MINUTES of a Regular Meeting of the City
MINUTES of a Regular Meeting of the City
422 November 2, 2009 MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of City Council held on Monday, November 2, 2009 at 1:39 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor R.D. Tarleck ALDERMEN: J.H. Carlson R. Dodic B.A. Lacey R.K. Parker M.A. Simmons K.E. Tratch T.H. Wickersham OTHERS: Deputy City Clerk – A. Neufeld Legislative Coordinator – B. Burke City Manager – G. Sherwin City Solicitor – D. Hudson City Treasurer – C. Wight Director of Community Services – K. Hopkins Director of Infrastructure Services – D. Hawkins (left at 3:50 p.m.) ABSENT: S.G. Ward CALL TO ORDER: ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Introduction and Presentation to Tara-Jean Popowich, Canada’s Favorite Dancer, 2009 So You Think You Can Dance Competition Mayor Tarleck introduced and congratulated Ms. Popowich, Canada’s Favorite Dancer and presented her with a Key to the City. He spoke of her determination and dedication which was evident in her performances and her humble demeanor as she moved upwards through the competition. He spoke about her schooling in Lethbridge and the start of her dancing career. Mayor Tarleck thanked her family for the support they have given her over the years and which made her journey possible. He stated that she was an excellent role model for other young people in Lethbridge. • Introduction of Dr. Akira Taguchi, Faculty Member from Hokkai Gakuen University, Faculty of Law Mayor Tarleck introduced Dr. Taguchi reporting that he is at the University of Lethbridge for the fall semester as part of a program of faculty exchanges between Lethbridge and Sapporo going back to 1982. Dr. Taguchi advised that he was happy to be in Lethbridge and found everyone in Canada to be extremely helpful and friendly. 423 November 2, 2009 ANNOUNCEMENTS: (continued) • Tribute to Former Alderman John Boras Mayor Tarleck, on behalf of all members of City Council, paid tribute to former Alderman John Boras who passed away on October 18, 2009. John served three terms on City Council from October 1983 to October 1991. Mayor Tarleck advised that Alderman Boras would never allow issues, even generally popular positions, to go unchallenged. One of his most important contributions to municipal government was the unswerving commitment to a culture of thorough, careful and respectful debate. DELEGATIONS: 1. Stephen Burnell, Traffic Manager, re Parking in the Area of the NOMA Building 2. Melody Garner, Executive Officer and Jean Greer McCarthy, President, Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Lethbridge Region, re Canadian Home Builders’ Association Yearly Update 3. Dr. Gary Bowie, Chair, Lethbridge Sport Council and Dennis Wickham, Board Member, Southern Alberta Minor Football and Zone 1 Director, Football Alberta, re Bid to Host the 2011 Football Canada Cup 4. Justin Gyorfi and Jesse Peever, Co-Chairs, Youth Advisory Council, re Recent Hazing Incidents in Lethbridge 5. HEARING – Unsightly Property at: • 916 – 9 Street North • 1909 – 6 Avenue North BYLAWS: FOR FIRST READING: BYLAW 5618 – Amendment to Hardieville-Legacy Ridge-Uplands Area Structure Plan (Public Hearing November 23, 2009) FOR SECOND AND THIRD READING: • BYLAW 5605 – Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 4100, change from Highway Commercial (C-H) to Direct Control (DC), (606 W.T. Hill Boulevard South) • BYLAW 5615 – Text Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 4100, Additional Dwelling in the Urban Reserve District 424 November 2, 2009 OFFICIAL BUSINESS: • Waste Reduction Performance Dividend • Unsightly Premises Bylaw Amendment • Land Transaction with Daytona Land Corporation (0.546 acres of land more or less) at the intersection of Temple Blvd. and Metis Trail West (Plan 0512218, Block 1, Lot 2) • Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination • Purchase of Downtown IGA Site – 721 – 3 Avenue South (Lots 111, Block 17, Plan 4353S) REPORTS: • Follow-Up Action List INCAMERA REPORTS: • Advice from Officials (FOIP Section 24) • Local Body Confidences (FOIP Section 23) COMMUNICATIONS: • Stephen Burnell, Traffic Manager, re Parking in the Area of the NOMA Building • Duane Ens, Regulatory Services Manager, re Unsightly Property at 916 – 9 Street North • Duane Ens, Regulatory Services Manager, re Unsightly Property at 1909 – 6 Avenue North • Alderman Ken Tratch, Chairman, Heart of Our City Revitalization Committee, re Downtown Redevelopment Incentive Policy Update • Duane Ens, Regulatory Services Manager, re Unsightly Property at 1916 - 4 Avenue North • Garth Sherwin, City Manager, re SC-09-39; Sole Source Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pumps 425 November 2, 2009 COMMUNICATIONS: (continued) • Melody Garner, Executive Officer, Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Lethbridge Region, re Canadian Home Builders’ Association Yearly Update • Susan Eymann, Executive Director, Lethbridge Sport Council, re Bid to Host the 2011 Football Canada Cup • Justin Gyorfi and Jesse Peever, Co-Chairs, Youth Advisory Council, re Recent Hazing Incidents in Lethbridge • Jenny Alston, Imajen Portrait Art, re Business License Fees for Home Businesses • Ted Stilson, Managing Coordinator, Downtown Lethbridge BRZ, re Downtown Farmers’ Market CALL TO ORDER: M.A. SIMMONS THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting held Monday, October 19, 2009 and the Public Hearing held Monday, October 26, 2009, be approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the same. -------------------------CARRIED M.A. SIMMONS THAT the communications as presented by the City Clerk be laid on the table for further consideration. -------------------------CARRIED DELEGATIONS: • Stephen Burnell, Traffic Manager, re Parking in the Area of the NOMA Building 650-A Stephen Burnell, Traffic Manager, provided a history of the NOMA Place development and the required parking stalls advising that there is currently a parking deficit of 13 stalls. He advised that the principle tenant is Lethbridge Family Services, Home Services Department and described the parking requirements of staff and clients utilizing the building. 426 November 2, 2009 DELEGATIONS: (continued) 650-A Mr. Burnell reported on the residential parking zones in several areas of the City and advised that these zones use parking restrictions and parking permits to minimize over spill parking from intensive land uses. He described the residential parking process and the options available to restrict parking in residential areas as being: • Two hour, 0700 to 1600, weekdays (allows two hour parking without permit and no limitations evenings and weekends) • No parking, 24 hours/day, all days (parking with permit only) Mr. Burnell advised the residents originally decided on the two hour weekday parking restriction but when that did not seem to solve the problem another petition called for the no parking, 24 hours/day restriction. He advised that since implementation, the residents on 15 Avenue have determined that the complete no parking ban is too restrictive and have been discussing a change back to the two hour restriction. Mr. Burnell outlined options for NOMA Place as being: • Utilize angle parking on Mayor Magrath Drive service road • Lease parking space from adjacent commercial properties, if available • Local improvements to develop angle parking stalls on 26 Street South adjacent to NOMA Place and Dunlop Ford The following resolution was presented: J.H. CARLSON BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report from the Administration regarding the Residential Parking Restrictions in the Vicinity of NOMA Place (1410 Mayor Magrath Drive South), be received as information and filed AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Mr. Portlock and Ms. Barrows be provided with a copy of the Administration’s report AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Administration continue to work with NOMA Place and residents and report back to City Council by January 25, 2010 AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Mr. Burnell be thanked for his presentation. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Clerk, Infrastructure Services ……………………………….. 427 November 2, 2009 DELEGATIONS: • (continued) Melody Garner, Executive Officer and Jean Greer McCarthy, President, Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Lethbridge Region, re Canadian Home Builders’ Association Yearly Update 625-D Melody Garner, Executive Officer, Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Lethbridge Region, provided an overview of the home builder’s industry impact on the region. She advised that the economic impact for 2009 resulted in 2,750 jobs, $370 million in wages, $230 million of which was in the City of Lethbridge. She provided housing information for 2009 year-to-date and advised that as of September 2009, there were 653 housing starts in total, 485 single family and 168 multi-family homes. The average selling price in September was $331,481. She advised that housing starts in the Lethbridge Region are down 6.4% while Red Deer is down 19%, Medicine Hat down 64.8% and Grande Prairie down 45.2% from 2007. Ms. Garner advised that the Home Builders’ Association had submitted a Plan Your City document including such things as industry innovations for future growth, the type of developments, densification and housing choices and impact of regulations on costs. Jean Greer McCarthy, President, Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Lethbridge Region, provided an update on the 2008 issues. She advised that communications with city departments has improved drastically. Previously it took six weeks to get a building permit and now it is eight or nine days. Additionally, she reported that they were able to work through the obstacles with the City when the Provincial Government changed legislation in the inspection area. Ms. Greer McCarthy advised that city signage continues to be an issue for new subdivisions, builder group showhomes and non-builder group showhomes. She advised that the regulations are not serving the groups and people find unique and sometimes unattractive ways around the regulations. She reported that the 2009 issues are: • • • Review of Off-site Levies Environmental initiatives Construction and demolition waste The following resolution was presented: T.H. WICKERSHAM: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the letter from Melody Garner, Executive Officer, Canadian Home Builders’ Association - Lethbridge Region, requesting to provide City Council with an update concerning the home building industry in Lethbridge, be received as information and filed 428 November 2, 2009 DELEGATIONS: (continued) 625-D AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Lethbridge work with Industry Representatives in an attempt to resolve show home signage issues AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City meet with Housing Industry Representatives to discuss impact of new regulations on the home builder industry AND FURTHER THAT Ms. Garner and Ms. Greer McCarthy be thanked for their presentation. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Clerk, Development Services, Infrastructure Services ……………………………….. • Dr. Gary Bowie, Chair, Lethbridge Sport Council, re Bid to Host the 2011 Football Canada Cup 555-D 625-D Dr. Bowie, Chair, Lethbridge Sport Council, advised that the Lethbridge Sports Bid Committee would like City Council support in submitting a bid for the 2011 Football Canada Cup. Lethbridge has never hosted a football tournament of this caliber and this is an opportune time with the development of the Community Sports Stadium at the University of Lethbridge. He reported that the Canada Cup has already been awarded to Alberta. Football Alberta has identified a selection committee that will review the bids, tour the selected bid communities in November and December of 2009 and recommend selection of the host community to be announced at the Football Alberta Annual General Meeting in January 2010. Dr. Bowie outlined the funding support from Football Canada and the Provincial government. He requested a letter of support from the City and a municipal contribution of $30,000 in the form of gifts-in-kind for internal transportation and facility rental. The following resolution was presented: M.A. SIMMONS: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the communication from Susan Eymann, Executive Director, Lethbridge Sport Council, requesting a letter of support outlining our community’s interest in bidding to host the 2011 Football Canada Cup, be received as information and filed 429 November 2, 2009 DELEGATIONS: (continued) 555-D 625-D AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor’s office write the appropriate letter of support AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the requested municipal contribution of $30,000 in the form of gifts-in-kind for internal transportation and facility rental be approved with one-time funding from the 2011 Municipal Revenue Stabilization Reserve (MRSR), contingent upon a successful application AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Dr. Bowie be thanked for his presentation and the Committee wished every success with their bid to host the football tournament. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: Mayor’s Office, City Treasurer, Community Services, Infrastructure Services ……………………………….. • Justin Gyorfi and Jessie Peever, Co-Chairs, Youth Advisory Council, re Recent Hazing Incidents in Lethbridge 555-E Melisa Minari, Member, Youth Advisory Council, advised that the definition of hazing is a term used to describe various ritual and other activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into a group. Hazing is seen in many different types of groups, including gangs, clubs, sports teams, military units, and workplaces. Hazing is often prohibited by law and may be either physical (possibly violent) or mental (possibly degrading) practices. It may also include nudity or sexually oriented activities. Ms. Minari advised that recently, in Lethbridge, there were 15 incidents of hazing with 5 people charged and 3 with charges pending. She advised that the Youth Advisory Council has met with the Mayor and Lethbridge Regional Police regarding these incidents. Jesse Peever, Co-Chair, Youth Advisory Council, advised that this behavior is intolerable and inconsistent to building a safe community and school environment. Schools are a microcosm of the community and these issues reflect on the values that our society has accepted as norm. Schools should have a safe environment without fear of hazing and bullying. He reported that the purpose of the Youth Advisory Council is to provide a bridge between City Council, youth and the community by functioning as an advisory body to City Council. The Youth Advisory Council is ready to work with School Boards to eliminate bullying and hazing. 430 November 2, 2009 DELEGATIONS: (continued) 655-E B.A. LACEY: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the communication from Justin Gyorfi and Jesse Peever, Co-chairs, Youth Advisory Council regarding the Recent Hazing Incidents in Lethbridge, be received as information and filed AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council affirm that this sort of behaviour is intolerable and against all the principles of the Coalition of Municipalities against Racism and Discrimination, of which the City of Lethbridge is a member AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council reaffirm its commitment to the promotion of building a welcoming and inclusive community that is free from any form of discrimination AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Ms. Manieri and Mr. Peever be thanked for their presentation. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: Community Services ……………………………….. • HEARING – Unsightly Property at 916 – 9 Street North 655-B Duane Ens, Manager, Regulatory Services, reported that the property at 916 – 9 Street North is in contravention of the City of Lethbridge Bylaw 3193 regarding unsightly premises, as it contains old washing machine, fridge, carpet, broken barbeque stand, broken computer monitor, old fencing and a vast pile of bagged and loose refuse. He requested that City Council authorize the issuance of Form C to the owner, Domenic Construction Ltd. The following resolution was presented: B.A. LACEY: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report from the Administration regarding the Unsightly Premises at 916 – 9 Street North, be received as information and filed AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Clerk, pursuant to the Unsightly Premises Bylaw 3193, be instructed to issue a Notice in Form C upon the owners of the property AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Mr. Ens be thanked for his presentation. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Clerk, Regulatory Services ……………………………….. 431 November 2, 2009 DELEGATIONS: • (continued) HEARING – Unsightly Property at 1909 – 6 Avenue North 655-B Duane Ens, Manager, Regulatory Services, reported that the property at 1909 – 6 Avenue North is in contravention of the City of Lethbridge Bylaw 3193 regarding unsightly premises, as it mattresses, tires, old plastic tubing and three unregistered/dilapidated vehicles. He requested that City Council authorize the issuance of Form C to the owner, Margaret Knight. The following resolution was presented: T.H. WICKERSHAM: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report from the Administration regarding the Unsightly Premises at 1909 – 6 Avenue North, be received as information and filed AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Clerk, pursuant to the Unsightly Premises Bylaw 3193, be instructed to issue a Notice in Form C upon the owners of the property AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Mr. Ens be thanked for his presentation. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Clerk, Regulatory Services COMMUNICATIONS: • Alderman Ken Tratch, Chairman, Heart of Our City Revitalization Committee, re Downtown Redevelopment Incentive Policy Update 510 K.E. TRATCH: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report from the Heart of Our City Revitalization Committee providing a Redevelopment Incentive Policy update, be received as information and filed AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Heart of Our City Revitalization Committee continue to examine alternatives or enhancements to the Downtown Redevelopment Incentive Policy and report back to City Council by March 1, 2010. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: Development Services, Assessment ……………………………….. 432 November 2, 2009 COMMUNICATIONS: (continued) • Duane Ens, Regulatory Services Manager, re Unsightly Property at 1916 - 4 Avenue North 655-B R.K. PARKER: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report from the Administration regarding the Unsightly Premises at 1916 – 4 Avenue North, be received as information and filed AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT a Notice, by way of Form B, in accordance with City of Lethbridge Bylaw 3193, the Unsightly Premises Bylaw, be served on the owners of 1916 – 4 Avenue North, Andy Dormaar and Steven Dormaar AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council set a date for this matter to be reviewed at a Hearing scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2009. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Clerk, Regulatory Services ……………………………….. • Garth Sherwin, City Manager, re SC-09-39; Sole Source - Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pumps 700 R. DODIC: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the recommendation of the Administration to award the Sole Source, SC-09-39; RAS (Return Activated Sludge) Pumps to Weir Minerals Canada of Calgary, AB at an estimated cost of $88,830 less GST refunds, for a net cost to the City of Lethbridge of $84,600, be approved. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Manager, Purchasing Manager, City Treasurer, City Solicitor, Community Services ……………………………….. 433 November 2, 2009 COMMUNICATIONS: (continued) • Jenny Alston, Imajen Portrait Art, re Business License Fees for Home Businesses 655-A R. DODIC: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the communication from Jenny Alston, Imajen Portrait Art concerning Business License Fees for Home Businesses, be received as information and filed AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Ms. Alston be advised that City Council has reviewed the home business license fees on a number of occasions and has determined that the existing fees are fair and at a level that equalizes the costs between home businesses and those established in conventional industrial and commercial locations AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Ms. Alston be provided a copy of the Administrative Report providing the history and where we are today in regards to business license fees for home businesses. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Clerk, Regulatory Services ……………………………….. • Ted Stilson, Managing Coordinator, Downtown Lethbridge BRZ, re Downtown Farmers’ Market 525 K.E. TRATCH: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the communication from Ted Stilson, Managing Coordinator, Downtown Lethbridge BRZ and Lethbridge Main Street Project, be received as information and filed AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Ms. Deon-Ford and Ms. Deon be advised that the Downtown BRZ and Exhibition Park will be contacting businesses next spring, prior to determining the location for next season’s Farmer’s Market. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Clerk 434 November 2, 2009 BYLAWS: FOR FIRST READING: BYLAW 5618 530 M.A. SIMMONS: RESOLVED THAT a Bylaw entitled Bylaw 5618, amendment to Hardieville-Legacy Ridge-Uplands Area Structure Plan be introduced and read a first time. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Solicitor, City Clerk, Development Services Public Hearing – November 23, 2009 2nd & 3rd Reading – November 30, 2009 ……………………………….. FOR SECOND AND THIRD READING: BYLAW 5605 530 Aldermen Dodic, Lacey and Simmons left City Council Chambers because they were not in attendance at the Public Hearing for Bylaw 5605 and Bylaw 5615 T.H. WICKERSHAM: RESOLVED THAT a Bylaw entitled Bylaw 5605, amendment to the Land Use Bylaw 4100, change from Highway Commercial (C-H) to Direct Control (DC), (606 W.T. Hill Boulevard South) be read a second time For: J.H. Carlson Opposed: R.D. Tarleck R.K. Parker K.E. Tratch T.H. Wickersham -------------------------DEFEATED ACTION: City Solicitor, City Clerk, Development Services ……………………………….. 435 November 2, 2009 BYLAWS: (continued) BYLAW 5615 530 K.E. TRATCH: RESOLVED THAT a Bylaw entitled Bylaw 5615, Text Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 4100, Additional Dwelling in the Urban Reserve District be read a second time. For: R.D. Tarleck R.K. Parker K.E. Tratch T.H. Wickersham Opposed: J.H. Carlson -------------------------CARRIED R.K. PARKER RESOLVED THAT a Bylaw entitled Bylaw 5615, Text Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 4100, Additional Dwelling in the Urban Reserve District BE NOW READ a third time and passed, and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to sign and seal the same . -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Solicitor, City Clerk, Development Services Aldermen Dodic, Lacey and Simmons returned to City Council Chambers OFFICIAL BUSINESS: • Waste Reduction Performance Dividend 590-A 650-E R. DODIC: WHEREAS the City of Lethbridge provides the proceeds from the sale of the recycled material to the customer on a monthly basis in the form of a Waste Reduction Performance Dividend 436 November 2, 2009 OFFICIAL BUSINESS: (continued) 590-A 650-E AND WHEREAS there are changes to the Waste Reduction Performance Dividend on a regular basis THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council authorize the City Manager to establish the Waste Reduction Performance Dividend amount, reporting to City Council any changes in the amount as they occur. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Manager, City Treasurer, Infrastructure Services ……………………………….. • Unsightly Premises Bylaw Amendment 655-B K.E. TRATCH: WHEREAS under the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, City Council has the power to pass Bylaws for municipal purposes respecting unsightly properties AND WHEREAS Unsightly Bylaw 3193 was originally passed by City Council in 1973 and has not been amended since 1988 AND WHEREAS the current process is somewhat lengthy and cumbersome BE IT RESOLVED THAT that Administration undertake a review of the Unsightly Bylaw 3193 to identify options which will reduce the time between identification of an unsightly property to resolution of the issue and report back to City Council with recommended changes by December 14, 2009. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Solicitor, City Clerk, Regulatory Services ……………………………….. 437 November 2, 2009 COMMUNICATIONS: (continued) • Land Transaction with Daytona Land Corporation (0.546 acres of land more or less) at the intersection of Temple Boulevard and Metis Trail West (Plan 0512218, Block 1, Lot 2) 640-B R.K. PARKER: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the purchase of 0.546 acres of land (more or less) at the intersection of Temple Boulevard West and Metis Trail located at 2414 – 25 Street West, legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 0512218 from Daytona Land Corporation Ltd. for a total price of $16,926.00 ($31,000 per acre) to allow for the development of an affordable housing project, be approved, with funding from the Affordable Housing Fund AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the sale of 5.0 acres of land (more or less) located at 100 Metis Trail West, legally described as NW 22-8-22-W4 to Daytona Land Corporation Ltd. for a total price of $155,000.00 ($31,000 per acre) be approved. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Solicitor, City Treasurer, Real Estate & Land Development ……………………………….. • Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination 555-E J.H. CARLSON: WHEREAS the City of Lethbridge Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination Committee, sub-committee of the Community and Social Development Committee, was involved in the development and has approved the resolution for consideration by City Council BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Lethbridge, member municipality of the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination, partner organizations and supporters unanimously: • • express our strong and ongoing commitment to champion equity and respect for all people through the Coalition, the endorsement of the Ten Common Commitments Against Racism and Discrimination and each municipalities own unique plan of action acknowledge that racism and discrimination in Canada continues to divide communities, threaten democratic and participatory citizenship and entrench and aggravate inequalities within society 438 November 2, 2009 COMMUNICATIONS: (continued) 555-E • • • recognize that the work of the Coalition will be strengthened by an increased membership of representative of municipalities across Canada welcome the ongoing role of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO in the work of the Canadian Coalition and of UNESCO in the international coalition and the regional coalitions call upon municipal governments, in partnership with local, municipal, provincial and pan-Canadian organizations, to invest in efforts and recommendations set forth by the Coalition AND FURTHER BE IT RESOVED THAT the City of Lethbridge calls upon the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to make a strong and ongoing commitment to support the work of the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination and to reiterate its call to its members in the Member’s Advisory issued October 14, 2005 to join the Coalition AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Secretary-General for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, David A. Walden. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Clerk’s Office, Community Services ……………………………….. • Purchase of Downtown IGA Site – 721 – 3 Avenue South (Lots 1-11, Block 17, Plan 4353S) 640-B B.A. LACEY BE IT RESOLVED THAT the purchase of the Downtown IGA Site located at 721 – 3 Avenue South, legally described as Plan 4353S, Block 17, Lots 1 – 11 from Harry Penner for $4,400,000 be approved AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the purchase be funded from a combination of the Real Estate Holdings Reserve and the Major Capital Projects Reserve. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Solicitor, City Treasurer, Real Estate & Land Development 439 November 2, 2009 REPORTS: • Follow-Up Action List M.A. SIMMONS: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Follow-up Action list be received as information and filed. -------------------------CARRIED ACTION: City Manager M.A. SIMMONS: THAT we do now adjourn until Monday, November 16, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. -------------------------CARRIED ------------------------------------------Mayor --------------------------------------Acting City Clerk