IA-57 in Butler County - Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State
IA-57 in Butler County - Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State
Test and Evaluation Report Testing and Evaluation of the IA-57 Bridge in Butler County, IA October 30, 2009 Prepared For Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Bridges and Structures 800 Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50010 Prepared By Bridge Engineering Center 2901 South Loop Dr. Suite 3100 Ames, IA 50010 (515) 294-8103 Introduction On August 25, 2009, the IA-57 Bridge (maintenance #1224.9S057, FHWA #16420), in Butler County, IA was load tested using an Iowa Department of Transportation tandem axle snooper truck. The load truck had a front axle weight of 17,650 lb, and a rear axle weight of 18,575 lb ea. (total weight 54,800 lb). The bridge is a single span bridge, consisting of two main steel girders, G1 and G2, seven steel stringers, transverse floor beams, and a concrete deck which is composite only with girders G1 and G2. Strengthening angles were added to both faces of each of the exterior stringers near the bottom flange in 1987; refer to Fig. 1 for a typical cross-section. Fig. 2 shows a plan view of the instrumentation layout. For reference, the data will be referred to with respect to the designations shown in Fig. 3. Strain data were collected at two locations: 1) midspan of the bridge at the top and bottom flanges of each girder (see Fig. 3a); 2) midspan of the interior panel (east of bridge midspan) at the top and bottom flanges of each girder and stringer as well as on the interior strengthening angle on stringers S1 and S7 (see Fig. 3b). The load truck was driven from east to west at a crawl speed (2-5 mph) along multiple paths summarized in Fig. 3. Figure 1. Typical Cross-Section of IA – 57 Bridge, Butler County, IA. 21'-9" CL to CL Girders 3'-8 78" Strain Gage Location (Typ.) 30'-0" Roadway 4 Spaces @ 3'-6 13 16" CL Roadway 3'-8 78" N 8'-4" 16'-8" 50'-0" CL to CL Bearings 25'-0" Figure 2. Plan View of Instrumentation Layout of IA – 57 Bridge, Butler County, IA a. Midspan of Bridge. Figure 3. Instrumentation Plan and Load Cases for IA-57 Bridge Test. b. Midspan of Interior Panel (East of Bridge Midspan) Figure 3. Instrumentation Plan and Load Cases for IA-57 Bridge Test. Test Results Data will be presented from the five individual load cases, LC1 through LC5, as well as from several two lanes loaded cases. The two lanes loaded cases were comprised of LC2+LC4, LC1+LC3, and LC3+LC5. Figure 4 illustrates the bottom flange strain data versus truck position for the two main girders and the seven stringers for Load Case 1 and 3 for the previously mentioned strain gages at midspan of the interior panel (east of bridge midspan.) These two figures provide a general understanding of the pattern and magnitude of strains collected for this testing and are typical of what would be expected for the given load cases. As can be seen, the strain magnitudes are highest when the truck is closest to any single gage. Listed in Table 1 are the peak strains for each girder for each load case, including the two lanes loaded cases for the midspan of the interior panel. A closer look at the individual girder strain data (top and bottom flange) indicates some magnitude of composite action exists at both the girders and the stringers for all load cases, even though plans for this structure indicate shear lugs are only present on girders G1 and G2. Figure 5 through 8 illustrate the strain profile for the top and bottom flanges of girder G1, stringer S3, stringer S5, and girder G2, respectively, in the midspan of the interior panel from Load Case 1. These graphs are representative of the girder strain behavior for all load cases in the midspan of the interior span. For all load cases, composite action appeared to be most prevalent in the stringers directly under the load truck and the exterior girders. a. Load Case 1 Figure 4. Bottom Flange Girder Strains. b. Load Case 3 Figure 4. Bottom Flange Girder Strains. Table 1. Measured Peak Strains for Single and Two-Lanes Loaded, Midspan of Interior Panel. Midspan of Interior Panel Peak Strains (Microstrain) S1 G1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 G2 S7 LC1 0.7 6.8 7.0 15.4 21.9 33.0 39.5 59.3 32.3 LC2 4.6 17.8 20.3 46.3 61.0 69.2 55.5 46.9 12.3 LC3 8.2 30.7 39.9 85.1 80.2 72.5 45.7 31.4 8.3 LC4 13.1 44.9 47.3 79.2 58.7 38.5 22.3 17.7 4.5 LC5 31.9 56.4 33.5 38.6 21.9 13.5 8.7 7.0 0.6 LC2 + LC4 17.4 62.7 66.9 126.1 119.3 107.4 77.8 65.2 17.1 LC1 + LC3 8.6 36.1 42.4 90.2 84.4 79.5 55.4 66.5 27.6 LC3 + LC5 32.5 75.8 55.6 96.9 92.4 78.4 50.3 37.5 9.2 Figure 5. Top and Bottom Flange Strains, Girder 1, Load Case 1. Figure 6. Top and Bottom Flange Strains, Stringer 3, Load Case 1. Figure 7. Top and Bottom Flange Strains, Stringer 5, Load Case 1. Figure 8. Top and Bottom Flange Strains, Girder 2, Load Case 1. Presented in Figs. 9 through 16 are the peak bottom flange strains for each girder and stringer at midspan of the East panel (Fig. 3b) for load cases 1 through 5 and the two lanes loaded cases (LC2+ LC4, LC1+LC3, and LC3+LC5), respectively. These figures give a basic understanding of the distribution of strain relative to load placement. Figure 9. Peak Bottom Flange Strains, Load Case 1. Figure 10. Peak Bottom Flange Strains, Load Case 2. Figure 11. Peak Bottom Flange Strains, Load Case 3. Figure 12. Peak Bottom Flange Strains, Load Case 4. Figure 13. Peak Bottom Flange Strains, Load Case 5. Figure 14. Peak Bottom Flange Strains, Two Lanes Loaded (Load Case 2 + 4.) Figure 15. Peak Bottom Flange Strains, Two Lanes Loaded (Load Case 1 + 3.) Figure 16. Peak Bottom Flange Strains, Two Lanes Loaded (Load Case 3 + 5.) Being a two girder bridge with stringers and floor beams, Fig. 9 through 16 only give a general perspective on the load distribution characteristics of the bridge. Therefore, evaluation of the load distribution characteristics via calculation of load fractions for the girders and stringers independent of one another provides a better approximation. Equation 1, along with the measured bottom flange strains, was used to evaluate the load distribution characteristics (Load Fraction) of the bridge for single and two lanes loaded cases. Equation 1. LF = εi ∑ε i =1 where, , decimal percentage of a single truck n i ε i = maximum measured bottom flange strain from ith girder/stringer Listed in Table 2 are the calculated Load Fractions for the seven stringers for individual Load Cases 1 through 5 as well as Load Fractions for the investigated two-lane loaded case at the midspan of the interior panel. For a single lane loaded the maximum load fraction on an interior and exterior stringer are 0.32 and 0.31, respectively; for two lanes loaded the maximum load fraction for an interior and exterior stringer are 0.24 and 0.04, respectively. Illustrated in Fig. 17 are the load fractions for the single lane loaded cases and the two lanes loaded case. Table 2. Calculated Stringer Load Fractions for Single and Two-Lanes Loaded, Midspan of Interior Panel. Load Fractions LC1 LC2 LC3 LC4 LC5 LC2 + LC4 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.31 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.13 0.16 0.20 0.13 0.10 0.19 0.22 0.32 0.17 0.20 0.13 0.20 0.26 0.23 0.14 0.24 0.19 0.27 0.22 0.15 0.11 0.20 0.21 0.17 0.13 0.08 0.08 0.14 0.31 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.04 Figure 17. Stringer Load Fractions for All Load Cases at Midspan of Interior Panel. Listed in Table 3 are the calculated Load Fractions for the two girders for individual Load Cases 1 through 5 as well as Load Fractions for the investigated two-lane loaded case at the midspan of the interior panel as well as the midspan of the bridge. For a single lane loaded the maximum load fraction on either girder at the midspan of bridge and midspan of the interior panel are 0.86 and 0.87, respectively; for two lanes loaded the maximum load fraction on either girder at the midspan of bridge and midspan of the interior panel are 0.52 and 0.50, respectively. Illustrated in Figs. 18 and 19 are the load fractions for the single lane loaded cases and the two lanes loaded case for the midspan of the interior and panel and midspan of the bridge, respectively. Table 3. Calculated Girder Load Fractions for Single and Two-Lanes Loaded, Midspan of Bridge & Midspan of Interior Panel. Load Fractions Midspan Bridge LC1 LC2 LC3 LC4 LC5 LC2 + LC4 Midspan Int. Panel G1 G2 G1 G2 0.14 0.29 0.48 0.65 0.83 0.48 0.86 0.71 0.52 0.35 0.17 0.52 0.13 0.28 0.51 0.71 0.86 0.50 0.87 0.72 0.49 0.29 0.14 0.50 Figure 18. Girder Load Fractions for All Load Cases at Midspan of Interior Panel. Figure 19. Girder Load Fractions for All Load Cases at Midspan of Bridge. Individuals from the BEC involved in the load testing and data reduction for this testing include: Dr. Terry Wipf, Doug Wood, Travis Hosteng, and Peter Moreau (undergraduate student).
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