ViPNet SafeDisk-V. User`s Guide


ViPNet SafeDisk-V. User`s Guide
ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.2
User's Guide
© 1991–2014 Infotecs Americas. All rights reserved.
Version: 00077-01 34 01 ENU
This document is included in the software distribution kit and is subject to the same terms and conditions as the software itself.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, published, stored in an electronic database, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means — electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise — for any purpose, without the prior written consent of Infotecs Americas
ViPNet® is a registered trademark of Infotecs Americas Inc., New York, USA.
All brands and product names that are trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their owners.
Global contacts page
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 7
About This Document .................................................................................................... 8
Audience................................................................................................................. 8
Document Conventions .......................................................................................... 9
About ViPNet SafeDisk-V ............................................................................................. 10
System Requirements ............................................................................................. 10
Software Environment ................................................................................... 11
Distribution Kit ...................................................................................................... 11
What's New in Version 4.2 ............................................................................................. 12
Feedback ......................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 1. General Information ...................................................................................................... 15
ViPNet SafeDisk-V Main Features ................................................................................ 16
Principles of ViPNet Information Protection. ViPNet SafeDisk-V at a Glance ............. 17
Working with ViPNet Client and ViPNet Coordinator .................................................. 18
Chapter 2. Setting up and Starting ViPNet SafeDisk-V ................................................................ 19
ViPNet SafeDisk-V Setup .............................................................................................. 20
Starting ViPNet SafeDisk-V........................................................................................... 22
Finishing the Work with ViPNet SafeDisk-V ................................................................ 24
Uninstalling ViPNet SafeDisk-V.................................................................................... 27
Chapter 3. Protecting Information with ViPNet SafeDisk-V........................................................ 29
Checklist: Protecting Your Information ......................................................................... 31
Creating a Container ....................................................................................................... 32
Backup Copy of Container Keys .................................................................................... 36
Starting a Wizard for Creating a Backup Copy of Container Keys........................ 36
Creating a Backup Copy of Container Keys .......................................................... 37
Connecting a Container .................................................................................................. 40
Connecting a Container for the First Time ............................................................. 41
Formatting a Container ................................................................................................... 43
Common Workflow When Protecting Your Sensitive Information ............................... 45
ViPNet SafeDisk-V Container Icons ...................................................................... 46
Disconnecting a Container.............................................................................................. 47
Viewing and Changing Container Properties ................................................................. 49
Updating Container Keys ............................................................................................... 51
Changing Container File Location ................................................................................. 53
Deleting a Container ....................................................................................................... 54
Configuring ViPNet SafeDisk-V .................................................................................... 55
Traffic Blocking Parameters for Work with Protected Containers................................. 57
Chapter 4. Exporting and Importing Protected Information ....................................................... 59
Why Do I Need It? ......................................................................................................... 60
Exporting a Container..................................................................................................... 61
Importing a Container..................................................................................................... 64
Importing a Container from a Container Export File ............................................. 64
Importing a Container Using a Backup Copy of Container Keys .......................... 67
Chapter 5. Restoring Access to Protected Information ................................................................. 71
Why Do I Need It? ......................................................................................................... 72
Restoring Protected Information. Best Practices ............................................................ 73
Restoring Access to All Containers by Restoring Configuration ................................... 75
Creating a Configuration Backup Copy ................................................................. 75
Editing the Configuration Backup Copies List ...................................................... 77
Restoring a Configuration ...................................................................................... 78
Cancelling the Last Configuration Restore ............................................................ 79
Chapter 6. Using ViPNet SafeDisk-V in a Team ............................................................................ 80
Sharing Your Containers ................................................................................................ 81
Container Access Security...................................................................................... 81
Providing Access to Your Container for One or More Users on the Same or
Different Computer ................................................................................................ 82
Sharing Your Containers on a Network ................................................................. 83
Stopping Containers Sharing .................................................................................. 87
Protecting Information Stored on a Server ..................................................................... 88
Transferring Confidential Information with a Courier or via Network .......................... 90
Chapter 7. Working in Potentially Insecure Conditions ............................................................... 91
Checklist: Preparing to Work in Insecure Environment ................................................. 92
Immediate Denial of Access to Protected Information. Danger Mode........................... 93
Destroying Confidential Information. Extreme Danger Mode ....................................... 95
Key Combinations for the Danger and Extreme Danger Modes .................................... 98
Chapter 8. Removing Traces of Secure Data on Your Computer ................................................ 99
Why Do I Need to Remove Traces of Secure Data? ...................................................... 100
Cleaning Secure Data. Common Workflow ................................................................... 101
Checklist: Cleaning Secure Data .................................................................................... 102
Removing Traces of Windows Activities ....................................................................... 103
Removing Traces of Recently Opened Documents................................................ 103
Deleting Temporary Files....................................................................................... 103
Cleaning the Recycle Bin ....................................................................................... 104
Deleting Unprotected Files Securely...................................................................... 104
Deleting Files Securely .................................................................................. 105
Securely Cleaning Free Disk Space ............................................................... 105
Choosing Default Disks to Clean Free Space On .......................................... 106
Removing Traces of Internet Explorer Activities ........................................................... 108
Deleting Your Browsing History ........................................................................... 108
Deleting Temporary Internet Files ......................................................................... 108
Deleting Cookies .................................................................................................... 109
Full Cleanup ................................................................................................................... 111
Configuring Full Cleanup....................................................................................... 112
Full Cleanup Using the Command Line ......................................................................... 114
Chapter 9. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 116
Viewing the Events Log ................................................................................................. 117
Other Common Issues .................................................................................................... 118
ViPNet SafeDisk-V Can't Start .............................................................................. 118
Container Not Available......................................................................................... 118
Formatting Disks Impossible.................................................................................. 119
Container File Not Found ....................................................................................... 119
Connection to a Container Lost .............................................................................. 119
Can't Connect a Container ...................................................................................... 120
Compress or Encrypt Attribute Is Set for the Container File ................................. 120
Appendix A. External Storage Devices .......................................................................................... 121
Overview ................................................................................................................ 121
Supported External Storage Devices ...................................................................... 122
Appendix B. Version History .......................................................................................................... 124
What's New in Version 4.1.1 .................................................................................. 124
What's New in Version 4.0.2 .................................................................................. 124
What's New in Version 4.0.1 .................................................................................. 125
What's New in Version 4.0..................................................................................... 126
Appendix C. Glossary ...................................................................................................................... 127
Appendix D. Index ........................................................................................................................... 130
ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.2. User's Guide
About This Document
This guide addresses the needs of anyone who wants to use the ViPNet SafeDisk-V software to
protect their information quickly, easily and effectively.
This guide starts with a general explanation of the ViPNet SafeDisk-V technology. Then it
delves into ViPNet SafeDisk-V installation process. Next chapters inform you about tasks you
can complete using ViPNet SafeDisk-V. The guide ends with a brief explanation of
troubleshooting scenarios, thus allowing you to avoid some common pitfalls.
In between, the material is organized in order of increasing detail and complexity. This means
you can read until you learn what you need at the moment, and then continue as the need arises.
Alternatively, you can approach this guide randomly, on a sort of need to know basis. The index
and table of contents will guide you to the specific information you need.
We assume that you have basic knowledge of how to work in Windows operating systems and
why your confidential information should be protected. Next chapters inform you about tasks
you can complete using ViPNet SafeDisk-V. The guide ends with a brief explanation of
troubleshooting scenarios, thus allowing you to avoid some common pitfalls.
In between, the material is organized in order of increasing detail and complexity. This means
you can read until you learn what you need at the moment, and then continue as the need arises.
Alternatively, you can approach this guide randomly, on a sort of need to know basis. The index
and table of contents will guide you to the specific information you need.
We assume that you have basic knowledge of how to work in Windows operating systems and
why your confidential information should be protected.
ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.2. User's Guide
Document Conventions
This document concerns the following conventions:
Table 1: Document conventions
Warning: Indicates an obligatory action or information which may be critical for
continuing user operations.
Note: Indicates a non-obligatory, but desirable action or information which may be
helpful for users.
Tip: Contains additional information.
Table 2: Conventions for highlighted information
The name of an interface element. For instance, the name of a window, a
box, a button or a key.
Shortcut keys. To use the shortcut keys, press and hold the first key and
press other keys.
Menu > Submenu >
A hierarchical sequence of elements. For instance, menu items or sections
in the navigation pane.
A file name, path, text file (code) fragment or a command executed from
the command line.
ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.2. User's Guide
About ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Nowadays the value of information is increasing all the time; a leak can have severe
Undesired or malicious users may be interested in gaining access to data - such as business
correspondence, reports on company activity, innovations and so on. They aim at making
money, disparaging your business reputation or usurping authors’ rights.
So, it is very important to protect your information from being read, modified, copied or
removed by other persons. You should pay special attention to information protection if you use
a laptop, as you might easily leave it unattended (or even have it stolen). You need to protect
your information while ensuring access for those who need it, for example, your employees.
Information protection should not take much time and efforts and require the knowledge of
cryptography. Encryption and decryption operations should be transparent and should not
require much action from you. In addition, the software you intend to use should seamlessly
integrate into business processes, you are accustomed to.
The current version of ViPNet SafeDisk-V included in the ViPNet CUSTOM and ViPNet VPN
software suites successfully solves all the mentioned problems.
System Requirements
Note: For you to install ViPNet SafeDisk-V, your computer should meet the same
requirements as for the ViPNet Client installation.
The minimum system requirements for your computer to run ViPNet SafeDisk-V are as follows:
Minimum Processor (CPU): Pentium IV. Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 is recommended, or any
other x86-compatible processor of similar characteristics with two or more cores.
Minimum RAM: 512 MB (1 GB recommended).
Minimum free disk space: 150 MB (250 MB recommended).
Operating system — Microsoft Windows XP (32 bit), Vista (32/64 bit), Windows 7 (32/64
bit), Windows 8 (32/64 bit), Windows 8.1 (32/64 bit).
You must install the latest service pack for your version of Windows.
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Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later.
Software Environment
For the work with the current ViPNet SafeDisk-V version, the following requirements should be
ViPNet Client or ViPNet Coordinator, version 4.0 or later, must be installed on the
The ViPNet user key set (on page 128) must be installed on your ViPNet host (on page
The “SafeDisk” role must be assigned to your ViPNet host in ViPNet Network Control
Center or the work of your ViPNet host with ViPNet SafeDisk-V must be allowed in
ViPNet Network Manager (on page 129).
ViPNet network license file must be valid.
ViPNet Monitor must be running on the computer.
In ViPNet Monitor, traffic protection must be enabled.
In ViPNet Monitor, the “Internet” configuration should not be loaded. When you have any
of these configurations loaded, your work with SafeDisk containers is prohibited.
Note: You can install ViPNet SafeDisk-V on your computer, even if the requirements
are not met. However, if at least one of the requirements is not met, you will not be able
to start the program.
Distribution Kit
The ViPNet SafeDisk-V distribution kit contains:
a ViPNet SafeDisk-V installation file;
“ViPNet SafeDisk-V. User's Guide.”
All the documents are in electronic format.
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What's New in Version 4.2
This section contains a brief description of changes made to ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.2 and its new
Possibility to work with the ViPNet Coordinator program
Previously, ViPNet SafeDisk-V could be used only with ViPNet Client. Now, the work
with ViPNet SafeDisk-V on ViPNet Coordinator computers is supported as well.
Logic of interaction between ViPNet SafeDisk-V and ViPNet Monitor has changed
Now, to ensure better security, during your work with SafeDisk-V containers, you should
configure traffic blocking in ViPNet and public networks. These traffic blocking
parameters will be applied in ViPNet Monitor. Thus additional protection against
unauthorized access is guaranteed (for example, certain network settings don't allow both
your network administrator and your ViPNet network administrator to access your
Immediate forced closing of all programs and logging off from Windows in case
SafeDisk-V fails to disconnect containers in the Danger and Extreme Danger modes
Previously, if SafeDisk-V failed to disconnect containers immediately, all programs were
forced to close and you were logged off from the Windows session in 60 seconds. Now, in
the Danger and Extreme Danger modes, forced exiting the programs and Windows log off
proceed immediately.
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Figure 1: The time period within which your containers must be disconnected
New ViPNet SafeDisk-V setup program
For ViPNet SafeDisk-V version 4.2, a setup program has been developed that exploits the
MSI technology.
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Finding Additional Information
For more information about Infotecs products and technologies, see the following resources:
ViPNet documentation web portal
Information about current Infotecs products
Information about Infotecs solutions
Frequently asked questions
Contacting Infotecs
We value any feedback from you. If you have any questions concerning Infotecs products and
solutions, any suggestions, complains or other feedback, feel free to contact us by means of the
Global contacts page
Telephone (Germany): +49 (0) 30 206 43 66 0
Telephone (USA): +1 (646) 589-8571
Infotecs makes every effort to ensure that there are no errors or misprints in the text of all
documents supplied with ViPNet software. However, no one is perfect, and mistakes do occur.
If you find an error in one of our documents, like a spelling mistake or some inaccuracy in
describing user scenarios or system features, we would be very grateful for your feedback. By
sending in errata you may save other reader hours of frustration, and at the same time you will
be helping us provide documentation in even higher quality.
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General Information
ViPNet SafeDisk-V Main Features
Principles of ViPNet Information Protection. ViPNet SafeDisk-V at a Glance
Working with ViPNet Client and ViPNet Coordinator
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ViPNet SafeDisk-V Main Features
ViPNet SafeDisk-V is your right choice if:
You need to ensure that your relatives, friends or colleagues don't read, modify or remove
your important documents accidentally or on purpose.
You store your information on a laptop and want to prevent it from being read, copied or
used by someone else (if lost or stolen).
You have confidential information stored on several computers, for example, at home and
at work, and need to protect each one, allowing secure data transfer from one computer to
You need to transfer confidential information on a removable media and want to prevent
the data from being stolen or lost.
You need to control access to confidential information on one or several computers, for
example, hide some documents from one user while providing access for another.
As a result of outsiders approaching your computer, you need to deny access immediately
and hide your confidential information — along with the fact that it actually exists.
As a result of malicious users approaching your computer, you need to resort to removing
your confidential information quickly and securely.
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Principles of ViPNet Information
Protection. ViPNet SafeDisk-V at a
In ViPNet SafeDisk-V, you create a container which is an encrypted file on a disk or an external
When you connect a container, it appears as a usual Windows disk and you can save your
confidential information on it.
Information is automatically encrypted when you save it and is unencrypted when being
accessed. This can be done quickly, allowing you to work with documents as usual and reliably
protect your information.
Data is encrypted and decrypted sector by sector when the corresponding sectors are being
written and read. Thus, only the data used at the moment is being encrypted in the container.
This provides high speed of protected data processing and transparency for users of the
If a container is located on a network drive, transferred data is encrypted, as encryption and
decryption are done on a local computer.
When you disconnect the container, it disappears from the system and can't be found. Other
users have no means of finding out whether such a container exists or gain access to it.
To continue working with information stored in the container, reconnect it.
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Working with ViPNet Client and
ViPNet Coordinator
The current version of ViPNet SafeDisk-V is integrated into the ViPNet CUSTOM and ViPNet
VPN software suites and is intended to run together with ViPNet Client and ViPNet
Warning: The ViPNet SafeDisk-V program version 4.2 is compatible only with the
ViPNet Client and ViPNet Coordinator programs version 4.0 or later.
This integration allows you to work with confidential information stored in SafeDisk-V
containers and protect it from unauthorized access. Only a user whose keys are installed on this
ViPNet host can work with the program.
Thus, integration of ViPNet SafeDisk-V with ViPNet Monitor allows you to apply a corporate
security policy centrally when you are in the administrator mode. For example, in ViPNet
Monitor configuration intended for the work on the Internet (“Internet”), ViPNet SafeDisk-V
can't start. Hereby, the risk of confidential information leak is reduced.
For more information on working with ViPNet Monitor configurations, see the documents
“ViPNet Client Monitor. User's Guide” and “ViPNet Coordinator Monitor. Administrator's
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Setting up and Starting ViPNet
ViPNet SafeDisk-V Setup
Starting ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Finishing the Work with ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Uninstalling ViPNet SafeDisk-V
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ViPNet SafeDisk-V Setup
To install ViPNet SafeDisk-V, you should have administrator rights on your OS.
To install ViPNet SafeDisk-V:
Double-click the setup.exe
file. Wait until the preparation for installation is
Read the terms and conditions of the license agreement. If you accept the terms and
conditions, select the corresponding check box. Then, click Continue.
If you want to adjust the installation parameters, click Customize and specify:
The path to the ViPNet SafeDisk-V installation folder.
The user name and organization.
The name of the ViPNet SafeDisk-V folder on the Start menu.
Figure 2: Configuring ViPNet SafeDisk-V setup
To start ViPNet SafeDisk-V installation at once, click Install now.
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Restart your computer upon the installation is completed, if you are prompted to do so.
ViPNet SafeDisk-V is installed now.
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Starting ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Warning: For the ViPNet SafeDisk-V program to start, make sure that ViPNet
Monitor is running. If ViPNet Monitor is not running or is running in the “Internet” or
“Open Internet” configuration, then you'll be notified about it and ViPNet SafeDisk-V
will not start.
You can work with ViPNet SafeDisk-V only if it is allowed by your license.
Otherwise, you won't be able to start the program.
To start ViPNet SafeDisk-V:
Do one of the following:
Click the Start button, click All Programs > ViPNet > ViPNet SafeDisk, and then
click ViPNet SafeDisk.
During installation, another path to the program on the Start menu might have been
On the desktop, double-click the ViPNet SafeDisk-V shortcut
(this shortcut is
displayed only if you have selected the corresponding option during the setup).
The ViPNet SafeDisk-V window will be displayed.
In the ViPNet SafeDisk-V window, configure traffic protection parameters in public and
protected networks while you are working with SafeDisk-V containers (see Traffic
Blocking Parameters for Work with Protected Containers on page 57).
Figure 3: Configuring traffic protection parameters for ViPNet SafeDisk-V
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If you don't want to specify the traffic protection parameters at each ViPNet SafeDisk-V
start, select the Don't show this window again check box. When necessary, you can
specify these parameters during your work with ViPNet SafeDisk-V (see Traffic Blocking
Parameters for Work with Protected Containers on page 57).
As a result, ViPNet SafeDisk-V will start. If there are containers configured to connect
automatically on the ViPNet SafeDisk-V startup, then these containers will be connected.
After SafeDisk-V startup, in ViPNet Monitor, the traffic protection parameters specified in
SafeDisk-V will be applied and the ViPNet Monitor interface will be restricted. For more
information on the ViPNet Monitor and ViPNet SafeDisk-V integration, see the “Integration
with ViPNet SafeDisk-V” chapter of the documents “ViPNet Client Monitor. User's Guide” and
“ViPNet Coordinator Monitor. Administrator's Guide.”
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Finishing the Work with ViPNet
Finishing the work with ViPNet SafeDisk-V you can:
Minimize the program window. In this case, the program continues to work, containers are
available, but the main window is minimized to the notification area. When necessary, you
can open the main window.
Close the program. All connected containers are disconnected, and the program is closed.
To minimize the main program window, do one of the following:
in the upper right corner of the window, click the Close button
press Alt+F4.
, or
As a result, the Closing ViPNet SafeDisk-V Window window will be displayed
prompting you to choose whether to close the program or to minimize its main window.
Choose Hide SafeDisk window without exit and click OK.
Note: For the chosen action to be applied without the prompt each time you click the
Close button
, select the Do not show this window again check box. Also you can
set the action in the program options window (see Configuring ViPNet SafeDisk-V on
page 55).
Figure 4: Closing the ViPNet SafeDisk-V window
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Tip: If you are going to leave your computer unattended we strongly recommend you to
use the Exit SafeDisk option.
In addition, you can configure ViPNet SafeDisk-V to disconnect all containers, if no
one is working with them. To do this, on the SafeDisk menu, click Options. Then, in
the navigation pane, click General and, in the General pane, select the Disconnect
containers after specified period of inactivity check box. For more information, see
Making ViPNet SafeDisk General Settings (see Configuring ViPNet SafeDisk-V on
page 55).
To maximize a program window back, do one of the following:
in the notification area, click the icon
press Ctrl+Alt+M, or
on your desktop, double-click the ViPNet SafeDisk-V shortcut
, or
To exit ViPNet SafeDisk-V, do one of the following:
in the notification area, right-click the icon
in the main ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, in the SafeDisk menu, click Exit.
and choose Exit, or
When you finish working with ViPNet SafeDisk-V, the program disconnects all the connected
containers. If for some reason you can't disconnect your container (for example, the files stored
in the container are being used by some other application), the corresponding warning will be
Figure 5: A warning window informing that you cannot disconnect a container
If such a window is displayed:
Make sure that the files stores in your container are not used by some other application and
click Retry.
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To force your container disconnection, in the warning window, select the Force
disconnection check box and click Retry. You will be warned about possible data loss.
Figure 6: A warning about possible data loss
Make sure that all data in your container are saved and click Yes.
Note: If some information stored in your container has not been saved, you may lose it
as a result of forced disconnection.
At the forced container disconnection, opened documents aren't closed automatically.
You must close them manually.
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Uninstalling ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Before starting uninstalling ViPNet SafeDisk-V:
Make backup copies of all your protected information. To do this, either:
copy a container file and a corresponding backup copy of this container’s keys to the
same secured location;
create container export files for all your containers and copy them to the secure
If you don't want to leave any traces of confidential information on your computer:
Use ViPNet SafeDisk-V cleaning features (see Removing Traces of Secure Data on
Your Computer on page 99).
Enable the Extreme Danger mode (see Destroying Confidential Information. Extreme
Danger Mode on page 95) and destroy all your containers and container keys.
To uninstall ViPNet SafeDisk-V:
Exit the program (see Finishing the Work with ViPNet SafeDisk-V on page 24).
On the Start menu, click Settings, then Control Panel, then Programs and Features.
In the programs list, double-click ViPNet SafeDisk. The Add/Remove Wizard will
Select Remove All Components. Click Next.
Click Finish. The message warning about the remaining containers will be displayed:
Figure 7: Warning about files remaining in the program folder
If you need to keep working with the containers in future, click No. If you click Yes, all
information will be deleted.
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To complete ViPNet SafeDisk-V uninstallation, restart your computer. To restart the
computer immediately after installation, click Yes.
Figure 8: The restart computer message
If you want to restart the computer later, click Restart Later.
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Protecting Information with
ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Checklist: Protecting Your Information
Creating a Container
Backup Copy of Container Keys
Connecting a Container
Formatting a Container
Common Workflow When Protecting Your Sensitive Information
Disconnecting a Container
Viewing and Changing Container Properties
Updating Container Keys
Changing Container File Location
Deleting a Container
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Configuring ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Traffic Blocking Parameters for Work with Protected Containers
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Checklist: Protecting Your Information
To successfully protect your sensitive information and provide a fault tolerant access to this
information, you should successfully complete all the tasks in the following check list.
Note: This parent checklist contains links to subordinate checklists. Upon finishing the
subordinate checklist you should return to this parent checklist and advance to the next
When a reference link takes you to a conceptual topic, return to this checklist after you
review the conceptual topic so that you can proceed with the remaining tasks.
Create container(s)
Creating a Container (on page 32)
Create backup copy (s) of container keys
Creating a Backup Copy of Container
Keys (on page 37)
Regularly create a full configuration backup copy
Restoring Access to All Containers by
Restoring Configuration (on page 75)
Regularly create a container export file
Exporting a Container (on page 61)
Prepare to work under malicious user control
Checklist: Preparing to Work in
Insecure Environment (on page 92)
Always perform secure cleaning to remove traces of
all your sensitive information
Checklist: Cleaning Secure Data (on
page 102)
Tip: We recommend you to print this checklist and select the check boxes as you
advance through the tasks outlined in this checklist.
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Creating a Container
When you run ViPNet SafeDisk-V for the first time or there are no created containers, the
Create New Container wizard will be launched automatically.
To create a new container:
Do one of the following:
on the toolbar, click Create
on the Container menu, select Create;
press Insert.
The Create Container wizard will be launched.
On the Create a New Container page, click the Browse button
and specify the name
and location of the new container file. Or you can use the name and location offered by
Figure 9: Creating a new container
Click Next to continue.
On the Container properties page:
In the Container size box, specify the size of the container you are going to create.
When specifying your container’s size, pay special attention to the following:
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You can't create a container of the size less than 1024 KB (1 MB) and more than
2048 GB.
You can't format a container in the NTFS file system if its size is less than 3 MB.
You can't format a container in the FAT file system if its size is more than 2048
MB (2 GB).
You can't format a container in the FAT32 file system if its size is less than 68 Mb
and more than 32 Gb.
Note: You will choose the type of the file system for your container later, when
formatting this container. However, we encourage you to think about your container
size and the file system it will use at this step.
The formatting process may take several minutes or several hours depending on the
container size and computer performance.
Figure 10: Specifying container properties
If you create a container using a removable drive, you can use the whole drive's
memory for this container. If you select the Allocate all disk space for this container
check box, you don't need to specify the container size, because it will be equal to the
removable drive's memory. If you select this check box, all the data stored on the
removable drive will be deleted permanently. That is why we recommend you to save
the backup copies of your data first, and clean the removable drive’s memory before
creating a container.
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Note: If the file system of your removable drive doesn't support files whose size is
equal to the drive's space, format the removable drive choosing another file system. For
example, a removable drive with 16 Gb space and FAT32 file system should be first
formatted in NTFS, because FAT32 doesn't support files of more than 4 Gb in size.
In the Encryption algorithm list, choose the algorithm that will be used to encrypt the
created container.In the Container comments box, type any comments you like.
These comments will be displayed in the main ViPNet SafeDisk-V window in the
column to the right of the container name. These comments will help you find the
desired container in the list, so make them concise, clear and meaningful.
Select the Automatically connect container after logon to ViPNet SafeDisk check
box, if you want the new container to be connected automatically when ViPNet
SafeDisk-V starts.
Tip: If you don't select the Automatically connect container after logon to ViPNet
SafeDisk check box on this step, later you can select it in the container properties.
Upon finishing, click Next. The Digital Roulette window will be displayed (if it has not
started in the current ViPNet SafeDisk-V session yet).
The Digital Roulette initiates the random number generator. Random numbers are required
to create a random key or a password. The random number generator named Digital
Roulette is automatically launched once in a ViPNet SafeDisk-V session when it is
required to generate random numbers for the first time.
Figure 11: Digital Roulette
Follow the instructions in the Digital Roulette window. As a result container keys will be
On the Finishing Container Creation page, click Finish. If you have left the Create a
backup copy of container keys check box selected, the Creating Backup Copy of
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Container Keys wizard (see Creating a Backup Copy of Container Keys on page 37) will
be launched automatically.
If you have cleared this check box, your newly created container will be automatically
connected and you will be prompted to format it.
Figure 12: Completing container creation
As a result a hidden container file *.sdc (see Container file on page 128) will be created. To
display this file, in Control Panel open Folder Options and, on the View tab, select the Show
hidden files, folders, and drives check box.
Warning: In the current ViPNet SafeDisk-V version, you can't use a file with the
Compress or Encrypt attribute (see Compress or Encrypt Attribute Is Set for the
Container File on page 120) as a container.
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Backup Copy of Container Keys
A backup copy of container keys is required in the following cases:
you can't access your container; however, the container file itself remains undamaged;
you decided to grant access to your container to another user registered on your computer;
you decided to copy the container file (*.sdc) manually (don't use the ViPNet SafeDisk-V
container export feature).
Warning: Using a backup copy of container keys, you will be able to restore access to
the corresponding container only if these container’s keys were damaged. If a container
file itself is damaged, there is no other way to restore your protected information stored
in this container as to import the container file (if the corresponding container export
file has been created beforehand).
That is why we strongly recommend you to regularly created full backup copies of all
your container files (see Exporting a Container on page 61).
Starting a Wizard for Creating a Backup Copy of Container
If you are creating a backup copy of container keys afterwards, to run the Creating Backup
Copy of Container Keys wizard:
In the main ViPNet SafeDisk-V window, choose the container you want to create a backup
copy of container keys for.
If the container is connected, disconnect it (see Disconnecting a Container on page 47).
Do one of the following:
On the Container menu, select Backup Copy of Container Keys.
Right-click the container and, on the context menu, select Backup Copy of Keys.
The Creating Backup Copy of Container Keys wizard will be launched.
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Creating a Backup Copy of Container Keys
On the Create a Backup Copy of Container Keys page (see Backup copy of container
keys on page 127), click Next.
On the Storage location of the backup copy of container keys page:
If you want to save a backup copy in a file on your computer, choose File from the
Protection type list.
Figure 13: Saving a backup copy in a file
Click the Browse button
and specify the folder to the container keys backup copy
in. You can always use the folder specified by default. Upon finishing, click Next.
Tip: For security reasons, don't store your backup copy of container keys in the same
folder as a container file itself (perhaps an external device would be a better choice).
If you want to save the backup copy on an external device:
Make sure that your external device is supported by the ViPNet CSP program
installed on one host with ViPNet Monitor.
Choose External device from the Protection type list.
In the Backup copy of container keys name box, specify the name of your
backup copy.
Connect your external device to the computer or reader.
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In the Choose device list, choose the device you are going to use (if it has not been
chosen automatically).
In the Type PIN box, type the PIN for your device. To save the PIN, select the
corresponding check box.
Click Next.
Figure 14: Saving a backup copy on an external device
Type the password for further access to the backup copy and confirm it.
Figure 15: Setting a user password
To complete the creation of a backup copy of container keys, on the Backup Copy of
Container Keys Creation Completed page, click Finish.
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As a result, a file with SDE extension containing your container keys backup copy will be
created or your container keys backup copy will be saved on an external device.
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Connecting a Container
To get access to the protected information stored in a container, you need to connect the
container. You can connect the container, only if the usage of SafeDisk-V containers is allowed
by the current ViPNet Monitor configuration.
If containers usage is allowed and you create a new container, you will be prompted to connect
the new container automatically (see Connecting a Container for the First Time on page 41).
To connect a previously created container:
Make sure that at least one letter is free (not used by the system as a disk name).
Note: You can connect no more than 25 containers at once (if you have one system disk
only and the 26th letter is used as its name).
In the ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, choose the container you want to connect.
Do one of the following:
on the toolbar, click Connect
on the Container menu, click Connect,
press C.
In the Connecting Container window:
In the Connect container as disk list, choose a drive letter which will be assigned to
your container by the Windows operating system.
Figure 16: Connecting a container
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Select the Open container contents check box for the container contents to be
displayed in a separate window.
Select the Connect container for read only check box, if you don't want the container
to be edited during this session.
If you work under Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 and you want to protect the
container against other users’ access, select Exclusive access.
Figure 17: Enabling exclusive access
Note: If you select the Exclusive access check box, you can't connect container for read
Click OK.
The container will be connected as a new local disk.
Connecting a Container for the First Time
If, in the current ViPNet Monitor configuration, you are allowed to use SafeDisk-V containers,
then, after you create a new container and its keys backup copy, you will be prompted to
connect the newly created container.
To connect a container:
In the Connecting Container window, click Yes.
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Figure 18: A prompt to connect a container
In the Connecting Container window (see figure on page 40), specify the container
connection parameters.
Note: If you are connecting a newly created container do not select the Connect
container for read only check box, for it will be impossible for you to format it. If you
have selected this check box anyway, either disconnect it and try to reconnect it or
create the container anew and this time leave this check box cleared.
Click OK. When a container is connected for the first time, the container formatting
wizard is started (see Formatting a Container on page 43).
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Formatting a Container
Before using a container, you need to format it. If you connect a container that has not been
formatted yet, then the Format Container wizard will start. To format a container:
On the first page, in the File system list, choose the file system for formatting.
Note: The choice of the file system depends on the container size:
You can choose FAT if your container size is more than 1 MB and less than 2
You can choose FAT32 if your container size is more than 32 MB and less than 4
You can choose NTFS if your container size is more than 3 MB.
Warning: In Windows 8, your container can be formatted as FAT32 only by the
standard operating system tools.
Figure 19: Formatting a container
Click Next to begin the formatting process.
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Note: The formatting process may take you several minutes or several hours depending
on the container size and the computer performance. To estimate the formatting time,
you may create a container of smaller size (for example, 1Gb) and watch the progress.
Upon the formatting process is finished, on the last page of the wizard, click Finish.
Container is ready and connected.
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Common Workflow When Protecting
Your Sensitive Information
Once you have created all containers, we recommend you to use the following workflow to
protect your sensitive information on an everyday basis:
Make sure that in ViPNet Client Monitor a configuration allowing you to use SafeDisk-V
containers is loaded.
Start ViPNet SafeDisk-V by clicking the shortcut
on the desktop or choosing ViPNet
SafeDisk from the Start menu. The logon window will be displayed.
Log onto the ViPNet SafeDisk-V program following the instructions in ViPNet SafeDiskV Logon Modes.
The ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window will be displayed.
In the main ViPNet SafeDisk-V window, choose the container with your information.
Connect the chosen container by clicking Connect
. The Connecting Container
window (see figure on page 40) will be shown. Specify connection parameters, and then
click OK.
For more information on how to connect a container see Connecting an Existing Container
(see Connecting a Container on page 40).
Double-click the connected container. Now you can work with the container disk as you
usually work with Windows disks. Save documents and files you want to protect to this
disk, or save changes to files stored on this disk.
Note: If the ViPNet SafeDisk-V program is installed in the Windows XP operating
system and you have chosen NTFS when formatting your container, then only the
Windows XP OS administrator will be able to create files in the root of the container
disk. If you don't have Windows XP OS administrator's rights, create folders in the
container disk root in advance and further use those created folders.
Warning: While you are working with containers, automatic installation of ViPNet
Client and ViPNet Coordinator updates must be disabled in ViPNet Update System.
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You can install updates after you finish your work with containers.
When you want to finish working with protected information, deny access to it by closing
all the files stored in the container and closing the Explorer window listing the container
files. In the main window, choose the container and click Disconnect. When you
disconnect the container, the access to your protected information is blocked and any
evidence of such information on your computer will be hidden.
Close ViPNet SafeDisk-V (see Finishing the Work with ViPNet SafeDisk-V on page 24).
ViPNet SafeDisk-V Container Icons
The table below describes ViPNet SafeDisk-V container icons and their meaning and purpose.
Table 3: ViPNet SafeDisk-V container icons
container icon
Description and guidelines
Container is ready but not connected.
Container is ready and connected. You can work with it as with common Windows
Container has been created but now not available (perhaps the container file was
placed on a remote drive which is now not accessible).
Container is damaged. Either container file or container protection key is damaged.
For more information, see Restoring Access to Protected Information (on page 71).
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Disconnecting a Container
Containers should be disconnected to hide your protected information. Moreover, you can
perform some actions only when your container is disabled, for example, change the container
properties, export the container, or create a container keys backup copy.
To disconnect a container:
In the main window, choose the container to be disconnected. Connected containers are
displayed as
, disconnected ones — as
Figure 20: Connected and disconnected containers
Close all the files stored in this container and close the Explorer window which shows the
container files.
In the main window, do one of the following:
On the toolbar, click Disconnect.
Right-click the container and, on the context menu, select Disconnect.
On the Container menu, select Disconnect.
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Press D.
If you need to disconnect all the containers at once, do one of the following:
On the toolbar, click Disconnect All.
On the Container menu, select Disconnect All.
Press Alt+D.
If for some reason you can't disconnect your container (for example, the files stored in the
container are being used by some other application), the corresponding warning will be
To force your container disconnection, in the warning window, select the Force
disconnection and click Retry.
Warning: When you force your container disconnection, the opened documents would
not close. You have to close them manually.
Tip: To disconnect all the containers immediately when malicious users approach,
enable the Danger mode (see Immediate Denial of Access to Protected Information.
Danger Mode on page 93).
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Viewing and Changing Container
To view and (or) change the properties of a container:
In the main ViPNet SafeDisk-V window, choose a container and disconnect it (see
Disconnecting a Container on page 47).
Do one of the following:
on the toolbar, click Properties
on the Container menu, select Properties;
right-click the container and, on the context menu, select Properties;
press Alt+Enter.
In the Container properties dialog box, on the Container tab, configure the selected
container’s general options. You can:
Change the name and the location of the container file (see Changing Container File
Location on page 53).
Write your comments for the selected container.
Select or clear the Automatically connect container after logon to ViPNet SafeDisk
check box.
If you select this check box, the container will be automatically connected when you
load a ViPNet Monitor configuration, in which automatic connection of containers is
allowed, or when you start ViPNet SafeDisk-V in such a configuration. For more
information on changing configuration settings, see the document “ViPNet Client
Monitor. User's Guide.”
Select or clear the Connect container for read only check box.
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Figure 21: Viewing and changing container properties
Note: You can't change container size and encryption algorithm.
If you need to update container keys (see Updating Container Keys on page 51), click
Update keys.
Upon finishing, click OK to save your changes. Click Cancel to discard changes.
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Updating Container Keys
To increase the security of information stored in ViPNet SafeDisk-V containers you can update
your container keys, in other words the keys that are used to encrypt information stored in your
container. After the container keys are updated, you can't access your container using old keys
or the old keys backup copy. We recommend you to update your container keys at least once in
15 months. You can view the container keys creation date in the Container properties dialog
box, on the Container tab.
To update the container keys:
In the main ViPNet SafeDisk-V window, choose the container you want to update the
container keys for.
Do one of the following:
On the Container menu, select Update Keys.
Right-click the container and, on the context menu, select Update Keys.
Figure 22: Update container keys
In the Container properties dialog box, on the Container tab, click Update keys.
The Update Container Keys wizard will be started.
On the Update Container Keys page, click Next.
The page with the updating process status bar will be displayed. To stop the process, click
Upon the container keys have been updated successfully, the Container keys updating
completed page will be displayed.
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Figure 23: Completing the container keys updating
By default, on this page, the Create a backup copy of container keys check box is
selected. To create your container keys backup copy later on, clear this check box.
Warning: The container keys backup copy is intended for restoring access to your
container in case its keys are damaged. Thus, we strongly recommend you to create
your container keys backup copies.
If you let some other users use your container keys backup copy to get access to the
container on your computer (see Providing Access to Your Container for One or More
Users on the Same or Different Computer on page 82) they will not be able to access
your container after updating. For other users to access your container, provide them
with the new keys backup copy.
To close the wizard, click Finish.
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Changing Container File Location
For your convenience, you can move container files to another folder, an external device, a
remote network disk or write them on a CD.
To move a container file to another folder, an external device or a remote network disk:
Open the container properties window (see Viewing and Changing Container Properties
on page 49).
In the Container properties window, on the Container tab, in the Container file box,
specify a full path to the container file.
Click OK.
A container file will be moved to the specified location.
If you are going to work with a container on a CD, then, upon the container file has been written
on a CD, specify the new path to the container file in the container properties window. A
container written on a CD is available only for reading. Therefore, for a trouble-free work with
this container, select the Connect container for read only check box.
Warning: ViPNet SafeDisk can work only with the container files written on CDs of
the ISO or ISO+Joilet format.
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Deleting a Container
Before deleting a container, make sure that you can restore information stored on this container
in case of need. To do this, make sure of the following:
the relevant container export file (*.sdx) is created, or
the backup copy of container keys (*.sde) is created and is copied to secure location along
with container file (*.sdc).
Warning: If you have not created any of these files, you will not be able to restore
information from a deleted container.
If you want to delete a container:
Disconnect the container (see Disconnecting a Container on page 47) (if connected).
Select the container and then do one of the following:
right-click it and select Delete;
on the Container menu, select Delete;
select the container and press Delete.
In the Delete Container window, select the I really want to delete this container and I
understand that it will be impossible to restore its contents check boxes.
Figure 24: The message warning you about the deletion of the selected container
Click Delete container.
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Configuring ViPNet SafeDisk-V
To configure ViPNet SafeDisk-V general settings:
On the SafeDisk menu, click Options. The Options dialog box will be displayed.
In the navigation pane, click General.
Figure 25: ViPNet SafeDisk-V general settings
If you need to run ViPNet SafeDisk-V automatically upon logon to Windows, select the
Automatically run SafeDisk when Windows starts check box.
If you don't want to show the ViPNet SafeDisk-V icon in the notification area, clear the
Show icon in the Windows notification area check box (selected by default).
To specify the period of standby after which containers will be disconnected automatically,
select the Disconnect containers in case they are inactive within check box and type or
select the necessary period (in minutes; the default standby period is 60 minutes).
For the Recent folder to be cleaned securely and automatically each session, select the
Securely delete recent documents after container disconnection check box.
If you want the traffic protection options window to be displayed each time you start the
ViPNet SafeDisk-V program, select the Show the window for choosing traffic
protection parameters when starting a program check box.
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To change the key combination to maximize the main ViPNet SafeDisk-V window, click
inside the Activate SafeDisk main window using the following shortcut key box and
press the necessary keys.
To choose an action to be done after clicking the Close button
in the main ViPNet
SafeDisk-V window, in the When closing SafeDisk main window list, select Request
action, Minimize window without exiting SafeDisk or Exit SafeDisk.
10 If you have made any changes, click Apply, then OK. Click Cancel to discard changes.
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Traffic Blocking Parameters for Work
with Protected Containers
You may increase the security of your work with protected containers by blocking all
connections of your host with public hosts. To do this, in ViPNet SafeDisk-V, configure traffic
blocking parameters to apply them in ViPNet Monitor. Depending on the configured options, all
connections with protected and/or unprotected hosts may be fully or partially blocked. The
parameters configured in ViPNet SafeDisk-V can't be changed in the ViPNet Monitor program.
This provides advanced protection against unauthorized access to protected containers of the
public and private network users. (For example, a system administrator or a ViPNet network
administrator can't access your container).
To configure traffic protection:
On the SafeDisk menu, click Options.
In the Options dialog box, select Traffic protection.
Figure 26: Настройка параметров защиты трафика
Under When working in private network, choose the private network access mode
you want to be enabled for working with containers. By default, all inbound encrypted
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connections are blocked. This is considered to be the most secure mode for working
with containers.
Under When working in public network, choose if you want to block traffic
exchange with unprotected hosts for working with containers. By default, all public
network connections are blocked (the Block public IP traffic option). We strongly
don't recommend you to change the default parameter value because even allowing
only outbound connections on a public network is potentially dangerous for working
with the data in containers.
Click Apply.
As a result, the specified parameters will be applied in ViPNet Monitor. For more information
about the combined work of ViPNet Monitor and ViPNet SafeDisk-V, see the section
“Integration with ViPNet SafeDisk-V” in the documents “ViPNet Client Monitor. User's Guide”
and “ViPNet Coordinator Monitor. Administrator’s Guide” correspondingly.
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Exporting and Importing
Protected Information
Why Do I Need It?
Exporting a Container
Importing a Container
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Why Do I Need It?
You may find it useful to work with your protected information not only at your working place
but at other locations. For example, you went to dinner and decided to take some important
report with you to finish it. To do this you should be able to transfer the container holding your
protected information from your office computer to your personal laptop. ViPNet SafeDisk-V
allows you to do this sort of thing. This operation is called exporting and can be useful both in
the situation described above and for creating backup copies of your containers.
Let's move a little further in our discussion. Suppose, you have exported your container to your
laptop, finished your report and now you should send it to your boss or check it in into
document versioning system. Suppose further, that you can do it only from your office computer
(perhaps due to security reasons). To accomplish this task, you should move the finished report
from your laptop to your office computer. Since your report contains very sensitive information,
you can't copy and paste it using standard tools (USB drive, diskette or other removable media).
The report should remain encrypted. You can accomplish this task using ViPNet SafeDisk-V.
To do this, you should use ViPNet SafeDisk-V on your laptop to export the container holding
your report and use ViPNet SafeDisk-V on your office computer to import this container. The
latter operation in ViPNet SafeDisk-V is called importing. As in the former example, you can
use importing to restore your containers from backup copies.
In addition, consider the following situation. You are going on vacation. However, some urgent
changes to the project vision you created should be made during your vacation. Your project
vision contains sensitive information and can't be transferred openly to the person who is
entitled to make changes to it while you are on vacation. To solve this issue you can also use
ViPNet SafeDisk-V exporting and importing features. In short, to transfer your project vision to
another person securely you should export your container and pass it along with the password
you used when exporting it to this person. This person should import this container using the
password you used when exporting this container. Upon completing this, the other person will
be able to work with your protected information as if it was you yourself.
Let's summarize business scenarios, where you can enjoy ViPNet SafeDisk-V exporting and
importing features:
backup and restore your sensitive protected information;
transfer sensitive information between two or more computers (this scenario includes the
data transfer over network (FTP, HTTP) or sending data with a courier; even if data being
transferred is intercepted, it will be impossible to make anything out of it because it is
transfer your sensitive information to another person while you are out of office.
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Exporting a Container
When you export a container you create a so called container export file. You should export a
container, if you want to:
create a backup copy of all your sensitive information stored in this container;
transfer all your sensitive information with a courier, over a network or give it to your
colleague while you are out of office.
To export a container:
In the main ViPNet SafeDisk-V window, choose the container you want to export. If the
container is connected, disconnect it (see Disconnecting a Container on page 47).
On the Container menu, click Export.
In the Export Container wizard, on the Export a Container page, specify the name and
location of the container export file. Click the Browse button
, to navigate to the folder
where you want to save your container export file or use the file name and location offered
by default. Then click Next.
Figure 27: Exporting a container
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Tip: To increase security, store your container export file in a different location than
your container file (perhaps a removable media will be a good choice).
Type your password and confirm it. You will use this password when you try to import
this container. Then click Next.
Figure 28: Setting the password to a container export file
On the Container properties page, specify the properties of the container being exported:
Select the Open container for read only check box to prevent the exported
container’s contents from being modified.
Select the Automatically connect container upon logging to ViPNet SafeDisk check
box, if you want the exported container to be automatically connected when you
import it.
Click Next.
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Figure 29: Specifying container properties for export
In the next window, click Finish.
As a result of your actions a container export file *.sdx (see Container export file on page
127) will be created. This container export file contains both container file and backup
copy of this container’s keys.
Now you can transfer the container export file to another computer using a removable
media, for example, a CD-ROM or a USB flash. You can also send it over a network (over
FTP, HTTP, and so on).
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Importing a Container
Importing a Container from a Container Export File
You should import a container from this container’s export file, if you want to:
restore all your protected information from a backup copy (see Restoring Protected
Information. Best Practices on page 73);
to work with your colleague’s sensitive data while he or she is on vacation or out of office.
To import a container from a container export file you should have:
container export file (*.sdx);
password used for creating this container export file.
To import a container from the container export file:
On the Container menu, select Import. The Import Container wizard will be displayed.
On the Import a Container page, choose File and click Next.
Figure 30: Importing a container wizard
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On the Protection password page, click the Browse button
and specify the path to
the container export file. For faster search, select the Export of SafeDisk container
(*.sdx) file type from the Save as type list.
Figure 31: Typing a password to access the selected export file
In the Type password box, specify the password which was used when exporting the
container. Then click Next.
On the Container File page, specify the name and the location of the container file, in
which the container you are currently importing will be placed.
Figure 32: Specifying the container file location
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If the container file specified on the previous step already exists, on the Created container
already exists page, you should choose, whether you completely replace the existing
container or you just want to replace keys of the existing container.
Figure 33: Message informing you that the container you are trying to import already exists
If you don't want the container to be connected right after importing it, on the Container
Importing Completed page, clear the Connect container check box.
Click Finish.
Figure 34: Completing container import
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As a result of your actions a new container, which itself is a replica of the container being
imported, will be created. This container will be displayed in the main ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Importing a Container Using a Backup Copy of Container
You should import a container by means of a backup copy of its keys in the following cases:
Container keys have been damaged. If the container file itself is undamaged, you can
restore access to this container using backup copy of these container keys (see Restoring
Access to Protected Information on page 71).
You have acquired the container file (not the container export file) along with the backup
of this container’s keys. Now you need to connect it to make some changes to sensitive
information stored on this container.
To import a container using a backup copy of container keys:
On the Container menu, select Import. The Import Container wizard will be started.
On the Import a Container page:
If the container keys backup copy is saved in a file on your computer:
Choose File and click Next.
On the Protection password page, click the Browse button
and specify the
location of the container keys backup copy. For faster search, select the Backup
Copy of SafeDisk Container Keys (*.sde) file type from the Save as type list.
In the Type password box, specify the password which was used when creating
the container keys backup copy. Then click Next.
If the container keys backup copy is stored on an external device:
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Choose External device and click Next. The Choose external device page will be
Figure 35: Choosing an external device
Connect your external device to the computer or reader.
In the Choose device list, choose the device you are going to use (if it has not been
chosen automatically).
Note: The container keys backup copy (see Creating a Backup Copy of Container
Keys on page 37) should be stored on the external device in advance.
In the Type PIN box, type the PIN for your device. To save the PIN, select the
corresponding check box.
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Click Next. The Choose backup copy of container keys page will be displayed.
Figure 36: Choosing a backup copy
In the list of backup copies, choose the one you are going to use to import a
Type the password to get access to the container keys backup copy and click Next.
If a backup copy of container keys and container file are located in different folders, on the
Container File page, click the Browse button
container file.
and specify the location of the
Figure 37: Specifying a path to the container file
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If you don't want the container to be connected right after importing it, on the Container
Importing Completed (see figure on page 66) page, clear the Connect container check
Click Finish.
As a result of your actions:
if you were restoring access to the container and the container file is undamaged,
access to your container would be restored.
if you were using a backup copy of container keys to import a container file, the
container file will be imported and you will be able to work with its contents.
Note: When you import your container from container export file a new container,
which is a replica of the container being imported, is created.
When you import a container file using backup copy of this container’ keys you will be
granted access to the container itself (no replica is created).
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Restoring Access to Protected
Why Do I Need It?
Restoring Protected Information. Best Practices
Restoring Access to All Containers by Restoring Configuration
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Why Do I Need It?
The information is invaluable. If the information is lost or has been made available to
unauthorized or malicious personnel, you will have to face serious consequences from minor
issues to great financial losses. That is why since computers came into our business life, every
company strives to make its best to secure its sensitive and confidential information.
One of the common techniques allowing you to secure your information and to quickly restore it
in case of force majeure is to regularly make backup copies of it. If something happens to your
current revision of information, you will be able to restore the previous revision from its backup
copy. Even if you lose some minor changes, the bulk of your information will be successfully
restored and you will be able to quickly return to the business process you have accustomed to.
ViPNet SafeDisk-V allows you to leverage the protection of your sensitive information by
creating backup copies of all your containers as well as a single container or container keys.
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Restoring Protected Information. Best
For better security, ViPNet SafeDisk-V gives you several ways to restore confidential
information. This will help you to continue working with confidential information quickly in
case of failures.
The table below lists some common problems you may encounter in your everyday tasks when
protecting your sensitive information and gives corresponding instructions how to overcome
these problems.
Access to all
containers is denied
In this case, to restore access to your information, use the Restore
Configuration command (see Restoring Access to All
Containers by Restoring Configuration on page 75). A
configuration backup copy should be created in advance and
container files should not be damaged.
Access to one or
several containers is
In this case, to restore access to your information, use the
container keys backup keys (see Importing a Container Using a
Backup Copy of Container Keys on page 67). The container file
should not be damaged.
The container file has
been damaged
In this case, to restore your data, import the container from the
export file created beforehand (see Importing a Container from a
Container Export File on page 64).
Disk failure. Only
backup copies of
container keys
There is no way to restore all your confidential data if the
corresponding container file is damaged and there is no container
export file. In this case, try to recover your container file from the
failed hard disk. If you succeed, you will be able to import this
container using a backup copy of the container keys.
Anyway, the best way to overcome this problem is to regularly
create backup copies of a container file (see Exporting a
Container on page 61).
Disk failure. Only
container file
There is no way to restore all your confidential data, if a container
file has survived, but a backup copy of the container keys has not.
In this case, try to recover the corresponding backup copy of
container keys (if it was ever created). If you succeed, you will be
able to import this container using a backup copy of the container
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Anyway, the best way to overcome this problem is to regularly
create backup copies of a container file (see Exporting a
Container on page 61).
Warning: To facilitate protected information backup and restore, we strongly
recommend you to regularly perform the following tasks:
create a container export file;
create a backup copy of container keys;
create a configuration backup copy.
If you follow these recommendations you will be able to successfully restore all your
protected information in case of failures or force majeure and minimize time spent to
recover information created since the most recent backup copy had been made.
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Restoring Access to All Containers by
Restoring Configuration
If access to all containers is denied, the best way to restore protected information is restore
To restore a particular ViPNet SafeDisk-V configuration, a backup copy should be created in
advance. You can create as many backup copies as you need.
Backup copies of your ViPNet SafeDisk-V configuration are also created automatically when
you close the program or restore configuration.
Creating a Configuration Backup Copy
A configuration backup copy is used to restore current program configuration.
Warning: If multiple users work with the same ViPNet SafeDisk-V program copy,
each user should create their own configuration backup copies. Each user will have
access only to his personal configuration backup copies.
To create a configuration backup copy:
Disconnect all connected containers (see Disconnecting a Container on page 47).
On the SafeDisk menu, select Restore Configuration. The Restore ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Configuration wizard will be started.
On the Restore ViPNet SafeDisk-V Configuration page, select Create a backup copy of
the current configuration. Click Next.
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Figure 38: Create a configuration backup copy
On the Configuration backup creation page, in the Type a comment for your backup
box, type a comment that describes the configuration. Writing a comment is not
obligatory, but, if the backup is ever required, it will help you to find the backup from the
backup list. The maximum number of characters you can enter for aNew comment is 200.
Figure 39: Creating a configuration backup copy
Click Next. The configuration backup copy will be created.
You can find this and other backups in the \Restore subfolder of the SafeDisk-V
installation folder.
To close the wizard, click Finish.
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To initiate another backup operation, click Home.
Editing the Configuration Backup Copies List
You can edit your list of configuration backup copies: remove configuration copies or edit
To edit your configuration backup copies list:
Disconnect all containers (see Disconnecting a Container on page 47).
On the SafeDisk menu, select Restore Configuration. The Restore ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Configuration wizard will be started.
On the Restore SafeDisk-V Configuration page, select Edit backups list and click Next.
On the Edit information about available backup copies page, select the backup you are
going to edit. To change the comment, click Edit comment. To delete the backup, click
Configuration backups are automatically sorted by the date and time of creation. To
change the sorting direction, click the title of the Creation date and time column or the
Comment column.
Figure 40: Editing the backup copies list
To finish editing, click Next.
To exit the wizard, on the Backup List Changes Completed page, click Finish.
To initiate another operation, click Home.
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Restoring a Configuration
To restore ViPNet SafeDisk-V configuration from a previously created backup copy:
Disconnect all containers (see Disconnecting a Container on page 47).
On the SafeDisk menu, select Restore Configuration. The Restore ViPNet SafeDisk-V
Configuration wizard will be started.
On the Restore ViPNet SafeDisk-V Configuration page, select Restore ViPNet
SafeDisk-V configuration, and then click Next.
If the option is unavailable, it means that no configuration backup copy has been made. In
this case, restore access to the container by importing using the corresponding backup
copy of container keys or from the relevant container export file.
On the Choose configuration backup page, a list of all backups, whether created
automatically or manually will be displayed.
Figure 41: Choosing a backup copy
Configuration backup copies are automatically sorted by date and time of creation. To
change the sort order, click either the Creation date and time or Comment column
Choose the ViPNet SafeDisk-V configuration backup copy you want to recover from and
click Next.
To close the wizard, click Close.
To initiate another backup operation, click Home.
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Note: You can always undo the most recent configuration restoration or restore another
configuration. To do this, return to the first page of this wizard (by clicking Home on
the last page) or, if you have already closed the wizard, restart it.
If restoring configuration did not help you to solve the problem and access to containers is still denied, the
container files are probably damaged. In this case, import each container from the container export file.
The container export files should be created beforehand (see Exporting a Container on page 61).
Cancelling the Last Configuration Restore
If restoring configuration did not solve your problem, you can try to revert to the previous
configuration. To do this, you should cancel your last configuration restore.
To cancel the last configuration restore:
Disconnect all containers (see Disconnecting a Container on page 47).
In the ViPNet SafeDisk window, on the SafeDisk menu, click Restore Configuration.
On the Restore ViPNet SafeDisk Configuration page, click Undo last configuration
restoration. Click Next to continue.
The cancellation process starts.
To close the wizard, on the Cancellation of last configuration restoration completed
page, click Close.
To perform another backup operation, click Home.
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Using ViPNet SafeDisk-V in a
Sharing Your Containers
Protecting Information Stored on a Server
Transferring Confidential Information with a Courier or via Network
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Sharing Your Containers
ViPNet SafeDisk-V allows you to share your containers between several users, thus leveraging
team work with confidential information stored in these containers.
You can share your containers in the following two ways:
Provide access to your container for one or more users on the same or different computers.
Using this way you give an exclusive access to your container to one or more users by
giving them a backup copy of container keys (if you and users you are giving your
container to are registered on the same computer) or by giving them a backup copy of
container keys and a container file itself (if these users are working on different
computers). However, using this way, the concurrent access to protected information
stored in your container(s) for all users will be impossible. In addition, even if you place
your container file on a network drive and share it, two or more users will not be able to
use this shared container simultaneously.
Share your container on a network. Using this way you share on a network not a container
file itself, but the Windows disk representing this container when it is connected in your
ViPNet SafeDisk-V session. This gives you an unprecedented control over who will have
access to your sensitive information and when.
The first way is ideal in the situation, when you are on vacation and another user registered on
your computer is asked to finish your tasks. In this case you should give this user a backup copy
of your container key. This user should launch ViPNet SafeDisk-V using his or her password,
import the appropriate container using the corresponding backup copy of container keys and
complete all assigned tasks. If this user has no access to your computer you should give him or
her a backup copy of container keys and a container file itself.
The second way is perfect if you want team collaboration on some of protected documents.
Suppose you created a project vision. Now you and your team should brainstorm your project
vision and improve it. To do this, you connect the container with this project vision and share a
Windows disk representing this container between a required number of users.
Container Access Security
You can organize container access security:
depending on the file system in which the container has been formatted;
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depending on the current operating system.
The dependence of access control to containers is illustrated by the table below.
Table 4: Container Access Security
Your operating
Container file system
Microsoft Windows
XP SP3 (32
bits)/Server 2003
(32/64 bits)
If you have selected the Exclusive access check box when connecting the
container, the permissions assigned to the container disk will block access to
this container for everybody except for you (the user who has connected this
container). The access will be blocked regardless of the permissions assigned
to the container disk in the operating system. In addition, you will not be able
to configure network access to this disk. On the one hand, it will highly
increase the protection when several users work on the same computer.
However, on the other hand, the possibility for several users to work with the
same container simultaneously will be limited.
If you have not selected the Exclusive access check box when connecting the
container, the access will be granted according to permissions described
below for the operating systems Vista SP2 (32/64 bits)/Server 2008 (32/64
bits)/Windows 7 (32/64 bits).
Vista SP2 (32/64
bits)/Server 2008
(32/64 bits)/Windows
7 (32/64 bits)
When you connect a container, the
permission will be configured so that only
you (the user who has connected the
container in the ViPNet SafeDisk
program) could have full access to the
container disk.
Full access of all users to
When you share the container in the
network, by means of the operating system
you can block or allow other user to access
the container disk.
Providing Access to Your Container for One or More Users
on the Same or Different Computer
To provide access to a container for other users:
If a backup copy of container keys has not been created in advance, create it now (see
Creating a Backup Copy of Container Keys on page 37).
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Give the backup copy of container keys file (*.sde) along with the password you used to
create this backup copy to the user you want to provide access for.
If you are going to provide access for a user, who is not registered on your computer, you
should give this user a container file (*.sdc) as well.
Warning: If you let some other users use your container keys backup copy to get
access to the container on your computer, they will not be able to access your container
after updating (see Updating Container Keys on page 51). To continue working with
your container, import it using the container keys backup copy (see Importing a
Container Using a Backup Copy of Container Keys on page 67).
If you are a receiving party:
Start ViPNet SafeDisk-V and type the password.
On the Container menu, click Import. The Import Container wizard will be displayed.
Import a container using a backup copy of container keys (see Importing a Container
Using a Backup Copy of Container Keys on page 67).
When importing is complete, both users will have access to the container. By sharing the
backup copy of container keys, you can provide several users with access to the same container.
However, only one user at a time will be able to work with the container.
Sharing Your Containers on a Network
To allow different users to work simultaneously or by turn with the same protected information
you should share the Windows disk representing a ViPNet SafeDisk-V container. This allows
you to share sensitive information stored in ViPNet SafeDisk-V container with users who have
no ViPNet SafeDisk-V installed. This also allows you and your colleagues to work
simultaneously with the protected information stored on your shared container.
Warning: Think carefully before giving permission for shared use. Others don't need to
install ViPNet SafeDisk-V to work with protected information stored in the shared
Note: When you connect a container in Windows Vista or later only you (the user who
has connected the container) are allowed to work with files stored in this container.
Some programs require administrator rights. Thus, if your user account does not have
administrator rights, you will not be able to start such programs.
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In this case, we recommend you to launch executable files as an administrator or to
grant administrator rights for the user who connects the container.
To allow different users to work simultaneously with the same protected information:
In the main ViPNet SafeDisk-V window, select the container you want to share.
Connect the chosen container, if disconnected.
Open your computer folder (from the desktop or the Start menu), right-click the disk
which corresponds to the connected container and select Share. The Local Disk
Properties dialog box will be displayed.
Figure 42: Sharing a container
In Windows Vista/Server 2008/Windows 7:
On the Sharing tab, click Advanced Sharing.
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In the Advanced Sharing window, select the Share this folder check box. Set the
maximum number of simultaneous users of this container. You can also change share
permissions (the Permissions button) and offline settings (the Caching button), if
necessary. For more information about this, see Windows Help and How-to.
Figure 43: Advanced sharing
In Windows XP/Server 2003:
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On the Sharing tab, click Share this folder. Configure how your shared disk will be
displayed in Windows explorer and how many users will be allowed to use this share
simultaneously. You can also change share permissions (the Permissions button) and
offline settings (the Caching button), if necessary. For more information about this,
see Windows Help and How-to.
Figure 44: Advanced sharing
Tip: If you don't see the Share this folder option, make sure that the Use simple file
sharing (recommended) check box is disabled.
Click Apply, then OK.
Now your container functions as a shared folder. When it is connected, other users can work
with your protected information as they open the network folder you have created. Container
will be constantly accessible if the computer where the network you have created is located is
reachable. When you and other users work by turn on the same computer, use the Switch user
option. This option allows to switch user account without exiting the operating system and
breaking access to the network folder.
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To deny access to a shared container, just disconnect it (see Stopping Containers Sharing on
page 87).
You can also disconnect the container in ViPNet SafeDisk-V (see Disconnecting a Container
on page 47). To share the container again, connect it and specify the same shared disk for this
container as previously.
Warning: After the system restart, you will need to configure the container sharing
Stopping Containers Sharing
To stop sharing a container:
In the Advanced Sharing window (see figure on page 85), clear the Share this folder
check box.
Click Apply, then OK.
Warning: Upon restarting you computer, you will need to configure container sharing
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Protecting Information Stored on a
You can install ViPNet SafeDisk-V on your network server(s). This allows you to:
enable protection for your corporate information stored on your server;
enable concurrent access to the protected corporate information stored on the server;
not to install ViPNet SafeDisk-V on every user’s working place thus drastically reducing
the cost of ownership.
To protect your corporate information, on network server(s):
Install ViPNet SafeDisk-V.
Consider Checklist: Protecting Your Information (on page 31).
Create one or several containers.
Connect these containers and save data you want to be available to other users to the
connected container(s).
Using standard Windows tools, share the disk corresponding to the connected container
(which contains protected information) (see Sharing Your Containers on a Network on
page 83). Your staff will be able to work as usual.
To deny access to all users, disconnect the container (see Stopping Containers Sharing on
page 87).
ViPNet SafeDisk-V operation on network server(s) does not differ from ViPNet SafeDisk-V
operation on users’ workstations. Using ViPNet SafeDisk-V installed on you network server(s)
you always can:
Create a backup copy (see Creating a Backup Copy of Container Keys on page 37) of
your protected corporate information.
Securely transfer your information between computers. It is especially important to protect
your corporate information when sending a container over an unprotected network or with
a courier using a removable media or a laptop. Since information is encrypted, it will be
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impossible to gain access to it, if the laptop or the removable media are compromised
and/or stolen.
Immediately deny shared access to corporate information by using the Danger mode (see
Immediate Denial of Access to Protected Information. Danger Mode on page 93).
Immediately destroy corporate information in cases of extreme danger using the Extreme
Danger mode (see Destroying Confidential Information. Extreme Danger Mode on page
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Transferring Confidential Information
with a Courier or via Network
When working with corporate information, it may be necessary to transfer confidential data
from one office to another. If your laptop or removable media are lost or stolen, you need to
avoid a leak. Similarly, a hacker can intercept your corporate sensitive information when it is
being transferred over unprotected network protocols, for example, over FTP.
ViPNet SafeDisk-V allows you to protect your corporate information during transferring and
prevent data from being lost and /or compromised.
To transfer confidential information with a courier or via network:
Prepare your confidential information for transferring. To do this, either:
make a container export file (see Exporting a Container on page 61);
make a backup copy of container keys (see Creating a Backup Copy of Container
Keys on page 37) and copy it along with the container file to the same folder.
Send prepared data via courier or via network.
For more information, see Exporting and Importing Protected Information (on page 59).
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Working in Potentially Insecure
Checklist: Preparing to Work in Insecure Environment
Immediate Denial of Access to Protected Information. Danger Mode
Destroying Confidential Information. Extreme Danger Mode
Key Combinations for the Danger and Extreme Danger Modes
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Checklist: Preparing to Work in
Insecure Environment
To protect your confidential data from falling into wrong hands, you should successfully
complete all the tasks in the following checklist.
Enable the Danger mode
Immediate Denial of Access to
Protected Information. Danger Mode
(on page 93)
Enable the Extreme Danger mode
Destroying Confidential Information.
Extreme Danger Mode (on page 95)
Remember key combinations allowing you to
quickly disconnect and/or destroy all containers
Key Combinations for the Danger and
Extreme Danger Modes (on page 98)
Tip: We recommend you to print this checklist and select the check boxes as you
advance through the steps outlined in this checklist.
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Immediate Denial of Access to
Protected Information. Danger Mode
If there is a potential danger from outsiders and/or malicious users approaching your computer:
In advance, in the main window, do one of the following:
On the toolbar, click Danger
On the Security menu, select Activate Danger Mode.
On the SafeDisk menu, select Options, in the navigation pane select Danger mode, in
the view pane, select the Danger mode check box and click Apply.
Figure 45: Configuring the Danger mode options
The Danger mode will be enabled.
Tip: If you don't want to be warned about enabling the Danger mode, either, in the
Danger Mode pane, clear the Warn about activating Danger mode check box and
click Apply, or, in the Activating Danger Mode window, select the Do not show this
window again check box.
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When outsiders approach your computer, do one of the following:
On the toolbar, click Disconnect All.
On the Security menu, select Immediately disconnect containers.
Press the hot key combination, Ctrl+Alt+D (by default).
Tip: To change the hot key combination, in the Danger Mode pane (see figure on page
93), in the Immediately disconnect all containers by the following shortcut key box,
set the combination of your choice by pressing the corresponding keys. Click Apply.
All containers will be disconnected and access to confidential information stored in them
will be denied. Windows disks corresponding to the connected containers will not be
displayed in your computer folder. The ViPNet SafeDisk-V icon will disappear from the
notification area. There would be no evidence left that you have worked with confidential
By default, all the containers are disconnected immediately. If you would like to disconnect
containers within a certain time, you can specify the time period (in seconds) on the right from
the field If SafeDisk fails to disconnect all containers immediately, force all running
applications to close and then log off from Windows in. We strongly recommend you not to
change the default value. If you have changed the default value (0 seconds) and within the
specified time period ViPNet SafeDisk-V has failed to disconnect all the containers, then:
all connected containers will be forced to disconnect,
all applications started by you will be closed,
you will be logged off from the system.
To disable the Danger mode, do one of the following:
On the toolbar, click Danger
On the Security menu, deselect Activate Danger Mode.
In the Options window, in the Danger Mode pane (see figure on page 93), clear the
Danger mode check box and click Apply.
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Destroying Confidential Information.
Extreme Danger Mode
The Extreme Danger mode allows you to destroy all confidential information stored in your
containers quickly. This may be useful if suspect outsiders or malicious users are approaching
and you see no other means of help.
Warning: With the Extreme Danger mode you can destroy all your containers beyond
recovery. Use it wisely.
When you destroy all containers while in the Extreme Danger mode, all container keys
for all users will be deleted and all the data stored in these containers will be lost.
To destroy your confidential information quickly:
In advance, in the main window, do one of the following:
On the toolbar, click Extreme Danger
On the Security menu, select Activate Extreme Danger Mode.
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On the SafeDisk menu, select Options, in the navigation pane, select Extreme
Danger Mode, then, in the view pane, select the Extreme Danger mode check box
and click Apply.
Figure 46: Configuring settings for Extreme Danger mode
Tip: If you don't want to be warned about enabling the Extreme Danger mode, in the
Options dialog box, in the Extreme Danger Mode pane, clear the Warn about
activating Extreme Danger mode check box and click Apply or, in the Activating
Extreme Danger Mode window, select the Do not show this window again check
To destroy your protected information immediately, on the toolbar, click Destruct All
three times or press the Ctrl+Shift+Alt+D hot key combination three
Tip: To change the hot key combination, in the Options dialog box, in the Extreme
Danger Mode pane (see figure on page 96), in the Destruct all containers by pressing
the following shortcut key three times in a row box, set the combination of your
choice by pressing the corresponding keys. Click Apply.
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All the containers, containers’ keys and configuration backup copies for the current user will be
destroyed. The main window will disappear from your screen and the icon
will disappear
from the notification area. If ViPNet SafeDisk-V has failed to disconnect all the containers,
all connected containers will be forced to disconnect,
all applications started by you will be closed,
you will be logged off from the system.
At the next program startup, the list of containers will be empty.
To increase the security of your work, you can hide the Extreme Danger mode button from the
ViPNet SafeDisk-V toolbar. To do this:
In the Options dialog box, in the Extreme Danger Mode pane (see figure on page 96),
clear the Show Extreme Danger mode buttons on the toolbar check box.
Click Apply.
You can make the Destruct All Containers
button semi-transparent above all windows.
This will simplify your access to the destruction option when necessary:
In the Options dialog box, in the Extreme Danger mode pane (see figure on page 96),
select the Show containers destruction button always on top check box.
Click Apply.
To disable the Extreme Danger mode, do one of the following:
On the toolbar, click Extreme Danger
On the Security menu, select Activate Extreme Danger Mode.
In the Options dialog box, in the Extreme Danger Mode pane (see figure on page 96),
clear the Extreme Danger mode check box and click Apply.
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Key Combinations for the Danger and
Extreme Danger Modes
Ctrl+Alt+D — you should press this key combination to disconnect all your containers at once
(the Danger mode should be enabled).
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+D — you should press this key combination three times in a row to destroy all
your containers (the Extreme danger mode should have been enabled beforehand).
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Removing Traces of Secure Data
on Your Computer
Why Do I Need to Remove Traces of Secure Data?
Cleaning Secure Data. Common Workflow
Checklist: Cleaning Secure Data
Removing Traces of Windows Activities
Removing Traces of Internet Explorer Activities
Full Cleanup
Full Cleanup Using the Command Line
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Why Do I Need to Remove Traces of
Secure Data?
The Windows operation system provides restoring deleted files even if you have deleted data by
mistake, if you have emptied the recycle bin, deleted files by pressing Shift+Delete, formatted
your hard disk, and even if your hard disk failed and you are unable to read any information on
When you delete files by standard tools, the operation system just marks them to be deleted,
changing their names, and later new files are re-written on their place.
Formatting of a hard disk leaves its backup copy. If a hard disk fails, there are physical methods
of information recovery.
Thus, you can’t securely remove confidential information without the help of additional
facilities. To provide secure cleaning of unprotected data, the Clean.exe utility is included in
ViPNet SafeDisk-V distribution kit.
Note: The data protected by ViPNet SafeDisk-V is always cleaned securely.
You need to securely clean data in the following situations:
You worked with a document containing confidential information in MS Word. Even if
you store this file in one of the ViPNet SafeDisk-V containers, your Windows operating
system will store information what file, when and from where has been opened. To
leverage security, you should wipe out these tracks.
You have committed an on-line transaction involving your personal and financial data.
Traces of this transaction have been stored in you cookies and temporary internet files. To
protect yourself, you should purge this data beyond recovery.
You have bought a new computer and decided to sell your old one. You have formatted
your old hard disk using standard Windows tools in attempt to remove all traces of
confidential information you have been working on. However, still there are techniques
allowing malicious users to retrieve data from your formatted hard drive. To be sure that
no one will ever get access to your confidential information, use ViPNet SafeDisk-V free
space cleaning feature.
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Cleaning Secure Data. Common
If you worked with documents, copied a text, moved files from one folder to another, deleted or
removed them by standard tools, you need to clean all the remaining information securely from
all possible locations.
In ViPNet SafeDisk-V, you can securely remove traces of your activities by cleaning. To start,
define the components to be cleaned. You can clean the traces of Windows and Internet
Explorer activities.
You can clean the traces of the following Windows activities:
recent documents,
temporary files,
recycle bin,
free space on the disks where files have been created before being put into the container.
For more information about the above mentioned operations, see Removing Traces of Windows
Activities (on page 103).
You can clean the traces of the following Internet Explorer activities:
web history,
temporary internet files
For more information about the above mentioned operations, see Removing Traces of Internet
Explorer Activities (on page 108).
ViPNet SafeDisk-V also allows you to remove all traces of confidential information at once
with the Full Cleanup option (see Full Cleanup on page 111).
If you are a power user or a programmer, and want to use a command line to clean the traces of
confidential information, use the Clean.exe utility.
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Checklist: Cleaning Secure Data
To successfully protect your sensitive information and to be sure that you have removed all
traces of your confidential activities, you should successfully complete all the tasks in the
following checklist.
Regularly clean recent documents
Removing Traces of Recently Opened
Documents (on page 103)
Regularly clean temporary files
Deleting Temporary Files (on page
Regularly clean the recycle bin
Cleaning the Recycle Bin (on page
Regularly clean traces of moved or deleted
unprotected files
Deleting Unprotected Files Securely
(on page 104)
Regularly clean free space on your hard disks
Securely Cleaning Free Disk Space (on
page 105)
Regularly clean your browsing history
Deleting Your Browsing History (on
page 108)
Regularly clean temporary internet files
Deleting Temporary Internet Files (on
page 108)
Regularly clean cookies
Deleting Cookies (on page 109)
Tip: We recommend you to print this checklist and select the check boxes as you
advance through the steps outlined in this checklist.
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Removing Traces of Windows
Removing Traces of Recently Opened Documents
Windows allows you to see your recently opened documents quickly using links to them from
the Recent directory, which usually can be reached from the Start menu. Malicious users can
find out about the existence of confidential information by those links. Clean the Recent
directory to provide secure storage of confidential information.
ViPNet SafeDisk-V securely deletes links to your recent documents from the following
Vista or higher).
Vista or higher).
C:\Documents and Settings\your_user_name\Recent
(Windows XP).
To clear recent documents:
In ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, on the Cleanup menu, click Windows, then click
Recent Documents.
As a result of your actions all links to your recently opened documents will be deleted.
Tip: You can make the Recent folder be cleaned securely and automatically each
session (see Configuring ViPNet SafeDisk-V on page 55).
Deleting Temporary Files
Many Windows applications create temporary files when working with files. These temporary
files may contain a full backup copy of all data stored in original files as well as additional and
service information. As a rule, these temporary files are deleted by applications themselves
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when they finish working with the original files. However, sometimes these temporary files are
left by applications and are not deleted. Such “forgotten” temporary files with your confidential
information may impose a serious threat to security of your sensitive data. That is why it is
extremely necessary to securely delete all temporary files left by applications when working
with confidential information.
ViPNet SafeDisk-V securely deletes temporary files from the following locations:
C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Local Settings\Temp
(or from another folder used for storing temporary files in your system).
(Windows XP).
(Windows Vista or higher).
To clean temporary files:
In ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, on the Cleanup menu, click Windows, then click
Temporary Files.
As a result of your actions all temporary files which were left by applications will be
deleted beyond recovery.
Cleaning the Recycle Bin
Files deleted by standard tools are moved to the recycle bin and can be easily restored by the
Restore option. To prevent the deleted files to be restored from the recycle bin, clean the recycle
bin securely.
To clean the recycle bin:
In ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, on the Cleanup menu, click Windows, then click
Recycle Bin.
As a result of your actions all contents will be securely deleted from the recycle bin.
Deleting Unprotected Files Securely
Before you installed ViPNet SafeDisk-V, your confidential files and documents had been
unprotected. This usual way, as you already know, did not provide appropriate security for your
confidential data. Even if you have deleted the file from your hard disk and emptied the recycle
bin, it could be easily restored using various software or hardware techniques.
When you installed ViPNet SafeDisk-V and copied or moved all your confidential files into
protected containers, these files (and information stored within) can still be easily restored from
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your hard drive in case of need. To eliminate this security threat, you should securely delete
these files from your hard disk, after you copy or move them to protected containers.
To delete unprotected files securely, either:
Delete the files themselves (see Deleting Files Securely on page 105).
If you have already deleted the files using standard Windows tools, use free disk space
cleaning feature of ViPNet SafeDisk-V (see Securely Cleaning Free Disk Space on page
Deleting Files Securely
To delete files:
Select the files in the unprotected folder.
Right-click them and, on the context menu, select Secure delete. (For Windows 7 and
Windows versions prior to Vista you can also click Secure delete in the File menu of the
Explorer window.)
Confirm deleting the files.
Securely Cleaning Free Disk Space
To use free disk space cleaning feature:
In ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, on the Cleanup menu, select Windows, and then
click Free Space on Disks. The Cleanup wizard will be started.
On the Free disk space page, leave the check boxes near the disks you need to clean
selected and click Next.
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Figure 47: Selecting disks to clean free space on
Wait till the end of the cleaning process.
On the Cleanup Completed page, click Finish.
Choosing Default Disks to Clean Free Space On
To pre-set the default disks to clean free space on:
In ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, on the SafeDisk menu, click Options.
In the Options dialog box, in the navigation pane, click Clean Free Space on Disks.
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Figure 48: Configuring options of free disk space cleanup
In the Clean free space on the following disks list, select the check boxes for the disks
you need to clean free space on by default.
Click Apply, then OK.
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Removing Traces of Internet Explorer
Warning: Secure deleting of web history, Internet cache and cookies works only in
Internet Explorer browser. Other browsers will be supported only in the next ViPNet
SafeDisk-V versions.
Deleting Your Browsing History
As you browse the web, Internet Explorer stores information about the websites you visit (by
default, addresses are stored there up to 3 weeks). Usually, it is helpful to have this information
stored on your computer because it can improve your web browsing speed. But if you don't
want this personal information to be left behind, clean it:
Your web browser history is located in the following folders:
C:\Documents and Settings\your_user_name\Local Settings\History
Vista or later).
To clean your Internet browsing history:
In the ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, on the Cleanup menu, click Internet Explorer,
then click History.
As a result all information about web sites you have recently visited will be securely
Deleting Temporary Internet Files
Internet Explorer stores in cache all the data received from the Internet when working with
different web pages. These data can be really useful if you are using slow modem or DSL
connections for it greatly increases your browsing speed. However, if you don't want this
personal information to be left behind, clean it:
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Internet Explorer stores its temporary files in the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\your_user_name\Local Settings\Temporary Internet
(Windows XP).
C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet
(Windows Vista or higher).
To clean your temporary internet files:
In the ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, on the Cleanup menu, click Internet Explorer,
then click Temporary Internet Files.
As a result all your temporary internet files will be deleted beyond recovery.
Deleting Cookies
Cookies are small text files a web browser stores on a computer. These files may store the
contents of your shopping baskets from Internet shops, logins and passwords used on websites
and other confidential information that can be concealed if you delete cookies from Internet
Warning: To successfully clean cookies all your Internet Explorer sessions should be
Internet Explorer cookies are stored in the following folders:
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\your_user_name\Cookies.
C:\Documents and Settings\your_user_name\Local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files.
Windows Vista or later:
Internet Files.
To clean your Internet Explorer cookies:
In the ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, on the Cleanup menu, click Internet Explorer,
then click Cookies.
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As a result of your actions all your cookies will be deleted beyond recovery. Your
confidential information will not be left behind.
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Full Cleanup
You may need to clean all or several types of traces of confidential information at once. To do
In ViPNet SafeDisk-V main window, on the Cleanup menu, click Full Cleanup. The
Cleanup wizard will be displayed.
In the Cleanup wizard, on the Full cleanup page, in the Clean list, select the check boxes
of the components you need to clean.
Upon finishing, click Next.
Figure 49: Starting full cleanup
On the Free disk space page, select the Clean free disk space check box, if you also want
to clean free space on your hard disks from the traces of deleted or moved confidential
files and documents.
In the Select drives to be cleaned list, select the check boxes of the disks you need to
clean free space on. Click Next.
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Figure 50: Cleaning free disk space options
On the Cleanup Completed page, you can see what types of confidential information
traces have been cleaned at your last launch of full cleanup.
Figure 51: Completing the cleaning process
Click Finish, to exit the wizard.
Configuring Full Cleanup
Full cleanup options allow you to select the components that will be cleaned by default when
you run full cleanup and to configure automatic cleanup.
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To specify the information for deletion during the cleanup, do the following:
On the SafeDisk menu, select Options. The Options dialog box will be displayed.
In the navigation pane, click Full Clean.
Figure 52: Configuring full cleanup options
In the Full Clean pane, in the Will be cleaned during full cleanup list, select the check
boxes for the components you want to be cleaned by default.
Click Apply, then OK.
To configure full cleanup to run automatically:
In the Options dialog box, in the Full Clean pane, in the Automatically run full cleanup
list, select the required option: After start of SafeDisk, While shutting down SafeDisk
(on exiting ViPNet SafeDisk-V), While shutting down Windows (on exiting Windows),
Every day, Every 3 days, Every week, Every month or Do not clean.
Click Apply, then OK.
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Full Cleanup Using the Command Line
ViPNet SafeDisk-V allows you to use command line arguments to start various cleaning
processes. This can be useful in the following situations:
You want to securely clean files of the specific type. For example, you want to get rid of
any traces of your *.doc files for this was the very files which contain confidential
You want to securely clean a specific folder on your hard disk.
You have written an automation script (*.bat file) and want to use cleaning features of
ViPNet SafeDisk-V in your script. Perhaps, you want to run ViPNet SafeDisk-V cleaning
operations according to a schedule without any subsequent user interaction or to perform
secure cleaning every time before you shut down your computer.
You have written a plug-in for MS Word allowing you to securely work with some data.
Business requirements of your plug-in require you to securely delete all traces that you
have been working with confidential documents in MS Word.
You want to execute ViPNet SafeDisk-V cleaning commands without starting ViPNet
SafeDisk-V graphical user interface. Perhaps, you don't want to draw attention of your
users from more important activities.
To run secure cleaning commands from the command-line:
Run the command line.
Enter the path to the clean.exe utility. By default, the path is: C:\Program
Files\infotecs\ViPNet SafeDisk\.
In the command prompt, type Clean.exe, space, forward slash (/) and give necessary
arguments. For the arguments and their impact on the Clean.exe operations, see the table
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Table 5: Secure cleaning commands
Command in the main menu
(graphical user interface)
Command in the
command line (with
Free Space
Clean.exe /f <disk
name's letter>
Free space on the defined disk is cleaned. To
clean free space on a disk, you need to have
the privilege to write to the root folder of
this disk.
Temporary Files
Clean.exe /t
Temporary files are deleted securely.
Recent Files
Clean.exe /d
Files from the Recent folder (recently used
documents) are deleted securely.
Recycle Bin
Clean.exe /r
The recycle bin is cleaned securely.
Clean.exe <mask>
The files with the defined mask are deleted
from the defined (by default, from the
current) folder. Defining a mask, please
Traces of Windows activities
? — stands for 1 character.
* — stands for several characters.
For example, if you enter the *.doc mask, all
files with .doc extension will be deleted.
Clean.exe <folder
The folder content is deleted.
Clean.exe /h
IE browsing history is cleaned securely.
Temporary Internet Files
Clean.exe /i
IE cache is cleaned securely.
Clean.exe /c
IE Cookies is deleted securely
Traces of Internet Explorer
Tip: You can launch the clean.exe utility with some parameters. For example,
Clean.exe /c /h /i /t /r /d /fc c:\folder1\*.* c:\folder2.
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Viewing the Events Log
Other Common Issues
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Viewing the Events Log
To view the ViPNet SafeDisk-V events log:
Open the program installation folder. By default, the path is:
Open the text document SDEvents.log. You can see information on the following events:
logon to the system by User,
logoff from the system by User,
Danger mode,
Extreme Danger mode,
all actions with every container (container name is also specified) (creating new
container, mounting container, dismounting container, removing container, importing
container, exporting container, changing properties of the container).
For all these events the following data is recorded:
date and time of the event,
event result: failed or success.
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Other Common Issues
ViPNet SafeDisk-V Can't Start
When you start ViPNet SafeDisk-V, the following error messages may be displayed:
Unable to start the program. ViPNet software is not installed.
Unable to start the program. ViPNet transport folder has not been found.
Unable to start the program. The role “SafeDisk” has not been assigned to this ViPNet
Unable to start the program. Your license has expired.
Figure 53: Error at the ViPNet SafeDisk-V startup
Such mistakes may occur if one or several ViPNet SafeDisk-V and ViPNet Client integration
requirements (see Software Environment on page 11) have not been met.
Container Not Available
If, when connecting a new container, a message will be displayed, saying it is unavailable:
Open My Computer.
Press F5 to refresh it.
Afterwards, new drives will be visible.
To start working with a new container, format it.
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Formatting Disks Impossible
If ViPNet SafeDisk-V is installed on your computer with Windows OS and you don't possess
administrator rights, formatting container disks is impossible. To enable this function, either
obtain administrator rights on your computer, at least temporarily, or ask your ViPNet
administrator to create a container for you and import it to your computer.
Container File Not Found
If you start ViPNet SafeDisk-V and a previously created container is not found, in the main
program window, the container will have the icon. If you can't connect your container in
ViPNet SafeDisk-V:
Check if the container name has been changed.
Check if the path to the container has been changed.
If the container is located on a remote network disk, check connection.
If the container is stored on an external device, check that the device is connected.
If you try to connect the container which is not found, the Container not found window will be
shown. To get access to the information stored in the container which is not found, specify the
new location of the container file.
Figure 54: Container file is not found
Connection to a Container Lost
If the connection to a container connected as a network drive or on a removable media was lost:
Disconnect the container (see Disconnecting a Container on page 47).
Restore the connection (or wait till it is restored).
Connect the container again.
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Can't Connect a Container
If you can't connect your container:
Make sure that, in the current ViPNet Monitor configuration, you are allowed to use
SafeDisk-V containers.
Make sure that your container is not connected by another user (this can happen if you
have stored your container on a shared remote drive).
Remember, only one person at a time can work with a container file.
Make sure that the Compress or Encrypt attribute (see Compress or Encrypt Attribute Is
Set for the Container File on page 120) is not set for the container file.
A related problem (see Container File Not Found on page 119).
Compress or Encrypt Attribute Is Set for the Container File
In the current ViPNet SafeDisk-V version, you can't use a file with the compress or encrypt
attribute as a container. If you try to connect such a container, an error message will be
displayed informing you that the container can't be connected.
Figure 55: Compressed or encrypted attribute is enabled
The compress or encrypt attribute can be set automatically for the container file when it is
created. This happens in case the compress attribute is set for the disk, on which the container
file is created, as well as for all the folders and files on the disk.
To disable the compress and encrypt attributes:
Right-click the container and, on the context menu, select Properties.
In the container properties window, on the General tab, click Advanced.
In the Advanced Attributes window, under Compress and Encrypt attributes, clear the
corresponding check boxes.
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External Storage Devices
External storage devices are designed for storing key containers that you can use for
authentication, digital signing, or other purposes.
On an external device, you can store keys created using different encryption algorithms in
ViPNet software or third-party programs. Maximum number of key containers stored on a
device depends on the device's memory space.
ViPNet software supports two authentication methods involving external storage devices:
ViPNet user's personal key stored on an external device with the following limitations:
Each external storage device can be used for authentication of only one ViPNet user.
Each external storage device can be used for authentication of one ViPNet user on
several ViPNet hosts.
If you use this authentication method, then store your digital signature keys (created in
a certification authority using ViPNet software) and the personal key on one external
storage device.
Certificate with its private key stored on an external device.
You can request for the certificate in Windows domain and store the corresponding key
container on your external storage device that supports PKCS#11.
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You can perform all the required configuring concerning key containers and external storage
devices in the ViPNet CSP program. Make sure that you've installed the drives required for your
external device. Before you store keys on your device, make sure that the device is formatted.
Supported External Storage Devices
In the table below, you can find the list of devices supported by the ViPNet software. For each
external device, the table contains description, conditions, operation specifics, and information
on PKCS#11 standard support.
Note: PKCS#11 (also known as Cryptoki) is one of the PKCS standards (Public Key
Cryptography Standards — cryptographic standards of public keys) developed by the
RSA Laboratories company. The standard defines the API interface independent of the
platform and intended for the work with cryptographic devices of identification and data
Table 6: Supported external devices
Device name in
Device name and type
eToken PRO (Java),
eToken PRO personal
electronic keys,
eToken PRO (Java),
eToken PRO smart
cards by Aladdin
The PKI Client software of the 5.1 version
or later should be installed on the computer.
iButton (Dallas)
electronic keys of the
DS1993, DS1994,
DS1995, and DS1996
A reader device must be connected to the
Smartcards with
memory of the I2C
(ASE M4) type,
synchro cards with a
2/3 bus and protected
memory meeting the
requirements of the
ISO7816-3 (ASE
MP42) standard
The ASEDrive III PRO-S reader by Athena
company is used to process data on a smart
Note: You can use eToken PRO SmartCard
with any standard PC/SC-compatible USB
card reader.
The 1-Wire Drivers software version 3.20
or 4.0.3, which ensures data exchange with
iButton, should be installed on the
Drivers of the 2.6 version should be
installed on the computer.
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CardOS V4.3B,
CardOS V4.2B,
CardOS V4.2B DI,
CardOS V4.2C, and
CardOS V4.4 smart
cards by Atos
Siemens CardOS API V5.0 and later should
be installed on the computer.
Note: For each device, the list of supported operating systems is available on the
manufacturer's official web page.
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Version History
This Appendix describes general changes that were made to previous versions of ViPNet
What's New in Version 4.1.1
This section contains a brief description of changes made to ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.1.1 and its
new features.
Controlling Access to SafeDisk-V Containers
Now you can manage access to protected SafeDisk-V containers by ViPNet Client
Monitor configurations. If you load or save a configuration in which you can't work with
ViPNet SafeDisk-V containers, all the connected containers will be disconnected. If you
load or save a configuration in which containers can be connected automatically, all the
containers with the corresponding settings will be connected.
What's New in Version 4.0.2
This section contains a brief description of changes made to ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.0.2 and its
new features.
Forced container disconnection
You can force container disconnection in case files stored in the container are used by
other application.
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Figure 56: Forced container disconnection
Container formatting
Previously, when you were formatting a container, you used a standard Windows interface.
Now, for your comfort, the container formatting wizard has been developed. The wizard
starts automatically when you connect a container that has not been formatted.
Figure 57: Formatting a container
What's New in Version 4.0.1
This section contains a brief description of changes made to ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.0.1 and its
new features.
ViPNet SafeDisk-V and ViPNet Client integration
The integration ensures better security of confidential information stored in ViPNet
SafeDisk-V containers. Now access to containers in ViPNet SafeDisk-V is defined by the
current ViPNet Client Monitor configuration — protected or unprotected.
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What's New in Version 4.0
This section contains a brief description of changes made to ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.0 and its new
Changing Container Keys
To increase the security of information stored in SafeDisk-V containers, you can now
update container keys that are used to encrypt your container contents. After you update
container keys, you will not be able to get access to your container using old keys. We
recommend you to update container keys at least every 15 months.
Storing Container Keys Backup Copy on an External Device
To increase the security of information stored in SafeDisk-V containers, you can store
your container keys backup copy on an external device. For details, see the list of
supported external storage devices.
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Backup copy of container keys
A special file holding a copy of all your keys used to protect your container. If your key file
becomes corrupted or you can't access a container while the container file itself is undamaged,
you can use the backup copy of this container’s key to regain access to this container. You can
also create a backup copy of container keys when giving somebody access to your container
This file has the *.sde extension.
Client (ViPNet client)
A ViPNet host that is the start and the end point of data transfer. Opposite to a coordinator, a
client does not route VPN traffic and service data.
See Container file (on page 128).
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Container export file
You create this file when exporting a container. This file includes both a container file and a
corresponding backup copy of this container’s keys.
You create this file when you want to create a full backup of all your data stored in your
container and when you want to give another person the possibility to work with your
confidential information.
This file has the *.sdx extension.
Container file
A special file where all your protected data is stored. This file is mounted as another Windows
logical disk in your system. You can work with this disk as you work with other logical disks,
drag and drop files, copy, paste, remove and so on.
This file has an *.sdc extension and is hidden by default. To show this file in Windows
Explorer, enable Show hidden files and folders. This option can be found in the Folder
Options dialog box on the View tab.
Danger mode
A special feature of ViPNet SafeDisk-V, which allows you to disconnect all containers at once
when you see malicious or unauthorized users approach.
Extreme danger mode
A special feature of ViPNet SafeDisk-V allowing you to destroy all containers when you see
malicious users approach and no one can put you out of the trouble and help you.
Key set
A file with the .dst extension created in ViPNet Key and Certification Authority for each user
of a ViPNet host. This file contains host links, keys, and a license file necessary to start working
with the ViPNet software on the host. To ensure functioning of a ViPNet program, you must
install a key set on the host with this program.
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ViPNet host
A network node with installed ViPNet software registered in ViPNet Administrator Network
Control Center.
ViPNet Network Manager
A program that is a part of the ViPNet VPN software suite. It is intended to create, configure,
and administer small and middle-sized ViPNet networks. ViPNet Network Manager also
functions as certification and key authorities.
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Backup copy of container keys • 37
Changing Container File Location • 48
Cleaning Secure Data • 31
Preparing to Work in Insecure
Environment • 31
Protecting Your Information • 88
Cleaning the Recycle Bin • 103
Compress or Encrypt Attribute Is Set for
the Container File • 35, 121
Configuring ViPNet SafeDisk-V • 24, 104
Connecting a Container • 44
Connecting a Container for the First Time •
Container export file • 63
Container file • 35, 128
Container File Not Found • 121
Creating a Backup Copy of Container Keys
• 31, 34, 68, 82, 88, 90
Creating a Container • 31
Deleting Cookies • 103
Deleting Files Securely • 106
Deleting Temporary Files • 103
Deleting Temporary Internet Files • 103
Deleting Unprotected Files Securely • 103
Deleting Your Browsing History • 103
Destroying Confidential Information.
Extreme Danger Mode • 27, 89, 92
Disconnecting a Container • 36, 48, 53, 61,
75, 77, 78, 79, 87, 120
Exporting a Container • 31, 36, 73, 79, 90
Exporting and Importing Protected
Information • 90
Finishing the Work with ViPNet SafeDiskV • 27, 45
Formatting a Container • 41
Full Cleanup • 101
Immediate Denial of Access to Protected
Information. Danger Mode • 47, 89, 92
Importing a Container from a Container
Export File • 73
Importing a Container Using a Backup
Copy of Container Keys • 73, 83
Key Combinations for the Danger and
Extreme Danger Modes • 92
Key set • 11
Providing Access to Your Container for
One or More Users on the Same or
Different Computer • 51
ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.2. User's Guide
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Removing Traces of Internet Explorer
Activities • 101
Removing Traces of Recently Opened
Documents • 103
Removing Traces of Secure Data on Your
Computer • 27
Removing Traces of Windows Activities •
Restoring Access to All Containers by
Restoring Configuration • 31, 73
Restoring Access to Protected Information •
45, 67
Restoring Protected Information. Best
Practices • 64
Securely Cleaning Free Disk Space • 103,
Sharing Your Containers on a Network • 88
Software Environment • 119
Stopping Containers Sharing • 86, 88
Traffic Blocking Parameters for Work with
Protected Containers • 22, 23
Updating Container Keys • 49, 83
Viewing and Changing Container
Properties • 52
ViPNet host • 11
ViPNet Network Manager • 11
ViPNet SafeDisk-V 4.2. User's Guide
| 131