Mara™ - Campbell Keller
Mara™ - Campbell Keller
Mara ™ Mara ™ mara model gk21005 • 615 coffee walnut • ringlet, snow cream • mara model gk21005 • 498 expresso • ringlet, snow cream 1 2 mara model gk21005 • 800 natural maple • delano, strass • mara model gk21005 • 701 light cherry • proviso, glen Mara models + dimensions GK21005 w d overall 22 1/2 23 1/2 31 18 /4 18 1/4 seat GK21005 Open arm, upholstered seat and back arm between arms 20 h 1 26 w w w.g u n lo c k e .co m D e s i gn e d by g u n lo c k e d e s i gn t e a m The Gunlocke Company, LLC One Gunlocke Drive, Wayland, NY 14572 800 828 6300 F 585 728 8350 S m a r a 032010