welcome to camp nawakwa! - Camp Fire Inland Southern California
welcome to camp nawakwa! - Camp Fire Inland Southern California
Print Form WELCOME TO CAMP NAWAKWA! The following is information about our Camp Nawakwa Resident Camp program, as well as important paperwork needed to complete the registration process. Please complete the necessary forms indicated. Thank you. This institution is an equal opportunity provider In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. CAMP FIRE INLAND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 9037 Arrow Route, Suite 140, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 466-5878 (909) 483-5042 Fax www.campfiretoday.org Welcome to Camp Nawakwa! If you have never been to our camp, let us tell you a little about it… Camp Nawakwa is located in the San Bernardino Forest’s Barton Flats area at an elevation of 6,860 feet. The beautifully wooded site is adjacent to the Mount San Gorgonio wilderness area. Since 1947, it has been owned and operated by Camp Fire Inland Southern California which endorses the Camp Fire traditional belief that the outdoors is an exciting place to be enjoyed and respected. Camping is a radical change from the home and school environments where all may experience feelings of adventure, wonder, and joy. The natural environment is a model of inter-dependency at the highest level. THE PROGRAM Campers will have the opportunity to participate in preplanned activities which include: swimming, hiking, cooking outdoors, canoeing, arts and crafts, singing, drama, games, nature walks, archery, wall climbing, making new friends, and having a lot of fun with a military theme. THE SITE A heated pool, dining hall, several clusters of fully enclosed cabins, bathroom facilities with running water, an infirmary, wilderness trails, an archery range, a climbing wall, a nearby lake and lots of tall trees make up the campsite. Cabins have bunks and mattresses...campers bring sleeping bags and pillows. Boys and girls live in separate areas of camp and interact during activities, meals, and campfires. Standards for acceptance and participation in all camp programs are the same for everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex or handicap providing program requirements are met. REGISTRATION/FEE To register, you are required to send your camp registration materials, one registration packet for each camper, filled out completely. Failure to return all required forms on time may result in the forfeiting your child’s spot at the camp. HEALTH & SAFETY Each camper must submit a completed and signed Health History form before attending camp. A Camp Nurse will oversee the health care of all campers and staff, and provide care according to a physician’s standing orders. Pool and lake activities are always supervised by Red Cross certified Lifeguards. PARENT NOTIFICATION Should a camper become ill or injured during camp, parents/guardians will be notified by camp personnel, be advised of the situation, and appropriate care determined and implemented. At Camp Nawakwa, fun is the focus, group activities and cooperation are emphasized, and friendship and learning are the results. TELEPHONE DO NOT SEND A CELL PHONE WITH YOUR CHILD. Campers do NOT use the telephone except in very unusual circumstances, and then the Camp Director would contact you first. If an emergency arises at home and you should need to contact your child at camp, call (909) 600-4072 Please note, this number is for emergencies only. All 1 other calls will be referred to the Camp Fire office (909) 466-5878. LETTERS We encourage all parents to send their campers mail, as it brightens their day and lets them know that you’re thinking of them. As the camp session is short mail your letter(s) the day your camper goes to camp or a couple of days before or place letters in a large envelope, marked with your child’s name and give to one of the check in staff once you arrive at Camp or if coming by bus to one of the staff at the bus check in (the bus option is provided only for the Aloha session). If you choose to mail you letters please mail to: MAILING ADDRESS: Session Name Camp Nawakwa 4650 Jenks Lake Road East Angelus Oaks CA 92305 LUGGAGE/NAME TAGS Please have child’s suitcase, backpack, pillow and sleeping bag tagged with their name. The children will be responsible for locating their belongings. Old clothes are best to send to camp A warm sleeping bag and a warm jacket or coat are necessities Do not send a cell phone with your child Do not send food or snacks with your child IMPORTANT DO NOT PACK MEDICATIONS FOR FIRST DAY MEDICATIONS ARE TURNED IN AT CHECK IN TIME All prescription medications must be the bottle issued by the pharmacy/doctor. If your child arrives without their medication in the proper container, they will not be permitted to attend camp PLEASE REMEMBER TO LABEL EVERYTHING This institution is an equal opportunity provider In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. 2 2014 RESIDENT CAMP YOUTH REGISTRATION To be filled out by parent or legal guardian Child’s Last Name: Child’s First_________________________ M.____ Parent(s) Name: Home Phone: ( ) ____________________ Cell Phone: ( Address: APT. # City: Gender: )_____________________________________ State: Birth date: Age: Zip: Dates Attending Camp: ___________________ My child wishes to bunk with*: __________________ School Grade: * (must be same age group and gender) Ethnicity/Race: Furnishing this information is required; it is desired only for statistical purposes. Responses will not affect the applicant's qualification to participate. School Child attends: Email Address: How did you hear about our program? ___Camp Brochure ___Internet _____Camp Flyer ___Friend ___Other: Will your child be celebrating a birthday with us? __________ Will your child be riding the bus?________(Aloha Camp Only) Persons authorized to pick up my child: ____________________________________________________________ _________________ ___ ______________________________ Persons NOT authorized to pick up my child: ____________________________________________________________ __ White __ Black/African American __ Asian __ American Indian or Alaska Native __ Asian AND White __ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander __ American Indian or Alaska Native AND White __ Black/African American AND White __ American Indian/Alaska Native AND Black/African American __ Other: Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity ___Yes ___No ___ Mexican/Chicano ___ Puerto Rican ___ Cuban ___ Other Hispanic/Latino Parent/Guardian Information _____________________________________________ Name_____________________________________ Gender: __________Home Phone (if different from child): ______________________ __________ Employer’s Name:_____________________________________ Work Phone:________________________________Ext._____________ Cell Phone:_______________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name_____________________________________ Gender: __________Home Phone (if different from child): ______________________ Employer’s Name:_____________________________________ Work Phone:________________________________Ext._____________ Cell Phone:_______________________________________________________ Custodial Care Information ____ Mother Only ____ Both Parents _____ Father Only _____ Other Emergency Contacts – Other than parents/guardians Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________City_________________________Zip:_________________ Phone Number:________________________ Other_____________________________ Name:___________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________City_________________________Zip:_________________ __ Phone Number: Home(_______)__________________________ Cell (________)_______________________________ PARENTAL/LEGAL GUARDIAN PERMISSION I grant permission for my child or if over the age of 18 years accept to participate in all activities and camp programs, included but not limited to ropes course, out-of-camp trips by van, bus or other designated vehicles, understanding that appropriate supervision is provided under the State of California requirements for residential camp programs. I also understand that during my child’s participation at Camp Fire Inland Southern California Council Camp Nawakwa, s/he/I may be exposed to a variety of risks and hazards, foreseen or unforeseen, which cannot be eliminated without fundamentally altering the unique character of the program. Those hazards include, but are not limited to, hiking/walking/running outside; snakes, insects, and large-animals; sunburn and heatstroke, dehydration, hypothermia and other mild or serious conditions or injuries; falling and rolling rock; drowning; lightning and unpredictable forces of nature (including weather that may change to extreme conditions without notice), etc. As a condition of my child’s participation in the Program, I acknowledge that participation is entirely voluntary, and I agree to assume full responsibility for the risks that participation may entail. I voluntarily agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Camp Fire Inland Southern California Council, its officers, directors, agents and employees, to the fullest extent permitted under the law. I understand that this release covers all liabilities, charges, expenses and costs on account of or by reason of any such injuries, claims, actions, or other legal proceedings however occurring or damages growing out of the same. The authorization shall remain effective throughout the entire camp session(s) the child attends unless sooner revoked in writing delivered to said agent(s). This authorization is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 25.8 of the Civil Code of California. Camp Fire Inland Southern California is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged articles. I authorize Camp Fire Inland Southern California, to have and use photographs, slides and/or video of my child/myself listed on this form for marketing and/or advertising purposes (only), and I hereby consent to and authorize such use without seeking remuneration. Camp Fire Inland Southern California has strict guidelines on how staff uses their personal social media sites with regard to their employment. Camp attendees who are minors are not permitted to have contact with adult staff outside of camp including social network sites unless they have written permission from their parent or guardian. I HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT. I FULLY UNDERSTAND IT AND AGREE TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY IT If participant is under the Age of 18 years a parent or guardian signature is required Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________ Contact Number:_______________ Address:___________________________________ City:______________ Zip:___________ Signature: ________________________Date:_____________ Participant Name: _______________________________ Signature: ________________________ Date: _________ Camp Fire Inland Southern California 9037 Arrow Route, Suite 140 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 466-5878 (909) 483-5042 fax This institution is an equal opportunity provider In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. CAMP FIRE INLAND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HEALTH HISTORY FORM FOR CAMPERS/STAFF ATTENDING CAMP NAWAKWA Name ________________________________________Birth Date_________________Age at camp__________ Last First mm/dd/yyyy Home Address_______________________________________________________________________________ Street Address Gender: Male City Zip Female Custodial parent/guardian__________________________________ Phone___________Cell phone__________ Home Address (if different from above)___________________________________________________________ Business Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Second Parent or guardian emergency contact______________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ Phone______________ Cell Phone___________ Insurance Information Is the participant covered by family medical/hospital insurance? Yes No If so, indicate carrier or plan name_____________ ___________________________ Group #________________ Carrier address_______________________________________________________________________________ Name of insured___________________________________________Relationship to participant______________ Insurance ID number________________________________________ Important – this box must be complete for attendance to Camp Nawakwa Permission to provide necessary treatment or Emergency Care: I hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by the camp director to order X-rays, routine tests, treatment; to release any records necessary for insurance purposes; and to provide or arrange necessary related transportation for me/or my child. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the camp director to secure and administer treatment, including hospitalization, for the person named above. This completed form may be photocopied for trips out of camp. Signature of parent or guardian or adulamper/staffer______________________________________________________ Date___________________________ Health History The following information must be filled in by the parent/guardian, adult camper or staff member. This information provides camp health care personnel the background to provide appropriate care. Provide complete information so that the camp can be aware of the needs of this participant. Is this child “mentally or physically challenged”? information. _________ If yes, please attach a page providing additional List any activities in which you DO NOT want your child to participate: Archery_____Canoeing_____Hiking_____Swimming_____Wall Climbing_____ ALLERGIES (List all known) ________________________ Describe reaction and management of the reaction _______________________________________________________________________ Food Allergies (List) ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Other allergies (list) - include insect stings, hay fever, asthma, animal dander, etc. ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ MEDICATIONS BEING TAKEN (Please list ALL medications-including over-the-counter or nonprescription drugs taken routinely. Camper should bring enough medication to last the entire time at camp. Keep in the original packaging/bottle that identifies the prescribing physician (if a prescription drug), the name of the medication, the dosage and the frequency of administration. [ ] This person takes NO medications on a routine basis. [ ] This person takes medications as follows: Med #1____________________Dosage_____________Specific times taken each day____________________________ Reason for taking__________________________________________________________________________________ Med #2____________________Dosage_____________Specific times taken each day___________________________ Reason for taking__________________________________________________________________________________ Restrictions - The following restrictions apply to this individual: Dietary: [ ] Does not eat red meat [ ]Does not eat pork [ ] Does not eat poultry [ ]Does not eat seafood [ ] Does not eat eggs [ ] Does not eat dairy products [ ] Other (describe)__________________________________________________________________________________ Explain any restrictions to activity (e.g. what cannot be done, what adaptations or limitations are necessary) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does participant experience any of the following: [ ] sleepwalking [ ] other sleep disturbances [ ] restlessness [ ] nightmares [ ] bed wetting [ ] fainting [ ] convulsions [ ] constipation [ ] stomach upsets [ ] emotional problems [ ] asthma [ ] chest pains after exercise [ ] frequent headaches [ ] seizures [ ] ear infections Please explain_____________________________________________________________________________________ Give year of last immunization or booster against: DTP_____ Varicella_____ MMR______ Polio____ HIB_________ Hep.B_____ Hep. A_______ Tetanus__________ Other_________________________________________________ Which of the following has participant had? [ ] Measles [ ] German Measles [ ] Chickenpox [ ] Mumps [ ] Hepatitis [ ] Others______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Family Physician _______________________________________________________Phone_______________ Parent/Guardian Authorization: This health history is correct and complete as far as I know, and the person herein described has permission to engage in all camp activities except as noted. Child/Staff Name_________________________________________ Signed__________________________ Print Name______________________________ Date_________________ This institution is an equal opportunity provider In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. CAMP FIRE CAMP NAWAKWA INLAND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 9037 Arrow Route, Suite 140, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CAMP FIRE CAMP NAWAKWA CAMPER’S PLEDGE & CODE OF CONDUCT DURING MY STAY AT CAMP, I PLEDGE… 1. That I will make every effort to get along with my counselors and fellow campers, knowing that this will help us all have more fun. 2. That I will follow all the rules of Camp Nawakwa as explained to me by my counselors and other staff members. 3. That I will stay with my group or my designated buddies at all times, and never stray from the group without permission. 4. That I will immediately inform the nearest staff member if I am injured or if I become ill. Staying healthy is an important part of a fun camp experience. 5. That I will not bring (or acquire) drugs, alcohol, firearms, pocket knives or sharp objects, any controlled substance, or items of value to camp. The camp expects all campers to abide by the law as well as camp rules for safety and fun. 6. That I will not pick fights with any other campers, camp staff. Gossiping and spreading rumors is strictly against the rules and there is zero tolerance for such behavior. RULES FOR CAMPERS TO FOLLOW DURING THEIR CAMP STAY 1. Walk at all times in camp and play in assigned areas only. 2. The Ropes Course is not a play area. Keep off at all times unless accompanied by the program specialist. 3. Obey all safety rules and use equipment correctly according to the Camp Fire rules on cookouts and during program activities. 4. Playing with sticks, rock throwing, and tree climbing are not allowed. 5. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. This means karate chops and kicks are not allowed. Playing tricks on others is not permitted. 6. Chewing gum is not permitted in camp. 7. Use the restroom materials and facilities for intended purposes only. Play is not allowed in the bathroom. 8. Teasing and use of profanity or crude (meaning not acceptable around your kitchen table) and hurtful words are unacceptable. 9. Disturbing other people’s belongings is not allowed. 10. Show consideration for other campers and adults at all times. 11. Stealing is grounds for immediate expulsion from camp. 12. Cell phones, toys, electronics and skateboards or bikes are not allowed in camp. We are not responsible for any items that arrive and are then damaged. 13. Sports equipment, gloves, etc. are not allowed to be brought to camp. 14. You must wear shoes and socks – NO OPEN TOE SHOES! 15. Campers are asked to tell the truth at all times. I UNDERSTAND THAT… 1. 2. 3. Staff members have my best interests at heart and want me to have a good time, so I will abide by their decisions. If there is a misunderstanding that cannot be cleared up by my counselor, I will be able to talk with the camp director, assistant director, or executive director. My failure to follow these guidelines and others necessary for a safe and happy experience for everyone may lead to my being sent home at my parent’s expense and their transportation. THESE RULES ARE FOR THE PROTECTION, HEALTH AND SAFETY OF ALL PEOPLE IN CAMP. EVERYONE IS EXPECTED TO ADHERE TO THEM. IF, AFTER A NUMBER OF WARNINGS AND CONSULTATION WITH THE CAMP DIRECTOR, THE CHILD DOES NOT MEET THESE STANDARDS, HE/SHE WILL BE EXPELLED FROM CAMP, THE PARENT/GUARDIAN WILL BE CALLED AND ASKED FOR THE IMMEDIATE REMOVAL OF THEIR CHILD FROM CAMP. PARENTS: Please note that by signing this binding contract, you are also agreeing with the rules of Camp Nawakwa as well as the consequences. Should your child need to be picked up from camp due to violations of this contract, you are responsible for picking your child up from camp. CAMPER’S SIGNATURE: __________________________ DATE:_______________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE: __________________________ DATE:_______________ This institution is an equal opportunity provider In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NUTRITION SERVICES DIVISION SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM (REV. 10/13) 1 OF 2 SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM LETTER TO PARENTS Dear Parent/Guardian: Providing nutritious meals to children at a reasonable cost is an increasing growing challenge. To assist our program in offsetting the costs for meals served to the children, we receive federal reimbursement funds through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). This reimbursement allows us to afford and offer better service to children. Please complete, sign, and return the attached confidential Income Eligibility Form for Camps and Enrolled Sites as soon as possible. Instructions for completing the eligibility information are on the reverse side of the form. Please contact Camp Fire if you have questions or need assistance in completing form. The chart below is used to determine the children’s/child’s eligibility to receive SFSP meals. If the children’s/child’s family household income is at or below the dollar amount in the chart, the children/child are/is eligible to receive free Summer Food Service Program meals. Please compete the attached form and return it to: Camp Fire, 9037 Arrow Route, Suite 140, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Thank you for your participation and cooperation. THIS SCALE DOES NOT APPLY TO HOUSEHOLDS THAT RECEIVE CALFRESH, CALWORKS, FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS (FDPIR), WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT (WIA), OR KIN-GAP BENEFITS. THOSE CHILDREN ARE AUTOMATICALLY ELIGIBLE FOR FREE MEAL BENEFITS. Income Eligibility Guidelines Effective July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 HOUSEHOLD SIZE* ANNUALLY MONTHLY TWICE PER MONTH EVERY TWO WEEKS WEEKLY 1 $ 21,257 $ 1,772 $ 886 $ 818 $ 409 2 $ 28,694 $ 2,392 $ 1,196 $ 1,104 $ 552 3 $ 36,131 $ 3,011 $ 1,506 $ 1,390 $ 695 4 $ 43,568 $ 3,631 $ 1,816 $ 1,676 $ 838 5 $ 51,005 $ 4,251 $ 2,126 $ 1,962 $ 981 6 $ 58,442 $ 4,871 $ 2,436 $ 2,248 $ 1,124 7 $ 65,879 $ 5,490 $ 2,745 $ 2,534 $ 1,267 8 $ 73,316 $ 6,110 $ 3,055 $ 2,820 $ 1,410 $ 7,437 $ 620 $ 310 $ 287 $ 144 For each additional family member, add: * A household of one means a child who is his or her sole support. Foster children are one-member households only if the welfare or the placement agency maintains legal responsibility for the child. Household is synonymous with family and means a group of related or unrelated individuals who are not residents of an institution or boarding house, but who are living as one economic unit sharing housing and all significant income and expenses. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NUTRITION SERVICES DIVISION SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM (REV. 10/13) 2 OF 2 Camp and Enrolled Sites Income Eligibility Form Check a box to identify a foster child (the legal responsibility of a welfare agency or court). 1. CHILD INFORMATION (List names of all enrolled children) Last First M.I. If all children listed below are foster children, go to #4 to sign this form. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. CATEGORICAL EILIGIBILITY: If you are getting CalFresh, CalWORKs, Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or Kin-Gap benefits for your child, list the case number. If your child participates in the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) check the box. DO NOT complete #3. Go to #4. CalFresh Case Number: CalWORKs Case Number: FDPIR Case Number: Kin-GAP: WIA: 3. HOUSEHOLD INCOME: Complete this section if you DID NOT complete #2. List all household members and all income. Go To #4. Enter Gross Income and how often it is received (e.g., weekly, every 2 weeks, twice a month, monthly, or annually) NAMES OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS (INCLUDE THE CHILDREN LISTED ABOVE) EARNINGS FROM WORK BEFORE DEDUCTIONS PAYMENTS FROM PENSIONS, RETIREMENT, SOCIAL SECURITY CHILD SUPPORT, ALIMONY EARNINGS FROM ANY OTHER INCOME Amount / How Often Amount / How Often Amount / How Often Amount / How Often 1. $ / $ / $ / $ / 2. $ / $ / $ / $ / 3. $ / $ / $ / $ / 4. $ / $ / $ / $ / 5. $ / $ / $ / $ / 6. $ / $ / $ / $ / 7. $ / $ / $ / $ / 8. $ / $ / $ / $ / CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NUTRITION SERVICES DIVISION SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM (REV. 10/13) 2 OF 2 4. LAST FOUR DIGITS OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (SSN) AND SIGNATURE: PENALTIES FOR MISREPRESENTATION: I certify that all of the above information is true and correct and that the CalFresh, CalWORKs, FDPIR, Kin-GAP, or other eligible program case number is current, correct, or that all income is reported. I understand that this information is provided for the receipt of federal funds; that agency officials may verify the information on the Income Eligibility Form for Camp and Enrolled Sites and that the deliberate misrepresentation of the information may subject me to prosecution under applicable state and federal laws. Printed Name: Last Four Digits of SSN: Check here if no SSN Signature of Adult: Date: Privacy Act Statement: Unless you list the child's CalFresh, CalWORKs, FDPIR, WIA or Kin-GAP case number, Section 9 of the National School Lunch Act (NSLA) requires that you include the last four digits of the SSN for the household member signing the form, or indicate that the household member signing the form does not have a SSN. You do not have to list the last four digits of a SSN, but if they are not listed, or the “Check here if no SSN” is not marked, we cannot approve your child for free or reduced price meals. The last four digits of the SSN may be used to identify the household member in verifying the correctness of the information stated on the form. This may include program reviews, audits and investigations, and may include contacting employers to determine income, contacting a CalFresh, CalWORKs, FDPIR, or Kin-GAP office to determine current certification for CalFresh, CalWORKs, FDPIR, or Kin-GAP benefits, contacting the state employment security office to determine the amount of benefits received, and checking the documentation produced by the household member to prove the amount of income received. These efforts may result in a loss or reduction of benefits, administrative claims, or legal actions if incorrect information is reported. The last four digits of the SSN may also be disclosed to programs as authorized under the NSLA and the Child Nutrition Act, the Comptroller General of the United States, and law enforcement officials for the purpose of investigating violations of certain federal, state, and local education, and health and nutrition programs. 5. RACIAL/ETHNIC IDENTITY: You are not required to answer these questions. If you choose to do so, please mark one or more of the following racial identities: American Indian or Alaska Native Asia Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Please mark one of the following ethnic identities: Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employee, and applications for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, material status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all of part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment of in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaints of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html , or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudications, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at [email protected]. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA thought the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. For Agency Use Only CATEGORICAL ELIGIBILITY CalFresh/CalWORKs/FDPIR/Kin-GAP household categorically eligible: Foster child automatically eligible: Yes Yes No No INCOME ELIGIBILITY Annual Income Conversion: Weekly x 52, Every 2 Weeks x 26, Twice a Month x 24, Monthly x 12 Total income: Eligibility classification: Household size: Eligible Not Eligible Determining official (print name): Determining office signature: Certification Date: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NUTRITION SERVICES DIVISION SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM (REV. 10/13) HOW TO COMPLETE THE INCOME ELIGIBILITY FORM Using the instructions below, please complete, sign, and return the Income Eligibility Form to: Camp Fire Inland Southern California, 9037 Arrow Route, Suite 140, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 If you need help, call: 909-466-5878 1. CHILD INFORMATION: a) Print your child’s name. b) Check a box in the right column to identify a foster child. 2. CATEGORICAL ELIGIBILITY: Complete this section and sign the form in section #4. a) List your current CalFresh, CalWORKs, FDPIR or Kin-GAP case number(s) for your child(ren). b) Sign the form in section #4. An adult household member must sign. You do not have to list a SSN. 3. HOUSEHOLD INCOME: Complete this section if the child does not qualify as Categorical Eligibility and sign the form in section #4. Write the names of everyone in your household even if they do not have an income. Include yourself, your spouse, the child you are applying for, and all other household members. If your household includes any foster children formally placed by a state child welfare agency or a court, you may choose to include the child(ren) in this list. a) Write the amount of income each person received last month before taxes or anything else was taken out and where it came from, such as earnings, CalWORKs, pensions, and other income (see examples below for types of income to report). If you have chosen to include any foster children in your care, only the personal use income is to be listed. Foster payments you receive from the placing agency for the care of the child do not need to be reported. Each income amount should be entered in the appropriate column on the form. If any amount last month was more or less than usual, write that person’s usual monthly income. b) If anyone is self-employed, write the amount of income that person earns from self-employment. Please call the number listed at the top of the form if you need help. c) Sign the form and include the last four digits of your SSN in section #4. If you do not have a SSN, check the box “Check here if no SSN.” 4. LAST FOUR DIGITS OF SSN AND SIGNATURE: a) The form must have a signature of an adult household member. b) The adult household member who signs the statement must include the last four digits of his/her SSN. If he/she does not have a SSN, check the box “Check here if no SSN”. The last four digits of your SSN is not needed if you listed a CalFresh, CalWORKs, FDPIR, or Kin-GAP case number. 5. RACIAL/ETHNIC IDENTITY: You are not required to answer this question to get meal benefits, but completion of this information will help ensure that everyone is treated fairly. INCOME TO REPORT Earnings from Work: Wages/salaries/tips Strike benefits Unemployment compensation Worker’s compensation Net income from self-employment Public assistance payments CalWORKs payments Alimony/child support payments Pensions/Retirement/Social Security Pensions Supplemental security income Retirement income Veteran’s payments Social Security Other Monthly Income Disability benefits Cash withdrawn from savings Interest dividends Income from estates/trusts/investments Regular contributions from persons not living in the household Net royalties/annuities/net rental income Military allowance for off-base housing Any other income “FOR AGENCY USE ONLY” SECTION The sponsor must complete this section to indicate whether the enrolled participant is or is not eligible to receive meals. Failure to complete this final step could cause loss of reimbursement. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NUTRITION SERVICES DIVISION SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM (REV. 10/13) DESCRIPTION OF RACIAL AND ETHNIC CATEGORIES The federal government has established the following five racial categories and one ethnic category: RACE: American Indian or Alaska Native–A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment. Asian–A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, The Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. Black or African American–A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms such as "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or African American." Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander–A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. White–A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. ETHNICITY: Hispanic or Latino–A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term, "Spanish origin" can be used in addition to "Hispanic or Latino." Not Hispanic or Latino CAMP NAWAKWA PACKING LIST & MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION WHAT TO PACK: Remember OLD CLOTHES are best Shorts - comfortable for hiking Underwear Closed-toe shoes Socks Shirts (long and Short sleeved) 1 for each day of stay Long pants Warm sweater, jacket or coat Swim suit. One-piece bathing suits are required for girls. If not available, please send non-white shirt to wear over top. Wash cloth and towels (1 swim and 1 bath). Warm sleeping bag & pillow Old, warm, blanket (for sleeping and for sitting around the campfire at night) Soap, comb, brush, shampoo, toothbrush (in a container), toothpaste & other personal hygiene items Chapped lip protection Rain jacket Refillable water bottle or canteen Mosquito repellant and sunscreen Flashlight & extra batteries (be sure to label all equipment with child’s name!) Bag for dirty clothes (a pillow case will do just fine) Theme Day items: Make sure to check which session your attending A favorite stuffed animal (for our stuffed animal contest) OPTIONAL: Camera, day/backpack, autograph book, song book, story book, compass, hiking boots, hat, sunglasses, alarm clock, slippers, sandals, sweatshirt and sweatpants. CAMPER MAY NOT BRING THE FOLLOWING: Food or snacks, cell/smart phones, radios, MP3 players, iPods, electronic games, expensive watches, jewelry, gum, candy, money, pocket knives or sharp objects, or other valuables. Such items will be confiscated and then returned at the end of camp. MEDICATION: Make sure your child brings their prescribed medications and that they have enough to last their time at camp. Any child that does not bring their medication or enough supplies will be sent home, no exceptions. MAKE SURE ALL CLOTHES AND BELONGINGS ARE LABELED Camp Fire will NOT be responsible for any lost or broken items. This institution is an equal opportunity provider In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.