Francis, 245, T. Crowhurst, Leonard Howard, 90, I. Crowhurst, Maxwell Lance, 180, F. Crowhurst, Mervyn Henry, 332, Q. Crowl, Richard James, 284, P. Crowley, Edward John, 307, Q. Crowther, Olive Hope, 408, Q. Croxton, Lena, 213, Q. Crum, Rita, 244, R. Cryer, Maxwell, 291, Q. Cuddihy, Arthur Merton, 79, 158, M. Oudmore, C. R., 282, H. Cuell, John Henry, aliases John Howie Murphy, John Harry Murphy, John James Murphy, 59, Q; 73, T; 356, Q; 392, T. Cu11, Patrick Joseph, alias Charles Nelson, 333, Q; 401, T. Cullen, Edward Henry, 10, 16, F. Cullen, Gertrude Edith, 87, Q. Cullen, Robert, 112, 300, Q. Cumberland Arms Hotel, 175, R. Cumberland, Robert, 235, M. Cumming, Amre Anne, 282, I. Cumming, Harold Reginald, 348, Q. Cumming, Robert, see Alton Bruce. Cummings, Arthur James, 213, R. Cummings, George Joseph, 190, Q. Cummings, Leonard John, 127, Q. Cungi (aborigine), 99, Q; 108, T. Cunningham, John, 207, T. Curly (aborigine), 138, Q; 139, T. Curnow, Albert, 204, 212, O. Curnow, Arthur Charles, 222, T. Curnow, Ellen Isabel, 321, 329, I. Curnow, Reginald Keith, 391, R; 399, Q. Curnow, Stephen George, 96, F. Curnuck, Lawrence Joseph, 138, Q. Curran, John Joseph, 301, T. Curran, Wallace Reid, 3, 4, I. Currie, Anthony, see Anthony Curry. Currie, D. (N.S.W.), 97, 118, I. Currie, Henry Ernest, 11, H. Currie, Walter Aloysius, 159, Q. Curringan, J. P. (Vie.), 143, 157, I. Curry, Anthony, alias Currie, 10, F; 333, Q; 333, T; 352, 360, F. Curtis Bros. (Vie.), 63, 79, I. Curtis, George Jack, see Rowland Robert Morgan. Curtis, William Eric Samuel, 355, M. Cusack, Andrew Ambrose, 56, 68, 216, F; 228, -Q; 356, Q; 401, T. Cusack, James Francoise, 44, 69, M. Cusack, Thomas, 26, F; 66, T. Cussadia, Con, 180, F. Outten, Charles Edward, 112, Q. Cutting, Ernest Ansley, 126, Q. 270, T; INDEX. Cutting, Cutting, Cutting, Cutting, Malcolm George, 44, O. Thomas Henry, 20, Q. Victor Burnham, 99, Q; Wilfred James, 228, Q. Davies, George Bruce, 357, R. 199, S. Cutting, William, 159, Q. Cypriotis, John, 159, 218, N. Cys, Jan, 346, 354, I. D Dack, Ernest, 397, 406, I. Dadleh, Dean Mahomet, 198, Q. Dahlenburg, Colin, 138, R. Dailey, Robert Charles, 148, F. Dalby, Edmund, 274, 283, J. Dale, Brett Joseph, 328, F; 355, 382, M. Dale, Ian Leonard, 347, T; 363, M. Dale, John, see Albert Patrick Quarrel. Dale, Robert Norman William, 142, 149, I. Daley, Matilda, 167, R. Dalgetty, George Culvert, see John Agnew. Dalgety & Co., Ltd., 194, A; 195, G; 215, A; 216, G; 272, A; 276, R; 282, H; 319, A. Dalitz, Albert John, aliases Herbert John Dalitz, Herbert John Davies, 190, Q. Dalitz, Herbert John, see Albert John Dalitz. Dalling, Edwin James, 275, P; 276, Q; 341, S. Dallow, John Harold, 408, Q. Dallwitz, Harold Nathaniel, 285, 315, Q; 366, T. Dally, John Rutherford, 97, 105, I. Dalman, J. S. (Vic.), 85, 118, I. Dalsante, Gin, 398, Q. Dalton, Ian, 173, 181, I. Dalton, Murray Samuel, 87, Q; 90, 149, I; 151, R. Dalton, Roland Oliver, 14, T. I aiwood, Jack Bruce, 35, 43, I; 151, R. Daly, Eva Valmai, 194, A. Daly, Francis Patrick, alias Mutt Daly, 100, T; 370, 380, F. -Daly, Hilda May, 400, Q. Daly, John William, 255, F. Daly, Mutt, see Francis Patrick Daly. Daly, O. J. (Mrs.), 371, H. Daly, Roy, 53, Q. Daly, ti incent Leo, 59, Q. Daly, William Arthur, 5 1 , 56, I. Dance, David Hedley, 273, G. Daniel, R. K. (N.S.W.), 57, I. Daniels, Albert Murray, 20, Q; 73, T. Daniels, Arthur, 303, D. 1)auels, Arthur Raymond, 72, Q; 296, H; 298, K; 364, 383, Q. Daniels, Isabel Joan, alias Garnsay, 53, Q. Daniels, Laurel Adelaide, 19, Q. Daniels, Laurence Leslie, 34, F. Daniels, Sydney Valentine Cameron, 10, F. Dankel & Co., 188, H. Danvers, Clement Joseph, 110, F. Danvers, George Pyne, 96, F. Darby, Oliver, 119, Q; 128, S; 238, T. Darby, Reginald Ambrose Henry, 185, 205, Q; 229, T. Dare, Richard James, 299, Q. Darley, Charles Albert, 336, 404, F. Darling, Mary K., 181, H. Darling, Olive Dorothy, 353, G. Darwent, Leslie Herbert, 107, Q. Dasborough, Henry Rex, 143, J. Dasborough, Lurline N., 257, J. Dassel, Richard Charles, alias Dessel, 244, Q; 253, T. "D'Aubert, Paul Andre, 4, M. Davenport, George, 113, Q; 113, T. Davenport, James, alias James Thompson, 77, 96, F. Davenport, John R., 211, I. Davey, Albert William Frederick, 25, F. Davey, Edgar, alias Torky Davey, 175, Q. Davey, Richard Newton, 165, 173, I. Davey, S. G., 57, 86, M. Davey, Torky, see Edgar Davey. David Bell & Co., 213, R. David, Daniel (aborigine), alias Daniel Davids, 151, 160, Q; 194 (2), F. David, Lillian, 93, Q. David, William Malcolm, alias Kaiser Davidson, 300, Q; 342, T. Davids, Daniel, see Daniel David. Davids, David, 291, R. Davidson, A. N., 196, M. Davidson, Arnold, see Anders Johnsen. Davidson, C. (N.S.W.), 257, I. Davidson, Clara, 63, 125, J; 127, R. Davidson, Ernest Robert George, 352, 360, F. Davidson, Ivy May, 21, T; 37, Q; 60, T; 127, 20'6, 212 (2), Q; 216, 233, C; 237, Q; 247, C; 252, Q; 269, S; 316, T. Davidson, Kenneth Norman, 213, Q. Davidson, Laura Emily, 118, J. Davies, Allan Gordon, 139, T. Davies, Audrey Hope, aliases Hope Stagbour, Mrs. George, 79, O. Davies, Davies, Davies, Austen, 365, Q; 401, T. Donald Gilbert, 161, Q. Effie Priscilla, 357, R. xv. Davies, Herbert John, see Albert John Dalitz. Davies, John Charles, 142, I. Davies, Leslie Gordon, 197, Davies, Stanley David, 2, F. Davies, Stanley Lawrence Joseph, 375, Q. Davies, Walter Francis, 147, 164, F. Davill, Laurence Allen, 398, M. Davill, Herbert Henry, see Herbert Henry Savill. Davis, see Veronica Goolmeer. Davis, see Maurice Dias. Davis, Allan Edward, 100, T. Davis, Arthur, 65, Q. Davis, Clive, 248, I. Davis, Bertram William, see Gustave Barnfield. Davis, E. (Vic.), 194, A; 196, I; 215, A; 218, I. Davis, Ernest Lawrence, 89, 96, F; 169, T. Davis, Harold Penrock, 299, Q. Davis, Leslie, 374, Q. Davis, Mooney, see Stanley Davis. Davis, Penelope, 172, H. Davis, Reginald, aliases Rex Davis, Reginald Harcourt Davis, 31, Q; 93, T. Davis, Reginald Harcourt, see Reginald Davis. Davis, Rex, see Reginald Davis. Davis, Roma Elizabeth, 49, A. Davis, Sarah Elizabeth, 3, H. Davis, S. F., 98, M. Davis, William Albert, 363, M. Davis, Stanley, alias Mooney Davis, 191, 2,68, Q; 301, T; 340, Q. Davison, Ernest Robert George, 255, F. Davoren, John James, 244, Q. Davoren, Raymond, 177, Q. Daw, Daisy M., 119, R. Daw, John James, 59, Q. Dawe, Alfred, see Bernard Ralph Dawe. Dawe, Bernard Ralph, alias Alfred Dawe, 390, 398, 0. Dawe, Bruce Dudley, 166, 314, O. Dawe, Ethel Maud, 307, R. Dawes, Raymond_ Edwin Lewis, 59, Q. Dawkins, Alfred Frederick, 36, 57, M. Dawkins, Lawrence Patrick, 58, Q. Dawkins (Mr.), 281, H. Dawson, see Irene Melda Radford. Dawson, Alfred, 295, D. Dawson, Ambrozine May, 237, T; 280, F; 316, T. Dawson, Clarence George, 365, Q; 409, T. Dawson, David Victor, 283, M. Dawson, Frank, 332, R. Dawson, Frank, aliases Frank Norton, Harry Lowen, Harry Fred Elder, Webber, Olsen, 97, U.I; 370, F. Dawson, John Milton, 143 (2), I. Dawson, Leonard Lawrence, 357, Q. Day, see Frederick Arthur Wilkes. Day, see John Gault Mundy. Day, see Sydney Raymond Charles Spearman. Day, John Bice, 138, Q. Day, Laurence Victor, 291, 332, Q; 341, S. Day, Leslie Stanley, 275, P; 276, R. Day, Morrison Treloar, 257, 266, J. Dayman, Harold Irvine, 312, H. Dayman, Ralph Alfred, 56, F. Daymond, Frederick J., 234, I. Deacon, Frederick John, 374, Q. Deacon, Maxwell, 276, Q. Dealtry, Herbert Charles Leon, 213, Dean, Jane Estella (trading as Dean's Jewellery House), 142, 234, H. Dean, Owen (Vic.), 27, 182, I. Dean, Raymond Edward, 229, T. Deane, Clarice M. (Mrs.), 353, H. Deane, James Alfred, 3, 78, I. Deane, William Sheil, 111, J. Dean's Jewellery House, see Jane, Estella Dean. Dearman, Dudley Gordon, 197, Q. Dearson, Stanley, 196, M. DeBari, Angelantonio, see DeBari Angelantonio. DeBoar, Henry Walter John, 346, H. DeBrenni, Herbert, 104, 117, I. de Crespigny, Kathleen Champion, 324, 325, R. Dee, David Patrick, 59, R. Deeley, Audrey Howard, 330, J. Deer, George Bruce, 224, D ; 224, F ; 259, Q. DeGama, Doris, 275, R. DeGioia, Saverio, 331, Q. Degenhardt, Mackie Angus, 195, 217, I. Degenhardt, Ross Louis, 203, I. Degner, see Peter Costello Campbell. DeHeaume, Rudolph, 273, 1. Nicola, 138, Q. DeKuyper, Louis, see Murray George Bradley. DeKuyper, Sydney James, aliases Giles, Stevens, 152, Q• DeLacey, see Mina Elizabeth Mary Armstrong. Delaney, Arthur, 339, Q. Dell, Herbert Angwin, 12, P. Delo, Robert Maurice, 227, Q. Delphine, P., 283, 331, M. Demasson, Roy Hilary, 355, 373, M. De-Mayes, Chairs, see Pasquale Mezzatesta. Demont, Thomas, 349, Q. Delonno, xvi. INDEX. Dempsey, Annie Edna, 185, Q. Dempsey, Earl Northcote, aliases John Grantham, Earl Northcott Dempsey, Earl North Korth Dempsey, 22, T; 119, Q; 264, 312, F; 365, Q. Dempsey, Earl Northcott, see Earl Northcote Dempsey. Dempsey, Earl North Korth, see Earl Northcote Dempsey. Dempsey, John, 84, 288, F. Dempsey, Patrick, 72, Q; 95, F. Dempsey, Roland Frank, 266, 289, I. Dempster, Alfred, 165, 181, I. Denford, Edwin Arthur, 112, Q. Denham, Clifford Harry Felgate, 5, 126, M. Denley, John Joshua, 307, Q. Denman, Arthur Harry, 398, R. Dennis, James Henry, 68, 69, H. Dennis, Keith Stanley, 398, M. Dennis, Kenneth Maxwell, 87, Q. Dennis, Lewis, see James Lendon. Dennise, Henry Frederick, see Harold F. Beames. Denny, Robin Adair, 355, Q. Denny, William Joseph, 38, Q. Dent, George Kitchener, 144, Q. Dent, Hubert Lionel, 113, Q. Dent, John N. (N.S.W.), 305, 330, I. Denton, Harold Andrew, 69, 85, I. Denton, Samuel Bruce, 203, 211, I. Denton, Stanley Carlyle Martin, 206, Q. DePlater, E. C. (N.S.W.), 51, I. Dermody, Albert Henry, 145, Q. Dermody, Robert Francis, 3, 17, I. Dermody, William Charles Frederick, 119, Q. Derrick, David Edmund, 29, P. Dessel, see Richard Charles Dassel. Dette, La Edward Mans field , see Edward Mansfield LaDette. Dettmann, Edward Clive, 167, Q; 172, H. Deverson, Robert Bertram, 110, G. Devine, A. A. (Vic.), 118, 218, I. Devine, Frederick John, 21, Q. Devine, Raymond, see Francis Anthony Knox. Devitt, James, 73, S. Devitt, Patrick Bryan, 225, H. Devlin , A. D. (N.S. W.), 372, I. Devoe, William James, 12, M. Devon , Charles, see Arthur Hill. Dew, Robert Lyndon, 347, I. DeWar , Donald, 322, I. Dewar, Donald Campbell, 5, 57, 0. Dewar, Robert Rutherford , 252, Q ; 300, S. Dewar , William James, 85, I. DeYoung, Alfred James , 234, H. Dhu, Robert Alexander, 44, M. Diab , Diah Ruby , otherwise Eli Rouby Diah Diab , 205, Q; 206, T. Diab, Eli Rouby Diah, see Diah Ruby Diab. Dias, Maurice, aliases Davis, Swanston , 314, 315, Q ; 341, S. Dick , Alan , 265, G. Dick, Robert James, 2, 10 , F; 30, R. Dickens, Robert John , 70, 80, 0. Dickens, William Benjamin , 363, P. Dickins, Harry Francis , 124, H. Dickson, Andrew Alfred, 344, F. Dickson, Christina , 358, T. Dickson, James Demitrious , 104, G. Dickson, Norman Stanley, 81, Q. Dickson , William Eric, 38, Q. Dickson, W ylton J., 405, I. Dieckman, Leslie Wilfred , 308, Q. Dienelt, Gilbert, 45, R. Digby, Edward Victor, 384, Q. Diggins, Lawrence, 99, Q. DiGiusto , Gio Batta , 276, Q. Dihm, Thomas , 84, F; 108, T. Dilena, Percy James, 297 , 313, I. Dillon, Malcolm Robert, 45 , 375, Q. Dillon , Ross Ryall , 124, I. Dineen, John Cyril, 391, Q. Dinham, Maurice, 58, Q. Dinning, Donald James Herbert , 288, H. Dipilato, Giovanni , 145, R. District councilsClare, 400, R. Salisbury , 243, R. Snowtown , 63, 85, J ; 220, R. Teatree Gully, 197, R. Willunga , 234, H. Dite, Frank Colin , 243, Q. Dite, Joyce Violet, 12, 36, J. Dix, Harold Keith , 151, Q. Dix, Lionel , 191, R. Dixon , Alan, 323, P. Dixon , George, see Lionel Edward Linsay Bryce Coppleman. Dixon, N . (Vic.), 182, I. Dixon , Rose, 237, R. Dixon, Ross, 324, Q. Dobbie, A. W., & Co., 109, A; 236 , R; 404, G. Dobbin , William, 328 396, F. Dobbs, Robert, 400, Q. Dobie, Matthew Roderick, Dobson, Brian Nairn , 363, Dobson, E. A. (N.S .W.), Dobson, Robert Alfred, 2, 184, Q. M. 305, I. 34, F. Dobson, Roger William Docherty, John Martin, Dockin, Vjckoslav, 2,06, T. Arthur, 357, Q. 290, 0. otherwise Vckososlav Dorkin, 176, Q; Dodd, Dorothy, 111, J. Dodd, Henry Eustace, 6, Q. Dodd, Ian Albert, 190, Q. Dodd, Jack Spencer, 348, R. Dodd, Ruby, 284, Q. Doddridge, Phillip Harold, 165, 173, 181, I. Dodge, V. P., 331, 407, M. Dodson, Aubrey James, 284, P. Doecke, John Leslie, 306, P. Doherty, Charles, 177, Q. Doherty, Harold Edgar, 45, Q. Doherty, John Augustine, 305, I. Doherty, Neville Ian, 46, 54, 73, 112, Q; 147, D; 149, 157, I; 187, D; 190, Q. Doig, Alice Pretoria Ruth, see Alice Victoria Ruth Doig. Doig, Alice Victoria Ruth, aliases Alice Pretoria Ruth Doig, Dorothy Doig, 46, T; 71, Q; 81, T; 197, Q; 238, 253, T; 324, Q; 401, T. Doig, Dorothy, see Alice Victoria Ruth Doig. Doig, William John, see Port Thistle Soccer Club. Dolan, George Thomas, 390, Q. Dolan, Thomas Paul, 211, I. Dollman, Alison Moir, 156. G. Dolman, Douglas Lindsay Gordon, 313, 321, I. Dolphin, Frank Rubin, 198, R. Domanschenz, Christo Matthes, 197, Q. Domaschenz, Laurence Frederick, aliases Laurie Frederick Domaschenz, Domishing, Domasheze, Webber, 50, 273, F; 285, T; 328, F. Domaschenz, Laurie Frederick, see Laurence Frederick Domaschenz. Domaschenz, Lawrence, see Laurence Frederick Domaschenz. Domascheze, see Laurence Frederick Domaschenz. Domishing, see Laurence Frederick Domaschenz. Donaghy, William Arthur, 333, T. Donaldson, Donald Graham, 168, Q; 211, 234, H. Donaldson, Holder George, 160, R. Donaldson, Meta, 160, R. Donaldson, Robert George, alias Robert Thomas Donaldson, 113, Q; 199, S. Donaldson, Robert Thompson, see Robert George Donaldson. Donati, Nicola, 244, Q. Donato, Vincenzo, 354, I; 356, Q. Donhardt, George Melrose, 152, Q. Doniel, Dario, 87, Q. Donlan, William John, 252, Q. Donlon, Eric William, 245, Q. Donnell, Mary Jean, 116, 345, F; 348, R. Donnellan, Andrew John, 160, Q. Donnellan, T. (N.S.W.), 17, 35, I. Donnelly, Edward Bernard, 381, H; 383, R. '361, Donnelly, Harold, 57, I; 58, Q. Donnelly, John Patrick, 353, I; 383, Q. Donnelly, John Trevor Francis, 215, 232, A; 237, R. Donnon, see Phyllis Jay Trottman. Donoghue, Donald, 89, 95, D. Donoghue, Patrick John, 166, 174, M. Donough, Jack, 113, Q. Donovan, Dennis, see Dennis Driscoll. Donovan, Dennis Patrick, see James Worthington Newell. Donovan, Francis Joseph, 138, Q. Doody, Ronald Martin, 107, Q. Doody, Thomas Jeremiah, 224, 233, 255, 345, F. Doody, Thomas John, 257, 266, I. Doolan, Thomas Hall, 86, Q. Doolette, Liscombe Phillip, 97, 135, I; 138, R. Doran, Francis, see Frank Doran. Doran, Frank, alias Francis Doran, 6, Q; 73, T; 107, Q; T ; 304, F. Dorkin, Vckososlav, see Vjekoslav Doekin. Dorling, Thomas Harry John, 220, Q. Dormer, Frederick J., 249, M. Douglas, Arthur, 134, 148, 164, 187, F; 251, Q; 252, T. Douglas, John Richard Horace, 190, Q. Douglas, Juel Edith May, 93, R. Douglas, Kevin Edward, 205, Q. Douglas, Ronald William, 205, Q. Dougleston, Violet Selina, 375, Q. Dover, Edward, 145, Q. Dowding, Alan, 337, 405, H. Dowding, Arthur William, see Walter Dowdy, Raymond, Dowling, George Edward, Dowling, Ivan, 63, I. Dowling, Downes, Downie, Downie, 329, I. Thomas Ambrose, 37, Kenneth Alfred, 400, Alexander, alias Jack James, 16, 17, 34, G; Downie, Patrick Godfrey Radcliffe. 213, Q. Joseph, Q. 401, R. Jones, 261, 37, R. T. 70, M. Downing, Dr. Clifford Robert Eugene, 248, H. Downing, John Joseph, 340, R. Downing, Natalie Estelle, 235, J. Downs, Arthur Melville, 81, R. Downs, Brian Archer, 381, 388, I. Downs, June Carole, 44, P. Downton, William Alexander John, 407, Q. Doyle, Betty Joyce, 299,-Q. 139. INDEX. Doyle, James Edmund Barton, 376, R. Voyle, James Joseph, 57, I. Doyle, James Thomas, 385, Q. Doyle, John Patrick, 285, R. Doyle, Yank, see Andrew Williams. Drage, Jack Vincent, 398, Q. Drake, Brian John, 277, Q. Draper, Alexander Thomas, see Holdfast Bay Model Band. Drennan, Henry William, 16, F; 37, Q; 73, S; 293, T. Drew & Crewes, 365, R. Drew, Elwall Woodward, 273, G. Drew, Howard Murray, 305, 313, I. Drew, John, 20, Q. Drew, Richard Anthony, 51, 211, I. Drewar, Brian Kenneth, 45, Q. Drewer, Alfred James, 135, H. Drewitt, Leslie, 38, Q. Dreyer, Carl Francis, 248, H. Driffield, D. (N.S.W.), 282, 289, I. Drikas, S., 268, R. Dring, John, 373, J. Driscoll, Denis, alias Dennis Donovan, 360, 396, F; 408, T. Driscoll, Ronald, 390, 398, 0. Driver, Gordon Howard, 97, 136, I. Drogemuller, Allan Leslie Ross, 91, 98, I. Drogemuller, Walter Herbert, 137, 151, Q. Dromgoole, Jack, alias Johnny Breen, 267, Q; 325, T; 375, Q; 396, F. Drummond, Harold Russell, 205, Q. Drummond, Jesse Clement, 113, 185, T. Drury, Charles Twaits, 346, 354, I. Drury, Samuel Charles, 370, F. Dry, Alfred George, 30, Q. Dryden, James Kevin, 98, M. Dryden, Thomas George, 227, M; 328, F. Dryen, George, 104, H. Dubois, Ernest John, 168, Q. Ducrest, Joseph, 71,Q; 280,F. Duell, Roy, 18, M. Duffey, Ida Mary, 264, 380, F. Duffy, Charles Henry, 165, 174, I. Duffy, Claude Henry, 149, H. Duffy, Sidney William, 126, 136, 150, M. Dugan, Ernest Alfred Charles, 348, Q. Dugan, Hilary Clifton, 85, M. Duggan, John Stanley, 289, I. Duggan, L. J. (N.S.W.), 372, I. Duggan, Mervyn James, 252, Q. Duggin, Stanley Murdock, 135, H. Duhne, Walter, 195, G. Dukat, Daniel, 408, Q. Dulwich (Unknown Man), 263. Dumbrell, J. (Vic.), 105, I. Dunbar, Kenneth Clifford, 145, 292, Q. Dunbar, Mathew John, 72, Q. Dunbar, William Ronald, 85, 98, J. Duncan & Co., Ltd., 252, R. Duncan, Donald George, 275, Q. Duncan, John Ogilvie Millar, 111, 126, 212, M. Duncan, Kathleen Smith Nathan, 87, R. Duncan, Margaret Grant, 29, Q. Duncan, Robert, 87, R. Duncan, Ronald Maylan, 41, 49, D; 99, 333, Q. Duncan, Ross, 156, H. Dundas, Marie, see Marie Gertrude Monks. Dunkley, Effie Eileen, 244, Q; 269, S. Dunkley, Herbert George, 129, 401, T. Dunkley, Reginald Ross, 191, Q. Dunn, Albert Edward, 321, 372, I. Dunn, Alfreda May, 2, F; 30, Q. Dunn, Andrew (aborigine), 236, 315, Q; 333, T. Dunn, Arthur Stanley, 37, 44, 52, 0. Dunn, David, 268, Q. Dunn, John Clifford, 2 (2), F; 30, Q; 73, S. Dunn, John Edward Patrick, 198, Q. Dunn, John Joseph, 399, Q. Dunn, Lloyd Brooks, 184, Q. Dunn, Michael George, 53, Q; 60, S; 222, T. Dunnett, Reginald, 5, Q. Dunning, Wilver George, 299, Q; 341, S. Dunsford, Frank Henry, 338, L. Dunstan, Constance June, 274, 33.0, I. Dunstan, Harold Frank, 221, R. Dunstan, John Alexander, 203, I. Dunstone, John Edward Roy, see Clement Joseph Dupen, Arthur Philip Leslie, 29, P. Durant, Harold Cecil, 124, G. Durbin, Alfred Thomas, 249, 257, I. Durbin, Lionel, 19, Q. Durdin, George James, 315, Q. Durham, Eileen Merle, 382, I. During, Eileen Mary, 251, R. Durnin, James Joseph, 322, M. Durran, Katherine, 361, G. Durratti, Ronald, 399, Q. Durston, Eileen ' Pretoria, 221, R. Durston, June, 221, R. Durston, Myrna, 221, R. Duryea, Lance Dowell, 107, Q. Dutch, Charles Herbert, 219, P. C Vincent Sly. xvii. Dutschke, Glen Laurence, 58, Q. Dutschke, Johannes Theodore, 104, 142, H. Dutton, Alma Victoria, 356, R. Dutton, Daphne Joyce, 356, R. Dutton, Ronald Walter Ernest, 221, Q. Duval, Dorothy, 105, 117, I. Duvale, Colin William, see Allan Leonard Castle. I Dwiar, Eileen, 138, 214, R. Dwyer, James, 119, Q; 209, 304, F. Dwyer, James, 315, Q; 334, T. Dyett, Charles Norman, 290, Q. Dyett, Keith Raymond, 205, P. Dyett, Leonard Keith, 58, 72, Q; 108, T; 307, Q; 385, T. Dynon, David Brian, 284, Q; 295, 303, D. Dynon, Eileen Amelia, 219, 284, 0; 285, 365, 408, Q. Dynon, Margaret Joan, 228, R. Dynon, Patrick John, 116, F. E Eaglehawk (Aborigine), 236, 238, T. Eames, Lester Edward George, 219, Q. Eames, William John, 151, Q; 199, S. Eardley, William Alexander, 21, Q. Earl, Gordon John, 35, H. Earl, John, 185, Q. Earle, Otto Henry, 213, Q. Earle, Walter Leslie, 212, 0. Easter, Frederick Percival, 346, I. Easterbrook, Colin, 250, 258, 331, 0. Eaton, Douglas George, 106, M. Eaton, Maurice Henry, 72, R. Eaton, Willam, 151, Q. Eaton, Willam Colston, 285, Q. Eatt, Claude Melnotte, 87, R. Ebsary, Edgar James, 109, F. Eckersley, Harold John, 45, Q. Eckert, Gustav Frank, 81, R. Eckhold, Ronald Frederick, 143, 174, I; 176, 177, R. Ecklund, Frederick Adolph, 32, T. Eddy, Arthur Willam, 64, Q; 116, 280, 312, F. Eddy, Maxwell Elliott, 300, 357, Q. Edgar, James Noel, 191, Q. Edgar, J. V. (Vic.), 241, 266, I. Edgecomber, Augusta Muriel, 176, R. Edger, James Patrick, see Clive Lithgow Witeombe. Edmonds, Frederick Ramsay, 313, I. Edmondstone, Arthur Nelson, 220, R. Edmunds, Ruby, 321, I. Edsardo, Angellotti, 184, Q. Edwards, Allan Wilgriffin, 119, 12 6 , R, Edwards, Anita Irene, 165, 174, I. Edwards, Arthur Wilfred, 151, 384, Q. Edwards, Beryl Joyce, 259, R. Edwards, Billie, see William Edwards. Edwards, Cyril Norman, 71, Q. Edwards, Esmond, 167, Q. Edwards, Francis Robert Edward, 97, I. Edwards, Gilbert Alan Rees, 252, R. Edwards, Harold Ivan, 354, I; 357, Q. Edwards, J. C. (N.S.W.), 97, I. Edwards, John Cecil, 182, M. Edwards, John Henry, 250, M. Edwards, Marjory Ethelwyn, 71, R. Edwards, Mavis, 210, H. Edwards, Mostyn Kevin, 227, Q. Edwards, Ralph, 69, 85, I. Edwards, Reginald John, 355, 390, M. Edwards, Sydney Arthur George, 99, Q. Edwards, William, aliases Billie Edwards, Willie Edwards (Aborigine), 121, T; 184, Q. Edwards, Willie, see William Edwards. Egan, John Edward, 80, 92, Q; 311, F. Egan, Kevin Joseph, 93, 243, Q. Egan, Leo Francis, 404, F. Egan, Stanley, 314, M. Egan, Torrens Ford, 50, F. Egel, Frederick William, 27, I. Eggins, G. E., 85, 97 (N.S.W.), I. Egglestone, Leslie John, 64, Q. Eglinton, William, 135, H. Eime, Arthur James, 181, 188, I. Eime, Jack, 298, M. Eime, Joyce E., 150, J. Eime, Oscar William, 113, 126, Q. Eisawy, Amin Mahmead, 206, Q; 221, T. Eizenberg, H., 79, 136 (N.S.W.), I. Ekers and Robinson, 176, R. Eland, Agnes Clara, 399, R. Elder, Frederick Harold John, 2, 10, F. Elder, Harry Fred, see Frank Dawson. Elder, John Davie, 407, Q. Elder, 'Smith & Co., Ltd., 159, 167, R; 372, H. Eldridge, Arthur, 20, Q. Eldridge, Christopher Gilmore, 64, Q. Eldridge, John Lawson, 346, H. Elias, Adele, see Edna Ellis. Elix, Elsie, 405, H. INDEX. xviii. Elkins, Vera, 328, F. Ellendon, Clifford Bertram, 68, F. Ellery, George Grant, 244, Q. Ellery, George MacIntosh, 53, Q. Ellingsen, Maxwell Iver, 92, Q. Ellingsen, Robert Leonard, 258, P; 292, R. Elliot, Thomas James, 72, Q. Elliott, Alfred John, 4, K. Elliott, Allan Maxwell, 407, Q. Elliott, Brian Desmond, 316, Q. Elliott, Bros. Ltd., 17, I; 20, 151, 184, 205, 236, R; 256, I. Elliott, Clarence Percival, aliases Ward, Ranking, Cohen (N.S.W.), 50, E; 395, A. Elliott, Ernest Harry, 191, Q; 214, S; 334, T. Elliott, George, see Francis Robertson Hardie. Elliott, George Henry, 292, Q. Elliott, Herbert J. M., 196, J. Elliott, Leslie, 165, 188, I. Elliott, Murray William, 85, I. Elliott, Roy, 381, G. Elliott, W. A. (N.S.W.), 189, I. Elliott, William James, 98, P. Ellis, Albert Taylor, see Albert George Taylor. Ellis, Betty Irene, 305, 321, I. Ellis, Edna, otherwise Adele Elias, 100, A. Ellis, Edward John, 112, Q. Ellis, Evelyn Mabel, 273, G. Ellis, F. (N.S.W.), 389, 406, I. Ellis, Harold Richard, 152, Q. Ellis, Henry Raymond, 314, M. Ellis, Joseph Thomas Reginald, 251, R. Ellis, Keith Montifore, 19, Q. Ellis, Roy, 220, Q. Ellis, Vincent George Vernon, 228, Q; 301, T. Ellis, William George, 346, 354, I. Ellison, Thomas Henry, 365, Q. Ellul, Michael, 20, Q. Elmslie, Cyril Richard, 227, Q. Elphick, Albert Francis Malwa, 80, Q. Elphick, Alfred William, 50, 84, F; 87, Q. Elphick, Leonard Bernard, 399, Q. Elsayed, Abow El Hassan, 222, T. Elsegood, George Reginald, 204, M. Elston, Ernest Richard, 39, T; 45, Q. Elvy, Leslie Reginald, 46, Q. Elyward, William John, 220, Q. Embrose, Sidney Frank, 406, I. Emery, Horace Stanley Scott, 313, 321, I. Emmett, Fay Vera, 31, R. Emslie, W. A. (N.S.W.), 157, I. England, Welesley Theodore, 242, 290, 355, M. Englebret, Lewis Herbert, 185, Q; 245, T. Enright, William George, 205, 284, Q. Ensor, Neville Arthur, 158, 298, M. Epps, Joan Olive, 315, 332, 375 (2), 376, R. Erlandsen, Donald Graham, 372, I. Ernabella Mission, 71, 167, R. Ernsmith & Co. Ltd, 380, A. Errey, Robert Owen (Vie.), 174, 182, I. Errington, George Alfred. 183, Q; 214, T. Errington, Joseph Allh n, 92, R. Errington, William Leonard, 373, 389, I. E.S. & A. Bank Ltd., 252, R. Esau, Albert John, 12, P. Esgate, B. C. (N.S.W.), 125, 173, I. Esposito, Annuziato, 30, Q. Esterhuizen, Richard Jacob Craill, 38, Q. Estiek, Sydney Francis, 307, R. Ettridge, James Frederick, 323, 331, M. Eudunda Farmers' Co-operative Society Ltd., 45, R; 354, 372, I; 384, R. Eudunda Racing Club, 66, R. Euseden, Kenneth Charles, aliases Frank Saunders, Sanders, Norman Euseden, 91, 112, M; 338, UI. Euseden, Norman, see Kenneth Charles Euseden. Eustace, John, see John Eustace Bews. Eustice, William John, 277, T. Euston (name given by man), 4, UK. Evans & Clarke, 84, F ; 87, R. Evans, Cyril Walter, 80, Q; 280, F. Evans, David, 86, M. Evans, Edward, 13, Q; 84, F. Evans, Edward James, 50, F. Evans, Frederick George, 157, I. Evans, H. G., 105, 111 (N.S.W.), I. Evans, John, 260, Q. Evans, John Michael, 5, Q; 39, 60, T. Evans, John Owen, 190, Q. Evans, J. P. (N.S.W.), 336, G; Frank James Fahey, Dorothy Margaret, 321, I. Fairbank, Bernice Joan, 92 (2), 93 (2), R. Fairey, John Allenby, 2'60, Q. Fairlie, Alexander James, 72, 145, Q; 239, 311, D. Fairlie, Eileen May Gwynne, 30, Fairlie, John Malcolm, 72, 138, 145, Q Q. Fairlie, Fairlie, D; 267, Q; 272, Leslie James, 38, Q; 54, T; 89, 104, F; 152, T. Robert, 51, I. Fairlie, William Hamilton, 89, 135, 264, 336, F. Fairlie, William James Cumberland, 28, 37, O. Fairthorne, B. (N.S.W.), 85, 136, 235, 249, I. Falk, Frank William, 227, 236, O. Falkenberg, Frank George, 67, F. Falkenberg, Paul Theodore, 80, R. Pallor, Emily Jean, 338; J. Fanning, Andrew William, 45, Q. Faragher, Gordon Charles, 244, Q; 288, F. Farmer, Douglas, 266, 305, I. Farquhar, Colin Ronald, 283, M. Farney, Herbert, 257, M. Farr, Clarence James, 228, Q; 304, F. Farr, Stephen, 228, Q. Farr, Victor Augustus Charles, 159, P; 229, Q• Farr, William Stephen Joseph, 128, Q. Farrell, Christopher Augustus, 31, Q; 47, T; 147, 172, F; 285, Q; 293, T. Farrell, Edna, 182, J. Farrell, James, 95, 148, F. Farrell, John, 258, M. Farrell, John, 60, Q; 60, S; 162, 209, T. Farrell, J. M., 174, M. Farrell, Patrick, 153, T. Farrell, Squarie, see Thomas John Farrell. Farrell, Thomas John, aliases Squarie Farrell, Campbell, O'Brien, Thomas Joseph Farrell, 37, Q; 39, T; 197, Q; 207, T; 284, Q; 286, T; 339, Q; 352, F. Farrell, Thomas Joseph, see Thomas John Farrell. Farrelly, Joseph, 244, Q. Farrelly, Margaret Josephine, 370, 396, F. Farrelly, Thomas, 13, Q. Farrent, Thomas Albert, 175, 252, R. Faulkner, Mavis, 107, Q. Faulkner, Percival George, see Percival George Promnitz. Faulkner, Wilfred John, 338, 346, I. Faull, Donald James, 181, I. Pays Used Cars, 17, 43, I. Featherstone, Keith Emerson, 158, 166, M. Featherstonhaugh, William, 213, Q Fechner, Mervyn Keith, 106, P. Fellenberg, John Reinhold, 161, Q. Feltham, George Garnett, 45, Q. Feltrin, Meri, 58, Q. Feltrin, Silvio, 191, Q. Fenley, Frederick, 382, 389, J. Fennell, George Edward, 38, Q; 164, P. Fenton, J., see Wilburn Frank Cooke. Fenton, Margaret Ruth, 151, R. Fenton, Phillip Joseph, 100, Q. Fenton, Roy Reginald, otherwise Moore, 338, 398, M. Fenton, William, 247, F. Fenwiek, Clifford Noel William, 29, Q. Fenwiek, Frederick Wilby, 85, 90, I. Graham Charles, 305, I. Fenwick, Fenwick, Henry Wilson, 285, R. F Fahey, Albert Stephen, 138, Q. Fenwiek, Harold 406, I. Evans, Lawrence James Waughton, aliases Frederick Holman, 7, T. Evans, Leonard, 389, M. Evans, Lily Ophelia, 399, Q. Evans, Lloyd Frederick, 276, Q. Evans, Maxwell Arthur, 204, 284, O. Evans, Robert Alexander, 348, Q. Evans, Robert Edwin, 199, Q. Evans, Robert Stodden, 88, R. Evans, Roy Melrose, 125, J; 127, Q. Evans, Stanley Joseph, 363, 382, M. Evans, S. W., 180, 194, F. Evans, T. H. (Vic.), 85, I. Evans, Verdun Charles, 341, Q. Evans, William Charles, 181, 217, H. Everatt, William George Henry, 111, M. Everett, Ruth Lily, 328, F. Everlyn, Geoffrey Allen, 93, Q. Everlyn, Michael Joseph, 175, Q; 272, 281, F; Evers, A. J., 97, 118, I. Ewens, Raymond, 400, Q. Ewer, Clive Frederick, 20, Q. Ewer, John Livison, 267, Q. Ey, Stanley Raymond, 332, R. Ey, Vivian, 282, I. Eyre, William Joseph Worthington, 185, Q. Ezywalkin Ltd., 45, R. Ezzy, F. E. (N.S.W.), 337, 211, I. Roy, 306, 363, O. Teasdale, 37, Q. Ferdinand, Skoko, see Ferdinand Skoko. Ferguson, Albert Thomas Joseph, 362, 372, I. Ferguson, George Harold, 4, 12, I. Ferguson, James Jeffrey, 54, Q. Ferguson, Raymond Douglas, 80, 86, O. Ferguson, Robert Gordon, 197, O. Ferguson, Robert John, 92, Q; 147, F. Ferguson, William 161, Q. Fergusson, Joan Payne, 373, J. Ferrall, Minden (United States Naval Deserter), Ferrara, Salvatore, 220, Q. Ferrett, William Charles, 35, I. 258, M. xix, INDEX. Ferris , John Herbert Ricks, 31, R. Fett li ng, Albert , 42, 110, H. Fewing, William Victor, 225 , 248, H; 252, R. Fewster, David Edward, 340, R. Fewster, Malcolm Baden, 340, R. Fidge , Edward, see Ernest Oliver Fidge, Fidge , Ernest Oliver , aliases Edward Fidge , Ernest 65, Q; 186 , T; 255 , 396, F. Fidock, Beryl Margaret , 195, H. Fiebig, Frank Charles , 340, Q. Stephens, Fiegert, George Friedrich Wilhelm , 348, Q. Fiegert, William Joseph, 166, P. Field , Joseph Manassa , 145, Q. Field , Lyla May, 36, J. Field , Ronald Herbert , 184, R. Field , Stuart Maxwell, 198 , 206, Q. Fielding , Beatrice Victoria, 52, Q. Fifth Avenue Products ( J. E. Jeffs , proprietor ), 17, H. Fighting Forces Comforts Fund, 151, 408, R. Filbray, S. J. (Vic .), 118, I. Filmer , Frank Gordon , 400, Q. Fimeri , Maxwell Norman, 34 , 42, F; 119, Q. Fincher , Ronald , 143, 149, I. Fine, N . ( Vic.), 85, 143, I. Fineberg, H. (Vie. ), 249, 257, I. Finlay , see Leslie Melville Martin. Finlay, Archibald Edward, 42, H. Finlay, Eliza Ann, 31, R. Finlayson , Caroline Addison , 151, Q. Finlayson , R. J., Ltd ., 265, H. Finn , Allan Joseph , 407, M. Finn , Richard James , 250, 258, O. Finnie, Albert George, 374, Q. Finscher , William Alexander, 37, Q. First Kensington Gardens Scout Troop , 42, G; 376, R. Fischer , Allan Ralph, 289, 297, I. Fischer , Carl Friedrich, 37, Q. Fischer, George William Mervyn, 227, R. Fischer , Harold Leonard , 364, Q. Fischer, Harold Percy, alias Snowy Fischer, 59, Q. Fischer, Rodje Carston Marcus, 344, E. Fischer , Snowy , see Harold Percy Fischer. Fischer , Walter Emil, 59, Q. Fish, Lorna Myra Carr , see Lorna Myra Carr-Fish. Fisher, Carington Wanborough, 236, R. Fisher, Cyril John, 365, Q. Fisher, Frank Arnold, 329 , 337, T. Fisher, Helen , 167, R. Fisher, James Hector, 98 , 266, M. Fisher , Lindsay Gordon , 151, Q. Fisher , Maxwell David Hyman , 204, 212, M. Fisher , Paul , 188, I. Fisher, Raymond, 63, M. Fisher, Robert, 258, M. Fisher, Sydney Roy, 189, 306 , 314, O. Fisher, Thomas Michael , 184, Q ; 396, F. Fisher, Victor, see Vivian Albert Frusher. Fitton, George Hardwick, 160, Q Fitzgerald , Gerald Noel, 31, Q. Fitzgerald , Kenneth , 195, 256, I. Fitzgerald , Lillian Eileen , see Lillian Eileen McAuley. Fitzgerald , Mary Jane, 151, R. Fitzgerald , Mary Teresa, 323, P. Fitzgerald , Richard Ernest, 46, R. Fitzgerald , Ronald, 399, Q. Fitzgerald , Ronald Bruce, 206, Q. Fitzgibbon , Andrew, 408, Q. Fitzpatrick , John Henry, 70, P. Fitzpatrick , John Joseph , 13, T; 50 , 328, 404, F. Fitzpatrick , Mostyn Shaw, 240, I. Fitzsimmons , R. (N.S.W. ), 249, 274, I. Fix, Carl Frederick William, 32, T. Fix, Herbert Stanley, 34, 42, F. Flaherty, James John, 174. P. Flanagan, Brian Joseph , 128, Q. Flanagan , F. (N.S.W. ), 17, I. Flanagan, Michael Edward James , 2, F; 383, Q. Flanagan, Sheila , 190, Q. Flannagan , Max, 175, 176, R. Flannery, Leon John , see John Ernest Poulton. Flannery, William Thomas, 194, 247 , 255 (2), F. Flatman , Doreen Muriel , 62, 78, H. Flavel , Frank Roy, 176, Q. Flavel , Herbert Trevor , Q; 199, S. Flavel , Margaret , 205, R. Flavel , Maxwell George, 330 , 347, J. Flavel , Oscar Amos , 390, Q. Fleetwood , Murray Fraser, 205, Q. Fleming, George Jackson, 39, T. Fleming, Mona , 314, 323, O. Fleming , Morris , 225, 234, I. Fletcher, Donald John , 225, 313, I. Fletcher , Donald Ross , 385, Q. Fletcher , Eric, 320 , H; 357, R. Fletcher , Erie Samuel , 59, Q; 296, H. Fletcher , George Edward, 30, R. Fletcher , Gloria Loraine, 20, R. Fletcher, James, 151, Q: Fletcher, J. J. (N.S .W.), 406, I. Fletcher , Samuel, 345, F. Fletcher , Viola June, 348, R. 92, Fletcher, William Leonard, 389, M. Fletcher, William Wallace, 266, 274, 289, I; 291, R. Flint, Clara Mary, 210, H. Floreani , Napoleone, 202, G. Florence , Elsie ( Countess of Beetive ), 29, Q. Floris, Annie , alias Stewart , 213, Q. Flower, Donald Norman, 99, Q. Flower, Owen William, 210, H. Flowers, Frederick George, 221, Q. Flowers, Mervyn Hall, 35, H. Floyd, Edward Henry Maxwell, 313, I. Flynn, F. E. (N.S.W.), 249, 289, I. Flynn, John Charles, 46, Q. Flynn, Myles, 276, Q; 308, T. Flynn, William Henry, 32, 229, T; 251, Q. Foale, Alwin Jack, 217, 241, I. Foale, Glady, 273, H. Foale, Harry, aliases Henry James Foale, Harry James 13, T; 180, 224, 272, F. Foale, Harry James, see Harry Foale. Foale, Henry James, see Harry Foale. Foale, Kenneth Ashley, 273, H. Foale, R. S. (Vic.), 235, 241, I. Foggarty, James, 113, R. Foldes, Lajos, 332, Foley, Elizabeth Foale, Carmel, 320, 353, H. Foley, Patrick Francis Joseph, 100, Q; 199, S. Foley, William Thomas, 98, M. Folland, William Vickery, 259, Q. Follon, Gwenda Pearl, 61, A. Fong, A. J., 241, 249, I. Foo, To, 61, B. Foord, Erie Lawrence, 107, Q. Foot, James Henry, aliases Newton, Ford, Watts (Vic.), 395. Forbes, Allan McLean, 81, 384, R. Forbes, Clarence John, 356, R. Forbes, John Henry, see Patrick John Clancy. Ford, see James Henry Foot. Ford, Alfred Clyde, 72, R. Ford, Bertha, 151, R. Ford Bros., 26, H; 144, R. Ford, Bruce Allen, 147, F. Ford, Horace William, 337, H. Ford, Jack Kenyon, 145, Q. Ford, James (N.S.W.), see J. Watts. Ford, James Patrick, 149, I. Ford, Leslie William 234, 248, I; 252, R. Ford, Norman 336, 361, G; 365, R. Ford, Richard, 213, Ford, William 159, Q; 192, 392, T; 399, Q. Ford, William Michael, 366, T. Fordred, R. G. (Vie.), 12, I. Foreman, Alan Lester Hamlyn, 125, I. Foreman, Jack Bernard. 10. 34, 84, F. Foreman, John Lester, 99, Q. Foreman, Percival John, 397, I. Foreman, Robert Glen, 99, Q. Forest, Cedric Conroy, see Cedric Conroy Forrest. Foretic, Ante, otherwise Foretic Ante, 176, Q; 207, T. Forknall, Frederick Charles, 136, 314, M. Forrest, Cedric Conroy, alias Cedric Conroy Forest, 47, T. Forrest, Cedric William, 191, Q. Forrest, Charlotte Margaret, 117, 188, 195, H. Forrest, Donald Frederick, 266, 289, U.I. Forrest, Harry Mervyn, 320, H. Forrest, James Maxwell, 120, Q. Forrest, Lucy, 127, R. Forrest , Maurice Douglas, 21, S. Forrest, Phyllis Joy, 299, R. Forrest, Thomas Albert, 65, Q. Forrestal, Keith Francis, 252, Q. Forrester, Ronald Lancelot, 344, F. Forrester, William Thomas, 282, I. Forsaith, see James Forsyth. Forsblom, Iven Walter, 296, 345, F. Forster, Alan Clyde, 218, M. Forster, George Albert, 104, F. Forsyth, Frederick Raymond, 390, Q. Forsyth, James, alias Forsaith, 126, Q. Forward, Elsie May, nee Clarke, 319, F. Fosse, Howard, 332, Q. Foster, Alfred John, 66, Q. Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Fotinatis, Foulds, Foulks, Found, Dorothy May, see Dorothy May Magor. Dudley, 91, P. Dudley, 300, R. Francis, 92, Q. Hugh James, 92, Q. John, alias John Hardy, 101, T. Kenneth Gordon, 44, Q. M. H. (N.S.W.), see Maxwell Bruce Bennett. N. (Vic.), 157, I. R., 297, I. Robert Alonza, 235, M. Ronald Francis, 374, P. Sarah Jane, 20, Q. Starless Cecil Victor, 65, Q. William Henry, 71, R. Evangelos, 13, Q. Fred, 71, Q. Peter Darrow, 205, Q. Albert Edward, 324, Q. XX. INDEX. Fountain, William, 78, 85, I. Foureur, Donald Alfred, 68, F. Foweraker, Lillian Faith, 397, 406, I. Fowler, see Frederick George Penfold. Fowler, Gordon Harold, 80, Q. Fowler, James Richard Murray, 157, I. Fowler, Kevin Lyall, 268, 276, Q; 342, T. Fowler, Malcolm Keith, 397, H. Fowler, Russell, 381, I. Fowler, William, 72, R; 110, H. F'ox, Albert, see Albert Redden. Fox, Arthur George, 236, 277, 285, R. Fox, Cyril Douglas, 16, 272, 345, F. Fox, Edward, 376, Q. Fox, Mervyn Joseph, 356, Q. F'ox, Russell Harris, 396, F. Fox, Thomas Michael, 276, Q. Fox, W. R., 104, G. Foxton, Harris Vernon, 45, Q. Foy & Gibson Proprietary Ltd., 65, R; 148, H. Foy, Michael Frank, see John Agnew. Frahm, Johannes Oscar, see John Oscar Frahm. Frahm, John Oscar, alias Johannes Oscar Frahm, 391, Q. Francis, Alfred, 59, Q ; 114, T ; 151, 185, Q. Francis, Archie Arthur Roy, 303, 312, F. Francis, Arthur Edwin, 46, Q; 100, T'; 352, 260, F; 407, L. Francis, Bruce Stanford, 248, G; 250, Q; 365, S. Francis, Gweneth Irene, 376, R. Francis, Irvine Cyril, 324, I. Francis, John Hamson, see Francis John Martlew. Francis, M. (N.S.W.), 211, 217, I. Francis, Ray Edgar, 338, J. Francis, Ronald, 338, J. Francis, Thomas Murray, 299, Q. Francis, Wilfred Francis, 234, H. Francis, William Keith, 13, Q. Francisco, Bronte, 340, Q. Francisco, Frederick Goulden (name not inserted in Gazette, see "URAIDLA" 17, H). Frank, C. A., 353, U.H. Frank, Murray, 356, Q. Frank, William Albert, 257, I. F'rankcom, Frederick Norman, 400, Q. Prankcom, George Edward, 227, Q. Frankham, Alfred Lawrence, 181, 248, G; 252, (2), 260, R. Franklin, see Martin Lange. Franklin, Albert Lewis, 218, 390, M. Franklin, Benjamin, 275, Q. Franklin, Fred, 380, F; 384, Q. Franklin, Iva (Vic.), 157, I. Franklin, Norman Angus Douglas, ailiases Norman Franklin, Paddy Franklin, 205, Q. Franklin, Norman, see Norman Angus Douglas Franklin. Franklin, Paddy, see Norman Angus Douglas Franklin. Franklin, Phillip, 17, H. Franklin, Thomas Henry, 319, 328, F; 333, Q; 408, T. Franzon, Maria, 244, Q. Frasca, Dominico, 21, S; 60, T. Fraser, see Richard Frederick Fraserby. Fraser, George Edward, 151, Q. Fraser, John Allan, 110, 117, I. Fraser, John Schoolbread, 377, T'.« Fraser, William Ernest Anthony, 12, 18, 36, 86, 196, 250, M. Fraser, William Gordon Goldsmith, alias Ronald Brown, 218, L. Fraserby, Richard Frederick, alias Fraser, 268, Q; 341, S; 409, T. Freak, Allen Frederick Joe, 206, Q. Freak, James Smith, 399, Q. Freak, Thomas Edward John, 107, Q. Frearson, Clement George, 80, Q. Freburg, Audrey Victoria, 332, R. Freeman, Colin Charles, 174, P; 229, Q. Freeman, Harrold Collin, 226, 235, I. Freeman, L. R. (N.S.W.), 135, I. Freeman Motors, Limited, 329, H. Freeman, Sylvie Constance, 396, G. Freeman, William, 117, "I. Freer, Arthur Henry Edmond, 4, I; 6, R. F'reeston, William Phillip, 70, M. Frettingham, J. D., 389, M. Freund, Ronda Thelma, 391, R. Frewin, Elsie Victoria, 173, 1$1, H. Prey, Emile Alfred, 347, K. Pricker Bros., 156, G; 160, R. Pricker, F., Ltd., 397, 406, I. F'ricker, N. T., Ltd., 306, J. Friday, Edwin James, 93, Q; 199, S. Friend, Marguerite Lillian, 181, 188, I. Friendly Societies Medical Association (Incorporated), 112, R. Frisby-Smith, Harold, 190, R. Fritchley, Lloyd Raymond, 239, D; 267, Q; 272, D. F'ritchley, Robert George, 152, Q. Fritsche, Herbert, 137, Q. Frohlick, Stanley William, 332, Q. Frost, Garfield Clifton, 97, I. Frost, Robert, 204, M. Frost, Stuart Clifton, 105, 117, I. Frusher, Vivian Albert, identical with Victor Fisher, 106, O. Fry, Arthur Frank, 225, I. Fry, Edward Maxwell, see Maxwell Edward Fry. Fry, Dorothy Edith, 25, F. Fry, George Frederick, 168,Q. Fry, Kenneth Murray, 149, 157, I. Fry, Kevin, 4, I; 6, R. Fry, Maxwell Edward, otherwise known as Max 138, 144, 299, Q. Fry, Norman James, 226, M. Fry, Robert Gordon, 71, Q. Fryar, Jack, 160, Q. Fryer, Eugene Harford, 30, R. Fuchs, Alfred John, 157, 211, I. Fullarton, Frederick James, 166, 306, O. Fuller, Florence, 58, R. Fullerton, Edmund Giles, 107, Q. Fullgrabe, Robert Leopold, 45, Q. Fulston, Gordon, 219, Q. Q. Furber, Frederick William, Furler, Edgar Theodore, 20, Q. Purnell, Allen Francis, 211, 225, I. Williams, 59,, 669'385, G Gabbe, Leslie Herman Douglas, 298, 331, M. Gabell, Robert Leslie, 109, 124, 239, 248, 335, 353, F. Gadd, William, 268, R. Gade, Oliver Clarence, 400 Q. Gaffney, George Henry, 6, R. Gage, see Lillian Molineux. Gage, John Edgar, 242, M. Gaghan, Valentine Roger, 213, Q. Gagliardi, Maria, 175, Q. Gagliardi, Vincenzo (male), 384, Q. Galatis, Chrysostoms, 168, R; 256, 313, I. Galbraith, Leslie Colin Campbell (N.S.W.), 50, E. Gale, Alice E., 157, J. Gale, Cyril, 151, Q. Gale, Elsie Ada, 3, G; 5, R. Gale, Maud Mary, 66, R. Gale, Rex Arthur, 160, Q; 171, 180, D; 194, G. Gale, Ronald, 89, 116, F., Gale, Thomas George, 243 P. Gallagher, Jack, see John Cyril Gallagher. Gallagher, John Cyril, alias Jack Gallagher, 391, Q. Gallezzi, Domenic, 51, I. Galligan, Thomas Henry, 362, I. Galman, Daniel, aliases Daniel Maloney, Gorman, Goldman, 39, T; 137, Q; 185, T; 244, Q; 260, 301, T. Galpin, Edward Lamont, 29, Q. Galpin, Dids, see James Galpin. Galpin James, alias Dids Galpin, 72, Q ; 409, T. Gamblings Limited, 347, J. Ganculos, John Forte, 65, R. Gandy, William Henry, 189, J. Gannon, J. (N.S.W.), 226, 274, I. Gans, Maurice, 348, Q. Gant, Alexander Thornton, 337, I; 340, Q. Gapper, George Leslie, 303, F. Gardener, Henry James, otherwise Gardiner, 21, T. Gardeners' Suppy Stores, 252, R. Gardiner, see Henry James Gardener. Gardiner, Archibald Claude, see George Archibald Claude Gardiner. Gardiner, E. (Vic.), 98, 118, I. Gardiner, George Archibald Claude, aliases Archibald Claude Gardiner, Gardner, 156, F; 168, T; 177, Q; 23.0, T; 255, 272, F; 284, 299, Q; 301, 334, T; 355, Q; 376, T; 391, Q. Gardiner, Henry James, 396, F. Gardiner, John Maxwell Anthony, 161, Q. Gardner, George Archibald Claude, see George Archibald Claude Gardiner. Gardner, Walter, alias Reid, 112, O. Garland, A. (N.S.W.), 17, 97, I. Garnant, William Henry, 90, 188, I. Garnett & Dawson (N.S.W.), 211, 226, I. Garnett, Warrington Sydney, 87, Q. Garnsay, see Isabel Joan Daniels. Garrard, Arthur Leslie, 5, 315, Q. Garrett, Dave, 38, R. Garrett, Leslie Augustine, 219, O. Garrett, Linley, 31, R. Garrett, Robert Niel, 92, Q. Garrick, Stewart James, 137, Q. Garrity, Lawrence Keith, 400, 401, Q. Gartner, Richard James, 160, Q. Garvie, John Charles, 384, Q. Gaskin Brothers, 307, R. Gasmier, Joan, 78, 149, I; 151, R. Gasmier, Lloyd William, 16, F. Gasmier, Murray Douglas, 259, R. Gason, Dorothy Joyce, 268, R. Gasparic, John, 292, Q. Gates, Dudley, 250, Q. Gates, George, 39, 252, T. Gatley. Reginald Charles, 138, Q. Gatt, James, 212, 275, O. Gaudy, Jean Baptiste, 307, Q. Gava, Giovanni, 214, T; 219, Q. xxi. INDEX. Gavros, Basil Demitrious, aliases Basil Dimitrios Gavros, Basil Dennis Gavros, 31, Q; 39, T; 398, 408, Q. Gavros, Basil Dimitrios, see Basil Demitrious Gavros. Gavros, Basil Dennis, see Basil Demitrios Gavros. Gay, Corala Mabyn, 227, R. Gay, Dudley Ernest, 173, I. Gay, Harold Alfred, 331, 347, M. Gay, P. M. (N.S.W.), 125, I. Gay, Thomas Arthur, 306, M. Gaynor, William John, alias James Heyford, 292, Q. Gear, Russell, 112, Q. Geary, John, 346, 372, I. Gebauer, Doreen Alice, 220, Q. Gebert, Georgette Yvonne, 38, Q. Gebert, Harold Mays, 13, 30, Q. Gebler, Lancelot Frank, 285, Q. Gee, Alfred Laurence, alias Arthur John Robertson, 259, Q. Gehan, John Edward, 44, Q. Geier, Ernst Bruno, 206, Q. Gelder, Leslie, 233, 248, F. Gelligen, Bernard Sydney, 58, Q. Gelly, A. P., 18, J. Gemmell, John, 296, H. Genders, Wilson, and Pellew, 236, R. General Motors (Holdens Ltd.), 305, H. General Motors Acceptance Corporation, 339, R. Gent and Tiller, 51, 57, J. Geoghan, see Audrey Evelyn McInerney. George, see Olive Marjorie Martin. George, see Frederick George Penfold. George, Aubrey Loftus, 151, Q. George, Mary, 3, H. George, Max, 285, Q. George, Michael, 375, R. George (Mrs.), see Audrey Hope Davies. George, Raymond, 285, Q. George, Sydney Melrose, 330, 397, I; 400, R. Georgeson, Thomas, otherwise New Zealand Tom, 71, Q. Gerald, James, see James Jarrold. Geraly, T. W., see Frank Harold Barndon. Gerber, George Herbert, 239, F. Geredke, Karl Franz Kurt, 38, Q; 93, T. Gerhardy, Ernst Adolf Edwin, 112, Q. Gerlach, Eric Wilfred, 168, Q. Gerrey, J. F. (N.S.W.), 17, 35, I. Gerry, William Francis, 300, Q. Gerschwitz, Walter Waldemar, 298, P. Gertig, 'Gottfred, 400, Q. Gervaise, Johannah, 58, Q; 339, 347, O. Gethings, John Tresillian, 185, R. Geue, Otto Julius, 259, 408, Q. Geue, William David, 191, Q. Geyer, Edward George, 81, Q. Geyer, Maxwell Eric, 127, Q. Geyer, Vera May, 157, I. Giakoumis, George, 159, 227, 0; 340, Q. Giardini, Domenico, 64, Q. Gibberd, William Obed, 211, J. Gibbings, John Henry, 270, T. Gibbons, Bruce John, 46, R. Gibbons, Mrs. R. G., 28, J. Gibbs, Grace, 389, J. Gibbs, Keith Gordon, 234, H. Gibbs, Keith Hamilton, 389, J. Gibson, Dean Arthur, 405, H. Gibson, Noel John, 291, Q. Gibson, Ronald Lionel, 145, Q; 172, F. Gibson, Vernon Howard, 203, 211, I. Gibson, William Robert, 53, R; 291, 357, Q. Giffen, George Augustus, 99, Q. Gilbert, Allan John, 300, Q. Gilbert, Charles Edwin John, 62, 124, H. , Gilbert, Francis, see Francis Horace Cave. Gilbert, Harry Hanson, 30, Q. Gilbert, Keith, 383, P. Gilbert, Maxwell Albert John, 372, I. Gilbert, N. W. (N.S.W.), 406, I. Gilbert, Sydney John, 174, 189, M. Gilbert, Thomas William, 228, Q. Giles, Brendo Lorraine, 87, R. Giles, Clarence Ray, alias Hardacre, 276, Q. Giles, Francis William A., 3, I. Giles, George Ronald, 92, Q; 199, S. Giles, Jack, otherwise John Giles, 99, 138, 252, R. Giles, John, see Jack Giles. Giles, Kenneth Leslie, 97, 105, I. Giles, Philip H., 99, R. Giles, Raymond Ernest, 374, Q. Giles, Roy Clarence, 14, T. Giles, Stanley (half-caste aborigine), 54, 315, Q. see Sydney James DeKuyper. Giles, Sydney James, Giles, Turty, 53, Q. Gill, Donald Joseph, 87, Q. Gill, Douglas Oke, 66, 185, T ; 387, 396, F. Gill, Henry Charles, 297, 337, I. Gill, Robert Boyce, 333, R. Gill, Ronald, 175, Q. Gill, Una, 168, R. Gillard, Aubrey Lance Clement, 212, 283, M. Gillen, Cyril, 211, 249, I. Gillen, Robert Joseph James, 149, H. Gillespie, Oliver Stead, 337, I. Gillette, L. J., 52, 86, M. Gillham, Roy Stanley, 305, I. Gillies, Faith, 69, I. Gillies, Robert Henry, 89, F. Gilligan (aborigine), 324, Q; 325, T. Gilling, Ronald Kingsley, otherwise Rowland Kingsley Gilling, 134, 216, 281 (2), F. Gilling, Rowland Kingsley, see Ronald Kingsley Gilling. Gillman, Kenneth Gordon, 264, 273, F. Gillmore, Eric, 92, R. Gilmore, Jack, see John Gilmore. Gilmore, John, alias Jack Gilmore, 311, 345, F. Gipp, Herbert Leslie Patrick, alias Robert Leslie John Cooper, 151, 219, Q; 269, S. Girven, William Herbert, 104, I. Giusto, Gio Batta Di, see Gio Batta Di Giusto. Gladwin, Henry William, 69, 79, I. Glasson, Alan James, 92, Q. Glasson, George Reginald, 6, Q. Glaum, George Albert, 398, M. Glavan, Peter, 176, Q; 207, T. Glazebrook, James John, 18, M. Gleader, Ernest William, 174, 182, I. Gledhill, Arthur, 86, M. Gleeson, Denis Francis, 177, T; 239, 345, F. Gleeson, Edward Albert, aliases Edward George Gleeson, Edward Alfred Gleeson, 152, 391, T. Gleeson, Edward Alfred, see Edward Albert Gleeson. Gleeson, Edward George, see Edward Albert Gleeson. Gleeson, John Daniel, 298, 306, M. Gleeson, Sydney Francis John, 224, G. Gleeson, William, 13, R. Gleeson, William James, alias William James Russell, 124 (2), F; 139, 206, T; 219, Q; 224, F; 233, T. Gleeson, William James, 183, P. Gleeson, William Joseph, 79, I. Glenelg Floricultural Society, 173, H. Glenister, T. (Vic.), 226, 235, I. Glennon, James William, 400, Q. Glennon, Joseph Nicholas, 281, G. Globe Hotel (May Gertrude Walkly), 281, G. Glover, H (N.S.W.), 85, I. Glover, Noel, 44, Q; 336, F. Glover, R., 273, U.G. Glowatzky, Eric Josef, 343, A. Glynn, Francis, 228, Q. Glynne, William Gladstone, alias Glynnie, 374, Q; 409, T. Glynnie, see William Gladstone, Glynne. Goddard, Alfred Michael, 363, 373, M. Goddard, Leslie, 173, 188, UI. Godden, Percival, 30, R. Godfrey, Arnold Lloyd, 276, Q. Godfrey, Charles, 202, G. Godfrey, Fred, 267, R. Godkin, Joseph Slee, 338, 347, I. Godleman, Vincent, 54, Q. Godsall, Robert Charles, 172, F. Goedecke, Edmond Ronald, 374, Q. Goerner, S. B., 250, M. Gogler, Keith Geoffrey, 90, 97, I. Gogoll, Johann Wilhelm, 66, Q Goja, Tonal 176, Q; 207, T. Gold Buyers Licence, 24, 55. Gold, Roy Lindsay, 38, R. Goldberg, Raymond Gershon, 189, P. Goldfinch, Charles Arthur, 315, R. Goldfinch, Clement Eli, 388, F. Goldfinch, Frank, 147, 163, D. Golding, Joseph Hector, 352, F. Golding, William Archibald, 282, H. Goldman, Daniel, see Daniel Galman. Goldsbrough Mort and Co. Ltd., 80, R; 382, I. Goldsworthy, Alexander Grey, 212, 218, 290, 298, M. Goldsworthy, Clytie, 313, 329, I. Goldsworthy, Faith Marjorie Randal or Faith Marjorie Randall, 144, 267, R. Goldsworthy, Maurice Theo, 113, T; 144, 267, Q. Goldsworthy, Stephen James, 111, I. Goldsworthy, William John, 127, Q; 177, T; 296, 336, F. Golf Clubs (N.S.W.), 26, H. Gollan, Jessie Polson, 113, Q. Gollan, Matilda, 127, R. Gollen, see Alan Roger Montgomery. Golovsky, Colman, 243, Q. Gomers, Richard, 176, Q. Gomers, William, 312, F. Gommers, John James, 375, Q. Good, David Spencer, 142, H; 406, J. Good, Kenneth Gordon, 12, J. Goodall, Joan, 144, Q. Goode, Harold Daken, 299, R. Goode, Henry James Crowther, 31, Q. Goode, John Richard, 376, Q. Goodfellow, Horace Mortimer, 315, Q. Goodfellow, John Nicol, 53, Q. Goodfield, Robert, see Robert Peel. Goodier, Elizabeth Thora, 268, Q (2). Goodliffe, Mrs. B. (Qld.), 322, 338, I. Goodman, Charles Arthur, 251, Q. Goodman, Ernest, 126, R. INDEX. Goodman, Leonard, 225, H. Goodman, Marjorie, 251, Q. Goodrich, Edgar Clarence, 291, Q. Goodrich, Leonard Stephen, 71, Q. Goodrope, Ronald Burt, 55, F. Goodwin, F. W. (N.S.W.), 330, I. Goodwin, George Thomas, 398, (. Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company, 265, H. Gool, Eisa John, 357, Q. Gooley, Ella, 371, 396, 405, G. Gooley, Milton James, 371, 396, 405, G. Goolmeer, Veronica, aliases Davis, West, Keen-Kleman, 376, Q; 376, 392, T. Gordon, Christopher, 227, 236, O. Gordon, Christopher (not identical with above), 10, 16, 156, F. Gordon, Clarence Stanley, 43, J. Gordon & Gotch Limited, 137, R. Gordon, Gordon, Gordon, Gordon, Fred, see Frederick Gordon Payne. Henry Charles, 197, Q. James Edward, see Gordon John Lee. Lindsay William, 383, R. Gordon's Race Club Agency, 296, 353, H. Gore, Alfred John, 80, Q. Gore, Charles Raymond, 375, Q. Gore, George Henry, 226, M. Gore, Stanley Roy, 45, Q. Gorham, Roy Hilary, 57, M. Gorham, Thomas Robertson, 357, R. Gorman, Clifford, see Richard James Slee. Gorman, Daniel, see Daniel Galman. Gorman, Oswald Roy, 258, Q. Gorman, Percival Frederick Redman, 344, 380, F. Gormley, R. J., 314, M. Gorton, G. W. (N.S.W.), 274, 282, I. Gosden, Cecil Frank Charles, 20, Q; 31, T. Gosden, Coral, 375, R. Goslin, William Reginald, 259, Q. Goss, Frank, 244, Q. Goss, Samuel John, 365, R. Gottschalk, Marguerite Dora, 391, Q. Gottsh, Reginald Clifton, 107, Q. Gould, Ronald William, 31, Q. Goulder, George Edwin (N.S.W.), 3, H. Gourley, Thomas Phillip, 175, 250, Q; 277, 342, T. Govenlock, James Coburn, 165, 173, I. Government House, 29, R. Govett, Charles Samuel, 228, Q. Govett, Spencer, 79, 86, M. Gow, Ronald Charles, 400, Q. Coward, Reuleen Terrence, 70, M. Gower, Gwynneth Doris Clara, 181, 240, H; 244, R. Goyder, Florence Ivy, 77, G. Grabia, Donald, 346, 354, I. Grace, Frederick William, 191, Q. Grace, John Gregory (N.S.W.), 35, H. Grady, Patrick, alias Patrick Sullivan, 255, F. Graetz, Arthur Oliver, 244, Q. Graetz, Walter Harold, 299, R. Graham, see Frederick George Penfold. Graham, see George Watson. Graham, Arthur, 45, R. Graham, Barbara Lillian, 316, R. Graham, Bramwell MeQ, 233, D. Graham, Charles Frederick, 72, Q. Graham, Ellen Raphael, 13, R. Graham, Francis, see Francis Robertson Hardie. Graham, Harry Ernest, 53, R. Graham Meat Service, 87, R. Graham, Melville, 328, F. Graham, Robert Balfour, 38, Q. Graham, Robert Ramsay, 5, Q. Graham, Ronald Edward, 311, F. Graham, William, 180, 216, F. Graham, William (not identical with above), 224, F. Graham, William George, 4, I; 300, R. Grainger, Raymond Arthur, 100, Q. Granberg, Berger Johann, 87, Q. Grant, Raymond Wallace, 19, 106, Q. Grant, Richard Longford Thorold, 383, R. Grant, Walter, 64, Q. Grantham, John, see Earl Northeote Dempsey. Gratton, Edward John, 242, M. Grave Bros., 372, H. Graves, Fanny, 5, R. Graves, Milton Frederick, 30, Q. Gravis, -Ivan, 176, Q; 206, T. Gray (Mrs.), 219, P. Gray, Albert Davies, 38, Q; 60, S; 222, T. Gray, Auville Keith, 328, F. Gray, Beryl Joyce, 37, R. Gray, Desmond Mervyn, 248, 256, I. Gray, Francis Eric, 319, F. Gray, Frank, 184, Q. Gray, G. (Vic.), 57, 143, I. Gray, George, 398, M. Gray, George, see Philip Redgrave. Gray, Howard, 54, Q. Gray, John, see John William Markey. Gray, Leslie McArthur, 383, Q. Gray, Marjorie Irene, 37, R. Gray, Shirley Kathleen, 268, R. Graziani, Bob, 161, Q; 161, T. Grear, Mervyn Angas, 275, Q. Greatorex, John Morris, 106, M. Greaves, Maurice, 284, Q; 380, F. Green, Alfred Lawrence, alias Alfred Lawrence, 128, 325, T. Green, Brian John, 289 (2), U.I.; 291, Q. Green Cab Company, 251, R. Green, Clarence Charles, 371, H. Green, G., see George Churcher. Green, George Lewis, 168, Q. Green, Gordon James, 138, Q. Green, G. IT., 274, 331, M. Green, Harold Leslie, 45, Q. Green, John Dennis, 313, 382, I. Green, Leslie John, 384, Q. Green, Ralph Frederick, 44, Q. Green, Robert, 209, F. Green, Stanley Sprange, 184, Q. Green, William, 126, Q. Greene, John James, 47, T. Greeneklee, Jack William, 4, 57, L. Greenfield, Noel Humphrey, 58, Q; 95, 103, 171, D. Greenham, Edith Grace, 29, R. Greenham, Madge Susanna Mary, 362, 372, H. Greenslade, Alison Ann, 66, R. Greenslade, William, see William Clements. Greenwell, P. H. (N.S.W.), 51, I. Greenwood, Frederick George, 69, I; 184 (2), R; 324, 325, Q; 358, T. Gregor, Kathleen Mary, 112, R. Gregory, Albert Lancelot, 284, Q. Gregory, Edward Harold, 259, Q. Gregory, Herbert Francis, 46, T. Gregory, Mavis Mary, 291, R. Gregory, Seymour Allan, 191, Q. Greig, Ronald, 284, 298, 0. Grevelle, Mona, otherwise Desne Mona Hill, alias McKinnon, 204, 212, 0. Grey, William, 36, I. Gribbett,Lois, 16, 25, D. Griffen, Kevin Joseph, see Kevin Walker. Griffen , Rita Vera, 316, Q. Griffin , Clyde Ambrose , 141, F. Griffin , Colin Sydney, 240, H. Griffin, Jean, 166, 174, O. Griffin , Marion Janet , 399, Q. Griffin, Maxwell Walter, 65, Q. Griffiths Bros. (N.S.W.), 249, I. Griffiths , Harry ( W.A.), 51, 63, I. Griffiths , John Leslie, 398, M. Griggs, Edmund James William, 205, Q• Grim, Rhonda Joyce, 259, R. Grima, Sam, 206, R. Grimes , Charles Lindsay, 205, R. Grimes, Frederic Hugh , 220, Q. Grimm, Ernest Edward, 64, Q. Grimmond , Colin Campbell , 217, 1. Grindal, Joseph Charles , 242, M. Grindell , George , alias Grindle , 64, Q; 81, 238, T. Grindell, Kenneth John , 167, Q. Grindle, see George Grindell. Grivell, Frederick, 68, F. Grobe, William Frank , U.S. American Navy, 258, M. Grocke, Hugo Arthur , 332, Q. Grocke, Walter , 134, F. Grogan, see May Augusta Kelton. Grogan, James Joseph, 104, F. Grose, Stanley Richard, 251 , Q; 385, T. Grosser, Norman Harold, 205, Q. Grossman, see Frederick George Penfold. Grosvenor , Alice, 145, R. Groves, Ellen , 313, 329, I. Groves, Norman , 161, Q. Groves, William Arthur, 161, Q. Grubb, Frederick Charles, 265, H. Gruenberg , Ernest, 29, P. Gruessing , Johann Dietrich , alias Johann Grusseinz , 129, Grundland , Eric, 195, H. T. Grundy, Claude Allan Ayliffe, 323, P. Grundy, David John , 227, R. Grunert, Florence Elizabeth, alias Miss Phillips, 136, 314, O. Grusseinz , Johann, see Johann Dietrich Gruessing. Gubbins, John James, 182, 298, M. Guenther , John Irving, 337, H. Guerin , Alphonsus Joseph, 127, Q. Guerin , John Peter, 400, Q. Guerin , Ronald William, 241, 249, I. Guildner , see Phyllis Joy Trottman. Guinea, David Daniel, 389,,M. Gully, Sinclair Kenneth, 26, H; 30, R. Gully, Veronica May, 365, Q. Gumm, Anthony Claude, see Arthur Hill. Gun & Gun, 365, R. Gunn, Leslie, 119, Q. Gunter, David James, 5, 127, Q. Gunter , N. D., 242, M. Gunther, Christian August, 2, F; 13, T. Gurney, Kenneth Raymond, 60, Q. Gurney, Norman Joseph, 12, M. Gurr, Clifford George, 84, I. INDEX. Gutheridge, Phillip William, 45, Gutschke, Mervin, 190, Q. Guy, Henry Edward, 228, R. Guy, Julia Anna, 355, Q. Guymer, Robert Ernest, 144, Q. Q. H Habel, Glen Raymond, 167, Q. Haby, Hermann Gustav, 37, Q., Haby, John Frederick William, 299, Q. Hackendorf, Andrew John, 104, H. Hackett, Herbert Bruce, 370, 396, F. Hackworthy, Harold George, see Baptist Church. Haddad, Thomas, 260, Q. Haddon, Angus Claude Wentworth, 72, R. Haddon, Leslie Raymond, 397, I. Haddon, Wilson William, see William Hadden Wilson Haddow, Robert (Vic.), 289, I. Haden, Gerald Comerford, alias Jerry Hayden, 17, I; 317, T. Haebich, Claude Stanley, 241, I. Hage, Eileen, 322, J. Hagedorn, Ralph Gordon, 107, Q. Hagger, Geoffrey Mountjoy, 315, Q. Hagger, M., 398, M. Haggett, Albert Victor, 125, 196, K. Hahn, Dorothy Ann, 391, Q. Hahn, Johannes, 225, H. Hain, 'Leo John, aliases Nobert Leo Hain, Norman Ryal, 237, Q; 269, S. 21, Q; Leo John Walsh, Hain, Nobert Leo, see Leo John Hain. Haines, Donald Elton, 391, Q. Haines, Douglas John, 58, Q. Haines, Gordon G., 259, R. Haines, John James, 138, Q. Hainey, James Thomas, 152, 161, Q. Haining, William, 249, M. Hains, Edwin Arthur, 5, Q. Hakendorf, Eugenie, 59, Q. Hakendorf, Harold Frederick, Hale, Ann Young, 323, Q. 195, 217, I. Hale, George Henry, 168, Q, Hale, Leonard Edward, 127, Q. Hales, John Alex, 30, Q; 139, T. Haley, Harold William George, 360, F. Haley, Lily Elma May, see Violet'Jordan. Halifax, A. M., Mrs. (Vie.), 354, I. Halifax Insuranec Co. (N.S.W.), 35, I. Hall, see Robert John Aries. Hall, Alfred Ellis, 259, Q. Hall, Arnold Ronald Edwin, 391, R. Hall, Arthur Fred, 6, Q. Hall, Basil John, 397, I. Hall, Dorothy May, 185, R. Hall, Dudley Beads, 399, Q. Hall, Dudley Clive, 249, 274, I. Hall, Edward, see Frederick Edward Wall. Hall, Ernest, 156, 172, H. Hall, George Hedley, 185, Q; 214, S; 334, T. Hall, Harry Edgar, 72, Q; 128, S. Hall, John, 357, Q. Hall, Kenneth Lindsay, 321, I. Hall, Kyffin Verdun Ralph, 356, Q. Hall, Maureen Jessie, 26,6, I. Hall, Murray Laurence, aliases Byrne, Hooper, Williams, A. Rodgers, Rustler, 28, K; 31, Q; 194, D. Hall, Murray Maxwell, 11, 26, H. Hall, Raymond Edwin, 243, Q. Hall, Robert John Sinclair, 38, Q. Hall, Reginald Thomas, 27, 225, I. Hall, Stanley McCann, 197, Q. Hall, Thomas Ray, 116, F. Hall, Walter Alfred, 259, Q. Hall, William Edwin, 164, IL Hallam, Edward Ernest, 149, I. Hallett, Dr. Claude H., 217, 282, H. Halliday, Cyril Edward, 136, 166, M. Halliday, Donald Baker Scott, see Donald Baker Scott-Halliday. Halliday, Herbert Arthur, 363, K. Halliday, Reginald David, see Reginald David Henderson. Halliday, Scott Campbell, 38, Q. Halliday, Wilfred Vernon, 43, 142, H; 252, R. Halloran, Geoffrey, 407, Q. Halloran, George Thomas, 373, M. Halls, Claude Grenfield, alias Robert Clayton, 53, Q. H'alse, William Thomas, 150, P ; 167, R. Halsey, George Harry, 38, Q. Rambling, Alfred, 315, Q. Hambling, Jack, 315, Q. Hambridge, H. S. (N.S.W.), 22,6, 274, I. Hammer, William Hubert, 45, Q. Hamforf, August Harold, 184, Q. Hamilton, Arthur Edward, 97, 143, I; 151, R. Hamilton, Bruce Provo, 105, J. Hamilton, George, 244, Q. Hamilton, George, 6, Q. Hamilton, James, 175, 299, Q. Hamilton, K. -C., 4, 27, I. xxiii. Hamilton, Leslie Claude, see Leslie George Hamilton. Hamilton, Leslie George, alias Leslie Claude Hamilton, 128, T. Hamilton, Rex, 128, Q., Hamilton, Sidney, 362, I. Hamley Bridge Institute, 58, 161, 168, R. Hamlyn, Jeffrey James, 160, Q. Hamlyn, William Kenneth, 264, 288, F. Hammerbell, Jack, see William Hadden Wilson. Hammill, Douglas, 384, Q. Hammill, Leonard Edward, 384, Q. Hammond, Allan William, 228, Q; 269, S. Hammond, Clive, 177, 236, Q. Hammond, Gwendoline Olive, 137, Q. Hammond, John William, 106, P. Hammond, Kenneth Clifford, 390, Q. Hammond, Malcolm Milne, 176, Q. Hammond, Robert William Heyer, 92, Q. Hampel, Alexander Ian, alias Ian Hampel (Vic.), 119, 144, O. Hampel, Ian, see Alexander Ian Hampel. Hampton, Herbert, 126, M. Hampton, Sophie Frances, 243, R. Hamra Brothers, 142, G. Hams, Maxwell John Wallace, 63, 6 9, I. Hanckel, William Charles Henry, 206, Q. Hancock, Albert, 296, G. Hancock, Allan Lyon, 87, Q; 134, 148, F. Hancock, Colin Albert, 354, I; 357, R. Hancock and Son, 296, 345, G. Hancock, Edward T., 63, J. Hancock, Eric James, 259, Q; 300, S; 409, T. Hancock, Frederick Worrall, 66, Q. Hancock, Vivian John, 363, I. Hancock, William John, 60, 113, T. Hancorne, Marlan Rose, 323, Q. Handby, Harry Herbert, 168, R. Handyside, S. G. (N.S.W.), 69, 79, I. Hanel, Leslie Leonard Ray, 53, Q. Hanel, Louis, 356, Q. Hanel, Victor Charles, 356, Q. Haniford, Jean Ilene, 56, 85, I. Hanley, George Walter, 196, M. Hanley, John Francis, 153, T; believed identical with unknown man, 173, UI; 188 (6), I; 190, Q. Hanley, Thomas Joseph, 226, M. Hanlon, Brian Needham, 6, Q. Hanlon, Francis Michael, 190, P. Hann, Edward, 128, R. Hann, Murray, 354, 397, I. Hannaford, Clarence Harcourt, 58, R. Hannaford, Martha, 240, G. Hannaford, Mrs. E., 197, R. Hannagan, Andrew James, 16, F. Hannahane, Thomas Richard, 323, Q. Hannakei, J. H. (Vic.), 136, 149, I. Han-am, Gilbert St. John, 321, 354, I; 357, R. Hannam, Ronald George Edward, 176, Q. Hannan, Harold Perrim, 107, Q. Hannan, Ivan, 105, J. Hannan, Tertius James, 11, H. Hannan, Thomas, 255, A. Hanney, Brian Thomas, alias James Edward Crowe, 408, Q. Hanrahan, William Michael, 145, Q; 171, 202, F. Hansen, George Albert, 38, Q. Hansen, Raymond Dorrian, alias Raymond Dorrien Hanson, 93, Q; 121, T. Hansen, Reginald Charles, 222, T; 237, 292, Q; 317, T. Hanson, see May Augusta Kelton. Hanson, Albert Ernest, 288, 352, F. Hanson, Doris, 99, Q. Hanson, Frederick Alexander, 96, F; 269, T; 344, 360, F; 391, T. Hanson, George William, 45, Q. Hanson, Howard Joseph, alias James Marshall, 315, Q. Hanson, James Harold, 172, F. Hanson, Raymond Dorrien, see Raymond Dorrian Hansen. Happy, see Howard Mervyn Kohring. Harbutt, Ernest William, 160, Q. Harbutt, Henry Francis, 160, Q. Harcourt, Arthur William, alias Len Bourke, 99, Q. Harcourt, Ruby 'Adeline, 198, R. Hardacre. see Clarence Roy Giles. Hardie, Francis Robertson, aliases Francis Graham, George Elliott, Frank Graham, 162, T. Hardiman, Frank George, 17, I; 21, Q. Harding, Douglas Charles, 280, F. Harding, Iris Edna, 91, 105, I. Harding, Raymond John, 135, I. Hardwick, Norman Kintore, 347, M. Hardy, Douglas Keith, 25, F. Hardy, Edith Joan, 305, J. Hardy, John, see John Foster. Hardy, Thomas, & Sons Ltd., 299, R. Harfield, William Arthur John, 315, R. Harford, James Frederick, known as Totter Harford, 387, F. Hayford, Totter, see James Frederick Harford. Hargrave, Arthur Leonard, 407, Q. Harley, George, 329, 372, I. Harman, Robert, 16, F. Harmer, Donald, 250, Q; 365, S. Harnden, William Henry, 228, Q. Harper, Harry Charles, 5, ; 14, T. Harper, Hughie Sutherland,{ 300, Q. INDEX. xxiv. Harper, Norman, 220, Q. Harpur, Jeffery Hugh, 113, I. Harriers' Club, 80, R. Harrigan, Donald David, 26 (2), G; 30, Q. Harrington, Charles Thomas, 2, 16, F. Harrington, Ernest Charles, 63, 85, I. Harrington, Frank Stanley, 244, R. Harrington, Ronald Charles, 408, Q. Harringtons Pty. Ltd., 3, G; 17, H. Harris, see Edward James May. Harris, see James Lendon. Harris, Alec Llewellyn, 362, 372, I. Harris, Archibald Duncan, 144, O. Harris, Arthur Stanley, 35, 42, H. Harris, Cecil James, 151, Q. Harris, Donald Maxwell, otherwise Maxwell Donald Harris, 271, 272, 319, A. Harris, Frederick William John, 105, I. Harris, Geoffrey Phillip, 31, Q. Harris, George, aliases George Wilson, William Wilson, 120, Q; 121, T. Harris, Harvey Maxwell, 121, T ; 324, Q. Harris, Jack William, see John William Harris. Harris, John William, aliases Jack William Harris, Abraham, 146, 200, T. Harris, Kenneth Ernest, 405, H. Harris, Kevin George, 356, Q. Harris, Maxwell Donald, see Donald Maxwell Harris. Harris, Mildred, see Dorothy Murphy. Harris, Milton Bruce, 282, 362, I. Harris, Percival Clarence, 11, 34, G ; 87, R. Harris, Reginald, see Reginald William Brown. Harris, Robert, aliases Robert Marsch, Robert Barry, Collins, Barrington, Young, Barringer, 30, Q; 186, T; 252, Q; 300, S. Harris, Ross Alwyne, 375, Q. Harris, Samuel Reuben, 72, R. Harris Scarfe Ltd., 26, H; 65, 81, 87, 112, 220, 244, R; 281, H; 292, R; 320, H; 323, R; 329, H. Harris, Sydney, see Sydney George Hill. Harris, Trevelyn Roe, 252, R. Harris, William, 71, Q; 103, F; 157, 165, I. Harris, William Arthur, 106, Q ; 185, S ; 358, T. Harris, William Edward, see Edward Joseph Temple. Harris, William Gordon, 128, Q. Harris, William Henry, alias Thomas Herbert Jones, 356, Q. Harris, William James Vivian, 106, M. Harrison, Keith Graham, 54, Q. Harrison, A. N. (N.S.W.), 27, I. Harrison, Albert William, 304, H. Harrison, Audrey, 241, 249, I. Harrison, Barbara Tess, 119, Q. Harrison, Charles Albert, 36, 44, O. Harrison, Florence Mary, 205, R. Harrison, Garfield Clement, 38, Q. Harrison, Joseph, 45, Q. Harrison, Owen, alias Owen Harrison Holmes, 168, Q; 200, T. Harrison, Percy John, 338, 354, I. Harrison, Reginald Frederick, 144, Q Harrison, Stephen King, 2, F; 400, Q. Harrison, Sydney William John, 117, 135, I; 145, Q ; 255, D ; 265, UG; 287, D; 288, G; 289, UI; 291, Q. Harrison, William Edward, see Edward Joseph Temple. Harrod, Elizabeth Mathew, 175, P. Harrop, John Joseph, 373, 383, O. Harry, Donald Sampson, 385, T. Harry, Ellen, 174, P. Hart, Charles William, 397, I. Hart, Donald, 20, Q. Hart, Edward, see Patrick John Clancy. Hart, Peter, 62, F; 73, T. Hart, Robert Stanley Moore, 103, F. Hart, Thomas, 243, Q. Hartland, John Alfred, 407, Q. Hartley, Allan Henry, 136, 166, M. Hartley, C. R., 18, M. Hartley, John Albert, 52, M. Hartman, Essie, 284, Q. Hartman, Norman Percy, 168, Q. Hartnett, Arthur James, 119, Q. Hartney, Edward Francis, 100, T. Hartwig, Beric Ronald, 43, I; 106, R. Hartwig, John Colin, 354, I; 356, Q. Hartwig, Richard, 364, Q. Harvey, Albert John, 204, M. Harvey, Charles, 288, F. Harvey, Clement Keens, see Norman Clement Keens Harvey. Harvey, Clifford Henry Donald, 31, Q; 100, T. Harvey, Colin Brian, 1,68, Q. Harvey, Frederick, 233, 247, D. Harvey, George, 332, R. Harvey, Howard Frederick, 218, M. Harvey, Harold, 196, 204, K. Harvey, Herbert Joseph, 356, Q. Harvey, Irene Flora, 257, J. Harvey, James Bartel, 116, F. Harvey, John Neal. 307. Q. Harvey, Kenneth John, 118, I. Harvev, Milton Slgdden. 34, F. Harvey, Mrs. J., 312, U.H. Norman Clement Keens, alias Harvev. 366, T. Harvey, Thomas James, 297, I. Harvey, T. P., 4, 289, I. Harwood, Wallace Roy, 218, O. Haselgrove, Nita Nellie, 58, R. Haseloff, Severa Alwina, 228, R. Haseley, William August Herman, believed to have the name of Charles Newman (N.S.W.), 395, A. Haskell, Percival Glen, 348, Q. Haskett, Andrew Edwin, 21, Q. Haskett, Cleveland Colin Francis, 144, Q. Haslam, L. H., 43, I. Hasler, William Robert, 50, F. Hasse, Misses, 42, H. Hassett, Cecil, 58, Q. Haste, Dorothy Edith, 27, J. Hastwell, Ruby, 194, A. Douglas Edward, 135, H. IIatchard, Lorna Mavis, 87, R. Hastwill, Hatfield, John (Vic.), 68, H. Hatherley, Thomas Henry, see Theodore Thomas Henry Reynolds. Hatswell, Thomas James, 16, F. Hattam, B. F., 227, M. Haughton, William, and Company, 329, 337, I. Haunstrup, S., and Company, 312, H. Hauschild, Lance Vernon, 135, H; 138, Q; 200, T. Havelberg, William Teddy, 92, Q. Hawke, Charles Henry, 37, Q. Errol Ivo, 2, F, Hawke, Shirley Marie, 388, I. Hawkers' licences, 67, 95, 131, 132, 133, 134, 179, 231, 309, 359. Hawkes, Clement Gordon, 376, Q. Hawkes, Gwendoline Margaret, 137, Q. Hawkes, James Stebbins, 137, Hawkey, John Rupert, 93, Q; Hawkins, Sydney Albert George, 139, 19, T; Q. 197, 213, 348, Q; 357, T. Hawkins, William A., 35, I. Hawley, John Arthur, 364, P. Haworth, Reginald Dudley, 398, J. Hawthorn Bowling Club, 197, R. Hay, Dorothy Elizabeth, 405, H. Hay, Peter Reid, 406, I. Hay, Reginald, 213, Q. Hay, William, 127, Q. Hayden, Jerry, see Gerald Comerford Hayden. Haydon, Colin Maurice, 51, I; 52, R. Hawke, Hayes, Albert, 13, Q. Hayes, Albert John Niven, 20, Q. Hayes, Charles Allen, 258, Q ; 300, S ; 342, T. Hayes, Herbert James, alias James Cook, 134, 156, F; 228, Q; 261, T. Hayes, John Mark, 364, Q. Hayes, Raymond George, 108, T. Hayles, Laurence Keith, 56, I; 72, R; 97, I. Naylock, Cyril John, 244, Q. Haynes, Alfred E., 173, 188, I. Haynes, Alvina Louise, 92, R; 92, Q. Haynes, Horace Llewellyn, 117, H. Haynes, John Thomas, 18, 27, J. Haythorpe, Edward James, 198, R. Hayward, Benjamin William John, 305, I. Hayward, James Keith, 244 (2), Q. Hayward, Peter, 398, J. Hayward, Robert Vivian Gladstone, 292, R. Hayward, William, 107, Q. Haywood, Peter Warwick, 31, R. Hazell, G. H. (N.S.W.), 382, 389, I. Hazelwood, Keith Ernest, 64, Q. Head, L. R. (Vic.), 98, 118, I. Head, Queenie Violet Mary, 284, Q. Healey, A. M., 397, I. Healey, Keith Napier Halin, 172, F. Healing, A. G. Ltd., 63, 90, I; 174, J; 181, I; 240, H. Healy, Frank Lionel, 106, Q. Healy, Keith Napier, 86, Q. Heard, Roy Patrick, aliases Joseph Patrick Hogan, Roy Patrick Hogan, Joseph Edward Thomas, 307, Q; 342, T; 348, Q; 349, T. Heardon, Herbert Roy, 330, 337, I. Heath, Alwyn Snerdon, 107, Q. Heath, Donald George, 27, I. Heath, Edward, see Edward John Heath. Heath, Edward John, aliases Edward Heath, Hogan, Bruce, 209 A (N.S.W.), 352, A (Vic.). Heath, Effie May, 194, 233, F. Heath, Eric Douglas, 250, 267, O. Heath, Harold, 221, R. Heath, May (Vic.), aliases Hogan, Bruce, 352, A. Heath, William Norman, 188, I. Heatley, Arthur John, 148, F ; 177, T. Heatley, Bert, 315, Q. Heaven, Leslie Ronald, 113, 351, Q. Heavers, Meryl Adeline Veronica, nee McRostie, 267, 275, O. Hebditch, Alan James Sefton Cope, 111, M; 147, F. Heddle, Maxwell, 107, Q. Heddle, S. (Vic.), 157, I. Hedges, Charles, 92, R. Heeps, May, 305, 313, I. Clement Keens Harvey, assumed Hefferman, Hefferman, Hefferman, Hefferman, Ernest Stanley Charles, 142, I. Harold Douglas, 267, Q. James Stewart, 346, H. Leonard Valance, 380, F. INDEX. lieffron, Claude Roy, 341, Q. 4 Hehir, James Walter, 70, P. Hehir, Vincent Patrick, 333, R. Heidrich, Anna Victoria Minna, 299, R. Heikman, Robert Bruce, 282, I. Heikknen, Johan Valentin, see Eric Hans Keikknen. Heindenriech, Bodo, 251, Q. Heinicke, Frederick Edwin, 291, Q. Heinicke, Lancelot Colin, 80, Q. Heinrich, Carl Erwin, 66, R. Heinrich, Jeff Dean, 259, Q. Heinrich, Louis Berthold, 107, R. Heinrich, Peter Stanford, 348, R. Heinze, Phillip John Edward, 249, 256, I. Heiser, Solomon Barnett (Qld.), 273, H. Heitman, Betty Balfour, 167, 177, Q. Heitman, Robert Bruce, 218, 227, O. Hele, Clement John, 399, Q. Helgeson, Ronald Frederick, 98, P. Hellawell, Harry, 43, I. Helps, Thomas, 220, Q. Hembury, George Henry Matthew, 21, S; 389, M. Hembury, Mary, 6, R. Hembury, Raymond, 125, 143, I. Hemmings, Alfred Ernest, 219, P. Hemmings, Frank Pearce, 258, M. Hemmings, Reginald, 63, 79, I. Hemson, John Ernest, 160, Q; 229, S. Hemson, Stanley Gilbert, 194, F. Henderson, Alexander Sydney, see Gordon Paul. Henderson, Alick, 346, I. Henderson, Bob, see Ronald James Carpenter. Henderson, Hector Vernon Roy, 183, Q. Henderson, Irvine, 296, 304, 312, 380, F. Henderson, J., 51, U.H. Henderson, James, alias William Johnson, alias Anderson, 269, T; 365, Q; 401, T. Henderson, Reginald David, alias Halliday, 183, 0. Henderson, Roy Stanley, 241, K. Henderson, Thelma Phyllis, 258, Q. Henderson, William John, 137, R. Hendrickson, Lawrence Allington, 62, 69, I. Hendrie, John, 391, Q. Hendrie, Robert Dyet, 39, T. Hendry, David, 6, Q. Hendry, Mabel, 397, H. Hendry, Robert, 388, F. Heniker, Murray Ernest, 195, H. Heniker, Robert Reginald James, 188, 240, H. Henley, Alexander James, 34, 240, G; 244, R. Henley and Grange Corporation, 221, R. Henley, Maxwell Gordon, 145, Q. Henley, Thomas, 113, T. Hennahane, Thomas Richard, 323, Q. Henneker, William Henry, 157, I. Hennessey, Thomas, 96, 124, 172, F. Hennessy, Maurice, 173, 188, I. Hennesy, John, ,356, R. Henningsen, Murray Kelvin, 71, Q. Henricksen, Edward John, aliases Anthony Jock McPherson, Edward John Hendrickson, 332, Q; 334, T. Henriott, Pattie, 72, R. Henry, Clarence John .loore, 236, Q. Henry, John Donald Adair, 300, Q. Henschke, Edwin John, 125, I. Henson, William, 127, Q. Henstridge, Franklin (trading as Oats & Henstridge), 99, R. Henty, W. W., 3 H; 6 R. Henwood, Ernest Malcolm, 92, Q. Henwood, Keith Andrew, 203, H. Herbel, E. A. (Vic.), 118, 143, 174, I. Herbert, aborigine, 252, Q; 261, T. Herbert, John Wallace Mills, 307, Q. Herbig, Albert Theodore, 307, Q. Herde, William Angus, 97, I. Heritage, George Dixon, 19, Q. Hermel, Ronald Albert, 400, Q. Herne, John, see Lionel John Herne. Herne, Lieutenant, 397, H. Herne, Lionel Andrew John, see Lionel John Herne. Herne, Lionel John, aliases Lionel Andrew John Herne, John Herne, 391, Q. Herne, Thomas Francis, 54, T. Heron, see Gwen Amy Herron. Herrin, Jack (Vic.), 4, I. Herring, William Roy, 184, Q. Herriott, Burt William, 65, Q. Herron, Gwen Amy, otherwise Heron (aborigine), 236, 341, Q. Hersey, Hilda, 66, Q; 128, S; 169, 408, T. Herst, Leslie Rupert, see Leslie Sinclair. Herzick, Norman, 375, R. Heslop, Robert Charles, 31, T. Heuzenroeder, Raymond Herbert, 229, T. Hewett, James, see William Hector Hunt. Hewish, Mary, 56, F. Hewitt, Allen Edward Thomas, alias Allan Thomas Edward Hewitt, alias Dasher Hewitt, 64, Q; 94, T; 151, 250, Q. Hewitt, Allan Thomas Edward, see Allan Edward Thomas Hewitt. Hewitt, Dasher, see Allan Edward Thomas Hewitt. Hewitt, Edward Grant, alias Grant Hewitt, 259, 316, Q. 'n Hewitt, Hewitt, Hewitt, Hewitt, Hewlett, xxv. Grant, see Edward Grant Hewitt. Oliver (aborigine), 197, Q; 214, S; Robert Stanley, 53, R. William, see William Hector Hunt. 286, T. Victor James Edward, 6, Q; 73, S; 200, T; 374, Q. Hey, Stanley Colin, 281, G. Heyer, William Henry, alias Brodie, 74, T; Heyford, James, see William John Gaynor. Heylen, Leslie John, 389, M. Heysed, Joseph John, 237, Q. Heysman, Frederick, 180, F. Hibbottson, Neilson John, 21, S. Hicks, Annie Elizabeth, 365, R. Hicks, Cedric Stanton, 58, R. Hicks, Frederick, 188, 266, I. Hicks, John Hemson, 110, F. Hide, skin, and wool dealer's licences, 263. Hielscher, Johanna, 143, J. Higgins, Allan Desmond, 299, Q. Higgins, Eileen (aborigine), 383, Q. Higgins, Frank Archibald, 145, R. Higgins, Fred, alias Long Fred (aborigine), Higgins, Gertie, 65, Q. Higgins, James Arthur, 215, A; 216, G. Higgins, John Richard, 92, Q. Higgins, Keith Ronald, 53, Q. Higgins, Richard George, 355, M. Higgins, Ronald Leslie, 136, 158, M. Higgins, Scotty, 80, Q. Higgins, William Thomas, 299, Q. Higginson, Lionel George, 297, I. Higgs, Alfred, 19, Q. Higgs, B. D. (N.S.W.), 199, Q. 54, T; 340, Q• 195, 211, I. Higgs, Joseph Henry, 34 (3), G; 37, Q; 73, S. High Court of Australia, 113, R. Hilbig, Peter, 332, R. Hildendorf, Hubert, 304, H. Hili, Emmanuele, 196, 218, 331, M. Hill, Arthur, aliases Anthony Claude Gummy Charles Devon, Reginald Quinn, 60, T. Hill, Clement, see John Johnson. Hill, Desna Mona, see Mona Grevelle. Hill, Douglas Stanley, 19, Q. Hill, F. IT., 291, R. Hill, Francis William, 267, R. Hill, Frank Hope, 399, Q. Hill, George Henry (N.S.W.), 141, 187, E. Hill, Herbert Thomas, 93, Q; 187, 209, F. Hill, John Clarence, 105, 135, I. Hill, Leo William, 211, 241, I. Hill, Maurice Baker, 21, S; 53, Q. Hill, Reginald Richard, 3, F. Hill, Richard Darcy, 71, Q. Hill, Samuel William, 312, F. Hill, Sidney, 268, R. Hill, Stanley Thomas, 332, Q. Hill, Sydney Alfred Douglas, 241, L; 325, T. Hill, Sydney George, alias Sydney Harris, 348, Q. Hill, William Charles, 2, 50, F. Hill, William Ernest, 104, 117, I. Hillard, Andrew Howard, 333, Q. Hillcastle Proprietary Limited (N.S.W.), 346, 354, 397, I. Hillian, John, 250, 290, M. Hilliard, Andrew Howard, 212, 213, Q. Hillier, Darcy, see Jack Collins. Hillier, Dorothy Christina, see Dorothy Murphy. Hillier, John, 112, Q. Hillier, Olive Maccle, 355, Q. Hillier, Percy George, 284, Q; 380, F. Hillier, Sydney Charles Edward, 99, Q. Hills, Archie, 236, Q. Hills, Ralph Herbert, 398, Q. Hilton, Arthur, alias George Bidwell, 121, T. Hilton, Charles, 259, Q. Hincks, Wallace, 382, 390, O. Hinderwell, Laura May, 118, J. Hinds, Desmond Andrew, 218, M. Hine, Alfred William, 242, M. Hinton, Artie Clarence, 80, Q. Hirman, John Robert, 19, 71, Q. Hirschhausen, Allan William, 126, Q; 213, R; 312, 361, F. Hirschausen, Ernest Adolph, 285, Q. Hirst, Leslie, see Leslie Sinclair. Hirt, Karl, 20, Q. Hiscock, Arthur, 26, H. Hissey, George Herbert, 220, R. Hissey, Maurice William, 63, 69, J. Hitch, Roy Alfred Gordon, 38, Q. Hoare, Elizabe.n Young Mason, 165, I. Hoare, Ernest Hancock, 332, 341, Q ; 366, T. Hobbs, Bert, see Herbert Charles Hobbs. Hobbs, Chunda, see Herbert Charles Hobbs. Hobbs, Dorn, 329, H. Hobbs, Edward Charles, 276, R. Hobbs, Herbert Charles, aliases Bert Hobbs, Chunda Hobbs, 29, Q. Hobbs, Walter James, 59, Q. Hobby, Robert Ernest, 275, 298, O. Hoboff, George, 384, Q. Hockhan, Alfred, 226, K. Hocking, Donald Stanley, 11, 56, I. Hocking, John Alfred William, 180, 187, F; 200, T. xxvi. INDEX. Hocking, Keith William, 191, Q. Hocking, Kenneth Albyn, 337, 346, I; Hocking, Matilda Maud, 161, R. Hocking, Hocking, Hocking, Hook, Sydney Harold, 2, 50, 84, F. 360, F. Ronald Arthur, 147, 156, F. R. W., 17, H. William, 63, I. Hockridge, Jack Glendinning, 111, 125, I. Hockridge, Keith, 165, I. Hodder, F. Sergeant, 322, 330, I. Hodge, Beatrice, aliases Nurse Russel, Norma Russell, 59, Q; 128, S; 317, T. Hodge, James Patrick, aliases John Patrick Hodge, Regan, 7, T; 29, 127, Q; 152, T; 212, Q; 214, 270, 277, T; 290, Q; 358, 385, T. Hodge, John, 328, 353, F. Hodge, John Patrick, see James Patrick Hodge. Hodge, Shot, see Thomas William Hodge. Hodge, Thomas William, alias Shot Hodge, 177, Q; T; 400, Q. 200, 308, Hodgert, Frank Ivor, 363, L. Hodges, M. (N.S.W.), 389, I. Hodgson, Dallas Glen, 183, 314, O. Hodgson, P. F. (Qld.), 305, 322, I. Hodgson, Roma, 290, Q. Hodson, Llewellyn Thomas Leslie, 250, M. Hoepner, Robert Frederick Theodor, 249, 256, I. Ho ff , Arthur Benno, 72, R. Hoffman, Arend, 299, Q. Hoffman, Ernst Gottlieb, 177, Q. Hoffbian, Herbert Johannes, 1,60, Q. Hoffman, Hermann, 299, Q. Hoffman, Herman Oscar, 307, Q. Hoffmann, Nancy, 315, R. Hoffmann, Paul Gotthold, 299, Q. Hoffmann, Percy Stanley, 315, Q. Hoffnung, S., & Co., 106, R. Hofmeyer, John Llewellyn, 277, Q. Hogan, see May Heath. Hogan, see Edward John Heath. Hogan, Joseph, see Roy Patrick Heard. Hogan, Joseph Patrick, see Roy Patrick Heard. Hogan, M. J., 77, F. Hogan, Peter Edward, 157, 165, I. Hogan, Roy Patrick, see Roy Patrick Heard. Hogarth, Velda Mary, 312, H. Hogben, Keith Russell, 268 (2), R. Hogg, David James, 390, M. Hoile, Edward Murray, 297, I. Holahan, W. (N.S.W.), 85, I. Holden's Ltd. (General Motors), see General Motors (Holden's Ltd.). Holder, Noel, 341, Q. Holdfast Bay Model Band (Alexander Thomas Draper, secretary), 50, 156, G. Holdsworth, F. V., & Co., 172, H. Holdsworth, Robert Trevenen, 268, Q. Hole, William Ronald, 383, Q. Holford, Alice Ann, 251, Q. Holford, Holford, Edward John, 251, Q. Jack Darrell, 355, Q. Holland, Bertram Frederick George, 160, Q. Holland, D. (N.S.W.), 105, I. Holland, Everard Peace, 247, F. Holland, Herbert Ernest, 197, P. Holland, Mary Elizabeth, 57, J. Holland, Ronald James, 136, 339, M. Holland, William Eric, 105, 118, I. Hollands, Arthur Vivian, 27, 43, J. Hollard, Reginald Frank, 296, 320, H. Holliday, see Frederick Arthur Wilkes. Hollitt, Laurence Stanley, 144, P. Holloway, Donald, 77, F. Hollywood, Ernest Alfred, 66, T; 80, Q; 100, T; 221, Q; 238, T. Holman, Frederick, see Lawrence James Waughton Evans. Holmes, Florence May, 400, Q. Holmes, H. G. (Vic.), 12, 27, I. Holmes, James Gilbert, 385, Q. Holmes, John Maxwell, 58, Q. Holmes, Owen Harrison, see Owen Harrison. Holmes, Reginald `William Albert, 100, T. Holmes, Ronald Alfred, see Rowland Alfred Holmes. Holmes, Rowland Alfred, alias Ronald Alfred Holmes, 53, Q; 60, T. Holmes, T. E. (Vic.), 182, 218, I. Holt, Frederick, 243 (2), R. Holtham, D. J., 388, I. Holtham, James, 175, Q. Holtzburg, Ernest, 152, R. Holzberger, Kenneth, 29, Q. Homan, Sacco, see Claude Roy Vincent. Home Service Stores (Hopping Brothers), 145, R. Homes, L., see British Tube Mills Ltd. Homes, Mr., 117, H. Hommelhoff, Nancy Edna, 120, Q. Hondow, Isabel Winifred, 194, A. Honner, Joseph Francis, 228, Q. Hood, David Robert Ernest, 251, Q. Hood, George Childs, 364, Q. Hood, Nellie Mary, 407, Q. Hood, Ruby Pearl, 89, F. Hookings, E. & M. G. (Elizabeth and Mabel Gertrude), 34, G; 37, 408, R. Hookings, Elizabeth, see E. & M. G. Hookings. Hookings, Mabel Gertrude, see E. & M. G. Hookings. Hoole, Keith, 242, M. Hooley, Francis John, 65, Q. Hooper, see Murray Lawrence Hall. Hooper, Annie Katherine, 267, P. Hooper, Eric Peter, 197, Q. Hooper, Evelyn Jean, 17, I. Hooper, Harley Everett, 371, G. Hooper, Harold Sydney, 58, 161, 184, Q. Hooper, John, 212, K. Hooper, Leonard William, 39, T; 107, Q: 352, F. Hooper, Origin, 191 (2), 197, 315, R. Hooper, Robert John, 198, Q. 11, Hope, Frederick William, 80, Q; 121, T. Hopgood, Arthur, 191, Q. Hopkins, A. (Vic.), 289, 354, I. Hopkins, Edward James, 53, 401, Q. Hopkins, Eric David, 305, I; 308, Q. Hopkins, Hazel, 99, Q. Hopkins, Jack, 138, Q. Hopkins, James William, alias William Hopkins, 186, T. Hopkins, William, see James William Hopkins. Hopkins, William Albert, 300, Q. Hopping Brothers (Home Service Stores), 145, R. Horan, Bernie, 297, I. Horan, Snowy, see Frederick Braidwood (Vic.). Hore, Leonard Bothwell, 210, H. Horne, Alexander Francis, 51, I; 52 (2), R. Horne, William Linford, 141, F; 146, T. Horner, Leslie Clifford, 324, Q. Horrigan, Thomas Dennis, 311, 320, 353, F. Horrocks, Herbert William Raymond, 21, S. Horsfall, Walter Kenneth, 339, Q. Hortle, Herbert James, alias Horton, 45, Q; 46, T; 58, 92, Q; 100, T; 137, Horton, see Herbert James Hortle. Horton, Harry Stratford, 257, 266, J. Horton, Thomas Percival, 72, Q. Horwood Bagshaw Ltd., 362 (2), H. Hoskin, Joseph James, 316, T. Hosking, Albert Henry, 219, Q. Hosking, Charles William, 138, R. Hosking, Hilda Mary, 138, R. Hosking, Jack, 111, 124, I. Hosking, Thomas Howard, 98, P. Hotel Adelaide, 237, R. Hotel Renmark Incorporated, 88, 92, R. Hotel Spencer Ltd., 19, R. Houlihan, Francis Joseph, 364, Q. House, Angus Henry, 340, Q. House, Ernest James, 383, Q. House, Frederick, 28, K; 31, R. Rouse, James Edgar, 374, Q. Houseman, Harry, 183, Q. Houten, John Van, see John Van Houten. Howard, Alfred John, alias John Alfred Howard, 141, 164, F; 200, T. Howard, Edward Niven, 237, R. Howard, Edna Eulalia, 20, R. Howard, Francis John, 127, Q. Howard, James Charles, 196, M. Howard, Jean Beryl, 151, R. Howard, John, see Jack Howard Paley. Howard, John Alfred, see Alfred John Howard. Howard, Joseph Stafford, 126, Q. Howard, Lawrence Stirling, 136, M. Howard, Nancy Sangster, 354, J. Howard, Robert, 206, Q. Howat, John Hamilton, 173, 188, I. Howe, Arthur Ernest, 260, R. Howe, George Ernest, 30, Q. Howe, John Edward James, 227, Q. Howe, Thomas Joseph, 397, I. Howell, Archibald, 106, Q. Howell, Berwyn Rickaby, 171, D. Howell, Johann Hermann Von, 145, R. Howell, William Henry, 58, O. Howes, Gwen, 183, R. Howett, Norman Arthur, 220, Q. Howett, Stanley Roy, 220, Q. Howett, Walter Leonard, 220, 308, Q. Howie, Sydney Vincent, 71, Q. Howland, Mervyn Edward, 391, R. Howlett, Alfred William, 12, 43, I. Howlett', Jack, see William Edgar Wilkinson. Howse, George Francis, 213, Q. Howson, Charles, & Co., Ltd., 19, R; 86, Q. Hoyts Theatres Ltd., 64 (2), R. Hubbard, Arthur, 274, 283, I. Rubber, Joseph Henry, alias Joseph Kedd, 64, Q; 66, T, Hudd, Edmund William, 325, Q. Hudd, Robert John, 144, Q. Huddlestone, Roy Charles, 20, R. Ruddy, Ernest, 348, Q. Ruddy, Harry, 188, I. INDEX. Hudson, Allen Clarence, 198, Q. Hudson, Cecil Edgar Charles, 17, H. Hudson, Douglas, 136, M. Hudson, Edna Ross, 391, Q. Hudson, Gilbert Alfred, 190, P. Hudson, Leslie, 381, H. Hudson, Ross William, 267, Q. Hudson, Thomas Habgood, known as Tommy Hudson, 408, Q. Hudson, Tommy, see Thomas Habgood Hudson. Hueppauff, Theodor Ernest, 144, Q. Huessler, Arthur Christian, 44, M. Huffa, Albert Jose, 333, Q. Hugh, Peggy Eileen, 406, I. Hughes, Charles Henry, 255, 272, F. Hughes, Clarence Patrick, 398, Q. Hughes, Eric Owen, 192, Q. Hughes, Francis John, 2,35, 249, I. Hughes, Jeffery John, 407, Q. Hughes, Lawrence Vincent, 10, 124, F. Hughes, Lionel John, 267, 407, Q. Hughes, Rowland Walter, 206, R. Hughes, Stanley Gordon, 330, I. Hughs, Lawrence Maxwell, 324, Q. Hulbert, Albert George, 285, Q. Hull, Alfred, 64, O. Hull, Rodney Gordon, 197, Q. Hullock, James William, 234, 241, I. Hulme, W. H. (Vic.), 165, 274, I. Humble, E. G. (Vic.), 397, I. Hume Pipe Co. (Aust.) Ltd., 78, 90, I. Humphrey, Percival John, 220, Q. Humphreys, Eric Tanner, 168, Q. Humphries, Desmond Henry, 217, I. Humphries, Donald Cecil, 182, 204, M. Humphries, Graham, 31, R. Humphries, Graham Gill, alias Graham Gill Humphris, 168, Q. Humphris, Graham Gill, see Graham Gill Humphries. Hunt, Alan Ian Ward, see James Worthington Newell. Hunt, Alan Ward, see James Worthington Newell. Hunt, Albert Stanley, see Albert Sydney Hunt. Hunt, Albert Stanley, aliases Albert Stanley Hunt, Alfred Brooks, 161, 238, T; 251, 259, Q; 308, T; 375, Q. Hunt, Arthur, see James Worthington Newell. Hunt, Catherine, 385, T. Hunt, Claud Leslie, 299, Q. Hunt, Commander Ward, see James Worthington Newell. Hunt, Don, 71, Q. Hunt, George Hubert, 272, 352, F. Hunt, George William, 373, K. Hunt, H. Y. (N.S.W.), 321, 382, I. Hunt, Ivy Agnes, 240, H; 244, Q; 404, D. Hunt, Lionel, 19, Q. Hunt, Mervyn Stanley, 60, Q. Hunt, Norman Charles, 236, Q. Hunt, Richard Harold, 185, R. Hunt, William Hector, aliases William James, William James Hewett, William Hewitt, 37, Q; 73, S; 286, T; 315, Q. Hunt, William Thomas, 13, Q; 100, T; 325, Q; 409, T. Hunter, Gavan Clifford, 400, Q. Hunter, George William, 151, Q. Hunter, Gladys Adelaide, 315, Q. Hunter, Harold Stanley, 165, 249, I. Hunter, J. (Vic.), 57, I. Hunter, Jack, 219, Q. Hunter, Leslie, 50, F. Hunter, Mary, 17, 27, I. Hunter, Thomas Curtiss, 240, G. Hunter, W. A. (Vic.), 4, 297, I. Hurford, Olive Margaret, 407, Q. Hurrell, Norman Frederick, 371, H. Hurrell, Wallen Gordon S., 145, R. Hurst, Leslie, see Leslie Sinclair. Huser, Ronald Oswald, 256, 266, I. Hussey, Frederick Christopher, 156 (2), F. Hussey, Howard Leith, 371, 381, H. Hussion, John Frederick Walsh, 408, Q. Huston, John, 27, 69, I. Hutcheson, G. B., 45, R. Hutchings, Joseph John, 298, M. Hutchins, Dorothy Edith, 126, Q. Hutchins, Dorothy Florence, 38, R. Hutchinson, Cyril Charles, 184, Q; 185, 186, T. Hutchinson, H. F., 51, M. Hutchinson, John Raymond, 52, M. Hutchinson, S. J. (Vie.), 157, I. Hutton, Allan Stephen, 356, Q. Hutton, Stanley Frank, 11, 17, H. Hutton, William Fernley, 332, Q. Huxley, Ivor Franklin, 126, Q; 185, S; 192, 213, Q; 269, S. Hyam, Walter Lyle, 345, G. Hyde, Basil Charles, 245, Q. Hyde, George, 29, Q; 46, T; 176, R.; 253, T. Hyde, John William, 92, Q. Hyde, P. T. (N.S.W.), 85, 97, I. Hylton, Arthur Edward, 313, I. Hylton, Arthur Herbert, 175, Q. Hynes, Patrick, 91, 2.36, Q; 277, T; 401, T. Hynes, Reginald, 206, Hywood, Keith Samuel, 35, I. 285, Q; 357, T; 364, Q; xxvii. 0 Ikin, John, 12, 18, M. Ilett,, John Joseph, alias Ron Smith, Illman, Coral Evelyn, 86, R. Inee, Edith May, see Edith 58, 383, Q. Sly. Indecent assaults, exposures, and attempted rapeUnknown men wantedAdelaide, 103 (2), 141, 155, 163 (2), 180, 215, 223, 239, 247, 295, 351, 352; offender arrested for offence in P.G., 1940, page 469, and P.G., 1941, pages 141 and 163, 360. Albert Park, 155. Alford, 55. Benney, Jennifer, 155. Birkenhead, 15. Black Forest, 49, 95, 311; offender arrested for offence on page 49, 360. Bowden, 279. Bowering, William Wheatley, 232. Bowley, Nancy Fay, 155. Brighton, 1, 109, 319, 387; offence on page 387, 404. offender arrested for Broadview, 25. Camden, 380. Carey, Michael John, 215. Cassebohm, Yvonne Betty, 232. Castanbul, 134. Cheltenham, 180. Cheltenham-Alberton, 319. Clarence Park, 155, 194, 279; offender arrested for offence on page 155, 360. Collinswood, 311 (2). Colonel Light Gardens, 103. Donnelly, John Trevor Francis, 215, 232. Dunleath, 180. Evandale, 215. Frewville, 271. Fullarton, 194, 232; offender arrested for offence on page 194, 360. Glanville, 344. Glenelg, 123, 141, 209, 352. Glenunga, 223. Goodwood, 232. Henley Beach, 49. Joslin, offender arrested, 115. Kensington, 311. Kensington Gardens, 25; offender arrested, 360. Kent Town, 194 (2), 344. Kilkenny, 15, 395. Kilkenny-West Croydon, 328. Klemzig, 209; offender arrested, 387. Largs Bay, 209. Lockleys, 215; offender arrested, 232. Lower Mitcham, 155, 255. Lower North Adelaide, 263. Malvern, 61; offender arrested, 360. Marden West, 15. Maywald, William Arthur, 232. Medindie, 134, 155, 171, 201, 223, 335; offender arrested for offence on page 171, 387. Middlebrook, Doris Ruby, 395. Mile End, 115. Millswood, 76. Netley, 115. North Adelaide, 67 (2), 83 (2), 123, 155, 232, 279, 319, 352 (2), 380. North Plympton, 49. North Walkerville, 352. Norwood, 209. Parkside, 209, 232, 255. Pennington, 264. Poole, James Benjamin, 295. Prospect, 41, 123. Reade Park, 147. Rose Park, 134; offender arrested, 141. Ross, Dorothy Agnes, 263. Semaphore, 180, 194, 303. Semaphore South, 201. Somerton, 15, 328. Stepney, 15. St. Peters, 49; offender arrested, 83; 115, 215, 271, 319. Thebarton, 264, 370. Thorngate, 49. Toorak, 83. Torrensville, 279. Unley Park, 295. Victoria Park, 271. Waite, Constance Sylvia, 335. Walkerville, 224, 264. Warradale, 25. Wayville, 33. Welland, 41, 264. West Hindmarsh, 287. Woodville-Cheltenham, 187. Woodville North, 171. Yatala, 215; offender arrested, 232. Industrial Acceptance Corporation (N.S.W.), 105, I. Industrial Acceptance Corporation (Vic.), 354, I. Ingerson, Sydney, 107, R. 83; INDEX. Ingham, Ingham, C. W. (N.S.W.), Ernest, 337, H. 354, 362, I. Inglett, Raymond Hales, 397, I. Ingram, William John, 372, I. Innaba (aborigine), 71, Q; 73, T. Inns, James Frederick Spencer, 69, 195, 256, I; 340, R. Institutes Association of South Australia, Incorporated, 172, H. Inwood, Rachael Maude, 259, Q; 292, T. Ionno, Nicola De, see Nicola Delonno. Iredale, Richard John Victor, 328, 329, 371, G; 376, R. Ireland, Frederick Gilbert, 311, F. Irish Linen Co., 184, R. Irvin, John Patrick, 64, Q. Irvine, Charles Craig, 87, Q. Irvine, Eleanor Clare, 212, Q. Irvine, Frank, 134, F. Irvine, William James, 348, Q; 401, T. Irwin, Bryan Henry, 374, Q. Irwin, George Andrew, 230, T. Irwin, Ross, 145, Q; 185, S; 3 82; K. Isacsson, Lillian Eileen, see Lillian Eileen McAuley. Isbister, Ronald Thomas, 5, 70, M. Isherwood, R., 338, M. Ivanov, Stefan, 127, Q. Iverson, Edmund Joseph, 347, M. Ivey, Thomas Albert, 3, I. J Jack, George, 118, 125, I. Jacka, Claude William, 245, Q. Jacka, M. G., see Adelaide Used Cars. Jacka, Murray Edgar, 68, 77, F. Jackett, J., 217, H. Jackman, James Wheaton, 90, 105, I. Jackman, Silver May, 81, Q. Jackson, Arthur James, 188, 203, I. Jackson, Charles, see Walter Godfrey Radcliffe. Jackson, Clifford George, 175, Q; 190, P; 214, S. Jac4kson, Colin, 332, Q; 370, F. Jackson, Fred, see Lionel Edward Linsay Bryce Coppleman. Jackson, Frederick Gledville, 6, R. Jackson, H., see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Jackson, John, see Walter Godfrey Radcliffe. Jackson, M. H., 35, H. Jackson, P., see Robert Watson Taylor. Jackson, Robert Watson, see Robert Watson Taylor. Jackson, Thomas Moyle, 59, Q. Jackson, William, aliases William Jensen, William Smith, William Silson, William Williams, William Moule, 366, T. Jacky (aborigine), 80, Q; 88, T. Jacob, Gordon Hillier, 91, 97, I. Jacob, Jack, 175, Q. Jacob, Frederick William John, 211, I. Jacob, Walter Stanton, 406, I. Jacobs, Dorothy Estella, 11, H. Jacobs, Garth, 156, H. Jacobs, James Bogle, 397, H. Jacobs, Jean Grace, 70, P. Jacobsen, Erling Henry, 370, 380, F; 383, 384, Q; 388, 396, F. Jacobsen, Francis Howell, 355, Q. Jacobsen, Viggo, 107, Q. Jaegers, Patrick James, 126, Q. Jagger, R. B., & Son, 306, K. Jakeman, James, 407, M. James, see Ernest David James Thompson. James, see Harold Richard Thomas. James, Albert Ernest, 126, 138, R. James, Alec Reginald, 111, 117, I. James, Alexander, 58, Q. James, Alexander George, 365, Q. James, Alfred Mervyn, 284, Q; 380, F. James, Cyril William Ronald, 217, H. James, David Louis, 346, I. James, Eva, 86, 323, O. James, Fluffy, see Robert James. James, George, 160, R. James, Lawrence Edward, 375, R. James, Leo Sylvester, 282, 289, I. James, Orwell Harold, 199 (2), R. James, P., see Percy Collard West. James, Percival John, 117, H. James, Robert, alias Fluffy James, 212, Q; 285, T; 340, Q; 408, T. James, Ronald Harvey, 19, Q. James, Stanley, alias Stanley John Carter, 220, Q. James, Valerie Joan, 205, Q. James, Val, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. James, William, see William Hector Hunt. James, William, & Co., 235, 322, K. James, William Charles, 2, E. James, William Richard, 26, G. James, W. R., 274, K. Jamieson, Eliza Jane, aliases Cavanagh, Phillips, 28, 58, O. Jamieson, Eric Donald, 72, Q. Jamieson, Fraser, 190, Q. Jamieson, George, 87, Q. Jamieson, Lancelot James, 320, H. Jamieson, Thomas, see Edward Joseph Temple. Janson, Jean, 404, D. Janssan, Colin Dean, 161, Q. Janssan, Lloyd Kevin, 160, Q; 396, 404, D. Janssan, Lyall Kenneth, alias Lyall Kenneth Janssen, 214, Q; 221, T. Janssan, Talbert Stanley, 128, Q. Janssen, Lyall Kenneth, see Lyall Kenneth Janssan. Jansson, Gustaf Reinholdt, 327, 335, A. Jansson, Ivan Lindsay, 196, M. Jansson, Olive Rose, 365, R. Jantke, Herman Adolph, 42, 135, F; 139, T. Jarman, see Edna Irene Pudney. Jarmyn, Colin, 324, Q. Jarratt, Claude Albert, 86, Q. Jarrett, Albert Charles, 80, Q. Jarrett, Brian, 124, F. Jarrett, Dorothy Gwen, 27, 36, I. Jarrold, James, aliases James Gerald, Thomas James Jerrold, 137, Q; 168, T. Jarvis, Lindsay Gordon, 198 (2), R. Jasiello, Carmine, 64, Q. Jasper, Edward Percival Pritchard, 59, Q; 62, F; 357, Q. Jeakings, Frederick George, see George Jeakings. Jeakings, George, alias Frederick George Jeakings, 194, 265, F. Jean, Scotch, see Jean Stutley. Jeffery, Harry Northy, 34, 62, F. Jeffery, R. S. (Miss), 249, J. Jeffery, Frederick Thomas, 257, L. Jeffree, George, 2. F. Jeffree, Thomas William, 290, 306, M. Jeffrey, Neale Edwin, 54, Q. Jeffries, Alex John, see Reginald John Belgrave. Jeffs, J. S., see Fifth Avenue Products. Jeisman, Lance, 184, Q. Jeisman, Maude May, 128, Q. Jellett, John P., 135, H. Jenkins, David William, 247, 265, F. Jenkins, Ernest A., 195, H. Jenkins, Gordon, 14, T. Jenkins, Henry Perkin, 93, Q. Jenkins, James Ernest, 56, 95, 181, F. Jenkins, James Oliver, 324, Q. Jenkins, William Charles, 151, Q. Jenkinson, Jack Oliver, 136, 166, M. Jenkinson, Mervyn Basil Leigh, 106, M. Jenkinson, Robert, alias Cross, 138, Q. Jenkinson, Ronald, 85, I. Jenner, Leonard, 250, R. Jennings, Avis Mildred, 316, Q. Jennings, Frederick Victor Claude, 42, F. Jennings, Jack Richard, 71, 285, Q. Jennings, Keith Gordon, 175, Q. Jennings, Mabel Thelma, aliases Mabel Appleton, Pommy Mabel, 258, Q. Jennings, Thomas Joseph, 316, Q. Jensen, Konrad, 321, I. Jensen, Lars Maxwell Charles, 120, Q. Jericho, Thelma Grace, 227, R. Jerrold, Thomas James, see James Jarrold. Jerome, Vernon Harry, 298, M. Jessup, Leo, 182, M. Jessup, Rupert William, 347, 354, I. Jimmy (aborigine), 80, Q; 88, T. Job, Ronald William, 258, 267, O. Joergensen, Lars Viggo, alias Viggo Lars Joergensen, 19, Q; 82, T. Joergensen, Viggo Lars, see Lars Viggo Joergensen. Johannsen, Margaret Alice, 224, H; 237, Q. Johansen, Joseph, 14, T. Johanson, Gordon, 375, R. Johanson, Lynn, 35, 97, I. Johanson, Stanley Clare, 316, Q. John, Brian Gilbert, 400, Q. Johncock, Albert Edward R., 85, I. Johncock, Allan Reginald, 58, Q. Johns, Colin Ralph, 234, 241, I. Johns, David Edward, 305, I. Johns, Frank Arthur William, 16, F. Johns, Frederick John Tenneyson, 58, Q. Johns, J., see Jack Lyndon Stewart. Johns, John, 375, Q. Johns, Kenneth Andrew, 220, 340, Q. Johns, Shirley Fay, 408, R. Johns, Thomas, 65, R. Johns, William Frederick, 300, Q. Johnsen, Anders, aliases Tagney Sylver Morgan, Arnold Davidson, 116, 142, F; 160, 197, Q; 221, T; 272, F; 279, A; 288, F; 303, F; 307, Q. Johnson, see Robert Lawrence Painter. Johnson (aborigine), 120, Q; 121, T. Johnson, Albert Arthur, 65, Q; 90, 124, F. Johnson, Arthur, see William Robert Stone. Johnson, Brian, 251, R. Johnson, Charles, 243, 252, Q; 269, S. Johnson, Charles, see Vernon Ryan. Johnson, Charles, see Carl Wilhelm Christiansen. Johnson, Clive, 37, Q. Johnson, Edward, 62, 77, F. Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Ellen Pearl, Fay, 104, H. 37, Q. xxix. INDEX. Johnson, Elsie Ellen Sarah, 44, 0. Johnson, Eric Samuel, 372, 382, I. Johnson, Ernest Keith, 61, 104, F; 120, T. Johnson, Ernie, 147, F. Johnson, Frederick Charles, 46, R. Johnson, Frederick Michael, 221, T. Johnson, Herbert Lawrence, see Lawrence Johnson. Johnson, Hugh, 7, T. Johnson, J. A. (N.S.W.), 257, 282, I. Johnson, Jack, 144, 198, Q. Johnson, John, alias Johnston, 190, Q; 214, S. Johnson, John, see Vernon Ryan. Johnson, John, alias Clement Hill, 59, Q; 82, T. Johnson, John Alfred, 339, 349, Q. Johnson, Lawrence, correct name Herbert 181, 217, I; 221, 252, Q; 256, 1. Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Leonard Albert, Leslie Edward, Leslie Murray, Norman Entron, Peter, 320, 337, Phyllis Doreen, Johnson, Lawrence 273, 281, G. 274, I. 19, R. 70, P. I. aliases Rae Johnson, Johnson, Rae Reynolds, 112, Johnson, R., see William Robert Stone. Johnson, Rae, see Phyllis Doreen Johnson. Reginald Joseph, 19, R. Johnson, Johnson, Reuben, see Albert Redden. Johnson, Robert Gelder, 391, Q. Johnson, Robert Godschall (Qld.), 15, A. Johnson, Ronald (N.S.W.), 69, 257, I. Johnson, Stanley Cyril, 276, Q. Johnson, William, see James Henderson. Johnsson, Angas Robert, 120, Q; 152, T. Johnston, Alan, 268, Q. Johnston, A. G., 365, R. Johnston, Dion Stuart, 142, I. Johnston, Frederick Silverin, 316, Q; 365, T. Johnston, Hugh, 319, F. Johnston, Jack, 197, Q; 258, 267, 0; 277, Q. Johnston, John, see John Johnson. Johnston, J., 365, R. Johnston, John Harold, 228, Q. Johnston, Lyle Thomas, 240, 249, I. Johnston, Percy, 348, Q. Johnston, Stanley, 248, 256, I. Johnston, Stephen, 407, Q. Johnstone, A. E., see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Johnstone, Alfred M., 27, I. Johnstone, Charles Edward, aliases Peach Johnstone, John Stone, 10, F; 268, Q; 300, S. Johnstone, Doreen May, 72, R. Johnstone, Ethel May, 143, 211, I. Johnstone, R. (N.S.W.), 79, I. Johnstone, Peach, see Charles Edward Johnstone. Johnstone, Ronald George, 14, T. Johnstone, Roy Frederick, 266, J. Johnstone, William Alfred, 292, Q. Jolly, Christopher, 72, Q; 128, 199, S. Jolly, Jenny, 29, Q. Jolly, J. R., 225, H. Jolly, Norman Dickson, 285, Q. Jolly, Mrs. R. H., 165, 249, K. Jolly, Tom, 296, H. Jonas, John Murray, 78, I. Jonas, Kenneth Mervyn, 125, I. Jonathan, Arthur Frederick, 4, 27, I. Jones, see Frederick George Penfold. Jones, Albert Edward, 126, Q. Jones, Bernard Alfred, 400, Q. Jones, Bernard Andrew, 221, Q. Jones, Benjamin Edward, 19, Q. Jones, Charles Lloyd, 77, 78, G. Jones, Clarence Victor, 212, M. Jones, Daphne, see Joyce Burtonclay. Jones, Daphne Elizabeth Priscilla, 298, 0. Jones, Desmond Thomas, 240, G; 244, Q. Jones, Donald Frederick, 87, Q. Jones, Dorothy, 124, 142, H. Jones, Douglas, 81, 260, Q; 344, F. Jones, Dudley David, 13, Q. Jones, Edgar Rees, 127, Q. Jones, Ernest Henry, 30, Q. Jones, Foggitt, Pty. Ltd., 13, R. Jones, Frederick, 77, 83, D. Jones, Frederick Bruce, 46, 385, Q. Jones, Frederick William Alexander, 117, I; 120, Q. Jones, George Richard, 299, R. Jones, George W., 88, R. Jones, Gordon, 127, R. Jones, Gustave William, 88, R. Jones, Harold Cecil, 3, 116, F. Jones, Harold William, 227, Q. Jones, Jack, see Alexander Downie. Jones, John Henry, see Albert Norman Richards. Jones, John James, 137, Q; 185, S. Jones, John Joseph, 92, Q. Jones, John Percy, alias Percy John Jones, 161, Q; 206, T. Jones, John Robert, 42, 50, 95, 104, F; 213, Q; 277, 301, T; 323, Q; 342, T; 352, F; 365, Q; 380, F; 385, T. Jones, Joyce, see Joyce Burtonclay. Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jonsen, Jordan, Kathleen, 38, Q. Kathleen Lydia, 137, R. Kenneth Gordon, 285, T. Laurie, 110 H. Maxwell Esmond, 167, Q. Norman Oliver, 337, H. P. D. (Vic.), 36, I. Percy John, see John Percy Jones. Percy R., 398, M. Reginald Norman, 376, Q. Reuben John, 213, Q. Rex, 44, M. Rhys Edward, 194, 216, F; 252, T. Robert, 227, Q. Robert, 191, R. Robert Maxwell, 356, Q. Ronald, 228, Q. Ronald Keith, 284, Q. Ross Albert, 217, 256, I; 260, R. Russel Victor Cyril, 348, Q. Shirley, 77, 83, D. Stanley Gilbert, 54, Q. Thomas, 372, 382, I. Thomas Herbert, see William Henry Harris. Thomas Lloyd, 71, Q ; 128, S. Victor Clair, 16, 62, F. Vida Alberta, 389, J. Vivian Edwin, 332, Q. William Oliver, 107, R. Karel, 115, A. Thomas Leslie, 183, P. Jordan, Vincent John Stephen, 348, Q. Jordan, Violet, alias Lily Elma May Haley, Jordon, Allen Hurtle, 198, Q. Jorgensen, Brian Anthony, 374, Q. Jorgensen, Viggo, 305, I. Jorgerson, Hans Christen, 345, H. Joseph, Charles Arthur, 372, I. Joseph, George, 327, 328, 370, A; 376, R. Joseph, Katrine, 243, P. Joseph, K. H. (Vic.), 356, Q• 85, 150, I. Joseph, Mervyn, 315, Q. Joseph, William Benjamin, 235, I; 244, 260, Q; Josephs, Martha, 197, R. Joss, Mary May, 199, R. Joy, Ronald James, 314, 339, 0. Joyce, Stanley Laurence, 112, Q. Judd, Molly, 249, I. Jukes, June Eveline, 324, R. Julian, Donald William, 234, I. Julian, James Edward, 91, J. Julian, Leonard Cornelius, 81, Q; 147, F. Julian, Ronald Joseph, 64, Q; 224, F. Julius Kayser (Aust.) Prop. Ltd., 340, R. Junge, Elsie Erna, 86, R. Jurgens, Leonard Edward, 103, F. Jury, Ellen, 348, Q. K }Caines, Charles Edward, 25, F; Kaines, Norman, 274, 282, I. 392, T. 38, T. Kaki, Lauri, 92, Q. Kakoschke, Gustav Adolph, 191, R. Kalleske, Roy Arthur, 59, Q. Kalms, Arthur Ronald, 177 (2), R. Kane, Owen, 384, Q. Kappler, Claude, 109, F. Kappler, Clem Claude, 62, I. Karam, Kathleen, 145, Q. Karatzas, Kyriokos, 158, 218, N. Karavas, Georgios, see George Caravas. Karcher, Robert James, 203, 256, I; 260, R. Karger, Norman, 292, Q. Karhunen, Johan Evert, 9, A. Karlssonn, Olafur, 219, Q. Karpany, Allan, 20, Q; 77, 116, F. Karpany, Carroll Gilbert, alias Carroll Gilbert Karpeny, 45, Q; 153, T; 356, Q; 385, T. Karpany, Dick, see Stanley George Karpany. Karpany, Keith Edward, 355, Q. Karpany, Kenneth, 184, Q. Karpany, Lionel, 395, A. Karpany, Maurice Milgo, 116, F. Karpany, Stanley George, known as Dick Karpany, 20, Q. Karpany, Simon Stanley John, alias Simon Stanley John Kar- peny,45,Q; 153,T; 355,Q; 358,T; 408,Q. Karpany, Karpany, I Karpeny, Karpeny, pany. Karpenyy, 334, T. Karrasn, Kartinyerie, Katinyerie, Thomas Lawson, 184, (1. 224, 281, F; 356, Q; 385, T. William, see William Karpeny. Carrel Gilbert, see Carroll Gilbert Karpany. Simon Stanley John, see Simon Stanley John KarWilliam, alias William Karpany, George, 366, T. Alben Miller, 407, Q. Archibald Arthur, 284, Q; 328, 34, 336, F. 56, F; 66, XXX. INDEX. Katinyerie, Theo, alias Theodore Albert Katinyerie, 191, Q; 260, T. Katinyerie, Theodore Albert, see Theo Katinyerie. Kauschky, Ronald Edward, 181, H. Kavanagh, James Francis, 269, T. Kavouras, Antonas, 71, Q. Kay, Edith Cavell, 373, 390, O. Kay, Frederick James, see Frederick James Anderson. Kay, Lloyd, 164, F. Kay, Phillip Thomas, 135, I. Kay, Roland Harold Leslie, 220, Q; 272, 353, F. Kay, Wilton David, 251, Q. Kaye, James Lawrence, see James William Kaye. Kaye, James William , aliases James William Kirby, James Lawrence Kaye, 13, Q; 55, F. Kealey, Richard, 201 , 202, A. Kealy, A . M., 397, 406, I. Kean Oil Proprietary Ltd., 275, R. Keane , Felix Nisson, 235 , 266, L. Keane, Leonard Vincent , 404, F. Kearley, Albert Francis, 72, Q. Kearsley , Gerald Frank , 312, G. Keast, Walter Murray, 364, Q. Keating, Paul Joseph , 106, Q. Keating, Walter, see Walter Godfrey Radcliffe. Keats, Daisy Stella , 120, Q. Keays, Jack Bradley, alias John Bradley Keays, 77, 148, F; 221, Q ; 304, 336, 380 (2), F. Keays, John Bradley, see Jack Bradley Keays. Kedd, Joseph, see Joseph Henry Hubber. Keding, Max Frederick, 42, H. Keeley, John Walter Michael, 143, I. Keeley, Urban Desmond, 241, I. Keely, Thomas Lawrence , 88, Q. Keen , Kenneth Bernard , 110, I. Keenan , James Newton , 87, Q; 93 , T; 155, F. Keene, Clarence Roy, 213, R; 222 , T; 237 , 292, Q ; 325, T. Keenihan , Edward James , 384, Q. Keenkleman , see Veronica Goolmeer. Keighran , George Thomas , 176, Q. Keikknen , Eric Hans , alias Johan Valentin Heikknen , 119, Q. Keily, Herbert Thomas, 315, Q. Keipert, James, 59, 399, Q. Keleher, William Patrick, 348, Q. Keley, William Henry, 26, G. Keller, W . ( N.S.W.), 35, 43, I. Kellett, Geoffrey William, 117, I. Kelly, Betty Veronica , 346, 354, I. Kelly, Charles Edward Kendall , see Edward Kelly. Kelly, Cornelius Michael , 38, Q; 100, T; 291 , Q; 358, T. Kelly, edward , aliases Charles Edward Kendall Kelly , Daniel O'Brien, Edward Kendall Kelly, 253, T; 376, Q. Kelly, Edward Kendall, see Edward Kelly. Kelly, Eileen , 221, R. Kelly, Francis Desmond , 90, 397 , 406, I. Kelly, Francis Patrick , 389, 407, M. Kelly, Frank Cyril , 258, M. Kelly, Fredrick , 214, Q. Kelly, G. E., 45, R. Kelly, Francis Patrick, 198 , 268, Q; 360, F. Kelly, Michael , 352, 360, 404 (2), F. Kelly, Michael Joseph , 347, M. Kelly, Norman Colin , 382, M. Kelly, Patrick James , 84, 188, F. Kelly, T. ( Vic.), 226, 235, I. Kelly, Thomas , 251, Q ; 270, T. Kelly, Thomas Patrick, 399 , Q; 404, F. Kelly, Veronica Mary, 315, Q. Kelly, Warren Arthur, 384, Q. Kelton, Augusta Mary, see May Augusta Kelton. Kelton, May Augusta, aliases Mary Augusta Kelton, Hanson, Grogan , Augusta Mary Kelton, 276, Q; 333, T. Kelton, Mary Augusta, see May Augusta Kelton. Kemp, Alfred Keith, 404, F. Kemp, Mary, 305, J. Kemp, Ronald Frank, 183, Q ; 280, F. Kemp, Ronald Stanley, 333, R. Kemp, Stanley McPherson , 150, O. Kemp, William Ernest, 120, Q. Kempe, Ernest Ravenscroft , 259, R. Kempster, Harry, 252, R. Kemter, R. G. (Vie .), 266, I. Kench , Arthur John, 5, Q. Kenderick , William Henery George , 226, M. Kendle, Clarence Gordon, 150, Q. Kendle, Cli ff ord Francis, 30, Q. Kennedy, see Ernest Toleher Canney. Kennedy , see Paul Frederick Arthur Callaghan. Kennedy, Charlotte Mabel , 164, E. Kennedy, Christine Adelaide , 347, 354, K. Kennedy, John, 84, F. Kennedy, John , 259, Q. Kennedy, John Jens , 152, Q. Kennedy, Michael Thomas, 152, Q; 388, F. Kennedy, Ronald, 341, Q. Kennedy, Samuel John, 20, Q; 46, T. Kennedy, Thomas Percy, 282 , 289, I. Kennedy, W . ( N.S.W.), 43, I. Kennedy , William Henry , 164, E. Kennedy , W. I. (N.S.W. ), 97, I. Kennelly, W. E. (N.S.W.), 330, 346, I. Kennett, Albert Edmund, 280, 288, F. Kennett, Benjamin Howard, 86, Q. Kennett, Edith, 322, K. Kennewell, Allan Claude, 80, Q. Kenny, G. R. (N.S.W.), 35, 43, I. Kenny, Kevin Leopold, 38, Q. Kenny, Leslie James, 344, 352, 370, 371, F. Kenny, Michael John, 233, F. Kenny, Morton Vivian, 324, Q. Kenny, Patricia, 251, R. Kent, Frederick John Jack, 191, Q. Kent, Harold, 64, R. Kent, Herbert James, 145, Q. Kent, Norman Arthur, 147, 156, F; 221, T. Kent, Robert, 138, T. Kent, Ronald George, 165, M. Kent, William Henry, 239, F. Kentish & Sons, 290, 297, J. Keogan, William Keith, 311, F. Keogh, Catherine, aliases Kathleen Keogh, May Clarke, T; 307, Q; 325, T. 73, 200, Keogh, Michael, 390, Q. Keough, Frederick, see Duncan Black. Keough, Joseph Francis, 324, R. Keough, Kathleen, see Catherine Keogh. Ker, Murray, 31, Q. Kerin, Edward James, 406, J. Kerley, Cyril, 190, Q. Kernick, Hugo Martin, 268, Q. Kernick, Jack Arthur, 324, Q. Kerr, Arthur, see Graham Bell. Kerr, Bruce Fotheringham, 306, 307, P. Kerr, Robert (N.S.W.), 149, 211, I. Kerr, John, 228, R. Kerr, Ronald Henry, 65, Q. Kerr, William Richard, 34, 49, 55, D; 233, 287, F; 288, G; 304, F. Kerrison, John Alwyn, 107, R. Kerrison, Ronald Percival, aliases McDonald, Armstrong, 383, O. Kershaw, L. (N.S.W.), 97, I. Kertin, Reginald Melville, 181, I. Keshan, Francis Arthur, 390, Q. Kessner, Frederick Albert, 2, 34, 68, F; 121, 342, T. Kessner, Hugh Allen, 211, H. Kessner, Paul Henry, see Paul Herman Kessner. Paul Herman, gazetted as Paul Henry Kessner, 177, 185, Kewley, Robert David, 307, Q; 342, T. Key, Roy Albert Clifton, 198, Q; 280, F. Keynes, Beryl Lavina, 63, 69, I. Keynes, Harold John, 381, 388, I. Khan, Bulmut, 376, Q. Khan, Mutheen, 376, Q. Khan, Rameth, 292, Q. Khan, Zarret, 376, Q. Khyat, Michael (Vic.), 274, 289, I. Kidd, Edward George Matthew, 383, R. Kidd, Edwin Robert Alexander, 313, 321, I. Kidd, Stanley Roy Laurence, 313, 346, I. Kidman, Richard Curgenven, 31, R. Kiely, Timothy John, 323, Q. Kilgariff, Thomas Arthur, 331, O. Kilgour, Linda Mary, 88, 190, Q; 214, S. Kilian, John Alfred, 81, Q. Killian, Harold Victor Alexander, 81, Q. Killicoat, Rose Adelaide, 72, R. Killy (aborigine), 80, Q; 88, T. Kilmartin, John, 65, Q. Kilminster, Thomas Royston, 3, H. Kilsby, Mervyn James Ralph, 135, H. Kilvington, Cyril Edward, 174, 211, I; 213, R. Kimber, Frederick William, 28, P. Kimber, Stanley, 322, 330, I. King, Albert, 376, Q. King, Albert Malcolm, 260, R. King, Allan James, 19, Q; 95, F. King, Anthony Mortimer, 287, F. King, Arnold George, 59, Q. King, Colin George, 64, 79, 283, 290, M. King, Digger, see Victor Howard King. King, D. E. (Vic.), 189, I. King, Doris Eileen, 288, H. King, E. E., 51, 57, I. King, Edgar George, 407, Q. King, Elizabeth, 349, R. King, Eric Roy, see James McDougall. King, Frederick Alfred, 292, Q; 341, S. King, Gertrude Godfrey, 345, F. King, Girvan (Vic.), 51, I. King, Henry Ernest, 151, Q. King, S. L., 314, M. King, Stanley John, 347, M. King, Stuart Oswald, 77, F. King, Thomas, 236, Q. King, Thomas, 27, I. King, Thomas Raphel, 383, Q. King, Victor Howard, alias Digger King, 144, 150, O. Kingston, Brian John, 142, 282, I. Kinniburgh, Gerald Desmond, see Gerald Ryan. Kessner, INDEX. Kinmouth, George, 275, R. Kinmouth, George Edward, 251, Q. Kiooma (aborigine), 71, Q; 73, T. Kiosoglous, Antin Michael, 399, Q. Kirby, Cornelius, 59, Q. Kirby, James William, see James William Kaye. Kirby, Sylvia Grace, 307, R. Kircher, H. A. (N.S.W.), 249, 274, I. Kirk, Bertever Daniel, 304, H. Kirk, Ernest Charles, 375, Q. Kirk, John LeHunte, 36, 43, I. Kirk, Lawrence Norman, 251, Q. Kirk, P. G. (Vic.), 27, I. Kirkham, Eric James, 28, M. Kirkhope, George, 243, Q. Kirkland, Alexander Spiers, alias Alexander Spiers Law, 268, Q; 317, T. Kiroff, Verna, 407, O. Kirtland, John Lothian Richard, 5, 44, O. Kirtland, Lance Lewis, 19, Q. Kirtland, William George, 64, Q. Kirvan, Michael Harold, 106, R. Kissock, Ellen, 281, G. Kite, Bert, 296, 388, F; 390, Q. Kither, Gertrude Ellerslie, 176, R. Kitto, Allan Leslie, 85, 195, I. Kitto, Clement Albert, 105, I; 106, R. Kitto, H. J., 324, R. Klaffer, Gustav Ernest Clifford, 149, 249, I. Klar, Lewis Charles, 144, Q. Kleinig, Raymond Arthur, 137, Q; 192, T. Kleinig, Stanley Clarence, 126, R. Kleinschmidt, Howard Clifford, 13, Q. Klinberg, Mr., 44, R. Kling-enberg, Richard, see Richard Ludwig Karl Hans Schmidt. Klopp, Edna Josephine, 277, R. Klopper, Ernest Frederick, alias D. Woodbridge, 344, 387, 396 (2), F; 400, Q. Kloss, Thomas Joseph, 29, Q; 88, T. Knabe, Gordon Kelford, 236, Q. Knapp, John, 284, Q. Knapp, William Henry, 362, I. Kneebone, Frederick William, 216, 224 (2), F; 301, T; 352, 360, F. Knevitt, Malcolm, 31, Q. Knevitt, Mary, 183, 189, O. Knibbs, Lionel Harold, 360, 380, F. Knight, B. J., 17, H. Knight, Edward Preston, 54, Q. Knight, Harold Alfred, 307, Q. Knight, Harold George, 38, Q. Knight, James William George, 38, Q. Knight, K. (Vie.), 322, I. Knight, Kevin Edwin Ernest, 176, Q; 222, T; 346, I.; 360, F. Knight, Laurence Henry, 160, R. Knight, Maxwell Ian, 307, Q. Knight, Sydney Gilbert Charles, 126, Q; 172, F. Knight, Walter Clifford Raymond, 407, Q. Knight, Warren, 125, 136, I. Knight, Warren Reay, 252 (2), R. Knight, William Alfred George, 241, 249, I. Knill, Roger Shirley, 98, P. Knispel, George, 190, Q. Knott, Frank Frederick, 347, M. Knott, John Ernest, 195, H; 199, R. M. Knott, Thomas Harold, Knowles, Arthur Norman Havelock, 125, J. Knowling, Leslie Albert, 18, I. Knox, Francis Anthony, aliases Frank Bowan, Raymond Thomas Burleigh, Frank Brown, Frank Thomas, Thomas L. Brooke, Thomas Leslie, Raymond Devine, Francis KnoxGray, John Patrick Thomas, Momlant, 86, Q; 153, T; 220, Q; 367, T. Knox, Helen Edith, 405, G. Knox-Gray, Francis, see Francis Anthony Knox. Kuuchel, Rita Joyce, 59, R; 73, S. Knuckey, David Benedict, 31, Q. Knuckey, Donald Gough, 197, 204, O. Knuckey, Richard Harvey, 364, P. Knudsen, Olof Kalland, 28, N. Koch, Edwin Carl, 256, R. Koch, Lloyd Allen, 348, R. Kobelt, G. B., 165, J. Kodak (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 240, H. Koehler, Frederick August, 167, Q. Koen, Keith J., 195, 265, H. Koen, William John, 27, I. Kohring, Howard Mervyn, alias Happy, 88, Q• Koker, L. J. (Vic.), 51, I. Kokkadis, Gregory, 399, Q. Kolbig, Henry, 36, 79, I. Komnick, Bruce Donald, 305, I. Kotsano, May , 52, 355, O. Kotsoglous , William, 65, Q. Kotz, Gordon Elmo, 244, Q. Kozaric, Frank , 324, Q. Kraach , Frank , 149, H. Kraehe, Sidney Maxwell, 159, Q. Krahe, F. W. (Vic.), 157, I. Kramer, Carl Reinhold Leslie, 375, Q. Krantis, Peter, 79, I. 15,01 xxxi. Krantz, Douglas Arthur, 244, 316, Q. Kretschmer, Johannes Gustav Adolph, 391, Q. Kretschmer, Murray Victor, 228, Q. Krieg, Leslie, 92, Q. Kroeger, Jasper Frederick, 391, Q. Kroem-er, Raymond Reginald, 64 (2), R. Kropinyeri, Richard Claude (half-caste aborigine), 275, Q; 319, 336, F; 355, 384, Q. Kropinyerie, Richard William (half-caste aborigine), 243, 267, Q; 277, T; 296, 304, F; 355, 384, 400, Q. Kroune, Harry, 400, Q. Kruger, Allan Leslie, 275, Q. Krupa, Franz, 197, Q. Krupa, Sol (N.S.W.), 404, G. Kruschel, Hermann August, 206, Q. Kubank, Lancelot Alwin, 190, Q. Kubisch, Herbert Ephriam, 364, Q. Kuchel, Benjamin August, 113, Q. Kuchel, Lawrence Walter, 105, J. Kuchel, W. B., 137, R. Kuhn, Christian Frederick, 168, R. Kuhn, Horace George, alias Kelly Kuhn, 301, T; 384, Q. Kuhn, Kelly, see Horace George Kuhn. Kuhndt, David Christian, 220, R. Kuorikoski, William, 54, T. Kyloh, Walter Hurtle, 237, R. L Lacepede Bay Institute, 365, R. Lacey, W. (N.S.W.), 274, I. Lackson, John, see Walter Godfrey Ladd, D. J. (Vie.), 196, I. Ladd, Raymond Radcliffe. Charles, 61, F. La Dette, Edward Mansfield, 116, 210, 280, F. Lademan, John Frederick, 35, H. Ladhams, Cyril Walter, 71, Q; 216, 352, 360, F; 377, T. Ladhams, Reginald Duncan, 205, Q. Ladner, Maxwell Ernest, 173, 188, I. Laffin, Arthur Frederick, 298, P. Lagergr6n, Garet, 330, J. Lahne, Albert Robert, 21, Q. Laird, Charles, 82, T. Laird, Maryann, 190, Q. Lake, Colin James, alias Munt, 251, Q; 300, S. Lalor, Frederick Clifford, 64, M. Lamb, Alfred John, alias Alfred John Lambe, 357, T. Lamb, Harry Edmund, 31, Q. Lambden, see Laurel Kathleen Bridges. Lambe, Alfred John, see Alfred John Lamb. Lambe, Donald Joseph, 248, 256, I. Lambert, Cuthbert John, 31, R. Lambert, Ernest Edwin, 266, 289, I; 291, R. Lambert, Glen Albert, 300, Q. Lambert, Hedley Edward, 325, Q. Lambert, Ralph Orlando, 120, R. Lambert, Richard Stanley, 260, Q. Lambert, Robert John, 305, I. Lambert, Sydney Leith, 6, Q. Lampard, Walter Henry, 220, Q. Lampert, Donald Sydney, 300, Q. Lamprell, Gerald Richard, 205, Q. Lampre, Cliff ord Samuel, 138, Q. Lancaster, Benjamin, 228, Q. i Landa, A. (N..S.W.), 330, 346, I. Landau, Anthony Maurice, see Sydney Raymond Charles Spearman. Lander, Oscar, 45, Q; 396, F. Lane, Douglas Ian, 307, Q. Lane, Edwin, 292, R. Lane, Frederick Alexander, 396, H. Lane, Harry, 53, Q. Lane, James William, 119, Q. Lane, Lionel William Cecil, 385, R. Lane, Maxwell Sydney, 61, 68, F. Lane, Norman Thomas Henry, 107, Q; 199, S; 392, T. Lane, Peter Bruce, 12, 126, 168, Q. Lang, George Henry, 119, R. Lang, Harold Donald, 117, H. Lang, Hubert Harley, 19, Q. Lang, Reginald Vincent, 397, I. Lang, Ronald Claude, 276, Q. Lang, William John, 399, Q. Langcake, Archibald, 20, Q. Langdon, Clarence Leslie, 391, Q. Lange, Clement Frank, 212, O. Lange, John Martin, see Martin Lange. Lange, Leonard Leslie, 348, Q. Lange, Martin, aliases John Martin, Franklin, John Martin Lange, 92, Q; 199, S; 286, 301, T; 349, Q. Langengas, George, alias Georgios Nicolaou Lazenkas, 205, Q; 214, T. Langford, F. (Vic.), 57, 125, I. Langford, John Tasman, 174, M. Langford, J. W. (N.S.W.), 85, 97, I. Langford, Samuel, 344, F. Langley, Eric, 196, M. Langley, George Henry, 59, Q. 118, 0; xxxii. INDEX. Langley, Herbert Charles, 137, Q. Langley, Olive, 107, R. Langman, Sheila Gladys, 203, 217, H. Langmead, Clarence Roy, 275, Q. Langmead, Melvin Stanley, 275, Q. Langton, Mark Vincent, aliases Martin Langton, William Mark Langton, 160, Q; 192, T; 276, Q; 342, T. Langton, Martin, see Mark Vincent Langton. Langton, William Mark, see Mark Vincent Langton. Lapthorne, William Percival Allan, 304, 305, H. Larcher, Ernest John, see Larcher's Radio. Larcher's Radio, or Ernest John Larcher, 188, 240, H ; 243, R. Largs Bay Orphanage, 277, R. Larkin, Michael Patrick, alias Larkings, 298, Q. Larkings, see Michael Patrick Larkin. Lamer, Ronald George, 124, H. Larsson, Ernest, 401, R. Lasscock, Lionel Jack, 13, Q; 73, T; 341, Q. Laubman & Pank, 110, H; 328, G; 388, I. Laucke, Condor Louis, 43, J; 268, Q. Laucke, Friedrick, 268, Q. Laucke, Hans Ludwig, 71, Q. Lauder, William Scott, 79, 85 K. Laundy Brian John, 355, R. Laundy, Keith George, 20, Q. Laurence, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Laurence, Alfred, see Alfred Lawrence Green. Laurence, Colin Ray, see Roy Colin Lawrence. Lavender, D., 322, 330, I. Lavender, R. (Vic.), 235, 241, I. Laver, John Hedley Edward, 297, K. Law, Alexander Spiers, see Alexander Spiers Kirkland. Law, David, 217, H. Lawler, Alfred Arthur, 88, T. Lawler, E. J., 218, M. Lawn, Arthur Henry, 287, F. Lawrence, Albert Arthur, 119, Q. Lawrence, Alwyn Jeffery, 30, R. Lawrence, Brian, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Lawrence, Ewart Alban (Qld.), 346, 354, I. Lawrence, Irma Muriel Maude, 159, Q. Lawrence, Neil Lynn, 296, H. Lawrence, Norman Francis, 65, R. Lawrence, Percival Leonard, 86, Q. Lawrence, Roy Colin, alias Colin Ray Laurence, 160, Q. Lawrence, Walter Herbert, 374, Q. Lawrence, William David Arckless, see William David Harknes Lawrence. Lawrence, William David Harknes, aliases Roy Stevens, William David Arckless Lawrence, 145, 167, Q; 334, T. Lawry, Ella, 234, 288, H; 290, R. Law-Smith, Walter Henry, 362, H. Lawson, A. (N.S.W.), 4, I. Lawson, Albert James, 243, Q. Lawson, Alfred James, 184, Q. Lawson, L/Sgt., 118, 136, I. Lawson, Peter Henry Thomas, 57, 86, O. Lawson, William Benjamin, 256, H. Laycock, Frederick Charles, 112, Q. Laycock, Geoffrey, 66, Q. Layman, John Frederick, 88, Q; 396, 404, D. Laymann, Thomas William, see Thomas William Lehmann. Lazaroff, Monty Mark, 136, M. Lazenkas, Georgios Nicolaou, see George Langengas. Leach, Alfred, 184, Q; 229, T; 258, R. Leach, F. J. (Vic.), 196, I. Leader, Nancy Yvonne, 406, I. Leahy, Albert Aloysius, 2, 396, F. Leahy, F. T., 382, M. Leahy, Ronald Joseph, 363, M. Leahy, George Desmond, 93, Q. Leahy, John Francis, 259, Q; 261, T. Leake, Weston Hugh, 59, Q. Leaker, Ada Adelane, 237, R. Leane, Andrew, 312, G. Leane, Wilfred Hector, 111, I. Leaney, Alfred Percival, 46, Q. Lear, Frederick Edward, 161, T. Leary, Timothy, 399, Q. Leascous, Con., 362, I. Lebelt, Jack, see John Maxwell Marten. Lecky, Frank Arnold, alias Arnold, 31, R; 80, Q. Lecky, Frank Stanley, 332, Q. Lecky, Graham Reginald William, 10, F. Lecky, Raymond Reginald William, 332, Q. LeCornu, Lancelot Russell, 398, J. LeCornu, Marie Patricia, 190, R. LeDuff, William Emanuel Theodore, 290, Q. Ledger, H. E. (N.S.W.), 389, 397, I. Ledger, Horace Arthur, 324, 325, R. Lee, see George Watson. Lee, Albert Ernest, 292, 357, Q. Lee, Charles Fosbrook, 152, R. Lee, Frederick George, 77, F. Lee, Gordon John, aliases Frank Butler, James Edward Gordon, 39, T. Lee, Harry Glanville, 180, 224, F. Lee, J., see Edward Richard Menzel. Lee, John, alias Mulga Jack, 151, 391, Q. Lee, Leslie Aubrey, 111, 135, I. Lee, Raymond Percival John, 304, 329, G. Lee, Robert William, 325, Q. Lee, Roy Preston, 144, R. Lee, Sydney Charles, 87, Q. Lee, Sydney Ernest (N.S.W.), Lee, Thomas Joseph, 398, Q. 387, A. Lee, W. J., 57, M. Lee, Walter Robert, 385, Q. Lee, William, 6, Q; 280, F. Leech, Eric, 273, 345, H. Leech, F. C. (Vic.), 36, I. Leeson, George Thomas, 21, T; 29, Q. LeFrancois, Charles, 37, Q; 88, T. Leggett, Mary Josephine, aliases Mollie Leggett, Mollie Tracey, 176, Q; 185, F. Leggett, Mollie, see Mary Josephine Leggett. Lehmann, Albert Johannes, 168, Q. Lehmann, Charles Johnson, 184, R. Lehmann, Thomas William, alias Thomas William Laymann, 184, Q. Leicester, Mathew, 276, R. Leigh, Daisy May, 37, Q. Leighton, George Alfred, 104, F. Leighton, T. (N.S.W.), 105, I. Leishman, L. J., 338, M. Leishman, Percy Ernest, 398, M. Leitch, Colin Campbell, 38, Q. LeMessurier, Peter Dawson, 241, I. Lemon, Charles Gustav, 104, H. Lemon, Herbert Joseph, 227, Q. Lenartowicz, Stanley, 332, Q. Lendon, James, aliases John Lyons, Jack Isodore Sluice, Lewis Dennis, Harris, Sleuth, 301, T. Lenham, John William, 184, Q; 248, F. Lennard, Archibald Henry, 134, 248, F; 292, T. Lennard, Leo Owen, 390, Q. Lennard, William, 106, R. Lennon, Louis John, 44, P. Lennon, Percy Brian, 58, Q. Lenroc's Limited, 202, 321, H. Leon, Ronald, 125, I. Leonard, Mabel Victoria, 4, J. Leonard, William George, 106, 236, Q. Leoni, Ange Joseph Marie, 298, L. Leopold, Percival, 407, R. Lepley, Arthur Hamilton, 71, Q; 100, 192, T; 245, Q; 316, T; 348, Q ; 409, T. LePoidevin , Howard , 45, Q; 77, 104, F. LePoidevin , Hurtle Jack, alias Jock LePoidevin, 259, Q. LePoidevin , Jock, see Hurtle Jack LePoidevin. Leslie, Tecla, 57, O. Leslie, Thomas , see Francis Anthony Knox. Leslie, William Howard , 190, Q. Lester, Harold, 2, F. Lesue, Charles , 229, T. Lesue, Colin William , 313, I. Lesue , George , 68, 78, H. Leunig, Sydney Charles Alfred , 216, D. Leverington , Cyril James , 120, Q. Leverington , Jack, 45, Q. Lewis, see Ernest David James Thompson. Lewis, Annie Agnes, 42, 62, G. Lewis, Arthur Augustine , 357, R. Lewis, Charles , aliases Charles Walter Lewis, Bryce, Palmer (N.S.W.), 387, A. Lewis, Charles Walter, see Charles Lewis (N.S.W.). Lewis, Corporal ( Vie.), 330, 338, I. Lewis, George , 353, 371, F; 374, Q. Lewis, George Joseph, see Daniel Mann. Lewis, Gordon John, 289, 297, I. Lewis, Harold James, 250, R. Lewis, Herbert John, 399, Q. Lewis, Issy ( Vic.), 322, 330, I. Lewis, James , 266, 273, I. Lewis, James, see John Agnew. Lewis, Joseph Walter, 391, R. Lewis, Laurence Richard, 177, Q. Lewis, Lawrence William, 376, R. Lewis, Leslie Charles, 339, Q. Lewis, Leslie Gordon , 160, 191, Q. Lewis , Maude Florence, 399, Q. Lewis, Nelson , 329, 372, I. Lewis, Percy Robert, 220, Q. Lewis, Sister , 107, R. Lewis, Stanley Melvin , 177, Q. Lewis, T., see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Lewis, T. D. (N.S .W.), 125, I. Ley, D. C. (Qld .), 149, 173, I. Ley, V. N. (N.S.W .), 354, I. Lieeiardi , Michele Liccione , Edward Henry, 238, T. John James Bartholomew , 400, Q. Liddell, Lillian Eileen , see Lillian Eileen McAuley. Liddicoat , Robert Alfred, 60, S. Lidstone , Ray Frank, 38, Q. Liebau, Frederick William, 213, Q. Liebeknecht , Mrs., 307, R. Liebelt , Douglas Mervyn , 106, Q; 134 , 141, D. Liebelt, Graham Leslie, 297, 305, I ; 308, R. Liebich, Herman Frederick, 19, R. Light, Malcolm William, 190, Q. (Vic.),124,G. Liecione, Lightfoot , Rodwell McKinney , 158, 182, M. INDEX. Lihou, Cyril Drew, 107, (2). Q. Lihou, Ernest Harper William, 348, Q. Lihou, Marjorie, 107, Q. Lillicrapp, C. T., 322, I. Lillie, Harold Arthur, 81, Q. Limbrick, Raymond Patrick George, 69, M. Lind, Carl, see Angus McLeod. Lind, Walter James, 38, Q. Linda (aborigine),71, R. Lindblom, Arthur John, 397, I. Linder, John, 324, Q. Lindner, see Frank Harold Barndon. Lindner, Frederick August, 197, Q. Lindner, Heinrich Edwin, 45, Q. Lindner, Heinrich Hermann, 268, R. Lindner, Robert Fergus, 225, I. Lindsay, Frederick, 45, R. Lindsay, Gordon Charles, 165, K. Lindsay, Lionel Edward, see Lionel Edward Linsay Coppleman. Lindsay, Lionel Harold, 65, R. Lindsay, William, 112, M. Lindsay, William Edward, 324, Q. Lines, Albert Roy, 166, 0; 171, F. Lines, Cecil Bertie, 345, F. Lines, James Joseph, 31, T. Lines, Joseph James, alias Lyons, 363, L. Lines, Raymond Arthur Roy, 11, G. Lines, Roy William George, 11, G. Linfoot, Ethel Ellen Barbara, 340, R. Linforth, Frances Gladys May, 190, Q; 245, T. Linke, Dorothy Maude, 17, H. Linke, Edwin Edgar, 291, Q. Linke, Gerhard Paul, 291, Q. Linke, Lawrence Reginald, 268, 291, Q. Linke, Morris Leslie, 340, Q. Linklater, Gladys, 362, I. Linn, Mervyn Edward, 210, H. Linnane, Maurice, 198, Q. Linnane, Michael Moore, 268, Q; 269, T. Linton, Arthur, 380, F. Lipschinski, Norman Martin, 31, R. Liscombe, J. J. (N.S.W.), 43, I. Litchfield, Boyne Phillip, 141, F. Litchfield Engineering Company, Limited, 202, H. Litchfield, Frederick, 137, 324, Q. Little, Colin Alfred (Qld.), 217, 362, I. Little, Ambrose, 198, Q. Little, Harrold Vincent, 225, 241, I. Littlefield, Frederick John, 80, Q; 97, I; 146, T. Littleley, David Lawrence, 45, Q. Livingston, Peter Raymond, 345, G. Livingstone, James Horace, aliases Cornelius Stanley, O'Brien, 176, Q; 334, T. Livingstone, Robert Keith, 70, M. Lloyd, C. J. M., 43, J. Lloyd, Thomas, see John Agnew. Lloyd, Thomas Alfred, 305, 321, I. Loader, Jessie Maud, 391, Q. Loader, Russell Richard, 174, I; 176, 324, Q. Loader, Russell Sydney, 159, 174, O. Loades, Edward Walla, 70, P. Loats, H. (Vic.), 27, I. Lock, Clem, see Clement Harold John Schrapel. Lock, Ray, see Clement Harold John Schrapel. Lock, Victor, 19, Q. Lockrey, Richard, 151, Q. Lockwood, Colin Ralph, 273, 282, I. Lockwood, Colin Raymond, 57, 70, O. Lockwood, Frederick James, 177, Q; 373, O. Lockwood, Stanley Roy, 21, Q. Lockyer, Leonard Andrew, 305, 321, I. Lockyer, Sydney William, 360, 370, F. Lodge, Laurence Milton, 144, Q. Lodge, Leslie John, 229, Q. Loechel, Franz Edwin, 5, Q. Loechel, Geoffrey Ernest, 363, I. Log Milling Company, 110, G. Logan, Elizabeth, 21, R. Lohrey, Keith John, alias Keith Michael r3rown, 81, Q. Lokan, Hannah May, 259, 356, R. Lokan, Hilda Ivy, 356, Q. Lonard, M. R. (N.S.W.), 406, I. Lonergan, Malcolm Francis, 237, Q. Lonergan, John David, 150, 314, O. Loney, Elsie May, 172, H. Long, Banks Peter, 365, Q. Long, Ernest Charles, 304, H. Long, Ernest Sydney, 316, 374, Q. Long, Florrie, 127, Q. Long, Fred, see Fred Higgins. Long, Frederick, 45, Q; 153, T. Long, Frederick Seymour, 384, Q; 385, T. Long, Herbert Stanley, 280, F. Long, J. A., 150, 166, M. Long, Leah Pierpoint, 60, R. Long, Maxwell, 283, 289, J. Long, Walter Ernest, 277, Q. Long, William, 93, T. E Bryce xxxiii. Longhurst , Oscar, 364, Q. Longman, Eric Joseph William, 283 , 290, M. Longson, Edward , 112, M. Longson, Henry Alfred, 190, Q. Lonnie, Austin, 5, M. Looker, Allan Stuart, 64, Q. Looney, J . ( Vic.), 157, 397, I. Lorenson , Ian (Vic .), see John William Markey. Lorraine , Kenneth Harold , 213, R. Lorenz, Gordon Alfred, 167, R. Lorimer, Vera Fay, 321, I. Loughhead , James Stuart , 333, 375, R. Loui ( aborigine ), 99, Q; 108, T. Lounder, Harold, 240, G. Love, Edward , see Frederick Edward Wall. Love , Margaret, 58, R. Lovegrove , Vivian Miller, 407, Q. Lovell, Herbert , 250, R. Lovell, Maurice Adolph Joseph Waldemar , aliases Jacob Blumanfeldt , Jack Bloomfield ( N.S.W.), 395, A. Lovell , Ronald Stuart, 190, R. Loveridge , Alfred Joseph, 99 , R; 99, Q. Loveridge , William Henry, 219, P. Lovett, Clifford Owen, 72, R. Lovett, Maxwell Owen , 167 (2), R. Lovis, Harry Leonard, 339, R. Low, Edward , 225, I. Low, James Walter, 79, 85, I. Lowan, Percival Arthur, see Graham Bell. Lowe, Adolph 360, A. Lowe, Allan Edward, 160, Q. Lowe, Colin Rex, 267, Q. Lowe, Edwin , 300, R. Lowe , Jack Morgan Thomas, 78, H. Lowe, John Peter , 355, Q. Lowe , Percy Thomas, 135, G; 145 , R; 148, G. Lowe, Roland, 399, R. Lowe, William Raymond, 371 , 381, H. Lowen, Harry, see Frank Dawson. Lowen, Percy Arthur , see Graham Bell. Lower, George Amos , 160, Q. Lower, Phyllis Razia , 321, 329, I. Lower, Roland Bertram , 11, 27, I. Lowrie, Edward Thomas, 282 , 381, I. Loxton , Ethel Mary, 12, I. Lucas, Blanche, 267, R; 268, Q. Lucas, E . A. (Vic.), 57, 79, I. Lucas, Frank Russell , 284, P. Lucas, Harold Chapman James, 29, Q. Lucas, Ronald William, 297, 305, I. Lucas, S. W. & D. R. Miles (trading as Are & Oxywelding Company ), 142, H. Lucier, M., 235, J. Lucindale District Council , 244, R. Luck , Douglas, 397, I. Ludlow, Mary, 391, R. Ludlow , Mary Nellie , alias Smith , 221, T. Luff, John Edward , 291, Q; 308, T. Luhr, G. R. (N.S.W. ), 111, 118, I. Lukes, Thomas Charles , 256, I. Lukyn, Prince Francis, 220 , R; 251, Q. Lumbers, Mrs. A . C., 257 , 266, K. Lumley , Patrick Edmond , see Patrick Maxine Lumley. Lumley, Patrick Maxine, aliases Patrick Mullins, Patrick Edmond Lumley, 112, Q; 128, 152, T. Lummer, Henry Bruno, 181, G. Lumsden, James Nicholls, 145 (2), R. Lund, Victor William, 161, 168, Q; 199, S. Lundberg, Joyce May, 292, Q. Lundie, Jack Hartigan, 264, F. Luscombe, Colin Reece, 220, Q. Lush, Lyall Hubert, 86, Q. Luttrell, Keith Jarard, 3, G. Lutz, Emeilie Louise, 214, R. Luxton-Potter, Cecil, 110, G. Lycett, Ronald John Peter, 81, 385, Q. (Vic.), Con Lycett, R.M.(Vie.), 182,189,I. Lydemoore, Roy Campbell, 53, R. Lykke, Hans Matinus Haakon, 242, 243, P. Lynch, David, 144, O. Lynch, David Turnbull, 135, 239, 272, F. Lynch, J. (N.S.W.), 282, 289, I. Lynch, James Walter Murray, 22, T. Lynch, Lawrence James, 206, Q. Lyne, Harry Hampson, 355, M. Lyne, Raymond Vivian, 28, M. alias James Gregory Lyng, Lyng, James Gregory, see Henry Christopher Lyng. Lyon, Alexander John, 380, A. Lyon, George Thomas, 332, Q; 370, F. Lyon, James Cobbett, 234, H. Lyon, Helen, 125, J. Lyons, see Joseph James Lines. Lyons, James, 127, Q. Lyons, John, see James Lendon. Lyons, John Edward, 257, 274, K. Lyons, Percy David Michael, 384, Q; 401, T. Lyson, Albert William, 312, H. Lyson, Allan James, 144, O. Lyng, HenryChristopher, 365, Q. INDEX. Mc McAdam, William, 276, R. McAinsh, McAinsh, McAlear, McAlister, McAlister, McAllister, McArdle, McArthur, McAuley, gerald, McAuley, Arthur Harold, 245, Q. Gordon Stewart, 144, O. Patrick, 116, F; 264, A. Albert Joseph, 19, R. Evan Arthur, 19, R. Sydney, 226, M. Agnes Lucy, 64, Q; 207, T. Annie Christie, 18, J. Lillie Eileen, aliases Lillian Eileen Isaesson, Mauger, Liddle, 191, 299, 332, Q; 334, T. Patrick Francis, 356, Q. Fitz- MeAvaney, Clifford Roy, 374, R. MeAvaney, JohnJoseph,72,Q. Murdoch Ferguson, 221, Q. MeBain, McBean, Bruce Aiden, 135, 143, I. McBean, McBeath, McBeath, McBride, Jean, 214, R. Donald, 400, Q. Robert, 339, Q. Peter, 289, J. McBride, Phillip McCabe, McCabe, McCabe, McCallum, McCallum, McCallum McCallum, McCallum, McCallum, John, 69, 86, M. Charles Leslie, see Charles Leslie James, 175, R; 228, Q. Patrick, 156, H. Frederick Malachi, 400, Q. John Stuart, 332, Q. Ltd., 81, R. Gilbert Bruce, 252, R. Harold, alias Harold McCullum, Jean, 361, H. Burden. 244, Q. 270, T. McCallum, John, 306, M. McCallum, M., 282, H. McCann, John Cummings, 256 McCarron, William, 30, Q. McCarthy, (3), I; 260, Q. Cyril George, 46, 73, R. McCarthy, Daniel, alias John McCarthy, 141, 156, F; 256, I; 260, Q; 334, T. McCarthy, Kevin James, 137, Q. McCarthy, Martin Keith, 112, Q. McCarthy, Patrick John (Vie.), 55, E. McCarthy, Thomas, 7, T; 161, Q; 185, T. McCaskill, John, 118, J. McCauley, Frank William Edward, 67, F. McCavanagh, Laurence Phillip, 46, Q; 84, F. McClelland, Ethel, 110, 143, I. McClure, George, 364, Q. McConnell, Robert, 71, Q. McConnon, James, 348, Q. McCormack, Charles Michael, 72, Q. McCormack, John Jordan, 323, R. McCormack, Lawrence Thomas, 14, 46, T; 71, Q; 121, T; 159, Q; 185, T; 213, 260, Q; 260, 333, 334, 366, T; 408, Q. McCormack, Phillip Anthony, 138, 268, McCormack, Thomas Xavier, 389, I. McCormack, Reginald, 124, H; 126, 315, Q; 325, T. McCourt, John Heyworth, 251, Q. McCrea, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. McCristal, E., 12, 125, I. McCrohan, Victoria May, 117, H. McCue, Robert Howard, 6, Q. McCulkin, Leslie John, 25, F. McCulkin, Leslie Joseph, alias Leslie John Williams, 276, Q; 308, T. McCulloch, David William, 274, I. McCulloch, Mary Elizabeth, 59, Q. McCullum, Harold, see Harold McCallum. McCully, David 339, M. Thomas (N.S.W.), 250, M; 321, 330, U.I.; McDade, Joseph Patrick, 2, F; 251, G; 300, S. McDermott, Charles, 342, T. McDermott, Maurice, 206, Q. McDermott, Timothy, 13, Q. McDonald, see Ronald Percival Kerrison. McDonald, 11, 17, U.H. McDonald, A. H., & Co., Ltd., 160, R. McDonald, Arthur John, 341, Q. McDonald, Bill, see Alfred Stoland. McDonald, Charles Stanley, 151, Q. McDonald, Claude Grenfell James, 138, Q. McDonald, Clifford, 391, Q. McDonald, Donald, 307, Q; 341, S. McDonald, Hamilton, & Co., see British India Steam Navigation. McDonald, John Alexander, alias MacDonald, 268, 323, Q; 367, T. McDonald, John, 128, 220, Q. McDonald, Joseph, 36, M. McDonald, Keith Thomas, 50, F; 85, M. McDonald, Leslie, see Leslie Sinclair. McDonald, Magnus, 72, Q McDonald, Norman, alias Malcolm McDonnell (N.S.W.), 141, E. McDonald, Robert, 287, F. McDonald, Robert Leslie, 362, H. McDonald, Walter James, 28, M. McDonald, William Albert, see Alfred Stoland. McDonnell, Edward, 120, Q. McDonnell, George Charles, 91, M. McDonnell, Malcolm, see Norman McDonald (N.S.W.). McDonnell, Patrick Joseph, 21, S. McDonnell, Reginald Lloyd, 355, M. McDonnell, Thomas Martin, 383, Q. McDonough, Brian Arthur, 118, I. McDonough, Francis Michael, 272, F. McDonough, John Francis, 219, P. McDougall, James, alias Eric Roy King, 115, A. McEachern, Percy John, 65, R. McEgan, Francis Hardy, 328, F. McEgan, Jack Douglas, 34, 90, F. McElroy, Archibald Lindsay, 64, McEntee, Thomas James, alias D. A. McGregor, 119, O. McEvoy, see Kathleen Worrall. McEvoy, Evelyn, 211, I. McEvoy, Kevin Henry, 149, 157, I. McEwin, Donald Cameron Fraser, 173, H. McFarlane, Allan, & Sons, Ltd., 298, K. McFarlane, Mary Frances, 376, Q. McGaffin, Frank Edward, 376, Q. McGahan, Patrick Benedict, 408, Q. McGargill, Kenneth John, 128, Q. MeGavish, Norman Ross, 99, Q. McGee, Eileen Sylvia, 44, 52, O. McGee, Terry Hugh, 84, 96, F. McGee, Thomas, 381, H. McGee, Thomas Edward, 364, Q. McGeeham, John, 218, M. McGeorge, Samuel Bernard, see Stanley McGeorge. McGeorge, Samuel Stanley, see Stanley McGeorge. McGeorge, Stanley, aliases Samuel Bernard McGeorge, Samuel Stanley McGeorge, 20, Q; 66, 260, 277, 376, T. McGinty, A. L. (N.S.W.), 305, 321, I. McGlinchey, Donald Eric, 125, 136, I. McGlone, Roy, 92, Q. McGoldrick, Peter, aliases John Andrew Macklin, James Burke, 345, F; 365, Q; 371, F; 377, T; 385, Q. McGorman, William James, 59, R. McGovern, Walter Beaumont, 375, Q. McGowan, Edward John, 237, Q. McGowan, James Joseph, 382, 0; 389, L. McGowan, James Terence, 332, Q; 409, T. McGowan, Ronald King, 28, M. McGrath, Dolly, see Dorothea Patricia McGrath. McGrath, Dorothea Patricia, aliases Patricia Trebilcock, Dolly McGrath, Dorothy Annie Patricia McGrath, Dorothy Nora Trebilcock, 16, F; 32, T; 355, Q. McGrath, Dorothy Annie Patricia, see Dorothea Patricia McGrath. McGrath, Leslie Urbin, 164, H. McGregor, Davie, 92, Q; 121, T. McGregor, D. A., see Thomas James McEntee. McGregor, James Terence, 235, M. McGregor, Joan Mary, 29, Q. McGregor, Ray, 39, T. McGregor, Rex, 57, 125, I. McGregor, Ross, 159, Q. McGuinness, John Stewart, 339, Q. McGuinness, Laurence Anderson, 100, Q. McGuire, Alick, 59, R. McGuire, Keith Samuel, see Keith Samuel Maguire. McGuire, Jean Mauva, 167, Q; 221, T. McGuire, Joseph Bernard, 283, 289, I. McGuire, Raymond Henry, 168, Q. McGuire, Raymond Walter, 398, M. McGuire, Stanley Robert, 321, I. McGuire, Victor, 28, M. McGuirk, Brian Henry, 5, Q. McGutherell, Stewart Reginald, 167, Q. McHugh, Alan Edward,6, R. McHugh, Martin, 84, F; 87, Q; 128, T. MdHughs, Vera, 160, R. Mcllwraith & McEacharn, Limited, 217, H. Mclnerheney, see Kevin Michael McInerney. McInerney, Audrey Evelyn, known as Geoghan, 390, 0; 396, D. McInerney, Frank Joseph, 58, R. McInerney, Jean Olive, 383, Q. McInerney, Joan Cecelia, 203, 217, I. McInerney, Kevin Michael, aliases Mclnerheney, Michael Carey, 64, Q. McInerney, Lawrence William, 38, R. McInerney, Simon, 157, 165, I; 383, Q; 385, T. Mclnness, William Alfred, 56, G. Mclnness, Colin, aliases John Parker, Colin McInnis, 52, Q; 81, 82, T; 339, Q; 380, F. McInnis, Colin, see Colin Mclnness. McIntosh, J. H. (Vie.), 289, 297, I. McIntosh, Neil Scott, 144, Q. McIntosh, William John, 151, R. McIntyre, Andrew, 165, 174, I; 176, R. McIntyre, Clynton, 45, Q. McIntyre, Donald John, 340, Q; 345, F; 349, T. McIntyre, James Cornelius, 390, M. McIntyre, Lewis James, 244, Q. McIver, John A., 220, Q. McKay, A. R. (N.S.W.), 337, 346, I. McKay, James, 275, Q. McKay, Roy William, 6, Q. McKechnie, Donald McArthur, 85, I. McKechnie, Jessie Gladys, 58, R. McKechnie, Malcolm Alphaeus, 321, I. McKee, James Eric, 168, Q. INDEX. McKee, Maxwell John, 80, R. McKeith, Allan Patrick, 148, F. McKellar, Donald Munro, 281, 304, F. McKenna, Clifford Maxwell, 174, M. McKenna, Dennis Joseph Leslie, 291, 300, Q; 341, S. McKenna, Donald Leslie, 53, Q. McKenna, Terence Reginald Leslie, 7, T; 152, Q; 207, T. McKenna, Reginald Stephen Leslie, 152, Q; 207, T. McKenny, Walter, 211, 217, H; 219, R. McKenzie, Alan, see Alan Mackenzie. McKenzie, Alexander, 384, Q. McKenzie, Andrew, 210, F. McKenzie, Colin Alexander, 391, R. McKenzie, Donald Alexander, 86, M. McKenzie, Duncan, 383, R. McKenzie, James, 203, I; 256, I. McKenzie, John Alexander, 159, Q. McKenzie, Lindsay Gordon, 164, H. McKenzie, Nellie Olive, 314, P. McKenzie, Peter, 362, I. McKenzie, Stracey James, 29, Q; 68, F. McKenzie, William Henry, 308, Q. McKeough, Daniel Francis, 5, Q. McKernan, Philip Francis, 161, Q; 161, T. McKiernan, Edward Joseph Bernard, 20, Q; 66, T; 147, 180, F; 291, Q. McKinley, L., 274, 339, M. McKinnon, see Mona Grevelle. McKinnon, Alexander Maxwell, 347, M. McKinnon, Clarence John, 219, P. McKinnon, Gilbert Gordon Lindsay, 243, Q. McKinnon, J. (N.S.W.), 203, I. McKinnon, Joseph, 66, Q. McKinnon, Robert Campbell, 21, S. McKinnon, Vida, 320, U.H. McKinnon, Walter Hugh Ross, 227, Q. McKnight, Keith, see William Malcolm McKnight. McKnight, Malcolm, see William Malcolm McKnight. McKnight, William Malcolm, aliases Malcolm McKnight, Keith McKnight, 30, Q. McLachlan, Donald, 128, Q. McLachlan, W. H. (N.S.W.), 165, I. McLaren, Elsie Ida, 59, R. McLaren, Frances Kathleen Clare, 104, F. McLaren, Gordon James, 73, Q. McLaughlin, Frank, 84, F; 221, 299, Q. McLaughlin, Joyce, see Joyce Burton Clay. McLaughlin, A. W. (Vie.), 257, I. McLean, Alan Lloyd, 336, F. McLean, Alexander Frederick, 27, I. McLean, Donald Norman, 360, F. McLean, Hilda, 77, 83, D. McLean, James Robert, 198, Q. McLean, John, 324, Q. McLean, Malcolm, 210, H. McLean, Perce, alias Percival Charles McLean, 258, Q; 300, S; 325, T. McLean, Percival Charles, see Perce McLean. McLean, R., 373, M. McLean, Robert John, 54, 291, 292, Q. McLeay, Florence Eva, 142, H. McLellan, Walter Law Hume, 375, Q. McLennan, Alfred, 37, Q. McLennan, J., 389, J. McLennan, Ross Halliday, 235, M. McLennon, A. R, 382, M. McLeod, Alic John, 243, P. McLeod, Angus, aliases Jock McLeod, Sydney Champion, Carl Lind, Sydney Roach, James Anderson, 80, Q; 129, T. McLeod, Darrell Phillip, 306, 331, 389, M. McLeod, Douglas Alexander, 198, Q. McLeod, Frederick James, 21, S. McLeod, Jock, see Angus McLeod. McLeod, Norman, see Norman MacLeod. McLeod, Stanley, see Alexander McPherson Macleod. McLernon, Colin, 135, I. McMahon, Douglas, 38, Q. McMahon, Henry G., 166, M. McMahon, Hilda Gertie, 191, R. McMahon, Lloyd, 59, Q. McMahon, Maurice, 340, R. McMahon, Minnie Evelyn, 206, 212, Q. McMahon, Norman Ernest Samuel, 250, M. McMahon, Thomas, 173, 181, I. McMahon, Thomas Francis, 213, Q. McMahon, Thomas Patrick, 374, R. McManus, Terence Stewart, 220, O; 325, T. McMichael, Constance Mary, 29, Q. McMillan, Alexander Stevenson, 191, Q. McMillan, Alexander Walter, alias Wally McMillan, 21, S; 230, T. McMillan, Wally, see Alexander Walter McMillan. McMullen, Stanley Joseph, see Stanley Joseph McMullin. McMullin, Stanley Joseph, alias Stanley Joseph McMullen, 228, Q; 269, T. McNally, Albert William, 71, Q. McNally, Alice, 220, Q. McNally, Brian, see Richard James Slee. McNamara, Bridget Helena, 375, Q. McNamara, George Norman, 206, R. McNamara, James, 233, F. xxxv. McNamara , Mary Patricia, alias Patty Walters, 58, Q. McNamara , Robert James , 323, P. McNamara , Thomas Percival , 80, Q; 141, F. McNamee, Albert John , 251, R. McNaughton , Emma Kay, 248, H. McNeil , Constance Mary , 237, R. McNeil , Eric , 335, 345, F. McNeil, Ian Duncan , see Maxwell Buchanan. McNeil, John Albert Charles , 119, Q. McNeill , Ernest, 124, F. McNeill , Gwendoline, 30, R. McNicol , Colin, 272, F. McNicol , Evelyn Margaret , 125, 136, J. McNie, Ronald, 164, F. McPhee, Colin, 44, O. McPhee, Hector Vaughan, 187, F. McPhee, Keith , 244 (2 ), 316, R. McPhee, Neil, 401, T. McPherson , A. (Vic.), 297, I. McPherson , Anthony Jack, see Edward John Henricksen. McPherson , E. (N.S.W. ), 388, I. McPherson , Geoffrey James, 212 , 218, M. McPherson , John, see Lawrence John O'Brien. McPherson , John Andrew, 35 , U.I.; 157, I. McPherson Pty. Ltd., 56, G. McPherson , Thomas William , 284, Q. McPhie, Archie Hannaford , 175, Q. McPhie, John (man gave name of), see Murray George Bradley. McQueen, Donald Norman , 267, O. McQuillan, Alex Sturt , 18, 126, M. McQuillan , D. J., 111, M. McRae, Francis Price, 167, P. McRae, Malcolm, 346 , 354, I. McRae, Neil , 5, Q; 21, P. McRae, Rose Adelaide , 233, G. McRostie , see Meryl Adeline Veronica Heavers. McShane, Lindsay Gordon , 242, 266, M. McSkene, James, 291 , Q; 344, F. McSweeney , Cecil Patrick , 175, Q. McTavish , Phillip Raymond, 91, M. Donald, 204 , 205, O. McWaters, Diana, 332, R. MeVicar, M Mabus, Frank, 275, Q. Mabus, Kenneth, 275, Q. Macarthur, Martin James Leonard, 56, F. MacDonald, see John McDonald. MacDonald, Cliarles Albert, 340, Q. MacDonald, John Cameron, 226, M. MacDonald, Margaret, 217, H. MacDonald, Neil, 289, 297, J. MacFarlan, Ronald Frederick, 43, I. MacFarlane, James Patrick, 29, P. MacFarlanes, 240, H. MacGregor, Herbert George William, 221, Q. Machin, Ernest, 214, Q. Machin, James Morris, see John Agnew. Machon, Francis Michael, 216, F. Maclntosh, Ivan Malcolm, 382, 389, I. Mack, Albert, 113, Q. Mack, Albert Daniel, 5, 28, O. Mack, Gilbert Hurtle, 165, I. Mack, Jean, 212, Q. Mack, Susie, 113, Q. Mackay, James Noel, 407, M. MacKenzie, Alan, alias Alan McKenzie, 272, F; 285, T ; 383, Q ; 391, T. MacKenzie, Arthur William, 21, S. MacKenzie, Hugh Farmer, 138, R. Mackie, William Henry, 255, F. MacKinnon, Jack Lewis, 251, Q. Macklin, John Andrew, see Peter McGoldrick. Macklin, Norman Edward, 16 (2), F. Macklin, Raymond William Thomas, 322, I. Mackintosh, Colin George, 366, T. MacLeod, Alexander McPherson, aliases Stanley Reece, Robert Schofield, George McNaught Bennett, Stanley McLeod, John McNaught Bennett, 186, T. MacLeod, Norman, alias Norman McLeod, 138, Q. Macon, James, see John Agnew. MacPherson, George David, 52, M. MacQuillan, James, 55, 84, F. Macumba, George, 259, Q. Macumba, Jack, 259, Q. Maddaford, Harold Frederick, 370, 396, F; 408, T. Madden, Amos, 217, H. Madden, Joseph, 10, F. Madden, William Joseph, alias William Joseph Maddern, Q;, 177, T; 339, Q; 366, T. Maddern, John William, 192, R. Maddern, William Joseph, see William Joseph Madden. Maddigan, Clement, 165, 174, I. Mader, Alice, 249, J. 145, INDEX. Mader, Douglas Norman, 92, Q. Madigan, Clarence Roy, 374, Q. Madigan, Cyril John, 65, Q. Madigan, Michael, alias Clark, 6, 30, Q; Madigan, Robert Owen, 259, Q. Madigan, Winifred, 251, Q. Maeder, Frederick, 167, Q. Maelor, Samuel Thomas, 408, Q. Magner, Gordon Douglas, 73, S; 81, Q; 358, T. 164, 172, F. Magor, Dorothy May, alias Dorothy May Foster, 87, 152, Q. Maguire, Keith Samuel, alias Keith Samuel McGuire, 16, 34, F; 60, T. Maguire, Roland Leslie, 355, Q. Maguire, Sydney Roy, 322, 331, M. Maguzzu, A. (Vie.), 63, I. Maher, Allen, 21, Q. Maher, Sydney, 92, Mahmout, Ali Hassam, otherwise Hassan Ali Mahmud, 205, Q; 206, T. Mahmud, Hassan Ali, see Ali Hassam Mahmout. Mahney, Maurice Finton, 390, Q. Mahomed, Mirian, 53, Q. Mahomet, Ali Hassan, 188, H. Mahon, Francis Michael, 187, F. Mahoney, Daniel, see Daniel Mann. Mahoney, L. (N.S.W.), 211, 241, I. Mahoney, Margaret Ann, 198, Q. Mahoney, Patrick, 307, Q; 342, T. Mahoney, Ronald George, 3, I; 177, Q. Mahoney, William, see Edward Joseph Temple. Mahood, Peter, 104, H. Maidment, Arthur W., 211, 241, I. Mailes, James, 145, Q. Maitland, William McCrone, 56, F. Major, Ernest, 360, 371, F; 375, Q; 392, T. Major, Frank Rupert, see Frank Sigefroy Major. Major, Frank Sigefroy, alias Frank Rupert Major, 100, Q; 199, S. Makin, Thomas, 44, 52, 174, 323, M. Malcolm, Maurice Lindsay, 324, Q. Mallen, Vera, 320, 329, G. Mallen, Walter Sandwell, Malone, Daphne, 173, I. 320, 329, G. Malone, James Vincent, 219, Q. Malone, Nora, 105, J. Maloney, see John Patrick Murray. Maloney, Colin George, 324, Q. Maloney, Daniel, see Daniel Galman. Maloney, Michael John, 311, F. Malpas, Walter George, 124, H. Malzard, Kenneth, 282, H. Manarelli, Amadio, 205, R. Mandelberg, Jack (N.S.W.), 217, 233, 381, G. Mander, Henry Ernest, 81, Q. Maney, Maxwell James, 374, Q. Mangan, Francis, 141, F. Mangan, Ronald Henry, 196, M. Maniclo, Joe, 2, 16, F. Manifold, F. (Mrs.), 371, H. Mankie, Glen, 353, 362, I. Mann, Caroline, 383, Q. Mann, Daniel, aliases George Joseph Lewis, Ward, Young, Bob Box, Murphy, Daniel Mahoney, 93, Q; 139, T; 172, 194, F; 275, Q; 281 (2), F; 308, T. Mann, James, see John Agnew. Mann, Mary O. (Vic.), 98, I. Mann, Matthew, 137, Q; 139, T; 272, 280, 288 (2), F; 308, T. Mann, Stanley Dennis, 199, Q. Mann, William, 176, Q; 296, F. Mannering, Mervyn Horace, 106, M. Manners, Stanley George, 98, 106, M. Manning, see Allan Leonard Castle. Manning, Barton Wilfred, 125, I. Manning, James, 13, Q. Manning, Leonard Reginald, 219, Q. Manning, Reginald Thomas, 224, F; 301, T. Manning, W., 273, U.I. Mannum District Hospital, 119, R. Manser, Kevin Baden, 69, 283, I. Mansfield, A. B., 26, G. Mansfield, D. E., 398, M. Manson, Walter Robert, 167, Q. Manuel, Stanley Alfred, 13, Q. Manz, Ernest Otto, alias Jim Manz, 400, Q. Manz, Jim, see Ernest Otto Manz. Manzels, G. (N.S.W.), 69, 85, I. Maple, Harold Lawrence, 5, O. Francesco, 30, Q. Marcel, George, 70, M. March, Allen Edwin, 221, Q. March, Gordon Mills, 168, Q. March, Rex Joseph, 340, 356, R. March, Sybil Muriel Graham Mortimer, 29, Q. Marine Store Collectors' Licences, 1, 23, 24, 33, 67, 123, 179, 231, 359. Marinov, Stinu, 71, 375, Q. Margitich, Frederick S., 383, R. Markakis, Georgios, 188, H. Marker, Norman, 245, R. Markey, Annie Allan, 117, H. Marafloti, Markey, John William, identical with Ian Lorenson, alias John Gray (Vic.), 55, E. Markham, Hilda Alice, 333, R. Marks, Florence Annie, 291, 332, R. Marks, John, 287, A. Marks, John Eric, 143, I. Marks, Frederick, see Francis O'Brien. Marks, Robert, 243, Q. Marks, William Bernard, 46, R. Marney, Joseph Frederick, 404, F. Marousen, Eileen, see Eileen Mauresen. Marra, Herbert Arthur, 245, Q. Marrett, Hanna, 91, I. Marron, Jack, 320, I. Marron, Leonard Joseph, 324-325, R. Marschall, Eric Bernhard, 31, Q. Marschall, Percival Gerhard, 31, Q. Marsden, Harold Leslie, 299, Q. Marsh, Edward Francis, 151, Q. Marsh, James, see John Agnew. Marsh, Robert, see Robert Harris. Marshall, Benjamin Charles, 391, Q. Marshall, Bonython Bosanquet, 259, R. Marshall, David, 125, J. Marshall, Edward Francis, 164, H. Marshall, Frank, 391 (2), R. Marshall, Horald Roy, 136, M. Marshall, Harold William, 184, Q. Marshall, James, see Howard Joseph Hanson. Marshall, John, 141, F. Marshall, Leo Albert, 391, Q. Marshall, Norman Alfred, 184, Q. Marshall, Ralph, 90, H. Marshall, Ronald John, 184, Q. Marshall, Sydney Wilfred, 184, Q. Marshman, Joshua George, 12, J. Marsland, Frank, 19, Q. Marten, Jack Maxwell, see John Maxwell Marten. Marten, John Maxwell, aliases John Martin, Jack Maxwell Marten, Clark, Jack Lebelt, 25, C; 26, H; 30, Q; 56, F; 89, 187, 194, 202, 209, D; 214, Q. Martiesen, F. (N.S.W.), 203, 249, I. Martin, see Irene Melda Radford. Martin, A. D. (Vic.), 79, I. Martin, Allan, 31, Q; 73, S. Martin, Andrew Ivan Joseph, 44, O. Martin, Audrey Geraldine, 248, H. Martin, Bert, 197, R. Martin, Bertha Alice, 307, R. Martin, Cyril Edward, 44, O. Martin, C. H. (N.S.W.), 372, I. Martin, E., see Cecil Edward Coombes. Martin, Edward Charles, 187, F. Martin, Ethel, 405, H. Martin, Frederick, 362, H. Martin, Frederick Francis, 205, Q. Martin, George Ralph, 34, 62, F. Martin, Gladys Eliza, 291, Q. Martin, Gregory, 357 (2), 376, Q. Martin, Harry, 300, Q; 344, F. Martin, Jeffrey, 376, Q. Martin, John, see John Maxwell Marten. Martin, John, see Martin Lange. Martin, John, & Co., 6, 46, 58, 99, 159, 161, R; 172, H; 190, 237, 252, 260, 276, 323, 375, 380, 385, 407, R. Martin, Martin, John Leo, 93, Q; 229, S. Joyce, 397, I. Martin, Kathleen, 99, Q. Martin, Leonard Henry, 274, I. Martin, Leslie John, 324, Q. Martin, Leslie Melville, aliases Finlay, Saunders, Thomas, 37, Q; 101, 108, T. Martin, Mary Agnes Marjorie, 267, 275, O. Martin, Olive Marjorie, ne,e George, 267, 275, O. Martin, Raymond John, 92, Q. Martin, Raymond Stanley, 63, 69, I. Martin, R. C., 17, H. Martin, Robert, 135, 143, I. Martin, Robert Desmond, 175, Q. Martin, Robert Samuel, 29, Q. Martin, Samuel, 45, Q. Martin, Thomas, 25, F. Martin, Warren Lloyd, 97, 105, I. Martin, William Harold, 313, I. Martin, William Owen, 61, F. Martin, William Warwick, 314, M. Martis, Christopher, 88, Q. Martlew, Edward John, 396, F. Martlew, Francis John, alias' John Hamson Francis, 30, Q. Marval, Caroline Emma, 28, P. Marvell, Elsie Evelyn, 42, H. Martyn, Joan, 234, H. Marwick, Melville, 20, R. Maschio, Guiseppe, 30, Q; 34, G. Mase, Maurice Harry, 117, H. Mase, Rosalind Fay, 251, R. Mashoda, Joseph, 164, F. Maskell, Arthur, 375, Q. Maskell, Stanley John, 58, Q. INDEX. Mason, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Mason, see Thomas Nicholas Patrick Mullins. Mason , Henry Ernest, 92, Q. Mason, J. H. (N.S.W.), 35, I. Mason , James, see John Agnew. Mason, Percy Albert, 381, I. Mason, William Elliott, 6, Q. Massey, see John Agnew. Massici, Sante, 251, Q. Masson, David Arthur, 259, Q. Mastrosavas , Zampika, 72, R. Materne, Berhardt, 135, H. Mathan, Dorothy, see Dorothy Nathan. Matheson, John Alexander, 16, 56, F. Matheson, John Farquhar, 52, M. Mathews, Albert Edward, 203, H. Mathews, Allan Raymond, 157, 173, I. Mathews, Allen, 345, G. Mathews, Charles Bernard, 340, Q. Mathews, Charlotte Florence, see Charlotte Florence Mathews, Douglas James, 237, Q. Mathews, Herbert Clive, 296, H. Mathews, Ian Charles, 184, Q. Mathews, Llandaff Brisbane, 275, Q. Mathews, Richard Charles Wyatt, 320, H. Mathias, F. (Vic.), 36, I. Mathias, Nellie Elizabeth, 6, R. Mathias, Reubin Roy, 6, Q; 22, T. Mathison, Ella Violet, 6, Q. Mathison, Victor Edward, 6, Q. Mathot, Jean Joseph, 37, Q. Mattei, Kathleen, 172, 181, 224, H; 237, R. Matthew, Arnold William, 364, Q. Matthew, Colin Eugene Joseph, 280, 336, F. Matthews, Albert Edward, 59, Q. Matthews, Alfred Oliver, 65, Q. Matthews, Charlotte Florence, aliases Williams, Austin, 185, 260, T; 276, Q; 349, T; 400, Q. Matthews, Clarence, 353, H; 353, 362, I; 407, R. Matthews, Edward John, 110, I. Matthews, F. (N.S.W.), 195, I. Matthews, Frederick James, 244, Q. Matthews, George, 313, I. Matthews, Gordon Vivian, 98, 118, M. Matthews, Gwen Mary, 18, J. Matthews, Irene, 281, H. Matthews, Jack, 86, 136, O. Matthews, Jasper Rees, 62, H. Matthews, Percy Nield, 272, F. Matthews, Robert Richard, 86, 182, M. Matthews, William Francis, 160, R. Mattner, Alma Joyce, 15, 25, 202, D; 203, U.H.; Matthews. Mathews, 209, D; 288, U.H.; 291, Q. Mattner, Victor, 84, G. Mattner, W. L., 250, M. Matulick, Arthur William, 65, Q. Mauger, Lillian Eileen, see Lillian Eileen McAuley. Maunder, Frank, 21, S. Maunsey, Margaret, 56, I. Mauresen, Eileen, alias Eileen Marousen, 183, Q. Maurice, Bryce, see Lionel Edward Linsay Bryce Coppleman. Mayor, Leslie Harry Thompson, 363, M. Maxfield, William James, 71, Q. Maxwell, Harold John, 389, M. May, Alfred John, 54, T. May, Bertie Frederick, 96, H. May, Edward, see H. V. Brady. May, Edward James, aliases Harris, Brady (Vic.), 395, A. May, Ernest, 390, R. May, Gertrude Ellen, 374, R. May, Jack McGregor, 92, Q. May, Joseph William, 276, R. May, Kenneth Alfred, 65, Q. May, Vincent Alwyn, 298, P. Maybury, Neville Phillip, 51, H. Mayfield, Jessie Josephine, 176, 177, R. Mayfield, Mary Elizabeth, 19, Q. Mayfield, Victor Joseph, 176, Q. Mayger, Bruce Sydney, 58, Q. Mayhew, Ivan George, 19, Q. If ayman, Thomas John, 31, 355, Q. Mayman, William, 37, 127, Q. Maynard, Alfred Raymond, 213, Q. Maynard, Dorothy Lillian, 150, O. Maynard, Frank Charles, alias Monkey Maynard, 200, T. Maynard, Henry, 65, Q; 129, T; 383, Q. Maynard, Monkey, see Frank Charles Maynard. Maynard, Ruby, see Ruvina Maynard. Maynard, Ruvina, alias Ruby Maynard, 228, Q; 245, T. Mayne, Walter, 38, 45, Q. Mayo, Frank Albert, 92, Q. Maywald, Otto, 225, H. Maywald, William Arthur, 232, A; 236, Q; 366, T. Mazey, Harold Roy, 227, Q. Mazzarol, Eileen Florence Ann, 373, J. Mead, George Lidestone, 70, M. Mead, Patience Maud, 159, P. Mead, Stanley Herbert Joseph, Meadows, Herbert Allan, 92, Q. Ideaney, John Desmond, 315, Q. Meaney, Michael Edgar, 332-333, 64, 137, Q. R. xxxvii. Meehan, Keith Oscar, 239, F. Medealf, Morris (N.S.W.), 226, 241, I. Medcraft, Maxwell James, 165, M. Medhurst, Leslie Harold, 349, 390, Q. Medlin, George Edward, 332, R. Medlin, William Frank, 382, 389, I. Medlow, George, 257, 2 66, K. Medwell, Robert Edward William, 301, T. Meech., Harold Lewis, 268, Q. Meegan, Peter, 56, 69, I. Meehan, Ambrose, 79, 283, M. Meek, Clarence Henry, 18, L. Meekins, Edward, 53, Q; 139, T; 185, Q; 200, T; 206, Q; 253, T. Meers, Joseph Michael, 184, 324, Q. Megan, Kevin Charles (trading as Megan Motors), 16, G. Megan Motors, see Kevin Charles Megan. Meggins, James, 276, Q. Mehrtens, Lena Lucretia, 260, R. Miegel, Frederick William, 282, H. Meldrum, Raymond Clive, 219, Q. Meldrum, Robert Deane, 136, 143, I. Meldrum, Roy Stevenson, 330, U.I.; 397, I; 400, Q. Mellon, William James, 292, Q; 358, T. Melray, Edward, 37, O. Melville, Douglas Alexander, 190, Q. Melville, Sydney Roy, 78, H. Melvin, Lyall Kingsley, 10, F. Memson, Henry, 291, Q. Mendelssohn, see Doris Marrion Papadopoulos. Menhennet, Roy, 161, R. Menhennet, Vera Mary, see Vera Marie Milford. Mensforth, Esther, 144, O. Mensforth, William Charles, 289, J. Mental Defectives, private mental homes must be licensed, 369. Menz, Reginald Frank, 160, Q. Menz, W., & Co., Ltd., 120, 316 (2), 357, R. Menzel, see Martha Schahinga. Menzel, Edwin Richard, alias J. Lee, 144, Q; 146, T; 304, F. Mercer, Ernest Peter, aliases Ernest Robert Mercer, John Robert Smith, John Robert Brown,, Allen John Brown, 144, 191, Q; 214, S. Mercer, Ernest Robert, see Ernest Peter Mercer. Mercer, John Henry, see Henry John Mercer. Mercer, Henry John, otherwise John Henry Mercer, 19, Q; 222, T. Merchant, Clement Lawrence, 53, Q. Merrett, Clarence Arthur, see Clarence Arthur Merritt. Merrett, Daphne Olga, 383, R. Merrett, Eric Leslie, 290, M. Merrett, Walter William, 284, R. Merrifield, Donald, 338, J. Merrington, G., 283, 305, I. Merritt, Clarence, 346, 354, I. Merritt, Clarence Arthur, alias Merrett, 187, 319, F. Merritt, Clarence Lindsay, 73, S; 153, T; 399, Q. Merritt, Ivan Walter Thomas, alias Paddy Merritt, 151, Q. Merritt, Paddy, see Ivan Walter Thomas Merritt. Merritt, Ronald John, 58, Q. Merritt, Roy Henry, 107, Q; 162, T. Merritt, Valentine Lindsay, 197, Q. Messenger, Allan, 322, 330, J. Messenger, George, 356, Q. Messenger, Leonard Kingsley, 374, Q. Messenger, Sidney Boyd, 191, 198, Q; 214, S. Messenger, Walter James, 3, H. Messner, Clarence James, 71, R. Metcalf, Arthur Edward, 206, R. Metropolitan and Export Abattoirs Board, 86, R. Metropolitan Brick Manufacturers Ltd., 240, 248, G. Metro Studios, 381, H. Mewett, Elsie Wilhelmina, 399, R. Mewett, Murray Lawrence David William, 19, Q. Meyer, Dean Ralph, 5, R. Meyers, Alfred Henry, 152, Q. alias Myers, 172, H; 175, Q. Meyers, Florence Ruby, 361, H. Mezzatesta, Pasquale, otherwise Chairs De-Mayes, 307, Q. Mezzina, Sergio, 241, 257, I. Mezzino, Henry, 375, Q. Miatke, Brian, 325, Q. Michael, Allan John, 251, Q. Michael, Eric Raymond, 305, I. Michalanney, Thomas Alexander, 107, Q. Michell, George Wilfred, 407, Q. Michell, G. H., & Sons, Ltd., 37, R. Michelson, Erick Gunmar (Vic.), 395, 403, A. Mick (aborigine), 390, Q; 392, T. Middlebrook, Doris Ruby, 395, A. Middleton, Allen, 72, Q; 73, T. Middleton, E. (N.S.W.), 143, I. Middleton, Edgar Charles, 161, Q. Middleton, Edgar James, 152, Q. Midwinter, William Albert, 106, Q. Milburn, Brian Arthur, 59, Q; 191, R. Milburn, James, 13, Q. Milde, Malcolm Stanley, 383, R. Mildren, A. G. (N.S.W.), 305, 321, I. Mildren, Jack Peter, 251, Q. Mildren. Roy Stevenson, see Roy Stevenson Meldrum. Milera, Brian Victor, 66, Q. Meyers, EuniceMerle, xxxviii. INDEX. Milera, Douglas Gerald, 383, 407, Q. Milera, Herbert Richard (half-caste aborigine), 80, 315, Q• Milera, Milton Eli, 192, 341, T; 348, 375, Q. Miles, D. R. & S. W. Lucas ( trading as Are and Oxy-Welding Co.), 142, H. Miles, Ivy Alice, 87, R. Miles, Joyce, see Joyce Burtonclay. Miles, Kenneth George, 362, I. Milford, Vera Marie, alias Vera Mary Menhennet, 20, Q. Milfred, Fred, 90, H. Milich, Frederick, 239, 255, F. Milinch, Ronald, 198, Q. Militia Unit Betterment Fund, 126, R. Mill, Leslie George, 205, Mill, Norman Henry, alias Bluey Mills, 127, Q; 229, S. Millane, E. (N.S.W.), 43, I. Millane, Roy John, 195, 273, I ; 276, R. Millar, Alwyn Gordon, 354, J. Millar, Jessie, 53, Q. Millar, Stewart Charles James , 348, Q. Millard, Lance Alfred, 79, I. Millard, Ross, 225, H. Millen, John James, 93, Q. Miller, Albert William, 226, 258, M. Miller, Miller Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Alexander James, 124, I; 210, 216, 255, 273, F; Anderson Ltd., 29, Q; 211, J; 268, R. Arthur H., 256, I. Audry Joan, 299, 307, R. Cecil John Gordon, 88, Q. Clifford George, 45, Q. David Charles, 265, G. Eileen , 307, R. Ernest, 184, Q. Frederick Allan, 374, Q. Guy, 92, R. Jack Leonard, 71, Q. James Gordon, 304, H. John William, 314, 322, J. Nelson, 197, Q. 316, T. Miller, Robert John, 63, I. Miller, S. (Vic.), 196, 354, I. Miller, Stanley Charles, 73, T; 268, Q; 277, T; 340, Q; 401, T. Miller, Steve, 177, Q. Miller, Thomas Henry, 118, M. Miller, Thomas Patrick, 30, 184, Q. Miller, Victor, 374, Q. Miller, W. A. (N.S.W.), 69, 97, I. Miller, William Robert, 3, I. Miller's Lime, Ltd., 145, R. Millett, Robert Francis, 283, 290, K. Millhouse, Robert Gale George, 191,,Q. Millican, William Wesley, 380, 404, F. Milligan, John Thomas, 109, F. Millman, Harold Allen, 252, Q. Mills, Alfred Frederick George, aliases Professor Mills, Fuse Mills, 90, F. Mills, Bluey, see Norman Henry Mill. Mills, F. (Vic.), 149, 330, I. Mills, Frederick Keith, see Victor Clare Mills. Mills, Fuse, see Alfred Frederick George Mills. Mills, Hartley Lancelot, 167, Q. Mills, Howard Herbert DeLane, 160, R. Mills, I. B. (Vic.), 157, I. Mills, Kevin, 191, Q. Mills, Laurence, 376, Q. Mills, Professor, see Alfred Frederick George Mills. Mills, R. D. (Mrs.), 135, H. Mills, Victor Clare, aliases Walter James Mitchell, Charles James Atkins, Frederick Keith Mills, 276, Q; 388, F. Millsteed, Stanley Stirling, 188, I; 376, Q. Millswood Bowling Club, 26, G. Millswood Lawn Tennis Club, 315, R. Millwood, Henrietta Elizabeth, 226, 235, K. Milne, Elizabeth Doreen, 138, R. Milne, Murray, 251, Q. Milne, William, 377, T. Milson, William, 264, 380, F. Milton, Benjamin, 233, D. Milton, Henry, alias Mickey Mouse, 32, T; 44, Q; 66, T; 291, Q; 308, T. Milton, Joseph Henry, 298, M. Milton, Verna Aileen, 237, Q; 269, 300, S. Milton, William Thomas, 56, 240, F. Minahan, John Charles, 105, 143, I. Mincham, Frederick Mitchell, 120, Q. Mincham, Robert Edward, 127, Q. Minchin, Alfred Keith, 120, R. Minda Home Incorporated, 191, R. Minear, Leslie Stephen, 35, H. Minervina, Nicola, 375, Q. Minervini, Antonia, 349, Q. Mines, John Clelford, 268, Q; 301, S. Minnie (aborigine), 58, R. Minns, J. H. (Vic.), 63, I. Minsman, Hazel May, 105, I. Minton, M. E. (Vic. ), 63, I. Minyantinni (aborigine), 71, Q; 73, T. Misdell, W. J. (N.S.W.), 17, 35, I. Mitcham District Council, 197, R. Mitchel, Donald Clarence, 92, Q. Mitchell, see William John Ritchie. Mitchell, Allan Gordon, 243, Mitchell, Alvan Joseph, 6, Q; 16, F; 198, Q; 280, F. Mitchell, Arthur James, 80, R. Mitchell, Benjamin John, 13, 59, Q. Mitchell, C. H., & Sons, 17, H. Mitchell, David, 237, R. Mitchell, Francis John, 120, Q. Mitchell, George Alfred, 63, M. Mitchell, George Milne Darling, 195, G. Mitchell, Harry Thomas, alias Thomas Mitchell, 407, Q. Mitchell, Herbert Roy, 58, R. Mitchell, Ian David, 374, Q. Mitchell, James McDonald, 291, Q. Mitchell, John, & Sons, Ltd., 282, 288, H. Mitchell, John Alfred Maurice, 54, R. Mitchell, John Kay, 59, R. Mitchell, Joseph Alvan, 137, P. Mitchell, L., 196, M. Mitchell, Leonard, 190, Q. Mitchell, Malcolm Alan, 93, Q. Mitchell, Malcolm Alan, 142, H. Mitchell, M. E. ( man gave name of), see Edward Joseph Temple. Mitchell, Robert Harry, 398, R. Mitchell, Robert Raymond, 289, I. Mitchell, Ross, 243, Q. Mitchell, Spencer William, 282, I. Mitchell, Thomas, see Harry Thomas Mitchell. Mitchell, Thomas Grayson, 59, Q; 172, F. Mitchell, Walter James, see Victor Clare Mills. Mitchell, William Maxwell, 62, F. Mittiga, Guiseppe, 285, Q. Mittiga, Rocco, 284, Q. Mitton, Colin Ross, 285, Q; 358, T. Mitton, Douglas William, 164, H. Mitton, Gordon Herbert, 57, M. Mizon, Errol Alfred, 164, F. Mobbs, Doreen Mirabel, 58, R. Modern Metal Products Limited, 59, R. Modern Picture Co., 407, R. Modra, Gustav Edwin, 11, H. Modra, Leonard Gordon, 120, Q. Modystock, John Graham, 307, R. Moffat, Neil Gilchrist, 315, Q. Moffatt, Walter, 185 (2), R. Moir, David William, 399, Q. Moir, Gunner, see Thomas Moir. Moir, Thomas, alias Gunner Moir, 340, Q; 377, T. Molan, John Peter, 176, Q. Moldenhaeur, Lawrence Arthur Cyril, 159, Q. Molineux, Leslie, see Leslie John Molineux. Mo li neux, Leslie John, alias Leslie Molineux , 264, D. Molineux, Lillian, alias Gage, 46, Q. Mollard, M. F. (Vic.), 235, 241, I. Moller, Howard E., 355, R. Molliver, Banseon (N.S.W.), 405, H. Moloney, Aloysius John, 197, Q. Molyneux, Timothy John, 204, M. Momlant, see Francis Anthony Knox. Monash, J., see Allan Leonard Castle. Moncrief, T. W. (N.S.W.), 157, 189, I. Money Lenders Act, 1942, list of licences issued, 351. Monihan, Miss L., 117, H. Monjean, Louis, 289, 297, 1. Monkie, Glen, 353, I. Monks, Marie Gertrude, aliases Marie Robertson, Marie Dundas, 340, Q; 349, T. Monks, Reginald Keith Mills, 142, 167, R; 172, H. Monoghan, Alfred Edward (Vic.), 174, 182, I. Monoghan, Allen, 58, Q. Monten, Robert Bryant, 107, Q. Montgomerie, Alfred Ross, 323, Q. Montgomerie, Francis Cyril, 45, Q. Montgomery, Alan Roger, otherwise Gollen, 249, L. Montgomery, Edward Isaac, 204, 205, O. Mood, Mildred Lavina, 323, Q. Mood, Walter, 112, 138, Q; 152, T; 299, Q; 392, T. Moody, Frank Sylvia, 329, 346, I. Moore, see Roy Reginald Fenton. Moore, see Francis Horace Cave. Moore, Audrey Elice, 96, 216, F; 227, R. Moore, Brian Dudley, 324, Q. Moore, Charles, & Co., 46, 88, 152, 167, 190, 237, 355, R. Moore, Charles Joseph, 384, Q. Moore, Corinne Alice 151 Q. Moore, E., Ltd. (N.S.W.), 17, I. Moore, Elsie Joyce, 354, I. Moore, George Arthur, 268, R. Moore, George Douglas, 44, P. Moore, Hartley John, 90, 97, 241, 354, I. Moore, John, 145, R. Moore, John, 92, Q. Moore, John, 3, H. Moore, Kenneth Mervyn, 191, Q. Moore, Kenneth Roan, 237, Q. Moore, Leslie Gordon, 345, 353, F; 377, T. Moore, May Jensine, 227, R. Moore, Michael Edward, 125, 136, I. Moore, Mrs. Robert, 320, H. INDEX. Moore, Mrs. Thomas, 266, I. Moore, Richard Thomas, 60, 199, T. Moore, Winifred May, 87, R. Mootorowdi (aborigine), 71, Q; 81, T. Moran, Francis Owen, 149, 165, I. Moran, Patrick Francis, 217, 266, I. Moran, Thomas Gerald, 5, 151, 300, Q. Moran, William Henry, 161, Q; 199, T; 384, Q; 408, T. Moran & Cato, Ltd. (N.S.W.), 389, 397, I. Morcom, Annie Eliza, 30, R; 356, Q. Morcom, James Henry, 160, Q. Morcom, Minnie Pearl, 165, J. Mordaunt, Barry Stanley, 277, Q. Morelli, Marria, otherwise Maria Morrelli, 127, 356, Q; 408, T. Moretti, Ermengildo, 175, Q. Moretti, Felice, 175, Q. Morgan, Edgar Archibald James, 356 (2), R. Morgan, Edward Patrick, 145, R. Morgan, Elizabeth Matheson, 35, 43, I. Morgan, Glynn, aliases Brian Reid, Captain Ian Talbot, 160, Q; 169, T. Morgan, John Jeffrey, 28, M. Morgan, Joseph, 69, 85, I. Morgan, L. R. (Vic.), 204, I. Morgan, Marjorie, see Dorothy Murphy. Morgan, Roland Robert, see Rowland Robert Morgan. Morgan, Rowland Robert, aliases Roland Robert Morgan, George Jack Curtis, Thomas Jack Russell, 175, Q; 200, T. Morgan, Togney Sylver, see Anders Johnsen. Morish, Mrs. William James, 17, H. Moritz, Glen Stuart, 58, Q. Morley, Herbert Arthur, 257, I; 260, Q. Morley, Norman George, 337, I; 341, 399, Q. Morley, Norman Gordon, 59, Q. Moro, Bobi, see Bartolo Moro. Moro, Bartolo, alias Bobi Moro (Vic.), 120, Q. Moro, Speranzo (Vic.), 120, R. Moroney, Francis Jack, 69, 79, I. Moroney, James Joseph, 62, F. Moroney, Nora Josephine, 311, A. Morony, Douglas Joseph, 221, Q. Morphett, Alice Violet, 145, R. Morphett, George Cummings, 64, Q. Morrell, Cyril, 370, F. Morrell, Cyril Howard, 176, Q; 189, L. Morrell, Ruby, otherwise Ruby Murrell, 219, 227, 0. Morrelli, Maria, see Marria Morelli. Morris, Ann Hindmarsh, 150, J. Morris, Clifford Keith, 234, H; 237, Q. Morris, David Joseph, 376, T. Morris, David Kenneth, 99, Q. Morris, Edward Patrick, 165, I. Morris, Francis Joseph, 329 (2), G; 333, Q• Morris, John, 330, 338, I. Morris, Kenneth David, 303, 380, F. Morris, Leo, 60, R. Morris, Mary, 388, I. Morris, Mona Evelyn, 26, H. Morris, Murray Raymond, 157, I. Morris, Reginald John, 198, Q. Morris, Roy, 371, G. Morris, Rudolph Charles, alias Ronald Benton, 292, Q. Morris, Samuel, see Edward Joseph Temple. Morris, Stanley James Chivers Muir, see Stanley James Chivers Muir-Morris. Morris, Stanley Norman, 227, Q. Morris, Walter Elton, 17, I. Morris, William John, 404, F. Morrish, Keith, 233, D. Morrison, A. J. (N.S.W.), 17, 35, I. Morrison, Allan, alias Harold Morrison, 290, Q; 358, T. Morrison, Angus, 383, Q. Morrison, Claude Duncan, 46, 138, Q. Morrison, Donald Alexander (estate of), 119, R. Morrison, Donald Lindsay, 320, H; 323, Q. Morrison, Edith Yvonne, see Edith Yvonne Cherry. Morrison, James, 398, Q; 408, T. Morrison, J. F. (N.S.W.), 249, 274, I. Morrison, John, 347, O. Morrison, John Elliott, 274, 284, O. Morrison, Murray John, 375, Q. Morrison, R. J. (Vic.), 322, 330, I. Morrison, S. (N.S.W.), 241, 249, I. Morrison, Vincent Aloysius, 74, T. Morrison, Vincent John, 157, J. Morrison, Walter Norman, 332, Q. Morriss, Harry Trevor, 59, Q. Morrissy, John Dominic Patrick, 5, Q; 66, T; 79, 157, I. Morrow, Henry, 216, T. Mortimer, Edward Alfred, 374, Q. Mortimer, Jean Eleanore, 72, R. Mortimer, Raymond Jack, 58, R. Mortimer, Rex Murray, 364, Q. Mortimer, William John, 388, 396, H. Morton, Andrew Thomas, 284, Q. Morton, David, 71, 126, Q. Morton, John Smith, 60, Q. Morton, Robert, 68, F. Mosely, Isabelle Mary, 259, Q. Moses, Mary Kathleen, 30, R. xxxix. Moss, Glen William, known as Organ, 19, Q; 202, D. Moss, Ian Maxwell, 283, J. Moten, John, 110, I. Motley, Mebin Powell, 297, 313, I. Motor driver's licence missing, 231. Motor number plates missing, 1, 55, 193, 215, 295. Motor Parts and Services Limited, 138, R. Motor registration discs missing, 1, 15, 41, 49, 55, 61, 67, 83, 89, 103, 109, 115, 123, 134, 155, 163, 171, 180, 187, 193, 20 1, 215, 231, 239, 247, 263, 279, 287, 295, 303, 311, 319, 335, 344, 359, 369, 379, 387, 395, 404. Motor traders' plates missing, 41, 83, 89, 123, 155, 163, 171, 231. Mott, Frederick Augustus Roy, 50, F; 100, T. Mott, Lionel Alfred, 127, Q; 128, T. Mould, Gwendoline May, 305, 361, H. Moulden, Howard Meredith, 116, 117, G. Moule, see Roy Norman Wilson. Moule, Shirley Marjorie, 237, R. Mount Carmel Girls' School, 374, R. Mount Gambier Agricultural Society, 93, R. Mountjoy, Edgar (Vie.), 395, A. Mouse, Mickey, see Henry Milton. Mowbray, Robert James, 119, Q; 169, T. Moyes, Mary Harrison, 104, 124, H. Moyle, Alfred Harold, 37, Q. Moyle, Cyril Arthur Walter, 389, 397, I. Moyle, Ivan Ambrose Harold, 137, Q. Moyle, John Lacey, 220, Q. Moynaham, Maurice John, 357, O. Moyse, George Irving, 390, Q. Moyses, Clarence Alfred Malcolm, 198, Q• Muckestone, William, 240, H. Mudie, see Frank Harold Barndon. Muecke & Co., H., 257, I. Muecke, Douglas Colin, 4, I. Mueller, Arthur James, 29, R. Muirhead, David Robb, 144, Q. Muir-Morris, Stanley James Chivers, 283, 289, J. Muirson, Ethel May, 66, Q. Muirson, Hector Francis, 66, Q. Muldoon, Roy Stanley, 56, I. Muldoon, Thomas Henry, 374, P. Mules, Joyce Dorothy, 357, Q. Mulga Jack, see John Lee. Mulhall, Kevin Joseph, 399, Q. Mulhlan, Herbert Henry, 241, 249, I. Mullane, John, 216, F. Mullen, Frederick John, 228, Q. Mullen, Robert Arthur James, 220, Q. Mullens, see Thomas Nicholas Patrick Mullins. Muller, Rufus William, 211, 225, I. Muller, Wilbur Ferguson, 157, I. Muller, William Henry, 65, Q. Mullighan, Clyde, 119, Q. Mullighan, Edith Ivy, 160, R. Mullins, Frank Malcolm, 184, Q. Mullins, Hugh Ben Martin, 92, R. Mullins, Patrick, see Patrick Maxine Lumley. Mullins, Thomas Nicholas Patrick, aliases Cooper, Mason, Mullens, 14, T. Mulqueen, J. (Vie.), 305, 322, I.. Mummery, Dorothy Jean, 373, J. Munce, Raymond John Philip, 52, Q. Munday, Frank Maxwell, 391, Q. Mundy, Colin Alwyne, 340, Q. Mundy, Daniel, 213, Q. Mundy, David Harold, 328, F. Mundy, James Henry, 20, R. Mundy, John Gault, aliases Williams, Day, 14, T. Mundy, William James, 256, I. Mundy, William John, 11, H; 175, Q. Mungi (aborigine), 58, R. Municipal Golf Links, 374, R. Municipal Tramways Trust, 268, R; 284, P. Munn, Frederick Gerald, 397, I. Munn, Noel Lancelot Sanderson, 88, R. Munro, A. (N.S.W.), 226, 372, I. Munro, Andrew James, 218, 226, I. Munro, C. V. (N.S.W.), 172, I. Munro, James, see John Agnew. Munro, R. E. (Vic.), 105, 226, I. Munro, Walter Frederick, 59, Q; 93, T. Munro, William Duncan, 174, 182, M. Munt, Colin James, see Colin James Lake. Munton, Ethel Caroline Elizabeth, 203, H. Murch, Cecil Arthur, 348, Q. Murchison, Stanley, 34, 42, F. Murdoch, Gordon, 328, F. Murdoch, Terence Francis, 258, M. Murdock, Daniel, 84, G. Murdock, Sylvia Sarah, 313, 314, J. Murphy, see Daniel Mann. Murphy, Arthur Joseph, 306, M. Murphy, Conny, 32, 346, I. Murphy, David John, 80, Q. Murphy, Dorothy, aliases Dorothy Christina Hillier, Mildred Harris, Marjorie Morgan, 220, Q; 229, T. Murphy, James Henry, 30, R. Murphy, John Aubrey, 164, F. X1. INDEX. Murphy, John Harry, see John Henry Cuell. Murphy, John Howie, see John Henry Cuell. Murphy, John James, see John Henry Cuell. Murphy, John Patrick, 150, M. Murphy, John William, 329, H. Murphy, Kevin Lawrence, 323, Al. Murphy, Leon, 268, 316, Q; 380, F. Murphy, Patrick, 47, T. Murphy, Rex, 191, Q. Murphy, Rex Douglas, 175, Q. Murphy, S., 158, M. Murphy, Stanley Claude, 64, Q. Murphy, Thomas, 380, F. Murphy, William Patrick, 25, 56, 62, 68, 84, 164, F. Murray, Alexander, 245, Q; 245, T. Murray, Bob, see Thomas Costigan. Murray, Clarence Peter, 34, 96, F. Murray, David Andrew, 347, 0. Murray, Mrs. Donald, 189, 196, J. Murray, Ernest Andrew, 65, Q. Murray, Ernest William, 120, Q. Murray, Jack Tinline, 159, R. Murray, John Patrick, aliases John Patrick Maloney, 112, Q; 128, T; 250, 285, Q; 285, 334, T. Murray, Leslie James, 160, R. Murray, Lucy Elsie, 120, R. Murray, Margaret I. (Miss), 106, 143, K. Murray, Margaret Louise, 51, H. Murray, W. L. (N.S.W.), 337, 346, I. Murray, William Patterson, 99, Q. Murray-Smith, Bruce, 105, I. Murraywongunah, Willie, 53, Q; 82, T. Murrell, Jack Cyril, 357, Q. Murrell, Roy Gladstone, 227, Q; 358, T; 383, Q. Murrell, Ruby, see Ruby Morrell. Murrie, Melville, 100, Q. Murton, Elliott Clarke, 300, Q. Murton, Robert Haig, 5, Q. Muscaria, Rocca, 87, Q. Musgrave, D. (N.S.W.), 321, 330, I. Musman, Ernest Alfred, 183, Q. Mustart, Alfred, 27, 43, I. Mutooroo Pastoral Company, 227, R. Mutual Store Limited (Vic.), 202, G. Muxlow, Muriel, 64, 70, 0. Myatt, Albert James, 244, R. Myer Emporium (S.A.) Ltd., 13, 20, 37, 38, 53, 65, 81, 92, 93, 112, 127, 144, 152, R; 172, H; 190, 220, 227, 237, (3), 244 (2), 268, 276 (2), 291, 300, 323, 355, 374, 380, 391 (2), R. Myers, Ernest Frederick, 84, F. Myers, Eunice Merle, see Eunice Merle Meyers. Myers, Herbert Charles, 185, R. Myerson Tailors (George Henry Kelsell Varden, proprietor). 172, H. Myhill, Harry Walter, 167, Q; 199, S. Myhill, Robert, 320, H. Myles, George Foggs, 59, Q; 82, T. N Nagel, Daphne Joyce, 123, 134, D. Nagel, Norman John, 141, F. Nagel, Roy Frederick, 339, Q. Naisworth, James Hamilton, 400, Q. Najar, Joseph, 157, J. Nankervis, William Louis Murray, 39, T. Nalis, Tihomir, 163, 233, A. Nalty, Charles Edward, aliases Gerald Nalty, Jerry Nalty, 168, T. Nalty, Claude Hornick, see Claude Hornick Naulty. Nalty, Gerald, see Charles Edward Nalty. Nalty, Jerry, see Charles Edward Nalty. Nancarrow, Allan Albyn, 284, P. Napoleon Hotel Limited, 300, R. Napoli, Dominico, 176, Q. Nash, Joseph William, 336, 361, F. Nash, Norman Arthur, 212, M. Nash, Phillip, 138, Q. Nash, Thomas Charles, 356, Q. Nathan, Albert Edwin, 405, H. Nathan, Beresford Vivian, 42, H; 46, Q; 173, I; 177, 221, Q. Nathan, Dorothy, gazetted as Dorothy Mathan, 55, D; 68, F. Nathan, Jean Patricia, 42, H ; 46, Q ; 52, 0. Nathan, Moses Montefiore, 181, H. National Agencies Company (N.S.W. and Port Adelaide), 405, H. National Pleasure Resorts, 329, H. National Press Proprietary Limited, 236, R. National Radio Corporation, 26, H. Natt, Clarence Noel, 16, 50,, 68, 104, F. Naulty, Claude Hornick, alias Claude Hornick Nalty, 177, Q; 214, T. Naulty, Maxwell Henry, 56, 90, I. Navola, see Jacob Nevola. Nayda, Kevin John, 237, Q; 301, S; 409, T. Naylor, David George Lamberton, 112, Q ; 174, I; 176, 177, Q. Naylor, James Daniel Lawrence, 5, 57, 0. Neale, Coral Winifred, 161, R. Neary, Edward, 123, F. Neary, William Joseph, 314, 331, M. Needham, Geoffrey Rowland, 119, Q. Negrelo, Guilio, 299, Q. Neideck, Adolph Otto, 175, Q; 190, P; 214, S. Neill, John Ross, 198, Q. Neilson, August, 71, Q. Neilson, Oliver J., & Co., Ltd., 188, 240, H; 243, R. Nejaim, Alick, 142, H. Nell, Constance Ethel Gladys, 291, R. Nelson, Albert Ernest, 216, F. Nelson, Archibald John Alexander, 198, R. Nelson, Charles, see Patrick Joseph Cull. Nelson, Charles Edward, 227, Q; 234, U.H., U.I.; 248, H; 248 (2), I; 252 (3), Q; 293, T; 321, I; 324, Q. Nelson, Doris Gwendoline, 357, Q. Nelson, Edward Charles, 307, 357, Q. Nelson, Francis Quinton, 198, Q; 214, S. Nelson, Frederick Alderman, 256, 265, G. Nelson, George, 125, I. Nelson, Jack, 375, Nelson, John, 84, F ; 400, Q. Nelson, John Edward, 227, Q. Nelson, Nikkolai Martin, 275, Q. Neon, Claude, Ltd. (N.S.W.), 105, 136, I. Nestor, Ruth, 18, J. Nethercott, Thomas Gordon, 53, R. Nettoon, Thomas, alias Tommy Nettoon (half-caste aborigine), 20, Q; 22, T; 58 (2), 64, Q; 120, T;! 213, 243, Q; 311, 328, F; 332, 3 40, 357, Q; 366, 404, F. Neuda, Johann Gottlieb, 81, R. Neville, see Jacob Nevola. Neville, Albert George, 198, Q. Neville, E. (N.S.W.), 35, 43, I. Neville, Ernest Alfred, 37, Q. Neville, Eva Florence, 198, Q. Nevola, Jacob, aliases Neville, Navola, 45, 71, Q. Newbold, Bruce Gordon, 283, K. Newbold, Garth Denby, 35, 135, H. Newbound, Clarence Andrew, 151, Q. Newbound, George, 127, Q. Newbound, Thomas James, 137, Q. Newbury, Albert, 168, R. Newchurch, Max, 267, Q; 311, 320, F. Newchurch, Ronald Glen (half-caste aborigine), 315, Q. Newchurch, Thomas Henry, 279, 287, A; 333, Q. Newchurch, Tommy, 89, 116, F. Newell, James Worthington, aliases Alan Ivan Ward Hunt, Alan Ward Hunt, Dennis Patrick Donovan, Commander Ward Hunt, Arthur Hunt, 343, A. Newitt, William Herbert, 391, Q. Newland, Frank, 210, 240, F. Newland, Lady, 19, R. Newlands, Douglas Stewart, 408, R. Newlands, Joan Marjorie, 126, Q; 185, S; 316, T. Newman, Albert Henry, 339, P. Newman, Charles (N.S.W.), see William August Herman Haseley. Newman, Charles, 4, I. Newman, James George, 374, Q. Newman, John Edward, 224, F. Newman, Ruby Violet, 150, R. Newman, William Harold, 68, G. New South Wales Government (Education Department), 217, 361, G. New South Wales Police Department, 211, I. New South Wales Police and Golf Clubs, 26, H. Newton, see James Henry Foot. Newton, see Frederick George Penfold. Newton, Albert John, 228, Q; 269, S. Newton, Albert Ross, 14, T. Newton, John William, 61, F. Newton, John William Christian, 45, Q. Newton, McLaren, Ltd., 307, R. Newton, Thomas Michael, 346, 372, I. Newton, William Robert, 324, Q. New Zealand Tom, see Thomas Georgesen. Nichol, E. (N.S.W.), 97, I. Nicholas, Anthoney, 19, Q. Nicholas, Cecil David, 72, Q. Nicholas, Con, see Con Jack Angelo. Nicholas, Harry, see John Omar. Nicholls, Alan, 79, M. Nicholls, Douglas Dryden, 243, Q. Nicholls, Henry Herschel, 62, H. Nicholls, Horace Charles, 234, I. Nicholls, Maurice James, 106, Q; 264, F. Nicholls, Peter William, 113, Q. Nicholls, Ray Hewett, 165, M. Nicholls, Reginald, 332, Q. Nicholls, Roger Bakewell, 156, I. Nicholls, Vivien, 257, 266, I. Nichols, Frederick Thomas, 18, Q. Nichols, Walter Bailey, 3,32, 383, Q. Nicholson, Cecil, 168, Q. Nicholson, George, 61, F; 357, Q; 380, F; 384, Q. Nicholson, Minnie Ludivinia, 98, 112, 0. Nickels, Irene Mavis, nee Smith, 106, 144, 0. Nickolas, Benjamin, 313, H. Nickolis, Frederick Roy. 224, F. 333, INDEX. _Nicoladies, George, 181, 195, I. Nicolai, Roland, 4, J. Niehus, Kevin Frederick, 77, 83, D; 250, 315, Q. -Nielson, Wasley Mervin, 90, 97, I. Nihill, Thomas Patrick, 250, R. Nile, George, see George William Bethel. Nilpena Pastoral Co., 251, R. Nilsen, Tallak, 197, 219, 0. Nimmo, William George, 83, 187, F; 260, T; 311, F. Nisbet, Margaret Louise, 93, B. Nisbett, Maxwell George, 299, Q. Nitschke, Adolph Hermann, 128, R. Nitschke, Carl Hermann, 364, Q. Nitschke, Clarence Leslie, 290, 355, M. Nitschke, Emil Ernst, alias John Ernest Stevens, 37, Q. Nitschke, Johann Berthold, 206, Q. Nitschke, Rupert Ewald, 332, Q. Nittos, Mick, 86, R. Niven, R. S., 165, 211, I. Noarlunga Sand Company Limited, 227, R. Nobbs, Jack Eglington, 144, R. Noble, David, 119, R. Noble, Frank Ross, 65, Q. Noble, Gordon Eustis, 30, R. Noble, Howard, 292, Q. Noble, Maxwell John, 308, Q. Noblet, Gordon Alfred, 11, 17, I. Noblett, Ray Wilfred, 128, R. Nock, Joan, 322, J. Noel, Raymond Sydney, 156, I. Nolan, Colin Timothy, 30, Q. Nolan, Dennis Joseph, 314, 322, K; 353, H. Nolan, Gwendoline Joyce, 287, 295, 3,03, D. Nolan, James, 103, 280, 312, F; 315, Q. Nolan, Raymond Charles, 99, Q. Noonan, John, 37, Q. Norley, John Alfred, 21, S. Norman, see Irene Melda Radford. Norman, Ernest Arthur Levi, jun., 20, Q. Norman, George, alias Norman Stirling, 344, E. Norman, Herbert Arthur, 292, Q. Norman, Howard Jarvis, 312, G. Norman, Keith Oliver, 117, H. Norman, Miss, 312, G. Norman, Rupert, 175, Q. Norman, William Ashby, 357, R. Norrie, William Allen, 227, Q; 260, T. Norris, Clifford Grenville, 177, Q. Norris, D. R., 79, 289, I. Norris, Edward Thomas, 384, Q. Norris, George Francis, 99, Q; 239, 404, F. Norris, R. H. (N.S.W.), 43, 289, I. Norris, Walter Francis, 282, 337, H. Norris, William, 256, 282, I. North, Alec George, 19, Q. North, Alfred Percival, 281, 320, H. North British Insurance Co., 282, H. North, Dr. I., 389, 398, K. North, Martin Clarence, 372, I. North, Roma Dorothy, 117, H. North, William John, 205, Q; 229, T; 353, 380, F. Northcott, Arthur Charles, 151, 300, Q. Northeott, Gordon Leslie, 297,305,I. Northcott, John Henry, 198, Q. Northover, Albert Edward, 324, Q. Norton, Bert, 41, F. Norton, Charles Arthur, see Colin Stewart Norton, Clifford Bright, 381, H. Norton, Frank, see Frank Dawson. Norton, James, see Douglas Harry Black. Norton, James Clarence, 34, 42, F. Noske, Stanley Herbert, 160, R. Nottage, Norman George, 399, Q. -Nottle, Brian William Thew, 107, Q. Nottle, William Henry, 241, 273, I. Nosworthy, David Albert, 274, K. Nourse, John Richard, .35, 43, I. Noye, Thomas Virgil, 195, H. Nugent, Hyrtle Thomas, 268, R. Nugent, Imelda, 123, F. Nunan, William Henry, 181, 188, H. Nunn, Robert Charles, 198, Q. Nussio, Leslie, 221, R. 198, Q. Nyberg, Myrtle Florence, Nykiel, David, 237, R. 288, H. Nykiel, John Joseph, 176, Q. 0 Oaklands, Clifford Raymond, 398, 0. Oakley, Nellie, 42, 62, G. Oates, Eugene Mostyn, 333, Q. `Oakley, Edward Harold, 372, I. Oats & Henstridge, see Cecil George Oats. Oats, Cecil George (trading as Oats & Henstridge), Oats, Lieutenant, 57, J. Oatway, Albert Edward, F 172, F. O'Brien , Stewart , see Francis O'Brien. O'Brien, Stuart , see Francis O'Brien. O'Brien, Thomas, 92, Q. O'Brien, Violet Alice , 105, 124, I. O'Brien, William , see Patrick John Clancy. O'Brien , William Edward ,. 248, 266, I. Obst, Carl Rudolph , 68, 77, F. Obst , Hugo Albert, 228, Q. O'Callaghan , M., 17, H. O'Callighan , Henry Frank , 266, 274, I. O'Connell , Hector John, 182, 250, M. O'Connell , Joseph Lawrence, 324, Q. O'Connell , Leo William, 291, Q. O'Connell, Matthew, alias Matthew Joseph O 'Connell, 259, Q; 304, F; 315, Q; 353, F. O'Connell, Matthew Joseph, see Matthew O'Connell, Ronald Desmond, 221, Q. O'Connell, Thomas, 370, 388, 396, F. O'Connor, Audrey Irene, 31, R. O'Connor, Kevin Cyril, 196, M. O'Connor, Lawrence Raymond, alias Pat 247, 255, F; 287, 303, D. O'Connor, Lillian, 68, H. O'Connor, Maureen, 227, 242, 0. O'Connor, O'Connor, 99, R. Pat, see Lawrence Reginald, 110, F. O'Connell. O'Connor, Margaret Joan 199, Q; Raymond O'Connor. O'Dare, Jack, 291, Q. O'Day, see Frederick Arthur Wilkes. O'Dea, John Leonard, 282, I. O'Dea, Ronald James, 72, 99, R. Odgers, Harold Harvie, 364, Q. O'Donaghue, Jeremiah Michael, 58, Q. O'Donnell, Albert Bert, 334, T. O'Donnell, Albert George, aliases Bert O'Donnell, O'Donnell, 194, F; 243, Q; 334, T; 374, 384, Q. F. 3,041 Num, Sydney Glen, 167, P. Nussio, Narciso, Oatway , Charles Alexander, 355, Q. Oberman, Edward, 53, R. O'Brien, see Leslie Cyril Aspinall. O'Brien, see Thomas John Farrell. O'Brien, Brian Gerald ( N.S.W.), 10, E. O'Brien, Con, see James Horace Livingstone. O'Brien, Daniel , see Edward Kelly. O'Brien, Francis , aliases George Francis O 'Brien, George Patrick O'Brien , George Patrick Baker, Stewart O'Brien, Ralph O'Brien , Stewart Frederick Baker, Hughes Baker , Stuart O'Brien, Frederick Markes, Patrick Shamus Obrien, 228, Q. O'Brien, Francis George, 113, T. O'Brien, George Francis, see Francis O'Brien. O'Brien , George Patrick , see Francis O'Brien. O'Brien, John, 55, 68, F. O'Brien, John Francis , 217, I. O'Brien, John Matthew ( Vic.), 141, 147, E. O'Brien , Keith Roslin , 365, Q. O'Brien , Keith Rosman , 236, Q. O'Brien , Lawrence John, aliases Lawrence Les li e John O'Brien , William Biggs, John McPherson , William Ball, 6, 13, Q; 129, T. O'Brien , Lawrence Leslie John , see Lawrence John O ' Brien. O'Brien, Maxwell Daniel Tate, 71, R; 397, I. O'Brien, Patrick Shamus, see Francis O'Brien. O'Brien , Ralph, see Francis O'Brien. O'Brien, Ronald , 295, 311, C. O'Donnell, Turnbull. xli. (aborigine), 233, F; Shiner 236, 243, Q; O'Donnell, Richard Patrick, 188, I. O'Donnell, Shiner, see Albert George O'Donnell. O'Donnell, Thomas Joseph, 81, 364, Q. O'Donoghue, Patricia, 104, 143, I. Oehlrich, Frederick Godfrey, alias Frederick Gotfried Oehlrick, 113, T. Oehlrich, John Herbert, alias John Albert Oehlrich, 291, Q; 366, T. Oehlrick, Frederick Gotfried, see Frederick Godfrey Oehlrich. Oehme, Raymond Harold, 4, 18, I. O'Flahertie, Albert Lamont, otherwise Herbert Lamont O'Flahertie, 281, F; 349, T. O'Flahertie, Herbert Lamont, see Albert Lamont O'Flahertie. O'Flaherty, Thomas George, 298, 398, M. Ogawa, Yohooh, 128, Q. Ogg, John, 96, F. O'Grady, Patrick, see John Sullivan. O'Keefe, Cornelius Patrick, 37.3, P. O'Keefe, Frank, see Francis O'Keefe. O'Keefe, Francis, alias Frank O'Keefe, 114, T. O'Keefe, Thomas, 114, T. O'Keefe, W. J. (Vie.), 182, I. Okely, Maurice Patrick, 289, I. Oldman, Donald Mervin, 167, Q. Olds, Sylvester Philip, 252, R. O'Leary, Austin, 159, Q. O'Leary, John, 120, 365, Q. O'Leary, John William, 79, L. O'Leary, William Michael, 63, 69, I. Oliver, Frederick, 281, H. Oliver, Ernest Henry, 344, F. Oliver, Jack Alfred, 298, R. Oliver, Reginald, 4, 17, I. Oliver, William James, 86, Q. Oliver, Winifred, 35, H. Olley, Clifford Arthur, 69, J. O'Loughlin, Anthony Michael, 31, Q. INDEX. O'Loughlin, Pagett, John Terrence, 124, I. O'Loughlin, Oswald Huntley, 54, 160, Q; 199, S; O'Loughlin, Private, 400, R. O'Loughlin, Ronald Keith, 328, F; 331, O. Olsen, see Frank Dawson. Olsen, Carl Englerg, 230, T. Robert Lawrence Ignatius, 244, Q; 269, S; 367, T. Thomas Daniel, 138, Q. O'Malley, Thomas Francis, 92, 197, Q. O'Mally, Francis Kevin, 276, R. Omar, John, aliases Harry Nicholas, J. 270y T. Thomas, J. Wilson, Omond, E. D., 149, H. Onn, Dulcie Hilda Maude, 306, 339, O'Neil, Mrs. M. (Vic.), 4, 27, I. O'Neill, Francis Bernard, 256, H; O'Neill, J., 4, 125, I. O'Neill, John, 383, R. O'Neill, Joseph, 92, Q; 100, T. O'Neill, Philip James, 399, Q. O'Neill, W. (Vic.), 63, I. O. 332, R. O'Niell, Sydney Ernest (Qid.), 330, 338, U.I. Optical Prescriptions Pty. Limited (Vic.), 296, G. Orange Top Cab Company (N.S.W.), 148, G. Orchard, Jack William, 191, Orchard, Robert Howard, 156, I. Orchard, Thomas Henry, 219, 259, Q. O'Reilly, see Norman Wilson. O'Reilly, Frederick George Graham, 220, R. O'Reilly, James, 259, R. O'Reilly, O'Reilly, James, 288, H; 290, K; 296, H; 298, K; 364, 383, R. Lawrence Dominic, 259, 356, Q. O',Reilly, L. E., .363, 398, M. Organ, see Glen William Moss. Ormsby, Frank, 299, Q. Ormsby, John Thomas, 161, Q. Orr, Albert Henry, 289, 329, I; Orr, Andrew Isaac, 374, Q. 332, R. Orr, Edward John Keith, 85, 91, M. Orr, John Douglas, 382, M. Orr, John Wallace, 390, M. Orr, Robert Malcolm, 376, Q; 380, 392, T. Orr, William Somerville, 239, F. Ortlepp, Eric Conrad, 78, H. Osborn, Eugene Albert, 90, I. Osborne, Allen Joseph, 332, Q. Osborne, Joseph Ronald, 333, 374, 407, Q. Osborne, Percy William, 159, Q. Osborne, Robert Alexander Forbes, 406, J. Osborne, William David, .320, 330, 337, 338, I. O'Shannessey, G. W., 4, M. O'Shea, Peter (N.S.W.), 372, H. Osmond, Ellis George, 116, 216, F. O'Sullivan, Dawn, 125, J. O'Sullivan, Kathleen Philomena, 73, S. O'Sullivan, Lionel Barry, 333, T. O'Sullivan, Lionel Patrick, 347, M. O'Sullivan, Michael James, 329, H. Oswald, Cameron Bruce, 112, Q; 176, R. Oswald, Ethel Dorothy, 202, F. Othen, Reginald George, 406, I. O'Toole, John Murray, 315, Q. O'Toole, Leo Bernard, 307, Q. O'Toole, Martin John, 408, Q. Ough, Doris, 237, R. Overall, Malcolm A., 18, I. Overton, Claude Penson, 100, Q. Overton Kenneth Paul, 113, 137, Q. Ottaway, Charles Weir, 376, R. Owen, Leslie Alan, 65, Q. Owen, Noel Buckinall, 406, J. Owen, Peter, 322, M. Owens, Francis James, 2, F. Ownsworth, Merle, 36, O. Oxlade, Carrie, 78, H. Ozone Theatres Ltd., 46, 92, 145, 160, R; 217, 248, G; 250, R. Pacific By-Products (Vie.), Packer, Colin, 80, Q. P 85, I. Packer, F. R., 51, H. Paddick, Hazel Dorreen, 276, R. Paddick, John Henry, 267, Q. Paddick, Leonard Ralph, 267, Q. Paddon, Bernice E., 210, H. Paddy (aborigine), 71, 80, Q; 81, 88, T. Padick, Frederica, 52, Q; 81, T. Paech, Clarence Walter, 38, Q. Paech, Nance Respaulle, 381, H. Page, Jack Edmund Thomas, 62, H. Page, John Thomas, 112, R; 168, Paget, Kenneth George, 236, 341, Q. Joseph 87, Malcolm, Lawrence, Burns, Q. 100, aliases Robert Johnson, Palmer, K. A. (Vic.), Anthony Pianta,, 391, Q; 408, T. Palamountain, Lenora R., 389, J. Paley, Jack Howard, alias John Howard, Pallier, Leonard George, 299, Q. Palmer, see Charles Lewis (N.S.W.). Palmer, Edward Herbert, 20, Q. Palmer, J. V., Limited, 376, R. Palmer, James, 392, T. Palmer, James Andrew, 388, I. 173, H. Olsen, Charles, see Carl Wilhelm Christiansen. Olsen, Christian, see Carl Wilhelm Christiansen. Olsen, Edmund Charles, 57, 63, I. Olsen, John, 95, 115, A. Olympic Swimming Pool, 167, R. O'Malley, Frank, 70, Q. O'Malley, O'Malley, Kenneth, Paine, Lawrence Painter, Robert 230, T. 149, 182, I. Palmer, Kenneth Breeze, alias Pengilly, 3, G; 5, Q; 21, S. Palmer, Myra Lorraine, 117, 125, I. Panagioto, John, 371, H. Panagos, George, 375, R. Panagou, Demetrious, 166, 314, N. Panero, Francesco, otherwise Frank Paneros, 112, Q; 146, T.. Paneros, Frank, see Francesco Panero. Pannack, Enid Margaret, 2, 164, 184, F. Pannack, Heinrich Ernst, 88, R. Panos, Eliza Ellen, 72, Q. Panos, Peter, 72, Q; 121, T. Panovic, Marijan, 176, Q; 207, T. Panton, Henry Walter, 388, I. Papaconstantis, Panaghis, 158, 258, N. aliases Doris Slater, Mendelssohn, Papadopoulos, Doris Marion, Papadoopoulos, Phocian, 99, Q. Papagni, Andrea, 245, Q. Paparella, Michele, 65, Paparelli, Frank, 405, Papastamatis, John, 323,H. Q. Pappinburra Bill, see Walter Saari. Parageorgeu, Yvonne, 44, Q. Parasiers, Isidore Henry, 19, 348, R. Parbs, Frank Ernest, 38, Q. Parham, Arthur Oliver Gene, 66, 87, Q. Parham, James Llewelyn, 315, Q; 321, I. Parianis, Nick, 52, Q. Paris, Leonard Arthur, 225, 234, I. Park, Andrew Irvine Cuthbert, 222, T; 237, 292, Q; Park, James Robertson, 13, 71, Q. Park, John Henry, 27, I. Park, William Walter, 306, 382, M. Parke Davis Limited (N.S.W.), Parker, A. J., 151, R. 349, T. 330, 372, I. Parker, Albert James, alias Boy Parker, 227, Q. Parker, Boy, see Albert James Parker. Parker Bros., 331, R; 405, H. Parker, Colin James, 59, Q. Parker, Cyril Albert, 188, H. Parker, Cyril George, see Leslie George Potter. Parker, F. E. (Vic.), 143, 150, I. Parker, Hugh Allen, 363, K. Parker, Hugh Anthony, aliases Terrible Hughie, Edward Tregenza, Conaghan, 153, 229, T. Parker, J. O. (Vie.), 289, I. Parker, John, see Colin Melnness. Parker, Ralph Filmore, 233, G. Parker, Richard, see Richard Ludwig Karl Hans Schmidt. Parker, Ronald Leonard, see Ronald Ball. Parker, William George, 180, 187, F. Parker-Smith, Harold, 199, S. Parkin, T. (N.S.W.), 330, I. Parkinson, Ella Victoria, 13, R. Parkside Bowling Club, 96, G. Parkyn, Lancelot Frederick, 66, 168, Q. Parkyn, Lionel Lewis, 164, 194, F. Parlett, T. H., 382, M. Parnell, Mrs., see Kathleen Worrall. Parrish, William Thomas, 397, I. Parry, Herbert Richard, 116, F; 190, Q; 277, T. Parsons, Arthur Angus, 30y Q. Parson, C. J. (Vic.), 27, 51, I. Parsons, Donald Stair Kerr, 323, Q. Parsons, Harry, 274, 297, 382, I. Parsons, Keith (Vic.), 338, I. Parsons, R., see Spencer Hotel. Parsons, Rex Bronte, 285, Q. Parsons, R. S. (Vic.), 63, 98, I. Parsons, Reginald Daniel Clancy, 308, T. Parsons, Robert John, 63, I. Partington, Frank Arthur, 364, R. Partington, Oliver William, 20, Q. Partridge, B. (N.S.W.), 143, I. Partridge,, Bassett Collin, 51, 125, I. Partridge, Henry, 137, Q. Pasche, Wilfred Albert, 59, Q. Pascoe, Kenneth S., 241, 249, I. Pascoe, Leslie Henwood, 87, Pascoe, William Herbert, 383, P. Pasfield, Hilton James, 274, M. Paske, P. (N.S.W.), 35, 43, I. Paterson, A. M., see Unley Park Sports Club. Paterson, Alfred Ernest, 220, Q. Paterson, Alfred Roy, 220, Q. Paterson, G. (Vic.), 79, I. Paterson, G. G., 320, H. Paterson, Lottie Jane, 104, 111, I. INDEX. Paterson, Margarette, 398, K. Paterson, Robert Leslie, 210, F; 220, Q. Paterson, William Gladstone Harold, 220, R. Paterson, William Westall, 268, Q. Patrikeos, George Peter, 251, Q. Patritti, Nella Giovonna, 53, Q. Patten, Mabel, 256, I. Patterson, Charles William John, 276, Q. Patterson, Dorothy Jean, 391, Q. Patterson, J. (N.S.W.), 195, 203, I. Patterson, John Henderson, 220, Q. Patterson, John Sutherland, 87, Q. Patterson, Joseph, 300, Q. Patterson, Lionel, 45, Q. Patterson, Mervyn Eric, 356, Q. Patterson, Robert James, 360, 370, F. Patterson, Robert John, see Dean Albert Traeger. Patterson, William, 10, F. Patterson, William Henry, 42, F. Pattison, Stanley Ross, 99, 144, Q. Patzel, Leslie August, 137, Q. Patzel, Maxwell Charles, 35, 157, I; 299, R. Paul, Andrew Malcolm, 389, 398, L. Paul, Gordon, aliases Alexander Sydney Henderson, Plummer, Gordon Ralph, George Rickard, 99, 185, Q; 409, T. Paul, Harold Douglas, 111, I. Paul, William, 175, Q. Paul, Willis Keith, 198, Q. Pavy, John Keith, 241, I. Pawelski, John Edward, 96, F. Pax Motors (Vic.), 118, I. Payne, Allan Roy, 63, 313 (2), 321, I. Payne, Arnold Leslie, 160, R. Payne, Frederick George, see Frederick Gordon Payne. Payne, Frederick Gordon, aliases Frederick George Payne, Fred Gordon, Gordon Wayne, 287, A. Payne, Graham Alfred Vincent, 283, 290, K. Payne, Jack Desmond, .340, Q. Payne, Maurice Norman, 306, 307, P. Payne, Samuel, 406, I. Payne, Superintendent, 172, G. Payne, Thelma Joyce, 97, I. Payne, William Frederick, 137, Q. Paynter, Charles Thomas, 111, 118, I. Peacock, Richard Henry Thomas O'Neil, 161, Q. Peake, Alexander Gordon, 159, 183, O. Peake, Aubrey Kenneth Garrett, 86, Q; 199, 8; 301, T. Peake, Clive Allistaire, 106, Q. Peake, Patrick James Gordon Brian, 127, Q; 247, D. Peake, William Edward, 42, F. Pearce, A. & L., Messrs. 406, J. Pearce, Alfred Leonard, 300, Q. Pearce, A. W. (Vie.), 330, 373, I. Pearce, Gordon Frank, 27, 149, I. Pearce, Henry Elliott, 388, I. Pearce, John, 142, H. Pearce, John, 79, I. Pearce, Kenneth Arthur, 4, 18, I. Pearce, Leonard Victor, 144, 0; 198, Q. Pearce, Lloyd Thomas, 243, Q. Pearce, Rex, 191, Q. Pearce, Ross Lancelot, 18, 36, J. Pearn, Leslie Edmund, 399, Q. Pearn, William Allan Ronald, 90, 117, I. Pearson, Cyril James Dalton, 151, Q. Pearson, H. G., & Co., 38, R. Pearson, John Albert, 324, Q. Pearson, Julia Adams, 353, G. Peaty, William Alexander, 307, Q; 345, F. Peck, T. (N.S.W.), 372, I. Peddy, Elizabeth, 337, 345, H. Pedley, James Victor, 303, 336, F. Peel, Harold, 20, Q. Peel, Robert, alias Robert Goodfield, 127, Q; 229, S. Peerless Weighing Machine Co. Ltd., 259, R. Peers, Percy Lewis, 322, M. Pegg, William John, 136, M. Pellew, Betty Bride, 69, J. Penazola, Oscar, 313, I. Penberthy, Wallace, 204, M. Pencheff, George, 184, R. Penfold, Frederick George, aliases Jones, Fowler, Thompson, George, Williams, Graham, Newton, Grossman, 261, T. Penfold, Harry, 284, Q. Penfold, William Charles Frederick, 41, 55, 163, 202, D. Pengilly, see Kenneth Breeze Palmer. Pengilly, Mona Daisy, 407, R. Penhall, Eric James, 6, Q; 31, T. Penley, Brian, 117, 125, I. Penn, Margaret Clair, 46, Q. Penn, William George, 88, Q. Penney, Charles Henry, 374, Q. Penney, John, 112, Q. Penny, Brian, 37, Q; 116, F. Penny, Dorothey, 52, O. Penny, Sidney Reginald, 107, Q. Penny, William Kemp, 11, H. Penola Dairying and Cold Store Co., 64, R. Pens, Archibald Hubert, 45, Q. Pens, Norman Frederick, 13, Q. Peoplestores Limited, 152, 212, 237, R. x1iii. Pepper, Walter, 51, H. Percival, Bertram Noel, 2, E. Percy, Kenneth, 77, 83, D. Percy , Kenneth Joseph , 117, I ; 120, Q. Percy , Perkins Perkins Perkins, Perkins Perry , Perry, Reginald Harold, 167, Q; 172 , H; 268, 307, Q ; 387, F. , Albert Raymond, 56, 85, I. , Harold Edwin , 336, 361, G; 365, R. Herbert John , 173, I. , Richard, 337, H. A. J. (Vic.), 85, I. Arthur Walter, 37, Q. Perry, Edward Frederick Raymond, 77, 83, F. Perry, Frederick Baden, 328, 345, F. Perry , S. (N.S.W. ), 85, 97, I. Perry , Walter Gerald , 236, 292, Q. Perryman , Nancy, 18, J. Peruza, Stripe , 176, Q. 206, T. Pesano, F. (Vic .), 12, I. Peter (aborigine ), 236, Q ; 238, T. Peters, Edward, 285, Q. Peters, John, 299, Q. Peters, J. R. (Vic.), 157, I. Petersen , Christian Louis, 12, I. Petersen, Svend , 128, Q. Peterson , Beryl Maud , 348, R. Peterson , Carl, 149, H. Peterson , Eric William , 127, Q. Peterson, Frank William , 365, R. Peterson , George, 35 , I; 106, R. Peterson , John Lionel , 245, Q. Peterson, Norman , 300, Q; 325, T. Peterson, Raymond Cli ff ord Harold , 363, I. Peterson , Thomas, 58, Q; 81, T. Petherick, Alfred, 236, Q. Petherick , William John, 145, Q. Pethers, Ronald Earl , 330, 338, I. Pethick, Norman Leslie, 346,I ; 357, Q; 362, I. Petney, Clarence , 248, H. Petras, Herbert Charles , 391, Q. Pettigrew, Alexander , 220, Q ; 253, T. Pettingell , Ross Vernon , 259, Q ; 277, T. Pettman , Arthur Norman Graham , 88,. Q. Pfennig, Edgar Ralph, 197, P. Pfitzner , Albert Heinrich , 331, K. Phennig, Albert Edward , 35, 156, H. Philcox, Alan Clive, 330 , 354, I. Philcox, John Kenneth, 99, Q. Philcox, Lennell Victor, 99, Q. Philip, D. (Vic .), 51, I. Philipson , John Henry, see John Henry Phillipson. Phillips , see Eliza Jane Jamieson. Phillips , Alfred George , 160, 184, Q. Phillips, Belinda Pearl , 291, Q. Phillips, Clarence Alfred , 353, 372, H. Phillips, Clarence Hedley James , 237, Q. Phillips , Colin Howard , 107, Q. Phillips , Donald, 344 , 360, D. Phillips , Donald Josiah, see Donald Joseph Phillips. Phillips , Donald Joseph , alias Donald Josiah Phillips, (2), Q. Phillips , Doris Irene, 62, H. Phillips , E. (N.S.W.), 97, 111, I. Phillips , John, 45, R. Phillips , Kenneth Lionel , 21, S; 253, T. Phillips , Lawrence Wynford, 337 , 346, I. Phillips, Leo, 248, F. Phillips, Mervyn Joseph , 190, R. Phillips , Miss, see Florence Elizabeth Grunert. Phillips , Raymond Leslie, 87, Q. 161 Phillips, Reginald , 211, 217, H; 219, 333, R. Phillips, Robert , 340, Q. Phillips , Rowland Walters, 62, H. Phillips, Stanley, 165, 174, I. Phillips , Stella Mona, 291, R. Phillips, Stephen John, 183, 205, O. Phillips, Walter, 328 , 245, F. Phillips , William Cecil, 3, G. Phillips, William Maxwell, 38, Q. Phillipson , Harry, see John Henry Phillipson. Phillipson , John Henry , aliases John Henry Philipson, Harry Phillipson , 31, Q; 153, T; 184, Q; 245, T; 252, Q ; 392, T. Phillis, Clayton , 407, Q. Phillis, William Henry, 191 , Q ; 214, S. Philp, Peter Kavanagh , 225, 234, I. Philp, Ralph Alexander , 145, Q. Pianta, Robert Anthony , see Robert Lawrence Painter. Picken, Murray William Charles, 92, Q. Pickert, Edgar Herbert, 19, Q. Pickhaver , Richard Francis, 167, Q. Pierce, Charles Robert, 11, H. Pierce, Norman Thomas, 307, Q. Piercey, Julia Ann , 348, Q. Piercey, Edward , 189, J. Piercey, John Raymond, 53, Q. Pierson, Robert James, 299, Q. Pietsch , Charles, 205, Q. Piggott , Reginald Charles, 203, H. Pike, Evan Percival James, 11, 17, H. Pike, Eric Sutherland , 241, I. Pike, Henry Lockyer, 88, Q. Pikert, Frank Leslie, 252, R. xliv. INDEX. Pilgrim, John Keith, 63, 226, J. Pill, William George, 167, Q. Pillion, Vincent Domenic, 390, R. Pinchbeck, James Claude, 205, R. Pini, Robert John Peter, alias Robert 333, T. Pink, Stanley Maxwell, 227, Q. 398, R. Pinkerton, Jane Elizabeth, 152, Q. Pinkerton, Rhoda Symington, 152, Q. Pinkerton, Thomas Peter, 152, Q. Pinkerton's Hotel, 45, R. Pinner, Robert Edward, 364, 376, Q. Pinnington, Victor John, 199, 299, Q. Piper, Walter A., 388, H. John Bain, 315, Q; Pipper, James (N.S.W.), 234, H. Pippett, Walter Ross, 126, Q. Pipprell, Albert Rhodolph, 388, I. Pirani, William, 304, F. Pisani, Colin Emanuel, 189, 322, M. Pisani, Mauro, 110, H. Pisani, Onofrio, 276, Q. Pisani, Sergio, 349, Q. Pitcher, Colin, 69, I. Pitcher, Edwin Keith, 329, H. Pitcher, John Warren Gilchrist, 406, I. Pitchers, Cecil Preston, 84, F. Pitman, Ronald, 120, Q. Pitman, Spencer James, 21, S; 358, T. Pitson, Leslie Edward Henry, 283, 323, M. Pitt, Audrey Ernesta, 156, G. Pitt Limited, 394, 395. 117, H. Pitt, Norman Spencer, 72, R. Pitt, Percival Arthur William, 58, Q. Pitt, Ray, 362, I. Pittard, Florence Daisy, 85, I. Place, Thomas Walter, 198, Q. Plain, Clarence Roy, 298, Q; 385, T. Platas, Tom, 237, Q. Platten, Geoffrey James, 377, T. Platten, Herbert Percival, 250, R. Plummer, see Gordon Paul. Plummer, Donald Robert Charles, gazetted as Robert Charles Plummer, 152, 161, Q. Plummer, Robert Charles, see Donald Robert Charles Plummer. Plush, Alice Hilda, 105, J. Plush, Gordon Frederick Powell, 190, P. Pobke, Alwin John, 374, R. Podesta, N. C. (N.S.W.), 321, I. Pointon, Allan Leslie, 56, H. Pointon, Kenneth Rupert, 256, 305, I. Pommy Mabel, see Mabel Thelma Jennings. Poletes, Theo (N.S.W.), 370, A. Polglase, Alvin John, 142, I. Polhill, James Hugh, 260, Q; 296, F. Police- Appeal BoardLeal, Lionel Vinrace Mornington, 343. Millhouse, Erie William John, 193. Nominations called for, 295. Appointments- Passed in EducationConsidine, A. E., 55. Cutting, R. V., 335. Hann, J. R., 335. Kaehne, L. I., 335. Kirk, E., 335. Neave, A. G., 335. Ridland, W., 335. Strauss, O. P., 335. Passed in LawGill, W., 335. Kitchin, W. H., 335. Martin, E. J., 335. Neate, W. H. D., 335. Ridge, J., 335. Vears, H. S., 335. Ward, H. C., 335. Colmer, to sit, Kerosene, illegal use of, 279. Income tax, payment by instalments, 33, 215, 343. Local Court processes, 309. Mental Defectives Act, 327, 369. Money Lenders Act, licences issued, 351. Postage-War postage charge, Stationery, use of for private correspondence, 379. State general elections, police to be in attendance, 89. Travelling Stock Waybills Act, attention drawn to, 379. National Security RegulationsAliens Control, 115, 223, 231, 263, 271. Firearms and Explosives, 279. General, 387. Liquid Fuel, 163, 223, 263. Prohibited Possessions, 403. Shops, Closing Hours of, 403. Subversive Associations, 23, 403. Use of Electricity for Advertising, Etc., 387. Pension Fund, annual report, 232. PromotionAllen, Joseph Eber, 83, 193. Button, L. E., 193. Considine, Andrew Edwin, 83, 193. Gumley, W. J., 335. Maher, Lewis Augustine, 83. Norman, Walter David, 15, 41, 83. Parsonage, S. R., 335. 369. Stewart, J. D., 193. Williams, E. J., 201. Reference Book- Button, L. E. (F.C.), 309. Duthie, W. (F.C.), 89. Johns, J. R. (Inspector), 89. Walsh, J. B. V. (M.C.), 89. Christmas cheer fund, 1941, for Const. Christmas greetings, 369. Divisions and stations, 1. ExaminationsApplications called for permission PassedAllen, J. E., 155. Burg, L. F., 335. Button, L. E., 335. Calvesbert, A. R., 335. Collins, A. C., 335. Evans, M., 335. Fudge, L. E., 335. Gully, G. L., 335. Laing, N. G. V., 335. Nosworthy, S. H., 335. O'Sullivan, T., 335. Pocock, C. A. D., 335. Ridge, E. P., 335. Winckel, L. R., 335. Syllabus, 193. Timetable, 295. Honourable mentionBartlett, D. W., 209. Chambers, W. C., 61. Eaton, M. H., 171. Durham, P. J., 223. Eunson, I., 115. Fleming, C. C., 223. Gill, W., 115, 223. Harper, L. S. J., 171. Leane, R. L. L., 115. Lenton, N. R., 171. Long, H. H., 61. Koehler, A. H., 23. Patterson, F., 23. Poole, M. J., 115. Rosie, W. J., 49. Symes, R. B. B., 49. Walters, G. H., 115. Whyatt, L. F., 49. InstructionsAnzac Day celebrations, 1,03. Appeals, attention drawn to, 239. Armistice Day, 335. Brooklyn Park Reformatory School, closing of, 89. Collection for Charitable Purposes Act, 75, 76. Commonwealth Key and Property Registry, 1. Emergency Powers Act, general regulations, 393,. 387. 9. Licensing Act, 303. Regulations and InstructionsAccounts, 379. Children, proceedings against, 209. Collection for Charitable Purposes Act, 15. Dairy Cattle Improvement Act, 231. Diplomatic Corps, use of motor cars by, 343. Essential commodities, supplies of, 247. Finger prints, 76. Justices, list of, 351. Military hospitals, 387. Pay, rates of, 9, 395. Prisoners, searching of, 179. Registered bookmakers, offences by, 209. Visiting motorists, attention drawn to, 327. Warrants of distress, 201. RetirementsBridgland, C. W., 23. Gurry, J. A., 95. Geering, E. W., 95. Lenthall, R. A., 95. McElroy, S. F., 95. Noblet, G. E., 95. Road Traffic ActApproved insurers, 387, 403. Drivers' licences, checking of, 215. Licences for horse-drawn vehicles, date of expiry, 271. Sick and Accident Fund-General meeting, 239; statement of receipts and payments, 264. Statistics, collection of, 359, 369, 379. Uniforms, accepted tenders, 180. Warrants, unexecuted, 1. Widows and Orphans' Association, 176, 264, 351. Polkinghorne, William Ernest Arthur, 212, 250, M. Pollard, Leonard Keith Coberton, 260, Q. Pollard, Colin Vivian, 65, Q. Pollard, Ernest Alfred James, 50, P. Pollard, John Raymond Leslie, 307, Q. Pollitt, Frederick William, 59 (2), R. Pollizari, Cipriano, 260, Q. xlv. INDEX. Pols, Dirk, 52, M. Poison, Ian Angus Ronald, 381, 406, I. Pomeroy, Charles James, 220, Q. Pommer, Ralph (N.S.W.), 240, H. Pompey (aborigine), 99, Q; 108, T. Pontt, Benno, 213, R. Pool, Hilda May, 160, R. Pools Leslie George Nicholson, 116, 160, Poole, Bena, 124, I. Poole, Poole, Poole, Poole, Pope, F. W. P. (N.S.W.), 346, 362, I. James Benjamin, ,300, Q; 333, T. R. K., 196, M. Shirley Maxine, 390, 398, 0. Albert Charles, 346, I. Pope, Pope, Pope, Pope, Pope, Pope, Pope Pope, Pope, Pope, Ernest William, 44, Q. Eric Murray, 80, Q. Howard, 249, I. Laurence Eric, 150, P. Nolan Lord, 164, H. Olive May, 275, Q. Products Limited, 30, R; 312, H. Raymond Wilson, 268, 285 (2), R. Sydney, 370, 380, F; 391, T. William Charles, 189, 190, P. Port Adelaide Carrying Company, 173, H. Port Thistle Soccer Club (William John 220, R. R. Doig, secretary), Porter, Charles, 79, I. Porter, Frank Lock, 205, 251, Q. Porter, Reginald James, 391, Q. Possingham, John Edgar, 17, H. Potter, Allan Gilbert, 244, R. Potter, Henry Martin, 183, Q. Potter, Leslie George, alias Cyril George Parker, 91, 92, Q; 141, F. Potter, Major, 105, J. Potter, Norman Victor, 17, I. Potter, Richard Plews, 242, 274, M. Potter, Ronald William, 47, T. Potter, William Edwin, 20, Q. Potts, Charles Andrew Michael, 315, Q. Potts, Norman, 99, Q. Potts, William James, 312, H; 360, F. Poulish, Aubrey Joseph, 315, Q. Poulton, John Ernest, alias Leon John Flannery, 58, Q; 66, T; 352, F. Poulton, Raymond Edgar Thomas, 118, M. Poulton, Rex Harold, 349, R. Pounsett, Mona Ruth, 236, R. Powell, Allan Edward, 356, Q. Powell, B. (Mrs.), 354, 362, I. Powell, Baden Russell, 56, F. Powell, Jessie, 258, P. Powell, John William, 362, H. Powell, Kellick Francisco, 315, Q. Powell, Maurice Walker, 58, Q. Powell, Melville Murray, 42, F. Powell, Raymond, see Charles Raymond Boyd. Powell, Rex Eric, 323, Q. Powell, Robert Allan, 315, Q. Powell, William (Vic.), 373, I. Powell, Zacharula, 148, H. Power, Basil John, 362, 1. Power, Barnie, see Bernard Lewis Power. Power, Bernard Lewis, alias Barnie Power, 54, T; 80, Q. Power, James, 168, 175, Q; 304, 336, F. Power, Rex, 51, 9,0, I. Power, Thomas Ross, 29, P. Powlson, Edward Ralph, 356, Q. Poyner, James Charles, see James Charles Poynter. Poyner, John Verdun Anzac, 160, Q; 199, S. Poynter, James Charles, alias James Charles Poyner, 13, T; 167, 275, Q. Pratt, David Leslie, 12, 17, I. Pratt, Eric Sidney George, 190, Q. Pratt, Marjorie Rebecca, 259, Q. Pratt, Robert (Vic.), 51, I. Preece, Thomas, 91, K. Preston, Stephen Arthur, 366, T; 404, F. Pretty, William, 356, Q. Price, Eleanor Amy, 148, G. Price, Elton Melville, 157, 225, I. Price, J., 305, U.I. Price, John, 110, F. Price, John Clift, & Sons, 91, K. Price, John Edward Nesbitt, 280, F. Price, John Henry Edward, 220, Q. Price, Julius, 255, F. Price, Maxwell James, 87, R. Price, Ralph Lawrence, 398, K. Price, Roy Clifton, 12, K. Price, Thomas Clement, 66, Q. Prichard, Joyce Mary, 217, G. Prichard, William, 217, G. Priddice, James Frank Newly, 314, M. Priddle, Rodney Wellington, 119, Q. Prideaux, Keith, 36, 43, J. Prider, Elmo, 59, Q. Pridham, George Raymond, Pridham, John Keith, Pridmore, Walter Noel, 320, H. 10,71 Q. 381, I. 2, 3, F; Priest, Arthur, see Ronald Ball. Priest, Eileen Cecilia, 12, J. Priest, Kathleen Claire, 53, R. Priest, Mellair Roy, 172, F. Priest, Ronald Fortnan, 182, M. Prince, G. W. (N.S.W.), 182, I. Prince, Herbert Gordon, 104, F. Prisk, Ralph Tennyson, 159, 174, 0; 176, Q. Pritchard, Alfred Ernest, 64, Q. Pritchard & Bartholomew, 1328, F. Pritchard, George Ernest, 389, I. Pritchard, Leslie Edward, 3, 10, G. Pritchard, Thomas James, 300, Q. Probert, Oliver William, 45, R. Proleta, James Henry, 245, R. Promnitz, Percival George, alias Percival George Faulkner, 147, 156, F; 176, Q; 296, 336, F. Promnitz, Reginald Leonard, 346, I. Prospect Methodist Church, 320, 361, G. Prosser, Cecil Edgar, see Charles Edgar Prosser. Prosser, Charles Edgar, otherwise Cecil Edgar Prosser, 150, 159, 0. Prosser, Murray Alexander, 57, J. Prosso, Edward, 3, I. Prosso, Edwin Valentine, 373, 0. Proud, S. (Vic.), 36, I. Proud, Steven, see Stewart Patrick Coyle. Proud, Stewart Steven, see Stewart Patrick Coyle. Provis, Oswald, 127, Q. Provis, Roy Osmond, 256, 282, I. Prowse, George Matthew, 107, Q; 116, F. Pryde, Winifred Elizabeth, 354, 362, I. Pryor, Anthony, 39, T. Pryor, Charles, 71, Q. Pryor, Richard Albert, 144, Q. Pryzibilla, Elva Batty, 99, Q. Pudney, Archie Oliver, 284, Q; 334, T. Pudney, Edna Irene, aliases Jarman, Young, 247, 272, D; 276, Q; 349, T. Pugh, John David Thomas, 73, Q. Pugh, Robert, 251, Q. Pullen, Nora Grace, 164, E. Pullman, Malcolm Richard, 233, G; 234 (2), H; 236, 237, Q. Pullman, Violet Betty, see Violet May Pullman. Pullman, Violet May, otherwise Violet Betty Brown, alias Violet Betty Pullman, 237, Q; 269, 300, S. Pumpa, Vivian Lysle, 259, Q. Purdon, Leslie Colin, 274, M. Purdy, E. (Vie.), 297, I. Pzrsehe, Dudley Gordon, 72, 145, 292, Q. Pursche, Murray Allan, 169, T. Putzke, Albert Frederick, 16, F; 29, Q; 39, T. Pyatt, Henry Allen, 14, T; 319, F. Pyne, Robert Aloysius, 228, Q. Q Quale, Alfred Charles, 252, R. Quarrel, Albert Patrick, alias John Dale, 399, Q; 401, T. Quarries Limited, 177, R. Quartermaine, Mervyn Arthur, 325, T. Queensland Insurance Company Limited (Vic.), 157, 174, I. Querrie, John, 91, M. Quick, James Stewart, 332, Q. Quick, Laurence John, 24,0 (2), H; 243, Q. Quinlan, Victor John, 52, Q. Quinlivan, Victor James, 13, Q. Quinn, Curly, see William John Quinn. Quinn, John Joseph Oke, 220, Q. Quinn, Owen Thomas, alias Allan Woods, 87, 176, Q. Quinn, Reginald, see Arthur Hill. Quinn, Thomas James, 364, Q. Quinn, Victor Kelliek, 275, Q. Quinn, William, 135, I; 138, T; 157, I; 191, Q; 238, T; 336, F. Quinn, William John, alias Curly Quinn, 228, Q. Quinn, William Lewis Oke, 97, 105, 217, I. Quinsey, Arnold George (Vic.), 27, 79, I. Quinton, Richard William, 71, Q. Quintrel, Reginald, 315, Q. Quitley, Eileen, 353, H. Radcliffe, Walter Godfrey, R aliases Walter Keating, Walter Godfrey Reeves, John Jackson, Charles Jackson, Arthur William Dowding, Sidney Barley, John Lackson, 153, T. Radford, Irene Melda, aliases Martin, Dawson, Norman, White, 276, Q; 325, T. Radford, Malcolm Jack, 236, Q. Radio Corporation Limited, 312, H. Radomi, Paul, 399, Q. Radovic, Josip, 176, Q; 206, T. Rae, Clive Frederick, 51, I. INDEX. xlvi. Raech, Peter Max, 11, 398, 406, I. Rafferty, Raftery, Vincent Patrick Raggatt, John, Mathew, 267, P. Martin, 305, I. 333,Q. Railroad Dance Club, 362, H. Rainsford, Percy, 72, Q. Rainsford, Peter Geoffrey, 258, P. Rainsford, Ross John, 338, 382, I. Ralph, Gordon, see Gordon Paul. Ralph, Nita, 206, Q. Ramage, Archibald, 259, Q. Ramsay, A., 249, 266, J. Ramsay, Catherine Maude, 38, R. Ramsay, Ronald Cecil, 120, Q. Ramsbottom, Richard, 313, 321, I. Ramsey & Sons, 214, R. Ramsey, Cecil, 25, A. Ramsey, Joan, 399, R. Ranclaud, Ruby Catherine, 21, Q; 66, T; 400, Q. Randall, Charles Edward, 247, F. Randall, Faith Marjorie, see Faith Marjorie Randall Goldsworthy. Randell, E. H. J. (Vic.), 204, I. Rando, John, 100, Q. Rands, Herbert, 99, Q. Ranee (aborigine), 71, Q; 81, T. Rankine, Douglas Stuart, 216, 272, F. Rankine, Hendle (aborigine), 113, Q. Rankine, Keith, 113, Q. Rankine, Mary, 113, Q. Rankine, Reginald, 45, Q; 153, T. Rankine, Rex, 315, Q. Rankine, Rowley, 408, Q. Ranking (N.S.W.), see Clarence Percival Elliott. Rann, Lionel William, 267, Q. Raphael, C. (N.S.W.), 241, 249, I. Raphael, Ida May (Vic.), 149, H. Raszba, J. (N.S.W.), 249, I. Ratcliffe, Carnell Ronald, 97, I. Ratcliffe, Vera May, 245, Q. Rathmann, Harold George, alias Harold George Rathman, 149 (3), I; 151, Q; 334, T. Rattley, George Albert Barton, 206, Q. Rattley, Maxwell Allen, 144, Q. Rau, Lawrence Alfred, 259, Q. Raumsley, Ellen Elizabeth, 407, R. Rautanen, Elizabeth Ellen, 156, G. Raven, Kevin Joseph, 305, 329, I. Ravese, Antonio, 80, Q; 108, T. Ravese, Pietro, see Pietro Ravesi. Ravesi, Pietro, otherwise Pietro Ravese, 112, Bawling, Arthur Adam, 220, Q. Rawolle, Herbert Alwin, 197, Q. Raymond, Frank Ashley, 26, H. Raymond, Ray, 300, Q. Rayner, Edward John, 124, H; 268, Q. Rayner, H., 17, H. Read, Brian Ronald, 72, 243, Q. Read, Frank William, 46, Q; 109, F. Read, Frederick Alexander, 87, Q; 128, S. Read, John, 245, R. Read, Percival Ronald, 111, J. Read, P. S. (Vic.), 157, I. Read, Raymond Thomas, 58, R. Reardon, Brian Cornelius, 126, Q. Reardon, Cornelius Valentine, 376, R. Reardon, Francis James Reynolds, 339, Q. Rebbeck, Charles Richard, 4, I. Rebonds, Betty, 144, O. Rebonds, Ethel Thelma, 144, O. Rechford, Joshua, 65, R. Red Cross Society, 92, R. Redan, Joyce Pearl, 27, 36, I. Reddaway, Beryl, 77, 83, D. Redden, Albert, aliases Albert Fox, Reuben Johnson, 95, 104, F; 259, Q; 334, 366, T; 370, F. Q. Redden, Albert Edward, 189, J. Redden, Patrick Joseph, alias Arthur Edward Roberts, 332, Q. Redfearne, Charles Hugh, 212, 218, M. Redgrave, Philip, aliases Frederick Wilson, George Gray, Phillip Duncan Redgrave, Frederick James Wilson, Phillip Redgroves, 259, Q; 277, T; 292,, Q; 342, T. Redgrave, Phillip Duncan, see Phillip Redgrave. Redgroves, Phillip, see Phillip Redgrave. Redin, Lillian Elizabeth May, 19, Q. Redrup, Ronald John, 118, M. Reece, Joan, 398, 406, J. Reece, Stanley, see Alexander McPherson MacLeod. Reed, Donald Gordon, 226, I. Reed, F. (Vic.), 79, I. Reed, James Robert Ernest, 6, Q. Reed, Harold Francis, 370, E. Reed, James Robert_ Ernest, 381, I. Reed, Kenneth Vivian, 338, J. Reed, Kenneth Wilton, 59, 127, R. Reed, Myrtle Millicent May, 219, P. Reed, Neta Lilias. 38, Q. Reed, W. A. (N.S.W.), 97, 125, I. Rees, Frederick Lee, 236, Q. Reeve, Raymond Lindsay, 92, Q. Reeves, Cecil (N.S.W.), 305, 330, I. Reeves, Murray James, 390, Q. Reeves, Roland Warren, 390, Q. Reeves, Walter Godfrey, see Walter Godfrey Radcliffe. Refrigerators Proprietary Limited, 381, H. Regan, see James Patrick Hodge. Regan, Denis, 98, L. Regan, Jack, 29, Q. Rehn, Hermina Victoria Ruth, 275, R. Rehn, Llewellen Osborn, 10 15, 211, I. Reich, Christina Mary, 34, 123, 135 (2), F; 146, T; 215, 224, F. Reiche, Clarence Dudley, 374, Q. Reiche, Leland John, see William John Ritchie. Reid, see Walter Gardner. Reid, Ardno, 20, R. Reid, Brian, see Glynn Morgan. Reid, Bridget Mary, 41, F. Reid, Charles Victor, 336, F. Reid, Constance Laura, 105, J. Reid, David, 281, 296, G. Reid, Frederick Charles A., 3, 17, I. Reid, George Henry, 161, Q; 177, T; 256, I; 260, Q; 317, T; 399, Q. Reid, Herbert Roy, 376, T. Reid, James Frederick, 371, G. Reid, James Joseph, 181, I. Reid, John Alfred, 25, 272, F. Reid, John Patrick, see John Patrick Beard. Reid, Laura Violet, 197, Q. Reid, Lenord Russell, 143, 196, M. Reid, Lewis George Alexander, 282, 304, H. Reid, Malcolm, & Co., 291, R. Reid, Perth Blanche, 313, 321, I. Reid, Rita, 25, F. Reid, Roy, see Harry Wheeler. Reid, Roy, 10, 55, 116, F. Reid, Thomas McDonald, 151, Q. Reid, W. M. (Vic.), 297, I. Reidy, Helena, 190, Q; 245, T. Reiffel, Leslie Charles, alias Charles Wright (N.S.W.), 67, E. Reilly, John, 376, Q. Reilly, William, 20, R. Reinertsen, Robert Ray, 227, Q; 269, S; 367, 392, T. Reinhold, Heinrich Herman, 236, Q. Rembrant Studios, 288, G. Remilton, Robert Michael, 237, R. Remnant, Cyril George, 142, H. Renfrey, George, see Raymond Air. Renfrey, James William Wallace,, 344, F. Renfrey, Walter Elijah Arthur, 71, Q. Reno, Corrazzo, 265, G. Renolds, Mervyn, 63, I. Renton, Harold Keith, 242, M. Renton, Philip Keith, 185, Q. Repace, see Jean Stutley. Rerecich, Mark, alias Mark Ritchie, 71, Q. Retford, Keith Allen, 355, M. Returned Sailors, Soldiers, and Airmen's Imperial League of Australia (South Australian Branch), Incorporated, 107 (2), R. Reuter, William, 268, R. Revitt, Charles Ephram, 354, I ; 356, Q. Revitt, Frederick Oliver, 340, Q. Revitt, Jack Hartley, 337, I; 340, Q. Rew, John Boxborough, 284, 306, O. Reynolds, Alexander William, 139, I. Reynolds, Allan, see Allan Leonard Castle. Reynolds, Avis Coral, 37, R. Reynolds, Deafy, see William Herbert McKenzie Reynolds. Reynolds, Jack, 306, 307, P. Reynolds, Mavis Ruth, 30, R. Reynolds, Rae, see Phyllis Doreen Johnson. Reynolds, Raymond Alfred, 112, Q. Reynolds, Reginald Harvey, 182, 196, M. Reynolds, Rex William, 361 (3), G; 365, Q. Reynolds, T., Pty. Limited (Vic.), 98, I. Reynolds, Theodore Thomas Henry, identical with Thomas Henry Hatherley, 52, 218, 363, M. Reynolds, William Herbert McKenzie, alias Deafy Reynolds, 285, Q; 308, T. Rhatigan, Michael, 68, H. Rhodda, Albert Sydney, 285, R. Rhodes, Harry George, 340, R. Rhymer, Edwin, 255, 265, F. Rice, Alexander, 45, Q. Rice, Edwin George, 198, Q. Rice, Glen Curtis, 191, R. Rice, Harry Levi, 120, Q. Rice, John Dudley, 316, Q. Rice, Kevin Augustine, 183, Q. Rice, Melvin Joseph William, 6, Q. Rice, Percival Ross, 399, Q. Richards, Albert Norman, alias John Henry Jones, 333, T. Richards, Allen William Ernest, 173, 188, I. Richards, Benjamin (half-caste aborigine), 315, Q. Richards, Fred, 119, Q. Richards, Glen Ryall, 107, Q; 185, S. Richards, J. S. (Vic.), 51, I. Richards, Kathleen, 159, O. Richards, Leith Benjamin, 19, R. Richards, Leonard Henry, 58, Q. INDEX. Richards, Olive, 374, R. Richards, Oliver John, 405, I. Richards, Oliver John Cameron, 37, 53, 120, Q. Richards, Oscar (half-caste aborigine), 315, Q. Richards, Ross Baker, 10 17, Q; 185, S. Richards, William Edward Charles, 348, Q. Richards, William Henry, 127, Q; 152, T. Richardson, Beatrice Helena, 5, 87, Q; 93, T. Richardson, Ernest, 52, Q. Richardson, Frank, 116, 148, F. Richardson, George Frederick Charles, 69, 85, I. Richardson, Glenn Pennington, 20, Q. Richardson, Gordon Arthur, 226, 250, M. Richardson, Harry Norman, 220, Q. Richardson, J., 257, M. Richardson, John Robert, 43, 52, M. Richardson, Norman Ambrose, 220, Q. Richardson, Walter Thomas, 86, R; 143, 149, I. Riches, Myrtle, 213, R. Ringvall, Alex Walter, 220, Q. Richmann, Louis, alias Burns, 268 (2), Q. Richmond, George Ernest Valentine, 20, R. Richmond, James Dean, 21, S; 358, T. Richter, Albert Lloyd, 356, Q. Richter, John Frederick, 227, Q; 313, I. Rickard, George, see Gordon Paul. Rickard, Harry, 52, Q. Rickard, William Joseph Murray, 123, 187, F; 352, 370, F; 385, T; 400, Q. Rickards, Herbert John, 274, M. Rickett, Emma, 36, 51, I. Ricketts, Sydney Arnold Brady, Riddell, Raymond Eric, 53, Q. 198, Q; 253, T; 372, I. Riddle, Doreen, 2, D. Riddle, R. A. (N.S.W.), 241, 249, I. Ridgeley, Lawrence Frederick, 38, Q. Ridgway, Alexander John, 312, H. Ridgway, Douglas Harmer, 151, Q; 222, T. Ridley, Frederick Samuel, 243, R. Riedel, Gustav Samuel, 375, R. Rielly, John Phillip, 332, Q. Riessen, Sydney Maxwell, 237, Q. Rigas, Apostolos, 71, Q. Rigby's Limited, 3.33, R. Rigden, William James, 260, Q. Rigg, John Thomas, 92, Q. Riggs, Alfred Ernest, 381, 397, I. Rigney, Allan (aborigine), otherwise Allan 19, 66, Q; 169, T; 221, Q; 280, 288, F. Rigney, Allen Edward, see Allan Rigney. Rigney, Cyril Rufus, 119, Q. Edward Rigney, Rigney, Isobel, 395, A. Riley, see Alexander Roy Barton. Riley, Sydney Burford, 324, Q. Riley, Thomas, 190, Q. Riley, William, see Norman Wilson. Rindfieisch, J. (N.S.W.), 97, 111, I. Ring, Geoffrey Morton, 290, P; 292, Q; 341, S. Rintaull, Clement George, 104, I. Riordan, William, 299, Q. Lipper, Edgar Wilfred, 81, Q. Rischmueller, Conrad Ernest, 86, Q. Rispin, Ruth, 354; J. Pitcher, Raymond Darcy, 265, G. Ritcliie, James, 339, Q. Ritchie, Joseph Lindsay, 7, T; 31, 52, Q; 101, T; 177, Q; 230, T; :..'4''., Q; 293, 317, T; 399, Q. Ritel',ic, Joyc' Violet, 16, F. Ritchie, Mark, see Mark Rerecich. Ritchie, William John, aliases Leland John Reiche, Ronald Clement Cameron, Mitchell, William John Richards, 243, 399, Q. Ritter, Ronald Trevor, 340, Q. Rivett, Clifton Charles, 204, O. Rivett, Clifton Thomas Noble, 181, I. Eivett, Edward Alfred, 72, Q. Rivett, George Serle, 72, Q. Rivett, William George, 72, Rix, Alan Arnold, alias Bill Cooper, 151, 219, Q; 269, S. Rix, Colin Ross, 21, Q. Rix, Kevin, 328, 352, D. Rix, Kevin Claude John, 21, Q. Rixon, J. (Vic.), 241, 266, I. Roach, Frederick, 218, 235, I. Roach, Marjorie, 322, I. Roach, Ronald Herbert, 321, 329, I. Roach, Sydney, see Angus McLeod. Robb, David, 292, Q. Robb, James Edward, 80, 383, 390, R. Roberts Alan Clifton, 50', G. Roberts, Albert Lloyd, 375, Q. Roberts, Alfred Edward, 356, Q. Roberts, Alice Maud, 355, Q. Roberts, Andrew, 354, I. Roberts, Arthur Edward, see Patrick Joseph Roberts, Colin, see Colin George Scarfe. Roberts, Cora, 151, R. Roberts, Douglas Saxon, 340, Q. Roberts, E., see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Roberts, Effie Eileen, 81, Q. Roberts, Edgar Leslie, 331, M. Redden. xlvii. Roberts, Francis, 397, I. Roberts, G. C. E., 249, M. Roberts, George, see William John Scott. Roberts, Harold John, 113, T. Roberts, Hugh Richard, 53, Q. Roberts, Irene Ann, 50, G. Roberts, Ivy, 340, Q. Roberts, J., see Vincent Hector Rowe. Roberts, J. (N.S.W.), 97, I. Roberts, James, 267, Q. Roberts, Joseph, 291, Q; 352, F. Roberts, Lloyd, 354, I. Roberts, Lyla, 81, Q. Roberts, Mervyn A., 240, 248, I; 252, R. Roberts, Mervyn Douglas, 259, Q. Roberts, Owen David, 289, 297, I. Roberts, Percival Stanley, 151, Q; 156, G; 160, Q; 199, S. Roberts, Richard John, 107, Q. Roberts, Ronald Roach, 406, I. Roberts, Ruth, 282, 289, I. Roberts, Samuel Albert Goodwin, 214, Q. Roberts, William David, 390, 408, Q. Roberts, William Desmond, 197, Q. Roberts, William Douglas, 227, Q. Roberts, William Joseph, 96, H. Roberts, William Percival Claude, 401, T. Roberts, William Thomas, 197, Q. Robertson, Arthur John, see Alfred Laurence Gee. Robertson, C. R., 182, M. Robertson, Douglas, 64, M. Robertson, Eric, 90, I. Robertson, Hugh, 284, Q; 301, T. Robertson, James Henry, 355, L. Robertson, John, see William Robert Stone. Robertson, Marie, see Mary Gertrude Monks. Robertson, Kenneth Charles, 384, Q. Robertson, Robert, 177, T; 348, Q. Robertson, Robin Lewin, 375, R. Robertson, Ruby Vera, 99, R. Robertson, William Lewis, 53, 375, Q. Robertson, William Thomas, 54, Q. Robie, David Lindsay, 36, M. Robins, Leonard James, alias Nugget Robins, 205, Q. Robins, Nugget, see Leonard James Robins. Robinson, Arnold Alfred, 198, Q. Robinson C. D. (Vic.), 63, I. Robinson, D., 382, M. Robinson, Dean Joseph, 190, Q. Robinson, Gordon Lewis James, 211, 217, I. Robinson, Jeffrey Colin Estecort, 321, 329, I. Robinson, John, 285, Q; 285, R. Robinson, John Martin, 16, F. Robinson, J. R. (N.S.W.), 406, I. Robinson, John William, 116, 135, F. Robinson, Leslie E., 283, M. Robinson, Marion Amelia, 150, Q. Robinson, Olive Rose Evelyn, known as Salotti, 10, 116, 123, D. Robinson, Percival, 107, Q. Robinson, Peter, 380, F. Robinson, Ralph, 176, R. Robinson, R. F. (N.S.W.), 173, I. Robinson, Reginald Wilson, 164, F; 252, R. Robinson, Roy, 365, Q. Robinson, Shirley Joan, 205, R. Robinson, Thomas Edward, 324, Q. Robinson, Vera, 297, J. Robinson, Victor Clarence,141, F. Robjent, Charles Robert, 99, Q. Robran, Lily May, 53, R. Rochow, Ronald Wallis, 192, Q. Rocket, Ernest, 201, Q. Rodda, Harold James, 116, 124, G. Rodgers, A., see Murray Laurence Hall. Rodgers, Phillip George, 37, Q. Rodgers, W. J. (N.S.W.), 321, I. Rodighiero, Evelino, 356, Q. Rodighiero, Giacomo, 177, Q. Roe, Ray, 256, 266, I. Roe, T., see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Roehr, Paul Richard, 210, H. Rogal, Stanley Oliver, aliases Stephen Oliver Royal, Stanley Oliver Royal, 120, 168, 191, Q; 253, T; 304, F; 312, F. Rogasch, Dawn Margaret, 70, 86, O. Rogers, A. (N.S.W.), 388, 397, I. Rogers, Alice Veronnica, 182, 189, J. Rogers, Charles William, 220, Q. Rogers, Cyril Leonard Edwin, 191, R. Rogers, Douglas Baden, 315, Q. Rogers, Emilie Maud Elizabeth, 26, H. Rogers, Ernest Wills, 11, H. Rogers, F., & Sons (Qld.), 69, 79, I. Rogers, James Ivan Headley, 57, M. Rogers, Keith Eugene, 69, I. Rogers, Kenneth Brian, 59, R. Rogers, Leonard Victor, 291, R. Rogers, Lindsay Harold, 242, M. Rogers, Maylin Charles, 228, Q. Rogers, Mrs. J., 27, H. Rogers, Reginald, 286, T. Rogers, Rosamund Irene, 314, O. Rogers, Sybel Constance, 314, O. xlviii. INDEX. Rogers, Verna Adele, 71, R. Rohan, J. P. (N.S.W.), 4, 149, I. Rohr, Colin Alfred, 91, M. Rohrlach, Henry Maxwell, 365, Q. Rohrlach, Murray Charles, 13, Q. Rolland, Dr. John Alexander, 156, 172, H. Rollings, Sydney, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Coppleman. Rollings, Sydney Elliott, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Coppleman. Rollins, Elliott, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Coppleman. Rollison, Bob, see Robert Rollison. Rollison, Gerald Dominic, 96, 216, F; 227, Q; 269, S. Rollison, Raymond Harold, 167, R. Rollison, Robert, alias Bob Rollison (half-caste aborigine), 213, Q. Rolton, Bert, 214, R. Roman Catholic Church, 345, G. Rompraey, Gerald Leslie Van, 175, Q. Ronan, John Patrick, 400, Q. Roney, Arthur Lawrence, 229, T. Rooke, John Eugene, 340, R. Rooney, Edwin Terrence, 87, Q; 128, S. Rooney, Martin Thomas, 265, 336, F. Rose, Alfred John Evans, 183, P. Rose, Agnes Edna, 340, Q. Rose, Ashley Reeves, 78, 85, I. Rose, Clement Garfield, 58, Q. Rose, Ernest Ray, 356, Q. Rose, Jack Murray Alfred, 374, Q. Rose, P. G. (N.S.W.), 4, 35, I. Rose, Valma, 20, R. Rosenberg, Alfred, 115 (2), A; 120, 398, Q. Rosenberg, Charles Leolin, 198, Q. Rosenberg, Richard, 184, Q. Rosengarten, Leopold Morritz, 101, T. Rosenhain , Cyril Douglas , 124, H; 126, Q. Rosenhain, Geoffrey , 110, I. Rosenthall , Maxwell Arthur, 29, Q. Rosewall , 'Thomas Martin , 315, Q. Rosewarne, Clarence George , 265, 272, F. Rosey, Lloyd Neville , 3.39, P. Rosin , John, 58, Q. Ross, Andrew Lindsay , 255, F. Ross Bros ., 338, K. Ross, Dorothy Agnes , 263, A. Ross , Ernest John , 150, Q. Ross, Francis Kevin, 157, I. Ross, Francis Maxwell , 28, 44, M. Ross, George, 69, M. Ross, George , see George Ross Blower. Ross, Remington James, 228, Q. Ross, W . A. (Vic.), 165, 174 , 204, I. Rossetto , Gelindo , 275, Q. Rossman , Harry, 13, Q. Rothe, Johann Christian , 276, Q. Rothwell, J ames, 244, 252, Q ; 301, S. Rounsevell , L. J., 68 , 69, U.H. Rouse, William Richard, 284, R. Rout, John Wingate , 56, G; 374, Q. Routley, David Richard, 78, 90, I. Rover , Rupert Heinrich , 312, H. Rowan, Frank, 61, 84, F. Rowan, Frederick , 235, M. Rowan , Frederick John, 176, 341, Q. Rowe, see Samuel Spencer Sampson. Rowe, Cecil Leonard, 3, I. Rowe, Cyril Henry, 168, Q. Rowe, Eileen Joan, 137, Q. Rowe, Gordon A., 69, I. Rowe, Raymond Herbert, 157, I. Rowe, Thomas Parea, 20, Q. Russell, Russell, Alexander John, C. T., 226, M. Russell, Charles John, Rowell, Frank, 151, Q. Rowell, Kenneth Reginald, 46, Q. Rowland, John, 97, I. Rowland, Walter, 324, Q. Rowlands, Hedley William, 182, M. Rowlands, Kathleen, 25, D. Rowlands , Keith, 268, Q. Rudd, James Henry, Rudd, John, 137, Q. ( 2), 233 , 304, F. 159, P. Russell, Clarence Victor, 53, Q; 111, 125, I; 129, T. Russell, Donald, see John Francis Donald Russell. Russell, Douglas William, 107, Q. Russell, George Leslie, 266, I. Russell, James Henry, 315, Q. Russell, John Francis, aliases Donald Russell, Donald Richards, 200, T; 337, U.H. Russell , John Leslie, 398, Q. Russell, Joyce Marie, 57, 64, 0. Russell , Keith Anzac, 110, 117, I. Russell, Leighton, 299, Q. Russell , Norma, see Beatrice Hodge. Russell, Nurse, see Beatrice Hodge. Russell , Peter, 218, M. Russell , Raymond, see Albert Raymond John Russell. Russell, Robert George, 31, Q. Russell , Thomas Jack, see Rowland Robert Morgan. Russell, W. A. (N.S.W.), 105, 118, I. Russell , William, 220, Q. Russell, William James, see William James Gleeson. Russo, Gennaro , 198, Q. Rustler, see Murray Lawrence Hall. Rutherford, Andrew William, 284, Q. Rutschack, Arthur Albert, 168, Q. Ryal, Norman, see Leo John Hain. Ryan, see Stanley John Wells. Ryan, Acha, see Michael Henry John Ryan. Ryan, Bernard, see Vernon Ryan. Ryan, Betty May, 79, 86, 0; 100, R; 390, 398, 0. Ryan, Charles Robert, 66, T; 349, Q. Ryan, Donald Martin Gordon, 29, Q. Ryan, Doreen Theresa, 6, Q. Ryan, Edward, 260, 357, Q. Ryan, Elsie May, 357, R. Ryan, Francis Allan, 276, Q. Ryan, Gerald, alias Gerald Desmond Kinniburgh, 341, 366, T. Ryan, Henry Joseph, 2, 104, F. Ryan, Henry Thomas, 180, F. Ryan, John Delmar, 285, Q. Ryan, John Ignatius, 136, 382, M. Ryan, Leo, 4, 51, I. Ryan, Matthew Lawrence, 205, 316, 356, Q. Ryan, Maurice George, 268, Q. Ryan, Maxwell Lionel, 56, I. Ryan, Michael Henry John, aliases Michael Henry Ryan, Allen, Acha, Ryan, 216 (2), F; 229, T; 319, F. Ryan, Michael James, (estate of), 332, 333, R. Ryan, Patrick Edward, 160, Q. Ryan, Raymond Clement, 46, 106, Q. Ryan, Robert William, 36 0, F. Ryan, Thomas Francis, 216, 239, 404, F. Ryan, Thomas Michael, 169, T; 365, Q. Ryan, Vernon, 319, F. Ryan, Vernon, aliases Bernard Ryan, Charles Johnson, John Johnson, 10, F; 101, T; 152, Q; 222, T; 280, F. Ryan, Victor Lloyd Percival, 275, R. Ryan, Vina Veronica, 137, Q. Ryan, William Alfred, 118, M. Ryan, William Cecil Peter, 173, 188, I; 190, R. Ryan, William Edward, 220, Q; 285, T; 352, F. Ryan, William Francis, 32, T. Ryberg, Emil Marius, 43, M. Ryder, John, 91, I. Ryder, Private Donald Sydney (Qld.), 389, I. Rye, Donald Murdoch, 371, H. Ryles, Edith Alice May, 383, P. Ryles, William Francis, 275, Q. Rymill, Gladys Edith, 19, R. Rymill, Katharine Lucy, 127, R. Rzeskowski, Raymond Walter, 151, Q. S Roy, G., 235, M. 13, R. Stanley Stanley 148 Q; Rowe, Vincent Hector, alias J. Roberts , 53, Q; 101, T. Royal Exchange Limited, Royal, Stanley Oliver, see Royal, Stephen Oliver, see Rozee, Arthur, 373, M. Rucioch, Patrick Leo, 299, Rudd, George Arthur, 96, Rudd, Jack, 211, I. 61 (2), Saari, Walter, aliases Q; 186, 253, T. Oliver Rogal. Oliver Rogal. Bill, Walter Sani , 107, 176 Sabben, Kevin , 399, R. Q. F. 176, Q. Rudland, Victor Norman, 180, 202, F; 211, I; Rugari, Giuseppe, 243, Q. Ruge, Lois Barbara, 348, R. Rugless, Isabella, 398, J. Rumball, Ronald Ernest, 300, Q. Rumburg, Alexis, 55, 109, F. Rundle, Clive Laurence, 31, Q. Rundle Credits Ltd., 38, R. Rundle, Henry Hackett, 234, I. Russell, Albert Henry, 229, T. Russell , Albert Raymond John, alias Raymond 183, 0. Pappinburra 213, Q. Russell, 159, Sadler, D., see Donald Baker Scott-Halliday. Sadler, R . A. (Vic. ), 4, 51, I. Saffin, Albert , alias Alfred Saffin, 127, Q; 162, 342, T. Saffin, Alfred , see Albert Saffin. Saggers, Albert James, 244 , Q; 281 , 288, F. St. Clair, Roy , 216, D. St. John, Stanley, 17, I. St. John's Boys' Home, 354, 382, K. St. Peter ' s College, 399, R. Salamon, Ernst Gunther Fritz , 284, Q. Salamone , Salvatore , 77, 84, F. Salloum, Adil, 37, Q. Salotti, see Olive Rose Evelyn Robinson. Salotti, Carlo Luigi, 353 , 361; G. Salotti, Charles John, 144, 0. Salotti, Doreen Dahpne, 87, R. Salotti, Les li e Lionel, 384, Q. T; 285, Q; INDEX. .Salt, Kevin Murray, 135, I. Salter, Herald Gordon, 37, Q. Salter, Iris Jean, 241, J. Salter, William Fulton, 241, J. Salvation Army People's Palace, 5, 46, Salvation ArmyWarFund,66,R. R. Salvermini, Miamo, 71, Q. .Salverson, Magne, 219, Q. Sampson, Clem Roy Clarence, 255, F. Sampson, James Arthur, 248, G; 250, Q; 365, S. .Sampson, Leslie Albert, 159, 0. .Sampson, Norman Francis, 183, R. Sampson, Robert Edward, 332, Q. Sampson, Samuel, 104, 135, I. .Sampson, Samuel Spencer, aliases Rowe, Walters, 14, T; 20, 152, 177, Q; 177, T; 220, Q; 221, T; 251, Q; 292, T; 399, Q. Sampson, Thomas James, 227, R. Sampson, William Leslie, 137, Q. Sampsons, 313, 329, I. Samuels, Lance Phillip, 217, 225, I. .Sandercock, Frederick Felman, 214, 292, Q. Sanders, Alastair James Clinton, 25, F. Sanders, Dudley Stanley, 84, F. Sanders, Edwin Benjamin, 257, M. Sanders, Frank, 142, I. Sanders, Frank, see Kenneth Charles Euseden. Sanders, G., see Frank Harold Barndon. ,Sanders, William Theodore, see William Theodore Saunders. Sanderson, Allen Owen, 159, Q; 177, T. Sandery, Eileen Edna Jean, 251, R. Saiidery, Leslie Douglas, 384, Q. Sandery, Ralph Alan, 59, R. Sandery, Wilfred Ernest, 251, Q. Sandford, A. W., & Co., Ltd., 205, R. Sandford, Nellie, 219, R; 390, Q. Sandford, Robert Ernest John, 106, Q. Sandison, Christopher, 26, G; 30, R. Sandison, Douglas, 314, 0. 'Sandow, Arthur Leo, 168, Q. Sandry, Keith, 113, Q. Sandy, G. E. M. (N.S.W.)., 372, 382, I. Sangster, Densie Kincraig, 29, Q. Sansbury, Darrel (half-caste aborigine), 315, Q. Sansbury, Douglas Parry (half-caste aborigine), 315, Q. Sansbury, Edna, 340, R. Sansbury, Malcolm, 315, Q. Sansbury, Terence Charles (half-caste aborigine), 54, 80, Q; 116, 142, 148, F; 315, 324, Q; 326, T. Sansbury, Walter (half-caste aborigine), 315, Q. Santing, J., 276, R. Sapiatzer, Milton Glen, 43, 218, I. Sard, Thomas Balfour Cooper, 389, I. Sardakis, Philip, 299, R. Sargent, Sydney Arthur, 243, Q; 269, T. Sarre, Claude Phillips, 237, R. Sarri, Walter, see Walter Saari. Satterly, William Maxwell, 71, Q. Saunders, see Leslie Melville Martin. `Saunders, Allan Robert, 345, G. Saunders, David Cecil Ackers, 235, M. Saunders, E. (N.S.W.), 249, 282, I. Saunders, Edgar Harold, 119, Q. Saunders, Frank, see Kenneth Charles Euseden. Saunders, Harry, 297, I. Saunders, Jack Ernest, 348, Q. Saunders, Kathleen Mary, 376, R. Saunders, Kenneth, see Kenneth Charles Euseden. Saunders, William Theodore, alias Sanders, 145, 152, Q; 161, T. Saundry, Charles Henry, 375, Q. Saundry, William Keith, 384, Q. Saverio, De Gioia, see Saverio De Gioia. Savery's Pianos Limited, 210, 404, G. Savill, Herbert Henry, alias Herbert Henry Davill, 88, T. Saville, William Henry Joseph, 252, Q. Sawers, Dorothy Mary Elizabeth, 125, J. Sawford, Frederick, 236, Q. Sawford, John Edgar, 313, 321, I. Sawrey, Jack, 52, M. Sawyer, Alick Roy, 167, Q. `Sawyers, Byron, 397, I. Sawyers, Kenneth Muirhead, 389, I. Saxon, Jack Howard, 88, Q. Saxon, Keith Wilford, 204, 218, M. Sayed, Aben El Hassen El, 206, Q. Scadden, Walter Nicholas, 324, Q. Scanlon, James Joseph, 81, Q. Scanlon, John Francis, 28, M. Scannell, George Albert, see John Albert Scannell. Scannell, Jack Albert, see John Albert Scannell. Scannell, John Albert, aliases Jack Albert Scannell, George Albert Scannell, 85, 91, M; 282, U.I. Scarborough, Robert Charles, 119, Q. Scarce, Albert Norris, 406, I. Scarce, George, 399, Q ; 409, T. Scarfe, Colin George, aliases Colin Roberts, John James Watts, 348, Q. Scarman, Donald Arthur, 397, I. Searman, Howard Lvnden, 250, Q. Searman, Thelma, 185, R. 'Schahinga, Augusta Ernestine, see Martha Schahinga. Schahinga, Martha, alias Augusta Ernestine Schahinga, Menzel, 228, Q. IG Schell, William George, 144, Q. Scheller, Edna Joyce, 285, R. Schenscher, Frederick, John, 210, F. Scherer, Johannes Frederick Christian, 190, Q. Scherk, Max Emil Hermann, 213, Q; 253, T. Schiavanin, Ernesto, alias Giuseppe Ernesto Schievenin, 156, F. Schiementz, Frederick William, aliases Frederick William Schiemenz, Frederick William Chiementz, 129, T; 272, 287, F. Schiemenz, Frederick William, see Frederick William Schiementz. Schier, Dorothy Irene, 93, R. Schievenin, Giuseppe Ernesto, see Ernesto Schiavanin. Schild, see Allan Walter Schilds. Schilds, Allan Walter, alias Schild, 21, Q. Schilds, Raymond Phillip, 53, 267, Q. Schiller, Berthold, 300, Q; 373, J. Schiller, Leo Herbert, 374, Q. Schinekel, Trevellyan Forsythe Cliffton, 276, Q. Schintler, Donald Clarence, 92, Q. Schirrippa, Pasquale, 229, Q. Schlaiker,Patricia,112, R. Schlank, S. & Company, Limited, 236, R. Schlein, Geoffrey Raymond, 190, Q. Schluter, Gerald Ernhardt, 268, Q. Schmidt, Elizabeth, 364, Q. Schmidt, Frederick Charles, 363, P. Schmidt, George Henry, 72, Q. Schmidt, Helen Daisy, 127, R. Schmidt, Herta Gertrude, 99, Q. Schmidt, Louise, 156, H. Schmidt, Margaret Gertrude, 197, Q. Schmidt, Max Albert, 236, Q. Schmidt, Nathaniel Gerhardt, 340, Q. Schmidt, Richard Ludwig Karl Hans, aliases Richard Smith, Richard Klingenberg, Richard Parker, 286, T. Sehneemileh, Ruby, 62, 68, H. Schneider, Jack Francis, 311, 320, F. Schneider, Michael, 297, K. Schneider, Robert, 3, I. Schnell, Herman John, 127, Q. Schober, Louis Howard, 65, Q. Schocroft, Ethel, 80, Q. Schofield, A. (N.S.W.), 35, 43, I. Schofield, Henry Yates, 399, Q. Schofield, Robert, see Alexander McPherson Macleod. Schofield, Thomas Phillip, alias Thomas Phillip Seholfield, 213, Q. Scholfield, Thomas Phillip, see Thomas Phillip Schofield. Scholz, Arthur Henry Charles, 13, Q. Scholz, Elsie Maud, 290, Q. Scholz, Herman Bernard, 61, 104, F; 139, T. Schrapel, Clement Harold John, alias Ray Lock, Clem Lock, 45, 138, Q; 185, S. Schrapel, Ernest Erdmann, 138, 258, Q. Schrapel, Jack Conrad, 138, Q. Schrapel, Margaret Gertrude, 138, Q. Schubert, Julius Martin, 220, 292, Q. Schubert, Stanley David, 184, Q. Schubert, Walter, 184, Q. Schultz, Cecil Stanley, 228, Q. Schultz, Edwin William, 191, R. Schultz, Emil, 249, 282, I. Schultz, Mervyn Frederick, 354, I. Schultz, Norman Herbert, 176, Q; 182, 283, M; 358, T. Schultze, see John Agnew. Schulz, Adolph Hugo, 59, Q. Schulz, Carl Wilhelm Frederick, 59, R. Schulz, Don Wilfred, 20, Q. Schulz, Edwin Phillip, 175, Q. Schulz, Ewald Lorenz, 59, Q. Schulz, Gloria Dawn, 220, R. Schulz, Raymond David, 59, Q. Schumacher, Gladys Alvinia, 198, Q. Schumacher, Ronald Albury, 137, Q. Schuman, Allan John, 406, I. Schumann, Roy Henry, 227, Q. Sehuppan, Norman, 52, R. Schutz, Edwin Bruno, 189, P. Schutz, Eileen, 266, 313, I. Schutz, Otto Daniel Martin, 364, R. Schwab, Ernest, 172, H; 204, 0. Schwartz, Edwin Arthur, 58, Q. Schwartzkopff, Bertha Louise Elsie, 340, Q. Schwartzkopff, William John, 65, Q. Schwarz, Clarence Conrad, 168, Q. Scobie, Russell Andrew, 162, T. Scobie, Walter, 53, R. Scott, A. B. (Vic.), 330, I. Scott, Charles Ernshaw, 61, F. Scott, Eric James, 397, H. Scott, George, see George Reginald Andrews. Scott, James Oswald, 96, F. Scott, John Leonard, 25, 34, F. Scott, Leslie James, 43, 85, I. Scott, Norman Henry Thomas, 297, H. Scott, Robert Ellis, 339, P. Scott, Ronald Edward, 365, Q. Scott, Thomas, 285, Q. Scott, William John, aliases Bell, George Roberts, 13, Q. Scott-Halliday, Donald Baker, alias D. Sadler, 259, 375, Q. Scott-Halliday, James Alexander, 183, 197, 0. INDEX. 1. Scott-Vasey, Scrivener, Alfred, Gordon 399, Q. Charles William, Sheehan, Sheehan, 65, R. Thomas William Matthew, Andrew, 282, U.I. 96, F. Scroop, Eric Mervyn, 42, 68, 84 (2), 194, 224, 280, 388, F. Sheffield, Clement Edwin,72,Q. Scroop, Leslie Roy, 38, Q. Scroop, Robert William, 236, Q. Scroop, William Alfred, 213, Q. Scrutton, Shirley, 15, A. Shegog, Thomas French, 307, Q; 341, S. Shephard, Hurtle Roy, 168, Q. Shephard, Leslie, 228, Q. Shephard, Michael, 321, I. Shephard, "Victor Leonard, 199, Q. Shepherd, Harold Charles, also known as Frank Williams,. 84, 202, F. Shepherdson, Betty Alice, 321, 338, I. Sheppard, Leslie James, 214, Q. Sheppard, Victor, 396, H. Sheridan, Donald Neil, 167, Q; 185, T. Sheridan, John, see Patrick John Sheridan. Sheridan, Michael Patrick, 166, M. Sheridan, Patrick John, alias John Sheridan, 251, Q; 260,, T.. Sheridan, Terence John, 92, 107, Q; 116, 141, F. Sheriff, Bruce, 306, 331, O. Sherman, Richard Charles, 285, Q. -Sherrah, Ronald Keith, 365, Q. Shetlat, Harry, 299, Q. Scrutton, Stanley Urquant Scutter, John, 79, 97, I. Austin, 360, F. Seal, Jean Mabel, 339, Q. Sealey, Edrie, 383, R. Seaman, Frederick Albert, 236, Q. Searle, Alex Herbert, 51, H. Searle, Cecil Carlyle, otherwise Cecil Carlisle Searle, Heseltine Rudal, 108, Q. Searle, Jack, 87, Q. Searle, Leslie, 13, Q. Searle, R. (N.S.W.), Searle , 108, 259, Q. 12, 51, I. Searle, Richard Edward John, 109, 116, 180, 233, 239, F. Searle, Robert Thomas, 71, Q. -Seary, Wood Son, 224, G. Seater, James Park, 360, F. Seaward, George Edwin, 384, Q. Sebestyan, Frank Roy, 38, Q. Secke, Sydney John, 316, Q. Seddon, Kenneth Charles (Vic.), 174, I. Sedunary, Lorna Gladys, 51, J. Sedunery, Beryl, 243, R. Seeley, Edgar, 71, Q; 103, F. Seeley, Eric, 331, 355, M. Seeley, H. (N.S.W.), 249, I. Seeley, John, 89, 288, F; 358, T. Seidel, Clement Maxwell, 316, Q. Seidel, Harold Albert, 243, Q; 364, R. Seidel, Josef, 116, 345, F; 348, Q. Seiler, Percy, 39, T. Selby, Bob McNeil, 404, F. Selby, Ronald Leonard, see Ronald Ball. Seldon, H. H. (N.S.W.), 69, 136, I. Sellar, John George, 107, R. Sellars, Frederick William, 315, Q. Sellen, Leonard Duval, 16, 77, F. Sellick, William Walter, 211, I. Sellner, Herbert Frederick, 29, 127, Q. Sellner, Walter Lawrence, 92, Q; 153, T. Selwyn, Arthur Roy, 370, F. Semaschko, Meredith (aborigine), 275, Q. Semaschko, Olivia Maria, 244, R. Semmens, A., 142, H. Semmens, Brian James, 27, I. Semmens, Leonard, 376, Q. Semmens, Mervyn Albert, 151, Q. Semmens, Yvonne, 218, 226, J. Semmler, Frederick Claude, 138, Q. Senn, Leonard, 11, H; 277, Q. Seppelt, Leo Rudolf, 265, H. Sewell, Arthur Reginald, 184, Q. Sewell, Daryl George, 116, F. Sewell, Ronald, 234, 249, I. Sewer, John Helsward, 62, F. Sexton, Mary Fredricka, 35, H. Sexton, Michael Vincent, 349, Q; 399, R. Seymour, George, 14, T. Shackleford, Ronald James Ernest, 221, Q. Shadbolt, J. R., 298, 306, 355, M. Shag, Stella Elizabeth, 142, 172, H; 175, R. Shanahan, Bertha Olive, 384, R. Shanahan, Jean Veronica, 126, 136, O. Shanahan, Kathleen (Vic.), 55, E. Shannen, M. (N.S.W.), 69, 136, I. Shannon, John David, 80, 88, Q. Shannon, Michael Joseph, 383, 384, Q; 385, T; 390, Q. Shannon, Oswald Kenneth, 337, H. Shard, Albert James, 225, I. Sharman, Amos, 340, R. Sharp, John Davis, see John Davis Sharpe. Sharpe, Allan Lindsay, 3, H; 5, Q. Sharpe, John Davis, aliases Spike Sharpe, John Davis Sharp, 238, T. Sharpe, Spike, see John Davis Sharpe. Sharples Printers Limited, 225, 248, G; 250, R. (3). Sharrod, Frederick Clare-nee, 10, 77 (2), F; 88, T. Shatford, A. (N.S.W.), 35, I. Shaughnessy, Albert G., 12, I. Shaw, see Sydney Louis Cossons. Shaw, Bernard, 280, F. Shaw, E. (N.S.W.), 188, 189, 235, I. Shaw, Lawrence (W.A.), 370, E. Shaw, W. (N.S.W.), 305, 330, I. Shay, Victor John, 196, M. Shean, Harry, 260, Q. Shearer, Douglas Albert, 216, F. Shearer, Ella Flora, 337, 346, I. Shearer, Irvine Eldred, 176, R. Shearing. Kenneth, 161, R. Shears, S. (Vie.), 305, I. Shearwin, Alexander, also known as S. Alexander, 224, F. Sheedy, E. A. & J. M., 182, K. Sheehan, Chris, 281, 288, U.H. Sheehan, Christopher, 190, Q. Sheehan, Cornelius, 53, R. Shetlat, Sydney Raymond, 188, I. Shetlat, William Alfred, 160, Q; 221, T; 400, Q. Shiedow, Laurence Reginald, 400, Q. Shield, W. J. P. (Vic.), 274, 322, I. Shields, Kevin, 66, Q. Shiels, Frank Patrick, 272, 304, F. Shiels, Richard, 406, I. Shill, Arthur, 46, Q; 88, T. Shillingford, John Joseph, 233, F. Shillingsford, William Thomas, 234, 256, I. Shineberg, S. (Dr.) (N.S.W.), 195, 203, I. Shinninck, John Alphonus, 236, Q. Shires, Greta Flora, 337, H. Shirley, John James, 292, R. Shirley, Maxwell Leonard, 388, F. Shirriffs, A. (N.S.W.), 12, I. Shorl, Cyril Jeffery, 63, I. Shorne, William George, 88, Q. Short, Florence Mabel, 323, P. Short, Herbert Eric, 213, Q. Short, George Albert, 10, F. Short, Vera May, 322, J; 371, 381, H; 382, J. Shoumack, William Ephram, 149, I. Shugg, John Samuel, alias John Stanley Williamson, 47, T. Sibley, James Eric, 71, Q. Sibly, Allan Thomas, 167, R. Siebert, Frederick Herbert, 280, F. Sikiric, Sime, otherwise Sime Sikirie, 176, Q; 207, T. Sikerie, Sime, see Sime Sikiric. Silk, Frank Vernon, 274, 282, I. Si]ke, Frederick George, 180, F. Sills, Mrs. (Vic.), 79, I. Silver, Laurence Harrison, 227, Q. Sign, George Elmslie, 3, H; 54, 73, R. Simersall, Milton Tozen, 205, Q. Simmons, Harry Clement, 64, Q. Simmons, Julia Ruth, 113, Q. Simms, Oscar James, 79, 85, I. Simon, Julius Carl, 135, H. Simonds, Archie, 333, 399, Q. Simonett, Annie Ethel, 252, R; 381, 388, I. Simpson, Albert Henry, alias Frank William, 357, Q. Simpson, Alexander, 165, 173, I; 183, R. Simpson, Allen Donald, 92, R. Simpson, B., 44, M. Simpson, Harold James, 110, H. Simpson, John Ritche, 127, Q. Simpson, Robert Ernest, 21, R. Simpson, Thomas David, 329, H. Simpson, William Henry, 219, 242, O. Sims, Allan Athol, 155, F. Sims, Ernest, 406, I. Sims, Fred Richard Townsend, 307, Q; 341, S. Sims, Gordon Thomas, 387 (2), A. Sims, Percival Charles, 143, 150, M. Sims, Thomas, 259, Q. Sims, Vera May, 4, I. Sims, William James, 316, Q. Sims, William Morris, 381, H. Sinclair, Brian, 305, I. Sinclair, Douglas, C6, Q. Sinclair, Flora (N.S.W.), 78, G. Sinclair, George, 287, A. Sinclair, John James Garfield, 364 (2), R. Sinclair, Leslie, aliases Leslie Hurst, Leslie Hirst, Leslie Strike, Leslie McDonald, Leslie Rupert Hearst, 287, A. Sinclair, Robert Cecil Richard Claude, 288, H. Sinclair, Robert Stanley, 129, T; 272, 380, F. Sinclair, Vera, 363, 373, I. Sinett, A. (N.S.W.), 35, 43, I. Siney, Hugh Leonard, 376, Q. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 109, A. Singh. Bhagwan, 292, R. Sinkelde, Victor, 147, 163, D. Sinothinos, Dionnthios, 166, N. Sinstock, Margaret, aliases May Howell, Margaret Milson Summers, Reynolds, Kingstock, 164, 172, F. Siostrom, Albert (deceased), 175, R. I INDEX. Siostrom, .Sissons, Sitarinos, Sixson, Bryce Sjober, Kenneth Mervyn, 299, Q. William John Thomas Dobias, 221, R. Jim, 399, Q. George Henry William, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Coppleman. Laurence Neville, 104, I. George Dallas Skelley, Skelly, George Dallas, 145, Q; 161, T. Skelton, Colin Walter, 346, H. ,Skelton, Eric Maxwell, 346, H. Skilbeck, Leslie Arthur, 169, T. Skelley, George Dallis, aliases Alma Skinner, Gladys, 106, 112, 0; 113, R. Skinner, Leonard Joshua, 62, H. Skinner, Lyall Pearce, 329, 354, I. Skinner, Lloyd, 236, Q. Skinner, Mavis, alias Gloria Swanson, 211, U.H. Skinner, Maxwell, 58, R. Skinner, William, 111, I. Skipper, Robert Weld, 79, 125, K. Skoko, Ferdinand, otherwise Skoko Ferdinand, 176, Q; 207, 269, T. Skopic, Marijan, 176, Q; 206, T. Skuce, Sydney Stewart, 217, I. Skurry, George E., 188, H. Sladden, Alwyn Alfred Murray, 156, F. Slade, Howard Frederick, 127, Q. Slake, Keith Douglas, 267, R. Slape, Donald, 123, F. .Slape, Gawans Ernest, 10, F. ,Slape, Leslie James, 198, Q. Slape, Ross Bertram Harry, 37, Q. Slater, Doris, see Doris Marion Papadopoulos. Slater, Malcolm Pentland, 90, F. Slatery, Edwin Morris, 390, 398, O. Slattery, Johanna, 265, H. Slattery, Michael Vincent, 60, T. Sleader, Frederick, 38, Q. Slee, Clifford Jesse, see Richard James Slee. Slee, Richard James, aliases Clifford Gorman, Brian McNally, Clifford Jesse Slee 22, T; 45, Q; 73, T; 99, 205, Q; 269, T; 284, Q; 286, T; 291, Q; 293, 376, T. Sleep, Samuel (estate of), 151, R. Sleigh, H. C., 336, 404, F. Sleight, Arthur Henry, 90, 97, I. Sleuth, see James Lendon. Slinger, John, 300, R. Sloan, Leonard Herbert, 222, T. Sloane, E., 57, J. 'Slocum, Oliver Gordon, 370, F. Slow, Oliver, 219, Q. Sluice, Jack Isadore, see James Lendon. Sly, Clement Joseph Vincent, aliases Laurence, Val James, Barnes, T. Roe, Bryan Lawrence, Raymond Bracknell, Ron Spencer, Benson, John Edward Roy Dunstone, David Lawrence Stanley, A. E. Johnstone, T. Lewis, Mason, Raymond Venning, McCrae, Raymond Sly, 100, T. Sly, Edith, alias Edith May Ince, 399, Q. Sly, Raymond, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Smailes, J. (N.S.W.), 12, I. Small, Alfred Leonard, see Glen Horace Braidwood. Small, Ronald Bryan, 36, O. Smallacombe, Albert Kenneth, 18, M. Smallacombe, Albert Victor, 299, Q. Smallacombe, Don Kitchener, 21, 72, Q; 103, F; 128, S. Smallacombe, Kenneth Desmond, 80, Q. Smart, William Alfred, 64, O. Smedley, Maxwell Colin, 307, Q. Smedley, T. A. (N.S.W.), 17, 97, I. Smedley, Thomas George, 10, 90, F; 299, Smiley, John Clarence, see John Clarence Wilson. Smith, see Mary Nellie Ludlow. Smith, see Irene Mavis Nickels. Smith, A. B. (Vic.), 4, I. Smith, Albert Richard, 289, 329, I. Smith, Albert Roy, 282, 329, I. `Smith, Albert William Raymond, 137, Q. Smith, Allan, 26, 34, 156, G. Smith, Allan Henry, 182, 196, M. Smith, Allen Edwin, 339, O. 'Smith, Amos, 57, J. Smith, Angus, 14, T. Smith, Arthur, 68, F. 'Smith, Arthur Edward, alias Nipper Smith, 10, F; 21, T. Smith, Arthur George, 291, Q. 'Smith, Bertie Joseph, 101, T. Smith, Bruce Murray, 105, I. Smith, E. G. (Vic.), 36, 69, I. Smith, Charles, 19, R. Smith, Charles Henry, 167, R. 'Smith, Clarence Victor, 42, 51, H. 'Smith, Clement John, 332, R. Smith, Colin H., 256, I. Smith, Colin Ray, 65, Q. 'Smith, Daphne June, 64, 70, 404, D. 0; Smith, David Tylen, 237, R. Smith, Smith, 'Smith, Smith, 'Smith, Derek, 86, Q. Don, see Donald George Smith. Donald George, alias Don Smith, Dr. (Vic.), 143, 330, I. D. S. (N.S.W.), 97, 111, I. 236, Q; 269, T. Smith, ii. Eileen, 12, I. Smith, Elder, & Co., Ltd., 159, 167, R; 372, H. Smith, Emily Augusta, 65, R. Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Eric Francis, 363, J. Ernest Alfred, 184, Q. Ernest, & Co., Ltd., 46, R; 203, 234, H; 237, R. Ernest Leslie, 285, Q; 316, T. Ernest Stanley, 86, Q; 116, F. Francis George, 54, R. Frank Allan, 20, Q. Frank Prosser, 3, H. Frank Stanley Mitchell, 126, Q. Frederick, 216, 224, F. Frederick Henry Charles, 168, Q. Frederick James, 237, Q; 269, T. Garfield Stanley Henry, 16.0, Q; 199, S. Garnet Ray, 184, Q. Smith, George, 27, J. Smith, George Edward, aliases Pudding Smith, George William Smith, 296, 304, F; 340, Q; 377, T. Smith, George William, see George Edward Smith. Smith, Gertrude Constance, 145, Q; 268, R. Smith, Graham, 161, Q. Smith, H. A. (N.S.W.), 157, I. Smith, Harold Clifton, 337, H. Smith, Harold Frisby, see Harold Frisby-Smith. Smith, Harold James, 5, Q. Smith, Harold Parker, 168, Q. Smith, H. W., 120, R. Smith, Henry B. (Vic.), 336, G. Smith, Herbert William, 407, Q. Smith, Howard, Ltd., 364, R. Smith, I. R., 321, 329, I. Smith, Isobel Reid Dallas, 332, 333, R. Smith, James Alfred, 236, R. Smith, James Cyril, 149, 157, I. Smith, James Leslie, 168, Q. Smith, James Stanley, 268, R. Smith, Jean, 125, I. Smith, Jean Victoria, 236, R. Smith, Joan Lilian, 46, Q. Smith, John, 348, Q. Smith, John (Vic.), 105, 118, I. Smith, John Archibald, 313, 321, I. Smith, John Robert, see Ernest Peter Mercer. Smith, Keith, 315, Q. Smith, Keith Raymond, 376, Q. Smith, Leonard Frank, 160, Q. Smith, Leslie Stanislays, 59, Q; 66, T. Smith, Leslie Stephen, 275, R. Smith, Leslie Stephen, alias Frederick Brown, 107, 120, Q; 177, T; 252, Q; 325, T; 348, Q; 409, T. Smith, L. G.,218,J. Smith, Lionel Adrian, 19, Q. Smith, Margaret McKenzie, 211, H. Smith, Marie Marcella, 144, R. Smith, Marjorie Pearl, 332, R. Smith, Maurice John, 354, 362, I. Smith, Melville Gordon, 400, Q. Smith, Nipper, see Arthur Edward Smith. Smith, Oswald Donald, 71, Q. Smith, Patrick Joseph, 31, R. Smith, Peter Searle, 43, I. Smith, Phillip Harry, 353, 362, I. Smith, Phylis, 72, R. Smith, Priscilla, 36, J. Smith, Pudding, see George Edward Smith. Smith, Reginald Kingsley Banks, 144, Q. Smith, Richard, see Richard Ludwig Karl Hans Schmidt. Smith, Robert John, 99, Q. Smith, Ron, see John Joseph Ilett. Smith, Ross Sandiford, 321, I. Smith, Samuel Serle, aliases Simon Smith, Symon Smith, 340 Q ; 342, T. Smith, Seth Henry, 251, Q; 269, T. Smith, Shirley, 348, R. Smith, Sidney, 266, 282, I. Smith, Simon, see Samuel Serle Smith. Smith, Simon, 54, Q. Smith, Stanley Gordon, 174, L. Smith, Stanley Phillip, 249, 256, I. Smith, Stuart, 205, Q ; 269, T. Smith, Sydney Lawrence Morton, 96, I. Smith, Symon, see Samuel Serle Smith. Smith, Thomas Barr, 160, Q. Smith, T. H. S., 158, 166, M. Smith, Thomas Terence, 4, I; 6, R. Smith, Thomas William, alias Thomas Williams Stalberg, 348, Q. Smith, Trevor Livingstone, 225, 234, I. Smith, Valerie Bertha, 145, 151, R. Smith, William George, 284, P. Smoker, Ernest, 10, 104, F. Smyth, Florence Campbell, 152, Q. Smythe, Ferdinand Thomas, 20, R. Snadden, Peter, 145, Q. Snell, Evelyn Annie, 290, Q. Snell, Gregory Gordon, 159, Q; 277, T. Snell, John Charles, 244, Q. Snell, Lindsay Grindall, 64, Q; 66, T; 176, Q; 216, 380, F; 391, T; 400, Q. Iii. INDEX. Snelling, Lancelot Edward, 34, 42, F. Snelson, L. (N.S.W.), 249, 282, I. Snook, Reginald, 189, 196, M. Snowy (Abo.), 176, Q; 177, T. Soldiers Memorial Pavilion, 220, R. Solly, Stella Irene, 78, 90, H. Solomit (S.A.) Limited, 205, R. Solomon, Robert Mitchell, 70, 0. Somerville, M. C., 86, M. Sommer, Raymond William, 324, Q. Sommers, Eldon Leonard, 357, 358, T; 406, I. Sommers, John Raymond, 33, 49, D; 65, Q. Sommers, Veneta Doreen, 65, R. Sommers, William Frederick, 3, I. Sommerton, George Eric, 390, M. Sommerville, Alexander Stewart, 149, H. Sorrell, Harry Randolf, 277, R. Sorrell, Jean, 27, 43, I. Sorvik, Jostein,219, Q. Soulos, Emily, 400, Q. South, Alfred George Richard, 277, Q. South, Eric Walter, 219, R. South Australian Cricket Association, 219, R. South Australian Farmers Co-operative Union, Limited, 6, R; 353, H. South Australian Fire Brigade Board, 199, R; 329, 381, H. South Australian Gas Company, 210, H. South Australian GovernmentAborigines DepartmentMeningie, 160, R. Point McLeay, 172, G. Agricultural DepartmentAdelaide, 107, R. Kingscote, 240, 388, H. Architect-in-Chief's DepartmentAdelaide, 304, H. Department of LandsCeduna, 184, R. Education DepartmentAdelaide, 66, R. Compton, 34, 240, G. Ethelton, 148, 156, G; 160, R; 194, G. Rose Park, 375, R. Telowie, 233, G. Torrensville, 164, G. Woodville, 289, H. Engineering and Water Supply DepartmentAdelaide, 191, R. Goyder-Crystal Brook, 204, J. Largs Bay, 345, H. Plympton, 149, H. Sandy Creek, 11, H. Wandana, 188, H. West Mitcham, 26, H. Whyalla, 225, H. Farmers' Assistance BoardEudunda, 198, R. Karoonda, 197, 243, R. Loxton, 236, R. Tumby Bay, 20, R. Wudinna, 168, R. Harbors Board DepartmentPort Adelaide, 45, R; 248, G; 248, H. Highways and Local Government Department- WestThebarton, 68,G. Iron Workers Trade SchoolAdelaide, 202, H. Local Courts DepartmentTerowie, 224, G. Local Government DepartmentAdelaide, 106, R. Police DepartmentAdelaide, 71, 191, R: Hindmarsh, 30, R. Port Augusta, 52, R. Port Lincoln, 13, R. Renmark, 29, R. Terowie, 224, G. Wallaroo, 107, R. Whyalla, 64, R. Railway DepartmentAdelaide, 13, 21, 45, 113, 119, 126, 167 308, 324, R; 405 (2), H. Adelaide-Beachport, 172, H. Adelaide-Gawler, 371, H. Berri-Glanville, 265, H. Bordertown, 324 (2), 408, R. Cheltenham, 164, H. Cockburn-Mile End, 389, J. Cutana, 90, H. Georgetown, 203, 234, H. Goyder-Crystal Brook, 204, J. Islington, 148, H. Lameroo, 332, R. Middletown-Adelaide, 117, H. Mile End, 173, H; 181, I; 320, 388, H. Mitcham-Adelaide, 388, I. Mount Gambier-Adelaide, 371, 381, H. Port Adelaide, 245, R. Port Augusta-Pimba, 195, H. Port Augusta-Victor Harbour, 18, J. (3), 176, Port Pirie-Newcastle (N.S.W.), 105, J. Salisbury, 348, R. Semaphore-Gawler, 372, H. Wandana, 188, H. Wolseley, 113, 375, R. Yappara, 51, H. School of Mines DepartmentAdelaide, 156, H; 224, 273, G. State Bank DepartmentHundred of Chandada, via Poochera, 338, Hundred of Kekwick, K. 117, 124, H. Waikerie, 175, R; 190, P. South Australian Hardwoods Limited, 138, R. South Australian Trotting Club Incorporated, 65, 87, 151, B. South Australian Wool Committee, 338, 346, I. Southern Barytes Limited, 173, H. Southern Cross Assurance Co. Limited (QId.), 346, 354, I. Sowden, Charles Frederick, 11, 17, I. Spackman, William Peter, 267, Q. Spadavecchia, Vito, 375, Q. Spafford, Emily Beatrice, 275, Q. Spain, Francis Edward, 127, 221, Q. Spain, Gordon Norman, 160, Spain, James Patrick, 127, 221, Q Q. Spain, William Ronald, 252, Spangler, Jacqueline Alice, 138, Q. Spanjol, Krsevan, 176, Q; 206, T. Spargo, see Edwin Benjamin Tregaskis. Sparks, Clarence Rex, 152, T. Spazzano, Antonio, alias Spezzano, 119, 373, 0. Spearman, Sydney Raymond, aliases Charles Day, Anthony Maurice Landau, 239, F; 256, U.H.; 328, F; 332, Q; 392, T. Special InquiryAgnew, John, identical with James Mann, aliases George Anderson, Charles Percival Bromley, George Culvert Dalgetty, Michael Frank Foy, James Lewis, Thomas Lloyd, James Morris Machin, James Macon, Massey, James Munro, C. Schultze, James Thompson, 194. Ahsbahs, Hermann (N.S.W.), 360, 395. Anderson, George, see John Agnew. Armstrong, John Alexander, aliases Bruce, Burns (N.S.W.), 209, 352 (Vic.). Armstrong, Mina Elizabeth Mary, alias DeLacey, 115. Aubert, Jean, 344. Bainbridge, William Geoffrey, 61. Ball, Colin Ray, 49. Beames, Harold F., identical with Henry Frederick Dennise, alias Beamish, 380. Beamish, see Harold F. Beames. Bloomfield, Jack (N.S.W.), see Maurice Adolph Joseph Waldemar Lovell. Blumanfeldt, Jacob (N.S.W.), see Maurice Adolph Joseph Waldemar Lovell. Brady, see Edward James May (Vic.). Brennan, Frederick, see Edward Joseph Temple. Bromley, Charles Percival, see John Agnew. Bruce, see John Alexander Armstrong (Vic.). Bruce, see Edward John Heath. Bruce, see May Heath. Bryce, see Charles Lewis (N.S.W.). Burns, see John Alexander Armstrong (Vic.). Campbell, Edward, see Edward Joseph Temple. Campbell, William Edward, see Edward Joseph Temple. Carr, see Robert Lane. Central Cars, 61. Children's Welfare Department (Vic.), 370. Cohen, see Clarence Percival Elliott (N.S.W.). Cohen, Frederick Leon, 287. Comleys Limited, 370. Commercial Bank of Australia Limited (Vic.), 352. Counterfeit £5 bank notes passed, 370. Dalgetty, George Culvert, see John Agnew. Dalgety & Co. Ltd., 194, 215, 272, 319. Daly, Eva Valmai, 194. Davidson, Arnold, see Anders Johnsen. Davis, E., 194, 215. Davis, Roma Elizabeth, 49. DeLacey, see Mina Elizabeth Mary Armstrong. Dennise, Henry Frederick, see Harold F. Beames. Donovan, Dennis Patrick, see James Worthington Newell. Elliott, Clarence Percival, alias Ward, Ranking, Cohen (N.S.W.), 50, 395. Ernsmith & Co. Limited, 380. Foot, James Henry, identical with Newton, alias Ford, alias Watts (Vie.), 395. Ford, see James Henry Foot. Foy, Michael Frank, see John Agnew. Glowatzky, Eric Josef, 343. Gordon, Fred, see Frederick Gordon Payne. Hannan, Thomas, 255. Harris, see Edward James May (Vic.). Harris, Donald Maxwell, alias Maxwell Donald Harris, 271, 272, 319. Harris, Maxwell Donald, see Donald Maxwell Harris. Harris, William Edward, see Edward Joseph Temple. Harrison, William John, see Edward Joseph Temple. Haseley, William August Herman, believed to have assumed the name of Charles Newman (N.S.W.), 395. Hearst, Leslie Rupert, see Leslie Sinclair. Heath, Edward John (N.S.W.), 209. INDEX. Heath, May, aliases Hogan, Bruce Hirst, Leslie, see Leslie Sinclair. (Vic.), 352. Howden, see Robert Lane. Hunt, Alan Ian Ward, see James Worthington Newell. Hunt, Alan Ward, see James Worthington Newell. Hunt, Arthur, see James Worthington Newell. Hunt, Commander Ward, see James Worthington Newell. Hurst, Leslie, see Leslie Sinclair. Jamieson, Thomas, see Edward Joseph Temple. Jansson, Gustaf Reinholdt, 327, 335. Johnsen, Anders, aliases Togney Sylver Morgan, Arnold Davidson, 279. Jonsen, Karel, 115. Joseph, George, 327, 328, 370, A. Karpany, Lionel, 395. Kealey, Richard, 201, 202. King, Eric Roy, see James McDougall. Lane, Robert, aliases Howden, Carr, 202. Lee, Sydney Ernest (N.S.W.), 387. Lewis, Charles, aliases Charles Walter Lewis, Bryce, Palmer (N.S.W.), 387. Lewis, Charles Walter, see Charles Lewis (N.S.W.). Lewis, James, see John Agnew. Lloyd, Thomas, see John Agnew. Lovell, Maurice Adolph Joseph Waldemar, aliases Jacob Blumanfeldt, Jack Bloomfield, 395. Lyon, Alexander John, 380. Machin, James Morris, see John Agnew. Macon, James, see John Agnew. Mahoney, William, see Edward Joseph Temple. Mann, James, see John Agnew. Marks, John, 287. Martin, John, & Co., Ltd., 380. Massey, see John Agnew. May, Edward James, aliases Harris, Brady (Vie.), 395. Michelson, Erick Gunnar (Vic.), 395, 403. Mitchell, M. E. (man gave name of), see Edward Joseph Temple. Morgan, Togney Sylver, see Anders Johnsen. Moroney, Nora Josephine, 311. Morris, Samuel, see Edward Joseph Temple. Morris, Speran, 370. Mountjoy, Edgar (Vic.), 395. Munro, James, see John Agnew. Myer Emporium (S.A.) Limited, 380. McAlear, Patrick, 264. McDonald, Leslie, see Leslie Sinclair. McDougall, James, alias Eric Roy King, 115. Newchurch, Thomas Henry, 279, 287. Newell, James Worthington, aliases Alan Ian Ward Hunt, Alan Ward Hunt, Arthur Hunt, Dennis Patrick Donovan, Commander Ward Hunt, 343. Newman, Charles, see William August Herman Haseley (N.S.W.). Newton, see James Henry Foot (Vie.). Olsen, John, 95, 115. O'Reilly, 202. Orr, Robert Malcolm, ,380. Palmer, see Charles Lewis (N.S.W.). Payne, Frederick George, see Frederick Gordon Payne. Payne, Frederick Gordon, aliases Frederick George Payne, Fred Gordon, Gordon Wayne, 287. Poletees, Theo (N.S.W.), 370. Ranking, see Clarence Percival Elliott (N.S.W.). Rigney, Isobel, 395. Schultze, C., see John Agnew. Sinclair, George, 287. Sinclair, Leslie, aliases Leslie Hurst, Leslie Hirst, Leslie Strike, Leslie McDonald, Leslie Rupert Hearst, 287. Strike, Leslie, see Leslie Sinclair. Tabe, Herbert James, 193, 194, 215. Tanner, Herbert Henry, see Union Bank of Australia. Temple, Edward Joseph, aliases Samuel Falconer, Wendhell, Edward Joseph Wendhell, William Edward Harris, William Weir, Frederick Brennan, Edward Campbell, William John Harrison, Samuel Morris, William Edward Campbell, Samuel Temple, Thomas Jamieson, E. J. Temple, William Mahoney, M. E. Mitchell, 327, 328, 370, A. Temple, E. J., see Edward Joseph Temple. Temple, Samuel, see Edward Joseph Temple. Thompson, James, see John Agnew. Todd, Rita (Mrs.), 352. Turner, Jack (man gave name of), 134. Union Bank of Australia (Herbert Henry Tanner, (N.S.W.), 209. Unknown man, 49. Unknown man, 134. Unknown man, 193. Unknown man, 352. Unknown men (two), 370. Unknown men, 287. Victorian Government (Public Service), 311. Vincentz, Carl Joseph, 95. Wahlberg, Johan Bruno, teller), 115. Ward, man named (N.S.W.), see Clarence Percival Watts, see James Henry Foot (Vic.). Wayne, Gordon, see Frederick Gordon Payne. Weir, William, see Edward Joseph Temple. Elliott. HE Wendhell, Edward Joseph, see Edward Joseph Temple. Wendhell, Samuel Falconer, see Edward Joseph Temple. Wendts, 327, 328, 370. Wheeler, Robert, 380. Whitburn, John Allen, 147. White, Charles Henry, 395. Wiles, Muriel Joyce, 352. Wilson, Vernon George (Vic.), 370. Speeht, Eileen, 213, R. Speck, Albert Clifford, 305, I. Speck, Albon Michael, 62, 148, F. Speck, Eric Maxwell, 198 (2), R. Speers, William Leonard, 6, R. Spehr, Torrens Winston, 280, D. Spencer, Catherine Ann Elizabeth, 329, H. Spencer, Constance Winifred, 284, Q. Spencer, Harold Clement, 143, 157, I. Spencer Hotel (R. Parsons, manager), 110, Or. Spencer, James, 177, T. Spencer, Ran, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Spender, Frederick Colin, 155, F. Speran, Morris, 370, A. Spezzano, see Antonio Spazzano. Spezzano, Laurie, see Lorenzo Spezzano. Spezzano, Lorenzo, otherwise Laurie Spezzano, 145, R; 145, Q. Spher, Violet May, 397, I. Spicer, F. (Vic.), 63, 98, I. Spicer Memorial Methodist Church, 304, 361, G; 365, R. Spicer, Wilfred Harold, 7, 88, 238, 401, T. Spicer, Yvette Mary, 397, I. Spiers, Frederick Ronald, 376, Q. Spinks, George Charlton, 69, J. Sporsem, John Ernest Victor, 316, R. Sporsen, Robert Charles, 12, 17, I. Sprigg, Frederick William, 88, Q. Spriggs, Norman Edward, 259, Q. Spry, Cyril Laurence, 276, Q. Spry, Ian Hamilton, 258, P. Spry, Louis, 255, 281, F. Spurgeon, Nellie, 300, Q. Spurling, Betty, 142, H ; 251, Q. Spurling, Frederick William, 300, R. Spurling, Lorraine Elizabeth, 92, R. Spurritt, Leonard, see Thomas Archibald Leonard Spurritt. Spurritt, Robert, 96, F. Spurritt, Thomas Archibald Claude, see Thomas Leonard Archibald Spurritt. Spurritt, Thomas Archibald Leonard, aliases Leonard Spurritt, Thomas Archibald Claude Spurritt, 273, I; 276, Q; 301, S; 385, T. Squires, Jack Lewis, 71, Q. Squires, L. (Vie.), 157, I., Squires, Mervyn, 405, H. Stacey, Frederick Raymond, 406, I. Stacey, Henry James, 199, R. Stacey, Lottie Pretoria Betty, 348, R. Stacey, Victor Harrington, 332, R. Staehr, Walter Hugo, 291, 364, Q. Stagbour, Hope, see Audrey Hope Davies. Stainthorpe, Walter, 244, Q; 269, S; 3-66, T. Staite, John Hartelbury, 3, F. Staltari, Guiseppe, 30, Q. Stancliffe, Alfred, 98, P. Standard Insurance Company Limited (N.S.W.), 372, H. Standley, Raymond, 109, 147, F. Stanford, Maxwell McGregor, 176, Q. Stanford, W. E. (N.S.W.), 12, 321, I. Stanicic, Moroslav, 176, Q; 207, T. Stanke, Alton Alvin Von, 265, H. Stanke, Myra Von, 72, R. Stanley, Clarence Leslie John, 353, 361, F. Stanley, Clive, 370, F. Stanley, Cornelius, see James Horace Livingstone. Stanley, David Lawrence, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Stanley, Florence Bell, 248, H. Stanley, Gordon Thomas, 144, O. Stanley, Jack, 74, T. Stanley, Katherine May, 156, H. Stanley, Ray, alias Stanley George Brand, 18, 36, M; 68, F; 106, 126, M. Stanley, Robert Howard, 388, 404, F. Stanley, Robert James, 39, T. Stanley, Ronald John, 348, Q; 409, T. Stanley, Terence Joseph, 329, H. Stanley, W. (Vic.), 118, I. Stanton, Angus Henry, 315, Q. Stanton, James, 12, P. Stanton, Lindsay Lancaster, 138, Q. Staples, Charles Joseph, 206, T. Staples, Clarence Stuart Frank, 7, T. Staples, Catherine Agnes, 92, Q; 108, T. Staples, Frank, 99, Q. Staples, Percival William George, 197, Q; 214, S. Staples, T. W. J., 174, 182, M. Stapleton, Samuel, 344, F. Stapleton, William Alfred, 248, I. Starick, Cecil Bernhardt Rheinhold, 375, R. Starke, Frederick Hermann, 72, Q. Starkey, Dudley Lloyd, 72, R. Starling, Howard David, 221, R. 'iv. INDEX. Starling , Ronald Percival, 375, Q. Stasinowsky, Ivan Richard 384, Q. Stathis Steve, 19, Q. Staude, Roy William Cameron, 245, R. Steadman, Donald Milton, 79, M. Stearne, David Murray, 138, 191, Q. Steele, Clive Maurice, 244, Q. Steele, Clive Moral, 280, F. Steele, James Gordon, 390, R. Steer, Elvie Hutington, 64, Q. Steggall, William Frederick, 144, O. Stehbens, Horace Bramwell, 5, Q; 46, T; 59, Q ; 128, S. Steinert, Herbert Johannes, 236, Q. Steinwedel, Herbert Douglas, 165, 173, I. Steinwedel, Peter, 251, Q. Stenning, Aubrey John, 214, Q. Stephen, David Arthur, 139, T. Stephen, Donald Caird, 375, Q. Stephens, Ernest, see Ernest Oliver Fidge. Stephens, Frederick Claude, 137, Q. Stephens, Garth Charles, 58, Q. Stephens, John Patrick, 60, Q. Stephens, Leonard, aliases William Horace Blair, Harold Clark, William Andrews, 120, Q; 138, T. Stephens, Robert, 57, M. Stephens, William John, 142, 157, I. Stephenson, John, 159, Q. Stephenson, Reginald Cyril, 84, F. Stergiou, Panagis, 166, N. Sterzl, Dulsie Gladys, 363, J. Stevens, Albert Vincent, 29, Q; 46, 238, T; 251, 333, Q; 401, T. Stevens and Boucaut, 149, H. Stevens, Clifford Henry Raw, 105, I. Stevens, Edgar Albert, 356, Q. Stevens, George Francis, alias George Frederick Stevens, 39, T ; 333, Q; 342, T. Stevens, George Frederick, see George Francis Stevens. Stevens, Gilbert Andrew, 319, F. Stevens, Harry Maxwell, 291, Q. Stevens, Joe, otherwise Joseph Stevens, 109, A. Stevens, John, 237, 375, Q. Stevens, John, 174, O. Stevens, John Ernest, see Emil Ernst Nitschke. Stevens, Joseph, see Joe Stevens. Stevens, Joseph, 77, 90, F. Stevens, Leonard George, 42, 345, F. Stevens, Lesmah Frederick, 347, M. Stevens, Michael, 273, F; 276, Q; 285, T. Stevens, Ronald Keith, 36, 323, O. Stevens, Roy, see William David Harkness Lawrence. Stevens, Stanley Clarence, 2, 89, 216, D. Stevens, Sydney James, see Sydney James DeKuyper. Stevens, William Alfred, 251, Q. Stevens, William Harry, 361, H. Stevens, William John, 2, 10, F. Stevenson, Charles Victor, 6, R. Stevenson , J. (Vic.), 98, I. Stewart, see Annie Floris. Stewart, Albert, 37, Q. Stewart, Charles Arthur James, 155, 194, F. Stewart, Eric, 87, Q. Stewart, Frederick, 113, Q. Stewart, Garland Campbell, 203, I. Stewart, George, 58, Q. Stewart, Jack, 4, U.I. Stewart, Jack Lyndon, alias J. Johns, 288, F; 300, Q; 358, T. Stewart, Leslie Ward, 321, I. Stewart, Malcolm George, 234, 249, I. Stewart, Norman Sydney, see Gordon Stanley Brumfield. Stewart, Percy, 113, T. Stewart, R. N. (Vic.), 118, I. Stewart, Tom, 265, U.H. Stewart, Walter, 111, L Stiller, Kathleen, 345, H. Stiller, Paul Arthur, 145, Q; 197, R. Stillwell and Parry's (Vic.), 283, I. Stinson, Charles Alfred, 291, Q; 341, S. Stirling, Norman, see George Norman. Stiros, Michael, 5, 390, N. Stoba, George, 59, Q. Stock, Ronald Arthur Lloyd, 242, P. Stoddard, Henry George, 18, 27, J. Stoddard, Jack Stanley, 176, Q. Stodden, Malcolm James, 151, 161, Q; 199, S. Stoke, Claire Marie, 190, R. Stokke, Bergen, see Stewart Patrick Coyle. Stokes, David Ernest, 62, 110, F. Stokes, Eric (Vic.), 354, 363, I. Stokes, Rodney, 381, H. Stoland, Alfred, aliases William Albert McDonald, Bill McDonald, 30, Q; 74, T; 163, A; 172, 181, F; 190, Q; 193, A; 238, T; 315, Q; 367, T. Stolberg, Thomas William, see Thomas William Smith. Stolz, Lorraine Mavis, 65, Q; 73, T. Stone, Arthur, see William Robert Stone. Stone, Frederic, 354, 362, I. Stone, Frederick Henry, 374, P. Stone, John, see Charles Edward Johnstone. Stone, Leslie James, 323, 389, 407, M. Stone, Patsy Coral, 384, R. Stone, Robert, see William Robert Stone. 1 Stone, William Robert, aliases John Robertson, Arthur Johnson, Arthur Stone, Robert Stone, R. Johnson, 197, 206, Q; 216, 224, C.; 228, 229, Q; 358, T. Stoner, Edward, 242, P. Stoner, Marie Louisa, 3, H. Storr, Leslie Charles, 339, R. Stott, Richard, 268, Q. Stott, T. C. (Mr.), 211, J. Stow, Ronald Edward, 340, R. Strache, Paul Wilhelm, 284, Q. Stratford, G. H. (N.S.W.), 321, 330, I. Stratton, Maxwell Sutton, 53, Q. Strawbridge, Harold Douglas, 290, M. Street, Thomas John, 126, Q. Stretton, Phillip George, 30, Q. Strike, Leslie, see Leslie Sinclair. Stringer, Norman, 175, R. Stringer, Norman Arthur, 275, Q. Struthers, Joseph, 30, Q. Struthers, Robert William, 159, Q. Struthers, Ronald W., 281, H. Stuart, Albert Kenneth, 128, Q. Stuart, Charles (half-caste aborigine), 315, Q. Stuart, Hector Reuben Cuthbert, 28, 314, O. Stuart, John Huntley, 259, Q. Stuart, Kenneth Walter, 346, H. Stuart, Viola Rosalind, 372, 381, I. Stubbings, Clarence, 84, 135, F. Stubbs, Dorothy, 26, 51, H. Stubbs, D. M. (Mrs.), 306, 314, K. Stubbs, James, 250, Q. Stunell, Richard George, 364, Q. Sturgess , W. H. (Vic.), 79, I. Stutley, Alfred, 373, 381, H. Stutley,Eleanor May Jean, see Jean Stutley. Stutley, Jean, aliases Scot Jean, Eleanor May Jean Stutley, Repace, 219, Q; 252, T. Subat, Andrija, 176, Q; 207, T; 269, T. Suck, Jack Ryles, 218, 227, O. Sugden, Harold Anthony, 155, 164, F. Sullivan, Charles, 21, T; 127, Q; 186, T. Sullivan, John, alias Patrick O'Grady, 383, Q. Sullivan, Norma, 159, Q. Sullivan, Patrick, see Patrick Grady. Sullivan, Percy Wilfred Nathaniel, 118, M. Sullivan, Sylvester, 45, Q. Sully, S. (N.S.W.), 97, I. Sultan, Sumith, 198, Q. Summerhayes, Owen Stanley, 268, Q. Summerill, Robert Bruce, 18, 36, M. Summers, Clive Piggott, 397, I. Summerton, Howard George, 52, 57, O. Sumner, Bethel, 198, R. Sumner, Everett, 384, Q. Sumner, Hector Victor, 228, Q. Sumner, Lancelot Major , alias Major Lancelot Sumner, 119, 160, Q; 230, T; 384, Q; 401, T. Sumner, Major Lancelot, see Lancelot Major Sumner. Sumner, Proctor Leslie, 284, Q. Sundell, Anders, see Andrew Herman Sundell. Sundell, Andrew Herman, aliases Anders Sundell , Andrew Anderson, 99, Q; 100, T; 180, F. Surace, Frank Rocco, 29, Q. Sutcliffe, Austin, 242, M. Sutcliffe, Eileen Alice, 357, R. Suter, Percy Hampden, 355, 373, O. Sutherland, Albert, 398, O. Sutherland, Hugh, 237, R; 344, F. Sutherland, John McLennan, 64, R. Sutherland, Peter George, 206, Q. Sutherland, Thomas Gordon Butler, 291, Q. Sutter, Edward Joseph, 141, 156, F. Sutter, John Francis, 92, 100, 199, Q. Sutter, John Frank, see John Francis Sutter. Sutter, Joseph Aloysius, 144, Q. Sutter, Mary Ann, 92, 199, Q. Sutter, Peter Thomas, 144, Q. Sutton, E. L. (Vic.), 12, 27, I. Sutton, Jerimiah Andrew, 175, R. Sutton, Lawrence Graham, 308, Q. Sutton, Raymond James, 291, Q. Swain, Howard, 63, I. Swain, Stanley Graham, 219, Q. Swan, Jack, see Harry Wheeler. Swandale, Robert James, 81, Q. Swaney, Francis Guwiene, 74, T. Swaney, Sausac Appal, see Sunasie Appal Swany. Swann, James Frederick, 361, H. Swanson, Eric Oswald, 137, Q. Swanson , Floria, see Mavis Skinner. Swanston , see Maurice Dias. Swanston, Richard George, 18, 44, M. Swany, Sunasie Appal, alias Sausac Appal Swaney, 15, B; 54, T. Swart, F. P., 52, M. Swatts, Frederick Harry, 93, Q. Sweeney, Cecil Patrick, 360, 371, F. Sweeney, Dulsie Livina, aliases Dulsie Livina Bennett, identical with Miss W. C. Beams, 142, UH; 234, H; 237, Q. Sweeney, Robert James, 80 , 136, O. Sweeney, William Thomas , 2, 50, F. INDEX. Sweet, Allan Richard Granville , 290, Q. Sweet, Phillip Lindsay Gordon Avon , 364, Q. Sweet, Reginald Charles , 336, F. Sweet, Thomas Henry , 227, Q. Swenson, Norman Benjamin, 64, M. Swift, Leonard Charles , 372, I. Swift, Michael Dennis, 227, Q; 248, G; 252, Q. Swift , Victor Alexander, 408, Q. Swinburne , Evelyn, 17, H. Swineer, Stanley Raynolt, 288, H ; 290, Q. Sydenham, Liel Argent, 28, 125, M. Sykes, Ruby Jean, 267, 274, 0. Sym Choon , Robert Gordon , 297, 305, I; 307, R. Symes, Reginald Keith, 184, 307, Q; 367, T. Symon, Charles James Ballarat , 347, J. Symons , Arthur Colin, 85, I. Symons, Colin Maxwell , 213, Q. Symons, Edward John , 260, Q. Symons, Mary Ann, 372, H. Symons , William Charles, 93, Q. T Tabe, Herbert James, 193, 194, 215, A. Taggart, John Joseph, 289, 297, J. Taggart, Thomas James, 172, F. Taggerty, L. R. Morgan (Vic.), 196, I. Tagliapiati, R. (N.S.W.), 149, I. Taheny, Dominic Edward, 65, Q. Taheny, Francis Ignatius, 65, Q. Tailem Bend Racing Club, 259, R. Tait, Edward Leonard, 117, H. Talbot, Captain Ian, see Glynn Morgan. Talbot, Ernest Thomas, 38, Q. Talbot, Francis Noah, 258, P; 292, Q; 301, S; 339, Q. Talbot, Leonard, 56, I. Talbot, Sydney, 58, Q. Taliangis, Theo, 51, J. Taliantzis, Dimentrious, 10, F. Tamblyn, Herbert Frank, 99, Q; 121, T. Tamke, Keith Edward, 5, 36, 241, 266, M. Tanagati, Ziro, 228, R. Tandy, H. H., Limited, 196, 204, J; 252 (2), R. Tangari Wine Cellars, 65, R. Tanner, Herbert Henry, see Union Bank of Australia (N.S.W.). Tanner, Percival Walter, 195, 337, I; 341, R. Tannering, John Edward, 267, R. Tapner, William Frank, 174, 204, M. Tapp, Joseph, 256, I. Tapper, Albert Leslie, 291, Q; 344, F. Tardrew, Harry Mitchell, 210, F. Targrass, J. W. (Vic.), 79, I. Tarlington, Dr. (N.S.W.), 249, 282, I. Tasker, Rodick Iledley, 228, Q. Tasker, William Hampson, 107, R. Tassell, Clarence Harry, 405, H. Tassell, John Clifford, 105, •117, I; 199, R. Tatiara Pastoral Agriculture and Industry Society, 324, R. Tattali, Nicola, 332, 349, Q. Tattoli, Carrado, 92, 276, 277, Q. Taubert, Max, 252, Q; 269, S. Tavener, Arthur Stanley, 349, Q. Taylor, Albert Ernest, 164, H. Taylor, Albert George, alias Albert Taylor Ellis, 183, Q• Taylor, Alexander Lester, 19, R. Taylor, Alfred Stewart Hartley, aliases Algie Chilton, Alvan Stuart Hartley Taylor, 42, F; 144, 0; 206, T; 341, T. Taylor, Alfred William, 81, Q. Taylor, Alvan Hartley Stewart, see Alfred Stewart Hartley Taylor. Taylor, Charles Grant, 292, R. Taylor, Christine, 198, Q. Taylor, Eric Albert, 127, Q; 222, T. Taylor, E. W. (N.S.W.), 211, 226, I. Taylor, E. W. J., 390, 407, M. Taylor, George Edward, 333, Q. Taylor, George Clifford, 84, F. Taylor, Gladys, 346, I. Taylor, Harold George, otherwise Horace George Taylor, 112, Q; 199, S; 230, T. Taylor, Harry, 400, Q. Taylor, Heather, 382, J. Taylor, Henry John, 107, R. Taylor, Horace George, see Harold George Taylor. Taylor, John Robert, 373, M. Taylor, Joseph Septimus Percy, 4, L. Taylor, K. (N.S.W.), 35, I. Taylor, Kenneth Frank, 338, I. Taylor, Kenneth Harry, 73, 137, 268, Q; 317, T. Taylor, Kenneth William Bendigo, 292, Q. Taylor, Leigh George, 192, Q. Taylor, Leslie James, 79, 143, M. Taylor, Lorna, 15, D. Taylor, Norman Patrick, 25, F. Taylor, Patricia Aileen, 189, 196, J. Taylor, Patrick William Francis, 243, Q. Taylor, Radcliffe (Miss) (W.A.), 125, 174, I. Taylor, R. C. (Vie.), 27, 36, I. Taylor, Robert, 290, 0. lv. Taylor, Robert Watson, aliases Jackson, 332, 398, Q. Taylor, Ronald James, 206, Q. Taylor, Ronald Richard, 298, Q. Taylor, Seth Aden, 214, Q. Taylor, Stella Eileen, 308, Q. Taylor, W. (N.S.W.), 165, I. Taylor, Wilfred Charles, 96, H. Taylor, Wilfred Ernest, P. Jackson, Robert Watson 20, Q; 61, 62, 224, F. Taylor, William Henry, aliases Wingy Taylor, Burton, 113, T. Taylor, William Henry James, 174, M. Taylor, William Russell, 366, T. Taylor, Wingy, see William Henry Taylor. Teague, Albert Victor, 282, I. Teague, Francis, 242, P. Teague, Lindsay, 26, G; 30, Q. Teakle, Ray Gilbert, 243, Q. Teddy (aborigine), 390, Q; 392, T. Tee, Catherine, 375, Q. Tegardine, William James, 149, I. Telfer, William James, 192, T. Temby, Frederick D., 142, H. Temby, Norman Bruce, 305, I. Temple, Edward Joseph, aliases Samuel Falconer Wendhell, Edward Joseph Wendhell, William Edward Harris, William Weir, Frederick Brennan, Edward Campbell, William John Harrison, Samuel Morris, William Edward Campbell, Samuel Temple, Thomas Jamieson, E. J. Temple, William Mahoney, M. E. Mitchell, 327, 328, U.A.; 370, A; 372, H; 376, Q. Temple, E. J., see Edward Joseph Temple. Temple, Samuel, see Edward Joseph Temple. Templer, Edwin John, 137, Q; 187, 233, F; 244, Q; 280, F. Templer, William Frederick, 6, Q. Templer, William Joseph, 45, R. Tems, Leslie Julian, 382, L. Tenneson, Otto, 316, Q. Terowie Institute, 224, G. Terrazo Cement Specialists Co. Limited, 202, G. Terrell, James Edwin, 183, P. Terrett, James Arthur Clarke, 198, R. Terrible Hughie, see Hugh Anthony Parker. Terry, Roy Arthur, 243, 323, Q; 355, M. Texier, Eva, 210, H. Thalborne, George Gavin, 227, Q. Thatcher, Robert George, 87, The Austral Sheet Metal Works, 275, P. The Black Bomber, see Ethel May Bryant. Thibou, Maxwell Aird, 196, M. Thiele, Albert James Joseph, 16 (2), 25 (2), 62, 187, 216, F. Thiele, Alfred Clair, 106, Q. Thiele, Betty Joan, 144, 150, 0; 167, R; 167, Q; 175, R; 177, Q. Thiele, Iris Dulcie, 313, I. Thiele, John Leonard, 138, Q. Thiele, Keith, 137, R. Thiele, Ronald Edward, 354, I; 356, 357, Q. Thiele, Walter Erwin, 228, 373, Q. Thirsk, Joan, 15, A. Thirsk, Rita Melba, 45, Q. Thirsk, William Douglas, 321, 330, I. Thistleton, Alwyn Cyril, 219, Q. Thomas, see Ernest David James Thompson. Thomas, see Leslie Melville Martin. Thomas, Arthur, 267, Q; 268, R; 352, F; 374, R. Thomas, Bruce Norman, 37, Q. Thomas, Bruce Wainwright, 188, H. Thomas, Clarence, alias Wilfred Thomas, 105 (3), I; 106, Q; 199, S. Thomas, Clarence Leon Keith, 146, Q. Thomas, Clarrie, see Wilfred Thomas. Thomas, Constance Lorraine, 72, R. Thomas, Donald Glen, 362, H. Thomas, D. M. (N.S.W.), 241, I. Thomas, E. G. (Vic.), 36, I. Thomas, Edward Charles, 45, Thomas, Elizabeth Anne, 3, H. Q Thomas, Elizabeth Betty, 137, R. Thomas, Ernest Joseph, 289, 337, I; 340, R; 356, R. Thomas, Ernest 0. Limited, 319, F. Thomas, Florence Martha, 406, J. Thomas, Frank, see Francis Anthony Knox. Thomas, Fred, see Harold Richard Thomas. Thomas, Frederick, see Frederick Thompson. Thomas, Frederick Gordon, 145, R. Thomas, Garnet John, 31, Q; 84, 90, F. Thomas, George James, 58, Thomas, Geoffrey George, 339 Q. Thomas, Harold Richard, aliases Frederick Beaumont, James, Fred Thomas, 156, 210, F. Thomas, Herbert Oswald, 120, Q. Thomas, J., see John Omar. Thomas, Jack, 53, Q. Thomas, James, 26, H. Thomas, James Wallace, 81, Q. Thomas, John Hartley, 185, Q. Thomas, John Hilton, 31, Q. Thomas, John Nicholas, 389, I. Thomas, John Patrick, see Francis Anthony Knox. Thomas, Joseph Edward, see Roy Patrick Heard. Thomas, Keith Middlemore, 127, Q. Thomas, Lancelet William, 27, J. INDEX. Thomas, Latimer Livingstone, 259, Q; 301, S. Thomas, Leonard, 388, H. Thomas, Max, 321, UI. Thomas, Milton George, 264, F; 227, T. Thomas, Reginald Keith, 144, P. Thomas, Reginald Stanley, 242, P. Thomas, Richard John, 276, R. Thomas, Ronald, 184, R. Thomas, Ronald Douglas, 168, Q. Thomas, R. K. (Vic.), 283, 289, I. Thomas, Snowy, see William Roy Thomas. Thomas, Thomas, 145, Q. Thomas, Victor Montague, 148, 396, H. Thomas, W. A. L. Limited, 259, R. Thomas, Wallace Stanley, 177, Q. Thomas, W. G., 196, M. Thomas, Wilfred, otherwise Clarie Thomas (Vic.), 103, E. Thomas, Wilfred Clarence, see Clarence Thomas. Thomas, William George, 196, M. Thomas, William Henry, 72, Q; 128, S; 334, T. Thomas, William Roy, alias Snowy Thomas, 284, Q. Thomas, William Stewart Elwin, 243, Q. Thompson, see Frederick George Penfold. Thompson, see Nina Wright. Thompson, Allan, see Murray George Bradley. Thompson & Harvey Limited, 20 (3), 21, R. Thompson, Clare, 145, R. Thompson, Clarice Pretoria, 213, R. Thompson, Clifton Raymond, 126, M. Thompson, Edward William, 213, Q. Thompson, Ernest David James, aliases Thomas, Herbert Cox, Lewis, James, 86, Q; 199, S. Thompson, F., 274, 339, M. Thompson, Florence May, 277, Q. Thompson, Frederick, aliases Frederick Undy, Frederick Thomas, 328, 329, UG; 371, 376, Q. Thompson, Frederick Henry, 245, Q. Thompson, Goyder, see Robert Goyder Thomson (senior). Thompson, Harry James, 59, Q. Thompson, Henry Gillen, 277, Q. Thompson, James, see James Davenport. Thompson, James, see John Agnew. Thompson, Jean May, 276, R. Thompson, Joan, 210, H. Thompson, John, 260, Q. Thompson, Kate Evelyn, 365, R. Thompson, Lionel, 249, M. Thompson, Maud Beatrice, 126, R. Thompson, Nellie, 70, 393, O. Thompson, Percy (Abo.), 251, Q; 253, T. Thompson, R. (N.S.W.), 135, 173, I. Thompson, R. J. (N.S.W.), 337, I. Thompson Radio Service (N.S.W.), 135, I. Thompson, Raymond Keithly Alexander, 56, 63, I. Thompson, Robert, see Robert Goyder Thomson (senior). Thompson, Robert Goyder, alias Robert Goyder Thomson, 25, 109, E; 199, S. Thompson, Valentine Archer, 184, Q. Thompson, Vincent Giles, alias Thomson, 100, T. Thompson, William Henry, 2, 16, F. Thompson, William James, 43, 57, I. Thomson, see Vinccnt Giles Thompson. Thomson, Bruce Herbert, 65, Q. Thomson, George Archibald, 268, Q. Thomson, Glyder, see Robert Coyder Thomson. Thomson, Gwendoline, 407, Q. Thomson, Harold Victor, 375, R. Thomson, Jeff Malcolm, 44, Q. Thomson, Joseph Bowd, 6, Q. Thomson, Reginald Stuart, 212, 219, 0; 324, Q; 383, 0; 387, F. Thomson, Robert Goyder (senior), aliases Robert Thompson, Goyder Thompson, Frank Williams, Glyder Thomson, 151, Q; 367, T. Thomson, Robert Goycler, see Robert Goyder Thompson. Thomson, Walter Stoddart, 251, Q. Thorn, A. E. (Mrs.), 18, J. Thorn, H. C. (N.S.W.), 305, 382, I. Thornton, Olive, 225, I. Thornton, Richard, 167, Q. Thorp, Victor Kenneth, 66, T; 107, Q. Thorton, William, 299, Q. Threadgold, Arnold James, 53, R; 299, Q. Threadgold, Henry George, alias Thredgold, 333, Q. Threadgold, Kenneth Sharman, alias Kenneth Sharman Thredgold, 245, Q; 245, T.; 256, 266, I. Threadgold, Norman Kenneth Phillip, alias Thredgold, 62, G; 65, ,333, Q. Threadgold, Ronald George, 260, Q. Thredgold, see Norman Kenneth Phillip Threadgold. Thredgold, Bruce Sharman, 175, Q. Thredgold, Kenneth Sharman, see Kenneth Sharman Threadgold. Threfall, William Henry, 275, Q. Thrifts Accounts Limited, 374, R. Thulborn, Edward Michael, 99, 107, 120, Q. Thurlow, Brian William, 339, Q. Thurston, Edward George, 360 (7), A; 364, Q. Thyer, Raymond Albert, 160, Q. Thyer, Raymond Hubert, 184, Q. Thyer, William, 145, R. Tibbett, Pearl Estelle, 236, R. Tibbett, Stanley Arthur, 145, R. Tibbles, Clyde Hersehell, 276, Q. Tickle, Herbert, 225, I. Tiddy, Nicholas John, 396, H. Tidemann, Beryl Chudleigh, 373, J. Tidswell, Douglas Bertram, 191, Q. Tidswell, Horace Robert Kintore, 185, R. Tidswell, Mildred Jessie, 221, R. Tierney, John Lawrence, 71, Q. Tierney, Lancelot, 101, T. Tiger (aborigine), 167, Q; 169, T; 324, Q; 325, T. Tilbrook, Allan Victor, 56, F. Tilbrook, John William, 107, Q. Tilbrook, Robert Arthur, 340, Q. Tileerio, Costoi, 127, Q. Till, Otto Hurtle, 227, Q. Tilley, Alack Benjamin, 312, H. Tilley, Embleton Roy, 137, Q. Tilling, William Arnett, 248, G. Tillman, R. F. (N.S.W.), 69, I. Tilly, William Harold, 322, I. Timmins, Laurence Douglas, 31, Q. Timms, Jeffrey Hope, 320, H. Timms, Robert, 103, E. Timms, Stanley Thomas, 167, Q. Tindall, Sydney, 81, R. Tinga, Lorraine Una, 38, T. Tinsley, A. S. (N.S.W.), 226, 274, I. Tisher, Clarice Eileen, 53, 341, Q. Tisher, Harry William, 297, 389, J. Tite, Kenneth Frank, 221, R. Tiver, Norman Roy, 36, 43, I. Tobin, Margaret Mary, 53, Q. Todd, Albert, 73, 401, T. Todd, J. and Son Limited, 236, R. Todd, James, 20, Q; 114, T. Todd, Rita (Mrs.), 352, A. Todd, Thomas Albert, 87, R. Todd, Thomas Stanley, 164, F. Tolcher, Ernest Stanley Ira, 374, R. Tolhurst, Leonard Roy, 282, I. Tolhurst, Patricia Angel, 348, R. Tolhurst, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs.), 404, F. Toll, Westley Clifford, 274, K. Tolley, Clifford Maxwell, 53, Q; 54, T; 87, Q. Tolley, Mary, 29, Q. Tolmer, G. B., 98, K. Tomley, Ernest William, 301, T. Tomlin, see George Churcher. Tommy (Abo.), 236, Q; 238, T. Tommy (Abo.), 71, Q; 81, T; 167, Q; 169, T. Toms, Howard (Mrs.), 361, G. Toms, Ronald, 337, H. Toner, William Henry Kevin, 399, Q. Tongue, Thomas Arthur, 344, 361, F. Tonkin, Phyllis May, 400, Q. Tonkin, Robert, 400, Q. Tonkin, Ronald Lindon, 307, Q. Toogood, James Patrick, 31, Q; 280, F. Toogood, John, 185, Q. Tooker, J. (N.S.W.), 97, I. Toombs, Horace Emanuel, 357 (2), R. Toop, George Howard, 152, Q. Tooth, Jack Arnold, 363, 373, J. Tormey, Robert John, 276, Q. Tornsey, Leslie John Anzac, otherwise Leslie John Anzac Torsney, 28, 44, M; 86, Q; 136, 204, M. Torquey, Modamed Shehata, otherwise Mahomet Shehata Turkey, 205, Q; 206, T. Torr, Brian John, 91, R. Torsney, Elsie Ida, 128, T; 137, Q; 280, 304, F; 400, Q. Torsney, Leslie John Anzac, see Leslie John Anzac Tornsey. Tostee, George, 42, H. Tostevin, William Bernard, 399, Q. Tothill, Colin John, 313, 330, I. Touhy, Dudley Stephen, 299, Q. Towers, Donald William, 42, F. Toy, Ronald Edward, 117, H; 324, 325, R. Tozer, Maxwell Walter, 145, Q. Tozer, Reginald Maxwell Thomas, 80, Q. Tracey, Edward William, 135, 165, I. Tracey, Leslie George, alias George Williams, 272, 336, F. Tracey, Mollie, see Mary Josephine Leggett. Tracey, Nancy Doreen, 118, 165, I. Tracy, John F., 164, 312, F. Traeger, Clarence, 44, Q. Traeger, Colin Jeffrey, 44, Q. Traeger, Dean Albert, alias Robert John Patterson, 176, Q. Traeger, Herman Rudolph, 227, R. Traill, Rachel, 330, 373, J. Train, Iris Thelma, 340, Q. Travers, Ronald Eric, 51, I; 52, Q; 388, I. Treager, Albert Ernest, 198 (2), R. Trebilcock, Dorothy Nora, see Dorothea Patricia McGrath. Trebilcock, Patricia, see Dorothea Patricia McGrath. Treeby, Joseph James, 324, Q. Tredrea, James, 4, I. Tregaskis, Bernard, see Edwin Bernard Tregaskis. INDEX. Tregaskis, Edwin Bernard, aliases Edward Bernard Tregaskis, Bernard Tregaskis, 21, 37, Q; 66, T; 112, Q; 216, C; 216, 224, F ; 245, T. Tregaskis, Edwin Benjamin, alias Spargo, 238, T. Tregr skis, Edward Bernard, see Edwin Bernard Tregaskis. Tregenza, Edward, see Hugh Anthony Parker. Tregenza, Henry, 34, F. Tregenza, Lensey George, 86, M. Tregilgas, Yvonne, 3. H. Tregloan, Ronald Arthur, 6, Q. Tregoweth, Patricia Mary, 375, Q. Treloar, Crystal Coraline, 145, R. Treloar, Henry Edward James, 404, F. Trembath, Raymond Gilmore, 85, 91, I. Trenberth, Murray, 45, Q. Trenowden, Charles, 111, M. Trenwith, Roy George Arthur, 93, Q; 199, S. Tregaskis, Jack Cleve, 360, F. Trevorrow, George, 60, R. Trevorrow, George Hemming, 10, 233, 296, F. Trevorrow, William, 71, Q. Trewartha, K. (N.S.W.)., 372, I. Trewin, Laurence Victor, 93, R. Trewin, Leonard Victor, 93, R. Trewin, William Henry, 93, R. Trezona, John Reginald, 91, 143, K. Trigg, Charles Albert, 211, H. Trim, John Frederick, 240, 312, H. Trimmer, Leonard Hartley, 313, I. Trinder, K. J. W., 314, M. Trinne, Gustav, 364, R. Triplow, Albert John, 37, R. Tripp, Mansell, 284, Q. `Trott, Ernest Ronald, 191, Q. Phyllis Joy, aliases Phyllis Joy Donnon, Guildner, 275, Q; 342, T. Trout, Francis William George, 4 (3), I; 6, Q; 94, T; 299, Q. Trowse, Allan August, 363, 373, O. Trudinger, Malcolm August, 73, Q. Truth & Sportsman Limited, 26, H. Erwin Bruno, 365, Q. Tschirner, Tsiropinas, Stefanos, 158, 218, N. Tsuchishiro, Kazuo, 128, Q. Tuck, Frank Ernest, 388, H. Tuck, John Alfred, 296, H. Tucker, Allen James, 259, Q. Tucker, Claude Laurence, 276, Q. Tucker, Clifford William George, 242, P. Tucker, Douglas Findlay, 197, Q. Tucker, Frances Madeleine, 167, Q. Tucker, Frank Arthur, 251, Q. `Tucker, Harold Lionel, 45, R. Tucker, Harold Siebert, 160, R. Tucker, Leslie, 123, F. Tucker, Oscar, 324, 325, R. Tucker, Raymond, 116, 148, F. Trottman, Tuckey, E. L. (Qld.),149, 173, I. Tuckey, LloydJames,71, Q. Leonard Lewis, 299, Q. Tuckwell, Tudor, Ethel, 731R. Tuffin, Edwin Tuit, Harrold Tulk, Edward John Tullock, Tully, James, Daniel, 28, M. William, 225, H. Frank, Lawrence, 56, 149, I; 151, R. 144, Q. 228, Q. Tully, John Heber, 45, Q; 47, T. Tully, Katherine Lillian, 126, Q. Tully, Leslie David Charles, 50, F. Tupper, Daisy Pauline, 65, Q. Turci, Gabriel, 349, Q. Turkey Mahomet Shehata, see Modamed Shehata Torquey. Turnbull, Colin Stewart, alias Charles Arthur Norton, 13, Q. Turnbull, Henry, 311, F. Turnbull, William, 282, 289, I. Turner, see Eric Frank Cheshire. Turner, Arthur Edward, 187, 202, 344, F. Turner, Brian John, 150, P; 167, Q; 199, 252, S. Turner, Cecil Owen, 196, M. Turner, Claude Herbert, alias Joe Brown, 59, Q. Turner, Edward Morris, 285, Q; 341, S. Turner, Frank Valentine, 44, P. Turner, Frederick, 80, Q. Turner, Frederick John, 119, Q. Turner, Frederick William, 325, Q. Turner, G. B. (N.S.W.), 4, I. Turner, Geoffrey Ernest, 321, 329, I. Turner, George, 155, 180, F. Turner, George Alfred, 73, T ; 335, 380, F. Turner, Harold Robert, 16, F. Turner, Hartley George Estridge, 80, Q. Turner, Henry Charles, 112, Q. Turner, John, see Patrick John Clancy. Turner, John Earl, 149, I. Turner, John Edward, 257, 266, I. Turner, Keith Joseph John, 71, Q. Turner, Kenneth William, 220, Q. Turner, Laurel, 274, J. Turner, Lawrence James, 63, 69, I. Turner, Lionel George, 228, Q. Turner, Maxwell Arthur, 373, M. Turner, Percy Isaac, 164, H. `Turner, Phillip Estridge, 80, Q. *H Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Turton, Twist, Twist, Twist, Tyler, Tynan, Tyndall, Tyrrell, Tzerbis, lvii. Raymond Stanmore, 324, 325, R. Ronald John, 71, Q. Trevor, 214, T. Viola Elva Jean, 53, R. Yvonne Lisette, 237, Q. William Alfred John, 316, R. W. T., 323, M. Thomas, 26, G; 30, R. Robert John, 150, 159, O. Shirley Wrathall, 320, H. William, 389, L. Richard Henry, 323, P. Harry Cecil, 374, P. Sidney Howard, 26, H. Eardley David William, 72, Q. George, 399, Q. U. Ullyett, Basil Arnold, 250, Q. Ullyett, Heather June, 52, R. Ullyett, Helen Margaret, 52, R. Ulseth, James Bertram, 375, Q. Umschweif, Leopold, 57, J. Unaipon, Talmadge (Abo.), 81, Q; 180, 216, F. Underdown, Douglas, 337, 346, I. Underdown, Lieurgus John Rickard, 237, Q. Underwood, Albert Charles, 277, Q. Underwood, Albert Stephen, 374, R. Underwood, Clifton Allan, 229, T. Underwood, David Edward, 248, G; 250, Q; 365, S. Underwood, Douglas Keith, 248 (3), G; 250, Q; 365, S. Underwood, Herbert Forrest, 195, H. Underwood, Jack, 194, F. Underwood, John, 210, F. Underwood, Mary Nina, 36, J. Undo, John William Henry, 30, Q. Undy, Frederick, see Frederick Thompson. Union Bank of Australia (Herbert Henry Tanner, teller), 209, A. University of Adelaide, 68, H. Unknown man, 3 UH. Unknown man, 11, UH. Unknown man, 17, UH. Unknown man, 26, UH. Unknown man, 49 A. Unknown man, 50 UG. Unknown man, 61, A. Unknown man, 104, UH. Unknown man, believed identical with John Francis Hanley, 173, UI; 188 (6), I. Unknown man, 194, A. Unknown man, (N.S.W.), 234, UH. Unknown man, 265, UG. Unknown man, 282, UI. Unknown man, 329, UI. Unknown man, (N.S.W.), 405, UH. Unknown men, (two), 96, UH. Unknown men (two), 193, 194, A; 195 (2), G; 215, A. Unknown men (two), 370, A. Unknown men (three or four), 287, A. Unknown women (three), 312, UH. Unknown youth, 142, UH. Unknown youth, 194, A. Unknown youth, 296, UG. Unley Park Sports Club (A. M. Paterson, committeeman), 90, G. Uppeneek, Jean, 43, 63, I. Uppington, George Frank, 277, Q. Uppington, Robert Walter, 112, Q. Uppington, William, 145, Q. Upton, William Garrick Turk, 127, R. Uren, Bruce Charles, 143, I. Uren, Laurel May, 320, H. Usher, Geoffrey Harry, 374, Q. Usher, Roy William, 242, P. Usher, William Henry Charles, 235, 241, I. V. Vacuum Oil Company Limited, Vagg, Alfred John, 168, T. Vagg, Annie, 376, Q. 167, R. Vale, Edith Alice Adiline, 240, H. Vandenbergh, Ronald Edmund, alias Ron C. Vincent, 112, Q; 128, 152, T. Van Houten, John, 322, M. Vanl, Dr. (N.S.W.), 135, I. Van Rompraey, Gerald Leslie, see Gerald Leslie Van Rompraey. Varcoe, Arnold, 54, Q. Varcoe, Cedric (half-caste aborigine), 54, 315, Q. Varcoe, Nelson (half-caste aborigine), 54, 315, Q. Varcoe, Sydney Thomas, 256, H; 332, R. Vardon, George Henry Kelsell, see Myerson Tailors. Vardon, Ronald Alfred, 404, A. Vaughan, Vincent Leo, 266, I. INDEX. 'viii. Vaughton, R., 364, R. Veale, Alfred Charles, 228, Q. Veale, Clarence, 19, Q. Veale, Percy Henry Moore, 268, R. Vears, Robert Christopher, 361, F; 409, T. Vehicles licensing discs missing, 15, 41, 55, 61, 67, 83, 103, 109, 115, 134, 163, 171, 180, 231, 303, 311, 319, 327, 335, 344, 359, 370, 379, 395, 404. Veitch, Frank Athol, 292, Q; 341, T. Veitch, John Douglas, 375, Q. Vella, Joseph, 205, 315, Q. Yenning, Barbara, R. Yenning, Muriel, 5, R. Yenning, Raymond, see Clement Joseph Vincent Sly. Verco, Colin Jack, 314, L. Vercoe, Geoffrey Arthur, 187, 239, F. Verner, Joseph Rupert, 30, Verral, Reginald Maurice, 273, G. Verran, Harold, otherwise William Harold Verran, 83, F. Verran, Lancelot, 356, Q. Verran, William Harold, see Harold Verran. Verrico, Joseph, 191, Q; 314, 315, R. Vesey, William Alexander, 39, 88, T ; 92, Q. Vetter, Theodore Wilhelm, 59, Q. Vetters, Archibald, 19, Q; 54, 66, T. Viecars, R. F. (Vic.), 226, 249, I. Vickers, Frank, alias Eric Allan, 307, Q; 349, T. Vickery, Frank, 88, R. Vickery, Russell George, 202, 265, F. Vickery-Howe, Richard Henry, 400, Q. Victor, Phillip Ross, 152, Q. Victoria Hotel Limited, 320, H. Victorian Government (Public Service), 311, A. Victorian Government (Railways Department), 324, R. Victorian Police, 18, I. Victorian Scrap Iron Co., 256, H. Vidovic, Natz, 144, Q. Vincent, Claude Roy, alias Sacco Homan, 88, T. Vincent, Ron C., see Ronald Edmund Vandenbergh. Vincent, William John Ross, 339, Q. Vincentz, Carl Joseph, 95, 103, A; 137, Q; 202, F. Vine, Eric Lloyd, 91, P. Viney, William Charles, 384, Q. Vinson, William George, 213, Q. Virgo, Fred, 236, Q. Virgo, Cyril Claude, 50, F. Virgo, William James, 244, Q; 280, 288, F. Vivian, Harold Ross, 259, Q. Voaden, John Wyntham, 156, G; 160, R. Voce, Raymond Murray, see James Samuel Bartrop. Voege, Charles George, 6, Q. Vogel, George Charles, 204, L. von Blanckensee, Walter John, 283, M. von Eimen, Victor Reuben, 110, H. von Howell, Johann Hermann, see Johann Hormann von Howell. von Stanke, Alton Alvin, 265, H. von Stanke, Myra, 72, R. Vorbach, Alma Margaret, 160, Q. Vowles, Jack W., 188, I. Voysey, Wilfred Harrison, 5, R. 275, W. Waddell, Duncan Waddell, Duncan 293, T. Jack, see Duncan John Alexander John Alexander, alias Duncan Jack Waddington, Harry, 111, 174, 258, M. Wade, Alfred Henry, 191, Q. Wade, Arthur, 6, Q. Wade, Eileen Kathleen, 400, R. Wade, Keith Owen, 313, 329, I. Wade, Louis Robert, 242, 250, O. Wade, Reginald Charles, 126, Q; 186, T. Wade, William Edward, 288, F. Wadey, Colin H., 173, 188, I. Wadham, F. J. and Son, 182, J. Wadlow Limited, 340, R. Wagstaff, Isabel, 189, J. Wahlberg, Johan Bruno, 115, A. Waite, Frederick Arthur James, 399, Q. Waite, George Oliver, 103, F. Waite, J. (N.S.W.), 35, I. Wakefield, Chloris Edna, 119, R. Wakefield, Fre?h riek George, 87, Q. Wakefield, Ronald Dennis, 65, 244, 259, Q• Wakefield, Ross Edwin, 65, Q. Wakefield, Stanley Donald, 299, Q. Wakefield, Thomas Colin, 407, Q. Wakeford, Lyell Frederick, 257, M. Wakeman, Thomas, 81, Q. Walden, Gordon Leonard, 374, Q. Waldie, Sydney Leon, 96, F; 108, T. Walding, Archibald, 250, Q. Waldron, Danniell (Qld.), 57, 163, I. Walker, Albert Beaumont, 20, Q. Walker, Alfred, 160, Q. Walker, Arthur Adnah, 244, Q; 280, 288, F. Walker, Bruce Garnet, 118, 136, M. Waddell. Waddell, Walker, Clarence Edward, 86, 242, M. Walker, Claude, 68, H. Walker, Colin James, 31, Q. Walker, Henry John, 251, Q. Walker, Jack Wallace, 252, Q. Walker, James Brocas, 184, Q. Walker, John Edgar, 44, Q. Walker, Kenneth Presgrove, 58, Q. Walker, Kevin, alias Kevin Joseph Griffen, 164, F. Walker, L. J., 331, M. Walker, Robert, see Allan Bruce. Walker, Robert Cumming, see Allan Bruce. Walker, Rose Ann, 205, Q. Walker, Willam Roy, 19, Q. Walkerville Bowling Club, 400, R. Walkley, May Gertrude, see Globe Hotel. Walkley, Ronald Clarke, 155, 194, F. Wall, D. L., 306, M. Wall, Edward, see Frederick Edward Wall. Wall, Frederick Edward, aliases Edward Wall, Edward Hall,, Edward Love, 38, T; 228, Q; 270, T; 285, Q; 358, T. Wall, Leslie Richard, 43, I; 46, Q; 51, I. Wallace, Charles Arthur, 234, I. Wallace, Colin Clarence, 353, H. Wallace, Douglas, believed identical with Frank Arthur Williams. Wallace, Douglas Robert George, aliases George William Wallace, Frank Wilson, 93, Q; 120, T; 259, Q; 409, T. Wallace, Eric, 78, UI; 113, Q; 143 (2), 188, I; 303, 311, D. Wallace, George, 229, Wallace, George Charles, 324, R. Wallace, George William, see Douglas Robert George Wallace. Wallace, Layton Keith, 34, F. Wallace, Lindsay, 353, H. Wallace, Stafford Ernest Henry, 183, Q. Wallach, John, 389, J. Wallaroo Boat Slip Syndicate, 384, R. Waller, Donald Thomas, 84, 117, I. Waller, Thelman, 304, 305, U.H. Waller, William George, 28, 36, 111, M; 135, F; 136, M. Wallis, Albert Cecil, 282, 346, I. Wallis, Alfred Horace, 96, H. Wallis, Hugh McKenzie, 135, H. Wallschutzky, Joseph John, 98, P. Walsh, see Claude Hamilton Wilson. Walsh, C. J. (N.S.W.), 182, 203, I. Walsh, David, 110, I. Walsh, David Leonard, 160, Walsh, Edna Muriel, 371, 381, G; 383, R. Walsh, Florence Violet Irene, 399, Q. Walsh, Frederick, 202, H. Walsh, John Joseph, 144, Q. Walsh, John Patrick, 391, Q. Walsh, Leo John, see Leo John Hain. Walsh, Michael James, 93, R; 399, Q. Walsh, Paul, 401, R. Walsh, Richard Ronald, 29, Q. Walsh, William Frederick, 120, Q. Walster, Arthur James Roualyn, 149, H. Walter, Adolph, 54, Q. Walter & Morris, 313, I. Walter, Gladys Valerie, 315, R. Walters, see Samuel Spencer Sampson. Walters, Annie, 265, 280, F. Walters, Elliott, 199, R. Walters, Harold Rasford, 93, 184, Q; 371, G. Walters, Hartley James Rhybye, 275, P. Walters, John, 228, Q. Walters, Patty, see Mary Patricia McNamara. Walters, Raymond John, 166, M. Waltke, Dave, 16, F. Waltke, Frederick Henry, 229, Q. Walton, Geoffrey John, 117, I. Walton, George Frederick, 46, 106, Q. Walton, John Wilfred, 354, J. Walton, Ray Thomas, aliases Ray Bagshaw, Ray Thomas Bagshaw, 6, T ; 292, 307, Q. Wanganeen, Arthur (half-caste aborigine), 315, Q. Wanganeen, Cecil Alva, alias Benny Wanganeen (half-caste aborigine),80, 315, Q; 358, T. Wanganeen, Gavin (aborigine), 221, Q. Wanganeen, Glen Anzac (half-caste aborigine), 66, 375, Q. Wanganeen, Kevin Wilfred (half-caste aborigine), 307, Q; 341, S. Wanganeen, Raymond Edward (half-caste aborigine), 21, S; 315, Q. Wanganeen, Robert McKenzie (half-caste aborigine), 80, 315, Q. Wanganeen, Stanford Malcolm (half-caste aborigine), 267, Q. Wanganeen, Wilfred Lawrence (half-caste aborigine), 267, Q. Warby, William H., 202, H. Warburton, Clifford, 168, Q. Ward (man gave name of), see Clarence Percival Elliott (N.S.W.). Ward, see Daniel Mann. Ward, Aubrey William Joseph Aloysius, otherwise William Joseph Aloysius Ward, 253, T. Ward, Cecil Phillip, 203, 211, I. Ward, Colin William, 375, Q. Ward, Daniel Mannix, 212, M. Ward, Errol Spencer, 273, H. Ward, George, 80, R. INDEX. Ward, Graham Arnold, 306, 339, 0. Ward, James Joseph, 110, F; 113, T. Ward, John, 168, Q; 238, T. Ward, John, 333, Q. Ward, Lindsay Gladstone Tonkin, 19, R. Ward, R. C., 36, I. Ward, Robert Aaron, 99, Q. Ward, Robert Edward, 266, 289, I. Ward, Robert Murray, 371, H. Ward, Stephen, 276, Q. Ward, William, see. Andrew Williams. Ward, William John, 380, 388, F. Ward, William Joseph Aloysius, see Aubrey Aloysius Ward. Wardale, Leslie Anthony, 383, Q. Wares, Charles Edward, 204, M. Wark, J., 235, 242, 266, M. Warland, Elsie, 36, J. Warley, Thomas Manson, 362, I. Warman, Edward, 296, F. Warming, Jack Ramsay, 211, 217, I. Warmington, Kenneth Alan, 220, Q. Warne, Thomas Leslie, 385, Q. Warner, Henry Sydney, 371, H. Warner, Melve, see Melville Eustace Warner. Warner, Melville Eustace, alias Melve Warner, Warner, Raymond James, 225, I. Warner, Ronald Arthur, 29, Q. Warnes, Allan, 59, R. Warnes, Thomas John, 110, 124, I. Warnest, Clive, 324, Q. Warnock, Frederick Claude, 111, K. Warnock, Harold William, 19, Q; 73, S. Warren, Arnold Loften, 408, Q. Warren, Arthur Rupert, 322, M. Warren, Clarence Henry John, 93, T. Warren, Claude Ernest, 177, Q. Warren, Edwin Samuel, 336, G. Warren, Harold Leslie, 150, Q. Warren, Leslie (Vic.), 55, E. Warren, Maxwell Leslie, 408, Q. Warren, May Everitt, 274, 314, J. Warren, P. J. (N.S.W.), 362, 382, I. Warren, Reginald Harold, 92, Q; 113, T. Warren, Thomas Martin, 53, Q. Warrener, George, 272, 320, F. Warrington, William, 91, P. William 71, Q; Joseph 283, J. Warthold, Maxwell, 112, Q; 210, F. Washington, Frank Lloyd George, 290, P. Wasley, Geoffrey Lorraine, 72,Q;128,S. 1Waterhouse, Edith Joyce, 296, H. Waterman, Hugh McIntyre, 53, Q. Waterman, Valerie Mary, 38, Q. Waterman, Veronica, 375, Q. Waters, Alfred Edward, see Alfred John Waters. Waters, Alfred John, alias Alfred Edward Waters, 268, Q; 301, S; 401, T. Waters, Raymond Francis, 65, R. Waters, Ronald Joseph, 391, Q. Waters, Walter Robert (Qld.), 27, I. Watkins, Gordon Kenneth, 339, Q. Watkins, John Alfred, 320, 329, I. Watkins, Trevor Knuckey, 64, R. Watkins, William George, 30, Q. Watson, Allen Leon, 300, Q; 341, T. Watson, Alfred Edwin, 46, Q; 77, 142, F. Watson, Carroll Albert George, 283, 355, M. Watson, Catherine Theresa, 52, Q. Watson, Charles William, alias William George Watson, 18, M; 20, Q; 22, T; 79, M. Watson, Cyril James, 6, Q. Watson, Ernest George, 299, Q. Watson, G. L. (N.S.W.), 12, I. Watson, George, aliases Bray, Lee, Graham, 314, 315, Q; 341, S. Watson, Helen Margaret, 127, Q. Watson, Horace Henry, 111, 118, J. Watson, James Andrew, 198, Q. Watson, Jean, 157, 173, I. Watson, John, see John Eustace Bews. Watson, John Grenville, 344, F. Watson, Katherine Theresa, 107, 127, Q. Watson, Keith Wilford, 291, Q. Watson, Michael Andrew, 404, F. Watson, Raymond Edward, 274, 290, M. Watson, Richard Livett, 99, Q. Watson, Robert Fletcher, 106, 112, 0. Watson, Ronald, 285, Q. Watson, Stanley, 256, I. Watson, Thomas, 156, H. Watson, William Arthur Ronald, 191, Q. Watson, William George, see Charles William Watson. Watt, James Bellamy, 291, R. Watt, Norman James McLeod, 213, Q. Watters, John Cecil, 120, Q. Watton, Frank Dennis, 150, M. Watts (Vic.), see James Henry Foot. Watts, Edward George, alias George Edward Watts, 144, Q; 148, F. Watts, George Edward, see Edward George Watts. Watts, Gordon Stanley, 240, G. Watts, John James, see Colin George Scarfe. Watts , J. (N.S.W. ), otherwise James Ford, 50, E. Watts , Kenneth Blake , 110, I. Watts, L. (N.S.W. ), 57, I. Waxman , Sydney, 50, H. Way, Edna Phyllis , 197, R. Way, Perce , 4, K; 259, Q; 283 , 298, K. Way, Ross, 30, Q. Waye, Claude Francis , 68, 296, F. Waye, Douglas Claude , 20, Q; 56, F. Wayne , Gordon, see Frederick Gordon Payne. Wayre , A., 57, 86, M. Wear , H. J. (N.S .W.), 125, 136, I. Weathers , John Milton, 127, Q. Weathers , Kenneth Lawrence , 299, Q ; 333, T. Weaver, Alice, 27, J. Weaver, Beryl Marrian, aliases Marrion Gloria Jarman, Mrs. B. Warner , Miss R . Warner, Miss Graham, 245 , 291, 316, Q; 349, T. Weaver, Leslie Edward, 362, I. Weaver, Walter Harold, 70, P. Webb, Albert Stewart, 339, Q. Webb, Arthur James, 237, Q. Webb, Colin George, 185, Q. Webb, Douglas Jack , 185, Q. Webb, Ernest, 219, Q. Webb , Elizabeth Amy, 341, J. Webb, Frederick Alexander , 205, P. Webb, Hensley Charles, 56, 78, H. Webb, Herbert John, 283, M. Webb, Jeffrey Charles , 151, Q. Webb, Marguerita Helena, 176, R. Webb, Muriel , 214, R. Webb, Phillip, 9, 15, C. Webb, Sara Isabelle Maud, 237, R. Webb, Thomas, Limited, 124, H. Webb, William Edward , 53, Q; 128, S. Webber, see Frank Dawson. Webber, see Lawrence Frederick Domaschenz. Webber, Alexander Thomas, 234, I. Webber, Douglas, 12, 27, I. Webber, H. (N.S.W. ), 12, I. Webber, Hedley Iven Henry, 299, Q. Webber, Reginald John , 221, Q. Webber, Richard Arthur , 391, Q. Weber, Charles Henry, 364, Q. Weber, Henry Gustav, 344, E. Weber , Hermann Rupert, 96 , F; 167, Q. Webster , Albert Arthur Joseph Vernon , 226, 235, I. Webster, C. ( Vic.), 105, 118, I. Webster, George Harwood, 227 , 236, 0. Webster, Laurie, 211 , 282, I. Webster, William Richard, 105, I. Weckert, Una Maud, 81, R. Weeden, Edward Theodor , 362, I. Weeks, John , 243, P. Ween, Francis George, 361 ( 3), G; 362 , I; 365, Q. Weetra, Glen ( half-caste aborigine ), 151, R. Weetra, Harold, 315, Q. Weetra, Hubert, 384, Q. Weetra, Leonard, 315, Q. Weger, Kingdon Charles, 52, M. Wehrman , Ronald Allen , 119, Q. Wehrman , Walter Richard, 81, Q. Weidinhofer , Harold Henry Francis, 365, Q. Weidinhofer , Ivern , 373, 382, I. Wein, G. ( N.S.W.), 43, 51, I. Weir, Geo ff rey Clifford, 50, F. Weir, James Barr, 236, Q. Weir, Leslie Arthur , 286, T. Weir, Leslie Arthur Francis, 161, R. Weir, Roy Stewart , 300, Q. Weir, Reginald Joseph, 96, F. Weir, William , see Edward Joseph Temple. Weir, William Edward , 196, M. Welch, Walter Henry James, 110, I. Welke, Gertrude Lavina, 361, H. Wellby, Eva Irene, 100, R. Wellington , Ewart .Stanley, 62, 69, I. Wells, Frederick, 407, Q. Wells, Harry, 72, Q; 100, T. Wells, James Albert , 257, 283, M. Wells, John, 243, Q. Wells, Lawrence Claude, 376, T. Wells, Leslie Raymond, 62, I. Wells, Norman Henry, 31, T. Wells, Robert James, 89, 96, F. Wells, Stanley_ John , aliases Leonard Barnes , Ryan, 22, T. Welsh, Eric Stanley , alias Stanley Welsh , 65, 112, Q. Welsh , Frederick William, 37, Q. Welsh, Henry, 138, Q. Welsh , Stanley, see Eric Stanley Welsh. Welsh, Stanley, 29 , Q; 54, T. Weman, David, 81, Q. Wendhell , Edward Joseph, see Edward Joseph Temple. Wendhell . Samuel Falconer , see Edward Joseph Temple. Wendt, Edwin Wilhelm, 26, H. Wendts, 327, 328, 370, A. Wenham, Vincent Sylvester , 292, Q. Wenke , Harold Walter , 319, F. Wenske, George Reginald , .383, P. Wensley , Maxine Veronica, 80, R. Wensley, Patrick James , 116, F. INDEX. lx. Went, Yvonne Fay, 157, J; 204, 249, I. Werfel, Albert Edward, 137, Q. Werner, Charles Ernest, 407, M. Wesley, Ronald Hedley, 11, I. West, see Veronica Goolmeer. West, Graham Francis, 340, Q. West, Howard Winston, 338, J. West, Percy Collard, aliases P. James, P. Cahill, West, Vivienne, 320, 372, H; 376, R. Westbrook, Jean Edith, 364, R. Western, Lionel Harold, 212, O. Westley, see Percy Collard West. Westley, Lily Evelyn, 297, J. Weston, Ernest Lance, 400, Q. Weston, Frederick, 184, R. Weston, Gordon Wilson, 168, Q. Weston, Harold K., 85, I. Weston, P. (N.S.W.), Westley, 46, Q• 135, 282, I. Weston, William, see Oscar Alfred Blonquist. Westover, Esther Rebecca, 300, R. Westphalen, Howard, 135, 173, I. Westwood, William Roy, 20, Q. Wetzel, Harry Valentine, 237, Q. Whaite, Allan Grindley, 282, 381, I. Whaites, Andrew Arthur, 252, Q. Whaley, Percival Harold, 333, T. Wharf Permit Card Missing, 33, 55. Wheatland, Frederick, 19, 0; 20, Q. Wheaton, Harold William, 407, Q. Wheaton, Malcolm Headley, 248, I. Wheelens, Norman William, 5, 298, O. Wheeler, Harry, aliases Roy Reid, Jack Swan, 334, T. Wheeler, Robert, 380, A. Whelan, Allan, 70, 182, M. Whelan, B. T., 283, 290, M. Whelan, Christopher Leonard, 406, J. Whelan, Henry Joseph, 120, Whelan, James Vincent, 110, I. Whelan, John, 184, Q; 200, T. Whelan, John Hartley, 31, Q. Whelan, Leslie Victor, 96, F. Whellum, Ivor Thomas Blackall, 83, F. Whennan, Harry Hamilton, 392, T. Whetstone, Thomas William, 136, M. Whibley, Clyde Overmann, 333, R. Whiley, James Clarence Roy, 252 (2), R. Whinnen, Robert Wilson, 126, Q. Whitaker, Edward Jack, 397, 406, I. Whitbourne, John Charles, 299, Q. Whitbread, Albert Alfred Osmond, 340, Q. Whitbread, Leonard James, 291, Q. Whitbread, Norman Salisbury, 291, Q. Whitburn, John Allen, 147, A. Whitcombe, Clive Edward, see Clive Lithgow Witcombe. White, see Irene Melda Radford. White, Adelaine Sarah, 288, G. White, Albert Edward, 4, I. White, Archie, 107, R. White, Arthur Allen, 173, 225, I. White, Arthur Edwin, 135, I. White, Arthur John, 16, F. White, Bernard John, 158, M. White, Beth Illingworth, 362, I. White, Charles Henry, 395, A. White, Colin, 285, Q. White, David, correct name Ray White. White, Donald, 6, Q. White, Hector, 220, Q. White, Helen, 388, H. White, Herbert, 105, 143, I. White, J. & Sons, 78, 143, I. White, James Ross, 299, Q. White, John Henry Cuthbert, 385, Q; 392, T. White, Michael Leo, 408, Q. White, Neville, 250, M. White, Peter Charles, 161, Q. White, Ray, gazetted as David White, 69, 78, 90, I; 92, R. White, Rhonda, 16, 25, D. White, Robert, 399, Q. White, Robert Edward, K., 234, I. White, Samuel Albert, 322, K; 332, R. White, Thomas Henry, 243, R. White, Walter, 58, O. Whitehead, Alfred Leslie, 175, Q. Whitehead, Clarence James, 175, Q. Whitehead, Lindsay, 183, 314, O. Whitehead, William Dennis, 175, Q. Whitehorn, Ronald Walter, 330, 337, I. Whiteman, Herbert Roper, 168, Q. Whiteman, Walter, 19, R. Whitford, Brian Dominic, 339, Q. Whitford, Eileen Thelma, 71, R. Whitford, John, 113, Q. Whitford, Thomas Henry, 65, Q. Whiting, Ethel 330, I. Whiting, Frank Joseph, 242, P. Whiting, Mary Barbara, 36, J. Whitman, Henry William, 174, P. Whitrod, Leslie James, 210, 224, 233, F. Whittaker, H. (N.S.W.), 4, 12, I. Whittaker, Jean Laurence, 3, 17, H. Whittall, Ross Keith, 212, M. Whittenbury, John Henry Oliver, 289, 322, I. Whittington, William Thomas, 399, Q. Whittle, Harold Alexander, 408, Q. Whittlesea, Herbert William, 220, R. Whitworth, Leonard Arthur, 249, M. Whyman, Alfred Charles Edward, 156, G; 160, 206, Q. Whyman, Edward Gilbert, 374, Q. Wickham, Jack James, 339, Q. Wiebuckt, Edward Henry, 105, 111, I. Wiech, Franz Frederick Wilhelm, 86, R. Wiencke, George, 17, 249, I. Wiener, Alwin Theodore, 167, Q. Wiffen, Thomas William, 196, 218, 314, M. Wiggins, Percy John, 12, 18, 111, 398, M. Wight, Peter McGregor, 87, Q. Wilcox, Charles Angus, 66, Q. Wildy, William Norman, 93, Q. Wiles' Chromium and Electroplating Q; 199, 8;. Co. Ltd., 357, R. Wiles, George Wilfred, 71, Q. Wiles, Muriel Joyce, 352, A. Wiles, Richard, 345, H. Wiles, Ross, 397, I. Wiles, William Andrew, 125, 165, I. Wiles, William John, 300, Q. Wilhelm, Johann August Christoph, 144, Q• Wilke, James, 266, I. Wilkenden, Robert Douglas, 199 (2), R. Wilkes, Frederick Arthur, aliases Frederick Arthur Holliday,. O'Day, Day, 120, Q; 185, S; 334, T. Wilkey, William, 29, Q. Wilkie, Walter Robert, 173, I. Wilkin, Harold William, 116, F. Wilkin, Trevor Raymond, 13, Q. Wilkins, Arthur Henry, 396, F. Wilkins, Harold Thomas, 374, R. Wilkins, Leonard John P., 118, J. Wilkinson, Cyril Lloyd, 218, 241, K. Wilkinson, Kenneth Norman, 274, I. Wilkinson, Raymond Roy, see Roy Raymond Wilkinson. Wilkinson, Roy Raymond, otherwise Raymond Roy Wilkinson,, 63, I; 65, Q; 69, I. Wilkinson, William Edgar, alias Jack Howlett, 185, Q. Wilks, Frederick Henry, 347, R. Wilks, John Charles, 19, Q. Wilks, Lance Lewis, 46, Q. William (aborigine), 205, Q; 207, T. Williams, see Frederick George Penfold. Williams, see Murray Laurence Hall. Williams, see John Gault Mundy. Williams, see Harold Charles Shepherd. Williams, Alfred, alias Alfred Patrick Williams, 169, T. Williams, Alfred Patrick, see Alfred Williams. Williams, Alwyn Charles, see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Williams, Andrew, aliases William Ward, Yank Doyle, 325, 326, T. Williams, Andrew, 307, Q. Williams, Arthur Henry, alias Darky Williams, 58, Q; 255, F; 383, Williams' Breweries, 72, R. Williams, Cecil, 256, H. Williams, Charles James, 98, P. Williams, Charlotte Florence, see Charlotte Florence Matthews. Williams, Daisy (aborigine), 383, Q; 392, T. Williams, Darky, see Arthur Henry Williams. Williams, David Alexander, 155, 194, F. Williams, D. E. (N.S.W.), 17, 35, I. Williams, Douglas, 248, G; 250, Q; 365, S. Williams, Edgar Richard, 206, Q. Williams, Edmonton Percival, 174, P. Williams, Edward, 341, Q. Williams, Elizabeth Foye, 320, H. Williams, Eric Gordon, 354, I. Williams, Francis Mervyn, 338, I. Williams, Frank, see Albert Henry Simpson. Williams, Frank, see Robert Goyder Thompson. Williams, Frank Arthur, believed identical with Douglas Robert Wallace, 280, 404, F. Williams, Frederick Andrew, 251, Q. Williams, Frederick Henry, 125, 136, I. Williams, Frederick William, 325, Q. Williams, Garnett Henry, 389, 406, I. Williams, Geoffrey, 221, R. Williams, George, see Leslie George Tracey. Williams, Gilbert, 337, I. Williams, Harold John, 210, G. Williams, Herbert Gill, 68, H. Williams, Hurtle, 382, 397, I. Williams, Irene, 337, 345, H. Williams, Horace Ivan James, 260, Q. Williams, Jack, see Reginald Franklyn Bennett. Williams, Jack, 320, H. Williams, Jack Aloysius, 151, Q. Williams, Jack Dennis, 363, 373, O. Williams, James Gilbert, 260, R. Williams, John Arthur, see Cedric Robert Cousins. Williams, John Ernest, 355, M. Williams, John James, 285, Q; 341, S. Williams, John Thomas, 333, R. Williams, June Patricia, 305, I. INDEX. Williams, Leslie Allen, 225, 235, I. Williams, Lawrence Muir (aborigine), 151, 243, Q; 308, T; 341, Q. Williams , Leonard Escort, 349, Q. Williams , Les, see Leslie Francis Carson. Williams , Leslie ( aborigine ), 176, 384, Q. Williams , Leslie Allen, 244, R. Williams , Lindley Everett, 19, Q. Williams , Marcus Henry , 364, R. Williams , Mary Edith , 243, R. Williams , Mary Elizabeth , alias Anderson , 363, 373, 0; 390, Q. Williams , Max, see Maxwell Edward Fry. Williams, May Dorothy, 46, Q. Williams , Mrs., 320, H. Williams, Nicholas, 78, H. Williams , Percival Victor, 50, 68, F. Williams , Peter Marcus , 363, 373, 0. Williams, Reginald , 118, 125, I. Willi ams, Richard Maurice , 236, Q. Williams , Ronald Allen , 365, Q. Williams , Ronald Lindsay , 127, Q. Williams , S., see Stanley Williamson. Williams , Stanley, 56, 85, I. Williams, Thadeus Michael, 340, R. Williams , Thomas, 371, H. Williams , Thomas Alexander , 244, Q; 269, S. Williams , Thomas Victor , 226, 257, I. Wil li ams , Walter John, 3, H. Williams, William Christopher , 341, Q. Williams , Veronica Joyce , 363, 373, 0. Williams , William John , 77, 96, F. Williamson , Florence Maude , 316, Q; 349, T. Williamson , Hilary Ewart, 316, Q; 367, T. Williamson , John Stanley , see John Samuel Shugg. Wil li amson , Keith George , 275, Q. Williamson , Kelvin, 21, Q. Williamson , Reginald , 344, D. Williamson , Reginald Keith , 251, R. Williamson , Ronald Malcolm , 324, Q. Williamson, Stanley, alias S. Williams , 277, Q. Willing, John James , 159, 166, 0. Willington , Percy Edwin , 364, Q. Willis, Allan George , 239, F. Willis, Percival Alfred Albert, 19, Q. Willis, Thomas, 374, Q. Willison , Donald Gilbert , 268, Q. Williss, Priscilla, 87, R. Williss, Priscilla Ann, 390, 0. Willmer, Brian , 320, I. Willmott, Cecil Francis, 108, T. Willmott , Sydney Clarence, 86, Q. Willmott , Walter Patrick Ivor , 401, T. Wills, Annie Martha, 70, P. Wills, Denby William, 2, 50 , F; 73, T; 248, H ; 252, Q. Wills , G. & R. & Co . Ltd., 338, 347, J. Wills, Howard James, 276, Q. Wills, Kessell James, see Kestle James Wills. Wills, Kestle James, alias Kessell James Wills, 20, Q; 249, I. Wills, Sydney Howard, 300, Q. Wills, Thomas Lindsay, 330, 346, I. Willshire, Elsie Beatrice May, 107, R. Wiltshire, Lawrence Cecil, 107, R. Wilsdon, Francis, 72, Q. Wilson, Alexander, 324, Q. Wilson, Alfred, 26, G. Wilson, Alfred Arthur, 53, Wilson, Arthur Theodore, 281, H. Wilson, Arthur William, 281, H. Wilson, Burnie George, 144, Q. Wilson, Charles James, 57, L; 224, F. Wilson, Charles Vernette, 19, 119, 348, Q. Wilson, Clarence, 126, Q. Wilson, Claude Hamilton, alias Walsh, 347, 389, L. Wilson, Cromwell Gordon, 120, Q; 200, T; 300, Q. Wilson, D. (N.S.W.), 79, 97, I. Wilson, David Henry, 80, 0. Wilson, Doris Gladys, 52, 0. Wilson, Dorothy Margaret, 52, Q. Wilson, Dulcie, 113, Q. Wilson, Ernest Albert, 242, M. Wilson, Frank, see Francis Horace Cave. Wilson, Frank, see Douglas Robert George Wallace. Wilson, Freda, 330, K. Wilson, Frederick James, see Phillip Redgrave. Wilson, Frederick, see Philip Redgrave. Wilson, Garnett, see Garnet Eustace Wilson. Wilson, Garnett Eustace, alias Garnet Wilson, 19, 119, Q; 210, 233, 273, 328, F. Wilson, George, see George Harris. Wilson, George Francis, 20, Q. Wilson, George Gladstone, 63, I. Wilson, George Henry, 315, Q. Wilson, George Henry, 84, F. Wilson, George Stanley, 375, Q. Wilson, Gordon, 242, M. Wilson, Gordon Cromwell, 377, T. Wilson, Gordon Samuel, 405, H. Wilson, Harold James, 338, M. Wilson, Harold William, 46, R. Wilson, Henry Scott, 356, Q. Wilson, Herbert Bruce, 91, 323, M. Wilson, J., see John Omar. Wilson, Jack, 226, M. Wilson, James, see Paul Frederick Arthur Callaghan. Wilson, James, see Lawrence James Waughton Evans. Wilson, James Richard, 45, Q. Wilson, John, 348, Q. Wilson, John Clarence, aliases John Carson, John Clarence Smiley, 144, Q; 270, T; 319, F. Wilson, John M., 266, I. Wilson, Keith, 174, 189, O. Wilson, Keith Lionel, 26, G. Wilson, Laurence Frank, 109, F. Wilson, Leslie Herbert, 356, Q. Wilson, Lindsay Garnett (half-caste aborigine), 300, Q. Wilson, Lush (half-caste aborigine), 244, Q. Wilson, Matilda Annie, 157, J. Wilson, Matthew, 355, M. Wilson, Maxwell Henry, 314, 331, 347, 382, M. Wilson, Norman, aliases William Albert Appsley, William Riley, O'Reilly, 301, T. Wilson, Norman Arthur, 283, 290, 298, M. Wilson, Patrick Walter, 20, Q. Wilson, Proctor Martin, 384, Q. Wilson, Reuben Leslie, 45, Q. Wilson, Robert Albury, 266, 274, M. Wilson, Robert Ian, 126, 136, 0. Wilson, Robert Thomas (half-caste aborigine), 315, Q. Wilson, Roy Norman, aliases R. G. Chadwick, Moule, 14, T. Wilson, Scotty, see William Hadden Wilson. Wilson, Stanley, 181, F. Wilson, Stanley Chadderton, 292, Q. Wilson, Stanley Edward, 304, F. Wilson, Thomas Charles Grove, 383, P. Wilson, Vernon George (Vic.), 370, A. Wilson, Walter James, 27, 211, I. Wilson, William, see George Harris. Wilson, William Hadden, aliases William Haddon Wilson, Wilson William Haddon, Scotty Wilson, Jack Hammer Bill, Jack Hammerbill, 50, F; 108, T; 147, 202, 210, F. Wilson, William Haddon, see William Hadden Wilson. Wily, John Malcolm, see John Malcolm Wyly. Winch, Charles Henry, 251, Q. Window, Clarence Elliott, 125, 149, I. Window Displays (N.S.W.), 249, 282, I. Winegardner, A. (N.S.W.), 85, I. Wingard, Reginald William, see William Reginald Wingard. Wingard, William Reginald, alias Reginald William Wingard, 324, Q. Wink, Carl, see Carl Wilhelm Christiansen. Winkler, Benjamin, 399. Q. Winkler, Henry George, 252, R. Winning, Arthur John, 123, 148, F. Winning, Gordon Frederick, 100, T. Winning, Robert Hudson, 64, Q. Windsor, Francis Stephen, 353, H. Winstanley, John, 25, F. Winstanley, Thomas Leslie William Arthur Patrick Michael, 267, Q; 334, T. Winstanley, William, 126,Q. Winter, Harold, 210, H. Winter, Ivy Prisilla, 37, 306, 0. Winter, John Charles, 71, Q. Winter, Russell Percy, 407, M. Winter, William James, 304, H. Winterbottom, Harold Edward, 96, 124, H; 126, R. Winters, Charles Norman, see Norman Charles Winters. Winters, Norman Charles, alias Charles Norman Winters, 86, Q. Winwood, G. A., & Company, 266, J. Wise, George Robert, 78, I. Wise, William Carlile, 97, 105, I. Wiseman, G. (N.S.W.), 165, 173, I. Wiseman, James Richard, 300, Q. Wiseman, Marjorie Isabelle, 300, Q. Wishart, B., 202, U.H. Wissell, Donald A., 18, J. Witcomb, Doris Christabel, 6, Q. Witcombe, Claude Lithgow, see Clive Lithgow Witcombe. Witcombe Clive Lithgow, aliases Clive Edward Whitcombe, James Patrick Edgar, Claude Lithgow Witcombe, Charles Edward Witham, 59, Q; 186, T; 267, Q; 341, T. Witham, Charles Edward, see Clive Lithgow Witcombe. Withy, Walter Henry, 364, Q. Witt, Waldemar Henry, see Walter Henry Witt. Witt, Walter Henry, alias Waldemar Henry Witt, 168, 206, Q. Wittwer, Herbert Richard, 225, 234, I. Wittwer, Leo, 268, Q. Wivell, Leonard Graham, 190, Q; 214, S. Wohlfeil, Wilhelm Friedrich, 153, T. Woite, Arthur Otto, 330, 338, I. Wolstencroft, Ernest, 213, Q. Wolter, Leslie John William, 105, 157, I. Wombat, Annie (aborigine), 45, Q; 169, T; 260, 374, Q. Wombat, Jack, see Jack Chiltna (aborigine). Wongi, Teddy (aborigine), 299, Q; 325, T. Wood, Alfred George, 205, 0. Wood, Arthur Richard, 87, Q. Wood, Brian, 165, 173, I. Wood, Charles Herbert, 259, 316, Q. Wood, Clifford Walter, 258, P. Wood, Colin Edgar, 244, Q. Wood, Dorothy May, 5, Q. INDEX. Wood, Dulcie Rosanna Effie, 203, 217, I. Wood, Hector James, 189, 196, M. Wood, John, 404, F. Wood, Keith Westley Charles, 144, Q. Wood, Lawrence Wordsworth, 16, F. Wood, Maurice, 333, R. Wood, Mervyn (Vic.), 62, H. Wood, Norman Robert, 51, 56, I. Wood, William, 93, R. Wood, William George Robert, 169, T. Woodards, Peter, 97, I. Woodbridge, D., see Ernest Frederick Klopper. Woodforde, Howard Roy, 79, 125, K. Woodgate, Cecil John, 339, P. Woodgate, William Alfred, 320, H. Wooding, Herbert John William, 151, Q. Woodman, Oswald Durrant, 384, R. Woods, Allan, see Owen Thomas Quinn. Woods, Andrew Kenneth, 143, M. Woods, Arthur Robert, 28, L. Woods, Arthur Thatcher, 364, R. Woods, Harold Keith, 12, 18, K. Woods, James, 161, Q. Woods, John, 77, 247, D. Woods, John Edward, 329, I. Woods, John Harold, 324, Q. Woods, Lille, 80, R. Woods, Martha Audrey Mavis, 18, J. Woods, Philip Fargher, 324, Q. Woods, Walter John, 124, F; 146, T. Woodward, Herbert Owen Whitehand, otherwise Norbert Owen Whitehead Woodward, 98, 0; 182, L. Woodward, Norbert Owen Whitehead, see Herbert Owen Whitehand Woodward. Woolcock, Martin Burnett, 276, R. Woolcock, Raphael James, 292, Q. Woolford, Ian Herbert, 364, Q. Woolford, J. C., 257, M. Woolford, Thomas Allen, 195, 257, I; 260, R. Woolidge, Kevin Thomas, 31, R. Woollacott, John Robert Charles, 126, Q. Woolley, Lindsay Charles, 383, Q. Woolly, William Gordon, 248, I. Woolworth (S.A.) Limited, 324, 385, R. Woon, Mary Joan, 332, 341, Q. Woon, Milton Thomas, 390, Q. Woosnam, Douglas Aubrey, 136, 390, M. Worcester, Royal Thomas, 311, 319, 328, C. Worden, Alwyn, 19, R. Worden, Gladys Isobel, 285, R. Worden, Rene Olive, 274, I. Wordsworth, D. (N.S.W.), 111, 125, I. Workman, Edgar Percival, 336, 404, F. Worley, Arthur Villania, 401, R. Wormald, Jack, 64, Q. Wormleighton, Lorna Betty, 111, I. Wormwell, Geoffrey, see Jeffrey Wormwell. Wormwell, Jeffery, aliases Jesse Wormwell, Geoffrey Wormwell, 62, G; 65, Q. Wormwell, Jesse, see Jeffrey Wormwell. Worrall, Hazel, 204, O. Worrall, Kathleen, aliases Mrs. Parnell, McEvoy, 172, UH; 204, O. Worrell, Arnold Roy, 205, Q. Worrell, Owen Woods, 391, Q. Wortley, Dudley James Arthur, 31, R. Wortley, Jack, 225, 234, I, Wraight, Ernest Edgar, 176 (2), R. Wraight, Jessie, 396, H. Wren, Thomas Christopher, 150, Q. Wright, Charles (N.S.W.), see Leslie Charles Reiffel. Wright, Colin Murray, 236, Q. Wright, Edwin Charles, 190, P. Wright, Edwin Charles, alias Eddie Butcher, 187, F. Wright, Eveleen Avis, 203, 288, H; 291, R. Wright, Frank, 281, 288, H; 364, Q. Wright, George James, 313, 321, I. Wright, Harry Dudley, 45, Q. Wright, Henry, 60, S. Wright, Herbert William, 31, Q. Wright, James Thomas Razor, 244, R. Wright, J. C. (Vic.), 97, 118, I. Wright, John Maurice, 91, Q. Wright, Nina, alias Thompson, 106, Q. Wright, Thomas, 113, Q. Wrightson, Harold, 110, F. Wuttke, Arnold Victor, 135, 211, H. Wuttke, Victor, 136, O. Wuttke, William Edward, 45, Q. Wyatt, Albert Edward, 12, 17, I. Wyatt, Ernest Douglas, 168, Q. Wyatt, Frederick Andrew, 72, Q; 128, S; 253, T. Wyatt, Robert Allan, 66, Q. Wylie, Eric Gordon, 244, Q; 269, S; 329, 354, I. Wylie, Harry Auburn, 183, Q. Wyly, John Malcolm, otherwise Wily, 198, Q; 214, 269, 291, Q; 326, T. Wyman, Vincent Albert, 226, 235, M. Wyndham, Aylward McGregor Hugh, 69, 79, I. Wynne-Williams, Barbara, 205, R. 8; Y Yard Ronald A., 124, 135, I. Yates, Albert, 373, M. Yates, Clement John, 191, Q. Yates, Gordon Leonard, 376, Q. Yates, Murray, 30, Q. Yates, Richard, 17, U.I.; 20, Q; 73, S. Yates, Robert, 357, Q. Yates, William Thomas, 374, Q. Yeates, Geoffrey, 3, 1. Yeatman, John Digby, 340, 357, R. Yellow Cabs (S.A.) Limited, 376, R. Yeo, Albert Hicks, 92, R. Yetman, Keith Gowland, 176, 391, Q. Yoerger, Henry, 126, 399, Q. Yon, Albert Victor, see Victor Albert Charles You. You, Victor Albert Charles, aliases Albert Victor Yon, Albert Charles Yon, 54, T; 87, R; 260, 308, 392, T; 400, Q. York, David Gordon, 276, R; 297, 373, K. Youlten, Kenneth Hoskins, 18, M. Young, see Edna Irene Pudney. Young, see Daniel Mann. Young, see Robert Harris. Young, Alan George, 163, 164, E. Young, Albert Henry, 27, I. Young & Gordon Limited, 81, R. Young, Arthur Stanley, see Arthur Stanley Dunn. Young, Charles John, 269, T. Young, Clarence, 338, 382, I. Young, Colin Fisher, 92, Q; 155, F. Young, David, 256, H; 332, R. Young, David Thomas, 292, Q. Young, Dean Rosslyn, 406, I. Young, Ethel Maude, 239, 328, F; 332, R. Young, Frederick Allan, 126, Q. Young, Frederick Joseph, 363, M. Young, George Joseph, 242, 250, M. Young, Gordon James, 98, 136, O. Young, Gordon Rowland, 90, G. Young, Gordon Terence, 357, Q. Young, Harold James, 233, F. Young, Hilda, 36, 44, O. Young, John William, 9.3, 119, Q; 238, T. Young, Laurel, 244, R. Young, Leslie Charles Hurtle, 290, P; 292, R. Young, Leslie William, 352, F. Young, Linda, Young, Young, Young, Young Young's Young, Young, Young, Young, Young, Young, Young, Young, Younger, Yugidda 58, Q. M. (Vic.), 85, I. Madge Kartanya, 338, J. Maxwell Armstrong, see Young's Men's Store. Men's Christian Association, 29, R. Men's Store (Maxwell Armstrong Young), 355, R. Mervyn, 68, 141, F ; 238, T. Murray William, 90, 97, I. Thomas Cowan, 86, Q ; 141, 239, 272, 281, 328, F. Thomas Dickie, 401, Q. William Charles, 46, 267, 400, Q. William John Leopold, 304, H. William Ramsay, 256, H; 332, R. Willison Keith, 42, H; 46 (2), R. Douglas Robert, 143, I. (aborigine), 71, Q; 73, T. z Zadow, Elizabeth, 340, R. Zancanaro, Battisco, 275, Q. Zanker, Harold Rudolf, 203, I. Zauch, James Joseph, 308, Q. Zauch, Lionel, 77, 83, D. Zauch, Russell John Albert, 245, Q. Zecchini, Allan Sehilds, 252, Q. Zecchini, Ross, 177, Q. Zenari, Paolo, 355, Q. Zeppel, Ewald Reinhold, 236, Q. Zeugofsge, Cecil Frederick John, 62, I. Zerna, Alwin Paul, 216, F; 228, Q. Zieman, Ernest John, 176, Q; 280, 288, 328 (2), Zietse, Abraham Johannes, 54, T ; 64, Q. Zikman, Frederick Andrew, 325, T; 339, Q. Zillman, Alicia Margaret, 274, J. Zimmerman, Gordon Lance, 372, H. Zimmermann, Lvell Desmond, 375, Q. Zinke. Doretta VeraMicho, 128,Q. Zion Lutheran Church, 44, P. Zoanetta. Giaeondo, 176, 185, Q. Zollner, William Clement. 71, R. Zuckermandel, Hans, 247, F. Zweig, Willi, 13, T. F; 342, T. INDEX TO GROUP PHOTOGRAPHS ISSUED IN SUPPLEMENTS. Year ended 31st December, 1941. Photo. Name. No. A Adey, Charles William .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Anderson, Patricia Irene, see Irene Armstrong. Andrews, William, see Leonard Stephens. Armstrong, Irene, aliases Engstrom, Patricia Irene Anderson, Mary Irene, Hough, Thompson, Fielding . Armstrong John I..aliases .. Oscar Armstrong, John .. .. Walen.. .. tin Engstrom Armstrong, Oscar, see John Armstrong. 1771 1723 1724 1725 1747 1726 Barnes. Stanley, seeStanley JohnWells. Gustave, alias Augustus Francis Birdwood Barnfield .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Barton, R., see Gregory Ivan Bagshaw. Baxter, Clyde, see John James Robinson. Baxter, Sparks, see Stanley Robert Baxter. Baxter, Stanley Robert, alias Sparks Baxter .. .. .. Bell, Graham, see Percy Arthur Lowers. Bennett, George MacNaught, see Alexander McPherson MacLeod . Bennett, Harry William .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Bircham, James Edmund • Blair, William Horace, see Leonard Stephens. Bolte, Alfred Edward Borge, Henry John, see Henry John Mercer. Borley, Sidney, see Walter Godfrey Radcliffe. Bowen, Frank, see Francis Anthony Knox. Box, Robert, see Daniel Mann. Bradman, Charles Edward, see Clive Okenfull. Branes, Stanley, see Stanley John Wells. Bransgrove, Alfred, aliases George Alfred Bransgrove, , . .. Alfred Chapman Bransgrove, George Alfred, see Alfred Bransgrove. Brooke, Thomas L., see Francis Anthony Knox. Brown, Frank, see Francis Anthony Knox. Brown, Reginald, see Reginald William Brown. Brown, Reginald William, aliases Reginald Brown, Reginald Harris, J. Pierce .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Burleigh, Raymond Thomas, see Francis Anthony Knox. Butler, Frank, see Gordon John Lee. Butterworth, P. B., see Gregory Ivan Bagshaw. Charles Foster. Bye, Harold, see Henry 1748 1795 DelRoy, Stanley William, D aliases Stanley William Chattergi, Stendri Nath Chatterje Sharman, Dennis, Allen, see Glynn Morgan. Devine, Raymond, see Francis Anthony Knox, Devon, Charles, see Arthur Hill. .. 1798 John Elliott, George, see Francis Robertson Hardie. Engstrom, see Irene Armstrong. Engstrom, John Walentin, see John Armstrong. Euesden, Kenneth Charles, aliases Frank Saunders, Frank Sanders, Norman Eusodon .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . Eusedon, Norman, see Kenneth Charles Euesden. Farrell, Patrick Edward .. .. .. .. Faulkner, Percival George, alias Percival nitz .. .. .. Fielding, Floris, Foster, Foster, Frank Foster, .. .. .. .. George Prom- .. .. .. .. .. .. 1777 1732 1778 1753 1750 Gardener, see Lyall Frederick Wakeford. Goodes, John Frederick, see Gordon John Lee. Gordon, James Edward, see Gordon John Lee. Grace, Charles, see Arthur Hill. Gracie, Anthony Charles, see Arthur Hill. Graham, Frank, see Francis Robertson Hardie. Gumm, Reginald, see Arthur Hill. 1751 H Hanley, John Francis .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hardie, Francis Robertson, aliases George Elliott, Frank 1779 1773 1774 1775 Francis, Alfred .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Freak, James Smith .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1730 .. 1731 see Irene Armstrong. Annie, see Mary Sterio. Harry, see Henry Charles Foster. Henry Charles, aliases Norman Sim, Harold Bye, Clarke, Harry Foster .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. John, see John Hardy. G Graham, Francis Robinson Hardy .. .. .. ,. . Hardy, Francis Robinson, see Francis Robertson Hardie. Hardy, John, aliases John Foster, John Harrison, John Richards, John Murphy, John Clarence Hardy .. .. Hardy, John Clarence, see John Hardy. Harris, Mildred, see Dorothy Christina Hillier. Harris, Reginald, see Reginald William Brown. Harrison, John, see John Hardy. Hawkey, John Rupert .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hayes, see John James Robinson. Hewitt, Licker, see Milton William Hewitt. Hewitt, Milton William, alias Licker Hewitt .. .. .. Hewlett, Victor James Edward .. .. .. , , .. .. Hill, Arthur, aliases Charles Devon, Reginald Gumm, Charles Grace, Reginald Quinn, Anthony Claude Quinn, Anthony Charles Gracie .. .. .. .. .. Hillier, Dorothy Christina, aliases Dorothy Murphy, Mildred Harris, Marjorie Morgan .. .. .. .. .. Hopkins, James William .. .. .. .. , , , . Hough, Mary Irene, see Irene Armstrong. Hurley, P. T,, see Gregory Ivan Bagshaw. Hyde, George .. .. .. .. .. .. 1780 1781 1799 1733 1800 1754 1801 1802 .. .. .. .. 1755 J 1796 1797 1727 1776 1752 Jackson, Charles, see Walter Godfrey Radcliffe. Jackson, Eric Reginald, see Clive Okenfull. Jackson, Fred, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce pleman. Jackson, John, see Walter Godfrey Radcliffe. John, Lila, see Mary Sterio. Jones, Angus, see Angus Smith. Jones, Jack, see Alexander Downie. 1728 Cop- K Keating, Walter, see Walter Godfrey Radcliffe. Kelly, Charles Edward Kendall, see Edward Kelly. Kelly, Edward, aliases Charles Edward Kendall Kelly, Daniel Murphy, Daniel O'Brien .. .. .. , . , . Kennedy, Francis, see Francis Anthony Knox. Kerr, Arthur, see Percy Arthur Lowen. Kleinig, Raymond Arthur .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Knight, Kevin Edwin Ernest Knox, Francis Anthony, aliases John Patrick Thomas, Raymond Thomas Burleigh, Frank Bowen, Frank Brown, Frank Thomas, Thomas L. Brooke, Thomas Leslie, Raymond Devine, Francis Kennedy .. .. .. .. Roy Chatters .. .. .. .. .. 1749 1772 G Cameron, William Lionel, see William Robert Lawler. Carlisle, Hughie, see Hugh Anthony Parker. Carraill, Ronald George, alias Ronald Carroll Carroll, see Glynn Morgan. Carroll, Ronald, see Ronald George Carraill. Carson, John, see John Wilson. Carswell, Lance, see Glynn Morgan. Chaplin, Ivan Noel .. .. .. .. Chapman, Alfred, see Alfred Bransgrove. Chattergi, Stanley William Roy, see Stanley William DelRoy. Chatters, see Stanley William DelRoy. Clarke, Frank, see Henry Charles Foster. Clarke, Harold, see Leonard Stephens. Clarke, William Ernest, see Percy Arthur Lowen. Coffey, Harold James, see William Coffey. Coffey, Timothy, see William Coffey. Coffey, William, aliases Frank Nolan, Harold James Priddis, Timothy Coffey, Timothy Nolan, William Nolan, Harold James Coffey .. .. .. .. .. .. Conaghan, Hugh Anthony, see Hugh Anthony Parker. Conoghan, Hugh, see Hugh Anthony Parker. Cooper, Doctor, see Clive Okenfull. Cooper, Eric George, see Clive Okenfull. Cooper, Thomas Albert, see Thomas Nicholas Patrick Mullins. Coppleman, Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce, aliases George Henry William Dixon, Elliot Rollins, Fred Jackson, Sydney Rollings, Lionel Edward Lindsay , . .. .. . , Frederick .. .. .. .. .. .. . , Costeloe, Reginald Cotton, Hugh Reginald .. .. .. .. Coughlan, Hugh, see Hugh Anthony Parker. Cronin, William .. .. .. .. .. Curtis, George Jack, see Rowland Robert Morgan. Rad- 1729 F Barnfield, Augustus Francis Birdwood, see Gustave Barnfield. Barnfield, No. Lind- E Eager, James Patrick, see Clive Lithgow Witcombe. Elliott, see Lyall Frederick Wakeford. B Baakerz, Leslie, see Leslie Wilson. Bagshaw, Gregory Ivan, aliases P. T. Hurley, R. Barton, R. Rathbone, P. B. Butterworth .. .. .. .. .. .. Baichin, Lionel Kenneth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ball, Colin Ray • Barnes, Leonard, see Stanley John Wells. Photo. Name. Dixon, George Henry William, see Lionel Edward say Bryce Coppleman. Dowding, Arthur William, see Walter Godfrey cliffe. Downie, Alexander, alias Jack Jones • • .. .. .. Drew, Doctor John, see John Thomas Drew. Drew, John Thomas, aliases McPherson, Doctor Laundaka, 1803 1804 1756 1782 L Leilane, see Mary Sterio. Laundaka, Lele, see Mary Sterio. Laundaka, Lulane, see Mary Sterio. Lawler, William Robert, alias William Lionel Cameron 1757 INDEX. lxiv. Photo. Name. Leach, Alfred .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. .. Lee, Gordon John, aliases James Edward Gordon, John Frederick Goodes, Frank Butler .. .. .. .. .. .. .. LeFrancois, Charles Louis .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Leslie, Thomas, see Francis Anthony Knox. Lewis, George Joseph, see Daniel Mann. Lindsay, Lionel Edward, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Coppleman. Lowan, Percival Arthur, see Percy Arthur Lowen. Lowen, Percy Arthur, aliases William Ernest Clarke, Arthur Kerr, Percival Arthur Lowan, Graham Bell .. Lucas, see Clive Okenfull. 1805 1758 1783 Mc McDonald, Charles Albert, see Charles Albert MacDonald. McDonald, Ian, see Stanley John Wells. Mclvor, Angus, see Angus Smith. Mclvor, Roy, see Angus Smith. McLean, Henry, see Leonard Stephens. McLeod, Stanley, see Alexander McPherson MacLeod. McMillan, Alexander Walter, alias Wally McMillan McMillan, Wally, see Alexander Walter McMillan. McPherson, see John Thomas Drew. MacDonald, Charles McDonald .. .. Mac Albert, otherwise .. .. .. .. .. Charles .. .. .. Albert .. MacLeod, Alexander McPherson, aliases Captain MacLeod, Captain Schofield, Robert Schofield, Stanley Reece, George MacNaught Bennett, Stanley McLeod MacLeod, Captain, see Alexander McPherson MacLeod. 1812 1759 1784 1760 1808 1809 1734 1810 1811 1735 1761 Murphy, John, see John Hardy. N Nolan, Nolan, Nolan, Frank, see William Coffey. Timothy, see William Coffey. William, see William Coffey. Edmond Kevin, see Edmund Kevin O'Grady. Edmund Kevin, aliases Edmond Kevin J. West, K. West .. .. .. .. .. .. Francis, aliases Ronald Patrick Francis Frank O'Keefe, Raymond Rayes .. .. .. Frank, see Francis O'Keefe. Ronald Patrick Francis, see Francis O'Keefe. Thomas Clive, aliases Clive Oakenfull, Lucas, Eric Cooper, John Smith, Eric Reginald Jackson, Edward Bradman, Dr. Cooper .. .. .. .. Patrick Michael, see Glynn Morgan. Parham, Horace David . 1736 1785 1786 1737 P Parker, Hugh Anthony, aliases Edward Tregenza, Hugh Conoghan, Hugh Coughlan, Hughie Carlisle, Terrible Hughie, Hugh Anthony Conaghan .. .. .. .. .. .. Pearce, John .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Phillips, John, see Stanley John Wells. Phillips, Kenneth Lionel .. .. .. .. .. .. Pierce, J., see Reginald William Brown. Poynter, James Charles .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Priddis, Harold James, see William Coffey. Promnitz, Percival George, see Percival George Faulkner. Pyatt, Henry Allen .. .. Walter Q Claude, see Arthur see Arthur Hill. Godfrey, R aliases Hill. Walter Keating, Walter Godfrey Reeves, John Jackson, Charles Jackson, Arthur William Dowding, Sidney Borley .. .. Rathbone, R., see Gregory Ivan Bagshaw. Rayes, Raymond, see Francis O'Keefe. Reece, Stanley, see Alexander McPherson MacLeod. Reeves, Walter Godfrey, see Walter Godfrey Radcliffe. Richards, Ernest Albert, aliases Woolfington, Wilson .. Richards, John, see John Hardy. Riddiford, see Henry John Mercer. Robinson, John James, aliases Hayes, John Warner, Henry Warner, Clyde Baxter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Rollings, Sydney, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Coppleman. Rollins, Elliot, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Coppleman. Roney, Arthur Lawrence .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Rosengarten, Leopold Moritz .. .. .. .. .. .. Rosenthal, Ronald Alton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Russell, Thomas Jack, see Rowland Robert Morgan. Ryan, Stanley, see Stanley John Wells. 1789 1740 1741 1814 1790 1742 Salter, Leslie .. .. .. Sanders, Frank, see Kenneth .. .. .. Charles Euesden. .. .. Saunders, Frank, see Kenneth Charles Euesden. Schofield, Captain, see Alexander McPherson MacLeod. Schofield, Robert, see Alexander McPherson MacLeod. Seiler, Percy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sharman, Stendri Nath Chatterje, see Stanley William DelRoy. Sim, Norman, see Henry Charles Foster. Smith, Angus, aliases Angus Jones, Angus Mclvor, Roy Mclvor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Smith, John, see Clive Okenfull. Spain, Neil Patrick Joseph, alias James Williams .. .. Stanley, Robert James .. .. .. .. .. Stephens, Leonard, aliases Henry McLean, William Andrews, William Horace Blair, Harold Clarke .. .. Sterio, Mary, aliases Annie Floris, Leilane Laundaka, Lila John, Rita Stevens, Mary Stewart, Lele Laundaka, Lulane Laundaka .. .. .. Stevens, Rita, see Mary Sterio. Stewart, Mary, see Mary Sterio. Sullivan, Pat, see Glynn Morgan. 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1815 1816 T Talbot, Captain Ian, see Glynn Morgan. Taylor, Harold George, alias Horace George Taylor Taylor, Horace George, see Harold George Taylor. Taylor, Kenneth Harry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Terrible Hughie, see Hugh Anthony Parker. Thomas, Frank, see Francis Anthony Knox. Thomas, John Patrick, see Francis Anthony Knox. Thompson, see Irene Armstrong. Todd, James .. .. .. .. .. .. Toohey, William Thomas .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tregenza, Edward see Hugh Anthony Parker. Trout, Frank William George .. .. .. .. .. .. 1817 .. 1791 .. .. 1792 1793 .. 1794 w 0 Oakenfull, Clive, see Clive Okenfull. O'Brien, Daniel, see Edward Kelly. O'Grady, O'Grady, O'Grady, O'Keefe, O'Keefe, O'Keefe, O'Keefe, O'Keefe, O'kenfull, George Charles O'Sullivan, Anthony Reginald, No. S 1807 M Mahoney, Daniel, see Daniel Mann. Mann, Daniel, aliases George Joseph Lewis, Robert Box, Daniel Mahoney, John Murphy .. .. .. .. .. Mason, William, see Thomas Nicholas Patrick Mullins. Mathias, Reuben Roy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mercer, Eric John, see Henry John Mercer. Mercer, Henry John, aliases Eric John Mercer, Henry John Borge, Willoughby, Riddiford .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Merritt, Clarence Lindsay Mitton, Colin Ross .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . Mood, Walter . Morgan, Glynn, aliases Captain Tan Talbot, Allen Dennis, Glynallan Morgan, Llewellyn Carrid Morgan, Pat Sullivan, Lance Carswell, Carroll Patrick, Michael O'Sullivan, John Llewellyn Morgan, Terence Williamson .. Morgan, Glynallan, see Glynn Morgan. Morgan, John Llewellyn, see Glynn Morgan. Morgan, Llewellyn Carrid, see Glynn Morgan. Hillier. Morgan, Marjorie, see Dorothy Christina Morgan, Rowland Robert, aliases George Jack Curtis, . Thomas Jack Russell Mullins, Albert, see Thomas Nicholas Patrick Mullins. Mullins, Thomas Nicholas Patrick, aliases Thomas Albert Cooper, Albert Mullins, William Mason .. .. .. .. Murphy, Daniel, see Edward Kelly. Murphy, Dorothy, see Dorothy Christina Hillier. Murphy, John, see Daniel Mann. Quinn, Quinn, Radcliffe, 1806 Photo. Name. No. 1738 1787 1739 1813 1788 1762 Wakeford, Lyall Frederick, aliases Elliott, Williscroft, Gardener .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Warner, Cyril William, alias William Cyril John Warner Warner, Henry, see John James Robinson. Warner, John, see John James Robinson. Warner, William Cyril John, see Cyril William Warner. Wells, Stanley John, aliases Stanley Ryan, Stanley Branees, Ian McDonald, John Phillips, Stanley Barnes, Leonard Barnes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Welsh, Eric Stanley, see Stanley Welsh. Welsh, Stanley, alias Eric Stanley Welsh West, J., see Edmund Kevin O'Grady. West, K., see Edmund Kevin O'Grady. Whyman, Alfred Charles Edward .. .. .. .. .. Willard, John Raymond, see Clive Lithgow Witcombe. Williams, James, see Neil Patrick Joseph Spain. Williamson, Terence, see Glynn Morgan. Williscroft, see Lyall Frederick Wakeford. Willoughby, see Henry John Mercer. Wilson, see Ernest Alfred Richards. Wilson, John, aliases John Clarence Smiley Wilson, John Clarence Wilson, John Carson .. .. .. .. .. .. Wilson, John Clarence, see John Wilson. Wilson, John Clarence Smiley, see John Wilson. Wilson, Leslie, alias Leslie Baakerz .. Witcombe, Claude Lithgow, see Clive Lithgow Witcombe. Witcombe, Clive Lithgow, aliases Claude Lithgow Witcombe, James Patrick Eager, John Raymond Willard Woolfington, see Ernest Alfred Richards. 1743 1744 1768 1769 1745 1818 1746 1770 No. 47.] 351 I ANID FAITH , COURAGE' THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE PUBLISHED 'This BY .- Vide AUTHORITY C.S.O., publication is confidential , and is issued for the information of the herein conveyed , and to use their utmost exertion for the apprehension herein and before described. 1103/94. Police only, who are directed to obey all orders of the parties and the recovery of the property RAYMOND , WEDNESDAY ADELAIDE , NOVEMBER MISCELLANEOUS L. LEANE , Commissioner of Police. 19, 1941. INFORMATION. MONEY-LENDERS ACT, 1942. The following Money Lenders' Licences expiring on 30th September , 1942, have been issued by the Local Court , Adelaide , during the month of October , 1941 :- Authorized Name of Licensee. Authorized Name. Names of Partners or of Company. Address. Nominee Bowes, Stanley Edgar ......... Bridgland, Harrie Walter ...... Brown, Albert Edmund ........ Stanley Edgar Bowes ....... Harrie W. Bridgland ........ Motor Credit Company ...... 47 Eagle Chambers, Pine Street, Adelaide 37 Hindmarsh Buildings, Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide 14 Pirie Street, Adelaide ..... 65 Flinders Street, Adelaide 134 Gawler Place, Adelaide Brown, Motor Credit Company 134 Gawler Place, Adelaide Adelaide Finance Barnard & Co. Limited, Lance Adelaide Finance Limited ... Limited....... H. G. Barnard .. ................ & Co. Limited, H. G. ...... 20 McHenry Cashman, Howard ............. Cohen, Henry .... .......... Commercial Discounters (Adelaide) Limited Commercial Finance Company Limited Dale Limited, Jack ............ Imperial Loan & Discount Office R. Cashman & Co. .......... Henry Cohen Commercial Discounters (Adelaide) Limited Commercial Finance Company Limited Jack Dale Limited .......... Frank Frank Duval Limited ....... ,Carr, Edith Frances Duval ........... Limited .......... .............. Fisher, Warhurst Limited ...... GeneralFinance Limited ....... Hicks, Frederick George ....... Hittmann, Harold ............. Johnson, Rose Industrial Acceptance Corporation Limited Lewis, Beresford Arthur ....... Fisher Warhurst Limited.... . General Finance Limited .... F. G. Ricks ................ Harold Hittmann ........... George Way Industrial Acceptance Corporation Limited L. P. Lewis ................ London Loan & Discount Company Limited Lumbers Limited, James .. London Loan & Discount Company Limited Lumbers Limited, James .... ................ Street, Adelaide Adelaide Eringa Building, Currie Street, Adelaide 50 Pirie Street, Adelaide ..... Angelo H. A. & A. Michaelides 175 North Terrace, Adelaide Haureklia 175 North Terrace, Adelaide Moyes, Cecil Clarence .......... Mutton, Herbert George ....... S. A. Bluston .............. H. G. Mutton ............... Myers & Company Myers & Company O'Halloran O'Halloran, Limited Limited, D. Irene Jessie ..... S.A. Cash Orders Proprietary... Limited .Simmons, Eric David Ward Limited, James . .. S.A. Cash Orders Proprietary Limited .......... Frank McCabe .......... James Ward Police Commissioner's Limited O'Halloran Limited, D. ..... Irene O'Halloran ........... . ........ Office, Adelaide, ............. Limited ....... 17th November, Edmund ... 1/10/41 1 2 23 1/10/41 1/10/41 3/10/41 24 3/10/41 19 1/10/41 1/10/41 1/10/41 1/10/41 Edmund Mulroney, Street, 57 King William Street, City Anster Chambers, Waymouth Street, Adelaide 32 Currie Street, Adelaide ... 26 Currie Street, Adelaide ... 148 Park Terrace, Wayville .. 185 Victoria Square, Adelaide 32 Currie Street, Adelaide ... 22 Grenfell Street, Adelaide Michaelides, ...... Albert Lance Lance Albert 1/10/41 8 217 Franklin Michaelides, H. A. & A. Michaelides f Brown, Brown, 5 Brown, tBrown, 13 Craig,Hubert George ...... S. Maguire Ltd . ............ Frank McCabe ............. ......... Charles 20 21 3 Maguire Limited, S. ........... McCabe, Francis Xavier ........ ........... . Stanley King, StanleyRodger Date from which Effective. 71 Hindley Street, Adelaide 31 Gilbert Place, Adelaide ... 44 Grenfell Street, Adelaide .. National Mutual Buildings, King William Street, Adelaide 33 Pirie Street, Adelaide ..... 71 Pirie Street, Adelaide ..... , .. .. McGrath, Licence No. Street, Adelaide 1/10/41 17 1/10/41 Duval, Leonard 22 1/10/41 4 12 30 6 34 29 1110/41 1/10/41 24/10/41 1/10/41 24/10/41 15/10/41 9 1110/41 5 1/10/41 ..... 11 1/10/41 Edward .......... Francis Xavier Simmons, EricDavid 31 25 24/10/41 6/10/41 33 24110 /41 32 24/10/41 27 15 15110/41 1/10/41 16 1/10/41 Frank James William .. ...... Fisher, William Robert ..... Mackay, William Edward ... Trathem, Fleet, William Harold Lumbers, Lancelot Frederick Eugene Cyril . .... Maguire, f McCabe, ichaelides, ichaelides, Angelo Haureklia Haureklia AMichaelides, 189 Gawler Place, Adelaide 39 Marlborough Road, Westbourne Park 19 Alma Chambers, Commercial Place, Adelaide 28 Henry Street, Adelaide ... Wheeler Buildings, North .... Terrace, Adelaide 60 Gawler Place, Adelaide, 174-6 St.Vincent Street, Port Adelaide, 148 Unley Road, Unley, Ellen Street, Port Pirie 71 Pirie Street, Adelaide ..... 13 Hindley 14 Papps, Leo Patrick ........ .. lMichaelides, Angelo Myers, Samuel Knox, Henry Kelly, Hartleigh ...... ............ Read ........ ........... J Simmons, Eric David 1 McCabe, Francis Xavier Whelan, Dudley Albert ..... . 8 28 1/10/41 15/10/41 7 1/10/41 26 6/10/41 18 1/10/41 1941. S.A. LIST' Attention Instructions. is drawn OF JUSTICES. to paragraph 815, Police Regulations and Officers in charge of police stations will see that a list of district is posted in a conJustices of the Peace in their spicuous place at the police station and that the list is kept up-to-date. If they will submit the list to the Attorney-General's it will be checked with the Justices' Roll. A.G.O., 741/27. Police Commissioner's Office, Adelaide, 12/11/41. office POLICE WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' ASSOCIATION. Notre of Three H undred and Ninety-ninth Call. The Board of Management has made a call ( three hundred and ninety -ninth ) of 7s . 6d. per member , re Police Const. F. W. Coppin ( deceased ), which will be deducted from the pay cheques on 21st November, 1941. INDECENT EXPOSURE. ADELAIDE.;--At about 2.30 p.m. on 10/11/41,an UNKNOWN MAN indecently exposed himself in the South Park Lands. 17 or 18 years old, 5ft. 6in., or 7in., thin build,, fair hair, blue eyes, dressed in brown sports coat with action back, navy blue trousers, no hat and riding a bicycle.- (C.11826.) 4A 2 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN 43 Gaeshcs, Dimitri Christ, 224 Waymouth Street, Adelaide .. .. .. .. .. .. 276 Galbraith, Martin Joseph, 4 Wellington Street, Kensington .. .. .. .. .. 101 Gale, Edward Roy, 14 Logan Street, Adelaide 151 Gibbons, Victor James, Jamestown .. .. .. .. 240 Gould, Philip Samuel, 6 Arthur Street, South Plympton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 Greatbatch, John Henry, 130 Coglin Street, Brompton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 Green, Phillip Henry, 161 Sturt Street, Adelaide 370 Gregory, Charles, Seventeenth Street, Renmark 248 Guerin, Alphonsus Joseph, Vesper Street, Mount Gambier.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 279 Heffernan, Patrick, 18 Sydney Place, Adelaide 186 Hooper, Nellie May, Islington Road, Islington 174 Hooper, William George, Islington Road, Islington .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 164 Hopkins, George Sydney, 30 Glyde Street, Albert Park .. 177 Johnson, Henry William R., 21 Sydenham Road Norwood .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 182 Johnson, Paul Hermann Otto, 3 Croydon Road, Y205 Y92 B1289 Y180 W595 W954 W600 Y107 W603 W905 Y162 Y228 W635 W230 W881 306 Johnson, Richard William, 11 Park Street, GlanY191 dore .. .. W839 191 Johnson, Victor, 10 Fairford Street, Kingswood 17 Johnstone, Frederick Roy, 100 Main North Road, Prospect .. .. .. .. Y179 48 Kastberg, Ernest William, 280 Franklin Street, Y116 Adelaide .. .. .. 91 Keeley, Alfred Augustine, 18 Beans Road, Southwark .. .. W864 209 Kite, Donald Ernest, Maine Street, Davenport, Port Augusta .. .. W279 345 Kruse, Reginald Lewis, Waterloo .. .. .. .. .. Y16 23 Ladhams, Walter Cyril, 92 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide .. .. .. .. .. W649 246 Laramy, Henry Albert, 124 Sturt Street, Adelaide .. .. .. W845 31 Larner, Henry, 42 Sheldon Street, Norwood .. R15 42 Le Duff, William Emanuel Theodore, 21 Wright Court, Adelaide .. .. .. Y76 357 Lillie, Maxwell George, 135 Gilles Street, Adelaide .. W597 236 Lloyd, Ec'bert Cecil Robert James, 5 Osman Place, Thebarton West .. B1395 153 Love, Allan Walter James, 20 Lombard Street, North Adelaide .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W546 36 Mackey, Arthur Edward, Solomontown .. .. .. Y147 64 Mackey, William, 38 Wilkins Street, SolomonW735 town 126 Madden, William Joseph, 260 Gilbert Street, Adelaide .. Y230 32 Manego, Edward, 25 Hallam Street, Port Pirie West .. W540 116 Martin, Samuel George, 48 South Terrace, TheW892 barton 12 Maxfield, Clement Raymond, 7 Ophir Street, Goodwood Park .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W969 5 Maxfield, William James sen., 19 Grosvenor Street, Glandore .. .. .. W527 28 Maxfield, William James jun., 19 Grosvenor Street, Glandore .. W874 '259 Mitchell, John Henry Parks, 22 Hughes Street, Unley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W525 329 Morrison, D'Arcy Alfred, Box 49, Port Lincoln Y7 125 Murch, Arthur, Bridgewater .. .. . .. .. .. W390 336 McGovern, Nicholas Patrick, 65 Shierlaw Street, Y167 North Richmond .. 157 McGrath, Albert Edward, 64 Frederick Street, W792 245 225 243 6 55 10 266 363 344 22 285 326 238 89 189 102 66 74 2 162 Neville, George Edward, 26 William Street, Hiltonia .. Newman, Sydney Roy, 10 East Street, Brompton .. .. Niemann, Herbert Stanley, 43 Ormond Street TBndmqrsh .. Oakley, John Richard, 21 Oakley Street, Adelaide O'Dea, Arthur D., 23 Sturt Street, Adelaide .. O'Deai. Charle, P., 28 Market Street, City .. O'Dea, Harold James, Barmera .. .. .. .. .. Olman, William Thomas, Jamestown .. .. .. Owers, Benjamin John, Louis Avenue, Blackwood .. Pahle, Hugo Miller Moritz, 52 Queen Street, Norwood, South Australia .. Pedler, Francis Edgar, Harley Street, Blyth .. Pietsch, Charles, Andrews .. Pocock, Allan E., 16 Langham Place, Portland Polglase, Edgar Duncan, 2 Threlfall Avenue, Norwood .. .. .. .. .. .. Reardon, Mathew, 21 Regent Street, Adelaide Rees, John, 351 Gilles Street, Adelaide .. .. .. Rice, George, 50 Maitland Street, Mitcham .. .. Richards, William, Pinnaroo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Riddle, George Henry, Fowlers Bay .. .. .. .. Riggs, Charles Andrew,18 Second Avenue, Forest- Y146 Y82 Y98 W840 Br166 Y204 Y104 Gr84 W991 Y4 Y211 Y30 Y130 W695 W916 W897 Y47 W415 Y64 W313 POLICE GAZETTE. [January 22, 1941. 315 Riggs, Horace Earl, 18 Second Avenue, Forestville .. 274 Riggs , Ronald Keith, 272 Halifax Street, Adelaide .. 250 Rogers, Arthur Wilson, 14 Victoria Street, Goodwood .. 348 Ross, Edward Patrick, 4 Doreen Street, Pros pect 41 Sansome, Edward William, . 41 Frederick Street, Welland 40 S'ansome, William Fletcher, George Street, York 169 Shrive, Walter Edwin, 134 Gilles Street, Adelaide .. .. .. .. .. 122 Simons , William Walter, 13 Henry Street, Stepney 263 Siostrom , Victor Daniel , Princess Street, Willaston .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 230 Sitters, Charles Matthew, Hamley Bridge .. .. 374 Smith, William Charles, Dutton Street, Jamestown .. .. .. .. .. 98 Spangler, Frederick Charles, 76 Porter Street, Parkside .. 80 Spiteri, Angolo, 57 South Road, Edwardstown 53 Stephens, Gabriel, 59A Gladstone Road, Mile Y40 W443 W628 W909 W26 W606 Y27 W890 W782 Y108 Y123 W830 W936 W821 46 Stephens, Silas, 34 Roebuck Street, Mile End .. 54 Stubbs, Rowland Livingstone, 25 Hallam Street, Port Pirie West .. 163 Sugars, Reginald George, 194 Hanson Street, Adelaide .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 142 Sweetman, William Isaac, Victor Harbour .. 105 Symons, Robert Henry, 13 Walsh Street, Southwark 84 Thorpe, Herbert John, 18 Mitchell Street, Hyde Park .. 231 Tozer, William Henry Stephen, 20 Wilton Terrace, New Mile End .. 148 Trevorrow, George, 278 Wright Street, Adelaide 282 Unstead, Thomas, 361 Halifax Street, Adelaide 160 Van Andel, Helenus Marius, 112 Wright Street, City .. 294 Veall, Reginald George, 18 Frobisher Avenue, Flinders Park .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 181 Vowles, -Bernard Joseph, 30 Mary Street, Ethelton .. .. .. .. .. .. 288 Wachtel, George, 4 Waterloo Street, Glenelg 161 Wade, Edward Charles, 26 David Street, Adelaide .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. 37 Ward, Frederick Henry, 116 Senate Road, Port Pirie West .. .. 16 Waters, Joseph Ernest, 32 Kintore Street, Thebarton .. .. 360 Welsby, Ernest Holbrook, 153 Franklin Street, Adelaide 319 Whelan, Charles William, 63 Sturt Street, City 268 Whelan, Robert Henry, 68 Norman Street, City 92 White, George Thomas, 23 Essex Street, Goodwood 104 Wiese, Herman, 20 Shannon Place, Adelaide 140 Wilkins, Jubil, 50 Newcastle Street, Rosewater 7 Williams, Sydney, Hill Street, Victor Harbour .. 100 Winning, Frank, 31 Greville Avenue, Flinders Park .. .. .. 155 Winter, John Frederick, 17 Coglin Street, Adelaide .. .. 19 Wolff, August Hienrich Ernst, 16 Harriett Street, Adelaide .. .. .. Police Commissioner's Office, GOLD BUYERS' The following list of licences issued for the year ending 31st for general information. Adelaide, Y182 Y171 Gr357 W835 W841 Br67 Y160 W756 W406 W147 Y153 Y187 W963 Y23 W930 W158 W382 W76 W449 W643 W713 Y77 Y213 W801 Y223 Y192 14/1/41. LICENCES. under the December, Gold Buyers Acts 1941, is published 34 Ballans, Alfred Ernest, 7 Chesser Street, Adelaide, wrought gold, gold buyer, precious stones. 9 Budgen, Bertha Phyllis Mary, 11A Rundle Street, Adelaide, wrought gold, precious stones. 38 Burgess, Edward Stanley, 28 Gouger Street, Adelaide, wrought gold. 42 Burgess. Edward Stanley, 19 Grote Street, Adelaide, wrought gold, 21 Courtney, Arthur Leonard, Edments Buildings, Rundle Street, Adelaide, wrought gold. 7 Cox, Cecil James, 3 Rundle Street, Adelaide, wrought gold. 33 Deane, William Shiels, 70 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, wrought gold, precious stones. 28 Graham, Albert, 24 Gouger Street, Adelaide, wrought gold, precious stones. 39 Graham, William, 142 Commercial Road, Port Adelaide, -wrought gold, precious stones. 37 Hallett, Charles Marmaduke, 112 Gawler Place, Adelaide, assayer. 8 Heath, Henry Martin, 82 King William Street, Adelaide, wrought gold, precious stones. 3 Heylen, Henry, 195 Victoria Square, Adelaide, wrought gold. January 22, 1941.] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN COCKS1 of 27 Winifred Avenue, Glandore West, commercial traveller." On the body of THOMAS ROSS POWER. Verdict:-"Thomas Ross Power, aged 23 years, late of 59 Le Hunte Street, Wayville, clerk, deceased, came to his death at the Royal Adelaide Hospital on the 11th day of January, 1941, from a fracture of the skull and other injuries received by him on the 10th day of January, 1941, at the intersection of Weller and Albert Streets, Goodwood Park, when a collision occurred between a motor car driven by him and a moor cas driven by JAMES PATRICK MAcFARLANE, of 78 Kensington Terrace Kensington, body builder. Unfortunately there were no independent eyewitnesses who have been located, but upon the evidence before me the car driven by MacFarlane was being driven at a reasonable speed upon its correct side of the road and the driver seems to have done all in his power to avoid a collision. It would appear that the deceased failed to give way to MacFarlane's car when it was his duty so to do, if he saw it approaching. "-(C.516.) ADELAIDE.-16/1/41, on the body of ERNEST GRUENBERG. Verdict:-"Ernest Gruenberg, aged 43 years, late of 21 Gurney Road, Dulwich, manager, deceased, came to his death at William Street, Hilton, from severe head injuries received by him on that date at the premises of South Australian Plywood, Limited, William Street, Hilton, when a crane which was being shifted slipped and fell on the deceased. Upon the evidence before me the occurrence was entirely accidental." On the body of ARTHUR PHILIP LESLIE DUPEN. Verdict :-" Arthur Philip Leslie Dupen, aged 12 years, late of 73A Broadway, Glenelg, schoolboy, deceased, came to his death at the Royal Adelaide Hospital on the 7th day of January, 1941, from an electric shock received by him on that date at 73A Broadway, Glenelg, when he came into contact with a live wire whilst climbing on the roof of a shed. It is clear that no blame whatever can be attached to the Adelaide Electric Supply Company, Limited, in connection with the affair, as the fault in the wiring which caused the fatality was wholly beyond the company's supply point. It is also clear that at some time a bare and not insulated wire has been used to effect a repair to the service to the shed. It appears highly probable from the condition of the repair that this repair was effected by an amateur repairer instead of by a recognized electrical firm. The occurrence of these accidents from defects through repairs effected by amateurs should act as a deterrent against people doing their own repairs, and I again stress the very great danger of inexperienced people doing such repairs. The happening from time to time of tragedies such as this raises the question of the advisability of some steps being taken to make it an offence for amateurs to effect repairs to electrical installations. Many of the public still do not appear to realize that uninsulated electric wires constitute a very real and serious danger, not only to themselves but to other persons."-(C.515.) PORT ADELAIDE.-11/1/41, on the body of DAVID EDMUND DERRICK. Verdict :-" David Edmund Derrick, aged 15 years, late of 17 Denman Street, Exeter, labourer, deceased came to his death at the Globe Timber Mills, Old Dock, Port Adelaide, on the 18th day of December, 1940, from suffocation when he fell into a bin containing sawdust. There is no evidence to show exactly how the accident happened, but it is clear that the deceased was doing his work in the ordinary and usual way and there is no evidence to suggest that he acted improperly. The appliances in use were apparently such as are usually used for the purpose and were apparently' in proper order".-(C.340.) APPREHENSIONS DURING HORACE JOHN CONWAY BOURKE THE WEEK. ( 50), by Sergt. Day fi (N.), idle and disorderly , 21 days; and drunkenness, ned £2 5s. and costs 10s. 6d., in default 10 days. P.C., Adelaide, 27/12/40.-(C.12863/40.) FRANK ROCCA SURACE ( 56), summons , breach of the National Security ( Aliens Control ) Regulations ( travel without permission ) ; fined £3 and costs 10s., in default seven days M.C.'s Geering and Manhood , and F.C. Okely. P. C., Summertown, 9/ 1/41.-(C.342.) MAXWELL ARTHUR ROSENTHALL ( 16), KENNETH HOLZBERGER ( 16), and JACK REGAN ( 16), summons, breaches of the Animals and Birds Protection Act; dismissed under the Offenders Probation Act and to pay costs 10s. Water P.C.'s Badams and Wortley. C.C., Adelaide , 10/1/41.(0.343.) STANLEY WELSH ( 44), by P.C.C.'s Vogelesang and Whitrod, and P.C.'s White ( J. E.) and Smith ( C. L.), breach of the Defence Act (unlawfully wear uniform ) ; fined £10 and costs 7s. 6d., in default 21 days ( imprisoned ). P.C., Adelaide, 14/1/41 .-( 0.344.) ALBERT VINCENT STEVENS ( 42), by F.C.'s Reynolds and Hansberry , drunkenness , fined £3 and costs 9s. 6d., in default 12 days; and idle and disorderly , 28 days . P.C., Adelaide, 28 / 12/40 .-( C.345.) THOMAS JOSEPH KLOSS ( 21), by F.C.'s Fitzgerald (M. G.), Moore ( J. A.,), and Schwerdt ( P. F. J.), assis t ed by Dets. Grow and McConnell , unlawfully in yard of GOVERNMENT HOUSE ; two months . P.C., Adelaide , II/l/41.- (0.346.) POLICE 29 GAZETTE. DONALD MARTIN GORDON RYAN (27), by M.T.D.'s King and Swan, drunkenness, fined £1 lOs. and costs 9s. 6d., in default six days; and resisting arrest, fined £4 and costs 7s. 6d., in default 14 days. P.C., Adelaide, 13/1/41.-(C.347.) JAMES Hansberry coat; four PATRICK HODGE (30), by F.C.'s Reynolds (P.), sand P.C.G. Harvey, unlawful possession months. P.C., Adelaide, 7/1/41.-(C.348.) WILLIAM WILKEY (42), EDITH GRACE GREENHAM; default 14 days. P.C., Magill, and of a by F.C. Thorpe, larceny from fined £2 and costs 7s. 6d., in 11/1/41.-(C.349.) HAROLD CHAPMAN JAMES LUCAS (35), summons, breach of the Licensing Act, section 194, at the Exeter Hotel, Adelaide; fined £1 lOs. and costs 12s. 6d. F.C.'s Trotman and Shipway. P.C., Adelaide, 14/l/41.-(C.350.) CLIFFORD NOEL WILLIAM FENWICK (26), summons, driving motor truck without due care, fined £2 10s. and costs 10s.; and driving a motor vehicle without being licensed, fined 10s. and costs 10s. M.C. France and P.C. Fox. P.C., Whyalla, 10/1/41.-(C.351.) EDWARD LAMONT GALPIN (35), summons, driving a motor car in a manner dangerous to the public; fined £10 (reduced to £2 10s.) and costs 10s. (paid). M.C. France. P.C., Whyalla, 10/1/41.-(C.352.) ROBERT SAMUEL MARTIN (16), LLOYD MIELL BAILEY (17), and CLINTON WILLIAM COLLINS (19), summons, offensive behaviour; each fined 5s. and costs 7s. 6d. (paid). M.C. Symes and P.C. Rosie. P.C., Mannum, 10/1/41. -(C.353.) ALBERT FREDERICK P.C. Liebing, unlawful sharpening stone; 14 (C.354.) PUTZKE (54), by Sergt. Eyre and possession of an axe, a file, and a days. P.C., Waikerie, 13/1/41.- RICHARD RONALD WALSH (58), summons, breach Licensing Act, section 209, at the Eagle Hotel, Adelaide; £2 and costs 12s. 6d. F.C.'s Trotman and Shipway. Adelaide, 13/1/41.-(C.355.) RICHARD WILLIAM BENNETTA (60), (A.) and P.C. Boyland, idle and disorderly; P.C., Unley, 13/l/41.-(C.356.) of the fined P.C., by F.C. Moore three months. HERBERT FREDERICK SELLNER (33), by Sergt. Lewis and P.C. Chambers, indecent behaviour, fined £4 and costs 7s. 6d., in default 14 days; and drunkenness, fined £2 and costs 14s., in default 14 days. P.C., Berri, 10/1/41.-(0.357.) HERBERT CHARLES HOBBS, alias BERT HOBBS, alias CHUNDA HOBBS (31), summons, driving a motor car without due care; fined £1 5s. and costs 7s. 6d., in default three days. M.C. McInerney. P.C., Teatree Gully, 9/l/41.-(C.358.) GEORGE HYDE (45), by Det. Maddaford and P.C.C. Giles, wilful and obscene exposure of his person; 21 days. P.C., Adelaide, 8/1/41.-(C.359.) RONALD ARTHUR WARNER (14), summons, larceny from YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION; placed under the care and control of Children's Welfare Department and committed to the Reformatory School for 12 months. Det. Maddaford and P.C.C.'s Whitrod and Giles. C.C., Adelaide, 10/1/41.-(0.360.) HENRY MORRIS BRIGGS (15), by Det. Strangway, W.P.C. Poole, and M,0.'s Ridge (J.) and White, unlawfully on premises of ARTHUR JAMES MUELLER; released on a bond to be of good behaviour for 12 months. P.C., Swan Reach, 19/1/41.(C.361.) MILLER ANDERSON LTD., ETHEL BICKFORD (54), CONSTANCE MARY McMICHAEL (49), SYBIL MURIEL GRAHAM MORTIMER MARCH (39), JENNY JOLLY (54), JOAN MARY McGREGOR (39), ELSIE FLORENCE (COUNTESS OF BECTIVE) (39), MARY TOLLEY (27), and DENSIE KINCRAIG SANGSTER (29), summons, breaches of the Lottery and Gaming Act (exercise a lottery) ; Miller Anderson Ltd. fined £1 and costs 10s., and remainder each fined 5s. and costs 2s. 6d. F.C.'s Radcliffe, Shipway, and Walsh, and P.C. White (A. H.). P.C., Adelaide, 7/1/41.-(C.385.) ROSAMOND CUDMORE BICKFORD (22) and MARGARET GRANT DUNCAN (22), summons, breaches of the Lottery and Gaming Act (sell chance in lottery) ; each fined 1s. without costs. F.C.'s Radcliffe, Shipway, and Walsh, and P.C. White (A. H.). P.C., Adelaide, 7/1/41.-(C.385.) GEORGE THOMAS LEESON and disorderly; one (C.12911/40.) STRACEY LANCE BELL 10s. and costs P.C., Freeling, month. P.C., (48), by P.C. Whitcher, Port Adelaide, idle 9/12/40.- JAMES McKENZIE (25) and LESLIE (27), summons, offensive behaviour; each fined 16,s. 3d., in default seven days. M.C. Boyce. 14/1/41.-(C.388.) EDWIN JOHN ROBERT CHRISTIE (29), by Renmark police, drunkenness, fined 10s. and costs 13s. 6d., in default 24 hours; offensive behaviour, fined £2 and costs 7s. 6d., in default 72 hours; and wilfully damaging property of the SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT (POLICE DEPARTMENT), fined 10s. and costs 15s., in default 24 hours (imprisoned). P.C., Renmark, 13/1/41.-(C.389.) April 9, 1941.] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE. 107 RICHARD JOHN ROBERTS (36), by M.C. Bonython, breach of the Road Traffic Act, section 48; fined £20 and costs £1 13s. 6d., in default one month and licence suspended for three months. P.C., Auburn, 31/3/41.-(C.3094.) LESLIE ATKINSON (26), by Det. Leane, F.C. Nenke, P.C.C. Winekel, and P.C. O'Brien, embezzlement on HENR 1 JOHN TAYLOR; two months. P.C., Adelaide, 6/2/41.(C.3074.) PERCIVAL ROBINSON (26), sunimons, breach Licensing Act, section 202, at the Cumberland Arms Hotel, Adelaide; fined £5 and costs 10s. F.C.'s Winch (H. W.) and Hudson (A. K.). P.C., Adelaide, 20/3/41.-(C.3095.) ERIC LAWRENCE FOORD (43), summons, breach of Brands Act; fined £10 and costs 10s., in default three months. Det. Phin and M.C. Cain (G. W.), on information supplied by M.C. Rosewall (T.). P.C., Ardrossan, 27/3/41.-(C.3075.) EDMUND GILES FULLERTON (45), summons, breaches (two) of the Brands Act, section 69 (a) and (b); fined £2 10s. and costs 7s. 6d., in default seven days on each charge. M.C. Ward (H. C.). P.C., Quorn, 1/4/41.-(C.3096.) GEORGE MATTHEW PROWSE (44) and WALTER SAARI, alias PAPPINBURRA BILL (43), summons, breach of the Licensing Act, section 161 (sly grog), at the Blast Furnace Camp, Whyalla; each fined £50 and costs £1 5s., in default three months (Saari imprisoned). M.C. France and P.C. Fox (G. H.). P.C., Whyalla, 31/3/41.-(C.3097.) VIGGO JACOBSEN (35), summons, drive motor truck without due care; fined £1 10s. and costs 10s. F.C. Rawlings. P.C., Port Adelaide, 2/4/41.-(C.3098.) EDWARD MICHAEL THULBORN (43), summons, use insulting words; fined £2 and costs 10s., in default 14 days. P.C.C.'s Schlein and F.C. Sharman. P.C., Hindmarsh, 27/3/41. -(C.3099.) (16-.1), JEFFERY ATHOI, BAKER summons, unlawfully on the premises of the SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT, AGRICULTURAL HALL; dismissed under the Offenders Probation Act owing to previous good character and to pay costs 10s.M.T.S. Chambers andP.C.Long(H. H.). C.C.,Ade- laide, 1/4/41.-(C.3100.) BRUCE FREDERICK CLARK (13) and JOHN HAROLD BECK (14), summons, larceny from persons unknown; each released under the Offenders Probation Act and to be of good behaviour for 12 months; Beck to pay costs 10s. and Clark to pay 5s. M.T.S. Chambers and P.C. Long (H. H.). C.C., Adelaide, 1/4/41.-(C.3101.) DOUGLAS WILLIAM RUSSELL (14), FREDERICK ERNEST BRITTON (13), DAVID LYLE BRENNAN (14), and COLIN HOWARD PHILLIPS (13), summons, larceny from the RETURNED SAILORS, SOLDIERS, AIRMEN IMPERIAL LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA (SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH) INCORPORATED; each dismissed under the Offenders Probation Act owing to previous good conduct and extenuating circumstances and to pay costs 7s. 6d. Brennan further charged with larceny and fined £1 and costs 15s. Phillips further charged with being unlawfully on premises and fined £1 and costs 10s. M.T.S. Chambers and P.C. Long (H. H.). C.C., Adelaide, 1/4/41.-(C.3102.) LEONARD WILLIAM HOOPER (28), summons, unlawfully on the premises of ELSIE BEATRICE MAY WILLSHIRE; fined £2 and costs 10s., in default seven days. Sergt Stewart and P.C.C. Williams. P.C., Norwood, 31/3/41.-(0.3043.) MAVIS FAULKNER (19), by Sergt. Stewart, P.C.C. Williams, F.C. Edwards, and P.C. Williams (F. J.), unlawful possession of two quilts, four sheets, three bath towels, etc., the property of SISTER LEWIS; fined £10 and costs 7s. 6d., in default two months. P.C., Norwood, 31/3/41.-(C.3044.) RONALD MARTIN DOODY (13), summons, behaviour; convicted without a penalty. F.C. Willcox Tugwell. C.C., Port Adelaide, 31/3/41.-(C.3045.) SIDNEY REGINALD PENNY (48), Licensing Act, section 205, at the Britannia fined £1 10s. and costs 10s. F.C. Trotman P.C., Adelaide, 28/3/41.-(C.3046.) offensive and P.C. summons, breach Hotel, Norwood; and P.C. Turner. TERENCE JOHN SHERIDAN (50), summons, larceny from LOUIS BERTHOLD HEINRICH; fined £1 and costs £2 15s., in default 14 days. Sergt. Fitzgerald (T. A.) and P.C. Sparrow (E. A.). P.C., Eudunda, 29/3/41.-(C.3047.) WILLIAM HAYWARD (33), summons, fail to report accident; fined 10s. and costs 10s., in default four days. M.C. Haarsma and P.C. Soar. P.C., Meningie, 28/3/41.-(C.3048.) RALPH GORDON HAGEDORN (14) and ALWYN SNERDON HEATH (14), summons, larceny from RETURNED SAILORS, SOLDIERS, AIRMEN IMPERIAL LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA (SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH) INCORPORATED); each dismissed under the Offenders Probation Act owing to previous good character and extenuating circumstances and to pay costs 10s.; and for breach of Pistol Licence Act, fined 30s. and costs lOs., in default three days' detention. F.C. MacIntosh. C.C., Adelaide, 1/4/41.-(C.3071). HAROLD PERRIM HANNAN (12), MAXWELL HEDDLE (14), JOHN BATEMAN (14), MAXWELL BURPEE (15), and ROBERT BRYANT MONTEN (10), summons, unlawfully interfering with a motor car, the property of JOHN GEORGE SELLAR; each released under the Offenders Probation Act and to pay 5s. F.C., Broad. C.C., Adelaide, 1/4/41.-(0.3072.) JOHN KEITH PRIDHAM (15) and BRIAN WILLIAM THEW NOTTLE (15), summons, breaches of Pistol Licence Act; each fined £1 10s. and costs 10s., in default three days. Det. Maddaford, P.C.C. Lenton, and F.C. MacIntosh. C.C., Adelaide, 1/4/41.-(C.3073.) HILLARY JAMES BROGAN (33), by F.C. Juers, larceny from LAWRENCE CECIL WILLSHIRE; fined £3 and costs 32s. 6d., in default 14 days. P.C., Port Adelaide, 31/3/41.(0.3076.) VICTOR KENNETH THORP to move on; fined £1 and costs P.C., Glenelg, 1/4/41.-(0.3077.) (24), by F.C. Moss, refuse 7s. 6d., in default 72 hours. THOMAS EDWARD JOHN FREAK (21), by Dets. Gill and Leane, F.C.'s MacInto* F.C.C.'s Winckel and Laing, and P.C. Calder, larceny from C'ROMPTON AND SON LIMITED; released on bond to be of good behaviour for 12 months. P.C., Adelaide, 21/3/41.-(C.3063.) NORMAN THOMAS HENRY LANE (43), by Sergt. Stewart, Dets. Strangway and Packman, P.C.C. Williams, F.C. Edwards, and P.C. Brideson, forgery and uttering on WILLIAM HAMPSON TASKER, larceny from JOHN ALWYN KERRISON, false pretences on SYDNEY INGERSON and ARCHIE WHITE; committed for sentence. Three eases of false pretences, two passing valueless cheques and forgery and uttering were not proceeded with. P.C., Adelaide, 24/3/41.-(0.2645, 0.2713, and 0.2687.) ROSS BAKER RICHARDS (26) and GLEN RYALL RICHARDS (28), summons, unlawfully and maliciously inflict grievous bodily harm upon WILLIAM OLIVER JONES; each committed for trial. P.C.C. Vogelesang and P.C. Smith (C. L.). P.C., Adelaide, 3/4/41.-(0.3162.) REGINALD CLIFTON GOTTSH (26), by M.C. Crowhurst and P.C.C. Koop, unlawful possession of three tins of tobacco, two packets of cigarette papers, and one box of matches; released on bond to be of good behaviour for 12 months. P.C., Mount Gambier, 31/3/41.-(C.3163.) ERNEST CAMPBELL, alias CAMERON (30), by Hann, for assaulting OLIVE LANGLEY; two months. Spalding, 2/4/41.-(C.3164.) LESLIE HERBERT DARWENT Licensing Act, section 205, at the Germein; fined £5 and costs 10s. and P.C.C. Wehr. P.C., Port Pirie, M.C. P.C., (36), summons, breach of Port Germein Hotel, Port Det. Slinger, M.C. Stokes, 3/4/41.-(C.3168.) CYRIL DREW LIHOU (44), summons, breach of the Licensing Act, section 189, at the Port Germein Hotel, Port Germein; fined £5 and costs 12s. 6d. A complaint under section 209 was withdrawn. Det. Slinger, M.C. Stokes, and P.C.C. Wehr. P.C., Port Pirie, 3/4/41.-(C.3169.) LESLIE STEPHEN SMITH (50), by F.C.'s Delderfield and Barker (E. G.), idle and disorderly; two months. P.C., Goodwood, 4/4/41.-(C.3170.) JOAN WILLIAM TILBROOK (26), Licensing Act, section 202, at the Flagstaff fined £5 and costs 10s. F.C.'s Horsnell and Adelaide, 3/4/41.-(C.3171.) summons, breach Hotel, Adelaide; P.C. White. P.C., KATHRINE THERESA WATSON (66), summons, breach of Licensing Act, section 206, at the Brunswick Hotel, Adelaide; fined £7 and costs 12s. 6d. F.C.'s Trotman, Hudson, and Winch (H.), and P.C.'s Turner and Gloede. P.C., Adelaide, 4/4/41.-(C.3172.) RICHARD BRUHN (62), summons, truck without due care; fined £1 and seven days. F.C. Healy. P.C., Gawler, drive utility costs 10s., in 3/4/41.-(C.3173.) motor default CYRIL DREW LIT-IOU (44) and MARJORIE LIHOU (38), summons, hindering police; C. D. Lihou fined £2 10s. and costs 10s., in default seven days, and complaint against M. Lihou was withdrawn. Det. Slinger, M.C. Stokes, and P.C.C. Wehr. C. D. Lihou, Port Pirie, 3/4/41, and M. Lihou, Port Germein, 2/4/41.-(C.3174.) MAURICE KEVIN on betting premises; days. CALLAHAN fined £6 and (20), summons, unlawfully costs 10s., in default seven F.C. Horsnell and P.C. White (A. H.). 4/4/41.-(C.3228.) P.C., Adelaide, FRANK DORAN, alias FRANCIS DORAN (74), by Det. Phin, F.C. Richardson, and P.C. Lorenzo, idle and disorderly, one month; and for wilfully damaging property of the SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT (POLICE DEPARTMENT), fined £1, costs 7s. 6d., and damages 7s. 6d., in default five days. P.C., Wallaroo, 4/4/41.-(C.3229.) LANCE DOWELL DURYEA (48), summons, breach Licensing Act, section 205, at the Rising Sun Hotel, Port Wakefield; fined £5 and costs 12s. 6d. M.C. Cutting. P.C., Port Wakefield, 4/4/41.-(C.3230.) THOMAS ALEXANDER MICHALANNEY (41), by M.C. Mertin (A. E.) and P.C. Fitzgerald, unlawful possession of 18s.; dismissed. P.C., Woodside, 3/4/41.-(C.3231.) ROY Teague, 4/4/41.- HENRY MERRITT idle and disorderly; ( 0.3232. ) (19), by M.C. three months. Fudge P.C., and P.C. Terowie, Getting around this CD NAVIGATING ARCHIVE CD BOOKS CDs All Archive CD Books products can be navigated easily using the handy bookmarks on each CD. The table of contents in most original books, and the original book index where it exists, can provide additional ways of finding the information required. SEARCHING TEXT ON ARCHIVE CD BOOKS AUSTRALIA CDs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has been developing over the years as a useful mechanism to convert images (as Archive CD Books pages are) into text which can be searched. The quality of the OCR can still vary, and hence the searchability can vary. Around 95% or 99% of the words in books with good type are searchable—or even higher with very good type. OCR is now a wonderful searching aid in many instances but there is still no substitute for reading the book! DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF ADOBE ACROBAT READER Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later should be used. Adobe Reader 6 (as it is now named) in fact has considerably better searching options and is recommended. • • • Acrobat Reader v4 has both a "Find" and a "Search" tool. Those tools are two *totally* different things. Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool Acrobat Reader v5 has only a "Find" tool (not a "search" tool). Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool. Adobe Reader v6 has only a "Search" tool (not a tool labelled "Find") HOWEVER — what is called "Search" is the same as the tool that used to be called "Find" Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *SEARCH* tool TIPS FOR SEARCHING AND GETTING MORE FROM THE CD BOOKS • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering "rederi" if you want "Frederick", but find that the letters "F" "c" and "k" are sometimes misread. • use the "Match whole word" option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith • use the "Match case" option when you want to eliminate all the occupations "smith" if you only want the name "Smith" • Don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: - look for others of the same name - look for others who lived in the same place or street - who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? - how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? - what churches were there and what time were services held? - what other activities were there in the community? - look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • All of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You could learn or write much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there. ADOBE ACROBAT SEARCHING IS A WONDERFUL FIRST FINDING AID. BUT DO NOT RELY ON IT TO PICK UP ALL THE INFORMATION YOU WANT
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