Catalogue 2015 Czech Republic Successful in ESA
Catalogue 2015 Czech Republic Successful in ESA
Catalogue 2015 Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic Nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody 12, P.O.BOX 9 CZ-11015 Praha 1 Czech Republic Successful in ESA 2 1 3 3 1 2 Sentinel-4 3 Solar Orbiter mission 4 Scientific missions 4 Copyright: Front page: 5M, Siemens Convergence Creatots, AVX, Eggo Space, Iguassu Software Systems, esc Aerospace, GISAT, Frentech Aerospace, ESA, CSRC Above: ESA, Ministry of Transport 2 107 Czech Republic Organisation of Space Activities The Czech Republic has a strong tradition of space exploration. As an example, Czech astronaut Vladimír Remek became in 1978 the first European in space from outside the Soviet Union. Following the cooperation agreement in 1997 the Czech Republic firstly joined the ESA’s PRODEX in 2000 and entered the PECS in November 2004. In November 2008 the Czech Republic became ESA’s 18th Member State. Substantial changes in the national space governance struc- ture have been endorsed by the government in April 2011 with general coordination of all space related activities assigned to the Ministry of Transport (Ministerstvo dopravy – MD) including responsibility for the Czech participation in ESA and EU space policy. The Ministry leads the Coordination Council of the Minister of Transport for Space Activities where other ministries are participating to ensure their interests are reflected in Czech space activities. For example, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy – MŠMT) chairs the Science advisory group of the Coordination Council while Industrial advisory group is chaired by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu – MPO). Also the Ministry of Environment (Ministerstvo životního prostředí - MŽP) is involved in the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), through the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute it represents the country in EUMETSAT and together with Ministry of Transport in Copernicus programme. Additionally, the Ministry of Transport is responsible for the implementation of the Galileo programme in the Czech Republic and it bears the responsibility for satellite systems’ follow-up applications, e.g. intelligent transport systems. Scheme of the National Space Implementation Plan Space Strategy and major Programmes An important source of background information for decision- making about the topics and scope of the Czech involvements in space programmes provides the National Space Plan which can be freely obtained from website of Czech Space Portal ( in two languages, Czech and English. Along with description of existing Czech space activities the National Space Plan recommends possible goals of their future development. It offers the first of its kind analytic view at the Czech space activities giving a basic orientation in the space fields to the respective government or public authorities. At the same time, it also serves as a source of comprehensive information for academic institutions and industrial companies operating in the aerospace sector as well as for the general public. To ensure that Czech Republic is on the way to accomplish the above Vision the National Space Plan defines mid-term objectives to be achieved by 2019: • Czech investment in space has an appropriate return, The National Space Plan defines the long-term vision for the Czech Republic. It encompasses several long-term objectives to ensure that the Czech Republic: • has an international image of industrial and scientific excellence, is a high value-added economy, • The Czech Republic recognizes space as a strategic element of national policy and has the effective tools to implement it. • is competitive and innovative, • is capable of absorbing and retaining the intellectual capital it creates, • is an example of a virtuous complementarity and cooperation between its industrial and academic tissues, • is an expert user of space resources and infrastructure in operational products and services (EO, Navigation, etc). • The Czech Republic has the necessary competences (industrial, academic project management) and infrastructures exist to sustain the long-term vision, • The interaction between Academia and Industry exists and is well balanced, • Czech companies have a sustained presence in the supply chain of European space industry. Space activities in the Czech Republic target an effective European cooperation in space. ESA membership offers wider opportunities for active contributions to the European Space Programme. ESA is seen as the prime implementation tool to achieve the long-term vision. Space activities of the Czech Republic include: • Contributions to the ESA mandatory and optional programmes and to the EUMETSAT programme • space applications development activities in several sectors, e.g. transport, industry and environment and resource management • Space-related scientific research at universities and institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences Consequently, main programmatic lines have been emerging from activities accomplished in the past years or running today 3 Czech Space Capacities Earth observation Satellite communication • development of new geoinformatics products from EO data; • design of communication terminals • a pplication of SAR data for monitoring of infrastructure statics, multispectral and hypespectral data for environment applications, land use, land cover, monitoring or natural disasters etc. • design and manufacture of satellite platform mechanisms • c ooperation in development of services for downstream GMES/ Copernicus market; • d evelopment and manufacture of control and monitoring systems for ground segment • development of integrated applications using EO data; Space Science and SSA • d evelopment of high-tech optical systems incl. active and adaptive optics, associated fine mechanics a new materials with special properties (e.g. crystal growing, housing for optics etc.). • Astronomy, astrophysics of high energy, solar astronomy, Satellite navigation • monitoring and educational tools for EGNOS/Galileo • design of GNSS receivers and other sensors • GNSS signal processing • G NSS only and Integrated applications combining EO satnav, satcom and other technology/data • analysis of GNSS reliability and security for particular applications Launchers • c omposite materials, liner applications, elastomers for tanks, nanotechnology, • p ayload comfort, isolation of vibrations, dumping materials, active dumping • computational modeling and testing, optimalization • additive (layer), manufacturing • analysis of application of electromagnetic waves propagation models • Tracking of Near Earth Objects • S tudies, modeling and monitoring (photometry, follow-up) of asteroids (including NEOs), together with characterisation of rotational periods, surfaces of small meteoroidal bodies and their interactions with the Earth’s atmosphere, also utilising NEO data from s/c in orbit • follow-up astrometry of newly discovered NEOs, recoveries of NEOs, comets, • C ontrol and Tracking Systems for telescopes and ground station antennae • Large volume data processing, computing capacities etc. • T he Czech Republic (AI AS CR) is founder of the European Fireball Network (using mostly optical instruments, but also including specialized radio antenna for monitoring of day-time meteors) – many stations located in the Czech Republic and abroad. • the Ionospheric, Radiation and Interplanetary Space Weather dealing with: Space plasma physics aimed at the ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth (ionospheres and magnetospheres of planets of the Solar system) and at the study of solar wind. In multi-discipline technologies we could cooperate in: • development and manufacture of ultra-capacitors; • development of technologies for mechanical tension; • monitoring of mechanical tonus in satellite fuel tanks; • ECSS standard testing of passive electronic components; • development of on-board software and software simulators • The main Czech goals in academia in the field of space R&D area include: • F or space physics: plasma and radiation environment near Earth and in solar system, solar research, meteorite research, objects in solar system, stellar research; • F or Earth sciences and EO data applications: gravitational research, magnetospheric and ionospheric research, atmospheric and hydrological research, mineralogical and carbon cycle studies, land cover and urban development, disasters management; • F or life sciences: biological research (algae grow) and radiation biological modelling, psychological aspects (stress) of spaceflight; • F or telecommunication research and application: atmospheric radio propagation, generic satellite navigation signal receiver development, indoor signal modelling, microwave onboard transmitters; • F or propulsion systems research: system analysis, innovative thermal protection, structural and thermal modelling, pyrotechnic devices; • F or space platform systems: small satellites systems, electronic and electromechanical systems, robotic systems, composite advanced materials, optical and polarization filters; • F or ground segments: satellite data processing architecture and method development, spacecraft ground control and testing procedures. Czech National flag in ESTEC 4 The specified core fields of space activities are carried out in both European organizations (ESA and EUMETSAT) and national projects. In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Czech Republic from November 2012, the Czech Republic increased its subscriptions in ESA optional programmes, having had a vision of their significant pro-growth effects for the national economy. Potential for wider participation of the Czech entities in ESA activities is considered as a unique opportunity to enhance the competitiveness of the Czech industry and science. Today, international cooperation in space is focused on the collaboration within ESA. Apart this cooperation the institutional contacts also exist with space organisations in the USA, Russia, Brasil, Chile, France, Austria, Germany and Japan. The Ministry of Transport has initiated the processes of ESA BIC implementation and ESA Technology Transfer Broker in the Czech Republic. An example might be GSTP programme, focused on support of the development of technologies applicable in the various fields of space activities in the Czech Republic (investment 5 million €). Furthermore, the Czech Republic participates in ARTES programmes - aimed at the satellite telecommunication, MetOp-SG programme - designed to development of meteorological satellites, EGEP programme - which prepares technologies associated with future generations of EGNOS and Galileo systems and the Future Launchers Preparatory Programme (FLPP). The Czech Republic also participates in more scientific oriented programmes as Mars Robotic Exploration Preparation Programme (MREP), the next period of the Earth Observation Envelope Programme and Space Situational Awareness Programme (SSA). Increase of the Czech contribution to ESA Participation of the Czech Republic in the new optional ESA programmes Optional ESA programmes Commitments from 2012 MetOP-SG (Met-Op Second Generation Programme) 3,0 mil. EUR 2013 - 2022 4,23 mil. EUR 2013 - 2016 ARTES 1 (Element 1: Preliminary Studies and Investigations) 0,1 mil. EUR 2013 - 2016 ARTES 5 (Element 5: ESA Telecom Technology), Sub-element 5.1 1,0 mil. EUR 2013 - 2016 ARTES 14 (Element 14: Next Generation Platform Element) 2,0 mil. EUR 2013 - 2020 ARTES 20 (Element 20: Integrated Applications Promotion) 0,5 mil. EUR 2013 - 2016 FLPP 3 (Future Launcher Preparatory Programme) 1,0 mil. EUR 2013 - 2016 EOEP-4 (Earth Observation Envelope Programme) ELIPS-4 (European Programme for Life and Physical Sciences and Application in Space) 1,0 mil. EUR 2013 - 2016 MREP-2 (European Space Exploration Programme – Aurora, Mars Robotic Exploration Preparation Component) 0,8 mil. EUR 2013 - 2017 EGEP (European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Evolution Programme) 0.5 mil. EUR 2013 - 2015 SSA (Space Situational Awareness Programme) 0,7 mil. EUR 2013 - 2016 GSTP-6 (General Support Technology Programme) 5,0 mil. EUR 2013 - 2017 PRODEX (Scientific Experiment Development Programme) 2013 - 2015 Increase of 3,0 mil. EUR in total 2016 - 2020 Participation: 7,5 mil. EUR in total Czech participation in the ESA`s optional programmes 5 Programme Period 2013 - 2015 and 2016 - 2020 Industry of the Czech Republic Credit: Frentech Aerospace successful in ESA 6 7 5M s. r. o. ....................................................................... 8-9 AVX Czech Republic .................................................... 10-11 AŽD PRAHA S. R. O. ................................................... 12-13 BBT Materials Processing, s. r. o. ................................ 14-15 BIC-R&D, s. r. o. ........................................................... 16-17 CGI IT Czech Republic s. r. o. ....................................... 18-19 CSRC spol s r. o. .......................................................... 20-21 EGGO SPACE s. r. o ..................................................... 22-23 Ekotoxa s. r. o. ............................................................ 24-25 esc Aerospace s. r. o. .................................................. 26-27 Explosia a. s. .............................................................. 28-29 Frentech Aerospace s. r. o. ......................................... 30-31 GINA Software s. r. o. ................................................. 32-33 GISAT s. r. o. ............................................................... 34-35 G. L. Electronic s. r. o. ................................................. 36-37 Honeywell International s. r. o. .................................. 38-39 ICZ A. S. ..................................................................... 40-14 Iguassu Software Systems, a. s. ............................... 42-43 L. K. Engineering s. r. o. ............................................. 44-45 OPTOKON, a. s. ......................................................... 46-47 ProjectSoft HK a. s. ................................................... 48-49 SERENUM, a. s. .......................................................... 50-51 Siemens Convergence Creatots, s. r. o. ...................... 52-53 SYNPO, akciová společnost ....................................... 54-55 TOSEDA s. r. o. ........................................................... 56-57 5M s.r.o. General description Contact 5M s.r.o. Na Záhonech 1177, Kunovice 68604 Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Richard Pavlica, Ph.D. Phone: +420 572 433 740 Fax: +420 572 433 200 Mobile:+420 731 616 350 E-mail:[email protected] Member of the Czech Space Alliance The 5M s.r.o. company was establish in 1992 and operates in the area of the development and manufacture of composite and sandwich materials. We specialise in demanding applications and special products. Our customers are companies from ground vehicle transportation and aircraft industry but also electronic parts or certificated sport equipment producers. All our products were developed in our own R&D, in which is invested about 8% of the annual turnover. We have been awarded as the Company of the Year of 2010 in the Czech Republic. Competences & Capabilities Main areas of activity include production and development of structural composite parts, pultruded profiles, structural epoxy adhesives, sandwiches, epoxy resins, aluminium honeycombs, foil adhesives, preimpregnated fabrics (prepregs, semipregs), precise sandwich surfaces for optics, etc. Our materials fulfill ECSS standards (e.g. outgassing). Major Space Projects & References Space: • 5M composite technology evaluation; Programme: PECS; Prime contractor: Thales Alenia Space; Duration: 2013-2014 • Generic adhesive for Space application; Programme: CZECH INDUSTRY INCENTIVE SCHEME; Generic adhesive for Space application; Prime contractor: 5M s.r.o.; Duration: 2013-2015 • Technology development of Flexible Tape Spring Boom for large appendages deployment; Programme: CZECH INDUSTRY INCENTIVE SCHEME; Prime contractor: 5M s.r.o.; Duration: 2013-2014; • Adhesive Bonding of Thermoplastic Composites; Programme: FLPP; Adhesive Bonding of Thermoplastic Composites; Prime contractor: EireComposites; Duration: 2013-2015. Other • Large-sized Composite Structures for Active and Adaptive Optics (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic) • High Precision Sandwich Panels for Optics (commercially based) 8 1 2 1 Radiotelescope mirror made by 5M precise sandwich panels 2 Composite radome covers 3 Carbon prepregs acc. to ECSS standards (e.g. outgassing) 4 5M production capacities (5000 m2) 3 Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • 5000 m2 of production area • 8 pulling lines • 2 curing ovens up to 6000x3000x2000 mm • CNC machine 6000x2500x1200 mm • Electroplating line for production of nickel sandwiches with aluminium core 4 • 3D measuring device 3500x1200 mm with accuracy up to 10 microns • Mechanical testing laboratory equipped with testing machines up to 100 kN and heated chamber • Analytical testing laboratory equipped with NMR, FTIR infrared, DSC and DMA • Chemical and technological laboratory 9 ESA Bidder Code: 58082 1 AVX Czech Republic General description AVX, a recognized leader in the global passive electronic component and interconnect products industry, is at the forefront of technology, design, manufacturing and supply. AVX Czech Republic s.r.o. is a subsidiary of AVX Corporation; with headquarter near Greenville, SC, USA, and 72% owned by Kyocera Corporation of Japan. AVX Czech Republic is a part of tantalum division producing tantalum capacitors with worldwide market share exceeding 26%. The product portfolio is wide range of tantalum and niobium oxide capacitors from consumer, cellular phones, telecommunications to automotive, high reliability, medical and special aerospace applications. AVX Lanskroun is producing ESCC qualified SMD tantalum capacitors for more than ten years. Competences & Capabilities Contact AVX Czech Republic s.r.o. Dvorakova 328 563 01 Lanskroun Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects Petra Pribanova Email: [email protected] Phone: +420 465 358 248 Member of the Czech Space Alliance AVX enjoys significant competitive advantages including the benefit of global manufacturing and distribution provided by 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 11 countries around the world. This assures customers of the most efficient balance of demand and production capability in response to their requirements in all application segments from commercial through automotive and medical to space level components. The company is set apart from the competition by its broad array of specialty product offerings including ceramic and tantalum capacitors, connectors, thick and thin film capacitors, resistors and integrated passive components. Major Space Projects & References Currently employing 1900 staff, the Lanskroun plant now provides technical, customer and logistic support services to AVX customers worldwide. The first co-operation on development projects at Lanskroun was begun in 1998 covering hightemperature (150degC) tantalum capacitors for automotive electronics, and further development activities at the plant have grown significantly since that time. In 2002, AVX introduced a new, revolutionary, solid electrolytic capacitor based on a niobium oxide anode, initiating a new era in the history of the capacitor. AVX is an established supplier of tantalum capacitors for the European Space Agency (ESCC – 3012). Further aerospace capacitor development projects on high volumetric efficiency and low ESR tantalum capacitors have been successfully completed in 2013 by introduction of new QPL ESCC 3012/004 tantalum capacitor range. New tantalum capacitor type using hermetically sealed package have been developed as a part of Czech Incentive Program between 2010 and 2013. These space oriented developments are bringing significant payload reduction potential for the next generation of flight hardware electronics. 10 2 4 SMD tantalum and niobium capacitors • Space: ESCC3012, ESCC3012/001, ESCC3012/004 • Defense: COTS+ Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • ESA qualified Lanskroun plant • Certificates: CECC-ECQAC, IECQ-CECC, ISO9001:2000, ISO/TS16949, ISO 140001:2004, Sony Green Partner Award, AS9100, ESCC 3012/001, ESCC3012/004 1 AVX High Reliability MIL PRF 55365 Qualified Tantalum Capacitors 2 Low ESR, High Power AVX Tantalum Multianode Capacitors 3 AVX offers the widest range of Tantalum and NbO Capacitors 4 AVX Aerospace Capacitors 3 11 ESA Bidder Code: 58042 AŽD Praha s.r.o. General description Contact AŽD Praha s.r.o. Žirovnická 2/3146 106 17 Praha 10, Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Michal Pavel Phone: +420 267 287 111 Fax: +420 272 650 831 E-mail:[email protected] AŽD Praha, as a leading supplier of signaling systems and solutions to railway undertakings and railway infrastructure owners and managers, is highly motivated to provide its customers the most advanced systems and technologies available worldwide. Besides the railway market, AŽD Praha serves also to road telematics, traffic control, property and personal security users and operators and, last but not least, manufactures and sells also telecoms devices and systems. To achieve this goal, a vast range of research and development facilities are allocated in a number of AŽD Praha divisions and subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria. Those resources and staff are backed by a number of scientists in cooperating research institutes and universities in those countries but also in Poland, Serbia, Russia or Belarus. Expert knowledge of our staff is not limited just to signaling, control and telecommunications, but it spans a number of scientific disciplines from theory of safety codes, information and software theories used in safety critical systems, further to reliability theory, radio modulation theory, radio signal propagation and coverage analysis, satellite signal and GNSS dependability analyses, not to mention all. In addition to the hundreds of privately funded research and innovation projects completed in the course of our evolution to the leading railway signaling company, our R & D divisions have participated in many national and international research projects, mostly funded by local or European bodies, like the European Space Agency, European Commission, Czech Ministry of Transport or Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade. Besides that, AŽD Praha experts are regular and active contributors to the research and standardization activities in several international institutions, associations and consortiums – UNISIG, CENELEC, UNIFE, ACRI, CAT, etc. Competences & Capabilities The majority of projects are focused to the final development, validation and assessment of products which are then introduced into a production cycle. The company personnel is qualified enough and the state-of-the-art sample and serial production infrastructure allows to manufacture prototypes ready to be tested and validated in our own company labs as well as in accredited labs in the above mentioned countries. The final assessment is then accomplished by Notified Bodies in the respective countries. But those projects which serve to the research of methods and technologies with the highest innovation level, for which the market is not prepared yet, also have their place in the company research programmes. 12 1 2 3 Major Space Projects & References 1 Traffic management centre 2 Low-cost ATP terminal for regional lines trains employing GPS 3 Precise measurement of GNSS signals 4 Safety integrity modeling • „Safe Driver Machine Interface (DMI) for ERTMS Automatic Train Control (SAFEDMI)”, funded by EC in the course of FP6 (project Nr. 31314), 2006-2008, • „Integrated European Signalling System (INESS)“, funded by EC in the course of FP7 (project Nr. 218575), 2008-2012, • „GNSS-based Enhanced Odometry for Rail (GRAIL-2)”, funded by EC in the course of FP7 (project Nr. 247605), 20102012, • „SafeLOC - Safe Train Localization for Regional Lines Using Satellite Navigation Means”, funded by Czech National Technology Agency (project Nr. TA01030124), 2011- 2013 Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • GNSS SIS stationary and mobile test sets • Measurement and test rail vehicle and train set 4 • Inertial systems test bed • Odometry systems test bed • Climatic and EMC test chamber • „Train Integrated Safety Satellite System (3InSat) Demonstration Project”, funded by ESA in the course of the IAP Programme (project Nr. 4000105788/12NL/NR), 2012-2015 • „NGTC - Next Generation Train Control”, funded by EC in the course of FP7 (project Nr. 605402), 2013- 2016, 13 ESA Bidder Code: 58096 1 General description BBT-Materials Processing, s.r.o. BBT-Materials Processing, s.r.o. (established in 1995) follows some of the business and research activities of „Cestmir Barta, BBT - Materials Processing, Crystal Science & Technology Institute“. Its staff consists of scientists and engineers which originally came from the Institute of Physics, University of Chemical Technology, Czech Technical University and other universities and academic institutions. BBT - Materials Processing, Ltd. (BBT) is concerned namely with a research and manufacturing of Calomel single crystals (mercurous chloride, Hg2Cl2) and other mercurous halides. Competences & Capabilities Contact BBT-Materials Processing, s.r.o. Doubická 11, 184 00 Praha 8 Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects Dipl. ing. Cestmir Barta, PhD. Phone: + 420 284 890 447 + 420 284 689 289 Fax: + 420 284 689 289 E-mail:[email protected] [email protected] Member of the Czech Space Alliance Our group is the first in the world to develop a technique of preparing single crystals of mercurous halides. Our greatest progress has been in the area of single crystals of mercurous chloride - CALOMEL Hg2Cl2 - and its functional elements. In 1969, our scientists produced the first CALOMEL single crystal. From that time, we have gained valuable experience in the production of this material. We believe that it has wide-spread applications in the field of optics, microwave, laser, spectroscopy, and other technologies. The BBT team is proud to be associated with many scientific and technological programmes and projects. Our products (scientific facilities and devices) were operational on board Salyut 6 - Sojuz and MIR orbital laboratories for 17 years ! - non-stop from 1984 up to 2001 (to 1990 within the Czech. Acad. Sci., from 1991 within BBT). Crystal chemistry, study of crystal growth and solidification processes, growth of crystals for technical applications (optics, acousto-optics, laser applications, etc.). Material sciences and technology in Space (Salyut 6-Sojuz, MIR, ISS) and on Earth. Development and manufacturing of apparatuses, devices and software according to customer’s requirements for Space and on-ground applications, incl. mechanics and electronics. Digital Image Analysis (sample microstructures, etc.). Major Space Projects & References • INTERKOSMOS - MORAVA I (1976-80, Salyut 6-Sojuz), Morava II (1986-88, MIR), Morava III (1990-97, MIR), CSK-3 (1989-90) and CSK-1 (1984-2001): Preparation, realisation and analysis of the international projects in material sciences. • International Users Support Centre for Interkosmos projects in material science which also served for German experiment TES in 1993- 4 (laboratory for the ground-based preparation, realisation and scientifi c evaluation of space experiments) (within CSAV). • RIM-MIR: Experiments of a recalescence of Ag- Ge alloys on board MIR using the CSK-1 furnace (three-lateral cooperation of Germany (DLR), Czechoslovakia and Russia) (1984–1994). • MIR’92 (1992-3): Set of material experiments on board MIR using the CSK1 furnace (ESA, DARA, DLR-MUSC, BBT, RKK Energija). EuroMIR’94 (1994-5): Set of material experiments on board MIR using the CSK-1C furnace (ESA, DARA, DLR-MUSC, BBT, RKK Energija). • EuroMIR’95 (1995-6): Set of material experiments on board MIR using the TITUS/ CSK-4 furnace (ESA, DARA, DLR-MUSC, BBT, RSC Energija, Humboldt Univ., Kayser-Threde). • MIR´99 - PERSEUS (1999): Set of material experiments on board MIR using the BBT furnace CSK-4 (TITUS) - RSC ENERGIJA (Russia) and CNES (France). • PRODEX: Study of non-equilibrium solidifi cation of multi-component alloys, DTA measurements (2000–2004). • ESA Czech Industry Incentive Scheme: New Acoustooptic device based on Calomel for hyperspectral imaging in space applications - NAOMI 2010-2012) and Development of Quality Evaluation Methods for Calomel Optical Elements DEMON (2011-2014) 14 2 3 Measured Acoustic frequency filter response for different angles of incidence Diffraction plane Perpendicular plane Executive Summary ESA project No. 22896/09/NL/CBI 4 Motivation Temperature response of filter measured from to 22 to 42°C by scanning RF duty cycle Frequency shift 0.02% per K, no broadening of spectral response observed Potential for improvement: Larger Crystals, Other Halides (Mercury Bromide, Iodide) Parameter Spectral Resolution Spectral Purity Proposal 10 cm-1 specified in proposal 5 cm-1 goal indicated in negotiation meeting 25 dB far from center Result < 2cm-1 in Field of View 25 dB 40% Internal Efficiency on polarized light > 1 octave at 3 dB 20° 2x2.4 mm2 Efficiency 20% Frequency range Field of View Clear Aperture Octave 5° 2x3 mm2 Temperature Effects Order of magnitude characterization 0.02%/K Wavefront Error λ/4 in MIR <λ /8 in MIR Frequency Shift Current status and perspectives • Pulse shaping MIR filter currently sold by Fastlite for Ultrafast Science • Thermal management and Radiation enclosure t in progress (Demon) • Integration of imaging instrument envisaged year 2013 Calomel crystal growth and processing 12 • Demonstration of the feasibility of a hyperspectral imager in the Mid Infrared spectral region, using an AcoustoOptic Tunable Filter (AOTF) based on a Calomel crystal. • AcoustoOptic Tunable Filters features: spectrally agile, small volume, no moving parts • AcoustoOptic Spectral Imagers exist in the Near Infrared to Visible range but have not been extended to date to longer wavelengths due to the lack of transparency of materials used in existing devices at wavelengths exceeding 4 micrometers. • Calomel is one of a small number of materials, transparent from the visible to 20 micrometers, which can be considered for this purpose. • The manufacturing technology of Calomel has been studied and is fully owned by the BBT Company dating back from 1968. • Fastlite manufactures acousto-optical instruments for the ultrafast laser market and wishes to extend its market to InfraRed Laser Sources. • The two companies BBT and Fastlite had previously collaborated in a joint European Eurostars program, labeled MIRSA, to investigate the possibility of Acousto-Optic devices in the Mid Infrared using Calomel. • The specific goals of the NAOMI project have been to make the appropriate Acousto-Optic designs, assemble adequate tests and solve the specific technology problems, in order to demonstrate experimentally potential performances of a Calomel based HyperSpectral imager. • For simplicity, a wavelength of 5 micrometers was chosen for the measurements Objectives of the project Spectral resolution Acceptance angle Spectral range Transmission (diffraction efficiency) Clear Aperture Spectral Purity Wavefront Error Use Beam-Collinear Design with Critical Phase Matching for superior resolution and efficiency 2-3 Innovative image reconstruction method to achieve field of view crystals per month Sawing Testing 1 CSK1-C space furnace with the astronauts Pedro Duque (Spain) and Ulf Merbold (Germany) – ESA Programme EuroMIR´94. (Photo DLR, Germany) 2 New Acoustooptic device based on Calomel for hyperspectral imaging in space applications (in cooperation with Fastlite, France) 3 TITUS space facility on board the MIR space station with the French astronaut Jean-Pierre Haigeneré (Project MIR´99 – PERSEUS) (Photo CNES, France) 4 TITUS and CSK-1C space facilities on board the MIR space station. (Project MIR´99 – PERSEUS). (Photo CNES, France) AOTF design computer-controlled Growth and Purification units in operation Cleaving 10 cm-1 contractual, 5cm-1 target 5 degrees ( 2.5) 2200 - 1100 cm-1 20% 2x3 mm2 25 dB λ/4 (infrared) Finished Prototype Demonstration of image reconstruction (visible light, Paratellurite AOTF) Ref: FASOR program (French Ministry of Defense) Measurement of diffracted and non-diffracted beam Efficiency, spectral resolution, angular dependence, aperture Polishing Specially Designed System for ultrasoft materials Bulk Surface Conoscopy Interferometry + acousto-optic cartography Major improvements in stress and damage reduction and surface flatness (λ/8) 15 Two Test set-ups: • Broadband ultrafast laser set-up Spectral Measurement by up-conversion • Monochromatic laser set-up Spectral Measurement by acoustic Frequency scanning: Detailed measurements of response function for different incidence angles TITUS MPP for the ISS ESA Bidder Code: 58014 General description BIC-R&D, s.r.o. BIC – R&D, s.r.o. specializes in design and management of Research, Development and Innovation activities in companies and institutions as well as in efficient support of developing an approachable and stimulating environment for these activities in the Czech Republic and central Europe. Our specialization is use of space technologies and assets in applications and solutions serving citizens and industries in different fields. Space assets, technologies and signals, play the role of key enabling technology in projects developed with our support. We cooperate with state authorities and agencies and trade organizations, associations and unions as well as private bodies (mainly SMEs). Our support of industrial companies, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), associations and societies, agencies and public administration institutions, universities and research institutes covers all stages of their activities related to research and technological development and innovation projects. Contact BIC-R&D s.r.o. Příkop 4, 602 00 Brno Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Ludek Kühr Phone: +420 542 212 451 Mobile:+420 605 822 228 E-mail:[email protected] A number of projects initiated, supervised or managed by us have been awarded and received support from regional, national or European financial resources. We also do work closely with a number of private investors, venture capitalists and business angels focused on technological projects and a number projects received funding or support from this sources. Competences & Capabilities RTD Management: we provide services extending from assessment (Audit) and development of internal corporate structures in the area of research, development, and innovations. We support clients in implementation of science and research management systems, or through management and administration of individual projects concerning research and technology development; RTD “Eco system” development on regional and international levels. Support of ESA IAP Ambassadors platform. Information campaigns and support of space downstream sector. This also include support of research and innovation focused partners, assistance in partner identification and opportunity assessment. Major Space Projects & References European Satellite Navigation Competition, Czech Award. (reference: Ministry of Transport CZ, Anwendungszentrum GmbH, Oberpfaffenhofen - Germany) Since 2011, BIC-R&D is sponsoring partner of the ESNC, Czech Award. We do provide prize money and consulting support to the best ideas submitted to the Czech Regional Award. BIC-R&D also disseminates the idea of this competition through social media and relevant information channels. The consulting support to winners helps the companies to make the ideas become a reality and to find the way to market. During the 4 years engagement the number of submitted ideas in the ESNC - Czech Award increased fourfold. More about ESNC is available on . Main areas of activity include EMMIA (reference: DG Enterprise and Industry, bavAIRia e.V. - Germany) RTD activities: Non-technical research focused on market potential and opportunities assessment and development. Design, development and market roll out of business models. We perform RTD on international, national, regional and corporate levels. The European Mobile and Mobility Industries Alliance (EMMIA) follows up the innovation policy outline declared by the European Commission and its strategic initiative uniting the innovation policy makers and industry representatives. The company bavAIRia e.V. serves as 16 the coordinator of the EMMIA project. This company organizes a Bavarian cluster for satellite navigation. BIC-R&D represents Czech Republic on the basis of an authorization issued by the Ministry of Transport of Czech Republic, which patronizes the branch of space technologies in the Czech Republic. The Policy Learning Platform, of which BIC-R&D is active partner, is developing recommendations to EU regions how to maximise the potential of mobile services and technologies to boost regional economies. The first results of the initiative have been published in December 2013. The document is available at http://www. Since 2013 BIC-R&D is prime contractor on Feasibility Study within ESA ARTES 20 programme Integrated Applications Promotion. SIS-SREM (Safety and Information Systems for Ski Resorts in Emerging Markets) feasibility study investigates and assesses the technical feasibility and commercial viability of a sustainable service which will support the management of ski resorts (development, operation, maintenance) in order to reduce the operational cost and services which support safety and enjoyment of their visitors. Partners involved are aimed at designing and establishing a viable and sustainable operational service. The specification of the integrated system shall combine existing terrestrial assets with space technologies and offer to the end users an attractive solution which is different from the existing services. SIS-SREM stays for Safety and Information Systems for Ski Resorts in Emerging Markets. The design of a scalable modular service for Ski resort operators and creating a fun tool for their clients on the slopes are the objectives of this project. The study team focuses its efforts on central European and eastern European markets which have demonstrated stabile growth over the past 5 years and still have a good potential in this respect. Together with the investigation and assessment of technical solution, the team is designing a sustainable business model which will allow the resort operators to serve their clients and fully utilise the income potential of outdoor resorts. bavAIRia e.V. ENCADRE Association Oresund IT Cluster 55° Geospatial Research and Centre GRACE BIC R&D Provincia di Roma More information available at Contact the EMMIA PLP Partners in Central and Eastern Europe: BIC-R&D, s.r.o., Príkop 4, CZ-602 00 Brno, THE PROJECT IS FINANCED UNDER THE COMPETITIVENESS AND INNOVATION FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME CIP. 17 ESA Bidder Code: 58102 CGI IT Czech Republic s.r.o. General description Competences & Capabilities Founded in 1976, CGI is a global IT and business process services provider delivering high-quality business consulting, systems integration and outsourcing services. With 69,000 professionals in 40 countries, CGI has an industry-leading track record of on-time, on-budget projects. In the field of services or industry, CGI provides best values to help clients achieve their goals. As a demonstration of our commitment, our average client satisfaction score for the past 10 years has measured consistently higher than 9 out of 10. We are a European leader in military satellite communications ground segment and serve civilian space agencies, such as the European Space Agency (ESA), as well as space and ground segment systems companies. Notably, CGI is the largest independent supplier of security systems for Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation program. Through these long-standing client relationships, and our dedicated practice of space and satellite experts, we have earned a reputation for solving technically difficult software challenges with secure solutions, delivered on time and proven to work every time. CGI Czech Republic has more than 500 specialists in Prague, Brno and Pilsen offices. Contact CGI IT Czech republic s.r.o. Na Okraji 335/42 162 00 Praha 6 Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Jiri Novak Phone: +420 284 020 111 Mobile:+420 604 223 680 E-mail:[email protected] 18 Major Space Projects & References • Galileo Public Regulated Service (PRS) Pilot project in Czech Republic • Galileo PRS CPA feasibility analysis for Slovakian Ministry of Transport • Improving safety at rail level crossings by using GNSS technologies – “LeCross”(together with CGI UK, CGI Finland and Finnish research institute VTT) • Participation on various UK projects for GSA • Participation on UK project related to COPERNICUS 19 ESA Bidder Code: 58060 1 General description Czech Space Research Centre Contact CSRC, spol s r.o. Jánská 12 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic CSRC is a privately owned Ltd. Company situated in Brno and founded in 1994 to develop space technology and standards in the Czech Republic. CSRC main domain of activity is the complex realization of space electronics projects based on electronics design, embedded software and cleanroom manufacturing. CSRC main power consists in the longlasting practice and high technical level of the designers of electronic systems for space purposes proven by a series of successfully operating instruments in many satellites. CSRC scientific and research partner is the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology, with its broad technical background proven by longterm collaborations in many international research projects. CSRC has implemented the ESA ECSS standards related to the electronics design and cleanroom manufacturing activities including the certified system of quality assurance corresponding to ISO 9001:2000 standard. CSRC has been audited by ESA and is an attractive business partner for the aerospace industry. Head Office & Manufacturing Competences & Capabilities Kojetínská 1163 767 01, Kroměříž, Czech Republic Complex Realization of Space Electronics Projects Head Design & Project Management Kolejní 3094/9 612 00, Brno, Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects: Ing. Marek Simcak, Ph.D. Phone: +420 736 759 933 E-mail:[email protected] Prof. Ing. Jaromir Brzobohaty, CSc Phone :+420 603 448 798 E-mail :[email protected] Member of the Czech Space Alliance Hardware Design Standard digital circuits and single-chip microcontrollers, digital circuits with signal processors, FPGA and CPLD design using VHD L, behavioral simulation of the design, test at multi-layer PCB design, electronic circuits for PCI bus including control software development, analog circuit design, behavioral simulation. Hardware Manufacturing The MAIT activities include ESA qualified PCB hand-soldering assembly, unit integration and functional testing. The application areas include space, military and industrial electronics. The model philosophy covers BB, E(Q)M, PFM, FM. Manufacturing process covering the assembly and the inspection activities is performed by the ECSS qualified staff in the 100.000 class cleanroom. The ESA qualified manufacturing activities are performed within the SMT Verification Programme according to ECSS-Q-ST-70-038. Having 10x ECSS Operators (CAT.3) and 5x Inspectors (CAT.2) licenses, CSRC is currently the most powerful manufacturing team in the Czech Republic. Software Development Software development is focused on the control and data processing for aerospace, communications or process control including efficient man-machine interface, signal processor and single-chip microcontrollers programming in C language and assembler, development of user specific applications for PC. Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Design of the mechanical parts and/or entire systems based on the CAD/CAM systems with electronic data formats exchange. Mechanical manufacturing is outsourced in qualified facilities having certification in the field of aeronautics and space production, applied technologies including CNC machining, alodine, anodisation, electron beam welding, glass feedthrough manufacturing, thin layer sputtering, alodine in aerospace quality, laser-beam cutting. Design Verification Design output in all space projects is submitted to a complex verification using mechanical and thermal analysis based on finite elements method. Parameters are verified to allow safe operation in the space conditions taking into an account especially the space temperature range in the satellite and the vibrations during the launch phase. Testing procedures for thermal vacuum and mechanical vibrations tests are considered as a standard part of the design verification process. 20 3 2 Project Management Main design process phases, steps and processes are namely the user requirements analysis, preliminary design, prototyping and design verification, final design, analyses and simulations, components and material procurement, control software with graphical user interface, user and service documentation, test equipment design and manufacture, delivery and integration support, quality assurance. Major Space Projects & References • The main ESA projects: • Satellite INTEGRAL, PSAC Project (launched) 1 Satellites SWARM/TEASER, Microaccelerometer 2 Cleanroom 100.000-Class 3 Satellite PROBA-V, SATRAM Project 4 • ECSS Certified Cleanroom Staff according to ECSS-Q-ST-70-08, ECSS-Q-ST-70-38, ECSS-Q-ST-70-26, ECSS-Q-ST-70-28 Satellite PROBA 2, DSLP&TPMU Project 5 Satellite INTEGRAL, PSAC Project • ESA SMT Verification Programme according to ECSS-Q-ST-70-038 6 Satellite SMART-1, EPDP Project Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Validated Cleanroom (class 100 000), 40m2 • Industry electronics assembly premises, 150 m2 • Certificate ISO9001:2008 • ESA Industrial Rates Audit passed in 2010 and in April 2014 • Satellite SMART-1, EPDP Project (launched) • Satellite DEMETER, I/V Converter Project (launched) 5 • Satellite PROBA 2, DSLP&TPMU Project (launched) • Satellites SWARM/TEASER, Microaccelerometer (launched) • Satellites PROBA V, SATRAM (launched) 4 • ISS/ACES/ELT INSTRUMENT European Laser Timing (launch planned) • Satellite EUCLID, Design of the Euclid SVM Electrical Simulator, EGSE Engineering Study Other Projects Participation: ACES ELT, XMM Satellite - EPIC Experiment, TARANIS Satellite, AGILE, MALST, SMART FUEL, METOP, SATELCOM, NODE 3, GOME 2, CLUSTER II, PCDF-CCD H EAD, MONSTER and others… 21 6 ESA Bidder Code: 58133 General description EGGO Space offers a wide range of services and expertise including testing of EEE components, Industrial Screenprinting&Recycling of contaminated substances. EGGO SPACE s.r.o. EGGO Test House benefits from a vast experience in testing electrical mechanical and life properties of electronic components as well as hzbrid integrated circuits and their applications. The main range of Test Laboratorys activities consists of climatic, mechanical and Life time testing of components, parts and materials as well as interpretation and processing of results and defect analyses for electrical engineering and related industries. These tests serve customers from various industries including electrical, automotive and aerospace. The organization and Test Laboratory procedures comply with the provisions of the European Standard ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17 025. The Test Laboratory was awarded the statute of a certified subcontractor for Electrotechnical Testing Institute, Prague. One of the main activities of EGGO Test House is to provide support services in development or qualification for space devices or components as defined in fields of activity of the Czech National Space Plan, chapter 5.5- Devices and Components and Flight Hardware. Contact EGGO Space s.r.o. Dvořákova 328 563 01 Lanškroun Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects Dr. Ing. Petr Vasina, CSc. E-mail:[email protected] David Latif Phone: + 420 465 321 945 Fax: + 420 465 321 738 Mobile:+ 420 776 551 551 E-mail:[email protected] Member of the Czech Space Alliance 22 EGGO became a member of the Czech Space Alliance at the start of 2011. Competences & Capabilities • Reliability testing • Failure analysis • Temperature/ humidity stress • Mechanical stress, solderability • Non-linearity measurements • Corrosion test • Evaluation testing of passive components (Supercapacitors, Tantalum capacitors, Resistors, Relays) as per ESCC standards (ESCC 2263000) • Designing and manufacturing of electronic devices for special purpose machinery&test measuring equipment. Major Space Projects & References • Reliability Testing of AVX low ESR Tantalum capacitors types TPS and TPM for AVX/CNES project • Contract no: 400010504/10/NL/ PA- Low ESR Tantalum Capacitor Evaluation and Qualification . Contractor: AVX Corporation- Tantalum division, Subcontractor: EGGO Space s.r.o- responsible for the Evaluation of Tantalum Capacitors phase • Contract no: 4000103977/11/NL/CbiDevelopment of Test Facility Dedicated to 1 2 Passives Components ( The project was selected under the CZ industry incentive scheme by ESA&CZ government). Contractor: EGGO Space s.r.o • Contract No. 4000105661/12/NL/NR ARTES 5.1 Evaluation of Supercapacitors and Impacts at system level. Contractor: EGGO Space s.r.o • Contract No. 4000111435/14/NL/WE High Density Connector Suitability for Space Application ARTES 5.1 . Contractor: EGGO Space s.r.o 3 Further projects: • Measure maximum rating of components (physical limit) • Identify limit of current technology and evaluate new technology for high vibration and shock • Determine derating of components Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates 1 Electrical measurements 2 Vibration test • Testhouse with large portfolio of the Test equipment including: Thermal chambers, Vibration apparatus, mechanical shock apparatus. etc 3 Change of temperature test 4 Electrical characterization of components • ISO 9001:2009 5 Sample preparation for testing • ISO 14001:2005 4 5 23 ESA Bidder Code: 58065 GNSS receiver 1 General description Ekotoxa s.r.o. Contact Ekotoxa s.r.o. Otická 37 746 01 Opava Czech Republic Phone: +420 558 900 010 Fax: +420 558 900 011 E-mail:[email protected] Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Cestmir Kantor Phone: +420 558 900 030 Mobile:+420 602 587 599 E-mail:[email protected] The company EKOTOXA s.r.o. is an expertise, research and consultancy centre providing services for rural development, water management, agriculture, forestry, environment, regional development and spatial planning. Most of company’sactivities are carried out on the interface of the mentioned areas. The company was founded 1990 and at present its staff consists of about 45 employees and several external cooperators. The company operates within the Czech Republic as well as in several foreign countries. Between most signicant Czech clients belong besides Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, regional authorities, municipalities and research institutions. Key international clients are European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA), Ministries of Agriculture and Paying Agencies of several EU member and candidate countries (Slovakia,Hungary, Romania, Turkey, Croatia, and Macedonia). EKOTOXA has participated in several international projects of the EU programmes (INTERREG IIIB, PHARE, MEDA, IPA, 6th and 7th FP). Competences & Capabilities • Complex land consolidations • Proposals of flood prevention measures in landscape • Landscape assessment with emphasis on agriculture, land use and water management • Elaboration of applications for subsidies from operational programmes on behalf of municipalities and LAGs • Participation on the evaluation of programme document (HRDP) for MoA CR • Promotion of regional sights by smart guide • Co-ordination of integrated projects • Seminars and consultations Major Space Projects & References FieldFact (GJU 06/2412/CTR/FieldFact): “Introduction and Promotion of GNSS in the agricultural sector”, 2006 – 2008. Project partners: ALTERRA (NL), JRC (EU), VEXCEL (NL), UWM (PL), PPO (NL). Mission of the project was to investigate the potential and application of the Galileo for agriculture and agricultural user community using critical analysis of GNSS use in agriculture, demonstration actions showing new opportunities with Galileo and promotion GNNS and Galileo (GNSS-2) activities on agricultural fairs and field events. UNIFARM (Nr. 287206): ”GNSS User forum on Navigation based Innovation for Farmers”, 2012 - 2014. Project coordinates a user forum of GNSS technology agricultural users to express and defend the needs in the development of GNSS applications and services. It also serves as a new dissemination channel to increase awareness. • Conceptual documents in the sphere of rural development and nature conservation • Environmental studies and monitoring • Research project • Statistical and map analysis defined by the demand of regional policy • Analysis and studies on agriculture and agri-environmental measures • GIS and IT solutions 24 3 2 4 1 Application of liquid fertilizer with GNSS tools - demonstration event of Fieldfact project 2 LPIS in the Czech Republic 3 Sprayer controller - demonstration event of Fieldfact project 4 Biomass monitoring using satellite images 5 GIS The Novy Dvur Arboretum 5 25 ESA Bidder Code: 58117 1 General description evolving systems consulting s.r.o. an esc Aerospace company ESC is a leader in the field of on-board software in the Czech Republic and it is one of the leading Czech SMEs in innovative R&D projects with a focus on aerospace (space qualified on-board software, RPAS/UAV, Control systems and payloads, Navigation etc.) ESC is experienced also in other areas like custom embedded systems for industrial automation, PLC technology, data transmission and microwave high frequency applications. Competences & Capabilities Contact esc Aerospace s.r.o. Čs. armády 14, 160 00 Praha 6 Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects: Ing. Richard Sysala Phone: +420 284 683 784 Mobile:+420 604 347 014 E-mail:[email protected] Member of the Czech Space Alliance Space qualified on-board software for various satellites On-board instruments Software quality Embedded software Realtime software Control systems Navigation RPAS/UAS UAV/RPAS on-board systems incl. telemetry avionics Software references architecture Hardware design HW/SW development EGSE/SCOE OBCP Buildings Blocks Modeling & Analysis payloads Data processing software Embedded microcontrollers Data transmission Microwave high frequency applications Electrical engineering Performance simulations & Load emulators EO/IR payloads Relay & S&A systems Ionizing radiation hardened detector payloads Major Space Projects & References • FLPP3 (Future Launchers Preparatory Programme): Demise Observation Capsule (FLPP3) • Sentinel-4 PAT: Performance Assessment Tool for the S4/UVN Instrument. (EOEP) • OSRAp: On-board software reference architecture for payloads (GSTP) Emulator. Analysing requirements and defining high-level System Options of new Air-Ground communication system for ATM (ARTES 10) • SphinX: Data processing software for fast Soft X-ray Spectrophotometer SphinX for Russian CORONAS-Photon Solar Mission (national funds) • OBCP-BB: Space qualified flight software. Requirements and I/F definition for future OBCP building block. Future modular reusable/reference on-board SW architecture, the on-board control procedures engine (GSTP) • OBSW-RAC: Space qualified flight software: On-board software reference architecture consolidation. On-board software reuse in a systematic manner, following activities COrDeT and Domeng (GSTP) • STIX Instrument On-board Software: Solar Orbiter Mission STIX instrument space qualified flight software. Phases B, C/D (PRODEX) • SWARM Mission Microaccelerometer instrument: space qualified flight software, Criticality level “Mission critical”, EGSE software (commercial) • UAS: Autonomous aerial target system HAES 400; reconnaissance and surveillance system HAES Scanner; mini unmanned reconnaissance carrier HAES 90 “Electric ray”; UAS Ground Segment modules compliant with STANAG 4586 w/ C2 integration (commercial, related to ARTES 20) • LRACOM - Long Range Communication System based on WiMAX. A transfer of high quality data through airborne station (national funds, related to ARTES 20) • DCS & GEOSAR: Data Collection System & GEO Search and Rescue payload (MTG) • ARCA - S&A Collision Avoidance System ARCA - UAVs (national funds, related to ARTES 20) • ANTARES IRIS: Baseline Satellite Payload Space Related Equipment, Labs 26 2 & Certificates • ESC applies the following ECSS standards: • ECSS-E-ST-40C Space Engineering – Software • ECSS-E-ST-70C Ground systems and operations • ECSS-E-70-41A Ground systems and operations — TM/TC packet utilization • ECSS-M-ST-40C Rev. 1 Space Engineering – Configuration management • ECSS-M-ST-80C Risk management • ECSS-Q-ST-20C Quality Assurance • ECSS-Q-ST-80C SW Product Assurance 3 • including other specific standards. 27 1 HAES 400, UAV Aerial Target, produced in HAES CCUAS LABS - The Hacker Model Prod. and Evolving Systems’ Competence Center for Unmanned Aerial Systems. 2 Solar Orbiter exploring the Sun’s realm. © ESA/AOES 3 The SWARM satellite development phase is in progress with EM2 testing with an OBC breadboard in an Astrium clean room. ESC delivered flight software for one of the SWARM instruments, the Microaccelerometer MAC-04. From the left: ACC EM2 in the SWARM OBC testbed, SWARM electrical system engineer (EADS), SWARM SW system engineer (EADS), ACC electrical engineer (VZLU), ACC SW engineer (ESC), © EADS + © ESC. ESA Bidder Code: 58020 1 General Description Explosia a.s. Contact Explosia a.s. is production and trading company operating primarily in the field of production of explosives and services associated with application of energetic materials for commercial as well as military use. The company was established in 1920 and since then it has existed in a series of various forms and business groups - from an independent joint-stock company through the plant within greater company units back to self-managing company (since June 1st, 2002). Explosia a.s. holds an important position in the field of explosives and propellants in the Czech Republic market, and it is also an important exporter, primarily to EC countries. The Research Institute of Industrial Chemistry is a part of EXPLOSIA a.s., which is one of largest chemical companies in the Czech Republic. The Institute has the leading position in the research and development of explosives in our country. The concentration of specialist, not only in the field of explosives and propellants, but also in designing and engineering, analytical chemistry and safety engineering forms an unique theoretical and practical background for the research and development activities. The close connection with production units of EXPLOSIA gives the excellent possibility of the quick transfer of research results in the practice. Explosia a.s. Semtín 107, 530 50 Pardubice Czech Republic Phone: +420 466 825 700 Fax: +420 466 822 935 Competences & Capabilities Responsible for space and ESA projects • Military explosives and charges for ammunition. Ing. Ladislav Velehradsky, Ph.D. Phone: +420 466 825 700 Fax: +420 466 822 935 E-mail:[email protected] • Filing of explosives and assembly of explosive systems. • Safety engineering in explosives and chemical processes. • Explosive working of metals. • Fire-fighting and explosion suppression systems. Major Space Projects & References • Pyro – neutralization cutting charges for Arine-5 launcher (in negotiation) Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates Explosia was awarded with a certificate of the quality assurance management according a standard ČSN EN ISO 9002 issued on the basis of audits carried out by the company Loyd’s Register Quality Assurance, namely for the main production commodities. For some products these certificates were issued on the basis of follow-up audits. In addition to that, Explosia was awarded with such a certificate for all central sections of the company. The Research Institute of Industrial Chemistry, which is a part of the division, owns a certificate CSN EN ISO 9001 • Main areas of activity include • Single base and double base powders, ball powders, and rocket propellants both for military and civil use. • Rocket motors and ammunition. • Combustible cartridges, modular combustible cartridge cases. • Plastic and elastic explosives. • Low vulnerability explosives and IM munitions. • Civil explosives for blasting technologies. 28 2 3 4 5 29 1 Rocket motor URM-1 2 Smokeless powder D380 in bi-modular system XF (Bi-MCS design) 3 New generation of pyroelements for injection seat VS- 2 4 Triple base smokeless powder D380 5 Detonating Cord Startline 12 ESA Bidder Code: 58085 Aerospace 1 General description Frentech Aerospace s.r.o. Frentech Aerospace s.r.o. is a state-of the-art company, very well equipped with modern and productive CNC machines, quality assembly premises with clean room facility and air-conditioned inspection room with three CMM by Mitutoyo. Frentech Aerospace presents itself as a sophisticated company with installed system for real time production control CPC (by Mazak). The company is focused on production and delivery of parts and assembled modules mostly for aircraft and space industry. Beside this line of business also delivers its products for demanding fields such as instrument technology, microelectronics, nanotechnology, radar technique, production of special machines, medicine and vacuum technique. In scope of this system we actively use software for Planning, Tool Management System and Machine Monitoring System. For programming we have three installations of Solid Works and Solid Cam (CAD/CAM). Frentech Aerospace is a member of the Czech Space Alliance. Competences & Capabilities Contact Frentech Aerospace s.r.o. Jarní 48 614 00 Brno Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects: Pavel Sobotka Phone: +420 545 425 711 Fax: +420 545 425 727 E-mail:[email protected] Member of the Czech Space Alliance Production and delivery of parts and modules for aircraft and space industry (75% of turnover), production of precision mechanics for other lines of business (25% of turnover). Focus on space activities: Engineering and production of mechanism for spacecraft (Solar Array Deployment Mechanism, Cryostat Structure and other), participation in ESA (European Space Agency) and ESO (European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere) projects. Major Space Projects & References The main ESA projects: • ESA tender AO6647 (NEW GENERATION MULTIMEDIA ANTENNA D EPLOYMENT AND POITING MECHANISM) • ESA tender AO10164 (Cryostat Structure for Meteosat Third Generation), • ESA tender AO7397 (THE D EVELOPMENT OF A NEW GENERATION H INGE FOR FOR LARGE APPENDICES) • ESA Projects for MTG, METOP-SG,EUCLID are in preparation Production of special mirrors for ESO (project ALMA in Chile) More than 4 thousand precision parts per year for telecommunication satellites Commercial project for delivery of space mechanisms for IRIDIUM NEXT Business Cooperation with Airbus, Premium Aerotec, Thales Alenia Space, EATON Germany, MTAerospace, TESAT SpaceCom, EMERSON, Nord Micro, Thales, EADS Astrium, MBDA, SAGEM, BOSCH, Flextronics, Oxford Instruments, RUAG, DLR. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Production area 2400 m2 • Assembly premises 400 m2 • Clean room (ISO7 class 100 000 and ISO5 class 100) • In Clean room (ISO7 class10 000) is placed a test chamber (approx. 1 m3) for temperature range from -180°C to +200°C including possibility of test performed in vacuum. There is also device for leak testing and CMM machine. • Testing chambers • Certificates: ISO9001, AS9100 rev. C, ISO14001, QSF-A (Premium Aerotec) • Frentech Aerospace is qualified for Thales Alenia Space for special processes (CQT448) 30 2 3 1 Assembly in Clean room 2 Vacuum testing in Thermal chambre 3 Precision titanium parts for space application 4 Assembly in Clean room 5 Clean Room 6 Frentech Aerospace company offices 4 5 Certificate QSF-A Certificate AS9100 Certificate ISO9001:2008 Certificate ISO14001 6 31 ESA Bidder Code: 58052 1 General description GINA Software s.r.o. In the field of situation mapping we are in the top five most recognized European companies and GINA has been awarded as one of the top European space-related technologies in 2012 (Galileo Masters competition). Gina is developing mobile technologies for sharing of accurate realtime situation via an interactive map. It introduces new communication channel for exchange of geo-located data combined with localization, mapping and task management features. This way it makes decision making faster and more accurate. Gina is a combination of tactical mapping software and mobile hardware designed for emergency tasks, security services or staff management. It was designed for usage in the most challenging conditions in the world. Thus prevents misunderstandings, speeds up communication and protects staff. Competences & Capabilities Contact GINA Software s.r.o. Purkyňova 649/127 612 00 Brno Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Dana Lodrova, Ph.D. Phone: +420 511 205 240 Mobile:+420 731 899 101 E-mail:[email protected] Major Space Projects & References • European Satellite Navigation Competition: using systems of Galileo and EGNOS. Regional winner (2012) • ACRIMAS: pilot and first ECML workshop on Mobile Interoperability for International Field Deployment (2012) • Safety and information Services for Ski Resorts in Emerging Markets: GINA covers a part of project dedicated to safety on the slopes and mountain rescue services using GPS tracking devices and consequent proof of concept demonstration. • Fire Brigades Czech Republic (South Moravia Region, Pardubice Region, Vysocina region, Olomouc Region, Liberec Region, Central Bohemia Region) • Search and Rescue Operations (Haiti, Japan, Czech Republic) • Monitoring of Cholera Epidemics, Political and Crime Situation (Haiti) TACTICAL COORDINATION: Integration of staff and assets with dynamic map by GPS location tracking (variety of hardware: GSM, satellite, radio) • Deployment for Security Organizations, Members of ASIS International DYNAMIC MAPPING: Mapping of terrain and situation as simple as drawing on a paper map (on mobile handhelds, tablets and PCs) Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Deployment for European Commission • Personal and Assets Protection (Qatar) DATA EXCHANGE: Reliable offline access to information from various sources from anywhere (map portfolio, data layers, teammates locations, files, data from sensors) • Assets & Vehicle Tracking devices: Rugged GPS tracking device ideal for tracking of assets/vehicles: GSM connectivity, A-GPS sensor, Programmable buttons, Magnetic cradle, Tracking frequency 5s COMMUNICATION: Accurate communication of information which words nor pictures can express (drag & drop navigation, task management, events scripting) • Mobile Terminals: Robust device with ergonomic design for whole day usage, enabling easy battery swapping and extension by accessories: Smartphone features, GPS location sharing • Iridium Satellite Terminal: Unique solution for intelligent tracking over satellite and mobile networks: Iridium / GSM / 3G network connectivity, Price equivalent to personal satellite trackers, Predictive location sending, Interactive map, Lower running costs by tents of percent 32 2 3 33 1 GINA CENTRAL: Dispatching software offering full feature set: Real-time map, Task management, Detailed history 2 TERRAIN TERMINALS: Robust device with ergonomic design for whole day usage, enabling easy battery swapping and extension by accessories: Smartphone features, GPS location sharing, Rugged design IP64, Hardware barcode reader, Full QWERTY keyboard, 8hrs lasting battery, 3 years comprehensive service 3 STAFF COORDINATION: Rugged pocket sized GPS tracker ideal for personal protection: GSM connectivity, A-GPS sensor, Panic button, Water resistant, Temperature sensor, Tracking frequency 5s, Battery lasting up to 5 days ESA Bidder Code: 58111 1 General description GISAT s.r.o. Gisat was established in 1990 as the first remote sensing and geoinformation service company in the Czech Republic. The mission of the company is to provide its clients with wide range of value added, complete, high quality and ‘state-of-theart’ geoinformation services based on the Earth Observation technology. Thanks to the long-term presence on the European geospatial market and extensive experience from the past projects Gisat has established sustainable and reliable partnerships with its domestic and international clients and partners. The service portfolio extends from satellite data and geomatics software distribution, through specialized image & GIS data processing and analysis, up to advanced geoinformation products and services. Competences & Capabilities Contact GISAT s.r.o. Milady Horakove 57 170 00 Praha 7 Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Lubos Kucera Phone: +420 270 003 731 Fax: +420 271 741 936 E-mail:[email protected] Main areas of activity include aiborne and satellite data processing and analysis, GIS development and modeling, geoinformation assessment, geoportal development and applications, satellite data mapping and monitoring, design and development of web based analytical platforms for spatial data exploration. Earth Observation data based mapping and monitoring services represent the key activities of the company. Gisat possesses operational production lines for generation of standard mapping products, yet flexible for service contents modification and user or regional customization. Gisat’s activities cover an impressive range of thematic areas. Environmental, agricultural and urban monitoring & mapping and support to emergency & development projects around the world belong to main application areas. Major Space Projects & References References Copernicus Copernicus (formerly GMES) is the European Programme for the establishment of a European capacity for Earth Observation. It is the principal European initiative to boost up European EO related business answering growing demand for various geo-spatial data and services from European and regional users. Gisat is ranked among the main European service providers in Land Monitoring, Emergency Management and Security thematic domains. European Space Agency In last 5 years Gisat has successfully concluded tens of ESA projects in various programs, such us EOEP, GSTP, TRP or ARTES IAP. The company focuses on development of practical applications using satellite imagery, development of dedicated web based platforms for geoinformation analysis and assessment and development of novel methods and technologies for EO data exploitations. European Environmental Agency Gisat’s experts have been involved for more than a decade in European land cover mapping. Since 2001 Gisat is a member of the international consortia assisting the EEA in its attempts to achieve sustainable development and to improve our environment. This team includes a valuable expertise in Europe to analyse the environmental data with regards to developments in society and the economy and with regards to various environmental and sectoral policies. Recent projects • GMES pre-operational security services for supporting external actions, 2013 – 2015, EC FP7 • Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Assessment driven by Satellites, 2013 – 2014, ESA 34 2 3 4 • Developing an analytical platform for European Territorial Monitoring System, 2013 – 2014, EC ESPON • Developing the Platform for Urban Management and Analysis for World Bank, 2012 – 2013, WorldBank • Decision Support and Real Time EO Data Management, 2012 – 2013, ESA • European Topic Centre for Spatial information and Analysis, 2011 – 2013, EEA • Remote sensing control of agricultural area-based subsidies, 2004 – 2013, SAIF (Czech Republic) • Operational activities for MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System, 2008 – 2013, DG JRC • Earth observation services for European Investment Bank, 2012, ESA • Earth observation services for WorldBank, 2011 – 2012, ESA Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates Gisat’s products and services rely on the use of state-of-the-art information technology. All methods applied are updated and improved according to the most recent developments in the EO domain worldwide and are verified with the cooperation of both domestic and foreign research institutions. 5 Satellite data mapping represents the key service of the company. Thus the operational processing chains for the main application areas are internally set-up and further developed. The company is ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified to guarantee the quality of provided services and to reflect the responsibility in environmental impacts of its activities. 35 1 Platform for Urban Management and Analysis for World Bank [PUMA project] 2 Water resources accessibility map for Alaba Special Woreda in Ethiopia [RESPOND project] 3 Web based user exploration tool for European Investment Bank [EOEUROPA project] 4 Morfotectonic map for a proposed DGR site for nuclear waste in the Czech Republic [GeoBariera project] 5 Synthesis map showing spatial land cover change intensity in 20 years (1970’s – 1990’s) in selected CEE countries [PTL LC project] ESA Bidder Code: 58001 1 General description G.L.Electronic s.r.o. The G.L.Electronic Ltd. (cat. - SMEs) was established in 2008. We draw on more than 6 years of professional experience gained while working on international projects with the focus on the development and manufacturing of products for Space and Ground technologies. Our customer base includes ESA, CNES, CGS, LuxSpace, SAB Aerospace, TAS-I, TEMIS, etc. Logistics: 20km the airport in Brno / 134km to the airport in Vienna / 142km to the airport in Bratislava/ 225km to the airport in Prague. Competences & Capabilities Assembly/Installation: Space segment - Production of HI-REL electronics for space projects - mounting, rework and modifications on the PCB (level EM, EQM, FM) according to ECSS, both internal cabling and external harness, complete implementation of bonding, quality control-visual inspection, conformal coating pre-MIP boards and pre-MIP units. Testing - testing of HW and SW of PCBs according to the customer’s requirements, including final unit tests. Measurement - Rating of the Boards & Final Units, Test Results Reporting. Contact G.L.Electronic s.r.o. Hrazky 804 768 11 Chropyne Responsible for space and ESA projects Ludek Graclik Phone: +420 511 205 246 Fax: +420 573 356 293 Mobile:+420 739 218 163 E-mail:[email protected] Quality system - The Company has introduced the quality control system according to the process identification document (PID) & verification plan document (VPD), but also the internal document for the Product/Quality/ Assurance PA/QA and Safety plan of the space activities. Major Space Projects & References Participations in the international space projects GLE responsibilities: • Technical consultations (in the phase of Declared Process List (DPL) / Declared Materials List (DML)) • HI-REL manufacturing and visual inspection • Rework and modifications on the PCBs • Internal wiring and mechanical integration • Measurement of Rating of the Boards & Final Units • Final implementation of bonding Projects RPDA- EDRMK2 - EQM/FM - Collaboration with CGS-OHB (in Italy) HEXAPOD - HEU/PFM - Collaboration with CGS-OHB (in Italy) SOLAR ORBITER - TDS and SWA-PAS EM/ EQM/FM - (in Brno CZ) - Collaboration with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV-UFA) & Charles University Prague, Department of Surface and Plasma Science Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (UK-MFF). EXOMARS – EM / EQM / FM - Collaboration with TEMIS / CGS-OHB (in Italy) GALILEO – Fuse boards PFM - Collaboration with CGS-OHB (in Italy) ISS presso –Collaboration with Agrotec (in Brno CZ ) Ground Segment - Complete electrical installation (telephone, audio and video signal, safety (gas leak) and other special applications and individual measurements) and partial integration and testing of Rack boxes. 36 2 Harness manufacturing, testing and integration AGILE – launch 4/2007 (India) - Assembly and final integration of the completed FM of external harness and final integration of satellite (integration in Italy) VESSEL SAT – launch FM1 6/2011 (India), FM2 1/2012 (China) - Design, manufacturing Q.C and testing of harnesses (power, date and coax cables) manufacturing in the Czech Republic LARES – launch 2/2012 - Manufacturing, electrical testing and final integration of the completed FM of external harness and final integration of satellite and P-POD for CUBESAT in CSG-French Guiana SSIS – VERTA / VESPA – launch 4/2013 Manufacturing of the harness for Space vehicle separation system (satellite Proba V), Collaboration with SAB Aerospace (in Italy) (final integrations in CSG-French Guiana) S-GEO - (EGSE) 2013 Collaboration with CGS-OHB (in Italy) - Manufacturing of the cables, according to the technical specification and temperature ranges, specified for test unit in the thermal vacuum chamber. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Workplaces of the G.L.Electronic in Brno • Clean room class 100 000: Production area - 100m² / Assembly area – 70m², continuous measurement of temperature and humidity - specification (22 °C ±3 °C / 55 % ±15 %) • Certifications Professionally qualified ESA trained and certified technicians. ECSS-Q-70-08, ECSS-Q-70-38, ECSS-Q-70-28, ECSS-Q-70-26, CAT 2 and CAT 3 • ESA qualification process of SMD hand soldering of flight level PCBs - Ongoing since January 2014 • CNES verification process of SMD for hand soldering of Solar Orbiter of flight level PCBs (TDS and SWA-PAS instruments), Ongoing since March 2014 • Verification process of SMD hand soldering of flight level PCBs (TDS and SWA-PAS instruments), a contract with CNES / IRAP 3 1 Clean room – Hi-rel manufacturing (incoming inspection) 2 Sattelite LARES,ALmasat, cubesats integrated 3 Vega – czech team G.L.Electronic 4 Clean room - Hi-rel manufacturing (assembly pcb) 4 AIS-RX-REBUILD and 4M - EM / FM Collaboration with LuxSpace (in Brno CZ) - Design, manufacturing visual inspection and testing for external Harness Power, Date a RF cables Activities performed in Kourou, French Guiana (period 2007-2012) GLE responsibility: Mangousta - Electrical installation security camera and IR system Vega & Soyuz launch facilities - technical support to Carlo Gavazzi Space with Telematic Solution, Electrical installation (telephone, audio and video signal, safety (gas leak) and other special applications and individual measurements), partial integration of Rack boxes. 37 ESA Bidder Code: 58067 Honeywell International s.r.o. Contact Honeywell International s.r.o. V Parku 2325/16, 148 00 Prague - Chodov Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects General description Competences & Capabilities Honeywell has a long and proud heritage in the Czech Republic. Since opening its first office in 1962, Aerospace has expanded to operate from three locations in the Czech Republic: Prague, Olomouc and Brno. Each of these sites offers a range of skills, capabilities and technologies. Honeywell’s footprint in the Czech Republic builds upon a history of excellence in serving the European space industry and our customers also include worldwide space agencies, prime contractors and commercial suppliers. In the space sector, Honeywell provides innovative products that have contributed to the mission success of many different and varied space platforms. Honeywell has provided thousands of systems required for accurate momentum control, pointing, vibration isolation, guidance and navigation, semi-conductors, data control and other satellite, launch vehicle, missile and interceptor products. Leveraging our industrial and research capability across the Czech Republic, Honeywell serves space users with state of the art research and technology capability in number of areas: • Process Controllers • Satellite Guidance & Attitude Control • Integrated Space Vehicle Health Management • Control Moment Gyros • Reaction and Momentum Wheels • Momentum Control Systems • Satellite Communication • Actuation and Vibration Control Systems • Microelectronics • Manufacturing of Mechanical Components Ing. Ludek Nechleba, M.B.A. Phone: +420 234 625 980 Mobile:+420 602 698 039 E-mail:[email protected] 38 Major Space Projects & References • Process Controllers Honeywell provides a variety of process controllers for varied space applications including the International Space Station and Satellites. • Satellite Guidance & Attitude Control Honeywell’s space business has more than 40 years experience producing firstrate guidance, navigation and control products for various space platforms. Products include: ✔✔Miniature Inertial Measurement Unit (MIMU) ✔✔High Performance Fiber Optic GyroBased Inertial Reference System ✔✔Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) • Integrated Space Vehicle Health Management Honeywell’s cutting-edge Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) system captures and integrates comprehensive database, it also function as a “brain” that can analyze total-vehicle data, diagnose problems, recommend corrective actions, and verify return-to-health data. • Multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) 39 Honeywell is running multiple research projects in multi-constellation global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers that combine multiple signals to improve reliability and accuracy for global positioning. Our products include EGI (Embedded GPS/INS), SIGI (Space Integrated GPS/INS), EGPWS (Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System), etc. Research labs in the Czech Republic have currently expertise in all aspects of GNSS technology including ultra tight coupling of GPS and INS and high integrity INS/ GPS algorithms for precision approach and autonomous landing. • Satellite Communication Close cooperation with ESA have created new successful projects in following areas: ✔✔ATN/OSI and security gateway development for Inmarsat User Terminal (Iris-Precursor) enabling satcom to complement VHF datalink as enabler for near and mid-term safety critical ATM applications ✔✔Design and development of User Terminal of new satellite communication system for safety critical air/ground data and voice communication complete satellites from launch vibration, and in reducing on-orbit disturbances. Utilizing this experience and a dedicated development laboratory, Honeywell has the expertise leading to a high probability of mission success, regardless of the spacecraft challenge presented. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates A new Line-of-Sight test bed is enabling Honeywell to support its customers in risk-reduction testing of new dynamic and structural control systems for new satellite programs. With the Advanced Momentum Control Array System (AMCAS) Honeywell offers: • Up-front modeling and simulations • Validation of modular and scalable designs • Experimentation with various attitude, momentum and vibration control scenarios and interactions • Verification of new control schemes and code • Testing of hardware and software in an open or closed looped test environment • Refine control laws ✔✔Vibration Isolation. Honeywell has extensive experience in isolating ESA Bidder Code: 58021 ICZ a.s. 1 General description ICZ belongs among the leading CEE suppliers of the integrated software and infrastructure solutions market. Its portfolio consists of tailor-made application software products, services, and solutions to meet the needs of all areas of information and communication technology. Being based on a wide spectrum of platforms and technologies, the offered services are vendor independent. The company offer includes the custommade application development, featured by information protection and security projects. ICZ company started its operations on the Czech IT Market in 1997 and since then acquired and successfully integrated over 30 companies. Contact ICZ a.s. Na hřebenech II 1718/10 147 00 Praha 4 Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects Mgr. Stanislava Bartova Phone: +420 222 271 455 Fax: +420 222 271 112 Mobile:+420 724 429506 E-mail:[email protected] Competences & Capabilities Within the broader spectrum of company solutions, ICZ manages a wide service portfolio beginning from the classic information systems delivery up to the entire network overhauls, including interdepartmental systems on the basis of outsourcing and managed services. The ICZ’s solutions customers come primarily for the governmental sector, healthcare, telecommunications, utilities, transportation, defence, finance, manufacturing and logistics in the following branches: applications software, system integrations, security, communications, infrastructure, document administration and procedure. Consulting and analytic services are an integral part of the offering. Apart from the Czech Republic, ICZ company is active abroad through its branch offices in Slovakia, Ukraine, Bosnia And Herzegovina and in the United Arab Emirates. Major Space Projects & References The ICZ international expertise may be shown on series contracts – e.g. air traffic control for Fujairah Airport (United Arab Emirates) or mobile air traffic control towers (Ukraine) to name a few. Apart from that, ICZ is also successful with its special information system devoted for ground forces command & control that is used in Czech Army combat missions, regularly. Regarding the ESA projects, ICZ is involved in areas corresponding to its portfolio; as an example, the “Human Resources Personal File Digitisation and Automation Project” can be given. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates The ICZ’s sole shareholder, the ICZ N.V. company, is incorporated in the Netherlands. ICZ or its daughters may prove the following certifications and/or approvals: ISO 9001:2008, ISO 13485:2003, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 2000:2005, ISO 27001:2005, ČOS 051622 (AQAP 2110), Czech NSA “Confidential / Top Secret”, Slovak NSA “Secret”, Facility Security Clearance Certificate “NATO Confidential”. Besides that, thanks to a high experience supported with specific certifications, ICZ maintains long lasting high-level partnerships with major international IT providers, as well. 40 2 1 Infrastructure 2 Defence 3 Telecommunication 4 Safety 3 4 41 ESA Bidder Code: 58095 1 General description Iguassu Software Systems, a.s. Iguassu Software Systems (ISS) celebrates the 20th anniversary of its founding and of providing software solutions to ESA, Eumetsat and other international customers. Hence it is no surprise that ISS was the first Czech company • to work on ESA and Eumetsat projects (since 1994) • to successfully deliver a fixed price project to Eumetsat (1998, through SciSys contract) • to succeed in Galileo tender (2005, with INDRA) and to win • the first contract through an ESA international tender (2007 with ACS) • the greatest number of PECS, international ESA, and Galileo contracts for purely Czech company Competences & Capabilities Contact Iguassu Software Systems, a.s. Evropska 120 160 00 Prague 6 Czech Republic Phone: +420 2 3535 1000 Fax: +44 7092 034415 Responsible for space and ESA projects Petr Bares Mobile:+420 603 85 44 77 Miroslav Houdek E-mail:[email protected] Member of the Czech Space Alliance Major Space Projects & References Current projects: • GSTP (for SSA) Test-Bed for the Automated Follow-Up Telescope Remote Control, prime ISDEFE Spain, AO6767 • GNSS SBAS Simulator new generation • GNSS Real-time SBAS performance monitoring tool, subcontractor TAS-F • EO Scaleable open source EO catalogue for ESRIN • SatCom – ANTARES satcom for civilian air-traffic, subcontracts to TAS-I and Indra • EGEP – Satellite Navigation Data Mining, subcontractor Integricom, AO1610 • Operations CCSDS Mission Operations Specification Graphical Editor for ESOC, AO7634 • H2020 participation in the extensive aerospace consortium ASHLEY Between 1994 and 2004, ISS developed its space experience in Meteosat TP Main Control Centre CF, satellite control system SCOS 2000, ground segment systems and user support (ESOC), Envisat payload processing (ESRIN), IRIDIUM terminal test software (UK), MSG, MCF (UK, Eumetsat, Prague), MSG Primary Ground Station (Gilching) etc. Since the formalisation of CZ - ESA cooperation in 2005, ISS has been developing space software solutions for • GNSS, e.g. SBAS performance tools. Our software runs in the TAS-F EGNOS simulator • EO processing performance technologies and infrastructure (e.g. open source largely scaleable catalogue for ESRIN) Recently we are increasing our know-how and references in sat-com (Antares), EGSE, SSA 3 Apart from English, our staff can work in Spanish, Russian and German, and communicate to varying degree in French, Korean, Portuguese and Japanese. 42 2 Completed projects since ESA membership: • 2014 GNSS Multi-constellation LongTerm GNSS Assessment, AO6647 (ISS prime) • 2014 EGSE Euclid SVM Electrical Simulator software design, AO7613 (CSRC prime for h/w) • 2012 GNSS Interference Monitor System for GNSS Reference Stations, AO6149 (Astrium Gmbh prime) • 2012 EO Open-standard On-line Observation Services (O3S), AO6143 (EOX Austria prime) • 2011 GNSS Real-time Performance Monitoring Tool for EGNOS, AO6052 (ISS prime) • 2011 EO Parallel Data Mining Components, AO6052 (ISS prime) • 2010 GNSS Design and development of EGNOS education tools (continuation of a PECS project, partially carried out on-site in ESA Toulouse), PECS (ISS prime) Clients, partners. references ESA (ESOC, ESRIN, ESTEC, GNSS Toulouse), Eumetsat, GJU/Indra, ACS, CAM GmbH, Iridium sub., SciSys, Indra, Integral-F, TriPolus-UK, Airbus Space and Defence D/F, TAS-F, TAS-I, GMV, Integricom, Vega-D Non revenue earning space activities 1 QZSS signal at Curtin University - Australia (MCLTGA report) 2 SBAS Simulator new generation, EGNOS Availability over ECAC 3 Intereference Monitoring System (with Airbus D&S) 4 RTPMT - real-time HPE plot of station in Krakow • leading the industry association Czech Space Alliance since its foundation in 2006 • formulated and negotiated bi-lateral cooperation agreements with the Japanese aerospace industry association JASPA (signed by the Czech Space Alliance, May 2011) and with the Brazilian space agency AEB (signed by the Minister of Transport, Nov. 2011), prepared bi-lateral cooperation agreement with JAXA and the Japanese Cabinet Space Office • Continued operation of an EGNOS monitoring station, linked into the PERFECT international network (continuation of a PECS project, ISS prime) 4 Concluded PECS and Galileo projects (20052008) • Image Information Mining in Time Series - ISS contributed its GRID experience (ACS prime) • EGNOS - tools, SISNeT, 1st Central European receiving station to monitor the integrity of EGNOS data etc • Galileo Search & Rescue subsystem for GJU and ALGINT co-development for SciSys • Study of SME needs in ESA – encompassing CEE/PECS countries (SME4space/AIPAS prime) • porting of SAR algorithms to GRID technologies and co-development of “Grid of Demand” 43 ESA Bidder Code: 58008 1 General description L.K. Engineering s.r.o. L.K. Engineering (LKE) provides engineering services in all mechanical areas. The core activities are focused on design and analysis using advanced engineering computations. LKE can offer a solution to companies with product R&D activities in each part of the design process such as innovative design proposal, conceptual study and detailed design evaluation. We use the most advanced computational techniques, technologies and knowledge available to satisfy challenging requirements of today’s products. These techniques and our experience help to reduce the cost and time during the development period and contribute to product competitiveness. LKE provides services to a diverse group of clients and the team of LKE experts has successfully accomplished projects for various areas of industry such as power generation, aerospace, transportation, architecture, etc. Competences & Capabilities • Structural optimization and thermoelastic analysis of Lunar Lander spacecraft structure 2012 • Design of Spacecraft Components for Additive Manufacturing 2013 • Euclid PLM Thermal analysis 2014 • Numerical rebuilding of Acoustic loads on the Vega payload fairing 2014 Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • ISO 9001, 14001 3 Main areas of activity include: Thermal design and analysis of the spacecraft subsystems Structural evaluation of spacecraft components Contact L.K. Engineering, s.r.o. Videnska 55 639 00 Brno Czech Republic E-mail:[email protected] Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Martin Komarek, Ph.D. Phone: +420 543 215681 Fax: +420 543 215683 Mobile:+420 605 282 593 E-mail:[email protected] Member of the Czech Space Alliance Launcher aerodynamics, aeroelasticity, acoustics Additive Layer Manufacturing Major Space Projects & References • Thermal and thermo-elastic analysis of micro-accelerometer unit 2006-2007 • Thermal analysis of European Extremely Large Telescope enclosure 2009-2010 • Temporal Extrapolation Methods in Thermal Testing 2010 • Thermal and structural analysis of ACES/ ELT unit 2011 • Simulation of flutter response on launcher VTI panel 2011 44 2 1 Thermal analysis of micro-accelerometer unit 2 Swarm spacecraft with micro-accelerometer unit Credit: ESA 3 Termo-elastic response of spacecraft structure 4 Flutter response of insulation panel during launcher ascent 5 Real time temporal extrapolation tool for spacecraft thermal testing 5 4 45 ESA Bidder Code: 58023 OPTOKON, a.s. General description Competences & Capabilities OPTOKON, a.s. is a leading ISO 9000 approved company providing networking, connectivity and infrastructure solutions for organizations of all sizes. OPTOKON was founded in 1991 and is headquartered in Jihlava in the Czech Republic. The large product portfolio includes a full range of passive and active devices, attenuators, PLC and FBT couplers, xWDMs, EDFA and fiber optic testers for FTTH networks featuring Bluetooth wireless and USB control. A key part of the OPTOKON portfolio are the ruggedized devices based on Expanded Beam and ferrule technologies designed for use in aerospace and broadcasting systems. Main areas of activity include: • • • • • • Connectors, Cable Assemblies Cable Management Systems Splitters, WDM, CWDM & DWDM Data Network Equipment PON Solution Fiber Optic Test Equipment with Bluetooth wireless and USB control • OPTOKON Harsh Environment Optical Network Products • Service and Calibration Center OPTOKON specializes in the production of military tactical components for use in harsh environmental conditions, aerospace and broadcasting and currently supplies the military forces of more than 20 countries with high quality military tactical components using unique Expanded Beam technology. Contact OPTOKON a.s. Červený Kříž 250 586 01 Jihlava Czech Republic E-mail:[email protected] Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Jiri Stefl Phone: +420 564 040 111 Fax: +420 564 040 134 E-mail:[email protected] 46 Major Space Projects & References • Astronomical Institute ASCR- Telescop interconnection, fiber optic infrastructure Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • OPTOKON Research & Development Innovation Department • Testing chamber • Accredited Calibration Laboratory No. 2315 • ISO 9001:2008 Certificate, National Security Authority certificate 47 ESA Bidder Code: 58136 1 ProjectSoft HK a.s. Contact ProjectSoft HK a.s. Eliščino nábřeží 375 500 03 Hradec Králové Czech Republic Phone: +420 495 052 150 Fax: +420 495 052 198 E-mail:[email protected] [email protected] General description Competences & Capabilities ProjectSoft was founded in 1990 in Hradec Králové as an automation and engineering company. Dynamic growth enabled the extention of provided services by additional fields – machinery-technologies and information technologies. The company also started its own electronics production. In 1998 ProjectSoft became a join stock company and since 2003 it has had a concern structure. In 2012 the company with its 68 employees celebrated its 22 years’ jubilee. We belong among the top suppliers of automatic technology processes, information and robotic systems. Our customers are industrial enterprises and scientific institutes. The essential part of our activities is implemented in the food industry. We own and create our knowhow for the robotization and control of astronomical devices. We have developer and have been improving our own system for the visualization of technological processes. We supply entirely new technologies and also provide reconstructions and refurbishments of existing technologies or their parts. We provide a wide range of services – from machinery equipment design and supply, energy distribution systems, through automation parts up to information systems. Yet our work doesn’t end with project’s delivery. The very first implemented projects was the robotization of a miniature observatory of an amateur astronomer, Mr. Zdeněk Bardon (currently the director of ProjectSoft HK), followed by the implementation of control of a 0,5m telescope. These first ”astronomical swallows“ have gradually brought ProjectSoft to winning the competition and successful delivery of a 2m telescopes control for four observatories, 1m telescope of ESA´s Optical Ground Station on Tenerife Island, 1,5m Danish telescope La Silla. Thanks to our 20 years experience in the industrial automation we could use without any fear the same control system which was delivered by ProjectSoft for the control of production in one of the most famous Czech breweries, Budweiser České Budějovice (and not only there) also for the demanding control of astronomical telescopes. This solution brings many benefits: • long lifetime of all components • wide range of extensible cards: inputs, outputs, counters, etc. • service and spare parts are problem-free and easily available worldwide In spite of higher computing power and flexibility of personal computers. the use of a standard programmable controller is more suitable because: • complete control program is executed directly in the controller. All computations are executed in one processor, eliminating the need for complex network communication. This ensures top reliability of the control • programmable controller is considerably more reliable than classical computer • programmable controller runs full RealTime operating system Personal computers are used only for visualization and the remote control. The telescope also can be controlled without PC though standard TCP/IP protocol. Placing the critical parts of the control in the programmable controller and the auxiliary parts in the personal computer creates new conception model of the robotized telescope. 48 3 5 4 2 Major Space Projects & References Four of five telescopes, which were made by Carl Zeiss Jena, were robotized by our company. 6 Robotization of 1,54m Danish telescope The company provides renovation of existing astronomical telescopes, domes, spectrographs and other astronomical instruments, requiring computer control, robotic and automatic operations. We are able to guarantee quick implementation and turn-key deliveries. To significantly increase the lifetime of our installations, we build them from commercial off-theshelf solutions and components. That also helps to mitigate one of the most critical problems – availability of spare parts, as these are available worldwide from various suppliers. Thanks to this approach, we are currently working on full reconstruction and remote control of the Danish 1.5m telescope at ESO’s La Silla observatory in Chile. The telescope will be remotely controlled from Europe, without any on-site presence of the staff. This work is expected to be finished in May 2012. 7 Robotization of OGS 1m telescope The main objective of the project was to extend and improve the precision of tracking of objects moving in the vicinity of the Earth. That includes not only active artificial satellites, but also satellite debris and small solar system bodies. The project results can be used for related purposes – for example in ground stations for Meteosat of the 3rd generation, GMES satellites or optical ground stations. The original OGS control system was prone to many problems, resulting in low accuracy, 49 unreliable operation and obsoleteness. Design specifications called for a new control system, which would deliver higher accuracy and slewing speeds, reliability, security, easy serviceability, and which would add the possibilities of expanding its functions and openness for third party systems. 1 Our projects at world (Industrial and Astronomical) 2 2m Perek telescope Ondrejov 3 2m Terskol 4 2m Rozhen 5 2m Shamakhy 6 1,54m Danish telescope, La Silla, Chile 7 1m OGS Tenerife Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Certificates: ISO9001 The resulted industrial control system was installed on European Space Agency (ESA)’s Optical Ground Station (OGS) which specializes in laser satellite communication. ESA Bidder Code: 58040 1 General description Company provides mechanical design and processing of parts or subsystems (housing, cases, mechanisms, locking devices, fixtures) including theoretical and numerical analyses. SERENUM, a.s. In electronics we develop and manufacture inertial and measurement systems well as time and frequency control equipment. Competences & Capabilities Contact SERENUM, a.s. Beranovych 130 199 00 Prague 9 Czech Republic Main activity include Locking devices and housing design for space application (HDRM, pin-pullers, Cases), MGSE and EGSE development (FEA, Thermal), Production documentation by customers requirements, Measurement and control design (Localization systems; analysis and implementation of controllers and estimators; digital signal processing), Time and Clock Management (Precision time metrology, custom built equipment, measurement, generation and distribution of precise time), Custom design and development of electronics (Digital signal processing, data acquisition systems, FPGA design, IP core development), Custom design and development of mechanical parts (fixtures, material selection, stiffness assessment, strength, modal, thermal and durability characteristics, Supporting static, dynamic, fatigue, thermal calculations etc.). Major Space Projects & References • EGEP ID89 (2014-now): Comparison of optical time-transfer links for GNSS: link model, demonstrator and measurement campaign. • HPTFL (2014-now): Member of consortium developing high performance time and frequency microwave link for ESA. Serenum contributes with the development of digital electronic based on anti-fuse FPGAs. • OCEARI (2014-now): Development of optimal clock ensembling algorithms for ESA. • TT III-TX (2014-now): Serenum is currently developing a digital version, both transmit and receive, of TimeTech’s modem for ranging and time transfer. • PROBA3 (2012-now) : Front door assembly design of Optical Objective Assembly for ASPIICS coronagraph. • FLUTTER (2011-2012): Using flutter calculations and wind tunnel experiments on aeroelastic models for flutter correlation on full scale part. • SWARM (2005-2011): Three flight units of capacitive microaccelerometer (see pictures below) including ground segment equipment were developed and delivered for three satellites of SWARM mission. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Thermovacuum chamber in clean room class 100 000, (1m3, vacuum better than 104 Pa, variable temperature from –60 to +120 °C, ) • Vibration testing (53 kN, 35 kN, 22 kN) • Centrifuge (max 25 g, max 100 kg) Person responsible for space and ESA projects Mgr. Radek Peresty Phone: +420 225 115 115 E-mail:[email protected] • Design and manufacture of testing appliances for measured devices • Measurement and testing of electronic or electromechanical devices 50 2 3 4 1 Capacitive microaccelerometerelectronics 2 Inductive microaccelerometer 3 Capacitive microaccelerometer – sensing element 4 Time to digital converter 5 Locking mechanisms located on the cube sensor 5 51 ESA Bidder Code: 58118 1 General description Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Siemens Convergence Creators provides its customers with turnkey solutions and services in the fields of communication networks, service and customer management, public safety and security, multimedia infotainment, and space technologies. We have about 1600 employees at 20 locations in Austria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, India, Romania, Slovakia and USA. Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. (Czech Republic) is focused on space technologies, communication networks, and multimedia. It is located in the cities of Prague and Brno, and currently employs about 70 highly educated software and hardware engineers. Competences & Capabilities Contact Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Zeleny pruh 1560/99 140 00 Prague http://www.convergence-creators. Responsible for space and ESA projects The main areas of our space activities in the Czech Republic include development of Electrical Ground Support and Special Check-Out Equipment – namely SW for Instrument EGSE, HW and SW for Power SCOE, and MAIT for RF SCOE; as well as development of software solutions for Mission Control System and ESA Ground Stations, tools for offline data analysis, WEB based technologies for access to distributed geo-special data, and various technology studies for ESA. Our RF engineers contribute to the evolution and customization of Siemens Carrier Monitoring System (SIECAMS) - a highly sophisticated automated RF and content monitoring platform for continuous monitoring of satellite signals. Major Space Projects & References • EGSE/SCOE: MTG Data Handling SCOE, MTG Payload Data Downlink SCOE, Sentinel-4 UVN Data Evolution EGSE, Sentinel-4 UVN Platform Interface Simulator Assembly, Advanced Integration and Test Services (AITS), Solar Orbiter Power SCOE, European Ground System Common Core Technologies Proof of Concept, … • Mission Control System: Contribution to DLR SCOS 2000 MCS maintenance, Study of SCOS-2000 deployment over WAN, SCOS-2000 Command Supervisor, EGOS Data Management & Data Transfer Libraries, Operational Data Off-line Analysis Correlation and Reporting System (ARES), … • Ground Station Software: Upgrade of the Lightweight Monitoring System for the GSMC-EMC, Transient Objects for M&C in GSSC/GMMI, Ground Station Automation & Offline Operations, Contribution to Monitoring & Control Module for ESTRACK Ground Stations (MCM4), … • Earth Observation Infrastructure: Decision Support and Real Time EO Data Management system (DREAM), Open Standard Online Service (O3S), Spatial Observation Services and Infrastructure in Czech Republic (SOSI-CZ), … Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Certificates: ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 Ing. Helena Kalenska Phone: +420 244 091 122 Fax: +420 244 091 171 Mobile:+420 734 424 818 E-mail:[email protected] Member of the Czech Space Alliance 52 2 3 4 1 SIECAMS control room 2 ESA’s deep-space antenna at Cebreros, Spain 3 Maintenance mission of SCOE, ESTEC 4 Electrical Ground Support Equipment 5 Mission Control System SCOS-2000 5 53 ESA Bidder Code: 58007 1 General description SYNPO, akciová společnost SYNPO is a research and manufacturing company with more than 60 years tradition in R&D of polymeric materials. Several research teams are working on synthesis of polyesters, polyurethanes, epoxies and acrylates and on formulation of paints, composites and adhesives. One of our major research areas is development of nanostructured and hybrid polymers and polymers based on recyclable and renewable raw materials. Analysis, evaluation and testing are carried out in accredited laboratories. SYNPO has extensive experience in technology transfer; from laboratory through pilot plant to a full commercial scale manufacturing. Synpo complies with ISO 9001:2008. SYNPO closely collaborates with Czech industry and companies in the European Union, USA, and Japan. Contact SYNPO, akciová společnost S. K. Neumanna 1316 Zelené Předměstí 532 07 Pardubice Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects: Ing. Martin Kaska, Ph.D. Phone: +420 466 067 187 Fax: +420 466 304 644 Mobile:+420 602 102 669 E-mail:[email protected] Ing. Jan Hyrsl, CSc. Phone: +420 466 067 142 E-mail: [email protected] Member of the Czech Space Alliance R&D areas • Epoxy resins • Nanostructured polymers • Alkyds, polyesters and polyurethanes • Emulsion and solution polymers and acrylic dispersions • Polymers based on renewable raw materials • Product testing and certification in accredited testing laboratories automotive, aviation and space) • Laminating resins • Casting and sealing compounds • Adhesives, sealants and putties • Paints and coatings • Foams (construction, electronic, automotive, aviation and space industry) Recent projects for customers • Cryogenic thermal insulation foams (fuel tanks of space vehicles) • Antiradar coatings • High temperature resistance coatings (over 300 °C) • High refractive index polymeric systems • Coatings with high abrasion resistance and resistance against aggressive liquids • Rubbers with low gas/liquids permeability (military applications) Competences & Capabilities Technology areas of SYNPO, of interest to the aerospace industry • Liquid propulsion ✔✔Composite propellant tanks • Thermal ✔✔Thermal Protection System ✔✔Cryogenic materials • Materials and Manufacturing Process for: ✔✔Composite materials • Supporting advanced analytical services in polymer and physical sciences ✔✔Elastomers • Small-scale manufacturing of specialty resins, curing agents and adhesives in a pilot plant ✔✔Joining (adhesives) of parts/structures made of different materials ✔✔Paints & coatings Applications • Binders • Composites (construction, electronic, 54 2 Major Space Projects & References Projects supported by ESA • Liners material study • Epoxy Core Development • Tailor Designed Carbon Nanotubes for Superior Coposites Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates 3 • Analytical equipment • Testing chamber • Certificate of quality management ISO 9001:2008; Testing and analytical laboratories are certified according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 55 1 Three roll mill 2 Laboratory equipment 3 Synpo laboratory ESA Bidder Code: 58041 1 General description TOSEDA s.r.o. TOSEDA s.r.o. is an SME providing contract research and development, small scale production, consultation services and training courses for students in the field of polymer chemistry and nanotechnologies. TOSEDA closely collaborates with the major EU space industry partners and European Space Agency. Since 2013 a member of the Czech Space Alliance. The main mission of TOSEDA is to fill the gap on the market with specialties that are usually commercially unavailable or produced out of the EU region. Competences & Capabilities Main areas of TOSEDA’s activity include custom design and commercialization of novel polymeric and nanocomposite materials for hi-tech applications targeted especially for space applications. Contact TOSEDA s.r.o. U Panasonicu 376 530 06 Staré Čívice Czech Republic Phone: +420 466 734 122 Fax: +420 466 734 019 Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Tomas Vlcek, Ph.D. Mobile:+420 721 967 071 E-mail:[email protected] Ing. Jiri Zelenka, CSc. Mobile:+420 605 407 306 E-mail:[email protected] • Development of hi-tech polymeric materials (composites, adhesives, elastomers, coatings, foams etc.) modified by tailor designed nanostructures (organic, inorganic, hybrid) targeted for space, aerospace, military, construction, electronic and medicine industries. • Small scale production of specialties such as masterbatches (dispersions of nanostructures in selected environment), pre-pregs etc. Major Space Projects & References ESA projects • Development of Epoxy Based Syntactic Foam Encapsulant: 3rd Call for Outline Proposals under the Czech Industry Incentive Scheme • Resin Development for Cryogenic Applications: FLPP3 program • Nano-Hybrid Transparent Materials: TRP program • Thermal Joint: NEOSAT program • Design of Inner Wetted Thermal System for LH2 Metallic Tank: FLPP3 program Other activities foreseen for space industry: • Thermally and Electrically Conductive Polymeric Systems • Polymeric Structured Foams (High Strength and Low Density Materials) • Composite Tanks for Liquid Propellants (Lightweight CFRP and Polymeric Barrier Layers) • Thermally Protective System (Reflection, Absorption, Emitting) • Cryogenic Materials (Polymeric Foams and Polymeric Aerogels) • Hybrid Composite Materials (High Strength and Resistance Aggressive Environment, Low Internal Stress) • Elastomers (Low Gas Permeability and Excellent Thermo-mechanical Properties) • High Temperature Resistant Coatings (Over 300 °C) • High LEO ATOX Resistant Polymeric Layers-Coatings • Stress Sensitive Coatings (Pressure and Deformation Sensors) • Adhesives (High Shear and Peel Strength, Encapsulated Chemical Compounds) • Polymeric Binders for Solid propellants 56 2 Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates R&D laboratories 3 • Three roll mill Analytical and testing laboratories • AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) • Rheometry • DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) • TGA (Thermo Gravimetric Analysis) • Pull-off test • Wet Analytical Techniques (Hydroxyl Number, Acid Value, Water Content…) 5 4 1 R&D Center of TOSEDA s.r.o. located in TechnoPark Pardubice 2 Atomic Force Microscopy – ICON 3 Three roll mill dispersion unit Exact 4 Thermoinsulation polyurethane foam 5 Discovery hybrid rheometer TA Instruments 6 Encapsulation of reactive agents for self-healing 57 6 ESA Bidder Code: 58110 EXAMPLES AEROTECH CZECH s.r.o. Contact Aerotech Czech s.r.o. Dr. Sedláka 763 339 01 Klatovy Czech Republic Phone: +420 376 339 922 Fax: +420 376 339 919 E-mail:[email protected] General description Aerotech Czech (ATC) was founded in 2005 as a 100% daughter of Aerotech Peissenberg GmbH and CoKg (ATP), a wellknown manufacturer of aircraft engines and gas turbines. The main competences of ATC consist in the machining of extremely heat resistant titanium- and nickel-based alloys or similar materials, necessary for manufacturing of complex and also highspeed aerospace engine components, with required precision up to 0,01 millimeters. The main revenue of ATC is covered by the Aircraft business, amounting to nearly 90% of the total. Our main customers are Snecma, Rolls Royce UK and Rolls Royce Germany, MTU Aero Engines, Aubert & Duval and several more OEM’s of Aircraft engines and turbines for AIRBUS, Boeing, Bombardier and others. In 2012 ATC made the step to the space business and is producing components for the ARIANE 5 Boosters, namely the aerodynamic covers and the thermal protection segments. That year ATC signed a contract with the company MT Aerospace located in Augsburg Germany, who is today responsible for roughly 10% of the ARIANE 5 hardware. The transfer of know-how and equipment and the training of workers were conducted and in the end of the year the new shop was opened. Finally ATC got certified by ASTRIUM in December 2012 as an approved and qualified supplier. Since 2013 ATC delivers 5 to 7 ship sets per year, in accordance to ARIANE 5 flights’ frequency. The equipment has always been delivered on time and in the required quality. maxmechanik s.r.o. Contact maxmechanik s.r.o. U trati 2620 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm Czech Republic Phone: +420 571 606 606 Fax: +420 571 606 605 E-mail:[email protected] General description Competences & Capabilities maxmechanik is a dynamic integral supplier whose core competencies are high-precision, complex machining parts and Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE). We design and produce for space, air defence and aviation sector. Certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001. AS9100 certification is under process. maxmechanik has state of the art production machines and measurement technology. Our mission is «Swiss precision». maxmechanik delivers over 90% of production to DACH-countries (Germany, Switzerland and Austria). Engineering, production and delivery of parts and MGSE for space and defence industry makes over 50% of turnover. 3D-printing (SLM technology) we offer with Swiss University ZHAW. ERP Enterprise Resource Planning integrated. maxmechanik participated in ESA projects as Solar Orbiter and EUCLID. 58 SUBCONTRACTORS FROM THE CZECH REPUBLIC SUCCESSFUL IN ESA General description Competences & Capabilities Semiconductor assembly house focused for micro and nano electronic components. Focus to develop hi-tech solution for data communication technologies using hybrid integration of active and passive components at wafer scale assembly. Core competence for assembly with ultra high accuracy and robust structures. Bonding technologies based on soldering and welding processes provides extremely high reliability for air and space requirement. Team experience more than 15 years in semiconductor business, own R&D, lab and production site. EZconn Czech a.s. Contact EZconn Czech a.s. Náchodská 529 541 01 Trutnov Czech Republic Phone: +420 739 203 001 E-mail:[email protected] Rayservice s.r.o. General description Competences & Capabilities Ray Service, a.s. is a Czech manufacturing and sales company providing comprehensive solutions in the area of cable assemblies, electromechanical assemblies, electronic equipment and cable component delivery for a wide range of customers. Twenty years of experience in the field and intensive development have resulted in a strong, modern company that is a reliable and sought-after partner on an international level. Production and delivery of cables, wiring harness systems, connectors, mechanical parts and modules for aircraft and space industry, clean room assembly of electromechanical units and HALT/HASS testing. 59 Contact Ray Service, a.s. Huštěnovská 2022 68603 Staré Město Czech Republic Phone: +420 572 434 311 Fax: +420 572 577 077 E-mail:[email protected] The Czech Space Alliance (CSA) CSA is an association of 15 companies, established in 2006. Its members are vying for space business, especially through ESA. It is an SME association, with larger companies being associate members and sharing all the benefits and duties except for voting rights. CSA members are winning the great majority of ESA’s industrial contracts in the Czech Republic and all the contracts that had been won in international tenders. Our member Frentech has scored the 1st Czech win in a large commercial space tender for 1.8 M € - to design and develop 84 solar deployment mechanisms for Iridium NEXT. CSA commercial space experience goes back to the 1990’s The founding members of CSA, namely BBT, CSRC, and Iguassu Software Systems have been participating in ESA and other space projects since the early 1990’s. Hence when ESA carried out the 1st survey of the industrial capabilities in 2002, it was surprised to find companies which had already successfully implemented important international space projects, such as space qualified electronics for the Demetrius project or the MSG CF checkout software tools for Eumetsat. Programme for European Cooperating States, PECS, 2005-2008 CSA members won 9 out of 12 industrial contracts Broader scope of opportunities for industry arose, when the Czech Republic entered the ESA Programme for European Co-operating States (PECS) in 2005. However, the programme was administered by the Czech side in such a way, that it discouraged participation of industry. This is clear from the fact, that practically only those with previous space experience and existing ESA contacts were able to negotiate contracts. The initial group of experienced enthusiasts which existed before PECS barely increased by the end of the PECS period, while PECS was intended to prepare an industry base for full Czech membership. Thus it was no surprise that out of the 12 industry contracts during the PECS period, 11 went to companies with previous space experience - 9 to the CSA members. Notwithstanding the unfavourable circumstances for commercial work at that time, the good results of the determined industry and the interest of the government in bringing the GSA HQ to Prague, combined to shorten the initially envisaged 5 year PECS period to less than 4 years. The Czech Republic’s accession to the ESA Convention in 2008 CSA won 24 out of 36 industry contracts in the Czech Industry Incentive Scheme tenders, and 35 (probably all) contracts in ESA’s international tenders. Realistic opportunities for new companies to join in the ESA programmes opened with the full membership and the enforcement of standard ESA rules and procedures. Clear conditions and selection rules were what industry needed, as again shown by the results. Whereas the 4 years of PECS attracted one or two new companies, 4 years of ESA membership attracted twelve. The limiting factor was the budget rather than the existing capabilities and industrial interest. This so far brief period with immediate project results, as well as the psychologically highly important win in the protracted EU negotiations to place the GSA HQ in Prague, meant that the important political decision makers started to take greater interest in space technologies, the opportunities they bring to the economy, and the way they advance the prestige of the country. Not least since ESA successes very aptly support one of the key governmental objectives, namely to demonstrate that the Czech Republic is not a place for assembly lines, but rather a technologically highly developed country. What better way to prove it, than by giving industry the opportunity to shine in the field of space technologies. We hope that this realisation will be further reflected in the budget allocation to the next ESA contribution period, to be presented in the ESA Ministerial Council in 2014. The European GNSS Agency seat awarded to Prague in December 2010 This excellent result of our politicians and of the government commissioner for Galileo, Karel Dobeš, created another boost to the interest of the stakeholders and industry in space technologies. Czech industry has been contributing to the Galileo development through the participation in international consortia, and developing EGNOS/GNSS technologies, since 2005. The first CEE EGNOS monitoring station was established in Prague in April 2005. For instance most of the EGNOS learning tools on www. been developed or upgraded by Czech industry. Czech software subsystem is now running in TAS-F EGNOS simulator SPEED. Czech industry also designed and developed software for the GNSS interference monitoring system, in live operation in ESTEC and other RIMS stations. National Space Plan, approved by the Czech government in May 2010, and the Space Coordination Board, approved in April 2011 Already the process of preparation of the Plan had created a breakthrough on several fronts. Hitherto competing ministries sat down to discuss and agree a common plan and ways to divide responsibilities according to relevant competences. The result was the creation of the Coordination council for Space Activities of the Minister of Transport, with Ministries of Education Youth and Sports, Industry and Trade, and Foreign Affairs taking the lead of the coordination subgroups for scientific, industrial, and international affairs respectively. The Czech Space Alliance was invited to contribute its practical experience in ESA work and its expectations and needs, to increase its participation and generate good results for the Czech Republic. The National Space Plan sets itself mid-term objectives and measurable goals for the year 2016. ,most of which are already achieved in 2013! The Czech Space Alliance welcomed the plan, not least because it took on board most of the industry suggestions and comments. The preparation of an update of the space plan is about to be started, again with the participation of our alliance ESA-Czech Task Force and ESA’s Czech Industry Incentive Scheme system for New Member States (2008-2014) Unlike in PECS, where projects were awarded in a hazy ad-hoc process of direct negotiations, the full membership brought in clear written rules and practical procedures, established and honed by ESA over decades. Therefore the feared challenge of the stricter bidding process was in fact the opposite of what some feared - the easing of barriers. The strict rules in fact did away with the uncertainties of the local interference in the PECS procedures, administered by the Czech Space Office (a private non-profit company, with private business interests). Further counterweight to the challenges of international bidding is the Czech Industry Incentive Scheme, which allocates 45% of the mandatory contributions to the Task Force, to develop the competitiveness of Czech Industry. This scheme proved to be an excellent boost to the newcomers to the space scene. The tenders of the Czech Industry Incentive Scheme were • A O6052 in 2009, with the available budget of 2.4 M € - awarding 15 contracts of which 10 to-industry • A O6647 in 2010, with the increased budget of over 4 M € awarding 16 contracts of which 12 to industry • A O7397 in 2013, with the available budget of 3M € - awarding 13 contracts, all to industry These figures also indicate that we are moving towards the goal of having the same industry/science balance as other established ESA states. We are awaiting the Task Force decision whether a fourth and final call under the incentive scheme will be issued in 2014 or not. This “fiesta” is going to end in 2014, and so we must work hard on developing the partnership with other countries’ industry, since the most resource effective way to gain experience in standard ESA international tenders is to 60 participate in them with more experienced partners. Many CSA members already have such partners. Particularly encouraging is the increase in the rate of growth of successful international bids in the last year. This is an opportunity for you, dear reader, to take advantage of the enthusiastic, technically very capable and innovative Czech companies, gain a long term partner and, last but not least, improve the geographical distribution of your bids. The international promotion activities of CSA The alliance is very active in communicating to foreign partners the know-how and growing space experience of its members, be at international conferences, ESA and GSA industry days or in bi-lateral meetings with companies and space agencies or associations. In Prague we organise events either under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport or CzechInvest. Examples of such events are - 2011 May, CSA presentations to the Japanese associations JASPA, SJAC and SPAC - 2011 Feb., Solar Orbiter workshop with EADS Astrium UK at the Ministry of Transport, Prague - 2010 Nov., Czech-Brazilian Space Technology Days, Brasilia, Sao Jose dos Campos, Alcantara launch base, supported by Czechinvest - 2010 Oct., Czech-Japan Space Seminar, Jaxa president and chairman of the Space Activities Commission, Prague - 2010 Oct., Czech-Dutch Bilateral Space Industry Roundtable, Netherland Embassy and Ministry of Transport, Prague. This year the Ministry of Industry agency Czechinvest organised for us the Technology Mission to Brazil, where we met top leaders of the Brazilian Space Agency and INPE, as well as ran an industry seminar attended by 50(!) Brazilian space companies. We returned to Brazil two months later, with the Czech senate chairman delegation, to meet the key players and prepare a return Brazilian space mission to Prague. We already have joint projects with companies in Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria and France and we are founding members of the pan-European association of national space SME association Space4SME. We prepared and negotiated cooperation LOI with the Brazilian Space Agency AEB (signed by the Czech Minister Examples of project won in international competitive tenders GISAR Galileo Search and Rescue Image Information Mining in Time Series IRIS/ANTARES - Artes B1, BP, B2 IRIS/ANTARES - Artes B2 IRIS/ANTARES - Artes B2 Low ESR Tantalum Capacitor Evaluation and Qualification Interference Monitoring for the GNSS Reference Stations O3S - Open-standard Online Observation Service O3S - Open-standard Online Observation Service Operational Data Off-Line Analysis, Correlation and Reporting System (ARES) New Acousto-Optic device based on Calomel for hyperspectral imaging in space applications On-Board Software Reference Architecture Consolidation Requirements and I/F Definition for future OBCP Building Block Solar Orbiter STIX B VTI Flutter Design & Analysis Engineering Activities Development of Quality Evaluation Methods for Calomel Optical Elements MTG DCS & GEOSAR Advanced Integration and Test Services (AITS) Decision Support and Real Time EO Data Management (DREAM) Solar Orbiter Power Spacecraft Check Out Equipment Robotic telescope test bed Design and Analysis of Thruster Platform of the Lunar Lander New AO device based on Calomel for hyperspectral imaging in space applications - Phase 2 Euclid Power SCOE Euclid SVM Electrical Simulator 5M composite technology evaluation Adhesive Bonding of Thermoplastic Composites Sentinel-4 UVN Data Evaluation EGSE (S4 UDEE) Meteosat Third Generation Data Handling SCOE (MTG DHS SCOE) European Ground System Common Core Technologies Proof of Concept Meteosat Third Generation Payload Data Distribution SCOE (MTG PDD SCOE) Ground Station Automation and Off-line Operations (GSAO) Parallel computing for fast Telemetry processing during short passes (FAST) Solar Orbiter STIX C,D SEN-4 Performance Assessment Tool Development of Epoxy Based Syntactic Foam Encapsulant SABIP SUPERCAPS ACES / ELT SATRAM SMT Verification Solar Orbiter RPW + STIX 61 of Transport) and an MOU with the Japanese aerospace SME association JASPA (signed by our alliance). Our negotiations with JAXA over the last years led to a high level meeting in May 2013 between the Japanese Cabinet Office for Space Policy and the Czech Ministry of Transport. MOU draft is now being prepared. Next steps Should you like to learn more about what we can offer, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can arrange a meeting or seminar in Prague or at your location. If the company that you are looking for is not our member, we will help you to establish the contact. We are actively seeking partners to participate with them in coming bids. Among other things, including us in your consortia will give you the advantage of our still relatively cost effective skills as well as a chance to improve the geographical distribution of your bid. Once you have worked with us and tested our abilities, we are sure that you will be coming back for more even without the above bonuses. Czech us out! Petr Bares, President of the Czech Space Alliance November 2013 Contact: Petr Bares Czech Space Alliance c/o Iguassu Software Systems Evropska 120, 160 00 Prague Czech Republic Tel.: +420 603 85 44 77 [email protected] Czech delegation in Japan Tender reference GJU ESA AO5119 ESA AO6050 - Direct n. ESA Direct negotiations ESA Direct negotiations ESA Direct negotiations ESA AO6149 ESA AO6143 ESA AO6143 ESA AO6287 ESA Direct negotiations ESA AO6452 ESA AO6488 ESA Direct negotiations ESA Direct negotiations ESA Direct negotiations AO10125 ESA Direct negotiations ESA AO6809 ESA AO70154 ESA AO6767 ESA Restricted ESA Direct negotiations ESA AO7612 ESA AO7613 ESA Direct negotiations ESA Direct negotiations ESA Direct negotiations MTG-ITT 16-3 ESA AO7273 MTG-ITT 16-5 AO7024 AO7113 ESA Direct negotiations GSU.ASG.UVN.RFQ.00003 ESA AO7397 AO6275 AO/1-6859 AO6647 AO/1-6647 Establishment GJU ESA ESRIN ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA GSTP ESA ESTEC ESA ESRIN ESA ESRIN ESA ESOC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA Launchers ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESRIN Astrium LTD ESA ESOC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC Astrium GmbH OHB System AG ESA ESTEC OHB System AG ESA ESOC ESA ESOC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESTEC ESA ESA ESA ESA ESA ESA Award year 2005 2007 2008 2008 2008 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2011 2012 2010 2011 2011 2011 Prime INDRA ACS TAS-I TAS-I INDRA AVX Astrium D EOX EOX Siemens Convergence Creators GmbH BBT-Materials Processing SSF GMV esc Aerospace Astrium D BBT-Materials Processing TAS Astrium GmbH Spacebel SA/NV Siemens Convergence Creators GmbH ISDEFE Spain Astrium D BBT-Materials Processing Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. CSRC TAS-F EireComposites Siemens Convergence Creators GmbH Siemens Convergence Creators GmbH CS Systemes D'Information Siemens Convergence Creators GmbH Siemens Convergence Creators GmbH Siemens Convergence Creators GmbH esc Aerospace Astrium GmbH TOSEDA s.r.o. Thales Alenia (TAS ) Astrium ( AST ) Astrium ( AST ) Subcontractor Iguassu Software Systems Iguassu Software Systems esc Aerospace Iguassu Software Systems Iguassu Software Systems Iguassu Software Systems Iguassu Software Systems Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Fastlite (France) esc Aerospace esc Aerospace LKE CTU esc Aerospace Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Iguassu Software Systems LKE Fastlite (France) TAS-I, Siemens Convergence Creators GmbH Iguassu Software Systems, TAS-I 5M s.r.o. 5M s.r.o. Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. Siemens Convergence Creators, s.r.o. esc Aerospace esc Aerospace TAS-F CSRC s.r.o. CSRC s.r.o. CSRC s.r.o. CSRC s.r.o. CSRC s.r.o. CSRC s.r.o. ACADEMIA of the Czech Republic successful in ESA 62 Aerospace Research and Test Establishment-VZLU .............. 64-65 Astronomical Institute, AS CR ............... 66-67 Global Change Research Centre, AS CR .............. 68-69 Institute of Atmospheric Physics, AS CR ................ 70-71 Institute of Botany, AS CR ............... 72-73 Nuclear Physics Institute, AS CR ............... 74-75 NETME Centre, Brno University of Technology ............... 76-77 Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU ............... 78-79 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU ............... 80-81 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU .............. 82-83 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU .............. 84-85 Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering .............. 86-87 Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) 63 Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague .............. 88-89 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague ............... 90-91 Klet Observatory ............... 92-93 Institute of Plasma Physics, AS CR (TOP TEC) .............. 94-95 Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Geodetic Observatory Pecny ............... 96-97 Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen .............. 98-99 1 General description VZLU - Aerospace Research and Test Establishment Aerospace Research and Test Establishment (VZLU) is a national centre for research, development and testing in aeronautics and space. The main mission of VZLU is to generate new knowledge, transfer it into industrial practice and to provide its partners with the maximum support in the development of new products. In 2013 VZLU founded two subsidiaries. Serenum a.s. is dedicated for space equipment development and manufacture and VZLU Technolgies a.s. is oriented on composite products manufacture and supportive production necessary for research experiments conducted by VZLU. Competences and capabilities Contact Výzkumný a zkušební letecký ústav, a.s. Beranových 130 199 05 Prague, Czech Republic Responsible for ESA and space projects As a multi-discipline research organisation, VZLU exploits synergic effects and also contributes to progress of automotive, rail, defence, security and power industry and civil engineering. The major multidisciplinary fields of VZLU include: aerodynamics, structure strength and durability, material and corrosion engineering, composite materials and technologies, and accredited testing. In the field of product development, VZLU is focused on rotor blades, industrial fans, aircraft engines and satellite equipment. VZLU collaborates closely with similar organisations throughout Europe to provide feed-back necessary for its continuous development. Main Fields of Activities: Aerodynamics -Strength of structure - Accredited testing - Aircraft engines - Air propeller and industrial fans - RTD services for space Development of scientific instruments for the use in space - Production of models (VZLU Technologies, a.s.) Major Space Projects and references Development of cubesats for testing of specific payloads in orbit VZLU is developing “cubesat” nanosatellites for In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) of newly developed space products and technologies. For instance the current project of 1U nanosatellite will be used for the verification of radiation-resistant composite housing for electronics with increased thermal conductivity, for new solar panel on composite substrate and for hollow retroreflector array based on composite and environmental sensors. The payload is provided by industrial partners, while VZLU ensures nanosatellite platform, attitude determination and control system, onboard software, testing, qualification, launch and nanosatellite operation in Earth orbit. References MIMOSA: Vibration qualification testing of the Czech microsatellite, including development of selected mechanical parts. SWARM: Delivery of three flight models of microaccelorometer for SWARM mission. The key responsibility was design, development, manufacturing, integration and verification of flight units including embedded software. TEASER: Flight verification of microaccelerometer during orbit operation on Russian satellite TATIANA 2. CUSA: The first phase of development of the satellite type 1U CubeSat. Work consists of the design of mechanical parts and the preparation of the SW. PROBA: ESA technology project. Contribution to ASPIICS Coronograph on Board Proba 3 Mission of ESA. Ing. Karel Paiger Phone:+420 225 115 332, Mobile:+420 724 323 100 E-mail:[email protected] 64 3 2 1 Vibration testing of Czech satelite Mimosa 2 Microaccelerometer 3 Composite radom cover 4 Clean room 5 VZLU is situated in Prague 6 Thermal analyses 7 Modal analyses 4 Space related equipment, labs and certificates • The main CFD software used are EDGE, STAR-CCM+ (commercial codes) and several in-house codes. The computation grids are created in commercial and in-house meshing programs (ICEMCFD, Tritet, Salome). High performance computer clusters are used to perform the calculation with very fine grids with millions of elements. 5 • Software for thermal analysis (ESATAN, ESARAD); Software for Strength analysis (Patran/Nastran, Adams, Abaqus), simulations in Matlab, CAD/CAM design (Catia, PRO/E) • Equipment set for Modal Survey Testing: ✔✔HW – LMS SCADAS III, 32 input channels. ✔✔SW – LMS TestLab Modal Analysis, Poly Max, Operational Modal Analysis, Spectral Testing, Validation and Correlation Tools. 6 • Vibration shakers for mechanical testing 53 kN, 35 kN, 22 kN), centrifuga (max. 25g) • Thermo vacuum chamber (1m3, -60 to 100°C, 10-4 Pa) 7 65 ESA Bidder Code: 58011 1 General description Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is a professional astronomical and astrophysical institution having a high international reputation. Main part of the institute is situated near Prague on historical premises where ground-based instruments were built for astronomical observations in optical and radio spectral regions. Since the sixties of the previous century, when new modern possibilities appeared, the institute has been also involved in space observational projects, first under Intercosmos program, later in cooperation with European Space Agency. Second part of the institute, focused mainly on theoretical studies, is situated in Prague. Competences & Capabilities Contact Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AS CR) Fričova 298 251 65 Ondřejov Responsible for space and ESA projects Main areas of activity are concentrated in four departments: Solar, Stellar, Interplanetary Matter and Galaxies and Planetary Systems. The studied topics are: physical processes in the Sun, especially in solar flares, physical processes in stars, interaction of the interplanetary matter with the Earth atmosphere, asteroids and comets, dynamics of the bodies in our solar system, creation and development of galaxies. In some of the fields under study the institute is involved in space projects, especially in cooperation with ESA. Besides many high quality scientists a group of specialized technicians work in the institute. They are developing electronic components for two scientific instruments (STIX and RPW) for the Solar Orbiter project of the ESA science program. Major Space Projects & References • Low voltage power supply for RPW experiment on Solar Orbiter: design and development of multi-channel low voltage power supply for Radio and Plasma Wave experiment (RPW) on the Solar Orbiter mission (ESA). Project funded under PRODEX Experiment Agreement with ESA and realized in cooperation with CSRC Brno (H/W manufacturing). • Low-voltage power supply and highvoltage power supply for STIX instrument onboard Solar Orbiter: design and development of low+high voltage power supplies for Spectrometer-Telescope In X-rays (STIX). Project funded under PRODEX Experiment Agreement with ESA and realized in cooperation with CSRC Brno (PS manufacturing). • Development and manufacturing of crucial optical elements of METIS - main M1 and M2 mirrors. Project funded under PRODEX Experiment Agreement with ESA and realized in cooperation with TOPTEC Turnov. • Coordination and the scientific part of the project “Front Door Assembly and Primary Objective together with Relay” - done by national industrial partners, including participation in setting of the scientific requirements for the ASPIICS instrument. • Low voltage power supply for RPWI experiment on JUICE: design and development of radiation hardened low voltage power supply for Radio and Plasma Wave Instrument (RPWI) on the JUICE mission (ESA). Project funded under PRODEX Experiment Agreement with ESA. RNDr. Frantisek Farnik, CSc. Phone: +420 323 620 329 Fax: +420 323 620 110 Mobile:+420 607 941 251 E-mail:[email protected] 66 1 GAIA ready to launch, ©ESA 2 part of the RPW hardware Czech origin 3 RPW integration tests in LESIA 4 STIX and METIS schemes 5 JUICE mission, © ESA 2 • Lunar dust and plasma experiment for Lunar Lander: design study for complex instrumentation for dust and plasma analysis in the lunar near surface environment. Experiment proposed as a potential payload for Lunar Lander mission (ESA). Project funded under ESA open ITT contract. 3 • On ground data processing and archiving for Proba2: raw data processing and archiving from Dual Segmented Langmuir Probe (developed in the institute) experiment on Proba2 mission (ESA). Project funded under ESA contract. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Electronic lab equipped for breadboarding and testing activities related to space H/W development (Spořilov premises) 4 5 67 ESA Bidder Code: 58000 1 General description Global Change Research Centre AS CR The principal activity of the CzechGlobe is a comprehensive scientific research on issues of the “Global Change” and its impacts on the atmosphere, terrestrial biota and human society. The research activities are carried out in four scientific divisions: Climate Analysis and Modelling, Ecosystems Analysis, Impact Studies and Physiological Analyses, Innovation and Mitigation Techniques. Interdisciplinary approaches within and across the divisions are dominating way of carrying out the research. Competences & Capabilities • Remote sensing of forest dieback and recovery assessment after bark beetle outbreaks – (COST) • Project funded by Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Hyperspectral sensors: CASI 1500, SASI 600, TASI 600 • Laboratory and field spectroscopy: Reflectance/Transmittance Sphere, Sunphotometer Microtop II, ASD FieldSpec-4 • Aircraft: Cessna 208B Grand Caravan Department of Remote Sensing of the CzechGlobe is focused on imaging spectroscopy, data acquisition, preprocessing and analysis of airborne imaging spectroscopy data, furthermore on data analysis and development of algorithms for estimation of fluorescence, biophysical and biochemical parameters of vegetation from airborne and satellite data. Our current projects in space are related mainly to ESA FLEX mission. Major Space Projects & References Contact Global Change Research Centre AS CR (CzechGlobe) Responsible for space and ESA projects Assoc. prof. Fratisek Zemek, Ph.D. Phone: +420 511 192 247 Mobile: +420 606 636 756 E-mail:[email protected] • Technical Assistance for the Deployment of an advanced hyperspectral imaging sensor during HYFLEX: deployment of airborne fluorescence imaging sensor with supportive instruments for purposes of ESA FLEX mission including data analysis. Project funded by ESA. • FLEX/Sentinel-3 Tandem Mission Photosynthesis Study: review of possibilities of chlorophyll fluorescence estimation methods. Project funded by ESA. • Spectral-spatial scaling from leaf to canopy level using spectrodirectional approaches in support of the GMES Sentinel 2:‘Superspectral’ mission: PECS project focused on development of algorithms for Sentinel-2 mission Project funded by ESA. 68 2 3 1 Photogrammetric aircraft Cessna 208B Grand Caravan with two scanning holes, with IMU/ GPS unit, with gyrostabilizer and HW & SW for navigation. 2 Hyperspectral sensor CASI 1500 3 Hyperspectral sensor SASI 600 4 Hyperspectral sensor TASI 600 5 Example of the outputs: Hyperspectral image from VNIR range. 6 Example of the outputs: Map of chlorophyll content derived from hyperspectral data (VNIR + SWIR). 5 69 4 6 ESA Bidder Code: 58009 1 General description Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic The Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR (IAP) is a public research institution established in 1964 in the frame of the former Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, now the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. IAP is oriented toward basic research of the atmosphere from the boundary layer up to the ionosphere, magnetosphere, and interplanetary space. One half of the total number of approximately 80 employees of IAP is organized in several departments whose areas of expertise are related to space research in the domains of space plasma physics and space weather, including in-situ experimental measurements, data analysis, theory, and numerical simulations. Competences & Capabilities Contact Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR Bocni II 1401, 141 31 Prague 4, Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects prof. RNDr. Ondrej Santolik, Dr. Phone: +420 267 103 083 Fax: +420 272 763 745 E-mail: [email protected] Mostly young group of researchers and technicians at IAP takes advantage of a strong heritage originating from scientists and engineers who designed, built, and operated the first Czechoslovak spacecraft, Magion 1, launched in 1978. The series of Magion spacecraft was run until the end of the Magion 5 mission in 2002. The scientific and technical personnel of IAP continue to work in experimental and theoretical research areas, participating on projects and spacecraft missions of the European Space Agency (ESA), other space agencies, and on ground-based measurements related to space research. Major Space Projects & References • The Solar Orbiter space probe: Development and implementation of the Time Domain Sampler (TDS) module for Radio and Plasma Wave instrument. The objective of the mission is the observation of the Sun from a close distance. The TDS module will be responsible for measurements of electromagnetic field oscillations in the interplanetary space. • JUICE space probe: The objective of this large ESA mission is to investigate the Jovian system. IAP develops a new wave analyzer and onboard processing module for low-frequency electromagnetic waves. It will be a part of the Radio and Plasma Waves Instrument for which IAP has a responsibility of a Co-Principal Investigator institution. • TARANIS satellite: Development and implementation of a wave analyzer for the IME-HF instrument, to study electromagnetic radiation from lightning and transient luminous phenomena observed at altitudes up to 100 km. • RESONANCE project: Instruments for a set of 4 spacecraft aiming at the research of the Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts and the inner magnetosphere of the Earth. The ELMAVAN instrument will record and analyze electromagnetic waves; the REPIN instrument will measure plasma parameters. • Luna-Glob lunar orbiter: The lowfrequency wave analyzer LEMRA-L will investigate electromagnetic waves at the lunar orbit. • Solar sensors: IAP builds versatile solar sensors for attitude control. These devices have been successfully flown on several spacecraft missions. • Analysis of data collected by previously launched spacecraft instruments: The IAP personnel had a responsibility for the development and implementation of several successful instruments which were previously launched onboard 70 2 scientific spacecraft, from the Magion spacecraft series, to the instruments built at IAP for the DEMETER, and PROBA2 ionospheric spacecraft. Data from these instruments are analyzed, as well as data from other spacecraft missions where IAP personnel participate as Co-Investigators in the scientific teams. • Spacecraft telemetry reception at the Panska Ves station: The station is equipped with various types and diameters of receiving antennas. Routine reception of scientific telemetry information from the Cluster (ESA, NASA), Van Allen Probes (NASA), and Chibis (Roskosmos) spacecraft missions is currently carried out. • Ground-based measurements related to space research: Ionospheric station Pruhonice equipped with a digital ionosonde measures ionospheric drift and density profiles. 3 Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Electronics laboratory for development spacecraft instrumentation • Vibration testing device, Thermal chamber, Vacuum chamber • Computer equipment including the Amalka supercomputer and data storage 1 The first Czechoslovak spacecraft Magion 1 launched on 24 October 1978 and operating until 10 September 1981. 2 Prototype of the Time Domain Sampler (TDS) module for Radio and Plasma Wave instrument which will be launched on board of Solar Orbiter space probe. 3 The TARANIS spacecraft of the French space agency CNES. IAP develops a receiver for broadband measurements of electromagnetic radiation from lightning and transient luminous phenomena. 4 Receiving antennas at the IAP’s Panska Ves spacecraft telemetry station 5 Prototype of the Electromagnetic Wave Analyzer (ELMAVAN) instrument which is being prepared for launch on board of four spacecraft of the RESONANCE mission. 4 5 71 ESA Bidder Code: 58034 1 General description Institute of Botany (IBOT), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic The Institute of Botany of the ASCR, v. v. i., established in 1962, is focused on basic and applied research at the level of species, populations and plant communities. The Institute is equipped by various plant cultivation systems and laboratories for izozyme, DNA and paleoecological analyses, for optics including scanning electron microscope and for chemical analyses. At present, the Institute employs approximately 300 employees, of whom more than 130 are research scientists, postdoctoral and doctoral fellows in 11 research departments. Competence & capabilities Contacts Institute of Botany AS CR Zámek 1 252 43 Průhonice Phone: +420 271 015 211 Secretariat:+420 271 015 233 Fax: +420 271 015 105 E-mail:[email protected] Responsible for space-related projects Mgr. Jana Kviderova, Ph.D. Phone: +420 384 721 127 Fax: +420 384 721 136 E-mail:[email protected] The main research areas cover plant biology in general including taxonomy, ecology and ecophysiology with specific focus on biodiversity and evolutionary trends among plants, ecology of invasive species, responses of plants and vegetation to environmental changes and the mechanisms that enable species to coexist in ecosystems. Our present and planned space projects are related to evaluation of responses of photosynthetic organisms to space flight conditions and possibility of continuous in-flight monitoring of their actual physiological status. Space-related activities & projects At present, several proposals focused on evaluation of effects of gravity and radiation on algae and cyanobacteria are being prepared. At past, two main activities were space-related: • ArtEMISS - evaluation of growth requirements of Arthrospira sp. for MELiSSA • CAREX (Coordination Action for Research Activities on Life in Extreme Environments, 7FP) – core partner of the project. Although the space sciences do not belong to the main research topics, the Institute of Botany can provide many space-related services and expertise in space biology, human spaceflight technologies and astrobiology as • Biotechnology Expertise in microalgal mass cultivations or mycorrhizal symbioses may be applicable in development in regenerative life support systems. • Plant ecology and ecophysiology For development and operation of regenerative life support systems, studies on growth requirements, limits of survival, rates of primary production and adaptation/acclimatization mechanisms to various conditions may be performed. • Ecotoxicology Experience in development of custombased fluorescence algal bioassays and detection of cyanotoxins may be utilized in operation of regenerative life support systems and caution and warning systems. • Arctic and Antarctic biology Access to the polar regions is provided in co-operation with the Centre of Polar Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic. 72 2 • Life in extreme environments including planetary analogues Skills in collection, isolation, cultivation and characterization of photoautotrophic (micro)organisms from extreme environments may be helpful in development of life detection techniques in astrobiology. • Culture collections Culture collections may serve as sources of experimental and reference strains. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Cultivation facilities for evaluation of growth optima and limits, including ecotoxicologically related studies • Instruments for morphological analyses (fluorescence and electron microscopes) • Instruments for evaluation of physiological status of photosynthetic organisms 3 1 Extremely acidic river Río Tinto, Spain. 2 Hot springs area, Iceland. 3 Microphotography of cyanobacterial mat from a hot spring. 4 Ekophysiological measurements in the field. 5 Evaluation of growth requirements. 5 4 73 ESA Bidder Code: 58030 General description Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, public research institution Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, public research institution, conducts research in a broad field of nuclear physics, experimental as well as theoretical. The largest experimental facilities of the institute are the cyclotron U-120M (employed for nuclear physics experiments and the production of radioisotopes), the tandem electrostatic accelerator Tandetron TN 4130MC (ion beams with energies from 400 keV to 24 MeV used for the interdisciplinary and applied research by means of ion beam analysis), Microtron accelerator BMT25 (electron beams up to 24 MeV), laboratory equipped for neutron diffraction and scattering, radiocarbon dating laboratory. The institute employs about 110 researchers and PhD students. Competences and capabilities Contact Nuclear Physics Institute of the ASCR Řež 130, 250 68 Řež, Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects The main activity is a basic research in the field of nuclear physics and the use of the nuclear physics methods and procedures in interdisciplinary fields of science and research. Our current research projects related to space focus mainly to: simulation and measurements of cosmic radiation at high-mountain observatories, onboard aircraft and spacecraft application of active and passive detectors, radiation protection, individual monitoring of aircraft crew. Other research projects in nuclear physics include astrophysically important nuclear reactions and compressed hadronic matter – quark gluon plasma, similar to the state of matter early after the Big Bang – in the heavy ion collisions. Major space projects and references • DOBIES – Dosimetry for biological experiments in space (PECS). Project financed by ESA. • COST 724: Developing of Scientific Basis for Monitoring, Modeling and Predicting Space Weather – detection and dosimetry of particles onboard spaceand aircraft. Project financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. • Exposure to cosmic radiation at nearEarth vicinities: Space weather influence and radiation protection issues. Research project of GACR. • Determination of neutron component contribution to the exposure level onboard of spacecraft. Research project of Grant Agency of the ASCR. • Individual monitoring of aircraft crew – commercial service for Czech aircraft companies. Space related equipment and laboratories • Passive detectors for dose characteristics measurements onboard the International Space Station and satellites. For the measurements of dose characteristics (absorbed dose, dose equivalent, quality factor, spectra of linear energy transfer) onboard spacecraft, combination of thermoluminescence and plastic nuclear track detectors is very suitable and often used (small weight and dimensions, easy manipulation, no need of power supply). The institute is equipped by the readers of thermoluminescent detectors, the high speed wide area imaging microscope HSP-1000 manufactured by SEIKO Precision and HspFit software for the analysis of plastic nuclear track detectors. Ing. Iva Ambrozova, PhD. Phone:+420 266 177 228 E-mail:[email protected] 74 1 2 1 Tandetron accelerator 2 Microscope system HSP-1000 3 Cyclotron U-120M 4 Holder with thermoluminescent and track detectors 5 Surface of detector exposed in space analyzed using HspFit software (dark tracks correspond to the detected particles) 4 3 5 75 ESA Bidder Code: 58016 1 NETME Centre, Division of Virtual Machine Design and Testing, Brno University of Technology (BUT) General description Competences & Capabilities NETME Centre – New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering – is a regional research and development Centre based on high quality research and development conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Eng. at Brno University of Technology. NETME Centre is divided into five divisions according the research focus. • Additive Manufacturing by Selective Laser Melting for special metal parts from titanium and aluminum alloys, stainless and tool steels. The Division of Virtual Machine Design and Testing (VMDT) is focused on research, education and complex services in the field of new products development. Activities aim to integrate latest knowledge in basic research and applied sciences and multidisciplinary approach of computer, information and communication technologies in design process. Research mainly focuses on universal use of computer aided design and numerical simulation (Virtual Prototyping and Virtual Testing) and real testing in developing process of new products. Main activities are focused on all aspects of product lifecycle in production sector and include development and design, engineering analysis, prototyping, optical diagnostics and digitization and testing of mechanical systems and materials. • Post processing of 3D printed parts (heat treatment, sand blasting, ultrasonic cleaning etc.) • 3D optical digitization of industrial components • Assessment of geometric tolerances • Virtual prototyping, visualization and animation • Prototyping of plastic parts for functionality verification and assembly evaluation • Full color prototyping for evaluation of ergonomics, conception and visual part of a product • Functional plastic parts manufactured by vacuum casting • Experimental noise and vibration analysis • Experimental modal analysis • Strain gauge measurement • Testing of mechanical components using shakers and hydraulic actuators Contact Major Space Projects & References NETME Centre Brno University of Technology (BUT) Technická 2896/2 616 69 Brno Czech Republic Design of Spacecraft Components for Additive Manufacturing - 2014 Responsible for space and ESA projects The primary objective of the project is to develop a design methodology which allows to implement correction parameters (based on individual machine, component geometry, etc.) into the design process (topological optimization, etc..) of a component with respect to the mutual interaction and influence of the design and Aditive Manufacturing. Ing. Daniel Koutny, Ph.D. Phone: +420 541 143 261 Fax: +420 541 143 231 E-mail:[email protected] 76 2 3 77 1 SLM 280HL – Additive manufacturing of metal components 2 Example of aluminium prototype manufactured using SLM280HL 3 Test specimens of lattice structures manufactured using SLM280HL ESA Bidder Code: 58056 S2b [−] í í y [px] x [px] 1 General description Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. (from 2015 on, a new start-up KnowFlex s.r.o.) Contact Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague Thákurova 7 166 29 Praha 6 Czech Republic Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague is one of the top research institutions in the Czech Republic and according to CTU self-evaluation record, it is currently its seventh most productive part out of 130 departments. Its expertise falls in the field of computational mechanics, applied mathematics, reliability of structures, testing of composites and is supported by a large network of highcaliber academics from around the globe. From 2015 on, the team members involved in previous ESA projects will provide their services within the new start-up KnowFlex s.r.o. Competences & Capabilities The key activities fall into the category of basic and applied research. The team consists of experts in the field of (i) materials modelling including development of robust non-linear multiphysics constitutive models, multi-scale modelling, analysis and compression of complex microstructural systems, (ii) reliability and optimisation with focus on uncertainty quantification using stochastic spectral analysis, Bayesian statistics, inverse analysis, robust optimisation using evolutionary single- or multiobjective algorithms and (iii) accelerating of complex computations through model reduction, massive parallelisation on multi-processor clusters, GPU’s, or within the GRID environment and/or acceleration through approximation techniques based on artificial neural networks, polynomial chaos etc. Major Space Projects & References Reliability Analysis and Life Prediction with Probabilistic Methods. A joint project with AIRBUS Defence & Space (formerly Astrium GmbH), Germany, funded under contract by ESA. • Thrust Chamber Life Prediction based on Survival Analysis. A joint project with AIRBUS Defence & Space, Germany, funded under contract by ESA. • Advanced Nozzle Extension Design Methodology. A joint project with AIRBUS Defence & Space, Germany, funded under contract by ESA. • Optimization as a tool of sustainability and competitiveness of Czech building industry. A joint project with Nemetschek Scia s.r.o., CZ, funded under a grant of Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. • Integrated tools for generative design. A joint project with CUBESPACE s.r.o., CZ, funded under a grant of Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • In-house Analytical, FEM and Meshless computational platforms • Nanoindentation facility with climate controlled chamber • ESEM with EDX analysis, AFM • Concrete laboratory with mechanical testing equipment from 30 to 2500 kN • Porosimetry Hg, He, N • Isothermal calorimetry Responsible for space and ESA projects doc. Ing. Matej Leps, Ph.D. Phone: +420 224 355 326 Fax: +420 224 310 775 Mobile:+420 607 904 348 E-mail:[email protected] [email protected] 78 Laboratory experiment Parameter identification 4 4 x 10 Experimental measurement Numerical solution 2 Load 0 Numerical simulation −2 −4 −6 −8 −10 0 500 1000 1500 Deflection 2000 2 3 4 79 1 Two-point quantification of alufoam microstructure 2 Parameter identification 3 Compression of alufoam microstructure by means of Wang tiles 4 Evolutionary optimisation ESA Bidder Code: 58050 1 General description Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) CTU (founded in 1707) is the leading technical university in the Czech Republic. In 1950, the Department of Electrical Engineering became an independent faculty. Its 17 departments are located in two buildings: Dejvice (in the main CTU campus) and Karlovo namesti, both within the centre of Prague. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE) offers firstclass education in the fields of electrical engineering, telecommunications, radio engineering automation, informatics and computer science and engineering. All study programmes are closely linked to research activities. The FEE alone ranks among the top 5 research institutions in the Czech Republic. It generates about 30% of the research output of the whole CTU. Competences & Capabilities Contact Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) The FEE has extensive research collaboration with top universities and research institutions worldwide. It offers innovative solutions to industrial partners, military and security institutions. It participates in space research programmes and work for governmental agencies. The faculty offers the following study programmes taught in English: Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering and Management (BSc and Ing.), Communications, Multimedia and Electronics (BSc and Ing.), Cybernetics and Robotics (BSc and Ing.), Open Informatics (BSc and Ing.), Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (Ing. only). The PhD programme is divided into 16 branches of study. The graduates find top jobs in industry, research institutions, and at universities in the Czech Republic and worldwide. Responsible for space and ESA projects Major Space Projects & References Doc. RNDr. Rene Hudec, CSc. Phone: +420 224 352 204 Fax: +420 233 339 801 Mobile:+420 731 502 542 E-mail:[email protected] • MIMOSA - Triaxial magnetometer for Czech satellite MIMOSA: design, manufacture, calibration and testing. • Space stations - cooperation with DLR Germany - Design and implementation of scientific experimental device at the orbital stations Mir and the ISS. Projects in collaboration with DLR. The device was designed for ESA. • ESA - direct participation in the ESA satellite projects - Participation (in the consortium) on ESA’s INTEGRAL - the onboard experiment OMC (Optical Monitoring Camera) and the satellite data center ISDC and INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ESA, 2002). Participation in the project study of large satellites of ESA XEUS, IXO and ATHENA and M3 candidate LOFT. ESA PECS projects - ESA PECS project No. 98069 “Building Penetration Measurement and Modelling for Satellite Communications at L, S and C-Band” and currently (20122013) in the framework of the project Artes 5.1 “Propagation Models for Frequency Coordination and Interference Analyses “, ESA Contract No. 4000105298/12/NL/CLP. Direct ESA contracts - ESA Contract No. 4000105298/12/NL/CLP, Propagation Models for Frequency Coordination and Interferee Analyses, 2012-2013 and participation in the DEMON ESA GSTP program “Development of Quality Evaluation Methods for Calomel Optical Elements” No. 4000104863/11/NL/PA. Cooperation with NASA – USA - CzechAmerican project AMVIS focused on cooperation with NASA and the development of innovative technologies based on active X-ray optics for the proposed NASA mission Generation X (2008-2012) and in the field of wide-angle X-ray optics for satellite experiments (from 2013). Rocket experiment proposal with X-ray optics. Other contracts - Tester for micro accelerometer in collaboration with VZLU. The device is used within the satellite project SWARM. Satellite navigation – Development of multiconstellation receiver designed with a focus not only on the GPS and GLONASS systems, but also on the Galileo system, QZSS and Beidou 2. Positioning is supported by terrestrial radio means. 80 2 3 Project is supported by TA CR Agency. Past activities were supported by the projects MSM 6840770014 “Research Prospective Information and communication technologies’ (2005-2010) and Ministry of Transport project 802/210/112 ‘Participation of the Czech Republic in the GALILEO project (2001-2006) Nano and Picosatellites - The project “The CzechTechSat Project - Experimental University 1U-format Picosatellite” based on student participation. Project NANOX and cooperation in the field of picosatellites and its payloads. EU projects in connection with space activities – • International project FP-7 Global Robotic telescopes Intelligent Array. The aim of the project is to create a unique network of robotic telescopes with free access. • Project FP7-SPACE In Space Propulsion first • Development of a new cryogenic drive testing and diagnosis of a new cryogenic fuel pumps, including its new electric drive. Cooperation with SNECMA, EADS Astrium, CNES, DLR, ONERA, etc. • FP6 project “Garda” (Coordinator Laben, Italy, 2004-2006). Development of the Galileo receiver. • ACFA 2020: Active Control for Flexible Aircraft. European FP7 project, 20082011, coordinated by EADS Innovation Works, Munich. • Robust Hinfinity controller for VLT telescope in Atacama, Chile. Design and assessment of robustness and performance. In cooperation with ESO. • EU IST-034026: FRESCOR - Framework for Real-time Embedded Systems based on Contracts. European FP6 project. 2006-2009. • EU NMP4-CT-2006-033211: GOLEM Bio-Inspired Self-Assembly Process for Mesoscale Products and Systems. EU FP6. 2006-9. Network of Excellence for embedded systems). • Project FP7-SPACE-218814 ProVisG - Planetary Robotics Vision Ground Processing (2008-2012) developed image processing tools for future robotic missions to Mars, the Moon and other planets. • Project FP7-SPACE-241523 - PRoViScout - Planetary Robotics Vision Scout (2010-2013) developed and tested robot navigation and mapping for future planetary robotic missions. • Project FP7-SPACE-2012-312377 PRoViDE - Planetary Robotics and Vision Data Exploration (2012-2014) processes image data from robotic missions to the Moon, Mars and other planets 1 Instrumentation rack of a high frequency DAQ system for on-line and off-line Propellant Electric Pump evaluation (ISP-1 project). It includes modules for signal conditioning (e.g. vibrations, displacements, pressures, temperatures, angular positions), DAQ card within an industrial PC and power supplies. 2 X-ray optics test module based on innovative glass technology for large space X-ray telescopes (like ESA XEUS, IXO, ATHENA). 3 The prototype of the GPS receiver for the aircraft L410. 4 Design of satellite LOFT, M3 candidate mission. Educational activities • Since 2010, the FEE accredited Master’s degree program “Aviation and Space Systems”, which is part of the Cybernetics and Robotics • SpaceMaster: Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology. ERASMUS-MUNDUS Programme, since 2004. Direct participation in the educational program of the European Space Technology Master’s program. • Satellite navigation system are studied in study program Cybernetics and Robotics in subject Air Navigation and in Radio systems. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Laboratories • Equipment for simulation of GPS and GLONASS constellations. • Receivers of signals of navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, QZSS, EGNOS, MSAT, WAAS) • Test laboratories 4 • Electronics and optical laboratories • EU IST-004527: ARTIST 2 - Embedded Systems Design, 2004-8 (European 81 ESA Bidder Code: 58025 General description Department of Machining, Process Planning and Metrology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU in Prague Contact Department of Machining, Process Planning and Metrology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) Technicka 4 166 07 Praha 6 Dejvice Czech Republic General research and development topic of Department is manufacturing technology. Department is focused on research in field of machining, theory of cutting, process planning and metrology. Using advanced knowledge of machining technology and using top level CAD/CAM technologies and CNC machines we are able to perform experimental machining and testing of manufacturing methods to produce parts of space objects from various materials, including precise 3D coordinate metrology and residual stress analysis. Competences & Capabilities Main areas of research are CAD/CAM technologies, postprocesing a CNC machining. New methods and tool are developed and tested for machining of special and experimental parts. Resulting properties of machined part can be tested for mechanical, geometrical and physical properties including durability and residual stress tests. Our current project for space objects are design and manufacturing process of mechanical parts of satellites, mainly frame assembly of cubesat picosatelite. Major Space Projects & References • Rigid frame for picosatelite: Design of very stable frame for Cubesat using new aproaches to design of frame. Project realized for CzechTechSat, Satelite team of CTU Prague • Lighgt cubesat frame (LCF): Experimental research and testing of new variants of frames for CubeSat focused on weight reduction. Project realized for CzechTechSat, Satelite team of CTU Prague • Cubesat frame assembly machining optimalisation: CAM programming and toolpath strategy optimalization for CNC framework production. Material and tool utilization for fast&cheap production methods. Material consumption optimalization. Master thesis project realized on Dept. of Machining, Process planning and Metrology. Project realized for CzechTechSat team. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • 5 axis CNC Milling machines, CNC lathe, Multiple CNC grinding machines • Staff has certified training for Siemens Tecnomatix Software – Production process and systems simulation • Certified training from Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology for 3D metrology Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Libor Beranek, Ph.D. Phone: +420 224 352 613 Mobile:+420 608 231 531 E-mail:[email protected] 82 83 ESA Bidder Code: 58044 1 General description Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics (IEAP), Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) Contact The institute is a research center founded in 2002 at the CTU devoted to fundamental and applied science on sub-atomic physics. The institute possesses a lightion electrostatic accelerator Van de Graff which provides a monoenergetic source of protons, deuterium and helium nuclei as well as a tunable monoenergetic source of fast neutrons. The institute is equipped with detector and radiation imaging laboratories together with a staff of over 70 people most of whom are PhD students and recent graduates from Czech and also foreign universities. Competences & Capabilities Main areas of activity include R&D on semiconductor detectors and advanced instrumentation for radiation detection and imaging, novel methods of radiation imaging and spectroscopy and their applications in different fields such as medical imaging, material science and space. Our current projects in space focus on high resolution detection, visualization and characterization of mixed radiation field onboard the ISS and on satellite of ESA by means of highly miniaturized and high-resolution radiation detectors. Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics (IEAP) Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) Horská 3a/22 128 00 Praha 2 Major Space Projects & References • Space Application of Timepix Radiation Monitor: satellite payload onboard ESA satellite Proba-V successfully launched in March 2013 for high sensitivity detection and monitoring of the mixed radiation field in low-Earth orbit (LEO). Project realized in cooperation with CSRC Brno, funded under contract by ESA. • Highly miniaturized quantum dosimeters onboard the International Space Station (ISS): integrated radiation cameras of reduced dimensions (60 mm x 15 mm) for visualization and detailed dosimetry of radiation onboard the ISS. Five such devices were deployed and are in operation since 3Q 2012. Project realized in cooperation with the University of Houston and NASA. • Highly Miniaturized and Sensitive Thermal Neutron Sensor: development of compact and space-wire compliant prototype for highly sensitive thermal neutron detector for space applications. Project funded by ESA. • Portable Calibration Gamma-Ray Source: A portable compact unit of a widedynamic range source of discrete gamma rays for remote testing of gamma-ray sensitive devices/payloads at test space centers. Project funded by ESA. Responsible for space and ESA projects Doc. Ing. Carlos Granja, Ph.D. Phone: +420 224 359 394 Fax: +420 224 359 392 Mobile:+420 731 659 852 E-mail:[email protected] 5 84 4 3 2 • Laboratory Wide Dynamic Range Gamma-Ray Calibration Facility: Laboratory station of a configurable and wide-dynamic range gamma-ray source for testing and calibration of gamma-ray detectors for space. Project funded by ESA. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Clean room (category) • Testing chamber • Certificate • Neutron Facilities for Calibration and Testing of ESA-Compliant NeutronSensitive Devices: Evaluation and characterization of neutron source facilities in the Czech Republic for testing and calibration of neutron sensitive devices for space. Project realized in close cooperation with the Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez near Prague and the Czech Metrology Institute. Project funded by ESA. 7 • Space Radiation Micro-Tracker for the Experimental Satellite RISESAT: scientific payload for tracking and visualization of energetic radiation onboard the Japanese satellite RISESAT. 1 Miniaturized radiation detectors for online quantum imaging spacecrew dosimetry onboard ISS. 2 Radiation map in LEO orbit measured by SATRAM payload onboard ESA’s Proba-V satellite. 3 SATRAM spacecraft payload mounted on ESA’s Proba-V satellite. 4 Radiation map (particle flux) in LEO orbit measured by SATRAM payload onboard Proba-V satellite. 5 Visualization of space radiation by Timepix onboard the ISS (left) and in open space in LEO orbit by SATRAM payload onboard Proba-V. 6 Timepix based particle tracker telescope payload for the Japanese satellite RISESAT. 7 Van-de-Graaff accelerator at the IEAP CTU Prague. 6 85 ESA Bidder Code: 58049 1 General description Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE), Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), Dept. of Physical Electronics, Advance Space Technologies Lab Contact Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Brehova 7 11519 Prague 1 Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects Dept. of Physical Electronics Prof. Ing. Ivan Prochazka DrSc. Trojanova 13 120 00 Prague 2 Phone: +420 224 35 8658 Fax: +420 224 92 2822 E-mail:[email protected] The group has been formed by professor Karel Hamal in the early seventies to support the satellite laser ranging activities. Its research and development was directed to the field of laser ranging technology, picosecond optical detection and precise timing techniques. The broad international cooperation with various space agencies together with the technical university background enabled to build up an efficient R&D environment. Competences & Capabilities Main areas of activity are: solid state photon counting detectors, precise timing devices and measurement techniques based on photon counting. The solid state photon counting detectors are the world leading devices applied in various space related projects, both in ground and space segments (30 and 7 experiments respectively). The unique timing system together with novel measurement techniques enable laser ranging in space with sub-mm precision, laser time transfer ground – space with a few picoseconds accuracy. Major Space Projects & References Satellite Laser Ranging: the group was coordinating the international activity in this field for 15 years (Intercosmos 1975–1990). The Raman laser generation and photon counting in the near infrared were used for eye safe laser ranging (Japan space agency, 1997). Multiple wavelengths laser ranging was exploited for atmospheric studies (Japan, Australia, China, Germany, 1994–2005). Recently it is a pioneer of new technologies for sub-millimeter precision satellite laser ranging, it is providing various kinds of optical detectors, timing systems and measurements techniques for space agencies world wide (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, ESA member states, Russia, China, Australia,..). Space Altimeter and LIDAR: The solid state detection technology together with laser ranging techniques have been exploited to develop the LIDAR for planetary altimetry and atmospheric studies for the Mars planet scientific missions by Russia (MARS 92/96) and NASA&JPL (Mars Polar Lander ‘98). Recently, the photon counting altimeter is under development for its potential applications in future planetary missions. Laser Time Transfer: the group has pioneered the use of laser pulses and photon counting for precise time transfer ground to space. The detector technology and measurements techniques have been developed for laser time transfer projects of NASA/CNES (Jason–2 mission, 2008) and for GNSS network (Compass, 2007–2012). Five recent space missions are relying on detector technology and measurements techniques developed by our department. For ESA project ACES the laser time transfer technique called European Laser Timing has been developed. The flying unit of the device is under construction, to be launched by 2016. The capabilities of laser time transfer and its application in Galileo network is under investigation (ESA and GSA) now. 86 1 Single photon detector SPAD 2 European Laser Timing (ELT) detector for ESA project ACES, to be launched in 2016 3 History of satellite laser ranging at the Czech Technical University 2 3 87 ESA Bidder Code: 58029 1 General description Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection (3SP), Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) Department of Soil Science was established in 1965. The name Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection was accepted in 2008 and reflects current research and teaching topics of the department. Principle research of the department covers number of topics such as soil pollution, soil degradation by sealing and erosion, soil water dynamics, digital soil mapping using laboratory analysis, remote and proximal sensing. The department possess number of state-of-the-art laboratory instruments for wet chemistry, soil physics, and field survey instruments for soil moisture, soil spectroscopy and GNSS tools. Competences & Capabilities Contact Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection (3SP) Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources (FAFNR) Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) Kamycka 129 160 00 Prague 6 Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects The Department contributes actively to the research of up-to-date problems related to soil degradation, conservation and protection. The main areas of activity related to space research include remote sensing of soils (soil erosion detection and topography mapping), imaging spectroscopy and VNIR field and laboratory spectroscopy. Given the suit of instruments the department is capable of field reference measurements of soil moisture, soil and canopy spectroscopy measurements (calibrated reflectance and radiance). Major Space Projects & References • Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Assessment driven by Satellites: DROMAS project is based on an innovative approach for monitoring and assessment of the risk and prevention of damage caused by agricultural drought. Integration of meteorological data, vegetation canopy indicators based on satellite imagery and targeted collection of ground truth soil moisture data allow identification and operational monitoring of agricultural drought throughout the growing season. DROMAS project is supported by the ESA ARTES Integrated Applications Programme (IAP – ARTES element 20). The project team is coordinated by Gisat s.r.o. • Correlation of soil spectral features with soil characteristics and their exploitation in digital soil mapping: The aim of the project was to scan the field soil spectra and model the relationship between soil characteristics and soil spectral features as a basis for digital soil mapping. A Czech soil spectral library was developed. Identification code: GA526/09/1762. Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Spectroscopy lab: FieldSpec-3 (ASD, 3502500 nm) with field accessories • GNSS with sub-meter accuracy: DGPS (ProMark-2) • Soil moisture sensors: • SM200 with HH2 Moisture Meter • PR2 Soil Moisture Profile Probe with HH2 Moisture Meter • TMS2 field soil moisture devices for continuous monitoring Ing. Lukas Brodsky, Ph.D. Phone: +420 224 382 756 Fax: +420 234 381 836 E-mail:[email protected] 88 2 89 1 Example from Czech Soil Spectral Library 2 Soil organic matter distribution mapped by soil VNIR spectroscopy and geostatistic techniques (left); and WorldView-2 image (RGB composite with NIR) over 100 ha field indicating variation of vegetation canopy density affected by strong erosion effects (right). ESA Bidder Code: 58055 1 General description Charles University, Faculty of mathematics and physics (MFF UK) The space Physics Laboratory (SPL) at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics was established in 1990 but the space research activities date down to 1970. The laboratory participated in numerous projects in frame of the former Intercosmos activity and the cooperation within the Russian space program continues. From 2007, the laboratory participates in ESA projects directed toward investigation of processes in the interplanetary space. Competences and capabilities SPL is oriented on the fundamental research of processes in space plasma and the R&D activities are strongly coupled to these topics. We have developed or we are engaged in the development of ion and electron spectrometers, energetic particle detectors and frequency analyzers for electromagnetic and/or plasma waves. This development is mainly focused on highspeed measurements in the solar wind and planetary magnetospheres. Contact Space Physics Laboratory (SPL) Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University in Prague Ke Karlovu 3 121 16 Praha 2 Responsible for space and ESA projects Major space projects & references • PG1 – launched in 1970 as a part of Intercosmos 3 payload, exploration of radiation belts. • PG1A – launched in 1971 onboard Intercosmos 5 satellite, exploration of radiation belts • ESA (Electrostatic Analyzer) - launched in 1976 as a part of the Intercosmos 17 mission, energy spectrometer for magnetospheric plasma • MONITOR – launched in 1980 onboard Prognoz 8, fast monitoring of the solar wind parameters • BIFRAM – launched in 1985 in frame of the INTERSHOCK mission, a complex plasma spectrometer for investigation of shock waves • MONITOR – 3, VDP, MPS, VDPS – a complex of plasma spectrometers for four satellites of the INTERBALL mission, launched in 1995/1996 • BMSW (Bright Monitor of the Solar Wind) – launched in 2011 in frame of the Spektr R mission • IDEE (Instrument Détecteur d’Electrons EnergétiquesIDEE) - processor unit for fast electron spectrometer, under preparation for the French TARANIS project, in cooperation with IRAP, Toulouse, France • SWA – (Solar Wind Plasma Analyzer) detector unit for plasma spectrometer planned for ESA Solar Orbiter mission, in cooperation with IRAP, Toulouse, France Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • Experimental set up for investigation of space dust charging • Facility for vacuum tests Prof. Jana Safrankova Phone: +420 221 912 301 E-mail:[email protected] 90 2 1 PG1 – first device developed in SPL for investigation of radiation belts, launched in 1971 2 Facility for laboratory simulation of space dust charging 3 BMSW – Bright Monitor of the Solar Wind, launched in 2011 3 91 ESA Bidder Code: 58018 1 General description Kleť Observatory The Kleť Observatory is a research institution belonging to few natural science centers of Southern Bohemia in the Czech Republic, supported by the South Bohemian Region. Our research projects are also supported by grants. The observatory is situated south of the top of Klet mountain (at altitude of 1070 m), southwest from the town of České Budějovice. There are one hundred and fifty clear nights per year with a good astronomical seeing on the average, as shows data from photographic observations of minor planets and comets since sixties. Competences & Capabilities • Confirmatory observations of newly discovered fainter NEO candidates. Some of new search facilities produce discoveries fainter than mag. 20 V (1.8-m Spacewatch II, 1.2-m Palomar/ NEAT) which need larger telescope for confirmation and early follow-up. 1-m class telescope is also very suitable for confirmation of very fast moving objects and our larger FOV enables to search for NEO candidates having larger ephemeris uncertainty. Contact Kleť Observatory Zátkovo nábřeží 4 370 01 České Budějovice Czech Republic Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Jana Ticha Phone: +420 380 123 327 [VoIP] Phone :+420 380 711 242 Fax: +420 386 352 239 E-mail:[email protected] • Recoveries of NEOs in the second opposition. For the determination of reliable orbits it is required to observe asteroids in more oppositions. If observed arc in discovery apparition is long enough, the chance for a recovery in next apparition is good. If the observed arc at single opposition is not so good, we plan to search along the line of variation based on data from Minor Planet Center databases (Marsden, Williams), Lowell Observatory databases (Bowell, Koehn), and Klet Observatory databases (Tichy, Kocer) • Follow-up astrometry of poorly observed NEOs. It is necessary to observe newly discovered NEOs in longer arc during the discovery opposition when they get fainter. A special attention is given to “Virtual Impactors” and PHAs, target of future space missions or radar observations. There is also need for some observational effort at further oppositions. On the other hand, it is necessary to find optimal observing strategy to maximize orbit improvement of each asteroid. • Follow-up astrometry of other unusual objects, i.e. Centaurs, transneptunian objects. We plan to make follow-up astrometry of these objects, both in discovery opposition and next apparitions. To obtain positions of brighter transneptunians, we propose to use longer, several minutes exposures with magnitude limit about V = 22 mag.. • Cometary features. Analysis of possible cometary activity of newly discovered bodies. • Search for new asteroids. Our primary goal is astrometric follow-up of unusual objects. Major Space Projects & References Observation statistics: • 2013: NEO observations with Cooperating Sensors (contract with ESA) • 2012: together 556 positions of 72 NEOs (5 Atens, 37 Apollos, 30 Amors; Number of NEOs includes also astrometry of 6 newly discovered potentially hazardous asteroid - 046 Kleť Observatory: 2012 CA55, 2012 LZ1, 246 Kleť ObservatoryKLENOT: 2012 EY11, 2012 FH38, 2012 QG42, 2012 VO76; 10 Mars crossers; 57 high inclination or high eccentricity asteroids; many of observations of NEOs were published in MPECs). • 2011: together 1237 positions of 91 NEOs (15 Atens, 30 Apollos, 56 Amors; Number of NEOs includes also astrometry of 17 newly discovered potentially hazardous 92 asteroid - 046 Kleť Observatory: 2011 QY39, 2011 AM24, 2011 BX10, 2011 CG2, 2011 DV, 2011 DS9, 2011 EM51, 2011 JR13, 2011 LJ19, 2011 SR4, 2011 SO32, 2011 SM68, 2011 TN9, 2011 WL2, 2011 WN15, 2011 WR46; 246 Kleť ObservatoryKLENOT: 2011 TN9, 2011 UW158; 23 Mars crossers; 86 high inclination or high eccentricity asteroids; Many of observations of NEOs were published in MPECs). Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates 1.06-m KLENOT telescope with 4-lenses corrector to obtain a plane FOV 0.63 x 0.63 degrees, equipped with CCD camera FLI ProLine 230. Limiting magnitude of mV=22.0mag. 0.57-m reflector equipped with CCD devoted to brighter objects. The hardware and software equipment for KLENOT project consists of local network, servers and workstations for operating CCD camera, instantaneous visual detection, image processing, data reduction, identification of moving objects, ephemeris calculations and orbit computations. The Klet Software Package has been continually upgraded. Along with huge hardware changes there are essential changes in software and work-flow. UCAC4 as more precise astrometric star catalog was implemented. 93 2 1 1.06-m KLENOT telescope (KLENOT = KLEt’ Observatory Near Earth and Other unusual objects observations Team and Telescope) 2 The image of 0.57-m f/5.2 reflector of the Kleť Observatory. (Photo Michal Tůma) ESA Bidder Code: 58124 1 General description TOPTEC - Regional Centre for Special Optics and Optoelectronic Systems Regional Centre for Special optics and Optoelectronic Systems TOPTEC continues in almost 50-year-long tradition of research and development of special optics in the optical department of Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR, v.v.i. TOPTEC focuses on the research and development of special and ultra precise optics, design and development of advanced optical systems and fine mechanics systems, development of technologies and measurement methods. Competences & capabilities For several decades, unique optical components for various applications (including astronomy) have been developed and manufactured at Turnov department of Academy of Sciences and its researchers participated in space projects since 1980s (Interkosmos). Contact: The combination of many years of researchers’ experience and state-of-theart technologies and equipment supporting our capabilities of opto-mechanical design, simulations, construction, manufacturing and measurement of special optics, TOPTEC Centre can provide comprehensive research and development work in a field of optics. Regional Centre for Special Optics and Optoelectronic Systems TOPTEC Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR, v.v.i. Sobotecká 1660 511 01 Turnov Czech Republic Major space projects & references Optical Parts of the Coronagraph METIS (Multi Element Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy) on Solar Orbiter Mission (for European Space Agency) – realization of two main light-weighted mirrors (M1 and M2). Both mirrors having annulus shape structures are designed as mild aspheres and reach dimensions up to 220 mm in diameter and 60 mm in thickness. The most challenging part of this project is to reach the optical qualities of the mirrors that stand in their surface form that is required to be less than 120 nm PV while keeping a surface microroughness below 0.3 nm and simultaneously satisfy the demand on mirror’s weight which is demanded as < 1kg for both mirrors in total. Optics of the Coronagraph ASPIICS (Association de Satellites Pour l’Imagerie et l’Interférométrie de la Couronne Solaire) on Proba-3 Mission (for European Space Agency) - overall optical design and tolerancing of the entire optical system and its final production. The coronal telescope will consist of two main parts – primary objective imaging the solar corona on the internal occulter and relay optical system re-imaging the corona on a detector. Both optical systems have been designed and toleranced with respect to the maximal performance while keeping a robust design (small perturbations in optical or mechanical tolerances shall not affect the final optical performance). The primary objective – designed as diffraction limited doublet – needs to be prepared with minimal surface microroughness reaching 0.2 nm. Responsible for space and ESA projects Ing. Vit Ledl, Ph.D. Phone: +420 487 953 901 Fax: +420 481 322 913 E-mail:[email protected] 4 94 2 Space related equipment, labs & certificates TOPTEC Centre is able to ensure the implementation of many research and development tasks related to requested project from design, analysis and simulation, through very precise production to testing of the results. For this purposes TOPTEC Centre is equipped with: • laboratories according to standards for optical development incl. clean room; • metrology lab with a wide range of measuring instruments, for example aspheric interferometer, 3D stitching profilometer, microscopes with different observation techniques, AFM microscopy, White Light Interferometer microscopy, goniometers and many others metrology necessary for precise optical characterization; • software tools for design, numerical simulations and topologic optimization. 1 Ultra precise machining by the SPDT technology 2 Testing of optical elements in TOPTEC metrology lab 3 Tectile measurement of METIS M1 mirror baseplate structure 4 Deformation of the METIS coronograph mirror during temperature loads 3 95 ESA Bidder Code: 58035 1 General description: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, p.r.i., Geodetic Observatory Pecný Contact Research Institute of Geodesy, topography and cartography;, v.v.i. (VÚGTK) is a Research Institute of the Czech Office of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (ČÚZK). The Institute was founded in 1954 as a branch research institute of basic and applied research in geodesy and cartography. The original dislocation of the Institute has been in Prague, since 1981, the Institute is located at Zdiby near Prague. To the Institute belongs other departments including the Geodetic Observatory Pecný in Ondřejov u Prahy. Since 2007 Institute is public research institute, its founder is ČÚZK. Competences & Capabilities Basic and applied research in the area of geodetic astronomy and space geodesy deals with the Department of Geodesy and Geodynamics. His main working place is the Geodetic Observatory Pecný at Ondřejov u Prahy (GOPE) (about 30 km south-east of Prague). Part of the Observatory is the Geodetic Observatory “Skalka”, where it was carried out in the past, all observations, related to space, and where is currently built a test base for “Metrology position, specified by the GNSS technology.” Major Space Projects & References GNSS technology - The operation of the permanent station of the GOPE. The station is involved-purchases and sending data • to the IGS (International GNSS Service) (as the only one in the Czech Republic), • to the international programme EPN (European network of permanent stations) • to the CZEPOS network of permanent stations • the operation of the operational center of GNSS (center checks the completeness and quality of the collected data) in the network VESOG • the operation of the data center of the GOPE which, in real time, download the files and observational data flows from more than 250 national, European and global GNSS permanent stations • the operation of analytical center, which regularly process data • from approximately 85 European permanent network GNSS stations (13 from the Czech Republic) in the framework of the project EUREF • and monitor the quality of the about 90 stations in the Czech Republic (GNSS network CZEPOS, TOPNET, VESOG) Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Geodetic Observatory Pecny, 251 65 Ondrejov 244 Czech Republic • from approximately 220 GNSS stations in GNSS meteorology projects (projects TOUGH and E-GVAP) • from about 100 global stations for determining the precise orbits and clock corrections for GPS and GLONASS satellites Responsible for ESA and space projects Ing. Jan Dousa, Ph.D. E-mail:[email protected], Ing. Jakub Kostelecky, Ph.D. Phone:323 649 235 E-mail:[email protected] 2 96 3 The main products are: • data from permanent station of the GOPE and other stations the network VESOG in the ČR 4 Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates • three GNSS receivers • precise GPS and GLONASS orbits in nearreal time • vater wapour radiometer, meteorological sensors • time series of station coordinates (contribution for the creation of ITRS and ETRS) from current processing and reprocessing • servers for operational, data and analysis centers of GNSS • parameters of the atmosphere within the framework of the so-called. “GNSSmeteorology” • testing basis for GNSS metrology • server for analysis center of DORIS technology DORIS technology 5 The French technology, which uses for determining the positions of the satellites and the coordinates of the stations by “Doppler effect”. At GOPE exists the Center for the processing of data from satellites of SPOT and JASON. Reprocessing legacy data on the basis of precise constants, and the parameters that affect the measurement. 6 97 1 localization at Ondřejov, 35 km south-east from Prague 2 Geodetic Observatory Pecný, main building with GNSS permanent station 3 The GNSS antanna TOPCON at GOPE permanent station 4 Water vapour radiometer MP3000 #3025, fa Radiometrics, USA 5 Stations, producing data for „GNSS/meteorology“ and processed in GOPE analytic centre 6 GNSS stations processed at GOP analytic centre in the frame of IGS service ESA Bidder Code: 58033 1 General description Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS), University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB) The Faculty of Applied Sciences is devoted to fundamental and applied research in the fields of mathematics, physics, cybernetics, information technologies, computer science and mechanical engineering. The faculty possesses various instrumentation and labs. Approximately 200 employees work at the faculty (2013). During 2010-14 a new research centre (European Centre of Excellence) “NTIS – New Technologies for the Information Society” was established at the faculty with the state-of-the-art equipment acquired and new building of the faculty constructed. The centre shall start its operation by January 2015 with 180 (FTE) R&D employees. Major Space Projects & References • Towards a better understanding of the Earth’s interior and geophysical exploration research “GOCE-GDC”. Project STSE GOCE+ 4000103566/11 of the European Space Agency, 2011-2014 (UWB as the main contractor and coordinator of 6 European institutions) • GOCE: specific tasks on fine gravity field structure of the Earth. PECS Project 98056, European Space Agency, 20072011 (member of the consortium) Competences & Capabilities Contact Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) University of West Bohemia, Pilsen (UWB) Univerzitní 22 306 14 Plzeň The research team of the faculty is competent in the area of development of cybernetic control systems, identification, intelligent decisionmaking and communication systems; advanced computer and information systems; research and modelling of heterogeneous materials and mechanical and biomechanical structures; novel nanostructured thin-film materials prepared using plasma processing; and qualitative and quantitative investigation of mathematical models. The faculty cooperates closely with the partner – Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography that is also involved in ESA’s activities and projects. Responsible for space and ESA projects prof. Ing. Pavel Novak, PhD. Phone: +420 377 632 676 Fax: +420 377 632 002 Mobile:+420 728 383 486 E-mail:[email protected] 1 GOCE 2 GOCE 3 Earth Explorers new views of dynamic Earth node full image 98 2 3 99 ESA Bidder Code: 58115 FIELD OF ACTIVITIES INDUSTRY Company AVX 5M AŽD Praha BBT-Materials Processing Manufacturing p pp BIC R&D CGI CSRC Software p ppp pp pppp Services R&D Testing p p p pp pppp p p p pp p p p ppp p Ekotoxa Explosia Frentech Aerospace p p pp ppp pp Gina Gisat GL Electronic Honeywell International pppp ppp ppp ICZ Iguassu Software Systems pppp p ppp ppp L.K.Engineering Optokon pppp ppp pp p ppp p p p ppp pppp p p Serenum Synpo Toseda Parts and materials Subsystems and equipment Instruments and Payloads Ground Segment Downstream, applications pppp p pp ppp pp p ProjectSoft HK Siemens Convergence Creators ppp pp p pp pp pp ppp p pp ppp p pp pppp EGGO Space evolving systems consulting ppp p p p pp p ppp ppp p p p p p p 100 ACADEMIA Development Design Testing Astronomical Institute, AS CR Entity p p p Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague p p p Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen p Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU pp pp Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU p p p Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University in Prague p p p Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU p pp pp pppp pppp pppp pppp pppp pp pppp pp pp pp p ppp p ppp p pp p p p p pp p pp pp pp ppp Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) Global Change Research Centre Institute of Atmospheric Physics, AS CR Institute of Botany, AS CR Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU Institute of Plasma Physics, AS CR NETME Centre Brno University of Technology Nuclear Physics Institute, AS CR Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Klet Observatory VZLU - Aerospace Research and Test Establishment Parts and materials Subsystems and equipment Instruments and Payloads Ground Segment Downstream, applications, data processing 101 p pp p p p p p Oveview of the Czech Industry and Academia involved in Space Activities, the Headquarters. The map below presents the Headquarters of Companies and Academia involved in Czech space activities. There are 25 companies together with 18 research Institutions and Universities participating in different ESA Programmes, which are placed in different regions of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic by Landsat 5 102 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Aerospace Research and Test Establishment-VZLU Astronomical Institute, AS CR Global Change Research Centre, AS CR Institute of Atmospheric Physics, AS CR Institute of Botany, AS CR Nuclear Physics Institute, AS CR NETME Centre, Brno University of Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague Klet Observatory Institute of Plasma Physics, AS CR (TOP TEC) Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Geodetic Observatory Pecny Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen INDUSTRY ACADEMIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5M AVX BBT-Materials Processing BIC R&D CGI CSRC EGGO Space Ekotoxa evolving systems consulting Explosia Frentech Aerospace GL Electronic Gina Gisat ProjectSoft HK Honeywell International ICZ Iguassu Software Systems L.K.Engineering Optokon Serenum Siemens Convergence Creators Synpo Toseda AŽD Praha 103 Notes: 104 105 Notes: 106 2 1 3 3 1 2 Sentinel-4 3 Solar Orbiter mission 4 Scientific missions 4 Copyright: Front page: 5M, Siemens Convergence Creatots, AVX, Eggo Space, Iguassu Software Systems, esc Aerospace, GISAT, Frentech Aerospace, ESA, CSRC Above: ESA, Ministry of Transport 2 107 Catalogue 2015 Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic Nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody 12, P.O.BOX 9 CZ-11015 Praha 1 Czech Republic Successful in ESA