Oregon Outback Humane Society
Oregon Outback Humane Society
They come to us in need of support, shelter, food, medical care and love. Disheartened, in crisis, scared, we are there to help. We know someday they will have a chance to give back as well. The “they” we are talking about are not only the animals we have the opportunity to care for. We at OOHS believe positively impacting the lives of animals goes hand in hand with positively affecting the lives of people. There is a connection. Last year, OOHS was here for the 117 homeless, abandoned and misplaced Lake County animals we took in. Lady Bird would remain in our care for 6 months until she found her forever home in late December. We were here for over 100 Lake County residents who needed help spaying or neutering a companion animal or stray/feral cat they cared for. For one dog and her guardian, this broke the cycle of over 10 years of an annual litter of unwanted puppies. Pet food was provided for 85 households and over 320 pets they care for. For a stray named Kitty Cat, it meant his guardian did not have choose between paying bills or buying food to feed him or the one thing she least wanted to do, give up her best friend. Our first Emergency Vet Care recipient was granted assistance to help pay for an emergency veterinary bill and education on responsible pet guardianship was provided at every event we did. They come to us in need of support, shelter, food, medical care and love. They leave us ready to give the most significant of these back, the gift of unconditional love. On behalf of the animals and the people to whom your support has meant so much I thank you. Sincerely, Martina Keil OOHS Provides care, shelter and adoption services for homeless, abandoned and misplaced animals, Assists families and individuals who find they can no longer keep or care for an animal, Promotes humane treatment of animals and Provides resources for animal care education and tangible support to residents who needs assistance caring for companion animals, Promotes the need to spay and neuter companion animals and Develops programs that reduce pet overpopulation. Oregon Outback Humane Society is an independent, nonprofit agency. We are not a division of any County or City and are not funded by any government or national animal welfare organization. We are a non-profit corporation and we are governed by a volunteer board of directors. We have no paid staff and are run entirely by volunteers. Adoption Shop address: 512 Center Street Lakeview, OR 97630 Mailing address: P.O. Box 206 Lakeview, OR 97630 877-947-5009 www.oregonoutbackhumane.org OOHS volunteers travel 2 to 3 weekends per month to hold adoption events at Petco in Klamath Falls and Petsmart in Bend or to other areas for special events. This is necessary as there are just not enough homes in Lake County for all the animals we take in. Without a shelter, we rely on volunteer foster families to provide the love, care and often times rehabilitation these animals need to prepare them for their new life. These animals are cared for until they are adopted or can be transferred to other organizations. We also partner up with many great organizations to give the animals a second chance. In one such circumstance, we rescued and transferred 13 dogs from one neglectful situation. OOHS transfers adoptable animals to other Humane Societies in Oregon and works with specific breed rescues. We use our website, Petfinder.com, Pets911.com and 1-800 Pets.com to let people know about all the wonderful OOHS adoptable pets waiting for a home. Intake 117 animals 40 Cats 77 Dogs 75 Owner Surrenders 42 Strays Adopted through OOHS 27 Cats 46 Dogs Transferred 38 Still Waiting 5 There are OOHS animals in homes all over the Pacific Northwest. Of the animals adopted in 2008, 30 make their home in Lake County, 10 dogs and 20 cats. 5 pets reside in Klamath Falls, 19 in Central Oregon, 5 in the Portland area and 4 in other parts of Oregon including Medford and Salem. Washington State is where 2 are now home and 2 dogs are living in California. The OOHS animal that has traveled farthest in 2008 is Mares, a German Shepherd who is living in Colorado. We don’t care what state they live in, we are just glad we could help them on their journey home. Pet Food Share and Emergency Vet Care In 2008, OOHS was awarded one of 11 grants provided nationwide through the Humane Society of the United States Pet Foreclosure Grant Fund. Over 80 Lake County households with over 300 animals signed up for Pet Food Share in 2008 Part of the grant has allowed OOHS to expand the Pet Food Share Program started in 2007. OOHS volunteers make a monthly trip to Klamath Falls to pick up donated pet food from Wal-Mart. OOHS provides a volunteer to distribute food monthly in Paisley and North Lake. Lake County Food Share volunteers make donated pet food available during their regular food share hours. A cooperative agreement with Lake County Food Share and Inner Court Family Center helps gather much needed information about the animals and people OOHS helps. The other part of the grant has allowed OOHS to set up an Emergency Vet Care Fund. Successful applicants are helped by paying for up to %25 of an emergency vet care bill. They are asked to pay back the funds if possible to allow OOHS to continue the program. Spay and Neuter Programs Altered Companion animals 41 Cats 35 Dogs Stray/Feral cats 70 At OOHS, we know that the number one way to find homes for all the animal in need is to have less animals. There as simply not enough homes for all of them. To address this problem at the cause, S.N.O.O.P.I (Spay Neuter Oregon Outback Pets Initiative) was launched in February of 2008. This was the first program developed to assist Lake County residents in need of financial assistance to spay or neuter a companion animal, the response was overwhelming. A generous grant from the Petco Foundation, individuals and businesses donations, and in kind services from Local and Regional Veterinarians helped OOHS assist with altering over 70 companion animals were altered in 2008. 70 cats that were either strays or feral were also altered during monthly Fix It Trips, truly helping us take care of the forgotten animals in Lake County. At the time of this publication, there is a waiting list of people who need assistance. The amount of money OOHS dedicates to Spay Neuter Programs depends on the money we raise in February. Please consider making a special donation this February OOHS programs are run entirely by volunteers! From administering our spay/neuter programs and acting as foster parents, to publishing the newsletter and organizing fundraisers, OOHS is fortunate to have volunteers with many talents and abilities. We could not do this without their willingness to devote personal time to fulfilling our mission. In 2008 OOHS Volunteers Made Quilts - Baked Pies Carved Pumpkins - Hauled Trash Put Together Newsletters Made Dog Beds—Transported Animals Played Santa Paws - Waitressed Sent Thank You Letters Cleaned Bathrooms - Entered Data Written Grants - Designed T-Shirts Held Adoption Events Administered OOHS Programs - Been on the Radio - Walked Dogs Participated in Fairs and Bazaars Organized Fundraisers AND MUCH MUCH MORE! OVER 2,000 Volunteer Hours in 2008 Thank You! Monetary Michelle and Randy Dean Lake County Resources Initiative Services Alexa and James Van Belle Michelle Key Linda and Ray Bledsaw Bend Spay and Neuter Project Arlene and Ed Clark Nina and Ryan Adams Mary and Don Shullanberger Bend Veterinary Clinic Asuena Patino Oregon Sunstone Aviation, LLC Mary and Giles Coon Clause U-LOK Barb Simpson Patricia Lindaman Mary Hebner Companion Pet Clinic - Bend Bert and Toxie Young Patti Shuffield Midori Raymore Companion Pet Clinic - Klamath Falls Beverly Cannon Petco Foundation Milton Jr and Dixie Bartholomew KQIK Bob and Kathy Rogers Petsmart Charities Nelda and Calvin Newman Lake County Chamber of Commerce Carol and Jeff Benkosky R Nickerson Brown Patti Baker and the Card Ladys Lake County Development Corporation Celeste and Phil Blythe R.B. Cave Peggy and Paul Woodruff Lake County Examiner Connie and Tony Smith Rupert Rez Robin and George Nagy Lakeview Animal Hospital Corrie Williams Ruth J Kamprath Rose Marie Driessen Lavabelles Vacation Rentals Dana Gjelde Sharon and Brian Allen Sharon and James Patrick Mary Bradbury Sally Fitzgerald Dawn and Rick Kirkendall Shauna and John Saling Toni Turman Mile Hi Tire Denny and Bill Duke Shirlee and Peter Brunelli Valdene and Eugene Lawson Modoc Veterinary Clinic Donna Cadwell-Jensen Shirley Start Evie Griffin T Net Computer and Internet Tribute Safeway Georgie and Robert White Toni and Al Bailie Jayne A Scarcella Stewarts Gudrun and Dwayne Hafner Toxie and Bert Young Joanne Benedict T Net Computer and Internet Heidi and Clint Smith Vi and Bill Goodman Kathleen and Wayne Haas Walt Lawton Hilda and Richard Machado Wendy and Wilbur Terrill Mary Christensen Westridge Animal Clinic Hope and William Adams Zina and John L Johnson Patricia N Bonn Lehman Pooch Parlor Adoption Program Partners Howard's Drugs Jan and Jody Ward Memorial Grants Bloomers Country Greenhouse Janet Shlesinger Annette and Barry Shullanberger Humane Society of the United States High Plateau Humane Society Jason Plowman April and Robert Jossy Ralph and Virginia Mullin Foundation Hooves and Halos Jay Cooke Arlene and Ed Clark Petco Foundation HTZ Giant Schnauzer Rescue Jeanne and Alan Munhall Barbara and Frank Alessio Joan and Wayne Melquist Barbara and Lester Jones Items Oregon German Shepherd Rescue John and Cherrie Kaiser Barbara Jean Thompson Bob and Kathy Rogers Oregon Humane Society John Leeper Carolyn Wisdom and Max Linn Carol Coons Oregon Mastiff Rescue Joyce Wilson Deanna and Jim Walls Debbie and Ben Startt Petco Julia Sowers Debra and Robert Nash Don Marshall Petsmart Juniper RV Diane and Edward Almojuela Floyda Sauer PNW Airdale Rescue Kathy and Bob Rogers Diane and Robert Ota Holiday Bazaar Craft People PNW Border Collie Rescue Kathy and Rick Elliot Dianne and Ralph Clay Jackie Bass Southern Oregon Humne Society Humane Society of Central Oregon Katie and Kevin Judd DJ and JA Anderson Michelle Key Linda and Ray Bledsaw Fraces and Russel Scholer Patti Baker Spay Neuter Program Partners Linda Cruz James and Marilyn Girt Ruth Kampras Bend Spay and Neuter Project Linda Gleason Joan and Marin Moulton Sagebrush quilters Companion Pet Clinic - Bend Lissa and Bruce Webbon Kathleen and Richard Strom Sharon Faulkner Companion Pet Clinic - Klamath Falls Mary Margaret Shultz Kathy and Dave Knowels Soroptomists of Lakeview Lakeview Animal Hospital Michael and D'Ann Hoffman Southside Foundation A more detailed financial statement is available upon request CASH ON HAND FROM FY 2007 5,598.87 SUPPORT Individual, Corporate and Foundation Gifts Foundation and Corporate Grants 14,268.88 1,000.00 Other Grants 2,000.00 Fundraising 6,706.22 28% 43% 20% REVENUES Adoption Fees 6,525.50 Spay Neuter Fees 2,444.50 Other Revenue Grants Revenues 374.25 Total Support Total Available Funds FY 2008 8% Gifts Fundraising 9% 33,319.35 38,918.22 EXPENSES 4% 1% Program Services 30,150.61 Administrative 2,685.42 Fundraiser 1,538.27 Retail 390.75 87% Program Services Administrative Fundraiser Retail Total Expenses Carryover to FY 2009 34,765.05 4,153.17
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