The Wilmington Crusader - Wilmington Local History Site
The Wilmington Crusader - Wilmington Local History Site
206 Andover St^J The Wilmington Crusader VOL. 19 NO. 2 WILMINGTON, MASS. — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1956 PRICE It* Officials Say New Ambulance Is Needed 8ELECTMKN6 MEETING A CLABIFICATION OP A SKATING CARNIVAL Harry Cutter of 17 Belmont 1>"* Au*hortt* Mr ^^'* SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NEWS STORY IN REGARD Ave., wu drawn tor jury duty resignation became effective Wilmington school chil- TO PARKING to serve at Middlesex County on December 27, 1955 and it dren, their parents, ft their In our issue of December 21. district court in East Cam- is now announced that Uwo friends are looking forward 1955, there appeared a story positions are open- on the bridge. to the second annual skating in the column "Coffee Break" During this meeting of the housing authority and applicacarnival to be held at the in regard to a parking probboard Mr. De Felice, Woods tions will be accepted. The I Wilmington Skating Cluh on lem in the vfclnltv of Steven's posibility of notifying the and Courtney were called to) 'Chestnut Street on Saturday Market, Main St.. WilmingGUdart's Garage to view the heads of the veterans organiand Sunday afternoons. Sin- ton. sations was discussed as it town ambulance which had gle runners, double runners, We wish to state that the was thought that as this is broken down A was there for shoe skates or clamp skates, item in . question which apmostly veterans housing, they repairs. After some consultai what does it matter, as all peared was definitely not inbe given a chance to tion. It was decided that the should contestants have one thing tended to cast any reflection take some part in it. town needs a new ambulance : in mind land that is to win on the reputation, business Much time was given to as the condition of the presi one of the 30 trophies and integrity, or moral character ent one would necessitate the the highway depta. budget I medals to be awarded the of any person whatsoever, and ■pending of approximately and work schedule. It la winners in the events. All we regret any embarrassment eight hundred dollars for re- hoped that the dept. will be of the contestants are to be which may have been caused able to purchase a curbing pear work. ' reminded that they must to anyone by a misinterpreThe board was notified that machine at a price of aptake part in the trials on tation of the statements. Saturday afternoon if they, at a meeting of the finance proximately nine hundred wish to place in the semicommittee on January 5 the dollars which it la thought final or final events. following transfers from the will pay for- ltoelf within a WILLIAM MANN t friends and merchants and Always of great interest PRESIDENT reserve account were voted as very short time. The plan OFFICER DOLAN, the "man in the street" and is the pee-wee" division which OF FIREMEN'S ASSO. requested by the selectmen on before the board was a nnost SANTA CLAUS Generally speaking the 2 with no fan fare raised suffl- finds the escapees from the The regular monthly meetDecember 29, to the police fire complete one, including even funds to purchase, at cradle up to seven years of ing of the Firemen's Asaoc. station account, $270; to the such detail as a typewriter weeks before Christmas are cent cost, through Beany Harrifor thesuperintendent of usually hectic one*. Days age trying out the blades. was held on Tuesday eveambulance account, $120; to ■he d pt and evenings go fast when son, a fine tape recorder for However, not to be outdone ning at the fire bouse. Elsee the parks account, $25.50; and Andy. planning and purchasing The town manager propoeby their children many of oy meir cuuureu ui tlon of officers was held by to the veterans aid account, Friday, Dec. 23 Charlls the mothers will take part I the group with the follow. ?d a deviation from past gifts for family and friends. $525. and company presented Andy Parties to be held or attend, practice. He »tate» that in the tasarried women's race ling members being elected. The board received on Inand a hundred and one with this much wanted gift as well as the men who will President, William vitation from the West Wil- much time and aggravation ed coming up. In the at the Mass General hospital take part in the old timers Vice President, Leslie Durmington Betterment Asaoc. to could be saved if the streets things mad pre-Christmas whirl where he has been a patient race which is open to men kee and Secretary-Treasurattend their next meeting which have been accepted, people, other than close one for some time. To say that who have reached or passed er, George Cashing. which will be held on Thurs- gravelled with no water and are apt to be forgotten. Andy was pleased and sur- their 36th birthday. Other Following the businessday evening. Some members no oil, should be oiled for Charlie DoSan, one of WU- prised is to put H mildly. events Include boys and meeting, refreshments Were of the hoard will accept the the benefit iiC flbjl HjMlHIft mington*' finest-waeiMrt one - Another pleasant surprise glrli" races In midget.' Juve- served by Donald Rases and He states: ''pdtOnTwitii? invitation. an oiled street, is to forget, Somehow, he had ware gifts given to Andy by nile, iuaJor and Lrtermedi- Joseph Cunningham. It was stated during this through the Soph. Jr. & Sr. boys and heard that Andy Pupa had atewose. nearly such an aggravameeting that more money was not Tho Wilmington Skating tion as being: confronted by expressed a wiah to have a glrtr of different student spent last year on vocational Irra+e bodies of which Andy was uape recorder. So Charlie dub has made available the BASKETBALL LEAGUE cltlsene from . May to training than, ever before. hied himself down to his affiliated from Wilmington use of their facilities to the cANcras MEETING September" The streets A list oi special policemen The regular meeting of fall Into this category, favorite donut shop In the High School. It was a Christ- Recreation Commission was subjagtted to the board which square and put the Idea up mas not to be forgotten and which mahas It possible for the boys Recreation Basketwith perhaps a few added or by CMi'Mfcul Lynch as fol- subtracted are: Cook Are., to Tony Joarmldee, who in our hats are off to Charlie all concerned to attend with bail league which is held at lows: Rdosrt I. Baker, Grove Esflex St., Cunningham St.. turn contacted a third fri- Dolan and his friends and no membership or entrance the Wild wood School on Ave.; Joseph Balestleri, Rail- Blrchwood Rd.. Sprucewood eon, all who to -—•make this end, one one «i AI mtuuuw. Malone. Togethivj™,- ... w~« helped -™.~™ — --— fee being assessed. In addi- Saturdays will be cancelled road Ave.; Ernest Call, Clark Rd.. NortH St., Faulkner er they solicited money from la Merry Christmas for Andy. tion to the regular races this week to permK all the St; Harry Cutter, Belmont Pd.. Davis Rd.. Oakwood plans have been made for a young fellows to take part Ave.; Simon Cutter, Church Rd.. Border Ave., Ce'lar hockey game between the in the skating carnival St: John Harvey, Jones Ave.; Ave.. Silver Lake Ave., Da- JANB CULLKN LEAVING high school team and the. I which Is to be held at the VANDALISM Adam Kozlowski, Jones Ave.; vis _* n, I..JI.I. Rd.. DJ rtfvhnnn FOR I.UkD CONVENT fM W IT fVT as well Vandalism was reported..faculty » _ -— — for gener- Skating Club. The league St, Judith Dobson Anthone Langone, Eagle Rd.; St.. Brattle St.. Broad St., Pupils of the Christian on January 7 at a house I al skating for all contestants will resume H* regular Leo LeBlanc, Lowe 11 St.; Don- Norfolk Ave., Kendall St, Doctrine Classes of St Tho- on Dorchester a v e n u e, I and their guests, t is hoped schedule the following Week. ald Mercier, Andover St; Gar- Dorchester St., FairfleM Rd.. mas' Church win be interest- owned by Fred Russo of that these events will not net Mills, Westdale Ave.; Highland St.. Oak St.. Plne- ed to hear that one of their Maiden. Mr. Russo re- only encourage particlpa- YOUNG REPUBLICANS Albin Pearson, Hathaway Rd.; wodo Rd.. Phwvtoiw Rd.. most popular teachers Miss ported windows and fund--tic* in skating competition MEETING The Toung Republicans Richard Pilcher, Cottage St; Long St. Bancroft Ave. and Jane Cullen, is leaving on ture broken and blankets, but will provide the necessFrank Robinson, Bates Ave.; Hardln Ave. Feb. t to become a novitiate sheets and cooking utensils ary experience for boys and Club will hold a meeting on girls wishing to fnrthsr Tuesday, Jan. 17, at 99 Church Earl Sewart, Blrchwood Rd.; Some discussion was held In* the order of Notre Dam*. were taken from the pre- their ambitions in skating St The meeting will begin at Eugene Sullivan, Crest Ave. with Miss Cullen, who comes mises. Officer Dolan invesMr. Winters oa the new whether it be by the Wilm- •PJt Police Matrons, Margaret Cal- streets which should be laid from Woburn, accompanies tigated, _____ ^^ ington Skating Club, The nan, WIMe Ave. and Myrtle out and accepted by the town. the Staters from 8tCharles Northeastern Skating AssoShaw, Thurston Ave. Special The total for the twelve every week to help out here SKIDS ciation, or the Silver Skates BENEFIT MEETING ponce at Greers: Frederick streets listed was over $86,- where there is a shortage of CAR THURSDAY The driver of a car Derby. Went Cambridge; Melvln noo and Ia«t year the town ap- teaches. She will be sadly The American Legion anMorgan, Woburn; C. Talman, nropriated a total of $1500 for missed by the children but which skidded on the ice nounces that the committee Winchester; George Harring- new street*. Mr. Courtney of- they know now happy she on Salem street, near Sig- ST. THOMAS' REUNION nore's developnent on SHAPING UP for the Herbert Daly Beneton, Swampscott Town spe- fered a plan by which each will be in her new life. January 8 and went off the There will be a special fit will meet at Legion Hall cial police. Ernest Rice, Salem "of the streets mentioned road striking a pole, was meeting of the committee on Thursday, Jan. 1$ at St and Patrick Thibeau, Gun- would come up In its h""" RALPH BABINE'S not identified. The front- for the Annual Parish Re- 8:00 p.m. to make plans for derson Rd. over a period of years and he FATHER DIBS end side of the vehicle union of St. Thomas Church the coming Chow Night to ._.» AW. Y.-...J >.4>»nf4 thai th* .. . John Hutchinson appeared and the board stated that the Sympathy is being extend- was damaged and it was Tuesday, Jan. 17 at Villan- be held Saturday, Jan, 4. before the board apply -— for [own town Luniim cannot B(TCUU spend ».«.. over $1200 irciwie wm w—.. to — —WT-~ **-—«— ed Mr. Daly Is the Past and to Ralph Bahine of towed to Cain's garage. A ova Hall, at 9:00 p.m. a license to operate a gene- for the new streets in 1956. Church St, on the death of citizen of Catherine road The tickets will be distri- Present County Treasurer ral salvage business on the 3Ie suggested 'that Gowing, his father, John Babine of reported someone took bated at this time to assure of the American Legion. lower end of Woburn St., near Chandler and Oakridge be Arlington who passed away something from the car be-1 plenty of time for everyone During the convention hut the North Woburn line. The taken care of in 1956. Carolyn, on January 2 at the Veter- fore the police arrived, ■ in the parish to he contact- fall, Mr. Daly fell and fraclicense was granted without Kelley and Glenview in 1957, an's Hospital in West Rox- but the owner reported no- i. tured his pelvis and is still e question, as this Is an indus- Falrmeadow, (which alone bury. confined to Sacred Heart thing missing. Officer Marconstitutes a sum of $16,000 Hospital at Manchester, N.H. trial area. RUBBISH DUMPED key investigated. and will be for some time. License to conduct "Blue In 1958 and Hilltop, Carter and ILLEGALLY . ■ In the true tradition of Crutch" days was granted, Dunton In 1959. Mr. Courtney LAWRENCE COLE ILL Mr. Bousefteld of AlCHECKING THE DARK Lawrence Cole of Concord Larz Nellson's Auctioneers li- stated that most people if drich road, complained on fellowship that the AmeriOn January 5, the police St, has been confined to his always shows, cense was renewed and Ro- they know their turn is comreceived a radio message January 8 that someone can Legion members ~? are holding • bert Flemming was granted a ing, are willing to wait This home for the past three that a car was parked at had dumped rubbish onjthe «■-•—-— weeks. Mr. Cole Is suffering his property. Officer Mar- this affair for their comrade , renewal of his license to oper- however fas Just a tentative Camp Forty Acres. Upon from "water on the knee" ate a third class garage on plan as there were two mem- which resulted from a fall investigation, Deputy Ho- (key investigated and Mr. who ha, a wlfeandseveral bers of the board absent and Cabara of Burlington ave- children It is hoped thtowUr Salem St he experienced at his place ban and Officer Markey nue was made to clean up be one of the best attenoea A better of resignation was nothing definite could be de- of employment. We were found Walter Rogers was received from Gardner I. Rit- cided. Parker St was also sorry to hear that he may; simply checking to see what he had dumped there. »««*« of the season. chie of the Wilmington Houscont. en page TWELVE be confined for some time to what the camp looked like come in the dark. WALLPAPER r\y,sniic Pfuntk Ovtr IS.000 rolW in : \ >< k Bradbury's - Woburn 3iS M WO 1-2747 Wallpaper Edgai Vrimmed FRBEI 100% Steel Venetian Blinds ALL SIZES IN STOCK IV * M"Thr« 34" x 64" • $2.99 * ffiLP WANTED :1 Immediate* openings far young man and women.' No experience necessary* Excellent working conditions. APPLY— ' MARILYN SANDAL CORP. |426 Main St. • Stoneham Mr. Schubert "MJ-4-ll The Sensational All New STUDEBAKER For '56 ONLY $399." DOWN! BALANCE $59.00 A MONTH GLADSTONE BROS. Route 3 — MOntrese 3-8H7 — PINEHURST »oeos»M»ee»»>»»»» oeee»*»e»e>»»»ao? NEWSBOYS WANTED! - Make Extra Money! Be A Newsboy For This Paper If interested, call The Billerica Publishing Co. office at GL 8-8812 and leave name and address. r FACE TWO THE V'Tl MIVGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1956 Old Landmark Open For Business Again AM SHip'n Shore' new shortie French On Thursday morning Jan. S, John Luccl opened his WILMINGTON YOUNG - HKST WILMINGTON INAVY NBHDS FORMER new self-service grocery REPUBLICAN CLUB BETTERMENT ASSO. NEWS PHRSONNHL ■tore at Perry's Corner for ELECTS OFFICERS Navy recruiting here toThe next regular monthly business. Alter many months •At the December meeting meeting of the West Wilming- day announced that certain of hard work, his store is pt the Wilmington Young Re- ton Betterment Asso. will be former Naval personnel who all gleaming white, and of. publican Club, the following held Thursday, Jan. 12 at 8 have been discharged over ferine over 500 different officers were P.M. at the West Wilmington three months but less than installed. articles for sale. Had Mr. Community Club Hall on For- one year may now be rePresident, Gilbert Wozney, Luccl opened Ms store one rest St. Members of the enlisted in the rating held Ledge wood Road. day earlier, he would have Board of Selectmen have been at the time of their disV. Bres: Alan Altman, launched his new venture on Invited to attend this meet- charge. A total of 151 variChurch Street. the birthday of the former ing. At least one member of ous ratings are Included in Rec. Sec: Nancy H. Clark, proprietress. She would have every famUy In West Wll- this category. In addition Church Street. bees 83. mlngton shoulcPbe present so there are a few critical ratCor. Sec. Marilyn Fenton, Many years ago, imore that they may meet the hon- ings open to former Navy than moat of us can remem ■ Fairmeadow Road. orable members of our board man who have been disbar, J. W. Murray opened his Treasurer: George Savary, and at the same time acquaint charged over one year. Howcash grocery store in the Glendale Circle. ever, the applications for Elected to the Executive the selectmen with some of reenllstment of these perrear of his home at 704 Woproblems in relation to bum St., where It remained Board from the body were their sonnel must be approved by Town. for seven years, after which James M. Pipes, Chestnut St., theCoffee donuts will be the Navy Department. Applibusiness had grown so as Charles White, Frederick H. served by and cable ratings open to perMrs. Alice MacDon- sonnel to necessitate the building Horton. Glen Road, and Mrs. discharged In excess aid and her food committee. Evelyn Allgrove of Middlesex of a better store in a better of one year are: CommunicAvenue. location. In 1893 he con ation's Technician, Electrisruoted the store at Perry's The Constitution and By- HEALTH ROR ALL ian'a Mate, Electronics tecLaws were voted on and aCorner which he continued hnician, Pipe Fitter, Firs TB In The Classroom dopted. We were honored to manage with the aid of Control Technician, Interior Could your child catch his wife and daughter'*. Edi- again by the presence of our tuberculosis In school? Conwnunjciation Electrician, th and Emma until his death selectmen. Wavle Drew, our Your immediate reaction Mineman, Radarman, Radiola U23. Shortly after his i-epresentative, Mr. Tanner; is, "No, of course not." Not man, Sonarman and Telepassing, his older daughter nnd the advisory officers of with all the public health re- man. In order to qualify for Emma took over full charge Uie State Council. It was a school doctors and the foregoing program reof the adore which she oper- fine meeting. Everyone took gulations, nurses. Not In that hand- enlistment must be effected ated until she was 81 years an active part. We need you some new brick' building prior to 80 June 1*66. Adold. all-everyone under seventy- with the big shiny window, ditional Information may be There are mnany who will seven years young. panes. Anyway, you say, not obtained by contacting your tor many years to come, The Executive Board is to many children get TB these local Navy Recruiter located Short cut to fashion... the dapper have pleasant memories of meet Monday Evening, Janu- days. at the New Poet Office Build- broadcloth blouse with pearl-linked little . Emma's tftore. They will re- ary 9, at the home of Gil Wozing, Lowell. But can you be sure that member freezing mornings, ney to better ascertain the your child is safe? A recent sleeves. Attractive johnny collar to wear open when they stood inside aims and directions of the ilscovery of active tuberor closed. Ever-washable combed cotton in Bn*n»'e door waiting for Club. The next meeting date culosis In a six-year-old girl 'MADE I> busses which were some- will be announced at that led to the disclosure of three M ASH A < 'H18KTT.S!'' white, pale-tones, deeps. Sizes 30 to 40. When women editors and times hours late. The old time. We need YOU, YOU, A other Infected first-graders. pot-bellied stove which was YOU! for information or inter- Investigation showed that columnists convene at Bos- . Brilliant new Ship'n Shore patterned blouses, tool the only source of heat, was est, call Marilyn at OLiver 8- ihelr apparently healthy ton's Sheraton Plaza Hotel always a point of interest to 3913 or Nancy at OLiver 8- young teacher had the dte- on January 20, tor the annual conference of the New everyone, as was the old, 2670. jease. England Weekly Press Asroman-n umeraled dock , Children do get tuberculsociation, they will he guests whlea J. W. Murray hung osis. The Incidence Is lower at an unusual fashion show on his wall before he opened TH1 BATTLE Of J tftsan in adults partly because \ t e c i a 11 the Mora and which Mr THE MATCHEE-LUSTEE their opportunities for con- sponsored by the DepartLuccl stales he Intends to Alter several unsuccess- tact with an active ease of ment of Commerce. Aptl) use himself. As time went ful efforts to contact the the disease are fewer. Dur- named, "Made In Massachuon and we grew older, we enemy, Marine Command- ing the years when a child'* setts," this special feature never expected that BBTD. WTO.™" u>» Emma =...».- gnt Henderson who was in world includes little more is being planned with (many would. Bam was agtfess, command of one of the two than home and school, the well-known Bay State manuuui on nusuoi io, 1954 *»»* •».« jjuiy brigades in Florida, r tonaa, chances of his catching tu- facturers of women's" cosbut August 18, she grmy tumes who have initiated, il ■ li Mil (Kat aha urna illA, BB •" . .. »* _ _ _» - ■ * Corner Main and Shawsheen Streets ... Tswlufcury proved that she was Just as moved■ ■his unit east toward berculosis can be minimized. mortal as the rest of ua for ^ headquarters of the The infection is most likely designed and promoted leadon that day dav while tending A-u., w. ...k„ « force in.™* to reach him from adults ing women's fashions across M a Ocklawaha, where the store, Emma Murray of in consider- with active TB. And these the Naton. BeHeved to be the WILMINGTON ROTARY I GEORGE NEEDS MORE first ever to feature only CLUB NEWS Sargeant died. ' SKATES FOB HUNGRY able force was reported. will moat likely be in a lim- Massachusetts-made fashHer passing was a shock On Wednesday Jan. 11, a»r, SKATERS A recently abandoned ited group Including the ato the entire town, but espe- Indian camp found on the dults In his own family and tons. The Department's show Werner Ungerer will be the! will add an additional Inguest speaker at the Winning- ! fvsty day a little on. walks cially to Perry's Corner morning of January 27, his school teachers. teresting note by choosing which stood mute In its grlei 1837, indicated that a large Responsible parents will 15 local models, they will fon Ro£ry luncheon. Dr. Un- «to George and with hope in and 1 silent. For the first limp make sure, of course, that represent the Dewey & Almy gerer has a doctorate in eco- «» manner ask, Georgelf by In ovir 62 there »a wa **» waTnearby. in over \>£ Vear. years mere _ . ,The . warth there Is no chance that a Co., First National Bank, nomics and is the German chance he ha. a pa* of skates. riors had fled into the no grocer at Perry's Cornor. ohlld to exposed to tuber- Boston Edison Co., H. P. Vice-Consul in Boston. He will George meekly and with sadswamps. Henderson left In October 1955, just a litII in the home. With Hood «o.. John Haimoock speak on the Political prob- »«s in his eyes has to say. over a year later the store I one company to JU»JM culosis the modern chest X-ray Mutual Life Insuarance Co.. lems in Germany today. This *?"T ~nny nothing today. came into the hands of Mr. I camp and pushed on with there Is no excuse for doubt New England Tel. & Tel. Co., .. part of the international Even though Georges restLuccl. Edith Symmes, Em- the remainder of his /ervlce program, one of the aurant has be« given skates, on this score. Boston Gas Co.. Federal Repairs, he still needs ma's younger sister, had re-1 troops. They soon encounBut ,what about the serve Bank of Boston, Na avenues of Rotary service. many lused to sell to anyone who tered the enemy, *«> had school? Responsible parents which is designed to promote more and asks local residents tlonal Shawmut Bank. Farto please bring skates down to would not operate a grocery taken up a position behind should know for, sure what rington Mfg. Co.. Level International good-will and him that have been outgrown. atore.. the Hatchee-Lustee Riverunderstanding. measures are taken to proBros.. Veterans' AdminisThis fine skating weather has We were there Thursday a stream too deep to cross, tect the health ©f their chilbrought many requests and in evening, first going to talk Crossing the river by dren In the classroom. Does tration, Gillette Safety Razor Co.. Blue Cross. Blue-Shield order to fill them. George with Mrs. Syunrnes and stop- swimming and by using •■■our school system require "AVANTI VULGANIA" and Necco Candy Co. ping to see the new store on foot logs, the Marines at- in annual physical examlnnBoston will see its nrs!: Spanos begs help from all. George also needs canes, the way home. It is Bhe caime tacked the Indians and ion and a cheat X-ray of all Italian Line luxury ship In old store m the same old drove them further into its teachers? If there is such EAGLE EYED 17 years when the Vulcania magazines and he is also missplace, but wow, those 1m- the swamps. a regulation, is It rigidly enThe Berkshire Evening calls at Commonwealth Pier ing a pair of extension crutchprovemenU! It is shining ^^ Marines pursued, had forced? Teamwork by par- Eagle (Plttsfleld) in receiv- for passengers and cargo on es which he needs. The perand positively sparkles with geveral contacts, but lost ent organisations, doctors, ing am Award of Merit at January 5, 1956. Headed for son who has them would do a desire to .serve as well and ^ ports, the a service by returning them m ihe deep ]ungle at educators, the health depart- the recent Chicago conven- Mediterranean better than ever. We found Henderson gave ment, and tuberculosis asso- tion of the National Associa- 24,346 ton, 620 foot long to the Main St. restaurant. u_ Mr. Lucd to be a very per« ne ursuit md wittl. ciation can prevent the need- tion of Travel Organizations vessel will call nrst at Lissonabte young man of on > ^ ^ force(J A nnm. less tragedy of the child for the newspaper's 1955 bon, where she will remain 24 years but in spite of his £ ^^^ were killed who catches tuberculosis in Summer supplement, "Berk- Tor 31 hours to enable pasyouth, his knowledge of the during the the classroom. wounded shire Week", became the sengers to visit the 8hrlne grocery business te vast as °r first paper in the five-year of Our Lady of the Rosary Faitlma. The Vulcania acPaul Bunyan is a mythical history of NATO citations at 1200 persons. figure of American folklore. honored for assistance to an commodates While docked at the Port area's vacation/travel busifn stJneham. John Luci has ?en were P^oted for He was created In the tall of Boston, a reception will ness. The Eagle might well tales created around the camp g staged to enable the pubfires in early logging camps, have yawned politely, how- be lic to view the Vulcanla's ever, since this was its secaccording to the National pools, winter garLumber Manufacturers Asso- ond important award In 3 swimming den, chapel, promenade weeks — It having been ciation. Books written about lo^ea this place as Emma's,ting them to Plant their decks and spacious dining named a short time earlier will be even more pleased crops due to ******** his exploits depict Paul as a as winner of the 1956 Page rooms. Then the ship will with It as Luccl's. raids, the Indians soon be- (giant lumberjack who per- 1 typographical contest for continue to Gibraltar, Bar. gan to give up. They formed herculean feats In big city dallies In celona, Cannes, Genoa, NapI agreed, finally, to assem- company with Babe, a great aregional contest sponsored by the les, Palermo, Vendee and Safety Tip: As the days hje t^eiT people near Tarn- blue ox. New England Associated Trieste. grow darker, the accident - pa Bay for transportation Safety Tip: Observe these curve rises, the AAA points west. Winter Driving Rules and Press News Executives As- STOPPING DISTANCE out The reason? It's more The volunteers and mili- stay out of trouble, says the sociation. REGISTRAR KING SAYS: difficult to see pedestrians tia were ordered home and AAA. Test road slipperlness Smart farmers are putting "Avoid sudden stops on wet and other automobiles. The the Marines were ordered carefully when it's wet; part of their crop money slippery roads. • Keep more solution? Curb your speed; north. Henderson departed drive at lower speeds; fol- away U.S. Savings Bonds. Series distance between your car drive with EXTRA caution;, on May 22, 1837, leaving low at longer distances; use In grow into real re- and the vehicle ahead. You COAL « COKE watch for pedeetri*ns: don't two companies (189 men) tire chains when necessary; E, which to protect their busi- need three times your nor• BURNER SERVICE • over-drive your headlights. at Fort Brooke. The Mar- keep your windshield clean; serves ness and replace their vital mal stopping distance." ines from ships' detach- avoid all sudden acts to farm machinery. steering, starting and stopLIGHTS P'n8Sandy McDoe says: Save The comblnatkm of warm REGISTRAR KING SAYS: $£> billion, of their vessels. The war was more than $230 billion, ot . ■ -your money and you save your, days and cool nights are ideal "Keep your headlights clean whteh about *50 billion I. In apparently over. peace. And the payroll savings Ifor the development of swine Reduce speed after dark so Main St. - Wilminyton U S Savings Bonds. E and H plan is a richt guid way to | influenza. Shelter should be you can stop within the disOLiver 1-2021 The world's non-stop disBond holdings alone are save those bonny Savings j provided to take the edge off tance your lights illuminate tance flying record is held by I the road ahead." around $40 billion Good InS^nd, « ' wide temperature changes. Navy planes. surance for prosperity. V Dora's Specialty Shop a%sS£5 at srsftX-jsa XJ&ttSVZ , «| ^Jterally AUTOMATIC DELIVERY 7*L Wilmington Coal and Oil Co. ^ PAGE THREE THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JANU.**Y 11,'MM ARE YOU BROKE? lor, rather badly bent—after the year-«nd splurge?! |Here's the. answer!" if you ''enjoy"'GOOD BEERll TOPPER 6 PTS. OR 3(No Deposit) QTS. ONLY 99c St. Thomas' Sport* Nite To be Held January 20th OLD MADRID ' - PURE CALIFORNIA WINE Ale. 21% Pt. 40c Qt. 75c . y Gal. 1.49 Gal. 2.89 Here it Is, folks, a big nite tor the Dad's and tliei. PTA GETS ITS FOOTING: SPAGHETTI SUPPER boys. Every youngster with WE'RE OFF WITHOUT JAN. 23 a sports minded Dad looks MEMBERSHIP SUPPER!! Plans for the spaghetti sup2 forward to the day when he Monday, January 16, is the per to be held by the Wildand his Dad can go out on Main Strett • Wilmington - Opposite Rocco's Six o'clock Is the wood Club for the benefit of Port, White Port the town together some nite. pvenlng! OPEN EVENINGS TILL 11 dental clinic are in full Muscatel and Sherry, Dad can do a little bragging hour! PTA Membership Card the swing. This supper will be is your admission! The High and tell Junior about his abilities as a sportsman. ISchooi Cafeteria is the served on January 23 at the Wildwood School, beginning can tell the gang he place! Straight RICHARD GILLIS Pastor and Fr. Regan, their Junior Come on all you parents. at 6:00 p.m. was out with Dad and wha< JOINS ARMY Bourbon Spiritual Director, for the a time thev Jiad Let's support those good kids Richard Gillis, son of Mr. time and guidance received. of yours. Let's all turn out EASTERN MASS Take a look at this pro. for the PTA Supper. No res- ASK INCREASE and Mrs. Malcolm J. Gillis A long range C.Y.O. Program of 9 Liberty St. No. Wilm- is In the offing for the mem- gram and see what is in ervations are. necessary. Just The Eastern Massachuington, has enlisted In the bers of the C.Y.O. and they store for the boys. grab some kind-any kind—of setts Street Railway ComNo. 1 is the Rt. Rev. Monwill find that their parents Army. Mr. Gillis loft for 80 Proof casserole. Bring your Mem- pany has filed new rate Fort Dlx on Jan 3. We will and friends will back their signor John J. Carroll, the bership Card or your seventy- schedules with the MassaMr. Boston's Director of the C.Y.O. for endeavors to the limit. Publish his permanent ad. Spot Bottle cents for procurement of chusetts. ]>epartment of Pubthe Archdiocese of Boston, five drees as soon as it Is receivsame to the High School Cafe- lic Utilities calling for an Al Mitchell, one of the a wonderful speaker and a ed. in its fares made foremost directors of Minstr- great sportsman in his own eteria at six o'clock on Mon- increase necessary in order to offset day. el Shows In this section, has right. So you're too tired—so are Increasing costs of operation FIFTH been engaged. Mr. Mitchell WOBURN ROTARY No. 2 is Johnnie Pesky, and decrease In passenger ENTERTAINS has directed C.Y.O. snows I one of the Red So* all-time we all!!! Get out and get over revenues. WILMINGTON all over the etate, and upon I hitter for over 13 years, he it! So Johnny's not in school The new schedule provide Why should you go? Two SHAMROCK The Woburn Rotary Club being interviwed by Fr. jhad 200 htta for three sea. yet for an Increase form' 16 years tears by terrifically iYoke and the committee,; sons in a row and was the was host to the members of cents to 20 cents in the 2 man in the greatest fast—then ten—and BOOM! basic cash fare, with five Wilmington Rotary at a Joint it was felt by all that attend- No. in High School— meeting in Woburn on Jan. ed that here wag a man that 1-2-3 punch in baseball, con-I Johnny's tokens for 90 cents, or at MAIN STREET 4. There was a spirited song would put on one of the slating of Dom DiMaggio, and you're still too tired to the rate of 18 cents each. WILMINGTON get out to PTA. finest shows In these parts. Johnnie Pesky and the greatsession, during which "All Pupils' tickets will be InMomma grab the Vitamin The rehearsals for the •st of them all, Ted WillHail Massachusetts" was bottle; Poppa grab a shower; creased 10 cents. In addiBunjg in memory of Prank show will start on the 12tli iams. tion, some adjustments are of Fen., and it Is hoped that No. 3 Is Tony DeMarco. toss the other casserole to proposed in the fares for BELGIUM-BOUND W. Smith, deceased member New honor <carae , to Old the kids for a quick supper; It will bring forth all tie raited as the gamest fighter of the Woburn Club. ride tickets now selling at last . month "Your Leadership Counts" talent in the town; young, in the business today, had and—COME ON—Join the $2.26 will cost 12.35 for Masachueetts the Belgian- Governwae the topic of the address old, and all mhat In any way two of the greatest fights for crowd! Where are they all go- 20 rides under the propos- when ment, after looking over Deby Dr. Alan Stookdale ol can assist in making the the welterweight crown in ing? Don't you know? - To ed new schedules. It is esti- partments of Commerce and the big whingding down at mated that the additional anthe history of the game. New York City. Dr. Stock- shew a success. Mo. 4 is Mike Holovac of the High School Cafeteria— nual revenue produced by similar organizations. In dale, an eighty year old.rehave any talent at Boston College fame. What the PTA Supper! other U. S. states, formally tired Congregational minis all,If you the new nates will amount Invited Commerce Commisyou are Welcome to ter, te moat widely known come forward, as no matter Dad will evsr forget that to approximately $962,000. sioner Richard Preston of for the lectures which he how many people show up, famous saying, "Give it to METHODIST HIGH It was pointed out that InDepartment to come to has given in all partB of the there will be a spot for all. Milke." Mike Is now the SCHOOL BASKETBALL creasing competition, from this Coach at B. C. and though TEAM PLAY OLD-TIMERS private automobiles, taxi- Belgium to assist 'that'councountry. His talk was based The committee is as folIn. community economic on a verse from the book of lows. Honorary Chairtman, one of the youngest coaches, OF THE CHURCH cabs, and other factors caus- try problems. Governor Hertor. Proverbs, "It is the glory of Rev. Fr. Edmund J. Croke; Us reputation is growing ed a decrease of upwards of The High School Basketpleased at this International God to conceal a thing, bu* General Chairman, John F. every year for the outstand- ball team of the Wllmlngtou 8% hi' passenger revenue recognition of the, Bay the glory of kings is to look Kenney; C.Y.O. Boys, Chair- ing Job he does on the. field Methodist Church, coached for the past year and is still State's newest department, into a matter". Using many man,- David Calhoun; Bob and with his boys. Mike will by Bob Smith played a group continuing. During the per- approved a leave of absence brilliant Illustrations and Barboza, James Cosman and also 'bring the pictures of of men from the church last iod frcto 1960 to 1956 rid- for the Commissioner, w>>o some of B. C.'s outstanding Thursday evening In the ing has decreased nearly with a wealth of UuBnor he Teny Marmiani; C.Y.O. left for Europe the middle showed how personal and Girls, Chalrlady, Rosalie games of the year. Wildwood School. Repre- 40%, while the registration of November. . No. 6 Here is where ye senting social progress has resulted of private automobiles has the "old-timers'.' as _ , Ufrom the effort of man to Cuoco; Brenda Corcoran, went all out. It cost the Holy the boys like to call, them Increased 24.6%. STAINLESS STEELS V discover the secrets hidden Georgianna Parks and Je- Name a barrel of money to were, Ted Wicks, Ralph GarSince applying for its last Gagon. Ad Book, Chair- get this fellow. Mike FlaherFOR CLEANLINESS ... by God since the beginning anne fare Increase in 1952, Mr. land. Curl Smallidge. Frank lady, May Quandl assisted ty, Head Coach, University McLean, Cliff Smith. Bob Edwin D. Crowley, rice preCleanliness is perhaps a of time. Dr. Stockdale's address wiU be remembered as by Dan Gillis. Mrs. Dee Enos of Milan. Italy. Here is an liters and the Rev. Richard sident and treasurer of the greater problem In process& John Amnotte Treasurer, one of the finest ejrer heard Al Quandt; Publicity, Miss outstanding gentleman. Can- Harding. And playing for company, stated that operat ing dairy products than for not speak a word of Italian the high sohoolens were, Ing and maintenance costs other foods. For' this reason by the Rotarians of this viDolores Aitnaro assisted by and yet has the only unde- Phil the dairy Industry was one Tupper, Billy Tupper, have continued to mount de- of cinity. , Dan Gillis. i Tickets, Red Ea- feated and untied football Paul Butt. first branches of the spite constant efforts to re- foodthe industry Bernle Nally, Bob to replace ton, i Chairman assisted by, team In the world. duce expenses without curST. THOMAS' Cornish, Burt Sell, Ed SawyLouis Kleynan, Jr.. and Ed No. 6. Baseball pictures er, John Brown. Ted Nel- tailing any essential serv- coated imetaas, such as galMINSTREL SHOW vanized steel or tinned A meeting was held Sun- Gallagher. Patrons and Pa- of the Red Sox in action. was there to spur the ices. Latest to affect the com- bronze, with nickel-containThere It is, folk, as good son pany's costs is the new wage day by the officers of the tronesses, Peter Enoe assisthigh school boys on. steels. These C.Y.O. to formulate plans ed by Mrs. Maria Harring- an evening's entertainment The' galme was hard scale awarded Its 1300 em- ing stainless do not affect the aptor a Minstrel Show to he ton. Posters, Chick Mclnnte as could be found In the fought and the boys closed ployes, which became effec- steels loountry. Imagine 60c for a fifteen point lead, nearly tive July 1, 1966, and which, pearance, taste or nutrition, held in April. This show is assisted by Peter Enos. Your support of the above Dad and two bits for Junior. winning the game which when fully operative, will al properties of milk, aid to be run for the benefit of stronger cleaning and steriSt. Thomas' Building Fund endeavor is hoped for. Let's they tost 64-63. The "old. result in an additional ope- lizing solutions can be used and "will rtve tie C.Y.O. a give the Youngsters our full CIRCUS PRIEST HERE rating cost of approximately I timers" knew what the boys because of their resistance "ance to eip?e» their support and put St. Thomas' meant by calling them such $276,000 on en annual basis. to most cleaning chemicals. MARCH HI thanks to Fr. Croke, their CYO on the map. a name at the end.of the Wood, long acclaimed for Rev. Edward S. Sullivan game. Before World War H the of Roxbury, better known as The high school team will Its beauty and versatility, has US. Navy had had but four the "Circus Priest", will be play the high school team been chosen to play a leading fleet actions, but in each eae 1 on hand at Vtllanova Hall, of the West Medford Church role In the interior design of It captured and destroyed on Friday, March 16, at on Thursday evening of this future federal courthouses, according to the National every enemy ship. 8:30 p.m. to relate his many week In West Medford. and SHAWSHEEN AVE. WILMINGTON MAIN Lumber Manufacturers AssoInteresting stories about his In the first 10 months ef CALL OL 8-2311 . . . FOR good friends the circus peo- "THE PROPHET HOSEA" ciation. Standards developed by the General Services Ad- 3956, individuals put away ple. He'll have moving picSERMON MEDITATION AT FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY SERVICE ministration's Public Building $638 million more in Series E tures to show, also, along METHODIST CHURCH and H Bonds than they drew with his talks. Continuing with the theme Service provide for the use of out In redemptions. s -:- LUBRICATION - LIGHT REPAIRS -:wood for courtroom and Each time he had been of the Great Prophets, the ^Complete Line of ... Batteries - Tires - Accessories asked as a guest speaker In Rev. Richard B. Harding, chamber paneling and for Navy WAVES comprised 56 See Us For • • former years, toe had been pastor of the local Methodist other court appointments, inpreviously engaged. So St. Church, will bring a sermon cluding the judge's bench, percent of the military perThomas' parish will be deep- based on the Prophet Hosea spectator benches. Jury box sonnel in the Navy Departnent in Washington, D.C durly honored on that date to on Sunday, January 16 at end clerk's desk. have such a renowned per. the 9:15 and 11 a.m. worson as Father Sullivan de- ship services. vote his evening to the peoLast Sunday the members ple of Wilmington and friends of the church STORM WINDOWS BROTHERS This event Is being spon- shared in the life and messored by the Catholic Daugh- sage of the prophet Amos, FOLDING STAIRWAYS ters and is open to one and presented by Mr. Harding in WALL IRONING BOARDS all. U is hoped that Villan- an autobiographical manner. ova Hall will be filled to He feels that it Is ftmportant FLUSH DOORS capacity that night. that these great men of the COMBINATION DOORS Old Testament come alive, and that their message be A COMPLETE LINE of NEWELL'S HELD heard again in our day. This NEW YEAR'S PARTY ALL TYPES WINDOWS sermon theme on the proFifteen couples were the phets will continue through last Sunday in January, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph the . Newell, of Sewell Rd. North!at which time the prophet 164 Haven St. — Next te P.O. — Tel. Readme; 2-—aO many consider closest to WUmlngtoji. at a gay New o/ Year's Party. Among the Jesus, Jereftndah, will be the /o guests were: Mr. and Mrs. morning message. Edward Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crawford, Mr. Navy Medlce have developed and Mrs. Leonard" Bryant, a tiny radio device no bigger Mr. and Mrs. Richard Iver- than a pack of Jdng-slze cigaPower Rolled by 3* to S Ten Weight son. Mr. and Mrs. Robert rettes to provide a 24-hour check on a patient's heart and All Work Dene a* Specified Meserve, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh WILMINGTON 1 Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip lung activity. | Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. George PUMPED end INSTALLED Safety Tip: Now's the I Mulvey, Mr .and Mrs. Carl Smallidge, Mr. and Mrs time to check £our tires for 20 Lowell St. — Wilmington— Junction Rts. 38-W Thomas O'Hara Mr. and winter driving, according to Mrs. Charles Bowser, Mr. the A.A.A. A smooth, worn Open Saturdays . . . All Day From 8 A.M. and Mrs. Charles Mclnnls, tread can double your stopOpen Monday •nd Thursday Evenings Mr. and Mns. William Myer, ping distance on wet paveMr. and Mrs. William De- ment. Besides, there's danOLlver 843T? Call OLlver 8-2380 Tel. OLiver 8-2323 Wolfe, and Mr. and Mrs. ger of skidding if your tires are worn smooth/ John Adams. SHAMROCK DRIVE-IN WHISKEY 4-Years Old 2.99 DRIVE-JN BILL & MEL'S STATION U-HAUL RENTAL TRAILER AAA - SERVICE AAA HODSON • PAINT SERVICE CENTER * UP TO t 50 OFF LIST • Building Materials Outlet Complete Line of... • Bay State Paints • Stylecraft Wallpaper . . ASPHALT DRIVES . . and PARKING LOTS CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS RICH FERTILE LOAM JOSEPH H. APP (' I THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, It* PACE FOUR The Wilmington Crusader Published Every Wednesday Morning By THE BILLKRICA PUBLISHING CO. Box 806, Wiimlngtc.i Pott Office, Wilmington, Mass. Street • North Billerica. Mass. MO M»l High Street SUnley J. Bocko, Publisher Bernie Patterson, Businesf Manager GL &3812 Lowell Business Office and Plant 95 BrMgo Street — GL 8*812 — Lowell, Mass. Deadllm >r. all news items and ads Tuesday at noon Subscription rate '$3.00 per year or $2.00 for six months. All payable in advance. • Entered as second-class mall matter November 22, 1950 at the Post Office In Wilmington, Mass., by the Billerica Publishing Co. Established rates on all classes of advertising mailed ■u request :oatract rate for display advertising covers run of paper position only. Premium charges made- for special position on front and back pages. The Wilmington Crusader assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but will reprint that part of any advertisement in which the error occurs, if the error affects the value of the advertised item. Advertisers will please notify management of any errors which may occur. The Wilmington Crusader is mailed to every Serviceman from Wilmington, through the cooperation of the Gildart Chevrolet Company, the Wilmington Post of the American Legion, and the Nee-Ellsworth Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Servicemen are asked to keep the Crusader posted as to their latest address. Write to Box 806, Wilmington, Mass. HELP THE IDLE CHILD We talked recently to Anthony Meads who is Head of Scouting in this town. Mr. Meads is one of those who give so freely of their time and effort for the youth of the community. To use his words, "It's the idle child who gets into trouble." People like Mr. Meads, and there are many in town, have a sincere and heartfelt love for children. To people like this, who give many hours a week for other people's children, it must be disheartening, indeed, when trying to find others to help carry a little of the load. There is a desperate need for both men and women to give what amounts to about an hour and a half a week, and one evening a month, to help a group of youngsters find clean, wholesome fun that keeps them off the streets and channel their interests into lines that will lead to more and more of the activities that we all like to see youth engaged in. A lot of little boys are "lone Cubs" which means they do their required work alone, which defeats one purpose of scouting, and have only the one evening a month to attend. Think how they would feel toward someone who made it possible for them to belong to a den. There is s great deal of satisfaction to be derived from this contact wkh a small (up to eight) group of small (eight to ten) boys once a week. The affection to be won from them is well worth any small sacrifice it may take. Den mothers are not soon forgotten. Perhaps if Ma-. Meads received even one call where someone said, "I'd like to be a Den Mother (or a committeeman), what do I do?", instead of, "I'd like my son to be s Cub, who will do itr, then perhaps K would m»i»» a lot of the rejections easier to bear. Why don't you try it and see? , , The Silver Lake District is leading the town in interest with nine dens and 72 Cubs. Which other district will catch up first? Mr. Meads' phone number is OL 83505. Make it the busiest one in town this week. THANK GOD — AND HELP TOO It hardly seems necessary to remind anyone that 'polio" was an even more dreaded word than usual this past year. One would hold the breath for a moment when the daily totals were announced and wait with dread for the name of a home town to be mentioned. A simple trip to the beach on a sweltering day was a subject of much debate and more often than not, ended with everyone deciding it was better to stay home ' just m case". When finally the tabulations dropped from the news broadcasts, we all breathed a sigh of relief and those of us who were untouched walked off on our two good legs saying a prayer of thanks. A more tangible proof of gratitude will be evident next Friday and Saturday, January 12 and 13, if every person who is able to rwalk the streets will pass very close to the members o the American Legion and Auxiliary who will be outside the stores with containers marked the Blue Crutch. Please don't try to judge if these containers are full enough not to need another contribution. Even another penny will help toward the national goal of $47,600,000 needed this year. • It's a lot of money, but there are also a lot of iron Lungs still operating. It's not going to be too pleasant for those people standing there holding their little containers on a January day. And if at the end of the day, if those cans aren't very full, it will seem like pretty thankless work. They are giving something; you give too. In 1955 there were 3881 cases of polio in Massachusetts There were 163 deaths. In Middlesex County there were 900 cases. In Wilmington there were 11 C8S6S Sometime, very soon, you will be receiving a coin holder in the mail from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Please try to remember these figures when filling yours. Even if it is not possible for you to give as much as you'd like, put something in back, and especially heartwarming to Anthony Meads, and return it It would be wonderful if they all came who has the large job of seeing that you receive them. 1351 High individual ■ingle, MORE EXPERT DRIVERS WOMEN'S BOWLING Millie Jansen 123. High la. TRAINED BY MR. DeLUCA LEAGUE dividual triple Joan Monro On Wednesday and Thursof the Boston Red Sox The standings for the Wo- 306. day Jan. 4 and 6, SO mem. ..-■.a oi me n>s'n school adult men's Bowling League for] 1 driving class passed their the week of January S are road testa end received those as follows: 'pretty Dink slips" issued by Silver Lake Rex won 48 lost the registry. This 20 week 12, pinfall 18966; Corned j course of instruction was won 42 lost 18, pintail I Riven by Anthony DeLuca 18777; Sweater Girls won 21, piofall 1870.,, with ten weeks' of driving 39>->•••lost .1 -, ■ ->• 3 1?«* ,2 and ten weeks of tneory ,claases. We were happy to pintail 18386; Beetle Baums ' tratr that everyone passed won 29 lost 31, pinfall k Beavers won the examination which is a credit to the students and of 20 lost 40, pintail 17624; * WATCHES * course much credit is due Rollers won IS tost 47, pinMr. DeLuca. The 20 newly tail 17319; Coeds won 11 LADIES • MEN'S licensed drivers are: Mrs. lost 49 pinfall 17106. Ten Open Dally Until ff PAL highest averages are: Edith Marjorie Andersen, Mrs. Jeanne Monroe, Mrs. Margue- Traill 91.16, Jean V.lau" rite Baker Mrs. Sophie t;as. 89.24, Joan Munro 88.36. tellano, Mrs. Doris Downs. Peggy Page. 87.36, Mar, Helen Downs. Mrs. Dinemore 86.37, Millie Jan- Cor. Shady Lane Drive A James 'Jimmy' Piersall, Mrs. Dorothea Mrs. Rita sen 86.34, Be* Blanohert" Boston Red T5ox flashy and Filippone, Duffy, Mrs. Jacqueline 86.19, Marie Dlas 86.17. Middlesex Ave* Rte. 61 r long hitting center fielder .*£"£"„""pJrlofa Kef Rhea Perry 86.11, Pearl wul greet youngsters and:J°hM0?' "lurU™ *Lynch Heraon 86.3. High team sin- [oLlwar S44S9 oldsters Saturday after- ,£; M£je "Sen. I gle, Sweater Girls 478. High '* noon at 2:30 in the Stevens' H^ ^tonis Mrs. bernnle team triple Sweater Girl. SSS^aJ&a/j&l MpSgsS Mary Olson, through the efforts of Jack\M „v .mmMrs. . Pike, Kat. PllrA Mrs. Mra KutMrs. Emma Pastor, owner and mana- hryn Reynolds, Mrs. Mary ger of Stevens' Supermar Jane Langone, Miss Shirley YOUR FRIENDLY... Smith and Miss Mary Lou - Mr. Pastor hopes mo- VlsconU. Congratulations thers and fathers of the girls! ^^^__ Little Leaguers and potential Little Leaguers will PARTY FRIDAY be on hand to greet JimWhist players will be glad mie, a handsome and fine to hear that St. Thomas' fellow, by the way, and re- jc D K to .ponsorlng one of ceive an autographed pho- thel their popular parties on Fritograph of this famous ay jan 13 ^ villanova Hall. diamond star. Always well attended due to the lovely prises offered and A HOISKWIFB the trienly feeling of these COMPLAINS ABOUT gatherings, you will he sure TOWN HALL DOINGS to see many old friends. AlLetter to the Editor so of Interest to many will Dear Sir: be the drawing on the 18" I don't know who is die. Crucifix fashioned painstakpleased with" whom, but ingly out of matches by Alan shouln't there be something Edy of Wobum Street done about the parking facCo-chairme» of the event ilities at Steven's Market? are Mae Quand-t and Jean 1 have been personally in- Amaro, assisted by a large volved in two near accidents committee which includes, at the scene of the store, Catherine Woods, Marion and have seen several others. Murphy, Dorothea Prove*- < I think that the people. In- sano, Louise Gage, Rose cluding the Big Wigs at the Zwtcker, Evangeiine Mur-! Town Han, would give that ray, Margurite Harper, and , proprietor the right to use Mildred Kelman. his land to accommodate his Proceeds are slated for' customer*. the Building Fund. Everywith Reg Cox When the owners of the one Is welcome, so come and market enlarged, and got bring your friends. Also welthe permission of the Build- come are donations tor ing Cdmimlaeioner to do so, prises. ' ' I We KC WC AP 9M KC wasn't the question of parking gone into? Are we for- In 1866 the first specialty j ever going to be known as marks in the history of the, Lowell's Most Powerful Station the town that never quite Navy were ndded to sailors'. does anything right? Do we uniforms. have to go outside to do our di^r^r^r^r=dr=dr^r=dr=dr=ir^rs^iisJr^ grocery shopping, with a complete martlet right here. . . complete, that is, if you have no oar to park, and therefore, can't buy enough to bring home, anyhow. Why can't these imen get together and talk this problem over, & before something happens to make them hang their heads In shame, let them do something Shout a safe and eane way to do our Shopping. Your sincerely A Mad Housewife Jimmy Piersall In Person BOUVIER'S SUPER MARKETS invites you to listen to NINE O'CLOCK WORLD NEWS 0 a Major League Baseball-Glove! JIMMY PIERSALL of the Boston Rod Sox IN PERSON will pick the winner Saturday I Jan. 14, 2:30 P.M. Your is about ready to take his first step. This Is indeed a red letter day In yeur calendar of life. Our experience of fitting thousands of babies In the Merrlmaek Valley has teught us that the first steps your baby l takes, and the first shoes he wears, see most Important. * May we have the op-? oortuniry to council end guide you with this first' i pair or . . . CHILD LIFE t ARCH FEATURE SHOES J. E. POITRAS & SON Shoe Counsellors I 111 Centr.l Street i ) Tel. GL J-1900 , Good Shoes For Entire Family , Lowell Mass. 1D given away by I 0 centime i <4Mww o 8 8 a o 0 8 I li SYRUP SPARKLING SODA makes tfefldous •HfOy K .. M... WSR mSk or cream... er ta lee eresm eeewe Nothing to buy. Just corns In and IN out the free Coffee-Time coupon. Jimmy Plersei, Boston Red Sox star, wW pk* the winner In person at ma Grand Drawing. Be sura to coma m and meet MmUttleLaa8Xiera...cemataunrrorm...ineetaB%Leat7Mr. STEVEN'S SUPERMARKET, INC. 52 MAIN ST. _:— RTE. 38 WILMINGTON "Wilmington's Most Progressive Market" 'rJki^r=Jr=li^i^r=dr=di^r=dr=dr^ T THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1956 VARIED HOMEMAKING PROGRAM OPEN TO ALL Trie Women's Advisory Council of the Middlesex County Extension Service announces that registrations are now being taken f«>r two projects starting ti e middle of January. Meir in rour Meals The first of these will be "Meat in Your Meals". Buying of this important and expensive item in the food budget presents a problem to many homemakers. How to identify beef, porkN and lamb cuts, as well as grades of beef will be discussed. Since correct cooking temperature is important, methods of preparation will be covered also. Each person attending the class will discuss what PAGE FIVE she learns with a small demonstration and pracgroup of friends. In addi- tice in planning and leadtion, the leader has a spe- ing- a complete recreation cial treat in store for her. program. The series, to be Arrangements are being held at the Extension Of-, made for a tour of several flee, will start at 7 p.m.,' meat plants in Boston, . . . Thursday, January 19 and wHich will give the leaders continue January 28, Feba much clearer picture of ruary 22, ending February the meat industry and all 9. that is done to help the Early Registrations Adconsumer. vised. Those interested in Th-i first class of "Meat these projects are advised in Youi Meals" will be to register soon. Both proheld on January 17 at the jects are expected to be Extension Office, in Con- popular. Due to somewhat cord with Miss May Fofey, limited faculties it will Extension Nutritionist at help to know in advance the University of Massa- the number planning to • Free Professional Advice On Cirt chusetts in charge. This attend. To register — contact will be repeated by the Associate Home Demon- Mrs. Domenicus, OL 8-4419 stration Agent in other or Mrs. Lafionatis — OL areas of the country on the 8-3175 ... or the Home 325 Central Street GL.nvltw 3-1631 following dates: Wednes- IDemonstration Agent, 19 day, Jan. 18, Southern Sec- Everett St., Concord, — tion; Tuesday, Jan. 31, EM 9-4845. Northern Section; Wednesday, Feb. 1 in Townscnd PACK 56 HOLDS for the Western Section, ANNUAL ELECTION and Thursday, Feb. 2 in The anqual election of ofthe Eastern Section. Recreation Workshop — ficers of Cub Pack 58 was held This series of evening last Wednesday evening at meetings is under the di- the Center School. rection of Miss Ruth Mc- Present- to witness the afIntire, Extension Specialist fairs of the evening were in Recreation at the Uni- District Commissioner Anversity of Massachusetts. thony Heads and Institutional Lobster • Steamed Gams Miss Mclntire will work Representative James Shine. Elected »« lead ♦*•■« Pack for with leaders of groups FRIDAY NiTES 1956 were Cubmaster Ted such as 4-H Scouts, and Chlricos, Assistant Cub MasMembers and Guests Invited church organizations. It is ters John Boerl, Frank King Circuit Ave. ■-»— Lowell a working - training pro- and Gilbert Masse; Pack gram which will include Chairman James McCue, Treasurer Thomas Hamilton and Secretary Alice E. Barry. the Silver Lake Betterment lishes as at least one-half, of For Other members of the Pack Hall. The theme for this United States financed carPersonal Service Committee for the year are: month.will be Pirates. Skits gos." Mel Cassidy, Leo Cormier, and Displays by the Cubs win The Grange is not alone. James Luke, William O'Leary, be presented. Parents ire re- Last November, for instance, Elsie Eaton, Gerry Mutchler minded that at least one of the Pacific Supply Cooperaand Mary Bowen. Also Don them must accompany their tive, an organization repreMarlon T. Murphy senting 70,000 farmers in OreMothers; Jean Hill, 'Jo Carl- boy to the Pack Meetings. Raymond P. Fmton son, Julia Cassidy, Jo Fair- Chairman James McCue gon, Washington, Idaho and OL 8-3581 wishes to thank all those who Northern California, also passbrother, Margaret French, El943 Main St. lie O'Leary, Alice Barry, helped In any way last year ed a resolution In favor of reWilmington and hopes that they continue taining the 50-50 law. Other Mary Luke and Maxine Masse. cooperation during the groups taking similar action Appointed by the Chairman their coming year. include the National Induswere Alice Barry and Frank King in charge of publicity ' A committee meeting will trial Traffic League and the and Frank King In charge of be held at the Center School National Foreign Trade Counon Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 8:00 cil. transportation. After the election, plans P.M. to make plans for scoutwere made for the regular ing activities during February. James K. Polk was PresiPack Meeting to be held Fri- All memli-"-s arr requested to dent when the NaVy Academy day, Jan. 27 at 7:15 P.M. at be present nt this meeting. opened on October 10, 1845. THE ORAVGE ..'^^.■^'^■-^>" J ENDORSK.-i 50-00 FOR SALE \.".\ t !•; popdisriy known a;; Bailed & loose shavings. the 50-50 law has long f>cen an Blue Seal Feeds. integral -nrt of our national Delivered. Call maritime policy. It simply PETE'S GRAIN provides that half of govern114 Hampson St ment-financed cargos must j Oraeut travel abroad on AmericanGL 34327 flag merchant ships - with the important qualifications that the law applies only when these ships are available, and the rates they offer are reasonable. There has been considerable opposition to the law, on the grounds that it imposes a burSTOCK UP den on American producers of exported commodities. In parROCK SALT ticular, the claim has been CALCIUM made that it is doing serious CHLORIDE damage to farmers. Happily, that claim has been INTEN-CEMENT conclusively refused by an organization which speaks for Pressure Seal and Plug the farmer with an authoritCOMPLETE LINE of ative voice — the National BUILDING MATERIAL Grange. It has passed a resolution which says: "The National Grange considers the American merchant marine an indispensible link to foreign export markets for United States farm products. We, therefore, support the policies previously adopted by our government to place American ships serving essential trade routes on a basis of competitive equality with foreign merchant fleets and assure U. S. merchant ships a Wilmington Center fair and equitable share, OLIver M741 which the law now estab- TROPICAL FISH PARAKEETS . . . PUPPIES . . . with Full Line of SUPPLIES and » LOWELL BIRD & PET SHOP D.S. HOMESTIAD SHOPS, IN.. Reupholster TPIECESElj NOWI kSOFA and CHAIRl Rested " ^ « • / REMEMBER... Rebuilt ) Reuphois>ered ) jfs what happen* on the inside that's important BUNTING A World of Fun Awaits You at Our Club General Realty Co. Residential... Commercial.. • and Industrial Properties - For Sale and up — priced according to fabric* COLD WEATHER AHEAD I year Guarantee on Labor 6 Construction HERE'S WHAT WE DO • Set stripped to bare frame. • Hair tilling. • Frames re-glued and braoed. • New cotton forL • New taglsss base and steel mdarstrapplng. • New burlap spring oovtrlno. • ggJT hand *** e 9 outside warns hand sew*, 0v«r 200 new fabriee te oho-ee from. WILMINGTON GRAIN & BUILDING MATERIALS CO. , Mil ■■■Mae MOflTnS 4A TO Pmi *• *">""«nt» u"* my M D*ys After Dellvery Oer UpnmMho Will Caff Day or Eve. SUbm 6-2110,6-2111 AT YOUR SERVICE Wilmington Gas & Appliance Inc. 2285 Main St. OLIver 8-2529 So. T.wkibury Authorized Dealer for UTILITY GAS «!»* BOTTLED GAS and We Are Distributors of Foam Rubber —:— APPLIANCES —:— REVERE WARE SUNBEAM APPLIANCES '•■ ■:. , - ■ V. ;,o ii Cha ... roRV ---• '- ' ■: r n .. NOVELTIES Stonehan Heaae Maker* far Over 10 • NEXT TO FREDDIES • d THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY II, W» PAGE SIX At TUNNEY'S Warehouse, 205 Main St. Wilmington, Rt. 38| Save 30% 50% and up to 70% — Warehouse Prices FULL-SIZE CRIB Bunk Beds Were $49.95 Were $69.95 $22.95 NOW! . with sturdy Blond* or Maple safety drop side . construction! NOW! Were $19.50 2 HOLLYWOOD BEDS Were SW95 NC^" $31.50 In Maple . . . complete with ladder and guard rail . . . Can also use as twin beds! t LOUNGER CHAIR Were $109.00 NOW! $&4.88 - 2 Complete Beds Wrought Iron headboard, 2 Pillow:, innerspring Mattress, ind Spring on legs. Gleaming white enamel inside and out. . . . Ample storage space for pots, pans, etc. > NOW! $58.85 When the back reclines, the foot rest automatically springs outl Combination Bolta-flex A Fabric coversl Open Every Day 10:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Except Saturday Till 6 P.M. , TAKE UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAYI , LIVING ROOM MARKDOWNS • SOFA and MATCHING CHAIR in Choice Covers Floors must be cleared so take Reg. $239.00 your choice at . . . never-to**- NOW! $Qfi Cft forgotten low prices! JU.UV —:— Bedroom Price Break —:— The latest woods, the newest finishes, at amaxing markdowns, so we can clear the floors! • DOUBLE DRESSER SUITE • 3-Pc. MODERN Suite & Some Sectionals Were Now $259.00 $144.00 $359.00 $118.00 $399.00 $238.00 NEVER AGAIN AT THESE PRICESI Smart styling, rich fabrics, fine construction. . . . < Comes in choice of decorative covers. BUY NOW) 9x12 Ft. feH Base Rug — ROOM SIZE — 3-Pc. All Coil Construction ..LAWSON SUITE... just one to go . . . Thriftex Reg. $399.00 •» <»">y • • • $192.00 In beautiful Sea Mist Blonde. B-I-G Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, Mirror, Bookcase Bed, large Oiest of Drawers, Innerspring Reg. $289.00 frl £0 AA Mattress and Steel Spring NOW! $IUt).UV MODERN Suite in Tiffany Grey. Reg. $359.00 Double Dresser, Bookcase Bed, Chest, Sli'inbcr'anc! Mattress and Steel Spring NOW! $l0O.UU MAHOGANY 18th Century Reg. $399.00 Suite . . . with Dresser, oversize Chest and Sleigh Bed NOW! $194.85 • STUDIO COUCH • Reg. $79.00 All Spring Construction NOW! $48.0C Opens to sleep two. LOOK WHAT YOU BUY FOR 99c 5- Pc BREAKFAST SET Reg. $139.00 . . . Chrome Formica top extension Table and 4 heavy duty Chairs. Choice of Colors! $44.00 6-Pc STEAK KNIFE SET Reg. $2.95 . . . Stainless Steel LOW $8.50 HIDE-AWAY BEDS Reg. $269.00 NOW! $158.00 DOUBLE DRESSER BEDROOM FULL SiZE Handsome Decoretor Sofas that hide a full-fledged separate inner spring mattress. . . . Nylon Covers and others. You Can Always Make a Deal with TUNNEY Phone OLiver 8-2024 Vie GIANT SPAGHETTI BOWL 99c Reg. $2.50 . . . Ovenproof . . . dee'd ...TAfcLE CLEARANCE. Values to $4900 Modern and Traditional, AS Cocktail, Coffee, Step, and others. n • SOLID MAPLE on HARDWOOD • Reg. $169.00 beauty ... see its LOOK at its quality. ... BIG Double Drawers and All 3 pieces . . . Dresser, Chest of -,_„,, full-size Bed. NOW! $86.00 5-Pc. ALUMINUM BOWL SET Reg. $2.99 . . . save left-overs 99c WALL MIRRORS 99c Reg. $2.49 . . . large round style 8-Pc. HOSTESS SET Reg. $1.98 . . . iridescent gold WAREHOUSE FURNITURE 99c Extra, Long, Terms "TUNNEY'S" BUY NOW at these Price*! FREE Storage Until Wanted! 205 MAIN ST. - WILMINGTON - ROUTE 38 -:- Free Delivery -:- THE WILMINGTON CRUSA^i/V-~*V»"«DAY.''JANUARY' 11, 1956 H PAGE SEVEN = I WORLD VISION (INSTITUTE OF CHURCH 'COUNCIL TO HFiVR REV. ROBERT HIBRARD SPEAK ON NEAR EAST A COMPLETE HOME Take up to 3 years to Pay\ WAREHOUSE PRICE THREE ROOM OUTFIT The second meeting In a series of four of the World . Vision Institute sponsored by the Wilmington Ares Council of Protestant Chur \ ciiee, will be held in the Wilmington Congregational Church, Sunday, Jan. 16, at 6 p.m. The Rev. Robert Hibbard. presently of Boston Unlrersity, with study at Oxford University and Edinburgh University, will be the guest .sjicaniv. tit. Hiubaiu. will and show colored slides of tii<- Near txist. He and iiis wife travelled over miles in 26 countries. Highlighting his travels was six weeks spent in the Near East where they travelled in the footpaths of vOsne and St ''aul. Such biblical names and places as Bethlehem, Jordan River. Nazareth, Sea of Galilee, Tiberias, Capernaum, Dead Sea, Garden of UaUisame. Jerusalem, come alive and become more meaningful ft understandable through bis Kodochrome slide lecture. One of the interesting highlights of his presentation in the resentation of their trip in rough, the ancient town of Lmxor, Thebes and the Valley of the Kings in Southern Egypt. Here they viewed the ruins and remains of a cMlization 3000 years before Christ which was considered to be the richest and most cultured civilization,of the then known world. With this section of the wortd playing such a prominent role In current events, such a meeting ot this takes on added importance. Mem- . bera of the Congregational Church will lead in tme worship service and provide the refreshments.- Mr. Hlbbard will remain after the fellowship period to speak to all tine young people Of the represented ilhurches. m CONGREGATIONAL NKWS S.IMH ...READY TO START LIVING! North Branch meeting in the parish house on Thursday at 12 noon. Dessert served by Mrs. Gertrude Allgrove and Mrs. Mary Mur- lDny Choir rehearsal on ,™_ Thurs- N STUNNING new Suite in Sea Mist Blonde, with expert crafting ... Includes Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, landscape Mirror, 2 Boudoir Lamps, and Bed, PLUS Mattress, Spring, 2 Pillows! Complete Living Room Custom-built Lawson suite, with or without fringe, and includes large Sofa and Lounge Chair, PLUS Cocktail Table, 2 Step Tables, 2 Table Lamps . . • Everything complete. 0 x 12 Rug. 17-Pc. Kitchen Group Includes Dinette, with Formica top Table, 4 matching Chairs, PLUS a 32-Pc. Set Dishes and 32-Pc. SilverW3rc' Any Room Can Be Bought Separately $64 FREE GIFTS YOU CAN ALWAYS MAKE A DEAL WITH TUNNEY TUNNEY'S WAREHOUSE 205 MAIN STREET -:- WILMINGTON ON ROUTE 38 Near Rocco's PHONE Oliver 8-2024 Formerly the Black Cat — FREE STORAGE and DELIVERY — YOU CAN OPEN AN ACCOUNT IN 5 MINUTES! day at 8 p.m., followed by a coffee hour at the parsonage at »:00. Junior High basketball Friday at 7:00. Sunday services at 9:30 and 11:00 am., with Church School an Kinderklrk. Junior Choir at 3:00. Qualntance Club at 6:00. World Vision Institute at 6:00. Senior High basketball Monay at 7:00. Girl Scouts Tuesday at 3:00. Center Branch loach eon meeting at the home of Mrs. Ethel Baker on Wednesday, Jan 18th, at 1 p.m. Bring aprons for the Spring sale. Boy Scouts Wednesday at 7:00. CAFETERIA MENU ,J Week of Jan. 9 Monday PePPer Steaks on Buttered Roll Cold Slaw Buttered Peas Cookies Milk "• Tuesday Beef Stew with Vegetables Buttered Whole Kernel Cora. Bread ft Butter Cherry Cobbler Milk Wednesday Pork Chop Suey Buttered Rice Fried Noodles Bread ft Batter Peach Meringues Milk Thursday Home Baked Beans Grilled Frankfurters Ketchup & Relish Tomsk. Wedges Butterod Roll Jello - Milk Friday Fish Cakes Tomato Juice Battered Green Beans Carrot Sticks Peanut Butter Sandwiches Fruit Cup Milk 1 i \ PAGE EIGHT WTUONOftON WOMEN'S CLUB WILL MEET JAN. 19. Thursday, January 19th Is (he date of thi Wilmington Women's Club meeting. Coffee hour will be at 1:30. P.M. followed by the business meeting at 2:00 P.M. with Mrs. Robert MlcheUon presiding. A very interesting program, "The Telephone Hour," on Sim, Is planned. Club members and their friends are sure to enjoy it. Hostesses are co-chairmen Mrs. Edmund Ferguson and Mrs. James Pololn. assisted by Mrs. Mlnot Anderson, Mrs. Charles Rounds, Mrs. Bernard Bacon, Mrs. John L. Wilson, Mrs. Walter Kirkell, Mrs. Earl Jones, and Mrs. Winston L. Chamberlin. THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WF&NFSfiAY, JANUARY 11, 1956 ASJJAAAVASS/S^^V%A^S»^^A^S/\ "SOCIALLY YOURS" FOB SALE 3 pc. Jumbo modern living room set. Very good condition. J45.00. Tel. MO 3-3275. J-12 a- JAN'S Radio • Phono Repair -i SERVICE MO 94404 James D. Sterlino Toplrff St. — Plnehurstj Saturday evening, the 14th. Others may purcha^w some A popular Disc Jockey has from any of the officers of the been contacted, and there will P.T.A., on or before the evenbe plenty of Rock and Roll, a.; In* of (he sunpor. Mrs. Kerr, well as other current favor- st OI. 8-4128, may be contactites, (if any!) Price of adm s ed for further information slon will be In the vicinity of Little L«amif> Aux. To Meet 65 cents. There will a meeting of the Little League Aux..'at the WllBllts Parties There is expected, to be a' m,n8ton rfub lc Llbrary- on lot of fun derived from the '. Juf *% Evening the nth. at series of "Blitz" parties, to °" .^ "1*re are some ,alrly vl" tal s bl ts to 1)e run at the St. Dorothy's sh " f,T ^ »•">«>■ wcHall, in the Grove, startlng-l arly °uld 'lke i? Set off to an Tuesday, the 17th. and every f *■*■ *** meeting will Tuesday thereafter. These' be * hlg*»y confidential one. nnd one we thl k tnBt wl games are given in answer to ' , '. " ' " make nl tory popular demand about the ,Lea -?" far as LlttJe ue * community, and it is hoped, * , '"Wilmington goes, that these people will be ad- .fZ. *?*11 _!"?' twl" . vised; through this column, as made, will be made bv those of us who are able to attend, | to the correct dates. nnd it is hoped that there will Civil Defei ,<■ '"'a good attendance. We had a telephone conver- i Undent Council Dance sation with Rene LaRivee, The new high school gym whose main interest Is Civil will be the scene of the com Defense in the town. We have ,., ing Student Council Dance. some knowledge of this par- The meaning of this event. Is ticular Project, and of the t0 promote the good fellow; somewhat disheartening way ship mtt exlsts between the i that it has crept ahead Some-1 Governing group and the Genhow, It Is hard to advise peo-lera, student body. The Band ,ple of the necessity of their Relected for the ^^^ ta own safety. But. after thei dis- tne ^j, ,iked M Mltcne„ and .asterous floods, for one thing. I,,,, ^p. During tne ^n. ££'— uTJ^tVZ ^2i,n". a Klne and Cu-en of the ,lo have something Uke Clvill Thn.T „,.„,,* J-«"to'M-i»29 iSShTn^K springs"? I-' SSfiffS MS" Up Again overnight; it takes plenty of 'IZ^uL VT ."/ '*'? Friends of Mrs. Bertha *A1JIM RILEVS 'practice, and the cooperation ,ff'"' ■"•»<>««•» il '« not len of Smith St. will bei^ tneWhole town to out C :str,cUy formal ^ Important pleased to hear that .he I. ;^,^^^o'lr^-l^^mSt' 2*I" ^SJr*1^^'.1^^'w21*4i. Defense K, much .mproved in healUL She ^OTk , „ ,d Sat. Doors open at 8 P M. on m has recently had a three , jusl so that we flnd Birthday Party for the Boys Members of the V.F.W. of week's stay at St. John's Hos- thom ready to assist us in the but she is getting about event of a bad fire, or flood. Wilmington extended felicitaformerly Bill & Mel's) pital, of the Season to two of axain, good as new. Any man or woman who is in- tions M-Hoor Road Service terested in lending even a lit- Its members Fred Kleynen, "st^oXh&^Snso Simonlxe • Brakework we f* *** «. specTune-Up • Minor Repair another Record Hop for the £„*£^ho^M call MTL^ . 7** boys and girls of Wilmington, Rlvee at OL 8-3556, or Ted ial party, irlven in their honor, -it. the Headquarters. Main We Mek Up and Deliver at the Wildwood School, on Daly, at OL 8-2225. St., last Saturday. The fellows U'Hiiwood Club Sapper OL MM1 • *4I72 surprised at the extent The girls of the Wildwood were WANTED :iub are working full speed of the good wishes that they ei Polyware Demonstrators. ahead, on their k-Jl spaghetti «.p-'.^ and * '"TJ^h- 7S. „.,_ .-k.-K ... ! «*• ^ enjoyed by the two | Our plan Insures greater iper which _ni will be served1 to"a PLOWING men. their families, and many profits with greater volume: ]arge number, at ehe Wild- friends. Snow-plowing, Land clearing, sales. Car essential. Call E.lwood School Cafeteria on chain sew work, landscap- TralU-OLiver 8-3507 or Ev-:,Mondayi Jan. 23. The proerett 7-2292. coeds of the supper will go Since the end of World War ing. D.B. Roche, MOnJ-ll-12 toward the support of the II r-o"<1 dr"v«« In 1945, Series troae S-26W. N-30-D-1-J-25-26 Dental Clinic. This Clinic Is E Savings Bond holdings of a .large responsibility this Americans have; Increased by FOR RENT billion. # room apartment, Adults year, as the Rotary no longer more that $64 1 only. Rent $30 per month. i sponsors the project. Funds so far have been in- Hangars built by the Navy Call at 2 Main St., Wilmsufficient to care for the chil- to house submarine-scouting ington, OL 8-2869. J-ll dren of Wilmington. These blimps feature timber arches flourine treatments are all- which rise 153 feet above the limportant, especially to a floor, clear spanning an unFOR SALE Magic Chef gas stove, use young child, as it actually obstructed area 237 feet wide Bottle Oas $50., in perfect (safeguards the teeth against nnd 1,000 feet long, reports condition. Kitchen range ithe onslaught of further de- the National Lumber Manuenamel, cream and green cay.. The treatments would facturers Association. Conwith oil burner, grates cost go the vicinity of $12.00 if struction of these hangars was made possible by special timalso go with it for burning given by a private dentist. wood or coal. Price $35. Tickets for this supper are ber connectors used in enginFlorence Cabinet Heater. 99 cents, and can be had by eered timber construction. 2 burners used only two contacting Mrs. Marilynn Far(Wonderful with f weeks $15. Small Cabinet rell, at OL 8-3116, Mrs. Pearl Less than seven years after Marmalade) * Heater for coal and wood Hersom, at OL 8-2832, or any Kitty Hawk, on November 14, >$5. Gent's overcoat made officer of the Wildwood Club. 1910, an airplane was flown by Kennedy, size 44. cost This money will be used to from the dock of a Navy warFLORIE $65. only worn twice a care for every Wilmington ship for the first time. bargain at $15. Albert S. School child, and not just the ROSCILLO Richards, 665 Main St, Wildwood School. Any dona- When the USS NEW ORWilmington, Mass. tions .to the meal will also be LEANS first put into the city All Masonry Work for which she was nwned, the appreciated. Fireplace Chimneys FOR SALE P.TA Membership Supper officers and crew were feted Cellars - Walks - Floors The P.T.A. Membership Sup- in grand style. She was preTel. MOntrose 3-8316 Upright Ivers and Pond per will be held on Monday sented with a magnificent silPiano. Excellent tone and evening, the 15th, Instead of ver service, a Diane, and the keyboard. Best offer. . . . Tuesday, as previously plan- ship's bell fm the previous Call OL 8-2494 ned. This supper will consist NEW ORLEANS. And into J-ll-12 of caserole, salad, coffee, and the metal of the bell was cake, and will be. free of melted thousands of dimes doCement Contracting charge to all members hav- nated by the people of New FOR SALE ing a membership card. Orleans. Black Male Spaniel Pup/ pies. 6 weeks old. Price reasonable. Call MOntrose SHELL STATION "If it's LUMBER call this NUMBER" MOntrose 3-8722 LUMBER and XXIs BUILDING SUPPLIES i McLi2XXA> THE BUILDERS' DEPARTMENT STORE Open Thursday and Friday Eves Til 9 BOSTON ROAD —:— MO 34722 Out of approximately $19 billion of Series E Savings Bonds that had matured up to the first of November 1955. around $13.8 billion worth were being held after maturity under the automatic 10year extension option. REGISTRAR KINO SAYS: "Slow down in rain, sleet or snow. Reduce your speed on slippery roads. Winter driving is a challenge to your good Judgment." o-ir-rouiMiftF with RENTAL TOOL* Floor Sanders — Polishers Wallpaper Steamers and Kits — Trailers Ovar 300 other time-saving teals for rent et reasonable reteel —*— Authorised ... REO A TORO Lawn Mower Service Station Other Makes Serviced and Sharpened. 1'Ht < UJ HOMI S AND (.AHACI S "Do It Yourself Middlesex Rentool 944 Cambridge St.... Burllnften (Route 3A) , Tel. 74021 Complete materiel for single car garage. — *— • t W. B. MacGregor Open Daily to 4 PJA. Sundays te 1:00 PM. 648 Boston Reed Blll.rica MOntrose 34943-34841 • HEATING OILS • 20th 24-Hour Burner Service C I'll furv SABRE & ASSOCIATES 3-2872. J-ll-12 FOR RENT Cellar Floors, • Slabs Breeze ways - Etc. Tel. OLiver 8-3893 Room line. 1070 bury and board on bus Reasonable rates. Main SL, TewksUL 1-2574. J-ll-12 COME TO THE AUCTIONS! EVERY THURS., FRI. and SAT. NIGHTS BURLINGTON AUCTION HART (Joman Sales Co., Inc) Cambridge St. — Route 3A — Burlington Brend New Merchandise ar Auction Pricesl Beautiful Imported Itemsl Nobody Beats Our Pricesl Absolutely Nebedylll MIDDLESEX EQUIPMENT CO. 190 - 196 Middlesex St., Lowell BILLERICA REDUCE SPEED Safety Tip? It's the in-between weather that's deceiving when you're driving, warns the Triple-A. Drilling rain or near-freezing conditions <w.n fool you until yon realize that these conditions affect the road surface and make it harder to stop, ■tart, and turn. Take it easy, especially during in-between weather. No Grouches At Breakfast! ENGLISH . . . . . . MUFFINS t —:— WE ARE AVAILABLE FOR BUSINESS SERVICE REPAIRS AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY OR NIGHT CALL . . . MOntrose 3-8344 11S OH THE WW f IN NIS -*OSTON ROAD SILLERICA MOntrose 34175 M'Ll'X'XAX' BVIC i; Hotel FOURTEE fb street NEW YORK'S Tel. OL 2-2081 Open Wed. Afternoon ■ Also Mon., Fri., Sat. Nights rou Always Save Money at Middlesex Equipment Co. BARGAINS • Boilers « Oil Burners 0 Radiators Pipe and Fittings • Valves g) Beth Tubs i Lavatories 0 Water Closets g)Kitchen Sinks « Kitchen Cabinets • Electrical Supplies 0 Roll Roofing , • Screening g) Builders Hardware g> Paint and Varnishes • Garden Tools Buy Where You Get The Most For Your Money KEESIIIfo and HEATING New York's distinguished address—between Fifth 67 Madison—overlooking world-famous Central Park. Just a few steps from exclusive ihops and midtown business district Half block from buses and subway. Room* and suites—many with butler's pantry. Air-conditioning—TV available. Garage. Horn* of tbs COPACABANA Internationally known BURGUNDY ROOM AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE J\few WtrtJc 14 East 60th Street Phom Etdrdo 5$000 J-4-5-F-15-1S TOE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, lf$f SWAIN SCHOOL BONOB BOLL Perfect Attendance John Block Alfred Falrbrother Karen Fisher . Walter Hale Anna belle Hastings Edward Mellschuk Barbara Metcalfe George Sh-aw Donald Smalley Charles Vasconcellas Beverly Wiseman Irene Rogers . Room IS* High Honors: Flight, Betsy Ann MacDougall, Anne Wldger, Dorothy Honors: Bennett, Cheryl Cutter, Nancy Elliott, Paul Field, Kevin Laflonates, George Muise, Alban Rheaume, Jeanne Tupper, William Turner, John Perfect Attendance Cutter, Nancy Elliott, Paul Frost, Lawrence Flight, Betsy Ann Mac Kenzie, Ray McLaughlin, Brian Onne, Ralph Rheaume. Jeanne Tote, Kathryn Weed, John Wedger, Dorothy Woods, Edward Patricia Browne Dennis Crlspo Rosemary Elliott The honor roll and perfect Wlllard Fuller attendance record (or the Judith Krasinski , months of November and DecDaniel MacKay ember has been released by Barry Mulholland the principal, Mrs. Florence Cheryl Thibodeau Llston. it reads as follows: John Thibodeau Diane Laccagnlnl Boom 103 Joan Parsons - Grade 8 Hish Honors: High Honors: Fuller. David Richard Alb-d McCormack, Teddy Virginia Casey Allen, Nancy Joanne Cavallaro Clark. Linda Patricia Fiske Corneiae, Noreen Judith Halpln Gregory, Janet Donna Klrby Doucette, Jacqueline : Patricia McCue Doucette. Judith Frank Perdlcaro Epstein, Gloria Kathleen Pushee Fielding, Donna Honors: Howe, Nancy Marc Bliss Imbimbo, Betsy John Coombs Lehr, Patricia Douglas Frost Sullivan. Charlene Frederick Frotton Tupper, Eileen Deborah Gasklil Honors: James Graham Aufiere, Anthony Carol Hastings Burke, Kim fames King Harrington, Joseph Richard McCauley Kllman, Ralph Estelle McLaughlin Langone, Stephen Martha Melzar MacMullin, James Richard Perelra Mottolo, Robert William Sullivan Southmayd, James Marion Taylor Bablne, Virginia William Wendell Hayes, Maureen Perfect Attendance Krasinski, Nancy Richard Allard McKay, Marilyn Virginia Casey Shine, Virginia Frederick Frotten Perfect Attendance: Miss Connors - Grade 4 Deborah Gasklil Anthony Aufiere, Gary BalBoom 80S David Gilbert sar, David Fuller, Arthur Kel- High Honors: Carol Hastings ly, Stephen Meade, Robert Carney, Judith Francis McLaughlin Mottolo, Noreen Corneiae, Ja- Finney, Janice Martha Melzar net DeGregory, Betsy Imbim- GalKe, Marlene Frank Perdlcaro bo, Charlene Sullivan, Eileen Langone, Edward Kathleen Pushee Tupper, Mary Slmea. Honors) Richard Silverman Grade. 0 - Mr. Hogs* Aberle, Carol Marion Taylor Boom 206 Bradley, Eilefcn William Wendell High Honors: Collins. Peter Mrs. O'Hearn - Grade 4 Muriel Hunefeld Hastings. Nancy High Honors: William Durunt Hubbard. Allan Anderson, Miles Jean Laffln Kelley, John Baldwin, Janice Geradlne McCue Kelley, Kathleen GrOlagher, Lois Eileen O'Connell Marr, Stanley Henderson, Louise Carol Arsenault O'Leary. Paul Iovanna, William Linda Arsenault Robson, Arthur Mclnerney, Cheryl Cathy Bousfleld Small, Robert McMillan. Elaine Joanne Baker Perfect Attendance: Poloran. Ralph Lorraine Yentile Carney. Robert Preston, Joanne Honors: Collins, Peter Honors: Robert Carlson Galka, Marlene Corum, Esther Herbert Brown Gilbert. Sandra Cote, Laura Alice Chisolm Norrls, Robert De Pascale. Pamela John La Dow Piotto, Gorge Lautz, Donna Jacqueline Shemkus Steves, John Mills, Albert Patricia- Allen Sullivan, Edward O'Connell, Mary Paul Sowden Hiss Huntley • Grade S Pearl, Sandra William Cotter Boom Ml Qulmby, Eileen Raynor Metcalfe High Honors: Toti. Anthony Perfect Attendance: Patricia Browne Wilson, Richard Alice Chisolm Judith Krasinski Perfect Attendance: Geraldlne McCue John Robertson Baldwin, Janice Herbert Brown Gall McCormack Brewster, Joseph Richard Lee Honors: Corum, Esther David Fuller Donald Hubbard Gallagher, Lois Grade 6 - Boom 1M Bonnie Coombs Iovanna, William Mary A. McDonald (OKJB ) Elaine Smith MacKehzle, Thomas High Honor: Dennis Crlspo Nolan, Robert Arthur Zaino Virginia Cole Toti, Anthony Kathleen Harrington Judy Fuller Mac Millan, Elaine Carole Kasabuski William Gagnon • Poloian, Ralph John Robbins Lorraine Matthews Miss Pauline Letter Cheryl Nolan Beverly Wisemen Special Class - Boom 208 Mary Margaret Sullivan High Honors: Honor: Martha Patterson , George MacKenzie Elizabeth Brisbois Michael Shelley Honors: Nancy Elwell Constance Baker Joseph Albanese Richard Troton Barbara Beddeos George Blaisdell Marilyn Goosner Nancy Slater Michael Duggan Annabelle Hastings Perfect Attendance: Margaret Ingemi Anita Hendrlcks John Boeri Perfect Attendance: Edward Lewis Richard Brabant Michael Duggan Dorothy Sanborn Robert Henderson George MacKenzie Arthur Rogers • TTffi SPEARE HOUSE • (Formerly Pete's) Pawtucket Blvd. • Lowell presents GOLDEN GLOVE INTERVIEWS with DUKE SAVITT Every Wednesday 12:15 noon WCA.P After the fights ... "The Speare House,, ITS A SON Mr. and Mrs. Harley Towle, Jr., of 272 Lowell St, wish to announce the arrival of their son Richard John born on December 12 at the Winchester Hospital. The Towlee have another son, Stephen. There are more than 7 million items used in the construction of the complex modern submarine. WHIST WINNERS Another successful whist party took place in St Dorothy's hall Friday evening by the following committee: Mrs. Louis Nolan, Mrs. Wm. Wagstaff, Mrs. Edwin Forrest Sr.,Mrs. Lawrence Gushing, Mrs. Richard Lee, Mrs. Helen Casey, and Miss Patricia Cushing. Open Tfli* special went to— Ample James Rothwell; whist winEvenings Parking ners were Arthur Law-; A - . rence, Grace Brabant, Ja-j mes Rothwell, Peggy Lee, [Marion Woller, Evelyn Morrice, Elizabeth Gath, John Baldwin, Doris Dame, Tony DeMarco head the town will take advantage ^Anthony Coviello, NeUie list of speakers. Friday, of this opportunity to hear O'Reilly, Martha Gray, Jan. 27 is the dance spon- interesting speakers air Lillian Chapman, Mary sored by the Junior C.D.A. their views on matters of MacLcan, Gladys Benoit, and Friday, Feb. 3 will be current concern, Mary Sottile, G. Baldwin, the date for the 2nd AnLouise Thomas, A. Coch- nual Reunion. — Herble SEVENTH SON BORN rane, Esther Lincoln, Phyl- Wayne's Orchestra will be Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sullis Fraza, Adeline Riley, featured. livan of 3 Border avenue, John Charnock, Alice Carannounce the birth of roll and Wm. Hennessey. TALK ON their seventh son and ninth The committee extends REVALUATION child, Robert, born at the thanks to all for their coThe Baldwin Civic Asso- Winchester hospital on operation. ciation held their regular Dec. 24. Their other chlllmonthly meeting on Jan dren are: Jeanette, DanieL WHIST PARTY 3. Guest speakers were— Jr., Michael, Frederick, BoFRIDAY, JAN. 13 Alfred Calabrese, chair- land, Joseph, Faye and On Friday evening, Jan- man of the Board of As- David. Mrs. Margaret Suluary 13 a whist party and sesors, and John Winters, livan of 24 Elmwood street, penny sale will be held in Town Engineer. Winchester, is the only St. Dorothy's hall by the Mr. Calabrese gave an surviving grandparent following ladies of St. Dor- interesting and informaothy's Parish: Mrs. Michael tive talk on the duties of Connelly, Mrs. Mary Neal, the firm of experts who are RETIRED EMPLOYEES Mrs. James Love, Mrs. in charge of the revalua- MEETING Frank Romano and Mrs. tion of property now takThe regular meeting of Charles Baldwin. The pub- ing place. Mr. Calabrese Chapter 507 of National As. lic is invited to attend', re- holds the opinion that a sociation of Retired Civil freshments are to be serv- much fairer appraisal will Employees will be held in room 19, Municipal Bldg.. ed. be obtained by this me- Reading Square on Friday, thod. Jan. 13, at 2:30 p.m. "FUN CAPADES" Mr. Winter's talk was Newly elected officers will FEB. 13—14 largely concerned in ex- b« installed and there will The second annual show plaining the need for a of St. Dorothy's parish— town engineer and outlin- be a discussion of the legislation now before congress "Fun Capades" will be held ing his duties. effecting retirees, followed Monday and Tuesday eveThe next meeting will nings February 13 and 14 be held February 7. The by a social hour and light rein the Shawsheen school speaker has not been an- freshments. This is an active composed of memauditorium, South Tewks- nounced yet but it is to be chapter from: Wakefleld, Readbury. There are many live- expected from past experi- bers Woburn, Stoneham, ly numbers being present- ence that It will be an in- lag, Wilmington, ft No. Reading ed by Al Mitchell and teresting program. The Why not Join ue and help troupe which should be meetings are open to the the National Association very enjoyable to all who public, and everyone is carry on its good work? attend. Tickets are now cordially invited. Attendavailable from the cast for ance has not been very The first American warship either night large in recent months, constructed of iron to use and it is hoped that from steam was the MICHIGAN ST. THOMAS' NEWS now on, the people of the built in 1842 Masses at St. Thomas' this Sunday will be held at 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30. On weekdays mass will be at 7:30. U. S. CHOICE STEER BEEF Baptisms are administerFACE RUMP ed at the Rectory each f Sunday at 2:00 p.m. No apBOTTOM ROUND pointment is necessary. SHOULDER Subscriptions for the Pilot are now due. Too many pupils in the Released Time Classes are changing their respective days in order to attend extra curricula activities such as cheer leading pracWhole Strips — Young • Tender tice, etc. This makes for confusion. In the future we have to insist that each pupil come on the day assigned to his or her grade. Next Sunday is ComSwiff's Milk Fed Genuine Spring munion Day for the girls of the parish. Also the LEGS and LOIN LEGS of LAMB Third Sunday Building of VEAL Fund Collection. Gratitude is expressed to Lb. 39c Lb. 59c the volunteers who worked in the hall basement to construct an inner enMAXWELL HOUSE trance to the boiler room. The Chancellor has asked us to remind any of our parish aliens that the law requires them to report their addresses during the month of January. Blanks • STOCK YOUR FREEZERS • for this are available at the Post Office. &* FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS •*& Don't forget Friday, Jan. 20 — Father and Sons Swanson's Turkey, Beef or Sport Night, Johnny Pesky, Mike Holovak and • - Boneless Chuck Roast Oven Roast lb. 65c lb. 49c PQRK LOINS 7 lb. avg. COFFEE 39c I lb. 89c CHICKEN PIES ...... 2 pkgs. 39c 4 Rooms * Full Cellar Landscaped • AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT * SECLUDED NEIGHBORHOOD $6,400. MNTY REAL ESTATE COMPi WILMINGTON • Oeinb — NEAR TRANSPORTATION — LOWELL JACKETS For ALL the FAMILY Reduced • Prices • Reduced * CUTE COTTAGE • 329 PAGE NINE STREET OL 8-2012 Elegant Brand ORANGE JUICE ....... 2 cans 29c STEVENS' TflE WfLMINCTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 19» PAGE TEW WILMINGTON AND REAPPRAISAL The Board of Asssessors of Wilmington announced recently that the first phase of the tax equalisation program is almost complete. The Board stated, that due to the Interest In the program, the questions that have arisen, and the many confusing stories and rumors the following statement was released in an attempt to help clarify the situation. The first of several steps necessary to complete the Town's tax equalization program is almost complete. With few exceptions, every bollding in the Town of Wilmington has been visited, listed and measured by the staff of professional apClsers of the Cole-Layermble Co. Within the past six months, the reappralsers with their large yellow pro- perty cards have been familiar sights in all sections of : Wilmington. This phase of the work included the mea• surlng of all building .ior area, and drawing a sketch to exact scale on the card. In, addition, the card now carries a complete description o» each property Such items as general condition, I general oo.istrucuion details and amount of depreciation ! are all noted, as wall as specific details such as type of foundation, type of walls, cellar height, type of floor, ilnished or unfinished attic type of plumbing, - to name a few. In short, every item that reflects on value, whether up or down. Is carefully noted. Concurrently with this gj».')...-..iy—r——,—y-^ ■"""" ■" - "-"*VVI step, another and equally There can be no variances important phase was com- or fluctuations in slmiliar pleted, that is, the gather- properties. The next step is to apply ing of data upon which to the in the schebase pricing schedules. This dulesinformation the data on the is a series of schedules | cards. to It is this phase of which indicate the replace- the program^ which makes ment value of all types of professional appraisers so building according to mater- j valuable. ,It is your guarajiial and grade of construcas a taxpayer that polition- These schedules were ;I tee compiled after conferences tics or influence will play part In the pricing of with real estate men, build- II no ing supply houses, con/trac- property. It is your guaranagainst discriminatory tors, and men familiar with !j tee assessments. To Ulustrata the labor market. These schedules, when I how this works, we might complete can apply only to use a hypothetical case a.' Wilmington, ana will Insure an example. The card inthat all similar buildings, dicates the main dwelling regardless of location will in a one and one-half story be priced the same, thus frame house, four roousa making for equal treatment and bath, 24 x 30 or 720 for all property owners. sq. ft., five years, old, un- -"-■ ■ ■'"'■r-.^-.-'.Jf *'-'■ """ ~-;^v;?;v"■■■;•■>; "The Angelic Choir?" —asks BING CROSBY "Not quite... Just rbugh and tumble kids, decked out for choir service. A picture you'd like to see your youngster in someday, I'm sure. / finished, expaawiou. attic with full rear dormer. C grade construction. The schedule for Grad> C houses of this general description indicates a base price of $11,000. to which is added $300. for a 11 * 8 porch, making a total base price of $11,300. From this deduct $900. for the unfinished attic, and our base price drops to $10,400.. then deduct an additional 10% for depreciation because of age and our base price is then just less than $9,400. This is as far as we can go however, since the Sohedujlee that will apply to land values are not complete. They will however,' work much the same way, taking into account all factors that re- fleet in value. The two values are then combined and this total indicates the sound value of our dwelling. In our example the total should be about $10,000. We would then be ready for the final phase, one which is all Important to the individual home owners, the Public Hearing. When all values have been completed the Board of Assessors will announce public hearings at which any homeowner knay come in, inspect the cards on his own, or the card for any dwelling in town. He may make any and all com. parisione, to satisfy himself that the values indicated are correct, after the hearings, and only then, will the Assessors accept the figures of the appraisers. These figures however, will- toe full value, and the Assessors will use a percentage of tall value for assessment purposes. The present policy is a 50% assessment. There is no way to anticipate what the new figure will be. It may remain at 60%, It might conceivably he 40%. what does that mean? Take our exabnple again, - a house with a sound value of $10, 000. at 50% would be assessed $5,000. at 40% it would be assessed .$4,000. But knost Important, what should become apparent after the hearings is the fact that ail properties are priced according to schedules. Thus assuring impartiality, that aM similar properties carry the same assessment, that each owner pays only hie fair proportionate share. The result* of the program will then appear on the tax bills Issued in 1966. All assessments for this year will be based on the appraisal figures. The tax rate for 1966 cannot possibly he predicted, at this time, sinve there are too many unknowns that must be determined before a rate can be set. Primarily, what the towns voters appropriate at the Annual Town Meeting is the largest single factor In setting a rate. Anticipated revenues for the canning year are also important and unUl early February cannot be estimated. It then becomes apparent that the Town Meeting in Mar. will determine what you pay in taxes. And this too Is the reason thai no tax rate has ever been set by the Assessors until after the Annual Town Meeting. To rig (living In a modern submarine, the crew must conduct 225 individual operational and equipment checks. ^=i HOSPITAL SUPPLIES! Wheel Chair*- Crwtchoa| abdominal Supports, "Suppose he can't even carry a tune. No matter. What counts is that he belong to the spirit of this picture...feeling at bom in church or synagogue. Dee Pharmacy «4 Hav.n St. ReadlooH REadlna 2-1051 For Promptnt Call JOE'S "And there are no words to describe a parent's peace of mind, when he knows, that no matter what happens, the children will always be 'at home' in the one place time does not change." TAXI SERVICE OLIvar 8-2949 Joseph Balestrkrl Railroad AVOIHM Msrri-Mac Cl OL 14241 CLEANING • PRESSING Main St. • Wilmington Next to Laundromat Give them a Faith to live by COOMBS Ito at* Males la AsMrioa L* rrogna by FURNITURE CO. Hughes Lumber Company CReetvlow BEDFORD 40 North HWORTH AVE. NORTH BILLERICA In BILLERICA Call MOntrose 3 3546 | Furniture - Ri Open 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 BJB. 0WfO 50 Years in Wholesale Business 464 Middl.n* Avs. Wilmington, Mas*. TELEPHONE OLWor MStf *m —-*-' PAGE ELEVEN THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1.956 WANT ADS Want Ads may be placed by calling GLenview 8-8812... Rates available on request Appliances * Movers ST. DOROTHY'S BOWLING LOWELL THANKS WDLMINGTON LEAGUE NEWS The following are the standings tor the six teams and the top men: Team W L Blue Birds 28 16 Forty-Nlners 27 17 M Nichols St. - Tel. OL MMt Lakers 26 18 Red Wings 24 20 Just-for-Fun 1? 27 PtWER OO. BORNEB Yo-Yos 10 10 SAUES and SERVICE Wow! What a rip* situaPLUMBING Mi HEATING tion for a few upsets when GBOBGE'S Authorised Buelors of Che boys resume bowling IN next Monday night in StoneM AJ 0 B WILMINGTON bam. "Left all My a prayer The high single for the for Ike boy* over there* last evening bowled, 136. APPLIANCES Magro; the high triple, 288, BAVKKHILL VTUR Magro; The high single for FRESH MEATS *•. UKAIHNG. MASS. the season, 138, Magro; ROZfN FOODS rtKm. 4-8141 er the high triple, 320, Desroozor Lockers tvaraais HAROLD A. VINBCOIIB FteM»-.d W Desired Those holding the ten top A On. averages are! Tel. GLenvlew 9-OS7S OPBM FRIDAY EVENBfOS Cummlmjiham 92.4 Stevens 91.8 Overpass Tewksbury, Jim Fleming, Jr. 91.1 Boylen 90.3 Beatrice 89.7 Sullivan 88.8 Gariten A Of«f, be. Con O'Brien 88.8 FORD Desharnais 88.8 Meands 88.4 Parts - MM Service New A Used Doc Fleming 87.6 -Bees AMMUNITION Magro 87.4 Main A M*aot 8ta. N.H. A Maine Hunting If anything strikes you Tel. Licenses funny, try to figure it out! IUCK8' SPORT SHOP JBHNBON, A 8WANB0M IB PrbMoas St. - WakeOeld AntoraobU* Painting CONGREGATION AJL Tel. Crystal S-SeMW Aadlntsta NEWS CTe—nd ud Repaired Magee Donnelly K. V. RONAYNB FURNITURE MOVING PACKING CRATING STORAGE GOODS INSURED Restaurants General Electric * Automotive * * Sport Stores » "GUNS —• If•W C*W*B "■ 1M nk Winchester a*. * For Sale * A #MB|Aitft Mir~ of ltmkw» sfcaliw.. Miter'. rtxsfc. hardware, ptamblng and 1 ■--■; GROSSMAN'S ■ BOSTON ROAD, BOLEBICA. Tel. GLenvlew WMttl or MOatrose M*» * Hardware * •roeUBN HARDWARE A PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. Heaflnc — Pain** Yeuagatown Kitchens Vain Wotrara MB Insurance JOHN P. GLEASON AGENCY OLIver S-2671 Genersl Insurance Firs • Llfo • AecWoni Mobility • Bonds M Florence Ava. Wilmington * Jewelers * H. S. SORENSON CO., INC. 10 Albion Street CRY WIB W.kofiold'i Oldest and Largest Jewelry — Silverware and Gift Shop Watch and Jewelry Repairing * Lumber • WILMINGTON UII DER8 StirPfcT OO. • Lumber - Ceases* • Pals* - CHass * Doors - Windows * Batlders Hardware -SM Mala Street - OL S-MU READING LUMBER OO. Goodall - Sanford Road Reading Be. Mill - «-»•* BBTLDINO MATERIALS MJSL..l..aSI rjaaauVJSBW!. TED'S SEWERAGE SERVICE CESSPOOLS - SEPTIC | TANKS PUMPED OBTJ AND INSTALLED MOntrose S-2S7 Lowell. Massachusetts December 29, 1955 Arthur J. Boudreau ■Chief of the Fire Department Wilmington, Mass. Dear Chief: The City Council has requested me to express to you and to the members of your Idcpartment tihelr sincere appreciation and thanks for the Igenerous assistance rendered at the Medical Arts Building fire. It was largely due to the co-operation and splendid work of our neighboring departments that we were able to prevent what might have been a major conflagration and It Is wonderful to know that this spirit of co-operation exists among us and that we can count on the help of our neighbors when we are In trouble. For myself, you have my deepest appreciation and while I hope that you will never be faced with a similar disaster,, rest assured that, if the occasion should arise, our services will be immediately available to you. Sincerely Frank E. Barrett City Manager ^^ • FUEL OIL • • BURNER SERVICE • | OL 324 Main Street such plays as John van Druten's "The \ oice of the Turtie" and Sidney Ktngsley's "Lunatics and Lovers". Lo. vene, who is marking ui» twenty-fifty year In the theatre, has had such long ruus to bis credit a« "Guys and Dolls", "Three Mem on a Horse", "Room Service". "Margin for Error" and "Dinner at Eight". Scenery and lighting are by Ralph Atewang with costumes by vii'Kinu v .la.-.. Wilmington Serviceman, Airplane Mechanic, Aerial Tngjniir, Oxygen System Tester, Carburetor Man, Overhaul Aircraft Mechanic, ' Propeller Inspector. Persons interested la this rating or out of the other. 60 ratings In the Navy are invited to write or visit your Navy Recruiter. A BUMPER EVERY THREE SECONDS THE NAVAL AVIATOR j ^ ^^ waUmaUr This is the eighth of a puling facility in the world, series of articles presented occupying an area equal to by the Local Naval Be- three football fields, is nearcruiter, William Mansfield, uig Iun operation In the located in the Post Office, Detroit area of Michigan. Lowell. It is hoped that The plaiting unit of the ultra this information will assist modern plant will turn out the general public In get- a gleaming automobile ting to know the Navy rat- bumper every three seconds lngs and at the same tune at peak production - enough explain some of the duties to cover tour acres a day performed by N a v al Per-: wWh plated metal. The platsonneL The rating shown ing tnnWs, In wtttoh tfie and explained below Is —.bumpers are given sucoes"Aviatkm Ma chin llt'l stvo coating of copper, nlo- BOSTON-BORN VK'KI CUMJfJNGS CO-STARING WITH SAM AND DOLLS" The Churoh Cabinet met "GUYS LEVENB IN "THE last Thursday at 8 p.m. Junior High basketball HOT CORNER" OPENING WILBUR MONDAY JAN. 9 Fridays at 7 p.m. Boston-Born Vlcki Cum. The Qnolntance Club met DON ANDERSEN at the pasonage Sunday a' mlngs, one of the theatre's ablest and busiest comedi6 p.m. kel and chromium, hold _ BOB CLARK The first session of the ennes will be co-starred volume equivalent to ttmsc ef World Vision Institute, spon- with Sam Levene, the unfor109 railroad tank cars. 329 LOWELL ST. sored by tne Church Coun- gettable Nathan Detroit of cil, was held in this church "Guys and Dolls" fame, in KOUTE 12* mat Sunday at « P-im. Wor- the new comedy, "The Hot OLD NICKEL USES ship, moving picture "Cry Corner", which opens a twoPlating and coinage are {WILMINGTON-, MASS. the Beloved Country'Y and week DrerBroadway engagetwo of the oldest uses of the ment at the Wilbur Theatre social hour followed. metal nickel. OL 1-2011 The Bast Bjaoch met on on Monday evening, Jan. 9. last Monday at 8 p.m. at Directed by Levene. and prethe honie ofTnnT Ruth Jus- sented by Eleanore Saldenberg, "The Hot Cornier" fe;i tice on Chestnut St. The Centos- Branch As- lures Don Murray, who won vital importance to Kudos for his performance- theOf Naval sociates met at the church Aviator is the In "The Rose Tattoo" and safe last Tuesday at 8 p.m. and efficient operation "The Skin of our Teeth", of aircraft. The Aviation Daryl Grimes, making her Navy oceanographers have legitimate debut, Bert Machinist's Mates are re456 Main St. • Weburn set the record for underwater Thorn, who has appeared in sponsible for keeping the Opp. tears • Roebuck photography by photograph- 22 Broadway productions, engines and other mechaniComplete Line sf ing at a depth of 20.800 feet Horace Cooper, featured in cal equipment of aircraft Nationally Advertised In the Sargasso Sea, about "Where's Charley?" with in perfect working order. Aviation Machinist's 1000 miles seaward of Cape Ray Bolger, and Paul McVey, veteran of 200 motion Mates inspect, adjust, test, Hatteras. N.C. Rubber Tito • Asphalt WATCH REPAIRING repair, and overhaul airpictures. Stool and Plastic Electronically Tested craft engines. They also Set in a small town in Wall Tito on our New York State, "The Hot perform routine tasks such FREE ESTIMATES Watch Master Corner" was written by Al- as lubricating, refueling, CHEERFULLY GIVEN len Boretz, who co-author- changing tires, warming up JOHN L. CATEN Call WOburn 2-1 »10 ed one of Broadway's all- engines, and cleaning • JEWELER planes on the ground, in time smash hits, "Room SerChalifoux Bldg. Children - Pre-Teen vice', in collaboration with the water, and on board Lowell Ruby Sully, who wrote ship, when assigned as GL 3-4771 MO many of Edgar Bergon's fun- flight engineers (members nies lines and just recently of crews on the larger sold an original story to planes), they operate the «HIIIBIi|i!BtllBIIII!BlilllBMjilBBBHi A staff of news writers HAVEN ST. BEADING Hollywood, called "Three on engines, landing gear, wing WHEEL ALIGNING ■re always on hand to 'a Mink". flaps, and other controls and answer your phone calls. "The Hot Cortier' finds and equipment of the airFRONT END SERVICE In order to get an item in- Miss Ciimmings playing the craft On Cars and Trucks to the paper you can call wife of 'Sam Levene; the Training and experience LAM our Lowell office without ouple are celebrating their any charge and give the twentieth anniversary amid in the Navy provides Avia-' —Auto Spring Service— BRAKE SERVICE Item to us. a host of trials and tribula- tion Machinist's Mates with Springs for If you want to talk to a tions. Miss Cu'iwmlngs is re- the background; skills, and 1 All Makes ef Cars Wilmington correspondent membered for her roles in knowledge fpr many civilSprings Repaired ian operations. Some cl-' you can call Mrs. Betty and Reset vilian jobs that are closely Downs at 8-2907. 437 Lawrence St. related to the ones perYou can also call anCOMMONWEALTH OF Lowell formed by Aviation Maother local resident Mrs. MASSACHUSETTS. Tel. 2-7923 chinist's Mates are: AirBeatrice McCormack OL Middlesex, IBUBWIBWBBMBBBBaBBBMl ss. plane Inspector. Airport 8-2735 aftfer 4 p.m. and PROBATE COURT. she will take your item. To all persons Interested in Clubs, organizations and the estate of Lillian F. Kinsanyone wishing to insert man also known as Lilly Kinsa long article and not want- man late of Wilmington In ing to call it in by phone, said County, deceased. can send it to our Lowell A petition has been presentoffice, The Wilmington ed to said Court, praying that Gifts & Greetings Crusader, c/o The Billerica Arthur F. Kinsman of MelPublishing Co., 95 Bridge rose in said County, be apComplete Line of . Street, Lowellj Mass., or pointed administrator of said LIONEL - AMERICAN FLYER - ACCESSORIES just drop it into the post estate, without giving a surety Lionel Approved Service Station WELCOME WAGON office c/o The Crusader, on his bond. OIL PAINTINGS — STAMPS Wilmington, Mass. If you desire to object TOYS — FISHING TACKLI from Your Friendly A third writer added to thereto you or your attorney We also have s complete line ef Business Neighbors the staff is Mrs. Esther should file a written appearFins Furniture and Appliances Moore, Morse Ave., who ance in said Court at Camsod Givio and will cover the North Wil- bridge before ten o'clock In 636 • 6*6 Msrrlmaek St. —:— Tel. OL 2-4BM §ooi,j Welfare Leaders mington area. Her phone the forenoon on the twentieth is Oliver 8-3820. day of January 1956, the rePHONE OLtver *4tl? With all these aids, we turn day of this citation. GRETSCH-WFL plan to give to the people Witness, John C. Leggat, DRUMS Ow tkt •ccasion tfl of Wilmington a fall Esquire, First Judge of said coverage of news. Court, this twenty-sixth day The Birth ol a Baby Zildjain Cymbalo DRUM Juat call any of the of December In the year one im Corps Equlpmentl Drum Engagement STUDIO above or our Lowell office thousand nine hundred and Announcements and willing help will be fifty-five. Sslss - Service & Lessons — Expert Repair Work Changs of residence waiting to serve you. John J. Foley, Register. 40 Wilder St. Vic Bsrgsmini, Prep. County. Real Estate Co. y wmi J.&L UNOMART BUSINESS GUIDE Floor Coverings Call These Numbers Of Local Residents To Get News Into • CLOTHES • Children's Shop The Crusader {gjjgjgg) HOBBY SHOP Model Airplanes - Ships - Trains for You —through VIC'S Arrivals of Newcomers to (No cost or ebllgsHon) J-4-11-18 1»AGE TWELVE THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Ilr ltK ford. Hhe Ricchlo's. Also have a daughter, Mary Beth, 11 months, i Mrs, Hartey Towfe, Jr., of i Mr. and Mrs. Cosman Lowell at. began the new were also pleased to wel,w 1 year on * *: . rather " ™. ^ tragic --"—come come home norae in time ume for ior note. While Mr. Towle was Christmas their eldest son, hmrkinir t.h« i_k_ D., i-> Jr., T_ _.V» i_» backing the car out of their John who completdriveway, the door new open ed four years in the U.S. and «h« fell to the street, Air Force. striking the beck of hen head on the payment A doc for was called and advised LOCAL COUPLE WEDS that Mirs Towle stay in bed Miss Frances Amato, the and that he would call the next day to check her con- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dition. This all occurred on Anthony Amato of 205 Saturday, Dec. 31. On Sun- Salem Street was united In day, January 1, Mm. Towle marriage to John Dec, son was taken to Mass. General Of Mrs. Marie Dec of 136 Hospital in Boston for ob- 'Salem Street on New Year's aervatloni where she was Day. The ceremony took still a patient when we spoke place at St. Thomas Church, to Mr. Towle on January 7. Rev. Edmund Croke officiatDoctors hope that she may ing. The bride who was given be home within the next week, but on January 7 her In marriage by her father. name was still oh the danger wore a lovely gown of lace over satin, tile sweetheart list neckline and bodice accentuated by Iridescent sequins. IT'S A SON The gown was fashioned Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. with a very full tiered skirt Riechlo of M Winthrop of scalloped lace, and a v street, Medford, announce court train. The fingertip (he birth of a son, Joseph, veil v was secured with a tiny Jr., at Otis hospital in East crown „< WhHe satin studdCambridge, on Dec. 16. ^j wlth p^^s and sequins. Mrs. Ricchio is the former gj,e carried a beautiful bouMary Elizabeth Cosman of |qUet of white pom.pome. this town. . Miss Patricia Amato. s!sThe baby, who was not ter 0f the bride, served as expected until later this mald of honor, wearing a month, only weighed 4 lbs., cnamnUng gown of deep pink 12 oz. and was in an incu satin and net,' and carrying bator at Children's hospi- a mixed bouquet. She wore ' tal for two weeks following a tiny wnite hat. Serving as bridesmaids h i s birth. Grandparent honors are shared by Mr. were Rosalie Cuoco, Jo and Mrs. John D. Cosman Anne Sclascia, Mary Sciaeof Salem street and Mr. cia and Mildred Young, who and Mrs. Ricchio of Med- wore gowns of deep green MB8. HARLEY TOWLE ON DANGER LMT MBMAMO SERVICE CO.* PROMPT ■ THOROUGH - GUARANTEED Repair All Makes of Televisions, Radios, Recorders and Phonographs Honest Work at Fair Prices. What's Your Problem? CALL ANYTIME! Wm. Hoffman •IS Woburn St. M OL M503 W Wllmlnflten satin and net with tiny pink headreasess. The best man was Louis Plcanao, flb-othesyln-iaw "Ot the groom. The ushers were Harvey Dec, brother of th« groom, Joseph Rexford, Charles Levielje and George Catavelo. Also attending the couple were Lois McLaughlin, cousin of the bride, who was flower girl; and John Amato, brother of tne bride who was ring bearer. The bride's mother wore pale green, with a rose and pom-pom corsage. The groom'8 mother wore black and orchid, with yellow roses and pom-poms. For her going away outfit, Mrs. Dec wore a pale blue suit with matching hat, and black pumps, A receptloni attended by a hundred relatives and friends of the couple followed at Grange Hall. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dec. attended the Wilmington Schools and Mr. Dec served with the Marine Corps until last June After a wedding trip to New York Che couple will reside at 136 Salem Street OFFICIALS SAY TOWN MEEDS NEW AMBULANCE cont. from 1 mentioned In this plan, as the school board feels that Its extension would save much time and money In transportation. In 1952 the town of Wilmington together with Town Manager Dean Cuahing, petitioned the County Commieaioners to relocate the entire length of West St. According to exhistlng records a public bearing was held in Sept. 1962. Recently Mr. Courtney contacted Howard Hatch regarding the relocation and he was told that no action had been taken. Due to the fact that the road wiH now be used extensively by the Maes. Dept of Public Works in the construction of Route 28 in our town It will present a serious safety hazard, the board has requested that the relocation be completed. It came to light during this meeting that the Hyatt family who were recently the victims of a Ore have moved to Maiden and that their house and lot are now for sale. RUBBISH INCIDENTI The petition which has Rubbish was discovered been circulated to get an on the side of the road off article Into the ballot tor Aldrich road. Officers Do- the people to vote for or land and Markey/ investi- against the town manager Sted and caused Johnform of government was oran of Burridge road. given very little time by the Maiden, to remove his de board but It was stated that posit from Wilmineto I. as the signatures are now This incident occured on all in order the article will January 8. appear on the ballot in March. A dmall discussion on the CUT FINGERS On Sunday, January 8, telephone service In Wilmpolice were summoned to ington was held. The opintransport Everette Alden, ions of the board members 38, of Fairfield road to St. were that the service here is John's hospital. Mr. Alden terrible and that some achad severely cut two fin- tion should he eaken to cor?ers on his right hand. Of- rect it If possible. The meeting adqoumed at tcers Kelley and Ellsworth' answered the caB. 11:30 p.m. RENT OR BUYI Electronics eng^ieer, new I In the Boston area would like to buy or rent single family house, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, dining room desirable. Please call Mrs. Lacey, Everett 9-2300. J-ll ARRIVES FROM DETROIT Mrs. Chelsea Davis of Jones Ave.. arrived home on Sundav from "Detroit, where she spent the holidays with her daughter Mrs. Frank Rufflno and family. Prescribed for "Problem" Rooms! Wallpaper works wonders with 'problem' rooms!; IWith it you can lend spaciousness . . . give charm, and personality, to rooms yea once thought hopeless! Our large collection of beautifully«lesigned, papers is priced right for you ... let as kelp yea choose the right pattern, today! designed for Bring! CANNON-NEELON Woburn's OMeet sad Largos* Wallpaper and Faint Store See Our Large Selection of Latest Wallpapers Closed Wednesday at 1 p.m. - Friday Nate at • »Jn. 23 Montvaie Ave, WOburn 2-2021 (Next to Woburn Daily Tlates) -Free Delivery Member - Woburn Chamber of Commerce ST. DOROTHY'S NEWS Religious instruction classes are held every Saturday morning at 9:30 at St. Mary's chapel and St. Dorothy's hall. All grade school ahlldren must attend. Teachers are urged to appoint a substitute when they are unable to attend themselves. Choir rehearsals are held immediately after religious instruction classes at St. Mary'o. Next Sunday is Communion Sunday for all the girls of the parish. Sincere gratitude to extended to Mrs. Louis Nolan and her committee for the proceeds of teat Friday's Whist party. On Friday. Jan. 13th. MTB. Michael Connolly, Mra Mary Love and Mrs. Mary Neal and their committee will conduct the whist party at 8:30, at St. Dorothy's Hall. St Dorothy's annual minstrel show, "Funcapades," will be presented at the Shawsheen School, South Tewkabury, on Monda^ and Tuesday evenings. Fe^ :ary 13bh and 14th. Tickets are now available. St. Dorothy's C.Y.O. basketball team will nlay Bt. Agnes' of Arlington at the Shawsheen School on Thursday evening, Jan. 12th. The Catholic Labor GuMd of the Archdiocese announces that on Thnrsdey evening, Jan. 12th, Uie Catfeollc Labor School will begin its winter term at 7:46, at Boston College High Scihool, on James St, Boston, near the Boston City Hospital. There are courses available on the Papal Encyclicals, Labor History, Parliamentary Law. Public Speaking, Labor Relations and Problems, Labor Law, Job Evaluation and Basic Economics. The school will be condnoted every Thursday evening through March 22nd, and the total cost 1s $5.00 All Catholic union members are urged to take advantage ot thia opportunity. BflaM I*' I