

Slide 2,p23 anterior two thirds differ from posterior third of
the tongue in :
Function anterior : for taste ,, posterior : glandular
Neurological origin,composition of cells,anatomical
position,shape and name.
You cannot see posterior third of tongue normally because it lies
in oral part of pharynx.
*fibrous septum appears like sulcus.
.‫(شرحهم الدكتور كلهم‬24,25,26,27)
Lining epithelium of the mucous membrane of the tongue is
stratified squamous epitheium ( keratinized gingiva,dorsal
surface of tongue,hard palate ,,non keratinized rest of areas.
P28 (he didn’t talk about 1st slide)
Page 29 , lingual gland details are excluded (2 lines :p )
p 31,32 were explained(explained taste breifly).
Muscles of the tongue : in all muscles,origin and insertion are
not required.
Filliform Papillae
Fungiform Papillae
Vallate Papillae
throughout the
dorsal surface of the
anterior two thirds.
Scattered throughout
dorsum of anterior
two thirds of tongue
,but are especially
numerous near sides
and tips of organ.
In front and parallel to
junction point of
anterior 2thirds with
posterior third(sulcus
Minute conical
(fungus) ‫مثل الفطر‬
mushroom ,bright
red spots.
Circular shaped
Larger than
filliform papillae.
Largest form
Most numerous
Less numerous than 7-12
Fibers differ in their direction and function .
Anterior fibers : vertical
Middle fibers : oblique
posterior fibers : horizontal
*posterior fibers protrude tongue forward if they work bilaterally(right with
left),but if one of them is paralyzed ,the tongue will be deviated to the
inactive or paralyzed side
Middle fibers depress central part of tongue to enlarge mouth cavity.why?
To help in chewing and accomodating more food inside oral cavity.
Don’t work alone ,it work in this with hypoglossus muscle.
P35 (first slide)action of styloglossus :
‫اللسان يصير مقالع‬
Food in dorsal surface is thrown to pharynx to be swallowed.
Action of palatoglossus :
Narrows oropharyngeal isthmus,so the food cannot escape to
pharynx,during chewing.
This is similar to buccinators that work as sphincters during
mastication,pushing cheeks on teeth so food cannot escape to vestibule.
As mastication is completed,palatoglossus and buccinators
Contracts and sends food to pharynx where it’s swallowed.
Those 4 muscles are extrinsic ( origin is outside tongue)
Where as intrinsic origin is inside the tongue,they have 3
kinds ( transverse,longitudinal-superior and inferiortransverse and vertical.these details are not important.
Extrinsicchanges position of tongue
Intrinsicchanges shape of tongue (flat,concave,wide…)
can be a Question for exam :
All extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tonge are supplied
by hypoglossal nerve except :
-palatoglossus (the muscle that is common between palate
and tongue)that is innervated by pharyngeal plexus.
Pharyngeal plexus arises from posterior wall of pharynx (not
Name of muscle
Site and action
Forms main mass of the tongue
Action :
Posterior fibers : Protrude the tongue(P-P)
Midline fibers : depress central part of Mouth cacity.
(CMD)community medicine :p
Anterior : depress and retract tip of tongue (dep-retant)same tone :p
Action : Depression of Side of tongue,helps
genioglossus to enlarge mouth cavity during chewing or
(I saw Haya in the side of the road,she was very
Forms Palatoglossal arch (fold)in front of tonsil,,also
called (anterior pillar fauces)
Action : sphincter for oropharyngeal isthmus.elevates
root of the tongue.
(palatoglossus is lust like a policeman who gaurds a
gate and we all elevate hats and give respect for him)
Pulls tongue upward and help in food
(some People think that Style only makes them beloved
or up on the top,but actually,they're in the back
Page 38 (slide 5 in lec 2)the hard palate is covered by
mucous membrane that contains serous and mucous
glands.the mucous glands are predominant.
*p.40,,Dr. explained the origin id details but it’s not
Aponeurosis : wide membranous tendon used for
attachment with muscles.
Function of tensor veli palatine (p.42) causes tension
for aponeurosisfixing the base (soft palate)so other
muscles can work.
-levator veli palatine:arises from MEDIAL side of
austacian tube,tensor veli palatine arises from
LATERAL side of austachian tube.
Action of levator veli ,,shuts oral part from nasal part
during eating,especially liquids.
Palatoglossus 
pushes tongue up
pushes palate down
reduces diameter of
oropharyngeal isthmus.
P45palatopharyngeal and palatoglossal arches
are important.between them there’s deep
depression,called tonsilar fossa that contains
Palatoglossal archmakes lateral part of
oropharyngeal isthmus(that has soft palate
superior to it,and tongue inferior to it)
Name of muscle
Site and action
Tensor veli palatine
Site : lateral side of austachian tube.
Action : 1-tighten palatine aponeurosis (T-T)
2-open austachian tube.
Levator veli palatine
Site : medial to tensal veli and austachian tube
Action : pulls soft palate backwards and
upwards,shuts the nasal part of oropharynx to
upper part.and opens austachian tube.
Forms Palatoglossal arch (fold)in front of
tonsil,,also called (anterior pillar fauces)
Action : sphincter for oropharyngeal isthmus.
Anterior and posterior heads meet to form
posterior pillar fauces or palatopharyngeal arch
(fold)that lies posterior to tonsil.
Action :acts with stylopharyngeus and
sulpingopharyngeus to elevate pharynx and larynx
to make swallowing easier,by shorteneing
Questions :
1-regarding tongue,which of the following is incorrect :
A-the root of the tongue is attaches to hyoid bone.
B-mucous membrane covering dorsal surface of the anterior two thirds
of tongue is non-Keratinized squamous stratified epithelium.
C-mucous membrane that covers inferior surface of tongue is
smooth,and thin.
D-the tongue is divided by a midline fibrous sulcus into right and left
E-fungiform and vallate papillae present onion shaped,taste buds that
contain 50-100 epithelial taste cells.
2-regarding Vallate papillae :
A-they represent the Largest form of papillae,with very low numbers
B-they’re arranged in V shape , related to sulcus terminalis and
foramen cecum.
C-circular sulcus surround each vallate papillae.
D-lingual tonsil,are found near to vallate papillae.
E- there’s no correct statement.
3-find the incorrect match between the muscle and it’s action :
A-palatoglossus,,decreases diameter of oropharyngeal isthmus.
B-Hyoglossus ,together with middle fibers of genioglossus work to
enlarge mouth cavity by depressing central,and lateral sides of the
C-styloglossus helps in swallowing of food by pulling the tongue
upward and backward.
D- levator veli palatinae and tensor veli palatinae assist in opening
austachian tube .
E-palatopharyngeus, together with stylopharyngeus and
sulpingopharyngeus work to depress pharynx and larynx during
swallowing,to make it easier for food to pass.
4-choose the correct statement :
A-extrinsic muscles have the role of changing the tongue shape,while
intrinsic control it’s movement.
B- aponeurosis(formed by tensor veli palatini) is free anteriorly ,where
it meets UVULA muscle.
C-all soft palate muscles are innervated with pharyngeal plexus nerves
except of tensor veli palatini
D- levator veli palatinin lies lateral to austachian tube.
E-palatopharyngeus and palatoglossus form anterior and posterior
pillar of fauces,respectively.
5-All intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue
are supplied by hypoglossal nerve except :
A- styloglossus
B-Horizontal intrinsic muscle
Answers : 1-B 2-E 3-E 4-E 5-D