e - hydrogen-peroxide.us
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NASA Project Apollo Working Paper No. 1054 n NATIONAL A E R O N A m C S AND SPACE A T I M I M I S m I O N MANNED SPACECRAET CEIVIER HOUSTON, TEXAS c October 26, 1962 NASA PROJECT APOIUI WORKING P m NO., 1054 PROJECT AFOLlX PRESSURIZED GAS REClCTION CONTROL SYSW FU3R LITTLZ J O E I1 Prepared by : Authorized f o r Distribution: L e i m e x. Faget Assistant Director, Research and Development K NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE A D M I N I S W I O N MANNED SPACECRAlFT CENTER HOUSTON, TEXAS October 26, 1962 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Sections Page s u I 4 M A R Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION ..... SYSTEMANALYSIS.. e . . ... . e . , . . e e . . a . e . e . . * 1 . . - .. . . . . . - .. . . 0 .................. Test Apparatus . . . .. ,, .. .. ,.. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. TestValves.. . Reaction System Performance . .. . . ... .. SYSTEN SELECTION FOR LITPLE JOE I1 - . Pressurized-Gas System Considerations . .. ....... TESTPROGRAM...... e a e e e e e e e e e Comparison of Monopropellant and Pressurized-Gas Systems FIGURES 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 ... . ....... 7 .................- ...... 7 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS REZEBENCES 1 ... e ii LXST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Comparative schematic diagrams of pressurized-gas and monopropellant reaction control system e 2 Comparative i n s t a l l a t i o n of r.eaction oontrol system i n L i t t l e Joe I1 e a e e 4 e . .... .. ... Nitrogen T-S Diagram ... . . ..- . Compressibility f a c t o r f o r nitrogen . . . . . .. Propellant a v a i l a b i l i t y . . . . ... .. Nitrogen impulse characteristics . ......... Propellant storage . ..... ..... . Nozzle performance . . ... .... Regulation e f f e c t possible i n a blowdqm type reaction . . .. - ... . control system . - . The three valves submitted for t e s t .. ... The Marotta MV 121 valve i n s t a l l e d i n thrust stand . . Thruststand . Carrier amplifier and recorder . . . . Analog computer . . ... .. 8 - c h ~ recorder ~ i . . ...... Regulated and unregulated reaction 'control systebs schematics . .. R e l i a b i l i t y comparison f o r L i t t l e Joe 11 reaction control system . . . ... e 3 .- e e e e e a e e e e e e e e e e e e 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 e (I e e e e e e e e e s * * * * 0 e 0 e . e . e a e e 17 e e e a e a e e e e e (I ). e e e a e e . e a -, e e * . a (. a e e e e 0 e e ,. e 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 PRESSURIZED GAS REACTION CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LITI'U JOE I1 SUMMARY This paper presents t h e analysis and t e s t evaluation used t o establ i s h t h e f e a s i b i l i t y of a pressurized-gas reaction control system f o r L i t t l e Joe 11. A comparison of a pressurized-gas system and a monopropellant system i s a l s o presented. The comparison includes considerations of r e l i a b i l i t y , launch operations , ccjst, development time, and weight. The pressurized-gas system o f f e r s decided advantages i n every considerat i o n except weight. INTRODUCTION A study of t h e control system for " L i t t l e Joe 11" has established t h a t a combination of aerodynamic and reaction controls w i l l be needed t o perfom a l l phases of each type of mission. The lack of s u f f i c i e n t aerodynamic control during the f i r s t t e n seconds of f l i g h t r e s u l t s i n a requirement of about 1000 pounds of s i d e force from t h e reaction control system during t h a t f l i g h t phase. Flight beyond t h e atmosphere requires approximately t h e same control force for about 40 seconds. A t o t a l impulse of about 30,000 pound-seconds i s required. Preliminary investigation (Ref. 1) showed t h a t e i t h e r a s o l i d o r monopropellant type system could be used f o r t h i s application. Also, a pressurized-gas type of system appeared feasible. However, a thorough d e f i n i t i o n of t h e l a t t e r system was required before it could be f u r t h e r considered f o r t h i s application. Approval has been given t o proceed with construction of a monoprop e l l a n t system because early action on t h i s system was required if it were t o be available f o r t h e proposed f l i g h t schedule. However, study of t h e pressurized-gas system has continued on t h e basis t h a t it might be used as a s u b s t i t u t e o r backup f o r the monopropellant system. This paper presents t h e r e s u l t s of t h e study. The paper i s divided i n t o three sections, The f i r s t section i s devoted t o an analysis of the thermodynamics of t h e system. The second section describes an experimental t e s t program using available hardware and presents t h e r e s u l t s of t h e t e s t s . The t h i r d section contains a d i s cussion of the comparison of t h e pressurized-gas and monopropellant 2 systems. Figure 1 shows the two systems schematically, and f i g u r e 2 i l l u s t r a t e s t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n of t h e systems i n t h e L i t t l e Joe I1 vehicle. s y s m ANALYSIS Several of t h e thermodynamic properties of nitrogen are shown i n t h e temperature-entropy chart (fig. 3 ) - Isentropic processes A, B, and C are superimposed on t h i s chart t o show the technique of locating thermodynamic state points as used i n t h i s study, Process D is shown t o illustrate a r e a l i s t i c polytropic type process i n which t h e gas absorbs some heat durTng expansion. The assumption of t h e isentropic expansion.in t h e prop e l l a n t tank leads t o a conservative estimate of propellant a v a i l a b i l i t y . Figure 4 shows t h e variation of t h e compressibility f a c t o r of nitro- gen i n t h e ranges of pressures and temperatures'considered. Data f r o m f i g u r e s 3 and 4 were used i n t h e determination of an "Availability Factor" shown i n figure 5. The "Availability Factor" is t h e r a t i o of expendable gas t o t h e i n i t i a l quantity as calculated by t h e i d e a l gas law. The s p e c i f i c impulse which can be obtained f r o m t h e available gas shown i n f i g u r e 5 i s presented i n figure 6. The choice of a pressure r a t i o used t o c a l c u l a t e t h e s p e c i f i c impulse may be questioned because t h e nozzle expansion process continues i n t o t h e saturated vapor region. However, i n a purely isentropic expansion from very high pressures (5,000 p s i ) t o very low pressures (2 p s i ) only 20 percent of t h e vapor i s condensed (fig. 3 ) . Also, i n a blow-down type system, t h e required pressure r a t i o (about l5O/l) i s available outside t h e saturated vapor region during most of t h e process and the condensation a f f e c t s only a small portion of t h e o v e r a l l process. Therefore, t h e s e l e c t i o n of a nozzle pressure r a t i o of 150 f o r t h i s study i s e n t i r e l y acceptable. This corresponds t o a 1 O : l nozzle area r a t i o . The under-expansion of t h e exhaust gases during t h e first portion of t h e process has a l s o been neglected. This f a c t o r tends t o o f f s e t t h e condensation e f f e c t mentioned above insofar as t o t a l impulse is concerned. The information i n f i g u r e 6 is believed t o be accurate within a f e w percent. The l a r g e s t deviat i o n f r o m t h i s a n a l y t i c a l performance prediction w i l l be caused by "nonIsentropic" processes i n t h e storage tank. In t h i s case, the a n a l y t i c a l l y predicted t o t a l impulse f o r a system w i l l d w a p be conservative. The amount by which t h e prediction i s conservative is not determined. Changes i n storage tank i n i t i a l pressures do not s i g n i f i c a n t l y a f f e c t t h e s p e c i f i c impulse calculation f o r t h e propellant; therefore, figure 6 can be used f o r any system having storage pressures between 2,000 and 5,000 psi, This is because t h e only variable f a c t o r a f f e c t i n g 3 performance i s t h e temperature a t t h e isentropic "state-point" associated w i t h each amount expended and t h i s temperature did not change appreciably with t h e various i n i t i a l storage pressures selected f o r this study. "he data presented i n figures 5 and 6 are combined i n f i g u r e 7. This information can be used t o estimate t h e weight of t h e propellant and storage tank i n a system if t h e t o t a l impulse and t h e storage tank pressure r a t i o a r e known. Choice of a storage tank pressure r a t i o depends on the flow capacity of t h e valve used t o control thrust. For convenience, the thrust a v a i l able from several nozzles operating a t various pressures i s shown i n figure 8. Since t h e thrust variation i n a blow-dawn type system may be reduced by successive introdxction of more "sets" of thrusters. Figure 9 i s provided t o show t h e "thrust variation" f a c t o r as a function of storage tank pressure r a t i o f o r one, two, and three % e t s " of nozzles. 21 the data of t h i s figure t h e assumption w a s made t h a t , with t h e i n i t i a l functioning of each successive ''set" of thrusters, t h e thrust w i l l return t o i t s o r i g i n a l value. This i l l u s t r a t e s t h e "regulation" e f f e c t which can be obtained i n a '%low-down" type system. TEST PROGRAM I n cooperation with t h e Flight Dynamics Branch of the Spacecraft Technology Division, a t e s t program was i n i t i a t e d with t h e following goals : 1. Demonstrate that t h e a n a l y t i c a l estimates of system performance a x e valid. 2. Demonstrate t h e vehicle f l i g h t dynamics using t h e available hardware and establish r e a l i s t i c reaction control system t o t a l impulse and t h r u s t l e v e l requirements. Test Apparatus The t e s t apparatus used is shown i n figures 10 and 11. Figure 10 shows t h e t h r e e control valves considered f o r t h i s application. Figure 11 shows a closeup of the Marotta l21E valve and the associated nozzle and plumbing used. Figure 12 shows t h e t h r u s t stand with two 1,000 i n3 3,000 p s i tanks. These tanks a r e balanced over a pivot i n order that t h e change i n weight of propellant w i l l not a f f e c t t h e thrust measurement. The thrust i n t h e v e r t i c a l direction i s measured by a load c e l l consisting of SR4 s t r a i n gages mounted OIL an aluminum bar. , 4 The Honeywell c a r r i e r amplifier and CEC recorder used t o measure t h e t h r u s t and response of t h e reaction control system i s shown i n figure 13. The Pace analog computer used t o simulate t h e vehicle dynamics is shown i n figure 14. The b m h recorder used t o record vehicle f l i g h t dynamics i s shown in figure 15Test Valves Three valves w e r e tested: Two Marotta valves, MV ZLF: and MV 553, and one Flowdyne valve, The Marotta valves are 1-inch tube s i z e , poppettype valves, p i l o t e d by a 3-way solenoid valve, The MV 12LF has an 0,84" equivalent diameter sharp-edge o r i f i c e characteristic. Approximately 1,000 such valves have been flown on Thor. The MV 553 i s undergoing quali f i c a t i o n tests a t p r e s e n t - f o r use on T i t a n and should be q u a l i f i e d i n time f o r use on L i t t l e Joe 11. The valve submitted by Flowdyne is a 1-inch tube s i z e b a l l valve actuated by a three-way solenoid p i l o t valve. This valve has been qualif i e d by NASA-MSFC f o r use on G.S.E. and could be q u a l i f i e d f u r t h e r as a f l i g h t item i n time f o r t h i s application. This valve i s a l s o available i n a 2-inch tube s i z e version with similar q u a l i f i c a t i o n status. A l l three valves have a response time of 30 t o opening o r closing. A l l three have s u f f i c i e n t flow consideration i n the design of t h e proposed system. l i v e r e d up t o 1,120-pounds thrust at sea l e v e l w i t h of 4. 40 milliseconds i n capacities t o warrant The valves have dea nozzle area r a t i o Reaction System Performance D a t a obtained from t h e t e s t apparatus hqve substantiated t h e analyti c a l estimate of t o t a l impulse within about -3 percent. One test of the MV ELF: valve, with i n i t i a l storage tank pressure a t 3,000 p s i and f i n a l pressure at 350 p s i , produced r e s u l t s that agreed very closely with t h e a n a l y t i c a l prediction of t o t a l impulse f o r t h e system, The test cons i s t e d of a s i n g l e '%low-down" of about one second duration. It is very unlikely t h a t a s i g n i f i c a n t quantity of heat w a s t r a n s f e r r e d t o t h e gas during t h i s period and, hence, t h e close agreement v e r i f i e s t h e conservat i v e estimate obtained by assuming isentropic expansion. An estimate of t h e additional performance which can be obtained by slow expendit& of t h e gas was not made and this f a c t o r is not included i n s i z i n g t h e system, Several tests w e r e run using t h e analog computer t o simulate vehicle dynamics while tBe RCS t e s t apparatus was used t o simulate t h e reaction control system. These t e s t s included t h e effects of t h e thrust delay a f t e r valve command s i g n a l and t h e e f f e c t of r e l a y d e l w between t h e guidance system command and valve command signal. R e s u l t s f r o m these t e s t s i n d i c a t e t h a t t h e '"blow-down""type system i s acceptable from t h e standpoint 5 of changing thrust l e v e l and t h a t a t o t a l impulse of about 50,000 1%-sec w i l l be s u f f i c i e n t t o control t h e vehicle f o r t h e first 10 and last 40 seconds of booster operation. These results are preliminary in nature and w i l l be redefined by the Flight Dynamics Branch a f t e r t h e data have been reviewed in d e t a i l . SYSTEM SELECTION FDR LI'ITLF JOE II Pressurized-Gas System Considerations Two types of pressurized-gas systems are considered: 1, Regulated 2. - delivering constant t h r u s t throughout f l i g h t . Unregulated o r '%low-down" as pressure decreases. - delivering thrust which decreases Both types appear f e a s i b l e f o r t h i s application and a r e shown schematically i n f i g u r e 16. The t h r u s t delivery c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of t h e unregulated system can approach t h a t of t h e regulated system i f additional t h r u s t e r s a r e made available as t h e propellant storage pressure decays (see figure 9 ) . The choice of a system then becomes one of a trade-off between additional t h r u s t e r s and a pressure regulator. The main consideratlon i s t h e e f f e c t of thrust variation on f l i g h t dynamics. Also, t h e a v a i l a b i l i t y of hardware may influence t h e choice of t h e system. For t h i s application, t h e unregulated type system could use the Further evaluation of t h e f l i g h t dynamics data ma;y show t h a t three s e t s are required, but t h a t is not indicated a t present. The valve-thruster u n i t with a 1 O : l area r a t i o nozzle would be about 7 inches long and about 3 inches i n diameter, This u n i t would weigh about three pounds, The tankage and propellant weight would depend upon t h e a c t u a l t h r u s t l e v e l required (khat is, t h e final s t w a g e pressure), but w i l l not exceed 80 pounds per 1,000 Ib-sec f o r nitrogen a d tankage (see System Analysis). The plumbing weight w i l l not exceed 100 pounds. Therefore, the system weight f o r 50,OOO lb-sec t o t a l impulse i s estimated t o be about 4,150 pounds, MV l21E valve i n a dual "set" type configuration. "he use of a regulated system requires t h r u s t control valves capable of handling t h e t o t a l t h r u s t a t t h e minimum pressure. Thepefore, the 2-inch tube size, ball-type valve would be required. No regulator f o r t h i s application appears t o be available. However, another method of pressure control i s available which would use p a r a l l e l solenoid valves operated by pressure switches. I n order t o avoid the problem of r e l i e f devices, t h e complete system should be designed for maximum storage pressure, thereby enhancing t h e r e l i a b i l i t y of t h e system. Design of t h e 6 system f o r t h i s application could be quite simple depending upon the thrust tolerance (pressure tolerance) which i s used. The MV l2lE valve would probably be s u f f i c i e n t f o r t h i s application when arranged i n a bank of f i v e valves. Hence, t h e system would consist of eight 2-inch b a l l valves f o r t h r u s t e r s and f i v e MV 12LE: poppet valves f o r pressure regulation. This system would require f u r t h e r qualification of t h e b a l l valve. This system weight i s estimated t o be about 3,632 pounds. Comparison of Monopropellant and Pressurized-Gas.Systems The p a r t i c u l a r system selected f o r comparison with t h e monopropellant system i s the non-regulated system shown schematically i n figure 1. Comparative i n s t a l l a t i o n of the two systems on t h e booster a r e shown i n figure 2. The weight of the mounting arrangement for the tankage i n t h e pressurized gas system has been estimated t o be about 260 pounds ( R e f 2 ) . An estimate of t h e r e l i a b i l i t y of t h e pressurized gas system has been made, using t h e game r e l i a b i l i t y numbers as were used by Convair Astronautics f o r similar parts i n the monopropellant system. The results show t h a t the pressurized gas system i s more r e l i a b l e even though t h e "modular" concept used i n the case of t h e monopropellant system w a s not used on t h e pressurized gas system (see f i g u r e 17). A b r i e f review of launch operation complexity indicates t h a t t h e pressurized gas system i s less d i f f i c u l t t o prepare f o r launch than t h e monopropellant system. A brief review of the cost of t h e system showed t h a t t h e pressurized gas system would cost about $3OO,OOO t o i n s t a l l on one vehicle. This cost includes 16 valves a t $200 each ($3,200) and 12 titanium tanks a t $l3,OOO each ($156,000). Some saving i n cost may be possible by using glass wound tanks. This cost figure represents a significant advantage over t h e monopropellant system which may cost several times t h i s amount. The development t i m e f o r t h e experimentally-proven concept described i n t h i s study could be e s s e n t i a l l y t h e same as t h e "lead time" f o r t h e manufacture of parts. Delivery time on such hardware can be as short as three months. The pressurized-gas system w i l l weigh about twice as much as t h e monopropellant s y s t e m . However, i f t h e 2-inch tube s i z e b a l l valve mentioned above i s f l i g h t qualified, t h e weight of t h e pressurized-gas system could be reduced by 500 pounds, This reduction r e s u l t s from increased u t i l i z a t i o n of t h e pressurized gas. This decision must be based upon overall design consideration including qualification costs of t h e valve and t h e e f f e c t of t h e extra weight on the o v e r a l l mission. Present considerations indicate t h a t an additional 2,000 pounds added t o a 243,000pound vehicle m a y not seriously compromise t h e mission. 7 FESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The r e s u l t s of t h i s study of a reaction control system using pressurized nitrogen are as follows: 1. Ekperimental performance of t h e pressurized nitrogen system agrees closely with a n a l y t i c a l l y predicted performance. 2. Total impulse and thrust l e v e l requirements f o r t h i s application are within t h e capability of this system using available f l i g h t q u a l i f i e d hardtrare. 3. The nitrogen reaction control system w i l l f i t i n t o t h e space available i n " L i t t l e Joe 11". 4. A comparison of t h e pressurized-gas a d monopropellant reaction control systems indicates an advantage f o r t h e first system i n r e l i a b i l i t y , launch complexity, cost and development time. 5. The pressurized-gas system w i l l weigh from 1,100 t o 2,000 pounds more than t h e presently proposed 2,100-pound monopropellant system. It i s concluded t h a t the use of a pressurized-gas reaction control system f o r this application i s f e a s i b l e using presently available f l i g h t qualified hardware and o f f e r s a s i g n i f i c a n t advantage over the monoprop e l l a n t systems i n every consideration except weight. REFERENCES 1. Memorandum f o r Apollo Spacecraft Project Office dated A u g u s t 6, 1962. 2. k t t e r from General Dynamics/Convair t o W. We Petynia dated August 28, 1962. 3. General Dynamics/Convair Attitude Control Systems Study Report dated J u l y 2, 1962. (NASA Contract NAS 9-4923 Report No. GD/C-62-190). - a) 540 REQUIREMENTS - Ib. thrwd-at each lI 2-14" dia. X 96" 3000 psi titanium tanks 246 Ibs. each-, Relief valve nr II sec, to.taI.impulse Monopropellant reaction control system ressurized nitrogen reaction control system schematic For Little Joe b) 50,000 Ib. of 8 nozzle locations for Little Joe lI N, pressurant tank N2 1" tu be relief v aIve I N, essure) tiII valve N, regulator I (I o w presswre) N, pressure system 4 - 9'' X 30" tanks with biadders I 2 units 3 Ibs. each sets of nozzles) Weight = 4,150 Ib. for relief valve pilot pressure line Perox ide ma nifo Id H,O, reaction control system with motor valves 2 sets (12 tanks) 3,268 Ib. for reaction control system with 3 sets of thrusters (9 tanks) OTE: Use of 1" ball valve will reduce the weight of the '2 set' system to 3,632 Ib. due to the increased flow capacity. I/ HZ 0 2 decomposition bed and nozzle of thrusters Weight = 2,100 Ibs. total (as quoted by Convair) NOTE: 4 units required @ 520 Ibs. ea. F I G U R E 1.- S C H E M A T I C D I A G R A M O F P R E S S U R I Z E D - G A S AND MONOPROPELLANT R E A C T I O N CONTROL SYSTEM. M UA ‘d gas storage tanks LGC . Main - Propulsionrockets Externa IIy mounted ‘bolt-on’ mono propellant reaction control syster I i FIGURE 2.- gas manifold I N S T A L L A T I O N OF R E A C T I O N CONTROL SYSTEM I N L I T T L E JOE EE. OTE: P = 2.67P This figure is from 170 80 LL 0 Lui Qc -10 3 -I 6 CIL Lu CL z -Lu -I -1 00 -1 90 -280 -37c 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TROPY, BTU/LB. MOL./"!? 19 FIGURE 3 . - NITROGEN T - S DIAGRAM. 20 6 40 30 20 I I .9 .85 .80 .75 P IA - t state pic process 115 0 for 10 ex pansion nozzle 2 tI s u r e ratio = 1O/i 50 40 20 0 ST L PRESSURE-PSIA N s n cylindrical . F. = 2/1 2000 1.3 1500 1000 2 I 5 I- u 6 L 12 c 10 8 6 4 ets 2 0 4 12 14 16 18 20 sts atthe outset of IBLE I N SYSTEM e Extra sets of thrusters for 'thrust regulation' /\ egulated type pressurized gas reaction Unregulated type pressurized gas reaction control system IGURE 16,- SCHEMATIC OF REGULATED AND UNREGULATED REACT CONTROL SYSTEMS e MONO-PROPEUANT' SYSTEM. Component name PRFSSURIZED GAS SYSTEM Failure Rate/Hour 8x 86 x N2 tank f i l l valves (2) pressure regulator N2 plumbing (36 connections) check valve r e l i e f valve ( 2 ) 32 x 10-6 H202 bladders (4) 32 x 10- H202 plumbing (16 connections) 80 x 180 x N~ r e l i e f vaive 190 x 10-6 io- 6 150 x 10-6 solenoid valves (2) 140 x 10-6 decomposition chambers (2 summed) 200 x 2l.28 x failure rate 4 + 2 R13 FIGURE 17 of one 1629 x R = 1 R = - 1120 x 10- low6 lo-' % = reliability g 6 solenoid valves (16) system Rt = R1 loe6 N2 Plumbing (36 connections) 6 back pressure valve - 96 x lom6 43 x f i l l valve H202 tanks (4) R1 = 1 Failure Rate/Hour N2 tank (12) 6 50 x io600 x io- 6 180 x io- 6 190 x 10-6 280 x 10' 6 €Lrmlng valve Component name mLIABILITY COMPARISON FOR LITTL;E JOE II - Failure Rate -99837 REAC17ION CONTROL sysm