Service 900
Service 900
Service 900 Mondays to Fridays - Birmingham City Centre to Coventry, Pool Meadow Bus Station BIRMINGHAM, Moor Street Interchange Yardley, Swan Centre Sheldon, Wheatsheaf BIRMINGHAMINTERNATIONALAIRPORT Meriden Green MiliisonsWood Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue COVENTRY, Pool Meadow Bus Station BIRMINGHAM, Moor Street Interchange ....... Yardley, Swan Centre ......................... Sheldon, Wheatsheaf .......................................... BIRMINGHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT .. Meriden Green ...................................................... MiliisonsWood ...................................... Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue .................... COVENTRY, Pool Meadow Bus Station ............. -- 0525 -- 0555062506400658070807180738075808180843090809280943 1003 1026 05000539 -- 060906390659071807280738075808180838090309280948 1003 1023 1046 05040544 -- 0614064407040723073307430803 0823 0843 090809330953 1008 1028 1051 0511 055606080626065607160735074507550815083508550920 09451005102010401103 0520060806170638070807290748 080808280848090809330958 1018 1033 1053 1116 0523061306200643071307340754 -- 08140834085409140939 1004 1024 1039 10591122 053006200627 0650 0720 0741 0801 0821 0841 0901 0921 0946 1011 1031 1046 1106 11 29 054806380645070807380801 0821 -- 0841 0901 0921 0941 1006 1031 1051 1106 1126 1149 21 41 46 58 11 17 24 44 41 01 06 18 31 37 44 04 01 21 26 38 51 57 04 24 1721 1741 1804 1834 1904 1934 2001 1741175618191849191919492016 then 1746 1802 1825 1855 1925 1953 2020 every until 1758181418371907193720032030 30 1811 1826 1849 1919 1949 2012 2039 mins 18171831 18541924195420162043 at 1824 1838 1901 1931 2001 20232050 1844190119211951202120402107 31 46 50 00 09 13 20 37 01 16 20 30 39 43 50 07 230123310031 2316 23460046 232023500050 until 233024000100 2339 -2343 -2350 0007 - 21 41 46 58 11 17 24 44 41 01 06 18 31 37 44 04 1046 1101 1106 1121 then 1111 1126 every 11231138 20 1136 1151 mins 1142 1157 at 1149 1204 1209 1224 saturdays - Birmingham City Centre to Coventry, Pool Meadow Bus Station BIRMINGHAM, Moor Street Interchange Yardley, Swan Centre Sheldon, Wheatsheaf BIRMINGHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Meriden Green MillisonsWood Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue COVENTRY, Pool Meadow Bus Station 0525 -- 055506300705073508030833090309330948 1001 0538 -- 06080643 0718 07480816084609160946 1002 1021 then 0542 -- 06120647072207520820085009200950 1007 1026 every 0553060806230658073308030831 0901 0931100110191038 20 060206170632070707420812084009100940 1010 1031 1051 mins 06050620063507100745081508430913 0943 1013 1035 1057 at 061206270642071707520822085009200950 1020 1042 1104 0630064507000735 081008430911 0941 1011 1041 1103 1124 01 21 26 38 51 57 04 24 1721 174118041834 1741 17561819 1849 1746180218251855 until 1758181418371907 1811 18261849 1919 1817183118541924 182418381901 1931 184418581921 1948 saturdays - Birmingham City Centre to Coventry, Pool Meadow Bus Station BIRMINGHAM, Moor Street Interchange Yardley, Swan Centre Sheldon, Wheatsheaf BIRMINGHAMINTERNATIONALAIRPORT Meriden Green . MiliisonsWood Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue . COVENTRY, Pool Meadow Bus Station 190419342001 1919 1949 2016 1925 1953 2020 193720032030 19492012 2039 195420162043 2001 2023 2050 201820402107 31 then 46 every 50 30 00 mins 09 at 13 20 37 01 16 20 30 39 43 50 07 Certain early morning journeys & journeys operating via Millisons Wood are sponsored by CENTRO. 230123310031 2316 2346 0046 232023500050 until 233024000100 2339-2343-2350- 0007 Sundays - Birmingham City Centre to Coventry, Pool Meadow Bus Station BIRMINGHAM, MoorStreetlnterchange ......... Yardley, Swan Centre ........................................... Sheldon, Wheatsheaf ........................................... BIRMINGHAMINTERNATIONALAIRPORT ...... MeridenGreen ....................................................... MiliisonsWood ........................................................ Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue ...................... COVENTRY, Pool Meadow Bus Station ............ 052606260731 0831 0901 0931 053906390744084409140947 054306430748084809180951 05500650075508550925 1001 05590659080409040934 1012 06020702080709070937 1016 06090709081409140944 1023 0627072708320932 1002 1040 1001 1017 1021 1031 1042 1046 1053 1110 then every 30 mins at 31 47 51 01 12 16 23 40 01 17 21 31 42 46 53 10 1731 1801 1831 1901 1747181718471914 1751 1821 1851 1918 until 1801 1831 1901 1925 1812184219121934 1816184619161937 1823185319231944 1840 1910 1940 2002 31 then 44 every 48 55 30 mins 04 07 at 14 32 01 14 18 25 34 37 44 02 23010031 23140044 23180048 until 2325 0055 2334 2337 2344 0002 Mondays to Fridays - Coventry, Pool Meadow Bus Station to Birmingham City Centre COVENTRY, Pool Meadow Bus Station Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue............ . Meriden Green BIRMINGHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Sheldon, Wheatsheaf Yardley, Swan Centre BIRMINGHAM, Moor Street Interchange 04240525 -- 0552 -- 06300644070407270752 081208290849091209320947 04370538 -- 0607 -- 0645070207220745081008300847090709300950 1005 04440545 -- 0614 -- 0652070907290752081808380855091509380958 1013 045405540610062406490702071907390802082808480905 0925 0948 1008 1023 0502 -- 0618063306580711 0729074908120840090009170937 1000 1020 1035 0506 -- 06220637070207150734075408170845090509220942 1005 1025 1040 0522 0638065807180736075808180841 090609260943 1003 1026 1046 1101 07 then 25 every 33 43 20 mins 55 at 00 21 27 45 53 03 15 20 41 47 05 13 23 35 40 01 until [ Mondays to Fridays - Coventry, Pool Meadow Bus Station to Binningham City Centre COVENTRy,PoolMeadowBusStation Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue MeridenGreen BIRMINGHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Sheldon, Wheatsheaf Yardley, Swan Centre BIRMINGHAM, Moor Street Interchange lB071829 1825 1846 18331853 1841 1902 1855 1912 1900 1916 1921 1933 1856 1913 1920 1929 1939 1943 2000 26 43 every 50 30 59 mins 09 at 13 30 then 56 13 20 29 39 43 00 23262356 23430013 23500020 until 23590029 00090039 00130043 00300100 saturdays - Coventry, Pool Meadow Bus Station to Binningham City Centre COVENTRY, Pool Meadow Bus Station Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue Meriden Green BIRMINGHAMINTERNATIONALAIRPORT Sheldon,Wheatsheaf yardley, Swan Centre BIRMINGHAM, Moor Street Interchange 042505250605063507050732080008270847 043805380618064807180748081808450905 then 044505450625065507250755082508520913 every 045405540636070607360806083609020923 20 0501 0643071307430813084309110935 mins 0505 - 0647 071 7 07470817 0847 091 5 0940 at 0519 - 070307330803083309030933 1001 COVENTRY, Pool Meadow Bus Station Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue Meriden Green BIRMINGHAMINTERNATIONALAIRPORT Sheldon, Wheatsheaf Yardley, Swan Centre BIRMINGHAM,MoorStreetinterchange 2026 2043 then 2050 every 2059 30 2109 mins 2113 at 2130 56 13 20 29 39 43 00 26 43 50 59 09 13 30 07 25 33 43 55 00 21 27 45 53 03 15 20 41 47 05 13 23 35 40 01 1707173718001830185719261956 1725175518181845191419432013 1733180318251852192119502020 unbl 1743181318351902193019592029 1755182518441911 194020092039 1800183018481915 19442013 2043 1821185119061933200120302100 2256 2326 2356 231323430013 2320 23500020 until 232923590029 233900090039 2343 0013 0043 240000300100 Passengers may board at Digbeth Coach Station going towards Birmingham at no extra cost for travel to J~ NEC, International Airport & Coventry. I) Sundays - Coventry, Pool Meadow Bus Station to Binningham City Centre COVENTRY, Pool Meadow Bus Station ............ Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue ....................... Meriden Green ....................................................... BIRMINGHAMINTERNATIONALAIRPORT........ Sheldon, Wheatsheaf ........................................... Yardley, Swan Centre ..................... ............. BIRMINGHAM, MoorStreetinterchange .......... 0630073008000830090009300955 064307430813084309130943 1012 065007500820085009200950 1019 0659075908290859092909591029 07060806083609060936 1006 1039 0710081008400910094010101044 07240824085409240954 1024 1100 COVENTRY, Pool Meadow Bus Station Parkhill DrivelWoodridgeAvenue Meriden Green BIRMINGHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Sheldon, Wheatsheaf Yardley, Swan Centre BIRMINGHAM, Moor Street Interchange 23360006 23490019 23560026 00050035 001 2 0042 00160046 00300100 25 42 every 49 30 59 mins 09 14 at 30 then Certain early morning journeys are sponsored by CENTRO 55 12 19 29 39 44 00 17551830190319332006 181 2 1844 1916 1946 2019 18191851192319532026 until 1829 1902 1932 2002 2035 18391911 193920092042 18441915194320132046 19001929195720272100 36 49 every 56 30 05 mins 12 at 16 30 then 06 19 26 35 42 46 00 2306 2319 2326 until 2335 2342 2346 2400 Passengers may board at Digbeth Coach Station going towards Birmingham at no extra cost for travel to NEC, International Airport & Coventry. 900 Stopping Places Coventry Pool Meadow Bus Station, Upper Well Street then all recognised bus stops to International Station, then Trinity Park, Bickenhill (Clock Inn), Old Damson Lane, Excelsior Hotel, Goodway Road, Arden Oak Road, Wells Road, Coalway Avenue, Sheldon <Wheatsheaf), Wagon Lane, Manor House Lane, yardley (Swan Centre), Holder Road, Deakins Road, Hay Mills (Kings Road), Adderley Street, Digbeth Coach Station, Digbeth Gyratory, Moor Street (Selfridges) - Set Down Only, Moor Street Interchange, Park Street (From Birmingham Only).