Akershus University Hospital Salvage surgery Arne Engebreth Færden, Ph.d Department of Digestive Surgery, Akershus University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo Pouch failure; pouch removed or disconnected with a proximal stoma Failure rates after IPAA Author n Fazio 1965 5 4.4 Farouk 1386 8 9 Tulschinsky 634 5 10 9 13 Lepistö 486 10 7 Hueting 9317 >5 (Cleveland (Mayo Clinic) (St Marks) (Helsinki) (metaanalysis) The British pouch registry 2491 follow-up(years) 5 (10) failure % 8.5 9 (16,1) Kalblom (Uppsala) 188 5 (10) 5,4 (6,9) Hahnloser Sveits 1885 5 (20) 3,7 (8) Risk of pouch failure Hahnloser et al,2007 Risk of pouch failure S. Kørsgren, M.R.B. Keighley: causes of failure and life expectancy of the ilioanal pouch. Int J Colorectal Dis (1997) 12:; 4-8 Major causes of pouch failure* pelvic sepsis >50 % ”poor function” 30 % pouchitis ca 5-10 % Crohn´s disease *Tulchinsky H, Ann Surg 2003; 238(2):229-234. Risk for septic complications Odo A. Heuschen, Annals of Surgery 2002. Vol 235 , no 2. 207-216 Septic complications Level 1: Upper and middle part of the puoch n=13 Level 2. The rectal Cuff N=41 Level 3: Pouch anal anastomosis n=66 Odo A. Heuschen, Annals of Surgery 2002. Vol 235 , no 2. 207-216 Odo A. Heuschen,,. B.J.S 2002, 89,194-200 Diagnosis Digital Exmination Pouch endoscopy CT Scan Contrast pouchography MRI Control sepsis • • • • Drain abscess Internal Percutanes drainage Seton • Diverting stoma? 11 Salvage Surgery • Pasients wishes? • Is salvage possible? 12 Minor surgery? Ann Surg. 1998 October; 228(4): 588–597. V W Fazio, J S Wu, and I C Lavery 13 Cleveland Clinic Florida* 67 patients with pouch failure 28 patients local operations;success rate 75% (mean number of operations 2,1) Transperianal advancement Graciles muscle interposition Seton Drainage Shawki S, Dis Colon Rectum 2009; 52(5):884-890. Mount Sinai Hospital Minor surgey Local procdures n=19 Sucess rate n=2 (10,5%) Fibrin glue n=2 (0%) Sutur closing n=1 (0%) Transvaginal flap n=1 (0%) Transanal flap n=5 (20%) Ileal Advancment Flap n= 9 (12%) Gracils flap interposition n=1 (0%) . Pouch vaginal fistula 16 Pouch-vaginale fistula. 3,3%-15,8% Publication year Number of operated women Patients with PVF Fonkalsrud 1987 76 3 3,9 Schoetz et al 1988 79 2 3,7 Wexner et al 1989 304 27 6,9 Groom et al 1993 161 22 (17+5) 10,6 O`Kelly et al 1994 50 7 12 Neilly et al 1999 98 5 5,6 Maclean 2002 57 9 15,8 Shah et al 2003 993 60(33+27) 3,3 1809 136(113+33) 6,3 Total Incidens (%) St. Marks Hospital* 68 pasients with pouch vaginal fistula (Chrohn 8, UC 49, FAP 10, Indeterminate colitis 1) 14 pouch excision or permanent diversion with pouch in situ 45 operated 37 transvaginal (35%) 2 perianal pouch revision (50%) 6 abdominal pouch revision REDO (67%) *Heriot AG. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 48(3):451-8, 2005 Mar. St. Mark`s Hospital CLEVELAND CLINIC, OHIO* 60 pasents with PVF, UC 53, FAP1, Indeterminate colitis 6 Ileal advancment Flap 22 out of 63 with success(33% ) Redo restorative proctolectomi 10 out of 16 with sucess (62,5%) Total 31 out of 60 (52%) success Non Crohn 27 out of 36 (75%) Crohn 4 out of 24 (17%) *Shah NS. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 46(7):911-7, 2003 Jul. Ileal Advancment Flap Ileal Advancment Flap Ileal Advancment Flap Pouch vaginal fistula-colagen plug Gonsalves S, Dis Colon Rectum 2009; 52(11):1877188 7 patients . Sucess rate 57% . Follow up 15 weeks Mirnezami AH Tech Coloproctol 2009; 13(3):259-260. 7 patients. Sucess rate 57 %. Follow up 1 year Gajsek U, Dis Colon Rectum 2011; 54(8):999-1002. 11 patients. Success rate 0%. Follow up 2 years. 24 REDO? The surgical approch is determned by the level of the fistula, absess or sinus If there is a significant lenght of anorectal stump below the level of he fistula, abdominal pouch advancment has a high change of success* Tekkis PP,.Br J Surg 2006; 93(2):231-237. 25 Results of Redo IPAA for septic complications Author Year Number of patients Succes rate Fazio 1998 22 UC 10 CD 95% 60% Ogunbiyi 1997 8 70% Dayton 2001 11 100% Baixauli 2004 74 70% MacLean 2002 57 70% Heuschen 2002 74 71% Tekkis 2006 117 5 år 70% 85% non septic 61% Septic 30 Konklusjon septiske komplikasjoner Lokale inngrep hvor dette er mulig kan/bør forsøkes som 1. behandlingsalternativ, men tilheling er relativ lav. Hos pasienter hvor fistlel/sinus utgår fra anastomosen eller ovenfor og det er nok plass distalt til å få mobilisert anastomosen til å dekke fistlen/sinusen, bør abdominal tilgang med REDO tilbys. Transabdominal tilgang er ikke alternativ der hvor fistlen oppstår i analkanalen, da det ikke er nok plass til å få sydd ny anastomose nedenfor fistel/sinus. Udiagnostisert Crohn har minimal sjanse for tilheling Major causes of pouch failure* pelvic sepsis >50 % ”poor function” 30 % pouchitis ca 5-10 % Crohn´s disease *Tulchinsky H, Ann Surg 2003; 238(2):229-234. Poor function Low pouch volume Inflamed ano-rectal mucosa below the anastomosis ”Cuffitis” Outlet obstruction, long anorectal segment Anastomotic strictures Pouch prolapse 34 Poor function Low pouch volume Inflamed ano-rectal mucosa below the anastomosis ”Cuffitis” Outlet obstruction, long anorectal segment Anastomotic strictures Pouch prolapse Results of Redo IPAA Author Year Number of patients Quality of Life/Function (Good or excelent) Succesive Salvage rate Fonkalsrud 1999 164 94% 97% Fazio 1998 35 57% 86% Ogunbiyi 1997 16 50% 50% Dayton 2001 16 50% 100% Baixauli 2004 101 70% 70% Mac Lean 2002 57 74% 70% Heuschen 131 69% Tekkis 2006 117 5 år 70% 85% non septic 61% Septic 38 Poor function Low pouch volume Inflamed ano-rectal mucosa below the anastomosis ”Cuffitis” Outlet obstruction, long anorectal segment Anastomotic strictures Pouch prolapse Pouch prolaps 40 Major causes of pouch failure* pelvic sepsis >50 % ”poor function” 30 % pouchitis ca 10 % Crohn´s disease *Tulchinsky H, Ann Surg 2003; 238(2):229-234. Pouchitis • Pouchitis is no indication for salvage surgery • BUT: Septic complications in IPAA patients may mimic symptoms pauchitis; so called seconary pouchitis* *Heuschen UA, . Br.J Surg. 2002; 89:194-200 42 Bekken reservoar med fistler rtg antegrad reservoar : kontrastfyllt reservoar og multiple fistler til tynntarm + delvis framstilling av den perianale /transpinkteriske fistelen Bekken reservoar med fistel dannelse, MR Fistel i det perianale fettvevet Intersphinkterisk abscess sacrum reservoar Supralevatorisk fistel fistel Sagital Thank you 45 Afferent Limb Syndrome (2%*) *Kirat HT Inflamm.Bowel.Dis. 2011; 17:1287-1290 46 Pouch dysfunction Pouchitis Pouch hypermotility laparotomy with Low pouch volume pouch augmentatio Afferent Limb Syndrom Mucosal folds Pouch prolapse transanal excision pouch-pexy Anal canal dysfunction Reduced anal pressures, internal or external anal sphincter damage stretch and/or denervation Anflamed ano-rectal mucosa below the anastomosis Outlet obstruction, long anorectal segment Anastomotic strictures Small bowel dysfunction Bacterial overgrowth Coeliac disease Lactose intolerance Crohns disease High volume output etc Consult the gastroenterologist! Indications redo: fistula from pouch or anastomosis to the vagina or perineum outlet obstruction, long outlet, severe stenosis or severe postinflammatory fibrosis at the anastomosis Ileal Advancment Flap 52 Baixauli J. Delaney CP. Wu JS. Remzi FH. Lavery IC. Fazio VW. Functional Outcome and Quality of Life after Repeat Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis for Complications of Ileoanal Surgery. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. Vol. 47(1)(pp 2-11), 2004. 101 pasienter etter gjentatt IAA operasjon 88 fikk lagt ned sin avlastende stomi. 2 fikk ny iliostomi 13 fjernet resevoiret 5 års pouch overlevelse 74% Antall tømninger mean 6,3 om dagen og 2 natt Bind 50 dag, 69 natt. 97% ville evt gjenta prosedyren og 99% ville anbefale det til andre Summary; when a patient is facing pouch failure: -if possible consider a local procedure. -redo is often an alternative provided there is a functioning sphincter and that failure is not due to pouchitis. -conversion to a continent ileostomy may be an alternative when there is no functioning sphincter. These are major procedures with a considerable risk for complications.The majority of patients will eventually have functioning pouch. a -when the option is a permanent ileostomy the pouch may be left in situ for a considerable time 55 Pouch dysfunction Pouchitis Pouch hypermotility laparotomy with Low pouch volume pouch augmentatio Afferent Limb Syndrom Mucosal folds Pouch prolapse transanal excision pouch-pexy Ann Surg. 1998 October; 228(4): 588–597. V W Fazio, J S Wu, and I C Lavery 58 59 Health related Quality of Life Pouch ”failures” SF-36 100 80 60 40 pouch "failures" = 26 referenspopulation = 156 20 0 PF RP BP GH VT SF RE MH Pouch-vaginale fistler. Forekomst 3,6%-12% Lee PY. Fazio VW. Church JM. Hull TL. Eu KW. Lavery IC. Vaginal fistula following restorative proctocolectomy. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 40(7):752-9, 1997 Jul. 506 kvinner hvorav 19( 3,6%) utviklet Anovaginale fistler Wexner SD. Rothenberger DA. Jensen L. Goldberg SM. Balcos EG. Belliveau P. Bennett BH. Buls JG. Cohen JM. Kennedy HL. et al. Ileal pouch vaginal fistulas: incidence, etiology, and management. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 32(6):460-5, 1989 Jun. 304 kvinner hvorav 21 (7%) utviklet anovaginale fistler Groom JS. Nicholls RJ. Hawley PR. Phillips RK. Pouch-vaginal fistula. British Journal of Surgery. 80(7):936-40, 1993 Jul. 161 kvinner hvorav 17( 11%) utviklet Anovaginale fistler Lolohea S. Lynch AC. Robertson GB. Frizelle FA. Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis-vaginal fistula: A review. [ Review] Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. Vol. 48(9)(pp 1802-1810), 2005.
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