GLNO - Tip the Block Information
GLNO - Tip the Block Information
TIP THE BLOCK - greening New Orleans one block at a tim e We provide a pathway for residents to use less energy by installing free energy efficient light bulbs. Each installation lowers residentsʼ energy bills and reduces our carbon impact on the environment. Thousands of volunteers create a movement, which results in individual experiences that incentivize conscious actions and energy awareness. Overview Green Light New Orleans, a local non-profit, has now reached 1-3 homes in almost every block in the city (230,000 energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in over 8000 homes). The strong ties and close networks we have developed within the community grant us an opportunity to support community members even further, and we are committed to doing so. We aim to take advantage of the great participation in our free light bulb program and engage neighborhoods in a process of switching to energy efficient light bulbs in the majority of homes. To reach this goal, we have transitioned some of our installations to a block by block system. Green Light is currently entering Phase II, where we install CFLs in entire blocks to involve residents in an initiative to green New Orleans. As an initial step, we “tip” one block, which helps to “tip” the next block. Enough tipped blocks will eventually tip the neighborhood. GLNO 8203 Jeannette St. NOLA 70118 (t) 504.324.2429 Above: Google map of pilot area in Hollygrove [email protected] Page 1 TIP THE BLOCK - greening New Orleans one block at a tim e Goals and Impact Goal Impact Switch all incandescent light bulbs to energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in a block Lower CO2 emissions (2,500,000 lbs),* energy usage (225,000 kWh)* and increase financial savings ($26,200)* per block. *{calculations derived from the life time of bulb} Engage residents and volunteers in the installation process Cultural exchange. Increased communication and community involvement, which will lead to higher participation Educate residents about other green measures they can take themselves Greater CO2 reductions. Higher quality of life, and Self-empowerment Invite residents to become volunteers in the next block Community building. Increasing Neighborly cooperation. Creating further environmental awareness. Positive social change. Implement green measures residents want Greater CO2 reductions. Increased but cannot implement themselves financial savings and higher quality of life. The Concept behind Tipping a Block The area map of Hollygrove (Figure 1) shows the amount of homes that have received CFL light bulbs. Everett Rogers ‘Theory of Diffusion of Innovations’ (Figure 2) predicts home owner / renter participation in a block. An average block consists of 15-20 homes. Blocks flooded during the devastation of Hurricane Katrina might consist of only 5-8 homes, depending on the pace of rebuilding progress. Choosing a block with just 4 households who have already made the switch to CFLs will yield a greater success rate towards tipping the block. GLNO 8203 Jeannette St. NOLA 70118 (t) 504.324.2429 [email protected] Page 2 TIP THE BLOCK - greening New Orleans one block at a tim e Figure 1 Triangles represent recipient homes Figure 2 Everett Rogers ‘Theory of Diffusion of Innovations’ By reaching out to the innovators and early adopters and asking them for help, we will be able to reach the early majority, which will tip the block to a majority creating ideal conditions to collaborate and reach out to the late majority. We aim to transform our innovators to “Green Ambassadors” in the community. During this process, we will make the most of our interactions with participating residents. Our early adopters and innovators will create communicative action talking points with neighbors. During the installation process, Green Light volunteers will inform residents about other energy efficient and green measures. Green Light will take inventory of the community’s needs and resource goals. Resource Inventory of the Community a)The criteria of need for each Topic below is evaluated as existing, needed, desired, or needs support based on residential response. EDUCATE b) Topics: Weatherization (doors, windows, gaps), Attic Insulation, Water Heater Blanket, Smart Meter, Low Flow Shower heads, Aerators, Green Chemical-free Cleaning Agents, Recycling, Air Drying of Clothing, Composting, Backyard Vegetable Garden, Solar Water Heater, Healthy Food Education, Trash Removal, Street Lighting, and Health Care Options. EVALUATE ACTION c) Personal information of the home owner or renter: Home owner / renter contact info, Amount of people in home, and Income. d) Each Topic above, if needed and/or desired, will require a short and/or long term solution. GLNO 8203 Jeannette St. NOLA 70118 (t) 504.324.2429 [email protected] Page 3 TIP THE BLOCK - greening New Orleans one block at a tim e How to Get People Involved We will partner with neighborhood organizations, community organizers and outspoken community members. They know the community best and can point us to blocks with actively engaged residents. It is important that the desire for energy efficiency and participation comes from within the community and is not imposed by Green Light. Until this point, Green Light has refrained from actively recruiting participants. Most current program participants signed up for the free energy efficient light bulb service out of their own desire to take action. Changing this system will require ambassadors from within the community. Implementation will be based on partnerships with residents. Once a few blocks are tipped, residents in the neighborhood will notice a difference. Steps in the Process a) A Green Light team member meets with neighborhood / community leaders to evaluate potential blocks to tip. Their feedback combined with our database data will determine blocks which seem ideal to the neighborhood / community leaders and have already received Green Light’s services in 3-5 homes. b) Green Light team members will contact previous CFL recipients and request meetings. We determine who will invite neighbors to participate at the tip the block event and suggest a date for the event. Green Light ambassadors will receive a T-Shirt in appreciation for their support. Green Light team or AmeriCorps members will call participants to evaluate needs and confirm an installation date. c) On event day, volunteers and Green Light staff will educate residents, and residents will complete questionnaires during the CFL installation. We expect neighbors to help each other. All residents will be instructed about the benefits of CFLs and recycling. d) The questionnaires will be evaluated. AmeriCorps members will visit the residents within a week to suggest solutions and ask for permission to publish solutions on the web. Benefits and Additional Green Measures Quantitative Benefits: (kWh) energy savings, ($) financial savings, (CO2 lbs) carbon reductions Qualitative Benefits: energy efficiency education, improved quality of life, happiness from supporting a good cause and connecting with neighbors Community Benefits: increased neighbor to neighbor connection and support, increased resources to block residents GLNO 8203 Jeannette St. NOLA 70118 (t) 504.324.2429 [email protected] Page 4 TIP THE BLOCK - greening New Orleans one block at a tim e Implementation of Other Greening Measures Need Action Implementation 1. Weatherization Referred to other agency Catholic Charities, Global Green, TCA etc 2. Attic insulation Referred to other agency Catholic Charities, Global Green, TCA etc 3. Water heater blanket Changed by GL AmeriCorps, Volunteers 4. Smart Meter Referred to Entergy Entergy New Orleans Inc. 5. Low flow shower head Changed by GL AmeriCorps, Volunteers 6. Aerators Changed by GL AmeriCorps, Volunteers 7. Green chemical free cleaning agents Education & Information by GL AmeriCorps and Community members 8. Recycling Education by GL, Creating of AmeriCorps and a drop off procedure with Community members community members 9. Air drying of clothing Education & Information by GL AmeriCorps and Community members 10. Composting Collaboration with Food and Farm Network, Hollygrove Market. Include community members Community members 11. Trash removal Collaboration with community members Americorps and Community members 11. Backyard vegetable garden Collaboration with Food and Farm Network, include community members Community members 12. Healthy food education Need assessment, GL AmeriCorps 13. Health care option Refer to Daughters of Charity Community members GLNO 8203 Jeannette St. NOLA 70118 (t) 504.324.2429 [email protected] Page 5 TIP THE BLOCK - greening New Orleans one block at a tim e Spreading the Word and Getting Volunteer Support Word of mouth We educate the community about how to incrementally increase quality of life with attainable measures. Experiential learning is a big part of our program. We believe it is important that education outreach goes beyond theory. Our suggestions are followed by desired community actions, and these actions prove the theory. Step 1:The community has the need to reduce energy costs. Step 2: We educate residents about the use of energy efficient light bulbs. Step 3: We install the CFL light bulbs. Step 4: We calculate their savings. Step 5: The next month’s utility bill will decrease proving previous steps. Step 6: Community members recommend the program to friends and family leading to increased community involvement and positive social change. We expect word of mouth to spread benefits of the program to neighboring blocks, and participating residents will be encouraged to act as volunteers in those blocks. The Act of Giving Through Volunteer Work Recent studies have proven that the benefit of giving to others has a really substantial health benefit over and above the benefit of receiving. The September 2003, issue of the journal of Psychosomatic Medicine reports the findings from behavioral scientist Carolyn E. Schwartz’s study of more than 2,000 Presbyterians. The study shows that giving help rather than receiving it is more closely linked to improved mental health: GLNO 8203 Jeannette St. NOLA 70118 "The sample was not a small sample -- this was a robust finding," Schwartz said. "The statistician and I were very careful to check all the alternative hypotheses, and it really did look like the benefits of giving to other people had a really substantial mental health benefit over and above the benefit of receiving." (Boston Globe) (t) 504.324.2429 [email protected] Page 6 TIP THE BLOCK - greening New Orleans one block at a tim e We receive requests to volunteer almost everyday “I am the Service Chair for the Tulane chapter of Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity. Our group has worked with Green Light in the past and we are very interested in working with you again.” (email from Regan F. on 9/9/10) “I'm hoping that this will be an introduction for our corps members to Green Light NOLA, so that individuals may continue volunteering on their own.” {Green Light New Orleans: how many people will you bring? Meg: 34} (email from Meg B. on 9/8/10) “I am a 7th grade teacher and want to set up opportunities for my students to help out during our Saturday classes. I will have a few parents to help with driving, and we would love to start ASAP. We usually meet on the 1st Saturday of each month. Thank you. I also left a voice mail message.” (email from Matthew D. on 9/7/10) “Hi, My boyfriend and I are visiting over Halloween. We'd like to volunteer a half day on one of the days listed above. Please call or email if you have additional questions. Thank you.” (email from Kate from Vashon,WA on 9/6/10) Above One of the many great AmeriCorps* NCCC teams who work hard to fulfill the mission of Green Light New Orleans. GLNO 8203 Jeannette St. NOLA 70118 (t) 504.324.2429 [email protected] Page 7 TIP THE BLOCK - greening New Orleans one block at a tim e How We Measure Success We will measure success with follow up visits to determine if our suggestions have been implemented. We will post the results on the internet and enter the data in our data base. Full transparency in this process is important. We want to ensure the accuracy of our findings to create a real picture of our work and its impact. This will allow us to make adjustments to program procedures if necessary. We view challenges as learning tools towards success and innovation. Projected Cost per Block materials cost details 540 Energy Efficient CFL light bulbs for 20 homes $1,620.00 Cost includes energy efficient bulbs and basic overhead 20 Energy Savings Charts $40.00 To guide self-driven energy efficient actions 20 Aerators $50.00 To reduce water and water heating energy consumption Additional Printed Material $9.00 To conduct outreach and provide clear information 20 Home Consultations / Evaluations $1,000.00 To assess needs and contact entities that provide resources that address needs 20 Yard Signs $340.00 To display proudly within the community the efforts of participants TOTAL for an Entire Block $3,059.00 Tips-the-Block Green GLNO 8203 Jeannette St. NOLA 70118 (t) 504.324.2429 [email protected] Page 8 TIP THE BLOCK - greening New Orleans one block at a tim e Frequently Asked Questions by Donors & Supporters Why do you change all the light bulbs in a home? Changing all the light bulbs in a home guarantees a near 75% reduction of household energy usage on lighting. It guarantees a lower energy bill in the following months all else remaining equal, which reinforces the energy efficient information we offer recipients. It is important that our calculations are proven by a lower energy bill to promote energy efficient actions by program participants in the future. Why do you calculate the carbon reduction? We give the CO2 reduction information to the recipients to inform them about the positive environmental impact of their action. This increases environmental awareness and empowers the community to take further action. Why do volunteers have to install the light bulbs? We want to guarantee to our supporters and funders that each sponsored light bulb is installed and creates actual reductions in energy usage, carbon impact and utility costs. What is the cost/return ratio? Each CFL light bulb costs $3. This cost includes the overhead of the organization and the light bulb installation. Each light bulb has an average energy savings return of $46 to community participants. This calculation does not include the benefits from volunteer efforts for both the volunteer and recipient. It does not include the domino effect in which volunteers commonly change the light bulbs in their own homes once they return to their own communities. It does not include the large amount of residents who are inspired by Green Light and switch to energy efficient light bulbs on their own. In what area, do you install light bulbs? We install light bulbs in the entire metropolitan area of New Orleans and as far as Slidell, Covington, La Place, and St. Bernard. We have a subsidiary in Gramercy, La and Anderson, South Carolina. We also consult the Green Light Model to groups all over the U.S. How many light bulbs have you installed so far? We have installed more than 230,000 energy efficient light bulbs in over 8,000 homes. This impact translates to an energy reduction of 90 million kWh, a monetary savings of $10.5 million dollars for participating residents, and a carbon reduction of over 100 million pounds of CO2. GLNO 8203 Jeannette St. NOLA 70118 (t) 504.324.2429 [email protected] Page 9