temperature. deg c - SMU Geothermal Laboratory
temperature. deg c - SMU Geothermal Laboratory
TEMPERATURE. DEG C 5 10 15 20 25 Or-""""""'~~~~~~~~=t=""""'~~~"'I"""""'~"""""""T~~~~=~~=F~~ GTS-FW03 GTS-PW05 50 GTS-FW09 GTS-FW12 GTS-FW48 I II I 250 ...----._~.........,,==-===-====.....A:====I==:A:=:::."""""'===_==I=====:I::::====I====l'=====:=I:=~~ 1 ............~ ~ ~ DRILL HOLE LOG - COVER SHEET LOCATION SS)'-I&;E 'bcb~ 5Topo Quad;I~a.yV\( Wtc;f - VJYu/ ID 1 Tn/Rg-Sec Eleva t i on lLatitude Hole Owner 1 Sta feet 2 ------ 42,°5""6.<637'5" & Number te I D lAt1S Quad meters [Source lLongitude 7/~r:ii:-- - - - - - -------------- II/OO?/O' --...;;;...--------------'----'----.;;;...--------------------------\-\N03:> IDate(s) Logged IGeol Province Incl (; Bearing T-D INFORMATION 2Depth Logged 2 Temp - - - - - - Max 2 Dept h to Water - - - - - - 2t1 in Temp 2Bottom Hole Temp ------ 2 Sur face Temp DRILLING INFORMATION Dri 11 ing Contractor & Address 2 Dri llingMethod 0 r ill i ng Da tes Drilled Depth Hole Size & Casing Record Future Disposition of Well TERRAIN INFORMATION Ground Cover, Collar Topo Setting, Local ----------- Re 1 i ef, Loca 1 (m) i t h i n 150 m Regional ------------ Regional (m) Slope Orientation & Angle, Local Collar Description ~J - - - - - - -; Regional ------------------------------HEAT FLOW INFORMATION Shape of T-D Curve Purpose of Hole --------- Qual ity 4Geologic Log (include aquifers) of Gradient ----------- ------------------------- 5G~ophysical Logs Available sThermal Conductivity Samples Collected: Core 5Ra dioactivity Samples Cuttings Surface sReferences 5Comments B A I I I * Copy of topo map with hole location included? C D I VYO.): WAYAN 17 MI. 5760 ---- 00 @' '. -~~-_. • GTS JOB NO. HUN :L TEMPERATURE-DEPTH LOG RUN DATE 08/31/79 9-79 DEPTH (Feet) TEl"lPERATURE (Deg. 110.0 120. 0 130. 0 l40. 0 l50.0 l60. 0 170.0 180. 0 190.0 0 0 ~~20. 0 230.0 240.0 250.0 260.0 270.0 280.0 ~~90. () 65. 01 63. 73 6~3. 74 62. 88 62. 05 62. 61 62. 98 63. 64. 64. 63. :"lOO.O E; P. r 'I i CPS , .! ! t. 60 04 39 79 63. 30 6::-3.49 63.45 63. 67 :310.0 320.0 330.0 340.0 350.0 360.0 370.0 380.0 390.0 400. 0 410.0 420. 0 430.0 44-0.0 450.0 460.0 466. 0 (J p. 0 T h P. r mal CONFIDENTIAL ~I . . \J 6;2.89 6~~. 68 ~~1 O. \\- ) 60. 67 56. 20 57. 48 59. 22 59. 54 59. 54 60. 48 60. 98 61. 05 60. 79 60.33 60.36 59. 57 59. 75 60.37 60. 83 60. 45 61. 61 60. 98 60.87 10. 0 20. 0 30. 0 40. 0 50. 0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90. 0 100.0 ~~OO. F. 63. 81 63. 97 64. 06 61l.41 64. 51 64. 76 6 /1. 89 64. 94 64. 92 65. 09 Inc . ~3 anD i Po g0 I Cal i for n i a I STATE OF IDAHO e:PARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCe USE TYPEWRITER OR BALLPOINT PEN WELL DRILLER'S REPORT State law requires that this report be filed with the Director, Department of Water Resources within 30 days after the completion or abandonment of the well. 'fELL OWNER Nl.lfl1e HOLE~ 7. WATER LEVEL HUNT 0 I L COMPANY Static water level .unknQw.1L feet below land surface. Flowing? 0 Yes W No G.P.M. flow Artesian closed-in pressure none p.s.i. Controlled by: 0 Valve 0 Cap 0 Plug Temperature _ _ OF. Quality --·-7j7-·S~v~nt-;;entj,-·St.-SuTt~-·2820---- Address ..Q~.!!.,{~..!:..t-CO _ 89_~.Q1. Owner's Permit No. 1'10 I ARP. rQ_'L~<L.J.yly.-lL'_-'-1 ..... 9.L.7..... 9_ _ 2. NATURE OF WORK o DATA _ 8. WELL TEST DATA 0 Deepened o 0 Replacement Pump 0 Bailer 0 Air ~ Other Temperature 00 Abandoned (describe method of abandoning) -SJ~jLallac.bedl--------""'----------,r--~-:----:--lI New well Discharge G.P.M. .J~.op.l~s-9D""-e.,,,-,r,-,-m,-,-,-,i t"-J.'-- .__. Pumping Level Hours Pumped _ 1- -J--------'T:..::e='-m:.:.Jp:c.:e:::.r=-a=- u re survey da ta a tached. 3. PROPOSED USE o Domestic 0 Irrigation 0 Test 0 Municipal [] Industrial 0 Stock 0 Waste Disposal or Injection ~J Other Geo.technlc.aLdatCLhol e(specify type) 9. LITHOLOGIC LOG Hole De th Diam. From To 6'1 4. METHOD DRILLED ~ o o Rotary .able Air Dug o o CJ .Reverse rotary Hydraulic 6 11 Gl Water Yes No Material ~ ~S_"'o~i..!.l..!.:___"'d""aC!.r_"k~b:..Lr_"'o"'wC!Jn~,---"'s""aC!Jn'-"'-d~£.nLc;r_ .. 1Q 1 80 I Other clav S.a.nd-y..,-'IJY..<;td'¥-.Q.r.aYe.l _ ~~: ~~~~~~~~~-:-:~:r~~~ 2 inch black iron pipe GL-- - - - - - .-White_c.lay. m;('1\~l\o\.\ \\ ,5. WELL CONSTRUCTION _6~ 80..!...,.!.!lQ..!.. .-.GreeDis~·"'\~\.\~\.-t'r'at:eous-c.1a' to TO; capped at bottom and filled with water·~..l!!~3001 poorl~ R'\Ad' lithic sands ir a Casing schedule: 0 Steel 0 Concrete 0 Other , 'l' -----'!!9J~.rl~Lg)..L9LQ..Y-t9....J'lhi te c lJtY-"I----t-~1 Thickness Diamete~nches + From f t To f t.6~ 1QQ.~ 6_1~ .-R.e..9_C_aJ£aLeml.s..sm i_--t__1 inches ------ feet - - - . /et6~~ .6.10~6.3.0~._8.1I.te-=-g.r.a_y~alcar.e.o.u.LcJ..a.Y __, - _ inches _ inches --~ ee - _ ee 611 630 I 65.~ --.Yell.ow-",-c-,-,IaR y1---,------.-----t----t--1 inches _ inches - - - feet _ _ feet "6"'65;':'-'&01' I-rerb..edded yellow and blue_-_(ray_ _ inches inches feet feet - - 1 - ' " - IY..... L'L-.-LUJ --~ _ _ ......cl.rJQ.)'..v -+__t--_1 Was casing drive shoe used? 0 Yes [] No J~~ 7_4~ _ID_ -.B..e~rfr~:lu ::l4Iv:.-...-c-+--r_1 Was a packer or seal used? 0 Yes 0 No rI..o~ 8.1 ..l. -t-_t-_1 0L..I- - - l - Perforated? 0 Yes [] No --- -==_--"_-_._~====+.I-LQ.w....p..r.e.s..s....u.r.e..-LQ\LYMUm.e-.ar:.uslap-_-e-ru-GQ-_u.n.te--~+~.e<-d-._.-I-- How perforated? [] Factory [] Knife 0 Torch Size of perforation _._ _ inches by _ _. inches Numher From _-U-o-I-o-s-t-c-j-r-c-u-Ia--t.LQD-· _ _~ _ _ To ._.::.--'- _£.lJ>w-em":.QUn.teLe.d-.a.t-L4..<LUte..t"_-11-_1 .-_. .__..__. perforations feet - - - - - - - feet _ _ l-p.:I.Q.d.tlc.lng__ZQillLIllU.d..d..ed.::.Qf.L1-Li,--'tI,h.l.-.-+-_ 1 "-"--"'--'-- perforations feet - - - - - - - - feet e-aY)'.:.t:-.b-ar.i te loaded-'1lu,....d "'-L--+--t--I -.-.------.. perforations _ _. feet feet - - - --I--,:----:-J..~---------------t--;-Well screen installed? 0 Yes 0 No --- - ' Manufacturer's name _ ..--'---+---+-----------'-:n:--;;;;I\->I'r-·--t--+--. ~ f'l'\a"J ~ "~-t---1--1 ... Type _._____ __ Model No. _ ------e--"...nNr!ii.f:;II~.'Il ~ Diameter _ _ Slot size _ _Set from .feet to feet - 'r' J I / ~{l.~-_ •.• Diameter._. __ Slotsize _ _ Set from .feetto feet ------r----. ,.,I";),,.~:;n\\\l\ . f i / " Gravel packed? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Size of gravel - - .--.,.----:- ~i • P :l from .. _.. feet to ...Lfeet - - --Surface seal depth Material used in seal: [] Cement grout 1 - - - ~ Puddling clay 0 Well cuttings - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t - - - r - - I ••• f.,.t' .. , o Sealing procedure used: 0 Slurry pit 0 Temp. surface casing o Method of joining casing: 0 Threaded --Overbore to seal depth 1 - - - - J - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - t - - I 0 Welded (J Solvent -- - - - - + - - - t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1'- - 1 - - Weld o Describe access port 6. LOCATION OF WELL Cemented between strata . _ HOLE #FW03 I W Subdivision Name None requi red. I/We certHy that all minimum well construction standards were complied with at the time the rig was removed. --------- Firm Name Firm No. _ Date _ I I I I E ---.-----.-.--Lot No. _ _ Block No. Address _ _~__ I Signed by (Firm Official) s County Work started _8/20L!1~ finished 8/27/1979 11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION Sketch map location must agree with written location. N --~---I---t--f-f-- - - -!-_+-_L- 10. CAR I B_O..::..U-,-_~ --'-__._ _ and (Operator) ~~ _ ..•, ,<l LOCATION: GTSJOB NO 9-79-FW03 T/R-S: HOLE NAME: GTS-FW03 DATE MEASURED: DEPTH METERS 3.0 6.1 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 33.5 36.6 39.6 42.7 45.7 48.8 51.8 54.9 57.9 61.0 64.0 67.1 70.1 73.2 DEPTH FEET 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0 150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0 190.0 200.0 210.0 220.0 230.0 240.0 TEMPERATURE DEG C DEG F 15.928 60.67 13.444 56.20 14.156 57.48 15.122 59.22 15.300 59.54 15.300 59.54 15.822 60.48 16.100 60.98 16.139 61.05 15.994 60.79 15.739 60.33 15.756 60.36 15.317 59.57 15.417 59.75 15.761 60.37 16.017 60.83 15.806 60.45 16.450 61.61 16.100 60.98 16.039 60.87 17.161 62.89 17.044 62.68 18.339 65.01 17.628 63.73 GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT DEG C/KM DEG F/100 FT 0.0 0.0 -814.7 -44.7 233.3 12.8 317.1 17.4 58.3 3.2 0.0 0.0 171.3 9.4 91.1 5.0 12.8 0.7 -47.4 -2.6 -4.6 -83.8 5.5 0.3 -144.0 -7.9 32.8 1.8 113.0 6.2 83.8 4.6 -69.3 -3.8 211.4 11.6 -6.3 -114.8 -20.0 -1.1 368.2 20.2 -38.3 -2.1 424.7 23.3 -233.3 -12.8 DEPTH METERS 76.2 79.2 82.3 85.3 88.4 91.4 94.5 97.5 100.6 103.6 106.7 109.7 112.8 115.8 118.9 121.9 125.0 128.0 131.1 134.1 137.2 140.2 142.0 DEPTH FEET 250.0 260.0 270.0 280.0 290.0 300.0 310.0 320.0 330.0 340.0 350.0 360.0 370.0 380.0 390.0 400.0 410.0 420.0 430.0 440.0 450.0 460.0 466.0 TEMPERATURE DEG C DEG F 17.633 63.74 17.156 62.88 16.694 62.05 17.006 62.61 17.211 62.98 17.556 63.60 17.800 64.04 17.994 64.39 17.661 63.79 17.389 63.30 17.494 63.49 17.472 63.45 17.594 63.67 17.672 63.81 17.761 63.97 17.811 64.06 18.006 64.41 18.061 64.51 18.200 64.76 18.272 64.89 18.300 64.94 18.289 64.92 18.383 65.09 GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT DEG C/KM DEG F/100 1.8 0.1 -156.8 -8.6 -151.3 -8.3 102.1 5.6 67.4 3.7 113.0 6.2 80.2 4.4 63.8 3.5 -109.4 -6.0 -89.3 -4.9 34.6 1.9 -7.3 -0.4 2.2 40.1 25.5 1.4 1.6 29.2 0.9 16.4 3.5 63.8 18.2 1.0 45.6 2.5 23.7 1.3 9.1 0.5 -3.6 -0.2 2.8 51.6