Learn more about Press Brake Capacities.
Learn more about Press Brake Capacities.
practices andproper safety Good is operator brake trainingofeachpress ona Bending operator, Comprehensive pages Brake ............. Press CINCINNATI 3-7 mandatory. provide manuals maintenance andsafety Forming CINCINNATI procedures and 0nproper instruction page8 Publications methods andshould bewiththe safety .........page9 CapacifJ Press BrakeBending press signs Waming brake atalltimes, MildSteelAirBend safety ofoperator andachecklist pages 10-13 guidelines ......................... Chart Capacifl atstrategic should beplaced pagal4L7 locations Facton Chart......,..... Bending onthepress brake. forproper responsible Usen are Reference Chart.....pages Cross 18-1! Steel useofpoinr installation andcontinued Brake'*pa4esZUZI Punching ona Press safeguarding andother of-operation guards. assure Thishelps machine withOSHA safety andcompliance operator requirements. press brake Each newCINCINNATI ANSI atagshowing thatit meets displap Acopyof requirements. 811.3 construction care whichcovers theproper thisstandard, isincluded tohelp anduseofpress brakes, programs. Refer to usenwiththeirsafety Brake Manuals, Press theSafety ANSI Bulletin PI50686, Safeguarding orconsult 81l.j Safety Standards forfurther Incorporated Cincinnati information. ............ Safety page2 ............ WITH BRAKECOMPLIES ANSI811,3SAFETY FORCONSTRUCTION STANDARDS springback to aIlaina90'bend. sufficient Inmostcases, theangle cutonthedies Metalformed byanupperandlower willbebetween 30"to85i Forair dieasshown in Figure 1onlyhasthree radius thenose oftheupper die pointsofcontact. lf.metal ispushed into bending, Press Btoke Roling should beequaltoorslightly lessthanone alowerdiesufficient toformaspecific press AllCINCINNATI areruted brakes fractions. metalthicknes usingsimple angle, whentheforceisreleased, the pressure, foramaximum bending or withair angle willopen upduetospringback. Note: Ifpartsaretobeformed Tonnage canthenbeconverted tonnage. bmddiasona,pressbrahewith springback formild$eelis2' to Normal intobending capacities through an contputsr controltodetermine 4". If thematnflalis hard,hasahigher understanding ofbasic factors affecting ramrwasalpositions, thedies tensile $rength, or alugerthannomal theformability ofmetal.Bending factors, mustbecuttoan anglethatuill inside radius, ttrespringbackwill begeater. ofthumb", forpress 0r"rules brake compensate for allposible forming arebased onusing mildsteel (Figure AhBending II materialsp4ngback, (60,000 psimaximum tensile strength). Airbending metalintoastrai$tline Anexplanation factonwillhelp ofthese BottonBending angleisthemostcommon formofpress youunderstand theperformance ofyour Bottom bending material withdiescut brake work.Atop,orupper die,pushes press brake andthemildsteel airbend thefinished angle(e.g. themetalintoalower veedie.Themetal toapproximately in thisbooklet, capacify charlspresented 880, 890or90) willincrease theforming onlytouches thepointofcontact ofthe tonnage. Thereason for"true"bottoming ofthe VeeDieOpening ondInsideRodius upperdienoseandthetwoedges andcoining ist0"set"thematerialin lowervee die(Figure 1),Thematrriil, Ihe recommended veedieopening for ordertoovercome springback andobtain does notcontact anyotherpartofthe mildsteel uptoI/2" (,500"; thickiseight better angularaqclrasl(see Figures 3 and tooling during theforming cycle. timesthemetalthickness. Forthicker isoften selectedwhen Most"airbend" toolsaremanufacfured4), Bottoming thanl/2"mild$eel,it maybenecessary boxes orpanels, Minimizing the sothattheupperandlowerdieshavethe forming toincrease theveedieopening uptoten keeps thefinalbends from same angle.Thisisdonetominimize set- overbending timesthematnnalthickness tominimize previously hittingthe formed flanges and uptime.In ordertoobtainatrue90"air cracking ofthematerial. Todetermine causing distortion, Potentially smaller bend, thetooling mustbecuttoallow forasimple theveeopening !0'bend, inside radiimayaisobeachieved usingttre multiplythemetalthickness byeight. comngprocess. Theanswer isthenrounded tothenext There arethree U P P E RD I E higher1/8"figure,Forexample: 14ga, different types of (.075") x 8 = .600".Thisisrounded toa forming whichare NOSERADIUS 5/8"veeopening. classified as Theinside radius ofabend in mild "bottom" bending: isabout steel 5/32'(J56')x theveedie bottomingwith opening regardles ofthegauge ofmetal spring back,true Thisfigurewasdetermined beingformed. bottoming and formed bymeasuring samples bentover VEEDIEOPENING coining. various dieopenings. Toillu$rate: If a LOWER(ORVEE)DIE L/8"(.I25")sheetand a1/4"(.250") plateareformed oyer a2"veedie,each willhave ttresame inside radius of Figure l-AirBending (.312"7. approximately 5/T6' Springbock withSpringbock Bottoming (tigure 2l angle. partmayspringbackto thedesired is ofthismethod Theangularconsistency (tigute 4l Coining airbendtonnage. than metal,in orderto obtainasharper insideradius, the onemetalthickness term"coining"is applied. Whentheupperdieismadewithless onuniformmaterialthicknes. thanonemetalthickness dependent radius, thenose isnot withspringback Bottoming aresimilar Normally,angtiartolerances intothemetal ofthediewill embed "true"bottoming. When considered to airbending. condition. an apparent overbend causing intorecommended metalispushed In ordertopushtheupperdieintothe tooling,it will formaninsideradiusthat (Figute 3) TrueBottoming toobtainthedesired metalfarenough to the5/32x veedieopening isequivalent Vhentheupperdieismadewitha insideradiusandbendangle,therequired isthenbuiitupatthe rule.Pressure (tothe metal thickness radius of one will beatleastfivetimestheair tonnage theformed causing bottomofthestroke sufficient tonnage fraction), closest simple If thedesired insideradius bendtonnage. metalto"kink"in theinsiderudiusarca. of the up at the bottom must be built the or less, isone-half themetalthickness metalto Thiscauses thelegsoftheformed to "set"themetalandeliminate formingloadcouldapproachten stroke times will tonnage springback.Therequired ontheairbendchart. thetonnage shown rangefromthreetofivetimesthenormal Whenthetopdieembeds, ordisplaces during forming operation Figure 2-lvubending of enough to touchthecorners overbend (Figure 2). Theforce theupperdie willbeaboutI I/2to 2l/2times buildup forairbending. thetonnage required isreleased, the Whentheformingpressure tigure 3-Bottoming 4-hining Figure (rotking S-t*' can Whenforming pIate,"ctac\rJng" canoftenbe beerratic.Smallflanges makingthesame bendin formed whereas will cause failure. thecenter ofthesheet will alsobefoundwhen Differences across thegrainversus bending bending isoften withthegrain.Cracking thenoseradius minimized byincreasing oftheupperdie. ECCENTRIC DIES ALIGN -----+"1 WITHBED & RAM I CENTERLINE ADJUSTMENT SCREW Figure 6-DieAlignment ADJUSTMENT MINIMUM D I ES P A C E DOVETAIL SLOT DOVETAIL SLOT CROSSHOLDDOWNSLOT CROSSHOLDDOWNSLOT Hydraulk Press Brokes llechani cslPrusBrokrls consistency. If thediesarenotclosely aligned tothetoolingcenterline, inaccuracies canoccur.Asa result,it is important toevaiuate theavailable toolingwithrespect tothetypeofpress brake beingusedin ordertoobtainthebest possible formingangles. Vee dieswitha orless mayrequirc a*.005" 5/8"veeopening alignment toobtaingoodconsistency. Figure S-DieSpace Bend Allowonce (Figure DieSpote 5) (tigure6) DieAlignment In orderto determine theproper blank sizepriortoforminga part0napress Nways totaltheheightofthepress brake In ordertoobtaingoodaccuraqr in brake,a bendallowance foreachbend diesandtheheightofthefillerblock(die press brakeforming,thetoolingmustbe mustbedetermined. Thisinformation holder) tomakesurethetooling aligned willfit sothatthenoseoftheupper dieis throughmany intotheavailable diespace. Forcomplete ascentral to thelowerveedieasposible. hasbeenmadeavailable engineering textbools buttheinformation information 0n "dieheightselection Withmo$press brakes, manybends could , provided isnotconsistent. If questions request currentiiterature fromCincinnati bemadewithanalignment accvany ol ariseconcerning a blankdevelopment for +I/54" aroundthecenterline Incorporated, of thevee yourpart,CINCINNATI hasavailable a opening. bendallowance chartwhichmaybe Press brakes featuring computerized helpful.Contact yourCINCINNMI controls thatallowtheoperator to input representative to obtainmoreinformation. a specific bendangledepend onmathematicalmodels toobtaingood Acturocy lensile or YieldSlrengths Angulor Actuol to improve the press andoptions brakes ofmanyparts. andconsistency acc:;racy ^cc'rraqislimitedby: Bending witha tensile aresupplied Manysteels yourlocalCINCINNATI sales andrepeatability Consult 1.Press brakecondition asa identified andyieldstrength officefor assistance, "minimumvalue" ability withthe"maximum" 2.0perator oftooling Incorporated unspecified. Cincinnati 3.Condition Off(enterLooding (pages "BendingFactors" 14to17)allow 4.Qualityofmaterial (Figure 7) are fourconsiderations psiin steels ksumingthese using anincrease of 15,000 ChartGeepages TheAirBendCapacity reviewed, normaltolerances should carefully minimumfigures.Thisallowance symmetrical 10-13)isforcenterline, workfor over90%of thesteelsavailable. wouldbe+1 1/2'whenformingupto 10' formingor special steel.If plate loads.Occasionally orthinnersheet is of 10gauge ofthematerial In cases wherebreakage punching donothavetheirload setups tothe addonedegree orwhenthepress brakewill not isbeingformed, occurring onthebedandrumcenterlines. centered will cut operations Bottoming has tolerance. makea bendevenafterthetonnage caremustbe circumstances, Underthese in half,butwill theairbendtolerance tofallwithinthepress beencalculated themaximum takennottoexceed andcould theformingtonnage increase thematerial should be brakecapacily, (fronfto-back)loal,capacity of. eccentric ofthedies. necessitate someshimming and tested to identifytheacfialtensile whentheload thepress brake.Similarly, yieldstrengths. Onehalfoftheangttlarvarialion atthemachine centerline isdueto normalmateial isnotlocated above described offull rated onlyaportion Steels torming HighTensile foundin commercial (left-to-right) variations thickness is isavailable. Eachhousing capacity psior Hightensile $eels(70,000 to $eel,Theotherhalfcanbeattributed limitedtoone-half ofthemaximum higher)donotreactlikemild$eel.The in themetal,edge hardandsoft spots Incorporated Cincinnati formto theradiusof the materialmay deflections rating.Contact holesandnotches, conditions, forsnecific information. thenoseradiusof upperdie.In thiscase, in themachine or toolingandmachine tothesteel thedieshouldconform A manufacturer's recommendations. to largerveeopening mayberequired hx available INNATI repeatability. CINC tonnages andang,tlar obtainacceptable "Bending Factors" charton arrtJraly. See pages 14to 17fortypicalrecommendations. steelsusuallyreact Note: Stainless similar to mild steel, Bending FoctorDeterminotion "Bending Factofs" areobtained by relating theactualtensile andyield to those strengths of thesteelbeingformed hasbeen ofmildsteel.Consideration givenin Cincinnati Incorporated's "Bending Facton"chartto allowfor increasing theinsideradiusoftheplateif cracking. required toeliminate LEFT-TO.RIGHT OFFCENTERLOADING MACHINE CENTERLINE FRONT-TO-BACK OFFCENTERLOADING BED& RAM L- Load (forming or punching) D-Distance between machinecenterline and loadcenterline Figwe 7-hff Gnter Loading Goging In ordertoobtaingoodconsistency thegaging duringthefonningoperation, priort0parts mustbeevaluated sequence p Figu rel-lonnoge Build-U (Figure Build-Up Ionnoge 8) (Figure Shimming 9l Whenmakinga90"airbend,theload reaching increases veryrapidly, 85%of themetalisbent20' maximumwhen (10'perside).Maximum is tonnage reached whenthemetalisbenta totalof 40".Theloaddropsoffa fewpercent Tocompensate forbedandnm deflection, aswellasuneven wearonthe press ofthe brakeandtooling,shimming toolingmayberequired toobtaina uniformbend.Allshimming shouldbe donewitha goodquality$eel(notbrass) papercanbe cases, shimstock.In some used.Keep freefromdirtor all surfaces niclasinceformingarcuracy canbe affected bypoorworkhabits. whenthemetalisbentto90'. 60" 9i--tbo.t^^. 005" . Theavulabihty beingformed ofCNC gaging, manually setfrontandback gagingor gages mounted tothelowerdie to determine the all mu$ bereviewed bestmethod. Note: RemembEr tbalgaging detuminestbepositionof the bend.,engularaccuracyis detwminedby tbemethod offorming, Morking purpose General veediessometimes cause marksonpolished stainless, aluminumorpainted stock.Marking can by: beminimized 1. Increasing thecornerradiusatthetop oftheveedieopening, 2. Polishing theentireveedieopening, thecorners of thelarger I. Hardening lead-in radii. In somecases, tapeordiecoverings canbeused.Plastic coating onstainless results in the $eelmaygiveinconsistent your reduction ofdiemarls.Contact CINCINNATI representative for additional information. thelowwdie Note: Sectionali,zing oftenraulh in objectionable marking. UNDERFILLERBLOCK t ."il: "l l'i .. ,lr. : ",.",,: ' . , , t 1. , t t , t " tl Figwe 9-lypkalShinming hnfigur ation 7 ond DieHeight Selecfion GenerolTerms . Mechanical Press Brakes . Hydraulic Press Brakes andtechnical Thefollowingbrochures and A glossary ofdefinitions provide helpfulinformation datasheets diesand usedwhenselecting terminology for safe techniques onthemo$effective press discussing brakeapplications. press andefficient brakeoperation. Press Broke Sofeguordingfor0wners ond Suggestions IheirEmployees Press Broke Setup Hydroulk Only" Procedure "AirBending leads the Thisstep-by+tep checklist setup through theproper operator reading forallpress brake Required procedure forairbending. recommended illu$rates usen, thisbooklet mettrods for Bosic devices andproper safeguading Rules on Punching It alsolistsothersupplien Press safeoperation. Brokes ofsafety devices, tofollow forsafe Fundamental steps Operolion, Sofety ond lUlonuols ltlloinlenonce punching. andefficient Ptessute Chofi Bending/Punching andveedieopenings 0ptimaltonnages forbendingandpunching20gauge throughoneinchmildsteel. FillerBlockSpetifitotions Stondord dimensional dataonstandafi Complete fillerblocla. nanowflattopandunivenal Melol Allowon(es fol Sheet Bend AirBends allowance Thischartshows 90"bend for2igaugethrou$ based 5/8"mildsteel, die onrecommended veediewidth,upper radius. radius andtheoretical bend MoiorConditions Cousing Excessive Bow Adetailed explanation ofthevarious lmproving Port0uolityond parts. whichcause streses bowin formed . 4 Series Mechanical Producfivity: through 50Series Press HowAdvonced (onHelp PresBrakes Broke lechnology Minimizing DieMorksonOuolity . CBPress Brake techniques and Bends AnoveMew ofbending . CBII Press Brake . FomMasterPresBrake . FormMaster Press Brake II CNC . AUT0SHAPE@ CNC Forming Center e AUTOFORM@ Forming Center CNC guides Complete totheinstallation, adjustment and setup, operation, press maintenance ofeachCINC INNATI brake model line.Theyinclude bending procedures fundamentals, safety and basic proper gaging methods. press to technolory useofthelatest brake partquality and maximum achieve forming efficiency. lips Goging ondForming guide bending Ahelpful thatshows partryalityand techniques thatimprove production efficienry. increase DieTemplote Gooseneck Ahandyreference forfivegooseneck Theclear diesizes andconfigurations, templatecanbelaidover thepartto check for interference duringforming. Provides 13$epslhataidinreducing metal. diemarkingonsheet publications, Toobtain anyofthese press orforbrochures onCINCINNATI models, diesets andaccessories, brake phone please Incoryorated at Cincinnati orfax(5r3)367-7552. $13)367-7100 to sizepress brake theproper 3. Select (.375") thickA36 12'of.3/8" airbend yield$rength $eelwithamaximum length of1/4" Copority ftort L. Determine themaximum AirBend psi. (.250") press a 5Series brake of45,ooo mildsteel 10Chart(pages TheAirBendCapacity vee thenominal usingtherecommended StepL: Determine capacities canairbend 13)liststhepress brakebending forA35fromtheBending dieopening (8x metal thickness). veedieopening in linearfeetofmild$eelfordifferent 14)Factors Chart(page in the .250" thickness Step1:Locatn whenairbending only. metalthicknesses 8T=8x,375'=1.00". ontheAirBend Capacity fint column the Theshaded areaindicates formability facor Step2: Detennnethe (page Chart 10). foreach veedieopening recommended yieldstrength forA35(maximum of 2.00" recommended Step2: Followthe Thenominalbending metalthickness. psi)fromtheBending Facton 45,000 lineovertothe veedieopening shaded (1ton= 2000lbs.)is forcein tons/foot (page 14)-1.3. Chart intenecting vertical lineforstandard 5 listedin thethirdcolumn.Allcapacities Step3: Determine theequivalent press Series mechanical brake.Read a maximum arelistedformildsteelwith the ofmild$eelbymultiplying maximum lengthofsixfeet.A5Series length psianda of60,000 tensile strength times theformability mateiallength ACislisted ateightfeetofbending yieldstrength psi. maximum of40,000 = x7.3 15.6' . provided it isused atlowspeed. f.antor-L2' capacity Nominal materialvariationallowances press thesmallest Step4: Determine of.a 2. Determine airbending capacity ratings. havebeenmadefor allcapacity fromtheAir brakethatcan beused press when 230tonhydraulic brake otherthanmildsteel, refer Formaterials (pages 12utdl3) Bend Capacity Chart A. I/4' (.250") thickCor-Ten bending 14 Facton"chart(pages to the"Bending thefirstpress byselecting brake, Step1: Refer to"Steel Cross to 17)for theproperformabiliryfantor, mechanical orhydraulic, which (page 18)tofind Reference Chart" 15.6'capacity f0r.375" thick exceeds (hoil Bending Fodors proper ASTM number. specification mateialover a3.00" veedie.A Aplate. ASTM M42forCor-Ten Select Whenmaterialother thanmildsteelis (21.0') mechanical or500 toASTI4 A242 onBending 21Series Step2:Refer forming to beformed, therequired (17,7') press tonhydraulic brake will Factors 14)todetermine Chart(page The will probably change. tonnage formthismatnnaL for1/4" recommended veedieopening I4tn17) "Bending Factors" chartfuages thetonsperfootofforce 4. Always check = 1.00". plate.I2T= t?x .250" numben, ofASTM offenawideselection required toformmildsteel withthe ttreproper Step3: Determine noseradiiand theirrecommended upperdie press available tooling.This brake formabilityfactorfor M42fromthe Theequivalent length veedieopenings, information canbeused fordesigning (page Bending Factors chart. I4)-L7. materialwhich canbe of anyspecial ttreunitpressure g capanig toolsanddetermining thebendin Step4: |r:temine brakeiscalculated formedona givenpress loading onthebedandram,which press fora230tonhydraulic brake bythe bydividingthemild$eelcapacity mustnotexceed 15tons/in.Z forming .250" mildsteel over when formabilityfactor.Thisformabilityfactor (1ton= 2000 lbs.). veedieopening byusingtheAir 3.00" in thefarrighthandcolumn. isshown TheAir BmdCapaciA Chart (page Bend 11)-21'.7. Caution: Capacity Chart dnwnotapplytonon(rossReference (hort Steel themaximum airbend Step5: Divide standard strokemech anical (StA4)bytheformability capacity 18&19)isprovided Thischart(pages prws the brakes.Consult = 12.8 (StE9 2L7'/1.7 factor feet. manufacturen' names tocros-index trade applications. factoryonthese For withtheproperASTM specification. names 0rclassifications notlisted,conlant Incomorated forassistance. Cincinnati VEE MILD D I E TONS (2000 STEELOPENING T H I C K . N O M I - LB) NOMINAL NAL PER I N C H E SINCHES FOOT (20GA.) 0.036 ( 1 8G A . ) 0.048 .25 J.l .312 2.3 52.3 69.4 92.6 52.3 69.4 92.6 69.8 92.5 69"8 92.5 37.2 463 54.8 74.3 94.6 49.6 61.7 49.6 66.1 oo. I ot./ 82.2 82.2 73.0 73.0 22.3 27.8 32.0 44.6 56.7 69.4 833 16.4 22.3 27.8 32.0 44.6 56.7 69.4 833 37.2 46.3 54.8 74.3 to.+ 19.8 19.8 26.0 35.7 26.0 35.7 4 t.o 4 t.b 50.0 59.5 50.0 59.5 27.4 27.4 36.5 3 3 . 0 3 3 . 0 44.0 44.3 44.3 59.0 5 9 . 5 5 9 . 5 79.3 69.4 69.4 83.3 83.3 18 694 9.7 8.0 6.5 5.6 4.6 12.9 694 12.9 2.5 2.2 1.7 36 50 89.1 23.6 JI.Z 41.6 50.0 56.7 73.4 94.6 t.J 5.6 AE 3.8 2.8 2.2 1.8 t5 7.6 6.3 4.7 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.1 4.1 J.L 23 -7E 11.1 .875 9 . 0 , l , .7 , 5 125 6.3 25 5.5 .50 4.4 2.00 2.5 .875 1 1 . 9 00 9.9 125 8.5 ( 1 0G A . ) .25 7.3 0.135 50 5.8 2.00 4.0 250 1 . 1 2 5 16.4 1 . 2 5 14.3 .50 11.2 0.188 2.00 7.5 2.50 5.7 AA .00 1 . 2 5 29.5 1.50 22.7 2.00 15.4 0.250 2 . 5 0 1 1 . 4 3.00 9.0 ai 3.50 o. l 4.00 t0 39.3 52.0 69.4 83.3 94.6 39.3 52.0 69.4 83.3 3.0 .438 50 .625 ( 1 4G A . ) 75 0.075 .875 1.00 1.125 00r 89.5 23.6 31.2 41,6 50.0 56.7 73.4 09 5.3 4.0 1.00 ( 1 1G A . ) 0.120 34 1.1 .375 .438 .50 .625 .75 .875 1.50 200 89.5 90.5 1.7 |.tJ 40.3 54.3 73.4 89.1 o/.I 1A .625 .75 875 ( 1 2G A . ) 1.00 0.105 1j25 40.3 54.3 73.4 o/.I .438 .50 62s .25 .312 .375 .438 .50 .625 1.25 5AC nn./ too%uoo --.7300 26%qoo,uY*,'9400t n%tu n%t ,u%rru'uYuu2o%soo %ro u'%ooo 90.5 .375 .75 ( 1 6G A . ) 0.060 5 LINEAB FEEI BRAKES-ANDARISTROKE ONLY MECHANICAL PRESS 13AC 21 12AC t3 12 I 9AC 15.6 1,0i0 ; 1Sto 22.3 22.3 27.1 27.1 30.5 30.5 38.4 39.0 402 53s t.J 11.3 13.9 3.9 16.7 D./ 19.8 9.8 2 2 . 7 22.7 2 7 . 9 28.4 3 1 . 9 42.4 10.5 0.5 Iz.o 2.6 14.0 4.0 71 17.1 I t.z 21.5 ZJ. I 30.8 25.3 31.8 7.6 7.6 8.7 8.7 2.A 11.0 12.3 6.4 13.8 7.3 14.0 8.6 4.2 4.2 5.5 5.5 6.0 8.0 6.5 8.6 6.8 9.1 Lt 9.5 7.4 10.0 tc.o 94.6 2 1 . 5 21.5 26.0 2 6 . 0 32.n r 32.0 37.2 37.2 45.2 45.2 50.8 5 0 . 8 65.0 65.0 48.7 7 3 . 0 58.7 88.1 flil j 56.9 3 8 . 1 57.2 7 1 . 5 46.3 69.4 56.9 85.3 oo. I oo. I 80.4 80.4 oJ. I 33.3 41.1 49.3 58.7 67.3 84.1 33.3 41.1 49.3 58.7 67.3 84.1 23.3 28.0 32.0 38.0 47.8 69.4 23.3 28.0 32.0 38.0 47.8 69.4 31.1 37.4 43.5 50.7 63.8 92.4 31.1 37.4 43.5 50.7 63.8 92.4 88.8 88.8 16.9 19.4 22.6 25.9 25.0 34.0 37.0 48.3 60.0 9.4 12.2 18.0 24.2 29.3 31.1 32.7 49.3 62.3 70.9 12.5 22.6 33.8 42.3 25.9 3B.B 48.5 34.0 49.6 6 1 . 9 49.3 74.0 92.4 62.3 70.9 12.5 1 8 . 8 23.5 16.3 30.6 24.A 36.0 45.0 3 1 . 0 46.6 60.9 34.7 56.0 74.6 4 0 . 5 58.4 4 5 . 9 65.6 28.6 34.7 28.6 34.7 42.:7:t' 42.7 49.6 49.6 60.3 60.3 67.7 86.7 86.7 18.8 18.8 25.0 tJ. I 30.8 27.8 27.8 37,0 3 3 . 0 33.0 44.0 37.8 37.8 50.5 47.3 47.3 o J . I 25.0 30.8 37.0 44.0 50.5 38.1 46.3 90.4 zJ. I 7 1. 7 .:i;'' 3 6 . 5 48.7 44.0 58.7 59,0 ti 78.7, 75.3 67.7 90.4 99.1 50.0 63.0 83.3 61.7 7 7 . 1 74.0 88.1 7 1. 7 t/.c t/.c 21.0 25.0 28.5 35.9 52.0 57.0 12.7 14.6 '19,0 21.0 25.0 28.5 35.9 52.0 57.0 16.9 1 4 . 6 19.4 1 9 . 0 25.0 27.8 27.8 37.0 3 1 . 0 3 1 . 0 48.3 32.7 40.9 60.0 7.1 7.1 9.4 9.2 9 . 2 12.2 13.0 1 4 . 0 1 8 . 0 5.5 t3.3 24.2 6.0 20.0 Z V . J 6.7 2 0 . 8 3 1 . 1 7.6 22.0 32.7 12.7 to.J 24.0 31.0 34.7 40.5 43.7 *Press brake tonnage capacity atmidstroke andnearbottom ofstroke. tonnage Series SAC, 9ACand13AC capacity ratings listed areforlowspeed operation. 46.6 58.3 56.1 70.1 65.3 76.0 77.7 cb.4 84.6 64.7 82.6 E J I-J 40.7 60.0 81.0 47.0 61.1 90.1 ? E E '6 a o MILD VEE IONS D I E ( 2 0 0 0L B ) STEEL T H I C K . OPENING P E R NOMINAL NOIV]INALFOOT IN C H E S INCHES 120GA.) 0.036 25 ,312 3.1 2.3 ,375 ,438 1.7 .50 .625 .E .312 375 1 8G A . ) .438 0 , 0 4 8 .50 625 .75 375 .438 1.4 1.1 0.9 5.3 4.0 3.0 2.5 2.2 1.7 LJ 5.6 4.5 ( 1 6G A . ) .50 625 0.060 .75 3.8 .875 1.8 2.8 2.2 LINEAR FEET HYDRAULIC PRESSRAKEONNAGE 60 to.4 22.2 30.0 36.4 46.3 56.7 9.6 12.7 17.0 20.4 23.2 30.0 35.2 9.1 11.3 13.4 18.2 23.2 t.c 28.3 34.0 .438 7.6 6.7 .50 .625 6.3 B.t 4.7 ( 1 4G A . ) 75 0 . 0 7 5 875 3.5 10.9 14.6 17.0 20.4 24.3 28.3 1.00 3.0 2.5 1.00 1.125 1.25 .625 .75 2.1 1.8 9.7 .875 1 2G A . ) 1.00 0.105 1.125 6.5 5.6 4.6 | .za 4.1 1.50 3.2 2.00 .75 .875 00 11GA.) 125 0.120 25 50 2.00 875 1.00 1.125 (10GA.) |.z? 0 . 1 3 5 1.50 0.188 8.0 Z.J 11.1 9.0 7,,5 6.3 5.5 4.4 2.9 11.9 9.9 8.5 7.3 5.8 2.00 2.50 4.A 1.125 1.25 1.50 16.4 14.3 11.2 7.5 5.7 4.4 29.5 2.00 2.50 3.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 J. l 22.7 15.4 0.250 2.50 11.4 3.00 3.50 4.00 9.0 7.4 o. l 5.2 AI 7.8 9.1 11.1 12.5 15 . 9 22.1 4.6 5,6 6,8 8.1 9.3 90 tJc 175 230 24.6 37.0 48.0 33.3 49.9 64.7 45,0 67.5 87.5 54.6 8 1 . 9 106.2 69,5 1 0 4 . 3 85.0 14.4 21.7 28.1 tY.l 28.7 37.2 25.5 38.3 49.6 30.6 45.9 5 9 . 5 3 4 . 8 52.2 67.6 45.0 67.5 87.5 58.8 88.2 114.4 13.7 20.5 26.6 17.0 z a . 3 JJ. I 20.1 30.2 39.1 27.3 41.0 t J . I 34.B 52.2 67.6 42.5 6 3 . 8 82.6 5 1 . 0 76.5 99.2 10.1 t 3 . I 19.6 12.1 18.2 23.6 1 6 , 3 24.4 J I . O 21.9 32.8 42.5 2 5 5 38.3 4 9 6 30.6 4 5 . 9 59.5 36.4 54.6 70.8 4 2 . 5 63.8 82.6 7.9 1.1.8 tc.J 9.6 14.3 18.6 2.0 17.7 22.9 3 7 20.5 26.6 6.6 24.5 32.3 8 . 7 28.0 36.3 23.9 35.9 46.5 33.2 49.9 64.7 6.9 0 . 3 1 a A 8.5 2.8 to.c 0.2 5 . 3 1 9 . 8 2.1 8 . 2 23.6 27.0 33.8 3 . 9 20.9 1 . 1 . 6 4 26.1 17.6 26.4 39.6 4 . 3 6 . 4 9.6 77 c. I 1.1.6 5 1. 3 12.5 15.0 300 36,9 48,9 65.2 78.2 88.8 11 5 . 0 to.c 20.1 24.4 400 500 4 8 . 1 56.1 64.2 80.2 63.8 74.4 85.0 106.3 85.0 99.1 1 1 3 . 3 600 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 96.2 120.3 102.0 34.9 45.5 c J . I 60.7 75.9 9 1. 1 11 3 , 8 43.4 56.7 o o . I 75.6 94.4 I 1 3 . 3 51.4 67.1 78.3 89.5 1 11 . 8 69.8 9 1 . 1 106.2 121.4 BB.B 11 5 . 9 108.6 33.6 3 9 . 1 44.7 55.9 6 7 . 1 83.9 1 1 1 . 8 4 0 . s 4 7 . 2 54.0 67.5 8 1 . 0 101.2 41.6 54.3 63.3 72.3 90.4 1 0 8 . 5 25.7 31.0 5 5 9 72.9 85.0 97.1 65.2 8 5 . 0 991 11 3 . 3 78.2 102.0 93.1 108.6 20.1 26.3 3 0 . 7 3 5 . 1 24.4 3 1. 9 37.2 4 2 , 5 30.1 3S.2 45.8 52.3 34.9 45.5 5 3 , 1 60.7 42.5 55.4 64.7 73.9 4 7 7 62.2 72.6 82.9 61.1 79.7 93.0 106.3 85.0 11 0 . 8 17.6 23.0 26.8 30.6 21.7 28.3 3 3 0 37.B 26.1 34.0 39.7 45.3 31,0 4 0 . 5 47.2 54.0 3 5 , 5 46.4 5 4 . 1 6 1. 8 44.4 5 8 . 0 67.6 77.3 67.4 87.9 1 0 2 . 6 117.2 2 14 io.4 25.0 28.6 19.7 25.8 3 0 . 0 34.3 6.0 9.0 1 3 , 5 | / . c 23.0 30.0 7 . 0 10.5 15.7 20.4 2 6 . 8 3 4 9 B . B 13.2 1 9 , 8 25.6 33.7 44.0 12.7 19,1 28.7 37.2 48.9 63.8 to.J 24.7 37.0 48.0 6 3 , 0 82.2 o. l 4.7 7.0 Y. I 1 1. 7 1 5 . 5 3 . 5 5 . 3 8 , 0 1 0 . 4 13.7 17.8 6.8 1 0 . 3 13.3 l a I 22.8 6.8 10.2 t c . J 1 98 zo. I 34.0 8 . 9 13.4 20.1 26.1 3 4 3 44.7 1 1 . 6 17.4 l o . l 33.8 44.4 5 8 0 1 . 7 2.6 3 9 5.0 6.6 8.6 2.2 3 . 4 c . I 6.6 8 . 6 11.2 5.0 7.5 I 0 . 0 1 2 . 8 I O . O 4 . 4 6 . 7 0 . 1 1 3 . 0 17.1 22.4 5.6 8.5 B 6.9 10.3 5.5 8.3 12.5 8 . 8 350 63.0 82.0 9 5 . 9 1 0 9 . 7 85.0 11 0 . 8 11 5 . 0 tLt.4 43.8 5 2 . 6 65.7 87.6 109.5 53.1 63.8 79.7 106,3 65,4 78.5 98.1 1 3 0 . 8 75.9 9 1. 1 11 3 . 8 s2.4 11 0 . 9 103.7 3B.3 4 5 . 9 57.4 76.6 9 5 . 7 11 4 . 9 .18.0 5 6 7 70.8 94.4 1 c o ./ 68.0 8s.0 1 1 3 . 3 67.5 8 1 . 0 101.2 77.3 92.7 11 5 . 9 96.6 11 5 . 9 47.2 35.7 42.9 42.9 ct.J 5 3 . 6 71.4 89.3 107.1 64.4 8 5 . 9 1 0 7 . 3 35.0 40.0 50.0 60,0 75.0 1 0 0 . 0 40.8 3t.J 74.4 95.9 18.1 20.8 25.5 39.7 52.2 46.6 58.2 58.6 73.3 85.0 106.3 109.7 20.7 25.9 23.8 29.7 30.4 37.9 45.3 56.7 59,6 74.6 77.3 96.6 1 1 . 5 14.4 tc.u 18.7 67.6 10,1 13.1 1 9 . 3 22.1 26.1 29.8 21.7 2 8 . 3 3 3 . 0 37.8 26.4 34.4 40.2 45.9 32.0 41.8 48.8 55.7 69.9 87.3 116.4 87.9 1 0 9 . 9 3 1 . 1 38.9 5 1 . 8 64.8 77.7 1 0 3 . 7 35.7 44.6 59.4 74.3 89.2 1 1 8 . 9 45.5 56.9 75.5 94.9 11 3 . 8 68.0 85.0 I I J . J 89.5 1 1 1 . 8 I tc.v 17,3 zt.o 22.5 28.1 27.6 33.1 41.4 37.3 44.7 55.9 47.2 Eat 69.7 28.8 37.4 36.0 43.2 57.6 s 56.2 74 . 9 55.2 82.8 110.4 74.6 93.2 1 1 1 . 8 56.7 70.8 s4.4 11 8 . 0 U 68.9 8 6 . 1 11 4 . 9 83.6 1 0 45 o 46.8 69,0 II IV]ILD VEE TONS (2000 STEEL DIE LB) T H I C KOPENING . 5 NOMINAL P E R NOMINAI INCHESINCHESFOOT n/", .313 .375 .438 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 500 2.00 2.50 .625 19.7 tc.J 12.7 10.5 4.6 5.0 4.4 5.5 5.8 t.o 1a 2.8 9.4 9.7 10.3 5.2 7.7 9.0 11.8 12.1 12.8 7.0 10.3 14.0 17.2 18"5 19.0 25.2 4.9 5.7 4.9 5.7 6.6 8.9 5.2 7.7 qn 2.9 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 6.0 6.3 6.6 7.9 8.3 11.0 11.7 I t.J 15.8 1.0 9.3 10.3 13.7 1 8 . 0I 20.4 23.6 25.4 27.6 8.7 140 17.2 18.5 19.0 25 6.6 8.9 9.3 1 3 . 9 1 7 . 4 23.2 20.6 18.0 27.4 20.4 32.9 23.6 35.0 26.7 3 8 . 1 tJ,/ 346 448 25.7 1A e 34.0 46.9 43.9 50.8 57.1 60.5 68.1 76.2 .875 .0 13.0 14.0 7 2.3 5.8 15.3 16.4 17.3 22.6 32.9 44.1 36.8 49.0 17.2 . A E 21.7 2 8 . 1 4 5 . 6 59.5 b.u 7.5 7.8 B.B 10'5 10.9 12.3 7.8 1 1 . 6 8 , 8 14.2 10.5 15.5 I t.D 16.4 15.4 20.0 21.0 28.0 36.0 12.00 14.00 1.500 16.00 20.00 2400 16.00 676 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.9 3.9 6.0 A1 c. I 7.5 4.3 4.4 D.4 5.5 8.0 8.0 8.2 8.2 11.2 11.2 20.2 1 9 . 0 26.1 22,5 3S;tr 24.6 32.8 32.4 L + Z . J 43.4 t c .I J,I 3.9 J.a 4.1 5.8 6.0 8.0 5.8 6.0 8.0 7.6 8r0. ;'8.6 7 . 6 1 1 . 2 16.2 8.4 12.0 1 8 . 0 20.0 , [{J.E, 14_U 16.00 2 . 0 0 0 20nft 24.00 30.00 t2 21.8 24,0 29.7 JJ. 30.3 39.2 ..4s$' 54.5 69.6 76,0 I 34.9 39.9 4S.0 58.0 63.2 69.8 2.3 3.4 3.4 AE , i", llt 4.6 5.0 ri rJ 4.8 6.2 6.9 8.0 1 0 . 3 13.7 1 3 . 0 17.0 19,3 22.8 28.0 33.8 36.7 39.3 12.0 21.0 24.9 26.0 tJ.o 17.3 r 31.6 252 1 1. 4 s1.2 12.0 76.2 tAa 44.2 35.2 29.4 97.0 75.5 61.6 5 1. 1 377 119.0 97.3 8s,6 59.5 468 19 11 8 . 0 20.00 87.5 1 . 7 5 0 24.00 68.8 30 00 32. 44 57.8 70.7 85.1 16I .10.90r r i J 9 I 2000 21.9 29.9 1 1. 4 53.5 43.6 & 0 0 r 36.5 10"00 27.1 1 2 . 0 0 21.0 7.00 64.6 8.00 5 2 , 9 12.00 14.00 /.00 8.00 10.00 1.000 00 14.00 1600 10.00 12.00 1 . 2 5 0 14.00 16.00 34.9 51.4 70.4 90.6 728 8 . 7 1 3 . 1 16.4 1 1 . 4 17.2 22.4 6.00 7.00 .750 50 11.2 3 . 5 0 39.7 4.00 33.3 5.00 24.6 6.00 1 9 . 4 7.00 1 5 . 9 '13 1 8.00 4.00 5 8 . 3 5.00 43.1 6:00 33,3 7.00 27.4 8.00 23.3 1 00 0 3.4 4.0 4.2 2.2 2.4 36 .cn,/ '7tso uu%oo,too%uoo s%ss 1t%zrt tu%rrt'oYtoo 'o/*o 'u%oo'u%ooao%aoo J. l 4.6 I 7.7 42.3 30.9 3.00 24.0 3.50 1 9 . 6 4.00 to.J 5.00 I Z . J 6.00 9.5 2.50 45.8 .00 qn 28.6 4.00 24.4 5 . 0 0 17.3 '14.8 6.00 700 .500 39.8 27.0 5AC FEET LINEAR ONLY STROKE PRESS BRAKES-STANDARD MECHANICAL al 34 I J 1 3AC 12 12AC 9AC q 507 165.0 122.A 96.0 70.8 F '6 : F (5 @ .Pressbrake operation. ratings listed areforlowspeed tonnage capacity 5AC,9ACand13AC of stroke.Series tonnage capacity atmidstroke andnearbottom MILD VEE TONS STEEL D I E (2000 LB) T H I C K . OPENING PER NOIVIINALNOIVINAL FOOT IN C H E S INCHES 1.50 .313 .375 .438 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 3.50 4.00 .500 5.00 6.00 i.00 8.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 .625 700 8.00 10.00 6.00 7.00 .750 8.00 10.00 12.00 7.00 8.00 .875 10:00 12.00 14.00 7.00 8.00 1.000 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 0.00 1.250 2.00 4.00 16.00 20.00 12.00 1.500 14.00 16.00 20,00 24.00 16.00 20.00 1.750 24.00 30.00 16.00 20.00 2.000 24.00 30.00 39.8 27.0 19.7 15.3 12.7 10.5 7.7 42.3 30.9 24.0 19.6 16.3 12.3 9.5 45.8 35.4 28.6 24.4 17.3 14.8 11.2 39,7 33.3 24.6 19.4 15.9 13.1 58 LINEAR FEET -ONNAGE HYDRAULIC PRESS BRAKE 60 90 IJJ t/c 2.9 3.7 2.8 4.3 5.5 20 5.8 7.6 5 . 0 7.5 9.7 6.0 9 . 0 1 1 . 7 7 . 3 1 0 . 9 14.2 9.9 14.9 19.3 2.7 3.5 2.5 4.8 3.2 4.8 6.3 3.9 5 . 9 7.6 7.0 9.1 6.2 9.3 12.1 8 . 0 12.0 1 5 . 6 2.5 3.2 2.2 3.2 4.2 2.7 4.0 5.2 o. I 3.1 4.7 44 6.6 8.6 5.2 7.8 1 0 . 1 6 . 8 10.2 1 3 . 3 3.7 2.9 2.3 3 , 4 4.5 J. I 4.7 o.l 3.9 5.9 7.7 4.8 7.2 9.4 5.8 Ae1 8.8 2.7 600 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 10.7 12.8 16.0 12.6 17.3 22.2 26.8 32.4 15.7 18.9 25.5 33.3 40.2 23.6 32.4 7.2 9.9 12.8 20.1 1 8 . 6 24.3 2 5 . 4 33.1 4.6 6.0 o.J 8.3 8.3 1 0 . 0 10.0 13,0 12.0 1 5 . 6 1 5 . 9 20.7 20.6 26.8 4.3 5.6 5.5 7.2 6.8 8.0 1 1. 3 13.2 174 4.9 5.9 8.0 4.5 1 69 53.5 4.5 6.8 5.4 6.4 8.8 2.1 2.6 2.8 3.4 3.1 4.1 4.2 5.5 2.2 2.9 2.3 2.8 3.7 4.7 5.9 7.1 7.1 8.4 11 . 5 3.7 4.5 5.4 9.3 3.0 3.7 4.9 6.2 25.2 91.2 76.2 56.3 44.2 2.0 2.0 2.6 3.4 35.2 29.4 97.0 75.5 61.6 51.1 37.7 119 97.3 80.6 59.5 46.8 118 B7.5 68.8 50.7 2.0 12.9 16.7 1E I 3.4 3.4 3 1. 6 500 8.5 z.o 4.2 4.9 21.0 64.6 52.9 3S,7 400 7.5 1 1. 0 15.1 19.4 J.J 2.8 3.4 2.1 2.8 350 6.4 9.4 11.4 z.o 27.1 300 4.9 10.1 12.3 14.9 27.4 23.3 43.6 36.5 230 2.1 26 3.5 38.6 7.0 9.6 12.4 15.2 10.4 17.2 22.8 20.1 12.2 17.2 26.6 7.5 7.7 8.9 1 0 . 4 12.0 o.c 13.1 16.0 19.5 4.4 7.0 9.4 121 26.0 5.8 7.9 10.0 c. I IL.q 14.6 20.1 6.4 8.6 tJ.c 16.1 16.9 20.2 5.6 6.7 9.1 6.7 b.4 3.7 AE 5.6 6.0 7.7 9.7 7.5 11.6 3.1 3.9 3.5 4.5 5.4 2.2 2.9 3.7 5.0 a.l 9.6 12.1 14.5 4.4 5.6 6.9 8.3 1 1. 3 11.5 14.5 J_O ^a 44 5.2 6.3 5.3 7.1 9.1 3.6 4.9 6.2 8.4 2.6 3.5 4.4 6.0 32.9 4 3 . 8 15.9 1 95 JJ. 8.4 11.0 14.4 / cJ. I 70.8 13.9 18.9 19.2 24.0 30.2 36.1 10.9 16.9 5.4 o.o t.5 7/ 9.3 1 0 . 0 12.6 3.9 4.2 5.2 5.3 6.6 7.2 9.0 28.9 8.8 11 . 3 13.8 16.6 22.5 7.1 36.0 44.6 48.0 59;4 61.4 11.1 '15.0 18,1 5.8 I 44.3 17.5 23.3 23.5 31.4 3 0 . 4 40.5 9.9 13.2 12.1 16.1 t o .I 21.4 20.2 2 6 . 9 25.3 7.0 9 . 3 11.7 7.9 8.6 10.7 1 0 . 9 13.6 4.3 5.4 J. 53.5 64.9 14.6 19.7 1 9 . 1 25,5 23.3 31.0 27.4 36.5 377 50.3 17.3 21.7 5.3 6.6 6.8 8.4 8.3 1 0 . 3 1 0 . 0 12.5 13.5 55.0 52.3 6 9 . 7 73.7 98.3 7 1 . 8 86.1 11 4 . 9 94.9 11 3 . 8 26,8 3 2 . 1 4 2 . 8 3 1 . 9 38.9 51,1 43.2 51.8 6S,1 54.8 65.7 87.6 66.8 80.2 1 0 6 . 9 8 1. 1 97.3 1 2 9 . 8 18.2 21.9 292 24.7 2 9 6 3 9 . 4 3 1 . 9 38.9 5 1 . 1 38.8 4 6 . 5 62.0 45.6 54.7 73.0 62.9 75.4 1006 1 9 . 9 23.8 3 1. 8 2 4 . 4 29.2 39.0 29.1 34.9 46.6 39.2 47.0 62.7 50.6 60.7 8 0 9 to.q 1 9 . 7 26.3 20.1 24.1 32.1 26.8 n t . I 42.8 33.6 40.3 5 3 . 8 42.2 5 0 . 6 67.5 1 9 . 1 25.5 10.8 13.5 5.6 7.5 40.2 41.3 34.8 49.1 rc.J 1 1. 9 14.6 30.1 30.0 37.2 20.7 25.9, 34.6 8.7 11 . 8 25.1 34.4 24.0 29.7 12.8 40.1 48.7 10.9 14.8 111 54.2 6 5 . 1 86.7 52.1 65.2 78.2 1 0 4 . 3 69.1 86.4 1 0 3 . 7 89.5 1 1 1 . 8 1 8 . 6 23.2 27.8 J t . l 57.4 15.3 1 5 . 5 1 86 18.2 21.9 25.1 30.2 It.o 26.1 36.8 42.7 63.0 86.3 43.4 75.9 r3.0 7.9 9.7 22.3 27.5 35.4 ia1 24.3 7.9 9.6 12.8 4.8 4.3 7.3 I 56.9 16.1 34.4 45.5 20.2 6.6 8,0 10.7 2.7 J.t 13.9 18.0 16.2 5.3 J.O 2.6 o/.1 I1.1 1 44 17.8 20.9 1^a 7.8 9.3 5.5 6.7 9.0 2.9 3.5 4.2 5.7 7.3 2.9 3.9 4.9 6.7 2.1 2.8 3.5 6.8 2.1 51.8 15.7 3.3 3.9 5.3 5.0 41.5 29.5 4J. 60.7 82.8 11 0 . 4 1 5 . 1 20.1 53.7 21.9 26.3 26.7 3 2 . 1 32.4 3 8 . 9 9.9 50.2 26.0 31.3 Z I.J 12.5 8.5 2.8 3.3 4.1 14.9 17.4 24.6 41.7 20.6 26.6 32.5 39.1 11.0 94 2.0 2.6 48.6 66.2 1 0 . 0 12.1 tJ.d 16.5 9.5 1 17 14.0 18.8 6.8 8.1 10.1 7.2 8.7 2.6 3.4 40.5 55.2 28.7 379 8.6 10.7 1 0 . 0 12.8 1 3 . 8 17.3 22.7 4.6 4.5 5.8 33.5 230 30.4 175 3.9 4.8 6.4 4.4 11.9 13.9 19.7 15.3 18.7 5.9 6.9 7.7 8;9 9.3 1 09 1 0 . 9 12.8 1 5 . 1 17.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 44.1 8.0 11.0 27.8 14.2 17.7 17.3 21.7 1 8 . 3 20.9 26.1 24.2 27.6 J 4 . b 3 1 . 3 35.8 4 4 / 6.5 I 8.4 9.6 12.0 8,9 10.5 14.7 165 122 96.0 70.8 23.4 28.3 21.6 26.7 39.3 53.9 32.0 47.2 64.7 55.6 69.4 8 3 . 3 6 6 . 9 83.7 100.4 8 1. 0 101.2 21.4 31.5 14.0 16.7 22.6 28.8 36.2 18.6 22.3 30.2 38.5 48.3 43.4 13.1 57.8 169 17.0 20.7 20.8 24.9 28.2 33.8 8.9 10.7 22.5 27.6 33.3 1/ I |/.3 45.1 14.3 1 3 . 1 17.5 1 6 . 0 21.1 8.7 1 0 . 9 10.5 13.2 t4.J 17.9 28.6 1 8 . 2 22.7 27.2 36.3 7.2 9.0 1 0 . 8 1 44 9.7 12.1 1 4 . 6 1 9 . 4 12.4 16.8 21.0 5.2 7.0 8.7 8.9 12.0 1q A 6.4 1 1. 1 15.0 18.5 25.1 3 ee 6 7.7 1 0 . 3 1 0 . 5 13.9 1 3 . 3 17.7 1 8 . 0 24.0 O o I3 ASTM SPTCITICAIIOI{ TYPT SIEIIA"36 STRUCTUMI l{0. GRADT rtil)|lt STRTl{GTH K.5.1. YITTD STRENGIH t(.s.1. ?t-4'l 58t0 51-65 A-t 3r IOR St|IPS STRUCTURAL STEEI. I.OW.AI"IOY A-242 t|IG||-STREi'IGTH ST[[L STRUCIURAL IENSILI STRINGTH INTTRMEDIATE AND A-283 LOW PLA][S OISTUCTURAT CARBON SIEEL OUAIITY ALL 70MrN. A 50MtN. 24Min. 50"60 2/ Min. t 55-65 30MtN. 60-72 33MIN rr{cHts .lB0-.500 r.000 .500. .500 .180 - 1.000 .500 .l80- .500 500-1000 .tB0".250 .2s0-.500 .180-.500 500- I .000 . l8 0 .-5 0 0 - r.000 .500 .t80- .500 500- I.000 .r80-.500 r.000 .500.180. .500 . I .000 500 A 4t65 24MrN. B 50t0 27MtN. c 55-/5 30MrN. .l 80- .500 500- 1.000 .180-.500 .500-1.000 S]EEL PI.ATI MANGANISI SILI(ON N299 CARBON FOR PRESSURE VESSII.S AND IEMPERED HIGH.YIIO SNINGTH, A-51 4 OUENCt|ID WETDING SUITABI.I IOR AI.IOY SNI PUTE INTTRMEDIATI ANI] PLA]ES IOR A5l5 CARBON STEEI 55 FOR l|IGHER TIMPERATURE SERVICI VESSEI.S PRISSURE 60 75-95 42MtN. .t80-1.00 A51 6 MODERATI AND IOR CARBON $EEtPI.ATIS F0R TEIIIPERATURl SIRVICE t0WtR PRISSUREVESSI$ 5t75 100MtN. 30MtN. 32MtN. 65 65.85 35MIN. t0 /090 38MIN 55 60. 7.0 AND ALLOY STIIL OUTNIt|ID A-5t / HIGH SIRINGTIT, ftMPERID PI,AIES FOR PRESSURE VTSSILS MANGAl.|ESFSII.ICOl'l CAIBON A-537 ||IAITREATED, ctAss I VESSIL STEEL PI.ATE FOR NESSURT tl ctASs IOW.AI.LOY IOIUMBIUM.VANADIUM A-572 HIGH.STRENGTH 42 55-75 '60t0 65.85 7&90 ilfl35 70-90 80r00 30MIN: 32MIN 35'lllN. 38MrN. 100 MtN. 50i4rN. 60MtN. 60MIN 42MtN. 50 65MtN. 50^ lN. 60 /5 MIN 60l tN. S]EEtS OISTRUCTURAi OUALITY 65 '/VITH I.OW.AI.IOY SIRUCTIJAT STEEL 4588 HIGl|.$R|l'lOTII Ar.t YIITD POINT IO4' T||I[K 5O.OOO PSI MINIMUM ROLLTD AND IOLD AND STRIP, ||OT A-606 STITL SHIIT H.R. IOW.AI.LOY WITH ROLtID, t]IGH.SIRINGTH, RESISTANCI IMPROVED CORROSION BO MIN. 65MtN. 70MIN 50[4rN. /0 MtN. 50MtN. 65MtN. 45'1llN. 63-83 /s90 80,100 42^4tl'l. 50iUlN 60MtN. s0MtN. 60 /0 MtN. 60MtN. t0 80MlN. 70MIN ANNIAL. T.R. NORM. ||I6H.S]RIN6TlJ LOW-ALIOY A-633 NORMALIZID SIRUOUMTSTEET 1r0.130 60-80 65 A-b CD E HIGH.STRINGTH I.OW. SNUCTUMI. STEEL, A-656 HOT.ROLTED 50 FORMABITITTY PLATI WITH IMPROVED AttOY SIEEL t4 4t55 34Min. B D STRENO]I| INIERMIOAII TIN$I"E AND A-285 I.OW VISSEI.S FOR PRISSURI CARBON STEIL PI.ATIS 58fl thATEtilAt THICKilTSS 80 90MtN. 6n iitN 80MtN. l{0ilIt1{At UPPIR DIE FORMABIlITY RADIIJS TAfiOR OPENII{G 8I IT 1.3 1.51 t0T N0Mtl{At vtt Dtt l0T 21 ?1 t.l IT t5I 1.0 dl r0r BT tnT 8T I 1.51 8T t0T UI 107 0l oT, rl 0t 3t .l80-.500 .500-1.000 .t80. .500 - 1.000 .500 UI l0T ?\0.7{0 0-.250 .250-./50 tl BT r0T 8T I0T r0T t2I t4T 0-.250 ?{n-750 0-.250 .250-./50 0-.250 1T t.5T IT r.5I IT r5T IT l.5T 1T I .5r IT 1.51 .180..500 .500" 1.000 0t.00 01.00 0t.00 1.6 1.2 8T l0I BT 107 .t80t.250 0vER 1.250 .t80-.250 ()VER250 .tB0-.250 .250-.500 .l 80-.250 .250-.500 .l 80-.250 .250.500 .t80-.250 250-.500 .1B0-.250 .25S.500 0-.062 .062-.250 .250".500 0-.062 OVER.062 1I t.5r 180-1.000 0\/ER 1.000 .l80- .500 500-1000 .t80- .500 - 1.000 .500 .180-.500 s00r.000 .r80-.500 "1.000 500 .180-.500 .5001.000 .t80 000 000 OVER t.ll 121 BT l0T UI 2I t.5T lI I .57 l.5T 2I 2I 7t tl 8T l0T l.5T 1T I5T tul l2t 2I .51 1.0 t.l 1.2 1.0 t.l t.2 1.5 3.1 1.2 1.3 I .45 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.45 t2T 147 2I 6T 6T 4T 6T 2T 3T 3.1 3T 4I 1.9 6T 6T 4l 1T 5T t.5T 1.6 2.0 0I 2T 2I 2I 4T 4T 2I 2.57 1.6 3T 3.51 t.8 4l J . 5| 11 1.4 1.9 6T OT 2I 4T 21 3T |.l UI lI 21 3T 1.7 2I II 2l }I 1.6 1.7 1(r 101 l2T UI t0T ltl 121 T2I 8T 101 8T lnT 8T 107 8T t0l tl l.5T ]T t{T IT I .5r IT I .5r 1.6 1.5 E 1.6 1.8 O 2.1 Thischartis Thetensileand/oryieldstrengthof manyASTMsteelsarespecifiedasminimumvalueswith no limit on the maximum, yieldstrengths15,000 thisvalue PSIabovethe specifiedminimumvalues.Steelexceeding basedon the actualtensilestrengthand./or mustbe Iimitedto thinnermaterialthanshownin the chart.Theactualphysicalpropertiesandchemicalanalysisof a steelmaymeet gradewithin a specification. and/orgradewith the for the specification and,/or In this casethe capacities morethanonespecification properties 1,2000. listedarethosein effect0nJanuary highestmechanical mustbeused.TheASTMspecifications ASIMSPT(ITICATION No. TYPT t5 lypeA,B,&C DSTypeA&B uu5 EODS 55:(jrode 25 Grode 30 SS: 55:Gmde 33ivpeI & 2 SS:Grode 40lypeI & 2 SS:Grode 80 Ar008 STEEI., S||EEI COLD ROLLED, CARBON, SIRUCTURAT, HIOH. SIRINGT|l LOW.AI.tOY AND HIGH. SIRINGI|I LOW.AI-LOY WIT|l IMPROVTD FORMABILITY ||S|AS: 45(loss I Grode MATTRIAI. 1{0MrNAr. N0illtNAr. TENSil.t YIEI.D DIE DIT FORMABITITY UPPER STREI{GTH STRTNGTH THICKNISS VTE RlDiltq FAfTON 0PEl,lll'lG K.S.t. K.S.t. INCHES BT .0 NOT SPETIFIED 20-40 ALL B] .0 ALL NOT SPEcIFIED 22-35 .0 N0tsPtltftill l:19 ALL 8I B] .0 NOT ALL SPEIIFIED 15-25 AtL 8I .0 2 MIN. 25MtN. 45MIN 30MtN. ALL B] .0 48MIN, 33MtN. ALL 8l I.0 ALL B] 1.0 52MIN 40MtN. 82MIN BOMIN. 60MIN 45MtN. ||S|AS: Grode 45Clos 2 55MIN HSLAS: Grode 50tlos 1 65MIN HSLAS: Grode 50tlos2 60MrN. HSLAS: Grode 55ClosI /0 MtN. I]S[-AS: Gmde 55CIos2 65MtN. [|S|AS: Gmde 60Closs I 75MtN. 50MtN. 55MtN. 60MtN. HS|AS: 0rode 60tloss 2 /0 MlN. 650osI |ISI,AS:0rode BO MIN. 65MIN flSLAS: Grode 650oss 2 75MrN. I1S|AS: Grode /0 Closs I 85MtN. HSI-AS: Grode 70tloss 2 80MrN. [|S|AS'F: Grode 50 60MtN. 50MIN I|SI"AS{: 60 Grode /0 MlN. 60MtN. HSLAS{: Grode 70 BO MIN. /0 MtN. 90MIN 0-.1 B0 .r80-.230 0 t80 .tB0-.230 0-.i80 .180-.230 B0 0".1 .rB0-.230 0-.1 B0 .r80".230 0-.r B0 I B0-.230 0-.1 B0 I 80-.230 0-.rB0 IB0-.230 B0 0-.1 I 80'.230 180 /0 MtN. HSl,ASf: B0 Gmde 0-.r 80 .t80.230 80MIN IB0-.230 0-.1 80 .180.230 0-.230 0-.1 80 O\/ER .t80 0.B 10 0vtR.180 0-.1 B0 0v[R.t80 BT 107 8T I0T OT 2I OT 2T 2I 2I 2I 2I 2I 4l 2I 4T 4T 4I 4T 4I r6l 161 167 167 t0T 8T t0T OT OT OT 2I 'IT I .57 IT 1.57 L5T 2I 1.5T 2T 2I 2.51 21 2.51 2.51 3T 2.51 3T 3T 3.57 3T 3.sT 1.5 1.6 1.7 LB l9 4l 51 41 5T t.5T t.5T 2T I 2I 2.51 2.0 1.5 1.6 t.B E c O 2.0 o NOTE:1.Theformability factorslistedin the chartarebasedona factorof 1.0for mildsteelwith a tensilestrengthof 60,000 p.s,i, p.s.i. anda yieldstrengthof 40,000 2.TheASTMspecifications listedarethosein effectJanuary 1,2000. 3.Highstrengthlowalloysteelandstainless steelshouldnotbeformedat temperatures below50"F(10"C). t5 ASTM SPTCITIftTION l{0. IYPE (STvpe A,B,&C DSTvoeA&B )): br00e JU SS:Grode 33 36lvoe1 SS: Grode 2 36Tvpe SS: Grode Grode 40 SS: 45 SS:Grode 50 SS:Grode 55 SS:Grode A-t 0tI S]FFIqHFFT AND STRIg ROILED, HOT TARBON, STRUCTURAL, t|IGH.STRENGTH AND LOW-ALI-OY HIGH.STRINGTt| LOWAIIOY WITI IMPROVED FORMABLITY YIEI.D TENSil.I STRTI{GTH STRTNGTH K q-t- lLs.l. NOT SPICIfIED 30-50 NOT SPEt|FITD 30-45 30MIN 49MtN. 33MtN. 52MIN s3MtN. 36MlN. 36MtN. 58-80 40MtN. 55MtN. 45MtN. 60MlN. 50MrN. 65MlN. 55MtN. /0MrN. 45Clos1 HSLAS: Grode 60MtN. 45tlos2 HSI"AS: Grode 55MlN. I Grode 50Closs HS|AS: 65MrN. 50Clos2 HS|AS: Grode 60MtN. 55ClosI HS|AS: Grode /0 MtN. 2 HSLAS: Grode 55Closs 65MtN. HSIAS: Grode 60[losI /5 MlN. 2 HSLAS: Grode 60tloss /0 MlN. liSI-AS: Grode 65tlosI BO MIN. HSI,AS: Grode 65tlos2 75MlN. /0 (losI HSLAS: Grode 85MrN. 70Clos 2 HS|AS: Grode BO MIN. 50 I1S|AS{; Gmde 60MtN. 45MtN. 50MtN. 55MIN 60MIN 65MrN. /0MrN. MATTRIAI S]AINLESS STIIL AIUMINUM 50MtN. 60 llS|AS-F: 0rode /0 MtN. 60MtN. ||S|AS{: Grode 70 80MtN. 70MtN. 80 HSLASf: Grode 90MIN 80MrN. TYPT 302 304.3041.316. &316t YITTD Iil{Sil.1 STRTlIGTH SIRTNGTH K.S.t. K.S.t. 80"90 30-40 3004-1134 35TYP 2I TYP 5052-H32 33TYP 28TYP 606r{6 42IYP 37TYP MATERIAI. N0mtilAr. iloM[{At UPPTR DIE f0RillABil.rTY THI(KNESS vtt Dlt t1{ftts OPEI{ING RADIIIS TACTOR 1.0 IT BT 0-.230 IT 1.0 8I 0-.230 1.1 IT 8i 0,.230 l.t5 t.5T t0l 0-.230 t.l5 l.5T l0T 0-.230 1.3 r.5T l0T 0-.230 1.25 2t 21 0-.230 1.5 21 l2I 0-.230 1.6 2.57 2I 0-.230 1.7 3T 127 0-.230 IT 8T 0-.1 80 1.51 t0T .r80-.230 t.5 II 8T 80 0-.1 t.5r l0T .180-.230 t.5t OT 80 0-.1 21 2T .t80-.230 1.6 t.ll OT B0 0-.t 2I 2l .r80-.230 21 2I 80 0-.1 21 2.sI .180-.230 1.7 21 2T 0-.1 80 2.51 21 .t80-.230 121 2.5r 0.180 3T l4r .180-.230 LB t2T 2.51 80 0-.1 31 t4r 180.230 t4T 3T B0 0'.1 3.57 t4T .tB0-.230 1.9 4T 3T 0-.1 80 4T 3.51 rB0-.230 0-.r 80 .180-.230 0-.1 80 .rB0-.230 0-.230 0.180 OVER .IBO B0 0-..l 0\/[R .180 80 0-.1 .t80 o\/ER 6T 6i 4T 5T 6T 6T OT 8T l0T t0T r0T l0T l2l 4T 5I 2.0 I .5I 1.5 r.5l 2t 1.6 2I 2.51 1.8 2I 2.57 2.0 MATERIAT N0illrt{At iloffi1{Ar UPPTR DII FORMABII.ITY THICKlITSS vtt Dlt 0Pt1{lNG RADIUS FAOOR [{(Hts II 8T 0-.500 t.3 1.57 t0I .s00t.000 3 II 25 8T 0-.1 0.6 t0T 1.5-37 .r25-.r 88 IT 8T 0-.03r 0.7 tr t0T 2I .031-.062 O IT 8T 0-.031 0.8 l0I 2I .03r-.062 o T6 The 41008 & A1011 replacedseveralold ASTM Specifications. ln Jan of 2000 new ASTM Specifications chart shown here is a cross referencebetweenthe old and the new specifications. aslt sPtc l{0. GRADI CS lype A tSType B CS lype C DS Type A DS Type B DDS EDDS )5: br00e l5 Ar008 COLD R0U.ED Sl|ETT SS: Grode 30 SS: Orode 33Type I SS: Grode 33Type 2 55:Grode 40Type I SS: Grode 40Type 2 SS: Orode 80 HS|AS: 45ilosI Gmde tiSIAS: Grode 45Clos 2 'l HS|AS: Grode 50tloss HS|^AS:0rode 50Clos 2 HSLAS: Grode 55CIos I I1S|AS: Gmde 55Closs 2 HSLAS: Grode 60ClosI l|SLAS:0rode 60Clos 2 HSLAS: Grude 65Clos1 |"IS|AS: Grode 65(los2 HSLAS: Grode 70ClosI [|S|AS: Grode /0 Closs 2 HStASf: Grode 50 HS|AS-F: Gmde 60 tlS|AS.F: 70 Grode HSLAS-F: Orode 80 cSTvpe A B [S.lype CSlwe( 3ivrl u) typo u 55:Oiode 30 )): t f00eJJ SS: Grode 36Type 1 SS: Grode 36Type 2 SS: Grode 40 55:0rode 45 5S: Grode 50 At0ll HOT R0u.ED St|EET )): trlooe)) HS|AS: Grode 45ClosI HS|"AS: Grode 450oss 2 l|SLAS: Orode 50Closs I I|SI,AS: Grode 50(los2 HSLAS: Grode 55Clos1 HSLAS: Grode 55Closs 2 [|S|AS: Grode 60[|osI H5LA5: Orode 60Closs 2 HSTAS: Grode 65(losI HSIAS: Orode 65Clos 2 HSLAS: Grode /0 ClosI ||SLAS: Orode 70Closs 2 HSTAS{: Grode 50 HSLAS-F: 6rode 60 HSLAS-F: Grcde i0 H(l [(-F' Grnrlc80 T7 PRtvtous sPEc 4.366 A-620 A-963 Ar69 A T 1G1R A A T IG I R B A-61 I 6RClypeI A-61 I GR CType 2 A-61 I 6R0Type I A.5lI GR DType 2 A.6I I GR E A-607 GR 45flosI A.607 45tloss GR 2 A-60/ GR 50ClosI A-607 6R500oss 2 A-607 GR 55ClosI A.60iGR 55Closs 2 A.60/ GR 60ClosI A-607 GR 60Clos 2 A-607 0R65ClosI A-607 GR 65Clos 2 A.60i0R70ClosI At0i GR /0 Closs 2 A-/l5GR 50 . A-/15 GR 601 A{,15ff ZO, . . A'7t$ GR80 i', = cs = D5 = DDs TDDS = = 55 HSTAS = HSI.AS-F= (oMMtRoAtsIEEt DRAI|I|INOSIEEI. DITP DRAWING STEET ENRA DEEP DRAI/\|I]'|G sTEII, STRUOURALSTEEI |||GH-SIRENGIHL0W-A|-LOYSTItt l|IGtl.SIRI1'lGTl| TOW-AI.TOY $EEL WITI| IMPROVID FORMAOITIIY : , 'A:16!, :...:1,. k622 A-5i 0GR 30 A"570 GR 33 A-570 GR 36 A-5i0 6R40 A-570 45 GR A.s70 GR 50 A-5/0 GR 55 A-607 GR 45tloss I A"60i GR 45tlos2 A-607 GR 50ClosI A-60/ GR 50Clos 2 A-607 GR 55tloss I At0/GR 55Clos 2 A-607 GR 60Closs I A-60i 6R60tlos2 A.607 GR 650osI A.60iGR 65tlos2 A-607 GR 70iloss I A-60/ 0R70Clos 2 A-/t5GR 50 A-71 56R60 A-/l5GR 70 t.7]( cPnn o NAME ANDPRODUfi PRODUCER ASTM SPTC AffiE N0. GRADE TYPE srtlr(0. A242 A&B SIRUCTUAI COR.TEN A5t4 OUINCH &TEMPER A5l7 OUE}lItl &IEMPER 4572 42 50 60 STRUCTUAL 65 A588 4606 SHIIT t D E 50 50 4656 70 BO I HSLAS: 45Closs 0rode 45(loss 2 ||Sl-ASr Grode I ||SLAS: 50Closs Orode 2 llSLAS: Gmde 500oss A42YO A5OYO A6OYK A65YK IOR{EN B SHEET IOR{EN A 1 65tloss I1SIAS: Orode 65(loss 2 At008 I|S|AS: Orode 70(loss I HSHS:0rode ||STAS: Grode /0 (los2 A45Y0 A45YK A5OYO A5OYK A55YO A55Y|( A6OYO A6OY|( COLD ROTLID SliIIT "T.IA,T-IB' N-A.XTRA TI ,ItA,T.18" N.A.NM A-572-42 A"572-50 A-572 60 A5/2-42 A|-G0M{S ALGOMAS 457}50 ALGOMAS A572TO A65Y( 42XKM I.TV LIV50XK LTV 60XK A-57?-65 ITV65 XFM GR A AI6OM{S A588 Nfini,lt'\d{RRGpR MAYARI R B45W( ALGOMAS A6O6 IYPE4 RQG6O(N) A656 Gr50 A656 Gr60 A656 Gr/0 4656 GrB0 (bAs5 rORMABLt 55 BEIHSTAR 50 BEIHSTAR 60 /O BITHSTAR BITHSTAR BO B45XO B45XK B5OXO 85OX|( B55XK cb^60 r0fiMABtt 65 860X( INXTO Hr+0RM 60 B/OX( [|I+0RM 70 FORMABI.E 5O B5OXI I|I.FORM 50 tTV 50XF r0RMABr.t 60 B6OXI Hl-t0RM 60 tTV 60Xt t1r{0RM 70 4656 GR5O ALGOM{S A656 GR6O ATGOM{S PI,A]I H \ l t \ ' G r n d pA 0 f l n s c MAYARI R 0RA Ar.G0fil{S A633 GR C AI.6OM{S 4633 6RD ATGOM{S 4633 SNUCTUAI tiSLAS: Grode 60Closs INTAND uv BETH[EHEMISPAT CORP. CORP.STEET STEET CORP. STTET t'l SIRUOUAI, HSI"AS:0rode 55(losl HSI-AS: Grode 55tloss2 AK (ORP. SITET ALGOMA IOO A 4633 A[GOMA SIEET INC. Cbl\l45 cblv50 FORMABTE 45 t0RMABl_i 50 INX45 tIV45XK lNX.50 5O I1I'FORM 50x|( tTV rNX-55 LTV 6OXl( cb^65 A/OYK AMOTORM 50B |lStAS.F: Grode 50 ASOXI 50r Ar"G0r0RM A10t I ALGOIORM 608 6OI ALGOFOR/\/1 60 tlSllS.F:0rude A6OXF HSI,AS{: 6rode 70 ATOXF B/OXF HSl,ASf: Grode 80 ASOXF BSOXI HS|AS:6rode 45Clos HSI-AS: Grode 45Oos HSLAS: Grode 50Clos |lSLAS: Grode 50tloss A45YO A45YK A5OYO B45XO B45XK B5OXO B5OXK ||S|AS: Grode 55tloss ||SI-AS: Grode 550oss HS|AS: Grcde 60tloss HSLAS: Grode 60Closs tjSI-AS: Grude 65tloss HSIIS: Gmde 65Closs HSLAS: Grode /0 Closs HSI-AS: Grode /0 Closs FORMABLE 45 tTV 80Xf tNX"45 LTV 45XK tNX-50 HI.FORM 5O tNX-55 cbl\is0 FORMABLI 5O A55YO A55YK A6OYO A5OYK cbl\/55 FORMABLI 55 B55XK cblv60 FORMABLE 65 B6OXK tNX-60 ||t+0RM 60 A65YK 6s cb/u B/OXK HI-FORM 7O FORMABTE 5O B5OXF |lIFORM 50 LTV 50Xf FORMABIT 6O B6OXF HI-FORM 6O I"TV 60XF Hl+0RM /0 LTVO/O XF A\0Y( l|OT ROLt[D SHIET 4s cb/u t-TV /0xf ATOY( I.TV 5OXK LTV 55XK LTV 6OXK 5OB ALGOFORM HSI,AS{: Grode 50 A5OXF ALGOFORM 5OF ALGOIORM 60B ALGOIORM 60F HS|AS-F: Grode 60 A6OXF HSLAS{: Grode 70 A/OXF B/OXF HSLAS{: Gmde 80 ABOXF BSOXF O LTV BO XF o T8 ANDPRODUCT NAME PRODU(IR ASTM SPEC N0. GRADE IYPT I{ATIONAt SIETI. CORP. ORTGAN sIEEttMttts NAX.l|IGH IENSITE ORIGON'S A242 4242 $RUOUAL A5t4 OUENIH &TEMPER ORIGON'5 A5I4 B.E,F,&H 451 / OUIl.lCt| &TIMPIR ORIGON'S A5I/ B,r,l,&t| 4572 42 50 60 STRUCTUAL Aq A588 4606 St|EEI A656 c D I 50 60 7D BO PUTI HS[-AS: Grode 45Closs I HSItrS: 0rude 45Closs 2 I|S|AS: Gmde 50(los llSI.AS: Grode 50Closs ||S[IS: Grode 55Clos ||SI,AS:Otode 55tlos |"|SIIS: Grode 60Clos 4572-42 A572"50 l\572-60 GIX.65W A\71.4\ (( FY-TFN HSLAS: Grode 65Closs 1 Ar008 IISLAS: Grode 65iloss 2 [|SLAS: Grode 70Closs I l|SLAS: Grode /0 Clos 2 NAX.5O NAXTO NAX./O NAX.BO COLD ROILID Sl|IET HSLAS: Grode 45Closs 1 HSLAS: Grode 45[|oss2 HSLAS: Grude 50Clos HSLAS: Grude 50(los HSLAS: Gmde 55Clos HSI-AS: Grode 55tlos HSI,AS: Grode 60Closs HS|,AS: Grode 60tloss HSI,AS: Grode 65tlos HSLAS: Grode 65Clos []SI"AS: Gmde /0 Clos HSI-AS: Grode /0 Clos GLx-55W NAPAG55 RST|lRS5XM5 RSc HR5sYO() RSiftR60xffi0 RSfHRAr]YOS RSCIIR65XV5 RSC llR65Y(80 RSC ||R/OXI(BO Gtx"65W NAPA0665 |lAPAC.T0 Gr_x-45W NAPAC-45 GtX.5OW NAPAC-50 6LX 55W NAPAC 55 GLXTOW NAPAC-60 GtX.65W NAPAC.65 NAPAG/O NAX.5O HSLAS{: Grode 50 NAPAC.F5O HS|AS{: Grode 60 HS|AS{: /0 Grode HSl,4S{: Grode B0 A656"50 4656-60 4656-/0 A656-80 |Jss 60N RSIHRqt)Y(45 NAX.6O NAPAI.I.6O NAX./O NAPA(.F70 NAX.8O NAPAGF.SO HOT ROLLID Sl|EET 0RtG0N's A656 50 0RtG0N'5 A656 60 4656 /O OREGON'S 0REGON',S A656 80 0tx-50w NAPAC.I-50 ||Sl,AS"t: B0 Grqde ljss42N |Jss 50N NAPAC.5O HS|,AS{: 0rode 50 llSl.AS-F: Grode 70 ORIGON'S A633A OREGON'S A633C ORIGON'S A633D 0RFtiON's a6i'1F RSC HR45Xl(55 RSC l|R45Y(60 RSC HR5OX|(6O NAX"5O HSltrSf:0rode 60 COR TEN A Gt-x-45W NAPAC45 NAPIT"Afl NAXTO NAPA(.I.60 NAX./O NAPAC.F./O NAXTO NAPAC.FSO PITT{IN X42W PM][NX5OW B COR"TIN NAX-HIGH TENSITE NAX WIATHIRING GU-60W (0 flns H(ll(' Grnda At0| T"t T,IA T.IB GtX.42W Gt_x-50\.{/ GI.XTOW STRUCTUAI WHTTtINg-PITT. STETI. CORP. COR.TIN A STRUCTUAI. NAX WEATHiRINGORIGON'S A588 A,B 5HE[T usxsrrEr T.l I-1A T.IB EX{EN 42 EX"TEN 50 EX.TEN 60 A A633 ROUGE (0. sTEEt PqTHPTOYI(45 l|R5OXF6O R5C R5C t|R50Y[65 RSC CR50Xt60 RST CR5OYF65 RSIl-|R6OXF/O ||R6OYF75 RSC RSC ilR/0Xr80 R5C t|R/OXt85 RSC ||R80Xr90 r.rR45XK60 rx.TtN 45 PIIT{IN X.45I( NTT-TIN X.450 tlR5OXK65 tx.T[N 50 IJR55K65 EX.Tfli 55 [|R5OXK75 IXJIN6O PITI-TTN X-5OK PITT{EN X.5OO PITT.IIN X.55K PITT.TEN X.550 PITI"TIN XTOK PITT.TIN X.6OO ||R65X(80 HRTOX|(BO |lR50Xr60 PITT{EN X.5OF ix.TtN t50 l|R6OXFTO F6O EXJIN l|R/0Xr80 IX-TEN I/O HR80Xr90 [X"T[N F8O RSC HR45XK55 HR45XK6O RSC HR45YK6O IX"TEN 45 RSC HR5OXK6O HR50X(65 RqTHPSr)Y(45 IX]EN 50 RSIHR55X|(65 HR55XK65 RST HR55YK7O EX{IN 55 RSC HR6OXKTO tlR5OXK/5 RSC HR6OYK75 EX{EN 6O RStHR65XK/5 HR65XKBO RSC HR65Y(80 RSC HR70X(80 HR/OXK8O RSIHRTOYKB5 RSC HR5OXF6O RSC t|R5OYF65 HR50Xt60 RST CR5OXF6O F50 RSC CR50YF65 EX][N RSC HR6OXFTO HR6OXF/O RSC HR6OYF/5 IXIENF6O RSC HR7OXt80 |lRTOXIBO RST HR/OXI85 EX{IN F7O RSIHRSOXF9O HRBOXF9O EX.TEN I80 PI]T.T[N XTOI PITT"TIN X'Of PITTTIN X.BOI PITT{IN X45K Pm+N X450 PITTT[N X,5OK Nn]ENX-5OO PITTTIN X.55K PITTTEN X550 P|n{IN XTOK PITT,IIN X.6OO PITT"TEN X5OI PITT{EN XTOI PITTJEN X.7OI a PITT{IN X.BOF o t9 PerHoleForOnelevelPunching Required Punrhing-Tons HoleDiametet Thickness GaugeInch .125 . 1 8 8 .250 .312 .375 . 7 1 .BB 1 . 1 20 .036 .35 1 8 .048 .47 .71 .94 1..2 1 . 4 to .060 .59 B9 1 . 2 1 . 5 1 . 8 1 4 .075 .74 1 . 1 1 . 5 1 . 9 2.2 12 . 1 0 5 1 . 0 1 . 6 2.1 2.6 11 10 .438 .500 .562 .625 .688 .750 .812 s7L ffi ffi 1.2 1 . 4 1 . 6 1 . 8 1 . 9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.4 2.6 d.8 1.7 1.9 ffi"ffir*3.57 2.1 2.4 2 . 7 2.9 3 . 2 3.5 3 . 8 4 . 1 4.4 4 . 7 'ffi. 2.6 2.9 3# J.O ',7, -Wfu {. 4 . 1 4.7 5.2 5 . 7 o.t 4 ffi" 6 . 7 7.2 5.5 5,9 7 . 7 8.3 tfus *& YT 7.7 8.3 8 . 8 9.4 1 . 8 2.4 3 .0 3.5.-s "4., 8 . 0 u.o 9.3 1 0 . 0 1 0 . 6 2 .0 2 .7 J . J 4 .0 4 . 6 5.3 o . u 6.6 2.8 3.ftw%ffi *dF.o .188 %,tih,k, g.i"' 9.2 10.21 1 . 112.0 12.9 1 3 . 8 14,8 4.9 6.2 7.4 8.6 9 . 8 1 1 . 0 12.3 1 3 . 5 1 4 . 81 6 . 0 17.2 1 8 . 5 19.7 .250 ,,#*,,olhl*i .375 dN +:e.H t lr.'i''1 3.01 4 . 8 1 6 . 6 1 8 . 5 20.3 22.1 24.0 25,8 27.729.5 17.2 19.7 22.1 24.6 2 7 . 1 29.5 32.0 34.4 36.9 39.4 .500 30,833.8 36,9 40.0 43.0 46.1 49.2 L.-"*4qdd'i'* .120 1.2 -4w ffi- ffi'wh 44.348.0 .750 E e F a 55.4 59.0 pounds persquare inch.Oneton= 2,000pounds. strength of50,000 Punching mildsteelplate-shear Generol Theshear strength of steelcanvary of theactualtensile between 75%t080% it hasbeencommon Formanyyears the ofthematerial.Todetermine practice to usea press brakeforoccasional strength jobs.ThePunching punching Tonnage load,it isbesttouse80%oftheactual . If amalnial tensile strength ofthematerial indicates theload Chartshownabove psiminimumtensile, it is required topunchroundholesin ordinary hasa 70,000 psitoobtaintheprobable bestto add15,000 iscalculated mildsteel.Thetonnage by theareabeingsheared times multiplying theshearstrength ofthematerial.For topuncha 2" example, theloadrequired (.250") holein I/4" mildsbelplate: diameter = x n thecircumference Diameter ofthecircle. = the Thickness x circumference arcaofmaterial beingsheared. 2)for Use50,000psi(25tons/inch mild$eel. load= 2" xnx .250x Punching 2= J).ZJtons. 25tons/inch strengths rangeoftensile <-PUNCH limitotions ofthePress Broke punch and die Figure ll-tleurunce between (Figure Cleorunce | 0l the Theremustbeclearance between punchanddiejustasa shearhas cleanncebetween theupperandlower thehole knives.Theounchdetermines 20 sizeandshouldbemadetotheexact thatisrequired. Thediebutton diameter plusthe theholediameter contains necessary clearance. Forbestresults on the mildsteel, theclearance between punchanddiealallpointsshouldbe from5%to 7%of themetalthicknes.In otherwords, thedieshouldbe10%to 14% largerthanthe ofthemetalthickness punch.Theclearance couldbedifferent forvarious [pesofmaterial. punching Since consists of a shock (rapid load by buildupofforcefollowed release oftheloadasthe animmediate malnrlral, fracture$ Incorporated Cincinnati load recommends onlyusinga punching upto2/Jofthemarimumratingofthe press whenpunching mild$eel.This brake "punching" ratingwill normallyallow safety tominimizeabnormal sufficient machine maintenance. psior recommends Punching highertensile(70,000 limitingtonnage buildupto press will require added 1/2of themaximum higher)materials brakecapacity Theamount ofpenetration whenhightensile steelisbeingpunched. considerations. $eelis In punching applications wherediesets topuncha holein hightensile muchlessthanthepenetration in mild areused orwhere special machine features (e.g.wrdebed,deep steel(e.g.mildsteel= penetration of 1/3 throat,etr.)arcrequired, = penetration consult metalthickness; hi$er tensile Engineering CincimatiIncorporated of only15%of.metal thickness). The foran eval'tation of thepartinvolved. oftheloadismore buildupandrelease rapidandhasa greater shockeffect onthe It hasbeenfoundthatif thenumber press brake.Cincinnati Incoryorated of holestobepunched results in the punching recommended ratingofthe press punches in brake beingexceeded, thediesetcanbe"stepped." Ifpunches hit themetalattwolevels, approximately I/2 netalthickness apatl,a maximum pLrnching loadcanbebLrilt up,relea^sed, encla seconcl loaclbuilt in upanclrelelned thesanre stroke wrthoLrt drurage tothe press brake. SINGLELEVEL Stepping ofthepunches canbc rtcconrplishecl b1,rnaking thepunches ditferent lengths, under shinrrning the pLurches, ormaking steps in thedieset. lhe punching lozid nrust continue kr besvnrnretrical. Typicalpunching unitswith strippersshownshaded ln ll +t-1-! UU fffil 112Melal thickness figure l2-Stripping metolfrom thepunches lt isnorrlalforsheet metalbeing 'l'he puncited tosticktightl,v tothepunchasit maximum stripping loadofa moves upward :Lfter thehoieispunched. press islimited brake to 10%ofthe Not e:' l'hepttnch tnust ttt0t'e d0tt tt'tLt ctrcl pLrnching capacihr Norrnally thisisnota 'stepping lhroughthemetrtlto ertsure the problem unless lsused. Then, slugisptnhedthroughlhehole. alloftheholes beingpunched in one pob,nrethane rnetnlhooks. Springs, stroke arestripped fromthepunches or rttbberarenarmctll'ttnetlto duringtheupstroke ofthepress brake. strtpthemetalolf thepunch. Tltis Thestripping loadwillbea percentage of tctkes 2"/,, to of the 5o/,, .force Jilm punching theentire 1oad. punchingJorce. Figure II-Stepping ofpunthes 2l