cct icerack - the Curling Champions Tour


cct icerack - the Curling Champions Tour
The mobile ice rink
system from the
The technology to build a skating rink is known since the early 20th century and until the beginning
of the 80's this method has not changed in principle. At that time, an ice rink was almost exclusively
cooled directly with ammonia. In the process ammonia evaporates within an iron piping system
which lies within the concrete slab of an ice rink. However, this method has the crucial disadvantage
that the entire concrete base has to be frozen. Therefore, more energy is needed which has to be
provided by a chiller with higher performance. Such a chiller is correspondingly expensive and the
operating costs are higher. Furthermore, an ammonia system always has an increased operational
risk and the necessary security measures generate more costs.
1981 - The birth of the first indirectly cooled ice rink!
1981 the company founder and engineer Kaveh Hakim developed the first indirectly cooled ice rink
with his patented "double absorber system" as part of an experimental project of the Research
Promotion Fund of Vienna / Austria. Shortly after, this system
was used in Retz /Austria to heat the local swimming pool
during summer and to generate an ice surface in winter. The
absorber mats used for this purpose consist of several
interconnected fluid channels made of EPDM (Ethylene
Propylene Diene Monomer), a synthetic rubber which we
already use since the 70‘s for pool and water heating. In Retz an
environmentally friendly salt brine was pumped through the
cooling mats to freeze the water on top.
swimming pool / ice rink (Retz)
collector pipes with absorber
mats (Retz)
Of course, our concept had enormous benefits compared to the direct cooled system, but most
importantly it could be operated without the harmful ammonia. As a result thousands of mobile ice
rinks, rental ice rinks and permanently installed ice rinks were built with this technology all over the
world within the last 35 years.
All of todays offered indirect systems are based on our concept!
The system
Our TÜV-certified ICERACK® rink system
consists of the following components:
A solid, galvanized steel frame with a
corrugated sheet made of aluminum
 Integrated collector pipes made of HDPE,
each consisting of a forward and a return
with connection flanges
 Fluid channels in black or white made of
EPDM (ice mats) with a white surface
which are already connected to the
collector pipes
 Quality „Made in Germany“
Schematic illustration
Transport, storage and installation
The installation of our mobile ice rink system is incredibly easy. Nevertheless, all the ice rinks are
planned by our staff in cooperation with our refrigeration department and supervised to completion.
In "transport mode" the ice mats are stored rolled inside the ICERACK®. Removable transport handles
allow easy stacking for space-saving storage (up to 320m² ice mats can be stored on only 1,6m²
footprint) and also provide a safe transport.
To change to "operation mode", the ICERACK® modules are placed in a row next to each other.
Afterwards, the ICERACK® modules are coupled by screwing the collector pipes together. Then the
ice mats have to be rolled out to a continuous surface which later generates the ice. For this purpose,
an economically friendly brine/ water mixture is cooled down by a cooling unit mostly at -7°C to 10°C. This mixture is pumped through the ice mats, causing the temperature of the ice mats to drop
below the freezing point which makes sprayed water freeze to an ice sheet.
The advantages
If the client takes the upgrade to our white EPDM our ice mats reflect the sunrays instead of
absorbing them, by which the operating costs can be reduced and the use of "JetIce" or a fleece
to color the ice is in most cases not necessary
Our compact fluid channel steering produces a uniform ice surface
The low overall construction requires only little water, thus saving energy
Due to the flexibility of the fluid channels it is possible to adapt to almost any desired geometric
shape and ground
 Curves, hills and slopes of all
kinds are easy to freeze!
 Columns, trees, lampposts
and fountains etc. are easy
to circumvent!
 Special shapes such as ice
slides or ice landscapes are
no problem!
For More information contact:
We have compiled a small selection of our projects to give you a few ideas that can be realized with
our mobile ice rink system.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
(Pinewood Studios London/United Kingdom)
Schlag den Raab & TV-Total
(TV Show Cologne/Germany)
National Sports Center
Fantasy on Ice
Art on Ice
Skoda Factory
(Mlada Boleslav/Czech Republic)
Winter Classic Open Air Game
(Pardubice/Czech Republic)
25 Jahre Audi Quattro
Gorbatschow Foundation
(London Hyde Park/United Kingdom)
[email protected]