Omar DePablo
Omar DePablo
Omar DePablo Fmm: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ronald Pianta Friday, October 14, 2011 11:08 AM Cymlie Bogert; Dennis Dix; Paul Wieczorek; Omar DePablo Carlene Riecss; Gerald O'Dell FW: Joan Anderson - Comptaint Re: J.D. Floyd traffic pattern fyi. rp From: Alloe Gura Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:17 AM To: James Adkins; David H a m i h ; Ronald Pianta Cc: Garth Coller; M a n Malmkrg; 'bavota-r@hab. k12.fl.us1; 'Mike Maurer'; '[email protected] r . m l mbjact: Joan Anderson - Complaint Re: J.D. Floyd traffic pattern I received a call from Joan Anderson yesterday - October 13th - about the traffic pattern at 1.0.Floyd Elementary. She said starting this school year, the school is allowing the use of the second entrance of the school for the parent pick-up area. Parents arrive in the afternoon up to two hours before school ends and set up their "tailgate parties" and create a general nuisance to the residents who live in the area. They leave litter an the street and sometimes have shouted obscenities a t her. She has contacted the Sheriffs Office and has received no cooperation. She said this is in violation of a 2005 agreement between the School District and the BOCC. She called back today to tell me that the school principal passed out flyers to the parents in the pick-up line yesterday telling them not to arrive before a certain time. She doesnrt know if this will help, but her main concern is that they are violating the agreement by using the second entrance for a parent pick up area and she wants the county to enforce it. Below is the page on the school's website that describes drop off/pick up procedures. htt~:// TfFr2 /a5ae3ffd459~7~253745a49013852ec4/MewPickup map.pdf Icontacted the Planning Department regarding the complaint from Joan Anderson. The Planning Department indicated that they have discussed the issues with Joan Anderson and have been in contact with both the Sheriffs Office and the School District staff regarding the complaint. The School Distria b in the process of making application to the County through the Planning Department to review changes to the traffic pattern at the school and will also schedule a meeting at the school to review the traffic issues with the affected neighborhood. The Planning Department also indicated that it will work with the School District staff, the Engineering Department and Sheriffs Office to identify ways to address the complaints. I have copied Mrs. Anderson on this email. Brenda Frazier Community Relations Coordinator 20 North Main Street Room 263 Brooksville, FL 34601 352-540-6780 Omar DePablo From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Steve and Joan Anderson [[email protected] Monday, October 17,2011 qD:21 PM RonaId Pianta James Adkins; Paul Wwzorek; Omar DePablo; Roland Bavota Re: JD Floyd Elementary 21.JPG; 22.JPG; 23.JPG; 27.JPG; both directions.JPG; buses too.JPG; empty parked cars.JPG; parents out of cars.JPG; parking on lawns.JPG MORE PHOTOS PHOTOS OF OUR NIGHTMARE THAT YOU ARE ALLOWING BY NOT ORDERING THE SCHOOL TO CLOSE THIS ENTRANCEWAY TO PARENT PICKUP AND PUT BACK TO BUSES ONLY AS DIRECTED BY OUR PAST COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHO HEARD THE RESIDENTS AND LISTENED!!!! From: Ronald Pianb Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 12:34 PM To: Cc: James Adkins ;Paul Wiwzorek ; Omar DePablo ; Roland Bavota Subjeck JD Floyd Elementary Joan, Thank you for discussing your concerns regarding JD Floyd Elementary with me on the telephone yesterday. As we discussed, the Planning Staff and the Engineering Staff for the County met with the School District Superintendent and his staff on 9/21. The School District Staff will be preparing an application to the County to modify the traffic patterns a t the school. In addition, the School District will be scheduling a public information workshop for the neighborhood. If there are specific issues that you would like the County to address with the application please provide the information to one of the case planners, either Mr. Wieczorek or Mr. DePablo. As a follow-up to our conversation please note the following: 1. The School District Staff was contacted regarding the status of the application 2. The School District Staff was contacted regarding the possibility of opening the gates for the afternoon dismissal t o allow early traffic to stack on site 3. The Sheriffs Office will be contacted regarding the traffic related issues on Drysdale, Dumont and Coronado Sincerely, Ron No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG Version: 2012.0.1831 / Virus Database: 208514540 Release Date: 10/05/11 - - Omar DePablo From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachmenk Steve and Joan Anderson [[email protected]] Monday, October 17,2011 1023 PM Ronald Pianta James Adkins; Paul W-orek; Omar DePablo; Roland Bavota Re: JD Floyd Elementary social hours.JPG; social tirne.JPG; tailgate.JPG; tailgate party.JPG; tailgate patty 3.JPG; threatening parent.JPG; taking a nap.JPG AND MORE PHOTOS PHOTOS OF OUR NIGHTMARE THAT YOU ARE ALLOWING BY NOT ORDERING THE SCHOOL TO CLOSE THIS ENTRANCEWAYTO PARENT PICKUP AND PUT BACK TO BUSES ONLY AS DIRECTED BY OUR PAST COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHO HEARD THE RESIDENTS AND LISTENED!!!! From: Ronald Pianta Sent: Wednesday, (Mober 05,2011 12:34 PM To: maib:sander29@tam~bw.rr.m Ce: James Adkins ;Paul Wieczowk ;Omar Wablo ; Roland Bavota S u b j e JD Floyd Elementary Joan, Thank you for discussingyour concerns regarding 10 Floyd Elementary with me on the telephone yesterday. As we discussed, the Planning Staff and the Engineering Staff for the County met with the School District Superintendent and his staff on 9/21. The School District Staff will be preparing an application to the County to modify the traffic patterns at the school. In addition, the School District will be scheduling a public informationworkshop for the neighbodmad. If there are specific issues that you would like the County to address with the application please provide the information to one of the case planne~,either Mr. Wieczorek or Mr. DePablo. As a follow-up to our conversation please note the following: 1. The School District Staff was contacted regarding the status of the application 2. The School District Staff was contacted regarding the possibility o f opening the gates for the afternoon dismissal to altow earty traffic to stack on site 3. The Sheriffs Office wiH be contacted regarding the traffic related issues on Drysdale, Dumont and Coronado Sincerely, Ron No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1831/ Virus Database: 208514540 - Release Date: 10/05/11 I", 1 Omar DePablo From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Steve and Joan Anderson [[email protected]] Monday, October 17,2011 10:24 PM Ronald Pianta James Adkins; Paul Wieczorek; Omar DePablo; Roland Bavota Re: JD Floyd Elementary - WALKERS AT RISK walkers at risk.JPG; walkers.JPG; walkers 2.JPG; walkers SJPG AND STILL MORE PHOTOS -WALKERS AT RISK PHOTOS OF OUR NIGHTMARE THAT YOU ARE ALLOWING BY NOT ORDERING THE SCHOOL TO CLOSE THIS ENTRANCEWAY TO PARENT PICKUP AND PUT BACK TO BUSES ONLY AS DIRECTED BY OUR PAST COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHO HEARD THE RESIDENTS AND LISTENED!!!! Fmm: Ronald Pianta Sent:Wednesday, Octobw 05,2011 12:34 PM To: Cc: James Adkins ;Paul Wieuorek ; Omar DePablo ; RoQnd BawQ Subje& JD Floyd Elementary Joan, Thank you for discussing your concerns regarding JD Floyd Elementary with me on the telephone yesterday. As we discussed, the Planning Staff and the Engineering Staff for the County met with the School District Superintendent and his staff on 9/21. The School District Staff will be preparing an application t o the County to modib the traffic patterns at the school. In addition, the School District will be scheduling a public information workshop for the neighborhood. If there are specific issues that you would like the County to address with the application please provide the information to one of the case planners, either Mr. Wieczorek or Mr. DePablo. As a follow-up to our conversation please note the following: 1. The School District Staff was contacted regarding the status of the application 2. The School District Staff was contacted regarding the possibility of opening the gates for the afternoon dismissal to allow early travrc to stack on site 3. The Sheriffs Office will be contacted regarding the traffic related issues on Drysdale, Dumont and Coronado Sincerely, Ron No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1831 / Virus Database: 208514540 - Release Date: 10/05/11 I t * Omar DePablo From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Ronald Pianta Tuesday, October 18,201 1 1:07 PM Omar DePablo; Cyndie Bogert FW: JD Floyd Elementary 210 pm traffic begins.JPG; 1.JPG; 2.JPG; 3.JPG; 4.JPG; 8.JPG; 11.JPG; 13.JPG Fmm: Stwe and Joan Anderson [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, O c b k r 17, 2011 10:19 PM To: Ronald Pianta Cc: J a m Adkins; Paul Wieczorek; Omar DePablo; Roland Bavota Subjeck Re: JD Floyd Elementary PHOTOS OF OUR NIGHTMARE THAT YOU ARE ALLOWING BY NOT ORDERING THE SCHOOL TO CLOSE THIS ENTRANCEWAY TO PARENT PICKUP AND PUT BACK TO BUSES ONLY AS DIRECTED BY OUR PAST COUNTY COMMISSIONERSWHO HEARD THE RESIDENTS AND LISTENED!!!! Fmm: Ronald Pianta Sent: Wednesday, October 05,2011 12:34 PM To: m i b : ~ n & r Z 9 @ t a m m ~ . r r . c o m Cc: James Adkins ;Paul Wieczorek ; Omar DePablo ;Roland Bavota Wbject: 1D Floyd Elementary Joan, Thank you for discussing your concerns regarding JD Floyd Elementary with me on the telephone yesterday. As we discussed, the Planning Staff and the Engineering Staff for the County met with the School District Superintendent and his staff on 9/21. The School District Staff will be preparing an application to the County to modify the traffic patterns at the school. In addition, the School District will be scheduling a public information workshop for the neighborhood. If there are specific issues that you would like the County to address with the application please provide the information to one of the case planners, either Mr. Wieczorek or Mr. DePablo. As a follow-up to our conversation please note the following: 1. The School District Staff was contacted regardingthe status of the application 2. The School District Staff was contacted regardingthe possibility of opening the gates for the afternoon dismissal to allow early traffic to stack on site 3. The Sheriff's Office will be contacted regarding the traffic related issues on Drysdale, Dumont and Coronado Sincerely, Ron No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1831/ Virus Database: 208514540 - Release Date: 10/05/11 Omar DePablo From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Steve and Joan Anderson [sande129@tampabay. rr.corn] Wednesday, October 26,2011 11:19 PM Ronald Pianta James Adkins; Paul Wieczorek; Omar DePablo; Roland Bavota Re: JD Floyd Elementary Importance: High Dear Mr. Pianla and all those included in this mail: Ijust wanted to let you know that Iattended the joke of a so-called "neighbohood" meeting held at JD FLoyd Elementary School Cafeteria this evening at 5 3 0 PPM. f would like to add that the school mailed out tiny postcards to about 20 residents, that were delivered on Tuesday 1011812011, less then 2 weeks notice, and Tuesdays mail consists of most of our junk mail, so most likely many residents did not even see me pomrd. The school failed to include residents in Plantation Estates, who have great difficulty getting to their development, as a result of We road block from the traffic. Furthermore, the school chose a Wednesday evening, when many residents have church. Also, the signage that was posted for the meeting at they 2nd ingwegress, was the size of a garage sale sign not very noticeable and was just posted less then a week prior to the meeting. Then a few days before the meeting, the school posted another sign, inside their gate, encouraging parents to attend the meeting. - - Iarrived at this meeting at 532 PM -the meeting had well started. It became quite clear that the school encouraged staff and parents to attend, ard clearly stated that this proposed re-structureof the traffic flow will be going before the Ebard of County Commission, and seemed to be mostly to get support from staff and parents, and really did not care about the residents input. It was quite clear that we were not really welcome there by the staff, principal, and especially Mr. Blavatt, the Superintendent. Mr. Blavatt, stated that he understood the complaints of the residents, as he too, would not want to live with these conditions and basically thought that the parents were crazy that arrived 2 hours early but, his bottom line was too bad -he needed to look at what was best for the sctroot only. The main concern was that once they open the gates, the traffic flows faster then previous years. - - rtre residentdtax payers of this community's, primary issues is safety. The school initially only wanted the 2nd ingress/egress for emergency vehicles. Then,they managed to get it approved for the 13 school buses, also. The hundrds of vehicles were to use the main entranceway, where a sheriff's oflice crossing guard directs the traffic and b k s out for the safety of the walkers. The walkers obviously have to continue their journey, expanding down Coronado and Drysdale crossing Sigmund, where when it was just the 13 school buses. it wasn't so bad, but now it is hundrds of vehicles, with no crossing guard, or deputy, directing traffic. Mr. BlavaWs exact words tonight were, the majority of the walkers are at Dumont, they can't worry about the few down at Sigmund. All that 1 could say to myself was WOW! that is pathetic! Also, the line of h f f ~ goes c from the gate at the 2nd ingresslegress, along Sigmund, up Drysdale past Durnont and tFaffic also on Dumont, and also traffic m i n g from Coronado onto Sigmund, and also from east Drysdale, trying to turn left onto Sigmund. The intersectionat Sigmund and Drysdale has become a nightmare. There is a solid yellow line the entire way on Drysdale, so no passing should occur,because the safety traffic study that was completed several years ago, determined that the road needed speed humps because the majority of the traffic traveled exceeding 45 mph, in a school zone. Drysdale Wet is not meant to handle this traffic. The residents that live between Dumont and Sigmund are grid-hked during the schools t r a m time. Also, the residents trying to utilize Sigmund to get to their homes in Plantation Estates, are being denied access, because the parents are parked in the southbound lane on Sigmund, and once again, it is a nogassing section of the road due to the turn lane. This is utterly rediculous. The school board eliminated 5 school buses this year, bringing the total buses for JD Floyd to now only 8 buses. This was to save about $100,000 dollars. The proposed change has made matters worse, and definitely creates a serious need for additional school crossing guards, and police directing traffic - all of which will cost money. So, tell me -where is the school saving money, or should I say the taxpayer? Not to mention, that now more parents are driving their children to school, using more gas and polluting the air. Then, the numerous parents that continue to arrive at the school 2 hours before the gate opens, are infringing upon the rights of the residents, by blocking tram, loitering along our homes, having tailgate parties, some parked in the road and out of their cars, some parked on residents yards,and others running their engines for 2 hours wasting gas and creating fumes in our yards. Many of the parents are loud and obnoxious, and continuously litter and throw cigarette butts all over the side of the road and in residents yards and school property. - The school refuses to open their gate before 4: 10 PM because they don't want the parents on school property. If the gate was open, then the vehicles could get into the line-up and off of the public roadways. We the residents, in the past, have presented numerous alternative suggestions -all of which fell on deaf ears. But, the bottom line is this - the County Commission had approved the 2nd ingresslegressfor bus use and emergency vehicle use only. The school has ignored the law, and changed the pattern, without approval to do so. And even now, they still continue to follow their change in trapfic wiU~outapproval. They will be bringing this before the County Commission, once again, at which time, I pray that the residents concerns will be the primary concern, many have lived here long befare the s c h d was built, and also the rest that moved in, did so with the understanding that the 2nd ingresslegresswas for buses only and emergency vehicles, not parent traffic. Please, stand by what the previous County Commissioners approved, and DENY the school request for change. The school has made matters worse by increasing the student body from a K-5 school to a K-8 school -this should have never been dome considering the problems that have been an ongoing concern for this neighborhood. We still do not have adequate sidewalks on Drysdale, and especially Coronado. There are no crossing guards on Corunado, which is definitely hazardous to the students walking and riding their bikes. And it took years of the residents begging for the flashing school zone signage that finally got put up a couple of years ago. Don't the children that Live in this neighborhood matter? And the adult residents, too3 Our safety is of concern as well. One last point that Iwould like to mention, is that the Shews Oept has been of no help whatsoever. Mr. Pianta advised that he would direct the Sheriffs Dept to issue citations, but Sargeant Batchelder told me that he refused to direct his deputies to ticket parents that are wing to pick up their children, and that no county worker was going to make him do that! f could not believe my ears! I reminded him that it is the munty who makes the laws and ordinances of the county, and it is the Sheriffs Dept to enforce them, whether he agrees with them or not! We clearly have ordinances that say parking on the public roadway is illegal. Welt, these cars are parked, in the only lane of traffic available. There is a solid yellow line, that prevents other cars from passing. The rediculous thing that was mentioned by a few residents at tonights meeting, is that while these parents are not gettlng ticketed, the residents have been ticketed because their cars parked in their own driveways, were blocking the sidewalk! Does this make sense?! The residents get ticketed for parking in their own driveways that they pay taxes on, but the parents who are parkd on a public roadway, blocking driveways and flowthru traffic, and even parked and having tail-gate parties l o i r i n g in front of peoples homes for 2 hours, and littering - they don't get citations?! There is definitely something wrong with this picture! Please hear our cry to our elected officials, and the staff of Hernando County,to help this neighborhood and keep us safe. Enforce the law as our previous commissioners set forth. Thank you for your help with this matter. And also, please by to have an evening meeting for the County Commission meeting. so that working residents can atted. Sincerely, Joan Anderson 12465 Drysdale Street Spring Hill, FL 34609 352-688-2095 Fmm: Ronald Pianta Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 12:34 PM To: mailto:[email protected] Cc: James Adkin5 ;Paul Wieczorek ; Omar DePablo ;Roland Bavota S u b j e JD Floyd Elementary Joan, Thank you for discussing your concerns regarding JD Floyd Elementary with me on the telephone yesterday. As we discussed, the Planning Staff and the EngineeringStaff for the County met with the School District Superintendent and his staff on 9/21. The S c k l District Staff will be preparing an application to the County to modify the traffic patterns a t the school. In addition, the School District will be scheduling a public information workshop for the neighborhood. If there are specific issues that you would like the County to address with the application please provide the information to one of the case planners, either Mr. Wienorek or Mr. DePablo. As a follow-up to our conversation please note the following: 1. The School District Staff was contacted regarding the status of the application 2. The School District Staff was contacted regarding the possibility of opening the gates for the afternoon dismissal to allow early traffic to stack on site 3. The Sheriff's Office will be contacted regarding the traffic related issues on Drysdale, Oumont and Coronado Sincerely, Ron No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1831/ Virus Database: 2085/4540 - Release Date: 10/05/11