Sigma Series
Sigma Series
NEW Sigma Series Multi-screen polymeric, self-cleaning filter combining Amiad’s suction-scanning screen technology with an innovative compact design 4” 8” 30-120 m 3/h 50-180 m 3/h 50-280 m3/h (132-528 gpm) (220-792 gpm) (220-1,233 gpm) flowrate inlet/outlet diameter 100 mm (4”) filtration degrees 150 mm (6”) 200 mm (8”) 80-300 micron min. operating pressure during flush cycle max. working pressure 6” 1.5 bar/22 psi (electrical controller) 2.2 bar/32 psi (hydraulic controller) 10 bar (145 psi) Highlights: • Increased reliability and durability • Compact design and small footprint • Suction-scanning screen technology • Easy installation and maintenance • Large filtration area • Polymeric housing - Corrosion and fertilizer resistant • Diverse open-field irrigation, landscaping, greenhouse and aquaculture applications • Low water and energy consumption • AC/DC electronic controller (optional) * Patent pending How the Sigma Filter Works General The Amiad Sigma Filters are automatic filters, with multiple screens operated by a single hydraulic turbine mechanism, with a capacity up to 280 m3/h (1,232 gpm) and from 80-300 micron filtration degree. Inlet/Outlet connections available: 100 mm (4”), 150 mm (6”), 200 mm (8”) diameter, and exhaust valve is 50 mm (2”). The Filtration Process Raw water enters from the filter inlet and passes through the multi-screens. Clean water flows through the filter outlet. The gradual dirt buildup on the screen inner surface causes a filter cake to develop, with a corresponding increase in the pressure differential across the multi-screens. A pressure differential switch (hydraulic or electric) senses the pressure differential and when it reaches a pre-set value, the self-cleaning process begins. The Control System The Sigma operation and cleaning cycle is controlled and monitored by a hydraulic rinse control or an electronic battery / AC controller. During the self-cleaning cycle the rinse control operates the exhaust valve by means of an hydraulic command, and when the cycle is complete, it automatically closes the exhaust valve and waits for the next cycle. In the case of the electronic controller, the self-cleaning cycle is triggered by the DP switch, then the AC or DC controller switches the solenoid to open or close the exhaust valve by means of a hydraulic command; When cycle is complete, the controller will shut the exhaust valve and wait for another cleaning command. The self-cleaning cycle begins under any one of the following conditions: 1. Receiving a signal from the Pressure Differential Device - which is preset at 0.5 bar (7 psi). 2. Time interval parameter set at the controller (electronic controller only). 3. Manual Start, triggered by 3 way ball valve or via electronic controller keypad. The electronic controller also provides: • Flush cycles counter • Alerts output – low battery, DP cycle Sigma models Amiad’s Sigma Series consists of the following models: • Sigma 4” - for up-to 120 m3/h (528 gpm) • Sigma 6” - for up-to 180 m3/h (792 gpm) • Sigma 8” - for up-to 280 m3/h (1,233 gpm) Unique Inlet-Outlet Configurations 1800 900 00 6”- 8” filters are to be installed on a flat surface only. Sigma 4” Dim: in mm (inch) 1258 (50”) 1583 (62”) 672 (26”) 180 (7”) 205 (8”) 4” IN 293 (11.5”) Sigma 6” 4” OUT 1 2 3 4 5 674 (26.5") A Treatment: 180 (7") AMIAD 12-335 TEL: 972-4-6909774 *BREAK SHARP EDGES FAX: 972-4-8145759 *DPS-Draft Per Side WWW.AMIAD.COM *TIP-True Intersection Point NAME DRAWN Kfir Atias CHECKED APPROVE FILE CODE DATE 25/07/2013 MATERIAL SIGMA 4'' 6000 19-05-13 VOLUME (mm³) W 6" OUT 784 (30.8") 1589 (62.5") C PATH: D:\SIGMA\ASSEMBLY 19-05-13\ 1905 (75") ISRAEL S SIGMA 4" - 6000 TITLE: B P PROJECT: D 842 (33 E Sigma 8” 674 (26.5") 180 (7") F 2 \ MASTERS \M+19620SOLID\ FILTERS COMPLETE DESCRIPTION 3 4 \ SIGMA \ NAME 5 8" OUT 784 (30.9") DATE 1905 (75") 1 PATH-T: 1589 (62.6") REV. NAME DRAWN ELENA CHECKED APPROVED B.O.M. Confidential property informa Amiad Water Systems Ltd. reserves the rights to make ch All copy rights reserved to Amiad Water Systems Ltd. 758 (2 DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED NAME ELENA Dim: in mm (inch) Head Loss Graph 672 (26”) 180 (7”) psi/bar 0.4 5.0 4.0 3.0 0.2 1583 (62”) 2.0 1.4 1258 (50”) 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.7 205 (8”) 4 5 0.02 0.2 0.01 3 m /hr8 10 gpm 293 (11.5”) 3 0.04 0.5 0.4 0.3 4” IN 2 (in clean water) 6 7 20 60 4” OUT (26.5") 100 40 60 200 200 300 100 400 600 1000 A 1 1 PAGE____OF____ Treatment: PROJECT: 7") AMIAD 12-335 FILE CODE DATE 25/07/2013 MATERIAL NAME DRAWN Kfir Atias CHECKED APPROVE 1:20 CATALOG No. PROJECT No. PATH: D:\SIGMA\ASSEMBLY 19-05-13\ psi/bar 0.4 ISRAEL 5.0 4.0 3.0 0.2 TEL: 972-4-6909774 *BREAK SHARP EDGES FAX: 972-4-8145759 *DPS-Draft Per Side WWW.AMIAD.COM *TIP-True Intersection Point SCALE: SIGMA 4" - 6000 TITLE: SIGMA 4'' 6000 19-05-13 sheet: VOLUME (mm³) WEIGTH(gr.) A3 B 6" OUT 0.02 D 0.2 0.01 3 m /hr 10 gpm 20 E 60 100 40 60 200 100 400 600 200 300 1000 3 4 \ SIGMA \ NAME DATE 15/12/2014 5 MATERIAL: SUBJECT/PROJECT: 6'' SIGMA FILTER PART NAME/TITLE: CAT. NO: ASSEMBLY DRAWING 6 DRW. NO: 7 Rev. 0 6'' SIGMA psi/bar SHEET 1 OF 1 SIZE: A3 0.4 5.0 8 4.0 3.0 0.2 SCALE: NO Ref. Backup Drawing: 6 SIGMA FILTER FOR CUSTOMER F 8" OUT 0.7 272 (10.7") 1905 (75") 2.0 1.4 784 (30.9") DESCRIPTION NAME DRAWN ELENA CHECKED APPROVED B.O.M. Confidential property information. Amiad Water Systems Ltd. reserves the rights to make changes. All copy rights reserved to Amiad Water Systems Ltd. Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:22:00 AM ") BSTD; ANSI 0.04 0.5 0.4 0.3 6" IN C * SUBJECTED TO CHANGES 26.5") SOLID\ FILTERS COMPLETE 272 (10.7") 842 (33.1") 2 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.7 784 (30.8") 1905 (75") 2.0 1.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 8" IN NAME ELENA DATE 09/11/2014 APPROVED B.O.M. Confidential property information. Amiad Water Systems Ltd. reserves the rights to make changes. SUBJECT/PROJECT: 0.04 0.02 0.2 0.01 3 m /hr 10 gpm 758 (29.8") DRAWN CHECKED 0.1 0.08 0.06 MATERIAL: 8'' SIGMA FILTER CAT. NO: PART NAME/TITLE: ASSEMBLY DRAWING DRW. NO: 8'' SIGMA SCALE: NO SIZE: A3 Ref. Rev. 0 SHEET 1 OF 1 20 60 100 40 200 60 100 400 600 200 300 1000 Sigma 4” installation of 3 units with manifold, flow up to 360 m3/h (1,584 gpm) DRAIN IN OUT Sigma 6” installation of 2 units with manifold, flow up to 360 m3/h (1,584 gpm) DRAIN IN OUT Technical Specifications General data Max. flowrate* (100µ) in average water quality Sigma 4” Sigma 6” Sigma 8” 120 m3/h (528 gpm) 180 m3/h (792 gpm) 280 m3/h (1,233 gpm) Min. operating pressure when cleaning 1.5 bar (22 psi) - Electrical controller 2.2 bar (32 psi) - Hydraulic Controller Max. operating pressure 10 bar (145 psi) Filtration area Inlet/Outlet diameter 6,000 cm2 (930 in2) 8,000 cm2 (1240 in2) 8,000 cm2 (1240 in2) 4" (100 mm) Flange & Victaulic 6” (150 mm) 8” (200 mm) Empty: 75 kg (110 lb) Full: 145 kg (213 lb) Empty: 110 kg (242 lb) Full: 225 kg (496 lb) Empty: 120 kg (264 lb) Full: 235 kg (518.3 lb) Weight * Amiad’s flow recommendation per water quality. Hydraulic control Rinse control PP (Polypropylene), PA (Polyamide) DP switch Built-in rinse controller set at 0.5 bar (7 psi) Operation mode 3 way ball valve, indicate: Automatic & Manual Optional electronic control Control voltage 6 VDC or 24 VAC Control power supply 4 D type 1.5V batteries /AC power Solenoid operation data 12-9 VDC latching solenoid or 24VAC solenoid DP switch Dry contact switch Flushing data Exhaust valve 2" (50 mm) Flushing time Reject water volume per flush cycle 20 sec 10 sec at 1.5 bar (22 psi) approx. 150-200 liters (40-53 gallons) 90 liters (50 gallons) Construction materials RPP (Reinforced Polypropylene) RPA (Reinforced Polyamide) Filter housing & lid Screens Molded Weave wire 316L, screen mesh Cleaning mechanism PBT (Polybutylene) Exhaust valve Polymeric actuator Seals EPDM Control command tubing PE (Polyethylene) Standard Filtration Degrees micron 300 200 130 100 80 mm 0.3 0.2 0.13 0.1 0.08 Headquarters The Americas Amiad Water Systems Ltd. D.N. Galil Elyon 1, 1233500, Israel, Tel: 972 4 690 9500, Fax: 972 4 814 1159, E-mail: [email protected] Amiad USA Inc. Main Office and Manufacturing: 120-J Talbert Road, Mooresville, NC 28117, Tel: 1 704 662 3133, Fax: 1 704 662 3155, Toll Free: 1 800 24 FILTER, E-mail: [email protected] West Coast Sales Office and Warehouse: 1251 Maulhardt Ave, Oxnard, CA 93030 Tel: 805 988 3323, Fax: 805 988 3313, Toll Free: 1 800 969 4055 Brazil Amiad Sistemas de Água Ltda., Av. Funchal, 411, Conj. 42, Vila Olimpia, São Paulo, CEP 04551-060 Tel: 31923824 11 55+, E-mail: [email protected] Amiad Oil & Gas, E-mail: [email protected] Mexico Amiad Mexico SA DE CV, Vialidad de la Barranca # 6 Piso 4, Col. Valle de las Palmas 52787. Huixquilucan (Interlomas), Edo de Mexicoo, Tel/Fax: 28122 636 55 52+, E-mail: [email protected] Asia India Amiad Filtration India Pvt Limited, 305 Sai Commercial Building, Govandi St Rd, Govandi Mumbai 088 400, Tel: 14/67997813-22 91, Fax: 67997814-22 91, Email: [email protected] China Amiad China (Yixing Taixing Environtec Co., Ltd.) 70 Baihe Chang, Xingjie Yixing Jiangsu, 214204, Tel: 87134000 510 86, Fax: 87134999 510 86, E-mail: [email protected] South-East Asia Filtration & Control Systems Pte. Ltd., 22 Sin Ming Lane #07-71 Midview City, Singapore 573969, Tel: 6698 337 6 65, Fax: 8180 337 6 65, E-mail: [email protected] Australia Amiad Australia Pty Ltd. 138 Northcorp Boulevard, Broadmeadows, Victoria 3047, Tel: 61 3 93585800, Fax: 61 3 93585888, E-mail: [email protected] Europe Amiad Water Systems Europe SAS, Ilot No4 ZI La Boitardière, 37530 Chargé, France, Tel: 33 (0) 2 47 23 01 10, Fax: 33 (0) 2 47 23 80 67, E-mail: [email protected] Amiad Water Systems Europe SAS (Irrigation Division) 100 avenue de l’Anguillon, Z.I. des Iscles, 13160 Chateaurenard, Tel: +33 (0) 4 32 60 10 01, Fax +33 (0) 4 32 60 60 85 Germany Amiad Water Systems SAS Europe (German branch office) Zweigniederlassung Deutschland Prinz-Regent-Str. 68 a 44795 Bochum, Tel: 49 (0) 234 588082-0, Fax: 49 (0) 234 588082-10, E-mail: [email protected] United Kingdom Amiad Water Systems UK Limited, Compass Business Centre, Unit 6, Lion Way, Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea SA7 9FB Tel: +44 (0)1792 277290, Fax: +44 (0)1792 797707, E-mail: [email protected] WAT E R S Y S T E MS 910101-000584/03.2016 Copyright © 2013 Amiad Water Systems Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents of this catalogue including without limitation all information and materials, images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, graphical presentations, designs, literary works, data, drawings, slogans, phrases, names, trademarks, tittles and any other such materials that appear in this catalogue (collectively, the “Contents”) are the sole and property of Amiad Water Systems Ltd. (“Amiad”). Amiad has sole and exclusive right, title and interest in the Contents, including any intellectual property rights, whether registered or not, and all know-how contained or embodied therein. You may not reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, any of the Contents or the catalogue. Any use of the catalogue or the Contents, other than for personal use, requires the advanced written permission of Amiad.
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