Wave III Test Strip Scanner WaterLink Spin Lab


Wave III Test Strip Scanner WaterLink Spin Lab
Wave III Test Strip Scanner
WaterLink Spin Lab
Scanned results in 20 Seconds
All Results in 60 Seconds
Scanned Tests: total hardness, total
chlorine/bromine, free chlorine, pH, total alkalinity,
cyanuric acid, borate, biguanide and peroxide.
Chlorine Disk: free chlorine, total chlorine/bromine,
pH, calcium hardness, total alkalinity, cyanuric acid,
copper, iron, and borate.
Other Tests/water conditions: salt, iron, copper,
TDS, Phosphates, nitrates, algae, cloudiness and
Biguanide Disk: biguanide, biguanide shock, pH,
calcium hardness, total alkalinity, copper, iron, and
Wave III System includes: Wave III scanner,
Customized Pool Watch Software for any brand of
chemicals, USB cable & power supply, water sample
tray, 100 test strips, one year of phone & live online
technical support, one year warranty on scanner.
Spin System includes: Spin photometer,
customized Pool Watch Software for any brand of
chemicals, USB cable & power supply, 3 water
sample syringes, 100 chlorine/bromine Spin disks,
one year of phone & live online technical support,
two year warranty on Spin photometer.
Cloud Based file integration with the Pool Watch Software
Connect multiple store locations and service crews to one shared customer file for water testing or point-of-sale.
Point-of-Sale integration with QuickBooks POS, RB Control Systems, On Trac, and RMS based systems.
Peroxide Borate
3 Way
4 Way
5 Way
Point-of-Sale Integration
ScanMate 7
Spin Disks
Salt/TDS Meter
Provided and supported by Home Port Computer, Inc
Visit our web site to download a 25 day trial version of the Pool Watch Software.
Pool Watch Pool & Spa Water Analysis Systems
The “Wave III Test Strip Scanner” and the “LaMotte WaterLink Spin Lab” combined
with the Pool Watch Software for the best testing system available.
The Pool Watch Software is preloaded with all the popular chemical brands and sanitizing systems on the
market today (we will add any new lines or your private label for you). No need for tedious customizations from
Run the Wave III and WaterLink Spin on the same computer.
Both water testing systems can be connected to the Pool Watch Software simultaneously. Switch back and forth
at will depending on “your” testing needs. Example: The WaterLink Spin biguanide disk has all the essential
tests for your biguanide chemical line: biguanide and biguanide shock (peroxide), plus iron, copper and borate,
along with the standard pH, total alkalinity, and hardness. Switch back to the Wave III for faster testing of your
chlorine/bromine customers.
Point-of sale integration
Home Port Computer’s Pool WatchTM Water Testing Software has added Point-of-Sale integration to its many
other features. The feature is compatible with RB Control Systems, Quick Books, any SQL (MDF) or
MSAccess (MDB) Database system, including PoolCorp’s “OnTrac TM” system, “RMS TM”, and more to come.
You will never again need to enter your new customers into two databases (POS & Water Test). The pertinent
customer information is entered at either the checkout station(s) or the water test station(s) and is immediately
copied to the other system. Test data and chemicals recommended will be displayed on the POS system at check
Home Port is “your” technical support team.
 The Home Port owners have more than 60 years of combined pool & spa water analysis and chemical
product expertise.
 Home Port provides “Real time” remote Internet training on the use and customization of the Pool
Watch Water Analysis Systems
 Troubleshooting is performed quickly and effectively online, with our technicians remotely connected to
your computer.
Generate more “Chemical Sales” with in-store pool & spa water analysis!
The Home Port difference – Unequaled “Customer Support”
Pool Watch Analysis
Location one
Date:- 11/26/2012
Name of Pool/Spa Business
Business Address
Business Phone Number
Prepared for Dawn Gillilan by RICH
1912 Desoto Place Somewhere, FL 33000 -Phone- 0000000294
Your Pool
Volume: 22,230
Wall finish
Filter ..
Sanitizer Method
Tests Performed
Min. Max.
Generic Pool Chemicals
Total Chlorine
Free Chlorine
Cont. regular maint.
7.6 _____
1 lbs 8 ozs pH Plus
Total Alkalinity
No treatment indicated
Calcium Hardness
No treatment indicated
No treatment indicated
0.2 _____
2 qts 7 ozs Metal Out
Your Langelier Index value is ... - 0.36 This may be corrosive.
Balanced water has a Langelier Index of plus or minus .2.
Step #01:- Copper is .3 ideal is 0.
2 qts 7 ozs Generic Pool Metal Out at the edge of your pool. Wait at least 24 hours before any chlorine is added.
Step #02:- Filter is Dirty is noted.
Chemically clean your filter at least once a month or after an algae or mineral problem.
1 btl Generic Pool Filter Cleaner as directed on the label.
Step #03:- pH is 7 ideal is 7.4.
This is LOWER than recommended. Low pH can cause eye irritation, damage heaters or corrode other pool equipment.
1 lbs 8 ozs Generic Pool pH Plus by broadcasting over the surface of your pool
Add your daily dose of 6 ozs Generic Pool Dichlor Granules by broadcasting over the water surface.
Maintain chlorine level of 1-3 ppms.
Weekly Maintenance:
------1. Add 2 gls 29 ozs Generic Pool Liquid Shock by broadcasting over the water surface.
2. Add 7 ozs Generic Pool Algaecide 60 to prevent the growth of algae.
3. Add 4 ozs Generic Pool Clarifier to keep you water sparkling clear.
4. Add 9 ozs Generic Pool Metal Remover to prevent staining on wall surfaces.
Pool Watch - QuickBooks POS Integration Features
Customers in POS will merge into Pool Watch database.
Newly added or modified customers will automatically be updated in both databases from
either station.
Flagging a “Rewards” customer can be done from either station.
Additional information transferred from Pool Watch to POS
Pool/spa volume, wall surface, year built, chemical brand, sanitizer, heater, filter,
number of tests, last test date.
This data can be used within QuickBooks reports. This data also provides all the
pertinent pool data to restore a lost water-testing database.
After water analysis is completed:
Test results and chemicals required will be sent to the POS customer’s notes field
and/or added to a “held receipt”, generated in the POS system for the customer.
The water analysis printout will display the held receipt number.
Tracking held receipts will alert management of customers who have water tests
performed, but do not purchase chemicals from the store.
The complete chemical inventory from POS can be displayed within the Pool
Watch software to check quantities on hand from all store locations.
Water Sample Container
A barcode label with the customer id number and name may be printed from Pool
Watch to be adhered to a water sample container. This label may be scanned to
automatically retrieve the customer information upon their next visit for a water
New from Home Port
Print customer labels for water sample bottles direct from the Pool Watch
 Prints barcode of customer ID and name on label
 Adhere to water sample bottle
 Scan barcode to retrieve customer information automatically
Barcode Kit includes:
Zebra label printer, Honeywell USB barcode scanner & stand, software