TENDL-2011 processing and criticality benchmarking
TENDL-2011 processing and criticality benchmarking
JEF/DOC-1438 TENDL-2011 processing and criticality benchmarking Jean-Christophe C Sublet UK Atomic Energy Authority Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB United Kingdom CCFE is the fusion research arm of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority December 2011 -TENDL-2011 release contents • • • • • • • Incident-neutron data: 2424 isotopes Incident-proton data: 2429 isotopes Incident-deuteron data: 2419 isotopes Incident-triton data: 2431 isotopes Incident-He3 data: 2428 isotopes Incident-alpha data: 2429 isotopes Incident-gamma data: 2428 isotopes All evaluations to 200 MeV with covariance on n-induced Processing steps: transport • Monte Carlo pointwise multi-temperatures libraries with probability tables in the URR: – For TRIPOLI-4.8 with NJOY-99.364 and CALENDF-2010 – For MCNP5 1.60 with NJOY-99.364 – For MCNPX 2.7.0 with NJOY-99.364 – For SERPENT-1 or -2 with NJOY-99.364 – … • From TENDL-2011s20, neutron induced data Processing steps: burnup, transmutation • EAF’s format style libraries are been phased out, replaced by ENDF’s style libraries, however the physics input streams remain: JUKO legacy’s • This has been made possible because of: – November 2010 CSWEG ENDF-6 format extension – NJOY-99 extensions: mf8, reconr basic, acer, gaspr… – PREPRO-2010 extensions: sixpack, complot,… – TENDL-2011 new format framework: unequivocal, clear format cutoff @ 20, 30 or 60 MeV then to 200 MeV. • The development of the FISPACT-II inventory code Processing steps • Not one……not two ….but three processing codes are used in sequence and in parallel to produce, shape, check, and compare the nuclear data NJOY, PREPRO and CALENDF Robustness, redundancy, portability, availability, accessibility, repeatability All processing steps cannot be handle by only one or even two of those quite unique processing codes !!! Processing steps • NJOY-99.364+ – moder – reconr – broadr – unresr – heatr – gaspr • purr • groupr • acer • … Ø PREPRO-2010+ • • • • • • • • linear recent sigma1 sixpack activate merger dictin groupie ENDF file • CALENDF-2010 • • • • calendf regroutp lecritp …. PT file Differences in formalism interpretation Cubic interpolation for CALENDF but PREPRO and CALENDF interpretations are similar Differences between 1.0 and 2.0 Kev and only on the fission channel !! Processing steps are not unique !! 293.6K 0K !! Competition (3 51) opens at 77 eV, in the RR. NJOY-99 default broadening stops, not PREPRO or CALENDF 7.733040+1 0.000000+0 2.300000+3 1.251350-7 2.500000+3 1.433900-79228 3 51 4 max energy for broadening and thinning = 7.73297E+01 --7.733040+1 0.000000+0 2.300000+3 0.000000+0 2.500000+3 1.433900-79228 3 51 4 max energy for broadening and thinning = 2.25000E+03 Processing steps are not unique !! CALENDF’s resonances in the URR Emitted spectra energy distribution “edges” Smoothing: in PREPRO first, then NJOY, MCNP !! LLNL UCRL-TR-233310 EASY-II(12) libraries – 1 GeV • n-tendl-2011, multi temperatures, 709 groups library with covariance and PT’s; 2429 targets • γ-tendl-2011, 162 groups library, 2428 targets • p-tendl-2011, 162 groups library, 2429 targets • d-tendl-2011, 162 groups library, 2419 targets • α-tendl-2011, 162 groups library, 2429targets • dec-2012, 3873 isotopes • hazards, clearance and transport indices libraries TENDL-2011 pendf, 200 MeV TENDL-2011 pendf, 200 MeV APPM OF APPM OF APPM OF APPM OF APPM OF He He H H H NJOY generated MT’s displayed by PREPRO 4 3 3 2 1 = = = = = 1.13E+03 1.30E-02 1.43E-18 2.07E+01 1.18E+03 TENDL-2011 pendf, 200 MeV Kerma rates Dpa rate NJOY generated MT’s displayed by PREPRO TENDL-2011 pendf from mf3*mf6 Unique to PREPRO-2010+ TENDL-2011 gendf, 200 MeV From PREPRO or NJOY TENDL-2011 gamma pendf All of the changes made for TENDL-2011 will be included in PREPRO-2012 Libraries, ICSBEP benchmarks, Transport code • JEFF-3.1.2 neutron induced library (=JEFF-3.1.1 in those cases) • BRC-2009 = JEFF-3.2β (isotopes replaced in JEFF-3.1.2 with Eh= 30 Mev; Am241, Pu238, Pu239, Pu240, U235, U236, U237, U238, U239 • ENDF/B-VII.1 neutron induced library (Dec. 2011) • TENDL-2011 neutron induced library (Dec. 2011), with H1, H2 and thermal compounds data from JEFF-3.1.2 • A 100’s selected benchmarks from the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments • With the Monte Carlo code TRIPOLI-4, 293.6K pointwise data and CALENDF probability tables in the URR for every isotopes that contains one TRIPOLI-4 – ICSBEP’s Fast range Code Library ICSBEP IMF-007 Big Ten Δ (C-E) Δ (C-E) IMF-012 ZPR(16%) Δ (C-E) IMF-10 ZPR-U9 Δ (C-E) IMF-002 Δ (C-E) IMF-001 Jemima Average Δ (C-E) Tripoli-4.6 Tripoli-4.6 Tripoli-4.7 Tripoli-4.8 JEFF-3.1.2 BRC-2009 ENDF/B.VII.1 Experiment Calc. Calc. Δ Calc. Keff Unc. Kcalc S.D. Kcalc (C-C) Kcalc Name Fast Range Cyl. U Metal (10% 235U), thick 238U Reflector deta. 1.0045 70 0.99878 13 1.00610 1.00479 simp. 1.0045 70 0.99770 13 1.00527 1.00419 -626 119 744 -1 t.z.h. 0.9948 130 0.98838 13 0.99617 0.99515 -642 137 778 35 TENDL-2011 Δ Calc. (C-C) Kcalc Cyl. U Metal (16% 235U), Al and Steel, Reflected by Depleted-U c-1 1.0007 270 1.00262 13 1.00745 1.00370 192 675 483 300 Cyl U Metal (9% 235U), thick Depleted U Reflector c-1 0.9954 240 0.99191 13 1.00021 0.99710 -349 481 830 170 Nat. U Reflected Assembly of Enriched U Plates c-1 1.0000 300 0.99207 10 0.99768 0.99912 -793 -232 561 -88 Bare Cyl. Conf. of Enriched and Natural U c-2 1.0000 120 0.99797 12 1.00087 0.99850 c-3 1.0000 100 0.99779 12 1.00041 1.00056 c-4 1.0000 100 0.99821 12 1.00126 1.00132 0.99799 1.00084 1.00013 -201 84 285 13 Δ (C-C) 677 1.00274 1.00195 -216 0.99379 -101 108 1.00987 917 724 519 0.99441 -99 250 705 1.00083 83 876 214 1.00524 1.00532 1.00581 1.00546 546 747 625 TENDL-2011 perform well in the fast range 410 541 TRIPOLI-4 – ICSBEP’s Fast range Code Tripoli-4.7 Tripoli-4.8 TENDL-2011 Δ Calc. (C-C) Kcalc Average Δ (C-E) JEFF-3.1.2 BRC-2009 ENDF/B.VII.1 Experiment Calc. Calc. Δ Calc. Keff Unc. Kcalc S.D. Kcalc (C-C) Kcalc Name Fast Range 235U Sphere Reflected by Normal U using Flattop 1.0000 300 1.00199 11 1.00455 1.00325 199 455 256 325 Bare, Highly Enriched U Sphere c1 1.0000 100 0.99668 11 1.00015 1.00014 c2 1.0000 100 0.99647 11 1.00015 1.00019 0.99658 1.00015 1.00016 -342 15 357 16 PMF-001 Jezebel Δ (C-E) PMF-002 Jez. 240 Δ (C-E) Bare Sphere of Pu-239 Metal c-1 1.0000 200 0.99999 -1 Bare Sphere of Pu-239 Metal c-1 1.0000 200 1.00426 426 Library ICSBEP HMF-028 Flattop-25 Δ (C-E) HMF-001 Godiva Tripoli-4.6 Tripoli-4.6 15 15 1.00033 33 1.00292 292 34 0.99960 -40 -134 0.99975 -25 Δ (C-C) 126 1.00726 726 527 359 1.00420 1.00437 1.00429 429 771 -39 1.00184 184 186 -450 1.01463 1463 1037 PNFS Pu’s (239 and 240 JEF/DOC-1359) and fast U235 data Only BRC-2009 compare well to ENDF/B-VII.1 How can you expect to properly model (not fit) the thermal range If you do not get it right in the fast (but still fission) range ?? TRIPOLI-4 – ICSBEP’s Thermal range Code Library ICSBEP LCT-006 Average Δ (C-E) LCT-007 Valduc Average Δ (C-E) LCT-039 Valduc Average Δ (C-E) Tripoli-4.6 Tripoli-4.6 Tripoli-4.7 Tripoli-4.8 JEFF-3.1.2 BRC-2009 ENDF/B-VII.1 TENDL-2011 Experiment Calc. Calc. Δ Calc. Δ Calc. Δ Keff Unc. Kcalc S.D. Kcalc Δ (C-C) Δ (C-C) Kcalc Δ (C-C) Name Thermal range U Low Enriched UO2 Fuel Rods with # Water-to-Fuel Volume Ratios c-1 1.0000 200 1.00071 12 1.00040 1.00074 1.00290 c-3 1.0000 200 1.00127 9 1.00120 1.00114 1.00595 c-4 1.0000 200 1.00082 12 1.00070 1.00092 0.99980 c-8 1.0000 200 1.00118 12 1.00098 1.00086 1.00440 c-9 1.0000 200 1.00067 12 1.00037 1.00053 0.99303 c-13 1.0000 200 1.00042 12 1.00040 1.00010 0.99586 c-14 1.0000 200 1.00036 12 1.00011 1.00052 0.98415 c-18 1.0000 200 1.00049 12 1.00008 1.00005 0.98752 1.00074 1.00053 1.00061 0.99670 74 53 -21 61 -13 -330 -404 Water Reflected 4.738 Wt.% Enriched UO2 Fuel Rod Arrays c-2 1.0000 160 0.99975 10 0.99951 0.99984 0.99701 c-6 1.0000 160 0.99988 10 0.99973 1.00003 0.99890 0.99981 0.99962 0.99993 0.99796 -19 -38 -19 -7 -204 -186 Incomplete Arrays of Water Reflected 4.738 Wt.% Enriched UO2 Fuel Rods c-1 1.0000 140 0.99799 12 0.99807 0.99815 1.00614 c-4 1.0000 140 0.99723 12 0.99720 0.99746 1.00362 c-6 1.0000 140 0.99831 12 0.99799 0.99824 1.00283 0.99784 0.99775 0.99795 1.00419 -216 -225 -9 -205 11 419 635 TENDL-2011 O16 & U238 !! known correction TRIPOLI-4 – ICSBEP’s Thermal range Code Library Tripoli-4.6 Tripoli-4.6 Tripoli-4.7 ICSBEP LCT-027 Pb refl. Δ (C-E) LCT-10 Pb refl. Δ (C-E) Pb refl. Δ (C-E) JEFF-3.1.2 BRC-2009 ENDF/B-VII.1 Experiment Calc. Calc. Δ Calc. K eff Unc. Kcalc S.D. Kcalc Δ (C-C) Name Thermal range U Water Moderated and Lead Reflected 4.75% Enriched UO2 Rod Arrays c-1 1.0000 110 1.00786 12 1.00799 1.00338 785 799 14 337 Water-Mod. U(4.31)O2 Fuel Rods Reflected by Two Lead, Uranium, or Steel Walls c-1 1.0000 210 1.00768 12 1.00774 1.00608 768 774 6 608 c-20 1.0000 280 1.00574 12 1.00614 1.00526 574 614 40 526 ICSBEP Name MCT-004 2.4 w/f ratio 2.9 w/f ratio 4.2 w/f ratio 5.5 w/f ratio Average Δ (C-E) Mox 3.01 wt% PuO2-UO2 fuel rods, c-1 1.0000 460 0.99601 c-4 1.0000 390 0.99605 c-7 1.0000 400 0.99654 c-10 1.0000 510 0.99631 0.99622 -378 Tripoli-4.8 Δ Δ (C-C) TENDL-2011 Calc. Kcalc Δ Δ (C-C) -448 0.98823 -1177 -1962 -48 0.99480 -520 1.01579 1579 217 1.01975 1.01332 1.01332 0.97564 1.00550 550 -160 -1287 1005 Thermal range Pu 13 13 13 13 0.99764 0.99849 0.99790 0.99858 0.99815 -185 193 0.99781 0.99822 0.99851 0.99903 0.99839 -161 Lead impact and Mox interesting trend 928 Conclusions • With TENDL-2011, the NRG library’s have entered the secluded world of criticality benchmarking • TENDL-2011 uniquely contain covariance information • TENDL-2011 provides for all applications: transport, burnup, inventory, transmutation, dosimetry, astrophysics,… • TENDL-2011 has fully benefited from TENDL-2008, 2009, 2010, EAF’s V&V and the T6 technological construction framework • n-TENDL-2011 evaluated nuclear data libraries already outwit the regional majors: ENDF, JENDL, JEFF,.. However, low z isotopes still will need to come from R-matrix theory and actinides from carefully nurture TALYS model è TENDL-2012 Acknowledgement I would like to gratefully acknowledge the mature advices, understanding, willingness and contributions of Dermott E. Cullen, Robert E. MacFarlane, Albert C. Kahler and Pierre Ribon without whom we would not have been able to reach our goal.
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