23 May 2015 Beijing, PR China
23 May 2015 Beijing, PR China
CHINA GLASS 2015 20 – 23 May 2015 Beijing, P. R. China www.china-glass.german-pavilion.com Product Categories 2 Exhibitors / 参展商 Booth / 展位号 Herbert Arnold 174 Benteler Maschinenbau 200 Cat ego ries / 产品 Com 类别 p Glas rehens ive S s Pr 玻璃 odu u 生产 ction bjects for 综合 / Flat 科 目 G 平板 lass Pr 玻璃 oces 生产 sing Flat / Glas 平板 s 玻璃 Produc 加工 tion Glas / s App Produ cts a lica tion n / 玻 d Thei Mis 璃产 r cell 品及 ane ous 其应 Prod /杂 用 项 u Tab ction a lewa nd P re G Glas la roces s 餐具 and Sp ss, Con sing of t e 玻 的生 璃,容 cial Gl ainer as 产和 器 加工 玻璃和s / 特种 玻璃 产品类别 • Chemetall 036 Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich 033 • • ERICHSEN 027 Fickert + Winterling Maschinenbau 031 Forma Glas 038 futronic 024 Grenzebach Maschinenbau 012 • HEGLA 047 • • • HELANTEC 030 • • • HUBTEX Maschinenbau 049 ISRA VISION 176 • • IWG Ingenieurbüro Wagenbauer 035 JSJ Jodeit 044 KAESER Kompressoren 218 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Klöpper Maschinentechnik 050 Ernst Pennekamp 052 • SIKO International Trading (Shanghai) Co., 028 SVA Industrie Fernseh 026 ULG- 023 • UNGRICHT Roller + Engraving Technology 031 • VMA • • • • • • • • • • • • 025 • • VON ARDENNE 007 • WALTEC Maschinen 035 • • • • 3 Exhibitors 参展商 Herbert Arnold GmbH & Co. KG ERICHSEN GmbH & Co. KG ARNOLD is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of burners, tools and machines for customers in the area of glass and quartz glass processing and fibre-optic production. ERICHSEN Germany, manufacturer of well-known testing machines and instruments for the areas of Sheet Metal Testing, Surface Testing, Corrosion Testing and Materials Testing. 电话: +49 6471 93940 展位号:[email protected] 174www.arnold-gruppe.de Benteler Benteler Maschinenbau GmbH Fickert + Winterling Maschinenbau BENTELER is one of the largest and most advanced manufacturers of flat glass processing equipment in the architectural, automotive, solar and display markets. F+W, one of the leading companies in developing customized machines for the glass industry worldwide,e.g cast glass rolling machines, cutting lines, wire mesh tearing machines, etc 电话: +49 521 542-0 展位号:[email protected] 200www.benteler-glass.com 电话: +49 9231 502-0 展位号:[email protected] 031www.fickertwinterling.de Chemetall GmbH Forma Glas GmbH Chemetall is a leading global surface treatment supplier. For the float glass industry we develop optimal solutions, primarily in the areas of cutting, separating and grinding. Forma Glas is an innovative manufacturer of glass production machines for stemware, tumblers and press articles. With more than 120 years experience. 电话: +49 2166 97027 0 展位号:[email protected] 036www.chemetall.com Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co. KG EIRICH has been a reliable partner for the glass industry for more than 80 years specializing in the preparation of glass mixes. 电话: +49 6283 51 0 展位号:[email protected] 033www.eirich.de 4 电话: +49 2372 9683-0 展位号:[email protected] 027www.erichsen.de 电话: +43 7729 20299 展位号:[email protected] 038www.formaglass.com automation in a new dimension futronic GmbH futronic holds the experience of 35 years developing & manufacturing electronic controls for the hollow and tableware glass industry, i.e. Timer & Drive Systems for I.S. Machines. 电话: +49 7542 53070 展位号:[email protected] 024www.futronic.de 5 Exhibitors 代表处: Grenzebach Machinery (Jiashan) Ltd. 展位号: 012 参展商 Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH ISRA VISION Production equipment with control technology for float glass, structured and wired glass, coating technology and production equipment for photovoltaic and display lines. ISRA VISION is the provider of a unique, proven, innovative and comprehensive portfolio of optical inspection solutions for the entire production chain of the glass industry. 电话: +86 573 8473 1606 [email protected] www.grenzebach.com HEGLA GmbH & Co. KG IWG Ingenieurbüro Wagenbauer Manufacturer of Loading, Cutting, Breakout Solutions for Float and Laminated Glass, suitable for the Glass Industry, Glass Processors, DGU and Automative Glass Manufacturers. The company is located in Zwiesel, Germany, the centre of the German hollow glass industry. IWG activities also include engineering, services and consulting. 电话: +49 5273 905-0 展位号:[email protected] 047www.hegla.de 电话: +49 9922 84480 展位号:[email protected] 035www.iwg-onlie.com HELANTEC GmbH JSJ Jodeit GmbH HELANTEC is the first address in the insulated glass industry for manual gas filling technology and gas concentration determination. Made in Germany. Melting furnaces, complete plant, thermal and chemical tempering, tube drawing lines, blow machines, laser hot cutting and bending equipment, special machinery 电话: +49 7251 85731 展位号:[email protected] 030www.helantec.de 电话: +49 3641 622920 展位号:[email protected] 044www.jsj.de HUBTEX Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG KAESER Kompressoren SE HUBTEX is a manufacturer of glass handling trucks for internal or external applications. Typical applications are float glass plants, processors and logistics service providers. Kaeser Kompressoren offers products, services and complete systems for the generation, treatment and delivery of energy in the form of compressed air. 电话: +49 661 8382-0 展位号:[email protected] 049www.hubtex.com 6 电话: +49 2366 93000 展位号:[email protected] 176www.isravision.com 电话: +49 9561 6400 展位号:[email protected] 218www.kaeser.com 7 Exhibitors 参展商 Klöpper Maschinentechnik GmbH & Co. KG ULG-GmbH We manufacture mirror lines for flat and bent glass, automotive windscreen plants, flat laminating lines for safety glass and PV, PVB shaping lines and glass washing machines. WOLRDWIDE SERVICE FOR GLASS Bubbling, Boosting Systems, Drain, Bubbling Cabinets, Furnace Inspection, Heat-Up, Recuperator Cleaning, Furnace Drawings. 电话: +49 231 5175-0 展位号:[email protected] 050www.kloepper.de Ernst Pennekamp GmbH & Co. OHG UNGRICHT Roller + Engraving Technology Pennekamp is the leading manufacturer of Lehrs, Handling Systems and Glass Coating. This refers to Container Glass, Float and Display Glass, Solar Glass. UNGRICHT Roller + Engraving Technology: Europe's leading supplier of embossing & smooth rollers for cast glass rolling process, used for ornamental and PV / solar pattern glass. 电话: +49 2333 6050 展位号:[email protected] 052www.pennekamp.de SIKO International Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. SIKO stands for almost decades of experience in length, angle and speed metrology. The highest demands of our customers in the industry result in the outstanding quality. 电话: +86 21 56401978 展位号:[email protected] 028www.siko-global.com Himmelblau (RAL 5015) SVA Industrie Fernseh GmbH SVA works at the field of firing chamber monitoring systems and professional video monitoring technology. We supply amongst others furnace camera and toproll cameras systems. 电话: +49 2103 335500 展位号:[email protected] 026www.sva-hilden.de 8 电话: +49 9353 4926 展位号:[email protected] 023www.ulglass.de 电话: +49 2161 359-0 展位号:[email protected] 031www.ungricht.de VMA GmbH VMA GmbH provides measuring systems in the fields of float glass, container glass, tube glass and pattern (solar) glass industry (turn key solutions for thickness, stress, diameter measurement) 电话: +49 36785 587-0 展位号:[email protected] 025www.vma-online.de VON ARDENNE GmbH VON ARDENNE develops and manufactures advanced coating equipment for the deposition of ultra-thin functional layers on materials such as glass, metal strip, wafers and web. 电话: +49 3512 637300 展位号:[email protected] 007www.vonardenne.biz 9 全球商品交易会上的德国企业: Exhibitors / 参展商 www.german-pavilion.com WALTEC Maschinen GmbH We design, construct, manufacture and supply MACHINES FOR THE GLASS INDUSTRY. 电话: +49 9260 9901-0 展位号:[email protected] 035www.waltec.de 参展商 8,400多份数个行业的参展企业的详细资料。 快速查询 轻松访问德国展馆的德国参展商。 商业配对服务 安排会议,要求合作,或询问您所需要的德国 产品及服务。 移动接入 随时随地了解德国参展商的有关信息: 在您的手机或PDA上! 10 Presented by / 赞助单位 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) 联邦经济事务和能源部 www.bmwi.de In cooperation with / 合作单位 AUMA_Association of the German Trade Fair Industry, Berlin AUMA 德国贸易展览业协会 www.auma.de Supported by / 协助单位 VDMA - Glass Technology Forum Frankfurt am Main 德国门窗幕墙制造商联合会 www.vdma.org/glass Organized by / 主办单位 IEC INTER EXPO CONSULT GmbH Berlin www.iecberlin.de www.china-glass.german-pavilion.com Printed on FSC® certified paper Image source title page: VDMA - Glass Technology Forum
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