1 A3 - Limoges et Limousin EN [Mode de compatibilité]


1 A3 - Limoges et Limousin EN [Mode de compatibilité]
A3 - territorial animation or win-win
City of Trades of Limoges and Limousin
Ephemeral City of Trades
Engineering of events
projects involving
many different
partners and
coordinating at a set
time the local actors of
orientation , training
and employment of a
territory around the
services offered by the
City of Trades
(information, advice,
practical sessions,
professional discovery)
A3 - territorial animation or win-win
City of Trades of Limoges and Limousin
Ephemeral City of Trades
A3 - Territorial animation or win-win
City of Trades of Limoges and Limousin
Ephemeral City of Trades
A3 - Territorial animation or win-win
City of Trades of Limoges and Limousin
Ephemeral City of Trades
3 ephemeral City of Trades events achieved since November 2014.
Approximately 600 people among whom 400 in groups
(school and job insertion)
Mobilisation of all partners : Pôle Emploi (employment agency) /mission
Locale/Centre Information Orientation (orientation centre) /Centre Régional
information Jeunesse (regional youth information centre) /CAP Emploi
(Aid for handicapped people), local associations
and prescribers (secondary schools). Aided by CARIF-OREF, the
supporting structure of the City of Trades.
Good level of satisfaction of the partners and the public
FSE / European Social Funding : direct costs ( logistic/ printing
/communication media) - between 1000 and 2000€ -
A3 - Territorial animation or win-win
City of Trades of Limoges and Limousin
Ephemeral City of Trades
Challenges :
Offer a territorial animation tool that can be used in lowpopulation areas .
Position the City of Trades as a coordinating and monitoring
organisation having expertise in partnership engineering.
Key factors of success:
The mobilisation and involvement of local actors for both the
organisation and the communication to the public.
Points requiring special attention :
- upholding of the « win win » concept
- logistics

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