April - Cambridge Minnesota Kennel Club


April - Cambridge Minnesota Kennel Club
Volume 15 Issue 3
April 2015
Official Publication of the Cambridge Minnesota Kennel Club
Summer time pool fun is just
around the corner!
Meetings and Dates
Member Request/
Judy and Sunny
making world news
Obedience and Rally
2015 Solstice Cluster 5
CMKC Supports our 6
local K-9
Please email your news, stories and photo’s
to [email protected]
Page 1
News and Brags
Vet discusses recent
canine flu outbreak
Contact information
Cambridge MN Kennel Club
Board of Directors
Effective April 6. 2013
For current show
information click
President: Glen Kothe
Email: [email protected]
Vice President: Gretchen Hofheins-Wackerfuss
Email: [email protected]
Secretary: Theresa Goiffon
Email: [email protected]
Treasurer: Tim Bergeron
Email: [email protected]
Darvin Bethke
Eileen Bowen
Wayne Harmon
Rick Majkrzak
Carol Wirkkunen
General Meeting
Board Meeting
General Meeting
Board Meeting
Board Meeting
Date to be determined General Meeting
Board Meeting
Date to be determined General Meeting
Please plan to
attend the following
club meetings.
Your participation is
Tele Conference
Cluster Show Isanti Fairgrounds
Tele Conference
Tele Conference
Tele Conference
On the Run Holiday Brunch
Please put these dates on your calendar.
For up to date events, please visit our
Page 2
Unless otherwise
noted Board and
meetings are held
at 7:00 p.m. via
telephone conference
Dial 1-712-432-3100
and when asked for
your access
code press 351012.
For further
information about
joining the
conference calls
phone Nancy
[email protected]
No meeting in the month of April.
New Member Request
Mary J. McKennan. She has Lowland Sheepdogs.
Judy and Sunny making the world news!
Our CMKC member and
top ranked Junior handler
Samantha VanBuren has
been making some pretty
amazing video’s with her
dogs, Ch Dunham Lake
Goody Two Shoes “Judy”
and her Bronze GCH CH
Lake Country's Walking
On Sunshine “Sunny”
This video has gone viral
with over 4,000,000
views, made it on American’s Funniest Home
Video’s FB, on Channel 7
News in New York and on
a Swedish morning News
Judy’s trainer and owner Samantha has taught Judy over 100 tricks and continues to amaze us all. Congratulations to
Samantha and her amazing dogs! Click this link to see the video and find out... “Who pooped in the Kitchen?”.
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Obedience and Rally Trial
By: Annette Bujold
The Obedience and Rally Trial held in
April at Total Recall in Hugo was quite a
success. Our judges were Joanna Yund,
Don Levinson, and Karen Anderson.
Cindy reported that so far this year, we
have had the largest entry (even over the
Easter holiday weekend!) On Saturday we
had 112 Obedience and 39 Rally entries
and on Sunday, 88 Obedience and 30
Rally entries. We kept the "Crossover"
entry from last year. The Crossover entry
allows the exhibitor to pay the second entry fee for any second entry whether it is in
Obedience or Rally.
This year we offered a couple of new
things. One was the Armband Drawing. All
exhibitors could place their armbands in a
box for a random drawing to win a $20.00
Amazon gift card. We drew two cards
each day. Congratulations to the following
winners: Laura Crimmons, Mary Leonard,
Sondra Lambert and Sheryl Juhl.
This year we also held a Rally Challenge event as a special attraction. In Rally Challenge the exhibitors are sequestered in
a separate room while a course is set up using Novice level signs. Then, exhibitors are brought in one at a time to perform
the course without ever having seen a map or without walking through the course prior to the start of the class. Our course
of 20 signs was designed and judged by Karen Anderson. We had a total of 7 exhibitors take part in the Challenge. This
year's award was a gift bag full of dog items! The winner of this year's Rally Challenge was Fay McCaleb with her Labrador Retriever, The Captain's Cristal Blue Persuasion. This team won the Challenge on time with a perfect score of 100!
Congratulations! Exhibitors had a great time and said it was really a lot of fun and they enjoyed doing something different!
I want to extend a very large THANK YOU to all of the great stewards who gave up their day/days to help make our trial
nice for the exhibitors! I received compliments and appreciation from both the judges and exhibitors. I'd also like to extend
a special "thank you" to the following individuals:
Carol Wirkkunen, Co-Chairperson- for helping with EVERYTHING!
Wayne Harmon, Hospitality- for cooking a great variety of food and always being ready with the coffee!
Diane Racette, Chief Ring Steward- for scheduling a great bunch of stewards.
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2015 Summer Solstice Cluster
Plans are well on their way for our summer shows. Conformation judges are listed on the AKC website and will soon the
premium list will be on the Onofrio website www.onofrio.com with the premium list available online. If you would prefer a
paper copy, you may request one by sending them an e-mail. The dates for the Anoka County Minnesota Kennel Club
shows are June 18th and 19th with our shows to be held on June 20th and 21st.
On Thursday, there will be a special attraction with the best puppy competition that will include groups and best in show.
Friday will have the National Owner Handler Series competition, including groups and best in show.
The Heart of Minnesota Pug Dog Club and the Twin Cities Doberman Pinscher Club will have concurrent specialties that
will occur during the show hours. The Star of the North Chines Shar-Pei Club will be holding and independent specialty on
half hour after Best In Show.
The eye clinic will also be available on Friday. The day will end with an American Cancer Society fundraiser. A catered
BBQ, raffle and live band will be held at the band shell next to the Hospitality Building. The event will be held rain or shine.
Saturday will be another busy day with the National Owner Handler Series completion being held. Concurrent specialties
will include: Twin Cities Doberman Pinscher Club, North star Weimaraner Club, North Country Gordon Setter Club, North
star Irish Wolfhound Club and the Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America Regional. One half hour after best in show The
Miniature Pinscher Club of the Greater Twin Cities and the Twin Cities Poodle Club will have their specialties. Also one
half hour after best in show will be the match for the North star Labrador Retriever Club of Minnesota. Supported entries
during the day will include the Newfoundland Club of America, American Manchester Terrier Club (Region 5) and the
North star Labrador Retriever Club.
Health clinics will be held for CERF, heart and microchip at various times throughout the day. The Dobermans will be conducting their WAE test, which is their version of temperament testing.
On Sunday, there will be Best Bred by Exhibitor completion including group and best.. Supported entries will continue for
the Labradors and the Manchester's.
Purina will be sponsoring the entire cluster weekend. Purina will offer free coffee to exhibitors for the early morning for
each of the four days. The cluster has been chose as a “Premier” show and they will provide prizes for each of the days.
The Anoka County Minnesota Club Kennel Club has partnered with several local breed clubs to sponsor an AKC Re-Unite
trailer that provides assistance for dogs in emergency/disaster situations. The trailer will be onsite during the cluster weekend.
Once again, find time on June 18-21 to assist our club or at least come and visit with some of your friends.
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Cambridge Minnesota Kennel Club Support the Isanti County K-9
The Cambridge Minnesota Kennel Club recently donated $5000 towards the cost of the special equipment to make the
squad vehicle canine ready.
The donation was made to the Isanti County Sheriff's Department for the purpose of assisting in the cost of the purchase
of the materials. Pictured is Kojak, the police canine that we have assisted in the past. We have donated to help get the
training and equipment that was needed when he was first purchased.
We have also assisted the previous dog, Nike, with a bullet proof vest, who was an award winning dog in his years of service. In a separate donation, money was provided to the Isanti County Rural Volunteer Fire Department for funds to purchase respiratory masks in different sizes for each of the stations.
We continue to support the working canines in our area and enjoy a working relationship with the community.
Page 6
From the 9-12 month puppy class, long coat Chihuahua Hello Dolly
took reserve winners bitch Saturday & Sunday she took winners
bitch at Manitowoc kennel club in Wi Linda Cunnen
PPC Hello Dolly took winner bitch on Sunday under Mr.
Robert Hutton for first point from the 9-12 puppy class
Fon Du Lac she got Group 3 Owner handler on Sat & Sun
she got Group 3 Best puppy toy group she is Long Coat
Chihuahua owner by Linda Cunnien & Racheal Miller
New Champion Ch. Gaffle's Mot Just Hermés breeder,
owner and handled by Kathy Kocher. "Small Fry" finished
her championship from the 6-9 class with a clean sweep
winning each day at the SE Bullmastiff Specialty. Awarded
best in sweeps and a BOS in sweeps.
New Champion! Ch Gaffle's Garden Party is shown going
WB and BOW under breeder judge at the CT working group
specialty. She is bred by and owned by Kathy Kocher. As of
April, Party is our 5th home bred breeder owned
Gaffle Bullmastiff's champion for 2015!
Page 7
Local Vet discusses recent Canine Flu outbreak
By Dr. Lyn Lewis of Wayside Animal Hospital
In the last few weeks my office has gotten a lot of calls about
the canine flu epidemic in Chicago. It has been reported that well
over a thousand dogs have been infected, and quite a few have
died. Now it has been confirmed in four states and suspected in 10
more. It is unknown how many dogs may now be infected. Dogs
have been presenting with a fever, lethargy, and coughing. The
cases that have become
serious develop a bronchitis which leads to pneumonia. So far
they have determined the death rate to be right at 0.5% which is
five out of every 1,000 dogs.
We first identified the canine flu virus in 2004. The virus was a
H3N8 variant which we still use today to vaccinate pets. The vaccine is used heavily by some veterinary clinics and is required at
some boarding facilities. Since the Chicago outbreak started in March all companies who are manufacturing the canine flu
vaccine have run out. To be honest, I have carried the vaccine for the last three years but only recommend it for dogs that
go on the show circuit, board heavily, or socialize frequently at dog parks. I get calls daily from other clinics in the area to
borrow some doses of the vaccines to protect their client’s pets. Here is the problem though, with the most recent outbreak
they have isolated a new flu strain known as H3N2. It is highly unlikely that the H3N8 vaccine will have any protection
against the new Chicago H3N2 strain!
The big question is, how are we going to deal with this potentially large flu outbreak? The answer is complicated. The
easiest answer is to develop a new vaccine, but that is costly and I don’t think drug companies will invest enough money to
come up with a new vaccine.
It may turn into a situation, like humans, were we will need a different vaccine every year depending on prevalent
strains. Even though the current canine flu vaccine is sold out I think it will be out of production at some point because of
the lack of efficacy.
Our first line of defense is to recommend not taking dogs into the infected Mid-West. If you must travel there with your
pet keep it away from other dogs while in the region. Avoid large gatherings like dog shows unless it is critical that your
dog compete. Secondly, I would ask your local boarding facility about how they are actively preventing disease in their
kennels. Do they know the flu symptoms, do they require current vaccines, how do they disinfect the kennels, and finally
what is their level of socialization with the other dogs?
At our office we are working hard to identify dogs that are coughing or dogs in social situations that are running a fever.
We are asking them to wait in the car and we are trying to do the histories and partial physicals there before determining if
they can enter the building. We will probably be doing more testing and send out samples to the lab because it is our duty
to properly identify the causative agent to protect our state from this new flu strain. We are working harder to disinfect the
rooms and our kennels.
In closing, there is no direct treatment for the canine flu virus. All we can do is treat the symptoms and support the patient until its own body can develop antibodies to kill the virus. In this case the saying is true; an ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure.
Education and managing pet social situations is very important for the next few months. If you have any questions I
would recommend talking to your local veterinarian.
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Please submit your news to Theresa Goiffon at
[email protected] by the 25th of each month.
Thank you!
Please send photo, brags and news.
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