Untitled - Scoala 186


Untitled - Scoala 186
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material
reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for
any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Proiect finanţat de Comisia Europeană prin programul de învăţare pe tot parcursul vieţii.
Acest material reflectă doar opinia autorului şi nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială
a Comisiei Europene.
Contribution to the mascot’s diaries:
Georgeta Tudor
Romanian project coordinator
Physics teacher, Elementary School “Elena Văcărescu”, Bucharest, Romania
Péterné Kárász
Coordinator of the HiddenTalents Project
English teacher, Szent József Katolikus Általános Iskola És Óvoda, Kiskunhalas, Hungary
Silvia Roye
German project coordinator
Primary school teacher, Grundschule "Am Ludwigsfeld", Halle, Germany
Svjetlana Brkić Milivojević
Croatian project coordinator
German teacher, Ekonomska i turisticka skola, Daruvar, Croatia
Nelian Hoole
English project coordinator
Primary school teacher, Holbrook primary school, Trowbridge, United Kingdom
Jana Szentivániová
English teacher, Základná škola Nižná brána, Kežmarok, Slovakia
Lăcrămioara Afrodita Dumitrache
Romanian language teacher, Elementary School “Elena Văcărescu”, Bucharest, Romania
Mihaela Mladenovici
English teacher, Elementary School “Elena Văcărescu”, Bucharest, Romania
Cristinel Andone
Orthodox Religion teacher, Elementary School “Elena Văcărescu”, Bucharest, Romania
Silvia Potorac
Primary school teacher, Elementary School “Elena Văcărescu”, Bucharest, Romania
Total Publishing House
ISBN 978-606-8003-32-0
Foreword ........................................................................................
Mascot’s diary ................................................................................
Survey on free time and ITC part (prezi) .......................................
Language competitions ..................................................................
Friendship song and A Day Together for Europe ...........................
Ludifant, the silent observer ..........................................................
Talent Show and hidden treasure (story writing) ...........................
Jurnalul mascotei Momo ..............................................................
Photo Gallery ......................................................................................
Leo meséje a szabadidős felmérésről és az IKT részről ..............
Pjesma o prijateljstvu i A Day Together for Europe (Buco’ Dnevnik) 54
Ludifant, der stille Beobachter .....................................................
Talentové show a ukrytý poklad (písanie príbehov) ....................
Photo Gallery ......................................................................................
About three years ago, Elementary School “Elena Văcărescu” in
Bucharest, Romania has completed its first COMENIUS project, Virtual
Eden, which was a big success. An opportunity to join a new COMENIUS
Lifelong Learning Programme was given thanks to the work and enthusiasm
invested in the incipient phase of soon-to-be Hidden Talents by Danuta
Radomska-Filipek, the Polish teacher who was the European coordinator
of Virtual Eden, our previous project.
The diligent and convincing efforts carried out by our colleague were
the starting point in our decision to begin writing an application form,
alongside teachers from Poland, Hungary, Germany, Slovakia, England and
Finding out that our school was awarded another Comenius grant stirred
great happiness among us. However, we regretted that, for various reasons,
the school in Poland did not join Hidden Talents. This is how our rewarding
cooperation under the aegis of the European Union continued.
Overall, Hidden Talents represents an interdisciplinary project, taking
into account the fact that it deals with the idea of education as a
comprehensive notion, unfolding from the school curriculum to daily life
activities. The project involves six schools from EU member-states. Szent
József Katolikus Általános Iskola És Óvoda, Kiskunhalas, HUNGARY
which coordinates the project, Şcoala Gimnazială “Elena Văcărescu” –
Bucureşti, Romania, Grundschule “Am Ludwigsfeld” GERMANY,
Základná škola Nižná brána Kežmarok SLOVAKIA, Holbrook primary
school UNITED KINGDOM and Ekonomska i turisticka skola Daruvar
CROATIA as partner schools.
In its position as an educational project, Hidden Talents has integrated
itself within the climate of comprehensive change at EU level, triggered by
deep social shifts, the development of intercultural exchanges, and the need
to operate changes in the field of the organizational culture, schools
The objectives of the project revolve around improving competences
and skills such as:
- Communication in foreign languages;
- Communication in mother tongue;
- Cultural awareness and expression;
- ICT competences.
Amidst major activities carried out during the project, the following
can be mentioned:
- “Day Together for Europe” being the best possibility to talk and work with
different native speakers and to promote our own country;
- Language competitions in German and English;
- Interactive international surveys on-line concerning free time;
- Mascot competition;
- Reading and recitation competitions at different age levels;
- Lessons of foreign languages, Art and Craft, Music, ICT as well as
students’ performance/show or Art displays;
- Special lessons of Geography, History, RE, PE;
- Sharing teachers’ expertise;
- Visits of students and teachers to the six partner schools, providing the
opportunity to accomplish common activities such as Talent Show or
A Day Together for Europe;
- Creating and implementing evaluation tools regarding the activities within
the project.
The activities within the Hidden Talents project have been integrated
into normal lessons or in afternoon clubs activities. They have required a
creative mix of compulsory school curriculum as well as interactive
educational strategies implemented during extra-school activities.
Through teaching about the Geography, History, RE, PE, Hidden
Talents has provided the students with new necessary knowledge while
emphasizing the need for the integration into the same European cultural
space. Art and Craft, Music, ICT and foreign language lessons have been
the starting point for various activities carried out during the project.
Additionally, art, photography, ICT have been used to display in a friendly
manner the results of an artistic work done by the students.
Also, Hidden Talents has represented an excellent opportunity to
improve the organizational culture, as well as school management, taking
into account the involvement of the students, teachers, parents as well as
the local community in the activities of the project. Consequently, Hidden
Talents took advantage of their creativity to increase the attractiveness of
the six schools involved.
All in all, the project has contributed to the improvement of the
students’ artistic proficiency, emphasized the need and efficiency of an
interdisciplinary approach and promoted intercultural sensitivity while also
targeting the education of students as future citizens of the same
multicultural space, European Union.
The results of the project have been permanently disseminated on the
internet, via http://hiddeneuropeantalents.wikispaces.com/+Welcome+to+
This booklet is also a way of dissemination, to include the journals of
the mascots. In fact, mascots were created by the children in each school.
Then every school chose the most successful mascot. Finally, via a contest
between the partner schools, partners decided on the winning school’s
mascot for all the six partner schools. Each item of this booklet was written
as if the mascots had participated in the activities conducted along the
two-year project. The journals of the mascots were first written in English,
as the main communication language in the project. Subsequently, the same
texts were written in the native languages of the six partners in the
multilateral Comenius project Hidden Talents.
The conference (Bucharest/31st of May 2014) represents the final form
of dissemination, i.e. the event where the final joint wiki spaces. Apart from
the schools involved in the project, other schools and European institutions
interested in the results of the project are also taking part in this conference.
Professor Georgeta TUDOR,
Romanian coordinator
Elementary School “Elena Văcărescu”, Bucharest
The mascoT’s diary
Once upon a time there was a school in central Bucharest, the capital
of Romania. It was situated at number 15, Stanislav Cihoschi Street, first
district and bore the name of the well-known poetess Elena Vacarescu.
So what? What about it? Maybe all of you wonder... Aren’t there any
other schools in Romania? Yes, there are, but it wasn’t an ordinary school;
it obviously had classrooms, boards, pupils, teachers, head teachers, but...
all of them wanted to achieve the same goal, different from the patterns of
other schools: they would have liked to travel in an original way through
the world, to meet various people, to make new friends and to discover
different cultures from all over the world in a unique way!
But how? They gave it a lot of thought, they studied hours in a row
and they made up a team, they supported each other and... surprise! A
brilliant idea crossed their minds, difficult to materialise at first sight
though, the idea to cooperate with partners from other European countries,
within a multilateral Comenius project which was to smooth the way for
the discovery of interesting things, of modern teaching and assessment
methods, a project which should be a means of making new friends, of
visiting the best-known places in the world in order to get to know cultures
and civilisations.
Interesting, isn’t it? But how to put these ideas into practice?
As easy as that: they gathered at school, filled in an application form
in cooperation with five partners from five European schools and waited
nervously for the National Agency for Community Programs in Education
and Professional Training to announce the result of their evaluation.
From the moment the application was accepted, everything ran
smoothly, everybody was constantly careful to respect the progress of the
proposed activities.
The first thing each country achieved was a mascot of the project,
representative of each school.
This is how I came to life in Elementary School “Elena Văcărescu”,
Thus, each educational institution which was part of the multilateral
Comenius project Hidden Talents organised a competition whose purpose
was to choose a winning mascot.
My creators told me that both teachers and pupils gathered in the
Comenius room to discuss; they advised each other, each of them exposed
their own opinions, but it seemed quite difficult. Some of them imagined
an animal, others a famous cartoon character or maybe an ordinary object.
In the end, they decided to hold an exhibition of the gifted children’s
paintings in each school to illustrate the different ways in which they
imagined the mascot. All the other pupils looked at them carefully and voted
for the one which impressed them the most.Those were the most beautiful
days of the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year! The students displayed
both their painting skills and vivid imagination! First, the competition was
held within each class, then within groups of classes at a primary and also
secondary level so that all the students could be involved in this activity.
What came out of this? They decided by vote who was to be the
funniest and the most interesting mascot of Romania, the children and
teachers’ friend - MOMO, a lovely, happy, greenish parrot who was to make
working visits to Hngary, Slovakia, Croatia, Germany and meet special
people from Great Britain. All these within the Comenius multilateral
project Hidden Talents! Subsequently, a mascot costume was sewn and the
student Radu Morasanu wore it during the project meeting in Hungary.
Later, in the second project year, I, MOMO, was accompanied, during the
project meeting in Halle, Germany, by my grandson – LITTLE MOMO.
This activity was held in each partner school – this is what my creators
told me – and I was to find out later that, as a result of the vote on wiki,
Buco was the Hidden Talents winning mascot, whereas I got the second
place. This result didn’t make me sad, as Buco is my friend!
This is how I came to life, I, MOMO, the one thirsting for original
things, for students’ Hidden Talents and this is how I could conceive my
own diary, where I regularly wrote down details about my visits to
Romania’s partner schools, within the project whose activities I am going
to make a thorough account of in the following lines.
Hidden Talents has been a wonderful experience, which offered the
project team of Elementary School “Elena Văcărescu”, Bucharest the
opportunity to get to know plenty of personality types, making us face
unexpected situations, in a previously unexplored environment, but which
provided us with a wide range of satisfactions.
During the first project year I travelled, together with the teachers and
students, to Hungary and Slovakia, and in the second year to Croatia and
Germany; from each country I came back home with my heart full of
touching memories.
First, my creators told me how they had selected the students who were
to take part in the project meetings: the children filled in a form, in which
they expressed their need and wish to get involved, confirming, at the same
time, the fact that they had the possibility to host a foreign student. Then
their English language knowledge was assessed through a test they had to
take. The teaching staff also filled in questionnaires, eager to broaden their
cultural horizons and to contribute to a multi-level development of their
school. This is how the project team was formed, shy explorers at first,
becoming bolder later.
The next step was the selection of the correspondents. Each student
conceived a personal description entitled It’s me! and, attached to a
representative drawing, they were then posted on the wiki, on the page
created for this project activity.
The correspondents’ selection was made according to their hobbies and
common interests.
This is how I got to know Vivi, for instance, Maria Marmureanu’s
friend, Anna Liptai, Claudia’s correspondent, Reka, Alexia’s pal, Petra, as
cheerful as Ariadna, Toth Bertold, Patrick’s friend and many many more!
There were more activities to come: The English Language
Competition, The German Language Competition, The Christmas Show
and the wonderful Lemon Tree.
In the first project year, the English Language Competition was
organized for the students in the first, third and seventh grade and during
the 2013-2014 school year for the eighth grade students, in March. The
questions designed for the older respondents had a higher degree of
difficulty, but the students managed very well, many of them being
passionate about English. This competition strengthened their selfconfidence and revealed the best within themselves.
The German Language Competition pointed out the students’ linguistic
talent, their inclination towards studying foreign languages.
The Christmas Show offered the children and the teachers the
opportunity to prove their unsuspected artistic talents. How happy I was to
see them manage so remarkably, how well they all danced, sang and recited!
Last but not least, I was deeply impressed by the video posted on the
wiki in which the most talented students sang Lemon Tree, under the
guidance of their music teacher! The video was first shot in the schoolyard
and subsequently recorded in a studio. The song was performed during the
Bucharest project meeting as well.
My first visit was to Kiskunhalas, Hungary, where I arrived on March
19th 2013, together with my dear project team. Throughout the journey
there we all admired the beauties of nature and when we reached our
destination I eventually met my fellow mascots: Buco, Ludifant, Leo, Elian
and Heti!
Nervous teachers and students embraced each other, and then the hosts
showed us around the school which impressed us in a positive way. First,
it was big and spacious. Second, the Welcome! programme moved us all.
My compatriots found it interesting that the school choir consisted not only
of students but of teachers as well! I was very happy to see the Romanians
so excited!
During the following days, between 20th and 22nd March 2013 we
visited classes: Hungarian language, History, Religious Studies, English
language, Maths and ICT. Within the activity A Day Together for Europe,
Romanian teachers worked with the Hungarian students teaching them how
to make martisoare, how to sing, to do different refreshing workouts, to
discover the benefits of water for the human body. In addition, our students
enjoyed the experiments carried out during the Chemistry lessons; they gave
good answers during the Religious studies lesson, proving that they had
rich knowledge concerning the parables brought up by the Hungarian
teacher. The English class turned out to be very entertaining and when they
had ICT they used their personal laptops skilfully.
I was also touched by the Talent Show, where they danced, sang, acted
in plays, but also by the visit to the Art Museum.
Not to mention the Hungarian gastronomy that we all enjoyed,
especially the goulash! Also, the architecture, the culture, the history of the
little town of Kiskunhalas, the evening organised by the parents, all these
remained in our hearts and we will always remember them with fondness!
We all had a great time and all the mascots were in the centre of
attention! The coordinating teachers hugged us, being very proud of us!
On our last day in Hungary we participated in the Farewell! event, we
swapped impressions and parted from our hospitable hosts with tears in our
The second of June 2013 – the day on which I set off to Kezmarok,
Slovakia, together with the Romanian project team.
After an interesting journey, we all got to the Slovakian school where
the hosts, dressed in folk costumes welcomed us with a smile on their lips
and offered us the traditional bread and salt. A friendly typical Romanian
welcome that the Slovaks also have in their tradition. Beautiful, touching
moments followed. That is how I realized that the schools in our project
belong to the same big European family!
During the next days we were pleasantly surprised by our hosts, who
accompanied us on a wonderful trip in the High Tatras, whose height of
3,641 metres impressed us all. We then visited the Belianska Cave whose
spectacular entrance is at 890 metres. Romanian, Hungarian, English,
German and Croatian teachers and students admired the Slovak natural
We were shown around Kežmarok by well informed students who
offered us valuable information about the best-known sights of the area.
We were impressed by the Evangelical Lyceum, which contained the largest
school library in Central Europe, consisting of 150,000 volumes.
During the Talent Show we saw students who danced, sang, acted in
plays or made presentations of the partner countries, all of these
emphasizing the Hidden talents of the Slovakian children.
I guess Kežmarok is famous for its hospitable people as well, as I felt
at ease everywhere during this week. Even the mayor himself showed us
great cordiality when we visited him on Wednesday. He invited the teachers
to sign in the guest book. Even more, two very talented folk singers
delighted us all during this event.
The parting was difficult, but we were comforted by the thought that,
at the following project meeting, in Daruvar and then in Romania we were
to meet them again, those people who had made our stay so pleasant.
Obviously, we took hundreds of pictures during all the activities and
the ICT experts in each country - teachers and students - achieved wonderful
mosaics by arranging together lots and lots of pictures within the contours
of the maps of their countries. Absolutely impressive! Moreover, an
international picture dictionary in the six languages of the Hidden Talents
partners is posted on the wiki. Hard but very rewarding work. I am so proud
of my team!
The twenty-first of October 2013 – a beautiful autumn day, with rusty
leaves floating in the air, with shy sunrays smiling to us as if they were our
accomplices, but, most of all, a day which made us think of Croatia, of
I, MOMO, together with my dear friends – teachers and students, took
part in another project meeting organized by the Croats this time.
The journey to Daruvar, where we were to meet our partners was long.
But it offered us the opportunity to admire the beauties of Croatia, till then
imperceptible to our eye!
The embraces, the welcome greetings, the show thoroughly prepared
for the guests by the Croats filled our heart with happiness, made all of us
feel as if we spoke the same language, that of friendship and talented
The school in Daruvar was to snuggle in our hearts forever!
During the days to come I participated together with my colleagues in
different lessons – Croatian language, Biology, Chemistry, the History of
Tourism, French language – and, on the whole, the rules are the same. The
teachers conceived their lessons making use of a wide range of innovative
didactic strategies, meant to arouse the students’ interest. Like us, the
Croatians adopt modern technological devices when it comes to teaching and
assessment activities: computers, interactive boards, overhead projectors.
However, the grading system is different from the Romanian one: the
grades are from 1 to 5 and in the grade register each student has different
columns for the oral and written assessment, for the test and also for the
practical activities.
I then discovered the special atmosphere of Daruvar - a resort
appreciated for its thermal waters. We were the most impressed by the
Ginkgo Biloba tree, which was hundreds of years old and which lordly
welcomed us!
We all discovered the unsuspected secrets of Zagreb, the capital of
Croatia! We admired the Cathedral in the city centre, the parks, the
Parliament, the green areas, Nikola Subic Zrinski and Ban Jelacic Squares,
getting in touch with the history of the Croatian people, with elements of
their culture and civilisation.
The twenty-fourth of October 2013 was the most difficult day! Each
of us intensely participated in different didactic, cultural, artistic and social
The teachers from Romania, Germany, Hungary and Great Britain
visited classes again, they highly appreciated the show prepared by the
hosts, the coordinators gathered at school and worked efficiently for a few
hours – they also discussed about the project meeting in Halle and then in
Bucharest, between 29th May and 2nd June 2013.
The Talent Show came next and we admired the Romanian students
and teachers who presented folk songs and dances typical of Romania.
Brasoveanca represented the most appreciated moment and fellow
teachers and students from the partner countries were invited on the stage
as well!
While in Croatia, we, the mascots, got together and excitedly shared
impressions! How nice Buco, Ludifant, Leo, Elian and Heti were!
In the evening, I was touched by the talents of the host school children:
wonderful cooks and waiters, they offered us a real culinary show!
In the end, the participation certificates were handed out festively.
October 25th 2013 represented the most difficult moment, when the
partners bade farewell to each other, waiting impatiently for another
working meeting which was to contribute to the delineation of new
wonderful experiences.
I saw the Romanian teachers hugging their friends, overcome with
sadness that the activity was over, but confident in the actions that were to
Back to school in Romania we enjoyed two activities prepared by the
Romanian language and literature teacher together with some fifth to eighth
grade gifted students with a rich imagination.
Within the first activity, the children created different stories on a
variety of topics proposed by the teacher. You can’t even guess how talented
our students are! We were so amazed by their vivid imagination! The most
beautiful literary creations were awarded prizes and were displayed in the
corridor on the ground floor.
The recitation show represented another gripping moment! In a fairylike atmosphere, the students, ingeniously dressed up, recited from
Eminescu’s poems like real actors, impressing the audience. It had never
crossed my mind how talented some students can be in this field! Well done,
my dear children!
I met my fellow mascots again at the host school in Halle, but I deeply
regretted that only the teachers could participate in that project meeting. I
would have liked to see the Romanian children performing different
activities, but there are some European rules that we have to obey!
We were all welcomed by our friend, Silvia, the German project
Am Ludwigsfeld school impressed us, but we appreciated even more
the activity in the Salt Museum and that in the Halloren Factory, where we
found out how they prepared the chocolate which was typical of their area.
The Wake-up Shake-up moment offered by Nelian invigorated us all!
Moreover, within the activity A Day Together for Europe the Romanian
teachers taught the German students how to sing, to make dolls and even
to say Good afternoon! in a special way! My heart skipped a beat when I
noticed how excited the hosts were!
All the project meetings were extraordinary, touching, interesting and
most of all they enriched us spiritually, we had plenty of things to learn and
they increased our thirst for knowledge!
In Romania I noticed that the project team keeps analysing the
application form and is concerned about respecting everything mentioned
This is how I witnessed a particularly interesting moment: the
illustration of the six joint stories created by the students of the countries
involved in the Hidden Talents project, using symbolic drawings. I stopped
by each class and I saw how joyfully the children were working! They were
very proud of what they achieved! Therefore, they proved that sometimes
the understanding of a text is easier through the illustration of its content.
The drawings were displayed in the corridor, on the ground floor so
that everybody could admire them. Afterwards they were photographed and
posted on the wiki!
The students also took part in an on-line survey about their preferences
in the language of the project, English. They easily understood each
question and gave adequate answers about themselves. A similar activity
had been carried out in the previous year as well.The results were then
posted on the wiki.
I bet you all know that I went to Brasov in April, at the MADE FOR
EUROPE CONTEST. Natalia, my best friend, made my day. You may think
that traveling by train is boring, but let me tell you a secret: when you’re
among friends, EVERYTHING seems crazier. We met lots of new people,
whom I told the story of how I had been chosen THE GREAT AND
PROUD Mascot of Romania. Believe it or not, they knew all about me…
as I said, I’m a star.
Later, in Brasov, both students and teachers wanted to stroke my
feathers. I was pleased because of that, but every parrot needs its personal
space. I thanked them, signed a few autographs and then flew away, to my
special flat: a nest next to Natalia’s room! She took care of paparazzi…
MWAHAHAHA!!! (She told them that if they left, she would give them
Under the guidance of the Romanian teachers, the gifted children in
our school astonished me with the show I took part in on April 10th 2014.
It was the point when I realised that the project is a success and its
objectives are well chosen.
You can’t even imagine how touched I was when I saw the Romanian
students dancing so gracefully, singing, acting in plays in their mother
tongue, English, German and French, reciting impressive verses,
performing karate and fencing. Everything was going on so naturally that
you could easily forget that the performers were so young!
In the first minutes of the show, when the fourth grade students offered
the spectators a choreographic and ethnographic performance typical of Oas
region, I was over the moon. How wonderful the children looked in those
folk costumes and how well they all sang and danced!
What followed cannot be expressed in words! The show was a delight
from the beginning to the end! I would love to take part in other such
fascinating cultural events!
On May 29th 2014 the most impressive project meeting for us,
Romanians, took place: all our partners from abroad gathered in Bucharest,
at Elena Vacarescu school! Those were highly spiritually charged days for
all of us!
But all of us (students, teachers, parents) made intense preparations to
welcome our partners properly! We organised the international
dissemination conference within which the final products of the project
were presented (among which the brochure which contains my diary as
well!). The Romanian project team conceived a meeting agenda which
contained lessons given by the Romanian teachers and students, the activity
A Day Together for Europe, the International Talent Show, the presentation
of the Romanian educational system and of our school. Also, some
important sights of our capital city such as the Palace of Parliament,
Cotroceni Museum and the Botanical Garden were presented.
How interesting the lessons prepared by the Romanian teachers were!
How fascinating the craft was for our partners!
The Big Talent Show also took place in Romania and we, the mascots,
admiringly watched the gifted children dancing, singing reciting, acting in
The conference represented the climax of the project meeting in
Romania. Each coordinator presented the manner in which the Comenius
multilateral project Hidden Talents was perceived in their school; the
speeches were so emotionally charged! The conference illustrated the
multiple benefits each European school involved in the project had.
I, MOMO, was enormously touched by the moment the student Mihnea
Constantinescu – Romania’s representative – introduced the Wiki Space, a
final product of the project. All of us noticed his remarkable talent in the
ICT field and, thanks to him, we set off on a journey in a wonderful virtual
space. Thus, we joyfully remembered the amazing moments we lived
throughout the two project years.
As a result of this project, all of us - students, parents, local authorities,
citizens of Bucharest - have gained a lot! All these memories of mine can
be found on our wiki as well so that people from all over the world can get
inspired from our rewarding activity.
Moreover, I could conclude that the project meeting in Romania was
unique, opening the door to a new multilateral project, an Erasmus+ this
Yours, MOMO
survey on Free Time and iTc parT (prezi)
My name is Leo and I live at St. Joseph Catholic Primary School in
Kiskunhalas. I’m only two years old but despite my age I have seen and
experienced a lot here in Hungary and in a lot of other countries. Our school
is taking part in the Hidden Talents international project, so we can do a lot
of interesting things together. Just imagine, I have met Croatian, Slovakian
and Romanian children here when they visited us. I couldn’t go to some
countries but I sent emails there or I looked at the wiki site where I could
see a lot of pictures even of myself.
Do you also read the wiki? There are lots of interesting things there.
Really, what do you usually do after school? How do you spend your free
time? After school I usually go to the gym or to the library or we just play
in the schoolyard or something like that. I was really curious: the children
who I met or who sent me pictures or letters from England and Germany,
how do they spend their free time? What do they do when they are not
learning? We made a survey on the internet, unfortunately the German kids
could not answer because there was some problem with the computers at
their school. But a lot of children answered from the other partner contries.
Thanks for them! Now I’m going to show you the results.
280 children answered. I’m showing you a drawing from which
If you look at the children’s ages 14 children are 6-8 years old, 52
children are 9-10 years old, 74 children are 11-12 years old, 72 children are
13-14 years old and 68 children 15-16 years old.
A lot of children do sports in their free time. It’s good because if you
do sports seriously you will be stronger and healthier! 181 children are
amateur and 34 children are professional sportsmen and sportswomen.
Hooray! Most of them do 2-3 hours of sport every week. 30 of them even
more than 5 hours!
Ah, music! We love music very much! We sing in Music lessons and
we also have a common song about friendship. 179 children sing or play a
musical instrument and they spend a lot of time with it because they have
to practice a lot.
Yours LEO
Language compeTiTion
My name is Heti and I was designed by a girl called Jessica Blake from
Holbrook Primary School, Trowbridge in England at the beginning of the
project in 2012. I am going to tell you about the English and German
Language competitions that myself and Ludifant helped to organise.
Ludifant had to help me as I do not speak German!
The coordinators of the Hidden Talents Project wanted the competition
to be in three categories so that all the pupils in all the schools could take
part if they wanted to. Involved in the project are children from 3 to 18
years old who speak many different languages. The categories were: under
9 years old; 10-14 years old and 15 years old and over. As the children got
older the questions and their knowledge of each language got increasingly
more difficult.
First Year of Hidden Talents project 2012 – 2013
Under 9 years old – the pupils had to match words and pictures about
the colours of their countries flags.
10-14 years old – the pupils had to match words and pictures about
equipment that they would need to learn in schools. These pupils also had
to work on the wiki dictionary.
15 years old and over – the pupils had to answer questions about their
hobbies and England by using the internet to research their answers.
Certificates were awarded to the pupils who got the highest score in
the competitions. Some winners had the chance to speak with a native
English or German speaker to further improve their language skills. An
example of a certificate can be found in appendix 1 (see page 33).When we
were in Hungary I helped my English coordinator give out the certificates
to the Hungarian winners.
Also when we were in Hungary I visited the Nursery there with all the
other mascots and their coordinators. The pupils there sung us some songs
in English. When I got back home to England I thought wouldn’t it be great
if we could help the Hungarian pupils learn English. So the pupils in
Redgrave class (that’s our nursery class!) decided to make them a Nursery
Rhyme CD and book to help them learn new songs and rhymes in English.
They decided to make us some sunflowers with seeds on, which we have
planted in our school garden – I can’t wait to see them all flower! They will
look lovely. You are never too young to learn new languages and make new
Second Year of Hidden Talents project 2013 – 2014
I wanted to make this year’s competition a little different! So I thought
it would be a good idea to base the competition about a typical English food
dish called “A Lancashire Hot Pot”. This is found for sale in lots of English
and Welsh pubs. It is a lamb and vegetable casserole.
Under 9 years old – the pupils had to match words and pictures about
the Lancashire Hot Pot.
10-14 years old – the pupils had to write the words about the
Lancashire Hot Pot.
Over 15 years old and over – the pupils had to research all about The
Lancashire Hot Pot and write out how to make it.
Again certificates were awarded to the pupils who got the highest score
in the competitions and some winners had the chance to speak with a native
English or German speaker to further improve their language skills.
While I was in Germany, they held an English competition for their
more able English speakers. I was able to help all the coordinators who
spoke to the pupils to test their English oral skills and their understanding
of our language. They were brilliant! Each pupil received a small typical
English object as their prize e.g. a London Taxi pencil sharpner!!!
I think that the language competitions have helped to improve the
pupils’ oral skills and understanding of both the English and German
languages during this project. The pupils I met in the different schools
involved in the project were keen and enthusiastic about speaking to me in
English and to Ludifant in German.
I hope the children carry on practising their language skills and become
fluent English and German speakers in the future.
Lots of love to everyone,
Yours HETI
Friendship song and
“a day TogeTher For europe”
You probably recognize me by my black spots – I am a Dalmatian.
I was created thanks to the project of Agency for mobility called Hidden
My name is Buco and I am from Croatia. I am a mascot made by the
students of the School of economics and tourism Daruvar. The students who
created me are great!!! They were so dedicated while they were sewing,
sticking, sketching, drawing... and here I am–cute and chubby. That is how
I got my name Buco.
Soon I became the main shot in school and I participated in all school
activities – I presented the school, participated in lessons, socialized with
the students, sang, danced… I adore singing and dancing!
My task was veeeeery important - I was supposed to search for the
various talents that hadn’t been discovered yet with my nose! Not only in
my school but in partner schools that I visited as well. And I was not alone,
no, by any chance no, I was helped by the students, teachers, parents and
certainly my friends.
We are a great team, aren’t we?
And I must admit that we got on well from the very beginning. We
decided to help our coordinators as much as we could and accompany them,
and the teachers and students at every meeting throughout this project.
It is a great feeling to gain new experiences and make new friendships
with people from different countries.
There are two things that I like most and this will always be there in
my mind - creating a friendship song and the time we spent in lessons.
The idea about the friendship song came across so that everybody
would feels as a part of the Hidden talents team.
It was so much fun to compose a new song! First we had to agree which
song to choose- and soon we all agreed- Lemon tree.
My task was to give each partner one strophe and they should all write
verses about the friendship in their own languages. The Croatian students
were supposed to write refrain in English as well. That was fun! Listen…
At every meeting we sang the Friendship song and we are going to sing
it together once again and record it in the studio during our last
meeting in Bucharest.
I am so proud for being a Hidden talents team!
As we all wanted to present our school work to our friends we
agreed that every school will organize an event called A Day Together for
Europe – That event was created with the intention to introduce new
methods of classroom work and inspire us. It was organized during every
meeting and the guests had a chance to present their country, town and
school to the host teachers and students. They all participated in lessons,
whether teaching or just observing. So did I, as well!
Dear friends, thank you for every moment I have spent with you in
these two years!
Yours BUCO
LudiFanT, The siLenT observer
Hidden Talents came- and I was born in December 2012. My name is
Ludifant and I am the German mascot. Between September and November
children in the age of 6 to 10 used their talents to draw, to create and to
manufacture with all kinds of material a mascot that fits to us. All children,
parents and school staff could choose their favourite mascot. It was me who
won this competition. Our school’s name is “Am Ludwigsfeld” and by birth
I am an elephant. The German word for it is “Elefant”. So my name was
given easily.
During these two years I and the other project partner mascots have
had an exciting life. We were integrated in an interdisciplinary project which
addressed the areas of education and personal development. We noticed
what children have to learn because the national curriculum was integrated
into this project. We took part in lessons, project work, inspired them to
write stories and diaries, were faced with a challenge through various tasks
in differrent languages on a local and later even on an international level. It
was big fun for us to be a part of it. Children with low abilities in German
or maths tried to give their very best and won in sport or drawing
competitions. We were so proud of them. I know that because during skype
conferences even we mascots shared our experiences.
The project started with a survey about our hobbies and to learn a bit
more from each other.
The Romanian group created a wiki “http://hiddeneuropeanta lents.wikispaces.com“ and pictures were displayed from the mascots.
In October 2012 the first meeting started at Holbrook school in
Trowbridge/England. It was a very important meeting to learn about each
other, change some dates and responsibilities. Unfortunately our Polish
partner could not take part as planned in this project and their responsibility
was ICT. The coordinators had to think carefully to fulfill all tasks.
In England and later in all other host countries we learned about their
school systems, how they teach gifted children with learning difficulties.
We took part in teacher meetings, did some sightseeing and tried to be as
close as possible with host teachers and children. At the other meetings I
took pictures and told our children at home about my experiences. They
listened carefully and wanted to come with me to the next project meetings.
But sadly it was not possible. How can I get them all into my little suitcase?
And mostly we had to travel by plane. This is really expensive.
Nevertheless we used other ways to communicate. We wrote letters
and cards to each other, had Skype - conferences and chatted individually
with our new friends. Can you imagine how happy I was when I got a mail
from my new friends in our partner countries? I noticed, that all children
got better in using the languages German and English. They were so highly
motivated to learn. And did I already tell you…
During the project meetings in Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and I believe
also in Romania all children who travelled with the school teams were
talking a bit in the host languages too. They helped each other to learn a
less spoken language. I could not get enough of it.
In the evening I asked the other mascots whether we want to do the
same and surprise the children how clever we are, nearly after the project.
Of course we got help. All countries worked together and made a dictionary
on our wiki. http://hiddeneuropeantalents.wikispaces.com/dictionary. Our
favourite word was “friendship”.
We mascots listened by chance; the German and English coordinators
were talking about another competition. They spoke about 3 different levels.
So we have made a guess. One level could be- who is the strongest? The
Hungarian lion mascot and I the German Ludifant smiled. Second levelwho is the cleverest? The Romanian owl and the Slovakian Alien thought
they could it be. Third level- who are the fastest? The English bus or the
Croatian dalmatiner?
Our guess was wrong. They spoke about a language contest.
It should happen in three age group levels and in German and English.
The little ones (age 5 to 9) started with connecting words and pictures, the
flag’s colours and personal words. Age group 10 to 14 had to work with the
wiki dictionary and write some questions and give answers. Age group
15-18 had to work harder and answer questions to their hobbies, school and
European Union. Under http://hiddeneuropeantalents.wikispaces.com/
WELCOME+-WILLKOMMEN you can read more about their tasks during
the first and second year.
I told you, I was a silent observer because after the written part the best
students had the possibility to talk with a native speaker via Skype. Even I
was excited. My heart beat went fast. Congratulations said the coordinators
later. If only I could speak English and German so well. I still have to learn.
During the German meeting was a different oral English competition.
All coordinators from England, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania and
Germany were together with 12 students from age group 10. They had to
do an interview, played some games together and had a lot of fun. It was a
big event for all of us.
At the final meeting in Romania all children will sing a self created
song about friendship and even we mascots sing with them. Sorry, I have
some problems to sing. My trunk is too long and all sounds they come out
are not so really nice. But my friends are very patient and generous. They
smile at me and say: “Please turn down your voice a bit and it’s not a
problem for us. We are friends for ever, even if you are a bit different then
we.” How kind of them. I’d like to hug them!
To be a part of a big group is a very nice feeling. That’s why we organized in all countries different exhibitions and talent shows, shared these
results not only at our schools. We invited other school in our region to take
part in it. E.g. language, recitation and sport competitions. We displayed
the pictures at school and on the wiki “hiddeneuropeantalents”. What a joy
for us to see the talents from other countries too. There were some dancers,
gymnasts, instrument players, singers and even a teacher dance group from
Hungary. Wow!
I had a lot of very best experiences. In each country we had a A Day
Together for Europe. All mascots were the stars. We (to be honest it were
the coordinators and team members) showed pictures from our home
countries and schools, made some typical handy craft or played some
games. Nevertheless I felt like being a star. All children wanted to hug me.
Lots of pictures were taken. I went bigger and bigger because I was so proud
to be a part of this project.
In the end I can say, it was a really good time for me, my old and new
friends, for all of us.
I would like to say a big thank you to all teams in each country. I felt
very welcome. I could improve my different skills and I think all children
could do the same. And another big thank you goes to the EU. Without their
support and money this great project would not have been possible.
All the best to all of you.
See you, maybe in another project.
TaLenT shows and hidden Treasure
(sTory wriTing)
Hello! My name is HITI. I was born in Slovakia, under the beautiful
High Tatras. I live in a historical city called Kežmarok. I was created by
the pupils of Primary School Nižná brána.
At first the children draw me, then they improved me and then the
skilful teacher sewed me, with the help of our pupils. I’m a strange, but an
interesting creature. I am able to admire the beauty of European countries.
I’ve got five hands, so that I could shake the hands as a sign of friendship
with each of my project partners. On my chest, right next to my heart, there
is a Slovak national emblem. Why? Because Slovakia lies in the heart of
Europe. At first I met the pupils of our school. I entered almost every
classroom to meet the friendly children. I have participated in every project
meeting. I have to admit, I was really curious!
I saw a lot of handy and talented children at the project meetings in
each country, where children showed me their skills in a Talent Show. We
started in England. The children performed a beautiful play from American
history. They also informed us about the history of their city – Trowbridge
in a very interesting way.
I was really looking forward to the Talent Show in Hungary, because
that’s where I met all the other mascots for the first time. I sat on a chair
and I was very impatient. Fortunately, the show started soon. I was
spellbound. Hungarian children danced beautifully. They danced traditional
Hungarian dances, but they were good even at Bavarian dances. The
children could not only dance, but they were also skilful at playing various
musical instruments. I really enjoyed it when they played approximately
15 guitars at once. I also liked the karate fighters, who showed that they are
really good sportsmen.
I have to admit that the Talent Show I was most looking forward to was
the one at our school. I was a bit nervous and I had stage fright like some
other children. Nonetheless it all turned out great. Every dance and singing
performance, fashion show and the accordion or guitar play turned out
better than I expected. Ninth grade student, Zuzana fascinated me the most
– she sang the song from Adele – Someone Like You. I liked it more than
the original version by Adele.
After the summer holiday I could admire the talent of Croatian pupils.
I enjoyed the Talent Show combined with the school anniversary celebration
a lot. The play about the history of the school, from the times when it was
founded till the present was very interesting. I have to confirm that Croatia
has great dancers of traditional, but also modern dances and good singers.
And watching the skill of children’s hands with cups during the “Cupsong”
was amazing.
In Germany, I could eat a lot of sweets. I liked the chocolate a lot, but
the salt wasn’t very tasty. I had the opportunity to see a lot of talented and
skilled children. Watching children dancing in historical costumes, while
listening to music of G. F. Händel was a beautiful experience. Singing
Christmas carols and dancing choreographies created an amazing Christmas
atmosphere. I felt very comfortable and I started looking forward to
I had the opportunity to travel, meet new people and explore school
systems. I even became the hero of some stories because the next project
activity was writing stories under the name „Hidden Treasure“. I really
enjoyed it.
Children in each country started writing their stories. One story was in
German and one was in English. They wrote a few sentences and then they
sent it to another partner country where other clever and skillful children
added their own part of the story. Both stories came to each country twice.
Each of us - mascots became the main hero or star of the story. In some
stories we all met. Once we found ourselves in a magical rainforest, once
we were in Paris and then in a kingdom. We even fought in space! In each
of the stories, we experienced exciting adventures. To make the stories
perfect and interesting, children added illustrations to each story. We mascots, are very beautiful in the pictures. Children in any partner country
can read stories about us which can be found with the illustrations on our
I have also improved in foreign languages and met a lot of great people
and a lot of amazing and talented children who will be a great contribution
to Europe in the future - I'm sure.
Yours HITI
Trowbridge first project meeting
Dissemination Trowbridge
A Day Together for Europe Trowbridge
Coordinators in Trowbridge
Meeting in Trowbridge
Wake-up Shake-up
in Trowbridge
Publicity in the Romanian school
and Momo's clothes
Comenius corner
in the Romanian school
Dissemination after the project
meeting in Kežmarok
Dissemination in the Romanian school
Literary Competition in Bucharest
Recitation contest
Illustrating the stories
Illustration of the Romanian story
Mihnea on Skype conference
Skype conference
Awards for good results
in English Competition
Coordinators and the mascots,
all together during the project meeting
in Kiskunhalas
Romanian team, Julia and Tibor
Geta and Tibor in Kiskunhalas
Chemistry lesson in Kiskunhalas
Talent Show Kiskunhalas
Project meeting
in Kežmarok
in Kežmarok
Students and teachers during
the project meeting in Kežmarok
Tatra mountains
near the Slovak school
Students during the project
meeting in Kežmarok
Talent Show
in Kežmarok
Talent Show Kežmarok
Project partners
in Daruvar
Project meeting
in Daruvar
Project partners
in Daruvar
Mihnea working
on wiki
Mihnea and coordinators
working on wiki
Coordinators planning
the activities
PE lesson
in Daruvar
Talent Show
in Croatia
Talent Show
in Daruvar
Visiting the school in Halle
English language contest in Halle
Awards for the English
language contest
Teachers signing
the report
English language contest
and the mascots in Hallle
Coordinators at the end
of the language contest
German educational system
Mascots in Halle
First day of the project meeting
in Bucharest - welcoming the guests
The first day of the project meeting
in Bucharest - project partners waiting
for official opening
The first day of the project meeting
in Bucharest - official opening
wake-up shake-up
wake-up shake-up
Bucharest, waiting for wake-up
shake-up, in the schoolyard
Visiting the Romanian school Laura's classroom
Visiting the Romanian school Cristinel's classroom
Mihaela presents the Romanian
school system
Geta and Julia - signing the
certificates for the Conference
Coordinators during the project
meeting in Romania
Working on wiki
The English lesson
with Mihaela
The Religion lesson
with Cristinel
The PE activity
with Oroles and Adrian
The Music lesson
with Iulia Savin
Guests at the Craft lesson
with Roxana
Mrs. Constantin and her students
in primary school
The Art and Craft lesson
with Mrs. Armeanu
The Math lesson
with Laura
A Day Together for Europe Croatia and Ana's class
Slovak teachers visit the Maths lesson
taught by Cătălina
Mrs. Trifan and her students
in primary school
Students and teacher
talking about examples
Big Talent Show in Bucharest Musical journey through Europe,
Program in German
Big Talent Show in Bucharest “Do, re, mi”
Big Talent Show in Bucharest Hungarian group dance
Big Talent Show in Bucharest Romanian teachers sing together
Big Talent Show in Bucharest “Waka- waka”
Big Talent Show in Bucharest,
classical dance - Hungary
Big Talent Show in Bucharest Momo and his friend
Big Talent Show in Bucharest “Retro” modern dance
Big Talent Show in Bucharest,
traditional folk song - Slovakia
Momo and Romanian students
during the Conference
Romanian coordinator
during the Conference
Dissemination Conference Romanian officials
English coordinator speaking to
the public during the Conference
Momo speaking to the public
during the Conference
German coordinator
during the Conference
Dissemination Conference coordinators
JurnaLuL mascoTei
A fost odată ca niciodată o şcoală în zona centrală a Bucureştiului,
capitala României. Se afla pe strada Stanislav Cihoschi, la nr. 15, sectorul
1 şi purta numele vestitei poete, Elena Văcărescu.
Ei, şi?! Ce-i cu asta? Nu mai sunt şcoli în România?! Poate aşa vă
întrebaţi cu toţii... Ba da, însă, aceasta nu era o şcoală oarecare; bineînţeles
că avea şi ea clase, table, elevi, profesori, directori, dar... cu toţii ţinteau
către un scop ieşit din tiparele altor şcoli: ar fi vrut să călătorească într-un
mod inedit prin lume, să cunoască oameni diverşi, să-şi facă prieteni noi şi
să descopere culturi diferite din lumea întreagă într-un fel aparte!
Dar cum? S-au gândit mult, au studiat ore în şir, şi-au format o echipă,
s-au sprijinit unii pe alţii şi... surpriză! Le-a venit ideea genială, la prima
vedere greu de materializat, de a colabora cu parteneri din ţări europene, în
cadrul unui proiect multilateral Comenius, care le va înlesni descoperirea
unor lucruri interesante, a unor modalităţi moderne de predare - evaluare
de la alte instituţii de învăţământ din Europa, legarea de noi prietenii,
realizarea unui tur al lumii prin cele mai vestite locuri pentru a cunoaşte
civilizaţii şi culturi.
Interesant, nu? Dar cum să concretizeze acest fapt?
Simplu: s-au adunat la şcoală, au scris o aplicaţie în colaborare cu cinci
parteneri din cinci şcoli europene şi au aşteptat emoţionaţi răspunsul
evaluării din partea Agenţiei Naţionale pentru Proiecte Comunitare în
Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale.
Din momentul în care aplicaţia a fost admisă, totul a decurs de la sine;
toţi erau permanent atenţi să respecte derularea activităţilor propuse.
Un prim lucru pe care l-au realizat, a fost conceperea unei mascote a
proiectului, reprezentativă pentru fiecare şcoală.
Aşa am ajuns eu să prind viaţă în Şcoala Gimnazială „Elena
Văcărescu” din Bucureşti!
Astfel, în fiecare instituţie de învăţământ, care făcea parte din proiectul
multilateral Comenius Hidden Talents, s-a desfăşurat o competiţie, în urma
căreia s-a stabilit mascota câştigătoare.
Creatorii mei mi-au povestit că atât profesorii, cât şi elevii s-au adunat
în laborator pentru a discuta; s-au consultat, şi-au expus părerile, însă, părea
dificil: unii îşi imaginau un animal, alţii un personaj celebru dintr-un desen
animat, poate o persoană sau pur şi simplu un obiect oarecare.
Într-un final, s-au hotărât să facă o expoziţie în şcoală cu desenele
elevilor talentaţi, care vor ilustra mascota sub diferite chipuri; toţi ceilalţi
vor viziona ilustraţiile şi vor vota pentru cea care i-a impresionat mai mult!
Au fost cele mai frumoase zile de început de an şcolar 2012 - 2013! Fiecare
şi-a etalat măiestria la desen, dar şi imaginaţia debordantă! Competiţia s-a
desfăşurat, mai întâi, la nivelul fiecărei clase, apoi pe grupuri de clase, la
nivel primar şi gimnazial, astfel încât toţi elevii şcolii au fost implicaţi în
această activitate.
Ce-a ieşit? Şcolarii au hotărât prin vot cine avea să fie cea mai haioasă
şi mai interesantă mascotă a României, prietena copiilor şi a profesorilor –
MOMO, un papagal simpatic şi vesel, verzui, care va efectua vizite de lucru
în Ungaria, Slovacia, Croaţia, Germania şi care va face cunoştinţă cu
oameni deosebiţi din Marea Britanie, toate acestea în cadrul proiectului
multilateral Comenius Hidden Talents! Ulterior, a fost confecţionat şi un
costum al mascotei, pe care elevul Radu Morăşanu l-a îmbrăcat în
mobilitatea din Ungaria! Mai târziu, în cel de-al doilea an al proiectului,
eu, MOMO, am fost însoţit la întâlnirea de proiect din Halle, Germania şi
de nepotul meu – MICUL MOMO – cel puţin aşa am aflat eu de la cei care
mi-au dat viaţă!
Această activitate s-a derulat în fiecare şcoală din ţările partenere - aşa
mi-au povestit creatorii mei - şi aveam să aflu mai târziu că, în urma votului
de pe Wiki, mascota câştigătoare Hidden Talents a ieşit Buco, eu
calificându-mă pe locul al II-lea. Lucrul acesta nu m-a întristat, deoarece
Buco este prietenul meu!
Aşa am luat viaţă eu, MOMO, cel însetat de inedit, de talente ascunse
ale elevilor şi numai aşa a fost posibilă crearea jurnalului meu cu însemnări
periodice din ţările partenere ale României în proiectul ale cărui activităţi
vi le voi detalia în rândurile ce urmează!
Hidden Talents a fost o experienţă minunată, care a oferit echipei de
proiect din Şcoala Gimnazială „Elena Văcărescu” oportunitatea de a cunoaşte
multe tipuri umane şi care ne-a pus adesea în situaţii inedite, într-un mediu
neexplorat până atunci, dar care ne-a dăruit o multitudine de satisfacţii.
Am fost prezent - în primul an al proiectului - alături de elevi şi
profesori - în Ungaria şi Slovacia, iar în Croaţia şi Germania în cel de-al
doilea an; din fiecare loc am venit cu sufletul plin de amintiri emoţionante.
Cei care mi-au dat viaţă, mi-au relatat, mai întâi, modalitatea în care au
fost selectați elevii participanţi la mobilităţi. Aceştia au completat un
chestionar, prin care şi-au exprimat nevoia şi dorinţa de participare, confir mând, totodată, faptul că au posibilitatea de a găzdui un elev străin; au dat
apoi un test de limba engleză, prin care li s-a verificat nivelul de cunoştinţe.
Chestionare au completat şi cadrele didactice, dornice a-şi lărgi orizontul
cultural şi a contribui la dezvoltarea şcolii pe toate planurile. Astfel, s-a format
echipa de proiect, de exploratori timizi la început, mai îndrăzneţi ulterior!
Următorul pas l-a constituit alegerea corespondenţilor. Fiecare elev şi-a
conceput o descriere personală, It’s me! (însoţită şi de un desen reprezentativ), ce a fost postată pe pagina Wiki, dedicată acestei activităţi, în cadrul
proiectului menţionat.
Corespondenţii au fost selectaţi în funcţie de hobby-uri, pasiuni comune.
Aşa aveam să le cunosc, de exemplu, mai târziu pe Vivi, prietena
Mariei Mărmureanu, pe Anna Liptai, corespondenta Claudiei, pe Reka,
amica Alexiei, pe Petra – veselă ca şi Ariadna, pe Toth Bertold, prietenul
lui Patrick şi pe mulţi, mulţi alţii!
Au urmat apoi Competiţia de limbă engleză, Competiţia de limbă
germană, Spectacolul de Crăciun şi mirificul Lemon Tree.
În primul an al proiectului, Competiţia de limbă engleză s-a realizat la
nivelul claselor I, a III-a și a VII-a, iar în anul școlar 2013-2014, în luna
martie, la nivelul clasei a VIII-a. Subiectele elaborate pentru elevii mari au
avut un grad ridicat de dificultate însă, aceștia s-au descurcat foarte bine,
mulți dintre ei pasionați fiind de studiul limbii engleze. Cu toții au primit
diplome și au apărut pe wiki, alături de partenerii lor din celelalte ţări
participante la proiect. Acest concurs le-a întărit încrederea în forțele proprii
și a scos la iveală ce aveau mai bun.
Competiţia de limbă germană a evidenţiat talentul lingvistic al elevilor,
înclinaţia acestora către studiul limbilor străine.
Spectacolul de Crăciun a oferit copiilor îndrumați de profesori ocazia
de a-şi dovedi talente artistice nebănuite. Cât m-am bucurat să văd ce frumos
s-au descurcat toţi concurenţii, cât de bine au dansat, au cântat şi au recitat!
Nu în ultimul rând, am fost profund impresionat de filmuleţul postat
pe wiki, în care cei mai talentaţi elevi, sub îndrumarea doamnei profesor
de muzică, au interpretat cântecul prieteniei, Lemon Tree! Filmuleţul a fost
realizat mai întâi în curtea şcolii, ulterior fiind înregistrat în studio. Cântecul
a fost interpretat şi la întâlnirea de proiect din Bucureşti!
Prima mea deplasare a fost în Ungaria, în localitatea Kiskunhalas, unde
am ajuns pe 19 martie 2013, împreună cu draga mea echipă de proiect. După
un drum pe parcursul căruia cu toţii am admirat felurite frumuseţi naturale,
am ajuns la destinaţie, unde aveam să ne cunoaştem, în sfârşit, noi mascotele: Buco, Ludifant, Leo, Elian şi Henry!
Profesori şi elevi s-au îmbrăţişat emoţionaţi, apoi gazdele ne-au făcut
un tur al şcolii lor, care ne-a surprins plăcut; în primul rând, era foarte mare
şi spaţioasă. Apoi, programul de Bun venit! i-a mişcat pe toţi. Conaţionalilor
mei li s-a părut interesant faptul că din corul şcolii făceau parte nu doar
elevi, ci şi cadre didactice. Tare m-am bucurat să-i văd pe români atât de
În următoarele zile, 20-22 martie 2013, am asistat la orele de maghiară,
istorie, religie, engleză, matematică, informatică. Profesorii români, în
timpul activității A Day Together for Europe, au lucrat alături de elevii
maghiari, pe care i-au învăţat să confecţioneze mărţişoare, să cânte, să
efectueze diverse exerciţii de înviorare, să descopere beneficiile apei asupra
organismului uman; de asemenea, elevilor noştri le-au plăcut experimentele
realizate la orele de chimie, au răspuns la ora de religie, dând dovadă de
cunoştinţe bogate legate de pildele puse în discuţie de profesorul maghiar;
ora de engleză s-a dovedit a fi foarte antrenantă, iar la informatică fiecare
îşi exersa îndemânarea pe laptopul personal.
Impresionante au fost şi Talent Show, unde s-a dansat, s-a cântat şi s-au
interpretat scenete - dar şi vizita de la Muzeul de Artă.
Nu de neglijat a fost gastronomia ungurească - de care ne-am bucurat
cu toții - în special, gulașul! De asemenea, arhitectura, cultura, istoria
orăşelului Kiskunhalas şi seara organizată de părinţi au rămas în inimile
noastre şi ni le vom reaminti mereu cu drag!
Cu toţii ne-am simţit foarte bine, iar noi, mascotele, am fost în centrul
atenţiei! Profesorii coordonatori ne-au luat luat în braţe, fiind foarte mândri
de noi!
În ultima zi în Ungaria, cu toţii am participat la momentul de Bun
rămas!, am schimbat impresii şi ne-am despărţit cu lacrimi în ochi de
primitoarele noastre gazde!
2 iunie 2013 – ziua în care am pornit alături de echipa României spre
Slovacia, localitatea Kežmarok.
După drumul interesant, profesorii şi elevii au ajuns la şcoala din
Slovacia, unde gazdele, îmbrăcate în costume populare, ne-au întâmpinat
cu zâmbetul pe buze şi cu tradiţionala pâine cu sare. O primire prietenoasă
tipic românească, pe care o au în tradiţia lor şi slovacii! Au urmat clipe
emoţionante, frumoase. Aşa am observat eu că şcolile din proiect aparţin
aceleiaşi mari familii europene!
Zilele următoare am fost plăcut surprinşi de gazdele noastre, care ne-au
însoţit într-o minunată activitate pe lângă Munţii Tatra a căror înălţime de
3.641 metri ne-a uimit pe toţi. Am vizitat apoi Peştera Belianska, a cărei
intrare spectaculoasă se află la 890 metri altitudine. Elevi şi profesori
români, unguri, croaţi, englezi şi nemţi am admirat frumuseţile naturale ale
Elevi foarte bine documentați ne-au făcut un tur al orașului Kežmarok,
oferindu-ne informații prețioase despre cele mai vestite obiective turistice
ale zonei. Am fost impresionați de Liceul Protestant, care cuprindea cea
mai mare bibliotecă școlară din Europa Centrală, cu peste 150.000 volume.
La Talent Show am văzut elevi care dansau, cântau, interpretau scenete,
făceau prezentări ale țărilor partenere, toate reliefând talente ascunse ale
copiilor slovaci.
Presupun că orașul Kežmarok este renumit și pentru oamenii săi
primitori, căci m-am simțit în largul meu peste tot în timpul acestei
săptămâni. Până și primarul a dat dovadă de ospitalitate când l-am vizitat
în ziua de miercuri. I-a invitat pe toți profesorii să semneze în cartea pentru
oaspeți. De asemenea, doi cântăreți talentați de muzică populară
ne-au încântat pe toți în timpul acestui eveniment.
Despărţirea a fost grea, dar ne-am alinat cu gândul că urma să-i
revedem în Daruvar, la următoarea întâlnire de proiect și apoi în România,
pe cei care ne găzduiseră atât de frumos!
Bineînțeles că am făcut sute de fotografii în timpul tuturor acestor
activități și experții în informatică - profesori și elevi - au realizat minunate
mozaicuri, aranjând o multitudine de imagini în interiorul contururilor țărilor
lor. Absolut impresionant! În plus, un dicționar internațional ilustrat realizat
în cele șase limbi ale partenerilor Hidden Talents este postat pe wiki. O
muncă dificilă, dar care îți dă satisfacții. Sunt atât de mândru de echipa mea!
21 octombrie 2013 - o zi frumoasă de toamnă, cu frunze arămii
desprinse din copaci, cu raze de soare timide, ce ne surâd complice, dar,
mai ales, cu aer de Croaţia, de Daruvar...
Eu, MOMO, alături de dragii mei prieteni – profesori şi elevi am
participat la o nouă întâlnire de proiect, organizată de croaţi.
Drumul spre Daruvar, unde urma să ne întâlnim partenerii, a fost lung,
dar ne-a oferit ocazia de a admira frumuseţile Croaţiei, ascunse până acum
ochiului nostru!
Îmbrăţişările, urările de „Bun venit!”, spectacolul pregătit minuţios de
croaţi pentru musafiri, ne-au bucurat sufletul, ne-au făcut să ne simţim cu
toţii ca şi cum am fi o “singură suflare”, ca şi cum am vorbi aceeaşi limbă:
graiul prieteniei şi al oamenilor talentaţi!
Şcoala din Daruvar urma să ni se cuibărească pentru totdeauna în inimi!
În perioada următoare, am participat alături de colegi la ore diferite –
limba croată, biologie, chimie, istoria turismului, limba franceză şi, în
genere, regulile sunt aceleaşi. Fiecare profesor îşi concepe lecţia, apelând
la diverse strategii didactice inovative, menite să stârnească interesul
elevilor. Și croaţii recurg, ca şi noi, la mijloace tehnice moderne de predare –
evaluare: calculator, table interactive, retroproiector.
Însă, sistemul de notare prezenta alte particularităţi faţă de modelul
românesc: calificativele erau între 1 și 5, iar în catalog existau rubrici
diferite la fiecare elev pentru nota de la oral, de la scris, de la test, de la
activitatea practică!
Am descoperit apoi atmosfera aparte din Daruvar - considerat staţiune
turistică, apreciat pentru apele sale termale. Cel mai mult ne-a impresionat
bătrânul copac Ginkgo Biloba, vechi de sute de ani, care ne-a întâmpinat
Cu toţii, MOMO, profesori şi elevi, am descoperit secretele nebănuite
ale oraşului Zagreb, capitala Croaţiei! Luând contact cu istoria poporului
croat, cu elementele de cultură şi civilizaţie ale croaţilor, am admirat
Catedrala din centrul oraşului, parcurile, Parlamentul, spaţiile verzi, piețele
Nikola Subic Zrinski şi Ban Jelacic.
Pe 24 octombrie 2013 a fost cel mai greu! Fiecare a participat intens la
diferite activităţi didactice, culturale, aristice, sociale!
Profesorii din România, Germania, Ungaria şi Marea Britanie au asistat
din nou la ore, au apreciat un deosebit program artistic pregătit de gazde,
coordonatorii s-au adunat la şcoală şi au lucrat eficient câteva ore – moment
în care s-a discutat despre întâlnirea de la Halle şi despre mobilitatea din
Bucureşti, din perioada 29 mai – 2 iunie 2013.
A urmat Talent Show, unde am admirat elevii şi profesorii din România,
care au prezentat un moment folcloric specific ţării noastre – dansuri şi
cântece populare.
Braşoveanca a reprezentat momentul cel mai apreciat de toţi, la care
au fost invitaţi pe scenă şi alţi reprezentanţi din ţările partenere!
Tot în Croaţia, noi, mascotele, ne-am întâlnit emoţionate şi ne-am
împărtăşit impresii! Ce drăguţi erau Buco, Ludifant, Leo, Elian şi Heti (am
văzut, în textul scris pentru broșură de către Nelian, că mascota lor se
numește HetiHenry).
Seara, am rămas impresionat de talentele copiilor de la şcoala gazdă:
bucătari şi ospătari deosebiţi, aceştia ne-au oferit un adevărat spectacol
La final, s-au înmânat, într-un cadru festiv, certificatele de participare
în Croaţia!
25 octombrie 2013 a reprezentat momentul cel mai dificil, când
partenerii şi-au luat rămas bun, aşteptând nerăbdători o altă întâlnire de
lucru, care să contribuie la conturarea de noi experienţe frumoase!
Am văzut cum elevii şi profesorii români şi-au îmbrăţişat prietenii,
trişti că activitatea s-a încheiat, dar încrezători în demersurile ce vor urma!
Întors în România, am asistat la şcoală la două activităţi realizate de
doamna profesoară de limba română cu elevi talentaţi la beletristică, din
clasele V-VIII.
În cadrul primei activităţi, copiii au creat diferite poveşti pe diverse
teme date de cadrul didactic. Nici nu ştiţi ce şcolari talentaţi avem! Am fost
uimit de imaginaţia debordantă a tinerelor talente! Cele mai frumoase creaţii
literare au fost premiate şi afişate pe holul şcolii, la parter! Astfel, toţi care
treceau pe acolo, se puteau delecta cu poveştile inedite ale micilor scriitori!
Activitatea este postată şi pe spaţiul Wiki al proiectului!
Un alt moment deosebit l-a constituit spectacolul de recitări! Elevii,
costumaţi ingenios şi într-un cadru feeric, au interpretat ca nişte adevăraţi
actori, versuri eminesciene, care au impresionat auditoriul. Nici nu ştiam
cât de talentaţi sunt unii elevi în acest domeniu! Bravo, dragii mei!
La întâlnirea de proiect din Halle, noi, mascotele, ne-am revăzut la şcoala
gazdă, însă, eu am regretat nespus faptul că acolo au participat numai cadrele
didactice. Mi-ar fi plăcut să-i văd pe elevii români cum desfăşoară diverse
activităţi, dar acestea sunt regulile europene şi trebuie să le respectăm!
Cu toţii am fost întâmpinaţi de prietena noastră, Silvia, coordonatoarea
proiectului din Germania!
Şcoala Am Ludwigsfeld m-a impresionat, dar şi mai mult am apreciat
activitatea de la Muzeul de Sare, precum şi cea de la Fabrica Halloren, unde
am descoperit cum se prepară ciocolata specifică zonei.
Momentul Wake-up Shake-up, oferit de Nelian ne-a „înviorat” pe toţi!!!
De asemenea, în cadrul activității A Day Together for Europe,
profesorii români i-au învăţat pe elevii nemţi să cânte, să confecţioneze
păpuşele şi chiar să spună Bună ziua! într-un mod aparte! Mi-a tresărit inima
când am observat cât de entuziasmate au fost gazdele!
Toate întâlnirile de proiect au fost extraordinare, emoţionante,
interesante, dar mai ales ne-au îmbogăţit spiritual, am avut multe de învăţat
şi ne-au accentuat dorinţa de cunoaştere!
În România, am observat faptul că echipa de proiect analizează
permanent aplicaţia şi este preocupată să respecte întru totul activităţile
menţionate acolo!
Aşa am asistat la un moment deosebit de interesant: ilustrarea celor
şase poveşti create de elevii din ţările implicate în Hidden Talents, prin desene
simbolice. Am trecut pe la fiecare clasă şi am văzut cu câtă plăcere au lucrat
copiii! Erau foarte mândri de ceea ce realizau! Astfel, au dovedit că uneori
înţelegerea textului e mai facilă prin ilustrarea conţinutului!
Desenele au fost afişate pe holul de la parter pentru ca toţi să le admire,
apoi fotografiate şi postate pe Wiki!
Elevii au participat și la un sondaj de opinie on-line în limba
proiectului, engleza, despre preferințele lor. Ei au înțeles cu ușurință fiecare
întrebare și au dat răspunsuri adecvate despre ei înșiși. O activitate similară
a fost realizată și în anul anterior. Rezultatele au fost apoi postate pe wiki.
Pariez că ştiţi cu toţii că în luna aprilie am fost la Braşov, la concursul
naţional Made for Europe. Natalia, cea mai bună prietenă, m-a distrat în fel
şi chip; poate vă gândiţi că o astfel de călătorie – cu trenul - este plictisitoare,
însă, atunci când te afli în preajma prietenilor, totul devine mai antrenant şi
Am întâlnit multe persoane cărora le-am povestit cum am fost ales
MÂNDRA ŞI REPREZENTATIVA mascotă a României! Mă credeţi sau
nu, ei îmi cunoşteau deja biografia, pe care o voi publica în curând...cum
vă spuneam, sunt un star!
Mai târziu, în Braşov, elevii şi profesorii şi-au exprimat dorinţa de
a-mi mângâia penele. Eram foarte mulţumit pentru acest fapt, însă, orice
papagal are nevoie de intimitate. Le-am mulţumit tuturor şi le-am oferit
câteva autografe; apoi, am zburat în apartamentul meu special: un cuib aflat
aproape de camera Nataliei. A avut ea grijă de paparazzi...
MAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Le-a spus că le va da prăjituri dacă pleacă).
Sub îndrumarea profesorilor români, elevii talentați din școala
bucureșteană m-au uluit cu spectacolul la care am participat în ziua de 10
aprilie 2014. A fost o ocazie, în care am realizat că proiectul este de succes
și că obiectivele acestuia au fost bine alese.
Nici nu ştiţi cât de emoţionat am fost când i-am văzut pe elevii români
cât de grațios dansau, cântau, interpretau scenete în limba maternă, engleză,
germană și franceză, recitau versuri impresionante, executau numere de
karate sau de scrimă şi totul se desfăşura atât de natural, încât uitai pe
moment că talentele de pe scenă aveau vârste atât de fragede!
În primele minute, când elevii de clasa a IV-a au oferit spectatorilor un
moment etnografic şi coregrafic specific zonei Oaşului, sufletul mi-a tresărit
de bucurie! Ce frumos arătau copiii în costumele acelea populare şi cât de
bine au cântat şi au dansat!
Ceea ce a urmat nu poate fi exprimat în cuvinte! Spectacolul a fost o
încântare de la început până la final! Mi-ar plăcea să mai asist la astfel de
manifestări culturale atât de captivante şi diverse!
Pe 29 mai 2014, a avut loc, însă, cea mai impresionantă întâlnire de
proiect pentru noi românii: toţi prietenii noştri de peste hotare s-au reunit
în Bucureşti, la Şcoala „Elena Văcărescu”! Au fost nişte zile pline de
încărcătură sufletească pentru noi toţi!
Însă, cu toţii (elevi, profesori, părinţi) ne-am pregătit intens pentru a-i
primi cum se cuvine pe partenerii noştri! Noi am organizat conferinţa
internaţională de diseminare, în cadrul căreia au fost prezentate produsele
finale ale proiectului (printre care şi broşura care cuprinde jurnalul meu!).
Echipa de proiect din România a conceput un program al întâlnirii care să
cuprindă, de asemenea, lecţii susţinute de profesorii şi elevii români,
activitatea A Day Together for Europe, Big Talent Show, ilustrarea
sistemului de învăţământ românesc şi a şcolii noastre. De asemenea, au fost
prezentate unele monumente şi locuri importante din capitala României,
cum ar fi vestitul Cotroceni, Grădina Botanică, Muzeul Satului...
Ce interesante au fost lecţiile susţinute de profesorii români şi cât de
captivant pentru partenerii noştri a fost craftul!
În România s-a desfăşurat şi Big Talent Show, în cadrul căruia, noi,
mascotele, i-am privit cu admiraţie pe copiii talentaţi, care au dansat, au
cântat, au recitat şi au interpretat scenete!
Conferinţa a reprezentat punctul culminant al întâlnirii de proiect din
România. Fiecare coordonator a prezentat modul în care a fost perceput
proiectul multilateral Comenius Hidden Talents în şcoala unde îşi
desfăşoară activitatea; discursurile au fost pline de încărcătură emoţională!
Conferinţa din România a ilustrat beneficiile multiple, pe care le-a avut
fiecare şcoală din ţările europene implicate în proiect!
Pe mine, MOMO, m-a mişcat enorm şi momentul în care elevul
Mihnea Constantinescu a prezentat, din partea României, produsul final al
proiectului: Spaţiul Wiki! Cu toţii am remarcat talentul aparte al elevului în
domeniul informaticii și ne-am plimbat cu ajutorul lui într-un spațiu virtual
minunat, reamintindu-ne cu plăcere de momentele, pe care le-am trăit de-a
lungul celor doi ani de proiect.
Ce mult am câştigat cu toţii, elevi, profesori, părinţi, autorităţi locale,
cetăţeni ai oraşului, în urma participării la acest proiect! Toate aceste
amintiri ale mele le puteți găsi și pe wiki și, astfel, oameni din întreaga lume
pot găsi inspirație în activitatea noastră plină de satisfacții.
Totodată, aș putea concluziona faptul că întâlnirea de proiect din
România a fost aparte, deosebită şi a deschis porţile către un nou proiect
multilateral, de data aceasta Erasmus + !
Cu drag, MOMO
Leo meséJe a szabadidős FeLmérésrőL
és az iKT részrőL
Leo vagyok és a Szent József Katolikus Iskolában élek Kiskunhalason.
Csak két éves vagyok, de ifjú korom ellenére sokat láttam, tapasztaltam itt
Magyarországon és sok más országban. A mi iskolánk részt vesz a Hidden
Talents nemzetközi projektben, így sok érdekes dolgot csinálunk mi együtt
közösen. Képzeljétek, találkoztam horvát, szlovák, román gyerekekkel itt
nálunk, amikor vendégségbe jöttek hozzánk. Ahova nem tudtam eljutni,
azokkal e-maileztünk vagy jó az is, ha megnézzük a wiki oldalt, ahova
rengeteg képet tettek fel már rólam is.
Te is szoktad a wikit olvasni? Sok érdekes dolog van ott. Tényleg, te
mit szoktál az iskola után csinálni? Hogyan töltöd a szabadidődet? Én az
iskola után el szoktam menni a gyerekekkel edzeni vagy a könyvtárba, vagy
játszunk az udvaron meg ilyenek. És ekkor kíváncsi lettem: a gyerekek,
akikkel találkoztam, vagy akik képet meg levelet küldtek Angliából és
Németországból, szóval ők, vajon hogyan töltik a szabadidejüket? Mit
csinálnak, amikor nem tanulnak? Készítettünk egy felmérést az interneten,
sajnos a német gyerekek nem tudták használni az iskolájukban a
számítógépet, mert valami baj volt velük. De a többiek közül sokan-sokan
válaszoltak nekünk, köszönjük szépen. Most bemutatom, hogy milyen
eredmények születtek!
280 gyerek válaszolt, mutatok egy rajzot, hogy melyik országból.
Életkorukat tekintve 14 gyerek
6-8 éves, 9-10 éves 52, 11-12 éves 74,
13-14 éves 72 és 15-16 éves 68
Sok gyerek sportol szabadide jében, ez azért jó, mert erősebb,
egészségesebb leszel, ha a sportot
komolyan veszed. 181 gyerek amatőr és 34 már hivatásos sportoló! Ujjé!
Többségük heti 2-3 órát sportol, ám 30-an több mint öt órát!
Áh, a zene! Nagyon szeretjük a zenét! Ének órán is énekelünk, na meg
van egy közös dalunk is a barátságról. 179 gyerek játszik hangszeren vagy
énekel, és mivel sokat kell gyakorolni, sok időt töltenek vele.
Nálunk minden héten történik valami, ünnepelünk, emlékezünk, ahol
a gyerekek előadnak valamit, így sokan járnak színjátszóra (114), többnyire
1-2 órát töltenek vele. Nálunk 31-en, Szlovákiában 18-an, Romániában 14en járnak drámára a válaszadók közül.
A tánc és a rajz sokkal népszerűbb, 144-en töltik ezzel a szabadidőt.
Néptánc, modern tánc, társas tánc meg mindenféle még, a gyerekek fele
táncol hetente egy-két órában, 105-en ugyanennyit rajzolni szoktak. A
modellezés, kézműveskedés is sok gyereket vonz, 115 szokott alkotni
Az iskolai órák mellett sokan járnak különórákra is. Gyerekek! Ez
milyen pihenés? Milyen szabadidő az, amit tanulással töltötök? Hasznos.
Most is és biztosan később is. 98 gyereknek 1-2 különórája van, 10-nek
ötnél is több. Kérdeztem tőlük, leginkább matematika vagy angol
különórájuk van itt nálunk a gyerekeknek. Persze arra is van idejük, hogy
zenét hallgassanak, vagy hasonló dolgokat csináljanak, akár egyszerre is.
Majdnem mindenki szokott zenét hallgatni, minél öregebb, annál több
időt töltenek vele a gyerekek. Ennél népszerűbb csak a számítógépezés, a
kicsik kevesebbet számítógépeznek. Legtöbben neteznek, mások csetelni
szeretnek. Én is szeretek skypon beszélni a barátaimmal. Jaj, erről jut
eszembe! Persze a gyerekek nemcsak játszani szeretnek a neten, hanem
nagyon szuper dogokat is tudnak csinálni. Ismeritek a prezit? Ez egy új
prezentációs program, amit magyar fiúk fejlesztettek ki. Mi is
megismerkedtünk vele, és sok aranyos ország bemutató és egyéb program
született eddig. Izgalmas, ahogy megmutatják a gyerekek az ő
gondolataikat, ahogy megtervezik az egész bemutatót. Ezen az oldalon
többet is láthattok: http://hiddeneuropeantalents.wikispaces.com/ICT. Ja,
igen, mert ez az a wiki oldal, ahol minden dolgot, ami velünk vagy a
gyerekekkel megtörtént, bemutatunk. Már mondtam, hogy találkoztam
barátaimmal, és figyelemmel kísérem, mit történik velük. Sok, sok közös
élményben volt eddig közösen részünk. Köszönöm nektek a boldog és
felejthetetlen napokat: Buco, Horvátországból, Momo, Romániából,
Ludifant, Németországból, Heti, Szlovákiából, Heti Angliából.
Sokszor ölel benneteket:
Leo, Magyarországról.
Sigurno me prepoznajete po crnim točkicama – ja sam dalmatiner. Nastao
sam zahvaljujući projektu agencije za mobilnost koji se zove Hidden Talents.
Zovem se Buco i iz Hrvatske sam. Maskota sam koju su stvorili učenici
iz Ekonomske i turističke škole Daruvar. Moje kreatorice su super!!! Kako
su samo predano šivale, lijepile, skicirale, crtale... i eto me - sladak i
buckast. I upravo zato sam dobio ime Buco.
Uskoro sam postao glavna faca u školi i sudjelovao u svim
aktivnostima koje su se događale u školi- predstavljao školu, sudjelovao na
nastavi, družio se i provodio vrijeme sa učenicima, pjevao, plesao…
Obožavam plesati i pjevati!
Moj je zadatak je bio jaaaako važan - trebao sam svojim dobrim
njuhom pronalaziti razne talente, talente koje još nitko nije otkrio! I to ne
samo u mojoj školi već i u svim školama partnerima koje sam posjetio. I
nisam bio sam, ne ne, u svemu tome pomogli su mi učenici, nastavnici,
roditelji i naravno moji prijatelji.
Prava smo ekipa, zar ne?
I moram priznati da smo se još samog početka projekta dobro slagali.
Odlučili smo našim koordinatorima pomoći koliko god je to moguće i pratiti
njih, nastavnike i učenike na svakom susretu ovog projekta.
Predivan je osjećaj sakupljati nova iskustva i upoznati prijatelje iz
drugih zemalja.
Ali dvije su stvari koje su mi se osobito sviđale i koje će mi uvijek
ostati u sjećanju - stvaranje zajedničke pjesme o prijateljstvu i dani koje
smo provodili na nastavi.
Ideja o pjesmi o prijateljstvu je nastala kako bi se svatko od nas osjećao
kao dio tima Hidden Talents.
Bilo je jako zabavno komponirati novu pjesmu! Najprije smo se morali
dogovoriti koju ćemo matricu odabrati - i uskoro smo se svi složili Lemontree.
Moj je zadatak bio svakoj zemlji dodijeliti jednu od strofa na koju je
trebalo osmisliti stihove o prijateljstvu na materinjem jeziku. A učenici iz
Hrvatske su još bili zaduženi osmisliti refren na engleskom jeziku. E to je
bilo zabavno! Poslušajte….
Svaki naš susret je obilježen pjesmom o prijateljstvu a na zadnjem
susretu u Bukureštu ćemo svi zajedno zapjevati i snimiti pjesmu u studiju.
Kako sam samo ponosan što sam dio Hidden Talents tima!
Kako bismo svoje prijatelje upoznali sa načinom rada u našim školama
i kako bi nam oni pokazali svoj rad, dogovorili smo se da ćemo u svakoj
školi organizirati događaj pod nazivom A Day Together for Europe - Taj
nas je događaj trebao upoznati sa novim načinima rada na nastavi i
inspirirati nas u našem radu. Zauzeo je mjesto na svakom susretu tijekom
mobilnosti gdje su gosti imali priliku prezentirati svoju zemlju, grad i školu
domaćinima svakog susreta. Isto tako su sudjelovali na nastavnim satovima
ili promatranjem ili održavanjem sata. I ja, naravno!
Dragi prijatelji, hvala vam za svaki trenutak koji sam proveo sa vama
u ove dvije godine!
Yours BUCO
LudiFanT, der sTiLLe beobachTer
Das Projekt Hidden Talents begann und ich wurde im Dezember 2012
geboren. Ich heiße Ludifant und bin das deutsche Maskottchen. Unsere
Kinder im Alter von 6 bis 10 Jahren durften zwischen September und
November Bilder von einem Maskottchen malen, mit Knete oder anderen
Materialien basteln und etwas finden, was gut als Maskottchen zu unserer
Schule passt.
Während einer Ausstellung durften alle Kinder, Eltern und das
Schulpersonal ihren Favoriten wählen. Ich habe diesen Wettkampf in
Deutschland gewonnen. Unsere Schule heißt Grundschule „Am
Ludwigsfeld“ und geboren bin ich als Elefant. Deshalb bekam ich den
Namen Ludifant.
Während der folgenden zwei Jahre hatten ich und die Maskottchen der
anderen Projektpartner ein aufregendes Leben. Wir wurden in ein
fächerübergreifendes Projekt integriert, welches nicht nur die Bildung,
sondern auch die persönliche Entwicklung enthält. Wir bemerkten auch,
dass die nationalen Bildungsvorgaben beachtet wurden. Wir waren Teil des
Unterrichts, der Projektwochen, inspirierten die Kinder zum Schreiben von
Geschichten und Tagebüchern. Auch wir wurden mit unterschiedlich
sprachlichen Aufgaben herausgefordert. Erst auf nationalem, dann auf
internationalem Level. Wir hatten viel Freude daran, ein Teil dieses Projekts
zu sein.
Kinder, denen Deutsch und Mathematik schwer fallen, zeigten be sondere Stärken bei Sport- oder Malwettbewerben. Wir waren so stolz auf
sie. Ich weiß das alles, weil auch wir Maskottchen während der SkypeKonferenzen unsere Erlebnisse austauschten.
Wir begannen unser Projekt mit einer Befragung über unsere Hobbys
und versuchten uns gegenseitig vorzustellen.
Das rumänische Team erarbeitete unsere Internetplattform,
“http://hiddeneuropeantalents.wikispaces.com“, damit wir unsere
Arbeitsergebnisse und Bilder darauf zeigen konnten.
Im Oktober 2012 flogen die Koordinatoren dann zu unserem ersten
Projekttreffen nach Trowbridge/England. Es war ein sehr wichtiges Treffen,
denn wir wollten uns persönlich kennen lernen, einige Termine und
Verantwortlichkeiten verändern.
Leider konnte unser polnischer Partner nicht wie geplant am Projekt
teilnehmen. Sie waren für die Computerarbeit verantwortlich. Die
Koordinatoren hatten also sehr genau nachzudenken, damit alle geplanten
Aktivitäten ausgeführt werden konnten.
Erst in England und später in allen anderen gastgebenden Ländern
erfuhren wir etwas über deren Schulsystem und wie sie mit begabten und
weniger begabten Schülern arbeiten. Außerdem nahmen wir an
Dienstberatungen teil, besichtigten landestypische Museen und waren so
eng wie möglich mit den Schülern und Lehrern der Gastschulen zusammen.
Während der folgenden Projekttreffen fotografierte ich viel, damit ich
den Kindern zu Hause von meinen Erlebnissen erzählen konnte. Sie hörten
aufmerksam zu und wollten mich zum nächsten Treffen begleiten. Doch
das war ja nicht möglich. Wie sollte ich sie denn alle in meinen kleinen
Koffer bekommen? Ich reiste doch meistens mit dem Flugzeug und ein
Ticket ist sehr teuer!
Wir fanden aber andere Wege, miteinander in Kontakt zu treten. Wir
schrieben uns gegenseitig Karten und Briefe, hatten Skype- Konferenzen
oder schrieben uns privat E-Mails mit unseren neuen Freunden. Könnt ihr
euch vorstellen, wie glücklich ich war, wenn ich Post bekam?
Ich bemerkte auch, wie fleißig die Kinder plötzlich deutsch oder
englisch lernten. Sie waren viel stärker motiviert beim Lernen. Ich muss
euch noch etwas anderes erzählen:
Während der Projekttreffen in Ungarn, der Slowakei, Kroatien und
sicher auch in Rumänien sprachen die mitreisenden Kinder auch manchmal
in der Sprache der Gastgeber. Sie halfen sich gegenseitig, die weniger
häufig genutzte Sprache zu erlernen. Davon konnte ich einfach nicht genug
Am Abend fragte ich die anderen Maskottchen, ob wir das nicht auch
machen wollen- die Sprache der anderen erlernen. Wir wollten den Kindern
zeigen, dass auch wir sehr klug sind. Natürlich bekamen wir Hilfe. Alle
Länder hatten gemeinsam ein Wörterbuch für unser Wiki erstellt. Hier
konnten wir nachlesen. http://hiddeneuropeantalents.wikispaces.com/
dictionary Unser Lieblingswort war „Freundschaft“.
Zufällig hatten wir Maskottchen gehört, wie die deutsche und englische
Koordinatorin über einen anderen Wettkampf sprachen. Sie sagten etwas
von drei verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen. Also fingen wir an zu raten.
Eine Gruppe könnte sich bei Kraftübungen messen. Der ungarische
Löwe und der deutsche Elefant lächelten schon. Sie wussten ja, wie stark
sie sind. In der zweiten Gruppe könnte es um die klügsten Teilnehmer
gehen. Hier dachten die rumänische Eule und das slowakische Alien schon
über den Sieg nach. Und die dritte Gruppe- wer ist der schnellste? Gewinnt
der englische Bus oder der kroatische Dalmatiner?
Wir hatten falsch geraten. Sie sprachen über einen Sprachwettbewerb.
Dieser sollte in drei verschiedenen Altersgruppen in Deutsch und
Englisch durchgeführt werden. Die jüngste Gruppe (zwischen 5 und 9
Jahren) begann mit Verbindungsübungen von Wort und Bild. Welche Farben
haben die Flaggen der Projektpartner und einige für sie persönlich wichtige
Wörter. Die nächste Altersgruppe (zwischen 10 und 14) arbeitete mit dem
Wörterbuch von unserem Wiki, musste Fragen beantworten und Antworten
geben. Die ältesten Kinder (zwischen 15 und 18) mussten Fragen zu ihren
Hobbys, ihrer Schule und der Europäischen Union beantworten. Unter
kannst du mehr über deren Aufgaben im ersten und zweiten Projektjahr
Wie ich bereits sagte, die besten Kinder des schriftlichen Tests hatten
anschließend die Möglichkeit, per Skype mit Muttersprachlern zu sprechen.
Sogar ich war sehr aufgeregt. Mein Herz schlug ganz schnell. Die
Koordinatoren gratulierten und lobten sehr. Wenn ich nur so gut deutsch
und englisch sprechen könnte. Ich muss eben noch weiter lernen.
Während des Projekttreffens in Deutschland 2013 gab es noch eine
besondere Englisch- Olympiade. Die Koordinatoren aus den Ländern
England, Ungarn, Rumänien, Slowakei, Kroatien und Deutschland sprachen
mit den 12 besten englisch sprechenden Kindern der 4. Klassen. Sie führten
mit den Koordinatoren ein Interview, spielten einige Spiele und hatten viel
Spaß. Das war wirklich ein tolles Erlebnis für uns.
Während des Abschlusstreffens in Rumänien werden alle mitreisenden
Kinder gemeinsam ein selbs terarbeitetes Lied über Freundschaft singen.
Auch wir Maskottchen üben ganz fleißig. Seid aber bitte nicht böse auf
mich. Wegen meines langen Rüssels klingen die Töne nicht so gut. Aber
meine Freunde sind sehr nett. Sie lächeln mich an und sagen: „Dann sing
doch bitte ein bisschen leiser. Das ist für uns kein Problem, wir haben dich
trotzdem gern. Auch wenn du das hier nicht so gut kannst.“ Oh, wie nett
die sind. Ich könnte sie alle umarmen.
Ich liebe dieses Gefühl, ein Teil einer großen Gruppe zu sein. Deshalb
organisierten wir in allen Ländern viele Ausstellungen, Wettkämpfe und
Talent Shows. Wir luden auch andere Schulen aus unseren Umgebungen
ein, damit sie auch Freude daran haben konnten. Bilder davon wurden in
der Schule ausgestellt, Zeitungsartikel geschrieben und auf unserem Wiki
sichtbar gemacht. Dadurch sahen wir auch die Talente der anderen Länder.
Zum Beispiel Sänger, Tänzer, Turner, Musiker und sogar eine
Lehrertanzgruppe aus Ungarn. Wow!
Ich hatte so viele beste Erlebnisse. In jedem Land wurde zum
Projekttreffen ein „Tag zusammen für Europa“ durchgeführt. Wir
Maskottchen waren die Stars. Wir, (um ehrlich zu sein waren es die
Koordinatoren und ihre Teammitglieder) zeigten Bilder von unseren
Heimatstädten und Schulen, zeichneten, bastelten oder spielten typische
Spiele mit den Kindern. Trotzdem fühlte ich mich so, als wäre ich ein Star.
Alle wollten mich umarmen oder ein Bild mit mir zusammen haben. Ich
wurde vor Stolz dicker und dicker. Ich war ein Teil dieses Projekts. Ich, der
Am Ende kann ich sagen, für mich war es eine tolle Zeit, ebenso für
meine alten und neuen Freunde.
Ich möchte mich bei allen Teams in allen Ländern bedanken. Ich habe
mich bei euch allen sehr wohl gefühlt. Ich konnte viele Dinge ausprobieren
und habe auch viel gelernt. Ich glaube, so ging es auch allen Kindern, die
im Projekt mitgearbeitet haben.
Ein anderes großes Dankeschön geht an die Europäische Kommission.
Ohne ihre Unterstützung und ihrer finanziellen Zuwendung wäre dieses
tolle Projekt nie möglich gewesen.
Ich wünsche euch alles Gute.
Vielleicht sehen wir uns in einem anderen Projekt wieder?
TaLenTové show a uKryTý poKLad
(písanie príbehov)
Ahoj, volám sa HITI a narodil som sa na Slovensku, pod prekrásnymi
Vysokými Tatrami. Bývam v starobylom historickom mestečku Kežmarok.
Vytvorili ma žiaci Základnej školy Nižná brána.
Najskôr ma nakreslili, potom vylepšovali a nakoniec ma šikovná pani
učiteľka za pomoci detí zo školy ušila. Som zvláštna, no zaujímavá bytosť.
Mám tri oči, aby som dokázal lepšie obdivovať krásu európskych krajín.
Mám päť rúk, aby som si naraz mohol potriasť rukou na znak priateľstva
s každým z mojich projektových partnerov. Na hrudi pri srdci mám
slovenský štátny znak. Prečo? Lebo i Slovensko leží v srdci Európy.
Najskôr som sa zoznámil so žiakmi školy. Vošiel som skoro do každej
triedy a zoznámil sa s priateľskými deťmi. Som osobou, ktorá sa zúčastnila
každého projektového stretnutia. Musím sa priznať, že som bol všade veľmi
Videl som veľa šikovných a talentovaných detí na projektových
stretnutiach v jednotlivých krajinách, kde mi deti vždy ukázali svoje
schopnosti v „talentovej show“. Začali sme v Anglicku. Deti nám predviedli
krásne divadielko z americkej histórie. Taktiež nás zaujímavým
rozprávaním oboznámili s históriou ich mesta – Trowbridge.
Na talentovú show v Maďarsku som sa veľmi tešil, lebo som sa tam
prvý krát stretol zo všetkými maskotmi. Sadol som si na stoličku a bol som
veľmi netrpezlivý. Ale našťastie show rýchlo začala. Bol som očarený.
Maďarské deti nádherne tancovali – tradičné maďarské tance či bavorské
tance. Deti vedeli nielen tancovať, ale i hrať na rozličných hudobných
nástrojoch. Hra na približne pätnástich gitarách naraz bola super. Zaujali
ma i karatisti, ktorí ukázali, že sú výborní športovci.
Musím znova priznať, že najviac som sa tešil talentovú show v našej
škole. Bol som trochu nervózny a mal som trému ako niektoré deti. Napriek
tomu všetko dopadlo vynikajúco a deti boli skvelé. Všetky tanečné
vystúpenia, spevácke čísla, módna prehliadka či hra na harmonike a gitare
dopadli na výbornú. Najviac ma očarila deviatačka Zuzka, ktorá zaspievala
pesničku Someone Like You lepšie ako samotná Adele.
Po letných prázdninách som mohol obdivovať talent chorvátskych
žiakov. Talentová show pri oslavách výročia školy sa mi páčila. Divadielko
o histórii školy, od jej vzniku až po súčasnosť bolo veľmi zaujímavé. Musím
potvrdiť, že aj Chorvátsko má výborných tanečníkov ľudových a moderných tancov a aj dobrých spevákov. A pozorovať šikovnosť rúk detí s
pohármi na „Cupsong“ bolo úžasné.
V Nemecku som mohol veľa maškrtiť. Chutila mi tam veľmi čokoláda,
ale soľ nie! Opäť som mal možnosť vidieť množstvo talentovaných a
šikovných detí. Tanec v dobových kostýmoch, pričom hrala hudba G.F.
Händla bol nádherný. Spev vianočných kolied a tanečné choreografie
vytvorili prekrásnu vianočnú atmosféru. Cítil som sa veľmi príjemne a tešil
som sa na Vianoce.
Mal som možnosť nielen cestovať, zoznamovať sa s novými ľuďmi,
spoznávať školské systémy v európskych krajinách, ale dokonca som sa
stal aj hrdinom príbehov. Pretože ďalšou z projektových aktivít, ktorá sa
mi veľmi páčila bolo písanie príbehov pod názvom „Ukrytý poklad“.
Deti v každej krajine začali písať svoje príbehy. Jeden príbeh bol v
angličtine a jeden v nemčine. Napísali pár viet a potom ho poslali do ďalšej
partnerskej krajiny, kde múdre a šikovné deti pridali ďalšiu časť príbehu.
Takto prišiel príbeh dvakrát do každej krajiny. Každý z nás maskotov sa
stal hrdinom či hviezdou príbehu. V niektorých príbehoch sme sa stretli aj
skoro všetci maskoti. Raz sme sa ocitli v zázračnom pralese, inokedy v
Paríži, potom zase v kráľovstve, alebo na Zemi, dokonca sme aj bojovali
vo vesmíre. V každom príbehu sme zažili vzrušujúce dobrodružstvá. Aby
boli príbehy dokonalé a zaujímavé, tak deti ku každému ukončenému
príbehu pridali aj ilustrácie. My – maskoti sme na obrázkoch neskutočne
krásni. Deti v každej partnerskej krajine si môžu prečítať príbehy o nás,
ktoré si nájdu s ilustráciami na našej „wiki“.
Som šťastný, že som sa narodil do európskeho projektového
priateľstva. Mal som možnosť počas dvoch rokov zažiť množstvo
nezabudnuteľných zážitkov, zlepšiť sa v cudzích jazykoch, spoznať veľa
skvelých ľudí a množstvo úžasných a talentovaných detí, ktoré budú v
budúcnosti určite veľkým prínosom pre našu Európu.
S pozdravom,
Silvia and Momo during ”A Day
Together for Europe“ - event
(how you can create a mascot)
Momo, Radu
and his school
Momo - Romanian Mascot
Leo and his friends on wiki
Momo, Radu and his friends
Momo presenting himself
Mascots in Kiskunhalas
Big Buco
Buco and his friends on the stage
looking at the Talent Show
Ludifant - silent observer
Leo and Julia
Ludifant and Lexi
Mascots in Kežmarok
During the lesson in Daruvar
During the English
lesson in Halle
Children and mascots
are happy to be together
Momo during the project
meeting in Daruvar
Elian Slovak mascot
Momo participating
in lessons in Daruvar
In Halle with
the German friends
Momo and the children recording
Friendship song
Momo and its friends participating
in the national contest
”Made for Europe“
Momo says in English, ”Please!“
Momo, Mihnea and Vlad
Romanian children in Brasov
in Made for Europe contest
Croatian prezi
Romanian prezi
Slovakian prezi
Hungarian prezi
Project meeting in Halle
Project meeting in Daruvar
Talent Show in Trowbridge
Talent Show in Kiskunhalas
Talent Show in Kiskunhalas
Talent Show
in Daruvar
Talent Show
in Daruvar
Croatian group Talent Show in Daruvar
Talent Show
in Kežmarok
Gifted children
in Talent Show - dance
in Bucharest
in the Conference
Mihnea, Romanian student presents
the wikispace during the Conference
Mihnea and officials
during the Conference
Croatian students dancing during
Big Talent Show in Bucharest
Vlad, the presenter
of the Talent Show
Teachers, parents and students
invited to the show
The friendship song Lemon Tree
Friends, friends, friends! ....
on the stage in Bucharest
“Lala love”, modern dance on the stage in Bucharest
“Kitry” - ballet, (Romanian girl
dancing on the stage in Bucharest)
Students record the song
of friendship in Bucharest
Silvia and singers in the recording
studio in Bucharest
Slovakian singers in the recording
studio in Bucharest
Romanian singers in the recording
studio in Bucharest
Waiting for the parents evening Bucharest
Romanian coordinator
opens the Conference
Geta speaks to the audience
during the Conference in Bucharest
Romanian and Hungarian friends:
Tibor, Julia, Geta and Cristinel
Parents, teachers and students
during the Conference in Bucharest
Mascots and flags the Conference in Bucharest
Mihaela speaks to the audience
during the Conference in Bucharest
in Bucharest
Audience attending
the Conference in Bucharest
Headteachers after the
Conference - Bucharest, Romania,
Saturday 31st May 2014