9/15/2014 - Huntersville
9/15/2014 - Huntersville
Department Heads Mayor Max Buchanan, Public Works Bill Coxe, Transportation Michael Jaycocks, Parks&Rec Jack Simoneau, Planning Cleveland Spruill, Police Chief Janet Stoner, Finance Jill Swain Mayor Pro-Tem Melinda Bales Commissioners Ron Julian Rob Kidwell Sarah McAulay Jeff Neely Danny Phillips Assistant Town Manager Gerry Vincent Town Clerk Janet Pierson Town Manager Town Attorney Gregory H. Ferguson AGENDA Bob Blythe Regular Town Board Meeting September 15, 2014 - 6:30 PM TOWN HALL ( 101 Huntersville-Concord Road ) I. Pre-meeting A. Town of Huntersville Strategic Economic Development Plan (SEDP) – Presentation by RKG Associates. (5:15 p.m.) B. Veterans Park at Main and Maxwell discussion. (6:00 p.m.) II. Call to Order III. Invocation/Moment of Silence IV. Pledge of Allegiance V. Mayor and Commissioner Reports/Staff Questions A. Mayor Jill Swain (MTC, Commerce Station Management Team) B. Commissioner Melinda Bales (LNTC) C. Commissioner Ron Julian (LNREDC Board, Planning Coordinating Committee) D. Commissioner Rob Kidwell (Olde Huntersville Heritage Society) E. Commissioner Sarah McAulay (CRTPO, COG, NC 73 Council of Planning) F. Commissioner Jeff Neely (Lake Norman Chamber Board, Visit Lake Norman Board) G. Commissioner Danny Phillips (Arts & Science Council) VI. Public Comments, Requests, or Presentations VII. Agenda Changes A. Agenda changes if any. B. Adoption of Agenda. VIII. Public Hearings IX. Other Business A. Conduct evidentiary hearing and consider decision on Vermillion Jones/Lot 1 Subdivision Sketch Plan. (Whitney Hodges) B. Consider decision on Petition #TA14-05, a request by the Toyota of North Charlotte car dealership to amend Article 4 of the Huntersville Zoning Ordinance (Highway Commercial Building Type) in regard to allowed building materials visible from the public street. (Brad Priest) X. C. Conduct evidentiary hearing and consider decision on request by Skybrook LLC to eliminate a second required street connection to Huntersville-Concord Road and replace with a hammerhead turnaround. (David Peete) D. Consider awarding contract for the construction of the Bradford Park Concession Stand to Liles Construction. (Michael Jaycocks) E. Consider approving SL362 property tax refund reports. (Janet Stoner/Greg Ferguson) F. Consider authorizing the Mayor to send request to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission to prepare a study list inventory of structures and landmarks within the town that have or may have historical significance. (Commissioner Kidwell) Consent Agenda A. Approve minutes of the August 18, 2014 Town Board Pre-meeting. (Janet Pierson) B. Approve minutes of the August 18, 2014 Regular Town Board Meeting. (Janet Pierson) C. Approve budget amendment appropriating Sponsorship Revenue in the amount of $8,715.00 to the Parks and Recreation's Downtown Festival account. (Janet Stoner/Michael Jaycocks) D. Approve budget amendment recognizing insurance revenue in the amount of $500.00 and appropriate to the Police Department's insurance account. (Janet Stoner/Chief Spruill) E. Approve budget amendment recognizing insurance revenue in the amount of $500.00 and appropriate to the Police Department's insurance account. (Janet Stoner/Chief Spruill) F. Approve budget amendment recognizing insurance revenue in the amount of $500 and appropriate to the Police Department's insurance account. (Janet Stoner/Chief Spruill) G. Approve budget amendment appropriating fund balance in the amount of $73,991.91 to provide for the Business Investment Program Grant approved by the Board on July 18, 2005 and amended on March 3, 2008 with Prairie Packaging Inc. and Prairie Brookwood LLC. (Janet Stoner/Greg Ferguson) H. Call a public hearing for Monday, October 6, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at Huntersville Town Hall on Petition #TA14-06, a request by Sam Jones Funeral Home to amend Article 9.56 of the Huntersville Zoning Ordinance in regard to maximum number of cases allowed for Crematoriums as an accessory use. (Brad Priest) I. Approve SL362 property tax refund report. (Janet Stoner/Greg Ferguson) XI. Closing Comments XII. Adjourn To speak concerning an item on the Agenda, please print your name and address on the sign-up sheet on the table outside the Board Room prior to the meeting. If you wish to speak concerning an item that is added to the Agenda during the meeting, please raise your hand during that item. Each speaker will be limited to no more than 3 minutes. The Mayor, as the presiding officer may, at her discretion, shorten the time limit for speakers when an unusually large number of persons have signed up to speak. AS A COURTESY, PLEASE TURN CELL PHONES OFF WHILE MEETING IS IN PROGRESS Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Whitney Hodges Subject: Vermillion Jones/Lot 1 Bowman Development Group proposes to subdivide 0.93 acres in order to construct eight (8) single-family homes on two existing lots. The proposed lots are located on the south side of Huntersville-Concord Road directly across from Glendale Drive. The lots would be accessed off Alley Cat internal to the Vermillion Subdivision. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Consider decision FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Verm. Jones Lot 1 Staff Report Staff Report Attachment A Verm Jones Lot 1 Application Backup Material Attachment B Vermillion Jones Lot 1 Exhibit Attachment C Vermillion Jones Lot 1 Neighborhood Mtg Summary Backup Material Staff Analysis 09.15.14 Vermillion Lot 1/Jones Lot Sketch Plan PART 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Applicant and Property Owner: Bowman Development Group Property Location: One lot is located inside the Vermillion Neighborhood and one lot outside. Both lots are on the south side Huntersville-Concord Road directly across from Glendale Drive. At the end of Notchwood Court and Alley Cat. Project Size: +/- 0.9 acres Parcel Number: 01905685, 01905605 Parcel ID 01905605 (0.5 acres) is within the Vermillion subdivision/rezoning boundary. Parcel ID 01905685 is not within the Vermillion subdivision/rezoning boundary, which is reflected on the map on page 2. Application is Attachment A and Site Plan is Attachment B. Zoning: Parcel ID 01905685 is zoned Neighborhood Residential (NR) and Parcel ID 01905605 is zoned Neighborhood ResidentialTraditional Neighborhood Development Overlay (NR-TND-O) Current Land Use: Vacant Proposed Land Use: 8 singlefamily lots PART 2: SITE PLAN DESCRIPTION AND ISSUES 1. Adjacent Properties: To the north: General Residential (GR) and Neighborhood Residential (NR): single-family residential (Hunters Ridge and Covington Subdivisions). To the south: Neighborhood Residential-Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay (NR-TND-O: single-family residential (Vermillion). To the east: General Residential (GR): single-family residential (Crown Ridge Subdivision). To the west: Neighborhood Residential (NR) and Neighborhood Residential-Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay (NR-TND-O): single family residential and vacant (Vermillion and Anchor Mill Site). 2. Water Quality is not applicable to this development because the lot inside the Vermillion boundary predates the ordinance and the lot outside of the Vermillion boundary disturbs less than an acre and is therefore exempt. 3. A neighborhood meeting was held on June 23, 2014 and meeting information is in Attachment C. Page 1 of 6 Staff Analysis 09.15.14 4. The map below shows the project boundary in black. The cross hatched area is the land being added to Vermillion as a part of this request. PART 3: TRANSPORTATION ISSUES A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is not required for this proposal. Along Huntersville-Concord Road, a minimum width of 70’ of right-of-way is required for this minor thoroughfare. The final cross section of Huntersville-Concord will need width for curb and gutter, left turn-lane into Glendale Lane, bike lanes, two travel lanes, planting strip, and sidewalk. Staff recommends that the developer escrow funds in lieu of constructing the required improvements including double row of street trees. At the Planning Board Meeting Mr. Bowman stated that he would prefer to install the improvements rather than escrow. There are no requirements in the Subdivision Ordinance to compel the developer to escrow the improvements; all improvements would need to be installed prior to the final plat. Additionally, Town of Huntersville Engineering Department has commented on the functionality of several of the driveways to the alleys and noted that on-street parking will not be allowed on the alley or along Huntersville-Concord Road. PART 4: PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS Section 6.200 of the Subdivision Ordinance outlines the “general requirements and policies to be used in the design, review, and approval” of subdivisions in the Town of Huntersville. The following staff findings are provided for the Board’s consideration of the Subdivision Sketch Plan. 1. Consistency with adopted public plans and policies. The following sections of the 2030 Huntersville Community Plan apply to this request: • Policy H-1: Development Pattern. Continue to follow existing residential development patterns as reflected in “Map of Zoning Districts”, focusing higher intensity development generally within two miles of the I-77/NC 115 corridor and lower development from the east and west of this corridor extending to the Town boundaries. AND Policy H-9: Future Residential Development. Higher intensity residential development will be focused generally within two miles of the I-77/NC-115 corridor and future mixed use nodes in the eastern and western areas of Huntersville’s zoning jurisdiction Comment: The proposed development is located in an area where higher intensity development is appropriate based on the 2030 Huntersville Community Plan Vision. Page 2 of 6 Staff Analysis 09.15.14 • • • • Policy H-3: Mixed-Use Development. Support and encourage self-sustained developments, where commercial and employment uses are in close proximity to residential uses Comment: Vermillion and these proposed lots are 0.25-0.7 miles from downtown Huntersville where there are commercial and employment uses. Policy E-2: Location of New Development. Avoid locating new development in areas of significant environmental, scenic or cultural resources. Comment: Planning staff has no indication that the request will adversely affect known cultural, scenic or environmental resources. Policy E-3: Environmental Regulations. Support and enhance environmental regulations pertaining to tree preservation, buffer yards, open space, water quality, wetland and stream protection. Comment: Tree preservation is not required for the eastern lot of this development because it is within the 2000 rezoning boundary which was approved prior to tree save requirements. However, most of the significant trees are located on that lot. The homes have been designed in a manner in order to avoid cutting the trees down. There are approximately nine trees on the lot outside of the zoning boundary therefore only one tree needs to be saved. The developer is proposing to save four trees (44%). Policy E-5: Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT). Support reduction in vehicle miles travelled (VMT), through capital investments in sidewalks, greenways, enhanced connectivity and mass transit (bus & rail). AND Policy T-6: Pedestrian Connections. Support the installation of sidewalks, bikeways and greenway trails connecting residential, commercial, employment, recreational and institutional uses. Comment: No new streets are proposed. The Town has requested that sidewalk provisions along HuntersvilleConcord Road be accommodated through an escrow. 2. Conformity. The orientation of the proposed homes face Huntersville-Concord Road and therefore comply with this section. Article 4, Detached House, states that front build-to lines are established based on the homes on either side for 300’ on the same side of the street. Within this 300’ distance, the orientation of the homes vary (i.e some face the HuntersvilleConcord and some face internal streets). Staff requested at the Planning Board meeting that the build-to line be modified to be more conforming with the surrounding development. The site plan shows a 20-30’ build-to line of which staff requested. The applicant is not showing the 20’ residential buffer on the western edge. The developer has requested a waiver from the buffer requirement as provided in 7.5.3 (4), “Where connectivity between subdivisions is appropriate for high quality neighborhood design, the Town Board may reduce or waive the required buffer yard.” Additionally, the adjoining property that would be affected by this buffer waiver has provided a statement agreeing to the waiver which will be provided at the meeting. Staff supports the waiver. 3. Access Between Adjoining Properties. The proposed development is not creating any new roads therefore this requirement is being met. 4. Relation to topography. The proposed development is not creating new streets. 5. Mature trees and natural vegetation. The proposed project is required to save 10 percent of the tree canopy, 10 percent of the specimen trees and 100% of the heritage trees for the western lot only. The eastern lot is vested by the 2000 rezoning plan. There are approximately nine trees on the lot outside of the zoning boundary therefore only one tree needs to be saved. The developer is proposing to save four trees (44%). There are no heritage trees on site. Page 3 of 6 Staff Analysis 09.15.14 6. Access to parks, schools, etc. The proposed project is an infill project to the Vermillion Neighborhood in which there are internal sidewalks that connect to a proposed greenway. 7. Discourage through traffic. In Vermillion, all streets are appropriately sized for residential traffic. Block lengths are short and there is no straight access to any adjoining property; nor is direct access to a thoroughfare. 8. Relationship to railroad rights-of-way. Not Applicable. 9. Half streets. Not Applicable. 10. Parallel streets along thoroughfares. Not Applicable. 11. Public School and Public Park Sites The parcels associated with the Vermillion Lot 1/Jones Sketch Plan have not been identified for a public school or park. 12. Public Facilities The parcels associated with the Vermillion Lot 1/Jones Sketch Plan have not been identified for a public facility. 13. Proposed street names There are no new streets proposed. 14. Easements. Easements have been identified and the plans have been sent to the respective Engineering and Utility Departments. 15. Proposed water and sewerage system. Water and sewer is being provided by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities through existing lines. 16. Restrictions on the subdivision of land subject to flooding. No floodplain has been identified on this site. 17. Reserved. 18. Open Space Although the Urban Open Space is not located on the site plan, it is being provided by a square located 0.1 miles from the proposed lots at Loftywood Court, Notchwood Court and Cinnabar Place. 19. Impact of Development on Public Facilities The addition of eight (8) single-family lots does not meet the threshold that would require an Adequate Public Facilities application or additional Transportation Impact Analysis. Vermillion was approved for 2,200 units. Bowman Development is currently projecting a total build-out of 1,470 units. PART 5: STAFF RECOMMENDATION Page 4 of 6 Staff Analysis 09.15.14 Town Staff has reviewed the proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan and finds the application complete. Staff finds that the complies with all applicable requirements. Staff recommends approval based on the findings of the staff report. Staff also recommends the buffer waiver. PART 6: PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION The Planning Board found the application complete and recommended approval of Vermillion Lot 1/Jones Sketch Plan because it meets all applicable requirements. The Planning Board requested that Bowman Development Group needs to complete staff recommendations before approval by the Town Board, specifically noting the Urban Open Space on the sketch plan. PART 7: DECISION STATEMENTS Subdivision Ordinance Section 6.320.5 states, “In considering whether to approve an application for a subdivision Sketch Plan, the Town Board shall proceed according to the following format:” COMPLETENESS OF APPLICATION (a) the Board shall consider whether the application is complete. If no member moves that the application be found incomplete (specifying either the particular type of information lacking or the particular requirement with respect to which the application is incomplete) then this shall be taken as an affirmative finding by the Board that the application is complete; [Complete Application] In considering Vermillion Lot 1/Jones Lot Sketch Plan, we, the Town Board, find the application complete. [Incomplete Application] In considering Vermillion Lot 1/Jones Lot Sketch Plan, we, the Town Board find the application lacking the following information: (provide requested information) COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS (b) the Board shall consider whether the application complies with all of the applicable requirements. If a motion to this effect passes, the Board shall make findings supporting the motion. If such a motion fails or is not made then a motion shall be made that the application be found not in compliance with one or more of the applicable requirements. Such a motion shall specify the particular requirements the application fails to meet. Separate votes may be taken with respect to each requirement not met by the application. It shall be conclusively presumed that the application complies with all requirements not found by the Board to be unsatisfied through this process; and, [Complies with all applicable requirements Vermillion Lot 1/Jones Lot Sketch Plan complies with all applicable requirements and is supported by the following findings: 1) 2) Add if necessary [Does not complies with all applicable requirements Vermillion Lot 1/Jones Lot Sketch Plan does not comply with all applicable requirements and fails to meet the following ordinance requirements: Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ Add if necessary MOTION OF APPROVAL OR DENIAL (c) if the Town Board concludes that all applicable requirements are met, it shall approve the Sketch Plan. If the Board concludes that the application fails to comply with one (1) or more of the applicable requirements, it shall adopt a motion to deny the application for one (1) or more of the reasons set forth within this Ordinance. Such a motion shall propose specific findings, based upon the evidence submitted, justifying such a conclusion. [Complies with all applicable requirements] Vermillion Lot 1/Jones Lot Sketch Plan complies with all applicable requirements and I make a recommendation of APPROVAL: Page 5 of 6 Staff Analysis 09.15.14 [Does not complies with all applicable requirements] Vermillion Lot 1/Jones Lot Sketch Plan does not comply with all applicable requirements and I make a recommendation of DENIAL based on findings it fails to meet the following ordinance requirements: Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ Add if necessary The determination of failure to comply with the above ordinance requirements based on the following findings: 1) 2) 3) Add if necessary PART 8: ATTACHMENTS AND ENCLOSURES A - Application B – Site Plan C –Neighborhood Meeting Summary Page 6 of 6 Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Brad Priest, Senior Planner Subject: TA14-05 TA14-05 is a request by the Toyota of North Charlotte car dealership to amend Article 4 of the Huntersville Zoning Ordinance (Highway Commercial Building Type) in regard to allowed building materials visible from the public street. The proposed text amendment would allow decorative metal paneling to compose up to 30% of a façade visible from a public street. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Consider final action on Monday September 15, 2014. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Updated Staff Report Staff Report Text Amendment Ordinance Backup Material Application Backup Material TA 14-05 9/15/14 Staff Report TA 14-05: Toyota of North Charlotte Metal Paneling Amendment PART 1: DESCRIPTION The representatives of the property owner of the Toyota of North Charlotte car dealership have applied to amend Article 4 of the Huntersville Zoning Ordinance (Highway Commercial Building Type) in regard to allowed building materials visible from the public street. The proposed text amendment would allow decorative metal paneling to compose up to 30% of a façade visible from a public street. PART 2: BACKGROUND The current language of the Huntersville Zoning Ordinance for the Highway Commercial Building Type is as follows: Architectural Standards Principles A. Building elevations fronting or visible from public streets shall be clad with masonry, wood, vinyl siding, stucco, or similar material. Metal paneling may not comprise a street fronting building face. The Toyota of North Charlotte dealership at 13429 Statesville Road recently submitted a renovation permit application that proposed to clad a majority of the front façade (visible from the street) with a decorative metal paneling called Aluminum Composite Material (ACM). Staff commented on the plan that such a material could not be permitted due to the ordinance restriction mentioned above. In the past, staff has interpreted that although the ordinance prohibits metal paneling from “comprising” a street fronting building face, it does not prohibit metal paneling from being used as an architectural “accent” material or “trim” for such facades. This interpretation was offered to the dealership as an option to consider and the applicant was asked to reduce the amount of metal used to very small accent only coverage. However due to franchise requirements from Toyota, the applicant desired to keep the large amount of metal paneling on the front façade which was over and above what staff was comfortable with defining as trim. Therefore the applicant has proposed the following addition to the text (underlined italics): Architectural Standards Principles A. Building elevations fronting or visible from public streets shall be clad with masonry, wood, vinyl siding, stucco, or similar material. Metal paneling may not comprise a street fronting building face. Decorative metal panels such as Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) panels may be used as an accent or trim material and as cladding for building accent elements such as canopies and their supporting structure. Decorative metal panel accents however, may not exceed 30% of any façade visible from the street. PART 3: PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS The public hearing for the application was held on August 4, 2014. No comments from the public were presented, though the Board discussed with staff and the applicant various topics such as the durability of the proposed material, why a maximum of 30% coverage was needed, and how the 30% coverage would be calculated. Page 1 of 3 TA 14-05 9/15/14 Staff Report PART 4: RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE HUNTERSVILLE 2030 COMMUNITY PLAN AND APPLICABLE LONG RANGE PLANS Staff did not find any sections of the community plan that applied to architectural building design. PART 5: STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. The metal paneling proposed in the language is not the standard corrugated metal that sometimes is seen used on buildings. It is a decorative panel that has a higher aesthetic value. Also, as described above, staff has already interpreted that the current ordinance language allows for a very small metal trim or accent. The proposed amendment would codify that interpretation and sets a limit on exactly how much of the façade can be considered “trim”. The only change to the proposed text that staff would recommend would be to include the other building types in the code. If the Town Board sees fit to make this change for Highway Commercial building types, it would make sense to change the text for all commercial and mixed use buildings such as Shopfront, Civic, and Workplace. PART 6: PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION The Planning Board reviewed the application at their regular meeting on August 26, 2014. After some discussion, they unanimously recommended approval of the application. PART 7: ATTACHMENTS AND ENCLOSURES Attachments: A – Proposed Ordinance Page 2 of 3 TA 14-05 9/15/14 Staff Report PART 8: STATEMENT OF CONSISTENCY FOR TA 14-05 Planning Department APPROVAL: In considering TA 14-05, amending Article 4 of the Zoning Ordinance, Town Staff recommends approval based on the reasons described in the staff report and finds the amendment is consistent with the policies of the Town of Huntersville 2030 Community Plan. It is reasonable and in the public interest to amend the ordinance because it will give greater flexibility in architectural design and at the same time maintain high design standards. Planning Board APPROVAL: In considering TA 14-05, amending Article 4 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Board recommends approval based on the reasons described in the staff report and finds the amendment is consistent with (Insert applicable Policies and Actions here) of the Town of Huntersville 2030 Community Plan. It is reasonable and in the public interest to amend the ordinance because it will give greater flexibility in architectural design and at the same time maintain high design standards. In addition, the material proposed was not envisioned or widely used when the current architectural requirements of the 1996 Zoning Ordinance was written. Board of Commissioners APPROVAL: In considering TA 14-05, amending Article 4 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Town Board recommends approval based on the reasons described in the staff report and finds the amendment is consistent with (Insert applicable Policies and Actions here) of the Town of Huntersville 2030 Community Plan. It is reasonable and in the public interest to amend the ordinance becauseH (Explain). DENIAL: N/A DENIAL: N/A DENIAL: In considering TA 1405, amending Article 4 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Town Board finds the amendments are not consistent with (Insert applicable Policies and Actions here) of the Town of Huntersville Community Plan. We recommend denial of amendment TA 14-05. It is not reasonable and not in the public interest to amend this ordinance becauseHH (Explain) Page 3 of 3 TA 14-05 Metal Paneling Staff Report 9/15/14 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE 4 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN OF HUNTERSVILLE FOR METAL PANELING ALLOWANCE ON HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL BUILDING TYPES Section 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Huntersville that the zoning ordinance is hereby amended as follows. Article 4 – Highway Commercial Building Type – Architectural Standards Principles A. Building elevations fronting or visible from public streets shall be clad with masonry, wood, vinyl siding, stucco, or similar material. Metal paneling may not comprise a street fronting building face. Decorative metal panels such as Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) panels may be used as an accent or trim material and as cladding for building accent elements such as canopies and their supporting structure. Decorative metal panel accents however, may not exceed 30% of any façade visible from the street. Section 2. That this ordinance shall become effective upon adoption. PUBLIC HEARING DATE: Held on August 4, 2014 PLANNING BOARD MEETING: August 26, 2014 PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Approval (Unanimous) TOWN BOARD DECISION: September 15, 2014 Text Amendment Application Incomplete submissions will not be accepted. Applicant Data May 30, 2014 Date of Application ______________________________ Justin Steele for Joe Siviglia (property owner) Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ 330 South Tryon St, Suite 500 Charlotte NC 28202 Address __________________________________________________________________________________ 704-460-1888 704-731-8071 Phone Number (home) _________________________ (work) _______________________________________ [email protected] Email ____________________________________________________________________________________ Fee Text Amendment to the Zoning/Subdivision Ordinance Fee $400.00 Type of Change _____ New Addition to text of Zoning Ordinance / Subdivision Ordinance / Other X Revision/Modification to text of Zoning Ordinance / Subdivision Ordinance / Other _____ Description of Change (If possible, please provide a Word document of the proposed text change) Proposed text amendment will affect the following: Highway Commercial Building Type Zoning Ordinance Article: Article 4 Art.4 - HC, Architectural Ordinance: ____________________ ____________________ Section: ____________________ Standards - Section "A" Current Text: ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Principles: A. Building elevations fronting or visible from public streets shall be clad with masonry, wood, vinyl ______________________________________________________________________________________ siding, stucco, or similar material. Metal paneling may not comprise a street fronting building face. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Text: _________________________________________________________________________ A. Building elevations fronting or visible from public streets shall be clad with masonry, wood, vinyl siding, stucco, ______________________________________________________________________________________ or similar material. Metal paneling may not comprise a street fronting facade. Decorative metal panels such as Aluminum Composite Metal (ACM) panels may be used as an accent or trim material and as cladding for building ______________________________________________________________________________________ accent elements such as canopies and their supporting structure. Decorative metal panel accents however, may ______________________________________________________________________________________ not exceed 30% of any facade visible from the street. Reason for requested change (attach additional sheets if necessary): ___________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Currently metal trim and metal paneling is being approved as an accent and trim material. Entry canopy elements should be viewed as accent elements and therefore acceptable with a metal ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ panel finish. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: If the proposed text amendment effects property located along Hwy 73; is 2000 feet from an adjoining municipality, and/or the Mountain Island and Lake Norman Watersheds, additional peer review is required. Page 1 of 2 © 2009, Town of Huntersville, All Rights Reserved; CODE FO-PL-110209-1 Signatures I hereby certify that the information presented by me in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. 6-30-14 Applicant Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________ _____________________________________ Contact Information Town of Huntersville Planning Department PO Box 664 Huntersville, NC 28070 Phone: Fax: Physical Address: Website: 704-875-7000 704-875-6546 105 Gilead Road, Third Floor http://www.huntersville.org/Departments/Planning.aspx Page 2 of 2 © 2009, Town of Huntersville, All Rights Reserved; CODE FO-PL-110209-1 Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: David F. Peete, AICP, Principal Planner Subject: Parkside at Skybrook North Sketch Revision Sketch Plan Revision: Request by Skybrook LLC to eliminate a second required street connection to Huntersville-Concord Road and replace with a hammerhead turnaround. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Final Action FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Parkside Hammerhead staff report Staff Report Neighborhood Meeting - Skybrook Backup Material Parkside at Skybrook North Revision Staff Analysis Town Board 09/15/14 Parkside at Skybrook North Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision PART 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Applicant: Skybrook, LLC. Property Owner: Skybrook, LLC. Property Location: along Huntersville-Concord Road, just west of Poplar Tent Rd. Project Size: 78.92-acres Parcel #: 021-081-02 Zoning: Rural (R) Current Land Use: Single-Family Residential Purpose of Revision: To eliminate a second (required) street connection to Huntersville-Concord Road and replace with a hammerhead turnaround. PART 2: SITE PLAN DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Parkside at Skybrook North was originally approved in December 2005 with two (2) street connections to HuntersvilleConcord Road (see Inset A - below). The applicant/owner is requesting to eliminate the second, western-most entrance along Huntersville-Concord Road and instead, offer a second connection for the development out to Poplar Tent Road, via Phase B of Skybrook North (see Inset C - below). If approved, the second connection point would be converted to a hammerhead-style turnaround (see Inset B - below). The lot count / density for this project will not change and will remain at 106 lots. No other elements are proposed to change, with the exception that common open space will increase slightly. One (1) neighborhood meeting was held on July 14, 2014 (see Attachment D). Page 1 of 6 Parkside at Skybrook North Revision Staff Analysis Town Board 09/15/14 2005 Sketch Plan – two connections to Huntersville-Concord Road. 2014 Proposed Sketch Plan – Hammerhead turnaround added. Page 2 of 6 Parkside at Skybrook North Revision Staff Analysis Town Board 09/15/14 Skybrook North Phase 3 Sketch Plan – connection to Poplar Tent Road. PART 3: TRANSPORTATION ISSUES The proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan did require a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). However, almost immediately after initial approval, the developers reduced the project density by eliminating sections of townhomes and proposing all single-family homes. Even with this reduction, a minimum of two (2) connections was required for this development. Staff is comfortable with the proposed closure only if a second connectivity point is provided – which is proposed to Poplar Tent Road. PART 4: PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS Section 6.200 of the Subdivision Ordinance outlines the “general requirements and policies to be used in the design, review, and approval” of subdivisions in the Town of Huntersville. The following staff findings are provided for the Board’s consideration of the Subdivision Sketch Plan. 1. Consistency with adopted public plans and policies. • The following section of the 2030 Community Plan supports this request: Policy T-8: Street Connectivity. Promote and require street connectivity in the Town of Huntersville among residential, commercial, employment, recreational and institutional uses. Comment: A second access point for this 106-lot development will be provided. 2. Conformity. Not Applicable Page 3 of 6 Parkside at Skybrook North Revision Staff Analysis Town Board 09/15/14 3. Access Between Adjoining Properties. Access to the adjoining Skybrook North project (which fronts on Poplar Tent Road) was designed from the initial approval. Creating this connection will ensure that the Parkside at Skybrook North project maintains two points of access. 4. Relation to topography. Not Applicable 5. Mature trees and natural vegetation. Tree save is currently satisfied, however, the elimination of the street connection will save a small number of additional trees. 6. Access to parks, schools, etc. Not Applicable 7. Discourage through traffic. The design of the streets from Huntersville-Concord Road are residential in size and do not offer a direct connection to Poplar Tent Road. 8. Relationship to railroad rights-of-way. Not Applicable. 9. Half streets. Not Applicable. 10. Parallel streets along thoroughfares. Not Applicable. 11. Public School and Public Park Sites Not Applicable 12. Public Facilities Not Applicable 13. Proposed street names Street names are not affected. 14. Easements. Not Applicable 15. Proposed water and sewerage system. Not Applicable 16. Restrictions on the subdivision of land subject to flooding. Not Applicable 17. Reserved. 18. Open Space Urban Open Space is not affected by this request. As a full portion of a street is not going to be built, common open space will increase slightly. 19. Impact of Development on Public Facilities Not Applicable PART 5: STAFF RECOMMENDATION Town Staff has reviewed the proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan and finds the application complete. All required Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance requirements have been met. Staff would recommend approval as presented, subject to completion and inspection approval of the connection to Poplar Tent Road thru Skybrook North Phase 3. Page 4 of 6 Parkside at Skybrook North Revision Staff Analysis Town Board 09/15/14 PART 6: PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION On August 26, 2014, Planning Board, by unanimous vote (8-0), made a Motion to Approve the request by Skybrook LLC to eliminate a second required street connection to Huntersville-Concord Road and replace with a hammerhead turnaround. The Planning Board found the application complete and that it complied with applicable requirements. In consideration of approval the applicant is required to post a bond or build the connection through Skybrook North Phase 3 (to Poplar Tent Road). PART 7: DECISION STATEMENTS Subdivision Ordinance Section 6.320.5 states, “In considering whether to approve an application for a subdivision Sketch Plan, the Town Board shall proceed according to the following format:” COMPLETENESS OF APPLICATION (a) the Board shall consider whether the application is complete. If no member moves that the application be found incomplete (specifying either the particular type of information lacking or the particular requirement with respect to which the application is incomplete) then this shall be taken as an affirmative finding by the Board that the application is complete; [Complete Application] In considering Parkside at Skybrook North Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision, we, the Town Board, find the application complete. [Incomplete Application] In considering Parkside at Skybrook North Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision, we, the Town Board find the application lacking the following information: (provide requested information) COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS (b) the Board shall consider whether the application complies with all of the applicable requirements. If a motion to this effect passes, the Board shall make findings supporting the motion. If such a motion fails or is not made then a motion shall be made that the application be found not in compliance with one or more of the applicable requirements. Such a motion shall specify the particular requirements the application fails to meet. Separate votes may be taken with respect to each requirement not met by the application. It shall be conclusively presumed that the application complies with all requirements not found by the Board to be unsatisfied through this process; and, [Complies with all applicable requirements] Parkside at Skybrook North Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision complies with all applicable requirements and is supported by the following findings: 1) 2) Add if necessary [Does not complies with all applicable requirements] Parkside at Skybrook North Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision does not comply with all applicable requirements and fails to meet the following ordinance requirements: Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ Add if necessary MOTION OF APPROVAL OR DENIAL (c) if the Town Board concludes that all applicable requirements are met, it shall approve the Sketch Plan. If the Board concludes that the application fails to comply with one (1) or more of the applicable requirements, it shall adopt a motion to deny the application for one (1) or more of the reasons set forth within this Ordinance. Such a motion shall propose specific findings, based upon the evidence submitted, justifying such a conclusion. [Complies with all applicable requirements] Parkside at Skybrook North Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision complies with all applicable requirements and I make a recommendation of APPROVAL: [Does not complies with all applicable requirements] Parkside at Skybrook North Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision does not comply with all applicable requirements and I make a recommendation of DENIAL based on findings it fails to meet the following ordinance requirements: Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ The determination of failure to comply with the above ordinance requirements based on the following findings: 1) 2) Page 5 of 6 Parkside at Skybrook North Revision Staff Analysis Town Board 09/15/14 Add if necessary PART 8: ATTACHMENTS A – Neighborhood Meeting Report PART 9: ENCLOSURES A – Revised Parkside at Skybrook North Sketch Plan Page 6 of 6 $s {* S IC'RrobK Jily 16,2014 To: Janet Pierson, Town of Huntersville From: Scott Moore, Skybrook Project Manager CC: David Peete, Town of Huntersville John Coley, Skybrook, LLC Brian Pace, Skybrook, LLC Marc Houle, YW&H RE: Parkside at Skybrook North Subdivision Sketch PIan Revision Community Meeting Minutes The Parkside at Skybraok North Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision Community Meetingwas held at Huntersville Town Hall on Monday July I 4, 20 I 4 and was opened at 6: 10 PM. In attendance, representing the Petitioners: Scott Moore, Skybrook Project Manager In attendance, representing the Town of Huntersville: David Peete, Principal Planner Representing the Adjacent Property Ou.ners and/or Homeowners Associations: Ernest & Margaret Chambers. Summary of items discussed at the meeting: r Overall review of the subdivision sketch plan revision which shows the placement of a hammerhead (turnaround) at the end of Long Iron Drive adjacent to Huntersville-Concord Road. The plan also shows the placement of three lots (consistent with the current sketch approval) at or near the end of the turnaround. o Summary of the plan's history including the previous revisions. Also provided insight into the future development of the community including a second entrance being installed onto Poplar Tent Road. r There was a question as to whether any additional right of way or land was needed I}om the Chamber's properly? We informed the owners that no addition land or right of way was needed for this revision. r Prior to the community meeting, the applicant received ten separate email notiltcations (attached) from residents in the Parkside at Skybrook North Community; all indicating their support of the hammerhead placement and the removal of the additional entrance on Huntersville-Concord Road. The meetingwas adjourned at 6:25 PM. All neighborhood meeting notifications, materials, and minutes along with all items described in Article I1.4.3 (d) were delivered to the Huntersville Town Clerk's office on July 17,2014. From: amccarter0g . Imailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, July 09,201410:41 AM To: Scott Moore Cc: Jack McCarter Subject: Tum Around meeting Hi Scott, I am writing on behalf of both Jack and myself regarding the meeting on the Turn Around at the end of Long Iron Drive in Skyboork North Parkside. Unfortunately we will not be able to attend the meeting on the 14th due to previous commitments, but we did want to touch base and let you lmow we 100% support a hammer head dead end to be put in place at the end of Long Iron Drive. Having this road cut through to Huntersville-Concord Road would be a serious hazard for the neighborhood given the heavy traffic HC-Rd experiences when the Metrolina Greenhouses let out for the day. We would inevitably end up with through traffic trying to cut through given the future plans to extend Long Iron out to Poplar Tent with the building of Phase II. Not to mention, I see no reason to have 2 entrances within a block of each other. We are fully capable of driving around. A hammer head dead end is the best decision for this neighborhood as a whole! Thank you for putting up the good fight for this... we all appreciate it greatly! Have a great day, Amy McCarter From : Bua, Renee <Ih uj@t!4siglgq r*n> Date: Thursday, July 3,2014 Subject: Neighborhood Meeting July l4th 6:00PM (Huntersville Town Hall) To : Parks ide Safety < f:ju:k s lk s a le tudglBd-c-c, ttt> i Thank you for the attached note. I (Renee B:ua @ 16600 Grassy Creek Drive) DO NOT support a second entrance into Parkside. I am in FULL SUPPORT of a hammerhead tumaround. Thank you, Renee Bua From: Brandon Cantrell Imailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, July 03,2014 12:51 PM To: Parkside Safety Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: Neighborhood Meeting July 14th 6:00PM (Huntersville Town Hall) I support the turnaround in place ofa second entrance onto Huntersville-Concord Road. Brandon Cantrell 16601 Grassy Creek Dr Brandon Cantrell I Vice President of Retail Developmento Division Cel I : 6 7 8. 3 fJ 6. 2 I I .4 | Emai I : bc a ntr"-el-li4lldlq.'":tx. I c t)111 From: Parkside Safety [mailto:[email protected] Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 lA:25 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Fwd:Neighborhood Meeting July l4th 6:00PM (Huntersville Town Hall) Aaron and I support the turn around too From: paul buckland Imailto:[email protected] Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2014 8:57 PM To: [email protected] Cc: lilly Buckland Subj ect : Hammerhead Turnaround Hi Scott, Thank you for your e-mail below. Lillian and I are opposed to another entrance into the development and, having studied the attached site plan, support the alternative "hammerhead turnaround" proposal. Paul and Lillian Buckland From: Rose Godby [mailto:[email protected] Sent: Sunday, July 06,2014 1:44P}/ To: [email protected] Cc:'Mark Godby' Subject: RE: Neighborhood Meeting July l4th 6:00PM (Huntersville Town Hall) Hi Scott - Mark will be in Georgia that evening and I may not be able to attend either. But we wish to log our feedback with you that we purchased our home with the knowledge that Long Iron Drive would NOT be on a road that cuts out into Huntersville-Concord Road. Therefore, we are only interested in seeing a hammerhead turnaround at the end of Long lron Drive. We are strongly opposed to anything else. If there is something more we need to do to support this effort please let us know. Thank you, Rose & Mark Godby Mark 908-303-6399 Rose: 908-310-9220 From : Ron Bruzzese I mailto : ronbruzzesel@gmaiLcom I Sent: Monday, July 74,2014 l:58 PM To: Scott Moore Subject: Re: Neighborhood Meeting July 14th 6:00PM (Huntersville Town Hall) Hi Scott, I have grand kids tonight and wont be able to attend meeting. Kathy and I support the turnaround instead of another entrance. Thank you, Ron Bruzzese From : <H EA!-ki rel@agl. co trt> Date: Sunday, luly 6, 2014 Subject: Re: Neighborhood Meeting July 14th 6:00PM (Huntersville Town Hall) To: @rnr Carol and I are in favor of the hammerhead. Hal Bankirer llr W,tlthm Fearso.n Dater Thursday, July3, ?014 Subjeet NeighUorUooO Me*ing July l4th 6:00PM (lluntersville Town Hall) To: Parkside Safety <[email protected]> &onr; We support ahrrn around. We do not wanta sgcond entrante intoPmksideNorth. T,hanks The Pearsan's 16203 grassy creek drive Huntersville NC E'fo&j I+rrlsFr6-apE<hrt$.fratso.c$ .con[> Date Thufsday, Jluly 3. Z0l4 Subject Neighborhood M*ing July l4th 6:00PM (luatersville Town Hall) To:Parksidesafety@ Hi Scott, I canaot attend Thankyoq Luis Frareo the maeting but I support the turnaround iustead of &e second entr-ance. {*r $s SI TE.L@K July 2,2014 Re: parkside at Skybrook North Phase (Parcel ID# 02 1 -08 1-02, 02 1-08 I -04) i (Turnaround at the end of Long Iron Drive) in Huntersville, NC. Dear Property Owner, On behalf of Skybrook, LLC, we would like to invite you to attend aNeighborhood Meeting scheduled for July 14, Zot4 ai 6:00 pM at the Huntersville Town Hall (101 Huntersville-Concord Road) in Huntersville, Ni to review our plans for a subdivision sketch plan revision on the above-referenced property. The sketch revision is currently being reviewed by the Town of Huntersville Planning staff for the placement of a hammerhead (turnaroundf at the end of Long Iron Drive adjacent to Huntersville-Concord Road. Please note that we have attached a site plan of the proposal on the back of this letter for your review If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at704.995.2507 or email me at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing your there' Sincerely, Scott Moore Project Manager Skybrook Subdivision (L ds 60 :t- (f) I EP (f) (f, (E(l) OE Ef -t -og EX $ o c! .9o t- o$ LE oro to oo)E Xo EE 56 (o ii 0) E9 c G a OF o- L tL ,-H o -A L Gl o \ n>' J cg EE _E E .!l L6 9i EC q.') __ ;o OU -o >= O! >E =o o; t- .J -+- . L € l q 4 G h +, A z g i z-h I qq -) |.a a '-L E @.9 l-o o lb o la lO! o lcll lE lEc a loo lo o lE8 d H t g .!e E oE -)A o) --o .E leg lad lO - .-) b0 li () -V -() CL .re oo, Ea --t A I 6o o> 6 lc L IE H l.o l- o * ,,g IEE l>E l=o t=E lo'- _\. -l- lo> leg j lEa lo o & +6 lvlo= -:l ls* lE o g- IEE I=: l>6 l3.E vl IP 'P Io(E lG o) loi q- lEe G -o I l>.* a IEE I 0 .;c l-e E sII IEiE I lea lse c E F re L __q hs l6- gtrc\la-l fr+r- *o%, r1 E]-:l ol crrr ol .s ( F e lE.3 .s laE lo, t;o .! q .E l3a lo E c -l I-loEo i to* 'n --l o-l IE: t@ o lEa lFf c c c a o MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC POLARIS 3G DEED REPORT Date Printed: 07 i022014 Burfer Distance: 250 Feet Mailing Address Owner Name Parcel lD 01110202 1, DEBORA ROSEBORO 17309 HUNTERSVILLE JONES CONCORD RD Legal Description Deed Book Land Area Deed Page NA a2679 563 1.23 SMAC L3 U/M 12002 802 2.724 SMAC 21419 628 11.77 AC HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6659 1. JOSEPH L JR BANKS 01110211 PO BOX 2756 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 1. 01110213 2. 01110215 01110302 MVC LLC PO BOX 38 CIO BRYAN HOLLY SPRINGS NC L1 &P2 M35-6Bl PROPERTIES INC 27540 '1. RICHARD O SHIREY M47-739 18281 9'10 13.6556 AC 2. STACIE B SHIREY 6207 GLENCAIRN CR CHARLOTTE NC 28269 1. MARY DEOLA 17117 HUNTERSVILL M6-43 16263 9't3 2 SMAC SIMMONS WILSON CONCORD P3 M51-324 26997 527 18.88 AC L3M52-702 27471 117 237.96 AC NA 19999 958 3.04 AC NA 06220 611 13.22 AC N1A 02975 541 7.33 AC NA 25472 182 111.764 AC 17200 04319 016 1.27 SMAC 25716 578 HUNTERSVILLE NC 01112203 '1. TODD JOHNSON 28078 't6959 2. HELEN JOHNSON HUNTERSVILLE-CONCO RD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6650 01 1 30201 12601 EAST US FAIRHAVEN LLC 1 HIGHWAY 60 GOLD CANYON Az 851 '18 .I. SKYBROOK LLC 02108102 PO BOX 38 HOLLY SPRINGS NC 27540 1. 02108104 16400 HUNTERSVILLE METROLINA CONCORD RD GREENHOUSES INC HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6650 021 081 05 i. n,tenv BRADFoRD Ito+te MCAULEY RD Bosr lHunrensvrlr-e ruc 2. BETTYJ BRADFORD I2BO7B RAGAN 02108106 I 1. METROLINA ,16400 HUNTERSVILLE GREENHOUSES INC CONCORD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6650 02108112 1 JERRY .l nUXnruoen E ALEXANDER 2. LOUTZY lttzoo lcoNcoRD 1. METROLINA GREENHOUSES INC HUNTERSVL RD lHUruTEnsVtLle I 02108114 HUNTERSVILLE ruc CONCORD 28078-6658 16400 HUNTERSVILLE TR 2 U/M 10.14 AC CONCORD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6650 This map or report is prepared for the inventory of deeds' real property within Mecklenburg Coun,ty and is compiled from recorded p'ats' maps' public 'ax pimary this map o'r.report"are herebv iotified that the aforementioned ,ii6i"i ;;;;i;;;";p;;ia ,i"iilu""i "fiiirty no legal responsibility for the assume contiactors its'mapping ind uilit"ii*g informationsources shoutd be consutied for veifrcation. page 1/2 information contained herein. suryeys, ptanimetric *rp". MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC POLARIS 3G DEED REPORT Date Printed: A7 1A212014 Buffer Distance: 250 Feet Mailing Address Owner Name Parcel lD Legal Description Deed Book Deed Page Land Area 626 1LT 021 081 99 1. SKYBROOKLLC 6719-C FAIRVIEW RD FUTURE Fl/W 28924 02108246 1. ANDY H BRATE CHARLOTTE NC 28210 16533 GRASSY CREEK L82 M49-955 24414 534 1LT 181 M55-81 28462 874 1LT 180 M49-955 24291 233 1LT 179 M49-955 28539 872 1LT 178 M49-955 25437 494 1LT 177 M49-955 28539 872 1LT L76 M49-955 25470 128 1LT 175 M49-955 25724 751 1LT cos 24275 184 1LT 24275 184 23.432 AC DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 02108247 1. MICHAEL BRANDON 16601 GMSSY CREEK CANTRELL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 o2108248 -1. AARON M SMITH 2. LISA. M SMITH 16609 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 o2108249 1. MATTAMYCAROLINA 2401 WHITEHALL PARK CORP DR STE 7OO CHARLOTTE NC 28273 o2108250 1. DEN}SE HAIRSTON 16618 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 02108251 1. MATTAMY CAROLINA 2401 WHITEHALL PARK DR STE CORP 7OO CHARLOTTE NC28273 02108252 ,1. JOHN MCCARTER 2. AMY MCCARTER 16606 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 2BO7B 02108253 1. RENEE ANN BUA 16600 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 2BO7B 02108285 1. COMMUNIry ASSOC 6719-C FAIRVIEW RD INC PARKSIDE AT CHARLOTTE NC 28210 M49-955 SKYBROOK NORTH 021 08298 M 1. COMMUNITY ASSOC 1201 STALLINGS RD PT RURAL OPEN INC PARKSIDE AT MATTHEWS NC 28104 SPACE M52-431 SKYBROOK NORTH 2- CIO KEY COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT fu*o tlyt t fa 8V Aa"/ A'lJo.-I !,ur*- hb'l"u'tt", ,{c Zfio-Ic /fre J 8t,tSr.* ?s:t (4.r lrll., fi, Z*"te.> $u^fu;s,ttu 0st'4 /a," f,r"', "rf,A plats, tax maps' This map or report is prepared for the inventory of reat property within Mecklenburg County and is gomOi!9.! fpl,r9-cgrded deeds, that the aforementioned public primary notified hereby report'are map oi of fhrs ciata.-Users aid hais, oti", iiitiiiicoras it"niiirtnc ior verirication. Mecklenburg county ind its mapping contractors assume no legal responsibility for the ,ii oiioiiutlei herein. "ii"ivl, inrorirai-r|n sources snoua information contained page 2/2 2 (L c{ g1 (o JG o 6(l) -19 se -o 60) qE !5 f{ e{ s o c! C! t- iio G t '-h l-.\a .J -{-i L E L TL -og E: 1\ 5 \ -<"r '. -+f- +;? € ii 6 -tlb ,fl *) sl ^v/ 1 G h i, ;1 L tI^ J .J ,*) oE LC oo c(J r0 IFI$r. oO 9'aa EB a> o* ;*,-'$ ,:i (E a EE f(g r+irt-tp. s. o .9o *\ I(E tc'- lEo 19a It E a ls l-oO lde l>= loo l> E l= o l6 to Y l/t o) ff%*, l3> lE c lx .9 les loE l6 o te: ":.*f"I -*'oj}-,**"** E;t' \*: l/*.""tl:.-* lee loE lgs l.,B lo c l'6 o lb " lo o !,#$i"Fu h0 tr -)rt -dH lOo l-E lE uE'r\ lE8 IE Iq) - $ I j .h llE IE€ J lr e lo - l()= leE l€a lo.o Ir= lss q lc Y dJ l=o l== l>6 IEE ,p le ldG ./ l-a (r) lsE irl ;.r I - H la l-o lu= -rt{w i -e loE lo o c) a G Ja I'E lo c IrE 'a IE; lcE I:E .!( 0 rc '{l an lEa *_9 lb F- I;H 16r 9ol l IEE loE lo l.I --l o-1 leB o (r) I rrJ f-- I 6-J ( E c .c- o E lo E c l- o to* ='a ql l"€ o1 IE; rJ c c e (c l6 0 I C c l'E lrl a ( MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC POLARIS 3G DEED REPORT Date Printed: 07 10212014 Buffer Distance: 250 Feet 01110202 Mailing Address Owner Name Parcel lD tr. DEBORA ROSEBORO 17309 HUNTERSVILLE JONES CONCORD RD Legal Description Deed Book Deed Page Land Area 1.23 SMAC NA 02679 563 NA 02772 015 NA 04693 540 5.6 AC NA 28677 4U 1.78 SMAC L3 U/M 12042 802 2.724 SMAC M47-739 18281 910 13.6556 AC NA 1 9999 958 3.04 AC NA 06220 611 13.22 AC NA 06312 569 FUTURE RA/V 28924 626 24275 184 1LT 1LT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6659 01110204 1,. AMANDA BOYCE 17333 HUNTERSVILLE SMAC O CONCORD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6659 01110205 1. ERNEST L CHAMBERS 711 PONDELLADR CHARLOTTE NC 28213 2. MARGARET CHAMBERS 01 1 10206 {. JOE SULLIVAN 2. WETTE SULLIVAN PO BOX 457 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070-4057 01110211 T. JOSEPH L JR BANKS PO BOX 2756 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 01110215 !. RICHARD O SHIREY 2. STACIE B SHIREY 02108102 . SKYBROOKLLC 6207 GLENCAIRN CR CHARLOTTE NC 28269 PO BOX 38 HOLLY SPRINGS NC 27540 02108144 ,II. METROLINA ,16400 HUNTERSVILLE GREENHOUSES INC CONCORD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6650 02108111 t. HAROLD W JONES 2. LILLY P JONES 17428 HUNTERSVILLE O SMAC CONCORD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6660 02108199 1. SKYBROOK o2108239 1. COMMUNITYASSOC 6719-C FAIRVIEW RD URBAN SQ INC PARKSIDE AT CHARLOTTE NC 28210 M49-955 16521 GRASSYCREEK 184 M49-955 26'168 877 LB3 M49-955 25259 512 182 M49-955 24414 534 LLC 6719-C FAIRVIEW RD ,I LT CHARLOTTE NC 28210 SKYBROOK NORTH 02108244 "1. CHARLES HAMILTON IIICOLEMAN DR 2. SARAJANE COLEMAN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 02108245 .1. LUIS FRANCO 16527 GRASSY CREEK 2. CINTHYA DR I RIVADENEIRA ,I LT HUNTERSVILLE NC 2BO7B 02108246 1. ANDY H BRATE 16533 GRASSY CREEK 1LT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 deeds, plats, tax maps' This map or report is prepared for the inventory of real property within Mecklenburg Coun.ty and is co.pil-9-l !!?!,1?::rded public pimary the aforementioned notified that hereby oi report'are map of this data.'tJsers anio ptanii"tric maps, iiiiv"', iiiii-ricords be co,nsulied for verification. Mecktenburg County ind its'mapping contiactors assurne no /egal responsibility for the information sources shoutd "ia information contained page aiii herein 1/3 MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC POLARIS 3G DEED REPORT Date Printed: 07 1A212014 Buffer Distance: 250 Feet 02108247 Mailing Address Owner Name Parcel lD +. MICHAEL BRANDON 16601 GMSSY CREEK CANTRELL DR Legal Description Deed Book Deed Page Land Area 181 M55-81 28462 874 1LT 180 M49-955 24291 233 1LT 179 M49-955 28539 872 1LT 178 M49-955 25437 494 1LT 177 M49-955 28539 872 1LT 176 M49-955 25470 128 1LT 175 M49-955 25724 751 L74 M51-938 25354 264 1LT 173 M49-955 25228 840 1LT 172 M49-955 28074 069 1LT L71 M49-955 2s626 237 1LT 170 M49-955 27067 279 1LT 169 M49-955 27738 304 1LT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 02108248 1. AARON M SMITH 16609 GMSSY CREEK 2, LISA DR M SMITH HUNTERSVILLE NC 02108249 02108250 1.. MATTAMY CAROLINA 28078 2401 WHITEHALL PARK CORP DR STE 7OO CHARLOTTE NC 28273 {. DENISE HAIRSTON 16618 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 02108251 02108252 1.. MATTAMY CAROLINA 2401 WHITEHALL PARK CORP DR STE 7OO CHARLOTTE NC 28273 1. JOHN MCCARTER 16606 GRASSY CREEK 2. AMY MCCARTER DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 021 08253 1. RENEE ANN BUA 16600 GRASSY CREEK ,I LT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 o2108254 f. CHARLENE L LYON 16103 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 o2108255 1. PAUL A BARRETT 16,109 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 021 08256 1'. RICHARD DIMAURO 2. CAROL DIMAURO 16115 GMSSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 o2148257 1, BRIAN P BARNES 16121 GRASSYCREEK 2. CHRISTINE L BARNES DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 02108258 f: JAMES D BURCH 2. SUSAN R BURCH 16127 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 021 08259 1. MATTAMY CAROLINA CORPORATION 28078 2401 WHITEHALL PARK DR#700 CHARLOTTE NC 28273 p/ats, tax maps, This map or repoi is prepared for the inventory of real propefiy.within Mecklenburg County and is ?omei!9!!!9!,r?Prded deeds, that the a.forementioned public primary siieyi, ptanimetric mais, ,ia ii'nlii rJcorai iia ciaa.'users of this map oi reportbre hereby notified sndua be conrsul[ed for verification. Mecktenburg county and its mapping conlractors assume no legal respansibility for the iiiori,rii'rn contained infomation "rrr""s page 2/3 aiii herein. MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC POLARIS 3G DEED REPORT Date Printed: 07 10212014 Buffer Distance: 250 Feet 02108266 Mailing Address Owner Name Parcel lD I MATTAMY CAROLINA 240,I WHITEHALL PARK Legal Description Deed Book Deed Page Land Area 142 M54-801 28234 889 1LT 143 M54-801 28234 889 1LT 144 M54-80'l 28539 872 1LT 145 M54-801 28539 872 1LT L2 M54-801 28539 872 1LT L3 M54-801 19999 958 1LT L4 M54-801 28539 872 1LT L6 M49-957 25906 093 1LT cos 24275 184 1LT DR #700 CORPORATION CHARLOTTE NC 28273 02108267 1. MATTAMY CAROLINA 2401 WHITEHALL PARK DR #700 CORPORATION CHARLOTTE NC 28273 021 08268 1, MATTAMY CAROLINA 2401 WHITEHALL PARK DR STE CORP 7OO CHARLOTTE NC2B273 021 08269 1. MATTAMY CAROLINA 240,I WHITEHALL PARK DR STE CORP 7OO CHARLOTTE NC 28273 02108274 02108275 +. MATTAMY CAROLINA 2401 WHITEHALL PARK CORP DR STE 1. CHARLOTTE NC28273 2401 WHITEHALL PARK MATTAMY CAROLINA DR STE CORP 7OO 7OO CHARLOTTE NC 28273 02108276 I, MATTAMY CAROLINA 2401 WHITEHALL PARK DR STE CORP 7OO CHARLOTTE NC28273 02108278 02108284 1, SHAUN VALENCIA 17413 CLOSEST PIN DR LEE HUNTERSVILLE NC 2.AVERY MLEE 28078 1. COMMUNITY ASSOC 6719.C FAIRVIEW RD INC PARKSIDE AT CHARLOTTE NC 28210 M49-955 SKYBROOK NORTH plats, tax maps, This map or repoft is prepared for the inventory of reat propeiy within Mecklenburg Coun_ty and is gonni!9! f9.m .re_corded deeds, sirveys, ptanimetric maps, and other public ricords aid d'ata.'llsers of this map oi repoft are hereby notified that the aforementioned public pimary innnfiaii'on sources shou/d b e information contained herein."on"rited fo, urrification- Mecklenburg County and its mapping contractors assume no legal responsibility for the page 3/3 Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Michael Jaycocks Subject: Bradford Park Concession Stand The town opened bids for the construction of the Bradford Park Concession Stand on August 7. We received three qualifying bids. Liles Construction was the lowest bidder. To bring the project within budget, we reduced the size of the building and value engineered some of the materials used on the building. The negotiated price with Liles Construction is $142,876.00. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Request to accept Liles Construction's lowest negotiated bid of $142,876.00 for the construction of the Bradford Park Concession Stand. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: $142,876 from Park Bond Interest already allocated through a Capital Project Ordinance. ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Bid tab sheet Backup Material Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Janet Stoner/Greg Ferguson Subject: SL362 Property Tax Refunds Consider approving the eleventh through fourteenth report from Mecklenburg County of SL362 refunds. The report contains 2,044 refunds. Refunds range from $0.28 ($0.32 with interest) to $191.28 ($197.85 with interest). The amount of refunds total $35,998.45 ($39,194.24 with interest). According to Mecklenburg County, there will be more refunds for Huntersville but cannot give us an amount or the time frame. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approve SL362 property tax refund reports. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Decrease in ad-valorem tax revenue ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Tax Refund Report Backup Material Tax Refund Report Backup Material Tax Refund Report Backup Material Tax Refund Report Backup Material Bill # Parcel Refund # Refund Recipient Name Refund Address Date of Refund Bill Payment Date Adj. Amount ($) Owner Name Source Type Adj. # 0001460651-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00928402 307254 ABATE, JAMES A 15134 MACBETH CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5503 7/19/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001460651-2011-2011-0000-00REG ABATE, JAMES A REI 142173 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460032-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925304 307210 ABIRACHED, MATTHEW 16512 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001460032-2011-2011-0000-00REG ABIRACHED, MATTHEW REI 142129 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459409-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923243 307146 ABRAMS, SCOTT M 8839 BLOOMING ARBOR ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001459409-2011-2011-0000-00REG ABRAMS, SCOTT M REI 142065 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458120-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916165 307029 ADAME, BERTHA ALICIA OLIVARES 7823 JESTER PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458120-2011-2011-0000-00REG ADAME, BERTHA ALICIA OLIVARES REI 141948 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460041-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925309 307213 ADAMS, ROBERT V 16430 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001460041-2011-2011-0000-00REG ADAMS, ROBERT V REI 142132 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492167-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111256 307501 AGNEW, STEPHEN G 14735 SALEM RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001492167-2011-2011-0000-00REG AGNEW, STEPHEN G REI 142420 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493223-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124123 307534 AHLSTROM, JOHN F 10003 COLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001493223-2011-2011-0000-00REG AHLSTROM, JOHN F REI 142453 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463819-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939511 307265 ALGE, ROY J 8021 BRIDGEGATE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001463819-2011-2011-0000-00REG ALGE, ROY J REI 142184 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492136-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111237 307496 ALLSOPP, DAVID C 11223 ARLEN PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001492136-2011-2011-0000-00REG ALLSOPP, DAVID C REI 142415 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458399-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918104 307037 AMENDOLARE, FRANK B 8808 THORNBURY LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8516 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001458399-2011-2011-0000-00REG AMENDOLARE, FRANK B REI 141956 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477999-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525423 307319 ANDERSON, DAVID L 9001 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 17.79 1/6/2012 2.40 0001477999-2011-2011-0000-00REG ANDERSON, DAVID L REI 142238 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477999-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01525423 308215 ANDERSON, DAVID L 9001 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 17.79 1/8/2013 1.50 0001477999-2012-2012-0000-00REG ANDERSON, DAVID L REI 143134 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477999-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01525423 308495 ANDERSON, DAVID L 9001 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 17.79 1/7/2014 0.61 0001477999-2013-2013-0000-00REG ANDERSON, DAVID L REI 143414 SL 362 Adjustment 0002616781-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939704 307273 ANDERSON, MELISSA 15125 CLOVER BERRY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0002616781-2011-2011-0000-00REG ANDERSON, MELISSA REI 142192 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490455-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929346 307416 ARCHER, RONALD L 12627 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490455-2011-2011-0000-00REG ARCHER, RONALD L REI 142335 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490307-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929115 307370 ARCILA, CARLOS 12616 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490307-2011-2011-0000-00REG ARCILA, CARLOS REI 142289 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459329-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923106 307133 AREY, STEVE 15707 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 14.69 1/6/2012 1.98 0001459329-2011-2011-0000-00REG AREY , STEVE REI 142052 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459329-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923106 308181 AREY, STEVE 15707 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 14.69 1/8/2013 1.24 0001459329-2012-2012-0000-00REG AREY , STEVE REI 143100 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459329-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923106 308458 AREY, STEVE 15707 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 14.69 1/7/2014 0.51 0001459329-2013-2013-0000-00REG AREY , STEVE REI 143377 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493813-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302631 307549 ARNETTE, ANDY C 6131 LATTA SPRINGS CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001493813-2011-2011-0000-00REG ARNETTE, ANDY C REI 142468 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470198-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325414 307282 AUGUSTIN, ROBIN A 12614 VANTAGE POINT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470198-2011-2011-0000-00REG AUGUSTIN, ROBIN A REI 142201 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480794-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01547118 307353 BAKER, SAMUEL H 8936 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001480794-2011-2011-0000-00REG BAKER, SAMUEL H REI 142272 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494154-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302784 307559 BANSEK, ROBERT N 6318 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 26.84 1/6/2012 3.62 0001494154-2011-2011-0000-00REG BANSEK, ROBERT N REI 142478 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494154-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02302784 308240 BANSEK, ROBERT N 6318 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 26.84 1/8/2013 2.26 0001494154-2012-2012-0000-00REG BANSEK, ROBERT N REI 143159 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494154-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02302784 308525 BANSEK, ROBERT N 6318 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 26.84 1/7/2014 0.93 0001494154-2013-2013-0000-00REG BANSEK, ROBERT N REI 143444 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492104-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111221 307494 BARGA, MATTHEW P 14508 WESTGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001492104-2011-2011-0000-00REG BARGA, MATTHEW P REI 142413 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617143-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02108255 307474 BARRETT, PAUL A 16109 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.80 1/6/2012 0.65 0002617143-2011-2011-0000-00REG BARRETT, PAUL A REI 142393 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617143-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02108255 308226 BARRETT, PAUL A 16109 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.81 1/8/2013 0.41 0002617143-2012-2012-0000-00REG BARRETT, PAUL A REI 143145 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617143-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02108255 308507 BARRETT, PAUL A 16109 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.81 1/7/2014 0.17 0002617143-2013-2013-0000-00REG BARRETT, PAUL A REI 143426 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458676-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919104 307074 BARRICK, DAVID 14822 BISHOPSTONE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9736 7/19/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001458676-2011-2011-0000-00REG BARRICK REI 141993 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 1 of 22 Int if paid by 9-16-2014 9/16/2014 Bill # , DAVID Adj. Reasons 0001458676-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00919104 308169 BARRICK, DAVID 14822 BISHOPSTONE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9736 7/19/2014 3.67 1/8/2013 0.31 0001458676-2012-2012-0000-00REG BARRICK , DAVID REI 143088 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458676-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00919104 308446 BARRICK, DAVID 14822 BISHOPSTONE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9736 7/19/2014 3.67 1/7/2014 0.13 0001458676-2013-2013-0000-00REG BARRICK , DAVID REI 143365 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493703-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302257 307547 BARRINGER, GARY KEVIN 6332 ALBA ROSE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.80 1/6/2012 0.65 0001493703-2011-2011-0000-00REG BARRINGER, GARY KEVIN REI 142466 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458762-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919225 307084 BATIE, DAVID 15101 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001458762-2011-2011-0000-00REG BATIE REI 142003 SL 362 Adjustment 0002616788-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939711 307274 BAYNE, CHRISTOPHER 17041 HUGH TORANCE PKWY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0002616788-2011-2011-0000-00REG BAYNE, CHRISTOPHER REI 142193 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458844-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919305 307094 BEAM, CHARLES M JR 14919 HOPE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001458844-2011-2011-0000-00REG BEAM, CHARLES M JR REI 142013 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460105-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925350 307249 BEAMON, LYNN M 16104 HARVEST MOON CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5925 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001460105-2011-2011-0000-00REG BEAMON, LYNN M REI 142168 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458710-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919131 307078 BEATY, JAMES T 14845 CHARTERHOUSE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.65 1/6/2012 0.76 0001458710-2011-2011-0000-00REG BEATY, JAMES T REI 141997 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458416-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918118 307041 BEAVER, KENNETH L 14900 CHILGROVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001458416-2011-2011-0000-00REG BEAVER, KENNETH L REI 141960 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490327-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929127 307378 BECK, JEFFREY B 12509 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001490327-2011-2011-0000-00REG BECK, JEFFREY B REI 142297 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490519-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929421 307435 BECKER, JANE HART 12712 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490519-2011-2011-0000-00REG BECKER, JANE HART REI 142354 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490454-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929345 307415 BEDINGFIELD, JOHN PATRICK 12623 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6060 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490454-2011-2011-0000-00REG BEDINGFIELD, JOHN PATRICK REI 142334 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458511-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918310 307058 BENDER, JOHN D 15112 SHARROW BAY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8582 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001458511-2011-2011-0000-00REG BENDER, JOHN D REI 141977 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458714-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919134 307079 BENDER, JOHN Z 8700 TAUNTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458714-2011-2011-0000-00REG BENDER, JOHN Z REI 141998 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492163-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111252 307499 BENJAMIN, MARC 14719 SALEM RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001492163-2011-2011-0000-00REG BENJAMIN, MARC REI 142418 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459128-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922140 307109 BENNETT, MARTIN CAMPBELL 15302 CURLING CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001459128-2011-2011-0000-00REG BENNETT, MARTIN CAMPBELL REI 142028 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463931-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939633 307272 BERTUCCI, ANTHONY MICHAEL 15633 TROUBADOUR LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001463931-2011-2011-0000-00REG BERTUCCI, ANTHONY MICHAEL REI 142191 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460069-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925328 307229 BIEFELD, EILEEN C 16126 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001460069-2011-2011-0000-00REG BIEFELD, EILEEN C REI 142148 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490411-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929317 307399 BILBREY, ANTHONY W 14029 KEDLESTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490411-2011-2011-0000-00REG BILBREY, ANTHONY W REI 142318 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493904-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302665 307550 BISSINGER, JOHN L 6806 HERITAGE ORCHARD WAY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001493904-2011-2011-0000-00REG BISSINGER, JOHN L REI 142469 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463928-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939630 307271 BLACK, JUSTIN 15621 TROUBADOUR LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001463928-2011-2011-0000-00REG BLACK, JUSTIN REI 142190 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490452-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929343 307414 BLAIR, BILLY CLARENCE 12615 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490452-2011-2011-0000-00REG BLAIR, BILLY CLARENCE REI 142333 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458143-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916172 307032 BLAKENSHIP, SHANNON 7834 JESTER PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458143-2011-2011-0000-00REG BLAKENSHIP, SHANNON REI 141951 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491737-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02108220 307465 BLISH, DALE A REVOCABLE L/T 16345 GRASSY CREEK DR CHARLOTTE NC 28078 7/19/2014 137.58 1/6/2012 18.55 0001491737-2011-2011-0000-00REG BLISH, DALE A REVOCABLE L/T REI 142384 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491737-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02108220 308221 BLISH, DALE A REVOCABLE L/T 16345 GRASSY CREEK DR CHARLOTTE NC 28078 7/19/2014 137.58 1/8/2013 11.61 0001491737-2012-2012-0000-00REG BLISH, DALE A REVOCABLE L/T REI 143140 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491737-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02108220 308502 BLISH, DALE A REVOCABLE L/T 16345 GRASSY CREEK DR CHARLOTTE NC 28078 7/19/2014 137.58 1/7/2014 4.75 0001491737-2013-2013-0000-00REG BLISH, DALE A REVOCABLE L/T REI 143421 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458077-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916151 307022 BOORSE, KIMBERLY 16508 NC 73 HY HUNTERSVILLE NC 20878 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001458077-2011-2011-0000-00REG BOORSE, KIMBERLY REI 141941 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459303-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922264 307125 BORGES, RONALD W 9048 MCDIARMID LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459303-2011-2011-0000-00REG BORGES, RONALD W REI 142044 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460063-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925325 307226 BOTTLEMY, BRIAN 16208 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001460063-2011-2011-0000-00REG BOTTLEMY, BRIAN REI 142145 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463900-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939602 307267 BRADSHAW, JONATHAN PATRICK 3807 ARCHER NOTCH LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001463900-2011-2011-0000-00REG BRADSHAW, JONATHAN PATRICK REI 142186 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490520-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929422 307436 BRAHAM, GREGORY M 12722 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490520-2011-2011-0000-00REG BRAHAM, GREGORY M REI 142355 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458950-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00920120 307104 BRANCH, DAVID E 14504 S BRENT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8508 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001458950-2011-2011-0000-00REG BRANCH, DAVID E REI 142023 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 2 of 22 , DAVID 0001492615-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111708 307525 BRISTOW, ARETHEA D CREW 11030 HAMPTON HERITAGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.90 5/8/2012 0.11 0001492615-2011-2011-0000-00REG BRISTOW, ARETHEA D CREW REI 142444 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460042-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925310 307214 BROWN, JEFFREY A 16424 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001460042-2011-2011-0000-00REG BROWN, JEFFREY A REI 142133 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493293-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124149 307537 BROWN, WADE H JR 9826 COLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001493293-2011-2011-0000-00REG BROWN, WADE H JR REI 142456 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490691-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939120 307440 BRUNN, MICHAEL P 14611 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.80 1/6/2012 0.65 0001490691-2011-2011-0000-00REG BRUNN, MICHAEL P REI 142359 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458831-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919268 307093 BRUZEK, DANIEL W 14605 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001458831-2011-2011-0000-00REG BRUZEK, DANIEL W REI 142012 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617123-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02108235 307469 BRUZZESE, RONALD 16424 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0002617123-2011-2011-0000-00REG BRUZZESE, RONALD REI 142388 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617123-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02108235 308224 BRUZZESE, RONALD 16424 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.80 1/8/2013 0.41 0002617123-2012-2012-0000-00REG BRUZZESE, RONALD REI 143143 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617123-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02108235 308505 BRUZZESE, RONALD 16424 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.80 1/7/2014 0.17 0002617123-2013-2013-0000-00REG BRUZZESE, RONALD REI 143424 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478147-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526447 307346 BUCHANAN, CURTIS CLIFTON 9523 PEMBROKE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001478147-2011-2011-0000-00REG BUCHANAN, CURTIS CLIFTON REI 142265 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490316-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929120 307373 BUELL, GEORGE R 12524 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6065 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001490316-2011-2011-0000-00REG BUELL, GEORGE R REI 142292 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459819-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925109 307168 BULLOCK, JAMES M JR 16000 BUSHNELL CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001459819-2011-2011-0000-00REG BULLOCK, JAMES M JR REI 142087 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477925-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525209 307305 BURGESS, BILLY G &W 9600 PEMBROKE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001477925-2011-2011-0000-00REG BURGESS, BILLY G &W REI 142224 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460079-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925336 307236 BURGESS, CHARLES G 13420 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.50 6/15/2012 0.17 0001460079-2011-2011-0000-00REG BURGESS, CHARLES G REI 142155 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617223-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124478 307544 BURKETT, MICHAEL A 9230 CROSS OAK PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0002617223-2011-2011-0000-00REG BURKETT, MICHAEL A REI 142463 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459284-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922252 307121 BURLESON, JAMES C JR 8918 SCOTTSBORO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001459284-2011-2011-0000-00REG BURLESON, JAMES C JR REI 142040 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470207-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325422 307284 BURNS, MARK D 12522 WINDWARD OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470207-2011-2011-0000-00REG BURNS, MARK D REI 142203 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478006-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525505 307323 BURRIL, BENJAMIN DOUGLAS 9201 MT HOLLY-HUNTERSVL R HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478006-2011-2011-0000-00REG BURRIL, BENJAMIN DOUGLAS REI 142242 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460049-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925314 307217 CALVERT, LESLIE E 16400 AMBERFIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001460049-2011-2011-0000-00REG CALVERT, LESLIE E REI 142136 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492067-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111203 307491 CAMPBELL, GRANT L 9910 HILLSPRING DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.48 2/2/2012 0.46 0001492067-2011-2011-0000-00REG CAMPBELL, GRANT L REI 142410 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458430-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918127 307045 CAMPBELL, JOAN 15011 CHILGROVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001458430-2011-2011-0000-00REG CAMPBELL , JOAN REI 141964 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491882-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02109165 307478 CAMPBELL, STEPHEN 205 DENNEHY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 158.20 1/6/2012 21.32 0001491882-2011-2011-0000-00REG CAMPBELL , STEPHEN REI 142397 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491882-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02109165 308230 CAMPBELL, STEPHEN 205 DENNEHY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 158.20 1/8/2013 13.35 0001491882-2012-2012-0000-00REG CAMPBELL , STEPHEN REI 143149 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491882-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02109165 308513 CAMPBELL, STEPHEN 205 DENNEHY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 158.20 1/7/2014 5.46 0001491882-2013-2013-0000-00REG CAMPBELL , STEPHEN REI 143432 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459959-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925250 307203 CAMPO, DOMINICK 13615 HARVEST POINT DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001459959-2011-2011-0000-00REG CAMPO REI 142122 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490347-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929210 307385 CANCEL, IRMA I 14008 HOLKHAM LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001490347-2011-2011-0000-00REG CANCEL, IRMA I REI 142304 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458427-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918125 307044 CANIPE, JEFFREY T 15001 CHILGROVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9762 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001458427-2011-2011-0000-00REG CANIPE, JEFFREY T REI 141963 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478146-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526446 307345 CANNON, BARBARA SOMERS 9547 PEMBROKE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478146-2011-2011-0000-00REG CANNON, BARBARA SOMERS REI 142264 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477923-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525207 307303 CANNON, JAMES EDWARD SR 9612 PEMBROKE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 95.77 1/6/2012 12.91 0001477923-2011-2011-0000-00REG CANNON, JAMES EDWARD SR REI 142222 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477923-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01525207 308213 CANNON, JAMES EDWARD SR 9612 PEMBROKE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 83.91 1/8/2013 7.08 0001477923-2012-2012-0000-00REG CANNON, JAMES EDWARD SR REI 143132 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477923-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01525207 308494 CANNON, JAMES EDWARD SR 9612 PEMBROKE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 83.91 1/7/2014 2.90 0001477923-2013-2013-0000-00REG CANNON, JAMES EDWARD SR REI 143413 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458405-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918109 307038 CAPETS, JOHN A 8700 THORNBURY LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001458405-2011-2011-0000-00REG CAPETS, JOHN A REI 141957 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460075-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925333 307233 CARPENTER, JERRY D 13403 GLESSNER PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5928 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001460075-2011-2011-0000-00REG CARPENTER, JERRY D REI 142152 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 3 of 22 , DOMINICK 0001490431-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929329 307407 CARPENTER, MARY CLAY 362 UNION ST HOLBROOK MA 02343 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490431-2011-2011-0000-00REG CARPENTER, MARY CLAY REI 142326 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463723-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939415 307261 CASTIANO, RICHARD 7026 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001463723-2011-2011-0000-00REG CASTIANO , RICHARD REI 142180 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463723-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00939415 308206 CASTIANO, RICHARD 7026 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/8/2013 0.21 0001463723-2012-2012-0000-00REG CASTIANO , RICHARD REI 143125 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463723-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00939415 308487 CASTIANO, RICHARD 7026 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/7/2014 0.09 0001463723-2013-2013-0000-00REG CASTIANO , RICHARD REI 143406 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490419-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929322 307401 CATALDO, TINA 12920 SILBURY LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001490419-2011-2011-0000-00REG CATALDO , TINA REI 142320 SL 362 Adjustment 0001471027-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01505140 307298 CATAPANO, SALVATORE 13635 ALSTON FOREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001471027-2011-2011-0000-00REG CATAPANO SALVATORE REI 142217 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459526-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923403 307152 CAULFIELD, JOSEPH C. 8920 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/6/2012 4.11 0001459526-2011-2011-0000-00REG CAULFIELD, JOSEPH C. REI 142071 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459526-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923403 308190 CAULFIELD, JOSEPH C. 8920 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/8/2013 2.57 0001459526-2012-2012-0000-00REG CAULFIELD, JOSEPH C. REI 143109 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459526-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923403 308469 CAULFIELD, JOSEPH C. 8920 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/7/2014 1.05 0001459526-2013-2013-0000-00REG CAULFIELD, JOSEPH C. REI 143388 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490477-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929390 307423 CAULFIELD, KELLY H. 12726 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490477-2011-2011-0000-00REG CAULFIELD, KELLY H. REI 142342 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470274-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325520 307288 CHAPP, SHARLENE A 12712 VANTAGE POINT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001470274-2011-2011-0000-00REG CHAPP, SHARLENE A REI 142207 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460103-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925349 307248 CHARRETTE, ADAM 16106 HARVEST MOON CTQ HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001460103-2011-2011-0000-00REG CHARRETTE, ADAM REI 142167 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491943-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02110221 307484 CHEN, ROBERT C 10205 LAFOY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 7.35 1/6/2012 0.99 0001491943-2011-2011-0000-00REG CHEN, ROBERT C REI 142403 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490345-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929208 307383 CHRISTIAN, RICKY CLEVELAND 14011 HOLKHAM LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6014 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001490345-2011-2011-0000-00REG CHRISTIAN, RICKY CLEVELAND REI 142302 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470109-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325117 307278 CILENTO, EDMUND 6412 BARKLEY FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 6.49 1/6/2012 0.87 0001470109-2011-2011-0000-00REG CILENTO, EDMUND REI 142197 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458627-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918429 307069 CIVALI, JOSEPH A 15013 OXFORD HOLLOW HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5510 7/19/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001458627-2011-2011-0000-00REG CIVALI, JOSEPH A REI 141988 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458627-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00918429 308165 CIVALI, JOSEPH A 15013 OXFORD HOLLOW HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5510 7/19/2014 4.52 1/8/2013 0.38 0001458627-2012-2012-0000-00REG CIVALI, JOSEPH A REI 143084 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458627-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00918429 308442 CIVALI, JOSEPH A 15013 OXFORD HOLLOW HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5510 7/19/2014 4.52 1/7/2014 0.16 0001458627-2013-2013-0000-00REG CIVALI, JOSEPH A REI 143361 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491942-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02110220 307483 CLARK, HOWARD L III 10139 LAFOY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001491942-2011-2011-0000-00REG CLARK, HOWARD L III REI 142402 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492638-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111717 307527 CLARKE, BRIAN MICHEAL 10910 EMERALD WOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 7.35 1/6/2012 0.99 0001492638-2011-2011-0000-00REG CLARKE, BRIAN MICHEAL REI 142446 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492638-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02111717 308234 CLARKE, BRIAN MICHEAL 10910 EMERALD WOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/8/2013 0.05 0001492638-2012-2012-0000-00REG CLARKE, BRIAN MICHEAL REI 143153 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492638-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02111717 308517 CLARKE, BRIAN MICHEAL 10910 EMERALD WOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/7/2014 0.02 0001492638-2013-2013-0000-00REG CLARKE, BRIAN MICHEAL REI 143436 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490700-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939125 307443 CLATTERBAUGH, CHARLES C 14719 OLD VERMILLION DR CHARLOTTE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001490700-2011-2011-0000-00REG CLATTERBAUGH, CHARLES C REI 142362 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459487-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923320 307149 CLAUSEN, KENNETH A 15733 BERRYFIELD ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.78 1/6/2012 0.11 0001459487-2011-2011-0000-00REG CLAUSEN, KENNETH A REI 142068 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492395-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111449 307511 CLEARY, DANIEL R III 11204 SKYTOP DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001492395-2011-2011-0000-00REG CLEARY, DANIEL R III REI 142430 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490458-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929377 307417 COBERLY, BARBARA JEAN 12722 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490458-2011-2011-0000-00REG COBERLY, BARBARA JEAN REI 142336 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617132-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02108244 307470 COLEMAN, CHARLES HAMILTON III 16521 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0002617132-2011-2011-0000-00REG COLEMAN, CHARLES HAMILTON III REI 142389 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617132-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02108244 308225 COLEMAN, CHARLES HAMILTON III 16521 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.37 1/8/2013 0.45 0002617132-2012-2012-0000-00REG COLEMAN, CHARLES HAMILTON III REI 143144 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617132-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02108244 308506 COLEMAN, CHARLES HAMILTON III 16521 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.37 1/7/2014 0.19 0002617132-2013-2013-0000-00REG COLEMAN, CHARLES HAMILTON III REI 143425 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490301-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929111 307368 COLEMAN, PHILIP A 12617 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490301-2011-2011-0000-00REG COLEMAN, PHILIP A REI 142287 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491958-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02110233 307485 COLLIER, JOHN ELBERT 10310 LAFOY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001491958-2011-2011-0000-00REG COLLIER, JOHN ELBERT REI 142404 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490754-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939209 307455 CONYERS, LARRY L 14323 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 14.69 1/6/2012 1.98 0001490754-2011-2011-0000-00REG CONYERS, LARRY L REI 142374 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 4 of 22 , 0001459931-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925234 307193 COOKE, JOSEPH DANIEL 1115 GREY ROCK WAY SUWANEE GA 30024 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001459931-2011-2011-0000-00REG COOKE, JOSEPH DANIEL REI 142112 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458448-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918140 307047 COOPER, JAMES D 15126 CHILGROVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458448-2011-2011-0000-00REG COOPER, JAMES D REI 141966 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459908-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925222 307187 CORDERO, CHAD A 16111 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001459908-2011-2011-0000-00REG CORDERO, CHAD A REI 142106 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459332-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923108 307135 CRAIG, RONNIE F 15719 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/6/2012 4.11 0001459332-2011-2011-0000-00REG CRAIG, RONNIE F REI 142054 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459332-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923108 308183 CRAIG, RONNIE F 15719 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/8/2013 2.57 0001459332-2012-2012-0000-00REG CRAIG, RONNIE F REI 143102 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459332-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923108 308460 CRAIG, RONNIE F 15719 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.80 1/7/2014 1.06 0001459332-2013-2013-0000-00REG CRAIG, RONNIE F REI 143379 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458571-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918355 307065 CRANE, MARK A 15332 RUSH LAKE LN HUNETRSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458571-2011-2011-0000-00REG CRANE, MARK A REI 141984 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460027-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925301 307208 CRAWFORD, CLIFTON B 16526 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001460027-2011-2011-0000-00REG CRAWFORD, CLIFTON B REI 142127 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459539-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923411 307159 CREEL, JAMES E 8944 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.92 1/6/2012 4.30 0001459539-2011-2011-0000-00REG CREEL, JAMES E REI 142078 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459539-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923411 308195 CREEL, JAMES E 8944 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.92 1/8/2013 2.69 0001459539-2012-2012-0000-00REG CREEL, JAMES E REI 143114 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459539-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923411 308474 CREEL, JAMES E 8944 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.92 1/7/2014 1.10 0001459539-2013-2013-0000-00REG CREEL, JAMES E REI 143393 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490353-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929214 307387 CROWLEY, KATHY J 14013 NAWORTH LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490353-2011-2011-0000-00REG CROWLEY, KATHY J REI 142306 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470220-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325430 307285 CRUMPLER, MICHAEL G 6606 KARAH JANE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001470220-2011-2011-0000-00REG CRUMPLER, MICHAEL G REI 142204 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458893-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919338 307099 CUMMINGS, KELLY P 14914 MIDDLETHORPE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8532 7/19/2014 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001458893-2011-2011-0000-00REG CUMMINGS, KELLY P REI 142018 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458106-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916160 307028 CUNNINGHAM, KACIE DYAN 7712 ROYAL PARKS LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458106-2011-2011-0000-00REG CUNNINGHAM, KACIE DYAN REI 141947 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478015-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525510 307326 CUTTINO, CHADWICK ALAN 9118 EDINBURGH AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478015-2011-2011-0000-00REG CUTTINO, CHADWICK ALAN REI 142245 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490320-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929123 307375 DAGGETT, FRANK S 12508 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490320-2011-2011-0000-00REG DAGGETT, FRANK S REI 142294 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459293-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922258 307123 DALTON, CHRISTOPHER 9017 MCDIARMID LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001459293-2011-2011-0000-00REG DALTON CHRISTOPHER , REI 142042 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474672-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01515133 307299 DAVIDSON, CHARLENE A 11925 PLATON AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 14.41 1/6/2012 1.94 0001474672-2011-2011-0000-00REG DAVIDSON, CHARLENE A REI 142218 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474672-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01515133 308209 DAVIDSON, CHARLENE A 11925 PLATON AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 13.85 1/8/2013 1.17 0001474672-2012-2012-0000-00REG DAVIDSON, CHARLENE A REI 143128 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474672-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01515133 308490 DAVIDSON, CHARLENE A 11925 PLATON AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 13.85 1/7/2014 0.48 0001474672-2013-2013-0000-00REG DAVIDSON, CHARLENE A REI 143409 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478003-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525503 307322 DAVIS FINANCIAL INC 19835 HENDERSON RD SUITE J CORNELIUS NC 28031 7/19/2014 2.38 4/26/2012 0.28 0001478003-2011-2011-0000-00REG DAVIS FINANCIAL INC REI 142241 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458422-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918121 307042 DAVIS, EDWARD J 14917 CHILGROVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001458422-2011-2011-0000-00REG DAVIS, EDWARD J REI 141961 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492189-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111269 307504 DAVIS, JAMES SCOTT 9628 SKYBLUFF CIR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001492189-2011-2011-0000-00REG DAVIS, JAMES SCOTT REI 142423 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459334-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923109 307136 DAVIS, JEAN SUGG 15725 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 32.77 1/6/2012 4.42 0001459334-2011-2011-0000-00REG DAVIS, JEAN SUGG REI 142055 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459334-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923109 308184 DAVIS, JEAN SUGG 15725 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 32.77 1/8/2013 2.77 0001459334-2012-2012-0000-00REG DAVIS REI 143103 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459334-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923109 308461 DAVIS, JEAN SUGG 15725 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 32.77 1/7/2014 1.13 0001459334-2013-2013-0000-00REG DAVIS, JEAN SUGG REI 143380 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458804-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919250 307089 DAYE, BRIAN W 14700 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9783 7/19/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001458804-2011-2011-0000-00REG DAYE, BRIAN W REI 142008 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458804-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00919250 308175 DAYE, BRIAN W 14700 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9783 7/19/2014 4.52 1/8/2013 0.38 0001458804-2012-2012-0000-00REG DAYE, BRIAN W REI 143094 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458804-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00919250 308452 DAYE, BRIAN W 14700 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9783 7/19/2014 4.52 1/7/2014 0.16 0001458804-2013-2013-0000-00REG DAYE, BRIAN W REI 143371 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492643-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111719 307528 DAYS, PASHEENA 10814 EMERALD WOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001492643-2011-2011-0000-00REG DAYS, PASHEENA REI 142447 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480802-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01547124 307355 DE LA CRUZ, ANDRES 9307 MT HOLLY HUNTERSVILLE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001480802-2011-2011-0000-00REG DE LA CRUZ REI 142274 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 5 of 22 , JEAN SUGG , ANDRES 0001478094-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526413 307340 DEAL, WILLIS E 8933 SHIELDS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9122 7/19/2014 1.67 3/6/2012 0.21 0001478094-2011-2011-0000-00REG DEAL, WILLIS E REI 142259 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490442-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929337 307410 DEEM, JOHN W 12531 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490442-2011-2011-0000-00REG DEEM, JOHN W REI 142329 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478008-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525507 307324 DELINGER, MINNIE LOIS J 9230 EDINBURGH AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 4/16/2012 0.04 0001478008-2011-2011-0000-00REG DELINGER, MINNIE LOIS J REI 142243 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460053-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925318 307220 DEMPSKI, ANDREW S 16306 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001460053-2011-2011-0000-00REG DEMPSKI, ANDREW S REI 142139 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492172-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111259 307503 DEVENEY, DEBORAH K 14747 SALEM RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001492172-2011-2011-0000-00REG DEVENEY, DEBORAH K REI 142422 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459260-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922235 307117 DEVINE, JOSEPH M 9010 SALFORD CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001459260-2011-2011-0000-00REG DEVINE, JOSEPH M REI 142036 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460058-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925322 307223 DIJOHN, THOMAS 16230 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001460058-2011-2011-0000-00REG DIJOHN, THOMAS REI 142142 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459287-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922254 307122 DOHERTY, WILLIAM 8900 SCOTTSBORO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001459287-2011-2011-0000-00REG DOHERTY REI 142041 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460065-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925326 307227 DOMITER, CHARLES S 16202 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001460065-2011-2011-0000-00REG DOMITER, CHARLES S REI 142146 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459964-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925253 307205 DONAGHY, JAMES F 13505 ARDREY END LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5254 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001459964-2011-2011-0000-00REG DONAGHY, JAMES F REI 142124 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458708-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919129 307076 DORMAN, LARRY G 14831 CHARTERHOUSE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9747 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001458708-2011-2011-0000-00REG DORMAN, LARRY G REI 141995 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458708-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00919129 308170 DORMAN, LARRY G 14831 CHARTERHOUSE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9747 7/19/2014 3.67 1/8/2013 0.31 0001458708-2012-2012-0000-00REG DORMAN, LARRY G REI 143089 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458708-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00919129 308447 DORMAN, LARRY G 14831 CHARTERHOUSE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9747 7/19/2014 3.67 1/7/2014 0.13 0001458708-2013-2013-0000-00REG DORMAN, LARRY G REI 143366 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490325-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929126 307377 DOUGLAS, MARIA M 12505 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001490325-2011-2011-0000-00REG DOUGLAS, MARIA M REI 142296 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490765-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939220 307462 DOWLING, JULIE A 14506 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001490765-2011-2011-0000-00REG DOWLING, JULIE A REI 142381 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459806-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925102 307164 DRAKE, WILLIAM F 13307 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 8.48 1/6/2012 1.14 0001459806-2011-2011-0000-00REG DRAKE, WILLIAM F REI 142083 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459806-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00925102 308200 DRAKE, WILLIAM F 13307 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 8.48 1/8/2013 0.72 0001459806-2012-2012-0000-00REG DRAKE, WILLIAM F REI 143119 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459806-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00925102 308481 DRAKE, WILLIAM F 13307 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 8.48 1/7/2014 0.29 0001459806-2013-2013-0000-00REG DRAKE, WILLIAM F REI 143400 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493367-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124305 307541 DUFFY, SEAN 14122 TIMBERGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.08 1/6/2012 4.19 0001493367-2011-2011-0000-00REG DUFFY , SEAN REI 142460 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493367-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02124305 308236 DUFFY, SEAN 14122 TIMBERGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 47.46 1/8/2013 4.00 0001493367-2012-2012-0000-00REG DUFFY , SEAN REI 143155 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493367-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02124305 308519 DUFFY, SEAN 14122 TIMBERGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 47.46 1/7/2014 1.64 0001493367-2013-2013-0000-00REG DUFFY , SEAN REI 143438 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458502-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918304 307057 EATON, STEPHEN 15214 SHARROW BAY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001458502-2011-2011-0000-00REG EATON , STEPHEN REI 141976 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490283-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929101 307360 EAVENSON, BRETT W 12632 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001490283-2011-2011-0000-00REG EAVENSON, BRETT W REI 142279 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460034-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925305 307211 ECHERD, BARBARA BROWN 3 HICKORY HEAD HAMMOCK THE VILLAGES FL 32159 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001460034-2011-2011-0000-00REG ECHERD, BARBARA BROWN REI 142130 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459323-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923102 307129 ELLIS, SCOTT DAVID 8911 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 29.66 1/6/2012 4.00 0001459323-2011-2011-0000-00REG ELLIS, SCOTT DAVID REI 142048 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459323-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923102 308178 ELLIS, SCOTT DAVID 8911 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 29.66 1/8/2013 2.50 0001459323-2012-2012-0000-00REG ELLIS, SCOTT DAVID REI 143097 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459323-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923102 308455 ELLIS, SCOTT DAVID 8911 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 29.66 1/7/2014 1.02 0001459323-2013-2013-0000-00REG ELLIS, SCOTT DAVID REI 143374 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458581-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918362 307067 ENGEBRIGTSEN, ERIK 8815 TAYBROOK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458581-2011-2011-0000-00REG ENGEBRIGTSEN REI 141986 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459261-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922236 307118 ENSTROM, RICHARD SCOTT 9000 SALFORD CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.02 1/6/2012 0.27 0001459261-2011-2011-0000-00REG ENSTROM, RICHARD SCOTT REI 142037 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459952-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925246 307200 EPLEY, ANN E 13516 SILVER KING CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001459952-2011-2011-0000-00REG EPLEY, ANN E REI 142119 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458130-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916168 307030 ERWIN, ANDREW LEE 7850 JESTER PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458130-2011-2011-0000-00REG ERWIN, ANDREW LEE REI 141949 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470093-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325107 307276 ESCARTIN, JOSE D 6604 BARKLEY FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 7.91 1/6/2012 1.07 0001470093-2011-2011-0000-00REG ESCARTIN, JOSE D REI 142195 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 6 of 22 , WILLIAM , ERIK 0001470093-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01325107 308207 ESCARTIN, JOSE D 6604 BARKLEY FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 7.91 1/8/2013 0.67 0001470093-2012-2012-0000-00REG ESCARTIN, JOSE D REI 143126 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470093-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01325107 308488 ESCARTIN, JOSE D 6604 BARKLEY FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 7.91 1/7/2014 0.27 0001470093-2013-2013-0000-00REG ESCARTIN, JOSE D REI 143407 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458454-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918143 307048 ESKRIDGE, WILLIAM K 15102 CHILGROVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9759 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001458454-2011-2011-0000-00REG ESKRIDGE, WILLIAM K REI 141967 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460097-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925347 307246 ETTERS, JOHN R JR 16105 HARVEST MOON CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5925 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001460097-2011-2011-0000-00REG ETTERS, JOHN R JR REI 142165 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458709-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919130 307077 FARRAR, CAL 14837 CHARTERHOUSE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458709-2011-2011-0000-00REG FARRAR REI 141996 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492035-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02110267 307490 FERRACCI, MICHAEL N 10130 LAFOY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.81 1/6/2012 0.65 0001492035-2011-2011-0000-00REG FERRACCI, MICHAEL N REI 142409 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458097-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916157 307025 FERRIS, DEBORAH 7724 ROYAL PARK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458097-2011-2011-0000-00REG FERRIS REI 141944 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490376-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929227 307389 FINK, BRIAN K 12725 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490376-2011-2011-0000-00REG FINK, BRIAN K REI 142308 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459902-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925218 307183 FINNER, KIMBERLY L 13526 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459902-2011-2011-0000-00REG FINNER, KIMBERLY L REI 142102 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477974-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525405 307316 FISHER, DON F 9120 WESTMINISTER DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6981 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001477974-2011-2011-0000-00REG FISHER, DON F REI 142235 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459385-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923227 307143 FISSEL, GARY M 15813 BRETON BROOK ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001459385-2011-2011-0000-00REG FISSEL, GARY M REI 142062 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493925-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302678 307552 FITTZ, BRADLEY E 6713 APRIL MIST TRAIL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 88.42 1/6/2012 11.92 0001493925-2011-2011-0000-00REG FITTZ, BRADLEY E REI 142471 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459523-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923402 307151 FITZGERALD, JOSEPH F 8926 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/6/2012 4.11 0001459523-2011-2011-0000-00REG FITZGERALD, JOSEPH F REI 142070 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459523-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923402 308189 FITZGERALD, JOSEPH F 8926 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/8/2013 2.57 0001459523-2012-2012-0000-00REG FITZGERALD, JOSEPH F REI 143108 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459523-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923402 308468 FITZGERALD, JOSEPH F 8926 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/7/2014 1.05 0001459523-2013-2013-0000-00REG FITZGERALD, JOSEPH F REI 143387 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492015-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02110259 307488 FITZSIMMONS, SANDRA M 10115 EDGECLIFF RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001492015-2011-2011-0000-00REG FITZSIMMONS, SANDRA M REI 142407 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490393-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929304 307396 FLYNN, JAMES EDWARD 12839 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6047 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490393-2011-2011-0000-00REG FLYNN, JAMES EDWARD REI 142315 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490296-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929108 307366 FLYNN, JONELLE L PO BOX 602 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070-0602 7/19/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001490296-2011-2011-0000-00REG FLYNN, JONELLE L REI 142285 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490525-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929425 307439 FOX, MATTHEW L 12806 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6047 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490525-2011-2011-0000-00REG FOX, MATTHEW L REI 142358 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459909-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925223 307188 FRANCESCONI, ROBERT GREGORY 16119 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459909-2011-2011-0000-00REG FRANCESCONI, ROBERT GREGORY REI 142107 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459971-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925257 307207 FULGHUM, MILES J 13500 ARDREY END LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5255 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001459971-2011-2011-0000-00REG FULGHUM, MILES J REI 142126 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492379-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111433 307510 FUNDERBURK, CLAYTON S 13318 MARRYWOOD DR ALPHARETTA GA 30004 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001492379-2011-2011-0000-00REG FUNDERBURK, CLAYTON S REI 142429 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492209-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111279 307507 GABIGA, COURTNEY 9514 SKYBLUFF CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001492209-2011-2011-0000-00REG GABIGA, COURTNEY REI 142426 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478026-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526104 307329 GAITHER, SHARAR S 255 COLUMBIA DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001478026-2011-2011-0000-00REG GAITHER, SHARAR S REI 142248 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470283-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325525 307289 GALLO, AL 6523 MCILWAINE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001470283-2011-2011-0000-00REG GALLO REI 142208 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480805-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01547127 307357 GANT, HELEN S 9029 KERNS RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001480805-2011-2011-0000-00REG GANT, HELEN S REI 142276 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478021-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526101 307327 GARDNER, TERRY L 8930 MERCIA AVENUE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 17.23 1/6/2012 2.32 0001478021-2011-2011-0000-00REG GARDNER, TERRY L REI 142246 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490328-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929128 307379 GEBERT, TANNA S 12515 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490328-2011-2011-0000-00REG GEBERT, TANNA S REI 142298 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494115-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302768 307558 GENTILE, ANTHONY R 12035 NEW BOND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001494115-2011-2011-0000-00REG GENTILE, ANTHONY R REI 142477 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459876-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925203 307179 GENTILE, STEVEN W 16039 FARMALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001459876-2011-2011-0000-00REG GENTILE, STEVEN W REI 142098 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459135-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922143 307111 GIANQUINTO, STEVEN 15311 CURLING CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001459135-2011-2011-0000-00REG GIANQUINTO , STEVEN REI 142030 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459135-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00922143 308177 GIANQUINTO, STEVEN 15311 CURLING CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/8/2013 0.10 0001459135-2012-2012-0000-00REG GIANQUINTO , STEVEN REI 143096 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 7 of 22 , CAL , DEBORAH , AL 0001459135-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00922143 308454 GIANQUINTO, STEVEN 15311 CURLING CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.95 1/7/2014 0.14 0001459135-2013-2013-0000-00REG GIANQUINTO 0001490739-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939191 307451 GILES, ERIK 14832 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.80 1/6/2012 0.65 0001490739-2011-2011-0000-00REG 0001460080-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925337 307237 GILLON, EARL 13414 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001491977-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02110240 307486 GILMORE, JACKIE K 10229 EDGECLIFF RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0001490438-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929333 307408 GILREATH, CHRISTOPHER E 12507 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6052 7/19/2014 0001480789-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01547115 307352 GODFREY, RONALD C 9030 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 0001480789-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01547115 308218 GODFREY, RONALD C 0001480789-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01547115 308498 0001460092-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925344 0001490423-2011-2011-0000-00-REG REI 143373 SL 362 Adjustment GILES, ERIK REI 142370 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460080-2011-2011-0000-00REG GILLON, EARL REI 142156 SL 362 Adjustment 0.04 0001491977-2011-2011-0000-00REG GILMORE, JACKIE K REI 142405 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001490438-2011-2011-0000-00REG GILREATH, CHRISTOPHER E REI 142327 SL 362 Adjustment 7/19/2014 88.14 1/6/2012 11.88 0001480789-2011-2011-0000-00REG GODFREY, RONALD C REI 142271 SL 362 Adjustment 9030 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 87.86 1/8/2013 7.41 0001480789-2012-2012-0000-00REG GODFREY, RONALD C REI 143137 SL 362 Adjustment GODFREY, RONALD C 9030 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 87.86 1/7/2014 3.03 0001480789-2013-2013-0000-00REG GODFREY, RONALD C REI 143417 SL 362 Adjustment 307243 GODWIN, DARRIET L 16108 MCCORMICK PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001460092-2011-2011-0000-00REG GODWIN, DARRIET L REI 142162 SL 362 Adjustment 01929324 307403 GOINS, PHILLIP D 12916 SILBURY LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001490423-2011-2011-0000-00REG GOINS, PHILLIP D REI 142322 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459341-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923114 307139 GONNERMAN, KENT S 8907 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 22.60 1/6/2012 3.05 0001459341-2011-2011-0000-00REG GONNERMAN, KENT S REI 142058 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459341-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923114 308187 GONNERMAN, KENT S 8907 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 22.60 1/8/2013 1.91 0001459341-2012-2012-0000-00REG GONNERMAN, KENT S REI 143106 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459341-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923114 308465 GONNERMAN, KENT S 8907 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 22.60 1/7/2014 0.78 0001459341-2013-2013-0000-00REG GONNERMAN, KENT S REI 143384 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458670-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919101 307073 GOODE, BENNIE F 8832 TAUNTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458670-2011-2011-0000-00REG GOODE, BENNIE F REI 141992 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491808-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02109131 307477 GOODE-SMITH, JACQUELINE 308 THREE GREENS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001491808-2011-2011-0000-00REG GOODE-SMITH JACQUELINE , REI 142396 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460084-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925339 307239 GOOLKASIAN, DAWN 13400 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001460084-2011-2011-0000-00REG GOOLKASIAN , DAWN REI 142158 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490385-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929232 307393 GRAHAM, BRETT H 12807 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6047 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490385-2011-2011-0000-00REG GRAHAM, BRETT H REI 142312 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458576-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918359 307066 GRAIL, WILLIAM R JR 15310 RUSH LAKE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458576-2011-2011-0000-00REG GRAIL, WILLIAM R JR REI 141985 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459915-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925226 307190 GREENWALD, ERIC A 13513 MELROSE MEADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 9.61 1/6/2012 1.30 0001459915-2011-2011-0000-00REG GREENWALD, ERIC A REI 142109 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459915-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00925226 308202 GREENWALD, ERIC A 13513 MELROSE MEADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 6.78 1/8/2013 0.57 0001459915-2012-2012-0000-00REG GREENWALD, ERIC A REI 143121 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459915-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00925226 308483 GREENWALD, ERIC A 13513 MELROSE MEADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 6.78 1/7/2014 0.23 0001459915-2013-2013-0000-00REG GREENWALD, ERIC A REI 143402 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460085-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925340 307240 GREENWOOD, SHAWN A 16107 MCCORMICK PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9099 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001460085-2011-2011-0000-00REG GREENWOOD, SHAWN A REI 142159 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478083-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526405 307338 GRICE, NANCY SHIELDS 8809 SHIELDS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478083-2011-2011-0000-00REG GRICE, NANCY SHIELDS REI 142257 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491889-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02109168 307480 GRIESHOP, KELLEY M 434 THREE GREENS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001491889-2011-2011-0000-00REG GRIESHOP, KELLEY M REI 142399 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459921-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925229 307192 GUINNESS, AUNIN M 16203 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001459921-2011-2011-0000-00REG GUINNESS, AUNIN M REI 142111 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491929-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02110208 307482 HAGY, STEVE R 14538 NORTHGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001491929-2011-2011-0000-00REG HAGY, STEVE R REI 142401 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491929-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02110208 308231 HAGY, STEVE R 14538 NORTHGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/8/2013 0.36 0001491929-2012-2012-0000-00REG HAGY, STEVE R REI 143150 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491929-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02110208 308514 HAGY, STEVE R 14538 NORTHGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/7/2014 0.15 0001491929-2013-2013-0000-00REG HAGY, STEVE R REI 143433 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492020-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02110261 307489 HAMMOND, JESSICA M 10127 EDGECLIFF RD CHARLOTTE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001492020-2011-2011-0000-00REG HAMMOND, JESSICA M REI 142408 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458822-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919264 307092 HANNA, RAFIK M 14614 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 8.19 1/6/2012 1.10 0001458822-2011-2011-0000-00REG HANNA, RAFIK M REI 142011 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460044-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925311 307215 HANSEN, SANDRA 16418 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001460044-2011-2011-0000-00REG HANSEN REI 142134 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477935-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525218 307308 HANSLEY, JAMES E 9424 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001477935-2011-2011-0000-00REG HANSLEY, JAMES E REI 142227 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 8 of 22 , STEVEN , SANDRA 0001459553-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923419 307162 HARDER, STEVEN P 8900 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 28.53 1/6/2012 3.85 0001459553-2011-2011-0000-00REG HARDER, STEVEN P REI 142081 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459553-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923419 308199 HARDER, STEVEN P 8900 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 28.53 1/8/2013 2.41 0001459553-2012-2012-0000-00REG HARDER, STEVEN P REI 143118 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459553-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923419 308480 HARDER, STEVEN P 8900 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 28.53 1/7/2014 0.98 0001459553-2013-2013-0000-00REG HARDER, STEVEN P REI 143399 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458442-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918136 307046 HARGETT, RANDALL S 15125 CHILGROVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458442-2011-2011-0000-00REG HARGETT, RANDALL S REI 141965 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470322-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325560 307292 HARMER, MICHAEL H 12737 WINDING RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001470322-2011-2011-0000-00REG HARMER, MICHAEL H REI 142211 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490756-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939211 307456 HARMON, SHANE L 14427 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 6.21 1/6/2012 0.84 0001490756-2011-2011-0000-00REG HARMON, SHANE L REI 142375 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490314-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929119 307372 HARTWICK, BRIAN D 232 RENWICK LN MOORESVILLE NC 28117 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001490314-2011-2011-0000-00REG HARTWICK, BRIAN D REI 142291 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458759-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919223 307083 HAVENS, TIMOTHY PAUL 8923 CUMBRIA CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001458759-2011-2011-0000-00REG HAVENS, TIMOTHY PAUL REI 142002 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490311-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929117 307371 HEAD, JOYCE M 12606 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001490311-2011-2011-0000-00REG HEAD, JOYCE M REI 142290 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458522-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918319 307061 HEALEY, DANIEL J 15211 SHARROW BAY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.65 1/6/2012 0.76 0001458522-2011-2011-0000-00REG HEALEY, DANIEL J REI 141980 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460029-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925302 307209 HEINCELMAN, DANIEL 16522 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5297 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001460029-2011-2011-0000-00REG HEINCELMAN REI 142128 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490465-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929382 307419 HENSLEE, JAMES DAVID 12703 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001490465-2011-2011-0000-00REG HENSLEE, JAMES DAVID REI 142338 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458133-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916169 307031 HESKETT, DANIEL 7846 JESTER PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001458133-2011-2011-0000-00REG HESKETT, DANIEL REI 141950 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490751-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939206 307453 HICKERT, PATRICK J 12847 FORRESTER AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 7.34 1/6/2012 0.99 0001490751-2011-2011-0000-00REG HICKERT, PATRICK J REI 142372 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460583-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00928119 307252 HICKS, SAMUEL A 9119 GROVE TREE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001460583-2011-2011-0000-00REG HICKS, SAMUEL A REI 142171 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477931-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525215 307307 HILL, CHARLES DAVID 9410 WESTMINISTER DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5930 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001477931-2011-2011-0000-00REG HILL, CHARLES DAVID REI 142226 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459841-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925121 307173 HODGDON, MICHAEL D 13615 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 29.95 1/6/2012 4.04 0001459841-2011-2011-0000-00REG HODGDON, MICHAEL D REI 142092 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459841-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00925121 308201 HODGDON, MICHAEL D 13615 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 27.97 1/8/2013 2.36 0001459841-2012-2012-0000-00REG HODGDON, MICHAEL D REI 143120 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459841-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00925121 308482 HODGDON, MICHAEL D 13615 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 27.97 1/7/2014 0.97 0001459841-2013-2013-0000-00REG HODGDON, MICHAEL D REI 143401 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492139-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111239 307498 HOEY, BLAIR H 9622 HILLSPRING DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001492139-2011-2011-0000-00REG HOEY, BLAIR H REI 142417 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458162-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916177 307035 HOLLOWELL, DAVID ALAN 16506 AMBASSADOR PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001458162-2011-2011-0000-00REG HOLLOWELL, DAVID ALAN REI 141954 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460060-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925324 307225 HOLT, MICHAEL A 16214 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5243 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001460060-2011-2011-0000-00REG HOLT, MICHAEL A REI 142144 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490378-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929228 307390 HORNBUCKLE, JONATHAN ROSS 12729 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001490378-2011-2011-0000-00REG HORNBUCKLE, JONATHAN ROSS REI 142309 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458790-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919240 307087 HOWE, THOMAS L 14932 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001458790-2011-2011-0000-00REG HOWE, THOMAS L REI 142006 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493808-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302628 307548 HUBACHER, MATTHEW 6111 LATTA SPRINGS CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001493808-2011-2011-0000-00REG HUBACHER, MATTHEW REI 142467 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460584-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00928120 307253 HUDDY, CHRISTOPHER P 9125 GROVE TREE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001460584-2011-2011-0000-00REG HUDDY, CHRISTOPHER P REI 142172 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458894-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919339 307100 HULING, HARRY MARK 14906 MIDDLETHORPE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8532 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001458894-2011-2011-0000-00REG HULING, HARRY MARK REI 142019 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480780-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01547108 307350 HUNT, ROBERT G 9240 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001480780-2011-2011-0000-00REG HUNT, ROBERT G REI 142269 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490721-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939181 307447 HUTCHESON, DAVID P 15040 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001490721-2011-2011-0000-00REG HUTCHESON, DAVID P REI 142366 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459431-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923258 307147 IANNARINO, STEVEN T 15719 GLENCASTLE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/17/2012 0.04 0001459431-2011-2011-0000-00REG IANNARINO, STEVEN T REI 142066 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459887-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925210 306572 IHRKE, LARRY W 16129 FARMALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001459887-2011-2011-0000-00REG IHRKE REI 141491 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478058-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526217 307334 INGLE, HARRY EDWIN 8908 OXFORD PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478058-2011-2011-0000-00REG INGLE, HARRY EDWIN REI 142253 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 9 of 22 , DANIEL , LARRY W 0001490491-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929403 307426 JACKSON, RICHARD KEITH 14018 KEDLESTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490491-2011-2011-0000-00REG JACKSON, RICHARD KEITH REI 142345 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458103-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916159 307027 JACKSON, WILLIAM C 8030 RAVENWOOD LN STANLEY NC 28164 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458103-2011-2011-0000-00REG JACKSON, WILLIAM C REI 141946 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490392-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929303 307395 JAMES, DANNY A 12831 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490392-2011-2011-0000-00REG JAMES, DANNY A REI 142314 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474990-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01515307 307302 JEMISON, LINDA S 7418 O`HARA ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 18.93 1/6/2012 2.55 0001474990-2011-2011-0000-00REG JEMISON, LINDA S REI 142221 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474990-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01515307 308212 JEMISON, LINDA S 7418 O`HARA ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 18.93 1/8/2013 1.60 0001474990-2012-2012-0000-00REG JEMISON, LINDA S REI 143131 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474990-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01515307 308493 JEMISON, LINDA S 7418 O`HARA ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 18.93 1/7/2014 0.65 0001474990-2013-2013-0000-00REG JEMISON, LINDA S REI 143412 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490763-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939218 307460 JOHNSON, RAYMOND F 14522 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001490763-2011-2011-0000-00REG JOHNSON, RAYMOND F REI 142379 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459339-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923113 307138 JOHNSON, RODNEY A 8901 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 33.62 1/6/2012 4.53 0001459339-2011-2011-0000-00REG JOHNSON, RODNEY A REI 142057 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459339-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923113 308186 JOHNSON, RODNEY A 8901 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 33.62 1/8/2013 2.84 0001459339-2012-2012-0000-00REG JOHNSON, RODNEY A REI 143105 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459339-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923113 308464 JOHNSON, RODNEY A 8901 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 33.62 1/7/2014 1.16 0001459339-2013-2013-0000-00REG JOHNSON, RODNEY A REI 143383 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492423-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111481 307520 JONES, MATTHEW 9802 SKY VISTA DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001492423-2011-2011-0000-00REG JONES, MATTHEW REI 142439 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459842-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925122 307174 JONES, ROBER A 13621 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459842-2011-2011-0000-00REG JONES, ROBER A REI 142093 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494080-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302752 307555 JONES, SHELLY A 6401 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 22.04 1/6/2012 2.97 0001494080-2011-2011-0000-00REG JONES, SHELLY A REI 142474 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494080-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02302752 308237 JONES, SHELLY A 6401 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 22.04 1/8/2013 1.86 0001494080-2012-2012-0000-00REG JONES, SHELLY A REI 143156 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494080-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02302752 308522 JONES, SHELLY A 6401 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 22.04 1/7/2014 0.76 0001494080-2013-2013-0000-00REG JONES, SHELLY A REI 143441 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617165-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02108310 308228 JORDAN, ALAN S 14721 LONG IRON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 34.74 1/8/2013 2.93 0002617165-2012-2012-0000-00REG JORDAN, ALAN S REI 143147 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617165-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02108310 308510 JORDAN, ALAN S 14721 LONG IRON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 34.74 1/7/2014 1.20 0002617165-2013-2013-0000-00REG JORDAN, ALAN S REI 143429 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490735-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939188 307450 KARAFFA, JOSEPH U 14920 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001490735-2011-2011-0000-00REG KARAFFA, JOSEPH U REI 142369 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490469-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929385 307421 KASKINEN, PELLERVO J 12725 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6020 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490469-2011-2011-0000-00REG KASKINEN, PELLERVO J REI 142340 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463631-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939337 307256 KELLEY, DONALD R 8802 COOL MEADOW DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001463631-2011-2011-0000-00REG KELLEY, DONALD R REI 142175 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490319-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929122 307374 KELLY, ERIKA N 12512 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490319-2011-2011-0000-00REG KELLY, ERIKA N REI 142293 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459920-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925228 307191 KELLY, JULIE MARIE 13506 MELROSE MEADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001459920-2011-2011-0000-00REG KELLY, JULIE MARIE REI 142110 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490346-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929209 307384 KELLY, SHERRI S 14012 HOLKHAM LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490346-2011-2011-0000-00REG KELLY, SHERRI S REI 142303 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458756-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919222 307082 KEMP, VICTOR T 8911 CUMBRIA CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001458756-2011-2011-0000-00REG KEMP, VICTOR T REI 142001 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458756-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00919222 308172 KEMP, VICTOR T 8911 CUMBRIA CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/8/2013 0.31 0001458756-2012-2012-0000-00REG KEMP, VICTOR T REI 143091 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458756-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00919222 308449 KEMP, VICTOR T 8911 CUMBRIA CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/7/2014 0.13 0001458756-2013-2013-0000-00REG KEMP, VICTOR T REI 143368 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490499-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929410 307429 KENNER, IAN 12538 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490499-2011-2011-0000-00REG KENNER, IAN REI 142348 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459113-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922130 307106 KERLEY, RODNEY ALAN 15308 MOATE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001459113-2011-2011-0000-00REG KERLEY, RODNEY ALAN REI 142025 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490752-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939207 307454 KILGORE, MARCUS L 14305 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001490752-2011-2011-0000-00REG KILGORE, MARCUS L REI 142373 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490758-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939213 307457 KING, ANDREW 14507 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001490758-2011-2011-0000-00REG KING, ANDREW REI 142376 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459160-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922157 307112 KING, ANDREW PETER 9001 SUTHERLAND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8551 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001459160-2011-2011-0000-00REG KING, ANDREW PETER REI 142031 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458914-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919354 307103 KING, GLORIA JEAN 8910 TAUNTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458914-2011-2011-0000-00REG KING, GLORIA JEAN REI 142022 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 10 of 22 0001490294-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929107 307365 KING, MICHAEL W 12602 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490294-2011-2011-0000-00REG KING, MICHAEL W REI 142284 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463580-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939306 307255 KINSEY, SHANNON 3815 LAUREL BERRY LN HUNTERSVILL NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001463580-2011-2011-0000-00REG KINSEY REI 142174 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458523-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918320 307062 KNOTH, EDWARD R 8800 TAYBROOK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001458523-2011-2011-0000-00REG KNOTH, EDWARD R REI 141981 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477991-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525417 307318 KOSSE, ANDREW J 9021 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.68 1/6/2012 0.50 0001477991-2011-2011-0000-00REG KOSSE, ANDREW J REI 142237 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459345-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923117 308467 KRUEGER, MICHAEL 8925 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 49.44 1/7/2014 1.71 0001459345-2013-2013-0000-00REG KRUEGER, MICHAEL REI 143386 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459904-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925219 307184 KUHARICK, NICHOLAS 13518 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001459904-2011-2011-0000-00REG KUHARICK, NICHOLAS REI 142103 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492584-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111607 307523 KUMAR, SANDIP 11224 ARLEEN PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001492584-2011-2011-0000-00REG KUMAR, SANDIP REI 142442 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458905-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919348 307102 LACHANCE, RONALD J 14817 MIDDLETHORPE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9772 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001458905-2011-2011-0000-00REG LACHANCE, RONALD J REI 142021 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459950-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925244 307198 LAFLER, NICKOLAS SCOTT 13515 SILVER KING CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459950-2011-2011-0000-00REG LAFLER, NICKOLAS SCOTT REI 142117 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494157-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302785 307560 LAND, ROBERT LEE III 6312 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 10.45 1/6/2012 1.41 0001494157-2011-2011-0000-00REG LAND, ROBERT LEE III REI 142479 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494157-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02302785 308241 LAND, ROBERT LEE III 6312 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 10.45 1/8/2013 0.88 0001494157-2012-2012-0000-00REG LAND, ROBERT LEE III REI 143160 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494157-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02302785 308526 LAND, ROBERT LEE III 6312 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 10.45 1/7/2014 0.36 0001494157-2013-2013-0000-00REG LAND, ROBERT LEE III REI 143445 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490421-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929323 307402 LANKFORD, BRANDY 12918 SILBURY LANE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001490421-2011-2011-0000-00REG LANKFORD, BRANDY REI 142321 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458463-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918151 307052 LAUNDER, DARLA D 15126 RANGEWORTH CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9775 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001458463-2011-2011-0000-00REG LAUNDER, DARLA D REI 141971 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460094-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925345 307244 LAVIN, DIANE 16102 MCCORMICK PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001460094-2011-2011-0000-00REG LAVIN, DIANE REI 142163 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458476-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918157 307055 LAWING, MICHAEL 15123 CHEWTONGLEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001458476-2011-2011-0000-00REG LAWING, MICHAEL REI 141974 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460575-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00928113 307251 LAWRENCE, WILLIAM G 9108 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001460575-2011-2011-0000-00REG LAWRENCE, WILLIAM G REI 142170 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477940-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525223 307310 LAWSON, RANDY EUGENE 9320 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001477940-2011-2011-0000-00REG LAWSON, RANDY EUGENE REI 142229 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480803-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01547125 307356 LEAGON, ERNEST ANDREW 9317 MT HOLLY-HUNTERSVILLE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001480803-2011-2011-0000-00REG LEAGON, ERNEST ANDREW REI 142275 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459309-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922268 307126 LEAHY, KATHLEEN E 9024 MCDIARMID LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001459309-2011-2011-0000-00REG LEAHY, KATHLEEN E REI 142045 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490512-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929417 307433 LEAHY, TED M 12811 MARTELLO LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6048 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490512-2011-2011-0000-00REG LEAHY, TED M REI 142352 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477949-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525302 307312 LEATHERWOOD, EARL JAMES 9233 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001477949-2011-2011-0000-00REG LEATHERWOOD, EARL JAMES REI 142231 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492169-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111257 307502 LECCESE, ARTHUR 14739 SALEM RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28079 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001492169-2011-2011-0000-00REG LECCESE, ARTHUR REI 142421 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617151-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02108278 307475 LEE, SHAUN VALENCIA 17413 CLOSEST PIN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 35.60 1/6/2012 4.80 0002617151-2011-2011-0000-00REG LEE, SHAUN VALENCIA REI 142394 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617151-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02108278 308227 LEE, SHAUN VALENCIA 17413 CLOSEST PIN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 35.60 1/8/2013 3.00 0002617151-2012-2012-0000-00REG LEE, SHAUN VALENCIA REI 143146 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617151-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02108278 308508 LEE, SHAUN VALENCIA 17413 CLOSEST PIN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 35.60 1/7/2014 1.23 0002617151-2013-2013-0000-00REG LEE, SHAUN VALENCIA REI 143427 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463719-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939411 307258 LEONARD, LANCE W 7042 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.67 4/30/2012 0.32 0001463719-2011-2011-0000-00REG LEONARD, LANCE W REI 142177 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463719-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00939411 308203 LEONARD, LANCE W 7042 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.63 3/22/2013 0.20 0001463719-2012-2012-0000-00REG LEONARD, LANCE W REI 143122 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463719-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00939411 308484 LEONARD, LANCE W 7042 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.63 3/19/2014 0.07 0001463719-2013-2013-0000-00REG LEONARD, LANCE W REI 143403 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492088-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111213 307492 LESTER, JOHN D 14709 ELMCREST CT CONCORD NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001492088-2011-2011-0000-00REG LESTER, JOHN D REI 142411 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492088-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02111213 308232 LESTER, JOHN D 14709 ELMCREST CT CONCORD NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/8/2013 0.36 0001492088-2012-2012-0000-00REG LESTER, JOHN D REI 143151 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492088-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02111213 308515 LESTER, JOHN D 14709 ELMCREST CT CONCORD NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/7/2014 0.15 0001492088-2013-2013-0000-00REG LESTER, JOHN D REI 143434 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 11 of 22 , SHANNON 0001493698-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302252 307546 LETTIS, JOHN F 11734 MORGAN HIORSE TL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.80 1/6/2012 0.65 0001493698-2011-2011-0000-00REG LETTIS, JOHN F REI 142465 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492129-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111233 307495 LEV, WESLEY H 14423 WESTGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001492129-2011-2011-0000-00REG LEV, WESLEY H REI 142414 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459123-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922136 307108 LEVANTINO, JOHN G 9010 TARTAN RIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001459123-2011-2011-0000-00REG LEVANTINO, JOHN G REI 142027 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490430-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929328 307406 LEWIS, CRAIG D 14057 KEDLESTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490430-2011-2011-0000-00REG LEWIS, CRAIG D REI 142325 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490767-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939222 307463 LIGHT, MICHAEL J 14424 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.93 1/6/2012 0.80 0001490767-2011-2011-0000-00REG LIGHT, MICHAEL J REI 142382 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490692-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939121 307441 LINDBERG, JOHN T 14617 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 9.32 1/6/2012 1.26 0001490692-2011-2011-0000-00REG LINDBERG, JOHN T REI 142360 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459947-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925243 307197 LINDSAY, ROBERT L 13513 SILVER KING CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001459947-2011-2011-0000-00REG LINDSAY, ROBERT L REI 142116 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491739-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02108222 307466 LIUZZO, JOSEPH 15007 SKYPARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 45.48 1/6/2012 6.13 0001491739-2011-2011-0000-00REG LIUZZO, JOSEPH REI 142385 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491739-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02108222 308222 LIUZZO, JOSEPH 15007 SKYPARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 45.48 1/8/2013 3.84 0001491739-2012-2012-0000-00REG LIUZZO, JOSEPH REI 143141 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491739-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02108222 308503 LIUZZO, JOSEPH 15007 SKYPARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 45.48 1/7/2014 1.57 0001491739-2013-2013-0000-00REG LIUZZO, JOSEPH REI 143422 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478081-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526403 307337 LOFTIN, TERESA D 2240 WILDLIFE RD CHARLOTTE NC 28214 7/19/2014 3.68 1/6/2012 0.50 0001478081-2011-2011-0000-00REG LOFTIN, TERESA D REI 142256 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459805-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925101 307163 LOMENZO, JOHN 13301 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001459805-2011-2011-0000-00REG LOMENZO REI 142082 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460081-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925338 307238 LONG, PAUL E 13408 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5923 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001460081-2011-2011-0000-00REG LONG, PAUL E REI 142157 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492668-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111726 307529 LONGANO, MICHAEL A. 10831 EMERALD WOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001492668-2011-2011-0000-00REG LONGANO, MICHAEL A. REI 142448 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492668-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02111726 308235 LONGANO, MICHAEL A. 10831 EMERALD WOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/8/2013 0.07 0001492668-2012-2012-0000-00REG LONGANO, MICHAEL A. REI 143154 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492668-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02111726 308518 LONGANO, MICHAEL A. 10831 EMERALD WOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/7/2014 0.03 0001492668-2013-2013-0000-00REG LONGANO, MICHAEL A. REI 143437 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490290-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929105 307363 LOPEZ, DAVID A 12608 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490290-2011-2011-0000-00REG LOPEZ, DAVID A REI 142282 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490710-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939142 307445 LOUCKS, JASON K 12804 FORRESTER AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001490710-2011-2011-0000-00REG LOUCKS, JASON K REI 142364 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493343-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124250 307539 LOWRY, ANTHONY 14031 TIMBERGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001493343-2011-2011-0000-00REG LOWRY REI 142458 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459849-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925125 307177 LUDWIG, LAURA L 19925 FLORAL LN CORNELIUS NC 28031 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459849-2011-2011-0000-00REG LUDWIG, LAURA L REI 142096 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459913-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925225 307189 LUMSDEN, KELLY R 13509 MELROSE MEADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001459913-2011-2011-0000-00REG LUMSDEN, KELLY R REI 142108 SL 362 Adjustment 0002616789-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939712 307275 LYN, DONOVAN 17047 HUGH TORANCE PY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0002616789-2011-2011-0000-00REG LYN, DONOVAN REI 142194 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459966-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925254 307206 LYNCH, TIMOTHY FRANCIS 13507 ARDRY END LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001459966-2011-2011-0000-00REG LYNCH, TIMOTHY FRANCIS REI 142125 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490304-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929112 307369 MACADO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 15524 ABERFELD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 LLC 7/19/2014 6.22 1/6/2012 0.84 0001490304-2011-2011-0000-00REG MACADO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC REI 142288 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459822-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925111 307170 MADDEN, KEITH L 16009 BUSHNELL CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001459822-2011-2011-0000-00REG MADDEN, KEITH L REI 142089 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458892-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919337 307098 MADDOX, GREGORY S 14922 MIDDLETHORPE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458892-2011-2011-0000-00REG MADDOX, GREGORY S REI 142017 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490503-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929413 307431 MADDOX, STEVE 12800 MARTELLO LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490503-2011-2011-0000-00REG MADDOX REI 142350 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490383-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929231 307392 MAHLER, DIANE J 12801 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001490383-2011-2011-0000-00REG MAHLER, DIANE J REI 142311 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460040-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925308 307212 MANLEY, LAURA M 16434 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001460040-2011-2011-0000-00REG MANLEY, LAURA M REI 142131 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460068-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925327 307228 MANN, RAYMOND 16130 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001460068-2011-2011-0000-00REG MANN, RAYMOND REI 142147 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459386-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923228 307144 MANUEL, PAUL J 15819 BRETON BROOK ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001459386-2011-2011-0000-00REG MANUEL, PAUL J REI 142063 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493874-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02302651 308520 MARCH, KENDRA D 6513 APRIL MIST TL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 20.34 1/7/2014 0.70 0001493874-2013-2013-0000-00REG MARCH, KENDRA D REI 143439 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 12 of 22 , JOHN , ANTHONY , STEVE 0001459313-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922271 307128 MARSH, RUTH E 8936 MCDIARMID LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001459313-2011-2011-0000-00REG MARSH, RUTH E REI 142047 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458870-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919324 307096 MARSH, TANYA E 8905 PENNYHILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458870-2011-2011-0000-00REG MARSH, TANYA E REI 142015 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490403-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929312 307397 MARSHALL, DALE L 12832 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6047 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490403-2011-2011-0000-00REG MARSHALL, DALE L REI 142316 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478059-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526218 307335 MARSHALL, JOHN L 9014 OXFORD PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 6.22 1/6/2012 0.84 0001478059-2011-2011-0000-00REG MARSHALL, JOHN L REI 142254 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458468-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918154 307053 MARSHALL, SHARON H R/T/A 8807 THORNBURY LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8517 7/19/2014 5.08 1/6/2012 0.68 0001458468-2011-2011-0000-00REG MARSHALL, SHARON H R/T/A REI 141972 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478025-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526103 307328 MARTIN, JONATHAN C 8321 INVERNESS DR TALLAHASSEE FL 32312 7/19/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001478025-2011-2011-0000-00REG MARTIN, JONATHAN C REI 142247 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490524-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929424 307438 MATAPISCA CORPORATION 222 PINTAIL LN HARKERS ISLAND NC 28531 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001490524-2011-2011-0000-00REG MATAPISCA CORPORATION REI 142357 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490729-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939185 307448 MAU, RICHARD 15008 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 17.24 1/6/2012 2.32 0001490729-2011-2011-0000-00REG MAU REI 142367 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458156-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916175 307034 MAUCERI PROPERTIES LLC 16331 BARCIA LN CORNELIUS NC 28031 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001458156-2011-2011-0000-00REG MAUCERI PROPERTIES LLC REI 141953 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459906-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925221 307186 MAYWALD, PHYLLIS 16101 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001459906-2011-2011-0000-00REG MAYWALD, PHYLLIS REI 142105 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460045-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925312 307216 MCAULAY, JOHNNY C JR 16412 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001460045-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCAULAY, JOHNNY C JR REI 142135 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490521-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929423 307437 MCAULAY, SARAH R 12732 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 19.77 1/6/2012 2.66 0001490521-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCAULAY, SARAH R REI 142356 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490521-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01929423 308220 MCAULAY, SARAH R 12732 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 19.49 1/8/2013 1.64 0001490521-2012-2012-0000-00REG MCAULAY, SARAH R REI 143139 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490521-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01929423 308500 MCAULAY, SARAH R 12732 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 19.49 1/7/2014 0.67 0001490521-2013-2013-0000-00REG MCAULAY, SARAH R REI 143419 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478070-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526306 307336 MCCALL, BETTY ONEAL 9319 WESTMINISTER DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6983 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478070-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCCALL, BETTY ONEAL REI 142255 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490715-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939153 307446 MCCALL, MARK N 14919 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001490715-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCCALL, MARK N REI 142365 SL 362 Adjustment 0001487782-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01747536 307359 MCCLURE, VERA E 14409 LAUREL TREE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001487782-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCCLURE, VERA E REI 142278 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492403-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111461 307514 MCCONNELL, TIMOTHY R JR 11231 SKYTOP DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001492403-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCCONNELL, TIMOTHY R JR REI 142433 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478042-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526203 307332 MCCORKLE, LARRY D 8901 WESTMINISTER DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6979 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001478042-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCCORKLE, LARRY D REI 142251 SL 362 Adjustment 0002616774-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939482 307264 MCCORMICK, JAMES MICHAEL 17026 HUGH TORRANCE PKWY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0002616774-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCCORMICK, JAMES MICHAEL REI 142183 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477939-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525221 307309 MCCOY, SAMUEL C 9400 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001477939-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCCOY, SAMUEL C REI 142228 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459532-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923407 307155 MCCUTCHEON, EDWARD R JR 8923 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.79 1/6/2012 4.15 0001459532-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCCUTCHEON, EDWARD R JR REI 142074 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459532-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923407 308192 MCCUTCHEON, EDWARD R JR 8923 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.79 1/8/2013 2.60 0001459532-2012-2012-0000-00REG MCCUTCHEON, EDWARD R JR REI 143111 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459532-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923407 308471 MCCUTCHEON, EDWARD R JR 8923 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.08 1/7/2014 1.07 0001459532-2013-2013-0000-00REG MCCUTCHEON, EDWARD R JR REI 143390 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491749-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02108319 308512 MCDADE, JOSHUA STUART 15133 SKYPARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 25.43 1/7/2014 0.88 0001491749-2013-2013-0000-00REG MCDADE, JOSHUA STUART REI 143431 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458874-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919326 307097 MCDONALD, MELISSA C 8917 PENNYHILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458874-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCDONALD, MELISSA C REI 142016 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493216-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124120 307533 MCELROY, THOMAS 9937 COLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001493216-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCELROY REI 142452 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459895-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925214 307182 MCMURRY, JEFFERY M PO BOX 3441 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 7/19/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001459895-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCMURRY, JEFFERY M REI 142101 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470131-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325208 307280 MCVEETY, ANDREW DUNN 12607 VANTAGE POINT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001470131-2011-2011-0000-00REG MCVEETY, ANDREW DUNN REI 142199 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460089-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925342 307242 MELDRUM, JACLYN M 16114 MCCORMICK PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001460089-2011-2011-0000-00REG MELDRUM, JACLYN M REI 142161 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459846-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925124 307176 MESSINA, CAROL L (N/C) 16042 FARMALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459846-2011-2011-0000-00REG MESSINA, CAROL L (N/C) REI 142095 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459827-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925114 307171 METAXATOS, PETER 13503 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459827-2011-2011-0000-00REG METAXATOS REI 142090 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 13 of 22 , RICHARD , THOMAS , PETER 0001470106-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325116 307277 METZLER, DALE G 6422 BARKLEY FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-7199 7/19/2014 16.39 1/6/2012 2.21 0001470106-2011-2011-0000-00REG METZLER, DALE G REI 142196 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478099-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526416 307341 MICK, CHARLES B 9025 SHIELDS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001478099-2011-2011-0000-00REG MICK, CHARLES B REI 142260 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470265-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325514 307287 MIFSUD, ANTUAN J 456 WILDLIFE RD TROUTMAN NC 28166 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001470265-2011-2011-0000-00REG MIFSUD, ANTUAN J REI 142206 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494031-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302731 307553 MILLER, MATTHEW D L 11210 CANOE COVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001494031-2011-2011-0000-00REG MILLER, MATTHEW D L REI 142472 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458457-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918146 307050 MILLSAPS, HAROLD G 15123 RANGEWORTH CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9777 7/19/2014 7.34 1/6/2012 0.99 0001458457-2011-2011-0000-00REG MILLSAPS, HAROLD G REI 141969 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458808-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919253 307090 MINACCI, ERIC V 9009 STOURBRIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 7/19/2014 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001458808-2011-2011-0000-00REG MINACCI, ERIC V REI 142009 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458808-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00919253 308176 MINACCI, ERIC V 9009 STOURBRIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 7/19/2014 3.96 1/8/2013 0.33 0001458808-2012-2012-0000-00REG MINACCI, ERIC V REI 143095 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458808-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00919253 308453 MINACCI, ERIC V 9009 STOURBRIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 7/19/2014 3.96 1/7/2014 0.14 0001458808-2013-2013-0000-00REG MINACCI, ERIC V REI 143372 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459529-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923405 307154 MITCHELL, DEVIN J 8908 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 27.12 1/6/2012 3.66 0001459529-2011-2011-0000-00REG MITCHELL, DEVIN J REI 142073 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459529-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923405 308191 MITCHELL, DEVIN J 8908 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 27.12 1/8/2013 2.29 0001459529-2012-2012-0000-00REG MITCHELL, DEVIN J REI 143110 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459529-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923405 308470 MITCHELL, DEVIN J 8908 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 27.40 1/7/2014 0.95 0001459529-2013-2013-0000-00REG MITCHELL, DEVIN J REI 143389 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617168-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02108313 307476 MITCHELL, LAVONNE 17316 CLOSEST PIN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 18.08 1/6/2012 2.44 0002617168-2011-2011-0000-00REG MITCHELL, LAVONNE REI 142395 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617168-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02108313 308229 MITCHELL, LAVONNE 17316 CLOSEST PIN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 15.82 1/8/2013 1.33 0002617168-2012-2012-0000-00REG MITCHELL, LAVONNE REI 143148 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617168-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02108313 308511 MITCHELL, LAVONNE 17316 CLOSEST PIN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 15.82 1/7/2014 0.55 0002617168-2013-2013-0000-00REG MITCHELL, LAVONNE REI 143430 SL 362 Adjustment 0002616764-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939472 307262 MOLLOY, RYAN H 17108 HUGH TORANCE PY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0002616764-2011-2011-0000-00REG MOLLOY, RYAN H REI 142181 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459296-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922260 307124 MONTAGUE, EDWARD THORNE 9033 MCDIARMID LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459296-2011-2011-0000-00REG MONTAGUE, EDWARD THORNE REI 142043 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490333-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929201 307380 MONTI, DANIEL 12519 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001490333-2011-2011-0000-00REG MONTI REI 142299 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458799-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919246 307088 MOON, RICHARD J 14820 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458799-2011-2011-0000-00REG MOON, RICHARD J REI 142007 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490292-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929106 307364 MOON, SHAWN I 12604 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001490292-2011-2011-0000-00REG MOON, SHAWN I REI 142283 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493697-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302251 307545 MOORE, RICHARD H 11742 MORGAN HORSE TRAIL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001493697-2011-2011-0000-00REG MOORE, RICHARD H REI 142464 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490413-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929318 307400 MORAN, TAMMY LYNN 12907 SILBURY LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001490413-2011-2011-0000-00REG MORAN, TAMMY LYNN REI 142319 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459807-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925103 307165 MORENO, JOSE LUIS 13313 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001459807-2011-2011-0000-00REG MORENO, JOSE LUIS REI 142084 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463922-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939624 307269 MORRIS, BARBARA S 15531 TROUBADOUR LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001463922-2011-2011-0000-00REG MORRIS, BARBARA S REI 142188 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459258-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922233 307116 MORRISON, KIMBALL L 9022 SALFORD CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001459258-2011-2011-0000-00REG MORRISON, KIMBALL L REI 142035 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478001-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525502 307321 MORROW, DANIEL EDWARD 9123 MT HOLLY-HUNTERSVL R HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001478001-2011-2011-0000-00REG MORROW, DANIEL EDWARD REI 142240 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492707-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111741 307530 MORROW, SHAWN M 9434 WALLACE POND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001492707-2011-2011-0000-00REG MORROW, SHAWN M REI 142449 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460077-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925334 307234 MORTENSON, DAVIN 13405 GLESSNER PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001460077-2011-2011-0000-00REG MORTENSON, DAVIN REI 142153 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490351-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929212 307386 MULKEY, JENNIFER L 14001 NAWORTH LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490351-2011-2011-0000-00REG MULKEY, JENNIFER L REI 142305 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459327-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923105 307132 MULLENS, ROBERT 15701 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.64 1/6/2012 4.26 0001459327-2011-2011-0000-00REG MULLENS , ROBERT REI 142051 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459327-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923105 308180 MULLENS, ROBERT 15701 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.64 1/8/2013 2.67 0001459327-2012-2012-0000-00REG MULLENS , ROBERT REI 143099 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459327-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923105 308457 MULLENS, ROBERT 15701 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.64 1/7/2014 1.09 0001459327-2013-2013-0000-00REG MULLENS , ROBERT REI 143376 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490696-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939123 307442 MUNGIN, GERALDINE D 14703 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001490696-2011-2011-0000-00REG MUNGIN, GERALDINE D REI 142361 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 14 of 22 , DANIEL 0001477973-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525404 307315 MURPHY, CALVIN E 7300 REEDY CREEK RD CHARLOTTE NC 28215 7/19/2014 18.37 1/6/2012 2.48 0001477973-2011-2011-0000-00REG MURPHY, CALVIN E REI 142234 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490443-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929338 307411 MURPHY, TYLER HILLMAN 12537 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001490443-2011-2011-0000-00REG MURPHY, TYLER HILLMAN REI 142330 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459951-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925245 307199 MURRAY, DUANE E 13517 SILVER KING CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001459951-2011-2011-0000-00REG MURRAY, DUANE E REI 142118 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477971-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525403 306574 NAVY, RICHARD E 9320 KENT AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9129 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001477971-2011-2011-0000-00REG NAVY REI 141493 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491898-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02109171 307481 NECKIN, LESLIE 416 THREE GREENS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001491898-2011-2011-0000-00REG NECKIN REI 142400 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458413-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918115 307040 NESBIT, DANIEL D 14918 CHILGROVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458413-2011-2011-0000-00REG NESBIT, DANIEL D REI 141959 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460086-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925341 307241 NETTA, JESSE 16111 MCCORMICK PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001460086-2011-2011-0000-00REG NETTA, JESSE REI 142160 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494089-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302757 307557 NGUYEN, LANA 6441 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001494089-2011-2011-0000-00REG NGUYEN REI 142476 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494089-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02302757 308239 NGUYEN, LANA 6441 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.83 1/8/2013 0.24 0001494089-2012-2012-0000-00REG NGUYEN, LANA REI 143158 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494089-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02302757 308524 NGUYEN, LANA 6441 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.83 1/7/2014 0.10 0001494089-2013-2013-0000-00REG NGUYEN REI 143443 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459114-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922131 307107 NIVENS, GARY C 15304 MOATE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8546 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001459114-2011-2011-0000-00REG NIVENS, GARY C REI 142026 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490497-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929408 307428 NOE, HEATHER L (N/C) 14048 KEDLESTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6056 7/19/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001490497-2011-2011-0000-00REG NOE, HEATHER L (N/C) REI 142347 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459331-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923107 307134 NOHR, TIMOTHY W. 15713 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 280786709 7/19/2014 28.82 1/6/2012 3.88 0001459331-2011-2011-0000-00REG NOHR, TIMOTHY W. REI 142053 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459331-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923107 308182 NOHR, TIMOTHY W. 15713 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 280786709 7/19/2014 28.82 1/8/2013 2.43 0001459331-2012-2012-0000-00REG NOHR, TIMOTHY W. REI 143101 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459331-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923107 308459 NOHR, TIMOTHY W. 15713 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 280786709 7/19/2014 28.82 1/7/2014 0.99 0001459331-2013-2013-0000-00REG NOHR, TIMOTHY W. REI 143378 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460106-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925351 307250 NORMAN, MICHAEL A 16100 HARVEST MOON CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001460106-2011-2011-0000-00REG NORMAN, MICHAEL A REI 142169 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492097-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111218 307493 NORTH, SCOTT L 14528 WESTGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001492097-2011-2011-0000-00REG NORTH, SCOTT L REI 142412 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458755-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919221 307081 OLSON, BRIAN K 8903 CUMBRIA CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001458755-2011-2011-0000-00REG OLSON, BRIAN K REI 142000 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459335-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923110 307137 OSTERHOLZ, NORBERT G 15729 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 29.66 1/6/2012 4.00 0001459335-2011-2011-0000-00REG OSTERHOLZ, NORBERT G REI 142056 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459335-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923110 308185 OSTERHOLZ, NORBERT G 15729 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 29.66 1/8/2013 2.50 0001459335-2012-2012-0000-00REG OSTERHOLZ, NORBERT G REI 143104 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459335-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923110 308462 OSTERHOLZ, NORBERT G 15729 MAYBERRY PLACE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 29.66 1/7/2014 1.02 0001459335-2013-2013-0000-00REG OSTERHOLZ, NORBERT G REI 143381 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492422-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111480 307519 OWUSU, TOLANI 9806 SKY VISTA DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001492422-2011-2011-0000-00REG OWUSU, TOLANI REI 142438 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459820-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925110 307169 PACE, DAREN J 16005 BUSHNELL CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459820-2011-2011-0000-00REG PACE, DAREN J REI 142088 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458088-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916154 307024 PADRON, CELESTINO MEDINA 16523 AMBASSADOR PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458088-2011-2011-0000-00REG PADRON, CELESTINO MEDINA REI 141943 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459890-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925211 307181 PADUA, BENJAMIN JR 16130 FARMALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001459890-2011-2011-0000-00REG PADUA, BENJAMIN JR REI 142100 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459834-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925118 307172 PANCARELLO, MARCO C 13527 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001459834-2011-2011-0000-00REG PANCARELLO, MARCO C REI 142091 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458746-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919213 307080 PARKER, JEFFREY A 15015 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001458746-2011-2011-0000-00REG PARKER, JEFFREY A REI 141999 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458746-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00919213 308171 PARKER, JEFFREY A 15015 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/8/2013 0.31 0001458746-2012-2012-0000-00REG PARKER, JEFFREY A REI 143090 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458746-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00919213 308448 PARKER, JEFFREY A 15015 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/7/2014 0.13 0001458746-2013-2013-0000-00REG PARKER, JEFFREY A REI 143367 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493194-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124111 307531 PARKINS, MICHAEL A 9805 COLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 11.02 1/6/2012 1.49 0001493194-2011-2011-0000-00REG PARKINS, MICHAEL A REI 142450 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490514-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929418 307434 PARZEK, STEFANIE 12807 MARTELLO LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001490514-2011-2011-0000-00REG PARZEK, STEFANIE REI 142353 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617176-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111582 307522 PATEL, SANJAY 14341 SALEM RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 6.49 1/6/2012 0.87 0002617176-2011-2011-0000-00REG PATEL, SANJAY REI 142441 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 15 of 22 , RICHARD E , LESLIE , LANA , LANA 0001480797-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01547121 307354 PAXTON, ALAN J 8830 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001480797-2011-2011-0000-00REG PAXTON, ALAN J REI 142273 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459325-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923103 307130 PAYNE, JOHN M 15609 MAYBERRY PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.64 1/6/2012 4.26 0001459325-2011-2011-0000-00REG PAYNE, JOHN M REI 142049 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459325-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923103 308179 PAYNE, JOHN M 15609 MAYBERRY PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.64 1/8/2013 2.67 0001459325-2012-2012-0000-00REG PAYNE, JOHN M REI 143098 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459325-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923103 308456 PAYNE, JOHN M 15609 MAYBERRY PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.64 1/7/2014 1.09 0001459325-2013-2013-0000-00REG PAYNE, JOHN M REI 143375 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458456-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918145 307049 PEARSON, GARY ALAN 15115 RANGEWORTH CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9777 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458456-2011-2011-0000-00REG PEARSON, GARY ALAN REI 141968 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458397-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918103 307036 PERALTA, FAUSTO 8816 THORNBURY LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001458397-2011-2011-0000-00REG PERALTA REI 141955 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459174-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922163 307113 PETERS, KEVIN PATRICK 9016 SUTHERLAND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001459174-2011-2011-0000-00REG PETERS, KEVIN PATRICK REI 142032 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458516-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918313 307059 PETTY, ALAN 15103 SHARROW BAY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001458516-2011-2011-0000-00REG PETTY REI 141978 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477976-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525406 307317 PHILLIPS, ARLECIA P 9110 WESTMINISTER DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6981 7/19/2014 5.93 1/6/2012 0.80 0001477976-2011-2011-0000-00REG PHILLIPS, ARLECIA P REI 142236 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478113-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526424 307343 PHILLIPS, DAVID GLENN JR 9001 MIRIAM DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001478113-2011-2011-0000-00REG PHILLIPS, DAVID GLENN JR REI 142262 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478046-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526207 307333 PIERCE, ROLAND E 9101 WESTMINISTER DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6981 7/19/2014 0.80 1/6/2012 0.11 0001478046-2011-2011-0000-00REG PIERCE, ROLAND E REI 142252 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459954-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925248 307201 PIERCE, WILLIAM J 13508 SILVER KING CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459954-2011-2011-0000-00REG PIERCE, WILLIAM J REI 142120 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492164-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111253 307500 PINGEL, ALEXANDER K 14723 SALEM RIDGERD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001492164-2011-2011-0000-00REG PINGEL, ALEXANDER K REI 142419 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493240-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124129 307535 PINK, WILLIAM I 10101 COLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001493240-2011-2011-0000-00REG PINK, WILLIAM I REI 142454 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460050-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925315 307218 PINTO, ANTHONY P 16326 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001460050-2011-2011-0000-00REG PINTO, ANTHONY P REI 142137 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459956-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925249 307202 PLICKERT, MATTHEW D 16403 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001459956-2011-2011-0000-00REG PLICKERT, MATTHEW D REI 142121 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460059-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925323 307224 POFF, FRANK TIMOTHY 16222 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001460059-2011-2011-0000-00REG POFF, FRANK TIMOTHY REI 142143 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492201-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111275 307506 POMPEY, TERRI M 8530 SKYBLUFF CIR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001492201-2011-2011-0000-00REG POMPEY, TERRI M REI 142425 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458764-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919227 307086 POWELL, KATHLEEN G 15125 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001458764-2011-2011-0000-00REG POWELL, KATHLEEN G REI 142005 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458764-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00919227 308174 POWELL, KATHLEEN G 15125 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.52 1/8/2013 0.38 0001458764-2012-2012-0000-00REG POWELL, KATHLEEN G REI 143093 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458764-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00919227 308451 POWELL, KATHLEEN G 15125 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.52 1/7/2014 0.16 0001458764-2013-2013-0000-00REG POWELL, KATHLEEN G REI 143370 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490286-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929102 307361 PRESTON, JADE L 12626 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490286-2011-2011-0000-00REG PRESTON, JADE L REI 142280 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490750-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939205 307452 PRICE, JEFFREY G 12839 FORRESTER AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.93 1/6/2012 0.80 0001490750-2011-2011-0000-00REG PRICE, JEFFREY G REI 142371 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459851-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925126 307178 QUINTIN, RAYMOND R 16028 FARMALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001459851-2011-2011-0000-00REG QUINTIN, RAYMOND R REI 142097 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460052-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925317 307219 RADLEY, SUSAN E 16312 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001460052-2011-2011-0000-00REG RADLEY, SUSAN E REI 142138 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490733-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939187 307449 RASHID, DANIEL 14928 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 6.50 1/6/2012 0.88 0001490733-2011-2011-0000-00REG RASHID REI 142368 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458763-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919226 307085 RASMUSSEN, JAMES M 15113 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9785 7/19/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001458763-2011-2011-0000-00REG RASMUSSEN, JAMES M REI 142004 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458763-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00919226 308173 RASMUSSEN, JAMES M 15113 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9785 7/19/2014 3.11 1/8/2013 0.26 0001458763-2012-2012-0000-00REG RASMUSSEN, JAMES M REI 143092 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458763-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00919226 308450 RASMUSSEN, JAMES M 15113 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9785 7/19/2014 3.11 1/7/2014 0.11 0001458763-2013-2013-0000-00REG RASMUSSEN, JAMES M REI 143369 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492415-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111473 307516 RATCLIFFE, ROBERT J 9900 SKY VISTA DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001492415-2011-2011-0000-00REG RATCLIFFE, ROBERT J REI 142435 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460074-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925332 307232 RATER, PAULA J 13400 GLESSNER PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001460074-2011-2011-0000-00REG RATER, PAULA J REI 142151 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458496-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918302 307056 REBER, KENT J 8812 TAYBROOK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458496-2011-2011-0000-00REG REBER, KENT J REI 141975 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 16 of 22 , FAUSTO , ALAN , DANIEL 0001478000-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525501 307320 REDMON, CINDY S PO BOX 319 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070-0319 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478000-2011-2011-0000-00REG REDMON, CINDY S REI 142239 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494243-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302839 307562 REED, HARRY H JR 6409 LATTA SPRINGS CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001494243-2011-2011-0000-00REG REED, HARRY H JR REI 142481 SL 362 Adjustment 0001487756-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01747525 307358 REED, KENNETH L JR 14448 LAUREL TREE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 27.40 1/6/2012 3.69 0001487756-2011-2011-0000-00REG REED, KENNETH L JR REI 142277 SL 362 Adjustment 0001487756-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01747525 308219 REED, KENNETH L JR 14448 LAUREL TREE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 27.40 1/8/2013 2.31 0001487756-2012-2012-0000-00REG REED, KENNETH L JR REI 143138 SL 362 Adjustment 0001487756-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01747525 308499 REED, KENNETH L JR 14448 LAUREL TREE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 27.40 1/7/2014 0.95 0001487756-2013-2013-0000-00REG REED, KENNETH L JR REI 143418 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617221-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124476 307543 REUTTER, JASON C 9312 CROSS OAK PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 10.17 1/6/2012 1.37 0002617221-2011-2011-0000-00REG REUTTER, JASON C REI 142462 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617116-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02108228 307468 RHODES, HENRY JR 16154 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.36 1/6/2012 0.72 0002617116-2011-2011-0000-00REG RHODES, HENRY JR REI 142387 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617116-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02108228 308223 RHODES, HENRY JR 16154 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.36 1/8/2013 0.45 0002617116-2012-2012-0000-00REG RHODES, HENRY JR REI 143142 SL 362 Adjustment 0002617116-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02108228 308504 RHODES, HENRY JR 16154 GRASSY CREEK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.36 1/7/2014 0.19 0002617116-2013-2013-0000-00REG RHODES, HENRY JR REI 143423 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460096-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925346 307245 RICE, CHARLENE S 16101 HARVEST MOON CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001460096-2011-2011-0000-00REG RICE, CHARLENE S REI 142164 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477924-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525208 307304 RICHARDSON, ALAN D 9608 PEMBROKE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001477924-2011-2011-0000-00REG RICHARDSON, ALAN D REI 142223 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463899-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939601 307266 RICHARDSON, MARVIN 3803 ARCHER NOTCH LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001463899-2011-2011-0000-00REG RICHARDSON, MARVIN REI 142185 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492633-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111715 307526 RIOS, HECTOR I 10926 EMERALD WOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001492633-2011-2011-0000-00REG RIOS, HECTOR I REI 142445 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459814-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925106 307166 RIVENS, TRAVIS L 16016 BUSHNELL CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459814-2011-2011-0000-00REG RIVENS, TRAVIS L REI 142085 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494075-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302750 307554 RIVERA, PEDRO J JR 6317 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 24.58 1/6/2012 3.31 0001494075-2011-2011-0000-00REG RIVERA, PEDRO J JR REI 142473 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459389-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923229 307145 ROBESON, TIMOTHY S 15825 BRETON BROOK ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459389-2011-2011-0000-00REG ROBESON, TIMOTHY S REI 142064 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474786-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01515201 307301 RODRIGUEZ, SANTIAGO 7305 O`HARA ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 17.52 1/6/2012 2.36 0001474786-2011-2011-0000-00REG RODRIGUEZ, SANTIAGO REI 142220 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474786-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01515201 308211 RODRIGUEZ, SANTIAGO 7305 O`HARA ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 16.11 1/8/2013 1.36 0001474786-2012-2012-0000-00REG RODRIGUEZ, SANTIAGO REI 143130 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474786-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01515201 308492 RODRIGUEZ, SANTIAGO 7305 O`HARA ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 16.11 1/7/2014 0.56 0001474786-2013-2013-0000-00REG RODRIGUEZ, SANTIAGO REI 143411 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460078-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925335 307235 ROTH, WILHELM 16106 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 7.91 1/6/2012 1.07 0001460078-2011-2011-0000-00REG ROTH REI 142154 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490334-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929202 307381 ROURK, GARY W 12525 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6065 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490334-2011-2011-0000-00REG ROURK, GARY W REI 142300 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490429-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929327 307405 RUD, DEREK 14049 KEDLESTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490429-2011-2011-0000-00REG RUD, DEREK REI 142324 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459102-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922123 307105 RUDOLPH, GLENN S 9011 TARTAN RIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001459102-2011-2011-0000-00REG RUDOLPH, GLENN S REI 142024 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470139-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325211 307281 RUE, MICHAEL KEEVER 6426 MCILWAINE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470139-2011-2011-0000-00REG RUE, MICHAEL KEEVER REI 142200 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459936-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925237 307195 RUSTON, BRADLEY J 13511 WARDER CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001459936-2011-2011-0000-00REG RUSTON, BRADLEY J REI 142114 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490340-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929204 307382 RUTTER, KRISTY A 12601 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490340-2011-2011-0000-00REG RUTTER, KRISTY A REI 142301 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477957-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525306 307314 SAILERS, JOSEPH WALKER 9332 WESTMINISTER DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6983 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001477957-2011-2011-0000-00REG SAILERS, JOSEPH WALKER REI 142233 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478153-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526452 307347 SALYER, RICHARD L 9019 MIRIAM DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001478153-2011-2011-0000-00REG SALYER, RICHARD L REI 142266 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458536-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918328 307063 SANTA, CRUZ SCOTT 8628 TAYBROOK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458536-2011-2011-0000-00REG SANTA, CRUZ SCOTT REI 141982 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460100-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925348 307247 SANTOS, MICHAEL 16107 HARVEST MOON COURT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001460100-2011-2011-0000-00REG SANTOS REI 142166 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458426-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918124 307043 SAP, KATHERINE MCFARLAND 14937 CHILGROVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001458426-2011-2011-0000-00REG SAP, KATHERINE MCFARLAND REI 141962 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490321-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929124 307376 SAPPENFIELD, CHARLOTTE A 12502 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490321-2011-2011-0000-00REG SAPPENFIELD, CHARLOTTE A REI 142295 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 17 of 22 , WILHELM , MICHAEL 0001492421-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111479 307518 SAUNDERS, RAYMOND A 9810 SKY VISTA DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001492421-2011-2011-0000-00REG SAUNDERS, RAYMOND A REI 142437 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459454-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923301 307148 SCHOOLEY, RICHARD M JR 8834 OAKHAM ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001459454-2011-2011-0000-00REG SCHOOLEY, RICHARD M JR REI 142067 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470352-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325576 307296 SCOTT, CARLTON D 6326 EMILY MAGEN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.23 1/6/2012 0.57 0001470352-2011-2011-0000-00REG SCOTT, CARLTON D REI 142215 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459535-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923409 307157 SCOTT, JIMMIE L 8935 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 28.53 1/6/2012 3.85 0001459535-2011-2011-0000-00REG SCOTT, JIMMIE L REI 142076 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459535-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923409 308194 SCOTT, JIMMIE L 8935 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 28.53 1/8/2013 2.41 0001459535-2012-2012-0000-00REG SCOTT, JIMMIE L REI 143113 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459535-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923409 308473 SCOTT, JIMMIE L 8935 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 28.53 1/7/2014 0.98 0001459535-2013-2013-0000-00REG SCOTT, JIMMIE L REI 143392 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480781-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01547109 307351 SCOTT, MARSHALL A 9220 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001480781-2011-2011-0000-00REG SCOTT, MARSHALL A REI 142270 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493258-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124137 307536 SEAFORD, TERRY L 11346 WESCOTT HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001493258-2011-2011-0000-00REG SEAFORD, TERRY L REI 142455 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492450-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111515 307521 SEALE, W CLAY 14328 TIMBERGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001492450-2011-2011-0000-00REG SEALE, W CLAY REI 142440 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470288-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325541 307290 SEDGWICK, JAMES J 6539 MCILWAIN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-7117 7/19/2014 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001470288-2011-2011-0000-00REG SEDGWICK, JAMES J REI 142209 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458406-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918110 307039 SEITZ, PAUL F 15022 CHILGROVE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 6.21 1/6/2012 0.84 0001458406-2011-2011-0000-00REG SEITZ, PAUL F REI 141958 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459251-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922228 307115 SELLERS, LARA G 9050 SALFORD CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.09 1/6/2012 0.69 0001459251-2011-2011-0000-00REG SELLERS, LARA G REI 142034 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490372-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929224 307388 SELQUIST, MARK A 12731 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490372-2011-2011-0000-00REG SELQUIST, MARK A REI 142307 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458812-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919256 307091 SERRENO, WILLIAM P 9023 STOURBRIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458812-2011-2011-0000-00REG SERRENO REI 142010 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459503-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923332 307150 SHAKESHAFT, SCOT R 8725 OAKHAM ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001459503-2011-2011-0000-00REG SHAKESHAFT, SCOT R REI 142069 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478034-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526108 307330 SHELTON, TONIA A 9023 MT HOLLY-HUNTERSVILLE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001478034-2011-2011-0000-00REG SHELTON, TONIA A REI 142249 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459881-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925206 307180 SHERARD, JACQUELYN C 16115 FARMALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001459881-2011-2011-0000-00REG SHERARD, JACQUELYN C REI 142099 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478038-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526110 307331 SHIELDS, NANCY S 9043 MT HOLL HUNTERSVILLE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001478038-2011-2011-0000-00REG SHIELDS, NANCY S REI 142250 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490288-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929103 307362 SHINN, CHARLOTTE G 12620 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6015 7/19/2014 4.23 1/6/2012 0.57 0001490288-2011-2011-0000-00REG SHINN, CHARLOTTE G REI 142281 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492418-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111476 307517 SHIPLEY, ROANLD E 9822 SKY VISTA DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001492418-2011-2011-0000-00REG SHIPLEY, ROANLD E REI 142436 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459277-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922246 307120 SHOOK, ROBIN B 9032 SCOTTSBORO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001459277-2011-2011-0000-00REG SHOOK, ROBIN B REI 142039 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470319-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325558 307291 SIMMS, KAREN TAGGART 12625 WINDING RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001470319-2011-2011-0000-00REG SIMMS, KAREN TAGGART REI 142210 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492586-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111608 307524 SIMPSON, JOHN 11216 ARLEN PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001492586-2011-2011-0000-00REG SIMPSON REI 142443 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490472-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929387 307422 SMILEY, JEFFREY DALE 12731 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490472-2011-2011-0000-00REG SMILEY, JEFFREY DALE REI 142341 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459342-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923115 307140 SMITH, CHRIS C 8913 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 29.38 1/6/2012 3.96 0001459342-2011-2011-0000-00REG SMITH, CHRIS C REI 142059 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459342-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923115 308188 SMITH, CHRIS C 8913 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 29.38 1/8/2013 2.48 0001459342-2012-2012-0000-00REG SMITH, CHRIS C REI 143107 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459342-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923115 308466 SMITH, CHRIS C 8913 PARK GROVE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 29.38 1/7/2014 1.01 0001459342-2013-2013-0000-00REG SMITH, CHRIS C REI 143385 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478109-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526421 307342 SMITH, HARRY MELVIN 9036 MIRIAM DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001478109-2011-2011-0000-00REG SMITH, HARRY MELVIN REI 142261 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490447-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929340 307413 SMITH, HOLLY 12601 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490447-2011-2011-0000-00REG SMITH, HOLLY REI 142332 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490488-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929401 307425 SMITH, KIRK M 14006 KEDLESTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490488-2011-2011-0000-00REG SMITH, KIRK M REI 142344 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463721-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939413 307259 SMITH, RONNIE EUGENE 7034 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001463721-2011-2011-0000-00REG SMITH, RONNIE EUGENE REI 142178 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463721-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00939413 308204 SMITH, RONNIE EUGENE 7034 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/8/2013 0.21 0001463721-2012-2012-0000-00REG SMITH, RONNIE EUGENE REI 143123 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 18 of 22 , WILLIAM P , JOHN 0001463721-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00939413 308485 SMITH, RONNIE EUGENE 7034 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/7/2014 0.09 0001463721-2013-2013-0000-00REG SMITH, RONNIE EUGENE REI 143404 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463672-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939356 307257 SMITH, SHERI S 16881 HUGH TORANCE PKWY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001463672-2011-2011-0000-00REG SMITH, SHERI S REI 142176 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458632-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918432 307070 SMITH, WAYNE C 15101 OXFORD HOLW HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5511 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001458632-2011-2011-0000-00REG SMITH, WAYNE C REI 141989 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458632-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00918432 308166 SMITH, WAYNE C 15101 OXFORD HOLW HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5511 7/19/2014 3.67 1/8/2013 0.31 0001458632-2012-2012-0000-00REG SMITH, WAYNE C REI 143085 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458632-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00918432 308443 SMITH, WAYNE C 15101 OXFORD HOLW HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5511 7/19/2014 3.67 1/7/2014 0.13 0001458632-2013-2013-0000-00REG SMITH, WAYNE C REI 143362 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463722-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939414 307260 SNELL, JOHNNA M 7030 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001463722-2011-2011-0000-00REG SNELL, JOHNNA M REI 142179 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463722-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00939414 308205 SNELL, JOHNNA M 7030 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/8/2013 0.19 0001463722-2012-2012-0000-00REG SNELL, JOHNNA M REI 143124 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463722-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00939414 308486 SNELL, JOHNNA M 7030 CHURCH WOOD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/7/2014 0.08 0001463722-2013-2013-0000-00REG SNELL, JOHNNA M REI 143405 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459845-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925123 307175 SOS, BRANDON 13629 HARVEST POIT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459845-2011-2011-0000-00REG SOS REI 142094 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493353-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124256 307540 STAAB, KENNETH E 1414 TIMBERGREEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001493353-2011-2011-0000-00REG STAAB, KENNETH E REI 142459 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490764-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939219 307461 STATLER, KEITH W 14514 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 11.30 1/6/2012 1.52 0001490764-2011-2011-0000-00REG STATLER, KEITH W REI 142380 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490762-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939217 307459 STAZ, WILLIAM J 14530 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 28.25 1/6/2012 3.81 0001490762-2011-2011-0000-00REG STAZ, WILLIAM J REI 142378 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470335-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325568 307293 STEVENS, JON D 12738 WINDING RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 16.10 1/6/2012 2.17 0001470335-2011-2011-0000-00REG STEVENS, JON D REI 142212 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459547-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923416 307160 STINNEFORD, JOHN F 8918 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/6/2012 4.11 0001459547-2011-2011-0000-00REG STINNEFORD, JOHN F REI 142079 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459547-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923416 308197 STINNEFORD, JOHN F 8918 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/8/2013 2.57 0001459547-2012-2012-0000-00REG STINNEFORD REI 143116 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459547-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923416 308477 STINNEFORD, JOHN F 8918 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/7/2014 1.05 0001459547-2013-2013-0000-00REG STINNEFORD, JOHN F REI 143396 SL 362 Adjustment 0002616768-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939476 307263 STOLTZ, LARRY J 15324 ABBEY HOUSE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0002616768-2011-2011-0000-00REG STOLTZ, LARRY J REI 142182 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459942-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925240 307196 STRATTON, GREGORY D 13502 WARDER CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459942-2011-2011-0000-00REG STRATTON, GREGORY D REI 142115 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458861-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919317 307095 STROUD, W ROGER 9016 PENNYHILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.94 1/6/2012 0.80 0001458861-2011-2011-0000-00REG STROUD, W ROGER REI 142014 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490507-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929415 307432 STROUP, JOHN B III 12810 MARTELLO LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490507-2011-2011-0000-00REG STROUP, JOHN B III REI 142351 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490426-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929326 307404 SUAREZ, MARIA E 10312 NW 127TH ST HIALEAH GARDENS FL 33018 7/19/2014 1.44 1/12/2012 0.19 0001490426-2011-2011-0000-00REG SUAREZ, MARIA E REI 142323 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490459-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929378 307418 SUAREZ, MARIA E 12715 NEWSTEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001490459-2011-2011-0000-00REG SUAREZ, MARIA E REI 142337 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458460-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918148 307051 SUDDRETH, KAREN E 15133 RANGEWOOD CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458460-2011-2011-0000-00REG SUDDRETH, KAREN E REI 141970 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459534-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923408 307156 SWIFT, RUSSELL T 8929 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 28.25 1/6/2012 3.81 0001459534-2011-2011-0000-00REG SWIFT, RUSSELL T REI 142075 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459534-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923408 308193 SWIFT, RUSSELL T 8929 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 28.25 1/8/2013 2.38 0001459534-2012-2012-0000-00REG SWIFT, RUSSELL T REI 143112 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459534-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923408 308472 SWIFT, RUSSELL T 8929 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 28.54 1/7/2014 0.99 0001459534-2013-2013-0000-00REG SWIFT, RUSSELL T REI 143391 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490501-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929412 307430 SZAJKO, DAN K 12610 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490501-2011-2011-0000-00REG SZAJKO, DAN K REI 142349 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492321-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111403 307508 TABOREK, JOSEPH W 9731 LINKSLAND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 24.86 1/6/2012 3.35 0001492321-2011-2011-0000-00REG TABOREK, JOSEPH W REI 142427 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492321-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02111403 308233 TABOREK, JOSEPH W 9731 LINKSLAND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 24.86 1/8/2013 2.10 0001492321-2012-2012-0000-00REG TABOREK, JOSEPH W REI 143152 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492321-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02111403 308516 TABOREK, JOSEPH W 9731 LINKSLAND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 24.86 1/7/2014 0.86 0001492321-2013-2013-0000-00REG TABOREK, JOSEPH W REI 143435 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459905-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925220 307185 TALLENT, JAMES Q 13510 HARVEST POINT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459905-2011-2011-0000-00REG TALLENT, JAMES Q REI 142104 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492408-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111466 307515 TAROLLI, THOMAS C 11251 SKYTOP DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001492408-2011-2011-0000-00REG TAROLLI, THOMAS C REI 142434 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 19 of 22 , BRANDON , JOHN F 0001470340-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325571 307295 TAYLOR, JERRY L 12702 WINDING RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001470340-2011-2011-0000-00REG TAYLOR, JERRY L REI 142214 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459236-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922219 307114 TEAFF, MARSHALL H 9013 SALFORD CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459236-2011-2011-0000-00REG TEAFF, MARSHALL H REI 142033 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490409-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929315 307398 THIRLBY, MICHAEL J 6720 BRAUN ST CENTER LINE MI 48015 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001490409-2011-2011-0000-00REG THIRLBY, MICHAEL J REI 142317 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463919-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939621 307268 THOMAS, PHYLLIS 15519 TROUBADOUR LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001463919-2011-2011-0000-00REG THOMAS REI 142187 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490381-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929230 307391 THOMAS, RYAN B 12737 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6062 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001490381-2011-2011-0000-00REG THOMAS, RYAN B REI 142310 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478086-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526406 307339 THOMPSON, JERRY R 8817 SHIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 16.95 1/6/2012 2.28 0001478086-2011-2011-0000-00REG THOMPSON, JERRY R REI 142258 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478086-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01526406 308216 THOMPSON, JERRY R 8817 SHIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 16.95 1/8/2013 1.43 0001478086-2012-2012-0000-00REG THOMPSON, JERRY R REI 143135 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478086-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01526406 308496 THOMPSON, JERRY R 8817 SHIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 16.95 1/7/2014 0.59 0001478086-2013-2013-0000-00REG THOMPSON, JERRY R REI 143415 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490445-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929339 307412 THOMPSON, KATHLEEN A 12543 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6052 7/19/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001490445-2011-2011-0000-00REG THOMPSON, KATHLEEN A REI 142331 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459310-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922269 307127 TILLEY, THEODORE L 9016 MCDIARMID LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001459310-2011-2011-0000-00REG TILLEY, THEODORE L REI 142046 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459818-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925108 307167 TISSOT, NICOLE L 16004 BUSHNELL CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459818-2011-2011-0000-00REG TISSOT, NICOLE L REI 142086 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460056-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925321 307222 TRAINA, LESLIE 16236 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001460056-2011-2011-0000-00REG TRAINA REI 142141 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490494-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929406 307427 TRAMMELL, FAYE MARIE 14036 KEDLESTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490494-2011-2011-0000-00REG TRAMMELL, FAYE MARIE REI 142346 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458677-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919105 307075 TRIBO, PHILIP A 14812 BISHOPSTONE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001458677-2011-2011-0000-00REG TRIBO, PHILIP A REI 141994 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490439-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929334 307409 TURNER, EDWIN J 12513 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001490439-2011-2011-0000-00REG TURNER, EDWIN J REI 142328 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460072-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925331 307231 TURNER, MARTIN W 13404 GLESSNER PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001460072-2011-2011-0000-00REG TURNER, MARTIN W REI 142150 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459379-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923223 307142 VANAMBURGH, MICHAEL THOMAS 15711 BRETON BROOK CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5601 7/19/2014 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001459379-2011-2011-0000-00REG VANAMBURGH, MICHAEL THOMAS REI 142061 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490487-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929394 307424 VAZQUEZ, JOSPEH MICHAEL 12702 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001490487-2011-2011-0000-00REG VAZQUEZ, JOSPEH MICHAEL REI 142343 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470357-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325578 307297 VELASQUEZ, JOUEL 6312 EMILY MAGEN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 191.25 1/6/2012 25.78 0001470357-2011-2011-0000-00REG VELASQUEZ , JOUEL REI 142216 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470357-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01325578 308208 VELASQUEZ, JOUEL 6312 EMILY MAGEN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 191.25 1/8/2013 16.14 0001470357-2012-2012-0000-00REG VELASQUEZ , JOUEL REI 143127 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470357-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01325578 308489 VELASQUEZ, JOUEL 6312 EMILY MAGEN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 191.25 1/7/2014 6.60 0001470357-2013-2013-0000-00REG VELASQUEZ , JOUEL REI 143408 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458100-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916158 307026 VENITTI, KRISTIN 7720 ROYAL PARK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458100-2011-2011-0000-00REG VENITTI, KRISTIN REI 141945 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490759-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01939214 307458 VERNILE, MICHAEL J 14515 OLD VERMILLION DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 8.19 1/6/2012 1.10 0001490759-2011-2011-0000-00REG VERNILE, MICHAEL J REI 142377 SL 362 Adjustment 0001463925-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00939627 307270 VETZNER, HEATHER 15609 TROUBADOUR LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001463925-2011-2011-0000-00REG VETZNER, HEATHER REI 142189 SL 362 Adjustment 0001493197-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124112 307532 VICK, RALPH N 9815 COLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001493197-2011-2011-0000-00REG VICK, RALPH N REI 142451 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470124-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325205 307279 VICKSTROM, TODD L 12521 VANTAGE POINT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001470124-2011-2011-0000-00REG VICKSTROM, TODD L REI 142198 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459961-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925251 307204 VILIS, JENNIFER C 16421 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001459961-2011-2011-0000-00REG VILIS, JENNIFER C REI 142123 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478010-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525508 307325 WALKER, DEREK 9214 EDINBURGH AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001478010-2011-2011-0000-00REG WALKER REI 142244 SL 362 Adjustment 0001460055-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925320 307221 WALKER, PEGGY K 16242 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5243 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001460055-2011-2011-0000-00REG WALKER, PEGGY K REI 142140 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470250-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325507 307286 WALKER, RALPH S 12623 VANTAGE POINT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.80 1/6/2012 0.65 0001470250-2011-2011-0000-00REG WALKER, RALPH S REI 142205 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474682-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01515137 307300 WALLACE, DEBORAH F PO BOX 1993 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070-1993 7/19/2014 28.82 1/6/2012 3.88 0001474682-2011-2011-0000-00REG WALLACE, DEBORAH F REI 142219 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474682-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01515137 308210 WALLACE, DEBORAH F PO BOX 1993 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070-1993 7/19/2014 27.69 1/8/2013 2.34 0001474682-2012-2012-0000-00REG WALLACE, DEBORAH F REI 143129 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 20 of 22 , PHYLLIS , LESLIE , DEREK 0001474682-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01515137 308491 WALLACE, DEBORAH F PO BOX 1993 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070-1993 7/19/2014 27.69 1/7/2014 0.96 0001474682-2013-2013-0000-00REG WALLACE, DEBORAH F REI 143410 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458473-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918156 307054 WALTER, MICHAEL L 15115 CHEWTONGLEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001458473-2011-2011-0000-00REG WALTER, MICHAEL L REI 141973 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458658-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918448 307072 WALTERS, MICHAEL W 8916 OXFORDSHIRE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001458658-2011-2011-0000-00REG WALTERS, MICHAEL W REI 141991 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458658-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00918448 308168 WALTERS, MICHAEL W 8916 OXFORDSHIRE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/8/2013 0.19 0001458658-2012-2012-0000-00REG WALTERS, MICHAEL W REI 143087 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458658-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00918448 308445 WALTERS, MICHAEL W 8916 OXFORDSHIRE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.26 1/7/2014 0.08 0001458658-2013-2013-0000-00REG WALTERS, MICHAEL W REI 143364 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458151-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916174 307033 WANG, WEN 16518 AMBASSADOR PARK DR CHARLOTTE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001458151-2011-2011-0000-00REG WANG, WEN REI 141952 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492197-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111273 307505 WARREN, SANDRA 9538 SKYBLUFF CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001492197-2011-2011-0000-00REG WARREN REI 142424 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458541-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918331 307064 WEARY, DAVID LOCHMANN 8610 TAYBROOK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001458541-2011-2011-0000-00REG WEARY, DAVID LOCHMANN REI 141983 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477944-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525225 307311 WEIR, DEBORAH BELLM 9319 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-7324 7/19/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001477944-2011-2011-0000-00REG WEIR, DEBORAH BELLM REI 142230 SL 362 Adjustment 0001491996-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02110250 307487 WELCH, SARAH R 10126 EDGECLIFF RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001491996-2011-2011-0000-00REG WELCH, SARAH R REI 142406 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458639-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918436 307071 WELKER, DENNIS N 15119 OXFORD HOLLOW HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 5.65 1/6/2012 0.76 0001458639-2011-2011-0000-00REG WELKER, DENNIS N REI 141990 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458639-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00918436 308167 WELKER, DENNIS N 15119 OXFORD HOLLOW HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/8/2013 0.31 0001458639-2012-2012-0000-00REG WELKER, DENNIS N REI 143086 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458639-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00918436 308444 WELKER, DENNIS N 15119 OXFORD HOLLOW HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 3.67 1/7/2014 0.13 0001458639-2013-2013-0000-00REG WELKER, DENNIS N REI 143363 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490299-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929110 307367 WELLS, CHARLES H IV 12611 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001490299-2011-2011-0000-00REG WELLS, CHARLES H IV REI 142286 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458081-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00916152 307023 WERCZYNSKI, STACEY LYNN 16512 NC HWY 73 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458081-2011-2011-0000-00REG WERCZYNSKI, STACEY LYNN REI 141942 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459130-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922141 307110 WESTON, CLIFFORD D 15300 CURLING CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001459130-2011-2011-0000-00REG WESTON, CLIFFORD D REI 142029 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492137-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111238 307497 WHITE, RAYMOND 11229 ARLEN PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001492137-2011-2011-0000-00REG WHITE, RAYMOND REI 142416 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490387-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929233 307394 WHITEHOUSE, JONATHAN K 12813 LEVINS HALL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6047 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001490387-2011-2011-0000-00REG WHITEHOUSE, JONATHAN K REI 142313 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458605-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918412 307068 WHITLOCK, WILLIAM S 9001 OXFORDSHIRE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.23 1/6/2012 0.57 0001458605-2011-2011-0000-00REG WHITLOCK, WILLIAM S REI 141987 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458605-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00918412 308164 WHITLOCK, WILLIAM S 9001 OXFORDSHIRE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.23 1/8/2013 0.36 0001458605-2012-2012-0000-00REG WHITLOCK, WILLIAM S REI 143083 SL 362 Adjustment 0001458605-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00918412 308441 WHITLOCK, WILLIAM S 9001 OXFORDSHIRE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.23 1/7/2014 0.15 0001458605-2013-2013-0000-00REG WHITLOCK, WILLIAM S REI 143360 SL 362 Adjustment 0001490467-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01929383 307420 WHITMAN, J MICHAEL 12711 SULGRAVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001490467-2011-2011-0000-00REG WHITMAN, J MICHAEL REI 142339 SL 362 Adjustment 0001492397-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111455 307512 WILLIAMS, CYNTHIA F 11207 SKYTOP DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001492397-2011-2011-0000-00REG WILLIAMS, CYNTHIA F REI 142431 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459932-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925235 307194 WILLIAMSON, JENNIFER REBECCA 13503 WARDER CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459932-2011-2011-0000-00REG WILLIAMSON, JENNIFER REBECCA REI 142113 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459551-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00923418 307161 WINTERMEIER, THOMAS R 8906 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/6/2012 4.11 0001459551-2011-2011-0000-00REG WINTERMEIER, THOMAS R REI 142080 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459551-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00923418 308198 WINTERMEIER, THOMAS R 8906 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 30.51 1/8/2013 2.57 0001459551-2012-2012-0000-00REG WINTERMEIER, THOMAS R REI 143117 SL 362 Adjustment 0001459551-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00923418 308479 WINTERMEIER, THOMAS R 8906 PARKCREST ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 31.08 1/7/2014 1.07 0001459551-2013-2013-0000-00REG WINTERMEIER, THOMAS R REI 143398 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494082-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302753 307556 WISSELL, CHRISTINE M 6407 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 22.60 1/6/2012 3.05 0001494082-2011-2011-0000-00REG WISSELL, CHRISTINE M REI 142475 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494082-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 02302753 308238 WISSELL, CHRISTINE M 6407 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 22.60 1/8/2013 1.91 0001494082-2012-2012-0000-00REG WISSELL, CHRISTINE M REI 143157 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494082-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 02302753 308523 WISSELL, CHRISTINE M 6407 RIVERSIDE OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 22.60 1/7/2014 0.78 0001494082-2013-2013-0000-00REG WISSELL, CHRISTINE M REI 143442 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470338-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325570 307294 WITHERSPOON, CHARLES R 12710 WINDING RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001470338-2011-2011-0000-00REG WITHERSPOON, CHARLES R REI 142213 SL 362 Adjustment 0001494225-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02302826 307561 WOOD, CRAIG 6340 LATTA SPRINGS CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 44.35 1/6/2012 5.98 0001494225-2011-2011-0000-00REG WOOD REI 142480 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 21 of 22 , SANDRA , CRAIG 0001493318-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02124161 307538 WOODS, ALONZO 10038 COLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001493318-2011-2011-0000-00REG WOODS 0001460071-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00925330 307230 WOOLFOLK, KIMERLEE 16114 AMBER FIELD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-5929 7/19/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001460071-2011-2011-0000-00REG WOOLFOLK 0001491884-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02109166 307479 WRAY, BYRON L II 211 DENNEHY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001491884-2011-2011-0000-00REG 0001478115-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526425 307344 WRIGHT, JIMMY JR 9036 MIRIAM DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001458902-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00919346 307101 WRIGHT, STEVEN H 14801 MIDDLETHORPE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9772 7/19/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0001477953-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01525304 307313 WRINN, LISA S 9333 WEDGEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 0001458520-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00918317 307060 WRONSKY, SCOTT M 15125 SHARROW BAY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 0001459276-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00922245 307119 YEAROUS, SCOTT A 0001492401-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 02111459 307513 0001470201-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01325417 307283 REI 142457 SL 362 Adjustment , KIMERLEE REI 142149 SL 362 Adjustment WRAY, BYRON L II REI 142398 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478115-2011-2011-0000-00REG WRIGHT, JIMMY JR REI 142263 SL 362 Adjustment 0.08 0001458902-2011-2011-0000-00REG WRIGHT, STEVEN H REI 142020 SL 362 Adjustment 6.22 1/6/2012 0.84 0001477953-2011-2011-0000-00REG WRINN, LISA S REI 142232 SL 362 Adjustment 7/19/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001458520-2011-2011-0000-00REG WRONSKY, SCOTT M REI 141979 SL 362 Adjustment 9036 SCOTTSBORO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 6.78 1/6/2012 0.91 0001459276-2011-2011-0000-00REG YEAROUS, SCOTT A REI 142038 SL 362 Adjustment YOUNG ROBERT H 11223 SKYTOP DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001492401-2011-2011-0000-00REG YOUNG ROBERT H REI 142432 SL 362 Adjustment ZAFR, MUREED N 12542 WINDWARD OAKS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/19/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001470201-2011-2011-0000-00REG ZAFR, MUREED N REI 142202 SL 362 Adjustment 6,829.77 PAGE 22 of 22 630.20 , ALONZO Bill # Parcel Refund # Refund Recipient Name Refund Address 0001403190-20112011-0000-00-REG 00101445 254956 CONGDON, CONSTANCE 14210 BOATWAY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 0001403117-20112011-0000-00-REG 00101356 254955 DEARDORFF, JAMES R 0001403328-20112011-0000-00-REG 00102302 254957 0001403435-20112011-0000-00-REG 00102357 254958 Date of Adj. 41736.6422 Refund Bill Payment Date Amount ($) Int if paid before 9/16/2014 9/16/2014 Owner Name Source Adj. # Adj. Type Reasons 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 CONGDON, CONSTANCE REI 90973 SL 362 Adjustment 13527 HAGERS FERRY RD HUNTERSVILLE 41736.62906 NC 28078 4.23 1/6/2012 0.57 DEARDORFF, JAMES R REI 90970 SL 362 Adjustment FAGAN, GARY 16014 HENRY LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 41738.34533 161.03 1/6/2012 21.71 FAGAN , GARY REI 91045 SL 362 Adjustment GRIFFITH, BENJAMIN BURGESS 17635 JOHN CONNOR RD CORNELIUS NC 28031 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 GRIFFITH, BENJAMIN BURGESS REI 91046 SL 362 Adjustment 41738.3473 166.38 22.43 Bill # Parcel Refund # Refund Recipient Name Refund Address Date of Adj. Refund Amount Bill Payment Date ($) Source Type Adj. # 0001473427-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01511222 298780 ACCETTA, RAYMOND 1 DUNSTON LN ROBBINSVILLE NJ 08691 6/28/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001473427-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ACCETTA REI 133710 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479312-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533376 299019 AIKEN, ANGELA PARKS 8623 CEDAR HOLLOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479312-2011-2011-0000-00-REG AIKEN, ANGELA PARKS REI 133950 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479684-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535434 299054 ALBERT, ALEXANDER J. JULIA M ALBERT 9127 BERTRAM CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.36 4/20/2012 0.28 0001479684-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ALBERT, ALEXANDER J. REI 133985 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478772-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531122 298910 ALBERT, LISA 12417 COOL MIST LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9124 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478772-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ALBERT REI 133841 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480119-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539225 299086 ALEXANDER, CHARLES D 7743 AUTUMNVIEW CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001480119-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ALEXANDER, CHARLES D REI 134018 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470723-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504228 298653 ALLEN, BRETT T 13620 SWINTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001470723-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ALLEN, BRETT T REI 133583 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478966-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532139 298946 AMAT, MAURICIO R 15820 CENTENNIAL FOREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6861 6/28/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001478966-2011-2011-0000-00-REG AMAT, MAURICIO R REI 133877 SL 362 Adjustment 0001411766-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00145245 298239 ANDERTON, TIMOTHY J 16203 WEATHERLY WAY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-7520 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001411766-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ANDERTON, TIMOTHY J REI 133166 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470612-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504185 298638 ASKEY, VICKI L 7914 BUD HENDERSON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001470612-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ASKEY, VICKI L REI 133568 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470879-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504318 298677 AULL, ALICIA L 7352 GILEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001470879-2011-2011-0000-00-REG AULL, ALICIA L REI 133607 SL 362 Adjustment 0001471806-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506206 298705 AUSTIN, RALPH GEHRIG JR 7995 LUCKY CREEK LN DENVER NC 28037 6/28/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001471806-2011-2011-0000-00-REG AUSTIN, RALPH GEHRIG JR REI 133635 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478657-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01530219 298891 AUTEN, BRICE C 9000 MAPLE HILL CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478657-2011-2011-0000-00-REG AUTEN, BRICE C REI 133822 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479117-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533234 298970 BAIRD, RAYMOND O 9123 STRATTONVILLE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001479117-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BAIRD, RAYMOND O REI 133901 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479126-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533239 298974 BALDWIN, GEORGE ORLAN JR 9126 STRATTONVILLE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001479126-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BALDWIN, GEORGE ORLAN JR REI 133905 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478751-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531112 298904 BARGER, JAMES M 9027 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001478751-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BARGER, JAMES M REI 133835 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470374-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01501107 298590 BARKLEY, DEBORA JANETTE 4307-C OAK DR CHARLOTTE NC 28269 6/28/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001470374-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BARKLEY, DEBORA JANETTE REI 133519 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479648-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535412 299049 BARKSDALE, JAMES E 9012 AGNES PARK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001479648-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BARKSDALE, JAMES E REI 133980 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470439-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01502129 298597 BARNETTE, MICHAEL THOMAS 7205 BUD HENDERSON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001470439-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BARNETTE, MICHAEL THOMAS REI 133527 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472286-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506414 298730 BARQUERO, SAL 7621 ROLLING MEADOWS LN HUNTERSVILLE 6/28/2014 NC 28078 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001472286-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BARQUERO REI 133660 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479017-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532178 298956 BASHORE, WENDY C 9506 CEDAR RIVER RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 6.78 1/6/2012 0.91 0001479017-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BASHORE, WENDY C REI 133887 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480134-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539235 299090 BATTISTE, LEAH 7720 AUTUMNVIEW CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001480134-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BATTISTE, LEAH REI 134022 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478995-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532162 298952 BAUTISTA, ELISE C 9333 CEDAR RIVER RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001478995-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BAUTISTA, ELISE C REI 133883 SL 362 Adjustment 0001471760-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506111 298694 BEARD, BENJAMIN 7642 ROLLING MEADOWS LN HUNTERSVILLE 6/28/2014 NC 28078 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001471760-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BEARD, BENJAMIN REI 133624 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470389-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01501116 298593 BEARD, ROGER D 6028 GILEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001470389-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BEARD, ROGER D REI 133522 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470531-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504139 298616 BELL, BRANDIE J 11556 ARDREY CREST DR CHARLOTTE NC 28277 6/28/2014 0.58 2/8/2012 0.08 0001470531-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BELL, BRANDIE J REI 133546 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479021-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532181 298957 BELLO, BRIAN E 9416 CEDAR RIVER RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001479021-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BELLO, BRIAN E REI 133888 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480250-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539306 299106 BIGGERS, EDGAR M, III 7607 LULLWATER CV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001480250-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BIGGERS, EDGAR M, III REI 134038 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470409-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01502104 298595 BINNIE, CLAUDINE R 14412 BEATTIES FORD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 19.21 1/6/2012 2.59 0001470409-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BINNIE, CLAUDINE R REI 133524 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477502-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01517122 298816 BLACKBURN, GALE EUGENE 10920 BETTIES FORD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078-7831 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001477502-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BLACKBURN, GALE EUGENE REI 133747 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479848-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01538135 299061 BOTEV, BOYAN I 12731 GREEN ASH DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479848-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BOTEV, BOYAN I REI 133992 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470829-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504269 298665 BOU ZEIDAN, KRISTIN E 326 MAGNOLIA ST DAVIDSON NC 28036 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001470829-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BOU ZEIDAN, KRISTIN E REI 133595 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470737-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504234 298655 BRADLEY, CORY D 7512 MORLET SQUARE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001470737-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BRADLEY, CORY D REI 133585 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 1 of 9 Int if paid by 9/16/2014 9/16/2014 Bill # Owner Name , RAYMOND , LISA , SAL Adj. Reasons 0001472731-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01510216 272162 BRAUN, MICHAEL K 9424 SHEPPARTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 5/10/2014 16.95 1/8/2013 1.43 0001472731-2012-2012-0000-00-REG BRAUN, MICHAEL K REI 107443 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472731-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01510216 272404 BRAUN, MICHAEL K 9424 SHEPPARTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 5/10/2014 16.95 1/7/2014 0.59 0001472731-2013-2013-0000-00-REG BRAUN, MICHAEL K REI 107688 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472731-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510216 298752 BRAUN, MICHAEL K 9424 SHEPPARTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 16.95 1/6/2012 2.28 0001472731-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BRAUN, MICHAEL K REI 133682 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470546-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504150 298621 BRIGHAM, JEFFREY R 6722 DUNTON ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470546-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BRIGHAM, JEFFREY R REI 133551 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473323-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510632 298773 BRIGHT, LYNN S 9335 CULCAIRN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001473323-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BRIGHT, LYNN S REI 133703 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470508-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504128 298609 BRIM, FRED M 8113 BAYLIS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470508-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BRIM, FRED M REI 133539 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480228-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539283 299104 BROWN, ANNA L. 7907 LEISURE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001480228-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BROWN, ANNA L. REI 134036 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479946-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539102 299066 BROWN, MARGARITA G PO BOX 881144 PORT ST LUCIE FL 39488 6/28/2014 2.60 1/6/2012 0.35 0001479946-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BROWN, MARGARITA G REI 133997 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479582-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535232 299043 BUCKLE, GARY R 12408 CEDAR FALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479582-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BUCKLE, GARY R REI 133974 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470945-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504369 298686 BURTNESS, KEVIN A 6825 CARMEL HILLS DR CHARLOTTE NC 28226 6/28/2014 5.93 1/6/2012 0.80 0001470945-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BURTNESS, KEVIN A REI 133616 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480113-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539221 299085 BUSIC, CHRISTOPHER EDMOND 7721 AUTUMNVIEW CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001480113-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BUSIC, CHRISTOPHER EDMOND REI 134017 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473839-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01512197 298800 BUTLER, TERRY SEAN 8617 HAMBRIGHT RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 4.80 1/6/2012 0.65 0001473839-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BUTLER, TERRY SEAN REI 133730 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479003-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532168 298953 BYERLY, KELLY J 9509 CEDAR RIVER RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 7.06 1/6/2012 0.95 0001479003-2011-2011-0000-00-REG BYERLY, KELLY J REI 133884 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473609-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01512115 298789 C N REID REAL ESTATE LIMITED 1313 NIXON HEIGHTS LN DENVER NC 280379524 6/28/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001473609-2011-2011-0000-00-REG C N REID REAL ESTATE LIMITED REI 133719 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470588-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504172 298636 CADDY, ELIZABETH A 6627 DUNTON ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001470588-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CADDY, ELIZABETH A REI 133566 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479168-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533265 298989 CALLINAN, TIMOTHY 9141 WINDKNOB CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001479168-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CALLINAN REI 133920 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479981-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539125 299069 CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS G 8012 LEISURE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001479981-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS G REI 134000 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473055-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510448 298765 CAMPBELL, MARC C 15029 STONEGREEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001473055-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CAMPBELL, MARC C REI 133695 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479159-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533260 298986 CASIAS, THOMAS ANTHONY 9123 WINDKNOB CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479159-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CASIAS, THOMAS ANTHONY REI 133917 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477761-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01521309 298832 CHAMBERS, GLORIA A 9909 JANEIRO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001477761-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CHAMBERS, GLORIA A REI 133763 SL 362 Adjustment 0001471260-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01505509 298689 CIMINO INCOME-ONLY TRUST, . 13513 WAVERTON LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001471260-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CIMINO INCOME-ONLY TRUST, . REI 133619 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479025-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532185 298960 CLEWELL, ALISON M BRIAN LEE CLEWELL 12716 CEDAR FALL DR 6/28/2014 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001479025-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CLEWELL, ALISON M REI 133891 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478766-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531118 298908 CLOUD, FAYETTE JEFFRIES III 12411 COOL MIST LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478766-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CLOUD, FAYETTE JEFFRIES III REI 133839 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480110-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539218 299084 COBB, LAUREL C 7707 AUTUMNVIEW CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001480110-2011-2011-0000-00-REG COBB, LAUREL C REI 134016 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470548-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504151 298622 COOPER, CORRIE J 6634 DUNTON ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001470548-2011-2011-0000-00-REG COOPER, CORRIE J REI 133552 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479104-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533224 298966 CORBETT, STUART L 12206 HENDERSON HILL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001479104-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CORBETT, STUART L REI 133897 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480390-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01542135 299113 CORBIN, ARTHUR D 5330 COLONIAL GARDEN DR HUNTERSVILLE 6/28/2014 NC 28078 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001480390-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CORBIN, ARTHUR D REI 134045 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478677-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01530233 298893 COWAN, ANTHONY BRENT 8729 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9121 6/28/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001478677-2011-2011-0000-00-REG COWAN, ANTHONY BRENT REI 133824 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480047-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539162 299077 CROWE, LONNIE M 3175 DRY HILL RD FERRUM VA 24088 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001480047-2011-2011-0000-00-REG CROWE, LONNIE M REI 134009 SL 362 Adjustment 0001411738-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00145229 298236 DAJI, VIJAY D 16208 NORTHPOINT RD CHARLOTTE NC 28078 6/28/2014 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001411738-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DAJI, VIJAY D REI 133163 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472918-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510409 298758 DANG, DANH T 13211 BALLARA PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001472918-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DANG, DANH T REI 133688 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478573-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529419 298885 DAVIS, AUDREY M 12519 OAK PARK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6870 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478573-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DAVIS, AUDREY M REI 133816 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479106-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533226 298967 DAVIS, H MERCER 12120 HENDERSON HILL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 6.78 1/6/2012 0.91 0001479106-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DAVIS, H MERCER REI 133898 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 2 of 9 , TIMOTHY 0001478981-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532148 298948 DEBRUHL, J GREGORY 9219 CEDAR RIVER RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-7846 6/28/2014 1.19 4/20/2012 0.14 0001478981-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DEBRUHL, J GREGORY REI 133879 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473452-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01511229 298782 DELGUIDICE, STEPHEN J 12716 HOLLYHOCK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001473452-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DELGUIDICE, STEPHEN J REI 133712 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480415-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01542149 299114 DERESPINIS, PHYLLIS 13135 ANDOVER CRESENT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28207 6/28/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001480415-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DERESPINIS REI 134046 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479206-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533312 299004 DEROSSETT, JEFFERY D 9002 LONG PICKETT CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6874 6/28/2014 1.16 2/27/2012 0.15 0001479206-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DEROSSETT, JEFFERY D REI 133935 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479734-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01537130 299058 DILLS, THOMAS E 5136 POLO GATE BLVD CHARLOTTE NC 28216 6/28/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001479734-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DILLS, THOMAS E REI 133989 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477880-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01523116 298845 DORA C COX FAMILY LLC 9730 MT HOLLY-HUNTERSVILLE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001477880-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DORA C COX FAMILY LLC REI 133776 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472304-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506418 298734 DOREMUS, JOHN R 12829 THISTLEBROOK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001472304-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DOREMUS, JOHN R REI 133664 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479416-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01534331 299031 DOSS, BRIAN L 12706 ANGEL OAK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001479416-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DOSS, BRIAN L REI 133962 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479710-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01537111 299055 DOWNEY, BEVERLY S 8403 SUMMERFIELD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001479710-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DOWNEY, BEVERLY S REI 133986 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470550-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504152 298623 DUNN, RICHARD CHAD 6630 DUNTON ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001470550-2011-2011-0000-00-REG DUNN, RICHARD CHAD REI 133553 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478559-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529408 298880 EDWARDS, BARRY L 14932 OXFORD HOLLOW HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001478559-2011-2011-0000-00-REG EDWARDS, BARRY L REI 133811 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479281-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533356 299016 EDWARDS, SHIRLEY ANN 8524 FLANAGAN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001479281-2011-2011-0000-00-REG EDWARDS, SHIRLEY ANN REI 133947 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479955-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539109 299068 EGGEBEEN, DAVID 7602 BERRYWOOD CIR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6311 6/28/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001479955-2011-2011-0000-00-REG EGGEBEEN, DAVID REI 133999 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479982-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539126 299070 EMMONS, WILLIE E 8008 LEISURE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001479982-2011-2011-0000-00-REG EMMONS, WILLIE E REI 134001 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479244-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533334 299015 ENGEL, STEPHEN ERIC 8538 CEDAR HOLLOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479244-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ENGEL, STEPHEN ERIC REI 133946 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480045-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539161 299076 ERICKSON, CLARE L 26715 CASH ST LEESBURG FL 34748-6365 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001480045-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ERICKSON, CLARE L REI 134008 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478820-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531205 298919 ERNST, GLEN 12308 CAPE CEDAR CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 4.81 1/6/2012 0.65 0001478820-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ERNST REI 133850 SL 362 Adjustment 0001471811-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506208 298706 FANNIE MAE . 14221 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 1000 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA II DALLAS TX 75254 6/28/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001471811-2011-2011-0000-00-REG FANNIE MAE . REI 133636 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470529-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504138 298615 FEDORCZYK, JON C 8017 BAYLIS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001470529-2011-2011-0000-00-REG FEDORCZYK, JON C REI 133545 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478874-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531240 298933 FENSTERMACHER, ROBERT PAUL 9106 ARCADIA VIEW CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9117 6/28/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001478874-2011-2011-0000-00-REG FENSTERMACHER, ROBERT PAUL REI 133864 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478791-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531136 298913 FIDLER, ROBERT ALAN 12411 LEANING OAKS CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078-9128 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478791-2011-2011-0000-00-REG FIDLER, ROBERT ALAN REI 133844 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479328-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01534108 299020 FITZGERALD, LISA M 12609 ANGEL OAK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479328-2011-2011-0000-00-REG FITZGERALD, LISA M REI 133951 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477877-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01523115 298165 FLOWE, JOHNNIE WAYNE 9611 KERNS RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001477877-2011-2011-0000-00-REG FLOWE REI 133092 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480002-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539137 299073 FLYNN, JEFFREY L 7834 LEISURE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001480002-2011-2011-0000-00-REG FLYNN, JEFFREY L REI 134004 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480165-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539251 299095 FORTUNE, JONATHAN 7719 LEISURE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001480165-2011-2011-0000-00-REG FORTUNE, JONATHAN REI 134027 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478777-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531126 298911 FOSTER, JOHN E 12434 COOL MIST LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001478777-2011-2011-0000-00-REG FOSTER, JOHN E REI 133842 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478980-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532147 298947 FOWLER, JOANNE A 14237 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478980-2011-2011-0000-00-REG FOWLER, JOANNE A REI 133878 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478687-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01530242 298897 GALLENO, RAYMOND E 8915 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001478687-2011-2011-0000-00-REG GALLENO, RAYMOND E REI 133828 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472055-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506266 298711 GALLIPEAU, RENEE Y 8231 ROLLING MEADOWS LN HUNTERSVILLE 6/28/2014 NC 28078 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001472055-2011-2011-0000-00-REG COE, RENEE Y REI 133641 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479221-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533320 299007 GALLOGLY LIVING TRUST UTD, MARCH 20,1991 43450 BRIARCLIFF DR HEMET CA 92544 6/28/2014 0.87 2/13/2012 0.11 0001479221-2011-2011-0000-00-REG GALLOGLY LIVING TRUST UTD, MARCH 20,1991 REI 133938 SL 362 Adjustment 0001475262-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01516109 298813 GANT, GLENN R 7008 MCILWAINE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001475262-2011-2011-0000-00-REG GANT, GLENN R REI 133744 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472792-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510307 298753 GARCIA, CRISTINA A 9308 CULCAIRN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001472792-2011-2011-0000-00-REG GARCIA, CRISTINA A REI 133683 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479777-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01537210 299060 GREENBERG, JEFFREY S 8640 SUMMERFIELD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001479777-2011-2011-0000-00-REG GREENBERG, JEFFREY S REI 133991 SL 362 Adjustment 6/28/2014 PAGE 3 of 9 , PHYLLIS , GLEN , JOHNNIE WAYNE 0001477581-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01518311 298822 GRIER, LILLIAN C 7308 MONACO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001477581-2011-2011-0000-00-REG GRIER, LILLIAN C REI 133753 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480432-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01542157 299115 HAAG, MARSHA 6622 COLONIAL GARDEN DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001480432-2011-2011-0000-00-REG HAAG REI 134047 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472726-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510214 298751 HALCOMB, CLYDE A 3723 HALCYON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001472726-2011-2011-0000-00-REG HALCOMB, CLYDE A REI 133681 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480069-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539172 299079 HANSON, ERIC E 7514 LULLWATER CV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001480069-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MAHONEY, KEVIN A. REI 134011 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479232-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533326 299011 HARNES, MICHAEL D 12121 HENDERSON HILL RD HUNTERSVILLE 6/28/2014 NC 28078 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479232-2011-2011-0000-00-REG HARNES, MICHAEL D REI 133942 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478899-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531260 298937 HAUCK, DAVID J 12417 ANGEL OAK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001478899-2011-2011-0000-00-REG HAUCK, DAVID J REI 133868 SL 362 Adjustment 0001411795-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00145263 298242 HBP PINE STREET LLC 16926 BELLE ISLE DR CORNELIUS NC 28031 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001411795-2011-2011-0000-00-REG JUHL, JAMES E REI 133169 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473232-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510608 298768 HEDLESKY, JASON S 9222 SHEPPARTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001473232-2011-2011-0000-00-REG HEDLESKY, JASON S REI 133698 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472663-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510130 298748 HENSLEY, RYAN 13331 BINNAWAY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001472663-2011-2011-0000-00-REG HENSLEY REI 133678 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479216-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533318 299006 HERRERIA, JORGE F 9029 LONG PICKETT CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6874 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479216-2011-2011-0000-00-REG HERRERIA, JORGE F REI 133937 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479129-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533241 298975 HOMBERG, FRANK 9114 STRATTONVILLE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078-9148 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001479129-2011-2011-0000-00-REG HOMBERG REI 133906 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474213-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01514178 272170 HOPE, THOMAS DEAN JR 515H MYSTIC DR GREENSBORO NC 27406 5/10/2014 18.64 1/8/2013 1.57 0001474213-2012-2012-0000-00-REG HOPE, THOMAS DEAN JR REI 107451 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474213-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01514178 272420 HOPE, THOMAS DEAN JR 515H MYSTIC DR GREENSBORO NC 27406 5/10/2014 18.64 1/7/2014 0.64 0001474213-2013-2013-0000-00-REG HOPE, THOMAS DEAN JR REI 107704 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474213-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01514178 298805 HOPE, THOMAS DEAN JR 515H MTSTIC DR GREENSBORO NC 27406 6/28/2014 19.77 1/6/2012 2.66 0001474213-2011-2011-0000-00-REG HOPE, THOMAS DEAN JR REI 133735 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477812-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01522104 298838 HUDSON, HERMAN JR 10401 KERNS RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001477812-2011-2011-0000-00-REG HUDSON, HERMAN JR REI 133769 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473299-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510625 298770 INGRAM, CHRISTOPHER J 9243 CULCAIRN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001473299-2011-2011-0000-00-REG INGRAM, CHRISTOPHER J REI 133700 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479024-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532184 298959 ISGETT, SUMIKO T PO BOX 1258 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070-1258 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479024-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ISGETT, SUMIKO T REI 133890 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473530-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01511253 298788 JACKSON, CALVIN DANIEL 8503 HAWK GROVE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001473530-2011-2011-0000-00-REG JACKSON, CALVIN DANIEL REI 133718 SL 362 Adjustment 0001411726-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00145222 298158 JACOBY, RICHARD M 16201 NORTHPOINT RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9396 6/28/2014 12.43 1/6/2012 1.68 0001411726-2011-2011-0000-00-REG JACOBY REI 133085 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479352-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01534211 299023 JANNETTE, RONALD W 12907 ANGEL OAK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479352-2011-2011-0000-00-REG JANNETTE, RONALD W REI 133954 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479200-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533307 299000 JARVIS, KIMBERLY DAWN 9030 LONG PICKETT CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6874 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479200-2011-2011-0000-00-REG JARVIS, KIMBERLY DAWN REI 133931 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479439-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01534403 299036 JOHNSON, JAMES D 13026 ANGEL OAK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9172 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479439-2011-2011-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, JAMES D REI 133967 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478768-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531119 298909 JOHNSON, LAURA C 14120 LEA POINT CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001478768-2011-2011-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, LAURA C REI 133840 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470534-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504141 298618 JONAK, MATTHEW L 7436 DARBLAY ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001470534-2011-2011-0000-00-REG JONAK, MATTHEW L REI 133548 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479587-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535237 299047 JONES, ROBERT H W III 9300 OLD BARNETTE PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8364 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479587-2011-2011-0000-00-REG JONES, ROBERT H W III REI 133978 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472188-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506320 298723 JUSTICE, ANTHONY 8039 ROLLING MEADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001472188-2011-2011-0000-00-REG JUSTICE, ANTHONY REI 133653 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473523-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01511251 298787 KALISZEWSKI, JAMES E 8510 LYMAN OAK CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001473523-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KALISZEWSKI, JAMES E REI 133717 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480190-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539264 299101 KANE, MARIA T 7624 SILVERTON WAY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001480190-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KANE, MARIA T REI 134033 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470857-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504306 298669 KARP, BRITT 8245 BUD HENDERSON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001470857-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KARP REI 133599 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478872-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531238 298931 KAYE, JOSEPH D 12301 SPARKLING WAY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001478872-2011-2011-0000-00-REG YOUNG, THOMAS ERIC REI 133862 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478818-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531203 298918 KELLER, JAMES T II 9402 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 6.78 1/6/2012 0.91 0001478818-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KELLER, JAMES T II REI 133849 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480732-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01545102 299119 KERR L W LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 7419 SAMPLE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 3.25 3/19/2012 0.41 0001480732-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KERR L W LIMITED PARTNERSHIP REI 134051 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477762-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01521310 298833 KERR, DONALD JEROME 9901 JANEIRO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 3.82 4/5/2012 0.47 0001477762-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KERR, DONALD JEROME REI 133764 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 4 of 9 , MARSHA , RYAN , FRANK , RICHARD M , BRITT 0001479300-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533368 299018 KLUESENER, ROBERT W 12403 HENDERSON HILL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001479300-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KLUESENER, ROBERT W REI 133949 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478856-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531229 298927 KNOWLES FAMILY TRUST, . 2101 KNOWLES RD MENDFORD OR 97501 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478856-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KNOWLES FAMILY TRUST, . REI 133858 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479145-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533253 298983 KOLDSBAEK, KEITH IVAR 9112 PINE SPRINGS CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479145-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KOLDSBAEK, KEITH IVAR REI 133914 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470835-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504271 298666 KOLDSBAEK, NANCY C 13528 SWINTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470835-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KOLDSBAEK, NANCY C REI 133596 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479170-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533266 298990 KORNESZCZUK, KATARZYNA 9140 WINDKNOB CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001479170-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KORNESZCZUK, KATARZYNA REI 133921 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480094-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539210 299081 KOZLOWSKI, PHYLLIS M 7419 HENDERSON PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6382 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001480094-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KOZLOWSKI, PHYLLIS M REI 134013 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478756-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531114 298906 KRISS, GARY J 9119 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.17 3/14/2012 0.15 0001478756-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KRISS, GARY J REI 133837 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473023-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510441 298763 KUEPFER, SHERI L 9118 CULCAIRN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001473023-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KUEPFER, SHERI L REI 133693 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478360-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529101 298862 KYLE, JAMES 12416 CEDAR FALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28079 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478360-2011-2011-0000-00-REG KYLE REI 133793 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472072-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506269 298713 LANCE, GREGORY M 11103 ARTHUR AUTEN ROAD HUNTERSVILLE 6/28/2014 NC 28078 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001472072-2011-2011-0000-00-REG LANCE, GREGORY M REI 133643 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472298-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506416 298732 LANKFORD, PAMELA DIANE 12821 THISTLEBROOK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001472298-2011-2011-0000-00-REG LANKFORD, PAMELA DIANE REI 133662 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478566-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529413 298882 LAWING, KATHLEEN M 9420 HOLLY BEND LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6869 6/28/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001478566-2011-2011-0000-00-REG LAWING, KATHLEEN M REI 133813 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478570-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529417 298883 LEMON, ROBERT D 12509 OAK PARK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6870 6/28/2014 8.20 1/6/2012 1.11 0001478570-2011-2011-0000-00-REG LEMON, ROBERT D REI 133814 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470687-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504217 298647 LESKODY, KELLY 4128 VANCE RD N HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001470687-2011-2011-0000-00-REG LESKODY REI 133577 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473682-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01512143 298797 LEUNG, STANNY W 8700 MCILLWAINE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001473682-2011-2011-0000-00-REG LEUNG, STANNY W REI 133727 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478989-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532158 298950 LEVIN, MICHAEL J 1736 S CLEAR CREEK PL DANVILLE CA 94526 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478989-2011-2011-0000-00-REG LEVIN, MICHAEL J REI 133881 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473640-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01512126 272163 LINCOLN, GRAHAM E 11801 MCCOY RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 5/10/2014 10.73 1/8/2013 0.91 0001473640-2012-2012-0000-00-REG LINCOLN, GRAHAM E REI 107444 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473640-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01512126 272407 LINCOLN, GRAHAM E 11801 MCCOY RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 5/10/2014 10.73 1/7/2014 0.37 0001473640-2013-2013-0000-00-REG LINCOLN, GRAHAM E REI 107691 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473640-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01512126 298794 LINCOLN, GRAHAM E 11801 MCCOY RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 10.73 1/6/2012 1.45 0001473640-2011-2011-0000-00-REG LINCOLN, GRAHAM E REI 133724 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478855-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531228 298926 LOCKWOOD, NEIL D 9116 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478855-2011-2011-0000-00-REG LOCKWOOD, NEIL D REI 133857 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478753-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531113 298905 LOYD, HEIDI M 9109 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6801 6/28/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001478753-2011-2011-0000-00-REG STRAUSS REI 133836 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478934-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532119 298942 MADDEN, ANNE T 12735 CEDAR FALL DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478934-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MADDEN, ANNE T REI 133873 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472618-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510117 298747 MAJCHROWICZ, DOUGLAS 9223 SHEPPARTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001472618-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MAJCHROWICZ, DOUGLAS REI 133677 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478314-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01528222 272181 MANNING, YVONNE KALE 11936 SWANSBORO LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 5/10/2014 7.63 1/8/2013 0.64 0001478314-2012-2012-0000-00-REG MANNING, YVONNE KALE REI 107462 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478314-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01528222 272453 MANNING, YVONNE KALE 11936 SWANSBORO LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 5/10/2014 7.63 1/7/2014 0.26 0001478314-2013-2013-0000-00-REG MANNING, YVONNE KALE REI 107744 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478314-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01528222 298859 MANNING, YVONNE KALE 11936 SWANSBORO LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 7.63 1/6/2012 1.03 0001478314-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MANNING, YVONNE KALE REI 133790 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479669-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535424 299050 MAPLE, MARY KATHERINE 9132 BERTRAM CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001479669-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MAPLE, MARY KATHERINE REI 133981 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477836-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01522308 298841 MARINELLI, STEPHEN P 11100 MCCOY RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 280786923 6/28/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001477836-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MARINELLI, STEPHEN P REI 133772 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478639-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01530205 298889 MARR, RAYMOND R 9024 WILLOW TRACE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001478639-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MARR, RAYMOND R REI 133820 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470710-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504224 298651 MARTIN, ANDREW DOUGLAS 13636 SWINTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001470710-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MARTIN, ANDREW DOUGLAS REI 133581 SL 362 Adjustment 0001411800-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00145267 298243 MARTIN, LAURIE R 15710 PINE STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 9.04 1/6/2012 1.22 0001411800-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MARTIN, LAURIE R REI 133170 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479101-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533222 298965 MATRONE, JANE A 12300 HENDERSON HILL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28269 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001479101-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MATRONE, JANE A REI 133896 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470018-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01322114 298576 MAURER, KIRK W 14524 HENRY HARRISON STILLWELL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 6.50 1/6/2012 0.88 0001470018-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MAURER, KIRK W REI 133504 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 5 of 9 , JAMES , KELLY , RALF 0001470947-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504370 298687 MAYNOR, ERIN R 4216 AMWELL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 6.49 1/6/2012 0.87 0001470947-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MAYNOR, ERIN R REI 133617 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480326-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01541107 299111 MCALPINE, U N 5305 MARENGO CR CHARLOTTE NC 28216 6/28/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001480326-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MCALPINE, U N REI 134043 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472594-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510108 298745 MCAULAY, JERRY SIGMON 3980 GREAT FALLS HWY LANCASTER SC 29720-7197 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001472594-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MCAULAY, JERRY SIGMON REI 133675 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479131-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533242 298976 MCCORD, DAVID J 9108 STRATTONVILLE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078-9148 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001479131-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MCCORD, DAVID J REI 133907 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472146-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506310 298717 MCDONALD, DAWN M 7543 PRAIRIE ROSE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001472146-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MCDONALD, DAWN M REI 133647 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470698-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504220 298648 MCDOUGALL, R NORMAN 4110 VANCE RD NORTH HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001470698-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MCDOUGALL, R NORMAN REI 133578 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470047-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01322127 298583 MCGREGOR, RAYMOND R 14231 SARAH ANN STEPHANS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 22.34 2/28/2012 2.85 0001470047-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MCGREGOR, RAYMOND R REI 133512 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479544-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535207 299040 MCKAIG, EILEEN M 9216 TORRENCE CROSSING DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479544-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MCKAIG, EILEEN M REI 133971 SL 362 Adjustment 0001411807-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00145270 298244 MCLEAN, ALASTAIR 15702 PINE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001411807-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MCLEAN , ALASTAIR REI 133171 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479267-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533348 298164 MCLENDON, JUDY P 8607 CEDAR HOLLOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479267-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MCLENDON , JUDY P REI 133091 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472149-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506311 298718 MERCADO, LYNN 8003 ROLLING MEADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001472149-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MERCADO REI 133648 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470769-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504245 298660 MERCEDES, DEREK 4254 VANCE ROAD NORTH HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470769-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MERCEDES REI 133590 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479180-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533271 298995 MERWIN, GERALD D 11926 HENDERSON HILL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479180-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MERWIN, GERALD D REI 133926 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478854-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531227 298925 MIALIK, LISA CLAIRE BOYES 9120 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6801 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478854-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MIALIK, LISA CLAIRE BOYES REI 133856 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479950-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539105 299067 MILLAWAY, RICHARD O 7618 BERRYWOOD CIR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6311 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479950-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MILLAWAY, RICHARD O REI 133998 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480058-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539166 299078 MILLER, LINDSEY R 7616 LULLWATER COVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001480058-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MILLER, LINDSEY R REI 134010 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470665-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504210 298644 MOODY, AMBER J. 8110 OLD BUD HENDERSON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001470665-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MOODY, AMBER J. REI 133574 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479866-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01538145 299064 MOODY, TOLLIE J III 8607 FOX TAIL LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 3.10 1/6/2012 0.42 0001479866-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MOODY, TOLLIE J III REI 133995 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480123-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539228 299087 MOORE, JOHN M 7750 AUTUMNVIEW CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001480123-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MOORE, JOHN M REI 134019 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479427-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01534337 299032 MOORE, WAYNE L 12528 ANGEL OAK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479427-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MOORE, WAYNE L REI 133963 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478198-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01527113 298856 MORRISON, ARTHUR 11516 MCCOY RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.13 3/6/2012 0.14 0001478198-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MORRISON REI 133787 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478533-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529371 298877 MOSES, MICHAEL V 9316 GILEAD HILL CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001478533-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MOSES, MICHAEL V REI 133808 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480188-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539263 299100 MOZINA, CAROL S 7630 SILVERTON WAY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6339 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001480188-2011-2011-0000-00-REG MOZINA, CAROL S REI 134032 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470526-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504137 298614 NAPERKOWSKI, MARK J 8013 BAYLIS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470526-2011-2011-0000-00-REG NAPERKOWSKI, MARK J REI 133544 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472261-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506407 298728 NAVRATIL, ERIN C 7533 ROLLING MEADOWS LN HUNTERSVILLE 6/28/2014 NC 28078 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001472261-2011-2011-0000-00-REG NAVRATIL, ERIN C REI 133658 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479389-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01534315 299026 NEITZKE, JAMES D 103 OAK HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 280788140 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479389-2011-2011-0000-00-REG NEITZKE, JAMES D REI 133957 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478381-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529115 298868 OBERMAYER FAMILY TRUST, . 9406 HARLOW CREEK HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001478381-2011-2011-0000-00-REG OBERMAYER FAMILY TRUST, . REI 133799 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477613-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 01518501 272175 OLIPHANT, CONSTANCE C 11012 MONTE CARLO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 5/10/2014 28078-8159 39.75 4/23/2013 2.78 0001477613-2012-2012-0000-00-REG OLIPHANT, CONSTANCE C REI 107456 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477613-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01518501 272437 OLIPHANT, CONSTANCE C 11012 MONTE CARLO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 5/10/2014 28078-8159 38.89 3/17/2014 0.97 0001477613-2013-2013-0000-00-REG OLIPHANT, CONSTANCE C REI 107725 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477613-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01518501 298825 OLIPHANT, CONSTANCE C 11012 MONTE CARLO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078-8159 37.57 1/6/2012 5.06 0001477613-2011-2011-0000-00-REG OLIPHANT, CONSTANCE C REI 133756 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478886-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531249 298936 OLIVER, GLENN E 9000 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478886-2011-2011-0000-00-REG OLIVER, GLENN E REI 133867 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472982-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510429 298761 O'NEAL, DOUGLAS W IV 9360 HILLSTON RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001472982-2011-2011-0000-00-REG O'NEAL, DOUGLAS W IV REI 133691 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470036-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01322123 298581 ORANSKI, MICHAEL R 14005 SARAH ANN STEPHENS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 5.65 1/6/2012 0.76 0001470036-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ORANSKI, MICHAEL R REI 133510 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 6 of 9 , LYNN , DEREK , ARTHUR 0001479119-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533235 298971 OSWALD, WILLIAM L JR 9129 STRATTONVILLE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078-9148 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001479119-2011-2011-0000-00-REG OSWALD, WILLIAM L JR REI 133902 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473302-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510626 298771 PACORA, CARLOS ALBERTO RAEZ 9303 CUCCAIRN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001473302-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PACORA, CARLOS ALBERTO RAEZ REI 133701 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479712-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01537113 299056 PADGETT, JOHN P 8413 SUMMERFIELD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.58 2/22/2012 0.07 0001479712-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PADGETT, JOHN P REI 133987 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478742-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531108 298902 PALMER, STACEY L 12412 BLUFF MEADOW TRL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9119 6/28/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001478742-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PALMER, STACEY L REI 133833 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479144-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533252 298982 PANKEY, RUSSELL E 9118 PINE SPRINGS CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001479144-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PANKEY, RUSSELL E REI 133913 SL 362 Adjustment 0001474722-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01515151 298809 PATTERSON, BETTY B 7239 HAMBRIGHT RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001474722-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PATTERSON, BETTY B REI 133740 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479174-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533268 298992 PEREZ, R ARTURO 9136 WINDKNOB CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479174-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PEREZ, R ARTURO REI 133923 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479022-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532182 298958 PERRY, ANN S 12740 CEDAR FALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-7832 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479022-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PERRY, ANN S REI 133889 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472337-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506426 298736 PETTUS, JONATHAN P 12927 THISTLEBROOK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001472337-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PETTUS, JONATHAN P REI 133666 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479052-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533103 298963 PHALEN, MICHAEL W 8615 STRATTON FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001479052-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PHALEN, MICHAEL W REI 133894 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470865-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504311 298672 PHILLIPS, DAVID L 19 KINTYRE LN BELLA VISTA AZ 72715 6/28/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001470865-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PHILLIPS, DAVID L REI 133602 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473268-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510616 298769 PIERATT, STEPHEN AARON 164 CLOVERBANK RD MOORESVILLE NC 28115 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001473268-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PIERATT, STEPHEN AARON REI 133699 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479290-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533361 299017 PNS MANAGEMENT LLC 1372 STRAWBERRY LN DENVER NC 28037 6/28/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001479290-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PNS MANAGEMENT LLC REI 133948 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470445-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01503110 298599 POIBRENSKI, KIRIL N 7901 BUD HENDERSON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001470445-2011-2011-0000-00-REG POIBRENSKI, KIRIL N REI 133529 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473869-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01513112 298802 POPE, BRENDA CAROL BEARD 7508 MCILWAINE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001473869-2011-2011-0000-00-REG POPE, BRENDA CAROL BEARD REI 133732 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470366-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01501102 298589 POST, RUSSELL A 6512 GILEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001470366-2011-2011-0000-00-REG POST, RUSSELL A REI 133518 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479585-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535235 299045 POWELL, DENE C 9314 OLD BARNETTE PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001479585-2011-2011-0000-00-REG POWELL, DENE C REI 133976 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478571-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529418 298884 PRICE, JANICE TODD 12515 OAK PARK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6870 6/28/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001478571-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PRICE, JANICE TODD REI 133815 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480509-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01542305 299117 PRICE, KEVIN EDWARD 7030 CARRINGTON POINTE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001480509-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PRICE, KEVIN EDWARD REI 134049 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472683-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510136 298749 PUMA, JOSEPH R 158 CLOVER BANK RD MOORESVILLE NC 28115 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001472683-2011-2011-0000-00-REG PUMA, JOSEPH R REI 133679 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480300-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539335 299108 RADINE, DAVID F 7602 SUMMERCHASE TRL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6353 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001480300-2011-2011-0000-00-REG RADINE, DAVID F REI 134040 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473508-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01511246 298786 REMBERT, GLORIA 8507 LYMAN OAK CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001473508-2011-2011-0000-00-REG REMBERT REI 133716 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478873-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531239 298932 RENCKENS, TIMOTHY T 12305 SPARKLING WAY CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-9114 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478873-2011-2011-0000-00-REG RENCKENS, TIMOTHY T REI 133863 SL 362 Adjustment 0001411713-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00145215 298232 RENSHAW, RAYMOND E 16023 NORTH POINT RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 4.80 1/6/2012 0.65 0001411713-2011-2011-0000-00-REG RENSHAW, RAYMOND E REI 133159 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470574-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504166 298631 RIDLEY, PATRICK G 7843 BAYLIS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001470574-2011-2011-0000-00-REG RIDLEY, PATRICK G REI 133561 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470433-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01502124 298596 RIKARD, DANIEL L 14442 BEATTIES FORD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 9.32 1/6/2012 1.26 0001470433-2011-2011-0000-00-REG RIKARD, DANIEL L REI 133525 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478876-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531242 298935 RINEHARDT, WALTER S 9101 ARCADIA VIEW CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478876-2011-2011-0000-00-REG RINEHARDT, WALTER S REI 133866 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480238-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539289 299105 ROBERTS, GREGORY E 8009 LEISURE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001480238-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ROBERTS, GREGORY E REI 134037 SL 362 Adjustment 0001471389-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01505555 298690 RODRIQUEZ, HOLLY 15502 CARRINGTON RIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001471389-2011-2011-0000-00-REG RODRIQUEZ REI 133620 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470595-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504176 298637 ROGERS, LEON M PO BOX 151 WEST MILFORD WV 26451 6/28/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001470595-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ROGERS, LEON M REI 133567 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472908-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510405 298757 ROGOWSKI, RICHARD J 13204 BALLARA PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001472908-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ROGOWSKI, RICHARD J REI 133687 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472597-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510110 298746 ROMANO, DEREK J 9113 SHEPPARTON DR CHARLOTTE NC 28278 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001472597-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ROMANO, DEREK J REI 133676 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478948-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532127 298944 RONCOLATO, KRISTIN M 12700 CYPRESS SPRINGS RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001478948-2011-2011-0000-00-REG RONCOLATO, KRISTIN M REI 133875 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 7 of 9 , GLORIA , HOLLY 0001480172-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539254 299097 RUSHMAN, WILLIAM 317 HYDRANGEA CIRCLE NW CONCORD NC 28027 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001480172-2011-2011-0000-00-REG RUSHMAN, WILLIAM REI 134029 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473437-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01511225 298781 SCHAEFFER, CHRISTOPHER E 12142 MOON SHADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078-6858 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001473437-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SCHAEFFER, CHRISTOPHER E REI 133711 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480078-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539201 299080 SCHWARTZ, RICHARD S 7311 HENDERSON PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001480078-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SCHWARTZ, RICHARD S REI 134012 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473334-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01511108 298775 SCURLOCK, DANIEL L 8623 MCILWAINE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001473334-2011-2011-0000-00-REG GIBSON, JEREMY G REI 133705 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473409-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01511217 298778 SEYMOUR, MARY SCOTT BARNES 307 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE BELMONT NC 28012 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001473409-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SEYMOUR, MARY SCOTT BARNES REI 133708 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479133-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533243 298977 SMITH, JACKIE K 9100 STRATTONVILLE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 5.93 1/6/2012 0.80 0001479133-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SMITH, JACKIE K REI 133908 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478553-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529405 298878 SNYDER, PAUL A 2633 W BELMONT AV #2 CHICAGO IL 60618 6/28/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001478553-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SNYDER, PAUL A REI 133809 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479173-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533267 298991 SOARES, ALLEN D 9138 WINDKNOB CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479173-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SOARES, ALLEN D REI 133922 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479543-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535206 299039 SPARKS, JEFFREY BRENT 12823 WINDING RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479543-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SPARKS, JEFFREY BRENT REI 133970 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470540-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504145 298619 SPENCE, BRIAN S 7420 DARBLAY ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470540-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SPENCE, BRIAN S REI 133549 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478029-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01526105 298848 SPIRES, CHRISTIAN 8040 SUMMIT RIDGE DR CATAWBA NC 28609 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001478029-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SPIRES REI 133779 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472169-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506316 298721 SPROUSE, DANIEL E 2650 NE ALAMEDA ST PORTLAND OR 97212 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001472169-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SPROUSE, DANIEL E REI 133651 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478800-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531142 298915 STEPHENS, KELLY 12416 LEANING OAKS CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/28/2014 28078 1.45 2/4/2012 0.19 0001478800-2011-2011-0000-00-REG STEPHENS REI 133846 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473313-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510629 298772 STEURN, SIREE 9323 CULCAIRN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001473313-2011-2011-0000-00-REG STEURN REI 133702 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470415-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01502117 298168 STILLWELL, KENNETH B 14010 BEATTIES FORD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470415-2011-2011-0000-00-REG STILLWELL REI 133095 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478728-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531101 298899 STOUT, NANCY K 12401 BLUFF MEADOW TL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478728-2011-2011-0000-00-REG STOUT, NANCY K REI 133830 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478505-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529352 298875 STREBLER, JOHN M 12844 MOORES MILL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001478505-2011-2011-0000-00-REG STREBLER, JOHN M REI 133806 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478427-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529218 298872 SUGGS, ERIC G 9111 TORRENCE CREEK CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001478427-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SUGGS, ERIC G REI 133803 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479888-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01538156 299065 SUTTON, MATTHEW H 9035 TORRENCE CROSSING DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8198 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001479888-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SUTTON, MATTHEW H REI 133996 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478680-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01530236 298894 SWICK, TERRY L 8801 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478680-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SWICK, TERRY L REI 133825 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478922-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532111 298940 SYMMES, WENDY 12627 CEDAR FALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001478922-2011-2011-0000-00-REG SYMMES REI 133871 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477511-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01518105 298817 TAM, SIMON 1704 ASHBOURNE PL BRENTWOOD CA 94513 6/28/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001477511-2011-2011-0000-00-REG TAM REI 133748 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470750-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504239 298658 TAUCHERT, TESSA L 8112 BUD HENDERSON RD. HUNTERVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001470750-2011-2011-0000-00-REG TAUCHERT, TESSA L REI 133588 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479586-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535236 299046 TAYLOR, MELVIN D 9308 OLD BARNETTE PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-8364 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479586-2011-2011-0000-00-REG TAYLOR, MELVIN D REI 133977 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478353-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01528246 298861 TESH, RUTH B PO BOX 802 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/28/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001478353-2011-2011-0000-00-REG TESH, RUTH B REI 133792 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470031-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01322120 298579 THOMPSON, PAUL JOHN 14040 SARAH ANN STEPHENS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001470031-2011-2011-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, PAUL JOHN REI 133508 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470892-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504324 298680 TLUSTY, FABIA ROSANA DE OLIVEIRA 13327 MERCER DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001470892-2011-2011-0000-00-REG TLUSTY, FABIA ROSANA DE OLIVEIRA REI 133610 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470734-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504233 298654 TOPPING, MARK A 7516 MORLET SQUARE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470734-2011-2011-0000-00-REG TOPPING, MARK A REI 133584 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479670-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535425 299051 TUCKER, TIMOTHY J 9126 BERTRAM CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078- 6/28/2014 9184 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001479670-2011-2011-0000-00-REG TUCKER, TIMOTHY J REI 133982 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478561-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01529409 298881 TYRRELL, CHARLES C 9427 HOLLY BEND LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478561-2011-2011-0000-00-REG TYRRELL, CHARLES C REI 133812 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472179-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506318 298722 VELLIA, LEWIS F 97 COLIN DR SHIRLEY NY 11967-1583 6/28/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001472179-2011-2011-0000-00-REG VELLIA, LEWIS F REI 133652 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478633-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01530201 298888 VIA, FRANK EDWARD JR 8922 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 6.49 1/6/2012 0.87 0001478633-2011-2011-0000-00-REG VIA, FRANK EDWARD JR REI 133819 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480151-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539243 299092 VIAMONTE, ISAURA R 30601 AGOURA RD SUITE 200 AGOURA CA 91301 6/28/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001480151-2011-2011-0000-00-REG VIAMONTE, ISAURA R REI 134024 SL 362 Adjustment PAGE 8 of 9 , CHRISTIAN , KELLY , SIREE , KENNETH B , WENDY , SIMON 0001478858-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531230 298928 VIGILANTE, MICHAEL A 4907 MT HOLLY-HUNTERSVILLE RD CHARLOTTE NC 28216-8666 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001478858-2011-2011-0000-00-REG VIGILANTE, MICHAEL A REI 133859 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479595-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01535242 299048 WALCZAK, DARIUSZ 9204 OLD BARNETTE PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001479595-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WALCZAK, DARIUSZ REI 133979 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479033-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532189 298962 WALKER, NATHAN R 12616 CEDAR FALLS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479033-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WALKER, NATHAN R REI 133893 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478805-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01531145 298917 WATKINS, EUGENE L C/O LIN WATKINS 9315 TWIN TRAIL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 5.65 1/6/2012 0.76 0001478805-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WATKINS, EUGENE L REI 133848 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477758-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01521307 298831 WATSON, JAMES 9925 JANEIRO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001477758-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WATSON, JAMES REI 133762 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470639-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504202 298640 WELLS FARGO BANK NA . 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD MAC# X7801-013 (FC) 6/28/2014 FORT MILL SC 29715 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001470639-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WELLS FARGO BANK NA . REI 133570 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470560-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504158 298626 WHEELER, KAREN L 7907 BAYLIS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001470560-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WHEELER, KAREN L REI 133556 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470010-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01322111 298575 WHEELER, MICHAEL C 5034 ELIZA LONG WILKIE DR HUNTERSVILLE 6/28/2014 NC 28078 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001470010-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WHEELER, MICHAEL C REI 133503 SL 362 Adjustment 0001478928-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01532115 298941 WHITAKER, JANE 12715 CEDAR FALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001478928-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WHITAKER REI 133872 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470651-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504206 298641 WHITE, LESLIE ELAINE 13615 SWINTON RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001470651-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WHITE, LESLIE ELAINE REI 133571 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479107-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01533227 298968 WHITE, MITCHELL L 12114 HENDERSON HILL RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 4.80 1/6/2012 0.65 0001479107-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WHITE, MITCHELL L REI 133899 SL 362 Adjustment 0001477832-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01522304 298840 WILKINS, MARY M 11000 MCCOY RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.28 2/28/2012 0.04 0001477832-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WILKINS, MARY M REI 133771 SL 362 Adjustment 0001469992-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01322104 298573 WILL, WILLIAM A 14439 HENRY HARRISON STILLWELL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001469992-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WILL, WILLIAM A REI 133501 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479386-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01534312 299025 WILLIAMS, BRIAN R 8724 NEW OAK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078- 6/28/2014 8314 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479386-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WILLIAMS, BRIAN R REI 133956 SL 362 Adjustment 0001480125-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01539229 299088 WILLIAMS, LAURA A 7746 AUTUMNVIEW CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001480125-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WILLIAMS, LAURA A REI 134020 SL 362 Adjustment 0001473024-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01510442 298764 WILSON, DANIEL S 9114 CULCAIRN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001473024-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WILSON, DANIEL S REI 133694 SL 362 Adjustment 0001472440-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01506503 298738 WINGATE, MATTHEW C 7615 PRAIRIE ROSE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001472440-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WINGATE, MATTHEW C REI 133668 SL 362 Adjustment 0001470890-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01504323 298679 WOLFE, KATHERINE M 13323 MERCER DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/28/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001470890-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WOLFE, KATHERINE M REI 133609 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479745-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01537139 299059 WOLFKILL, DOUGLAS W 12903 FALLCROSS CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078-6857 6/28/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001479745-2011-2011-0000-00-REG WOLFKILL, DOUGLAS W REI 133990 SL 362 Adjustment 0001479716-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 01537116 299057 ZAMPELLO, ANTHONY J 8936 TRENTSBY PL CHARLOTTE NC 28216 6/28/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001479716-2011-2011-0000-00-REG ZAMPELLO, ANTHONY J REI 133988 SL 362 Adjustment 780.22 PAGE 9 of 9 89.86 , JANE Bill # Parcel Number Refund # Refund Recipient Name Refund Address Date of Adj. Refund Amount Bill Payment Date ($) Owner Name Source Type 0001469209-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314208 289891 ABBOTT, DOROTHY 13934 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001469209-20112011-0000-00-REG ABBOTT , DOROTHY REI 124779 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001468606-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306318 289861 ABERNATHY, LARRY GRIER 6742 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001468606-20112011-0000-00-REG ABERNATHY, LARRY GRIER REI 124749 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.97 0001462220-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934161 289632 ABRAMS, JAMES 16209 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001462220-20112011-0000-00-REG ABRAMS, JAMES REI 124520 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 0001481696-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711310 290006 ABRAMSKY, SIDNEY M PO BOX 672 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 16.95 1/6/2012 2.28 0001481696-20112011-0000-00-REG ABRAMSKY, SIDNEY M REI 124894 0 SL 362 Adjustment 16.95 0001481696-20122012-0000-00-REG 01711310 290782 ABRAMSKY, SIDNEY M PO BOX 672 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 10.17 1/8/2013 0.86 0001481696-20122012-0000-00-REG ABRAMSKY, SIDNEY M REI 125670 0 SL 362 Adjustment 10.17 0001481696-20132013-0000-00-REG 01711310 291224 ABRAMSKY, SIDNEY M PO BOX 672 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 10.17 1/7/2014 0.35 0001481696-20132013-0000-00-REG ABRAMSKY, SIDNEY M REI 126112 0 SL 362 Adjustment 10.17 0001468516-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306229 289837 ABSHER, REGINA 13212 KENNERLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001468516-20112011-0000-00-REG ABSHER , REGINA REI 124725 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.97 0001491479-20132013-0000-00-REG 01946345 291234 ADKINS, CHARLES C 11419 WARFIELD AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.10 1/7/2014 0.11 0001491479-20132013-0000-00-REG ADKINS, CHARLES C REI 126122 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.1 0001467681-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133639 289829 ADOLF, PETER S 14019 CEDAR POND CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001467681-20112011-0000-00-REG ADOLF, PETER S REI 124717 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001492816-20112011-0000-00-REG 02114304 290072 AFLATOONI, SAEED 6514 FAIRSTED LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 122.33 1/6/2012 16.49 0001492816-20112011-0000-00-REG AFLATOONI, SAEED REI 124960 0 SL 362 Adjustment 122.33 0001492816-20122012-0000-00-REG 02114304 290791 AFLATOONI, SAEED 6514 FAIRSTED LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 122.33 1/8/2013 10.32 0001492816-20122012-0000-00-REG AFLATOONI, SAEED REI 125679 0 SL 362 Adjustment 122.33 0001492816-20132013-0000-00-REG 02114304 291237 AFLATOONI, SAEED 6514 FAIRSTED LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 122.33 1/7/2014 4.22 0001492816-20132013-0000-00-REG AFLATOONI, SAEED REI 126125 0 SL 362 Adjustment 122.33 0001455590-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907404 289369 ALLEN, KEVIN M 15637 GLEN MIRO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001455590-20112011-0000-00-REG ALLEN, KEVIN M REI 124257 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.83 0001459019-20112011-0000-00-REG 00921123 289531 ALLIGOOD, THOMAS L 11949 PINNACLE POINT LN CHARLOTTE NC 28216 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001459019-20112011-0000-00-REG ALLIGOOD, THOMAS L REI 124419 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001481361-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708215 289950 ALVARADO, LUISA M 105 DALLAS ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001481361-20112011-0000-00-REG ALVARADO, LUISA M REI 124838 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001457753-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915641 289439 ALVAREZ, MARCELINA S 16017 CHILTERN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001457753-20112011-0000-00-REG ALVAREZ, MARCELINA S REI 124327 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0002616748-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934212 289646 ANDERS, JOE W III 15235 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 70.06 1/6/2012 9.44 0002616748-20112011-0000-00-REG ANDERS, JOE W III REI 124534 0 SL 362 Adjustment 70.06 0002616748-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934212 290612 ANDERS, JOE W III 15235 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 66.95 1/8/2013 5.65 0002616748-20122012-0000-00-REG ANDERS, JOE W III REI 125500 0 SL 362 Adjustment 66.95 0002616748-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934212 291047 ANDERS, JOE W III 15235 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 66.95 1/7/2014 2.31 0002616748-20132013-0000-00-REG ANDERS, JOE W III REI 125935 0 SL 362 Adjustment 66.95 0001462909-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934538 289685 ANDERSON, ANGEL G 16719 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.73 1/6/2012 8.19 0001462909-20112011-0000-00-REG ANDERSON, ANGEL G REI 124573 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.73 0001462909-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934538 290654 ANDERSON, ANGEL G 16719 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 61.83 2/4/2013 4.99 0001462909-20122012-0000-00-REG ANDERSON, ANGEL G REI 125542 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.17 0001462909-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934538 291093 ANDERSON, ANGEL G 16719 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.17 1/7/2014 2.08 0001462909-20132013-0000-00-REG ANDERSON, ANGEL G REI 125981 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.17 0001456935-20112011-0000-00-REG 00911219 289393 ANDERSON, JOSEPH M 16519 SEGARS LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001456935-20112011-0000-00-REG ANDERSON, JOSEPH M REI 124281 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001471164-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505305 289933 ANDERSON, MEGAN MARIE 13259 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.10 1/6/2012 0.42 0001471164-20112011-0000-00-REG ANDERSON, MEGAN MARIE REI 124821 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.1 0001459752-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924332 289549 ANDREAS, KATHLEEN 15700 DELANCEY LN I HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001459752-20112011-0000-00-REG ANDREAS, KATHLEEN REI I 124437 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001463242-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934673 289753 ANDRESEN, HAILEY 6/21/2014 51.98 1/6/2012 7.01 0001463242-20112011-0000-00-REG ANDRESEN, HAILEY 124641 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.98 16343 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 Int if Paid by 9/16/2014 PAGE 1 of 40 9/16/2014 Bill # REI Adj. # Tax Value (before Adj. Reasons Bill Release Adj) Amount ($) 0001463242-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934673 290731 ANDRESEN, HAILEY 16343 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.44 1/8/2013 4.17 0001463242-20122012-0000-00-REG ANDRESEN, HAILEY REI 125619 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.44 0001463242-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934673 291184 ANDRESEN, HAILEY 16343 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.44 1/7/2014 1.71 0001463242-20132013-0000-00-REG ANDRESEN, HAILEY REI 126072 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.44 0001468519-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306230 289838 ANGERS, DENISE M 6603 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001468519-20112011-0000-00-REG ANGERS, DENISE M REI 124726 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001466410-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120423 289791 ANNES, NANCY A 12535 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.29 2/14/2012 0.04 0001466410-20112011-0000-00-REG ANNES, NANCY A REI 124679 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001466448-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120439 289801 ARMSTRONG, VANESSA 12216 ILSE HELENE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001466448-20112011-0000-00-REG ARMSTRONG , VANESSA REI 124689 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001491399-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946212 290050 AUSTIN, MICHAEL 10016 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001491399-20112011-0000-00-REG AUSTIN , MICHAEL REI 124938 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001481543-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710124 289986 AUTEN, CATHYE DENISE 212 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 7.06 1/6/2012 0.95 0001481543-20112011-0000-00-REG AUTEN, CATHYE DENISE REI 124874 0 SL 362 Adjustment 7.06 0001481755-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711630 290015 AUTEN, WILLIAM FITE PO BOX 1 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 3.68 1/6/2012 0.50 0001481755-20112011-0000-00-REG AUTEN, WILLIAM FITE REI 124903 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.68 0001481551-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710204 289988 AYERS, MARK SCOTT 200 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 17.23 1/6/2012 2.32 0001481551-20112011-0000-00-REG AYERS, MARK SCOTT REI 124876 0 SL 362 Adjustment 17.23 0001481551-20122012-0000-00-REG 01710204 290779 AYERS, MARK SCOTT 200 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 16.95 1/8/2013 1.43 0001481551-20122012-0000-00-REG AYERS, MARK SCOTT REI 125667 0 SL 362 Adjustment 16.95 0001481551-20132013-0000-00-REG 01710204 291220 AYERS, MARK SCOTT 200 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 16.95 1/7/2014 0.59 0001481551-20132013-0000-00-REG AYERS, MARK SCOTT REI 126108 0 SL 362 Adjustment 16.95 0001469266-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314402 289910 BABER, RITA JEAN 15904 ROBINS WAY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001469266-20112011-0000-00-REG BABER, RITA JEAN REI 124798 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001460005-20112011-0000-00-REG 00925278 289558 BACH, ROBERT A 14018 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001460005-20112011-0000-00-REG BACH, ROBERT A REI 124446 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001481467-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709310 289977 BAKER, BILLY W 314 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 7.06 1/6/2012 0.95 0001481467-20112011-0000-00-REG BAKER, BILLY W REI 124865 0 SL 362 Adjustment 7.06 0001463027-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934580 289708 BAKER, DANIEL P 16622 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.39 1/6/2012 5.44 0001463027-20112011-0000-00-REG BAKER, DANIEL P REI 124596 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.39 0001463027-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934580 290680 BAKER, DANIEL P 16622 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.98 1/8/2013 3.29 0001463027-20122012-0000-00-REG BAKER, DANIEL P REI 125568 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.98 0001463027-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934580 291125 BAKER, DANIEL P 16622 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.98 1/7/2014 1.35 0001463027-20132013-0000-00-REG BAKER, DANIEL P REI 126013 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.98 0001461526-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931267 289590 BALDWIN, CHARLES H 7423 CHADDSLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001461526-20112011-0000-00-REG BALDWIN, CHARLES H REI 124478 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001461526-20122012-0000-00-REG 00931267 290575 BALDWIN, CHARLES H 7423 CHADDSLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/8/2013 0.17 0001461526-20122012-0000-00-REG BALDWIN, CHARLES H REI 125463 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001461526-20132013-0000-00-REG 00931267 291013 BALDWIN, CHARLES H 7423 CHADDSLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/7/2014 0.07 0001461526-20132013-0000-00-REG BALDWIN, CHARLES H REI 125901 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001457822-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915747 289456 BALLARD, WILLIAM T 15910 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001457822-20112011-0000-00-REG BALLARD, WILLIAM T REI 124344 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001463029-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934581 289709 BARCINAS, GRACE E 16618 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.35 1/6/2012 5.98 0001463029-20112011-0000-00-REG BARCINAS, GRACE E REI 124597 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.35 0001463029-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934581 290681 BARCINAS, GRACE E 16618 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 43.50 1/8/2013 3.67 0001463029-20122012-0000-00-REG BARCINAS, GRACE E REI 125569 0 SL 362 Adjustment 43.5 0001463029-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934581 291126 BARCINAS, GRACE E 16618 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 43.50 1/7/2014 1.50 0001463029-20132013-0000-00-REG BARCINAS, GRACE E REI 126014 0 SL 362 Adjustment 43.5 0001457129-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912229 289402 BAREFOOT, CAREY F 9937 VIXEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001457129-20112011-0000-00-REG BAREFOOT, CAREY F REI 124290 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.24 0001481368-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708219 289951 BARKLEY SR, HOWARD 7215 ASHBOURNE LN CHARLOTTE NC 28227 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001481368-20112011-0000-00-REG BARKLEY SR, HOWARD REI 124839 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001462876-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934526 289675 BARRENTINE, JERRY R 14632 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 77.40 1/6/2012 10.43 0001462876-20112011-0000-00-REG BARRENTINE, JERRY R REI 124563 0 SL 362 Adjustment 77.4 PAGE 2 of 40 0001462876-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934526 290642 BARRENTINE, JERRY R 14632 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 76.27 1/8/2013 6.44 0001462876-20122012-0000-00-REG BARRENTINE, JERRY R REI 125530 0 SL 362 Adjustment 76.27 0001462876-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934526 291081 BARRENTINE, JERRY R 14632 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 76.27 1/7/2014 2.63 0001462876-20132013-0000-00-REG BARRENTINE, JERRY R REI 125969 0 SL 362 Adjustment 76.27 0001457847-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915762 289462 BARRETT, STANTON THOMAS 16309 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001457847-20112011-0000-00-REG BARRETT, STANTON THOMAS REI 124350 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.96 0001461724-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931370 289600 BARTLETT, KATHLEEN D 14926 ALMONDELL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001461724-20112011-0000-00-REG BARTLETT, KATHLEEN D REI 124488 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001473161-20112011-0000-00-REG 01510518 289946 BARTON, DAVID C 8916 HUNTERS POINTE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 22.03 1/6/2012 2.97 0001473161-20112011-0000-00-REG BARTON, DAVID C REI 124834 0 SL 362 Adjustment 22.03 0001473161-20122012-0000-00-REG 01510518 290749 BARTON, DAVID C 8916 HUNTERS POINTE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 21.47 1/8/2013 1.81 0001473161-20122012-0000-00-REG BARTON, DAVID C REI 125637 0 SL 362 Adjustment 21.47 0001473161-20132013-0000-00-REG 01510518 291210 BARTON, DAVID C 8916 HUNTERS POINTE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 21.47 1/7/2014 0.74 0001473161-20132013-0000-00-REG BARTON, DAVID C REI 126098 0 SL 362 Adjustment 21.47 0001463568-20112011-0000-00-REG 00939242 289770 BASILE, NICHOLAS A 6525 OLMSFORD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 7.06 1/6/2012 0.95 0001463568-20112011-0000-00-REG BASILE, NICHOLAS A REI 124658 0 SL 362 Adjustment 7.06 0001491322-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946114 290037 BASSETT, JILL E 10215 HALSTON CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.09 1/6/2012 0.69 0001491322-20112011-0000-00-REG BASSETT, JILL E REI 124925 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.09 0002616865-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707260 290756 BATISTA, YOVANY 11618 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 27.97 1/8/2013 2.36 0002616865-20122012-0000-00-REG BATISTa, YOVANY REI 125644 0 SL 362 Adjustment 27.97 0001481648-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710810 289995 BEARHALTER, NANCY PO BOX 2636 HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/21/2014 28070 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001481648-20112011-0000-00-REG BEARHALTER, NANCY REI 124883 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.83 0001462899-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934534 289682 BEATTY, BARBARA S 16703 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.92 1/6/2012 6.05 0001462899-20112011-0000-00-REG BEATTY, BARBARA S REI 124570 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.92 0001462899-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934534 290650 BEATTY, BARBARA S 16703 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 43.79 1/8/2013 3.70 0001462899-20122012-0000-00-REG BEATTY, BARBARA S REI 125538 0 SL 362 Adjustment 43.79 0001462899-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934534 291089 BEATTY, BARBARA S 16703 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 43.79 1/7/2014 1.51 0001462899-20132013-0000-00-REG BEATTY, BARBARA S REI 125977 0 SL 362 Adjustment 43.79 0002616881-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707362 290764 BEATTYS, KIMBERLY 11510 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 23.44 1/8/2013 1.98 0002616881-20122012-0000-00-REG BEATTYS, KIMBERLY REI 125652 0 SL 362 Adjustment 23.44 0001457659-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915556 289432 BEAVER, CHRISTOPHER M. 17637 HARBOR WALK DR CORNELIUS NC 28031 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001457659-20112011-0000-00-REG BEAVER, CHRISTOPHER M. REI 124320 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001457915-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915820 289472 BELCHER, C ROBIN 15841 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.76 4/4/2012 0.22 0001457915-20112011-0000-00-REG BELCHER, C ROBIN REI 124360 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001464214-20112011-0000-00-REG 00942337 289774 BELCHER, RICHARD K 10124 VIXEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001464214-20112011-0000-00-REG BELCHER, RICHARD K REI 124662 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001492806-20112011-0000-00-REG 02114217 290071 BELL, GEORGE B 12304 SOJOURN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 9.89 1/6/2012 1.33 0001492806-20112011-0000-00-REG BELL, GEORGE B REI 124959 0 SL 362 Adjustment 9.89 0001462273-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934210 289644 BENI, JONATHAN A 14911 BARNSBURY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001462273-20112011-0000-00-REG BENI, JONATHAN A REI 124532 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001455653-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907440 289375 BENNER, RHETT L 16002 HALLATON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001455653-20112011-0000-00-REG BENNER, RHETT L REI 124263 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001457761-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915645 289442 BENNETT, ERIC D 8228 BALLYMORE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457761-20112011-0000-00-REG BENNETT, ERIC D REI 124330 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001457979-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915912 289486 BENSON, FRANCIS 8659 BROOK GLEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001457979-20112011-0000-00-REG BENSON , FRANCIS REI 124374 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001458297-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917164 289524 BERGERON, JENNIFER LYNN 8311 BELLINGHAM CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001458297-20112011-0000-00-REG BERGERON, JENNIFER LYNN REI 124412 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001471176-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505312 289936 BERNHARDT, JONATHAN L 13512 GLENWYCK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001471176-20112011-0000-00-REG BERNHARDT, JONATHAN L REI 124824 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001481747-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711623 290013 BERRIER, ANN P 121 GILEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001481747-20112011-0000-00-REG BERRIER, ANN P REI 124901 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001468512-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306227 289836 BEST, A SCOTT 13220 KENNERLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.68 1/6/2012 0.50 0001468512-20112011-0000-00-REG BEST, A SCOTT REI 124724 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.68 PAGE 3 of 40 0001462815-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934507 289661 BIRMINGHAM, RILEY W 15910 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.46 1/6/2012 6.40 0001462815-20112011-0000-00-REG BIRMINGHAM, RILEY W REI 124549 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.46 0001462815-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934507 290628 BIRMINGHAM, RILEY W 15910 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 45.48 1/8/2013 3.84 0001462815-20122012-0000-00-REG BIRMINGHAM, RILEY W REI 125516 0 SL 362 Adjustment 45.48 0001462815-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934507 291065 BIRMINGHAM, RILEY W 15910 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 45.48 1/7/2014 1.57 0001462815-20132013-0000-00-REG BIRMINGHAM, RILEY W REI 125953 0 SL 362 Adjustment 45.48 0001481420-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708250 289959 BLACK, ROBIN L PO BOX 1574 HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/21/2014 28078 5.09 1/6/2012 0.69 0001481420-20112011-0000-00-REG BLACK, ROBIN L REI 124847 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.09 0001457809-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915722 289454 BLACKBURN, CRYSTAL 15931 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001457809-20112011-0000-00-REG BLACKBURN , CRYSTAL REI 124342 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001457799-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915716 289451 BLAKELY, BRENT R 16023 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001457799-20112011-0000-00-REG BLAKELY, BRENT R REI 124339 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.42 0001457279-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912711 289416 BLANCHARD, CHARLES A 10009 GREENPOND LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001457279-20112011-0000-00-REG BLANCHARD, CHARLES A REI 124304 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001468629-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306331 289867 BODENHORST, JEOFFREY 6636 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.65 1/6/2012 0.76 0001468629-20112011-0000-00-REG BODENHORST , JEOFFREY REI 124755 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.65 0001492843-20112011-0000-00-REG 02114507 290073 BOGAR, AL-TERRIK 13300 LONG COMMON PKWY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 7.06 1/6/2012 0.95 0001492843-20112011-0000-00-REG BOGAR, AL-TERRIK REI 124961 0 SL 362 Adjustment 7.06 0001455627-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907426 289372 BORCICH, MATTHEW H 16124 HALLATON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001455627-20112011-0000-00-REG BORCICH, MATTHEW H REI 124260 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001456897-20112011-0000-00-REG 00911204 289391 BOSTIAN, BRIAN D 16610 SUTTERS RUN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 20.62 1/6/2012 2.78 0001456897-20112011-0000-00-REG BOSTIAN, BRIAN D REI 124279 0 SL 362 Adjustment 20.62 0001457653-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915553 289430 BOUGHTON, DOUGLAS 15424 KENNICOTT WY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457653-20112011-0000-00-REG BOUGHTON , DOUGLAS REI 124318 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001462948-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934550 289692 BOWKER, MARILYN A 16722 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 72.60 1/6/2012 9.79 0001462948-20112011-0000-00-REG BOWKER, MARILYN A REI 124580 0 SL 362 Adjustment 72.6 0001462948-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934550 290662 BOWKER, MARILYN A 16722 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 71.19 1/8/2013 6.01 0001462948-20122012-0000-00-REG BOWKER, MARILYN A REI 125550 0 SL 362 Adjustment 71.19 0001462948-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934550 291102 BOWKER, MARILYN A 16722 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 71.19 1/7/2014 2.46 0001462948-20132013-0000-00-REG BOWKER, MARILYN A REI 125990 0 SL 362 Adjustment 71.19 0001462892-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934531 289680 BOYD, KIMBERLY E 14612 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.81 1/6/2012 5.64 0001462892-20112011-0000-00-REG BOYD, KIMBERLY E REI 124568 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.81 0001462892-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934531 290647 BOYD, KIMBERLY E 14612 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.25 1/8/2013 3.48 0001462892-20122012-0000-00-REG BOYD, KIMBERLY E REI 125535 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.25 0001462892-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934531 291086 BOYD, KIMBERLY E 14612 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.25 1/7/2014 1.42 0001462892-20132013-0000-00-REG BOYD, KIMBERLY E REI 125974 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.25 0001457657-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915555 289431 BOYER, NATHAN BRYAN 8326 SANDOWNE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001457657-20112011-0000-00-REG BOYER, NATHAN BRYAN REI 124319 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001486907-20112011-0000-00-REG 01747101 290023 BRADLEY, DEBORAH A 13402 MCCOY RD HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001486907-20112011-0000-00-REG BRADLEY, DEBORAH A REI 124911 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001468593-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306311 289859 BRALLEY, MARGARET 6735 E DOUGLAS PARK DR E HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.08 1/6/2012 0.68 0001468593-20112011-0000-00-REG BRALLEY, MARGARET REI E 124747 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.08 0001458251-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917128 289510 BRAMLEY, DOUGLAS 8211 CHANDOS PL M HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001458251-20112011-0000-00-REG BRAMLEY, DOUGLAS REI M 124398 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001471146-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505222 289927 BRAMMER, KEITH M 13432 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001471146-20112011-0000-00-REG BRAMMER, KEITH M REI 124815 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001463248-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934675 289754 BRANTLEY, DARRIN CRAIG 16405 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 55.66 1/6/2012 7.50 0001463248-20112011-0000-00-REG BRANTLEY, DARRIN CRAIG REI 124642 0 SL 362 Adjustment 55.66 0001463248-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934675 290732 BRANTLEY, DARRIN CRAIG 16405 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 54.53 1/8/2013 4.60 0001463248-20122012-0000-00-REG BRANTLEY, DARRIN CRAIG REI 125620 0 SL 362 Adjustment 54.53 0001463248-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934675 291185 BRANTLEY, DARRIN CRAIG 16405 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 54.53 1/7/2014 1.88 0001463248-20132013-0000-00-REG BRANTLEY, DARRIN CRAIG REI 126073 0 SL 362 Adjustment 54.53 0001467708-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133651 289834 BRIGGS, KENNETH A 13749 CEDAR POND CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001467708-20112011-0000-00-REG BRIGGS, KENNETH A REI 124722 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 PAGE 4 of 40 0001481432-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709104 289963 BROADWAY, JESSE B 102 JOYCE AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/21/2014 28078 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001481432-20112011-0000-00-REG BROADWAY, JESSE B REI 124851 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001471126-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505212 289924 BROWN, DARREN S 13602 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001471126-20112011-0000-00-REG BROWN, DARREN S REI 124812 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001460302-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926227 289579 BROWN, EARL BASIL 8910 PRISTINE CT HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001460302-20112011-0000-00-REG BROWN, EARL BASIL REI 124467 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001459975-20112011-0000-00-REG 00925268 289553 BROWN, LEITHA A 14120 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001459975-20112011-0000-00-REG BROWN, LEITHA A REI 124441 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001460201-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926148 289571 BROWNE, WILLIAM E 8902 LIZZIE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001460201-20112011-0000-00-REG BROWNE, WILLIAM E REI 124459 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001462883-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934528 289677 BRUCE, IVY GODLEY 14624 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 61.86 1/6/2012 8.34 0001462883-20112011-0000-00-REG BRUCE, IVY GODLEY REI 124565 0 SL 362 Adjustment 61.86 0001462883-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934528 290644 BRUCE, IVY GODLEY 14624 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 61.02 1/8/2013 5.15 0001462883-20122012-0000-00-REG BRUCE, IVY GODLEY REI 125532 0 SL 362 Adjustment 61.02 0001462883-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934528 291083 BRUCE, IVY GODLEY 14624 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 61.02 1/7/2014 2.11 0001462883-20132013-0000-00-REG BRUCE, IVY GODLEY REI 125971 0 SL 362 Adjustment 61.02 0001491318-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946110 290034 BRUNNER, MICHAEL D 10023 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001491318-20112011-0000-00-REG BRUNNER, MICHAEL D REI 124922 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001457778-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915705 289448 BRUNO, HERMAN 15120 NORMAN VIEW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457778-20112011-0000-00-REG BRUNO , HERMAN REI 124336 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001457998-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915923 289491 BUCKINGHAM, MICHAEL 16848 KETTLEWELL LN CHARLOTTE NC 28277 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457998-20112011-0000-00-REG BUCKINGHAM, MICHAEL REI 124379 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001486952-20112011-0000-00-REG 01747129 290030 BURROUGHS, LEIGH- 9435 STAWELL DR ANN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001486952-20112011-0000-00-REG BURROUGHS , LEIGH-ANN REI 124918 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0002616897-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707379 290765 BURUJU, NARENDA REDDY JUTURU 11505 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 31.35 1/8/2013 2.65 0002616897-20122012-0000-00-REG BURUJU, NARENDA REDDY JUTURU REI 125653 0 SL 362 Adjustment 31.35 0001471159-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505303 289931 BYRD, APRIL R 13517 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.10 1/6/2012 0.42 0001471159-20112011-0000-00-REG BYRD, APRIL R REI 124819 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.1 0001469254-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314314 289907 BYRNE, PEGGY 13827 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 17.23 1/6/2012 2.32 0001469254-20112011-0000-00-REG BYRNE , PEGGY REI 124795 0 SL 362 Adjustment 17.23 0001469254-20122012-0000-00-REG 01314314 290748 BYRNE, PEGGY 13827 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 14.12 1/8/2013 1.19 0001469254-20122012-0000-00-REG BYRNE , PEGGY REI 125636 0 SL 362 Adjustment 14.12 0001469254-20132013-0000-00-REG 01314314 291209 BYRNE, PEGGY 13827 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 14.12 1/7/2014 0.49 0001469254-20132013-0000-00-REG BYRNE , PEGGY REI 126097 0 SL 362 Adjustment 14.12 0001481631-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710706 289993 CALDWELL, RONNY JOE 108 HOLBROOK ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001481631-20112011-0000-00-REG CALDWELL, RONNY JOE REI 124881 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001461967-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931542 289611 CALL, ALETHA 15607 SEAFIELD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001461967-20112011-0000-00-REG CALL , ALETHA REI 124499 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001458264-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917138 289515 CANCELLIERI, ROBERT A 8215 CORISTAR PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 36.44 1/6/2012 4.91 0001458264-20112011-0000-00-REG CANCELLIERI, ROBERT A REI 124403 0 SL 362 Adjustment 36.44 0001458264-20122012-0000-00-REG 00917138 290568 CANCELLIERI, ROBERT A 8215 CORISTAR PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 33.05 1/8/2013 2.79 0001458264-20122012-0000-00-REG CANCELLIERI, ROBERT A REI 125456 0 SL 362 Adjustment 33.05 0001458264-20132013-0000-00-REG 00917138 291006 CANCELLIERI, ROBERT A 8215 CORISTAR PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 33.05 1/7/2014 1.14 0001458264-20132013-0000-00-REG CANCELLIERI, ROBERT A REI 125894 0 SL 362 Adjustment 33.05 0001466394-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120417 289788 CANIPE, GLENDA F 12511 TWELVE TREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001466394-20112011-0000-00-REG CANIPE, GLENDA F REI 124676 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001460286-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926219 289576 CAPERNA, JOHN J 8929 PRISTINE CT HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001460286-20112011-0000-00-REG CAPERNA, JOHN J REI 124464 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001468541-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306241 289845 CARION, ROBERT RUMMLER 5108 HAROLD LN HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001468541-20112011-0000-00-REG CARION, ROBERT RUMMLER REI 124733 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001455676-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907450 289376 CARPENTER, ARLEIGH B 16119 HALLATON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001455676-20112011-0000-00-REG CARPENTER, ARLEIGH B REI 124264 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.29 0001468561-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306252 289850 CASS, TERRA J 13043 WEST DOUGLAS PARK DR 6/21/2014 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001468561-20112011-0000-00-REG CASS, TERRA J REI 124738 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.37 PAGE 5 of 40 0001457732-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915627 289437 CATHEY, JACK MILLER 8441 SANDOWNE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001457732-20112011-0000-00-REG CATHEY, JACK MILLER REI 124325 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001481664-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711109 289998 CAUSBY, E RAY PO BOX 596 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 25.15 1/6/2012 3.39 0001481664-20112011-0000-00-REG CAUSBY, E RAY REI 124886 0 SL 362 Adjustment 25.15 0001481664-20122012-0000-00-REG 01711109 290781 CAUSBY, E RAY PO BOX 596 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 23.73 1/8/2013 2.00 0001481664-20122012-0000-00-REG CAUSBY, E RAY REI 125669 0 SL 362 Adjustment 23.73 0001481664-20132013-0000-00-REG 01711109 291223 CAUSBY, E RAY PO BOX 596 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 23.73 1/7/2014 0.82 0001481664-20132013-0000-00-REG CAUSBY, E RAY REI 126111 0 SL 362 Adjustment 23.73 0001456259-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907844 289390 CAVENDISH, SCOTT 7611 GARNKIRK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001456259-20112011-0000-00-REG CAVENDISH, SCOTT REI 124278 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001470979-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505116 289913 CHAMPION, PHILIP THOMAS JR 13421 GLENWYCK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001470979-20112011-0000-00-REG CHAMPION, PHILIP THOMAS JR REI 124801 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001461992-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931555 289613 CHANDLER, JASON R 15725 SEAFIELD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001461992-20112011-0000-00-REG CHANDLER, JASON R REI 124501 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.29 0001481536-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710118 289984 CHEEK, WILLIAM M 404 DALLAS ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001481536-20112011-0000-00-REG CHEEK, WILLIAM M REI 124872 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.37 0002616720-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934135 290588 CHHAY, ANNIE B 14132 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 69.50 1/8/2013 5.86 0002616720-20122012-0000-00-REG CHHAY, ANNIE B REI 125476 0 SL 362 Adjustment 69.5 0001462889-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934530 289679 CHILDERS, JASON T 14616 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.39 1/6/2012 5.44 0001462889-20112011-0000-00-REG CHILDERS, JASON T REI 124567 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.39 0001462889-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934530 290646 CHILDERS, JASON T 14616 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.98 1/8/2013 3.29 0001462889-20122012-0000-00-REG CHILDERS, JASON T REI 125534 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.98 0001462889-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934530 291085 CHILDERS, JASON T 14616 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.98 1/7/2014 1.35 0001462889-20132013-0000-00-REG CHILDERS, JASON T REI 125973 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.98 0001468505-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306224 289835 CHILDS, DAVID A 13232 KENNERLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.68 1/6/2012 0.50 0001468505-20112011-0000-00-REG CHILDS, DAVID A REI 124723 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.68 0001481458-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709303 289973 CHRISTIAN, RICHARD 103 VIRGINIA AVE HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 J NC 28078 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001481458-20112011-0000-00-REG CHRISTIAN, RICHARD REI J 124861 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001457390-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915256 289421 CHUNG, DANNY C 7628 DINNISTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001457390-20112011-0000-00-REG CHUNG, DANNY C REI 124309 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001458002-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915926 289492 CIANCHETTI, DOMENICO 15682 BIRKDALE COMMONS PY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458002-20112011-0000-00-REG CIANCHETTI , DOMENICO REI 124380 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001468581-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306306 289854 CIPRIANI, KEITH A 6715 E DOUGLAS PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 12.43 1/6/2012 1.68 0001468581-20112011-0000-00-REG CIPRIANI, KEITH A REI 124742 0 SL 362 Adjustment 12.43 0001462880-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934527 289676 CLARK, JAMES M 14628 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 86.73 1/6/2012 11.69 0001462880-20112011-0000-00-REG CLARK, JAMES M REI 124564 0 SL 362 Adjustment 86.73 0001462880-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934527 290643 CLARK, JAMES M 14628 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 82.49 1/8/2013 6.96 0001462880-20122012-0000-00-REG CLARK, JAMES M REI 125531 0 SL 362 Adjustment 82.49 0001462880-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934527 291082 CLARK, JAMES M 14628 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 82.49 1/7/2014 2.85 0001462880-20132013-0000-00-REG CLARK, JAMES M REI 125970 0 SL 362 Adjustment 82.49 0001491330-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946119 290041 CLARK, JOSEPH K 11106 HARBERT RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001491330-20112011-0000-00-REG CLARK, JOSEPH K REI 124929 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001463138-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934629 289731 CLEVELAND, TIMOTHY W 15717 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 65.54 1/6/2012 8.83 0001463138-20112011-0000-00-REG CLEVELAND, TIMOTHY W REI 124619 0 SL 362 Adjustment 65.54 0001463138-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934629 290706 CLEVELAND, TIMOTHY W 15717 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.12 1/8/2013 5.41 0001463138-20122012-0000-00-REG CLEVELAND, TIMOTHY W REI 125594 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.12 0001463138-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934629 291153 CLEVELAND, TIMOTHY W 15717 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.12 1/7/2014 2.21 0001463138-20132013-0000-00-REG CLEVELAND, TIMOTHY W REI 126041 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.12 0001471206-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505411 289942 CLINE, MARC C 13423 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001471206-20112011-0000-00-REG CLINE, MARC C REI 124830 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001457704-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915612 289435 COBB, THOMAS G 15312 MERLON CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001457704-20112011-0000-00-REG COBB, THOMAS G REI 124323 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001457123-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912224 289400 COEY, TIMOTHY F 9829 VIXEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001457123-20112011-0000-00-REG COEY, TIMOTHY F REI 124288 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 PAGE 6 of 40 0001481707-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711404 290008 COLEMAN, DANIEL EUGENE 302 OLD STATESVILLE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001481707-20112011-0000-00-REG COLEMAN, DANIEL EUGENE REI 124896 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001467636-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133622 289821 COLLINGE, CINDY D 14119 MAGNOLIA BEND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001467636-20112011-0000-00-REG COLLINGE, CINDY D REI 124709 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001458220-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917105 289502 CONNER, JOHN D 16433 GRAPPERHALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001458220-20112011-0000-00-REG CONNER, JOHN D REI 124390 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001463110-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934619 289724 CONSIDINE, TIMOTHY 16422 SPRUELL ST M HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.23 1/6/2012 9.06 0001463110-20112011-0000-00-REG CONSIDINE, TIMOTHY REI M 124612 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.23 0001463110-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934619 290698 CONSIDINE, TIMOTHY 16422 SPRUELL ST M HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 66.10 1/8/2013 5.58 0001463110-20122012-0000-00-REG CONSIDINE, TIMOTHY REI M 125586 0 SL 362 Adjustment 66.1 0001463110-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934619 291144 CONSIDINE, TIMOTHY 16422 SPRUELL ST M HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 66.10 1/7/2014 2.28 0001463110-20132013-0000-00-REG CONSIDINE, TIMOTHY REI M 126032 0 SL 362 Adjustment 66.1 0001457947-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915839 289483 COOKE, CAROL A 7413 GILDERSTERN GLEN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457947-20112011-0000-00-REG COOKE, CAROL A REI 124371 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001459978-20112011-0000-00-REG 00925269 289554 COONEY, PAUL J 14116 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001459978-20112011-0000-00-REG COONEY, PAUL J REI 124442 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 0001457362-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915235 289419 CORNELIUS, SONDRA 7708 FALGREN CT B HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001457362-20112011-0000-00-REG CORNELIUS, SONDRA REI B 124307 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001469159-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314121 289883 COSTINETT, KEVIN PATRICK 806 PARK RIDGE DR MT AIRY MD 6/21/2014 21771 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001469159-20112011-0000-00-REG COSTINETT, KEVIN PATRICK REI 124771 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001491316-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946109 290033 COTE, MATTHEW J 10019 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 22.32 1/6/2012 3.01 0001491316-20112011-0000-00-REG COTE, MATTHEW J REI 124921 0 SL 362 Adjustment 22.32 0001491316-20122012-0000-00-REG 01946109 290785 COTE, MATTHEW J 10019 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 18.36 1/8/2013 1.55 0001491316-20122012-0000-00-REG COTE, MATTHEW J REI 125673 0 SL 362 Adjustment 18.36 0001491316-20132013-0000-00-REG 01946109 291228 COTE, MATTHEW J 10019 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 18.36 1/7/2014 0.63 0001491316-20132013-0000-00-REG COTE, MATTHEW J REI 126116 0 SL 362 Adjustment 18.36 0001462925-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934543 289689 COTNEY, KAY 15907 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.44 1/6/2012 6.66 0001462925-20112011-0000-00-REG COTNEY , KAY REI 124577 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.44 0001462925-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934543 290659 COTNEY, KAY 15907 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.33 1/8/2013 3.91 0001462925-20122012-0000-00-REG COTNEY , KAY REI 125547 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.33 0001462925-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934543 291098 COTNEY, KAY 15907 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.33 1/7/2014 1.60 0001462925-20132013-0000-00-REG COTNEY , KAY REI 125986 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.33 0001457789-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915711 289449 COTTRELL, JASON G. 1111 OAK STREET WEST PALM BEACH FL 33405 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457789-20112011-0000-00-REG COTTRELL, JASON G. REI 124337 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001457576-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915510 289429 COWAN, KERA L 8408 BRIDGESTONE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001457576-20112011-0000-00-REG COWAN, KERA L REI 124317 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001468521-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306231 289839 COWN, CARLA A 6607 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001468521-20112011-0000-00-REG COWN, CARLA A REI 124727 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001462234-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934174 289637 CRAFT, KENNETH F III 14312 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 59.04 1/6/2012 7.96 0001462234-20112011-0000-00-REG CRAFT, KENNETH F III REI 124525 0 SL 362 Adjustment 59.04 0001462234-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934174 290602 CRAFT, KENNETH F III 14312 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 59.04 1/8/2013 4.98 0001462234-20122012-0000-00-REG CRAFT, KENNETH F III REI 125490 0 SL 362 Adjustment 59.04 0001462234-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934174 291035 CRAFT, KENNETH F III 14312 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 59.04 1/7/2014 2.04 0001462234-20132013-0000-00-REG CRAFT, KENNETH F III REI 125923 0 SL 362 Adjustment 59.04 0001464875-20112011-0000-00-REG 01104438 289783 CRANE, NANCY 13204 WILLOW BREEZE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001464875-20112011-0000-00-REG CRANE , NANCY REI 124671 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001471200-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505408 289941 CROSS, NORMA F 13411 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001471200-20112011-0000-00-REG CROSS, NORMA F REI 124829 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001469233-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314302 289898 CROSS, PAUL R. 1369 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001469233-20112011-0000-00-REG CROSS, PAUL R. REI 124786 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001491523-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946431 290069 CRUICKSHANK, FREDERICK A 11304 WARFIELD AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001491523-20112011-0000-00-REG CRUICKSHANK, FREDERICK A REI 124957 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001466491-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120456 289810 CRUM, LOY LEE 12235 ILSE HELENE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001466491-20112011-0000-00-REG CRUM, LOY LEE REI 124698 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.24 PAGE 7 of 40 0001458032-20112011-0000-00-REG 00916121 289494 CRUMP, THERON R 16531 KIMBOLTEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458032-20112011-0000-00-REG CRUMP, THERON R REI 124382 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 0001481780-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711806 290016 CUMMINGS, ARTHUR J JR 210 GREENWAY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001481780-20112011-0000-00-REG CUMMINGS, ARTHUR J JR REI 124904 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001481798-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711902 290020 CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT M 203 WATKINS ST HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001481798-20112011-0000-00-REG CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT M REI 124908 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001463209-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934655 289745 CURLEY, KRISTINE E 16517 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 43.22 1/6/2012 5.83 0001463209-20112011-0000-00-REG CURLEY, KRISTINE E REI 124633 0 SL 362 Adjustment 43.22 0001463209-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934655 290722 CURLEY, KRISTINE E 16517 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.96 1/8/2013 3.46 0001463209-20122012-0000-00-REG CURLEY, KRISTINE E REI 125610 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.96 0001463209-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934655 291173 CURLEY, KRISTINE E 16517 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.96 1/7/2014 1.41 0001463209-20132013-0000-00-REG CURLEY, KRISTINE E REI 126061 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.96 0001462958-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934554 289696 CUTSHAW, MELINDA M 16706 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 55.08 1/6/2012 7.42 0001462958-20112011-0000-00-REG CUTSHAW, MELINDA M REI 124584 0 SL 362 Adjustment 55.08 0001462958-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934554 290666 CUTSHAW, MELINDA M 16706 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 53.95 1/8/2013 4.55 0001462958-20122012-0000-00-REG CUTSHAW, MELINDA M REI 125554 0 SL 362 Adjustment 53.95 0001462958-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934554 291106 CUTSHAW, MELINDA M 16706 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 53.95 1/7/2014 1.86 0001462958-20132013-0000-00-REG CUTSHAW, MELINDA M REI 125994 0 SL 362 Adjustment 53.95 0001463009-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934574 289706 CZIMER, MARY K 15502 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 50.57 1/6/2012 6.82 0001463009-20112011-0000-00-REG CZIMER, MARY K REI 124594 0 SL 362 Adjustment 50.57 0001463009-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934574 290677 CZIMER, MARY K 15502 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.74 1/8/2013 4.03 0001463009-20122012-0000-00-REG CZIMER, MARY K REI 125565 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.74 0001463009-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934574 291121 CZIMER, MARY K 15502 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.74 1/7/2014 1.65 0001463009-20132013-0000-00-REG CZIMER, MARY K REI 126009 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.74 0001463251-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934676 289755 DAHLEM, PAMELA 16409 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.46 1/6/2012 6.40 0001463251-20112011-0000-00-REG DAHLEM , PAMELA REI 124643 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.46 0001463251-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934676 290733 DAHLEM, PAMELA 16409 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 45.48 1/8/2013 3.84 0001463251-20122012-0000-00-REG DAHLEM , PAMELA REI 125621 0 SL 362 Adjustment 45.48 0001463251-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934676 291186 DAHLEM, PAMELA 16409 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 45.48 1/7/2014 1.57 0001463251-20132013-0000-00-REG DAHLEM , PAMELA REI 126074 0 SL 362 Adjustment 45.48 0001457765-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915647 289444 DAIGNEAULT, DENIS 8220 BALLYMORE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001457765-20112011-0000-00-REG DAIGNEAULT, DENIS REI 124332 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001460327-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926241 289583 DALGLEISH, EDWARD 8921 GLADE CT HUNTERSVILLE J NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001460327-20112011-0000-00-REG DALGLEISH, EDWARD REI J 124471 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001471119-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505208 289920 DAPORE, JOSEPH A 13622 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001471119-20112011-0000-00-REG DAPORE, JOSEPH A REI 124808 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001466510-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120463 289814 DAVANI, ARYAN 12508 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001466510-20112011-0000-00-REG DAVANI , ARYAN REI 124702 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001468590-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306309 289857 DAVIS, ANDREW D 6727 EAST DOUGLAS PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001468590-20112011-0000-00-REG DAVIS, ANDREW D REI 124745 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001467684-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133640 289830 DAVIS, DONALD B 14023 CEDAR POND CIR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001467684-20112011-0000-00-REG DAVIS, DONALD B REI 124718 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 0001459698-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924225 289547 DAVIS, KENT P 9900 DUANE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001459698-20112011-0000-00-REG DAVIS, KENT P REI 124435 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001471199-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505407 289940 DAVIS, RYAN E 13405 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001471199-20112011-0000-00-REG DAVIS, RYAN E REI 124828 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001455623-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907423 289371 DAY, RICHARD W. 179 HILLSIDE DR ABINGDON VA 24210 6/21/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001455623-20112011-0000-00-REG DAY, RICHARD W. REI 124259 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.37 0001455623-20122012-0000-00-REG 00907423 290558 DAY, RICHARD W. 179 HILLSIDE DR ABINGDON VA 24210 6/21/2014 5.37 1/8/2013 0.45 0001455623-20122012-0000-00-REG DAY, RICHARD W. REI 125446 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.37 0001455623-20132013-0000-00-REG 00907423 290994 DAY, RICHARD W. 179 HILLSIDE DR ABINGDON VA 24210 6/21/2014 5.37 1/7/2014 0.19 0001455623-20132013-0000-00-REG DAY, RICHARD W. REI 125882 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.37 0001469251-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314312 289906 DEAL, ANDY 13815 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001469251-20112011-0000-00-REG DEAL, ANDY REI 124794 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 PAGE 8 of 40 0001458313-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917174 289528 DEARING, TERRY W 8315 QUEENSWAY PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001458313-20112011-0000-00-REG DEARING, TERRY W REI 124416 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001459730-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924315 289548 DEATON, DENNIS A., JR 9724 NORTHDOWNS LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001459730-20112011-0000-00-REG DEATON, DENNIS A., JR REI 124436 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001464177-20112011-0000-00-REG 00942315 289773 DEBOER, RICHARD 9502 RICKSTED DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 37.29 1/6/2012 5.03 0001464177-20112011-0000-00-REG DEBOER , RICHARD REI 124661 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.29 0001464177-20122012-0000-00-REG 00942315 290747 DEBOER, RICHARD 9502 RICKSTED DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 37.29 1/8/2013 3.15 0001464177-20122012-0000-00-REG DEBOER, RICHARD REI 125635 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.29 0001464177-20132013-0000-00-REG 00942315 291205 DEBOER, RICHARD 9502 RICKSTED DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 37.29 1/7/2014 1.29 0001464177-20132013-0000-00-REG DEBOER , RICHARD REI 126093 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.29 0001461994-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931556 289614 DECUSATI, MELINDA 15731 SEAFIELD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001461994-20112011-0000-00-REG DECUSATI , MELINDA REI 124502 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001481459-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709304 289974 DELLINGER, FRED JIMMIE PO BOX 256 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001481459-20112011-0000-00-REG DELLINGER, FRED JIMMIE REI 124862 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001458239-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917118 289507 DELLINGER, THOMAS 16636 GRAPPERHALL DR A HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001458239-20112011-0000-00-REG DELLINGER, THOMAS REI A 124395 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001464013-20112011-0000-00-REG 00940121 289772 DESAI, HINA N 3705 HALCYON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001464013-20112011-0000-00-REG DESAI, HINA N REI 124660 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001461706-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931361 289598 DESROCHER, KAREN 15032 ALMONDELL DR L HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001461706-20112011-0000-00-REG DESROCHER, KAREN REI L 124486 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.29 0001481557-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710208 289989 DICKINSON, KATHERINE DAVIS PO BOX 1292 HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/21/2014 28070 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001481557-20112011-0000-00-REG DICKINSON, KATHERINE DAVIS REI 124877 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001481571-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710403 289991 DIERKS, MARK M 625 HOLBROOK ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001481571-20112011-0000-00-REG DIERKS, MARK M REI 124879 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.37 0001461799-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931406 289605 DILL, ANDREW 14632 HILLMOOR LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001461799-20112011-0000-00-REG DILL, ANDREW REI 124493 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001468673-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306503 289878 DOBBS, GUY JR 7300 WOODCOCK TRL STANLEY NC 28164 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001468673-20112011-0000-00-REG DOBBS, GUY JR REI 124766 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001469240-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314306 289902 DOLPHIN, PAMELA M 13725 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001469240-20112011-0000-00-REG DOLPHIN, PAMELA M REI 124790 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001460321-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926237 289581 DONNELLY, GERARD R 8825 GLADE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001460321-20112011-0000-00-REG DONNELLY, GERARD R REI 124469 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.83 0001466493-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120457 289811 DONOHUE, JENNIE 12534 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001466493-20112011-0000-00-REG DONOHUE, JENNIE REI 124699 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001462804-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934504 289658 DORR, KELLI N. 14029 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 61.30 1/6/2012 8.26 0001462804-20112011-0000-00-REG DORR, KELLI N. REI 124546 0 SL 362 Adjustment 61.3 0001462804-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934504 290625 DORR, KELLI N. 14029 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 59.89 1/8/2013 5.05 0001462804-20122012-0000-00-REG DORR, KELLI N. REI 125513 0 SL 362 Adjustment 59.89 0001462804-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934504 291062 DORR, KELLI N. 14029 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 59.89 1/7/2014 2.07 0001462804-20132013-0000-00-REG DORR, KELLI N. REI 125950 0 SL 362 Adjustment 59.89 0001455619-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907421 289370 DOTY, JOHN II 16123 CHILTERN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001455619-20112011-0000-00-REG DOTY, JOHN II REI 124258 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001481532-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710115 289983 DRAKE, THOMAS J 502 DALLAS ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001481532-20112011-0000-00-REG DRAKE, THOMAS J REI 124871 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001460300-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926226 289578 DRENNEN, MATTHEW 8918 PRISTINE CT HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001460300-20112011-0000-00-REG DRENNEN , MATTHEW REI 124466 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.95 0001492854-20112011-0000-00-REG 02114518 290074 DRYE, TOM R 13056 LONG COMMON PKY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001492854-20112011-0000-00-REG DRYE, TOM R REI 124962 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.29 0001462215-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934114 289619 DUCH, MICHAEL K 16212 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 78.26 1/6/2012 10.55 0001462215-20112011-0000-00-REG DUCH, MICHAEL K REI 124507 0 SL 362 Adjustment 78.26 0001462215-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934114 290579 DUCH, MICHAEL K 16212 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 78.26 1/8/2013 6.60 0001462215-20122012-0000-00-REG DUCH, MICHAEL K REI 125467 0 SL 362 Adjustment 78.26 0001462215-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934114 291019 DUCH, MICHAEL K 16212 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 78.26 1/7/2014 2.70 0001462215-20132013-0000-00-REG DUCH, MICHAEL K REI 125907 0 SL 362 Adjustment 78.26 PAGE 9 of 40 0001457944-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915837 289481 DUNBAR, TIMOTHY 0001463322-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934730 289763 0001469276-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314406 0001457534-20112011-0000-00-REG 7420 GILDERSTERN GLEN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457944-20112011-0000-00-REG DUNBAR, TIMOTHY REI 124369 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 DUNCAN, CATHERINE 14533 HOLY SPRINGS DR MYERS HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001463322-20112011-0000-00-REG DUNCAN, CATHERINE REI MYERS 124651 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 289912 DUNCAN, DANIEL J 15812 ROBINS WY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28087 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001469276-20112011-0000-00-REG DUNCAN, DANIEL J REI 124800 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 00915369 289426 DUNN, MAURICE 15679 KNOLL OAK CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001457534-20112011-0000-00-REG DUNN, MAURICE REI 124314 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001457205-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912405 289408 ECHSTENKAMPER, KARL A 16620 GREENFARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 8.19 1/6/2012 1.10 0001457205-20112011-0000-00-REG ECHSTENKAMPER, KARL A REI 124296 0 SL 362 Adjustment 8.19 0001457699-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915609 289434 ECKENRODE, LORI 15309 MERLON CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001457699-20112011-0000-00-REG ECKENRODE , LORI REI 124322 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0002616863-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707258 290754 ECKERT, ANDREW 11626 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 24.01 1/8/2013 2.03 0002616863-20122012-0000-00-REG ECKERT, ANDREW REI 125642 0 SL 362 Adjustment 24.01 0001460341-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926250 289584 EDWARDS, DANIEL P 8906 GLADE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001460341-20112011-0000-00-REG EDWARDS, DANIEL P REI 124472 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001491496-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946363 290064 EDWARDS, MELVILYN 10826 DRAKE HILL DR S HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001491496-20112011-0000-00-REG EDWARDS, MELVILYN REI S 124952 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001458249-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917126 289509 EFIRD, ROBERT H 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001458249-20112011-0000-00-REG EFIRD, ROBERT H REI 124397 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001457807-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915721 289453 EGGLETON, STEPHEN 878 W RIVER RUN ASHEBORO NC 6/21/2014 S 27205 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001457807-20112011-0000-00-REG EGGLETON, STEPHEN REI S 124341 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001457864-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915771 289466 EHRET, MICHAEL T 15202 NORMAN VIEW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001457864-20112011-0000-00-REG EHRET, MICHAEL T REI 124354 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001464765-20112011-0000-00-REG 01104151 289777 EHRSAM, JOHN 12719 WILLOW GROVE WAY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001464765-20112011-0000-00-REG EHRSAM , JOHN REI 124665 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001468576-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306304 289853 ELDER, CYNTHIA E 6705 E DOUGLAS PARK DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001468576-20112011-0000-00-REG ELDER, CYNTHIA E REI 124741 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001462238-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934178 289639 ELLER, ERIK 14410 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.87 1/6/2012 6.59 0001462238-20112011-0000-00-REG ELLER, ERIK REI 124527 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.87 0001462238-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934178 290605 ELLER, ERIK 14410 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.90 1/8/2013 3.96 0001462238-20122012-0000-00-REG ELLER, ERIK REI 125493 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.9 0001462238-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934178 291038 ELLER, ERIK 14410 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.90 1/7/2014 1.62 0001462238-20132013-0000-00-REG ELLER, ERIK REI 125926 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.9 0001469204-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314204 289888 EMERTON, BRENDA MICHELLE 15819 ROBINS WAY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001469204-20112011-0000-00-REG EMERTON, BRENDA MICHELLE REI 124776 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001458288-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917160 289521 ENGEL, JOHN 16614 BEECH HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 19.21 1/6/2012 2.59 0001458288-20112011-0000-00-REG ENGEL , JOHN REI 124409 0 SL 362 Adjustment 19.21 0001458288-20122012-0000-00-REG 00917160 290570 ENGEL, JOHN 16614 BEECH HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 19.21 1/8/2013 1.62 0001458288-20122012-0000-00-REG ENGEL , JOHN REI 125458 0 SL 362 Adjustment 19.21 0001458288-20132013-0000-00-REG 00917160 291008 ENGEL, JOHN 16614 BEECH HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 19.21 1/7/2014 0.66 0001458288-20132013-0000-00-REG ENGEL , JOHN REI 125896 0 SL 362 Adjustment 19.21 0001466416-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120426 289794 FAIRCHILD, KAREN E 12613 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001466416-20112011-0000-00-REG FAIRCHILD, KAREN E REI 124682 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001463119-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934622 289726 FAIRES, MARY E 15836 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.73 1/6/2012 8.19 0001463119-20112011-0000-00-REG FAIRES, MARY E REI 124614 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.73 0001463119-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934622 290700 FAIRES, MARY E 15836 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.17 1/8/2013 5.08 0001463119-20122012-0000-00-REG FAIRES, MARY E REI 125588 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.17 0001463119-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934622 291146 FAIRES, MARY E 15836 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.17 1/7/2014 2.08 0001463119-20132013-0000-00-REG FAIRES, MARY E REI 126034 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.17 0001458257-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917133 289513 FAIRLEY, STEPHEN P 8212 CHANDOS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 23.45 1/6/2012 3.16 0001458257-20112011-0000-00-REG FAIRLEY, STEPHEN P REI 124401 0 SL 362 Adjustment 23.45 0001458257-20122012-0000-00-REG 00917133 290567 FAIRLEY, STEPHEN P 8212 CHANDOS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 23.45 1/8/2013 1.98 0001458257-20122012-0000-00-REG FAIRLEY, STEPHEN P REI 125455 0 SL 362 Adjustment 23.45 16510 GRAPPERHALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 PAGE 10 of 40 0001458257-20132013-0000-00-REG 00917133 291005 FAIRLEY, STEPHEN P 8212 CHANDOS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 23.45 1/7/2014 0.81 0001458257-20132013-0000-00-REG FAIRLEY, STEPHEN P REI 125893 0 SL 362 Adjustment 23.45 0001457408-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915266 289422 FALANK, KEVIN 15435 BRITLEY RIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001457408-20112011-0000-00-REG FALANK , KEVIN REI 124310 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001463153-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934633 289734 FALES, AMY 14534 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 94.92 1/6/2012 12.79 0001463153-20112011-0000-00-REG FALES , AMY REI 124622 0 SL 362 Adjustment 94.92 0001463153-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934633 290709 FALES, AMY 14534 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 92.94 1/8/2013 7.84 0001463153-20122012-0000-00-REG FALES , AMY REI 125597 0 SL 362 Adjustment 92.94 0001463153-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934633 291156 FALES, AMY 14534 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 92.94 1/7/2014 3.21 0001463153-20132013-0000-00-REG FALES , AMY REI 126044 0 SL 362 Adjustment 92.94 0001462224-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934165 289634 FAZAL, NAEEM J 16225 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 66.11 1/6/2012 8.91 0001462224-20112011-0000-00-REG FAZAL, NAEEM J REI 124522 0 SL 362 Adjustment 66.11 0001462224-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934165 290598 FAZAL, NAEEM J 16225 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.98 1/8/2013 5.48 0001462224-20122012-0000-00-REG FAZAL, NAEEM J REI 125486 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.98 0001462224-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934165 291032 FAZAL, NAEEM J 16225 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.98 1/7/2014 2.24 0001462224-20132013-0000-00-REG FAZAL, NAEEM J REI 125920 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.98 0001481488-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709404 289980 FERGUSON, THOMAS 401 HILLCREST DR JOSEPH HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001481488-20112011-0000-00-REG FERGUSON, THOMAS REI JOSEPH 124868 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0002616905-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707387 290769 FERRARI, EDUARDO 12909 HEATH GROVE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 34.18 1/8/2013 2.88 0002616905-20122012-0000-00-REG FERRARI, EDUARDO REI 125657 0 SL 362 Adjustment 34.18 0001462460-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934348 289654 FESPERMAN, GEORGIA LAVERNE 15206 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.41 1/6/2012 8.68 0001462460-20112011-0000-00-REG FESPERMAN, GEORGIA LAVERNE REI 124542 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.41 0001462460-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934348 290621 FESPERMAN, GEORGIA LAVERNE 15206 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.41 1/8/2013 5.44 0001462460-20122012-0000-00-REG FESPERMAN, GEORGIA LAVERNE REI 125509 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.41 0001462460-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934348 291058 FESPERMAN, GEORGIA LAVERNE 15206 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.41 1/7/2014 2.22 0001462460-20132013-0000-00-REG FESPERMAN, GEORGIA LAVERNE REI 125946 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.41 0001467687-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133641 289831 FIEGL, LINDA K. 14029 CEDAR POND CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.08 1/6/2012 0.68 0001467687-20112011-0000-00-REG FIEGL, LINDA K. REI 124719 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.08 0001462214-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934113 289618 FIEHLER, BRADLEY MICHAEL 16216 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 75.14 1/6/2012 10.13 0001462214-20112011-0000-00-REG FIEHLER, BRADLEY MICHAEL REI 124506 0 SL 362 Adjustment 75.14 0001462214-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934113 290578 FIEHLER, BRADLEY MICHAEL 16216 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 74.58 1/8/2013 6.29 0001462214-20122012-0000-00-REG FIEHLER, BRADLEY MICHAEL REI 125466 0 SL 362 Adjustment 74.58 0001462214-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934113 291018 FIEHLER, BRADLEY MICHAEL 16216 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 74.58 1/7/2014 2.57 0001462214-20132013-0000-00-REG FIEHLER, BRADLEY MICHAEL REI 125906 0 SL 362 Adjustment 74.58 0001463103-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934617 289722 FIELD, CHRISTOPHER 16430 SPRUELL ST M HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 71.76 1/6/2012 9.67 0001463103-20112011-0000-00-REG FIELD, CHRISTOPHER REI M 124610 0 SL 362 Adjustment 71.76 0001463103-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934617 290696 FIELD, CHRISTOPHER 16430 SPRUELL ST M HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 70.34 1/8/2013 5.94 0001463103-20122012-0000-00-REG FIELD, CHRISTOPHER REI M 125584 0 SL 362 Adjustment 70.34 0001463103-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934617 291142 FIELD, CHRISTOPHER 16430 SPRUELL ST M HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 70.34 1/7/2014 2.43 0001463103-20132013-0000-00-REG FIELD, CHRISTOPHER REI M 126030 0 SL 362 Adjustment 70.34 0001455851-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907613 289381 FITZPATRICK, WILLIAM R 14015 HARVINGTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 7.62 1/6/2012 1.03 0001455851-20112011-0000-00-REG FITZPATRICK, WILLIAM R REI 124269 0 SL 362 Adjustment 7.62 0001455851-20122012-0000-00-REG 00907613 290559 FITZPATRICK, WILLIAM R 14015 HARVINGTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.95 1/8/2013 0.33 0001455851-20122012-0000-00-REG FITZPATRICK, WILLIAM R REI 125447 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.95 0001466420-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120428 289796 FITZSIMONS, JOHN C 12621 TWELVE TREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001466420-20112011-0000-00-REG FITZSIMONS, JOHN C REI 124684 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001471157-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505301 289929 FOGLEMAN, JEANELL 13503 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.60 2/15/2012 0.34 0001471157-20112011-0000-00-REG FOGLEMAN , JEANELL REI 124817 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001491397-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946211 290049 FOGLESONG, ANA M 10020 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001491397-20112011-0000-00-REG FOGLESONG, ANA M REI 124937 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001462226-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934167 289635 FORNGES, DALE R 14340 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001462226-20112011-0000-00-REG FORNGES, DALE R REI 124523 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001461365-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931121 289588 FOSHEE, BRYAN J 15344 HUGH MCAULAY RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001461365-20112011-0000-00-REG FOSHEE, BRYAN J REI 124476 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 PAGE 11 of 40 0001468591-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306310 289858 FOSTER, JASON W 6731 EAST DOUGLAS PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001468591-20112011-0000-00-REG FOSTER, JASON W REI 124746 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001491393-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946209 290048 FOWLER, CLAY 10102 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 58.48 1/6/2012 7.88 0001491393-20112011-0000-00-REG FOWLER , CLAY REI 124936 0 SL 362 Adjustment 58.48 0001491393-20122012-0000-00-REG 01946209 290787 FOWLER, CLAY 10102 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 56.50 1/8/2013 4.77 0001491393-20122012-0000-00-REG FOWLER , CLAY REI 125675 0 SL 362 Adjustment 56.5 0001491393-20132013-0000-00-REG 01946209 291230 FOWLER, CLAY 10102 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 56.50 1/7/2014 1.95 0001491393-20132013-0000-00-REG FOWLER , CLAY REI 126118 0 SL 362 Adjustment 56.5 0001461882-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931503 289607 FOX, THOMAS 15611 CHIPPING DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001461882-20112011-0000-00-REG FOX , THOMAS REI 124495 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001468627-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306330 289866 FRANCIS, JOHN R 6640 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001468627-20112011-0000-00-REG FRANCIS, JOHN R REI 124754 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 0001466439-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120436 289799 FREEMAN-WRIGHT, MARIAN 12228 ILSE HELENE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28269 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001466439-20112011-0000-00-REG FREEMAN-WRIGHT , MARIAN REI 124687 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001458247-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917124 289508 FRIDAY, ARTHUR F JR 16600 GRAPPERHALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458247-20112011-0000-00-REG FRIDAY, ARTHUR F JR REI 124396 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001457940-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915833 289477 FURLONG, P RYAN 7404 GILDERSTERN GLEN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001457940-20112011-0000-00-REG FURLONG, P RYAN REI 124365 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001458303-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917167 289526 GALVIN, STEPHEN P 8308 BELLINGTON CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.29 2/8/2012 0.04 0001458303-20112011-0000-00-REG GALVIN, STEPHEN P REI 124414 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001466391-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120414 289787 GAMBLIN, ANNIE R 12431 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001466391-20112011-0000-00-REG GAMBLIN, ANNIE R REI 124675 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001468584-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306307 289855 GANDEE, JAN E 6719 EAST DOUGLAS PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001468584-20112011-0000-00-REG GANDEE, JAN E REI 124743 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001469236-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314304 289900 GANT, EMILY M 13713 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001469236-20112011-0000-00-REG GANT, EMILY M REI 124788 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001468667-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306409 289876 GARRETT, TIMOTHY C 6536 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001468667-20112011-0000-00-REG GARRETT, TIMOTHY C REI 124764 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.97 0001458287-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917159 289520 GAVER, NORMAN L 16615 BEECH HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 31.64 1/6/2012 4.26 0001458287-20112011-0000-00-REG GAVER, NORMAN L REI 124408 0 SL 362 Adjustment 31.64 0001458287-20122012-0000-00-REG 00917159 290569 GAVER, NORMAN L 16615 BEECH HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 26.27 1/8/2013 2.22 0001458287-20122012-0000-00-REG GAVER, NORMAN L REI 125457 0 SL 362 Adjustment 26.27 0001458287-20132013-0000-00-REG 00917159 291007 GAVER, NORMAN L 16615 BEECH HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 26.27 1/7/2014 0.91 0001458287-20132013-0000-00-REG GAVER, NORMAN L REI 125895 0 SL 362 Adjustment 26.27 0001471124-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505211 289923 GAYLE, ANDREA R 13608 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001471124-20112011-0000-00-REG GAYLE, ANDREA R REI 124811 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001471111-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505204 289919 GAZZAWAY, LARRY D 13611 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001471111-20112011-0000-00-REG GAZZAWAY, LARRY D REI 124807 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001462827-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934511 289664 GEBBIA, MONIQUE R 71 CRANBERRY CR MEDFORD NY 6/21/2014 11763 39.83 1/6/2012 5.37 0001462827-20112011-0000-00-REG GEBBIA, MONIQUE R REI 124552 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.83 0001462827-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934511 290631 GEBBIA, MONIQUE R 71 CRANBERRY CR MEDFORD NY 6/21/2014 11763 39.19 1/8/2013 3.31 0001462827-20122012-0000-00-REG GEBBIA, MONIQUE R REI 125519 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.42 0001462827-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934511 291069 GEBBIA, MONIQUE R 71 CRANBERRY CR MEDFORD NY 6/21/2014 11763 39.19 1/9/2014 1.34 0001462827-20132013-0000-00-REG GEBBIA, MONIQUE R REI 125957 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.42 0001458050-20112011-0000-00-REG 00916134 289497 GEDNEY, BRYAN 16444 KIMBOLTEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001458050-20112011-0000-00-REG GEDNEY , BRYAN REI 124385 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001481444-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709206 289967 GEDNEY, BRYAN H 402 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 43.22 1/6/2012 5.83 0001481444-20112011-0000-00-REG GEDNEY, BRYAN H REI 124855 0 SL 362 Adjustment 43.22 0001481444-20122012-0000-00-REG 01709206 290775 GEDNEY, BRYAN H 402 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.11 1/8/2013 3.38 0001481444-20122012-0000-00-REG GEDNEY, BRYAN H REI 125663 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.11 0001481444-20132013-0000-00-REG 01709206 291216 GEDNEY, BRYAN H 402 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.11 1/7/2014 1.38 0001481444-20132013-0000-00-REG GEDNEY, BRYAN H REI 126104 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.11 0001457869-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915773 289467 GERA, SUMAN P 17716 SPRINGWINDS DR CORNELIUS NC 28031 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001457869-20112011-0000-00-REG GERA, SUMAN P REI 124355 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 PAGE 12 of 40 0001481569-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710401 289990 GIBSON, MARESA A 204 PINEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001481569-20112011-0000-00-REG GIBSON, MARESA A REI 124878 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001463313-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934726 289761 GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER B 14517 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.81 1/6/2012 5.64 0001463313-20112011-0000-00-REG GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER B REI 124649 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.81 0001463313-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934726 290741 GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER B 14517 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.25 1/8/2013 3.48 0001463313-20122012-0000-00-REG GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER B REI 125629 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.25 0001463313-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934726 291194 GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER B 14517 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.25 1/7/2014 1.42 0001463313-20132013-0000-00-REG GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER B REI 126082 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.25 0001460002-20112011-0000-00-REG 00925277 289557 GILMAN, BENJAMIN C. 14022 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001460002-20112011-0000-00-REG GILMAN, BENJAMIN C. REI 124445 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001471142-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505220 289926 GILPATRICK, WILLIAM 13502 GLENCREEK LN L HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001471142-20112011-0000-00-REG GILPATRICK, WILLIAM REI L 124814 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001460014-20112011-0000-00-REG 00925281 289561 GIORDANO, ALYSSA 14006 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 53.96 1/6/2012 7.27 0001460014-20112011-0000-00-REG GIORDANO, ALYSSA REI 124449 0 SL 362 Adjustment 53.96 0001460014-20122012-0000-00-REG 00925281 290574 GIORDANO, ALYSSA 14006 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.98 1/8/2013 4.39 0001460014-20122012-0000-00-REG GIORDANO, ALYSSA REI 125462 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.98 0001460014-20132013-0000-00-REG 00925281 291012 GIORDANO, ALYSSA 14006 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.98 1/7/2014 1.79 0001460014-20132013-0000-00-REG GIORDANO, ALYSSA REI 125900 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.98 0001461663-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931344 289597 GLAZE, JOE 14908 CARBERT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001461663-20112011-0000-00-REG GLAZE , JOE REI 124485 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001463090-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934611 289720 GONDA, THOMAS M JR 15624 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 65.54 1/6/2012 8.83 0001463090-20112011-0000-00-REG GONDA, THOMAS M JR REI 124608 0 SL 362 Adjustment 65.54 0001463090-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934611 290693 GONDA, THOMAS M JR 15624 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.12 1/8/2013 5.41 0001463090-20122012-0000-00-REG GONDA, THOMAS M JR REI 125581 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.12 0001463090-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934611 291139 GONDA, THOMAS M JR 15624 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.12 1/7/2014 2.21 0001463090-20132013-0000-00-REG GONDA, THOMAS M JR REI 126027 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.12 0001460308-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926230 289580 GONZALEZ, EDGAR M 8814 PRISTINE CT HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001460308-20112011-0000-00-REG GONZALEZ, EDGAR M REI 124468 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001458986-20112011-0000-00-REG 00921109 289530 GONZALEZ, JAVIER ZORRILLA 16508 GLENFIRNESS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458986-20112011-0000-00-REG GONZALEZ, JAVIER ZORRILLA REI 124418 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001458299-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917165 289525 GORDON, CHRISTOPHER S 8316 BELLINGHAM CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001458299-20112011-0000-00-REG GORDON, CHRISTOPHER S REI 124413 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001471165-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505306 289934 GORDON, TIMOTHY C 13535 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001471165-20112011-0000-00-REG GORDON, TIMOTHY C REI 124822 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001459618-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924141 289544 GRAHAM, DONALD J 9738 AEGEAN CT HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001459618-20112011-0000-00-REG GRAHAM, DONALD J REI 124432 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001459050-20112011-0000-00-REG 00921140 289537 GREGORIUS, BERNARD 8001 MAXWELTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.10 1/6/2012 0.42 0001459050-20112011-0000-00-REG GREGORIUS , BERNARD REI 124425 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.1 0001462310-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934308 289648 GREY, JONATHAN 13642 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 55.37 1/6/2012 7.46 0001462310-20112011-0000-00-REG GREY, JONATHAN REI 124536 0 SL 362 Adjustment 55.37 0001462310-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934308 290614 GREY, JONATHAN 13642 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 54.24 1/8/2013 4.58 0001462310-20122012-0000-00-REG GREY, JONATHAN REI 125502 0 SL 362 Adjustment 54.24 0001462310-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934308 291050 GREY, JONATHAN 13642 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 54.24 1/7/2014 1.87 0001462310-20132013-0000-00-REG GREY, JONATHAN REI 125938 0 SL 362 Adjustment 54.24 0001462897-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934533 289681 GRIBBLE, JEFFREY K 14604 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.46 1/6/2012 6.40 0001462897-20112011-0000-00-REG GRIBBLE, JEFFREY K REI 124569 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.46 0001462897-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934533 290649 GRIBBLE, JEFFREY K 14604 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.33 1/8/2013 3.91 0001462897-20122012-0000-00-REG GRIBBLE, JEFFREY K REI 125537 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.33 0001462897-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934533 291088 GRIBBLE, JEFFREY K 14604 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.33 1/7/2014 1.60 0001462897-20132013-0000-00-REG GRIBBLE, JEFFREY K REI 125976 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.33 0001463106-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934618 289723 GRIER, JAMES M 16426 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.73 1/6/2012 8.19 0001463106-20112011-0000-00-REG GRIER, JAMES M REI 124611 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.73 0001463106-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934618 290697 GRIER, JAMES M 16426 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.17 1/8/2013 5.08 0001463106-20122012-0000-00-REG GRIER, JAMES M REI 125585 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.17 PAGE 13 of 40 0001463106-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934618 291143 GRIER, JAMES M 16426 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.17 1/7/2014 2.08 0001463106-20132013-0000-00-REG GRIER, JAMES M REI 126031 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.17 0001469243-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314307 289903 GRIFFITHS, PETER 13729 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001469243-20112011-0000-00-REG GRIFFITHS , PETER REI 124791 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001462038-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931577 289616 GUEST, WAYNE W JR 15318 HUGH TORANCE PKWY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001462038-20112011-0000-00-REG GUEST, WAYNE W JR REI 124504 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001468631-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306332 289868 GUIN, SHERRY J 6632 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 7.91 1/6/2012 1.07 0001468631-20112011-0000-00-REG GUIN, SHERRY J REI 124756 0 SL 362 Adjustment 7.91 0001463088-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934610 289719 HAAS, WILLIAM B 15628 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 73.45 1/6/2012 9.90 0001463088-20112011-0000-00-REG HAAS, WILLIAM B REI 124607 0 SL 362 Adjustment 73.45 0001463088-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934610 290692 HAAS, WILLIAM B 15628 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 72.04 1/8/2013 6.08 0001463088-20122012-0000-00-REG HAAS, WILLIAM B REI 125580 0 SL 362 Adjustment 72.04 0001463088-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934610 291138 HAAS, WILLIAM B 15628 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 72.04 1/7/2014 2.49 0001463088-20132013-0000-00-REG HAAS, WILLIAM B REI 126026 0 SL 362 Adjustment 72.04 0001481676-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711203 290000 HAGER, WILLIAM EDWARD PO BOX 403 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001481676-20112011-0000-00-REG HAGER, WILLIAM EDWARD REI 124888 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001460153-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926112 289562 HAGUE, PATRICK S JR 8913 DEERLAND CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001460153-20112011-0000-00-REG HAGUE, PATRICK S JR REI 124450 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001468677-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306505 289880 HALL, MARCUS SAMUEL 13217 KENNERLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001468677-20112011-0000-00-REG HALL, MARCUS SAMUEL REI 124768 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001491324-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946116 290038 HAMELA, ROBERT J 11118 HARBERT RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 5.08 1/6/2012 0.68 0001491324-20112011-0000-00-REG HAMELA, ROBERT J REI 124926 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.08 0001458267-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917141 289517 HAMILTON, LEE I 8210 CORISTAR PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001458267-20112011-0000-00-REG HAMILTON, LEE I REI 124405 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0002616870-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707265 290760 HAMILTON, STEPHEN 11528 LOTTINGLY DR W HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 27.12 1/8/2013 2.29 0002616870-20122012-0000-00-REG HAMILTON, STEPHEN REI W 125648 0 SL 362 Adjustment 27.12 0001463344-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934738 289766 HAMMETT, JEFFREY M 14623 HOLLY SPRINGS HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 57.91 1/6/2012 7.81 0001463344-20112011-0000-00-REG HAMMETT, JEFFREY M REI 124654 0 SL 362 Adjustment 57.91 0001463344-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934738 290746 HAMMETT, JEFFREY M 14623 HOLLY SPRINGS HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 56.50 1/8/2013 4.77 0001463344-20122012-0000-00-REG HAMMETT, JEFFREY M REI 125634 0 SL 362 Adjustment 56.5 0001463344-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934738 291203 HAMMETT, JEFFREY M 14623 HOLLY SPRINGS HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 56.50 1/7/2014 1.95 0001463344-20132013-0000-00-REG HAMMETT, JEFFREY M REI 126091 0 SL 362 Adjustment 56.5 0001457121-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912222 289399 HAMMOND, TERRY L 9809 VIXEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001457121-20112011-0000-00-REG HAMMOND, TERRY L REI 124287 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001462886-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934529 289678 HANCOCK, CHAD 14620 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.41 1/6/2012 8.68 0001462886-20112011-0000-00-REG HANCOCK, CHAD REI 124566 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.41 0001462886-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934529 290645 HANCOCK, CHAD 14620 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 63.00 1/8/2013 5.32 0001462886-20122012-0000-00-REG HANCOCK, CHAD REI 125533 0 SL 362 Adjustment 63 0001462886-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934529 291084 HANCOCK, CHAD 14620 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 63.00 1/7/2014 2.17 0001462886-20132013-0000-00-REG HANCOCK, CHAD REI 125972 0 SL 362 Adjustment 63 0001463039-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934585 289711 HANDYSIDES, JOLENE L 16602 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.62 1/6/2012 6.28 0001463039-20112011-0000-00-REG HANDYSIDES, JOLENE L REI 124599 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.62 0001463039-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934585 290683 HANDYSIDES, JOLENE L 16602 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 45.49 1/8/2013 3.84 0001463039-20122012-0000-00-REG HANDYSIDES, JOLENE L REI 125571 0 SL 362 Adjustment 45.49 0001463039-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934585 291128 HANDYSIDES, JOLENE L 16602 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 45.49 1/7/2014 1.57 0001463039-20132013-0000-00-REG HANDYSIDES, JOLENE L REI 126016 0 SL 362 Adjustment 45.49 0001462461-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934349 289655 HANEY, MICHAEL J 13650 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.23 1/6/2012 9.06 0001462461-20112011-0000-00-REG HANEY, MICHAEL J REI 124543 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.23 0001462461-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934349 290622 HANEY, MICHAEL J 13650 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.23 1/8/2013 5.67 0001462461-20122012-0000-00-REG HANEY, MICHAEL J REI 125510 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.23 0001462461-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934349 291059 HANEY, MICHAEL J 13650 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.23 1/7/2014 2.32 0001462461-20132013-0000-00-REG HANEY, MICHAEL J REI 125947 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.23 0001461709-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931363 289599 HANSEN, GREGORY LEE 15024 ALMONDELL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.29 1/6/2012 0.04 0001461709-20112011-0000-00-REG HANSEN, GREGORY LEE REI 124487 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.29 PAGE 14 of 40 0001462275-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934211 289645 HANSON, MATTHEW M 13704 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.23 1/6/2012 9.06 0001462275-20112011-0000-00-REG HANSON, MATTHEW M REI 124533 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.23 0001462275-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934211 290611 HANSON, MATTHEW M 13704 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 69.09 2/19/2013 5.43 0001462275-20122012-0000-00-REG HANSON, MATTHEW M REI 125499 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.23 0001462275-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934211 291046 HANSON, MATTHEW M 13704 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.23 1/7/2014 2.32 0001462275-20132013-0000-00-REG HANSON, MATTHEW M REI 125934 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.23 0001462970-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934559 289700 HARGETT, BENJAMIN 15434 WATERFRONT DR L HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.15 1/6/2012 6.63 0001462970-20112011-0000-00-REG HARGETT, BENJAMIN REI L 124588 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.15 0001462970-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934559 290670 HARGETT, BENJAMIN 15434 WATERFRONT DR L HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.61 1/8/2013 3.93 0001462970-20122012-0000-00-REG HARGETT, BENJAMIN REI L 125558 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.61 0001462970-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934559 291110 HARGETT, BENJAMIN 15434 WATERFRONT DR L HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.61 1/7/2014 1.61 0001462970-20132013-0000-00-REG HARGETT, BENJAMIN REI L 125998 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.61 0001457769-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915701 289446 HARLAN, TODD A 15104 NORMAN VIEW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 7.63 1/6/2012 1.03 0001457769-20112011-0000-00-REG HARLAN, TODD A REI 124334 0 SL 362 Adjustment 7.63 0001459757-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924337 289551 HARMON, WILLIAM K 15727 DELANCEY LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459757-20112011-0000-00-REG HARMON, WILLIAM K REI 124439 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001463167-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934638 289737 HARMS, MARGARET G 14514 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 42.94 1/6/2012 5.79 0001463167-20112011-0000-00-REG HARMS, MARGARET G REI 124625 0 SL 362 Adjustment 42.94 0001463167-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934638 290712 HARMS, MARGARET G 14514 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.96 1/8/2013 3.46 0001463167-20122012-0000-00-REG HARMS, MARGARET G REI 125600 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.96 0001463167-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934638 291160 HARMS, MARGARET G 14514 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.96 1/7/2014 1.41 0001463167-20132013-0000-00-REG HARMS, MARGARET G REI 126048 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.96 0001463003-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934571 289704 HARRELL, EDWARD A 15514 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 50.29 1/6/2012 6.78 0001463003-20112011-0000-00-REG HARRELL, EDWARD A REI 124592 0 SL 362 Adjustment 50.29 0001463003-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934571 290675 HARRELL, EDWARD A 15514 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.03 1/8/2013 4.05 0001463003-20122012-0000-00-REG HARRELL, EDWARD A REI 125563 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.03 0001463003-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934571 291119 HARRELL, EDWARD A 15514 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.03 1/7/2014 1.66 0001463003-20132013-0000-00-REG HARRELL, EDWARD A REI 126007 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.03 0001457941-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915834 289478 HARRIS, CHERILYN DAWN 7408 GILDERSTERN GLEN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001457941-20112011-0000-00-REG HARRIS, CHERILYN DAWN REI 124366 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001464825-20112011-0000-00-REG 01104401 289780 HARRIS, CYNTHIA A 12716 WILLOW GROVE WY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001464825-20112011-0000-00-REG HARRIS, CYNTHIA A REI 124668 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001463011-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934575 289707 HARRIS, SANDRA L 11927 MOONSHADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 42.94 1/6/2012 5.79 0001463011-20112011-0000-00-REG HARRIS, SANDRA L REI 124595 0 SL 362 Adjustment 42.94 0001463011-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934575 290678 HARRIS, SANDRA L 11927 MOONSHADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.81 1/8/2013 3.53 0001463011-20122012-0000-00-REG HARRIS, SANDRA L REI 125566 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.81 0001463011-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934575 291122 HARRIS, SANDRA L 11927 MOONSHADOW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.81 1/7/2014 1.44 0001463011-20132013-0000-00-REG HARRIS, SANDRA L REI 126010 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.81 0001462075-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931593 289617 HARRITAN, MICHELLE 7327 CHADDSLEY DR MORRISON HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001462075-20112011-0000-00-REG HARRITAN, MICHELLE REI MORRISON 124505 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001462075-20122012-0000-00-REG 00931593 290577 HARRITAN, MICHELLE 7327 CHADDSLEY DR MORRISON HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/8/2013 0.07 0001462075-20122012-0000-00-REG HARRITAN, MICHELLE REI MORRISON 125465 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001462075-20132013-0000-00-REG 00931593 291016 HARRITAN, MICHELLE 7327 CHADDSLEY DR MORRISON HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/7/2014 0.03 0001462075-20132013-0000-00-REG HARRITAN, MICHELLE REI MORRISON 125904 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001463162-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934636 289735 HART, ALETHA 14522 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.81 1/6/2012 5.64 0001463162-20112011-0000-00-REG HART , ALETHA REI 124623 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.81 0001463162-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934636 290710 HART, ALETHA 14522 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.83 1/8/2013 3.36 0001463162-20122012-0000-00-REG HART , ALETHA REI 125598 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.83 0001463162-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934636 291158 HART, ALETHA 14522 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.83 1/7/2014 1.37 0001463162-20132013-0000-00-REG HART , ALETHA REI 126046 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.83 0001463145-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934631 289733 HASSEN, MARCUS 15702 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 75.43 1/6/2012 10.17 0001463145-20112011-0000-00-REG HASSEN, MARCUS REI 124621 0 SL 362 Adjustment 75.43 0001463145-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934631 290708 HASSEN, MARCUS 15702 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 71.48 1/8/2013 6.03 0001463145-20122012-0000-00-REG HASSEN, MARCUS REI 125596 0 SL 362 Adjustment 71.48 PAGE 15 of 40 0001463145-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934631 291155 HASSEN, MARCUS 15702 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 71.48 1/7/2014 2.47 0001463145-20132013-0000-00-REG HASSEN, MARCUS REI 126043 0 SL 362 Adjustment 71.48 0001459024-20112011-0000-00-REG 00921126 289533 HAUGEN, TROY A 900-13 FALS CREEK LN CHARLOTTE NC 28209 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459024-20112011-0000-00-REG HAUGEN, TROY A REI 124421 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001463232-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934664 289750 HAYES, JAMES 14440 HOLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 63.00 1/6/2012 8.49 0001463232-20112011-0000-00-REG HAYES, JAMES REI 124638 0 SL 362 Adjustment 63 0001463232-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934664 290727 HAYES, JAMES 14440 HOLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 62.15 1/8/2013 5.24 0001463232-20122012-0000-00-REG HAYES, JAMES REI 125615 0 SL 362 Adjustment 62.15 0001463232-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934664 291179 HAYES, JAMES 14440 HOLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 62.15 1/7/2014 2.15 0001463232-20132013-0000-00-REG HAYES, JAMES REI 126067 0 SL 362 Adjustment 62.15 0001468555-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306249 289849 HAYNIE, ROSLYN S 13031 WEST DOUGLAS PARK DR 6/21/2014 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001468555-20112011-0000-00-REG HAYNIE, ROSLYN S REI 124737 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001481395-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708237 289957 HELMS, JOYCE JOLLY 315 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 12.71 1/6/2012 1.71 0001481395-20112011-0000-00-REG HELMS, JOYCE JOLLY REI 124845 0 SL 362 Adjustment 12.71 0001481395-20122012-0000-00-REG 01708237 290772 HELMS, JOYCE JOLLY 315 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 12.71 1/8/2013 1.07 0001481395-20122012-0000-00-REG HELMS, JOYCE JOLLY REI 125660 0 SL 362 Adjustment 12.71 0001481395-20132013-0000-00-REG 01708237 291213 HELMS, JOYCE JOLLY 315 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 12.71 1/7/2014 0.44 0001481395-20132013-0000-00-REG HELMS, JOYCE JOLLY REI 126101 0 SL 362 Adjustment 12.71 0001469216-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314213 289894 HELSTROM, CARL GUSTAV 13830 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001469216-20112011-0000-00-REG HELSTROM, CARL GUSTAV REI 124782 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001460195-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926144 289570 HENSON, JAY A 8926 LIZZIE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001460195-20112011-0000-00-REG HENSON, JAY A REI 124458 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.37 0002616872-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707267 290761 HIBBERT, MICHELLE ANTOINETTE 11520 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 29.38 1/8/2013 2.48 0002616872-20122012-0000-00-REG HIBBERT, MICHELLE ANTOINETTE REI 125649 0 SL 362 Adjustment 29.38 0001460326-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926240 289582 HIGHAM, JOHN M JR( LIVING TRUST ) 8915 GLADE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001460326-20112011-0000-00-REG HIGHAM, JOHN M JR( LIVING TRUST ) REI 124470 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.83 0001462244-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934184 289641 HILB, KATHERINE 16319 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.59 1/6/2012 6.55 0001462244-20112011-0000-00-REG HILB, KATHERINE REI 124529 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.59 0001462244-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934184 290608 HILB, KATHERINE 16319 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.74 1/8/2013 4.03 0001462244-20122012-0000-00-REG HILB, KATHERINE REI 125496 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.74 0001462244-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934184 291042 HILB, KATHERINE 16319 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.04 2/20/2014 1.40 0001462244-20132013-0000-00-REG HILB, KATHERINE REI 125930 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.74 0001481453-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709214 289971 HILL, DAVID 102 VIRGINIA AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001481453-20112011-0000-00-REG HILL, DAVID REI 124859 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001491455-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946321 290061 HOEGLER, JOSEPH 10433 DONAHUE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001491455-20112011-0000-00-REG HOEGLER, JOSEPH REI 124949 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001457223-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912421 289411 HOFF, TIMOTHY K 16644 GREENFARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001457223-20112011-0000-00-REG HOFF, TIMOTHY K REI 124299 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001463142-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934630 289732 HOGEBOOM, DAVID A 15708 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 50.00 1/6/2012 6.74 0001463142-20112011-0000-00-REG HOGEBOOM, DAVID A REI 124620 0 SL 362 Adjustment 50 0001463142-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934630 290707 HOGEBOOM, DAVID A 15708 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.74 1/8/2013 4.03 0001463142-20122012-0000-00-REG HOGEBOOM, DAVID A REI 125595 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.74 0001463142-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934630 291154 HOGEBOOM, DAVID A 15708 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.74 1/7/2014 1.65 0001463142-20132013-0000-00-REG HOGEBOOM, DAVID A REI 126042 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.74 0001457995-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915922 289490 HOLLAND, CHARLES D 8670 BROOK GLEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001457995-20112011-0000-00-REG HOLLAND, CHARLES D REI 124378 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001461545-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931283 289592 HOLLARS, MARY ALICE 7609 CHADDSLEY DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001461545-20112011-0000-00-REG HOLLARS, MARY ALICE REI 124480 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001457845-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915761 289461 HOLMAN, JOHN R 16315 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001457845-20112011-0000-00-REG HOLMAN, JOHN R REI 124349 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001481423-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708252 289960 HOLMES, PHILIP E JR 307 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001481423-20112011-0000-00-REG HOLMES, PHILIP E JR REI 124848 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001457209-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912407 289409 HOLSHOUSER, TRACY 16600 GREENFARM RD B HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001457209-20112011-0000-00-REG HOLSHOUSER, TRACY REI B 124297 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 PAGE 16 of 40 0001462922-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934542 289688 HONEYCUTT, GREGORY W 15903 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.05 1/6/2012 6.21 0001462922-20112011-0000-00-REG HONEYCUTT, GREGORY W REI 124576 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.05 0001462922-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934542 290658 HONEYCUTT, GREGORY W 15903 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.35 1/8/2013 3.74 0001462922-20122012-0000-00-REG HONEYCUTT, GREGORY W REI 125546 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.35 0001462922-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934542 291097 HONEYCUTT, GREGORY W 15903 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.35 1/7/2014 1.53 0001462922-20132013-0000-00-REG HONEYCUTT, GREGORY W REI 125985 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.35 0001468597-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306313 289860 HONEYCUTT, JULIE SELLERS 6743 E DOUGLAS PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001468597-20112011-0000-00-REG HONEYCUTT, JULIE SELLERS REI 124748 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001462334-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934314 289651 HOOD, KEITH G 19248 KOSLOWSKI SQ LEESBURG VA 20176 6/21/2014 51.69 1/6/2012 6.97 0001462334-20112011-0000-00-REG HOOD, KEITH G REI 124539 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.69 0001462334-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934314 290618 HOOD, KEITH G 19248 KOSLOWSKI SQ LEESBURG VA 20176 6/21/2014 49.43 1/8/2013 4.17 0001462334-20122012-0000-00-REG HOOD, KEITH G REI 125506 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.43 0001462334-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934314 291055 HOOD, KEITH G 19248 KOSLOWSKI SQ LEESBURG VA 20176 6/21/2014 49.43 1/7/2014 1.71 0001462334-20132013-0000-00-REG HOOD, KEITH G REI 125943 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.43 0001462981-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934562 289702 HOOD, MATTHEW E 15422 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 66.95 1/6/2012 9.02 0001462981-20112011-0000-00-REG HOOD, MATTHEW E REI 124590 0 SL 362 Adjustment 66.95 0001462981-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934562 290673 HOOD, MATTHEW E 15422 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 66.10 1/8/2013 5.58 0001462981-20122012-0000-00-REG HOOD, MATTHEW E REI 125561 0 SL 362 Adjustment 66.1 0001462981-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934562 291112 HOOD, MATTHEW E 15422 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 66.10 1/7/2014 2.28 0001462981-20132013-0000-00-REG HOOD, MATTHEW E REI 126000 0 SL 362 Adjustment 66.1 0001463172-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934640 289739 HOODMAN, JEFFREY 14506 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.18 1/6/2012 6.36 0001463172-20112011-0000-00-REG HOODMAN, JEFFREY REI 124627 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.18 0001463172-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934640 290714 HOODMAN, JEFFREY 14506 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.05 1/8/2013 3.89 0001463172-20122012-0000-00-REG HOODMAN, JEFFREY REI 125602 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.05 0001463172-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934640 291162 HOODMAN, JEFFREY 14506 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.05 1/7/2014 1.59 0001463172-20132013-0000-00-REG HOODMAN, JEFFREY REI 126050 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.05 0001462866-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934523 289674 HOODMAN, PAUL R 15945 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001462866-20112011-0000-00-REG HOODMAN, PAUL R REI 124562 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0007148659-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946240 290056 HOOSE, JUDITH B 10413 BLACKSTONE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0007148659-20112011-0000-00-REG HOOSE, JUDITH B REI 124944 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001458318-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917178 289529 HOOVER, HARRY W JR 16424 BEECH HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001458318-20112011-0000-00-REG HOOVER, HARRY W JR REI 124417 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001461895-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931510 289608 HOPKINS, HOLLY K 15705 CHIPPING DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001461895-20112011-0000-00-REG HOPKINS, HOLLY K REI 124496 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001459039-20112011-0000-00-REG 00921135 289534 HORN, JAMES L 9030 MAXWELTON DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459039-20112011-0000-00-REG HORN, JAMES L REI 124422 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001481439-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709202 289965 HOWIE, ROBERT L 103 JOYCE AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001481439-20112011-0000-00-REG HOWIE, ROBERT L REI 124853 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001457994-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915921 289489 HOYT, STEVEN M 8674 BROOK GLEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457994-20112011-0000-00-REG HOYT, STEVEN M REI 124377 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001458224-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917109 289503 HUDNALL, ALFRED A JR 16521 GRAPPERHALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001458224-20112011-0000-00-REG HUDNALL, ALFRED A JR REI 124391 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001460008-20112011-0000-00-REG 00925279 289559 HUDSON, ROBERT C 14014 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 63.28 1/6/2012 8.53 0001460008-20112011-0000-00-REG HUDSON, ROBERT C REI 124447 0 SL 362 Adjustment 63.28 0001460008-20122012-0000-00-REG 00925279 290572 HUDSON, ROBERT C 14014 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 62.15 1/8/2013 5.24 0001460008-20122012-0000-00-REG HUDSON, ROBERT C REI 125460 0 SL 362 Adjustment 62.15 0001460008-20132013-0000-00-REG 00925279 291010 HUDSON, ROBERT C 14014 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 62.15 1/7/2014 2.15 0001460008-20132013-0000-00-REG HUDSON, ROBERT C REI 125898 0 SL 362 Adjustment 62.15 0002616712-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934127 289623 HYDE, KELLY 14710 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.23 1/6/2012 9.06 0002616712-20112011-0000-00-REG HYDE, KELLY REI 124511 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.23 0002616712-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934127 290583 HYDE, KELLY 14710 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.23 1/8/2013 5.67 0002616712-20122012-0000-00-REG HYDE, KELLY REI 125471 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.23 0002616712-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934127 291023 HYDE, KELLY 14710 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.23 1/7/2014 2.32 0002616712-20132013-0000-00-REG HYDE, KELLY REI 125911 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.23 PAGE 17 of 40 0001468857-20112011-0000-00-REG 01312250 289882 HYLTON, RONALD D 14114 RHIANNON LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001468857-20112011-0000-00-REG HYLTON, RONALD D REI 124770 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001463069-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934602 289713 INSCORE, CAMERON 16526 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.61 1/6/2012 6.28 0001463069-20112011-0000-00-REG INSCORE, CAMERON REI 124601 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.61 0001463069-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934602 290685 INSCORE, CAMERON 16526 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.91 1/8/2013 3.79 0001463069-20122012-0000-00-REG INSCORE, CAMERON REI 125573 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.91 0001463069-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934602 291130 INSCORE, CAMERON 16526 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.91 1/7/2014 1.55 0001463069-20132013-0000-00-REG INSCORE, CAMERON REI 126018 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.91 0001471122-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505210 289922 JACKSON, JENNIFER L 13612 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001471122-20112011-0000-00-REG JACKSON, JENNIFER L REI 124810 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001458232-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917114 289506 JACKSON, KENNETH 16613 GRAPPERHALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001458232-20112011-0000-00-REG JACKSON, KENNETH REI 124394 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001481690-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711305 290004 JAMES, JOHN RODNEY SR PO BOX 753 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28270 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001481690-20112011-0000-00-REG JAMES, JOHN RODNEY SR REI 124892 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0002616756-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934706 289757 JANARDHANAN, SURESH PO BOX 12179 CHARLOTTE NC 28220 6/21/2014 69.78 1/6/2012 9.41 0002616756-20112011-0000-00-REG JANARDHANAN, SURESH REI 124645 0 SL 362 Adjustment 69.78 0002616756-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934706 290737 JANARDHANAN, SURESH PO BOX 12179 CHARLOTTE NC 28220 6/21/2014 69.50 1/8/2013 5.86 0002616756-20122012-0000-00-REG JANARDHANAN, SURESH REI 125625 0 SL 362 Adjustment 69.5 0002616756-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934706 291191 JANARDHANAN, SURESH PO BOX 12179 CHARLOTTE NC 28220 6/21/2014 69.50 1/7/2014 2.40 0002616756-20132013-0000-00-REG JANARDHANAN, SURESH REI 126079 0 SL 362 Adjustment 69.5 0001457888-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915806 289470 JANES, JENNIFER R 7822 KNOX RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001457888-20112011-0000-00-REG JANES, JENNIFER R REI 124358 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 0001491456-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946322 290062 JANNING, JAMES D 10439 DONAHUE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001491456-20112011-0000-00-REG JANNING, JAMES D REI 124950 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.37 0001466460-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120444 289804 JARVIS, ERNEST DONALD 12122 ILSE HELENE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001466460-20112011-0000-00-REG JARVIS, ERNEST DONALD REI 124692 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001460190-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926139 289568 JATULIS, THOMAS 8929 LIZZIE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001460190-20112011-0000-00-REG JATULIS , THOMAS REI 124456 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001463212-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934656 289746 JENKINS, LATOSHA 16521 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.70 1/6/2012 6.97 0001463212-20112011-0000-00-REG JENKINS , LATOSHA REI 124634 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.7 0001463212-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934656 290723 JENKINS, LATOSHA 16521 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.14 1/8/2013 4.32 0001463212-20122012-0000-00-REG JENKINS , LATOSHA REI 125611 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.14 0001463212-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934656 291174 JENKINS, LATOSHA 16521 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.14 1/7/2014 1.77 0001463212-20132013-0000-00-REG JENKINS , LATOSHA REI 126062 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.14 0001457695-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915607 289433 JENKINS, WILEY FLEENOR 15321 MERLON CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001457695-20112011-0000-00-REG JENKINS, WILEY FLEENOR REI 124321 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001455837-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907606 289379 JESSIE, ERICA J. 15106 HUGH MCAULEY RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001455837-20112011-0000-00-REG JESSIE, ERICA J. REI 124267 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001457826-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915751 289459 JOBES, HEATHER J 7412 LOCHREIN RIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001457826-20112011-0000-00-REG JOBES, HEATHER J REI 124347 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.42 0001466481-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120452 289807 JOHNS, THOMAS A 12215 ISLA HELENA LN CHARLOTTE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001466481-20112011-0000-00-REG JOHNS, THOMAS A REI 124695 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001466458-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120443 289803 JOHNSON, GABRIELLE K 12126 ISLE HELENE LANE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001466458-20112011-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, GABRIELLE K REI 124691 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001462317-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934310 289649 JOHNSON, MARK E 13635 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 50.56 1/6/2012 6.82 0001462317-20112011-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, MARK E REI 124537 0 SL 362 Adjustment 50.56 0001462317-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934310 290616 JOHNSON, MARK E 13635 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.72 1/8/2013 4.20 0001462317-20122012-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, MARK E REI 125504 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.72 0001462317-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934310 291052 JOHNSON, MARK E 13635 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.72 1/7/2014 1.72 0001462317-20132013-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, MARK E REI 125940 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.72 0001457824-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915749 289457 JOHNSON, MARY SYKES 7404 LOCHREIN RIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.10 1/6/2012 0.42 0001457824-20112011-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, MARY SYKES REI 124345 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.1 0001469234-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314303 289899 JOHNSON, SAMUEL H 13707 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001469234-20112011-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, SAMUEL H REI 124787 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 PAGE 18 of 40 0001467656-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133630 289824 JOHNSON, YOLANDA P 13024 SYCAMORE TERRACE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.68 1/6/2012 0.50 0001467656-20112011-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, YOLANDA P REI 124712 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.68 0001463235-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934667 289752 JONES, MARCUS 14428 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 59.04 1/6/2012 7.96 0001463235-20112011-0000-00-REG JONES, MARCUS REI 124640 0 SL 362 Adjustment 59.04 0001463235-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934667 290729 JONES, MARCUS 14428 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 55.94 1/8/2013 4.72 0001463235-20122012-0000-00-REG JONES, MARCUS REI 125617 0 SL 362 Adjustment 55.94 0001463235-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934667 291181 JONES, MARCUS 14428 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 55.94 1/7/2014 1.93 0001463235-20132013-0000-00-REG JONES, MARCUS REI 126069 0 SL 362 Adjustment 55.94 0001466419-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120427 289795 JOYCE, DOREEN M 12617 TWELVEREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001466419-20112011-0000-00-REG JOYCE, DOREEN M REI 124683 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001469249-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314311 289905 JUGO, ALBERTO 13809 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001469249-20112011-0000-00-REG JUGO , ALBERTO REI 124793 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001462208-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934107 291017 JURECKA, RANDY 16310 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 73.16 1/7/2014 2.53 0001462208-20132013-0000-00-REG JURECKA, RANDY REI 125905 0 SL 362 Adjustment 73.16 0002616869-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707264 290759 KAMMER, WESLEY W 11534 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 27.12 1/8/2013 2.29 0002616869-20122012-0000-00-REG KAMMER, WESLEY W REI 125647 0 SL 362 Adjustment 27.12 0002616903-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707385 290768 KAMPE, JED M 12514 SURREYKIRT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 32.49 1/8/2013 2.74 0002616903-20122012-0000-00-REG KAMPE, JED M REI 125656 0 SL 362 Adjustment 32.49 0001458258-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917134 289514 KARIM, ANWAR A 16434 GRAPPERHALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001458258-20112011-0000-00-REG KARIM, ANWAR A REI 124402 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.42 0001462928-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934544 289690 KEENE, TAMITHA 15911 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.84 1/6/2012 5.37 0001462928-20112011-0000-00-REG KEENE, TAMITHA REI 124578 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.84 0001462928-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934544 290660 KEENE, TAMITHA 15911 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.42 1/8/2013 3.24 0001462928-20122012-0000-00-REG KEENE, TAMITHA REI 125548 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.42 0001462928-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934544 291099 KEENE, TAMITHA 15911 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.42 1/7/2014 1.33 0001462928-20132013-0000-00-REG KEENE, TAMITHA REI 125987 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.42 0001491403-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946214 290052 KEESLER, JANE P 10008 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001491403-20112011-0000-00-REG KEESLER, JANE P REI 124940 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 0001458295-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917163 289523 KEEVER, MICHAEL A 18810 CLOVERSTONE CR CORNELIUS NC 28081 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001458295-20112011-0000-00-REG KEEVER, MICHAEL A REI 124411 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001468567-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306301 289852 KELLY, CYNTHIA 13110 KENNERLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001468567-20112011-0000-00-REG KELLY , CYNTHIA REI 124740 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001491387-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946205 290046 KENNEDY, EDYTHE L 10120 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001491387-20112011-0000-00-REG KENNEDY, EDYTHE L REI 124934 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001471120-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505209 289921 KENNEDY, JOHN D 13618 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001471120-20112011-0000-00-REG KENNEDY, JOHN D REI 124809 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001457363-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915236 289420 KESSLER, JAMES EDWARD 7700 FALGREN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001457363-20112011-0000-00-REG KESSLER, JAMES EDWARD REI 124308 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001460157-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926115 289563 KEYSER, EMIL 8929 DEERLAND CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001460157-20112011-0000-00-REG KEYSER , EMIL REI 124451 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001457924-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915825 289473 KING, MATTHEW T 15813 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001457924-20112011-0000-00-REG KING, MATTHEW T REI 124361 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001467645-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133625 289823 KITCHEN, SHARON A 14131 MAGNOLIA BEND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.65 1/6/2012 0.76 0001467645-20112011-0000-00-REG KITCHEN, SHARON A REI 124711 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.65 0001463329-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934733 289764 KOHIMEIR, LAURI A 14601 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 54.24 1/6/2012 7.31 0001463329-20112011-0000-00-REG KOHIMEIR, LAURI A REI 124652 0 SL 362 Adjustment 54.24 0001463329-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934733 290744 KOHIMEIR, LAURI A 14601 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.42 1/8/2013 4.34 0001463329-20122012-0000-00-REG KOHIMEIR, LAURI A REI 125632 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.42 0001463329-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934733 291199 KOHIMEIR, LAURI A 14601 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.42 1/7/2014 1.78 0001463329-20132013-0000-00-REG KOHIMEIR, LAURI A REI 126087 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.42 0001486925-20112011-0000-00-REG 01747112 290027 KOLPIN, ARTHUR WALDERMER 14200 LITHGOW PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001486925-20112011-0000-00-REG KOLPIN, ARTHUR WALDERMER REI 124915 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001460233-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926168 289574 KOMJIAN, DONALD R 8912 WINDBLOWN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001460233-20112011-0000-00-REG KOMJIAN, DONALD R REI 124462 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 PAGE 19 of 40 0001463121-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934623 289727 KOPSTEIN, JUDY 15830 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.97 1/6/2012 8.76 0001463121-20112011-0000-00-REG KOPSTEIN , JUDY REI 124615 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.97 0001463121-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934623 290701 KOPSTEIN, JUDY 15830 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 63.84 1/8/2013 5.39 0001463121-20122012-0000-00-REG KOPSTEIN , JUDY REI 125589 0 SL 362 Adjustment 63.84 0001463121-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934623 291147 KOPSTEIN, JUDY 15830 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 63.84 1/7/2014 2.20 0001463121-20132013-0000-00-REG KOPSTEIN , JUDY REI 126035 0 SL 362 Adjustment 63.84 0001481644-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710807 289994 KOTHADIA, MANSUKHLAL 19500 STOUGH FARM RD CORNELIUS NC 28031 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001481644-20112011-0000-00-REG KOTHADIA, MANSUKHLAL REI 124882 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001462467-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934406 289656 KOVACS, JOHN M 15304 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 89.27 1/6/2012 12.03 0001462467-20112011-0000-00-REG KOVACS, JOHN M REI 124544 0 SL 362 Adjustment 89.27 0001462467-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934406 290623 KOVACS, JOHN M 15304 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 87.57 1/8/2013 7.39 0001462467-20122012-0000-00-REG KOVACS, JOHN M REI 125511 0 SL 362 Adjustment 87.57 0001462467-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934406 291060 KOVACS, JOHN M 15304 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 87.57 1/7/2014 3.02 0001462467-20132013-0000-00-REG KOVACS, JOHN M REI 125948 0 SL 362 Adjustment 87.57 0002616898-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707380 290766 KOWAL, JOHN P JR 11511 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 29.67 1/8/2013 2.50 0002616898-20122012-0000-00-REG KOWAL, JOHN P JR REI 125654 0 SL 362 Adjustment 29.67 0001462307-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934303 289647 KRAMER, CHAD W 15224 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.15 1/6/2012 6.63 0001462307-20112011-0000-00-REG KRAMER, CHAD W REI 124535 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.15 0001462307-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934303 290613 KRAMER, CHAD W 15224 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.59 1/8/2013 4.10 0001462307-20122012-0000-00-REG KRAMER, CHAD W REI 125501 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.59 0001462307-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934303 291049 KRAMER, CHAD W 15224 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.59 1/7/2014 1.68 0001462307-20132013-0000-00-REG KRAMER, CHAD W REI 125937 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.59 0001491498-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946365 290065 KRIEGER, ADAM 10816 DRAKE HILL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001491498-20112011-0000-00-REG KRIEGER, ADAM REI 124953 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001467601-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133604 289817 KROUT, ZANA 14034 CEDAR POND CIRCLE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.51 2/7/2012 0.72 0001467601-20112011-0000-00-REG KROUT , ZANA REI 124705 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.37 0001462955-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934553 289695 KUCH, DARRELL 16710 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 64.13 1/6/2012 8.64 0001462955-20112011-0000-00-REG KUCH , DARRELL REI 124583 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.13 0001462955-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934553 290665 KUCH, DARRELL 16710 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 61.30 1/8/2013 5.17 0001462955-20122012-0000-00-REG KUCH , DARRELL REI 125553 0 SL 362 Adjustment 61.3 0001462955-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934553 291105 KUCH, DARRELL 16710 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 61.30 1/7/2014 2.12 0001462955-20132013-0000-00-REG KUCH , DARRELL REI 125993 0 SL 362 Adjustment 61.3 0001463132-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934627 289730 KUEBLER, CHARLES R 15724 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 61.31 1/6/2012 8.26 0001463132-20112011-0000-00-REG KUEBLER, CHARLES R REI 124618 0 SL 362 Adjustment 61.31 0001463132-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934627 290704 KUEBLER, CHARLES R 15724 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.46 1/8/2013 5.10 0001463132-20122012-0000-00-REG KUEBLER, CHARLES R REI 125592 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.46 0001463132-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934627 291151 KUEBLER, CHARLES R 15724 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.46 1/7/2014 2.09 0001463132-20132013-0000-00-REG KUEBLER, CHARLES R REI 126039 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.46 0001456234-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907834 289388 KUHN, NATALIE CERULLO 7716 GARNKIRK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001456234-20112011-0000-00-REG KUHN, NATALIE CERULLO REI 124276 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001459046-20112011-0000-00-REG 00921138 289535 LAKE, EDEN 8006 MAXWELTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001459046-20112011-0000-00-REG LAKE , EDEN REI 124423 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001461530-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931270 289591 LAMENDOLA, THOMAS J 7435 CHADDSLEY DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001461530-20112011-0000-00-REG LAMENDOLA, THOMAS J REI 124479 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001461530-20122012-0000-00-REG 00931270 290576 LAMENDOLA, THOMAS J 7435 CHADDSLEY DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/8/2013 0.38 0001461530-20122012-0000-00-REG LAMENDOLA, THOMAS J REI 125464 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001461530-20132013-0000-00-REG 00931270 291014 LAMENDOLA, THOMAS J 7435 CHADDSLEY DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/7/2014 0.16 0001461530-20132013-0000-00-REG LAMENDOLA, THOMAS J REI 125902 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001464868-20112011-0000-00-REG 01104433 289782 LAN, TIAN 13232 WILLOW BREEZE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001464868-20112011-0000-00-REG LAN , TIAN REI 124670 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001458215-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917102 289501 LANG, CHRISTOPHER 16411 GRAPPERHALL DR MICHAEL JR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001458215-20112011-0000-00-REG LANG, CHRISTOPHER REI MICHAEL JR 124389 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001491302-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946102 290032 LANGEVIN, LARRY L 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001491302-20112011-0000-00-REG LANGEVIN, LARRY L 124920 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 11109 WARFIELD AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 PAGE 20 of 40 REI 0001481353-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708211 289948 LANGLEY, DAVID LAVON 402 MT HOLLY-HUNTERSVILLE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001481353-20112011-0000-00-REG LANGLEY, DAVID LAVON REI 124836 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001486947-20112011-0000-00-REG 01747126 290029 LARK, DAVID A 9511 STAWELL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 6.50 1/6/2012 0.88 0001486947-20112011-0000-00-REG LARK, DAVID A REI 124917 0 SL 362 Adjustment 6.5 0001486923-20112011-0000-00-REG 01747110 290026 LARKIN, MARK C 14205 LITHGOW PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001486923-20112011-0000-00-REG LARKIN, MARK C REI 124914 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001455640-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907434 289374 LASARSKY, ADAM C 7921 BYTHAM CASTLE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001455640-20112011-0000-00-REG LASARSKY, ADAM C REI 124262 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001461927-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931525 289610 LAVINIO, THOMAS J 15736 SEAFIELD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001461927-20112011-0000-00-REG LAVINIO, THOMAS J REI 124498 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.96 0001456250-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907840 289389 LAWRENCE, JENNIFER L 7620 GARNKIRK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001456250-20112011-0000-00-REG LAWRENCE, JENNIFER L REI 124277 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001481685-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711301 290003 LEE, ERNIE J PO BOX 143 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 0.58 3/31/2012 0.07 0001481685-20112011-0000-00-REG LEE, ERNIE J REI 124891 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001463113-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934620 289725 LESLIE, BRENDA B 16418 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 62.43 1/6/2012 8.42 0001463113-20112011-0000-00-REG LESLIE, BRENDA B REI 124613 0 SL 362 Adjustment 62.43 0001463113-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934620 290699 LESLIE, BRENDA B 16418 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 61.02 1/8/2013 5.15 0001463113-20122012-0000-00-REG LESLIE, BRENDA B REI 125587 0 SL 362 Adjustment 61.02 0001463113-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934620 291145 LESLIE, BRENDA B 16418 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 61.02 1/7/2014 2.11 0001463113-20132013-0000-00-REG LESLIE, BRENDA B REI 126033 0 SL 362 Adjustment 61.02 0001491319-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946111 290035 LEWIS, WAYNE S 10203 HALSTON CIR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001491319-20112011-0000-00-REG LEWIS, WAYNE S REI 124923 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001459675-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924210 289546 LIEN, BON-HSIANG 10333 TALLENT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001459675-20112011-0000-00-REG LIEN , BON-HSIANG REI 124434 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001460252-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926180 289575 LITTLE, DWIGHT E 15724 PRESTWOODS LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001460252-20112011-0000-00-REG LITTLE, DWIGHT E REI 124463 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001466379-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120408 289784 LITTLE, VALERIE NICOLE 12405 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001466379-20112011-0000-00-REG LITTLE, VALERIE NICOLE REI 124672 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001481681-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711207 290001 LITTLE, VANCE B PO BOX 4 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001481681-20112011-0000-00-REG LITTLE, VANCE B REI 124889 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.97 0001462267-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934208 289643 LOCKE, WILLIAM R 15231 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.87 1/6/2012 6.59 0001462267-20112011-0000-00-REG LOCKE, WILLIAM R REI 124531 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.87 0001462267-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934208 290610 LOCKE, WILLIAM R 15231 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.74 1/8/2013 4.03 0001462267-20122012-0000-00-REG LOCKE, WILLIAM R REI 125498 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.74 0001462267-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934208 291045 LOCKE, WILLIAM R 15231 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.74 1/7/2014 1.65 0001462267-20132013-0000-00-REG LOCKE, WILLIAM R REI 125933 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.74 0002616860-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707255 290752 LOGAN, HOWARD E JR 12527 SURREYKIRT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 29.10 1/8/2013 2.46 0002616860-20122012-0000-00-REG LOGAN, HOWARD E JR REI 125640 0 SL 362 Adjustment 29.1 0001462857-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934520 289671 LONG, BRIAN D 15933 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 43.79 1/6/2012 5.90 0001462857-20112011-0000-00-REG LONG, BRIAN D REI 124559 0 SL 362 Adjustment 43.79 0001462857-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934520 290638 LONG, BRIAN D 15933 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 42.38 1/8/2013 3.58 0001462857-20122012-0000-00-REG LONG, BRIAN D REI 125526 0 SL 362 Adjustment 42.38 0001462857-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934520 291077 LONG, BRIAN D 15933 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 42.38 1/7/2014 1.46 0001462857-20132013-0000-00-REG LONG, BRIAN D REI 125965 0 SL 362 Adjustment 42.38 0001481460-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709305 289975 LOVELACE, FAYE F PO BOX 253 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001481460-20112011-0000-00-REG LOVELACE, FAYE F REI 124863 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001461863-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931432 289606 LOWERY, RICHARD W 7749 CHADDSLEY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001461863-20112011-0000-00-REG LOWERY, RICHARD W REI 124494 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001462843-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934516 289669 LUIS, MICHELLE 14722 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 57.35 1/6/2012 7.73 0001462843-20112011-0000-00-REG LUIS , MICHELLE REI 124557 0 SL 362 Adjustment 57.35 0001462843-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934516 290636 LUIS, MICHELLE 14722 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 54.24 1/8/2013 4.58 0001462843-20122012-0000-00-REG LUIS , MICHELLE REI 125524 0 SL 362 Adjustment 54.24 0001462843-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934516 291074 LUIS, MICHELLE 14722 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 54.24 1/7/2014 1.87 0001462843-20132013-0000-00-REG LUIS , MICHELLE REI 125962 0 SL 362 Adjustment 54.24 PAGE 21 of 40 0001457768-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915649 289445 LYKINS, AMY B 8208 BALLYMORE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001457768-20112011-0000-00-REG LYKINS, AMY B REI 124333 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001463218-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934658 289747 MACALUSO, ANGELINA 16531 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 43.22 1/6/2012 5.83 0001463218-20112011-0000-00-REG MACALUSO, ANGELINA REI 124635 0 SL 362 Adjustment 43.22 0001463218-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934658 290724 MACALUSO, ANGELINA 16531 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.96 1/8/2013 3.46 0001463218-20122012-0000-00-REG MACALUSO, ANGELINA REI 125612 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.96 0001463218-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934658 291176 MACALUSO, ANGELINA 16531 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.96 1/7/2014 1.41 0001463218-20132013-0000-00-REG MACALUSO, ANGELINA REI 126064 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.96 0001461766-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931390 289602 MACDONALD, ROBERT 7922 COTTSBROOKE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001461766-20112011-0000-00-REG MACDONALD , ROBERT REI 124490 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001455585-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907401 289368 MACHADO, MARCO A 15613 GLEN MIRO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 13.00 1/6/2012 1.75 0001455585-20112011-0000-00-REG MACHADO, MARCO A REI 124256 0 SL 362 Adjustment 13 0001455585-20122012-0000-00-REG 00907401 290557 MACHADO, MARCO A 15613 GLEN MIRO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 13.00 1/8/2013 1.10 0001455585-20122012-0000-00-REG MACHADO, MARCO A REI 125445 0 SL 362 Adjustment 13 0001455585-20132013-0000-00-REG 00907401 290993 MACHADO, MARCO A 15613 GLEN MIRO DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 13.00 1/7/2014 0.45 0001455585-20132013-0000-00-REG MACHADO, MARCO A REI 125881 0 SL 362 Adjustment 13 0001457894-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915809 289471 MAHAN, STEVEN J 16012 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001457894-20112011-0000-00-REG MAHAN, STEVEN J REI 124359 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 0001471198-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505406 289939 MAHER, DREW R 13335 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001471198-20112011-0000-00-REG MAHER, DREW R REI 124827 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001456999-20112011-0000-00-REG 00911259 289396 MAISTO, ALBERT A 10404 BEVIN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001456999-20112011-0000-00-REG MAISTO, ALBERT A REI 124284 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001456999-20122012-0000-00-REG 00911259 290560 MAISTO, ALBERT A 10404 BEVIN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/8/2013 0.38 0001456999-20122012-0000-00-REG MAISTO, ALBERT A REI 125448 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001456999-20132013-0000-00-REG 00911259 290997 MAISTO, ALBERT A 10404 BEVIN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/7/2014 0.16 0001456999-20132013-0000-00-REG MAISTO, ALBERT A REI 125885 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001462917-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934541 289687 MANGIERI, DEANNA A 16731 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 57.91 1/6/2012 7.81 0001462917-20112011-0000-00-REG MANGIERI, DEANNA A REI 124575 0 SL 362 Adjustment 57.91 0001462917-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934541 290657 MANGIERI, DEANNA A 16731 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 56.50 1/8/2013 4.77 0001462917-20122012-0000-00-REG MANGIERI, DEANNA A REI 125545 0 SL 362 Adjustment 56.5 0001462917-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934541 291096 MANGIERI, DEANNA A 16731 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 56.50 1/7/2014 1.95 0001462917-20132013-0000-00-REG MANGIERI, DEANNA A REI 125984 0 SL 362 Adjustment 56.5 0001459602-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924128 289542 MANISCALCO, WILLIAM J 9736 WATERTON CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001459602-20112011-0000-00-REG MANISCALCO, WILLIAM J REI 124430 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001457974-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915910 289485 MARASS, DONALD C 8651 BROOK GLEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001457974-20112011-0000-00-REG MARASS, DONALD C REI 124373 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001468624-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306329 289865 MAST, CHRISTINE S 6644 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001468624-20112011-0000-00-REG MAST, CHRISTINE S REI 124753 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.83 0001456905-20112011-0000-00-REG 00911209 289392 MASTRONE, NICHOLAS D 16512 SUTTERS RUN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001456905-20112011-0000-00-REG MASTRONE, NICHOLAS D REI 124280 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001467690-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133642 289832 MATHEWS, THOMAS R 13817 CEDAR POND CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001467690-20112011-0000-00-REG MATHEWS, THOMAS R REI 124720 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001463174-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934641 289740 MATSEY, LYNN A 2080 SEAWIND CT INDIALANTIC FL 32903 6/21/2014 47.55 1/17/2012 6.34 0001463174-20112011-0000-00-REG MATSEY, LYNN A REI 124628 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.62 0001463174-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934641 290715 MATSEY, LYNN A 2080 SEAWIND CT INDIALANTIC FL 32903 6/21/2014 44.92 1/8/2013 3.79 0001463174-20122012-0000-00-REG MATSEY, LYNN A REI 125603 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.92 0001463174-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934641 291163 MATSEY, LYNN A 2080 SEAWIND CT INDIALANTIC FL 32903 6/21/2014 45.48 1/7/2014 1.57 0001463174-20132013-0000-00-REG MATSEY, LYNN A REI 126051 0 SL 362 Adjustment 45.48 0001481667-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711111 289999 MAXWELL, THOMAS M 105 AUTEN ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/21/2014 28078 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001481667-20112011-0000-00-REG MAXWELL, THOMAS M REI 124887 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.83 0001457882-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915803 289469 MAYES, MATTHEW JAMES 7810 KNOX RIDGE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001457882-20112011-0000-00-REG MAYES, MATTHEW JAMES REI 124357 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001457927-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915827 289474 MAYHEW, MARIANNA 15804 KELLY PARK CR L HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001457927-20112011-0000-00-REG MAYHEW, MARIANNA REI L 124362 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 PAGE 22 of 40 0001459617-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924140 289543 MAYS, KENNETH R 9744 AEGEAN CT HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001459617-20112011-0000-00-REG MAYS, KENNETH R REI 124431 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001486933-20112011-0000-00-REG 01747117 290028 MCAULAY, ALLEN DOUGLAS PO BOX 191 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 8.76 1/6/2012 1.18 0001486933-20112011-0000-00-REG MCAULAY, ALLEN DOUGLAS REI 124916 0 SL 362 Adjustment 8.76 0001457942-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915835 289479 MCCACHREN, MONICA L 7412 GILDERSTERN GLEN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001457942-20112011-0000-00-REG MCCACHREN, MONICA L REI 124367 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0002616858-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707253 290751 MCCLELLAND, JENNIFER E 12519 SURREYKIRT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 33.34 1/8/2013 2.81 0002616858-20122012-0000-00-REG MCCLELLAND, JENNIFER E REI 125639 0 SL 362 Adjustment 33.34 0001460172-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926124 289565 MCCONNELL, RONALD WAYNE 8824 DEERLAND CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001460172-20112011-0000-00-REG MCCONNELL, RONALD WAYNE REI 124453 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001460193-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926142 289569 MCCOY, JOHN DOUGLAS 8934 LIZZIE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001460193-20112011-0000-00-REG MCCOY, JOHN DOUGLAS REI 124457 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001481441-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709204 289966 MCELROY, WILLIAM V 9547 PEMBROKE RD JR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 35.59 1/6/2012 4.80 0001481441-20112011-0000-00-REG MCELROY, WILLIAM V REI JR 124854 0 SL 362 Adjustment 35.59 0001481441-20122012-0000-00-REG 01709204 290774 MCELROY, WILLIAM V 9547 PEMBROKE RD JR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 33.90 1/8/2013 2.86 0001481441-20122012-0000-00-REG MCELROY, WILLIAM V REI JR 125662 0 SL 362 Adjustment 33.9 0001481441-20132013-0000-00-REG 01709204 291215 MCELROY, WILLIAM V 9547 PEMBROKE RD JR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 33.90 1/7/2014 1.17 0001481441-20132013-0000-00-REG MCELROY, WILLIAM V REI JR 126103 0 SL 362 Adjustment 33.9 0001455847-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907611 289380 MCGOVERN, FELIX 14003 HARVINGTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001455847-20112011-0000-00-REG MCGOVERN , FELIX REI 124268 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.83 0001461996-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931558 289615 MCKEE, LISA 15743 SEAFIELD LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001461996-20112011-0000-00-REG MCKEE , LISA REI 124503 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001457872-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915774 289468 MCKENZIE, MATTHEW 15214 NORMAN VIEW LN B HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457872-20112011-0000-00-REG MCKENZIE, MATTHEW REI B 124356 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001463193-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934649 289741 MCKINNA, KATHY LOUISE 16631 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.40 1/6/2012 5.45 0001463193-20112011-0000-00-REG MCKINNA, KATHY LOUISE REI 124629 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.4 0001463193-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934649 290717 MCKINNA, KATHY LOUISE 16631 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.98 1/8/2013 3.29 0001463193-20122012-0000-00-REG MCKINNA, KATHY LOUISE REI 125605 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.98 0001463193-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934649 291167 MCKINNA, KATHY LOUISE 16631 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.98 1/7/2014 1.35 0001463193-20132013-0000-00-REG MCKINNA, KATHY LOUISE REI 126055 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.98 0001468538-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306239 289843 MCKINNEY, BETHANY 5122 HAROLD LN HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 M NC 28078 5.08 1/6/2012 0.68 0001468538-20112011-0000-00-REG MCKINNEY, BETHANY REI M 124731 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.08 0001462963-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934556 289698 MCKINNEY, HUGH M 15446 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 59.33 1/6/2012 8.00 0001462963-20112011-0000-00-REG MCKINNEY, HUGH M REI 124586 0 SL 362 Adjustment 59.33 0001462963-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934556 290668 MCKINNEY, HUGH M 15446 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 57.63 1/8/2013 4.86 0001462963-20122012-0000-00-REG MCKINNEY, HUGH M REI 125556 0 SL 362 Adjustment 57.63 0001462963-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934556 291108 MCKINNEY, HUGH M 15446 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 57.63 1/7/2014 1.99 0001462963-20132013-0000-00-REG MCKINNEY, HUGH M REI 125996 0 SL 362 Adjustment 57.63 0001462242-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934182 289640 MCKINNEY, LARRY T 16307 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 80.51 1/6/2012 10.85 0001462242-20112011-0000-00-REG MCKINNEY, LARRY T REI 124528 0 SL 362 Adjustment 80.51 0001462242-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934182 290606 MCKINNEY, LARRY T 16307 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 80.51 1/8/2013 6.79 0001462242-20122012-0000-00-REG MCKINNEY, LARRY T REI 125494 0 SL 362 Adjustment 80.51 0001462242-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934182 291040 MCKINNEY, LARRY T 16307 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 80.51 1/7/2014 2.78 0001462242-20132013-0000-00-REG MCKINNEY, LARRY T REI 125928 0 SL 362 Adjustment 80.51 0001466386-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120411 289786 MCKITO, JASON K 12419 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001466386-20112011-0000-00-REG MCKITO, JASON K REI 124674 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0007148665-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946307 290058 MCMILLAN, CHRISTOPHER J 10430 BLACKSTONE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0007148665-20112011-0000-00-REG MCMILLAN, CHRISTOPHER J REI 124946 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001481477-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709316 289979 MCNEELY, ROBERT J 304 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001481477-20112011-0000-00-REG MCNEELY, ROBERT J REI 124867 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001491439-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946235 290055 MEAD, RICHARD C III 414 GIBSON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001491439-20112011-0000-00-REG MEAD, RICHARD C III REI 124943 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 0001458265-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917139 289516 MEDINO, ALFONSO R 8218 CORISTAR PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001458265-20112011-0000-00-REG MEDINO, ALFONSO R REI 124404 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 PAGE 23 of 40 0001457188-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912282 289407 MELTON, MICHAEL D 10008 TALLENT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457188-20112011-0000-00-REG MELTON, MICHAEL D REI 124295 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001470995-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505125 289915 MERCER, NICHOLAS R 13511 GLENWYCK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001470995-20112011-0000-00-REG MERCER, NICHOLAS R REI 124803 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 0001457930-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915829 289475 MERCURI, JEFFREY JOHN 15812 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001457930-20112011-0000-00-REG MERCURI, JEFFREY JOHN REI 124363 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001491391-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946208 290047 MEREDITH, MARCIA L 10106 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001491391-20112011-0000-00-REG MEREDITH, MARCIA L REI 124935 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001467618-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133614 289819 METZLER, JEFFREY E 13718 CEDAR POND CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28202 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001467618-20112011-0000-00-REG METZLER, JEFFREY E REI 124707 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001464861-20112011-0000-00-REG 01104429 289781 MIDDLETON, DAWN P 13312 WILLOW BREEZE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001464861-20112011-0000-00-REG MIDDLETON, DAWN P REI 124669 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001481786-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711813 290017 MIKULEZA, CHAUN C 211 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001481786-20112011-0000-00-REG MIKULEZA, CHAUN C REI 124905 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0002616722-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934137 289627 MILLER, KEITH 14124 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.80 1/6/2012 9.14 0002616722-20112011-0000-00-REG MILLER, KEITH REI 124515 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.8 0002616722-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934137 290589 MILLER, KEITH 14124 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 67.80 1/8/2013 5.72 0002616722-20122012-0000-00-REG MILLER, KEITH REI 125477 0 SL 362 Adjustment 67.8 0001463005-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934572 289705 MITCHELL, DAVID R 15510 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.42 1/6/2012 6.93 0001463005-20112011-0000-00-REG MITCHELL, DAVID R REI 124593 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.42 0001463005-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934572 290676 MITCHELL, DAVID R 15510 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.87 1/8/2013 4.12 0001463005-20122012-0000-00-REG MITCHELL, DAVID R REI 125564 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.87 0001463005-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934572 291120 MITCHELL, DAVID R 15510 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.87 1/7/2014 1.69 0001463005-20132013-0000-00-REG MITCHELL, DAVID R REI 126008 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.87 0001491510-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946401 290067 MITRA, BISWAJIT 10728 DRAKE HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001491510-20112011-0000-00-REG MITRA, BISWAJIT REI 124955 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.97 0001491510-20122012-0000-00-REG 01946401 290790 MITRA, BISWAJIT 10728 DRAKE HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.97 1/8/2013 0.17 0001491510-20122012-0000-00-REG MITRA, BISWAJIT REI 125678 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.97 0001491510-20132013-0000-00-REG 01946401 291235 MITRA, BISWAJIT 10728 DRAKE HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.97 1/7/2014 0.07 0001491510-20132013-0000-00-REG MITRA, BISWAJIT REI 126123 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.97 0001462853-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934519 289670 MIZELLE, JUDY C 15929 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 42.09 1/6/2012 5.67 0001462853-20112011-0000-00-REG MIZELLE, JUDY C REI 124558 0 SL 362 Adjustment 42.09 0001462853-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934519 290637 MIZELLE, JUDY C 15929 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.40 1/8/2013 3.41 0001462853-20122012-0000-00-REG MIZELLE, JUDY C REI 125525 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.4 0001462853-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934519 291076 MIZELLE, JUDY C 15929 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.40 1/7/2014 1.39 0001462853-20132013-0000-00-REG MIZELLE, JUDY C REI 125964 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.4 0001462965-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934557 289699 MONLOT, DEAN L 15442 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.13 1/6/2012 6.89 0001462965-20112011-0000-00-REG MONLOT, DEAN L REI 124587 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.13 0001462965-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934557 290669 MONLOT, DEAN L 15442 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.59 1/8/2013 4.10 0001462965-20122012-0000-00-REG MONLOT, DEAN L REI 125557 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.59 0001462965-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934557 291109 MONLOT, DEAN L 15442 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.59 1/7/2014 1.68 0001462965-20132013-0000-00-REG MONLOT, DEAN L REI 125997 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.59 0001469244-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314308 289904 MONTGOMERY, CAREN 13733 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001469244-20112011-0000-00-REG MONTGOMERY, CAREN REI 124792 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001457252-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912607 289413 MOORE, STEPHEN 16417 GREENFARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001457252-20112011-0000-00-REG MOORE , STEPHEN REI 124301 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001463234-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934666 289751 MORGAN, EVAN S 14432 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 65.82 1/6/2012 8.87 0001463234-20112011-0000-00-REG MORGAN, EVAN S REI 124639 0 SL 362 Adjustment 65.82 0001463234-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934666 290728 MORGAN, EVAN S 14432 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 65.26 1/8/2013 5.51 0001463234-20122012-0000-00-REG MORGAN, EVAN S REI 125616 0 SL 362 Adjustment 65.26 0001463234-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934666 291180 MORGAN, EVAN S 14432 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 65.26 1/7/2014 2.25 0001463234-20132013-0000-00-REG MORGAN, EVAN S REI 126068 0 SL 362 Adjustment 65.26 0001457515-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915356 289424 MORRIS, JAMES C 8328 BRENTFIELD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001457515-20112011-0000-00-REG MORRIS, JAMES C REI 124312 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 PAGE 24 of 40 0001481449-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709211 289968 MOWREY, MYRNA L 108 VIRGINIA AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001481449-20112011-0000-00-REG MOWREY, MYRNA L REI 124856 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001481693-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711307 290005 MOWRY, MARY E PO BOX 422 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001481693-20112011-0000-00-REG MOWRY, MARY E REI 124893 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.42 0001481465-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709308 289976 MUMPOWER, ERNEST 113 VIRGINIA AV HUNTERSVILLE III NC 28078 6/21/2014 9.60 1/6/2012 1.29 0001481465-20112011-0000-00-REG MUMPOWER, ERNEST REI III 124864 0 SL 362 Adjustment 9.6 0001481465-20122012-0000-00-REG 01709308 290776 MUMPOWER, ERNEST 113 VIRGINIA AV HUNTERSVILLE III NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/8/2013 0.31 0001481465-20122012-0000-00-REG MUMPOWER, ERNEST REI III 125664 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001481465-20132013-0000-00-REG 01709308 291217 MUMPOWER, ERNEST 113 VIRGINIA AV HUNTERSVILLE III NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/7/2014 0.13 0001481465-20132013-0000-00-REG MUMPOWER, ERNEST REI III 126105 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001481138-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707360 290763 MURPHY, STEPHANIE 12628 CHEVERLY DR E HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 31.07 1/8/2013 2.62 0001481138-20122012-0000-00-REG MURPHY, STEPHANIE REI E 125651 0 SL 362 Adjustment 31.07 0001460217-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926158 289573 MYERS, JONATHAN M 16013 PRESTWOODS LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001460217-20112011-0000-00-REG MYERS, JONATHAN M REI 124461 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001457936-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915831 289476 MYERS, WILLIAM ANDREW 15822 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001457936-20112011-0000-00-REG MYERS, WILLIAM ANDREW REI 124364 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0002616867-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707262 290757 NAPODANO, NICOLE 11608 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 26.56 1/8/2013 2.24 0002616867-20122012-0000-00-REG NAPODANO, NICOLE REI 125645 0 SL 362 Adjustment 26.56 0002616736-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934151 289628 NEELY, PATRICIA A. 14238 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 53.11 1/6/2012 7.16 0002616736-20112011-0000-00-REG NEELY, PATRICIA A. REI 124516 0 SL 362 Adjustment 53.11 0002616736-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934151 290592 NEELY, PATRICIA A. 14238 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 50.57 1/8/2013 4.27 0002616736-20122012-0000-00-REG NEELY, PATRICIA A. REI 125480 0 SL 362 Adjustment 50.57 0002616736-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934151 291026 NEELY, PATRICIA A. 14238 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 50.57 1/7/2014 1.75 0002616736-20132013-0000-00-REG NEELY, PATRICIA A. REI 125914 0 SL 362 Adjustment 50.57 0001481654-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711101 289997 NEIL, PATRICIA B 108 DALLAS ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 18.92 1/6/2012 2.55 0001481654-20112011-0000-00-REG NEIL, PATRICIA B REI 124885 0 SL 362 Adjustment 18.92 0001481654-20122012-0000-00-REG 01711101 290780 NEIL, PATRICIA B 108 DALLAS ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 16.66 1/8/2013 1.41 0001481654-20122012-0000-00-REG NEIL, PATRICIA B REI 125668 0 SL 362 Adjustment 16.66 0001481654-20132013-0000-00-REG 01711101 291222 NEIL, PATRICIA B 108 DALLAS ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 16.66 1/7/2014 0.58 0001481654-20132013-0000-00-REG NEIL, PATRICIA B REI 126110 0 SL 362 Adjustment 16.66 0001466456-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120442 289802 NEILD, KEVIN M 12130 ILSE HELENE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001466456-20112011-0000-00-REG NEILD, KEVIN M REI 124690 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001461916-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931520 289609 NEILSON, JOSEPH C 715 E 8TH ST CHARLOTTE NC 28202 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001461916-20112011-0000-00-REG NEILSON, JOSEPH C REI 124497 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001463165-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934637 289736 NELSON, APRIL 14518 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.72 1/6/2012 6.70 0001463165-20112011-0000-00-REG NELSON, APRIL REI 124624 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.72 0001463165-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934637 290711 NELSON, APRIL 14518 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.89 1/8/2013 3.96 0001463165-20122012-0000-00-REG NELSON, APRIL REI 125599 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.89 0001463165-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934637 291159 NELSON, APRIL 14518 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.89 1/7/2014 1.62 0001463165-20132013-0000-00-REG NELSON, APRIL REI 126047 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.89 0001491320-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946112 290036 NEUBERT, MICHAEL C 10207 HALSTON CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001491320-20112011-0000-00-REG NEUBERT, MICHAEL C REI 124924 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001457859-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915768 289465 NEWMAN, ALBERT LEO 16211 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 22.88 1/6/2012 3.08 0001457859-20112011-0000-00-REG NEWMAN, ALBERT LEO REI 124353 0 SL 362 Adjustment 22.88 0001457859-20122012-0000-00-REG 00915768 290563 NEWMAN, ALBERT LEO 16211 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 21.47 1/8/2013 1.81 0001457859-20122012-0000-00-REG NEWMAN, ALBERT LEO REI 125451 0 SL 362 Adjustment 21.47 0001457859-20132013-0000-00-REG 00915768 291000 NEWMAN, ALBERT LEO 16211 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 21.47 1/7/2014 0.74 0001457859-20132013-0000-00-REG NEWMAN, ALBERT LEO REI 125888 0 SL 362 Adjustment 21.47 0001471133-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505216 289925 NEWTON, JAMES E 13526 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001471133-20112011-0000-00-REG NEWTON, JAMES E REI 124813 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001468524-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306232 289840 NIBLETT, DAVID B 6613 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001468524-20112011-0000-00-REG NIBLETT, DAVID B REI 124728 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001481373-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708224 289952 NICHOLS, MARTIN M III 302 GREENWAY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001481373-20112011-0000-00-REG NICHOLS, MARTIN M III REI 124840 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 PAGE 25 of 40 0001468633-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306333 289869 NICHOLS, THOMAS JOEL 6628 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.80 1/6/2012 0.65 0001468633-20112011-0000-00-REG NICHOLS, THOMAS JOEL REI 124757 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.8 0001466426-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120431 289798 NICKOL, GARY 12606 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.02 1/6/2012 0.27 0001466426-20112011-0000-00-REG NICKOL , GARY REI 124686 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001471194-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505405 289938 NOBLES, ERIN M 13327 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001471194-20112011-0000-00-REG NOBLES, ERIN M REI 124826 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.97 0001457280-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912712 289417 NORKET, WARREN & RUTH LIVING 16601 GREENFARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001457280-20112011-0000-00-REG NORKET, WARREN & RUTH LIVING REI 124305 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001462824-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934510 289663 O NEAL, JAMES T IV 16819 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.91 1/6/2012 6.05 0001462824-20112011-0000-00-REG O NEAL, JAMES T IV REI 124551 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.91 0001462824-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934510 290630 O NEAL, JAMES T IV 16819 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.07 1/8/2013 3.72 0001462824-20122012-0000-00-REG O NEAL, JAMES T IV REI 125518 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.07 0001462824-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934510 291068 O NEAL, JAMES T IV 16819 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.07 1/7/2014 1.52 0001462824-20132013-0000-00-REG O NEAL, JAMES T IV REI 125956 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.07 0001481714-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711505 290009 OAK, HOLDINGS PO BOX 2252 HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/21/2014 28070 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001481714-20112011-0000-00-REG OAK , HOLDINGS REI 124897 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001456951-20112011-0000-00-REG 00911229 289395 OBEID, NICK 10511 COBB CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0001456951-20112011-0000-00-REG OBEID, NICK REI 124283 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001458060-20112011-0000-00-REG 00916141 289499 ODEHNAL, KARL 16429 BRECKSHIRE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 27.40 1/6/2012 3.69 0001458060-20112011-0000-00-REG ODEHNAL , KARL REI 124387 0 SL 362 Adjustment 27.4 0001458060-20122012-0000-00-REG 00916141 290564 ODEHNAL, KARL 16429 BRECKSHIRE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 23.45 1/8/2013 1.98 0001458060-20122012-0000-00-REG ODEHNAL , KARL REI 125452 0 SL 362 Adjustment 23.45 0001458060-20132013-0000-00-REG 00916141 291002 ODEHNAL, KARL 16429 BRECKSHIRE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 23.45 1/7/2014 0.81 0001458060-20132013-0000-00-REG ODEHNAL , KARL REI 125890 0 SL 362 Adjustment 23.45 0001455636-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907431 289373 OLDS, TODD C 16032 HALLATON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001455636-20112011-0000-00-REG OLDS, TODD C REI 124261 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001461577-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931307 289593 OLMSTEAD, JAMES F 8308 COTTSBROOKE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 6.78 1/6/2012 0.91 0001461577-20112011-0000-00-REG OLMSTEAD, JAMES F REI 124481 0 SL 362 Adjustment 6.78 0001461357-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931117 289587 OMEARA, MARY ELLEN 15913 DUNSTER LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001461357-20112011-0000-00-REG OMEARA, MARY ELLEN REI 124475 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001458292-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917162 289522 ORMSBY, CECIL E 8301 BELLINGHAM CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 23.73 1/6/2012 3.20 0001458292-20112011-0000-00-REG ORMSBY, CECIL E REI 124410 0 SL 362 Adjustment 23.73 0001458292-20122012-0000-00-REG 00917162 290571 ORMSBY, CECIL E 8301 BELLINGHAM CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 17.52 1/8/2013 1.48 0001458292-20122012-0000-00-REG ORMSBY , CECIL E REI 125459 0 SL 362 Adjustment 17.52 0001458292-20132013-0000-00-REG 00917162 291009 ORMSBY, CECIL E 8301 BELLINGHAM CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 17.52 1/7/2014 0.60 0001458292-20132013-0000-00-REG ORMSBY, CECIL E REI 125897 0 SL 362 Adjustment 17.52 0001466503-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120460 289812 ORMSBY, CECIL E 8301 BELLINGHAM CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001466503-20112011-0000-00-REG ORMSBY, CECIL E REI 124700 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001457112-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912210 289398 OSBORNE, HUGH M 10028 GREENPOND LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001457112-20112011-0000-00-REG OSBORNE, HUGH M REI 124286 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.42 0001481748-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711624 290014 OSBORNE, RICHARD TONY PO BOX 26 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 20.06 1/6/2012 2.70 0001481748-20112011-0000-00-REG OSBORNE, RICHARD TONY REI 124902 0 SL 362 Adjustment 20.06 0001481748-20122012-0000-00-REG 01711624 290783 OSBORNE, RICHARD TONY PO BOX 26 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 16.11 1/8/2013 1.36 0001481748-20122012-0000-00-REG OSBORNE, RICHARD TONY REI 125671 0 SL 362 Adjustment 16.11 0001481748-20132013-0000-00-REG 01711624 291225 OSBORNE, RICHARD TONY PO BOX 26 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 16.11 1/7/2014 0.56 0001481748-20132013-0000-00-REG OSBORNE, RICHARD TONY REI 126113 0 SL 362 Adjustment 16.11 0001463032-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934582 289710 OSUNA, LUIS E 16614 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 42.66 1/6/2012 5.75 0001463032-20112011-0000-00-REG OSUNA, LUIS E REI 124598 0 SL 362 Adjustment 42.66 0001463032-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934582 290682 OSUNA, LUIS E 16614 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.81 1/8/2013 3.53 0001463032-20122012-0000-00-REG OSUNA, LUIS E REI 125570 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.81 0001463032-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934582 291127 OSUNA, LUIS E 16614 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.81 1/7/2014 1.44 0001463032-20132013-0000-00-REG OSUNA, LUIS E REI 126015 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.81 0002616740-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934155 289630 OWENS, KIMBERLY A 14222 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 66.67 1/6/2012 8.99 0002616740-20112011-0000-00-REG OWENS, KIMBERLY A REI 124518 0 SL 362 Adjustment 66.67 PAGE 26 of 40 0002616740-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934155 290595 OWENS, KIMBERLY A 14222 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 65.26 1/8/2013 5.51 0002616740-20122012-0000-00-REG OWENS, KIMBERLY A REI 125483 0 SL 362 Adjustment 65.26 0002616740-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934155 291028 OWENS, KIMBERLY A 14222 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 65.26 1/7/2014 2.25 0002616740-20132013-0000-00-REG OWENS, KIMBERLY A REI 125916 0 SL 362 Adjustment 65.26 0002616864-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707259 290755 OWENS, STEPHEN II 11622 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 27.96 1/8/2013 2.36 0002616864-20122012-0000-00-REG OWENS, STEPHEN II REI 125643 0 SL 362 Adjustment 27.96 0001463198-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934651 289743 PADGETT, ELIZABETH 16639 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.31 1/6/2012 6.51 0001463198-20112011-0000-00-REG PADGETT, ELIZABETH REI 124631 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.31 0001463198-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934651 290719 PADGETT, ELIZABETH 16639 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 45.20 1/8/2013 3.81 0001463198-20122012-0000-00-REG PADGETT, ELIZABETH REI 125607 0 SL 362 Adjustment 45.2 0001463198-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934651 291169 PADGETT, ELIZABETH 16639 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 45.20 1/7/2014 1.56 0001463198-20132013-0000-00-REG PADGETT, ELIZABETH REI 126057 0 SL 362 Adjustment 45.2 0001463206-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934654 289744 PADUA, JENNIFER A 16511 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 42.94 1/6/2012 5.79 0001463206-20112011-0000-00-REG PADUA, JENNIFER A REI 124632 0 SL 362 Adjustment 42.94 0001463206-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934654 290721 PADUA, JENNIFER A 16511 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.81 1/8/2013 3.53 0001463206-20122012-0000-00-REG PADUA, JENNIFER A REI 125609 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.81 0001463206-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934654 291172 PADUA, JENNIFER A 16511 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.81 1/7/2014 1.44 0001463206-20132013-0000-00-REG PADUA, JENNIFER A REI 126060 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.81 0001469170-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314127 289886 PAREDES, DALILA C 15905 ROBINS WY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001469170-20112011-0000-00-REG PAREDES, DALILA C REI 124774 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 0001473097-20112011-0000-00-REG 01510501 289944 PARKS, JAMES M IV 14112 WYNFIELD CREEK PKWY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001473097-20112011-0000-00-REG PARKS, JAMES M IV REI 124832 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.97 0001473166-20112011-0000-00-REG 01510519 289947 PARNELL, JARED L 8910 HUNTERS POINTE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001473166-20112011-0000-00-REG PARNELL, JARED L REI 124835 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001463072-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934603 289714 PATE, VICKI L 16522 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.81 1/6/2012 5.64 0001463072-20112011-0000-00-REG PATE, VICKI L REI 124602 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.81 0001463072-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934603 290686 PATE, VICKI L 16522 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.96 1/8/2013 3.46 0001463072-20122012-0000-00-REG PATE, VICKI L REI 125574 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.96 0001463072-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934603 291131 PATE, VICKI L 16522 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.96 1/7/2014 1.41 0001463072-20132013-0000-00-REG PATE, VICKI L REI 126019 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.96 0001462432-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934340 289652 PATRIARCA, ASHLEY 13524 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.70 1/6/2012 6.97 0001462432-20112011-0000-00-REG PATRIARCA, ASHLEY REI 124540 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.7 0001462432-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934340 290620 PATRIARCA, ASHLEY 13524 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.44 1/8/2013 4.17 0001462432-20122012-0000-00-REG PATRIARCA, ASHLEY REI 125508 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.44 0001462432-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934340 291057 PATRIARCA, ASHLEY 13524 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.44 1/7/2014 1.71 0001462432-20132013-0000-00-REG PATRIARCA, ASHLEY REI 125945 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.44 0001469212-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314211 289893 PATTERSON, GARY W 13910 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001469212-20112011-0000-00-REG PATTERSON, GARY W REI 124781 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001467628-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133619 289820 PATTERSON, JAMES P 14105 MAGNOLIA BEND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001467628-20112011-0000-00-REG PATTERSON, JAMES P REI 124708 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001462945-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934549 289691 PEADON, DONALD 16726 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 77.40 1/6/2012 10.43 0001462945-20112011-0000-00-REG PEADON, DONALD REI 124579 0 SL 362 Adjustment 77.4 0001462945-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934549 290661 PEADON, DONALD 16726 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 76.27 1/8/2013 6.44 0001462945-20122012-0000-00-REG PEADON, DONALD REI 125549 0 SL 362 Adjustment 76.27 0001462945-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934549 291101 PEADON, DONALD 16726 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 76.27 1/7/2014 2.63 0001462945-20132013-0000-00-REG PEADON, DONALD REI 125989 0 SL 362 Adjustment 76.27 0001468671-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306502 289877 PEARSON, ROBBIE CHERYL 6545 PARK MADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001468671-20112011-0000-00-REG PEARSON, ROBBIE CHERYL REI 124765 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001456027-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907728 289384 PELZ, ROGER W 8031 PENDLEY LN JUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001456027-20112011-0000-00-REG PELZ, ROGER W REI 124272 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001481434-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709105 289964 PENNINGER, DAVID ANDREW 100 JOYCE AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001481434-20112011-0000-00-REG PENNINGER, DAVID ANDREW REI 124852 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001491521-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946429 290068 PERJATEL, ROBERT J 11316 WARFIELD AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 7.63 1/6/2012 1.03 0001491521-20112011-0000-00-REG PERJATEL, ROBERT J REI 124956 0 SL 362 Adjustment 7.63 PAGE 27 of 40 0001467614-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133612 289818 PERRY, BRIAN C 13730 CEDAR POND CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001467614-20112011-0000-00-REG PERRY, BRIAN C REI 124706 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001468531-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306236 289841 PETERSON, CATHERINE S 6755 PARK MEADOW PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001468531-20112011-0000-00-REG PETERSON, CATHERINE S REI 124729 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001467667-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133634 289827 PETERSON, LUCINDA 315 BRIGHTWATERS DR COCO B BEACH FL 32931 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001467667-20112011-0000-00-REG PETERSON, LUCINDA REI B 124715 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001459999-20112011-0000-00-REG 00925276 289556 PETERSON, NICOLE C 14026 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001459999-20112011-0000-00-REG PETERSON, NICOLE C REI 124444 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001462840-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934515 289668 PETTEYS, RACHEL K 14726 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 55.93 1/6/2012 7.54 0001462840-20112011-0000-00-REG PETTEYS, RACHEL K REI 124556 0 SL 362 Adjustment 55.93 0001462840-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934515 290635 PETTEYS, RACHEL K 14726 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 54.52 1/8/2013 4.60 0001462840-20122012-0000-00-REG PETTEYS, RACHEL K REI 125523 0 SL 362 Adjustment 54.52 0001462840-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934515 291073 PETTEYS, RACHEL K 14726 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 54.52 1/7/2014 1.88 0001462840-20132013-0000-00-REG PETTEYS, RACHEL K REI 125961 0 SL 362 Adjustment 54.52 0001462441-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934342 289653 PHANKHAMSAO, SAY 13532 STUMPTOWN RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001462441-20112011-0000-00-REG PHANKHAMSAO , SAY REI 124541 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.83 0007148480-20112011-0000-00-REG 00939252 289771 PHARES, CHRISTOPHER 5018 CHAPEL CHASE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.69 1/6/2012 0.23 0007148480-20112011-0000-00-REG PHARES, CHRISTOPHER REI 124659 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001491326-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946117 290039 PHELPS, JENNIFER L 11114 HARBERT RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001491326-20112011-0000-00-REG PHELPS, JENNIFER L REI 124927 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 0001462833-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934513 289666 PHILLIPS, KELLY L 16831 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.97 1/6/2012 5.52 0001462833-20112011-0000-00-REG PHILLIPS, KELLY L REI 124554 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.97 0001462833-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934513 290633 PHILLIPS, KELLY L 16831 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.27 1/8/2013 3.31 0001462833-20122012-0000-00-REG PHILLIPS, KELLY L REI 125521 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.27 0001462833-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934513 291071 PHILLIPS, KELLY L 16831 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.27 1/7/2014 1.36 0001462833-20132013-0000-00-REG PHILLIPS, KELLY L REI 125959 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.27 0001457266-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912701 289415 PHILLIPS, PATSY K 16634 RANGER TL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 30.51 1/6/2012 4.11 0001457266-20112011-0000-00-REG PHILLIPS, PATSY K REI 124303 0 SL 362 Adjustment 30.51 0001457266-20122012-0000-00-REG 00912701 290561 PHILLIPS, PATSY K 16634 RANGER TL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 30.51 1/8/2013 2.57 0001457266-20122012-0000-00-REG PHILLIPS, PATSY K REI 125449 0 SL 362 Adjustment 30.51 0001457266-20132013-0000-00-REG 00912701 290998 PHILLIPS, PATSY K 16634 RANGER TL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 30.51 1/7/2014 1.05 0001457266-20132013-0000-00-REG PHILLIPS, PATSY K REI 125886 0 SL 362 Adjustment 30.51 0001462837-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934514 289667 PHILLIPS, SCOTT 14730 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 52.26 1/6/2012 7.04 0001462837-20112011-0000-00-REG PHILLIPS , SCOTT REI 124555 0 SL 362 Adjustment 52.26 0001462837-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934514 290634 PHILLIPS, SCOTT 14730 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.59 1/8/2013 4.10 0001462837-20122012-0000-00-REG PHILLIPS , SCOTT REI 125522 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.59 0001462837-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934514 291072 PHILLIPS, SCOTT 14730 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.59 1/7/2014 1.68 0001462837-20132013-0000-00-REG PHILLIPS , SCOTT REI 125960 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.59 0001469198-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314201 289887 PICANO, VINCENT 13706 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001469198-20112011-0000-00-REG PICANO , VINCENT REI 124775 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001481795-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711816 290018 PIGG, DAVID F 209 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.97 3/21/2012 0.62 0001481795-20112011-0000-00-REG PIGG, DAVID F REI 124906 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.8 0001463231-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934663 289749 PIRTLE, TIFFANY E 14444 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 53.68 1/6/2012 7.24 0001463231-20112011-0000-00-REG PIRTLE, TIFFANY E REI 124637 0 SL 362 Adjustment 53.68 0001463231-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934663 290726 PIRTLE, TIFFANY E 14444 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 50.85 1/8/2013 4.29 0001463231-20122012-0000-00-REG PIRTLE, TIFFANY E REI 125614 0 SL 362 Adjustment 50.85 0001463231-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934663 291178 PIRTLE, TIFFANY E 14444 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 50.85 1/7/2014 1.76 0001463231-20132013-0000-00-REG PIRTLE, TIFFANY E REI 126066 0 SL 362 Adjustment 50.85 0001460189-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926138 289567 PIZZINI, BRIAN A 8923 LIZZIE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001460189-20112011-0000-00-REG PIZZINI, BRIAN A REI 124455 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001463076-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934605 289715 PLISKA, SUSAN L 16514 SPUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 38.70 1/6/2012 5.22 0001463076-20112011-0000-00-REG PLISKA, SUSAN L REI 124603 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.7 0001463076-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934605 290687 PLISKA, SUSAN L 16514 SPUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 37.57 1/8/2013 3.17 0001463076-20122012-0000-00-REG PLISKA, SUSAN L REI 125575 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.57 PAGE 28 of 40 0001463076-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934605 291133 PLISKA, SUSAN L 16514 SPUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 37.57 1/7/2014 1.30 0001463076-20132013-0000-00-REG PLISKA, SUSAN L REI 126021 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.57 0001491480-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946346 290063 PLUMMER, COMPTON 11425 WARFIELD AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001491480-20112011-0000-00-REG PLUMMER, COMPTON REI 124951 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001457540-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915373 289428 POINDEXTER, JAMES 15663 KNOLL OAK CT BENJAMIN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001457540-20112011-0000-00-REG POINDEXTER, JAMES REI BENJAMIN 124316 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001464788-20112011-0000-00-REG 01104316 289778 POLIDORE, THOMAS 13423 WILLOW BREEZE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001464788-20112011-0000-00-REG POLIDORE , THOMAS REI 124666 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001466403-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120421 289789 PORTER, AMANDA L 12527 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001466403-20112011-0000-00-REG PORTER, AMANDA L REI 124677 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001468619-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306325 289864 POTEAT, RENEE M 6714 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.02 1/17/2012 0.27 0001468619-20112011-0000-00-REG POTEAT, RENEE M REI 124752 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001457755-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915642 289440 POTTER, EMILEE A 8225 BALLYMORE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457755-20112011-0000-00-REG POTTER, EMILEE A REI 124328 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001459023-20112011-0000-00-REG 00921125 289532 POUCHER, RICHARD BENJAMIN 16537 GLENFURNESS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.48 5/4/2012 0.18 0001459023-20112011-0000-00-REG POUCHER, RICHARD BENJAMIN REI 124420 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001457134-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912232 289404 POULOS, ANDREW J 10015 VIXEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001457134-20112011-0000-00-REG POULOS, ANDREW J REI 124292 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001460360-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926259 289585 POWDERLY, JOHN D 8720 GLADE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001460360-20112011-0000-00-REG POWDERLY, JOHN D REI 124473 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001481743-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711620 290011 PRESLEY, CAROL A 115 GILEAD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001481743-20112011-0000-00-REG PRESLEY, CAROL A REI 124899 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001471174-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505311 289935 PRICE, ERIC COLLINS 13516 GLENWYCK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001471174-20112011-0000-00-REG PRICE, ERIC COLLINS REI 124823 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001481430-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709102 289962 PRICE, MICHAEL J 500 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.09 1/6/2012 0.69 0001481430-20112011-0000-00-REG PRICE, MICHAEL J REI 124850 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.09 0001458254-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917130 289511 PRIOR, DAVID CHARLES 8219 CHANDOS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001458254-20112011-0000-00-REG PRIOR, DAVID CHARLES REI 124399 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001471106-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505201 289917 PROENCIO, LUIZ 13610 GLENWYCK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001471106-20112011-0000-00-REG PROENCIO, LUIZ REI 124805 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001486912-20112011-0000-00-REG 01747103 290024 PUMA, JOSEPH R 13435 NORSEMAN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001486912-20112011-0000-00-REG PUMA, JOSEPH R REI 124912 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001463229-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934662 289748 QUEEN, GAIL 14450 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.55 1/6/2012 5.33 0001463229-20112011-0000-00-REG QUEEN , GAIL REI 124636 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.55 0001463229-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934662 290725 QUEEN, GAIL 14450 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.14 1/8/2013 3.22 0001463229-20122012-0000-00-REG QUEEN , GAIL REI 125613 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.14 0001463229-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934662 291177 QUEEN, GAIL 14450 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.14 1/7/2014 1.32 0001463229-20132013-0000-00-REG QUEEN , GAIL REI 126065 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.14 0001463081-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934607 289716 RABON, VINNIE F 16506 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 38.14 1/6/2012 5.14 0001463081-20112011-0000-00-REG RABON, VINNIE F REI 124604 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.14 0001463081-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934607 290689 RABON, VINNIE F 16506 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 37.01 1/8/2013 3.12 0001463081-20122012-0000-00-REG RABON, VINNIE F REI 125577 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.01 0001463081-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934607 291135 RABON, VINNIE F 16506 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 37.01 1/7/2014 1.28 0001463081-20132013-0000-00-REG RABON, VINNIE F REI 126023 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.01 0001481490-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709405 289981 RADEMACHER, THEODORE J JR PO BOX 680191 CHARLOTTE NC 28216 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001481490-20112011-0000-00-REG RADEMACHER, THEODORE J JR REI 124869 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001457124-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912225 289401 RAGLAND, HUGH T III 9901 VIXEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001457124-20112011-0000-00-REG RAGLAND, HUGH T III REI 124289 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.24 0001481538-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710119 289985 RAJDA, RICHARD EDWARD 8241 PINE LAKE RD DENVER NC 28037 6/21/2014 5.93 1/6/2012 0.80 0001481538-20112011-0000-00-REG RAJDA, RICHARD EDWARD REI 124873 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.93 0001486994-20112011-0000-00-REG 01747154 290031 RANALLO, SAMUEL 13417 BINNAWAY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001486994-20112011-0000-00-REG RANALLO, SAMUEL REI 124919 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001486917-20112011-0000-00-REG 01747106 290025 RANDALL, MICHAEL 13434 MCCOY RD HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001486917-20112011-0000-00-REG RANDALL , MICHAEL REI 124913 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 PAGE 29 of 40 0001466415-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120425 289793 REDFERN, MARTA R 12609 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001466415-20112011-0000-00-REG REDFERN, MARTA R REI 124681 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001456940-20112011-0000-00-REG 00911221 289394 REEVES, SHAWN M 16535 SEGARS LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001456940-20112011-0000-00-REG REEVES, SHAWN M REI 124282 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001463495-20112011-0000-00-REG 00939167 289767 REGISTER, SCOTT A 6636 OLMSFORD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001463495-20112011-0000-00-REG REGISTER, SCOTT A REI 124655 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001462223-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934164 289633 REID, NORMAN S JR 16221 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 77.68 1/6/2012 10.47 0001462223-20112011-0000-00-REG REID, NORMAN S JR REI 124521 0 SL 362 Adjustment 77.68 0001462223-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934164 290597 REID, NORMAN S JR 16221 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 77.68 1/8/2013 6.55 0001462223-20122012-0000-00-REG REID, NORMAN S JR REI 125485 0 SL 362 Adjustment 77.68 0001462223-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934164 291031 REID, NORMAN S JR 16221 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 77.68 1/7/2014 2.68 0001462223-20132013-0000-00-REG REID, NORMAN S JR REI 125919 0 SL 362 Adjustment 77.68 0001460177-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926128 289566 REYNOLDS, WILLIAM L 15807 PRESTWOODS LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001460177-20112011-0000-00-REG REYNOLDS, WILLIAM L REI 124454 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001463086-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934609 289718 RICHARD, SAMUEL 15632 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 65.99 1/31/2012 8.67 0001463086-20112011-0000-00-REG RICHARD , SAMUEL REI 124606 0 SL 362 Adjustment 64.69 0001463086-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934609 290691 RICHARD, SAMUEL 15632 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 63.28 1/8/2013 5.34 0001463086-20122012-0000-00-REG RICHARD , SAMUEL REI 125579 0 SL 362 Adjustment 63.28 0001463086-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934609 291137 RICHARD, SAMUEL 15632 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 63.28 1/7/2014 2.18 0001463086-20132013-0000-00-REG RICHARD , SAMUEL REI 126025 0 SL 362 Adjustment 63.28 0001462225-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934166 290599 RICHARDSON, MICHAEL 16229 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 82.21 1/8/2013 6.94 0001462225-20122012-0000-00-REG RICHARDSON, MICHAEL REI 125487 0 SL 362 Adjustment 82.21 0001462225-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934166 291033 RICHARDSON, MICHAEL 16229 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 82.21 1/7/2014 2.84 0001462225-20132013-0000-00-REG RICHARDSON, MICHAEL REI 125921 0 SL 362 Adjustment 82.21 0001457854-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915766 289463 RIGGALL, BRIAN T 16219 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001457854-20112011-0000-00-REG RIGGALL, BRIAN T REI 124351 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.95 0002616857-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707252 290750 ROBERSON, JAMES CLINTON 12515 SURREYKIRT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 27.12 1/8/2013 2.29 0002616857-20122012-0000-00-REG ROBERSON, JAMES CLINTON REI 125638 0 SL 362 Adjustment 27.12 0001459048-20112011-0000-00-REG 00921139 289536 ROBERTS, BRIAN KEITH 8000 MAXWELLTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459048-20112011-0000-00-REG ROBERTS, BRIAN KEITH REI 124424 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001462998-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934569 289703 ROBERTS, DOUGLAS DION 15522 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.42 1/6/2012 6.93 0001462998-20112011-0000-00-REG ROBERTS, DOUGLAS DION REI 124591 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.42 0001462998-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934569 290674 ROBERTS, DOUGLAS DION 15522 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.16 1/8/2013 4.15 0001462998-20122012-0000-00-REG ROBERTS, DOUGLAS DION REI 125562 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.16 0001462998-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934569 291118 ROBERTS, DOUGLAS DION 15522 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.16 1/7/2014 1.70 0001462998-20132013-0000-00-REG ROBERTS, DOUGLAS DION REI 126006 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.16 0001463557-20112011-0000-00-REG 00939224 289768 ROCKWELL, MICHAEL 8423 CASTLEDOWN DR P HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001463557-20112011-0000-00-REG ROCKWELL, MICHAEL REI P 124656 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001481429-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709101 289961 ROGER, FRIEDRICH MAX PO BOX 543 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.13 1/6/2012 6.89 0001481429-20112011-0000-00-REG ROGER, FRIEDRICH MAX REI 124849 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.13 0001481429-20122012-0000-00-REG 01709101 290773 ROGER, FRIEDRICH MAX PO BOX 543 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.13 1/8/2013 4.31 0001481429-20122012-0000-00-REG ROGER, FRIEDRICH MAX REI 125661 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.13 0001481429-20132013-0000-00-REG 01709101 291214 ROGER, FRIEDRICH MAX PO BOX 543 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.13 1/7/2014 1.77 0001481429-20132013-0000-00-REG ROGER, FRIEDRICH MAX REI 126102 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.13 0001456188-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907818 289387 ROGERS, KENNETH E 7815 GARNKIRK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001456188-20112011-0000-00-REG ROGERS, KENNETH E REI 124275 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001457992-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915920 289488 ROGERS, TODD 8678 BROOK GLEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001457992-20112011-0000-00-REG ROGERS, TODD REI 124376 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001463310-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934725 289760 ROJAS, RICHARD 13737 DUTCH FORK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28708 6/21/2014 60.73 1/6/2012 8.19 0001463310-20112011-0000-00-REG ROJAS, RICHARD REI 124648 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.73 0001463310-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934725 290740 ROJAS, RICHARD 13737 DUTCH FORK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28708 6/21/2014 60.17 1/8/2013 5.08 0001463310-20122012-0000-00-REG ROJAS, RICHARD REI 125628 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.17 0001463310-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934725 291193 ROJAS, RICHARD 13737 DUTCH FORK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28708 6/21/2014 60.17 1/7/2014 2.08 0001463310-20132013-0000-00-REG ROJAS, RICHARD REI 126081 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.17 PAGE 30 of 40 0001492857-20112011-0000-00-REG 02114521 290075 ROLLINGER, WILLIAM 13032 LONG COMMON PY M HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001492857-20112011-0000-00-REG ROLLINGER, WILLIAM REI M 124963 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.42 0001481451-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709212 289969 ROSCOE, J LYNN 106 VIRGINIA AVE HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 1.52 4/25/2012 0.18 0001481451-20112011-0000-00-REG ROSCOE, J LYNN REI 124857 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 0001463101-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934616 289721 ROSS, ALAN M 15604 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 55.09 1/6/2012 7.43 0001463101-20112011-0000-00-REG ROSS, ALAN M REI 124609 0 SL 362 Adjustment 55.09 0001463101-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934616 290695 ROSS, ALAN M 15604 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 53.68 1/8/2013 4.53 0001463101-20122012-0000-00-REG ROSS, ALAN M REI 125583 0 SL 362 Adjustment 53.68 0001463101-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934616 291141 ROSS, ALAN M 15604 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 53.68 1/7/2014 1.85 0001463101-20132013-0000-00-REG ROSS, ALAN M REI 126029 0 SL 362 Adjustment 53.68 0001460290-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926222 289577 ROSSINI, JAMES E 8936 PRISTINE CT HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001460290-20112011-0000-00-REG ROSSINI, JAMES E REI 124465 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.96 0001457991-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915919 289487 ROTH, CAROL A 8682 BROOK GLEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001457991-20112011-0000-00-REG ROTH, CAROL A REI 124375 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.96 0001467663-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133633 289826 RUGGIERO, JULIO 13012 SYCAMORE TERRACE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001467663-20112011-0000-00-REG RUGGIERO, JULIO REI 124714 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001466384-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120410 289785 RUNGE, KRISTEN D 12415 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001466384-20112011-0000-00-REG RUNGE, KRISTEN D REI 124673 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001459559-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924102 289540 RUNKLE, TODD J III 12142 MURRAY AV LARGO FL 33778 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001459559-20112011-0000-00-REG RUNKLE, TODD J III REI 124428 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001457504-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915347 289423 RUNNION, STEVEN C 8520 BRENTFIELD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 31.36 1/6/2012 4.23 0001457504-20112011-0000-00-REG RUNNION, STEVEN C REI 124311 0 SL 362 Adjustment 31.36 0001457504-20122012-0000-00-REG 00915347 290562 RUNNION, STEVEN C 8520 BRENTFIELD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 31.36 1/8/2013 2.65 0001457504-20122012-0000-00-REG RUNNION, STEVEN C REI 125450 0 SL 362 Adjustment 31.36 0001457504-20132013-0000-00-REG 00915347 290999 RUNNION, STEVEN C 8520 BRENTFIELD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 31.36 1/7/2014 1.08 0001457504-20132013-0000-00-REG RUNNION, STEVEN C REI 125887 0 SL 362 Adjustment 31.36 0001471182-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505314 289937 SAGE, EDWARD R 13504 GLENWYCK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001471182-20112011-0000-00-REG SAGE, EDWARD R REI 124825 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001466442-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120437 289800 SAINE, ANDREW M 12224 ILSE HELENE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001466442-20112011-0000-00-REG SAINE, ANDREW M REI 124688 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001491332-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946120 290042 SAMPSEL, HERBERT W 11102 HARBERT RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001491332-20112011-0000-00-REG SAMPSEL, HERBERT W REI 124930 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001464744-20112011-0000-00-REG 01104135 289775 SAMSEL, RONALD A 12435 WILLOW GROVE WAY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001464744-20112011-0000-00-REG SAMSEL, RONALD A REI 124663 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001462901-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934535 289683 SANDERSON, MICAH 16707 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 47.18 1/6/2012 6.36 0001462901-20112011-0000-00-REG SANDERSON , MICAH REI 124571 0 SL 362 Adjustment 47.18 0001462901-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934535 290651 SANDERSON, MICAH 16707 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.35 1/8/2013 3.74 0001462901-20122012-0000-00-REG SANDERSON , MICAH REI 125539 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.35 0001462901-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934535 291090 SANDERSON, MICAH 16707 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.35 1/7/2014 1.53 0001462901-20132013-0000-00-REG SANDERSON , MICAH REI 125978 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.35 0002616741-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934156 289631 SASSER, KIMBERLY FALLS 14218 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 83.62 1/6/2012 11.27 0002616741-20112011-0000-00-REG SASSER, KIMBERLY FALLS REI 124519 0 SL 362 Adjustment 83.62 0002616741-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934156 290596 SASSER, KIMBERLY FALLS 14218 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 83.62 1/8/2013 7.06 0002616741-20122012-0000-00-REG SASSER, KIMBERLY FALLS REI 125484 0 SL 362 Adjustment 83.62 0002616741-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934156 291029 SASSER, KIMBERLY FALLS 14218 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 83.62 1/7/2014 2.89 0002616741-20132013-0000-00-REG SASSER, KIMBERLY FALLS REI 125917 0 SL 362 Adjustment 83.62 0001469255-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314315 289908 SAZDANOFF, ZDRAVKO K 13833 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001469255-20112011-0000-00-REG SAZDANOFF, ZDRAVKO K REI 124796 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0007148667-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946309 290059 SCHAFFER, GREGORY 10418 BLACKSTONE DR S HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0007148667-20112011-0000-00-REG SCHAFFER, GREGORY REI S 124947 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0007148662-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946243 290057 SCHETTINO, JAMIE L 10431 BLACKSTONE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 71.76 1/6/2012 9.67 0007148662-20112011-0000-00-REG SCHETTINO, JAMIE L REI 124945 0 SL 362 Adjustment 71.76 0007148662-20122012-0000-00-REG 01946243 290789 SCHETTINO, JAMIE L 10431 BLACKSTONE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 70.91 1/8/2013 5.98 0007148662-20122012-0000-00-REG SCHETTINO, JAMIE L REI 125677 0 SL 362 Adjustment 70.91 PAGE 31 of 40 0007148662-20132013-0000-00-REG 01946243 291232 SCHETTINO, JAMIE L 10431 BLACKSTONE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 9.89 1/7/2014 0.34 0007148662-20132013-0000-00-REG SCHETTINO, JAMIE L REI 126120 0 SL 362 Adjustment 9.89 0001457712-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915616 289436 SCHMIT, NICHOLAS J TRUST 8329 SANDOWNE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001457712-20112011-0000-00-REG SCHMIT, NICHOLAS J TRUST REI 124324 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001461774-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931394 289604 SCHOOLEY, EARL C 7906 COTTSBROOKE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.96 1/6/2012 0.53 0001461774-20112011-0000-00-REG SCHOOLEY, EARL C REI 124492 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.96 0001457797-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915715 289450 SELF, DANIEL K 16027 KELLY PARK CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001457797-20112011-0000-00-REG SELF, DANIEL K REI 124338 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001469211-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314210 289892 SELLERS, MARY M 13920 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001469211-20112011-0000-00-REG SELLERS, MARY M REI 124780 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001468546-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306243 289847 SEMMLER, KIMBERLY 13007 DOUGLAS PARK DR J HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001468546-20112011-0000-00-REG SEMMLER, KIMBERLY REI J 124735 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001459774-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924347 289552 SHACKLEFORD, DAVID N 15822 DOYERS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.82 1/6/2012 0.38 0001459774-20112011-0000-00-REG SHACKLEFORD, DAVID N REI 124440 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001469261-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314317 289909 SHALLISH, CHARLES F 13845 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001469261-20112011-0000-00-REG SHALLISH, CHARLES F REI 124797 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 0001469217-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314214 289895 SHAPIRO, JASON D 138214 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001469217-20112011-0000-00-REG SHAPIRO, JASON D REI 124783 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0002616710-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934125 289621 SHEEHAN, BRIAN C 14718 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 84.75 1/6/2012 11.42 0002616710-20112011-0000-00-REG SHEEHAN, BRIAN C REI 124509 0 SL 362 Adjustment 84.75 0002616710-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934125 290581 SHEEHAN, BRIAN C 14718 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 83.34 1/8/2013 7.03 0002616710-20122012-0000-00-REG SHEEHAN, BRIAN C REI 125469 0 SL 362 Adjustment 83.34 0002616710-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934125 291021 SHEEHAN, BRIAN C 14718 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 83.34 1/7/2014 2.88 0002616710-20132013-0000-00-REG SHEEHAN, BRIAN C REI 125909 0 SL 362 Adjustment 83.34 0001457184-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912279 289406 SHEFFIELD, RODNEY G 1011 TALLENT LN HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001457184-20112011-0000-00-REG SHEFFIELD, RODNEY G REI 124294 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001457531-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915367 289425 SHEPHARD, CLIFFORD F II 15687 KNOLL OAK CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001457531-20112011-0000-00-REG SHEPHARD, CLIFFORD F II REI 124313 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001468549-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306245 289848 SHERRILL, KEITH A 13015 W DOUGLAS PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.23 1/6/2012 0.57 0001468549-20112011-0000-00-REG SHERRILL, KEITH A REI 124736 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.23 0001481452-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709213 289970 SHERRILL, MICHAEL D 104 VIRGINIA AVE HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001481452-20112011-0000-00-REG SHERRILL, MICHAEL D REI 124858 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.83 0001469160-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314122 289884 SHINN, RICKEY D 13915 HASTING FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.75 2/23/2012 0.22 0001469160-20112011-0000-00-REG SHINN, RICKEY D REI 124772 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001457757-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915643 289441 SHIPLEY, MICHAEL 8229 BALLYMORE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001457757-20112011-0000-00-REG SHIPLEY , MICHAEL REI 124329 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001458276-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917148 289519 SHUE, HENRY BURDICK 16425 BEECH HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001458276-20112011-0000-00-REG SHUE, HENRY BURDICK REI 124407 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001469165-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314125 289885 SIKORSKI, JOSEPH M 13935 HASTINGS FARM RD JR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001469165-20112011-0000-00-REG SIKORSKI, JOSEPH M REI JR 124773 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001466423-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120429 289797 SILVER, BRUCE A 18628 RIVER FALLS DR DAVIDSON NC 28036 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001466423-20112011-0000-00-REG SILVER, BRUCE A REI 124685 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 0001466463-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120445 289805 SILVER, BRUCE A 18628 RIVER FALLS DR DAVIDSON NC 28036 6/21/2014 1.97 1/6/2012 0.27 0001466463-20112011-0000-00-REG SILVER, BRUCE A REI 124693 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.97 0001458034-20112011-0000-00-REG 00916122 289495 SIMEON, PAUL 16539 KIMBOLTEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001458034-20112011-0000-00-REG SIMEON, PAUL REI 124383 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001469231-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314301 289897 SIMMONS, RUSSELL A 13631 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001469231-20112011-0000-00-REG SIMMONS, RUSSELL A REI 124785 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001466465-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120446 289806 SIMON, JOANNE 12112 ILSE HELEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001466465-20112011-0000-00-REG SIMON, JOANNE REI 124694 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001463170-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934639 289738 SIMONTON-KOCH, CATHERINE A 14510 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.26 1/6/2012 5.29 0001463170-20112011-0000-00-REG SIMONTON-KOCH, CATHERINE A REI 124626 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.26 0001463170-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934639 290713 SIMONTON-KOCH, CATHERINE A 14510 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 37.57 1/8/2013 3.17 0001463170-20122012-0000-00-REG SIMONTON-KOCH, CATHERINE A REI 125601 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.57 PAGE 32 of 40 0001463170-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934639 291161 SIMONTON-KOCH, CATHERINE A 14510 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 37.57 1/7/2014 1.30 0001463170-20132013-0000-00-REG SIMONTON-KOCH, CATHERINE A REI 126049 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.57 0001468637-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306335 289871 SIPPEL, LEIGH A 6616 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001468637-20112011-0000-00-REG SIPPEL, LEIGH A REI 124759 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001461645-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931337 289595 SKELLY, MARY ANN 14936 CARBERT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.37 1/6/2012 0.72 0001461645-20112011-0000-00-REG SKELLY, MARY ANN REI 124483 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.37 0001481716-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711506 290010 SKIPPER, KAY S 16320 MCAULEY RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001481716-20112011-0000-00-REG SKIPPER, KAY S REI 124898 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001458035-20112011-0000-00-REG 00916123 289496 SLABEY, RANDY T 16545 KIMBOLTEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001458035-20112011-0000-00-REG SLABEY, RANDY T REI 124384 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001457830-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915753 289460 SLOAN, CAROLYN B 7422 LOCHREIN RIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001457830-20112011-0000-00-REG SLOAN, CAROLYN B REI 124348 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0002617002-20132013-0000-00-REG 01922156 291226 SMELLEY, JAMES 13846 LAWTHER RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 29.38 1/7/2014 1.01 0002617002-20132013-0000-00-REG SMELLEY, JAMES REI 126114 0 SL 362 Adjustment 29.38 0001457022-20112011-0000-00-REG 00911273 289397 SMITH, ANTHONY L 10306 VIXEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001457022-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, ANTHONY L REI 124285 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001460363-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926260 289586 SMITH, ASHLEY 8714 GLADE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001460363-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, ASHLEY REI 124474 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001468534-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306238 289842 SMITH, CALVIN B 5128 HAROLD LN HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001468534-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, CALVIN B REI 124730 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001462821-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934509 289662 SMITH, CYNTHIA G 16815 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.96 1/6/2012 5.52 0001462821-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, CYNTHIA G REI 124550 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.96 0001462821-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934509 290629 SMITH, CYNTHIA G 16815 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.26 1/8/2013 3.31 0001462821-20122012-0000-00-REG SMITH, CYNTHIA G REI 125517 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.26 0001462821-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934509 291067 SMITH, CYNTHIA G 16815 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.26 1/7/2014 1.36 0001462821-20132013-0000-00-REG SMITH, CYNTHIA G REI 125955 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.26 0001481471-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709312 289978 SMITH, DONNA F 308 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.18 0001481471-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, DONNA F REI 124866 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001462260-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934206 289642 SMITH, JACQUELINE K 15223 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.88 1/6/2012 6.59 0001462260-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, JACQUELINE K REI 124530 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.88 0001462260-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934206 290609 SMITH, JACQUELINE K 15223 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.31 1/8/2013 4.08 0001462260-20122012-0000-00-REG SMITH, JACQUELINE K REI 125497 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.31 0001462260-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934206 291043 SMITH, JACQUELINE K 15223 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 48.31 1/7/2014 1.67 0001462260-20132013-0000-00-REG SMITH, JACQUELINE K REI 125931 0 SL 362 Adjustment 48.31 0001464815-20112011-0000-00-REG 01104333 289779 SMITH, JAMES LEE ETUX 12422 WILLOW GROVE WAY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001464815-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, JAMES LEE ETUX REI 124667 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001462807-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934505 289659 SMITH, KELLY J JR 15918 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 52.27 1/6/2012 7.05 0001462807-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, KELLY J JR REI 124547 0 SL 362 Adjustment 52.27 0001462807-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934505 290626 SMITH, KELLY J JR 15918 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.72 1/8/2013 4.20 0001462807-20122012-0000-00-REG SMITH, KELLY J JR REI 125514 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.72 0001462807-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934505 291063 SMITH, KELLY J JR 15918 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.72 1/7/2014 1.72 0001462807-20132013-0000-00-REG SMITH, KELLY J JR REI 125951 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.72 0001481682-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711208 290002 SMITH, MARGARET 105 WATKINS ST HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001481682-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH , MARGARET REI 124890 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.42 0001403239-20112011-0000-00-REG 00101475 288212 SMITH, PAUL B 14049 CLARENDON POINT CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 18.65 1/6/2012 2.51 0001403239-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, PAUL B REI 123100 0 SL 362 Adjustment 18.65 0001491499-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946366 290066 SMITH, ROBERT 10810 DRAKE HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001491499-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, ROBERT REI 124954 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001481805-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711913 290021 SMITH, TYLER V 616 OAKLAND AVE #B CHARLOTTE NC 28204 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001481805-20112011-0000-00-REG SMITH, TYLER V REI 124909 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001462830-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934512 289665 SNYDER, ROBIN R 16827 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 42.09 1/6/2012 5.67 0001462830-20112011-0000-00-REG SNYDER, ROBIN R REI 124553 0 SL 362 Adjustment 42.09 0001462830-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934512 290632 SNYDER, ROBIN R 16827 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.53 1/8/2013 3.50 0001462830-20122012-0000-00-REG SNYDER, ROBIN R REI 125520 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.53 1.47 4/17/2012 PAGE 33 of 40 0001462830-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934512 291070 SNYDER, ROBIN R 16827 SPRUELL STREET HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.53 1/7/2014 1.43 0001462830-20132013-0000-00-REG SNYDER, ROBIN R REI 125958 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.53 0001469206-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314206 289889 SOTO, NYDIA E 15829 ROBINS WY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001469206-20112011-0000-00-REG SOTO, NYDIA E REI 124777 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001462961-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934555 289697 SPADACCINI, ROCCI J 16702 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.25 1/6/2012 5.56 0001462961-20112011-0000-00-REG SPADACCINI, ROCCI J REI 124585 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.25 0001462961-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934555 290667 SPADACCINI, ROCCI J 16702 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.55 1/8/2013 3.34 0001462961-20122012-0000-00-REG SPADACCINI, ROCCI J REI 125555 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.55 0001462961-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934555 291107 SPADACCINI, ROCCI J 16702 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.55 1/7/2014 1.37 0001462961-20132013-0000-00-REG SPADACCINI, ROCCI J REI 125995 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.55 0001462905-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934536 289684 SPAVALE, VINCENT A 16711 SPRUELL ST JR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 41.25 1/6/2012 5.56 0001462905-20112011-0000-00-REG SPAVALE, VINCENT A REI JR 124572 0 SL 362 Adjustment 41.25 0001462905-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934536 290652 SPAVALE, VINCENT A 16711 SPRUELL ST JR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.55 1/8/2013 3.34 0001462905-20122012-0000-00-REG SPAVALE, VINCENT A REI JR 125540 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.55 0001462905-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934536 291091 SPAVALE, VINCENT A 16711 SPRUELL ST JR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.55 1/7/2014 1.37 0001462905-20132013-0000-00-REG SPAVALE, VINCENT A REI JR 125979 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.55 0001466482-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120453 289808 SPEARS, LANOMA J 12221 ILSE HELENE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001466482-20112011-0000-00-REG SPEARS, LANOMA J REI 124696 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0002616760-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934739 291204 SPEIGLE, CHERYL ANN 16007 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 60.17 1/7/2014 2.08 0002616760-20132013-0000-00-REG SPEIGLE, CHERYL ANN REI 126092 0 SL 362 Adjustment 60.17 0001481357-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708213 289949 SPIKES, KATHRYN C 101 DALLAS ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 29.09 1/6/2012 3.92 0001481357-20112011-0000-00-REG SPIKES, KATHRYN C REI 124837 0 SL 362 Adjustment 29.09 0001481357-20122012-0000-00-REG 01708213 290770 SPIKES, KATHRYN C 101 DALLAS ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 28.81 1/8/2013 2.43 0001481357-20122012-0000-00-REG SPIKES, KATHRYN C REI 125658 0 SL 362 Adjustment 28.81 0001481357-20132013-0000-00-REG 01708213 291211 SPIKES, KATHRYN C 101 DALLAS ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 28.81 1/7/2014 0.99 0001481357-20132013-0000-00-REG SPIKES, KATHRYN C REI 126099 0 SL 362 Adjustment 28.81 0001463196-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934650 289742 SPRY, CHRISTOPHER 16635 SPRUEL ST HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 S NC 28078 40.12 1/6/2012 5.41 0001463196-20112011-0000-00-REG SPRY, CHRISTOPHER REI S 124630 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.12 0001463196-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934650 290718 SPRY, CHRISTOPHER 16635 SPRUEL ST HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 S NC 28078 38.42 1/8/2013 3.24 0001463196-20122012-0000-00-REG SPRY, CHRISTOPHER REI S 125606 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.42 0001463196-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934650 291168 SPRY, CHRISTOPHER 16635 SPRUEL ST HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 S NC 28078 38.42 1/7/2014 1.33 0001463196-20132013-0000-00-REG SPRY, CHRISTOPHER REI S 126056 0 SL 362 Adjustment 38.42 0001463129-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934626 289729 STACKHOUSE, NEVIN 15800 WATERFRONT DR O HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 77.97 1/6/2012 10.51 0001463129-20112011-0000-00-REG STACKHOUSE, NEVIN REI O 124617 0 SL 362 Adjustment 77.97 0001463129-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934626 290703 STACKHOUSE, NEVIN 15800 WATERFRONT DR O HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 77.12 1/8/2013 6.51 0001463129-20122012-0000-00-REG STACKHOUSE, NEVIN REI O 125591 0 SL 362 Adjustment 77.12 0001463129-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934626 291150 STACKHOUSE, NEVIN 15800 WATERFRONT DR O HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 77.12 1/7/2014 2.66 0001463129-20132013-0000-00-REG STACKHOUSE, NEVIN REI O 126038 0 SL 362 Adjustment 77.12 0001461755-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931385 289601 STAINES, GARY A 8006 COTTSBROOKE DR CHARLOTTE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001461755-20112011-0000-00-REG STAINES, GARY A REI 124489 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001458028-20112011-0000-00-REG 00916117 289493 STARK, PATRICK DANIEL 16441 KIMBOLTEN DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 6.50 1/6/2012 0.88 0001458028-20112011-0000-00-REG STARK, PATRICK DANIEL REI 124381 0 SL 362 Adjustment 6.5 0001468651-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306403 289873 STAUDT, JEREMY L 8800 FAIRVIEW RD #1-A CHARLOTTE NC 28226 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001468651-20112011-0000-00-REG STAUDT, JEREMY L REI 124761 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001459756-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924336 289550 STEARNS, GEOFFREY 15721 DELANCEY LN E HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001459756-20112011-0000-00-REG STEARNS, GEOFFREY REI E 124438 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001462321-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934311 289650 STEDRONSKY, WALTER 13631 STUMPTOWN ROAD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 55.09 1/6/2012 7.43 0001462321-20112011-0000-00-REG STEDRONSKY , WALTER REI 124538 0 SL 362 Adjustment 55.09 0001462321-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934311 290617 STEDRONSKY, WALTER 13631 STUMPTOWN ROAD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 52.55 1/8/2013 4.43 0001462321-20122012-0000-00-REG STEDRONSKY , WALTER REI 125505 0 SL 362 Adjustment 52.55 0001462321-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934311 291053 STEDRONSKY, WALTER 13631 STUMPTOWN ROAD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 52.55 1/7/2014 1.81 0001462321-20132013-0000-00-REG STEDRONSKY , WALTER REI 125941 0 SL 362 Adjustment 52.55 0001460159-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926117 289564 STEISS, TODD A 8932 DEERLAND CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001460159-20112011-0000-00-REG STEISS, TODD A REI 124452 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 PAGE 34 of 40 0001469271-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314404 289911 STEPHAN, CAROLYN M 15824 ROBINS WY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001469271-20112011-0000-00-REG STEPHAN, CAROLYN M REI 124799 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001468539-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306240 289844 STEPHENS, BRADFORD F 5116 HAROLD LN HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001468539-20112011-0000-00-REG STEPHENS, BRADFORD F REI 124732 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001471209-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505413 289943 STEVENS, BARBARA 13435 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001471209-20112011-0000-00-REG STEVENS , BARBARA REI 124831 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001457804-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915720 289452 STIKLEATHER, NANCY 16007 KELLY PARK CR G HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001457804-20112011-0000-00-REG STIKLEATHER, NANCY REI G 124340 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001467678-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133638 289828 STOKES, CHARMAINE 14015 CEDAR POND CR L. HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001467678-20112011-0000-00-REG STOKES, CHARMAINE REI L. 124716 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.95 0001464754-20112011-0000-00-REG 01104142 289776 STONEHOUSE, RICHARD 12533 WILLOW GROVE WAY HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001464754-20112011-0000-00-REG STONEHOUSE , RICHARD REI 124664 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.24 0001462237-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934177 289638 STREIT, DANIELLE M 14414 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 51.98 1/6/2012 7.01 0001462237-20112011-0000-00-REG STREIT, DANIELLE M REI 124526 0 SL 362 Adjustment 51.98 0001462237-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934177 290604 STREIT, DANIELLE M 14414 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.44 1/8/2013 4.17 0001462237-20122012-0000-00-REG STREIT, DANIELLE M REI 125492 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.44 0001462237-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934177 291037 STREIT, DANIELLE M 14414 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 49.44 1/7/2014 1.71 0001462237-20132013-0000-00-REG STREIT, DANIELLE M REI 125925 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.44 0001463335-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934735 289765 STROUD, ANDREW J 14609 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 44.63 1/6/2012 6.02 0001463335-20112011-0000-00-REG STROUD, ANDREW J REI 124653 0 SL 362 Adjustment 44.63 0001463335-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934735 290745 STROUD, ANDREW J 14609 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 43.22 1/8/2013 3.65 0001463335-20122012-0000-00-REG STROUD, ANDREW J REI 125633 0 SL 362 Adjustment 43.22 0001463335-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934735 291200 STROUD, ANDREW J 14609 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 43.22 1/7/2014 1.49 0001463335-20132013-0000-00-REG STROUD, ANDREW J REI 126088 0 SL 362 Adjustment 43.22 0001468544-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306242 289846 STURGILL, WILLIAM B 13003 W DOUGLAS PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001468544-20112011-0000-00-REG STURGILL, WILLIAM B REI 124734 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.24 0002616899-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707381 290767 SUDAN, HARMEET K 11517 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 29.38 1/8/2013 2.48 0002616899-20122012-0000-00-REG SUDAN, HARMEET K REI 125655 0 SL 362 Adjustment 29.38 0001491334-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946121 290043 SULLIVAN, CHRISTINE 10020 VANGUARD PKWY M HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001491334-20112011-0000-00-REG SULLIVAN, CHRISTINE REI M 124931 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001481387-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708233 289954 SUMNER, WILLIAM JAY 16400 RANGER TR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001481387-20112011-0000-00-REG SUMNER, WILLIAM JAY REI 124842 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001460211-20112011-0000-00-REG 00926155 289572 SZEWCZYK, PATRICK 15933 PRESTWOODS LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001460211-20112011-0000-00-REG SZEWCZYK , PATRICK REI 124460 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0002616713-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934128 289624 TAGLE, RYAN E 14706 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 81.65 1/6/2012 11.01 0002616713-20112011-0000-00-REG TAGLE, RYAN E REI 124512 0 SL 362 Adjustment 81.65 0002616713-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934128 290584 TAGLE, RYAN E 14706 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 81.65 1/8/2013 6.89 0002616713-20122012-0000-00-REG TAGLE, RYAN E REI 125472 0 SL 362 Adjustment 81.65 0002616713-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934128 291024 TAGLE, RYAN E 14706 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 81.65 1/7/2014 2.82 0002616713-20132013-0000-00-REG TAGLE, RYAN E REI 125912 0 SL 362 Adjustment 81.65 0001481745-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711621 290012 TALBERT, MARTHA DIANE 138 GRAYSON DR SALISBURY NC 6/21/2014 28147 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001481745-20112011-0000-00-REG TALBERT, MARTHA DIANE REI 124900 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0002616862-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707257 290753 TALBOT, STEVEN P 11630 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 29.10 1/8/2013 2.46 0002616862-20122012-0000-00-REG TALBOT, STEVEN P REI 125641 0 SL 362 Adjustment 29.1 0001468616-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306324 289863 TAYLOR, JORDAN 6718 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.83 1/6/2012 0.38 0001468616-20112011-0000-00-REG TAYLOR, JORDAN REI 124751 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.83 0001462797-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934502 289657 TEAGUE, JAMES K 14021 HOLLY SPRINGS HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 36.72 1/6/2012 4.95 0001462797-20112011-0000-00-REG TEAGUE, JAMES K REI 124545 0 SL 362 Adjustment 36.72 0001462797-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934502 290624 TEAGUE, JAMES K 14021 HOLLY SPRINGS HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 36.16 1/8/2013 3.05 0001462797-20122012-0000-00-REG TEAGUE, JAMES K REI 125512 0 SL 362 Adjustment 36.16 0001462797-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934502 291061 TEAGUE, JAMES K 14021 HOLLY SPRINGS HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 36.16 1/7/2014 1.25 0001462797-20132013-0000-00-REG TEAGUE, JAMES K REI 125949 0 SL 362 Adjustment 36.16 0001457774-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915703 289447 TEOH, CHENG C 15112 NORMAN VIEW LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457774-20112011-0000-00-REG TEOH, CHENG C REI 124335 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 PAGE 35 of 40 0001466485-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120454 289809 TERMAN, ACO 12225 ISLE HELENE LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001466485-20112011-0000-00-REG TERMAN , ACO REI 124697 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001467595-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133602 289815 TESKE, JACOB P 14108 CEDAR POND CIR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001467595-20112011-0000-00-REG TESKE, JACOB P REI 124703 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001468587-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306308 289856 THOMPSON, BRIAN L 4016 BEAVER BROOK RD CLEMMONS NC 27012 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001468587-20112011-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, BRIAN L REI 124744 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001462951-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934551 289693 THOMPSON, CARLA 16718 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 69.77 1/6/2012 9.40 0001462951-20112011-0000-00-REG THOMPSON , CARLA REI 124581 0 SL 362 Adjustment 69.77 0001462951-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934551 290663 THOMPSON, CARLA 16718 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 68.08 1/8/2013 5.74 0001462951-20122012-0000-00-REG THOMPSON , CARLA REI 125551 0 SL 362 Adjustment 68.08 0001462951-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934551 291103 THOMPSON, CARLA 16718 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 68.08 1/7/2014 2.35 0001462951-20132013-0000-00-REG THOMPSON , CARLA REI 125991 0 SL 362 Adjustment 68.08 0001463317-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934728 289762 THOMPSON, CONSTANCE 14525 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.27 1/6/2012 5.29 0001463317-20112011-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, CONSTANCE REI 124650 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.27 0001463317-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934728 290742 THOMPSON, CONSTANCE 14525 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 37.86 1/8/2013 3.19 0001463317-20122012-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, CONSTANCE REI 125630 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.86 0001463317-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934728 291196 THOMPSON, CONSTANCE 14525 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 37.86 1/7/2014 1.31 0001463317-20132013-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, CONSTANCE REI 126084 0 SL 362 Adjustment 37.86 0001455697-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907461 289377 THOMPSON, DARIN K 14211 HARVINGTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001455697-20112011-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, DARIN K REI 124265 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001462233-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934173 289636 THOMPSON, MARILYNN HARDIN 14316 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 63.00 1/6/2012 8.49 0001462233-20112011-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, MARILYNN HARDIN REI 124524 0 SL 362 Adjustment 63 0001462233-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934173 290601 THOMPSON, MARILYNN HARDIN 14316 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 62.43 1/8/2013 5.27 0001462233-20122012-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, MARILYNN HARDIN REI 125489 0 SL 362 Adjustment 62.43 0001462233-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934173 291034 THOMPSON, MARILYNN HARDIN 14316 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 62.43 1/7/2014 2.16 0001462233-20132013-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, MARILYNN HARDIN REI 125922 0 SL 362 Adjustment 62.43 0001458231-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917113 289505 THOMPSON, PAUL 16601 GRAPPERHALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001458231-20112011-0000-00-REG THOMPSON , PAUL REI 124393 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001457130-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912230 289403 THOMPSON, RALPH E 10001 VIXEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001457130-20112011-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, RALPH E REI 124291 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001481391-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708236 289956 THOMPSON, REBECCA TATE 317 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 35.31 1/6/2012 4.76 0001481391-20112011-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, REBECCA TATE REI 124844 0 SL 362 Adjustment 35.31 0001481391-20122012-0000-00-REG 01708236 290771 THOMPSON, REBECCA TATE 317 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 28.25 1/8/2013 2.38 0001481391-20122012-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, REBECCA TATE REI 125659 0 SL 362 Adjustment 28.25 0001481391-20132013-0000-00-REG 01708236 291212 THOMPSON, REBECCA TATE 317 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 28.25 1/7/2014 0.98 0001481391-20132013-0000-00-REG THOMPSON, REBECCA TATE REI 126100 0 SL 362 Adjustment 28.25 0001467598-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133603 289816 THORP, BRYAN 14104 CEDAR POND CR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.95 1/6/2012 0.53 0001467598-20112011-0000-00-REG THORP , BRYAN REI 124704 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.95 0001466505-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120461 289813 TODD, NATHANIEL R 12518 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001466505-20112011-0000-00-REG TODD, NATHANIEL R REI 124701 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001469207-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314207 289890 TORRES, JOSEPHINE 13940 HASTINGS FARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 8.76 1/6/2012 1.18 0001469207-20112011-0000-00-REG TORRES , JOSEPHINE REI 124778 0 SL 362 Adjustment 8.76 0001473149-20112011-0000-00-REG 01510514 289945 TRAETTINO, LUIGI 9000 HUNTERS POINTE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001473149-20112011-0000-00-REG TRAETTINO , LUIGI REI 124833 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 0002616868-20122012-0000-00-REG 01707263 290758 TRIPLETT, ADAM 11604 LOTTINGLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 25.70 1/8/2013 2.17 0002616868-20122012-0000-00-REG TRIPLETT, ADAM REI 125646 0 SL 362 Adjustment 25.7 0001461639-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931335 289594 TUASON, CATHERINE 15730 SEAFIELD LN L HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001461639-20112011-0000-00-REG TUASON, CATHERINE REI L 124482 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001471110-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505203 289918 TUCKER, JOSEPH 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001471110-20112011-0000-00-REG TUCKER, JOSEPH REI 124806 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001457969-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915908 289484 TUCKER, RANDALL G 8634 COMMON OAK LN U/T/D HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.70 1/6/2012 0.23 0001457969-20112011-0000-00-REG TUCKER, RANDALL G REI U/T/D 124372 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001457763-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915646 289443 TUTTLE, HANNAH FAYE 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001457763-20112011-0000-00-REG TUTTLE, HANNAH FAYE 124331 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 11711 DAN MAPLES DR CHARLOTTE NC 28277 8224 BALLYMORE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 PAGE 36 of 40 REI 0001458225-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917110 289504 TWEEDY, JOHN 16527 GRAPPERHALL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.54 1/6/2012 0.34 0001458225-20112011-0000-00-REG TWEEDY , JOHN REI 124392 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.54 0001468684-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306507 289881 UEHLEIN, CARRIE A 13225 KENNERLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001468684-20112011-0000-00-REG UEHLEIN, CARRIE A REI 124769 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001463067-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934601 289712 UNDORF, CHARLES E. 2261 BROOK AVE MERRICK NY 11566 6/21/2014 40.68 1/6/2012 5.48 0001463067-20112011-0000-00-REG UNDORF, CHARLES E. REI 124600 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.68 0001463067-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934601 290684 UNDORF, CHARLES E. 2261 BROOK AVE MERRICK NY 11566 6/21/2014 40.11 1/8/2013 3.38 0001463067-20122012-0000-00-REG UNDORF, CHARLES E. REI 125572 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.11 0001463067-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934601 291129 UNDORF, CHARLES E. 2261 BROOK AVE MERRICK NY 11566 6/21/2014 40.11 1/7/2014 1.38 0001463067-20132013-0000-00-REG UNDORF, CHARLES E. REI 126017 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.11 0001458056-20112011-0000-00-REG 00916139 289498 UNZELMANN, ANDREA L 16413 BRECKSHIRE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001458056-20112011-0000-00-REG UNZELMANN, ANDREA L REI 124386 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001463125-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934625 289728 UTTLEY, BRANDON N 15810 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 73.17 1/6/2012 9.86 0001463125-20112011-0000-00-REG UTTLEY, BRANDON N REI 124616 0 SL 362 Adjustment 73.17 0001463125-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934625 290702 UTTLEY, BRANDON N 15810 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 71.19 1/8/2013 6.01 0001463125-20122012-0000-00-REG UTTLEY, BRANDON N REI 125590 0 SL 362 Adjustment 71.19 0001463125-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934625 291149 UTTLEY, BRANDON N 15810 WATERFRONT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 71.19 1/7/2014 2.46 0001463125-20132013-0000-00-REG UTTLEY, BRANDON N REI 126037 0 SL 362 Adjustment 71.19 0001459599-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924126 289541 VAHAN, EDWARD E 10318 TALLENT LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001459599-20112011-0000-00-REG VAHAN, EDWARD E REI 124429 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001462860-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934521 289672 VALENZUELA, JUDY A. 15937 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28202 6/21/2014 50.80 2/27/2012 6.49 0001462860-20112011-0000-00-REG VALENZUELA, JUDY A. REI 124560 0 SL 362 Adjustment 49.44 0001462860-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934521 290639 VALENZUELA, JUDY A. 15937 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28202 6/21/2014 47.60 2/19/2013 3.74 0001462860-20122012-0000-00-REG VALENZUELA, JUDY A. REI 125527 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.33 0001462860-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934521 291078 VALENZUELA, JUDY A. 15937 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28202 6/21/2014 47.60 1/13/2014 1.60 0001462860-20132013-0000-00-REG VALENZUELA, JUDY A. REI 125966 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.33 0001468635-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306334 289870 VALLES, MARTIN G 6622 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001468635-20112011-0000-00-REG VALLES, MARTIN G REI 124758 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001481797-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711901 290019 VANNOY, CAMERON G 201 WATKINS ST HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001481797-20112011-0000-00-REG VANNOY, CAMERON G REI 124907 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0002616709-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934124 289620 VARNELL, MATTHEWS 14722 PLESSIS PL S HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 88.99 1/6/2012 12.00 0002616709-20112011-0000-00-REG VARNELL, MATTHEWS REI S 124508 0 SL 362 Adjustment 88.99 0002616709-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934124 290580 VARNELL, MATTHEWS 14722 PLESSIS PL S HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 88.99 1/8/2013 7.51 0002616709-20122012-0000-00-REG VARNELL, MATTHEWS REI S 125468 0 SL 362 Adjustment 88.99 0002616709-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934124 291020 VARNELL, MATTHEWS 14722 PLESSIS PL S HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 88.99 1/7/2014 3.07 0002616709-20132013-0000-00-REG VARNELL, MATTHEWS REI S 125908 0 SL 362 Adjustment 88.99 0001462811-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934506 289660 VARNUM, CRAIG E. 15914 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 57.91 1/6/2012 7.81 0001462811-20112011-0000-00-REG VARNUM, CRAIG E. REI 124548 0 SL 362 Adjustment 57.91 0001462811-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934506 290627 VARNUM, CRAIG E. 15914 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 57.07 1/8/2013 4.82 0001462811-20122012-0000-00-REG VARNUM, CRAIG E. REI 125515 0 SL 362 Adjustment 57.07 0001462811-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934506 291064 VARNUM, CRAIG E. 15914 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 57.07 1/7/2014 1.97 0001462811-20132013-0000-00-REG VARNUM, CRAIG E. REI 125952 0 SL 362 Adjustment 57.07 0001456055-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907738 289385 VECCHIARELLO, SHANNON C 16320 HALLATON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001456055-20112011-0000-00-REG VECCHIARELLO, SHANNON C REI 124273 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001469238-20112011-0000-00-REG 01314305 289901 VELARDI, JAMES JR 13717 HASTINGS FARM ROAD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001469238-20112011-0000-00-REG VELARDI, JAMES JR REI 124789 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001468665-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306408 289875 VENTURA, MARCO ANTONIO 6542 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001468665-20112011-0000-00-REG VENTURA, MARCO ANTONIO REI 124763 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0002616711-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934126 289622 VENUS, SCOTT R 14714 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 79.95 1/6/2012 10.78 0002616711-20112011-0000-00-REG VENUS, SCOTT R REI 124510 0 SL 362 Adjustment 79.95 0002616711-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934126 290582 VENUS, SCOTT R 14714 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 79.95 1/8/2013 6.75 0002616711-20122012-0000-00-REG VENUS, SCOTT R REI 125470 0 SL 362 Adjustment 79.95 0002616711-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934126 291022 VENUS, SCOTT R 14714 PLESSIS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 79.95 1/7/2014 2.76 0002616711-20132013-0000-00-REG VENUS, SCOTT R REI 125910 0 SL 362 Adjustment 79.95 PAGE 37 of 40 0001470996-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505126 289916 VERLIN, KYLE J 13515 GLENWYCK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001470996-20112011-0000-00-REG VERLIN, KYLE J REI 124804 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001481407-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708243 289958 VERNACI, JOAN 103 LEE ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001481407-20112011-0000-00-REG VERNACI , JOAN REI 124846 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001481806-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711914 290022 VON, PETERFFY GEORGE PO BOX 1306 HUNTERSVILLE NC 6/21/2014 28070 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001481806-20112011-0000-00-REG VON, PETERFFY GEORGE REI 124910 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.24 0001467643-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133624 289822 WAGNER, CHARLES 14127 MAGNOLIA BEND DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.85 1/6/2012 0.11 0001467643-20112011-0000-00-REG WAGNER , CHARLES REI 124710 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.85 0001471158-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505302 289930 WAGNER, JANE E 413 W FRANKLIN ST ENDICOTT NY 13760 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001471158-20112011-0000-00-REG WAGNER, JANE E REI 124818 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001457750-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915640 289438 WALES, ELIZABETH M 8215 BALLYMORE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001457750-20112011-0000-00-REG WALES, ELIZABETH M REI 124326 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001462914-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934540 289686 WALKER, LINDSEY 16727 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 71.76 1/6/2012 9.67 0001462914-20112011-0000-00-REG WALKER, LINDSEY REI 124574 0 SL 362 Adjustment 71.76 0001462914-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934540 290656 WALKER, LINDSEY 16727 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 70.34 1/8/2013 5.94 0001462914-20122012-0000-00-REG WALKER, LINDSEY REI 125544 0 SL 362 Adjustment 70.34 0001462914-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934540 291095 WALKER, LINDSEY 16727 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 70.34 1/7/2014 2.43 0001462914-20132013-0000-00-REG WALKER, LINDSEY REI 125983 0 SL 362 Adjustment 70.34 0001459990-20112011-0000-00-REG 00925273 289555 WALKER, ROSLYN M 5852 MANTARIO DR CHARLOTTE NC 28269 6/21/2014 1.73 1/9/2012 0.23 0001459990-20112011-0000-00-REG WALKER, ROSLYN M REI 124443 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001481700-20112011-0000-00-REG 01711313 290007 WALSH, FRANK JR 400 OLD STATESVILLE RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 10.73 1/6/2012 1.45 0001481700-20112011-0000-00-REG WALSH, FRANK JR REI 124895 0 SL 362 Adjustment 10.73 0001491437-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946234 290054 WALSH, WILLIAM J 418 GIBSON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001491437-20112011-0000-00-REG WALSH, WILLIAM J REI 124942 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 0001468659-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306406 289874 WARNER, PAUL 6552 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001468659-20112011-0000-00-REG WARNER , PAUL REI 124762 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001481494-20112011-0000-00-REG 01709408 289982 WARREN, JAMES F 409 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001481494-20112011-0000-00-REG WARREN, JAMES F REI 124870 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001458308-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917171 289527 WASHAM, JERRY L 8303 QUEENSWAY PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.28 1/6/2012 0.04 0001458308-20112011-0000-00-REG WASHAM, JERRY L REI 124415 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.28 0001457858-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915767 289464 WASHBURN, SANDRA 19001 CALLAWAY HILLS DR C DAVIDSON NC 28036 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001457858-20112011-0000-00-REG WASHBURN, SANDRA REI C 124352 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001470991-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505123 289914 WASHBURN, SHERYL 13501 GLENWYCK LN A. HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.42 1/6/2012 0.19 0001470991-20112011-0000-00-REG WASHBURN, SHERYL REI A. 124802 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.42 0001458255-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917131 289512 WASHIK, BARRY 8220 CHANDOS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 20.34 1/6/2012 2.74 0001458255-20112011-0000-00-REG WASHIK , BARRY REI 124400 0 SL 362 Adjustment 20.34 0001458255-20122012-0000-00-REG 00917131 290566 WASHIK, BARRY 8220 CHANDOS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 20.34 1/8/2013 1.72 0001458255-20122012-0000-00-REG WASHIK , BARRY REI 125454 0 SL 362 Adjustment 20.34 0001458255-20132013-0000-00-REG 00917131 291004 WASHIK, BARRY 8220 CHANDOS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 20.34 1/7/2014 0.70 0001458255-20132013-0000-00-REG WASHIK , BARRY REI 125892 0 SL 362 Adjustment 20.34 0001458275-20112011-0000-00-REG 00917147 289518 WATTS, JOHN 16417 BEECH HILL DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001458275-20112011-0000-00-REG WATTS , JOHN REI 124406 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001460011-20112011-0000-00-REG 00925280 289560 WEBB, BURL JR 14010 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 55.09 1/6/2012 7.43 0001460011-20112011-0000-00-REG WEBB, BURL JR REI 124448 0 SL 362 Adjustment 55.09 0001460011-20122012-0000-00-REG 00925280 290573 WEBB, BURL JR 14010 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 53.39 1/8/2013 4.51 0001460011-20122012-0000-00-REG WEBB, BURL JR REI 125461 0 SL 362 Adjustment 53.39 0001460011-20132013-0000-00-REG 00925280 291011 WEBB, BURL JR 14010 HOLLY SPRINGS DRIVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 53.39 1/7/2014 1.84 0001460011-20132013-0000-00-REG WEBB, BURL JR REI 125899 0 SL 362 Adjustment 53.39 0001468675-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306504 289879 WEBSTER, JUSTIN A 13213 KENNERLY DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.05 2/23/2012 0.26 0001468675-20112011-0000-00-REG WEBSTER, JUSTIN A REI 124767 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001481384-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708232 289953 WELLMAN, DEBORAH PO BOX 2188 CORNELIUS NC N 28031 6/21/2014 1.82 5/24/2012 0.21 0001481384-20112011-0000-00-REG WELLMAN, DEBORAH REI N 124841 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.7 0001481390-20112011-0000-00-REG 01708235 289955 WELLMAN, DEBORAH PO BOX 2188 CORNELIUS NC N 28031 6/21/2014 1.79 5/24/2012 0.21 0001481390-20112011-0000-00-REG WELLMAN, DEBORAH REI N 124843 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.69 PAGE 38 of 40 0001468563-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306253 289851 WEMPLE, BRIAN A 13047 W DOUGLAS PARK DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.09 1/6/2012 0.69 0001468563-20112011-0000-00-REG WEMPLE, BRIAN A REI 124739 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.09 0001457538-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915371 289427 WERT, STEPHEN B 15671 KNOLL OAK CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001457538-20112011-0000-00-REG WERT, STEPHEN B REI 124315 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001481550-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710202 289987 WHITBY, BRIAN 204 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001481550-20112011-0000-00-REG WHITBY , BRIAN REI 124875 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001481550-20122012-0000-00-REG 01710202 290778 WHITBY, BRIAN 204 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.29 1/8/2013 0.02 0001481550-20122012-0000-00-REG WHITBY, BRIAN REI 125666 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.29 0001481550-20132013-0000-00-REG 01710202 291219 WHITBY, BRIAN 204 HILLCREST DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.29 1/7/2014 0.01 0001481550-20132013-0000-00-REG WHITBY , BRIAN REI 126107 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.29 0001481573-20112011-0000-00-REG 01710404 289992 WHITE, MICHAEL A 200 PINEWOOD DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.57 1/6/2012 0.08 0001481573-20112011-0000-00-REG WHITE, MICHAEL A REI 124880 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.57 0001458063-20112011-0000-00-REG 00916143 289500 WHITTINGTON, ROGER C 16434 BRECKSHIRE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 35.32 1/6/2012 4.76 0001458063-20112011-0000-00-REG WHITTINGTON, ROGER C REI 124388 0 SL 362 Adjustment 35.32 0001458063-20122012-0000-00-REG 00916143 290565 WHITTINGTON, ROGER C 16434 BRECKSHIRE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 33.06 1/8/2013 2.79 0001458063-20122012-0000-00-REG WHITTINGTON, ROGER C REI 125453 0 SL 362 Adjustment 33.06 0001458063-20132013-0000-00-REG 00916143 291003 WHITTINGTON, ROGER C 16434 BRECKSHIRE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 33.06 1/7/2014 1.14 0001458063-20132013-0000-00-REG WHITTINGTON, ROGER C REI 125891 0 SL 362 Adjustment 33.06 0001491381-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946201 290044 WICKENDEN, KIMBERLY M 10216 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 26.27 1/6/2012 3.54 0001491381-20112011-0000-00-REG WICKENDEN, KIMBERLY M REI 124932 0 SL 362 Adjustment 26.27 0001491381-20122012-0000-00-REG 01946201 290786 WICKENDEN, KIMBERLY M 10216 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 17.51 1/8/2013 1.48 0001491381-20122012-0000-00-REG WICKENDEN, KIMBERLY M REI 125674 0 SL 362 Adjustment 17.51 0001491381-20132013-0000-00-REG 01946201 291229 WICKENDEN, KIMBERLY M 10216 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28070 6/21/2014 17.51 1/7/2014 0.60 0001491381-20132013-0000-00-REG WICKENDEN, KIMBERLY M REI 126117 0 SL 362 Adjustment 17.51 0001491401-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946213 290051 WIDHALM, THOMAS A 10012 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001491401-20112011-0000-00-REG WIDHALM, THOMAS A REI 124939 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 0001467659-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133631 289825 WIESE, CAROL J 6/21/2014 5.36 1/6/2012 0.72 0001467659-20112011-0000-00-REG WIESE, CAROL J REI 124713 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.36 0001462953-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934552 289694 WILHELM, KIMBERLY 16714 SPRUELL ST K HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 50.00 1/6/2012 6.74 0001462953-20112011-0000-00-REG WILHELM, KIMBERLY REI K 124582 0 SL 362 Adjustment 50 0001462953-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934552 290664 WILHELM, KIMBERLY 16714 SPRUELL ST K HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.61 1/8/2013 3.93 0001462953-20122012-0000-00-REG WILHELM, KIMBERLY REI K 125552 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.61 0001462953-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934552 291104 WILHELM, KIMBERLY 16714 SPRUELL ST K HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.61 1/7/2014 1.61 0001462953-20132013-0000-00-REG WILHELM, KIMBERLY REI K 125992 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.61 0001456060-20112011-0000-00-REG 00907740 289386 WILKERSON, DEDRA 16308 HALLATON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001456060-20112011-0000-00-REG WILKERSON , DEDRA REI 124274 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001457213-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912411 289410 WILLIAMS, DEAN W 16500 GREENFARM RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.52 1/6/2012 0.61 0001457213-20112011-0000-00-REG WILLIAMS, DEAN W REI 124298 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.52 0001457263-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912614 289414 WILLIAMS, JOHN KOPPEN 9828 VIXEN LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001457263-20112011-0000-00-REG WILLIAMS, JOHN KOPPEN REI 124302 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001403248-20112011-0000-00-REG 00101481 288213 WILLIAMSON, DEAN B 14010 CLARENDON POINTE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 5.93 1/6/2012 0.80 0001403248-20112011-0000-00-REG WILLIAMSON, DEAN B REI 123101 0 SL 362 Adjustment 5.93 0001468639-20112011-0000-00-REG 01306336 289872 WILSON, MATTHEW EDWARD 6608 PARK MEADOWS PL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.55 1/6/2012 0.34 0001468639-20112011-0000-00-REG WILSON, MATTHEW EDWARD REI 124760 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.55 0001471152-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505225 289928 WINN, MARY L 13418 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.11 1/6/2012 0.42 0001471152-20112011-0000-00-REG WINN, MARY L REI 124816 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.11 0001471161-20112011-0000-00-REG 01505304 289932 WINTER, CURTIS L FAMILY TRUST 13523 GLENCREEK LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.84 1/6/2012 0.11 0001471161-20112011-0000-00-REG WINTER, CURTIS L FAMILY TRUST REI 124820 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.84 0001459634-20112011-0000-00-REG 00924151 289545 WOLF, REBECCA M 9735 AEGEAN CT HUNTERSVILLE 6/21/2014 NC 28078 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001459634-20112011-0000-00-REG WOLF, REBECCA M REI 124433 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001457825-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915750 289458 WONDERLY, JASON P 7408 LOCHREIN RIDGE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001457825-20112011-0000-00-REG WONDERLY, JASON P REI 124346 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001492799-20112011-0000-00-REG 02114210 290070 WOOD, STACY K 6/21/2014 4.24 1/6/2012 0.57 0001492799-20112011-0000-00-REG WOOD, STACY K 124958 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.24 13020 SYCAMORE TERRACE CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 12311 SOJOURN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 PAGE 39 of 40 REI 0001466407-20112011-0000-00-REG 01120422 289790 WOODELL, CATHERINE R 12531 TWELVETREES LN HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 0.56 1/6/2012 0.08 0001466407-20112011-0000-00-REG WOODELL, CATHERINE R REI 124678 0 SL 362 Adjustment 0.56 0001463083-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934608 289717 WOOTEN, AMANDA M 16502 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 57.07 1/6/2012 7.69 0001463083-20112011-0000-00-REG WOOTEN, AMANDA M REI 124605 0 SL 362 Adjustment 57.07 0001463083-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934608 290690 WOOTEN, AMANDA M 16502 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 56.50 1/8/2013 4.77 0001463083-20122012-0000-00-REG WOOTEN, AMANDA M REI 125578 0 SL 362 Adjustment 56.5 0001463083-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934608 291136 WOOTEN, AMANDA M 16502 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 56.50 1/7/2014 1.95 0001463083-20132013-0000-00-REG WOOTEN, AMANDA M REI 126024 0 SL 362 Adjustment 56.5 0001457816-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915726 289455 WORKMAN, CHRISTOPHER L 15915 KELLY PARK CIR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.98 1/6/2012 0.27 0001457816-20112011-0000-00-REG WORKMAN, CHRISTOPHER L REI 124343 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.98 0001461367-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931122 289589 WORLAND, ADAM 15336 HUGH MCAULEY RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.13 1/6/2012 0.15 0001461367-20112011-0000-00-REG WORLAND , ADAM REI 124477 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.13 0001491385-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946204 290045 YACONO, STEVEN M 10124 ROOSEVELT DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.39 1/6/2012 0.46 0001491385-20112011-0000-00-REG YACONO, STEVEN M REI 124933 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.39 0001459058-20112011-0000-00-REG 00921145 289538 YANEZ, CARMEN 8019 MAXWELTON DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 1.41 1/6/2012 0.19 0001459058-20112011-0000-00-REG YANEZ , CARMEN REI 124426 0 SL 362 Adjustment 1.41 0001491328-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946118 290040 YARBROUGH, JOSHUA 11110 HARBERT RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 2.89 1/25/2012 0.38 0001491328-20112011-0000-00-REG YARBROUGH , JOSHUA REI 124928 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.82 0001461769-20112011-0000-00-REG 00931392 289603 YOUNG, ALLYSON 7914 COTTSBROOKE DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.68 1/6/2012 0.50 0001461769-20112011-0000-00-REG YOUNG , ALLYSON REI 124491 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.68 0001457945-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915838 289482 YURACHEK, JOHN P II 7417 GILDERSTERN GLEN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.67 1/6/2012 0.49 0001457945-20112011-0000-00-REG YURACHEK, JOHN P II REI 124370 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.67 0001491448-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946314 290060 ZARACHOWICZ, WILLIAM A 11311 WARFIELD AVE HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 3.68 1/6/2012 0.50 0001491448-20112011-0000-00-REG ZARACHOWICZ, WILLIAM A REI 124948 0 SL 362 Adjustment 3.68 0002616717-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934132 289626 ZARRELLI, DENNIS 14144 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 56.22 1/6/2012 7.58 0002616717-20112011-0000-00-REG ZARRELLI, DENNIS REI 124514 0 SL 362 Adjustment 56.22 0002616717-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934132 290586 ZARRELLI, DENNIS 14144 HOLLY SPRINGS DR HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 54.24 1/8/2013 4.58 0002616717-20122012-0000-00-REG ZARRELLI, DENNIS REI 125474 0 SL 362 Adjustment 54.24 0001491414-20112011-0000-00-REG 01946221 290053 ZAWACKI, PATRICK M 11248 WARFIELD AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.61 1/6/2012 6.28 0001491414-20112011-0000-00-REG ZAWACKI, PATRICK M REI 124941 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.61 0001491414-20122012-0000-00-REG 01946221 290788 ZAWACKI, PATRICK M 11248 WARFIELD AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.61 1/8/2013 3.93 0001491414-20122012-0000-00-REG ZAWACKI, PATRICK M REI 125676 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.61 0001491414-20132013-0000-00-REG 01946221 291231 ZAWACKI, PATRICK M 11248 WARFIELD AV HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 46.61 1/7/2014 1.61 0001491414-20132013-0000-00-REG ZAWACKI, PATRICK M REI 126119 0 SL 362 Adjustment 46.61 0001457943-20112011-0000-00-REG 00915836 289480 ZELLA, CASEY J 6/21/2014 2.26 1/6/2012 0.30 0001457943-20112011-0000-00-REG ZELLA, CASEY J REI 124368 0 SL 362 Adjustment 2.26 0001467701-20112011-0000-00-REG 01133647 289833 ZERING, KATHLEEN M 13727 CEDAR POND CIRCLE & 13823 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 4.23 1/6/2012 0.57 0001467701-20112011-0000-00-REG ZERING, KATHLEEN M REI 124721 0 SL 362 Adjustment 4.23 0001457162-20112011-0000-00-REG 00912262 289405 ZIPADELLI, SCOTT P 16523 RANGER TRAIL HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 9.89 1/6/2012 1.33 0001457162-20112011-0000-00-REG ZIPADELLI, SCOTT P REI 124293 0 SL 362 Adjustment 9.89 0001462863-20112011-0000-00-REG 00934522 289673 ZSITTNIK, JOHN W 15941 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 40.96 1/6/2012 5.52 0001462863-20112011-0000-00-REG ZSITTNIK, JOHN W REI 124561 0 SL 362 Adjustment 40.96 0001462863-20122012-0000-00-REG 00934522 290640 ZSITTNIK, JOHN W 15941 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.26 1/8/2013 3.31 0001462863-20122012-0000-00-REG ZSITTNIK, JOHN W REI 125528 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.26 0001462863-20132013-0000-00-REG 00934522 291079 ZSITTNIK, JOHN W 15941 SPRUELL ST HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 6/21/2014 39.26 1/7/2014 1.36 0001462863-20132013-0000-00-REG ZSITTNIK, JOHN W REI 125967 0 SL 362 Adjustment 39.26 7416 GILDERSTERN GLENN CT HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 28,222.08 2,453.30 PAGE 40 of 40 Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Commissioner Kidwell Subject: Charlotte-Mecklenburg HLC Request The Olde Huntersville Historic Society requests that the Town of Huntersville send an official request to the CharlotteMecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission to prepare a study list inventory of structures and landmarks within the town that have or may have historical significance. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Request that Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission prepare a study list inventory of structures and landmarks within the Town. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Janet Pierson, Town Clerk Subject: Approval of Minutes - Pre-meeting Consider approving minutes of the August 18, 2014 Town Board Pre-meeting. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approve Minutes. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Draft Pre-meeting Minutes Backup Material HUNTERSVILLE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PRE-MEETING MINUTES August 18, 2014 5:00 p.m. – Town Hall GOVERNING BODY MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jill Swain; Commissioners Melinda Bales, Rob Kidwell, Sarah McAulay, and Danny Phillips. Commissioners Ron Julian and Jeff Neely were not present. STAFF PRESENT: Town Manager Greg Ferguson, Assistant Town Manager Gerry Vincent, Town Attorney Bob Blythe, Finance Director Janet Stoner, Transportation Planner Bill Coxe, Public Works Director/Town Engineer Max Buchanan, Parks & Recreation Director Michael Jaycocks, Planning Director Jack Simoneau, Principal Planner Zac Gordon, Police Chief Cleveland Spruill, Town Clerk Janet Pierson. Greg Ferguson, Town Manager, introduced Robert Stiegele of TDON Development whom staff has been in discussions with concerning TDON’s interest in the Anchor Mill property. Robert Stiegele, President of TDON Development, presented an overview of their company. Refer to PowerPoint attached hereto as Attachment No. 1. Mr. Stiegele reviewed preliminary plan for Anchor Mill property which would include approximately 260 apartment units, approximately 43 cottage homes and approximately 20 townhomes. Density would be a little over 10 units an acre. Amenities would include a pool, spa, community clubhouse with meeting area and fitness center. No retail space is proposed. Proposed access points and transportation issues were reviewed. The Planning Director pointed out that a transportation study of the downtown area is currently being conducted. Mr. Ferguson reviewed the process if Board would like to move forward. The Board could enter into an agreement under the redevelopment statutes and it could be sold to the developer. All information presented is preliminary. Staff will continue discussions with TDON and come back at a future Town Board meeting to discuss if the Board has interest in moving forward. Commissioner McAulay made a motion to go into closed session for property acquisition. Commissioner Bales seconded motion. Motion carried with four (4) yes votes. Upon return from closed session, there being no further business, the pre-meeting was adjourned. Town Board Pre-meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 1 of 1 Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Janet Pierson, Town Clerk Subject: Approval of Minutes - Regular Town Board Meeting Consider approving minutes of the August 18, 2014 Regular Town Board Meeting. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approve Minutes. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Draft Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes Backup Material TOWN OF HUNTERSVILLE REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 18, 2014 6:30 p.m. – Town Hall The Regular Meeting of the Huntersville Board of Commissioners was held at the Huntersville Town Hall at 6:30 p.m. on August 18, 2014 GOVERNING BODY MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jill Swain; Commissioners Melinda Bales, Rob Kidwell, Sarah McAulay, and Danny Phillips. Commissioners Ron Julian and Jeff Neely were not present. Mayor Swain called for a moment of silence. Austin Dameron of Boy Scout Troop 200 led the Pledge of Allegiance. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS/STAFF QUESTIONS Commissioner Bales – No Report Commissioner Kidwell • At its last meeting the Olde Huntersville Heritage Society voted to change its name to Olde Huntersville Historic Society. We are continuing to take bids to repair the roof of the old jail. We are now up to 271 likes on Facebook. A couple of members met with the North Carolina Native Plants Society to get their ideas on the plants for the Arts & Cultural Building during the rehab of that. The next OHHS meeting is September 3 at Rural Hill. Commissioner McAulay • The next meeting of the Charlotte Regional Transportation Organization is Wednesday night. • Last week I attended the Centralina Council of Governments Delegates meeting. There was a good package of communication on the different CONNECT projects. One of the items is called Career Headlights and it’s a website that you can go on, build your profile and see what jobs might be available for you around here. I think it would be a good thing maybe for us to try. • Last week I also attended in Rock Hill the Charlotte Regional Transportation Alliance which is made up of MPO’s in North Carolina and some in South Carolina. The South Carolina Department of Transportation presented a presentation which I’ll send to you about the state of their roads. Apparently we have some quite good roads in North Carolina compared to South Carolina. Commissioner Phillips • The next meeting of the Arts & Science Council Board is August 20. • Announced upcoming Arts & Science Council events • Pointed out that the proposed ¼ cent county sales tax that has been discussed is really not truly just for teachers – 80 percent is for teachers, 7.5 percent of it is for Arts & Science, 7.5 percent is for CPCC and 5 percent is for the library. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 1 of 13 Commissioner Bales said since Commissioner Neely is not here and I would like to say for the Lake Norman Chamber to please go out and shop local. Make sure that you are reaching out to our local businesses during this time. Mayor Swain said tomorrow morning is a Huntersville Connection meeting at 8 a.m. Many of the participants in Huntersville Connection may have a business in Cornelius or Davidson and live in Huntersville or vice versa. They have been very appreciative of the efforts on social media and just of our citizens encouraging support of the small businesses so I have encouraged those people to remember that the construction is almost done so there is an end in sight. So please tell people if they want to go to Cornelius there are other ways besides Exit 28. Commissioner Kidwell said today we received an e-mail with some information and I was wondering if Jack could elaborate on the Town of Huntersville non-residential upfit and new construction values. Jack Simoneau, Planning Director, said what we provided was just a summary of what’s happening by month in 2014 and compared it to 2013 and in all of 2013 we had a total of $17.2 million of new construction in non-residential development as well as upfits which are renovation work in shells. So far this year the first 7months we are at $40 million. So things are substantially changing in terms of the outlook for development here in Huntersville. We’ll continue to give you those updates monthly. PUBLIC COMMENTS, REQUESTS, OR PRESENTATIONS Roger Diedrich, 10125 Vanguard Parkway, said I came to Huntersville about a year ago to visit my son in the area and I came to the lobby to get information and I asked about Huntersville’s growth and transportation and I was told to go across the street and I talked to staff there and they were very helpful. I was told by them one of the priorities was to improve the pedestrian access from Vermillion where I live to the town and I’ve been waiting and I haven’t seen any progress on anything. I followed the plan process. Since then I’ve attended Huntersville 101 and so forth. I did expect that when this was on the agenda that there would be a hearing. I did look at the map that’s proposed and I don’t sense there are any issues with approval of the plan and I do urge you to approve it, but I’m here to say more so that the town needs to do more to build the routes and to make the plan a reality – measurable goals and timelines and to a degree local funding. There’s plenty of data showing that pedestrian and bicycle access increase property values and encourage development and this is especially relevant in light of the overwhelming sentiment at the public session on the Downtown Transportation Plan which I attended that we need more people on these local streets to revitalize them and so you’ve got to get the access to facilities. A modest investment will likely pay off handsomely. I would also suggest you consider two strategies to stretch some limited dollars. Number one, break some routes into segments and focus efforts on those segments that can gain the highest score than you would with a larger project. For example, Greenway #24 runs from downtown past the Anchor Mill site through Vermillion on past Waymer Field. We don’t have to go the whole way and likewise Greenway #27 connects downtown to the bus station so we could get some early pay off if we just do parts of greenways and any other routes that could be started sooner. Secondly, spend some modest sums for some basic structural and safety improvements on selected routes without paving or other enhancements but make them safe and passable…….call them brownways or interim greenways. Let people get out there and use the spaces as soon as possible. We would get a sense of which routes are more popular and the users would become the ambassadors for the completion. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 2 of 13 Mayor Swain said thank you for your involvement and your interest. The fact that you have been to the different forums is fantastic. AGENDA CHANGES Commissioner McAulay made a motion to adopt the agenda. Commissioner Kidwell seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Swain recognized Planning Board Members present: Hal Bankirer, Joanne Miller and Dan Boone. Petition #R14-03. Mayor Swain called to order public hearing on Petition #R14-03, a request by Woodie Enterprises, Inc. to amend the Highway Commercial Conditional District to add “auto service and repair” to permitted use list for only Parcel #017-152-92 and to eliminate a future street connection. David Peete, Senior Planner, entered the Staff Report into record. Staff Analysis attached hereto as Attachment No. 1. This CD rezoning is an amendment. Essentially this 1.2 acre site which is located, sometimes this can be a little difficult to read, but I wanted you to see the zoning pattern…….this is the former Bi-Lo which is now going to be a Publix. This is the Colonial Grand Apartment development. Down here you have some commercial buildings kind of coming out in shell buildings, if you will, and then down further you have the Wells Fargo and McDonald’s. Back here is Rose Meadow Drive which goes between this development and the housing and also the Little Otter Swim Academy is just over there. That just sets everything up and as you can see you have a storm water pond here, but there is nothing on this site and if you don’t believe me I can show you some photographs. These are the surrounding streets. This is the site in question and you can see there the relationship on the right. This is the site over here and then this is the apartments over there. Jumping back a little bit to the origins of this process, back in 98 there was an approval for the Market Square plan. You can see that and I’ve highlighted that this is not a full sketched cross section but they call for a connection and a public street and that is over in the notes. Also in the notes is a list of prohibited uses and they would be your frequent offenders, ones that you are all familiar with including specifically auto repair and service. What this proposal is looking to do in a nutshell is in essence to ask that this requirement for a public street be eliminated and that the prohibition of auto repair is only allowed on this site which was identified by a parcel number. Nothing else would change. Everything else would move along and this particular use that is being proposed would not be allowed anywhere else within the Market Square site as well. It is a conditional district and I’m going to circle back around to a couple of the conditions that are very important in just a second, but moving through the process I just wanted to let you know by way of history that after the 98 creation of Market Square there was a request in 2005 to also eliminate the street. At that time the apartments were not approved and were not in existence. There was some thought and concern by staff that the connectivity was going to be needed and it was important to have that and so that came through and it was denied. The re-evaluation that we have done now in 2014 with the apartments fully functioning for well over 6 years as well as all of the other products that are on Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 3 of 13 the ground show that there is sufficient connectivity as we sit here today which does not include the connection and we are very comfortable with having that not become a street. However, we did want to preserve the ability for pedestrian connections for the folks living in the apartments to move over to the shopping center and so in working with the applicant we have sought to preserve a pedestrian connection where that road would have gone. And they have been more than happy to do that. That is where we are. The elements that you see, the only thing lacking in the conditional district site plan which I’m going to touch on in just a second would be that there is a willingness to serve letter for utilities, which they should not have any issue getting. I do want to show you the site plan that is to be attached and I think I will just use this one. Basically what you are seeing here is a code compliant plan through our ordinance. This would be the public side here, north is to the left of the screen, the storm water pond would be over here. The pedestrian connection flows through in this manner. The curb cuts that exist today are being utilized. There’s only one and that would be here, that’s been eliminated and on-street parking is taking its place. The main specific element that I want to point out to you is that there is only one way to get into this building. All service and all repairs are done completely internal and the only way to enter the building is from the north and that is important because that does not expose any of the other sides to the adjoining uses, so that’s a minimization of potentially nuisance issues. There’s of course some good buffering here on the residential side as well. The applicants are here and I know they are going to have a presentation so I won’t belabor this, but I just wanted to show you this would be the existing public street and this would be the side that would be closest or facing the apartments and the entrance is here but none of this is operable……just to give natural light into the bays and then you can see from the other side this would be the Publix to the right, the street side going that way and then that’s their front. We’ve worked with them on the building itself. Again the site specific elevations and plan will be made a part of this if you are so inclined and our recommendation as you can see is for approval as presented subject to just the willingness letter. Commissioner Bales said do you have a view of the entrance into the building from here. Mr. Peete said just this small one right here. Commissioner Bales said so that will be the side that faces Rosewood Meadow. Mr. Peete said yes, and from the existing vegetation, storm water pond……not so much the pond because it’s kind of depressed, the kudzu, you won’t see that very easily. Commissioner Bales said tow trucks bringing vehicles in after hours, is that a possibility. Mr. Peete said I certainly would like the applicant to address that. I think that they are going to talk to you about operating hours. Our noise ordinance is always in effect, that would be unchanged and it is surrounded by three public streets with on-street parking. They would not have any control over that. We would. Commissioner Bales said which brings me to my next question which would be if vehicles are being brought into the facility and onto the property after hours, is there going to be a gated entrance for the parking. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 4 of 13 Mr. Peete said there’s no gate that’s proposed and we would certainly not like to see that. Again, I’ll let the applicant speak to that issue about how they want to operate. Commissioner Kidwell said with one entrance in and out of the service area, is that within our code – fire code. Mr. Peete said our Zoning Ordinance doesn’t address an element like that in terms of a requirement or a minimum of what have you. Fire code I can’t speak to although they have not raised any objection. Jack Simoneau, Planning Director, said what the fire codes are going to be looking for is public street access that they can get close to that building and you’ve got streets on three sides, so there’s not an issue there. John Carmichael said I’m here on behalf of the applicant Woodie Enterprises. With me tonight are Mike and Brad Woodie of Woodie Enterprises, Chip Cannon of Urban Design Partners. Chip is the landscape architect and site planner for the project. And then we’ve got Ryan Doherty and Denny Gappens from the architectural firm AI Design. They designed the building that we are going to show you in a moment. The site is about a 1.238 acre site located in Market Square. It’s currently zoned Highway CommercialCD and there’s an approved conditional rezoning plan that governs the use and development of the site and there are some prohibited uses. One of those is the service and repair of motor vehicles. But I will note that the current conditional rezoning plan does permit gas stations, car washes or tune-up facilities, so there was a recognition at some point that there could be an auto related use but it does expressly prohibit the service and repair of boats and motor vehicles. So pursuant to this application Woodie Enterprises seeks to add that use, the service and repair of motor vehicles, to the site and only to the site as Mr. Peete said and to also eliminate the requirement for the public street connection from Market Square to Tribute Place Drive. Under the rezoning you would have one building. It would have a maximum size of 13,000 sq. ft. and as Mr. Peete said vehicular access would be by way of Rose Commons and Tribute Place Drive. I will tell you that this driveway here to Tribute Place Drive, the only way that we can make that connection is if we can get an easement from the owner of Colonial Grand Apartments because when the road was platted and we didn’t realize this at the beginning until we got the survey, there’s a strip of land here that the apartment project retained and it’s not part of right-of-way. So that prohibits a vehicular connection or a pedestrian connection unless we can get an easement and if you are inclined to approve this, then we are going to pursue that because we certainly prefer to have the vehicular connection to Tribute Place Drive as well. That was something that really came up kind of mid-stream to be honest with you. That’s something that we would definitely pursue, so we hope to have two access points for vehicles into the site. This is the pedestrian connection that Mr. Peete mentioned. It would be 6’ wide and as David indicated it would allow folks in the apartment community to walk to Publix and just some of the other uses within Market Square. Once again that connection would be in lieu of the public street connection. As David mentioned there would be one vehicular entrance into the building located on the northern side. The exterior windows to be installed on the building would be non-operable, fixed store front windows that would remain closed at all times and all work performed on motor vehicles would be required to be performed inside the building. These are conditions on the conditional rezoning plan and we think that they should assure that any noise that might be otherwise generated from the repair activities would remain inside the facility. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 5 of 13 Elevations were submitted and are part of the conditional rezoning plan. We think they depict at least in our view an attractive and aesthetically appealing building that has the appearance of a retail commercial building and we think it blends in well with the surrounding development. I’m going to ask Mr. Doherty in a moment to briefly kind of go over some of the design considerations that they discussed and considered when they designed the project. I want to make you aware of two other things. As you know under your ordinance through the conditional rezoning process you can ask for modifications to the standards of your ordinance and we’ve asked for two here that I want to make sure you are aware of. One is we are required to have a 30’ buffer adjacent to a less intense zoning district or use because we are a commercial use and that goes from the property line. Once again we thought our property line went to the right-of-way as it typically does and I will say that in my experience it’s somewhat unusual to have that strip there, but nevertheless it is a requirement of your ordinance. But 30’ into the site really impacts the ability to develop that site and so what we have asked for is a reduction in that buffer width from 30’ to 12’. Mr. Cannon is going to go over the plantings and materials that would be in that buffer. I will say that at least in our view I don’t think that has an adverse impact on the apartment community for two reasons. One is if our site did abut Tribute Place Drive, we wouldn’t be required to buffer it because you don’t buffer a public street. Two, we still have the physical separation of a public right-of-way and then we have a 12’ buffer and then our parking lot and the 12’ buffer will be heavily landscaped as Mr. Cannon will tell you. We don’t think that this would have any kind of impact on the apartment community at all. The second modification is the reduction in the build-to line along Rose Commons Drive to 9’ as measured from the back of the sidewalk and the reduction in the build-to line along Market Square Drive to 13’ as measured from the back of the sidewalk. If you have some specific questions about that, Chip can answer those, but it really makes the site more efficient in terms of the layout. We appreciate all the guidance and advice that the Planning Staff has given us and we’re appreciative of their positive recommendation and we are happy to answer any questions. I’m going to ask Ryan and Chip to address you briefly and then Brad Woodie is going to tell you about his business and how they have chosen Huntersville as hopefully a potential location and then he’s happy to answer any operational questions you may have. Mayor Swain said if you do acquire the right-of-way or the easement……. Mr. Carmichael said or if they wanted to sell it to us, then that would be fine, too. Mayor Swain said then how does that buffer look. Mr. Peete said they are showing the buffer that they described on their site. If they gain all of this little strip here it would just be more buffer, maybe planted, maybe not. Again, we are just looking for code compliance. The main issue of needing to get that easement is to complete the driveway and the pedestrian connection. Mayor Swain said I’m just thinking that if the Board had any desire to say that should that easement be acquired then they would want to put a larger buffer in as a condition. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 6 of 13 Mr. Carmichael said we are happy to do that, if we can have a condition that is if we are able to acquire fee to this property or an easement for access and landscaping then we would be happy to plant that. Chip Cannon said I’m with Urban Design Partners. As John mentioned the buffer plantings along the western property line between the parking lot and our property line, right now we’ve got it designed as all evergreens. We do have some deciduous trees kind of breaking up the upper rhythm. In between those we would have large maturing evergreen trees, probably one of the smaller magnolias, perhaps cedar or foster holly, something of that sort. I’m also showing some smaller evergreen shrubs behind that and some medium evergreen shrubs mixed in, so it would have some nice rhythm and some aesthetic appeal throughout the seasons with the deciduous canopy trees mixed in. I know you had one question about how the rear would look from the street back behind the detention pond. We are providing screening shrubs along that parking lot as well which will be medium maturing evergreen shrubs so that would provide some screening from the adjacent property and beyond. That planting actually wraps around to the corner of the building on top of a retaining wall and below a retaining wall so we are pretty well screened from both of those sides. Ryan Doherty said I’m with AI Design Group. The building was designed as John mentioned earlier to fit in actually with the other retail buildings in the center. We matched the brick material of the adjacent buildings. We have hard metal canopies over the store front and we raised the parapet and created these tower elements at the corners to create detail and articulation of the architecture and to comply with the local ordinance as well. The building was pushed up to the street to the build-to line to reinforce that streetscape that falls down both the streets that the building fronts on. This elevation here looks towards the apartment complex. As John mentioned earlier the store front windows would be fixed, they do not open and again we tried to design the architecture to look like a typical retail center in lieu of an automotive facility. The only other view that cannot be seen from this perspective is the rear elevation here which we briefly touched on before, it would have a single door and this would be the only door used for entry and access into the shop. We kept the same detail and articulation on this elevation as we did on the other three sides. We do have four sided architecture here and again the parapets do step up and we have reveals and relief in the brick pilasters on the building on this side as well as we do on all four sides of the architecture. The parapets would hide any mechanical units. All mechanical units would be screened through the use of the parapets and there would be no building mounted electrical panels or gas meters or anything, those would all be behind screened walls as well. Commissioner McAulay said so your entrance is only going to be that one entrance from the parking lot. Mr. Doherty said the pedestrian entrance we have one here on the front corner on this side as well as on the front corner on the opposite side of the building. Brad Woodie said I’m co-owner of Woodie’s Auto Service. The other half of Woodie’s Auto service is my brother Mike sitting in the third row with my lovely sister-in-law Julie and my brilliant nephew Alex. We are second generation owners/operators. Our father founded the company in 1963 so we’ve been taking care of people’s cars for a little over 50 years now. We are a full service automotive repair and maintenance company. We pride ourselves on delivering excellent service. We have some customers that are in the Huntersville area already. I think the architect and the land planner have delivered a beautiful building, a gorgeous facility that we are really excited about the possibility of building and occupying. We think that automotive repair is an underserved service in this area and will be greatly appreciated. Commissioner McAulay said where are you located now. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 7 of 13 Mr. Woodie said we have eight other locations that are all in Mecklenburg County, mostly in Charlotte. We are building one in Davidson that is under construction right now. Commissioner Phillips said where do you put your waste storage. Mr. Woodie said everything is internal. There are bulk oil tanks at the rear of the building and they are inside of the building. Commissioner Phillips said the reason I asked that question is because your delivery trucks and things like that, the noise factor, how is that done so you don’t cause a disturbance. Mr. Woodie said it’s always during the day. Hopefully if we can get the easement that John was speaking about we will use the rear entrance and come to the rear of the building. The largest truck that we have that delivers is a 26’ box truck. The waste oil trucks or the oil delivery trucks are small tanker trucks, just usually 1,000 gallon capacity. Commissioner Phillips said if your business hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., we’ve had a complaint this week over noise. Commissioner Bales said obviously you are a car repair shop so you are going to have tow trucks bringing in vehicles for service. Do you have a plan for any after hour drop offs. Mr. Woodie said that happens very rarely with us. We did a quick check before tonight’s meeting and we average about three tows per week per location so 12 to 15 at the most on a monthly basis, 99.9 percent of which occur during business hours. I know there’s been a lot of discussion about the AAA at Northcross and a lot of problems with that. I think the most important distinction to draw between them and us is really they began as an emergency road service company and they really used the tow service to feed the auto shops. We are exactly the opposite. We are a full service automotive maintenance and repair, but we are not an emergency road service company. We rarely have after hour tow drop offs. Commissioner Kidwell said this is probably going to be an internal question as well. Air compressors – will those be internal. Mr. Woodie said yes, in the same space as the bulk oil tanks. Everything is internal. Commissioner McAulay said do you sell tires? Mr. Woodie said yes ma’am. Commissioner McAulay said do you have a significant retail on tires? I mean, do you have a significant volume. Mr. Woodie said tires represent about 20 percent of our total volume. We really concentrate more on maintenance and repair. Joanne Miller said where is the dumpster located. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 8 of 13 Mr. Woodie said it’s shown on the site plan. It’s at the rear on the public side of the building. Commissioner Bales said about lighting, since the parking lot is facing the apartments, what does the lighting look like in the evening directional. Mr. Peete said our ordinance requires full cut-off. There is an isometric plan that has to be provided and they can’t violate that. They are going to be fully compliant with it so we don’t have any concerns about that. Mr. Carmichael said this use may have less impact than a traditional commercial or restaurant use because it generates less traffic trips and then it’s not going to be open at night like a full service restaurant and I will tell you under the zoning a fast food restaurant can’t be there, but a full service restaurant could be. There being no further comments, Mayor Swain closed the public hearing. Petition #ANNEX13-03. Mayor Swain called to order public hearing on Petition #ANNEX13-03, a request by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education to annex Long Creek Elementary School into the Town of Huntersville. David Peete, Senior Planner, entered the Staff Report into record. Staff Analysis attached hereto as Attachment No. 2. The site is approximately 23.9 acres. You can see the general location on the map. The purple represents our existing corporate boundaries. This is a non-contiguous annexation. The property in question is here. Our ETJ line which essentially is Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road is located there. This is the site plan of the property itself. And essentially the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education as the new school is going through it is our custom to talk about petitioning for annexation during these processes. They were so inclined so they submitted their petition. I just want to point out on the second page of your report a couple of the highlights for the legal process – the petition for annexation was received on October 29, 2013, the Town Clerk certified the sufficiency of the petition, the Board of Commissioners adopted the resolution with the intent to annex last month, the notice of the hearing was placed in the paper, notices were given to the neighboring properties all with our agreement, that would be the towns of Cornelius, Davidson as well as the City of Charlotte. They have all waived their 60 day review periods. We have those in hand and they are attached to your report. The area proposed for annexation is in an area in which the town has agreements with the other municipalities and we are satisfying all of those general requirements from the statutes. The area proposed for annexation is not a subdivision as defined and it is so situated that the town will be able to provide the same services within the proposed satellite corporate limits that it provides within the primary corporate limits. Having said all of that since the statutory requirements have been met in full, staff would recommend that the Board of Commissioners approve the petition. We will follow all of the processes to get everything to the state and the proposed effective date is today. Commissioner Kidwell said why are they asking us to annex it now. What’s new about the site or what’s going on that they want us to take over. Mr. Peete said I’m not sure that I can answer why they would propose to do that. I will say that it is as I mentioned customary for us to speak about annexation for any projects that are not within our corporate limits. One of the rationales that the ordinance would look for or the planning philosophy would look for is as you will move into our defined growth boundaries which is defined by our ETJ boundary you can’t always just reach out and cherry pick the ones that you want, if you will. You have a Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 9 of 13 natural growth order and so when a project like this comes in you have now expanded the contiguity that you have to other properties and while it is understood that a school doesn’t represent a tax generation, it does abut properties that do and so it ends up an opportunity there if that were to ever happen through development or redevelopment. Mayor Swain said it’s more that this is part of a natural procedure that generally happens when they come to you that you look at the opportunities for annexation and ask if they are interested in that. Mr. Peete said that’s right. And I would also add which is also very important is Long Creek serves the Huntersville population and the services, the tax dollars and everything else that we do on a daily basis are already going to serve them in some capacity and so this is just bringing them into the fold and kind of maybe compartmentalizing in a better way. It’s part of what we do. We’ve got several on the east side. Commissioner Phillips said what would be the advantage or disadvantage either way. Mayor Swain said percentagewise how many Huntersville residents go to Long Creek, do you know. Mr. Peete said that’s a great question that I cannot answer…………more than two. I could find that for you. Commissioner Kidwell said if we do annex this we would be required to add a resource officer to the school. Greg Ferguson, Town Manager, said the resource officers are for older population. I think what you are referring to would be whether DARE would be provided at the school. It’s an elementary school and we do provide DARE at elementary schools in Huntersville so that would be the police service level I think that you are referring to. So it wouldn’t be a school resource officer, but they would be eligible to request DARE. Commissioner McAulay said I am in favor of annexing this into the Town of Huntersville. It’s always had a Huntersville address I believe from day one and considered it part of Huntersville. It also gives us the opportunity as you mentioned as others develop and certainly there’s been a long-term development down here on the corner of Beatties Ford Road and Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road that Mike Schutrum did, that property hopefully would come back and be developed and so it gives us an opportunity to go ahead and fill in some of the area there rather than creating a donut as other properties develop and we don’t have an opportunity to close that up. Legislation will not let us do involuntary annexations, so voluntary annexation right now gives us the opportunity to expand our town’s area. There being no further comments, Mayor Swain closed the public hearing. OTHER BUSINESS Petition #ANNEX13-03. Petition #ANNEX13-03 is a request by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education to annex Long Creek Elementary School into the Town of Huntersville. Commissioner McAulay made a motion to approve. Whereas the Board of Commissioners does hereby find as a fact that: (1) the area proposed for annexation is in an area in which the Town has an agreement with other municipalities and that such other municipalities will not annex into and that the Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 10 of 13 Town may annex into that area, and therefore the requirements of NCGS 160A-58.1(b)(1), (2) and (5) are not applicable; (2) the area proposed for annexation is not a subdivision as defined by NCGS 160A376; (3) the area to be annexed is so situated that the Town will be able to provide the same service within the proposed satellite corporate limits that it provides within the primary corporate limits of the town. Now therefore be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Huntersville, North Carolina. Commissioner Kidwell seconded motion. Mayor Swain called for the vote to approve Petition #ANNEX13-03. Motion carried with four (4) yes votes. Greenway and Bikeway Master Plan. Commissioner Bales made a motion to approve updated Greenway and Bikeway Master Plan. Commissioner McAulay seconded motion. Commissioner Kidwell said I think the first plan was approved in 2007 and since then we have completed about 2.5 miles of greenway and I had asked a question regarding what is our timeframe and you gave me four specific areas that we are going to focus on over the next few years, but a lot of that has to do with the funding from the county and other areas. Would you like to elaborate on any of that. Scott Treon, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director, said at this point in time we are basically using the new criteria that we have within the new plan and the ones that I gave you is the route going from downtown across 77 and connecting to the section that was just completed. The other one is I believe going to the east in the same direction connecting to Vermillion and then there’s one coming up through basically from where North Meck High School is up through Plum Creek through Huntersville Athletic Park and connecting over to the charter school and then of course the Charlotte to Mooresville trail that will probably be the main vain of all this would go through Huntersville. Those would be the four at this point in time that would rank the highest and those would be the four that we would try to pursue as far as working with the county, working with grants, working on any kind of funding we can get from the town as well. Commissioner Kidwell said it’s good to see that there is a plan in place for some connectivity and some growth on that. Mayor Swain said I think you just received some very good suggestions for maybe some alternative thinking, because I really like the ideas that we just heard. If there is a way to kind of try some out and have temporary trails or rough trails or whatever…………based on the fact that the new greenway is open and people are riding their bike to Louie G’s Italian Ice now and they are bragging about it, they are supporting local businesses, I just think what you had to say just made an impact on me because I’ve seen that. I support looking at some alternatives. Commissioner Bales said I was going to say that as a former commissioner for the greenway commission I am very pleased that you all have pulled this together. The fact that this commission saved the town an enormous amount of money in going through the plan paragraph by paragraph, sentence by sentence, I know that this was a labor of love for our town. I thank you for it. Please communicate that to the rest of the board. You are bringing ideas that have been bouncing around for several years now Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 11 of 13 and I love to hear that we are looking to embrace alternatives to just paved trails for our citizens. And I thank you and I’m excited that it’s done and that hopefully tonight we will put it into play and we can move forward. Mayor Swain called for the vote to approve the updated Greenway and Bikeway Master Plan. Motion carried with four (4) yes votes. Contract – Design of New Recreation Center. After interviewing design teams for the new Recreation Center, Town Staff is recommending the Lawrence Group to provide these services. The Lawrence Group has a lot of experience with designing many recreation centers in North Carolina and across the country. Dewberry and HensonFoley both will serve on this design team. Both companies have a lot of experience with many different construction projects in Huntersville and are familiar with construction requirements in Huntersville. Commissioner McAulay made a motion to authorize the Town Manager to execute contract with The Lawrence Group for the design of the new Recreation Center. Commissioner Bales seconded motion. Motion carried 3 to 1, with Commissioner Phillips opposed. Agreement – Surveying Services for New Recreation Center. Town Staff recommends hiring Dewberry to provide surveying services for the new Recreation Center. These services are not a part of the design contract with the Lawrence Group. Commissioner McAulay made a motion to authorize the Town Manager to execute agreement with Dewberry for surveying services for the new Recreation Center. Commissioner Bales seconded motion. Motion carried 3 to 1, with Commissioner Phillips opposed. SL362 Property Tax Refund Report. This is the tenth report from Mecklenburg County of SL362 refunds. The report contains 2,478 refunds. Refunds range from $0.28 ($0.32 with interest) to $379.12 ($428.76 with interest). The amount of refunds total $35,909.68 ($38,962.57 with interest). According to Mecklenburg County, there will be more refunds for Huntersville but cannot give us an amount or the timeframe. Commissioner McAulay requested to be recused because she is on list to receive refund. Commissioner Phillips said I don’t see any reason for that. I trust Ms. McAulay’s judgment as being fair and impartial. Bob Blythe, Town Attorney, said in the past they have been recused if they are listed in report to receive a refund. Commissioner Bales made a motion to recuse Commissioner McAulay. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 12 of 13 Commissioner Kidwell seconded motion. Motion carried 3 to 1, with Commissioner Phillips opposed. Commissioner Kidwell made a motion to approve SL362 property tax refund report. Commissioner Bales seconded motion. Motion carried with three (3) yes votes. Commissioner Kidwell made a motion to bring Commissioner McAulay back. Commissioner Bales second motion. Motion carried 2 to 1, with Commissioner Phillips opposed. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes – August 4 Pre-meeting. Commissioner Bales made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 4, 2014 Town Board Pre-meeting. Commissioner Kidwell seconded motion. Motion carried with four (4) yes votes. Approval of Minutes – August 4 Regular Meeting. Commissioner Bales made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 4, 2014 Regular Town Board Meeting. Commissioner Kidwell seconded motion. Motion carried with four (4) yes votes. Budget Amendment – Insurance. Commissioner Bales made a motion to approve budget amendment recognizing insurance revenue in the amount of $1,471.40 and appropriate to the Police Department’s insurance account. Commissioner Kidwell seconded motion. Motion carried with four (4) yes votes. Cancel Meeting. Commissioner Bales made a motion to cancel the September 1, 2014 Regular Town Board Meeting due to the Labor Day holiday. Commissioner Kidwell seconded motion. Motion carried with four (4) yes votes. CLOSING COMMENTS None There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 - Page 13 of 13 Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Janet Stoner/Michael Jaycocks Subject: Budget Amendment Appropriate Sponsorship Revenue (103505.9999) in the amount of $8,715.00 and to the Parks and Recreation's Downtown Festival account (106200.0632). ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approve Budget Amendment. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Additional revenue in the amount of $8,715.00. Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Janet Stoner/Chief Spruill Subject: Budget Amendment Recognize insurance revenue (103820.9999) in the amount of $500.00 and appropriate to the Police Department's insurance account (105100.0452). ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approve Budget Amendment FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Additional revenue in the amount of $500.00. Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Janet Stoner/Chief Spruill Subject: Budget Amendment Recognize insurance revenue (103820.9999) in the amount of $500.00 and appropriate to the Police Department's insurance account (105100.0452). ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approve Budget Amendment. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Additional revenue in the amount of $500.00. Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Janet Stoner/Chief Spruill Subject: Budget Amendment Recognize insurance revenue (103820.9999) in the amount of $500.00 and appropriate to the Police Department's insurance account (105100.0452). ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approve Budget Amendment. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Additional revenue in the amount of $500.00. Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: Finance Officer To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Janet Stoner/Greg Ferguson Subject: Budget Amendment Appropriate fund balance in the amount of $73,991.91 to provide for the Business Investment Program Grant, approved by the Board on July 18, 2005 and amended on March 3, 2008 with Prairie Packaging Inc., and Prairie Brookwood, LLC. Prairie has paid all taxes as required in the agreement and has now applied for 50% of the amounts paid to Huntersville. This is the seventh application to Huntersville. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approve Budget Amendment FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Fund Balance in the amount of $73.991.91 will be appropriated. ATTACHMENTS: Description Type PACTIV Invoice Cover Memo Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Brad Priest, Senior Planner Subject: TA14-06: Crematorium Maximum Cases TA14-06 is a request by Sam James Funeral home to amend Article 9.56 of the Huntersville Zoning Ordinance in regard to maximum number of cases allowed for Crematoriums as an accessory use. The amended language would remove the restriction on number of cases. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Consider calling a public hearing for Monday October 6, 2014. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A Town of Huntersville REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 9/15/2014 REVIEWED: Finance Officer To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners From: Janet Stoner/Greg Ferguson Subject: SL362 Property Tax Refunds Attached is the 15th report from Mecklenburg County of SL362 refunds. The report contains four refunds. To date, the Town of Huntersville has processed 5,286 refunds for a total of $80,046.64 ($87,005.44 with interest). According to Mecklenburg County, there will be more refunds for Huntersville but cannot give us an amount or the time frame. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approve SL362 property tax refund report FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Decrease in ad-valorem tax revenue ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Tax Refund Report Backup Material HUNTERSVILLE Parcel Refund # Refund Recipient Name Refund Address Date of Adj. Refund Amount ($) 0001456533-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 00910505 317720 BREWER, JON MICHAEL 15427 SHINNER DR CHARLOTTE NC 28078 7/23/2014 150.85 1/7/2014 5.21 0001456533-2012-2012-0000-00-REG 00910505 317721 BREWER, JON MICHAEL 15427 SHINNER DR CHARLOTTE NC 28078 7/23/2014 150.85 1/8/2013 0001456533-2011-2011-0000-00-REG 00910505 317723 BREWER, JON MICHAEL 15427 SHINNER DR CHARLOTTE NC 28078 7/23/2014 153.68 1/6/2012 0007148514-2013-2013-0000-00-REG 01502132 317767 RIKARD, DANIEL L 14442 BEATTIES FORD RD HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 7/24/2014 98.03 1/7/2014 553.41 Total Refunds and Interest: 595.45 Huntersville BER SL362 Refunds 8-9-14 PAGE 1 of 1 Bill Payment Date Int if paid 9/16/2014 HUNTERSVILLE by 9/16/2014 Owner Name Source Type 0001456533-2013-2013-0000-00REG BREWER, JON MICHAEL REI 146648 BER SL362 Decision 12.73 0001456533-2012-2012-0000-00REG BREWER, JON MICHAEL REI 146657 BER SL362 Decision 20.72 0001456533-2011-2011-0000-00REG BREWER, JON MICHAEL REI 146660 BER SL362 Decision 3.38 0007148514-2013-2013-0000-00REG RIKARD, DANIEL L REI 146729 BER SL362 Decision 42.04 Adj. # Adj. Reasons