Friday, 29 April 2016, Ridgewood Country Club, Waco, Texas 1500


Friday, 29 April 2016, Ridgewood Country Club, Waco, Texas 1500
Friday, 29 April 2016, Ridgewood Country Club, Waco, Texas
Pledge of Allegiance
Any Additions to Agenda
Secretary Report
Treasurers Report
Congressional Report
State Legislative Report
New Issues
Additions to Agenda
Storming the Hill, Washington, DC
Chapter Reports
"Highlight Successes, Challenges, Future Plans"
Emphasis on Membership and Legislative Activity
Chapter Reps
Open Issues
TCC Strategic Plan
Website Usage
State Convention 2017
Larry Petrash
President's Comments
Speakers at Meetings
Larry Petrash
Adjourn for Dinner
Re-convene 0800, 30 April
Larry Petrash
Gail Joyce
Vince Tobola
Sam Wilder
Jim Cunningham
Larry Petrash
Larry Petrash / Barb Ramsey
Charles Starnes/Ed Marvin
Ridgewood Country Club
Saturday, 30 April 2016, Ridgewood Country Club, Waco, Texas
Pledge of Allegiance
Any Additions to Agenda
Hazelwood Act - Position Paper
Larry Petrash
Sam Wilder
Resumption of Hazelwood Discussion
Sam Wilder
Congressional District Alignment
Pat Christ
Role of RVP's -Membership & Legislative
Larry Petrash
Which Chapters are not functioning?
Chapter Recognition
Wrap Up-Closing Comments
Larry Petrash
Ridgewood Country Club
Larry Petrash
1 QTR 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT, 18 JANUARY 2016 - 31 MARCH 2016
Beginning balance as of 18 JANUARY
Interest (31 January and 31 March)
MOAA recruiting
Expenses Unlimited Teleconferencing (Jan)
TCC 1-23-16 Meeting Refreshments (Jan)
Ending balance as of 31 March 2016
$ 3,125.44
$ 251.21
$ (73.44)
$ 3,303.21
Respectively submited,
Vincent Tobola, Treasurer
Texas Council of Chapters for 2016 (Dues notice letters Mailed in April)
TX22 Central TX
TX 11 Lone Star
TX 04 East Texas
TX 20 Wichita Falls
TX 07 Heart of Texas
TX 25 Rose Capital
TX 16 Alamo
TX 13 Lubbock
TX 31 North DFW
TX 09 Houston Area
TX 33 Greater Granbury
TX 02 Austin
TX 19 Texas Panhandle
TX 05 El Paso
TX 26 Golden Triangle
TX North Texas
TX 01 Abilene
TX 23 Northeast TX
TX03 Greater Dallas
TX 30 Oil Patch
TX24TXHill Country
TX 06 Fort Wolters
*Dues for 2016 are at .40 per regular chapter member as of 1 Oct. 2015 member count.
** Dues payments mailing address:
Vince Tobola (TCC Treasurer), 1704 Laurel Lake Drive, Waco, TX 76710.
Military Officers Association of America
1st Quarter 2016 Conference
JBSA Randolph AFB, TX
Minutes of the Meeting
22-23 January 2016
I. Welcome. Council President Pat Christ welcomed all atendees and convened the 1st quarter
meeting of the Texas Council of Chapters (TCC) as 3:00 pm, 22 January 2016, Larry Petrash gave the
invocation and Pat Christ led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pat thanked Jim Cunningham and the Alamo
Chapter for hosting the meeting. There were no additions to the agenda.
II. Secretary Report - Larry Petrash
The roll call resulted in the following:
The folowing TCC officers were present:
Pat Christ, President, Central Texas Chapter (Ft. Hood/Kileen)
Jim Curmmgharn, EVP State Legislative Affairs, Alamo chapter (San Antonio)
Larry Petrash, Secretary and Regional Vice President, (Wichita Falls Chapter)
Vince Tobola, Treasurer, Heart of Texas Chapter (Waco)
MOAA National Representative present:
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Ed Marvin, Director, MOAA, Alamo Chapter, (San Antonio)
Barbara Ramsey, Director MOAA, Alamo Chapter, (San Antonio)
Jim Connor, Director MOAA, San Antonio (attended 1-23)
The folowing attendees represented chapters
Bob Lull, Heart of Texas (Waco)
Jim Brown, Greater Dallas
Sam Wilder, North Texas
Charles Sweeney, Central Texas
Gail Joyce, Greater Granbury
Kitty Meyers, Alamo
David Patrick, Alamo
Doug Brown, North DFW
Jim Milam, Heart of Texas
Alice Karr, Greater Granbury
Jim Snow, Rose Chapter
George Harley, Austin
T C C 1st Qtr Meeting Minutes Cont'd, 22-23 January 2016, Page 2
Dwayne Adams, Alamo
Bruce Willett, Alamo
Joining the meeting on the 23rd
Aaron Zook, Central Texas
Eugene Vecera, Houston
National MOAA - 4; Chapters Represented 11; Total Attendance for both days - 24
Larry stated that everyone should have received a packet from him that included meeting Agenda,
Treasurer's Report, Congressional/State Legislative Reports and individual Chapter Reports. He
thanked all for their support.
Jim Cunningham moved that the minutes be approved, George Harley seconded and the motion
Larry reminded everyone that the LOE applications are due on 1 March this year,
in. Treasurer's Report - Vince Tobola
Vince submited his written report to the Council as follows: Ending balance in the bank as of 18
January 2016 was $3,125.44. Income from interest and dues was $14.82 and expenses were $153.76
for Unlimited Teleconferencing.
IV. Congressional Report - EVP Sam Wilder
Nothing really happening in Washington, DC at present. The Pentagon is going along with the current
proposed budget. He reminded everyone it was very important to contact elected representatives as
numbers do count. Encourage spouses to also send emails, sign cards, call, etc. He encouraged all to
keep up to date by checking the MOAA Legislative Update.
Sam said it would be nice to know how we are doing. Perhaps MOAA could provide a report that
would measure our success—or lack thereof
Larry will present the MOAA "Storming the Hill" briefing. "Storming the Hill" will occur April 13 in
Washington, DC when representativesfromall 50 states will converge on Capitol Hill to discuss issues
that impact all veterans, active duty and their families. Larry, Marvin, Jim, Barbara & Gail will be
visiting all our elected officials.
V. Legislative Report - EVP Jim Cunningham
Jim announced that the Texas Council of Veterans Organizations will meet on 27 January in Austin,
followed by the Texas Veterans Commission Annual Meeting in College Station on 9 February. See
attached agenda.
A discussion on the Hazelwood Act followed. Jim reported on the suit that has been filed on behalf o
someone who claims that the resident requirement violates the 14th amendment. That suit is now in
5th circuit and a ruling is to be made by mid June.
T C C 1st Qtr Meeting Minutes Cont'd, 22-23 January 2016, Page 3
There is a study available from Pace University. It states that that there is not good reporting from
universities on actual costs of the program and in the future costs will actually drop off.
Alice said the Brian Birdwell had made a presentation to the Greater Granbury chapter and she will
send copies of that presentation to Council members.
Bob Lull said we can influence what happens but we need to meet with state legislators and make su
they are better informed. Freshmen legisators coming in are not really knowledgeable about the issues
and 1/3 can be difficult.
Jim Cunningham is the next Chair of TCVO. Pat suggested that it is important for the Council to
speak with one voice. Barry Wright suggested that we get a feel for what they are thinking, get a
consensus and then move forward. Larry agreed we needed to get input, refine and discuss.
VI. Chapter Reports
Austin, George Harley - First golf tournament was a huge success. Working on recruiting more
Surviving Spouses. Considering a move from 501 c 19 to a 501 c 3.
Rose Capitol, Jim Snow reported that there will be a Business Expo in July working with Vet
relocation. Involves the whole community
Granbury, Alice Karr - Continue to support JROTC and supporting veterans in the community.
Working on a Field of Flags for Memorial Day Weekend May 27-30
North Texas, Sam Wilder - Great recruiting-numbers have doubled. Facebook is great! Educating
community on advocacy issues. Held a wine and cheese event with no business—very successful.
Dallas, Jim Brown - visited congressional offices in the area
Waco- Vince Tobola, Golf Tournament scheduled for April. Dollars raised will fund JROTC/ROTC
Central Texas - Bilboard space was donated to advertise chapter. Their website is looking good.
They hosted a Military History Symposium on Vietnam. Mari Meyer is their new Surviving Spouse
North DFW, hosted a Veteran Stand down 45,000 veterans.
Alamo, David Patrick -1512 members 1/2 are active duty. Very involved with community. Current
focus on Job Fair.
Kitty Meyers-working on career transition issues using face book and twitter.
Wichita Falls, Larry - working with Veteran Community Assistance Program and Air Force Assoc.
In closing, Larry announced that dinner will be at 7:00
Meeting was adjourned at 5:15
T C C 1st Qtr Meeting Minutes Cont'd, 22-23 January 2016, Page 4
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Larry called the meeting to order at 8:00 am
There were no additions to the agenda.
Following the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to theflag,Larry welcomed the special guest,
Barry Wright, Director Council & Chapters, MOAA.
Barry presented the following important points:
1. Virtual chapters/groups are on the horizon. They are non-geographic and can be a unit, branch,
special interest, ie Army Nurses, etc.
2. USAA is a partner with MOAA. They will provide $800 for council events and $300 for chapter
events. You must acknowledge USAA. It can be for a special event, a golf tournament, scholarship
dinner, etc. It cannot be used for chapter awards.
3. Special incentives are available when membership is converted from premium to life
Ed Marvin, who is chair of the MOAA Council & Chapter Commitee, said that we all need to be
thinking about future ways in which to recruit more members.
Sam Wilder reminded the Council that National MOAA is sending out recruiting letters for the area.
4. Barry Wright encouraged everyone to use the Webn
i ars—there is one a month on a different topic.
It is a great tool.
5. Also use the electronic recruiting message, Chapter Crossfeed.
6. Sign up for electronic updates. The Affiliate. Council & Chapter Update. Legislative Update.
7. Incorporate spouses into your chapters. They are especialy important in our critical advocacy
Larry said it is important to identify membership/legislative/and Surviving Spouse Liaison in chapter
reports. It is also a way to identify future leaders. He said that it thought it would be a good idea to
have a chaplain as a member of the council.
VII Chapter? & Zip Code?
There are 35 Congressional Districts in Texas.
To get better coverage, the following changes were madeDistrict 11 was moved from Abilene to Granbury
District 23 was moved from El Paso to Alamo
District 8 was moved from Houston to Huntsvile
There followed a discussion on how best to cover the 2 senators: Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. Sam
said he a good relationship with Cornyn so he would work with him Larry offered to work with Sam
Pat indicated that Houston had good relationship with Cruz's office in Houston.
T C C 1st Qtr Meeting Minutes Cont'd, 22-23 January 2016, Page 5
Botom line-TCC has the overall responsibility for the Senators. Everyone was encouraged to work
with staffers in each office as that is often where the work is accomplished.
Larry reported that he has a good relationship with Mac Thornberry. Rep Thornberry is Chair of the
House Armed Services Commitee. He encouraged anyone who has special concerns for Thornberry
to send them to him (Larry) and he will communicate with Thornberry.
Vm Expectations of TCC
Jim said that he would like input from others to see what is in legislative packet-something that would
be out ahead of time.
Inform on legislative issues-main focus. Get it in early so issues can be discussed. Establish our
leadership role for the state of Texas
Jim Cunningham said there would be an "official" position paper after the 27 January meeting of
TCVO; however it may change as things develop.
Sam thanked Larry for making the effort to be at their chapter legislative commitee meeting as they
work with their area legislators. It is imperative to get chapter members involved.
Pat said there needed to be guidelines on how to do the meeting. Face to face is important and
positions and specifics on who and what.
K Future Meetings
Larry proposed that the next three council meetings for 2016 be face-to-face at one central location, ie,
Waco and at the Ridgewood Country Club. Dates will be published and sent out to everyone.
Aaron Zuck moved that all the meetings of the Texas Council in 2016 be face-to-face in Waco. Sam
seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Bob Lull will coordinate with the country club. Pat said before setting dates especialy for the fall,
check the Baylor schedule.
Ed Marvin remarked that these kinds of meetings are good because social relationships are critical.
Sam suggested that member chapters be encouraged to join the Texas Council of Veteran
Organizations (TCVO). Dues are $50. This will make our voice more powerful. It demonstrates that
we speak as one on important issues.
X President's comments
Pat stated that we really needed to get all chapters as members of the Council. He indicated that
Huntsvile is falling out, He said that as new chapters come in there should be someone appointed as
a mentor for that chapter. For example, Lubbock is struggling and Wichita Falls will work with them
to help them solve important issues.
Larry indicated that he wanted to reach out and to get more involved and visible to chapters. To
increase visitations, he has appointed Regional Vice Presidents and they can attend chapter meetings in
their respective areas. Meaningful meetings can be a way of showing chapters that they are part of
T C C 1 st Qtr Meeting Minutes Cont'd, 22-23 January 2016, Page 6
something that is bigger than themselves. Larry said will make an intentional effort to personally visit
our chapters.
It is important to deliver a consistent message. Encourage chapters to recruit Surviving Spouses and to
include spouses in the work of the chapters.
Jim Conner suggested that it would be a good idea to push "Voices". If someone is interested in
MOAA but is not eligible to join, this is a great group to join. Sam suggested that we need to provide
more information on Voices.
Jim Connor said that training new officers will also encourage participation.
Larry is interested in holding a State Convocation in 2017. Barry said that Florida and North Carolina
had very successful state meetings. One was "Train the Trainer" and the other was a Leadership
Meeting. MOAA will assist with state conventions.
Larry said that Rotary Clubs have a good format and are successful with District Conferences. He
would like to explore ways to raise funds to help offset costs of participation and to support the counc
Sam said that USA were the best fund raisers and used corporate sponsors. It can be a powerful tool
many business want to be involved with the military.
TCC It can be a useful tool but it needs to be used to be successful and we
are responsible for that.
Ed Marvin indicated the MOAA supports Councils and Chapters. There are 4 directors present today
and MOAA is asking that all board members be more actively involved in their local council and
In Closing, Larry welcomed Gail as our new TCC Secretary, gave a big round of applause to her and
to Jim Cunningham for the meeting arrangements. He also thanked Director Barry Wright for being
with us and sharing the MOAA national perspective on various issues.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30