From Passion via Innovation to Profit – Assignment Title
From Passion via Innovation to Profit – Assignment Title
BTEC–QCFBasingstokeCollegeofTechnology BTECLevel3ExtendedDiplomainArtandDesign–(YEAR2) FromPassionviaInnovationtoProfit–AssignmentTitle Assessors: Victoria Burden, Sue Martin, Pete Hardy and Sue Riley Date issued: Monday 8th February 2016 Hand In date: Friday 11th March 2016 Duration: 5 weeks (including Half Term) Qualification: BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art and Design Units covered: Unit 16: Promoting Art and Design Work Unit 89: Developing and Realising Design Craft Ideas Learning aims covered: All learning outcomes from each of the two units – Unit 16 and Unit 89 Scenario: To be successful in the Creative Industries an understanding of being able to promote yourself and your work is crucial. Unit 16. Promoting Art and Design Work explores professional practice - looking into ways of promoting art and design work, current trends and how you can promote your own art practice. Unit 16 will link to Unit 89: Developing and Realising Design Craft Ideas where you be required to make a final piece which you can sell or promote, whether it is a you tube video on how to make something or series of pieces for a Craft Fair or shop. You will consider how to promote the pieces you produce, how much it will cost to produce and how much you will sell it for in order to make a profit factoring in labour time to make the pieces. As part of the Unit you will consider the quality of piece and the branding, looking for consistency in branding and quality. We are looking for innovative, independent ideas! It’s an ordinary work day for Kate Broughton, who is sticking bird seeds on to greetings cards from her home in West Yorkshire village, Otley. These are no slapdash home-made creations. The cards are part of a growing business that Miss Broughton created from scratch. The knick-knacks she creates, also including nail stickers, bird and bee prints, buttons and badges, now earn her £20,000 a year – and that’s after expenses, materials and tax. “I’ve just started a bird collection for Christmas. I illustrate the front of the cards with robins and staple a handful of seeds inside which you can see through the front of the cards,” she said. Miss Broughton, 32, who worked in a Nottingham bookshop before turning to full-time craftmaking in 2011, said her career change was “weirdly unexpected” and came after posting photos of her products online. It was only when she began selling her £2.50 cards and £3 nail stickers using online marketplace Etsy that she realised her hobby could turn into a lucrative business. What you need to do to successfully complete the units: Unit 16: Promoting Art and Design Work LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 Know about promoting art and design work Be able to plan a promotional campaign Be able to produce promotional material Understand art and design promotion Unit 89: Developing and realising Design Craft Ideas LO1 LO2 LO3 Be able to carry out research on design crafts to inform ideas development Be able to produce design craft solutions Understand working methods and design craft outcomes Attendalllessonsandbepunctual WeekOne BRIEFSCHEDULE Monday8thFebruary2016 Introductiontothebrief WorkingtowardsTASKONE SpringHalfTerm–15thFebruary–19thFebruary-WorkingtowardsTASKTWO Weektwo WorkingtowardsTASKTWO WeekThree WorkingtowardsTASKTWO WeekFour WorkingtowardsTASKTHREE WeekFive WorkingtowardsTASKTHREEandTASKFOUR wholeprojecthandinDEADLINE- Friday11thMarch2016 TASKONE- Research Unit 16 - P1 - Outline different ways to promote art and design work Unit 89 - P1 - Carry out and record research Unit 16 – P4 - Review the effectiveness of own and other’s promotional material. • Research and collect/record samples of ways to promote art and design work 1. InyoursketchbookorblogrecordlotsofdifferentwaystopromoteArtandDesignwork eg.Privateviewinvites,socialmediaposts,bespokemerchandise,website,products.Discusswaysto promoteArtandDesignwork,whatworkswell,whatdoyouneedtoconsider,compareandcontrast marketingandproducts(Record) 2. Describedifferentwaysyoucouldpromoteyourownworkandideas(Describe) 3. Discusswaysinwhichyoucanpromoteartanddesignwork,describewaysthatarethemosteffective andappropriateandwhy,compareandcontrastmarketingandproducts(Discuss) Aminimumof8pagesinyoursketchbook • Carry out and record research 1. Researchintocrafts,lookbackinhistoryattraditionalcraftsandcomparetocraftsandmerchandisethat arepopulartoday.(Record) 2. Researchmerchandiseorproductsthatappealtoyouoryoumightpurchasefrommainstreamshopsto bespokedesignsoroneoffpieces.(Describe) 3. Evaluateyourresearch,discusswhatyouhavediscoveredabouttheartanddesignmarketplace.(Discuss) Aminimumof8pagesinyoursketchbook GradingcriteriaUnit16–P1,M1,D1Unit89–M1,M1,D1Unit16–P4,M4,MD TASKTWO-Create a craft outcome and create a promotional campaign to sell and market the craft outcome Unit 16 P2 - Plan a promotional campaign to a brief Unit 89 P2 - Develop ideas for design crafts outcomes • Brainstorm the brief Lookbackatallyourresearchandbrainstormideasforacraft outcome.Followingonfromthiscreateabrainstormonpossible waystopromoteyourcraftoutcome. • Develop ideas independently Whoisyourintendedaudience? Whatareyougoingtoproduceforthecraftoutcome? • Consider the following: 1. Howareyougoingtosellormarketyourcraftoutcome? 2. Howareyougoingtoproduceyourcraftoutcome–materials? 3. Howcanyouensurethequalityofyourcraftoutcome? 4. Howmuchwouldyousellyourcraftoutcomefor– coststoproduce(basiccosts)coststosellyourproductincludingprofit? 5. Howareyougoingtomarketyourcraftpiece,doyouneedtocreateabrandandpieceofbranding? Unit 16 P3 - Design and make promotional material Unit 89 P3 - Produce design crafts outcomes • Review and refine ideas Createideastowardsadesigncraftoutcome,producetestpiecestoexploreyourideasandpossiblematerials • Create promotional materials Createpromotionalmaterialtowardsyourcraftoutcometobothmarketandsellyourproduct. Eg.Pricetag,overviewofproduct,logo,advert,socialmediapromotion • Produce design craft outcomes Produceadesigncraftoutcome. Youshouldshowcleardevelopmentofideaswithannotations, Recordideasacrossaminimumof8pagesinyoursketchbook GradingcriteriaUnit16–P2,M2,D2Unit89–M2,M2,D2 Unit16–P3,M3,D3Unit89–M3,M3,D3 TASKTHREE- Final Piece Unit 16 - Review the effectiveness of own and other’s promotional material. Unit 89 - Review working methods and design craft outcomes • Document your work Takephotographsthrougheachstageofthework,includingequipmentandtoolsused andhealthandsafetymeasures. Thesecanbeincludedinyoursketchbookormadeintoablogorpresentation. Discusstheprogressofyourwork;whatisgoingwell,whatyouarefindingdifficult,howyoucanimproveyour work?Usethe‘howtoannotateyourwork’sheettohelpyou. EvidenceyoumustsubmitforTaskThreeFinalpiece/stage: • Documentationofyourworkingprocess. • Acraftdesignoutcome • Apromotionalcampaigntopromoteyourcraftdesignpiece • AnA4writtenoverviewofhowyouwouldpromoteyourcraftoutcomeinordertosellor marketthecraftoutcometoaspecificandtargetaudience TASKFOUR – Evaluation Unit 89 - Review working methods and design crafts outcomes. Itisimportantthatyouevaluateyourworkattheendofeveryprojectsothatyoucanidentifywhatyouhavedonewell andwhatyoucanimproveforfutureprojects.Usethe‘howtoevaluateyourwork’sheettohelpyou.Yourevaluation mustbeatleast600words EvidenceyoumustsubmitforTaskFour: • Writtenevaluation,atleast600words Unit16:PromotingArtandDesignWork P1 Outline different ways to promote art and design work P2 Plan a promotional campaign to a brief P3 Design and make promotional material P4 Review the effectiveness of own and other’s promotional material. M1 Describe different ways to promote art and design work with considered examples M2 Create a purposeful promotional campaign M3 Produce individual and coherent promotional material M4 Analyse the effectiveness of own and other’s promotional material. D1 Produce a detailed and illustrated explanation of ways to promote art and design work D2 Create a comprehensive and creative promotional campaign D3 Produce independently, innovative and comprehensive promotional material D4 Evaluate the effectiveness of own and selected promotional material. Unit 89: Developing and Realising Design Craft Ideas P1 Carry out and record research P2 Develop ideas for design crafts outcomes P3 Produce design crafts outcomes P4 Review working methods and design crafts outcomes. M1 Effectively select ideas and subjects from purposeful research M2 Consistently develop ideas for effective design crafts outcomes M3 Produce effective and considered design solutions M4 Effectively analyse and evaluate working methods and design crafts outcomes. D1 Demonstrate an independent analytical approach in selecting ideas and subjects from comprehensive research D2 Independently develop sophisticated ideas for design crafts outcomes creative design solutions D3 Produce comprehensive, sophisticated and creative design solutions D4 Demonstrate an independent approach to analysing and evaluating working methods and design crafts outcomes, reaching sophisticated conclusions. RESEARCHREFERENCES Not on the high Culture Label The Design Museum shop Victoria and Albert Museum shop The Design Museum – Designers log Vintage shops Craft fairs Pinterest Art and Design - Craft searches: You tube tutorials Social media Web sites Art and Design - Craft promotional campaign searches: Private View invites Art and Design Branding Artists, Designers and shops Orla Kiely Cath Kidston The Conran Shop Habitat Ikea John Lewis Alessi Charles and Ray Eames Philippe Starck Edward Barber & Jay Osgerby Bethan Gray Sebastian Bergne Doshi Levien Rupert Blanchard Esther Patterson Paul Cocksedge