to February 2014 Connection Magazine PDF
to February 2014 Connection Magazine PDF • February – March 6, 2014 “No road is long with good company.” ~Turkish Proverb Relationship Relationship Relationship! Dave MacArthur Telomeres & Age Reversal –pg 2 California Children: Colds, Flu & Drought –pgs 4 & 5 Hep B Vaccine –pg 19 Feb. 11th = Day of Action!!- pg 6 Could you be the NEXT Hay House Author? THE WRITER’S WORKSHOP March 22-23, 2014 San Francisco, CA Hilton San Francisco Financial District Includes lectures, interactive exercises, and live coaching from: The Billboard TELL THE WORLD!! • Listings: are $6 a line with a 4-line minimum, prepaid • Headlines: 20 char. & Regular lines 30 char. Photo/Graphic: $10 • Next deadline date is Mon.,Mar 3rd for the Mar. 7th 2014 Issue • Go to our Website: • Email: [email protected] • Mail to: The Connection Magazine, 7960 B Soquel Dr. #355, Aptos, CA 95003 • Phone: 831/459-0522 or Fax: (831) 427-7781 •Visa / MC / Discover / American Express/Diner Card SPECIAL: Prepay 4 months =10% off. Serving: Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Clara, and San Mateo Counties.10% off for non-profit. Announcements circle oF lighT! Wehrman/Benson emF/ rF shielding Worried about smart meter radiation? We can help protect you. Call (831) 234-0716 Or Email us at: wbemfrfshielding@ has reviewed over 400 non-violent family movies since 2011. For a free sample newsletter, send a #10 long self-addressed stamped envelope to: dept 01 5669 snell ave., #173 san Jose, ca 95123 or e-mail: [email protected] Looking to connect with LikeMinded Spiritual Adventurers? The Circle of Light is the place to Expand Your Consciousness, Open Your Heart & meet Lifelong Friends sharing the exciting Journey of Awakening & Transformation. On the Third Friday evening of each month, we meet at (but are not affiliated with) the Unitarian Church Sanctuary, 490 Aguajito Rd, Carmel. For Event Schedule and Info: nohlan@ or (831) 484-1923. 11/12 The connection magazine is for educational purposes only. We do not necessarily recommend the specific remedies, exercises, treatments or activities, etc. summarized. Please consult with your personal health care provider to find out what is appropriate for you. Feature Index arts & entertainment ................................26-27 astrology ......................................................... 16 awareness ..................................................19-23 The Billboard ............................................ 3 & 24 Thriving Business ............................................ 4 compassion Flower resouce guide ............ 31 dining delights ................................ Will return essential living guide .............. 20,22,23,24,28 Fitness & sports .............................. Will return green Business directory ............................... 6 health notes...............................................10-13 healthy appearance ....................................... 29 healthy Planet ................................................6-9 lively letters .................................................. 24 martial arts ...................................................... 25 movies ............................................................. 26 music .............................................................. 26 Parenting, Kids & education ......................... 18 Pet / animal health ......................................... 14 radiation Protection .................................16-18 rave reviews .................................................. 24 a new You in the new Year Theme ...........15-17 Travel & Fun .................................... Will return Wonderful Women........................... Will return Yoga ................................................. Will return Entire Contents © The Connection Magazine How to Reach Us: Confirm Fax Receipt) Connection Magazine 7960 B Soquel Dr. #355 • Aptos, CA 95003 [email protected] DOREEN VIRTUE The boxes have arrived, and we have a bouncing, baby book! You can have your autographed copy NOW. https:// To read more about the book Gregg Braden has called, “the map we’ve all been waiting for,” and Deepak Chopra and Thom Hartmann have called “world-changing,” go to http:// SponEvoBook.html Look for our Mar. 2014 20th Anniversary Issue - Mar. 7th (831) 459-0522 • Fax: (831) 427-7718 (Please Call to Doreen is the author of more than 50 books, including the bestselling Healing with the Angels. Join The UP-Wising: The sPonTaneoUs evolUTion BooK is here FaceBook/connectiononline Free Magazine Download from Anywhere in the World: Dave MacArthur will make Product B presentation March 6th at Center For Spiritual Living. (Note the date has changed from Feb 20th to March 6th.) Dave MacArthur will make Product B presentation March 6thProduct at Center For Spiritual Living. (Note the 7:30 PM B Presentation date has changed from Feb 20th to March 6th.) REID TRACY NANCY LEVIN CEO Hay House Director, Certified 6:00-7:00President/ PM Business Presentation. 7:30 PM Product B Presentation Hay House Events Integrative Coach and Bring your friends who are interested in learn6:00-7:00 Business Presentation. author Writing ing how toPM reverse (not slow) the cycle of of aging. for My Life A true, “ Register breakthrough byinto a new era.” Gabriel Bring yourMD friends who are interested in learnCousens, February 24, 2014 ing how to reverse (not slow) the cycle of aging. Save $100 A true,and “ breakthrough into a new era.” Gabriel Cousens, MD Gain the support and knowledge you need in this two-day exclusive workshop. Your Message Matters! BVgX]+i] CdiZi]ZYViZ]VhX]Vc\ZY[gdb;ZW'%i] idBVgX]+i]# 8ZciZg;dgHe^g^ijVaA^k^c\ BVgX]+i] CdiZi]ZYViZ]VhX]Vc\ZY[gdb;ZW'%i] &-&-;ZaiHigZZi idBVgX]+i]# HVciV8gjo 8ZciZg;dgHe^g^ijVaA^k^c\ ,/(%EBEgdYjXi7EgZhZciVi^dc &-&-;ZaiHigZZi +/%%",/%%EB7jh^cZhhEgZhZciVi^dc# HVciV8gjo ,/(%EBEgdYjXi7EgZhZciVi^dc +/%%",/%%EB7jh^cZhhEgZhZciVi^dc# PLUS A Writing Contest! Over $21,000 in Publishing Packages will be awarded! One participant is guaranteed a $10,000 advance and a publishing contract with Hay House! First runner-up wins a Balboa Press Master Package valued at $7999! Second runner-up wins a Balboa Press Inspire Package valued at $3599! * Only workshop attendees are eligible to enter the contest. 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B12 treats: fatigue, anemia, colds/ flus, thyroid/adrenal imbalance, anxiety, depression, insomnia, PMS, menopause, acne, allergies, herpes, nerve pain, dementia, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis & more! 736 Chestnut St - downtown SC. 831.477.1377 FREE ONLINE CALENDAR LISTINGS WWW.THECONNECT.COM List your Events, Classes, Expos, Fairs, Benefits, Lectures, Etc. All for Free in our newly improved Free Online Calendar Listings. T-ZONE FOR SALE T-ZONE VIBRATIONAL TECHNOLOGY MACHINE Technology developed by the Russian Space Program & adapted by NASA. Get the benefit of an Hour Workout in just ‘10 Minutes’! It is so easy, so beneficial, helps you feel great: relaxed and energetic, etc. Helps with circulation, muscles, weight, balance, rehabilitation, etc., etc. Brand new. Real price = $2,400 for $1,200 OBO. Call (831) 431-6638. ALEX JONES - YOUR SOURCE FOR NEWS ABOUT . . . . . . Big Brother, the Police State, 9/11 Truth, Economic Crisis, New World Order!! Beyond the Left/Right Paradigm. KOMY/AM1340 M-F 9am-noon KSCO/AM1080 M-F 7/8pm-10pm Listen online @ February 14-16 FREE Online Musical Prayer Vigil Heal the Pacific Fire Ring and Fukushima Kirtans, Dance, Prayer, Song, Meditation Cosmic HeartStreams with David Christopher Lewis Connect via Or come to San Diego, live at the beach and a BBQ! New Living Expo, San Mateo Friday, April 25, 8:00 pm El Morya & Saint Germain on the New Blue Wave ThetaHealing: Fun, Transformative, Empowering! /\QGD&KDLNLQ 7KHWD+HDOLQJ0DVWHU ,QVWUXFWRU3UDFWLWLRQHU “Lynda is not only a professional at what she does, she also cares about each and every student. I am moved by the depth of her love.” – Cathy Yules Soquel, CA Receive El Morya’s chakra alignment and aura clearing For Details Call Cathleen: 831-454-8015 Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing® Learn the Art of Co-Creating Miracles ThetaHealing Classes Sign up now! Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class)UL6XQ0DUFKSUHUHTIRU $GYDQFHG'1$7KHWD+HDOLQJ&ODVV)UL6XQ$SULOSUHUHTIRU 0DQLIHVWLQJDQG$EXQGDQFH&ODVV6DWDQG6XQ0D\DQG-XQH 7KHWD+HDOLQJ*DPHRI/LIH&ODVV)UL6XQ-XQH RU Look for Merciful Heavens on Santa Cruz THE BILLBOARD CONTINUES ON PAGE 24 Page 3 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 Engineered Drought Catastrophe, Target California Most of the “the golden state” is now parched, baked and dried far beyond any historical precedent. Reservoirs are nearly empty, streams are drying up, and forests are dying by the day. Catastrophic fires will also continue to decimate California due to the engineered drought. Like Us On FaceBook by Dane Wigington, Much of the state went through all of 2013 with no significant rain. Why? What will it take to wake people up to the “weather warfare” being waged on them? Geoengineering reduces overall global rainfall totals (though it can also trigger regions of torrential flooding). Intentionally caused drought is weather warfare, period. There is a great deal of disinformation out there already and its getting worse by the day. Even some of the biggest “alternative news sites” are helping to “tow the line” for the global elite by putting out articles on drought and “global cooling” which make no mention of the climate engineering at all. Yet, on the other hand, these same “news sites” claim to be aware of climate engineering and they say they are against it. Which is it? How can they be aware of the geoengineering programs and yet put out climate article after climate article without so much as mentioning the elephant in the room that is climate engineering? The articles from these “alternative media sites are even claiming all the chaotic weather is just “normal cycles”. This is exactly what corporate media does, so who’s side are these alternative media sites on? How is it possible that any weather in a completely engineered climate system is “normal”? Is This The End Of The Road? Many are finally beginning to wake up to the fact that the some- thing is very wrong with the weather. Many are finally realizing something profound is happening in our skies. Some are now finally making the decision to get involved with the fight to raise awareness of the lethal climate engineering programs, but are we already too late? Have the geoengineers already pushed Earth’s natural systems past the point of no return? Based on all avail- No Natural Weather It is imperative that we all work together toward the goal of making the population as a whole understand that virtually all their “weather” is being completely manipulated. That there is NO NATURAL WEATHER at this point. That we are all the victims of “weather warfare” and many of us will soon be climate refugees if we are not able to bring the climate engineering Photo taken from Center St. in Santa Cruz to light and to a halt. On top of all this able data, the answer is very likely yes. we are all literally being poisoned by The damage already done to our planet the toxic metal fallout from these profrom anthropogenic activity, which in- grams, but that’s another story. cludes geoengineering, has guaranteed Geoengineered Drought, us a planet that is much less hospitable Target California than the one we have known. However The recent NOAA map above difficult the future looks, we could yet illustrates an unprecedented pattern of perhaps preserve the planet’s ability precipitation or lack thereof. Almost to support life if we can stop climate the entire country is shown at above engineering. This battle must be won normal precipitation while California or all will be lost. looks like it has a virtual “bullseye” of below normal rainfall predicted (scheduled). One can draw their own conclusions from this map, does this pattern really look natural? The NOAA map above is about as unnatural as it gets. Welcome to global geoengineering. The true severity of the drought in the west is not accurately reflected in the “drought monitor” map above. The actual conditions on the ground are much much worse as California has been descending into ever worsening drought for 7 years now. This season to date there has been no significant rain at all. HAARP iono- Page 4 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 sphere heating facility in Alaska. There are numerous ionosphere heating installations around the globe that are used to manipulate the jet stream into historically unprecedented patterns. The manipulated jet stream is one of several primary factors relating to the climate chaos now being inflicted on planet Earth. With the combination of constant aerosol spraying and ionosphere heater utilization (HAARP) the climate engineers have effectively cut off the flow of moisture to the state of California. Why? There are likely a number of probable reasons. First, California is possibly a climate “sacrifice zone”. This means that California is collateral damage for the constant parade of engineered snow storms being whipped up further east in the US. The rain blocking high pressure ridge that the climate engineers have locked in place over the western US and the eastern Pacific pushes the jet stream straight north, carrying the moisture with it before rain can come anywhere near California. This moisture then desiccants. These are materials that adhere to all available moisture in the atmosphere creating very low humidity on the ground under many conditions which further dries out the already parched state. Now lets add the constant record high temperatures that often go along with consistent high pressure. All things considered, its a recipe for creating a dust bowl out of a once beautiful state. Its a method for bringing the population of this state to will persist and worsen as the climate engineers literally tear Earth’s natural life support systems apart. The climate engineers can and are radically cooling huge areas, but at the cost of a greatly worsened overall warming and a completely decimated climate system. What Can We Do? Everyone can and must help with this all important battle. All must get up off the bench and assist in the critical effort to raise awareness. Get organized with others in your community. Get educated (this means examining real data, not headlines), get credible information to hand out, hold viewings of documentary films like “Look Up” from film maker George Barnes, do whatever it takes to sound the alarm. If we can simply bring the climate engineering crimes to the light of day, and reach critical mass of awareness, the dominos that keep these programs in operation will start to fall. Dane Wigington – Bio travels as far as Alaska and the Arctic. The jet is then turned back south as it wraps clockwise around the HAARP/ ionosphere heater created dome of high pressure. Then, it is pumped all the way down to the southern US carrying heavily sprayed and chemically ice nucleated moisture with it which enhances the artificial cool down of the eastern US. Another part of the puzzle is likely this, a population that has no water and can not grow any food does not tend to be in a position to effectively protest the crimes of it’s government. California has historically grown so much food for the nation that the catastrophic drought has very far reaching ramifications. Control the food supply and you control the population. There is also the growing effort by the government to take control of water rights in California and other regions in the west. The climate engineers literally have California by the throat and it does not appear they are going to let go anytime soon. The weather makers can drought California into a desert from top to bottom, we are well on our way to this already. Forests that were green and lush only ten years ago are now wilting, withering, and in many places have already died. In addition to the almost total lack of rain in California caused by the climate manipulation, the jet sprayed aerosols utilized in the geoengineering programs are their knees. Where Are The Geoengineers Concentrating Their Efforts, And How Cool Are They Making The Planet Overall? The NASA temperature analysis map above should make clear where the climate engineers are most focused in their efforts to create a “cool down”. This map illustrates recent temperature trends as compared to the 30 year average. The NASA map clearly shows the only “cooler” places on the planet compared to the long term average. These areas of below normal temperatures are a direct result of massive geoengineering efforts such as those described above. If the temperature variations on this map seem unnatural, they are. Though the US media is trying frantically to convince its population (with considerable success) that the world is in a deep freeze, this is patently false from a global perspective. The radical swings in temperatures and conditions Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. His personal residence was feature in a cover article on the world’s largest renewable energy magazine, Home Power. He owns a 1,600-acre “wildlife preserve” next to Lake Shasta in northern California. He focused his efforts and energy on the geoengineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to what ever-increasing “solar obscuration” caused from the aircraft spraying as he also noted significant decline in forest health and began testing and research into the geoengineering issue about a decade ago. He is the lead researcher for www. and has investigated all levels of geo engineering from chemtrails to HAARP. He assisted Michael Murphy with his production of “What in the World are They Spraying” and has appeared on an extensive number of interviews to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level. He lives in Mt. Shasta, California. food_supply.htm THRIVE Santa Cruz Solutions Group Meetup Monthly Meetings on 2nd Saturdays Our Meetup is now having regular Monthly Meetings every 2nd Saturday at: Live Oak Senior Center, 1777 Capitola Rd, Santa Cruz, (near 17th Ave.) 6:45 to 9:15 pm Join or Check Us Out on the Web at our Meetup Site: THRIVE Santa Cruz: Official Thrive Movement Site: SHOP 3 THE LOGO more of your money will stay here, so you can spend it again, and again, and again... Grow Your Your Practice Here! Everything Y You ou Need fo for... r... Psychotherapy Bodywork Group Process Classes and Events Huge Space! Daily and Hourly Rates www.roomforgrowthcente .roomforgrowthcente [email protected] Page 5 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 How Does Electromagnetic Radiation Fit in with the “Shift”? creasing numbers of people: the smog of electroby Shanti Rivers Many elders from indigenous cultures magnetic radiation. Although industry-dependent across the world—as well as spiritual teachers and researchers maintain the position that radiation channels from more modern cultures—are telling from WiFi and all wireless devices is completely us the exciting news that humanity is currently safe, independent researchers in the last decade entering a whole new era of existence, sometimes have adamantly claimed otherwise. Hundreds of studies have linked rareferred to as the Shift. diation from cell phones and WiFi with many If we look closely, we can see that this health symptoms such as Shift is indeed happening. headaches, fatigue and We can see that a new insomnia—and with disAvoiding the Hazards consciousness is begineases such as cancer, Alof EMF/RF Radiation ning to birth itself on the planet, destined to create zheimer’s, and diabetes. a “new earth” that many of T us have yearned for— How can this be Part of the New one filled with a sense of justice, peace, harmony Earth we’re Creating? with the earth, and planetary oneness. So how can all this fit in with the new Although very early into the Shift, there earth we’re ushering in? How can we continue to are already many signs of the birth of Are thisyou“new Don’t participate in something that is not healthy—esWant Your Smart Meter? worried about Smart Meters? earth”. In various ways, people across the planet pecially when certain of our fellow humans with We are! are waking up and exercising a new empower-J electromagnetic sensitivity are truly suffering? It ment in protesting age-old injustices. Old, corrupt certainly doesn’t fit with the ideals of creating a Smart Meter Help safe and peaceful world for all to live in. financial and political structures are collapsing Launching T Although those who create and sell the all around us, opening the way for new ones to unsafe technology need to take responsibility, be created. Also, new green technology is finally so do those of us buying and using it. Many of taking hold in many countries. And grass roots us don’t want to hear about how dangerous it groups are gathering everywhere, creating new is—we’re addicted to our wireless toys. EMF Protection cultures with innovative values and ideals. by Devin J. Wehrman and Boyd L. Benson HERE ARE MANY sources of EMF/RF radiation in most people’s homes. Even if you don’t have a Smart Meter in you homes’ immediate area, you may be experiencing symptoms related to this type of radiation. We would like to offer these EMF/RF radiation safety tips: � Keep your sleeping areas free of exterior power meters, cordless phones, bases and cellphones (if you have these devices on, keep them at least 10 feet from your bed.) � Avoid wireless devices in your home, hard lined devices are much safer. � Bluetooth devices are OK but using the speaker phone option on your cell phone, placing your phone a few feet away is better. � If you have wireless devices, turn them off when you’re not using them (ei. Wireless router, cell phones etc.) � Avoid standing within 15 feet of your hazardous materials, and issues concerning both the EPA and OSHA compliance. Devin is currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Science Degree in computer engineering sciences. Through many years of selfstudy, they both have an extensive understanding of EMF/RF non-ionizing/ionizing radiation and many other health and environmental issues. Their company is located in Soquel. They are now equipped to assess your residential and commercial shielding needs and to implement cutting edge strategies for non-ionizing radiation mitigation. Some of the products they implement have the added benefit of being powerfully efficient sound barriers as well. Their mission statement is to protect family, friends and community from EMF/ RF radiation. Please see their Ads in this issue of The Connection Magazine for more details or call them at (831) 2340716 or (831) 247-6017 or Email to [email protected] They are also happy to provide you with their list of related information on this important health and safety issue. We recommend keeping your sleeping area as dark as possible to raise your melatonin levels and decrease your cortisol levels. microwave oven if you have to use one and wait about 10 seconds before approaching the oven. � We recommend keeping your sleeping area as dark as possible to raise your melatonin levels and decrease your cortisol levels. � We also recommend walking barefoot as much as possible to ground yourself and resetting your body’s resonance to the earth’s natural magnetic field. � Use of non-electrical devices when possible will help to minimize exposure. For example, use a hand razor vs. an electric one and use hand toweling vs. using a hairdryer. Some old wives tales that may have some new merit: � Do not sit too close to T.V.’s and monitors. � Do not stand in front of the refrigerator with the door open (the A/C motor in the refrigerator gives off a power electromagnetic field.). � Do not use electric blankets or heating pads (Hot water bottles or bean filled warmers are much better). Devin J. Werhman and Boyd L. Benson are the owners of Werhman-Benson EMF/RF Shielding and are long time residents of Santa Cruz County. They have done extensive practical testing of EMF/RF radiation and shielding. Both of them have decades of experience dealing with “Replacing A Smart Meter With A Safe Analog Meter”—a new video by Jerry Day (producer of “Spy Meters”) Do you have Electro Hypersensitivity? Wehrman / Benson EMF/RF Shielding can do something about it. • With EMF/RF detection equipment we can offer solutions for your home or business. • We can provide accurate assessments of your personal environment by detecting harmful EMF/RF non-ionizing radiation. • After consulting with you, we can implement safe and cost effective strategies to mitigate this radiation. We use trained and Licensed Contractors, when required. Using a simple Three-Step Process, we first assess radiation levels in your environment with highly sensitive equipment and document the results. Secondly we work with you to find the best plan to fit your needs and implementation of the latest shielding technologies. Lastly, we return to evaluate and document results of our work. We will be happy to provide you sources about the hazards of EMF/ RF radiation. We urge you to check out these You Tube videos: The Truth About Smart Meters The Dark Side of ‘Smart’ Meters Public Health Physician Warns of Smart Meter Dangers Smart Meters 100x Radiation Exposure of a Cell Phone Please call (831) 234-0716 or (831) 247-6017. Email us at [email protected] to schedule an assessment of your environment. ERRY DAY, A media expert and producer from Burbank California, whose video “Spy Meters” (http://emfsafetynetwork. org/?p=5008) skyrocketed to 1.4 million views has just released a new video called, “Replacing A Smart Meter With A Safe Analog Meter”. In this video Jerry details with clarity and humor how to take back your power, by replacing the wireless meter with the analog meter. He says, “Will the power company like you replacing their meter? Well, if the only way they can be happy is to try to give you a meter that pollutes your home with carcinogenic electro-toxins and violates federal wiretapping laws, I guess they won’t be happy because a lot of people are not going to sit still for that.” He directs people to www. where you can buy a kit that includes the analog meter, and a legal letter to send to the utility. “Today, it may seem radical to refuse or reject a Smart Meter on your home. Soon, most of us will have difficulty understanding how a program as unwise and offensive as the Smart Meter program could have been contemplated in the first place,” Jerry Day, Burbank CA. ODAY, THE EMF Safety Network and Stop Smart Meters! are excited to announce the official launch of their new joint project: www.SmartMeterHelp.Com . This website is designed with the sole purpose of burying our elected officials, utilities commissions, and health departments with complaints about the debacle that has resulted from the poorly planned, undemocratic, and ill-advised rollout of ‘smart’ meters into our communities. Whether or not you have lodged an official complaint in the past, please take 5 minutes NOW to file a complaint through our new system. Full details, go to: http://stopsmartmeters. org/2011/11/29/help-is-on-the-way-submit-yourcomplaint-today-at-smartmeterhelp-com/ Spread the word to your personal networks, using e-mail, twitter, facebook, and other social media. Let’s flood them with complaints! Joshua Hart is the Director of “Stop Smart Meters!”. Page 22 � The Connection Magazine � � December, 2011 The Dangers of the Technological Revolution And yet we may wonder: How is the technological revolution going to fit into this new world? Yes, it’s this very revolution that has helped bring about the Shift in the first place— both the internet and cell phones have brought communities of like-minded people together in ways like never before. However, this revolution has also brought with it a danger that is affecting the health of in- Fortunately, there’s an answer. We don’t have to give up our technology as we move through this exciting Shift. We can use it all—and learn to thrive on every level in our lives. We just need to use EMF protection. It really is an easy fix—many people just don’t know about it yet. Shanti Rivers has done extensive research on the effects of environmental influences on health, especially focusing on electromagnetic pollution. She’s found that using EMF protection products ( is extremely effective. The Green Directory Support the Businesses that are Green and tell them you saw them in Connection Magazine! Call (831) 459-0522 to Advertise The first to use Earth Friendly Corn-Based Bottles to package supplements! Effective April 10th, we will no longer provide single use plastic OR paper bags. Please remember to bring your reusable bag. 1955 41st Ave B6 • Capitola next to Ross, PGE & Supercuts Open 10am - 6pm m-f 10am - 5pm sat. (831) 462-4697 Page 6 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 Appelbaum: ‘Scary’ NSA will spy on you – every which way they can Security researcher Jacob Appelbaum revealed what he calls “wrist-slitting depressing” details about the National Security Agency’s spy programs at a computer conference in Germany on Monday where he presented previously unpublished NSA files. Appelbaum is among the small group of experts, activists and journalists who have seen classified United States intelligence documents taken earlier this year by former contractor Edward Snowden, and previously he represented transparency group WikiLeaks at an American hacker conference in 2010. Those conditions alone should suffice in proving to most anybody that Appelbaum has been around more than his fair share of sensitive information, and during his presentation at the thirtieth annual Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg on Monday he spilled his guts about some of the shadiest spy tactics seen yet through leaked documents. Presenting in-tandem with the publishing of an article in Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine, Appelbaum explained to the audience of his hour-long “To Protect and Infect” address early Monday that the NSA has secretly sabotaged US businesses by covertly — and perhaps sometimes with the cooperation of the tech industry — coming up with ways to exploit vulnerabilities in the products sold by major American companies, including Dell and Apple, among others. That was only the main theme of many covered throughout the presentation, during which Appelbaum repeatedly revealed previously unpublished top-secret NSA documents detailing the tactics and techniques used by the NSA to intercept the communications of seemingly anyone on Earth. “Basically the NSA, they want to be able to spy on you. And if they have ten different options for spying on you that you know about, they have 13 ways of doing it and they do all 13. So that’s a pretty scary thing,” he said. While nearly seven months’ worth of stories made possible by leaked files pilfered by Snowden have helped explain the extent of the spy agency’s surveillance operations, Appelbaum used his allotted time to help shine light on exactly how the NSA compromises computers and cell phones to infect the devices of not just targeted users, but the entire infrastructure that those systems run on. “Basically their goal is to have total surveillance of everything that they are interested in,” he said. “There really is no boundary to what they want to do. There is only sometimes a boundary of what they are funded to be able to do, and the amount of things they are able to do at scale they seem to just do those things without thinking too much without it.” “They would be able to break into this phone, almost certainly, and turn on the microphone,” Appelbaum said at one point as he reinserted the battery into his mobile device. “All without a court, and that to me is really scary.” Indeed, classified files shown later during his presentation revealed a device that for $175,800 allows the NSA or another license client to construct a fake cell tower than can allow officials to eavesdrop on texts and talks alike. “They replace the infrastructure they connect to. It’s like replacing the road that we would walk on and adding tons of spy gear,” he said. “And they do that too!” Writer Glenn Greenwald — who has also worked closely with the Snowden files as well — had similar words earlier this month when he told the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties and Home Affairs that he believed the ultimate goal of the NSA is to“eliminate individual privacy worldwide.” To do as much, Appelbaum added, the intelligence agency has deployed an intricate system of tools and tactics which could eavesdrop not just by hacking into computers with viruses, but by outfitting machines with miniature, remote-controlled bugs and in some instances by relying on beams of radio waves to help identify sensitive information sent across systems. Routinely, he explained, the NSA takes advantage of flaws in computer code. Otherwise, however, documents suggest they’ve opened shipping containers and installed their own, stealthy spy chips into the computers of targets. Stories based on leaked Snowden files have previously linked the US agency and its British counterpart — the GCHQ — with an array of nefarious activity, including operations that sucked up signals intelligence, or SIGINT, from foreign citizens and leaders alike, including Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel. By using a program codenamed TURMOIL and another TURBINE, Appelbaum said, the NSA and GCHQ can inspect the packets being sent anywhere across the web and then insert its own code when it wants to not just eavesdrop, but infiltrate, respectively. The NSA says the routine collection of data isn’t illegal, Appelbaum said, because the government relies on perverse language to justify scooping the intelligence — and not necessarily scouring it. “It’s only surveillance if after they collect it and record it to a database and analyze it with machines, only if I think an NSA agent basically looks at it personally and then clicks ‘I have looked at this do they call it surveillance,” Appelbaum said. “Fundamentally, I really object to that.” In contrast, he added, the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, or CFAA, has been used a handful of times just in 2013 alone to put away suspected hackers accused of modifying computer programs for arguably harmless crimes. “It’s so draconian for regular people, and the NSA gets to do something like intercepting 7 billion people all day long with no problems, and the rest of us are not even allowed to experiment for improving the security of own our lives without being put in prison or under threat of serious indictment,” he said. “This is what [Thomas] Jefferson talked about when he talked about tyranny,” he said. “This is turnkey tyranny and it is here.” Aside from the erosion of privacy, though, Appelbaum added that the top-secret operations of the NSA raise a number of questions about exploits that could be used by competing foreign powers. Many of the NSA’s tactics involve taking advantage of little known or hidden vulnerabilities in hardware and software, then exploiting them for gain. If the manufacturers of those products are aware of the vulnerability, Appelbaum suggested, then they are being complicit in the NSA’s crimes. And if they are ignorant, then the existence of those vulnerabilities means any competing nation-station could likely exploit them as well. “If the Chinese, if the Russians if people here wish to build this system, there is nothing to stop them,” he said. “The NSA has in a literal sense retarded the process by which we would secure the internet because it establishes a hegemony of power — Their power in secret to do these things.” “This strategy is undermining the internet in a direct attempt to keep it insecure,” one of Appelbaum’s slides read. The revelations made possible during the last half-year thanks to Snowden’s supply of documents and the programmers who have worked to patch exploits known to the NSA have driven many privacy-focused individuals around the globe to adopt new practices. Even as that wave of countersurveillance grows, however, Appelbaum cautioned that quite literally no one can be spared from the US government’s dragnet snooping. “You can’t hide from these things, and thinking that they won’t find you is a fallacy,” said Appelbaum, a core member of the anonymity routing program Tor. And while calls for congressional reform in Washington have only intensified in the weeks, then months since the first Snowden leak in early June, Appelbaum — a US citizen has not returned to the US since before the Summer of Snowden — said lawmakers lack both the knowhow and ability to act on these issues. “Members of the US Congress they have no clue about these things — literally in the case of the technology,” he said. “You can’t even get a meeting with them. I tried. Doesn’t matter. Even if you know the secret interpretation of Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act act and you go to Washington, DC and you meet with their aides they still won’t talk to you about it. Part of that is that they don’t have a clue. And another part of it is they can’t talk about it because they don’t have a political solution. Absence a political solution it’s very difficult to get someone to admit that there is a problem. Well, there is a problem.” If anyone outside of the NSA is aware of what’s going on, Appelbaum said, then it’s like the tech industry players whose devices contain exploits known to governments like the US. “Fuck those guys,” Appelbaum said, “for collaborating when they do. And fuck them for leaving us vulnerable when they do.” A server made by Texas-based Dell Computers, for instance — the Dell PowerEdge 2950 — contains a flaw that can let the NSA or any other entity hack the machinery and then run amok with its motherboard. And even the Apple iPhone — one of the most popular handheld devices in the world — can be exploited by the NSA, according to one of the classified documents, to let officials surreptitiously take pictures with the mobile’s camera or stealthy turn on its microphone, access text messages or listen to voicemail. According to Appelbaum, it’s likely that it’s not just a coincidence that the NSA can infiltrate iPhones with ease. In one document he saw, he said the NSA “literally claim that any time they target an iOS device, that it will succeed for implantation.” “Either they have a huge collection of exploits that work against Apple products — meaning they are hoarding information about critical systems American companies product and sabotaging them — or Apple sabotages it themselves,” he said. Other products made by the likes of Western Digital, Seagate, Maxtor and Samsung all contain vulnerabilities as well, according to those documents, and the secret software used by the NSA and others to exploit them are available for free to properly-credentialed agencies. “Everything that the United States government accused the Chinese of doing — which they are also doing, I believe—we are learning that the US government has been doing to American companies,” Appelbaum said. “That to me is really concerning, and we’ve had no public debate about these issues. And in many cases, all the technical details are obfuscated away.” Until now, that is. During Monday’s presentation, Appelbaum named no fewer than a half-dozen US companies linked to NSA operations and is asking them to explain why they didn’t patch up their vulnerabilities. Some of the NSA’s tactics, however, might warrant more than just a minor operation. Appelbaum far from caught his crowd off guard when he showed slides demonstrating how the NSA can hack Wi-Fi signals from eight miles away and when he proved they insert ant-sized computer chips into USB cables to conduct surveillance. “Well what if I told you that the NSA had a specialized technology for beaming energy into you and to the computer systems around you?” Appelbaum asked before wrapping up his presentation. “Would you believe that that is true, or would that be paranoid speculation of a crazy person?” Slides shared by Appelbaum suggest that the NSA is indeed in the business of transmitting radio frequency waves to targets, which, in effect, can help decode the images displayed on computer monitors or typed on keyboards using technology not unlike what Russian inventor Leon Theremin used to spy for the KGB. This time, though, the NSA may be sending waves with the intensity of 1 kW at a target from only a few feet away. “I bet the people who were around Hugo Chavez are going to wonder what caused his cancer,” Appelbaum said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told him after hearing about the latest NSA leaks. Feb. 11th: Day of Action Against NSA It is on us, the millions of people living in this country, acting together with people around the world, to stand up, tell the truth, and say NO. February 11, make it known to the world that we will not accept mass surveillance or any other crime committed by the US Government in the name of “national security.” Looking for Team Builders in Santa Cruz County to work in the Renewable Energy Field. •Leads and Training Provided •High Earnings Potential •Flexible Work Schedule •Supportive and Fun Team Members Let’s leave big oil behind and power with renewable energy. We look forward to hearing from you.... 1-484-297-6569 Telephone Presentation Call: 831-461-5797 in Santa Cruz, CA Page 7 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 Toll of US Sailors Devastated by Fukushima Radiation Continues to Climb ody - S M -B ind n pir jumped into the ocean just offshore to pull victims to safety. Others worked 18-hour shifts in the open air through a four-day mission, re-fueling and repairing helicopters, loading them with vital supNutrition R plies and a ti much more. A l l were drinki n g and bathing i n desalinated water that had been severely contaminated by radioactive fallout and runoff. Then Reagan crew members were enveloped in a warm cloud. “Hey,” joked sailor Lindsay Cooper at the time. “It’s radioactive snow.” The metallic taste that came with it parallels the ones reported by the airmen who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and by Pennsylvania residents downwind from the 1979 meltdown at Three Mile Island. When it did leave the Fukushima area, the Reagan was so radioactive it was refused port entry in Japan, South Korea and Guam. It’s currently docked in San Diego. The Navy is not systematically monitoring the crew members’ health problems. But Cooper now reports a on Protecti o a ti di by Harvey Wasserman, Common Dreams The roll call of U.S. sailors who say their health was devastated when they were irradiated while delivering humanitarian help near the stricken Fukushima nuke is continuing to soar. So many have come forward that the progress of their federal class action lawsuit has been delayed. Bay area lawyer Charles Bonner says a re-filing will wait until early February to accommodate a constant influx of sailors from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and other American ships. Within a day of Fukushima One’s March 11, 2011, melt-down, American “first responders” were drenched in radioactive fallout. In the midst of a driving snow storm, sailors reported a cloud of warm air with a metallic taste that poured over the Reagan. Then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan, at the time a nuclear supporter, says “the first meltdown occurred five hours after the earthquake.” The lawsuit charges that Tokyo Electric Power knew large quantities of radiation were pouring into the air and water, but said nothing to the Navy or the public. Had the Navy known, says Bonner, it could have moved its ships out of harm’s way. But some sailors actually damaged thyroid, disrupted menstrual cycle, wildly fluctuating body weight and more. “It’s ruined me,” she says. Similar complaints have surfaced among so many sailors from the Reagan and other U.S. ships that Bonner says he’s being contacted by new litigants “on a daily basis,” with the number exceeding 70. Many are in their twenties, complaining of a terrible host of radiation-related diseases. They are legally barred from suing the U.S. military. Tepco denies that any of their health problems could be related to radiation from Fukushima. The company also says the U.S. has no jurisdiction in the case. The suit was initially dismissed on jurisdictional grounds by federal Judge Janis S. Sammartino in San Diego. Sammartino was due to hear the re-filing Jan. 6, but allowed the litigants another month to accommodate additional sailors. Bonner says Tepco should be subject to U.S. law because “they are doing business in America … Their second largest office outside of Tokyo is in Washington DC.” Like the lawsuit, the petitions ask that Tepco admit responsibility, and establish a fund for the first responders to be administered by the U.S. courts. Continues on next Page The Top Cell Phone Radiation Safety Stories of 2013 N%LECTRICALFIRESBURNTOUT APPLIANCES N(EALTHPROBLEMS N)NACCURACYOVERBILLING N3URVEILLANCEPRIVACYLOSS N-ETERREADERJOBLOSS N(ACKINGRISKTOMETERGRID N2EMOTESHUTOFFCAPABILITY N2EMOTEUPGRADEOFMETERFUNCTION N6IOLATIONSOF&##REGULATIONS N(ARMTOPETSBEESBIRDS PLANTS N)NTERFERENCEWITHELECTRONICS MEDICALDEVICESLIKEPACEMAKERS Research published last year established greater health risks from exposure to cell phone radiation. Major governmental reports were released, and policies were adopted in Europe and India to reduce risks from cell phone radiation exposure. Following are major research and policy developments regarding cell phone and wireless radiation health and safety in 2013: • 25 or more years of cell phone and cordless phone use was found to be associated with a tripled risk of brain cancer. • Women who used cell phones for ten or more years were two-anda-half times more likely to develop acoustic neuroma, a tumor on the nerve from the ear to the brain. • Only 30 minutes of exposure to LTE, 4th generation cell phone radiation, was found to alter activity on both sides of the human brain. • Children with slightly elevated lead levels in their blood who used cell phones were found to be at greater risk of developing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) than lead-exposed children who did not use cell phones; the amount of cell phone use predicted ADHD. • The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requested public input on its 17-year-old regulatory limits on cell phone radiation. • The American Academy of Pediatrics submitted a letter to the FCC that urged the adoption of standards that protect children’s health and well-being from radiation emitted by cell phones and other wireless de- vices; that reflect how people actually use their cell phones; and that provide sufficient information to enable consumers to make informed decisions when they purchase cell phones. • The U.S. appointed Tom Wheeler, the former chief lobbyist for the cellular industry, to chair the FCC, raising concerns in the public health community that the FCC will not strengthen our obsolete and inadequate cell phone radiation standards. • The World Health Organization in a 471 page report concluded that there is now “limited evidence” in both humans and laboratory animals that radiofrequency radiation, especially from cell phones, causes cancer. • The European Environment Agency issued a report calling on governments to reduce exposure to cell phone radiation, especially exposure to children and young adults who are at greatest risk for brain and salivary gland tumors; the report recommended texting, use of hands-free sets, and improved cell phone design; governments should reconsider the present exposure standards; cell phones should be required to have effective labeling and warnings about potential risks; and funding should be provided for “urgently needed research into the health effects of phones” and base stations. • Twelve health experts called on governments to adopt stricter safety standards for radiofrequency Continues on next Page Page 8 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 Avoiding Tell the FDA:the GMOsHazards Aren’t Natural f EMF/RF Radiation Angry consumers who have linking the foreign genes to bacteria ticides and herbicides. learned about the dangers of ge- that can infect the cells’ DNA. Most 7. Over 75 percent of genetinetic engineering are suing so-called of the foreign genes won’t make it cally engineered crops have been en“natural” brands that have been hiding into the cells’ DNA. When the foreign gineered to resist an herbicide. Foods hazardous materials, and issues concerning both the EPA and OSHA compliance. n GMOs in their favorite foods. In an We the herbicide-resistant your sleeping area genesrecommend successfully penetrate thekeeping cells’ that contain Devin is currently enrolled in a Bachelor effort to stall the lawsuits, defense GMO trait also come with an extra DNA, itas is impossible to predict where of Science Degree in computer engineeras dark possible to raise your melatonin levels ANY sources of lawyers have convinced at least one they will hit or what the unintended helping of herbicides. Between ing sciences. Through many years of selfin most people’s and will decrease your levels. study, they both have an extensive underjudge that the Food 1996 cortisol and 2011, herbicide-resistant consequences be for the cells’ ou don’t have a & Drug Adminisstanding of EMF/RF non-ionizing/ioniz2e9VRUhReVcd@feU``cDTY``] ’ immediate area, tration (FDA), not the courts, should original genes. crop technology led to a 527-million ing radiation and many other health and symptoms related hVeVRTYd\Z]]deYReR]]6RceY decide whether GMOs are “natural”. increase herbicide use in 3. if Genetic engineers do one not pound environmental issues. Their company is microwave oven you have to use some newinmerit: We would like to located in Soquel. They are now equipped and wait “check about seconds It’s a clever that the their10 work” to look forbefore poten- the on safety tips: strategy, given AV`a]VYRgVfdVUeYc`fXY`fe �U.S. Do not sit too close to T.V.’s and monitors. to assess your residential and commercial approaching the oven. FDA’s Deputy Commissioner for tial collateral damage, even though 8. The widely grownof the refrigerator � Do not most stand in front as free of exterior shielding needs and to implement cutting � We recommend keeping your sleeping eZ^Ve`dfcgZgVZ_\Z_dYZahZeYeYV with the door open (the A/C motor in Foods is none other than Monsanto’s ss phones, bases the genetic engineering be genetically engineered crop is soy edge strategies for non-ionizing radiation area as dark as possible toprocess raise can your the refrigerator gives off a power elec6RceYHVSV]ZVgVeYReeYVdVd\Z]]d have these devicm i t i g a t i o n . S o m e o f t h e p ro d u c t s t h e y melatonin levels and decrease corformer lawyer, Michael Taylor. Whose expected engineered to tolerate field.). Monsanto’s to rearrange, deleteyour or change tromagnetic east 10 feet from implement have the added benefit of being tisol levels. side do you think the � FDA will take? hZ]]XZgVj`fRUVVaVc Roundup causes the function of important genes. � Do herbicide. not useRoundup electric blankets or heating powerfully efficient sound barriers as We also recommend walking barefoot as pads (Hot water bottles or bean filled Please tell the FDA: GMOs aren’t n your home, hard 4. to The engineered DNAand of birth defects in frog and chicken well. Their mission statement is to protect much as possible ground yourself f_UVcdeR_UZ_X]`gVR_UcVdaVTe warmers are much better). h safer. family, friends and community from EMF/ resetting your resonance to can the natural! The FDA says “natural” embryos at doses far lower than those GMOsbody’s produce new proteins that OK but using the W`ceYV6RceYR_UR]]]ZWVfa`_YVc RF radiation. Please see their Ads in this magnetic field. means “nothing artificial orearth’s syntheticnatural It is also be toxic or allergenic. GMO proteins used in agricultural Devin J. spraying. Werhman and Boyd L. Benson on on your cell issue of The Connection Magazine for � Use of non-electrical devices when possiare the owners of Werhman-Benson EMF/RF … has been feet included in, orble has will been help in hormone disruption, that to areminimize relatively benign can stillFor be implicated phone a few more details or call them at (831) 234exposure. Shielding and are long time residents of 0716 or (831) 247-6017 or Email to wbea hand razor vs.body an electric added to, a food that wouldexample, not nor- use damage, cancer and neurologiforeign enough to the that the DNA EZ^4`cT`cR_¸daRddZ`_W`c S a n t a C r u z C o u n t y. T h e y have done ices, turn them off [email protected] They are also one and use hand toweling vs. using a mally be expected to be in the food.” cal disorders. human immune system will respond to extensive practical testing of EMF/RF them (ei. Wireless happy to provide you with their list of hairdryer. _RefcVhZ]]Z_daZcVj`fe` Who would guess that food marketed r a d i a t i o n a n d s h i e l d i n g . B o t h o f t h e m 9. Roundup has been detectthem as foreign invaders. This can trig.) re l a t e d information on this important decades of experience dealing with old wives tales thatimmune may system have edhave 15 as feet of your UZdT`gVcj`fc`h_T`__VTeZ`_hZeYeYV6RceY health and safety issue. “natural” containsSome the engineered in air, rain, groundwater, people’s ger allergic reactions, genes of insecticide-producing and/ disorders and digestive problems. urine and women’s blood or herbicide-resistant bacteria? Back10. Bt corn crops are geneti5. The new genes introduced Are you ground Here are the top 10 reasons the to the body by genetically engineered cally engineered to produce a toxin "OYS2ITEOF0ASSAGE GMOs aren’t worried natural. foods about don’t get broken down during from the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) 6ISION1UEST “Replacing A Smart Meter With A Safe be happy is to try to give you a meter that pollutes 1. Genetic engineering is an Meters? bacterium that ruptures thevideo intestines digestion; they can be taken up across Analog Meter”—a new by Jerry Day (proyour home with carcinogenic electro-toxins and Smart %XPLORING0LANT-EDICINE imprecise technology. It creates unpre- the intestinal wall, transferred to the ducer of “Spy Meters”) violates federal wiretapping laws, I guess they of insects, causing pests to die quick.ATURE!WARENESS-ARBLE-OUNTAINS won’t be happy because a lot of people are not dictable changes in the DNA, proteins blood, and as one scientist explains, be ly after ingesting the GMO corn. The going to sit still for that.” He directs people to www. ERRY DAY, A media expert and producer 7ILDERNESS3KILLS and biochemical composition of the “left in the blood, muscle and liver in Bt toxinBurbank has been found in 93 percent where you can buy a kit that from California, whose video “Spy includes the analog meter, and a legal letter to send Mpregnant e t e r s ” women and ( h t80 t ppercent : / / e mof fsafetynetwork. ave Electro resulting genetically Hypersensitivity? modified organ- large chunks so that they can be easily of to the utility. org/?p=5008) skyrocketed to 1.4 million views has ism / (GMO), including unexpected babies. a new video called, “Replacing A recognized.” “Today, it may seem radical to refuse or reject just their released man Benson EMF/RF a Smart Meter on your home. Soon, most of us Smart Meter With A Safe Analog Meter”. In this toxic, allergenic and nutritional disPlease tell the FDA: GMOs aren’t 6. The pesticide companies can do something about it. had will have difficulty understanding how a program video Jerry details with clarity and humor how to turbances. equipment we can offer two main goals when they began to F detection solutions as unwise and offensive as the Smart Meter protakenatural back at: your power, by replacing the wireless me or business. gram could have been contemplated in the first meter with the analog meter. 2. GMOs are created by using engineer plants. One, to de accurate assessments of yourgenetically personal place,” Jerry Day, Burbank CA. He says, “Will the power company like you by a detecting EMF/RF non-ionizing gene gun toharmful shoot foreign genes invent novel organisms that could be replacing their meter? Well, if the only way they can into millions unrelated cells, or by patented, ng with you, of we can implement safe and cost and two, to sell their insec- >ÃÃÊ-V i`Õi Don’t Want Your Smart Meter? We are! J tegies to mitigate this radiation. Licensed Contractors, when required. Using a rocess, we first assess radiation levels in your enhly sensitive equipment and document the results. with you to find the best plan to fit your needs and he latest shielding technologies. Lastly, we return ument results of our work. xÎä®ÊÎn£Îä{ Launching The Top Cell Phone US Sailors Devastated by Fukushima Continues from Previous Page Radiation Safety Stories T In 2013 more than 150,000 and some 300 tons of radioactive water Continues from Previous Page Smart Meter Help ODAY, THE EMF Safety Network and Stop Smart Meters! are excited to provide you sources about the hazards of EMF/ announce the official launch of their ge you to check out these You Tube videos: new joint project: www.SmartMeterHelp.Com still flow daily into the Pacific. About Smart Meters radiation because the obsolete, current citizens petitioned the United Nations . This website is designed with the sole purSide of ‘Smart’ Meters But with our U.S. elected support, Japan pose of burying officials, utilities standards are not based onof theSmart recent Meter to take control of the Fukushima site to lth Physician W arns Dangers commissions, health with has imposed a and state secrets actdepartments severely ers 100x Radiation Exposure of a Cell Phone literature about biological effects; and guarantee the use of the best possible complaints about the debacle that has resulted restricting reliable news reporting 31) 234-0716 or (831) 247-6017. recommended that Wi-Fi be banned financial, scientific and engineering from the poorly planned, undemocratic, and [email protected] to from the Fukushima site. rollout of ‘smart’ meters into our from public schools and other public resources in the attempted clean-up.ill-advised ssessment of your environment. communities. So now we all live in the same CONNECTION AD 3.75” x 3.75” Are you worried about Smart Meters? Whether or not you have lodged an official complaint in the past, please take 5 minutes NOW to file a complaint through our new system. Full details, go to: http://stopsmartmeters. org/2011/11/29/help-is-on-the-way-submit-yourcomplaint-today-at-smartmeterhelp-com/ Spread the word to your personal networks, using e-mail, twitter, facebook, and other social media. Let’s flood them with complaints! Joshua Hart is the Director of “Stop Smart Meters!”. We are! venues. The melted cores from Units • The Los Angeles Unified One, Two and Three are still unac- kind of dark that enveloped the USS age 22 � The Connection Magazine � � December, 2011 School District adopted a $500 mil- counted for. Progress in bringing down Reagan while its crew was immersed lion technology plan to install Wi-Fi Unit Four’s suspended fuel assemblies in their mission of mercy. Petitions in the sailors’ support in every classroom and provide every is murky at best. More than 11,000 student with a wireless tablet despite “hot” rods are still scattered around a are circulating worldwide on Nukeopposition from health experts and the site where radiation levels remain high, MoveOn, Avaaz, RootsAction and elsewhere. American Academy of Pediatrics. • Belgium banned children’s H ERBOLOGY • D IETETICS • ACUPUNCTURE • M ASSAGE cell phones and requires the specific • With EMF/RF detection equipment we can offer solutions absorption rate (SAR) be listed on for your home or business. every cell phone at the point of sale • We can provide accurate assessments of your personal and a warning provided to customers environment by detecting harmful EMF/RF non-ionizing to choose a lower SAR phone, use it radiation. moderately, and wear an earpiece. • After consulting with you, we can implement safe and cost Centuries of proven healthcare naturally restore • The French Agency for Food, effective strategies to mitigate this radiation. your body without side effects for healing relief Environmental and Occupational that lasts. Treat your family to a better alternative We use trained and Licensed Contractors, when required. Using a Health warned the public to reduce at Five Branches Medical Clinic. simple Three-Step Process, we first assess radiation levels in your entheir exposure to cell phone radiavironment with highly sensitive equipment and document the results. tion. � Digestive Healing � Sports Medicine Secondly we work with you to find the best plan to fit your needs and Links to these and other stories � ADHD, Depression � Pain Management are available on my Electromagnetic implementation of the latest shielding technologies. Lastly, we return Radiation Safety web site at http:// to evaluate and document results of our work. � Facial Rejuvenation � Diabetes There you will We will be happy to provide you sources about the hazards of EMF/ � Menopause, PMS, Fertility find links to the 11 most popular press RF radiation. We urge you to check out these You Tube videos: releases and 9 most popular articles I � Cardiology & Neurology wrote last year. These stories attracted The Truth About Smart Meters more than 100,000 page views from The Dark Side of ‘Smart’ Meters Come discover why Traditional Chinese Medicine is America’s fastest visitors in 135 countries. Public Health Physician Warns of Smart Meter Dangers growing choice for primary healthcare. Effective, safe and natural… Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., School of Smart Meters 100x Radiation Exposure of a Cell Phone Public Health Five BraNches university University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine 200 7th Avenue, Santa Cruz � (831) 476-8211 � Do you have Electro Hypersensitivity? Wehrman / Benson EMF/RF Shielding can do something about it. Wellness Redefined Please call (831) 234-0716 or (831) 247-6017. Email us at [email protected] to schedule an assessment of your environment. Page 9 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 CHIROPRACTIC CORNER: HOW INJURED TISSUES WORK A CRANIO-SACRAL PERSPECTIVE T by Sylvia Skefich, D.C. he cranio-sacral rhythm is the “heart beat” of the spine. The rhythm (or pulse) circulates the spinal fluid, and helps to circulate the blood and the lymph too. The cranio-sacral pulse is very slow and very subtle, but is a true mechanical pulsation. There are various types of blockages that can interfere with this pulsation. TRAUMA PATTERNS Old wounds and healed traumas can leave effects of physical restriction on the cranio-sacral rhythm. Physical traumas heal with scarring. Even if you cannot see the scarring, microscopic buildup of collagen and fibrinogen fibers lay down wherever there was inflammation in order to tighten up and heal an injury. Imagine that this has happened inside, perhaps where a hamstring was torn, or an ankle was sprained. Those areas will no longer slide and glide like they once did. We call it “restriction.” The altered mechanics can lead to further irritation of the area, or even lead to painful compensations in a neighboring joint instead. STRESS PATTERNS Habitual posture tension can come from mental windup. Imagine a person cocked to run on a starting line: some degree of this “ready to spring”/windup is initiated with stressful thoughts and responses. The body does not know the difference between mental/emotional stress versus physical stress (the kind where we need to actually run or fight). Some people have their shoulders up around their ears all the time. Other people get cold, painful or numb hands in response to shoulder girdle tension. Other people have a chronic ache in the hip or low back, from being mildly torqued from the “windup.” SYSTEMIC PATTERNS Systemic (meaning, affecting the whole body) tension patterns can be caused from chronic food-caused inflammation, or other chemical issues. The tension can come from a habit of too much salt causing tissue turgor, or from hormonal imbalances, or even from a onetime or a chronic history of fevers. Exposure to medications, or to vaccinations can also stiffen the whole body up. This type of tension can sometimes be hard to diagnose as the exact cause. Each cause of tension or stiffness creates a dampening of the cranio-sacral rhythm in the body. Imagine a billowing silk scarf in the wind, but now it has some wax spilled on it, as well as some glue and paper stuck on it from a crafts project, and some dried jam fell and splotched on it too. The fabric would not billow in the wind the same way anymore. It would take some specific force that was greater than the restriction, and focused on the restriction in order to remove that restriction. The gentle holds of CranioSacral Technique actually focus the waves that are in the body right to the restrictions, thereby smoothing them out (just like the surges of the ocean will move sandbars over time, or like how a person could shake out a crispy sheet and have it smooth out). It’s pretty fabulous, and employing cranio-sacral to the body can relieve pains and discomforts, old and new. Sylvia Skefich is a Doctor of Chiropractic and has been practicing Osteopathic style Cranio-Sacral Technique and energy work for 17 years. Christine Bayless is her protégé. They work at 920 41st Ave.., Suite G, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, (831) 475-1995, www.Vital-You. com. “Like” Sylvia Skefich, D.C. professional Facebook page for posts inspirational to healthy living. HOW EAR CANDLING HELPS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM FOR HEALING by Charlotte Carreira, BS, MBA e probably know more people than ever who have been dealing with some form of illness since the holidays. No one likes to be sick, but that illness is a sign that something is out of balance and the immune system is stressed and not working as efficiently as it should. The ancient practice of Ear Candling has been known to help stimulate the Immune System which then helps what I call Whole Body healing. Basically, your body works similarly to a machine, with different systems that make up your body and allow it to run effectively. If one system is not running properly, over time, your whole body will be affected. These systems perform different tasks in the body and encompass different organs. These systems include: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive and Elimination, Endocrine, Integumentary (skin), Nervous System, Skeletal, Muscular and Immune. The job of the Immune System is to protect against disease or other potentially damaging foreign bodies. When functioning properly, the Immune System identifies a variety of threats, including viruses, bacteria and parasites, and distinguishes them from the body’s own healthy tissue, and then provides nutrients to eliminate those cells from the healthy tissues and cells. The major components of the Immune System include the Lymphatic System—which consists of bone marrow, spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes containing the clear lymph fluid that carries those cells to different parts of the body. When the body is fighting infection, lymph nodes can become enlarged and feel sore. They become congested—and blocked which slows the drainage and nutrient delivery down. So how does Ear Candling work to stimulate the Immune System? Ear Candling is an ancient noninvasive complementary modality practiced in a variety of cultures to assist in the body’s own ability to drain, W Structural Integration eliminate toxins and to enhance its own energy flow, specifically with the lymphatic system. The ear contains approximately four thousand pores along with several thousand-nerve endings, which attach themselves to acupuncture points associated with organs, bones, muscles, and skin, which carry subtle energy flows that carry our life force. These pores run long and deep into our system connecting to our sinuses, skeleton, lymph nodes, eyes, and other parts of our body. The pores also connect to the cerumen gland, which produces earwax 24 hours a day in an effort to maintain balance between the outer, middle and inner ear. When there is an overabundance of earwax, the wax puts pressure on the nerve endings. The nerve ending then puts pressure on the body systems and deters it from potentially producing the essential nutrients necessary for our immune system to function optimally. Ear Candling may contribute toward alleviating conditions ranging from tinnitus to allergies, swollen lymph nodes, candida, and ear-related symptoms that cause discomfort in the head, neck and shoulder regions. In addition, Ear Candling may also detoxify the lymphatic system and thus clears the sinuses of congestion and discomfort associated with eye, ear, nose, and throat ailments. It may improve the clarity of hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste. Even more importantly, the practice stimulates the relaxation response and can be uplifting, leading to a sense of well- being and contentment. With consistent practice, along with proper hydration, rest, exercise, food choices, and organic whole food supplement nutrition, this procedure can contribute to the natural state of wellness the body is always seeking. Ear Candling can be done anytime throughout the year, although many take advantage of the change in seasons to help the body to adapt. For more information, visit www.radiant-wellness. com or contact Charlotte Carreira at [email protected] or (831) 688-1858. Charlotte Carreira is a wellness coach, a nutritional intuitive and has incorporated Ear Candling in her practice for 20 years to provide for Whole Body Healing. Page 10 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 patients and dentists included, in the real world. Understand that this is just an observation I have made of the how our dental educational system appears to be organized and run, at least during EPLACING OST EETH MMEDIATELY my tenure in dental school. Relevant? tongue space, but thinning weakens by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. Yes, because the attitudes and treatthe plate, and should be minimized. nce patients decide to rement choices driven into dentists durSince the ipper may be necessary move unhealthy teeth, the ing dental school indoctrination are for an indeterminate amount of time, next concern often becomes forget such ait ismemorable by D.D.S., best to take goodshock… care of it. MyI whatDavid to replaceL. theBiles, teeth with, and, I M.A. based, sometimes, perhaps oftentimes, recommendation is that patients put up generally As give the the same answer. Weunfolds, it is aced his class. New Year on incomplete information. Why dowe I immune systems. Our symptoms lowing several hours of full mouth by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. with the thickness for a week before can ultimately replace the teeth with As far as I the amsupport, concerned the my intent to relateor many topics, all say that? andwith then only if devices never that are removable xed, I would conexperience and report to health care periodontalthinning debridement our thought that intolerable.would Keeping definitely ippers wet and designed further educate the com- dental profession depending on to their preferences and The Academic Dental result Adminpractitioners are the logical of dental toverylearn as Imuch as I do skilled registered with a hygienists. toothbrush and budget, tinue buton in the beginning, the them addition of more munity relevant dental issues. This benefit fromcleaning istrators at most USUnless dentalthe schools, soap and water alsostill helps assure longthis oral pollution. undertell my patients thatmany we are going to in practice as Even though he was slightly after so years physical education majors. Why? Bearticle deals with one of the worst as I have learned through casual conreplace their teeth with a ipper. That’s worth the benet in hygiene, healing, term use. If one chooses to not wear lying dental issues are strategically, numb,P.E. he majors said, evening his versations a dentist. As athematter of fact, one of cause are that taught to teach it for later awhile, I recommend placing possible dental hassle. right, a device we in traumas—the profession andpediatric with my colleagues during ipper incantly water some 3% hysafely, andtend effectively reduced or energy wasthesigniÀ improved, One of the biggest concerns myto early concerns was that dentistry refer asemergency… a “ipper” or an immedimental/physical skills, to with organize, to my dental Damn. Yes, damn. career, to be former officers ate temporary partial denture. The many patients have is how their ap- drogen peroxide. A word to the wise: better yet, eliminated, then the medias well as his mental clarity, includwouldn’t offer as much stimulation motivate, to coach, to respect age apIname allowed myself the opportunity to with the Armed Forces,—the Navy at ipper comes presumably from pearance will be altered immediately cover and place the ipper away from cal treatment regime we are engaged pets, as cats and dogs have been known propriate learning… much of which is ing a reduction of whole body pain. as I thought I might need to be sufflail myself in the interests of coming the surgery. I tell them to the ease the appliance can be ipped following UCLA when I attended in the late 70s, todentistry, chew up dental theytoils, will nevermissing leave ce from outÀof the mouth by the tongue friends when from inappliances. my opinion. in will littleguys, more slightly to the aid interested of some recently All the ofof this just having his teeth early ciently in myrelax; daily These as than wonderful as Flippers are generally worn a necessary. It has no relationship to the without their smile after their surgical P.E. majors are taught work with all they when I offered to effective cleaned, because he,10-12 like decades into my career. emergency I could not were,symptom could not management. possibly relateArto of to approximately appointment. Moreover,thoroughly we have spent minimum dolphin television star of the render 60’s. weeks before treatment to proand abilities. Personally, I taught dental care their 5 year-old So what is a for ipper? Gen-surprised guably… the mouth comes rst. experiences 80% of their Àstudents 70-90% of Americans suffer from un- the have been more as son time ages vide a more permanent restorerally speaking, from a ipper ais adental infection for 7was years, suffering encounter careers This conceptduring does their not support diagnosedand gumlifesaving disease. This the will/do has unfolded. the trusting swimming ative option can begin. It takes removable oral applianceTreating with exposed to some of the finest physical from two badly decayed teeth. He had as dentists in thehierarchy community. that long before soft tissue anda thegeneral current perceived in 1-3 teeth grateful attached to a custom I had heard such and patients I do enables third or fourth time mature people enough before educators in thebone world, whoit made hard been pink acrylic plate already on 10 days of antibiotics As officers, the Academic Dental Adhealth care, however, as dentists do revelation from a patient, leading me me to better understand how this is possible or wise to resume that form- ts to the palate or as the swelling developed Olympians, All Americans, ministrators outranked most of their with improving signs treatment. Flippers can, by the not intentionally do medically lower arch utilizing the oraldental system operates in health and fine young American citizens. above his left eye abated but he was patientsrelated during dental their military careers, way, last for a long time, givenI contours of the teeth and the care due to the and disease and still keeps the my situation and the care the dental or mediarch for stability. still inretention pain, and with no appointment with don’t think most of creating an unusual social power restrictions placed on both patient affords the appliance. I my daily Some dentists haveinterest. them made Each day such mentoring. the pediatric dental specialist for three cal colleagues had dynamic transferred, via the dental have patients who have worn with metal clasps for retention, professions, not to mention I hear tales that astound me, Children can not bePlus, expected weeks. So, Imanaged offeredto and consented to these for years. I have had school indoctrination process, to the though I have thedentists lack ofin this communication challenging my understanding patients wore nothing but to learn and acquire thewho necessary fine locate athis small lab thatyoung does custreat fine man, and… practicing country. (An ippers for decades as it t best tom me and provides of disease and common understanding ofwork theItformechanisms co-ordination plus was horrible… for everybody, eye-hand motorinto interesting thought to consider from a their lifestyle, budget, and metal free services. Since many between thevantage, medicalno?) and dento adequately social psychology dysfunction. including my neighbors in my health- the discipline requisite health concerns. ofand my patients present with I routinely The pink material in most signs ofcomplex metal allergies, having tal professions. Nonetheless, particularly care who telephoned hear from patients of brain fogto ask prevent dental decay, Most importantly and most removable appliances is acrylic a metal free removable option is given the food choices most children relevant, thehowever, few dentists thatfact do treat us to restrain our patient in the parking was the that clearing, whole body pain diand is colored by the heavy paramount in my practice. I am thecadmium. time frame lot. (As if we had things control.) are faced, and inmetal, Cadmiumbefree these Academic administrators did not the whole mouth systemically blessed to have such a skilled minishing, and energyunder increasacrylics and are available, and our laboratory technician service exfoliation With of my topsychology andare experi- tween tooth eruption maintain a constantsee eye healing over their oftentimes ofown aping.all Sometimes the reports my patients. His name is Stan; he’s an years creating pretty smiles with our choice of materials for our patients. for the presentation of the final set of patientsparently ence as a swim teacher, parent/grand for very unrelated long as their patients symptoms. even remarkable. artist and more has a wonderful grounded ippers, and truly do work with an art- Teeth are acrylic and porcelain, though adult thatteeth is are essentially the were essentially porcelain a bit more costly. parent cards order… transients, as were the ist, Stan,could who truly cares aboutteeth. people, Yet, sense of humor. I canin always countexample, on noone There are many reasons for Recently, for and adjusting porcelain is which isunrereflected intask his work and toSetting Stan; he predicted is, Stan the Man. given our population. Fewteeth are have the outcome… dentiststhis, themselves, moving every few including the somewhat a Back woman returned with her more challenging and time consuming, to the topic—a ipper is timeliness when emergency ippers strained hurt, anger,upon and rage directed prepared for this with the addition of years, as our US military does to our are needed to quickly help a traumatic with little esthetic gain, so I generally usually inserted exobvious economic reasons, sister forimmediately a second opinion stay with the acrylic teeth. Besides, the everywhere at a decibel level sure fighting forces… and their families, as Supporting new peoplefamily and labs members. traction of teeth for multiple purposes. situation. where patients are more likely to seek to believe that rapidly lowering the and examination, determined to help acrylic teeth bond to the plate, whereas like Stan’s is why we work with small It serves as an immediate band-aid by Are we crazy or just brain- I learned firsthand, to rival the Seattle Seahawk stadium attending 13 differthe of porcelain ones must mechanilaboratories: we have the relationship placing pressure overher the surgicareschools for a single tooth rather than a total amount bacteria in bethe head ent her direct sibling with health concerns, washed? And don’t think 100% breast record. Devastating to all. Damaging. before college, including cally retained. In a situation where I cal wound site, aiding in healing by to ask for favors when necessary. whole mouth. Plus, it much can have a signiÀ cant effect on our touching all of the bases on possible need toas thinI have the tooth for clearance is safe either discovered Homestead, Lowell, and takes Oak Grove Traumatic. themuch picture? I believe that amilk well-designed stopping the owGet of blood, like by opposing teeth, porcelain teeth can more skill to restore a whole mouth esthetic ipper should provide patients what is done in a rst aid situation: health. Quickly. solutions to helping her heal from more than once through long term High Schools. That bad. Nothing, absolutely direct pressure to the wound. The form with a condent smile after the surgery fracture. Stick with the acrylic teeth. can only after years The previous link that one a myriadalsoof symptoms, cultandtothat’sassociation withI multitudes of patient Having livedacquire in the Santa Cruz nothing my can isdifÀ be worse hope hypothetical that by knowing more complete, what we conof the ipperin helpsbook, create and the journey beyond exof dedicated post-graduate work. Even ifippers, access to care were came meabout when a physician called label As hassistently beenprovide. my In families. county community in multiple places, my ofce,to that than themedically. pediatric dental emergency, an guide the nal tissue contour which traction becomes less threatening, less the smile not eye-catching, helps to that assureis functional and means aacknowledge problem, either Detoxifying an entire mouth but with a long-term stable dental event totally avoidable, inthat most, thatfinancially, her patienttime was custom, Ia nice thoroughly evaluated her isto esthetic bony foundation for later pos- but does not draw critical scrutiny. fearful. Remember, you can have your wise, or manpower limited we would of patients over are 29 years, but notMoreover, all with acute dental and rebuilding it better techsmile the to day your are extracted. now responding her teeth therapy fol- population mouth oncases… multiple levels, examinIn many cases, the smile we provide sibilities. its presence limits How much better can it pediatric get, given the still faceathe unnecessary following surgery is a significant Iniques have been to learn much about food other forcesthe fromTMJ, disturbing trauma being lone exception. And that able are not taught in dental lowing similar protocol. Prior to ingandher gums, teeth, existing circumstances? Happy trails…. improvement over thedental one the patient the healing making healing emergencies becausemouth the basic healing, when it comes even thatwound, is avoidable in many cases if schools,particularly necessitating specialized thoroughly cleaning dental restorations, posture, Dr. David her Biles is currentlyand acwith at the beginning of the less disruptive. I particularly like tongue the presented preventive practices are introduced to to dentistry. I have also learned much parents are forewarned and thinking. patients. He practices idedental journey. design Stan createsdental for my patients training, instrumentation, and travel. two new cavities, this patient softthattissue, materials, and eliminatingcepting al dentistry as aprocess Biological Bioesthetic parents too late in the of rais- about the human body, information Speech is generally affected because his meticulous Who’s to attention blame?to It’s difficult had been to all of the It has taken me over 15 years of soul level of oral hygiene, utilizing Dentist with a signicant background initially,digital within 48 hours of use, non-responsive detail enables my patients securely ing children. Where do the two meet? sometimes at odds with conventional to find fault withtothe parents ofbut this perspective rooted in athletics, people adapt and speechphysician’s returns to nor- and wear their ippers for weeks withouta laser efforts to stimulate her searching and analysis, coupled with x-rays, photographs, cavity Back to the commentary… dental wisdom and dogma, thanks to poor suffering child because ignorance physical education, cardiopulmonary though the continual awareness adding dental pastes and adhesives for mal, revelations from my patients over immune system and heal. She was detector, and illuminated high magmedicine, dentistry, and human reof the appliance with the tongue perAgain, the pediatric dental retention. It takes a little more extra my wonderful patients who have chalabounds, even amongst healthcare prosearch in exercise physiology,progwww. that time frame to become sists awhile longer. Occasionally, the now thrilled to see the patient’s niÀ cation. is to identify as time and plaster toMy makegoal the ipper is one of the most traumatic lenged conventional dental comfortwisdom fessionals, and that includesipper the can ill be in-thinnedemergency to create more and (831) 423-0121. retain without pastes, but it is well able with knowing that when patients ress and called to understand why this many potential stressors in the oral the formed dentists who become parents. events one can experience, and not one and forced me to re-evaluate… Page 13 that � The MagazineWe � concluded � May 2012 unify their dentistry, health beneÀ ts was happening. that the pediatric cavity as possible, believing theConnection anyone cares to encounter routinely… dental emergency for one and Quite frankly, the dental profession’s will occur. What thoseasymptomatic beneÀts will in bacteria was enabling nature, magnitude, andand duration even at all, unless absolutely un- criteria for extracting expectations of children familiesof orreduction speciÀcally Had it nottobeen fordirect the mobile depends on the issues her immune system Ànally the been stressors’ impact the avoidable. have totallyexistence unrealistic …ANY So, how do we avoid pediatinfection, 5 the patient possesses alongthe with other P.E. majorsystem could have its attention of to recurring other priorities in the immune in, attold the the verydental least, combination dentalincluding emergency? old, friend’s swollen eye, one ric profession if they were willing to year factors, theFundamentally willingness to body rather thankid, deal with an appardiverting that the attention of the immune valuing teethchanges, as soon asifthey of antibiotics already, looming by listen and are other willing to listen now. course make lifestyle theybegin have ent chronic low grade sub-clinical system from maladies. erupt a child’s mouth, anesthesia—second bout, 3 to Our expectations the dental not alsointo been examined and attending instituted infection in the head, localized to the During the in course of theprofesexami- general them, cleaning them, preening them, wait for next available appoint- to sion are too and our fundamental mouth, primarily between and around already. nation, thehigh former patient revealed week baby…the recipient of all this with pediatric dental specialist until the approach to oral hygiene must change ment Don’t you think it is time we to me that although she still had the teeth. With this awareness came to this new appendage grasps now. Cold hard fact: there aren’t and bleeding heart (mine)… plus an attention reconnected the mouth for dentistry other implications, however. the antibodies for Systemic Lupus uncompromised conversation with the the importance of this and every subenough dentists in the profession to The common denominator? A and medicine? I welcome patients Erythematosis, SLE, she had not solve the early childhood decay we are pediatric dental patient… I could not sequent tooth. Parents must adapt this who ritual are willing to invest and in their to achieving experienced any community symptomswater since besystematic in their parenting then telling this approach tale, nor advocating this daily presented with and health and educate themselves when a healthy mouth on multiple levcompleting treatment in my ofÀ ce learn, be taught, whatever…do to keepit solution… after pondering how we all fluoridation is not the answer, a topic comes to understanding the particular els,here… attending all ofdissected the possible seven years That was why she got children’s teeth immaculately until to I really this their for another day.ago. What’s working hasn’t stressors in their mouths. Likewise, I stressors on and in the oral system, clean avoiding all dental emergency had brought her sister in for an exeventful unnecessary encounter… on been working, isn’t working, and is welcome the testimonials that restorative treatment and theonly atlevels. that One there benefit been and understanding arehas multiple amination andworking consultation with me. multiple unlikely to be so a different trauma. Easier genesis of thisand article, enabling serve topsychological validate a legitimate direction perspective and if approach yieldto the types of stressors each one exerts tending She wondered a similarmight approach than done,and butmedical done it professions must be. a self way. imposed for the dental better results. its to inÁbreak uencethrough in a unique The said dental care might be beneÀcial for her me WhereWe does thehere education come cramp, generated by and my own somehealthy of those in writer’s are to heal, are stressors? Bacteria, number type, to embark. sister.Regrettably, Healthy mouth, body, from? It starts here… next month. fears. academia, particularly one faculty the American Dental Association from decay, gum disease, bad oral we not? Biles isBiles accepting new paIn my position as a dentist, as Dr. David member at UCLA, believed P.E. being maDr. David is accepting hygiene, poorly contoured, rough says, so… of course I agree, interested in a comprehensive any dentist, who spends 30 plus years tients jors had no place at the UCLA School new patients interested in a compredental restorations that promote bacthe good supportive dentist I am, approach to health, created of Dentistry as Dr. Colin Franker so interacting with a relatively stable dental approach to health created applauding the ADA for some of the terial accumulation and proliferation, inhensive tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles righteously proclaimed on day one of population, much can and is learned… in tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles inaccessible concave surfaces, plus good work it does. my sophomore microbiology class. much which has escaped the Academic brings a unique awareness to health brings awareness to health from the energetic effects of mixed metals, Another case history? Last week from a lifetime of study in many dis-a dentists in the Ivory Towers… who He made a point of chastising the lifetime ofSchedule study. Schedule visit to including out practiced gassing ofdentistry mercury ciplines. a gentleman suffering high have a visit to a see if an never the really admissions committee for from accepting see if an ideal approach to dentistry from silver colored À llings, facilitated blood pressure, obesity, and shortness ideal approach to dentistry is what a physical education major into this other than as a research hobby, still is what yourneeds body needs to heal, (831) body to heal. 831-423by the presence of gold.generally All of these of breath myhuh? staffThanks that he good… just not relevant to your class… me. informed Great intro, 423-0121, experiences of most beings, physical inÁuences arehuman impacting our 0121. feltthe better than he had in years for motivation, Colin. Hard folto the R L Possible T I Worst Dental Trauma O I BECAUSE IT IS... Page1111▲�The TheConnection ConnectionMagazine Magazine▲�▲�February October – March Nov. 8,6,2012 Page 2014 Put your career In your hands. Full-SPeCTruM NuTriTiON Minerals are Foundational to HealtH A Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts Call for Information about Additional Classes and Programs Massage Practitioner 250 Hrs Massage Therapist 550 Hrs Sidelying Massage - NEW! Refreshing angles and creative approaches to the body! Clinical Massage Learn specific therapeutic techniques for use in clinic-type settings. Winter Classes: January - March 2014 Day & evening classes | Payment plans See website for all advanced classes. 1525 Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz | 831-476-2152 !"#$$$%!&''(&))%*+,-% ./&(%012)&% ! "#$%&'#()!*#&+,!-)!./01! 0/2//!#3!4!52//!63! !"##$%&$%'($)*+,-.$ 7899:8;;!<9#::=:>!?:;$=$%$8!@A!$,8! B#9=A@&:=#!B8:$	!B@#;$C)!DDB! E5/!B#;;!"$&88$)!"%=$8!F)!*@:$8&8()!BF!EGE1/! 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XMPZ?]XP"! obtained between one-fourth to one-third of their minerals from the water they drank. In other words, our predecessors had a far greater mineral intake than we do. They acquired the electrolytes needed to keep the cells healthy, activate the body’s enzymes, glands, defenses and antioxidant enzymes and process fats properly.”(7) It is the 1950’s that basically mark the point where the already diminishing trace minerals were almost vanishing from our diets. There is a famous folk song called “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” We can now ask “Where have all the minerals gone?” They surely must be on our planet somewhere. The answer is ... they have gone to our oceans. Ocean Derived sea Minerals Dr. Maynard Murray, medical doctor and trace mineral pioneer, beginning in 1938 and continuing through the 1950‘s researched the crucial importance of minerals — especially trace elements — to plants and animals. He stated that the center of life’s gravity was the ocean, the repository of minerals from the land, dissolved and carried to nature’s settling basin via streams, both above and below the ground. He explained that the ocean contained nutrient-rich accumulations of trace minerals, all of which figure in the life process. He pointed out that life started in the sea and that human blood is about 25 percent sea water. “And if we wish to live well and long, we must concentrate with the utmost seriousness upon proper nutrition. Of necessity, this attention starts with nutrients balanced in the sea.”(5) With the recent republication (2003 - note the book was out of print for more than 25 years) of Dr. Maynard Murray’s Sea Energy Agriculture, readers rediscovered the forgotten legacy of an eco-ag pioneer. Murray’s idea — that ocean water contains a concentrated, perfect balance of trace minerals in bioavailable form — seems almost as revolutionary today as when he introduced it three decades ago.(6) “Ocean water contains a complete spectrum of elements, whereas soil and fresh water do not. Plants in the ocean can select any and all the elements they need to grow. In turn, ocean animals feeding on these plants easily obtain their element requirements and thus better disease resistance.”(6) “Minerals from seawater are far superior to land sources. This water is easy to assimilate.”(4) “The waters of the oceans hold the perfect balance of those essential elements required as food for the complex cell groups that make up our bodies.”(5) Rene Quinton (1866-1925) was a French physiologist, biologist and naturalist that investigated the similarity between sea water and human blood. His use of sea water and its compatibility with living organisms was used successfully in hospitals. William D. Snively, Jr., M.D. writes in his book Sea Within —The Story of Our Body Fluid a very interesting concept. “When man’s forebears left the sea, they took a tiny portion of it with them, enclosed in their own bodies. Over the ages, this portion has been converted admirably to man’s needs as a terrestrial creature. Our heritage from the sea, body fluid, serves as an ever-present reminder of our marine ancestry.”(8) Page 12 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 Page 13 ▲ by Kim Tunilla, B.S., C.D.C. healthy diet rich in nutrients is the centerpiece of a vibrant, long and disease free life. A good diet keeps your body parts functioning well, maintains harmonious system balance, keeps thinking and memory sharp (the body well nourished has greater mental acuity), provides a high level of energy, staves off disease, and contributes to a more youthful appearance and longevity. It is important to keep in mind that the quality of an individual’s health, vitality and energy is constantly being affected by good or poor nutritional choices. The lack of energy, vitality and then lack of health get continuously more noticeable as we get older if we continuously make poor nutritional choices. A truly healthy diet focuses on eating predominantly nutrient dense foods. This basically means that they are “packed with nutrients” instead of empty calories. They are exceptionally nutritious, containing proportionally higher quantities of nutrients and other beneficial food attributes. Not only do nutrient dense foods maintain good health, support immunity, support cellular repair, speed recovery from illness, but it is the best way to maintain a healthy weight and great for weight loss because your body is getting all the nutrients you need. Many people understand that they should eat proteins, carbohydrates and fats. But lets examine nutrient density. What makes foods nutrient dense? Here are some of the most important kinds (classifications) of nutrients: Minerals Enzymes Vitamins Antioxidants Probiotics Phytonutrients EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) Minerals Every biological function of the human body relies on adequate levels of macro and trace minerals. Macro minerals are needed by the body in greater amounts then trace minerals. However, a deficiency of either macro or trace minerals produces equally harmful effects. Without adequate levels of all minerals, the body’s ability to function properly is impeded and ultimately disrupted. Minerals are involved in many processes such as promoting growth; providing building materials for bones, teeth, tissue, muscle, blood formation, hormone production, and nerve cells; they participate in muscle contraction, protein building, energy production, quench damaging free radicals, maintaining cell strength, and the fragile balance of body fluids.(1) (3) (7) Trace minerals are essential in the assimilation and utilization of vitamins and other nutrients. (1) In fact, minerals are essential in the body to activate enzymes! Enzymes need certain minerals and vitamins to serve as cofactors.(2) Trace minerals also aid in digestion and provide the catalyst for many hormones. They are also important in replacing electrolytes.(1) We should be getting the minerals we need from our diets. However, the advent of modern agriculture and food processing has led to a severe decline in the levels of vital minerals in our food. Even organic food is not exempt from this, as our topsoil is often barren of minerals. We are so accustomed to the time in which we are born that we fail to realize that food was not processed, pasteurized or cooked as much as it is today. Foods were once usually left whole and grown without chemical fertilizers and our water supplies came from springs, streams or wells and contained minerals that the body was able to use. Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D. notes that our ancestors Full-SPeCTruM NuTriTiON ▲ Page 12 Gerry Amena the founder of Pure Aussie TM states in an interview with Acres USA magazine, “Ocean water is the richest life sustainable and life enhancing source of ionic — water soluble — minerals, both macro and trace. Just look at the abundance and variety of life forms that it supports! Ocean water is the perfect catalyst for life.” Electrolytes Research shows that minerals are absorbed most effectively by the body when they are transmuted in a liquid medium. “Water is the ultimate mineral solvent and breaks them down into their free ionic state where they become electrically charged — electrolytes. In this form, they are easily absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and then by the cells.”(7) Minerals, especially electrolytes are essential in carrying chemical messages in the brain and nervous system. That is — the neurotransmitters in the brain are made from, and stimulated by, electrolytes and macro-minerals, amino acids, choline and other nutritional factors. Electrolytes are the primary factors for keeping our cells and immune systems healthy. Electrolyte balance has significant potential in preventing and eliminating disease. We can go on and on with the importance of electrolytes however, here is a gem of a statement from Dr. Bernard Jensen, chiropractor and author of numerous books on health and healing. “We cannot heal a person through symptomatic relief. We must go to the root of the problem - to the cell itself — where electrolytes are at work giving life. It is here that real healing can begin.”(7) PH PH stands for “potential hydrogen” and technically reflects the concentration of hydrogen ions (positively charged molecules) in any substance or solution. The relationship between acid and base is scientifically quantified on a scale of 0 to 14. 7 is neutral. Below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. “The pH of your blood, tissues, and bodily fluids affects the state of your cellular health and internal cleanliness.”(9) “The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. The entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environment. Chronic over acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In other words, over acidity interferes with life itself.”(10) There are countless names attached to all the illnesses. However, all disease and infections come from the same root cause … too much tissue acid waste in the body! (11) Over-acidification of the body sets in motion a destructive cycle of imbalance, disease, and even being overweight.(12) Few people know this fact: Louis Pasteur upon his deathbed said “The microbe is nothing, the terrain everything.” (13) This means that if your body is in a proper alkaline state then bacteria, viruses and fungus have a very hard time trying to live in your body. These unfriendly microbes need and want an acid environment to thrive! Once you come to understand the destruction that elevated acidic levels in the body can do, you can make the removal and prevention of acidic wastes a priority in restoring and maintaining good health. (14) Your first goal toward achieving health is to create the proper alkaline balance within your body. Begin by starting to eat the proper balance of alkaline and acid foods. The general percentage is 75% to 80% alkalizing and 20% to 25% acid foods. Another way to basically think about it is — three-quarters of your plate is alkaline and one-quarter is acid. As a person eats more alkalizing foods (especially raw vegetables, greens and fruits) and drinks alkalizing water there will be improvement in red blood cell integrity, oxygenation of the blood and levels of negative microforms will be reduced … you will experience renewed vitality. (15) Acid forming foods include animal protein (meats, eggs, dairy), nuts, seeds, sugar, alcohol, coffee, soft drinks, additives such as aspartame and monosodium glutamate, etc. It is a good idea to obtain a book, that contains a “pH chart of foods” in order to better understand what foods are alkalizing and which are acidic. However here are two general rules to keep in mind. Decrease acidity: Unhealthy foods or substances are almost always acidic — just keeping those types of things out of your diet will help greatly. The body does need a balance of about 20% acid foods — so choosing healthy acid forming foods would be your best choice. Examples include: nuts, seeds, raw sauerkraut, most grains are acid forming; some fruits are acid forming, etc. Increase alkalinity: Add more fresh raw vegetables and fruits and drink pure alkaline water. Life itself depends on these minute minerals having the proper electrical charge in relationship to each other. Pure Aussie TM brings to you pH-balancing pure alkalizing sea minerals. Summary Ocean Derived Sea Minerals are a superior way to supplement. Every biological function of the human body relies on adequate levels of all the macro and all the trace minerals. A full spectrum of ionic minerals are necessary to support optimum health. Water is the ideal medium for transporting nutrients in the cells and for the chemical reactions of cellular metabolism to take place. Water is the ultimate mineral solvent and breaks minerals down into their free ionic state where they become electrically charged — electrolytes! The Ocean is the answer to full spectrum ionic minerals as it also contains the nutrient-rich accumulations of trace minerals. The waters of the Ocean hold the perfect balance of those essential elements required as food for the cells that make up our bodies. Pure Aussie TM Pure Aussie Sea Minerals are harvested from pristine Australian ocean waters in the Southern Hemisphere. Through our unique solar evaporation process most of the sodium is removed leaving an ionic and full spectrum mineral solution that is easily absorbed. Adding minerals daily helps to achieve a Nutrient-Dense diet. Naturally Harvested—Low Sodium Full Spectrum Ionic Ocean Minerals Contributes to Electrolyte & pH Balance Pure Southern Hemisphere Ocean Waters These Statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease., Inc., P.O. Box 3707, Grand Junction, CO 81502 USA, (877) 8355555, (970) 241-3866. References (1) The Detox Miracle Sourcebook—Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration — Robert Morse, N.D. — 2004 (2) Micro Miracles-Discover the Healing Power of Enzymes — Ellen W. Cutler, DC with Jeremy E. Kaslow, M.D. — 2005 (3) Get Healthy Now —Gary Null, Ph.D. — 2006 (4) LifeFood Recipe Book-Living on Life Force — Annie Padden Jubb and David Jubb, Ph.D. — 2003 (5) Sea Energy Agriculture-Nature’s Ideal Trace Element Blend for Farm, Livestock, Humans — Maynard Murray, M.D. — 1976 & 2003 (6) Fertility From The Ocean Deep-Nature’s Perfect Nutrient Blend For The Farm — Charles Walters (founder and executive editor of Acres U.S.A.) — 2005 (7) Electrolytes The Spark Of Life-The Key To Longevity & Quality Of Life — Gillian Martlew, N.D. — 1994 (8) Sea Within —The Story of Our Body Fluid — William D. Snively, Jr., M.D. — 1960 (9) The Battle For Health Is Over pH — Gary Tunsky, N.D. — 2004 (10) The pH Miracle — Robert Young, Ph.D. and Shelley Young — 2002 (11) Alkalize Or Die — Theodore A. Baroody, N.D., D.C., Ph.D. Nutrition, C.N.C. — 1991 (12) The pH Miracle For Weight Loss — Robert Young Ph.D. and Shelley Young — 2005 (13) Secrets of an Alkaline Body — The New Science of Colloidal Biology — Annie Padden Jubb and David Jubb — 2004 (14) The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet — Felicia Drury Kliment — 2002 (15) The pH Miracle — Robert Young, Ph.D. and Shelley Young — 2002 “It Is HealtH tHat Is Real WealtH and not PIeces of Gold and sIlveR.”—Mahatma Gandhi Page 13 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 Merciful Heavens THeTaHealing classes: A Story of EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS! by Lynda Chaikin, ThetaHealing Master Instructor and Practitioner re you ready to find out what’s available and possible for you and your life? We are capable of so much more than we’ve been led to believe! I am excited to share with you a moving story from one of my students: “In early 2012, I was struggling financially and had been trying to run three businesses, but did not make a profit. I was looking for a job and serving my real estate clients simultaneously. I was heartbroken to think I might not be able to stay in real estate and worried about paying my bills and borrowing money. I could not go on like this: I would not be living the life I knew I could. Having already taken Basic and Advanced ThetaHealing with Lynda, and gaining great results from ThetaHealing sessions with her, I was well aware of the power of this work. I knew I had the potential to live my dreams and the life I most wanted — it was just out of my reach, and I could feel it but could not bring that energy here yet. Manifesting and Abundance ThetaHealing Class was exactly what I needed: the entire premise of the class is to co-create and take concepts from possibility to reality. If there was anything available that would make a great difference, it would be this class. I had some doubt because I needed to borrow the money to take the course and wanted to be sure about the investment. I spoke to a trusted friend and colleague who told me how important the class had been for her. Based on her counsel and my experience in the other classes I chose to do the class. After taking Manifesting and Abundance ThetaHealing in No- A GMOs cannot be considered safe until there are valid, nonpropriatary, long-term studies of their effects on humans and the environment! vember 2012, I felt peaceful and confident. It was clear that I could live the life I wanted and had the tools to do it. I was excited to see how this would all come together. Just a couple weeks later, I received a paycheck that allowed me to pay back the borrowed money and have my expenses covered for the next few months. A couple weeks after that, I did it again. In two more weeks, I had the best sale of my career and then topped that a month later. 2013 was by far the best year I have ever had professionally. Using the techniques taught so skillfully by Lynda and having removed many blocks, I am realizing the life I’ve dreamed of: a thriving real estate practice, a healthy and secure relationship, and a beautiful home. Taking Manifesting and Abundance made all the difference.” — Tammi Blake, Realtor, Santa Cruz, CA Call for a Free 20 minute Opento possibility phone consultation to get ready for my upcoming 3 day Basic DNA ThetaHealing Certification Class starting March 21st! This class is the prerequisite for all other ThetaHealing Classes offered. For registration and detailed class information visit: • Basic DNA ThetaHealing® Certification Class March 21-23, Friday – Sunday: Open to All, and the prerequisite for: • Advanced DNA 2 ThetaHealing® Certification Class April 25-27, Friday – Sunday: Prerequisite for all other Certification Classes! • Manifesting and Abundance Certification Class May 31-June 1, Saturday – Sunday • ThetaHealing® Game Of Life Certification Class June 27-29, Friday – Sunday Lynda Chaikin, of Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing, is a ThetaHealing Master Instructor and Practitioner. She’s provided thousands of ThetaHealing Sessions and taught 18 ThetaHealing Classes in the last 2 ½ years. Lynda offers a powerful sequence of ThetaHealing Certification Classes in the Santa Cruz area. She has lived in the Santa Cruz area for over 29 years and has been a holistic health professional the entire time. Lynda offers ThetaHealing sessions in person at her Aptos, CA office as well as by phone. Lynda’s contact information: Look for Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing on Yelp Santa Cruz Cell: (831) 431-0677 Home office: (831) 426-9453 YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Training Teachers for over 30 years! 200 and 500 hour trainings Judith Hanson Lasater The Art of Yoga Practice ............................................. Feb 7-9 & 7-11 Amy Weintraub LifeForce Yoga To Manage Your Mood .................................. Mar 14-16 Ginger Hooven The Art of Adjustment...................................................... Mar 14-16 James Baraz Insight Meditation (Vipassana) Retreat - A Path to Happiness .... Mar 21-23 Angeles Arrien Living in Gratitude - Exploring Twelve Perennial Wisdoms ........ Mar 28-30 Four-Day Yoga Intensive A Bridge to YTT 500 ...................................................Mar 28 - Apr 1 445 Summit Road, Watsonville, CA 95076 408.846.4064 Angel of the Presence ©2000 by Melanie Gendron “Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos—the trees, the clouds, everything.” —Thich Nhat Hanh Page 14 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 HEALTHY PETS AND ANIMALS: ONE MAN • ONE MUTT • ONE MEDICINE GIVE YOUR DOG A BATH! I Learn how to strengthen your dog’s immune system and enhance their quality of life. barrier function). iansname to hearis Dr. ValerieAhern, by Barbara Ahern My Barbara Creator of“It’s labor intensive forand owners, butDogs! it works”, explains A. Fadok — a boards your dog suffering with Canine AcuTouch (C.A.T.) I Love Fadok, who used thisfor treatment on 12 certifi ed veterinary derchronic skin issues such I have been a Holistic Health Practitioner matologist — speak at dogs with drug-resistant staph infecas redness, rashes, itch16 years. I have just designed an easy-tothe 2011 North American tions. After 4 weeks, the animals were ing, dermatitis, food or enviuse training video that teach you how cured of their skin infections, without Veterinary Conference in can ronmental allergies? It may to help your dog with: Stress, Back and Orlando, Florida. Top- the use of antibiotics. surprise you to know that “Many pet owners believe freHip Problems,included: Digestive Issues, Behavioral ics addressed the most recent discovery quent bathing canine atopic dermatitis, in modern veterinary mediConditions, and Overall Discomfort. will dry out a dog’s drug-resistent staph in- skin, and make the itching and cine to aide their discomfort fections, and therapies infection worse, but that is a wideis – a BATH! I have combined three proven therapies: spread misconception, and UNTIL RECENTLY: • Acupoint • Trigger Point • Bowen I wishTherapy it wasn’t out there”, Traditional treatment says board-certified veterinary of chronic skin issues in It is the integration of these three therapies Dr. John Plant. dermatologist, dogs — especially itchFrequent bathing washes ing — involved: allergy that has given me amazing results in away desensitizing shots, imhelping my canine clients. And now, the I’d molds, pollens, and bacteria – which in turn mune-suppressing steroids, like to teach you this technique so you can reduces the infection and aland anti-fungal and antibiDO-IT-YOURSELF at home for lergic your reactions, dog. as well as the otic medications. But even chewing and licking that make with such an aggressive the problem worse. approach, a dog’s sympBOTTOM LINE: toms can be recurrent and VIDEO COURSE It’s complicated… And resistant to these treatments. INCLUDES: every avenue is being exTHE DOMINO EFFECT: Antibiotics once re• plored Moduleby#1,modern #2, #3medicine to lied upon to clear up infections in that target repair of the defective skin counter these serious skin issues. But Core Moves everything else that your animals (and in people) are increas- barrier — holding hopeful answers for after trying ingly becoming less effective against these serious conditions. One of those vet has prescribed to no avail, it may • The Comprehensive “superbugs” like MRSP (methicillin- therapies, surprisingly, was frequent be simpler that you think. After all, like your Studymom Guidealways said, a little resistant Staphylococcus pseudinter- bathing. soap and water never hurt anyone. medius). This dangerous staph (the MY PART: • Easy-to-Use Color Barbara Ahern, CMT/CBP, is Try suds over drugs! For dogs animal counterpart to human MRSA) ed Holistic makes dogs miserable. The more fre- with resistant skin infections, Fadok a Certifi Coded Charts Practitioner for quently antibiotics are prescribed for recommends daily bathing (with People and Pets in Cameron Park infections — such as skin infections in shampoos that contain chlorhexidine and Carmel by-the-Sea. Together with canines — the more bacteria develop – an antiseptic — followed by rinses Medical Research Analyst, J. Michael Arrington, they host: CanineAcuTand804-0077 leave-in solutions containing resistance to those drugs,Call: rendering (916) or e-mail: [email protected] specific fatty acids to restore the skin’s, (916) 804-0077. them powerless. THE REAL PROBLEM: Dogs with an allergic skin condition known as “atopic dermatitis” have a weakness in the immune function of their skin known as a “barrier defect” — allowing bacteria, yeast, and February pollens to leak into ere is an "aggressive" and "massive" trafficking of endagered live animals and the deeper layers of animal parts (including of rhino and elephant) by Vixay Keosavang who runs the skin. This conXaysavang Trading, and by other Laos based companies who trade dition prompts the Check here throughout Asia and Africa. Write His Excellency the Ambassador of Laos, & share post immune response to Embassy of Laos, 2222 South St NW, Washington D.C. 20008, and the Miniswhen done counter with inflamter of Agriculture and Forestry in Laos at [email protected], and mation — causing [email protected] regarding the lack of accountability to the Conitching, redness, and vention on International Trade in Endagered Species. ese practices have irritation. Eventually, been curtailed before when efforts at oversight and prosecution are employed. dogs can become ale movie "Lion Ark" has been released, revealing the Bolivian circus lergic to the yeast and animals' plight and their rescue. A ban on all animals in Bolivian bacteria, triggering an circuses is now in effect. escalating cycle of Take One Action For Animals ! Action ss! Succe infection, pain, and repeated visits to the vet with often few or no results. THE ANSWER LIES: In an age of drug-resistant infections, the challenge of treating dogs with skin disease drew over 200 veterinar- ✓ ✓ s! Succes A new video called "No Fun for Elephants" has been released, narrated by Bob Barker. Since the release, many fairs have officially endorsed the campaign, and banned elephant acts and rides. Video for circulation may obtained by contacting [email protected] For More Information and Opportunities to Act: go to Facebook pages and websites for International Primate Protection League PETA or PETA UK Stop Animal Exploitation Now! White Coat Waste Project Animal Defenders International Ad sponsored by Sylvia Skefich, D.C. Page 15 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 Relationship, Relationship, Relationship! That is our Theme this month. We are grateful to feature a variety of perspectives of relationship. Our relationship to self and trusting; noticing the ‘green flags’ (opposite of those ‘red flags’) opens our Theme with Doreen Virtue. Alison Brooks being ‘in relationship’. The Vissells, speak about ‘nurturing relationship’. Debra Denker presents a “Transformational Love Process” created by Love Coach Robyn Randolph. Pernilla Lillarose discusses creating ‘a loving relationship’ with oneself. Collette Streight emphasizes the importance of our re-establishing our love connection via nature. Remember, what James Taylor taught us, “the secret of life is enjoying the passager of time!” Enjoy your relationship; enjoy your life! With love, Pattie & Thom Bed]je<[[bCeh[ 9edd[Yj[Zm_j^DWjkh[5 B[Whdi_cfb[o[jfem[h\kbfhWYj_Y[ije0 H[ijeh[oekhH[bWj_edi^_fm_j^j^[DWjkhWbMehbZ ;nf[h_[dY[oekh?ddWj[M^eb[d[iiM[bb#8[_d] <[[bF[WY[\kb"?dif_h[Z"7b_l[ @e_dj^[d[njÇ<kdZWc[djWbiÈYbWii IWjkhZWo"<[X$'+"'&#'(deed")& 7M7A;D?D=M?B: 9ebb[jj[Ijh[_]^j"C[djehWdZJ[WY^[h .)'))*#'*-.Yebb[jj[67mWa[d_d]M_bZ$Yec mmm$7mWa[d_d]M_bZ$Yec San F Hilton San Fran Relationship Relationship Includes lectur and live Be Powerful: The following is an excerpt from Assertiveness for Earth Angels: How To Be Loving Instead of “Too Nice” by Doreen Virtue, published by Hay House (November, 2013), available at bookstores or online at To learn more about Doreen Virtue and how to become an inspirational author, we invite you to join us at our Hay House event: The Writer’s Workshop in San Francisco, California on March 22-23, 2014. For reservations and more information please visit and search The Writer’s Workshop. Green Flags from Heaven by Doreen Virtue You’re not a victim, nor can you ever be a victim. As long as you stay sober, alert, and aware of your inner guidance, you’ll always be safe and supported. Just as angels send redflag signs to warn you about getting involved with the wrong person, so do they send you green flags to direct you along the right path. Green flags are when you get frequent and continual inner nudges to take positive steps or make healthful life changes. Some women were raised with the notion that females are supposed to be demure and defer to a man’s authority and power. This is so unhealthy and unnatural. Every person, regardless of the gender of the physical body in which he or she incarnated in this lifetime, has equal access to God’s Divine power. Several women have admitted to me that they equate power with manliness. They fear that they’ll push men away from them by becoming powerful. But the happy truth is that it’s entirely possible and also admirable to be both feminine and powerful. Power doesn’t mean that you have to wear men’s suits and go around bullying people. That’s confusing power with aggression. They’re not the same! Power simply means that you honor your feelings, and have the courage to speak up about them without apology or trying to control the other person’s reactions. A powerful person is comfortable with him- or herself. A powerful person doesn’t need someone else’s approval in order to be happy. Emotionally healthy men and women admire and are attracted to confident women. You already have these qualities, because you already are powerful. You may need to remind yourself of this if you’re just beginning to reawaken and reassume your personal power. It begins by questioning every part of your life where you’ve worried what other people will think. It means looking at any relationship where you’re asking that other person for permission. It means being aware of whatever relationship triggers anxiety or fear within you. A number of people have told me that they have a deep-seated fear of abusing their power, if they allowed it to be unleashed. Again, this is confusing power with aggression! Yes, it’s true that when you’re aggressive, you do abuse your authority. Aggressive people hurt others in order to get their own goals met. But a sensitive and loving Earth Angel would never dream of taking someone else’s rights away or hurting anyone else in order to get ahead. This wouldn’t even enter his or her consciousness. If you’re the type of person who would abuse others, then you’re no Earth Angel. Some people are afraid of their power because it means that they’ll be forced to take total responsibility How Will You Relate? by Alison H. Brooks As a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) I work in the relationship business. So what is this term, “relationship” we reference so frequently? It is certainly a word we use often and in varying ways. As with many words, it is defined differently depending on who is doing the defining. Since it is such an important word, let’s break it down and see if there is anything new to discover. To relate, is in one simple definition, to understand. So let’s proceed with the notion that when we relate, we mean: understand. With this meaning of relate in mind, let’s explore the ship part of relationship. When added DOREEN VIRTUE and for their lives, which frightens Doreen is the author of intimidates them. But morethe thanpositive 50 books,truth C including the bestselling for is that when you take responsibility Healing with the Angels. your life, you then have control and power. This means no more blaming Fe and no more playing the role of victim. a It means that you stop asking permission to do what your soul isGain calling you the suppor to do, and you have the courageintothis taketwo-d risks to change your life to match yourYour M inner dreams and guidance. Perhaps your mother or father PLUS A was trying to protect you by having Over $21,000 in Publi you reel in your power. Perhaps you were a very strong-willed child, and One participant is guara publishing contract with your parents were frazzled because of their own lives, so First theyrunner-up didn’t have wins a B $7999! the time or energy toatdeal with your powerful ways. Perhaps were wins Secondyou runner-up valued $3599! shamed by others when youatspoke up and told the truth. Others may have * Only workshop attendees ar punished or abandoned you for being authentic. While such reactions from others can leave long-lasting emotional wounds, they don’t take away your power. Again, nothing and Register Earl no one can take away the power that Call God created within you. Your power is 80 visit www.ha eternal and always at its 100 percent maximum intensity. I believe that Jesus was trying to demonstrate for us that we’re all connected to God, and that we all have this power. He said that all of us, with faith, can enact the miracles that he did—and more. It’s time to stop playing “little”! Your life purpose could be the one to change the world and save the entire planet. Act on you to the end of a word in the English language, -ship is intended to indicate the quality, state, status, skill, or collective body (as in penmanship or craftsmanship). With this meaning in mind, the quality of understanding, the state of understanding, the status of understanding, the skill in understanding or the collective body of understanding all describe the term “relationship”. As we grow up in this world of inborn and instant relationships, other people present to us their quality of understanding, the state of it, the status of it and their skill with it, from the day we arrive in our lives. Therefore, from the day we are born we are understood (or not), nurtured (or not) in relationships. As our relationship to ourselves is formed in this dynamic exchange with others, we obtain certain understandings about ourselves and begin to relate to ourselves. This journey of learning about who we are and how we are in relationship with others forms the basis of life long beliefs we hold about ourselves. It is from these beliefs that we go forth relating to others. So we may want to ask: how is the quality of my unContinues on Next Page Page 16 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 Relationship! “The Secret of the Best Relationship” by Joyce and Barry Vissell We see so many people who are struggling now more than ever with their intimate relationships. For many, the pace of life is quickening, and stress levels are intensifying. At the same time, consciousness has grown to a point where many people are painfully aware of their lack of real connection with others. Throughout our forty years of practicing psychotherapy and leading relationship workshops, we have had the opportunity to study many couples over a long period of time. With many of these couples, there is the initial high of falling in love. Over time, some of them somehow deepen their love and the relationship flourishes. Many other couples gradually lose their love and enthusiasm for one another. Everyone wants to stay in love, but why do some relationships make it, while others don’t? Why does the love in some relationships flourish, while getting buried in others? What are the secrets of a healthy and fulfilling relationship? In the relationships that make it, each individual is willing to make the relationship a priority, giving it time, energy and nurturing. They view their relationship as a beloved plant, thriving with enough care and attention. The partners in a prospering relationship are willing to look inside themselves, rather than only to their partner, for their growth and learning. They are willing to see their partner as a mirror — a soul mirror — reflecting back to them qualities which are within themselves, qualities they need to continually reclaim as their own. These partners are willing to trust this mirror of relationship. When their outer senses tell them it’s the other person’s fault in a difficult situation, they are willing to search deeper for their own issues that have contributed to this situation. Likewise, when their senses reveal to them the beauty, strength and goodness of their friend, they are willing to search deeper for these same Joyce and Barry Vissell qualities in themselves. The discovery that your lover is a soul mirror, reflecting back to you everything you are needing to learn about yourself in any given moment, will make the difference between a good relationship and a great relationship. This is seeing the mirror. There is another step in the process. It is enjoying, rather than merely accepting or tolerating, the mirroring. It is viewing the process of mirroring with awe and reverence. Accepting the soul mirror in your beloved will make for a great relationship. Loving and celebrating the soul mirror will create a sacred relationship, where there is no limit to the love that can be experienced. We feel each one of us is in relationship with ourselves, and this inner relationship is the spiritual path we are following. Our relationships with others can help us or hinder us, but it’s ultimately our decision. We human beings can easily get lost in our relationships with others. Relationship can become a seductive trap that pulls us away from ourselves, onto a long side-trip of life. Or it can be a powerful vehicle that helps to awaken us to who we are and why we have been born. Our lives will not be fulfilled until we discover our own deepest purpose in life. It is to give and receive love. It is to enjoy the beauty of this world and to help create more beauty. And it is to remember that we each are an integral part of the whole. Each one of us is linked to all of creation. Each one of us is sustained by an omnipresent light, love and consciousness. To be aware of this connection, and give thanks for it, How Will You Relate? Continues from Previous Page derstanding, how do I relate to myself, and how does this translate outwardly in my relationship with others? Good news and exciting news! The way we relate to ourselves is changeable and therein resides our potential for authentic power. The process of changing and improving our relationship with ourselves can be expedited and assisted by seeking therapy. Since we come to understand who and how we are in the context of relationship with others, it makes sense that we address and heal the wounding that results from those relationships, in the context of a thera- peutic one. A therapeutic relationship offers a unique opportunity to explore, identify and release ways of relating to ourselves that do not serve us and reinstill ways that are more fully aligned with our deepest knowing, with our true selves. Therapy provides us the chance to improve our relationship with ourselves, by engaging healing within the safety and support of the therapeutic relationship. We are then able to more skillfully relate with others and the world. When we make the time to understand ourselves more fully, we will learn to enjoy the most consistent and important relationship we have. is to live in the highest state of spiritual joy, peace and fulfillment. Every one of us has what it takes to bring more love into our life. It is our divine birthright. We deserve to love and be loved. To do this, however, we need to look in two places — outside and inside. Our culture has trained us to look only outside, to see only the surface of ourselves and each other. We do need to look outside, to practice seeing beauty in others. Yet it is just as important to practice seeing beauty in ourselves, to know ourselves as beautiful, capable and deserving of love. This takes willingness to look at ourselves differently, to see past the many limiting things people have told us about ourselves. In our souls, we are not bad, stupid or ugly boys or girls. We are human and spiritual beings capable of the highest level of love and creativity. It is our wish and prayer that each one of us discover our own inner beauty. In many ways this is the highest work we can do to deepen all our relationships. Here are a few opportunities to bring more love and growth into your life, at the following longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: Feb 2-9, 2014—Hawaii “Couples in Paradise” Retreat; Jul 20-25, 2014—Breitenbush Hot Springs Summer Retreat for individuals, couples, and families; and Oct 14-20, 2014—Living from the Heart in Assisi, Italy. Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regarded as among the world’s top experts on conscious relationship and personal growth. They are the authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and A Mother’s Final Gift. Call Toll-Free 1-800-766-0629 (locally 831-684-2299) or write to the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001. >c Y^c6hXZch^d Z i h Z c4 iZg 6lV`Zc^c\i]Z Iaajb^cViZY=ZVgiLdg`h]de ;VX^a^iViZYWn@VgjcV8]VebVc!8Zgi^ÒZYIZVX]Zg^c9gjckVad BZaX]^oZYZ`ÉhHX]ddad[GZbZbWZg^c\Ig^hiVc<jicZg# >i^hi]Z=ZVgii]ViXdciV^chi]Zdg^\^cVa^chigjXi^dchd[A^[Z!VcYl]Zc i]Z=ZVgi^hV\V^c^cXdcigdad[VeZghdcÉha^[Z!A^[ZgZhedcYhl^i]_dnVcY edlZg#L]Zci]Z=jbVcA^\]i7dYnBZg`VWV^hY^gZXianVXi^kViZY[gdb i]ZHVXgZYHeVXZd[i]Z=ZVgi!ndjga^[ZWZXdbZh^ciZgXdccZXiZYl^i]Vaa A^[ZZkZgnl]ZgZVcYbdkZh^cid=^\]Zg8dchX^djhcZhhcVijgVaan# L]ZclZXgZViZ[gdbi]ZWgV^c!lZ\Zil]VilZlVciVcY^iÉhZmVXi deedh^iZ#8gZVi^dc[gdbi]ZJc^ÒZY=ZVgi;^ZaYWg^c\hdcan\ddY#?d^cjh idaZVgci]ZegdXZhhd[XgZVi^c\[gdbi]Z=ZVgi!VcYidcVijgVaanVcY hedciVcZdjhanVXi^kViZndjg=jbVcA^\]i7dYn# Ldg`h]deh/;ZW#'%"'( =ZaY^cHVciV8gjo8dhi"))) :VganGZ\^higVi^dc9^hXdjci -(&+-)"&((%@VgjcV8]VebVc5XdbXVhi#cZi ]iie/$$YgjckVad#cZi$hdg$iZVX]Zg$(%&% ]iie/$$@VgjcVh=ZVgi#lZWhiVgih#Xdb Th c Center for Integral He fi i c a alt e P A Holistic Family Practice est. 1989 GVcYn7V`ZgB9 It’s your time. Spend it well! As for spending, I find it crucial to communicate the message that therapy does not need to be inaccessible due to your financial footing. I offer high quality service at a rate that can be affordable. It’s your time. Let’s begin! Alison H. Brooks works as a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT)#51395 with an office located in Gateway Plaza, Santa Cruz. Alison provides relational healing opportunities for individual adults & children, as well as couples and families, from a Transpersonal psychotherapeutic orientation. Alison offers SandPlay as a healing modality. She can be reached at (831) 854-7954. h The website HealthTap calls Randy Baker MD the: “Top Holistic Medical Practitioner in the Nation” Learn More At: Wishing You A Happy & HEALTHY New Year! February is... “Boost Your Immune System Month” Vitamin B12 Injection $10.00 (reg. $15) Expires 3/6/2014 Randy S. Baker M.D. 2955 Park Ave., Soquel, CA 95073 (831) 476-1886 U Page 17 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 Relationship! Transform Your Life by “Transforming Love” by Debra Denker Ever wonder why you keep repeating the same old patterns in your love life, and maybe other areas of your life as well? No matter how much you try to change them, using affirmations, prayers, healing and therapy? “Love coach” Robyn Randolph, a former Santa Cruzan now living the life of her dreams with the love of her life in the Highlands of Scotland, offers her Transforming Love process as a way to break the patterns by “healing the parts of ourselves that were shattered” to “fully transform into your authentic self. As children we had authentic selves, but they didn’t get to fully develop, kind of like the caterpillar and the butterfly---the authentic elements were there. This process takes someone into the cocoon and frees them to fly.” Robyn developed this process out of her own experience in order to help others attain the joy and fulfillment that she has, without taking decades to do it. Robyn realized that many of us lost our authentic selves somewhere in childhood, leaving us with negative life scripts that we acted out repeatedly, based on core beliefs like “I am not worthy of love,” “there’s something wrong with me,” or “I’ll never be good enough”---despite our endless affirmations of attracting the perfect partner. “As children, our parents are like our gods,” says Robyn. The child interprets actions and words through a child’s eyes, leading people to recreate scripts in their adult lives such as choosing unavailable partners, being abandoned, or attracting partners who reflect a parent’s inability to love or give. Robyn asks three powerful questions in the first of three sessions--in person, on the phone, or on Skype--that lead a client on a journey of selfcompassion, insight, and reclaiming the lost parts of the authentic self. She likens it to being “an anthropologist, only you’re studying yourself” from the “witness mind.” Patterns become clear as the client sees events “through Empowering Body, Mind, Heart & Soul ) ) ) ) Transformational Healing Customized Mentoring Programs Educational Resources & Intensive Study Reiki & Vibrational Healing Instruction the adult’s eyes, who has much bigger perspective” and reinterprets the consequences, payoffs, and strategies that resulted from their core beliefs. The next phase is to paint the “blank canvas.” “It’s not enough just to list” the qualities one wants in a partner. “People want to forget whatever happened in the past and just manifest,” Robyn says, but “there are no short cuts. You can’t skip any of the steps.” This was shown to her in a vivid dream of a ladder in the clouds missing rungs, making for a dizzying and dangerous descent until she connected with the Divine. The process is penetrating, perhaps painful, and very powerful. “The kind of person who wants to work with me has to be somebody who really wants this. They can’t be lukewarm about it…That passion is part of what makes it happen.” Transforming Love can be applied to many areas of life as well as attracting the perfect mate, because “it’s about coming home, back to who you authentically are, and about listening deeply to what you intuitively sense is possible.” The key, Robyn says, is “accepting all parts of yourself, just being able to ‘be with.’” She calls it being “full in the emptiness” as one embraces possibility and the Divine element. Robyn’s clients must be “willing to look at the past before creating possibilities for the future.” She creates a sense of safety, reminding her clients that “there’s no judgment.” Robyn’s own life was not always the happy state of sharing a dream with a partner and “waking up every day with the love of my life.” She and her husband Geoff both struggled through unhappy marriages for over 20 years before they met on and married a year later. As a child actress, she played the role onstage of one of the stepsisters in Cinderella. “Little did I realize that the role I was playing mirrored the inner script I was writing and acting out in my life.” Years of training with leading lights such as Ron Kurtz, founder of Hakomi psychotherapy, Kathy Tyler and Joy Drake, who created Angel Cards and the Game of Transformation, and popular author Larry Crabb helped her to witness her own process. After her divorce, Robyn made plenty of mistakes in dating. “I could do stand-up comedy,” she wryly remembers. “What makes me a good coach is I know what it’s like not to have it, and what it’s like to have it, and what it took to get it.” Robyn’s loving and compassionate coaching can help you to be “complete with yourself, so that you’ll never settle again.” One of Robyn’s clients, well-known Executive Coach Nina Cherry, writes: “Robyn has been coaching me to completely transform my inner world in order to magnetize the right life partner for me. She had me rewrite my ‘story’ so I am a FIT for what I want in a man! Robyn reminds me not to settle for less…I am grateful to Robyn beyond any words I could express.” Robyn’s clients commit to three sessions, with up to three weeks in between and lots of enriching homework. Phase I is discovering your core beliefs, Phase II is rewriting the story you really want to create, and Phase III is synthesizing. Clients have the option of additional sessions as they progress in dating and relationship. Robyn works on a sliding scale of $75 to $150 a session. She can be reached at [email protected] Debra Denker is a writer, filmmaker, energy healer, intuitive counselor, and animal communicator based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her website is www. Debra was so impressed after interviewing Robyn that she signed up for the “Transforming Love” process. Why Did This Happen To Me? by Pernilla Lillarose I am sure you’ve heard it before that if you want to be in a loving relationship with someone, you have to be in that loving relationship with yourSelf first. I wasn’t always in a loving relationship with mySelf and struggled and suffered through plenty of relationships hoping to be loved and accepted in the areas I didn’t even know I was rejecting – even hating myself. Just like in any other relationship, it takes time to get to know yourself deeply and learn to accept yourself fully. Then the question: “Why Did This Happen To Me?” won’t bug you anymore. You’ll know the answer and you’ll know how to make sure it won’t happen to you again. The Pain Of Leaving MySelf Going through my share of relationships where I didn’t honor my deepest truths in order to be loved and liked by ‘other’ was the painful foundation that catapulted me into a new Relationship with mySelf. The pain I felt from leaving mySelf finally forced me to look at how I was ignoring what deeply mattered to me. Being in a Loving relationship with yourSelf is a process of meeting and listening to all the parts that you have rejected, ignored and disowned. When I wrote my book ‘Imagine Being Kind To YourSelf’ it sounded like a foreign language. The spiritual teachings I was involved with seemed to suggest to leave the whole ‘self business’ behind. So where did ‘being kind to yourself’ fit in? Luckily, today it has become an accepted, essential part of living an integrated awake life. How do you build a loving relationship with your Self? Although reading about ‘How to’ isn’t enough, it may inspire you to start taking a new approach. It always starts with bringing awareness to the areas where you are ‘not your own best friend’. Start with one part of yourself that you are resisting, rejecting or ignoring. Then try this: Continues on Page 24 Being in Love the Natural Way Enchanting Events *Soul Deep Love ~ The Gathering (Emphasis through June on Soulmates) Local Monthly Event ~ Third Thursdays 7:00 to 8:30 pm 819 1/2 Pacific Ave., SC ~ next to Zachary’s (upcoming ~ Feb. 20, Mar. 20 & Apr. 17) Non-Local Monthly Teleconference Call Event Third Tuesdays 6:00 to 7:30 PST, (contact to register) Practicing lovingly and locally since 1996 Michele DeMoulin Reverend, Reiki Master Teacher Founder, Fiamma D’Amore™ Institute & Ministries (831) 457-7788 by Collette Streight No matter who you are or what your current relationship status is, there is a sweet and intimate connection of another sort waiting for you. Everything about you is designed for it and if you give yourself over to it, the vibrant aliveness and peace you are made up of, shine. When fully immersed in it, life takes on a rich magical quality, and wonder, gratitude, and love flow in abundance. It is an essential connection, woven into the fabric of your every breath and cell, and yet somehow, it has been all but forgotten in our modern-day frenzy to get somewhere better and different. It is devalued to such a degree that you may not even be aware that it is missing from your life. And yet, I am certain that if you listen closely, you will hear an urgent longing inside yourself to come back home to the Earth, to see yourself reflected in its balance and sanity, and to feel its steady pulse as near as your own. We are built to live in close connection with the rhythms, animals, plants, and elements upon which we wholly depend. As a species, we have done so for hundreds of thousands of years and only in the last few hundred have we diverged from it drastically. The resulting global misery is easy to see and on an individual level, the trauma has become so severe that we now believe that the cocktail of anxiety, depression, doubt, addiction, and loneliness plaguing each one of us is normal. It’s not normal and the stakes are too high to keep pretending it is. While our current state of separation is extreme, it remains astonishingly simple to reconnect in a felt way with this living planet. We only need to prioritize it with our time and attention, as we would any cherished friend or lover. I’m not talking about increasing the number of nature experiences you have. While hiking with a friend, blazing through the woods on your bike, and lying under a tree reading are enjoyable, the invitation I am extending is more radical and revolutionary. I’m asking you to let go of all distractions, drop your agendas, go outside, be slow, still even, and give your full and open attention to discovering what is going on around you. Doing this often will transform you. You will come to know the trees, birds, Continues on Page 24 Page 18 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 ParenTing, Kids and eduCaTiOn How to Keep Your CHildren HealtHY during Cold and Flu SeaSon R by Dr. Rachel Rozelle ecent evidence from The American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) has shown that the majority of common colds are caused by viral infections. Because of this, the AAP has stated that antibiotics are not an effective treatment for the common cold and should not be used as a first line treatment. Furthermore, unnecessary treatments with antibiotics can result in an unfavorable antimicrobial flora in the body putting you at an increased risk for opportunistic infections. Fortunately, there are many naturopathic treatments that provide effective treatments for the common cold and flu. Listed below are a few safe and effective treatments that work by stimulating the body’s immune system to help it fight off infection, as well as providing specific anti-viral or anti-microbial activity. These treatments are safe and effective for both children and adults. Elderberry (Sambucus nigra): Elderberry extract has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment for the influenza virus. Studies have shown that elderberry supplementation can reduce the duration of the virus by up to 4 days, as well as provide symptomatic relief. Elderberry has also been shown to prevent replication of the influenza virus in vitro. Not only is elderberry an effective treatment for the flu, it tastes delicious as well, making it a great treatment for children. Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in modulating the body’s immune system. Deficiencies in vitamin D are associated with increased susceptibility to infection. Although you can get vitamin D from sunlight, clinical studies have shown that most people are deficient in vitamin D, especially children, due to increased use of sunscreen and decreased sun exposure. Because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin with a narrow therapeutic range, it is recommended to test blood vitamin D levels before supplementation to maintain optimal values. Probiotics: Did you know that the majority of your immune system is located in your gut? Therefore, a healthy GI tract is vital to maintaining a healthy immune system. Supplementing with probiotics, the good healthy bacteria, will help improve your GI and subsequent immune function. Probiotics not only play a crucial role in the development and function of the mucosal immune system in your GI tract, they also aid in the production of antibodies to harmful pathogens. Nutrition: It is important to keep your child hydrated while he/she is sick. Many hospital visits in children are due to dehydration during an illness. Push clear fluids such as water or pedialyte (or breast milk if still breast-feeding). Avoid cow’s milk and other dairy products as they can increase mucus production. Avoid sugar and white flour/ grains as these can suppress the immune system and feed viruses. Naturopathic medicine provides safe and effective treatments for common cold and flu viruses. While many natural treatments are safe to use at home, it is best to contact your doctor when your child becomes sick to rule out any serious medical conditions and receive individualized care. Dr. Rachel Rozelle received her Doctorate Degree in Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ. After graduation, she completed a one-year family residency at Southwest Naturopathic Medical Center. She currently works at Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center where she specializes in women’s health and pediatrics. Call to schedule your free 15-minute consultation with Dr. Rozelle at (831) 477-1377. For more information, please visit our website at: 60 tHingS T tHat Can go terriblY wrong witH HepatitiS b VaCCination child is born. If the parent chooses not to have their 12-hour-old newborn vaccinated in the newborn nursery, it takes enormous effort on the parent’s part to make sure this vaccine is not given without their informed consent before the baby leaves the hospital. Secondly, this vaccine given on the day of birth is the least justifiable of any vaccine that I can think of. A child can ONLY get the disease from IV drug abuse, sexual activity with an infected partner, a blood transfusion using contaminated blood, OR from the mother. There are few or no detectable antibodies in the blood of most children within 7-10 years after they are vaccinated so booster shots will probably be recommended by government officials in the future for children entering adolescence! Obviously, the only real threat during infancy is if a child is born to an infected mother. So, why not screen ALL pregnant women for the disease and only give the vaccine to those infants whose mothers actually test positive for Hepatitis B? That policy would be a lot less expensive, as well as a lot safer for the majority of babies born in the United States. Also what about the side effects associated with adverse health outcomes in the general population of US children? Page 23 ▲ he website Green Med Info has assembled 44 articles which together list 60 diseases or adverse unintended consequences associated with Hepatitis B vaccination. Among the problems the vaccination may cause are: Autoimmune inflammatory polyneuropathy Multiple sclerosis Anaphylactic shock and death in infants Chronic arthritis Autism Bell’s palsy According to one of the studies linked on Green Med Info: “Evidence ... suggests that hepatitis B vaccine is positively associated with adverse health outcomes in the general population of US children.” For more information, you can click the link below. Dr. Mercola’s Comments: There is no vaccine that gets me more upset than Hepatitis B. There are two primary reasons for this. It is given to virtually every newborn in the hospital and many times without parents’ consent shortly after the Page 19 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 ThetaHealing: Fun and Transformative! Lynda Chaikin ThetaHealing Master Instructor & Practitioner Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing® Learn the Art of Co-Creating Miracles ThetaHealing Classes 2014 Sign up now! Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class)UL6XQ0DUFKprereq for: Advanced ThetaHealing Class )UL6XQ$SULOprereq for: Manifesting and Abundance Class Sat & Sun, May 31-June 1 ThetaHealing Game of Life Class Fri-Sun, June 27-29 (831) 431-0677 or 426-9453 Want To Feel Like Your Best Self? Dr. Juli Mazi, Naturopathic Doctor, works with people of all ages to help them reach an optimal & vibrant state of well being. • transform your health and your life with natural medicine • take on an effective and sustainable wellness plan • lead a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life Call for a free 15 minute Introductory Consultation today! Dr. Juli Mazi • Thrive Natural Medicine 2840 Park Ave., Soquel • (831) 515-8699 New YOU ~ Wellness Coaching Radiant wellness is the foundation from which we live. Ear Candling sSTRENGTHENIMMUNESYSTEMsBALANCEENERGY sCLEARALLERGIESsIMPROVEDRAINAGEsRELIEVETENSIONSTRESS Call/email for current special...831-688-1858 [email protected] / Charlotte Carreira YEAR OF THE HORSE W by Christopher Love oah! So we got through the New Year, looked back, looked forward, made resolutions and it’s time to celebrate the New Year again! Happy Chinese and Tibetan New Year to you! This holiday, celebrated by millions of people in our world, just occurred on February 4th. Each year, the Chinese and Tibetan calendars are marked by the energy of a particular animal. For those of you who are up on this tradition, you know we just moved out of the year of the Snake. We are a melting pot of tradition in America, and especially in the Eastern and Western coastal areas. What we had in the pot last year was a Snake. What do we get from the symbology of snake? Snake can be philosophical, intuitive, honorable, discreet, diplomatic and sexy. Can you relate these attributes to snake? What are the things to look out for or learn to overcome about Snake? The negative qualities of Snake can be represented as: judgmental attitude, selfULJKWHRXVQHVV SHVVLPLVP FXQQLQJ VHOÀVKQHVV ÀFNOHQHVVDQGRVWHQWDWLRXVQHVV Following this belief of assigning an animal to represent the energy of a particular year gives us the opportunity to look more closely at our human condition. We can, if we so desire, introspect our lives using the qualities of the animal year to learn about and better ourselves. Did you see the characteristics of Snake at play in your life, or in the world around you in 2013? Have you taken the time to look at how these observations may have meaning to you? The Chinese Zodiac, most likely originating during the Han Dynasty (206 BC to 220 AD) is made of twelve animals, each with a respective year, month, day and hour. Following this philosophy, people are born under the pervading energies of a particular animal. It is said that the individuals born in that animal’s year easily acquire the positive and negative traits of that animal. The positive are to be reinforced and that the negative traits are that which need to be transformed so as not to be a detriment to one’s life. This allows for a deeper meaning to be associated with the turning of the FDOHQGDUDVRXUUHÁHFWLRQVDQGLQWURVSHFWLRQVKDYH a tangible starting point. So what is in the pot this year? Well, a horse of course. What does it mean to be in the Year of January 8th thru April 12th, 2014 Women’sȱRetreat Wednesday Evenings & Saturdays. Location: Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine and Chi Center at: 2-1511B East Cliff Dr., Santa Cruz Giveȱyourselfȱaȱtrueȱspiritualȱgift.ȱEmpowerȱ Giveȱyourselfȱaȱtrueȱspiritualȱgift.ȱEmpowerȱ yourselfȱtoȱmoreȱfullyȱexpressȱyourȱdivineȱ yourselfȱtoȱmoreȱfullyȱexpressȱyourȱdivineȱ feminine.ȱAtȱourȱHomeCenterȱinȱAptos. feminine.ȱAtȱourȱHomeCenterȱinȱAptos. For Info and Brochure call: (831) 476-2115 Mayȱ2Ȭ4ȱ or write P.O. Box 2941, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 ȱ Licensed by the Council for Private PostSecondary and Vocational Education Enter the world of Shamanism Patricia White Buffalo With Private Sessions 20 yr’s in Practice Soul Retrieval Workshop ~May 31-June 2 ~Santa Cruz [email protected] the Horse? Let’s take a look, shall we? First, lets inspect the symbology. Chinese animals have very specific meanings and are associated with certain elements. Horse in this system is in the Fire Group and the element of 2014 is Wood. Wood assists Fire and so 2014 is being touted as a powerful year of activity. If we were to think about Horse ourselves, without hearing about long held beliefs about horse, we may observe that horses are sleek and graceful in their movements. Furthermore, the Horse out of captivity is wild spirited, freely roaming and in command of it’s path. Horses are great protectors of their young; stallions will protect the entire herd fearlessly against predators. Horses are considered to be highly intelligent and psychic beings. I am sure you have heard the colloquialism; “That boy’s got horse sense.” Horses are independent, self motivated activators and simultaneously work well in large numbers. If you have made these observations about WKLVPDJQLÀFHQWDQLPDO\RXUVHOIWKHQLWZLOOEH RI QR VXUSULVH WR \RX WR ÀQG WKH FKDUDFWHULVWLFV associated with horse in Chinese Astrology to be: strength, freedom, courage, action, intelligence, elegance, prosperity, love, intimacy, passion, loyalty and family. Perhaps these are qualities of life that come easy for you. Maybe these are things that you aspire to create or enhance in your life? Looking with a deeper lens we discover the challenging aspects of Horse. Can you imagine what they may be? As a prey animal, horses can be fearful. As independent movers, who are action RULHQWHGWKH\KDYHDGLIÀFXOWWLPHVWD\LQJLQRQH place. Horses like to make it happen now and do not have a lot of patience. Although good in a herd, their independent spirit may have them be short and stressed in their relations with their herd mates. Horses can be hot tempered and easily agitated. These characteristics can be summed this way: impatient, bossy, commanding, ungrounded, initiating and never completing, not in control of ones feelings or temperament, fearful of others or the unknown. Have you witnessed these shadows playing out in your life or in the lives of those around you? This is the year to bring these characteristics into the light for examination. With any luck, we will transform them as we go. Our goal; becoming clear of what we want most in our lives and what does and does not work for us. Page 21 V 250 Hr. Massage Certification Program AWARENESS: ȃȱȂȱȱȱ¢ȱȱȱȱȱ “Iȱcan’tȱthinkȱofȱanythingȱmoreȱimportantȱtoȱtheȱ ȱȱȱ¢ȱȱȱȱ ȱ healingȱofȱourȱsocietyȱthanȱaȱconnectionȱbetweenȱ ¢ǰȱȱȱǯȱȱȱ spirituality,ȱrelationshipȱandȱparenthood.ȱBravoȱtoȱ OYCEȱV ȱVISSELL ISSELLȱ JJOYCE togetherȱwithȱherȱhusȬ togetherȱwithȱherȱhusȬ band,ȱBarry,ȱforȱ49ȱ band,ȱBarry,ȱforȱ49ȱ years,ȱareȱcounselors,ȱ years,ȱareȱcounselors,ȱ workshopȱleaders,ȱandȱ workshopȱleaders,ȱandȱ authorsȱinȱAptosȱwhoȱ authorsȱinȱAptosȱwhoȱ areȱwidelyȱregardedȱasȱ areȱwidelyȱregardedȱasȱ amongȱtheȱcountryȇsȱ amongȱtheȱcountryȇsȱ topȱexpertsȱonȱconȬ topȱexpertsȱonȱconȬ sciousȱrelationshipȱandȱ sciousȱrelationshipȱandȱ personalȱgrowth.ȱCallȱ personalȱgrowth.ȱCallȱ 831Ȭ684Ȭ2130ȱforȱpriȬ 831Ȭ684Ȭ2130ȱforȱpriȬ vateȱappointments.ȱ vateȱappointments.ȱ ȱȱȱ theȱVissellsȱforȱhelpingȱusȱfindȱtheȱway.” ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ¢ǯȄ ȱ ȱ —MarianneȱWilliamson For FREE newsletter by the Vissells or information For about counseling, events, books or tapes, contact about the Shared Heart Foundation, PO Box 2140, Apthe tos, CA 95001. TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0629 (or tos, locally 831-684-2299). Articles covering many aslocally pects of living from the heart on our web site: pects SHAREDHȱEART.ORGȱ Coming on Sept.18 at theConnection Quaker Center,Magazine Ben Lomond▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 Page 20VThe ▲ The Page 20 Connection MagazineV VFebruary — March 6, 2014 Shamanic Training & Transformational Program AwAreness: A FArm in Your Kitchen; LittLe WAter needed! T by Joy Binah hink of a farm that grows the most nutrient dense food in only ambient light, with little water, no soil amendments, no pests and no toxic residue from chem trails or radiation and delivers in ten days… too good to be true? Sprouts and microgreens are a way to beat the drought and become nutritionally independent by growing our food in the ease and privacy of our own homes. Beautiful green sprouts need only light and water to produce edible food in 10 days or less, 365 days a year. Through growing our own sprouts and microgreens, we have access to fresh, nutrient dense greens in the middle of winter, wherever we live, even in Alaska. After store bought vegetables have been harvested, they go through packing and transportation. The temperature at which the produce is being kept determines how fast it loses its nutrients, and certainly how long it takes to get from the farm to your refrigerator plays a major role. This is especially true regarding perishable greens. Based on research, we come to find out that the majority of the nutritional value in shipped greens has been lost. Lettuce loses 50% of its vitamin C 24 hours after harvest! Growing your own greens enables you to become the farmer, and the lag time between harvest and consumption is just minutes, not days. Sprouts and microgreens are a true “living food” and growing them is an endeavor worth the minimal time and energy, and kids adore it! Sprouts and microgreens are the phase when a plant is at its peak nutritional state with an abundance of enzymes, vitamins and minerals. As a side note, when choosing greens in the market, the younger they are, the more nutrition they have. Some examples are baby kale, baby spinach and baby bok choy. Moistening begins the transformational germination process of seed to sprout, releasing the enzymes which begin to multiply in anticipation of providing nourishment to a growing plant. These increasing numbers of enzymes start to pre-digest the stored nutrients. They convert starches into simple sugars, proteins into simpler amino acids and fats into fatty acids. Minerals contained become chelated, chemically bound to amino acids, so they are easily assimilated, and the vitamin content increases exponentially! An example of this increase is wheat: after four days of sprouting its vitamin E content increases 300%. The abundance of enzymes along with the pre-digested nutrients enable the body to utilize the nutrients faster and more efficiently. The enzymes not only work to digest themselves, but help the body digest other foods, as well. Certified Raw and Whole Food Consultant, Wellness Counselor, Author and Educator. Bringing Consciousness into your Kitchen! • Overcome digestive issues • Overcome food allergies • Reach & maintain your natural weight • Reach & maintain optimum health and vitality • Overcome depression • Detoxification • Learn to make nutrient dense, delicious snacks & meals There is Now Overwhelming Evidence That Food can be the Primary Mode of Treatment and Prevention for Chronic Illness and Disease! FClassesFebruary f 22nd 1pm-3pm February 15th 1pm-3pm Learn to Grow Sprouts and Microgreens Learn to Make Delicious & Nutritious Snacks Grow a Winter garden in your kitchen. Sprouts More nutrient dense than most meals, these & Microgreens have substantially more vitamins scrumptious, easy to make treats will last you & enzymes than anything you can buy in the through the afternoon crash with ease! $45 store, or grow in your outdoor garden! cost: $45 March 22nd 1pm-3pm Dial in Healthy Salt, Sugar & Fats Organic, whole versions of this trilogy are critical to have in place in order to build a strong foundation for a healthy diet. Learn to make the best choices! cost: $45 Log on to my Website and get my Free E-Book with Videos: How to Reclaim Your Vitality: Eat Healthy Salt, Sugar and Fat Everyday! • (831) 713-5673 Learn to Grow Sprouts and Microgreens Saturday, February 22, 1:00 - 3:00, $48.00 YeAr OF The hOrse Page 20 So now we get to your part. Yes, my part too. We have this opportunity to really take a look at and complete the Year of the Snake and embrace the Year of the Horse. Have you mastered all the positive aspects of Snake? And have you transformed all the challenging aspects Snake offers, or at least seen where they play out in your life? If not, now is the time to put some finishing touches on this work as we transition into a new astrological cycle. Now, with this work behind us, we can fully embrace all the wonderful, as well as challenging, aspects of this Wood Horse Year. Throughout the ▲ The basic process of sprouting is quite simple. It begins with organic seeds or beans (for example: broccoli, alfalfa, red clover, leek, mustard, radish and fennel seed and beans, such as garbanzo, red and green lentils, mung and green peas) soaked overnight, drained in the morning and then rinsed 3 times a day. This daily rinsing continues until the sprout reaches the desired length. This takes seeds 5 to 7 days and beans 2 to 3 days. Jars are kept in the dish drain (at an angle to best drain), near the water supply and out of direct sunlight so they don’t get heated up. Measure seed: I recommend you start with 3 Tablespoons of seed in a quart mason jar and judge from there what your needs are for future sprouting—for beans: 1 cup for 2 cups sprouted. Microgreens are a little more work, involving some additional steps that involve soil, but are well worth the effort. When seeds are grown in soil, what you are harvesting is the small baby greens when they first begin to sprout. I look at the process as an opportunity to deepen and enrich my connection with the earth and nature. Taking a few moments a week to put your hands in soil and spread seed can be a very satisfying experience, especially at harvest time! In Microgreens — A Guide to Growing Nutrient Packed Greens by Eric Franks and Jasmine Richardson, they describe the experience beautifully. “Being part of something as fundamental as the life cycle of a plant nourishes our spirit. We can reconnect with our heritage and be stewards of the soil on our one tray of microgreens. We can slow down to the speed of the plants and enjoy the subtle nuances of water, air, and sunlight until we return again to the rhythms of our lives.” Remember, sprouts and microgreens mature in approximately ten days or less and need only water and ambient light! How simple is that! Joy Binah — Certified raw and whole food educator, wellness counselor, author and teacher,, (831) 7135673, [email protected]. A Sprouting Workshop— year be on the lookout for all the characteristics of Horse playing out in your life and in the lives of those around you. Meditate on what you see and experience, enforcing the aspects of Horse you wish to strengthen and transforming the challenging aspects that you do not want to play out unconsciously any longer. I invite you to use these tools in 2014 if you resonate with them. Above all, have fun and enjoy the ongoing exploration of your life. Fascinating, isn’t it? Happy New Year, again! Mr. Love welcomes comments at: [email protected]. Page 21 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 AWARENESS: Personal Mastery Coaching for Success THREE KEYS TO PEAK PERFORMANCE Lisa Giles Nystedt :_efZeZgV4`f_dV]`c=ZWV4`RTY "Change your thoughts and you change your life." Lisa uses her intuitive insight to look at exisitng energy patterns, help you set goals, eliminate blocks to your success and manifest what you want in your life! 4RcVVc 7Z_R_TVd 9VR]eYHV]]_Vdd GZdZe`fc`_]Z_Vde`cVRe hhhdaZcR]^``_]ZXYeT`^ W`c^`cVZ_W`c^ReZ`_ acZTZ_X`_cVRUZ_XdR_U T`RTYZ_XdVddZ`_d CV]ReZ`_dYZad DaZcZefR] 5VgV]`a^V_e 10% OFF First Intuitive Reading or Life Coaching Session! =ZWVAReY Call or Email for Appointment Phone: (831) 818-7300 Email: [email protected] ;gÛqgmÛf]]\Û`]dh [mllaf_Ûl`jgm_`ÛlgÛ[dYjalq 8N8 B < E @ E > Û ¬ Û < D 9 F ; @ D < E K Û : F 8 : ? CERTIFIED HAKOMI PRACTITIONER • 14 + YEARS EXPERIENCE G]jfaddYÛ`YkÛ`]dh]\ÛÛe]ÛÛ_gÛo`]j]Û@¿n]ÛÛf]n]jÛ_gf]ÛZ]^gj]ÛYf\Û _YafÛafka_`lkÛYf\Ûd]kkgfkÛ@¿n]Ûf]n]jÛY[`a]n]\ÛZ]^gj]Û Jl]n]ÛBmjlY_` daddYjgk][geÛÝÛ ~¤¤ ~ÛÝÛdakl]flgqgmj`]Yjl³daddYjgk][ge COUNSELING • PSYCHOLOGY • THERAPY H by Karin Leonard ave you ever wondered how Olympic champions, Navy Seals or star performers of any arena, get such miraculous results? Superhuman achievement is not only due to talent or skill, but is also made possible through: (1) Setting clear intentions, (2) Expecting the best, and (3) Surrendering the results. Intend with Clarity The repeat champion in alpine ski jumpLQJ SDXVHV EULHÁ\ EHIRUH KHU GHSDUWXUH :LWK focused precision, she visualizes her impending performance, envisions a perfect take-off, and imagines every turn on her way down the mountain. Meanwhile, her muscles follow the lead of her thoughts, and rehearse the routine with minute movements; body, mind and spirit form one point of focus, and the gate to success opens. In your life, whether you are to deliver D VLJQLÀFDQW SUHVHQWDWLRQ FRPSOHWH DQ XUJHQW project, or develop a creative solution, use The Key of Clear Intention: Imagine your intended result, with clarity and excitement. Set your aim verbally, visually and kinesthetically: make it real. State your plan as a fact, in the present and as a positive outcome. ([DPSOH´,ÀQGEULOOLDQWVWUDWHJLHVWRLQFUHDVHWKH sales of our new product.” Expect the Best As our skier is about to push off, she has absolute trust in her ability to triumph. In doing VRVKHFUHDWHVDÀHOGRIFHUWDLQW\ZKLFKDWWUDFWV VXFFHVV OLNH D PDJQHW :KHQ \RX ZDQW SHDN performance, eliminate any negative thought by the root. Fill your internal landscape with WKH SRZHU RI FRQÀGHQFH UDGLDWLQJ RXW OLNH WKH sun, and burning away self-doubt. Unshakable belief in yourself and your skills, the unconditional “Yes! I will succeed each and every time; I can do it!” instills rock-solid reliance into every cell of your body, reaches the deepest layers of your mind, and projects presence, competence and certainty. Positive Self-expectancy is your second key to greatness, and it will produce miracles for you, every time you use it. If you are “blessed” with an overactive inner critic, inform him or her that time for self-analysis comes later, when reviewing your time spent in “The Zone”. Release the Result 7KH VNLHU ÁLHV XS WRZDUGV WKH VN\ FRPpletely focused yet relaxed. She surrenders to the PRPHQWRIÁRZVKRRWLQJOLNHDQDUURZWKURXJK LQWHQWLRQ FDUULHG E\ WKH IRUFH RI FRQÀGHQFH 1RZWKHÀHOGVKHFUHDWHGLVZRUNLQJIRUKHUWLPH seems to slow down, and her mind is as clear as crystal. The zone of peak performance brings surprising ease. Results happen quickly, precisely and seemingly without effort. After you set clear intentions and build a ÀHOG RI FRQÀGHQFH LW LV WLPH WR XVH \RXU WKLUG key: Surrender. Let go of the result. Don’t worry about it! Your aim is in good hands, entrusted to your greater self, delivered to the universal mind, tapping the “Super-conscious” — choose your favorite metaphor. No matter what you call this amazing energy, it works. As you set clear intentions, expect the best, and release the results, peak performance is yours. Like all great skills, entering the zone of astounding accomplishment is learned, and gets easier with practice. Yet, the payoff will amaze you, beyond your wildest dreams! Karin H. Leonard is known for her compassionate, leading-edge and highly effective brand called InnerEvolution™, leading to quick results in life and career, while creating greater life-balance. She has been in private practice in Santa Cruz for 24 years, integrating life coaching with hypnotherapy, NLP and a good dose of intuition. February 13th at noon, Karin will give a free introduction to her work at her RIÀFH&HQWHUIRU+HDOWK)RULQIRFDOO 724-5400, e-mail [email protected] or visit InnerEvolution.com2IÀFHORFDWHGLQ Santa Cruz. Changes Counseling • Specializing in recovery issues related to substance abuse/risky behaviors, anxiety and depression issues. • Self-Actualization Groups now forming. • Free 10-Minute Consultation. Karen Holaday MA LMFT #51268 (831) 224-7301 • (831) 462-2827 [email protected] • BeY@Wiio"F^:"C<J Receive the Benefit of 30 Years of Experience. Individual, Couple & Family Counseling ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Anxiety & Depression Grief & Crisis Healing Relationships Conscious Parenting EMDR for Trauma Recovery ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Work & Life Purpose Addiction Issues Gestalt & Process Therapy Somatic Psychotherapy ssy Loïc JaP hD HdfjZa-(&),."()('Adh<Vidh)%-(.*")++' ♦ Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC 22014) Page 22VThe Connection MagazineV VFebruary — March 6, 2014 Page 22 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 AWARENESS: “FROM PAIN TO PROGRESS” D by Dr. Bjorn Bostrom o you ever feel like giving up, or finding yourself saying, “I’ll do it later”, “It will go away eventually” or “I just don’t have the time!” I totally get it. Life gets busy, and sometimes your body takes the fall. Its easy for the stories of not taking care of what’s most important to pile up fast! What you may be leaving out, could actually save you a lot of time, needless suffering right now, and many years to come! Remember that if you’re not well, it’s difÀFXOWWRWDNHFDUHRIRWKHUVRUSHUIRUPLQOLIH6R keep reading closely... because you may save yourself or someone close to you, a truck load of suffering and pain! Many people around us don’t even know how ‘not well’ they are because they’ve grown accustomed to having various ailments and brain fog that they’ve accepted as their ‘normal.’ Perhaps they were given a diagnosis, or told they’re going to be like the rest of their family, so they accept it. “Oh, this thing runs in my family, so I’ll have it too.” Can you relate? I invite you to honor the power of your beliefs, your actions, your environment, and what you can do for your health today! Your body-mind is designed to heal, change, and grow! It’s 2014, and there is certainly a better way! When we raise our standard for our life, and our health... we raise our standard for everything! We’re more connected to our purpose, our passion, and our ability to give more to what we love in life, and to those in need! Are you in thrival or survival mode!? You probably already know that chiropractic commonly helps those suffering with headaches, back, and neck pain. But did you know that the effects of the gentle chiropractic DGMXVWPHQWVLQRXURIÀFHFDQVXSSRUWDSHUVRQ·V digestion, blood pressure control, circulation, UHVSLUDWLRQÁH[LELOLW\KRUPRQHFRQWUROJURZWK breathing, organ function, sense of self, stress levels and more! By taking an active role in your healing, you will continue to improve and prevent many daunting health issues from escalating to serious conditions. Taking an active role means not only consulting with us, your Wellness Chiropractor, but also having a healthy diet, proper UHVWDQGH[HUFLVLQJUHJXODUO\ Treating your body well is the best way to stay healthy, keep your immune system strong, and IHHOFRQÀGHQWLQOLIH Waiting ‘till you’re in pain or in bed to seek help is a habit we invite you to take a more serious look at! That is like an athlete that only trains the day before a competition. If your life is the ‘Big Game’, how prepared will you be when the whistle blows? A fail to plan, is a plan to fail. Do you KDYHDSODQIRU\RXUKHDOWK"6WDUWSODQQLQJIRU your future today. The past is the past, and you can start fresh today! Lets throw those rear view mirrors out the window, and move forward. Here are just a few indicators that would EHQHÀW JUHDWO\ IURP D FRPSOHWH FKHFNXS LQ RXURIÀFH <RXH[SHULHQFHKHDGDFKHVQHFNDQGEDFN aches. 2.) You’re not sleeping well. 3.) Even when you sleep, you’re still tired. 4.) You’re gaining weight, and have a hard time losing it. 5.) You catch colds and other infections easily. 6.) You crave unhealthy foods. <RXUVH[GULYHLVORZ 8.) Your gut acts up. <RXIHHODQ[LRXV 10.) You feel blue. *LYHRXURIÀFHDFDOOWRGD\DW(831) 4598434, and mention this article. About Dr. Bjorn: Dr. Bjorn is a Santa Cruz Chiropractor who has helped thousands of people take their life back, end their pain, create a healthy relationship with their body, and gain more awareness of their spines. Dr. Bjorn specializes in Gentle Chiropractic for children and adults who suffer with chronic pain, stress related illnesses, immune system challenges, and many other health related issues. As a Holistic Practitioner, 'U %MRUQ EHOLHYHV HYHU\RQH FDQ EHQHÀW IURP GLVFRYHULQJWKHLQFUHGLEOHOLIHFKDQJLQJEHQHÀWV of achieving and enjoying a Healthy Spine! Dr. Bjorn’s Clinic: Network Chiropractic Wellness Center offers a Free monthly wellness class that explores a different empowering topic each month,, email bjorn@ 60 THINGS THAT CAN GO TERRIBLY WRONG WITH HEPATITIS B VACCINATION V this is likely an underestimate because only a fraction of the serious health problems, including deaths, following vaccination are ever acknowledged. This serious under reporting is due to an unwillingness of many doctors and vaccine providers to report vaccine-related injuries and deaths and also due to a lack of public awareness about how to recognize signs and symptoms of vaccine reactions. )RULQVWDQFHZKHQEDELHVGLHDIWHU+HS% vaccinations, most of the time, their deaths are DXWRPDWLFDOO\DWWULEXWHGWR6,'66XGGHQ,QIDQW 'HDWK 6\QGURPH ZLWKRXW LQYHVWLJDWLRQ LQWR whether the vaccine caused the baby’s sudden death. Common reactions to the vaccine include fatigue, muscle weakness, fever, headache, irritaELOLW\DQGMRLQWSDLQ$QGWKHUHKDYHEHHQUHSRUWV of disabling neurological and immunological disorders that have developed following Hepatitis B YDFFLQDWLRQVDVZHOOLQFOXGLQJ0XOWLSOHVFOHURVLV 06 'LDEHWHV ,GLRSDWKLF 7KURPERF\WRSHQLD SXUSXUD9LVXDODQGKHDULQJLPSDLUPHQWVLQFOXGLQJRSWLFQHXULWLV Page 29 ALL SERVICES LISTED HERE STRICTLY NON-SEXUAL Women’s Only Health Massage Individualized Client Focused Treatments • Swedish • Shiatsu • Deep Tissue • Table Tai • Hot Stone • Prenatal ial! Spec r or h $30/ 0 min! 9 13 $40ir/es 10/31/20 Exp 20 years experience. Very quiet and clean healing space in Live Oak Call or text Amber at (831) 465-6627 Let Go… The time for taking care of YOU is right now. Body, mind, and spirit come into balance with attuning healing support. Experience a range of powerful healing modalities. Singly, or blended, transform an hour into an oasis of deep relaxation. Polarity Energy Balancing, Cranial Sacral, Breema, Bodywalking, and Therapeutic Massage, offered by appointment. Shari Rose, CMT ( 831) 427-5566 COUNSELING • PSYCHOLOGY • THERAPY “Happiness lives in a free heart” Thich Nhat Hanh Counseling for Individuals & Couples Groups: • The SandPlay Experience • Online Dream Groups • Mindful Living Special Intro Rates Hollye Hurst, PhD, MFT since 1990 (831) 824-7900 • • Self Esteem • Stress Management Inner Child Healing Holistic Psychotherapy •Spiritual Issues • For Individuals & Couples • EMDR (Trauma Resolution) Helen A. Harris, MA, LMFT (#MFC25548) • Healthy Relationships MA-Transpersonal Counseling • Soul Exploration Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, 21 years • Recovery Sensitive Who Are You Really? Note New # - (831) 425-3405 • Soquel Scent Free Environment ReclaimingSoul: Discover Meaning in Crisis • Jungian Depth Psychotherapy • Dream Work • BodySoul Synthesis • Crisis • Trauma • Life Transitions • Self-Esteem • Relationships • Depression • Grief • Anxiety Individuals/Couples/Groups/Classes Licenced Marriage Family Therapist #MFC34393 V Page 19 How about one linked to serious autoimmune disorders, autism, Bell’s palsy, multiple sclerosis, anaphylactic shock and death? Just one vaccination, Hepatitis B, has been linked to all of the above and more, yet continues to be part of the standard government-recommended FKLOGKRRG YDFFLQDWLRQ VFKHGXOH ZLWK WKH ÀUVW dose given at 12 hours of age in the newborn nursery of most hospitals. An Unusually High Number of Adverse Reactions Routine use of the Hepatitis B vaccine for all newborns began in 1991, and according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS),RSHUDWHGMRLQWO\E\WKH86&HQWHUV for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and WKH86)RRGDQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ)'$ WKHUH ZHUH RIÀFLDOO\ UHSRUWHG DGYHUVH reactions to Hepatitis B vaccines between 1992 and 2005. Of these, 14,800 were serious enough to cause hospitalization, life-threatening health events or permanent disabilities. )XUWKHUSHRSOHZHUHUHSRUWHGWRKDYH DIED following Hepatitis B vaccination—and, MASSAGE • ACUPRESSURE • SHIATSU Page 2323 VThe Connection MagazineV V▲February Page ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ February—– March March 6, 6, 2014 2014 Joyce & Barry Vissell “If you took all the times I felt special in my life and combined them, it would not equal one moment of how special I felt in Joyce Vissell’s women’s retreat. And I got a whole weekend, not just a moment!” Maria Ruiz, Santa Cruz, CA Karuna Chapman Karuna Chapman is a bright light, a shining star, a rare bird. She is wonderfully alive, deeply present, and naturally joyful, and calls forth these qualities in others around her. Kai Siedenburg, Hawaii Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing Classes with Lynda Chaikin Spiritual & Ritual Supplies Books • Herbs • Tools Brews • Services Classes & More We’ve Moved! New Address: 701 Front Street Santa Cruz Sun - Mon 11-6 • Tue - Sat 11-7 (831) 423-1949 • MOVEMENT, POSTURAL & STRUCTURAL BODYWORK and EDUCATION “The Basic ThetaHealing Class was an amazing experience. I’m so grateful to have been given the gift of learning ThetaHealing from Lynda. I look forward to learning more and witnessing further transformation in my life!” Devi Pride Santa Cruz, CA NETWORK CHIROPRACTIC w/Dr. Bjorn Dr. Bjorn has helped me tremendously with my posture, breathing and overall, I feel better Send us your Rave Reviews about your favorite Person or Business that is currently advertising in Connection Magazine. Rave Reviews are limited in size to 75 words. Send to [email protected]. that until we saw their ad in after only several weeks of Dr. Connection Magazine. Thanks for Bjorn’s help. I stand taller and sit letting us know. Good food there, straighter than ever before. I am by the way! We keep returning to really thankful for this treatment. eat there. I feel my mood has gotten better, Grover-Sanchez experience less stress, and have Family, La Selva Beach an easier time breathing and relaxing. PURE AUSSIE SEA I recommend this to anyone MINERALS at any age. Dr. Bjorn’s treatment These minerals are the best I helps the body and mind be more have ever had! They are very easy positive! Thomas, Santa Cruz to take ‘taste-wise’. Most of us OM GALLERY are really deficient in minerals. I had so much fun with my These are from pristine waters in mom shopping for wonderful & the So. Hemisphere and so rich colorful silk Lighting Creations at with minerals & trace elements. Om Gallery, for my new condo. Oh, and it is alkalizing. Yes! Love this store. I’ll be back! Kathrynn Ashland, Monterey Jamie Lee Jackson, Los Gatos POT STOP in Moss Landing What a great store. Pots are super, however, the fountains & statues are my favorite. Love my Buddha statue! So easy to get to on Hwy 1 in Moss Landing. Nancy Jellison, Pacific Grove MICHAEL’S on MAIN Restaurant My family is so grateful to know that there is Organic food at Michael’s. We did not know Classes gift. Empower yourself to more fully express your divine feminine. The focus of this retreat will be the deepening of our connection with the sacred and the supporting of ourselves and each other as women to express all the beauty that is within us. Friday dinner to Sunday lunch. Cost (includes six vegetarian meals and either camping, bed-rolling or day use/ local lodging): $295 if paid in full by April 25. $320 after April 25. $50 non-refundable deposit per person. $100 non-refundable after April 25. shared heart foundation Barry and Joyce Vissell, a psychiatrist and nurse/therapist couple for 49 years and longtime Santa Cruz residents, are the authors of 6 books and the founders of The Shared Heart elp anted Foundation, dedicated to changbusiness manager ing the world one heart at a time. Even a few counseling sessions for arts-in-eDucation with either or both of them can Program change your life as an individual Help us make a difference in the or couple.MAy 2-4 lives of children! Manage the women Living from business end of our visionary Arts-in-Education Program. Our the heart retreat mission: ENTERTAIN! EDUwith joyce at our CATE! INSPIRE! homecenter Contact: Give yourself a true spiritual [email protected] H W with Maria Alfaro A revolutionary new somatic modality in trauma healing and stress reduction. Private and public classes in Santa Cruz, Silicon Valley and the Bay Area • [email protected] • (831) 462-1846 YOGA Thank you for all that you share, participate in, educate, feature, take stands on, sponsor and have the Integrity and Courage to do so. And, the “it” being very pertinent issues/causes/injustices, etc. And, for also presenting ‘the Light’ and expansive ideas—all done with heart. A Household of Friends: Jayson, Andi, Seth, Joey, Fergy, Amee Jean, Soquel The Billboard — Continued from Page 3 Living from the heart w/barry & joyce visseLL TRE™ Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises CONNECTION MAGAZINE Mind Body spirit Massage the inner Pure methoD take care of you Emotional Baggage Release Increasing Consciousness and Awareness Martial arts aikiDo: the art of Peace with a revitalizing blend of therapeutic massage and energy balancing. A deeply relaxing treatment to renew your spirit and strengthen your chi. call Shari Rose CMT for appointment. at (831) 427-5566. F r s or ent or ale Learn to get centered and blend dynamically with others! Non- vancouver, bc – rateD competitive, supportive practice. #1 best city . . . Adult/Teen 5 week Intro Class: enrollment feb. 11th thru 15th, . . . to live in, in the world!! Beauty, clean air, best bus T,Th 5:45 – 6:45pm, and Sat. 9:15-10:15am. Youth classes. system, great food, events, English Bay, Grouse Mt. Aikido of Santa Cruz- nonprofit organization- 306 Mission St, SC. & more. This is a “Buyer’s Call for info, (831) 423-TEAM. Market”. Buy a Condo, Home, Apt, etc. Perfect for vacations, living, etc. Call downtown LikeConnectionMaga- Vancouver Specialist, Marie Claude-Leonard @(604) zineOnFaceBookat 612-8400. (Mention code word: Lorne) ConnectionOnline Why Did This Happen To Me? continued from Page18 • Allowitinstead.Breatheintothispart ofyouandcreateaspaceforitwithoutthefamiliar energyoftryingtogetridofit.Thisspaceprepares youforthenextstep • Listentothatpart.Whatistrulyimportanttoyou?Ifyoulistentoitrightnow,whatis ittryingtotellyou? • LoveyourSelfandwhatmatterstoyou. Once your Heart is available to this part, your relationshiptoyourSelfhasalreadychanged:You areopentoyourownneeds,evenifitmeansthat ‘someone out there’ doesn’t agree.You simply don’tleaveyourownValuesanymoreinthehope thatsomeonewillloveyou. Nowyouarestartingtherelationshipthat youwerehopingtogetwithsomeone‘outthere,’ andnowyoucanfinallyattractsomeonewhowill resonatewithyourValues...orjoyfullyfeeling deeplycontentinBeinginaLovingrelationship withyourSelf. Ifyouneedhelpwiththisprocess,please contact me through and/ orgetaccesstomymini-book“WhyDidThis HappenToMe.” Pernilla Lillarose. Awakening and Embodiment Coach; Certified Hakomi Practitioner. Pernilla helps you cut through to Clarity, Trust yourSelf and Live from your deepest Truth. For more information:,, listentoyourheart@ (831) 335-8051. Being in Love the Natural Way Body & Soul Yoga Studio & Salon for the Healing Arts Classes to renew you… • Iyengar Yoga • Nia • Chinese & Indonesian Martial Arts 738 Chestnut St. • Santa Cruz • CA 95060 831-459-8613 • continued from Page18 water,andsoilasbelovedfriends.Youranimal beingwillcomebacktolifeandyournervous systemwillrelax.Insteadofbeingseducedby an incessant stream of thoughts, your energy willbeheldbytherealandwildworld.Itwill feelasifthousandsoftinyswitcheshaveturned oninsideofyou.Yourrelationshipswithother people will be stronger and juicier.And most significantly,youwillcometoknowyourselfin anewway,lessasasmallseparatepersonand moreastheawake,present,andlovingspacein whichalllifeoccurs. Seemtogoodtobetrue?Don’ttakemy wordforit.Tryitoutforyourself.Ifyouneed supportalongtheway,Iamheretohelp. Nature connection teacher and mentor, Collette Streight, offers workshops, retreats, one-on-one mentoring, and other resources to support people in restoring their relationship with the natural world. Visit for more information or to sign up for the next Nature Connection Fundamentals class on Saturday, February 15, 10-12pm, $30. [email protected], (831) 334-1478. Page 24 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 Be Careful What You Think! “Fill your mind with great thoughts, for we want to be. So the martial arts we know we will only hit what we Aikido – Ais taught Martial Of Peace aim at, so with that in mind, it is student to see the most Art you will never go higher than you think.” best to aim high! magnificent version of them self, E x p a n d F A FRIEND or colleague by Hanshi Rod Sanford O’Sensei taught that in the martial arts we not only teach fighting skills, we also teach living skills, that we teach our students to become, “Artists of Life.” With that he always warned us, “Be careful what you think!” That the life we are leading is a reflection of our thinking. And so, in order to change our life, we must change our thinking. O’Sensei would urge us to think great thoughts and take great actions. For in doing so, he would tell us that we will enjoy the rewards of success. This teaching brings to mind a quote from Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right!” O’Sensei and Henry Ford are reminding use that our beliefs and thoughts always influence our reality. If you wish to change and improve your results in life then you must change and improve what you think, what you say and what you do. You might ask, “What does this have to do with martial arts?” “Everything!” would be my an- I and his son, Sensei to see what- they want as absolute Hanshi SanfordAwareness: Keep the told you that you could big picture in mind as through a single practice Sean Sanford, have a traditional fact. To set dreams and goals high swer. In a traditional martial arts Success is not a matter of luck, you deal with the spedevelop a more focused mind, a martial arts school in Soquel. and to set dreams that align with dojo you will certainly learn great rather, it is a matter of deciding cific situation right in more peaceful spirittheir and apurpose. more Doing so will ignite There they teach children from self defense, but befront of you. flexible and resilient body, would age 4 to adults of all ages. Curtheir passion and make it possible yond that, you will you be intrigued? Further, that riculum includes Shorinji-Ryu to focus mind, body and spirit Aikido of Santa learn living skills. you could do this without going Cruz, a Chi local Chuan educaon a long pilgrimage or even Karate, Kobudo, T’ai on the achievement of their life’s Such things as fotional nonprofit since leaving town? and Aikijujutsu. Their dojo is at goals. This will make the student cus, perseverance, 1982, offers classes Aikido relies onunstoppable! finesse, not 4626 Soquel Drive in Soquel Vilpatience, goal setfor kids, teens and force, to resolve conflict and So Itstart today, use your lage. 831-475-9676. Visitors are ting, and that “Stick adults throughout the manage challenging situations. by Larry Colen week. The two-month imagination to it or never give up welcome. asks us to make a connection with to make a clear picturePhotoalways Class for of what life:martial your famthe person challenging us, andyou to want attitude,” All which fromin earlier arts, within a Hanshi SanfordBeginning is also president of adults builds foundational skills respond in a way that redirects ily, home, career, car, everything non-competitive practice that is contribute greatly the Zen Bei Butoku-Kai of North the force of the “attack” into desire a at once challenging and fun, and and allows students to prepare that you in your life and towards changing Technical for and more advancedDirector training of if safe and respectful resolution. In accessible to people of all America then get started on achieving it. ages they choose to continue. The one’s life. studying and training in Aikido, Kokusai Butokukai International. and genders. And as a martial Most of us we are asked to change ourremember, habitIf you choose artist to give Aikido next Beginning Class starts ual response to conflict – to want to be happy, a try, here are some basic strate- Tuesday, January 3. The norrelease the desire to win or to gies you will learn with your mal cost of $120 will be reduced would you agree? overpower opponents through training partners on the mat. They by 10% when you mention this Here O’Sensei force. Peace is the goal – safe are equally applicable “off the article. Curious but unsure of would teach that your commitment? You can try landings for both parties. mat.” we must learn to Aiki is not a technique to Do no Harm: Protect both out the first two classes for fight or defeat an enemy. It is the yourself and your adversary as free! live in, “Plus One.” way to reconcile the world and you resolve the issue. Focus on the good Aikido of Santa Cruz is make human beings one family. Go with the Flow: Align in life. Think posi--Aikido founder, Morihei yourself with the direction of the located at 306 Mission Street, tive. As Abraham Ueshiba Osensei movement so you can harness the very near downtown, at the interHanshi Rod Sanford Lincoln said, “Most section of Mission and Chestnut Founded in the 20th century power and redirect it safely. in Japan, Aikido folks are about as happy as they what you want and then going for is a martial art, Make the Connection: Streets. Visitors welcome! Call yetprepares it is widely make up their mind to be.” it. Martial arts training the known as “The Locate the source of peace inside (831) 423-8326, email [email protected], or visit www. Art of Peace.” Another of O’Sensei’s teach- student to achieve a life of happi- Aikido training yourself and make a real connec- makes use of effective techniques tion with the other person. ings was to always keep the, “Yes Like Us On FaceBook! FaceBook/ConnectionOnline I can,” attitude. Again, be careful what you think, think positive. ness, health and prosperity. All of this begins with a proper mindset, or visual image of who and what The Martial Arts Directory MINORSAN Self Defense & Fitness Serving the community’s martial arts, self-defense & fitness needs since 1985. Build your confidence & empower yourself with programs that work. Dio P. Santiago & Clara E. Minor @ 831.458.0900 [email protected], 1320 Mission Street, Suite 1, SC 95060 The Academy of Martial and Internal Arts: Santa Cruz’s First and Oldest Kung Fu School • Adults only, 18 and older After 40 years, we can say: “Not all schools are the same.” Traditional Instruction, Authentic Methods, Certified Instructors Bagua - Tai Chi - Qigong - Shaolin Kung Fu - First Response Self-Defense (831) 475-1429 • 1570 Soquel Dr., S C • Santa Cruz Bujinkan Dojo Instructor: Mark Roemke Bujinkan Ninjutsu, Aikido, Iaido, Yoga. All ages Two weeks free instruction tryout. Private instruction available. (831) 465-8236 or for training times & info. For Black Belt Instruction Course: Aikido of Santa Cruz Instructors: Linda Holiday & Glen Kimoto Ages: 6-Adult Aikido The art of peace, a non-competitive Japanese martial art. Classes 7 days a week - Visitors Welcome - Special Beginners’ Classes bi-monthly (831) 423-8326 • • 306 Mission St., Santa Cruz 95060 Rod Sanford’s Traditional Martial Arts Instructors (by order of seniority): Rod Sanford, Lou Jemison, Dan Wakefield, Sean Sanford, Jennifer Farley, Diego Simkin. Shorinji-Ryu Karate-Do, Okinawan Weaponry, T’ai Chi Chuan & Aikijujutsu (831) 475-9676 • [email protected] 4626 Soquel Drive, Soquel CA 95073 Green Forest Temple Page 27 Instructor: Scott Ripke Ages 12 and older Tai Chi, Long Fist, Praying Mantis, � The Connection Magazine �Weapons www.ConnectionMagazin (831) 688-6934 • 5901 Freedom Blvd., Aptos Contact Connection Magazine at (831) 459-0522 or [email protected] to get your school listed in the Martial Arts Directory for only $25 a month or $250 yearly.. Page 25▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February – March 6, 2014 Hello Folks, W e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very important that you, our readers, tell all of the Arts & Entertainment Venues, businesses and events, that you read about them in The Connection Magazine. We appreciate your much needed support in return. Thank you very much! Pattie & Thom 1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ • 831-423-1336 Friday, February 7 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ GARDENS & VILLA plus Waterstrider $10/ $12 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m. Saturday, February 8 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ SIN SISTERS BURLESQUE $15 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 9 p.m./ Show 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 11 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ BARRIER and Parasitic plus Adaliah also Silence E $10/ $12 • 7 p.m./ 7:30 p.m. Thursday, February 13 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ SLEEPY SUN (((folkYEAH!))) presents $12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Friday, February 14 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ MONDO GENERATOR plus Doors To Nowhere also The Highway Murderers $5 Adv./ $7 Drs. • Doors 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Saturday, February 15 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ JAMES DURBIN plus Kelley James $16 Adv./ $20 Drs./ $50 Soundcheck Party • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m. Tuesday, February 18 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ YUNA plus Marques Toliver $15 Adv./ $18 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ RADIO MOSCOW plus The Bad Light $8 at the Drs. only • Drs. & Show 9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ MARISSA NADLER $12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m. Friday, February 21 • Ages 16+ THE CALIFORNIA HONEYDROPS THE BROTHERS COMATOSE $15 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m. Tue. • Feb.11 • 7:30pm • $15adv/$18dr Dry Branch Fire Squad Bluegrass/Funny Social Commentary Thu. • Feb.13 • 9pm • $10adv/$12dr Mother Falcon Austin’s Orchestral Jam Sensations • Dance Tue. • Feb.18 • 7:30pm • $15 George Kuo, Martin Pahinui, Aaron Mahi Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Masters Thu. • Feb.20 • 7:30pm • $20adv/$22dr Carlos Nunez Band Celtic from Galicia, Spain Sun. • Feb.23 • 7pm • $15 Fishtank Ensemble Gypsy/Balkan/French Hot Jazz/ Turkish Fri. • Feb.28 • 8pm • $15 Sherry Austin with Henhouse Plus Steve Meckfessel Americana Fri. • Mar. 7 • 8pm • $20 Austin Lounge Lizards Plus Roy Zimmerman Satirical Songs from the Best!!! Friday, Feb. 21 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ BOOSTIVE $7 Drs. • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m. Saturday, February 22 • Ages 18+ Z-TRIP plus Goldenchyld $20 Adv./ $25 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Saturday, February 22 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ T. MILLS $14/ $17 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m. Tuesday, February 25 • Ages 16+ DOM KENNEDY $25 in Advance • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ MAKER plus Rust Belt Lights also Second To Last and Humboldt $10 Adv./ $12 Drs. • Doors 6 p.m./ Show 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26 • In the Atrium • Ages 18+ DJ DATA WOLF plus DJ Flossy McKeeks also Chris Majic and YDMC + RDV Records $10/ $15 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m. Friday, February 28 • Ages 16+ DR. DOG plus Saint Rich also Moses Sumney $20/ $22 • 8/ 9 p.m. Friday, February 28 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ ALEX ALVARADO Y SI NORTEÑO BANDA $15 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Mar 1 El Ten Eleven Atrium (Ages 16+) Mar 4 G-Eazy/ Rockie Fresh (Ages 16+) Mar 5 Datsik Digital Assassins Tour (Ages 18+) Mar 5 AER/ RDGLDGRN Atrium (Ages 16+) Mar 6 Greensky Bluegrass (Ages 16+) Mar 6 Kalya Scintilla Atrium (Ages 18+) Mar 7 Downlink/ Dieselboy (Ages 18+) Mar 8 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (Ages 16+) Mar 10 Michael McDonald (Ages 21+) Mar 11 Shpongle (Ages 18+) Mar 14 Papadosio (Ages 16+) Mar 15 Andre Nickatina (Ages 16+) Mar 19 Tycho (Ages 16+) Mar 20 EOTO (Ages 18+) Mar 21 Iration (Ages 16+) Mar 22 Jackie Greene (Ages 21+) Mar 29 The Polish Ambassador (Ages 18+) Mar 30 Blue October (Ages 21+) Apr 3 Emancipator Ensemble (Ages 18+) Apr 5 CunninLynguists (Ages 16+) Apr 7 Schoolboy Q (Ages 16+) Apr 12 Tiger Army (Ages 16+) Apr 14 Bonobo (Ages 16+) Apr 15 Dark Star Orchestra (Ages 21+) Apr 18 Bl´ast (Ages 21+) Apr 19 Collie Buddz (Ages 16+) Apr 25 Zoso Ultimate Led Zep Experience (Ages 21+) May 1 Toad The Wet Sprocket (Ages 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-435-9849 & online Celebrating Creativity Since 1975 Thurs. February 6 • 7 pm PAMELA ROSE & WAYNE DE LA CRUZ: “HAMMOND ORGAN PARTY” Monday, February 10 • 7 pm JOHN ABERCROMBIE QUARTET Thursday, February 13 • 7 pm TONY MONACO TRIO FEAT. HOWARD PAUL Friday, Feb.14 • 7:30 pm | No Comps TUCK & PATTI: VALENTINE’S CONCERT Jazz & Dinner Packages Available! (includes reserved seats) Saturday, Feb.15 • 7 & 9 pm | No Comps CECILE McLORIN SALVANT Mon. February 17 • Tues. February 18 • 7 pm | No Comps DR. LONNIE SMITH TRIO 7 pm | Free MASTER CLASS SERIES: ASHWIN BATISH: Application of Indian Music Concepts to Jazz and World Music Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra featuring Wynton Marsalis Saturday, March 8, 7:30 PM @ Santa Cruz Civic Tickets: or Civic Box Office, 831-420-5260 Unless noted advance tickets at kuumbwajazz. org and Logos Books & Records and. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages. 320-2 Cedar St x Santa Cruz 831.427.2227 THUMBNAIL MOVIE REVIEWS E by Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin ach month, we select our favorite or otherwise important films to be featured on this page. We rate them, subjectively, on a scale from 1 (worthless) to 5 (awesome) in terms of their entertainment and message. We leave the plot details and storytelling to the filmmakers and instead attempt to characterize, highlight strengths and flaws, and hint at purpose. Reach us at [email protected]. Enjoy! American Hustle With Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 2 oosely based on the real life 1978 American scandal, this fictional story of crafty con man Irving Rosenfeld is a well-made comedic crime drama. Amy Adams takes the loot with her bedazzling, sizzling performance as Rosenfeld’s pseudo-British partner “con artiste,” and the love story between the two is curiously spicy. Glamorous hairstyles and fashion are fun to watch, as well as the characters parading on screen. Yet, a well-done movie with a sleazebag theme is still about losers, and in the end you may wonder what the big deal is, and why you should care (2 hrs 18 min). L Frozen With Kristen Bell, Josh Gad, Idina Menzel Entertainment: 4 Message: 4.5 ased on a much-beloved story by Hans Christian Andersen (“The Snow Queen”), visually amazing, with fantastic animation and enchanting musical performances, this heartwarming story is set in a frozen winter wonderland with much to offer for kids of all ages. Although beautifully entertaining (literally several hundred animators created this for Disney), the messages delivered are aplenty. Coming-of-age and coming-to-terms with powerful emotions, learning authentic selfexpression given our unique gifts, how B Events Calander FEB. 12: BOZ SCAGGS IN CONCERT Boz Scaggs is a man of sizable talent as a singer, songwriter and guitarist. His explorations in music have produced lasting work and a loyal following, Santa Cruz, CA, (831) 420-5260, FEB. 14: FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC IN THE CELLARS Enjoy live, local music in our historic cellars. Food and wine by the glass available for purchase. No cover charge. Dress warm!! Soquel, CA, (831) 475.2258, FEB. 14: TUCK & PATTI to be safe but still true to one’s spirit, the enduring strength of love, and carefully evaluating who we might choose to bond with. Definitely see on a big screen (1 hr 48 min). Saving Mr. Banks W i t h E m m a T h o m p s o n , To m Hanks, Annie Rose Buckley, Colin Farrell Entertainment: 4.5 Message: 4 hat a treat to be let into the inner circle of one of history’s most creative and inspiring people! The real life story of Walt Disney, patiently working with Australian born writer P.L. Travers to make the classic movie Mary Poppins. Travers’ personality sets a new high water mark for “difficult.” Fantastically acted by the great Tom Hanks as Mr. Disney, who fought 20 long years to obtain the rights to the film, juxtaposed the spirited Emma Thompson as the prissy author. If you had any doubt about how demanding a woman she was for her amazing 97 years, wait for the recording of her actual voice at the end of the film. In addition to walking alongside Mr. Disney, the background story to Mary Poppins is beautifully woven into the fabric of this gorgeously portrayed gem (1 hr 48 min). W function in their own lives. However, watching these acting giants, with such a strong supporting cast, will surely move even those who don’t care for the story. Thankfully, the family relationship dynamics are so perturbing, their behavior often so outrageous and infuriating, that the film also delivers comedic and hilarious moments, perhaps “accidentally on purpose” to lighten the load. We would have liked even more of these moments to soften the morose intensity of this pungent tale (a long 2 hrs 10 min). The Wolf of Wall Street With Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Juliette Lewis, Ewan McGregor, Abigail Breslin Entertainment: 3.5 M e s s a g e : 2 . 5 note: offensive language ompletely deserving of Oscar nominations for Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts as tough-minded, foulmouthed women of the Weston family, these incredible, hauntingly real, disturbing and powerful performances stand as dramatic achievements in their own right. The content and script of this darkly comedic drama may be hard to take, especially for folks who have endured extreme family dys- With Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4 Note: highly explicit sexual and drug related content n intense, hyper-realistic and diabolical portrait of what not to do. Based on the true story of unbridled and obsessive greed, and the titillating lifestyle of former ex-billionaire Jordan Belfort, played to haunting perfection by Leo DiCaprio, who is in real life a celebrated ethicist and environmentalist. So, the “Wolf” is all the more shocking with DiCaprio’s rather convincing portrayal of a decadent, zero-ethics CEO, absolutely driven to despicable ends that are entirely justified by the means. Not recommended moviegoing unless you’re puzzled about how extreme greed and various addictions can drive people to self-destructive and outrageously immoral acts, such as using and abusing massive amounts of narcotics, extorting and flaunting obscene wealth, hiring and degrading hookers, and then … imperviously taunting the FBI about all of it. Sound like fun? Belfort’s inflated self-sense mixes dangerously with the human need for family and belonging (not entirely unlike Organized Crime) in director Martin Scorsese’s debaucherous, sensibility-impaired “race to the bottom.” The net effect: some kind of perverse, jaw-dropping morality play, like watching a train wreck in slow motion (3 hrs). With Patti Cathcart’s expressive vocals and Tuck Andress’ fluid guitar stylings, no other musical accompaniment seems necessary for this renowned twosome, Santa Cruz, CA, (831) 427-2227, http://kuumbwajazz. org. FEB. 15: CONNECT WITH NATURE: A HISTORY OF SANTA CRUZ CAVING Join Bruce Rogers, president of the Western Cave Conservancy for stories from the local spelunkers. After the presentation, there is an optional field trip to a local limestone cave, Santa Cruz, CA, (831) 420-1168, F E B . 1 5 : S PA R K L I N G WINES OF THE WORLD Join Chaminade for their inaugural “Sparkling Wines of the World” tasting event. $50 per person or $90 per couple (plus tax and gratuity), Santa Cruz, CA, (831) 475-5600, upcoming_special_events/. FEB. 21: 3RD FRIDAYS @ THE MAH 3rd Friday is a monthly themed evening event that showcases local artists, crafters, historians and performers leading hands-on workshops and activities, downtown Santa Cruz, CA, (831) 429-1964, FEB. 22-23: 36TH ANNUAL QUILT SHOW — “FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA — WHAT AMERICA MEANS TO ME!” Exhibit of 400 quilts, featured contemporary folk & wearables artist Rachel Clark, fashion show (Sat), live quilt auction (Sun), merchant mall, deli, children’s activities, bargain garden, Watsonville, CA, (831) 475.0402, August: Osage County C A HONOR YOUR SELF with a PORTRAIT by visionary artist Melanie Gendron Visit: Call: (831) 335-9064 Gendron Studios PO Box 1438 Felton, CA 95018 Princess of Swords, ©1997, US Games Systems, Inc. Page 26 ▲ The ConnectionThe Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 Connection Ad, Fri 02/07 MAH—SAntA Cruz MuSeuM of Art & HiStory POP UP MUseUM: POP UP MUseUM: hen: Feb. 13, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Cost: FREE, Where: 515 Kitchen and Cocktails , 515 Cedar St., Santa Cruz We miss connections everyday. But are they gone for good? This Pop Up Museum explores why we miss connections, where they go, and how we deal with the absence. From heartbreak to wrong-placewrong time, we invite you to share your missed connection tales, and make a few in the process. Taking place at the 515 Kitchen and Bar during their happy hour from 4-7 pm, the pop up will offer a thematic drink special, exhibit Craigslist missed connections poetry by Joshua Gillis, and invites YOU to bring objects from failed relationships to share. Don’t miss this one… Joshua Gillis is an active musician and writer living in Davidson County, Tennessee. Check out his music at album/3-songs. When: Feb. 22,12:00 pm – 2:00 pm, Cost: FREE, Where: The Hub, 703 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz What do you make? And what do you make together? We make a lot of things—food, clothes, soap, you name it—but what do you make collaboratively? This Pop Up Museum invites you to take your D.I.Y. practice to the next level with D.I.T.—Do It Together. Held in collaboration with the Bike Church, The Fabrica, SubRosa Cafe, at the Hub located at 703 Pacific Ave in downtown Santa Cruz, this Pop Up invites you to bring handmade and collaborative projects to share. This is a totally free and public event to celebrate the creative makers in Santa Cruz. W Missed COnneCTiOns dO iT TOgeTher Free FirsT Friday When: March 7, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm, Where: MAH, 705 Front Street, Santa Cruz, (831) 429-1964; see more events at • Organic • Local • Fresh • Plates • Soups • Drinks ★★★★½ on Yelp! Lunch & Dinner Kiosk @ 1130 Pacific Ave. Open Daily 11:30am - 6:30pm; Closed Wed. Call for Food to Go (831) 425-5979 Sustainable Seafood and Natural Meats Page 27 Local, Healthy, Organic Ingredients ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 SILENCE AND BEYOND I Remember The Future %XPERIENCERAPIDDAYSTRANSMUTATIONOFEXISTINGPATTERNSBLOCKS %XPLORETHETRUTHOFYOUR"EING &REEYOURSELFOFLIMITINGTHOUGHTSANDEMBRACETHEUNLIMITED 4HISMETHODMOVESYOU )NTORECEIVING -AGNETIZINGYOURENVIRONMENT 4HEFREQUENCYSHIFTS (EREYOUFINDYOURDREAMSANDDESIRES -ANIFESTING 3ERVING3ANTA#RUZn3ANTA#LARAn-ONTEREY7ORLDWIDE2EMOTE -ARCIE!LDER\WWWMARCIEALDERCOM\INSIGHTS MARCIEALDERCOM CELL ;gÛqgmÛf]]\Û`]dh [mllaf_Ûl`jgm_`ÛlgÛ[dYjalq 8N8 B < E @ E > Û ¬ Û < D 9 F ; @ D < E K Û : F 8 : ? CERTIFIED HAKOMI PRACTITIONER • 14 + YEARS EXPERIENCE G]jfaddYÛ`YkÛ`]dh]\ÛÛe]ÛÛ_gÛo`]j]Û@¿n]ÛÛf]n]jÛ_gf]ÛZ]^gj]ÛYf\Û _YafÛafka_`lkÛYf\Ûd]kkgfkÛ@¿n]Ûf]n]jÛY[`a]n]\ÛZ]^gj]Û Jl]n]ÛBmjlY_` daddYjgk][geÛÝÛ ~¤¤ ~ÛÝÛdakl]flgqgmj`]Yjl³daddYjgk][ge SUSAN KEATING CERTIFIED CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPIST (A.C.H.E. #193205) • PERFORMANCE • RELATIONSHIPS • HABITS • GOALS • HEALTH • TRAUMA • INNER CHILD WORK • PHOBIAS E\6XVDQ6SULQJÀHOG love science. In my view, replacing a superstitious, punishing God with the pure observation of science is undisputable progress. If I had to choose between strict religious dogma DQG WKH VFLHQWLÀF PHWKRG ,·G FKRRVH VFLHQFH every time. I favor statistical probability over SURSKHF\DQG,·GWDNHUHOLDEOHUHVHDUFKRYHUD supposed literal translation of the bible any day RIWKHZHHN In the long battle between science and religion, clearly science has come out ahead. Having to choose between God and evolution forced the issue for many people. Is it possible to have a spiritual life that embraces science and still holds a place for a realm of experience that GRHVQRW\HW\LHOGWRVFLHQWLÀFPHWKRGRORJ\" Science is amazing for what it does. It is a systematic and organized inquiry into the natural world based on observable and measurable eviGHQFH7KDWNLQGRILQYHVWLJDWLRQFDQLQFOXGHD ORWEXWLWGRHVQ·WLQFOXGHHYHU\WKLQJ6RPHWKLQJV can be sub-divided, isolated and measured, but VRPHWKLQJVFDQ·W 7DNH FRQVFLRXVQHVV 6FLHQWLVWV FDQ VWXG\ WKHEUDLQEXWHYHQWKHEHVWQHXURVFLHQFHFDQ·W UHYHDOWKHP\VWHULHVRIFRQVFLRXVQHVV:HFDQ·W stand outside of our own consciousness in order to observe it objectively. Science can isolate parts of a system and gain valuable information, but studying things in isolation may miss the relationships within the system and complexity of the whole. Einstein said, “It would be possible to describe absolutely HYHU\WKLQJVFLHQWLÀFDOO\EXWLWZRXOGPDNHQR sense. It would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.” Science is expanding our world daily. It KDVWDNHQXVWRWKHPRRQDQGEDFNXQORFNHGWKH human genome, and miniaturized technology so WKDWZHFDUU\WKHZRUOGLQRXUSRFNHWV)RUDOO WKLV WKH VFLHQWLÀF PHWKRG FDQ·W DGGUHVV VRPH of our fundamental experiences of living—the mysteries of the human heart, the magic of imagination and the nature of consciousness itself. These are not incidentals. They address the FHQWUDOTXHVWLRQVWKDWHDFKOLIHVHHNVWRDQVZHU perception, purpose and meaning. This is the realm of spirituality. ,·P JODG , GRQ·W KDYH WR FKRRVH EHWZHHQ science and spirituality. Being part of a spiritual community adds a lot to my life, but I could never be a part of something that required that I deny evolution or view science as a threat. At the same time, life has shown me that there are realms of experience absent from science because these experiences can not be isolated or quantiÀHG-XVWEHFDXVHWKHVHH[SHULHQFHVPD\EHWRR VXEMHFWLYHWREHVWXGLHGGRHVQ·WPHDQWKDWWKH\ GRQ·WH[LVWRUWKDWWKH\DUHXQLPSRUWDQW,QIDFW they may be the most important. I deeply value a spiritual community that embraces science and offers an open mind to the DUHDVWKDWGRQ·W\LHOGWRWKHVFLHQWLÀFPHWKRG I agree with Carl Sagan, “Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” S u s a n Springfield is a SUDFWLWLRQHUDWWKH &HQWHU IRU 6SLULWXDO /LYLQJ 6DQWD &UX] 6KH JLYHV WKHWDONRQWKHVHFRQG6XQGD\RIWKH PRQWK7KH&HQWHU LVORFDWHGDW )HOW 6WUHHW DQG FDQEHUHDFKHGDW (831)462-9383. 7KH 6XQGD\ FHOHEUDWLRQ VHUYLFH EHJLQV DW DP ZLWK DQ HDUOLHUPHGLWDWLRQDW DP SPECIALIZING IN PAIN RELIEF & STRESS REDUCTION BOX 3773 • SANTA CRUZ, CA 95063 WWW.KEATINGHYPNOTHERAPY.COM (831) 462-0213 Page VThe March 6, 6, 2014 2014 Page2828▲ TheConnection ConnectionMagazine MagazineV ▲ V ▲ February February — – March Wherever Yo u Go, Yo u Are. FEEL D by Adora Deva uring these busy times and times of change, we really need to take good care of ourselves. Andrew Weil, MD says, “Health is wholeness and balance, an inner resilience that allows you to meet the demands of living without being overwhelmed.“ Some of the ways for feeling nourished are to really take care of yourself, because if you don’t who will? How do you take care of yourself? Long walk? Meditate? Eat healthy meals? Go out with a friend? Take a bath? Get a relaxing massage? These are just a few of many wonderful ways that we can take care of ourselves to re-claim and maintain our valuable health and wellbeing. When we are out of balance, this stress affects our mind and body in many ways that can cause major damage to our health, mood, our relationships, and our quality of life. We may feel like the stress in our life is out of your control, but we can work on ways to control how we respond. Part of managing stress is about taking charge of our thoughts, our emotions, our schedules, environment, and the way we deal with problems. We can choose to change some of the stressful situation when we can, and choose to change our reaction when we can’t. Using Hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique, I teach people how to change their thoughts and reaction to stress and find ways to learn to relax. Simply by changing the way you think about things, the things you think about change. I usually add a Light session with a guided visualization to help people really drop into to a deep Theta brain wave to really get that deep nourishing rest. In that deep space, people are 60 THINGS THAT open to receive suggestions for the change they are looking for. At the cellular level, the photons of light are transformed into energy giving you a renewed sense of well being. This kind of session provides stress relief very quickly and is very nourishing. During a transformational session, you can begin to Experience Overall Well-Being while you heal and transform yourself, clarify your life vision and set reasonable strategies to achieve the wellness you need to live a life of empowered purpose. As you open to love, become inspired and connect to your joy and passion for life, you are able to recognize your own divinity and all is possible. Another part of managing stress and relaxing is about taking care of our body—“My Body is my Best Friend” by Mellen Thomas. Wow! When we choose to love our bodies and take care of them like a good friend, it feels really nice! When I make that time for rest and relaxation, make time for a warm bath or a nurturing massage, I feel loved and appreciated. During a loving bodywork session tailored just for the client, I can combine Aromatherapy, Reiki, Polarity, Light Therapy, Raindrop Therapy, Lomi Lomi, G5 Massage and Oxygen Therapy for a blissful experience. Schedule a “Gift of Light , “Gift of Relaxation” or Gift of Transformation session today for you well-deserved nurturing and rejuvenation. Adora Deva, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Specializing in Stress Relief, Sleep Therapy and Longevity. See website for a list of services a, (831) 566-9678, [email protected]. CAN GO TERRIBLY WRONG WITH HEPATITIS B VACCINATION Universal Hepatitis B vaccination might be a good idea IF the vaccines were completely safe and gave lifelong immunity—but, as the CDC states, it’s currently not known how long immunity lasts when children are vaccinated at birth: “Among vaccinated cohorts who initiated Hepatitis B vaccination at birth, long-term followup studies are ongoing to determine the duration of vaccine-induced immunity.” So why are babies vaccinated at birth, if it’s known the mother does not have hepatitis B? The CDC states: “ … because errors or delays in documenting, testing, and reporting maternal HBsAg status can and do occur, administering the first dose of Hepatitis B vaccine soon after birth to all infants acts as a safety net, reducing the risk for perinatal infection when maternal HBsAg status is either unknown or incorrectly documented at delivery. Also, initiating the Hepatitis B vaccine series at birth has been shown to increase a child’s likelihood of completing the vaccine series on schedule. In other words, if you’re pregnant and have tested negative for Hepatitis B, it’s advised that you vaccinate your baby anyway, just in case the test was wrong—and, because the CDC believes you’re more likely to adhere to their dictated schedule if you start early, just hours after birth. It is important to be tested for Hepatitis B if you’re pregnant, as it’s possible to have a chronic infection with no symptoms and not know it. However, if you use the CDC’s logic that you can’t trust the test results anyway, this obviously important preventive step would be rendered pointless! But again, most babies are at very low risk of Hepatitis B in the first place, so the question to ask is does the vaccine’s benefit outweigh its risks? It’s worth noting as well that, as adults, most people infected with Hepatitis B don’t require hospital care and the majority recover without complications and are left with natural, lifelong immunity. Page 31 ▲ Guillain-Barre syndrome; Rheumatoid arthritis; Convulsions and brain disorders such as encephalitis (brain swelling) and brain demyelination; Pancreatitis; Bell’s Palsy; Lupus; Immune dysfunction; and Autism spectrum disorders. A study published September 2009 in Annals of Epidemiology also found that giving Hepatitis B vaccine to infant boys more than tripled their risk for an autism spectrum disorder. This was doubly concerning because an earlier study by the same researcher group, using a different database, found the same results. There are more reports of serious adverse reactions in children than there are cases of childhood Hepatitis B reported in the United States! From 1990 to 2002, there were a total of just 13,829 cases of acute Hepatitis B reported among children aged 19 and younger, and as the CDC stated: “The incidence among adolescents aged 15-19 years was consistently higher than the incidence among younger age groups.” Which begs the question, why are babies being vaccinated for this disease? Why is the Hepatitis B Vaccine Recommended? Hepatitis B is a viral infection that affects your liver, and spreads the same way as AIDS—through direct contact with the body fluids (particularly blood and semen) of an infected person. There are two primary circumstances in which your baby would be at significant risk for contracting Hepatitis B and both are quite rare in the U.S.: If you are pregnant and are a carrier for the Hepatitis B virus, your baby could be at risk for being infected during childbirth. However, you can easily find out if you are Hepatitis B positive by getting tested while pregnant. Your infant could be at risk for Hepatitis B infection by receiving a blood transfusion using Hepatitis B infected blood. In America, all blood products are required to receive proper screening for Hepatitis B virus and other pathogens prior to use. There is no way to achieve 100 percent safety with blood transfusions, however. Page 23 ▲ Life Spirit Healing GOT STRESS, NEED RELIEF? PROFOUND RELAXATION THIS WINTER An integrative healing approach for body, mind and spirit. Got Stress? Need Relief? Stay healthy and vibrant this season with nurturing and therapeutic healing arts. Experience radiant well-being Restore balance and rejuvenate body, mind and spirit! • Advanced Light Therapy Better Sleep Relaxation Enhanced Energy Rejuvenation Anti-Aging • Clinical Hypnotherapy • Therapeutic Massage • Polarity & Energy Medicine • Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage • Raindrop Therapy and more! Call Adora Today • Nutrition & Skin care made exclusively for you! 831.566.9678 I [email protected] Find out more at Balanced Health & Fitness I 4245 Capitola Rd, Ste 104 I Santa Cruz “For fast-acting relief, try slowing down” ~ Lily Tomlin FREE HEALTH LECTURE SERIES Held at: Santa Cruz Live Oak Grange • 1900 17th Ave, Santa Cruz 95062 Call Way of Life for info. Thursday February 20th, 7:30 - 9:00 pm STAY WELL THIS WINTER Using Healing Bee Products For Colds & Flu with Anthony Tomasso 20% off ff the month of Feb. MacaForce featuring tur urrin iing ng n Acure cure cu ree products ductss duc Spend $20 to Enter Vanilla Spice - 350 gr. Sale $34.95 reg $43.69 One O On ne en ntrry entry per pe per da d ay ay day VitaMineral Earth V 150 gr. Sale $21.95 reg $27.44 V VitaMineral Earth 300 gr. Sale $39.95 reg $49.94 20% off Heart Health Products for the month of February Winner announced on February 14th 1220 A 41st Avenue, in the Begonia Plaza, Capitola 95010 (831) 464-4113 • Open Daily • Page 29 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 The Music of the Spheres: Astrological Insights by Susan Heinz F Astrology for February 2014 ebruary gallops in with the energy of the Horse as the Chinese New Year of the Horse begins on the 30th. The planet Mars nears the Earth and heats up life. Clear intention becomes the rudder for your ship through the fast paced quality of this year. Set things in order and take an action to move yourself toward your desired destination. Procrastination becomes missed opportunities! Don’t worry about outcomes now, perseverance furthers. March 1st is the time to slow down and take stock of where you are. With Mars going retrograde, probe into any missed realizations, correct your direction, and reevaluate effectiveness. The new moon on the 30th of January begins a monthly cycle that asks us to step back from strong emotion and step into a state of inquiry, “Oh wow, I see this is taking place in my thoughts, feelings, and relationship interactions.” This Moon, aligning with inventive Uranus in Aries, instructs us to look for new possibilities. We balance at the edge of beginnings, while a deeply felt sense of old issues hover. Compassion and healing are available as we stitch together a deeper understanding of ourselves. Mercury goes retrograde on the 6th, (until the early morning of the 28th) in Pisces, touching our deep feelings. Be patient with a slowing of schedules, reversals in appointments, and technical delays. Mercury retrograde attunes us to the circular wholeness in which we live, taking us away from the linear trajectories that hurl us forward. It calls us to attune to the inner world, to perceive more deeply what is around and within us, and refine our communications. The lovers’ day, February 14th, is graced with a full Leo Moon. Mark this Friday, (Venus’s day) to play, dance, express yourselves, do what you love and build up the love reservoir to support your journey through the intensity of this year. The New Moon in Pisces, takes place on the 28 th of February. Seed a dream this day. Listen to music. Be with those you love and find your kindred souls. Jupiter squares Uranus now, exciting us to try new things, enter new areas of life, and be inventive. Our task continually this year, will be to know and keep our center, be balanced in body, mind, emotion, and spirit, and stay grounded. Our consciousness is the bridge Astrological Perspectives on 2014 with Susan Heinz “The Turning Point Year” Get in Tune with your opportunities in this powerful year of 2014 with an astrological reading with Susan Heinz “Susan’s readings are life altering experiences, providing me with profound insights into who I am and my life purpose. She is an astrologer, teacher, and healer rolled into one. She teaches me how to work with the yearly challenges and opportunities, helping me understand what I feel, see my life objectively, and connect with the greater universal energies at play. Susan is one of my greatest teachers.” ~Diane Lake Susan Heinz is a professional Astrologer and teacher in Santa Cruz for 32 years, bringing together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For more info and appointments: (831) 479-3751 or go to 819 1⁄2 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz Center for Transformative Visions to the future for humanity and the Earth. Twelve opportunities for February: For Sun and Rising Signs Aries (Mar 20-Apr 19): This is a concentrated time for you, Aries. You are in a balancing act, in all areas of life. New beginnings are called for, as well as breaking out of old ways of doing relationship. Connect with friends and those who love you to support these transitions. Nurture yourself on silence and honor your vulnerability and inner life. Listen to your dreams for clarity. Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): What have you taken up in the last two months that inspires you and gives meaning to your life? Something of great value is emerging. You are carving out a new identity, embodying more of who you are. Continue to clear your space and create a harmonious environment. Focus on your health and understanding of your own body. Creative endeavors and group dynamics are favored. Gemini (May 21-Jun 20): This is an excellent time to attune to what you love. Writing and communication, as well as any form of self-expression is favored. Let a flow of expression stream out, and then go back into it, especially after the 6th, when Mercury retrogrades. It is then timely to fine tune details, and edit. Love and pleasure is highlighted, as well as work with children. Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 21): February begins with strong relationship issues. Some Cancers may feel moved by love, some may witness their partners struggling with change, and some, experience the need to change the way many relationships have been. No matter where you are on that continuum, a part of you is longing for deeper contact. It is an excellent time to communicate directly what your needs and desires are, with no blame. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 22): This month, celebrate the one you love! Enjoy! You’ve been through a testing time. Change your point of view, learn something new, and free yourself from old belief systems. Envision new plans in business partnerships. Be bold and direct in your leadership. Soon doors will open for you. Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Going with the flow is not the easiest thing for you, Virgo. Now you are being asked to flow with those who are special to you. At the same time you must balance this with your own needs. Then you act from a place of strength and confidence. You will be deepening that confidence. Now is a good time to share your talents. Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): Issues at home and family have come to a point of resolution. You are in a process of finding the right balance between work and enjoyment. Having clear intentions is important now. Taking actions toward what you want to manifest is supported. Though situations may be new, you are in a position of making a very favorable public impact. Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): You aren’t as involved publicly as you have been. Instead you find yourself in your own space, or active with creative processes, or in a deep and sweet love affair. This is an important time for you. Inward reflection and domestic attention is supported with positive benefits. A greater sense of love and creativity is coming your way as you become more focused. Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 20): This is an interesting time for you. You become more aware of how you collaborate with others, or trigger them. You are experiencing more financial support from others, from clients, and business in general. It can be an exciting time of breaking through, and liberating your expression in some way. Focus on clear intentions with an evolving vision for your life. Capricorn (Dec 21- Jan 19): January has been a month of attuning to what is deeply valuable to you, of reviewing, and changing dynamics in relationship. Imagine what would support more security and stability in your life. Taking action toward your goals is highly favorable, especially career goals. It is an excellent time to examine what you tell yourself about your abilities, money, and your self worth. Sort out what is helpful and what isn’t. Positive improvement is coming your way. Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 17): Celebrate yourself Aquarius! Give yourself time at the first of the month to create and bring forward your insights and ideas! Traveling is on your mind since December. Time to move forward with something you want to learn. You are experiencing both a very exciting time, and a vulnerability that you feel deeply. Situations have presented unexpected challenges to your free expression. Some experience this as a time of discipline, or mastering a craft. Slow is good. Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 19): Enjoy the love you feel! Bring out the artist in yourself. Engaging your imaginative and creative powers now is deeply satisfying and very soul nourishing. For some, you may feel overwhelmed with emotions and a lack of clarity. If this is the case, find a friend or someone to help you clarify and sort the feelings you are experiencing. This is an excellent time to clear out unresolved feelings and issues. Then you can move into more enjoyment. Susan Heinz is a professional astrologer in Santa Cruz for 32 years, bringing together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For info on her Friday monthly astrology groups, her Qabalah, astrology and or, painting classes and for personal consultations, call (831) 479-3751, or go to Intuitive Insights: Ideal Soul Mates by M elanie G endron , C reator of Deeply loving, we are true kin. Committed hearts speak emotional, mental, physical and spiritual support, Inspiring fullness, joy, compassion, humor and conscious communication. We give, take and live in harmony, Are sensually natural, compatible lovers, Who love unconditionally when challenged. We enliven each other, Cultivate a life dance of abundant wealth, both material and spiritual. Our gifts shine brighter for being together. Healers, shaman, priests, We share values as we work, play, act and project dreams in accord. Passionate about expanding love, We live our integrity. In trust, we kiss wholeheartedly, Soul-mirrored eyes innocently connected as we surrender to our Divinity. ©2010 Melanie Gendron t he G endron t arot Melanie Gendron is available for intuitive tarot readings, offering also art and tarot services and products, including the Gendron Tarot deck, book, and This Fool’s Journey, (831) 335-9064, email [email protected], visit “Melanie’s intuitive counseling ability and uplifting visionary art create a marriage well-suited to Tarot. The symbolic archetypes stir innate inner wisdom to empower the mind, expand the heart, and provide practical guidance for daily living.” —John Gray, Ph.D., author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus Page 30 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 Summary of the CALIFORNIA CANNABIS HEMP INITIATIVE 2014: AN INITIATIVE of THE PEOPLE of CALIFORNIA to END HEMP PROHIBITION in THE STATE of CALIFORNIA egalizes cannabis hemp. Creates and funds new cannabis hemp based industries and jobs. Permits the use of marijuana by adults 21 and older and licenses, regulates, enforces, and taxes recreational marijuana sales just like beer and wine. Requires that 50% of excise taxes collected from sales of recreational cannabis be made available to be used for the development, promotion, and assistance in the creation of industrial, nutritional, and medicinal cannabis hemp industries. Prohibits any and all taxation of medicinal cannabis, and expands the accessibility of medicinal cannabis used in accordance with Proposition 215. Prohibits cities and counties from imposing discriminatory, excessive, or prohibitive zoning requirements and fees on cannabis outlets. L Allows farmers to grow industrial hemp and hemp seed, and allows industries and entrepreneurs to use the crop for the many uses and applications that hemp provides, both historically and modern. Restricts the use in California of genetically modified Cannabis seeds. Eliminates the unfair practice of drug testing for Cannabis metabolites, which can be retained in the human body for months. Impairment testing for non-metabolized cannabis, a more effective and accurate measurement for impairment or recent usage, would replace the metabolite test. Mandates that the state establish performance based standards, similar to those established for alcohol, to determine levels of impairment for safe operation of motor vehicles and other equipment. Allows for the release and discharge of people currently being punished for non –violent marijuana offenses, saving taxpayers millions of dollars annually and freeing up jail space, judicial and crime fighting resources. Removes Cannabis from the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act, which currently allows the Federal Government to Regulate Cannabis as a Schedule I drug. Prohibits California Law enforcement from assisting Federal Drug agents attempting to enforce federal laws that are no longer illegal by reason of this legislation. Allows for personal use and possession of Cannabis grown for personal consumption. Caps the excise tax for commercial sales at 10% of retail price. Caps the license fees for commercial production, distribution, and sales at $1000. Allows a physician to approve or recommend medicinal cannabis without fear of repercussion to all patients, regardless of age. FULL TEXT: CALIFORNIA CANNABIS HEMP INITIATIVE 2014 (The Jack Herer Initiative) DOES MARIJuANA LEgALIzATION SPELL THE DEATH OF THE uNDERgROuND WEED DEALER? The plighT of The neighborhood poT dealer jusT goT a loT harder in Colorado. in denver, many think they’ll go extinCt. a.m. Wednesday and came to stand in by David Downs line at 3D Cannabis Center. The young n January 1, at 8 am, the State of Colorado began allowing man had previously bought marijuana licensed businesses to sell mari- from a street dealer. “He’ll probably juana to any adult 21 years of age or have to cut his prices,” he said. “I’m older. No medical card is needed — just sure they’ll go extinct soon.” In 1917, Denver was among the show your ID, and choose your weed from a broad selection of strains. Much first US cities to ban pot sales. Colorado followed suit in 1922, and then the like alcohol. The story was splashed across entire federal government in 1937. The first dealer arrested under the Federal the front pages of newspapers and Marijuana Tax Act was Denver resident websites around the world for the rest of the week with photos of long lines Samuel R. Caldwell who was busted by the FBI and Denver cops for selling two of smiling customers waiting in cold weather. But amid the media circus, joints. Caldwell was sentenced to four years of hard labor in Leavenworth, and everyone overlooked a vital angle: What will become of the average black- after serving every day of his sentence, he died one year after his release. market pot dealer? Since then, an estimated 26 mil“I don’t think anyone really cares,” lion people have been arrested in the scoffed Mason Tvert, an architect of War on Pot. About 750,000 people Colorado’s legalization Amendment will be arrested on marijuana-related 64. “I mean, what about all those poor charges in America in 2014. bootleggers that were hauling alcohol The Drug War also has dumped across the country?” billions of dollars into underground “Fuck ‘em,” said one young geneconomies run by Mexican drug cartels tleman at the back of a fifty-minute line and domestic growers, while turning to buy weed on Wednesday afternoon the small-time local pot dealer into a at the pot store Dank Colorado in Denpopular icon. Movies such as Halfver. The tall black man with a goatee Baked, Pineapple Express, Blow, and red flannel jacket added, “I had a and American Beauty, and the TV show couple friends who are growers and Weeds, all featured a typical young they voted against legalization. They stoner who wants to smoke for free. said it would mess things up for them. Making some extra money on the side I mean, come on. Screw those guys.” is a bonus. Twenty-one-year-old Denver resiThe advent of medical marijuana dent Azzarias got off his night shift at 6 O 60 Things ThaT Can go Terribly Wrong ▲ Page 29 Dr. Mercola’s Comments on Hepatitis B Vaccines: There is no vaccine that gets me more upset than Hepatitis B. There are two primary reasons for this. It is given to virtually every newborn in the hospital and many times without parents’ consent shortly after the child is born. If the parent chooses not to have their 12-hour-old newborn vaccinated in the newborn nursery, it takes enormous effort on the parent’s part to make sure this vaccine is not given without their informed consent before the baby leaves the hospital. Secondly, this vaccine given on the day of birth is the least justifiable of any vaccine that I can think of. A child can ONLY get the disease from IV drug abuse, sexual activity with an infected partner, a blood transfusion using contaminated blood, OR from the mother. There are few or no detectable antibodies in the blood of most children within 7-10 years after they are vaccinated so booster shots will probably be recommended by government of- WiTh ficials in the future for children entering adolescence! It’s Your Right to Ask Questions About Vaccinations You have every right to not only ask questions about vaccine safety, but also to decide which vaccinations you would like to receive or decline for yourself and your children. In the case of the hepatitis B vaccine, if you’re giving birth in a hospital, you can let your nurses, obstetrician and pediatrician know whether or not you consent to having your baby vaccinated. It’s your choice! There are reports that some newborns are being vaccinated in the newborn nursery against the parents’ wishes, however, so if you decide to opt out of the vaccine, it is a good idea to keep your newborn with you at all times, or have a family member stay with the baby, while in the hospital. Remember that it’s up to you to get informed about every medical procedure being given to your baby, and vaccinations are no exception. I encourage you to ask these eight in California in 1996 began to squeeze pot profits, though. Colorado went medical in 2000. And as prohibition ebbs and the risk of prosecution lessens, so will the price of pot, researchers say. “The cost of production of marijuana has been reduced dramatically,” Tvert said. “Right now marijuana is being sold medically for $25 per eighth or $150 per ounce.” That’s down from late-1990s highs of $60 per eighth-ounce and $360 for an ounce. On January 1, 3D Cannabis Center in Denver was selling eighth-ounces for $48, but that price included a 21.22 percent tax. “And that’s going to go down as their overhead goes down. Right now they have to pay for all sorts of compliance and licensing fees,” Tvert said. “Competition will also pick up.” Indeed, Ashley Kilroy, the marijuana policy director of the City and County of Denver, said Denver had eighteen stores open on New Year’s Day and dozens more will open in the coming weeks. Even if legal weed is pricier than expected because of taxes, people will willingly pay for convenience. “If you are going to get marijuana today after work, are you going to want to call around to see where you can score some illegal marijuana, or are you going to stop at the store and pay ten dollars more?” asked Tvert. “A person is going to go with the latter road. The Jack Herer Initiative Medical Marijuana Visits in SC and Monterey Deborah Malka MD 10% off NATURAL ALTERNATIVES FOR HEALTH Providing: MEDICAL MARIJUANA EVALUATIONS ALTERNATIVES TO PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION INTUITIVE HEALTH CONSULTATIONS ENERGY BALANCING THERAPY PAIN MANAGEMENT 140 DuBois Street, Suite A Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Phone: 831-426-7744 79 Soledad Drive Monterey, CA 93940 Lab Tested & Clean Green Certified Fine Flowers, Tinctures, Edibles, Concentrates Discounts Available for Qualified Patients 9077 Soquel Drive in Aptos, CA 831-688-SCMN (7266) Check out our WeedMaps Menu & Facebook for Daily Specials hepaTiTis b VaCCinaTion questions, developed by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), if you are considering getting yourself or your child vaccinated: 1. Am I or my child sick right now? 2. Have I or my child had a bad reaction to a vaccination before? 3. Do I or my child have a personal or family history of vaccine reactions, neurological disorders, severe allergies or immune system problems? 4. Do I know the disease and vaccine risks for myself or my child? 5. Do I have full information about the vaccine’s side effects? 6. Do I know how to identify and report a vaccine reaction? 7. Do I know I need to keep a written record, including the vaccine manufacturer’s name and lot number, for all vaccinations? 8. Do I know I have the right to make an informed choice? Contact: National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) for: Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice @ Serving Santa Cruz & Monterey Counties Discounts for: vets • disabled • seniors • low income Ask about our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program Open 10AM - 10PM 7 days a week (last call 9PM) 831-840-4594 • Page 31 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February — March 6, 2014 Vaccinations? Know the risks and failures. National Vaccine Information Center Your health. Your family. Your choice.