Creating a Vehicle - Autonet Dealer Solutions


Creating a Vehicle - Autonet Dealer Solutions
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Creating a Vehicle
Go to: OR
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Create Vehicle
Create a new Vehicle by filling out the fields (as seen below)
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Leave the *Active Display set as Used
Creating a Vehicle continued…
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Important to Note:
All required fields, marked with a red asterix (*) must be completed.
Use the Additional Options field to add options not found on the
submit button found on bottom of page, once vehicle has been created.
Batch Uploading
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Go to: OR
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Login button
Select Vehicles
Select Batch Upload
In the Vehicle Batch upload screen, leave the defaults set as is & place
cursor in the empty box between File: & Browse button & click the Browse
button to locate Excel CSV spreadsheet
Submit button at the bottom of the Vehicle Batch Upload box
Batch Uploading…continued
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Wait for the entire vehicle inventory list to load & leave the defaults set
as shown below.
Match the headings by using the drop down box (only need to do this on
the 1st batch upload unless you change the set up of your CSV file in the
Validate button found top left of the screen, above all the vehicle
Wait for the entire list to re-load
Any lines marked in red must be adjusted by using drop down box &
making the appropriate selection
1. When making changes to colours and models also check mark the
“remember” box and you will not have to tell the system your selection
choice in the future. It will automatically be remembered.
2. Once the updates are complete select “validate” (button above the vehicle
3. 2 choices will now appear for uploading the information – select only one
a. Yes: Over-Write existing vehicles with the same stock number
(previous changes made to existing vehicles may be lost)
b. Yes: Erase (delete) any Pre-Owned vehicle records which do not exist
in this batch?
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4. Select the second choice to upload your fresh inventory and delete your sold
5. Insert
6. The window will disappear once the vehicle information is loaded. Select
Close Window
7. Select List Vehicles
8. All newly added vehicles will be at the end of your vehicles list
Adding / Resizing / Upload Vehicle
Inventory Photos to ASL
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STEP 1: Name Each Photo with Stock Number
Open folder with photos (photos folder should be on the desktop)
Place cursor on first photo to name
Press F2 button, press home button, delete what is before the .jpg
& enter stock number & so on with each main photo
If adding additional photos to a vehicle, name additional photos
using stock # followed by an underscore & a description for
example: 16205_inside.jpg (no spaces) or simply use 1, 2, 3 & so
on (so it would look like 16205_1.jpg)
STEP 2: Resize Photos (if necessary)
(Max photo size is 640 x 480 / Min photo size is 325 x 225)
Note: Should have file extensions on & to turn on file extensions follow the
following steps:
Start button
My Documents
Folder Options
Show hidden files & folders
hide extensions for known file types
Drag & drop both of the resize programs (Mogrify & Resize) into
the photo folder
resize program & a black screen will appear & once the black
screen disappears photos have been resized.
Confirm photos are changed to correct size by hovering cursor
over one of the photos
If correct then drag & drop the two photo resize programs back
onto desktop
Zip Photo file
To Zip file:
Right on the photo folder on the desk top
Select: Send to
Adding / Resizing Vehicle Photos…continued
Select: Compressed (zipped) folder
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Right on the photo folder on the desk top
Add to Zip File
Use Evaluation Version button
Add button
Open up a browser & go to: OR
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Login button
Batch Upload
Place cursor in Photo Batch Upload File box then
button & select the photo winzip file on desktop
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submit button
Adding Attached Documents to a Vehicle
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Go to: OR
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Login button
Locate vehicle stock # where you want add attachment
Scroll to bottom of page
Create button
Enter title and description.
Place cursor in empty box beside file and
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on Browse button to locate file
Create button
Note - You can upload the following files:
In addition, you can upload one or a combination of the above file types.
Keep in mind the smaller the file the better.
Adding One Advertisement
Note: Can load only one advertisement
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Go to: OR
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Login button
My Website
Adding One Advertisement continued…
If applicable, delete the previous advertisement.
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If there is not a previous advertisement to delete,
place cursor in the File box &
the Browse button to locate advertisement &
the Submit button
Note: An advertisement can only be a jpg …no other format is accepted.
Adding Multiple Flyers
Go to: OR
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Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Login button
My Website
Click Here To Edit Flyers
This page allows you to manage flyers. When you upload a flyer, a page link
on your website will appear called 'Flyers'. When visitors go to the Flyers
page they will see the list of flyers that you have uploaded.
Upload a Flyer:
• Enter a Display Name that will appear on your website as the title
• Click Browse & locate the file you want to upload. (You may upload
GIF, JPG, or PDF files. You may also upload an Image File & a PDF
file of the same Flyer) Word or Excel docs can also be uploaded
however ASL recommends PDF document(s) whenever possible as
PDF’s are indexed by Search Engines.
• Click Submit to upload Flyer
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Current Flyers List:
• Click on the Flyer or Display Name to view the flyer
• Click on Edit to edit the Flyers Display Name
• Load as many flyers as you want
on Delete to delete flyer
If flyer(s) already exist & want to edit, delete or add additional
Click Here To Edit Flyers & follow the above directions.
Using Messaging Options
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Go to: OR
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Login button
Messaging Options
Using Messaging Options continued…
Fill in the blank fields.
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Choose the Messaging Type (i.e. cell phone, email or blackberry) from the
drop down list.
Enter the email address, blackberry phone#, etc in the Messaging Value field
Select the Lead Options by putting a
then scroll down Submit button
in the box beside the lead options
Once you have submitted the information you can Edit, Test or Delete
It is advised to a run test if setting up a text message.
Using Printable & Condensed Stock List
Go to: OR
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Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Export Vehicle’s Info
Printable Stock List
Using Printable & Condensed Stock List…continued
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- Select what Columns you want to have displayed in your report OR
- Put a in the All Columns box to display all columns.
- Choose Order By settings to adjust how your report will be sorted.
You can choose from: Year, Make, Model, Trim, Stock_Num,
Mileage, Retail_Price, Wholesale_Price, Type, VIN, Ext_Color,
Int_Color, Options, Additional_Options, Condition, Damage,
Remarks, Declarations, Certified & Listed_Date, Active, Sold, Views,
Hot_List, Featured Price & Featured Index.
Generate button to generate your report.
- To Print your report, Click on your Web Browsers File Menu and
choose Print...
Using Printable & Condensed Stock List…continued
Condensed Stock List
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The numbers on the left side of the page indicates the number of photos per
vehicle. To print this page Print button found at both the top & bottom of
the page
Total Vehicles: 24
The Condensed Stock List is sorted by:
type, year and alphabetically by model.
if a payment amount is added to the Financing section on the Vehicle Create
screen, it will show on the Condensed stock list in the far right column
Using Report Section
Go to: OR
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Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
The Search Filter allows you to define a date range to search.
Select the Start Date & the End Date by using the drop down.
Filter Results button to get results
Using the Report Section continued…
Leads Stats Section
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The leads stats section presents a summary table of all the leads for the
specified date range chosen via the Search Filter
The various lead systems are displayed along the top.
The lead systems correspond to the various ASL systems /modules or
inventories that are present on your site.
B & P = Build & Price
New Show = New Showroom
B & L = Build & Lease
New Inv = New Inventory
Used Inv = Used Inventory
Each of these different systems are totaled along the bottom in bold.
Each lead within the various systems/modules or inventories can be of
different types.
Which are listed on the left side and include:
Test Drive
Monthly Payment Credit App
Trade In
Make an Offer
Give Me your Best Price
More Info
Email a Friend
Buying Group
Each of these different types of leads are totaled along the right in bold.
Any other lead that is not specific to certain vehicle systems is presented
along the far right side. These leads include Fleet, Rental, Body, Parts
and Service.
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Your total leads are presented under Company on the far left.
The Source Stats section provides some key marketing insight by
measuring the effectiveness of your various marketing campaigns. This
section will list how each of your leads discovered your website. Each
source is listed with a total count and a percentage.
Using the Report Section continued…
Details Section
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The Details section details each individual lead and provides contact
information. The ASL lead system will capture all information that a
customer submits. Information such as: address info, vehicle info, tradein info etc is accessible for each lead by clicking on the lead.
Please note: Only leads in bold have expanded lead information.
Using the Report Section continued…
Export Customer Details into Excel spreadsheet:
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1) Place cursor at the top left of the details screen just before the
first name & hold down left mouse button & drag mouse to the
right then down to high light the entire page, release left mouse
button & right on highlighted details screen & select copy
START button,
and right &
select paste
Accessories then
3) Remove the * (asterisk) before .txt in the File Name field & keep
Save as type as text documents
4) Open Excel, on File at top of screen, open to open Notepad
text file. Change to Text Files in the Files of type field & locate
saved notepad text file
Next the Text Import Wizard will open & activate the Delimited button
& Next button
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The next screen “Text Import Wizard - Step 2 of 3” will appear as
Tab under Delimiters &
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Next button
The next screen “Text Import Wizard - Step 3 of 3” will appear as
Finish button to view Lead Stats report in Excel spread sheet format.
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Using the Report Section continued…
Pop-Up for Build & Price:
E-Brochure to expand base lead information
Click here to open build & price lead details
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Using the Report Section continued…
Next you will see the Build & Price Lead details
To print page
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Print link in blue
Using the Report Section continued…
Pop-Up for Email Friend:
Email Friend to expand email information
Click here to print this page
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Using Payment Calculator
Attached to each vehicle is the payment calculator which enables the
customer to play out various payments.
To set up the defaults for your payment calculator, go to: OR
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see the payment calculator,
where you can set up the defaults of the payment calculator.
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Using the Payment Calculator…continued
Please note:
If there is not text entered in the Disclaimer Text box the
calculator will not appear on your vehicle listings.
Once your information is entered
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on the Submit button
Using Staff Directory
Go to: OR
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Login Button
My Website
Click Here To View Or Edit Staff Directory
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Using Staff Directory…continued
Create Department
Enter Department Name: i.e. Sales, Finance, Service etc.
submit button
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Here you can: Rename, Reorder or Delete a department.
Note: to reorder a department, assign it the highest # so the department is
first in the order.
Create Staff
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Enter Staff information in empty fields.
Note: Fields with an asterisk must be filled in.
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To add staff photos
Scroll to the bottom of the Create Staff screen & place cursor in the Upload
Photo box
Browse button & once photo has been located
To Resize Photo
Organize Staff
Edit button (beside staff photo to resize)
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Submit button.
Scroll to bottom of screen
Click here (as seen below)
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Using Staff Directory…continued
Place cursor in first empty box beside Browse button
Browse button to locate photo to resize then
Upload Photo to Edit
After ing Upload Photo to Edit button you will see the photo to edit with
icons to do photo editing (as seen on next page).
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By clicking on the above icon
you have the option to change
border color to either black or white, rotate right or left,
zoom in or out,
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and go to the next page
to view
To move the selector (frame within the photo), place your cursor
over it and left
When the cursor changes to a cross, move the selector to desired location by
moving your mouse around.
To stop moving the selector left
to view photo result
Once satisfied with selection. You can save & upload to the staff directory.
To save, place your curser over the photo & right , then select
(Save Picture As) or (Save Image As) & save to your desktop or staff
photos file.
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Using Staff Directory continued…
Clean Up button.
Close button to exit
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Using Staff Directory continued…
Place cursor in the empty box between Upload Photo & the Browse button
& the Browse button to locate resized photo then on the Update button.
Now you will see that the Staff Record has been updated (as seen below).
Organize Staff to view results.
Re-Order Staff
Organize Staff
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Enter desired order number in the empty box beside the Staff Order Number
& the Update button
ing the Update button you will see that the Update is complete.
The staff member with the lowest number assigned will be displayed first. In other words, the staff member
assigned with the highest number will be at the bottom of the list. Also, two staff members can be assigned the
same number and will be listed alphabetically e.g. Mandy & Marlene are both assigned the same number therefore
Mandy will be listed first followed by Marlene. You will see changes in order of staff members on your website.
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Using Employment Module
Go to: OR
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Login Button
My Website
on “Click Here To Manage On-Line Content”
on ‘Employment’ (or page title to edit)
Add button across from Article drop down box
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Enter Title for employment ad (e.g. Receptionist, Parts Person etc.)
Leave the default at HTML and add employment info in the Document
Content field, where you can edit the document.
the Create button found on the bottom of the page
Once the upload is complete go to your website to confirm satisfaction with
employment posting. If employment advertisement does not show up on
website hold down the Ctrl button and press the F5 button for a hard refresh.
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Using Content Management Module
Go to: OR
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Login Button
My Website
“Click Here To Manage On-Line Content”
Leave “Move Selected To:” - Root as the default
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Using Content Management Module…continued
Edit to the right of page to edit
Enter Title (e.g. Clearance)
Type in the document content field, this content will display on specific page
of site.
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Using Content Management Module…continued
To Insert / Edit Image
In the Document Content field, you can insert and/or edit images.
Place cursor in empty field beside Image URL &
the far right to locate image
Enter Image Description
Select Alignment
Enter Dimensions
Enter Border size
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Browse button
Using Content Management Module…continued
Update button
the Create button found on the bottom of the page
Once upload is complete go to your dealer website to confirm satisfaction.
If you do not see content on website, hold down the Control button & press
F5 button which is a hard refresh.
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Vehicle Search
(Wholesale or Dealer Group)
Go to:
Log in as the dealer – enter 9 digit dealer ID & password (lower case)
Search Vehicles
To search through all the Active Vehicles in a Province/State, on the
Number in the applicable Province/State row, under the column heading
Active Vehicles.
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Or to list the Active Vehicles/Dealers per City, on the Number in the
Province/State row under the column heading Active Dealers.
Clicking on a Number under Active Vehicles brings you to the following
screen where you can narrow your search by entering a in the appropriate
Once selections are made & ready to search,
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search button (bottom of page)
Clicking on a Number under the Active Dealers heading takes you to the
following page where you can search by City within a particular province.
To do an Advanced Vehicle Search
link found at the bottom of the page.
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on the Advanced Vehicle Search
Narrow your search by using the drop down lists and selecting the
appropriate information. If your dealership is part of a group you can narrow
your search by entering a the box beside the Search Dealer Group Only.
Once you have entered the appropriate info on the search button found at
the bottom of the page.
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Using Email Feature
(for Email Administrators only – users refer to Webmail section)
You can either add the following URL to your Internet Explorer favorites or
Enter the following:
Username: [email protected]
Password: v4b5n6
Login button
You can log in at:
Support & Resources link, at the top of the page, right of the ASL
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Scroll down until you see the following icons under Email Support &
Resources & on “Email Account Control Panel” to manage
email accounts.
Enter the following:
Username: example_asa
Password: 1a2b3c
Login button
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Please note: Under Tools the Summary Report & Traffic options are
currently not available. Refresh View – refreshes the screen
Do not
on the “green arrow”
on the link to your domain i.e.
Add New Email Account – To add an account
Preferences - do not use (option not activated)
Refresh View - refreshes screen (same as F5)
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Email Address
We set up 7 generic email accounts:
The abuse & postmaster accounts are administrative accounts only & do not
receive email.
Add New Mail Account
Add New Email
Mailname*: enter email you want to create
Enable/Turn on Mailbox: enter a
Full Name
first name (Bob)
in the empty box beside
enter individuals full name (Bob Brown) or just the
New Password*
should be a combination of letters & numbers,
minimum 6 characters
Confirm Password*
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same as the above
OK button
Modify account & /or password
link for the email account
Preferences Icon
In the Preference screen you can:
1) Disable Account – un
box beside Mailbox to disable &
2) Change Name – enter new name in the Full Name box &
3) Change Password – enter new password (should be a
combination of letters & numbers, minimum 6 characters) confirm
password by re-entering password in the Confirm Password field &
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To Remove / Delete an Account
To the left of each email account is an empty box, put a in
the empty box beside the email account(s) you want to remove /
button on the top right hand side of the
Then you will get a “Removal Confirmation” page to ensure the
accounts(s) is the
email(s) you want deleted by putting a in the empty box
beside Confirm Removal
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OK button
Using Webmail
Use Webmail when you are not at your computer & you want to retrieve or
send email.
Go to:
Hover cursor over “Support & Resources” & Technical support will come
available below “Support & Resources” & to the left.
Technical Support & scroll down until you see:
Username field: enter email address
enter email password
enter domain OR .com
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Setting the cookie permissions to use Webmail
There are two different methods to setting the cookie permissions, depending on which version of
Internet Explorer you are using. The first description applies only to Internet Explorer 6, and the
second applies to both Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 5. If you are using any versions
of Internet Explorer that are older than these, then you should download the latest version from
Cookies in IE 6
Setting cookies in IE6: Run Internet Explorer, and when the program is loaded, go to the Tools
menu at the top and select Internet Options
Internet Options: In Internet Explorer 6, the main cookie options are set under the Privacy tab.
Click on this, and choose the Advanced configuration option
Internet Options: On the Advanced configuration screen, set the options so they are the same as
in the screenshot above. We need to allow cookies, both first- and third-party, and also to allow
per session cookies
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Cookies in IE 5
Setting cookies in IE5: Run Internet Explorer, and when the program is loaded, go to the Tools
menu at the top and select Internet Options
Internet zone settings: Click on the Security tab to access the basic cookie settings, and click on
the Custom button. This allows you to modify the current configuration.
New settings: From the drop-down menu at the bottom of this screen, select the Medium-Low
setting. This will allow cookies to pass through the browser and be handled correctly.
**Once you have followed all the instructions above, you will need to restart your pc before the
new cookie settings will take effect. Once the computer has restarted, you can now go into
Internet Explorer and use all the features available through our website and your online control
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Exporting Inventory to GM Canada
To start, you will need: your dealership ID (5 numbers ie 81121),
Open aged stock and click on vehicles . .
Click on export vehicle’s information
Then click GM Vehicle and Image Export (JAR)
You will then be asked to enter your dealership id here:
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Then Click export
Click save to disk. You will get a pop up notice in the lower right of your screen
saying downloads have been completed.
When you try to load a corrupt entry into GM InfoNet will identify the error. Make
it a habit to enter all of your data as completely as possible. It helps avoid these
errors. Reliance on VIN decoders is good most of the time but some decoders have
trouble with elements in a vehicle like transmissions which kicks out the data at
You can also go back and create a list of your inventory that includes the VIN to
help isolate the vehicle. Then you go into modify the vehicle and correct the
problem, Submit and then re-perform the operation from Step 1.
When the jar file is correct, we move to GM InfoNet to put in the inventory.
Open Explorer and go to the GM InfoNet login.
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Remember that if you put the password in incorrectly 3 times in a row, you will
have to call GM and make a case for a new password. GM also requires that you
change passwords every three months.
Once you are in, you go to website management. Click. It will take you . . .
Here. Click Import.
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You will be asked to find your jar file. Usually it is kept in downloads or on your
Click Submit once you have located the file.
The process begins . . .You will be put in queue and you can minimize and go onto
other things. You can click Check Import Results after a while and it will update
your progress. When it says success, you have done it right. When you haven’t it
will tell you why.
When incomplete, the error will be pointed out to you ie VIN error, etc.
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Fix the errors in your ASL account and repeat the process above to generate a new
.jar file.
If all has been fixed properly, the second try will be successful.
If this fails and you can’t figure out why, call your ASL customer support team at 1866-955-2255
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Creating a Vehicle with Marked Down Pricing (Top 10 Feature)
1. Add your marked down price in the “Advertised Price” Field
Add discount
price here
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2. From the “Index Box” select the number to appear (from 1-10). Note that you must
only select 1 vehicle per number in the drop down.
Select the display
number for the vehicle
(from 1-10)
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3. Once the selections are made press the submit button at the top or bottom of the screen
4. Check your website to ensure accuracy.
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