PRISM Cookbook For Profile 1 Implementers


PRISM Cookbook For Profile 1 Implementers
PRISM Cookbook
For Profile 1 Implementers
July 2008
Getting Started with PRISM Metadata
This is a collection of recipes for implementing PRISM in a step-by-step manner.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Preface When should I read this cookbook? ................................................................................ 5
2. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. PRISM Profile 1.......................................................................................................................6
2.2. Recipe Format ..........................................................................................................................6
2.3. Domain Terminology ...............................................................................................................7
2.4. PRISM Namespace Declarations & Controlled Vocabulary URIs .........................................8
2.5. PRISM Reference Materials ....................................................................................................8
3. Recipe List ................................................................................................................................... 10
4. Recipes ......................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1. Preparing a print article for use by an external partner..........................................................12
4.1.1. Basic Description ............................................................................................ 12
4.1.2. Ingredients....................................................................................................... 12
4.1.3. Step-by-step .................................................................................................... 12
4.1.4. Completed XML Article ................................................................................. 36
4.2. Preparing a print article for an internal partner......................................................................40
4.2.1. Basic Description ............................................................................................ 40
4.2.2. Ingredients....................................................................................................... 40
4.2.3. Step-by-step .................................................................................................... 40
4.2.4. Completed XML Article ................................................................................. 48
4.2.5. APPENDIX: Custom elements and custom DTD/XSD ................................. 50
4.3. Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content ..........................................................52
4.3.1. Basic Description ............................................................................................ 52
4.3.2. Ingredients....................................................................................................... 52
4.3.3. Search Approaches.......................................................................................... 52
4.3.4. Searching by “aboutness” ............................................................................... 53
4.3.5. Searching by issue metadata ........................................................................... 56
4.3.6. Completed XML Article ................................................................................. 57
Table of Contents
4.4. Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms for use by an external
partner ...........................................................................................................................................65
4.4.1. Basic Description ............................................................................................ 65
4.4.2. Ingredients....................................................................................................... 65
4.4.3. Step-by-step .................................................................................................... 65
4.4.4. Completed XML Article ................................................................................. 74
4.5. Preparing web articles for use by an external partner ............................................................76
4.5.1. Basic Description ............................................................................................ 76
4.5.2. Ingredients....................................................................................................... 76
4.5.3. Step-by-step .................................................................................................... 76
4.5.4. Completed XML Article ................................................................................. 81
4.6. Preparing print articles with published corrections ...............................................................83
4.6.1. Basic Description ............................................................................................ 83
4.6.2. Ingredients....................................................................................................... 83
4.6.3. Step-by-step .................................................................................................... 83
4.6.4. Completed XML Article ................................................................................. 88
4.7. Preparing articles using relationship elements.......................................................................91
4.7.1. Basic Description ............................................................................................ 91
4.7.2. Ingredients....................................................................................................... 91
4.7.3. Step-by-step .................................................................................................... 91
4.7.4. Completed XML Articles ............................................................................... 95
Appendix A Alphabetical Listing of PRISM Elements ............................................................... 101
Appendix B Functional Listing of PRISM Elements .................................................................. 103
1. Preface
1. Preface When should I read this cookbook?
While this cookbook has been created with the intent to assist PRISM users with their
implementation of the standard, we caution our readers that this document will not answer
questions such as “What is metadata?”, “What is PRISM?”, and “Why choose PRISM?”. For
answers to those questions please refer to the PRISM 2.0 Introduction document included in the
PRISM 2.0 Specification. In fact, we suggest that all readers familiarize themselves with the
PRISM 2.0 Introduction before moving head long into the recipes that you find here.
For those still exploring the business issues PRISM helps solve, reviewing the recipes listed in
Section 4 of this document will provide you with some examples. There is, however, more
material in the PAM User’s Guide and the PRISM 2.0 Introduction that provides insight into why
you would use PRISM and what business problems it is intended to solve.
Once you’ve decided that PRISM is the standard for you and your organization this cookbook will
help you tackle your implementation.
2. Introduction
2. Introduction
The objective of this guide is to assist implementers by providing a set of practical implementation
steps for a chosen set of use cases, as well as provide insights into more sophisticated PRISM
The PRISM 2.0 Specification consists of eight documents. We recommend that you keep these
documents close at hand when working with the PRISM Cookbook, as they will prove to be handy
reference resources for the elements utilized in the recipes.
2.1. PRISM Profile 1
This cookbook will address only Profile 1 PRISM implementations. Profile 1 requires the use of
well-formed XML, is the most flexible profile, and currently represents the majority of known
PRISM implementations.
Our approach to PRISM implementation in this cookbook addresses suggested mark-up methods,
and not the ways in which a PRISM adopter would set up tools or systems. Recommendations of
specific tools and systems to facilitate mark-up can be obtained by reaching out directly to
publishers within the PRISM Working Group.
Profile 1 enables description of resources as complete, standalone XML documents or as inline
XML and XHTML mark-up within the content itself.
Separate Profile 2 (XML-RDF) and Profile 3 (XMP) versions of the cookbook may be released by
the PRISM Working Group in the future.
2.2. Recipe Format
All recipes begin with a basic description of the business purpose it fulfills.
The recipe ingredients will then be listed and described. In some cases the ingredient list may not
be a straight list of elements employed in the recipe, but instead will contain short descriptions of
the data needed in order to complete compilation of the XML.
Next, the recipe will include a step-by-step implementation method with accompanying sample
XMLs and images. While the order of the steps was carefully considered for each recipe, do not
feel beholden to the exact order. Just be sure to note all elements that are indicated as required, and
be sure not to skip those steps.
2. Introduction
Here is an example of a sample XML as it will be displayed throughout our recipes:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Each recipe closes with a completed XML article.
At the end of this cookbook you will find several appendixes that include a list of helpful reference
2.3. Domain Terminology
The terms external partner, internal partner, and platform are frequently used in the following
recipe descriptions. In order to avoid any misinterpretation of these terms we have included
definitions for them here:
External partner
An external partner is frequently an aggregation or syndication partner. Examples include
LexisNexis, republishers, Amazon, etc. In the simplest terms, it is a company with whom you
share content, but who is not part of your own business corporation. In most situations, an external
partner will be a recipient of content. Often times, content will not be shared with an external
partner unless a contractual agreement has been drawn up between the two parties. External
partners may not be privy to sensitive information or all content, especially when there are rights
related limitations.
Internal partner
An internal partner is a business division, department, system, or individual within your company.
A system can include intranet websites. Since an internal partner is a portion of your corporation,
you may choose to share sensitive metadata and information with them that you would not
consider sharing with an external partner. An internal partner may be a recipient of content or they
may be a content source.
The platform identifies the delivery method of the resource. The PRISM Controlled Vocabulary
specification provides a defined list of platforms that are applicable to publishers. These values are
email, mobile, other, print, recordableMedia, broadcast, and web. With the release of PRISM 2.0
the specification allows for the handling of content that appears on multiple platforms.
2. Introduction
2.4. PRISM Namespace Declarations & Controlled Vocabulary URIs
Systems that claim PRISM profile one compliance must recognize and support namespaces as
defined. They may use the namespace declarations below in order to use familiar prefixes.
Dublin Core
PRISM Controlled Vocabulary
PRISM Inline Markup
PRISM Aggregator Message
PRISM Rights Language
Recommended Namespace Declaration
The PRISM specification also defines a number of controlled vocabularies. The base URIs for
these vocabularies are:
Vocabulary Name
PRISM Aggregation Type
PRISM Compliance Profile
PRISM Platform
PRISM Resource Type
PRISM Rights
PAM Class
Base URI
2.5. PRISM Reference Materials
Normative References
Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1: Reference Description.
Relation Element Working Draft; Dublin Core Metadata Initiative; 1997-12-19.
Dublin Core Metadata Terms, 2005-01-10.
PRISM Working Group, 2007,
PRISM Introduction, v 2.0.
The PRISM Namespace v 2.0.
2. Introduction
PRISM Compliance, v 2.0.
The PRISM Subset of the Dublin Core Namespace v 2.0.
The PRISM Rights Language Namespace v 2.0.
The PRISM Controlled Vocabulary Namespace v 2.0.
The PRISM Inline Markup Namespace v 2.0.
The PRISM Aggregator Message Namespace v 2.0.
Guide to the PRISM Aggregator Message v 2.0.
Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (eds.), Extensible Markup Language (XML).
Jonathan Marsh (ed.); XML Base.
Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, Andrew Layman (eds.); Namespaces in XML.
Non-Normative References
ISO (International Organization for Standardization), ISO 8601:1988 (E) Data elements and interchange
formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times, 1998.
Time Zone Library.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1, John Cowan, Editor. W3C Recommendation 2002-10-15.
The latest version is available at
XML Schema Part 1: Structures, W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium, 2 May 2001.
The latest version is available at
XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium, 2 May 2001.
The latest version is available at
3. Recipe List
3. Recipe List
This cookbook contains the following recipes:
1. Preparing a print article for use by an external partner: The publisher wants to use
PRISM metadata to prepare an article for use by an external aggregation or syndication
partner. Examples include LexisNexis, republishers, Amazon, etc. The publisher must
determine which identification fields will meet the business requirements for the recipient.
The publisher will create a standalone XML file utilizing only PAM elements.
2. Preparing a print article for use by an internal partner: A publisher wants to use
PRISM metadata to prepare an article for an internal partner. The publisher must determine
which identification fields will meet the internal partner’s business requirements. This may
include creation of a publisher-specific namespace and DTD/XSD that addresses needs not
met by PRISM metadata. The publisher will create a standalone XML file utilizing PAM,
PRISM, and possibly publisher-specific elements.
3. Using PRISM to enhance to enhance the searchability of content: One of the benefits
of the PRISM standard is how it can facilitate and enhance search. The variety of PRISM
XML elements can be leveraged by a search site to enable users to find content using
precise criteria. In this recipe, we will show how PRISM elements relate to different kinds
of searches.
4. Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms for use by an
external partner: In this recipe, the article was published in print, on the web, and to a
mobile device. The publisher will use PRISM metadata to indicate that the article was
published on these platforms. This article will be supplied to an external aggregation or
syndication partner. The publisher must determine which identification fields are necessary
for each of these platforms and meet the business requirements for the recipient. The
publisher will create a standalone XML file utilizing only PAM elements.
5. Preparing web articles for use by an external partner: A publisher wants to use PRISM
metadata to prepare an article that has originated on a non-print platform, such as the web.
The publisher must determine which identification fields will meet the external partner’s
business requirements. The publisher will create a standalone XML file utilizing only PAM
6. Preparing print articles with published corrections: A publisher wants to use PRISM
metadata to prepare a published correction for archival needs and/or to send to an external
partner. This recipe will have two parts: 1) preparing the correction as it appears in the
publication and 2) attaching correction metadata to the corresponding article to meet the
external partner’s business requirements. The publisher will resend the article, with the
correction, utilizing PAM markup.
3. Recipe List
7. Preparing articles using relationship elements: A publisher wants to prepare an article
with relationships to other objects which may exist as a separate identifiable resource or
may need to be included within an existing resource. This recipe will show how to express
these complex relationships in PAM XML. A resource could be any of the following (this,
however, is not a definitive list): story, sidebar, table, chart, illustration, photograph,
cartoon, cover, video, info graphic. This recipe will use a story and a graphic that have
been identified as separate resources.
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
4. Recipes
4.1. Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
4.1.1. Basic Description
The publisher wants to use PRISM metadata fields to prepare a print article for use by an
external aggregation or syndication partner. Examples include LexisNexis, republishers,
Amazon, etc. The publisher must determine which identification fields will meet the
business requirement for recipient. The publisher will create a standalone XML file
utilizing only PAM elements according to Profile 1.
4.1.2. Ingredients
Simply put, the ingredients for this recipe are all elements included in the PRISM
Aggregator Message (PAM) DTD/XSD.
We recommend that you have the PAM Guide on hand while reading through this recipe.
The Guide will serve as a helpful reference tool in case you’d like to review element
4.1.3. Step-by-step
1. Select a print article you would like to share with your external partner.
In this case, we are going to work with a story from Time Magazine.
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
2. We recommend that you begin creating a PAM XML article by adding content for the
elements the specification requires. These elements are dc:identifier,
prism:publicationName, and either prism:coverDate or prism:publicationDate.
The dc:identifier element should be populated with
a unique ID number or string that identifies that
article from all others. The PRISM specification
recommends that this identifier be systemgenerated, possibly by a DAM or CMS. The
identifier may be a simple integer as indicated in the
example below or it may be more complex and
identify the system, country, and time of origin.
This identifier will remain with the article
throughout its lifetime.
If use of a Document Object Identifier (DOI) is
desired it may be placed within dc:identifier. If you
would like to use both a DOI and another unique
identifier, place your DOI in the prism:doi element,
and reserve dc:identifier for the other unique
This element identifies the name of the
publication in which the print article
appeared. The name of the publication
will be displayed on the cover of the
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
prism:coverDate or
One of these elements must always be used. Since
we are capturing metadata for a print article,
PRISM advises capture of the cover date. This
information is also found on the cover of the
The prism:coverDate element requires that the value
be machine readable, so for this element February
18, 2008 will be reformatted as 2008-02-18
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
3. Next, you can add some very basic information about where the article appeared.
The values for this element may be selected from
the platform controlled vocabulary. See the PRISM
Controlled Vocabulary (PCV) Specification. In this
case, the proper value would be print.
This element requires use of the platform attribute
and is not a paired set of open and close tags. It is a
single tag that is self-closing.
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
The aggregation type element allows you to identify
the original unit of aggregation for the article. In
this case, the proper value is magazine. See the
PCV Specification for the aggregation type
controlled vocabulary.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform="print"/>
. . .
4. Since we’ve begun using the cover to capture relevant data, let’s continue extracting as
much information from it as we can in order to populate the article metadata. Note that all
elements in the remainder of this recipe are optional.
We’ve already added the issue date to our XML
article in a machine-readable format using
prism:coverDate. You may, however, want to also
capture the issue date exactly as it is displayed on
the cover of the magazine, as searchers may be
more familiar with the value as it was printed. In
this case, the cover display date is February 18,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
. . .
<prism:coverDisplayDate>February 18,
In some cases, issues have unique names to identify
them. The prism:issueName element allows for
capture of this information. This issue of Time
Magazine does have an issue name: Super Tuesday
Please note that the issue name might not always be
printed in or on the magazine, but may be a name
that is used internally to refer to the issue.
prism:volume and
Time does not display volume and number
information on its cover, but many publications do,
so you may find this information here. In Time’s
case, this information is in the table of contents.
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<prism:coverDisplayDate>February 18,
<prism:issueName>Super Tuesday Special</prism:issueName>
Magazines that publish in varied geographical or
demographic regions frequently produce different
editions. Some magazines may identify their edition
on their cover, table of contents or in their indicia.
Time chooses not to do so in any of these locations,
and we must just be aware that this is the U.S.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<prism:issueName>Super Tuesday Special</prism:issueName>
<prism:edition>U.S. Edition</prism:edition>
5. There is an additional piece of information that may be found in the publisher’s
indicia. This is the ISSN. (Note that indicia may not be found in all issues.)
As you’ll see below Time’s ISSN is 0040-781X.
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
. . .
6. The indicia also frequently includes information that identifies the publisher of the
magazine. In companies where multiple magazines are produced, this information will be
different from that captured in prism:publicationName.
In this case, the publisher is Time Inc.
If Time Magazine was part of a division of magazines that was further differentiated
within the company, for example the Time Business & Finance Group,
prism:corporateEntity could be used to capture that information. Time Magazine does
not belong to any such group, therefore our example does not contain
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<dc:publisher>Time Inc.</dc:publisher>
. . .
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
7. Many of the elements we have been populating capture issue level information. These
elements make it easy to search for items related to a specific issue. One additional issue
level element is prism:issueIdentifier, which can be used to track an issue. This
identifier, like dc:identifier, is usually applied by a system, and the format is publisherspecific.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
8. Now it’s time to dive into the article itself! We’ll be tackling each portion of the article
bit by bit. First, here are images of the three pages that make up our article, which
consists of one spread followed by a single left-hand page.
Here are images that show what this article looks like:
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
9. Let’s start with the title or headline of the article, as it is one of the most prominent
design elements.
The title of this article is “It’s Not Over Yet”. This
is captured in the dc:title element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform="print"/>
<dc:title>It’s Not Over Yet</dc:title>
. . .
10. Near the title, in this article, is the byline.
dc:creator and
Bylines in PRISM have two separate types: creators
and contributors. Creator(s) are primarily
responsible for having written or created the article.
Contributor(s) are people who have made a
contribution to the creation, but were not primarily
In this article, the creator
was Karen Tumulty.
In Time Magazine, contributors will frequently be
listed at the end of the article. In this case, there
were no contributors.
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
If a bureau or information about the writer’s
location were included with the byline, you may
capture the information with a prism:place=
attribute within dc:creator or dc:contributor. In this
case, there is no such information.
For publishers wishing to capture dateline
information you may do so by using <p
prism:class=”dateline”> in the body.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<dc:title>It’s Not Over Yet</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Karen Tumulty</dc:creator>
. . .
11. There are two elements in PAM for capture of page information. They are
prism:startingPage and prism:pageRange. While the first spread of this page does not
explicitly include a page number we know that it is page 28. This will be the value
captured for the starting page. The article consists of a spread followed by a left-hand
page with no ads or other articles between. The page range, therefore, is 28-30.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<prism:edition>U.S. Edition</prism:edition>
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
12. The red boxes in the upper left-hand corner of this article indicate the section and
subsection of the magazine in which the article appears.
In this magazine, the horizontal bar separates the
section from the subsection. While no other
subsections exist, PRISM allows for capture of four
distinct subsections (prism:subsection1 up to
prism:subsection4). We chose to capture the section
information in the case in which it appears.
Obviously, publications will graphically handle
section and subsection information differently.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<prism:section>CAMPAIGN ‘08</prism:section>
13. The head of your PAM article now contains a significant amount of article-specific
metadata. At the end of this recipe we will cover some additional metadata elements you
may include in the head, but at this point you have accumulated a significant amount.
Now, let’s focus on capturing the main content of the article – the deck (or what you may
refer to as the subhead), the body, the media elements, and their accompanying text. This
text will be captured within the body of your PAM article. In order to allow you to focus
directly on this area, going forward we will abbreviate the head content we have already
captured using an ellipsis. Like so –
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
14. What PRISM refers to as the deck, you may refer to as the subhead. In either case, this
is text that provides an introduction to the main body of the article, but is distinctly separate
from the body itself. In this article, the deck appears below the headline.
PRISM allows for capture of the deck via the attribute prism:class= of the xhtml
paragraph element (<p>). It will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<p prism:class="deck">Super Tuesday was supposed to settle
the Democratic race, but a split decision means it’s just
getting started--and could get truly ugly</p>
You may note that we have substituted two dashes for the presence of an em dash in the
deck. This is due to certain internal requirements at Time. You may instead choose to
represent this em dash using the Unicode value &#x2014;.
Sometimes dateline information is provided below the deck or in the lead paragraph of
the article, please note that this information can be captured utilizing <p
prism:class=”dateline”> tag in the body.
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
15. The body of the article itself will be captured within xhtml <body> tags. You may
utilize the following xhtml elements within the body text for formatting and presentation
purposes, for example p, strong, div, br, and table. In this example Time article you will
see frequent use of the <p> tag to indicate paragraph breaks. In addition, you will see use
of various Unicode encodings to represent symbols used throughout the article. Here is
the body of this Time article:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<p prism:class="deck">Super Tuesday was supposed to settle the
Democratic race, but a split decision means it’s just getting
started--and could get truly ugly</p>
<p>The idea behind the new, fast-forward primary calendar that
Democrats unveiled this election season was to give a big,
hyperdemocratic finale to the process of picking a nominee. Nearly
two dozen states, tired of standing on the sidelines as future
Presidents lavished attention on places like Ottumwa, Iowa, and
Nashua, N.H., had muscled their way to an early spot on the
calendar. Proportional delegate allotment--instead of winner-takeall results--would ensure that every vote mattered. Super Tuesday
would be the closest thing we have ever seen to a national primary:
a single day on which the candidates had to prove themselves to
every slice of the American electorate in states that are home to
nearly half the population of the country. It was supposed to
settle everything.</p>
<p>It settled nothing. In a result now achingly familiar to the
Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama split the
popular vote 50.2% to 49.8%, by a margin so thin, you could barely
slide a butterfly ballot betwixt. Tuesday slipped into Wednesday
without anyone knowing for sure how many delegates each candidate
had captured, as provisional ballots in New Mexico were slowly
tabulated by hand.</p>
<p>The grand plan for Super Tuesday, it turns out, depended on one
candidate having superior strength, assets and popularity. Instead,
the two superstar candidates and their dueling arsenals canceled
each other out. Obama's greatest strength was among upscale voters,
African Americans, younger people, liberals and those with college
educations. He ran even with Clinton among men. Clinton drew strong
support from women, older voters, Hispanics, lower-income people
and those with less education. And even those gaps were shrinking,
as Clinton's edge among women narrowed in some states and Obama's
inroads with white voters increased.</p>
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
<p>Now the campaign that was supposed to end continues to the
states that didn't join the stampede to move their primaries
forward. Far from being an afterthought as just about everyone had
expected, they have the power to crown the winner. And if they
don't? The decision may well fall to some 800 party insiders known
as super-delegates. Yes, that's right: the perverse result of all
this additional democracy, in which more people than ever before
will have had a voice, could be that Democrats have to turn to oldstyle backroom politics to select a nominee.</p>
<p>Rather than bringing clarity and closure, Super Tuesday left the
Democratic race as confused as it has ever been. Having trailed
Clinton by double digits in most Super Tuesday state polls only
weeks before, Obama came away from the day's voting having won more
states--13 to her&#160;8--and slightly more delegates than she did.
But Clinton had considerable bragging rights as well. She won
California, the night's biggest prize, and a slightly larger
percentage of the popular vote and took particular glee in routing
Obama in Massachusetts, despite all the hoopla that had surrounded
Obama's endorsement by Senator Edward Kennedy and much of his
family, as well as the state's other Senator, 2004 Democratic
nominee John Kerry, and Governor Deval Patrick.</p>
<p>Clinton strategists, perhaps wishfully, suggested that Super
Tuesday may prove to be a high mark for Obama, coming as it did
after a burst of good publicity surrounding his high-profile
endorsements and after Clinton stumbled in South Carolina. Said
one: "It's going to be hard to find a better week for him."</p>
<p>Indeed, they are working to make sure that is the case. The day
of the primaries, the Clinton campaign announced she had agreed to
participate in four debates--a format in which she has dominated-in the coming month and challenged Obama to do the same. But the
Obama campaign is in no rush. "Our schedule's not going to be
dictated by the Clinton campaign," said campaign manager David
<p>As the pace of the campaign slows considerably, Obama's aides
say, that will play in favor of a candidate who is gaining strength
against a far more established front runner. The next round of
primaries in particular will be on friendly territory for Obama. He
is expected, for instance, to sweep the Beltway cluster of
Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, which has a large
number of upscale Democrats and African Americans.</p>
<p>And he goes forward with a growing financial advantage, having
raised $32&#160;million in January, largely from small donors who
can be tapped again. That fund-raising haul was better than twice
the $13.5&#160;million that Clinton took in over the same period.
If anything, the Super Tuesday results, coupled with additional
wins in coming weeks, are likely to bring in an even bigger flood
of contributions to Obama, whose Internet-fueled coffers were
already flush enough to buy Super Bowl advertising in the postSuper Tuesday primary states.</p>
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
<p>The Clinton operation, on the other hand, is showing signs of
financial stress—something that would have seemed inconceivable
months ago. The day after the primary, the campaign announced that
Clinton had loaned her campaign $5&#160;million late last month, a
move that spokesman Howard Wolfson said "illustrates Senator
Clinton's commitment to this effort and to ensuring that our
campaign has the resources it needs to compete and win across this
nation." Clinton has relied most heavily on the party's traditional
big donors and is finding fewer and fewer who have not already
given the maximum legal limit of $2,300 for the primary race.
"They've got to produce something out of these next nine states
[that vote between Super Tuesday and March 4], or they are going to
have some serious money troubles," says Obama adviser Steve
<p>Clinton is counting on recouping whatever ground she loses over
the next few weeks in early March, when Ohio and Texas hold their
primaries. Ohio is in economic distress and has large numbers of
downscale Democrats. Clinton also expects to draw upon
institutional support from organized labor. And the high proportion
of Latino voters in Texas, her strategists say, will give her an
edge. Obama, however, contends that he is making inroads with that
group of voters as well, noting that he won more than 44% of
Hispanic votes in Arizona. "As Latino voters get to know me," he
said the morning after the election, "we do better."</p>
<p>If the race continues to be close after Texas and Ohio, the last
big contest--Pennsylvania's April&#160;22 primary--may be the
decisive one.</p>
<p>Or maybe not, which leaves only one other means of avoiding a
vicious floor fight at August's Democratic National Convention in
Denver. In the past few weeks, the Clinton and Obama campaigns have
both stepped up their courtship, cajoling and sometimes armtwisting of super-delegates. These are the roughly 800 party
insiders--including elected officials, national-committee members
and state chairmen--who get to vote at the convention by virtue of
the positions they hold.</p>
<p>The super-delegates were created by the Democratic Party in the
aftermath of the 1980 election for just this sort of eventuality.
But the campaign for their support is a frustrating exercise for
both candidates. Any commitments they manage to secure are etched
in talcum powder; super-delegates don't have to make a choice until
the convention, and they can change their mind an endless number of
times between now and then.</p>
<p>The Clinton campaign boasts that it maintains a super-delegate
advantage over Obama of about 100 votes. However, Obama campaign
manager Plouffe insisted in an election-night conference call with
reporters that his team had whittled her lead among these party
insiders to about 55. But these two campaigns should know by now:
this is one year when it's dangerous to count on anything.</p>
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
16. This article also contains several media elements – a large photograph on pages 28
and 29 and a small image of Obama on page 29. A media element consists of several
pieces: the media itself, be it a photo, illustration, etc., the caption, the credit, and
possibly a title and a description. Starting with the large image of Hillary Clinton we can
pinpoint the following in the layout:
the caption
the photo
the credit
<pam:credit>Photograph for TIME by David Burnett</pam:credit>
<pam:caption>The two superpowers<br/>Clinton drew a huge
crowd at a pre-election event in Minneapolis, but it was Obama who
took the state on Super Tuesday</pam:caption>
Please note that the allowable values for the dc:type element should be chosen from the
Presentation Type vocabulary found in the PRISM Controlled Vocabulary specification
dc:format and pam:mediaReference allow for
capture of data
about the media element that is not readily available
by viewing the print product. dc:format allows for
capture of the file type and pam:mediaReference is
for capture of the file name. Both of these elements
are optional.
<pam:credit>Photograph for TIME by David Burnett</pam:credit>
<pam:caption>The two superpowers<br/>Clinton drew a huge
crowd at a pre-election event in Minneapolis, but it was Obama who
took the state on Super Tuesday</pam:caption>
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
Then there is the smaller image of Obama on the right hand page.
the photo
the credit
<pam:credit>OBAMA: EMMANUEL DUNAND--AFP/GETTY</pam:credit>
In this case, the text to the left of the image is not considered a caption, but is instead a
pull quote. In the next step, capture of the pull quote will be explained.
Here is how these two pam:media elements should be placed inside our PAM article:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<p prism:class="deck">Super Tuesday was supposed to settle the
Democratic race, but a split decision means it’s just getting
started--and could get truly ugly</p>
. . .
<p>The Clinton campaign boasts that it maintains a super-delegate
advantage over Obama of about 100 votes. However, Obama campaign
manager Plouffe insisted in an election-night conference call with
reporters that his team had whittled her lead among these party
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
insiders to about 55. But these two campaigns should know by now:
this is one year when it's dangerous to count on anything.</p>
<pam:credit>Photograph for TIME by David Burnett</pam:credit>
<pam:caption>The two superpowers<br/>Clinton drew a huge
crowd at a pre-election event in Minneapolis, but it was Obama who
took the state on Super Tuesday</pam:caption>
<pam:credit>OBAMA: EMMANUEL DUNAND--AFP/GETTY</pam:credit>
17. The text next to Obama’s image was pulled from the body of the
article by the designer and graphically highlighted in the layout. This
type of text capture is considered a pull quote. Pull quotes can be
captured in PRISM using the prism:class= attribute for the <p> tag.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<p prism:class="deck">Super Tuesday was supposed to settle the
Democratic race, but a split decision means it’s just getting
started--and could get truly ugly</p>
. . .
<p>The Clinton campaign boasts that it maintains a super-delegate
advantage over Obama of about 100 votes. However, Obama campaign
manager Plouffe insisted in an election-night conference call with
reporters that his team had whittled her lead among these party
insiders to about 55. But these two campaigns should know by now:
this is one year when it's dangerous to count on anything.</p>
<p prism:class="pullQuote">The next round of primaries in February
will be on territory that favors Obama</p>
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
<pam:credit>Photograph for TIME by David Burnett</pam:credit>
<pam:caption>The two superpowers<br/>Clinton drew a huge
crowd at a pre-election event in Minneapolis, but it was Obama who
took the state on Super Tuesday</pam:caption>
<pam:credit>OBAMA: EMMANUEL DUNAND--AFP/GETTY</pam:credit>
18. On the third page of this article is an area that contains additional content that is related
to the main article itself but graphically set apart.
The most important thing to note about this content is the fact that it is uniquely bylined,
and is written by Mark Halperin. Since this content has a unique byline we would make it
an entirely separately article. If, however, it had not been uniquely bylined we would have
chosen to keep it with the main article, and like the pull quote, the text would be captured
utilizing the prism:class= attribute, only this time with a value of “sidebar”.
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
19. All article content – text and images – have now been accounted for, and the body of
your PAM article is now complete. Let’s revisit the head one more time and incorporate a
few more elements before considering the article entirely complete.
Since this is a new article the status value we will
capture is ‘A’. ‘A’ stands for ‘add’. See recipe #6
for more information about utilizing the pam:status
This element can be used to capture a shortened
version of the title that appears in the table of
In the table of contents for this issue this article is
represented as indicated by the yellow rectangle
This value can be captured as the prism:teaser.
This element captures the number of words in the
article. This article contains 1281 words.
This element allows values from the PRISM genre
controlled vocabulary to be selected in order to
describe the intellectual content of the article.
Examples of genres include interview, photoEssay,
and recipe.
In the case of this particular article, no genre values
are appropriate, so the element will not be included.
The has part element allows you to indicate links to
other articles where content from this story also
appears. In this case, the article is referenced on
both the cover of the magazines as well as the table
of contents, as well as in the cover story that
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
appears on page 20 of the issue, so the following
phrases are captured in the has part element:
See also cover story on page 20 of same
See also additional image(s) on cover and
in table of contents of same issue.
Publisher use of the dcterms:hasPart element may
vary, and instead of providing a textual description
of a related element it can also be used to provide a
direct reference to that resource’s file name. Please
refer to the PRISM Dublin Core Namespace
Specification document for more specifics on use of
this element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
. . .
<dc:title>It’s Not Over Yet</dc:title>
<prism:teaser>Wide Open Super Tuesday turned out to be just a
<dc:creator>Karen Tumulty</dc:creator>
. . .
<dcterms:hasPart>See also cover story on page 20 of same
<dcterms:hasPart>See also additional image(s) on cover and in
table of contents of same issue.</dcterms:hasPart>
<p prism:class="deck">Super Tuesday was supposed to settle the
Democratic race, but a split decision means it’s just getting
started--and could get truly ugly</p>
. . .
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
20. The last touches to the head of our document are to add elements that identify the
topics, people, organizations, and locations this article is about.
The subject values captured for this element
describe what the article is about. The PRISM
specification recommends that values for the
dc:subject element be chosen from a taxonomy. In
the case of Time Magazine, we have selected values
from the Time Inc. taxonomy, a vocabulary that was
uniquely created for Time Inc.
Political parties
These elements allow for the capture of names of
people, organization(s), and event(s) about which
the article is written. These people, organization(s),
and event(s) are not merely mentioned in the article,
but figure prominently. Here are the values we will
capture for this article:
People –
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Organization –
Democratic Party
Event –
Super Tuesday
Presidential primary
Similar to the three elements just described, the following elements can also be used to
capture information to describe what an article is about. Use the elements as you see fit.
We did not consider them relevant for this particular article.
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<dc:subject>Political parties</dc:subject>
<prism:event>Super Tuesday</prism:event>
<prism:event>Presidential primary</prism:event>
<prism:organization>Democratic Party</prism:organization>
<prism:person>Hillary Clinton</prism:person>
<prism:person>Barack Obama</prism:person>
. . .
. . .
With the exception of dc:subject, all of these elements can also be capture inline with the
article text itself. To do so, utilize the pim: versions of these elements.
<p prism:class="deck"><pim:event>Super Tuesday</pim:event> was
supposed to settle the Democratic race, but a split decision means
it’s just getting started--and could get truly ugly</p>
21. Although we will not walk through them one-by-one in this recipe, you may also
choose to include the following additional elements in the head of your article as needed:
prism:dateReceived (will be populated by your content recipient)
prism:hasCorrection (see recipe #6)
For rights tracking purposes the following elements may be used:
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
4.1.4. Completed XML Article
Congratulations! You now have a complete PAM article that represents your original
print content. Feel free to share it with your external recipient!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform="print"/>
<dc:title>It’s Not Over Yet</dc:title>
<prism:teaser>Wide Open Super Tuesday turned out to be just a
<dc:creator>Karen Tumulty</dc:creator>
<dc:publisher>Time Inc.</dc:publisher>
<prism:coverDisplayDate>February 18,
<prism:issueName>Super Tuesday Special</prism:issueName>
<prism:edition>U.S. Edition</prism:edition>
<prism:section>CAMPAIGN ‘08</prism:section>
<dc:subject>Political parties</dc:subject>
<prism:event>Super Tuesday</prism:event>
<prism:event>Presidential primary</prism:event>
<prism:organization>Democratic Party</prism:organization>
<prism:person>Hillary Clinton</prism:person>
<prism:person>Barack Obama</prism:person>
<dcterms:hasPart>See also cover story on page 20 of same
<dcterms:hasPart>See also additional image(s) on cover and in
table of contents of same issue.</dcterms:hasPart>
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
<p prism:class="deck"><pim:event>Super Tuesday</pim:event> was
supposed to settle the Democratic race, but a split decision means
it’s just getting started--and could get truly ugly</p>
<p>The idea behind the new, fast-forward primary calendar that
Democrats unveiled this election season was to give a big,
hyperdemocratic finale to the process of picking a nominee. Nearly
two dozen states, tired of standing on the sidelines as future
Presidents lavished attention on places like Ottumwa, Iowa, and
Nashua, N.H., had muscled their way to an early spot on the
calendar. Proportional delegate allotment--instead of winner-takeall results--would ensure that every vote mattered. Super Tuesday
would be the closest thing we have ever seen to a national primary:
a single day on which the candidates had to prove themselves to
every slice of the American electorate in states that are home to
nearly half the population of the country. It was supposed to
settle everything.</p>
<p>It settled nothing. In a result now achingly familiar to the
Democratic Party, <pim:person>Hillary Clinton</pim:person> and
<pim:person>Barack Obama</pim:person> split the popular vote 50.2%
to 49.8%, by a margin so thin, you could barely slide a butterfly
ballot betwixt. Tuesday slipped into Wednesday without anyone
knowing for sure how many delegates each candidate had captured, as
provisional ballots in New Mexico were slowly tabulated by
<p>The grand plan for Super Tuesday, it turns out, depended on one
candidate having superior strength, assets and popularity. Instead,
the two superstar candidates and their dueling arsenals canceled
each other out. Obama's greatest strength was among upscale voters,
African Americans, younger people, liberals and those with college
educations. He ran even with Clinton among men. Clinton drew strong
support from women, older voters, Hispanics, lower-income people
and those with less education. And even those gaps were shrinking,
as Clinton's edge among women narrowed in some states and Obama's
inroads with white voters increased.</p>
<p>Now the campaign that was supposed to end continues to the
states that didn't join the stampede to move their primaries
forward. Far from being an afterthought as just about everyone had
expected, they have the power to crown the winner. And if they
don't? The decision may well fall to some 800 party insiders known
as super-delegates. Yes, that's right: the perverse result of all
this additional democracy, in which more people than ever before
will have had a voice, could be that Democrats have to turn to oldstyle backroom politics to select a nominee.</p>
<p>Rather than bringing clarity and closure, Super Tuesday left the
Democratic race as confused as it has ever been. Having trailed
Clinton by double digits in most Super Tuesday state polls only
weeks before, Obama came away from the day's voting having won more
states--13 to her&#160;8--and slightly more delegates than she did.
But Clinton had considerable bragging rights as well. She won
California, the night's biggest prize, and a slightly larger
percentage of the popular vote and took particular glee in routing
Obama in Massachusetts, despite all the hoopla that had surrounded
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
Obama's endorsement by Senator Edward Kennedy and much of his
family, as well as the state's other Senator, 2004 Democratic
nominee John Kerry, and Governor Deval Patrick.</p>
<p>Clinton strategists, perhaps wishfully, suggested that Super
Tuesday may prove to be a high mark for Obama, coming as it did
after a burst of good publicity surrounding his high-profile
endorsements and after Clinton stumbled in South Carolina. Said
one: "It's going to be hard to find a better week for him."</p>
<p>Indeed, they are working to make sure that is the case. The day
of the primaries, the Clinton campaign announced she had agreed to
participate in four debates--a format in which she has dominated-in the coming month and challenged Obama to do the same. But the
Obama campaign is in no rush. "Our schedule's not going to be
dictated by the Clinton campaign," said campaign manager David
<p>As the pace of the campaign slows considerably, Obama's aides
say, that will play in favor of a candidate who is gaining strength
against a far more established front runner. The next round of
primaries in particular will be on friendly territory for Obama. He
is expected, for instance, to sweep the Beltway cluster of
Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, which has a large
number of upscale Democrats and African Americans.</p>
<p>And he goes forward with a growing financial advantage, having
raised $32&#160;million in January, largely from small donors who
can be tapped again. That fund-raising haul was better than twice
the $13.5&#160;million that Clinton took in over the same period.
If anything, the Super Tuesday results, coupled with additional
wins in coming weeks, are likely to bring in an even bigger flood
of contributions to Obama, whose Internet-fueled coffers were
already flush enough to buy Super Bowl advertising in the postSuper Tuesday primary states.</p>
<p>The Clinton operation, on the other hand, is showing signs of
financial stress—something that would have seemed inconceivable
months ago. The day after the primary, the campaign announced that
Clinton had loaned her campaign $5&#160;million late last month, a
move that spokesman Howard Wolfson said "illustrates Senator
Clinton's commitment to this effort and to ensuring that our
campaign has the resources it needs to compete and win across this
nation." Clinton has relied most heavily on the party's traditional
big donors and is finding fewer and fewer who have not already
given the maximum legal limit of $2,300 for the primary race.
"They've got to produce something out of these next nine states
[that vote between Super Tuesday and March 4], or they are going to
have some serious money troubles," says Obama adviser Steve
<p>Clinton is counting on recouping whatever ground she loses over
the next few weeks in early March, when Ohio and Texas hold their
primaries. Ohio is in economic distress and has large numbers of
downscale Democrats. Clinton also expects to draw upon
institutional support from organized labor. And the high proportion
of Latino voters in Texas, her strategists say, will give her an
4.1 Preparing a print article for use by an external partner
edge. Obama, however, contends that he is making inroads with that
group of voters as well, noting that he won more than 44% of
Hispanic votes in Arizona. "As Latino voters get to know me," he
said the morning after the election, "we do better."</p>
<p>If the race continues to be close after Texas and Ohio, the last
big contest--Pennsylvania's April&#160;22 primary--may be the
decisive one.</p>
<p>Or maybe not, which leaves only one other means of avoiding a
vicious floor fight at August's Democratic National Convention in
Denver. In the past few weeks, the Clinton and Obama campaigns have
both stepped up their courtship, cajoling and sometimes armtwisting of super-delegates. These are the roughly 800 party
insiders--including elected officials, national-committee members
and state chairmen--who get to vote at the convention by virtue of
the positions they hold.</p>
<p>The super-delegates were created by the
<pim:organization>Democratic Party</pim:organization> in the
aftermath of the 1980 election for just this sort of eventuality.
But the campaign for their support is a frustrating exercise for
both candidates. Any commitments they manage to secure are etched
in talcum powder; super-delegates don't have to make a choice until
the convention, and they can change their mind an endless number of
times between now and then.</p>
<p>The Clinton campaign boasts that it maintains a super-delegate
advantage over Obama of about 100 votes. However, Obama campaign
manager Plouffe insisted in an election-night conference call with
reporters that his team had whittled her lead among these party
insiders to about 55. But these two campaigns should know by now:
this is one year when it's dangerous to count on anything.</p>
<p prism:class="pullQuote">The next round of primaries in February
will be on territory that favors Obama</p>
<pam:credit>Photograph for TIME by David Burnett</pam:credit>
<pam:caption>The two superpowers<br/>Clinton drew a huge
crowd at a pre-election event in Minneapolis, but it was Obama who
took the state on Super Tuesday</pam:caption>
<pam:credit>OBAMA: EMMANUEL DUNAND--AFP/GETTY</pam:credit>
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
4.2. Preparing a print article for an internal partner
4.2.1. Basic Description
A publisher wants to use PRISM metadata to prepare an article for an internal partner.
The publisher must determine which identification fields will meet the internal partner’s
business requirements. The publisher will create a standalone XML file utilizing PRISM.
This recipe will use an article from In Style Magazine.
4.2.2. Ingredients
The recipe will demonstrate the use of the following PRISM and Dublin Core elements:
Included in this recipe is an appendix showing how custom elements can be used for
internal purposes only. The custom elements are outside of PRISM. They demonstrate
instances of article data that are not addressed in PRISM.
4.2.3. Step-by-step
1. The first step when creating an article that fulfills the business needs of an internal
partner is to create a PAM article following all of the steps in Recipe 1 of this cookbook.
A PAM article creates the proper foundation to build on, and will likely take you 85% of
the way towards gathering all business information that your internal partner will need.
Also, if you have created a valid PAM file it will insure that your XML will be
repurposable, after simple transformations, if you ever have a need to share the content
with an external recipient.
Please see the next page for this recipe’s article. The article is “Crazy About… JovovichHawk” from the March 2008 issue of In Style Magazine.
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
Here is the XML that would be created utilizing the steps in Recipe 1:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform=”print”/>
<dc:title>Crazy About…Jovovich-Hawk</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Hal Rubenstein</dc:creator>
<prism:publicationName>In Style</prism:publicationName>
<dc:publisher>Time Inc.</dc:publisher>
<prism:coverDisplayDate>March 2008</prism:coverDisplayDate>
<prism:subsection1>Style File</prism:subsection1>
<prism:location>Los Angeles</prism:location>
<prism:person>Milla Jovovich</prism:person>
<prism:person>Carmen Hawk</prism:person>
<p prism:class=”deck”> Based in L.A., where everyone's in her own
fantasy world, the design pair's new Target line is for yours</p>
<p>Why we're crazy about them<br/>While most inexpensive lines are
about looking put together for a price, Jovovich-Hawk is all mixed
up in the most delightful way. Part rock star, part fairy princess,
it nevertheless boasts an unexpected harmony.</p>
<p>What the duo like most<br/>"Our clothes are for the art student
or the girl with a flair for the theatrical," says Jovovich. "She
takes risks, but subtly."</p>
<p>What delights us<br/>For once, looks that are more appealing
than studied. "We wanted to make a little magic," says Hawk. They
<p>Polyester ribbon floppy hat, $15.</p>
<p>Cotton-modal halter dress, $30.</p>
<p>Nylon-spandex bikini top and bottom, $17 each.</p>
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
<p>Linen vest, $30.</p>
<p>Linen bag, $30.</p>
<p>Crinkle polyester chiffon dress, $40.</p>
<p>French terrycloth shorts, $25.</p>
<p>All available at Target, 800-800-8800 for stores or</p>
<p>What Inspired Them</p>
<p>"There's a quirky innocence to her character," says Hawk. "Her
charm is that she doesn't look like what she is."</p>
<p>”I love how hippies embraced art nouveau and sixties London,
when Biba defined the mod look of the city," says Jovovich.</p>
<pam:caption>Milla Jovovich and Carmen Hawk</pam:caption>
<dc:type>Eight photos</dc:type>
2. There is likely some information needed by your internal partner that the above PAM
article does not capture. A number of elements included in the PRISM specification, that
are not part of the PAM specification, are provided for internal uses. It is possible that
these elements will fulfill some of the needs of your internal partners. Let’s walk through
these elements one-by-one.
The creation date element is not for capturing the
date on which the article was written or the date it
was published. Instead, this element is used to
capture the date on which the PRISM XML
document was created.
In this case, the creation date was 2008-04-18.
This element may be inserted at any location in the
<head> of your XML. We have chosen to place the
element at the end, after all of the PAM
specification elements. Later in this recipe we will
discuss creation of your own DTD or schema.
Please note that our XML sample below has been
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
truncated to show only the relevant portion of the
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
. . .
3. Keeping in the vein of capturing important date information surrounding the article, we
will address capture of the publication date, an issue level piece of metadata.
The publication date can generally be thought of as
analogous to the newsstand or in-home date for the
publication. This differs from the prism:coverDate
in that that value is the date captured on the cover of
the magazine, which, for most publishers, is distinct
from the newsstand or in-home date.
The cover date for this issue is 2008-03-01, but the
date the publication will appear on newsstands is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
. . .
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
4. Because an internal partner may use the content to reshape the complete issue, they
may be interested in knowing the ending page of the article.
This happens to be a one page article, so the value
captured for the ending page will be the same as
that captured for the starting page.
Since this ending page is closely related to the
starting page already captured when creating our
PAM article, we will place the ending page element
just after the starting page element. This keeps
elements with similar data in the same proximity.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
. . .
. . .
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
5. Rights are important to all partners that receive and distribute content, but there is
some rights information that you may choose to share only with your internal partners.
An example is the rights agent.
The right agent is the person, department, or
organization that should be contacted if there is a
desire to license the rights to the article. If desired,
this element may also include contact information.
In our example, ‘Erin Clark’ is the rights agent.
Again, we have flexibility in terms of deciding
where to place the element in the <head>.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<prism:rightsAgent>Erin Clark</prism:rightsAgent>
. . .
6. It is becoming a common practice of publishers to store the print-ready PDF versions
of their content in their archives. It is, therefore, very helpful to be able to reference this
PDF version of the content in your PRISM XML file.
The dc:isFormatOf element allows for capture of
this reference. For most print products, the PDF is
the original source of the content, so we use
dc:isFormatOf to refer to it. If the XML version of
the content was the original form, the dc:hasFormat
element would be used.
dc:isFormatOf – Points to the original source of
the XML document.
dc:hasFormat – Points to an alternate version of
the XML document.
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
dc:isFormatOf and dc:hasFormat can refer to
sources other than a PDF, but we highlight PDFs
here as a particularly common example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<prism:rightsAgent>Erin Clark</prism:rightsAgent>
. . .
7. The prism:byteCount element may be useful for internal content managers and is
included in the completed XML document on the next page.
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
4.2.4. Completed XML Article
Here is the completed XML document that includes all ingredients discussed in this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform=”print”/>
<dc:title>Crazy About…Jovovich-Hawk</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Hal Rubenstein</dc:creator>
<prism:publicationName>In Style</prism:publicationName>
<dc:publisher>Time Inc.</dc:publisher>
<prism:coverDisplayDate>March 2008</prism:coverDisplayDate>
<prism:subsection1>Style File</prism:subsection1>
<prism:location>Los Angeles</prism:location>
<prism:person>Milla Jovovich</prism:person>
<prism:person>Carmen Hawk</prism:person>
<prism:rightsAgent>Erin Clark</prism:rightsAgent>
<p prism:class=”deck”> Based in L.A., where everyone's in her own
fantasy world, the design pair's new Target line is for yours</p>
<p>Why we're crazy about them<br/>While most inexpensive lines are
about looking put together for a price, Jovovich-Hawk is all mixed
up in the most delightful way. Part rock star, part fairy princess,
it nevertheless boasts an unexpected harmony.</p>
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
<p>What the duo like most<br/>"Our clothes are for the art student
or the girl with a flair for the theatrical," says Jovovich. "She
takes risks, but subtly."</p>
<p>What delights us<br/>For once, looks that are more appealing
than studied. "We wanted to make a little magic," says Hawk. They
<p>Polyester ribbon floppy hat, $15.</p>
<p>Cotton-modal halter dress, $30.</p>
<p>Nylon-spandex bikini top and bottom, $17 each.</p>
<p>Linen vest, $30.</p>
<p>Linen bag, $30.</p>
<p>Crinkle polyester chiffon dress, $40.</p>
<p>French terrycloth shorts, $25.</p>
<p>All available at Target, 800-800-8800 for stores or</p>
<p>What Inspired Them</p>
<p>"There's a quirky innocence to her character," says Hawk. "Her
charm is that she doesn't look like what she is."</p>
<p>”I love how hippies embraced art nouveau and sixties London,
when Biba defined the mod look of the city," says Jovovich.</p>
<pam:caption>Milla Jovovich and Carmen Hawk</pam:caption>
<dc:type>Eight photos</dc:type>
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
4.2.5. APPENDIX: Custom elements and custom DTD/XSD
NOTE: In this Appendix ‘custom’ is defined as being outside of PRISM or any other
metadata standard and as being created by the publisher for internal needs. Custom
elements, DTD, XSD, and namespaces should not be intended for external recipients who
receive content conforming to the PAM standard.
While PRISM metadata is intended to meet the most universal requirements of publishers
and content recipients, it is always possible that certain parties will have additional needs.
For example, a publisher may need to include the name of the person who processed the
XML document in the XML itself; an internal recipient, such as an editorial research
group, may wish to receive articles with information specific to their constituents.
For scenarios like these, the best practice is to create a custom DTD/XSD that combines
PRISM and custom elements. This way an article could be processed one time with the
custom DTD/XSD and repurposed in different formats. The article could be sent to a
database aggregator in PAM format without custom elements and sent to an internal
recipient in the format that combines PAM with custom elements.
It is recommended that an individual with DTD/XSD editing expertise undertake the task
of creating a custom DTD/XSD.
A custom namespace needs to be created for the custom elements. In the following
examples “TimeInc” is the name of the custom namespace.
Example 1. Custom element for publisher’s internal record keeping.
The name of the person who quality checked
the XML document is captured by this
Example 2. Custom element for an internal research department’s use.
The name of a featured fashion product is
captured by this element.
The article features clothing and accessories
of the Jovovich-Hawk brand.
4.2 Preparing a print article for an internal partner
The following portion of the XML document contains the two custom elements above:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform=”print”/>
<dc:title>Crazy About…Jovovich-Hawk</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Hal Rubenstein</dc:creator>
<prism:publicationName>In Style</prism:publicationName>
<dc:publisher>Time Inc.</dc:publisher>
<prism:coverDisplayDate>March 2008</prism:coverDisplayDate>
<prism:subsection1>Style File</prism:subsection1>
<prism:location>Los Angeles</prism:location>
<prism:person>Milla Jovovich</prism:person>
<prism:person>Carmen Hawk</prism:person>
<prism:rightsAgent>Erin Clark</prism:rightsAgent>
<TimeInc:checker>Perry Metaire</TimeInc:checker>
<TimeInc:instyleIndexProduct>Jovovich-Hawk clothing and
. . .
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
4.3. Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
4.3.1. Basic Description
One of the benefits of the PRISM standard is how it can facilitate and enhance search.
The variety of PRISM XML elements can be leveraged by a search site to enable users to
find content using precise criteria. In this recipe, we will show how PRISM elements
relate to different kinds of searches.
4.3.2. Ingredients
This recipe will demonstrate the use of the following PRISM elements for enhancing
4.3.3. Search Approaches
We’ll begin by discussing the ubiquity of full text searching. We can see this at work in
commercial databases, Google, and ‘search this site’ text entry boxes on retail websites.
Full text searching is meant to find any text anywhere in the article.
The main disadvantages of full text searching are the lack of precision that yields too
many search results and the inability to search human-applied metadata that does not
appear in print.
In this recipe we will use the seven elements above to illustrate how PRISM facilitates
search approaches that are more targeted than a full text search: by “aboutness”and issue
We will use the article, “Indy Rides Again”, from the May 22, 2008 issue of
Entertainment Weekly. Here is the article as it appeared in print.
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
We’ll start with the premise that a PAM article following all of the steps in Recipe 1 of
this cookbook has been created.
4.3.4. Searching by “aboutness”
PRISM addresses the cognitive aspects of content, the “aboutness” qualities, such as the
topics covered, people described, and narrative type. Let’s see how three PRISM
elements can improve an article’s ability to be found by a user of a search site.
Users seeking articles of substantial coverage of a
particular topic can search by prism:genre values,
such as “Analysis”, “Profile”, and, in our example,
“Cover Story”, from the PRISM Controlled
Vocabulary. This is human-applied metadata that is
not available in a full text search of the printed
Applying subject terms from a controlled
vocabulary to articles enables users to perform
searches without relying on particular names or
words that appear in the text. Broad searches can be
performed using a few subject terms. In our
example, the subject “Movies” covers words such
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
as ‘feature films’, ‘action flicks’, and ‘cinema’. A
full text search can be limited by subject terms not
appearing in print or not appearing in enough
instances that reflect their importance. The subject
terms in our example are from the Time Inc.
Identifying prominently featured persons enables
users to obtain search results that do not contain
articles in which the person of interest is mentioned
only in passing. Featured organizations and
geographical locations can be captured using the
prism:organization and prism:location elements. In
our example, there is significant content about
certain actors and directors. A full text search
cannot distinguish between a person mentioned a
few times and a person central to the article.
Elements like the three above require a reading of the article. A person applying this
metadata would provide the highest level of accuracy. Software that applies this cognitive
metadata can provide great efficiency gains in a workflow while some accuracy will be
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<dc:title>INDY RIDES AGAIN</dc:title>
. . .
<dc:subject>ACTORS &amp; ACTRESSES</dc:subject>
<prism:person>Steven Spielberg</prism:person>
<prism:person>Harrison Ford</prism:person>
<prism:person>Indiana Jones</prism:person>
<prism:person>George Lucas</prism:person>
<prism:person>Shia LaBeouf</prism:person>
<prism:person>Karen Allen</prism:person>
. . .
. . .
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
Other examples of PRISM’s precision include identifying up to four levels of
subsections, distinguishing between main writers and contributors, and identifying
images by their credit, caption, and media type, all of which are covered in Recipe 1. In
our example, let’s look at how one of the PRISM inline markup elements enhances
Identifying keywords within the printed text
provides users with additional cognitive metadata to
search. Keywords are terms that are likely to be
used in search queries. In PRISM, keywords are
distinct from subject terms and named entities
which have corresponding PRISM elements.
The following snippets show how keywords are
tagged. Note how this tag is embedded within the
text and does not appear in the <head>.
<p class="deck">MAY 22</p>
<p>Almost two decades after the last Indiana Jones movie, Harrison
Ford, Steven Spielberg, and George Lucas team up for another whipcracking <pim:keyword>adventure</pim:keyword>. An inside look at
what took so long, what to expect from the new film (space
aliens?), and what the filmmakers think about living up to their
own legends.</p>
<p>Seeing him in person, up close, makes the hard fact that Ford
will turn 66 this July seem like a clerical mistake. He looks
strikingly younger than he has lately on film. There's a big vein
showing down the middle of each of his sizable biceps. Yet hardbodied as he keeps himself, he's only mortal. And so for every
punch he throws as the world's best-known archaeologist in Indiana
Jones and the <pim:keyword>Kingdom of the Crystal
Skull</pim:keyword>, audiences will be thinking about a different,
offscreen battle: the one between Ford and Father Time.</p>
<p>Ford first played the whip-wielding, globe-trotting Dr. Jones in
1981's Raiders of the Lost Ark, returned in 1984's Indiana Jones
and the Temple of Doom, and seemingly wrapped up the series playing
son to Sean Connery in 1989's Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
But prospects for a post-trilogy resurrection got going in the
early 1990s and never stopped. Early in the twisty-turny
development process, executive <pim:keyword>producer</pim:keyword>
George Lucas (who created the character) and
<pim:keyword>director</pim:keyword> Steven Spielberg realized that
if they ever did incubate a story good enough to justify taking
that fedora out of mothballs, so much time would have passed that
it would look silly to pretend Indy was the same old—that is,
young—guy. They ultimately . . .
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
4.3.5. Searching by issue metadata
PRISM has several elements that address issue metadata, fundamental components of
content storage and retrieval. The cover image below shows where this metadata is
found. Let’s look at these elements and see how they facilitate search.
Capturing the name of a specially named issue
allows users to search for articles within the issue
without knowing the issue’s date. Often times an
issue’s name is more easily remembered than its
date. (e.g. Fortune 500, Anniversary Issue, etc.)
This element also allows users to search within a
series of named issues across multiple years.
The eight digit numeric date of the issue allows
users to search with an exact issue date or search for
content within a range of dates. The complete
numeric date is often not printed and often must be
human-applied at the outset of a workflow. It is
especially useful for monthly publications for which
01 can be applied as the day date. This element also
allows special issues that do not have any printed
date to be included in a date range search.
This element allows users to search by the complete
or partial text of the date printed on the issue
without having an exact date in mind. e.g “May
2008”, “Spring 2008”. A search for May issues
across multiple years can also be performed.
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<dc:title>INDY RIDES AGAIN</dc:title>
. . .
<prism:coverDisplayDate>April 25, 2008 / May 2,
<prism:number>988 / 989</prism:number>
<prism:issueName>Summer Movie Preview / Special Double
. . .
. . .
See the following page for the completed XML article.
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
4.3.6. Completed XML Article
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform=”print”/>
<dc:title>INDY RIDES AGAIN</dc:title>
<dc:creator>STEVE DALY</dc:creator>
<dc:contributor>WRITTEN AND REPORTED BY Jennifer
<dc:contributor>Jason Clark</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Clark Collis</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Steve Daly</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Jeff Jensen</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Vanessa Juarez</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Ari Karpel</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Gregory Kirschling</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Jeff Labrecque</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Youyoung Lee</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Adam Markovitz</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Chris Nashawaty</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Whitney Pastorek</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Josh Rottenberg</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Missy Schwartz</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Jessica Shaw</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Nick Spagnoli</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Nicole Sperling</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Christine Spines</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Tim Stack</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Tanner Stransky</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Benjamin Svetkey</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Adam B. Vary</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Kate Ward</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Josh Wolk</dc:contributor>
<dc:publisher>Time Inc.</dc:publisher>
<prism:coverDisplayDate>April 25, 2008 / May 2,
<prism:number>988 / 989</prism:number>
<prism:issueName>Summer Movie Preview / Special Double
<prism:section>Summer Movie Preview</prism:section>
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
<dc:subject>ACTORS &amp; ACTRESSES</dc:subject>
<prism:person>Steven Spielberg</prism:person>
<prism:person>Harrison Ford</prism:person>
<prism:person>Indiana Jones</prism:person>
<prism:person>George Lucas</prism:person>
<prism:person>Karen Allen</prism:person>
<p class="deck">MAY 22</p>
<p>Almost two decades after the last Indiana Jones movie, Harrison
Ford, Steven Spielberg, and George Lucas team up for another whipcracking <pim:keyword>adventure</pim:keyword>. An inside look at
what took so long, what to expect from the new film (space
aliens?), and what the filmmakers think about living up to their
own legends.</p>
<p>Starring Harrison Ford, Shia LaBeouf, Cate Blanchett, Karen
<p>Directed by Steven Spielberg</p>
<p>Harrison Ford keeps his own hangar at the Santa Monica Municipal
Airport. Among his inventory are a helicopter, a jet, and an
immaculately painted blue-and-green biplane. He's a skilled pilot,
and sometimes he goes for rides between earthly appointments.
Today's a helicopter day. In fact, Ford's been out choppering
around on this clear, calm mid-March afternoon, touching down only
now to do an interview. Wearing jeans, a navy blue T-shirt, and
dark aviator glasses, he strides across the landing area so
purposefully you can almost hear a military march.</p>
<p>Seeing him in person, up close, makes the hard fact that Ford
will turn 66 this July seem like a clerical mistake. He looks
strikingly younger than he has lately on film. There's a big vein
showing down the middle of each of his sizable biceps. Yet hardbodied as he keeps himself, he's only mortal. And so for every
punch he throws as the world's best-known archaeologist in Indiana
Jones and the <pim:keyword>Kingdom of the Crystal
Skull</pim:keyword>, audiences will be thinking about a different,
offscreen battle: the one between Ford and Father Time.</p>
<p>Ford first played the whip-wielding, globe-trotting Dr. Jones in
1981's Raiders of the Lost Ark, returned in 1984's Indiana Jones
and the Temple of Doom, and seemingly wrapped up the series playing
son to Sean Connery in 1989's Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
But prospects for a post-trilogy resurrection got going in the
early 1990s and never stopped. Early in the twisty-turny
development process, executive <pim:keyword>producer</pim:keyword>
George Lucas (who created the character) and director Steven
Spielberg realized that if they ever did incubate a story good
enough to justify taking that fedora out of mothballs, so much time
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
would have passed that it would look silly to pretend Indy was the
same old—that is, young—guy. They ultimately set Crystal Skull
in 1957, 19 years after the events of Last Crusade. In a neat realworld parallel, it's been exactly 19 years since that movie was
<p>"That's one of the things I was most keen about," says Ford,
sitting down for an indoors talk shortly after landing. "Just
acknowledge the years, without reservation. What's the big deal?
The guy's 18, 20 years older. So what?" There it is, the question
on which hundreds of millions in grosses are riding. So what? Well,
some people might not want to see a beloved
<pim:keyword>action</pim:keyword> icon reaching AARP eligibility.
"Yeah, I've heard it," Ford says. "'Aaaaw, he's older.' Well, s---,
yes. And by the way? So are you.! Take a look in the
f---ing mirror!"</p>
<p>Whether Ford can still hack it as an action hero is just one of
many questions hovering around Crystal Skull. Per Spielberg's
strict decree, not even the Paramount marketing team has been
allowed to see any work-in-progress versions. Neither has EW.
(Finishing touches weren't done until mid-April.) But we do have
inside intelligence on what it's about: greed, abduction, the Cold
War, anticommunist fervor, torture, theft, artifact-acquisition
rivalry, and the post-WWII generation gap, among other things.
(Now's a good time to bail out if you hate spoilers—even though
we'd classify the ones that follow as mild.)</p>
<p>Remember dark-haired Marion Ravenwood, Indy's squeeze from
Raiders? She's back and once again played by Karen Allen, now 56
and looking remarkably unchanged. Expect to see Marion and Indy
trading gibes through lots of South American jungle jeopardy
involving quicksand, amphibious vehicles, so-called Ugha warriors,
and large, nasty ants. To the likely delight of teenage girls,
Spielberg and Co. have also given Indy a sidekick played by 21year-old Shia LaBeouf, a strong ticket-seller in Disturbia and
Transformers last year. (Spielberg helped produce the latter.)
Muscled up, LaBeouf adopts a sort of Marlon Brando punk-rebel
persona right out of The Wild One as a leather-jacketed,
switchblade-carrying, motorcycle-riding young searcher named Mutt
Williams. Hmmm, Mutt—as in a mongrel, of mixed or uncertain
parentage. Will it turn out he's the son of Indy and/or Marion? And
does Crystal Skull set up Mutt as a spin-off-ready new hero? Fans
have been arguing these points online for well over a year.</p>
<p>Another focus of chatroom buzz has been the baddies, a nasty
group of Russian soldiers and operatives in search of the title
object because of its reputed mind-controlling powers. (About time,
says Ford, that Indy moved on from tangling with German SS
officers, as he did in movies 1 and 3: "We plum wore the Nazis out.
Couldn't go there again.") The leader of the KGB-backed pack is
Cate Blanchett, in a severe, straight-banged, ink black wig, as
Agent Irina Spalko. She's a born interrogator. Gimlet-eyed and
handy with a sword, she crosses blades with Mutt. Asked if Agent
Spalko gives off a vaguely dominatrix vibe, Lucas says, "Not so
vaguely," and bursts out laughing. Could be the kinkiest thing he's
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
helped brainstorm since he put Princess Leia in a gold bikini and
chains in Return of the Jedi.</p>
<p>KAREN ALLEN REMEMBERS the day the phone rang in January 2007.
She was at home in the Berkshires in Massachusetts, where, between
TV and film gigs, she's built a life raising a son, teaching acting
and yoga, and running a luxury-knitwear business. It was Spielberg
on the line. He said, "I bet you know why I'm calling." She had no
idea. "He said, 'Haven't you been watching television?'" she
recalls. "'It's been announced! We're gonna make Indiana Jones 4!
And guess what? You're in it!'"</p>
<p>Allen had heard so many inconclusive rumors about a new Indy
movie over the past decade or so that she'd given up believing it
would happen—not surprising, given the film's stop-and-go-andstop history. Beginning in the early '90s, five key writers went
through myriad script drafts, continually hitting narrative booby
traps. The parameters kept shifting for a story that had to first
satisfy Lucas, Spielberg, and Ford. None of them had any
contractual imperative to reunite, and each of them had mutuallyagreed-upon veto power. "Three very powerful, opinionated
individuals," says writer-director David Koepp, who had worked
with Spielberg on Jurassic Park and War of the Worlds and wound up
becoming what Spielberg called the "closer" on Crystal Skull.
"That's just hard to get to line up."</p>
<p>Die Hard scribe Jeb Stuart got the boulder rolling with an
early-'90s script titled Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men From
Mars, a stab at addressing one of Lucas' central ideas. It made
sense, Lucas argued, for the first three Indy movies to imitate
1930s and '40s adventure serials, as the stories were set in that
period. But with Indy older, and the setting pushed to the '50s,
the genre should also switch to the sort of trope you'd find only
in that later era: namely, aliens invading Earth in spaceships with
the military in hot pursuit. Or so Lucas argued, to raspberries
from his collaborators. "Harrison said, 'No way am I being in a
Steve Spielberg movie like that,'" recalls Lucas. "And Steven said,
'I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.'"</p>
<p>The creative wrangling continued with Jeffrey Boam writing (he'd
worked on Last Crusade). M. Night Shyamalan told Howard Stern he
was eyeing the Indy franchise in the summer of 2000, though no
actual scripts seem to have come of that. Frank Darabont (The
Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile) turned in a draft and did one
revision circa 2003--04. According to Darabont, he put over the
idea of Marion returning, instead of Indy having some new love
interest. Darabont was a rabid fan of the franchise, having worked
for Lucas' early-'90s TV show, The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.
Spielberg was reportedly extremely keen on Darabont's work. But
after Lucas said no to it, for reasons no one will discuss,
Darabont went public with his disappointment. He complained to a
journalist as he promoted his film The Mist last year that Lucas
was "insane" to reject his script, and voiced his unhappiness in
several other interviews. He's eased up on the rhetoric since, and
now says, via e-mail, that "there's honestly not much to add that
hasn't been said.... For me to comment beyond that is to promote a
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
controversy that doesn't exist." Spielberg won't elaborate, other
than to say, "Why do you want to get into that?"</p>
<p>At some point, aliens got bumped aside for a new central
concept: crystal skulls. Lucas has said he'd been interested for
years in the real-life mythology behind them—what Ford calls "the
mysto-crypto stuff that's part of every Indiana Jones movie." After
a go-round with Jeff Nathanson (Catch Me if You Can, Rush Hour 3),
David Koepp finally came in about two years ago. He cooked up an
acceptable stew of already-established ingredients, plus some of
his own. (He's the only screenwriter with final credit; story
credit goes to Lucas and Nathanson.) Are aliens still in there too?
"I can neither confirm nor deny," says Koepp. According to Ford,
"There's no element of any of the original scripts that has
completely gone away. George made sure of that. 'Cause he is that
persistent. And that dogged." Spielberg won't touch plot queries.
His only comment? "You'll find out on May 22nd."</p>
<p>WHEN SHIA LABEOUF got cast in Crystal Skull, he had to check in
at Spielberg's office to read the script. He didn't get his own
copy until shortly before shooting began. "That was weird," he
says. "I was not prepared for not being able to have a script
during prep." When he finally got one to keep, every page had been
bar-coded and watermarked to discourage easy duplication. He says
he was also given a hotline number. If he needed to valet-park his
car—and was even thinking of leaving the script in the
backseat—all he had to do was dial the hotline and someone would
come retrieve it. And what if LaBeouf ever felt the urge to blab
about the plot? Best not to think about that. "The joke I had was
that Steven had snipers following me," he says, "and if I ever
slipped and gave up any tidbits, that was the end."</p>
<p>Why the fear factor? Because Spielberg hates audiences knowing
any more than he wants them to before opening weekend. As cameras
rolled for principal photography from mid-June through mid-October
of last year, that made life on the set feel like a witnessprotection program at times. When Spielberg shot scenes on location
in and around Yale University in Connecticut (standing in for Dr.
Jones' Marshall College), onlookers went into a frenzy snapping
cell-phone pics and posting videos on YouTube of a motorcycle-chase
scene involving LaBeouf and Ford, among other moments. The
production had to build nine-foot-high fencing to keep the actors
hidden from view as they went to and from sensitive scenes. Says
LaBeouf: "We had to wear robes and hoods like we were in the [Yale
secret society] Skull and Bones. And we were never supposed to be
grouped or bunched together. We were always supposed to be
separated until we came to set."</p>
<p>When production moved to L.A., the bulk of shooting commenced at
five separate studios, since no single facility could accommodate
all the sets. That meant an awful lot of entry points for Lucasfilm
security folks to lock down. Despite the precautions and
confidentiality agreements, two big leaks nearly blew up in fall
2007. An extra who played a Russian soldier blabbed story details
to an Oklahoma newspaper; the actor persuaded the paper to take
down the article from its website, but not before it circulated to
every fan chatroom in the land. And thieves broke into Crystal
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
Skull's production office at Universal last September, stealing a
computer along with proof sheets of sensitive photos and a budget
breakdown detailing salaries. A law-enforcement sting operation
recovered the stolen materials within a week.</p>
<p>Fan websites like Ain't It Cool News and The have
bandied about all manner of spoilers in the months since. Lucas
says Spielberg was dispirited about how much information is out
there, despite their best efforts. Relax, Lucas says. "They're not
coming to see the plot," he argues. "They're coming to see Steve
Spielberg interpret a story. You can't get that any other way than
by actually seeing the movie." He believes it's impossible to truly
spoil Crystal Skull. "I've been trying to get Steven to put the
scene where Indiana Jones gets killed into the trailer," he
deadpans. "And he just refuses to do it."</p>
<p>A death scene for Dr. Jones? That would never happen, Harrison
Ford assures us. He remembers trying to persuade Lucas to kill off
his Han Solo character in the second or third initial Star Wars
movie, insisting it'd make for a better story. "You don't need
him," says Ford. "He's got no mama, got no papa—out there all by
himself. He's a piece you can move around or get rid of. But I
couldn't get George to go along with that. He didn't want to stop
making the toys."</p>
<p>Ford never had the same feelings of disposability about Indy,
whom he finds much more interesting than Han Solo—especially
since Indy's mortality has always been a key part of his appeal.
"One of the pleasures is that we allow him to get in too deep,"
Ford says. "He's in over his head and has to pull himself out. A
character without fear or with no sense of his own inadequacy would
be a pain in the ass to be around." Time to embrace our own
foolish, feeble humanity again—and Indiana Jones, courtesy of a
buff sexagenarian, is here to show us how.</p>
<p>"Asked if Cate Blanchett's Agent Spalko gives off a vaguely
dominatrix vibe, Lucas says, "Not so vaguely," and bursts out
<p>"The joke I had was that Steven had snipers following me," says
LaBeouf, "and if I ever slipped and gave up any tidbits, that was
the end."</p>
Combined gross (in millions) of three prior Indy movies</p>
Number of copies of Indy's signature hat made for the shoot</p>
Age of Shia LaBeouf when Last Crusade originally hit movie
4.3 Using PRISM to enhance the searchability of content
<pam:caption>LaBeouf and Ford</pam:caption>
&amp; TM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED</pam:credit>
<pam:credit>DAVID JAMES/© LUCASFILM LTD. &amp; TM. ALL
RIGHTS RESERVED</pam:credit>
<pam:caption>Blanchett, Ford, and Ray Winstone (as Indy's
old WWII pal, Mac)</pam:caption>
<pam:credit>DAVID JAMES/© LUCASFILM LTD. &amp; TM. ALL
RIGHTS RESERVED</pam:credit>
<pam:caption>LaBeouf, Ford, and Allen</pam:caption>
<pam:credit>DAVID JAMES/© LUCASFILM LTD. &amp; TM. ALL
RIGHTS RESERVED</pam:credit>
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
4.4. Preparing articles that have been published to multiple
platforms for use by an external partner
4.4.1. Basic Description
In this recipe, the article was published in print, on the web, and to a mobile device. The
publisher will use PRISM metadata to indicate that the article was published on these
platforms. This article will be supplied to an external aggregation or syndication partner.
The publisher must determine which identification fields are necessary for each of these
platforms and meet the business requirements for the recipient. The publisher will create
a standalone XML file utilizing only PAM elements.
4.4.2. Ingredients
4.4.3. Step-by-step
1. To begin, identify the initial publication platform. You’ll then create a
foundational article based on the metadata for this original platform. Our
sample article from Money Magazine (see image to the right) was initially
published in print.
Using the steps in Recipe 1 of this cookbook we created the PAM article
below. Pay particular attention to the prism:originPlatform, which
identifies that this article originated in print.
The platform of original publication.
This element requires use of the
platform attribute and is not a paired
set of open and close tags. It is a
single tag that is self-closing.
Attribute that uses the PRISM
Controlled Vocabulary (web,
mobile, print, email, broadcast,
recordableMedia, other) to indicate
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
an element’s intended use on a platform.
The prism:platform attribute can be used with
prism:alternateTitle, prism:embargoDate,
prism:expirationDate, prism:originPlatform, and
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform="print"/>
<dc:title>The Best Ways to Find Love and Happiness Through
<prism:teaser>Plus, the best… Way to get someone to fall in love
with you</prism:teaser>
<dc:creator>Tyler Cowen</dc:creator>
<dc:publisher>Time Inc.</dc:publisher>
<prism:coverDisplayDate>May 2008</prism:coverDisplayDate>
<prism:issueName>The 100 Best</prism:issueName>
<prism:section>The 100 Best</prism:section>
<prism:subsection1>The 100 Best List</prism:subsection1>
<prism:subsection2>[5 TO 8]</prism:subsection2>
<p> BY TYLER COWEN / Economist at George Mason University and
Author of Discover Your Inner Economist</p>
<p>You may think economics is just about GDP and the Fed. But
actually, it's the science of weighing costs and benefits—which
makes it also very useful for solving problems in everyday
A marriage, like a lot of economic arrangements, is a long-term
investment. It's smarter to defer an immediate profit (proving to
your spouse that you're more intelligent/deserving/put upon) in
order to gain a longer-lasting one (a spouse who thinks you take
his or her points seriously). So in the middle of your next battle,
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
stop and remember, "The chance that I am wrong is at least 50%."
And ask yourself whether this particular fifty-fifty proposition is
worth the certainty that you'll steam your spouse if you insist on
winning. Then give in.</p>
Keep in mind just one simple principle: Competition raises quality
and lowers price. Look for large numbers of restaurants of a
similar kind—barbecue in rural Texas, Mexican food in
Chicago—where competition will work its magic. Avoid going to the
restaurant on the main drag; the worst ones are those with a
captive (or lazy) audience.</p>
What you don't want to do is send a check for $50 with a hint that
you own a yacht. Because fund raising is so expensive, the
nonprofit will probably end up spending more money on future
solicitations than you're worth. Minimize the costs of extracting a
donation and processing it: Give one large amount to your favorite
cause rather than small sums to many.</p>
Join a dating service such as eHarmony that uses scientific
formulas to tell a potential mate that you are a terrific match.
The point is not that the formulas really work (who knows?) but
that the users of the service believe they do—and therefore will
be receptive to you. A lot about closing a deal, whether in
business or romance, is simply being open to it.</p>
<pam:credit>BRIAN CRONIN</pam:credit>
2. After publishing this article in the May 2008 print issue, Money also posted the article
on their website. Here is how the article appears on the website -
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
3. We will now modify our PAM article to include metadata for this second platform.
There are several pieces of metadata that we need to capture that are very specific to the
web platform. This includes the URL and channel.
This element is straightforward, and is for capture
of the url at which the article can be found. We will
capture the URL mentioned in step 2 within this
The prism:channel element is for capture of the
organizational area of the website where the article
can be found. While a channel is similar to a section
in a print publication, the channel is unique in that
the name of the channel frequently becomes part of
the URL for the article.
The channel for this article is Personal Finance,
which is captured in the url as ‘pf’.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
. . .
<prism:channel>Personal Finance</prism:channel>
<prism:section>The 100 Best</prism:section>
. . .
<body> . . . </body>
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
4. We also need to capture metadata regarding the date and time when the article was
posted to the site, as this information is distinctly different from the print publication’s
cover date and cover display date.
The publicationDate element is not specific to the
web, but can be used to capture the date and time
that the article was published on any variety of
platforms. The platform attribute is used in
combination with this element to specifically
identify the platform.
In this article the publicationDate is below the
The PRISM specification calls for use of the
standard W3C date/time format for this element.
This format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD.
See the example in our XML below and for more
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
. . .
<prism:coverDisplayDate>May 2008</prism:coverDisplayDate>
<prism:publicationDate prism:platform="web">2008-0411T06:10:00-05:00</prism:publicationDate>
. . .
. . .
5. Sometimes, when an article moves to a new platform, existing metadata changes. In
this example, that is true for the title of the article. In the print publication the title was
“The Best Ways to Find Love and Happiness Through Economics”. On the web,
however, the article is titled “The economics of love and happiness”. Depending on the
platform and the publication, the title may become either shorter or longer due to space
constraints. We will capture this new, web-specific title using the prism:alternateTitle
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
Allows for a new title to be assigned based on
Note that it is not necessary for us to add a platform attribute to the dc:title element, for
the PRISM specification assumes that dc:title refers to the origin platform specified in
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
. . .
<dc:title>The Best Ways to Find Love and Happiness Through
<prism:alternateTitle prism:platform="web">The economics of love
and happiness</prism:alternateTitle>
<prism:teaser>Plus, the best… Way to get someone to fall in love
with you</prism:teaser>
. . .
. . .
6. At the time that the print PAM article was created, only one platform was represented.
It was not necessary to, therefore, indicate the platform on which a particular piece of
metadata appeared. Now that our XML represents multiple platforms, we must make sure
to represent the platform in cases where it is ambiguous.
In our example, a teaser appeared in the Table of Contents of the print article. We will
now add a unique teaser that appeared on the web per the below image. In this new teaser
element, we will use the platform attribute to indicate that it appeared on the web. It is
not necessary to add a platform attribute to the original teaser element because the default
assumption is that if a platform is not specified that metadata refers to the content on the
origin platform.
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
Allows for a short description to be written about
the article. It is sometimes used to ‘lure’ readers in
to view the full article.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
. . .
<prism:alternateTitle prism:platform="web">The economics of love
and happiness</prism:alternateTitle>
<prism:teaser>Plus, the best… Way to get someone to fall in love
with you</prism:teaser>
<prism:teaser prism:platform="web">Find love and happiness
Manage your social life with these 4 tips.</prism:teaser>
<dc:creator>Tyler Cowen</dc:creator>
. . .
. . .
7. The PRISM specification does not currently allow for capture of
multiple prism:publicationName elements. So, we cannot include a
second prism:publicationName element in our article with the value The PRISM Working Group is currently evaluating ways in which the
specification should be modified to handle multiple publication designations for a single
article. Until the outcome of that evaluation is included in a later release of the
specification, we will not include this additional metadata in our article.
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
8. Additional platform elements, however, can be added as needed. This article was
simultaneously published to the CNNMoney mobile site. Here is how this article looks on
a mobile device:
While this particular article had the same title for both web and mobile, it may be
common to have a different title to accommodate the platform and unique audience.
In the below article an additional prism:alternateTitle element has been added with a
prism:platform attribute of ‘mobile’.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
. . .
<dc:title>The Best Ways to Find Love and Happiness Through
<prism:alternateTitle prism:platform="web">The economics of love
and happiness</prism:alternateTitle>
<prism:alternateTitle prism:platform="mobile">The economics of
love and happiness</prism:alternateTitle>
<prism:teaser>Plus, the best… Way to get someone to fall in love
with you</prism:teaser>
<prism:teaser prism:platform="web">Find love and happiness
Manage your social life with these 4 tips.</prism:teaser>
. . .
. . .
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
8. An additional URL has been added to reflect the mobile URL.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
. . .
<prism:channel>Personal Finance</prism:channel>
. . .
. . .
Note: There is currently work in place for PRISM 2.1 to allow for a distinguishing
attribute to relate the type of URL in place. However, currently it is acknowledged that it
is difficult to distinguish where a given URL’s platform is intended.
See the following page for the completed XML article.
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
4.4.4. Completed XML Article
We now have a complete XML that represents all three platforms: print, web, and
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform="print"/>
<dc:title>The Best Ways to Find Love and Happiness Through
<prism:alternateTitle prism:platform="web">The economics of love
and happiness</prism:alternateTitle>
<prism:alternateTitle prism:platform="mobile">The economics of
love and happiness</prism:alternateTitle>
<prism:teaser>Plus, the best… Way to get someone to fall in love
with you</prism:teaser>
<prism:teaser prism:platform="web">Find love and happiness
Manage your social life with these 4 tips.</prism:teaser>
<dc:creator>Tyler Cowen</dc:creator>
<dc:publisher>Time Inc.</dc:publisher>
<prism:coverDisplayDate>May 2008</prism:coverDisplayDate>
<prism:publicationDate prism:platform="web">2008-0411T06:10:00-05:00</prism:publicationDate>
<prism:issueName>The 100 Best</prism:issueName>
<prism:channel>Personal Finance</prism:channel>
<prism:section>The 100 Best</prism:section>
<prism:subsection1>The 100 Best List</prism:subsection1>
<prism:subsection2>[5 TO 8]</prism:subsection2>
<p> BY TYLER COWEN / Economist at George Mason University and
Author of Discover Your Inner Economist</p>
4.4 Preparing articles that have been published to multiple platforms
<p>You may think economics is just about GDP and the Fed. But
actually, it's the science of weighing costs and benefits—which
makes it also very useful for solving problems in everyday
A marriage, like a lot of economic arrangements, is a long-term
investment. It's smarter to defer an immediate profit (proving to
your spouse that you're more intelligent/deserving/put upon) in
order to gain a longer-lasting one (a spouse who thinks you take
his or her points seriously). So in the middle of your next battle,
stop and remember, "The chance that I am wrong is at least 50%."
And ask yourself whether this particular fifty-fifty proposition is
worth the certainty that you'll steam your spouse if you insist on
winning. Then give in.</p>
Keep in mind just one simple principle: Competition raises quality
and lowers price. Look for large numbers of restaurants of a
similar kind—barbecue in rural Texas, Mexican food in
Chicago—where competition will work its magic. Avoid going to the
restaurant on the main drag; the worst ones are those with a
captive (or lazy) audience.</p>
What you don't want to do is send a check for $50 with a hint that
you own a yacht. Because fund raising is so expensive, the
nonprofit will probably end up spending more money on future
solicitations than you're worth. Minimize the costs of extracting a
donation and processing it: Give one large amount to your favorite
cause rather than small sums to many.</p>
Join a dating service such as eHarmony that uses scientific
formulas to tell a potential mate that you are a terrific match.
The point is not that the formulas really work (who knows?) but
that the users of the service believe they do—and therefore will
be receptive to you. A lot about closing a deal, whether in
business or romance, is simply being open to it.</p>
<pam:credit>BRIAN CRONIN</pam:credit>
4.5 Preparing web articles for use by an external partner
4.5. Preparing web articles for use by an external partner
4.5.1. Basic Description
A publisher wants to use PRISM metadata to prepare an article that has originated on a
non-print platform, such as the web. The publisher must determine which identification
fields will meet the external partner’s business requirements. The publisher will create a
standalone XML file utilizing only PAM elements.
4.5.2. Ingredients
The ingredients for this recipe are all elements included in the PRISM Aggregator
Message (PAM) DTD/XSD.
We recommend that you have the PAM Guide on hand while reading through this recipe.
The Guide will serve as a helpful reference tool in case you’d like to review element
4.5.3. Step-by-step
1. Select a web based article that you would like to share with your external partner. In
this case we are going to work with an article that was posted to the website of U.S. News
& World Report.
4.5 Preparing web articles for use by an external partner
2. Many of the basic elements used to markup the article have already been described in
recipe 4.1 (Preparing a print article for use by an external partner). For this recipe we will
only discuss any elements that have been changed or added.
This article originated on the web so we need to note that in the prism:originPlatform
This element identifies the platform on which the
article was originally published. The values are
taken from a controlled vocabulary which can be
found in the PRISM Namespace specification. This
element is also slightly different than some of the
other elements in that it is a self-closing tag.
<prism:originPlatform platform="web"/>
Next we’ll need to identify the publication name using the prism:publicationName
This element identifies the title of the publication. A
publisher may wish to delineate print content from
web based content by using different publication
names for each. That information is captured in this
In this case the publication name is defined as
4.5 Preparing web articles for use by an external partner
We will also want to include the eISSN (electronic ISSN) of the publication, if the
publication uses separate numbers - ISSN for print and eISSN for web content.
This element should be used when a publication has
separate numbers for print (ISSN) and electronic
(eISSN) content.
U.S. News & World Report does not have an eISSN
so we will not include this element in our XML.
In order to capture the date the article was posted to the web we will use the
prism:publicationDate element.
This element identifies the date (and time, if
desired) that the article was posted to the web.
While the date may appear in a more reader-friendly
format on the website, this element needs to be
expressed using the numeric format outlined in the
In this article the date is rendered as “January 28,
2008” on the website, however, in the XML file it is
rendered as “2008-01-28”.
An additional date that we may want to capture is the kill date, which can identify when
content should be removed from a website.
The date (and time, if desired) the article is to be
removed from the online publication. Best practice
is to use the numeric date/time format used in
While this is not an article that would normally
carry a kill date, we’ve included the element below
for demonstration purposes.
4.5 Preparing web articles for use by an external partner
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<prism:originPlatform platform="web"/>
<dc:title>Kennedy Evokes JFK in Obama Endorsement</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Liz Halloran</dc:creator>
. . .
. . .
3. We’ll continue by adding elements that appear on the web page.
This element identifies the channel, or section, the
article appears in. An article may appear in more
than one channel. Generally, the channel will
appear as part of the URL.
In this case the article appears in the Nation &
World section of the website. However, in the URL
that channel is expressed as “news”, so that is the
value we’ll use in the channel element.
4.5 Preparing web articles for use by an external partner
We’ll use the prism:url element to provide the url
for the article.
Note that the article has several tags at the end, including “Presidential Election 2008”,
“Barack Obama”, and “American University”. It is permissible to put all of these into a
prism:keyword element, but the best practice is to put personal names into a
prism:person element, major subject terms for the content into the dc:subject element,
and additional tags that are not really subjects into the content of the prism:keyword
This element is used to tag keywords that might be
used in search queries.
Use prism:person for “Barack Obama” and “Ted
Kennedy”, dc:subject for “presidential election
2008”, and prism:keyword for “American
University” (the venue of the speech).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<dc:subject>presidential element 2008</dc:subject>
<prism:keyword>American University</prism:keyword>
<prism:person>Barack Obama</prism:person>
<prism:person>Ted Kennedy</prism:person>
<prism:section>Nation &amp; World</prism:section>
. . .
. . .
4.5 Preparing web articles for use by an external partner
4.5.4. Completed XML Article
Here is the full markup of the article. Note that a number of the elements included, such
as the fields capturing section, subsection, subject, and caption/credit information, have
been discussed in other recipes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<pam:message xmlns:dc=""
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform="web"/>
<dc:title>Kennedy Evokes JFK in Obama Endorsement</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Liz Halloran</dc:creator>
<prism:keyword>American University</prism:keyword>
<prism:section>Nation &amp; World</prism:section>
<prism:subsection1>Campaign 2008</prism:subsection1>
<dc:subject>Presidential Election 2008</dc:subject>
<prism:person>Barack Obama</prism:person>
<prism:person>Ted Kennedy</prism:person>
<prism:copyright>Copyright 2008 U.S. News &amp; World
<h1>Kennedy Evokes JFK in Obama Endorsement</h1>
<p class="deck">Sen. Ted Kennedy’s endorsement of Obama could give
the campaign a boost</p>
<p class="byline">By Liz Halloran</p>
<p>They made a powerful entrance--the white-maned political war
horse, built like a refrigerator box and moving tentatively on
balky legs, and the lean, young Democratic presidential candidate
who stayed at his elder's side as they wound their way through a
tumultuous crowd.</p>
<p>The symbolism was apparent and intentional: Sen. Edward Kennedy,
75, scion of the country's most famous political family and brother
of a slain U.S. president who once electrified the country, invoked
his brother's words today at American University. The time had
come, he said, to pass the torch to Barack Obama, 46, and a "new
generation of leadership."</p>
4.5 Preparing web articles for use by an external partner
<p>"It is time for Barack Obama," said Kennedy, whose endorsement
Democrat Hillary Clinton had also coveted. The young, overflow
crowd at Bender Arena--hundreds were turned away at the door-erupted. President Kennedy's daughter, Caroline, was there to
reiterate her endorsement yesterday of Obama, as was Kennedy's son,
Rep. Patrick Kennedy.</p>
<p>Sen. Kennedy was gracious in his comments about the two other
Democrats still in the race--Clinton and former Sen. John Edwards.
Acting the elder statesmen, and perhaps concerned about the growing
ugliness between the Clinton and Obama camps, Kennedy pledged to
enthusiastically support whomever the party nominates in August.
"We are all committed," he said, to see a Democrat in the White
<p>But without naming Clinton, he took direct aim at the direction
her campaign has taken, urging that the country "close the book" on
race and gender wars; and challenged anyone to deny that Obama
opposed the Iraq war from the start. (Former President Bill Clinton
has called that claim a "fairy tale" because once in the Senate,
Obama voted to continue funding the effort.)</p>
<p>And striking at the heart of Clinton's experience argument,
Kennedy borrowed her talking points to make a case for Obama,
asserting that it's not the length of years in Washington that's
important but the reach of vision. "I know that he's ready to be
president on Day 1," Kennedy said, recalling how President Truman
told JFK that he was too inexperienced to run--that he needed to be
<p>Obama paid homage to the Kennedy legacy of public service and
characterized his campaign as "about the past versus the future."
While endorsements often don't much matter, the image of Obama on
stage with the Kennedys--the senator who also saw his brother,
Robert, assassinated during a presidential run and the president's
daughter, frozen in the minds of baby boomers as the little girl at
her father's funeral--may prove the exception for those who still
remember how they felt when JFK was the one embodying the promise
of change.</p>
<pam:mediaReference pam:mimetype="image/jpg" pam:refid="
<pam:credit>Jeffrey MacMillan for USN&amp;WR</pam:credit>
<pam:caption>Ted, Patrick and Caroline Kennedy all endorse
Barack Obama at a rally at American University in
Washington, DC. JFK spoke here in 1963.</pam:caption>
4.6 Preparing print articles with published corrections
4.6. Preparing print articles with published corrections
4.6.1. Basic Description
A publisher wants to use PRISM metadata to prepare a published correction for archival
needs and/or to send to an external partner. This recipe will have two parts: 1) preparing
the correction as it appears in the publication and 2) attaching correction metadata to the
corresponding article to meet the external partner’s business requirements. The publisher
will resend the article, with the correction, utilizing PAM markup.
4.6.2. Ingredients
This recipe consists of two parts: the published correction as it appears in the publication
and the correction as appended to the original article. The ingredients for this recipe are
all elements included in the PRISM Aggregator Message (PAM) DTD/XSD.
We recommend that you have the PAM Guide on hand while reading through this recipe.
The Guide will serve as a helpful reference tool in case you’d like to review element
4.6.3. Step-by-step
Part 1: Preparing the correction as it appears in the publication
1. A correction or clarification to a print article will generally appear in a subsequent
issue of the publication. In our example, which was published in U.S. News & World
Report, the correction appears in the Letters section.
4.6 Preparing print articles with published corrections
2. In order to prepare the article in which the correction is publiched, we recommend you
refer to recipe 4.1 Preparing a Print Article for Use by an External Partner.
The XML below shows the published correction as part of the Letters article.
Remember, in this part of the recipe we are representing the published correction text
itself, as it appears in the publication. We will deal with the relationship between the
correction and the article being corrected in the second part of the recipe.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<dc:title>Remnants and Reflections; Beneficiary Rebuff;
<prism:publicationName>U.S. News &amp; World
<prism:coverDisplayDate>February 25,
<prism:copyright>Copyright 2008 U.S. News &amp; World
<h1>Remnants and Reflections; Beneficiary Rebuff; Correction</h1>
<p>Remnants and Reflections</p>
<p>I read every word of your cover story...</p>
<p><b>Correction:</b> In "The Presidency Was His for a Song"
[January 28-February 4], the party that christened Martin Van
Buren "Little Van" was the Whig Party.</p>
In this case, the correction is treated as text in the article and no additional metadata is
needed. The placement of published corrections within a publication will vary with each
publisher. The practice at U.S. News is to print corrections as part of the Letters page and
include the word “Correction” as part of the headline (dc:title).
4.6 Preparing print articles with published corrections
Part 2: Identifying the article being corrected and attaching metadata
2. We’ll now append the published correction to the original article for placing in an
archive or sending to an external partner. First, we need to access the original article. This
article is titled “The Presidency Was His for a Song” and was published on Jan. 28, 2008.
The text requiring the published correction is indicated below.
Once the article has been accessed we can use the prism:hasCorrection element to
append the published correction to the article.
The prism:hasCorrection element identifies the
correction and appends it to the original article. This
allows for both an archival record of the correction,
as well as providing external partners with a means
to append the correction to the original article.
4.6 Preparing print articles with published corrections
Note that some publishers may choose to add language to the correction, such as the date
the article was published, to further identify the article being corrected.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
. . .
<prism:hasCorrection>Correction: In "The Presidency Was His
for a Song" [January 28-February 4], the party that
christened Martin Van Buren "Little Van" was the Whig
. . .
3. Next we need to change the pam:status element. When the article was originally
marked up, the pam:status element was set to “A” to indicate that the article was new and
had never before been transmitted to the recipient. We will now go back and change the
pam:status to “C” to indicate that the article contains a correction. This will alert the
recipient of a published correction and may trigger a “Correction Appended” message to
appear at either the beginning or end of the article, as well as the correction itself.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<dc:title>The Presidency Was His for a Song</dc:title>
. . .
. . .
4.6 Preparing print articles with published corrections
Here is how this article now appears in LexisNexis. Note the “Correction Appended”
message below the date in the first image and the correction in the second image.
Copyright 2008 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. LexisNexis and the Knowledge Burst
logo are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Properties Inc. and are used with the permission of LexisNexis.
Copyright 2008 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. LexisNexis and the Knowledge Burst
logo are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Properties Inc. and are used with the permission of LexisNexis.
4.6 Preparing print articles with published corrections
4.6.4. Completed XML Article
Here is the full markup of the article, ready to be archived or resent to external partners.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<pam:article xml:lang="en-US">
<dc:title>The Presidency Was His for a Song</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Alex Kingsbury</dc:creator>
<prism:publicationName>U.S. News &amp; World
<prism:coverDisplayDate>January 28,
<prism:section>Cover Story</prism:section>
<prism:subsection1>Great Campaign Moments</prism:subsection1>
<prism:subsection2>Turning Points</prism:subsection2>
<prism:copyright>Copyright 2008 U.S. News &amp; World
<prism:hasCorrection>Correction: In "The Presidency Was His
for a Song" [January 28-February 4], the party that
christened Martin Van Buren "Little Van" was the Whig
<h1>The Presidency Was His for a Song</h1>
<p class="deck">From platforms to pennants to booze, the
multifaceted legacy of the election of 1840</p>
<p class="byline">By Alex Kingsbury</p>
<p>The election of 1840 was the first in which presidents appealed
to crowds of voters, in which the parties adopted platforms, and
which featured the miscellany that has come to define modern
politics--banners, merchandise, and theme songs. One of those songs
exhorted voters to "Turn out! Turn out!" and indeed they did: Some
80 percent of the eligible electorate cast ballots. But it's the
campaign tune that makes the election of 1840 a staple of high
school history books. </p>
<p>Few may remember what "Tippecanoe and Tyler, too" actually
meant. It was, in fact, a song praising Whig candidate William
4.6 Preparing print articles with published corrections
Henry Harrison, or "Old Tip," as he was known, and his running
mate, John Tyler. Harrison was the hero of the battle of
Tippecanoe, a clash in present-day Indiana between the Army and
American Indian forces led by Tecumseh and a confederation of
<p>The tune also took aim at the incumbent Democratic president,
Martin Van Buren, or "Little Van," as the GOP lyrics christened
him. A footnote to that textbook version is that the Democrats also
tried to affix a catchy moniker to their candidate. "Old
Kinderhook," they dubbed him, in honor of Van Buren's birthplace of
Kinderhook, N.Y. When supporters chanted it at rallies, the
nickname stuck, and the universal affirmation "O.K." has remained
in the lexicon ever since.</p>
<p>The odds were against Harrison, who had lost to Van Buren four
years earlier. At 68, he was old by the standards of the day and
not regarded as a particularly deep thinker. One Democratic
newspaper wrote that he would be happy spending the rest of his
years in a log cabin with a jug of whiskey.</p>
<p><b>Clever.</b> Harrison, however, was shrewd. He turned the
criticism to his advantage in what became "a landmark in the
carnivalization of American politics," as historian Richard S.
Elliot called the rallies and parades of 1840. The Whigs launched
"Log Cabin" newspapers to cover their events, a nod to Harrison's
image as a homespun man of the people and a play on the newspaper's
criticism. One Philadelphia distiller, E. C. Booz, started selling
whiskey in bottles shaped like log cabins; "booze" has been
synonymous with liquor ever since.</p>
<p>Forced to cut through the misinformation from Whig campaigning
and to better articulate their positions, the Democrats adopted a
statement of principles known as a "party platform" consisting of
nine issues, or planks. They adopted the platform at their
convention, mainly as a repudiation of abolitionists.</p>
<p>But back to the song. It was reprinted in the <i>Log Cabin
Songbook</i> and no doubt would strike modern listeners as less
than inspiring: "What has caused the great commotion, motion,
motion, Our country through / It's the ball a rolling on, on. For
Tippecanoe and Tyler, too."</p>
<p>At political rallies, supporters would chant the song and roll
massive paper balls between themselves. Thus the phrase "keep the
ball rolling" was born. And electors that year cast ballots for
four men who had been or would become president: Whigs Harrison and
Tyler and Democrats Van Buren and James Polk.</p>
<p>In the end, all the singing and electioneering paid off.
Harrison clobbered Van Buren in the general election, 234 electoral
votes to 60. A Whig leader in New York later jotted in his diary
that "General Harrison was sung into the presidency." But his term
was famously short lived. One month after his inauguration,
Harrison died of pneumonia, and Tyler became the first president to
assume office after the death of another one.</p>
4.6 Preparing print articles with published corrections
<pam:credit>CORBIS BETTMANN </pam:credit>
<pam:caption>Harrison and Tyler, as depicted by the Hard Cider
and Log Cabin Almanac</pam:caption>
<pam:credit>CORBIS BETTMANN </pam:credit>
4.7 Preparing articles using relationship elements
4.7. Preparing articles using relationship elements
4.7.1. Basic Description
A publisher wants to prepare an article with relationships to other objects which may
exist as separate identifiable resources or may need to be included within an existing
resource. The below recipe will show how to express these complex relationships in
A resource could be any of the following (this, however, is not a definitive list):
Info graphic
This example will use a story and graphic that have been identified as separate resources.
4.7.2. Ingredients
This recipe will demonstrate use of these Dublin Core elements:
4.7.3. Step-by-step
1. The following story
was published in
Aviation Week & Space
Technology. It consists
of a story and an
The illustration is
identified as a separate
resource. It is necessary
to establish a link
between these two
XML articles, in order
to show the parent/child
relationship between
4.7 Preparing articles using relationship elements
Below is the XML for this article. (Article)
Note: Please refer to the steps in Recipe 1 on how to create a PAM XML. Most body text
has been removed in this example; the full body text is included in the final XML at the
end of this recipe.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<!DOCTYPE pam:message SYSTEM "pam.dtd">
<pam:message xmlns:dc=
<pam:article xml:lang="en">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform=“print”/>
<dc:title>Eastern Action</dc:title>
<prism:alternateTitle prism:platform="web">Asia Rapidly
Becoming a Key Region for New Aircraft</prism:alternateTitle>
<dc:creator prism:role="writer" prism:place="Beijing">Bradley
<prism:publicationName>Aviation Week &amp; Space
<prism:section>Singapore Airshow</prism:section>
<dc:description>Asian aircraft projects are multiplying at a
rate that can only alarm industrialists...</dc:description>
<prism:copyright>Copyright &#169; 2008 The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.</prism:copyright>
<h1>Eastern Action</h1>
<p prism:class="deck">There&#8217;s no shortage of new aircraft
developments in Asia</p>
<p>Asian aircraft projects are multiplying at a rate that can only
alarm industrialists in Europe and the Americas who like to think
of their regions as the real home of aviation technology.</p>
. . .
<p>Most economists would add that highly subsidized civil projects,
at least, make little sense; a subsidy is virtually an admission
that an activity is wasting resources and should cease. But, in
aerospace, economics competes with national pride.</p>
4.7 Preparing articles using relationship elements
Below is the XML for the illustration (Illustration)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<!DOCTYPE pam:message SYSTEM "pam.dtd">
<pam:message xmlns:dc=
<pam:article xml:lang="en">
<dc:title>Stealth Fighter Illustration</dc:title>
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform=“print”/>
<prism:publicationName>Aviation Week &amp; Space
<prism:section>Singapore Airshow</prism:section>
<dc:description>Stealth Fighter Illustration</dc:description>
<prism:copyright>Copyright &#169; 2008 The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.</prism:copyright>
<pam:mediaReference pam:refid="AW_02_18_2007_704.eps"/>
<pam:credit>HANS MICHAUD/AW&amp;ST</pam:credit>
<pam:caption>South Korea&#8217;s Agency for Defense
Development wants to push the country into building a stealth
fighter, such as this concept it has released. If this bid
fails, it will probably ask for a demonstrator
4.7 Preparing articles using relationship elements
2. Using the dcterms elements hasPart and isPartOf, we will insert a reference to the
identifiable resource. This identifier could be any identifier that could be used to retrieve
the resource. Best practice would be to identify the resource with a URI. In this instance,
however, the filename has been used as the reference.
This element allows for an article to identify
images, sidebars, tables, etc. that exist as a separate
identifiable resource.
dcterms:hasPart can be used multiple times to
reflect more than one resource.
This element allows for a separate identifiable
resource to be used in multiple articles.
isPartof can be used multiple times to reflect more
than one article that requires the use of this
This element is not required as it may only be
necessary to have the article point to a resource.
<dc:title>Stealth Fighter Illustration</dc:title>
. . .
<prism:section>Singapore Airshow</prism:section>
<dc:description>Stealth Fighter Illustration</dc:description>
. . .
<dc:title>Eastern Action</dc:title>
. . .
<prism:section>Singapore Airshow</prism:section>
<dc:description>Asian aircraft projects are multiplying at a
rate that can only alarm industrialists in Europe and the
Americas who like to think of their regions as
. . .
4.7 Preparing articles using relationship elements
4.7.4. Completed XML Articles
Finished XML for both articles. Article 1 now has a link that establishes its parent
relationship with Illustration 1. It is important to note that Illustration 1 could have
many articles referencing it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<!DOCTYPE pam:message SYSTEM "pam.dtd">
<pam:message xmlns:dc=
<pam:article xml:lang="en">
<dc:title>Stealth Fighter Illustration</dc:title>
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform=“print”/>
<prism:publicationName>Aviation Week &amp; Space
<prism:section>Singapore Airshow</prism:section>
<dc:description>Stealth Fighter Illustration</dc:description>
<prism:copyright>Copyright &#169; 2008 The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.</prism:copyright>
<pam:mediaReference pam:refid="AW_02_18_2007_704.eps"/>
<pam:credit>HANS MICHAUD/AW&amp;ST</pam:credit>
<pam:caption>South Korea&#8217;s Agency for Defense
Development wants to push the country into building a stealth
fighter, such as this concept it has released. If this bid
fails, it will probably ask for a demonstrator
4.7 Preparing articles using relationship elements
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<!DOCTYPE pam:message SYSTEM "pam.dtd">
<pam:message xmlns:dc=
<pam:article xml:lang="en">
<prism:originPlatform prism:platform=“print”/>
<dc:title>Eastern Action</dc:title>
<prism:alternateTitle prism:platform="web">Asia Rapidly
Becoming a Key Region for New Aircraft</prism:alternateTitle>
<dc:creator prism:role="writer" prism:place="Beijing">Bradley
<prism:publicationName>Aviation Week &amp; Space
<prism:section>Singapore Airshow</prism:section>
<dc:description>Asian aircraft projects are multiplying at a
rate that can only alarm industrialists in Europe and the
Americas who like to think of their regions as
<prism:copyright>Copyright &#169; 2008 The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.</prism:copyright>
<h1>Eastern Action</h1>
<p prism:class="deck">There&#8217;s no shortage of new aircraft
developments in Asia</p>
<p>Asian aircraft projects are multiplying at a rate that can only
alarm industrialists in Europe and the Americas who like to think
of their regions as the real home of aviation technology.</p>
<p>While Asian countries&#8217; progress in building sophisticated
components has long been recognized, they are now also engaged in a
broad push to get into the business of developing complete,
advanced aircraft. And this will be evident at this week&#8217;s
Singapore Airshow 2008. The joint venture between the Civil
Aviation Authority of Singapore and the Defense Science &amp;
Technology Agency runs Feb. 19-24.</p>
<p>Note the three countries leading that push: technically advanced
Japan, economically mighty China, and ever ambitious South Korea.
Their latest efforts and plans make for an interesting comparison
4.7 Preparing articles using relationship elements
with the trickle of new programs emerging in Western Europe, for
<p>&#8220;If you look at the financial and intellectual resources
that are here and you couple that with the move of the
world&#8217;s economic center of gravity, it is perfectly logical
that this is happening,&#8221; says one senior western aerospace
executive based in Asia who has long experience in the region.</p>
<p>Asia has hardly caught up with Western aerospace production, nor
has any country in the region reached the all-around technical
capabilities of the U.S., Russia or the aerospace leaders of
Western Europe. But, taking a historical view, Asian countries are
doing what France did in the 1950s and &#8217;60s as it sought to
catch up with the U.S. and Britain: launching a range of projects
that are progressively closing the know-how gap.</p>
<p>Of course, Asian countries have been trying to do that for
decades, off and on. The difference now is that concrete results
are emerging.</p>
<p>For example, the AE-100, a 100-seat airliner project of the
1990s, was supposed to introduce Asia to the world of building
complete commercial jets, bringing together Airbus and aerospace
firms in China and Singapore. It followed an earlier Sino-German
project of the late 1980s, the MPC75. Both aircraft ended up as
little more than drawings&#8212;good evidence for anyone inclined
to scoff at Asia&#8217;s latest attempts and say &#8220;Been there,
tried that, and failed.&#8221;</p>
<p>But the AE-100&#8217;s successor, the Chinese ARJ21 regional
jet, is now a metal and carbon-fiber reality, standing on its
undercarriage in Shanghai and due to fly for the first time next
month. And it isn&#8217;t a joint program. Manufacturer Avic 1 has
itself developed the aircraft, integrating major systems from
advanced Western suppliers.</p>
<p>The project has orders for 123 aircraft, almost all from Chinese
airlines, its initial target market&#8212;just as early Airbus
production was supported by German and French airline buys.</p>
<p>Moreover, it is clear that initial development of the ARJ21 is
at least as much a learning exercise for the industry as it is an
attempt to earn a profit, even though Chinese executives repeatedly
stress the need to achieve market success (AW&amp;ST Sept. 17,
2007, p. 76).</p>
<p>State-dominated companies have earmarked an investment of $7-8
billion for a follow-on aircraft with more than 150 seats and a
takeoff weight of more than 100 metric tons (220,000 lb.),
apparently a small widebody. Since the government has listed it
among projects of national importance, it will now be politically
difficult to abandon.</p>
<p>More immediately, Avic 1 is moving ahead with a 70-seat
turboprop airliner, the MA700. Unlike its predecessors, the project
aims at Western certification and broad international sales.</p>
4.7 Preparing articles using relationship elements
<p>The weight of the world&#8217;s aerospace industry is clearly
moving, says Hadi Winarto, assistant professor of aerospace
technology at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. He
thinks China, in particular, is logically using its considerable
economic resources to meet some of the demands of its own huge
<p>&#8220;They would be silly to buy everything from
overseas,&#8221; he says, adding &#8220;Asian technology is not at
the level of Europe&#8217;s, but it is catching up fast.&#8221;</p>
<p>Japan is another country that has previously tried and failed to
get into building competitive commercial aircraft. And it, too, is
trying again. Its aircraft, the 70-to-90-seat Mitsubishi MRJ, is
also a regional jet, breaking new ground in composites and its use
of Pratt &amp; Whitney geared turbofans. Mitsubishi is working
toward a launch in the next month or so, with 40-billion-yen ($370million) worth of government subsidies.</p>
<p>The South Korean aerospace sector rarely lacks proposals for the
government to support new projects, and one of the latest would
produce yet another Asian regional aircraft, a 60-seater. The
government is thinking about it.</p>
<p>South Korean industry, supported by the defense ministry, is
aiming very high on the military side, with a drive to develop a
manned stealth fighter, the KFX, something that no Western European
country is planning. Indeed, collaboration in the South Korean
project may turn out to be the means by which one of the European
fighter builders sustains its manned combat aircraft expertise
(AW&amp;ST Nov. 19, 2007, p. 32). The KFX project has run into
opposition, but the South Korean armed forces and industry have a
habit of pushing a domestic project until they get at least a
partial go-ahead. A huge helicopter project called KMH was rejected
in 2003, but it has now morphed into the KUH program, which is in
full-scale development with an aim of building 245 utility helos in
partnership with Eurocopter.</p>
<p>KFX faces a government review in the next few months. If it
isn&#8217;t approved, the defense ministry and industry will
probably fall back to their next trench, proposing that the
government instead pay for a stealth demonstrator. Korea Aerospace
Industries would also like to build a single-seat combat version of
the T-50 supersonic trainer, which Lockheed Martin helped design in
the 1990s.</p>
<p>One argument for a South Korean stealth
that rival Japan has already launched one,
Shinshin, the most advanced aircraft to be
airframe, engines and advanced electronics
(AW&amp;ST Feb. 2, p. 36).</p>
demonstrator would be
the ATD&#8209;X
attempted in Asia. Its
are all Japanese
<p>Reviewing ATD-X designs, one European engineer with experience
in Asian high-technology projects says, &#8220;This is as advanced
as anything that European companies could develop.&#8221;</p>
4.7 Preparing articles using relationship elements
<p>&#8220;In terms of innovation and advanced projects, the game is
now in Asia,&#8221; he adds, asking not to be named because of the
sensitivity of his consultancy work. &#8220;The people involved in
Asian projects are more enthusiastic than in the West, partly
because they are doing such interesting things. Employees also
identify more with the aims of the company. And the companies have
more money to spend.&#8221;</p>
<p>The ATD-X isn&#8217;t a production project, but Japan&#8217;s P1 maritime patroller and C-X transporter are, with planned orders
for 80 and 44, respectively. The airframes are new and Japanese,
and so are the P-1&#8217;s engines and combat system. The P-1 is
the size of an Airbus A321 and the C-X is larger than an A400M.
Both are in development (AW&amp;ST June 18, 2007, p. 104).</p>
<p>China&#8217;s effort to close the gap with Western and Russian
military aircraft builders is hardly new. But it has made a huge
stride forward if, as the Pentagon now says, its new J-10 fighter
is comparable with the Eurofighter Typhoon and Dassault Rafale. The
J-10 was confirmed to be in service in 2006, just as Britain was
introducing its first squadron of Typhoons.</p>
<p>India&#8217;s most advanced projects are cooperative
developments with Russia&#8212;and criticized in India for
inadequate technological transfer. The much-delayed domestic LCA
Tejas light fighter is still not in service, 23 years after it was
<p>Pilotless technology is opening opportunities for many countries
outside of the elite aerospace club, because an unmanned aircraft
is relatively cheap to develop. But defense ministries and
contractors in both Japan and South Korea are working on larger
than usual surveillance drones.</p>
<p>South Korea&#8217;s aircraft, already designed and awaiting
approval, would be comparable to the largest of the U.S. General
Atomic Q-9 series. The Japanese aircraft has a requirement to
detect ballistic missile launches and would have a greater wingspan
than Northrop Grumman&#8217;s RQ-4 Global Hawk.</p>
<p>The move toward pilotless aircraft particularly suits aspiring
aerospace industries in the region, says Jorg Schluter, an
assistant aerospace professor at Nanyang Technological University
of Singapore.</p>
<p>&#8220;In this field the technology is more a question of what
the payload is going to do&#8221; than the design of the unequipped
aircraft, he says. &#8220;I see opportunities for Asia because here
they have very strong electronics technology.&#8221;</p>
<p>But, considering the wider developments in Asia, Schluter
suggests that Asian countries might be making a mistake with their
strong effort to develop national aircraft, because the era of
single-country programs is drawing to a close.</p>
4.7 Preparing articles using relationship elements
<p>The development push &#8220;is more to do with national
pride,&#8221; he says. &#8220;In 20 years most of the aircraft
being manufactured won&#8217;t be national projects.&#8221;</p>
<p>Most economists would add that highly subsidized civil projects,
at least, make little sense; a subsidy is virtually an admission
that an activity is wasting resources and should cease. But, in
aerospace, economics competes with national pride.</p>
Appendix A. Alphabetical Listing of PRISM Elements
Appendix A Alphabetical Listing of PRISM Elements
Following the element name is the namespace, which corresponds to the PRISM
specification document where you can obtain more information about that element.
Elements indicated in blue are part of the PRISM Aggregator Message (PAM).
aggregationType (prism:)
alternateTitle (prism:)
article (pam:)
byteCount (prism:)
caption (pam:)
channel (prism:)
complianceProfile (prism:)
contributor (dc:)
copyright (prism:)
corporateEntity (prism:)
coverDate (prism:)
coverDisplayDate (prism:)
creationDate (prism:)
creator (dc:)
credit (pam:)
dateReceived (prism:)
description (dc:)
distributor (prism:)
doi (prism:)
edition (prism:)
eIssn (prism:)
embargoDate (prism:)
endingPage (prism:)
event (prism:, pim:)
expirationDate (prism:)
extension (pam:)
format (dc:)
genre (prism:)
geography (prl:)
hasAlternative (prism:)
hasCorrection (prism:)
hasFormat (dc:)
hasPart (dc:)
hasPreviousVersion (prism:)
hasVersion (dc:)
hasTranslation (prism:)
identifier (dc:)
industry (prism:, pim:, prl:)
isCorrectionOf (prism:)
isPartOf (dc:)
isRequiredBy (dc:)
issn (prism:)
issueIdentifier (prism:)
issueName (prism:)
isTranslationOf (prism:)
isVersionOf (dc:)
keyword (pim:, prism:)
killDate (prism:)
language (dc:)
location (prism:, pim:)
media (pam:)
mediaTitle (pam:)
mediaReference (pam:)
message (pam:)
metadataContainer (prism:)
mimetype (pam:)
modificationDate (prism:)
nonpublishedMediaTitle (pam:)
number (prism:)
object (prism:, pim:)
organization (prism:, pim:)
originPlatform (prism:)
pageRange (prism:)
person (prism:, pim:)
publicationDate (prism:)
publicationName (prism:)
publisher (dc:)
quote (pim:)
receptionDate (prism:)
refid (pam:)
relation (dc:)
requires (dc:)
rights (dc:)
rightsAgent (prism:)
section (prism:)
source (dc:)
startingPage (prism:)
status (pam:)
subject (dc:)
subsection1 (prism:)
Appendix A. Alphabetical Listing of PRISM Elements
subsection2 (prism:)
subsection3 (prism:)
subsection4 (prism:)
teaser (prism:)
textDescription (pam:)
ticker (pim:, prism:)
timePeriod (prism:)
title (dc:)
type (dc:)
url (prism:)
usage (prl:)
versionIdentifier (prism:)
volume (prism:)
wordCount (prism:)
Appendix B. Functional Listing of PRISM Elements
Appendix B Functional Listing of PRISM Elements
The following is a functional list of PRISM elements. Following the element name is the
namespace and the document in the PRISM documentation package where that element
• coverDate (prism:)
• coverDisplayDate (prism:)
• creationDate (prism:)
• dateReceived (prism:)
• embargoDate (prism:)
• expirationDate (prism:)
• killDate (prism:)
• modificationDate (prism:)
• publicationDate (prism:)
• contributor (dc:)
• corporateEntity (prism:)
• creator (dc:)
• doi (prism:)
• edition (prism:)
• eIssn (prism:)
• identifier (dc:) * REQUIRED
• issn (prism:)
• issueIdentifier (prism:)
• issueName (prism:)
• number (prism:)
• publicationName (prism:)
• publisher (dc:)
• source (dc:)
• title (dc:)
• versionIdentifier (prism:)
• volume (prism:)
• url (prism:)
quote (pim:)
section (prism:)
subject (dc:)
subsection1 (prism:)
subsection2 (prism:)
subsection3 (prism:)
subsection4 (prism:)
teaser (prism:)
ticker (pim:, prism:)
timePeriod (pim:, prism:)
type (dc:)
• aggregationType (prism:)
• byteCount (prism:)
• endingPage (prism:)
• format (dc:)
• pageRange (prism:)
• startingPage (prism:)
• wordCount (prism:)
• hasAlternative (prism:)
• hasFormat (dc:)
• hasPart (dc:)
• hasPreviousVersion (prism:)
• hasVersion (dc:)
• hasTranslation (prism:)
• isCorrectionOf (prism:)
• isFormatOf (dcterms:)
• isPartOf (dc:)
• isRequiredBy (dc:)
• isTranslationOf (prism:)
• isVersionOf (dc:)
• relation (dc:)
• requires (dc:)
• alternateTitle (prism:)
• channel (prism:)
• complianceProfile (prism:)
• description (dc:)
• distributor (prism:)
• event (prism:, pim:)
• genre (prism:)
• industry (prism:, pim:)
• keyword (pim:, prism:)
• language (dc:)
• location (prism:, pim:)
• object (prism:, pim:)
• organization (prism:, pim:)
• originPlatform (prism:)
• person (prism:, pim:)
• copyright (prism:)
• embargoDate (prism:)
• expirationDate (prism:)
• geography (prl:)
• industry (prl:)
• rights (dc:)
• rightsAgent (prism:)
• usage (prl:)