jefferson county board of realtors
jefferson county board of realtors
JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS J ANUARY , 2016 Information on: January Members Meeting Hospice Bowling Fundraiser Government Day And Holiday Party Pictures! PAGE 2 JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS N EW A GENTS : ORIENTATION New agents must attend orientation within six months of placing their license in an office. New members cannot use the Realtor® designation or identity until they have completed this training and have been sworn in. Fort Atkinson 200 Sherman Ave West Jason Bothun NMLS # 764475 920.568.5649 [email protected] Diane Rue NMLS#272170 920 568-5641 [email protected] Member FDIC BANKING > INVESTMENTS > INSURANCE > REALTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN, INC. Contact: Beth Fletcher 800 422-8831 4801 Forrest Run Rd 101 Madison, WI 53704 January 14 8:30a –3:30p February 11 8:30a—3:30p March 18 10:00a—5:00p Please notify them 48 hours ahead of the date you are attending as they cater lunch. Check back next month for additional dates GREATER MILWAUKEE ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ALL CLASSES ON TUESDAYS Held at RADISSON HOTEL 2303 N Mayfair Rd Milwaukee, 53226 Registration 8:00am Classes begin 8:15am—12:15pm January 5 February 2 March 1 April 5 May 3 June 7 July 12 August 2 September 13 October 4 November 1 December 6 Direct questions to GMAR at 414 778-4929 REMINDER All Member Status Information must come to the Board Office. DRs must contact the office with any changes additions and releases of agents within 30 days, in accordance with our Bylaws. A $50.00 fine will be assessed for each violation. To submit changes, go to our website and click on Membership tools and complete page 2 of the application. Or email the Board office at [email protected] PAGE 3 JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS PAGE 4 JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS Christmas Party 2015 was well represented by agents, affiliates and guests. The Christmas Party was held at Lake Mills Legion on Thursday 12-10 starting at 5:30. We had a total of 81 paid dinners. The night started out with appetizers, full dinner and 5 different kinds of deserts. We had a DJ for entertainment and several prizes and games throughout the night. Shannon Streich put together a wonderful Christmas trivia on the big screen, which provided much laughter and big prizes for the trivia contest winners! Other big events were of course, the Ugly Christmas sweater contest won by Karen Daniel, $50 gift card, 2nd place $35 gift Certificate went to Treymane McGraw, and 3rd place, a $25 gift certificate went to Linda Semon. For our "Christmas Neighbors" toy collection, we collected a huge table of toys for Jefferson County's Toy distribution. Jammie Trapp did a wonderful job on the RPAC silent auction and 50/50 raffles. Winner of the $140 50/50 raffle was Rich Nelson of RE/MAX Community. Committee members for this successful event were: Tremayne McGraw,(C21), Sherry Stelse, (Mike Foerster Real Estate), Kim Jones, (First Weber) Ann Braasch, (Shorewest), Kathy Gorski (RE/MAX Preferred), Tom Boycks, Shannon Streich, and Heidi Kabat, (RE/MAX Community). All Members went home with a Christmas ham provided by the generous donations from the following affiliates and area businesses: B.E. Hive Bank of Lake Mills Studio 8 Farmers & Merchants State Bank Tan-A-Latte Greenwood State Bank Re/Max Community Johnson Bank Re/Max Prefered Premier Bank Ann Braasch Badger Bank Kim Jones Fidelity Land Title Heidi Kabat Fort Community Credit Union Ten Pin Motors Jack Loppnow WI Mortgage Joe Dasch Shorewest Fairway Mortgage C21 Affiliated Culvers in Fort Fort Car Wash (Terry Alt) Kwik Trip of Lake Mills PAGE 5 JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS W WW . MYJCBR . ORG P AGE 6 Oh what fun it is to party! Heidi Kabat-caterer ...the drinking ...the eating ...the winners And of course, the big guy himself…. SANTA CLAUS P AGE 7 JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS And no holiday party would be complete without at least one of Santa’s helpers! P AGE 8 JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS P AGE 9 JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS P AGE 10 JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS SAVE THE DATE: MARCH 2nd PRESIDENT Sharon Stade, ReMax Preferred 920 650-9103 [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Kim Jones, First Weber 920 215-7917 [email protected] SECY/TREAS Laura Baker, First Weber 920 728-4118 [email protected] DIRECTORS Jammie Trapp, ReMax Preferred 920 285-2703 [email protected] Denise Sponem, Century 21 Integrity 920 728-1377 [email protected] Belle Luhman, Century 21 Endeavor 920.988.5494 [email protected] What is REALTOR® & Government Day? It is your opportunity to help shape laws that affect you and your business. Through lobbying efforts at the Capitol, you'll meet state lawmakers and have a unique opportunity to advocate for issues like property taxes, land use, property rights, regulations, and more. Our success as an industry requires active advocacy by every REALTOR®. Heidi Kabat, ReMax Community 920 650-0065 [email protected] AFFILIATE DIRECTOR Mike Gorman, Fort Community Credit Union 920 563-7305 [email protected] Association Executive: Roz Highfield Office 920 650-0244 Mobile 920 723-5079 [email protected] MONTLHY MEETING SCHEDULE: Directors 1st Wednesday of each month And is open to all members 8:30AM Fort Community Credit Union –Jefferson Please mark your calendars for the 2016 REALTOR& Government Day – Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at the Monona Terrace and Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin (1pm – 5:30pm). JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS P AGE 11 2015-2016 Committee Chairs 2015-2016 Meeting & Event Calendar* FINANCE Sharon Stade Kim Jones Laura Baker EVENT MONTH/DATE Strategic Planning October Consumer Outreach November 12 Holiday Party December 10 Annual Meeting January 14 BYLAWS/RULES & REGULATIONS Sharon Stade Kim Jones Laura Baker Hospice Fundraiser February 13 EDUCATION/SCHOLARSHIP Mike Gorman Government Day March 2 GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS (RPAC) Jammie Trapp Meet and Greet April 14 Elections May 12 Golf June 20 No Event/Meeting July Meet and Greet August 11 Installation September 8 Strategic Planning October 13 *dates can be subject to change NOMINATING Jammie Trapp GOLF Denise Sponem Belle Luhman MEMBERSHIP (Orientation) Belle Luhman REALTY SAFETY Kim Jones HOLIDAY PARTY Heidi Kabat Mike Gorman PUBLIC REATIONS (Social Media) Mike Gorman Laura Baker HOSPICE Denise Sponem INTERESTED IN JOINING A COMMITTEE? WANT TO KNOW MORE INFORMATION? Contact the Committee Chair. They would love to hear from you!