Long Wok on Short Pier: Cuisine of China


Long Wok on Short Pier: Cuisine of China
Special Rules:
Dining at the Long Wok is Family-Style, and so is serving. When
you fill an order, you may steal one ingredient from anywhere on
the table, as long as you play at least two from your hand.
first roll
Zone A: Appetizers
Roll again for item
first roll
1 : Spring Roll
2: Autumn Roll
3: Lazy Farmer
4: Mao Tse Tongue
5: Em Ess Gee!
6: Two Pigs and Tea
first roll
Zone B: Fish and Fowl
Roll again for item
1 : Chicken and Vegetable
2: Hot Chicken Noodle
3: Chicken Spicy Noodle
4: Boiled Fish in Water
5: Chicken with Lobster
6: Invasion from the Sea
first roll
Zone C: Beef and Pork
Roll again for item
first roll
1 : Beef and Vegetable
2: Hot Beefy Noodle
3: Beef Spicy Noodle
4: Shogun
5: Wok Lobster
6: Cultural Revolution
first roll
first roll
Zone D: Specialties
Roll again for item
1 : Occidental Tourist
2: Prawns with Bean Pods
3: Vegetable Spicy Noodle
4: Forest Paradise
5: Gang of Four
6: Ancient Art of War
first roll

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