Government of India Ministry of MSME Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata –700108 Phone 033-25770597/98 [email protected], [email protected] Sri Uday Verma, IAS,Secretary(MSME), Govt.of India seen (centre)engaged in interaction with the stakeholders of Lead Acid Storage Battery,Siliguri in the presence of Sri N.N.Debnath, Director,MSME-DI, Kolkata. Sri Khalil Ahmad, IAS, Director, M&SSE, Govt. of West Bengal addressing the participants of an ESDP on the occasion of Valedictory Function at Sabang, Paschim Midnapore. visit us at The Annual Report of the Institute depicts important activities and programmes undertaken and executed by the Institute and its Branches during the year 2011-12. As most of the programmes are allotted by O/o the DC (MSME), due thrust is given to complete the same exquisitely by maintaining a well-ordered time frame and also to cater to the requirements of the local entrepreneurs, both prospective and existing. The Annual Report thus provides detailed information of various activities performed by the Institute and its branches for promotion and development of MSMEs in West Bengal and the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. It is expected that the information contained in the Report would portray the significant role being played by the Institute and also bring forth comments for better service. I would like to record my appreciation for the efforts made by all Officers and Staff who contributed significantly in the preparation of the Report, especially Sri M. Bandyopadhyay, Asstt. Director (EI), Sri D. Banerjee, Asstt. Director (stat), Sri D. Chowdhury, Inv. (EI) and Sri Jamil Akhter, Stenographer for bringing out this Report. April, 2012 Place: Kolkata. N. N. DEBNATH Director visit us at Chapters Particulars Page No. Highlights Report at a Glance Revenue I II III 1. MSME-Development Institute, Kolkata 1 - 4 2. Human Resource Development 2.1 Entrepreneurship Development Programme 6 - 7 2.2 Entrepreneurship & Skill Development Programme 8 - 22 2.3 Business Skill Development Programme 2.4 Industrial Motivational Campaign 2.5 Skill Development Programme 2.6 Management Development Programme 2.7 Computer Training Programme 3 Marketing Support 3.1 National Level Vendor Development Programmme 3.2 State Level Vendor Development Programmme 36 3.3 West Bengal Sub-Contract Exchange (WBSCX) & NSIC 37 4 ISO Programmes, CE Marking, etc. 38 - 39 5 Export Promotion 40 - 42 6 National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP) 43 - 46 7 National Awards For MSEs 47 - 48 8 Micro And Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE CDP) 49 - 50 9 Meetings/Demonstrations/Workshops, etc. 51 - 53 10 Reports and Other Works 54 - 55 11 Service to Existing & Prospective Entrepreneurs 56 - 60 12 Raj Bhasha 5 23 24 - 28 29 30 - 32 - 33 34 34 - 35 61 visit us at I The Institute & its Branches successfully achieved the Action Plan Targets of 2011-12 and other programmes specially under Human Resource Development, NMCP, MSE-CDP, etc. for the Promotion and Development of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises in the State. Some of the major and important activities are highlighted below: Under Human Resource Development, a total of 6540 candidates were rendered training through various programmes, such as EDP, ESDP, MDP, BSDP, SDP, CAD & CAM, Computer training etc. organised by the Institute. This apart, 12988 candidates were motivated through IMCs conducted at various places covering urban and rural areas of the State as well as A & N Islands. Further, 22 candidates were imparted training on the process of manufacture of Bio-Fertilizer under the programme of ESDP (Bio-Technology). As regards rendering consultancy services in the areas of project selection & preparation, quality control & upgradation, cost minimization, marketing, etc. to prospective and existing entrepreneurs are concerned, a total of 6204 visitors were attended by the Institute during the year. Under ISO reimbursement scheme, as many as 134 cases were processed & approved and an amount of Rs. 44,99,854/- was disbursed. Under marketing assistance, 575 cases were processed for NSIC registration and one (1) National Level Vendor Development Programme (NLVDP) and seven (7) State Level Vendor Development Programme (SLVDP) were organized in association with State-based Large Houses/PSUs/MSME Associations/Chamber of Commerce, etc. Under NMCP covering all the components, the Institute assisted all the stakeholders concerned to organize Trade Fairs (MATU), Awareness Programme on Bar-coding & IPRs, etc. Under MSE-CDP, the work with regard to construction of CFC for Rerolling Mills Cluster at Howrah has commenced with the grants of both Central & State Govt. visit us at II A c t i v i t i e s Appraisal of Project Reports Capacity Assessment Nos. Beneficiaries 34 51 34 51 Reports :Preparation of Project Profiles - New : Updated : Detailed Project Report Status Report Directory State Industrial Profile & District Industrial Potentiality Survey Reports Technical Study Report Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) 14 21 2 1 1 3 1 36 814 8 219 194 4482 1 22 195 12988 43 979 Export Management & Packaging Training Programme 5 123 Skill Development Training Programme (SDP) at Workshop (regular course) 5 49 15 112 Awareness-cum-educational programme on reimbursement scheme for ISO 9001:2008 1 40 National Level Vendor Development Programme 1 96 State Level Vendor Development Programme 7 300 NSIC Regn./GSPP - 575 WBSCX Services - 270 Common Facility Services through General & CNC W/S - 206 ISO Reimbursement - 134 Bar Code Reimbursement - 22 Business Skill Development Programme (BSDP) Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programme(ESDP) ESDP on Bio-Technology Industrial Motivational Campaign (IMC) Management Development Programme (MDP) Short Term Computer Training Course visit us at Meetings Attended : Meeting With Associations Meeting with State Govt. & Others 18 33 =-=-=-=-= III Revenue(Rs.) Particulars 356772 C/F W/s. Revenue SDP(Training) fees Regular course 18600 Special Training Programmes (SDP) 72650 EDP 34400 ESDP 60800 MDP 197900 Capacity Assessment 237000 Project Appraisal 259144 NSIC Regn./GSPP 575250 SCX 108000 2187 Sale of publications 335200 Computer Trg. Under SENET ESDP (Bio-Tech) 1900 Export Marketing 27000 6700 Bar Code Awareness NLVDP 240000 SLVDP 154050 PD Account 416200 Total :- visit us at 3103753 Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises-Development Institute, Kolkata looks after the promotion and development of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises in the States of West Bengal and Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. At present there are three Branch Institutes covering 19 districts in the state of West Bengal and one Br. Institute at Port Blair covering two districts of Andaman & Nicobar Administration under the jurisdiction of MSME-DI, Kolkata. Districts covered : In West Bengal :- Br. MSME-DI, Durgapur MSME-DI, Kolkata 11. Burdwan 1. Kolkata 12. Bankura 2. North 24-Parganas 13. Purulia 3. South 24-Parganas 4. Howrah 5. Hooghly 14. Darjeeling 6. Nadia 15. Jalpaiguri 7. Purba Midnapore 16. Cooch Behar 8. Paschim Midnapore 17. Uttar Dinajpur 18. Dakshin Dinajpur 19. Malda Br. MSME-DI, Siliguri Br. MSME-DI, Suri 9. Birbhum 10. Murshidabad In A & N Islands :Br. MSME-DI, Port Blair 1. Andaman and 2. Nicobar The important functions and assistance rendered by the Institute and its Branches are as follows. Key activities of MSME-DI, Kolkata: In view of the overall development and promotion of MSMEs, the Institute is empowered with well qualified and experienced technical officers who are actively engaged in various key activities as follows. 1. Consultancy Services: The Institute renders consultancy services to the prospective and existing entrepreneurs in the fields of:visit us at a) Project selection, b) Techno-economic feasibility, c) Marketing, d) Modernisation & technology upgradation, e) Re-imbursement for Bar-code registration, ISO certification, etc. 2. Human Resource Development: a) To build up entrepreneurial and managerial skills, this Institute organizes various types of training programmes: i) Enterpreneurship Development Programme; ii) Entrepreneurship & Skill Development Programme on various trades and products; iii) Management Development Programmes on Industrial Management, Working Capital management, Material Management etc. iv) Skill Development Programmes on Machineshop Practice, Heat Treatment, Wood Carving, Artware & Pottery etc; v) Computer Training on both Software and Hardware; vi) Training on Computer Aided Design & Computer Aided Manufacturing, etc. 3. Export Promotion: a) Organising specialized training programme (in collaboration with eminent promotional agencies) on Export Management and Export Packaging. b) Providing financial assistance to eligible manufacturing MSEs for participating in selected International Trade Fairs under MDA scheme. 4. Development of New Projects: a) Assisting and guiding in setting up of new projects through preparation of District Industrial Potentiality Survey Reports and State Industrial Profile by way of providing information on potential resources, infrastructure, market etc. b) Disseminating information on project status, marketing, financing, technology, raw materials, etc. c) Preparing viable projects, appraising of projects and assessing capacity etc. 5. Marketing Support: a) Providing marketing assistance to small enterprises through the Single Point Registration Scheme of NSIC for participation in the Govt./PSU Stores Purchase Programmes. b) Providing Marketing support to small enterprises through Sub-Contracting Exchange. c) Providing marketing assistance by organizing Vendor Development Programmes and Buyers Sellers Meet of micro, small, medium and large units. 6. Common Workshop Facilities: Undertaking job work at very low cost for small enterprises in the following areas : a) Metallurgy – Heat Treatment b) Glass and Ceramic c) Mechanical Engineering I. Computer Aided manufacturing – Ultra Modern CNC Wire Cutting Machines, NC Spark Erosion, CNC Lathe and visit us at II. 7. Conventional – Milling, Cylindrical Grinding, Surface Grinding, Jig Boring, etc. MSE-Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP) : The objective of MSE-CDP is as follows:1. To support the sustainability and growth of MSEs by addressing common issues such as improvement of technology, skills and quality, market access, access to capital, etc. 2. To build capacity of MSEs for common supportive action through formation of SPVs, consortia, upgradation of associations, etc. 3. To create/upgrade infrastructural facilities in the new/existing industrial areas/clusters of MSEs. 4. To set up common facility centres (for testing, training centre, raw material depot, effluent treatment, complementing production processes, etc). 8. Modernisation & Techno-upgradation : Assisting the micro & small scale units to modernize and upgrade technology by organizing a) Training on ISO-9000 and TQM (Total Quality Management) b) Awareness Programme on Ozone Depleting Substances/use of alternative refrigerant 9. Small Enterprises Network (S E N E T): a) Providing information on various activities and programmes through websites b) Storing various data for information and providing training on IT through Small Enterprises Computer Network. c) Online status feed back for NSIC regn. cases and ISO-9000 reimbursement cases. 10. ISO-Consultancy work for ISO-9001:2000 Certification: The Institute renders ISO consultancy for the development of Quality Management System (QMS) of MSMEs for obtaining ISO-9001 certification. As per the directives of the O/o DC (MSME), New Delhi, the Institute also provides reimbursement of the charges for acquiring ISO-9001 certification to the extent of 75% of the cost subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 75,000/in each case. 11. Bar Code Registration & Reimbursement Scheme: The Institute conducts Awareness programme on Bar Code Registration by GS1 India & its reimbursement for registered MSEs. As per the present scheme, 75% of Bar Code registration fee is reimbursed for the units who visit us at have adopted Bar Code on or after 1 st Jan., 2002 and 75% of annual recurring fee for the 1st three years is also reimbursed w.e.f. 1 st June, 2007. Apart from above activities, the institute maintains close liaison with various Govt. departments, promotional agencies, trade associations & NGOs involved in the execution of Govt. schemes & promotional programmes for the development of MSMEs in the State. Major schemes and programmes : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme i) Marketing Support/Assistance to MSMEs (Bar Code) ii) Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through Incubators iii) Enabling Manufacturing Sector to be competitive through Quality Management Standard & Quality Tech. Tools (QMS/QTT) iv) Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for MSME v) Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme for MSMEs vi) Mini Tool Rooms proposed to be set up by Ministry of MSME (MTR) vii) Design Clinic Scheme for design expertise to MSMEs Manufacturing sector (DESIGN) viii) Marketing Assistance & Technology Up-gradation Scheme in MSMEs. ix) Technology and Quality Upgradation Support to MSMEs x) Promotion of ICT in Indian Manufacturing Sector (ICT) Micro & Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSECDP) Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme (CGTFS) for micro & small enterprises Market Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) Incentive for ISO-9001/14001 Certification Incentive for Bar Code Registration & Annual Renewal Scheme for Capacity Building Strengthening of Data base, etc. National Awards for small scale sector Definition of MSME : 1. Manufacturing Sector a) Micro Enterprise – Investment in plant & machinery does not exceed Rs. 25 lakhs. b) Small Enterprise – Investment in plant & machinery above Rs. 25 lakhs but not exceeding Rs. 5 crore c) Medium Enterprise – Investment in plant & machinery above Rs. 5 crore but not exceeding Rs. 10 crore. 2. Service Sector a) Micro Enterprise _ Investment in equipment does not exceed Rs. 10 lakh b) Small Enterprise – Investment in equipment is more than Rs. 10 lakh but does not exceed Rs. 2 crore visit us at c) Medium Enterprise – Investment in equipment is more than Rs. 2 crore but does not exceed Rs. 5 crore. Building up entrepreneurial skills by organizing Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programme on Chemical Industries, Leather Industries, Gems cutting and Polishing, Metallurgical Industries, Readymade Garments, Automobile Repair and Services, Silk Screen Printing, Ceramic Industries, Mobile Phone Repairing and Servicing and so on is a major activity under Human Resource Development of the Institute. Developing managerial skills of the existing and budding entrepreneurs by organizing Business Skill Development Programmes on Industrial Management, Financial Management, Material Management, Working Capital Management, and Export & Packaging Management is another area of activity under Human Resource Development. Further, the Institute organizes Skill Development Programmes of 6 months duration on Machine shop practice, Heat Treatment, Wood Curving, Art Ware and Pottery for honing up craftsmanship of the artisans engaged in MSE sector. To meet the growing needs of I.T. savvy personnel, the Institute also conducts training programmes on both computer software and hardware. Providing training on Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing is another area of developing skills under Human Resource Development Programme of the Institute. During the year 2011-2012, the Institute conducted the following programmes under Human Resource Development :- 1. Entrepreneurship Development Programme 2. Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programme 3. Business Skill Development Programme 4. Intensive Motivational Campaign 5. Skill Development Programme 6. Management Development Programme 7. Computer Training visit us at Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises-Development Institute, Kolkata and four Branch Institutes under its control conducted 36 Entrepreneurship Development Programmes in different places of the state and Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands during 2011-12. Out of these 36 EDPs,7 were Stipendiary & 29 were General. Altogether 814 candidates including 449 women, 137 SC, 11 ST, 18 Minority, 9 Physically Handicapped, 5 OBCs, 185 General candidates were trained through these programmes. Apart from MSME-DI officials, professionals from other organizations were invited for delivering lectures on the role of their organizations in the promotion of MSMEs in the State. They also apprised the trainees of the various steps involved in starting of small, micro and medium scale industrial ventures. The summary details of the programmes conducted by this Institute and its branches are given below:Target – 36 Achievement- 36 MSME-DI, Kolkata Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Name of the Trg. Prog./ Topics/Place EDP at Dum Dum,Kolkata-74 EDP at Domjur, Howrah EDP at Chakdaha, Nadia EDP at Behala, Kolkata EDP at M.N.saha Road,Kolkata-74 EDP at Baghajatin, Kolkata—32 EDP at Tamluk, Purba Midnapur EDP at Anil Mitra Road, Kolkata EDP at Udaynarayanpur, Howrah EDP at Jiagunj, Murshidabad EDP at Agarpara. 24 Pgs (N) EDP at Suri,Birbhum EDP at Shyamnagar, 24 Pg (N) EDP at Kazipara, 24 Pgs (N) From To SC ST PH WOM MIN OBC 04/07/11 15/07/11 22 19/09/11 30/09/11 22 14/11/11 25/11/11 18 14/11/11 25/11/11 22 21/11/11 02/12/11 14/11/11 25/11/11 25 25 30/11/11 14/12/11 20 20 08/12/11 20/12/11 7 05/12/11 16/12/11 1 09/09/11 23/09/11 5 12/12/11 23/12/11 20/09/11 01/10/11 2 19/12/11 30/12/11 4 02/01/12 13/01/12 4 TOTAL 3 1 1 1 8 1 visit us at 8 25 5 21 5 23 20 25 22 1 20 22 16 11 25 22 20 1 GEN 22 7 5 25 20 24 16 25 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 EDP at Dakshin Chatra, 24 Pgs (N) EDP at PIMT, Ballygaunge, Kolkata EDP at PIMT, Bhowanipur,Kolkata EDP at Kazipara, 24 Pgs (N) EDP at Nababgunj, 24 Pgs (N) EDP at Sherpur,Usthi, 24 Pgs (S) EDP at Khardaha, 24 Pgs (N) EDP at EDP at Dhamua,24 Pgs (S) EDP at Ariadaha, 24 Pgs (N) EDP at Contai, Purba Midnapur EDP at Kakdwip, 24 Pgs (S) EDP at Balichak, Paschim Midnapur EDP at Suri,Birbhum EDP at EDP at Kakdwip,24 Pgs (S) EDP at Sriniketan, Birbhum EDP at Gaighata, 24 Pgs (N) EDP at Dum Dum,Kolkata-74 EDP at Dum Dum,Ambagan. Kolkata-74 EDP at Dogachia, 24 Pgs (N) 18/01/12 01/02/12 19/01/12 02/02/12 6 30/01/12 20/02/12 10 01/02/12 14/02/12 13/02/12 24/02/12 1 18 10/02/12 23/02/12 9 6 30/01/12 10/02/12 01/02/12 14/02/12 14 02/01/12 13/01/12 9 31/01/12 13/02/12 12/03/12 23/03/12 12/12/11 23/12/11 6 19 25 12/01/12 25/01/12 6 14 20 05/03/12 16/03/12 2 18 20 23/01/12 06/02/12 16/08/11 29/08/11 12/09/11 23/09/11 11/07/11 22/07/11 11 22/09/11 30/09/11 10 3 23 2 25 8 7 24 5 22 3 2 2 21 21 1 3 22 6 22 20 1 1 8 23 4 11 25 16 22 5 14 20 1 8 6 11 22 16 22 1 24 25 7 14 21 1 14 25 10 20 Total :- 100 9 433 18 5 174 750 01/12/11 Total :- 22 22 01/02/12 13/02/12 Total :- 13 13 9 9 06/02/12 17/02/12 2 7 11 20 Total :- 2 7 11 20 GRAND TOTAL :- 137 185 814 Br. MSME-DI, Siliguri 34 EDP at Malda 18/11/11 22 22 Br. MSME-DI, Durgapur 35 Panchla , Purulia 22 22 Br. MSME-DI, Suri 36 EDP at Sriniketan, Birbhum 11 9 visit us at 449 18 5 During the year, the Institute along with its four Branch Institutes located at Durgapur, Siliguri, Suri and Port Blair organized 194 ESDPs covering almost all the districts of the State and Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Out of 194 ESDPs, 27 ESDPs were organized for General candidates, 26 Stipendiary ESDPs for SC candidates, 85 non-Stipendiary ESDPs for SC candidates, 7stipendiary ESDPs for ST candidates, 39 non-stipendiary ESDPs for ST candidates and 10 stipendiary ESDPs for Women & PH. These ESDPs were generally organized in two phases. In the first phase candidates were rendered training on building up entrepreneurial capacity among themselves, while in the 2nd phase candidates were trained for developing technical skill in the line of manufacturing and repairing activities covering the areas like food processing, mobile phone repairing and servicing, digital photography, kantha stitch, screen printing, handicrafts, web page application, etc. A total of 4482 candidates were rendered training through these ESDPs of which 2387 were women, 1385 were from SC category, 536 from ST category, 16 were Physically Handicapped, 20 were from Minority Communities, 10 from OBCs and 128 from General category. These apart, one ESDP on Bio-Technology on Vermi Compost was also organized at Gangasagar,24-pgs(s) for 22 candidates and the details of these programmes are given below :Target - 194 Achievement - 194 MSME-DI, Kolkata Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the Trg. Prog. / Topics/Place ESDP on Food Processing at Baruipur, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Zari,Zardousi & Moti work at APC Road, Maniktala, Kolkata ESDP on Beautician at Kazipara,24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Ladies Germents at Belghoria, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Computer Hardware at PIMT,H.M.Street, Kol-25 From To 06/06/11 15/07/11 01/06/11 SC ST PH WOM MIN OBC 8 GEN TOTAL 10 4 22 12/07/11 24 1 25 08/06/11 19/07/11 25 25 02/06/11 15/07/11 26 26 06/06/11 15/07/11 8 2 visit us at 12 22 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ESDP on Mat Stick & Jute Diversified Products at Sabang, Paschim Midnapur ESDP on Solar Photovoltaic System at MSMEDI, Kolkata ESDP on Ladies & kids wear at Kalyani, Nadia ESDP on Leather Footware at Ariadaha, 24 Pgs(N) ESDP on Solar Appliances at MSMS-DI, Kolkata ESDP on Handicraft Shell products at Pichaboni, Purba Midnapur ESDP on Vermi Technology at Gangasagar, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Glass Decorating Items at Santoshpur, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Beautician at Barasat,24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Solar Appliances at MSME-DI,Kolkata ESDP on Rd. Germents at Malliclpur, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing at Bhagwanpur, Purba Midnapur ESDP on Jute Diversified products at Tikarbatia, Birbhum ESDP on Jute Diversified products atIslampur, Murshidabad ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing at Jangipur, Murshidabad 26/07/11 07/08/11 30 04/07/11 12/08/11 15/09/11 25/10/11 09/11/11 23/12/11 3 17/10/11 25/11/11 8 23/09/11 09/11/11 21/11/11 30/12/11 4 16/11/11 27/12/11 2 31/10/11 14/12/11 11/11/11 22/12/11 2 03/11/11 14/12/11 1 24 12/12/11 20/01/12 4 4 05/12/11 13/01/12 16/01/12 24/02/12 08/02/12 20/03/12 1 30 8 1 16 26 22 2 24 2 14 6 25 3 1 11 23 25 25 7 12 1 13 25 1 10 25 25 1 5 1 25 2 18 25 2 16 20 visit us at 26 25 23 3 24 9 7 2 25 6 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ESDP on Jute diversified Products at Baduria, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on tailoring at Metiakhali, 24 Pgs (N) ESDPon JuteProducts, Embroidery, Toy products at krishnanagar, Nadia ESDP on Computer Application & DTP at Ariadaha, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on rural Water Quality Management at Ariadaha, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Food Processing at NTPC,Farakka, Malda ESDP on Mfg.of Agarbatti at Moina, Purba Midnapur ESDP on Readymade Germents at Salap, Howrah ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing & Servicing at Birnagar, Nadia ESDP on Jute diversified Products at Bethuadadori, Nadia ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing & Servicing atBarasat, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing & Servicing at Nazat,24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Food Processing & Preservation at Gosaba, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on PC Hardware Assembling & Maintenance at Udaynarayanpur, Howrah 01/06/11 12/07/11 25 25 06/06/11 15/07/11 25 25 17/06/11 28/07/11 22 22 10/06/11 21/07/11 22 22 14/07/11 28/08/11 21 21 29/06/11 09/08/11 25 25 27/07/11 08/09/11 25 25 24/05/11 04/07/11 23 23 08/06/11 19/07/11 23 2 25 25/05/11 05/07/11 17 8 25 14/06/11 18/07/11 19 1 20 13/06/11 22/07/11 22 2 24 13/06/11 22/07/11 22 22 08/06/11 19/07/11 7 20 13 visit us at 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ESDP on DTP & Internet at Maheshtala, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Computer Hardware Repairing & Servicing at Budge Budge, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Computer Application & DTP at Ballygaunge, Kolkata ESDP on Computer Application & DTP at Maghyamgram, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Computer Hardware & Networking at Ariadaha, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on SPV Module based appliances at Bangshibati, Paschim Midnapur ESDP on Handicrafts items at Kakdwip, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Jute Crystal Handicrafts items at Palpara, Krishnanagar, Nadia ESDP on Computer Hardware Maintenance at Gaighata, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Multimedia application in Printing Technology at Regent Colony Kolkata-40 ESDP on Leather Footware at Jadavpur,Kolkata 21/06/11 01/08/11 19 6 25 22/06/11 01/08/11 17 8 25 06/07/11 17/08/11 15 7 22 31/05/11 08/07/11 20 20 03/06/11 14/07/11 20 20 20/06/11 29/07/11 20 5 25 15/07/11 26/08/11 10 13 23 26/07/11 06/09/11 9 16 25 28/06/11 08/08/11 20 5 25 29/07/11 12/09/11 14 11 25 11/08/11 23/09/11 20 visit us at 20 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ESDP on Leather Footware at Janbazar, Kolkata Wool Kinitting with Rd. Germents at Talbanda, Paschim Midnapur ESDP on Computer Application & DTP at Banpura, Paschim Midnapur ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing at Jiagunj Murshidabad ESDP on Solar Equipments assembling & Maintenance at Sodepur, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Fabrication of Steel Hand Cart at Jagatbhallavpur, Howrah ESDP on Jute products, Embroidery & soft Dolls at Jalalkhali, Nadia ESDP on Rd.Germents at Nabagram, 24 Pgs(N) ESDP on Artificial Jewellery at Daksnin Chapra, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Computer Hardware Maintenance at Helancha, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Beautician at Gaighata, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Tailoring at Sadpur, Maslalandapur, 24 Pgs (N) 19/07/11 30/08/11 25 19/07/11 30/08/11 5 08/06/11 19/07/11 27/06/11 25 17 22 19 6 25 05/08/11 21 1 22 11/08/11 21/09/11 13 7 20 03/01/12 14/02/12 18 7 25 09/09/11 20/10/11 8 14 22 12/09/11 21/10/11 21 5 26 21/09/11 16/11/11 3 22 25 21/09/11 16/11/11 21 4 25 17/10/11 01/12/11 25 25 01/11/11 15/12/11 13 25 12 visit us at 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ESDP on Mobile phone Repairing at Vijoynagar, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Mobile phone Repairing atBongaon, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Textile Design & Printing at Phulia, Nadia ESDP on Mobile phone Repairing at Gaighata,24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Soft Toys at Contai, Purba Midnapur ESDP on Tailoring & Rd.Germents at Baruipur, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Solar Equipments assembling & Maintenance at Ballykhal, Howrah ESDP on Handicraft Shell products at Kalindi, Purba Midnapur ESDP on Computer Application & DTP at Ariadaha, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Soft Toys & Home Furnishing goods at Dakshin Durgapur , 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Computer Hardware assembling & maintenance at Bhowanipur, Kolkata ESDP on Jute Diversified Products at Santoshpur, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Rd. Germents & Show piece at NTPC Farakka, Murshidabad 31/10/11 12/12/11 22 22 25/10/11 09/12/11 25 25 31/10/11 09/12/11 14 25/10/11 09/12/11 25 09/11/11 20/12/11 10 13 23 11/11/11 22/12/11 4 24 28 02/11/11 15/12/11 23 1 24 05/10/11 17/11/11 10 11 21 15/11/11 27/12/11 10 10 20 21/10/11 07/12/11 3 26 29 08/11/11 20/12/11 18 2 20 16/11/11 27/12/11 16 4 20 02/11/11 19/12/11 25 25 visit us at 9 23 25 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ESDP on Handicrafrs items at NTPC, Farakka, Murshidabad ESDP on Rd.Germents at Raigunj,Uttar Dinajpur ESDP on Mobile phone Repairing at Kamarpukur, Hooghly ESDP on Copper Ornaments Making at Daspur, Paschim Midnapur ESDP on Leather Goods at Chandannagar, Hooghly ESDP on Beautician at Chandpara , 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on DTP at Moina,Purba Midnapur ESDP on Mobile phone Repairing at Bamungachi, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Beautician at Amta, Howrah ESDP on P.C. Hardware Repairing & Maintenance at Nazat,24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Artificial Jewellery at Dhapa,24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Rd.Germents at Mograhat, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Beautician at Chikonpara, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Multimedia Application at Regent Park, Kolkata 04/11/11 20/12/11 22/11/11 03/01/12 3 15/11/11 26/12/11 20 30/11/11 11/01/12 24/11/11 05/01/12 29/11/11 09/01/12 23/11/11 05/01/12 9 20/10/11 25/11/11 26 16/11/11 27/12/11 09/11/11 23/12/11 28/11/11 13 23 23 21 24 20 21 21 7 20 25 25 14 23 26 20 20 2 25 09/01/12 25 25 21/11/11 31/12/11 25 25 13/12/11 23/01/12 25 25 14/11/11 23/12/11 9 26 23 17 visit us at 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 ESDP on Gift items, Batik, Fabric, Bandhni at Chakdaha, Nadia ESDP on P.C. Hardware Repairing & Maintenance at Regent Park, Kolkata ESDP on Computer Hardware assembling & maintenance at Nilgunj, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Tailoring,Dress Making at Kakdwip, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Tailoring at Baruipur, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Jute Diversified Products at Subhasgram, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Food Processing at Chandpara, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Mobile phone Repairing at Kalna, Burdwan ESDP on Rd.Germents at Mograhat, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Soft Toys making at Thakurnagar, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Dry Flower,Cutting & Stiching, Batik at Khardaha, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Cutting, Tailoring Embroidery at Baduria, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Soft Toys & Chord Bags at Baghajatin, Kolkata-32 07/12/11 17/01/12 8 13 21 15/12/11 21/01/12 19 3 22 26/12/11 03/02/12 20 5 25 07/12/11 17/01/12 14 8 22 12/12/11 20/01/12 25 25 14/12/11 24/01/12 3 22 25 08/11/11 19/12/11 13 7 20 23/12/11 02/02/12 25 20/12/11 30/01/12 23/12/11 03/02/12 09/12/11 25 25 25 5 20 25 09/01/12 2 20 22 28/12/11 08/02/12 7 18 25 29/12/11 09/02/12 1 21 22 visit us at 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 ESDP on Screen Printing at Jalalkhali, Nadia ESDP on Solar Appliances at Purba Noapara, Nadia ESDP on Soft Toys making at Thakurnagar, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Soft Toys at Petuaghat, Purba Midnapur ESDP on Beautician at Kakdwip, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Jute Diversified Products at Habra, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Tailoring at Nezat,24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Mobile phone Repairing at Naihati, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Beautician at Ichapur, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Rd.Germents at Mograhat, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Computer Application & DTP at Kodapara, Paschim Midnapur ESDP on Rural Water Quality Mgt. at Habra, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Food Processing at Baksishpur, Purba Midnapur ESDP on Handicrafts items at Rajpur, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Leather Goods at Chinsura, Hooghly 28/12/11 07/02/12 13 10 23 26/12/11 03/02/12 22 3 25 19/12/11 27/01/12 20 20 22/12/11 02/02/12 14 24 13/01/12 17/02/12 25 25 26/12/11 03/02/12 8 21 30/12/11 10/02/12 26 26 09/01/12 17/02/12 25 25 09/01/12 17/02/12 22 22 28/12/11 07/02/12 12 13 25 03/01/12 13/02/12 19 6 25 06/12/11 16/01/12 17 3 20 06/12/11 16/01/12 8 12 20 11/01/12 22/02/12 13 11 24 17/01/12 22/02/12 12 10 22 10 13 visit us at 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 ESDP on Leather Footware at Daspur, 24 Pgs(N) ESDP on Leather Goods at Baruipur, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Rd.Germents at Kamarpukur, Hooghly ESDP on Rd.Germents at Naihati, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Mobile phone Repairing at Dhamua, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Mobile phone Repairing at Dum Dum, Kolkata ESDP on Fabrication at Canning, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Computer Application & DTP at Kakdwip, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Jute Diversified Products at Thakurpukur, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Computer Fundamentals at Ahmerpur, Birbhum ESDP on Artificial Jewelery at Salt Lake, Kolkata ESDP on Leather Gooda at Sriniketan, Birbhum ESDP on Food Processing at Rautara, Purba Midnapur ESDP on Artificial Jewelery at Khyeada, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Sanitary Napkin at Gopalnagar, Purulia 29/11/11 10/01/12 20 20 09/01/12 27/02/12 20 5 25 16/01/12 24/02/12 20 5 25 17/01/12 24/02/12 25 25 27/12/11 07/02/12 28 28 09/01/12 20/02/12 7 01/02/12 12/03/12 25 30/12/11 09/02/12 13 20/01/12 27/02/12 27/01/12 06/03/12 05/01/12 17 24 25 12 25 21 21 11 9 20 16/02/12 8 13 21 05/12/11 13/01/12 13 8 21 29/11/11 09/01/12 13 7 20 03/01/12 13/02/12 15 8 23 06/01/12 14/02/12 25 25 visit us at 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 ESDP on Agarbati & Detergent Powder at Jamtoria, Purulia ESDP on Leather Goods at Sodeppur, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Leather Goods at Agarpara, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Computer Hardware Repairing at Hanskhali, Nadia ESDP on Soft Toys at Dogachi, Nadia ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing at Boyramari, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Tailoring ESDP on Knitting & Tailoring at Ghola,24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Dry flower, Jute bag, Chord Bag at Durganagar, 24 Pgs(N) ESDP on Computer Appliances Repairing at Rahara, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Food Processing & preservation at Pingla Paschim Midnapur ESDP on Rd.Germents at Karandighi, Paschim Midnapur ESDP on House Wiring at Nezat, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing at Kultali, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Screen Printing at Chitrashali, Nadia ESDP on Handicrafts items at Yatrapur, Nadia 07/01/12 15/02/12 25 25 23/01/12 02/03/12 15 5 20 08/11/11 21/12/11 19 1 20 26/09/11 04/11/11 24 24 20/09/11 11/11/11 12 10 22 19/09/11 04/11/11 20 20 26/09/11 22/11/11 25 25 18/10/11 28/11/11 15 5 20 18/10/11 28/11/11 6 17 23 27/10/11 07/12/11 15 6 21 23/11/11 05/01/12 6 14 20 23/11/11 05/01/12 7 13 20 23/11/11 03/01/12 25 27/12/11 07/02/12 16 9 25 02/01/12 10/02/12 9 12 21 13/12/11 23/01/12 19 3 22 visit us at 25 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 ESDP on Handicrafts items at Kakdwip, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Computer Fundamentals at Kalyani, Nadia ESDP on Rd.Germents at Sandeshkhali, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Beautician at Sandeshkhali, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Handicrafts items at Sriniketan, Birbhum ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing at Boyermari, 24 Pgs (N) ESDP on Kantha Embroidery at Sriniketan, Birbhum ESDP on Sanitary Napkin at Basanti, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Multimedia at Tollygaunge, Kolkata ESDP on Zari Embroidery at Ganganagar, Pathar Block, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Computer Application, Kakdwip, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Mat Products at Sabang, Paschim Midnapur ESDP on Mat Products atTalda, Paschim Midnapur ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing at Kakdwip, 24 Pgs (S) ESDP on Two Wheeler Repairing at Mollarpur, Birbhum 16/12/11 27/01/12 9 13 22 09/01/12 27/02/12 12 12 24 28/11/11 09/01/12 5 19 24 20/12/11 03/01/12 25 25 13/01/12 17/02/12 17 3 20 09/01/12 16/02/12 18 7 25 26/12/11 06/02/12 20 20 03/01/12 13/02/12 4 22 26 16/01/12 29/02/12 19 4 23 17/01/12 20/02/12 10 10 20 07/01/12 17/02/12 14 7 21 18/01/12 28/02/12 28 28 18/01/12 28/02/12 25 25 03/02/12 16/03/12 19 1 20 26/12/11 03/02/12 22 visit us at 22 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 ESDP on Computer Hardware at Jiagunj, Murshidabad ESDP on Fine Chemicals at Bagdola, Birbhum ESDP on food Processing & Preservation at Parkidia,Purulia ESDP on Agarbati & Detergent Powder at Kapardah,Purulia ESDP on Rd.Germents at Khyada, Purulia ESDP on Computer Application & DTP at Balpahari, Paschim Midnapur ESDP on Computer Application & DTP at Balpahari, Paschim Midnapur 04/01/12 14/02/12 19 1 20 16/01/12 24/02/12 12 8 20 06/01/12 15/02/12 25 25 05/01/12 14/02/12 25 25 04/01/12 14/02/12 17 6 23 20/12/11 30/01/12 25 22/11/11 02/01/12 24 Total :- 1232 492 25 1 16 1969 25 20 10 118 3859 Br. MSME-DI, Siliguri 166 167 168 169 170 ESDP on Bamboo & Cane Craft at Lataguri, Jalpaiguri ESDP on Beautician at Mathabhanga, Coochbihar ESDP on Fundamentals of MS Office & Internet at Rathbari, Malda ESDP on Food Processing at Alipurduar, Jalpaiguri ESDOP on Tailoring & Rd.Germents at Naxalbari, Darjeeling 24/01/12 05/03/12 22 22 11/11/11 22/12/11 25 25 19/07/11 29/08/11 10 25 09/09/11 20/10/11 25 25 19/08/11 29/09/11 4 21 25 4 103 122 Tota l:- 15 15 visit us at Br. MSME-DI, Durgapur 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 ESDP on Ladies Innerware at Kalna , Burdwan ESDP on Ladies Innerware at Kalna, Burdwan ESDP on Tailoring at Burnpur, Burdwan ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing & Servicing at Birhata, Burdwan ESDP on Jute based Gift Items at Burnpur,Burdwan ESDP on Beautician at Durgapur, Burdwan ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing At Burdwan ESDP on Jute Based Gift Items at Kulti,Burdwan ESDP at Panchla,Purulia 20/06/11 28/07/11 22 22 20/06/11 28/07/11 22 22 01/08/11 14/09/11 23 23 28/11/11 09/01/12 04/08/11 19/09/11 20 20 23/11/12 04/01/12 23 23 16 21 20 20 5 08/12/11 11/01/12 2 22 24 20/12/11 04/02/12 6 14 20 8 162 195 Total :- 25 Br. MSME-DI, Suri 180 182 183 184 185 186 ESDP on Fundamentals of Computer & Photo Shop at Zhilli, Suri, Birbhum ESDP on Beautician at Suri, Birbhum ESDP on Aroma Therapy & Beautician at Suri, Birbhum ESDP on Aircondition & Household goods at Suri, Birbhum ESDP on Computer Repairing & servicing at Bolpur, Birbhum ESDP on Computer Hardware Repairing & Servicing at Suri, Birbhum 01/11/11 12/12/11 17 21/12/11 31/01/11 21 21 30/06/11 10/08/11 25 25 30/06/11 10/08/11 22 22 29/06/11 09/08/11 20 20 27/10/11 08/12/11 15 visit us at 1 5 3 21 20 187 188 189 190 191 ESDP on Kantha Stitch, Soft Toys at Md.Bazar, Birbhum ESDP on Computer Fundamentals at Suri, Birbhum ESDP on Mobile Phone Repairing at Suri, Birbhum ESDP on Shantiniketan Cloth Bag at Bolpur, Birbhum ESDP on Kantha Stich at Br.MSME-DI, Suri, Burdwan 28/10/11 08/12/11 21/12/11 31/01/12 16 21/12/11 31/01/12 21 29/06/11 09/08/11 18 7 25 16/11/11 27/12/11 14 10 24 32 97 Total :- 113 24 24 4 20 21 3 243 Br. MSME-DI , Port Blair 192 193 194 ESDP on Soft Toys at Port Blair, A& N Islands ESDP on Beautician at Garacharam,Port Blair, A & N Islands ESDP on Desk Top Publishing at Port Blair,A & N Islands 15/09/11 26/10/11 21 21 20/12/11 30/01/12 22 22 12/12/11 20/01/12 13 Total :GRAND TOTAL:- 1385 536 SC ST 16 56 2387 20 10 7 20 7 128 63 4482 ESDP on Bio-Technology Sl. No Name of the Trg. Prog. / Topics/Place From To 1 ESDP on BioTechnology on Vermi Compost Gangasagar, 24-Pgs(S) 19/08/11 29/09/11 PH 12 visit us at WOM MIN OBC GEN TOTAL 1 2 1 6 22 Developing Business Skill among the engineering graduates has always been an important programme initiated by the Institute for the last few years. Through this programme, an orientation training is generally rendered to the engineering students for starting industrial ventures of their own. During the year, eight such training programmes were organized in association with reputed engineering colleges located at various parts of West Bengal and A & N Islands. During the year a total of 219 engineering students were trained through these programmes. The details of category wise number of participants of these programmes are given below:Target – 8 Achievement - 8 MSME-DI, Kolkata S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of trg. Prog.& place Inst.of Engg.& Mgt.,Salt Lake, Kolkata Govt.College of Engg,Sreerampur, Hooghly RCC Inst.of Engg.Kolkata Birbhum Inst.of Engg.Birbhum RCIIT,Kolkata Govt.College of Engg,Sreerampur, Hooghly Birbhum Inst.of Engg.Birbhum From To 19/19/11 01/11/11 18/01/12 17/02/12 27/01/12 22/02/12 20/01/12 01/03/12 25/01/12 25/07/11 21/02/12 24/08/11 21/01/12 23/02/12 Total:- SC 6 ST PH WOM MIN 1 4 GEN 3 2 10 9 3 6 4 5 20 30 OBC 24 1 25 24 TOTAL 25 35 13 25 8 30 25 25 25 29 25 25 13 6 96 194 3 12 25 3 9 10 108 25 219 Br. MSME-DI, Port Blair 8 B.R.Ambedkar Instt. of Technology, Port Blair 15/02/12 14/03/12 Total :GRAND TOTAL:- 10 30 25 visit us at 10 34 13 During the year 2011-12, 196 Industrial Motivational Campaigns (IMC) were allotted to this Institute, of which MSME-DI, Kolkata along with its 4 Br. Institutes located at Siliguri, Durgapur, Suri and Port Blair organized all the 196 IMCs at different districts covering rural and urban areas of the State. In these 196 programmes, a total of 12988 candidates participated which included 5592 Women candidates and the remaining 7396 male candidates comprised SC, ST, OBC, PH, Minority and General categories. The details are given below:- Summary on Industrial Motivational Campaign for 2011-2012. Target – 196 Achievement - 195 MSME-DI, Kolkata SL. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Name of trg. Prog. & place IMC at,Budge Budge, 24 Pgs(S) IMC at,Ballygaunge, Kolkata IMC at Maheshtala,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Maniktala,Kolkata IMC at Salap,Howrah IMC at Baruipur,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Kazipara,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Baduria,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Bethuadahari,Nadia IMC at Birnagar,Nadia IMC at Kalinagar,Nadia IMC at Metiakhali,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Nezat,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Udaynarayanpur, Howrah IMC at Ghatal, Purba Midnapur IMC at Gosaba,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Sonarpur,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Gaighata,24 Pgs (N) IMC at NTPC,Farakka,Malda IMC at Kakdwip,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Moina,Purba Midnapur IMC at Palpara,krishnanagar,Nadia IMC at,Tollygaunge, Kolkata-47 IMC at Sabang, Paschim Midnapur IMC at MSME-DI,Kolkata IMC at Madhyamgram, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Banpura, Paschim Midnapur IMC at Ariadaha,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Ariadaha,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Ariadaha,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Talbanda,24 Pgs (N) Held on SC ST PH WOM MIN 21/06/11 76 37 01/06/11 16/06/11 27/05/11 23/05/11 02/06/11 07/06/11 31/05/11 24/05/11 06/06/11 16/06/11 02/06/11 10/06/11 07/06/11 15 66 3 6 2 6 22 55 2 3 25 1 19 10/06/11 58 33 08/06/11 09/06/11 27/06/11 28/06/11 14/07/11 26/07/11 25/07/11 20 45 6 17 9 14 49 19 9 59 29 26 22 18/07/11 20 24 25/07/11 1 19/07/11 27/05/11 29 06/06/11 6 31/05/11 13/07/11 09/06/11 18/07/11 17 8 2 11 29 31 24 23 45 55 63 106 6 50 55 2 3 10 2 GEN TOTAL 2 117 5 61 6 1 2 19 4 24 20 10 8 35 17 5 2 1 22 113 103 25 23 75 86 82 207 78 55 62 69 81 2 5 98 1 20 1 25 35 2 OBC 1 4 2 4 6 16 69 12 49 53 54 71 62 109 52 2 2 50 75 25 101 2 13 38 3 40 45 20 17 46 3 4 10 6 42 63 47 44 21 35 35 27 visit us at 14 1 6 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 IMC at Pichabani, Purba Midnapur IMC at Ballygaunge IMC at Sonarpur,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Jalalkhali, Nadia IMC at Janbazar, Kolkata IMC at Dogachi, Nadia IMC at Baduria,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Mubarakchak, Purba Midnapur IMC at Helancha,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Khabra, Murshidabad IMC at Bamungachi, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Madhyamgram, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Gaighata,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Chakdah, Nadia IMC at Tentulhat, Purulia IMC at Phulia, Nadia IMC at Maslandpur, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Gaighata,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Ariadaha,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Domjur,Howrah IMC at Bahala, Kolkata IMC at Roygunj, Uttar Dinajpur IMC at MSME-DI, Kolkata IMC at Dasnagar, Howrah IMC at Kulerdari, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Farakka, Murshidabad IMC at Farakka, Murshidabad IMC at Bhagwanpur, Purba Midnapur IMC at Baruipur,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Chandpara,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Pingla, Paschim Midnapur IMC at Moina, Paschim Midnapur IMC at Chandannagar, Hoodhly IMC at Ballygaunge, Kolkata IMC at Santoshpur, Kolkata IMC at Thakurnagar, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Pichaboni, Paschim Midnapur IMC at Nazat,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Subhasgran, 24 Pgs (S) IMC at Baruipur,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Joypur, Nadia IMC at Kalindi, Purba Midnapur IMC at Rahara,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Habra,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Nazat,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Dakshin Durgapur, 24 Pgs(S) IMC at Kakdwip.24 Pgs (S) IMC at Magrahat,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Belphari, Paschim Midnapur 08/08/11 5 02/08/11 09/06/11 08/09/11 16/06/11 16/09/11 20/09/11 17/09/11 29 5 27 38 19 19 11 20/09/11 02/08/11 19/10/11 40 13 28 19/10/11 26 24/10/11 17/10/11 17/10/11 24/10/11 31/10/11 63 14/10/11 20/10/11 16/09/11 11/11/11 21/11/11 38 4 10 10 3 14/11/11 04/11/11 01/11/11 01/11/11 03/11/11 02/12/11 10 7 10/11/11 28/11/11 23/11/11 7 25 22/11/11 1 23/11/11 9 08/11/11 15/11/11 17/12/11 21 15 25 08/08/11 5 08/11/11 13/12/11 40 7 09/12/11 09/12/11 30/10/11 28 7 11 25/10/11 25/11/11 22/11/11 19/10/11 4 12 9 23 15/12/11 19/12/11 11/11/11 21 30 5 32 7 14 27 13 1 17 1 3 5 21 52 74 1 5 10 10 14 6 4 19 2 8 20 51 51 95 112 44 2 6 25 8 2 61 1 39 23 63 49 40 89 96 2 8 8 37 17 49 45 58 9 2 17 29 10 30 1 103 60 69 85 72 30 36 53 60 42 7 6 4 1 50 8 1 4 39 100 52 53 60 56 57 44 50 61 1 3 4 10 21 56 85 105 52 1 11 84 13 63 10 19 10 44 40 90 8 48 7 70 52 3 5 60 55 57 8 4 55 32 11 27 10 20 9 85 12 9 2 5 5 41 1 48 30 48 8 45 10 11 57 31 6 8 135 49 50 38 67 97 150 20 4 29 16 3 3 1 3 19 38 32 17 37 31 17 46 63 27 55 26 visit us at 1 4 6 8 11 2 8 53 46 75 96 1 11 20 6 60 105 46 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 IMC at Sodepur,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Kapadra, Purulia IMC at Champahati, 24 Pgs (S) IMC at PIMT,Kolkata IMC at Nilgunj,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Chakdaha, Nadia IMC at Magrahat,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Thakurnagar, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Baduria,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Baghajatin,Kol-32 IMC at Lenin Sarani, Kolkata IMC at Jalalkhali, Krishnanagar, Nadia IMC at Nazat,24 Pgs(N) IMC at Dhapa, Kolkata IMC at Boyermari,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Daspur, Paschim Midnapur IMC at MSME-DI, Kolkata IMC at Krishnanagar, Nadia IMC at Haringhata, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Chitrashali,Nadia IMC at Ichapur,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Sandeshkhali, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Kalua, Burdwan IMC at Rajpur, 24 Pgs (S) IMC at Kultali,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Thakurnagar, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Dhamua,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Profulla Nagar, Howrah IMC at Kakdwip.24 Pgs (S) IMC at Kakdwip,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Ballygaunge, Kolkata IMC at Sriniketan, Birbhum IMC at Chinsura, Hooghly IMC at MSME-DI,Kolkata IMC at Bongaon,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Kakdwip,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Ballygaunge, Kolkata IMC at Park Street, Kolkata IMC at Patharprotima, 24 Pgs (S) IMC at Rautara, Purba Midnapur IMC at Baksishpur, Purba Midnapur IMC at Sankrail,Paschim Midnapur IMC at FOSMI, Kolkata IMC at Kakdwip,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Hotar,24 Pgs (S) IMC at MSME-DI,Kolkata IMC at Kakdwip,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Ballygaunge, Kolkata IMC at IMC at MSME-DI, Kolkata IMC at Kultali,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Budge Budge, 24 Pgs (S) 14/11/11 21/12/11 28/12/11 10 14 18 22 20 31 6 11 6 7 49 52 56 07/12/11 23/12/11 05/12/11 20/11/11 22/12/11 15 8 4 1 7 9 2 18 13 62 38 25 71 4 36 79 44 25 93 27/12/11 28/12/11 07/12/11 27/12/11 18 20 8 14 10 76 26 18 18 4 7 15 3 98 53 48 48 19/12/11 25/11/11 06/01/12 29/12/11 9 31 4 38 22/12/11 23/12/11 27/12/11 12 14 30/12/11 06/01/12 29/12/11 2 2 25 21/12/11 10/01/12 26/12/11 16/12/11 33 12 12 1 1 3 20 25 16 21 1 1 6 49 1 6 11 61 25 58 21 11 11 44 52 43 6 10 31 19 20 3 5 62 7 34 1 27/12/11 23/12/11 22 27 1 30 32 05/12/11 28/12/11 18/01/12 12/01/12 16/01/12 17/01/12 18/01/12 12/01/12 23/01/12 25/11/11 16/01/12 14 14 11 13 4 2 22 8 21 7 10 20 61 12 25 44 11 17 24/11/11 16 2 23 8 18 10 16 21 45 21 6 2 49 1 2 30/01/12 07/02/12 4 15/02/12 06/01/12 06/01/12 21/02/11 28/12/11 01/11/11 17/01/12 10 38 15 14 12 21 26/12/11 23/12/11 12 2 1 6 6 5 2 34 13 22 26 56 27 61 39 42 visit us at 1 18 9 11 25 66 86 5 73 59 68 9 9 49 55 64 53 132 59 52 119 21 11 5 41 49 38 9 55 39 38 60 58 97 70 66 108 54 50 7 56 5 19 52 5 12 51 40 1 4 2 1 30 23 31 30 33 4 15 2 1 45 4 30 11 40 29 64 109 83 82 93 31 6 73 91 132 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 IMC at Baruipur,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Sandeshkhali, 24 Pgs (S) IMC at Baduria,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Magrahat,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Champahati,24 Pgs(S) IMC at Kakdwip, 24 Pgs (S) IMC at Hotar,24 Pgs (S) IMC at MSME-DI, Kolkata IMC at Naihati, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Birati, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Dhamua,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Jagatbhallavpur, Howrah IMC at Nazat, 24 Pgs (N) IMC at Diamond Harbour, 24 Pgs (S) IMC at Canning,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Habra,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Kalyani,Nadia IMC at Narendrapur, 24 Pgs (S) IMC at Barasat,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Sagang, Paschim Midnapur IMC at Dum Dum,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Krishnanagar, Nadia IMC at Kamarhati,24 Pgs (N) IMC at Contai, Purba Midnapur IMC at Jamtoria,Purulia IMC at Dakshin Durgapur, 24 Pgs (S) IMC at Petuaghat, Purba Midnapur IMC at K.B.Ashram, Kolkata IMC at Baruipur, 24 Pgs (S) IMC at Digha,Purba Midnapur IMC at Murshidabad IMC at Salt Lake, Kolkata IMC at Park Street, Kolkata IMC at Dubrajpur, Murshidabad IMC at Rahini, Paschim Midnapur IMC at Joynagar,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Balipara, Bankura IMC at Canning,24 Pgs (S) IMC at Bishnupur,24 Pgs (S) 16/12/11 25/11/11 22 30 25 42 41 94 66 20/12/11 05/12/11 23/12/11 06/01/12 06/01/12 21/02/12 16/01/12 09/01/12 26/02/12 30/12/11 20 4 15 10 38 15 72 24 49 13 7 22 26 38 13 13 22 6 10 43 30 16 1 45 49 30 11 5 53 44 36 25 64 71 131 102 96 57 13/01/12 30/12/11 25 15 23 19 26 26 10 20 80 84 30/11/11 03/02/12 07/03/12 20/01/12 51 30 3 8 26 34 32 58 4 48 2 16 55 112 63 94 06/03/12 11/01/12 2 4 19 12 48 121 02/03/12 16/03/12 25/01/12 25/01/12 19 14 3 3 69 12 12 28 109 53 53 53 21/02/12 12/03/12 28 58 31 21/12/11 13 16 1 16 46 07/03/12 19/03/12 21/03/12 29/02/12 04/01/12 20/03/12 09/02/12 16 2 9 14 8 7 25 29 43 1 6 2 2 8 34 20 5 1 4 75 3 19 40 7 20 19 107 50 67 57 55 50 38 17/02/12 12 17 8 18 55 11 13 29 25 49 54 5099 26/02/12 22/02/12 26/02/12 06/02/12 Total :- 2 2 1 1 1 5 7 2 2 6 1 1 11 27 67 38 8 3 4 21 21 21 1 4 5 3 3 1 58 59 1 25 2575 642 246 288 25 40 6 44 49 2519 11423 Br. MSME-DI, Siliguri 172 173 174 175 IMC IMC IMC IMC at Rathbati, Malda at Naxalbari, Darjeeling at College Para, Siliguri at Nagrakata, Darjeeling 18/07/11 18/08/11 02/03/12 15/03/12 Total:- 11 10 5 3 29 12/09/11 12 12/07/11 02/11/11 8 15 15 9 39 2 2 14 24 14 27 79 15 1 16 32 3 3 3 11 3 8 10 32 51 55 45 49 200 73 120 139 40 185 Br. MSME-DI, Durgapur 176 177 178 IMC at Durgapur City Centre,Durgapur,Burdwan IMC at Onda,Bankura IMC at Polytechnique College, Jotgram, Burdwam 4 visit us at 40 17 17 179 180 181 182 183 IMC at Bankura IMC at DI, Durgapur, Burdwan IMC at Ketugram, Burdwan IMC at Sodepur, Kulti IMC at Kulti, Burdwan 19/01/12 08/01/12 11 4 - 6 16 41 31 3 116 20 1 59 53 450 42 60 59 798 11 31 42 11 21 48 236 Total :- 35 10/11/11 13 7 11/11/11 16 15 13/11/11 26/12/11 22 7 27/01/12 02/02/12 06/02/12 16/02/12 30/01/12 Total :- 5 9 3 5 2 82 3 181 68 Br. MSME-DI, Suri 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 IMC at Br.MSME-DI, Suri, Birbhum IMC at Muhammad Bazar,Birbhum IMC at Chapra,Birbhum IMC at Br.MSMEDI,Suri,Birbhum IMC at Joydeb, Birbhum IMC at Ahmedpur,Birbhum IMC at Bagdola,Murshidabad IMC at Bolpur,Birbhum IMC at Tikorbati,Birbhum 7 5 6 17 1 2 15 13 8 5 13 11 95 31 2 8 35 45 67 2 35 17 22 22 20 170 57 38 36 41 37 383 4 18 45 3 4 4 6 2 19 Br. MSME-DI, Port Blair 193 194 195 IMC at Yubashakti Hall, Port Blair,A & N Islands IMC at Garacharam, Port Blair, A & N Islands IMC at Port Blair, A & N Islands 09/12/11 23 09/02/12 14 2 4 31 51 46 12 4 22 88 83 5592 14 298 12 358 71 3242 184 12988 - Total :GRAND TOTAL:- 4 4 2721 721 56 visit us at Under Skill Development Programme (SDP), the Institute alongwith its Branch Institute located at Durgapur conducted 5 SDPs on Machine Shop Practice and Heat Treatment. A total of 49 candidates were rendered handhold training through these programmes, the details of which are given below:MSME-DI, Kolkata SL. No 1 2 3 Name of trg. Prog.& place Machine Shop Practice at MSME-DI, Kolkata Machine Shop Practice at MSME-DI, Kolkata Heat Treatment, MSME-DI, Kolkata From To 01/03/11 31/08/11 2 4 8 14 01/09/11 28/02/12 6 2 9 17 01/03/11 31/08/11 2 4 6 Total :- SC ST PH WOM MIN OBC GEN TOTAL 10 6 21 37 1 3 6 BR. MSME-DI, Durgapur 4 5 Machine Shop Practice at Br.MSME-DI, Durgapur Machine Shop Practice at Br.MSME-DI, Durgapur 01/03/11 31/08/12 2 01/09/11 28/02/12 2 Total :Grand Total:- 4 14 1 7 visit us at 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 5 26 12 49 MSME-DI, Kolkata and four Branch Institutes, under its control at Suri, Durgapur, Siliguri & Port Blair conducted 43 Management Development Programmes on Industrial Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Export Marketing, E-Commerce, Tally, etc. A total of 979 candidates were trained through these programmes of which, 204 were women and the remaining 775 were men from SC/ST, Minority, OBC and General categories. The details of these programmes are given below. Target – 43 Achievement – 43 MSME-DI, Kolkata SL. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name of trg. Prog. & place MDP on Industrial Management at MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Financial Management at MSME - DI,Kolkata MDP on Retail Management at MSME-DI, Kolkata. MDP on Retail Management at MSME - DI,Kolkata MDP on Retail Management at MSME - DI,Kolkata MDP Marketing Management at MSME - DI,Kolkata MDP on Marketing Management at MSME - DI,Kolkata MDP on Marketing Management at MSME - DI, Kolkata MDP on Tally at Birnagar, Nadia MDP on Tally at Birnagar,Nadia MDP on Retail MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Retail Mgt. at MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Marketing Mgt. at MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Financial & Risk Mgt.MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Industrial Mgt. MSME-DI, Kolkata From To SC ST PH WOM MIN OBC 30/05/11 10/06/11 4 6 30/05/11 10/06/11 2 13/06/11 24/06/11 13/06/11 TOTAL 17 28 6 15 23 6 1 15 22 24/06/11 5 1 2 10 20 27/06/11 08/07/11 7 2 4 8 21 27/06/11 08/07/11 5 11 3 9 28 27/06/11 08/07/11 8 5 2 13 28 11/07/11 22/07/11 7 4 4 7 24 05/09/11 16/09/11 12 4 8 24 05/09/11 16/09/11 11 6 6 23 19/09/11 30/09/11 7 19/09/11 30/09/11 5 12/10/11 25/10/11 11 17/10/11 03/11/11 1 17/10/11 03/11/11 5 1 1 1 1 GEN 2 2 3 2 9 22 3 1 13 23 7 20 1 1 1 1 3 14 21 1 1 3 13 23 visit us at 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 MDP on Tally at Ranaghat, Nadia MDP on Export Marketing at MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Export Marketing at MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Export Marketing at MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Carbon Credit Management at MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Computer Applications at Ranaghat, Nadia MDP on Tally at Tollygaunge MDP on Retail Mgt. at MSME-DI,Kolkata MDP on Retail Mgt. at MSME-DI,Kolkata MDP on Marketing Management at Usthi,24 Pgs (S) MDP on Financial & Risk Management at MSME-DI,Kolkata MDP on Financial & Risk Management at MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Marketing Mgt. at MSME-DI, Kolkata MDP on Tally at Bongaon, 24 Pgs (N) MDP on Tally at Kadambagachi, 24 Pgs (N) MDP on Marketing Mgt. at Usthi, 24 Pgs (S) MDP on Marketing Mgt. at Chaulkhala,Purba Midnapur MDP on Supply Chain Management at IIMM,Kolkata MDP on Mkt. Mgt at Suri, Birbhum MDP on Environment Mgt. at Kamarhati, 24 Pgs (N) 21/11/11 02/12/11 13 3 8 24 21/11/11 02/12/11 13 3 8 24 21/11/11 02/12/11 2 1 17 20 07/12/11 20/12/11 5 3 14 24 28/11/11 09/12/11 2 5 14 21 05/12/11 19/12/11 11 1 13 25 09/01/12 20/01/12 2 3 1 16 22 09/01/12 20/01/12 6 1 5 2 9 25 09/01/12 20/01/12 10 1 1 13 25 10/01/12 24/02/12 16 1 5 1 23 27/01/12 09/02/12 8 3 3 9 23 24/01/12 07/02/12 10 1 2 9 22 24/01/12 07/02/12 6 3 7 9 26 19/01/12 25/01/12 20 13/02/12 17/02/12 13 24/01/12 07/02/12 13/02/12 1 2 2 20 1 2 4 20 9 7 6 22 17/02/12 3 15 5 23 12/03/12 16/03/12 5 5 14 24 10/02/12 23/02/12 06/02/12 10/02/12 20 12 1 visit us at 3 20 3 1 20 36 37 MDP on Environment Mgt. at Kamarhati, 24 Pgs (N) MDP on Export Marketing at MSME-DI, Kolkata 27/01/12 02/02/12 7 6 07/12/11 20/12/11 6 7 2 153 51 Total :- 275 3 8 8 7 20 10 25 350 848 Br. MSME-DI, Siliguri 38 MDP on Marketing Mgt. at College Para, Siliguri 06/02/12 10/02/12 Tota l:- 6 4 11 3 24 6 4 11 3 24 Br. MSME-DI, Suri 39 40 MDP on Marketing Mgt. at Sriniketan, Suri MDP on Marketing Mgt. at Sriniketan, Suri 20/02/12 02/03/12 6 12 4 22 27/01/12 09/02/12 2 11 7 20 8 23 11 42 7 25 11 20 Total :- Br. MSME-DI, Port Blair 41 42 43 MDP on Skill Mgt. at Pondicherry University Campus, Port Blair, A &N Islands MDP on Marketing at Br. MSME-DI, Port Blair, A & N Islands MDP on Marketing at Mohanpura , Port Blair, A & N Islands 26/09/11 06/10/11 6 4 02/01/12 06/01/12 9 26/12/11 30/12/11 3 6 1 10 20 17 9 1 28 65 204 60 9 392 979 Total:- 6 4 GRAND TOTAL:- 295 11 5 8 visit us at 3 The Small Enterprises Network (SENET) Division attached to this Institute is actively engaged with a variety of activities like networking, storing, retrieving and sharing of all data & information relating to the development of MSEs. Apart from rendering services through storing, retrieving, interfacing, netsurfing, etc., the Division also organizes various training programmes on Software, Internet & Hardware Fundamentals, Basic Networking, Webpage Application and so on. During the year 2011-2012, 15 Short-term Training Programmes on these areas were organized by the Division at the Institute’s premises and a total of 112 candidates were trained through these courses. The details are given below: Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name of the Training Programme Software & Internet Fundamentals PC Hardware Assembling & Maintenence D.T.P Webpage Application & Development Basic Multimedia with Web Design Approach Webpage Application Development ASP,NET& SQL Advance Networking with Server Technology Webpage Application Development PHP, MY SQL Advance Accounts & Taxation with E-Filing SMPS & Monitor Repairing & Servicing Printer Servicing E-Commerce & search Engine Grand Total:- No. of Prog. SC 3 7 2 4 1 1 ST PH 10 WOM MIN 4 OBC 1 GEN TOTAL 6 28 1 8 13 3 3 2 2 10 5 15 1 1 2 2 5 1 3 4 8 1 3 2 6 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 4 15 27 10 4 4 4 6 3 1 1 6 3 11 7 20 4 51 112 visit us at Summary sheet of Training Programmes conducted by MSME-DI, Kolkata and its Branch offices during the year 2011-12 Name of ESDP EDP MDP IMC BSDP Comp. Trg. SDP ESDP the Bio-tech District Kolkata 24 Pgs(N) 24 Pgs(S) Hooghly Howrah Nadia Murshidabad Bankura Purulia Birbhum Malda Jalpaiguri Uttar Dinajpur Dakshin Dinajpur Darjeeling Coochbihar Purba Midnapur Paschim Midnapur Burdwan Port Blair Total :- Total No. of Prog Total No. of Prog 16 Total No of participants 370 Total No. of Prog 9 Total No of participants 221 Total No. of Prog 25 Total No of participants 584 Total No. of Prog 27 Total No of participants 1761 52 31 1205 11 732 5 240 4 109 2 80 43 45 43 4 87 - - - - 5 112 1 23 - 15 348 6 140 1 20 1 25 6 143 1 19 413 2 50 2 47 1 24 - - - 1 1 9 12 Total No. of Prog 3 Total No of participants 94 Total No. of Prog 15 Total No of participants 112 Total No. of Prog 3 Total No of participants 37 1 Total No of participants 22 3197 - 2685 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 121 2 50 - - - - - - - 6 401 - - - - - - - - - 4 96 - - 16 1049 6 369 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 - - 3 3 261 150 - - - - - - - - 3 65 3 1 22 62 7 329 2 50 2 122 - - - - - - - - 1 24 1 45 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 72 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 - - - - 2 104 - - - - - - - - 25 207 2 42 1 23 11 793 - - - - - - - - 1 25 - - 10 678 - - - - - - - - 291 9 3 200 63 - - 3 65 9 3 667 184 1 25 - - 2 - 12 - - - 194 4482 36 814 43 979 195 12988 8 219 15 112 5 49 1 22 Under Marketing support, the Institute regularly renders assistance to MSEs through Single Point Registration Scheme of NSIC for participation in the Govt. Store Purchase Programme and registration of those units with its SCX. Besides, the Institute organizes National Level and State Level Vendor Development Programmes and Buyers-Sellers Meet at different locations of the state to enable large, medium and small scale enterprises to participate in such programmes and draw mutual benefits. During the year, the Institute undertook the following programmes under marketing support :- A National Level Vendor Development Programme-cum-Buyer Seller Meet with display of products by the participating units was organized by the Institute in association with Ranigunj Chamber of Commerce from 22-03-12 to 24-03-12 at Ranigunj, Burdwan. The programme was inaugurated by Sri Tapash Banerjee, Mayor, Asansol Municipal Corporation as well as Chairman, Asansol Durgapur Development Authority, while the welcome address was delivered by Sri N. N. Debnath, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata. This apart, Sri K. Singh, President, Raniganj Chamber of Commerce; Mrs. Rita Banerjee, DGM (MM), Durgapur Steel Plant and other dignitaries from DIC, PSUs, Large and Small Scale Units also spoke on the occasion. In the technical session, speakers from Durgapur Steel Plant, Alloy Steel Plant, Mejia Thermal Power Station, Indian Iron & Steel Co., Durgapur Project Ltd., Eastern Coalfields Ltd. etc. delivered lectures on the items and services being procured by their organizations from MSE sector. They also highlighted upon Purchase Procurement Policies of their respective organizations and also procedures adopted by them for outsourcing their requirements. On the concluding day of the programme, officials from NSIC, CRISIL and MSME-DI, Kolkata spoke on the various MSME schemes which were launched by O/o the DC (MSME) and the Ministry. On evaluation, it was gathered that a business amounting to the tune of Rs. 30 Crores would be generated between the large scale units/PSUs and MSEs. The programme was attended by 96 participants from both the large/medium & micro/small sectors and a sum of Rs. 2.40 lakh was earned as a participation fee from the units. Sri K. Singh, President, Raniganj Chamber of Commerce addressing the participants of NLVDP at Raniganj, Burdwan on 22-03-12. (From R to L) Sri N. N. Debnath, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata , Sri Tapas Banerjee, Mayor, Asansol Municipal Corpn & MLA, Sri Sandeep Bhalotia, Chairman, Industrial Co-ordination Committee, Raniganj Chamber of Commerce and Miss Rita Banerjee, DGM, DSP sitting on the Dais. Dignitaries seen visiting the stalls of NLDVP held at Raniganj, Burdwan from 22-03-12 to 24-03-12. visit us at During the year, the Institute organized 7 SLVDP-cum-Buyer Seller Meets in association with various Chambers of Commerce, MSME Associations, large scale undertakings/PSUs, etc. at different places of the State. In all these programmes, products manufactured by the MSEs and in demand of large houses were put on show. The details of these programmes are depicted in the following table. Sl. No 1 Name of the Prog. SLVDP 2 Venue Date BNCCI, Kolkata 02/02/12 SLVDP Sriniketan, Birbhum 14/03/12 3 SLVDP Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata 15/03/12 4 SLVDP Farakka, Malda 16/03/12 5 SLVDP Raghunathgunj, Murshidabad 19/03/12 6 SLVDP 21/03/12 7 SLVDP Haldia,Purba Midnapur Asansol, Burdwan 23/03/12 Participating No. of MSEs Large participated units/PSUs HAL, 60 Barrackpore Divn. M/s. CRC 40 Exports Pvt. Ltd., Kol-19 CLW, QAE, 75 Hastings, RFI, Ord Fact, Dum Dum NTPC, 66 Farakka Sagardighi 18 Thermal Power Plant & NTPC, Farakka IOC, Haldia 40 Hindustan Cables, Brunpur Cement SAIL 27 Revenue Collected (Rs.) 35,250 20,000 35,000 11,800 16,000 8,000 28,000 & Total 286 1,54,050 The programmes were attended by around 300 participants from large, medium and small scale sectors. There were extensive deliberations on the Purchase Procurement Policy of the large houses, procedures adopted for vendor registration, etc. Speakers from the respective Participating Large units/PSUs highlighted various issues relating to their procurement policies and interacted with their counterparts representing MSE sector. It was gathered through evaluation of feedback sheet that a business of around Rs. 20 Crore would be generated in the coming years. visit us at One of the major activities of MSME-DI, Kolkata is providing marketing assistance to MSEs. During the year 2011-12, 270 units were registered under SubContract Exchange. Further, under marketing support for Govt. stores purchase programme, the Institute recommended 575 MSEs for Single Point Registration with NSIC in order to enable them to participate in the Government Purchase Programmme. The following activities were completed during 2011-12 by this Institute under WBSCX. 1. No. of MSEs recommended for NSIC Registration : 575 2. No. of SCX registered during the year 2011-12 : 270 3. No. of Large Scale units assisted by SCX : 10 4. Total no. of SCX units registered upto 31.03.2012 : 5253 5. No. of units recommended to tie up with L/S units : 30 6. No. of MSEs/Ancillary units assisted through SCX : 575 7. No. of existing Ancillary Units : 183 visit us at During the year 2011-12, the following activities were under taken by this Institute under ISO and other areas which are given as follows :Awareness Programme : A one day Motivational Campaign on ISO Certification & ISO Reimbursement Scheme was organized by the Institute on 15-02-12 at the premises of FOSMI, Kolkata. The Programme was attended by 40 participants, of which were 28 from MSE sector. Apart from a thorough deliberation on the subject, there was an interaction session whereupon the participants were guided as to how the ISO Certification & Reimbursement could be availed. Participants of Awareness Programme on ISO Certification seen engaged in Interaction. ISO Reimbursement : During the year, under the scheme of ISO Reimbursement, the Institute received 134 applications, of which 103 were approved and processed and a sum of Rs. 44,99,854/- was disbursed to them. The details are given in the following table. Sanction Received (Rs.) 45,00,000 Total amount approved for disbursement (Rs.) 44,99,854 No. of Application received Category of cases approved Gen SC ST 134 103 - - visit us at Cases pending 31 CE-Marking : Confirmite Europeene or European Confirmity, popularly known as CE marked on the products, has become a global standard for the products specially exported to European countries. By the standard, the product complies with the essential requirement of the relevant European health, safety and environmental protection legislation, which were in practice by many of the so-called product directives. Hence, to keep up the spirit of CE marking and arouse its importance among the domestic entrepreneurs, an awareness programme was organized by this Institute on 22-12-11 at the premises of MSME-DI, Kolkata which was attended by 25 entrepreneurs from MSE sector. (From L to R) Sri S. Mukhopadhyay, Asstt. Director (G&C) addressing the participants, sitting on the Dais are Sri S.K. Ghosh, RM, TUV India Pvt. Ltd., Sri K. D. Bhattachrya, Dy. Director (G&C), Sri M. Gour, Consultant & Sri D.Nandy, Exec, TUV India Pvt. Ltd. visit us at MSME-DI, Kolkata renders assistance to MSMEs in order to enable them to utilize their export potential through various avenues for competing in the global market. Besides, the Institute organises various programmes such as Export Management Training Programmes, Training Programmes on Packaging for Exports, Seminar on Bar Coding, etc. every year and also disseminates information on Policies & Procedures for export, latest rules & regulations of various organizations related to exports. The basic aim of such programmes is to assist the MSMEs and help them overcome their constraints so that they may have better access in the overseas market. The Export Division selects & recommends many MSEs to exhibit their products at the Pavilion of the Ministry in the International Trade Fair in many foreign countries. This office regularly prepares Business Enquiries & Bulletin on Exports. Besides as a member, this office attends various meetings conducted by the DGFT, Kolkata, Export Inspection Agency, Kolkata. This office maintains a good liaison with various Export Promotion Councils and assists MSEs to export their products. The significant activities undertaken by the Institute under Export Promotion are given as follows: 1. Participation in Trade Fair Regular assistance under MDA scheme is rendered to MSEs for participation in International Trade Fairs organized in different countries of the world. During the year 2011-12, the Institute assisted altogether 40 units for participation in International Trade Fairs held at different places of the globe and reimbursed 22 units. The details are given below :INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR PARTICIPATED BY MSMEs DURING 2011-12 Sl. Fair No. 1. Madrid, Spain Date 14-18th Sept’11 Applications forwarded 3 Nos. 2. 3. Ghent, Belgium Milan, Italy 10-18th Sept’11 3-11th Dec’11 1 No. 7 Nos. 4. Toranto, Canada 17-20th Oct’11 2 Nos. Participants 1. Dreamz International 2. Mira’s Creation 3. Awhang 1. Kunal Kreations 1. Dris Garments 2. Saffron Designs 3. Reflection 4. Khoai 5. Apollo Gift & Handicrafts 6. Soham International 7. Kaizen Kraft 1. Corona Steel Inds. Pvt. Ltd. 2. P.M.Control Equipment Pvt. Ltd. visit us at 5. 6. Florida, USA Ethiopia, Addis Ababa 25-27th Jan’12 23-29th Feb’12 1 No. 4 Nos. 1. Calcutta Overseas Corporation 1. Priyanka Haralalka 2. Urmila Haralalka 3. Crafts Club 4. Zohaibs Fashion INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR REIMBURSEMENT TO MSMEs DURING 2011-12 Sl. No. Fair Date 11-22nd March’10 15-19th April’10 8-12th Sept’10 4-12th Dec’10 1 Cairo Fair 2 Canton Fair, China 3 Budapest, Hungary 4 Milan, Italy 5 Madrid, Spain 14-18th Sept’11 6 Istanbul, Turkey 3-6th Feb’11 7 Ghent, Belgium 8 Toronto, Canada 10-18th Sept’11 17-20th Oct.’11 Total 2. Name of MSME Amount reimbursed (in Rs.) 42275 42275 18609 1. Dreamz International 2. Star Pacific 1. Kunal Kreation 1. Priyanka Haralalka 2. Urmila Haralalka 1. Dreamz International 2. Mira’s Creations 3. Silver Craft 4. Horizon 5. Om Enterprise 6. Meghna Group 7. Star Pacific Blue Co. 8. Crafts Club 1. Dreamz International 2. Mira’s Creation 3. Awhang 1. East Coast Enterprisers Ltd. 2. Jeetmull Jaichand Lall Pvt. Ltd 1. Kunal Kreations 2. Crafts Club 1. P.M.Control Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2. Corona Steel Industry Pvt. Ltd. 22 36975 36975 55942 55942 40369 46998 43188 6910 42574 58820 35000 35000 35000 25974 25250 30500 4750 30694 21263 771283 Training Programme on Export Packaging One Day Programme on PACKAGING FOR EXPORT SL. No Name of trg. Prog.& place From SC ST Ph W MIN 1 One Day Trg. Prog. on Packaging for Export at Bashirhat 02/09/11 30 30 Total 30 30 visit us at OBC GEN TOTAL During the year 2011-12, the Institute organized one training programme on export packaging in association with Indian Institute of Packaging on 02-09-11 at Bashirhat, North 24-Parganas. In all 30 women candidates participated in the training programme. 3. Management Development Programme on Export Marketing : To give an impetus in the exports of various products manufactured by MSEs, three Management Development Programmes on Export Marketing of 5 days duration were organized by the Institute at its premises during the year. Altogether, 73 candidates including 8 SC, 6 Minority, 2 PH and 11 women took part in the programme. The details of the programmes are given below: MDP on Export Marketing Institute MSME-DI, Kolkata Total No Place 1 Kolkata 1 Kolkata 1 Kolkata 1 Kolkata 4 Duration 21/11/11 to 02/12/11 21/11/11 to 02/12/11 07/12/11 to 20/12/11 07/12/11 to 20/12/11 SC 13 ST PH No. of participants WOM MIN OBC GEN TOTAL 3 8 24 2 1 17 20 5 3 2 14 24 6 7 2 10 25 26 14 4 49 93 The Course curriculum for the Training programmes was prepared very carefully, so as to make it more effective to the trainees. Guest Faculties and lecturers were invited from various public and private export related promotional organizations like DGFT, Customs, DGCIS, Indian Institute of Packaging, Shipping Corporation of India, ECGC, Income Tax Department, Reserve Bank of India, FIEO, EEPC, APEDA and various export promotion councils etc. visit us at NMCP being a flagship scheme with 10 different components of DC (MSME), New Delhi was actively implemented during the year 2011-12. The details of various programmes implemented by this Institute under the components of NMCP are given as follows :Activities of NMCP at a glance (2011-12) Sl. No Name Of the Scheme i) Marketing Assistance & Technology Up gradation IPR ii) iii) iv) v) Target Allotted TEQUP QMS/QTT Lean Manufacturing 1) Activities/ Components Of the Scheme Trade Fair Location 15 Nos. in various location 02 Kolkata & Durgapur 01 01 Kolkata No. of Participants/ No. of Units 146 Expenditure/ Reimbursement (Rs.) 25,73,919/- 111 & 80 02 80 Ongoing i)111,255/ii)110,961/64,988 118,920/- Remarks List Enclosed ** Marketing Assistance & Technology Upgradation(MATU) With the objective of achieving competitiveness by MSMEs both in national and international market, the programme is implemented. It aims at improving marketing competitiveness of MSME sector by improving their techniques and technologies, promotion of exports and to provide a check on imports also. The broad activities planned under the scheme include Technology up gradation in Packaging, Skills upgradation/Development for Modern Marketing Techniques, Competition Studies of threatened products, Special components for North Eastern Region (NER), Identification of new markets through state/district level, local exhibitions/trade fairs, Corporate Governance Practices, Marketing Hubs and Reimbursement to ISO 18000/22000/27000 Certification. During the year, 2011-12, MSME-DI, Kolkata assisted 15 NGOs and Associations under the component of Marketing Assistance & Technology Upgradation of NMCP and a sum of Rs. 22.88 lakh was disbursed. The unitwise details are given below :Sl. No. 1. Organising Committee Venue & Date Reimbursement Manikpur Chaitali Sangha 2. FACSI 3. Swyan Udyagi Nari Sonarpur w.e.f. 16/7/11 to 20/7/11(W-7, G-1) Durgapur w.e.f. 3.9.11 to 11.9.11(W-17) Salt Lake w.e.f. 29.8.11 to 1.9.11 (W-13, G-2) Rs.2,13,500/-+ Rs. 24804/Rs.2,07,104/-+ Rs.24880/Rs.2,14,700/-+ Rs.24400/- visit us at 4. 9. Kolkata Sodepur Leather Goods Welfare Association North Calcutta Dishari Mahila Samity Jirakpur Sister Nivedita Seva Mission 8th Jatiya Sanhati Utsav-OBharat Mela, 2011 Central Kolkata Shiromoni Rabidas Seva Samity Ramakrishna Mission Ashram 10. Swyan Udyagi Nari 11. Kolkata Sodepur Leather Goods Welfare Association Jelerhat, Ghola, Mitali Sangha Thakurnagar Shilpa-OBanijya Mela Samity 24th Bishnupur Mela 5. 6. 7. 8. 12. 13. 14. 15. 2) 17th Agriculture-IndustryTourism & Science Festival, Midnapur (E) Rathtala w.e.f. 2.9.11 to 11.9.11( W-5, G-4) Kolkata w.e.f. 13.9.11 to 15.9.11(W-11) Barasat w.e.f. 27.1.12 to 5.2.12 (W-8) Gobindanagar High School 10th – 17th Dec, 2012 (W-7) Siliguri 20-23.02.12 (SC-5, G-5) Narendrapur 17.1.12 to 22.1.12 (W-8, G-1) Salt Lake 22 – 25th March, 2012(W-12, G-1) Belghoria w.e.f. 13-22nd March, 2012 (W-7, G-3) Ghola w.e.f. 5 – 12th February, 2012 Thakurnagar w.e.f. 10 – 19th February, 2012 Bishnupur w.e.f 23.12.11 to 27.12.11 Totanala w.e.f. 23.1.12 to 30.1.12 (G-9, SC-1) Rs.2,15000/-+ Rs. 24900/Rs.1,76,000/-+ Rs. 24,125 Rs.210400/-+ Rs. 24700/Rs.210000/-+ Rs. 24688/Rs. 214500+ Rs. 24,856/Rs.2,13,900/-+ Rs. 24890/Rs.2,14,625/+ Rs.24500/Rs.214400/+ Rs.24901/- Yet to be settled Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for MSMEs Under this component of NMCP, MSME-DI, Kolkata organized two programmes on IPR at Kolkata and Durgapur on 06-03-12 & 22-03-12 respectively. The first programme was organized in association with FOSMI at Golden Park, Ho Chi Min Sarani, Kolkata and attended by 111 participants, while the second one organized in association with FACSI as well as Durgapur Small Industries Association at Hotel City Residency, Durgapur City Centre, Durgapur was attended by 80 entrepreneurs from MSE sector. Sri N. N. Debnath, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata addressing the participants of Awareness Programme on IPR held at Kolkata on 06-03-12. visit us at Sri N. N. Debnath, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata (standing) addressing the participants of Awareness Programme on IPR at Durgapur on 22.03.12. 3) Support to MSMEs for Technology & Quality Upgradation Under the component, two units were assisted and a sum of Rs. 64,988/was disbursed by the Institute during the year. The details are given below :Sl.No. Name of the unit 1 M/s. R.P Metal Products, Kolkata-36 2 M/s Sapco Bitumen Company Ltd. Kolkata-1 Total Reimbursed (Rs.) 7988 57000 64988 4) Enabling Manufacturing Sector Competitive through Quality Management Standard and Quality Technology Tools ( QMS/QTT) World over, micro and small enterprises are recognized as an important constituent of the national economies, contributing significantly to employment expansion and poverty alleviation. Hence, recognizing the micro and small enterprises, sensitization programmes-cum-workshops on QMS/QTT are conducted by MSME-DIs in order to make this sector globally competitive. During the year, MSME-DI, Kolkata organized one Sensitization-cum-Awareness Programme on QMS/QTT in collaboration with FOSMI, Kollkata on 20-03-12 at Golden Park, Ho Chi Min Sarani, Kolkata. The programme was attended by 80 entrepreneurs from MSE Sector. Awareness Programme on QMS/QTT on 20.03.12 in Kolkata where Sri A. Bandyopadhyay, Dy. Director (G&C), MSME-DI, Kolkata addressing the participants. visit us at 5. a) Seminar on Bar-Code With the objective of spreading awareness about the utilities of Bar Coding, importance of its adoption and the facilities available from Govt. for acquiring the same, the Institute organized three sensitization -cum-seminar on Bar-Code for 101 candidates during the year, 2011-12, and the details of these programmes are given in the table given below :Institute MSME-DI Br. MSME-DI Br. MSME-DI No 1 1 1 Place Kolkata Siliguri Durgapur Date 21/09/11 25/11/11 16/02/12 Total SC 6 2 3 11 ST 1 1 2 No. of participants PH W MIN OBC GEN 3 4 21 27 1 32 3 4 1 80 TOTAL 34 30 37 101 b) Bar-Code Re-imbursement During the year, under the scheme of Bar Coding Re-imbursement for both one time registration and annual registration, altogether 22 cases were processed by this Institute during the year and a sum of Rs. 2.53 lakhs for one time registration and that of Rs. 1.19 lakhs for annual recurring fee were disbursed respectively, the details of which are given in the following table:DETAILS OF BARCODE REIMBURSEMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 Sl. No. Name of MSE 01 02 Krysti Foods Keya Seth’s A.S. 03 A.J.Tea House - 2,79,375 04 Hind Spectron - 2,79,375 05 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 18,750 18,750 18,750 2,79,375 2,79,375 2,79,375 2,60,625 2,41,875 2,23,125 - 2,23,125 4,950 2011-12 53,175 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Harsh Impex Creative Bakers Shokley Hall S. L.Enterprse Gunjans Vasundhara Netcom Pvt. Ltd. Lopchu Tea Company Ltd. Palson Drugs Pvt. Ltd. Krysti Foods Dynamic Sales Corpn. Prem Footwear L. Madanlal 20,625 20,625 18,750 18,750 2,02,500 2,02,500 1,81,875 1,63,125 1,44,375 Central Agri Trades Mahabodhi Tea D R Industries Indo Webal Surgical Caplet India 18,750 18,750 18,750 20,625 20,625 2,53,125 1,25,625 1,06,875 88,125 67,500 46,875 2011-12 2011-12 2011-12 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 2011-12 48,000 38,168 24,194 19,244 9,794 17. 18 19. 20 22 5,175 9,832 13,974 4,950 4,500 4,950 4,950 4,950 11. One Time Registration Amount Amount Reimbursed Available 3,00,000 20,625 2,79,375 2,79,375 Annual Recurring Fee Amount For the Amount Reimbursed Year Available 1,18,800 4,500 2010-11 1,14,300 4,500 2009-10 1,05,300 4,500 2010-11 3,750 2007-08 97,050 4,500 2008-09 4,500 2009-10 88,050 4,500 2010-11 4,500 2010-11 83,550 5,175 2011-12 78,375 5,400 2011-12 72,975 4,950 2011-12 68,025 4,950 2011-12 63,075 4,950 2011-12 58,125 1,18,906 visit us at 4,844 (-)106 The Scheme of National Awards for MSMEs has been in operation since long. MSME-DI, Kolkata is actively involved in implementing the scheme by involving both Governmental and non-Governmental Agencies in the State. The Awards are generally conferred to MSMEs having outstanding performance in the area of manufacturing, R & D efforts, quality consciousness, etc. with a view to recognize their efforts and contribution in the national economy. During the year, 2011-12, the Institute received a total of 20 applications, of which were 3 each on quality products and R&D efforts, 2 on outstanding entrepreneurship in service sector and 14 on outstanding entrepreneurship in manufacturing sector. Besides, one application was also received from a medium enterprise for outstanding entrepreneurship in manufacturing. However, the State Level Selection Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. Anup Kr. Chanda, IAS, Addll. Chief Secretary & Principal Secretary, Deptt. Of M SSE & T, Govt. of West Bengal has selected only 6 entrepreneurs in the respective areas after apprising their applications and the details are given below :NATIONAL AWARD - 2010-11 OUTSTANDING ENTREPRENEUESHIP SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARDEES Sl. Category Name & Address Product No. MSEs – Mfg Shri Saurabh Gupta CFL Lamp 1. M/s Gupta Infotech , Sector-I, SDF (G) Building, Falta Sez, South 24 Parganas, Tel. No. (O) :- 033 30210935 Fax No. :- 033 30210935 Mob. No. :- +91 9830557850 E-Mail:- [email protected] Shri Sanjay Goenka Cement 2. M/s Hindcon Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Additives 628, Braunfeld Row, 1st Floor, Kolkata, Tel. No. (O) :- 033 24490835 Fax No. :- 033 24490849 Mob. No. :- +91 980031567 E-Mail:- [email protected] Smt. Keya Seth Cosmetic 3. M/s Keya Seth Ayurvedic Solutions Products 13, Chandranath, Simlai Lane (Cosmetic Division), Kolkata, Tel. No. (O) :- 033 25325862 Fax No.:- 033 25467616 Mob. No. :- +91 9830336678 E-Mail:- [email protected] [email protected] visit us at 4. Smt. Srabani Chatterjee M/s Rama Enterprises, 9, Narkel bagan, Jadavpur, Kolkata, Tel. No. (O) :- 033 24836340 Fax No. :- 033 24124481 Mob. No. :- +91 9830660270 E-Mail:- [email protected] Leather & Non-leather footwear MSEs (Service Enterprises) 5. 6. Shri Dipankar Roy, M/s Universal Solutions CJ 145 & CJ 170, Sector-II,Salt Lake City,North 24 Parganas Tel. No. (O) :- 033 23595294 Fax No. :- 033 23594091 Mob. No. :- +91 9831025425 E-Mail:- [email protected] [email protected] SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARDEES IN QUALITY PRODUCT Smt. Supriya Roy, M/s Creative Bakers & Confectioners Pvt. Ltd. (Sugarr & Spice) 1/2 Harish Mukherjee Road, Kolkata, West Bengal – 700020 Ph: 033 2223 1440 Mob: 09831020616 Fax: 033 2223 2052 E-mail: [email protected] visit us at IT Enable Systems Bakery & Confectione ry Items Under the Cluster Development Programme, the Institute has taken up as many as 13 Clusters for soft-interventions and hard-interventions. The details of activities going on in these clusters are given as follows :Sl No. Name of the Cluster 1 Baruipur Surgical Instrument 2 Shantiniketan Leather Goods 3 Re-Rolling Mill, Howrah 4 Lead Acid Storage Battery, Siliguri 5 Brass & Bell Metal, Kenjikura, Bankura 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Embroidery & Garments Manufacturing, Pipulan, Howrah Embroidery & Garments Manufacturing, Basulia, Haldia Bori, Naihati, North 24 Parganas Mat, Jirakpur, Basirhat Bamboo, Basirhat, North 24 Parganas Gauge & Bandage, Basirhat, North24-Parganas Artificial ornaments & gift items, Daspur, Paschim Midnapore Mat, Sabang, Paschim Midnapore Present Status With the setting up of CFC, the cluster has become operational. Approval for the setting up of CFC was received from O/o the DC (MSME) and the steps are being taken to start the construction work of CFC. The components of Central grant amounting Rs. 3.15 Crore and State grant of Rs. 3 Crore have been received for setting up of CFC and the construction work has just started. DPR prepared and forwarded to O/o the DC (MSME) for approval. Soft Intervention completed and construction work of the shed and building for setting up of CFC has just begun by the Govt. of West Bengal. DSR has been prepared and validation is awaited. DSR has been prepared and validation is awaited. DSR submitted. Further action awaited due to nonreceipt of reply from the cluster members. DSR approved and soft intervention is under consideration. DSR prepared and will be placed before Steering Committee for approval. Proposal for preparation of DSR has been forwarded to the DC (MSME) visit us at Sri Pabitra Sarkar,JDC O/O DC(MSME) seen at centre visiting the site of CFC of Rolling Mill Cluster at Howrah alongwith Sri N.N. Debnath, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata and other Stake Holders (From L to R ) Sri S. C. Sarkar, GM, DIC, Darjeeling; Sri S. K. Hazra, Asstt. Director, Deptt of M&SSE, Govt. of West Bengal; Sri N. N. Debnath, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata; Sri S. K. Some, Dy. Director I/C, Siliguri and Dr. M. N. Roy, Professor, North Bengal University seen in the CDCC Meeting on Valediction of DPR for setting up of CFC of Lead Acid Storage Battery, Siliguri on 14-02-12 at Saluja Hotel, Siliguri visit us at Meetings : During the year, two meetings of the Reconstituted State Level Advisory Board (SLAB) on MSME of West Bengal were organized on 05-07-11 and 16-12-11 respectively. Both the meetings were chaired by Dr. Anup Kr. Chanda, IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary, MSSE&T, Govt. of West Bengal and the minutes of the said meetings were prepared and circulated among the members concerned. (From L – R) Sri N. N. Debnath, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata; Dr. A. K. Chanda, IAS., Addl. Chief Secretary, MSSE&T, Govt. of W.B and Sri V. Kumar, IAS., Managing Director, WBSIDC engaged in the deliberation of SLAB meeting held on 16-12-11. Members of SLAB seen engaged in the deliberations & discussions on various Agenda of the meeting visit us at Demonstrations : Handhold training to hone up skill is rendered through Demonstrations on the manufacturing processes of various consumer goods by the Institute every year. During the year, 2011-12, two such demonstrations on the process of manufacturing Detergent Powder were organized on 10-08-11 and 28-03-12 respectively at the premises of the Institute. In these two programmes, altogether 17 candidates were rendered assistance. Special Programmes : On the occasion of his visit to Kolkata on 15th July, 2011 in connection with attending a Conference on “Competitiveness through Finance & Technology” organized by Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the online Entrepreneurship Training Registration System linked with the website of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute, Kolkata was inaugurated by Shri Virbhadra Singh, Hon’ble Union Minister (MSME), Govt. of India. The Web registration will provide need based training opportunities to the educated youths along with registration facilities and their respective progress from their own places, which may be viewed either through Association, NGOs, SHGs etc. or on their own. This was a major IT related initiative, taken by the Institute to facilitate information reaching to the masses faster with result oriented utilization of its resources. Further, a Brochure of MSME-DI, Kolkata in Bengali version was also launched by Dr. Manas Ranjan Bhunia, Hon’ble Minister-in Charge, Micro & Small Scale Enterprises and Textiles, Irrigation and Water Ways, Govt. of West Bengal as a measure of providing information on the various activities, schemes and programmes undertaken by this Institute to the public through local language. Dignitaries present at the function also included Dr. Anup Kr. Chanda, IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary, MSSE&T, Govt. of West Bengal and Dr. Rajeev Singh, Director General, Indian Chamber of Commerce, Kolkata. visit us at Shri Virbhadra Singh, Hon’ble Union Minister (MSME) launching the Online Entrepreneurship Training Registration System of MSME-DI, Kolkata at Hotel the Park, Kolkata. From extreme left: Shri C.K Dhanuka, Past President, ICC, Kolkata, Dr. Anup Kr. Chanda, IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary, MSSE&T, Govt. of West Bengal, Dr. Manas Ranjan Bhunia, Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge, MSSE&T, Irrigation and Water ways, Govt. of West Bengal, Dr. Rajeev Singh, Director General, ICC, Kolkata, Shri Virbhadra Singh, Hon’ble Union Minister(MSME), Shri N. N. Debnath, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata along with other officers from MSME-DI, Kolkata. Dr. Manas Bhunia, Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge MSSE, Govt. of West Bengal opening a Brochure of MSME-DI, Kolkata in Bengali. From Left to Right : Dr. Rajeev Singh, Director General, ICC, Kolkata, Shri Virbhadra Singh, Hon’ble Union Minister(MSME), Shri N. N. Debnath, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata along with other officers from MSME-DI, Kolkata. visit us at Sl No. 1 2 3 1 2 5 Project Profiles (New) i) Hologram Sticker ii) Single Super Phosphate iii) Liquid Fabric Whitener iv) Travel Luggage Bags v) Harness Saddlery Goods vi) Leather Appron vii) Small Ball (Brass) Valve viii) Servicing & Repairing of H.T Motors & Alternators ix) Dustless Chalk (Extrusion Method) x) Car Door Lock xi) Refractory Castables i) Pavement Block ii) Ground Mineral Prepared by i) Poultry Incubator Project Profiles (Updated) i) Decorative Cement based Paint & Exterior Emulsion Paint ii) Aftwershave Lotion iii) Bleaching Powder iv) Acid Slurry v) Almunium Die Casting vi) Investment Casting vii) Welding Electrodes viii) Cane Furniture ( Garden Chair) ix) Jute Bag with Screen Printing x) Automobile Metal Bush xi) Lanolin Antypons xii) Corrugated Paper Cartoons xiii) Hand Shovels xiv) Hand Tools for Blacksmithy/ Carpentry/Hand Forging/Foundry etc. xv) Teracotta Jewellery xvi) Fly Ash Cement Concrete i) Chalk Crayon ii) Sanitaryware iii) Plaster of Paris i) Steel Cupboards and Racks ii) Automobile Gunmetal bush Br. MSME-DI, Port Blair MSME-DI, Kolkata. Br. MSME-DI, Durgapur. MSME-DI, Kolkata. Br. MSME-DI, Durgapur. Br. MSME-DI, Port Blair visit us at Sl No. 1 i) Leather Toys Detailed Project Report Prepared by MSME-DI, Kolkata. Sl No. 1 i) Status Report Integrated Circuit Prepared by MSME-DI, Kolkata. Sl No. 1 Updated Electronics Directory of West Bengal Sl No. 1 i) Directory Technical Study Report Centrifugal Pump Prepared by MSME-DI, Kolkata. Prepared by MSME-DI, Kolkata. Preparation and Updation of State Industrial Profile & District Industrial Potentiality Reports :Preparation and Updation of Reports on the state as a whole and the districts in particular portraying potential areas of industrialization in the MSME sector has always been one of the major activities of the Institute. During the year, the Institute prepared 3 Reports on the following :1. State Industrial Profile of West Bengal 2. District Industrial Potentiality Survey Reports on Coochbehar & Paschim Midnapore Statistical Work :1) Monthly data on EM (Part-I & II) collected from the Directorate of M&SSE, Govt. of West Bengal for all the 12 months were forwarded to S&D Division, Office of the DC (MSME), New Delhi after compilation. 2) Districtwise data on EM Part-II filed by MSEs & Medium Enterprises based on NIC 2-digit level collected and forwarded to DC (MSME), New Delhi as desired. visit us at A. Consultancy : The Institute with its existing staff strength in various trades renders consultancy services in the areas of project selection & preparation, marketing, energy conservation, quality control, cost reduction, pollution Control, managerial etc. During the year 2011-12, a total of 6204 visitors were attended and rendered services by the officers of the Institute and its branches located at Port Blair, Durgapur, Siliguri and Suri. Further, 1023 units were visited by the officials of the Institutes and its branches to provide technical assistance in the field of quality control, cost reduction, pollution control, ISO, capacity assessment, etc. at their premises. Project Apprised during the year 2011-12 Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name & Address of the Unit Item of Manufacturing M/s Onkar Infracen Pvt.Ltd. 152,S.P.Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-26 M/s Sibani Electricals, Kantalia Industrial Estate, Howrah-Amta Road, P.O.-Nibra, Howrah-711409 M/s Shiba Handicrafts, 48/2H,B.T.Road Kolkata-50 M/s Spintex Jute India Pvt.Ltd, 13/C,Kashinath Mallick Lane, Kolkata-73 M/s Tara Glass & Silicate Works, Arkhali Kachari More, P.O,- Amdanga, 24 Pgs (North) M/s Surabhi Agri Products Pvt.Ltd, Jala Dhulagori, P.o.-Dhulagori, Sankrail, Howrah M/s JBS Rasayan Pvt.Ltd. Mangalam Building,Room No.-308 A, 24,Hemanta Basu Sarani, Kolkata-1 M/s Sabbir Hussain, 37/2C,Ekbalpur Lane, Kolkata-23 M/s Dudhepukur Cold Storage Pvt.Ltd. Kankar Danga,P.O.-Hat Krishnanagar, P.S.-Panchasayar, Bankura M/s Bio-Solutions, P.O- Adi Saptagram, Bansberia, Hooghly M/s Shib Agro Products Pvt.Ltd. 803,Vasundhara,2/7,Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata-20 M/sIdol Engineering Concern, 10/C, Deshabandhu Road(East), Kolkata-35 Mfg. of Fly Ash Bricks Mfg. of Security Chips Handicrafts Items Mfg. of Jute Twins & Jute Yarn Mfg. of Sodium Silicate Cashewnut Processing Mfg. of Laminated Tarpulin Mfg.of Hosiery Germents Storage of Potatoes Mfg.of Plant Feed Flour Mill (Suji,Maida,Atta) Mfg.of Capstain job of Ceiling Fan Shaft visit us at 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 M/s Shalimar Pellet Feeds Ltd. 17/A,B,C, Everest Building, 46/C,Chowringhee Road, Kolkata-1 M/s Nukrikraft India Pvt.Ltd. 23,Mall Road,DumDum, Kolkata-80 M/s Noagalis Associates, 7C,Kiran Shankar Roy Road, Kolkata-1 M/s Bikash Steel Processor Pvt.Ltd. 147,Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata-1 M/s Sanskriti Agencies Pvt.Ltd. 77/79,Sri Arvind Road,Salkia, Howrah M/s Novoflex Marketing Pvt.Ltd. 3B,Camac Street, Kolkata-16 M/s Sitalapur Mohinder Kalimata Himghar Pvt.Ltd. Dasnagar, Dhaniakhali, Hooghly M/s Shalimar Pellet Feeds Ltd. Dubrajpur,Birbhum M/s Nayak Agri Products Pvt.Ltd. Vill.- Nudipur,P.O.-Cholkhanda, Burdwan M/s Shakambari Trades Corporation, Vill.& Mouza-Chinnarmore, P.O.-Singur, Hooghly M/s Victoria Lighting Pvt.Ltd. Behala Industrial Estate. Plot No.K/20, 620, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata-34 M/s Navyug Minerals & Aggregates Ltd. Pachami Corporation Stone Mines, Halgacha, Birbhum M/s Mindrill Systems & Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Sadananda Industrial Estate, Howrah-Amta Road,Baltikuri, Howrah M/s Nest Diary Forms Pvt.Ltd. Vill.- Chak Kantalia.( Beside Barrackpur-Dum Dum Expressway), P.O.- Seoli Telenipara, 24 Pgs (North) M/s Mindrill Systems & Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Ratan Bhawan,39,Sambhunath Pandit Street,Kolkata-25 M/s Dev’s Enterprise, No.-1,Indira Nagar, P.O.- Sodepur, 24 Pgs (N) M/s Shiv Flour Mill, Vill.- Mathurapur,P.O.- Bartala, Murshidabad M/s Shalimar Hatcheries Ltd. 46,Chowringhee Road,17/A, B&C, Everest Building, Kolkata-71 M/s Porikrit, Jonerhat, Andul, Howrah M/s Conquerer Industries, Vill. & P.O-Shyampur, Bankura Raj Papad Products Pvt.Ltd. Bl-I,Flat No-4M, Space Town,Kolkata-72 M/s. Chandcharan Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd., Muitara, Kotulpur, Bankura. Mgf.of Poultry Feed Plants Mfg.of Animal Feed Mfg.of Mechanised Wire Housing Mfg.of Rolling Mills for Mfg.of MS Stripes. Mfg.of SMC/BMC Moulding Composites Mfg.of Alloy Chips & Clamps Cold Storage Mgf.of Poultry Feed Plants Cold Storage Mfg.of Bright Steel Bars Mfg.of Ballasts Compact Flouresent Lamps & Electronics Fittings Mfg.of Readymix Concrete Plant Mfg.of Rock Drill Mfg.of Fresh Milk Unit Mfg.of Fly Ash Bricks Products Mfg.of Leather Footware Items Wheat Flour Poultry Meat Processing Milk Product Plywood Mfg.of Soya Bori Cold Storage. visit us at Capacity Assessment Sl. No. 1 Name & Address of the Unit Item of Manufacturing 28 29 30 M/S.Mathabhanga Detergent & Detergent Powder Chemicals,Fulbarihat,Jalpaiguri M/S.Siliguri Soaps & Chemicals, Detergent Cake& dish,Floor & Chemicals,Fulbarihat,Jalpaiguri Toilet Cleaner BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. Moti Ceramics, Jamgram, Burdwan. M/s. Shiva Durga Industries, Jamgram, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. Keshri Industries, Burdwan Paver Block & Portland Slag Cement M/s. Stylist Precast, Panagarh, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. J.K.Ceramics, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6,8) etc. M/s. Salanpur Ceramics, Salanpur, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. Maa Kalyaneswari Ceramics, Salanpur, Burdwan. Coke Briquettes. M/s. Maa kalyaneswari hard Coke & Coke Briquette, Salanpur, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. Hi-tech ceramics, Karimdanga, Burdwan. Quick Lime. M/s. Ganesh Lime Mfg. Co., Rajbari, Burdwan. Fire Bricks (IS-6,IS-8) etc. M/s. Universal Monolithic, Kapista, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. Super Refractories, Laxmanpur, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6,IS-8) etc. M/s. Associate Ceramics, Salanpur, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. Rohit Ceramics, Salanpur, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. Maa Bindeswari Ceramics, Salanpur, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. Maa Bhagawati Refractories, Salanpur, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6,IS-8) etc. M/s. Madhusudan Refractories, Asansol, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6,IS-8) etc. M/s. Tara Maa Minerals Products, Kapista, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6,IS-8) etc. M/s. Dutta & Dutta Ceramics, Jamgram, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. New Bengal Refractories, Burnpur Road, Asansol, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6) etc. M/s. Jaya Ceramics, Salanpur, Burdwan. BP Set/ Fire Bricks (IS-6,IS-8), Acid M/s. Maa Sarada Refractories & Ceramics, Sen proof Bricks etc. Rally Rd., Asansol, Burdwan. Suji, Maida & Atta etc. M/s. Sreeji Flour Mill, Kanyapur Indl. Estate, Burdwan. Portland Slag Cement. M/s. Sanjoy Intra Ltd., Chalbalpur, Burdwan. Portland Slag Cement. M/s. Bakreswar Cement Pvt. Ltd. Jamuria, Burdwan. Under Inspection and report pending M/s. Hanuman Cement Pvt. Ltd.. Inspection over under reporting. M/s. National Glass Works. Under inspection and report M/s. Srikrishna Industries. 31 32 33 34 35 36 M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Arbind Chemicals. Mangalam Ceramics. Jai Janardan Refractories. Ganapati Industries. Ma Shakambari Ceramics. S. L. Enterprises pending. Inspection over under reporting. - Do - Do - Do - Do - Do - visit us at 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. M/s. - Do Do Under Inspection. Inspection over report due. Do Under Inspection. Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Item of Manufacturing Gypsum products Assistance provided on Technology Upgradation Glassware products Technology Upgradation Porcelain Products Technology Upgradation Silicate Products Technology Upgradation Engineering goods Cement products Technology Upgradation Engineering goods Engineering goods Engineering goods Flyash Brick Technology Upgradation Computer based technical services New software Development,Training methodology Improved layout of machineries & material handling system Accelerating Curing method by doping some Chemicals. Technology Upgradation Technology Upgradation Durgapur casting & Allied Products Pvt. Ltd. Mahamaya Enterprise. Joyguru Refractories. Sona Bricks. Raja Bricks. S.D.K.Bricks. Asha Bricks. MKB Bricks Field. Kalpana Food Industries. MMB Bricks Field. Sun Brick Field. CMB Brick Field. Sagar Refractories IBF Bricks. Dishergarh Cement Works. Some Important Technical Assistance Provided Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name & Address of the Unit M/s. S.K.Udyog, Jetiakhali,PO – Fulbari,Dist Jalpaiguri M/s,Zenith Glassware & Instruments Corporation, 14/4A,K.P.Chakraborty Street, Kolkata-3 M/s.National Porcelain Hitech Mfg.Company,P.o-Kamarhati, 24 Pgs (N) M/S.Shree Shyam Silicate Udyog,Po.-Abas,Purba Midnapur M/s.Eastern Engineers,16,N.C.Das Road,Kolkata-90 M/s.Chandrima Cement Works, Belgachia, Howrah M/s.Techno Engineering & Carbon Brush Co.,Amta,Howrah M/s.Prithvi Industries Pvt.Ltd.,Salt Lake,Kolkata-64 M/s Rukhmani Electrodes Pvt.Ltd., Barasat,24 Pgs (N) M/s.Navyug Minerals & Aggregates Pvt.Ltd. Kalyani Sadar Youth Computer Training Centre,Kalyani,Nadia 12 Ajanta Textiles,Liluah,Howrah Mfg.of Cotton Fabrics 13 M/s. Precast Brick Industries, Kalna, Burdwan. 14 15 M/s. Sujit Das & Co., Faridpur. M/s. M. B. Engg. Works, Durgapur. Fly Ash Interlocking Building Bricks. Shuttering Oil. Mech. Engg. visit us at Technology Upgradation Technology Upgradation Technology Upgradation Technology Upgradation B. Common Facility Workshop: The Institute is attached with three workshops viz.:-(a) Machineshop (b) Heat Treatment. This apart, CNC workshop is also attached with this Institute. The branch office at Durgapur is attached with a mechanical workshop and the one at Siliguri is attached with machine shop and carpentry. All together, 386 jobs were undertaken and 206 units were benefited through common facility services provided by these workshops and a revenue of Rs. 3.57 lakh was earned towards these activities during the year. C. Liaison : A close liaison was maintained with government organizations like Directorate of MSSE & DICs, Govt. of West Bengal, Financial Institutions, MSE Associations and other NGOs engaged in the promotion and development of micro, small and medium enterprises in the state. Regular visits were made to these organizations and meetings were attended by the officers of the Institute as and when convened by these organizations. visit us at An official Language Implementation Committee has been working in the Institute since long. The meetings of this Committee are being regularly conducted as per the instructions of Head Quarters. Progressive use of Hindi in official work is being practiced in the Institute through implementation of the provisions of Official Language Act, 1963 as mentioned in 1967 and the Official Language Rules 1976 frames thereafter. With a view to creating a conducive and inspiring atmosphere for implementation of the official language policy and to keep up all such activities, the Raj Bhasa Division is actively engaged in the promotion and development of the official language. visit us at APPLICATION OF LEAN TECHNIQUE BY M/s FINE ENGINEERING CAUSES IDENTIFIED Time inMIN 2.5 2 Mandrel was replaced by a small SPRING chuck. Truing activity eliminated 2 1.5 1 0.5 CAUSES ELIMINATED 0 0 BEFORE AFTER 40 Products manufactured by Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are put on show at the stalls of SLVDP held at Asansol, Burdwan on 23.03.12. Sri S.K. Gupta, Director, DGS&D (centre) addressing the participants of a SLVDP held at Kolkata on 15-03-12 in the presence of Sri N. N. Debnath, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata (Extreme Left) A demonstration on the manufacturing process of Detergent Powder visit us at (From R to L) Sri Virbhadra Singh, Hon”ble Union Minister (MSME), Dr. Manas Ranajan Bhunia, Hon”ble Minister Incharge, MSSE&T, Irrigation & Waterways. Govt. of West Bengal seen engaged in interaction with the officers of MSME-DI, Kolkata and others. Sri Virbhadra Singh, Hon”ble Union Minister (MSME) seen standing at the centre in the company of other officers of MSME-DI, Kolkata. visit us at
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