GSM TELEPHONE SGH-N620E SERVICE GSM TELEPHONE Manual CONTENTS 1. Specification 2. Circuit Description 3. Exploded Views and Parts List 4. Electrical Parts List 5. Block Diagrams 6. PCB Diagrams 7. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting ELECTRONICS ⓒ Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. February. 2003 Printed in Korea. Code No.: GH68-04684A BASIC. 1. SGH-N620E Specification 1. GSM General Specification GS M 9 0 0 Ph a s e 1 EGS M 9 0 0 Ph a s e 2 DC S1 8 0 0 Ph a se 1 F r eq . B a n d [M Hz ] Up l in k / Do w n li n k 8 9 0 ~9 1 5 9 3 5 ~9 6 0 880~890 925~935 1710~1785 1805~1880 A RF C N r a n g e 1 ~1 2 4 1 ~1 2 4 & 975~1023 512~885 T x /R x s p ac in g 4 5 MH z 4 5 MH z 9 5 MHz Mo d . B i t r at e/ Bi t Pe r i o d 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 3 .6 9 2 u s 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 3 .6 9 2 u s 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 3 .6 9 2 u s Ti me Sl o t P er io d / F r am e P er i o d 5 7 6 .9 u s 4 . 6 1 5 ms 5 7 6 .9 u s 4 .6 1 5 ms 5 7 6 .9 u s 4 .6 1 5 ms Mo d u l a ti o n 0 . 3 GMS K 0 . 3 GMS K 0 .3 G MS K M S P o we r 3 3 d Bm ~5 d B m 33~5 3 0 d B m~ 0 d Bm Po w er C l as s 5 p cl ~ 1 9 p c l 5~19 0pcl ~ 15pcl Se n si t iv i t y - 1 0 2 d Bm -102dBm -100dBm TDM A M u x 8 8 8 C el l Ra d iu s 35Km 3 5 Km 2Km 1-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Specification 2. GSM TX power class TX Power control level TX Power GSM900 control level DCS1800 5 33±2 dBm 0 30±3 dBm 6 31±2 dBm 1 28±3 dBm 7 29±2 dBm 2 26±3 dBm 8 27±2 dBm 3 24±3 dBm 9 25±2 dBm 4 22±3 dBm 10 23±2 dBm 5 20±3 dBm 11 21±2 dBm 6 18±3 dBm 12 19±2 dBm 7 16±3 dBm 13 17±2 dBm 8 14±3 dBm 14 15±2 dBm 9 12±4 dBm 15 13±2 dBm 10 10±4 dBm 16 11±3 dBm 11 8±4dBm 17 9±3dBm 12 6±4 dBm 18 7±3 dBm 13 4±4 dBm 19 5±3 dBm 14 2±5 dBm 15 0±5 dBm 1-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 2. SGH-N620E Circuit Description 1. SGH-N620E RF Circuit Description 1) RX PART 1. ASM(U301) → Switching Tx, Rx path for GSM900, DCS1800 by logic controlling. 2. ASM Control Logic (Q301,Q302,Q303) → Truth Table VC1 VC2 GSM Tx Mode L H DCS Tx Mode H L GSM Rx Mode L L DCS Rx Mode L L 3. FILTER To convert Electromagnetic Field Wave to Acoustic Wave and then pass the specific frequency band. - DCS FILTER (F301,C305,C307,L303) → For filtering the frequency band between 1805 ~ 1880 MHz - GSM FILTER (F302,C210,C312,L306) → For filtering the frequency band between 925 ~ 960MHz 4. VC-TCXO (OSC301) To generate the 13MHz reference clock to drive the logic and RF. After additional process, the reference clock applies to the U304 Rx IQ demodulator and U302 Tx IQ modulator. The oscillator for RX IQ demodulator and Tx modulator are controlled by serial data to select channel and use fast lock mode for GPRS high class operation. 5. Si 4200F (U302) This chip integrates two differential-input LNAs. The GSM input supports the E-GSM, DCS input supports the DCS1800. The LNA inputs are matched to the 200 ohm differential output SAW filters through external LC matching network. Image-reject mixer downconverts the RF signal to a 100 KHz intermediate frequency(IF) with the RFLO from SI4133T frequency synthesizer. The RFLO frequency is between 1737.8 ~ 1989.9 MHz. The Mixer output is amplified with an analog programmable gain amplifier(PGA), which is controlled by AGAIN. The quadrature IF signal is digitized with high resolution A/D converts (ADC). 6. Si 4201BM (U304) The SI4201BM down-converts the ADC output to baseband with a digital 100 KHz quadrature LO signal. Digital decimation and IIR filters perform channel selection to remove blocking and reference interface signals. After channel selection, the digital output is scaled with a digital PGA, which is controlled with the DGAIN. DACs drive a differential analog signal onto the RXIP, RXIN, RXQP, RXQN pins to interface to standard analog-input baseband IC. 2) TX PART Baseband IQ signal fed into offset PLL, this function is included inside of U305 chip. SI4200F chip generates modulator signal which power level is about 6.5dBm and fed into Power Amplifier(U303). The PA output power and power ramping are well controlled by Auto Power Control circuit. We use offset PLL below 2-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Circuit Description Modulation Spectrum 200kHz offset 30 kHz bandwidth GSM -35dBc DCS -35dBc 400kHz offset 30 kHz bandwidth GSM -66dBc DCS -65dBc 600kHz ~ 1.8MHz offset 30 kHz bandwidth GSM -75dBc DCS -68dBc 2. Baseband Circuit description of SGH-N620E 1. Power Management Four low-dropout regulators designed specifically for GSM applications power and help ensure optimal system performance and long battery life. while a self-resetting, electronically fused switch supplies power to external accessories. Ancillary support functions, such as RTC module and High Voltage Charge pump, Clock generator, aid in reducing both board area and system complexity. 2. Clock Generator The Clock Generator (CG) generates all clocks for internal and external usage. The 32768 Hz crystal oscillator provides an accurate low clock frequency for the VP40578. 3. LCD LCD is 4 grey LCD. Chip select signals in the U205, LCD_EN can enable LCD. B_LIGHT signal enables blue LED of LCD. Blue LEDs use the 'LVCC' supply voltage. "RST" signal initiates the Reset process of the LCD. 8-bit data lines(D(0)~D(7) transfers data and commands to LCD through bypass capacitor. Data and commands use "A(0)" signal. If this signal is high, Inputs to LCD are commands. If it is low, Inputs to LCD are data. The signal which informs the input or output state to LCD, is required. But this system is not necessary this signal. So "WR" signal is used to write data or commands to LCD. Power signal for LCD is "VDD3.0". 4. Key This is consisted of key interface pins among VP40578 (KEYBORD_ROW(0:7), KEYBOARD_COL(0:7)) . These signals compose the matrix. Result of matrix informs the key status to key interface in the VP40578. Eight key LEDs use the "LED_3V3" supply voltage. "BACKLIGHT" signal enables LEDs with current control 5. IF connector It is 18-pin connector. They are designed to use RS232_TXD, RS232_RXD, RS232_RTS, RS232_CTS, BOOT, SCL, SDA, MIC2N, MIC2P, SPK2N, SPK2P, DCVOLT. They connected to power supply IC, microprocessor and signal processor IC. 6. Battery Charge Management A complete constant-current/constant-voltage linear charger for single cell lithium-ion batteries. If ta connected to phone, "DCVOLT" enable charger IC and supply current to battery. when fault condition caused, "CHG_ON" signal level change low to high and charger IC stop charging process. 7. Audio SPK2P and SPK2N from VP40578 are connected to the main receiver. MIC2P and MIC2N are connected to the main 2-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Circuit Description MIC. YMU759, is a LSI for portable telephone that is capable of playing high quality music by utilizing FM synthesizer and ADPCM decorder that are included in this device. As a synthesis, YMU759 is equipped 16 voices with different tones. Since the device is capable of simultaneously generating up to synchronous with the play of the FM synthesizer, various sampled voices can be used as sound effects. Since the play data of YMU759 are interpreted at anytime through FIFO, the length of the data(playing period) is not limited, so the device can flexibly support application such as incoming call melody music distribution service. The hardware sequencer built in this device allows playing of the complex music without giving excessive load to the CPU of the portable telephones. Moreover, the registers of the FM synthesizer can be operated directly for real time sound generation, allowing, for example, utilization of various sound effects when using the game software installed in the portable telephone. YMU759 includes a speaker amplifier with high ripple removal rate whose maximum output is 550mW (SPVDD=3.6V). The device is also equipped with conventional function including a vibartor and a circuit for controlling LEDs synchornous with music. For the headphone, it is provided with a stereophonic output terminal. For the purpose of enabling YMU759 to demonstrate its full capablities, Yamaha purpose to use "SMAF:Synthetic music Mobile Application Format" as a data distribution format that is compatible with multimedia. Since the SMAF takes a structure that sets importance on the synchronization between sound and images, various contents can be written into it including incoming call melody with words that can be used for traning karaoke, and commercial channel that combines texts, images and sounds, and others. The hardware sequencer of YMU759AE2 directly interprets and plays blocks relevant to systhesis (playing music and reproducing ADPCM with FM synthesizer) that are included in data distributed in SMAF. 8. Memory Signals in the VP40578 enable two memories. They use only one volt supply voltage, VDD3. This system uses LRS1383. It is consisted of 32M bits flash and 8M bits SRAM.. It has 16 bit data line, D[0~15] which is connected to VP40578. It has 22 it address lines, HA[0~21]. FALSH1 and CSRAM signals is chip select. 9. VP40578 VP40578 is consisted of ARM core and DSP core. It has 8x1Kword on-chip program/data RAM, 55 Kwords on-chip program ROM in the DSP. It has 4K*32bits ROM and 2K*32bits RAM in the ARM core. DSP is consisted of KBS, JTAG, EMI and UART. ARM core is consisted of EMI, PIC(Programmable Interrupt Controller), reset/power/clock unit, DMA controller, TIC(Test Interface Controller), eripheral bridge, PPI, SSI(Synchronous Serial Interface), ACC(Asynchronous communications controllers), timer, ADC, RTC(Real-Time Clock) and keyboard interface. KBIO(0:7), address lines of DSP core and HD[0~15]. HA[0~23], address lines of ARM core and HD[0~15], data lines of ARM core are connected to memory, YMU759. External IRQ(Interrupt ReQuest) signals from each units, such as, PMU need the compatible process. KBIO[0~7] receive the status from key It has JTAG control pins(TDI/TDO/TCK) for ARM core and DSP core. It recieves 13MHz clock in CKI pin from external TCXO. ADC(Analog to Digital Convertor) part receives the status of temperature, battery type and battery voltage. 10. VC-TCXO(13MHz) This system uses the 13MHz , VC-TCXO. Toyocom. AFC control signal form VP40578 controls frequency from 13MHz x-tal. It generates the clock frequency. This clock is connected to VP40578, YMU762. 2-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 3. SGH-N620E Exploded View and its Parts list 1. Cellular phone Exploded View 3-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Exploded view and its Part list 2. Cellular phone Parts list NO 1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 2 3 4 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 5 6 7 8 9 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SEC CODE WHITE FRONT COVER ASS'Y GH75-03840A FRONT COVER GH72-10706A LCD-SPONGE GH74-06910A DUMMY-SPEAKER GH72-03218A WINDOW-LCD GH72-10710A LENS LED GH72-03217A DUMMY-FRONT GH72-03212A DECORATION GH72-03219A METAL-MANGSA FRONT GH74-06920A COVER-LED GH73-01049A KEY PAD GH75-03842A FRAME-LCD GH71-02536A PBA GH92-01653A COVER-LCD GH73-00923A LCD-ASS'Y GH07-00131A PCB INSULATION TAPE GH74-05984A KEY-VOLUME GH75-01490A IF-COVER GH73-00893A INSULATION TAPE GH74-07032A SHIELD-REAR GH72-10708A REAR COVER ASS'Y GH75-03841A REAR COVER GH72-10707A SPRING LOCKER GH70-10516A LOCKER MAIN GH72-03116A COVER EAR-PHONE GH73-00894A METAL-MANGSA REAR GH74-06921A WATERPROOF TAPE GH68-02026A SPEAKER 3001-001254 MOTOR GH31-00033A BUSHING ANT GH71-00588A ANTENNA GH42-00137A->E BATTERY-ASS'Y GH43-00435A MOBILE CAP GH73-00892A SCREW CAP GH73-00891A SCREW M1.7X5 6001-001346 MIC-RUBBER GH73-02596A FRONT TOTAL ASS'Y GH97-03134A DESCRIPTION Q'TY SVC REMARK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 3-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Exploded view and its Part list 3. Test Jig (GH80-10508A) 3-1. RF Test Cable 3-2. Test Cable (GH39-00174A) 3-3. Serial Cable (GH39-00079A) 3-4. Power Supply Cable 3-5. DATA CABLE (GH39-00078A) 3-6. TA (GH44-00184G) 3-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 4. SGH-N620E MAIN Electrical Parts List SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC 0401-001110 D101 1203-002766 U102 0403-001387 ZD104 1203-003004 U106 0403-001427 ZD105 1204-001811 U107 0404-001172 D301 1205-002035 U205 0406-001104 ZD101 1205-002185 U304 0406-001104 ZD102 1205-002268 U302 0406-001104 ZD103 1209-001434 U305 0407-001007 D104 1404-001221 V103 0501-000162 Q201 1405-001082 V106 0501-000225 Q304 1405-001082 V107 0501-002011 Q105 1405-001082 V108 0502-001201 Q100 1405-001082 V200 0504-001174 Q301 1405-001082 V201 0504-001174 Q302 1405-001082 V202 0504-001174 Q303 1405-001082 V203 0505-001423 U105 1405-001082 V204 0506-001004 U104 1405-001082 V205 0601-001543 LED110 1405-001082 V206 0601-001611 LED101 1405-001082 V207 0601-001611 LED104 1405-001082 V208 0601-001647 LED102 1405-001082 V209 0601-001647 LED105 1405-001093 V209 0601-001647 LED106 2007-000138 R111 0601-001647 LED107 2007-000139 R106 0601-001647 LED108 2007-000140 R136 0601-001647 LED109 2007-000140 R324 0801-002540 U203 2007-000140 U637 0801-002540 U204 2007-000141 R237 1001-001145 U207 2007-000141 R238 1103-001440 U109 2007-000141 R316 1103-001288 U208 2007-000143 R144 1109-001204 U201 2007-000143 R147 1201-001954 U103 2007-000148 R135 1202-001036 U210 2007-000148 R201 1203-002077 U101 2007-000148 R203 1203-002187 U209 2007-000148 R222 1203-002598 U104 2007-000148 R223 4-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Electrical Parts List SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC 2007-000148 R225 2007-000170 R116 2007-000148 R305 2007-000170 R249 2007-000148 R314 2007-000171 R206 2007-000151 R217 2007-000171 R309 2007-000152 R229 2007-000172 R108 2007-000152 R323 2007-000172 R109 2007-000155 R321 2007-000172 R112 2007-000157 R101 2007-000172 R113 2007-000157 R125 2007-000172 R302 2007-000157 R232 2007-000172 R242 2007-000162 R102 2007-000174 R127 2007-000162 R119 2007-000174 R130 2007-000162 R120 2007-000174 R131 2007-000162 R121 2007-000174 R132 2007-000162 R122 2007-000174 R133 2007-000162 R123 2007-000174 R134 2007-000162 R124 2007-000566 R118 2007-000162 R137 2007-001119 R320 2007-000162 R138 2007-001244 R315 2007-000162 R139 2007-001288 R306 2007-000162 R202 2007-001298 R317 2007-000162 R204 2007-001298 R325 2007-000162 R205 2007-001298 R326 2007-000162 R211 2007-001301 R105 2007-000162 R213 2007-001301 R126 2007-000162 R214 2007-001301 R129 2007-000162 R218 2007-001319 R142 2007-000162 R220 2007-001325 R141 2007-000162 R221 2007-001325 R143 2007-000162 R224 2007-002796 R230 2007-000162 R226 2007-002796 R231 2007-000162 R227 2007-002796 R235 2007-000162 R228 2007-002796 R236 2007-000162 R233 2007-007008 R307 2007-000162 R241 2007-007008 R308 2007-000162 R242 2007-007095 R145 2007-000168 R234 2007-007095 R303 4-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Electrical Parts List SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC 2007-007095 R304 2203-000254 C242 2007-007107 R104 2203-000254 C243 2007-007107 R318 2203-000254 C247 2007-007107 R319 2203-000254 C251 2007-007309 R312 2203-000254 C334 2007-007309 R313 2203-000254 C335 2007-007311 R310 2203-000359 C206 2007-007311 R313 2203-000359 C207 2007-007318 R212 2203-000359 C208 2007-007318 R215 2203-000359 C209 2007-007318 R216 2203-000386 C157 2007-007318 R219 2203-000438 C152 2007-007334 R251 2203-000438 C328 2007-007529 R252 2203-000585 C161 2007-007538 R117 2203-000609 C126 2007-007573 R247 2203-000628 C313 2007-007590 R146 2203-000628 C314 2007-007698 R207 2203-000679 C105 2007-007698 R208 2203-000679 C108 2007-007698 R209 2203-000679 C110 2007-007698 R210 2203-000679 C111 2007-007981 R248 2203-000679 C141 2007-008117 R103 2203-000679 C142 2011-001344 R140 2203-000679 C145 2011-001345 R246 2203-000679 C153 2203-000233 C308 2203-000679 C205 2203-000233 C309 2203-000679 C215 2203-000233 C320 2203-000679 C217 2203-000233 C325 2203-000679 C218 2203-000233 C329 2203-000679 C225 2203-000233 C338 2203-000679 C230 2203-000254 C106 2203-000679 C332 2203-000254 C107 2203-000679 C336 2203-000254 C134 2203-000679 C337 2203-000254 C136 2203-000679 U601 2203-000254 C212 2203-000812 C213 2203-000254 C241 2203-000812 C236 4-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Electrical Parts List SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC 2203-000812 C237 2203-005061 C122 2203-000812 C244 2203-005061 C123 2203-000812 C245 2203-005061 C124 2203-000812 C246 2203-005061 C125 2203-000812 C249 2203-005061 C129 2203-000812 C250 2203-005061 C132 2203-000812 C306 2203-005061 C135 2203-000812 C315 2203-005061 C137 2203-000812 C319 2203-005061 C139 2203-000812 C321 2203-005061 C143 2203-000854 C214 2203-005061 C149 2203-000854 C226 2203-005061 C150 2203-000854 C228 2203-005061 C151 2203-000854 C234 2203-005061 C158 2203-000854 C235 2203-005061 C201 2203-000995 C220 2203-005061 C202 2203-001017 C227 2203-005061 C203 2203-001017 C229 2203-005061 U640 2203-001072 C311 2203-005065 C101 2203-001101 C128 2203-005065 C138 2203-001153 C148 2203-005065 C146 2203-001383 C304 2203-005065 C159 2203-001405 C301 2203-005234 C305 2203-001405 C302 2203-005234 C307 2203-001405 C316 2203-005444 C231 2203-001405 C317 2203-005444 C303 2203-001405 C318 2203-005480 C219 2203-001405 C324 2203-005480 C224 2203-001405 C330 2203-005481 C233 2203-001405 C331 2203-005482 C154 2203-003054 C131 2203-005482 C163 2203-003054 C204 2203-005503 C213 2203-003054 C248 2203-005503 C211 2203-005050 C310 2203-005664 C117 2203-005050 C312 2203-005664 C130 2203-005061 C104 2203-005664 C133 2203-005061 C118 2203-005840 C113 4-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Electrical Parts List SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC 2203-005840 C114 3404-001152 SW102 2203-005840 C116 3705-001242 CN301 2203-005840 C119 3709-001263 CN101 2203-005840 C121 3710-001105 CN104 2203-006053 C127 3710-001105 CN105 2203-006093 C109 3710-001595 CN103 2203-006105 C155 3722-001715 CN200 2203-006190 C162 4302-001130 U636 2404-001101 C115 GH61-00026A ANT301 2404-001105 C103 2404-001105 C140 2404-001105 C144 2404-001105 C322 2404-001239 C102 2404-001239 C221 2404-001239 C323 2404-001268 C160 2503-001053 CA100 2503-001053 CA101 2703-001723 L304 2703-001723 L305 2703-001747 L302 2703-001749 L311 2703-001752 L102 2703-001938 L310 2703-002205 L309 2703-002484 L303 2703-002485 L306 2801-003747 OSC201 2809-001264 OSC301 2901-001116 F101 2901-001254 L120 2904-001417 F302 2904-001470 F301 2909-001197 U301 3301-001362 L101 3404-001152 SW101 4-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 5. SGH-N620E Block Diagrams 1. Main Baseband SIM CARD BB INTERFACE SERIAL DATA INTERFACE BATTERY TYPE I/O INTERFACE MIC SPEAKER ONE C SYSTEM CLOCK (13MHz) BATTERY VOLTAGE A/D INTERFACE PHONE TEMPRATURE RF INTERFACE CHARGING CURRENT AFC XVCC SRAM PLL FLASH 3VRF Li-ion BATT (STANDARD) VDD3.0 AVCC2.5 EEPROM RTC_CLOCK (32.768KHz) CHARGING CIRCUIT LVCC KEYPAD RTC_VCC LCD LED3V3 5-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Block Diagrams 2. Main RF Si4201-BM (U304) SI4200F (U302) EGSM RX 925~960 MHz (CH62:947.4MHz) / PGA / / PGA F301 SAW FILTER / PGA / / PGA ADC / / ADC / / / PGA / DAC I / PGA / DAC Q CHANNEL FILTER DCS RX 1805~1880 MHz (CH698:1842.4M Hz) F302 SAW FILTER / 100KH z CN301 RF CONNECTOR U301 ANTTENA S/W VP40578 Si4133T-BM (U305) RF PLL IF PLL OSC301 VCTCXO AFC DCS TX 1710 ~ 1785 MHz (CH698:1747.4MHz) Dual PAM (U303) PD I LPF GSM TX 880 ~ 915 MHz (CH62:902.4MH z) Q 5-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Block Diagrams 3. RF Transmit Part 3VRI BANDSEL _BANDSEL ANT. S/W CONTROL CIRCUIT TXEN from U 205 ① VC1 VC2 Tx(GSM) L H Tx(DCS) H L Rx L L Si4133T-BM ( U305) 23,24 2 <EGSM> 1279 ~ 1314 MHz <DCS> 1327 ~ 1402 MHz RF PLL 11 7 CN301 RF CONNECTOR U301 ANTTENA S/W <EGSM> 880 ~ 895 MHz : 798 MHz 895 ~ 900 MHz : 790 MHz 900 ~ 915 MHz l 798 MHz <DCS> 766 MHz IF PLL 2 OSC301 VCTCXO EGSM TX 880 ~ 915 MHz (CH62:902.4MHz) DCS TX 1710 ~ 1785 MHz (CH698:1747.4MHz) VP40578 -6dBm @798 MHz -9dBm @766 MHz 9,10 12,13 AFC PDNB 9 26,27 -6dBm @1301.4 MHz (G) -9dBm @1364.4 mhZ (D) 4 31 J2 Dual PAM (U303) 5 24 PD 7 9 25 LPF 7 8 I 8 6 7 ? 6 1 Q Si4200-F (U302) SDATA SCLK SENB PDNB +VBATT Tx power from U 205 3VRF ② TxPower ② TXEN ① BAND SELECTION VREG 5-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Block Diagrams 4. RF Receive Part Si4200F (U302) Si4201-BM (U304) ④ -52dBm 21,22 LNA / / PGA / 11,12 / / 17,18 3,4 LNA / / PGA / 1,2 ADC PGA / DAC CHANNEL FILTER Mixer -52dBm ① 5 1,2 ADC 11,12 / I 4 -50dBm -54dBm @67KHz 3 / PGA / DAC Q 2 SDATA SCLK SENB 3,4 F302 SAW FILT ER -51dBm 1 EGSM RX 925 ~ 960 MHz (CH62:947.4 MHz) F301 SAW FILT ER GSM : /2 100 KHz 12,13 7 31 VP40578 (U205) 14 -50dBm 1 DCS RX 1805 ~ 1880 MHz (CH62:1842.4 MHz) PDNB ② -6dBm @1895.6 MHz (G) -9dBm @1842.3 MHz (D) 10 1 9 23,24 2 CN301 RF CONNECTOR -50dBm @947.067 MHz -50dBm @1842.467 MHz 3 8 U301 ANTTENA S/W RF PLL <EGSM> 1849.8 ~ 1919.8 MHz <DCS> 1804.9 ~ 1879.9 MHz 7 2 Si4133T-BM (U305) 5-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization OSC301 VCTCXO 4 AFC ③ 6. SGH-N620E PCB Diagrams 1. Main PCB Top Diagram 6-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E PCB Diagrams 2. Main PCB Bottom Diagram 6-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 7. SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 1. Power On ' Power On ' does not work Check the Battery Voltage is more than 3.2V? No Change the Battery Yes WHen the "END" key is pressed, the voltage of "D104" pin is 3.6V? No Check the Dome sheet Yes U102 pin 10 U103 pin 5 ≠ 2.5V No Check the circuit related to U102,U103 Yes U101 pin 5 ≠ 3.3V U102 pin 3 ≠ 3.0V No Check U101, U102 and related circuit Yes Check for the clock signal at R320 No Check the clock generation circuit (related to OSC301 and Q304) Yes Check the initial operation END 7-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Power On 7-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting ' Power On ' does not work Yes Downloading SW is OK?? (IS CSROM signal OK?) No After power on, check and repair the important signals of U209 as follos The node between R217 and C212 = "H" (RST) No Check the circuit related to reset Yes No R221 = "H" (BOOT) Resolder R221 Yes Check all the other connection by thes S/W No R234 = "H" (MSIZE) Resolder R234 Yes Check the circuit around LCD R233 = "L" (EXTPROC) Check the circuit around U300(EEPROM) and data stored in it Replace PBA No END 7-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Resolder R233 SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Initial U205 U300 U209 R217 SYSRST CSROM _CE VCC C212 VCC MSIZE R221 BOOT GPIO3 7-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 3. Charging Part Abnormal charging part No Check the CN103 pin 17, 18 > 4.9V Replace TA Yes No Check the U106 pin 3 > 4.9V Resolder U106 Yes No R103 (CHG_OIN side) = "L" Resolder R103 Yes No Check Q014 pin 5 ≠ 4.2V Resolder components around U106 Yes END 7-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Charging 7-6 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 4. Sim Part Phone can't access SIM Card No U105 pin 4 = 3.0 V? Check the circuit around U102 Yes No U105 pin 5 = "H" ? Replace U105 or replace PBA Yes No U105 pin 2,3 = 3.0 V ? Replace U105 Yes No After power on, check SIMCLK signal on CN101 pin 3 in a few seconds Resoldering C108 or Replace Yes No After SIM card insert, CN101 pin 2 = "H" (SIMRST)? Replace PBA Yes Check the circuit around U208 (Serial EEPROM) and datad stored in it END 7-7 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 5. Microphone Part Microphone does not work No CN200 pin 4, 5 = short ? Resolder CN200 Yes No U102 pin 10 (AVCC) ≠ 2.5 V ? Check the circuit related to U102 Yes No Check the circuit RC Filer to MIC201 Resolder the R230, R231, R220, R236 C219, C220, C221, C252 Yes No Replace the MIC or MIC Holder Check soldering of MIC Module Yes END 7-8 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Microphone MIC- U205 7-9 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization MICVXO1N VXO1P MIC+ RC FILTER 5 1 CN200 4 MIC+ MIC201 SIM SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 6. Receiver Part Receiver does not work Yes No Resolder CN200 CN200 pin 2,3 = short Yes No Replace the PBA CN200 pin 2,3,6 = 1.5V Yes No Replace the Receiver Is Receiver working? Yes END 7-10 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 7. Speaker Part(Melody) Speaker does not work No CN105 connected Speaker? Connect CN105 and Speaker Yes No Is Speaker working? Replace the Speaker Yes No U107 pin 7 = 3.0V Replace the U102 Yes END 7-11 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting MEL_13M M_IRQ M_LED M_RESET C152 1NF R141 VDD3.0 C150 100NF R138 100K R139 100K 3.3K CLKI EXT1 /IRQ /RST IFSEL PLLC VDD VSS VREF C151 100NF U107 YMU759-QE2 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 EXT2 SPOUT2 SPOUT1 17 R145 1.2K C161 220PF C158 100NF C155 4.7UF 6.3V +VBATT C162 220NF V106 VC040205X150R C157 15PF CN105 1 2 L_SPK- L_SPK+ LOUD SPEARK 24-8005-002-000-867 7-12 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice RD A(1) M_CS WR D(0) D(1) D(2) D(3) D(4) D(5) D(6) D(7) VIBRATOR C153 27PF U631 27PF V108 VC040205X150R LINE_OUT This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 27 R143 3.3K 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 26 D1 SPVSS 16 D0 15 EQ3 14 EQ2 13 32 C154 100NF R142 1.2K 12 SPVDD 28 /WR 29 SDIN 30 SYNC EQ1 31 SCLK HPOUTR 11 SDOUT HPOUT-L/MON O 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 8. Key Data Input Check initial operation Yes No When one of the keys is pushed, is it displayed on LCD Check the Dome sheet Yes No Replace the PBA Keypad is OK? Yes END 7-13 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 9. Key Backlight Backlight does not work No Backlight "ON" mode in the menu? Select backlight "ON" mode Yes No R136 = "H" ? GPIO5 by TEST S/W Yes No Q105 pin 3 = "L" Resolder R136, R137, or Resolder Q105 Yes No KEY PCB LED on? Resolder R126, R127, R129, R130, R131, R132, R133, R134 Yes END 7-14 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 10.Ring Indicator Ring indicator LED does not work Yes No Resolder U102 U102 pin 12 = "H" Yes No Replace 3 color LED Resolder 3 color LED Yes END 7-15 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 11. GSM Receiver RX ON RF input : CH center freq : +67.7kHz Amp : -50dBm Yes No U301 Pin8 >= -50dBm Resolder U301 Yes No U301 pin10 >= -53dBm Check VC1 = L, VC2 =L No Check ANT Switch control circuit Yes Yes Resoder U301 No F302 pin1 >= -70dBm Resolder C313 Yes No U302 pin 21, 22 Resolder F302, C310, C312, L306 Yes No U302 pin6, 1, 2 >= 50mV Check U302 pin 12, 13 [(Freq-1000KHz)* 2]>=-6dBm OK? No Chekc & Resolder I/O signal, RF13MHz, RF_PSU Part Yes Yes Check U302 pin 12, 13 [(Freq-1000KHz)* No Yes Resolder U302 Check U304 pin 14,16,17,18 > OK? U304 pin 2,3,4,5 > 100mV Check U304 pin 7, 20 OK? Yes Check Radio PSU, RF13MNz part Resolder U205 END 7-16 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Resolder U304 SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 12. GSM Transmitter TX ON (5Level) Yes Yes U301 Pin 8 ≠30dBm Resolder U301 No Yes U301 pin5 ≠ 30dBm Check U100 VC1 : L VC2 : H Yes No No Yes U303 pin 7 ≠ 30dBm Change or Resolder U301 Check ANT Switch control circuit Resolder C308 No Yes U303 pin7 ≠ 0dBm Check U303, +VBATT, pin2, 5, 6 OK? Yes No Check +VBATT or PAM control signal No Yes U302 pin 25 ≠ 0dBm Resolder or Change U303 Resolder R306 R307 R308, C321 No U302 pin 5, 6, 7, 8 ≠ 40mV Yes Check U302 pin9, 10, 12, 13 ≠ -6dBm OK? No Yes Check and Resolder I/O signal RF 13MHz, RF PSU part Yes Resolder U303 Check U302 pin9, 10, 12, 13 ≠ -6dBm OK? No Yes Resolder U302 END 7-17 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 13. DCS Receiver RX ON RF input : CH center freq : +67.7kHz Amp : -50dBm Yes No U301 Pin8 >= -50dBm Resolder CN301,C306 Yes Check VC1 = L, VC2 = L No U301 pin1 >= -53dBm No Check ANT Switch control circuit Yes Yes Resoder U301 No F301 pin1 >= -53dBm Resolder C314 Yes No U302 pin 17, 18 >= -58dBm Resolder F302, C305, C307, L303 Yes Check U302 pin 12, 13 (Freq-1000KHz) >=-6dBm OK? No U302 pin 1, 2 >= 50mV No Chekc & Resolder I/O signal, RF13MHz, RF_PSU Part Yes Yes Check U302 pin 45,23,31,32 >2.7 No Yes U304 pin 2,3,4,5 > 100mV Yes No Check U304 pin14.16,17, 18 OK? Yes No Resolder U302 Check U304 pin 7,20 OK? Yes No Resolder U205 END 7-18 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Resolder U304 Check Racio PSU RF13MHz part SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 14. DCS Transmitter TX ON (0Level) Yes Yes U302 Pin8 >= 25dBm Resolder CN301 No Yes Check VC1 : H VC2 : L U301 pin3 >= 25dBm Yes No No Yes U303 pin11 >= 25dBm Change or Resolder U301 Check ANT Switch control circuit Resolder C311 No Yes U303 pin1 >= 0dBm Check U303 +VBATT, pin2,5,8 OK? Yes No Resolder or Change U303 Check +VBATT or PAM control signal No Yes U302 pin24 >= 0dBm Resolder R302,R303,R304,C315 No U302 pin5, 6, 7, 8 >= 40mV Yes Check U302 pin9,10,12,13 >= -6dBm OK? No Check & Resolder I/O signal, RF 13MHz Yes Resolder U301 Check U302 pin9,10,12,13 >= -6dBm OK? No END Resolder U302 7-19 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-N620E Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Transmitter 7-20 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization
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