Millers Bay Neighborhood Plan
Millers Bay Neighborhood Plan
City of Oshkosh Neighborhood Plan Prepared June 2014 – September 2015 by the Millers Bay Neighborhood Association and City of Oshkosh- Planning Services Division Revised September 2, 2015 MILLERS BAY NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN A comprehensive report to enhance quality of life in the Millers Bay Neighborhood Compiled and contributions by: Millers Bay Neighborhood Planning Team Cheryl Clark Sandy Drexler Pam Elmer Michael Ford Bev Harrington Adam Kimball Xandy Kloeckl Dennis Lewandowski Ruth McGinley Ginnie Sherer Cathy Trippe Millers Bay Neighborhood Board of Directors Reni Lynch, President Ruth McGinley, Vice President Pam Elmer, Secretary Polly Kimball, Treasurer Jane Hoffman Patty Lorfeld Patty Toraason Neighborhood History Jerry Burke Clifford Bunks Angela Merril With assistance from: City of Oshkosh Planning Services Division Millers Bay Neighborhood Vision Statement Millers Bay is a safe, established neighborhood with a strong sense of community noted for its well maintained homes, attractive streetscapes and proximity to Lake Winnebago, schools, trails, Menominee Park and natural open spaces. Our active and engaged residents embrace neighborliness and forge partnerships within and beyond our borders. Table of Content_____________________________________________________ Neighborhood Planning Process ......................................................................................................1 Executive Summary..........................................................................................................................2 Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 Neighborhood History.......................................................................................................................5 Demographic Profile.........................................................................................................................6 Assets and Concerns.........................................................................................................................7 Plan Development............................................................................................................................8 Community Building.............................................................................................................9 Housing...............................................................................................................................10 Land Use.............................................................................................................................12 Transportation....................................................................................................................13 Economic Development......................................................................................................14 Utilities................................................................................................................................15 Natural and Cultural Resources...........................................................................................16 Intergovernmental Cooperation..........................................................................................17 Appendix A – Neighborhood Projects Neighborhood Activity Timeline..........................................................................................19 Appendix B – Neighborhood Maps Neighborhood Boundary.......................................................................................................22 Existing Land Use...................................................................................................................23 Existing Zoning......................................................................................................................24 Non-Owner Occupied Parcels...............................................................................................25 Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan Recommended Facilities.........................................................26 Appendix C – Neighborhood Assessment.......................................................................................28 Appendix D – Neighborhood Survey.................................................................................................31 Appendix E – Neighborhood Crime Data..........................................................................................34 Neighborhood Planning Process The neighborhood planning process is a component of the City of Oshkosh - Healthy Neighborhood Initiative (OHNI). The process was developed to identify what resident’s value most within their neighborhood and to outline a clear vision of needs and priorities. The process is resident-led, resulting in a neighborhood plan that serves as a guide for investment in the neighborhood. Healthy neighborhoods are essential to the overall well being of Oshkosh and should be viewed as the strategic building blocks of the community. A neighborhood plan must strive to both eliminate elements that erode character and enhance elements that improve the quality of life for current and future residents. Architectural significance, pedestrian amenities, diversity, affordability, and proximity to services are several examples of assets Oshkosh neighborhoods possess. Preservation, stabilization, and revitalization strategies to protect these assets have been developed to ensure that Oshkosh’s neighborhoods prosper. Below are the steps taken to complete the neighborhood planning process: 1 Executive Summary The Millers Bay Neighborhood Plan focuses on the area, bounded by East New York Avenue (north side) on the south, Hazel Street (east side) on the west, East Murdock Avenue (south side) on the north and Menominee Drive (both sides) on the east. Over the last few years the neighborhood has begun to see signs of transition as long term residents move out and new homeowners move in. Recent efforts by residents, the Millers Bay Neighborhood Association, City of Oshkosh and partner organizations have centered on enhancing existing assets to provide stability and ensure the Millers Bay neighborhood continues to be one of choice in Oshkosh. Since 2012, the Millers Bay Neighborhood Association (MBNA) has served the neighborhood in varying capacities, from social and cleanup events to formal planning activities in partnership with the City of Oshkosh, NeighborWorks Badgerland and the Oshkosh Area School District. In 2012, the City of Oshkosh approved the MBNA as a city recognized neighborhood association. In 2014, the Millers Bay Planning Team was formed as a coalition of residents to support neighborhood stabilization. This plan is prepared for the MBNA with the intent to support their efforts, to maintain the existing neighborhood character and ensure Millers Bay continues to be a neighborhood of choice. Created during a six month resident-led planning effort, the plan may be used by the MBNA, City of Oshkosh, and partner organizations to ensure neighborhood improvements and activities are implemented to meet the needs of the residents who reside there. The plan first offers a brief history, followed by a snapshot of the neighborhood’s current demographic profile and a list of assets and opportunities identified throughout the planning process. The plan then outlines eight priority areas: Community Building, Housing, Land Use, Transportation, Economic Development, Utilities, Natural and Cultural Resources and Intergovernmental Cooperation. Individual sections explore each focus area, assess current conditions, and provide goals, objectives and specific action items to help achieve the intended goals. Planning for a neighborhood must always involve the most important stakeholders – its residents and property owners. The plan was researched and drafted under the guidance of the MBNA leadership, residents and city staff. Preliminary recommendations were shared at a public participation event where the resulting conversations and comments were used to shape final recommendations for the plan. Once the neighborhood plan is approved, an implementation plan will be drafted by the neighborhood association to ensure progress is made towards achieving the stated goals. The implementation plan will outline specific and time-bound steps to be taken to ensure plan elements are successfully carried out. Additionally, the implementation plan will provide performance measures to track the progress of future efforts. 2 Introduction__________________________________________________________ In 2011, a core group of residents located in the area bounded by East New York Avenue, Hazel Street, East Murdock Avenue and Menominee Drive, formed around the desire to preserve and enhance their neighborhood. The first general membership meeting of the neighborhood association was held in May, 2012 and approximately 80 residents attended. Those in attendance agreed upon the neighborhood boundaries, name, purpose, and organizational bylaws. Since 2012, the neighborhood association has coordinated bi-annual general membership meetings which are noticed to all residents living within the neighborhood by email or flyer as well as the neighborhood website, Multiple committees were established including: Beautification, Communication, Grievance, Membership, Safety, and Social. Additional subcommittees were created to begin working on neighborhood goals and activities. The neighborhood association has organized major social events that include participation in Neighborhood Night Out (pictured on the right), a city-wide block party event organized by neighborhood groups. The neighborhood association also began hosting Clean Sweep, which has become an annual event to address litter within the neighborhood and Menominee Park. During the winter months, the neighborhood association hosts a holiday decorating contest, door-to-door caroling and visit/caroling at a local nursing home. Hibernation Happy Hour has also become a popular event to provide an opportunity for residents to get together over the winter at a local restaurant. In 2012, the Millers Bay Beautification Committee partnered with the Parks Department to develop plans to beautify the George Washington monument, which is located on a small triangular tract of land between Menominee Drive, Hazel Street and E. New York Avenue. The Millers Bay Beautification Committee has also partnered with the Oshkosh Area School District, Emmeline Cook PTO, NorthShore Neighborhood Association, City of Oshkosh, NeighborWorks Badgerland and Oshkosh Area Community Foundation to develop a master plan (pictured on the left) for the school campus to address years of deferred maintenance in their pursuit to enhance Emmeline Cook Elementary School. A timeline of neighborhood association activities by committee completed between May, 2014 and May, 2015 can be found in Appendix A. 3 In June of 2014, the Millers Bay Neighborhood Association became the second neighborhood to begin working with City staff to develop a neighborhood plan. Over the course of a year, residents worked with staff to identify goals and objectives that would address current and future priorities of the neighborhood. The purpose of a neighborhood plan is to develop strategies that address priorities, and lay the foundation for collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors to help implement plan recommendations. More specifically, neighborhood plans are intended to: Educate local agencies, city government and neighborhood residents about each other’s concerns and visions for the future. Promote collaboration between the City, the neighborhood, and local public, private and non-profit organizations in order to achieve mutual goals to enhance the neighborhood. Create “pride of place” within the community by identifying and developing the assets within each neighborhood. Initiate change, rather than simply reacting to it, by addressing specific issues and opportunities. Strengthen the city by improving the quality of life in its neighborhoods. During the planning process, residents recognized many locational advantages of the neighborhood, such as the proximity to Lake Winnebago and Menominee Park, an elementary and middle school within walking distance and access to trails and recreational amenities. Residents also recognized the need to preserve and enhance these assets to protect the equity in their property and the desireablity of the neighborhood. Continued efforts by the Millers Bay Neighborhood Association will focus on resident connections and identified neighborhood assets to reinforce a positive image and ensure the Millers Bay neighborhood continues to be one of choice in Oshkosh. 4 Neighborhood History_________________________________________________ The Millers Bay neighborhood area began developing in the 1940’s. Until then most of the land, both north and south of East Murdock, was owned by Harold Doemel, who operated a large dairy farm. His home was located at what’s now the northwest corner of Hickory and Murdock. The land he farmed was mostly on the north side of Murdock, as the south side of Murdock Avenue was predominately marshland. In the 1940’s, rubble from the reconstruction of Jackson Street was used to start filling in the marsh. Shortly after, the marsh, which was still part of the Town of Oshkosh, was used as the town dump for about three years. The photo on the right depicts the time period. Note the town dump on the left side of the picture. Around 1950, Louie Graber bought the marsh from the Doemel family and petitioned to have it annexed into the city. Graber’s purchase combined with the annexation immediately led to homes being built along the entire length of Menominee Drive (pictured left), and rapid development on Doemel and Northpoint Streets. Graber was also instrumental in developing and platting out what became White Swan, Graber and Cliffview Streets. Many of the early homes built along Menominee and Northpoint initially had major flooding issues every time it rained, due to the marshland the neighborhood was built on. This problem was eventually resolved. The proximity of what was then Mercy Hospital prompted many of the doctors in Oshkosh, at that time, to build in this area. Everyone who built or bought homes on the northeast side of Oshkosh and had elementary school aged children at first had only Longfellow as a public school option; Longfellow was located behind the former Mercy Hospital. At that time, Webster Stanley was strictly a junior high school. The areas rapid development prompted the building of Emmeline Cook Elementary School in 1954, which is visible in the photo on the right. White Swan built up rapidly in the 1960’s, but it wouldn’t be until the mid-1980’s when Graber and Cliffview would become fully developed. 5 Existing Demographic Profile___________________________________________ Demographic data obtained from ESRI Community Analyst is included below to better understand how the population living in the Millers Bay neighborhood compares to Oshkosh as a whole. Millers Bay Neighborhood City of Oshkosh PEOPLE Population 648 66,327 Male 309 33,875 Female 339 32,449 Households 285 26,642 Average Household Size 2.27 2.23 Families 193 14,118 Average Family Size 2.76 2.88 Median Age 48.2 34.7 Per Capita Income $42,654 $23,314 Median Income $46,336 $44,218 HOUSING Housing Units 298 28,771 Owner Occupied Housing Units 87.9% 51.1% Renter Occupied Housing Units 7.7% 41.5% Vacant Housing Units 4.6% 7.4% Median Home Value $140,278 $129,360 RACE White 88.4% 89.1% African American 0.2% 3.2% American Indian 0.2% 0.8% Asian 9.6% 3.9% Pacific Islander 0.0% 0.1% Other* 1.7% 2.9% EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Total Population 25+ 480 42,839 th Less than 9 Grade 2.5% 2.8% th th 9 – 12 Grade, No Diploma 3.1% 7.9% High School Graduate 11.5% 29.7% GED/Alternative Credential 2.7% 5.6% Some College, No Degree 23.3% 21.2% Associate Degree 4.4% 7.7% Bachelor’s Degree 25.4% 17.0% Graduate/Professional Degree 27.1% 8.1% EMPLOYMENT Total Population 16+ 354 33,076 Agriculture/Mining 0.0% 0.7% Construction 2.8% 2.3% Manufacturing 20.3% 21.1% Wholesale Trade 4.2% 2.4% Retail Trade 13.0% 14.8% Transportation/Utilities 0.0% 3.4% Information 0.0% 1.4% Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 1.7% 4.3% Services 51.4% 45.7% Public Administration 6.5% 3.9% Population 25+ Unemployed 1.1% 4.5% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. ESRI forecasts for 2015 and 2020. 6 Current Assets and Opportunities within the Millers Bay Neighborhood Based on survey results and conversations with residents the chart below was created to summarize the current assets and concerns within Millers Bay. Assets Opportunities Proximity to Menominee Park Amenities Speeding Proximity to Lake Winnebago Flooding Stability and Desirability of the Neighborhood Property Taxes Many Examples of Well Maintained Homes Mature Trees View of the Lake Transition of Property Owners Lack of Public Transportation Park Maintenance Condition of Neighborhood School Quality of Housing Construction High Levels of Pride and Loyalty Among Residents Walkability – Walking Paths, Recreational Opportunities and Services Nearby Socialization Among Neighbors Neighbors Watching Out for Neighbors Current Rating of Neighborhood School Park Events Stray Animals Property Maintenance on Some Blocks (home & yard) Drug and Crime in Nearby Neighborhoods Size of Existing Housing Stock (smaller homes) Condition of Streets and Sidewalks in the Neighborhood Lighting Mature Trees Above Ground Utilities A Neighborhood Association that is Actively Making the Neighborhood a Better Place Aging Population 7 Plan Development In June of 2014, residents began meeting bi-monthly to start drafting elements of their neighborhood plan. Using the neighborhood-wide survey results as a basis for making plan recommendations, the Neighborhood Planning Team identified eight priority areas: Community Building, Housing, Land Use, Transportation, Economic Development, Utilities, Natural and Cultural Resources and Intergovernmental Cooperation. Next, residents were asked to identify goals for each priority area that the Millers Bay Neighborhood Association, City of Oshkosh, and future partners could work towards over the next three to five years. The eight goals that were developed are listed below. COMMUNITY BUIILDING Build relationships within the neighborhood and community HOUSING Enhance individual and collective property value by maintaining unique character and identity of the neighborhood LAND USE Ensure land use that remains consistent with existing pattern and character TRANSPORTATION Promote safe, efficient and diverse transportation system ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Promote Millers Bay as a neighborhood of choice UTILITIES Maintain and improve public and private utilities that meet the needs and desires of residents NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES Promote and maintain our national and cultural heritage INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION Communicate, collaborate and cooperate with the City of Oshkosh, its service providers and other government entities Once the goals were finalized, objectives and action items were proposed, discussed, and agreed upon by those in attendance. The following pages provide a detailed overview. 8 Community Building Social connections are an important component of quality of life. Knowing your neighbors provides a sense of safety in your surroundings and makes it easier to determine when someone or something is out of place. According to the neighborhood survey, 86% of respondents indicated knowing their neighbor very well or somewhat well. Based on individual comments received in the survey, there was a desire to preserve social connections as current residents move out and new ones move in. The work of the association to date has helped to strenghten resident connections within the neighborhood. Below are the strategies identified to help further community building activities within the Millers Bay neighborhood moving forward. GOAL #1 Build relationships within the neighborhood and community OBJECTIVE 1A: CREATE A NEIGHBORHOOD THAT IS WELCOMING AND INCLUSIVE Action 1: Mail Welcome Packets to all new residents Action 2: Hold at least two events annually where information is shared and input solicited Action 3: Sponsor social activities for adults, children and families Action 4: Provide opportunities for members to participate in leadership roles and other neighborhood initiatives OBJECTIVE 1B: REVIEW BY-LAWS, COMMITTEE STRUCTURE, EVENTS AND MEETINGS ANNUALLY Action 1: Document participation in all activities, meetings and events Action 2: Review Association infrastructure annually OBJECTIVE 1C: PROMOTE OPEN DIALOGUE AND DISCUSSIONS WITH SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOODS Action 1: Nominate a neighborhood representative(s) to serve on city-wide alliance groups Action 2: Collaborate with surrounding neighborhoods regarding common interests and concerns OBJECTIVE 1D: DEVELOP AND SUSTAIN LEADERSHIP SKILLS AMONG THE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION MEMBERS Action 1: Encourage residents to participate in available resident leadership opportunities Action 2: Recruit new leaders OBJECTIVE 1E: RESEARCH THE CONCEPT OF USING OUR NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL AS A FUTURE COMMUNITY CENTER SITE Action 1: Form a neighborhood sub-committee to research the concept of using schools as centers of community Action 2: Engage the Oshkosh Area School District, Millers Bay residents and other partners in a study to determine the feasibility and potential uses for utilizing our neighborhood school as a center 9 Housing Homes in the Millers Bay neighborhood were built mainly between 1940 and 1980 and reflect a similar style, character and size. There are many examples of raised and split-level ranches which were a popular architectural style during the above time period. Prairie Style architecture can also be found throughout the neighborhood, including the design of Emmeline Cook Elementary School. Many of the homes within the neighborhood are well maintained with landscaped yards which are tended to with pride by existing homeowners. Throughout the planning process residents agreed upon the importance of well maintained housing and the influence it has on desirability of the neighborhood. Residents felt it was important to maintain a high standard of maintenance and new construction within the neighborhood to protect equity of existing and future homeowners. Based on data obtained from ESRI Community Analyst the neighborhood housing stock is 87.9% owner occupied. It is important to note that not all homes that are considered to be non-owner occupied are actually rental housing. Properties considered to be non-owner occupied also represent homes that are currently vacant, listed on the market for sale, are not the owner’s primary residence (i.e. vacation or secondary home. Comparison of Owner-Occupied Parcels 2000-2020 The graph on the right compares owner occupied parcels within the Millers Bay neighborhood to the City of Oshkosh as a whole. The City of Oshkosh overall has experienced a 5.1% decline in homeownership over the last fifteen years compared to the Millers Bay neighborhood which has experienced a 3.9% decline. Ownership projections indicate the Millers Bay neighborhood will remain at 87.9% owner occupied by 2020. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. ESRI forecasts for 2015 and 2020. 10 Housing data obtained from the City of Oshkosh Assessor’s Division and ESRI Community Analyst was averaged to compare the existing housing stock in Millers Bay to the City of Oshkosh overall. Size Bedrooms Bathrooms Year Built Average Housing Stock Comparison Millers Bay City of Oshkosh 1,834 sq. ft. 1,544 sq. ft. 3.2 3 1.8 2 1958 1963 Source: City of Oshkosh Assessor, 2015 and U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. ESRI forecasts for 2015 and 2020. Below are the housing priorities identified by residents during the neighborhood planning process. GOAL #2 Enhance individual and collective property value by maintaining unique character and identity of the neighborhood OBJECTIVE 2A: ENSURE HIGH QUALITY HOUSING SUPPLY THAT INSTILLS CONFIDENCE IN EXISTING AND FUTURE PROPERTY OWNERS. Action 1: Educate and support resident use of existing municipal housing programs. Action 2: Promote homeowner incentives to maintain and/or improve the curb appeal of their property Action 3: Educate and support resident use of existing municipal housing programs Action 4: Explore creating a neighborhood volunteer program to assist neighbors in need Action 5: Promote Association sponsored clean up days OBJECTIVE 3. EXPLORE CREATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS THAT REPRESENT RESIDENT DESIRES, PRESERVE THE EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER, GUIDE QUALITY CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND PROVIDE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR RENOVATION OF EXISTING HOMES. Action 1: Research the concept of an overlay district Action 2: Develop standards for a traditional overlay district within the Millers Bay neighborhood Action 3: Share materials regarding design standards Action 4: Promote and educate residents on available incentives to assist with quality design and construction 11 Land Use The Millers Bay neighborhood is roughly 143 acres and is made up of 305 parcels. The neighborhood is currently zoned Single Family Residential (R-1) which is consistent with the existing land use in the neighborhood. Below is a chart showing the current distribution of land use within the Millers Bay neighborhood. The City’s Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use map recommends residential development in the neighborhood, which is consistent with resident desires expressed in the neighborhood-wide survey and conversations with residents during the planning process. Below are the current priorities related to land use in the Millers Bay neighborhood. GOAL #3 Ensure land use that remains consistent with existing pattern and character OBJECTIVE 3A: ENSURE THAT OPEN SPACES AND PARKS WITHIN THE NEIGHBORHOOD ARE WELL MAINTAINED AND PROVIDE HIGH QUALITY AMENITIES Action 1: Provide support and recommendations to the City of Oshkosh Parks Department and the Oshkosh Area School District on current and future projects Action 2: Raise funds that can be used to offset the cost of neighborhood initiated beautification projects OBJECTIVE 3B: CREATE A WELCOMING ATMOSPHERE FOR RESIDENTS AND THE COMMUNITY WITH BEAUTIFUL, WELL-DESIGNED STREETSCAPES Action 1: Enlist a professional urban design firm to develop specific design plans for gateways, corridors and streets Action 2: Prioritize the recommended design projects Action 3: Collaborate with the City of Oshkosh to implement design plan/projects 12 Transportation Throughout the planning process there were many conversations surrounding the quality of existing streets and sidewalks within the Millers Bay neighborhood. Survey respondents reported that quality streets and sidewalks were important assets to preserve and enhance moving forward. The City of Oshkosh Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation Plan was approved in 2011 and recommends strategies for improving bicycle and pedestrian transportation throughout the Oshkosh area. Millers Bay residents indicated a strong desire for a safe, efficient and diverse transportation network within the neighborhood to support the active residents that live there. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation Plan recommends East Murdock Avenue, Menominee Drive, East Nevada Avenue and East New York Avenue as prefered bike routes in the neighborhood. The recommended type of bike facility to be installed is indicated on the Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan Recommended Facilities map in Appendix A. Strategies below have been developed to ensure the Millers Bay neighborhood continues to promote safe, efficient and diverse modes of transportaion. GOAL #4 Promote safe, efficient and diverse transportation system Objective 4A: SUPPORT MULTI-MODAL FORMS OF TRANSPORTATION Action 1: Include bike lanes in future streetscape plan Action 2: Advocate for safe bicycle and pedestrian measures Action 3: Monitor continued access to public transportation Objective 4B: PROMOTE PEDESTRIAN AND TRAFFIC SAFETY WITHIN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Action 1: Initiate pedestrian and traffic safety audits as needed Action 2: Implement safety measures based on safety audits Action 3: Coordinate with the Oshkosh Safe Routes to School Program to determine what the neighborhood can do to support pedestrian safety at Emmeline Cook School Action 4: Include traffic calming measures in streetscape design (GOAL #3 – Objective 3B) 13 Economic Development The City of Oshkosh’s Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative is organized around a specific theory of neighborhood change known as the Healthy Neighborhoods approach. This approach to revitalization is most closely associated with neighborhood strategist David Boehlke, who has made creating healthy neighborhoods his life’s work. This theory is also referred to as the market approach to neighborhood revitalization, or a process to create “Neighborhoods of Choice.” A Healthy Neighborhood is defined as a place where it makes economic sense for people to invest time, money, and energy; and where neighbors successfully manage day-to-day issues. Recent sales within the Millers Bay neighborhood indicate there is demand in the real estate market. Homes within the neighborhood that were purchased between 2010 and 2015 on average sold for 98% of their assessed value. The map of the right shows the location of homes sold in the neighborhood between 2010 and 2015. Future efforts identified below will focus on promoting the Millers Bay neighborhood as one of choice. GOAL #5 Promote Millers Bay as a neighborhood of choice OBJECTIVE 5A: EDUCATE RESIDENTS REGARDING THE GOALS AND PRIORITIES OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD Action 1: Develop a packet of neighborhood information including professional materials to market the neighborhood as a desirable place to live Action 2: Market neighborhood to realtors as a single-family based atmosphere Action 3: Distribute information about City of Oshkosh municipal codes Action 4: Maintain a neighborhood website as a marketing tool and a resource for residents OBJECTIVE 5B: MAXIMIZE PROPERTY VALUES Action 1: Post announcements of governmental meetings, forums, etc. which may have an impact on our neighborhood on our website Action 2: Encourage residents to apply for positions on City boards, committees, commissions 14 Utilities The desire to provide a high level of both public and private utilities is consistant with the City of Oshkosh Comprehensive Plan. The neighborhood-wide survey highlighted resident concern related to flooding in the neighborhood. The Millers Bay neighborhood was developed on former marsh land which has historically caused flooding issues within the neighborhood. The City of Oshkosh Public Works Department contracted with Strand Associates, Inc. to develop strategies to address flooding concerns througout the community. The goals for the City’s storm water management approach are as follows: Reduce health and safety impacts due to street and property flooding Reduce the amount of clear water impact to sanitary sewer system Improve water quality Eliminate street surcharging for up to 10-year design storm Maintain street driveablity for up to 25-year design storm Contain street surcharging within right-of-way for up to 100 year design storm Progress has been made to meet many of the goals of the City’s storm water management approach; however, there is still work that can be done to ensure both private and public utilities are well maintained and provide for the needs of residents. The objectives below were developed to ensure residents are informed of flood mitigation strategies and available incentive programs to address concerns. GOAL #6 Maintain and improve public and private utilities that meet the needs and desires of residents OBJECTIVE 6A: PROMOTE A HIGH STANDARD OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITES THAT PROVIDE FOR THE NEEDS OF RESIDENTS Action 1: Advocate for underground utilities when replacement occurs OBJECTIVE 6B: UTILIZE A PROACTIVE APPROACH TO STORM WATER CONCERNS Action 1: Educate neighbors on the best practices and tools to address storm water concerns Action 2: Inform residents about storm water mitigation options such as rain barrels, rain gardens, and pervious materials OBJECTIVE 6C: ASSURE MILLERS BAY NEIGHBORHOOD HAS A UNIFORM LIGHTING DESIGN Action 1: Implement lighting design recommended by a professional urban design firm (GOAL #3 – Objective 3B) 15 Natural and Cultural Resources Oshkosh is rich with natural and cultural resources and the Millers Bay neighborhood showcases many. Cultural resources include historic buildings and monuments as well as ancient and historic archeological sites. Cultural resources could also be viewed as stories of residents that have lived in the neighborhood for many years. The Millers Bay neighborhood is boardered by Menominee Park and Lake Winnebago on the east which are two examples of natural resources available to residents. Lake Winnebago provides year round access to recreational opportunities and events. Menominee Park is utilized for many of the neighborhood association’s social events and provides residents access to miles of walking and biking trails. In 2012, members of the Millers Bay Neighborhood Association Beautification Committee partnered with Parks Department staff to enhance the George Washington Monument, located on a triangular tract of land between East New York Avenue, Menominee Drive, and Hazel Street. The project committee enlisted the help of Rettler Corporation, a professional design firm out of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, to develop a concept plan for the site. Final improvements including a new pathway, flag pole, lighting and landscaping beds, were completed during the summer of 2015 as part of the City’s Great Neighborhood Program. Continued efforts to encourage the preservation of natural and cultural resources have been identified below. GOAL # 7 Promote and maintain our natural and cultural heritage OBJECTIVE 7A: CONTINUE PARTICIPATION IN THE RENOVATION OF THE WASHINGTON TRIANGLE Action 1: Coordinate Triangle maintenance with the City of Oshkosh Parks Department Action 2: Include the Triangle in the annual Clean Sweep Project Action 3: Propose a historical marker for the George Washington statue OBJECTIVE 2. SHARE THE STORY OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD’S UNIQUE FEATURES Action 1: Post historical information on neighborhood website Action 2: Develop a plan for sharing our story with students at our neighborhood school Action 3: Interview long-time neighborhood residents and post their stories on our website 16 Intergovernmental Cooperation There are many organizations that have an impact on the quality of life of a neighborhood and future success of neighborhood efforts will require coordination to achieve identified goals. Residents expressed a desire to ensure communication, collaboration and cooperation between those organizations that influence the Millers Bay neighborhood. Developing strategies that ensure collaboration will further success when implementing the neighborhood plan. The development of a neighborhood plan helps the City of Oshkosh understand the vision and goals of residents living in the Millers Bay neighborhood and show commitment to supporting the neighborhood’s activities. Coordination with the Oshkosh Area School District to support Emmeline Cook Elementary School should continue, as many residents recognize the impact a quality school can have on property values and the desireablity of their neighborhood. Below are the current strategies identified to help further cooperation between the Millers Bay neighborhood and local organizations. GOAL #8 Communicate, collaborate and cooperate with the City of Oshkosh, its service providers and other government entities OBJECTIVE 8A: MAINTAIN A SAFE AND SECURE NEIGHBORHOOD Action 1: Promote a free exchange of ideas and concerns with Police & Fire Departments Action 2: Invite Police and Fire representatives to attend neighborhood meetings Action 3: Post “Need to Know” information on neighborhood website Action 4: Participate in Neighborhood Night Out OBJECTIVE 8B: RECOGNIZE AND USE THE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AS A DYNAMIC DOCUMENT THAT ADAPTS WHEN CONDITIONS AND PRIORITIES CHANGE Action 1: Review the Neighborhood Plan annually for relevancy and edit as needed Action 2: Review Neighborhood Plan annually and document Progress Toward Goals/Expected Outcomes 17 Appendix A Neighborhood Projects Neighborhood Accomplishments – May 2014 to May 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Reni Lynch (President) – Ruth McGinley (Vice-President) – Patty Toraason (Secretary) – Polly Kimball (Treasurer) Jane Hoffman – Pam Elmer – Patty Lorfeld Hosted Spring General Membership Meeting (May 8th) Participated in leadership development - Three (3) members represented our neighborhood in Healthy Oshkosh Neighborhood Alliance - Two (2) attended the Community Leadership Institute in Cincinnati Facilitated the Installation of ten (10) Neighborhood Street Signs with Logo Amended By-Laws to conform with the City of Oshkosh Neighborhood Recognition Policy Represented our Neighborhood at the State of the City (March 23rd) Hosted Fall Forum - Neighborhood Plan Process initiated (October 7th) Developed Outreach Policy Developed Announcement/Posting policy Approved Treasury audit Served as liaisons to each of the Standing Committees BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Wayne Mueller – Ruth McGinley – Polly Kimball – Buzz Uselman – Jan Beck – Pam Elmer – Chris Weston Coordinated E. Cook Beautification Project o o o o Sponsored a Kick-Off Event with project partners; City of Oshkosh, Oshkosh Area School District, Emmeline Cook PTO, NeighborWorks Badgerland and the North Shore Neighborhood Association Opened E. Cook Beautification Fund at Oshkosh Area Community Foundation Received $8,000 matching grant from the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation Participated (Volunteer Readers & Pledges) in a Read-A-Thon fundraising project with E. Cook School PTO Sponsored 3rd Annual Holiday Outdoor Decorating Contest Sponsored a Tree/Shrub Pruning Workshop (April 18th) Facilitated trimming of trees by the City on our neighborhood terraces Facilitated tree plantings on terraces of neighbors making a request Sponsored 3rd Annual Clean Sweep (April 25th) 19 COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE Adam Kimball – Reni Lynch – Pam Elmer Stimulated Outreach Activity to neighborhood school (boots, mittens, hats, etc.) Provided on-going updates & enhancements to our neighborhood website Facilitated the distribution of E. Cook Beautification Kick-Off Flyers to entire Emmeline Cook service area GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE Pam Elmer – Jim Hoffman – Tom Lynch No grievances reported MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Patty Toraason – Reni Lynch – Beth Simon – Sherry Uselman – Connie Schuster – Kim Burns – Polly Kimball Increased e-mailings to 178 households of 290 occupied homes = 61.3% Developed a process for recording member participation at neighborhood events Sent “Welcome Letters” to new neighbors Facilitated the distribution of flyers to residents not on e-mail list (x4) SAFETY COMMITTEE Jane Hoffman – Mike McGinley – Dennis Lewandowski Facilitated a traffic sign change to 25 mph speed limit on Murdock Avenue beginning at Fire Station and an eastbound direction line painted merging traffic into one lane at Bowen & Murdock – for safety Added “Safety Tips” to our website Submitted Police Department District #3 Newsletter to our website Sponsored 3rd Annual Neighborhood Night Out (August 5th) SOCIAL COMMITTEE Patty Lorfeld - Adam Kimball - Eileen Ruechel – Sherry Uselman – Carol Williams – Reni Lynch – Jan Beck Sponsored 3rd Annual Sing-a-Long at Rehab Facility and Caroling at homes of neighbors (Dec 13th) Sponsored Popcorn in the Park (June 3rd) Sponsored 2nd Annual Hibernation Happy Hour held at Primo Restaurant (February 24th) Coordinated1st Annual Neighborhood Yard Sale Event (August 23rd) Provided hospitality and attendance prizes for General Membership Meetings 20 Appendix B Neighborhood Maps W W IIEE V V FF IIFF L L CC E AV DA AV NEVADA E NEVA A DA LLA ND WN AW OAK ST OAK ST E AV YORK AV NEW YORK E NEW SSTT ST FAIR VIEW ST FAIRVIEW LLEE E AV TER AV CUSTER E CUS M o en m e in e EEEE IINN M OOM N N EE MM rk Pa DDRR ST CHE UT ST STNUT CHESTN ST HIC RY ST KORY HICKO GRA ST BER ST GRABER DR WHIT N DR SWAN E SWA WHITE ST NOR OINT ST THPOINT NORTHP DOE ST MEL ST DOEMEL HAZ ST EL ST HAZEL V E AV NTT A EN BE EB CT CLIF W CT FVIEW CLIFFVIE DR N DR WHI SWAN TE SWA WHITE FAIR ST VIEW ST FAIRVIEW HAZ ST EL ST HAZEL H CCTT HU UR RO ON N LA Y LA RY OR H KO ICK HIC AV K AV E DOCK MURDOC E MUR DDRR Millers Bay V AV NA E VIIN ELLV ME EM Legend Mi llers BayNei g h bo rh o o d M M ii ll ll ee rr ss B B aa yy N N ee ii gg hh bb oo rr hh oo oo dd B B oo uu nn dd aa rr yy Th eCi tyo fOsh k o sh c reates an dm ai n tai n s GI S m aps an ddataf o ri ts o w n use. Th eym aysh o w th eappro x i m aterelati velo c ati o n o fpro perty ,bo un dari es an do th er f eature f ro m a vari ety o fso urc es. Th ese m ap( s) / datasets are pro vi ded f or i nf o rm ati o n purpo ses o n ly an d m ayn o t be suf f i c i en t o r appro pri ate f o r leg al, en g i n eeri n g ,o rsurvey i n g purpo ses.Th eyarepro vi ded“ASI S”w i th o utw arran ti es J : \GI S\GI S_Base_Maps\Plan n i n g BaseMap. m xd ¯ 1i n =0. 1 1m i 1i n =569f t Pri n ti n g Date:9/ 30/ 2015 Preparedby:Ci tyo fOsh k o sh ,WI User:eli zabeth w CHES ST TNUT ST CHESTNUT HICK ST ORY ST HICKORY CLIFF DR VIEW DR CLIFFVIEW GRA ST BER ST GRABER ST NORT NT ST HPOINT NORTHPOI WHITE DR SWAN DR WHITE SWAN DOEM ST EL ST DOEMEL HAZE ST HAZELL ST EE BEN AV BENTT AV CLIFF CT VIEW CT CLIFFVIEW DR WHIT SWANN DR WHITEE SWA FAIRV ST IEW ST FAIRVIEW HAZE ST HAZELL ST HHUURO CCTT NN LA RY LA ORY HI CKO HICK HUR AV ON AV HURON AV EE MUR DOCKK AV MURDOC Menominee Park EE NEVA AV DA AV NEVADA DDRR FAIR ST VIEW ST FAIRVIEW SSTT LLEE LLAAW WNNDDAA EE CUST AV ER AV CUSTER EE NNEE I I MM NNOO E E MM OAK ST OAK ST EE NEW AV YORK AV NEW YORK Millers Bay Legend SINGLE-FAMILY TWO-FAMILY INSTITUTIONAL SCHOOL PUBLIC PARK REC-OPEN SPACE AV EE ME LVINN AV MELVI INFILL RESIDENTIAL MILLERS BAY BOUNDARY M Mii ll ll ee rrss BBaa yy NNee ii gg hhbb oo rr hhoo oo dd EE xxii ss ttii nngg LL aa nndd UU ssee T h eCi ty o f Osh k o s hc re a te s a n dma i n ta i n s GI Sma ps a n dd a taf ori ts o wnus e .T h e y ma ysh o wth e a p p ro xi ma tere la ti velo c a ti o no fp ro p e rty,b o un d a ri e s a n do th e rf e a turef ro mava ri e ty o fs o urc e s. T h e s ema p( s) / d a ta se ts a rep ro vi d e df or i n f o rma ti o np urp o s e s on ly a n dma yn o t b es uf f i c i e n to r a p p ro p ri a tef o r le g a l,e n g i n e e ri n g ,o r s urve yi n gp urp o s e s.T h e y a rep ro vi d e d“ ASI S”wi th o ut wa rra n ti e s of a n yki n da n dth eCi ty o f Osh k o s ha s s ume sn o li a bi li ty f o r us eo r mi s us e . J : \ GI S\ GI S_ Ba se _ Ma ps\ Pla n n i n gBa s eMa p. mxd ¯ 1i n=0 . 1mi 1i n=5 5 0f t Pri n ti n gDa te : 1 1 / 2 5 / 2 0 1 4 Pre pa re db y: Ci ty o f Os h ko s h , WI Use r: e li z a be th w R-1 AANNCCHHO GEE CCTT ORRAAG Doemel Point BBAAVVAARRIIAANN CCTT R-1 R-2 ALPIN CT ALPINEE CT BAL AV DWINN AV BALDWI OAK ST OAK ST AV EE NEW YORKK AV NEW YOR EE MEL AV VIN AV MELVIN FAIR ST VIEW ST FAIRVIEW Millers Bay CHES ST TNUT ST CHESTNUT Legend Millers Bay Neighborhood City Zoning C-1 - Neighborhood Commercial Oshkosh City Limit M Mii ll ll ee rrss BBaa yy NNee ii gg hhbb oo rr hhoo oo dd EE xx ii sstt ii nn gg ZZ oonn ii nn gg T h eCityo f Osh k o sh c re a te sa n dm a in ta in s GI Sm a p sa n dd a taf o r its o w n use .T he ym a ysh o w th e a p p ro x im a tere l a tivel oc a tio n o fp ro p e rty ,b o un d a rie sa n do th e rf e a turef ro m ava rie tyo fso urc e s. T he sem a p( s) / d a ta se ts a rep ro vid e df o r in f o rm a tio n p urp o se s onl ya n dm a yn o t b esuf f ic ie nto r a p p ro p ria tef or l e g a l ,e ng in e e rin g ,o r surve y in gp urp o se s. T he ya rep ro vid e d“ ASI S” w ith o ut wa rra n tie so f a n yk in da n dth eCityo f Osh k o sh a ssum e sno l ia b il ityf o ruseo rm isuse . J : \ GI S\ GI S_Ba se _ Ma p s\ Pl a n n in gBa seMa p. m x d Oshkos h Ci ty L imit DDRR E E EE IINN M M NNOO MMEE HICK ST ORY ST HICKORY CLIFF CT VIEW CT CLIFFVIEW DDRR SSTT AV EE TENN ESSEEE AV TENNESSE HAZE ST HAZELL ST EE CUS AV TER AV CUSTER LLEE LLAAW WNNDD AA EE NEVA AV DA AV NEVADA R-1 EWW VVIIE F F IFIF CCLL Oshk osh C ity Li mit EE BENT AV BENT AV EVAN ST EVANSS ST R-1 GRA ST BER ST GRABER TT HUR AV HHUURR OONN CC ON AV HURON DOEM ST EL ST DOEMEL GROV ST GROVEE ST EE MUR AV DOCK AV MURDOCK WHITE DR SWAN DR WHITE SWAN FAIR ST VIEW ST FAIRVIEW C-2 LA RY LA ORY HI CKO HICK ST NOR INT ST THPOINT NORTHPO MALL AV ARD AV MALLARD HAZE ST HAZELL ST R-4 DR WHIT SWANN DR WHITEE SWA GREEN CT WOOD CT GREENWOOD C-2 - General Commercial R-1 - Single Family R-2 - Two Family R-3 - Multiple Dwelling R-4 - Multiple Dwelling ¯ 1in =0 . 1 5m i 1in =8 0 0f t Prin tin gDa te : 1 2 / 3 / 2 0 1 4 Pre pa re db y : Cityo f Osh k o sh , WI Use r: e l iza b e th w FAIR ST VIEW ST FAIRVIEW SSTT O OAAKK SSTT EE M MEELLVVIINN AAVV e in a eP Oshkos h City L imit CHES ST TNUT ST CHESTNUT HICK ST ORY ST HICKORY CLIFF DR VIEW DR CLIFFVIEW rk Oshk osh C ity Li mit LLEE LLAAW WNNDDAA EE NEW AV YORK AV NEW YORK M om en GRA ST BER ST GRABER WHITE DR SWAN DR WHITE SWAN DOEM ST EL ST DOEMEL ST NORT NT ST HPOINT NORTHPOI DDRR E E NNEE MMII O O NN MMEE EE NEVA AV DA AV NEVADA EE CUST AV ER AV CUSTER CLIFF CT VIEW CT CLIFFVIEW DR WHIT SWANN DR WHITEE SWA FAIRV ST IEW ST FAIRVIEW HAZE ST HAZELL ST HAZE ST HAZELL ST HHUURO CCTT NN LA RY LA ORY HI CKO HICK AV EE MUR DOCKK AV MURDOC Millers Bay Oshkosh City Limit Legend Non-Owner Occupied Millers_Bay Non-Owner Occupied T h eCi ty o f Osh k o s hc re a te s a n dma i n ta i n s GI Sma ps a n dd a taf ori ts o wnus e .T h e y ma ysh o wth e a p p ro x i ma tere la ti velo c a ti o no fp ro p e rty,b o un d a ri e s a n do th e rf e a turef ro mava ri e ty o fs o urc e s. T h e s ema p( s) / d a ta se ts a rep ro vi d e df or i n f o rma ti o np urp o s e s on ly a n dma yn o t b es uf f i c i e n to r a p p ro p ri a tef o r le g a l,e n g i n e e ri n g ,o r s urve yi n gp urp o s e s.T h e y a rep ro vi d e d“ ASI S”wi th o ut wa rra n ti e s of a n yki n da n dth eCi ty o f Osh k o s ha s s ume sn o li a bi li ty f o r us eo r mi s us e . J : \ GI S\ GI S_ Ba se _ Ma ps\ Pla n n i n gBa s eMa p. mx d ¯ 1i n=0 . 1 1mi 1i n=5 6 2f t Pri n ti n gDa te : 5 / 5 / 2 0 1 5 Pre pa re db y: Ci ty o f Os h ko s h , WI Use r: e li za be th w COUNTY RD T SHERMAN RD W VIE DR EXPO DR AM BE AU D DR R VIEW DR W COUNTY RD Y ZA CH ER SH SUNNYVIEW RD E COUNTY RD Y ISLAN D SCHNEIDER AVE US BUTLER AVE LEACH RD ND ISLA SHOWVIEW LN SKY RANCH AVE RICHARDS AVE SHERMAN RD R D JACKTAR RD X GRANDSTAND DR FO SODA CREEK RD ROBERTS AVE RE D PIP LN S ANDREW ST RD KRISTINE ST TY ULM AN ST UN GRAY WOLF DR pvt O INDIAN BEND RD C OLD OAK RD PERREN WAY PLUMMERS POINT RD H W Y RD MAN A 45 TREFFE RT DR pvt Y CO HW OU HB HW US IE LN COBBLESTONE CT ST LOUISE CT SH AD OW LN JACKSON ST LN LN H CO ZY C FER NAU CT CT W A LT ER EWOO D DR STILLMAN DR INDUSTRIAL AVE pvt HARBORVIEW CT VINLAND ST HW US N LN SH OR US ND OU RT HB NO Y 41 RIDGE LN E FERNAU AVE W FERNAU AVE BIR EICHSTADT RD MOSER ST N MAIN ST UTH Y 41 HW US MP RA US HWY 41 RAMP HW Y 41 LN AI RE LL BE INT LN PO S D SO LOGAN DR O FF WA LT ER CHRISTIAN DR FREEDOM AVE R OR BAY ET E SNELL RD FARMINGTON AVE HARB NS DR pvt PROGRESS DR MARINE DR SU SOUT H Y 41 OMNI DR SO OLSON AVE BU TLE R AVE PICKETT AVE CT PARK VIEW CT ND S DR UT SUMMERSET WAY HARVEST CT WESTERN C T RN H AVE HARVEST DR EA WESTWIND RD SALLY LYNN CT BELL IE ZION ST ST CT Lake Butte des Morts AI R RD SPORT PICNIC POINT TRL pvt WESTERN DR GR EE NV IEW GLE D W SNELL RD PR AIR RD LE Y N VA L vt IR DR EB OR GLENWALK DR pvt GLENWAY DR pvt PR ZARLING AVE PURPLE CREST DR D TS UN O R O M HB ES RT D TE UT B EDGEWOOD RD NO KE LA 45 LN p Y SH K CT LN GLENDALE AVE DR HW LOC OOD NIELSEN DR US HEM SHANGRI-LA POINT RD ED GEW COURTLAND AVE K ITY PAR RYF RD SUMMERVIEW DR D UN BO TH SHARRATT DR U COMMUN SO NORTON AVE D R pvt US RD TY H UN P pv t SH ER BE AC M LN RD KOPE AVE pvt RA EN NORTH 45 W A LD PORTSIDE CT NICOLET AVE HEARTHSTO NE DR HARRISON ST DOCTOR'S CT FAIRVIEW ST CLIFF VIEW CT HICKORY ST GRABER ST WHITE SWAN DR CHESTNUT ST WHITE SWAN DR NORTHPOINT ST GROVE ST EVANS ST POWERS ST BOWEN ST MONROE ST LAWNDALE ST OAK ST HAZEL ST POWERS ST MONROE ST BROAD ST GRAND ST OAK ST EASTMAN ST JEFFERSON ST MT VERNON ST CENTRAL ST DIVISION ST ST IC AL LINDE ST AVE ST AVE PU BLIC ALLEY OTT ER AVE IC AL LEY CEAPE AVE AVE HARNEY W 15TH AVE AVE ST AVE LAKE EVELINE ST DR OR E S MAIN ST PION EER DR E 14TH AVE E 15TH AVE Lake Winnebago OREGON ST MICHIGAN ST OHIO ST SH W 17TH AVE ALASKA ST BROCKWAY AVE W 19TH AVE FUGLEBERG TR MONTANA ST NEBRASKA ST SIMPSON ST W 19TH AVE ECKHARDT CT W 14TH AVE W 16TH AVE ARIZONA ST GEORGIA ST DELAWARE ST A FLORID NEBRASKA ST MINNESOTA ST IOWA ST FAIRLAWN ST BA Y E 10TH AVE E 11TH AVE HARMEL AVE FABRY ST BABBITZ AVE E 8TH AVE K AVE TH PAR TR AVE E 7TH AVE W 12TH AVE T RAHR AVE GOO PU BL MILL POP LAR WAU LEY BAY ST BR OAD PU BL AT OAK ST WINNEBAGO AVE SCHOOL ST E ST COURT ST STAT STEVENS CT MONROE ST RK ET MA COMMERCE ST WASHINGTON AVE AVE AVE ROSALIA ST N OW BOYD ST BROAD ST MT VERNON ST JEFFERSON ST MADISON ST ST ST N IO BR W 5TH N MAIN ST IDAHO ST FLUOR CT SHAWAN O SCHOOL S S W 5TH AVE TAILWIND AVE pvt W 23RD AVE Wittman W 24TH AVE Sign & Stripe W 25TH AVE EIDE ST pvt CH ST CH RD CT GIBSON Sign & Shareway Optional Locations W 29TH AVE BRADLEY ST COVE LN pvt SENNHOLZ CT LA RES LAKE Aircraft W WAUKAU AVE KE T AVE Association CELEBRATION WAY pvt HO pv S t W 33RD AVE JACOB AVE pvt Intersection Improvements ISAAC LN Pedestrian Overpass Railroads t W 34TH AVE BINDER LN pvt School JOHNSON AVE JURKINS LN pvt OAKLAND LN pvt Park CHERRY PARK CT W 35TH AVE W A UP UN RD pv t LINDBERGH AVE pvt MARVEL DR TOLL CT pvt ME VERN AVE pv LN MEDALIST DR MYRNA JANE DR ST NEUNTEUFEL AVE pvt LN OLD ORCHARD KILPS AVE pvt MCCLONE DR RE ST E WAUKAU AVE W WAUKAU AVE W WAUKAU AVE pvt Multi-Use Trail CRIMSON LN pvt GALATIN AVE pvt t Sign and/or Shareway EY BEA ST HU GHE S FOUNDATION RD pvt KNAPP ST pvt AL CT RS UNIVE AVE W 28TH BEA RD pv p vt NEY STO C RD CT Sign & Stripe Optional Locations pvt LA UM IA TI ON N CT DU E AV CAPP AVE pvt R RO CIMA RD pvt STON Airport / AVIATION ND FO M US INSURANCE WAY DOEMEL ST FAIRVIEW ST MT VERNON ST MT VERNON ST JEFFERSON ST CENTRAL ST BURDICK ST KENTUCKY ST KENTUCKY ST MERRILL ST PUBLIC ALLEY WRIGHT ST WRIGHT ST R D W AY VER IS RI DIV RD PR MERRITT AVE CT pvt US HWY 41 RAMP S WASHBURN ST E E PARKWAY AVE HUDSON AVE LAKEV IEW ISE DR WELLE DR RED OAK CT U-K LN LN UK -T LM O STITS RD pvt R LN PA t pv POBEREZNY RD ATE EE E RIPPLE AVE W RIPPLE AVE W RIPPLE AVE APP LE LN WINDERME Oshkosh City Limits TALBOT LN ED GEW S WASHBURN ST t ST EN TER PR FRANKLIN ST ST DAW ES RIO N W 4TH AVE RUGBY ST WEISBROD ST W 18TH AVE LAAGER LN RE FO WHITE TAIL LN AV W 22ND AVE p vt ELK RIDGE DR ASHLAND ST ONTARIO ST ONTARIO ST BEECH ST LIBERTY ST WESTERN ST CEDAR ST WALNUT ST ST LA OSC EO MA W 7TH AVE DR Experimental W RIPPLE AVE pv DOT Y UNIVERSAL ST CH W 11TH AVE ORCHARD CT ORCHARD LN COVINGTON DR LENNOX ST WALNUT ST KNAPP ST WYOMING ST HAWTHORNE ST KANSAS ST MASON ST FOSTER ST GUENTHER S T S SAWYER S T S LARK ST S EAGLE ST S MEADOW ST HUNT INGTON PL ARMORY PL DEVONSHIRE DR WINDSOR ST S WESTFIELD ST US HW MORELAND ST Y 41 RAM P REICHOW ST LILAC ST S WESTFIELD ST US HW CUMBERLAND TR DR MARICOPA DR W S DEER FIELD DR EN ES TH AV DR ON DR STV IEW CRE AR LINGT WISCONSIN ST BAUMAN ST JOSSLYN ST N SAWYER ST N MEADOW ST N EAGLE ST N LARK ST SULLIVAN ST S KOELLER ST P RAM Y 41 GREENF IELD TR HERITAGE TR GRACELAND DR S WESTHAVEN DR KIRKWOOD DR DR S OAKWOOD RD CHATHAM DR CHERRY ST DOVE ST HAWK ST N LARK ST N EAGLE ST N WESTFIELD ST N KOELLER ST N WASHBURN ST WESTBROOK DR MARYDEN RD BARTON RD S OA KWOOD RD FOX FIRE DR TIMO THY TR RU SC HF IE LD BERNHEIM ST SPRUCE ST FOX ST BROOKS LN PUNHOQUA ST N EAGLE ST HAWK ST LOCUST ST SAWTELL CT EMMERS LN N DR HAVE E ST NW WYLDEWOOD DR CAMBRIA CT HONEY CREEK RD FOREST VIEW RD TRILLIUM TR WYLDE OAK DR OAK MANOR DR ROLLING GREEN CR WHEATFIELD WAY FAIRFAX ST PHEASANT CREEK DR UR RD WOO DSTOCK ST CLEVELAND AVE W PARKWAY AVE LL MEADOW PARK DR E W 10TH AVE ERIE AVE SCHAICK AVE pvt W RIPPLE AVE TR DR P BE GLOBAL PARKWAY AV LAMPERT ST AM LINDEN OAKS DR KS E LAKE SHOR C CLAIRVILLE RD COMET ST PARKSIDE DR OLIVE ST MOORE ISL pvt KEWAUNEE ST OAKWOOD CIR CONRAD ST SHERRIN ST SHEBOYGAN ST VALLEY RD PARTRIDGE CT SNOWDON DR PRAIRIE WOOD DR LAKE BREEZE RD COUNTRY MEADOW CT ADDIE PKWY HAYDEN DR OLDE APPLE LN MCINTOSH CT RASMUSSEN RD OA E IRVING AVE TR FENZL DR DR DR EE ERT SIEW HORSESHOE RD MARSTON PL W 8TH AVE E E JAMES RD BONG CT S HANSON RD EW VI IN DALE AVE BR OAD ST S W 12TH AVE AV DR M E MELVIN AVE OXFORD AVE KE LD FULTON AVE O EN M E LINCOLN AVE Y FIE PYLE AVE ROCK PL GO LL BALDWIN AVE E LINCOLN AVE Y TR LN W WAUKAU AVE BE SE W 7TH AVE ATLAS AVE STA E TENNESSEE AVE GEHRES CT STERLING AVE IDA AVE CH W 6TH AVE Regional 44 E TENNESSEE AVE FF CLI E CUSTER AVE E 9TH AVE W 11TH AVE BURNWOOD DR RD E E AV W LINCOLN AVE CH UR CH W 4TH AVE BISMARCK AVE KNAPP ST TE MP W 3RD AVE W 12TH AVE HIGH OAK DR STATE RD 91 AV R IP ON W MELVIN AVE SCOT T AVE AMHERST AVE INDIGO DR pvt 41 RAMP US HWY R DGE RE E CUSTER AVE W TENNESSEE AVE E NEW YORK AVE ARL W 20TH AVE TU E NEVADA AVE W CUSTER AVE VILAS AVE E PE VE N L AV E W SOU CAPITAL DR VD BL AV CONCORDIA AVE DR E AV N O OD R TO WEL RD DR LE MW E AV VILLA PARK AL MA GO BISMARCK AVE EE AVE PL TEMPLETON BA H HIG VILLAG LAIR PL W 4TH AVE W 7TH AVE AV AL LN MONT C CT GOSS DE FAUST AVE E LN pvt NEWPORT CT NEWPORT AVE WINDHURST DR EL EN MD FOX TAIL LN CLAYTON CT W 6TH AVE N OR OSB CK LL CA SAWYER CREEK DR SOUT HLAND AVE MENARD DR VILLAGE LN MOCKINGBIRD WAY DICKINSO N WOODLAND AVE E PB E TR KINGSTON PL HAYWARD AVE COUNTY RD K PL CT CANDLELIGHT TRAXLER TR NG VIKI N DR REBECCA RUN HENNESSY ST ARCADIA AVE ANNEX AVE W NEW YORK AVE E MURDOCK AVE HURON AVE E BENT AVE W IRVING AVE DU RF AR DMOR NT HU RO AM C CT HOMESTEAD DR W NEVADA AVE S RUSH AVE PORTER AVE W 4TH AVE W NEVADA AVE PUBLIC ALLEY JOHN AVE N AI L ABBEY AVE E QU PIERCE AVE MALLARD AVE CONGRESS AVE PROSPECT AVE TYLER AVE ADAMS AVE Y CT GOLDEN AVE AV RADDISON AVE PL ER S VAN BUREN AVE W 2ND AVE W 9TH AVE BAILEY CT ARTHUR AVE COOLIDGE AVE W 3RD AVE STANLEY AVE VINE AVE NICOLE CT KAT IT WITZEL AVE REED AVE MM BLAKE CT HOBBS AVE W BENT AVE LAMAR AVE SU QUAIL RUN DR DR R DR MANOR DR EDEN LN H AVE DR OVERLAND TR SUNNYBROO K MD VIOLA AVE GREENWOOD CT W GRUENWALD AVE BUCHANAN AVE ARTHUR AVE TAFT AVE LOMBARD AVE NOEL CT EDEN CT TR OK Y DR FALL CREEK LN WYLDEWOOD RD NS RO GB RIT DANBE RD COUNTY RD E HEIDI IN SECU WYLDEF LOWER CT PATRIOT LN SPRINGMILL DR HAVENWOOD DR T 9TH ST RD OS LINWAY CT pvt ND WI THACKERY DR HOLLY C YORKTON PL WESTMOOR RD OAK CREST DR ACORN CT CRYER LN E RA S SCENIC DR WOODRIDGE DR LN E AV HK TU FILLMORE AVE ROBIN AVE HICKORY RIDGE RD ROSEW OOD WN TO OS RE S OSHKOSH AVE MAPLE AVE E H AV BO ALPINE CT W LINWOOD AVE E SMITH AVE STILLWELL AVE S RD AR PUBLIC ALLEY OMRO RD NIMROD CT WES EAST WAY DR W E DR R BO K SID D LN EE AY ABRAHA M H URS CR RAN-LIE ST ELM pvt W P OMRO RD T LN W IN RA LO 41 RAM US HWY MILFORD DR PIERCE LN W IL M ILL TE REPP AVE ONEIDA AVE EGG HARBOR LN pvt JONES CT SHELDON DR ER RIV BAVARIAN CT E SMITH AVE ALLEN AVE W MURDOCK AVE HOLLIST ER AVE LN WILLOW BEND CHARLIE ANNA DR PIERCE LN RD SHELDON DR WILLOW SPRINGS RD SHEPPARD DR COLUMBIA AVE VE NELSON RD SPRIN G VALLEY DR ALDEN AVE HUBBARD ST t pv LEILA MAE LN SHERIDAN ST LN MILTON CIR DUCHESS LN PINE RIDGE RD S W SMITH AVE CRANE ST T N LN p vt MITCHELL ST AVE MINERVA ST WINCHESTER AVE SHO R EH BEECHN UT STATE RD 21 MILLER DR HAMILTON ST t SHOREHAVEN CT PLYM OUTH ST pv HICKORY LN GREENBRIAR TR LN BACON AVE CT IN WES TBREEZE DR OD WALDWIC LN pvt TWILIGHT CT RUSSETT LN O W LEEWARD CT ANCHORAGE CT LIBBEY AVE MORGAN AVE ORY PO WESTVIEW LN K OA SANDERS ST I LN SANDERS ST MB MARQUETTE AVE WITTMAN RD pvt BA PARK RIDGE AVE KIENAST AVE TITAN CT CLOVER ST t N OAKWOOD RD CARLTON RD CT CREST pv D EMILY ANNE DR LN WINDWARD CT W PACKER AVE HICK DR OR E AR ON ERLINE FORTE RD CT SH STARBOARD CT E PACKER AVE W PACKER AVE LE TIMB E DR AT LEONARD POINT RD SUNKIST RD N LN CT HTS L AW EG ON AMY JO DR SE L H EIG RO BEL SWALLOW BANKS LN CT AR ST ST LA ND OAKWOOD CT HI GH TAMMY RD N VE HA WAY SCENIC CT RA VI NE SCARLET OAK TR LAKELAND DR RE LN W AU PU N RD pvt HARTLAND RD A DY S SH LN pvt BRENLAND RD KNAPP ST STONEWOOD CT US HWY 41 RAMP STONEFIELD DR DY LN p vt AC BE H LN t pv S SA N DY B EA CH LN SK AV pv E t 26 RAMP RD S Oshkosh Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan COUNTY RD R COUNTY RD I WEYERHORST CREEK RD OLD KNAPP RD Y 41 PICKETT RD BLACK OAK SCHOOL RD E RD 26 US HW PLAN STA TE EVIE W DR BUEHRING RD LN pvt RY E FISK AVE FISK AVE COUNTY RD N ST AT WAGON TRAIL RD ER S AN E FI FISK AVE JAMES RD JAMES LN pvt N LN pvt JAMES LN BAYB VIEW FISK AVE EC HOES INDIAN BAY PARKWOOD DR STEVENS LN STONEWOOD DR MISSION MEADOWS TR SUNNYHILL AVE COUNTRY CLUB RD ON COUNTRY CLUB LN pvt N CLAY RD RIP PL U S H W Y 45 LAKE RD pvt SESAME STREET RD pvt STREICH LN 0 0.25 ² 0.5 Miles 1 November, 2011 Appendix C Neighborhood Assessment During the summer of 2014, Planning Services Division staff completed a neighborhood-wide assessment to better understand existing conditions within the Millers Bay neighborhood. Blight indicators such as peeling paint, presence of junk and debris, overgrown landscaping, vehicles parking on lawns, rutted up lawns and boarded up windows were documented on a parcel by parcel basis. The neighborhood assessment is an important baseline inventory that will be completed again in three to five years to measure the success of programming in the neighborhood. Below are multiple maps showing available data on existing conditions within the Millers Bay neighborhood. Number of Housing Units by Parcel Homes located within the Millers Bay neighborhood are single family and only contain one housing unit per property which is consistent with the zoning and land use designation for the area. Architectural Style by Parcel Architectural styles in the Millers Bay neighborhood are primarily classified as “Ranch” which is likely due to the time period the area was developed. Colonial architecture is also found throughout the neighborhood. CDU by Parcel CDU stands for “Condition – Desirability – Utility”. The code denotes a composite rating of the overall condition, desirability and usefulness of a property. A property’s rating is established by the City Assessor Division and is one of the factors used to determine the assessed value of a property. Grade by Parcel Grade describes the cumulative effects of workmanship, the costliness of materials and the individuality of design used in constructing a home. The grade of a home rarely changes unless elements from the original construction are removed or deteriorate beyond repair. The grade is established by the City Assessor Division. Appendix D Neighborhood Survey Neighborhood Survey In July of 2014, members of the Millers Bay Planning Team worked with city staff to survey residents living in the neighborhood. The survey asked residents to identify assets they valued and concerns they felt should be addressed within the neighborhood. Each property within the neighborhood received a letter with a link to an online version in addition to a copy of the survey which could be returned via a self addressed envelope. A total of 144 surveys were collected (48% response rate) and the following graphs provide an overview of the results. Approximately 73% of respondents have lived in the neighborhood for over 10 years. Length of residencey is a key quality of life indicator when looking at stability of a neighborhood. There were multiple comments throughout the survey noting the number of new residents moving into the neighborhood. Social connections are another important quality of life indicator when looking at the health of a neighborhood. 86% of respondents indicated knowing each other very well or somewhat well. Knowing your neighbors provides a sense of safety in your surroundings. It is also much easier to know when someone or something is out of place. The Millers Bay Neighborhood Association has developed a system of keeping residents informed including emails, door-to-door flyers and a neighborhood website. According to survey respondents, 91% were aware of the existing neighborhood association. Resident engagement is critical to sustaining efforts in the neighborhood. The feeling of safety is another quality of life indicator that can be tracked in the neighborhood over time. In Millers Bay, approximately 98% of survey respondents answered they felt safe in their neighborhood. Existing crime data does echo this response, there is very little criminal activity occuring within the neighborhood. When asked about the market value of their home over the last five years, 27.2% of respondents felt the value has increased while 46.3% thought it had stayed the same. Assessed values in the neighborhood can be tracked to understand trends in value as a result of efforts in the neighborhood. The existing housing stock in the neighborhood was considered to be good according to 42.9% of respondents. 35.7% of respondents felt the neighborhood housing stock was very good and 7.1% felt the housing stock was excellent. Appendix E Neighborhood Crime Data Between January of 2010 and November of 2014 there was minimal change in police calls for service within the Millers Bay neighborhood (includes both field initiated and dispatched calls). There was a slight spike in calls during 2012, which is consistent with the city’s overall crime rate trend. Also, 2012 was the year the neighborhood association formed and the slight spike in calls for service could be attributed to the awareness of residents living in the neighborhood. A summary of calls by event type between January of 2010 and November of 2014 is included below. The data suggests that there were more general assist calls and what is classified as crime prevention calls (suspicious person/vehicle/situation, building checks, open doors, etc) than person vs. person crimes (battery, domestics, robbery, sex offenses, harassment, etc) and property crimes (damage to property, theft, auto theft, burglary) combined. General assist and crime prevention calls are likely a result of proactive crime watch efforts and resident’s willingness to report suspicious activity. The neighborhood-wide survey results confirmed this by finding that 92.9% of respondents felt they could rely on their neighbor to watch their home while they were away. The number of calls linked to traffic violations also supports resident concern relating to speeding in the neighborhood. Neighborhood-wide survey results found that 58% of respondents felt speeding in the neighborhood was very or somewhat concerning. With that being said, the Oshkosh Police Department completed a traffic study in 2014 and found that 75% of individuals in violation of the speed limit lived within the Millers Bay neighborhood. Trends in crime data for each event type can be found on the pages that follow.