16 - 04 APR 2016 BSCC NEWSLETTER NF com
16 - 04 APR 2016 BSCC NEWSLETTER NF com
Next 2016 CALENDAR NOTES: Next BSCC Meeting April 16 Thursday 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Rooster’s Shelbyville Rd in Middletown Located: - junction of Moser Road and Shelbyville Road. 10430 Shelbyville Road Suite 7, Louisville, KY 40233 Tel: (502) 883-1990 Apr 16 Saturday 9 am – 11 am, BSCC 3rd Annual Swap Meet - Unique Automotive Venue: 3918 Bardstown Rd, #3, Louisville KY 40218 Tel: 502-452-2688 Apr 23 Saturday 10:30 am – {3:30 p.m. approx) SPIRITED DRIVE IN SOUTHERN INDIANA Limit of 12 cars. Depart New Albany, Indiana 10:30 a.m. Call Howard to join below. Apr 30 Saturday 10 a.m. – {3:00 p.m, (approx) DRIVE TO HUBER WINERY IN SOUTHERN INDIANA Limit of 15 cars. Depart New Albany, Indiana 10:30 a.m. Call Howard to join below. May 14 Saturday 9 am – 11 am, Cars & Coffee, Captains Quarters, 5700 Captain's Quarters Rd, Prospect, KY 40059 Tel: (502) 228-1651 ($5 donation to a very good cause). May 14 Saturday 11;00 am – 2:00 pm. Vintage Sports Cars At the Episcopal Church Home, 7504 Westport Road, Louisville KY 40222 May 19-22 Weekend Austin Healey “Spring Thing” Corydon, Indiana. (Jim Werner Post below) May 21 Saturday 11:00 a.m. – (4:00 p.m. approx) DRIVE IN SOUTHERN INDIANA Limit of 12 cars. Depart New Albany, Indiana 10:30 a.m. Call Howard May 28 Saturday 19 am – 11 am, 4th Annual Mission Car Show, St Francis In the Fields Episcopal Church 6710 Wolf Pen Branch Rd, Louisville, KY 40027 June 13-17 Mon-Fri MG-2016 – 5th North American National MG Register “A Run for the Roses”, Venue: Rally at Festival Plaza, Louisville, 1,000+ attendees. June 18 Saturday 2016 BSCC British Bash Festival Plaza Louisville KY Waterfront Park, WHAS Crusade July 16 Saturday Cincinnati British Car Show Day Aug 20 Saturday 3rd Annual Live United Car, Truck, And Aircraft Show, Bowman Field. Sept 12 Monday St. Peter’s Church Car Show, 8110 St Andrews Church Road, Louisville KY 40258 Sept 17 Saturday Sir Brit’s Newburgh, Indiana Lock & Dam. Sept 18 Sunday Cross Country / Kids Center Car Show, English Station Road, Louisville KY 40245 Please check the listing on www.britishsportscarclub.com event's calendar. 01. FINANCIAL REPORT: - Courtesy Cliff Wilson, BSCC Treasurer, e-mail: [email protected] CONFIDENTIAL: - Sent to all current members via e-mail Newsletter attachment only. See last page of e-mail News Letter. Not posted on BSCC Web Site or British Marque News 02a. PRESIDENTS MESSAGE: Courtesy Gary Rumrill, e-mail: [email protected] Tel: (502) 239-6366 I would like to start this month’s President’s Message with recognition and thanks to several club members that have unselfishly devoted their talents, time and energies to the improvements in events communication, website modernization, outstanding newsletter and taking the lead in setting up terrific club events. TREVOR JESSIE: for rejuvenating a more useful website www.BritishSportsCarClub.com I won’t pretend to understand how he did what he did, but he did it! Our website (Remember when it had a few different web addresses; never knew which one to use?) It was basically just occupying cyberspace, but now… what a difference. Here are only a few of the many highlights: EVENTS: Notice the calendar on the left side of the Home Page? Click on any highlighted date and instantly, you have a quick view of the event. And, for more details, click on the Events tab and scroll to the event that interests you for a lot more information, even including maps. MEMBERS ONLY: If you haven’t set up your login, you are truly missing out on a link for finding other BSCC member contact and car information. NEWSLETTERS: current newsletter plus an archive of prior month letters. REGALIA: A source for BSCC high quality garments. Thanks Jim Werner. EVENT PHOTOS: I really like this new tab! Check out the pics from the Carl Casper car show and St Patrick’s Day Parade. Send your photos to Trevor or me and we’ll get them on the tab. JIM WERNER: Social media communications and, BSCC Regalia. Jim is a Facebook communications master while I am merely a struggling novice. I recently ordered and received two books, the first, I needed to read while the other, a book I wanted to read. The first one, a ‘how-to’ tutorial, Facebook for Seniors (i.e. dummies) and the second, Jaguar XK8 The Complete Story. Guess which one I read first! I really do need to get with the times so I can cut back on my reliance on Jim, but he is so good at what he does. BSCC YAHOO GROUP: Jim Werner has set up the BSCC Yahoo Group for the British Sports car club is https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/BritishSportsCarClub/info Joining this Yahoo group will enable you to send and receive emails to/from the group. Please sign up to get your registration approved! BSCC FACEBOOK GROUP: Jim Werner has also set up the BSCC Facebook Group In recent years, more people in the club have started using Facebook, so the club established a public Facebook group to https://www.facebook.com/groups/BSCCofLouisville/ Obviously, you need to be a Facebook user to access the group, but otherwise no approval is needed. BSCC REGALIA: please click on the www.britishsportscarclub.com Regalia tab then peruse the sites and products – really good products – really good prices. Photo Courtesy: Mark Mattingley e-mail: [email protected] RUSSELL MILLS: Carl Casper, St Patrick Parade. Russell may no longer be our President but he hasn’t slowed down a bit! How he was able to run our club and take care of these time events is beyond me. Now on BSCC Board of Directors too his enthusiasm continues. GREG BOWMAN & RUSSELL MILLS::BRITISH BASH and MG2016 with many Club volunteer support. BRITISH BASH 2016: Now is the time to apply to join our club’s British Bash – Check http://www.britishsportscar club.com/index.php/car-show-british-bash and send in your application now. 02b. PRESIDENTS MESSAGE: Courtesy Gary Rumrill, e-mail: [email protected] Tel: (502) 239-6366 Continued MG OWNERS ESPECIALLY: check the MG Register web-site for details of this major MG event. . Visit; https://www.signup4.net/public/ap.aspx?EID=MG2014E&OID=50 As of this writing over 677+ MG ENTHUSIASTS have already registered from all over the country. Many more expected. NOTE: Our club has a special discounted price of $95. Our club will be providing some logistical support for this event. See the MG2016 web site for details of the included events. These are five of the many key people keeping or club on a roll; a handshake to: CLIFF WILSON: for managing financials (the books) JUDY MOORE: for her accurate Meeting Minutes MIKE LEEZER: for our insurance and more. BILL FRYREAR: for BSCC Swap Meet 16th April 2016 HOWARD HOSP: for arranging special drives that he created for the MG2016 National Meet and then decided our club members would be best qualified to test the routes. I’ve always wanted to be a test pilot – sign me up! See News Letter item # 5 in Newsletter PDF below. PETER DAKIN: Newsletter plus a lot of this and that. A lot of improvements during the last 30+ years, our club’s newsletter grew from a one-page snail mailed typed piece of paper to a snail mailed stapled 5 ½” x 8” booklet into its current form: a hi-tech, full color, hi-resolution informative and entertaining read! Have you ever had responsibility for writing a monthly newsletter? I have. I can tell you this for sure, the first month is easy, lots to talk about. The second month is a little harder and then you discover as more months go by, holy cow, what do I write about now? Peter is able to keep every issue fresh! BSCC NEWSLETTER: Please we need your tech tips, photos of a trip you make with your car, ideas for meets or events. BSCC CLUB MEMBERSHIP: is now OVER 230 strong! We do need a formal Membership Chairman to invite new members, welcome them in to the Club and invite new ideas for membership activities. Nominations welcome. MEMBERSHIP ROSTER: Although we post the membership Roster on our website it is ONLY accessible to Members via a Login Password. However this month MEMBERS ONLY will receive a PDF copy of the BSCC Roster with the request to check the data on your cars and other data to be sure we have it up to date. Corrections appreciated of course as requested to [email protected] Please join us at Roosters, 10430 Shelbyville Rd, Thursday, April 21, 2016. Tire kicking 6:30 p.m. meeting at 7:00 p.m. (Parking in the 5/3 Bank area.) Courtesy Gary Rumrill e-mail: [email protected] Tel: (502) 239-6366 03a. MARCH MEETING MINUTES: Courtesy Judy Moore, e-mail: [email protected] Tel: (954) 579-6547 Meeting at Mango's called to order @ 7 p.m. Peter reported we are up to 217 members in the Club ( Updating 230 now) Cliff + $104 added to financials since last news letter. Gary had 4 new name badges to pass out. 03b. MARCH MEETING MINUTES: Courtesy Judy Moore, e-mail: [email protected] Tel: (954) 579-6547 Continued We had a 6 cars booth at Carl Casper Car Show and won two awards. A check and Plaque for the Booth and Sylvia and Danny won the Best Foreign Sports Car category for their MG-Midget.Trophy at meeting: - > St. Patrick’s Parade we had 17 cars with 4 breakdowns. Drew Keller (the no quitter, recruited a Jeep, not Just the end of the parade but to his house) Peter failed to tighten his negative battery terminal, Danny had a hot chic in the car and it overheated near the end, the forth breakdown noted may still be on Baxter Ave! Picture Reports on events web page as 16 - 03 BSCC MAR 2016 St. Patrick’s Parade Report.pdf 16 - 02 BSCC FEB 2016 Carl Casper Car Show Report.pdf Howard talked about the road trips he has planned for the MG show. (See details below) Bill spoke about the April 16 Swap meet at Bruce Domeck Unique Auto. The car show in Pensacola has about 15 cars traveling down there for that show. The 2016 December Christmas Party has been chosen at Wildwood Country Club in Fern Creek. We will have an area for our Traditional Famous Auction that has got so big a Silent Auction too. We draft Jim French & Ron Baylor who tune their voices for the annual event. There will also be a cash bar. .May 14, will be the gathering at Episcopal Church after cars and coffee. The church will provide hot dogs and popcorn. Gary had form available to subscribe to the British Marques at club rates. For members with BSCC Badges being worn we drew Ladies was Sharon Schafer and Roger Harper (But no money for you Roger, sorry-not present.) There were 48 people attended the meeting: (+ 3 in the bathroom!” The 50/50 winner donated the $73.00 to our Christmas Party fund. The next meeting will be held at Roosters.15th April 2015 (noted address page one). No Tolls yet, so great opportunity for a trip over the river soon for the benefit of Indiana members too.. At the meeting Peter reported BSCC Club membership 196 members including 68 ladies. (Now over 220) Director Russell Mills up dated the arrangements for : The British Bash 18th June 2016.Festival Plaza, Waterfront Park. (a) The coordination with the National MG Register Convention Rally also here 13th – 17th June and also using Festival Plaza.. (b) British Bash Russell reported the British Bash may have a Raffle Car this year. (c) MG2016 Russell reported the Special Rate of $95 for BSCC members wishing to participate in their events. Several event booking up, an in one instance a second day has been added for Motion to adjourn was made by Dale and was seconded by Peter. Courtesy Judy Moore, Tel: (954) 579-6547 e-mail: [email protected] 04. BSCC SUMMER DRIVES: Courtesy Howard Hosp e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 812-923-5504. The BSCC drives are test trips for the upcoming MG2016 and they look like some very nice events! Howard will be the point person for them and he requested those interested either sign up by e-mail, [email protected] or phone him, 812-923-5504. SPIRITED DRIVE IN SOUTHERN INDIANA: - Saturday April 23rd, limit of 12 cars. Depart 10:30 a.m. This follow the leader drive of about 90 miles round trip, travels some of the most scenic roads in Southern Indiana, and will be offered on Saturday April 23rd with a limit of 12 cars. Vehicles and drivers signing up for this drive should possess vehicles of over 115 HP or be modified, as we will make good time. The plan is to leave from New Albany IN at 10:30 a.m. and travel back roads to the Haywood Nature Preserve for a short break. From there, we travel to the Overlook restaurant for lunch and a panoramic view of the Ohio River from their dining room. After Lunch we will travel back a different way to the Turtle Winery. After the tasting, the trip back to New Albany will take about 30 minutes for a total trip time of about 5 hours. Cost involved is, food ordered off the menu at the Overlook, and your wine at the Turtle. DRIVE HUBER WINERY SOUTHERN INDIANA:- Sat. April 30 15 cars depart New Albany 11:00 a.m. This follow the leader drive is destined to one of the most popular family destinations in Southern Indiana. There are several quick ways to get there, however, we have chosen a way that from New Albany IN using all back roads. This means that the ride is for 15 cars and expects the top speed to be 45 MPH on these roads. There will be one drive on Saturday April 30th departing New Albany at 11:00 AM. After a causal lunch at Huber's, we will return a different way, and you will experience breath taking views of Louisville metro from Skyline Drive. Total distance is about 50 miles for the four and one half hour trip. We will order off the menu at Huber's and expect to sample and purchase wines. DRIVE IN SOUTHERN INDIANA: - Saturday May 21st limit of 12 cars depart New Albany 10:00 a.m. This follow the leader drive of about 90 miles round trip, travels some of the most scenic roads in southern IN. will be offered on Saturday May 21st with a limit of 12 cars. The plan is to leave from New Albany IN at 10:00 a.m. and travel back roads to Corydon IN, our first capital, stop for a break on the "square". From there, we travel to the Overlook restaurant for lunch and a panoramic view of the Ohio River from their dining room. After Lunch we will travel back to Corydon a different way, and on to The Turtle Winery. After the tasting, the trip back to New Albany will take about 30 minutes for a total trip time of about 5 hours. Cost involved is anything you buy in shops on the Square, food ordered off the menu at the Overlook, and your wine at the Turtle To join any of these drives please contact: Howard Hosp, e-mail: [email protected], Tel: (502) 377-5949 05. THE DRIVE HOME AFTER THE CARL CASPER CAR SHOW: Courtesy Gary Rumrill, e-mail: [email protected] Tel: (502) 239-6366 While cruising in your Brit family car (note: defined as a member of your family) are you confident it will motor you along without issue; that it won’t strand you on the side of the road? If yes, is it because you’ve taken great pains to ensure your repairs and updates would get a nod from the engineers that created the wonderful machine you enjoy so much? I hope so. I wish I could answer yes. Problem is, sometimes suspect too much. We know all the things that could go wrong and the parts, especially electrical, that could fail and that has forever planted a seed of doubt in our mind. Here is another way of looking at it. Why is it we’re willing; without question, trust an unknown rental car that was probably abused, driven hard and marginally maintained? I’m sure I’m not alone here – I’ve maintained my car, a Lotus Europa, to a standard that is certainly higher than the book’s recommendations and yet… While driving home from the Carl Casper Car show the February 21st evening I smelled electrical smoke, not just a passing whiff, but a steady worsening stench that was telling me my car was about to go up in blazes. All my confidence in the all so careful work I had performed over the last quarter century evaporated during a stinky seven miles of my ride home! Should I undo my seat belt, arm the fire extinguisher and prepare to jump out in hopes of extinguishing flames before the fire trucks blow the fragile Europa apart with their high pressure water hoses? It is absolutely amazing how fast your brain can work at these times! My fears were all for naught, nothing to worry about, the smell went away after the car in front of me turned the corner. Is this what the Lucas, ‘Prince of Darkness’ jokes we’ve been subjected to has done; placed doubts in our mind, notching down the joy of the drive; never letting us cruise without fear of his reprisal smoke? Do you feel the same way; is this why? Truth be told, in all my 40 years of living with Lucas electrics, I’ve never been stranded by the side of the road, but, the Prince still casts has his powers. Looking back - were you at the February meeting? If you answer ‘no’, sorry, you missed a really good; expert tech presentation by Kent Hoskins from Mirror on the topics of proper cleaning & preservation of convertible tops plus a tutorial on restoring the clarity. Kent passed out three page instructions that we’ll make available on our website, however, he didn’t bring any products except for Bash door prizes (He said he didn’t want his talk to be a sales presentation.) A few days later I made my way to his store for a horsehair brush and the specialty products he talked about. Sylvia and Danny Jones did very well at Carl Casper’s Custom Car show taking home the First Place Foreign Sports Car Trophy in our class. Congratulations! Please see their picture in the show report. See the full Cars Show report on the BSCC web site http://www.BritishSportsCarClub.com as 16-03 BSCC CAR SHOW APPENDIX. pdf Looking back - Our March meeting, thanks to Jim Werner, was at Mangos Mexican restaurant on St. Patrick’s Day. We’ll had our own room a nice change of menu and venue. The meeting formalities were be short with hopes that The 51 members who attended would mill about to meet-and-greet club members we don’t often chat with. March is still fresh but we’re already planning our annual “Drop Your Top” April meeting, rain or shine at Rosters noted above. Courtesy Gary Rumrill, e-mail: [email protected] Tel: (502) 239-6366 Your ideas for Club activities and meeting locations welcome. 06a. THE 6th PEKING TO PARIS 35 Day MOTOR CHALLENGE 2016 The same week of the MG2016 Meet in Louisville June 12th 2016 they leave Peking, China. British Cars included: - AC; Alvis; Astin Marin DB6, many Bentley's; Bristol's; Hillman Hunter; Jaguar Mkll; Morgan Plus-4; Rolls Royce; Sunbeam Alpine: Oh dear, YOUR too late too, the entry list now full at 115 Participants. 40 examples below Num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Participants Vintage cars (1920 to 1931 type cars) Steve Trafton(USA) / Katherine Trafton(USA) Ingo Strolz(A) / Werner Gassner(A) Keith Ashworth(GB) / Norah Ashworth(GB) Bill Cleyndert(GB) / Jacqui Norman(GB) Helmut Rothenberger(D) / Michael Schmidt(D) Lloyd Reddington(CAN) / Treacy Reddington(CAN) Marco Rollinger(LU) / Marianne Hengesch(LU) Steve Gray(GB) / Chaz Gray(GB) Bruce Washington(NZ) / Harry Washington(NZ) Mattia Nocera(I) / Giacomo Foglia(I) Chris Dillier(CH) / Joe Dillier(CH) Rod Wade(AUS) / Austen Ritchie(AUS) Vintageant cars (1932 to 1941 type cars) Alex Vassbotten(N) / Ole Havn(N) Hok Kiang Sia(MY) / Eric Kuan Rong Sia(MY) Scott Tucker(USA) / Dave Stuart(USA) Richard Nicholl(GB) / Neil Lawson-May(GB) Paul Hartfield(GB) / Chris Hartfield(GB) Clint Smith(GB) / Trevor Finn(GB) John Whitelock(GB) / Dyl Thomas(GB) Antonio Viana-Baptista(PT) / Joao Baptista(PT) Jeff Barden(GB) / Linda Bellinger(GB) Andrew Laing(GB) / Ian Milne(GB) Richard Thomson(GB) / Paul Dilley(GB) Classic cars up to 2Ltr (1942 to 1975) Paul Hickman(AUS) / Sebastian Gross(AUS) Bjorn Schage(N) / Trond Brathen(N) Giorgio Schon(I) / Pierre Tonetti(I) Peter Lovett(GB) / Tim Smith(AUS) Roberto Chiodi(I) / Maria-Rita Degli Esposti(I) Ludovic Bois(F) / Julia Colman(GB) Nigel Farmer(GB) / Stephen Lovell(GB) Sean McInerney(GB) / Michael McInerney(GB) Tony Sowerby(GB) / Dean Parsons(GB) Classic cars over 2Ltr (1942 to 1975) David Roberts(GB) / Jo Roberts(GB) Matt Watson(GB) / Doug Atherley(GB) James Alexandroff(GB) / David Jones(GB) Jim Valentine(GB) / Jonathan Lodge(GB) Chris Bury(USA) / Tjerk Bury(USA) Jan Sinclair(AUS) / Anne Sinclair(AUS) Alain Faymonville(B) / Yves Faymonville(B) Motorcar 1915 - American La France 1917 - La France Tourer Speedster 1927 - Bentley 4½ Le Mans 1925 - Bentley 3-4½ 1928 - Bentley Super Sports 1927 - American Nash 1927 - Bentley Le Mans 1928 - AC 16/40 Weymann Sedan 1929 - Chrysler 75 Roadster 1930 - Chevrolet 6 Tourer 1930 - Chrysler 70 Roadster 1930 - Ford Model A Engine cc 14500 14500 4500 5300 5300 3700 4500 1991 4078 3179 3600 3285 1933 - Alvis Firefly 1933 - Rolls Royce Phantom II 1937 - Ford Coupe V8 1936 - Buick Special Convertible 1936 - Packard Super 8 1938 - Chevrolet Coupe 1938 - Ford Coupe 1939 - Plymouth Coupe 1940 - Cadillac La Salle 1940 - Pontiac Coupe 1940 - Studebaker Coupe 1842 7668 5000 4467 5200 3860 3622 3300 5279 3000 3800 1954 - Bristol 403 1960 - Morgan plus 4 1971 - Alfa Romeo Giulia Super 1965 - Porsche 911 1973 - Alfa Romeo Giulia 1969 - Volvo Amazon 1971 - Ford Escort Mexico Mk1 1971 - BMW 2002 Ti 1974 - Hillman Hunter 1977 1991 1290 1991 1290 1986 1601 1991 1725 1954 - Sunbeam Alpine 1959 - Jaguar MkII 1967 - Aston Martin DB6 1968 - AMC AMX 1972 - Datsun 240Z 1971 - Holden Monaro 1973 - Mercedes 450 SLC 2267 3781 4200 5600 2393 5700 4520 06b. THE 6th PEKING TO PARIS 35 Day MOTOR CHALLENGE 2016 The Route has changed to meet world conditions averaging 274 miles a day with 4 rest days. Back in the 90’s it ran though Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey. Not on the list of Participants this year are Austin, Land Rover, Rover or Triumph. A major support team Truck of 10,000 bottles beer, 20,000 bottle water left Peking. Beer ran out on 10th Day last trip! 2016 Total distance 13,695 kilometers (8,510 miles) Across the Gobi Desert, Inner and Outer Mongolia, Russian Steppes to Moscow and into Europe. 06c. THE 6th PEKING TO PARIS 35 Day MOTOR CHALLENGE 2016: - continued A mix from 1900’s to today, extra tires OK, but no added boxes or custom modifications We passed the Pullen’s little Rover 12, running in close company with the Delage of Harold McNair and Anne Thomson, the Ayre’s Itala, sounding perfectly healthy, and the Wilson’s in their yellow Rolls Royce. At a coffee stop we noticed Richard Newman’s Chryler Special and Arthur Freeman’s Ford re-fuelling, the roads are bumpy, rippled with the odd pothole but most are able to romp this stuff with ease, car 35, the Alvis Speed 20 of Horst Friedrichs and Gerhard Lux made light work of today’s mega-long haul and were among the first to reach the hotel near the river here, at one point cruising at 140 kph (87 mph) THE TECH REQUIREMENTS American Doug Mackinnon and Russian Anastasia Karavaeva, have arrived at Samarkand, Uzbekistan with their Chevrolet two-seater special, having suffered a second axle halfshaft break 07a. ASK MR. BENTWRENCH: - Thanks for this contribution made by a member of Club, not the editor. Dear Mr. Bentwrench: I want one of those cool authentic British front license plates for my little roadster like Peter, Bill and Jim have. I’ve looked everywhere and for the life of me still can’t figure out that absolute bizarre British numbering system! Then, all I see advertised by US vendors is only just a “YOUR TEXT” plate. What is up with that? How do I choose a front license plate that would be right for my car – OU 812 Dear OU 812: First, it’s not called a license plate but rather a ‘number plate’. Remember, it’s British and you gotta know all the proper nomenclature. There is a long and complex evolution of the British number plates but we’ll play fast and loose here to keep it short and simple. It all began with the Motor Car Act of 1903. It was real simple at first with something like “A 1”. Really! The letter was the basically the issuing jurisdiction and then issued in numbered sequence. (For issuing jurisdiction codes, think of them as “JF” for our Jefferson Co and a later “JFW” as Jefferson Co/Westport Rd) However, that whole sequence didn’t take long to run out. 1932 – 1962 - The current Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) was established and added the third letter to the issuing jurisdiction code but kept the three sequential numbers like “ABC 999”. (Just as we were shocked to discover in the US, the letters can sometimes unexpectedly spell or mean things. Accordingly, you won’t find “ARS, BUM, GOD, JEW, SEX or SOD”.) This system lasted until oh sometime into the mid 50’s when they ran out again. The easy fix was to just reverse the order and go at it again with something like “999 ABC”. Of course, that didn’t take long to play out again either! 1963 – 1982 – Yet another clever fix was made by just simply easily adding a letter suffix to the original 1932 system. For example, “ABC 999A” where A was 1963, B was 1964, and so on. One bit of trivia for you purist is they went from a calendar year letter assignment to a July fiscal year letter assignment in mid1967 to more closely represent the model year production of the car. A new 1967 model sold in late 1966 would be assigned the 1967 letter “E” rather than the current year letter “D” so everybody would know you were driving a new model year car. Dealers lobbied for that to boost new car sales in the fall. 1983 – 2001 – The above alpha year suffix system naturally ran out in 1982 so they again reversed the order and started an alpha year prefix code with A=1982. It would look something like this “A999 ABC” Sept 2001 On – Finally, we have the entirely new system still in use today. Basically, it is a two letter agency code, a two digit year and three random letters looking something like this, “AB99 XYZ” but with an absolute ton of special regional variations for say the Isle of White or Northern Ireland. The optional blue EU touring badge goes on the far left edge with a Union Jack and GB. Yellow Number Plates – Beginning in 1975, number plates were mandated to be white in the front and reflective yellow in the rear and both with required black numbers. (Actually, all were optional beginning in 1968 but then required in 1975) In 2001, a unique, quite specific special font and size was also mandated to accommodate UK’s ever expanding use of OCR traffic cameras. Unlike the US, the UK doesn’t issue the plates but the owner must buy them and only from an approved vendor. The plate manufactures formally adopted their previous traditional standard size with the front being 20-1/2” x 4-3/8” and 11” x 8” in the rear but slight variations are very common and still legal. Black Number Plates – Yes! Those cool looking vintage black plates! Older British plates had white, grey or silver characters on a black background. Most of the period were very plain with raised letters from stamped metal. This style of plate was phased out at the end of 1972 and legal to be carried only on vehicles first registered before January 1973. However, in 2012, the UK finally made an ‘Historic Vehicle’ tax class where one may now display the classic silver on black plates on any registered historic vehicle over 40 years old and this is on a rolling age basis too. That means that beginning now in 2016 one can legally carry ‘Historic Vehicle’ classic black plates on their post 1975 (yellow plate) ’76 TR-6 as long as it still uses the originally issued letters/numbers. Kentucky Law – Kentucky amended their rules on their historic plates some years ago to allow a holder of a KY historic plate to display an authentic original plate in its place. This does lend more character to the car’s appearance over the modern historic plate in my opinion and antique KY plates are readily available on ebay and other sites for very modest money. 07b. ASK MR. BENTWRENCH: - Thanks for this contribution made by a member of Club, not the editor Does this also mean you can now display an authentic British rear plate instead of an authentic KY plate? Probably a no, but I will say that I have had a completely fake but authentic and technically correct reflective yellow British plate on the back of a modern Triumph motorcycle for years and nobody has ever once made one single comment on it! (Damit!) If an authentic British rear plate still makes you nervous, my suggestion is to use your KY plate numbers but on a proper British style plate. For example, mine would simply be “522 KLH” or to be perhaps even safer, “KY522 KLH” from my original issue tag or just “HIA 964” from my historic tag. If a cop ran any of these plates I seriously doubt if he would even bother to stop me as all would quickly come back valid and current. However, the law does read, “Historic vehicles may display an authentic Kentucky license plate, twenty-five (25) years or older, or a reproduction of such a plate, if the historic motor vehicle plate and the registration receipt are kept in the vehicle at all times”. Design A Plate – Let’s try a few examples and see how one of ours here might have originally looked. ’47 MG-TC (Jefferson Co) – JF 490 (black) ’59 MGA (Jefferson/Dixie Hwy) – 059 JFD (black) ’64 MGB (Oldham/Lagrange) – ODL 640B (black) ’67 AH 3000 (Franklin/Frankfort-Oct ‘66) – FKF 670E (black) ’73 MG Midget (Jefferson/Westport Rd) – JFW 073K (white) ’76 TR-6 (Fayette/Bryan Station) – FYB 760N (yellow) ’84 Morgan +8 (Jefferson/Fern Creek) – B084 JFF (yellow) ’09 Mini (Oldham/Lagrange) – OL09 XYZ (yellow) (if sold new Oct ’08 “OL59 XYZ”) Using the actual numbering system as a guide, you can now easily design your own authentic looking custom plate. Take some liberties but personally I think “MGA 1600” & “1967 TR”, although quite descriptive, are now trite and way too obvious. I lean a bit more subtle towards examples like “TF 1250” & “AH 1275” for at least a bit more authentic look. Also, your initials make a great personal county code and many spend great time manipulating their make and model’s letters & numbers for a real clever look and read. Where to Buy – The best sources are in the UK. Well duh! Don’t even waste your time searching US vendors because they don’t have a clue about anything other than stupid, overpriced German front vanity plates. Just go straight to ‘www.ebay.UK’ (searching ‘pressed metal number plates’) to find a good selection of the cheapest vendors that actually know what they are doing and have exactly what you want. You can select from vintage black stamped aluminum to modern yellow reflective acrylic plastic in various sizes with all kinds of options like colors, fonts, badges, additional text and boarders. Most offer free international post to the US and total cost is typically around $25USD (US CC & Paypal accepted) and delivered in about two weeks! In summary, it’s really pretty easy to figure out your authentic style plate once you know what the system was when your roadster was first registered. Then you can get the real deal, authentic, genuine article direct from the UK easily and quick for no real money too. I know they even have that popular “YOUR TEXT” plate too. Mr. Bentwrench is always open for questions… but if I don’t know the answer, I just make one up. EDITOR NOTE: The United Kingdom June 2016 Referendum, has many arguments to exit the European Union including the UK number plates may be AXED by the EU and replaced with 'common colours' and 'ID tags' EU plans were lobbied 2014 which could lead to the scrapping of the 110-year-old British license plate design were condemned. The European Parliament is considering proposals for a common European design for all vehicle number plates. The move raised fears Europe could force all license plates to carry the EU flag. Source British Newspaper “Daily Mail” Current Polls in the United Kingdom at 50/50 to EXIT the EU referred to as “BRITEXIT” 08a. NACMGR – 13-17th 2016: - Louisville Convention Visit Planning: MINUTES 2016-02-09 8:00PM (et) Summarized: BSCC in teleconference: Russell, Greg, Gary, Peter, Nancy, Donna Registration: https://www.signup4.net/public/ap.aspx?EID=MG2014E&OID=50 Rick welcomed the members from the BSCC to the meeting and thanked them for partnering with the Council on hosting this very exciting event. Discussed some of the show’s metrics – number of registrations to date (and expected), number of people by group, number of people for many of the events and an overview of the show’s schedule. On the schedule is a visit to Waterfront Park April 2nd 2016 so they can review: o possible car show placement o car show entrance(s) and “paths” to designated parking areas o vendor areas o food vendor areas o trailer parking area(s) (68 to date, Could be well over 100 by the time of the event). Charity – We requested input for the event’s charity and it was decided to select the WHAS Crusade for Children Charity – the same one supported by the BSCC and the BASH. Vendors – Update on show vendors and Ads including in part: Motorcar Garage, Moss Motors, and Vintage Mecha-Tronics. Scarborough Faire; Abington Spares, Victoria British. She also said they will be sending out the request letters again as reminders. BSCC Registration – Rick told the BSCC members on the call that the show will offer the “member rate” to the all the BSCC members who register. Later, Russell & Greg will need BSCC volunteers to assist with the logistics of this event.. NEXT UPDATE CALL – TUESDAY, MARCH 8th, 8:00 PM (ET) FYI: MG2016 is the fifth gathering of MG enthusiasts hosted by the North American Council of MG Registers. Registered attendees will want to arrive on Monday in order to attend one of their cocktail reception at Churchill Downs’ Derby Museum and Racing Facility. Running from 6pm-10pm, the reception will have a cash bar (we advise eating dinner before or after your visit as there will be no food available during the event). You will have time to peruse the exhibits in the museum as well as take a guided tour of the grounds. This is a not-to-miss event. Spaces are limited, so register early! Daily activities begin on Tuesday with driving tours, motor-coach tours, tech sessions, and Register Night. The evening with a performance by the band Captain Rat and the Blind Rivets at the Crowne Plaza. 08b. NACMGR – 13-17th 2016: - Louisville Convention Visit Planning continued Wednesday will offer more opportunities for you to learn about your MG during tech sessions; you can travel the fantastic roads of Indiana and Kentucky by taking one of the self-guided tours; hit downtown Louisville and visit the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory; visit the Muhammed Ali Center; take in an early afternoon baseball game at the home of the Louisville Bats, a farm league team for the Cincinnati Reds. Plan on attending our auction at the Crowne Plaza on Wednesday evening! Thursday is show day! We will have our MGs on display at Waterfront Park on the banks of the Ohio River in downtown Louisville. Each Register will have their respective models displayed by class for popular voting by attendees. (NAMGBR will also hold Concours.) Our awards ceremonies and banquet will be held at the Crowne Plaza on Thursday evening. Awards other than First Place (and other special awards) will be given out by Register prior to the banquet as we did at MG2011. We are pleased to announce that DENNIS GAGE of “My Classic Car” will be our guest on Thursday at Waterfront Park. He will be wandering the show-field and will be available for “photo ops” and autographs. Dennis will also be our keynote speaker at the Awards Banquet that evening at the Crowne Plaza. After the awards banquet, head out to the parking lot(s) to kick a few more tires and swap a few more lies before you head for home on Friday! MG2016 – Be there to help us “Maintain the Breed”! Be sure to register early as some activities have limited spaces available. Registration: https://www.signup4.net/public/ap.aspx?EID=MG2014E&OID=50 09. 2016 CARL CASPER CAR SHOW & ST. PATRICKS’s PARADE – Both very successful! Russell made the arrangements for the Carl Casper Car Show where BSCC wond a Plaque and check for the display Danny & Sylvia Jones won the Trophy for the Best Foreing Sports Car with their MG-Midget. The St. Patrick’s Parade blessed with great weather see e-mails sent to members. With photo Appendix to the BSCC Newsletter. The BSCC Newsletter and Photo Appendix are listed on our website under the “Newsletter” link in date order. The reference NF represents NO FINANCIAL report included with is included to Members with the e-mail transmission, or print copy. http://britishsportscarclub.com/index.php/newsletter 16 - 04 16 - 03 16 - 03 16 - 02 16 - 02 16 - 01 15 - 12 15 - 11 FIRST BSCC APR 2016 NEWS LETTER NF.pdf BSCC MAR 2016 NEWS LETTER NF.pdf BSCC St. Partrick's Parade Report.pdf BSCC FEB 2016 NEWS LETTER NF.pdf BSCC Carl Casper Show Report.pdf BSCC JAN 2016 NEWS LETTER NF.pdf BSCC DEC 2015 NEWS LETTER NF.pdf BSCC NOV 2015 NEWS LETTER NF.pdf BSCC SEPT 1982 NEWS LETTER pdf 10. SOMEONE LOOKING TO HILL CLIMB: - looking for steeper hills nearby. Ideals please? Ideas? Please e-mail: [email protected] Listed below are my personal “100 Steep Ones” (give or take a few) in a somewhat loosely categorized listing. I started out with the idea of listing perhaps the top 20 climbs. Things got out of hand quickly, and here is the result, with 100 climbs listed by the our area Cycling Clubs. I was so sure roads coming down from the Starlight plateau were steeper. All the climbs listed are within 40-50 miles of metro Louisville, more or less, depending on how one arrives at said location. So, theoretically at least, they all can be worked into a long (century-distanced) ride from Louisville. Close to home, along the Ohio River Indian Hills Trail 0.30 mi 100 ft 6.30% Blankenbaker Lane Glenview Ave Lime Kiln Lane 0.39 mi 0.88 mi 0.58 mi 103 ft 179 ft 137 ft 5.00% 3.90% 4.50% Barrallton Hill 0.51 mi 246 ft 9.20% Brooks Hill (KY 1526) 0.43 mi 227 ft 10.00% Holsclaw Hill 0.66 mi 288 ft 8.30% Off River Road, 1 mile east of Zorn Ave Off River Road, 2 miles east of Zorn Ave. This climb tops out at Locust Grove. Off River Road, near Prospect Off River Road, near Prospect The knobs & around Jefferson Memorial Forest Barrallton Hill Rd is 2 miles east of KY 44 on Knob Creek Rd, or 2½ miles west of Brooks Rd. 4½ miles east of KY 44 on Knob Creek Rd, turn right on Brooks Rd (KY 1526), cross the creek and the climb starts about ½ mile around the bend. One mile from Fairdale on Mitchell Hill Rd, turn left on Holsclaw Hill Rd and start climbing in about ½ mile up to Horine Reservation. 16. THE LADIES PAGE Wow, What a weekend! Danny and I have never participated in a Carl Casper Car Show but it was truly an adventure. We got to see a lot of amazing cars, meet a lot of great people, and the boys (Peter, Gary, Leo, Russell, Greg & Danny) introduced a lot of people to the Club and several joined the Club. Leo even introduced a few of them , including my husband, to the BACON DONUTS God help us all, not to mention all the other food that was eaten this weekend, but fortunately everyone did fit in their cars when it came time to go. And even though the boys stayed busy rearranging the club's car display, putting a bumper on Peter's car (which by the way took more guys then I thought it should, BUT THEN THEY FIRST PUT IT ON UPSIDE DOWN), and Danny shining everyone's car chrome, we did well this weekend. Danny's MG Midget won 1st place in "Best Foreign Sports Car" and the club received an award and received a check for the BSCC display. It was again a great weekend and we are so glad we got to be a part of it. 17. RENOVATION 2 TRIUMPHS PROGRESS: - Courtesy Dan Adams. e-mail: [email protected] Progress to complete both Triumph TR-4 rebuild one from chassis up. For the British Bash 18. MANY SMALL TOWNS IN BRITIAN LIKE TO PARADE CARS, ANY CARS: Easter Weekend, Bowden, Sussex. England. Courtesy Peter Dakin. e-mail:[email protected] What car is this? Company started in 2000 in Europe.. Not a Morgan. Has a CV2 Citron engine the largest Sports Car builder in Netherlands, The Bowden ! 19. CHECK THIS WEB SITE - SEE YOUR CAR IN A MOVIE: - http://www.imcdb.org/ British Cars in the movies in Red, to check what movies your car was seen in back ground, had a scene or a roll, check this site, they list them all. When on the web you can click and see details and comments about this vehicle 1. AC 10. Austin 62 5. Alvis 50,503 8. Aston Martin 191 101. Lotus 631 893 121. Morris 214 171. Sunbeam 254 173. Talbot 525 81. Jaguar 5,934 150. Riley 487 36. Daimler 1,083 95. Land-Rover 6,102 151. Rolls-Royce 3,825 181. Triumph 1,569 61. Hillman 1,335 116. MG 1,965 152. Rover 2,739 188. Vanden Plas 19. Bristol 227 63. Holden 2,432 117. Mini 2,189 162. Singer 229 189. Vauxhall 4,217 22. Briklin 14 68. Humber 120. Morgan 3,168 166. Standard 483 197. Wolseley 726 11. Austin Healey 15. Bentley 723 54 3 179 There are over 100,000 movies that have British Cars seen in them. A few like “Back to the future”or “The Yellow Rolls Royce”, James Bond immortalized the Aston Martin are in full film roll. Then the 5,934 MG’s feature over 400 movies with MG-Midget for example with titles like “The Spy who came in from The Cold”, “Man in Suitcase”, “Licensed to Kill” and “Living with the Dead” and more, to give our Casper Car Show Best Foreign Sports Car MG-Midget winners NIGHTMARES for Danny and Sylvia Jones. EXAMPLES FROM 487 MOVIES Austin Healey’s listed recorded on this web site: (even if seen in background) 1955 Austin-Healey 100 M in Marple: The Secret of Chimneys, 2010 3x 1955 Austin-Healey 100 M in Moving On, 2009-2016 1955 Austin-Healey 100 M Le Mans in Car Crazy, 2001-2016 1955 Austin-Healey 100 S in On the Beach, 1959 1953 Austin-Healey 100/4 in 30 Years of the RAC Rally, 1991 1953 Austin-Healey 100/4 in Chasing Classic Cars, 2008 1956 Austin-Healey 100 M in Unforgettable, 2011-2016 1955 Austin-Healey 100 S in Apokalypse in Le Mans, 2010 1955 Austin-Healey 100 S in Goodwood Revival Meeting, 2006 1953 Austin-Healey 100/4 in Checkpoint, 1956 The ”Remarque’s” is a publication of the British Sports Car Club (BSCC), Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4064, Louisville, Kentucky. 40204-4064 U.S.A. http://www.britishsportscarclub.com The ”Remarque’s” is published 12 times per year via e-mail only for the benefit of BSCC members. We do our best to ensure accuracy, but cannot be held responsible for errors and omissions & welcome corrections where applicable. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to British Sports Cars BSCC members may own.. Material from ”Remarque’s” may be reprinted in any other non-profit publication provided reciprocal article use permission is granted by that publication and credit given to source & photographers identified. Member’s car related classified ads are currently free for the benefit of BSCC members. Articles which appear in” Remarque’s” are the opinions of the authors and do not express the position of the (BSCC) British Sports Car Club on any matter unless specifically noted. Deadline for submissions to the editor is the 1st of the month prior to the next issue. To subscribe / unsubscribe, submit a letter, with corrections, photos or article please to e-mail: [email protected] BSCC BOARD MEMBER: Greg Bowman, Bill Fryrear, Mike Leezer, Russell Mills & Jim Werner. REGALIA FROM LANDS END: Courtesy Jim Werner. e-mail: [email protected] Lands' End Business Outfitters now has the BSCC logo on hand to stitch onto any item on their Business Outfitters website. This site is full of great apparel and gift ideas. You can order online or call the 800 number and a representative will be happy to assist you. You can also sign up to receive emails about special promotions and catalogs to your home. It's time to stock up on all things BSCC. Visit web page at http://business.landsend.com When ordering enter Logo Number: 1442867 See web site http://www.derbywelding.com Wide range of services including automotive welding. (BBB +A) 4624 Pinewood Road, Louisville, KY 40218. Ph: 502-966-0232 e-mail: [email protected] 20. FOR SALE MG-TD 1952 1952 MG-TD. British racing green and Moss wheat interior. No corrosion. No parts missing. Many spare parts. Always garaged. Owned since 1991. Completely overhauled engine and carbs. $19,500. Call for more info. Tel: 244-0462 or 797-8509. Deborah Claypool <[email protected]> 21. FOR SALE: NEW LOWER PRICE: Two fully restored TR6 Zenith Stromberg carburetors, My cost for parts was $180.00 and I'll sell them for that. It will be a small loss for me because of the cost for cleaning chemicals; etc and the hours of labor (no cost) but that is okay if someone in our club can use them. Gaskets, shaft seals, o-rings, float valves, deceleration valve and piston diaphragms. $180 for the pair. We can discuss your existing carburetors' core value. I have rebuilt many Stromberg and SU carburetors over the years and now that I'm retired I would enjoy employing these skills in a small scale endeavor. Joe at http://joecurto.com/ supplies my parts and I recommend contacting him if you want to work on your carburetors yourself. His price for two restored TR6 carburetors is $475. (Save $295 buying Gary’s) Gary Rumrill, (502)-239-6366 e-mail [email protected] 22. 1970 MG-MIDGET FOR SALE: - Oldham County Location. Original seats, dash, tonneau and boot cover in excellent condition. Total breakdown restoration completed on this car. Rebuilt 1275 with machine work by Haas Machine Shop. New brakes, master cylinder, radiator, tires, carpet, top. All lights work, however the car has some finishing up to do with some minor electrical issues to track down. Price is $5,000 firm as more than that invested. To arrange your visit call Rick at 502-807-9927. e-mail: [email protected] 23. FOR SALE: 4 Post Car Lift Sold One Car, Downsizing to smaller home, Wife no longer drives. AS NEW Smith Equipment Car Lift 8-000. Available in Louisville for $1,200 May be moved assemble with lift down and 4 casters in place onto low flat bed with flatbed winch. Shipping weight 1,720 pounds. Casters detach after moving. Smith Equipment say may be free stand or bolt down. Currently used with 2,100 lb load & not fixed ground. Demo of this lift? Call Peter 502-232-5090 Atlas® Powder Coat Finish Single Point Lock Release Lock Ladder Design Double Lock Safety System Caster Kit With Polyurethane Wheels Steel Approach Ramps Included Steel Jack Tray Included Four Plastic Drip Trays Included Perfect for Storage or Working on your Cars See Web site copy link to paste to your browser: http://www.gregsmithequipment.com/AtlasGarage-Pro-8-000 See Web site copy link to paste to your browser: http://www.gregsmithequipment.com/Testimo nials_8k Best auto accessory investment I every made. Switch cars winter to summer. Easy service and lube access. 24. FOR SALE MG-B 1974 I want to introduce myself. My name is Katie and I am the owner of a 1975 MGB. The car is green with a black convertible top and a tan interior. While the car runs and drives great, it could use cosmetic reconditioning inside and out. I am not aware of any mechanical issues whatsoever. I have very very fond memories of this car, as my father purchased and has owned the car since 1994. I believe it may be or may have been marketed specially being the 50th anniversary of MG. I am moving into a new phase of my life as my husband and I are expecting our first child. I am reaching out to you as a specialist to know if there are any specific recommendations, marketplaces, or contacts you may have that would be interested in purchasing the car. I wanted to start with people that would appreciate it before opening it up to the general public. It is important to me that the car finds a proper home! Only $4,550 or best offer I can send high definition 5-6 mg each picture’s upon request. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. All the best, Katie Tischner, Tel: 859-620-2403 e-mail: [email protected] 25. FOR SALE 2001 DB-7 VANTAGE VOLANTE , V-12 with 38K miles in it, Dark Green and Tan Leather interior, Wood Facia on Dash & Doors The car is like new, as is the leather Toneau cover to protect the Aston Martin Mo-Hair roof that are rare even on new cars, Oil used in the V-12 is ROYAL PURPLE 5-30. The paint is smooth as glass and reflections are as good as an expensive mirror. A lot of luxury, performance and impressive automobile at a Chevrolet price $39,500.00 Contact Donnie Shearer, USMC Retired Combat Disabled 2028 Apollo Drive, White House, TN 371884062 Tel: 615-654-3795 for full superior specifications e-mail: - <[email protected]> 26. FOR SALE: 1962 BT7 TRI CARB: - Robert Mullis <[email protected]> I am regretfully selling my beautiful 1962 BT7 TRI CARB. I have owned the car for three years. I bought the restored car from a club member in Minnesota and had it transferred to Clearwater, Florida. It has been well cared for by my friend and club member locally. My car is black with red interior, very sharp car gets a lot of compliments New tires, fuel pumps, regular oil changes & any maintenance required has been taken care of Glen's MG has also done work on this car Car runs very well, I drive the car 2/3 times a week, loves to be driven. Always garaged. Healey transmission with OD. Original rare Healey was exported to US Serviceman in Germany in 62. I have all my maintenance records as well as some restoration records I am selling the car in order to possibly buy a small RV and do some traveling with my wife. If interested or know someone who may be please give me a call or email. Higher definition photos available via e-mail Bob Mullis Cell 727-542-4216 H 727-461-4122 e-mail: [email protected] $48,500 27. FOR SALE 1972 SPITFIRE: - Introduction seller by BSCC Members Dona Coates 1972 Triumph Spitfire. Average condition. Odometer reading 45329 miles. Engine runs with new head. $4,000. OBO. Contact Joe 502-477-1151 E-MAIL: joseph nalley <[email protected]> 28. MG FOR SALE: - Form Casper Car Show: - Courtesy Greg Bowman. e-mail: [email protected] 1980 MG-B Contact Larry at email [email protected] Cel: 317-460-8196 or Home: 812-748-0827 FROM CONVERATION AT CARL CASPER SHOW: Owner claims the car has sat inside for many years. Was bought for mother, got it running and had a new cloth top installed, new tires, and bought all the patch panels. A complete tan interior, wood dash kit, and other odds and ends, the plan was to redo it, paint it robin egg blue. I was doing my car and this was something I really didn't want to work on. Mom got to drive it and a few years back she said she really didn't want it, so it needs to go Reports Bob Conelly in Indy worked on it, said it needed rebuilt. Had a friend remove the head and did the valves. He reported got it running but the fuel pump was leaking and he couldn't find another. Report have done nothing to it since. The car is located on the east side of Indy, but I could bring it back to my house in Sellersburg if needed. For the car and all the parts asking $3,850 and hoping for $3,500. That didn't happen, so hoping to sell the whole package for $3,000 or best offer. Reports he knows he can get more for it if I get it running and might have to work on it once he get his barn floor done and a place here at his house so it isn't in his way. it has about 80,000 miles, 4 speed transmission, think it is original paint. It drove pretty good the 100 miles or so that he was able to drive it, run like crap the longer he run it, but drove good. if anyone would be interested in talking about it of any of the parts (all bought at Moss Motors) Contact Larry at email [email protected] Cel: 317-460-8196 or Home: 812-748-0827
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