1893 Svilajnac Earthquake Isoseismal Map
1893 Svilajnac Earthquake Isoseismal Map
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA STABILITY PACT FOR SE EUROPE Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative - DPPI MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief MINISTRY FOR ENVIRONMENT AND SPATIAL PLANNING Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia Seismology and Geology Office NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization SCIENCE FOR PEACE AND SECURITY PROGRAMME Public Diplomacy Division FIRST WORKSHOP FOR THE NATO SCIENCE FOR PEACE PROJECT NO. 983054 “HARMONIZATION OF SEISMIC HAZARD MAPS FOR THE WESTERN BALKAN COUNTRIES” Ig near Ljubljana, Slovenia 7 – 9 November 2007 SEISMIC ACTIVITY ON THE TERRITORY OF SERBIA - OVERVIEW OF RELEVANT DATA Epicenter Map of Serbia 1456-2005 Map of macroseismic intensity expected for the recurrent 100-year period The first stage in the construction of a new map of seismic hazard comprised • preparation of the catalogue, • seismotectonic modeling, and • local site categorization Preparation of the catalogue Early instrumental period (1893-1970) • Re-estimate of the intensities using the the original description • Relocation via local seismic models • Calculation of magnitude Preparation of the catalogue • Available data sources – Macroseismic parametric catalogue – Isoseismal maps – Studies of earthquakes – Primary historical sources (photographs) VIII The Old Isoseismal Map of the 1893 Svilajnac Earthquake 1893 Svilajnac Earthquke Lokacija Lat N Lon E Ii Troponje 44.160 Subotica 44.150 Medvedja 44.166 Gladna 44.083 Vel. Popo 44.116 Svilajnac 44.233 Grabovac 44.180 Sedlari 44.183 Vlaska 44.000 Lapovo 44.166 Bobova 44.233 Savac 43.850 Orasje 44.366 Vel. Plana44.500 Djurinac 44.233 Zabari 44.366 Jagodina 44.000 Kupinovac44.200 Salakovac 44.566 M. Crnice 44.550 Dvoriste 44.100 21.270 21.340 21.350 21.300 21.350 21.200 21.210 21.290 21.350 21.100 21.250 21.366 21.083 21.050 21.350 21.166 21.233 21.316 21.283 21.283 21.533 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 “BONDRUK”-vulnerability class B Adobe brick-vulnerability class A Isoseismal Map of the 1893 Svilajnac Earthquake Magnitude assessment Based on: liquefaction phenomena 5.7-5.9 Mm Musson formula for A3/A4 Seismotectonic modeling Basic geological map 1:500 000 Ready for GIS Seismo tectonic modeling Remote sensing tectonic map 1:500 000 Ready for GIS Focal Mechanism N P Axis T Axis W E S Seismogenic model for Serbia Local site categorization • To be done