MASTER tab template - Lake Almanor Country Club
MASTER tab template - Lake Almanor Country Club
Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Lake Almanor Country Club 501 Peninsula Drive Lake Almanor, CA 96137 PAID Permit No. 42 Quincy, CA 95971 Change Service Requested LAKE ALMANOR COUNTRY CLUB NEWSLETTER (530) 596-3282 FAX (530) 596-3877 email: [email protected] 501 Peninsula Drive • Lake Almanor Peninsula • California 96137 VOL. 24 NO. 1 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE LAKE ALMANOR COUNTRY CLUB mines were tunnels dug into the ground (hard rock mining). In 1862, the first of three dams was built in a natural depression at Round Valley, thus creating a lake to provide year-round water for the mines. That same year a new town was created at the bottom of the canyon below Round Valley. The first dam burst, killing a miner named John Winthrop Green. The new town took his name, Greenville. A second dam was built and washed out, but the third dam finally held. Round Valley Reservoir, also known as Bidwell Lake continues to supply water to the town of Greenville. Many Round Valley residents moved to Greenville and the town of Round Valley became a ghost town by the end of the 1860’s. LOCAL LORE: GREENVILLE by Carolyn Stillman A delightful trip down Highway 89 will bring you to the pioneer town of Greenville. The winding road proceeds along Wolf Creek which tumbles and splashes over the rocks on its way downhill. It’s a reminder that gold seekers spent a lot of time on these banks searching for fines and nuggets in the cold waters. Gold opened the door to settlement in Northeastern California. Interestingly, a large gold nugget found at the Standardt Mine in Greenville now resides at the Smithsonian. There were also quartz and copper mines in the surrounding hills which were closed by the Forest Service in the 1960’s and 70’s. Approaching town center, you will pass small homes which in past years housed workers employed by the five mills in the immediate vicinity. A right turn on the Main Street will bring you to the Greenville Cy Hall Memorial Museum. Lori Boersig, the Collections Registrar of the Museum, very kindly loaned me a number of books about Greenville and Indian Valley. I especially enjoyed a small book with the engaging title, The Short Lived Explorations of Isadore Meyerowitz, by Rosaline Levenson. There was very little for Levenson to go on in trying to find out more about the man other than the fact that he was from either Poland or Russia, and was a constant companion of Peter Lassen. Both men left their home countries to seek their fortune in America. Lassen left his native Denmark probably about the same time as Meyerowitz left Russia/Poland. The Lassen party spent a lot of time in Northeastern California searching for the fabled Gold Lake. In 1850, they stumbled on a lush valley they called Cache Valley. When the main party left the mountains as winter approached, Lassen and Meyerowitz stayed, FEB • MARCH 2016 Photo of Greenville, courtesy of Kest Porter. Thank you for additional Greenville information. becoming the first white settlers in the valley. Later Cache Valley was called Indian Valley for the Maidu tribe who occupied the valley. Another book by local resident Pat Kurtz, Mountain Maidu and Pioneers, describes the life and times of the tribe. During the period of 1849 and 1856, Meyerowitz and Lassen continued exploring and prospecting. In that time, Meyerowitz operated trading posts in both Indian Valley and Honey Lake Valley. In 1856, he drowned in a boating accident on Honey Lake. It’s kind of hard to wrap your mind around a boating accident given the current state of Honey Lake. Lassen was later killed by an unknown assailant…more about Lassen in a later issue. In 1860, gold mining began in Round Valley. Round Valley and the boomtown of Round Valley quickly became one of the state’s liveliest camps, with a population of about 400 residents. Instead of taking gold from gravel on the surface (placer mining), Round Valley John Green’s cabin was known as Green’s Hotel. Green’s wife served meals to the miners at the hotel. Henry C. Bidwell, another of the well-known names in our history, built a home there in 1863. He became known as the father See Lore, page 5 NEWSLETTER HIGHLIGHTS • Local Lore - Greenville • CFO Report • General Manager’s Report President’s Message By Nancy Foote The gate attendants were extremely kind to an elderly guest of mine, who arrived here in a blizzard. Their remarkable care • New Resolutions • Consider Running for the Board has since been the topic of many dinner conversations here and across the country. The perfect image for LACC. • 2016 Bandshell Program Information Page 2 FEB • MARCH 2016 EDITORIAL By Carolyn Stillman I enjoy reading a lot…in fact it’s probably my favorite pastime. And my taste is very eclectic. I admit I don’t care for science fiction and can’t abide romance novels, but other than that, most everything is fair game. But I must admit certain things crop up often in books that cause me immediate distress. Let’s take the phrase “…turned on his heel”. Now, come on, have you ever tried that! I have, and I don’t turn on my heel, I turn on my toe. I always want to contact the author and let them know how it bothers me. But then again, I suppose that’s a small thing and I should overlook it. Still, it feels good to get that off my chest. Here I sit in Southern California where dire predictions are being bandied about due to El Nino conditions. We’ll have to hold our collective breath and see how it goes. In the meanwhile, I keep up with the weather outlook at home by checking with the video camera that features time, temperature and a look at Main Street at Ron Martin Realty. I also look at the Fredonyer Summit Traffic Camera for a check on the road conditions on the way to Susanville. I’ll have to be satisfied with that until we head north in April. THANK YOU! The LACC staff would like to extend a sincere Thank You to our generous Members for their donations to the LACC Employee Christmas Fund. It means a lot to the staff when they are shown appreciation for their hard work. Your kind donations show the staff that you care about them. In return, the staff is committed to making LACC the best place in the world. LAKE ALMANOR C O U N T RY C L U B (530) 596-3282 FAX (530) 596-3877 email: [email protected] 501 Peninsula Drive • Lake Almanor • California 96137 Published by Feather Publishing Co., Inc. Advertising: Cheri McIntire, Val Chisholm Box 557, Chester, CA 96122 • (530) 258-3115 Michael Taborski, Publisher All editorial content is the sole responsibility of the Lake Almanor Country Club, 501 Peninsula Drive, Lake Almanor, CA 96137. Board President: Nancy Foote Editor: Carolyn Stillman Asst. to the Editor: Erin Kennelly LACC Newsletter Committee: Carolyn Stillman, Lee Hunter, Jan Vortman All advertising content is the sole responsibility of Feather Publishing Co., Inc. P.O. Box B, Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-0800 • FAX: (530) 283-3952 GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT By Scott Devereaux Happy New Year! As I sit at my desk writing this article, I have just completed my first two months as your new General Manager. Thank you to all of you who have stopped by to introduce yourselves, welcome me to the community, and wish me well. I hope to meet more of you as time goes by. Starting at a new community is always a challenge for a GM. While I have 27 years of experience managing large-scale communities, each community is unique and distinctive and I need to understand the history and culture of the community as well as the desires and goals of our members. I have two major goals for 2016: improved communications and the development of plans to improve the community. Communications – In addition to having an open door policy, I hope to get out and around the community as I settle into my new role. A program I have had success with at other communities are my weekly coffees. I held the first at a member’s home in early December. Starting in mid to late January, I will continue these at a location TBD (most likely the Clubhouse). These are informal gatherings with interested residents where we spend an hour discussing any topic that is brought up. It is a great venue to ask questions, make comments and hear a little about what is going on in the community. We will rotate the days of the week and time of day to assure that all residents have an opportunity to attend. Community Improvements – Here we are talking about two areas; internal operations to create staff efficiencies and control costs and improvements to amenities and assets owned by the Country Club (e.g. roads as one example). Operational efficiencies will, in most cases, be behind the scenes and have little impact on residents. Implementation of many items will happen during the 2016 year. Improvements to amenities will include both short and long term projects. A few of the 2016 projects that have already been approved include sealing approximately 10 miles of roads, replacement of three holes of the irrigation system on the golf course and replacement/renovation of tennis courts 6&7. We are also looking at some short term improvements to Rec. 1 and Rec. 2, are reviewing comments from the recent Long Range Planning Committee survey and will begin to discuss how to better promote this great community. In closing, I am excited to be here (although I am hoping for an early Spring) and look forward to working with community leaders, residents and staff. Please stop and introduce yourself when you see me. LACC LOT FOR SALE • 606 Pine Canyon Road $19,000 For more information, call Jay at 530-596-3303 FEB • MARCH 2016 Page 3 BOARD MINUTES By Brenda Stoner, Recording Secretary Lake Almanor Country Club Board of Directors Meeting At the Clubhouse NOVEMBER 21, 2015 Board President, Nancy Foote, called this duly noticed regular meeting of Lake Almanor Country Club Board of Directors to order at 8:30AM in the Clubhouse. There was a quorum present with Directors Dave Blomgren, Mike Daly, Secretary Mark Fawver, Assistant Treasurer Dennis George, and Eric Rudgers in attendance. Also present were General Manager Scott Devereaux, and Recording Secretary Brenda Stoner. MEMBER COMMENT: A member spoke about how disappointed he was about the way the previous General Manager Alan Dubroff and his wife Camille were treated by some members and suggested that a quarterly or bi-annual meeting should be held with the new General Manager to touch base and see how things are going with him and to make sure he is happy. Another member spoke about how poorly some members behaved towards Dubroff. Another member spoke about the silence surrounding this treatment until now. Foote stated that this silence was Dubroff’s choice. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Daly made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 17th, 2015 regular Board of Directors meeting. George seconded the motion. Rudgers asked for a correction to those minutes regarding the amount of fish that the Almanor Fishing Association puts into the lake be changed from 1,000,000 to 50,000 per year. A vote was taken and the motion with corrections passed unanimously. Blomgren made a motion to approve the executive session minutes of the October 17th Board of Directors meeting. George seconded it and it passed unanimously. Secretary Fawver read a statement that during the executive session of October 17th, 2015 the Board of Directors of the Lake Almanor Country Club discussed personnel, legal, and contracts. Under personnel, a motion passed to send an offer of employment and a contract to Scott Devereaux for the new General Manager position. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter from a member regarding run-off and LACC drainage ditches running into 810 Golf Club Rd. Another letter from a member regarding the drainage system on Peninsula Drive around 835 Peninsula Drive. Another letter from a member regarding low employee morale and how a previous employee was treated. Another letter from a member who thinks there will be dangerous radiation from the proposed Verizon Cell tower. Another letter from a member regarding the Security Department not driving by his home on Timber Ridge as much as they have in the past. Another letter from a member thanking us for the new culvert and catch basin at Peninsula Drive and Dyer View Road. This member also wanted to thank Bob Feeney, our volunteer Engineer, for working with Mike Bagby on planning, specifying and supervising this project. FINANCIAL REPORT: Devereaux read the October financial report. It is enclosed. For the month, the revenues were over budget by $7,552 and expenses were under budget by $365 for net revenue above budget by $7,187. Year-to-date actual revenues were over budget by $40,104, actual expenses were over budget by $20,617, and the Net revenue was above budget by $19,487. Reserve Budget Overview – 2015 Budgeted Reserve expenditures totaled $460,460. October Actual Reserve expenditures were $7,000. YTD 2015 Actual Reserve expenditures were $288,896 leaving the 2015 Budget to YTD Reserve expenditures above budget by $171,564. The Investment Account Overview – Invested Operating Fund had a balance of $506,329 and the balance in the contingency fund was $63,106. The balance in the invested reserve Fund total was $2,110,015, the construction deposit account totaled $43,263, and the music department balance was $17,932. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Architectural Review Committee Chairman, Cliff Shelton, read the report of the Architectural Review Committee. They had no variance meetings. They approved 7 new construction plans for the month of October with 1 new home which brings new homes to 8 YTD. The Security Committee member Eric Rudgers reported they had a meeting on November 6, 2015 at 10:00 and reviewed Helen’s daily log and Helen was also updating job descriptions for the volunteer force for the Holidays and also discussed the winter gear. They are meeting again on December 3rd at 1:00 in the Conference Room at the office Clubhouse Committee Chairman, Donna Smith was absent, but sent Dorothy Gonzalez in her place to read their report. She reported they will meet Friday November 6th. They discussed displaying their art work at the Blue Goose from July 16th through September 30, 2016 with the theme “Christmas in July”. There will be a two day exhibit July 24th and 25th with a Blue Goose representative present on the 24th. There will also be a B&B Artists display from May 1st through July 15th, 2016. Firewise Committee chairman, Barbara MacArthur, reported they met Thursday November 19th, and, are in the process of finalizing the Wildfire Protection plan and updating the resolution for the Fire Safe Property. They will meet again on December 1st at 1:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Office. Golf Committee member, Rudgers, reported at the last BOD meeting, the board discussed the Bunkers on 9. Fawver asked a question regarding the Realtor problem we had near the end of the Summer when Jay Sabelman came to one of the meetings complaining about Security not letting his clients in the Club. Rudgers reported that Helen Jones made up a new form and is working with the Realtors and their clients to make sure they can gain entrance to the club. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT: Administration: Devereaux thanked the search committee and the BOD for hiring him and said he has an “Open Door” policy for everyone. He plans on having weekly Coffee Meetings, for an hour, with open communication. The 2014 tax returns were finally finished and mailed to the IRS and the Accountants were told this would not happen next year and they would be getting the Tax Return at a much earlier date, so LACC could file on time. The 2015 Reserve Analysis Study was received and he had forwarded several questions to Brian McCaffery, who did the study. The 2016 Annual Dues Statements were scheduled to be mailed along with the Annual Disclosure letter on or before November 25, 2015. The new Employee Health Insurance is going into effect December 1, 2015. The 2016 Department Monthly budgets are due from all Department Heads by the end of November. Maintenance – Winter Transition is in place and they are working on all of our snow removal equipment and servicing. Storm Water Draining continues to be a work in progress and there is a need to develop an overall strategy as to how to proceed. Road conditions allowing, they will begin work on their paving and repair schedule in the near future. Staff converted a 10 month employee into a full time status. Clubhouse – 2016 Concessionaire Lease had two responses to newspaper advertisement and only one response of interest (Price’s). See Minutes, page 4 Page 4 FEB • MARCH 2016 MINUTES, from page 3 OLD BUSINESS: Foote read a proposed resolution #2015-9 regarding Property Condition Fire Safe. Discussion followed. Foote suggested they wait until after the December Firewise meeting to revisit this resolution that will be edited, once the Firewise Committee goes over it again. It will be brought to the next board meeting in January 16, 2016. Devereaux talked about LACC’s 531a, a piece of ground owned by LACC located at 531a Peninsula Drive, and suggested we abandon any attempt to make this a legal lot. It is a very narrow piece of property and he thinks it would be a bad idea to pursue. NEW BUSINESS: Daly made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-11, a 3-part Resolution regarding Assistant Secretary of LACC, Bank Account Signers and Approval of 2014 Tax Return. Fawver seconded it and it passed unanimously. George made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-12, Amendment of the 2016 Budget. Daly seconded. Discussion followed and motion passed unanimously. Devereaux asked all the board members to sign the “Annual Disclosure Statement under conflicts of interest policy” which were included in the board packet. Lake Almanor Country Club Board of Directors Special Meeting At the LACC Conference Room DECEMBER 29, 2015 Board President, Nancy Foote, called this duly noticed special meeting of Lake Almanor Country Club Board of Directors to order at 10:00 AM in the LACC Conference Room. There was a quorum present with Directors Dave Blomgren, Mike Daly, and Vice President Mark Crager on the Conference Call/telephone along with Assistant Treasurer Dennis George and Eric Rudgers in attendance. Also present were General Manager Scott Devereaux, and Recording Secretary Brenda Stoner. RESOLUTION 2015-13 – OUTSOURCE PAYROLL: Devereaux spoke about the background as to why the administrative staff needs to outsource the payroll and HR. Foote read the Resolution 2015-13 aloud. George made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-13 and Rudgers seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Crager asked if Allevity HR & Payroll offered a Payroll Card if someone did not have a bank account without having to cut any paper checks. More discussion followed. A member entered the room during the conversation. George wanted to make sure the quote was an annual figure and not a monthly figure. This was confirmed. A vote was called by Foote and passed unanimously. This meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m. This meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m. to Executive Session to discuss Committees, personnel, legal, and contracts. The next regular meeting of the Lake Almanor Country Club Board of Directors is scheduled for January 16th 2016 to be held in the Clubhouse at 8:30 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Lake Almanor Country Club Board of Directors is scheduled for January 16th 2016 to be held in the Clubhouse at 8:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Stoner Recording Secretary BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS: February 2016 – No Meeting March 19, 2016 – 8:30 AM – Clubhouse April 16, 2016 – 8:30 AM – Clubhouse Agendas are available at the LACC office 4 days prior to the date of the meeting. Serving Susanville, Lake Almanor and Chester REMINDER: LACC’s Speed Limit is 25 MPH unless otherwise posted. FEB • MARCH 2016 Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor Policy: The LA CC Newsletter welcomes letters of up to 200 words. The editor reserves the right to reject letters or edit for clarity, brevity, good taste and accuracy, and to prevent libel. No poetry, attacks on private individuals, or letter-writing campaigns, please. Include a phone number where you can be reached during the day. For mailed or faxed submissions, you can sign the letter. Editor: We would like to send a big thank you to Donna Smith, Joanne Ness and their committee for jumping into the void and working so hard to put on a lovely New Year’s Eve Party! The decorations they provided for the tables and the room was great, and David and John Price served a delicious dinner. We didn’t manage to last until midnight, but when we left it seemed that everyone was having a wonderful time. Thank you, ladies, for all your hard work. John and Marcy Murphy To the Editor: I have had the same problem as Lynn Kendrick. The bright outside lights are sometimes left on all night. In fact a neighbor left his garage lights on while he was gone until they burned out (a week). Is it appropriate to notify security when this problem occurs? Clyde E. Brewton 952 Peninsula Drive LACC To: LACC Board of Directors Subject: Dyer View Road culvert improvement Thank you for your attention to the installation of a new culvert and catch basin at Peninsula Drive and Dyer View Road. This has been badly needed for many years and now serves to protect the properties of affected neighbors from future flooding. I’d also like to thank Bob Feeney, our resident civil engineer, for unselfishly contributing his time to work with Mike Bagby on planning, specifying and supervising this project. I gratefully appreciate the good work. Sincerely, Greg Maleski Page 5 LORE, from page 1 of Greenville because of his many business interests in and around the community. As time went along, more families moved into the valley and businesses thrived. Schools and churches were built and the need for goods and services increased. Indian Valley with its well watered meadows became home to dairy farms. These dairies provided one of the largest exports from Plumas County, butter in particular, along with the other dairy products. However, in dollars and weight, a lot more copper than butter was exported. Later, the dairy cattle gave way to beef animals that now dot the still rich meadows of Indian Valley. Returning to Main Street, a visit to the old building which now houses Sterling Sage owned and operated by Bink and Josh Huddleston, is a must. It began as the Owl Saloon and Café in 1890. During Prohibition it was modified from bar to soda fountain. Prior to 1997, the old building went through numerous iterations. When the Huddlestons purchased the building and opened their business, they dealt only in antiques. Along the way, Bink and Josh have added jewelry, gifts and gourmet foods. The exterior of the building, in keeping with most of the shops and businesses along Main Street, has retained its original appearance. To fully appreciate the Greenville, Taylorsville Indian Valley experience, you may want to visit Greenville during their Gold Digger Days celebration, the third weekend in July. Taylorsville, just south of Greenville, presents Pioneer Days in June, and then on the first weekend of October, you can enjoy their Barn Quilt Tour. And, by all means, you should visit Anna’s Café for a delicious meal. NOTICE The newest member handbook, approved November 17, 2007, was mailed to all LACC members. Additional copies are available at the LACC office. It is also available on the LACC web site. Insert pages, of Board approved changes to the handbook, are mailed to all members each year with your annual dues billing. Control Your Power. Control Your Life™ HOME BACKUP POWER. COMFORT. SECURITY COME WHAT MAY. The Most Affordable & Reliable Home Stand-by Generator on the Market! Earthwork – Septic Systems – Gravel/Sand – Trucking Sales • Installation • Service CA LIC #667295 • LTO # A11122 GENERAL CONTRACTORS INC. (530) 596-3953 Brian and Lynne Turner 3746 Big Springs Rd., Lake Almanor, CA Text REDROCK to 72727 B/C-10 • CSL #562340 Cal Thurber, Jr • 530-259-4995 “Your Local Factory Trained Service Technician” Page 6 FEB • MARCH 2016 VITAL STATISTICS With sympathy to his family, we announce the death of member Ronald Stillwell on January 25, 2016. If you would like to advise us of the death of a Lake Almanor Country Club member or a birth in a member’s immediate family, please contact the office with the name and date, along with your name. EMERGENCY AND IMPORTANT LACC NUMBERS & WEBSITES PUBLICATION SCHEDULE The deadline for the April Newsletter issue is: Material to the office by March 18, 2016 including Letters to the Editor, which may be no longer than 200 words. Newsletter will be mailed out April 8, 2016 via third class mail. we love SMILES Gentle Dental Care for the Whole Family Preventative • Restorative • Extractions • Root Canals Cosmetic Dentistry • Dentures Dental Implant Crowns & Over Dentures Gum Disease Treatment Dr. Arthur Abordo, DDS Katie Goodwin, RDH • Alanna Dunbar, RDH CHESTER FAMILY DENTISTRY 211 LAUREL LANE, CHESTER • (530) 258-2201 EMERGENCY (FIRE OR HEALTH) 911 SECURITY 596-3222 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 596-3282 CLIFFORD GATE 259-5320 PENINSULA GATE 596-3222 RESTAURANT 259-2026 BAR 259-5440 GOLF PRO SHOP 259-2868 TENNIS SHOP 259-3656 EDWIN S. BUTLER FIRE HALL #2 259-2306 LACC WATER CO. 259-2161 SENECA HOSPITAL 258-2151 FEATHER RIVER DISPOSAL 1-800-300-1046 PG&E 1-800-743-5000 CALNEVA CABLE TV COMPANY 1-866-330-2028 Plumas County Supervisor Sherrie Thrall’s e-mail address is [email protected] WINTER GATE HOURS PENINSULA GATE IS NOT STAFFED PLEASE USE YOUR GATE CARD OR RF TAG CLIFFORD GATE HOURS STAFFED MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 7:00AM – 7:00PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 7:00AM – 9:00PM SUNDAY 7:00AM – 5:00PM PLEASE, MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR YOUR AFTER-HOUR GUESTS Providing Indoor and Outdoor Storage in the Lake Almanor Basin & Surrounding Areas! McNEILL SECURITY STORAGE To Reserve Your Space Contact: Beverly Emerson, Storage Manager (530) 596-3241 STORAGE LOCATIONS CHESTER 677 Main St. • 741 Main St. 272 Black Oak Dr. • 480 Black Oak Dr. LAKE ALMANOR 449 Peninsula Dr. WESTWOOD 412 Ash St. HAMILTON BRANCH 3764 Big Springs Rd. CANYON DAM 29618 HWY 89 GREENVILLE 638 HWY 89 FEB • MARCH 2016 Page 7 Solid lake views from this impeccably clean cabin on a quiet culde-sac. Interior feat.: vaulted pine ceilings, updated kitchen w/ tiled counters/floors, newer appliances, huge lower level ma. bdrm. w/ cozy pellet stove, and 2 addt’l bedrooms. Well maintained wrap-around deck + lower level decking off Ma. bdrm. Detached 2-car garage + parking pads at street. Low-maintenance landscaping. MLS 201501320…$379,900 i Pend ng Centrally located within the Country Club, this nearly level lot offers up a great building site! Walk to the clubhouse, golf course and two sandy beaches within minutes! MLS 201501148….$14,000 This cute cabin has wonderful lake access, offering some of the best beach frontage in Almanor! Sweeping lake views and very nice Dyer Mtn. views. Living room boasts knotty pine accents and cozy cabin feel. Upstairs, 2 huge bedrooms lead to large additional sleeping areas. Newer aluminum dock, and near-level from street to lake. MLS 201501173…$700,000 i Pend Stunning larger home that exhibits tremendous quality indoors & out! Hickory floors, granite countertops, high-end appliances, formal dining & parlor area. Massive game room upstairs for indoor fun. Lg. master bdrm. has an attached office area & private bath complete w/ spa tub. Level driveway guides you to an oversized 3-car garage w/ tons of storage. MLS 201300934…….$569,000 Cabin nestled in the woods! Relax on the large wrap around deck, or head to the horseshoe pit for some outdoor fun. Spacious kitchen offers a lot of cupboard space, with attached dining area. Wall of windows make for a light and bright living room. Nice boat and golf cart included. Great carport plus garage! MLS 201400962…$209,000 Lake Almanor retreat with 3400 sq. ft. main house, and 1200 square foot guest cabin! The gated parcel is .89 acre, w/128’ of flat beach area. Feat.: chinked Doug fir siding, teakwood flooring, marble counters, 20’ high exposed beam and wood ceiling, 2200 sq. ft. of decking, 40 yr. roofing, floating dock w/ waverunner berth, hot tub, outdoor rock shower and Viking refrig. and Wolf range. MLS 201200372…$2,250,000 Level access and single level living from this outstanding home in the heart of the Country Club! Walk to each rec. center in minutes. Fenced backyard w/ lush landscaping. Interior feat. new hardwood flooring, vaulted living rm. ceilings, heated floor in ma. bath, cozy wood stove & great open floor plan. Enclosed carport. Huge redwood deck. MLS 201500014…$349,000 ng Outstanding proximity to amenities from this nearly level Peninsula Drive location. Walk to the beach in seconds. Owner is willing to carry, with negotiable terms. A fantastic opportunity to secure a great spot for your mountain home at Lake Almanor. MLS 201200254…$59,000 Centrally located in the Country Club, this level lot and single level home is neat & clean! Outstanding open floor plan includes, hardwood floors, natural rock hearth and woodstove, exhibition kitchen, air conditioning, spacious back deck with privacy, horseshoe pit and a large heated garage for the toys. Walk to the golf course or Rec. 1 in minutes. MLS 201500267…$349,000 Mountain life couldn’t be better from this large lakefront home! Vaulted wood ceilings, two river rock hearths, updated kitchen & appliances, large office area with lake views, huge game room with massive beamed ceiling + wet bar & wine cellar, and a luxurious master bedroom with adjoining hot tub. The back deck is 700 sq. ft. and offers privacy with gorgeous views. Immaculately maintained and comes mostly furnished! MLS 201500122…$995,000 Large corner lot located on a very quiet street in the Country Club. Great proximity to the lower gate. Nice gentle upslope makes for a great building site! MLS 201201100…$30,000 This majestic golf course home feat. expansive views of both golf course and lake! Open floor plan, and wonderful entertaining atmosphere. Finishes include: hardwood flooring, tiled counters, Trex decking, vinyl siding, and an enormous master bedroom with sitting area. The deep, 3-car garage has large door heights and a fabulous apartment/guest qtrs. The huge rear deck overlooks private lawn. MLS 201201059…$459,000 Jay Sabelman Call me today for a Free Market Analysis! 452 Peninsula Drive at the Peninsula Drive Gate • 119 Main Street, Chester Office: (530) 596-3303 • Cell: (530) 258-6278 Fax: (530) 596-3330 [email protected] for more listings Owner / Realtor Associate® BRE #01315308 13-year Lake Almanor Country Club Resident 2015 Plumas Association of Realtors "Realtor of the Year" Page 8 FEB • MARCH 2016 2016 Band Shell News HELP WANTED It’s not too early to think about applying for seasonal employment at Lake Almanor Country Club. The following positions are available. Please call (530) 596-3282 or stop at the office, 501 Peninsula Drive, for an application or more information. Lifeguards Tennis Shop Assistants Rec Assistants Gate Attendants Bartenders Maintenance Workers Golf Course Greens Keepers An application form can be printed from our website at To access the application, click on LACC Employment on the menu to the left. By Shirley Leschinsky/Director of Music SUMMER MUSIC AT LACC Looking ahead to an exciting 2016 LACC Summer Bandshell Concert Series!! Now, here’s where the fun really starts. I am not going to be the snitch this early in the year and tell you exactly what’s happening in the Bandshell, but I will give hints. First of all, you will be able to dance every night, or at least, clap your hands, stomp your feet, nod your head…and smile. Isn’t that is what fun is all about? There will be Cowboys that bring you the real experience of western heritage and legends, Wild West history and fast horses into their songs. This group has a knack for bringing the old west out in every one of us. After this night, you will know what western music is all about. A 50’s-60’s group comes to us ready to bring back memories of 15 cent hamburgers, Mr. Potato Head, and the backseat at the drive-in movie. There’s also a Blues band that will melt your heart; classic rock n roll; cover tunes and a few originals. And, a group that plays all of it…soul, zydeco, folk, blues, rock, Caribbean, and a little bit more, all on the same night. That’s a preview of the new bands! A few of your favorite groups are returning, too; some that we couldn’t live without at the LACC Summer Bandshell. Remember, there will be four Saturday night’s filled with music in August; which means you don’t have to cut out early and miss out on all the fun! Only other difference is August concerts will be from 8 to 10 p.m. July and September remain the same as they have been for the last 40 years, or so; Sunday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. We hope you plan your summer to include these music concerts! In order to make every summer a success, the Bandshell needs your help. It is a big job to put on this concert series and has been for so many years with the help of many, many people. Funding comes from you, by way of $ donations, raffle prizes and their ticket sales. Volunteers sell raffle tickets, feed the entertainers, and do lots of miscellaneous chores on music night. Stop by the LACC Administration Office at the Peninsula Drive gate; drop off your $ donation and raffle prizes. Or contact me at (530) 277-5446 [email protected]. Learn how you can help this program return year after year for a Summer of Fun! I look forward to meeting you. The door is always open to hear what you want. PLEASE! No smoking in BBQ area or in the seating area during the Summer Bandshell concerts. No More Extension Cords to Pull! Let Universal Electric install a Transfer Switch for your manual generator so you don't have to spend time pulling extension cords manually! TRASH TAGS AVAILABLE AT LACC OFFICE & CLIFFORD GATE 15 FOR 1 PICK-UP OF TWO 30 GAL CANS OR ONE 64-GALLON WASTE WHEELER. $ NOT VALID TOWARD 94-GALLON WASTE WHEELERS FEB • MARCH 2016 Page 9 SECURITY NOTICES FOR FIRE, MEDICAL AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMERGENCIES CALL 911 Away from your LACC home for a while? Remember that Security (259-5320 or [email protected]) needs to be advised regarding a contact phone number in the event of an emergency affecting your property, the name and phone number for a keeper of an emergency key, and dates you expect your home to be vacant. Safety at the Gates: Please use special caution and drive extra slowly at the gates, for the protection of our personnel. Reminder: For your safety and the safety of others, Security staff issues speeding tickets to those driving too fast. Please observe the posted speed limit. Refuse Containers: LACC Member Handbook Rules & Regulations 4.3.2 state “Trash containers must be removed from the roadside within 24 hours after garbage pickup”. Citations will be issued. Security Gates: Activity at the LACC gates is monitored by camera on a 24 hour, 7 day a week basis. Rec Trash Containers: Per LACC Member Handbook Rules & Regulations 4.3.7, Rec area trash cans are not for residential use. Citations will be issued. Excavating • Tree & Stump removal • Underground utilities • Pavers (Driveways, Patios Retaining Walls) • Waterfront restoration • Driveway designing • Paving • Demolition General Construction • Residential • Commercial • Remodel • Home site preparation • Residential logging • Concrete flatwork • Concrete foundation • Masonry 407 Ponderosa Dr., Lake Almanor, CA Service Workers: Please notify the gates if you have service personnel coming to your house. They will be turned away if the gates do not have prior authorization. Contact Clifford Gate at 259-5320, Peninsula Gate at 596-3222, or e-mail [email protected]. Gate Entry Cards: A proximity gate card or a RF tag is required for unassisted entry at either gate, available at LACC office, 501 Peninsula Drive. LACC Rules Enforcement: Security staff is available from 7:00AM to Midnight, 7 days a week by calling 259-5320. When the gates are not staffed, all calls will be referred to the LACC Security Answering Service. FOR EMERGENCIES AFTER Midnight - CALL 911 SECURITY IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR ASSISTED ENTRY AFTER Midnight. Gate cards and RF tags may be purchased at the LACC Office during regular business hours. Gate attendants have been instructed not to open the member gate. Please use your gate card or RF tag. Guest Authorizations: Call after 7AM, when gate attendants are on duty. Or, send an email to [email protected]. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. • Steel buildings • Insurance work welcome • Painting • Fork lift rental • High lift (40’) Septic Systems • New systems (530) 596-4111 Cell 530.816.2222 • Site Preparation • Stump Removal • Tree Removal • Excavation • Septic Systems • Utilities • Hazard Tree Removal • Tree Climbing and Topping Insured • Call for Quote Licensed Timber Operator LIC # A9729 • Repairs • Locating • Pumping • Sewer line replacement • Diagnostic • Dump truck hauling • Backhoe service Full Property Clean-up 34 Years Experience in the Lake Almanor Area Lic. #525368 • Lic. #A9729 Free Estimates Page 10 FEB • MARCH 2016 MEET YOUR NEW NEIGHBORS The following LACC sales were processed in the office prior to January 15, 2015. We shall keep you up to date as space allows. • Ralph & Laura Anderson 842 Timber Ridge Road • Randy & Cynthia Happanen 875 Golf Club Road • Robert & Sheryl Bracewell 600 E. Burnt Cedar Road • Mary & Susan Lebrett 635 W. Burnt Cedar Road • Michael & Terri Chuchel 814 Lassen View Drive • Joseph & Michelle O’Neil 1302 Peninsula Drive • Steve & Mary Danli 649 W. Burnt Cedar Road • Paul & Izumi Rubens 1104 Lassen View Drive • David & Jeannette Dillabo 710 Pine Canyon Trail • Robert & Michele Vassar 1205 Lynx Road • Matthew Ferrini 621 Lake Ridge Road SPECIALIZING IN CLOSE QUARTER AND HAZARDOUS TREE REMOVAL • Falling • Topping • View Clearing • Timber Purchasing Quality work at competitive prices. Total cleanup available HILLSKEMPER ROOFING LAKE ALMANOR Over 20 years in the Almanor Basin (530) 520-5266 • (530) 877-0748 JOE TANTARDINO LOGGING, INC. LAKE ALMANOR, CA • INSURED • Lic. #A-1319 596-4539 Brian Hillskemper CA Lic. #562508 Custom Homes • Reroofing Snow Removal • Free Estimates Local References Quality Isn’t Expensive … It’s Priceless! FEB • MARCH 2016 Page 11 LAKE ALMANOR COUNTRY CLUB MEN’S 18 HOLE GOLF ASSOCIATION THE TENNIS SKINNY By David Galpine, Tennis Chair By Ev Eaton, President Hello LACC Tennis Fans! Having completed a fun filled 2015 season, under the guidance of Chuck Johnson, we are anticipating an enjoyable 2016. Although our membership of 92 members has declined, due to the loss of some longtime golf friends, through moves, deaths and other reasons, we are planning a full schedule for our active remaining group. Greetings from sunny La Quinta, one of the greatest tennis Capitals of the World! The Tennis Courts are bristling with activity! Don’t forget one the best tennis tournaments in the World taking place at Indian Wells in early March. Make your reservations early; the best seats are sold early on! The 2016 golf calendar includes our weekly Sweeps Game organized by John Leete. Member handicaps are monitored by Lowell Neugebauer. Larry Prentke will oversee our Treasury. Tournaments are scheduled by Will Rasmussen. Our monthly board meetings will be recorded by Jim Maurer. Nate Ryan is organizing the Member/Guest Invitational on July 15th and 16th. In March, members will receive further information regarding the Invitational, including cost and registration procedures. The members only Bash, on August 17th will be handled by Jim Leanard backed up by Jim Drake. Most of you tennis “buds” are scattered around warmer tennis temperatures by now, but at your summer home our new General Manager (Scott Devereaux) is elbow deep working with contractors to get courts 6 & 7 repaired/replaced. He assures us courts 6&7 will be on line for opening day. We look forward bringing those courts back on line. The LACC Men’s Golf Sweeps Games, weather permitting, will begin on Wednesday April 27th. As in the past, we are looking forward to relying on the expertise of our Golf Pro John Moritz for guidance in all our golf activities. I would encourage LACC resident men interested in the game of golf to contact the golf shop for information about our organization. Our members are excellent examples of sportsmanship and camaraderie in their enjoyment of golf. Happy 2016 to all. We have some new tennis programs planned for the 2016 season. One of which is Early Bird tennis! We plan two courts for 7AM! Whoopee! Or maybe we should title this “Wakeup tennis”! Another program is “Sundowner tennis”, starts at 6PM to sundown. Beat the heat and sun in your eyes! I have a couple of competitive ideas I will share with you later. That’s’ it for now. Questions or comments? Send to:[email protected] Cheers! It’s Time to Remodel! Get the most up to date fixtures, • We offer all brands • Design Consultant services plumbing & electrical! • Priced to fit any budget Complimentary Portfolio Review for my neighbors at Lake Almanor Country Club We accommodate custom requests, call us today! Dan Dooley, AAMS® Mobile App: Text SLUSHER to 72727 Financial Advisor 1885 South Arlington Ave Suite 101 Reno, NV 89509 775-332-2881 Page 12 FEB • MARCH 2016 Resolution 2015-9 Property Condition-Fire Safe was approved on January 16, 2016. NOW THEREFORE, the Board of Directors agrees to amend the Member Handbook as follows: (italics and bold is added) RESOLUTION 2015-9 4.5. Property Condition. All members are required to maintain their properties in a neat and clean condition and free from fire and other hazards. PROPERTY CONDITION-FIRE SAFE WHEREAS, the Lake Almanor Country Club’s Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) Article III, Section 3.08(a) gives the Board of Directors power to propose, enact and amend rules and regulations, and WHEREAS, the Lake Almanor Country Club Bylaws, Article IX, Section 9.01(e) gives the Board of Directors the authority to make and enforce provisions relating to the control, management and use of the Lots, Common Areas, and Common Facilities and the roads within Lake Almanor Country Club, and WHEREAS, the Firewise Committee would like to outline the defensible space guidelines for properties within Lake Almanor Country Club; Members are strongly urged to maintain their property using the following guidelines. The goal is to protect homes and property while providing a safe environment for firefighters. Remove flammable vegetation (i.e. Juniper shrubs) within 30 feet surrounding a house. Remove wooden fencing next to structures. Keep tree limbs trimmed at least 10 feet from a chimney. Remove dead limbs that hang over any structure. Maintain appropriate spacing between plants and trees. Remove ladder fuels (including, but not limited to, fallen branches/trees, excessive vegetation, smaller trees growing under large trees and low hanging tree limbs). Remove build-up of needles from roofs and gutters. Remove firewood stacked next to a structure. The above recommendations also apply to vacant lots. Pen din g Lakefront Home Lakefront Lot – Great Deal On The Lake Location! Steps Away From Rec-2 Beach Cutler Anderson designed home. The architect is famed for creating Bill Gatesʼ Seattle home. See photo gallery and more details at: MLS 201500678 $1,395,000 Ideal building site will provide stunning views of Lake Almanor and Dyer Mountain. See photo gallery and more details at: MLS 201401098 $389,500 One lot away from the Rec-2 sandy beach swim area and boat launch. See photo gallery and more details at: MLS 201501054 $285,000 Happy New Year! rket Analysis a M E E R F a r Selling? Call fo of Homes r u o T a e g n a rr a Buying? Call to 2015 Sales Statistics Are Posted on My Website • Visit • Scroll down to “Recent News” • Click on “2015 Sales” 530-258-9649 [email protected] 452 Peninsula Drive – At the Country Club Gate – Lake Almanor, CA Todd Smith Experienced Lake Almanor Real Estate Broker BRE#01111190 FEB • MARCH 2016 Page 13 Here’s your preview to our 2016 spring mailer. Mention this ad along with promo code “demand the best,” and receive a really cool ‘gift’ along with every estimate! Mike Orloff Painting .com “The Clear Choice With a Lifetime of Experience” 284-6376 [email protected] Serving Lake Almanor and Beyond Commercial & Residential Bonded and Insured • Lic. # 731652 Full Service Painting and Expert Staining Lead Certified Beautifying and protecting over 350 homes in the country club since 1996. Page 14 FEB • MARCH 2016 PLEASE HELP! POSTAGE PROCEDURES FOR LACC NEWSLETTER CONSIDER RUNNING FOR THE BOARD Mac Hinman, Nominating Committee Chairman Well, folks, it’s that time of year, again, and we’re looking for good, qualified people, in good standing, to run for the Board! Fill out the following candidate’s statement application and mail to: The LACC Newsletter is mailed to all members as 3rd class mail. Third class mail is not forwarded. The U.S. Postal Service charges LACC $.59 for each piece of 3rd class mail that it cannot deliver. This $.59 is in addition to the original postage placed on the Newsletter. Please, help us get your Newsletter to you, without additional costs. Always change your address with the LACC office. The LACC Newsletter is considered the official means of notifying members of information pertaining to your association. Nominating Committee Chairman LACC Administration Office 501 Peninsula Drive Lake Almanor, CA 96137 TO: Chair, Nominating Committee SUBJECT: You may temporarily opt-out of having the Newsletter mailed to you, by notifying the office at 530-596-3282 or [email protected]. The Newsletter is available on our web site at No password is needed. To permanently opt-out of receiving the paper Newsletter, please complete the Newsletter Opt-Out form on our web site at under Documents, after setting up your resident login. Mail the completed form to 501 Peninsula Drive, Lake Almanor, CA 96137. Candidate for Board of Directors This is to serve as notification of my intent to be a candidate for election to the Board of Directors of the Lake Almanor Country Club in July 2016. I understand final notification of candidacy must be made prior to 5:00 p.m. on May 13, 2016. Date: _________________________________ Signature: _________________________________ Name (Print): _________________________________ NOTE: Your maximum 300-word statement, to be mailed with the annual meeting ballot and printed in the June Newsletter, must be in the office by May 13, 2016. It should include the following: A brief resume of the candidate’s background His or her years of Club affiliation and involvement His or her views on major issues facing the Club KEHR/O’BRIEN REAL ESTATE Trust Experience! Handling all phases of real estate in the Lake Almanor Basin since 1976. Dennis Mason, Broker Associate What the candidate would like to see accomplished during his or her term LACC Office Use Only: Date Received: _____________ 530-596-3266 or 530-251-7711 PLEASE USE CAUTION. Almanor Properties, Inc. Property Management Vacation Rentals 530-596-3232 We handle long term and weekly rentals! Bobcats, coyotes, bears and mountain lions frequent the area. Watch your children and pets. Please do not feed the wildlife or leave pet food outside. [email protected] 499 Peninsula Drive • Lake Almanor BRE#00494902 Remember, LACC is not responsible for the incursion of wildlife. You, the member, are responsible for the safety of yourselves, guests and pets. FEB • MARCH 2016 Page 15 CRIME PREVENTION IN OUR COMMUNITY By Helen Jones LACC is a wonderful place. We have natural beauty, great people and very little crime. We would like to keep it that way. Controlling vandalism and crime comes down to a Community working together to stop it. Neighbors need to keep their eyes and ears open and be on the lookout for one another. There is often a common thread in unreported vandalism or crime. Someone heard or saw something but failed to act on their suspicion and call Security. Please be observant and report any suspicious activity to the Security Department. The Clifford Gate can be reached at 530-259-5320. If you witness a crime, please immediately call 911. March 13, 2016 CHANGE YOUR CLOCK, CHANGE YOUR SMOKE ALARM BATTERIES Batteries in a smoke alarm should be changed at least twice a year, even if they are hardwired into the electrical. A good time to remember to check your smoke alarm batteries is when you change your clocks twice a year as daylights savings time begins and ends. Most crime or vandalism that occurs within LACC is from external sources. If you witness illegal entry into the Club please contact Security immediately. It is helpful if you can provide a description of the vehicle, license plate number, and/or location of the vehicle. One thing that our residents should NOT do is approach anyone involved in a crime or suspicious activity. Make a call and let the professionals handle it. Crime and Vandalism can be minimized, but only if everyone keeps their eyes and ears open and immediately reports suspicious activity. Regular smoke alarm maintenance is essential, as roughly two-thirds of home fire deaths occur in homes without working smoke alarms. Since most fatal fires occur at night, it’s crucial that every home has working smoke alarms to provide an early warning. Here are a few other tips to keep in mind: Placement: Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, in the hallways leading to the bedrooms and on each level of your home including the basement. Smoke alarms should be mounted on the ceiling 4 inches from the wall; wall mounts should be 4 ½ inches from the ceiling. Do not install near draft areas such as windows or vents. Call your local fire department if you are unsure about placement. Smoke Alarm Maintenance: In addition to changing the batteries twice a year, you should test your smoke alarm every month by simply holding down on the test button. Vacuum your alarm at least once a year, as dust and cobwebs can impair sensitivity. Never paint over a smoke alarm. Smoke alarms should also be replaced every 10 years. When The Alarm Goes Off: If the alarm goes off, crawl low to the ground under the smoke and exit your home quickly. Don’t try to take anything with you, just get out. Once safely outside, go to your family meeting place to ensure everyone got out safely. Once you’re out, stay out! Make sure to prepare and practice an escape plan including a family meeting place. Just like schools practice fire drills, families should also practice what to do if their smoke alarms go off. Over an acre of land , 300 feet of shore line and almost 200 feet of lake front landscaping. Private boat launch, natural breakwater, dock, buoy, large pad for RV/ boat parking and Turfstone drive from parking pad to boat launch. Four bedroom, 3 bath, 3,825 sq ft custom home with spectacular lake and mountain views. Gourmet kitchen with granite counters, stainless appliances, island and 2 breakfast bars. Gorgeous dining and great room with spectacular views. Comfortable den and east wing bedrooms off patio with built-in BBQ. Guest bedroom and office off deck with lake views. Large master suite with spa tub, steam shower and large walk-in closet. Plus a 625 sq ft bunk house with full bath and kitchenette. Three attached garDJHV DQG D JROI FDUW JDUDJH 0/6« « 7LP P2·%ULHQ 244 Main Street, Chester, CA 96020 258-1483 Cell 258-2103 Office [email protected] BRE#01074938 .HKU2·%ULHQ 5HDO (VWDWH Page 16 FEB • MARCH 2016 PLEASE PICK UP AFTER YOUR PET Almanor It doesn’t take much to remember that we have pets in our community. In fact, if you don’t watch your step; you’re likely to step in one such reminder! Besides being unsightly and smelly, animal waste can be hazardous to the health of our children who play in the community and other pets. One of the most common forms of disease transmission between dogs is through fecal matter. Tree Removal When walking your dog in our community, remember that it should be leashed. Also, it is important to remember to immediately clean up after your pet. Take along a baggie with you to pick up waste and then dispose of it properly. (530) 258-3007 Complete Expert Service Specializing in Close-Quarter and Hazardous Tree Removal By taking a few simple steps to clean up after your pet, you can contribute not only to the beautification of our community, but also towards the elimination of one of the most irritating nuisances in our community. Thank you for your cooperation! • Climbing • View Clearing • Timber Purchasing • Masticating • Fire Prevention • Chipping NOTICE! LACC ENTRY GATE USERS DO NOT TAILGATE!! TAILGATING WILL CAUSE DAMAGE TO YOUR VEHICLE. Even if Gate is Open Each Vehicle Must Activate Gate System Before Entering • Self-Loader Log Truck • Dumptruck • Bobcat • Snow Removal and Much More Licensed Timber Operator #A-8750 - Full Liability Insurance • Workers Comp Corey VanMeter, owner/operator - Over 25 Years Experience Family owned and operated 1965 Local & Long Distance Moving Safe, Secure Storage On State List of approved Movers Expert Packing & Crating Complete line of Packing Material Senior Discounts 70’ Public Scales No Job too Big or Small 530 257-3780 Out of town 1-800-MOVENUP 703-750 Richmond Rd., Susanville, CA 96130 [email protected] CAL PUC # 82941 US DOT # 260768 ICC # 176037 If you are letting a friend through, please assure you re-activate the gate prior to the second car entering. Do Not Force Gate Open This causes serious damage to gate system. Citations will be issued and fines for repair assessed. Proceed promptly through the gates. Gates close immediately after each vehicle crosses the sensors. As long as your vehicle is positioned on the sensors, the gate will not come down. Call Security for entry assistance until 12:00 AM. CITATIONS WILL BE ISSUED FOR IMPROPER USE OF THE GATE SYSTEM. FEB • MARCH 2016 Page 17 Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance LACC Restaurant Sunday, February 14 REFLECTIVE ADDRESS MARKERS These address markers help all responding emergency agencies. Order your reflective address marker today. It may save your life or someone you love. 5:00 p.m. Cocktails • 6:00 p.m. Dinner Menu Steak & Lobster Green Salad Baked Potato Asparagus Rolls Dessert HIGHLY VISIBLE DAY OR NIGHT REFLECTIVE MATERIAL ON BOTH SIDES FADE RESISTANT - LASTS FOR YEARS PREDRILLED HOLES HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL - COMES WITH 8 FT. POST $20.00 INSTALLED To order, call Holly at Peninsula Fire 259-2306 Monday - Friday Make checks payable to (PFPD) Peninsula Fire Protection District After the payment is received, the Peninsula Fire Protection District will make and install your marker for you. IF WE CAN’T FIND YOU, WE CAN’T HELP YOU. Dance to DJ Music by Gilly Tickets are $60.00 per person (limited to 80 people only) RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Contact LACC Office (530) 596-3282 Westwood, CA ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Entry is FREE if you just want to dance and drink starting at 7:00 PM DROUGHT FRIENDLY LANDSCAPING Less Grass ... More Ground Cover! Base Rock • Drain Rock • Decorative Landscaping Rock Operated by Turner Excavating Inc 3746 Big Springs Rd, Lake Almanor CA [email protected] • lic # 667295 • LTO # A11122 Rev. Todd DuBord, M.Div. Former Chaplain for Chuck Norris Want To Know More? Text: SENECA to 72727 or SENECAJOBS to 72727 (530) 596-3953 ® s r Text REDROCK to 72727 We Provide Quality Comprehensive Preventive & Accessible Health Care Services Critical Access Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility/ Long Term Care 130 Brentwood Dr. 258-2158 r Lake Almanor Clinic by appointment or Walk-ins Welcome 199 Reynolds Road 258-2826 Seneca Healthcare District Critical Access Hospital 130 Brentwood Dr. 258-2151 TM Page 18 FEB • MARCH 2016 Billy Taylor Owner-Broker d Pen Jay Sabelman Owner-Realtor Associate Arlie Holland Realtor-Associate® Todd Smith Broker-Associate® Linda W. Gillam Realtor-Associate® Sadie Benny Realtor-Associate® ing Lakefront lot at a wonderful price. Deep water access with majestic views of Lassen and the surrounding mountains. Building site would put you only steps from the water’s edge. MLS 201500378…$299,000 Cabin feel with all the comforts of home. Tall vaulted ceilings, expansive floorplan, rooms for the extended family, + open kitchen. Covered deck for winter storage or afternoon sun. Rearside courtyard, paved driveway, and garage w/ att. carport. MLS 201501217…$299,000 No stairs or hills to climb to access this level corner property. Accessible from both E Mountain Ridge and Conifer Trail. Seller willing to carry with 20% down, terms negotiable. Build your dream home inside the gates of this private mountain community. MLS 201500160…$47,000 Stunning remodel in fabulous location! Private well-treed corner lot a hundred yards from beach and boat launch at Rec. 2. Recent upgrades +Trex deck + huge garage. Flat lot w/ stamped concrete. MLS 201501049….. $399,000 Meticulously manicured w/plenty of upgrades. Granite counter tops, composite flooring, and upgraded appliances. 3 bed / 2 bath downstairs + bonus room w/half bath upstairs. Large patio area, ample parking & storage. Short walk to both LACC recreation areas and golf course. MLS 201501155… $489,000 Pristine, single-level home on quiet street; owner-pride throughout. Move-in ready! Fully updated + recently constructed front deck. Sandy beach & prime lake access in a short walk. MLS 201501336…. $349,000 SELLER FINANCING with sufficient down payment. Large lot with possible peek of the lake. Great location for privacy and easy access to the golf course and recreation areas. Priced to sell. MLS 201501256…$24,000 Beautiful building lot. Nice trees and almost perfectly flat. A contractor dream. Five-minute walk to both recreation areas, tennis, golf course, and club house. Nice quiet street close to everything. MLS 201401324…$32,500 Great location one lot from Rec. 2 sandy beach + boat launch. Large sleeping loft serves as an extra bedroom and additional living room for games and TV. Cozy living room and kitchen flow nicely to the large deck w/ view of lake. MLS 201501054…$285,000 Centrally located home on level lot w/ good year around access. 3 bed / 2 bath w/ finished bonus room for additional sleeping. Located between Rec 1 & Rec 2 about a block from the golf course. MLS 201501135…$369,000 Wonderful lake views. Large deck offers plenty of space for morning coffee or evening BBQ. Clean and neat with a spacious living area and open kitchen. 2-car attached garage, level access, and low maintenance landscaping. MLS 201500288…$425,000 Possibly the BEST LAKEFRONT LOT DEAL on the market. Ideal building site; will provide stunning gorgeous views of the lake & Dyer Mountain. Well suited for a garage/guest home combo near Peninsula Dr. Very few Peninsula Dr. lakefront lots remain. MLS 201401098… $389,500 FEB • MARCH 2016 Page 19 Stacey Prior Shelley Ceaglio Ruth Benvenuto John DeJong Realtor-Associate® Realtor-Associate® Realtor-Associate® Realtor-Associate® Pauline DeJong Kalah Wann Mike Penman Ryan Snyder Dee Ward Tori Scott Realtor-Associate® Realtor-Associate® Realtor-Associate® Realtor-Associate® Realtor-Associate® Realtor-Associate® Beautiful buildable lot, cleared and ready for a custom home. MLS 201501123… $23,000 Well treed, up-sloping lot. Over a half of an acre is awaiting your mountain home. Enjoy all of the wonderful amenities LACC has to offer. MLS 201500647…$19,500 Outstanding proximity to Country Club amenities from this nearly level Peninsula Drive location. Walk to the beach in seconds. MLS 201200254… $59,000 Terrific .46 acre, near-level lot on a quiet street. MLS 201500456…$29,900 Tucked away at end of quiet cul-de-sac. 3 bed/3 bath. Great sleeping loft or hobby room above the garage. Extra full bath in the garage. MLS 201500763… $199,900 Scenic .43 acre lot on a quiet road, near the upper gate. MLS 201500435… $25,500 Large, nearly level, lot with most of the trees removed for a very nice building site with good sun exposure. Located close to the upper gate. MLS 201401269…$22,500 Hard to find lakeview property w/ nearly finished complete remodel: flooring, kitchen, baths, windows, paint, and trim. MLS 201501331… $549,000 Super clean home on a level lot in the quiet area of the LACC Peninsula. TLC shows on this property! Central heat, air, generator and super sized garage for all the toys. Some furnishings included. MLS 201600030… $429,000 Large lake view home w/ level access and lg. bonus rooms. Lg. west-facing deck w/ power awning. Near Rec. 2 and golf course. MLS 201500683…. $329,000 One of the last Lassen View lakefront lots w/ easy water access. Panoramic views on an easy, level build site. Package deal is an option. MLS 201500381…. $799,000 Maximize privacy with easy lake access and incredible views. Cutler Anderson Architects designed home. Superior features throughout. 4BR/3BA main home and large 1BR/1BA guest home. Large 2-car detached garage. MLS 201500678… $1,395,000 Considering Selling? Contact us today for a FREE market analysis! EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 452 Peninsula Drive at the Peninsula Gate Phone: (530) 596-3303 Fax (530) 596-3330 • Real Estate Sales • Vacation Rentals • Free market evaluation • Experienced friendly sales team 119 Main Street Chester Phone: (530) 258-3303 Fax (530) 258-4873 [email protected] • BRE License #01948890 Page 20 FEB • MARCH 2016 BULLETIN BOARD Mailing Address Changes: All members are responsible for advising the LACC office any time their mailing address changes. If you are leaving LACC for the winter, please update your mailing address with our office to insure all information reaches you in a timely manner including your newsletter. Please be sure to remove your mailbox from the street, if you will be gone for winter. E-Mail: You can reach the office at [email protected]. If you would like to receive LACC information notices on a regular basis, please check out our web page at Click on eForms in the left menu. Then click that you want to subscribe to the LACC Kiosk. A form will then come up that you fill out and, once you have finished, click submit at the bottom. It’s really easy, and you’ll receive the latest information on activities at LACC, including winter weather conditions. Stay Tuned: The LACC information channel is on cable TV Channel 98. Functions in LACC, meetings and updates to the schedule of events, are regularly listed. Please do not feed the deer: Rules adopted by Fish & Wildlife allow for fines of up to $1,000 and/or six months in jail. Feeding the deer ultimately draws mountain lions and coyotes into the neighborhood. Selling Your Property? Financial Disclosure packets, that include information that sellers are required to disclose to potential buyers, are available at the LACC Office. Visible Street Numbers: There is an urgent need for homeowners to have their street numbers placed conspicuously near the road. Members with docks need to put their street numbers on their docks to help boat patrol find them. There are times when staff needs to locate your property. Correct numbering of your property is also needed for emergency and fire protection. Propane Alliance: Available to all members through what is known as the “Propane Alliance Agreement” for the best possible price for residential service. Please contact Ferrellgas at their Susanville office by calling 530-265-5896 or toll free at 800-399-5888. Cable TV: You may reach Cal Neva Cable TV by calling 530-256-2028 or toll free at 866-330-2028. Megan’s Law: Cathy Kuersten, Realtor Associate® Top Producer 530-375-7557 • International President’s Elite [email protected] • BRE #01127520 Beautiful, level lakefront lot located at Recreation Area 1 on .38 acres. Access from Peninsula Drive and the recreation area. Beach access right out your door. This lot has quick, easy access to the boat launch. Nicely treed with gorgeous lake and mountain views! MLS# 201400225 … $260,000 Private, level corner lot, 3 bed/2 bath, 2340 sq ft, open kitchen, dining and living room. Downstairs large family room with additional sleeping area. Capability to even make a 5th sleeping area. Abundance of storage. 2-car gar w/workshop, plus 1-car garage and storage shed. MLS#201401233 ... $249,000 Partial LAKE VIEW on a .50 acre lot. Great floor plan offers 4 bds, 2 bths with two living areas and two kitchens. Great home for a large family or 2 families. Both levels have Monitor Oil stoves. Open beam ceilings & rock fireplace. Concrete patio, plus spacious upper deck. 2- car detached garage. Close to Rec 1. Good rental history. Most furnishings are negotiable. MLS#201400747…$249,000 Great large lot on .44 acres with moderate topography. Very buildable with good building sites. Nice trees. Located in a quiet area. Enjoy golf, tennis, recreation area and boat launch facilities. MLS# 201400608 … $22,000 LAKEFRONT home up the street from Rec 2. Great floor plan with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on the main floor. Spacious rec/game room upstairs with lots of extra sleeping areas and half bath. Great room has high open beam ceilings, lots of windows and a rock wall with fireplace. Wonderful kitchen with pantry, island, adjoining dining area and family room. Laundry with sink. Master bedroom with lake views and slider to deck. Beautiful wood accents create a warm mountain feel. Large deck facing lake with gorgeous views. Double car attached garage. Concrete path to water for easy access. Dock and most furnishings included. MLS#201501189...$928,500 Expect the Best Kehr/O’Brien Real Estate Lake Almanor Peninsula 499 Peninsula Drive Lake Almanor West 146 Lake Almanor West Dr. Chester 244 Main Street FEB • MARCH 2016 Page 21 FAMILY MEMBERS AND GUESTS In order to better serve members and guests, LACC Security will be purging/updating all computer information this winter, including your family members and anytime guests. Please complete the following “Family Sticker Authorization Worksheet” with your immediate family member information. Immediate family is defined as parents, siblings, children, and grandchildren. This will allow your family members and co-owners to receive family stickers on their vehicles and to enter LACC. Friends and other relatives will be issued guest passes, once you have notified the gate with their arrival information. FAMILY STICKER AUTHORIZATION WORKSHEET ONLY IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS WILL BE ISSUED STICKERS! All other guests will be issued passes at the gate on arrival. 1. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________ If you have guests who go to your home on a regular basis, landscapers, housekeepers, etc. list their names on the following “Anytime Guests Worksheet”. Please remember to update all information on a regular basis to avoid misunderstandings or delays. 3. ________________________________ All other guests, including repair people, need to be authorized in by calling (530-259-5320) or emailing the gate ([email protected]). 5. ________________________________ Thanks for helping us. 6. ________________________________ 7. ________________________________ Lake Almanor Country Club is again reminding members that Civil Code Section 5220 allows a member to “opt out” of sharing their name and mailing/email address on any homeowner’s association membership list. If you would like to keep your information off any mailing lists, please complete the following form and forward it to the office at 501 Peninsula Drive, Lake Almanor, CA 96137. MORE POWER TO YOU Residential & Commercial Wiring Electrical • Lighting • Generators (530) 616-0496 Rick Deacon, Owner • CA Lic #978127 RICK’S ELECTRICAL SERVICES Serving All of Plumas County SOUND SYSTEMS 4. ________________________________ McNeill Since 1959 SECURITY SYSTEMS Leaders In Intercom & Paging Systems Burglar & Fire Alarm Systems Background Music Closed Circuit Tv Telephone Systems 259-4627 449 Peninsula Dr., Lake Almanor _____________________ ____________ Signature Date __________________________________ Address ANYTIME GUESTS WORKSHEET All other guests will be issued passes at the Gate on arrival. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ __________________ Signature ____________ Date __________________________________ Address Page 22 FEB • MARCH 2016 PLEASE WINTERIZE LACC SNOW REMOVAL POLICY By Mike Bagby, Maintenance Manager PROPERLY LACC Mutual Water Company wants to remind you, if you will be gone for the winter, please winterize your house properly and turn the water off at the meter, at the street. If you feel you need additional insulation in the meter box, please contact the Water Company at 530-259-2161. Before the next winter storms hit, I thought it might be helpful to outline LACC’s policies and procedures regarding snow removal. As you no doubt are aware, LACC’s Maintenance Staff is responsible for clearing approximately 25 miles of road. At an average 10-15 mph, it will take about two hours for one pass on all LACC roads. * First Priority: The first priority must be, and has always been, to clear all the roads as quickly as possible to allow access for emergency vehicles. It takes more than two passes to clear each road. * Staff Needs to Widen Roads As Quickly As Conditions Will Allow: As soon as roads are passable, the plows may make several more passes to widen the roads. LACC owns a limited amount of equipment for snow removal, which must be dedicated to quick clearing of the roads to allow for further snowfall. PG&E TREES * Don’t Delay Plowers: Given that we must work as quickly as possible to clear miles and miles of road, your help is required in not delaying the snowplow personnel. During the summer months, PG&E contract employees will be working in the Lake Almanor Country Club, marking trees for trimming or removal. Trimming or removal is to assure that the power lines are free from hazardous trees or limbs that could interfere with service. The trees will be marked with either white paint or orange & black flagging. Blue paint will be used to designate trees that are a liability and hot pink paint will be used to designate trees that need to be removed due to new construction or remodeling of existing buildings. * Please Don’t Ask Staff To Clear Your Driveway or Berm: The LACC office has a list of independent snow removers to help you with your driveway and berm. You are strongly encouraged to keep a list readily available to ensure you can contact the independents whenever you may need their help. * Members with Medical Conditions: Snow Removal Operations will continue 24 hours a day, as conditions permit, to strive to provide road access for emergency vehicles. We have been informed that as long as the roads are clear, emergency response units will reach your homes. For further peace of mind, you are strongly encouraged to work with independent snow removers to keep your driveways and berms cleared. * Blinding Conditions: As you may expect, when blinding conditions occur, all equipment will be pulled off the roads until it is safe to operate snow removal equipment. Equipment breakdowns do occur occasionally and do delay snow removal. * Vehicles must not be parked along roadways. * Mail Boxes: Please remove your mail box from the road right-of-way when you are leaving LACC. * Your Help is Appreciated: Property owners’ assistance is requested to check areas along the roadway and remove any obstructions whenever possible. UPDATE CONTACT INFORMATION SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Since we are starting a new year, it is a good time for members to be either emailing or calling us to confirm that their latest contact information is up to date, including a current cell phone number. “We’re Working Hard Today to Protect Tomorrow’s Environment” FREE ESTIMATES PORTABLE CHEMICAL TOILETS Residential / Commercial Licensed / Bonded / Insured CSL #909936 C-39 & B “We Have Pink With Sinks for the Ladies” - Ask About VIP Special Event Units Prompt • Professional • Fully Insured P.O. BOX 1422 • WESTWOOD, CA 96137 257-0299 • 596-3064 WESTWOOD ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE, INC. ROOFING… CERTAINTEED • MALARKEY I-B/PVC • METAL Quality, and Customer Satisfaction.” “Pride, Quality, and“Pride, Customer Satisfaction.” 530.284.7931 Repairs • Reroof • Skylights TextNew IMPROVE to 72727 Construction FEB • MARCH 2016 Page 23 LOCAL COMMUNITY EVENTS Editor’s Note: To place a notice in this column, please call in your information to the LACC office a minimum of 3 weeks prior to publication. All material will be published at the discretion of the Editor. the hospital conference room. Rotary Club of Chester meets Thursday mornings, 7 AM at Pizza Factory. FEBRUARY Westwood-Lake Almanor Rotary Club meets Tuesday evenings, 6 PM social hour, 7 PM dinner and meeting. George Young Rotary Park in Westwood. Saturdays & Sundays, February – March 13, Ranger-led Snowshoe Walks, at Lassen Volcanic Nation Park – Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center, 21820 Lassen National Park Highway, Mineral, CA 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM. For information, call 530-595-4480. Chester Piece Makers General Meeting meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 PM at the Veterans Memorial Hall in Chester. Saturday, February 13 – Chilly Chili Cook-Off, Plumas Bank, 255 Main Street, Chester, 1 PM to 4 PM. For information contact Kim James at 530-258-2426. High Sierra Detachment of the Marine Corps League meets 2nd Tuesday at 6 PM, Memorial Hall, Susanville. Saturday, February 20 – Family Barn Dance, Chester Elementary School Gym, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM. An all ages event, non-alcoholic refreshments will be available. $5 for Plumas Arts members, $7 for non-members, $15 per family. Tickets at Books & Beyond and Plumas Bank in Chester. For information, please call 530-259-3757. American Legion – Harry Doble Post 664 meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 7 PM, Chester Memorial Hall. Meets all year around. For information, please contact Commander Gregg Scott at 251-8002. REGULAR MEETINGS OF GROUPS: The deadline for all April articles is March 18, 2016 Masons meet 3rd Wednesday at 7:30 PM, Greenville Masonic Temple. Call Pete at 284-7875 for information. Order of Eastern Star meets 1st Friday at 7 PM, Greenville Masonic Temple. Call WM Carolyn Steurer at 258-2506. Elderhostel, Feather River College, P.O. Box 11110, Quincy, CA 95971 Seneca Hospital Auxiliary meets 2nd Wednesday, at 10 AM, March – November in j No material received after that date will be printed in that issue of the Newsletter. ho you choose matters! Cell 530.228.0518 • Email [email protected] • BRE# 00996488 “ W oing what I love for 29 years.” 1214 Driftwood Cove Listed for $305,000 630 W. Mountain Ridge Listed for $489,000 901 Lassen View Drive Listed for $599,000 Sold Sold Sold 779 Lassen View Dr. Listed for $114,900 777 Lassen View Dr. Listed for $159,000 Sold "We have bought and sold several homes and this was one of the easiest transactions we've had. Arlie knew the market well, and priced our home to sell. She was always available by phone and email." — Karen Beekley "I would definitely recommend Arlie to anyone wishing to buy or sell a home in the Lake Almanor area. I found her to be very responsive to calls and updates as to recent activity and changes in the market. I would not hesitate to use her again." — Jim Carmon Arlie Holland, Realtor Associate Arlie Holland REMINDER! REC TRASH CANS ARE NOT FOR HOUSEHOLD DISPOSAL 806 Lassen View Drive Listed for $399,000 Sold 452 Peninsula Drive, Lake Almanor 530.596.3303 "Our family recently purchased a home in the Lake Almanor Country Club. As we all know, purchasing a home can certainly be a stressful experience. Arlie Holland was our agent and I cannot begin to adequately put into words how wonderful Arlie was throughout the entire process. She truly went above and beyond at every turn. I would highly recommend Arlie to anyone looking to purchase a home in the Lake Almanor area. Simply said….she’s the best!” — Steve Weaver & Kim Hendrix "I had the pleasure of working with Arlie this past year. Not only was she a delight to be with, she has a tremendous knowledge and expertise in listing, marketing and closure of real estate. Arlie kept me well informed throughout the entire process. I had never sold a home on my own and had complete confidence with Arlie as my realtor!" — Diane Bice "Arlie was by far the best realtor we have engaged with recently. She was always responsive, attentive and always made us feel we were her #1 priority. She never steered us in any one direction, she listened and allowed us to explore many venues in our purchasing adventure. While we became undecided on what we wanted, she was efficient in showing us every property, homes, and land that we requested to see and more. The sale and closings were swift and went smoothly. I think Arlie has lived in Lake Almanor for 30 years (don't quote us)... this definitely gives her an edge on her vast knowledge of the area! She will be our agent for the next purchase and sale." — Don and Vanessa Blunt Page 24 FEB • MARCH 2016 FLOORCOVERING WINDOW COVERINGS Our staff has over 300 years combined flooring experience! In store gallery! With the buying power of 1200 stores we guarantee the best service, selection and pricing! FREE IN-HOME DESIGN AVAILABLE Huge selection of in-stock and special order hardwood, laminate, LVT, carpet and vinyl. Best Selection • Best Service • Best Price Guaranteed FURNITURE MATTRESSES 27,000 square feet of all your favorite brands, all at the lowest price guaranteed! Over 300 beds in stock now! ...and many more! From latex to adjustable, innerspring to memory foam! Fast, professional, delivery available NO INTEREST WITH PAYMENTS FOR 6 MONTHS!* *Interest will be calculated on your account from the purchase date. If the purchase balance is not paid in full within 6 months or if you make a late payment, interest will be charged on the total purchase. Locally owned by the Zaengle family Main Street Susanville in front of Walmart Contractor’s License #971543 2800 MAIN ST., SUSANVILLE • 530.257.7788 • • [email protected] Howard Construction is a locally owned and operated full service construction company. Owner Kyle Howard has been in the construction field since 1978, building custom homes and other structures in the Lake Almanor Basin since the 1980s. Howard Construction ranks customer service first. We are meticulous and strive for perfection. We take pride in professionalism, quality work and customer satisfaction at a competitive price while maintaining superior service. New Homes • Remodels • Decks • Porches • Carports • Garages Roofing • Plumbing • Electrical • Painting • Concrete Work EPA Certified in Renovations and Repair • Testing • Evaluation • Documentation • Removal 530.258.3541 Office • 530.258.1601 Cell • [email protected] Website: Mobile App: Text HC4U to 72727