SEO Training by Happy Marketer


SEO Training by Happy Marketer
Search Engine
[email protected]
Search Engines (in 1996)
• Netscape
owned 80.3%
of the market
• Altavista was
the search
engine of
• Text results and
sites owned
Search Engine
[email protected]
Search Engines (in 2011)
• One horse race with Google having
over 80% global search share
• Browser market beginning to get
fragmented – but IE still winner
• Search Results now include:
Social Media Results
Web Results
[email protected]
Customers Love Search Engines
[email protected]
Search – Trusted Results!
[email protected]
[email protected]
Your Customers Love Search Engines
[email protected]
What Is Search Marketing?
Driving prospects from search engines to your
[email protected]
What’s In the Search Results Page?
[email protected]
Natural Search Results
• 10 Relevant Results / Links
• Based on quality of content,
can’t be bought
[email protected]
The Most Important Thing
About Search Marketing
[email protected]
Picking The Right Keywords
• The keywords you select, define
Your costs
Your competition
Your results
Your ROI
Your brand value
Your success on search engines
[email protected]
Case Study: HeadSprout!
• Good Keywords
Hair loss treatments
Hair loss serum
Beta carotine
Baldness solutions
Hair growth cosmetics
• Bad Keywords
– Hair
– Treatment
– Shampoo
– Serums
– Baldness
[email protected]
What Make Good Keywords
Problems your customers face
Solutions your customers are looking for
Buzz words & industry specific words
Popular (enough searches)
[email protected]
What Makes Bad Keywords
Generic, broad phrases (e.g. health tips)
Most single word phrases (e.g. hair or bald)
Too few searches
Words that aren’t in the customer’s dictionary
Anything with a celebrity’s name in it
[email protected]
Your Must Have Keywords
Your company name
Your brand names
Your management team
Your proprietary IP
It’s not optional to market to these keywords!
[email protected]
Going After The Long Tail
[email protected]
The Sweet Spot for Keywords
[email protected]
Keyword Family: Brand Name ++
• People want to know a LOT about your brand
• They type out all their questions, curiosities, hopes, fears into that
google search box
• An amazing amount of customer psychology can be picked up by
looking at what users are typing
[email protected]
Example: Plaza Singapura (1/5)
[email protected]
Example: Plaza Singapura (2/5)
[email protected]
Example: Plaza Singapura (3/5)
[email protected]
Example: Plaza Singapura (4/5)
[email protected]
Example: Plaza Singapura (5/5)
[email protected]
Search Engine
KarateSEO© is Happy Marketer s SEO
Methodology for Medium/Large Businesses
[email protected]
Karate SEO
• Awesome, free
• Designed by David
• Join our email list,
get many more free
videos and
• Hello@
• Sub: Infographics!
[email protected]
SEO – Trusted So Much!
[email protected]
What is Search Engine Optimization?
• Search Engine Optimization is the process of creating or updating a
website to
– improve the site’s ranking in organic search results,
– with the objective of increasing the volume of quality traffic.
• This must be done
– on-page (site architecture, link structure, content, keywords, title tags, etc.) and
– off page (link building.)
[email protected]
Free Traffic
[email protected]
Qualified Traffic
[email protected]
Proven for conversions
[email protected]
More leads
[email protected]
More exposure
[email protected]
Add value to users
[email protected]
More targeted
[email protected]
Less invasive, more receptive
[email protected]
Reduce marketing expenses
[email protected]
Stay competitive
[email protected]
[email protected]
Protecting your brand on search engines
• Protecting your brand keywords on search engines
• Rank #1 vs the other 8 results
[email protected]
Optimizing your website for higher rankings
[email protected]
SEO: Location, location, location
[email protected]
KarateSEO© - The Six Factors
1. Keywords
Picking the Right Keywords to Market to
2. Architecture
Planning a site architecture rich with content & keywords
3. Relevant Content
Optimizing specific pages for the right keywords
4. Authority & External Links
Having the right sites link to you, and using the right keywords
5. Trouble Signs
Avoid these common problems & mistakes
6. Experience on Site
Making sure users are satisfied with their experience with your site
[email protected]
Search Engine
[email protected]
1. Keywords
[email protected]
A Little Effort Pays Off Big
[email protected]
Start with your Seed List of Keywords
• The first keywords that come to your head
• Category keywords
• Company name
• Proprietary technologies
[email protected]
Seed List: Discuss with Stakeholders
• Other people in your team including
Marketers & Sales Staff
Customer Support
Delivery Staff
Actual customers
[email protected]
Seed List: Look at the Competition
• Monitor the competition’s
Website home pages
Website landing pages
Meta Tags on site
Print brochures
PR Kit / Corporate Information
[email protected]
Expand by adding more Modifiers
• More specific variations
• quote
• appointment
• brochure
• Location & Language
• Quality modifiers
• Best
• Great
• #1
• Using Site-based Suggestions
[email protected]
[email protected]
Select Keywords by …
• Subjective relevance
– Would I want this keyword associated with my brand?
• Estimated conversion
– Will it lead to a sale? Or will it attract just surfers?
• Past Data Trends
– Actual conversion data from Analytics/AdWords
• Amount of competition
– Is your budget big enough to fight for this keyword?
[email protected]
Measure Your Ranks
[email protected]
2. Architecture
[email protected]
A little architecture can go a long way
[email protected]
Site Architecture / Sitemap is Critical
• The GoogleBot’s Life
– Your sitemap & links are the language it understands
– If it’s not content rich, it won’t rank you
• Focused content
– You need one optimized page per keyword
– Should have content, relevant media & links
• Rich in Content
– More Pages = More Authority
– All pages should be interlinked with navigation &subnav
[email protected]
Excel Sitemap-Keyword Mapping
[email protected]
Architecture– Links & Calls to Action
• HTML links to other sites, or other pages increase the weight of a
landing page
• Link to other relevant articles
• Relevant products
• Avoid paid links
[email protected]
E.g. Copyblogger
[email protected]
Architecture – Internal Links
• Internal linking should be clear
• Avoid flash navigation
• Avoid image navigation
• Clear, text navigation is best
[email protected]
3. Relevant Content
[email protected]
Heading – Titles
• <title> Copywriting Jobs: Latest Singapore Job Listing on 9th July
• Google will display 65 characters
• So, you can’t stuff 1000 keywords in there!
• But the TITLE tag is the most important for on-page SEO
[email protected]
Heading – Meta Description
• Meta Description Tag
– <meta name=“description” content=“The best …”>
Place after the Title Tag
Works with the Title Tag to get the click
Attempt to work an “offer” into the description
Keep this tag to 150 characters or less
[email protected]
Content– Title Tags
• First, most prominent piece of text for any page on your site
– First function, search engine visibility
– Second function, call to action
• Unique, descriptive title of 5 to 10 words (69 to 75
– First three words – keyword
– Ensure it’s a phrase people can read
[email protected]
Title Tags: Things To Avoid
• “Home page”
• “This web page uses frames, but your browser doesn’t support
• “Insert keywords here”
• “Relocate”
• “Untitled Document”
[email protected]
Content – Heading Tags
• <h1> and <h2> tags tell Google what’s important
• <h1> is most important, <h6> is least
• Avoid using images, HTML formatting & flash for headlines. Use CSS
formatting instead.
• Write multiple headlines relating to the topic
• Focus on conversion – lead user to an end result
[email protected]
• Helps break up the article into small “chunks”
• Break up your article into 1-3 paragraph “chunks”, each having its
own sub-heading
• Getting keyword phrase into sub-heading isn’t required, but look for
• Use synonyms when appropriate
[email protected]
Content – Body Text
• Google also measures
– keyword proximity and
– Keyword density
• In each landing page, let the main keyword appear 3 to 10 times
• Keep the body of the text between 400 and 900 words
[email protected]
Body Copy
This is the “meat” of the information
Focus on the goal and Call to Action
Get to the point, don’t waste the visitors’ time
Avoid Over-Optimization
– Too many keywords in body
– High percentage of anchor text
[email protected]
And add in Rich Snippets!
[email protected]
How Rich Snippets Work
[email protected]
Rich Snippets +
[email protected]
4. Authority & External Links
[email protected]
The Original PageRank Algorithm
[email protected]
Where do you stand now?
[email protected]
And check in Google too
[email protected]
Link Popularity - Directories
• Directory Submissions
– Outsource to an external company
• Almost extinct, don’t spend too much effort
[email protected]
Link Popularity - Blogs
• A blog is a natural link magnet
• People are encouraged to cross-link, comment
• Start a blog on your topic
• Write articles relating to your major keywords
• Submit blog to major RSS feed directories
• Find other blogs and manually leave comments, build friendship for
[email protected]
Link Popularity – Press Releases & Articles
• Articles
– Less relevant, more of a numbers game
– Rarely lead to conversions, but great for PageRank
• Press Releases
– Harder to craft, more exclusive, more expensive
– Can lead to spurt of traffic & sales
– Must have a newsworthy element to it
[email protected]
Getting Social Media Links & Citations
Other Blogs
[email protected]
Link Building in 2013
Guest Blogging & Writing
Broken Link Building
Giveaways & Contests
Link Bait Blogging
– Top 10 Lists
– Infographics
– Case Studies
• Competitor Backlink Hunting
[email protected]
5. Trouble Signs
[email protected]
Let’s Start Talking to Webmaster Tools!
[email protected]
Flash Websites
[email protected]
Sites with Frames
[email protected]
URLs / Page Titles that don’t change
[email protected]
Types of Spam (Page 1)
Reciprocal Link Trading
Promoting Keywords not related to your Web Site
Keyword Stacking
Keyword Stuffing
Hidden Text
Tiny Text
Hidden Links
[email protected]
Types of Spam (Page 2)
Artificial Link Farms
Mirror or Duplicate Pages
Doorway Pages, Gateway Pages or Hallway Pages
Domain spam & Mirror Sites
Typo spam and Cybersquatting
Automated Blog Spam
[email protected]
6. Experience on Site
[email protected]
Usability – Speed of Loading
• Major factor in Landing page quality score for both SEO and PPC
• Slow pages = bad user experience
• Shoot for less than 100 kb
• Optimize by lowering image quality, less graphics and cleaning up
[email protected]
Usability – Clear Branding
• Have a clear logo on top right, contact information on top left
• Headline
Large font
4-8 words
Clearly spell out what’s on the page
Have a benefit for the reader
Probably contains keywords
[email protected]
Usability – Ease of Reading
• Text
– Use common fonts (Arial, Verdana, Sans Serif)
– Use bold dark colors on white background
– Have headlines and short paragraphs
• Images & Videos
– Have an explanatory image or video
– Keep the good stuff above the fold
[email protected]
Usability – Time Spent on Site
• Google can track how many people click the “back” button
• People can also move pages up or down in rankings
• Watch your web analytics
– Keep the bounce rate down
– Increase the time spent on site
[email protected]
Content Linkbait Recipes
[email protected]
Why is Web Content Important?
• Content engages your readers
• Content pulls your knowledge together and makes it accessible to
your customers
• Content attracts search engines
• Content brings you inbound links
• Content creates a buzz in social media
• Content is an investment that keeps bringing visitors month after
month after year after year
[email protected]
Never Stop Marketing
• Every page is a marketing page
• Who is your site for … and what do they want?
• People buy benefits, not features
• The headline is the most important part of your content
• Your first paragraph is the second most important part of your
[email protected]
Write winning articles quickly
Answer these questions
Take these actions
1.Who is this article for? What value will
it give them? What do you want people
to do as a result?
2.What are your primary and secondary
3.What other ideas and keywords are
4.What other articles that you’ve already
published should you link to?
5.What external resources (if any) should
you link to?
Write the headline
Write the sub-headings
Write the summary
Fill out each paragraph
Write notes on the key points
[email protected]
#1 – Answer Your Customers’ Questions
[email protected]
#2 – Reveal Your Secret Tips & Tricks
[email protected]
#3 – Bust An Urban Myth
[email protected]
#4 – Write A Case Study
[email protected]
#5 – Write A Blog
[email protected]
#6 – Write Your Company’s History
[email protected]
#7 – Start A Debate
[email protected]
#8 – Review of the Year
[email protected]
#9 – Report on an Event
[email protected]
#10 – Jargon Buster
[email protected]
#11 – Review a Book or Product
[email protected]
#12 – Build a Top 10 List
[email protected]
#13 – Interview an Expert
[email protected]
#14 – Write an A to Z
[email protected]
#15 – Publish Your Own Surveys
[email protected]
What We Do
About Happy Marketer
[email protected]
What is Happy Marketer?
• Search & Social Media Consulting Company
– Focused on bringing market leading thought leadership
in Web Marketing to APAC clients
– Vibrant Training/Consulting arm – trained over 1500
professionals in less than 2 years
– Google AdWords & Analytics Certified Partners
– Singapore’s Leading Google Analytics & Enterprise SEO
– Strong, long-term partnerships to fulfill client needs in
Search, Social Media & Web Projects
– Dedicated to Transparency of Processes, Progress and
Billing with Clients
[email protected]
Our Clients
[email protected]
Our Role in Client Needs
Integrated Services
[email protected]
Training Offerings
We’ll Train Your Staff in Practical Social Media Skills, and
run Tactical Think Tanks for your Management Teams
[email protected]
Training – Building Skills & Direction
Client’s Management
Happy Marketer
Client’s Marketing Managers
Search, Web or Social Media
[email protected]
Types of Trainings
• Website & Search Marketing
Management Think Tanks
Campaign Planning
Search Optimization
Search Advertising
Display Advertising
Web Analytics
Website Usability
Web 2.0 & 3.0 Features
• Social Media
Tactical Workshops
Campaign Planning
Facebook Pages
Facebook Buzz Campaigns
Twitter & Microblogging
Youtube & Video Marketing
Apps Features & Usability
Web Video Production
[email protected]
Consulting Support
We’ll take stock of your Social Media assets, Analyze
& Monitor competition, Help manage your Social
media Agency & Provide Constant Expert Advice
[email protected]
Consulting – Creative, Planning & Monitoring
Happy Marketer’s Consultants
Client’s Management
Client’s Marketing Managers
Search, Web or Social Media
[email protected]
Types of Consulting Support
• Search Strategy
• SEO Audits
• SEM Audits
• Web Analytics
• Online Reputation
• Digital Strategy
• Creative Direction
• Spend Audits
• Policy & Processes
• Website Usability
• Sitemaps &
[email protected]
Integrated Campaigns
We’ll run end-to-end Social Media campaigns that
attract new fans, absorb them into your universe
and activate them to become customers
[email protected]
Integrated Campaigns - Execution
Client’s Management
Happy Marketer’s Consultants
Client’s Marketing Managers
Search, Web or Social Media Agency
[email protected]
Contact: Rachit Dayal
Phone: +65 9427 4110
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @hmarketer
[email protected]