Aut toCAD D 20 012 P Previe ew Gu uide
Aut toCAD D 20 012 P Previe ew Gu uide
AuttoCAD D® 20 012 Previe P ew Gu uide Design an nd shape the world w around you with the powerful, fleexible features found in AuutoCAD® software, one of the wo orld’s leading g 2D and 3D design d applic ations. With rrobust 3D toools that can crreate ginable, AutoC CAD helps yo ou intuitivelyy explore desiggn ideas. It offfers innovatiions almost any shape imag that can in ncrease design n and documeentation efficiency, and ennables you to more securely, accurately,, and seamlessly y share those designs with h colleagues. Powerful P proggramming toools and thousaands of availaable add-ons provide p the ulttimate in flex xibility, helpin ng you custom mize AutoCA AD software foor your speciffic needs. Wiith these capaabilities and more, m AutoCA AD delivers thhe power andd flexibility neeeded to take documenttation and dessign further. 2 Table of Contents Introducing AutoCAD 2012 ......................................................................................................................... 4 User Interaction and Modernization ............................................................................................................. 4 Performance Improvements ...................................................................................................................... 4 Autodesk Content Explorer....................................................................................................................... 4 User Interface ............................................................................................................................................ 9 AutoComplete Command Entry.............................................................................................................. 10 Multifunctional Grips.............................................................................................................................. 10 Nudge Functionality................................................................................................................................ 11 Quick Properties...................................................................................................................................... 11 Object Selection ...................................................................................................................................... 11 External Reference Enhancements.......................................................................................................... 13 Autodesk Exchange–AutoCAD .............................................................................................................. 13 Explore ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 In-Canvas Viewport Control ................................................................................................................... 14 UCS Enhancements ................................................................................................................................ 15 3D Associative Array .............................................................................................................................. 17 Creation Preview ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Chain and Loop Selection ....................................................................................................................... 19 Offset Edge ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Presspull Functionality............................................................................................................................ 20 Trimmed Surface Properties ................................................................................................................... 21 3D Autosnap Marker............................................................................................................................... 21 Solid History ........................................................................................................................................... 22 3Dconnexion Support ............................................................................................................................. 22 Autodesk Fusion ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Point Cloud Support ................................................................................................................................ 24 Document .................................................................................................................................................... 25 3D Model Import .................................................................................................................................... 25 Model Documentation ............................................................................................................................ 25 Annotation............................................................................................................................................... 31 Osnap Enhancements .............................................................................................................................. 33 Fillet, Chamfer, Blend, and Join ............................................................................................................. 34 3 Spline Enhancements .............................................................................................................................. 35 2D Array Functionality ........................................................................................................................... 36 Copy Tool ............................................................................................................................................... 39 Layer Enhancements ............................................................................................................................... 39 Copy Nested Objects............................................................................................................................... 40 Delete Duplicate Objects ........................................................................................................................ 40 Communicate .............................................................................................................................................. 41 Raster File Support ................................................................................................................................. 41 DGN Support .......................................................................................................................................... 42 DWG Convert ......................................................................................................................................... 42 Sheet Set Manager and Vault Integration ............................................................................................... 44 Materials Library .................................................................................................................................... 45 AutoCAD WS ......................................................................................................................................... 47 Customize ................................................................................................................................................... 52 Installation............................................................................................................................................... 52 Migration and Customization.................................................................................................................. 53 Plot Files Search Path ............................................................................................................................. 55 4 Introdu ucing AutoCAD 20 012 New and expanded wo orkflows for model m documeentation, realiity capture, annd 3D concepptual design hhelp increase productivity p with w AutoCAD D 2012. Explore your desiign ideas withh powerful surrface modelinng tools. Quiickly create documents from a variety of o modeling foormats, helpinng to reduce m manual documenttation workarounds. Captu ure and importt as-built infoormation to juumpstart yourr design proceess. Plus, you’’ll find a widee range of tim mesaving enhaancements to the features yyou use most.. AutoCAD 22012 delivers th he powerful tools you need d to participatte in smooth 33D design woorkflows, helpping drive your projects to o completion more quickly y than ever beefore. User In nteraction n and Mo odernization AutoCAD D 2012 enhancces the way you y interact with w the softw are from conccept through completion. W With noticeablee improvemen nts to perform mance, expand ded online ressources, and ffast, intuitive access to command ds and editing tools, you wiill spend less time focusingg on the softw ware and morre time advancing your desig gns. Perform mance Imp provemen nts AutoCAD D 2012 offers improved perrformance in many areas. E Enjoy faster sstartups, partiicularly whenn ® ® running on Windows Vista V or Win ndows 7. Insiide AutoCAD D 2012, you’lll discover neaarly instantanneous response as a you switch h between ribb bon tabs. AuttoCAD 2012 aalso offers im mproved perfoormance whenn opening laarge 3D modeels with lofts and meshes and a when orbbiting large 3D D models. Addditional performan nce improvem ments can be found f with seelection highliighting, licennsing checkouut, and when running LISP L routines.. Autode esk Content Explore er Quickly find fi design co ontent based on o file objectss or text attribbutes. The Auutodesk® Conttent ExplorerTTM functionallity creates an n index of you ur data based on where youu instruct it too look, helpinng you quicklly access filees. You can explore, or bro owse into, DW WGTM files inn order to acceess and insertt blocks, layerrs, linetypes, styles, and more. m Unlike the t Design Ceenter tool, Coontent Exploreer is built on a Google®-likke kly search forr design objeccts across foldders containinng thousands of files; the index, so you can quick pear instantan neously. In ad ddition, Conteent Explorer pprovides a sinngle interfacee for browsingg and results app searching other content sources, succh as Autodessk® Seek webb service. E with h the Explore tool on the P Plug-ins ribboon tab. Easily acccess Content Explorer In the Con ntent Exploreer window, usse the Search field to find ddesign contennt on your loccal computer, one or more network n locatiions, and the Autodesk A Seeek site. A pulll-down menuu allows you tto choose from m the available locations. m/autocad 5 l specificc block refereences or text strings, s includding block atttribute data. Q Quickly determ mine You can locate how many y references there t are in a file or find a particular refference acrosss multiple filees. Easily dragg content frrom the Conteent Explorer window w into your y current ddrawing. Youu can also righht-click or doubleclick conttent in the Content Exploreer window to automaticallyy open the souurce file and zoom into rellevant objects su uch as text. You can expand e and co ollapse each panel p in the seearch results tto easily view w all the resullts. Control thhe type of co ontent and thee format in wh hich it is displayed using thhe Filter Settiings and View w Options toools in the lower right corner of o the Conten nt Explorer. m/autocad 6 ple, you can filter f content so your results show only the specific oobject types yyou are interested For examp in. Switch h between thu umbnail and detail d views, specify s the icoon size, groupp the results in various wayys, and choosse whether or not to display y text labels and a column hheaders. The Conteent Explorer searches s for content c in speecified locatioons that are inncluded in an index. Their activity iss continually monitored m by y the Content Service, whicch is installedd with AutoCA AD, and the iindex is automaatically updateed to reflect changes. By default, d the seaarch index includes the AuutoCAD Samp mple and Down nloaded Conteent folders ass well as the Autodesk A Seekk site. You caan easily add your own loccal and netwo ork content to o the index. Local Co ontent Add your own local folders to the Content C Explo orer index usinng the Add W Watched Foldeer option at thhe ndow or by dragging folderrs from Winddows Explorerr to Content bottom off the Content Explorer win Explorer. The folders are a not moved d or copied; th hey’re simplyy added to thee search indexx. m/autocad 7 k Content Network In addition to searching g content on your y local com mputer, Conttent Explorer can also search one or more network computers. c Ho owever, it req quires the Con ntent Service to run on thee network com mputers and bbuild an index on o that machiine. This prov vides a single index that alll clients can aaccess and seaarch. Therefoore, in order to su upport search hing on netwo ork drives, sofftware needs tto be installedd separately oon the networrk computer. This softwarre, called Auttodesk Conten nt Service, is available from your AutoC CAD 2012 u Tools an nd Utilities. Make M sure this program is cchecked; thenn install it on one or more installer under network computers. c Once the Content Serv vice is installeed on the netw work computeer, you can addd one or morre network follders ders enables th he content se rvice to buildd an index forr the files in thhose to be watcched. Adding watched fold folders. The T key differeence between n watched fold ders on the loocal machine and watched folders on thee m/autocad 8 c is th hat on a netwo ork computer watched foldders need to bbe shared foldders in order ffor network computer AutoCAD D users to be able a to accesss and search th hem. To add network sharres as watchedd folders, launnch the Content Explorer Console, C whicch is located in n the Window ws Start menuu under All Prrograms > onsole. Whenn you choose A Add Watchedd Folder, you’ll Autodesk > Content Seervice>Content Service Co d folders are available a to seelect. notice thaat only shared After Auttodesk Conten nt Service hass been installeed on one or m more networkk computers, and watchedd folders haave been conffigured, you can c add these network locaations as conteent sources w within Contentt Explorer in i AutoCAD.. In the lower right corner of o the Contennt Explorer w window, choosse Configure Settings to o display a diialog box with h various con ntent sources tthat you can ssearch and access. Then, inn the lower leftt corner of thee Configure Settings S dialog g box, choosee Add Networrk Content. Siimply specifyy the computer name or IP address a of the network com mputer (for exxample, \\servv1230001, 10..23.58.88). ork content iss easily search hable from the Content Exxplorer and, thhanks to indexxing, producees The netwo quick resu ults. m/autocad 9 sk Seek Con ntent Autodes In Conten nt Explorer, yo ou can use the Autodesk® Seek web serrvice to browsse and searchh for online content. Find F files by manufacturer m or via producct specs, and iinsert files dirrectly into yoour drawing without navigating to an a external weebsite. User In nterface The updatted user interfface makes it easier than ever to identify fy and access frequently ussed tools. Thee Home tab b includes chaanges in the Draw D and Mod dify panels. The Insertt tab now hass Block and Block B Definition panels. Thhe tools relateed to insertingg and editing block referencess are grouped d together and d the tools to create c or edit block definittions are grouuped together. Wblock iss included in the Create Bllock flyout. The T View tab iincludes a new w Forward toool and a Rectangullar viewport option o has beeen added to th he Viewportss panel. m/autocad 10 AutoCo omplete Command C Entry AutoCAD D 2012 now offers auto-com mplete option ns to help youu access comm mands more eefficiently. Ass you type in thee Command prompt p (or usse dynamic in nput), AutoCA AD automaticcally completees the entry w with an AutoCAD command d or command alias. If you u pause, it dissplays a list of all the comm mands whosee ou’ve typed, enabling e you to scroll and select from thhe list. prefix maatches what yo A right-cllick menu pro ovides easy acccess to the neew AutoCom mplete controlss, including thhe ability to display sy ystem variablees and specify y the delay reesponse for diisplaying the A AutoComplette list. In the Com mmand windo ow, the comm mand history is i distinguishhed from the aactive commaand line with a grey back kground color. You can mo odify the vario ous colors asssociated with the commandd window usiing the Drawiing Window Colors C dialog g box, which is i accessible ffrom the Dispplay tab of thee Options dialog box. Multifunctional Grips G The poweer of multifun nctional grips has been exteended to moree AutoCAD oobjects, includding lines, arccs, elliptical arcs, a dimensions, and mleaaders, as welll as 3D faces, edges, and vvertices. Access relevant opptions for the sellected object by hovering the t cursor oveer a grip. m/autocad 11 ultifunctional grips with dy ynamic input turned t on alloows you to eddit the object vvia relevant Using mu dimension nal values. Fo or example, when w you choo ose the Lengtthen option foor a selected lline, dynamicc input dimension ns for the totaal length and the t incrementtal length are displayed. Y You can use thhe Tab key to switch bettween the two o values. Sim milarly, ellipticcal arcs have been updatedd to support ddynamic inputt for the major and minor ax xes. When yo ou hover the cursor over a qquadrant gripp with dynamiic input enablled, the distan nces from the center to the quadrants aree displayed allong the majoor and minor aaxes. If you click on the grip p, you can ed dit the values. Nudge Functiona ality New Nud dge functionallity is useful when w you neeed to move se lected objectss a few pixelss in an orthoggonal direction. Simply presss Ctrl and the appropriate arrow a key. Quick Properties P s Use the Quick Q Propertiies tool (QP command c aliaas) to view annd modify prooperties of a selected objecct. The Quick k Properties window w is auttomatically diisplayed whenn you doublee-click on mosst objects. It’ss automaticcally dismisseed when the seelection set iss cleared and doesn’t comee back until yyou launch thee command d again. The default d list of quick propertties has been updated to innclude more fr frequently useed propertiess. Object Selection n Object Groups G Group fun nctionality haas been stream mlined in Auto oCAD 2012 m making it easiier to use. Yoou can access the new Grou up tools from the Group paanel on the Ho ome ribbon taab. m/autocad 12 up tool replacees the traditional Object Grrouping dialoog box with a simple promp mpt to select The Grou objects. You Y have the option o of prov viding a group name and ddescription. T The Ungroup ttool ungroupss the objects. You Y can use th he Edit Group p tool to add and a remove oobjects or to reename the grooup. These toools are also av vailable from m the right-clicck menu when n a group is sselected. A Group Selection toggle allows yo ou to control whether w objeccts are selecteed individuallly or as a grouup. p providees access to ad dditional Grouup tools. Thee Group Bounnd Box controols Expanding the Group panel ps are display yed. When it’s enabled, Au utoCAD displlays a single ggrip and a bouunding box how group around the group. The Named Grou ups tool displaays the classicc Object Grouuping dialog bbox. The Purgee tool has beeen updated to support the purging p of grooups that conttain no objectts. Implied Selection S Pick variaables offer mo ore flexibility y and control when w selectinng objects. W When you pickk the first poinnt of an implied d window, yo ou now have the t ability to use u a Wpolyggon, Cpolygon, and Fence in addition too the traditional window seleection method d. And you no o longer havee to choose beetween pickinng two points or picking an nd dragging to determine the t selection window. w The PICKDRAG G system variaable includes a new optio on (PICKDRA AG=2) that co ombines both of these methhods. The PIC CKAUTO sysstem variablee includes a new option (PICKAUTO ( O=2) that allow ws you to starrt a window oor crossing seelection even w when picking on n an object. This T minimizees the need fo or you to find a “clean” spoot for pickingg. m/autocad 13 ode Snap Mo When Snaap Mode is on n, the cursor no n longer snaaps to grid poiints when seleecting objectss, but does soo only when speccifying pointss. Externa al Referen nce Enhan ncements AutoCAD D 2012 improv ves the ability y to highlightt and select exxternally referrenced files. IIf you pass thhe T cursor oveer the edge off an attached image, DWFTM , or PDF fi le, a selectionn preview fram me is displayyed, even when n frames are turned t off. Similarly,, passing the cursor c over geeometry insid de an attachedd DWF, PDF,, DGN, or DW WG file displaays a selection preview p fram me. You can seelect the fram me for any of tthe attached rreference filess to display a frame bou undary, with the t ability to grip-edit g a cliipped boundaary frame. Interaction n with the Ex xternal Refereences manageer is enhancedd to automaticcally display tthe frame when you selectt a reference file f from the list. l To supporrt the frame selection behaavior, a new FRAMESELE F ECTION systeem variable is included in AutoCAD D 2012. Autode esk Excha ange–Auto oCAD With conn nected accesss to getting staarted videos, downloadablee plug-ins, annd help contennt, the Autodeesk® Exchangee feature bring gs the contentt you need dirrectly to yourr AutoCAD w workspace. Auutodesk Exchaange– AutoCAD D is first displaayed when yo ou start AutoC CAD 2012. A toggle in the llower left corrner of the winndow allows you u to disable itt on startup bu ut you can acccess it at any tiime from the Infocenter in the upper righht corner of the t AutoCAD D window. The Exchange button b displayss Autodesk E Exchange withh the Home tabb active, and d the Help buttton displays it with the Heelp tab active. m/autocad 14 Explorre In-Canv vas Viewp port Contrrol New view wport controlss enable you to t change view wport settingss, views, and visual styles directly on thhe viewport canvas. The 3D Modeling M tab of o the Options dialog box includes i conttrols for displaaying the in-ccanvas viewpport controls. You can specify s the co olor of the vieewport control in the Draw wing Window Colors dialogg box, which is accessiblee from the Dissplay tab of th he Options diialog. m/autocad 15 UCS En nhanceme ents AutoCAD D 2012 provid des many enhancements that make the U UCS faster annd easier to usse. The UCS icon has been n updated to allow a direct manipulation. m You can seleect the UCS icon and then use the multiffunctional grip ps to change the t UCS. Eassily move the origin, and aautomatically align the UC CS with objeccts, including g curved surfaaces and solid ds. You can rotate r the UCS around the X, Y, or Z ax xis using gripss, and withouut having to acccess the UCS S command d. When the UCS icon is selected, releevant options are displayedd in the Propeerties palette. m/autocad 16 ntrol on the Settings S tab off the UCS diaalog box enabbles you to specify whetherr the UCS icoon is A new con selectablee. You can acccess the UCS dialog box frrom the Coorrdinates panell of the View ribbon tab w when the 3D Modeling work kspace is activ ve. ols from a sho ortcut menu bby right-clickiing over the U UCS Icon. Yoou Easily acccess additionaal UCS contro can modiffy the shortcu ut menu to meeet your needss using the Cuustomize Useer Interface diialog box. When you u access the UCS U through the t UCS com mmand, AutoC CAD 2012 dissplays a dynaamic preview of the UCS icon, i making it easier to un nderstand and d provide needded feedbackk for UCS opttions. m/autocad 17 3D Ass sociative Array A The assocciative array functionality f that t is so valu uable for 2D ddocumentatioon is equally uuseful for 3D modeling. Each of the three types off associative arrays—recta a angular, polarr, and path—iinclude the abbility to array seelected objectts in 3D spacee. Use the Lev vel option to specify the nnumber items in the Z direcction during or after array crreation. Whether you y create on ne- or multiplee levels of arrray objects, yoou can speciffy an increment value for rrow elevation. When the ro ow elevation increment is set s to zero, as it is by defauult, all rows arre created at tthe same elev vation. When set to any oth her value, possitive or negattive, the elevaation of each row is incrementted by that am mount. When creating a path array, a you can n specify wheether the arrayyed objects shhould maintaiin a vertical n) or adjust to o remain paralllel to the patth. orientation (Z direction m/autocad 18 Creatio on Preview w A new preeview providees a visual cu ue indicating when w a surfacce or solid is iin an intermediate state duuring creation. For F example, as you selectt profiles to crreate a lofted solid or surfaace, an updateed preview off the resulting object o is displayed with eaach selection. In addition to solid and d surface loftss, the preview w is included w with the folloowing commaands: END, SURFP PATCH, SUR RFFILLET, FILLETEDGE E, CHAMFER REDGE, and LOFT. The SURFBLE preview displays d with a transparenccy to easily distinguish it frrom completeed objects. Yoou can controol the transparen ncy level with h the new PRE EVIEWCREA ATIONTRAN NSPARENCY Y variable. m/autocad 19 Chain and a Loop Selection n AutoCAD D 2012 includ des new Chain n or Loop opttions to simpliify the processs of selectingg a set of contiguou us edges or cu urves. The new Chain C selectio on option deteects if there iss a set of conttiguous edgess within a solid or mesh obbject, or within or between su urfaces. The chain c may eitther be open oor closed and is available iin the TCH, SURFB BLEND, MES SHCAP, and FILLETEDG GE commandss. SURFPAT The Chain n option within the FILLETEDGE com mmand identifi fies and filletss edges that haave continuityy. For example, the part below w on the left does d not havee rounded corrners so the fiillet operationn is limited to the selected edge. e The partt on the right,, however, has rounded corrners enablingg the Chain ooption to selecct and fillet all th he continuouss edges. m/autocad 20 n option, the FILLETEDG GE and the CH HAMFERED DGE commandd include a Looop In addition to the Chain d chain. After selecting an eedge, you cann choose whicch of the poteential option. A loop is similaar to a closed u loops to use. Offset Edge E The new Offset O Edge tool, availablee on the Solid d Editing paneel, enables yoou to create ann offset curvee from a planar face fa or from a surface wherre all the edgees lie on the ssame plane. A After you select a face, the edge of the facee is dynamicaally offset to the t inside or outside o basedd on cursor loccation produccing a polylinne or spline. Du uring the offseet operation, you y can accesss the Cornerr option to speecify sharp orr rounded corrners for the offfset curve. Affter offsetting g an edge, you u can use the P Presspull tooll to easily addd or remove tthe bounded area a from a so olid. Pressp pull Functiionality Presspull functionality provides an easy e way to create c and ediit solids. You simply click in a boundedd area of a solid and AutoCAD dynamicallly creates an extruded soli d. If the bounnded area is thhe face of a soolid, o removed frrom the solid. In AutoCAD D 2012, poweerful Presspulll functionalitty has the extrussion is added or been updaated to repeat until you exiit the comman nd enabling yyou to quicklyy press and puull multiple tim mes in a singlee operation. m/autocad 21 Trimme ed Surface e Properties The Propeerties palette for trimmed surfaces s is up pdated to provvide more conntrol and flexiibility. A new w Trims pan ne displays triim properties for the selectted surface. Itt includes an Edge propertty, which cyclles through th he edges and highlights theem in the draw wing. The new w Associativee Trim properrty indicates iif the current ed dge is associattive. You can n remove the associativity a ffor any givenn edge. 3D Autosnap Ma arker The Autosnap Marker control in thee Drawing Wiindow Colorss dialog box is renamed to 2D Autosnapp nd a new 3D Autosnap A con ntrol was addeed. With diffeerent colors, yyou can moree easily distinnguish Marker an between 2D 2 and 3D ossnaps in the drrawing editorr. m/autocad 22 Solid History H Solid history is turned off by default in AutoCAD D 2012. Withh solid historyy turned off, yyou can directtly edit faces, edges, and vertices v of sollids. To retain n solid historyy, you can sett the SOLIDH HIST system o 1. variable to 3Dconn nexion Su upport Support for fo 3Dconnexiion devices iss improved in n AutoCAD 20012. The preccision and conntrollability oof 3D mouse mo ovements werre further optiimized to provide a more ssuperior 2D aand 3D navigaation experiennce. In Walk and a Fly modess, the navigattion speed acccelerates as thhe camera possition moves away from thhe model. With W Object mo ode, a consisttent zoom speeed is maintaiined regardlesss of the moddel size or possition of the cam mera within th he drawing. Autode esk Fusion n Autodesk® Inventor® Fusion F adds to o the 3D concceptual designn capabilities of AutoCAD D and sets a neew standard for f profession nal 3D modeliing ease of usse. It enables you to flexiblly edit and vaalidate models from almo ost any sourcee, helping you u further expeerience the beenefits of acceessible 3D in the native DW WG format. In nventor Fusion n showcases intuitive direcct manipulati on capabilitiees, provides ddirect modelinng for rapid desiign changes, and a unites dirrect and param metric workfl ows within a single digitall model. CAD 2012, yo ou have the op ption to installl Autodesk Innventor Fusioon 2012. When insttalling AutoC m/autocad 23 If you cho oose to installl Fusion, you will find an Edit E in Fusionn tool on the P Plug-ins ribboon tab in AutoCAD D 2012. u this tool to o select any of o the followin ng 3D objectss in your AutoCAD drawinng to You can use automaticcally open it for f editing in Autodesk A Inv ventor Fusion : 3D D Solid Exxtruded Surfacce Lo ofted Surface Pllanar Surface Sw wept Surface Re evolved Surfacce NURBS Surface You will also a find the Edit E in Fusion n option on th he right-click menu wheneever one of those objects iss selected. m/autocad 24 odesk Invento or Fusion, you u will enjoy the t freedom oof direct modeeling with thee ability to exercise With Auto control ov ver change. Quickly Q create, delete, or modify m featurees to accommoodate your chhanging desiggns. Make unique design ch hanges and ex xplore “what if” i scenarios. Point Cloud C Sup pport Point clou ud support is enhanced e in AutoCAD A 2012. It includees an improveed indexing allgorithm for generating g PCG files in n addition to optimized o vieewing at channging zoom leevels. The folllowing imagees illustrate the t increased detail for a point p cloud fille indexed in A AutoCAD 20012 (left) com mpared with AutoCAD D 2011 (right)). m/autocad 25 Docum ment 3D Mod del Importt ® Import a wide w variety of o file formats, including CATIA C , NX® , Parasolid, Pro/Engineerr®, Rhinoceroos®, and SolidW Works®, as a starting point for documen nting your deesigns in AutooCAD. You ccan access thee Import too ol from the Im mport panel of o the Insert riibbon tab. In tthe Import Fiile dialog boxx, open the Filles of Type drop p-down list to o select the deesired file form mat. While thee import operaation is in pro ogress, an Imp port icon is diisplayed on thhe status bar ttray. A bubblee notificatio on indicates when w the impo ort process is complete andd a link in thee bubble notiffication displaays the translaated file namee. You can paass the cursor over the linkk to view the ffull path and ffile name. The abilitty to import th hese file form mats supports surfaces, s solidds, and 2D annd 3D wire geeometry. The data is translatted to native AutoCAD A geo ometry and in nserted into thhe drawing ass blocks. Partss and assembllies in the orig ginal models are a preserved d and replicateed as nested bblocks. After importing, yoou can freely modify th he data using standard s Auto oCAD editing g tools and doocument the 33D models using the new m model documenttation tools. Model Documen D tation Save timee by automaticcally generatiing intelligentt documentatiion for AutoC CAD, Inventoor, and other models. Drawing D view ws, edge displaay, and locatio on are instanttly updated w when an enginneering change is made. umentation tools from the Drawing D View ws panel of thhe Annotate rribbon tab. Access the model docu m/autocad 26 g Drawing Views V Creating The Base View tool creeates a 2D vieew from the 3D 3 solids andd surfaces in m modelspace. IIf there are noo o solids in mo odelspace, yo ou can select an a Inventor pproject and moodel (ipt, iam m and ipn) files. surfaces or The Base View tool au utomatically displays d a scalled preview oof the model aattached to thhe cursor. As yyou b view on the drawing layout, you can c specify opptions such ass type, orientaation, and scaale. place the base m/autocad 27 b displays rellevant controlls, which varyy depending oon the source of the model, A contexttual ribbon tab AutoCAD D modelspace or Inventor. If an Inveentor model iss the source fo or the base view, an additioonal panel is displayed in tthe Drawing View Creation ribbon r tab, en nabling you to o further contrrol the repressentation of thhe model. If the Typ pe option is seet to Base and d Projected, raather than Ba se Only, you can automatiically create projected views after placing p the base view. Simp ply drag the ccursor to the ddesired location and AutoC CAD automaticcally creates th he appropriatte view. You can c continue adding projeccted views latter using the Projected View tool. w creates a neew Drawing View V object, which w includees a boundaryy similar to a vviewport but does Each view not print. An icon in th he status bar trray indicates when a drawiing contains ddrawing view ws, and you caan view and modify propeerties for a sellected drawin ng view usingg the Propertiees palette. m/autocad 28 ojected viewss. Projected vviews are simpply projectionns of After estaablishing a base view, you can create pro existing views, v and theey support eig ght standard view v projectioons: four orthoographic and four isometriic. Projected views are draawn using thee base view’s projection anngle (first anggle or third anngle). During the creation of o projected views, a parent/child relatio onship is form med between tthe selected vview and the projected views. You can c select any y existing Draawing View oobject as the pparent view ass long as it is up to date. The selected view w becomes thee parent view w while the proojected viewss become the child views. The projection n angle (first or o third anglee) and all otheer properties uused by the paarent view aree inherited byy the child view ws. Once creaated, some pro operties of thee child views may be modiified. m/autocad 29 D Vie ews Editing Drawing Using the Drawing Vieew editing too ols, you can easily e modify drawing view ws after they’’ve been creatted. u double-click k on an existin ng view, the Drawing D View w Editor conttextual ribbonn tab is displaayed. When you Since chilld views inherrit their propeerties from their parent, whhen you edit a parent view w, the changess are applied to o the parent an nd all child viiews. If the seelected view iis a child view w, you can chhange the scalle and style prop perties to diffeer from the paarents. The ch hanges you m make are autom matically applied to the sellected view and all child view ws that are dep pendent on th he selected vieew. An optionn in the Edit ppanel of the V Editor allows a you to o defer updatees. Deferring uupdates lets yyou make mulltiple changess Drawing View within a single s view co omputation fo or improved performance. p IIf the selectedd view or anyy of its child vviews are out off date, they aree automaticallly updated ass part of the eediting processs. Selecting a drawing vieew displays a single multiffunctional griip at its centerr. When you pass the cursoor g menu options enable you y to stretch h or rotate the view as welll as break andd repair alignm ment over the grip, of orthogrraphic projectted views. m/autocad 30 g Views Updating When chaanges are mad de to the sourcce of a drawin ng view, variious notificatiions appear. T The notificatioons include co orner glyphs displayed d on the out of datte views, a waarning badge added to the Drawing Vieews icon withiin the status bar b tray, and a bubble notiffication originnating from thhe icon withinn the status baar tray. e update all views on the t layout by selecting a liink on the bubbble notification. If you waant to You can easily limit the updates u to selected views, you y can use the t View Upddate tool, avaiilable on the rribbon and rigghtclick men nu. Applying g Standards s Standardss play a role in n almost everry aspect of do ocumentationn, including thhe representattion of drawinng views. Yo ou can specify y drafting stan ndards for new w drawing viiews using thee Drafting Staandard dialogg box, which is accessible a from the dialog box launcherr in the lower right corner oof the Drawinng Views ribbbon panel. You can specify y first angle an nd third anglee projection m methods, whicch support thee ISO and AN NSI standards. The thread style s controls how Inventor thread featuures are repressented in draw wing views. Y You uality for shad ded view stylles. And the ppreview type eenables you tto improve can speciffy the view qu performan nce, particularly with largeer models, by displaying a bounding boxx instead of sshaded previeew image wh hen creating drawing d viewss. m/autocad 31 In addition to the contrrols in the Draafting Standarrd dialog boxx, the Drawingg View functiionality leverrages o and format geomeetry. layers to organize Exportin ng Layouts The Expo ort Layout too ol has been up pdated to supp port new 2D V View functionnality in AutooCAD 2012. Y You can access this tool fro om the Save As>Save A Layo out as Drawinng option in thhe Applicatioon menu. Annota ation Mtext En nhancements The Mtex xt background d mask has beeen updated to o remember thhe last used fi fill color and bborder offset factor rath her than alway ys defaulting to red and 1.5. MLeaderr Enhancem ments To have more m control over o your lead ders, you can now change the gap arounnd Mleader teext in a text fr frame. You can also a extend th he leader line to the text ratther than endiing at the textt bounding boox. Access thee MLeader improvementts in the Multtleader Style dialog d box. p is en nabled, the Laanding gap vaalue specifies the distance between the ttext When the Frame Text property and the teext frame. m/autocad 32 E leaderr to text contrrol extends the leader line tto the text ratther than endiing at the textt The new Extend bounding box. m/autocad 33 Dimension Right-Click Menu u right-click with w a dimenssion selected, you now havve the option tto Remove Sttyle Overridees. When you Osnap Enhancem ments The behav vior for Perpeendicular and Tangent objeect snaps is ennhanced in A AutoCAD 2012 to provide m more flexibility y. Now, when grip-editing the endpointss of lines or thhe endpoints and vertices oof Polylines, AutoCAD D enables you u to choose fro om multiple snap s points baased on the loocation of the cursor. In othher words, Au utoCAD findss object snap points to mak ke objects tanngent or perpeendicular, as w well as the tanngent or perpendicular pointss relative to th he selected grrip. The Osnaap glyph is dissplayed at eacch possible a you move the cursor of the t object. location as If Infer Co onstraints is enabled e when n using the perrpendicular oor tangent object snaps, thee correspondinng geometricc constraint iss automaticallly applied to the t objects. m/autocad 34 Fillet, Chamfer, C Blend, B and d Join The Fillett and Chamferr tools have been b updated to display a ppreview whenn passing the ccursor over thhe second ob bject in the filllet/chamfer selection. Now w you can connfirm and chaange the radiuus or distancee values beffore even com mpleting the command. c When usin ng the Polylin ne option, thee preview filleet arcs or cham mfer lines aree displayed foor the entire polyline. view is not ass desired, you u can edit the fillet f radius oor chamfer disstance/angle pprior to comppleting If the prev the operattion. The Fillett tool now sup pports filleting of spline ob bjects. The new Blend B tool creeates spline objects o with op ptions for tanngent or smoooth continuityy between twoo curves, sp peeding docum mentation tim me. It supportss lines, arcs, 22D and 3D poolylines, splinnes, helixes, aand elliptical arcs. a You can access a the Bleend tool from m the Modify panel p of the H Home ribbon ttab. m/autocad 35 t is stream mlined to autom matically com mbine selectedd objects usinng typical seleection methodds The Join tool such as crrossing or picking objects in i any order. You are no loonger required to select thee source object first. Spline Enhancem ments Splines haave been updaated in AutoC CAD 2012 to support perioodic splines. W When you speecify the Closse option forr a spline, a peeriodic splinee with C2 con ntinuity betweeen the start aand endpoints is generated and the new Periodic P propeerty is listed in n the Propertiies window. P Periodic behaavior is also suupported wheen rebuilding g closed NUR RBS surfaces. When conveerting an analyytical surfacee to a NURBS S surface, a periodic NURBS N surfaace is created if the end con nditions of thee surface alloow for it. AutoCAD D 2012 provid des more flexiible and intuittive behaviorr with greater control whenn grip-editing fit points of splines. s In ad ddition, the kn not parameteriization prope rty of the spliine, which is displayed in tthe Propertiess palette when n the method is set to Fit, has h changed ffrom a read-oonly text field to a drop-dow wn list wheree you can speccify chord, sq quare root, or uniform knott parameterizaation. Changiing the knot parameterrization valuee is often usefful when switcching from edditing the conntrol vertices of the spline tto editing the Fit points of the spline. It provides grreater controll over the shappe of the splinne as it passes through th he Fit points. The Kink option has beeen added to the Splinedit tool when sellecting a Fit P Points spline. The Exten nd tool is enhanced to supp port splines when w selectingg objects to exxtend. The sppline is extendded while maiintaining a cu urvature that is continuous with the orig inal spline. m/autocad 36 E Bar is enh hanced to supp port splines and a is accessibble from the rright-click meenu when a sppline The 3D Edit is selected d. It enables you y to move the t location of a point on thhe curve, chaange the magnnitude of the tangency at the point, and a change th he tangent direection relativve to the pointt. 2D Arra ay Functio onality Save valu uable rework time t by establishing and maintaining m a set of relationnships betweeen arrayed obj bjects, like windo ows on a buillding or trussees on a bridgee. Plus, you caan now arrayy objects alongg a specified ppath (rather thaan having onlly rectangularr or polar optiions), saving even more tim me when creaating conceptuual designs orr finished doccumentation. You can access a the new w Array toolss from the Mo odify panel off the Home ribbbon tab. Using the new array fu unctionality yo ou can establiish and mainttain a set of reelationships bbetween arrayyed A you create the array, Au utoCAD displaays a preview w with grips thhat you can uuse to visuallyy edit objects. As array prop perties. Even after creating g the array, yo ou can use thee Properties ppalette or multtifunctional ggrips to modify y it. m/autocad 37 t Contextuaal ribbon tab aand the right--click menu w when an arrayy Additionaal options are available in the object is selected. s You can modify, m erase, or transform m individual ittems in an arrray using the Ctrl key to seelect the desirred objects. You Y can then use u familiar AutoCAD A editing tools to eerase, move, rrotate, or scalle those seleccted objects. Or, O use the Rep place Item tool to replace selected instaances of the aarray items wiith other objects. The transfformed objects maintain th heir associatio on with the arrray, enablingg you to changge the array propertiess without haviing to reapply y changes to the t individuall objects. If nneeded, you caan quickly resstore all times to t their defaullt size and po osition using the t Reset tooll from the ribbbon or right-cclick menu. m/autocad 38 t appearancce of all the arrrayed objectts, there’s no nneed to start oover. You cann edit If you want to change the D automaticallly displays thhe Edit Arrayy contextual taab in additionn to the sourcee object in plaace. AutoCAD the many AutoCAD drrawing and ed diting tools. After A making eedits to the soource geomettry, or if you t geometry, you can cho oose to save oor discard channges. decide agaainst editing the The poweerful associatiive array funcctionality appllies to the new w Path array ttype as well aas to the famiiliar rectangulaar and polar arrays. a You caan use a path array to distrribute items evvenly along a specified paath. If you want a specific disstance betweeen items, ratheer than ensuriing a specified number of iitems fits alonng the path, you y can use th he Measure option. o If, on the t other handd, you requiree a specific nuumber of item ms, regardlesss of how much space is bettween them, you y can use thhe divide optiion. You can control c the po osition of the arrayed a itemss relative to thhe path using the Base Poinnt option. Whhether the base point p of the arrrayed object is on the path h or offset, thee items are asssociated withh the path. Whhen the path changes, c the ittems automattically update. In addition to all of this powerful arrray functionaality, many off the propertiees of the arrayy are paramettric, g parameters and expressio ons. supporting If you want to create a traditional arrray with no associativity a bbetween arrayy items, set thhe Associativee option to No N when creaating the array y. You can reemove associaative functionnality from ann existing arraay by exploding g it. m/autocad 39 Copy Tool T The Copy y tool includess a new Array y option that enables e you tto create a lineear, non-associative array. You can enter the distance between b a speecified numbeer of copies oor enter the nuumber of copiies to fit betw ween two specified points. Layer Enhancem E ments A new lay yer management option enables you to quickly q freezee specified laayers in all vieewports exceppt the current on ne. You can access a this fun nctionality fro om the right-cclick menu inn the Layer Prroperties Mannager as well as from the Freeeze option off the VPLAYE ER commandd. m/autocad 40 Copy Nested N Ob bjects The formeer NCOPY ex xpress tool is integrated intto the core AuutoCAD softw ware applicattion enabling you to copy ob bjects that aree nested in xreefs, blocks, or DGN underrlays without having to expplode or bind them. Eassily access thee Copy Nested d Objects too ol from the Moodify panel oon the Home rribbon tab. Delete Duplicate e Objects Helping you y clean up your y drawingss by removing g duplicate orr unneeded geeometry, the Delete Dupliccates tool proviides increased d performancee—especially y on drawings with many oobjects. First iintroduced to m/autocad 41 D as the OVER RKILL Expreess Tool, it haas been signifficantly enhannced in AutoC CAD 2012 annd AutoCAD integrated d into the coree set of AutoC CAD tools. a the Delete Duplicatees tool from the t Modify paanel of the Hoome ribbon taab. You can access The Delette Duplicate Objects O dialog g box enabless you to speciify which objeect propertiess to ignore, suuch as thickness or transparen ncy. Additional controls alllow you to opptimize segmeents with polyylines, combiine o that partially p overlap or are end-to-end, and m maintain assoociative objeccts. co-linear objects Comm municate Raster File Supp port AutoCAD D 2012 provid des increased support and flexibility f forr using raster iimages in youur drawing filles. If you open a drawing wiith images fro om Raster Design, such as satellite and elevation form mats, they aree D 2012. Furth hermore, the A mage Attach ttools in AutoC CAD automaticcally displayed in AutoCAD Attach and Im 2012 supp port the follow wing image fiiles in additio on to the previiously supporrted raster filee formats: Type Description Fiile extension DDS Microsoft DiirectDraw Surfface .d dds m/autocad 42 DOQ USGS Digitall Orthophoto Q Quads .d doq ECW Enhanced Co ompression Wavelet .eecw HDR High Dynamic Range image e .h hdr JPEG2000 Wavelet‐bassed compressio on standard created by the Jooint Photograp phics Expert Group .jp p2, .j2k MrSID Multiresoluttion Seamless IImage Databasse .sid NITF National Imaagery Transmisssion Format .n nitf Note: NITF files containingg elevation dataa require AutooCAD® Raster D Design software OpenEXR Industrial Ligght & Magic Hiigh Dynamic Raange image .eexr PSD Adobe® Pho otoshop® docum ment .p psd upport DGN Su Support for fo complex linetypes in DG GN files is im mproved in AuutoCAD 20122. Now whenn you import oor export usiing the DGN V8 file formaat, complex liinetypes are m maintained. DWG Convert C Helping make m it easier to collaboratte, the DWG conversion c toool enables yoou to translatee AutoCAD D DWG files to an ny of the follo owing DWG versions: v Releease 14, 20000, 2004, 2007,, and 2010. A And since youu can convert files in batchess, you can quiickly bring ollder file librarries up to datee. G Convert too ol from the Ap pplications m menu in the uppper left corneer of the AutooCAD Easily acccess the DWG window. m/autocad 43 Choose Save As>DWG G Convert to display the DWG D Convertt dialog box. IIn the DWG C Convert dialoog box, you can c specify th he DWG filess to be converrted, save the list for futuree use, create nnew lists, andd open or append d existing listss. Conversio on Setups enaable you to sp pecify the conversion propeerties, such ass file format aand path optioons. You can specify s how to o store the co onverted draw wings, in a zipp file or self-eextracting exeecutable, for example. Additional op ptions enable you to perforrm actions suuch as purgingg the drawinggs or replacingg ps during the conversion process. p page setup m/autocad 44 You can save s multiple conversion setups, enablin ng you to easiily restore a sspecific set off conversion propertiess. For example, you may have a particullar client thatt requires youu to save all thhe drawings too AutoCAD D 2000 file forrmat, while another a one in nsists that youu purge all thee drawings annd submit them m in AutoCAD D 2010 file forrmat. Sheet Set S Manag ger and Va ault Integrration Autodesk® Vault softw ware manages data creation n, simulation, and documenntation processses for desiggn and ng workgroup ps. Enjoy morre control oveer design dataa with revision managemennt capabilitiess, and engineerin quickly find and reuse design data for f easier man nagement of yyour design annd engineerinng information. In AutoCA AD 2012, Au utodesk Vault support is inttegrated withh sheet set funnctionality. Thhe Sheet Set Manager now n includess the ability to o log in and ou ut of Autodessk Vault. Youu can open annd check out ssheet set files frrom Autodesk k Vault. And, when using the t Workgrouup, Collaboraation, and Proofessional verssions of Autodeesk Vault, rev visions and liffecycle manag gement are allso supported by Sheet Sett functionalityy. Updates to o the Vault Client C enable you y to display y sheet set datta, extract andd index sheet set properties, and publish sh heet sets with the Autodesk k Vault Batch h Plot Manageer. m/autocad 45 nstalled on your system, Vaault status icoons are displaayed in the Shheet Set Manaager If Autodesk Vault is in a files. Thee status is alsoo displayed onn the tooltip w when you hovver for the sheeet set, indiviidual sheets, and the cursorr over a sheet in the sheet list. l The right--click menu in n the Sheet Seet Manager iss updated to innclude a Vauult option. Whhen you right--click on the bacckground of the t Sheet Listt, Sheet Viewss, or Model V Views, you caan access the ooptions to Loog In and Log Out O of Vault. Materia als Library y The Autodesk Materialls Library is now n availablee online for yoou to downlooad and installl when needed. u choose to in nstall it, the Autodesk A Mateerials Libraryy is created inn the Commonn Files\Autoddesk When you Shared\M Materials 2012 folder, and materials m are organized o intoo multiple subbfolders. The Materials Browserr has been upd dated in Auto oCAD 2012 fo for improved uusability. Thee Create Mateerial menu inclludes descripttive labels to clearly indicaate that it is foor creating neew materials. And, when yyou use the Seearch tool, thee results moree clearly describe where m materials were or were not ffound. Many material swatches s havee also been up pdated. To help you more easilly find materiials based on category, maaterials in the Autodesk Maaterials Librarry n organized in nto nested categories wheree appropriate. have been m/autocad 46 h also been updated u with labels that m make it easier tto find controols for creatinng The Materials Editor has M Broowser. The Innformation tabb in the Materrials materials,, specifying options, and acccessing the Materials Editor now w includes a field f for the material m namee. Behavior in the Texturre Editor is up pdated to auto omatically exppand the Trannsforms optioons, making itt easier to find f key propeerties such ass position and d scale. m/autocad 47 With the evolution e of the t Autodesk Materials Lib brary, the MA ATSTATE annd MATERIA ALSPATH variables are no longerr necessary an nd have been removed. AutoCA AD WS AutoCAD D 2012 extend ds AutoCAD to the web by y integrating ttools for direcct access to thhe AutoCAD® WS web web and mobile m application. AutoCAD WS lets you y view, ediit, and share D DWG drawings through a w browser or o mobile device. You can access the Au utoCAD WS tools from thhe Online ribbbon tab. The Upload tool enablees you to uplo oad the curren nt AutoCAD drawing to a secure location on the AutoCAD D WS server. It also acts ass a toggle for automatic uppload. When eenabled, the cchanges you m make to the locaal version of the t drawing are a automaticaally uploadedd to the Web sserver. You ccan use the Manage Uploads tool t to controll which drawiings are inclu uded in the auutomatic uploaad. m/autocad 48 u the Uploaad Multiple Fiiles tool to up pload other typpes of files. F For example, you can post You can use relevant plot p styles, im mages, spreadssheets, and oth her files in adddition to youur AutoCAD ddrawings. When you u have a draw wing open in AutoCAD, A yo ou can use thee Open Onlinee tool to access and edit thhe drawing online. o AutoC CAD automatiically uploadss the last saveed version of the drawing aand opens it oonline in the AuttoCAD WS Drawing D Edito or. m/autocad 49 q view your online drawings d and folders usingg the Online D Drawings tooll. You can quickly The Timeeline tool takees advantage of o the web’s infinite i storagge capability tto provide a ffully detailed design hisstory of the cu urrent drawin ng, including changes c by otthers. m/autocad 50 ored online, you y can share them with coolleagues andd clients for acccelerated With yourr drawings sto collaborattion. The Shaare Drawing to ool enables yo ou to control whether collaaborators are limited to vieewing the drawin ng, editing it online, or dow wnloading it to t their deskttop. And it auutomatically nnotifies collaborattors with an email e invitatio on. m/autocad 51 g collaboratorrs via email, you y can use thhe Get Link toool to copy a link to the shhared In addition to notifying w you caan then embed d in web pagees and docum ments. drawing, which The Messsages tool enaables you to view v messagess related to thhe files and foolders that youu’ve shared oor that others hav ve shared with h you. m/autocad 52 Custom mize Installa ation The installlation processs in AutoCAD D 2012 has been simplifie d to provide a faster installl experience. Dynamic feedback help ps you identiffy inaccurate product inforrmation uponn entry. m/autocad 53 d off product com mponents and their install sstatus. A productt selection page includes descriptions Migration and Cu ustomizattion New and enhanced mig gration tools in i AutoCAD 2012 make itt easier to miggrate your custom settingss or oCAD to the default d installl settings. reset Auto The Tool Palette files option o in the Migrate M Custom Settings ddialog box proovides improved migrationn for tool paletttes created in previous versions of Auto oCAD. Migraating tool paleette files now includes tooll palette gro oups. A new option in the Migrate Custtom Settings ddialog box ennables you to migrate the M My Materials Library file introduced i in AutoCAD 20 011. m/autocad 54 e access the t Migrate Custom C Settin ngs dialog boxx the first tim me you launch AutoCAD 20012 You can easily or from th he Windows Start S menu (S Start>Program ms>Autodesk> >AutoCAD 22012>Migratee Custom Settings>M Migrate From m a Previous Release). R If, after yo ou have migrated your cusstom settings to AutoCAD 2012, you w wish to return tto the default settings, you y can use th he new Reset tool availablee from the W Windows Start menu (Start>Pro ograms>Auto odesk>AutoCA AD 2012>Reeset Settings tto Default). T The Reset Setttings tool provides the option n for you to baack up your customized c filles to a zip fille before it reestores the deffault install sttate. Using Resset Settings to o Default is allso helpful if you’ve madee changes or ccustomizationns to AutoCA AD and want a quick way to t get back to o the default in nstall state. A All AutoCAD products muust be closed w when M or Resset. running Migrate m/autocad 55 g and exportin ng tool palettee groups in AutoCAD A 201 2 is easier wiith the resizabble Customizee Managing dialog box x. Right-click k on any palettte group to acccess the Expport All optionn, which wass previously oonly available when right-cllicking in an empty e area off the Palette G Groups list. Plot Filles Search h Path AutoCAD D 2012 provid des increased flexibility forr managing p lot files. Youu can now speecify multiple folders for printer conffiguration (.PC C3) files, prin nter descriptioon (.PMP) filees, and plot sttyle (.CBT & .STB) filees. You can ad dd support paaths on the Filles tab of the Options dialoog box. If theese files are noot found in the t specified folders, f AutoC CAD automaatically searchhes for them iin the folder oof the host filee. A copy of th he shortcut to the Add-A-P Plot Style Tab ble Wizard or Add-a-Plotteer Wizard is aadded to the nnew path. m/autocad 56 Autodesk, AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Content Explorer, DWF, DWG, and Inventor are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. [Thirdparty trademarks required by contract.] All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2011 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.