ValVe Body TechNical MaNual
ValVe Body TechNical MaNual
ValVe Body TechNical MaNual TaBle oF coNTeNTS TRANS YEAR PRoducT iNdeX DESCRIPTION PAGE GENERAL MOTORS 125C ................... 92-Up ....................w/3 prong 2nd switch ............................................................6 125C .................... 92-Up .....................w/o 3 prong 2nd switch..........................................................6 TAAT..................... 91-92 ..................................................................................................................7 TAAT..................... 93-Up ..................................................................................................................8 5L40/50E.............. 99-Up ..................................................................................................................9 2004R .................. 81-90 ..................................................................................................................10 400....................... 87-Up .....................w/o reverse check ball ..........................................................11 400....................... 87-Up .....................w/reverse check ball .............................................................11 4L80E................... 91-92 .....................w/TOT switch........................................................................12 4L80E................... 92-96 .....................w/o TOT switch.....................................................................13 4L80E................... 97-03 .....................w/black EPC .........................................................................14 4L80E................... 04-Up .....................w/silver EPC .........................................................................15 4T40E................... 95-01 .....................w/hollow PR valve.................................................................16 4T40E................... 02-03 .....................w/solid PR valve ...................................................................16 4T40E................... 04-Up ..................................................................................................................17 4T60E................... 91-92 .....................3 solenoid design..................................................................18 4T60E................... 93-Up .....................4 solenoid design..................................................................19 4T65E................... 97-02 .....................w/2 piece pump ....................................................................20 4T65E................... 2002.......................w/3 piece pump ....................................................................21 4T65E................... 2003.......................w/2 piece pump ....................................................................22 4T65E................... 03-Up .....................w/3 piece pump ....................................................................22 4T65E................... 99-02 .....................Volvo ....................................................................................23 4T65E................... 04-Up .....................Volvo/GM tap shift ................................................................24 4T80E................... 93-Up .....................lower body............................................................................25 4T80E................... 93-Up .....................upper body ...........................................................................26 700R4 .................. 87-92 .....................w/hydraulic TCC ...................................................................27 700R4 .................. 87-92 .....................w/electronic TCC ..................................................................27 700R4 .................. 1993....................................................................................................................27 4L60E................... 93-94 ..................................................................................................................28 4L60E................... 1995....................................................................................................................29 4L60E................... 96-01 .....................w/o full annular TCC..............................................................30 4L60E................... 01-02 .....................w/full annular TCC/black EPC ................................................30 4L60E................... 03-06 .....................w/silver EPC .........................................................................31 LCT1000 .............. 00-03 .....................w/o modulated control ..........................................................32 LCT1000 .............. 04-05 .....................w/modulated control 5-speed................................................33 ValVe Body TechNical ManuaL TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANS YEAR PRODUCT INDEX DESCRIPTION PAGE FORD 4F27E/J39A........................................................................................................................................34 A4LD..................... 88-95....................................................................................................................35 4R44E................... 95-Up....................................................................................................................36 4R55E................... 95-96....................................................................................................................36 5R55E................... 97-Up.......................all engines.............................................................................37 5R55N................... 99-Up....................................................................................................................38 5R55S/W............... 02-Up....................................................................................................................39 5R55N/S/W...........................................solenoid block.......................................................................40 C4......................... 78-81....................................................................................................................41 C5......................... 82-86....................................................................................................................41 C6......................... 76-Up.......................w/gas....................................................................................42 C6......................... 76-Up.......................w/diesel.................................................................................42 CD4E..................... 94-96.......................w/o solenoid..........................................................................43 CD4E..................... 94-96.......................w/solenoid.............................................................................43 CD4E..................... 97-Up.......................w/o solenoid..........................................................................43 CD4E..................... 97-Up.......................w/solenoid.............................................................................43 E40D..................... 1989.....................................................................................................................44 E40D..................... 90-95....................................................................................................................44 E40D..................... 96-98....................................................................................................................44 4R100................... 98-Up.......................non PTO design.....................................................................45 4R100................... 98-Up.......................w/PTO design........................................................................45 ATX........................ 81-Up....................................................................................................................46 AX0DE................... 1991.....................................................................................................................47 AX4S..................... 1992.....................................................................................................................48 AX4S..................... 93-98.......................w/F4 casting # (white connector TCC)...................................48 AX4S..................... 97-98.......................w/F4 casting # (blue connector TCC)....................................49 AX4S..................... 98-Up.......................w/YF/XF casting #.................................................................50 AX4N..................... 95-97....................................................................................................................51 AX4N..................... 98-03....................................................................................................................51 4F50N................... 04-Up....................................................................................................................52 A0D....................... 80-87.......................w/4th accumulator..................................................................53 A0D....................... 87-93.......................w/o 4th accumulator...............................................................53 A0DE..................... 1992.....................................................................................................................54 A0DE/W................. 93-95....................................................................................................................54 4R70W.................. 96-97....................................................................................................................54 4R70W.................. 98-00.......................w/2-3 acc plate/hard wire solenoid.........................................55 4R70W.................. 00-Up.......................w/o 2-3 acc plate/hard wire solenoid......................................55 A0DE/W.................................................solenoid identification............................................................56 ValVe Body TechNIcal ManuaL TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANS YEAR PRODUCT INDEX DESCRIPTION PAGE CHRYSLER T6.......................... 78-86.......................w/non lockup,small port.......................................................... 57 T6.......................... 78-86.......................w/lockup, w/o solenoid,small port........................................... 57 T6.......................... 87-Up.......................w/lockup, 1 wire solenoid, small port...................................... 58 T6.......................... 94-95.......................w/lockup, 2 wire solenoid, small port...................................... 58 T6.......................... 95-Up.......................w/lockup, 2 wire solenoid, large port....................................... 58 A500..................... 88-92.......................w/lockup, w/o boost tube........................................................ 59 A500..................... 92-95.......................w/boost tube, small port......................................................... 59 42/44RE................ 94-99.......................w/small port, square connector sensor................................... 60 42/44RE................ 95-99.......................w/large port, square connector sensor.................................... 60 42/44RE................ 99-Up.......................w/small port, rectangular connector sensor............................. 61 42/44RE................ 99-Up.......................w/large port, rectangular connector sensor.............................. 61 T8.......................... 78-Up.......................w/non lockup.......................................................................... 62 T8.......................... 78-Up.......................w/lockup, w/o solenoid........................................................... 62 T8.......................... 87-Up.......................w/lockup, w/1 wire solenoid.................................................... 62 T8.......................... 94-Up.......................w/lockup, w/2 wire solenoid.................................................... 62 A518..................... 90-Up.......................w/non lockup.......................................................................... 63 A518..................... 90-99.......................w/lockup,w/boost tube............................................................ 63 46/47RE................ 97-99.......................w/square connector sensor..................................................... 64 46/47RE................ 00-Up.......................w/rectangular connector sensor.............................................. 64 48RE..................... 03-Up..................................................................................................................... 64 45RFE................... 99-Up.......................5-45RFE 4/5-Speed................................................................ 65 A404/670.............. 81-86.......................w/non lockup.......................................................................... 66 A404/670.............. 87-Up.......................w/lockup................................................................................. 66 A404/670.............. 99-Up.......................w/thermal bypass................................................................... 66 A604....................88-95........................w/external PN/PRNDL............................................................ 67 A604....................96-98........................w/internal MLPS (round pin)................................................... 67 A604....................98-06........................w/internal DTR (spade terminal)............................................. 67 A606....................93-97........................w/internal MLPS (round pin)................................................... 68 A606....................98-Up........................w/internal DTR (spade terminal)............................................. 68 42RLE..................03-Up........................rear wheel drive..................................................................... 69 NAG1....................03-Up........................Mercedes 722.6..................................................................... 70 ValVe Body TechNical ManuaL TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANS YEAR PRODUCT INDEX DESCRIPTION PAGE IMPORTS MITSUBISHI KM...................... 89-Up........................w/low Ohms TCC solenoid.....................................................71 KM...................... 93-Up........................w/high Ohms TCC solenoid....................................................71 F4A41/51............ 96-Up........................41/42/51 series.....................................................................72 MAZDA 4F27E (J39A)...... 99-Up..................................................................................................................... 73 F4AEL.................. 90-97.........................w/4 solenoids (cable control)................................................. 74 F4AEL.................. 97-Up........................w/5 solenoids (w/tube).......................................................... 75 F4AEL.................. 97-Up........................w/5 solenoids (w/o tube)....................................................... 75 F4AEL.................. 98-Up........................w/5 solenoids (w/KIA design EPC solenoid)........................... 76 G4AEL................. 88-92.........................w/4 solenoids (cable control)................................................. 77 GF4AEL............... 93-Up........................w/7 solenoids (wire type TOT)................................................ 78 GF4AEL............... 93-Up........................w/7 solenoids (plug type TOT)............................................... 78 GF4AEL............... 95-Up........................w/6 solenoids (wire type TOT)................................................ 78 GF4AEL............... 95-Up........................w/6 solenoids (plug type TOT)............................................... 78 R4A-EL................ 89-98.........................w/5 solenoids........................................................................ 79 R4A-EL................ 92-Up........................w/6 solenoids........................................................................ 79 JF506E................ 02-Up........................Jaguar/Mazda........................................................................ 97 MERCEDES 722.6................... 96-Up........................Stamp # 0006 (Mercedes/Jaguar)......................................... 80 722.6................... 96-97.........................Stamp # 0206 (Mercedes/Jaguar)......................................... 80 722.6................... 96-97.........................Stamp # 0506 (Mercedes/Jaguar)......................................... 80 722.6................... 96-00.........................Stamp # 0406 (Mercedes/Jaguar)......................................... 80 722.6................... 00-Up........................Stamp # 0606 (Mercedes/Jaguar)......................................... 80 NISSAN RE4R01A............. 87-Up........................w/5 solenoids (electronic)...................................................... 81 RL4R01A............. 87-Up........................w/2 solenoids (hydraulic w/governor).................................... 82 RL4F02A............. 85-Up........................w/hydraulic control (governor)(2 solenoids)........................... 83 RE4F02A............. 88-Up........................w/electronic control (5 solenoids)...........................................83 JR403E................ 88-Up........................w/5 solenoids (truck)..............................................................84 RE4F04A............. 92-Up........................w/long wire solenoid group.................................................... 85 RE4F04B............. 00-Up........................w/short wire solenoid group................................................... 86 RE5R05A............. 03-05.........................w/o TCM low OHM coast....................................................... 87 RE5R05A............. 02-05.........................w/o TCM high OHM coast...................................................... 87 RE5R05A............. 03-05.........................w/1st design TCM low OHM coast........................................... 87 RE5R05A............. 02-05.........................w/1st design TCM high OHM coast......................................... 87 RE5R05A............. 06-Up........................w/2nd design TCM/1 accumulator bore.................................... 88 E ValVe Body TechNical ManuaL TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANS YEAR PRODUCT INDEX DESCRIPTION PAGE IMPORTS SUBARU R4AX-EL.............. 87-98.........................1st design...............................................................................89 4EAT.................... 98-00.........................2nd design (spin on filter)........................................................90 4EAT.................... 01-Up........................2nd design (spin on filter)........................................................91 TOYOTA A540E................. 88-Up........................3 solenoid w/tube..................................................................92 A540E................. 88-Up........................3 solenoid w/o tube...............................................................92 A540H................. 88-Up........................4 solenoid (AWD)..................................................................92 A541E................. 94-Up........................4 solenoid w/tube..................................................................93 U140/240E.......... 98-Up........................w/o lube hole (FWD)..............................................................94 U140/240E.......... 98-Up........................w/lube hole (AWD).................................................................94 VW AG4..................... 90-94.........................095/096/097/098..................................................................95 AG4..................... 94-96.........................01M/01N/01P........................................................................96 AG4..................... 97-98.........................01M/01N/01P........................................................................96 AG4..................... 99-Up........................01M/01N/01P........................................................................96 JF506E................ 99-Up........................VW........................................................................................97 ZF 5HP24................... 95-Up.......................BMW/Jaguar..........................................................................98 5HP24A................. 96-Up.......................Audi/VW................................................................................98 5HP30................... 91-Up....................................................................................................................99 AISIN 4/5 SPEED AW50-40/42LE.... 89-Up........................4 solenoid design...................................................................100 AW55-50SN........ 99-01.........................VOLVO (no code/‘A’ code)......................................................101 AW55-50SN........ 01-04.........................VOLVO/Nissan (‘B’/‘C’ code)..................................................101 AW55-50SN........ 05-Up........................VOLVO w/B5 control valve spring...........................................101 AW55-50SN........ 02-03.........................Saturn/SAAB (no code/ ‘A’ code)............................................102 AW55-50SN........ 03-Up........................Saturn/SAAB (‘B’/‘C’ code)....................................................102 6 SPEED AF21.................... 05-Up........................Aisin 6-Speed........................................................................103 TF80.................... 06-Up........................Aisin 6-Speed........................................................................104 TF60 (09G).......... 04-05.........................6/04 w/case cooler, w/switches.............................................105 TF60 (09G).......... 04-05.........................6/04 w/remote cooler, w/switches..........................................105 TF60 (09G).......... 05-Up........................7/04 w/case cooler, w/o swtiches..........................................105 TF60 (09G).......... 05-Up........................7/04 w/remote cooler, w/o switches.......................................105 TR60 (09D)......... 04-Up........................w/pressure switches..............................................................106 TR60 (09D)......... 04-Up........................w/o pressure switches...........................................................106 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 125C (1992-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 125C 1992-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P64740-1 P64740-2 125c 125c yeaR 92-up 92-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/3 prong 2 switch (1) w/o 3 prong 2nd switch valve body w/pump, w/new solenoid valve body w/pump, w/new solenoid nd VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The valve body and pump are a complete assembly and contain a new solenoid. 6 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS TAAT (1991-1992) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR TAAT 1991-1992 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P10740-2 TaaT Taa aaT 91-92 1 design solenoid type w/updated PR system, w/tested solenoids st VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The photos above show the early Saturn (Taa TaaT Taa aaT) which was used only in model years 1991 and early 1992. Instead of four holes, you will see a large valve (1). 2. Contains the complete VB-Xtra patented updated pressure regulator area, two spring changes and all solenoids tested. Solenoid connector plate is included. Customer must use original manual valve and detent lever. 7 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS TAAT (1993-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR TAAT 1993-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P10740-1 TaaT Taa aaT yeaR 93-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS 3 design solenoid type w/updated PR system, w/tested solenoids rd VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The photos above show the most commonly used Saturn (Taa TaaT Taa aaT) which is found in model years from late 1992 and up. It will have four holes on the bottom of the valve body (1). 2. Contains the complete VB-Xtra patented updated pressure regulator area, two spring changes and all solenoids are tested. Solenoid connector plate is included. Customer must use original manual valve and detent lever. 8 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 5L40E/50E (1999-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 5L40E/50E 1999-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P134740-1 P134740-2 P134740-3 5l40e 5l40e/50e 5l40e/50e 99-01 02-up 04-up stamp # 789 BMW stamp # 378 BMW/cadillac stamp # 374 cadillac w/new ePc & Tcc solenoids/tested shift solenoids w/upgraded aFl/Tcc valves VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The photo illustrated is the earlier EPC design which has a black can holley solenoid 99-03. The 04-Up Bosch solenoid is silver and smaller (1). 2. Check the separator plate for the stamp number. 3. The valve body contains updated AFL & TCC valves for durability. The EPC & TCC solenoids are new. The shift solenoids are tested. 9 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 2004R (1981-1990) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 2004R 1981-1990 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P54740-1 2004R yeaR 81-90 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS all models except Grand National w/o pressure switches/solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Must use appropriate pressure switches and solenoid. 10 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 400 (1987-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 400 1987-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P34740-4 P34740-5 400 400 87-up 87-up w/o reverse check ball w/reverse check ball w/o pressure switches/solenoid w/o pressure switches/solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. P34740-4 is for vehicles over 10,000 GVW. P34740-5 is for vehicles under 10,000 GVW. 2. The 1987-Up case/separator plate and gasket must be used as a set. 11 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4L80E (1991-1992) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4L80E 1991-1992 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P34740-3 4l80e yeaR 91-92 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/ToT switch (1) w/updated Tcc regulator/actuator limit valves, w/new ePc, shift solenoids & PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The valve body contains a new AFL valve, new EPC, shift solenoids and PSM. 12 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4L80E (1992-1996) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4L80E 1992-1996 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P34740-2 4l80e yeaR 92-96 deScRiPTioN w/o ToT switch front position cooler return (1) ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/updated Tcc regulator/actuator limit valves, w/new ePc, shift solenoids & PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The valve body contains a new AFL valve, new EPC, shift solenoids and PSM. 13 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4L80E (1997-2003) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4L80E 1997-2003 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P34740-1 4l80e yeaR 97-03 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/black holley ePc type solenoid (1) w/updated Tcc regulator/actuator limit rear position cooler return (2) valves, w/ new ePc, shift solenoids & PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The valve body contains a new AFL valve, new EPC, shift solenoids and PSM. 2. The 97-03 models use the large (black body) holley EPC solenoid with spade terminals, whereas 04-Up models use the (silver body) holley EPC solenoid with a molded connector. 14 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4L80E (2004-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4L80E 2004-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P34740-6 4l80e 04-up w/silver holley ePc type solenoid (1) w/updated Tcc regulator/actuator limit valves, w/ new ePc, shift solenoids & PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The valve body contains a new AFL valve, new EPC, shift solenoids and PSM. 2. The 97-03 models use the large (black body) holley EPC solenoid with spade terminals, whereas 04-Up models use the (silver body) holley EPC solenoid with a molded connector (1). 15 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T40E (1995-2003) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T40E 1995-2003 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P14740-1 4T40e 95-01 w/holley type ePc solenoid (1) 1st design w/updated Tcc regulator valve w/new ePc/PSM P14740-2 4T40e 02-03 w/holley type ePc solenoid (1) 2nd design VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. First design valve body (95-01) has a hollow pressure regulator valve. Second design valves are solid (02-Up). The separator plates used with the solid valve must have an orifice hole where indicated (2). 2. Contains an updated TCC regulator valve, new EPC and PSM, along with one VB-Xtra update, and all other solenoids are tested. 16 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T40E (2004-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T40E 2004-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P14740-4 4T40e 04-up w/Bosch type ePc solenoid (1) w/updated Tcc regulator valve w/new ePc/PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Contains an updated TCC regulator valve, new EPC and PSM, along with one VB-Xtra update, and all other solenoids are tested. 17 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T60E (1991-1992) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T60E 1991-1992 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P84740-4 4T60e yeaR 91-92 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/on-off Tcc 3 solenoid design (1) w/updated Tcc valves/servo apply/ 1-2 shift valves, all solenoids tested VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The replacement valve body may contain three or four solenoids. Disregard PWM solenoid if provided. 2. The 4T60E valve bodies do not come with the pump or the separator plate. 3. Contains updated 1-2 shift, TCC apply, TCC regulator, and servo apply valves and all solenoids are tested. 18 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T60E (1993-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T60E 1993-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P84740-1 4T60e yeaR 93-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/PWM Tcc 4 solenoid design (1) w/updated Tcc valves/servo apply/ 1-2 shift valves, all solenoids tested VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 4T60E valve bodies do not come with the pump or the separator plate. 2. Contains, updated 1-2 shift, TCC apply, TCC regulator, and servo apply valves, and all solenoids are tested. 19 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T65E (1997-2002) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T65E 1997-02 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P84740-2 4T65e 97-02 w/2-piece pump design (1) w/holley ePc solenoid (2) w/large PSM (3) w/updated Tcc/Boost valves w/new ePc solenoid/PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 4T65E valve body for model years 1997-2002 has a holley type EPC (2) and a large PSM (3) 2. A 2-piece pump design (1) uses a steel press-in-sleeve. 3. Where applicable there is a new servo apply, TCC and boost valves. New EPC and PSM and all other solenoids are tested. 20 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T65E (2002) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T65E 2002 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P84740-5 4T65e 2002 w/3-piece pump design (1) w/holley ePc solenoid (2) w/large PSM (3) w/updated Tcc/Boost valves w/new ePc solenoid/PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 4T65E valve body for model year 2002 has a holley type EPC (2) and a large PSM (3). 2. A 3-piece pump design (1) does NOT use a press-in-sleeve. 3. Where applicable there is a new servo apply, TCC and boost valves. New EPC and PSM and all other solenoids are tested. 21 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T65E (2003-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T65E 2003-Up (EXX TAP TAP SHIFT) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P84740-6 4T65e P84740-3 4T65e yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS 2003 w/2-piece pump (1) Bosch solenoid (2) w/small PSM (3) w/updated Tcc/boost valves w/ new ePc solenoid/PSM 03-up w/3-piece pump (1) Bosch solenoid (2) w/small PSM (3) w/updated Tcc/boost valves w/ new ePc solenoid/PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 3 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 4T65E valve body for model years 03-Up has a Bosch type solenoid (2) and a small PSM (3). 2. The P84740-6 has a 2-piece pump design (1) and uses a steel press-in sleeve. 2a. The P84740-3 has a 3-piece pump design (1) and does NoT use a steel press-in sleeve. 3. Where applicable there is a new servo apply, TCC and boost valves, new EPC and PSM, and other solenoids are tested. 22 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T65E (1999-2002) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T65E 1999-2002 (VOLVO) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P84740-7 4T65e yeaR 99-02 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS VolV ol o oNly (3) olV w/updated Tcc/boost valves w/new ePc solenoid/PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 4T65E valve body for Volvo has a holley type EPC (1) and a large PSM. 2. The 2-piece pump design does use a steel press-in sleeve (2). 3. Where applicable there is a new servo apply, TCC and boost valves, new EPC and PSM and all other solenoids are tested. 4. Another visual identifier is the extra passage (3). 23 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T65E (2004-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T65E 2004-Up (VOLVO/GM) tap (manual) shift PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P84740-8 4T65e 04-up VolV ol o/GM tap shift (3) olV w/updated Tcc/boost valves w/ new ePc solenoid/PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 2 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 4T65E 2004-Up valve body for VOLVO/GM tap shift has a Bosch type EPC (1) and a small PSM. 2. The 3-piece pump design does NoT use a steel press-in sleeve (2). 3. Where applicable there is a new servo apply, TCC and boost valves, EPC and PSM, and all other solenoids are tested. 4. Another visual identifier is the extra passage (3). 5. All VOLVO/GM tap (manual) shift models use single sided 4th frictions which affect the channel plate. There are also worm track differences between manual shift and standard shift channel plates preventing interchangeability. 24 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T80E (1993-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T80E 1993-Up (LOWER BODY) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P94740-3l P94740-4l P94740-5l P94740-6l 4T80e 4T80e 4T80e 4T80e yeaR 93-99 1994 00-03 2003 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS lower (exc stamp # 1193) w/o iMS design (3) w/new PSM/shift solenoids lower-stamp # 1193 w/o iMS design tested & upgraded lower-stamp # 5347 w/iMS design (3) lower-stamp # 5286 w/iMS design (04-up R&R only) VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 2 3 early PSM late PSM ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * Many changes have occurred with 4T80E electrical as well as separator plates: 1. Shift solenoid breakage occurred due to the thimble screen. A bracket was added in 1996 to prevent the problem and solenoids were modified (1). 2. An internal mode switch was added in 2000 which affected the PSM (5 switch to 2 switch) and 2-3 solenoid (relocate position tab) (2). 3. In 2004 the PSM is completely omitted. Check the catalog for proper harnesses. 4. When required, a new PSM is provided. Shift solenoids are tested. 25 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4T80E (1993-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4T80E 1993-Up (UPPER BODY) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P84740-1u P94740-2u 4T80e 4T80e yeaR 93-03 04-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/spade terminal ePc (1) w/molded terminal ePc w/new ePc/Tcc solenoids & upgraded aFl/Tcc valves VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 93-03 models require a black body holley EPC solenoid with spade terminals. In 2004 the EPC changed to a silver body with a molded connector (1). Wiring harnesses must conform. 2. The EPC and TCC solenoid are new. The AFL and TCC valves have been updated. 26 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 700R4 (1987-2003) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 700R4 1987-2003 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P74740-7 P74740-4 P74740-8 700R4 700R4 700R4 87-92 87-92 1993 w/hydraulic Tcc w/electronic Tcc w/electronic Tcc (1) w/o solenoid w/o solenoid w/o solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The hydraulic TCC has a regular valve train for lockup. 2. The electronic TCC has an aluminum plug, or valve body is cast shut. 2a. The 1993 models have an extra check ball (1). 3. Valve bodies do not come with solenoids. 27 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4L60E (1993-1994) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4L60E 1993-1994 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P74740-3 4l60e yeaR 93-94 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/o PWM Tcc 5 solenoid transmission w/updated Tcc reg/a reg/ Fl/acc / /acc valve w/new ePc solenoid/PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Non-PWM TCC type. Valve body has four solenoids, plus one in the pump (five total). 2. Contains updated AFL, TCC and accumulator valves, new EPC & PSM and all other solenoids are tested. 28 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4L60E (1995) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4L60E 1995 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P74740-2 4l60e yeaR 1995 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/ PWM Tcc (1)/PWM 3-2 6 solenoid transmission w/updated Tcc reg/a reg/ Fl/acc / /acc valves w/new ePc solenoid/PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Valve body has five solenoids, plus one in the pump (six total). 2. To identify the 3-2 downshift & TCC PWM, solenoids are the same (low ohms). 3. Contains updated AFL, TCC & accumulator valves, new EPC & PSM and all other solenoids are tested. 29 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4L60E (1996-2002) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4L60E 1996-2002 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P74740-1 4l60e 96-01 w/on-off 3-2 (1), w/spade terminal holley ePc (2) w/updated Tcc reg/a reg/ Fl/ l/acc l/ /acc valves w/new ePc solenoid/PSM P74740-5 4l60e 01-02 w/full annular Tcc (3), w/spade terminal holley ePc (2) w/updated Tcc reg/a reg/ Fl/ l/acc l/ /acc valves w/new ePc solenoid/PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 3 1 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 96-02 3-2 downshift solenoid is On-Off (High-Ohms) (1). The EPC solenoid is a black body with spade terminals (2). 2. The square passage (3) shows non-full annular design. Full annular design has a bridge in the center of the passage. 3. The valve body contains updated AFL, TCC & accumulator valves, new EPC & PSM, and all other solenoids are tested. 30 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS 4L60E (2003-2006) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4L60E 2003-2006 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P74740-6 4l60e yeaR 03-06 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/molded connector holley ePc (2) w/updated Tcc reg/a reg/ Fl/ l/acc l/ /acc valves w/new ePc solenoid/PSM VALVE BODY IMAGE 3 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 03-Up 4L60E uses a silver body Holley EPC solenoid with a molded connector (2). The valve body also has a full annular TCC with a bridge in the center of the square passage (3). 2. Contains updated AFL, TCC and accumulator valves, new EPC and PSM, and all other solenoids are tested. 31 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS - ALLISON LCT1000 (2000-2003) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR LCT1000 2000-2003 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P121740-1 lcT1000 yeaR 00-03 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/o line pressure solenoid ‘G’ (04-up) w/new trim a&B solenoids/PSM w/updated Tcc control sleeve VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 2000-2003 models do not use the line pressure control valve body section. 2004 models use the line pressure control valve body section and ‘G’ solenoid. 2. The trim A&B solenoids are new, and other solenoids are tested. The TCC control sleeve is updated. 32 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual GENERAL MOTORS - ALLISON LCT1000 (2004-2005) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR LCT1000 (5-SPEED) 2004-2005 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P121740-2 lcT1000 04-05 w/line pressure solenoid ‘G’ (1) w/new trim a&B solenoids/PSM w/updated Tcc control sleeve VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 2000-2003 models do not use the line pressure control valve body section. 2004 models use the line pressure control valve body section and ‘G’ solenoid (1). 2.The trim A&B solenoids are new, and other solenoids are tested. The TCC control sleeve is updated. 33 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD 4F27E/J39A (1999-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4F27E/J39A 1999-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P48740-2 P48740-1 4F27e 4F27e 99-up 00-up Mazda Ford w/tested solenoids/updated PR valve w/tested solenoids/updated PR valve VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Ford/Mazda valve bodies are very similar. Ford applications have the Ford logo casting number molded into the body. (1) 2. Valve bodies have an updated pressure regulator valve, and all solenoids are tested. 34 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD A4LD (1988-1995) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR A4LD 1988-1995 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P56740-4 a4ld 88-95 2 solenoids (2 design 3-4) nd w/new boost valve/tested solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The valve body contains the latest design 3-4 solenoid and improved pressure regulator boost valve/sleeve. 2. Solenoids are tested. 35 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD 4R44E/4R55E (1995-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS 4R44E (4-SPEED) 4R55E (4-SPEED) yeaR 1995-Up 1995-1996 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P56740-2 P56740-1 4R44e 4R55e 95-up 95-96 non 4.0l - 4-Speed w/4.0l - 4-Speed various - w/solenoids(new ePc/bracket) various - w/solenoids(new ePc/bracket) VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Contains updated boost valve, along with seven VB-Xtra updates, including an updated EPC bracket and a new EPC. All other solenoids are tested. 36 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD 5R44E/5R55E (1997-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 5R44E/5R55E (5-SPEED) 1997-Up (ALL ENGINE SIzE) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P56740-3 5R44/55e 97-up 5-Speed various - w/solenoids (new ePc/bracket) VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Contains solenoids with inductive signature feature. These solenoids will retro to 1995. 2. Contains updated boost valve, along with seven VB-Xtra updates, including an updated EPC bracket and a new EPC. All other solenoids are tested. 37 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD 5R55N (1999-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 5R55N 1999-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P46740-1 5R55N 99-up w/intermediate clutch design 4-3 pre-stroke spring VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Solenoid block not included, refer to page 40 for OEM solenoid block listing. 2. 4-3 pre-stroke spring and 2 spring changes are included. 38 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD 5R55S/W (2002-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 5R55S/W 2002-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P46740-2 5R55S/W 02-up w/o intermediate clutch design 4-3 pre-stroke spring/Tcc plunger kit VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Solenoid block not included, refer to page 40 for OEM solenoid block listing. 2. 4-3 Pre-stroke spring and 2 spring changes are included, as well as an updated TCC plunger kit. 39 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD 5R55N/S/W SOLENOID BLOCK APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 5R55N/S/W SOLENOID BLOCK PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN 46420 46420B 5R55N 5R55S/W 99-up 02-up oeM solenoid block oeM solenoid block ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS VALVE BODY IMAGE 46420 - has a reverse pressure switch. Note the location marked by (a). - also note the differences in the channel plate worm tracks and the screen plates. 46420B - does NoT have a reverse pressure switch. Note the location marked by (B). - also note the differences in the channel plate worm tracks and the screen plates. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The 5R55N and 5R55S/W valve bodies do not contain the electronic solenoid block. A defective solenoid can produce multiple fault codes. The manufacturer highly recommends that this solenoid block be replaced whenever a transmission problem and/or failure occurs. The solenoid blocks are different. Refer to the photos to identify the solenoid block required and use the correct part number when ordering. 40 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD C4, C5 (1978-1986) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR C4 C5 1978-1981 1982-1986 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN P26740-1 P26740-2 c4 c5 78-81 82-86 9-bolt filter design 1-bolt filter design (pictured) ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The C4 valve body filter (deep or shallow) uses nine bolts. 2. The C5 valve body filter (deep or shallow) uses one bolt in the center and has an additional body. 41 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD C6 (1976-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR C6 1976-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P36740-2 P36740-1 c6 c6 yeaR 76-up 76-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/gas w/diesel w/new boost valve/sleeve w/new boost valve/sleeve VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The gas and diesel applications use different calibrations. Interchanging may result in drivability complaints. 42 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD CD4E (1994-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR CD4E 1994-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P96740-1 P96740-3 P96740-2 P96740-4 cd4e cd4e cd4e cd4e yeaR 94-96 94-96 97-up 97-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS } w/F3 casting (w/o solenoids) (1) w/F3 casting (w/solenoids) (1) w/F7 casting (w/o solenoids) (1) w/F7 casting (w/solenoids) (1) w/updated pressure regulator/T regulator/Tcc bypass valves P96740-3/4 contains new solenoid group VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Refer to the photos above and look for the first four casting numbers on the accumulator body (1). They will either be RF F3 or RF F7. It does make a difference. Provide the correct casting numbers when ordering. 43 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD E40D (1989-1998) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR E40D 1989-1998 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P36740-3 P36740-4 e40d e40d 1989 90-95 various updates various updates P36740-5 e40d 96-98 w/e9 casting # w/F0/F1 casting # (F5 # - R&R only) w/F6 casting # various updates VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The solenoid block/separator plate is not included. 2. The valve body contains four calibration updates. 3. The E40D valve body cover contains five check balls, and 4R100 cover contains four check balls. Always refer to the RF (rough forge) casting number for correct application. 44 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD 4R100 (1998-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4R100 1998-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P36740-6 P36740-7 4R100 4R100 98-up 98-up w/F6 casting # non PTo w/F8 casting # w/PTo various updates various updates VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The solenoid block/separator plate is not included. 2. The valve body contains four calibration updates. 3. The E40D valve body cover contains five check balls, and 4R100 cover contains four check balls. Always refer to the RF (rough forge) casting number for correct application. 45 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD ATX (1981-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR ATX 1981-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P66740-1 a aTX 81-up all models w/updated TV valves VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The valve body contains an updated throttle valve system. 46 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD AX0DE (1991) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AX0DE 1991 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P86740-6 aX0de yeaR 1991 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/on-off lockup (1) w/new ePc solenoid/pump vanes/bearing/ updated boost valve/sleeve/bypass valve VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Square lockup - 1991 / Round lockup - 1991 Lincoln, 1992-up all. 2. The valve body contains updated boost/TCC regulator and bypass valves, two VB-Xtra updates, new pump bearing, sleeve and pump vanes, new EPC and all other solenoids are tested. Pump assembly, plate and gaskets are included. 47 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD AX4S (1992-1998) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AX4S 1992-1998 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P86740-7 aX4S 1992 w/PWM lock-up (1) P86740-1 aX4S 93-98 w/PWM lock-up (white connector) (1) F4 casting # (2) w/new ePc solenoid/pump vanes/bearing updated boost valve/sleeve/bypass valve w/new ePc solenoid/pump vanes/bearing updated boost valve/sleeve/bypass valve VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The P86740-1 can be used for vehicles from 1993 through 1998, however, beginning in 1997 with Lincoln and midway through 1998 on other models, the lock-up solenoid changes from white to blue. When ordering for a vehicle 1997 or later, specify color of the lock-up solenoid. 2. F4 casting Number on the valve body (2). 3. The valve body contains updated boost/TCC regulator and bypass valves, two VB-Xtra updates, new pump bearing, sleeve and pump vanes, new EPC and all other solenoids are tested. Pump assembly, plate and all gaskets are included. 4. Round lock-up solenoid -1992-Up (1). 48 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD AX4S (1997-1998) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AX4S 1997-1998 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P86740-4 aX4S yeaR 97-98 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/PWM lock-up blue connector (1) F4 casting # (2) w/new ePc solenoid/pump vanes/bearing updated boost valve/sleeve/bypass valve VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Beginning in 1997 with Lincoln and 1998 with most other models, the AX4S contains a blue lock-up solenoid connector (1). The blue lock-up solenoid has approximately 14 Ohms of resistance, as opposed to 3 Ohms of resistance on the white connector solenoids. Verify type before ordering. 2. Valve body will have an F4 casting number (2). 3. The valve body contains updated boost/TCC regulator and bypass valves, two VB-Xtra updates, new pump bearing, sleeve and pump vanes, new EPC, and all other solenoids are tested. Pump assembly, plate and all gaskets are included. 49 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD AX4S (1998-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AX4S 1998-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P86740-5 aX4S 98-up w/ F/XF casting # (2) w/y w/PWM lock-up blue connector (1) w/new ePc solenoid/pump vanes/bearing updated boost valve/sleeve/bypass valve VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION XF/ F casting number (mid 1998-Up) (2). 1. XF/y 2. The valve body contains updated boost/TCC regulator and bypass valves, two VB-Xtra updates, new pump bearing, sleeve and pump vanes, new EPC, and all other solenoids are tested. Pump assembly, plate and all gaskets are included. 50 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD AX4N (1995-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AX4N 1995-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P86740-2 aX4N 95-97 w/F4 casting # (1) (ex 97 lincoln) w/new ePc solenoid/pump cover/bearing updated boost valve/sleeve/bypass valve P86740-3 aX4N 98-03 w/F8 (1)/XF casting # (2) VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Look for the casting numbers on the Pump Body. The numbers will be RF F4, RF F8 or RF XF1. The RF F4 is for 1995-97. The RF F8 and the RF XF1 are interchangeable for 1998-03. 2. The valve body contains updated boost/TCC regulator and bypass valves, two VB-Xtra updates, new pump bearing, sleeve and pump vanes, new EPC, and all other solenoids are tested. Pump assembly machined with new cover, plate and ` all gaskets are included. 51 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD 4F50N (2004-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4F50N (AX4N) 2004-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P86740-8 4F50N 04-up w/RF 4F casting # (1) w/new ePc solenoid/pump vanes/bearing updated boost valve/sleeve/bypass valve VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Look for the casting numbers on the pump body. The correct RF # is 4F, NoT F4 like the earlier models (1). 2. The valve body contains updated boost/TCC regulator and bypass valves, two VB-Xtra updates, new pump bearing, sleeve and pump vanes, new EPC, and all other solenoids are tested. Pump assembly machined with new cover, plate and all gaskets are included. 52 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD AOD (1980-1993) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AOD 1980-1993 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P76740-7 P76740-8 aod aod 80-87 87-93 w/4th accumulator w/o 4th accumulator w/updated boost valve/sleeve w/updated boost valve/sleeve VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 4th accumulator piston was omitted in mid-87 on certain models. The piston bore was not omitted. Verify application before ordering. 2. The valve body contains updated boost valve/sleeve and two VB-Xtra updates. 53 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD AOD E/W (1992-1997) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AODE/W 1992-1997 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P76740-5 P76740-6 P76740-2 aode aode/W 4R70W 1992 93-95 96-97 w/13mm bolt/F2 casting # w/13mm bolt/F3 casting # w/10mm bolt/F6 casting # updated PR boost/bypass valve/new Tcc solenoid updated PR boost/bypass valve/new Tcc solenoid updated PR boost/bypass valve/new Tcc solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The casting number is located under the plate (1). 2. The valve body contains updated pressure regulator and boost valve/sleeve, and has two VB-Xtra updates. The lock-up solenoid is new and the shift solenoid is tested. 54 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD 4R70W (1998-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4R70W 1998-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN P76740-1 4R70W 98-00 P76740-9 4R70W 00-up w/2-3 acc plate (1) hard wire solenoid w/o 2-3 acc plate (1) hard wire solenoid } ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS updated PR boost/bypass valve/ new Tcc solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 98-E00 EPC solenoid uses a green connector. The L00-04 uses a white connector. The white connector solenoid will retro to 1998. 2. The P76740-9 has no 2-3 accumulator support plate (1). 3. The valve body contains updated pressure regulator and boost valve sleeve/TCC solenoid, and has two VB-Xtra updates. The lock-up solenoid is new and the shift solenoid is tested. 55 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual FORD AODE/4R70W TECHNICAL APPLICATION INFORMATION aode/4R70W Shift/Tcc Solenoid identification The solenoid set shown below (1) is the WiRed/SoFT WiRe harness. The solenoid set shown below (2) is the Solid/haRd WiRe harness. The changes from WiRed to Solid harness, occur in model year 1998. Part numbers are different depending on the solenoid set required. Refer to the AT catalog for correct part number. IMAGE SoFT WiRe SoleNoid (1) 76421 76425B 13 ohms 76425B 2 ohms haRd WiRe SoleNoid (2) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 76425BB 13 ohms 56 76421a ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER T6 (1978-1986) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR T6 1978-1986 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN P12740-1 P12740-2 T6 T6 78-86 78-86 w/non lockup, small port (1) w/lockup,w/o solenoid/small port (1) ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Lockup models have a piloted input shaft, and non-lockup models do not. Spline counts are also different. 57 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER T6 (1987-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR T6 1987-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P12740-3 T6 87-up w/new solenoid P12740-4 T6 94-95 P12740-5 T6 95-up w/lockup, 1 wire solenoid (1), small port (2) w/lockup, 2 wire solenoid (1), small port (2) w/lockup, 2 wire solenoid (1) large port (2) w/new solenoid w/new solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The pump inlet ports on the pump and case must match or cross leaks can occur. 58 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER A500 (1988-1995) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR A500 1988-1995 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P12740-6 P12740-8 a500 a500 88-92 92-95 w/lockup, w/o boost tube (1) w/boost tube (1), small port (2) w/updated PR/manual/switch valves w/updated PR/manual/switch valves VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Chrysler Hydraulic A500/A518 with or without boost tube/valve. When working on 1 or 2 solenoid hydraulic A500/ A518 carefully review to determine the correct valve body for your application. The valve body pictured contains a boost tube (1). 2. A500/A518 uses a hydraulic governor. A500/A518 valve bodies also do not have the rooster comb, so reuse the original. 3. The valve body contains updated manual/switch and pressure regulator valves, and all solenoids are tested. 59 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER 42RE/44RE (1994-1999) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 42RE/44RE 1994-1999 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P12740-9 42/44Re 94-99 P12740-10 42/44Re 95-99 w/small port (1), square connector sensor (2) w/large port (1), square connector sensor (2) w/updated PR/manual/switch valves/ new governor solenoid w/updated PR/manual/switch valves/ new governor solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 42/44RE uses an electronic governor. 3-prong governor pressure sensor/harness (94-E95) should be updated to a 4-prong square (94-99). 4- prong rectangular sensor (00-Up) is not interchangeable with prior models. 2. The valve body does not have the rooster comb, so reuse the original. 3. The valve body contains updated manual/switch and pressure regulator valves and new governor pressure solenoid, and all other solenoids are tested. 60 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER 42RE/44RE (1999-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 42RE/44RE 1999-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR P12740-11 42/44Re 99-up P12740-12 42/44Re 99-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/small port (1), rectangular connector sensor (2) w/large port (1), rectangular connector sensor (2) w/updated PR/manual/switch valves/ new governor solenoid/sensor w/updated PR/manual/switch valves/ new governor solenoid/sensor VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 42/44RE uses an electronic governor. 3-prong governor pressure sensor/harness (94-E95) should be updated to a 4-prong square (94-99). 4-prong rectangular sensor (00-Up) is not interchangeable with prior models. 2. The valve body does not have the rooster comb, so reuse the original. 3. The valve body contains updated manual/switch and pressure regulator valves, new governor pressure solenoid/sensor, and all other solenoids are tested. 61 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER T8 (1978-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR T8 1978-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P22740-8 P22740-9 P22740-10 P22740-11 T8 T8 T8 T8 78-up 78-up 87-up 94-up w/non lockup w/lockup, w/o solenoid w/lockup,w/1 wire solenoid (1) w/lockup,w/2 wire solenoid (1) w/new solenoid w/new solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Lockup models have a piloted input shaft, and non-lockup models do not. Spline counts are also different. 62 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER A518 (1990-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR A518 1990-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P22740-3 a518 90-up w/non lockup P22740-5 a518 90-99 w/lockup, w/boost tube (1) w/updated PR/manual/switch valves/ new solenoids. w/updated PR/manual/switch valves/ tested solenoids. VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Chrysler Hydraulic A500/A518 with or without boost tube/valve. When working on 1 or 2 solenoid hydraulic A500/ A518 carefully review to determine the correct valve body for your application. 2. A500/A518 uses a hydraulic governor. A500/A518 valve bodies do not have the rooster comb, so reuse the original. 3. The valve body contains updated manual/switch and pressure regulator valves, and all solenoids are tested. 63 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER 46/47/48RE (1997-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 46/47/48RE 1997-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P22740-6 P22740-1 P22740-12 46/47Re 46/47Re 48Re 97-99 00-up 03-up w/square connector sensor w/rectangular connector sensor (1) w/o exhaust passage (2) } w/updated PR/manual switch valves/ new governor solenoid/sensor VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 42/47RE use an electronic governor. Three-prong governor pressure sensor/harness (96-E95) should be updated to a four prong square (94-99). Four-prong rectangular sensor (00-Up) is not interchangeable with prior models. 2. The 48RE has a sealing ring on the stator support for the converter hub. The exhaust passage is omitted from the valve body casting (solid) (2). 3. The valve body does not have the rooster comb, so reuse the original. 4. The valve body contains updated manual/switch and pressure regulator valves and new governor pressure solenoid/sensor, and all other solenoids are tested. 64 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER 45RFE (1999-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 45RFE 1999-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P72740-1 45RFe 99-up 4/5-Speed version all solenoid design w/updated end plate/switch valve plugs VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Dodge 2000-2003 and Jeep 1999-2004 solenoid connector was black. Dodge 2004-Up and Jeep 2005-Up is a white connector. The black connector solenoid is NLA. A white connector solenoid package will retro to 1999. 2. The valve body does not contain the solenoid block. 3. The updated end plate is thicker and less likely to loosen and bend. The switch valve plugs are updated. 65 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER A404/670 (1981-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR A404/670 1981-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P32740-1 P32740-2 P32740-3 a404/670 a404/670 a404/670 81-86 87-up 99-up w/non lockup w/lockup w/o thermal bypass w/lockup w/thermal bypass w/new solenoid w/new solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Certain late model A670 lockup solenoids use a different connector, which currently is unavailable. 2. A thermal bypass valve was added to certain models in 1999 which affected the case. Components are not interchangeable. 66 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER A604 (1988-06) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR A604 (41TE) 1988-06 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P92740-1 P92740-2 P92740-3 a604 a604 a604 88-95 96-98 98-06 w/external PN/PRNdl w/internal MlPS (round pin) w/internal dTR (spade terminal) w/updated converter regulator/switch valve w/updated converter regulator/switch valve w/updated converter regulator/switch valve VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 1988-1995 A604 uses external PN/PRNDL switches. The 1996-1998 A604 uses a single internal MLPS with round pin terminals (small diameter case seal). In mid 1998, the MLPS changed to a spade terminal DTR (large diameter case seal). A new MLPS/DTR is included (1). 1 2. In 2007 a pressure control solenoid was added to the valve body and the transmission was renamed 41TES. 3. Includes converter regulator valve and solenoid switch valve plugs, but does not include the solenoid block. A new MLPS or DTR is included. 67 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER A606 (1993-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR A606 1993-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN P62740-1 P62740-2 a606 a606 93-97 98-up w/internal MlPS (round pin) w/internal dTR (spade terminal) ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS conv reg/switch valve } w/updated w/new MlPS/dTR VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 1993-1997 A606 uses a single internal MLPS with round pin terminals (small diameter case seal). In 1998, the MLPS changed to a spade terminal DTR (large diameter case seal). A new MLPS/DTR is included (1). 2. Includes converter regulator valve and solenoid switch valve plugs, but does not include the solenoid block. 68 1 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER 42RLE (2003-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 42RLE 2003-Up (RWD) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR P162740-1 42Rle 03-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/updated conv reg/switch valve w/new dTR VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The 42RLE is a RWD version of the A606. Valve bodies are similar. 2. Includes converter regulator valve and solenoid switch valve plugs, but does not include the solenoid block. 69 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CHRYSLER NAG1 (2003-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR NAG1 2003-Up (MERCEDES 722.6) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P78740-6 NaGi 03-up 5-Speed 722.6 w/new Tcc & line pressure solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Check the last four digits of the casting stamp number for proper application, and to distinguish between Chrysler, Jaguar and Mercedes (1). (Chrysler does not have a stamp number.) 2. The TCC and line solenoids are new, along with an updated pressure regulator spring. 70 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - MITSUBISHI CHRYSLER KM Series (1989-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR KM Series 1989-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P42740-3 KM 89-up w/low ohms Tcc solenoid w/spring kit/updated manual valve/ new solenoids P42740-2 KM 93-up w/hi ohms Tcc solenoid w/spring kit/updated manual valve/ new solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Check the resistance of the lock-up solenoid. If resistance is between 2 and 4 Ohms, order P42740-3. If resistance is between 13 and 15 Ohms, order P42740-2. Incorrect application could cause the transaxle processor to be damaged. Valve bodies contain an exclusive KM 175-177 spring shift enhancement kit. The solenoid group is new. 71 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- MITSUBISHI F4A41/51 (1996-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR F4A41/42/51 Series (4-SPEED) 1996-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P82740-1 F4a41/51 96-up 4-Speed light/heavy duty w/tested solenoids/updated PR valve VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Although there are differences between F4A41/42/51 relating to clutch quantities or component size, valve bodies are similar. The valve body provided will accommodate all models. 2. Contains an updated pressure regulator valve, and all solenoids are tested. 72 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - MAZDA CHRYSLER 4F27E (1999-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4F27E (J39A) 1999-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P48740-2 4F27e 99-up J39a a FN4a-el w/tested solenoids/updated PR valve VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Ford/Mazda valve bodies are very similar. Ford applications have the Ford logo casting number molded into the body (1). 2. Valve bodies have an updated pressure regulator valve, and all solenoids are tested. 73 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- MAZDA F4AEL (1990-1997) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR F4AEL 1990-1997 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P38740-1 F4ael 90-97 w/4 solenoids (cable control) w/updated PR/Tcc valve VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The pressure regulator/TCC valve trains have been updated to a better design. 74 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - MAZDA CHRYSLER F4AEL (F4E-III) (1997-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR F4AEL (F4E-III) 1997-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P38740-2 P38740-4 F4ael F4ael 97-up 97-up w/5 solenoids (w/tube) Ford/Mazda w/updated PR/Tcc valves/new ePc solenoid w/5 solenoids (w/o tube) Ford/Mazda w/updated PR/Tcc valves/new ePc solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Valve bodies with or without the crossover delivery tube will interchange. Ford/Mazda applications use a small snout EPC solenoid. Kia uses a large snout EPC solenoid (1). 2. The pressure regulator/TCC valve trains have been updated to a better design. The EPC solenoid is new. 75 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- MAZDA/KIA F4AEL (F4E-III) (1998-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR F4AEL (F4E-III) 1998-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P38740-3 F4ael 98-up w/5 solenoids (w/Kia design ePc solenoid) (1) w/updated PR/Tcc valves/new ePc solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Valve bodies with or without the crossover delivery tube will interchange. Ford/Mazda applications use a small snout EPC solenoid. Kia uses a large snout EPC solenoid (1). 2. The pressure regulator/TCC valve trains have been updated to a better design. The EPC solenoid is new. 76 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - MAZDA CHRYSLER G4AEL (1988-1992) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR G4AEL 1988-1992 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P28740-1 G4ael yeaR 88-92 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/4 solenoids (cable control) updated spring kit/new solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Valve bodies contain updated springs, which enable smoother shifting. 2. All solenoids are new. Must use original manual valve. 77 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- MAZDA GF4AEL (1993-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR GF4AEL 1993-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN P28740-2 P28740-4 P28740-3 P28740-5 GF4ael GF4ael GF4ael GF4ael 93-up 93-up 95-up 95-up w/7 solenoids (wire type ToT) (1) w/7 solenoids (plug type ToT) (1) (2) w/6 solenoids (wire type ToT) w/6 solenoids (plug type ToT) (2) ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS } various spring modifications/w/new ePc VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Count the number of solenoids to determine which valve body is needed for your application. Valve bodies contain updated springs which enable smoother shifting. When ordering a 6-solenoid or 7-solenoid G4A, identify whether the valve body has a solid or wired temperature sensor (2). Must use original manual valve. 78 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - MAZDA CHRYSLER R4A-EL (1989-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR R4A-EL 1989-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P73740-1 P73740-4 R4a-el R4a-el yeaR 89-98 92-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/5 solenoids w/6 solenoids various spring updates/reman solenoids various spring updates/reman solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The six solenoid design provides a PWM TCC apply. 2. There have been several spring changes, along with one VB-Xtra update, and a remanufactured solenoid group. 79 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- MERCEDES 722.6 (1996-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 722.6 (5-SPEED) 1996-Up (MERCEDES/JAGUAR) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN P78740-1 P78740-2 P78740-3 P78740-4 P78740-5 722.6 722.6 722.6 722.6 722.6 96-up 96-97 96-97 96-00 00-up Stamp # 0006 Stamp # 0206 Stamp # 0506 Stamp # 0406 Stamp # 0606 } ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/ new Tcc and line pressure solenoids w/ updates PR spring VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Check the last four digits of the casting stamp number for proper application and to distinguish between Chrysler, Jaguar and Mercedes (1). 2. The TCC and line solenoids are new, along with an updated pressure regulator spring. 80 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - NISSAN CHRYSLER RE4R01A (1987-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR RE4R01A 1987-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P73740-2 Re4R01a yeaR 87-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/5 solenoids (electronic) various spring modifications/ reman solenoid group VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. RE4R01A valve bodies contain exclusive updates that prevent open throttle slipping and allow the transmission to shift more efficiently. 2. There are several spring changes, along with one VB-Xtra update, and a remanufactured solenoid group. 3. The RE4R01A uses valve body gaskets, while the RL4R01A does not use gaskets. 81 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- NISSAN RL4R01A (1987-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR RL4R01A 1987-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P73740-3 Rl4R01a 87-up w/2 solenoids (hydraulic w/governor) various spring modifications/ tested solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The RL4R01A valve bodies contain exclusive updates that prevent open throttle slipping and allow the transmission to shift more efficiently. 2. There are several spring changes along with one VB-Xtra update and tested solenoids. 3. The RE4R01A uses valve body gaskets, while the RL4R01A does not use gaskets. 82 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - NISSAN CHRYSLER RE/RL4F02A (1985-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR RE/RL4F02A 1985-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P93740-3 Rl4F02a 85-up w/hydraulic control (governor) (2 solenoids) various spring modifications P93740-1 Re4F02a 88-up w/electronic control (5 solenoids) various spring modifications VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. RE/RL4F02A valve bodies contain exclusive updates that prevent open throttle slipping and allow the transmission to shift more efficiently, and has two spring changes. 2. The valve body contains one VB-Xtra update. The P93740-1 has remanufactured solenoids and the P93740-3 solenoids are tested. 83 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- NISSAN JR403E (1988-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR JR403E 1988-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P73740-5 JR403e 88-up w/5 solenoids (truck) various spring modifications/ reman solenoid group VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The JR403E valve bodies contain exclusive updates that prevent open throttle slipping and allow the transmission to shift more efficiently. 2. Early model solenoid connectors (1 dual/2 single wire) are no longer available and must be updated to the current design (2 dual wire) by reusing one original single connector and splitting the two specific wires. 3. There are several spring changes, along with one VB-Xtra update and a remanufactured solenoid group. 84 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - NISSAN CHRYSLER RE4F04A (1992-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR RE4F04A 1992-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P83740-2 Re4F04a 92-up w/long wire solenoid group various spring modifications VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The RE4F04A valve bodies contain exclusive updates that prevent open throttle slipping and allow the transmission to shift more efficiently. 2. The RE4F04B models are similar to the RE4F04A but are not interchangeable. RE4F04B solenoid wires are short, while the RE4F04A solenoid wires are long. 3. There are two spring changes and one VB-Xtra update, along with a remanufactured solenoid group. 85 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- NISSAN RE4F04B (2000-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR RE4F04B 2000-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P83740-4 Re4F04B 00-up w/short wire solenoid group various spring modifications VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The RE4F04B valve bodies contain exclusive updates that prevent open throttle slipping and allow the transmission to shift more efficiently. 2. The RE4F04B models are similar to the RE4F04A but are not interchangeable. RE4F04B solenoid wires are short, while the RE4F04A solenoid wires are long. 3. There are two spring changes and one VB-Xtra update, along with a remanufactured solenoid group contains an updated cooler check valve. 86 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - NISSAN CHRYSLER RE5R05A (2002-2005) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR RE5R05A 2002-2005 (INFINITY/N NFINITY ISSAN) NFINITY/N PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P63740-1 P63740-2 P63740-3 P63740-4 Re5R05a Re5R05a Re5R05a Re5R05a yeaR 03-05 02-05 03-05 02-05 deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/o TcM low ohM coast (2,3) w/o TcM high ohM coast (2,3) w/1st design TcM low ohM coast (2,3) w/1st design TcM high ohM coast (2,3) } w/updated pressure regulator valve, TTcc plunger and cooler bypass valve VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 3 1 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Most RE5R05A valve bodies are equipped with a TCM (1st or 2nd design), whereas a few models use an external TCM (2). Ensure that the valve body is the problem before purchasing and not the TCM. All reman valve bodies are provided without the TCM. 2. Refer to accumulator bore count (1) and whether the valve body has a reverse control valve or not (4) before purchasing. 3. Although the low coast solenoid may have been produced by several different OE manufacturers, use the OHMS resistance (low/hi) (3) to order the correct part. 87 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- NISSAN RE5R05A (2006-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR RE5R05A 2006-Up (INFINITY/N NFINITY ISSAN) NFINITY/N PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P63740-5 Re5R05a 06-up w/2nd design TcM/ 1 accumulator Bore w/updated pressure regulator valve, Tcc plunger and cooler bypass valve VALVE BODY IMAGE 2 1 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Most RE5R05A valve bodies are equipped with a TCM (1st or 2nd design), whereas a few models use an external TCM (2). Ensure that the valve body is the problem before purchasing and not the TCM. All reman valve bodies are provided without the TCM. 2. Refer to accuulator bore count (1) and whether the valve body has a reverse control valve or not (4) before purchasing. 3. Although the low coast solenoid may have been produced by several different OE manufacturers, use the OHMS resistance (low/hi) to order the correct part. 88 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - SUBARU CHRYSLER R4AX-EL (1987-1998) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR R4AX-EL 1987-1998 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P23740-1 R4aX-el 87-98 1 design trans (no spin-on filter) 5 solenoids various solenoid modifications/ reman solenoids st VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. In mid-98, a 2nd design transmission was released on certain models. The 2nd design transmission has an external spin-on filter and seven solenoids on the valve body. 2. There are several spring changes, along with one VB-Xtra update and a remanufactured solenoid group. 89 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- SUBARU 4EAT (1998-2000) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4EAT 1998-2000 (2nd DESIGN) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P23740-5 4eaT ea eaT 98-00 2 design trans (w/spin-on filter) 7 solenoids w/tested solenoids nd VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. In mid-98, a 2nd design transmission was released on certain models. The 2nd design transmission has an external spin-on filter and seven solenoids on the valve body. 2. Refer to the illustration to differentiate between 98-00 and 01-Up models (1). An additional hole was added in 2001. 3. All solenoids are tested. 90 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - SUBARU CHRYSLER 4EAT (2001-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR 4EAT 2001-Up (2nd DESIGN) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P23740-6 4eaT ea eaT yeaR 01-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS 2 design trans (w/spin-on filter) 7 solenoids w/tested solenoids nd VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. In mid-98, a 2nd design transmission was released on certain models. The 2nd design transmission has an external spin-on filter and seven solenoids on the valve body. 2. Refer to the illustration to differentiate between 98-00 and 01-Up models (1). An additional hole was added in 2001. 3. All solenoids are tested. 91 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- TOYOTA A540 (1988-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR A540 1988-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P87740-1 P87740-2 P87740-3 a540 a540 a540 88-up 88-up 88-up a540e 3 solenoid w/tube (1) a540e 3 solenoid w/o tube (1) a540h 4 solenoid (aWd) w/updated boost valve/sleeve w/updated boost valve/sleeve w/updated boost valve/sleeve VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The valve body without the additional tube will have the hole (1) plugged or cast shut. A540H valve bodies have a 4th solenoid to operate the transfer clutch, and is not the same as A541. 2. There are several spring changes, one VB-Xtra update, and the solenoid group is new. 92 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - TOYOTA CHRYSLER A541E (1994-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR A541E 1994-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P87740-4 a541e 94-up 4 solenoid w/tube w/updated boost valve/sleeve VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The A541E transmission uses a 36T 2nd brake/L-R brake friction. A540E uses a 33T design friction. 2. There are several spring changes, one VB-Xtra update and the solenoid group has been tested. 93 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- TOYOTA U140/240E (1998-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR U140/240E 1998-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN P27740-1 P27740-2 u140/240e u140/240e 98-up 98-up w/o cover lube hole (1) w/cover lube hole (1) ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS } w/pressure regulator, boost clutch apply control, solenoid modulator, secondary regulator valve VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Refer to the valve body cover for an additional lube orifice hole (1) to denote the difference between FWD and AWD. 2. Valve bodies have been upgraded and contain oversized pressure regulator and boost valve, clutch apply control plunger/sleeve, lock-up plunger/sleeve, solenoid modulator valve and secondary regulator valve. All solenoids are tested. 94 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - VOLKSWAGEN CHRYSLER AG4 (095/096/097/098) (1990-1994) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AG4 (095/096/097/098) 1990-1994 PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P75740-4 095/098 90-94 damper type converter w/various modifications/new end plugs and new solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Look at the shape of the filter inlet (1). Note the kidney shape of the inlet. It is different from the VW 01M. 2. Damper type converter model valve bodies use one PWM/ six On-Off solenoids. Lockup models use 2 PMW/5 On-Off solenoids. Valve bodies are cast 095 or 01M for identification. 3. The valve bodies have modified main/boost/solenoid regulator valves, and specific new updated end plugs. 4. All EPC solenoids are new. 95 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- VOLKSWAGEN AG4 (01M/01N/01P) (1994-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AG4 (01M/01N/01P) 1994-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS P75740-1 P75740-2 P75740-3 aG4 aG4 aG4 yeaR 94-96 97-98 99-up deScRiPTioN lock-up type converter lock-up type converter lock-up type converter ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS w/new ePc solenoid/updated Tcc valve/end plugs w/new ePc solenoid/updated Tcc valve/end plugs w/new ePc solenoid/updated Tcc valve/end plugs VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Look at the shape of the filter inlet (1). Note the round shape of the inlet. It is different from the VW 095/096. 2. Damper type converter model valve bodies use 1 PWM/6 On-Off solenoids. Lockup models use 2 PWM/5 On-Off solenoids. Valve bodies are cast 095 or 01M for identification. 3. The valve bodies have modified main/boost/solenoid regulator valves, and specific new updated end plugs. A new EPC solenoid. All other solenoids are tested. 96 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - VOLKSWAGON CHRYSLER JF506E (1999-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR JF506E 1999-Up (VW,JAGUAR,MAzDA) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN P98740-3 P98740-1 P98740-2 JF506e JF506e JF506e 99-up 02-up 00-up Jaguar/Rover Mazda VW ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS } w/new ePc solenoids/tested shift solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The Jaguar and VW valve bodies look identical except that the VW valve body has the OE VW logo cast into it. Of the nine solenoids used, only four have double o-rings on Jaguar/VW whereas Mazda has seven double O-ring solenoids. 2. The EPC solenoid is new and all other solenoids are tested. 97 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- ZF ZF5HP24/24A (1995-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR zF5HP24/24A 1995-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P139740-3 5hP24 95-e98 w/ZF oeM valve body kit P139740-1 5hP24 98-up P139740-2 5hP24a 96-up 5-Speed 2Wd (solenoid # 0501-209-875) 5-Speed 2Wd (solenoid # 0501-210-060) 5-Speed aWd w/ZF oeM valve body kit w/ZF oeM valve body kit VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Refer to the EPC solenoid stamp # to distinguish between 5HP24 models, the 95-E98 stamp # 0501-209-875 and L98-Up is 0501-210-060. 2. Valve bodies are similar between 5HP24/24A. The 5HP24 has a speed sensor held in by a bracket. The 5HP24A sensor bolts directly. If needed refer to the casting number on the body. 3. Contains a complete zF spring kit, and all solenoids are tested. 98 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - ZF CHRYSLER ZF5HP30 (1991-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR zF5HP30 1991-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P159740-1 5hP30 91-up 5-Speed w/ZF oeM valve body kit VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. It is recommended to replace the two speed sensors d69436a. 2. Contains a complete zF spring kit, and all solenoids are tested. 99 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- AISIN AW50-40/42LE (1989-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AW50-40/42LE (4-SPEED) 1998-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR P89740-5 aW50-40/42 98-up deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS 4 solenoid (4-Speed) w/lock-up control, main boost valves, rebuilt linear solenoid VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The AW50-40LE/50-42LE valve body fits a variety of applications from 1998-Up, and contains one linear solenoid. 2. Valve bodies are upgraded with new main boost and lock-up control valves. The linear solenoid is rebuilt. 100 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - AISIN CHRYSLER AW55-50SN (1999-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AW55-50SN (5-SPEED) 1999-Up (VOLVO/NISSAN) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa P89740-3 P89740-4 P89740-6 TRaNS 55-50SN 55-50SN 55-50SN yeaR deScRiPTioN no code/‘ code/‘a a’’ code 1st design (1) a ‘B’ ‘c’ code 2nd design (1) w/B5 control valve spring 99-01 01-04 05-up ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS } various modifications/tested solenoids rebuilt linears VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 3 SlS SlT 3 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Currently there are five basic 55-50SN valve bodies available. A Volvo/Saturn as well as a 1st/2nd design option. Solenoid S2 will distinguish between Volvo/Saturn (2). Solenoids SLS/SLT will distinguish between 1st/2nd design (3). Also refer to the casting letter (1). The valve body pictured on the Volvo page is 2nd design. The valve body pictured on the Saturn page is the 1st design. A B5 control valve spring was added in 2005 and requires a new number. 2. Modifications made relate to solenoid modulator, solenoid relay, lockup relay, lockup control valves as well as PR/ boost valves. All solenoids are tested. All linears are rebuilt. 3. Note: Be familiar with the shift strategy of each vehicle equipped with this unit. A reflash or relearn may be required after repair. Use proper fluid due to lock up slip strategy. For additional info visit 101 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- AISIN AW55-50SN (2002-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR AW55-50SN (5-SPEED) 2002-Up (SATURN/SAAB) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P89740-1 P89740-2 55-50SN 55-50SN 02-03 03-up no code/‘ code/‘a a’’ code 1st design (1) a ‘B’ ‘c’ code 2nd design (1) various modifications/tested solenoids various modifications/tested solenoids. VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 3 SlS SlT 3 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Currently there are five basic 55-50SN valve bodies available. A Volvo/Saturn as well as a 1st/2nd design option. Solenoid S2 will distinguish between Volvo/Saturn (2). Solenoids SLS/SLT will distinguish between 1st/2nd design (3). Also refer to the casting letter (1). The valve body pictured on the Volvo page is 2nd design. The valve body pictured on the Saturn page is the 1st design. A B5 control valve spring was added in 2005 and requires a new number. 2. Modifications made relate to solenoid modulator, solenoid relay, lockup relay, lockup control valves as well as PR/ boost valves. All solenoids are tested. All linears are rebuilt. 3. Note: Be familiar with the shift strategy of each vehicle equipped with this unit. A reflash or relearn may be required after repair. Use proper fluid due to lock up slip strategy. For additional info visit 102 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - AISIN CHRYSLER TF81 (AF21) (2005-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR TF81 (6-SPEED) 2005-Up (FORD) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P39740-1 TF81 05-up 6-Speed FWd various Sonnax updates, rebuilt linears, tested solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Aisin 6-Speed valve bodies may appear to be the same, but may not be. Refer to the illustration above for proper I.D. The length of the manual valve must also be correct. 2. The valve body has had various Sonnax updates installed, depending on wear and design level or the body. 3. Linear solenoids are rebuilt, other solenoids are tested. 103 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- AISIN TF80 (2006-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR TF80 (6-SPEED) 2006-Up (VOLVO) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P39740-2 TF80 06-up 6-Speed FWd various Sonnax updates, rebuilt linears, tested solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Aisin 6-Speed valve bodies may appear to be the same, but may not be. Refer to the illustration above for proper I.D. The length of the manual valve must also be correct. 2. The valve body has had various Sonnax updates installed, depending on wear and design level or the body. 3. Linear solenoids are rebuilt, other solenoids are tested. 104 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS - AISIN CHRYSLER TF60 SN (2004-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR TF60 (09G) 2004-Up (VW) PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS P15740-1 P15740-2 P15740-3 P15740-4 TF60 TF60 TF60 TF60 04-05 04-05 05-up 05-up up to 6-04 w/case cooler, w/switches (1) up to 6-04 w/remote cooler, w/switches (1) from 7-04 w/case cooler, w/o switches (1) from 7-04 w/remote cooler, w/o switches (1) } various Sonnax updates, rebuilt linears, tested solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Aisin 6-Speed valve bodies may appear to be the same, but may not be. Refer to the illustration above for proper I.D. The length of the manual valve must also be correct. 2. Early models TF/TR valve bodies (up to 6-04) have pressure switches (1). From 7-04 on the switches are omitted. Also, verify cooler design whether case mounted or remote. Refer to the description for the correct part number. 3. The valve body has had various Sonnax updates installed depending on wear and design level or the body. 4. Linear solenoids are rebuilt, other solenoids are tested. 105 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual IMPORTS CHRYSLER- AISIN TR60 SN (2004-Up) APPLICATION INFORMATION TRaNS yeaR TR60 (09D) 2004-Up PART INFORMATION P RT # Pa TRaNS yeaR deScRiPTioN P15740-7 P15740-8 TR60 TR60 04-up 04-up w/pressure switches (1) w/o pressure switches (1) } ModiFicaT ica ioNS/addi icaT NS/ NS/addi TioNS various Sonnax updates, rebuilt linears, tested solenoids VALVE BODY IMAGE 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Aisin 6-Speed valve bodies may appear to be the same, but may not be. Refer to the illustration above for proper I.D. The length of the manual valve must also be correct. 2. The valve body has had various Sonnax updates installed, depending on wear and design level or the body. 3. Linear solenoids are rebuilt, other solenoids are tested. 106 ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CROSS REFERENCE Transtar Part # Refernce # 46420....................................31A-115 46420B .................................31A-115D 76425B .................................5A-157 76425BA ...............................5A-157A 76421....................................5A-156A 76425BB ...............................5A-157C 76421A .................................5A-156C P10740-1 ..............................P81990B P10740-2 ..............................P81990 P12740-1 ..............................P12990 P12740-2 ..............................P12990C P12740-3 ..............................P12990A P12740-4 ..............................P12990L P12740-5 ..............................P12990M P12740-6 ..............................P12990B P12740-8 ..............................P12990F P12740-9 ..............................P12990E P12740-10 ............................P12990G P12740-11 ............................P12990J P12740-12 ............................P12990H P134740-1 ............................P41990L P134740-2 ............................P41990M P134740-3 ............................P41990P P139740-1 ............................P56990M P139740-2 ............................P56990P P159740-1 ............................P56990T P14740-1 ..............................P86991 P14740-2 ..............................P86991B P14740-4 ..............................P86991D P22740-1 ..............................P22990D P22740-3 ..............................P22990 P22740-5 ..............................P22990B P22740-6 ..............................P22990C P22740-8 ..............................P22990G P22740-9 ..............................P22990H P22740-10 ............................P22990J P22740-11 ............................P22990K P22740-12 ............................P22990F P23740-1 ..............................P77990A Transtar Part # Reference # P23740-5 ..............................P77990C P23740-6 ..............................P77990D P26740-1 ..............................P26990A P26740-2 ..............................P26990C P28740-1 ..............................P74990 P28740-2 ..............................P74990B P28740-3 ..............................P74990D P28740-4 ..............................P74990C P28740-5 ..............................P74990E P32740-1 ..............................P48990 P32740-2 ..............................P48990C P32740-3 ..............................P4899OD P34740-4 ..............................P34990 P34740-5 ..............................P34990B P36740-1 ..............................P36990D P36740-2 ..............................P36990A P36740-3 ..............................P73990 P36740-4 ..............................P73990A P36740-5 ..............................P73990B P36740-6 ..............................P73990E P36740-7 ..............................P73990F P34740-1 ..............................P34990J P34740-2 ..............................P34990G P34740-3 ..............................P34990E P34740-6 ..............................P34990K P38740-1 ..............................P84990 P38740-2 ..............................P84990B P38740-3 ..............................P84990K P38740-4 ..............................P84990C P42740-2 ..............................P63990D P42740-3 ..............................P63990B P46740-1 ..............................P27990N P46740-2 ..............................P27990W P48740-1 ..............................P88990F P48740-2 ..............................P88990 P54740-1 ..............................P32990M P56740-1 ..............................P27990F P56740-2 ..............................P27990E P56740-3 ..............................P27990G P56740-4 ..............................P27990A ValVe Body TechNical MaNual CROSS REFERENCE Transtar Part # Reference # P62740-1 ............................. P72990E P62740-2 ............................. P27990D P64740-1 ............................. P51990D P64740-2 ............................. P51990E P66740-1 ............................. P57990 P72740-1 ............................. P87990 P73740-1 ............................. P78990B P73740-2 ............................. P78990 P73740-3 ............................. P78990A P73740-4 ............................. P78990D P73740-5 ............................. P80990 P74740-1 ............................. P61990H P74740-2 ............................. P61990G P74740-3 ............................. P61990E P74740-4 ............................. P61990B P74740-5 ............................. P61990J P74740-7 ............................. P61990A P74740-8 ............................. P61990C P75740-1 ............................. P7990B P75740-2 ............................. P7990D P75740-3 ............................. P7990F P75740-4 ............................. P79990 P76740-1 ............................. P53990G P76740-2 ............................. P53990F P76740-5 ............................. P53990E P76740-6 ............................. P53990D P76740-7 ............................. P53990B P76740-8 ............................. P53990C P76740-9 ............................. P53990J P78740-1 ............................. P55990J P78740-2 ............................. P55990K P78740-3 ............................. P55990L P78740-4 ............................. P55990M P78740-5 ............................. P55990N P78740-6 ............................. P55990C P82740-1 ............................. P23990 P83740-2 ............................. P82990D P83740-4 ............................. P82990F P84740-1 ............................. P66991F Transtar Part # Reference # P84740-2 ............................. P66991H P84740-3 ............................. P66991L P84740-4 ............................. P66991E P84740-5 ............................. P66991K P84740-6 ............................. P66991J P84740-7 ............................. P66991V P84740-5L ........................... P83991B P84740-6L ........................... P83991C P86740-1 ............................. P67990F P86740-2 ............................. P67990H P86740-3 ............................. P67990J P86740-4 ............................. P67990G P86740-5 ............................. P67990L P86740-6 ............................. P67990D P86740-7 ............................. P67990E P86740-8 ............................. P67990M P87740-1 ............................. P75990 P87740-2 ............................. P75990B P87740-3 ............................. P75990H P87740-4 ............................. P75990K P92740-1 ............................. P72990 P92740-2 ............................. P72990B P92740-3 ............................. P72990C P93740-1 ............................. P68990E P93740-3 ............................. P68990 P94740-3L ........................... P83991 P94740-4L ........................... P83991A P94740-1U........................... P83991J P94740-2U........................... P83991K P96740-1 ............................. P85990 P96740-2 ............................. P85990B P96740-3 ............................. P85990A P96740-4 ............................. P85990C P98740-1 ............................. P91990B P98740-2 ............................. P91990D P98740-3 ............................. P91990
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