reporter - Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron
reporter - Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron
REPORTER Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron Volume 74, Issue 8 August 2014 Fall Spiritual Enrichment at UUCA The Adult Spiritual Enrichment Team (ASET) is pleased to announce an exciting number of educational and spiritual growth opportunities for the fall. These include our many ongoing spiritual enrichment groups, one-time events/workshops, and multi-session programs and classes. Spiritual Enrichment Groups Connection Circles Sacred Singing Circle Ethical Humanist Group Drum Circle UUCA Christian Fellowship Meditation Group Special Events/Workshops Cooking From the Garden (see info on Page 6) Food, Nutrition, and Wellness A Day of Mindfulness Eating Locally Multi-Session Classes/Programs Give Me That Old Time Religion, a bi-monthly series on earth-centered spirituality with Rebekah Benner (see info on Page 2) Conversational Spanish The Journey of Unitarian Universalism on UU History taught by Rev. Tim Push Factors: The Roots of the Immigration Crisis taught by Jeff Stewart, Director of the Immigrant Worker Project TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 ADULT SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT OFFERINGS Minister’s Musings; Give Me That Old Time Religion Class Info News & Notes; Religious Education Summer Camp Sunday Services; Caring Corner 5 6 7 8 1 Worship & Spiritual Enrichment Opportunities HAPPENINGS Calendar; Attendance Info Staff Hours and Info; Board of Trustees; UUCA Mission Rev. Tim Temerson I am so proud of our congregation. At General Assembly this past June, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron received the Bennett Award, which is the annual award for social justice given by the Unitarian Universalist Association. In a message I received shortly after General Assembly, the UUA’s Office of Multicultural Growth and Witness, which oversees the Bennett Award, offered these words about our social justice ministries. “The UUA Bennett Award Panel was very impressed with your congregation's commitment to a diverse, dynamic justice ministry grounded in solidarity and partnership. From the UU Church of Akron’s partnership with the Immigrant Worker Project to your food justice ministry to the collaborative Teen Pride Network to your interfaith engagement, your congregation is truly living your mission and values.” I can’t think of two words that better describe our social justice work than solidarity and partnership. Through our immigration, food justice, and LGBTQ ministries, we have built relationships of trust and friendship with local immigrants, with those dealing with food insecurity, and with local LGBTQ teens. And many of those relationships have been made possible by our extraordinary partnerships with the Immigrant Worker Project in Canton and Canapi and PFLAG here in Akron. In addition to solidarity and partnership, I would add leadership as a key factor that has made our work possible. Our social justice leaders are so talented, so dedicated, and so passionate about creating justice and making a positive difference in the world. I can’t possibly list them all but I would like to lift up the work of Sarah Culver, who chairs our Social Action Coalition, Brenda Whitmore, who leads Immigration, Tina Ughrin, Jenni Papp, and Dawn Scott, who lead food justice, and Kim Mosyjowski who currently leads our LGBTQ outreach ministry. I also want to thank Susan Davis for her leadership of the annual Akron Area Interfaith Council’s hunger walk and Russell Kunz for coordinating our work with Family Promise of Summit County. Finally, I want to thank all of you for your ministry and your support of our social justice work. So many of you have shared your passion, your dedication, and your gifts in helping the UU Church of Akron make a difference in the world. You have helped with legal research on upcoming immigration cases or taught English to local immigrants. You have worked in our community garden and helped out with our monthly community meal. You have helped create a space of love and welcome by volunteering at the Pride Prom. You have walked to stop hunger and supported homeless families by volunteering for Family Promise. You have made a difference and together we have made a difference. I can’t wait to see where our social justice ministry takes us in the future! Blessings, Rev. Tim [email protected] 2 GIVE ME THAT OLD TIME RELIGION Discovering the depth, richness and warmth of our th 6 Source of Spirituality Earth Centered traditions, aka Paganism/Neopaganism, and its impact on Unitarian Universalism. In 1984 a seventh principle was created which stated that we “affirm and promote the interdependent web of which we are a part.” This seventh principle moved UUs beyond the patriarchal western religions that separate god from both humans and nature. In 1995 the outcome of the addition of the Seventh Principle and the work being done by the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans resulted in the adoption of our 6th Source of Spirituality, "Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature." Beginning Saturday, September 20, 2014, and continuing every other month through May, 2015, join us in an afternoon workshop focusing on the history, lore, magick and lifestyle of those living the pagan path, and how Earth-Centered Spirituality impacts and enhances the UU faith. Topics covered: Background of witchcraft, the Burning Times, repeal of Witchcraft laws in the UK, and subsequent emergence of paganism in the U.S. Emergence of the Goddess, Women’s spirituality, UU Women in Religion (1 class) Ritual and Ceremony and The Celtic Wheel of the Year Healing Arts Associated with the Pagan Path Taught by Rev. Rebekah Benner, On-call Chaplain SUMMA and Akron General Hospitals, Chaplain and member of the Professional Advisory Group of the Cleveland Veteran’s Administration specializing in Earth-Centered Traditions, Wiccan High Priestess, lecturer on “Demystifying Paganism”, and member of the UUCA for over 25 years. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS & NOTES DRE Rich Roberts, RE Assistant Carolyn Stevens Linda Hale GA this year was held in Providence, RI. The theme was LOVE REACHES OUT. Wanted to share some experiences and thoughts about GA. So more information about restrooms than you might imagine. We have restrooms for transgender and/or gender nonconforming people so those individuals can use the restroom without emotional and physical harassment. Anyone can use those restrooms which I feel (having used them) opens space for freedom for the individual and a level of comfort. Others may experience or think of this differently (we are UU's after all). Something to think about and may have conversations over coffee some Sunday. August for Preschoolers Preschoolers are welcome in the Nursery or the K-5 programs while our r egular pr eschool class is on br eak. For K-5 participation we recommend they be approaching five years of age. August Programming for Children K-5 UU Summer Camp Sundays - Each Sunday is a special program for elementary age children lead by a special guest presenter. Past sessions have included activities such as Native American ceremony, musical games, organic gardening and yoga. August for Youth & Teenagers Middle School and High School classes take a br eak in the summer. Many youth attend worship with their families or gather in the high school room with friends. They are always welcome to join the younger children in UU Summer Camp. The extra help is always appreciated! And another thing about restrooms. We were asked to recycle our paper towels after drying our hands. I felt awkward the first few times I carried those towels out of the restroom to the recycle area. New things can be so awkward at first for me. With practice I found my way with those towels. I also found my way around those large buildings. I will continue to write about GA so many wonderful experiences and awareness. Please talk to those who went to GA if you have questions. There will be a service about GA on Sunday, August 10 — please consider attending if you have never been to our annual GA service and come again if you have. You will be warmly greeted. Love does reach out--over space and time--to fill the heart. Karen Hoch UUCA Community Garden News Our garden is flourishing! Our volunteers (kudos to everyone who has helped so far – great job!) are harvesting vegetables weekly for use in the Caring Cupboard and for the monthly FJM Hot Meals. We are also donating food to Good Samaritan on a weekly basis. And Jenni Papp is gearing up to teach courses on food preservation/preparation using our crops. Our children will get a chance to check out the garden on Sunday, August 24 during the service as we present THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF WORMS during that morning’s RE Summer Camp. Yes, by popular demand, Erin Earthworm and friends will be back to entertain and instruct! And speaking of WORM day, we could use your clean, empty, 2liter clear plastic pop bottles for our class. You may drop them off in the church office. Thank you! 3 August 3, 2014: Today is NATIONAL WATERMELON DAY! We will celebrate the marvelous melon by sampling, making crafts, and other wacky watermelon games! “Pick up a sesame seed but lose sight of a watermelon.” ~Chinese Proverb August 10, 2014: We ar e going to get moving today and have a hula'va good time! Learn to hula hoop with Anne Laing, who br ings fun and fitness together in this unique class. We start with hooping around the waist then move on to hooping around the shoulders and arms — and we’ll even learn some fun hula hoop tricks. A limited number of hula hoops will be available that day, but if you have one, please bring it! August 17, 2014: FOSSILS, ROCKS, AND MORE! Today we have our congregation member, Tamara Melnik, a geologist, teaching us about fossils and rocks. If you happen to have a favorite rock from home, please bring it with you and Tamara can help identify it. August 24, 2014: Our childr en will get a chance to check out the garden on August 24 during the service as we present THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF WORMS. Yes, by popular demand, Er in Earthworm and friends will be back to entertain and instruct! August 31, 2014: The AKRON ZOO will be here today presenting All Creatures Great & Small. Animals come in different shapes and sizes. How do they compare with you? We still need adult volunteers to help with some of these Sundays. Please see Carolyn Stevens or email [email protected]. SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:30 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday, August 3 at 10:30 a.m. Woman at the Well Rina Shere, UU Society of Cleveland Sunday, August 17 at 10:30 a.m. Temporarily Abled Worship Leader: Warren Brown Worship Asst.: Patty O'Shea The story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well is one that Christians often find meaningful in terms of how the gospel was spread in ancient times. Unitarian Universalists might find an additional message of inclusivity in this scripture, one that ties in with our ideas of building communities among people with very different backgrounds and points of view. For most of us, ability is something we take for granted. But for many, life's most basic tasks can be a struggle. As UU's we affirm the worth and dignity of every person, but when it comes to those with disabilities, are we doing all we can to be inclusive? Or do we need to pay closer attention to everyone's unique abilities? Let us explore how we can better open the arms of our community to all. Sunday, August 24 at 10:30 a.m. Help, Thanks, Wow Rev. Tim Temerson Sunday, August 10 at 10:30 a.m. GA 2014: Inspiration and Enlightenment Pam Garn Nunn Few things can be more challenging and confusing for Unitarian Universalists than prayer. What exactly does it mean to pray and to whom or what is one praying are only two of the many questions that can challenge us. Today’s service draws inspiration from a recent book by the spiritual writer Anne Lamott to explore the meaning and possibilities of prayer. Join your GA team for a music-filled service as we bring you the highlights of this year's meeting in Providence. From social justice to spiritual growth, from lectures to worship, we were treated to the best of our faith traditions. Sarah, Pam, Russell, Deb, Oliver, Rachel, and Linda will shar e the excitement of our faith movement with you. Sunday, September 28 at 10:30 a.m. Labor Day: UUs and the Labor Movement Pam Garn Nunn Throughout our history, UUs have stood for causes of justice and fairness, including the labor movement. Through stories, pictures, and song we'll review our role in the labor movement and our current efforts locally and nationally. And, find out how Pam's tee shirt and sermon reflect her pledge at GA! CARING CORNER PASTORAL CARE: CARING COMMITTEE: Meals: Pastoral Associates: Kelly Urbano Mary Ann Ballinger, Coordinator Ride Share: Susan Davis Mary Caesar Susan Davis Chair: Susan Shah Linda Marx Pam Garn Nunn Mary Petrich UUCA HEALTH MINISTRY: Linda Rush Ryder Come to the Blood Pressure screening on the second Sunday of every month. Contact Janet Wertz for more information. Jan Schrader Erv Wentland 4 WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES UU CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Music Message Discussion WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 AT 7:00 P.M. Do you find truth and wisdom in the life and teachings of Jesus? If so, you are invited to join the UU Church of Akron Christian Fellowship. We are now reading and discussing the following book (available on The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus by Neil Douglas-Klotz. The Ethical Humanist Society of NEO Sunday, August 10 at 12:15 p.m. Our August 10 meeting discussion will be centered on the common obsessions with greed. As Ethical Humanist’s do we strive to not practice or condone greed? No doubt corporate greed draws our ongoing attention, but such corporate obsessions are fueled by corporate management, board members and major stockholders. Is not greed an obsession of people? Greed’s a national dominance, exacerbated by governing laws resulting from rapacious politicians on both sides of the political spectrum. Is there any hope for the future? The Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship (UUCF) is a national movement interested in exploring liberal Christianity and composed of non -creedal followers of Jesus. If you have questions, please contact Ruth Huber. Please join us on our exciting journey! MONDAY MEDITATION at UUCA For further information please contact Susan Davis or go to Join us for an hour of mindful meditation. Monday, August 11 and Monday, August 25 at 7:00 p.m. MONTHLY MEAL 12:15 P.M. AT UUCA JOIN US ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 For more information, contact Joelle Hendrick THE “FIRST FRIDAY” DRUM CIRCLE IS ON HIATUS FREE HOT MEAL Please watch future newsletters and other church publications for more information. Volunteers needed! Contact Dawn Scott 5 MEETINGS & EVENTS ►TAI CHI CLASS EVERY MONDAY AT 6:00 P.M. Taught by our own Diana Pawloski! Yang Style Tai Chi is used to gently stimulate the internal organs, exercise the body, calm the nervous system and loosen the joints. It may be done standing or sitting. Tai Chi is for people of any age, requires no special equipment and can be performed in ordinary street clothes. An art for peace of mind. For more information, contact Diana Pawloski. ►WOMEN’S BOOK GROUP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 The Women’s book Discussion Group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the church. The next meeting of the group is August 6 when The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt will be discussed. Members should bring suggestions for future readings to the meeting. All women are welcome to join us for a lively discussion. For more information, please contact Mary Petrich. ►UU WOMEN IN ACTION: AUGUST REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE UUWA WILL RESUME IN THE FALL. UU WORDS IN ACTION IS ON HIATUS FOR THE SUMMER. For more information contact Gail Lindsay. WOMEN’S SACRED SINGING CIRCLE 2ND AND 4TH TUESDAYS AT 7:00 P.M. Join us on August 12 and August 26! Singing in Sacred Circle is an opportunity to look into your sister's eyes and share voice and spirit through song. This opportunity is intended to allow women, regardless of singing experience, to share their voices in a noncompetitive, relaxed safe space. Come sing along! Questions? Contact Linda Hale. ►UU MEN’S LUNCH NEWCOMERS CIRCLE TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 AT 12 NOON The UUCA Men's Group usually meets for lunch at Papa Joe's in the Valley on the second Tuesday of every month. For more info or to let the group know you plan to attend, please contact Leon Marker. SUNDAY, AUGUST 24 12:00 - 12:30 P.M. The Membership committee invites you to join us for a monthly Newcomers Circle! Rev. Tim Temerson and several lay leaders will be available to discuss Unitarian Universalism and our church community, and to answer your questions. No sign-up is required, just drop in for 30 minutes of fellowship and conversation. Cooking From the Garden ~ Saturday, August 16 from 10am-3pm Join Jenni Papp and registered dietician Dawn Scott for a cooking and eating adventure! We will begin by harvesting from the Church garden and then we will cook together. This is an opportunity to learn from one another about improving our nutrition by cooking for ourselves. Join us for great food and great conversation! Size: Min 6, Max 20 Cost: $5 per person Deadline to register: Friday, August 8 Babysitting will be provided; reservations for babysitting are required. Children may join us to eat once we have finished harvesting and cooking. Register by calling or emailing the church office, 330-836-2206 or [email protected]. 6 Sunday Service starts at 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Hour takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 6:00pm—Yoga CHURCH OFFICE HOURS (beginning August 4): TUES. — FRI. 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. 5 SATURDAY THE THURSDAY BROWN BAG LUNCH WITH REV. TIM RESUMES AUGUST 21. 3 4 RE SUUMMER CAMP 11:45am—Blood Pressure 12:00pm—Caring 4:00pm—Art of Living 6:00pm—Tai Chi 7:00pm—Grief Group 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 6 7 8 6:30pm—FAA 7:00pm—Women's Book Group 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA 7:00pm—SAA 6:00pm—Yoga 7:00pm—Noetics 10 11 12 RE SUUMMER CAMP 11:45am—Puurls 12:15pm—Humanists 4:00pm—Art of Living 6:00pm—Tai Chi 7:00pm—Meditation 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 12:00pm—UU 6:30pm—FAA Men’s Lunch at 7:45pm—DA Papa Joe’s 8:00pm—AA 7:00pm—Women’s Sacred Singing Circle 17 18 19 RE SUUMMER CAMP 4:00pm—Art of Living 6:00pm—Tai Chi 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 7:30pm—Sierra Club 24 25 26 RE SUUMMER CAMP 12:00pm—Newcomers Circle 4:00pm—Art of Living 6:00pm—Tai Chi 7:00pm—Meditation 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 7:00pm—Women’s 76:30pm—FAA Sacred Singing 7:00pm—Board Circle 7:00pm—Puurls 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA 9 13 14 15 7:00pm—SAA 6:00pm—Yoga 20 21 22 23 6:30pm—FAA 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA 12:00pm—Brown Bag Lunch with Rev. Tim 7:00pm—SAA 6:00pm—Yoga 6:00pm—FJM Hot Meal Prep 12:15PM— FREE MEAL 27 28 29 30 12:00pm—Brown Bag Lunch with Rev. Tim 7:00pm—SAA 6:00pm—Yoga 16 31 RE SUUMMER CAMP 4:00pm—Art of Living SERVICE ATTENDANCE SEE PAGE 3 June 1 (Picnic) June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 7 150 99 + 14 RE 127 + 17 RE 116 + 22 RE 91 + 12 RE PRESIDENT REPORTER Published monthly Don Malarcik Deadline: the 15th of every month PRESIDENT-ELECT Articles for submission may be sent to the church, faxed to 330-836-3106 or emailed to [email protected] Sandy Auburn REV. TIM: Brown Bag Lunches will resume on August 21 at noon. Drop-in hours on Thursday 10:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Tim is also available by appointment Tuesday through Thursday; some evening hours are available. DRE RICH: Call for appointment. TREASURER Deb Johnson BOARD MEMBERS Minister Rev. Tim Temerson Director of Religious Education Rich Roberts Church Administrator Polly Reiheld RE Assistant & Co-Administrator Carolyn Stevens Interim Sexton Christie Agrawal Director of Music Bob Carlyon Keyboard Artist Brian Laakso Bookkeeper Sue Michael Reporter Layout & Design Polly Reiheld Reporter Editor Margaret Olds Website Updates Polly Reiheld, [email protected] OFFICE HOURS (beginning August 4): TUES. — FRI. 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. SECRETARY Yamini Adkins Andy Agrawal, Administration Bev Hurd, Mission Rick Dawson, Priorities Diane Rasey, Program Jack Ryder, Finance The UUCA is a “Welcoming Congregation” that warmly and openly encourages the full participation of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in the life of the congregation. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH 3300 MOREWOOD RD. AKRON, OH 44333 Phone: (330) 836-2206 Fax: (330) 836-3106 Email: [email protected] Website: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED MISSION OF THE UU CHURCH OF AKRON We are a welcoming and loving community for all, dedicated to meaningful and inspirational worship and lifelong spiritual growth. We find strength in diversity and commit to be a prominent force for social justice and stewardship of the earth. We aspire to take very good care of ourselves, each other and the world. Developed by the Congregation at Searching for the Future Mission–Vision Workshops February 26th – 28th, 2010 Approved by the Congregation April 25, 2010 IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO RECEIVE THIS NEWSLETTER, CHECK HERE ____ DETACH, APPLY CORRECT POSTAGE, AND RETURN. 8