Aug-Sep 2009 - Bel Marin Keys
Aug-Sep 2009 - Bel Marin Keys
Neighbor to Neighbor August/September 2009 News, events and resources for Bel Marin 4 Montego Key ● Novato, CA 94949 ● Tel: (415) 883-4222 ● Fax: (415) 883-3683 ● South Lagoon Levee Repairs The Compass Rose BMKCSD Waterways Manager update The CSD has awarded a contract to Maggiora & Ghilotti to repair the south levee section adjacent to the culverts by Bel Marin Keys Blvd. Work will also include the installation of a new tide gate and improvements near the south lock (end moat closest to Novato Creek), and also an acceleration lane which will enable truck traffic to access the Bel Marin Keys Dredge Material Management Site. As forcasted, the south lagoon water levels WILL BE LOWERED during the levee work. Notices will be provided to residents on the South Lagoon once we have received a project schedule from Maggiora & Ghilotti. We are excited to have this project underway and appreciate everyone’s patience! Catheryne DiPrete English Channel Swim Congratulations to Catheryne for successfully completing the English Channel swim on August 17, 2009. Her first attempt across the Channel was in 2008, and I did not make it across for a multiple of reasons. This year she swam across the Channel in 12 hours and 12 minutes. She stated, “I had a great support crew and an excellent pilot to thank for helping me across; but most importantly, it was my husband Peter who piloted countless training swims and who believed in me that made it all possible”. Bel Marin Keys CSD Board of Directors Ernie Ganas, President Darrick Chase, Vice- President Susan Leidy, Director Vince Lattanzio, Director Mark Montobbio, Director I would like to thank the community for the ongoing support and your awareness, responsibility and preservation of the lagoons and waterways. As fall approaches there will be several construction projects in the community to be aware of when making plans. Please contact the office for more information and be on the lookout for published schedule of events. Flushing Schedule October 5-8 October 18-21 November 2-5 November 16-19 VHF Channel 16 is monitored during flushing events Please be cautious and avoid the Navigation locks the South Culvert during flushing events posted above. If you have plans to during these dates, please contact the office for exact times, location and coordination to ensure no disruption to any boating excursions. If you encounter any debris that may be deemed a navigation hazard please do not hesitate to call the district office (833-4222) with an approximate location so we can keep our waterways clean. There is a new Shoal sign located just outside the North Lock heading east on Novato Creek. Please be aware and leave yourself room to avoid running aground. I am pleased to announce that we have made more dock space at the CSD by relocating the boatlift and work boat to the South Lock area. This will enable the district to have a vessel in both lagoons at all times and will cut response time for any issues that may arise. August/September 1 Water Safety Montego Park Upgrades We are truly a unique waterfront community. We have made water sports and recreation an integral part of our lives, which is why we call Bel Marin Keys home. Water is a very powerful natural force which also must be treated with respect. Over the past month, three incidents have occurred in which people placed themselves in harms way by just not using common sense. As part of the continuing program to update and “spruce” up our parks, Montego Park will receive new front fence pilings and chain, signage, landscape improvements along with more efficient water conservation sprinklers, paid for with money expectantly contributed by the North Marin Water District. Work should begin in late October or early November. On two separate occasions an individual was paddling in the Novato Creek while flushing was occurring (after 10 p.m). The CSD posts flushing notices on the website, in “Neighbor to Neighbor”, and on the marquee as you enter the Community. For eight months of the year flushing occurs twice a month. During the winter season (4 months) flushing is done once a month. Mariners are alerted to this action by the posted notices. The CSD pushes millions of gallons of water in and out of the lagoons from the Novato Creek. If you are not sure, or have questions on flushing operations, please call the CSD (883-4222) or email your questions to [email protected]. Another incident occurred where swimmers entered the South Lagoon and were swimming near the culverts; that run under Bel Marin Keys Boulevard out to the Novato Creek. Again, during flushing operations, water is moving rapidly, and being in and around structures with moving the water is simply unsafe. In all incidents, there were no injuries as the Waterways Manager was on site and able to shut down operations. Please use common sense and be aware of what is going on with the water before you head out. Novato Creek Survey An updated Novato Creek survey will be posted on the CSD website in early November as part of our annual tracking of material, infilling, and shoaling of the creek. There is an ever expanding shoal by the North Lock which mariners should take note of. (signs are going up!) Park Benches As part of the continuance to upgrade the CSD’s parks and open space. Cavalla Cay and Del Oro Lagoon parks have received a total of six (6) refurbished benches. If you have a chance, please stop by and enjoy the parks. Calypso Shores boat ramp Design work is underway for improvement at the Calypso Shores Boat Ramp and parking area. Improvements will include a more defined boat wash out area; new parking area pavement along with drainage, and signage along with landscape improvements. Work should be underway in November. The ramp will be intermittently closed during construction. The CSD’s Waterways Manager will work with any concerned or effected residents who need access into or out of the North Lagoon,. During construction they will be detoured into the South Lagoon and will access the North Lagoon via the locks. Submittals for the Architectural Control Sub Committee Do you have a project that needs to be submitted to the Architectural Control Sub Committee (ACSC)? If so, please note that the ASCS is a volunteer committee and usually meets the first Thursday of every month, unless there are no submittals for review. Applications are available at the District office (office hours Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5pm) and must be turned in two weeks before the meeting to allow ample of time for site visits. Once the ASCS meets, their recommendations will be submitted to the Board of Directors acting as the Architectural Control Committee for approval. The Board of Directors meets the third Thursday of every month. Any questions please contact the office 883-4222. August/September 2 What is that smell? CSD MINUTES SUMMARY The CSD office has been receiving calls with notice that there is a strong odor once again appearing given the weather/heat along Bel Marin Keys Blvd. The BMKCSD Board of Directors tasked the District Engineer to find some long term solution to the moat/odor issue. The moats (especially moat across from BMK Blvd house number 1104 -1176) have a high propensity to produce algae, and thusly, supports the growth of other water vegetation which dies off when the water evaporates. This cycle, year after year, leaves a rather anaerobic environment. Lab samples last year basically confirmed that fact. Water was recently added to diminish the odor. ** For full version of the minutes please see the District Office** The CSD will be replacing the gate at the most easterly moat (closest to the South Lock) with a new larger gate, and mucking some of the material from the basin of the moat with a goal towards increasing the tidal flow in and out of this moat. This will improve water quality within this moat and allow some improvement to tidal prism, which we are sorely lacking. Also, it will increase some flow in and out of the Novato Creek. How does this tie into the next moat where we have the odor issue? We will look over the next wet season to see how the altered moat performs, how much siltation we experience, the need for water level maintenance, and if things perform as planned. We are looking into the possibility of tying the next moat (the one with which we are experiencing the odor issue) to the tidal moat to increase flows in a future project. Our goal for this would be two fold: 1) to increase the tidal prism and flows in and out of the Novato Creek to allow and entry to increase water flow/velocity in the creek by utilizing the moats, and 2) allow water to flow in and out of the moat which will significantly reduce the biological plant decay odor experience for the three or so “hot” months. There are, of course, issues that have to be worked out with respect to permits, sediment modeling/disposal, etc. before anything can be expanded but at least the community should be aware that this issue has not been forgotten. It may take some patience and time to work things through, and we are confident that the results will be long lasting for the community. Along with the moat issue as discussed above, access in and out of the BMK Dredge Material Management Site needs to be installed. As such we would have some place to take any material from the moats for disposal as this is site is owned and operated by the CSD. CSD Regular Board Meeting August 20, 2009 Board members present: Ganas, Lattanzio, Chase, Leidy Absent: Montobbio 1.MOTION: To approve minutes from meeting of July 16, 2009. Vote: Ayes– Ganas, Chase, Lattanzio, Leidy. Absent: Montobbio 2.MOTION: To approve the contract documents for the 2009 Levee, Storm water and Roadway Improvements as presented. Vote: Ayes– Ganas, Chase, Leidy, Lattanzio Absent: Montobbio 3.MOTION: To the Consent Calendar. Vote: Ayes- Ganas, Chase, Leidy, Lattanzio Absent: Montobbio 4.MOTION: To adjourn the August 20, 2009 Board meeting. Vote: Ayes– Ganas, Chase, Leidy, Lattanzio Absent: Montobbio District Manager’s Report The District will extend the landscaping contract one more year with East Bay Construction Company. A total of fourteen (14) unclaimed 1996 Dredge refunds were returned. The cameras are doing a good job and the license plate camera will be relocated to the first median. The locks will be looked at next. The sheriff has informed the office that they will be making more of a presence in the community, both on the water and the streets. Pet Waste Disposal Stations The six (6) pet waste disposal stations recently purchased have been installed at Cavalla Cay Park, Bahama Reef east ramp, Sunset Park, State Coastal Conservancy gate, Montego Park, and the District office in an effort to keep the comWe know that all of this can be frustrating as things munity clean. never seem to move along as fast as many would like. The regulations, permits, and the necessity to keep If, the units installed are well received within the community, additional units may be installed. solutions within a cost range that is obtainable for the Your use of the bags provide for pet waste pick-up would District are all factors that we have to work within to be greatly appreciated by the non-dog owning neighbors. provide a solid solution to the problem. August/September 3 Tiboni, Oscar E. Left this earth to be with his wives, Helen, Mary and Patti on August 21st, 10:10pm. At the age of 94, born and raised in San Francisco, he lived a full life. Born on Sept. 23rd, 1914 to father Germano Tiboni and mother Delfina Merli. He had two sisters, Val and Amy. He served our country in the Navy and after being honorably discharged, he began his career working on the structure of the Golden Gate Bridge. He entered the San Francisco Police Department and retired after thirty years of service. He then decided to go to work for the Golden Gate Bridge District as a security officer. He then retired after five years. He is survived by his sister Amy Hegarty and family, his step-sons Don Taylor and John (Tad) Thompson; his grandchildren Debbie Powell and family, David Taylor, Linda Bjormnberg and family, Sandy Johnson and family, Laureen Maul and family, Terri Fredrickson and family, Tobi Giannone and family, Tim Taylor, Jeff Taylor and family, Gina Trisciuzzi and family, Michael Taylor, and Lisa Cole and family. He outlived his father Germano Tiboni, mother Delfina Merli, sister Valerie, wives Helen, Mary, and Patti, and step-son Richard Carosella (Dick). You can visit and share your memories of Oscar at his website, oscartiboni. Please join the celebration of Oscar’s life with friends and family on October 11th from 1 to 5 pm at the Community Center. RSVP to Debbie at (707) 217-9629 or [email protected]. Verchiani, Tina Passed away on August 4th. Verchiani was the CSD secretary at the time Home Savings and Loans was getting ready to build Unit 4 and the construction of the South Lock. She was also very helpful with the Bond Issue for dredging the creek. She retired to Lake Havasu, Arizona with her husband and two children. She was a delight and a pleasure to work with. She will be missed. Wholesale to the Public! August/September 4 BMK Statistics Jul Aug Total 2009 Vehicle Abatements 11 8 19 Alarm Complaints 3 1 4 Suspicious Persons 0 0 0 Prowler 1 0 1 Suspicious Vehicles 1 0 0 Stolen Vehicle 0 0 0 Assault on Person 0 0 0 Noise Complaint 8 4 12 Burglaries 0 2 2 Grand Theft 1 1 2 Petty Theft 0 1 1 Vandalism 0 0 0 Trespassing 0 0 0 ANNOUNCEMENT EXECUTIVE PERSONAL ASSISTANT Excellent Organizational Skills Financial/Officer/Personal Local References (415) 487-7434 [email protected] Great time to invest in the stock market? Moneybags of Bel Marin Keys invites the community to investigate the possibilities. We are a group that has met for over 20 years. Meetings held the second Wednesda6y of the month. Call Joan Clark at 883-0872 for further information. August/September 5 Community Calendar 2009 Mark Your Calendars! *District Manager, Beverly James, of the Novato Sanitary District will be attending the CSD Board meeting October 15th (7:15PM), to addresses the private lateral program, which is sponsored by the North Bay Watershed Association (NBWA). *Game Mondays from 1 to 4 pm. Games are held at the Community Center. For more information please call the office at 883-4222. OCTOBER Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday . 4 FLUSHING 11 5 6 FLUSHING 12 19 FLUSHING 25 26 8 9 10 15 7:15p.m. CSD Board Meeting 16 17 22 23 24 30 31 Women’s Club 11:30am 14 20 FLUSHING 3 Concert in the Keys FLUSHING Dance Club 7-9pm 18 2 7 FLUSHING Men’s Club 11:30am Dance Club 7-9pm 13 Tiboni Memorial 21 FLUSHING Men’s Club 11:30 am Dance Club 7-9pm 27 Saturday 1 FLUSHING 28 29 YC Dinner ”Holloween Party” Dance Club 7-9 pm NOVEMBER Sunday Monday .1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday Thursday 4 3 5 FLUSHING FLUSHING Men’s Club 11:30am FLUSHING Friday FLUSHING Saturday 6 7 13 14 Dance Club 7-9pm 8 9 10 11 11 am Men’s Club Dance Club 7-9pm 15 16 FLUSHING 22 17 23 24 11 am Men’s Club Dance Club 7-9pm 29 30 YC Commodores Ball 18 19 FLUSHING 7:15p.m. CSD Board Meeting 20 21 25 26 THANKSGIVING DAY OFFICE CLOSED 27 28 FLUSHING Men’s Club 11:30am Dance Club 7-9pm FLUSHING 12 11am Women’s Club 31 August/September 6 Date: 10/3/2009 Time: 3 p.m. to 7p.m. Concert in the Keys Enjoy a beautiful afternoon of boating, music and on-the-water entertainment with your friends and neighbors on OCTOBER 3, 2009 from 3pm to 7pm on Laguna Bel Marin [north lagoon] right behind the Yacht Club. This year’s event will feature the band playing from our new deck and the Club open to the community for those who cannot boat in and raft off. The bar will be open and hot dogs [$3] and hamburgers [$5] with all the trimmings. Mark Copland is providing a great raft to tie up to and we’ll raft off as many boats as we can. Mark is a great guy to contact [415-408-8152] if you need dock or gangway work done. The entertainment this year is by Doc Kraft whose band plays at all the major Yacht Clubs and music venues in the Bay Area. You can check out the band and listen to their music by Googling his name. See you on the water OCTOBER 33d. August/September 7 INSIDE THIS ISSUE PAGE South Lagoon Levee Repairs 1 The Compass Rose 1 Catherune DiPetre 1 Water Safety 2 Novato Creek Survey 2 Calypso Shores boat ramp 2 Submittals to ACSC 2 Park Benches 2 Montego Park Upgrades 2 What is that Smell? 3 Pet Waste Disposal Stations 3 CSD Minutes/ District Manager Report 3 Oscar Tiboni Memorial 4 BMK Statistics/ Advertisement 4/5 Community Calendar 6 Concert in the Keys 7 August/September 8 Bel Marin Keys CSD Neighbor to Neighbor Photo courtesy of Deborah Sonntag Waterway Ordinance Reminder 11.36.060 Water skiing. The following regulations and limitations shall apply in waters within the territory of the Bel Marin Keys Community Services District to water skiing: (1) No more than three boats shall tow water skiers on Sunrise Lagoon, and no more than four boats shall tow water skiers on Sunset Lagoon, at any time. (2) Boats towing water skiers shall be limited to twenty-two feet overall length, measured from to stem to transom, in all lagoons where water skiing is allowed. (3) Water skiing is prohibited in the water surrounding the street of Cavella Cay, the waters bordered by the streets Caribe Isle, Bel Marin Keys Boulevard, and Del Oro Lagoon, and that portion of Laguna Bel Marin south of a line from the west end of the dock at 145 Caribe Isle and the east end of the dock at 60 Montego Key, as indicated on the water safety map which was attached to Ordinance 3028. All water skiing shall follow a counter clockwise pattern, and shall be limited to the designated ski areas; as shown on the Water Safety Map, attached as Exhibit A to Ordinance 3028, in Laguna Bel Marin, Sunrise and Sunset Lagoons; except that beginner double ski skiing shall be allowed in Unit 4 lagoons designated as Lagoons 4A and 4B on the water safety map attached to Ordinance 3028. (Ord. 3302 § 2 (part), 1999) 11.36.065 Wake surfing prohibited. No vessel operator shall intentionally engage in any water sport in which the sport participant is propelled entirely or substantially by the force of the vessel's wake alone within the Bel Marin Keys Community Services District and its waters, including, but not limited to, the North and South lagoon. No person shall intentionally engage in propelling themselves in any manner entirely or substantially by the force of a vessel's wake alone within the Bel Marin Keys Community Services District and its waters, including, but not limited to, the North and South lagoon. (Ord. 3438 § 2, 2006) 11.36.070 Swimmers. Swimmers in waters within the territory of the Bel Marin Keys Community Services District shall wear international orange swim caps when swimming beyond twenty-five feet from the dock face, or beyond fifty feet from the shoreline. Swimming shall not be allowed in areas which have been designated ski areas. (Ord. 3302 § 2 (part), 1999)
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