Technical Report 1 – Traffic
Technical Report 1 – Traffic
Appendix B: Transportation B-8 Technical Report 1 – Traffic New York State Department of Transportation New York State Thruway Authority Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Metro-North Railroad Technical Report 1 Traffic Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement April 2011 Technical Report – Traffic Ch a p te r Title Page 1 Introduction 1-1 2 Analysis Methodology 2-1 3 Traffic Analyses Results 3-1 4 Mitigation Measures 4-1 5 References 5-1 6 List of Preparers 5-1 Appendix Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Table of Contents i Nu m b e r Title LIST OF FIGURES ii Table of Contents Page Technical Report – Traffic LIST OF TABLES Table of Contents iii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AA ADT ATR Alternatives Analysis average daily traffic automatic traffic recorder BPM BRT Best Practice Model bus rapid transit CWE Cross Westchester Expressway EIS Environmental Impact Statement ETC Expected Time of Completion FHWA FTA Federal Highway Administration Federal Transit Administration GCS GSP Grand Central Station Garden State Parkway H HOT HOV Headway High Occupancy Toll High Occupancy Vehicle LOS Levels of Service MPO MTM Metropolitan Planning Organization manual turning movement NJTransit NYMTC NYSDOT New Jersey Transit New York Metropolitan Transportation Council New York State Department of Transportation ORT open-road tolling PIP Palisades Interstate Parkway R Reaction Time SMRP Saw Mill River Parkway TSM TZB transportation systems management Tappan Zee Bridge iv Table of Contents Technical Report – Traffic 1 Introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 The Project Sponsors – New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA), and Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Metro-North Railroad (MetroNorth) – in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) are preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor Project in Rockland and Westchester Counties, New York (NY). The DEIS incorporates by reference and summarizes a series of technical reports addressing the technical disciplines in detail. This technical report addresses the affected environment, impact of project alternatives, and mitigation measures relevant to the topic of traffic operations and safety. 38 1.1 Co rrid o r Ove rvie w 39 40 41 42 43 The project corridor extends approximately 30 miles from the I-287/I-87 split in Suffern, east to I-287/I95 in Port Chester (Figure 1-1). The Tappan Zee Bridge, a 3.1 mile long Hudson River crossing is approximately midway through this corridor. I-287 between Hillburn/Suffern and the I-87/Cross Westchester Expressway split is referred to as the New York State Thruway. I-287 east of the I-287/I-87 split in Westchester County is called the Cross Westchester Expressway (CWE). The CWE is owned by The purpose of the DEIS is to evaluate multimodal highway and transit alternatives that will address the transportation and mobility needs of the 30-mile-long Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor from Hillburn/Suffern to Port Chester, NY. Additionally, the structural and security needs of the Tappan Zee Bridge are evaluated, as are other existing highway improvement needs within the corridor. The DEIS examines existing socioeconomic and environmental conditions within the corridor, evaluates potential impacts of the transportation improvement alternatives (in addition to the No Build Alternative), and investigates mitigation necessary to alleviate these impacts. The DEIS presents a tiered analysis of environmental impacts: a Tier 1 transit analysis and a Tier 2 bridge and highway analysis. The regional travel demand model adopted by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) is the Best Practice Model (BPM). However, BPM is a regional transportation model, not a simulation model and, therefore, is neither designed nor suitable for the analysis of roadway traffic operations. Rather, it provides overall regional travel projections. At that detailed level a simulation model such as Paramics is then needed to take those projected volumes and apply them to the street network to determine their implications for traffic congestion. Thus, Paramics (a microsimulation traffic analysis model) was selected to address this issue. This technical report discusses the calibration of Paramics, modeling methodology, and performance measures used to evaluate the DEIS alternatives using Paramics. AM and PM peak hour volumes, speeds, and travel times were estimated for existing and future years. At a micro level, intersection Levels of Service (LOS) and delays were calculated. These data were used to study traffic impacts and also served as input to the air quality and noise analyses. The Paramics model was developed originally from the BPM highway network and significantly enhanced based on engineering mapping. A data collection program was developed in 2005 which was used to calibrate the model. The model was also calibrated and validated against travel time and speed data collected. The analysis years that the model was used for were 2010 (Existing Conditions), 2017 and 2047 No Build and Build conditions. Introduction 1-1 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 the NYSDOT, but is maintained and patrolled by NYSTA from Exit 1 to Exit 10. It provides a critical link in the federal interstate highway system. The corridor contains portions of these two interstate highways, each serving distinct functions. I-87, the main route through the Hudson Valley, connects New York City and Canada extending between I278/Triboro Bridge and Champlain, New York. I-287 serves as a circumferential route serving the New York and New Jersey metropolitan area. It serves suburb-to-suburb trips in addition to long distance trips (i.e., from New Jersey and points west to New England) enabling vehicles to bypass New York City and its congestion. In addition, I-287 provides a vital connection between Westchester County and Rockland County as well as Northern New Jersey, Connecticut, and surrounding communities. There are approximately 40 major regional and local roadways crossings with I-287/I-87 within the corridor; most of them are connected by interchanges. Figure 1-1 Tappan Zee Bridge – I-287 Corridor The corridor includes significant portions of both Westchester and Rockland Counties, including the communities of Port Chester, Rye, Harrison, White Plains, Greenburgh, Elmsford, Tarrytown, Nyack, West Nyack, Nanuet, Spring Valley, and Suffern. The nature of the project corridor is one that spans the gamut of development and population density. To the west, the project corridor from Suffern to Nyack is 1-2 Introduction Technical Report – Traffic 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 largely suburban and rural in character. Developments of commercial sites are limited and residential development less intense. The intensity of development increases from west to east as the corridor approaches and then crosses the Tappan Zee Bridge. East of the bridge, the corridor is more intense and urban in nature, especially in the White Plains area. Adjacent development and ramp spacing on the CWE is also, more urban in character. 92 1.2 Ro a d wa y Ne two rk 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 The Tappan Zee Bridge opened to traffic in 1955 and carried an average of 18,000 vehicles daily during its first year of operation. Today, approximately 135,000 vehicles cross the bridge on an average weekday, with volumes as high as 170,000 vehicles on some peak days. During the past 20 years, growth in population and jobs, and changing commutation patterns have caused traffic volumes to grow significantly in the corridor: more than 50 percent in the I-287 Corridor and more than 70 percent on the Tappan Zee Bridge. Five passenger rail facilities pass through the corridor. The commuter lines east of the Hudson River (the New Haven, Harlem, and Hudson) are the responsibility of Metro-North. These lines terminate at Grand Central Station (GCS). Amtrak also runs trains that provide intercity and commuter service from New York Penn Station north along the east side of the river to Albany on the Hudson Line and north on the west side of Westchester to Connecticut along the New Haven Line. The Port Jervis and Pascack Valley Lines, also commuter lines, are west of the river. New Jersey Transit (NJTransit) operates these lines, which terminate at Hoboken, New Jersey. There are numerous east-west and north-south bus services provided throughout the corridor as well. Long distance bus service is available between upstate New York and New York City, and many local and regional bus services are provided by a combination of local government and commercial providers. In addition, passenger ferry service is provided between Haverstraw and Ossining, coordinated with Metro-North Hudson Line trains at the Ossining Station. The roadway network, defined as the system of intersections, local roads, arterials and limited access highways located within the study area that will be directly or indirectly impacted by the various build alternatives. Existing roadways, travel patterns and interchange locations within approximately 0.5 miles on either side of the Thruway/CWE (I-87/I-287) corridor extending from Hillburn/Suffern to Port Chester encompass the required highway network needed to examine the alternatives. The highway, and most of the adjacent and intersecting roadways, has been coded as an integral part of NYMTC’s Best Practices Model, in order to produce the future demand forecasts. However, for the purposes of the traffic impact analysis and micro simulation, a much more detailed coding, including all of the minor local roadways, street geometry, signal timing, etc. is needed by Paramics. For this reason, the BPM network will be supplemented by a sub-regional network model for the traffic analysis. This will be further explained in the section on Analysis Methodology later on in this chapter. To facilitate the review and inventory of the corridor roadway network, current aerial photos were obtained. In addition, plans were collected regarding committed transportation improvements. Data, such as number of lanes, traffic control devices, medians, and other features were cataloged by examination of the aerial photos and plans and by field visits. Several major regional and local east-west and north-south highways dominate the network in Rockland and Westchester Counties. Highways in Rockland County include I-287/I-87, Route 59, the Garden State Introduction 1-3 113 114 115 116 117 Parkway, Palisades Interstate Parkway, Route 303 and Route 9W. Highways in Westchester County include I-287/I-87, Saw Mill River Parkway, Sprain Brook Parkway, Route 119, I-684, Hutchinson River Parkway, Route 100 and I-95.Figure 4-2 in Chapter 4 of the EIS show the major regional and local highways in Rockland and Westchester Counties. 1.2.1 Mainline 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 I-287/I-87 from Interchange 15 in Suffern to Interchange 11 in Nyack is three lanes in each direction. It widens to four lanes in each direction from Interchange 11 to the Tappan Zee Bridge. On the bridge, there are a total of seven lanes. The bridge is operated with four lanes in the eastbound direction during the morning peak period and with four lanes in the westbound direction during the evening peak period, through the use of a moveable barrier system. In Westchester County, the roadway cross section is more variable: Between the toll plaza and Interchange 8 – there are four lanes in each direction. At interchange 8, the Thruway (I-87) and the cross Westchester Expressway (I-287) split up and the numbering system begins again. After interchange 8, the next exit to the east on the CWE (now called exits and not interchanges) is Exit 1. Between Exits 1 and 3 – there are three lanes in each direction. Between Exits 3 and 6 – there are three lanes in each direction with an auxiliary lane between each entrance and exit in the eastbound direction only. Between Exit 6 and I95 (the CWE terminus) – there are three lanes in each direction. The existing grades along the mainline vary from 0.5 to 3.0 percent in Rockland County (see Figure 1-2). From Interchange 15 to approximately halfway between Interchanges 14a and 14b, the grade generally rises in the easterly direction. From halfway between Interchanges 14a and 14b to Interchange 12, the grade generally decreases in the easterly direction. In Westchester County, the existing grades along the mainline vary from 0.25 to 3.0 percent, except near Interchange 8 (CWE Split) where the grades along the expressway ramps exceed 5 percent. Generally, the grade decreases in an easterly direction, except at certain locations, which include Exit 6 and Exit 9, where the grade rises. A list of grades and length of grades is included in Tables 1-1 and 1-2. 1.2.2 Interchanges 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 There are 15 interchanges in the corridor in Westchester County and eight interchanges in Rockland County from Nyack to Suffern. There are approximately 100 major signalized intersections located within the half-mile radius of the corridor. Traffic signals are maintained by a number of jurisdictions in the study area. Contact was made with each agency and information collected regarding traffic signal operation and layout that would facilitate subsequent analysis of basic traffic operations. 1-4 Introduction Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 153 154 155 156 157 158 Figure 1-2 Rockland County Profile Introduction 1-5 159 160 161 162 163 Table 1-1 Existing Grades along I-287 in Rockland County Length (ft) Grade Location (Interchange #) 1200 2.56% 15 2700 -2.56% 2500 1.20% 2400 2.29% 3400 0.78% 2600 2.88% 2800 1.14% 14B 4000 2.60% 4600 -3.00% 7400 -0.50% 14A 3300 -3.00% 14 2400 0.90% 2300 -3.00% 1500 1.85% 1900 -2.38% 2800 -0.50% 7800 -3.00% 1000 0.50% 13 12 1600 1.00% 5200 3.00% 11 10 8400 Total length = 71800 = 13.60 miles 164 165 1-6 Introduction -3.00% Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 166 167 168 169 Table 1-2 Existing Grades Along I-287 in Westchester County Length (ft) Grade Location (Exit #) Tappan Zee Bridge 2500 3.00% 2000 -3.00% 2500 0.75% 4610 -1.00% 2560 0.75% 500 -5.50% 900 -4.50% 1800 0.95% 2400 -1.71% 2 2800 2.91% 3 2200 -2.80% 4 1600 0.40% 1700 -0.80% 1600 0.40% 2400 -0.50% 1600 0.50% 1800 3.00% 2300 -2.26% 2400 -3.00% 1600 1.70% 900 -3.00% 6950 -0.25% 3000 -0.50% 1800 2.00% 2800 1.50% 1000 2.69% 3900 -3.00% 1000 -0.40% 4000 -1.15% 1600 3.00% 1800 -1.40% CWE 1 5 6 7 8 9 Total Length = 70520 = 13.36 miles 170 171 Introduction 1-7 Ro c kla n d Co u n ty 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 Interchange 15: I-87/I-287, Ramps leading to I-287/Route 17 – This is a fully directional interchange that provides connection between I-87 and I-287/Route 17 in Suffern. I-287, which receives traffic from I-80 and I-78 in New Jersey, is connected to I-87 at Interchange 15. Interchange 14B: I-87/I-287, Ramps leading to Airmont Road – This is a diamond interchange located in Airmont providing access to and from Airmont Road in each direction. The following two signalized intersections are formed at the ramp termini: Airmont Road at Northbound Ramps – Airmont Road northbound approach has two thru and one left-turn lane. Airmont Road southbound approach has two thru and one right-turn lane. The Thruway off-ramp has one left turn lane and one shared thru and right lane. Airmont Road at Southbound Ramps – Airmont Road northbound has one thru and one shared thru and right lane. Airmont Road southbound has two thru and one left-turn lane. The Thruway off-ramp has one left turn lane and one shared thru and right lane. Interchange 14A: I-87/I-287 Ramps leading to Garden State Parkway (GSP) – This is a directional three-legged interchange located in Chestnut Ridge and provides direct access to and from the GSP in each direction. Interchange 14: I-87/I-287 Ramps leading to Route 59 – This is a partial cloverleaf interchange with ramps in two quadrants located in Nanuet. The following two signalized intersections are formed with the northbound and southbound ramps: Route 59 at Southbound Ramps/Grandview Avenue – This is a four-legged intersection controlled by a semi-actuated traffic signal. On the Route 59 westbound approach, there are three thru lanes and one left-turn lane. On the eastbound approach, there are two left-turn lanes. The Thruway off-ramp has one thru, one right-turn and two left-turn lanes. Grandview Avenue has two left and one shared thru and a right turn lane. The semi-actuated traffic signal has six phases and a cycle length of 130 seconds. The signal is coordinated with the signal at Route 59 and the northbound ramps. Route 59 at Northbound Ramps/Connecter Road – Route 59 has two thru lanes, a rightturn and a left-turn lane at the eastbound and westbound approaches. The Thruway ramp has a thru, left-turn and right-turn lane. The intersection is controlled by an actuated traffic signal with six phases and a cycle length of 130 seconds. Interchange 13: I-87/I-287 Ramps leading to Palisades Interstate Parkway (PIP) – This is a full cloverleaf interchange providing access to and from the PIP in all directions. Interchange 12: I-87/I-287 Ramps leading to Route 303 – This is a partial cloverleaf interchange with ramps in two quadrants located in West Nyack. The following three signalized intersections are formed with the northbound ramps, the southbound ramps and Snake Hill Road: Snake Hill Road at Northbound Ramps – Snake Hill Road, westbound approach, has two left-turn lanes and a thru lane. Snake Hill Road eastbound approach has a thru lane and a 1-8 Introduction Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 shared thru and right lane. The northbound off-ramp has a left-turn and a shared thru and right lane. The intersection is controlled by an actuated traffic signal with four phases and a cycle length of 65 seconds. Route 303 at Southbound Ramps – Route 303 northbound, has one thru lane and a left turn lane. The Thruway ramp has a left-turn, right-turn and a shared left and right lane. The intersection is controlled by a semi-actuated traffic signal with six phases and cycle length of 103 seconds. Route 303 at Snake Hill Road – Route 303 northbound approach, has two left turn lanes and two thru lanes. The southbound approach has a left, right and two thru lanes. Snake Hill Road eastbound approach has a left, right and a shared thru and right lane. The intersection is controlled by an actuated traffic signal with six phases and cycle length of 100 seconds. Interchange 11: I-87/I-287 Ramps leading to Route 59 and Route 9W – This is a three-legged Y type offset interchange with southbound and northbound ramps located in Nyack. The following two signalized intersection are formed at and near the ramp termini: Route 59 at Southbound Ramps and Waldron Avenue – Route 59 westbound approach has one left, thru and one shared thru and right turn lane. Route 59 eastbound approach has a left, thru and right lane. The Thruway off-ramp southbound approach has a left and a shared thru and right turn lane. Waldron Avenue northbound approach has a shared thru and left turn and a shared thru and right turn lane. The intersection is controlled by a fully actuated traffic signal with six phases and a cycle length of 146 seconds. Route 9W at Route 59/Main Street – Route 9W northbound and southbound approaches have a left-turn and a shared thru and right lane. Route 59 eastbound and Main Street westbound approaches have one left-turn and a shared thru and right lane. The intersection is controlled by a fully actuated traffic control signal with eight phases and a cycle length of 146 seconds. Interchange 10: I-87/I-287 Ramps leading to Route 9W – This is a trumpet type interchange located in West Nyack that provides access to and from the Thruway northbound and Route 9W. It also provides access to the Thruway southbound from Route 9W northbound. We s tc he s te r Co u n ty 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 Interchange 9: I-87/I-287 Ramps leading to Route 9 and Route 119 - This is a three-legged Y type offset interchange located in Tarrytown that provides access to and from Route 9 (South Broadway), I-87 southbound, Route 119 (White Plains Road), and I-87 northbound. The following three signalized intersections are formed with the Thruway ramp termini: Route 9 at I-87 Southbound Ramps/Hilton Motel Drive - Route 9 northbound approach has a shared thru and left and a shared thru and right lane. Route 9 southbound approach has a left-turn, thru and a shared thru and right lane. I-87 southbound off-ramp westbound approach has a right-turn and a shared thru and left lane. Hilton Motel Drive eastbound approach has Introduction 1-9 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 one general purpose lane. The intersection is controlled by a semi-actuated traffic control signal with four phases and a cycle length of 155 seconds. Route 9 at Route 119 and Ramp C Jug Handle - Route 9 northbound approach has two thru and a right-turn lane. Route 9 southbound approach has two thru lanes. Route 119 westbound approach has two left and a right-turn lane. Route 9 southbound left making a Jug Handle eastbound approach has two lanes. This is a fully actuated traffic control signal with four phases and a cycle length of 120 seconds. Route 119 at I-87 Northbound Ramps - Route 119 eastbound has two thru, one left-turn and one right-turn lane. Route 119 westbound approach has one left-turn, one thru and one shared thru and right lane. I-87 northbound off-ramp, northbound approach has two left-turns and a shared thru and right lane. The intersection is controlled by an actuated traffic signal with six phases and a cycle length of 110 seconds. Interchange 8: I-87/I-287 Ramps leading to I-287 (Cross Westchester Expressway) - This is a fully directional interchange, recently reconstructed to current design standards, and provides direct connections between I-87 and I-287 (CWE) in the town of Greenberg. Exit 1: I-287/CWE Ramps leading to Route 119 and Saw Mill River Parkway (SMRP) - This is a three-legged Y type offset interchange providing access to and from I-287 eastbound, westbound and Route 119. Access to the SMRP northbound is also provided from I-287 eastbound off-ramp/frontage road. An additional ramp from SMRP southbound to I-287 westbound is also provided. The following two signalized intersections are located near the interchange: Route 119 at I-287/CWE Westbound Ramps - Route 119 eastbound approach has two thru and a left-turn lane. Route 119 westbound approach has one thru and a shared thru and right lane. CWE westbound ramp has one left-turn and one right-turn lane. The intersection is channelized to provide a free right-turn lane operation to and from the CWE ramps. The intersection is controlled by an actuated traffic signal with three phases and a cycle length of 118 seconds. This signal is coordinated with Route 119 at Texture Road. Route 119 at Taxter Road - This is a T intersection located in the vicinity of interchange 1. Route 119 eastbound approach has three thru lanes and a right-turn lane. Route 119 westbound approach has three thru lanes and a left-turn lane. Taxter Road northbound approach has a left-turn and a right-turn lane. The intersection is controlled by an actuated traffic signal with four phases and a cycle length of 120 seconds. This signal is coordinated with the intersection of Route 119 at CWE westbound ramps. Exit 2: I-287/CWE Ramps leading to Route 9A (Saw Mill River Road) - This is a diamond interchange located in the village of Elmsford providing access to and from Route 9A and CWE westbound and from Route 9A/frontage road to CWE eastbound. The following two intersections are formed at the ramp termini: Route 9A/Frontage Road at CWE Eastbound Ramp - Route 9A northbound approach has a left-turn, a thru and a shared thru and right lane. Route 9A southbound approach has two left lanes and a thru lane. CWE ramps eastbound on-ramp/frontage road has two lanes. This is an actuated signal with four phases and a cycle length of 95 seconds. The signal is coordinated with Route 9A at CWE westbound ramps. 1-10 Introduction Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 Route 9A at CWE Westbound Ramps - Route 9A northbound approach has a shared thru and right lane and a shared thru and left lane. Route 9A southbound approach has a thru lane and a shared thru and right lane. CWE westbound off-ramp has two right-turns and a left-turn lane. This is an actuated signal with four phases and a cycle length of 95 seconds. The signal is coordinated with Route 9A at CWE westbound ramps. Exit 3: I-287/CWE Ramps leading to Sprain Brook Parkway (Southbound) - Interchange 3 connects the CWE to the southbound Sprain Brook Parkway. Exit 4: I-287/CWE Ramps leading to Route 100 A (Knollwood Road) - This is a diamond interchange that forms the following two signalized intersections at the ramp termini: Route 100A (Knollwood Road) at CWE Westbound Ramps - Route 100A northbound approach has one thru and one left-turn lane. Route 100A southbound approach has one thru lane, one shared thru lane and a right lane. CWE westbound off-ramp approach has one leftturn and a shared thru and right lane. The intersection is controlled by an actuated traffic signal with four phases and a cycle length of 90 seconds. The signal is coordinated with Route 100A at CWE eastbound ramps. Route 100A (Knollwood Road) at CWE Eastbound Ramps - Route 100A northbound approach has one thru and a shared right lane. Route 100A southbound approach has one leftturn and one thru lane. CWE eastbound off-ramp approach has one left-turn and one rightturn lane. The intersection is controlled by an actuated traffic signal with four phases and cycle length of 90 seconds. The signal is coordinated with Route 100A at CWE westbound ramps. Exit 5: I-287/CWE Ramps leading to Route 100 (Hillside Avenue) and Route 119 (Tarrytown Road) - This interchange provides access to and from CWE westbound to Route 100 (Hillside Avenue) and from CWE eastbound to Route 119 (Tarrytown Road). The following signalized intersection is located at the ramp termini: Route 100A at CWE Westbound Off-Ramp - Route 100A northbound approach has two thru lanes. CWE westbound off-ramp has a left and a right turn lane. The intersection is controlled by an actuated traffic signal with two phases and cycle length of 77 seconds. Exit 6: Ramps leading to Route 22 (North Broadway) - This interchange is a combination of a diamond and a Y type located in the City of White Plains and provides access to and from the CWE westbound and Orchard Street and to and from the CWE eastbound and Route 22. The following two signalized intersections are located near the interchange. Route 22 at Orchard Street - Route 22 northbound approach has one left-turn, one thru and one shared thru and right lane. Route 22 southbound approach has two thru lanes, one leftturn and one right-turn lane. Orchard Street westbound approach has one left-turn and one shared thru and right lane. The intersection is controlled by a semi-actuated traffic signal with four phases and a cycle length of 90 seconds. Route 22 (North Broadway) at CWE Eastbound Ramps - Route 22 northbound approach has two thru lanes and a shared thru and right lane. CWE southbound approach has two thru lanes and a left-turn lane. CWE eastbound off-ramp eastbound approach has a left-turn and a shared thru and left lane. The intersection is controlled by a semi-actuated traffic signal with four phases and a cycle length of 100 seconds. Introduction 1-11 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 Exit 7: I-287/CWE Ramps leading to Central Westchester Parkway - This interchange provides access from the CWE westbound to Central Westchester Parkway and from Central Westchester Parkway to the CWE eastbound. Exit 8W: I-287/CWE Ramps leading to and from Westchester Mall/Bloomingdale Road This interchange provides access from the CWE eastbound to Westchester Mall/Bloomingdale Road and from Westchester Mall/Bloomingdale Road to the CWE westbound. Exit 8E and 8: CWE/I-287 Ramps leading to and from Westchester Avenue - This interchange provides access from the CWE eastbound and westbound to Westchester Avenue (frontage Road) eastbound and westbound, respectively. Exit 9A: I-287/CWE Ramps leading to and from I-684 and Westchester Avenue - This is a fully directional interchange providing direct access to and from I-684 to the CWE and Westchester Avenue. Exit 9: I-287/CWE Frontage Road (West Avenue) and Hutchinson River Parkway - This is a full cloverleaf interchange that provides access to and from Hutchinson River Parkway and CWE eastbound and westbound via frontage road (West Avenue). East of the interchange, it provides access from CWE westbound to West Ave westbound and from West Ave eastbound to CWE eastbound. West of interchange, it provides access from West Ave westbound to CWE westbound and from CWE eastbound to West Ave eastbound. Exit 10: I-287/CWE Ramps leading to Bowman Avenue - This interchange provides access from the CWE westbound to Westchester Avenue and Route 120 (Purchase Street) via Webb Avenue. CWE eastbound has off ramp providing access to West Ave eastbound. The CWE westbound off–ramp forms an un-signalized (two-way stop sign) intersection with Bowman Ave and Webb Ave. Bowman Ave at Webb Ave/CWE Westbound Off-Ramp - The intersection is two-way stop sign controlled. CWE westbound off-ramp has two lanes. Bowman Ave has one thru lane in each direction with a free right lane to Webb Ave. Webb Ave has one lane in each direction with an additional left turn lane at the intersection. Exit 11: I-287/CWE Ramps leading to Route 1 (Boston Post Road) and I-95 (New England Thruway) - Exit 11 is the easternmost/last interchange of I-287 before its terminus. It provides access from I-287 EB to I-95 SB and Route 1 and from I-95 NB and Route 1 NB to I-287 WB. Immediately south of this interchange, the I-287 EB off-ramp merges with I-95 SB mainline and the I-95 NB off-ramp to I-287 WB originates at I-95 Interchange 21. Immediately east of the interchange, I-287 EB terminates at I-95 NB and I-287 WB originates from I-95 SB at I-95 Interchange 22. The whole area can be characterized as a complex and confusing interchange with several closely spaced motorist decision points and circuitous connections between I-287, I95, Route 1 and Midland Avenue. I-287 and I-95 are two high speed controlled roadways. I-95 is a major north-south route between New York and New England. Route 1 (Boston Post Road) is a major arterial that runs north south and provides access to and from I-95 and I-287 to Rye City and Port Chester. Midland Ave is a local arterial providing access from the area to and from the interstates. The following three intersections are formed at the interchange ramp termini: Route 1 at I-287 EB Off-Ramp and I-95 SB On-Ramp - Route 1 northbound approach has one thru and a shared thru and right lane. Route 1 southbound approach has one left-turn and one thru lane. CWE eastbound off-ramp, eastbound approach has one thru, a shared thru and 1-12 Introduction Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 a left lane. The intersection is controlled by an actuated traffic signal with five phases and a cycle length of 105 seconds. Midland Avenue at I-95SB/I-287 WB Ramps - Midland Avenue forms a T intersection with I-287 westbound ramps. Midland Avenue southbound has a shared thru and left lane. Midland Avenue northbound has a shared thru and right lane. I-95 southbound/I-287 westbound off-ramp has one general purpose lane. This intersection is controlled by a semiactuated traffic signal with six phases and has a cycle length of 115 seconds. Midland Avenue at I-95 NB Ramps - Midland Avenue forms a T intersection with I-95 northbound ramps. Midland Avenue northbound has one thru and a shared thru and right turn lane. Midland Avenue has a shared thru and left turn lane. I-95 northbound off ramp has a left turn and a free-right turn lane. The intersection is controlled by a stop sign. 1.2.3 Major Intersecting Roads 430 431 432 433 434 435 There are approximately 40 major highways crossing I-287 within the corridor. Some of these are limited access controlled highways; Most of them are arterials with signal control. Few of these highways are two-lane highways. In Rockland County, there are 17 major roads intersecting I-287/I-87. In Westchester County, there are approximately 23 major roads intersecting I-287. The following is a brief description of the major intersecting roadways within the corridor. Ro c kla n d Co u n ty 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 Route 17 - South of interchange 15, Route 17 is referred as I-287/Route 17 because I-287 and Route 17 overlap. Route 17 runs north south and is a divided six-lane highway near the interchange with I-87. It carries approximately 87,700 vehicles per day and almost 4,000 vehicles per hour in a southbound direction during the AM and more than 4,000 vehicles per hour in a northbound direction during the PM peak. Airmont Road - Airmont Road is a county road that carries approximately 22,200 vehicles per day with 930 and 1000 vehicles, at its intersection with Route 59, during the AM and PM peak hour, respectively. North of the Thruway, it changes to an east-west alignment, is named Highview Road, and becomes a two-lane road. South of the Thruway, it forms a signalized intersection with Route 59, becomes a two-lane roadway, and is called South Airmont Road. Route 306 - Route 306 is a state route with a north-south alignment. Near the corridor, it has one lane in each direction and carries approximately 12,900 vehicles per day. To the north of the Thruway, it intersects with Route 59. Airmont Road provides access to the Thruway. Route 45 - Route 45 is a state route that runs north south and carries one lane in each direction. It carries approximately 11,700 vehicles per day. To the north of the Thruway, it intersects with Route 59, which provides access to the Thruway. Garden State Parkway (GSP) (982L) - The GSP connection is a state parkway that provides access from I-87/I-287 in Chestnut Ridge to the GSP in New Jersey. The GSP runs north south terminating at the Thruway and carries two-lanes in each direction. It carries approximately Introduction 1-13 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 52,700 vehicles per day and has a peak hour volume of more than 3,000 vehicles southbound during the AM and northbound during the PM. Route 59 - Route 59 is a state route that runs east west from Route 9W in Nyack to interchange 15 in Suffern. It parallels I87/I287 through Rockland County but meanders slightly north and south intersecting the highway at various points. Route 59 generally carries two-lanes in each direction but opens up to three and four lanes in some sections. Average daily traffic varies from as low as 7,700 vehicles in the western end to as much as 41,800 vehicles approaching the Palisades Mall, depending upon the count location. East of Route 303, it carries approximately 27,350 vehicles per day. The peak hour volumes also vary from 300 vehicles per hour in the west to almost 2,000 vehicles per hour near the mall. Route 304 - Route 304 is a state route that runs north south from New Jersey State Line to US Route 9W in Clarkstown. It generally has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 30,800 vehicles per day. In the southbound direction, there are morning and evening peak hours of approximately equal magnitude. Palisades Interstate Parkway (PIP) (Route 987C) - The PIP is a state parkway. It runs north south from its terminus at I-95 in Bergen County, New Jersey to the Palisades Interstate Park in Orange County. It is an access-controlled parkway with two lanes in each direction. During the AM peak hour, it carries 1,444 vehicles in the northbound direction and 3,513 vehicles in the southbound direction. Middletown Road - Middletown Road is a county road that crosses under the Thruway. To the south, it intersects with Route 59 and to the north it interchanges with the PIP. It generally has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 18,100 vehicles per day. Route 303 - Route 303 is a state route that runs north south in Rockland County. Near the interchange, it generally has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 32,000 vehicles per day and 1,500 vehicles during the AM and PM peak hours. We s tc he s te r Co u n ty 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 Saw Mill River Parkway (Route 987D) - Saw Mill River Parkway is a state parkway that runs north south from the interchange with I-684 in Bedford to the New York City line. It has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 27,700 vehicles per day. Route 9A (Saw Mill River Road) - Route 9A runs north south. It has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 20,800 vehicles per day and more than 1,700 vehicles during the AM and PM peak hours. Sprain Brook Parkway (Route 987F) - Sprain Brook Parkway is a state parkway that runs north-south. It runs between the interchange with Taconic State Parkway in the town of Mount Pleasant and Bronx River Parkway in Yonkers. It is a multilane road with three lanes in each direction near the interchange. It carries approximately 87,200 vehicles per day and more than 3,500 vehicles in each direction during the AM and PM peak hour. 1-14 Introduction Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 Route 100A (Knollwood Road) - Route 100A is a state route that runs north- south in Westchester County. It generally has one lane in each direction and carries approximately 13,500 vehicles per day. Near the interchange, it intersects with Route 119. Route 100 (Hillside Avenue) - Route 100 is a state route that runs north-south. Near the interchange, it has two lanes in each direction. North of the interchange, it changes to a two-lane roadway. It carries approximately 12,600 vehicles per day. Bronx River Parkway - The Bronx River Parkway runs north-south. It has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 19,600 vehicles per day with 1,200 vehicles in the southbound direction during the AM peak hour and more than 900 vehicles in the northbound direction during the PM peak hour. Route 22 (North Broadway) - Route 22 is a state route that runs north-south. It has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 27,500 vehicles per day. Anderson Hill Road - Anderson Hill Road is a County road that runs east-west between Westchester Avenue (interchange 8) in the City of White Plains and Route 120A (King Street) in the Town of Harrison. It has two lanes and carries approximately 11,650 vehicles per day. Route 127 - Route 127 is a state route that runs north-south between interchange 8E, CWE and the intersection with Route 1 in Rye. It has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 17,300 vehicles per day with more than 800 vehicles in each direction during both the AM and PM peak hours. I-684 - I-684 is an interstate connector that runs north-south between I-84 in Putnam County and the interchange with I-287 in White Plains. It generally has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 59,800 vehicles per day with 3,850 vehicles in the southbound direction during the AM and 3,400 vehicles in the northbound direction during the PM peak hour. Hutchinson River Parkway (Route 907W) - Hutchinson River Parkway is a state parkway that runs north-south between Connecticut and New York State. In Connecticut, it is called the Merritt Parkway and terminates at I-678 near the Whitestone Bridge in The Bronx. It generally has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 93,500 vehicles per day with around 4,000 vehicles in each direction during the AM and PM peak hours. Route 120 (Purchase Street) - Route 120 is a state route that runs north-south in Westchester County. It crosses over the CWE and connects Westchester Ave (frontage road) eastbound and westbound. It has two lanes in each direction. To the north of the CWE, it also forms an interchange with Hutchinson River Parkway and carries approximately 23,900 vehicles per day with more than 1,000 vehicles in each direction during both the AM and PM peak hours. Westchester Avenue - Westchester Avenue runs east-west and serves as a collector-distributor roadway between interchanges 9 and 8. Several bridges including Anderson Hill Road Bridge, William Butcher Bridge, Brynt Bridge, Corporate Park Drive Bridge and Kenilworth Road Bridge connect Westchester Avenue eastbound and westbound. It has two lanes in each direction with additional lanes at the intersections. The eastbound direction carries almost 9,000 vehicles a day and more than 1,400 vehicles during the AM peak hour. Additionally, it carries more than 11,300 vehicles a day and almost 1,700 vehicles in a westbound direction during the PM peak hour. Introduction 1-15 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 Polly Park Road - Polly Park Road is a county road that runs east-west between Route 127 (North Street) and Route 120 (Purchase Street). It has one lane in each direction and carries approximately 4,850 vehicles per day. North & South Ridge Street – South Ridge Street runs north-south between Purchase Street/Hillside Avenue and Route 120A (King Street) and crosses over the CWE. To the north of Westchester Avenue, it becomes North Ridge Street. It has one lane in each direction and carries approximately 6,500 vehicles per day in the southbound direction and varies from about 5,550 to 8,050 vehicles per day in the northbound direction depending on where along the street, the count is taken. Route 120A - Route 120A (King Street) runs north-south from the intersection of Westchester Avenue and Route 1 in Rye. It runs along the Connecticut State Line and into Fairfield County. It generally has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 14,200 vehicles per day with more than 500 vehicles in each direction during the AM and PM peak hour. Route 1 (Boston Post Road) - US Route 1 (Boston Post Road) runs north-south. Near the interchange, it generally has two lanes in each direction and carries approximately 40,000 vehicles per day with almost 1,100 vehicles in the AM peak hour and more than 1,200 vehicles in the PM peak hour northbound and approximately 2,200 and 1,650 vehicles in a southbound direction during the AM and PM peak hours, respectively. 576 1.3 Co n te n t o f Tra ffic Te c h n ic a l Re p o rt 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 Chapter 2 of this report presents a detailed review of the traffic data collection phase of the study and reviews the Paramics traffic microsimulation models established for the DEIS, including its relationship to the BPM regional demand model and the calibration of the Paramics models to enhance their applicability to the study corridor. Chapter 3 presents the results of the traffic studies and its assessment of the proposed build alternatives while Chapter 4 presents the range of mitigation measures recommended along the corridor. Detailed appendix materials relating to the data collection, calibration and impact analyses efforts are also included. 1-16 Introduction Technical Report – Traffic 2 Analysis Methodology 1 2 3 4 5 The Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor Project is a part of the transportation planning process in the New York metropolitan area. As such, with both the FHWA and FTA as federal co-lead agencies, it must be a part of the Continuing Comprehensive Coordinated [3C] process defined in federal planning regulations. Those regulations mandate that the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) develop the planning process, including the adoption of urban travel demand forecasting models. 6 7 In order to analyze potential traffic impacts of the Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor Project, two key steps in the process are conducted: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1. Forecast Travel Demand - The tool used to forecast urban travel demand in the region is the Best Practice Model (BPM) developed by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC). BPM represents a state-of-the-art process for forecasting future urban travel based on assumptions regarding land use and transportation facilities and services. Moreover, because potential alternatives include both major highway and major transit improvements, a multi-modal model was required, and the BPM is the best and only available model in the New York region that can simultaneously assess improvements to both highway and transit. It has been adopted by NYMTC as the transportation planning model for the New York metropolitan area. The Transit Technical Report describes this model in detail. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2. Conduct Level of Service Analysis - BPM is a regional travel demand model, not a traffic simulation model and is, therefore, not designed nor suitable for the analysis of traffic operations. Rather, it is the right model to provide overall travel projections, and can do so to a detailed level. At that detailed level a simulation model such as Paramics is then needed to take those projected volumes and apply them to the street network to determine their implications for traffic congestion. Thus, Paramics (a microsimulation traffic analysis model) was selected to address this issue. This chapter describes the methodology adopted to calibrate the Tappan Zee Bridge/I287 Corridor traffic model to count data using Paramics. 25 2.1 Tra ffic Mic ro s im u la tio n – P a ra m ic s Ove rvie w 26 27 28 29 Paramics is a microsimulation model. These models simulate the characteristics and interactions of individual vehicles. They essentially produce trajectories of vehicles as they move through the network. The processing logic includes algorithms and rules describing how vehicles move and interact, including acceleration, deceleration, lane changing, and passing maneuvers. 30 31 32 33 34 When a vehicle is generated in a network, the simulation model assigns driver-vehicle characteristics. Some common characteristics or attributes for each vehicle are: vehicle type (car, bus, truck), length, width, maximum acceleration and deceleration, maximum speed, maximum turn radius, driver aggressiveness, reaction time, desired speed, critical gaps (for lane changing, merging, crossing), destination (route), etc. 35 36 37 The physical environment—the transportation network under study—is typically represented as a network of links and nodes. Links are one-way roadways with fixed design characteristics and nodes that represent intersections or locations where the design characteristics of the links change. Analysis Methodology 2-1 38 39 40 41 42 Vehicles, in the absence of impedance from other vehicles, travel at their desired speed on the network links. However, their speed may be affected by the link-specified geometry (horizontal and vertical alignment), pavement conditions, and other factors. For example, the simulation model computes the actual vehicle speed as the minimum value from the desired speed and the speed computed for the specified vertical and horizontal alignment. 43 44 45 46 Vehicles proceed through the network until they exit the system at their destination. In O-D-based models, such as Paramics, the O-D matrix is input, and when a vehicle is generated at an origin, it is assigned its destination. The vehicle then exits the network at the specified destination. The O-D matrix is derived from NYBPM, the travel demand model adopted in the study. 47 48 49 50 51 Microscopic models simulate the interactions of individual vehicles as they travel in the analytical network using car-following, lane-changing, and queue discharge algorithms. Most of the existing simulation models employ fail-safe car-following algorithms. Such algorithms simulate car-following behavior by maintaining a minimum safe distance between vehicles subject to stochastically generated vehicle characteristics (e.g., maximum acceleration and deceleration rates). 52 53 Lane changing, which occurs in microsimulation models, is based on the gap-acceptance process. A vehicle may change lanes if the available gap in the target lane is greater than its critical gap. 2.1.1 Traffic Characteristics 54 55 56 As a micro-simulation model, Paramics requires information related to traffic characteristics such as driver behavior, path choices and temporal distribution of traffic. The following paragraphs provide an overview of these characteristics. Drive r Be h a vio r 57 58 59 Paramics uses two main factors to estimate driver behavior. These are Headway (H), expressed in seconds with a default value of 1.0 second, and Reaction Time (R), also expressed in seconds with a default value of 1.0 second. 60 61 62 63 64 65 Values of 0.63 seconds for Headway and 0.43 seconds for Reaction Time were used for all networks, to account for the aggressive and fluid nature of drivers in this region. It should be noted that other studies utilizing Paramics have indicated the use of low headway values to accommodate congested conditions. The low headway factor allowed sufficient throughput capacity to be simulated, as was observed with actual traffic counts. The reaction time was lowered in conjunction with the headway in order to allow sufficient lane changing and gap acceptance to occur in the congested conditions. Ro u te As s ig n m e n t Me th o d 66 67 68 In order to simulate traffic flow within the study area, a “Stochastic-Dynamic Route Assignment” method was used. This method combines a probabilistic method of route assignment with a timed update of link costs factor based on prevailing traffic conditions. 69 70 71 The route choice of a particular O/D trip is determined on a per vehicle basis based on the calculated link costs of all the possible routes from the origin to the destination zone. In general, the route with the lowest cost will be used. However, in reality it is unlikely that all drivers will choose the same route for a 2-2 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 72 73 74 particular O/D trip, especially in a congested network where there is a limited choice of routes. The stochastic component of the route choice accounts for this random variability and allows vehicles to choose multiple routes between each O/D pair. 75 76 77 78 The calculation of the link costs is performed every three minutes and the route of each vehicle in the network is updated (feedback) based on the current traffic conditions in the network. This feedback allows the network routing to be “dynamic” with the routes between O/D pairs changing as traffic conditions change. This method allows realistic driving patterns to be simulated. Te m p o ra l Dis trib u tion o f Tra ffic 79 80 81 Paramics simulates individual vehicles and each vehicle is discharged to the network based on predetermined discharge rates. Hourly traffic profiles from automatic traffic recorder (ATR) counts for Route 17 and Route 4 were used to estimate vehicle discharge rates for the traffic simulation model. 82 2.2 P a ra m ic s Ca lib ra tio n 83 84 The Paramics model was calibrated to 2005 conditions. This was done by adjusting the network, trip tables and vehicle characteristics to replicate realistic conditions to the extent possible. 85 86 87 As the Paramics model is more of an operational model and than a planning model a greater level of network detail was added to the Paramics model that was originally created from the BPM network structure. Without this added detail it would not be possible to replicate the existing traffic conditions. 88 89 Network Adjustments – These adjustments included ensuring correct lane configuration, geometry, posted speed limits. 90 91 92 93 94 95 Trip Table Adjustments – One input to the Paramics model was a trip table that came out of the BPM regional model. The BPM regional model spans 28 counties, including 11 from New Jersey and 2 from Connecticut. It was determined that the traffic impacts in the study corridor would be studied using two separate models, the Rockland and Westchester models. The split was made at the Tappan Zee Bridge, with about a mile of overlap on each side of the Hudson River. Figure 2-1 shows the overall Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor study area. 96 97 Visual Adjustments – Based on field observed bottlenecks and queuing issues, localized model adjustments were made to better replicate queuing conditions. 98 Analysis Methodology 2-3 99 100 101 Figure 2-1 Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor The following terms will appear throughout this chapter: 102 103 Regional trip table – The 4-hour BPM trip table (6AM to 10 AM) that covers all 28 counties (3,586 zones). 104 105 Subarea trip table – a 4-hour trip table extracted from the regional trip table by BPM. It contains about 154 zones- 61 for Rockland and 93 for Westchester County. 106 107 Paramics trip table – subarea trip table adjusted to run in Paramics for a specified interval (295 zones- 118 for Rockland and 177 for Westchester County). 108 Link – roadway segment. 109 Zone – An area generating and attracting trips. 110 Trip (trip table context) – movement from one zone to another. 2-4 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 2.2.1 Data Collection 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 One of the hard and fast requirements for traffic analysis is that the data used, not be more than three years old. All of the data collected and used in the initial stages of this study came from 2002 or earlier. For this reason, it was necessary to collect all new traffic data including, ATR counts indicating average daily traffic (ADT) volumes as well as morning and evening peak hour counts, manual turning movement (MTM) counts, signal phasing/timing plans, classification counts, speeds and truck percentages. Both the Thruway Authority and the NYSDOT have permanent count stations set up along their facilities and this additional data from these locations was used to supplement the new counts, done in 2005. 118 119 120 121 122 The most common permanent count stations (the ones used by both the NYSTA and NYSDOT) are wire loops cut into the pavement and hooked to a recording devise for continuous recording, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and 52 weeks per year. These can be accessed at the site or remotely through a wireless connection and data can be downloaded whenever it is needed. A setup like this allows the engineer to look at volumes, speeds, classification and lane usage for whatever time periods he is interested in. 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Written requests were made to relevant transportation and planning agencies along the corridor for plans for new traffic generators expected to be in place by 2017 (the estimated time of completion [ETC] of this project). In addition requests were made for all funded roadway construction plans. Table 2-1 presents a summary of the type of data collected from the agencies. A detailed summary and location map showing traffic count data and signal phasing/timing plans is included in Appendices. Roadway inventory, including data on lane configuration and the type of intersection control, were documented using aerial photographs, field visits and construction plans obtained from various agencies. Table 2-1 Traffic Data Collection Types and Locations NYSTA NYSDOT Westchester Co Automated Traffic Recorder Counts Collected/Year 2005 2005 NA Manual Turning Movement Counts Collected/Year NA NA NA NA Collected Collected Roadway Construction Plans Collected Collected NA Rockland Co White Plains Clarkstown Nyack NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Collected Collected Collected NA NA NA NA Agency Signal Phasing/ Timing Collected 130 131 Analysis Methodology 2-5 Au to m a tic Tra ffic Re c o rd e rs 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 There were 301 separate counts taken at 185 locations in Rockland and Westchester counties. The counters were placed for 1 week on the I-87/I-287 mainline and ramps and for three midweek days (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) on the local roads and arterials. There were eight counters placed on the mainline; three in Rockland and five in Westchester. Additional permanent count stations will be used to supplement the mainline counts in Rockland and on the major highways in both counties. Table 2-2 shows the breakdown of the various ATR counts collected. Figures 2-2 and 2-3 show the locations of the ATR counts for Rockland and Westchester respectively while Figures 2-4 and 2-5 show the AM and PM peak volumes along the highway corridor in Rockland and Westchester Counties, respectively. 140 141 142 143 Table 2-2 Number of ATR Counts Location type and County Location Type 144 145 Mainline Ramp Local / Arterial Rockland County 3 36 44 Westchester County 5 51 46 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 Each location was monitored on a daily basis to insure that the tubes were not broken, the battery had not died and the machine was working properly. During the time the machines were out on the roadways, a calibration count was done for each one for one hour in the AM peak hour, one hour in the PM peak hour and one peak hour over the weekend. This calibration is necessary so that the percentage of vehicles with more than two axels can be factored into the counts. The tubes attached to the ATR’s, count one vehicle for every two pulses caused by the tires riding over them. A truck with four axels would be counted as two vehicles. The calibration effort involves a person standing next to the machine and manually counting and classifying the traffic as it passes. In this way, the numbers of multi-axel vehicles are known. The total number counted by the machine is then divided by the total number counted by the person and a correction factor is calculated. As previously stated, this was done in the morning and afternoon, the appropriate factor was then applied to the time period and interpolated factors were used for the off peak hours in between. This will produce a machine count as close to a manual count as possible. Ma n u a l Co u n ts 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Manual Turning movement counts were taken at 50 intersections within the study corridor; 22 in Westchester County and 28 in Rockland County and are shown in Figures 2-2 and 2-3 for Rockland and Westchester Counties, respectively. All manual turning movement counts were taken on one midweek day during the same week that the ATR’s were collecting data. A complete set of all data sheets showing the volume for each movement can be found in Appendix A. All possible movements (including left turns, right turns and through movements were counted for the three hour (6:00 AM to 9:00 AM) peak morning period and three hour (4:00 PM to 7:00 PM) peak evening period. At least two people were assigned to each intersection to maximize the assurance of accuracy. Counting was done continuously for the three hour peak periods in the morning and afternoon and recorded in fifteen minute intervals. Information on the intersections and peak hour volume at each one is provided in Appendix A. 169 2-6 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 170 171 172 173 Figure 2-2: Traffic Count Locations – Rockland County 174 175 Analysis Methodology 2-7 176 Figure 2-3 Traffic Count Locations – Westchester County 177 178 2-8 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 179 180 181 182 183 184 Figure 2-4 Mainline Traffic Volumes (2005) – Rockland County Analysis Methodology 2-9 185 186 187 188 189 Figure 2-5 Mainline Traffic Volumes (2005) Westchester County 2-10 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic Tra ffic S ig n a ls 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 Traffic signal timing and phasing data was collected from the various agencies, for all signalized intersections within the study area. Signal timing consists of the cycle length and the splits. The cycle length is a complete sequence of signal indications: it is the total time it takes for any approach to go from start of green through the green sequence, the yellow clearance sequence and the red sequence including the all red part of the clearance. The splits are the specific amounts of time given to each of the sequences, for example, 25 seconds of green, 3 seconds of yellow, and 32 seconds of red (including 2 seconds of all red) for a total of a 60 second cycle length. The phasing is the order of display of the sequences determining which movements are permitted at which times. For example, Main Street left through and right turns, Main Street clearance, Side Street left, through and right turns and finally Side Street clearance. The final piece of signal timing information needed to be collected was the offsets. That is the successive difference in time along the main street between the start of the green phases. For example, intersection Y turns green 6 seconds after intersection X and intersection Z turns green 8 seconds after that. 203 204 205 206 207 The timing information was collected for 419 signals, 140 in Rockland County and 279 in Westchester County. For most of the signals, the timing details were supplied by the agency or authority responsible for the operation of the signal. In some cases, it was necessary to go into the field and collect the information by hand. This signal data was inputted into the Paramics sub-regional model to produce the traffic analysis. This will be described in detail later in this chapter. Cla s s ific a tio n Co u n ts 208 209 210 211 Classification refers to the different types of vehicles that make up the traffic flow on the streets and highways. For the purposes of this study, five classifications were used: passenger vehicle (included cars, vans and SUVs), busses, motorcycles, medium trucks (trucks with no more than three axels and/or six tires) and heavy trucks (trucks with more than three axels and six tires). 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 Manual classification counts of the above noted classes of vehicles were collected at a total of 28 locations on one day within the same time period that the manual counts and the ATRs were collected. They were taken in all directions at 10 of the 27 intersections and in both directions at the three I-87/I-287 mainline locations (eastbound only at Loc# 287) in Rockland County (see Table 2-3). In addition, it will be possible to get classification information from the permanent count stations in Rockland County. In Westchester County, manual classification counts were taken in all directions at ten of the 22 intersections and in both directions at all five count locations along I-287 (westbound only at Loc# 148) (see Table 24). By knowing the percentage of large vehicles (trucks, buses and RVs), and being able, to better describe the traffic stream, it will allow us to be more confident in our calculations of the LOSs at the various intersections, and mainline sections. A complete set of all data sheets showing the five classifications for each location monitored can be found in Appendix A. 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 The counts were estimated at locations where counts were not available (synthetic counts). This was necessary to establish a balanced set of counts with which to calibrate the model. The data used for calibration was the average of Tuesday through Thursday peak hour count volumes for the AM and PM models. The peak hours were determined from the peak hour on the mainline (7-8 AM and 4-5 PM). These peak hour counts were then seasonally adjusted using factors derived from average Tuesday – Thursday volumes for the year 2005. A factor was calculated for each month and the average count volumes were revised using the appropriate factor. 230 Analysis Methodology 2-11 231 232 233 234 Table 2-3 Classification Locations in Rockland County Location Direction S. Broadway @ Route 119 NB, SB, EB, WB Rt. 119 @ Taxter Road NB, SB, EB, WB Rt 119 @ Depressed Roadway Section Rt. 119 @ Knollwood Road Tarrytown Road @ Central Avenue White Plains Avenue @ Anderson Hill Road @ North Westchester Avenue White Plains Avenue @ South Westchester Ave Bryant Avenue @ North Street EB, WB Webb Avenue @ Westchester Avenue New York Post Rd. (Route 22 ) @ Mamaroneck Avenue NB, EB, WB Time Period NB, SB, EB, WB NB, SB, EB, WB NB, SB, WB NB, SB, EB NB, SB, EB, WB NB, SB, EB, WB Date 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 11/17/05 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:30 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 11/17/05 6:30 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 11/17/05 11/17/05 11/17/05 11/17/05 11/17/05 11/17/05 11/17/05 235 236 237 238 239 Table 2-4 Classification Locations in Westchester County Location Direction S. Broadway @ Route 119 NB, SB, EB, WB Rt. 119 @ Taxter Road NB, SB, EB, WB Rt 119 @ Depressed Roadway Section EB, WB Rt. 119 @ Knollwood Road Tarrytown Road @ Central Avenue NB, SB, EB, WB NB, SB, EB, WB White Plains Avenue @ Anderson Hill Road @ North Westchester Avenue White Plains Avenue @ South Westchester Ave NB, SB, WB NB, SB, EB Bryant Avenue @ North Street NB, SB, EB, WB Webb Avenue @ Westchester Avenue NB, EB, WB New York Post Rd. (Route 22 ) @ Mamaroneck Avenue NB, SB, EB, WB 240 2-12 Analysis Methodology Time Period Date 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 11/17/05 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:30 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:30 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 6:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 7:00 PM 11/17/05 11/17/05 1/17/05 11/17/05 11/17/05 11/17/05 11/17/05 11/17/05 Technical Report – Traffic S p e e d s a n d Tra ve l Tim e s 241 242 243 244 245 Speed and travel time data were collected along the corridor during over the years (2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010). It was observed that the variation of travel time and of speeds varied significantly, which is the case with the corridor. Therefore data was compiled over the many runs conducted and consolidated to form a travel time and speed dataset to compare to. The results of the validation effort are presented in the following segments. 2.2.2 Calibration Methodology Tra ve l De m a n d to Mic ro s im u la tio n Orig in -De s tin a tio n Co n ve rs io n 246 247 248 249 250 Microsimulation results are highly sensitive to the amount by which the demand exceeds the capacity of the facility. It is therefore vital that realistic demand forecasts be used in the analysis. The Paramics O-D matrices are derived from a post-process performed on the BPM O-D matrices known as a sub-area extraction. Figure 2-6 shows the Rockland County network within the corridor (red links), extracted from the BPM. 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 The Regional BPM trip table spans over a four hour peak period and contains 4,000 zones. The sub-area corridor extraction of the Rockland and Westchester networks also produces a subarea trip table that reduces the number of zones to the hundreds, which is more in-line with the number of Paramics zones. The subarea trip tables contain (1) external and internal zones, which refer to zones that serve as cordon points to areas outside the subarea, and (2) traffic generators and attractors within the corridor. Once the subarea is extracted, the following procedure was adopted to convert from 4-hour to hourly trip tables and also to a demand that is in line with traffic operations as opposed to travel demand. This latter step is required since travel demand models such as the BPM tends to allow traffic volumes greater than the capacity of a street, since they measure demand rather than capacity-constrained through-put. However, traffic operations models such as Paramics could fail quite quickly under these conditions, since they must address the network’s traffic impedances -- traffic lights, left turn lanes, etc. In order to adjust the origin-destination tables to more realistic traffic demands, the following outlined steps, to manually reduce forecasted demands in the study area, was adopted. 264 Input: 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 Paramics base year (one hour) trip table BPM base year (four hour) trip table (through Subarea extraction) BPM future year (four hour) trip tale (through Subarea assignment) BPM to Paramics zone equivalency table Lane capacity for links connecting external and internal simulation zones from BPM. Process: Super zones were created along the corridor to be able to effectively apply BPM growth (across alternatives) to the Paramics trip tables. A super-zone is a zone structure that contains multiple BPM and Paramics zones. 274 Analysis Methodology 2-13 275 276 277 Figure 2-6 Paramics Model Areas within Rockland County (Red Links) 2-14 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 278 279 280 281 282 The growth of traffic to nodes belonging to the same super-zone is assumed to be similar in the future. For example, the Rockland traffic simulation corridor is split into 12 super-zones (Figure 2-7) Superzone 3 contains all BPM/Paramics nodes connecting Westchester (Figure 2-8). Super- zone 9 contains BPM/Paramics nodes connecting Orange through PIP. Zone 2 contains BPM/Paramics nodes connecting Orange through I287. 283 284 285 286 287 288 Figure 2-7 Paramics Super-Zones – Rockland County 289 Analysis Methodology 2-15 290 291 292 Figure 2-8 Paramics Super-Zones – Westchester County 293 294 295 296 297 2-16 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 298 299 Growth Calculation: the absolute growth between BPM nodes (AB_BPM = ‘Future year trips from Node B to Node A’ minus ‘Base year trips from Node B to Node A’) 300 301 302 303 The BPM absolute growth is added to the Paramics base year one hour trip table. For example, BPM zone A corresponds to Paramics nodes a, b, and c; BPM zone B corresponds to Paramics nodes d, and e. Let’s say AB_BPM=350. And base year Paramics trips from a, b, c to d and e are 30, 20, 0, 30, 0, 20 respectively. The allocation of these new trips was performed as indicated in Table 2-5: 304 305 Table 2-5 BPM-Paramics Allocation of Trips BPM From A To B Base 400 Future 750 Total New Trips 350 From To a a b b d e d e Paramics Base % Trips weight 30/100 30 20/100 20 0/100 30/100 30 c c d e 0/100 20/100 20 100 100% New Trips 105 70 0 105 Future Trips 135 90 0 135 0 70 350 0 90 450 306 307 308 309 In this example, there are 20 base year trips from a to e in Paramics, which corresponds to 20 percent of trips from A to B based on the Paramics trip table. Therefore, 20 percent of future new trips will be assigned from a to e. 310 311 312 Up to this point, the future Paramics trips generated are 4-hour trips, which need to be converted to 1-hour trips. The conversion is done by multiplying the result from the above process by a conversion factor. The formula for conversion factor is as below: 313 314 315 Where is conversion factor for trips from super-zone to super-zone ; is the aggregated base year Paramics trips from super-zone to super-zone ; is aggregated base year BPM trips from super-zone to super-zone . 316 317 The 4-hour Paramics future trips were then multiplied by the conversion factor to obtain a 1-hour trip. This result was then further adjusted to reflect highway capacity constraints. 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 Initial Paramics runs of the network showed a number of locations where unable enter the network from the origin zone, indicating a capacity constraint on the entering links. A combination of capacity constraints and diversions where available were used to enable the broader network to absorb the higher future demand volumes. Therefore, external trips entering the corridor at such locations were constrained to the capacity of the link used to enter that section of the corridor. Where possible, further manual adjustments to traffic assignment were made based on engineering judgment and local knowledge of the traffic conditions in the area. For example, some of the New Jersey bound traffic heading south on I-87 (Thruway in Rockland County) were diverted onto Route 17. Analysis Methodology 2-17 Ge o m e tric En h a n c e m e n ts 326 327 328 To meet the requirements of such a complex model, it is important to represent the real world geometric conditions and attributes of the network. These can be separated in the Paramics framework as node attributes and link attributes. 329 330 331 332 333 334 Before the improvements to the node attributes were started it was important to enhance the node skeleton structure (the number of nodes and their geographical location) so that the proper street network including curves, ramps and complex lane configurations could be modeled. With the appropriate number of nodes and location of those nodes the link curves and attributes were modified to correctly represent the real world conditions. This was done by using data provided by aerial photography, network curb line geometric data, and field site visits. 335 The link attributes were modified in the following order: 336 337 338 339 340 1. 2. 3. 4. Number of lanes. Posted speeds. Classification (Highway, Urban Major, Urban Minor). Match up curvature to CADD file data. 341 342 343 344 345 346 A set of categories were set up in Paramics to help correctly identify and classify the streets based on the number of lanes, speed and classification of the streets. With the proper classification of the links, the routing of vehicles in the model is a better representation of the real world paths. Next each link’s curb points were adjusted to best fit the curves and curbs from the aerial photography and an AutoCAD drawing. The importance of matching these points was prioritized with areas outside the half mile area from the main routes getting less attention to detail. 347 348 349 350 351 Following the completion of the geometric changes to the network links, the node attributes could be improved. These improvements included the correct coding of the signal timings, lane utilization (auxiliary lanes, ramps, turn bays, etc.), improved stop line locations including stacked left turns. It was important to make minor adjustments to intersection signal timings to insure that the correct capacity was being given for each intersection and that artificial choke points in the network were not created. 352 353 354 355 With the nodes and links properly coded, a check of the network calibration was performed to check that the enhancements had been correctly entered and that the zone to zone vehicle routes based on the Paramics costs made sense. To adjust certain routes some localized link cost factors were added to the network. Ca lib ra tio n Ta rge ts 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 The objective of the model calibration is to insure a reasonable correlation between observed data and the modeled traffic conditions. In order to complete this task, a set of calibration targets needed to be set. The targets chosen were based on the FHWA “Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software”, and from previous studies conducted by Wisconsin DOT. It should be noted that these are only guidelines. The major parameters that were validated against observed data included the following: Modeled volumes 2-18 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 Travel Times/Speeds Bottlenecks/Queuing The most rigorous validation criterion is the comparison of modeled and observed volumes. When the modeled values are compared against the observed targets at the same location, the difference between these numbers must be within an acceptable tolerance. Typically percent difference has been used to calculate the acceptable tolerance but since percent difference does not account for the relative importance of high vehicle counts (for example percent difference of 10 percent for a volume of 50 vehicles is 5 vehicles and for 5000 vehicles is 500), the tolerance level is determined by the GEH statistic. The GEH statistic is calculated using the following equation: GEH Statistic: 373 Where: M = Modeled Flow (vehicles / hour) 374 C = Observed Flow (vehicles / hour) 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 Using the WISDOT and FHWA adopted criteria, 85 percent of the individual critical links in the model must have a GEH of 5 or less. For this study’s purpose the critical links were identified as the mainline and interchange ramp count locations. As shown in Rockland County and Westchester county calibration sections of the document the model was able to meet the criteria. Key arterial and local street counts were identified as secondary locations and although the validation of these locations was not required they are presented as part of the calibration. It should be noted that for many of the existing and previous large scale micro-simulation models within the five boroughs and other urban regions a target of 85 percent of GEH of 5 or less is rarely met and that criteria is often lowered. 383 384 385 386 Speeds and travel times were matched as closely as possible and the results of the comparison are presented in the sections below. Another validation measure that was compared with the travel demand model, which served as a reference was overall distribution of trips. Visual inspection of traffic speedflow relationships and queuing along the corridor serve as an effective auditing tool. 2.2.3 Rockland County Calibration 387 The Rockland County subarea is shown in Figure 2-9. 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 On comparing the modeled results with the observed count data, it was determined that the Rockland mainline modeled volume GEH results were well within FHWA guidelines. A sizeable number of Route 59 locations were within a GEH of 5, as seen in the tables below. The projected vs. observed ratios on the crossroads leading up to Route 59 indicate that the difference between modeled and count volumes are substantially different in most locations. However, the magnitude of these volumes is small compared to the mainline and Route 59. Table 2-6 illustrates the level of calibration on the mainlines, as well Route 59. Comparisons of volumes are shown in the appendix. 395 Analysis Methodology 2-19 396 Tappan Zee Bridge 397 398 399 400 Figure 2-9 Rockland County Subarea Boundary and Network 2-20 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 401 402 Table 2-6 GEH Aggregate Statistics – Rockland County GEH No. of Locations Percentage <5 5 < x < 10 26 1 96% 4% x > 10 0 0% <5 5 56% 5 < x < 10 4 44% x > 10 0 0% <5 3 33% 5 < x < 10 4 44% x > 10 2 22% <5 22 85% 5 < x < 10 3 12% x > 10 1 4% <5 5 71% 5 < x < 10 2 29% x > 10 0 0% <5 23 85% 5 < x < 10 4 15% x > 10 0 0% <5 6 86% 5 < x < 10 0 0% x > 10 1 14% <5 4 40% 5 < x < 10 4 40% x > 10 2 20% <5 24 92% 5 < x < 10 2 8% x > 10 0 0% <5 4 57% 5 < x < 10 3 43% x > 10 0 0% Eastbound AM EB I 287 EB Rt 59 Intersections At Rt 59 Westbound AM WB I 287 Rt 59 WB Eastbound PM EB I 287 EB Rt 59 At Rt 59 Westbound PM WB I 287 Rt 59 WB 403 404 Analysis Methodology 2-21 2.2.4 Westchester County Calibration 405 The Westchester County subarea is shown in Figure 2-10. 406 407 408 Figure 2-10 Westchester County Subarea Boundary and Network 409 410 411 412 413 On comparing the modeled results with the observed count data, it was determined that the Westchester mainline modeled volume GEH results were well within FHWA guidelines, as shown in the tables below. Although not to the same degree the route 119 and local counts were also seen to show a satisfactory level of comparison with the observed counts. Table 2-7 illustrates the level of calibration on the mainlines, as well as along Route 119. Comparisons of volumes are shown in Appendix A. 414 . 415 416 2-22 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 417 418 Table 2-7 GEH Aggregate Statistics – Westchester County 419 Eastbound AM 420 I-287 Overall GEH Statistics 421 GEH < 5 77.0 5 < GEH < 10 10.0 GEH > 10 1.0 GEH < 5 (Percent) 88% 5 < GEH < 10(Percent) 11% GEH > 10(Percent) 1% Route 119 Overall GEH Statistics <5 27 5 < x < 10 6 x > 10 4 I - 287 EB: 422 423 x<5 73% 5 < x < 10 16% x > 10 11% Westbound AM I - 287 Overall GEH Statistics GEH < 5 40.0 5 < GEH < 10 4.0 GEH > 10 1.0 GEH < 5 (Percent) 89% 5 < GEH < 10(Percent) 9% GEH > 10(Percent) 2% 424 425 Analysis Methodology 2-23 426 427 428 Table 2-7 (con’t) GEH Aggregate Statistics – Westchester County Route 119 Overall GEH Statistics <5 15 5 < x < 10 1 x > 10 1 I - 287 EB: x<5 88% 5 < x < 10 6% x > 10 6% 429 Eastbound PM 430 I-287 EB GEH Statistics 431 GEH < 5 39.0 5 < GEH < 10 2.0 GEH > 10 2.0 GEH < 5 (Percent) 91% 5 < GEH < 10(Percent) 5% GEH > 10(Percent) 5% Route 119 Overall GEH Statistics <5 17 5 < x < 10 6 x > 10 0 I - 287 EB: (Percentages) x<5 74% 5 < x < 10 26% x > 10 432 2-24 Analysis Methodology 0% Technical Report – Traffic 433 434 435 436 Table 2-7 (con’t) GEH Aggregate Statistics – Westchester County Westbound PM GEH < 5 40.0 5 < GEH < 10 0.0 GEH > 10 4.0 GEH < 5 (Percent) 91% 5 < GEH < 10(Percent) 0% GEH > 10(Percent) 9% Route 119 Overall GEH Statistics <5 13 5 < x < 10 1 x > 10 2 I - 287 EB: (Percentages) x<5 81% 5 < x < 10 6% x > 10 13% 437 Analysis Methodology 2-25 2.2.5 Speed and Travel Time Validation Ro c kla n d Co u n ty 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 In comparing the EB and WB travel times and speeds for the mainline Rockland models the results were deemed to be satisfactory. It should be noted that variations between the observed and model results were deemed acceptable do to the daily variation in the area. Further the 2010 no build models were further refined to represent the present day bottlenecks and queuing. Table 2-8 illustrate the level of calibration on the mainlines for the travel times and speeds in Rockland County. No observed data was available for the local street speeds and travel times hence the validation was done on a visual basis, from that process the speeds, queues and overall operations of Route 59 were deemed to be satisfactory. Table 2-8 Travel Time and Speed Calibration – Rockland County Int of 87 & 287 Dist N Airmont Road Viaduct Travel Time Speed Observed Model Observed Model 2.34 0:01:57 0:01:57 71.8 67.8 GSP Overbridge 4.11 0:03:36 0:03:49 68.4 65 N. Palisades Overpass Dr 4.49 0:07:01 0:04:52 38.4 57 West Abutment 2.89 0:03:46 0:03:39 46 48.9 Before Toll Plaza 2.9 0:04:39 0:03:47 37.4 48.2 West Abutment Dist Eastbound Int 12 Travel Time Speed Observed Model Observed Model Westbound Int 13 Mountainview Ave overpass Palisades park overpass 1.76 0:01:54 0:01:53 55.6 56 3.01 0:02:55 0:03:14 61.9 56.1 GSP Overbridge 2.58 0:04:36 0:02:49 33.7 56.9 N Airmont Road Viaduct 4.1 0:03:39 0:03:36 67.4 66.6 Int of 87 & 287 2.32 0:02:08 0:02:02 65.3 69 445 446 We s tc he s te r Co u n ty 447 448 449 450 451 452 On comparing the speeds and travel time results for the AM and PM Westchester existing models the models results were seen to be a good representation of the obsvered data. Table 2-9 illustrates the level of calibration on the mainlines for the travel times and speeds. No observed data was available for the local street speeds and travel times hence the validation was done on a visual basis, from that process the speeds, queues and overall operations of Route 119 and Westchester Boulevard were deemed to be satisfactory. 453 2-26 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 454 455 Table 2-9 Travel Time and Speed Calibration – Westchester County AM I-287 Eastbound AM Peak Travel Time (Minutes) Observed Segment No. 2009 2010 Distance (Miles) 2006 (Dec 16) (Jan 14) AM Peak Speed (mph) Model Observed Estimated 2009 2010 Model 2006 (Dec 16) (Jan 14) Estimated 1 To Exit 8 (to Exit 9 (to NYS Thruway) US-9) 1.06 0:01:51 0:01:04 0:01:02 0:01:18 34.4 59.5 61.3 45 2 Exit 8 (to NYS Exit 3 (to Thruway) SBP) 1.38 0:06:26 0:05:35 0:01:30 0:01:31 12.9 14.8 55.4 52.1 3 Exit 3 (to Exit 5 (to SBP) NY-119) 0.64 0:01:47 0:02:12 0:01:16 0:00:51 21.4 17.3 30 35.2 4 Exit 5 (to Exit 6 (to NY-119) NY-22) 1.85 0:02:31 0:03:34 0:02:48 0:02:22 44 31 39.6 48.3 1.52 0:01:58 0:02:46 0:03:30 0:01:46 46.4 32.9 26 45.6 0:01:26 0:01:09 45.8 28.3 44.1 55.2 From 6 Exit 6 (to NY-22) Exit 8W Exit 9A (to I684) Exit 8W 1.05 0:01:23 0:02:14 7 Exit 9A (to I- Exit 9S/N 684) (to HRP) 0.91 0:01:01 0:00:49 0:01:09 54 66.6 56.1 8 Exit 9S/N Exit 10 (to (to HRP) NY-120) 1.3 0:01:14 0:01:10 0:01:20 63.7 67.4 57.6 9 Exit 10 (to Exit 11 (to US-1) NY-120) 1.82 0:01:44 0:01:29 0:01:55 63.1 73.5 56.8 5 AM I-287 Westbound AM Peak Travel Time (Minutes) Observed Segment No. 2009 2010 (Jan 14) Distance (Miles) 2006 (Dec 16) AM Peak Speed (mph) Model Observed Model Estimated 2009 Estimated 2006 (Dec 16) 1 To From Exit 12 (to I- Exit 10 (to 95S) NY-120) 1.32 0:01:13 0:01:11 0:01:24 64.5 66.3 57.1 2 Exit 10 (to Exit 9N/S NY-120) (to HRP) 0.93 0:00:52 0:00:50 0:00:59 64 67.1 56.7 3 Exit 9N/S Exit 9A (to I(to HRP) 684) 1.42 0:01:20 0:01:16 0:01:32 63.8 67.1 56.2 4 Exit 8 (to Exit 9A (to I- Westchest er Ave) 684) 0.98 0:01:07 0:00:57 0:01:05 52.6 61.5 55.1 5 Exit 8 (to Westchest Exit 6 (to er Ave) NY-22) 1.75 0:02:04 0:01:48 0:02:45 51 58.4 51.4 6 Exit 6 (to Exit 5 (to NY-22) NY-100) 1.14 0:01:11 0:01:12 0:01:18 58.3 57.4 53 7 Exit 5 (to Exit 3 (to NY-100) SBP) 1.43 0:01:27 0:01:19 0:01:37 59.2 65.3 54.4 8 Exit 3 (to Exit 1 (to SBP) NY-119) 1 0:00:59 0:00:54 0:01:11 61.8 66.8 53 9 Exit 1 (to Exit 9 (to NY-119) US-9) 1.68 0:01:36 0:01:35 0:01:50 62.6 63.7 56.1 456 457 Analysis Methodology 2-27 458 459 Table 2-9 (con’t) Travel Time and Speed Calibration – Westchester County AM I-287 Eastbound AM Peak Travel Time (Minutes) Observed Segment No. 2009 2010 Distance (Miles) 2006 (Dec 16) (Jan 14) AM Peak Speed (mph) Model Observed Estimated 2009 2010 Model 2006 (Dec 16) (Jan 14) Estimated 1 To Exit 8 (to Exit 9 (to NYS Thruway) US-9) 1.06 0:01:51 0:01:04 0:01:02 0:01:18 34.4 59.5 61.3 45 2 Exit 8 (to NYS Exit 3 (to Thruway) SBP) 1.38 0:06:26 0:05:35 0:01:30 0:01:31 12.9 14.8 55.4 52.1 3 Exit 3 (to Exit 5 (to SBP) NY-119) 0.64 0:01:47 0:02:12 0:01:16 0:00:51 21.4 17.3 30 35.2 4 Exit 5 (to Exit 6 (to NY-119) NY-22) 1.85 0:02:31 0:03:34 0:02:48 0:02:22 44 31 39.6 48.3 1.52 0:01:58 0:02:46 0:03:30 0:01:46 46.4 32.9 26 45.6 0:01:26 0:01:09 45.8 28.3 44.1 55.2 From 6 Exit 6 (to NY-22) Exit 8W Exit 9A (to I684) Exit 8W 1.05 0:01:23 0:02:14 7 Exit 9A (to I- Exit 9S/N 684) (to HRP) 0.91 0:01:01 0:00:49 0:01:09 54 66.6 56.1 8 Exit 9S/N Exit 10 (to (to HRP) NY-120) 1.3 0:01:14 0:01:10 0:01:20 63.7 67.4 57.6 9 Exit 10 (to Exit 11 (to US-1) NY-120) 1.82 0:01:44 0:01:29 0:01:55 63.1 73.5 56.8 5 AM I-287 Westbound AM Peak Travel Time (Minutes) Observed Segment No. 2009 2010 (Jan 14) Distance (Miles) 2006 (Dec 16) AM Peak Speed (mph) Model Observed Model Estimated 2009 Estimated 2006 (Dec 16) 1 To From Exit 12 (to I- Exit 10 (to 95S) NY-120) 1.32 0:01:13 0:01:11 0:01:24 64.5 66.3 57.1 2 Exit 10 (to Exit 9N/S NY-120) (to HRP) 0.93 0:00:52 0:00:50 0:00:59 64 67.1 56.7 3 Exit 9N/S Exit 9A (to I(to HRP) 684) 1.42 0:01:20 0:01:16 0:01:32 63.8 67.1 56.2 4 Exit 8 (to Exit 9A (to I- Westchest er Ave) 684) 0.98 0:01:07 0:00:57 0:01:05 52.6 61.5 55.1 5 Exit 8 (to Westchest Exit 6 (to er Ave) NY-22) 1.75 0:02:04 0:01:48 0:02:45 51 58.4 51.4 6 Exit 6 (to Exit 5 (to NY-22) NY-100) 1.14 0:01:11 0:01:12 0:01:18 58.3 57.4 53 7 Exit 5 (to Exit 3 (to NY-100) SBP) 1.43 0:01:27 0:01:19 0:01:37 59.2 65.3 54.4 8 Exit 3 (to Exit 1 (to SBP) NY-119) 1 0:00:59 0:00:54 0:01:11 61.8 66.8 53 9 Exit 1 (to Exit 9 (to NY-119) US-9) 1.68 0:01:36 0:01:35 0:01:50 62.6 63.7 56.1 2-28 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 2.2.6 Calibration Conclusions 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 When validating models as large and congested as the Westchester and Rockland models it is important to remember that the guidelines are just that guidelines and not steadfast rules. Following these guidelines and professional judgments both the Rockland and Westchester AM and PM models were found to be validated for the key areas and capable of being a good tool to compare the No Build scenarios with the various analysis scenarios. As some minor differences were found and the first analysis year was set to 2010 some minor changes were made between the 2005 and 2010 models to insure the 2010 model better represented the correct bottlenecks. These changes included but were not limited the following: A better representation of EB and WB congestion on the mainline around interchange 11; A more accurate representation of traffic thru white plains; Improved toll plaza modeling of the EB toll plaza on the Tappan Zee Bridge; and A better correlation between the bridge volumes in the Rockland and Westchester models. With these improvements the validation both on a quantitative and qualitative sense was seen to be complete and within applicable good-practice guidelines. Analysis Methodology 2-29 476 477 2-30 Analysis Methodology Technical Report – Traffic 3 Traffic Analyses Results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3.1 In tro d u c tio n The calibrated Paramics model was refined to include programmed improvements within the Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor and planned DEIS improvements as applicable. Trip tables for each scenario were obtained from individual BPM runs. The trip tables were further adjusted to account for the possible rerouting of trips on parallel roadways, or peak spreading in the future when projected demands exceed hourly capacities. The adjusted trip tables were assigned to the respective Paramics networks and further network adjustments were made to the networks in order to prevent the network from breaking down. A breakdown constitutes unrealistic conditions such as complete gridlock caused by excessive backups, resulting in rerouting choices that would lead to breakdown of the network. In most cases, the simulation does not run through the entire period and will not produce a complete set of results. 3.1.1 Analysis Years and Periods 12 Traffic analyses were completed for the following periods and scenarios: 13 2010 – Existing Conditions 14 2017 – Estimated Time of Completion (ETC) Year of highway and bridge elements 15 16 2047 – ETC+30 – Design year for highway/bridge elements and year by which transit elements are expected to be online 17 All model runs were carried out for the AM (7 to 8) and PM (4 to 5) weekday peak hours. 18 3.2 Exis tin g Hig h wa y Vo lu m e a n d S p e e d Co n d itio n s 19 20 21 22 The 2010 existing conditions models were seen as the best representation of current real world traffic conditions and included a few modifications between the 2005 and 2010 models. These modifications were listed in Chapter 2 of this report as part of the validation/calibration process. 3.2.1 Detailed Highway Volume and Speed Conditions 23 24 25 26 27 The first four graphs in this section show the sectional link volumes and link speeds in the peak period/directions for Rockland County. As shown in Figure 3-1, the AM period in the eastbound direction (the AM peak direction) shows a steady increase in volume in the last section as vehicles approach the bridge. The speed data show that in the eastbound AM peak hour signs of congestion primarily occur around Interchange 13 and Interchange 11. The PM peak hour Traffic Analyses Results 3-1 Int 15 - Int 14B 14B off Ramp 14B Off- to On-Ramp 14B On Ramp Mainline 14B - 14A 14A Off Ramp 14A Off to On Ramp 14A On Ramp Old Nyack Pkwy On Ramp 14 Off Ramp 14 Off to On Ramp 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP 13 Off (SB PIP) - On (SB PIP) Weave: 13 On (SB PIP) - 13 Off (NB PIP) 13 Off (NB PIP) - 13 On (NB PIP) 13 On (NB PIP) Mainline 13 - 12 12 Off ramp 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp 11 Off - 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline 11 - 10 10 On Ramp Bridge to 1 mile from Plaza 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 28 29 30 31 Existing (2010) Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 5,494 4,640 3,657 1 2 67 3 4 5 4,096 6 7 3-2 Traffic Analyses Results 8 69 59 60 44 58 55 Figure 3-1 Existing (2010) Eastbound AM – Rockland County 7,229 6,258 5,041 4,306 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2010 Existing (2010) Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 65 59 56 44 Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 westbound direction data (the PM peak direction) in Figure 3-2 show a significant drop in speeds around Interchange 11 and also show a substantial drop in speeds around Interchange 13 (weave-merge area). The next four graphs show the equivalent link volumes and speeds in the peak directions for Westchester County (Figures 3-3 and 3-4 for Eastbound AM and Westbound PM, respectively). The highway in Westchester is a complex system of closely spaced on and off ramps, which causes the “saw tooth” pattern of volumes and (especially) speeds in that area. While there are no substantial operational problems, these speed and volume fluctuations show the somewhat unstable traffic flows in this segment. The detailed volume and speed data used to generate these charts are included in Appendix C. 3.2.2 Volumes and Speeds by Segment 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 To better understand and analyze existing and future traffic conditions along the highway, the eastbound and westbound directions were broken down into separate analyses sections to allow the analyst and the reader to focus on speeds and volumes in key segments and effectively smooth out the very detailed speed/volume data presented in the charts presented above and the equivalent tabular data in Appendix C. Figure 3-5 shows the selected segments defined for the highway in Rockland and Westchester while Tables 3-1 and 3-2 show the travel time and person miles of travel (length of segment x average volumes over segment x vehicle occupancy) for these segments for eastbound and westbound conditions in the AM and PM peak hours in Rockland and Westchester Counties, respectively. The data in these tables also present a “mobility index” that measures how well as segment is moving people under peak traffic conditions, based on a ratio of person miles of travel to travel time (in minutes) over that segment. A given segment’s ratio is best observed in terms of how it changes over time (e.g., 2017 vs. 2047) or under different scenarios (e.g., No Build vs. build). An increase in the ratio means that the segment in question is moving greater amounts of persons with minimal increase (or possibly a decrease) in travel time. This is discussed further under the No Build and build analyses in this report. 3.2.3 Intersection Conditions 58 59 60 61 62 Detailed traffic studies were performed at approximately 60 locations across Rockland and Westchester Counties. The information regarding volumes and Levels of Service (LOS) under Existing (2010) conditions and detailed intersection analysis results for Existing Conditions are included in Appendix C of this report. Traffic Analyses Results 3-3 Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 10 Off Ramp Between 10 off and on 10 on ramp 11 off ramp Between 11 off -11 on 11 on ramp 12 off ramp Between 12 off and on 12 On Between 12 and 13 13 off to NB PIP 13 Off (NB PIP) - 13 On (NB PIP) 13 On (NB PIP) - 13 Off (SB PIP) 13 Off (SB PIP) - 13 On (SB PIP) 13 On from SB PIP Between 13 and 14 14 Off ramp Between 14 off and 14 on 14 On to 14A off 14 A On Between 14A and 14B 14 B off Between 14 B off - 14 B on 14 B on Between 14 B and 15 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 63 64 65 66 Existing (2010) Westbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 6,556 5,424 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3-4 Traffic Analyses Results 5,484 4,165 8 59 54 5,691 4,088 4,466 64 66 Figure 3-2 Existing (2010) Westbound PM – Rockland County 4,061 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Existing (2010) Westbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 68 54 34 16 TP to Exit 9 Int 9 on ramp Int 9 - Int 8 Int. 8 Off Int 8 off - Int 8 On Int 8 on ramp Int 8 - Int 1 Int 1 on ramp Int 1 - Int 2 Weaving: Int 2 on - Int 3 off Int. 3 off - Int. 3 on Int 3 on SB ramp Weaving: Int 3 on (NB) - Int 4 off Int 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on Ramp Int 4 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int. 5 off - Int 5 on Int 5 on ramp Int 5 - Int 6 Int 6 off ramp Int 6 off - Int. 6 on Int 6 on ramp Int. 6 - Int 7 Int 7 on ramp Int 8W off ramp Int 8E off ramp Int 8E - Int 8 East of Int. 8 Int 8 on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - 9A on Int 9 A on ramp Int 9S off ramp Int 9S off - 9N on Int 9N on ramp Int 10 off ramp Int 10 - Int 11 Int 11 off ramp Int 12 off ramp Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 7,000 6,500 75 70 35 30 68 69 70 Existing (2010) Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 6,504 6,000 5,500 5,501 5,000 4,716 4,000 3,000 2,500 2,980 60 60 55 45 40 4,743 4,500 3,992 4,409 3,500 3,726 3,784 2,578 3,136 65 60 56 50 2,891 2,000 1,859 1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Existing (2010) Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 63 61 57 54 56 47 51 43 36 32 25 67 Figure 3-3 Existing (2010) Eastbound AM – Westchester County Traffic Analyses Results 3-5 Int. 12 on ramp Int 11 on ramp Int 11 - Int 10 Int 10 off ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 9N off ramp Int 9N - Int 9S Int 9S on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - Int 9A on Weaving: Int 9A on - Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 8W on West of Int. 8W West of Int. 8W Weaving: Int 8W on - Int. 7 off Int 7 - Int 6 Int 6 off ramp Int 6 on ramp Int 6 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int 5 off - Int. 5 on Int. 5 on ramp Int 4 off ramp Int. 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on ramp Int 3 off ramp Int. 3 off - Int 3 on Weaving: Int 3 on - Int 2 off Int. 2 off - Int. 2 on Int 2 on ramp Int 1 off Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 1 on Int 1 on ramp Int 8 on ramp Int. 8 - Int 9 Int 9 off ramp Int 9 off - Int 9 on Int 9 on ramp Int 9 on - South Broadway on South Broadway on 7,000 6,500 2,500 2,000 75 60 50 72 73 74 Existing (2010) Westbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,525 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,761 2,437 59 60 55 45 49 46 40 3-6 Traffic Analyses Results 4,393 3,848 3,264 3,009 2,424 Existing (2010) Westbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 61 59 42 58 53 57 53 35 71 Figure 3-4 Existing (2010) Westbound PM – Westchester County 4,595 3,690 3,047 2,405 1,500 1,884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 75 70 65 57 54 47 44 30 34 25 Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic Mobility Analysis Segments: Rockland County Tappan Zee Bridge Int. 15 Int. 14B Int. 14A Int. 14 Int. 11 Int. 13 Middle of TZB 75 Mobility Analysis Segments: Westchester County Tappan Zee Bridge TZB – Toll Plaza 76 77 78 79 Int. 8 Int. 2 Int. 4 Int. 6 Int. 8 Int. 9N Int. 12 Figure 3-5 Mobility Analysis Segments Traffic Analyses Results 3-7 Table 3-1 Person Miles of Travel, Travel Time (Minutes) and Mobility Indices for Eastbound and Westbound 1 Highway Segments: Westchester County - AM and PM Peak Periods, Existing (2010) AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Westchester Eastbound Length Travel Time PMT Mobility Index Travel Time PMT Mobility Index Toll Plaza to Exit 8 Exit 8 to 2 On Ramp 2 On Ramp to 4 On Ramp 4 On Ramp to 6 On Ramp 6 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 8 On Ramp to 9N On Ramp 9N On Ramp to 12 Off Ramp 1.1 1.6 1.2 2.0 1.8 2.4 2.1 1.5 1.7 1.5 2.2 2.0 2.4 2.2 7,662 6,672 5,415 10,064 8,333 8,864 5,969 5.3 3.8 3.7 4.6 4.2 3.6 2.7 1.3 1.6 1.4 2.1 2.0 2.4 2.2 5,261 5,213 6,239 10,657 8,405 7,098 5,550 4.2 3.2 4.4 5.1 4.3 2.9 2.5 Toll Plaza to Int. 12 Off Ramp 12.2 13.4 52,981 3.9 13.0 48,423 3.7 AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Westchester Westbound Length Travel Time PMT Mobility Index Travel Time 12 On Ramp to 9N Off Ramp 9N Off Ramp to 8 Off Ramp 8 Off Ramp to 6 On Ramp 6 On Ramp to 4 Off Ramp 4 Off Ramp to 2 On Ramp 2 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 2.2 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.5 0.9 2.3 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.7 1.1 4,893 6,283 5,446 4,316 4,277 1,894 2.1 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.5 1.8 2.3 2.6 2.3 1.9 1.7 1.1 8 On Ramp to Bridge 2.1 2.1 6,476 3.0 2.2 PMT Mobility Index 7,425 8,076 7,769 6,845 5,292 2,552 11,220 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.7 3.1 2.4 12 ON Ramp to Bridge 12.9 13.8 33,585 2.4 14.0 49,178 1 Mobility Index is based on ratio of person-miles of travel and travel time for each segment. Source: NYSDOT 3.5 80 81 82 3-8 Traffic Analyses Results 5.1 Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic Table 3-2 Person Miles of Travel, Travel Time (Minutes) and Mobility Indices for Eastbound and Westbound Highway 1 Segments: Rockland County - AM and PM Peak Periods, Existing (2010) AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Rockland Eastbound Length Travel Time PMT Mobility Index Travel Time PMT Mobility Index 15 On Ramp to 14 B On Ramp 2.6 2.3 13,867 6.0 2.3 7,973 3.5 14B On to 14A Off Ramp 3.1 3.0 17,209 5.8 2.9 11,549 4.0 14A Off Ramp to 14 On Ramp 1.5 1.6 8,764 5.5 1.6 7,243 4.6 14 On Ramp to 13 On Ramp from NB PIP 1.9 2.2 12,873 5.8 2.2 10,193 4.7 13 On Ramp from NB PIP to 11 On Ramp 2.6 2.9 15,654 5.3 2.7 11,162 4.1 11 On Ramp to Middle of bridge 3.7 3.8 29,940 7.8 3.8 16,663 4.4 15 On Ramp to Middle of bridge 15.6 15.8 98,308 6.2 15.4 64,784 4.2 AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Rockland Westbound Length Travel Time PMT Mobility Index Travel Time PMT Mobility Index Middle of Bridge to 11 Off Ramp 4.4 4.6 20,674 4.5 6.7 32,938 4.9 11 Off Ramp to 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP 2.8 3.4 14,338 4.3 3.5 18,243 5.2 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP to 14 Off Ramp 1.9 1.9 9,202 4.9 1.9 10,292 5.5 14 Off Ramp to 14 A On Ramp 1.5 1.5 6,771 4.4 1.5 8,347 5.4 14 A On Ramp to 14 B off Ramp 3.5 3.2 13,364 4.2 3.2 18,801 5.8 14 B off Ramp to 15 Off Ramp 2.4 2.1 8,034 3.8 2.1 11,172 5.2 99,793 5.3 Middle of Bridge to 15 Off Ramp 16.5 16.6 72,383 4.4 19.0 [1] Mobility Index is based on ratio of person-miles of travel and travel time for each segment. Source: NYSDOT 83 84 85 86 Traffic Analyses Results 3-9 87 3.3 No Bu ild Co n d itio n s 3.3.1 Programmed Improvements (Rockland and Westchester Counties 88 89 90 91 92 In order to properly model the 2017 and 2047 No Build conditions, the simulation modes had to reflect any planned highway or roadway improvements from the TIP. From the data provided by the various agencies the following list of committed projects were included in the 2017 and 2047 models for Rockland and Westchester Counties. Ro c kla n d Co u n ty (a s s u m e d to b e in pla c e b y 2017) 93 94 95 96 Germonds Road Palisades Interstate Parkway Ramps - Intersection reconstruction Route 306@ Maple Avenue- Right turn lanes College Road @ High view Road Left turn lanes We s tc h e s te r Co u n ty (a s s u m e d to b e in p la c e b y 2017) 97 98 99 100 Project 872966: NYSDOT - I-287/CWE Exit 8E/Westchester Avenue: Improve interchange per Westchester Avenue Study Recommendations. Coordination with pin 8729.30 design for implementation with CWE Stage 4. City of White Plains. 3.3.2 Analysis Assumptions 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Throughout the modeling process a number of assumptions were made for the 2017 and 2047 No Build networks these assumptions are as follows: The EB bridge volumes would be controlled by the Rockland models and the WB bridge volumes would be controlled by the Westchester models. This allowed for the conditions in the key directions to dictate, based on capacity, the demand entering Rockland and Westchester from the bridge. This eliminated any issues that would be caused by the lack of capacity or peak hour constraining on the BPM demand results. Traffic signals were fine tuned to insure that signal timing was not the cause of unrealistic congestion. No new technologies for the toll plaza would be applied and that under the NB conditions the plaza would remain the same with a similar configuration and wait times. TIP projects were added to the models based on the latest available information and plans. Rockland EB entering demand west of interchange 15 was capped to represent the capacity constraints of I-87. 3-10 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 3.3.3 No Build Traffic Conditions No Bu ild Vo lu m e s a nd S p e e d s – 2017 a n d 2047 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 Rockland County Rockland County Comparison of Mainline Volumes and Speeds AM Eastbound The AM Eastbound direction has also been referred to as the Peak AM direction in the Rockland model. Hence, it is not surprising that there are some significant impacts when analyzing the mainline volumes and speeds. The following bullets and following graphs (Figure 3-6) summarize the findings for the 2017 and 2047 AM eastbound trips: The 2017 results do not differ greatly from the 2010 results although a lower speed, signalizing heavier congestion was found approaching interchange 11. By 2047 there will be a significant increase in demand from the western end of the model. The 2017 and 2047 volumes from approximately interchange 13 to interchange 11 are very similar and close to the 2010 volumes. This shows that this section of the mainline is currently at capacity during the AM peak hour. The continued increase in demand in 2047 causes a significant EB breakdown, with a negative impact on the speeds starting at interchange 11 and extending back as far as interchange 14A. The Interchange 13 bottlenecking can be associated with the weaving section of this interchange. East of the Interchange 11 bottleneck speeds rise as the mainline opens up to 4 lanes and allows for more traffic to get thru. The speeds increase more in 2047 than 2017 because of the greater congestion upstream from interchange 11 in 2047 therefore chocking the traffic and resulting in a lower volume on the downstream section immediately following Interchange 11. The existing design of the Bridge Toll Plaza constraints the EB volume thru the corridor. Traffic Analyses Results 3-11 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 2017 and 2047 No-Build Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 6,273 6,112 6,203 5,813 5,597 4,748 4,875 4,597 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4,583 4,426 4,349 3,755 3,739 5,519 2017 NB 7,668 7,402 5,455 4,992 2047 NB 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2017 and 2047 No-Build Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 66 69 2017 NB 65 67 58 43 37 37 59 57 2047 NB 59 55 51 34 56 40 28 27 26 23 17 Int 15 - Int 14B 14B off Ramp 14B Off- to On-Ramp 14B On Ramp Mainline 14B - 14A 14A Off Ramp 14A Off to On Ramp 14A On Ramp Old Nyack Pkwy On Ramp 14 Off Ramp 14 Off to On Ramp 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP 13 Off (SB PIP) - On (SB PIP) Weave: 13 On (SB PIP) - 13 Off (NB PIP) 13 Off (NB PIP) - 13 On (NB PIP) 13 On (NB PIP) Mainline 13 - 12 12 Off ramp 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp 11 Off - 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline 11 - 10 10 On Ramp Bridge to 1 mile from Plaza 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 154 155 156 Figure 3-6 2017 and 2047 No Build Eastbound AM – Rockland County 3-12 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 AM Westbound The AM Westbound direction is the off peak direction in the Rockland model. Hence, it is not surprising that there a significant amount of room for growth in volume. The following bullets and following graphs (Figure 3-7) summarize the findings for the 2017 and 2047 AM Westbound trips: The 2017 volumes are only marginally higher than the 2010 volumes. The 2047 volumes are significantly higher for the entire length of the corridor. The only significant speed difference between the 2017 and 2047 results is at the uphill approach to Interchange 11. The weaving section at Interchange 13 causes some turbulence and drops in speed. Speeds recover dramatically west of Interchange 13. Eastbound PM The PM Eastbound direction is the off peak direction in the Rockland model. Hence, it is not surprising that there a significant amount of room for growth in volume. The following bullets and following graphs (Figure 3-8) summarize the findings for the 2017 and 2047 AM eastbound trips: The 2017 volumes are only marginally higher than the 2010 volumes. The 2047 volumes are significantly higher for the entire length of the corridor. There are only minor differences in speed between the 2017 and 2047 models. The weaving section at Interchange 13 causes some turbulence and drops in speed. There is a small drop in speeds at the approach to interchange 11. The bridge does not act as a capacity constraint for vehicles leaving Rockland County. Westbound PM The PM Westbound direction has also been referred to as the Peak PM direction in the Rockland model. Hence, it is not surprising that there are some significant impacts when analyzing the mainline volumes and speeds. The following bullets and following graphs (Figure 3-9) summarize the findings for the 2017 and 2047 AM westbound trips: Due to capacity constraints the volumes from the bridge to Interchange 13 are similar for both the 2017 and 2047 conditions. The 2047 speeds drop considerably between the bridge and Interchange 13 with further drops around 14 A and 14 B when compared to the 2017 conditions. West of Interchange 13 has very little capacity or congestion issues in 2017 and only minor ones in 2047. The traffic metering effects in the eastern half of Rockland reduce the likelihood of any major impacts west of interchange 13. Traffic Analyses Results 3-13 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 2017 and 2047 No-Build Westbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 5,976 5,241 4,255 2017 NB 206 207 208 209 2 3 4 5 5,173 6 7 4,991 4,347 4,338 3,815 1 4,243 3,021 2047 NB 8 4,619 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2017 and 2047 No-Build Westbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 69 67 56 55 59 59 54 3,026 59 60 57 65 67 60 53 49 50 35 32 2017 NB 2047 NB 24 Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 10 Off Ramp Between 10 off and on 10 on ramp 11 off ramp Between 11 off -11 on 11 on ramp 12 off ramp Between 12 off and on 12 On Between 12 and 13 13 off to NB PIP 13 Off (NB PIP) - 13 On … 13 On (NB PIP) - 13 Off (SB… 13 Off (SB PIP) - 13 On (SB … 13 On from SB PIP Between 13 and 14 14 Off ramp Between 14 off and 14 on 14 On to 14A off 14 A On Between 14A and 14B 14 B off Between 14 B off - 14 B on 14 B on Between 14 B and 15 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 5,128 4,755 Figure 3-7 2017 and 2047 No Build Westbound AM – Rockland County 3-14 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 2017 and 2047 No-Build Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 6,994 6,357 210 211 212 213 5,306 4,920 4,126 5,142 5,369 3,665 5,712 5,753 5,339 4,925 2017 NB 3,055 4,596 4,664 4,276 2047 NB 2,581 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2017 and 2047 No-Build Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 2017 NB 2047 NB 69 70 64 67 56 54 59 55 60 59 56 43 41 58 55 56 49 44 55 54 Int 15 - Int 14B 14B off Ramp 14B Off- to On-Ramp 14B On Ramp Mainline 14B - 14A 14A Off Ramp 14A Off to On Ramp 14A On Ramp Old Nyack Pkwy On Ramp 14 Off Ramp 14 Off to On Ramp 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP 13 Off (SB PIP) - On (SB PIP) Weave: 13 On (SB PIP) - 13 Off (NB … 13 Off (NB PIP) - 13 On (NB PIP) 13 On (NB PIP) Mainline 13 - 12 12 Off ramp 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp 11 Off - 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline 11 - 10 10 On Ramp Bridge to 1 mile from Plaza 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 6,696 Figure 3-8 2017 and 2047 No Build Eastbound PM – Rockland County Traffic Analyses Results 3-15 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 2017 and 2047 No-Build Westbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,089 1 2 5,915 5,612 3 4 5 5,614 5,424 4,684 4,539 6 7 8 5,539 4,675 5,516 7,004 5,828 4,875 5,479 4,606 5,055 4,218 9 10 11nb12 13 14 15 NB 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2017 2047 2017 and 2047 No-BuildWestbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 2047 NB 2017 NB 56 45 64 61 58 51 44 37 27 30 20 64 54 45 67 58 44 31 19 Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 10 Off Ramp Between 10 off and on 10 on ramp 11 off ramp Between 11 off -11 on 11 on ramp 12 off ramp Between 12 off and on 12 On Between 12 and 13 13 off to NB PIP 13 Off (NB PIP) - 13 On (NB PIP) 13 On (NB PIP) - 13 Off (SB PIP) 13 Off (SB PIP) - 13 On (SB PIP) 13 On from SB PIP Between 13 and 14 14 Off ramp Between 14 off and 14 on 14 On to 14A off 14 A On Between 14A and 14B 14 B off Between 14 B off - 14 B on 14 B on Between 14 B and 15 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 6,455 6,919 214 215 216 217 Figure 3-9 2017 and 2047 No Build Westbound PM – Rockland County 3-16 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 Rockland County PMT, Travel Time and Mobility Index Table 3-3 presents the PMT, travel time and mobility index values in existing (2010) and 2017 and 2047 No Build conditions in the AM and PM peak hours in the eastbound and westbound directions for Rockland County. Data are shown for the same eastbound and westbound highway segments that were defined in Section 3.2 above. These results clearly show the worsening of congestion in the two peak periods/directions, most dramatically in 2047. Rockland County Local Arterials and Signalized Intersections The summary of the locations and the various locations where LOS conditions would worsen under 2017 and 2047 No Build conditions in Rockland County at signalized intersections can be found in Appendix C. Traffic Analyses Results 3-17 233 234 235 236 237 238 Table 3-3 Person Miles of Travel, Travel Time (Minutes) and Mobility Indices for Eastbound and Westbound Highway Segments: Rockland County – AM and PM Peak Periods, Existing (2010) and Alt. A (No 1 Build) in 2017 and 2047 , Rockland Eastbound - AM Peak 15 On Ramp to 14 B On Ramp 14B On to 14A Off Ramp 14A Off Ramp to 14 On Ramp 14 On Ramp to 13 On Ramp from NB PIP 13 On Ramp from NB PIP to 11 On Ramp 11 On Ramp to Middle of bridge 15 On Ramp to Middle of bridge Rockland Eastbound - PM Peak 15 On Ramp to 14 B On Ramp 14B On to 14A Off Ramp 14A Off Ramp to 14 On Ramp 14 On Ramp to 13 On Ramp from NB PIP 13 On Ramp from NB PIP to 11 On Ramp 11 On Ramp to Middle of bridge 15 On Ramp to Middle of bridge g( ) Travel Time Existing Altern. A 2017 2047 Length (2010) 2.6 2.3 2.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.5 1.6 1.6 2.5 1.9 2.2 2.2 4.5 2.6 2.9 4.2 7.6 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 15.6 15.8 17.2 24.7 Travel Time Existing Altern. A 2017 2047 Length (2010) 2.6 2.3 2.3 2.3 3.1 2.9 2.9 3.0 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 15.6 15.4 15.7 16.1 ( ) Existing (2010) 13,867 17,209 8,764 12,873 15,654 29,940 98,308 [ ] Mobility Index PMT Altern. A Existing Altern. A 2017 2047 (2010) 2017 2047 14,154 18,126 6.0 6.1 5.6 17,431 22,052 5.8 5.9 7.3 8,942 10,177 5.5 5.5 4.0 13,528 14,039 5.8 6.0 3.1 16,568 16,028 5.3 4.0 2.1 30,890 31,579 7.8 8.1 8.3 101,514 112,003 6.2 5.9 4.5 Existing (2010) 7,973 11,549 7,243 10,193 11,162 16,663 64,784 PMT Mobility Index Existing Altern. A Altern. A 2017 2047 (2010) 2017 2047 9,595 15,111 3.5 4.2 6.5 13,914 20,053 4.0 4.7 6.7 8,418 11,152 4.6 5.3 6.7 11,902 15,421 4.7 5.4 6.9 13,096 16,358 4.1 4.7 5.6 19,539 24,127 4.4 5.1 6.2 76,464 102,222 4.2 4.9 6.4 Travel Time Rockland Westbound - AM Peak Middle of Bridge to 11 Off Ramp 11 Off Ramp to 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP to 14 Off Ramp 14 Off Ramp to 14 A On Ramp 14 A On Ramp to 14 B off Ramp 14 B off Ramp to 15 Off Ramp Middle of Bridge to 15 Off Ramp 239 240 241 Existing Length 4.4 2.8 1.9 1.5 3.5 2.4 16.5 (2010) 4.6 3.4 1.9 1.5 3.2 2.1 16.6 PMT Altern. A 2017 4.7 3.4 1.9 1.5 3.2 2.1 16.8 2047 6.2 3.3 1.9 1.6 3.2 2.2 18.4 Existing (2010) 20,674 14,338 9,202 6,771 13,364 8,034 72,383 Mobility Index Altern. A 2017 21,760 15,084 9,459 6,922 13,483 8,333 75,041 2047 26,773 17,936 11,335 8,937 19,935 12,876 97,792 Existing (2010) 4.5 4.3 4.9 4.4 4.2 3.8 4.4 Altern. A 2017 4.7 4.5 5.1 4.5 4.3 3.9 4.5 2047 4.3 5.4 5.9 5.6 6.2 6.0 5.3 Travel Time PMT Mobility Index Existing Existing Existing Altern. A Altern. A Altern. A Rockland Westbound - PM Peak Length (2010) 2017 2047 (2010) 2017 2047 (2010) 2017 2047 Middle of Bridge to 11 Off Ramp 4.4 6.7 7.1 11.6 32,938 35,512 34,474 4.9 5.0 3.0 11 Off Ramp to 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP 2.8 3.5 3.8 6.7 18,243 19,878 20,170 5.2 5.2 3.0 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP to 14 Off Ramp 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.1 10,292 10,967 12,423 5.5 5.7 6.0 14 Off Ramp to 14 A On Ramp 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 8,347 8,612 10,370 5.4 5.6 6.5 14 A On Ramp to 14 B off Ramp 3.5 3.2 3.2 4.0 18,801 19,296 23,699 5.8 5.9 5.9 14 B off Ramp to 15 Off Ramp 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.1 11,172 11,589 13,886 5.2 5.4 6.5 Middle of Bridge to 15 Off Ramp 16.5 19.0 19.8 28.2 99,793 105,854 115,022 5.3 5.4 4.1 [1] Mobility Index is based on ratio of person-miles of travel and travel time for each segment Source: NYSDOT 3-18 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 Westchester County Westchester County Comparison of No Build Volumes and Speeds Eastbound AM The AM Eastbound direction has also been referred to as the Peak AM direction in the Westchester model. Although, seen as the peak direction, most of the mainline in Westchester is metered by the various entry points such as the Tappan Zee Bridge and the closely spaced interchanges. Due to the metering there are not any significant impacts from 2017 thru 2047 and only a marginal increase in volumes The following bullets and following graphs (Figure 3-10) summarize the findings for the 2017 and 2047 AM eastbound trips: 2017 and 2047 models display similar speeds with only a small increase in volumes (usually about 200-300 more vehicles). The Eastbound directions is a very controlled corridor that although seems to have room for growth the entry points do not allow for the anticipated growth. Signs of a congestion issue at interchange I-87 8 are showing with a significant drop in speeds. This is an issue present in the 2010 conditions as well. Westbound AM The AM Westbound direction is the off peak direction in the Westchester model. Unlike the Rockland model however the Westchester growth is very controlled. The following bullets and following graphs (Figure 3-11) summarize the findings for the 2017 and 2047 AM Westbound trips: 2017 and 2047 models display similar speeds with only a small increase in volumes (usually about 200-300 more vehicles). As long as the AM volume to the mainline is controlled there is very little impact over the years. Eastbound PM The PM Eastbound direction is the off peak direction in the Westchester model. Unlike the AM period do see slightly more impacts with the PM Eastbound conditions coming close to the AM Eastbound conditions. The following bullets and following graphs (Figure 3-12) summarize the findings for the 2017 and 2047 AM eastbound trips: Since the major eastbound entry point (the Tappan Zee Bridge) is not congested there is room for growth in this direction. While 2017 volumes are similar to those of 2010 the 2047 volumes show significantly higher volumes. The higher 2047 volumes only have a minimal impact on travel speeds. Traffic Analyses Results 3-19 Toll Plaza - Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp Int 9 - Int 8 Int 8 Int 8 off - Int 8 On Int 8 on ramp Int 8 - Int 1 Int 1 on ramp Int 1 - Int 2 Weaving: Int 2 on - Int 3 off Int. 3 off - Int 3 on Int 3 on SB ramp Weaving: In 3 on (NB) - Int 4 off Int 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on Ramp Int 4 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int 5 off - Int 5 on Int 5 on ramp Int 5 - Int 6 Int 6 off ramp Int 6 off - Int. 6 on Int 6 on ramp Int. 6 - Int 7 Int 7 on ramp Int 8W off ramp Int 8E off ramp Int 8 E off - Int 8E on Int 8 on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - 9A on Int 9 A on ramp Int 9S off ramp Int 9S off - 9N on Int 9N on ramp Int 10 off ramp Int 10 - Int 11 Int 11 off ramp Int 12 off ramp 8,000 7,500 7,000 70 65 35 290 291 292 2017 and 2047 No-Build Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,342 7,213 6,500 6,000 5,500 6,241 5,947 3,500 3,000 60 55 56 50 45 40 34 2017 NB 5,000 5,217 4,888 4,500 3,338 3,076 2,500 59 52 44 42 30 3-20 Traffic Analyses Results 47 4,887 4,591 3,040 2,618 61 56 47 47 49 2017 NB 2047 NB 5,141 4,929 4,000 4,323 4,135 3,179 3,091 61 3,529 3,303 2,000 2,083 2,004 1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2017 and 2047 No-Build Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 60 50 56 48 37 25 2047 NB 20 15 10 Figure 3-10 2017 and 2047 No Build Eastbound AM – Westchester County Int. 12 on ramp Int 11 on ramp Int 11 - Int 10 Int 10 off ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 9N off ramp Int 9N - Int 9S Int 9S on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - Int 9A on Weaving: Int 9A on - Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 8W on Int 7 Off ramp Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int 8W on ramp Int 6 off ramp Int 6 on ramp Int 6 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int 5 off - Int. 5 on Int. 5 on ramp Int 4 off ramp Int. 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on ramp Int 3 off ramp Int. 3 off - Int 3 on Weaving: Int 3 on - Int 2 off Int. 2 off - Int. 2 on Int 2 on ramp Int 1 off Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 1 on Int 1 on ramp Int 8 on ramp Int. 8 - Int 9 Int 9 off ramp Int 9 off - Int 9 on Int 9 on ramp Int 9 on - South Broadway on South Broadway on Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 8,000 7,500 7,000 2,500 1,500 70.0 50.0 45.0 30.0 293 294 295 2017 and 2047 No-Build Westbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 2017 NB 3,500 3,000 2,000 2,021 1,781 60.0 55.0 2,302 3,311 2,912 40.0 35.0 28 3,021 2,630 65.0 59 53 57 48 2017 NB 2047 NB 4,000 3,275 3,072 58 2,983 2,697 2,035 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2017 and 2047 No-Build Westbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 62 58 58 55 43 36 25.0 2047 NB 20.0 15.0 10.0 Figure 3-11 2017 and 2047 No Build Westbound AM – Westchester County Traffic Analyses Results 3-21 Toll Plaza - Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp Int 9 - Int 8 Int 8 Int 8 off - Int 8 On Int 8 on ramp Int 8 - Int 1 Int 1 on ramp Int 1 - Int 2 Weaving: Int 2 on - Int 3 off Int. 3 off - Int 3 on Int 3 on SB ramp Weaving: In 3 on (NB) - Int 4 off Int 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on Ramp Int 4 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int 5 off - Int 5 on Int 5 on ramp Int 5 - Int 6 Int 6 off ramp Int 6 off - Int. 6 on Int 6 on ramp Int. 6 - Int 7 Int 7 on ramp Int 8W off ramp Int 8E off ramp Int 8 E off - Int 8E on Int 8 on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - 9A on Int 9 A on ramp Int 9S off ramp Int 9S off - 9N on Int 9N on ramp Int 10 off ramp Int 10 - Int 11 Int 11 off ramp Int 12 off ramp 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 4,500 4,000 75 70 60 50 40 35 296 297 298 299 2017 and 2047 No-Build Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 5,185 3,500 5,811 5,383 4,153 3,445 2,500 60 55 57 54 51 49 47 45 38 3-22 Traffic Analyses Results 5,780 5,000 5,363 65 60 60 48 46 5,298 4,667 61 52 47 2017 NB 2017 3,985 4,717 2047 NB 4,255 3,555 3,000 3,154 2,857 2,444 2,000 1,500 1,764 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2017 and 2047 No-Build Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 62 58 53 59 52 49 60 54 51 45 2047 NB 30 25 Figure 3-12 2017 and 2047 No Build Eastbound PM – Westchester County 55 Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 Westbound PM The PM Westbound direction has also been referred to as the Peak PM direction in the Westchester model. Although showing significantly more growth than the AM period there are still only very limited impacts. The following bullets and following graphs (Figure 3-13) summarize the findings for the 2017 and 2047 AM westbound trips: 2017 volumes are marginally higher than 2010 volumes across the corridor. The free capacity on the bridge allows for significant increase in volumes as you go from east to west. There is a capacity constraining issue around interchange 8E that limits the growth at this location. This issue is associated with the local street network. Westchester County PMT, Travel Time and Mobility Index Table 3-4 presents the PMT, travel time and mobility index values in existing (2010) and 2017 and 2047 No Build conditions in the AM and PM peak hours in the eastbound and westbound directions for Westchester County. Data are shown for the same eastbound and westbound highway segments that were defined in Section 3.2 above. These results show a modest growth in through-put and relatively stable travel times across the county, reflecting the on-going highway improvements, although there are signs of an increase in instability of traffic flows, especially in the center of the county (in the White Plains area). Westchester County Local Arterials and Signalized Intersections The summary of the locations and the various impacts of the signalized intersections can be found in Appendix C. Traffic Analyses Results 3-23 Int. 12 on ramp Int 11 on ramp Int 11 - Int 10 Int 10 off ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 9N off ramp Int 9N - Int 9S Int 9S on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - Int 9A on Weaving: Int 9A on - Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 8W on Int 7 Off ramp Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int 8W on ramp Int 6 off ramp Int 6 on ramp Int 6 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int 5 off - Int. 5 on Int. 5 on ramp Int 4 off ramp Int. 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on ramp Int 3 off ramp Int. 3 off - Int 3 on Weaving: Int 3 on - Int 2 off Int. 2 off - Int. 2 on Int 2 on ramp Int 1 off Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 1 on Int 1 on ramp Int 8 on ramp Int. 8 - Int 9 Int 9 off ramp Int 9 off - Int 9 on Int 9 on ramp Int 9 on - South Broadway on South Broadway on 7,000 6,500 3,000 2,500 75 60 50 45 331 332 333 334 2017 and 2047 No-Build Westbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 6,000 5,500 2017 NB 4,500 4,000 4,409 4,133 3,500 2,808 59 55 49 3,651 3,215 2,499 56 59 35 25 3-24 Traffic Analyses Results 4,081 3,746 65 60 55 56 40 35 2047 NB 2,745 2,459 59 5,948 5,000 4,868 3,737 2,830 2,000 2,378 70 58 47 53 49 2017 NB 55 41 36 Figure 3-13 2017 and 2047 No Build Westbound PM – Westchester County 6,131 5,149 4,360 3,806 3,130 1,967 2,347 1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2017 and 2047 No-Build Westbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds MPH) 70 63 58 30 34 20 2047 NB 15 10 Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 335 336 337 338 339 340 Table 3-4 Person Miles of Travel, Travel Time (Minutes) and Mobility Indices for Eastbound and Westbound Highway Segments: Westchester County - AM and PM Peak Periods, Existing (2010) and Alt. A (No 1 Build) in 2017 and 2047 and PM Peak Periods, xisting ( 0 0) and Alt. A (No uild) in 0 7 and 047 [ ] Travel Time PMT Existing Existing Altern. A Altern. A Westchester Eastbound - AM Length (2010) 2017 2047 (2010) 2017 2047 Toll Plaza to Exit 8 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.5 7,662 8,999 9,397 Exit 8 to 2 On Ramp 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 6,672 8,113 8,625 2 On Ramp to 4 On Ramp 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.9 5,415 7,786 7,919 4 On Ramp to 6 On Ramp 2.0 2.2 2.2 3.2 10,064 15,048 15,306 6 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.2 8,333 12,657 13,235 8 On Ramp to 9N On Ramp 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.8 8,864 14,188 14,634 9N On Ramp to 12 Off Ramp 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 5,969 10,524 10,686 Toll Plaza to Int. 12 Off Ramp 12.2 13.4 13.5 15.7 52,981 77,316 79,803 Length 1.1 1.6 1.2 2.0 1.8 2.4 2.1 12.2 Existing (2010) 1.3 1.6 1.4 2.1 2.0 2.4 2.2 13.0 Travel Time Altern. A 2017 2047 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.4 4.1 2.2 2.3 13.1 15.0 Existing (2010) 5,261 5,213 6,239 10,657 8,405 7,098 5,550 48,423 PMT Altern. A 2017 2047 6,149 7,875 6,396 7,770 7,629 8,502 13,589 15,459 11,178 13,047 10,241 10,968 6,652 6,862 61,834 70,483 Mobility Index Existing Altern. A (2010) 2017 2047 4.2 4.8 6.1 3.2 3.8 4.6 4.4 5.3 5.7 5.1 6.4 7.1 4.3 5.6 6.4 2.9 4.2 2.7 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.7 4.7 4.7 Length 2.2 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.5 0.9 2.1 12.9 Existing (2010) 2.3 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.7 1.1 2.1 13.8 Travel Time Altern. A 2017 2047 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.2 4.2 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.1 1.1 2.1 2.2 13.8 16.1 Existing (2010) 4,893 6,283 5,446 4,316 4,277 1,894 6,476 33,585 PMT Altern. A 2017 2047 8,610 9,535 9,290 9,969 8,463 9,222 7,942 8,560 7,631 7,994 3,306 3,436 10,942 11,754 56,186 60,471 Mobility Index Existing Altern. A (2010) 2017 2047 2.1 3.7 4.0 2.5 3.6 3.9 2.5 3.9 2.2 2.4 4.4 4.7 2.5 4.5 4.5 1.8 3.0 3.1 3.0 5.1 5.4 2.4 4.1 3.7 Travel Time PMT Existing Existing Altern. A Altern. A Westchester Westbound - PM Length (2010) 2017 2047 (2010) 2017 2047 12 On Ramp to 9N Off Ramp 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 7,425 8,873 10,039 9N Off Ramp to 8 Off Ramp 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 8,076 9,470 9,736 8 Off Ramp to 6 On Ramp 2.0 2.3 2.7 4.6 7,769 9,187 10,206 6 On Ramp to 4 Off Ramp 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.0 6,845 9,532 10,718 4 Off Ramp to 2 On Ramp 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.8 5,292 7,226 8,175 2 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.1 2,552 3,452 3,954 8 On Ramp to Bridge 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.2 11,220 15,187 18,286 12 ON Ramp to Bridge 12.9 14.0 14.5 16.6 49,178 62,927 71,113 [1] Mobility Index is based on ratio of person-miles of travel and travel time for each segment Source: NYSDOT Mobility Index Existing Altern. A (2010) 2017 2047 3.2 3.7 4.2 3.2 3.7 3.8 3.4 3.4 2.2 3.7 5.1 5.5 3.1 4.1 4.5 2.4 3.1 3.5 5.1 7.2 8.5 3.5 4.3 4.3 Westchester Eastbound - PM Toll Plaza to Exit 8 Exit 8 to 2 On Ramp 2 On Ramp to 4 On Ramp 4 On Ramp to 6 On Ramp 6 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 8 On Ramp to 9N On Ramp 9N On Ramp to 12 Off Ramp Toll Plaza to Int. 12 Off Ramp Westchester Westbound - AM 12 On Ramp to 9N Off Ramp 9N Off Ramp to 8 Off Ramp 8 Off Ramp to 6 On Ramp 6 On Ramp to 4 Off Ramp 4 Off Ramp to 2 On Ramp 2 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 8 On Ramp to Bridge 12 ON Ramp to Bridge 341 342 343 344 Mobility Index Existing Altern. A (2010) 2017 2047 5.3 6.3 6.4 3.8 4.6 4.5 3.7 5.3 4.1 4.6 6.8 4.8 4.2 6.4 6.1 3.6 5.8 5.2 2.7 4.9 4.8 3.9 5.7 5.1 Traffic Analyses Results 3-25 345 3.4 As s e s s m e n t o f Bu ild Co n d itio n s 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 The build alternatives analyzed for the DEIS are listed below. The assessment of highway and bridge elements under the four build alternatives was carried out for both the 2017 and 2047 analysis years. The combination of the highway/bridge and transit elements is only analyzed for 2047. For ease of comparison and interpretation of traffic results, the transit alternatives will be grouped together based on whether HOV/HOT lanes exist in Rockland County as a part of the alternative, or not. Alternatives B and C (described below) will be grouped with the highway alternative without HOV/HOT lanes, and Alternatives D and E with the highway alternative with HOV/HOT lanes. The impacts of the build alternatives are discussed further in the context of geographical impacts (Rockland and Westchester Counties). 3.4.1 Highway Build Alternatives 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 All project build alternatives include a new bridge and a “common set” of highway improvements (climbing lanes, C/D roads at Interchange 13, etc.) in Rockland County, which are described in detail in Chapter 2 (Description of Alternative) of the DEIS. However, for two of the alternatives (D and E), the development of High Occupancy Vehicle/High Occupancy/Toll (HOV/HOT) lanes in Rockland County and across the bridge is also assumed to occur as part of the highway and bridge improvements in both 2017 and 2047. The other two alternatives have only the common set of highway and bridge improvements. The HOV/HOT lanes are separated from general purpose lanes for the exclusive use of buses, high occupancy vehicles (registered carpools with three or more passengers) (HOVs), and other automobiles willing to pay a toll for the lane’s use. The toll would be dynamic – varying over time based on the volume of traffic in the HOT lane and the volume of traffic/level of congestion in the general purpose lanes. It would also increase to keep the HOT lane from becoming congested. The dynamic aspect of HOV/HOT lanes was modeled in Paramics, using the criteria set to keep the volumes less than 1600 vehicles/hour/lane and average speeds above 45 mph. HOV/HOT lanes are a means of providing premium service on the roadway for buses and HOVs and fully utilizing that capacity provided by allowing only as many other vehicles into the lane as can be accommodated. The objective of HOV/HOT lanes is to improve the level of service for transit and HOV operations yet allow usage by others willing to pay a toll. By allowing toll operations, HOV/HOT lanes generate revenue and their higher occupancy levels avoid the perception of being underutilized that can arise from typical HOV lanes. In this way, the tolls HOT lanes generate directly or indirectly subsidize transit and HOV operations. Ideally, HOT lanes carry as many or more commuters than general purpose lanes. 3.4.2 Transit Build Alternatives 382 383 384 385 Alternative A: No Build Alternative B: Corridor Busway Alternative C: Busway/Bus Lanes Alternative D: HOV/Busway (BRT buses operating in the HOV/HOT lane in Rockland) 3-26 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 Alternative E: HOV/Bus Lanes (BRT buses operating in the HOV/HOT lane in Rockland) The transit alternatives as listed above are evaluated for the long-term planning year horizon 2047. In As noted above, for Rockland County there are two different alternatives -- the Busway and the HOV/HOT Lanes. Under the Busway scenario an exclusive bus-only facility would be built alongside the mainline and buses would enter and exit the facility at various stations depending on its route. Under the HOV/HOT Lanes scenario, buses would travel in the HOV/HOT lanes in the middle of the freeway and access stations and local roads using specially designed “Texas T” bus-only ramps. In Westchester County there are also two different BRT options -- Busway and Bus Lanes. Under the Busway alternative buses would operate primarily in a separate dedicated bus-only roadway, although buses would still operate in on-street bus lanes into, out off and within White Plains. Under the Bus Lanes alternative buses would operate primarily in the center of key local roads (e.g., Rt. 119) for the most part, resulting in a loss of roadway capacity in those areas, and would utilize on-street bus lanes within White Plains in a roughly similar manner as under the Busway option. Throughout the modeling process the following assumptions were made for the 2017 and 2047 Build networks -- assumptions that were effectively made on top of those made under the No Build: Where needed the Transit Build Plans in Westchester would be refined to avoid grid-locking conditions, reflecting the type of signal timing adjustments that agencies would likely make to adjust to close to 40 years of traffic growth. These primarily occurred at key congested intersections in White Plains where buses were integrated with the local roadway lanes. A minimal green time would be given to the bus priority phases throughout Westchester County, usually equaling 10 seconds of green time, followed by 3 seconds of yellow and 2 seconds all red. The new toll plaza configuration would be the same throughout the different build alternatives. Highway volumes entering the eastbound highway from I-287 and I-87 at Interchange 15 in Suffern were capped to reflect the capacity constraints of I-87. The following sections summarize the build alternatives results for 2017 and 2047 separately. 3.4.3 2017 Build Conditions Ro c kla n d Co u n ty 2017 Bu ild Co n d itio n s 419 420 421 422 The Rockland County 2017 build analysis compared the two 2017 highway build scenarios (Alternatives B-C without the HOV/HOT lanes and Alternatives D and E with the HOV/HOT lanes) against No Build conditions. As described above, all project alternatives also include a substantial common set of highway improvements in Rockland County. 423 Model Modifications – Alternatives B and C 424 425 426 The following list the modifications were made to the Rockland County Paramics 2017 models that did not include the HOV/HOT lanes (Alternatives B and C) in order to insure that the models reasonably assessed future build conditions: 427 428 EB 2017 NB demands from Orange County were applied to the Alternatives B and C scenarios, to avoid a lower entering demand in the build than in the No Build. Traffic Analyses Results 3-27 429 430 431 432 433 Model Results – Alternatives B and C 434 435 436 437 The following graphs (Figures 3-14 through 17) compare the 2017 No Build volumes and speed within Rockland County with the 2017 volumes under build Alternatives B and C (referred to as “A1” in the figures) in the eastbound and westbound directions in the AM and PM peak periods. The detailed volume/speed data associated with these charts are provided in Appendix C. 438 From the graphs the following impacts from Alternative A1 can be seen: 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 The Alternatives B and C model was built off of the 2017 No Build model and included any signal modifications made for the No Build scenario. For both AM and PM in both directions, a large improvement in the speeds thru Interchange 13 can be seen. This is due to the elimination of the weaving section on the mainline. There is not a significant difference between the No Build and Alternatives B and C volumes in the corridor in 2017. The PM westbound approach to Interchange 11 shows a significant increase in speeds under Alternative B and C, reflecting the climbing lane and the elimination of the lane drop that creates huge delays under No Build conditions. Westbound volume increases are substantial in the off-peak westbound AM peak direction, reflecting primarily the improvements in the Interchange 11 area. Rockland County PMT, Travel Time and Mobility Index 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 Table 3-5 presents the PMT, travel time and mobility index values in 2017 under No Build and Alternatives B-C conditions as well as for Alternatives D-E (to be discussed in the next section) in the AM and PM peak hours in the eastbound and westbound directions for Rockland County. Data are shown for the same eastbound and westbound highway segments that were defined in Section 3.2 above. These results show the across-the-board improvements in mobility under Alternatives B-C relative to No Build, but with the largest growth in the westbound direction. 461 462 463 464 The summary of the locations and the various impacts of the signalized intersections can be found in Appendix C. Rockland County Local Arterials and Signalized Intersections 3-28 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 - 2017 No-Build and Alt. A1 Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 6,781 5,558 4,982 5,044 4,748 2017 NB 2017 Alt A1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 478 70 479 65 67 69 2017 No-Build and Alt. A1 Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 66 480 59 60 65 61 481 55 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 57 53 50 54 50 58 56 54 52 48 45 42 40 35 43 40 40 37 2017 NB 30 29 25 23 20 Int. 15 -Int 14B Int 14B off Ramp Int 14B Off - Int. … Int. 14B On Ramp Int. 14B - 14A Int 14A Off Ramp Int. 14A Off - Int … Int 14A On Ramp Weaving: Old … Weaving: Old … Between 14 Off … 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 Int. 13 Off to C/D … Int. 13 Off - 13 On Int. 13 Off - 13 On Int. 13 Off - 13 On 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between… 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off … 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween … 11 On Ramp Mainline between… 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge 482 5,742 4,583 4,030 3,915 3,755 3,927 3,739 6,508 5,915 5,813 5,402 5,309 4,753 7,709 7,402 Figure 3-14 2017 No Build and Alternatives B & C Eastbound AM – Rockland County Traffic Analyses Results 3-29 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 - 2017 No-Build and Alt. A1 Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 2017 NB 2017 Alt A1 5423 5,052 5369 5,1424,925 4658 4,664 4218 3621 2987 3,055 3,719 3,157 2,581 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 506 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 65 69 70 2017 No-Build and Alt. A1 Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 66 64 60 55 59 54 49 50 45 64 58 56 57 52 51 60 58 55 50 58 53 58 55 49 43 40 35 2017 NB 30 25 20 Int. 15 -Int 14B Int 14B off Ramp Int 14B Off - Int. … Int. 14B On Ramp Int. 14B - 14A Int 14A Off Ramp Int. 14A Off - Int … Int 14A On Ramp Weaving: Old … Weaving: Old … Between 14 Off … 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 Int. 13 Off to C/D … Int. 13 Off - 13 On Int. 13 Off - 13 On Int. 13 Off - 13 On 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between… 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off … 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween … 11 On Ramp Mainline between… 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge 507 70 Figure 3-15 2017 No Build and Alternatives B & C Eastbound PM – Rockland County 3-30 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 8,500 2017 No-Build and Alt. A1 Westbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,256 5,000 4,500 4,255 4,000 3,500 4,179 4,338 3,815 3,750 4,014 3,649 3,655 5,303 5,058 4,991 3,000 3,373 3,214 3,177 2,500 2017 Alt A1 2,000 3,213 3,026 2017 NB 1,500 1,000 500 - Int. TZB 10 Int. 12 Int. 14A (GSP) Int. 13 (PIP) Int. 15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2017 No-Build and Alt. A1 Westbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 69 1 70 67 65 60 59 58 56 55 59 57 45 70 67 65 55 53 51 50 25 26 2017 NB 2017 Alt A1 40 35 35 30 Int 14 B on Int 14 B - Int 15 Int 14 B off - 14 B on Int 14 B off Int. 15 Int. 14A - Int 14B Int 14 A On Int 14 off - 14 on Int 14 Off ramp Int 13 0 Int 14 Int 13 On from C/D Rd Int. Off - Int 13 On Int 13 Off - Int On Int. Off - Int 13 On Int 14 On -14A off Int. 14A (GSP) Int. 13 (PIP) Int 13 Off to C/D Rd Int 12 On Int 12 - Int 13 Int 11 on ramp Int 12 off ramp Int 11 off - Int 11 on Int 10 on ramp Int. 12 Int 11 off ramp Int 10 Off Ramp Bridge - Int 10 Off 523 524 525 Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int. 10 20 TZB Int 12 off - Int 12 on 25 Figure 3-16 2017 No Build and Alternatives B & C Westbound AM – Rockland County Traffic Analyses Results 3-31 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 - 2017 No-Build and Alt. A1 Westbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,056 6,022 6,317 6,066 5,813 5,929 5,928 6,353 5,828 5,516 5,094 4,684 5,055 4,675 4,557 4,218 4,606 3,573 3,507 2017 NB 2017 Alt A1 Int. TZB 10 1 2 70 65 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2017 No-Build and Alt. A1 Westbound PM Peak Hr. 69 Speeds (MPH) 2017 NB 60 57 57 58 53 51 50 67 56 55 55 53 49 47 45 45 65 64 64 2017 Alt A1 60 55 Int. 15 Int. 14A (GSP) Int. 13 (PIP) Int. 12 44 42 40 35 33 30 526 527 528 Int 14 B on Int 14 B - Int 15 Int 14 B off - 14 B on Int 14 B off Int. 14A - Int 14B Int 14 A On Int 14 On -14A off Int 14 Off ramp Int 14 off - 14 on Int 13 0 Int 14 Int 13 On from C/D Rd Int. Off - Int 13 On Int. Off - Int 13 On Int 13 Off - Int On Int 13 Off to C/D Rd Int 12 - Int 13 Int 12 On Int 12 off - Int 12 on Int 11 on ramp Int 12 off ramp Int 11 off ramp Int 11 off - Int 11 on Int. 15 Int. 14A (GSP) Int. 13 (PIP) Int. 12 Int 10 on ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Bridge - Int 10 Off 20 25 Int. TZB 10 Int 10 Off Ramp 25 Figure 3-17 2017 No Build and Alternatives B & C Westbound PM – Rockland County 3-32 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 529 530 531 532 533 534 Table 3-5 Person Miles of Travel, Travel Time (Minutes) and Mobility Indices for Eastbound and Westbound Highway Segments: Rockland County - AM and PM Peak Periods, Alt. A (No Build) and Alt. B-C 1 and D-E in 2017 AM and PM Peak Periods, Alt. A (No uild) and Alt. C and in 0 7 [ ] Travel Time PMT Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Rockland Eastbound - AM Peak No H/H With H/H (2017) No H/H With H/H Length (2017) No H/H With H/H (2017) 15 On Ramp to 14 B On Ramp 2.6 2.3 2.3 2.4 14,154 14,857 15,040 6.1 6.3 6.3 14B On to 14A Off Ramp 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.1 17,431 18,289 19,809 5.9 6.1 6.4 14A Off Ramp to 14 On Ramp 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 8,942 8,771 9,468 5.6 5.5 5.7 14 On Ramp to 13 On Ramp from NB PIP 1.9 2.2 2.1 2.1 13,528 11,380 12,533 6.1 5.4 5.9 13 On Ramp from NB PIP to 11 On Ramp 2.6 2.9 3.6 3.1 16,568 17,175 18,792 5.6 4.7 6.1 11 On Ramp to Middle of bridge 3.7 3.8 4.4 4.6 30,890 33,108 36,700 8.1 7.5 8.0 15 On Ramp to Middle of bridge 15.6 15.8 17.1 17.0 101,514 103,580 112,342 6.4 6.1 6.6 Rockland Eastbound - PM Peak 15 On Ramp to 14 B On Ramp 14B On to 14A Off Ramp 14A Off Ramp to 14 On Ramp 14 On Ramp to 13 On Ramp from NB PIP 13 On Ramp from NB PIP to 11 On Ramp 11 On Ramp to Middle of bridge 15 On Ramp to Middle of bridge Rockland Westbound - AM Peak Middle of Bridge to 11 Off Ramp 11 Off Ramp to 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP to 14 Off Ramp 14 Off Ramp to 14 A On Ramp 14 A On Ramp to 14 B off Ramp 14 B off Ramp to 15 Off Ramp Middle of Bridge to 15 Off Ramp 535 536 Length 2.6 3.1 1.5 1.9 2.6 3.7 15.6 Travel Time Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2017) No H/H With H/H 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.9 3.0 3.0 1.6 2.0 1.6 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.8 3.9 3.9 15.7 16.0 15.8 Alt. A (2017) 9,595 13,914 8,418 11,902 13,096 19,539 76,464 PMT Mobility Index Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E No H/H With H/H (2017) No H/H With H/H 9,371 9,888 4.2 4.1 4.2 13,645 14,378 4.7 4.5 4.8 10,186 7,901 5.3 5.2 4.9 10,135 10,369 5.4 5.2 5.0 13,240 13,258 4.7 4.7 4.6 20,149 20,758 5.1 5.1 5.3 76,727 76,553 4.9 4.8 4.8 Length 4.4 2.8 1.9 1.5 3.5 2.4 16.5 Travel Time Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2017) No H/H With H/H 4.7 4.8 4.7 3.4 3.3 2.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.2 3.2 3.3 2.1 2.1 2.2 16.8 16.9 16.6 Alt. A (2017) 21,760 15,084 9,459 6,922 13,483 8,333 75,041 PMT Mobility Index Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E No H/H With H/H (2017) No H/H With H/H 21,801 25,741 4.7 4.5 5.5 14,322 16,371 4.5 4.4 5.6 9,238 10,467 5.1 4.7 5.3 7,250 7,614 4.5 4.7 5.0 14,167 15,487 4.3 4.4 4.7 8,861 9,724 3.9 4.1 4.5 75,639 85,403 4.5 4.5 5.2 Travel Time PMT Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Rockland Westbound - PM Peak Length (2017) No H/H With H/H (2017) No H/H With H/H (2017) No H/H With H/H Middle of Bridge to 11 Off Ramp 4.4 7.1 5.0 4.8 35,512 35,660 44,197 5.0 7.1 9.1 11 Off Ramp to 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP 2.8 3.8 3.2 3.6 19,878 20,703 21,744 5.2 6.5 6.0 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP to 14 Off Ramp 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.1 10,967 10,397 11,932 5.7 5.0 5.6 14 Off Ramp to 14 A On Ramp 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5 8,612 9,350 9,219 5.6 5.9 6.0 14 A On Ramp to 14 B off Ramp 3.5 3.2 3.4 3.4 19,296 21,354 21,289 5.9 6.3 6.2 14 B off Ramp to 15 Off Ramp 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.2 11,589 12,547 12,519 5.4 5.9 5.7 Middle of Bridge to 15 Off Ramp 16.5 19.8 17.4 17.7 105,854 110,011 120,900 5.4 6.3 6.8 [1] Mobility Index is based on ratio of person-miles of travel and travel time for each segment Source: NYSDOT Traffic Analyses Results 3-33 537 Alternatives C and D 538 Model Modifications 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 The following list the modifications that were made to the Rockland County Paramics 2017 models developed to assess Alternatives D and E (common highway/bridge improvements + HOV/HOT lanes) in order to insure that the models reasonably assessed future build conditions: 561 562 563 564 565 The following graphs (Figures 3-18 through 3-21) show the comparison of the 2017 No Build volumes and speed relative to those under 2017 Alternatives D-E conditions (Highway Improvements + HOV/HOT lanes). The detailed volume/speed data associated with these charts are provided in Appendix C. EB 2017 No Build demands from Orange County were applied to the Alternatives D and E scenario to avoid the conditions where entering demand in the build would be lower than under No Build conditions. The models were built off of the 2017 Alt. B-C build model and included any geometric improvements and signal modifications made for the B-C build scenario. A minimal charge was applied to the HOV/HOT lanes in the off-peak period/direction to try to encourage vehicles to use the HOT/HOT lanes. The vehicle classes were divided into 10 different values-of-time groups to allow for a greater sensitive to cost analysis of the HOV/HOT lanes. These groups and the percentage of drivers in each were derived from Census Journey-to-Work data for the corridor. The tolling costs were not varied for revenue purposes but only to obtain the desired usage of the HOV/HOT lanes. Model Results 3-34 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 8,500 2017 No-Build and Alt. A2 Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes: Gen Purpose & HOV/HOT (H/H) Lanes 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 5,993 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 5,813 5,215 4,852 6,508 6,475 5,044 4,613 4,748 5,455 4,987 5,223 4,539 4,253 4,313 3,755 4,000 5,646 7,402 7,349 4,583 4,015 2017 NB 2017 Alt A2 2017 A2 (H/H) 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 699 500 4 - 4 706 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 70 65 60 2017 No-Build and Alt. A2 Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds- Gen Purpose Lanes (MPH) 67 66 63 66 63 57 55 54 50 50 54 65 61 57 58 55 58 48 48 45 40 2017 NB 56 50 45 40 2017 Alt A2 35 34 30 25 23 Int. 15 -14B HOV Slip On ↑ Int 14B off Ramp Int. 14B Off - 14B On Int 14B On Ramp Int. 14B - Int 14A HOV Slip On ↑ Between Slip on and off HOV Slip Off ↓ Int 14A Off Ramp Between 14A Off and On Ramps(?) 14A On Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 Slip on 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 Slip On 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge 20 566 567 568 Figure 3-18 2017 No Build and Alternatives D & E Eastbound AM – Rockland County Traffic Analyses Results 3-35 8,500 2017 No-Build and Alt. A2 Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes: Gen Purpose & HOV/HOT (H/H) Lanes 8,000 7,500 7,000 2017 NB 2017 Alt A2 2017 A2 (H/H) 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,369 5,000 4,925 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 3,795 3,688 3,155 3,055 4,597 4,330 4,546 4,112 3,864 4,664 4,576 4,223 3,703 3,494 3,257 2,638 2,581 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 - 0 122 59 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 70 65 60 69 2017 No-Build and Alt. A2 Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds- Gen Purpose Lanes (MPH) 68 63 66 64 58 60 55 55 50 45 40 61 57 51 57 55 57 56 53 53 54 55 43 2017 NB 2017 Alt A2 35 30 25 569 570 571 572 Int. 15 -14B HOV Slip On ↑ Int 14B off Ramp Int. 14B Off - 14B On Int 14B On Ramp Int. 14B - Int 14A HOV Slip On ↑ Between Slip on and off HOV Slip Off ↓ Int 14A Off Ramp Between 14A Off and On Ramps(?) 14A On Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 Slip on 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 Slip On 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge 20 Figure 3-19 2017 No Build and Alternatives D & E Eastbound PM – Rockland County 3-36 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 8,500 2017 No-Build and Alt. A2 Westbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes: Gen Purpose & HOV/HOT (H/H) Lanes 8,000 7,500 7,000 2017 NB 2017 Alt A2 2017 A2 (H/H) 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 4,491 4,541 4,338 3,951 4,255 5,381 4,991 4,347 3,842 3,375 3,021 3,428 3,815 3,500 5,509 5,058 3,000 3,492 3,026 3,214 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 414 500 489 324 212 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2017 No-Build and Alt. A2 Westbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds- Gen Purpose Lanes (MPH) 70 69 67 65 60 10 10 - 58 56 56 56 55 54 52 52 50 45 59 57 56 55 35 64 61 59 53 50 2017 NB 2017 Alt A2 2017 NB 40 67 65 35 30 25 573 574 575 576 HOV Slip Off ↓ Int 14 B on Int 14 B - Int 15 Int 14 B off Int. 14 B off - Int 14 B on HOV Slip off ↓ Int 14 A On Int 14A - Int 14B Int 14 off - Int 14 on Weaving: Int. 14 On - 14A off Int 13 - Int 14 Int 14 Off ramp Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON Int. 13 On - HOV Slip off ↓ Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON HOV Slip on ↑ Int 13 off to C/D Rd Int 12 On Int. 12 - Int 13 Int 12 off ramp Int 12 off - Int. 12 on Int. 11 on ramp Int 11 off - Int 11 on Int 10 on ramp Int 11 off ramp Int 10 Off Ramp Int 10 off - HOV Slip Off Bridge to Int. 10 Off Ramp 20 Figure 3-20 2017 No Build and Alternatives D & E Westbound AM – Rockland County Traffic Analyses Results 3-37 8,500 2017 No-Build and Alt. A2 Westbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes: Gen Purpose & HOV/HOT (H/H) Lanes 8,000 7,500 7,089 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 6,007 5,915 6,194 5,256 5,119 5,000 6,229 5,828 5,983 5,928 5,516 5,226 5,070 4,684 4,500 4,543 4,218 4,606 4,016 4,000 3,808 3,507 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,486 1,000 500 252 157 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 65 65 64 60 54 59 56 58 57 54 50 45 0 2017 No-Build and Alt. A2 Westbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds- Gen Purpose Lanes (MPH) 70 55 0 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 51 58 55 53 62 58 55 49 45 2017 NB 40 2017 Alt A2 37 35 68 64 62 55 70 33 30 30 25 25 HOV Slip Off ↓ Int 14 B on Int 14 B - Int 15 Int 14 B off Int. 14 B off - Int 14 B on HOV Slip off ↓ Int 14 A On Int 14A - Int 14B Int 14 off - Int 14 on Int 13 - Int 14 Int 14 Off ramp Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON Int. 13 On - HOV Slip off ↓ Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON HOV Slip on ↑ Int 13 off to C/D Rd Int 12 On Int. 12 - Int 13 Int 12 off ramp Int 12 off - Int. 12 on Int. 11 on ramp Int 11 off - Int 11 on Int 10 on ramp Int 11 off ramp Int 10 Off Ramp Weaving: Int. 14 On - 14A off 577 578 579 580 581 582 Int 10 off - HOV Slip Off Bridge to Int. 10 Off Ramp 20 Figure 3-21 2017 No Build and Alternatives D & E Westbound PM – Rockland County 3-38 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 From the graphs the following impacts from Alternatives D and E can be seen: 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 Table 3-5 presented in the previous section provides the PMT, travel time and mobility index values in 2017 under No Build and Alternatives D -E in the AM and PM peak hours in the eastbound and westbound directions for Rockland County. Data are shown for the same eastbound and westbound highway segments that were defined in Section 3.2 above. These results show that the mobility improvements under Alternatives D-E are generally greater than under Alternatives B-C, primarily reflecting the ability to increase PMT through higher volumes and an increase in average auto occupancy due to the HOV vehicles in the HOV/HOT lanes. 616 617 618 619 The summary of the locations and the various impacts of the signalized intersections can be found in Appendix C. For both AM and PM in both directions, a large improvement in the speeds through Interchange 13 can be seen due to the C/D road’s elimination of the weaving section on the mainline. The western portions of the HOV/HOT lanes in both directions will not have much demand in 2017. The addition of the eastbound HOV/HOT lane improves the speeds through Interchange 11 when compared to the No Build and the Alternatives B and C. This also results in a higher throughput of volume crossing the bridge. The introduction of the HOV/HOT lanes allows for significantly higher growth in 2017 in the peak directions in both the AM and PM periods. In the PM peak hour the introduction of the westbound HOV/HOT lane allows for a significant improvement from the bridge to Interchange 11, which also reflects the elimination of the lane drop and inclusion of the climbing lane, both of which also occur under Alternatives B and C. In the PM peak hour the increased westbound volumes west of Interchange 11 causes a minor slow down at Interchange 12 as the highway in that segment can now handle more volumes due to the elimination of the bottleneck at Interchange 11. Rockland County PMT, Travel Time and Mobility Index Rockland County Local Arterials and Signalized Intersections Traffic Analyses Results 3-39 We s tc he s te r Co u n ty 2017 Bu ild Co n d itio n s 620 621 622 623 624 625 The Westchester County 2017 build analysis compares future conditions under the two sets of highway/bridge alternatives (Alt. B-C and D-E) with those under the No Build scenario. As noted earlier, the proposed project includes no highway improvements for Westchester County beyond the toll plaza and the eastbound flyover ramp connecting the HOV/HOT lane to Interchange 9 under Alternatives D-E. Since the mainline geometry is the same under the No Build and build alternatives in Westchester, volume and speed conditions for the two alternative groups can be evaluated on the same graphs. 626 Model Modifications 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 The following list the modifications that were made to the Westchester County Paramics A1 and A2 2017 models in order to insure that the models insure that the models reasonably assessed future build conditions: 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 Table 3-6 provides the PMT, travel time and mobility index values in 2017 under No Build and Alternatives B-C and D-E in the AM and PM peak hours in the eastbound and westbound directions for Westchester County. Data are shown for the same eastbound and westbound highway segments that were defined in Section 3.2 above. These results show that there would be very little change in mobility conditions from No Build to the two sets of build alternatives in 2017, reflecting the lack of any improvements in the highway in Westchester County and the limited planning horizon year involved. 658 659 660 The summary of the locations and the various impacts of the signalized intersections can be found in Appendix C. Under the build alternatives further signal timing improvements were made particularly in White Plains where gridlock conditions were a common issue. The following four graphs (Figures 3-22 through 3-25) show the comparison of the 2017 No Build volumes and speed relative to those under 2017 Alternatives B-C (no HOV/HOT lane in Rockland – show as Alt. A1 in the charts) and D-E (with HOV/HOT lane in Rockland – shown as Alt. A2 in the charts). The detailed volume/speed data associated with these charts are provided in Appendix C. From the above graphs the following impacts from Alternatives B-C and D-E can be seen: The westbound HOV/HOT lane on the bridge under Alternatives D-E allows for a significantly higher volume west of Interchange 8. Except for some very minor differences and the westbound volume difference west of Interchange 8 noted above, in both time periods the No Build and two sets of build alternative would have very similar volumes and speeds – an expected conclusion given the lack of any changes to the highway under the build alternatives and the near-term planning timeframe. Westchester County PMT, Travel Time and Mobility Index – 2017 Build Westchester County Local Arterials and Signalized Intersections – 2017 Build 3-40 Traffic Analyses Results 8,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 70 65 60 35 30 25 20 10 661 662 663 664 665 TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and … Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB … Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Section Between 8 E off and on 8E on ramp 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 2017 No-Build, Alt. A1 & A2 Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 2017 NB 2017 Alt A2 2017 Alt. A1 1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2017 No-Build, Alt. A1 & A2 Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 55 50 45 40 2017 NB 2017 ALT. A1 2017 Alt A2 15 Figure 3-22 2017 No Build, Alternatives B, C, D & E Eastbound AM – Westchester County Traffic Analyses Results 3-41 Int. 12 on ramp Int 11 on ramp Int 11 - Int 10 Int 10 off ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 9N off ramp Int 9N - Int 9S Int 9S on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - Int 9A on Weaving: Int 9A on - Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 8W on Int 7 Off ramp Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int 8W on ramp Int 6 off ramp Int 6 on ramp Int 6 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int 5 off - Int. 5 on Int. 5 on ramp Int 4 off ramp Int. 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on ramp Int 3 off ramp Int. 3 off - Int 3 on Weaving: Int 3 on - Int 2 off Int. 2 off - Int. 2 on Int 2 on ramp Int 1 off Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 1 on Int 1 on ramp Int 8 on ramp Int. 8 - Int 9 Int 9 off ramp Int 9 off - Int 9 on Int 9 on ramp Int 9 on - South Broadway on 8,000 70 65 50 45 666 667 668 669 670 2017 No-Build, Alt. A1 & A2 Westbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 2017 NB 2017 Alt A1 2017 Alt A2 5,000 4,732 4,000 3,500 3,322 3,000 2,500 2,807 60 55 40 35 30 28 25 20 3-42 Traffic Analyses Results 5,097 4,500 4,722 3,708 3,911 59 59 53 51 48 5,290 4,515 2,698 4,236 3,789 3,823 3,308 2,840 2,000 1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2017 No-Build, Alt A1 & A2 Westbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 59 55 53 45 36 2017 NB 2017 Alt A1 2017 Alt A2 15 10 Figure 3-23 2017 No Build, Alternatives B, C, D & E Westbound AM – Westchester County 8,000 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,000 2,500 70 65 60 45 40 35 10 671 672 673 TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and … Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB … Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Section Between 8 E off and on 8E on ramp 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 2017 No-Build, Alt. A1 & A2 Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 6,239 5,500 4,144 3,500 2,852 6,374 5,952 5,601 4,798 6,079 5,144 5,349 4,679 4,125 4,167 2017 NB 2047 Alt A2 2017 Alt A1 3,662 2,889 2,000 2,142 1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2017 No-Build, Alt. A1 & A2 Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 55 50 2047 NB 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt A2 30 25 20 15 Figure 3-24 2017 No Build, Alternatives B, C, D & E Eastbound PM – Westchester County Traffic Analyses Results 3-43 2017 No-Build, Alt A1 & A2 Westbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 6,848 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 2047 NB 4,955 674 675 676 5,185 5,052 5,105 4,272 4,323 3,853 3 5 3,198 2,999 2,894 1 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 4,695 7 9 5,817 5,177 3,376 3,478 3,003 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 2017 No-Build, Alt 1 & Alt A2 Westbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 58 59 58 49 54 53 44 35 27 54 39 2017 NB Figure 3-25 2017 No Build, Alternatives B, C, D & E Westbound PM – Westchester County 3-44 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 677 678 679 680 681 682 Table 3-6 Person Miles of Travel, Travel Time (Minutes) and Mobility Indices for Eastbound and Westbound Highway Segments: Westchester County - AM and PM Peak Periods, Alt. A (No Build) and Alt. B-C 1 and D-E in 2017 County AM and PM Peak Periods, Alt. A (No Build) and Alt. B C and D E in 2017 [1] Length 1.1 1.6 1.2 2.0 1.8 2.4 2.1 12.2 Alt. A (2017) 1.4 1.8 1.5 2.2 2.0 2.4 2.2 13.5 Travel Time Alt. B-C Alt. D-E No H/H With H/H 1.3 1.4 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.7 2.5 2.2 2.2 14.1 14.1 PMT Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2017) No H/H With H/H 8,999 8,894 8,974 8,113 7,921 8,379 7,786 7,568 7,618 15,048 14,731 14,942 12,657 12,636 12,706 14,188 14,394 14,577 10,524 10,417 10,531 77,316 76,560 77,727 Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2017) No H/H With H/H 6.3 6.8 6.5 4.6 4.4 4.6 5.3 4.6 4.6 6.8 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.1 6.0 5.8 5.3 5.7 4.9 4.7 4.8 5.7 5.4 5.5 Length 1.1 1.6 1.2 2.0 1.8 2.4 2.1 12.2 Alt. A (2017) 1.3 1.7 1.4 2.1 2.0 2.4 2.2 13.1 Travel Time Alt. B-C Alt. D-E No H/H With H/H 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.4 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.2 2.2 13.2 13.3 PMT Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2017) No H/H With H/H 6,149 6,161 6,104 6,396 6,520 6,502 7,629 7,700 7,613 13,589 13,702 13,631 11,178 11,245 11,380 10,241 10,328 10,708 6,652 6,878 7,009 61,834 62,533 62,948 Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2017) No H/H With H/H 4.8 4.8 4.3 3.8 3.9 3.9 5.3 5.3 5.3 6.4 6.4 6.4 5.6 5.6 5.7 4.2 4.2 4.3 3.0 3.1 3.2 4.7 4.7 4.7 Length 2.2 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.5 0.9 2.1 12.9 Alt. A (2017) 2.4 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.7 1.1 2.1 13.8 Travel Time PMT Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E No H/H With H/H (2017) No H/H With H/H 2.4 2.4 4,893 8,636 8,567 2.6 2.6 6,283 9,464 9,535 3.1 3.1 5,446 8,581 8,991 1.8 1.8 4,316 8,083 8,255 1.7 1.7 4,277 7,593 7,799 1.1 1.1 1,894 3,339 3,758 2.2 2.1 6,476 11,183 11,653 14.9 14.9 33,585 56,880 58,559 Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2017) No H/H With H/H 2.1 3.6 3.6 2.5 3.7 3.7 2.5 2.7 2.9 2.4 4.4 4.5 2.5 4.4 4.5 1.7 3.0 3.3 3.0 5.1 5.5 2.4 3.8 3.9 Travel Time PMT Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Westchester Westbound - PM (2017) No H/H With H/H (2017) No H/H With H/H Length 12 On Ramp to 9N Off Ramp 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.4 8,873 8,706 8,842 9N Off Ramp to 8 Off Ramp 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 9,470 9,274 9,861 8 Off Ramp to 6 On Ramp 2.0 2.7 3.2 3.1 9,187 8,546 9,117 6 On Ramp to 4 Off Ramp 1.7 1.9 2.1 1.9 9,532 8,822 9,901 4 Off Ramp to 2 On Ramp 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.8 7,226 6,901 7,447 2 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.1 3,452 3,425 3,966 8 On Ramp to Bridge 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 15,187 15,632 15,483 12 ON Ramp to Bridge 12.9 14.5 15.2 14.9 62,927 61,306 64,617 [1] Mobility Index is based on ratio of person-miles of travel and travel time for each segment Source: NYSDOT Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2017) No H/H With H/H 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.8 3.4 2.7 2.9 5.1 4.2 5.2 4.1 3.8 4.2 3.1 3.1 3.5 7.2 7.3 7.3 4.3 4.0 4.3 Westchester Eastbound - AM Toll Plaza to Exit 8 Exit 8 to 2 On Ramp 2 On Ramp to 4 On Ramp 4 On Ramp to 6 On Ramp 6 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 8 On Ramp to 9N On Ramp 9N On Ramp to 12 Off Ramp Toll Plaza to Int. 12 Off Ramp Westchester Eastbound - PM Toll Plaza to Exit 8 Exit 8 to 2 On Ramp 2 On Ramp to 4 On Ramp 4 On Ramp to 6 On Ramp 6 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 8 On Ramp to 9N On Ramp 9N On Ramp to 12 Off Ramp Toll Plaza to Int. 12 Off Ramp Westchester Westbound - AM 12 On Ramp to 9N Off Ramp 9N Off Ramp to 8 Off Ramp 8 Off Ramp to 6 On Ramp 6 On Ramp to 4 Off Ramp 4 Off Ramp to 2 On Ramp 2 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 8 On Ramp to Bridge 12 ON Ramp to Bridge 683 684 685 Traffic Analyses Results 3-45 3.4.4 2047 Build Conditions Ro c kla n d Co u n ty 2047 Bu ild Co n d itio n s 686 Rockland County Comparison of Build Volumes and Speeds 687 688 689 690 691 692 The Rockland County 2047 build analysis comprises of comparing the two 2047 highway build alternatives and four 2047 transit build alternative with the No Build scenario. The highway improvements from 2017 are carried over to all of the 2047 builds as described above. Do to the complicated geometry changes and the need to represent the HOV/HOT lane impacts this analysis is going to be broken into two comparison groups, group one compares A1, B and C with the NB and group two compares A2, D and E with the NB. 693 Model Modifications 694 695 The following list the modifications that were made to the Rockland County Paramics 2047 build models in order to insure that the models reasonably assessed future build conditions: 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 2047 no build traffic signal timings were used as the starting point for Alternative B-C for 2047. Alternative B-C 2047 was used as the starting point for all the 2047 Build transit alternatives models. Various route costs were modified to insure that through-trip travelers did not use the C/D roadways as a short-cut through Interchange 13. Various route costs were modified to insure that drivers did not aggressively use the PIP-toRoute 59 as an alternative east-west route to and from Orange County. Route 59 signal times around Interchange 14 in Nanuet were adjusted to avoid gridlock. Palisades Mall local network was enhanced under the transit alternatives to better handle the station traffic – the types of changes that would typically be included as part of the project. Under the transit alternatives, basic assumptions about station locations were made and demand to those stations was added manually based on information provided by the BPM. Signals in Nanuet, Nyack, and around the Palisades mall were fine-tuned to better handle the new travel patterns and higher demands – once again the types of changes that would typically be included as part of the project. The following graphs (Figures 3-26 through 3-29) compare 2047 No Build volumes and speed with those under Alt. B-C with just highway/bridge improvements (shown as Alt. A1 in the charts) and under Alt BC with highway/bridge and transit improvements, with BRT buses operating in a dedicated Busway across Rockland County and the bridge. The detailed volume/speed data associated with these charts are provided in Appendix C. 724 3-46 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 - 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1, Alt. B and Alt. C Eastbound AM7985 Peak Hr. Volumes 7,668 6030 6,112 6257 6,203 5777 5,751 5,519 5,877 6,455 4669 4849 4,597 4889 4,875 7164 6921 6731 4,426 2047 NB 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt B 2047 Alt C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1, Alt. B and Alt. C Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 70 69 65 65 2047 Al A1 2047 NB 59 60 59 59 55 56 53 52 50 50 50 49 45 40 40 34 30 28 Bridge 10 On Ramp 10 Off Ramp 11 On Ramp 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp 12 Off ramp 22 21 Between 12 Off … 13 On from NB PIP Int. 13 Off - 13 On Int. 13 Off - 13 On Int. 13 Off to C/D … Int. 13 Off - 13 On 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 Weaving: Old … Between 14 Off … Weaving: Old … Int. 14A Off - Int … Int 14A On Ramp Int. 14B - 14A Int 14A Off Ramp Int 14B Off - Int. … Int. 14B On Ramp Int. 15 -Int 14B Int 14B off Ramp 20 725 726 727 728 729 26 24 Section beween … 25 Mainline between… 30 Mainline between… 35 Figure 3-26 2047 No Build, Alts. B and C Without Transit (Alt. A1) and Alts. B and C With Transit Eastbound AM – Rockland County Traffic Analyses Results 3-47 8,500 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1, Alt. B and Alt. C Westbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,195 6,000 5,500 6,669 6,486 6,500 5,976 5,241 5,000 4,500 4,937 5,128 4,755 5,106 4,420 4,000 5,043 4,743 4,913 4,880 4,619 4,280 4,108 3,500 2047 Alt A1 3,000 2,500 2047 NB 2,000 2047 Alt B 1,500 2047 Alt C 1,000 500 1 70 65 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1, Alt. B and Alt. C Westbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 60 55 50 45 2047 NB 40 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt B 35 2047 Alt C 30 25 Int 14 B on Int 14 B - Int 15 Int 14 B off Int 14 B off - 14 B on Int. 14A - Int 14B Int 14 A On Int 14 On -14A off Int 14 off - 14 on Int 13 0 Int 14 Int 14 Off ramp Int. Off - Int 13 On Int 13 Off - Int On Int. Off - Int 13 On Int 13 Off to C/D Rd Int 12 On Int 12 - Int 13 Int 12 off - Int 12 on Int 11 on ramp Int 12 off ramp Int 11 off - Int 11 on Int 10 on ramp Int 11 off ramp Int 10 Off Ramp Int 13 On from C/D Rd 730 731 732 733 734 Int 10 off - Int 10 on Bridge - Int 10 Off 20 Figure 3-27 2047 No Build, Alts. B and C Without Transit (Alt. A1) and Alts. B and C With Transit Westbound AM – Rockland County 3-48 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 8500 2047 8000 7500 7000 6500 6000 5500 4,918 5000 4920 4500 4126 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 7,055 6640 6,921 6696 2047 NB 6357 5,946 5753 5,395 4,857 4719 4370 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1, Alt. B and Alt. C Eastbound PM 69 Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 70 65 No-Build, Alt. A1, Alt. B and Alt. C Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 67 65 60 54 53 52 45 59 57 55 55 50 64 63 59 57 55 53 53 52 45 43 57 54 44 41 40 35 2047 NB 2047 Alt B 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt C 30 Bridge 10 On Ramp 10 Off Ramp 11 On Ramp Mainline between… Section beween … 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off … Mainline between… 13 On from NB PIP Int. 13 Off - 13 On Int. 13 Off - 13 On Int. 13 Off to C/D … Int. 13 Off - 13 On 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 Weaving: Old … Between 14 Off … Weaving: Old … Int. 14A Off - Int … Int 14A On Ramp Int. 14B - 14A Int 14A Off Ramp Int 14B Off - Int. … Int. 15 -Int 14B 735 736 737 738 739 Int 14B off Ramp 20 Int. 14B On Ramp 25 Figure 3-28 2047 No Build, Alts. B and C Without Transit (Alt. A1) and Alts. B and C With Transit Eastbound PM – Rockland County Traffic Analyses Results 3-49 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 - 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1, Alt. B and Alt. C Westbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 2047 NB 1 2 70 65 3 4 5 6 2047 Alt A1 7 8 2047 Alt B 2047 Alt C 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1, Alt. B and Alt. C Westbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 2047 NB 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt B 2047 Alt C 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 Int 14 B - Int 15 Int 14 B on Int 14 B off - 14 B on Int 14 B off Int 14 A On Int. 14A - Int 14B Int 14 On -14A off Int 14 Off ramp Int 14 off - 14 on Int 13 0 Int 14 Int. Off - Int 13 On Int 13 Off - Int On Int. Off - Int 13 On Int 13 Off to C/D Rd Int 12 On Int 12 - Int 13 Int 12 off ramp Int 12 off - Int 12 on Int 11 on ramp Int 11 off ramp Int 11 off - Int 11 on Int 10 on ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 13 On from C/D Rd 740 741 742 743 744 745 Int 10 Off Ramp Bridge - Int 10 Off 20 Figure 3-29 2047 No Build, Alts. B and C Without Transit (Alt. A1) and Alts. B and C With Transit Westbound PM – Rockland County 3-50 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 From the above graphs the following observations for 2047 with Alternatives A1, B and C can be made: 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 Table 3-7 provides the PMT, travel time and mobility index values in 2047 under No Build and Alternatives B-C (common highway/bridge improvements only) in the AM and PM peak hours in the eastbound and westbound directions for Rockland County. Data for Alternatives D-E (common highway/bridge improvements + HOV/HOT lanes) are also presented for discussion in the next section. Data are shown for the same eastbound and westbound highway segments that were defined in Section 3.2 above. The results for Alternatives B-C show mobility gains in all peak hours and directions relative to NO Build conditions, especially in the westbound directions, reflecting the effect of the common highway/bridge improvements, especially the westbound climbing lane and the C/D roads at Interchange 13. For the AM period Alternatives B-C/No Transit and B-C with Transit all show very similar volume and speed patterns. The significant congestion shown in the AM eastbound No Build between Interchange 14 and Interchange 11 is greatly reduced under the build alternatives, with greater volumes and higher speeds in all three. The increased volumes at Interchange 11 will result is a substantial drop in speeds across all alternatives and somewhat lower speeds east of that point towards the bridge for the build alternatives. The AM westbound congestion located around Interchange 10-11 in the No Build is alleviated in the build alternatives. The increased traffic flow through this area would result in a reduction in speeds around Interchange 12. There is a substantial benefit seen in the speeds across all periods, directions and builds at Interchange 13 (C/D roadways). For the AM westbound, and the PM eastbound and westbound trips the increased volumes and weaving causes a drop in speeds around interchanges 14A and 14. This drop would be most pronounced in the PM westbound direction where the operations of Route 59 in Nanuet also contribute to the mainline congestion. Improved PM signal timings due to station location around interchange 14B would result in an improved mainline operation. The capacity constraints associated with the transit improvements in Westchester under Alternative C would result in a lower Bridge volume which accounts for the drop in WB volumes for Alternative C from the bridge to about Interchange 12. Rockland County PMT, Travel Time and Mobility Index – Alt. B-C (2047) Traffic Analyses Results 3-51 790 791 792 793 794 795 Table 3-7 Person Miles of Travel, Travel Time (Minutes) and Mobility Indices for Eastbound and Westbound Highway Segments: Rockland County - AM and PM Peak Periods, Alt. A (No Build) and Alt. B-C 1 and D-E in 2047 AM and PM Peak Periods, Alt. A (No Build) and Alt. B C and D E in 2047 [1] Travel Time PMT Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Rockland Eastbound - AM Peak No H/H With H/H (2047) No H/H With H/H Length (2047) No H/H With H/H (2047) 15 On Ramp to 14 B On Ramp 2.6 3.2 3.9 2.8 18,126 17,987 20,481 5.6 4.6 7.4 14B On to 14A Off Ramp 3.1 3.0 3.1 4.5 22,052 21,990 26,358 7.3 7.2 5.8 14A Off Ramp to 14 On Ramp 1.5 2.5 1.8 2.1 10,177 10,727 12,143 4.0 6.0 5.9 14 On Ramp to 13 On Ramp from NB PIP 1.9 4.5 2.3 2.2 14,039 13,104 15,722 3.1 5.7 7.1 13 On Ramp from NB PIP to 11 On Ramp 2.6 7.6 5.7 5.4 16,028 18,487 23,200 2.1 3.3 4.3 11 On Ramp to Middle of bridge 3.7 3.8 4.4 7.6 31,579 34,487 42,396 8.3 7.8 5.6 15 On Ramp to Middle of bridge 15.6 24.7 21.1 24.5 112,003 116,784 140,301 4.5 5.5 5.7 Rockland Eastbound - PM Peak 15 On Ramp to 14 B On Ramp 14B On to 14A Off Ramp 14A Off Ramp to 14 On Ramp 14 On Ramp to 13 On Ramp from NB PIP 13 On Ramp from NB PIP to 11 On Ramp 11 On Ramp to Middle of bridge 15 On Ramp to Middle of bridge Rockland Westbound - AM Peak Middle of Bridge to 11 Off Ramp 11 Off Ramp to 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP to 14 Off Ramp 14 Off Ramp to 14 A On Ramp 14 A On Ramp to 14 B off Ramp 14 B off Ramp to 15 Off Ramp Middle of Bridge to 15 Off Ramp 796 797 Length 2.6 3.1 1.5 1.9 2.6 3.7 15.6 Travel Time Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2047) No H/H With H/H 2.3 2.4 2.4 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.9 4.0 4.0 16.1 16.0 16.0 Alt. A (2047) 15,111 20,053 11,152 15,421 16,358 24,127 102,222 PMT Mobility Index Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E No H/H With H/H (2047) No H/H With H/H 15,150 15,150 6.5 6.4 6.4 20,101 20,101 6.7 6.6 6.6 13,493 13,493 6.7 8.0 8.0 13,221 13,221 6.9 6.4 6.4 16,906 16,906 5.6 5.9 5.9 25,773 25,773 6.2 6.5 6.5 104,645 104,645 6.4 6.5 6.5 Length 4.4 2.8 1.9 1.5 3.5 2.4 16.5 Travel Time Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2047) No H/H With H/H 6.2 4.9 4.7 3.3 3.0 3.0 1.9 2.0 2.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 3.2 3.3 3.4 2.2 2.2 2.3 18.4 16.9 17.0 Alt. A (2047) 26,773 17,936 11,335 8,937 19,935 12,876 97,792 PMT Mobility Index Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E No H/H With H/H (2047) No H/H With H/H 29,083 34,136 4.3 5.9 7.2 18,847 21,703 5.4 6.3 7.3 11,636 13,912 5.9 5.8 6.9 9,576 10,203 5.6 6.0 6.4 21,100 23,395 6.2 6.5 6.9 13,606 15,292 6.0 6.3 6.6 103,848 118,641 5.3 6.1 7.0 PMT Travel Time Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Rockland Westbound - PM Peak Length (2047) No H/H With H/H (2047) No H/H With H/H (2047) No H/H With H/H Middle of Bridge to 11 Off Ramp 4.4 11.6 5.4 4.7 34,474 39,395 44,970 3.0 7.3 9.6 11 Off Ramp to 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP 2.8 6.7 3.3 3.0 20,170 21,614 24,348 3.0 6.6 8.1 13 Off Ramp to NB PIP to 14 Off Ramp 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.4 12,423 11,887 16,719 6.0 4.9 6.9 14 Off Ramp to 14 A On Ramp 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 10,370 11,016 11,441 6.5 6.7 6.9 14 A On Ramp to 14 B off Ramp 3.5 4.0 3.7 3.6 23,699 25,542 26,728 5.9 6.9 7.4 14 B off Ramp to 15 Off Ramp 2.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 13,886 15,395 16,251 6.5 7.1 6.9 Middle of Bridge to 15 Off Ramp 16.5 28.2 18.6 17.7 115,022 124,849 140,457 4.1 6.7 7.9 [1] Mobility Index is based on ratio of person-miles of travel and travel time for each segment Source: NYSDOT 3-52 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 798 Rockland County Local Arterials and Signalized Intersections – Alt. B-C (2047) 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 The summary of the locations and the various impacts of the signalized intersections can be found in Appendix C. 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 Table 3-7 provided above shows the PMT, travel time and mobility index values in 2047 under No Build and Alternatives D -E (common highway/bridge improvements + HOV/HOT lanes) in Rockland County. Data are shown for the same eastbound and westbound highway segments that were defined in Section 3.2 above. The results for Alternatives D-E show cross-corridor mobility gains in all peak hours and directions relative to No Build conditions, especially in the westbound directions. The higher values for Alt. D-E relative to Alt. B-C reflects the additional PMT made possible by the vehicles with higher average occupancy levels in the HOV/HOT lanes. The substantial increase in eastbound travel times in the AM peak in the segment east of Interchange 11 and across the bridge (due to HOV/HOT related problems in Westchester) offsets most of the mobility gains realized in the rest of the eastbound corridor. The following graphs (Figures 3-30 through 3-33) compare 2047 No Build volumes and speed with those under Alt. D-E with just highway/bridge improvements, including the HOV/HOT lanes under these alternatives (shown as Alt. A2 in the charts) and under Alt D-E with highway/bridge and transit improvements with BRT buses operating in the HOV/HOT lanes across Rockland County and the bridge. The detailed volume/speed data associated with these charts are provided in Appendix C. From the above graphs the following observations for 2047 with Alternatives D-E without transit (shown as Alt. A2 in the charts) and Alt. D-E with transit: The throughput in Rockland County is similar across the build alternatives and significantly higher than the No Build for the most part, given the additional capacity. All build alternatives show a significant improvement in the area of Interchange 13 (C/D roadways). The drop in eastbound AM speeds immediately east of Interchange 13 is due to the substantial increase in volumes through that section. The substantial drop in eastbound AM speeds from Interchange 12 to the bridge reflects problems at Interchange 8 in Westchester County, which does not have the capacity for the 1,500+ eastbound vehicles primarily coming from the eastbound HOV/HOT lane. Due to the additional demand and the impacts of the local streets in Nanuet, the build scenarios in the PM see a drop in speeds around interchanges 14A and 14. This is most evident in the Alternative E in the westbound direction. The build scenarios experience a drop in speeds near Interchange 12 in the eastbound direction, reflecting trips to and from the Palisades Mall, madding traffic very sensitive to any shifts in travel patterns. Rockland County PMT, Travel Time and Mobility Index – Alt. D-E (2047) Traffic Analyses Results 3-53 8,500 8,000 2047 No-Build and Alt. A2 Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes: Gen Purpose & HOV/HOT (H/H) Lanes 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 7,847 7,448 7,500 6,407 6,852 6,443 6,455 6,203 5,854 6,112 7,668 7,601 5,000 4,426 4,500 5,563 5,654 5,279 5,385 5,436 4,349 4,000 4,992 4,546 4,426 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 2047 NB 2047 A2 2047 A2 (H/H) 2047 ALT D 1,212 1,344 1,000 500 - 0 378 402 90 90 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 2047 No-Build and Alt. A2 Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds- Gen Purpose Lanes (MPH) 70 62 60 2047 Alt D 51 50 43 37 59 56 50 43 40 35 30 30 28 25 24 26 21 Int. 15 -14B HOV Slip On ↑ Int 14B off Ramp Int. 14B Off - 14B On Int 14B On Ramp Int. 14B - Int 14A HOV Slip On ↑ Between Slip on and off HOV Slip Off ↓ Int 14A Off Ramp Between 14A Off and On Ramps(?) 14A On Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 Slip on 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 Slip On 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge 20 843 844 845 846 52 Alt E 2047 48 40 35 2047 Alt A2 60 55 45 2047 NB 65 65 Figure 3-30 2047 No Build, Alts. D and E Without Transit (Alt. A2) and Alts. D and E With Transit (BRT in HOV/HOT Lane) Eastbound AM – Rockland County 3-54 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 8,500 2047 No-Build and Alt. A2 Westbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes: Gen Purpose & HOV/HOT (H/H) Lanes 8,000 7,500 6,827 7,000 6,940 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 6,195 5,857 5,777 5,106 5,241 4,500 5,173 4,585 5,128 4,755 2047 NB 2047 A2 (H/H) 2047 Alt D(H/H) 2047 Alt E(H/H) 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 5,810 5,976 5,446 4,883 4,243 4,619 4,743 2047 A2 2047 Alt D 2047 Alt E 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 634 673 532 369 369 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2047 No-Build and Alt. A2 Westbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds- Gen Purpose Lanes (MPH) 70 67 66 62 65 60 55 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 55 60 60 58 54 49 48 45 59 56 55 51 50 50 59 59 58 2047 NB 40 2047 A2 35 32 30 25 2047 Alt D 2047 Alt E 24 HOV Slip Off ↓ Int 14 B on Int 14 B - Int 15 Int 14 B off Int. 14 B off - Int 14 B on HOV Slip off ↓ Int 14 A On Int 14A - Int 14B Int 14 off - Int 14 on Int 13 - Int 14 Int 14 Off ramp Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON Int. 13 On - HOV Slip off ↓ Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON HOV Slip on ↑ Int 13 off to C/D Rd Int 12 On Int. 12 - Int 13 Int 12 off ramp Int 12 off - Int. 12 on Int. 11 on ramp Int 11 off - Int 11 on Int 10 on ramp Int 11 off ramp Int 10 Off Ramp Weaving: Int. 14 On - 14A off 847 848 849 850 Int 10 off - HOV Slip Off Bridge to Int. 10 Off Ramp 20 Figure 3-31 2047 No Build, Alts. D and E Without Transit (Alt. A2) and Alts. D and E With Transit (BRT in HOV/HOT Lane) Westbound AM – Rockland County Traffic Analyses Results 3-55 2047 No-Build and Alt. A2 Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes: Gen Purpose & HOV/HOT (H/H) Lanes 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,994 6,500 6,357 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 6,180 5,565 5,201 5,772 5,310 4,920 5,291 4,381 5,753 5,161 4,590 4,370 4,126 4,000 6,110 5,656 2047 NB 2047 Alt A2 2047 Alt A2 (H/H) 2047 Alt D 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 - 0 155 83 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 70 65 60 2047 No-Build and Alt. A2 Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds- Gen Purpose Lanes (MPH) 67 67 62 65 62 61 57 55 54 52 50 54 61 57 54 55 45 40 2047 NB 35 2047 NB 30 2047 Alt D 25 2047 Alt E 55 51 50 50 59 57 54 44 41 32 851 852 853 854 Int. 15 -14B HOV Slip On ↑ Int 14B off Ramp Int. 14B Off - 14B On Int 14B On Ramp Int. 14B - Int 14A HOV Slip On ↑ Between Slip on and off HOV Slip Off ↓ Int 14A Off Ramp Between 14A Off and On Ramps(?) 14A On Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 Slip on 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 Slip On 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge 20 Figure 3-32 2047 No Build, Alts. D and E Without Transit (Alt. A2) and Alts. D and E With Transit (BRT in HOV/HOT Lane) Eastbound PM – Rockland County 3-56 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 2047 No-Build and Alt. A2 Westbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes: Gen Purpose & HOV/HOT (H/H) Lanes 7,590 7,004 7,514 6,919 6,413 6,455 6,110 6,079 5,614 5,500 4,500 5,870 5,634 4,991 5,105 4,697 5,000 6,328 4,571 5,055 4,200 4,000 2047 NB 2047 A2 2047 A2 (H/H) 3,500 2047 Alt D 2047 Alt D(H/H) 2047 Alt E 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,434 893 1,000 1,000 893 1,000 1,000 500 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2047 No-Build and Alt. A2 Westbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds- Gen Purpose Lanes (MPH) 70 67 65 55 58 55 53 57 55 54 51 50 54 51 45 44 40 38 35 32 27 2047 Alt D 26 Int 14 B on Int 14 B - Int 15 Int 14 B off HOV Slip off ↓ Int 14 off - Int 14 on Weaving: Int. 14 On - 14A off Int 13 - Int 14 Int 14 Off ramp Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON Int. 13 On - HOV Slip off ↓ Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON Int. 13 Off - Int 13 ON HOV Slip on ↑ Int 13 off to C/D Rd Int 12 On Int. 12 - Int 13 Int 12 off ramp Int 12 off - Int. 12 on Int. 11 on ramp Int 11 off - Int 11 on Int 10 on ramp Int 11 off ramp Int 10 Off Ramp Int 10 off - HOV Slip Off Bridge to Int. 10 Off Ramp 855 856 857 858 859 Int 14 A On 2047 Alt E 20 Int 14A - Int 14B 25 2047 A2 31 30 30 2047 NB Int. 14 B off - Int 14 B on 55 61 61 60 HOV Slip Off ↓ 1,500 Figure 3-33 2047 No Build, Alts. D and E Without Transit (Alt. A2) and Alts. D and E With Transit (BRT in HOV/HOT Lane) Westbound PM – Rockland County Traffic Analyses Results 3-57 860 Rockland County Local Arterials and Signalized Intersections – Alt. D-E (2047) 861 862 863 The summary of the locations and the various impacts of the signalized intersections can be found in Appendix C. We s tc he s te r Co u n ty 2047 Bu ild Co n d itio n s 864 Westchester County Comparison of Build Volumes and Speeds 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 In Westchester, highway and transit alternatives were compared against the No Build separately. Unlike in Rockland County where the alternatives with HOV/HOT lanes could be expected to operate in a similar manner (as would the alternatives without HOV/HOT lanes), it is not necessarily the case in Westchester because traffic operations in Westchester would depend on a combination of factors including the demand across the Tappan Zee Bridge, the capacity of roadways in Westchester, and so on. 872 873 The following list the modifications that were made to the Westchester County Paramics 2047 build models in order to insure that the models reasonably assessed future build conditions: 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 Model Modifications The PM demands were reduced for White Plains-originating trips to reduce the amounts of unreleased traffic to a more realistic amount. The logic for these reductions is based on the fact that the White Plains PM model zones mainly represent parking lots and garages that are already close to or at capacity, providing little room for those lots to increase their traffic-generating capacity beyond those levels. The Alternative D-E demands from White Plains to Westchester-based destinations were set to the same values as the Alternative B-C scenario to more realistically reflect the actual effect of Rockland HOV/HOT lanes on conditions in the central Westchester area. Traffic signal timing improvements to 2010 timing settings were applied throughout the model along 119 and in White Plains (No Build and build) to better reflect the actual timings that would exist after almost four decades of growth. The transit alternatives were given a new priority/protected phase of about 10sec at any intersection where the restricted bus lane would meet with general traffic – changes that would normally occur as part of such projects. A number of changes were made to the transit design through White Plains from North Central Avenue to the Eastern side of White Plains. An additional driveway was added for all 2047 models around the American Heart Association Parking Facility on Westchester Avenue. Although not needed in 2017 the local traffic growth in this area resulted in the need for a more real world representation of the driveways – changes that would clearly be made with or without the proposed project. The following graphs (Figures 3-34 through 3-37) compare 2047 No Build volumes and speeds with those under Alt. B-C (shown as Alt. A1 in the charts) and Alternatives D-E (shown as Alt. A2 in the charts. The detailed volume/speed data associated with these charts are provided in Appendix C. 3-58 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 From the above graphs the following observations for 2047 with Alternatives B-C and D-E can be made: 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 Table 3-8 shows the PMT, travel time and mobility index values in 2047 under No Build and Alternatives B-C and D-E in Westchester County. Data are shown for the same eastbound and westbound highway segments that were defined in Section 3.2 above. The results show (1) a general lack of meaningful differences in travel times and overall mobility among the No Build and two sets of build alternatives, which is expected due to the lack of any highway improvements in Westchester County, and (2) the substantial loss in mobility and through-put in the eastbound section from the bridge to Exit 6 in White Plains under Alternatives D-E due to the impact of HOV/HOT lane-related increases in eastbound demand coming from the bridge. 935 936 937 938 939 940 Except for the AM westbound direction there are no significant differences east of Interchange 8 between No Build and the two sets of build alternatives. Due to the increase eastbound demand coming across the bridge (from the HOV/HOT lane) in the AM peak under Alternatives D-E, the speeds from the bridge to Interchange 8 drop substantial and are also lower and more unstable up to Exit 7 in the White Plains areas. Due to the inability of large amounts of additional traffic to get to and from the highway in the central core of Westchester, there are no substantial changes in volumes for most of the mainline east of Interchange 8. No information is provided here regarding highway operations under the 2047 build transit alternatives in Westchester County, as there were very few differences in highway operations under those alternatives relative to those shown above for Alternatives B-C and D-E without transit in 2047. Detailed speed and volume information for the 2047 transit alternatives are provided in Appendix C. Westchester County PMT, Travel Time and Mobility Index – Alt. B-C and D-E (2047) Westchester County Local Arterials and Signalized Intersections – Alt. D-E and DE (2047) The summary of the locations and the various impacts of the signalized intersections can be found in Appendix C. These discussions include a review of those changes in intersection-level traffic conditions in the White Plains area due to the introduction of on-street bus lanes under all four transit build alternatives. Traffic Analyses Results 3-59 6,000 70 65 60 55 35 30 20 15 10 941 942 943 944 TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and … Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB … Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Section Between 8 E off and on 8E on ramp 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp 8,000 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1 & A2Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,500 7,000 7,393 5,500 5,000 4,000 3,500 40 7,494 6,500 6,664 6,256 5,498 3,957 53 40 31 17 3-60 Traffic Analyses Results 5,926 5,139 4,007 3,000 2,500 2,000 50 45 47 39 25 26 18 5,754 5,494 4,500 59 54 53 47 30 24 47 35 30 23 5,890 5,466 4,503 4,932 2047 NB 2047 Alt A2 2047 Alt A1 3,203 1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1 & A2 Eastbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 58 59 53 53 48 34 2047 NB 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt A2 Figure 3-34 2047 No Build, Alts. B and C Without Transit (Alt. A1) and Alts. D and E Without Transit (Alt. A2) Eastbound AM – Westchester County 945 946 947 948 949 950 Int. 12 on ramp Int 11 on ramp Int 11 - Int 10 Int 10 off ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 9N off ramp Int 9N - Int 9S Int 9S on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - Int 9A on Weaving: Int 9A on - Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 8W on Int 7 Off ramp Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int 8W on ramp Int 6 off ramp Int 6 on ramp Int 6 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int 5 off - Int. 5 on Int. 5 on ramp Int 4 off ramp Int. 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on ramp Int 3 off ramp Int. 3 off - Int 3 on Weaving: Int 3 on - Int 2 off Int. 2 off - Int. 2 on Int 2 on ramp Int 1 off Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 1 on Int 1 on ramp Int 8 on ramp Int. 8 - Int 9 Int 9 off ramp Int 9 off - Int 9 on Int 9 on ramp Int 9 on - South Broadway on Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 8,000 70 65 50 45 30 25 20 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1 & A2 Westbound AM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 2047 NB 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt A2 5,000 5,198 4,935 4,500 4,000 3,794 3,500 3,247 3,000 3,201 60 55 4,103 4,008 3,667 58 59 47 35 34 27 4,247 3,934 2,500 2,768 2,000 1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2017 and 2047 No-Build Westbound AM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 58 53 56 50 51 40 44 2047 NB 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt A2 15 10 Figure 3-35 2047 No Build, Alts. B and C Without Transit (Alt. A1) and Alts. D and E Without Transit (Alt. A2) Westbound AM – Westchester County Traffic Analyses Results 3-61 70 65 60 10 951 952 953 954 955 956 TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and … Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB … Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Section Between 8 E off and on 8E on ramp 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp 8,000 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1 & A2 Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2047 NB 2047 Alt A2 2047 Alt A1 2,000 1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2047 No-Build, Alt. A1 & A2 Eastbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 55 50 45 40 35 2047 NB 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt A2 30 25 20 15 Figure 3-36 2047 No Build, Alts. B and C Without Transit (Alt. A1) and Alts. D and E Without Transit (Alt. A2) Eastbound PM – Westchester County 3-62 Traffic Analyses Results Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic 8,000 2047 No-Build, Alt A1 & A2 Westbound PM Peak Hr. Volumes 7,500 7,254 7,000 6,820 2047 NB 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt A2 6,500 6,000 5,500 4,500 3,500 4,702 3,791 3,447 3,357 3,173 3,000 5,295 4,568 4,324 4,144 4,000 5,777 5,433 5,269 5,000 7,635 2,951 2,500 2,000 1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 70 65 2047 No-Build, Alt 1 & Alt A2 Westbound PM Peak Hr. Speeds (MPH) 60 59 55 55 50 45 56 60 54 49 42 35 25 20 15 57 35 27 45 41 57 57 50 40 30 55 52 61 58 57 58 54 50 48 41 32 31 33 2047 NB 2047 Alt A1 2047 Alt A2 Int. 12 on ramp Int 11 on ramp Int 11 - Int 10 Int 10 off ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 9N off ramp Int 9N - Int 9S Int 9S on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - Int 9A on Weaving: Int 9A on - Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 8W on Int 7 Off ramp Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int 8W on ramp Int 6 off ramp Int 6 on ramp Int 6 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int 5 off - Int. 5 on Int. 5 on ramp Int 4 off ramp Int. 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on ramp Int 3 off ramp Int. 3 off - Int 3 on Weaving: Int 3 on - Int 2 off Int. 2 off - Int. 2 on Int 2 on ramp Int 1 off Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 1 on Int 1 on ramp Int 8 on ramp Int. 8 - Int 9 Int 9 off ramp Int 9 off - Int 9 on Int 9 on ramp Int 9 on - South Broadway on 10 957 958 959 960 961 Figure 3-37 2047 No Build, Alts. B and C Without Transit (Alt. A1) and Alts. D and E Without Transit (Alt. A2) Westbound PM – Westchester County Traffic Analyses Results 3-63 962 963 964 965 966 967 Table 3-8 Person Miles of Travel, Travel Time (Minutes) and Mobility Indices for Eastbound and Westbound Highway Segments: Westchester County - AM and PM Peak Periods, Alt. A (No Build) and Alt. B-C 1 and D-E in 2047 County AM and PM Peak Periods, Alt. A (No uild) and Alt. in 047 [ ] Length 1.1 1.6 1.2 2.0 1.8 2.4 2.1 12.2 Length 1.1 1.6 1.2 2.0 1.8 2.4 2.1 12.2 Alt. A (2047) 1.3 1.7 1.5 2.2 2.0 4.1 2.3 15.0 Travel Time Alt. B-C Alt. D-E No H/H With H/H 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.8 2.9 2.2 2.3 13.7 14.1 PMT Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2047) No H/H With H/H 7,875 7,952 7,688 7,770 7,821 7,844 8,502 8,698 8,621 15,459 15,352 15,526 13,047 12,613 13,244 10,968 11,773 12,197 6,862 8,033 8,368 70,483 72,242 73,488 Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2047) No H/H With H/H 6.1 6.2 5.2 4.6 4.6 4.5 5.7 5.8 5.8 7.1 7.1 7.1 6.4 6.2 6.5 2.7 4.3 4.2 3.0 3.6 3.6 4.7 5.3 5.2 Length 2.2 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.5 0.9 2.1 12.9 Alt. A (2047) 2.4 2.6 4.2 1.8 1.8 1.1 2.2 16.1 Travel Time PMT Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E No H/H With H/H (2047) No H/H With H/H 2.4 2.4 9,535 9,783 9,682 2.6 2.6 9,969 10,394 10,491 2.7 2.8 9,222 9,467 9,737 1.8 1.8 8,560 8,796 8,868 1.8 1.8 7,994 8,363 8,444 1.1 1.1 3,436 3,751 4,017 2.1 2.1 11,754 13,907 12,986 14.5 14.6 60,471 64,460 64,225 Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2017) No H/H With H/H 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.9 4.0 4.1 2.2 3.5 3.5 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.5 4.8 4.8 3.1 3.4 3.6 5.4 6.8 6.1 3.7 4.5 4.4 Travel Time PMT Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E Westchester Westbound - PM (2047) No H/H With H/H (2047) No H/H With H/H Length 12 On Ramp to 9N Off Ramp 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.4 10,039 9,520 9,973 9N Off Ramp to 8 Off Ramp 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 9,736 10,565 10,682 8 Off Ramp to 6 On Ramp 2.0 4.6 2.7 3.2 10,206 9,801 10,132 6 On Ramp to 4 Off Ramp 1.7 2.0 1.9 2.1 10,718 10,600 11,040 4 Off Ramp to 2 On Ramp 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.0 8,175 8,368 8,360 2 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.1 3,954 3,991 3,944 8 On Ramp to Bridge 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.1 18,286 18,630 15,418 12 ON Ramp to Bridge 12.9 16.6 14.7 15.4 71,113 71,474 69,549 [1] Mobility Index is based on ratio of person-miles of travel and travel time for each segment Source: NYSDOT Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2017) No H/H With H/H 4.2 4.0 4.2 3.8 4.1 4.1 2.2 3.6 3.2 5.5 5.6 5.3 4.5 4.6 4.2 3.5 3.6 3.6 8.5 8.6 7.3 4.3 4.9 4.5 Westchester Eastbound - AM Toll Plaza to Exit 8 Exit 8 to 2 On Ramp 2 On Ramp to 4 On Ramp 4 On Ramp to 6 On Ramp 6 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 8 On Ramp to 9N On Ramp 9N On Ramp to 12 Off Ramp Toll Plaza to Int. 12 Off Ramp Westchester Eastbound - PM Toll Plaza to Exit 8 Exit 8 to 2 On Ramp 2 On Ramp to 4 On Ramp 4 On Ramp to 6 On Ramp 6 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 8 On Ramp to 9N On Ramp 9N On Ramp to 12 Off Ramp Toll Plaza to Int. 12 Off Ramp Westchester Westbound - AM 12 On Ramp to 9N Off Ramp 9N Off Ramp to 8 Off Ramp 8 Off Ramp to 6 On Ramp 6 On Ramp to 4 Off Ramp 4 Off Ramp to 2 On Ramp 2 On Ramp to 8 On Ramp 8 On Ramp to Bridge 12 ON Ramp to Bridge 968 C and Travel Time Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2047) No H/H With H/H 1.5 1.5 3.3 1.9 2.0 2.9 1.9 1.9 3.1 3.2 3.0 4.1 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.8 2.6 2.9 2.2 2.2 2.2 15.7 15.4 20.8 3-64 Traffic Analyses Results Alt. A (2047) 9,397 8,625 7,919 15,306 13,235 14,634 10,686 79,803 PMT Alt. B-C Alt. D-E No H/H With H/H 9,776 9,642 8,810 9,015 8,224 7,640 15,090 14,682 13,190 12,836 14,900 13,712 10,572 10,060 80,562 77,587 Mobility Index Alt. A Alt. B-C Alt. D-E (2047) No H/H With H/H 6.4 6.7 2.9 4.5 4.4 3.1 4.1 4.2 2.4 4.8 5.0 3.6 6.1 6.3 5.9 5.2 5.6 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.6 5.1 5.2 3.7 Technical Report – Traffic 4 Mitigation Measures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4.1 Hig h wa y a n d Brid g e Mitig a tio n The Highway and Bridge Elements would improve overall highway mobility and operations in both 2017 and 2047, allowing the corridor to move more people and goods with typically minimal increases in (and often decreases in) travel time. The use of a mobility index in the traffic analysis rather than just travel speeds or tradition Level of Service (LOS) ratings provided a clearer measure of how much the proposed project would improve the highway’s ability to efficiently handle future demand increases. No locations were identified along the highway that would require mitigation, which is expected given that the proposed project itself is a mitigation package for many of the operational and safety issues in Rockland County. Further, many problems would have already been addressed by the on-going highway improvements in Westchester County, where no changes to the highway are proposed. The only location where the project would potentially impact highway operations would be under Alternative D (HOV/Busway) and Alternative E (HOV/Bus Lanes) in 2047. Under these alternatives in the morning AM peak hour, eastbound volumes from Rockland County heading over the bridge (including those in the HOV/HOT lane) would increase by 1,300 to 1,400 vehicles over No Build levels. After roughly 300 to 400 vehicles get off at Interchange 9 (via the flyover ramp), the remaining 1,000 to 1,100 vehicles in the HOT/HOT lane would merge into the highway’s general purpose lanes between Interchange 9 and Interchange 8. These added volumes would put pressure on the recently redesigned Interchange 8, resulting in speed reductions on the eastbound highway that would affect traffic flows on the bridge and affect the highway’s operation in eastern Rockland County. The overall highway network would be handling more volumes, but with an increase in travel time to the average driver. These impacts would occur in 2047 but would not occur in 2017. In terms of the possible need for mitigation of these impacts, the following factors need to be considered: These impacts are projected over an almost 40 year planning horizon, with all of the uncertainties and approximations involved in that type of process. As the various build alternatives continue to be reviewed, all operating parameters of the impacted highway segment in Westchester – e.g., weaving distances, merge/diverge operations, etc. – would need to be further reviewed to assess potential refinements to the proposed concept to ensure that the maximum mobility benefits of the HOV/HOT lane would be achieved while maintaining overall traffic flow. The identified impact of the HOV/HOT lane on highway operations is directly correlated to the traffic volumes in that lane, the use of which is controlled by pricing. The pricing paradigm assumed for the EIS was that the lane’s utilization in Rockland County and across the bridge would be maximized as long as speed in the lane was maintained to at least 45 mph. Different pricing strategies for this lane that would reduce these volumes and the associated traffic impacts should also be further reviewed. Some delays associated with toll plaza operation were projected for future years – delays that would be less than under the present bridge but still an issue. However, it is very likely that some form of open-road Mitigation Measures 4-1 45 46 47 tolling (ORT) system for the toll plaza would be in place well before 2047, which would eliminate these toll plaza issues. In the interim, further enhancements in design, as well as additional marketing or pricing strategies to increase E-ZPass usage could help maintain traffic operations at the toll plaza. 48 4.2 In te rs e c tio n Mitig a tio n 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Traffic conditions with the project in 2017 generally would not warrant any mitigation at study area intersections, other than the assumed fine-tuning of operations normally carried out by traffic agencies. In 2047 at the identified locations, the way in which overall travel demand levels would be manifested at the intersection levels are difficult to project. Many of the potential impacts would involve often modest shifts or increases in volumes at already heavily congested intersections. The exact nature of those adjustments would be worked out by traffic agencies as part of normal traffic management programs. 64 4.3 Tra n s it Mitig a tio n S tra te g ie s 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 A number of potential traffic impacts associated with the Transit Elements were identified near proposed BRT and BRT/CRT stations in Rockland County and along roadways with proposed on-street bus lanes in or near downtown White Plains. During the future Tier 2 Transit environmental documentation, the transit stations would be further designed, taking into consideration access/egress plans and adjustments to nearby signal designs to minimize such impacts. Where a station would alter highway or roadway design, such as the elimination of the Old Nyack Turnpike eastbound on-ramp near Interchange 14, more extensive geometric changes at affected intersections would be needed. Most of the potential traffic impacts of the Highway and Bridge Elements at signalized intersections in Rockland and Westchester Counties could be mitigated through low-cost, transportation systems management (TSM) type improvements. These would include signal timing and phasing refinements to better match demand patterns at those locations, pavement restriping to optimize lane arrangements based on traffic demands; and other measures to improve capacity such as corridor signal coordination and parking restrictions at intersection approaches. These are the types of actions that traffic agencies routinely carry out as part of short- and long-range operational and safety programs – actions that would occur numerous times during the long-term planning year horizon of 2047. In terms of the impacts that would be associated with BRT operations, comprehensive street management studies would be needed to balance the competing demands for street and sidewalk space, especially in a complex, tightly designed downtown White Plains. These types of issues would be addressed during the future Tier 2 Transit environmental documentation. 4-2 Mitigation Measures Technical Report – Traffic 5 References References 5-1 5-2 References Technical Report – Traffic 6 List of Preparers This technical report was prepared under the direction of the New York State Department of Transportation, New York State Thruway Authority, and Metro-North Railroad by: AECOM One World Financial Center 200 Liberty Street New York, NY 10281 Key personnel included: Christine Tiernan – Principal-in-Charge Lisa Ives – Project Manager William Crowell, PhD – Deputy Project Manager Nikhil Puri – Senior Transportation Planner Matt Jukes – Senior Transportation Planner William Pagliuca – Technical Editor James Labate – Senior GIS/Graphics Specialist Vivian Ramos – Administrative Assistant List of Preparers 6-1 Metro-North Railroad New York State Department of Transporation 6-2 List of Preparers Thruway Authority Appendix A Existing Observed Data Table A-1: Seasonally Adjusted ATR Volumes – Rockland County Table A-2: Seasonally Adjusted ATR Volumes – Westchester County Table A-3: Turning Movements at Intersections – Rockland County Table A-4: Turning Movements at Intersections – Westchester County 1-3 Purpose and Need Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic A Existing Observed Data Table A-1 Seasonally Adjusted ATR Volumes – Rockland County * Location # Description 00NB FOURTH STREET NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 00SB FOURTH STREET SOUTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 01EB ROUTE 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF FOURTH STREET 01WB ROUTE 59 WESTBOUND WEST OF FOURTH STRET 02EB ROUTE 59 EASTBOUND EAST OF FOURTH STREET 02WB ROUTE 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF FOURTH STREET 03NB I-287 NORTHBOUND TO I-87 NORTHBOUND 04SB I-87 SOUTHBOUND TO I-287/RT 17 SOUTHBOUND 05WB I-87 WESTBOUND TO I-287/RT 17 SOUTHBOUND 06NB I-287/Rt17 NORTHBBOUND TO I-87 SOUTHBOUND 07NB RT 59 SOUTH OF ROUTE 202 07SB RT 59 RT SOUTH OF ROUTE 202 100EB RT 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF MOUNTAINVIEW AVENUE 101SB MOUNTAINVIEW AVENUE SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF ROUTE 59 102WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF MOUNTAINVIEW AVENUE 103NB MOUNTAINVIEW AVENUE NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 104NB I-287 NORTHBOUND OFF RAMP AT EXIT 11 105NB ON RAMP FROM EXIT #11 TO I-287 NORTHBOUND 108SB RT 9W SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF HIGH STREET 109EB HIGH AVENUE EASTBOUND WEST OF ROUTE 9W 10EB RT 59 WEST OF CHESTNUT STREET 10WB RT 59 WEST OF CHESTNUT STREET 110WB HIGH AVENUE WESTBOUND EAST OF ROUTE 9W 111NB ROUTE 9W NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF HIGH AVENUE 112SB ROUTE 9W SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF ROUTE 59 113WB MAIN STREET WESTBOUND EAST OF ROUTE 9W 114EB ROUTE 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF ROUTE 9W 115NB ROUTE 9W NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 117WB MAIN STREET WESTBOUND EAST OF FRANKLIN AVENUE 118NB FRANKLIN AVENUE NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF MAIN STREET 119EB MAIN STREET EASTBOUND WEST OF FRANKLIN AVENUE 11EB RT 59 EB W/O Washington Ave 121SB BROADWAY SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF MAIN STREET 122EB MAIN STREET EASTBOUND WEST OF BROADWAY 121SB BROADWAY SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF MAIN STREET 124NB BROADWAY NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF MAIN STREET 126NB ROUTE 9W NORTHBOUND NORTH OF FRANKLIN AVENUE 126SB ROUTE 9W SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF FRANKLIN AVENUE 127NB I-287 NORTHBOUND ON RAMP AT INTERCHANGE #10 128WB I-287 NORTHBOUND OFF RAMP AT INT #10 TO FRANKLIN AVENUE AND ROUTE 9W 129NB ROUTE 9W NORTHBOUND ON BRIDGE OVER I-287 AM PM 77 67 70 124 665 348 289 648 712 371 312 726 1,551 3,620 3,636 1,757 1,413 1,588 1,690 1,254 262 572 488 378 1,454 973 257 141 606 834 285 235 270 423 511 499 476 496 218 298 381 260 117 248 153 261 534 531 504 408 227 413 603 851 365 475 158 327 88 219 300 465 422 423 204 240 149 261 81 134 114 215 137 245 376 282 71 71 144 385 844 664 Appendix A A-1 Table A-1 (con’t) Seasonally Adjusted ATR Volumes – Rockland County * Location # Description 12SB WASHINGTON AVENUE SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF RT 59 130NB I-287 NORTHBOUND OFF RAMP AT INTERCHANGE #10 131WB ROUTE 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF CHESTNUT STREET 132NB ROUTE 202 NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF LAFAYETTE STREET 133EB HIGHVIEW AVENUE EASTBOUND EAST OF SPOOK ROCK ROAD 133WB HIGHVIEW AVENUE WESTBOUND EAST OF SPOOK ROCK ROAD 134NB SADDLE RIVER ROAD NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF OLD NYACK TURNPIKE 134SB SADDLE RIVER ROAD SOUTHBOUND SOUTH OF OLD NYACK TURNPIKE 135NB ROUTE 45 NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF OLD NYACK TURNPIKE 135SB ROUTE 45 SOUTHBOUND SOUTH OF OLD NYACK TURNPIKE 136EB ROUTE 59 EASTBOUND WEST O FDYKES PARK ROAD 136WB ROUTE 59 WESTBOUND WEST OF DYKES PARK DRIVE 138SB FRANKLIN AVENUE SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF CLINTON AVENUE 139NB ROUTE 304 NORTHBOUND NORTH OF BARDONIA ROAD 139SB ROUTE 304 SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF BARDOINA ROAD 13WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF WASHINGTON AVENUE 140NB ROUTE 304 NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF BARDONIA ROAD 140SB ROUTE 304 SOUTHBOUND SOUTH OF BARDONIA ROAD 14NB WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 15EB RT 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF HEMION ROAD 16NB HEMION ROAD NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 17WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF HEMION ROAD 18SB HEMION ROAD SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF ROUTE 59 19EB RT 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF AIRMONT ROAD 20NB AIRMONT ROAD NORTHBOUND EAST OF ROUTE 59 21SB AIRMONT ROAD SOUTHBOUND WEST OF ROUTE 59 23SB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 SOUTHBOUND TO AIRMONT ROAD 24NB ON RAMP FROM AIRMONT ROAD TO I-287 NORTHBOUND 25NB I-287 NORTHBOUND OFF RAMP TO AIRMONT ROAD 26EB ON RAMP FROM AIRMONT ROAD TO SOUTHBOUND I-287 281WB ROUTE 59 EASTBOUND EAST OF AIRMIONT ROAD 281WB ROUTE 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF AIRMONT ROAD 282EB ROUTE 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF YATTO ALNE 282WB ROUTE 59 WESTBOUND WEST OF YATTO LANE 283SB I-287 SOUTHBOUND RAMP TO GSP SOUTHBOUND 284SB GSP NORTHBOUND OFF RAMP TO I-287 SOUTHBOUND 285NB GSP NORTHBOUND OFF RAMP TO PASCACK ROAD 286NB I-287 NORTHBOUND RAMP TO GSP SOUTHBOUND 287NB I-287 NORTHBOUND BETWEEN Exit 14A AND 14B 287SB I-287 SOUTHBOUND BETWEEN Exit 14A AND 14B 288NB I-287 NOTHBOUND BETWEEN Exit 13 AND 14 288SB I-287 Southbound BETWEEN Exit 13 AND 14 289NB I-287 NORTHBOUND BETWEEN EXIT 12 AND 13 A-2 Appendix A AM PM 216 229 368 711 217 354 282 454 304 377 273 412 198 287 224 263 313 514 503 367 1,169 1,374 577 1,438 108 96 527 1,190 1,093 1,211 397 724 593 1,421 1,298 1,295 296 445 641 735 319 366 680 822 362 468 560 683 470 479 812 900 813 443 455 684 744 1,024 996 1,083 636 791 596 907 474 626 541 609 829 363 1,193 1,503 218 364 1,889 1,539 2,678 4,674 4,204 4,091 4,253 5,706 4,518 4,218 3,842 5,750 Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic Table A-1 (con’t) Seasonally Adjusted ATR Volumes – Rockland County * Location # Description 289SB I-287 SOUTHBOUND BETWEEN EXIT 12 AND 13 28SB SPOOK ROCK ROAD SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF ROUTE 59 29NB CHERRY ROAD NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 30WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF SPOOK ROCK ROAD 31SB COLLEGE ROAD SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF ROUTE 59 32EB RT 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF COLLEGE ROAD 33NB NEW COUNTY ROAD NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 34WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF COLLEGE ROAD 36EB RT 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF REMSEN AVENUE 37NB REMSEN AVENUE NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 38SB REMSEN AVENUE SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF ROUTE 59 39WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF REMSEN AVENUE 40EB RT 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF SADDLE RIVER ROAD 41SB RT 306 SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF ROUTE 59 42NB SADDLE RIVER ROAD NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 43WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF SADDLE RIVER ROAD 47EB RT 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF ROUTE 45 48SB ROUTE 45 SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF ROUTE 59 49WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF ROUTE 45 50NB ROUTE 45 NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 52EB OLD NYACK ROAD EAST OF SCOTLAND HILL ROAD 52WB OLD NYACK ROAD EAST OF SCOTLAND HILL ROAD 53SB ON RAMP FROM OLD NYACK TURNPIKE TO I-287 SOUTHBOUND 57EB RT 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF FORMAN ROAD 57WB RT 59 WESTBOUND WEST OF FORMAN ROAD 58SB NEW CLARKSTOWN ROAD SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF ROUTE 59 59EB RT 59 EB W/O New Clarkstown Rd 60NB FORMAN ROAD NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 61WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF FORMAN ROAD 62WB ENTRANCE RAMP TO I-287 NORTHBOUND FROM ROUTE 59 63SB I-287 SOUTHBOUND OFF RAMP EXIT #14 TO ROUTE 59 64NB I-287 NORTHBOUND OFF RAMP EXIT #14 TO ROUTE 59 66SB I-287 NORTHBOUND OFF RAMP TO PIP SOUTHBOUND 67NB PIP NORTHBOUND OFF RAMP TO I-287 NORTHBOUND 68NB PIP NORTHBOUND RAMP TO I-287 SOUTHBOUND 69SB I-287 SOUTHBOUND RAMP TO PIP NORTHBOUND 70SB PIP SOUTHBOUND RAMP TO I-287 SOUTHBOUND 71SB I-287 SOUTHBOUND RAMP TO PIP SOUTHBOUND 72NB I-287 NORTHBOUND RAMP TO PIP NORTHBOUND 74SB RT 304 SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF WEST NYACK ROAD 75NB RT 304 NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF WEST NYACK ROAD 77EB RT 59 WESTBOUND WEST OF SMITH STREET 77WB RT 59 WESTBOUND WEST OF SMITH STREET 79NB MIDDLETOWN ROAD NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 AM PM 4,949 3,949 223 343 222 178 452 709 225 317 462 602 164 175 402 632 559 753 8 12 145 171 476 713 507 335 616 403 318 513 422 586 390 550 308 388 447 527 203 299 264 358 249 369 463 337 930 1,128 678 1,375 514 627 580 783 287 284 672 1,496 879 996 554 891 864 619 414 513 617 1,255 252 380 247 605 997 650 1,364 814 476 1,118 1,095 1,165 788 1,350 951 1,286 397 1,339 226 684 Appendix A A-3 Table A-1 (con’t) Seasonally Adjusted ATR Volumes – Rockland County * Location # Description 80SB MIDDLETOWN ROAD NORTH OF ROUTR 59 81EB RT 59 EASTBOUND WEST OF ROSE ROAD 81WB RT 59 WESTBOUND WEST OF ROSE ROAD 82EB RT 59 EASTBOUND EAST OF LARCH COURT 82WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST OF LARCH COURT 83EB RT 59 EASTBOUND EAST WEST NYACK ROAD 83WB RT 59 WESTBOUND EAST WEST NYACK ROAD 85EB RAMP FROM ROUTE 59 EASTBOUND TO ROUTE 303 SOUTHBOUND 85SB B-On Ramp From RT303 SB to RT59 EB 86SB RAMP FROM ROUTE 303 SOUTHBOUND TO ROUTE 59 WESTBOUND 86WB RAMP FROM ROUTE 59 WESTBOUND TO ROUTE 303 SOUTHBOUND 87EB RAMP FROM ROUTE 59 EASTBOUND TO ROUTE 303 NORTHBOUND 87NB RAMP FROM ROUTE 303 NORTHBOUND TO ROUTE 59 EASTBOUND 88NB ROUTE 303 NORTHBOUND TO ROUTE 59 WESTBOUND 88WB ROUTE 59 WESTBOUND TO ROUTE 303 NORTHBOUND 89NB RT 303 SOUTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 ACCESS RAMPS 89SB RT 303 SOUTHBOUND SOUTH OF ROUTE 59 ACCESS RAMPS 90NB RT 303 NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF MALL ENTRANCE/EXIT DRIVEWAY 90SB RT 303 NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF MALL ENTRANCE/EXIT DRIVEWAY 94NB RT 303 NORTHBOUND NORTH OF PALISADES CENTER DRIVE 94SB RT 303 SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF PALISADES CENTER DRIVE 95EB PALISADES CENTER DRIVE WEST OF ROUTE 303 95WB PALISADES CENTER DRIVE WEST OF ROUTE 303 96EB ON RAMP TO I-287 FROM EASTBOUND FROM PALISADES CENTER DRIVE 97EB I-287 SOUTHBOUND ON RAMP FROM MOUNTAINVIEW AVENUE 98EB I-287 SOUTHBOUND OFF RAMP AT EXIT 11 A-4 Appendix A AM PM 960 765 2,088 2,192 1,176 2,042 1,777 1,323 628 1,595 1,880 1,498 596 1,622 237 153 78 100 103 103 145 276 278 280 82 157 86 221 117 127 556 1,169 985 787 934 1,260 736 927 713 1,426 1,462 694 1,050 707 745 726 995 562 1,237 343 180 437 Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic Table A-2 Seasonally Adjusted ATR Volumes – Westchester County * Location# Description AM PM 142WB ON RAMP FROM S. BROADWAY TO TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE 281 387 143NB RT9/S. BROADWAY SOUTH OF PROSPECT AVE 962 986 143SB RT9/S. BROADWAY SOUTH OF PROSPECT AVE 906 1,069 145WB ON RAMP FROM WHITE PLAINS RD/RT 119 TO I-287 WB 142 429 146WB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 WESTBOUND TO ROUTE 119 495 333 147EB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 EAST TO S BROADWAY/RT9 947 389 148WB I-87 EAST OF EXIT TO ROUTE 119 (EXIT#9) 3,227 4,300 149NB BENEDICT AVENUE NORTH OF RT 119 12 18 149SB BENEDICT AVENUE NORTH OF RT 119 442 479 150EB WHITE PLAINS RD/RT119 EAST OF BENEDICT AVE 680 932 150WB WHITE PLAINS RD/RT.119 EAST OF BENEDICT AVE 730 964 154WB RAMP FROM N CENTRAL AVE RT9A TO I-287 WEST 383 391 155WB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 WEST TO N CENTRAL AVE/RT 9A 878 822 156EB ON RAMP FROM N CENTRAL AVE RT9A TO I-287 EAST 593 771 157EB I287 BETWEEN EXITS 2 AND #1 4,307 3,384 157WB I287 BETWEEN EXITS 2 AND #1 2,617 3,971 158WB RAMP FROM SPRAIN BROOK PKWY NORTH TO I-287 WEST 935 997 159EB RAMP FROM SPRAIN BROOK PKWY SOUTH TO I-287 EAST 1,507 1,203 161EB SPRAIN BROOK PARKWAY RAMP NB TO I-287 EB 765 677 163EB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 EAST TO RT 100A 494 431 165NB RT100A/KNOLLWOOD RD NORTH OF OLD TARRYTOWN RD 386 422 165SB RT100A/KNOLLWOOD RD NORTH OF OLD TARRYTOWN RD 442 469 166EB TARRYTOWN RD/RT.119 EAST OF MANHATTAN AVE 415 723 166WB TARRYTOWN RD/RT.119 EAST OF MANHATTAN AVE 295 869 167EB ON RAMP FROM RT100\TARRYTOWN RD WEST TO I-287 EAST 488 473 168EB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 EAST TO RT 100/TARRYTOWN RD EAST 796 815 169WB ON RAMP FROM RT100\TARRYTOWN RD WEST TO I-287 WEST 566 935 170NB N BROADWAY /RT 22 NORTH ORCHARD STREET 696 918 170SB N BROADWAY /RT 22 NORTH ORCHARD STREET 588 929 171EB ORCHARD STREET EAST OF BROADWAY RT/22 388 584 171WB ORCHARD STREET EAST OF BROADWAY RT/22 404 637 172EB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 EAST TO BROADWAY/RT22 726 761 173EB ON RAMP FROM N BROADWAY TO I-287 EASTBOUND 321 273 174NB N BROADWAY/RT22 NORTH OF EB RAMPS 786 1,243 174SB N BROADWAY/RT22 NORTH OF EB RAMPS 567 731 175SB EASTBOUND RAMP FROM ORCHARD STREET TO SOUTHBOUND S WESTCHESTER AV 114 69 176NB WESTCHESTER PARKWAY SOUTH OF CLINTON STREET 340 951 176SB WESTCHESTER PARKWAY SOUTH OF CLINTON STREET 950 509 177EB EB I-287 BET EXIT 6 & 7 5,172 4,696 177WB I-287 BETWEEN EXIT #6 AND EXIT #7 2,979 4,472 178EB Westchester Parkway SB to I-287 EB 1,141 525 179WB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 TO WESTCHESTER PARKWAY 349 973 Appendix A A-5 Table A-2 (con’t) Seasonally Adjusted ATR Volumes – Westchester County * Location# Description AM PM 180NB N. BROADWAY/RT22 SOUTH OF ROCKLEDGE AVE 565 1,109 181EB LAKE ST EB JUST EAST OF N BROADWAY 276 511 181WB LAKE ST EB JUST EAST OF N BROADWAY 559 404 184NB BRONX RIVER PKWY NORTHBOUND NORTH OF CENTRAL PARK AVENUE 389 768 185SB BRONX RIVER PKWY SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF CENTRAL PARK AVENUE 782 805 186EB TARRYTOWN RD/RT.119 EAST OF CHATTERTON AVE 1,387 1,380 186WB TARRYTOWN RD/RT.119 EAST OF CHATTERTON AVE 693 2,087 187SB BRONX RIVER PKWY SOUTHBOUND ON RAMP FROM ROUTE 100 231 458 188NB BRONX RIVER PARKWAY NORTHBOUND OFF RAMP TO MAIN STREET 492 394 191EB HAMILTON AVENUE EAST OF GROVE STREET 167 469 191WB HAMILTON AVENUE EAST OF GROVE STREET 746 1,174 192EB MAIN STREET EAST OF LEXINGTON AVE 1,196 1,390 195EB WESTCHESTER AVE EAST OF BROADWAY (RT 22) 666 1,176 195WB WESTCHESTER AVE EAST OF BROADWAY (RT 22) 882 1,239 198EB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 EAST TO BLOOMINGDALE RD 843 916 199EB ON RAMP FROM BLOOMINGDALE RD TO I-287 EB/WB 711 1,417 202WB RAMP FROM N WESTCHESTER AVE TO UNDERHILL AVE 211 689 203WB N WESTCHESTER AVE WESTBOUND RAMP TO BLOOMINGDALE ROAD INTERSECTION 929 1,461 204EB ANDERSON HILL ROAD EAST OF N. WESTCHESTER AV 354 439 204WB ANDERSON HILL ROAD EAST OF N. WESTCHESTER AV 163 471 205EB ON RAMP FROM S. WESTCHESTER AVE TO I-287 EAST 622 1,144 207EB S WESTCHESTER AVE WEST OF W.L. BUTCHER BR 373 361 209NB CONNECTOR RD FROM BRYANT AVE AND S WESTCHESTER 27 25 209SB CONNECTOR RD FROM BRYANT AVE AND S WESTCHESTER 42 55 210EB S. WESTCHESTER AVE EASTBOUND WEST OF BRYANT AVE 765 465 211WB N. WESTCHESTER AVE WESTBOUND WEST OF BRYANT AVENUE 457 1,065 212WB I-287 BETWEEN EXIT 8 AND EXIT 9 3,074 4,049 213WB N WESTCHESTER AVE EAST OF W RED OAK LANE 1,945 1,960 214EB SOUTH WESTCHESTER AVE EASTBOUND JUST WEST OF HUTCHINSON RIVER PKWY SB ON RAMP 960 1,231 215NB ON RAMP FROM N WESTCHESTER AVE WESTBOUND TO HUTCH. RIVER PKWY NORTHBOUND 116 140 218WB N. WESTCHESTER AVENUE WESTBOUND TO PURCHASE STREET NORTHBOUND 147 12 219WB RT120/PURCHASE ST NORTH OF N WESTCHESTER AV 122 172 220WB ON RAMP FROM WESTBOUND N WESTCHESTER AVE TO I-287 WEST 579 651 221EB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 EASTBOUND TO S WESTCHESTER AVE 525 631 222EB WESTCHESTER AVENUE EASTBOUND EAST OF ROCKLEDGE ROAD 820 1,122 223EB WESTCHESTER AVE/RT120A WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE 429 719 223WB WESTCHESTER AVE/RT120A WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE 665 528 225EB I-287 BETWEEN EXIT 10 AND EXIT 11 3,494 2,713 225WB I-287 BETWEEN EXIT 10 AND EXIT 11 2,325 3,269 226EB PURCHASE STREET EASTBOUND WEST OF POLLY PARK ROAD 226 336 227SB POLLY PARK ROAD SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF PURCHASE STREET 125 279 228NB POLLY PARK ROAD NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF PURCHASE STREET 81 170 229WB PURCHASE STEET WESTBOUND EAST OF POLLY PARK ROAD 211 160 A-6 Appendix A Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic Table A-2 (con’t) Seasonally Adjusted ATR Volumes – Westchester County * Location# Description AM PM 230WB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 WB TO BOWMAN AVENUE 287 193 231SB BOWMAN AVENUE SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF WEBB AVENUE 186 389 232EB PURCHASE STREET EASTBOUND WEST OF BOWMAN AVENUE 234 332 233NB BOWMAN AVENUE NORTHBOUND JUST SOUTH OF PURCHASE STREET 91 215 234SB NORTH RIDGE SOUTHBOUND NORTH OF WESTCHESTER AVENUE 343 382 235EB WESTCHESTER AVENUE EASTBOUND JUST WEST OF NORTH RIDGE ROAD 494 799 236WB WESTCHESTER AVENUE WESTBOUND EAST OF NORTH RIDGE STREET 435 395 237NB NORTH RIDGE STREET NORTHBOUND JUST SOUTH OF WESTCHESTER AVENUE 191 528 238SB NORTH RIDGE STREEET SOUTHBOUND JUST NORTH OF BOWMAN AVENUE 342 506 240NB NORTH RIDGE STREET NORTHBOUND JUST SOUTH OF BOWMAN AVENUE 324 656 241WB BOWMAN AVENUE WESTBOUND JUST EAST OF NORTH RIDGE STREET 221 262 242EB BOWMAN AVENUE EASTBOUND JUST WEST OF NORTH RIDGE STREET 279 526 243WB HIGH STREET WESTBOUND JUST EAST OF SOUTH RIDGE STREET 87 225 244NB SOUTH RIDGE STREET NORTHBOUND JUST SOUTH OF HIGH STREET 122 400 245SB SOUTH RIDGE STREET SOUTHBOUND JUST NORTH OF HIGH STREET 339 519 246NB ROUTE 1 NORTH OF HIGH STREET 750 1,067 246SB OFF RAMP FR WESTCHESTER AVE TO HUTCHINSON RIVER 598 695 247WB RAMP FROM RT 1 SOUTHBOUND TO I-287 WESTBOUND 355 476 248EB RAMP FROM I-287 EASTBOUND TO RT 1 SOUTHBOUND 824 701 249SB RAMP FROM I-287 EASTBOUND TO I-95 SOUTHBOUND 1,172 1,167 250WB ON RAMP FROM I-95 NB TO I-287 WESTBOUND AFTER SPLIT TO RT 1 1,084 1,257 251WB RAMP FROM I-95 NORTHBOUND TO I-287 WESTBOUND 1,312 1,619 253NB MIDLAND AVENUE NORTH OF LEONARD STREET 428 541 253SB MIDLAND AVENUE NORTH OF LEONARD STREET 354 626 254WB I-87 Northbound to I-287 Westbound 973 1,517 255SB RAMP FROM I-87 EASTBOUND TO I-87 SOUTHBOUND 2,297 1,253 256SB RAMP FROM I-287 WESTBOUND TO I-87 SOUTHBOUND 964 877 257EB RAMP FROM I-87 NORTHBOUND TO I-287 EASTBOUND 763 827 258SB ON RAMP FROM SAW MILL RIVER PKWY SOUTHBOUND TO I-287 WESTBOUND 640 537 259WB WB RAMP FROM I-287 TO RTE 119 EB/WB 809 704 260WB ON RAMP FROM RT 119 TO I-287 WESTBOUND 118 186 261EB ON RAMP FROM RT 119 TO I-287 EASTBOUND 516 661 262WB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 WESTBOUND TO RT 119 599 632 263EB I-287 EASTBOUND OFF RAMP TO RT 119 345 246 266SB RT. 9 SOUTHBOUND SOUTH OF LAKEVIEW DRIVE 679 496 267EB WHITE PLAINS RD JUST EAST OF BROADWAY 383 326 267WB WHITE PLAINS RD JUST EAST OF BROADWAY 657 585 268EB TARRYTOWN RD/RT119 EAST OF SPRAIN BROOK PKWY 370 891 268WB TARRYTOWN RD/RT119 EAST OF SPRAIN BROOK PKWY 368 889 269NB BLOOMINGDALE RD SOUTH OF MAPLE AVE 470 959 269SB BLOOMINGDALE RD SOUTH OF MAPLE AVE 507 890 271EB OFF RAMP FROM I-287 EASTBOUND TO EXIT8E 529 471 272EB NORTH STREET WEST OF MEADOWBROOK RD 559 528 Appendix A A-7 Table A-2 (con’t) Seasonally Adjusted ATR Volumes – Westchester County * Location# Description AM PM 272WB NORTH STREET WEST OF MEADOWBROOK RD 88 403 273SB RAMP FROM HUTCH. RIVER PKWY SOUTH TO N WESTCHESTER AV 771 940 274SB EASTBOUND S. WESTCHESTER AV RAMP TO HUTCHINSON RIVER PKWY SOUTHBOUND 694 515 275NB OFF RAMP FROM HUTCH RIVER PKW NORTHBOUND TO S WESTCHESTER AVE EASTBOUND 754 528 276NB KENILWORTH RD SOUTH OF S WESTCHESTER AV 38 64 276SB KENILWORTH RD SOUTH OF S WESTCHESTER AV 42 55 277NB RAMP FROM I-287 WESTBOUND TO I-684 NORTHBOUND 531 778 278EB 1,029 552 279NB SOUTHBOUND RAMP FROM I-684 TO I-287 EASTBOUND RAMP FROM I-287 EASTBOUND TO EITHER EASTBOUND S WESTCHESTER AVE OR NORTHBOUND I-684 542 911 280WB RAMP FROM I-684 SOUTHBOUND TO I-287 WESTBOUND 697 575 A-8 Appendix A Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic Table A-3 Turning Movements at Intersections – Rockland County * Location Number Int.# 8 Period Description AM Peak PM Peak EB 0 0 AM Peak PM Peak EB 325 254 AM Peak PM Peak EB 621 808 Int. # 9 Int. #22 Int. #27 EB AM Peak PM Peak 380 306 Int. # 35 AM Peak PM Peak EB 500 672 AM Peak PM Peak EB 569 617 nt. # 44 Int. # 45 EB AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak Int. # 56 AM Peak PM Peak nt. # 55 AM Peak PM Peak Int. # 54 652 163 908 Route 59/College Road/New County Road WB NB 419 170 650 186 Route 59/Route 306 WB NB 438 338 730 515 Route 306/Old Nyack Tpke WB NB SB 302 428 Route 45/Old Nyack Tpke WB NB SB 387 316 280 342 403 397 463 223 Route 59/Route 45 EB WB NB 366 406 177 492 564 288 Route 59/New Clarks town Rd EB WB NB 461 630 0 778 1454 0 Route 59/Int. 14/Park-n Ride Lot EB WB NB SB 942 610 304 1231 1544 254 Route 59NYS Thruway Exit #14/Grandview Avenue EB WB NB SB PM Peak 1,390 1,673 341 582 NB SB AM Peak PM Peak SB 368 514 339 802 Int. # 73 SB 254 286 0 149 AM Peak PM Peak 712 326 587 Int. # 65 SB 184 1,121 AM Peak PM Peak SB 851 1028 482 AM Peak Int. # 78 SB 258 237 255 EB Int. # 46 2 SB 469 389 0 Int. # 51 AM Peak PM Peak Orange Avenue/Lafayette Avenue WB NB 162 241 216 465 Lafayette & Chestnut WB NB 110 84 292 127 Route 59/Airmont Road WB NB 513 474 846 532 Airmont Road/Rella Blvd/Montebello Road WB NB Route 59/Middleton Rd EB WB 922 1258 Route 306/Bardonia Rd EB WB 295 230 Route 306/West Nyack Rd EB WB 150 348 516 1018 140 671 NB 202 385 SB 685 725 545 721 1293 929 SB 560 1489 NB 266 612 SB 377 384 884 1087 SB 712 1205 986 1167 Appendix A A-9 Table A-3 Turning Movements at Intersections – Rockland County * Location Number nt.# 76 Period AM Peak PM Peak Int. # 290 AM Peak PM Peak Int. # 84 AM Peak PM Peak Int. # 93 AM Peak PM Peak Int. #92 AM Peak PM Peak nt. # 91 AM Peak PM Peak Int. # 92 AM Peak PM Peak Int. # 107 AM Peak PM Peak Int. # 106 AM Peak PM Peak Int. # 116 AM Peak PM Peak nt. # 120 AM Peak PM Peak Int .# 125 AM Peak PM Peak Int. # 137 AM Peak PM Peak A-10 Appendix A Description Route 59/Smith St EB WB 1242 685 1264 1914 Route 59 EB/Doscher Avenue EB WB NB 546 617 SB 598 399 NB SB 1,999 0 100 0 1,463 0 123 0 Route 59/Stop & Shop/Mall EB WB NB 1617 574 49 977 1478 287 Route 303/Snake Hill Rd EB WB NB 707 7 594 750 2 1231 Route 303/Int. #12 Off Ramp EB WB NB 301 2 641 517 2 898 Route 303/Mall Exit EB WB NB 16 4 717 177 7 1261 Route 59/Int. 11/Mountainview EB WB NB 1193 596 294 889 939 242 Route 9W/High EB WB NB 195 137 438 326 238 505 Route 59/Route 9W EB WB NB 580 227 406 879 431 523 Main St/Franklin St EB WB NB 288 147 121 409 295 247 Main St/Broadway EB WB NB 155 74 111 283 122 235 Terrace Drive/South Blvd/South Highland Avenue EB WB NB 16 58 134 12 92 190 Franklin/Clinton EB WB NB 18 77 362 14 83 334 SB 68 401 SB 1365 1107 SB 1314 785 SB 846 795 SB 268 173 SB 510 460 SB 442 385 SB 0 0 SB 220 301 SB 108 123 SB 100 87 Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic Table A-4 Turning Movements at Intersections – Westchester County * Location Number Int. # 141 Period AM PM Int. # 144 AM PM Int. # 264 AM PM Int.# 265 AM PM Int. # 151 AM PM nt.# 189 AM PM Int. # 190 AM PM Int. # 196 AM PM Int. # 200 AM PM Int. # 201 AM PM Int. # 208 AM PM Int. # 217 AM PM Int. # 216 AM PM Int. # 224 AM PM Int. # 152 AM PM Description South Broadway/White Plain Road (Route 119) EB WB NB SB 103 571 915 605 212 588 942 672 South Broadway/NYS Thruway EB Ramp EB WB NB SB 445 349 572 3 617 573 374 18 S. Broadway (Rt 9)/NYS Thruway Exit #9 WB Ramp EB WB NB SB 4 989 646 919 1 450 1165 1260 Route 119/Taxter Road EB WB NB SB 1135 530 187 910 1413 752 316 767 Route 119/Benedict Avenue EB WB NB SB 404 949 16 463 485 987 108 476 Hamilton/Ferris EB WB NB SB 0 1076 971 0 0 2468 1615 2 Bank Street/Main EB WB NB SB 2575 0 634 0 2352 0 1638 0 Bloomingdale Road/Westchester Avenue EB WB NB SB 603 1383 308 76 1080 1570 559 180 White Plains Avenue/Anderson Hill Road/N. Westchester Ave EB WB NB SB 235 1267 354 316 506 1609 654 141 White Plains Avenue/S. Westchester Avenue EB WB NB SB 1788 0 406 531 2324 0 682 419 Bryant Avenue/North Street (Rt 127) EB WB NB SB 528 276 644 562 481 444 390 689 N. Westchester Avenue/Kenilworth Road EB WB NB SB 0 1059 129 63 0 1033 166 244 S. Westchester Avenue/Kenilworth Road EB WB NB SB 1379 0 48 129 1557 0 47 223 Webb Avenue/Westchester Avenue EB WB NB SB 857 674 318 0 1142 646 406 0 South Broadway/East Sunnyside Lane EB WB NB SB 14 338 645 800 48 282 958 632 Appendix A A-11 Table A-4 (con’t) Turning Movements at Intersections – Westchester County * Location Number Int. # 194 Period AM PM Int..# 197 AM PM Int. # 193 AM PM A-12 Appendix A Description East New York Post Road/Mamaroneck Avenue EB WB NB SB 253 277 394 330 407 453 582 613 Bloomingdale Road/I-287 On-Off Ramps EB WB NB SB 0 1013 1118 505 250 1147 2244 873 Central Park Avenue/Bronx River Pky/Parking Lot EB WB NB SB 205 3 563 904 523 21 635 739 Appendix B 2005 Calibration Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic B 2005 Calibration B.1 Traffic Volumes – Rockland County B.1.1 Eastbound AM Table B-1 Comparison between Eastbound AM Peak Hour Count Volumes and Modeled Volumes – Rockland County Location 15A-15 EB 15EB ON 15EB OFF 15-14B EB 14B EB OFF 14B EB ON 14B-14A EB 14A EB OFF 14A EB ON OLD NYACK EB ON 14 EB OFF 14 EB ON 14-13 EB 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 13-12 EB 12 EB OFF 12 EB ON 12-11EB 11 EB OFF 11 EB ON 11-10EB 10 EB ON TZB EB Before Toll Plaza After Toll Plaza AM Count 6140 1690 3640 4190 810 1000 4370 830 1190 460 860 880 5410 1360 1000 250 250 5050 760 1000 5290 180 1190 6300 1080 7380 7380 Volumes 6063 1516 3191 4388 884 941 4436 777 1207 482 797 974 5493 1322 1099 218 208 5241 711 1026 5536 155 1181 6492 991 7483 7259 7270 GEH 1.0 4.3 7.7 3.0 2.5 1.9 1.0 1.9 0.5 1.0 2.2 3.1 1.1 1.0 3.1 2.1 2.8 2.7 1.8 0.8 3.3 1.9 0.3 2.4 2.8 1.2 1.4 % Difference -1.3% -10.3% -12.3% 4.7% 9.1% -5.9% 1.5% -6.4% 1.4% 4.8% -7.3% 10.7% 1.5% -2.8% 9.9% -12.8% -16.8% 3.8% -6.4% 2.6% 4.7% -13.9% -0.8% 3.0% -8.2% 1.4% -1.6% AM Count 300 640 Volumes 201 725 GEH 6.3 3.3 % Difference -33.0% 13.3% 470 930 1170 1780 1220 640 1220 698 1200 1257 1724 1224 802 1233 9.4 8.3 2.5 1.3 0.1 6.0 0.4 48.5% 29.0% 7.4% -3.1% 0.3% 25.3% 1.1% AM Count 470 810 160 220 310 340 200 300 360 500 Volumes 414 1029 271 123 282 435 376 517 252 671 GEH 2.7 7.2 7.6 7.4 1.6 4.8 10.4 10.7 6.2 7.1 % Difference -11.9% 27.0% 69.4% -44.1% -9.0% 27.9% 88.0% 72.3% -30.0% 34.2% Arterials Location RT 59 EB W OF CHESTNUT RT 59 EB EAST OF AIRMONT RT 59 EB BW RT 306 AND RT 45 RT 59 EB WEST OF 14 RT 59 EB E OF 14 RT 59 EB EAST OF 13 RT 59 EB W OF 11 RT 59 EB at Airmont RT 59 EB at Int. 11 Intersections AT ROUTE 59 Location Airmont Rd NB Airmont Rd SB College Rd NB College Rd SB RT 306 NB RT 306 SB RT 45 NB RT45 SB Main St NB Main St SB Appendix B B-1 B.1.2 Westbound AM Table B-2 Comparison between Westbound AM Peak Hour Count Volumes and Modeled Volumes – Rockland County Location TZ WB 10 WB OFF 10 WB ON 10-11 WB 11 WB OFF 11 WB ON 11-12 WB 12 WB OFF 12 WB ON 12-13 WB 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 13-14 WB 14 WB OFF 14 WB ON 14A WB OFF 14A WB ON 14A-14B WB 14B WB OFF 14B WB ON 14B 15 WB 15 WB OFF 15 WB ON 15-16 WB AM Count 3970 370 50 3650 270 500 3870 500 430 3800 480 620 410 760 4290 550 880 1890 350 3060 740 460 2780 1410 1550 2620 Volumes 3869 292 37 3603 244 660 3969 612 487 3850 510 647 329 738 4371 577 601 1752 367 2988 586 457 2827 1645 1684 2860 GEH 1.6 4.3 2.0 0.8 1.6 6.6 1.6 4.7 2.7 0.8 1.3 1.1 4.2 0.8 1.2 1.1 10.3 3.2 0.9 1.3 6.0 0.1 0.9 6.0 3.3 4.6 % Difference -2.5% -21.1% -26.0% -1.3% -9.6% 32.0% 2.6% 22.4% 13.3% 1.3% 6.3% 4.4% -19.8% -2.9% 1.9% 4.9% -31.7% -7.3% 4.9% -2.4% -20.8% -0.7% 1.7% 16.7% 8.6% 9.2% Volumes 77 569 590 739 710 603 761 GEH 4.3 1.3 2.1 2.2 5.1 1.1 5.8 % Difference -35.8% -5.2% 9.3% 8.7% 22.4% -4.3% 24.8% Arterials Location RT 59 WB W OF CHESTNUT(10) RT 59 WB EAST OF AIRMONT RT 59 WB BW RT 306 AND RT 45 RT 59 WB WEST OF 14 RT 59 WB EAST OF 14 RT 59 WB EAST OF 13 WB on Route 59 at Int. 11 B-2 Appendix B AM Count 120 600 540 680 580 630 610 Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic B.1.3 Eastbound PM Table B-3 Comparison between Eastbound PM Peak Hour Count Volumes and Modeled Volumes – Rockland County Location 15A-15 EB 15EB ON 15EB OFF 14B-15 eb 14B EB OFF 14B EB ON 14A-14B eb 14A EB OFF 14A EB ON OLD NYACK EB ON 14 EB OFF 14 EB ON 13-14 eb 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 12-13 eb 12 EB OFF 12 EB ON 11-12 eb 11 EB OFF 11 EB ON 10-11 eb 10 EB ON TZ eb Location RT 59 EB W OF CHESTNUT RT 59 EB EAST OF AIRMONT RT 59 EB BW RT 306 AND RT 45 RT 59 EB WEST OF 14 RT 59 EB E OF 14 RT 59 EB EAST OF 13 RT 59 EB W OF 11 Location Airmont Rd NB Airmont Rd SB College Rd NB College Rd SB Rt. 306 NB Rt. 306 SB Rt. 45 NB Rt. 45 SB Highland Ave (9W) NB Highland Ave (9W) SB PM Count 3030 1250 1760 2516 443 1083 3156 363 1503 337 619 198 4212 814 650 605 380 3823 942 562 3443 432 383 3389 409 3798 PM Count 260 791 626 1128 1374 1323 973 PM Count 479 900 175 317 513 403 299 388 475 408 Volumes 2786 1482 1778 2445 434 1044 3054 386 1453 342 590 363 4216 801 597 417 427 4034 912 555 3693 600 415 3513 449 3955 GEH 4.5 6.3 0.4 1.4 0.4 1.2 1.8 1.2 1.3 0.3 1.2 9.9 0.1 0.5 2.1 8.3 2.3 3.4 1.0 0.3 4.2 7.4 1.6 2.1 1.9 2.5 % Difference -8.1% 18.6% 1.0% -2.8% -2.0% -3.6% -3.2% 6.3% -3.3% 1.5% -4.7% 83.3% 0.1% -1.6% -8.2% -31.1% 12.4% 5.5% -3.2% -1.2% 7.3% 38.9% 8.4% 3.7% 9.8% 4.1% Volumes 261 678 950 1030 1237 1319 908 GEH 0.1 4.2 11.5 3.0 3.8 0.1 2.1 % Difference 0.4% -14.3% 51.8% -8.7% -10.0% -0.3% -6.7% Volumes 652 989 397 281 344 365 266 665 364 597 GEH 7.3 2.9 13.1 2.1 8.2 1.9 2.0 12.1 5.4 8.4 % Difference 36.1% 9.9% 126.9% -11.4% -32.9% -9.4% -11.0% 71.4% -23.4% 46.3% Speed 14.9 38.3 37.3 7.8 42.5 35.4 20.0 Speed 4.1 8.5 6.5 5.0 8.4 12.0 2.0 3.3 4.8 6.5 Appendix B B-3 B.1.4 Westbound PM Table B-4 Comparison between Westbound PM Peak Hour Count Volumes and Modeled Volumes – Rockland County Location TZ wb 10 WB OFF 10 WB ON 10-11 wb 11 WB OFF 11 WB ON 11-12 wb 12 WB OFF 12 WB ON 12-13 wb 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 13-14wb 14 WB OFF 14 WB ON 14A WB OFF 14A WB ON 14A-14B wb 14B WB OFF 14B WB ON 14B- 15 wb 15 WB OFF 15 WB ON 15-15 A WB Location RT 59 WB W OF CHESTNUT(10) RT 59 WB EAST OF AIRMONT RT 59 WB BW RT 306 AND RT 45 RT 59 WB WEST OF 14 RT 59 WB EAST OF 14 RT 59 WB EAST OF 13 RT 59 WB E OF 11 B-4 Appendix B PM Count 6259 3997 1590 3620 5780 Volumes 6512 863 56 5464 570 347 5189 930 910 5148 1042 1254 714 560 5176 749 1144 1743 389 4211 1079 729 3827 1628 3673 5826 PM Count 248 907 609 1375 1438 1595 834 Volumes 170 824 623 1227 1728 1845 815 950 71 5380 423 359 5316 851 822 5287 1095 1255 713 537 5471 891 996 1539 300 4337 1024 684 GEH 3.2 2.9 1.9 1.1 6.6 0.6 1.8 2.6 3.0 1.9 1.6 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 4.8 1.9 1.7 1.7 2.7 0.9 0.9 0.6 GEH 5.4 2.8 0.6 4.1 7.3 6.0 0.7 % Difference 4.0% -9.2% -21.1% 1.6% 34.8% -3.3% -2.4% 9.3% 10.7% -2.6% -4.8% -0.1% 0.1% 4.3% -5.4% -15.9% 14.9% 13.3% 29.7% -2.9% 5.4% 6.6% -4.3% 2.4% 1.5% 0.8% % Difference -31.5% -9.2% 2.3% -10.8% 20.2% 15.7% -2.3% Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic B.2 Traffic Volumes – Westchester County B.2.1 Eastbound AM Table B-5 Comparison between Eastbound AM Peak Hour Count Volumes and Modeled Volumes – Westchester County Location 10 - 9 EB 9 EB Off 9 EB ON 9 - 8 EB 8 EB OFF # 1 8 EB ON 8 - 1 EB 1 EB ON 1 - 2 EB 2 EB ON 2 -3 EB 3 EB Off 3 EB ON # 1 3 EB ON # 2 3 - 4 EB 4 EB OFF 4 EB On 4-5 EB Direction Observed EB 7243 EB 1131 EB 373 EB 6485 EB 2197 EB 884 EB 3669 EB 562 EB 4231 EB 637 EB 4868 EB 1597 EB 1591 EB 1166 EB 6028 EB 486 EB 712 EB 6690 Seed 534 7285 1152 402 6552 2211 933 3974 576 4546 539 5086 1626 1639 1035 6104 641 968 6436 GEH 0.5 0.6 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.6 4.9 0.6 4.8 4 3.1 0.7 1.2 3.9 1 6.5 8.8 3.1 Percentage Error 1% 2% 8% 1% 1% 6% 8% 2% 7% -15% 4% 2% 3% -11% 1% 32% 36% -4% EB EB EB EB 846 648 6492 841 812 705 6325 1042 1.2 2.2 2.1 6.6 -4% 9% -3% 24% EB EB EB EB EB EB EB 439 6090 1015 6737 1190 5547 792 622 5850 1001 6882 1233 5646 745 7.9 3.1 0.4 1.8 1.2 1.3 1.7 42% -4% -1% 2% 4% 2% -6% EB EB EB EB 4755 742 5497 545 4898 800 5687 536 2.1 2.1 2.5 0.4 3% 8% 3% -2% EB EB EB EB EB EB EB 1175 6127 1419 687 5009 708 4338 937 6134 1414 564 5260 893 4356 7.3 0.1 0.1 4.9 3.5 6.5 0.3 -20% 0% 0% -18% 5% 26% 0% 11 - 12 EB EB EB 968 3370 891 3454 2.5 1.4 -8% 2% 12 EB OFF EB 1247 1197 1.4 -4% 5 EB OFF 5 EB ON 5 - 6 EB 6 EB OFF 6 EB ON 6-7 EB 7 EB ON 7 -8W EB 8W EB OFF 8W - 8E EB 8E EB OFF 8E - 8 EB 8 EB ON 8 - 9A EB 9A EB OFF 9A EB ON 9A - 9S EB 9S EB OFF 9S EB ON 9S - 10 EB 10 EB OFF 10 - 11 EB 11 EB OFF Appendix B B-5 Location S. Broadway EAST OF BROADWAY Ramps from I-287 Benedict Ave EAST OF BENEDICT AVE Taxter Rd Stone Avenue Knollwood Rd 9 EAST OF MANHATTAN AVE Aqueduct Rd Chatterton Avenue EAST OF CHATTERTON AVE Bronx Street Bank St Martin Luther King Blvd Court Street EJ Conroy Drive N. Broadway HAMILTON AVENUE EAST OF GROVE STREET B-6 Appendix B AM 187 572 937 753 957 1,817 462 745 2,019 1,873 2,327 1,927 4,400 4,066 1,694 1,654 1,027 1,050 264 Seed 534 189 723 393 826 951 1924 571 735 2101 1616 2076 2721 2932 3927 1868 1755 1238 1070 423 GEH 0.1 5.9 21.1 2.6 0.2 2.5 4.8 0.4 1.8 6.2 5.3 16.5 24.2 2.2 4.1 2.4 6.3 0.6 8.6 Percentage Error 1% 26% -58% 10% -1% 6% 24% -1% 4% -14% -11% 41% -33% -3% 10% 6% 21% 2% 60% Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic B.2.2 Westbound AM Table B-6 Comparison between Westbound AM Peak Hour Count Volumes and Modeled Volumes – Westchester County Location 9-10 WB ON RAMP FROM S. BROADWAY TO TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE 9 WB ON 9 WB OFF 8 - 9 WB 8 WB ON # 2 8 WB ON # 1 8 WB OFF 1 - 8 WB 1 WB OFF 2 - 1 WB 2 WB ON 2 WB OFF 3 - 2 WB 3 WB ON 3 WB OFF 4 - 3 WB 4 WB On 4 WB Off 5 - 4 WB 5 WB ON 5 WB Off 6 - 5 WB 6 WB ON 6 WB OFF 7 - 6 WB 7 WB OFF 8W - 7 WB 8W WB ON 8E - 8W WB 8 - 8E WB 8 WB Off 8 WB ON 9A - 8 WB 9A WB ON 9A WB OFF 9S - 9A WB 9S WB On 9S WB Off 10 - 9S WB 10 WB ON 10 WB OFF 11 - 10 WB 11 WB ON 12 WB On Observed 3900 Seed 534 3915 GEH 0.2 Percentage Error 0% 319 182 687 3938 1270 746 664 2979 889 3868 399 1046 4515 1135 898 4278 896 421 3803 728 430 3505 164 554 3895 532 4427 1337 3090 3090 1717 204 4076 811 723 3988 1687 800 3409 751 440 3098 462 1683 285 185 684 4157 1318 784 930 2991 1004 3992 430 1014 4576 1223 951 4344 876 422 3929 570 390 3765 183 684 4112 571 4674 1455 3221 3227 1728 762 4210 782 764 4202 1501 759 3454 754 320 3036 417 1575 2.0 0.2 0.1 3.4 1.3 1.4 9.4 0.2 3.7 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 2.6 1.7 1.0 0.7 0.0 2.0 6.2 2.0 4.3 1.4 5.2 3.4 1.7 3.7 3.2 2.3 2.4 0.3 25.4 2.1 1.0 1.5 3.3 4.7 1.5 0.8 0.1 6.2 1.1 2.1 2.7 -11% 2% 0% 6% 4% 5% 40% 0% 13% 3% 8% -3% 1% 8% 6% 2% -2% 0% 3% -22% -9% 7% 12% 23% 6% 7% 6% 9% 4% 4% 1% 274% 3% -4% 6% 5% -11% -5% 1% 0% -27% -2% -10% -6% Appendix B B-7 Location EJ Conroy Drive Cottage Place EAST OF GROVE STREET Hamilton Ave (Grove St & Hamilton Ave) MLK Boulevard (Barker/Water at MLK Boulevard) Hamiliton St (Bank St & Hamiliton St) Chatterton Avenue Central Park Ave Aqueduct Rd MANHATTAN AVE EAST OF SPRAIN BROOK PKWY Stone Avenue Taxter Rd EAST OF BENEDICT AVE Benedict Ave Ramps from I-287 S. Broadway B-8 Appendix B AM 1,158 1,037 906 821 Seed 534 1045 868 880 847 GEH 3.4 5.5 0.9 0.9 Percentage Error -10% -16% -3% 3% 1,348 1,234 1,154 769 1,175 400 459 459 820 1,162 1,517 527 940 1253 1201 1060 723 1047 444 385 443 766 1242 1007 528 865 2.6 0.9 2.8 1.7 3.8 2.1 3.6 0.8 1.9 2.3 14.4 0 2.5 -7% -3% -8% -6% -11% 11% -16% -3% -7% 7% -34% 0% -8% Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic B.2.3 Eastbound PM Table B- 7 Comparison between Eastbound PM Peak Hour Count Volumes and Modeled Volumes – Westchester County Observed 4197 398 455 4254 1366 812 2717 832 3549 816 4365 513 1317 666 5663 373 745 5759 887 492 5364 Seed 12535 4194 465 461 4211 1342 838 2704 797 3505 763 4268 514 1275 709 5739 697 753 5819 789 473 5489 GEH 0 3.2 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.2 1.2 0.7 1.9 1.5 0 1.2 1.6 1 14 0.3 0.8 3.4 0.9 1.7 Percentage Error 0% 17% 1% -1% -2% 3% 0% -4% -1% -6% -2% 0% -3% 6% 1% 87% 1% 1% -11% -4% 2% 849 290 824 222 0.9 4.3 -3% -23% 4805 561 5366 964 4402 445 3957 4840 548 5371 1023 4349 472 3897 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.9 0.8 1.3 1 1% -2% 0% 6% -1% 6% -2% 1256 4312 125 4029 43 4.4 -90% -7% 974 629 3967 1249 767 3535 707 2828 780 620 3853 1414 944 3398 698 2710 6.6 0.4 1.8 4.5 6.1 2.3 0.3 2.2 -20% -1% -3% 13% 23% -4% -1% -4% 11 - 12 EB 708 2012 642 2044 2.5 0.7 -9% 2% 12 EB OFF 1289 1144 4.2 -11% Location 10 - 9 EB 9 EB Off 9 EB ON 9 - 8 EB 8 EB OFF # 1 8 EB ON 8 - 1 EB 1 EB ON 1 - 2 EB 2 EB ON 2 -3 EB 3 EB Off 3 EB ON # 1 3 EB ON # 2 3 - 4 EB 4 EB OFF 4 EB On 4-5 EB 5 EB OFF 5 EB ON 5 - 6 EB 6 EB OFF 6 EB ON 6-7 EB 7 EB ON 7 -8W EB 8W EB OFF 8W - 8E EB 8E EB OFF 8E - 8 EB 8 EB ON 8 - 9A EB 9A EB OFF 9A EB ON 9A - 9S EB 9S EB OFF 9S EB ON 9S - 10 EB 10 EB OFF 10 - 11 EB 11 EB OFF Appendix B B-9 Location S. Broadway EAST OF BROADWAY Ramps from I-287 Benedict Ave EAST OF BENEDICT AVE Taxter Rd Stone Avenue EAST OF SPRAIN BROOK PKWY Knollwood Rd EAST OF MANHATTAN AVE Aqueduct Rd Chatterton Avenue Bronx Street Bank St Martin Luther King Blvd Court Street EJ Conroy Drive HAMILTON AVENUE EAST OF GROVE STREET Bloomingdale Ave (Bloomingdale Ave & Westchester Ave) S. WESTCHESTER AVE EASTBOUND WEST OF BRYANT AVE PURCHASE STREET EASTBOUND WEST OF POLLY PARK ROAD POLLY PARK ROAD NORTHBOUND SOUTH OF PURCHASE STREET B-10 Appendix B Observed Link Counts 169 542 640 602 1181 1065 975 372 768 1925 1569 1670 2554 2357 1490 1694 1300 616 582 485 461 Seed 12535 173 648 650 650 1137 1069 849 384 685 1786 1337 1433 2095 2812 1521 1745 1480 531 466 691 370 GEH 0.3 4.3 0.4 1.9 1.3 0.1 4.2 0.6 3.1 3.2 6.1 6.0 9.5 9.0 0.8 1.2 4.8 3.5 5.1 8.5 4.5 Percentage Error 2% 20% 2% 8% -4% 0% -13% 3% -11% -7% -15% -14% -18% 19% 2% 3% 14% -14% -20% 42% -20% 165 131 2.8 -21% Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic B.2.4 Westbound PM Table B-8 Comparison between Westbound PM Peak Hour Count Volumes and Modeled Volumes – Westchester County Observed 6260 Seed 12535 5948 GEH 4.0 Percentage Error -5% 1 - 8 WB 1 WB OFF 2 - 1 WB 2 WB ON 2 WB OFF 3 - 2 WB 3 WB ON 436 535 333 4327 1506 498 1113 3438 641 4079 412 742 4409 920 404 509 281 5320 2552 549 994 3242 694 3941 664 837 4121 855 1.6 1.1 3.0 14.3 23.2 2.2 3.7 3.4 2.1 2.2 10.9 3.4 4.4 2.2 -7% -5% -16% 23% 69% 10% -11% -6% 8% -3% 61% 13% -7% -7% 3 WB OFF 4 - 3 WB 1329 4818 1349 4613 0.5 3.0 2% -4% 4 WB On 4 WB Off 5 - 4 WB 5 WB ON 5 WB Off 6 - 5 WB 6 WB ON 6 WB OFF 7 - 6 WB 7 WB OFF 8W - 7 WB 8W WB ON 8E - 8W WB 8 - 8E WB 8 WB Off 8 WB ON 9A - 8 WB 9A WB ON 9A WB OFF 9S - 9A WB 9S WB On 9S WB Off 10 - 9S WB 10 WB ON 10 WB OFF 11 - 10 WB 11 WB ON 574 300 4592 622 577 4547 551 614 4610 1072 5349 1740 3609 3609 1300 912 3997 534 789 4252 1213 900 3939 775 203 3367 485 619 688 4702 609 661 4757 566 722 4605 1001 5616 2144 3468 3465 1141 902 3693 494 801 4013 1128 931 3796 751 227 3287 492 1.8 17.5 1.6 0.5 3.4 3.1 0.6 4.2 0.1 2.2 3.6 9.2 2.4 2.4 4.6 0.3 4.9 1.8 0.4 3.7 2.5 1.0 2.3 0.9 1.6 1.4 0.3 8% 129% 2% -2% 15% 5% 3% 18% 0% -7% 5% 23% -4% -4% -12% -1% -8% -7% 2% -6% -7% 3% -4% -3% 12% -2% 1% 12 WB On 1176 1103 2.2 -6% Location 9 - 10 WB ON RAMP FROM S. BROADWAY TO TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE 9 WB ON 9 WB OFF 8 - 9 WB 8 WB ON # 2 8 WB ON # 1 8 WB OFF Appendix B B-11 Location - ID Hamilton Avenue (Hamilton Avenue at EJ Conroy Drive) Hamilton Avenue (Hamilton Avenue and Cottage Place) Hamilton Ave (Grove St & Hamilton Ave) MLK Boulevard (Barker/Water at MLK Boulevard) Hamilton St (Bank St & Hamilton St) Chatterton Avenue Central Park Ave Aqueduct Rd MANHATTAN AVE EAST OF SPRAIN BROOK PKWY Stone Avenue Taxter Rd EAST OF BENEDICT AVE Benedict Ave Ramps from I-287 S. Broadway B-12 Appendix B observed link counts Seed 12535 Percentage Error GEH 1161 1034 3.8 -11% 1350 1493 2590 2765 2985 1824 1350 932 973 721 924 1036 1098 704 1297 1443 2084 2408 2959 1826 1473 1077 860 622 1064 671 967 624 1.5 1.3 10.5 7.0 0.5 0.0 3.3 4.6 3.7 3.8 4.4 12.5 4.1 3.1 -4% -3% -20% -13% -1% 0% 9% 16% -12% -14% 15% -35% -12% -11% 684 660 0.9 -4% Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic B.2 Traffic Speed – Rockland County Table B-9 Comparison of Observed and Modeled, AM Travel Time and Speed- Rockland County Eastbound EB In 12 Int. of 87 & 287 Dist N Airmont Road Viaduct GSP Over bridge N. Palisades Overpass Dr West Abutment Before Toll Plaza 2.34 4.11 4.49 2.89 2.9 West Abutment Dist Travel Time Observed Model 0:01:57 0:03:36 0:07:01 0:03:46 0:04:39 0:01:57 0:03:49 0:04:52 0:03:39 0:03:47 Speed Observed 71.8 68.4 38.4 46 37.4 Model 67.8 65.0 57.0 48.9 48.2 Westbound WB Int. 13 Mountainview Ave overpass Palisades park overpass GSP Over bridge N Airmont Road Viaduct Int. of 87 & 287 1.76 3.01 2.58 4.10 2.32 Travel Time Observed 0:01:54 0:02:55 0:04:36 0:03:39 0:02:08 Model 0:01:53 0:03:14 0:02:49 0:03:36 0:02:02 Speed Observed 55.6 61.9 33.7 67.4 65.3 Model 56.0 56.1 56.9 66.6 69.0 Appendix B B-13 Table B-10 Observed Travel Time and Speeds Eastbound & Westbound - Rockland County 1) East Bound I287 All Travel Times Calculated from gore of intersection of EB I 87 & I 287 2008 Segment No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Checkpoints Interchange 15 &Hemion Road Hemion Road & N- Airmont Road N- Airmont Road and WB Weight Bridge WB Weight Bridge & Interchange 14A Interchange 14A & Interchange 14 Interchange 14 & interchange 13 Interchange 13 & Interchange 12 Interchange 12 & Interchange 11 Interchange 11 & Interchange 10 Interchange 10 & West Abutment of TZB AM Travel Time Study Speed 76.6 64.7 68.6 67.6 62.6 47.2 28.9 34.3 74.0 28.9 PM Travel Time Study 0:01:18 0:02:04 0:05:08 0:05:48 0:06:20 0:08:04 0:09:48 0:10:55 0:12:24 0:12:45 PM Travel Time Study Speed 68.8 66.1 65.3 69.3 82.1 64.4 65.8 59.4 59.9 52.3 Distance (Miles) 1.76 2.86 4.77 6.64 7.35 8.12 11.45 AM Travel time Study 0:01:54 0:02:55 0:04:49 0:06:47 0:07:31 0:08:15 0:11:10 AM Travel Time Study Speed 55.6 64.9 60.3 57.1 58.1 63.0 68.5 PM Travel time Study 0:04:58 NA 0:10:39 0:12:26 0:13:11 0:13:55 0:16:59 PM Travel Time Study Speed 21.3 NA NA 62.9 56.8 63.0 65.2 12.3 0:11:51 74.6 0:17:50 60.0 13.77 0:13:18 60.8 0:19:03 72.5 Distance (Miles) 1.49 2.34 5.67 6.44 7.17 9.03 10.93 12.04 13.52 13.82 AM Travel Time Study 0:01:10 0:01:57 0:04:52 0:05:33 0:06:15 0:08:37 0:12:34 0:14:30 0:15:42 0:16:20 2) West Bound I287 All Travel Times Calculated from West Abutment of TZB 2008 Segment No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Checkpoints West Abutment of TZB & Interchange 11 Interchange 11 & 12 Interchange 12 & 13 Interchange 13 & 14 Interchange 14 & 14 A Interchange 14 A & Weight bridge Weight Bridge & Interchange 14 B Interchange 14 B & Hemion road Overpass Hemion Road Overpass & Interchange 15 B-14 Appendix B Technical Report – Roadway and Traffic B.3 Traffic Speed – Westchester County Table B-11 Comparison of Observed and Modeled, AM & PM Travel Time and Speed- Westchester County AM I-287 Eastbound Speed Validation AM Peak Speed (mph) Segment No. 1 From To Distance (Miles) Observed 2006 2009 (Dec 16) 2010 (Jan 14) Model Estimated Exit 8 (to NYS Thruway) 1.06 34.4 59.5 61.3 45.0 Exit 3 (to SBP) 1.38 12.9 14.8 55.4 52.1 2 Exit 9 (to US-9) Exit 8 (to NYS Thruway) 3 Exit 3 (to SBP) Exit 5 (to NY-119) 0.64 21.4 17.3 30.0 35.2 4 Exit 5 (to NY-119) Exit 6 (to NY-22) 1.85 44.0 31.0 39.6 48.3 5 Exit 6 (to NY-22) Exit 8W 1.52 46.4 32.9 26.0 45.6 6 Exit 8W Exit 9A (to I-684) 1.05 45.8 28.3 44.1 55.2 7 Exit 9A (to I-684) Exit 9S/N (to HRP) 0.91 54.0 66.6 56.1 8 Exit 9S/N (to HRP) Exit 10 (to NY-120) 1.30 63.7 67.4 57.6 9 Exit 10 (to NY-120) Exit 11 (to US-1) 1.82 63.1 73.5 56.8 To Distance (Miles) AM I-287 Westbound Speed Validation AM Peak Speed (mph) Segme nt No. 1 2 3 4 From Exit 12 (to I-95S) Exit 10 (to NY120) Exit 9N/S (to HRP) Observed 2006 2009 (Dec 16) Model Estimated Exit 10 (to NY-120) 1.32 64.5 66.3 57.1 Exit 9N/S (to HRP) 0.93 64.0 67.1 56.7 Exit 9A (to I-684) Exit 8 (to Westchester Ave) 1.42 63.8 67.1 56.2 0.98 52.6 61.5 55.1 Exit 6 (to NY-22) 1.75 51.0 58.4 51.4 5 Exit 9A (to I-684) Exit 8 (to Westchester Ave) 6 Exit 6 (to NY-22) Exit 5 (to NY-100) 1.14 58.3 57.4 53.0 7 Exit 5 (to NY-100) Exit 3 (to SBP) 1.43 59.2 65.3 54.4 8 Exit 3 (to SBP) Exit 1 (to NY-119) 1.00 61.8 66.8 53.0 9 Exit 1 (to NY-119) Exit 9 (to US-9) 1.68 62.6 63.7 56.1 PM I-287 Westbound Speed Validation PM Peak Speed (mph) Segment No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 From Exit 9 (to US-9) Exit 8 (to NYS Thruway) Exit 3 (to SBP) Exit 5 (to NY-119) Exit 6 (to NY-22) Exit 8W Exit 9A (to I-684) Exit 9S/N (to HRP) Exit 10 (to NY-120) To Distance (Miles) Observed 2006 2009 (Dec 16) Model Estimated Exit 8 (to NYS Thruway) 1.06 63.6 68.4 54.0 Exit 3 (to SBP) Exit 5 (to NY-119) Exit 6 (to NY-22) Exit 8W Exit 9A (to I-684) Exit 9S/N (to HRP) Exit 10 (to NY-120) Exit 11 (to US-1) 1.38 0.64 1.85 1.52 1.05 0.91 1.30 1.82 62.9 61.4 62.0 58.5 61.4 61.3 65.6 67.6 59.6 62.4 58.3 50.5 55.4 60.2 61.2 61.6 58.2 49.2 55.2 56.7 53.6 56.3 59.4 56.9 Appendix B B-15 PM I-287 Westbound Speed Validation PM Peak Speed (mph) Segment No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 From To Exit 12 (to I-95S) Exit 10 (to NY-120) Exit 10 (to NY-120) Exit 9N/S (to HRP) Exit 9N/S (to HRP) Exit 9A (to I-684) Exit 9A (to I-684) Exit 8 (to Westchester Ave) Exit 8 (to Westchester Ave) Exit 6 (to NY-22) Exit 6 (to NY-22) Exit 5 (to NY-100) Exit 5 (to NY-100) Exit 3 (to SBP) Exit 3 (to SBP) Exit 1 (to NY-119) Exit 1 (to NY-119) Exit 9 (to US-9) B-16 Appendix B Distance (Miles) 1.32 0.93 1.42 2.93 1.75 1.14 1.43 1.00 1.68 Observed 2006 61.7 63.2 61.3 55.9 51.3 58.3 54.6 59.1 60.9 2009 (Dec 16) 76.1 66.0 61.3 39.8 31.5 34.7 49.9 58.3 63.0 Model Estimated 57.7 56.6 56.5 55.5 50.6 52.7 51.9 55.3 56.2 Appendix C Technical Report – Traffic Analysis APPENDIX C HIGHWAY & INTERSECTION ANALYSIS TABLES ALTERNATIVE 1 – No Build 4-1 Technical Report – Traffic 2010, 2017 and 2047 No Build Mainline Results Table of contents: 1. 2. 3. I 287 Mainline - comparison of No Build volumes and Speeds - AM and PM peak hours – eastbound and westbound I 287 mainline 2047 No Build volumes including ramp volumes - AM and PM peak hours – eastbound and westbound Segment travel times, average speeds and VMT (Select Markets) - AM and PM peak hours – eastbound and westbound Technical Report – Traffic Rockland County AM Peak Hour Table C1 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of No Build Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound AM 2010 Int 15 - Int 14B 14B off Ramp 14B Off- to On-Ramp 14B On Ramp Mainline 14B - 14A 14A Off Ramp 14A Off to On Ramp 14A On Ramp Old Nyack Pkwy On Ramp 14 Off Ramp 14 Off to On Ramp 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP 13 Off (SB PIP) - On (SB PIP) Weave: 13 On (SB PIP) - 13 Off (NB PIP) 13 Off (NB PIP) - 13 On (NB PIP) 13 On (NB PIP) Mainline 13 - 12 12 Off ramp 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp 11 Off - 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline 11 - 10 10 On Ramp Bridge to 1 mile from Plaza Section Lenth (feet) 5491 2906 975 4493 13870 2748 697 3061 1118 683 641 2015 3336 1953 1096 656 753 3197 2342 3545 728 2127 2588 725 1485 4708 2508 11832 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume 55.5 67 4640 30.0 66 4638 9.7 69 3657 44.2 69 4117 143.4 66 4560 34.3 55 4538 8.2 58 3723 35.5 59 4365 13.0 59 5027 8.1 58 5494 7.5 58 4633 23.4 59 5092 39.9 57 5553 24.6 54 5566 11.5 65 4096 10.2 44 5100 8.6 60 4847 37.8 58 4931 28.2 57 5041 42.3 57 5034 8.5 58 4306 25.9 56 4314 40.4 44 5366 9.8 50 5169 21.0 48 6258 54.5 59 6222 30.0 57 6742 144.8 56 7229 2017 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 55.7 29.9 9.7 44.5 144.0 34.4 8.2 35.7 13.1 8.2 7.6 23.9 40.6 24.7 11.5 10.7 8.8 38.4 28.9 44.0 9.1 56.2 75.6 12.4 25.4 55.5 30.3 144.1 Sectional Speed 67 66 68 69 66 54 58 58 58 57 58 57 56 54 65 42 59 57 55 55 54 26 23 40 40 58 56 56 2047 Section Volume 4748 4738 3739 4183 4613 4625 3755 4403 5044 5597 4818 5309 5813 5825 4253 5402 5121 5223 5337 5354 4583 4563 5707 5455 6508 6502 7070 7402 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 86.2 53.4 10.7 44.6 144.7 36.8 10.2 56.3 20.9 12.8 11.3 40.5 60.4 44.4 26.8 28.7 18.8 90.1 68.9 142.3 29.8 98.9 83.1 9.7 20.4 54.8 30.3 144.1 Sectional Speed Section Volume 43 6112 37 5964 62 4875 69 5366 65 5854 51 5760 47 4597 37 5158 36 5877 36 6273 39 5211 34 5751 38 6203 30 6114 28 4349 16 5519 27 5152 24 5279 23 5302 17 5170 17 4426 15 4432 21 5385 51 4992 50 6455 59 6479 56 7066 56 7668 Technical Report – Traffic Table C2 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes– Eastbound AM Location 15A-15 EB 15EB ON 15EB OFF 15-14B EB 14B EB OFF 14B EB ON 14B-14A EB 14A EB OFF 14A EB ON OLD NYACK EB ON 14 EB OFF 14 EB ON 14-13 EB 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 13-12 EB 12 EB OFF 12 EB ON 12-11EB 11 EB OFF 11 EB ON 11-10EB 10 EB ON TZB EB 2010 Volume 6803 1371 3530 4647 977 902 4548 821 1303 458 857 913 5556 1483 1017 250 233 5041 718 1043 5365 192 1102 6221 1017 7231 2017 Volume 6948 1332 3508 4743 998 885 4613 887 1291 557 784 978 5813 1552 1150 285 243 5337 763 1177 5708 266 1047 6497 1129 7556 2047 Volume 7644 1570 2923 6033 1085 973 5844 1035 1498 434 1055 1112 6205 1679 1209 375 243 5264 758 1014 5394 380 1449 6485 1173 7644 Technical Report – Traffic Table C3 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of No Build Volumes and Speeds – Westbound AM 2010 Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 10 Off Ramp Between 10 off and on 10 on ramp 11 off ramp Between 11 off -11 on 11 on ramp 12 off ramp Between 12 off and on 12 On Between 12 and 13 13 off to NB PIP 13 Off (NB PIP) - 13 On (NB PIP) 13 On (NB PIP) - 13 Off (SB PIP) 13 Off (SB PIP) - 13 On (SB PIP) 13 On from SB PIP Between 13 and 14 14 Off ramp Between 14 off and 14 on 14 On to 14A off 14 A On Between 14A and 14B 14 B off Between 14 B off - 14 B on 14 B on Between 14 B and 15 Section Lenth (feet) 16340 1377 955 2592 1764 691 2213 3733 686 3776 2347 2836 1592 471 349 2405 3346 973 2182 1743 3787 16159 2414 1353 3205 8298 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 193.2 16.5 11.1 30.2 23.6 11.4 26.2 44.8 7.9 43.9 28.4 38.5 18.9 9.0 3.5 28.1 40.2 12.0 26.4 22.0 42.9 164.4 25.2 13.1 31.2 82.6 Sectional Speed Section Volume 58 4052 57 4012 59 3601 58 3619 51 3634 45 3423 58 3779 57 4121 59 3454 59 3695 56 3986 50 3986 57 3501 36 4226 69 3928 58 4390 57 4864 55 4853 56 4553 54 4857 60 3009 67 3166 65 3168 70 2453 70 2456 68 2912 2017 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 198.7 16.6 11.1 30.2 23.8 9.4 27.1 45.4 8.0 44.6 29.1 38.7 19.1 9.1 3.5 28.0 40.6 12.1 26.6 22.5 42.7 164.7 25.3 13.2 31.3 83.9 Sectional Speed Section Volume 56 4255 56 4229 59 3815 59 3837 51 3856 54 3636 56 3993 56 4338 58 3655 58 3889 55 4179 50 4172 57 3649 35 4347 69 4014 59 4498 56 4991 55 4982 56 4676 53 5058 61 3021 67 3191 65 3214 70 2531 70 2536 67 3026 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 204.3 16.3 11.4 72.7 65.0 8.6 26.8 44.7 8.0 44.3 29.0 38.4 18.2 9.9 4.0 30.3 40.7 12.4 27.2 24.5 43.7 168.0 25.3 13.2 31.3 84.8 Sectional Speed Section Volume 55 5241 58 5218 57 4755 24 4712 19 4668 59 4438 56 4789 57 5128 59 4420 58 4656 55 4937 50 4906 60 4280 32 5173 60 4913 54 5449 56 5976 54 5972 55 5710 49 6195 59 4243 66 4720 65 4743 70 4018 70 4022 67 4619 Technical Report – Traffic Table C4 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes– Westbound AM Location TZ WB 10 WB OFF 10 WB ON 10-11 WB 11 WB OFF 11 WB ON 11-12 WB 12 WB OFF 12 WB ON 12-13 WB 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 13-14 WB 14 WB OFF 14 WB ON 14A WB OFF 14A WB ON 14A-14B WB 14B WB OFF 14B WB ON 14B 15 WB 15 WB OFF 15 WB ON 15-15 A WB 2010 Volume 4031 401 28 3633 213 716 4122 663 539 3977 471 724 297 946 4867 590 627 2055 410 3190 711 457 2909 1743 1947 3105 2017 Volume 4227 404 34 3851 225 718 4334 682 519 4179 494 710 328 1009 4987 575 664 2252 409 3215 677 491 3029 1778 2028 3272 2047 Volume 5219 471 35 4709 225 738 5131 705 546 4941 616 878 259 1091 5973 558 764 2461 1044 4750 722 582 4625 2179 2685 5128 Technical Report – Traffic Table C5 Rockland County- AM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets Start Int 15 EB On Gore Point Int 15 EB On Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point 12 On EB Gore Point Middle of Bridge Middle of Bridge 12 On WB Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point 2010 2017 2047 End Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed VMT Middle of Bridge EB 15.6 15.8 59 81923 17.2 54 84595 24.7 38 93335 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point EB 5.8 5.3 66 25897 5.3 65 26321 6.3 55 33482 Middle of Bridge EB 9.8 10.6 56 56026 11.9 50 58274 18.4 32 59853 Middle of bridge EB 4.9 5.4 54 31787 6.7 44 32956 7.4 40 33241 15 Off Gore Point WB 16.6 16.6 60 60319 16.8 59 62534 18.4 54 81493 13 Off Ramp NB PIP Gore Point WB 7.4 7.9 56 29177 8.0 56 30703 9.5 47 37258 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point WB 4.2 4.5 55 17707 4.6 55 18363 4.6 54 22008 15 Off Gore Point WB 6.7 6.0 67 19990 6.0 67 20346 6.1 66 30386 Technical Report – Traffic PM Peak Hour Table C6 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of No Build Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound PM 2010 Mainline section 15 -14B 14B off Ramp Between 14B Off and On Ramp (?) 14B On Ramp Mainline between 14B and 14A 14A Off Ramp Between 14A Off and On Ramps(?) 14A On Ramp Old Nyack Parkway On ramp 14 Off Ramp Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP Between 13 Off to SB Pip and 13 On from SB PIP Weaving Section 13 On from SB PIP and 13 OFF to NB PIP Section between 13 OFF to NB PIP and 13 ON NB PIP 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 10 On Ramp Bridge Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 53.8 29.2 9.8 43.7 140.4 33.1 8.3 35.2 12.9 7.9 7.5 23.2 39.3 23.3 11.5 10.1 8.4 37.1 27.7 42.1 8.4 25.1 34.3 8.0 17.9 54.6 28.5 143.5 2017 2047 Sectional Travel Sectional Travel Sectional Speed Section Volume Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume 69.6 2553 54.0 69 3055 56.1 67 4920 67.7 2552 29.3 68 3041 29.8 67 4910 67.7 2100 9.8 68 2581 9.8 68 4126 70.1 2583 43.9 70 3137 44.6 69 4715 67.4 3059 142.6 66 3688 146.3 65 5310 56.6 3052 33.5 56 3665 34.5 54 5306 57.6 2692 8.2 58 3157 8.2 58 4370 59.3 3519 35.6 59 4112 37.1 56 5491 59.1 4371 13.0 59 5052 13.8 55 6640 59.3 4712 8.0 58 5369 8.6 54 6994 58.5 4050 7.5 58 4702 7.7 56 6220 59.3 4228 23.4 59 4923 24.4 56 6463 57.9 4410 40.0 57 5142 41.1 55 6696 57.2 4399 23.7 56 5136 24.7 54 6670 65.2 3544 11.7 64 4326 11.9 63 5683 44.3 4181 10.5 43 4925 10.8 41 6357 61.1 3624 8.5 60 4200 8.6 60 5497 58.7 3815 38.0 57 4396 38.0 57 5616 57.6 4002 28.4 56 4596 28.4 56 5712 57.4 4004 43.3 56 4597 43.5 56 5712 59.1 3032 8.5 58 3719 8.9 55 4719 57.9 3033 25.6 57 3714 26.3 55 4713 51.4 3647 36.0 49 4276 40.3 44 5339 61.5 3082 8.2 60 3703 8.7 57 4714 56.4 3516 18.0 56 4186 18.0 56 5161 58.7 3530 54.9 58 4186 54.6 59 5163 59.9 3774 29.2 59 4417 29.9 57 5494 56.2 3992 146.4 55 4664 149.5 54 5753 Technical Report – Traffic Table C7 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound PM Location 15A-15 EB 15EB ON 15EB OFF 15-14B EB 14B EB OFF 14B EB ON 14B-14A EB 14A EB OFF 14A EB ON OLD NYACK EB ON 14 EB OFF 14 EB ON 14-13 EB 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 13-12 EB 12 EB OFF 12 EB ON 12-11 EB 11 EB OFF 11 EB ON 11-10 EB 10 EB ON TZB EB 2010 Volume 3031 1555 2027 2551 452 971 3060 366 1703 336 660 365 4404 856 629 552 388 4002 980 617 3650 572 439 3533 462 3994 2017 Volume 3439 1615 1989 3064 453 1096 3693 504 1902 324 668 417 5147 806 599 716 405 4593 880 585 4275 579 474 4200 529 4684 2047 Volume 5595 1992 2669 4926 794 1171 5328 941 2275 356 769 450 6693 987 667 864 238 5713 968 656 5337 627 463 5148 553 5774 Technical Report – Traffic Table C8 - Comparison of No Build Volumes and Speeds – Westbound PM 2010 Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 10 Off Ramp Between 10 off and on 10 on ramp 11 off ramp between 11 off and 11 on 11 on ramp 12 off ramp Between 12 off and on 12 On Mainline between 12 and 13 13 off to NB PIP Between 13 Off to NB Pip and 13 On from NB PIP Weaving Section 13 On from NB PIP and 13 OFF to SB PIP Section between 13 OFF to SB PIP and 13 ON SB PIP 13 On from SB PIP Mainline between 13 and 14 14 Off ramp Between 14 off and 14 on Weaving Section 14 On to 14A off 14 A On Mainline between 14A and 14B 14 B off Between 14 B off and 14 B on 14 B on Mainline between 14 B and 15 2017 2047 Sectional Sectional Travel Time Travel Time Sectional Travel (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume 206.5 53.9 6556 246.1 45 7089 415.0 27 6919 25.2 37.3 6419 21.9 43 6945 42.9 22 6559 20.0 32.6 5551 17.8 37 5915 32.3 20 5612 72.0 24.6 5439 71.1 25 5813 115.7 15 5556 76.9 15.6 5424 70.2 17 5749 89.9 13 5580 16.7 28.3 4801 17.3 30 5094 19.7 26 5233 26.7 56.5 4974 26.8 56 5256 50.3 30 5399 44.9 56.7 5148 44.9 57 5424 84.7 30 5614 7.9 59.3 4165 7.9 59 4684 18.7 25 4539 48.7 52.8 4597 58.5 44 5144 133.8 19 5105 28.8 55.6 5120 32.6 49 5672 49.8 32 5758 38.3 50.5 5113 41.4 47 5684 47.8 40 5759 17.7 61.3 4088 18.8 58 4675 21.4 51 4717 9.5 34.0 5484 9.9 33 5928 10.4 31 6110 3.7 63.5 4678 3.7 64 4875 3.9 61 5539 28.2 58.1 4966 29.2 56 5196 31.3 52 6018 40.5 56.3 5239 41.3 55 5516 42.5 54 6455 12.3 53.9 5232 12.3 54 5515 14.7 45 6444 27.2 54.7 4884 27.1 55 5124 30.1 50 6055 21.3 55.9 5691 21.3 56 5828 21.7 55 7004 43.9 58.8 4266 44.0 59 4373 44.4 58 5338 168.1 65.5 4452 169.1 65 4566 203.9 54 5634 25.8 63.8 4466 25.8 64 4606 37.1 44 5479 13.1 70.2 3375 13.1 70 3515 13.2 70 4200 31.3 69.9 3399 31.2 70 3507 31.1 70 4202 83.8 67.5 4061 83.7 68 4218 84.6 67 5055 Technical Report – Traffic Table C9 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes– Westbound PM Location TZ WB 10 WB OFF 10 WB ON 10-11 WB 11 WB OFF 11 WB ON 11-12 WB 12 WB OFF 12 WB ON 12-13 WB 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 13-14 WB 14 WB OFF 14 WB ON 14A WB OFF 14A WB ON 14A-14B WB 14B WB OFF 14B WB ON 14B 15 WB 15 WB OFF 15 WB ON 15-15A WB 2010 Volume 6468 819 65 5457 591 357 5147 980 971 5120 1002 1395 801 542 5238 672 1146 1697 539 4510 1099 659 4062 1671 4019 6429 2017 Volume 6994 958 50 5805 619 345 5423 732 1011 5667 1015 1252 1053 656 5515 753 1078 1728 519 4617 1113 727 4226 1676 4011 6500 2047 Volume 6634 865 58 5589 343 439 5602 1094 1210 5757 1055 1401 573 923 6452 748 1328 2089 859 5745 1249 839 5060 1760 3610 6817 Technical Report – Traffic Table C10 PM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets PM Trip ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Start Int 15 EB On Gore Point Int 15 EB On Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point 12 On EB Gore Point Middle of Bridge Middle of Bridge 12 On WB Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point 2010 2017 2047 End Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed VMT Middle of Bridge EB 15.6 15.4 61 53986 15.7 60 63720 16.1 58 85185 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point EB 5.8 5.2 67 16268 5.2 66 19591 5.4 65 29303 Middle of Bridge EB 9.8 10.2 57 37718 10.4 56 44129 10.7 55 55882 Middle of bridge EB 4.9 5.2 57 18307 5.3 56 21560 5.5 54 26719 15 Off Gore Point WB 16.6 19.0 52 83161 19.8 50 88212 28.2 35 95851 13 Off Ramp NB PIP Gore Point WB 7.4 10.2 44 42651 10.9 41 46159 18.3 24 45537 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point WB 4.2 4.6 54 20781 4.9 51 22432 6.8 37 24469 15 Off Gore Point WB 6.7 6.1 66 28037 6.1 65 28874 6.9 58 35148 Technical Report – Traffic Westchester County AM Peak Hour Table C11 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of No Build Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound AM Section TP to Exit 9 Int 9 on ramp Int 9 - Int 8 Int. 8 Off Int 8 off - Int 8 On Int 8 on ramp Int 8 - Int 1 Int 1 on ramp Int 1 - Int 2 Weaving: Int 2 on - Int 3 off Int. 3 off - Int. 3 on Int 3 on SB ramp Weaving: Int 3 on (NB) - Int 4 off Int 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on Ramp Int 4 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int. 5 off - Int 5 on Int 5 on ramp Int 5 - Int 6 Int 6 off ramp Int 6 off - Int. 6 on Int 6 on ramp Int. 6 - Int 7 Int 7 on ramp Int 8W off ramp Int 8E off ramp Int 8E - Int 8 Int 8 on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - 9A on Int 9 A on ramp Int 9S off ramp Int 9S off - 9N on Int 9N on ramp Int 10 off ramp Int 10 - Int 11 Int 11 off ramp Int 12 off ramp Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 23.1 17.5 35.1 11.8 41.8 19.9 4.7 17.4 20.7 15.2 15.6 15.4 17.1 10.9 14.5 11.2 25.5 14.8 11.8 15.0 18.4 17.4 15.9 12.1 20.8 22.4 10.3 29.8 23.2 10.5 31.5 22.5 6.0 52.1 23.1 5.0 101.1 12.8 11.6 2010 Sectional Speed 31.8 56.3 55.1 36.4 50.7 59.4 56.1 59.6 56.3 42.9 49.4 46.6 47.0 52.4 60.1 58.0 50.7 55.1 46.9 61.0 53.8 57.4 54.9 48.7 51.8 62.9 50.7 56.5 54.6 54.4 58.7 58.1 61.1 58.1 59.3 57.4 57.6 55.5 56.2 Section Volume 6504 5311 5501 5480 3765 2980 3323 3304 3613 3992 2578 3386 4383 3978 3951 4716 4667 3994 4469 4449 4409 3726 3700 4094 4427 4743 3719 3136 3094 3584 3327 3160 3784 2938 2891 3042 2427 2367 1859 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 21.9 17.7 34.6 11.6 41.1 20.0 4.6 17.4 20.5 14.8 15.4 14.7 15.9 10.9 14.4 11.0 24.7 14.6 11.8 14.9 17.7 17.4 15.9 11.8 20.6 23.2 9.8 4.6 23.5 10.6 31.5 22.8 6.1 51.9 23.0 5.0 101.3 12.8 11.6 2017 Sectional Speed 33 56 56 37 52 59 56 60 57 44 50 49 50 53 61 59 52 56 47 61 56 57 55 50 52 61 53 48 54 54 59 57 60 58 60 58 58 55 56 Section Volume 7213 5814 5947 5930 4010 3076 3402 3392 3732 4105 2618 3450 4362 4036 4013 4888 4858 4188 4644 4621 4591 3875 3846 4153 4549 4929 3740 3091 3551 3903 3606 3427 4135 3142 3091 3303 2707 2639 2004 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 21.4 17.8 34.9 11.7 42.4 20.1 4.7 17.4 21.0 15.4 15.6 14.6 17.0 10.9 14.4 11.0 25.1 14.8 11.8 15.6 20.8 17.4 16.0 11.9 21.1 23.4 9.8 4.6 23.5 10.6 31.6 23.1 6.2 51.9 23.1 5.1 100.6 12.8 11.6 2047 Sectional Speed 34 55 55 37 50 59 56 60 55 42 49 49 47 53 61 59 51 55 47 59 47 57 55 49 51 60 53 48 54 54 59 57 60 58 59 57 58 55 56 Section Volume 7342 6109 6241 6209 4241 3338 3722 3712 4206 4606 3040 3773 4878 4407 4382 5217 5171 4471 4951 4913 4887 4088 4043 4423 4795 5141 3977 3179 3705 4103 3743 3509 4323 3334 3291 3529 2762 2713 2083 Technical Report – Traffic Table C12 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes– Eastbound AM Location 10 - 9 EB 9 EB Off 9 EB ON 9 - 8 EB 8 EB OFF # 1 8 EB ON 8 - 1 EB 1 EB ON 1 - 2 EB 2 EB ON 2 -3 EB 3 EB Off 3 EB ON # 1 3 EB ON # 2 3 - 4 EB 4 EB OFF 4 EB On 4-5 EB 5 EB OFF 5 EB ON 5 - 6 EB 6 EB OFF 6 EB ON 6-7 EB 7 EB ON 7 -8W EB 8W EB OFF 8W - 8E EB 8E EB OFF 8E - 8 EB 8 EB ON #1 2010 NB 6997 1242 365 6131 2173 1037 3987 540 3996 627 5179 1728 1745 995 6179 598 1072 6542 865 727 6404 1075 564 5787 1136 6930 1581 5334 748 4576 846 8 EB ON #2 8 - 9A EB 9A EB OFF 9A EB ON 9A - 9S EB 9S EB OFF 9S EB ON 9S - 10 EB 10 EB OFF 5403 556 1082 5921 1259 358 4996 983 2017 NB 7642 1380 182 6443 2351 1007 4071 616 4067 611 5270 1749 1858 1149 6512 559 987 6931 964 714 6671 1027 504 6082 1182 7256 1709 5530 922 4495 707 569 5650 567 1095 6097 1357 361 5075 794 2047 NB 7822 1352 324 6792 2418 1112 4355 734 4346 599 5579 1723 1641 1091 6550 735 1137 6923 828 946 6930 1113 748 6423 1245 7666 1909 5744 1139 4623 722 1909 6015 774 1072 6205 1351 356 5209 916 Technical Report – Traffic Table C13 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of No Build Volumes and Speeds – Westbound AM Section Int. 12 on ramp Int 11 on ramp Int 11 - Int 10 Int 10 off ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 9N off ramp Int 9N - Int 9S Int 9S on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - Int 9A on Weaving: Int 9A on - Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 8W on West of Int. 8W West of Int. 8W Weaving: Int 8W on - Int. 7 off Int 7 - Int 6 Int 6 off ramp Int 6 on ramp Int 6 - Int 5 Int 5 off ramp Int 5 off - Int. 5 on Int. 5 on ramp Int 4 off ramp Int. 4 off - Int 4 on Int 4 on ramp Int 3 off ramp Int. 3 off - Int 3 on Weaving: Int 3 on - Int 2 off Int. 2 off - Int. 2 on Int 2 on ramp Int 1 off Int 8 off Int. 8 off - Int 1 on Int 1 on ramp Int 8 on ramp Int. 8 - Int 9 Int 9 off ramp Int 9 off - Int 9 on Int 9 on ramp Int 9 on - South Broadway on South Broadway on 2010 NB Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 4.0 49.2 18.0 59.0 39.1 58.5 13.5 56.0 31.8 57.9 24.4 57.1 9.7 56.9 56.2 57.1 12.2 60.5 21.8 53.7 44.6 59.6 18.4 46.7 69.3 54.6 69.3 54.6 69.3 54.6 13.8 52.9 20.5 55.4 12.5 52.0 16.0 62.1 34.2 58.4 26.3 42.7 6.1 58.6 25.1 59.4 18.1 57.3 11.2 44.3 27.9 56.1 4.1 49.6 15.9 58.4 14.7 52.8 6.5 51.0 20.8 58.2 7.5 49.6 8.3 58.5 17.1 57.8 14.5 55.5 16.9 34.2 17.0 75.0 32.5 57.1 9.4 58.3 11.5 55.5 15.6 56.8 41.8 55.8 Section Volume 1640 1632 1885 1875 1688 1887 2096 1721 1710 2674 2329 3196 2023 2023 2023 2911 2511 2492 2098 2227 2200 1970 1959 2310 2050 2305 2566 2080 2937 2276 2254 2532 1723 1399 1530 2233 2684 2651 2277 2432 2416 2581 2017 NB Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 4.0 48.7 18.0 58.9 39.3 58.1 13.6 55.7 31.8 58.0 24.5 57.0 9.8 56.5 55.6 57.6 12.2 60.9 21.6 54.1 44.4 60.0 17.9 47.9 63.3 27.9 64.9 53.0 65.8 36.2 65.8 36.2 19.5 58.2 12.2 53.4 15.9 62.4 33.8 59.2 26.0 43.3 6.1 59.1 25.0 59.5 18.0 57.8 11.2 44.3 28.0 55.9 4.1 49.4 15.8 58.5 14.1 54.9 6.4 51.9 20.6 58.7 7.2 51.5 8.4 58.4 17.1 57.5 14.8 54.5 17.1 33.6 17.0 70.0 32.7 56.8 9.5 57.5 11.5 55.4 15.8 55.9 42.1 55.4 Section Volume 1781 1766 2063 2050 1808 2035 2264 1677 1661 2571 2145 2912 2112 2104 1891 1891 2240 2630 2183 2417 2382 2130 2120 2515 2253 2485 2729 2204 3072 2437 2417 2710 1943 1458 1626 2458 2950 2916 2458 2587 2570 2697 2047 NB Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 4 47 18 58 40 57 14 54 32 57 25 55 10 55 57 57 12 60 22 53 45 60 19 46 64 27 68 54 70 34 21 34 21 53 15 43 16 61 34 59 27 42 6 58 25 59 19 56 11 44 29 53 4 45 17 56 17 46 7 49 21 57 8 48 8 58 18 56 15 53 17 33 17 77 33 56 10 57 12 55 17 52 43 55 Section Volume 3201 3198 3684 3674 3266 3667 4082 2933 2946 4165 3466 4935 3650 3650 3381 3381 4121 4862 4008 4360 4352 3970 3966 4565 4070 4530 4985 4007 5252 3934 3946 4343 3280 2624 2768 3938 4779 4785 4247 4428 4423 4719 Technical Report – Traffic Table C14 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes– Westbound AM Location 9 - 10 WB ON RAMP FROM S. BROADWAY TO TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE 9 WB ON 9 WB OFF 8 - 9 WB 8 WB ON # 2 8 WB ON # 1 8 WB OFF 1 - 8 WB 1 WB OFF 2 - 1 WB 2 WB ON 2 WB OFF 3 - 2 WB 3 WB ON 3 WB OFF 4 - 3 WB 4 WB On 4 WB Off 5 - 4 WB 5 WB ON 5 WB Off 6 - 5 WB 6 WB ON 6 WB OFF 7 - 6 WB 7 WB OFF 8W - 7 WB 8W WB ON 8E - 8W WB 8 - 8E WB 8 WB Off 8 WB ON 9A - 8 WB 9A WB ON 9A WB OFF 9S - 9A WB 9S WB On 9S WB Off 10 - 9S WB 2010 NB 4280 380 235 545 4216 1218 790 770 3029 1146 4168 373 1089 4872 1289 879 4459 793 489 4168 608 435 4029 238 611 4290 605 4888 1453 3430 3435 1801 689 4560 824 759 4486 1600 635 3555 2017 NB 4435 389 188 700 4587 1457 964 951 3146 1138 4290 394 1182 5096 1310 828 4622 831 427 4243 558 380 4056 332 820 4430 1317 3107 320 3423 3429 1109 590 3943 800 782 3926 1271 1044 3708 2047 NB 5016 610 175 552 4785 1623 716 875 3280 1070 4343 399 1312 5252 1320 963 4983 905 499 4566 597 383 4364 252 851 4862 1492 3382 260 3652 3650 1276 714 4226 999 964 4166 1230 1135 4084 Technical Report – Traffic Table C15 Westchester County- AM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets No Build 2010 Start End Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed Toll Plaza 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 12.2 13.4 54 Toll Plaza 8 Off Ramp to 87 SB Gore Point EB 1.1 1.5 47 Int 9 On Ramp Gore Point 8E Off Ramp Gore Point EB 7.2 8.0 54 8E On EB Gore Point 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 4.8 5.0 58 I-95 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 12.9 13.8 56 I-95 ON Ramp 8E Off Ramp Gore Point WB 4.6 4.9 57 8E/7 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 8.2 8.9 55 5 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 5.2 5.6 56 VMT 44151 6385 29377 13450 27988 9313 18675 12016 No Build 2017 Travel Time Average Speed 12.9 55 1.4 48 7.5 54 5.0 57 15.6 49 4.9 57 10.7 46 5.6 56 VMT 45505 6960 29297 14740 28862 9367 19495 12911 No Build 2047 Travel Time Average Speed 13.0 54 1.4 48 7.7 53 5.0 57 15.7 49 4.9 57 10.8 46 5.6 56 VMT 48167 7258 31354 15317 31991 10539 21452 14079 Technical Report – Traffic PM Peak Hour Table C16 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of No Build Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound PM Section TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and 3 off Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB ramp and 4 off Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Mainline between 8E and 8 East of Int. 8 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp 2010 NB Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 14.8 49.7 16.3 60.4 33.2 58.3 11.3 37.9 37.6 56.4 19.7 60.2 4.6 57.0 17.2 60.3 19.7 59.1 13.1 49.9 15.1 50.9 15.3 47.1 15.6 51.2 10.7 53.2 14.5 60.0 10.8 60.3 24.6 52.5 14.5 56.2 11.8 47.0 14.8 61.9 17.4 56.9 17.2 58.0 15.4 56.8 10.8 54.3 20.1 53.6 21.7 64.7 10.7 48.9 30.9 54.6 30.9 54.6 24.1 52.5 10.9 52.4 31.6 58.5 23.1 56.6 6.5 56.2 51.2 59.1 22.4 61.0 4.8 59.5 101.0 57.7 12.9 54.7 11.8 55.0 Section Volume 3997 3551 3963 3948 2658 2238 2664 2651 3352 3978 3438 4151 5080 4469 4445 5085 5045 4201 4636 4613 4593 3972 3943 4039 4298 4552 3759 3347 3347 3313 3450 2949 2671 3263 2090 2070 2860 2259 2212 1680 2017 NB Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 14.4 51.0 16.4 60.0 33.2 58.2 11.3 38.0 37.5 56.5 19.7 60.3 4.6 57.3 17.2 60.4 19.6 59.3 12.5 52.0 14.7 52.4 15.0 48.0 15.7 51.1 10.8 53.0 14.7 59.5 10.9 59.8 24.6 52.5 14.6 55.7 11.7 47.3 14.8 61.9 17.3 57.2 17.1 58.3 15.3 56.9 10.8 54.3 20.2 53.3 22.6 62.3 10.3 51.0 5.0 44.7 25.6 57.2 24.0 52.9 11.0 52.3 31.4 59.0 21.9 59.8 6.8 54.2 51.5 58.8 22.6 60.5 5.1 56.9 100.6 57.9 12.9 54.6 11.8 55.0 Section Volume 4153 3747 4098 4091 2829 2444 2886 2876 3555 4155 3556 4354 5383 4769 4751 5363 5334 4564 4801 4778 4750 4073 4048 4159 4413 4667 3943 3285 3258 3803 4255 3499 3107 3666 2259 2235 2857 2195 2144 1579 2047 NB Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 15 48 17 59 34 57 11 38 39 54 20 60 5 56 17 59 20 58 14 46 16 47 17 43 16 49 11 53 15 59 11 59 25 52 15 55 12 46 15 61 18 54 18 57 16 55 11 52 21 52 25 57 10 50 5 45 26 57 25 50 12 48 32 59 27 48 10 36 101 30 64 22 9 31 101 58 13 54 13 51 Section Volume 5792 5226 6023 6025 4068 3397 4025 4025 4665 5403 4701 5642 6899 6079 6096 6907 6897 6112 6797 6791 6791 6059 6040 6321 6792 7261 5889 4691 4680 5463 6000 4893 4192 4909 3037 2864 3668 2760 2787 2261 Technical Report – Traffic Table C17 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes– Eastbound PM 10 - 9 EB 9 EB Off 9 EB ON 9 - 8 EB 8 EB OFF # 1 8 EB ON 8 - 1 EB 1 EB ON 1 - 2 EB 2 EB ON 2 -3 EB 3 EB Off 3 EB ON # 1 3 EB ON # 2 3 - 4 EB 4 EB OFF 4 EB On 4-5 EB 5 EB OFF 5 EB ON 5 - 6 EB 6 EB OFF 6 EB ON 6-7 EB 7 EB ON 7 -8W EB 8W EB OFF 8W - 8E EB 8E EB OFF 8E - 8 EB 8 EB ON #1 8 EB ON #2 8 - 9A EB 9A EB OFF 9A EB ON 9A - 9S EB 9S EB OFF 9S EB ON 9S - 10 EB 10 EB OFF 2010 NB 4501 477 513 4534 1307 974 3077 787 3089 706 4577 640 1350 734 6027 747 776 6059 827 641 5886 820 291 5287 640 5913 1226 4693 474 4220 173 NA 4379 910 659 4125 1531 1009 3570 685 2017 NB 4721 490 394 4591 1240 1126 3350 773 3351 674 4793 693 1422 696 6222 674 819 6336 871 422 5902 835 219 5280 696 5969 865 5101 921 4196 700 473 5365 1415 643 4570 1691 632 3502 817 2047 NB 5808 557 786 6023 1853 1259 4025 639 4026 735 5403 697 1428 775 6899 813 826 6891 793 675 6797 742 285 6321 946 7263 1309 5889 1197 4675 762 528 6000 1649 747 4909 1783 846 3668 941 Technical Report – Traffic Table C18 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of No Build Volumes and Speeds – Westbound PM Section 12 on ramp 11 on ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 off and 10 on 10 on ramp 9N off ramp Mainline between 9N and 9S 9S on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and 9A on Weaving section between 9A on and 8 off Mainline section between 8 off and 8W on Int 7 Off ramp Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Int. 7 off - Int 8W on Mainline between 7 and 6 6 off ramp 6 on ramp Mainline between 6 and 5 5 off ramp section between 5 off and on 5 on ramp 4 off ramp Section between 4 off and on 4 on ramp 3 off ramp Section between 3 off and 3 on Weaving between 3 on and 2 off section between 2 off and 2 on 2 on ramp 1 off 8 off section between 8 off and 1 on 1 on ramp 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 9 9 off ramp section between 9 off and on 9 on ramp Mainline between 9 on and S broadway on S broadway on Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 4.0 17.8 39.2 13.5 31.8 24.7 9.9 56.0 12.3 22.0 44.7 18.7 70.7 70.7 70.7 15.1 21.9 13.8 16.2 34.5 26.8 6.1 25.4 18.6 11.3 28.7 4.6 15.9 14.6 6.5 20.4 7.0 8.4 17.4 14.8 16.9 16.6 32.1 9.6 11.4 18.7 43.3 2010 NB Sectional Speed 49.2 59.5 58.3 56.0 57.8 56.5 56.1 57.2 60.3 53.1 59.5 46.0 53.5 53.5 53.5 48.4 51.9 47.3 61.4 57.9 42.0 58.3 58.6 55.9 44.1 54.4 44.2 58.2 53.4 51.5 59.0 53.0 58.1 56.6 54.5 34.1 75.0 57.9 57.4 56.2 47.3 53.8 Section Volume 2437 2431 2808 2792 2600 2934 3264 2459 2424 3394 2737 3848 2761 2761 2761 4525 3684 3658 3009 3552 3499 3072 3066 3690 3111 3379 3651 2405 3062 2408 2398 3047 2526 1884 1911 3280 4393 4359 4075 4483 4459 4595 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 4.0 17.9 39.2 13.6 31.8 24.6 9.9 56.0 12.3 21.9 44.5 18.9 64.0 66.3 67.3 67.3 19.8 12.6 15.8 34.0 26.7 6.9 40.3 32.3 11.3 30.0 5.0 15.9 14.5 6.4 20.4 7.0 8.4 17.5 14.8 16.9 16.6 32.1 9.4 11.8 16.0 40.4 2017 NB Sectional Speed 49.2 59.3 58.3 55.8 58.0 56.6 56.1 57.3 60.2 53.4 59.8 45.5 27.5 5.6 35.4 35.4 57.2 52.0 62.9 58.8 42.1 52.3 37.0 32.2 44.2 52.2 40.7 58.4 53.7 52.3 59.1 52.9 58.2 56.2 54.6 34.0 70.0 57.8 58.5 54.1 55.1 57.7 Section Volume 2499 2484 2874 2858 2582 2896 3215 2496 2459 3213 2632 4133 3074 3055 2657 2657 3185 3746 3175 3729 3694 3217 3195 3737 3113 3398 3691 2378 3067 2458 2445 3130 2564 1967 2031 3590 4868 4823 4579 5020 4995 5149 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 4 18 40 14 32 25 10 56 12 22 44 19 65 74 78 27 17 16 34 27 6 26 23 11 32 6 16 14 7 21 7 8 18 15 17 17 33 10 12 16 41 2047 NB Sectional Speed 49 59 58 55 57 56 55 57 60 52 60 45 27 54 31 31 42 39 61 58 41 58 57 45 44 48 31 57 54 51 57 50 58 54 53 33 79 56 57 54 54 57 Section Volume 3342 3340 3851 3848 3512 3875 4217 3038 3044 3948 3081 5129 4106 4101 3634 3634 4517 5410 4582 5527 5516 4910 4901 5626 4849 5245 5646 3666 4577 3780 3774 4585 3686 2931 3032 5240 7090 7104 6663 7282 7283 7533 Technical Report – Traffic Table C19 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes - Westbound PM 9 - 10 WB ON RAMP FROM S. BROADWAY TO TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE 9 WB ON 9 WB OFF 8 - 9 WB 8 WB ON # 2 8 WB ON # 1 8 WB OFF 1 - 8 WB 1 WB OFF 2 - 1 WB 2 WB ON 2 WB OFF 3 - 2 WB 3 WB ON 3 WB OFF 4 - 3 WB 4 WB On 4 WB Off 5 - 4 WB 5 WB ON 5 WB Off 6 - 5 WB 6 WB ON 6 WB OFF 7 - 6 WB 7 WB ON 8W - 7 WB 8W WB OFF 8E - 8W WB 8 - 8E WB 8 WB Off 8 WB ON 9A - 8 WB 9A WB ON 9A WB OFF 9S - 9A WB 9S WB On 9S WB Off 2010 NB 5809 2017 NB 6568 2047 NB 7811 405 426 316 5296 2668 578 1064 3125 722 3842 656 886 4075 767 1514 4819 776 678 4727 639 637 4772 530 801 4776 927 5692 2234 3453 3455 1196 920 3751 489 861 4116 1207 895 465 510 196 5793 2919 591 1101 3426 632 4058 796 856 4144 869 1705 4980 684 725 4983 662 627 4941 556 664 4757 1486 3257 511 3781 3782 1073 1328 3530 534 821 3829 920 890 540 623 428 7104 3706 712 1020 3686 901 4585 825 793 4577 918 2005 5654 832 786 5630 725 605 5549 603 817 5399 1756 3631 471 4108 4107 1013 1580 3541 623 1012 3948 906 1192 Technical Report – Traffic Table C20 Westchester County- PM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets No Build 2010 Start End Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed Toll Plaza 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 12.2 13.0 56 Toll Plaza 8 Off Ramp to 87 SB Gore Point EB 1.1 1.3 54 Int 9 On Ramp Gore Point 8E Off Ramp Gore Point EB 7.2 7.7 56 8E On EB Gore Point 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 4.8 5.0 57 I-95 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 12.9 16.4 47 I-95 ON Ramp 8E Off Ramp Gore Point WB 4.6 4.9 57 8E/7 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 8.2 11.5 43 5 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 5.2 5.7 55 VMT 40352 4385 27833 11705 40981 12917 28064 18219 No Build 2017 Travel Time Average Speed 13.0 56 1.3 54 7.3 56 5.4 58 17.4 44 4.9 57 12.5 40 6.1 51 VMT 42466 4559 27738 13882 42109 12932 29177 19496 No Build 2047 Travel Time Average Speed 13.1 56 1.3 53 7.4 55 5.5 57 15.9 48 5.0 56 11.0 45 5.7 55 VMT 47855 5754 31445 15354 48092 14215 33876 23360 Technical Report – Traffic 2017 & 2047 Highway Builds Technical Report – Traffic Rockland Table C21 Rockland County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound AM Section Int. 15 -Int 14B Int 14B off Ramp Int 14B Off - Int. 14B On Int. 14B On Ramp Int. 14B - 14A Int 14A Off Ramp Int. 14A Off - Int 14 A On Int 14A On Ramp Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 Int. 13 Off to C/D Road Int. 13 Off - 13 On Int. 13 Off - 13 On Int. 13 Off - 13 On 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge ALT A1 2017 ALT A1 2047 Sectional Speed Section Volume Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume 67 4,982 109 34 6030 66 4,982 70 28 5924 68 3,927 12 58 4889 69 4,387 46 67 5353 65 4,843 147 64 5814 53 4,837 37 50 5866 59 3,915 8 59 4849 60 4,523 41 56 5578 56 5,558 20 50 6731 56 5,558 20 50 6731 59 4,753 8 51 5762 58 4,753 29 46 5777 52 5,915 24 45 6921 50 5,935 28 49 6921 61 4,030 59 59 4669 61 4,030 59 59 4669 61 4,030 59 59 4669 48 5,473 25 40 5963 54 5,471 66 41 5934 56 5,490 64 29 5881 40 4,664 64 19 5028 30 5,742 22 17 6257 29 5,752 70 22 6250 39 5,588 18 32 5897 37 6,781 36 26 7164 52 6,784 44 52 7170 52 6,800 22 52 7160 54 6,594 37 45 6908 43 7,709 161 53 7985 Technical Report – Traffic Table C22 Rockland County- I 287 Highway Build Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound AM Location 2017 BuildVolume 2017 Speed 2047 BuildVolume 2047 Speed 15 A-15 EB 6955 34.7 7537 26.9 15EB ON 1433 42.0 1608 42.3 15EB OFF 3431 65.8 2790 68.7 15-14B EB 4974 67.4 5967 35.3 14B EB OFF 1046 28.9 1023 7.2 14B EB ON 925 35.5 916 36.2 14B-14A EB 4841 66.2 5855 65.6 14A EB OFF 922 39.0 1024 38.9 14A EB ON 1232 38.0 1461 36.9 OLD NYACK EB ON 421 38.1 428 37.5 14 EB OFF 801 40.4 974 39.4 14 EB ON 1159 36.0 1168 33.9 14-13 EB 5915 51.9 6921 44.7 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 1564 35.0 1743 33.7 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB 1173 32.9 1239 32.4 Int 13 EB CD lanes 1523 60.1 1674 57.0 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 336 36.1 441 35.8 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 247 40.4 251 40.1 13-12 EB 5475 54.3 5930 39.6 12 EB OFF 811 52.0 833 49.5 12 EB ON 1087 24.8 1240 9.3 12-11 EB 5753 31.9 6250 27.0 11 EB OFF 160 7.9 330 7.5 11 EB ON 1188 30.3 1276 25.9 11-10 EB 6787 58.6 7170 37.0 10 EB ON 1180 32.9 1208 32.9 10 EB OFF 198 41.9 171 48.7 TZB EB 7697 48.3 7909 32.1 Before Toll Plaza 7763 56.1 8019 58.4 After Toll Plaza 7709 44.0 7993 41.6 Technical Report – Traffic Table C23 Rockland County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build Volumes and Speeds – Westbound AM Section Bridge - Int 10 Off Int 10 Off Ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 11 off ramp Int 11 off - Int 11 on Int 11 on ramp Int 12 off ramp Int 12 off - Int 12 on Int 12 On Int 12 - Int 13 Int 13 Off to C/D Rd Int 13 Off - Int On Int. Off - Int 13 On Int. Off - Int 13 On Int 13 On from C/D Rd Int 13 0 Int 14 Int 14 Off ramp Int 14 off - 14 on Int 14 On -14A off Int 14 A On Int. 14A - Int 14B Int 14 B off Int 14 B off - 14 B on Int 14 B on Int 14 B - Int 15 ALT A1 2017 Sectional Speed Section Volume 55 54 57 57 50 53 59 57 58 53 43 55 56 56 56 62 58 54 55 52 60 66 65 70 69 67 4,280 4,258 3,750 3,781 3,824 3,643 3,948 4,245 3,805 3,814 4,320 4,287 3,177 3,177 3,177 3,172 5,256 5,249 4,920 5,303 3,149 3,354 3,373 2,703 2,705 3,213 ALT A1 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 207 54 18 53 11 57 31 57 26 46 10 53 26 58 48 53 11 42 112 23 31 36 35 53 10 56 20 56 10 56 27 61 40 57 13 50 29 52 24 49 43 60 170 65 26 64 13 69 32 69 86 66 Section Volume 5,683 5,645 5,106 5,139 5,180 4,983 5,378 5,725 5,082 4,973 5,444 5,437 4,108 4,108 4,108 4,089 6,486 6,482 6,153 6,669 4,513 4,992 5,043 4,249 4,251 4,880 Technical Report – Traffic Table C24 Rockland County- I 287 Highway Build Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Westbound AM Location 2017 Volume 2017 Speed 2047 Volume 2047 Speed TZ WB 4263 53.7 5649 53.1 10 WB OFF 505 29.8 535 29.8 10 WB ON 62 39.6 68 39.1 10-11 WB 3818 54.6 5171 53.4 11 WB OFF 187 31.7 194 32.0 11 WB ON 611 42.4 782 41.5 11-12 WB 4245 57.7 5753 55.8 12 WB OFF 429 48.9 594 44.6 12 WB ON 561 31.8 581 31.9 12-13 WB 4328 42.6 5452 35.3 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 487 39.5 585 38.3 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 814 36.7 923 35.2 13 WN CD Lanes 1451 55.3 1680 54.9 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 410 31.0 413 31.6 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 1051 38.1 1149 38.7 13-14 WB 5256 57.6 6484 57.1 14 WB OFF 643 36.2 665 35.4 14 WB ON 701 37.0 848 36.3 14A WB OFF 2395 40.9 2714 37.8 14A WB ON 496 39.2 1091 36.8 14A-14B WB 3387 68.8 5028 67.2 14B WB OFF 656 48.1 788 48.6 14B WB ON 507 36.8 647 36.9 14B 15 WB 3222 68.1 4880 67.0 15 WB OFF 1861 61.5 2225 59.1 15 WB ON 2011 68.4 2524 68.3 15-15 A WB 3346 64.1 5183 55.7 Technical Report – Traffic Table C25 Rockland County- Highway Build Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound PM Section Mainline section 15 -14B 14B off Ramp Between 14B Off and On Ramp (?) 14B On Ramp Mainline between 14B and 14A 14A Off Ramp Between 14A Off and On Ramps(?) 14A On Ramp Old Nyack Parkway Weaving section Old Nyack Parkway Weaving section Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge ALT A1 2017 Sectional Speed Section Volume 69 2987 67 2990 67 2491 69 3053 65 3611 54 3621 58 3148 63 4105 49 5423 49 5423 55 4893 57 4879 58 5369 52 5344 58 58 58 51 53 53 54 50 55 64 55 57 53 60 58 3621 3621 3621 4571 4599 4588 3636 4218 4215 3703 4182 4179 4183 4083 4658 ALT A1 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 56 66 30 66 10 67 45 69 146 65 36 52 8 58 37 62 12 43 12 43 8 54 24 56 20 53 26 53 15 30 14 19 49 35 25 8 30 9 17 40 21 29 149 59 59 59 52 54 55 50 45 53 64 55 57 53 58 57 Section Volume 4,918 4,933 4,169 4,731 5,322 5,323 4,428 5,571 7,055 7,055 6,371 6,368 6,921 6,821 4,857 4,857 4,857 5,791 5,793 5,795 4,836 5,395 5,384 4,847 5,365 5,363 5,362 5,256 5,946 Technical Report – Traffic Table C26 Rockland County- I 287 Highway Build Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound PM Location 2017 BuildVolume 2017 Speed 2047 BuildVolume 2047 Speed 15A-15 EB 3521 68.8 5611 64.0 15EB ON 1597 42.1 2040 42.2 15EB OFF 2119 69.9 2729 69.1 15-14B EB 2987 68.2 4897 67.0 14B EB OFF 496 40.5 745 38.4 14B EB ON 1113 35.9 1150 36.1 14B-14A EB 3624 66.3 5283 65.0 14A EB OFF 480 40.4 894 39.6 14A EB ON 1911 35.9 2274 35.0 OLD NYACK EB ON 347 31.6 307 31.1 14 EB OFF 515 43.3 692 41.2 14 EB ON 427 38.9 517 38.6 14-13 EB 5297 57.5 6769 56.2 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 908 36.6 914 36.5 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB 552 36.3 657 35.2 Int 13 EB CD lanes 1335 54.4 1685 52.4 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 765 34.5 1007 33.2 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 369 40.8 259 40.9 13-12 EB 4568 55.1 5752 52.0 12 EB OFF 896 46.8 945 46.7 12 EB ON 599 21.1 645 21.2 12-11 EB 4229 57.2 5318 56.2 11 EB OFF 520 7.7 564 7.8 11 EB ON 501 38.1 514 37.0 11-10 EB 4207 56.9 5200 57.0 10 EB ON 574 33.1 701 32.7 10 EB OFF 108 57.7 109 57.5 TZB EB 4661 58.5 5919 58.2 Before Toll Plaza 4638 58.9 5924 59.0 After Toll Plaza 4612 45.9 5919 45.4 Technical Report – Traffic Table C27 Rockland County- Highway Build Volumes and Speeds – Westbound PM Section ALT A1 2017 ALT A1 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Sectional Travel Time Sectional (seconds) Speed Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 53 7,056 229 49 10 Off Ramp 49 7,001 19 49 Between 10 off and on 57 5,976 11 57 10 on ramp 56 6,022 33 54 11 off ramp 42 6,037 31 39 between 11 off and 11 on 53 5,675 10 53 11 on ramp 58 5,883 28 55 12 off ramp 57 6,066 46 55 Between 12 off and on 57 5,270 8 56 12 On 57 5,328 46 55 Mainline between 12 and 13 55 6,317 20 54 13 off to NB PIP 51 6,307 37 50 Between 13 Off and 13 ON 51 3,563 10 51 Between 13 Off and 13 ON 51 3,563 24 51 Between 13 Off and 13 ON 51 3,563 10 51 13 On from SB PIP 60 3,573 27 60 Mainline between 13 and 14 57 5,929 48 48 14 Off ramp 49 5,895 28 24 Between 14 off and 14 on 51 5,462 33 45 Weaving Section 14 On to 14A off 53 6,353 22 53 14 A On 59 4,794 44 59 Mainline between 14A and 14B 64 5,055 190 58 14 B off 53 5,081 34 49 Between 14 B off and 14 B on 69 3,817 13 69 14 B on 70 3,816 32 68 Mainline between 14 B and 15 67 4,557 85 66 Section Volume 7,797 7,687 6,616 6,658 6,680 6,359 6,512 6,295 5,446 5,530 6,362 6,414 4,084 4,084 4,084 4,137 6,729 6,748 6,394 7,431 5,696 6,047 6,077 4,731 4,745 5,559 Technical Report – Traffic Table C28 Rockland County- I 287 Highway Build Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Westbound PM Location 2017 Volume 2017 Speed 2047 Volume 2047 Speed TZ WB 7031 45.2 7327 33.2 10 WB OFF 1026 26.8 1003 26.6 10 WB ON 82 39.5 88 39.5 10-11 WB 6053 53.1 6093 25.6 11 WB OFF 360 31.4 285 30.8 11 WB ON 424 42.9 513 43.2 11-12 WB 6027 29.1 6091 17.9 12 WB OFF 1050 23.4 1270 26.3 12 WB ON 1104 30.9 1118 30.5 12-13 WB 5814 31.1 5963 30.9 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 1075 37.3 869 37.7 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 1468 34.1 1386 35.2 13 WB CD Lanes 2811 51.2 2518 51.5 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 1048 29.9 753 30.6 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 620 39.5 898 37.5 13-14 WB 5789 57.3 6586 56.4 14 WB OFF 776 35.6 714 32.9 14 WB ON 1316 34.8 1416 34.9 14A WB OFF 1907 48.5 2129 46.1 14A WB ON 668 38.7 877 37.0 14A-14B WB 5050 63.9 5945 61.7 14B WB OFF 1257 43.5 1327 26.3 14B WB ON 751 38.8 869 37.5 14B 15 WB 4486 67.5 5239 67.0 15 WB OFF 1693 61.7 1863 60.6 15 WB ON 3773 54.4 3368 67.2 15-15A WB 6484 29.3 6732 28.1 Technical Report – Traffic Table C29 Rockland County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build + HOV Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound AM Section Mainline section 15 -14B Slip On 14B off Ramp Between 14B Off and On Ramp (?) 14B On Ramp Mainline between 14B and 14A Slip on Between Slip on and off Slip off 14A Off Ramp Between 14A Off and On Ramps(?) 14A On Old Nyack Parkway Weaving section Old Nyack Parkway Weaving section Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 Slip on 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 Slip On 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge 2017 ALT A2 Sectional Speed 67 66 63 70 68 66 63 65 62 50 56 57 54 54 57 59 56 46 61 61 61 48 54 52 58 52 33 50 53 34 48 56 53 56 45 Volume Combined 4,852 4,857 4,847 4,230 4,729 5,219 5,208 5,213 5,278 5,265 4,313 4,317 5,993 5,993 5,011 4,998 6,475 6,462 4,539 4,539 4,539 5,646 5,656 5,659 5,667 4,714 5,830 5,833 5,686 7,179 7,171 7,189 7,194 6,951 8,055 2047 ALT A2 Volume 4,852 4,857 4,843 4,226 4,725 5,215 5,204 5,209 5,274 5,265 4,313 4,317 5,993 5,993 5,011 4,998 6,475 6,462 4,539 4,539 4,539 5,646 5,656 5,659 4,968 4,015 5,131 5,134 4,987 6,480 6,472 6,490 6,488 6,245 7,349 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 29 52 32 9 47 36 17 69 98 55 11 33 24 24 7 24 22 29 10 39 10 23 35 29 33 40 25 79 37 68 63 36 35 83 282 Sectional Speed Volume Combined 48 6407 45 6387 62 6414 70 5773 65 6359 59 6821 48 6753 49 6679 32 6837 35 6629 46 5526 43 5536 40 7538 40 7538 55 6408 54 6387 50 7937 47 7924 60 5744 60 5744 60 5744 43 6942 47 6927 43 6912 52 6875 30 5758 17 7035 19 7020 18 6775 14 8118 26 8056 25 7998 22 7848 20 7747 30 8945 Volume 6,407 6,387 6,036 5,395 5,981 6,443 6,375 6,277 6,435 6,539 5,436 5,446 7,448 7,448 6,318 6,297 7,847 7,834 5,654 5,654 5,654 6,852 6,837 6,822 5,663 4,546 5,823 5,808 5,563 6,906 6,844 6,786 6,504 6,403 7,601 Technical Report – Traffic Table C30 Rockland County- I 287 Highway Build + HOV Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound AM Location 15 A-15 EB 15EB ON 15EB OFF 15-14B EB 14B EB OFF 14B EB ON 14B-14A EB 14A EB OFF 14A EB ON OLD NYACK EB ON 14 EB OFF 14 EB ON 14-13 EB 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB Int 13 EB CD lanes 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 13-12 EB 12 EB OFF 12 EB ON 12-11 EB 11 EB OFF 11 EB ON 11-10 EB 10 EB ON 10 EB OFF TZB EB Before Toll Plaza After Toll Plaza 2017 BuildVolume 2017 Speed 2047 BuildVolume 2047 Speed 6496 18.5 7502 25.9 1481 41.4 1764 41.1 3107 67.5 2851 68.4 4826 72.3 6016 64.4 602 59.9 647 60.1 990 35.3 1107 34.0 5223 64.4 6286 37.5 942 39.0 1098 38.6 1658 41.7 1919 35.6 471 19.0 502 19.0 1470 35.4 1665 25.9 1512 27.7 1556 26.7 6461 55.0 7847 50.1 1570 35.5 1674 34.4 993 33.7 1096 33.6 1319 58.1 1546 57.3 324 36.7 450 36.5 96 41.6 186 40.7 5615 53.4 6823 44.9 963 42.2 1045 42.2 1148 20.5 1277 19.2 5647 47.7 5802 16.5 156 5.4 226 4.5 1492 27.7 1371 12.7 6929 45.6 6786 26.3 1136 33.1 1122 33.0 227 40.4 183 39.3 7460 32.0 7627 31.7 7386 58.6 7604 57.2 7383 44.3 7620 43.0 Technical Report – Traffic Table C31 Rockland County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build + HOV Volumes and Speeds – Westbound AM Section Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 10 Off Ramp Between 10 off and on Slip Off 10 on ramp 11 off ramp between 11 off and 11 on 11 on ramp 12 off ramp Between 12 off and on 12 On Mainline between 12 and 13 Slip on 13 off to NB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from SB PIP & HOV Slip off Mainline between 13 and 14 14 Off ramp Between 14 off and 14 on Weaving Section 14 On to 14A off 14 A On Mainline between 14A and 14B Slip off 14 B off Between 14 B off and 14 B on 14 B on Mainline between 14 B and 15 Slip Off Sectional Speed 56 52 58 58 51 52 57 58 59 59 59 57 57 56 56 56 61 56 56 57 53 60 64 64 64 70 70 68 65 2017 Alt A2 Volume Combined 4815 4794 4275 4305 4344 4171 4677 5030 5030 4138 4172 4610 4224 3640 3640 3640 3632 5593 5395 5048 5519 3385 3635 3633 3842 3022 3033 3492 3492 Section Volume 4,491 4,470 3,951 3,981 4,020 3,847 4,353 4,541 3,649 3,683 4,121 4,114 4,012 3,428 3,428 3,428 3,420 5,381 5,385 5,038 5,509 3,375 3,625 3,623 3,842 3,022 3,033 3,492 3,492 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 203 19 11 31 25 10 22 44 8 44 9 13 31 40 40 40 26 43 12 27 25 44 145 31 27 13 32 29 64 2047 ALT A2 Sectional Speed 55 50 58 58 48 51 53 58 58 59 58 55 55 55 55 55 60 55 54 56 48 59 62 62 61 70 69 65 58 Volume Combined 6309 6240 5638 5675 5734 5568 6185 6530 6530 5531 5542 6010 5597 4954 4954 4954 4939 7196 6830 6461 6960 4903 5483 5504 5810 4826 4861 5441 5446 Volume 5,777 5,708 5,106 5,143 5,202 5,036 5,653 5,857 4,858 4,869 5,337 5,326 5,228 4,585 4,585 4,585 4,570 6,827 6,810 6,441 6,940 4,883 5,463 5,484 5,810 4,826 4,861 5,441 5,446 Technical Report – Traffic Table C32 Rockland County- I 287 Highway Build + HOV Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Westbound AM Location TZ WB 10 WB OFF 10 WB ON 10-11 WB 11 WB OFF 11 WB ON 11-12 WB 12 WB OFF 12 WB ON 12-13 WB 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 13 WN CD Lanes 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 13-14 WB 14 WB OFF 14 WB ON 14A WB OFF 14A WB ON 14A-14B WB 14B WB OFF 14B WB ON 14B 15 WB 15 WB OFF 15 WB ON 15-15 A WB 2017 Volume 2017 Speed 2047 Volume 2047 Speed 4409 53.1 5734 53.2 526 32.8 597 32.6 93 33.5 85 33.1 3959 56.5 5186 55.5 163 30.9 175 31.5 650 41.1 707 40.3 4510 58.5 5862 58.0 876 41.8 982 40.4 484 32.1 510 32.0 4085 58.0 5337 57.6 440 39.1 497 38.6 720 37.4 827 37.2 821 56.7 934 56.7 105 32.7 100 32.4 980 38.3 1104 38.2 5348 57.0 6826 56.6 651 35.5 735 36.5 799 37.4 859 37.2 2372 44.2 2616 40.9 490 39.1 1157 36.1 3603 66.4 5450 65.4 816 47.5 980 47.6 461 38.1 596 37.3 3449 67.7 5432 64.0 2031 60.9 2519 58.5 2051 68.4 2548 68.0 3441 63.5 5365 53.4 Technical Report – Traffic Table C33 Rockland County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build + HOV Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound PM Section Mainline section 15 -14B Slip ON 14B off Ramp Between 14B Off and On Ramp (?) 14B On Ramp Mainline between 14B and 14A Slip On Mainline Slip on to Slip off Slip off 14A Off Ramp Between 14A Off and On Ramps(?) 14A On Ramp Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off Between 14 Off and On Ramps Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 19 36 32 10 44 32 13 52 49 34 9 27 31 6 6 22 19 27 18 2047 ALT A2 Sectional Speed 70 67 63 66 69 67 64 66 64 55 57 59 56 58 60 57 52 61 51 Volume Combined 3155 3151 3146 2638 3220 3795 3802 3796 3777 3841 3314 3316 4963 4605 4605 4609 5089 5081 3923 Section Volume 3,155 3,151 3,146 2,638 3,220 3,795 3,802 3,796 3,777 3,782 3,255 3,257 4,904 4,546 4,546 4,550 5,030 5,022 3,864 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 20 37 32 10 45 32 13 52 50 36 9 28 33 7 7 23 20 28 2047 ALT A2 Sectional Speed 67 65 62 66 68 66 63 66 62 52 57 56 54 57 57 57 55 50 Volume Combined 5201 5203 5209 4381 4968 5565 5563 5537 5546 5630 4675 4673 6713 6263 6263 6268 6817 6839 58 61 5374 Volume 5,201 5,203 5,209 4,381 4,968 5,565 5,563 5,537 5,546 5,547 4,592 4,590 6,630 6,180 6,180 6,185 6,734 6,756 5,291 Between 13 Off and 13 ON 30 51 3923 3,864 58 61 5374 5,291 Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 Slip on 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 Slip On 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge 10 20 30 23 30 22 12 28 11 18 30 16 14 28 147 51 55 54 58 56 37 53 61 53 56 57 54 59 58 54 3923 4466 4453 4432 4452 3560 4139 4155 3616 4345 4342 4334 4280 4171 4698 3,864 4,407 4,394 4,373 4,330 3,438 4,017 4,033 3,494 4,223 4,220 4,212 4,158 4,049 4,576 58 20 30 24 31 25 13 29 11 20 30 16 14 29 150 61 50 54 53 56 48 32 51 61 48 55 58 55 58 57 5374 5948 5950 5920 5927 4962 5560 5557 5003 5811 5822 5841 5626 5520 6110 5,291 5,865 5,867 5,837 5,772 4,807 5,405 5,402 4,848 5,656 5,667 5,686 5,626 5,520 6,110 Technical Report – Traffic Table C34 Rockland County- I 287 Highway Build + HOV Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound PM Location 15A-15 EB 15EB ON 15EB OFF 15-14B EB 14B EB OFF 14B EB ON 14B-14A EB 14A EB OFF 14A EB ON OLD NYACK EB ON 14 EB OFF 14 EB ON 14-13 EB 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB Int 13 EB CD lanes 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 13-12 EB 12 EB OFF 12 EB ON 12-11 EB 11 EB OFF 11 EB ON 11-10 EB 10 EB ON 10 EB OFF TZB EB Before Toll Plaza After Toll Plaza 2017 BuildVolume 3615 1751 2186 3152 520 1170 3764 525 1648 359 719 483 5030 893 473 720 244 97 4391 870 587 4035 515 734 4209 531 98 4544 4575 4575 2017 Speed 2047 BuildVolume 2047 Speed 68.4 5703 62.5 42.3 2118 41.4 69.8 2598 69.0 74.4 5203 71.1 60.8 822 55.8 35.5 1178 35.6 64.8 5534 64.7 40.1 961 39.2 38.5 2033 36.3 29.2 369 29.7 38.0 833 39.0 36.6 586 36.4 56.1 6734 55.0 37.3 939 37.6 36.8 520 36.6 58.2 1051 56.7 36.2 532 36.1 41.2 65 43.4 54.2 5863 54.4 41.7 954 39.5 22.2 609 21.6 52.1 5401 51.2 4.4 545 4.1 39.2 815 38.1 58.2 5683 58.8 34.0 604 34.3 40.6 109 43.6 58.9 6116 58.1 58.2 6077 58.0 46.1 6076 45.5 Technical Report – Traffic Table C35 Rockland County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build + HOV Volumes and Speeds – Westbound PM Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 10 Off Ramp Between 10 off and on Slip Off 10 on ramp 11 off ramp between 11 off and 11 on 11 on ramp (Slip off also) 12 off ramp Between 12 off and on 12 On Mainline between 12 and 13 Slip on 13 off to NB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from SB PIP & HOV Slip off Mainline between 13 and 14 14 Off ramp Between 14 off and 14 on Weaving Section 14 On to 14A off 14 A On Mainline between 14A and 14B Slip off 14 B off Between 14 B off and 14 B on 14 B on Mainline between 14 B and 15 Slip Off Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 210 19 11 32 30 11 39 44 8 51 13 20 34 45 45 45 27 44 12 27 22 44 145 31 29 13 31 29 60 Sectional Speed 54 52 58 57 47 54 51 34 53 60 59 57 56 55 55 55 61 55 57 56 54 59 62 62 58 70 69 67 62 Volume Combined 7680 7726 6605 6645 6697 6041 7493 6293 6293 5383 5398 6177 6137 4268 4268 4268 4241 6235 5967 5432 6229 4716 5037 5044 5070 3815 3808 4551 4543 Section Volume 6,194 6,240 5,119 5,159 5,211 4,555 6,007 6,136 5,226 5,241 6,020 5,982 5,885 4,016 4,016 4,016 3,989 5,983 5,967 5,432 6,229 4,716 5,037 5,044 5,070 3,815 3,808 4,551 4,543 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 203 18 11 31 26 10 23 48 9 43 9 13 31 40 40 40 32 63 16 32 22 45 148 34 33 13 32 30 66 Sectional Speed 55 52 57 57 47 53 52 53 55 59 58 55 55 55 55 55 49 38 41 46 54 58 61 57 51 69 68 65 57 Volume Combined 7847 7827 6857 6888 6959 6621 7323 6972 6972 5536 5590 6548 6565 5571 5571 5571 5544 8514 7462 6799 7592 5880 6330 6345 6305 4991 5002 5875 5870 Volume 6,413 6,393 5,423 5,454 5,525 5,187 5,889 6,079 4,643 4,697 5,655 5,641 5,565 4,571 4,571 4,571 4,544 7,514 7,460 6,797 7,590 5,878 6,328 6,343 6,305 4,991 5,002 5,875 5,870 Technical Report – Traffic Table C36 Rockland County- I 287 Highway Build + HOV Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Westbound PM Location 2017 Volume 2017 Speed 2047 Volume 2047 Speed TZ WB 6245 47.3 6388 53.4 10 WB OFF 1109 29.9 943 31.2 10 WB ON 163 33.2 107 33.2 10-11 WB 5232 49.0 5508 54.6 11 WB OFF 636 30.3 347 31.1 11 WB ON 377 40.5 429 43.2 11-12 WB 6143 58.5 6084 57.5 12 WB OFF 896 40.9 1428 21.2 12 WB ON 911 31.7 1044 31.2 12-13 WB 6020 40.4 5655 57.8 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 852 38.2 779 38.2 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 1169 35.2 1103 35.8 13 WB CD Lanes 2118 53.0 1273 54.6 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 955 30.6 167 32.6 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 604 39.1 896 38.5 13-14 WB 5984 56.1 7507 47.6 14 WB OFF 1096 33.0 1242 30.9 14 WB ON 1351 36.5 1428 35.0 14A WB OFF 1852 50.9 2162 48.9 14A WB ON 650 39.3 908 37.8 14A-14B WB 5035 65.0 6329 63.4 14B WB OFF 1271 45.1 1312 46.7 14B WB ON 743 37.2 875 36.7 14B 15 WB 4546 67.1 5874 64.3 15 WB OFF 1718 63.5 1960 62.0 15 WB ON 3910 55.9 3125 17.9 15-15A WB 6686 30.9 6919 22.1 Technical Report – Traffic Table C37 Rockland County- AM &PM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets Highway Build & Highway HOV AM Start Int 15 EB On Gore Point Int 15 EB On Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point 12 On EB Gore Point Middle of Bridge Middle of Bridge 12 On WB Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point PM Start Int 15 EB On Gore Point Int 15 EB On Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point 12 On EB Gore Point Middle of Bridge Middle of Bridge 12 On WB Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point End Middle of Bridge 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point Middle of Bridge Middle of bridge 15 Off Gore Point 13 Off Ramp NB PIP Gore Point 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point 15 Off Gore Point End Middle of Bridge 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point Middle of Bridge Middle of bridge 15 Off Gore Point 13 Off Ramp NB PIP Gore Point 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point 15 Off Gore Point ALT A1 2017 Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed EB 15.6 17.6 53 EB 5.8 5.4 65 EB 9.8 12.1 48 EB 4.9 6.6 43 WB 16.6 16.9 59 WB 7.4 8.1 54 WB 4.2 4.6 54 WB 6.7 6.1 66 ALT A1 2017 Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed EB 15.6 16.0 60 EB 5.8 5.3 65 EB 9.8 10.5 57 EB 4.9 5.0 57 WB 16.6 17.4 57 WB 7.4 8.2 54 WB 4.2 4.6 54 WB 6.7 6.3 64 VMT 86317 27622 58178 33343 63033 30103 17748 21448 VMT 63939 19181 44343 20740 91676 46969 22023 31688 ALT A1 2047 ALT A2 2017 Travel TimeAverage Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed GP VMT 21.1 44 97320 17 55 87113 7.0 49 33315 5 63 29013 14.0 41 63365 12 51 57475 6.8 41 34912 8 36 31536 18.5 54 86540 17 60 66115 9.4 46 39942 8 54 32830 5.8 43 22475 4 57 17990 6.2 65 32157 6 65 23378 ALT A1 2047 ALT A2 2017 Travel TimeAverage Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed GP VMT 16.0 60 87205 16 59 61204 5.4 64 29376 5 65 20086 10.5 57 57244 10 57 40651 5.0 56 26548 7 41 19498 18.6 53 104041 18 55 87361 8.6 51 50841 9 47 44750 5.1 49 24219 5 51 22159 6.6 60 38198 6 63 31555 HOV VMT 3903 17 3886 3321 3033 2755 904 38 VMT 91016 29030 61361 34857 69148 35585 18893 23416 HOV VMT 1951 116 1823 1506 8034 7759 601 0 VMT 63156 20201 42474 21005 95394 52509 22760 31555 Travel Time Average Speed 25.7 36 7.4 47 18.2 32 11.8 24 17.2 58 7.8 55 4.1 56 6.4 62 ALT A2 2047 Travel Time Average Speed 16.2 58 5.5 63 10.6 55 5.2 55 18.0 55 7.9 55 4.7 49 6.7 60 ALT A2 2047 GP VMT 101631 36227 64617 33029 90861 39731 21020 35638 HOV VMT 9172 1684 7475 6122 4804 4081 1457 75 VMT 110803 37910 72092 39151 95665 43812 22478 35714 GP VMT 87505 30791 56048 27427 98996 42572 21866 40020 HOV VMT 786 43 730 261 10831 9116 2956 8 VMT 88291 30835 56778 27688 109827 51688 24822 40028 Technical Report – Traffic Westchester Table C38 Westchester County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build & Highway Build HOV Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound AM – 2017 Bridge to TP TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and 3 off Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB ramp and 4 off Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Section Between 8 E off and on 8E on ramp 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp ALT A1 2017 Sectional Speed Section Volume 36 7,645 46 7,654 58 6,147 56 6,357 37 6,350 51 4,316 59 3,487 56 4,010 60 4,018 49 4,521 38 5,176 46 3,453 42 4,643 37 6,326 49 5,732 59 5,731 56 6,775 48 6,764 54 5,836 47 6,573 61 6,565 51 6,532 53 5,466 38 5,440 42 5,984 49 6,589 57 7,190 53 5,516 48 4,543 59 4,537 53 5,245 52 5,829 50 5,447 39 5,191 56 6,154 58 4,702 59 4,721 56 5,047 57 4,228 55 4,232 54 3,315 ALT A2 2017 Sectional Speed Section Volume 54 7,447 44 7,446 56 6,185 52 6,507 37 6,504 49 4,550 59 3,722 56 4,195 60 4,200 46 4,832 36 5,406 46 3,560 41 4,705 39 6,316 51 5,652 60 5,648 57 6,686 50 6,687 54 6,108 47 6,714 60 6,704 44 6,702 54 5,548 40 5,571 43 6,136 48 6,705 50 7,285 53 5,478 48 4,523 59 4,527 54 5,165 53 5,725 55 5,361 49 5,155 57 6,245 58 4,887 59 4,883 55 5,221 57 4,272 55 4,251 55 3,360 Technical Report – Traffic Table C39 Westchester County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build & Highway Build HOV Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound AM – 2047 Bridge to TP TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and 3 off Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB ramp and 4 off Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Section Between 8 E off and on 8E on ramp 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp ALT A1 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 130 54 16 46 17 57 40 48 15 29 50 42 20 59 5 56 17 60 29 41 19 34 17 44 22 33 24 33 14 41 21 42 15 42 31 42 16 51 13 41 20 46 27 37 24 41 33 27 15 39 23 48 25 56 10 53 5 47 25 59 24 53 11 51 33 55 32 41 7 56 52 58 23 59 5 54 102 57 13 55 12 55 Section Volume 8,038 8,047 6,825 7,073 7,067 4,785 3,835 4,403 4,406 5,168 5,757 3,964 5,088 6,828 6,073 6,053 7,018 6,940 5,908 6,754 6,728 6,698 5,594 5,547 6,274 6,926 7,567 5,689 4,681 4,679 5,454 6,057 5,507 5,177 6,339 4,986 4,989 5,313 4,282 4,268 3,398 ALT A2 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 130 54 18 41 57 17 102 19 20 21 61 35 29 40 8 33 34 30 44 26 25 26 31 25 40 18 36 22 22 25 34 26 21 30 40 32 23 35 18 31 31 30 42 24 31 32 38 23 16 37 23 46 28 51 10 53 5 48 25 59 25 51 12 47 44 42 39 34 6 58 52 58 23 59 5 55 102 57 13 55 12 54 Section Volume 7,256 7,284 6,256 7,371 7,393 5,139 3,957 4,413 4,414 4,922 5,498 4,007 4,806 6,111 5,494 5,468 6,493 6,474 5,926 6,670 6,664 6,672 5,466 5,502 6,160 6,828 7,494 5,548 4,503 4,503 5,129 5,754 5,202 4,834 5,890 4,479 4,496 4,932 4,081 4,090 3,203 Technical Report – Traffic Table C40 Westchester County- I 287 Highway Build & Highway Build + HOV Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound AM 10 - 9 EB 9 EB Off 9 EB ON 9 - 8 EB 8 EB OFF # 1 8 EB ON 8 - 1 EB 1 EB ON 1 - 2 EB 2 EB ON 2 -3 EB 3 EB Off 3 EB ON # 1 3 EB ON # 2 3 - 4 EB 4 EB OFF 4 EB On 4-5 EB 5 EB OFF 5 EB ON 5 - 6 EB 6 EB OFF 6 EB ON 6-7 EB 7 EB ON 7 -8W EB 8W EB OFF 8W - 8E EB 8E EB OFF 8E - 8 EB 8 EB ON #1 8 EB ON #2 8 - 9A EB 9A EB OFF 9A EB ON 9A - 9S EB 9S EB OFF 9S EB ON 9S - 10 EB 10 EB OFF 10 - 11 EB 11 EB OFF 11 - 12 EB Alt A1 2017 Alt A2 2017 Alt A1 2047 Alt A2 2047 Volume Speed Volume Speed Volume Speed Volume Speed 7656 54 7453 53 8048 55 7292 51.0168 1503 19 1259 29 1221 24 1031 30.5665 185 24 212 38 256 23 91 37.4183 6357 56 6507 52 7073 48 7371 19.0735 2421 44 2281 44 2648 44 3017 43.5559 1058 41 958 42 1136 41 996 36.8676 4010 56 4195 56 4403 56 4413 32.5421 563 24 651 24 781 24 616 23.9615 4021 60 4203 61 4408 60 4412 29.525 676 34 607 33 610 32 610 22.2424 5176 38 5406 36 5757 34 5498 26.3511 1718 38 1839 36 1773 37 1493 38.2718 1772 23 1752 22 1744 19 1210 10.199 1090 21 1055 21 1206 18 1027 11.7583 6326 37 6316 39 6828 33 6111 22.0073 594 10 642 8 748 8 577 9.15503 1028 27 1045 27 999 26 1054 19.885 6758 48 6690 51 6923 43 6476 33.1878 916 38 578 38 970 38 542 37.5155 739 27 594 27 848 27 769 26.6746 6573 47 6714 47 6754 41 6670 30.9258 1060 33 1155 35 1101 30 1209 21.7636 556 27 560 28 739 27 655 12.774 5984 42 6136 43 6274 39 6160 37.3892 1185 29 1130 28 1269 30 1335 29.1156 7182 47 7284 43 7562 47 7490 42.2425 1646 54 1797 52 1853 53 1927 44.9401 5516 53 5478 53 5689 53 5548 53.3126 967 35 954 35 1012 34 1047 34.9205 4530 60 4526 59 4675 59 4491 58.6884 726 32 647 32 784 32 710 31.8852 588 46 555 47 606 47 653 46.0886 5829 52 5725 53 6057 51 5754 47.4344 573 37 550 37 794 37 727 36.7163 975 36 1098 36 1159 36 1073 35.8715 6154 56 6245 57 6339 56 5890 57.7528 1459 17 1363 17 1363 17 1403 17.0331 325 42 330 42 326 42 430 41.835 5047 56 5221 55 5313 54 4932 54.6958 798 63 948 62 1026 61 855 56.3615 4230 58 4264 58 4290 58 4079 57.7861 909 8 881 8 861 8 877 8.07763 3315 54 3360 55 3398 55 3203 53.8505 Technical Report – Traffic Table C41 Westchester County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build & Highway Build HOV Volumes and Speeds – Westbound AM – 2017 Int 12 on ramp Int 11 on ramp Int 11 - Int 10 Int 10 off ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 9N off ramp Int 9N - Int 9S Int 9S on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - Int 9A on Int 9A on - Int 8 off Int 8 off - Int 8W on Int 7 Off ramp Int 7 off - Int 8W on Int 8W on ramp Int 6 off ramp Int 6 on ramp Int 6 - Int 5 5 off ramp section between 5 off and on 5 on ramp 4 off ramp Section between 4 off and on 4 on ramp 3 off ramp Section between 3 off and 3 on Weaving between 3 on and 2 off section between 2 off and 2 on 2 on ramp 1 off 8 off section between 8 off and 1 on 1 on ramp 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 9 9 off ramp section between 9 off and on 9 on ramp Mainline between 9 on and S broadway on S broadway on ALT A1 2017 Sectional Speed Section Volume 48 2,868 58 2,863 57 3,333 55 3,328 57 2,946 56 3,350 56 3,755 57 2,756 60 2,745 53 3,951 60 3,343 47 4,675 28 3,459 53 3,459 35 3,141 55 3,805 50 4,475 62 3,672 59 4,104 43 4,107 59 3,750 60 3,746 57 4,338 45 3,843 55 4,257 47 4,658 58 3,724 51 4,959 49 3,882 57 3,870 48 4,261 58 3,098 55 2,462 54 2,734 33 3,969 76 4,719 53 4,698 58 3,997 53 4,167 56 4,164 57 4,316 ALT A2 2017 Sectional Speed Section Volume 47 2,810 59 2,807 57 3,322 55 3,322 58 2,926 56 3,319 56 3,708 57 2,698 60 2,693 53 4,009 60 3,463 47 4,732 28 3,610 54 3,605 35 3,308 56 4,014 48 4,722 61 3,789 59 4,217 43 4,217 59 3,845 59 3,840 56 4,328 44 3,911 54 4,322 46 4,735 57 3,789 53 5,097 48 4,068 57 4,067 49 4,515 58 3,493 55 2,840 53 3,123 31 4,459 73 5,290 58 5,288 53 3,823 57 4,062 57 4,060 57 4,236 Technical Report – Traffic Table C42 Westchester County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build & Highway Build HOV Volumes and Speeds – Westbound AM – 2047 Int 12 on ramp Int 11 on ramp Int 11 - Int 10 Int 10 off ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 9N off ramp Int 9N - Int 9S Int 9S on ramp Int 9A off ramp Int 9A off - Int 9A on Int 9A on - Int 8 off Int 8 off - Int 8W on Int 7 Off ramp Int 7 off - Int 8W on Int 8W on ramp Int 6 off ramp Int 6 on ramp Int 6 - Int 5 5 off ramp section between 5 off and on 5 on ramp 4 off ramp Section between 4 off and on 4 on ramp 3 off ramp Section between 3 off and 3 on Weaving between 3 on and 2 off section between 2 off and 2 on 2 on ramp 1 off 8 off section between 8 off and 1 on 1 on ramp 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 9 9 off ramp section between 9 off and on 9 on ramp Mainline between 9 on and S broadway on S broadway on ALT A1 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 4 47 18 58 40 57 14 54 32 57 25 55 10 54 57 57 12 60 22 53 45 59 19 46 64 27 7 55 41 55 21 54 14 46 16 61 34 59 27 42 6 58 25 59 19 56 11 44 30 53 5 44 16 57 15 50 7 48 21 57 8 48 8 58 18 56 15 52 18 32 17 76 27 69 10 57 12 51 16 56 41 57 Section Volume 3247 3243 3756 3749 3382 3794 4212 3019 3019 4363 3648 5198 3723 3717 3486 4253 4995 4103 4478 4483 4076 4069 4694 4163 4641 5126 4177 5546 4247 4249 4665 3419 2729 3056 4671 5702 5699 5090 5287 5279 5480 ALT A2 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 4 47 18 58 40 57 14 55 32 57 25 56 10 55 57 57 12 60 22 52 45 60 19 46 64 28 7 55 41 55 21 53 15 42 17 60 34 59 27 42 6 58 25 59 19 56 11 44 30 53 4 45 16 57 15 51 7 48 21 57 8 48 8 58 18 55 15 53 18 32 17 76 32 59 11 52 11 57 15 57 41 57 Section Volume 3230 3216 3726 3733 3347 3736 4134 3072 3066 4433 3662 5161 3817 3820 3594 4390 5195 4169 4557 4528 4114 4101 4643 4192 4695 5185 4242 5479 4329 4330 4768 3613 2970 3319 5045 6223 6219 4043 4276 4272 4491 Technical Report – Traffic Table C43 Westchester County- I 287 Highway Build & Highway Build + HOV Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Westbound AM Location 9 - 10 WB ON RAMP FROM S. BROADWAY TO TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE 9 WB ON 9 WB OFF 8 - 9 WB 8 WB ON # 2 8 WB ON # 1 8 WB OFF 1 - 8 WB 1 WB OFF 2 - 1 WB 2 WB ON 2 WB OFF 3 - 2 WB 3 WB ON 3 WB OFF 4 - 3 WB 4 WB On 4 WB Off 5 - 4 WB 5 WB ON 5 WB Off 6 - 5 WB 6 WB ON 6 WB OFF 7 - 6 WB 7 WB ON 8W - 7 WB 8W WB OFF 8E - 8W WB 8 - 8E WB 8 WB Off 8 WB ON 9A - 8 WB 9A WB ON 9A WB OFF 9S - 9A WB 9S WB On 9S WB Off 10 - 9S WB 10 WB ON 10 WB OFF 11 - 10 WB 11 WB ON 12 WB On Alt A1 2017 Volume Speed 4480 337 172 680 4698 1499 980 854 3098 1171 4261 391 1077 4959 1255 905 4663 822 498 4335 593 353 4105 297 787 4479 1365 3132 316 3457 3461 1198 677 3999 868 830 3954 1217 998 3762 829 375 3338 480 1803 Alt A2 2017 Volume Speed 57 4413 30 366 40 236 30 885 54 5288 65 1681 39 1006 40 858 58 3493 34 1015 48 4515 29 452 21 1030 51 5097 29 1328 48 943 54 4733 27 826 33 436 69 4324 35 490 40 372 58 4217 36 292 8 917 53 4725 32 1436 55 3299 35 295 58 3615 51 3611 44 1117 34 592 60 4157 41 939 40 770 56 4010 30 1319 37 1001 55 3716 37 789 15 402 58 3323 28 525 27 1652 58 25 28 45 62 65 39 40 58 34 49 30 16 53 29 48 53 27 32 68 35 40 58 36 9 54 32 55 35 58 51 43 35 60 41 39 56 30 37 55 37 15 58 27 27 Alt A1 2047 Volume Speed 5686 427 199 581 5699 2121 1130 926 3419 1229 4665 423 1291 5546 1370 937 5126 979 543 4687 622 392 4486 271 890 5013 1536 3485 235 3726 3727 1450 731 4473 1096 994 4365 1343 1178 4214 838 360 3759 506 1986 Alt A2 2047 Volume Speed 57 4709 30 455 40 237 37 627 53 6219 65 2323 39 1123 40 853 58 3613 34 1153 48 4768 30 437 21 1150 50 5479 29 1227 47 924 52 5193 26 987 32 449 68 4643 35 560 41 406 58 4556 35 210 8 1016 52 5206 28 1649 54 3578 35 226 58 3816 51 3824 42 1325 34 787 60 4376 41 959 40 1007 56 4437 29 1383 37 1054 53 4131 37 801 14 381 58 3727 27 512 27 1963 58 25 28 12 64 65 39 39 58 33 48 30 16 51 29 48 52 26 31 69 34 40 58 35 9 50 30 55 35 58 51 43 34 60 41 40 56 29 37 54 37 13 57 26 27 Technical Report – Traffic Table C44 Westchester County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build & Highway Build HOV Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound PM – 2017 TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and 3 off Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB ramp and 4 off Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Section Between 8 E off and on 8E on ramp 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp ALT A1 2017 Sectional Speed Section Volume 50 4,798 59 4,144 57 4,606 37 4,609 56 3,230 60 2,852 57 3,384 60 3,382 58 4,241 46 4,890 48 4,125 45 5,099 50 6,239 53 5,601 59 5,595 60 6,374 52 6,369 55 5,484 47 5,956 61 5,952 56 5,956 57 5,144 56 5,170 53 5,411 52 5,753 61 6,079 51 5,036 45 4,167 57 4,155 52 4,866 50 5,349 59 4,460 59 3,995 50 4,679 58 2,889 60 2,896 55 3,662 57 2,784 54 2,765 54 2,142 ALT A2 2017 Sectional Speed Section Volume 39 4,641 56 3,947 54 4,666 34 4,664 55 3,262 59 2,847 56 3,363 60 3,370 59 4,159 49 4,795 49 4,049 46 5,023 51 6,243 53 5,544 60 5,530 58 6,309 52 6,297 55 5,472 46 5,976 61 5,972 56 5,967 57 5,100 56 5,097 53 5,364 53 5,701 61 6,027 51 4,842 44 4,331 57 4,325 51 5,163 47 5,616 59 4,593 59 4,073 48 4,841 58 3,017 60 3,038 57 3,701 57 2,840 54 2,834 54 2,160 Technical Report – Traffic Table C45 Westchester County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build & Highway Build HOV Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound PM – 2047 TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and 3 off Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB ramp and 4 off Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Section Between 8 E off and on 8E on ramp 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp ALT A1 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 15 50 17 59 34 56 12 37 40 53 20 60 5 56 18 59 20 58 14 46 16 48 16 44 16 49 11 53 15 57 11 57 25 51 15 55 12 47 15 61 18 54 18 57 16 55 11 52 21 52 24 60 10 51 5 44 26 57 26 50 12 49 32 59 22 59 8 46 53 57 39 35 8 36 101 58 13 54 13 52 ALT A2 2047 Section Volume Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 5,832 21 35 5,218 18 56 6,116 38 51 6,099 13 33 4,075 43 49 3,374 20 60 4,022 5 56 4,022 19 56 4,810 28 42 5,574 19 34 4,842 24 32 5,795 27 27 7,020 25 33 6,205 18 31 6,198 27 32 7,035 18 37 7,051 42 31 6,130 27 30 6,720 24 23 6,725 34 27 6,726 40 24 5,817 40 25 5,802 42 21 6,104 30 19 6,508 59 18 6,905 73 19 5,590 22 24 4,606 9 25 4,594 75 19 5,410 71 18 5,893 17 33 4,841 34 54 4,313 61 21 5,239 26 14 3,535 215 14 3,437 144 10 4,290 11 25 3,230 101 58 3,240 13 56 2,682 12 55 Section Volume 5,619 4,826 6,020 5,982 3,918 3,165 3,739 3,749 4,408 5,018 4,297 5,033 6,014 5,193 5,074 5,824 5,673 4,836 5,399 5,260 5,100 4,380 4,278 4,483 4,693 4,835 3,578 2,790 2,822 3,173 3,528 2,425 1,904 2,203 1,186 1,220 2,327 1,876 1,915 1,617 Technical Report – Traffic Table C46 Westchester County- I 287 Highway Build & Highway Build + HOV Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound PM 10 - 9 EB 9 EB Off 9 EB ON 9 - 8 EB 8 EB OFF # 1 8 EB ON 8 - 1 EB 1 EB ON 1 - 2 EB 2 EB ON 2 -3 EB 3 EB Off 3 EB ON # 1 3 EB ON # 2 3 - 4 EB 4 EB OFF 4 EB On 4-5 EB 5 EB OFF 5 EB ON 5 - 6 EB 6 EB OFF 6 EB ON 6-7 EB 7 EB ON 7 -8W EB 8W EB OFF 8W - 8E EB 8E EB OFF 8E - 8 EB 8 EB ON #1 8 EB ON #2 8 - 9A EB 9A EB OFF 9A EB ON 9A - 9S EB 9S EB OFF 9S EB ON 9S - 10 EB 10 EB OFF 10 - 11 EB 11 EB OFF 11 - 12 EB Alt A1 2017 Volume Speed 4799 56 637 24 447 23 4606 57 1231 44 1069 41 3384 57 866 22 3380 61 662 34 4890 46 749 40 1461 23 656 21 6239 50 637 11 778 28 6368 53 891 37 468 27 5956 47 813 37 250 31 5411 53 688 37 6080 54 1033 49 5036 51 871 35 4149 59 717 25 473 40 5349 50 1315 37 685 37 4679 50 1801 12 770 40 3662 55 873 43 2787 58 621 8 2142 54 Alt A2 2017 Volume Speed 4629 58 699 21 554 26 4666 54 1316 44 1036 41 3363 56 800 23 3370 61 654 35 4795 49 740 41 1453 23 732 21 6243 51 700 10 778 29 6297 54 836 37 516 27 5976 46 868 37 253 30 5364 53 664 36 6024 53 1200 30 4842 51 504 36 4323 59 831 25 443 41 5616 47 1551 37 764 36 4841 48 1835 11 662 40 3701 57 848 45 2841 58 663 8 2160 54 Alt A1 2047 Volume Speed 5817 56 625 25 917 22 6116 56 1921 44 1299 40 4022 56 799 23 4021 59 759 35 5574 46 714 40 1401 23 736 21 7020 49 809 11 833 27 7055 52 906 37 606 27 6720 47 905 37 309 31 6104 52 803 36 6905 51 1312 47 5590 51 983 35 4589 58 793 24 475 40 5893 49 1580 37 926 37 5239 46 1727 12 885 39 4290 36 1083 26 3231 59 565 9 2682 52 Alt A2 2047 Volume Speed 5621 56 793 16 862 26 6020 51 2009 43 1130 40 3739 56 704 23 3753 54 654 29 5018 34 643 41 1174 21 730 14 6014 33 733 9 862 18 5642 29 690 37 627 16 5399 23 716 14 284 30 4483 19 664 15 4818 17 1212 11 3578 24 791 13 2830 15 318 25 324 10 3528 33 1704 21 275 37 2203 14 1087 9 1095 19 2327 25 483 14 1862 59 301 9 1617 55 Technical Report – Traffic Table C47 Westchester County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build & Highway Build HOV Volumes and Speeds – Westbound PM – 2017 12 on ramp 11 on ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 off and 10 on 10 on ramp 9N off ramp Mainline between 9N and 9S 9S on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and 9A on Weaving section between 9A on and 8 off Mainline section between 8 off and 8W on 7 Off ramp Mainline between 7 off and 8W on 8W on ramp 6 off ramp 6 on ramp Mainline between 6 and 5 5 off ramp section between 5 off and on 5 on ramp 4 off ramp Section between 4 off and on 4 on ramp 3 off ramp Section between 3 off and 3 on Weaving between 3 on and 2 off section between 2 off and 2 on 2 on ramp 1 off 8 off section between 8 off and 1 on 1 on ramp 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 9 9 off ramp section between 9 off and on 9 on ramp Mainline between 9 on and S broadway on S broadway on ALT A1 2017 Sectional Speed Section Volume 49 2,801 59 2,807 58 3,323 55 3,323 57 3,047 56 3,423 56 3,789 57 2,807 60 3,274 53 3,748 60 3,018 45 4,647 27 3,550 53 3,539 35 3,011 56 3,711 51 4,419 62 3,831 58 4,516 42 4,511 58 4,015 49 4,029 38 4,746 44 4,000 54 4,368 41 4,731 57 3,164 39 4,000 50 3,169 58 3,173 53 3,991 58 3,392 55 2,534 53 2,574 34 4,442 79 5,969 56 5,980 60 5,740 54 6,314 54 6,299 57 6,504 ALT A2 2017 Sectional Speed Section Volume 50 2,886 59 2,894 58 3,363 56 3,355 58 3,096 56 3,465 56 3,853 57 2,999 60 2,998 53 4,048 60 3,294 45 4,955 27 3,722 53 3,713 35 3,198 56 3,940 52 4,695 61 4,292 58 5,185 41 5,179 58 4,477 59 4,475 52 5,052 44 4,311 52 4,705 38 5,105 58 3,376 51 4,272 51 3,478 57 3,480 53 4,323 58 3,732 53 3,003 52 3,134 33 5,170 78 6,842 56 6,848 57 5,177 58 5,455 58 5,448 58 5,817 Technical Report – Traffic Table C48 Westchester County- I 287 Mainline – Highway Build & Highway Build HOV Volumes and Speeds – Westbound PM – 2047 12 on ramp 11 on ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 off and 10 on 10 on ramp 9N off ramp Mainline between 9N and 9S 9S on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and 9A on Weaving section between 9A on and 8 off Mainline section between 8 off and 8W on 7 Off ramp Mainline between 7 off and 8W on 8W on ramp 6 off ramp 6 on ramp Mainline between 6 and 5 5 off ramp section between 5 off and on 5 on ramp 4 off ramp Section between 4 off and on 4 on ramp 3 off ramp Section between 3 off and 3 on Weaving between 3 on and 2 off section between 2 off and 2 on 2 on ramp 1 off 8 off section between 8 off and 1 on 1 on ramp 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 9 9 off ramp section between 9 off and on 9 on ramp Mainline between 9 on and S broadway on S broadway on Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 4 18 40 14 32 25 10 57 12 22 45 20 65 7 42 21 13 16 35 28 6 26 19 11 31 6 16 15 7 22 8 8 18 15 17 17 34 9 12 17 41 ALT A1 2047 Sectional Speed 48 59 58 55 57 56 56 56 60 52 60 44 27 55 54 53 50 61 58 41 57 58 54 44 50 32 57 52 51 56 49 58 55 54 33 78 54 58 54 53 57 Section Volume 3173 3171 3614 3609 3305 3731 4144 3241 3777 4323 3357 5269 3912 3927 3447 4324 5212 4568 5429 5433 4853 4856 5649 4962 5361 5777 3760 4702 3864 3860 4690 3791 2951 2995 5295 7254 7275 6820 7398 7398 7635 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 4 18 57 25 32 25 10 56 12 22 45 20 76 13 128 47 24 36 67 46 12 60 42 15 50 8 28 28 7 25 8 8 19 16 17 17 33 10 11 15 40 ALT A2 2047 Sectional Speed 49 59 40 30 58 57 55 58 60 52 60 44 23 28 32 24 27 28 30 24 30 25 25 34 31 27 33 27 48 49 50 58 53 52 33 78 55 56 58 58 58 Section Volume 3226 3214 3929 3924 3561 3938 4326 3316 3313 4375 3418 5256 3856 3871 3397 3910 4431 4154 5015 5020 4691 4675 5268 4438 4878 5298 3468 4239 3539 3527 4346 3515 2800 2893 5077 6920 6909 5087 5309 5293 5685 Technical Report – Traffic Table C49 Westchester County- I 287 Highway Build & Highway Build + HOV Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Westbound PM Location 9 - 10 WB ON RAMP FROM S. BROADWAY TO TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE 9 WB ON 9 WB OFF 8 - 9 WB 8 WB ON # 2 8 WB ON # 1 8 WB OFF 1 - 8 WB 1 WB OFF 2 - 1 WB 2 WB ON 2 WB OFF 3 - 2 WB 3 WB ON 3 WB OFF 4 - 3 WB 4 WB On 4 WB Off 5 - 4 WB 5 WB ON 5 WB Off 6 - 5 WB 6 WB ON 6 WB OFF 7 - 6 WB 7 WB ON 8W - 7 WB 8W WB OFF 8E - 8W WB 8 - 8E WB 8 WB Off 8 WB ON 9A - 8 WB 9A WB ON 9A WB OFF 9S - 9A WB 9S WB On 9S WB Off 10 - 9S WB 10 WB ON 10 WB OFF 11 - 10 WB 11 WB ON 12 WB On Alt A1 2017 Volume Speed 6707 57 412 29 552 44 227 40 5980 56 3100 64 637 40 1137 37 3392 58 598 34 3991 53 822 32 836 8 4000 39 834 35 1548 47 4729 52 707 28 736 8 4742 48 697 33 493 40 4528 58 694 35 610 13 4414 54 1405 35 3007 53 520 35 3553 54 3552 50 1108 46 1265 32 3373 61 475 41 849 39 3748 56 928 32 982 37 3782 55 723 37 275 11 3322 58 515 28 1272 26 Alt A2 2017 Volume Speed 6173 59 713 27 277 49 177 40 6848 58 3343 64 737 40 978 38 3732 58 593 34 4323 53 841 31 804 8 4272 51 901 35 1721 47 5106 51 808 27 773 11 5040 66 555 33 689 39 5205 57 625 32 404 7 4678 54 1498 34 3201 53 509 36 3725 56 3722 51 1220 44 1238 32 3714 60 566 41 898 40 4046 56 1038 32 851 37 3841 56 746 37 250 11 3364 58 473 29 1216 26 Alt A1 2047 Volume Speed 7874 56 501 29 594 44 460 39 7275 56 3921 63 644 40 1106 38 3791 58 904 34 4690 49 837 32 831 8 4702 52 939 35 2026 46 5774 47 818 28 684 19 5644 66 770 33 592 40 5422 57 850 34 638 13 5211 51 1779 30 3444 52 487 35 3909 56 3910 50 1356 43 1465 32 3800 60 607 41 1101 39 4320 55 1087 31 892 37 4147 55 831 37 303 10 3613 58 444 30 1462 26 Alt A2 2047 Volume Speed 6068 59 767 24 209 49 193 40 6909 58 3733 64 672 40 945 39 3515 58 841 34 4346 50 817 32 700 8 4239 27 773 22 1821 46 5293 31 806 27 802 6 5291 32 666 31 349 16 5028 29 547 32 285 7 4416 27 1022 14 3394 24 471 36 3857 57 3850 51 1410 37 1358 32 3885 60 620 41 1111 39 4376 56 1048 31 1028 30 4319 55 762 37 359 4 3934 42 700 26 1420 26 Technical Report – Traffic Table C50 Westchester County- AM &PM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets Highway Build & Highway HOV Alt A1 2017 Start End Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed Toll Plaza 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 12.2 14.1 52 Toll Plaza 8 Off Ramp to 87 SB Gore Point EB 1.1 1.3 52 Int 9 On Ramp Gore Point 8E Off Ramp Gore Point EB 7.2 8.0 50 8E On EB Gore Point 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 4.8 5.7 54 I-95 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 12.9 14.9 52 I-95 ON Ramp 8E Off Ramp Gore Point WB 4.6 4.9 56 8E/7 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 8.2 10.0 49 5 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 5.2 5.7 55 Alt A1 2017 Start End Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed Toll Plaza 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 12.2 13.2 55 Toll Plaza 8 Off Ramp to 87 SB Gore Point EB 1.1 1.3 53 Int 9 On Ramp Gore Point 8E Off Ramp Gore Point EB 7.2 7.4 55 8E On EB Gore Point 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 4.8 5.5 57 I-95 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 12.9 15.2 51 I-95 ON Ramp 8E Off Ramp Gore Point WB 4.6 4.9 56 8E/7 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 8.2 10.3 48 5 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 5.2 6.0 52 Alt A1 2047 VMT Travel Time Average Speed 63800 15.4 48 7412 1.5 46 37596 9.4 43 24366 5.6 55 47400 14.5 53 15084 5.0 56 32316 9.5 52 21231 5.7 56 Alt A1 2047 VMT Travel Time Average Speed 52111 13.7 53 5134 1.3 53 33137 7.5 54 17741 5.9 53 51088 14.7 53 14983 5.0 56 36105 9.7 51 24668 5.8 54 VMT 67135 8147 40159 25050 53717 16814 36903 24721 VMT 60202 6627 38453 20278 59562 16737 42825 29463 Alt A2 2017 Travel Time Average Speed 14 52 1 49 8 49 6 56 15 52 5 57 10 50 6 55 Alt A2 2017 Travel Time Average Speed 13 55 1 48 7 54 6 56 15 52 5 56 10 49 6 55 VMT 64773 7478 38396 24583 48799 15085 33714 22179 VMT 52457 5087 32904 18341 53847 15586 38262 25722 Alt A2 2047 Travel Time Average Speed 20.8 35 3.3 21 14.4 28 6.0 52 14.6 53 5.0 56 9.6 51 5.7 55 Alt A2 2047 Travel Time Average Speed 26.4 28 1.5 46 12.9 31 13.0 24 20.5 38 5.4 51 15.1 33 7.6 41 VMT 64656 8035 39449 23447 53521 16810 36710 24242 VMT 43820 6411 32160 10344 55578 17288 38290 25755 Technical Report – Traffic 2047 Build Technical Report – Traffic Rockland County Table C51 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives A1, B and C) Volumes and Speeds– Eastbound AM Build ALT A1 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume Int. 15 -Int 14B 109 34 6030 Int 14B off Ramp 70 28 5924 Int 14B Off - Int. 14B On 12 58 4889 Int. 14B On Ramp 46 67 5353 Int. 14B - 14A 147 64 5814 Int 14A Off Ramp 37 50 5866 Int. 14A Off - Int 14 A On 8 59 4849 Int 14A On Ramp 41 56 5578 Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off 20 50 6731 Weaving: Old Nyack On-14 Off 21 50 6731 Between 14 Off and On Ramps 8 51 5762 14 On Ramp 29 46 5777 Between 14 and 13 24 45 6921 Int. 13 Off to C/D Road 28 49 6921 Int. 13 Off - 13 On 59 59 4669 Int. 13 Off - 13 On 59 59 4669 Int. 13 Off - 13 On 59 59 4669 13 On from NB PIP 25 40 5963 Mainline between 13 and 12 66 41 5934 12 Off ramp 64 29 5881 Between 12 Off and On 64 19 5028 12 On Ramp 22 17 6257 11 Off Ramp 70 22 6250 Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 18 32 5897 11 On Ramp 36 26 7164 Mainline between 11 and 10 44 52 7170 10 Off Ramp 22 52 7160 10 On Ramp 37 45 6908 Bridge 161 53 7985 ALT B Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 79 47 45 44 11 60 46 66 148 64 39 48 26 54 46 51 46 51 46 51 9 49 23 57 21 51 28 49 59 60 59 60 59 60 24 42 73 37 85 22 71 17 16 23 44 35 18 33 31 30 44 52 22 52 37 45 161 53 Section Volume 6385 6324 5148 5594 6029 6051 4987 6536 6536 6536 5563 5558 6885 6871 4679 4679 4679 6204 6084 5949 5145 6327 6283 5958 7232 7241 7244 7066 8293 ALT C Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 69 54 50 39 11 61 46 67 146 65 39 47 26 56 46 51 46 51 46 51 9 49 24 55 22 50 28 49 58 61 58 61 58 61 23 43 63 43 79 24 67 18 15 24 39 40 16 37 26 36 42 54 21 53 36 46 182 46 Section Volume 6472 6429 5272 5741 6167 6119 5051 6548 6548 6548 5614 5613 6955 6948 4719 4719 4719 6135 6051 5990 5149 6341 6333 6008 7344 7343 7344 7073 8234 Technical Report – Traffic Table C52 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes - Eastbound AM Location 15 A-15 EB 15EB ON 15EB OFF 15-14B EB 14B EB OFF 14B EB ON 14B-14A EB 14A EB OFF 14A EB ON OLD NYACK EB ON 14 EB OFF 14 EB ON 14-13 EB 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB Int 13 EB CD lanes 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 13-12 EB 12 EB OFF 12 EB ON 12-11 EB 11 EB OFF 11 EB ON 11-10 EB 10 EB ON 10 EB OFF TZB EB 2047 A1 7537 1608 2790 5967 1023 916 5855 1024 1461 428 974 1168 6921 1743 1239 1674 441 251 5930 833 1240 6250 330 1276 7170 1208 171 7909 2047 B 7836 1600 2830 6353 1142 892 6019 1036 1521 NA 971 1350 6885 1733 1277 1716 421 249 6071 797 1203 6282 309 1273 7247 1281 188 8296 2047 C 7796 1589 2871 6470 1121 920 6125 1086 1503 NA 923 1363 6955 1715 1245 1708 448 244 6018 817 1220 6336 311 1345 7349 1233 235 8251 Technical Report – Traffic Table C53 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives A1, B and C) Volumes and Speeds – Westbound AM Section Bridge - Int 10 Off Int 10 Off Ramp Int 10 off - Int 10 on Int 10 on ramp Int 11 off ramp Int 11 off - Int 11 on Int 11 on ramp Int 12 off ramp Int 12 off - Int 12 on Int 12 On Int 12 - Int 13 Int 13 Off to C/D Rd Int 13 Off - Int On Int. Off - Int 13 On Int. Off - Int 13 On Int 13 On from C/D Rd Int 13 0 Int 14 Int 14 Off ramp Int 14 off - 14 on Int 14 On -14A off Int 14 A On Int. 14A - Int 14B Int 14 B off Int 14 B off - 14 B on Int 14 B on Int 14 B - Int 15 ALT A1 2047 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 207 54 18 53 11 57 31 57 26 46 10 53 26 58 48 53 11 42 112 23 31 36 35 53 40 56 40 56 40 56 27 61 40 57 13 50 29 52 24 49 43 60 170 65 26 64 13 69 32 69 86 66 Section Volume 5,683 5,645 5,106 5,139 5,180 4,983 5,378 5,725 5,082 4,973 5,444 5,437 4,108 4,108 4,108 4,089 6,486 6,482 6,153 6,669 4,513 4,992 5,043 4,249 4,251 4,880 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 206 18 12 31 25 10 26 45 8 93 31 35 39 39 39 27 40 12 28 23 44 169 26 13 31 85 ALT B Sectional Speed 54 52 56 57 49 53 58 57 57 28 35 53 56 56 56 61 57 53 54 52 58 65 63 69 70 66 Section Volume 5367 5327 4844 4904 4959 4760 5159 5517 4963 4920 5387 5379 3986 3986 3986 3984 6374 6395 6046 6490 4457 4966 5005 4256 4226 4787 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 206 18 12 31 24 10 26 51 13 124 32 36 40 40 40 27 40 14 30 23 44 170 25 13 31 85 ALT C Sectional Speed 54 52 56 57 50 53 58 50 37 21 35 52 56 56 56 62 58 47 49 51 59 65 65 70 70 66 Section Volume 5645 5600 5065 5131 5174 5000 5381 5722 5080 4990 5467 5472 4143 4143 4143 4131 6542 6547 6179 6564 4497 5007 5031 4279 4291 4913 Technical Report – Traffic Table C54 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes - Westbound AM Location TZ WB 10 WB OFF 10 WB ON 10-11 WB 11 WB OFF 11 WB ON 11-12 WB 12 WB OFF 12 WB ON 12-13 WB 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 13 WN CD Lanes 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 13-14 WB 14 WB OFF 14 WB ON 14A WB OFF 14A WB ON 14A-14B WB 14B WB OFF 14B WB ON 14B 15 WB 15 WB OFF 15 WB ON 15-15 A WB 2047 A1 5649 535 68 5171 194 782 5753 594 581 5452 585 923 1680 413 1149 6484 665 848 2714 1091 5028 788 647 4880 2225 2524 5183 2047 B 5336 490 109 4962 191 772 5516 561 578 5390 577 892 1709 447 1147 6379 681 785 2583 1144 5018 741 587 4780 2153 2597 5213 2047 C 5601 539 120 5186 167 782 5744 577 567 5469 587 875 1606 385 1187 6547 709 743 2602 1082 5056 741 621 4919 2239 2526 5186 Technical Report – Traffic Table C55 -Rockland County- AM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets (Alternatives A1, B and C) AM Start Int 15 EB On Gore Point Int 15 EB On Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point 12 On EB Gore Point Middle of Bridge Middle of Bridge 12 On WB Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point ALT A1 End Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed Middle of Bridge EB 15.6 21.1 44 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point EB 5.8 7.0 49 Middle of Bridge EB 9.8 14.0 41 Middle of bridge EB 4.9 6.8 41 15 Off Gore Point WB 16.6 18.5 54 13 Off Ramp NB PIP Gore Point WB 7.4 9.4 46 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point WB 4.2 5.8 43 15 Off Gore Point WB 6.7 6.2 65 VMT 97320 33315 63365 34912 86540 39942 22475 32157 ALT B ALT C Travel Time Average Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed VMT 20.1 47 100049 19.7 47 100891 6.1 56 34818 6.0 57 35511 13.5 42 63247 13.3 43 63371 6.2 46 35830 6.3 45 35851 18.0 55 84262 18.7 53 86612 9.0 49 38273 9.7 45 39838 5.5 46 22075 6.1 41 22575 6.2 65 31862 6.1 65 32270 Technical Report – Traffic Table C56 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives A1, B and C) Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound PM Section Mainline section 15 -14B 14B off Ramp Between 14B Off and On Ramp (?) 14B On Ramp Mainline between 14B and 14A 14A Off Ramp Between 14A Off and On Ramps(?) 14A On Ramp Old Nyack Parkway Weaving section Old Nyack Parkway Weaving section Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge ALT A1 Sectional Travel Time (seconds)Sectional Speed 56 66 30 66 10 67 45 69 146 65 36 52 8 58 37 62 24 43 24 43 8 54 24 56 20 53 26 53 59 59 59 19 49 35 25 8 30 9 17 40 21 29 149 59 59 59 52 54 55 50 45 53 64 55 57 53 58 57 Section Volume 4,918 4,933 4,169 4,731 5,322 5,323 4,428 5,571 7,055 7,055 6,371 6,368 6,921 6,821 4,857 4,857 4,857 5,791 5,793 5,795 4,836 5,395 5,384 4,847 5,365 5,363 5,362 5,256 5,946 ALT B Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 57 66 30 66 10 67 45 69 145 65 36 52 25 58 48 50 48 50 48 50 10 43 23 59 10 52 26 52 59 59 59 19 49 34 25 8 34 10 18 40 21 28 148 59 59 59 52 55 56 49 43 47 57 53 57 54 60 57 Section Volume 4720 4712 3957 4506 5025 5039 4195 6537 6537 6537 5873 5860 6542 6535 4658 4658 4658 5642 5641 5639 4686 5295 5271 4746 5242 5233 5275 5185 5867 ALT C Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 56 67 30 66 10 67 45 68 145 65 36 52 24 58 49 48 49 48 49 48 10 43 23 57 10 52 26 53 59 59 59 19 49 35 27 9 34 10 18 40 21 28 147 59 59 59 52 55 54 46 40 46 56 52 57 54 60 58 Section Volume 4869 4888 4111 4676 5249 5256 4376 6688 6688 6688 5982 5974 6690 6692 4821 4821 4821 5706 5696 5671 4755 5410 5402 4846 5304 5303 5309 5206 5809 Technical Report – Traffic Table C57– Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes - Eastbound PM Location 15 A-15 EB 15EB ON 15EB OFF 15-14B EB 14B EB OFF 14B EB ON 14B-14A EB 14A EB OFF 14A EB ON OLD NYACK EB ON 14 EB OFF 14 EB ON 14-13 EB 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB Int 13 EB CD lanes 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 13-12 EB 12 EB OFF 12 EB ON 12-11 EB 11 EB OFF 11 EB ON 11-10 EB 10 EB ON 10 EB OFF TZB EB 2047 A1 5611 2040 2729 4897 745 1150 5283 894 2274 307 692 517 6769 914 657 1685 1007 259 5752 945 645 5318 564 514 5200 701 109 5919 2047 B 5626 1830 2739 4721 746 1107 5023 839 2345 NA 677 667 6541 832 668 1684 999 299 5638 954 621 5265 501 497 5243 681 97 5858 2047 C 5590 2017 2701 4868 781 1089 5238 865 2309 NA 725 703 6696 909 665 1620 938 230 5691 919 654 5402 529 470 5304 611 90 5807 Technical Report – Traffic Table C58 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives A1, B and C) Volumes and Speeds – Westbound PM Section ALT A1 Sectional Travel Time Sectional (seconds) Speed Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 229 49 10 Off Ramp 19 49 Between 10 off and on 11 57 10 on ramp 33 54 11 off ramp 31 39 between 11 off and 11 on 10 53 11 on ramp 28 55 12 off ramp 46 55 Between 12 off and on 8 56 12 On 46 55 Mainline between 12 and 13 20 54 13 off to NB PIP 37 50 Between 13 Off and 13 ON 44 51 Between 13 Off and 13 ON 44 51 Between 13 Off and 13 ON 44 51 13 On from SB PIP 27 60 Mainline between 13 and 14 48 48 14 Off ramp 28 24 Between 14 off and 14 on 33 45 Weaving Section 14 On to 14A off 22 53 14 A On 44 59 Mainline between 14A and 14B 190 58 14 B off 34 49 Between 14 B off and 14 B on 13 69 14 B on 32 68 Mainline between 14 B and 15 85 66 Section Volume 7,797 7,687 6,616 6,658 6,680 6,359 6,512 6,295 5,446 5,530 6,362 6,414 4,084 4,084 4,084 4,137 6,729 6,748 6,394 7,431 5,696 6,047 6,077 4,731 4,745 5,559 ALT B Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 215 52 19 48 11 57 31 57 26 46 10 53 26 57 45 56 8 57 50 51 21 54 37 50 44 50 44 50 44 50 28 59 59 38 33 20 33 45 22 53 44 59 174 63 27 60 13 70 32 69 86 66 Section Volume 7,341 7,336 6,320 6,406 6,488 6,179 6,423 6,653 5,788 5,879 6,878 6,878 4,391 4,391 4,391 4,375 7,132 7,110 6,752 7,709 5,864 6,192 6,254 4,831 4,840 5,658 ALT C Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 207 54 19 50 12 57 31 57 26 45 10 53 26 58 45 57 8 57 44 58 20 56 35 53 44 51 44 51 44 51 27 61 42 54 22 30 31 48 22 53 44 59 173 64 27 61 13 70 32 69 85 66 Section Volume 6639 6603 5729 5813 5881 5596 5808 6020 5232 5292 6316 6292 3964 3964 3964 3959 6605 6584 6210 7205 5362 5674 5737 4357 4359 5240 Technical Report – Traffic Table C59 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes - Westbound PM Location TZ WB 10 WB OFF 10 WB ON 10-11 WB 11 WB OFF 11 WB ON 11-12 WB 12 WB OFF 12 WB ON 12-13 WB 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 13 WN CD Lanes 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 13-14 WB 14 WB OFF 14 WB ON 14A WB OFF 14A WB ON 14A-14B WB 14B WB OFF 14B WB ON 14B 15 WB 15 WB OFF 15 WB ON 15-15 A WB 2047 A1 7327 1003 88 6093 285 513 6091 1270 1118 5963 869 1386 2518 753 898 6586 714 1416 2129 877 5945 1327 869 5239 1863 3368 6732 2047 B 7330 1023 171 6489 312 498 6656 850 1099 6877 1040 1500 2943 1092 913 7118 740 1323 2242 810 6267 1433 839 5655 1958 3191 6910 2047 C 6618 867 151 5890 272 465 6018 791 1130 6323 941 1444 2810 1049 918 6601 684 1343 2218 769 5739 1387 890 5241 1799 3415 6795 Technical Report – Traffic Table C60-Rockland County- PM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets (Alternatives A1, B and C) Start Int 15 EB On Gore Point Int 15 EB On Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point 12 On EB Gore Point Middle of Bridge Middle of Bridge 12 On WB Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point End Direction Length Middle of Bridge EB 15.6 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point EB 5.8 Middle of Bridge EB 9.8 Middle of bridge EB 4.9 15 Off Gore Point WB 16.6 13 Off Ramp NB PIP Gore Point WB 7.4 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point WB 4.2 15 Off Gore Point WB 6.7 Travel Time Average Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed 16.0 60 87205 15.9 63 89003 16.0 62 5.4 64 29376 5.4 65 27890 5.4 65 10.5 57 57244 10.2 62 59445 10.2 61 5.0 56 26548 5.1 55 26113 5.1 56 18.6 53 104041 18.3 55 104923 17.4 57 8.6 51 50841 8.3 53 49980 8.1 54 5.1 49 24219 5.5 46 25726 4.8 52 6.6 60 38198 6.3 64 39082 6.2 64 VMT 90903 29015 60148 26140 95678 45260 23558 35830 Technical Report – Traffic Rockland County - Alternatives A2, D and E (H/H Lanes) Table C61 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives A2, D and E) Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound AM Section Mainline section 15 -14B Slip On 14B off Ramp Between 14B Off and On Ramp (?) 14B On Ramp Mainline between 14B and 14A Slip on Between Slip on and off Slip off 14A Off Ramp Between 14A Off and On Ramps(?) 14A On Old Nyack Parkway Weaving section Old Nyack Parkway Weaving section Between 14 Off and On Ramps 14 On Ramp Between 14 and 13 13 Off to SB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from NB PIP Mainline between 13 and 12 Slip on 12 Off ramp Between 12 Off and On 12 On Ramp 11 Off Ramp Section beween 11 Off and 11 ON 11 On Ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 Slip On 10 Off Ramp 10 On Ramp Bridge 2047 ALT D 2047 ALT A2 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 29 48 52 45 32 62 9 70 47 65 36 59 17 48 69 49 98 32 55 35 11 46 33 43 48 40 48 40 7 55 24 54 22 50 29 47 59 60 59 60 59 60 23 43 35 47 29 43 33 52 40 30 25 17 79 19 37 18 68 14 63 26 36 25 35 22 83 20 282 30 VMT 2430 4217 3525 1101 5395 4041 1549 6305 5882 3466 801 2154 4098 0 664 2309 2406 3030 5607 0 0 1943 3140 2399 3273 1917 844 2851 1297 2121 3700 1988 1679 3571 21101 Volume Combined 6407 6387 6414 5773 6359 6821 6753 6679 6837 6629 5526 5536 7538 7538 6408 6387 7937 7924 5744 5744 5744 6942 6927 6912 6875 5758 7035 7020 6775 8118 8056 7998 7848 7747 8945 Volume Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 6,407 23 59 6,387 49 49 6,036 29 68 5,395 10 68 5,981 45 67 6,443 32 66 6,375 13 61 6,277 52 66 6,435 56 56 6,539 44 43 5,436 29 48 5,446 52 48 7,448 52 48 7,448 52 48 6,318 6 58 6,297 23 58 7,847 21 52 7,834 32 43 5,654 59 60 5,654 59 60 5,654 59 60 6,852 24 42 6,837 34 48 6,822 30 42 5,663 38 45 4,546 73 16 5,823 38 11 5,808 93 16 5,563 35 20 6,906 72 13 6,844 60 27 6,786 32 28 6,504 26 30 6,403 59 28 7,601 263 32 VMT 2466 4255 3529 1097 5297 3994 1547 6338 6007 3535 2210 4971 0 0 611 2128 2289 2884 5466 0 0 1887 3043 2307 3176 1901 821 2818 1287 2122 3739 2025 1777 3757 21735 2047 ALT E Volume Combined 6503 6445 6421 5752 6244 6741 6746 6713 6982 6761 5690 7213 7211 7211 5895 5886 7552 7543 5599 5599 5599 6743 6713 6647 6672 5710 6850 6941 6721 8122 8141 8145 8307 8149 9213 Volume 6503 6445 5918 5249 5741 6238 6243 6146 6415 6665 5594 7117 7115 7115 5799 5790 7456 7447 5503 5503 5503 6647 6617 6551 5441 4479 5619 5710 5490 6891 6910 6914 6696 6538 7602 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed 29 47 67 35 29 68 10 66 46 67 32 66 13 61 53 64 63 49 43 44 32 44 54 46 54 46 54 46 6 58 24 55 21 51 34 40 57 61 57 61 57 61 21 48 33 49 29 43 40 43 51 24 30 14 84 17 35 20 72 13 65 26 36 25 27 29 65 25 273 31 VMT 2491 4301 3584 1118 5403 4064 1572 6452 6100 3565 2202 4988 0 0 606 2115 2303 2902 5522 0 0 1915 3101 2390 3272 1935 831 2769 1238 2070 3666 2001 1764 3683 21459 Volume Combined 6569 6514 6521 5864 6368 6860 6856 6834 7090 6819 5668 7237 7237 7237 5850 5849 7600 7589 5657 5657 5657 6845 6841 6887 6875 5812 6933 6820 6469 7925 7981 8052 8245 7989 9096 Technical Report – Traffic Table C62 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound AM Location 15 A-15 EB 15EB ON 15EB OFF 15-14B EB 14B EB OFF 14B EB ON 14B-14A EB 14A EB OFF 14A EB ON OLD NYACK EB ON 14 EB OFF 14 EB ON 14-13 EB 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB Int 13 EB CD lanes 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 13-12 EB 12 EB OFF 12 EB ON 12-11 EB 11 EB OFF 11 EB ON 11-10 EB 10 EB ON 10 EB OFF TZB EB Before Toll Plaza After Toll Plaza 2047 A2 7502 1764 2851 6016 647 1107 6286 1098 1919 502 1665 1556 7847 1674 1096 1546 450 186 6823 1045 1277 5802 226 1371 6786 1122 183 7627 7604 7620 2047 D 7529 1802 2817 5923 663 985 6142 1056 1544 51 1319 1745 7456 1621 1058 1359 296 111 6549 954 1093 5725 311 1342 6915 1217 139 7505 7148 7067 2047 E 7435 1901 2747 5955 653 990 6122 1064 1576 49 1369 1747 7413 1536 1097 1454 370 122 6689 989 1213 5621 286 1383 6861 1220 200 7386 7075 7081 Technical Report – Traffic Table C63 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives A2, D and E) Volumes and Speeds – Westbound AM Section Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 10 Off Ramp Between 10 off and on Slip Off 10 on ramp 11 off ramp between 11 off and 11 on 11 on ramp 12 off ramp Between 12 off and on 12 On Mainline between 12 and 13 Slip on 13 off to NB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from SB PIP & HOV Slip off Mainline between 13 and 14 14 Off ramp Between 14 off and 14 on Weaving Section 14 On to 14A off 14 A On Mainline between 14A and 14B Slip off 14 B off Between 14 B off and 14 B on 14 B on Mainline between 14 B and 15 Slip Off Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 203 19 11 31 25 10 22 44 8 44 9 13 31 10 20 10 26 43 12 27 25 44 145 31 27 13 32 29 64 2047 ALT A2 Sectional Speed Volume Combined 55 6309 50 6240 58 5638 58 5675 48 5734 51 5568 53 6185 58 6530 58 6530 59 5531 58 5542 55 6010 55 5597 55 4954 55 4954 55 4954 60 4939 55 7196 54 6830 56 6461 48 6960 59 4903 62 5483 62 5504 61 5810 70 4826 69 4861 65 5441 58 5446 Volume 5,777 5,708 5,106 5,143 5,202 5,036 5,653 5,857 4,858 4,869 5,337 5,326 5,228 4,585 4,585 4,585 4,570 6,827 6,810 6,441 6,940 4,883 5,463 5,484 5,810 4,826 4,861 5,441 5,446 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 202 19 11 31 25 10 21 44 8 44 9 13 31 10 20 10 26 43 12 27 23 43 144 31 27 13 32 29 63 2047 ALT D Sectional Speed Volume Combined 55 5849 50 5822 57 5298 57 5338 49 5389 51 5236 55 5841 58 6257 58 6257 59 5265 58 5304 55 5763 56 5327 56 4595 56 4595 56 4595 61 4590 55 6952 56 6684 56 6306 51 6671 60 4665 63 5210 63 5228 62 5443 70 4540 69 4548 67 5146 59 5178 Volume 5427 5400 4876 4916 4967 4814 5419 5643 4651 4690 5149 5148 5027 4295 4295 4295 4290 6652 6650 6272 6637 4631 5176 5194 5443 4540 4548 5146 5178 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 202 19 11 31 24 10 21 44 8 44 9 13 31 10 20 10 26 43 13 28 24 43 144 31 27 13 32 29 64 2047 ALT E Sectional Speed Volume Combined 55 5891 51 5859 57 5286 57 5320 49 5374 51 5237 56 5832 57 6260 58 6260 59 5288 58 5318 55 5818 55 5377 55 4695 55 4695 55 4695 61 4683 55 6923 53 6637 54 6256 50 6694 60 4798 63 5376 63 5344 62 5582 69 4683 67 4677 65 5299 58 5319 Volume 5439 5407 4834 4868 4922 4785 5380 5618 4646 4676 5176 5179 5057 4375 4375 4375 4363 6603 6611 6230 6668 4772 5350 5318 5582 4683 4677 5299 5319 Technical Report – Traffic Table C64– Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Westbound AM Location TZ WB 10 WB OFF 10 WB ON 10-11 WB 11 WB OFF 11 WB ON 11-12 WB 12 WB OFF 12 WB ON 12-13 WB 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 13 WN CD Lanes 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 13-14 WB 14 WB OFF 14 WB ON 14A WB OFF 14A WB ON 14A-14B WB 14B WB OFF 14B WB ON 14B 15 WB 15 WB OFF 15 WB ON 15-15 A WB 2047 A2 5734 597 85 5186 175 707 5862 982 510 5337 497 827 934 100 1104 6826 735 859 2616 1157 5450 980 596 5432 2519 2548 5365 2047 D 5410 518 120 4977 150 813 5665 967 463 5149 601 877 950 72 1191 6650 740 741 2560 1113 5171 884 593 5146 2378 2509 5299 2047 E 5422 561 99 4917 131 790 5621 968 536 5176 568 836 902 63 1106 6603 743 824 2501 1197 5357 892 657 5289 2359 2536 5471 Technical Report – Traffic Table C65 – Rockland County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives A2, D and E) Volumes and Speeds – Westbound PM 2047 ALT A2 Section Bridge to 10 Off Ramp 10 Off Ramp Between 10 off and on Slip Off 10 on ramp 11 off ramp between 11 off and 11 on 11 on ramp (Slip off also) 12 off ramp Between 12 off and on 12 On Mainline between 12 and 13 Slip on 13 off to NB PIP Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON Between 13 Off and 13 ON 13 On from SB PIP & HOV Slip off Mainline between 13 and 14 14 Off ramp Between 14 off and 14 on Weaving Section 14 On to 14A off 14 A On Mainline between 14A and 14B Slip off 14 B off Between 14 B off and 14 B on 14 B on Mainline between 14 B and 15 Slip Off Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 203 18 11 31 26 10 23 48 9 43 9 13 31 40 2047 ALT D 32 63 16 32 Sectional Speed 55 52 57 57 47 53 52 53 55 59 58 55 55 55 55 55 49 38 41 46 GP+H/H 7847 7827 6857 6888 6959 6621 7323 6972 6972 5536 5590 6548 6565 5571 5571 5571 5544 8514 7462 6799 GP 6413 6393 5423 5454 5525 5187 5889 6079 4643 4697 5655 5641 5565 4571 4571 4571 4544 7514 7460 6797 22 45 148 34 33 13 32 30 66 54 58 61 57 51 69 68 65 57 7592 5880 6330 6345 6305 4991 5002 5875 5870 7590 5878 6328 6343 6305 4991 5002 5875 5870 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 203 18 11 31 26 10 22 44 8 49 13 21 33 41 2047 ALT E 29 49 16 28 Sectional Speed 55 52 57 57 46 53 52 57 58 53 39 35 52 54 54 54 53 48 42 53 GP+H/H 7839 7848 6877 6925 6984 6499 7168 6864 6864 5627 5677 6748 6826 5543 5543 5543 5512 8292 7411 6797 GP 6655 6664 5693 5741 5800 5315 5984 6180 4943 4993 6064 6059 5992 4709 4709 4709 4678 7458 7380 6766 22 44 145 31 28 13 32 29 65 53 58 62 63 59 70 69 66 57 7498 5858 6280 6287 6245 4919 4901 5708 5709 7467 5827 6249 6256 6226 4900 4882 5689 5709 Sectional Travel Time (seconds) 202 19 11 31 27 10 23 45 8 44 9 14 32 41 41 75 26 31 Sectional Speed 55 51 57 57 45 53 52 56 58 59 56 52 54 54 54 54 38 32 26 49 GP+H/H 7833 7805 6853 6912 6993 6499 7179 6833 6833 5609 5653 6609 6678 5502 5502 5502 5490 8285 7313 6731 GP 6498 6470 5518 5577 5658 5164 5844 6039 4815 4859 5815 5825 5753 4577 4577 4577 4565 7360 7280 6698 22 44 146 31 31 13 32 29 66 54 58 62 63 54 69 68 66 56 7544 5793 6217 6221 6205 4876 4872 5729 5717 7511 5760 6184 6188 6186 4857 4853 5710 5717 Technical Report – Traffic Table C66– Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Westbound PM Location TZ WB 10 WB OFF 10 WB ON 10-11 WB 11 WB OFF 11 WB ON 11-12 WB 12 WB OFF 12 WB ON 12-13 WB 13 WB OFF TO PIP NB 13 WB ON FROM PIP NB 13 WN CD Lanes 13 WB OFF TO PIP SB 13 WB ON FROM PIP SB 13-14 WB 14 WB OFF 14 WB ON 14A WB OFF 14A WB ON 14A-14B WB 14B WB OFF 14B WB ON 14B 15 WB 15 WB OFF 15 WB ON 15-15 A WB 2047 A2 6388 943 107 5508 347 429 6084 1428 1044 5655 779 1103 1273 167 896 7507 1242 1428 2162 908 6329 1312 875 5874 1960 3125 6919 2047 D 6670 959 115 5798 486 416 6182 1229 1111 6064 931 1162 1458 295 869 7444 1190 1311 2087 857 6238 1311 834 5686 1956 3189 6863 2047 E 6676 948 151 5888 291 407 6718 1497 924 6084 795 1145 1319 168 903 7277 1104 1418 2196 861 6123 1307 866 5657 1980 3296 6948 Technical Report – Traffic Table C67– Rockland County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound PM Location 15 A-15 EB 15EB ON 15EB OFF 15-14B EB 14B EB OFF 14B EB ON 14B-14A EB 14A EB OFF 14A EB ON OLD NYACK EB ON 14 EB OFF 14 EB ON 14-13 EB 13 EB OFF_PIP SB 13 EB ON FROM PIP SB Int 13 EB CD lanes 13 EB OFF TO PIP NB 13 EB ON FROM PIP NB 13-12 EB 12 EB OFF 12 EB ON 12-11 EB 11 EB OFF 11 EB ON 11-10 EB 10 EB ON 10 EB OFF TZB EB Before Toll Plaza After Toll Plaza 2047 A2 5703 2118 2598 5203 822 1178 5534 961 2033 369 833 586 6734 939 520 1051 532 65 5863 954 609 5401 545 815 5683 604 109 6116 6077 2047 D 5768 2125 2622 5288 738 1156 5717 941 2043 NA 691 912 6883 884 550 1015 466 81 6193 997 666 5775 574 815 6005 627 92 6411 6363 2047 E 5702 2247 2667 5265 723 1221 5753 945 1885 NA 707 937 6825 963 499 914 409 61 6043 953 588 5572 513 741 5784 642 102 6263 6300 6076 6355 6273 Technical Report – Traffic Table C68 - Rockland County- AM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets (Alternatives A2, D and E) Start Int 15 EB On Gore Point Int 15 EB On Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point 12 On EB Gore Point Middle of Bridge Middle of Bridge 12 On WB Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point Direction Length Travel Time ALT A2 Average Speed Middle of Bridge EB 15.6 25.7 36 110803 24.2 39 111020 24.6 38 111385 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point EB 5.8 7.4 47 37910 5.9 59 38065 6.4 54 38650 Middle of Bridge Middle of bridge 15 Off Gore Point 13 Off Ramp NB PIP Gore Point 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point EB EB WB 9.8 4.9 16.6 18.2 11.8 17.2 32 24 58 72092 39151 95665 17.8 11.3 17.0 32 25 58 70745 40081 90404 17.7 11.5 17.1 32 25 58 70533 39482 91624 WB WB 7.4 4.2 7.8 4.1 55 56 43812 22478 7.8 4.1 56 57 41145 21451 7.8 4.1 56 56 41320 21558 15 Off Gore Point WB 6.7 6.4 62 35714 6.4 63 33839 6.4 62 34823 End VMT Travel Time ALT D Average Speed VMT Travel Time ALT E Average Speed VMT Table C69 - Rockland County- PM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets (Alternatives A2, D and E) Start Int 15 EB On Gore Point Int 15 EB On Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point 12 On EB Gore Point Middle of Bridge Middle of Bridge 12 On WB Gore Point 14 A GSP ON Gore Point ALT A2 Average Speed VMT Travel Time ALT D Average Speed VMT Travel Time ALT E Average Speed Direction Length Travel Time Middle of Bridge EB 15.6 16.2 58 88291 16.3 57 91903 15.9 59 90868 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point EB 5.8 5.5 63 30835 5.4 64 31746 5.4 64 31643 Middle of Bridge Middle of bridge 15 Off Gore Point 13 Off Ramp NB PIP Gore Point 14 A GSP Off Ramp Gore Point EB EB WB 9.8 4.9 16.6 10.6 5.2 18.0 55 55 55 56778 27688 109827 10.3 5.3 17.7 56 54 56 57332 29289 109167 10.3 5.2 18.4 56 54 54 56375 28467 108655 WB WB 7.4 4.2 7.9 4.7 55 49 51688 24822 8.2 4.7 53 50 51782 24878 7.9 5.2 55 44 51608 24679 15 Off Gore Point WB 6.7 6.7 60 40028 6.5 62 39491 6.6 61 39224 End VMT Technical Report – Traffic Westchester County Alternatives B, C, D, E Table C70 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives B, C, D, E) Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound AM TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and 3 off Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB ramp and 4 off Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Section Between 8 E off and on 8E on ramp 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp Sectional Travel Time 16 18 38 12 54 20 5 20 26 21 22 28 25 16 22 15 35 23 18 27 36 29 28 13 20 25 10 5 25 25 12 45 38 9 53 23 5 102 13 12 2047 ALT B Sectional Speed 46 55 52 36 39 60 56 51 45 37 31 26 33 36 39 42 36 35 30 34 27 35 31 45 53 57 52 47 58 51 48 41 35 42 58 58 54 57 54 54 Section Volume Sectional Travel Time 8178 19 6804 9 7262 59 7261 18 4772 62 3734 20 4318 5 4317 23 4930 32 5534 23 3961 24 4971 30 6435 26 5695 11 5706 15 6436 11 6294 25 5463 15 6470 12 6469 16 6376 21 5256 20 5222 23 5818 14 6723 22 7632 32 5908 12 4800 5 4797 26 5467 27 5940 13 5422 44 5191 39 6351 7 4885 52 4917 23 5388 5 4285 101 4264 13 3312 12 2047 ALT C Sectional Speed 41 16 33 23 34 59 49 45 37 33 27 24 30 53 58 58 52 56 47 58 48 49 39 42 49 45 44 46 56 47 44 42 33 56 58 59 53 58 54 54 Section Volume Sectional Travel Time 8115 23 6683 35 7279 109 7268 19 4718 61 3602 20 4159 5 4087 28 4594 38 5278 27 3787 27 4675 35 6020 33 5198 22 5189 32 6468 20 6459 46 5552 29 6242 21 6239 32 6237 39 5155 31 5161 36 5913 19 6781 30 7637 42 6002 11 5154 5 5165 25 5825 24 6283 11 5536 32 5164 27 6169 8 4706 53 4714 23 5257 5 4291 102 4275 13 3381 12 2047 ALT D Sectional Speed 34 28 18 22 35 60 56 38 30 28 25 21 24 26 27 33 28 28 26 29 25 33 24 31 35 33 45 47 59 53 52 58 48 45 58 59 55 57 55 53 2047 ALT E Section Volume Sectional Travel Time Sectional Speed Section Volume 8889 29 27 8856 5678 21 47 5764 6807 68 28 7728 6753 12 37 7735 4467 50 43 5286 3475 20 59 4180 3970 5 56 4703 3983 19 55 4703 4443 24 49 5258 4907 19 40 5808 3514 17 39 4241 4273 22 33 5229 5433 23 35 6574 4706 15 38 5551 4721 22 40 5414 5399 15 44 6632 5421 31 41 6489 4812 19 42 5339 5837 16 36 5942 5858 22 42 5779 5773 26 38 5608 4650 17 57 4574 4611 17 52 4610 5256 12 48 5259 6151 20 53 6135 6993 25 56 7046 5205 10 52 5425 4251 5 47 4647 4257 26 57 4677 5016 26 49 5281 5524 13 45 5744 4963 40 46 5045 4698 34 38 4750 5942 7 55 5759 4687 52 58 4463 4675 23 59 4492 5056 5 55 4992 4065 101 58 4066 4081 13 55 4089 3225 12 53 3241 Technical Report – Traffic Table C71– Westchester County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound AM Location 10 - 9 EB 9 EB Off 9 EB ON 9 - 8 EB 8 EB OFF # 1 8 EB ON 8 - 1 EB 1 EB ON 1 - 2 EB 2 EB ON 2 -3 EB 3 EB Off 3 EB ON # 1 3 EB ON # 2 3 - 4 EB 4 EB OFF 4 EB On 4-5 EB 5 EB OFF 5 EB ON 5 - 6 EB 6 EB OFF 6 EB ON 6-7 EB 7 EB ON 7 -8W EB 8W EB OFF 8W - 8E EB 8E EB OFF 8E - 8 EB 8 EB ON #1 8 EB ON #2 8 - 9A EB 9A EB OFF 9A EB ON 9A - 9S EB 9S EB OFF 9S EB ON 9S - 10 EB 10 EB OFF 2047 B 8178 1371 546 7262 2669 1171 4318 617 4318 619 5534 1581 1515 948 6435 757 742 6270 822 998 6470 1122 597 5818 1817 7633 1715 5908 1116 4795 642 467 5940 787 1162 6351 1459 474 5388 1102 2047 C 8155 1423 526 7279 2836 1188 4159 644 4043 716 5278 1453 1378 943 6020 782 1288 6457 896 693 6242 1080 745 5913 1678 7636 1628 6002 851 5164 660 438 6283 1124 1006 6169 1474 539 5257 963 2047 D 7489 1448 274 6807 2571 964 3970 596 3991 599 4907 1292 1278 855 5433 707 664 5430 643 1015 5837 1048 632 5256 1833 6984 1770 5205 948 4266 726 510 5524 853 1235 5942 1264 371 5056 997 2047 E 7272 1352 629 7879 2696 1061 4722 697 4694 556 5807 1523 1456 868 6277 892 1040 6024 782 773 5803 997 820 5279 1554 6656 1522 5107 640 4496 710 452 5559 1091 1106 5586 1271 440 4810 963 Technical Report – Traffic Table C72 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives B, C, D, E) Volumes and Speeds – Westbound AM 12 on ramp 11 on ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 off and 10 on 10 on ramp 9N off ramp Mainline between 9N and 9S 9S on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and 9A on Weaving section between 9A on and 8 off Mainline section between 8 off and 8W on 7 Off ramp Mainline between 7 off and 8W on 8W on ramp 6 off ramp 6 on ramp Mainline between 6 and 5 5 off ramp section between 5 off and on 5 on ramp 4 off ramp Section between 4 off and on 4 on ramp 3 off ramp Section between 3 off and 3 on Weaving between 3 on and 2 off section between 2 off and 2 on 2 on ramp 1 off 8 off section between 8 off and 1 on 1 on ramp 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 9 9 off ramp section between 9 off and on 9 on ramp Mainline between 9 on and S broadway on S broadway on 2047 ALT B 2047 ALT C 2047 ALT D 2047 ALT E Sectional Travel Time Sectional Speed Section Volume Sectional Travel Time Sectional Speed Section Volume Sectional Travel Time Sectional Speed Section Volume Sectional Travel Time Sectional Speed Section Volume 4 48 3212 4 48 3115 4 47 3221 4 47 3210 18 58 3202 18 58 3118 18 58 3216 18 58 3202 40 57 3639 40 57 3586 40 57 3663 40 57 3738 14 55 3631 14 55 3583 14 55 3662 14 54 3723 32 58 3267 33 56 3217 32 57 3220 33 56 3283 25 56 3730 25 55 3749 25 56 3624 26 54 3837 10 56 4208 10 54 4277 10 56 4042 11 52 4376 57 57 3356 57 56 3607 57 56 3262 57 56 3704 12 60 3342 13 59 3607 12 60 3252 13 58 3706 22 52 4840 23 52 4885 23 51 4866 23 52 4613 45 59 4098 46 58 4213 45 59 4085 45 59 3968 21 41 5772 21 41 5743 21 41 5796 20 43 5530 32 55 4054 32 55 3735 32 55 4052 32 55 3609 7 55 4042 7 54 3725 7 55 4055 7 54 3605 59 41 3785 51 47 3436 45 52 3922 42 57 3335 44 26 4108 37 31 4045 31 36 4416 40 29 3844 23 29 4626 23 28 4841 16 40 4876 24 27 4544 16 62 3523 16 62 3578 16 62 3798 16 61 3482 34 59 3928 34 60 3945 34 59 4301 34 60 3845 26 43 3660 26 43 3787 26 43 4003 16 71 3712 6 59 3524 6 59 3707 6 59 3867 6 59 3561 25 60 3532 25 60 3706 25 60 3868 25 60 3566 18 57 4210 18 57 4320 18 57 4574 18 57 4077 11 44 3805 11 45 3790 11 44 4073 11 44 3716 29 54 4288 29 55 4228 29 53 4569 29 54 4254 4 46 4761 4 47 4660 5 44 5045 5 45 4780 16 58 3833 16 58 3741 16 57 4078 17 55 3853 15 52 5132 15 53 4934 14 54 5165 24 32 5086 7 48 3990 7 50 3842 7 50 4088 7 47 3710 21 56 4000 21 57 3841 21 56 4091 21 57 3725 8 48 4545 7 50 4329 8 48 4646 7 51 4156 8 58 3427 8 58 3345 8 58 3502 8 58 3412 18 55 2794 18 56 2716 18 55 2841 18 55 2820 18 45 3209 15 53 3092 15 53 3200 15 53 3173 24 24 4812 18 32 4800 18 32 4970 18 32 4749 23 58 5772 17 76 5918 19 70 6054 17 76 5760 49 40 5767 30 65 5932 62 31 5859 37 50 5754 9 54 4861 8 57 4867 8 60 4540 8 68 4416 11 57 5055 11 57 5071 11 56 4809 11 59 4567 15 58 5052 16 55 5077 15 58 4814 15 58 4574 40 59 5265 40 58 5265 40 59 5017 40 59 4799 Technical Report – Traffic Table C73 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Westbound AM Location 9 - 10 WB ON RAMP FROM S. BROADWAY TO TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE 9 WB ON 9 WB OFF 8 - 9 WB 8 WB ON # 2 8 WB ON # 1 8 WB OFF 1 - 8 WB 1 WB OFF 2 - 1 WB 2 WB ON 2 WB OFF 3 - 2 WB 3 WB ON 3 WB OFF 4 - 3 WB 4 WB On 4 WB Off 5 - 4 WB 5 WB ON 5 WB Off 6 - 5 WB 6 WB ON 6 WB OFF 7 - 6 WB 7 WB OFF 8W - 7 WB 8W WB ON 8E - 8W WB 8 - 8E WB 8 WB Off 8 WB ON 9A - 8 WB 9A WB ON 9A WB OFF 9S - 9A WB 9S WB On 9S WB Off 10 - 9S WB 2047 B 2047 C 2047 D 2047 E 5475 5454 5218 5025 408 197 913 5767 1951 1242 861 3427 1125 4545 545 1141 5132 1303 918 4764 962 419 4211 683 3524 3927 251 1096 4640 1153 3616 190 4056 4054 1705 915 4883 1048 1009 4842 1506 850 4205 523 199 1064 5932 2250 1175 845 3345 996 4329 486 1106 4934 1194 903 4659 877 544 4317 620 252 3942 230 1250 4860 1690 3301 253 3733 3740 1996 823 4933 953 904 4883 1284 658 4280 495 263 698 5914 2385 1161 882 3502 1147 4646 551 1077 5165 1088 948 5048 955 512 4576 713 438 4308 343 1078 4885 959 3952 136 4046 4047 1745 935 4865 1064 1027 4867 1623 782 4039 525 155 739 5754 2047 1108 797 3412 748 4156 424 1376 5086 1217 944 4778 1051 371 4069 485 318 3836 207 1061 4559 1471 3156 252 3608 3614 1903 808 4722 1014 882 4612 919 656 4383 Technical Report – Traffic Table C74 -Westchester County- AM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets (Alternatives B, C, D and E) ALT B 2047 Start End Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed Toll Plaza 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 12.2 16.5 44 Toll Plaza 8 Off Ramp to 87 SB Gore Point EB 1.1 1.4 49 Int 9 On Ramp Gore Point 8E Off Ramp Gore Point EB 7.2 10.1 40 8E On EB Gore Point 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 4.8 6.0 52 I-95 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 12.9 15.3 51 I-95 ON Ramp 8E Off Ramp Gore Point WB 4.6 5.0 56 8E/7 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 8.2 10.3 48 5 On Ramp Middle of Bridge WB 5.2 6.2 51 VMT 65970 8381 39009 24929 53024 17607 35417 23733 ALT C 2047 Travel Time Average Speed 16.1 45 1.8 39 9.6 42 6.0 52 14.5 53 5.1 55 9.4 52 5.6 56 ALT D 2047 ALT E 2047 VMT Travel Time Average Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed VMT 65356 20.1 36 60043 15.9 46 63760 8344 3.1 22 7597 2.2 32 8194 38241 14.1 29 34880 9.4 43 38527 25075 5.6 56 23334 5.9 53 23418 53001 14.8 52 53953 14.5 53 51839 17897 5.0 55 17445 5.0 55 17921 35104 9.7 51 36508 9.5 52 33918 23738 6.2 51 24166 5.9 54 22930 Technical Report – Traffic Table C75 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives B, C, D, E) Volumes and Speeds – Eastbound PM TP to Exit 9 Exit 9 on ramp mainline between 9 and 8 Exit 8 Between 8 off and on 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 1 1 on ramp Mainline between 1 and 2 Weaving area between 2 on and 3 off Section between 3 off and 3 on 3 on SB ramp Weaving area between 3 on NB ramp and 4 off Section between 4 off and 4 on 4 on Ramp Mainline between 4 and 5 5 off ramp Section between 5 off and 5 on 5 on ramp Mainline between 5 and 6 6 off ramp section between 6 off and 6 on 6 on ramp mainline between 6 and 7 7 on ramp 8W off ramp 8E off ramp Section Between 8 E off and on 8E on ramp 8 on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and on 9 A on ramp 9S off ramp Mainline between 9S off and 9N on 9N on ramp 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 and 11 11 off ramp 12 off ramp 2047 ALT B 2047 ALT C 2047 ALT D 2047 ALT E Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume Sectional Travel Time (seconds) Sectional Speed Section Volume 15 51 5719 15 52 5719 18 42 5622 15 50 5622 17 59 5129 18 56 5386 37 27 5393 17 57 5393 34 56 5778 39 49 6369 96 20 6710 36 54 6710 12 37 5786 14 30 6325 16 27 6691 13 34 6691 39 54 3913 49 43 3935 57 37 4272 46 46 4272 20 60 3337 20 60 2979 20 60 3337 20 60 3337 5 56 4014 5 57 3577 5 57 3981 5 56 3981 17 60 4010 21 50 3588 19 55 3988 18 59 3988 20 58 4742 42 28 4035 26 45 4470 21 54 4470 14 46 5435 26 25 4602 19 35 5058 16 42 5058 17 46 4631 32 24 3693 23 33 4236 19 40 4236 17 42 5545 38 19 4289 25 29 5079 24 30 5079 17 48 6786 34 24 5085 25 32 6047 21 39 6047 11 53 6061 27 21 4493 18 32 5361 16 35 5361 15 58 6059 36 24 4530 27 32 5290 24 36 5290 11 58 6986 24 27 5351 17 39 5949 18 35 5949 25 51 6987 57 22 5378 38 34 5789 45 29 5789 15 55 6031 36 22 4529 23 35 4774 27 30 4774 12 47 6610 28 20 5069 18 31 5143 22 25 5143 16 57 6591 43 21 4860 27 34 4993 31 29 4993 21 47 6571 56 18 4668 35 28 4798 42 23 4798 17 57 5747 30 33 4125 28 36 4246 47 21 4246 17 53 5729 26 33 4094 33 27 4082 49 18 4082 11 52 6347 18 33 4418 27 22 4506 35 17 4506 20 53 6731 33 32 4779 51 21 4967 70 15 4967 24 58 7033 70 20 5134 65 22 5376 98 14 5376 10 50 5888 17 31 4032 22 23 4542 33 16 4542 5 44 4888 6 36 3529 7 32 3480 10 22 3480 26 57 4908 38 38 3721 51 29 3492 98 15 3611 26 50 5544 33 38 4417 49 26 3871 36 36 4166 12 47 5992 15 38 4781 13 44 4493 29 20 4493 31 59 4864 32 58 3624 32 58 3391 44 42 3391 22 59 4311 24 55 3074 38 34 2865 34 38 2865 8 46 5243 11 34 4387 16 23 4493 7 55 4493 52 58 3301 52 58 2761 221 14 2722 52 58 2722 25 55 3309 24 57 2769 144 10 2735 23 59 2735 8 38 4304 6 50 3705 14 20 3733 5 55 3733 102 57 3174 101 58 2821 101 58 2646 101 58 2646 13 54 3166 13 55 2836 13 56 2643 13 55 2643 13 52 2642 12 54 2335 12 54 2150 12 53 2150 Technical Report – Traffic Table C76– Westchester County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Eastbound PM Location 10 - 9 EB 9 EB Off 9 EB ON 9 - 8 EB 8 EB OFF # 1 8 EB ON 8 - 1 EB 1 EB ON 1 - 2 EB 2 EB ON 2 -3 EB 3 EB Off 3 EB ON # 1 3 EB ON # 2 3 - 4 EB 4 EB OFF 4 EB On 4-5 EB 5 EB OFF 5 EB ON 5 - 6 EB 6 EB OFF 6 EB ON 6-7 EB 7 EB ON 7 -8W EB 8W EB OFF 8W - 8E EB 8E EB OFF 8E - 8 EB 8 EB ON #1 8 EB ON #2 8 - 9A EB 9A EB OFF 9A EB ON 9A - 9S EB 9S EB OFF 9S EB ON 9S - 10 EB 10 EB OFF 2047 B 5714 589 648 5778 1857 1330 4014 730 4006 690 5435 776 1401 772 6786 732 935 6992 972 587 6610 813 630 6347 823 7013 1064 5888 1000 4913 616 435 5992 1699 930 5243 1974 1001 4304 1133 2047 C 5730 249 1207 6369 1810 1157 3577 447 3593 632 4602 785 1017 587 5085 568 814 5381 776 621 5069 528 423 4418 833 5129 1062 4032 540 3565 482 702 4781 1753 1304 4387 1647 939 3705 895 2047 D 6255 215 858 7057 2293 1291 4054 432 4067 675 5123 682 1337 806 6483 770 1031 6525 847 618 6079 836 451 5276 867 6073 1251 4812 1228 3585 372 553 4516 1933 461 2892 1363 814 2380 588 2047 E 5638 229 1046 6710 1944 1264 3981 510 3991 675 5058 729 1360 682 6047 635 744 5750 855 453 5143 465 473 4506 1080 5364 830 4542 1035 3495 341 573 4493 1674 1640 4493 1739 1000 3733 1092 Technical Report – Traffic Table C77 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline - Comparison of Build (Alternatives B, C, D, E) Volumes and Speeds – Westbound PM 12 on ramp 11 on ramp Mainline between 11 and 10 10 off ramp Mainline between 10 off and 10 on 10 on ramp 9N off ramp Mainline between 9N and 9S 9S on ramp 9A off ramp Mainline between 9A off and 9A on Weaving section between 9A on and 8 off Mainline section between 8 off and 8W on 7 Off ramp Mainline between 7 off and 8W on 8W on ramp 6 off ramp 6 on ramp Mainline between 6 and 5 5 off ramp section between 5 off and on 5 on ramp 4 off ramp Section between 4 off and on 4 on ramp 3 off ramp Section between 3 off and 3 on Weaving between 3 on and 2 off section between 2 off and 2 on 2 on ramp 1 off 8 off section between 8 off and 1 on 1 on ramp 8 on ramp Mainline between 8 and 9 9 off ramp section between 9 off and on 9 on ramp Mainline between 9 on and S broadway on S broadway on Sectional Travel Time 4 18 40 14 32 25 10 56 12 23 45 20 33 7 57 46 28 36 70 46 14 70 45 12 33 6 17 17 7 21 8 9 19 16 17 17 32 9 12 16 41 2047 ALT B Sectional Speed 49 59 58 55 57 56 55 57 60 51 59 43 53 53 42 25 24 28 28 24 25 21 23 43 47 32 56 45 51 56 48 55 52 52 33 78 57 61 55 55 57 Section Volume 3247 3241 3771 3760 3561 3938 4308 3258 3252 4462 3561 5528 4193 4183 3622 4068 4723 4127 4945 4542 4349 4266 4863 4158 4616 5066 3195 4074 3341 3363 4219 3382 2663 2751 4846 6637 6648 6305 6539 6542 6982 Sectional Travel Time 4 18 40 14 32 25 10 57 14 26 92 36 32 7 45 20 12 16 39 29 8 36 28 12 36 7 20 22 7 21 7 9 19 16 18 18 38 10 11 16 41 2047 ALT C Sectional Speed 49 59 58 55 57 56 56 56 55 45 29 24 55 54 53 57 53 61 51 38 46 41 37 42 43 30 47 36 49 57 53 57 53 52 32 73 49 52 57 55 57 Section Volume 3130 3127 3555 3561 3238 3673 4096 3305 3275 4694 3598 4727 3165 3177 2748 3429 4089 3711 4581 4284 4120 4123 4801 4196 4611 5010 3118 3886 3063 3078 3982 3521 2909 3270 5718 7640 7698 6496 6967 6952 7218 Sectional Travel Time 4 18 40 14 32 25 10 56 12 22 45 19 33 7 57 37 24 35 67 50 15 61 36 11 31 6 16 15 7 20 7 8 18 15 17 17 32 13 11 15 39 2047 ALT D Sectional Speed 49 59 57 53 58 56 56 57 60 52 59 44 54 53 42 30 27 28 30 23 24 25 29 44 50 35 57 51 51 59 52 58 54 53 33 78 58 43 56 58 59 Section Volume 3379 3379 3685 3606 3177 3613 4033 3227 3253 4438 3557 5417 4080 4082 3422 3865 4587 4189 4985 4404 4136 4150 4737 4130 4569 5007 3204 4096 3305 3317 4126 3429 2776 2899 5095 6934 6916 6633 6854 6848 7242 2047 ALT E Sectional Travel Time Sectional Speed Section Volume 4 49 3199 18 59 3209 40 58 3718 14 55 3710 32 58 3276 25 56 3777 10 56 4271 57 57 3437 14 54 3267 26 45 4611 92 29 3700 32 27 4750 33 54 3617 7 54 3623 46 52 3117 28 40 3824 18 37 4531 16 61 3865 36 55 4836 31 36 4479 9 42 4291 42 35 4286 32 32 4851 15 33 4309 49 32 4692 7 28 5056 20 47 3206 23 33 3946 7 51 3161 21 58 3181 7 53 4064 8 57 3645 18 54 2965 16 52 3209 18 33 5640 17 78 7594 36 51 7619 10 57 6660 11 56 7121 16 56 7105 40 58 7334 Technical Report – Traffic Table C78 – Westchester County – I 287 Mainline and Ramp Volumes – Westbound PM Location 9 - 10 WB ON RAMP FROM S. BROADWAY TO TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE 9 WB ON 9 WB OFF 8 - 9 WB 8 WB ON # 2 8 WB ON # 1 8 WB OFF 1 - 8 WB 1 WB OFF 2 - 1 WB 2 WB ON 2 WB OFF 3 - 2 WB 3 WB ON 3 WB OFF 4 - 3 WB 4 WB On 4 WB Off 5 - 4 WB 5 WB ON 5 WB Off 6 - 5 WB 6 WB ON 6 WB OFF 7 - 6 WB 7 WB OFF 8W - 7 WB 8W WB ON 8E - 8W WB 8 - 8E WB 8 WB Off 8 WB ON 9A - 8 WB 9A WB ON 9A WB OFF 9S - 9A WB 9S WB On 9S WB Off 10 - 9S WB 2047 B 7416 2047 C 7480 2047 D 5883 2047 E 6010 897 239 356 6648 3547 640 974 3382 845 4219 845 735 4074 880 1878 5059 845 682 4882 730 615 4950 540 594 4741 1423 3425 498 4192 4198 1325 1481 4043 638 1057 4464 1195 1055 4304 505 478 1204 7698 3787 1116 827 3521 474 3982 898 814 3886 840 1907 5009 788 627 4788 669 505 4558 489 399 4073 1276 2771 446 3160 3161 1542 979 3831 529 1031 4708 1526 799 4102 756 230 280 6918 3716 688 882 3429 708 4126 804 804 4096 884 1816 5001 850 647 4726 542 807 5026 559 377 4603 1582 3226 626 4078 4076 1331 1395 4007 598 1043 4437 1179 849 4023 433 446 963 7619 3933 935 912 3645 432 4064 876 781 3946 770 1856 5065 748 524 4855 565 566 4829 748 651 4532 1429 3114 510 3613 3613 1119 802 4026 607 943 4621 1469 801 4281 Technical Report – Traffic Table C79 - Westchester County- PM Peak Hour Travel Times, Average Speeds and Vehicle Miles Traveled in Select Markets (Alternatives B, C, D and E) ALT B 2047 End Direction Length Travel Time Average Speed 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 12.2 13.5 54 8 Off Ramp to 87 SB Gore Point EB 1.1 1.3 53 8E Off Ramp Gore Point EB 7.2 7.6 53 12 Off Ramp Gore Point EB 4.8 5.6 55 Middle of Bridge WB 12.9 17.7 44 8E Off Ramp Gore Point WB 4.6 5.0 56 Middle of Bridge WB 8.2 12.7 39 Middle of Bridge WB 5.2 7.1 45 VMT 59525 6435 37886 20123 56349 17294 39055 26303 ALT C 2047 Travel Time Average Speed 20.4 36 1.4 48 14.0 29 6.0 52 16.1 48 6.1 46 10.0 49 6.5 48 ALT D 2047 ALT E 2047 VMT Travel Time Average Speed VMT Travel Time Average Speed VMT 48993 25.4 29 50440 21.6 34 50593 6888 2.8 25 7096 1.4 51 7096 31084 13.3 30 33468 13.6 30 33468 16476 11.7 27 15563 7.6 41 15715 55194 17.0 45 54008 16.7 46 55026 16732 5.0 56 16825 6.0 46 17152 38461 12.0 41 37183 10.6 47 37874 27631 6.6 47 24742 6.9 46 26066 Intersection Analysis 2010, 2017 and 2047 No Build Results Table C80 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – AM Volume Airmont Rd and Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit College road ad Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Rt 306 & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Main St(Rt 59) & Rt 9W EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Chestnut & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit NewClarkstown Rd & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum Composit Pascack Rd Bypass & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Grand View Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Co Rd 33 ( N Middletown Road) & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Smith St & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Mountainview Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB1 Sum SB2 Sum NB Sum Composit NB 2010 Delay LOS Volume NB 2017 Delay LOS Volume NB Delay LOS 849 574 1199.5 374 80.3 F 35.4 D 49.5 D 33.7 C 53.6 D 859 587 1182 400 129.9 41.0 51.7 34.9 69.6 F D D C E 881 603 1265 528 131.9 F 153.6 F 94.8 F 25.4 C 104.4 F 1042 561 149.5 259.5 42.5 D 20.6 C 12.7 B 19.6 B 31.2 C 1017 570 182.5 284 50.6 23.1 21.0 17.5 35.8 D C C B D 1061 590 276 319 33.5 C 14.0 B 11.6 B 46.7 D 27.6 C 694 629 467 239 44.5 D 50.2 D 25.5 C 22.6 C 39.3 D 734 690 427 241 49.4 56.2 26.9 27.0 44.5 D E C C D 770 712 517 347 74.2 E 57.8 E 28.0 C 28.6 C 52.3 D 760 99 651 228 28.8 C 26.9 C 32.2 C 35.7 D 30.8 C 834 114 714 239 44.5 36.2 45.5 27.1 42.2 D D D C D 1128 257 709 349 205.2 F 39.2 D 32.0 C 31.7 C 112.7 F 200 238 252 39 11.5 B 15.3 B 14.4 B 5.0 A 13.4 B 185 262 283 45 13.9 15.9 10.7 4.3 12.8 B B B A B 501 290 246 63 17.2 B 18.8 B 11.1 B 7.0 A 15.7 B 1773 745 751 6.9 A 17.1 B 21.2 C 14.6 B 2163 827 702 7.2 18.3 19.0 13.9 A B B B 2411 980 916 12.3 B 23.2 C 41.5 D 24.3 C 1150 709 586 366 35.7 D 24.4 C 13.7 B 19.5 B 26.2 C 1279 712 585 435 31.5 28.9 12.0 23.2 25.9 C C B C C 1548 946 553 458 34.6 C 18.4 B 16.6 B 30.0 C 26.8 C 1144 1050 861 283 56.9 E 36.8 D 44.4 D 42.3 D 46.1 D 1252 1086 785 278 63.3 38.0 52.1 44.5 51.1 E D D D D 1516 1343 1035 321 34.3 C 51.9 D 39.4 D 75.9 E 44.3 D 1293 462 536 177 28.8 C 27.8 C 30.0 C 29.8 C 28.9 C 1336 508 549 167 29.8 26.4 31.4 30.1 29.5 C C C C C 1657 632 634 205 36.1 D 21.7 C 37.9 D 39.4 D 33.8 C 736 1118 374 314 19.3 B 30.4 C 259.8 F 32.5 C 61.2 E 778 1169 471 288 23.9 33.0 48.6 36.4 33.5 C C D D C 976 1222 403 300 22.4 C 45.8 D 138.5 F 33.2 C 49.5 D 1163 780 38.5 D 43.4 D 59.5 E 38.0 D 50.2 D 42.6 D 1235 821 55.2 48.9 49.9 43.9 50.3 51.5 E D D D D D 1401 919 258.0 F 45.4 D 47.6 D 113.4 F 23.3 C 146.3 F 189 53 266 56 378 187 Table C80 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) Volume Spook Rock & Airmont EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 8 - Orange Avenue/Lafayette Avenue(Rt 59) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit NB 2010 Delay LOS Volume NB 2017 Delay LOS Volume NB Delay LOS 278 108 544 108 5.6 A 19.2 B 66.2 E 22.7 C 40.6 D 270 100 621 118 5.5 17.4 120.2 20.4 72.4 A B F C E 343 124 790 152 5.7 A 32.1 C 170.7 F 18.4 B 101.9 F 49 86 798 196 29.2 C 19.1 B 20.2 C 40.6 D 24.1 C 54 104 845 217 33.7 15.2 18.3 38.9 22.4 C B B D C 75 80 1111 300 50.1 D 27.2 C 19.0 B 39.6 D 24.9 C 399 723 1.2 A 13.8 B 5.6 A 8.2 A 444 736 1.2 13.0 5.2 7.5 A B A A 491 821 3.0 A 19.4 B 2.1 A 9.5 A 702 643 479 349 33.5 C 33.4 C 280.5 F 43.2 D 89.5 F 793 683 698 353 97.3 68.6 20.1 24.4 52.1 F E C C E 890 726 744 462 93.1 F 15.7 B 169.2 F 38.9 D 84.4 F 162 11 175 23.6 C 27.1 C 26.0 C 13.6 B 21.8 C 150 3 236 29.2 18.2 25.3 16.2 23.7 C B C B C 199 10 244 26.7 C 20.5 C 30.7 C 15.7 B 24.8 C 67 112 1232 551 31.8 C 22.9 C 19.2 B 17.2 B 19.2 B 86 150 1266 641 32.3 24.4 19.4 16.9 19.6 C C B B B 89 131 1466 832 29.3 C 19.7 B 22.8 C 16.6 B 20.8 C 335 70 1220 378 60.1 E 12.6 B 22.1 C 16.3 B 27.0 C 329 87 1302 476 67.6 14.6 24.2 17.4 28.9 E B C B C 445 77 1423 541 165.2 F 15.0 B 35.6 D 21.6 C 55.1 E 227 66.4 E #N/A 20.6 C 52.5 D 30.9 C 282 113.3 #N/A 26.1 54.8 41.7 F 243 C D D 1554 606 90.8 F #N/A 17.9 B 53.7 D 34.3 C Int # 27 - Airmont Road/Rella Blvd/Montebello Road EB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 46 - Route 59/Route 45 EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 51 - Route 45/Old Nyack Tpke EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 65 - Route 306/Bardonia Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 73 - Route 304/West Nyack Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 93 - Route 303/Snake Hill Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 1658 418 1698 475 Int #92 - Route 303/Int #12 Off Ramp EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 307 25.4 C 344 29.2 C 359 31.3 C 536 370 20.0 B 29.9 C 24.3 C 620 359 18.6 B 29.1 C 24.2 C 787 721 17.9 B 33.9 C 26.6 C Int # 91 - Route 303/Mall Exit EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit #N/A 30.0 C 4.7 A 370 661 29.9 C 18.7 B 22.7 C 359 738 29.1 C 18.8 B 22.1 C 721 933 33.9 C 21.1 C 26.7 C 215 500 608 407 7.9 A 33.9 C 17.5 B 17.0 B 20.9 C 225 511 701 436 11.0 41.8 31.2 26.2 30.5 225 583 648 624 23.2 C 27.0 C 113.7 F 19.0 B 51.2 D Int # 107 - Route 9W/High EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit B D C C C Table C80 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) Volume NB 2010 Delay LOS Volume NB 2017 Delay LOS Volume NB Delay LOS Int # 116 - Main St/Franklin St EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 131 186 59 150 12.8 B 9.9 A 15.0 B 13.9 B 12.3 B 98 171 95 144 16.9 10.0 16.4 15.2 14.0 B A B B B 297 311 139 221 17.4 B 11.0 B 12.4 B 16.3 B 14.4 B 126 138 211 114 12.0 B 13.9 B 19.8 B 14.4 B 15.7 B 124 120 278 99 9.2 12.0 20.2 17.1 16.0 A B C B B 284 242 279 151 14.9 B 15.8 B 23.7 C 17.1 B 18.0 B 975 902 958 14.7 B 51.6 D 38.8 C 34.6 C 1000 832 958 20.2 C 52.7 41.1 25.5 C 1076.667 964 1082.667 86.1 F 140.2 F 43.0 D 76.1 E 712 612 815 26.6 C 7.7 A 19.0 B 18.3 B 677 598 906 24.7 8.6 18.8 17.8 722 677.6667 1094.5 25.8 C 8.1 A 15.6 B 16.5 B Int # 120 - Main St/Broadway EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit EB 11 Ramps & Rt 59( New Intersection) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum Composit Airmont RD/I-287 EB Ramps EB NB SB Composit Airmont RD/I-287 wB Ramps WB NB SB Composit C A B B Table C81 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – PM Existing 2010 Volume Delay LOS Airmont Rd and Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit College road ad Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Rt 306 & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Main St(Rt 59) & Rt 9W EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Chestnut & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit NewClarkstown Rd & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum Composit Pascack Rd Bypass & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Grand View Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Co Rd 33 ( N Middletown Road) & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Smith St & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Mountainview Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB1 Sum SB2 Sum NB Sum Composit NB 2017 Delay Volume LOS NB 2047 Delay Volume LOS 850 838 1082 672 132.2 F 36.3 D 28.6 C 38.8 D 58.1 E 795 902 1046 716 150.5 F 50.7 D 30.6 C 45.3 D 66.4 E 955 93.8863 F 1089 52.38202 D 1083 40.91852 D 672 183.003 F 82.6502 F 935 868 279 407 30.5 C 19.6 B 20.3 C 29.4 C 25.4 C 961 858 329 481 38.6 D 20.8 C 17.7 B 29.8 C 28.6 C 1012 39.22997 D 1003 22.07117 C 314 19.0174 B 566 40.55307 D 31.35311 C 851 767 385 373 129.6 F 78.0 E 30.4 C 30.5 C 81.3 F 908 776 414 377 111.3 F 144.6 F 29.6 C 34.3 C 96.4 F 909 35.75725 D 918 93.1706 F 501 34.31577 C 552 48.20812 D 56.19578 E 1017 121 612 308 39.8 D 27.3 C 37.0 D 33.4 C 37.3 D 1060 141 464 359 50.7 D 32.8 C 38.1 D 38.2 D 44.3 D 1175 48.54022 D 131 35.8385 D 518 40.3016 D 359 36.21422 D 43.79777 D 358 486 69 112 23.1 C 17.9 B 10.9 B 6.1 A 20 B 356 559 65 102 30.8 C 19.3 B 10.5 B 6.9 A 21.4 C 257 8.4008 A 685 74.9977 E 89 29.9674 C 170 15.05669 B 48.9252 D 812 1216 387 7.2 A 26.6 C 15.4 B 18.3 B 887 1421 318 7.7 A 17.0 B 31.5 C 15.6 B 1044 1449 492 995 1528 664 351 28.9 C 108.6 F 9.1 A 26.2 C 59.3 E 1022 1615 763 379 29.4 C 57.6 E 10.3 B 25.4 C 37.2 D 1249 20.6992 C 1580 122.5706 F 747 82.6258 F 352 54.55126 D 76.48048 E 1004 1473 662 360 51.4 D 46.1 D 43.5 D 50.5 D 47.6 D 1022 1521 689 338 25.2 C 61.1 E 50.7 D 36.3 D 46.5 D 1167 34.01063 C 1795 82.7371 F 772 41.3056 D 490 69.83874 E 60.20497 E 1303 1346 588 418 38.2 D 80.7 F 28.6 C 32.4 C 51.6 D 1399 1347 556 417 49.6 D 31.4 C 35.7 D 45.7 D 40.5 D 1682 52.13788 D 1494 33.93859 C 658 35.86555 D 469 43.785 D 42.42189 D 547 1893 275 173 19.3 B 81.6 F 51.6 D 32.1 C 64 E 509 1864 322 189 19.6 B 78.1 E 69.5 E 30.0 C 63.7 E 584 19.83523 B 1855 126.4357 F 375 98.8246 F 199 30.63452 C 96.00979 F 826 852 197 574 65 26.2 C 49.2 D 48.0 D 46.4 D 57.7 E 41.1 D 934 706 170 573 57 23.0 C 41.1 D 50.6 D 52.6 D 55.9 E 37.9 D 938 27.71703 C 793 46.9027 D 205 48.6201 D 631 63.4544 E 61 51.82115 D 44.2798 D 6.64918 A 53.1809 D 30.6156 C 33.18761 C Table C81 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) Existing 2010 Volume Delay LOS Spook Rock & Airmont EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 8 - Orange Avenue/Lafayette Avenue(Rt 59) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit NB 2017 Delay Volume LOS NB 2047 Delay Volume 558 148 490 231 LOS 336 124 388 195 6.7 A 21.8 C 23.8 C 26.0 C 18.4 B 374 144 407 173 5.8 A 21.0 C 18.8 B 21.3 C 15 B 8.95351 A 18.9303 B 30.9228 C 31.5928 C 21.19849 C 121 112 356 655 47.2 D 67.2 E 31.1 C 62.6 E 52.5 D 125 133 375 617 34.5 C 78.1 E 35.4 D 80.3 F 62 E 383 1.8 A #N/A 11.5 B 5.1 A 7.6 A 515 2.0 A #N/A 13.9 B 4.6 A 8.3 A 3.18009 A #N/A 1240 47.3123 D 529 6.45014 A 28.77777 C 154 74.8899 E 266 151.912 F 348 15.66922 B 1031 52.9456 D 62.24649 E Int # 27 - Airmont Road/Rella Blvd/Montebello Road EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 802 412 885 457 437 Int # 46 - Route 59/Route 45 EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 947 956 637 285 82.0 F 86.9 F 152.6 F 57.5 E 97.1 F 885 1084 627 387 19.6 B 12.0 B 55.6 E 47.1 D 28 C 1033 30.2888 C 1382 36.52841 D 648 85.7051 F 469 198.7412 F 65.25138 E 112 103 163 177 23.0 C 16.2 B 22.2 C 16.8 B 19.5 B 179 57 272 209 29.9 C 17.3 B 29.0 C 14.3 B 24 C 247 30.78019 C 92 18.6694 B 298 23.55918 C 240 17.17316 B 23.33588 C 80 195 790 1068 24.2 C 18.2 B 17.1 B 20.9 C 19.4 B 91 222 841 1073 31.9 C 20.1 C 17.7 B 19.7 B 19.5 B 90 28.5975 C 280 19.4547 B 1033 18.4582 B 1189 23.27673 C 21.12682 C 343 327 867 1164 220.2 F 28.6 C 19.4 B 33.2 C 51.9 D 444 273 899 1167 26.2 C 12.0 B 48.3 D 58.8 E 45.6 D 504 35.2874 D 336 13.19191 B 1050 137.9658 F 1185 73.2438 E 82.5626 F 787 22.1 C 805 693 1777 6.9 A 28.6 C 22.4 C 696 1872 21.1 C #N/A 7.0 A 33.9 C 25.3 C 1001 43.6 D 1088 26.7 C 1235 34.1943 C 233 1192 40.6 D 23.5 C 33.4 C 278 1228 38.2 D 39.6 D 34 C 342 1288 38.3908 D 45.3585 D 39.71328 D 101 36.3 D 43 30.9 C 58 32.0457 C 1192 335 23.5 C 10.5 B 21.6 C 1228 428 39.6 D 11.8 B 32.4 C 1288 45.3585 D 507 10.81275 B 35.49372 D 587 426 94 499 9.8 A 38.4 D 15.0 B 9.4 A 24.6 C 443 435 96 643 8.4 A 21.3 C 12.4 B 9.2 A 15 B 346 6.63444 A 508 27.00132 C 118 14.5968 B 715 9.44345 A 17.88413 B Int # 51 - Route 45/Old Nyack Tpke EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 65 - Route 306/Bardonia Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 73 - Route 306/West Nyack Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 93 - Route 303/Snake Hill Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 747 19.8942 B #N/A 776 8.89229 A 2031 32.29828 C 24.58273 C Int #92 - Route 303/Int #12 Off Ramp EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 91 - Route 303/Mall Exit EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 107 - Route 9W/High EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Table C81 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) Existing 2010 Volume Delay LOS NB 2017 Delay Volume LOS Volume NB 2047 Delay LOS Int # 116 - Main St/Franklin St EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 285 201 60 127 15.2 B 11.4 B 14.5 B 10.9 B 13.1 B 275 198 60 96 16.6 B 9.3 A 11.4 B 12.4 B 13.2 B 259 14.9391 B 222 10.42077 B 71 13.785 B 142 15.9646 B 13.58399 B 243 113 97 127 14.5 B 14.0 B 15.0 B 11.8 B 13.9 B 259 114 139 140 13.3 B 11.1 B 16.1 B 13.4 B 13.5 B 254 11.8128 B 117 11.3214 B 143 18.01031 B 177 16.8928 B 14.31339 B 451 1239 1192 16.9 B 18.6 B 17.3 B 17.8 B 459 1290 1287 33.0 C 18.0 B 10.5 B 17 B 798.3333333 47.53368 D 1488.666667 42.8307 D 1125.666667 38.91616 D 36.2 D 1100 807 741 25.8 C 20.1 C 29.3 C 25.1 C 1155 857 901 24.5 C 19.3 B 34.9 C 26.2 C 1240.333333 79.2781 E 1102.666667 21.19383 C 874 31.91109 C 46.5 D Int # 120 - Main St/Broadway EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit EB 11 Ramps & Rt 59 ( New Intersection) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum Composit Airmont RD/I-287 EB Ramps EB NB SB Composit Airmont RD/I-287 wB Ramps WB NB SB Composit Table C82 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – AM LOS S Broadway and 119 NB SB EB WB Composit S Broadway/I-287 EB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/I-287 WB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/Benedict Ave SB EB WB Composit 119/Taxter Rd NB EB WB Composit 119/S Stone Ave NB SB EB WB Composit 119 Ramp EB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB EB Composit 119 Ramp WB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB WB Composit 119/Aquaeduct Rd NB SB EB WB Composit 119/N Central Ave NB SB EB (119) WB (119) Composit Bronx River PKWY/N Central Ave NB EB WB Composit 119/Main Ave/Bank NB EB Composit Volume AM - 2010 Sum Delay LOS Volume NB 2017 Delay LOS Volume NB 2047 Delay LOS 1353 846 135 613 21.7 19.5 53.8 19.4 22.1 C B D B C 1306 832 295 832 18.4 19.7 73.6 21.5 24.5 B B E C C 1252 898 235 641 41.7 D 22.9 C 56.6 E 51.6 D 39.4 D 548 1095 0 1243 102.2 21.2 0.0 12.0 32.6 F C A B C 468 1105 0 1380 164.1 33.3 0.0 12.7 44.4 F C A B D 430 1207 0 1349 2986 380.9 F 45.0 D 0.0 A 10.3 B 77.7 E 557 16 517 469 38.5 0.0 29.2 24.8 30.9 D A C C C 704 16 726 645 50.2 0.0 33.5 25.3 36.3 D A C C D 560 16 497 468 62.3 E 0.0 A 27.9 C 24.7 C 39.1 D 516 791 985 16.8 22.3 67.1 40.3 B C E D 682 898 1039 18.4 22.0 46.8 30.9 B C D C 868 886 906 44.4 D 22.4 C 64.5 E 43.9 D 1079 1557 868 44.4 33.1 9.1 30.6 D C A C 1167 1579 839 82.8 34.6 8.8 44.2 F C A D 1319 1670 1031 4020 149.6 F 53.5 D 9.0 A 73.7 E 644 587 2028 909 58.4 28.1 84.8 41.6 63.3 E C F D E 630 603 2095 1074 35.5 25.9 74.4 41.4 54.2 D C E D D 656 648 2115 955 3718 50.6 D 26.4 C 85.5 F 38.8 D 61.3 E 641 685 489 163.3 6.4 62.6 77.0 F A E E 542 644 506 183.5 7.1 69.2 82.2 F A E F 674 678 522 1874 211.5 F 6.6 A 54.0 D 93.5 F 830 706 580 26.1 23.7 29.5 26.0 C C C C 790 622 583 24.5 20.1 17.8 21.2 C C B C 892 761 590 24.3 C 24.1 C 21.6 C 23.5 C 1087 1145 2128 1044 11.6 19.9 81.1 36.0 45.4 B B F D D 1059 1123 2069 1099 51.7 21.5 57.5 33.7 43.9 D C E C D 1107 1048 1975 1238 75.4 E 26.4 C 58.1 E 38.5 D 50.9 D 360 769 2052 832 330.6 47.8 27.6 5.2 54.0 F D C A D 557 792 1879 798 217.4 43.8 32.7 5.1 55.0 F D C A D 382 799 1936 930 4047 352.7 F 45.5 D 35.5 D 7.8 A 61.1 E 151 1370 778 8.8 148.9 0.0 89.3 A F A F 88 1871 831 10.5 41.6 0.0 28.3 B D A C 192 1484 726 26.9 C 202.2 F 5.8 A 128.8 F 33.8 C 34.9 C 34.7 C 1003 4118 26.0 C 34.9 C 33.1 C 1102 3794 38.1 D 61.8 E 56.4 E 964 3970 Table C82 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) LOS Volume Hamilton St/ Bank NB 1077 WB 1347 Composit E Post Rd/Mamroneck NB 561 SB 127 EB 627 WB 255 Composit Westchester Ave/Bloomindale Rd * NB 388 SB 603 EB 805 WB 1777 Composit I-287 Int 8W/Bloomindale Rd * NB 85 SB 705 EB 250 WB 1582 Composit Westchester Ave EB/ White Plains Rd NB 640 SB 222 EB 1154 Composit Westchester Ave WB/ White Plains Rd NB 173 SBWB 929 WB 1216 Composit Bryant Ave/ North St NB 838 SB 588 EB 160 WB 420 Composit Westchester AV E/Kenilworth RD NB 147 SB 300 EB 240 Composit Westechester AV W/Kenilworth Rd NB 151 SB 146 WB 746 Composit Westchester Ave E/ Webb NB 119 EB 624 Composit Polly Park Rd/Purchase St NB 295 SB 388 EB 52 WB 60 Composit Bowman Ave/Webb NB 278 SB 111 EB 176 WB 51 Composit Westchester Ave/Ridge ST NB 371 SB 499 EB 806 WB 778 Composit AM - 2010 Sum Delay LOS 13.1 B 15.3 B 14.3 B Volume NB 2017 Delay LOS Volume NB 2047 Delay LOS 1095 1215 11.1 B 13.7 B 12.4 B 1178 1356 17.3 B 15.8 B 16.5 B 5.0 24.4 30.0 28.2 20.4 A C C C C 484 120 729 319 5.6 A 25.3 C 21.7 C 26.7 C 18.2 B 660 217 576 384 1837 7.4 A 42.2 D 91.7 F 26.4 C 41.9 D 32.7 16.4 55.0 21.3 29.3 C B D C C 370 592 1013 1554 34.2 C 15.3 B 54.3 D 19.1 B 30.2 C 384 599 943 1662 35.7 D 15.0 B 48.7 D 19.7 B 28.3 C 37.9 29.1 43.4 24.7 28.1 D C D C C 51 598 350 1692 31.8 C 31.4 C 108.0 F 21.2 C 35.0 C 50 636 294 1887 41.9 D 33.4 C 66.7 E 25.4 C 31.7 C 29.6 C 22.2 C 19.4 23.0 958 754 921 33.3 C 30.7 C 21.4 C 28.4 C 1125 787 1126 46.3 D 43.1 D 22.4 C 36.6 D 35.4 D 33.7 C 55.9 45.4 817 571 571 16.5 B 24.3 C 24.5 C 21.1 C 1040 550 550 20.1 C 25.6 C 26.2 C 23.1 C 46.5 30.4 12.2 14.8 32.4 D C B B C 946 524 129 469 47.6 D 25.6 C 8.2 A 16.0 B 32.4 C 1145 621 209 645 57.0 E 30.3 C 18.7 B 20.0 B 38.5 D 0.0 3.6 4.1 3.0 A A A A 183 217 374 0.0 A 3.0 A 2.7 A 21.1 A 173 237 440 0.0 A 3.2 A 2.6 A 2.2 A 4.2 2.2 0.0 0.9 A A A A 162 70 1106 4.1 A 1.6 A 0.0 A 0.6 A 162 125 1220 4.1 A 2.6 A 0.0 A 0.7 A 0.6 A 1.1 A 1.0 A 180 496 0.4 A 1.4 A 1.1 A 164 588 0.1 A 1.2 A 1A 9.4 12.6 15.3 16.0 11.8 A B B B B 237 431 36 62 10.9 B 12.2 B 8.0 A 17.7 B 12.0 B 291 470 38 74 10.0 B 14.7 B 12.1 B 14.8 B 13 B 11.9 16.6 15.8 8.8 13.6 B B B A B 362 92 155 42 9.4 A 18.9 B 13.6 B 12.1 B 11.9 B 404 73 174 58 10.4 B 13.4 B 15.6 B 8.5 A 11.8 B 15.6 83.7 48.1 16.7 40.5 B F D B D 296 412 610 708 16.2 B 103.2 F 11.0 B 18.1 B 33.0 C 291 642 679 793 17.2 B 48.9 D 12.8 B 16.1 B 24 C Table C82 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) LOS Bowman Ave/S Ridge St NB SB EB WB Composit Ochard NB SB WB Composit Main /MLK NB EB Composit Hamilton/Cottage PL SB EB WB Composit I-287 EB/Rt 100A EB NB SB Composit I-287 WB/Rt 100A WB NB SB Composit Exit 8A Off Ramp/Rt 119 EB WB NB SB Composit Exit 2 WB Off Ramps/Rt 9A WB SB NB Composit Exit 2 EB On ramp/Rt 9A NB SB Composit Exit 5 ramps/Rt 9A EB WB NB Composit Exit 6 EB ramps/Rt 22 EB NB SB Composit Exit 6 WB ramps/Rt 22 WB NB SB Composit Exit 9S EB ramps<Westchester Ave EB - i-287 ramp EB Westchetser Ave Composit I-287 EB Exit ramps/Boston Post Rd EB NB SB Composit Volume AM - 2010 Sum Delay LOS Volume NB 2017 Delay LOS Volume NB 2047 Delay LOS 425 586 350 168 26.9 C 35.0 C 27.9 C 27.1 C 30.2 C 319 604 348 265 28.5 39.3 29.5 27.3 32.8 C D C C C 325 689 335 216 25.0 C 35.7 D 29.9 C 29.7 C 31.4 C 876 1380 619 28.5 C 16.2 B 22.6 C 21.3 C 777 1435 806 31.0 15.1 23.2 21.4 C B C C 876 1721 838 34.0 C 31.0 C 24.8 C 30.3 C 1162 1912 42.3 D 7.8 A 20.8 C 1097 1847 30.6 C 6.8 A 15.7 B 1132 1623 45.1 D 27.7 C 34.8 C 367 395 926 59.8 E 8.2 A 17.8 B 24.7 C 377 337 975 62.1 8.0 19.8 26.9 E A B C 389 612 1038 70.4 E 8.8 A 27.5 C 30.1 C 747 1009 834 20.80209 C 6.74007 A 19.99932 B 15.0653763 B 559 1216 457 19.0 8.4 6.7 10.7 B A A B 735 1343 568 31.1 C 8.4 A 8.9 A 14.8 B 677 754 941 32.6498 C 12.41171 B 9.507786 A 17.0359066 B 428 619 818 8.4 15.8 9.1 11.1 A B A B 500 738 910 9.7 A 17.2 B 9.5 A 12.2 B 475 454 187 902 21.599844 C 32.47994 C 11.7481 B 3.927759 A 15.2356551 B 1170 653 95 617 57.2 52.8 16.4 10.8 43.2 E D B B D 1351 622 101 939 78.3 E 54.4 D 16.9 B 11.8 B 50.6 D 886 961 637 41.6298 D 24.85 C 4.05991 A 25.5036294 C 1182 607 523 9.4 26.3 27.9 18.0 A C C B 1312 668 496 10.3 B 26.9 C 26.7 C 18.1 B 1198 846 11.28167 B 4.60895 A 8.51986906 A 818 929 10.6 B 5.0 A 7.6 A 789 973 9.6 A 5.1 A 7.1 A 1040 2142 822 0A 3.36282 A 15.835896 B 5.05001672 A 1119 1804 964 24.3 5.0 2.0 9.8 C A A A 1163 2030 826 22.1 C 4.9 A 1.2 A 9.1 A 816 970 834 9.06699 A 16.2443 B 12.39892 B 12.7848604 B 1027 661 975 14.1 11.6 9.7 11.9 B B A B 1106 927 1417 26.2 C 13.3 B 13.7 B 17.6 B 801 32 280 17.31654 B 59.79338 E 43.98695 D 25.247334 C 820 2 137 17.4 9.0 27.3 18.8 B A C B 851 2 123 17.8 B 15.2 B 27.4 C 19 B 1531 16.3775255 B 1468 25.47374 C 20.8300907 C 1357 173 9.9 A 23.6 C 11.5 B 1351 187 9.5 A 21.2 C 10.9 B 819 103 283 24.0 C 36.5 D 12.2 B 22.3 C 678 124 357 21.3555 C 38.02464 D 19.43885 B 22.5485365 C 914 66 263 24.6 29.6 13.6 22.5 C C B C Table C83 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – PM LOS S Broadway and 119 NB SB EB WB Composit S Broadway/I-287 EB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/I-287 WB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/Benedict Ave SB EB WB Composit 119/Taxter Rd NB EB WB Composit 119/S Stone Ave NB SB EB WB Composit 119 Ramp EB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB EB Composit 119 Ramp WB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB WB Composit 119/Aquaeduct Rd NB SB EB WB Composit 119/N Central Ave NB SB EB (119) WB (119) Composit Bronx River PKWY/N Central Ave NB EB WB Composit 119/Main Ave/Bank NB EB Composit Hamilton St/ Bank NB WB Composit Volume NB 2010 Delay LOS Volume NB 2017 Delay LOS Volume NB 2047 Delay LOS 1365 1070 141 743 52.8 28.5 34.8 14.5 35.6 D C C B D 1372 900 121 596 69.4 E 31.4 C 31.9 C 15.4 B 45.7 D 1359 841 171 1098 43.3 D 35.3 D 34.6 C 16.9 B 32.6 C 1189 1363 0 476 47.4 7.6 0.0 21.1 25.4 D A A C C 1132 1137 0 490 51.5 D 8.0 A 0.0 A 20.2 C 28 C 1067 1273 0 557 81.4 F 15.4 B 0.0 A 33.1 C 43.1 D 320 13 582 667 25.0 0.0 36.3 12.0 23.4 C A D B C 197 13 588 640 27.8 C 0.0 A 33.4 C 14.4 B 23.9 C 429 16 705 982 28.3 C 0.0 A 33.0 C 18.5 B 25.1 C 277 604 711 34.0 27.3 22.7 26.4 C C C C 294 573 655 34.6 C 27.3 C 21.7 C 26.3 C 275 645 908 39.7 D 28.4 C 25.9 C 28.9 C 691 787 1173 33.9 61.5 10.1 31.5 C E B C 675 846 1208 55.2 E 65.7 E 11.2 B 39.0 D 606 780 1507 196.5 F 110.1 F 9.9 A 76.0 E 767 696 1394 813 87.1 30.7 31.2 32.2 43.0 F C C C D 751 770 1363 770 101.5 F 33.5 C 45.3 D 33.4 C 51.9 D 779 766 1339 942 93.5 F 31.1 C 34.6 C 37.1 D 46.5 D 598 820 387 16.3 3.7 32.0 13.9 B A C B 626 957 413 26.6 C 4.4 A 33.1 C 17.3 B 699 1041 441 28.7 C 4.8 A 41.1 D 19.8 B 706 1049 583 17.6 29.9 29.8 26.2 B C C C 789 1101 597 19.6 B 29.8 C 29.8 C 26.6 C 820 1250 664 24.2 C 31.6 C 36.5 D 30.6 C 790 580 1847 1666 4.3 39.6 38.6 45.4 35.5 A D D D D 828 687 1997 1728 4.9 A 66.0 E 40.6 D 52.8 D 42.3 D 828 650 1930 1851 5.0 A 49.4 D 41.3 D 57.4 E 42.2 D 647 1254 1325 2025 38.4 17.5 24.1 34.4 28.3 D B C C C 696 1194 1459 2370 35.9 D 21.0 C 25.9 C 49.3 D 35.8 D 735 1233 1375 2488 39.1 D 21.6 C 22.5 C 57.2 E 39.2 D 327 1431 1289 37.8 38.4 18.4 29.8 D D B C 262 1281 1325 42.1 D 72.3 E 28.0 C 49.1 D 254 1378 1357 39.6 D 109.6 F 28.5 C 66.9 E 1742 2831 29.2 C 35.7 D 33.2 C 1136 2967 23.2 C 42.1 D 36.9 D 1093 2757 26.4 C 62.6 E 52.3 D 1802 2373 16.2 B 11.1 B 13.3 B 1274 2889 11.6 B 8.8 A 9.7 A 1257 2778 13.2 B 9.4 A 10.6 B Table C83 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) LOS Volume E Post Rd/Mamroneck NB 798 SB 654 EB 442 WB 605 Composit Westchester Ave/Bloomindale Rd * NB 582 SB 166 EB 649 WB 1477 Composit I-287 Int 8W/Bloomindale Rd * NB 934 SB 607 EB 340 WB 1215 Composit Westchester Ave EB/ White Plains Rd NB 183 SB 425 EB 1154 Composit Westchester Ave WB/ White Plains Rd NB 173 SBWB 929 WB 929 Composit Bryant Ave/ North St NB 681 SB 758 EB 477 WB 999 Composit Westchester AV E/Kenilworth RD NB 249 SB 196 EB 927 Composit Westechester AV W/Kenilworth Rd NB 304 SB 128 WB 943 Composit Westchester Ave E/ Webb NB 90 EB 986 Composit Polly Park Rd/Purchase St NB 159 SB 323 EB 110 WB 416 Composit Bowman Ave/Webb NB 184 SB 227 EB 59 WB 389 Composit Westchester Ave/Ridge ST NB 341 SB 376 EB 747 WB 238 Composit NB 2010 Delay LOS Volume NB 2017 Delay LOS Volume NB 2047 Delay LOS 45.9 D 61.2 E 56.1 E 18.5 B 45.1 D 450 466 633 597 28.2 C 57.3 E 25.0 C 24.0 C 32.4 C 483 575 831 485 34.6 84.1 37.9 21.9 45.2 C F D C D 38.6 D 29.0 C 24.1 C 19.9 B 25.1 C 421 142 986 1272 31.4 C 25.7 C 35.6 D 20.9 C 27.8 C 615 251 996 1533 28.0 28.7 32.6 21.1 26.3 C C C C C 17.4 B 37.0 D 54.9 D 27.0 C 29.1 C 927 661 376 892 54.2 D 33.8 C 75.8 E 32.3 C 45.5 D 901 651 375 1296 20.0 33.6 62.4 45.1 37.8 B C E D D 24.6 C 24.2 C 19.2 B 20.9 C 608 851 920 52.4 D 102.3 F 13.7 B 55.3 E 730 828 1178 78.4 83.1 13.9 52.1 E F B D 38.5 D 29.3 C 24.7 C 28.0 C 573 874 874 12.9 B 53.7 D 36.4 D 37.1 D 557 880 880 13.7 44.2 32.0 32.2 B D C C 32.3 C 27.4 C 21.4 C 8.6 A 21.1 C 720 682 408 745 34.4 C 33.2 C 30.4 C 20.9 C 29.5 C 913 856 418 986 38.9 30.1 23.8 9.2 25.3 D C C A C 0.0 3.9 2.0 1.9 A A A A 359 200 376 0.0 A 3.3 A 0.9 A 1.1 A 506 265 925 0.7 4.8 2.1 2.1 A A A A 5.9 1.9 0.0 1.5 A A A A 268 160 960 6.8 A 1.9 A 0.0 A 1.5 A 395 162 1363 14.2 4.5 0.0 3.3 B A A A 0.0 A 1.2 A 1.1 A 112 1003 1.0 A 1.2 A 1.2 A 86 1466 34.6 C 7.9 A 10.3 B 91.7 F 47.0 D 135 430 113 434 22.7 C 8.8 A 11.6 B 56.4 E 29.3 C 155 479 166 257 59.9 10.1 10.4 43.4 25.5 E B B D C 31.6 C 19.6 B 13.7 B 24.8 C 24.1 C 311 218 85 346 13.0 B 16.7 B 18.4 B 26.3 C 19.1 B 330 263 47 255 14.2 32.1 12.5 27.2 23.1 B C B C C 21.2 C 124.6 F 9.0 A 23.3 C 39.0 D 357 171 855 344 25.8 C 242.5 F 9.6 A 18.5 B 37.8 D 964 36 1122 419 61.5 542.6 93.7 23.5 76.3 E F F C E 1.4 A 1.6 A 1.6 A Table C83 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) LOS Bowman Ave/S Ridge St NB SB EB WB Composit Ochard NB SB WB Composit Main /MLK NB EB Composit Hamilton/Cottage PL SB EB WB Composit I-287 EB/Rt 100A EB NB SB Composit I-287 WB/Rt 100A WB NB SB Composit Exit 8A Off Ramp/Rt 119 EB WB NB SB Composit Exit 2 WB Off Ramps/Rt 9A WB SB NB Composit Exit 2 EB On ramp/Rt 9A NB SB Composit Exit 5 ramps/Rt 9A EB WB NB Composit Exit 6 EB ramps/Rt 22 EB NB SB Composit Exit 6 WB ramps/Rt 22 WB NB SB Composit Exit 9S EB ramps<Westchester Ave EB - i-287 ramp EB Westchetser Ave Composit I-287 EB Exit ramps/Boston Post Rd EB NB SB Composit Volume NB 2010 Delay LOS Volume NB 2017 Delay LOS Volume NB 2047 Delay LOS 693 463 341 212 33.1 31.6 17.1 16.4 27.4 C C B B C 715 285 321 250 37.6 30.6 17.2 21.2 29.5 D C B C C 803 111 406 228 56.7 E 32.0 C 18.6 B 20.5 C 39.6 D 925 1010 828 41.1 14.4 34.2 29.3 D B C C 983 1033 698 44.6 18.7 32.0 31.5 D B C C 990 1148 727 44.0 D 18.3 B 33.9 C 31.1 C 1312 1605 41.2 D 14.7 B 26.6 C 1961 1281 25.7 C 15.8 B 21.8 C 1633 1255 35.1 D 22.0 C 29.4 C 237 648 1344 39.8 8.3 15.2 15.8 D A B B 284 583 1297 34.7 8.8 15.8 16.4 C A B B 292 467 1591 40.6 D 13.5 B 14.6 B 17.6 B 747 20.80209 C 1009 6.74007 A 834 19.99932 B 15.06538 B 674 1070 888 16.9 8.4 20.2 14.5 B A C B 813 1131 951 18.7 B 8.7 A 24.4 C 16.7 B 677 32.6498 C 754 12.41171 B 941 9.507786 A 17.03591 B 726 695 866 55.6 10.1 15.8 26.7 E B B C 785 823 946 57.7 E 11.6 B 18.1 B 28.2 C 475 21.59984 C 454 32.47994 C 187 11.7481 B 902 3.927759 A 15.23566 B 501 419 198 886 21.7 33.8 14.7 3.4 15.5 C C B A B 480 589 233 1136 24.3 C 35.6 D 17.5 B 13.8 B 21.5 C D C A C 856 1074 658 43.5 25.9 5.4 26.5 D C A C 793 1188 622 27.4 C 26.2 C 4.7 A 21.4 C 1198 11.28167 B 846 4.60895 A 8.519869 A 1197 919 11.0 B 4.4 A 1207 920 11.8 B 4.4 A 8.6 A 1041 7.75361 A 2141 4.524783 A 2141 15.6916 B 9.647714 A 1124 2045 874 8.1 3.9 16.2 7.7 A A B A 1126 2315 791 8.2 A 4.3 A 13.1 B 7.0 A 816 9.06699 970 16.2443 834 12.39892 12.78486 A B B B 837 949 732 9.5 19.6 11.9 14.0 A B B B 743 982 857 11.0 B 18.8 B 12.6 B 14.5 B 801 17.31654 B 32 59.79338 E 280 43.98695 D 25.24733 C 664 65 319 16.7 33.7 44.3 26.2 B C D C 817 21 362 17.5 B 41.2 D 56.4 E 29.6 C 1531 16.37753 B 1468 25.47374 C 20.83009 C 1691 1191 17.3 B 22.3 C 19.3 B 1783 1456 30.0 C 25.5 C 28.0 C 678 21.3555 C 124 38.02464 D 357 19.43885 B 22.54854 C 644 170 372 518 145 458 24.5 C 31.2 C 18.9 B 23.1 C 886 961 637 41.6298 24.85 4.05991 25.50363 24.0 36.7 17.3 23.7 C D B C 2017 and 2047 Highway Build (A1) & Highway Build + HOV (A2) Results Table C84 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – AM Volume Airmont Rd and Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit College road ad Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Rt 306 & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Main St(Rt 59) & Rt 9W EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Chestnut & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit NewClarkstown Rd & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum Composit Pascack Rd Bypass & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Grand View Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Co Rd 33 ( N Middletown Road) & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Smith St & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Mountainview Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB1 Sum SB2 Sum NB Sum Composit Alt A1 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS 833 571 1181 400 44.5 D 39.9 D 28.3 C 19.0 B 33.8 C 942 567 1307 505 34.8 C 231.2 F 21.8 C 41.5 D 64.2 E 904 515 1008.5 458 31.2 C 144.2 F 23.1 C 47.9 D 51.2 D 977 530 1162 476 40.3 D 255.0 F 28.3 C 45.8 D 72.9 E 1063 567 193 273 41.1 D 15.9 B 7.9 A 24.8 C 29.1 C 1152 619 239 341 43.7 D 14.3 B 15.4 B 67.0 E 36.5 D 948 539 163 274.5 29.2 C 13.7 B 8.5 A 22.5 C 22.1 C 1123 696 253 313 50.3 D 15.1 B 14.5 B 34.6 C 34.1 C 745 733 442 256 65.0 E 83.0 F 27.9 C 20.9 C 58.3 E 814 763 519 295 74.5 E 78.1 E 27.1 C 26.7 C 59.5 E 736 722 439 259 55.3 E 61.4 E 26.5 C 20.0 B 47.3 D 819 739 591.5 352 87.7 F 156.4 F 29.9 C 28.5 C 86.0 F 580 257 678 251 12.3 B 20.4 C 33.8 C 44.4 D 26.3 C 1052 314 649 296 21.5 C 20.3 C 57.7 E 54.6 D 35.7 D 568 252 724 266 6.6 A 20.5 C 50.7 D 40.9 D 31.2 C 604 297.5 588 345 7.1 A 18.9 B 46.7 D 45.2 D 28.9 C 357 237 189 44 15.4 B 15.2 B 10.1 B 6.4 A 13.6 B 523 293 273 55 38.0 D 20.4 C 12.4 B 9.0 A 26.0 C 330 233 187 44 14.0 B 15.4 B 10.3 B 2.4 A 12.9 B 543 303.5 205 52.5 32.9 C 22.3 C 12.5 B 5.8 A 24.9 C 2183 881 929 11.3 B 24.7 C 41.2 D 24.9 C 2457 1058 919 14.3 B 29.0 C 35.9 D 25.3 C 2541 1180 995 16.5 B 18.2 B 38.6 D 23.5 C 2981 1310 888 17.3 B 24.1 C 37.2 D 24.5 C 1436 791 643 351 34.8 C 13.6 B 16.8 B 30.4 C 25.5 C 1541 1011 658 487 32.7 C 20.2 C 18.1 B 30.2 C 26.4 C 1654 1416 645 148 33.6 C 18.2 B 16.4 B 27.6 C 24.9 C 1828 1541.5 730.5 230 31.8 C 28.0 C 17.7 B 31.4 C 28.0 C 1416 1140 790 267 40.0 D 49.0 D 35.4 D 82.2 F 45.0 C 1540 1305 970 276 40.9 D 48.9 D 35.6 D 68.1 E 44.1 D 1628 1176 1459 253 46.2 D 59.4 E 26.2 C 128.9 F 47.8 D 1872.5 1316.5 1577 301 47.7 D 70.7 E 34.1 C 182.5 F 57.4 E 1308 455 582 175 31.6 C 21.5 C 34.1 C 35.7 D 30.6 C 1525 527 697 205 36.8 D 25.2 C 38.1 D 40.5 D 35.3 D 1197 467 624 166 23.0 C 24.1 C 35.3 D 41.6 D 27.6 C 1518 514.3333 691 223.5 32.2 C 22.3 C 33.9 C 38.7 D 31.4 C 832 1112 355 357 22.4 C 32.5 C 288.2 F 37.2 D 64.1 E 975 1189 367 392 24.0 C 37.1 D 285.5 F 39.2 D 64.2 E 677 1128 377 389 19.5 B 35.4 D 216.3 F 44.6 D 59.1 E 784.6667 1202.5 379.5 433.5 22.1 C 40.0 D 276.3 F 45.2 D 67.8 E 556 841 258 19.8 B 6.8 A 49.9 D 1002 788 235 19.5 B 6.2 A 46.6 D 573 866 244 19.4 B 4.9 A 45.1 D 582 778.5 238 23.7 C 6.7 A 45.8 D 40 38.8 D 10.8 B 211 33.1 C 14.0 B 46 43.8 D 10.1 B 54.5 36.6 D 12.7 B Table C84 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) Volume Spook Rock & Airmont EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 8 - Orange Avenue/Lafayette Avenue(Rt 59) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Alt A1 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS 292 87 626 114 6.3 A 31.1 C 27.3 C 20.1 C 21.4 C 326 126 791 124 7.3 A 31.1 C 251.1 F 25.6 C 152.2 F 203 102 630 95 6.9 A 29.4 C 32.3 C 13.9 B 25.3 C 214 130 804 150 6.3 A 34.0 C 63.3 E 23.1 C 46.3 D 53 82 968 239 40.3 D 24.0 C 8.2 A 70.8 E 21.6 C 68 90 1051 320 47.4 D 33.8 C 19.4 B 143.7 F 47.5 D 53 84 989 210 42.6 D 18.3 B 9.3 A 34.0 C 15.1 B 66 119 1074.5 267 44.1 D 15.7 B 17.3 B 158.8 F 43.1 D 446 746 0.6 A 12.7 B 2.8 A 6.5 A 480 844 2.2 A 20.6 C 1.9 A 9.8 A 527 674 1.6 A 17.2 B 1.9 A 7.9 A 565.5 690 3.8 A 22.0 C 2.4 A 9.7 A 784 729 621 402 33.1 C 17.4 B 39.0 D 27.8 C 29.2 C 867 797 682 501 70.9 E 20.8 C 160.8 F 38.5 D 72.7 E 817 946 826 345 34.9 C 39.2 D 48.1 D 32.1 C 39.7 D 976.5 988 907.5 443.5 76.0 E 53.0 D 139.6 F 39.1 D 81.6 F 164 10 196 31.4 C 18.0 B 26.3 C 18.8 B 25.4 C 226 14 211 29.4 C 19.0 B 28.7 C 14.6 B 24.4 C 161 10 248 28.5 C 10.0 A 24.6 C 20.1 C 24.4 C 194.5 4 277 26.6 C 12.7 B 24.5 C 19.0 B 23.5 C 122 147 1280 541 30.2 C 22.1 C 19.5 B 14.1 B 18.9 B 139 165 1569 669 26.5 C 16.9 B 25.1 C 16.1 B 22.3 C 52 126 1282 594 26.2 C 23.4 C 20.3 C 15.8 B 19.3 B 86 171 1443.5 742.5 33.7 C 18.3 B 22.1 C 15.5 B 20.2 C 281 86 1314 410 31.1 C 12.2 B 25.5 C 19.2 B 24.5 C 365 133 1541 451 55.5 E 16.4 B 42.6 D 18.8 B 38.8 D 370 47 1314 372 32.1 C 6.9 A 30.0 C 18.1 B 27.7 C 448 106.5 1419 474.5 180.0 F 9.8 A 34.7 C 20.4 C 57.5 E 499 23.3 C #N/A 13.8 B 36.1 D 19.0 B 584 22.4 C #N/A 18.9 B 37.0 D 23.1 C 555 20.9 C #N/A 13.7 B 33.7 C 18.4 B 650 26.2 C #N/A 16.7 B 35.7 D 22.1 C Int # 27 - Airmont Road/Rella Blvd/Montebello Road EB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 46 - Route 59/Route 45 EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 51 - Route 45/Old Nyack Tpke EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 65 - Route 306/Bardonia Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 73 - Route 304/West Nyack Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 93 - Route 303/Snake Hill Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 1768 412 1842 569 1771 456 1770.5 513.5 Int #92 - Route 303/Int #12 Off Ramp EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 378 25.1 C 376 28.5 C 326 29.8 C 358 29.1 C 502 332 19.2 B 30.2 C 24.0 C 650 606 17.5 B 33.2 C 25.8 C 623 396 18.3 B 29.6 C 24.4 C 672 515.5 18.1 B 48.1 D 30.7 C Int # 91 - Route 303/Mall Exit EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 4.7 A 26.2 C #N/A #N/A 332 658 30.2 C 16.8 B 21.3 C 606 803 33.2 C 18.0 B 24.5 C 396 745 29.6 C 21.4 C 24.2 C 515.5 802.5 48.1 D 17.1 B 29.3 C 180 356 721 501 22.9 C 70.3 E 30.3 C 11.0 B 32.2 C 187 384 813 782 18.8 B 90.4 F 148.9 F 19.6 B 80.6 F 160 420 724 475 24.7 C 105.8 F 48.1 D 12.5 B 50.1 D 170 333 759 583 17.2 B 88.6 F 81.9 F 10.7 B 54.6 D Int # 107 - Route 9W/High EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Table C84 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) Volume Alt A1 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS Int # 116 - Main St/Franklin St EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 213 447 165 156 12.4 B 13.3 B 16.1 B 17.1 B 14.2 B 396 529 193 124 16.4 B 14.5 B 17.1 B 12.4 B 15.3 B 246 472 121 107 14.6 B 12.8 B 15.3 B 13.6 B 13.7 B 259.5 498.6667 210 149 13.9 B 13.6 B 21.5 C 12.7 B 15.0 B 98 135 266 133 10.4 B 16.2 B 10.5 B 15.2 B 12.7 B 254 140 337 197 12.4 B 16.6 B 14.7 B 18.7 B 15.2 B 141 122 292 199 12.2 B 15.3 B 14.0 B 17.5 B 14.8 B 165 145 342.5 200 11.2 B 17.8 B 16.4 B 18.6 B 16.1 B 1278 877 161 35.9 D 36.1 D 38.3 D 36.1 D 1644 866 336 92.8 F 38.4 D 40.6 D 70.0 E 1577 869 157 37.9 D 38.7 D 32.2 C 37.8 D 1397 803 246 193.3 F 41.0 D 38.6 D 127.7 F 1039 871 957 26.8 C 40.8 41.7 24.7 C 1023 988 1097 603 881 1147 15.2 B 40.5 32.8 20.9 C 625 911 1280 657 643 907 25.9 C 7.8 A 16.1 B 16.6 B 786 721 1080 96.9 F 59.3 E 33.6 C 53.8 D 22.6 C 34.9 C 10.0 A 22.1 C 22.6 C 815 490 971 36.2 D 9.6 A 23.5 C 25.0 C 925 456 1200 14.1 B 146.8 F 39.0 D 55.7 E 24.9 C 34.5 C 9.2 A 23.5 C 24.9 C Int # 120 - Main St/Broadway EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit EB 11 Ramps & Rt 59( New Intersection) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum Composit Airmont RD/I-287 EB Ramps EB NB SB Composit Airmont RD/I-287 wB Ramps WB NB SB Composit Table C85 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – PM Volume Airmont Rd and Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit College road ad Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Rt 306 & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Main St(Rt 59) & Rt 9W EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Chestnut & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit NewClarkstown Rd & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum Composit Pascack Rd Bypass & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Grand View Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Co Rd 33 ( N Middletown Road) & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Smith St & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Mountainview Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB1 Sum SB2 Sum NB Sum Composit Alt A1 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS 1020 808 1065 665 108.5 26.6 44.0 148.1 78 F C D F E 946 116.28 F 1055 42.21937 D 1092 74.8564 E 656 186.6429 F 95.67315 F 1090 870 1099 642 50.9 D 27.6 C 38.3 D 82.5 F 47.1 D 1045 48.25398 D 1114 48.47981 D 1214.5 59.7373 E 655 188.5444 F 74.57683 E 973 855 304 401 25.2 13.5 12.9 254.7 56.1 C B B F E 1048 27.87412 C 1103 16.29416 B 284 29.1446 C 325 346.218 F 60.88301 E 929 867 290 405 18.9 B 13.5 B 16.9 B 245.0 F 53.6 D 1061.5 25.39853 C 1126 17.42116 B 289 19.25704 B 339 324.816 F 57.62908 E 903 863 404 389 53.0 40.4 35.8 44.0 44.7 D D D D D 911 47.728 D 898 65.7565 E 552 40.60003 D 473 46.51917 D 51.85052 D 899 880 408 388 50.8 D 48.2 D 28.1 C 45.0 D 45.4 D 912.3333 47.95935 D 912.5 52.9259 D 581 113.367 F 449.5 46.76331 D 62.66734 E 973 148 399 282 45.7 33.2 24.0 36.5 38.4 D C C D D 1056 46.42607 D 118 39.5581 D 461 35.29683 D 351 35.00617 D 41.41792 D 989 166 548 286 44.6 D 34.5 C 32.2 C 34.8 C 38.9 D 1039 47.34924 D 157.5 32.8431 C 469.5 31.90398 C 324.5 36.00551 D 40.70905 D 226 518 22 133 2.6 17.9 21.5 14.5 13.6 A B C B B 240 2.54882 526 62.7786 81 25.0567 158 70.65422 46.57321 A E C E D 357 535 77 136 6.5 A 18.6 B 26.0 C 17.3 B 15.1 B 346 8.84916 676 87.9087 132 185.608 166 48.40163 71.98713 933 1578 432 5.7 15.2 34.2 15 A B C B 1097 1673 404 A C C C 955 1625 330 6.8 A 17.4 B 28.5 C 15.2 B 923.5 1896 383.5 8.03119 23.8587 34.8457 20.61075 A C C C 1126 1669 776 283 21.5 15.4 11.9 35.3 17.9 C B B D B 1257 21.5851 C 1936 62.44 E 716 18.51749 B 293 39.72266 D 41.15063 D 1091 1728 1097 296 24.8 C 43.9 D 19.3 B 26.7 C 31.4 C 1168 26.8949 1879 92.4417 1235 23.3662 403.5 26.13866 52.18555 C F C C D 978 1578 519 393 22.4 60.3 34.6 42.9 43.8 C E C D D 1195 38.70717 D 1767 63.813 E 688 36.90805 D 467 51.8774 D 50.67576 D 1132 1588 723 378 48.7 D 61.5 E 35.5 D 76.7 E 54.3 D 1209.5 50.9198 D 1831 74.4749 E 840.5 35.46312 D 442 64.91868 E 59.32266 E 1212 1417 617 421 39.5 26.4 34.8 43.8 34.2 D C C D C 1425 43.95618 D 1469 28.90256 C 715 39.09704 D 485 44.0262 D 37.71361 D 1317 1232 582 421 57.2 E 80.4 F 38.2 D 47.5 D 61 E 1510 70.38153 E 1309 126.0307 F 647 30.64454 C 479 45.8868 D 79.35541 E 526 1939 396 173 19.4 112.7 190.5 33.4 102.2 B F F C F 613 1915 338 171 C F E C F 526 1649 241 194 20.1 C 120.6 F 53.6 D 33.4 C 87.7 F 479 17.0258 B 1909.5 51.1496 D 344 182.7952 F 324.5 38.64991 D 59.28981 E 7.23318 32.5624 31.4384 23.6664 21.60146 120.8676 72.62091 32.59579 90.50405 A F F D E 1053 591 18.9 B 44.7 D 1118 17.76409 B 670 46.5234 D 190 1052 717 19.5 B 45.5 D 1091.5 20.15309 C 710 46.1616 D 179 63 55.8 E 29.2 C 45 47.74184 D 29.00228 C 68 52.0 D 30.8 C 66 53.00102 D 31.20209 C Table C85 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) Volume Spook Rock & Airmont EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 8 - Orange Avenue/Lafayette Avenue(Rt 59) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Alt A1 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS 337 166 412 193 7.3 21.3 20.5 24.6 17.3 A C C C B 525 201 550 228 9.67354 22.5391 33.4792 32.9871 23.63307 126 418 289 691 40.0 42.1 16.4 14.2 24.4 D D B B C 440 1.3 #N/A 23.2 5.8 13.7 A C A B 1.32034 #N/A 1281 41.71302 634 6.63727 24.76198 604 1273 591 430 17.4 31.4 112.1 65.1 49.9 203 37 251 205 Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS A C C C C 338 192 424 424 8.7 A 21.6 C 23.2 C 23.2 C 18.9 B 583 189.5 525.5 217 9.95372 23.3348 32.9883 32.468 22.84216 A C C C C 168 76.6544 E 245 155.759 F 266 17.84798 B 1011 59.0784 E 68.3644 E 161 460 335 842 34.7 C 51.7 D 47.7 D 68.8 E 57.4 E 186 43.54643 D 683 84.7409 F 327.5 55.6864 E 751 74.0046 E 71.78045 E A 405 D A C 1001 528 1.3 A #N/A 20.0 B 6.6 A 12.4 B B C F E D 697 19.26783 B 1390 39.60205 D 592 170.3739 F 522 99.9849 F 69.20631 E 605 1352 609 367 17.6 B 34.5 C 80.7 F 52.7 D 42.9 D 670 16.82309 B 1373 13.61488 B 544 212.5206 F 481 138.505 F 69.16454 E 35.8 18.2 23.0 18.9 25.3 D B C B C 239 32.88639 C 45 19.1249 B 315 19.91116 B 262 16.5955 B 22.46773 C 152 39 280 187 27.8 C 21.1 C 25.2 C 16.4 B 23 C 220 28.4894 C 61 23.8415 C 314.5 18.57718 B 245 17.08315 B 21.11825 C 87 210 852 1034 25.3 18.3 18.9 19.1 19.2 C B B B B 112 29.5816 C 276 19.9527 B 1045 20.45395 C 1208 18.84785 B 20.05214 C 90 216 688 1110 26.9 C 20.0 C 18.1 B 21.3 C 20.4 C 95.5 30.2051 280.5 19.0672 1035 19.2734 1242.5 20.51627 20.22701 383 143 947 1259 122.6 19.8 85.3 162.1 122.5 F B F F F 479 65.0107 E 202 18.72146 B 955 140.7586 F 1328 75.7002 E 91.06355 F 423 178 771 1354 76.9 E 25.9 C 58.5 E 41.1 D 50.6 D 437 39.4632 D 198.5 22.02202 C 1108.5 67.2096 E 1293.5 36.29928 D 47.10181 D 855 40.0 #N/A 13.0 72.9 51.5 D 1014 D 852 B E D 704 1755 35.2 D #N/A 38.0 D 23.2 C 29.4 C Int # 27 - Airmont Road/Rella Blvd/Montebello Road EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 1012 518 437 408.5 1.17729 #N/A 1287.5 32.3734 614 6.84275 20.07062 A C A C Int # 46 - Route 59/Route 45 EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 51 - Route 45/Old Nyack Tpke EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 65 - Route 306/Bardonia Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 73 - Route 306/West Nyack Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit C B B C C Int # 93 - Route 303/Snake Hill Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 748 1801 B E D 43.8402 #N/A 779 16.45214 1902 71.1702 52.13904 728 30.6985 #N/A 761 37.17189 1856 24.54565 28.75726 C D C C Int #92 - Route 303/Int #12 Off Ramp EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 907 53.8 D 984 49.2463 D 1089 33.7 C 1113 38.6243 D 195 1232 50.5 D 46.9 D 49.9 D 255 1328 48.0266 D 70.9393 E 60.34769 E 343 1048 46.8 D 39.2 D 37.9 D 403 1095.5 44.5111 D 63.1119 E 49.80506 D 142 31.7 C 119 31.3806 C 54 36.2 D 86 28.8175 C 1232 222 46.9 D 8.2 A 40.2 D 1328 70.9393 E 320 11.26186 B 57.46773 E 1048 399 39.2 D 11.0 B 31.6 C 1095.5 63.1119 E 437 15.12717 B 48.33362 D 289 7.4239 A 578 18.84892 B 125 13.7206 B 830 13.2197 B 15.44333 B 632 418 108 655 10.5 B 33.1 C 16.7 B 10.9 B 21.4 C 349 8.01822 A 526.5 19.13361 B 99 13.2329 B 731 11.0851 B 14.78669 B Int # 91 - Route 303/Mall Exit EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 107 - Route 9W/High EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 363 443 119 641 7.6 19.4 15.7 9.4 14.4 A B B A B Table C85 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) Volume Alt A1 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS Int # 116 - Main St/Franklin St EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 328 302 81 120 15.7 12.0 13.0 10.1 13.3 B B B B B 342 16.7717 B 304 12.82245 B 102 18.7457 B 135 15.0474 B 15.37566 B 356 324 61 133 16.8 B 11.8 B 15.5 B 13.0 B 14.3 B 344 16.1423 B 324.3333 11.58462 B 88 13.8759 B 129 13.8498 B 13.91333 B 270 112 114 186 12.6 12.2 8.0 11.6 11.5 B B A B B 268 13.0747 B 114 14.5035 B 142 12.18339 B 200 17.8359 B 14.44011 B 285 110 127 205 13.9 B 18.8 B 13.5 B 18.4 B 15.8 B 251 11.4427 B 107 14.0774 B 140 13.87814 B 202 18.249 B 14.29662 B 923 633 525 43.5 29.8 39.4 38.3 D C D D 962 67.138 E 732 33.39913 C 564 39.1173 D 49.20144 D 1162 716 516 44.3 D 32.6 C 41.7 D 40.3 D 496 1333 1245 14.9 27.9 19.0 22.2 B C B C 496 1333 1245 521 1391 1261 18.8 B 49.6 D 7.0 A 27.6 C 1256 860 904 31.6 20.8 29.5 27.9 C C C C 1256 860 904 1277 840 880 23.0 C 9.0 A 36.0 D 22.9 C 1259 43.56459 D 747 32.01562 C 547 44.72055 D 40.43072 D 39.9 D 784 27.3 C 1511 72.7 E 1228 15.2 B 39.9 D 27.0 C 1266 24.9 C 1108 12.1 B 994 46.3 D 27.0 C Int # 120 - Main St/Broadway EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit EB 11 Ramps & Rt 59 ( New Intersection) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum Composit Airmont RD/I-287 EB Ramps EB NB SB Composit Airmont RD/I-287 wB Ramps WB NB SB Composit 14.9 27.9 38.0 22.2 27.9 31.6 20.8 29.5 27.9 B C D C C C C C C Table C86 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – AM LOS S Broadway and 119 NB SB EB WB Composit S Broadway/I-287 EB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/I-287 WB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/Benedict Ave SB EB WB Composit 119/Taxter Rd NB EB WB Composit 119/S Stone Ave NB SB EB WB Composit 119 Ramp EB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB EB Composit 119 Ramp WB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB WB Composit 119/Aquaeduct Rd NB SB EB WB Composit 119/N Central Ave NB SB EB (119) WB (119) Composit Bronx River PKWY/N Central Ave NB EB WB Composit 119/Main Ave/Bank NB EB Composit Volume Alt A1 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS 487 1133 0 1500 217.9 F 37.1 D 0.0 A 10.2 B 52.4 D 454 1209 0 1220 2883 293.1 F 47.6 D 0.0 A 6.1 A 68.7 E 558 1038 0 1259 143.6 F 35.3 D 0.0 A 4.9 A 43.1 D 536 1023 0 1033 2592 330.6 F 33.2 C 0.0 A 3.6 A 82.9 F 679 16 773 721 46.7 D 0.0 A 37.6 D 24.1 C 35.7 D 581 16 572 536 44.5 D 0.0 A 29.7 C 26.0 C 33.3 C 895 16 910 529 50.8 D 0.0 A 32.0 C 25.4 C 37.5 D 1047 16 545 531 88.5 F 0.0 A 670 922 1099 15.8 B 20.8 C 49.4 D 31.3 C 730 911 1023 20.6 C 21.1 C 51.6 D 32.7 C 586 895 955 18.3 B 19.5 B 49.3 D 30.9 C 794 1039 901 24.7 C 24.5 C 51.8 D 33.6 C 1193 1572 831 106.5 F 31.2 C 8.6 A 51.0 D 1240 1652 863 3755 81.3 F 42.2 D 8.5 A 47.4 D 1184 1539 713 60.5 E 40.4 D 7.0 A 40.4 D 1184 1748 829 3761 187.4 F 34.2 C 8.4 A 76.7 E 630 608 2139 1020 39.8 D 25.4 C 71.5 E 41.3 D 53.5 D 636 634 2187 991 3812 44.6 D 24.9 C 88.5 F 40.9 D 62.5 E 640 552 2063 951 58.5 E 25.0 C 66.1 E 38.2 D 53.2 D 669 617 2156 905 3678 48.9 D 25.1 C 83.8 F 38.8 D 60.7 E 552 716 507 178.9 F 8.4 A 64.7 E 77.5 E 540 743 494 1777 166.7 F 7.0 A 66.9 E 72.2 E 620 656 504 168.8 F 6.4 A 52.8 D 76.1 E 615 620 550 1785 243.5 F 7.4 A 73.8 E 109.2 F 813 765 563 25.7 C 22.1 C 23.5 C 23.8 C 800 796 605 24.9 C 24.8 C 18.3 B 23.1 C 822 798 560 24.9 C 23.1 C 45.9 D 29.6 C 873 692 549 27.3 C 21.3 C 51.9 D 31.7 C 1092 1103 2082 1050 63.1 E 20.2 C 57.3 E 33.8 C 46.2 D 1250 1058 2221 1275 44.2 D 25.9 C 77.0 E 40.9 D 74.9 E 599 556 1724 1356 130.7 F 147.6 F 110.7 F 49.5 D 98.8 F 662 584 1695 1448 119.4 F 110.9 F 159.9 F 52.5 D 111.8 F 505 801 2043 763 299.8 F 45.0 D 30.5 C 5.2 A 61.7 E 595 721 1868 959 4143 225.0 F 43.3 D 30.9 C 8.4 A 55.7 760 838 1547 832 256.4 F 44.3 D 48.0 D 8.1 A 78.7 E 649 783 1416 894 3742 314.3 F 49.5 D 48.8 D 9.6 A 85.6 F 168 1820 838 12.3 B 59.2 E 0.7 A 39.0 D 255 1463 894 29.7 C 124.0 F 8.0 A 75.1 E 199 1771 820 13.5 B 49.2 D 2.7 A 33.0 C 164 1633 671 26.7 C 85.7 F 39.7 D 69.2 E 1164 4031 26.3 C 39.8 D 36.8 D 1088 4246 27.4 C 44.5 D 41.0 D 850 3295 51.5 D 47.7 D 48.4 D 914 3305 69.0 E 75.3 E 74.0 E 28.7 C Table C86 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) Alt A1 2017 LOS Volume Delay LOS Hamilton St/ Bank NB 1259 11.4 B WB 1116 13.7 B Composit 12.5 B E Post Rd/Mamroneck NB 560 5.5 A SB 152 34.0 C EB 603 28.4 C WB 349 30.1 C Composit 21.6 C Westchester Ave/Bloomindale Rd * NB 299 35.1 D SB 680 15.0 B EB 1011 54.3 D WB 1617 17.8 B Composit 28.9 C I-287 Int 8W/Bloomindale Rd * NB 38 40.9 D SB 651 31.4 C EB 217 48.6 D WB 1619 23.3 C Composit 27.8 C Westchester Ave EB/ White Plains Rd NB 955 39.1 D SB 695 27.2 C EB 967 21.4 C Composit 29.4 C Westchester Ave WB/ White Plains Rd NB 888 17.8 B SBWB 497 23.4 C WB 497 23.9 C Composit 20.9 C Bryant Ave/ North St NB 875 45.6 D SB 548 24.0 C EB 178 17.6 B WB 457 11.7 B Composit 29.9 C Westchester AV E/Kenilworth RD NB 153 0.0 A SB 204 3.3 A EB 369 2.5 A Composit 2.2 A Westechester AV W/Kenilworth Rd NB 140 4.6 A SB 56 3.0 A WB 1078 0.0 A Composit 0.6 A Westchester Ave E/ Webb NB 165 0.0 A EB 503 1.2 A Composit 0.9 A Polly Park Rd/Purchase St NB 249 11.4 B SB 352 14.8 B EB 34 7.0 A WB 34 7.0 A Composit 13.7 B Bowman Ave/Webb NB 375 8.5 A SB 47 19.5 B EB 167 15.2 B WB 57 15.1 B Composit 11.6 B Westchester Ave/Ridge ST NB 259 18.8 B SB 598 50.2 D EB 624 9.9 A WB 690 14.9 B Composit 23.7 C Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS 1232 1241 11.3 B 15.2 B 13.3 B 976 1246 13.7 B 18.0 B 16.3 B 1011 1155 30.0 C 19.8 B 24.5 C 693 300 669 343 2005 8.4 A 36.1 D 73.2 E 26.9 C 37.4 D 650 138 624 342 7.9 A 33.2 C 64.5 E 26.3 C 33.6 C 697 389 466 475 2027 7.7 A 55.2 E 135.5 F 25.4 C 50.3 D 405 705 1070 1787 33.2 C 15.4 B 61.0 E 28.7 C 35.5 D 371 686 732 1498 36.5 D 39.8 D 44.9 D 17.2 B 30.3 C 420 617 853 1747 44.3 D 32.5 C 55.3 E 19.3 B 32.9 C 75 809 270 1823 39.4 D 36.3 D 55.1 E 24.1 C 30.6 C 44 638 234 1774 43.1 D 33.5 C 70.1 E 25.1 C 31.3 C 71 759 237 1885 63.2 E 35.6 D 55.5 E 32.3 36.4 D 1074 850 1016 39.9 D 38.6 D 23.1 C 33.7 C 991 724 932 30.9 C 30.2 C 21.7 C 27.5 C 1056 810 1002 35.4 D 71.6 E 21.0 C 40.6 D 913 647 647 18.5 B 29.9 C 39.6 D 28.0 C 839 542 542 15.5 B 25.0 C 25.7 C 21.0 C 930 618 618 19.7 B 23.7 C 23.8 C 22.0 C 1151 666 229 653 55.0 D 35.9 D 14.2 B 27.0 C 40.0 D 1038 467 198 476 44.7 D 24.6 C 16.9 B 13.6 B 31.1 C 1164 566 238 634 56.4 E 32.2 C 15.7 B 14.0 B 37.1 D 164 309 339 0.0 A 3.4 A 3.2 A 2.6 A 147 207 320 0.0 A 3.1 A 3.3 A 2.5 A 194 209 569 0.0 A 3.7 A 2.3 A 2.1 A 162 96 1262 4.0 A 3.1 A 0.0 A 0.6 A 129 65 1075 4.4 A 2.0 A 0.0 A 0.5 A 232 69 1152 4.5 A 2.6 A 0.0 A 0.8 A 145 545 0.2 A 1.2 A 1.0 A 156 558 0.1 A 1.2 A 0.9 A 139 540 0.8 A 1.4 A 1.3 A 277 537 62 67 11.3 B 13.6 B 6.8 A 15.2 B 12.6 B 282 424 36 56 10.2 B 11.7 B 8.8 A 14.6 B 11.2 B 326 479 44 75 12.5 B 15.9 B 8.1 A 13.4 B 14.1 B 360 114 158 55 10.8 B 15.6 B 14.6 B 12.8 B 12.6 B 402 71 163 46 9.0 A 12.3 B 13.8 B 6.9 A 10.4 B 381 62 171 65 11.6 B 13.8 B 15.3 B 12.2 B 12.8 B 325 604 608 808 16.8 B 51.3 D 11.5 B 15.5 B 23.8 C 295 523 611 765 13.9 B 58.5 E 14.7 B 18.5 B 26.3 C 314 639 682 665 16.7 B 71.1 E 12.6 B 16.2 B 30.4 C Table C86 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) LOS Bowman Ave/S Ridge St NB SB EB WB Composit Ochard NB SB WB Composit Main /MLK NB EB Composit Hamilton/Cottage PL SB EB WB Composit I-287 EB/Rt 100A EB NB SB Composit I-287 WB/Rt 100A WB NB SB Composit Exit 8A Off Ramp/Rt 119 EB WB NB SB Composit Exit 2 WB Off Ramps/Rt 9A WB SB NB Composit Exit 2 EB On ramp/Rt 9A NB SB Composit Exit 5 ramps/Rt 9A EB WB NB Composit Exit 6 EB ramps/Rt 22 EB NB SB Composit Exit 6 WB ramps/Rt 22 WB NB SB Composit Exit 9S EB ramps<Westchester Ave EB - i-287 ramp EB Westchetser Ave Composit I-287 EB Exit ramps/Boston Post Rd EB NB SB Composit Volume Alt A1 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS 272 765 307 212 23.8 C 34.9 C 30.6 C 26.5 C 31.0 C 447 792 415 234 31.0 C 37.5 D 33.3 C 27.8 C 33.8 C 295 612 337 204 25.4 C 31.4 C 28.5 C 29.9 C 29.3 C 430 723 298 218 34.5 C 48.0 D 27.6 C 27.0 C 38.1 C 878 1471 784 27.9 C 16.3 B 23.7 C 21.4 C 914 1536 924 28.5 C 22.2 C 26.2 C 25.0 C 886 1543 907 30.6 C 18.3 B 36.1 D 26.4 C 815 1502 992 38.4 D 42.6 D 51.8 D 44.3 D 1159 1865 37.0 D 6.9 A 18.4 B 1134 1693 45.5 D 17.7 B 28.9 C 1095 1089 63.5 E 26.8 C 45.2 D 901 1030 91.4 F 101.2 F 96.6 F 396 351 996 63.0 E 8.3 A 17.5 B 26.0 C 353 592 1120 59.8 E 9.6 A 26.8 C 27.5 C 411 649 967 63.6 E 8.5 A 24.9 C 27.5 C 344 757 971 73.0 E 11.1 B 40.9 D 35.3 D 594 1264 590 17.4 B 9.1 A 8.9 A 11.1 B 748 1279 603 26.1 C 9.4 A 9.0 A 14.1 B 642 1259 569 29.3 C 6.6 A 9.0 A 13.0 B 577 1334 542 20.0 C 9.9 A 7.4 A 11.7 B 497 649 881 8.9 A 13.7 B 10.7 B 11.2 B 544 831 957 9.8 A 17.5 B 11.3 B 13.2 B 436 614 901 8.8 A 12.8 B 9.6 A 10.4 B 449 724 1020 11.0 B 14.5 B 9.7 A 11.5 B 1265 627 99 570 47.7 D 51.1 D 11.9 B 10.8 B 38.9 D 1162 587 105 860 87.8 F 55.6 E 39.1 D 15.2 B 56.0 E 1074 535 102 562 64.6 E 50.7 D 16.3 B 11.8 B 46.1 D 1327 533 113 861 129.5 F 52.0 D 50.6 D 13.9 B 76.7 E 1077 672 457 8.9 A 27.0 C 27.5 C 18.3 B 1291 681 534 10.2 B 25.2 C 27.7 C 18.0 B 1030 608 608 13.3 B 26.9 C 25.1 C 19.9 B 1150 716 522 14.8 B 27.5 C 25.7 C 21.0 E 800 962 10.9 B 4.5 A 7.4 A 843 938 10.2 B 4.5 A 7.2 A 821 832 10.2 B 4.5 A 7.3 A 852 897 10.8 B 4.5 A 7.6 A 1172 1841 912 28.4 C 5.0 A 1.9 A 11.3 B 1278 2043 969 42.2 D 4.8 A 2.0 A 11.2 B 1154 1585 577 24.3 C 3.9 A 23.2 C 14.3 B 1179 1769 543 46.5 D 4.0 A 60.4 E 27.1 C 1057 841 1072 16.7 B 12.6 B 9.5 A 12.9 B 1096 915 1270 19.6 B 10.9 B 11.2 B 13.9 B 1148 808 1172 15.1 B 12.8 B 10.2 B 12.7 B 1206 771 1278 27.0 C 19.4 B 16.8 B 21.2 C 787 0 159 17.1 B 3.5 A 29.9 C 19.3 B 890 0 168 17.2 B 3.5 A 31.2 C 19.4 B 917 0 139 18.8 B 0.0 A 29.0 C 20.1 C 1016 0 179 19.7 B 4.7 A 34.0 C 21.8 C 1459 176 9.6 A 23.9 C 11.2 B 1363 247 9.7 A 26.6 C 12.3 B 1363 119 9.7 A 19.9 B 10.5 B 1403 251 10.0 A 21.3 C 11.7 B 909 55 292 22.9 C 33.7 C 14.1 B 21.4 C 861 92 287 22.5 C 37.0 D 12.3 B 21.2 C 881 70 286 23.5 C 36.7 D 13.9 B 22.0 C 877 95 266 23.3 C 30.5 C 12.6 B 21.6 C Table C87 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – PM LOS S Broadway and 119 NB SB EB WB Composit S Broadway/I-287 EB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/I-287 WB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/Benedict Ave SB EB WB Composit 119/Taxter Rd NB EB WB Composit 119/S Stone Ave NB SB EB WB Composit 119 Ramp EB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB EB Composit 119 Ramp WB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB WB Composit 119/Aquaeduct Rd NB SB EB WB Composit 119/N Central Ave NB SB EB (119) WB (119) Composit Bronx River PKWY/N Central Ave NB EB WB Composit 119/Main Ave/Bank NB EB Composit Hamilton St/ Bank NB WB Composit Volume Alt A1 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS 1116 975 0 541 69.0 E 5.2 A 0.0 A 16.3 B 34.5 D 1145 1493 0 623 70.3 E 23.3 C 0.0 A 15.2 B 38.3 D 1150 1271 0 698 47.1 D 9.5 A 0.0 A 33.5 C 28.7 C 1072 1336 0 793 37.6 D 18.9 B 0.0 A 30.0 C 28.3 C 225 16 589 507 27.0 C 0.0 A 28.6 C 13.5 B 22.2 C 463 13 766 960 29.8 C 0.0 A 27.9 C 26.8 C 27.7 C 180 13 323 535 26.7 C 0.0 A 28.6 C 15.5 B 21.2 C 285 13 491 536 28.8 C 0.0 A 28.4 C 13.3 B 22.1 C 285 601 473 31.5 C 26.4 C 23.5 C 26.4 C 241 515 779 39.0 D 28.3 C 24.4 C 28.0 C 246 714 593 32.7 C 26.3 C 20.0 B 24.9 C 225 855 626 32.5 C 29.8 C 25.5 C 28.6 C 567 872 869 23.3 C 78.1 E 15.4 B 41.0 D 744 633 1302 184.4 F 147.4 F 15.0 B 93.3 F 794 920 1057 16.6 B 14.2 B 10.7 B 13.6 B 829 896 1382 119.0 F 49.0 D 11.5 B 51.0 D 783 590 1212 735 93.7 F 37.3 D 41.5 D 34.5 C 51.5 D 768 801 1428 884 95.9 F 30.9 C 52.3 D 37.1 D 53.1 D 762 737 1346 821 66.8 E 30.2 C 34.5 C 32.6 C 39.9 D 750 684 1426 1062 74.4 E 32.0 C 55.6 E 39.5 D 50.7 D 493 698 392 19.0 B 4.4 A 32.8 C 16.0 B 752 949 435 21.6 C 4.5 A 35.4 D 16.8 B 616 919 419 16.3 B 4.6 A 33.8 C 14.5 B 614 1098 436 111.9 F 7.2 A 32.9 C 42.3 D 640 901 473 19.4 B 30.1 C 35.7 D 28.0 C 796 1134 598 22.0 C 32.0 C 27.1 C 27.7 C 771 1167 603 18.1 B 31.0 C 33.2 C 27.6 C 791 1247 667 26.5 C 33.4 C 41.1 D 33.3 C 617 590 1663 1564 4.6 A 40.7 D 42.6 D 66.2 E 45.4 D 826 670 2056 1788 4.8 A 58.0 E 41.1 D 53.2 D 41.6 D 793 634 1886 1638 4.7 A 41.4 D 38.8 D 51.5 D 37.9 D 877 681 1806 1874 5.5 A 54.5 D 50.2 D 88.7 F 57.0 E 610 1075 1326 2182 35.8 D 21.4 C 23.5 C 55.0 D 37.7 D 770 1172 1490 2466 37.3 D 27.1 C 27.9 C 51.4 D 38.8 D 679 1311 1345 2196 40.3 D 19.0 B 21.0 C 44.5 D 32.2 C 674 999 1198 2485 47.2 D 35.2 D 43.2 D 68.4 E 53.9 D 306 1209 1070 41.2 D 80.7 F 22.9 C 52.1 D 251 1435 1300 40.0 D 88.9 F 22.0 C 55.6 E 361 1355 1399 35.1 D 44.7 D 21.1 C 33.0 C 482 972 1147 32.1 C 405.3 F 60.7 E 184.2 F 1255 2865 23.0 C 35.3 D 31.6 C 1465 3137 23.2 C 35.2 D 31.4 C 1191 2714 24.3 C 45.2 D 38.8 D 1385 2124 72.0 E 117.3 F 99.4 F 1336 2579 11.0 B 7.8 A 8.9 A 1550 2802 11.2 B 8.6 A 9.5 A 1238 2795 10.1 B 8.2 A 8.8 A 1360 2822 37.5 D 18.5 B 24.6 C Table C87 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) Alt A1 2017 LOS Volume Delay LOS E Post Rd/Mamroneck NB 363 30.7 C SB 498 94.7 F EB 519 46.1 D WB 487 28.0 C Composit 51.4 D Westchester Ave/Bloomindale Rd * NB 400 27.2 C SB 166 29.6 C EB 913 32.9 C WB 1191 21.2 C Composit 26.6 C I-287 Int 8W/Bloomindale Rd * NB 892 45.4 D SB 488 35.2 D EB 333 71.2 E WB 734 34.9 C Composit 43.7 D Westchester Ave EB/ White Plains Rd NB 552 48.9 D SB 772 88.4 F EB 700 13.5 B Composit 51.7 D Westchester Ave WB/ White Plains Rd NB 503 12.6 B SBWB 861 36.5 D WB 861 31.3 C Composit 29.1 C Bryant Ave/ North St NB 687 38.7 D SB 534 30.6 C EB 411 31.7 C WB 683 19.3 B Composit 29.8 C Westchester AV E/Kenilworth RD NB 309 0.0 A SB 186 3.8 A EB 314 0.8 A Composit 1.2 A Westechester AV W/Kenilworth Rd NB 188 5.0 A SB 151 3.1 A WB 778 0.0 A Composit 1.3 A Westchester Ave E/ Webb NB 75 1.8 A EB 881 1.2 A Composit 1.3 A Polly Park Rd/Purchase St NB 123 22.3 C SB 315 8.7 A EB 140 10.5 B WB 371 39.5 D Composit 22.8 C Bowman Ave/Webb NB 256 14.7 B SB 189 17.6 B EB 87 13.9 B WB 329 26.0 C Composit 19.6 B Westchester Ave/Ridge ST NB 295 23.9 C SB 257 502.1 F EB 674 10.7 B WB 314 20.8 C Composit 97.3 F Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS 413 556 545 446 37.4 D 62.2 E 25.3 C 22.6 C 37.7 D 527 460 791 624 69.0 E 40.3 D 23.2 C 16.4 B 34.7 C 824 294 477 717 68.3 E 189.1 F 189.0 F 47.1 D 102.0 F 435 224 1050 1580 30.1 C 28.1 C 36.2 D 25.0 C 29.5 C 387 159 969 1410 31.3 C 29.0 C 35.1 D 20.7 C 27.3 C 828 212 905 1766 35.6 D 28.7 C 44.1 D 32.2 C 35.7 D 792 672 412 1314 22.5 C 33.6 C 90.6 F 39.1 D 40.4 D 882 535 326 1216 25.4 C 38.6 D 59.5 E 33.6 C 34.9 C 722 758 397 1218 101.5 F 36.0 D 82.0 F 117.8 F 89.4 F 665 919 994 64.7 E 89.5 F 14.7 B 54.3 D 619 878 510 48.8 D 91.6 F 13.3 B 58.5 E 619 861 783 90.3 F 112.0 F 23.4 C 75.4 E 632 1066 1066 12.6 B 50.5 D 34.0 C 35.5 D 628 1033 1033 10.4 B 25.4 C 23.2 C 21.1 C 586 997 997 11.5 B 63.4 E 40.8 D 42.9 D 907 805 419 942 43.5 D 29.5 C 25.1 C 9.9 A 27.0 C 787 280 397 629 39.0 D 21.1 C 26.9 C 9.5 A 25.4 C 907 798 439 841 45.7 D 29.9 C 228.5 F 42.7 D 67.5 E 521 313 738 0.0 A 4.5 A 1.1 A 1.4 A 327 313 329 0.0 A 3.8 A 0.8 A 1.5 A 382 421 2024 43.1 D 36.7 D 12.5 B 20.2 C 385 200 1003 6.9 A 4.1 A 0.0 A 2.2 A 196 215 910 4.4 A 2.9 A 0.0 A 1.1 A 312 280 1093 6.5 A 107.7 F 5.7 A 22.8 C 143 1518 0.9 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 105 987 0.4 A 1.1 A 1.1 A 117 1671 0.2 A 2.1 A 2.0 A 222 483 162 288 40.7 D 7.7 A 11.9 B 36.2 D 21.7 C 124 507 157 352 60.5 E 8.0 A 11.3 B 71.2 E 33.7 C 188 721 144 373 99.9 F 22.6 C 10.5 B 84.8 F 47.8 D 303 225 140 216 18.3 B 19.1 B 17.6 B 19.8 B 18.7 B 250 240 116 308 23.2 C 15.9 B 26.2 C 21.7 C 21.2 C 359 336 111 208 91.7 F 33.3 C 13.0 B 80.9 F 61.5 E 998 11 1347 459 51.7 D 80.5 F 22.8 C 29.7 C 34.4 C 398 5 799 322 23.1 C 295.1 F 8.0 A 23.3 C 15.2 B 1002 51 1218 283 71.6 E 382.6 F 117.9 F 44.8 D 96.9 F Table C87 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) LOS Bowman Ave/S Ridge St NB SB EB WB Composit Ochard NB SB WB Composit Main /MLK NB EB Composit Hamilton/Cottage PL SB EB WB Composit I-287 EB/Rt 100A EB NB SB Composit I-287 WB/Rt 100A WB NB SB Composit Exit 8A Off Ramp/Rt 119 EB WB NB SB Composit Exit 2 WB Off Ramps/Rt 9A WB SB NB Composit Exit 2 EB On ramp/Rt 9A NB SB Composit Exit 5 ramps/Rt 9A EB WB NB Composit Exit 6 EB ramps/Rt 22 EB NB SB Composit Exit 6 WB ramps/Rt 22 WB NB SB Composit Exit 9S EB ramps<Westchester Ave EB - i-287 ramp EB Westchetser Ave Composit I-287 EB Exit ramps/Boston Post Rd EB NB SB Composit Volume Alt A1 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A1 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2017 Delay LOS Volume Alt A2 2047 Delay LOS 592 352 310 202 37.4 D 36.0 D 14.9 B 22.8 C 30.3 C 804 210 353 115 43.5 D 41.6 D 16.2 B 23.5 C 35.2 D 734 118 355 298 33.9 C 31.6 C 16.1 B 19.5 B 26.7 C 769 153 395 107 68.9 E 39.4 D 21.5 C 82.2 F 53.6 D 901 1039 482 42.8 D 21.4 C 30.5 C 31.1 C 1085 1362 599 46.6 D 31.0 C 31.9 C 36.7 D 1124 1027 373 43.3 D 15.8 B 28.7 C 30.0 C 1223 1459 301 65.2 E 25.4 C 27.0 C 41.9 D 1893 1378 27.5 C 19.2 B 24.0 C 1982 1354 24.2 C 17.9 B 21.7 C 1865 1176 23.9 C 16.7 B 21.1 C 1718 1050 43.3 D 38.3 D 41.4 D 220 618 1206 36.8 D 9.9 A 17.2 B 17.1 B 310 621 1221 42.2 D 8.7 A 16.1 B 17.7 B 261 646 1318 29.8 C 11.1 B 14.3 B 15.2 B 250 978 1386 40.9 D 9.8 A 16.8 B 16.5 B 637 1063 900 15.9 B 7.2 A 20.5 C 13.9 B 809 1065 867 16.0 B 8.8 A 19.4 B 14.2 B 700 1105 895 15.7 B 7.5 A 21.3 C 14.2 B 733 1135 953 23.1 C 10.8 B 28.1 C 19.8 B 736 694 882 54.7 D 9.8 A 15.9 B 26.4 C 684 762 1012 26.6 C 11.5 B 17.2 B 18.1 B 773 765 869 45.8 D 11.3 B 14.6 B 23.6 C 797 719 900 72.9 E 10.1 B 26.4 C 36.9 D 492 410 202 793 21.1 C 30.1 C 14.1 B 4.0 A 15.2 B 379 565 221 1045 24.2 C 33.0 C 15.8 B 5.9 A 17.0 B 511 407 187 785 20.8 C 30.2 C 12.0 B 3.4 A 14.7 B 580 592 194 953 20.5 C 38.1 D 14.6 B 3.6 A 17.6 B 836 1080 672 35.2 D 25.8 C 4.7 A 23.4 C 831 1215 625 31.9 C 26.0 C 4.5 A 22.8 C 804 1081 741 30.6 C 24.6 C 4.7 A 20.8 C 700 1121 672 40.1 D 24.0 C 4.4 A 23.2 C 1212 921 11.1 B 3.9 A 8.0 A 1189 1000 12.0 B 5.2 A 8.9 A 1289 843 11.4 B 4.4 A 8.6 A 1206 793 12.1 B 4.3 A 9.0 A 1045 2129 889 8.9 A 3.9 A 16.3 B 7.9 A 1157 2328 904 7.9 A 4.2 A 15.7 B 7.5 A 1051 1999 830 7.2 A 4.1 A 14.7 B 7.2 A 1086 2314 698 11.2 B 8.6 A 15.4 B 10.4 B 809 958 802 7.8 A 18.7 B 12.2 B 13.3 B 903 1097 836 9.8 A 19.9 B 11.7 B 14.3 B 869 1086 815 9.5 A 19.9 12.0 B 14.3 B 708 1218 1154 39.1 D 33.3 12.5 B 26.9 C 610 46 0 7.0 A 32.5 C 0.0 A 8.8 A 638 45 0 7.9 A 31.8 C 0.0 A 9.5 A 404 4 308 11.7 B 50.7 D 43.8 D 25.7 C 285 90 363 13.1 B 47.9 D 79.3 E 49.9 D 1801 1221 19.1 B 23.3 C 20.8 C 1727 1361 24.8 C 24.5 C 24.7 C 1835 1110 16.9 B 21.0 C 18.5 B 1087 1751 66.6 E 99.3 F 86.8 F 621 162 416 24.4 C 35.7 D 17.8 B 23.6 C 565 156 481 21.3 C 35.9 D 19.4 B 22.4 C 663 204 434 22.6 C 31.7 C 18.7 B 22.7 C 301 151 495 21.4 C 36.7 D 21.9 C 24.1 C 2047 Transit Builds Results Table C88 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – AM Volume Airmont Rd and Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit College road ad Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Rt 306 & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Main St(Rt 59) & Rt 9W EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Chestnut & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit NewClarkstown Rd & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum Composit Pascack Rd Bypass & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Grand View Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Co Rd 33 ( N Middletown Road) & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Smith St & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Mountainview Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB1 Sum SB2 Sum NB Sum Composit Alt B Delay LOS Volume Alt C Delay LOS Volume Alt D Delay LOS Volume Alt E Delay LOS 961 463 1394 486 120.3 F 304.9 F 29.3 C 34.5 C 95.2 F 847 552 1295.5 496 143.7 F 250.6 F 25.5 C 41.1 D 98.3 F 942 688 1155 499 116.8 F 39.8 D 28.6 C 23.4 C 55.4 E 913 652 1099 549 119.3 F 54.1 D 24.3 C 21.2 C 56.8 E 1287 577 302 358 84.0 F 13.1 B 13.0 B 85.2 F 59.5 E 1213 596 288.5 349.5 52.2 D 12.5 B 14.2 B 58.2 E 38.9 D 1082 627 245 288.5 31.8 C 14.3 B 11.3 B 31.9 C 24.7 C 1004 665 253 302.5 29.4 C 15.9 B 12.1 B 36.2 D 24.3 C 838 640 583 324 98.5 F 55.8 E 29.4 C 23.8 C 60.0 E 842.6667 701.5 524 298 130.9 F 82.8 F 25.6 C 20.1 C 79.4 E 825 751.5 525 332.6667 86.4 F 158.8 F 29.0 C 27.5 C 88.3 F 830.3333 720.5 604 339 89.2 F 180.7 F 27.7 C 28.9 C 92.6 F 981 328 582 330 14.8 B 24.0 C 68.4 E 44.1 D 34.5 C 1031 360.5 610 323.5 21.4 C 22.9 C 49.4 D 45.1 D 32.3 C 949.5 402 636 349.5 14.5 B 20.7 C 53.8 D 49.4 D 31.5 C 947 348.5 608.5 331 13.3 B 22.1 C 62.1 E 48.2 D 33.1 C 543 360 279 62 41.6 D 16.9 B 13.8 B 4.7 A 26.4 C 576 335.5 294 52 37.0 D 14.7 B 12.1 B 6.6 A 24.0 C 530 390.5 237 67.5 37.3 D 19.2 B 12.5 B 7.5 A 25.1 C 528 336 277 71 23.7 C 15.3 B 14.4 B 6.1 A 18.2 B 2358 849 1038 19.7 B 23.6 C 587.6 F 213.2 F 2430 872 1065 23.5 C 23.4 C 446.5 F 166.3 F 2842 1131 820 37.3 D 25.2 C 678.4 F 189.3 F 3045 1235 1086 27.0 C 25.5 C 683.3 F 1571 1044 668 526 53.7 D 42.8 D 19.6 B 104.3 F 51.7 D 1457 1084 702.5 494.5 64.6 E 39.3 D 20.9 C 140.3 F 59.1 E 1675 1506.5 732.5 515.5 70.6 E 136.2 F 21.2 C 110.0 F 89.3 F 1932 1427.5 734 449 45.4 D 36.8 D 20.0 B 97.8 F 43.8 D 1726 1363 972 290 47.4 D 48.6 D 43.0 D 96.2 F 50.0 D 1702 1360.5 919 316 47.7 D 46.4 D 39.9 D 136.9 F 52.2 D 1958.5 1408.5 1310 299 66.9 E 64.6 E 27.4 C 227.7 F 65.5 E 2046.5 1373 1349 341.5 65.0 E 64.9 E 26.7 C 246.3 F 67.0 E 1499 614 753 223 33.4 C 26.1 C 41.0 D 37.9 D 34.1 C 1407.667 556.6667 773 234.5 30.0 C 27.3 C 37.7 D 43.4 D 32.5 C 1262.333 503.6667 755 222.5 32.4 C 25.4 C 35.8 D 35.7 D 32.3 C 1339.333 508.6667 745.5 242.5 32.5 C 24.9 C 37.8 D 41.0 D 33.3 C 1014 1153 390 487 21.7 C 33.9 C 266.7 F 43.3 D 61.2 E 981 1165 369 453 22.6 C 38.1 D 259.2 F 36.7 D 60.2 E 784.6667 1159 344.5 444.5 19.5 B 33.5 C 297.4 F 34.5 C 62.9 E 737 1182.5 399 425 21.5 C 34.5 C 307.9 F 40.0 D 71.6 E 833 787 293 26.6 C 6.3 A 79.4 E 919.5 807.5 256 25.0 C 10.8 B 53.5 D 808.5 875.5 287 23.4 C 8.8 A 71.6 E 825.5 802.5 253.5 22.2 C 8.0 A 52.4 D 230 41.9 D 17.2 B 210 34.4 C 17.8 B 243.5 25.0 C 14.8 B 239 28.3 C 14.8 B Table C88 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) Volume Spook Rock & Airmont EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 8 - Orange Avenue/Lafayette Avenue(Rt 59) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Alt B Delay LOS Volume Alt C Delay LOS Volume Alt D Delay LOS Volume Alt E Delay LOS 267 150 783 226 7.0 A 29.4 C 76.8 E 89.0 F 60.7 E 274 125 774.5 200 5.7 A 29.8 C 55.7 E 38.8 D 40.9 D 179 106.5 779 165 7.6 A 31.3 C 83.0 F 21.6 C 59.3 E 253.5 126 802.5 122 6.4 A 32.3 C 170.3 F 21.1 C 111.1 F 58 79 1053 326 52.9 D 49.6 D 20.4 C 171.6 F 55.7 E 65.5 94 1076 321 60.3 E 86.0 F 19.2 B 118.9 F 45.5 D 62 103 1041.5 317 47.7 D 49.4 D 20.5 C 211.0 F 63.2 E 80.5 56 1067.5 310 40.2 D 29.9 C 18.2 B 66.2 E 29.6 C 469 741 2.9 A 19.7 B 3.1 A 9.3 A 506.5 768 2.6 A 17.3 B 2.8 A 8.5 A 479 675 2.1 A 18.7 B 1.9 A 8.2 A 471 765 1.8 A 20.3 C 1.7 A 9.1 A 870 697 692 477 115.4 F 18.2 B 190.8 F 38.2 D 96.3 F 903 659.5 737.5 479 75.5 E 30.4 C 160.7 F 37.0 D 80.7 F 884.5 937.5 828 483 114.1 F 55.2 E 158.4 F 47.1 D 97.8 F 840 961 760.5 502.5 110.6 F 43.1 D 165.6 F 52.5 D 93.6 F 193 15 217 27.3 C 14.1 B 27.7 C 14.2 B 23.0 C 214 7 209 23.2 C 14.5 B 26.5 C 16.7 B 22.3 C 228.5 13 249.5 31.9 C 17.8 B 26.3 C 14.0 B 24.7 C 187.5 44 226 31.1 C 23.8 C 26.6 C 19.2 B 25.3 C 60 170 1721 727 25.5 C 26.1 C 24.3 C 16.7 B 22.4 C 46.5 166 1610 716.5 33.4 C 17.9 B 22.8 C 15.9 B 20.7 C 197.5 149 1637.5 643 31.3 C 16.6 B 24.7 C 15.7 B 22.5 C 135.5 165.5 1615.5 715 37.8 D 24.5 C 22.5 C 15.3 B 21.4 C 442 113 1658 441 250.1 F 15.1 B 56.9 E 18.8 B 81.0 F 446 111 1624.5 431 238.4 F 17.6 B 43.8 D 19.1 B 71.9 E 317 87 1544 468 74.0 E 15.7 B 34.5 C 21.2 C 36.4 D 410 77 1479 459.5 107.4 F 13.8 B 62.0 E 20.7 C 60.3 E 575 9.0 A #N/A 21.8 C 54.9 D 25.5 C 559 6.4 A #N/A 20.0 B 53.7 D 24.1 C 516 27.5 C #N/A 20.7 C 37.4 D 25.0 C 642 27.2 C #N/A 17.9 B 35.1 D 22.7 C Int # 27 - Airmont Road/Rella Blvd/Montebello Road EB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 46 - Route 59/Route 45 EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 51 - Route 45/Old Nyack Tpke EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 65 - Route 306/Bardonia Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 73 - Route 304/West Nyack Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 93 - Route 303/Snake Hill Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 1823 552 1877.5 594.5 1771.5 504 1918 512 Int #92 - Route 303/Int #12 Off Ramp EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 350 29.0 C 321.5 28.1 C 336.5 45.6 D 322 28.8 C 587 585 18.0 B 31.2 C 25.6 C 603 629 17.9 B 31.8 C 25.6 C 562 517.5 21.1 C 76.2 E 47.1 D 668 522.5 18.3 B 34.5 C 26.1 C Int # 91 - Route 303/Mall Exit EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 18.6 B 14.9 B 42.3 D 17.3 B 585 728 31.2 C 18.7 B 24.2 C 629 708.5 31.8 C 17.4 B 24.2 C 517.5 668.5 76.2 E 29.3 C 49.8 D 522.5 778.5 34.5 C 21.2 C 26.6 C 191 377 749 728 26.4 C 111.6 F 76.5 E 21.1 C 58.6 E 164 396.5 797 754 22.0 C 109.7 F 108.2 F 19.6 B 70.1 E 147 321 805 769 22.6 C 115.8 F 75.5 E 21.3 C 57.6 E 130 381 802 740 28.2 C 122.1 F 109.0 F 20.9 C 74.5 E 380 506 189 186 15.4 B 15.1 B 16.1 B 18.5 B 15.8 B 393 526 174 174 15.5 B 14.8 B 18.4 B 20.6 C 16.3 B 393.5 562.3333 184 145 14.7 B 15.8 B 16.0 B 12.9 B 15.2 B 387.5 546.6667 213 121 17.1 B 16.6 B 17.6 B 14.5 B 16.7 B 237 134 341 168 14.8 B 15.1 B 16.9 B 21.0 C 16.8 B 263 152 334 188 17.3 B 17.0 B 13.1 B 17.0 B 15.7 B 236 148 349.5 186 13.0 B 17.3 B 19.5 B 16.8 B 16.9 B 245 149 329.5 232 14.6 B 18.4 B 18.4 B 18.5 B 17.5 B 1516 873 313 77.3 E 67.2 E 35.1 D 69.2 E 1677 881 315.5 65.7 E 65.4 E 39.5 D 62.7 E 1452 962 312 184.9 F 46.0 D 36.1 D 118.8 F 1581 860 289.5 155.1 F 41.3 D 39.5 D 107.0 F Int # 107 - Route 9W/High EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 116 - Main St/Franklin St EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 120 - Main St/Broadway EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit EB 11 Ramps & Rt 59( New Intersection) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum Composit Table C88 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – PM Volume Airmont Rd and Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit College road ad Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Rt 306 & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Main St(Rt 59) & Rt 9W EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Chestnut & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit NewClarkstown Rd & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum Composit Pascack Rd Bypass & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Grand View Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Co Rd 33 ( N Middletown Road) & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Smith St & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Mountainview Ave & Rt 59 EB SUM WB Sum SB1 Sum SB2 Sum NB Sum Composit Alt B Delay LOS Volume Alt C Delay LOS 859 134.9251 F 1028 41.37477 D 1166 82.3091 F 659 186.38 F 101.62 F 860 130.9466 F 1074 47.40438 D 1165.5 63.0786 E 669 179.7095 F 94.81185 F 911 18.01575 B 970 14.57439 B 273 15.7153 B 366 302.927 F 57.7811 E 1027.5 20.05692 C 980.5 14.21227 B 264.5 14.3013 B 379 283.246 F 54.94118 D 928 40.48273 D 832 40.12621 D 548 40.2356 D 478 47.21605 D 41.48302 D 944.3333 41.04446 D 864.5 47.7088 D 499 44.58689 D 466 45.07583 D 44.43602 D 1030 41.17491 D 148 36.3353 D 415 29.31995 C 329 35.53285 D 37.27778 D 281 14.5949 B 598 60.8197 E 46 25.4542 C 150 23.51575 C 42.00949 D 1012 1807 607 Volume 1030 1034 1164.5 670 Alt D Delay LOS 39.79531 D 30.78841 C 52.95013 D 183.7361 F 66.07362 E 988.5 21.41047 C 1017 14.84601 B 309 15.9989 B 330 340.885 F 58.12 E 910.6667 850.5 586 450 Volume 1119 1078 1157.5 666 Alt E Delay LOS 51.06488 D 39.30615 D 49.98965 D 186.2172 F 69.99772 E 998.5 18.28213 B 1026.5 14.98969 B 268.5 18.7954 B 376.5 302.489 F 57.14431 E 56.37327 E 39.72857 D 75.39282 E 44.42429 D 53.37456 D 905.6667 54.41958 D 949 57.8952 E 532.5 58.58754 E 427 47.58335 D 55.34303 E 1136.5 49.16756 D 154.5 35.3427 D 379 28.88595 C 326.5 36.32343 D 42.14713 D 1196.5 57.2557 E 196.5 39.4679 D 632 45.0322 D 324.5 36.27739 D 49.58257 D 1074 48.87408 D 148 34.5121 C 458 35.79606 D 288 37.49035 D 43.08454 D 271 16.7076 B 470.5 113.4574 F 58 30.3387 C 169 86.58357 F 76.71836 E 340 7.63755 A 693 81.2598 F 180 28.5962 C 144 26.57191 C 50.02467 D 359 9.41988 A 686 76.6644 E 120 44.5379 D 159 19.65709 B 48.67337 D 8.15028 A 20.4605 C 46.3383 D 21.40545 C 953 6.53014 A 1907 14.2717 B 586.5 39.88706 D 16.4901 B 949 1773 421.5 6.72737 A 25.2499 C 36.5811 D 21.17744 C 998.5 1605 484.5 7.78869 A 33.0456 C 44.0276 D 26.60187 C 1306 42.1627 D 1882 42.0387 D 717 28.07016 C 360 124.0729 F 46.6549 D 1244 31.2822 C 1953.5 31.26929 C 683.5 13.77281 B 419 124.305 F 37.55747 D 1212 26.9695 C 1822.5 110.575 F 1186 18.72456 B 596 23.8574 C 56.18941 E 1301 32.1822 C 1669.5 118.0011 F 1107.5 36.55478 D 570.5 85.307 F 70.56555 E 1268 66.5718 E 1649 58.6448 E 680 33.20572 C 476 59.894 E 57.0103 E 1277.5 65.3187 E 1741.5 57.76515 E 730 34.44544 C 454.5 67.7547 E 57.09107 E 1664 64.6078 E 1665 106.8366 F 709 57.7579 E 519.5 179.0542 F 92.01521 F 1712.5 52.766 D 1564 182.0372 F 696.5 43.76559 D 451 141.9578 F 106.1423 F 1395 42.25615 D 1341 120.949 F 721 39.4194 D 473 44.6117 D 68.86798 E 1470.667 42.71571 D 1334 123.2949 F 708.5 37.64539 D 493.5 45.9991 D 69.05198 E 1596.333 88.56593 F 1296.333 133.2663 F 638 35.80161 D 450 45.3994 D 89.78633 F 1556.333 88.67148 F 1343.333 127.9506 F 654.5 32.77418 C 428 45.8312 D 88.1302 F 579 21.28961 C 1813 91.243 F 339 270.962 F 299 33.86958 C 92.3014 F 543 18.65264 B 1819.5 72.3784 E 366.5 79.03256 E 181 31.6781 C 60.65981 E 534 19.87712 B 1919 55.9294 E 355 245.949 F 301 35.29166 D 69.43634 E 531 20.69863 C 1892 43.43003 D 385 162.448 F 216.5 32.26177 C 53.78996 D 968 21.09536 C 635 45.8429 D 186 1069.5 21.14623 C 593.5 44.2053 D 201 1198 20.33885 C 840.5 66.3589 E 182.5 1059.5 18.93573 B 638.5 47.4001 D 212.5 64 54.89365 D 31.81618 C 57 57.45685 E 30.30627 C 76 53.59228 D 39.82673 D 61.5 49.19292 D 30.32267 C Table C88 – Rockland County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) Volume Spook Rock & Airmont EB SUM WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 8 - Orange Avenue/Lafayette Avenue(Rt 59) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 619 165 535 235 Alt B Delay LOS Volume Alt C Delay LOS Volume Alt D Delay LOS Volume Alt E Delay LOS 8.79768 A 23.4312 C 36.0175 D 29.7564 C 22.89191 C 563.5 11.33004 B 179 22.4288 C 535 33.2675 C 257 36.3572 D 24.46474 C 548.5 152.5 494 229 9.92005 A 22.7337 C 28.6994 C 34.5634 C 21.77006 C 561.5 193 542 236 11.1345 B 22.5577 C 38.3866 D 32.2192 C 25.45835 C 172 55.3807 E 262 152.409 F 296 21.86765 C 1022 53.618 D 63.20038 E 182.5 91.9258 F 248 134.808 F 298 24.06753 C 977 46.3018 D 60.16876 E 165 647 356.5 734 65.2219 E 84.2192 F 50.6797 D 72.8736 E 71.90958 E 203 641 365 711 49.8741 D 78.0386 E 51.8362 D 88.3799 F 73.90912 E 8.91945 A #N/A 1416 30.91292 C 598 6.88605 A 20.59819 C 451.5 3.1386 A #N/A 1371 26.69236 C 617 6.93576 A 17.3362 B 428.5 1.44316 A #N/A 1278.5 20.02839 C 541 5.18257 A 12.91302 B 429.5 982 28.69424 C 1330 36.255 D 469 59.4515 E 532 101.6363 F 47.79949 D 982.5 34.1273 C 1397 38.20147 D 492 107.3147 F 513 116.0778 F 58.86963 E 671.5 14.63615 B 1330 16.9675 B 506.5 246.8303 F 480.5 330.9946 F 105.8917 F 628.5 1392 583 487.5 19.82505 B 38.44462 D 132.8932 F 102.7708 F 62.61807 E 223 32.89147 C 77 23.2615 C 272 21.63939 C 255 17.90987 B 23.67046 C 216.5 32.44496 C 94 12.4771 B 318.5 22.74839 C 247.5 19.58101 B 23.14757 C 238 33.40273 C 56 19.4603 B 385 26.15216 C 318 18.44546 B 25.04901 C 210 90 308 249 35.4471 D 19.7138 B 24.548 C 16.9001 B 24.48896 C Int # 27 - Airmont Road/Rella Blvd/Montebello Road EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 549 2.19936 A #N/A 1286.5 33.33936 C 615.5 6.53932 A 20.52784 C Int # 46 - Route 59/Route 45 EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 51 - Route 45/Old Nyack Tpke EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 65 - Route 306/Bardonia Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 73 - Route 306/West Nyack Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 85 26.0354 C 284 20.8436 C 1002 17.5854 B 1242 17.24427 B 18.05044 B 98 242.5 1003 1341.5 25.153 C 21.6493 C 17.9739 B 18.1732 B 18.66746 B 108 26.8752 C 272.5 18.8755 B 1015.5 18.8092 B 1292 20.39685 C 19.90311 B 97.5 34.153 C 273 21.7509 C 1003.5 18.0428 B 1278 22.47187 C 21.15117 C 480 80.8417 F 170 22.39541 C 1139 47.9934 D 1325 58.85521 E 56.28598 E 526.5 72.1392 E 179 15.76521 B 1130 45.8959 D 1357.5 47.6847 D 49.29458 D 484 37.6077 D 216.5 19.19622 B 1104.5 65.0528 E 1297 35.26044 D 45.11338 D 435 53.9421 D 231.5 24.03311 C 1063.5 65.2675 E 1402 44.59921 D 51.39481 D Int # 93 - Route 303/Snake Hill Rd EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 1174 22.1181 C #N/A 791 19.10165 B 2210 21.40723 C 21.17028 C 1064 20.6211 C #N/A 767 17.74769 B 2122.5 22.14552 C 20.88205 C 1593 29.4798 C #N/A 748.5 34.46281 C 1793 25.67239 C 28.73076 C 1024 43.2529 D #N/A 824.5 64.7704 E 1956 27.9511 C 40.04903 D Int #92 - Route 303/Int #12 Off Ramp EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 1177 22.958 C 1247 25.0471 C 450 1527 41.2608 D 61.7146 E 44.33327 D 460 1389.5 38.7146 D 52.9089 D 39.57997 D 82 32.8127 C 67 45.6066 D 902 61.9781 E 1056.5 36.4393 D 975 22.6564 C 1223.5 35.16266 D 39.03104 D 555 1322.5 48.7742 D 48.9553 D 44.41417 D 137 30.8123 C Int # 91 - Route 303/Mall Exit EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 161 33.0825 C 1527 61.7146 E 583 15.28125 B 48.28367 D 1389.5 52.9089 D 593.5 25.91985 C 44.85658 D 1223.5 35.16266 D 999 15.23667 B 26.67054 C 1322.5 48.9553 D 610 14.71305 B 37.66109 D 310 8.24324 A 535 18.29917 B 91 12.8965 B 753 11.9444 B 14.69119 B 273 7.28454 A 501.5 18.29175 B 90 12.542 B 767 11.3311 B 14.36432 B 488 13.4441 B 487.5 40.59939 D 102 19.74 B 825 13.7996 B 25.4956 C 287 7.62466 A 504.5 18.57245 B 125 14.0486 B 724 11.5763 B 14.67769 B 15.2192 B 10.6277 B 12.6196 B 12.3074 B 12.87896 B 345.5 15.8725 B 326.3333 11.13878 B 117 15.0499 B 132 11.7501 B 13.49946 B 384.5 16.058 B 353.6667 11.92718 B 89 14.8074 B 122 11.9267 B 13.87055 B 291 12.7821 B 119 10.7652 B 122 10.96899 B 194 15.1901 B 12.79028 B 273 13.3025 B 133 12.1827 B 156 11.17648 B 206 12.5607 B 12.47776 B 331 14.8461 B 128 16.3176 B 159 11.61663 B 198 18.4196 B 15.31475 B 317 14.2413 B 118 11.113 B 148 12.53669 B 204 15.8549 B 13.86996 B 867 315.651 F 702 33.11378 C 503 43.897 D 153.9625 F 922 300.3228 F 679 32.79014 C 532 37.3805 D 149.5721 F 1345 69.0307 E 893 36.81542 D 575 44.73767 D 53.8343 D 1205 44.41288 D 717 33.03179 C 518 36.99442 D 39.49324 D Int # 107 - Route 9W/High EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit Int # 116 - Main St/Franklin St EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit 351 318 127 127 365.5 311.6667 87 129 15.845 B 12.8314 B 15.1758 B 13.5398 B 14.39529 B Int # 120 - Main St/Broadway EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum NB Sum Composit EB 11 Ramps & Rt 59 ( New Intersection) EB Sum WB Sum SB Sum Composit Table C89 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – AM LOS S Broadway and 119 NB SB EB WB Composit S Broadway/I-287 EB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/I-287 WB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/Benedict Ave SB EB WB Composit 119/Taxter Rd NB EB WB Composit 119/S Stone Ave NB SB EB WB Composit 119 Ramp EB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB EB Composit 119 Ramp WB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB WB Composit 119/Aquaeduct Rd NB SB EB WB Composit 119/N Central Ave NB SB EB (119) WB (119) Composit Bronx River PKWY/N Central Ave NB EB WB Composit 119/Main Ave/Bank NB EB Composit Volume Alt B 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt C 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt D 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt E 2047 Delay LOS 981 1287 0 1375 73.4 E 29.0 C 0.0 A 14.9 B 35.6 D 788 1304 0 1423 50.7 D 32.4 C 0.0 A 17.5 B 30.4 C 886 1283 0 1445 45.0 D 27.2 C 0.0 A 17.1 B 27.5 C 817 1370 0 1350 44.4 D 44.0 D 0.0 A 12.8 B 32.2 C 946 16 925 400 88.6 F 0.0 A 31.0 C 28.3 C 54.1 D 1065 16 642 294 27.5 C 0.0 A 113.5 F 50.0 D 57.9 E 1024 16 858 502 101.6 F 0.0 A 31.1 C 28.8 C 60.5 E 1019 16 615 331 95.6 F 0.0 A 193.5 F 75.8 E 121.9 F 564 725 480 20.6 C 21.9 C 31.6 C 24.1 C 620 708 359 29.5 C 21.2 C 50.9 D 30.6 C 562 804 504 23.6 C 22.6 C 28.8 C 24.6 C 585 882 476 59.8 E 27.6 C 59.8 E 45.2 D 1096 1522 813 22.2 C 45.7 D 13.7 B 30.6 C 1150 1390 638 79.9 E 67.9 E 16.1 B 61.8 E 1114 1437 802 29.5 C 65.5 E 16.2 B 41.8 D 1032 1355 770 73.8 E 54.0 D 16.8 B 51.4 D 672 562 2255 789 40.3 D 25.3 C 70.8 E 38.1 D 54.0 D 698 496 2125 823 42.2 D 25.0 C 56.9 E 40.0 D 47.2 D 715 580 2214 850 52.3 D 24.5 C 71.6 E 40.2 D 56.0 E 701 544 2259 843 65.8 E 27.8 C 90.0 F 42.0 D 69.0 E 629 719 419 219.0 F 7.2 A 27.3 C 87.4 F 554 759 533 257.5 F 8.4 A 41.2 D 92.6 F 622 730 444 195.1 F 20.9 C 34.2 C 84.5 F 477 677 476 258.1 F 5.6 A 84.3 F 102.5 F 802 766 378 23.9 C 24.7 C 18.6 B 23.2 C 852 1018 672 35.1 D 32.6 C 56.8 E 80.1 F 714 818 434 30.7 C 39.2 D 50.8 D 84.2 F 719 759 593 38.4 D 23.4 C 44.4 D 103.1 F 1095 1097 37 1194 22.2 C 25.9 C 38.2 D 38.0 D 29.1 C 1077 1060 1961 1206 60.2 E 23.5 C 134.4 F 59.6 E 58.5 E 1110 1154 1896 1159 5.2 A 28.2 C 192.5 F 38.5 D 52.6 D 1072 923 1876 1188 40.3 D 44.8 D 186.3 F 73.8 E 48.3 D 1106 588 1507 1085 140.2 F 31.5 C 51.5 D 29.9 C 66.2 E 1056 580 1470 1096 140.8 F 46.0 D 34.5 C 17.9 B 164.4 F 1239 655 1233 1085 88.7 F 35.4 D 42.5 D 33.1 C 169.1 F 1403 360 1037 923 77.1 E 48.7 D 39.6 D 14.2 B 158.3 F 237 1212 842 23.8 C 291.8 F 12.7 B 161.5 F 243 1336 697 29.7 C 261.1 F 26.0 C 35.0 C 252 1246 845 20.4 C 304.1 F 14.3 B 38.2 D 178 1017 615 32.5 C 272.5 F 5.8 A 64.6 E 1421 3998 28.6 C 25.4 C 26.2 C 1212 3733 38.1 D 34.0 C 18.6 B 1211 3860 34.4 C 39.5 D 17.7 B 971 2932 64.5 E 64.6 E 20.7 C Table C89 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) Alt B 2047 LOS Volume Delay LOS Hamilton St/ Bank NB 1417 13.3 B WB 1448 15.1 B Composit 14.2 B E Post Rd/Mamroneck NB 882 19.7 B SB 288 73.8 E EB 664 99.8 F WB 358 32.6 C Composit 53.2 D Westchester Ave/Bloomindale Rd * NB 447 41.3 D SB 641 48.3 D EB 820 78.0 E WB 1101 80.3 F Composit 67.1 E I-287 Int 8W/Bloomindale Rd * NB 202 60.9 E SB 576 34.9 C EB 210 44.6 D WB 1707 58.9 E Composit 52.8 D Westchester Ave EB/ White Plains Rd NB 730 51.3 D SB 726 63.8 E EB 1234 19.6 B Composit 40.2 D Westchester Ave WB/ White Plains Rd NB 471 24.5 C SBWB 683 35.3 D WB 683 41.1 D Composit 34.7 C Bryant Ave/ North St NB 1369 88.8 F SB 577 32.4 C EB 242 9.5 A WB 833 25.8 C Composit 54.3 D Westchester AV E/Kenilworth RD NB 103 0.0 A SB 234 6.2 A EB 403 3.0 A Composit 3.6 A Westechester AV W/Kenilworth Rd NB 89 12.5 B SB 219 50.9 D WB 871 9.4 A Composit 17.3 B Westchester Ave E/ Webb NB 168 0.4 A EB 595 1.4 A Composit 1.2 A Polly Park Rd/Purchase St NB 321 12.9 B SB 481 14.6 B EB 82 12.7 B WB 130 13.5 B Composit 13.8 B Bowman Ave/Webb NB 361 13.0 B SB 130 18.0 B EB 168 15.4 B WB 112 11.4 B Composit 14.2 B Westchester Ave/Ridge ST NB 291 17.0 B SB 702 51.0 D EB 644 13.0 B WB 740 16.9 B Composit 25.9 C Volume Alt C 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt D 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt E 2047 Delay LOS 1162 1483 17.9 B 19.2 B 53.7 D 1210 1590 19.3 B 16.6 B 31.3 C 1009 1489 26.4 C 16.8 B 73.3 E 768 436 624 438 7.7 A 51.3 D 135.0 F 20.7 C 62.6 E 715 138 753 375 21.1 C 40.6 D 40.9 D 28.1 C 83.7 F 623 298 413 479 45.3 D 82.1 F 91.6 F 88.4 F 69.8 E 267 604 736 1560 26.9 C 50.4 D 72.6 E 68.6 E 61.9 E 508 611 913 922 45.8 D 49.4 D 86.4 F 124.6 F 65.6 E 350 610 787 1318 38.9 D 41.1 D 65.3 E 93.9 F 90.1 F 73 679 237 1624 38.6 D 42.1 D 50.1 D 73.0 E 46.3 D 230 573 255 1735 73.9 E 36.0 D 58.4 E 75.4 E 44.5 D 88 573 253 1478 47.6 D 55.6 E 52.4 D 112.4 F 89.9 F 907 685 941 48.4 D 69.1 E 27.6 C 43.4 D 901 679 1079 56.5 E 66.0 E 21.0 C 25.4 C 475 666 760 188.1 F 68.9 E 47.0 D 67.2 E 646 775 775 33.4 C 43.7 D 51.3 D 50.5 D 631 654 654 22.1 C 27.0 C 26.9 C 57.9 E 401 741 741 164.2 F 42.7 D 42.7 D 75.3 E 1366 401 301 828 74.5 E 47.7 D 15.1 B 25.2 C 50.5 D 1257 578 332 743 80.6 F 69.9 E 18.8 B 27.5 C 57.9 E 1097 296 337 776 132.8 F 32.3 C 22.5 C 33.2 C 75.3 E 73 333 517 0.0 A 7.1 A 2.2 A 3.8 A 126 212 331 0.0 A 6.7 A 3.5 A 3.9 A 87 333 343 0.0 A 5.4 A 3.2 A 3.8 A 73 250 686 52.7 D 105.9 F 26.8 C 48.3 D 129 132 797 12.9 B 32.6 C 9.2 A 12.6 B 52 181 693 19.1 B 41.0 D 44.1 D 42.1 D 99 468 6.1 A 9.2 A 8.7 A 159 524 0.0 A 1.2 A 0.9 A 163 520 6.3 A 8.4 A 7.9 A 361 460 52 161 14.6 B 16.1 B 16.9 B 18.3 B 15.9 B 299 459 47 113 12.7 B 14.0 B 7.6 A 19.4 B 13.9 B 348 398 61 179 13.2 B 14.3 B 13.5 B 19.4 B 14.8 B 369 117 195 119 13.6 B 15.9 B 16.9 B 13.0 B 14.6 B 438 58 148 89 10.2 B 15.5 B 13.6 B 9.8 A 11.3 B 433 112 151 120 16.3 B 20.4 C 20.0 B 13.5 B 17.1 B 331 738 498 791 14.8 B 89.8 F 11.9 B 17.5 B 39.6 D 301 690 670 648 16.4 B 36.1 D 13.0 B 15.6 B 21.1 C 345 811 592 713 16.4 B 115.2 F 12.8 B 16.8 B 48.2 D Table C89 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – AM (cont) LOS Bowman Ave/S Ridge St NB SB EB WB Composit Ochard NB SB WB Composit Main /MLK NB EB Composit Hamilton/Cottage PL SB EB WB Composit I-287 EB/Rt 100A EB NB SB Composit I-287 WB/Rt 100A WB NB SB Composit Exit 8A Off Ramp/Rt 119 EB WB NB SB Composit Exit 2 WB Off Ramps/Rt 9A WB SB NB Composit Exit 2 EB On ramp/Rt 9A NB SB Composit Exit 5 ramps/Rt 9A EB WB NB Composit Exit 6 EB ramps/Rt 22 EB NB SB Composit Exit 6 WB ramps/Rt 22 WB NB SB Composit Exit 9S EB ramps<Westchester Ave EB - i-287 ramp EB Westchetser Ave Composit I-287 EB Exit ramps/Boston Post Rd EB NB SB Composit Volume Alt B 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt C 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt D 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt E 2047 Delay LOS 382 838 414 258 25.9 C 45.0 D 40.8 D 31.0 C 38.3 D 460 736 427 254 27.1 C 37.3 D 38.8 D 29.7 C 34.1 C 378 657 341 229 30.5 C 34.7 C 28.7 C 26.4 C 31.2 C 473 680 372 298 27.8 C 37.8 D 40.4 D 40.8 D 36.2 D 827 1790 821 25.1 C 29.5 C 48.4 D 33.0 C 788 1784 921 30.1 C 29.7 C 35.0 C 31.2 C 913 1687 849 30.3 C 39.5 D 29.1 C 34.5 C 776 1781 762 32.4 C 41.2 D 54.3 D 42.2 D 1093 1779 54.8 D 29.4 C 39.1 D 1181 1809 66.9 E 52.7 D 58.3 E 1155 1752 60.2 E 9.9 A 29.8 C 991 1206 72.5 E 54.1 D 62.4 E 439 568 937 71.4 E 9.3 A 21.1 C 29.0 C 430 665 1194 73.4 E 10.7 B 18.9 B 26.8 C 411 463 988 71.2 E 9.0 A 20.9 C 29.1 C 444 557 1039 71.4 E 9.4 A 16.4 B 26.4 C 757 1033 528 35.6 D 12.3 B 12.3 B 19.9 B 782 1458 677 70.5 E 12.1 B 19.3 B 29.4 C 707 996 568 59.0 E 15.9 B 23.6 C 31.2 C 892 1209 541 62.4 E 15.5 B 11.7 B 30.6 C 419 826 931 9.7 A 14.2 B 11.2 B 12.0 B 544 620 1023 13.0 B 14.8 B 11.1 B 12.6 B 511 780 932 12.4 B 16.3 B 12.2 B 13.7 B 371 844 968 8.2 A 20.7 C 11.3 B 14.4 B 1206 471 110 857 32.6 C 48.3 D 21.8 C 9.0 A 27.3 C 1133 460 111 693 31.8 C 42.7 D 16.3 B 12.4 B 27.5 C 1192 471 84 843 57.8 E 48.0 D 12.4 B 18.4 B 41.7 D 1060 523 112 1036 105.9 F 41.0 D 50.5 D 19.0 B 58.3 E 1141 668 606 9.6 A 28.6 C 23.0 C 18.2 B 1106 710 659 10.1 B 30.5 C 24.2 C 19.7 B 1077 709 669 10.1 B 32.3 C 25.8 C 20.8 C 1376 650 849 15.5 B 31.8 C 31.8 C 24.0 C 919 871 9.9 A 5.5 A 7.7 A 1020 863 12.1 B 7.0 A 9.8 A 976 900 13.9 B 6.2 A 10.2 B 1110 846 39.1 D 6.4 A 24.9 C 1563 27 830 18.1 B 2.5 A 11.7 B 15.7 B 1036 1814 903 94.6 F 3.3 A 74.0 E 45.5 D 1636 2297 648 48.7 D 2.7 A 21.7 C 21.8 C 1100 1805 786 126.9 F 8.0 A 50.8 D 52.6 D 1125 960 1479 24.0 C 9.5 A 11.3 B 14.8 1076 901 1598 19.6 B 9.4 A 12.0 B 13.6 B 1052 1019 1432 30.6 C 11.3 B 12.0 B 17.4 B 995 924 1537 17.9 B 12.4 B 17.7 B 16.3 B 1096 0 224 21.3 C 3.3 A 78.8 E 31.0 C 1250 0 146 22.9 C 3.4 A 31.5 C 23.8 C 1078 0 182 15.4 B 3.8 A 41.3 D 19.2 B 1061 0 194 25.8 C 3.3 A 59.1 E 31.0 C 1459 315 10.3 B 24.9 C 12.9 B 1474 181 9.6 A 22.9 C 11.0 B 1264 212 9.8 A 22.5 C 11.7 B 1271 238 9.2 A 23.1 C 11.4 B 929 139 284 22.9 C 32.3 C 15.2 B 22.2 C 886 134 278 22.4 C 35.2 D 14.1 B 22.0 C 864 132 283 23.9 C 32.8 C 13.0 B 22.4 C 784 113 265 23.5 C 31.3 C 14.4 B 22.2 C Table C90 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – PM LOS S Broadway and 119 NB SB EB WB Composit S Broadway/I-287 EB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/I-287 WB ramps Int 9 NB SB EB WB Composit 119/Benedict Ave SB EB WB Composit 119/Taxter Rd NB EB WB Composit 119/S Stone Ave NB SB EB WB Composit 119 Ramp EB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB EB Composit 119 Ramp WB/W Hartsdale Ave NB SB WB Composit 119/Aquaeduct Rd NB SB EB WB Composit 119/N Central Ave NB SB EB (119) WB (119) Composit Bronx River PKWY/N Central Ave NB EB WB Composit 119/Main Ave/Bank NB EB Composit Hamilton St/ Bank NB WB Composit Volume Alt B 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt C 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt D 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt E 2047 Delay LOS 1042 1216 0 590 40.0 D 13.6 B 0.0 A 20.7 C 24.7 C 899 1258 0 249 103.7 F 18.1 B 0.0 A 27.4 C 51.0 D 1130 1518 0 215 56.6 E 40.4 D 0.0 A 15.3 B 44.9 D 991 1231 0 230 52.7 D 14.4 B 0.0 A 25.2 C 30.9 C 356 13 446 700 29.6 C 0.0 A 35.2 D 15.2 B 24.4 C 1191 13 27 365 53.0 D 0.0 A 67.7 E 27.7 C 47.0 C 364 13 408 623 35.1 D 0.0 A 30.3 C 20.7 C 27.0 C 1028 13 22 295 97.5 F 0.0 A 83.1 F 43.4 D 84.6 F 227 739 718 30.8 C 28.7 C 97.1 F 58.2 E 307 193 192 24.8 C 342.6 F 51.8 D 120.9 F 161 632 519 31.8 C 34.6 C 26.6 C 31.1 C 357 302 229 26.2 C 180.8 F 64.0 E 88.5 F 825 846 1356 102.9 F 61.1 E 10.9 B 50 D 728 472 1592 365.4 F 92.5 F 10.4 B 116.8 F 687 480 1809 396.2 F 161.3 F 18.1 B 128.4 F 716 511 1607 418.5 F 107.8 F 10.9 B 131.3 F 746 719 1369 1020 103.3 F 33.1 C 55.5 E 40.0 D 56.5 E 754 782 1328 1008 100.5 F 35.9 D 64.8 E 39.1 D 59.2 E 760 898 1482 984 100.4 F 33.8 C 62.4 E 39.1 D 57.6 E 773 743 1275 1068 96.4 F 46.4 D 68.2 E 39.5 D 61.7 E 724 1052 456 38.8 D 4.9 A 36.9 D 22.4 C 522 910 412 151.4 F 7.7 A 73.5 E 63.1 E 721 1074 450 36.4 D 8.7 A 45.3 D 24.9 C 592 947 463 117.1 F 5.6 A 34.5 C 45.3 D 876 1103 704 23.9 C 29.9 C 42.4 D 31.2 C 715 1056 660 35.6 D 32.4 C 66.2 E 42.5 D 900 1191 716 26.9 C 34.3 C 42.9 D 34.1 C 756 936 630 31.9 C 28.3 C 40.1 D 32.6 C 836 687 2048 1790 4.2 A 83.0 F 37.1 D 40.1 D 38.9 D 789 601 1604 1705 37.1 D 96.6 F 62.8 E 57.5 E 60.9 E 782 667 2140 1737 12.8 B 43.5 D 42.3 D 56.3 E 42.7 D 907 654 2094 1729 5.9 A 53.6 D 113.2 F 43.5 D 65.5 E 700 1009 1408 2664 39.3 D 34.0 C 35.7 D 63.6 E 48.7 D 820 601 1017 2173 113.6 F 29.8 C 92.0 F 41.4 D 63.9 E 790 793 1524 2276 45.9 D 39.3 D 36.1 D 57.6 E 47.1 D 817 780 1485 2677 68.4 E 40.9 D 81.0 F 62.4 E 65.1 E 343 1321 1207 22.1 C 189.8 F 125.0 F 142.5 F 518 420 1006 36.6 D 518.1 F 30.7 C 137.6 F 447 992 992 23.7 C 219.8 F 219.8 F 121.0 F 541 575 1197 31.7 C 611.5 F 44.8 D 182.6 F 2197 2651 33.2 C 90.1 F 64.3 E 954 1815 55.5 E 149.6 F 117.2 F 1519 2372 45.5 D 104.0 F 81.2 F 1708 2832 47.2 D 91.0 F 74.5 E 2310 2395 14.5 B 9.0 A 11.7 B 1106 2305 21.5 C 21.9 C 21.7 C 1575 2238 13.4 B 10.2 B 11.6 B 1728 2667 17.6 B 14.6 B 15.8 B Table C90 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) Alt B 2047 LOS Volume Delay LOS E Post Rd/Mamroneck NB 534 161.9 F SB 446 169.0 F EB 522 202.2 F WB 358 36.1 D Composit 150.7 F Westchester Ave/Bloomindale Rd * NB 553 28.6 C SB 197 29.2 C EB 497 24.5 C WB 1309 39.1 D Composit 33.2 C I-287 Int 8W/Bloomindale Rd * NB 894 32.9 C SB 475 38.3 D EB 381 93.8 F WB 1036 65.8 E Composit 54.4 D Westchester Ave EB/ White Plains Rd NB 606 75.6 E SB 1028 65.7 E EB 1001 16.2 B Composit 49.2 D Westchester Ave WB/ White Plains Rd NB 590 13.7 B SBWB 969 57.6 E WB 969 35.1 D Composit 38.7 D Bryant Ave/ North St NB 957 43.1 D SB 692 43.1 D EB 539 32.3 C WB 923 14.3 B Composit 32.7 C Westchester AV E/Kenilworth RD NB 549 0.0 A SB 316 4.8 A EB 714 1.2 A Composit 1.5 A Westechester AV W/Kenilworth Rd NB 414 9.1 A SB 182 2.6 A WB 1150 0.0 A Composit 2.4 A Westchester Ave E/ Webb NB 93 0.0 A EB 1360 1.5 A Composit 1.4 A Polly Park Rd/Purchase St NB 265 56.7 E SB 519 8.6 A EB 135 12.3 B WB 276 56.9 E Composit 30.8 C Bowman Ave/Webb NB 208 17.3 B SB 244 16.1 B EB 144 24.1 C WB 272 22.4 C Composit 19.7 B Westchester Ave/Ridge ST NB 834 51.9 D SB 150 1289.3 F EB 1241 20.8 C WB 296 29.5 C Composit 107.6 F Volume Alt C 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt D 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt E 2047 Delay LOS 440 55 338 395 93.3 F 179.3 F 134.6 F 105.7 F 112.5 F 3 370 490 645 8.8 A 163.0 F 150.4 F 49.0 D 109.8 F 316 580 457 570 233.8 F 87.7 F 226.2 F 71.0 E 139.7 F 774 173 13 1318 59.0 E 86.7 F 20.3 C 89.1 F 78.3 E 697 149 555 1279 37.1 D 32.8 C 25.6 C 39.4 D 35.6 D 664 168 16 1314 39.9 D 73.6 E 37.1 D 67.4 E 59.2 E 568 479 383 1052 182.4 F 35.8 D 73.7 E 161.2 F 128.4 F 823 463 381 1269 70.6 E 35.5 D 93.3 F 96.1 F 79.0 E 567 479 387 867 104.0 F 68.3 E 82.4 F 182.4 F 122.5 F 587 1062 575 88.0 F 27.5 C 44.2 D 47.8 D 600 893 1227 56.9 E 44.1 D 21.8 C 36.9 D 562 515 987 133.5 F 179.4 F 30.9 C 95.9 F 583 901 901 33.0 C 85.7 F 42.3 D 56.4 E 620 968 968 12.7 B 26.1 C 21.4 C 21.1 C 677 607 607 35.2 D 150.0 F 85.7 F 88.3 F 961 598 588 919 196.9 F 71.1 E 170.2 F 7.1 A 110.4 F 921 881 586 810 44.2 D 43.1 D 37.0 D 33.9 C 40.0 D 814 18 549 578 140.1 F 733.6 F 206.4 F 23.2 C 129.7 F 494 276 550 0.0 A 6.2 A 0.9 A 1.7 A 488 286 1727 9.6 A 6.7 A 10.6 B 9.9 A 545 350 569 1.1 A 10.0 A 3.9 A 4.3 A 263 190 783 16.6 B 9.9 A 13.2 B 13.4 B 775 210 912 11.0 B 3.2 A 0.0 A 4.9 A 131 380 831 33.9 C 17.8 B 9.3 A 14.1 B 175 1161 0.9 A 1.4 A 1.3 A 105 1390 0.0 A 1.5 A 1.4 A 143 1226 0.0 A 1.4 A 1.3 A 240 511 143 338 28.7 C 8.8 A 12.0 B 54.0 D 25.4 C 210 797 217 374 112.5 F 19.9 B 15.8 B 93.1 F 48.7 D 227 475 126 332 37.1 D 8.2 A 10.3 B 47.7 D 25.4 C 311 275 87 338 17.1 B 20.9 C 36.3 D 22.9 C 21.7 C 406 174 138 294 16.1 B 20.3 C 28.8 C 53.7 D 29.5 C 427 212 39 332 15.9 B 21.3 C 20.4 C 27.4 C 21.0 C 821 137 1082 464 54.8 D 0.0 A 19.4 B 22.9 C 30.6 C 677 186 1361 435 43.8 D 0.0 A 29.8 C 21.1 C 29.9 C 996 120 1263 418 60.3 E 0.0 A 21.1 C 20.7 C 34.1 C Table C90 – Westchester County – Intersection Analysis – PM (cont) LOS Bowman Ave/S Ridge St NB SB EB WB Composit Ochard NB SB WB Composit Main /MLK NB EB Composit Hamilton/Cottage PL SB EB WB Composit I-287 EB/Rt 100A EB NB SB Composit I-287 WB/Rt 100A WB NB SB Composit Exit 8A Off Ramp/Rt 119 EB WB NB SB Composit Exit 2 WB Off Ramps/Rt 9A WB SB NB Composit Exit 2 EB On ramp/Rt 9A NB SB Composit Exit 5 ramps/Rt 9A EB WB NB Composit Exit 6 EB ramps/Rt 22 EB NB SB Composit Exit 6 WB ramps/Rt 22 WB NB SB Composit Exit 9S EB ramps<Westchester Ave EB - i-287 ramp EB Westchetser Ave Composit I-287 EB Exit ramps/Boston Post Rd EB NB SB Composit Volume Alt B 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt C 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt D 2047 Delay LOS Volume Alt E 2047 Delay LOS 919 228 384 191 80.0 F 48.2 D 39.8 D 24.9 C 60.7 E 755 277 436 238 35.9 D 39.8 D 12.7 B 21.3 C 28.6 C 604 248 534 294 197.8 F 46.5 D 90.7 F 20.7 C 110.4 F 806 206 393 309 39.1 D 42.0 D 15.0 B 23.4 C 31.1 C 1080 1131 586 45.0 D 21.2 C 38.2 D 33.9 C 888 1070 358 42.7 D 67.8 E 102.9 F 63.6 E 993 1185 350 45.1 D 23.4 C 30.1 C 32.8 C 1259 1053 342 53.0 D 39.0 D 27.7 C 44.2 D 1154 1358 62.4 E 57.3 E 59.7 E 1588 876 48.9 D 86.9 F 62.4 E 1402 951 54.5 D 31.2 C 45.1 D 1244 1441 78.6 E 52.0 D 64.3 E 464 569 1514 67.4 E 26.3 C 27.6 C 34.6 C 396 652 1057 79.5 D 18.0 B 32.0 C 36.6 D 432 727 1290 69.7 E 12.7 B 27.5 C 30.6 C 396 568 1675 110.7 F 17.4 B 23.7 C 35.4 D 456 724 1052 37.9 D 38.8 D 4.9 A 22.6 C 412 522 910 80.1 F 103.7 F 7.7 A 51.1 D 450 721 1074 51.8 D 36.4 D 8.7 A 26.3 C 463 592 947 35.4 D 81.1 F 5.6 A 34.8 C 704 876 1103 53.3 D 23.9 C 18.9 B 29.6 C 660 715 1056 93.4 F 35.6 D 17.3 B 43.4 D 1345 905 1191 51.9 D 26.9 C 20.7 C 34.5 C 630 756 936 45.1 D 31.9 C 15.3 B 28.8 C 522 552 200 973 23.0 C 37.7 D 12.6 B 3.6 A 17.3 B 156 440 173 1560 22.1 C 30.9 C 50.6 D 9.1 A 17.2 B 542 729 213 1429 22.3 C 35.4 D 27.5 C 7.6 A 18.8 B 219 503 165 1469 21.8 C 34.0 C 45.1 D 10.2 B 18.8 B 735 1139 649 32.7 C 28.4 C 4.6 A 23.5 C 814 1155 756 38.5 D 26.5 C 5.2 A 24.2 C 804 1198 677 34.8 C 25.2 C 4.5 A 22.9 C 781 1162 769 42.3 D 26.4 C 4.4 A 24.7 C 1207 845 11.3 B 4.4 A 8.5 A 1250 943 13.4 B 4.4 A 9.6 A 1182 1077 11.4 B 5.0 A 8.3 A 1284 911 12.8 B 5.0 A 9.6 A 1065 2299 971 10.5 B 6.2 A 9.1 A 7.9 A 952 2019 742 11.4 B 8.9 A 15.1 B 10.7 B 1346 31 846 12.4 B 2.9 A 8.1 A 10.6 B 1247 2034 858 84.7 F 1.1 A 117.7 F 50.4 D 813 1441 846 19.0 B 16.8 12.3 B 16.1 B 534 1017 746 61.4 E 16.8 34.6 C 32.9 C 819 1226 803 29.6 C 17.9 16.9 B 21.0 C 465 1435 664 18.2 B 23.8 13.8 B 20.2 C 594 20 312 18.7 B 43.8 D 53.9 D 31.1 C 399 128 373 17.9 B 40.2 D 88.5 F 50.4 D 377 27 326 15.9 B 49.9 D 60.3 E 37.0 D 651 98 256 17.5 B 60.7 E 88.1 F 39.7 D 1974 1383 28.1 C 23.8 C 26.3 C 1647 1395 47.7 D 27.8 C 38.6 D 1363 1711 52.1 D 86.2 F 71.1 E 1739 1253 61.6 E 31.0 C 48.8 D 524 124 491 21.9 C 36.6 D 20.7 C 23 C 494 134 471 23.5 C 32.7 C 20.4 C 23.3 C 266 117 645 23.7 C 31.5 C 21.3 C 23.1 C 498 137 510 22.3 C 35.3 D 19.3 B 22.5 C
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