Quantum Physics and the Holy Grail BRIAN JOHN PICCOLO
Quantum Physics and the Holy Grail BRIAN JOHN PICCOLO
Quantum Physics and the Holy Grail BRIAN JOHN PICCOLO Sterling Heights, MI First published in the United States of America in 2010 by: Alnilam Publishing Co. Sterling Heights, MI All graphics created by author. Copyright © 2010 and 1st Edition 2010 by Brian J. Piccolo, BA., MA. All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of the author or publisher. Reviewers may quote brief passages. ISBN 978-1-4507-2814-0 Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail Table of Contents I nt r oduc t i on………………………………………. . …. ………1 1.De f i ni t i onsa ndConc e pt s …………………………. . ………5 2.Goi ngQua nt um:TheLonga ndWi n di ngRoa d……. ……19 3.Spi r i t ua lDua l i s mi nt heChur c h………………. …………28 4.WhyMe t a phy s i c s ? ……………………………. …………. 35 5. Waves + Particles = Wavicles………………. ……. ……. . . 42 6.Ni e l sBo h r ,Lor doft heQua nt um Ri ng s …………. ………52 7.Wa veI fYouDon’ tSe eMe ……. ……………. ………. …. 60 8.TheQua nt umEr a s e rPhe nome non………………………. 72 9. The Classical-Qua nt umBr a i n……………………. ………84 10. Emerg i ngFr om Pl a t o’ sCa ve ……………………………97 11.Ent r a i nme nt ,Cohe r e nc e ,Re s ona nc e ……………. ……. 109 12.For m Fol l owsFunc t i on,OrDoe sI t ? ………. …………. 120 13. Morphogenic & Zero-Poi ntFi e l dsa ndSc a l a rWa ve s …136 14.TheWa rofAl lAg a i ns tAl l ………………………. . . …. 142 15. Afterwa r d………………………………………………149 Bi bl i og r a p h y ………………………………………………. 153 Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 1 - Introduction Quantum Physics and the Holy Grail is not a book on mathematics or equations. It has been written to express the insights that have been given to all humankind, not just to academics, mathematicians, or physicists. As fellow human beings, we all share equally in this participatory universe. Qua nt um phy s i c s ,f r om t he1920’ son wa r d,be g a nt opoi ntt he way to a universe that is not independent of the observer. That is to say and imply, a universe that responds to the observer. Physicists such as John Archibald Wheeler (1911–2008), John von Neumann (1903-1957), and Amit Goswami1, to name a few, all agreed that consciousness somehow effects the manifestation and nature of the universe. Historically speaking, this is not a new idea. From the most ancient Eastern religions to the idealists of Europe and the West, consciousness as a metaphysical foundation of reality is a very old conception. Western culture, from the Greco-Roman period onward, began to move away from such a worldview little by little. What then made these modern, Western-trained doctors of physics, so grounded in materialism, change their position so radically? What happened in the quantum theory experiments that forced these men of science to sound more like teachers of Zen Buddhism Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 2 than physicists of modernity? We s t e r ns c i e nc e ,byt hel a t e1 8 90’ s ,ha dne a r l yc l os e d the door on physics, believing that all the mechanical laws of the universe were now known and that there was little, or nothing, beyond what Sir Isaac Newton and others had prescribed. Matter was considered co-eternal with the universe itself, and there was no creation or beginning to the universe. There was also nothing beyond the Milky Way galaxy, as their limited instruments had most assuredly taught them; seeing is believing, is it not? As providence would have it, this severe under estimation of the world, from what it truly is, was destined for destruction by the greater truth of reality. The findings of quantum physics, which were verified from t he 1980’ s forward, forever destroyed the hard objectivity of science. In 1964,t hedi s c ove r yoft hee c hof r om t heuni ve r s e ’ sBi gBa ng provided the signpost needed for scientists to realize the universe had a beginning. In addition, this beginning stemmed from a point smaller than a green pea! Oddly enough, it was a clergy scientist, Father Georges-Henri Lemaître2, who in 1927, proposed the Big Bang theory under the designation he c oi ne da st h e" hy pot he s i soft hepr i me va la t om. ” Even though science has a different nomenclature than that of Eastern philosophy, both of their conceptualizations are very similar, if not identical. From a Hindu3 perspective, the Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 3 out-breathing of Brahman, from a single point of manifestation, creates the universe. This is similar to the Big Bang theory of science. Philosophers, both East and West, have been saying for centuries that the foundation of the universe is based upon consciousness and not upon physical matter. In fact, John von Ne uma nn hi ms e l fr e ma r ke d,“ Cons c i ous ne s scollapses the wor l d. ” Se e Ne uma nn’ s Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics4 to get a glimpse of his genius. The other aspect of this writing has to do with consciousness itself and its relationship to everything. It has to do with the Holy Grail and what it truly is. This then is a book on metaphysics in the true philosophical meaning of the word. It is about the ultimate foundation of truth. The one truth that science, philosophy, religion, and spirituality all seek. We are all pilgrims on the same journey seemingly going different directions, yet with the same goal, all asking the same question. What is the Holy Grail? The Holy Grail is the one truth that answers the ultimate questions of science, religion, philosophy, and spirituality. For there is no science, religion, philosophy, or spirituality that stands higher than truth. Brian John Piccolo 6 February 2010 Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 4 1 Goswami, Amit, The Self Aware Universe, (Published by Penguin Group USA, 1995). 2 Georges-Henri Lemaitre was born in Charleroi, Belgium on 17 July 1894. Website: http://space.about.com/cs/astronomerbios/a/lemaitrebio.htm 3 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, His Holiness, Science of Being and Art of Living (Plume Book, 1995). 4 John von Neumann, Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (United States: Princeton University Press, 1932) Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 5 - 1. Definitions and Concepts What is the Holy Grail? The Grail is many different things to many different people. To some, the Grail is the cup that Christ drank from at the last supper. For others, the Grail is the body, bloodline, and womb of Mary Magdalene.1 Sometimes this is known by the Old French term sangrail, meaning Holy Grail or royal bloodline. The movie, The Da Vinci Code, makes these points quite explicitly.2 All of these descriptions of the Grail are outward physical perceptions of t heGr a i l .Thei nne rpe r c e pt i on oft heHol y Gr a i l ’ st r ue r meaning is much subtler. The word Grail is derived from the Middle Latin word gradalis, where we also get the Latin word gradus, which means step or degree. Our modern Latin word would be Gradient. In other words, the Grail itself is like a ladder with steps on it. There are seven steps; each step is a grade higher than the one below it. These are gradients (or steps) in higher consciousness. The word Holy is derived from the Greek word Helios, which refers to the Sun. Thus, the Holy Spirit is the Sun Spirit. The Holy Bible is then the Book of the Sun. The Sun is the ruler of Sunday. Therefore, all the Solar Mysteries take place on Sunday, such as Christianity in all of its forms. In the field of astrology, the Sun represents the individual consciousness Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 6 of the person involved, while the ascendant of the horoscope is the personality.3 Ultimately, what we are dealing with here are the many different gradients of higher consciousness. Like the seven chakras of Eastern philosophy, there are seven levels of consciousness for each human being. To find the Grail is to reach the higher stages of consciousness. The highest human stage of consciousness in Western terms is Christ Consciousness. The Masters of Wisdom teach that there are seven rays of creation. This is why we have seven days in a week. Each day has a planetary ruler. Venus rules Friday. The Venus mysteries take place on Fridays. Thus, the Muslim holy day is Friday and it is part of the Venus mysteries. The Muslim star and crescent are really the phases of Venus. Saturn rules Saturday and is part of the Hebrew mysteries. The ancient Hebrews paid homage to the star Chokma or Wisdom and is recorded in the Old Testament (Amos 5:26). This is the planet Saturn and it rules Saturday or the Jewish Sabbath. The Sun rules Sunday and is, of course, the solar mystery stream. All forms of Christianity are based on the solar mysteries.4 For every mystery stream there is a shadow stream that is the counter image of the progressive stream. This counter image or shadow is the unredeemed part of the mystery stream a nds howsami s us eoft hes t r e a m’ sor i g i na le ne r g y .Thus , Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 7 there are counter solar mysteries that work against the true light of the intended stream. In the solar mystery case, it would be the anti-Christ stream. This counter image stream can only hinder, but never defeat, the intended progressive streams of the seven rays. These counter streams serve to develop us and ultimately will be redeemed by us as we evolve through them. The main thing here is to recognize the difference and to not be taken in by the counter image. The gradient or Grail of consciousness in humanity can be divided into at least four main compartments, according to modern science. True science will always reflect spiritual truth, and true spiritual knowledge will always support the findings of real science. The four levels of human consciousness are waking or Beta, dreaming or Alpha, dreamless sleep or Theta, and a trance-like state or Delta. Brain scientists have measured these states of consciousness in cycles per second (CPS). Each state has its own CPS or wavelength. Beta is 14-21 CPS, Alpha is 7-14 CPS, Theta is 4-6 CPS, and Delta is ¼ to 4 CPS. A Buddhist monk, who has been meditating for twenty years, can reach the Alpha state in just under two minutes. (He also can reach the Gamma state of 40 CPS.) Initiates are human beings who are ahead of the rest of us in spiritual development by thousands of years. Any highranking initiate has what is called a continuity of Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 8 consciousness.5 This means that at every one of the four stages of human consciousness, they are fully self aware and functioning. They do not dream, or sleep, nor are they ever unconscious. They are consciously one with their Higher Self. They have transformed the personality to be in absolute harmony with our Spirit Man. They have reached full Christ consciousness. They have obtained the Grail. Thirteenth century stories, like Parzival6 by Wolfram Von Eschenbach, tell of the grail knights who seek the Holy Grail. Works such as this are the foundations for the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Parzival, also known as the fool, is the one knight who finds the Grail in this story. He actually finds the Grail castle twice. The first time he is not developed enough to know where he is. He needs to develop so that he can be aware when he is on higher levels of consciousness. The story of Parzival is our story. We are also in need of development in higher consciousness. To find the Grail and not lose it is to see the spiritual within the physical world. We are not to shun the physical world. Ancient Eastern teachers taught that doctrine at one time, and it was proper at that time in human history, but it does not apply now. Consciousness is not static. Human consciousness changes in time as well as the whole physical brain and universe. We are to learn from the physical world. It is our training ground. Use your time wisely. The goal is this, Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 9 eventually; all of humanity will find higher self-awareness as a species. At that time in the distant future, we will all have found the Grail and will be ready to work consciously with the higher progressive gods. Humanity as a whole is now known as the Hierarchy of Love by the higher progressive gods. The day will come when we will not experience death and reincarnation anymore. That cycle will end. We will together co-create a new Earth, esoterically known as the New Jerusalem.7 We will then have the resurrected immortal body/vehicle like the Christ and the Masters do. Our divine body is the vehicle of the Grail itself and is the result of spiritual development and consciousness. The higher gods need us to complete their own evolution, just as we need them. It is all for one and one for all. We eventually all get there together. Those who are ahead of us at this time send their love and inspiration and eagerly wait for the dawning of Sons and Daughters of God to become manifest. I welcome you today to join the great quest for the Holy Grail. Greater Resolution Weha venow a s s e r t e da ndc onc l ude dt ha tt he“ Gr a i l ” is a symbolic reference to the many levels of higher Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 10 consciousness that humanity will someday develop sequentially. However, we do not have to wait for global planetary initiations to occur, like the one predicted in December of 2012 by the Mayan researchers, to obtain to higher levels of consciousness. We can, individually and collectively, work on them now. The best way to work on these things is to first have a basic understanding of occult history. This is the hidden history as to how we really got here. If the eye is open and the mind receptive, one will notice that we have four stages of consciousness. We experience all of them every twenty-four hours. These four modalities of consciousness are waking, dreaming, dreamless sleep, and trance-like. Just as a study of embryology can reveal a record of all the forms our human body has gone through to reach the stage it is now at, so can an understanding of our history of consciousness tell us even more. In the womb, we can clearly see that a human being goes through a metamorphous transformation from a soft mineral-like zygote, to something vegetable like, to an animal with gills and a tail, and finally to the human form as we recognize it today. This observation alone, it must be remembered, is only a physical understanding, and does not even scratch the surface of the greater history that led up to the beginning of the physical world. You see, we do not evolve in Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 11 a vacuum; the solar system and the earth evolve as humanity evolves. There is no major transformation in the development of humanity without a cosmic parallelism. When the sexes separated off from being androgynous, the current Moon8 of today separated from the Earth about where the Pacific Ocean currently resides. Every now and then, someone is born still containing both male and female reproductive organs all in one body. This is one example of how the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm and vice versa. This spiritual fact led to several occult expressions among the initiates. One expression was found on the emerald tablet of Hermes Trismegistus,“ As a boves ob e l ow. ”Anot he re xpr e s s i onbyPr ot a g or a ss t a t e d, “ Ma ni st h eme a s ur eofa l lt hings: of those that are, that they a r e ;a ndoft hos et ha ta r enot ,t ha tt he ya r enot . ” By analogy, just as one may have an insight of physical evolutionary history by the study of embryology, one may also observe the history of self awareness and consciousness development in humanity, by looking at our current four levels of consciousness. It was Dr. Carl Jung, the psychiatrist, who first pointed out that not everyone on the planet earth is necessarily living in the same century, mentally speaking. Even within our four types of consciousness we are not all equally developed. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 12 To reiterate, our four main categories of consciousness are waking state, dreaming, dreamless sleep, and trance-like state. To find out what these states are, how we got them, where they came from, and in what order they were developed is a tremendous task. To do this we must start with the writings of Theosophy9 and Anthroposophy10. These two movements of the 19th and 20th centuries came directly from the impulses created by those high and mighty beings known as the Masters of Wisdom. A great corpus of writings and information has come from these spiritual impulses, and many branch-like movements have sprung from them. It is from this occult information that we shall glean our basic understanding of these issues. What we must first realize is that as humanity develops and evolves, so does the solar system and the Earth itself. It is taught that there are seven great incarnations of the solar system and its planetary systems or chains as they are called. We are in the fourth incarnation of our planetary system now. This is why we have four levels of consciousness. Each one was developed sequentially through each of the four incarnations (or rounds) of our earth. During the first incarnation, the roots of our physical body were developed along with a rudimentary form of consciousness known as the trance like state. This state is similar to that of present day minerals and crystals. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 13 Collectively taken, this could be called the mineral kingdom. At this stage, humanity only had a warmth body. Our Divine Spark (or Monad) hovered over the physical body but could not yet enter it. The Divine Hierarchy of creators created this warmth body for us. During the second incarnation of our planetary system, we developed the roots of our etheric body and a rudimentary form of consciousness known as the dreamless sleep state. This state is very similar to that of present day plants and vegetables. Collectively taken, this could be called the vegetable kingdom. At this stage humanity had two bodies, one physical and one etheric, but not densely physical like t oda y ’ sma t t e r .OurMona dss t i l lc oul dnoty e te nt e rt he s et wo bodies. During the third incarnation of our planetary system, we developed the root of our astral body and a rudimentary form of picture consciousness now known as our present day dream state. This state is very similar to that of our present day animals. Collectively taken, this could be called the animal kingdom. At this stage humanity had three bodies, one physical, one etheric, and one astral. The planetary system at this stage was now denser than the two prior stages. Our astral body was still too wild and unrefined for our Divine Monads to dwell within it. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 14 During the fourth incarnation of our planetary system, a recapitulation of all the prior stages of planetary incarnations repeated themselves before the fourth stage could be fully developed. This was a common occurrence in all the prior stages of planetary incarnations and evolution, each according to what had preceded it. In the fourth stage, we developed the vehicle for our ego consciousness. This allowed us to have self-awareness. This is what we call our waking state. Our Divine Monads were then able to incarnate during what is called the Lumerian Period of Evolution. At this point, the bodies of humanity were evolved enough to allow for the incarnation of our Monad, which brought forth the beginnings of what would later become the waking state of the lower ego. On our current globe, the Lumerian state preceded the Atlantean Epoch, which preceded our current Fifth Epoch. There will be seven great Epochs on our current Earth Globe. Figure 1-1: The above is a thumbnail sketch of the Earth Chain Round, which is estimated to last for untold ages. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 15 We now have four bodies, not just one physical body. We have also four states of consciousness, not just one waking state. We have experienced the human mineral, human vegetable, human animal, and human being stage of our evolution through the cosmos on various different planets or globes.11 Then next key in our understanding is to understand the sleep cycle of modern humanity from a spiritual point of view. Every night we go through all of our stages of consciousness and return in the morning, awakened and refreshed. During the sleep cycle, the ego and the astral body completely withdraw from the physical and etheric bodies. At death, the etheric withdraws with the astral body and the ego, thus ending all relationship to the physical body, which then quickly disintegrates into minerals and dust. To a certain degree, we die every night.12 As stated earlier, initiates are awake at every one of these levels of consciousness according to their own personal stage of development. Rudolph Steiner, towards the end of his incarnation, was awake at every level of consciousness and therefore did not sleep at night the way we do. He had what is known as continuity of consciousness. The Western initiates have named the first four stages of planetary evolution discussed this far. They are as follows: the first stage is the Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 16 Saturn stage, the second stage is the Sun stage, the third stage is the Moon stage, and the fourth stage is the Earth stage. We are all Earth initiates if we are self aware and awake on the Earth (or fourth stage). To be awake on both the Earth and the Moon stage is to be a Lunar initiate. This was He l e naP.Bl a va t s ky ’ sl e ve l ;s hewa saLuna ri ni t i a t e .Rudol ph Steiner was a Saturn initiate, being fully awake at all four stages of consciousness. This allowed him to read the universal Akasic records directly, because they exist at such a high level of consciousness that a Lunar initiate, for example, would not have direct access to them. A Lunar initiate would only see the reflection of the Akasic records in the astral light, and could easily get distorted information. However, Helena P. Blavatsky had the help of her Eastern Masters to keep her accurate. Some Conclusions I do not expect a newcomer to esoteric philosophy to grasp all that has been discussed in this chapter. It is not necessary that you comprehend all the data presented here; it is only a thumbnail sketch. However, the reader will see that as we review the latest scientific conceptualizations and theories, they begin to resemble the teachings of the Masters and their students. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 17 We have covered large chunks of data, though only superficially, in this first chapter. If you care to delve deeper into the areas discussed here in this chapter, you may like to consider reading one of my earlier books, Essential Healing: Therapy and Consciousness, which contains many graphics and charts, endnotes, and a very ample bibliography that you may find helpful. 1 Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln, Holy Blood, Holy Grail (New York: Dell Publishing: 1983). This monumental work fully documents and provides evidence for the Mary Magdalene scenario. 2 Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code (United States: First Anchor Books, 2003). ISBN 0-385-50420-9 3 Martha Lang-Wescott, The Mechanics of Free Will (Conway, Massachusetts: Treehouse Mountain, 1987), pp. 78-80. 4 Virginia Sease & Manfred Schmidt-Brabant, Paths of the Christian Mysteries (East Sussex: Temple Lodge, 2003), pp. 1-17. 5 Rudolph Steiner, At the Gates of Spiritual Science (New York: An t h r opos oph i c a lPr e s s :1986) ,Le c t u r e12:“ Oc c u l tDe v e l opme n t . ” Website: http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GateSpiSci/GateSS_index.html 6 Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival (United States: Penguin, 1980). 7 Revelation 3:12, Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name (KJV). 8 Rudolph Steiner, An Outline of Esoteric Science (Barrington, MA: Anthroposophical Press, 1997), pp. 210-211. 9 Theosophy was a spiritual movement begun by Madame Helena P. Blavatsky under the direct permission of the Eastern Masters of Wisdom. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 18 The outer movement was and still is human managed, but the inner esoteric circles within the movement were under the direct overseeing of the Masters themselves. This movement began in 1875 and is still here today. However, in my opinion, the Masters withdrew their interest from the movement at the death of Helena P. Blavatsky because of the questionable actions of Annie Beasant and Charles Leadbeater, which were in certain areas, in direct contradiction to what Blavatsky and her Masters had taught. See The Elder Brother: A Biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater by Gregory Tillett, and H. P. Blavatsky: The Great Betrayal by Alive Leighton Cleather for more details. The two greatest works by H. P. Blavatsky are Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. 10 Anthroposophy was a spiritual movement started by Dr. Rudolph Steiner in 1912. Originally, Steiner was a spiritual teacher and head of the German Lodge of Theosophy. Steiner had a falling out with Theosophy when Annie Beasant and Charles Leadbeater wreaked havoc on the movement by announcing Jiddu Krishnamurti (a young Indian boy who was discovered by Leadbeater) as the return of Christ, the new world teacher. The anti-Christian bias of Theosophy has never fully been abated even today. However, it did at that time create the right cosmic condition to allow Rudolph Steiner (who was, in fact, a higher initiate than even Bl a v a t s k y )t oba l a n c eou tt h ek a r mai n v ol v e d.On eofSt e i n e r ’ sg r e a t e s t foundational writings is An Outline of Occult Science. Steiner and Blavatsky may very well be, with a few exceptions, the two highest initiates of higher consciousness to ever be allowed to speak publicly about hidden truths in several thousand years. 11 In occult cosmology, the Earth has seven globes. Only the one we live on now is visible. Our Monads (or Divine Sparks) will transverse each of these globes seven times each. This is known as a Planetary Chain Round. One Round is known as a Planetary Round, which is only one visit to each of the seven Globes. Further, breaking it down, each Globe will have seven conditions during each round known as root races. Humanity at the time of this writing is in its Fourth Round, on the Fourth Globe of Seven, and is now in its Fifth Root Race or condition, on our current Earth. This teaching is part of the lower mysteries of initiation and occultism, which have been made public since the publishing of the Secret Doctrine in 1888. 12 Brian Piccolo, Essential Healing: Therapy and Consciousness (United States: Lulu Publishers, 2005, ISBN1-4116-2423-8), pp. 31-37. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 19 - 2. Going Quantum: The Long and Winding Road It is hard to believe that the electron was not discovered until 1897, just barely over a century ago. Furthermore, the neutron was not discovered until 1932. We all naturally assume that science proceeds sequentially and systematically along a logical path, each step being built upon the knowledge that went before it. However, this is not the case, because a flawed being, a human being, is doing science. It was at the University of Windsor that I was first introduced to a study course on the philosophy of science. The person of study who most impressed me was Thomas Samuel Kuhn and his famous book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions1. Kuhn presumed that science proceeded in a piece-by-piece progression. He thought a book on the history of scientific revolutions would be easy to write and would be obviously chronological. However, he soon discovered that this was not the case. Us i ng We s t e r n hi s t or y ’ sr e c or d of t he s c i e nt i f i c transition from a geocentric earth-centered solar system to a heliocentric sun-centered solar system, a very different story emerged. Kuhn discovered that science does not progress via a linear accumulation of new knowledge, but actually undergoes periodic revolutions or jumps, which he named paradigm shifts. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 20 Kuhn discovered that a scientist was never fully objective and could never fully divorce himself from his own subjectivity towards his own theories. When the heliocentric theory was presented, it was not greeted with open arms. Even though the heliocentric theory could explain more fully the celestial movements of the planets, including the phases of Venus, rather than change, astronomers revamped their old theories to force them to explain what they could not explain before. They even created the concept of epicycles to explain why planets appeared to move backwards and forwards through the heavens. Oddly enough, this worked even though it was not true, and it allowed them to remain geocentric in their theories. This also pleased the Roman Church, whom at that time in history was theologically against heliocentricity. So when does the change take place? It happens when the new theory not only answers all the questions the old theory could, but also answers all the questions the old theory could not. At such a point, a crisis is built up and a paradigm shift takes place in science itself. It is more like a paradigm jump to a new worldview rather than a smooth logical transition. Nevertheless, it takes a crisis and much tribulation of the soul before scientists give up the ghost and make the jump to a new paradigm (apparently theologians have this problem also). Albert Einstein himself, fell into this trap of subjective Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 21 obsessive behavior, and he could not accept the uncertainty principle2 of quantum physics. Yet, all the formulas and experiments absolutely verified the validity of the uncertainty principle. He went to his grave looking for the unified field or unknown variable to try to explain away the uncertainty pr i nc i pl e .Thus ,hi sf a mouse xpr e s s i on:“ Goddoe snotpl a y di c e . ”Ni e l sBohr ’ sf a s tr e s pons et oEi ns t e i nwa s ,“ Donott e l l Godwha tt odowi t hhi sdi c e . ”I nt hi ss t a t e me nt ,Bohri s correct; a scientist is to be a passive observer with an open mind. If God exists, then we should observe what God is doing and not tell God how to do it. This applies to both scientists and theologians The Great Divorce If we go further back into Western history, we can see that there was a time when science, religion, and philosophy were one reality. Pythagoras of Samos (495 BC) was an Ionian Greek philosopher and founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism.3 He taught his followers that numbers had both a qualitative value as well as quantitative value. One of his most famous teachings is his Pythagorean theorem shown above. This formula or theorem Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 22 can be written A2 + B2 = C2. This is, of course, the formula for finding the length of the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle. We still use it today in our basic algebra and geometry classes. This example shows his scientific aspect. However, he had another side to his science, if I may use this term historically speaking. The Pythagorean Decade ba s e dupont he“ s a c r e df our ” or Tetraktys is a prime example of what I mean. Numerically and quantitatively, it was expressed as 1+2+3+4=10. Qualitatively and visually, it represented the four stages of universal cosmology.4 From the One or Monad came the duad or straight line, next came the three or triad or triangle, and finally the four separated points or tetrad becoming a solid square. The full meaning of this symbol was never given out publicly. The Monad or One is the point of manifestation of our universe, the spiritual drive behind the physical Big Bang. From this point, the original homogeneous substance of existence becomes polarized (or dual) in nature. Through its heterogeneous separateness and union, it gives birth to the third. The third lays the foundation for the fourth, and the fourth gives expression to the physical side of the universe. Taken as a whole, all ten dots as shown above, are representative of the noumenal spiritual Matter or Substance. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 23 Together, they give birth to the manifestation of the phenomenal world of the physical senses.5 Enter Democritus Prior to the fall of Rome, which began the Dark Ages and the suppression of free thought, there was another school of Greek philosopher/scientists who were not as spiritual as Pythagoras. They are often classified as the preSocratic philosophers. One such philosopher was Democritus (460 BC - 370 BC). Democritus was the co-originator of the belief that all matter is made up of various imperishable, indivisible particles, which he called atoma,6 from which we get the English word atom.7 Many scholars have hailed him as the father of Western science. I believe this is only partly true. I would infer that he was the father of Western materialism, believing that atoms were indivisible particles of matter. Of course, quantum mechanics challenges this position fully now. Democritus was also a pioneer of mathematics and geometry in particular. He observed and created many volume type formulas for cones and cylinders among others. Unfortunately, like so many other great Western thinkers, his Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 24 writings did not survive the Middle Ages. The Christian Church eventually closed down all philosophy academies and independent schools of learning. The great divorce was then waxed solid and fixed between science and religion. The Dark Ages were now present and would not begin to wane until the Renaissance. This was a sad time for the West. Enter Rene Descartes While there are many heroes we could choose from who stood against the Church in the name of science, there is none more pivotal than Rene Descartes (1596 –1650). Being a contemporary of Galileo Galilei (1564 –1642), he knew what could happen to him if he crossed swords with the Roman Church. What Rene did was to covertly sneak in his ideas about physics, through a philosophical writing he called Meditations. He presented this writing to the Faculty of Theology of Paris, almost on his knees, and they accepted it. While this Trojan horse trick worked with the Church, the Devil wanted his dues to be paid for also. He was paid off in what is now known philosophically as mind-body-dualism. This is how Rene pulled it off. He convinced the Church that the mind, soul, and spirit were not in the domain of science. The physical world, however, was. The human body, like the universe, is just a machine. Thus, we can play with a machine, Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 25 test it, measure it, weigh it, and do physics with it.8 The mind, however, was to be under the domain of the Chur c h.Thus ,i tc oul da l lbes umme dupwi t h,“ Ma t t e ri sf or s c i e nc e ,a ndMi ndi sf ort heChur c h. ”Howe ve r ,De s c a r t e swa s left with a challenge. If the mind is of a different substance than physical matter, how does it communicate to the human body, which is made of physical matter? What is the medium that transfers the force between them? Descartes could not answer this question. He suggested that the soul communicated to the body via the pineal gland located in the center of the brain. However, this did not solve the problem, and Descartes died of pneumonia before he could attempt a resolution. Modern materialist science will argue that there is no resolution. This is due to the laws of thermal dynamics. These laws emphatically state that there would always have to be an exchange of energy between the mind and body. Since there is no exchange that can be measured, the mind must be material, albeit of a finer gradient of matter, but nonetheless physical. When matter becomes sophisticated enough in its composition, the mind emerges. At least, this is the ma t e r i a l i s t s ’c a t e c hi s m. From Rene Descartes forward, scientific philosophy began to form its creed. By the late 19th century, science was confident that it had discovered all the laws of physics. All Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 26 that was left to do was just apply them for the benefit of humanity. Then, a prophecy given by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the great theosophist (1831 –1891), rang true. She said that she would not be understood metaphysically until the 20th century. Her position being that consciousness is the ultimate foundation of reality, not physical matter. In the 20th century, quantum physics began to discover these two things, put in the simplest of terms: 1) atoms are not solid particles; 2) measurement, or consciousness, causes the collapse of the electron into a particle from a wave. Consciousness affects the physical world! Roll over Descartes, and give the theologians of Paris the news. Some Conclusions We have roughly shown the origins of material dualism as developed by Western culture. In the next chapter, we will continue this line of thought to show just how deeply entrenched this became in the Christian Church and how this affected Western science for centuries. Along with great advances in materialistic science came much suffering and ignorance from organized theology. 1 Kuhn, T.S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962), ISBN 0-226-45808-3 Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 27 2 Werner Heisenberg formulated the uncertainty principle in Niels Bohr's institute at Copenhagen, while working on the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics. 3 David Palmer, Looking at Philosophy: The Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made Lighter, (United States: McGraw Hill, 2001, 3rd Edition), pp. 20-23. 4 Geoffrey A. Barborka, The Divine Plan (Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1964), p. 51. 5 Many esoteric philosophers believe that all ten dots taken together within their equal lateral triangle separated them from the physical world, even the world of thought. 6 David Palmer, Looking at Philosophy, pp. 37-38. 7 Scholars believe thatDe moc r i t u s ’t e a c h e r ,Le u c i ppu s ,i sa l s oa ne qu a l partner in the concept of the material atom. Their writings are hard to tell apart and say many of the same things. 8 David Palmer, Looking at Philosophy, pp. 150-170. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 28 - 3. Spiritual Dualism in the Church What made the Roman Church so susceptible to Rene De s c a r t e s ’pr opos i t i onsa spr e s e nt e di nhi sMeditations? The answer is easily found in the very beginnings of the organized Church, starting with Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus, anglicized as Tertullian (155–222 A.D.). Tertullian, known for coining the term Trinity in reference to the Christian Godhead, described it as Three Persons all sharing one substance. In addition to this, Tertullian was very concerned about the origins of physical matter. He knew that Greek thinkers (like Democritus) believed matter to be eternal, thus this would make physical matter co-equal to God. Greek thinking and its affects on the early Church cannot be overestimated. Even Saint Augustine of Hippo remarked that the Greeks and Egyptians were Christians before Christ came to give a name to the religion they already believed.1 Concepts like the Logos are Greek in origin. Furthermore, even the New Testament was written in Greek. This may seem strange to the modern mind, but Tertullian was battling against Paganism and Panpsychism. Briefly stated, these views asserted that all physical matter was endowed with mind stuff and that the whole universe was a living organism. This would have challenged Church doctrine in many areas. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 29 If matter was eternal and pre-existent (like the Greeks taught), then it was parallel to God; and this challenged the absolute transcendence of God over His creation. This was a problem for the Christian fathers. Moreover, if matter was created, what was it created out of? The Hebrew account of creation has no reference in Genesis to account for the existence and creation of matter explicitly. Therefore, the ontological status of matter for Christianity is somewhat vague and ambiguous. Tertullian was perplexed by this theological problem. Therefore, he decided to resolve it. Having found no reference for it in any of the scriptures, Tertullian created the doctrine known as Creatio ex nihilo, or Creation out of Nothing2. Tertullian used a lot of circular logic to justify his position, and while this doctrine was not explicitly stated in the scriptures, he weakly argued that it was implied. In my opinion, the only thing so far ever created out of nothing, is this very doctrine of Tertullian. This doctrine reinforced a more severe body-mind dualism that orthodox Christianity has never recovered from intellectually or theologically. This ultimately destroyed Greek-influenced Christian Idealism and strengthened the Chur c h’ sr e c e pt i on ofDe s c a r t e s ’body -mind dualism that dominates theology even today. To be fair, it should be mentioned that Tertullian changed his theological position on other things towards the Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 30 end of his life. He believed that the canonized books of the Church were not closed, and that God was still giving new scriptural revelations to His Church. He became of follower of Montanism3. What is interesting here is that the majority of the Chur c h’ s ma i n doc t r i ne s we r e de ve l ope df r om t r y i ng to combat the inquisitive minds of the Greek philosophers and theologians. This dogmatic, defensive attack upon free thought by the Church does not end here, but continues even today. The early Church fathers did not like open-ended questions and did not appreciate the depth of the Alexandrian Christian Church. Instead, they desired truncated compressions of truths in the form of closed arguments that reinforced their biases. Perfection is Static and Transcendent The Greeks had another concept known as the Prime Mover. The Prime Mover moved the universe without moving itself. It never changed; it was perfect and transcendent. It was not a creator; it was the architect of the creation. This was the image of Greek perfection: static, changeless, and transcendent. As time went by, even the Greek schools of thought became corrupted, and these doctrines were twisted and misused for political ends. Simply put, if perfection is changeless, then the more Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 31 something changes, the more imperfect it is. For example, a woma n’ sbody c ha ng e smor et ha n a ma n’ sbody due t o pregnancy and giving birth. Therefore, a male is more perfected –more like the Prime Mover or God –than the female. This concept opened the door for this Greek influence on two later Church fathers: Saint Jerome (347-420) and Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430). Both Church fathers were so inundated with this Greek definition of perfection, they were fully convinced that at the resurrection of the dead, at the end of the ages, no female could go directly to heaven. Both church fathers speculated that at the resurrection of the dead, all women must be changed in some way to be more like males, in order to enter heaven. This is the dark side of mind-body dualism. It justifies sexism, racism, and disrespect to Earth as a living being (allowing for the dismissal of responsible environmentalism). First: No Eternal Matter; Now: No Eternal Spirit The Church was not ultimately satisfied with just the elimination of physical matter from eternity or with the subjugation of women due to the static view of Greek perfection. It had another problem. Was a human being a spirit, a soul, and a body? If a human being was a tripartite being, then what is the spirit? What if it is Divine in nature? Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 32 Then how do we justify theChur c h ’ spos i t i onons a l va t i on? Why would people need the Church to find God if God is already within them? At the Eighth Ecumenical Council: Constantinople IV, in 869 A.D., it was decided that a human being had only a soul and a body.4 A human being did not have a spirit. Even though the Western scriptures taught that humanity had a spirit, a soul, and a body, the Church disagreed with it. After all, the body of Church fathers decided what the scriptures mean for the body of followers. This doctrine of no human spirit created what hi s t or i a n’ sc a l la nunintended result. This doctrine allowed for the development of an even stronger materialistic view of the world. The bastard child of the Church itself is materialistic atheism, along with the imitation Church currently known as the corporation. However, this is not the worst of it. The whole Christian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox closed the door on inner spiritual development forever. Since there were no occult powers for humanity to develop, and no Divine spirit in a human being to be enlightened to, and the material world was for science to explore, the whole Church became an unconscious spiritual materialist. They became a static, dead form of ritual without transcendent purpose or aims. Except for going to Church on Sundays, atheists, materialists, and Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 33 Christians all lived in the same world of physics and unconsciously shared a whole plethora of similar values5. As a r e s ul t ,t he Chr i s t i a n Chur c h’ s doc t r i ne s of extreme exclusiveness reared its ugly intolerant head again and again: in the Crusades to the Holy Land, the Spanish Inquisition, the destruction of the Knights Templar, the suppression of science and philosophy, and the demonizing of any religion that taught the divinity of humanity or another way of salvation.6 The Materialist Union of Science and Religion By the end of the 19th century, the Church and science were walking hand-in-hand down the materialistic highway of life, both blissfully unconscious of each other. Matter was made up of particles called atoms, and Newtonian physics answered all possible questions. God was transcendent beyond physical matter and could not be measured or disproved. Then suddenly, without warning, the veil of Isis was slightly lifted, and the crack between a post-Newtonian physics and Christian dualism began. This rent between Christian dualism and physics begins with the discovery of quantum mechanics. Names like Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Plank, von Neumann, and Wheeler become the new apostles of a physics Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 34 that goes beyond Newtonian materialism and Christian mindbody dualism. It is from here that our modern story can finally begin. However, we first have to discuss the philosophical views of metaphysics in the next chapter. Then our foundations will have been laid. 1 John G. Jackson, Christianity Before Christ (American Atheist Press: 2002 Reprint of Original Edition June 1985), pp. 1-2. 2 Tertullian, The Treatise against Hermogenes 22.2 (trans. J.H. Wasznik: Westminster, Md.: The Newman Press, 1956), p. 55. 3 Montanism was an early Christian movement of the early 2nd century, named after its founder Montanus. One of their tenets was the belief that the prophecies of the Montanists superseded and fulfilled the doctrines proclaimed by the Apostles. 4 Rudolph Steiner, Building Stones for an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha (London: Rudolph Steiner Press, 1972), Chapter 1. 5 Some attempt by the Protestants in the 20th century to regain the tripartite human being took place in the form of Pentecostalism, the Latter Rain Movement, and the Charismatic movement to name a few. Each one had a much-diminished view of the spirit of man, but it was an attempt to rectify a grave theological error. Of course, most of these movements were considered heresies or heterodox by many mainstream orthodox churches. The Charismatic movement was allowed to run its course in many Catholic Churches, perhaps just to monitor the membership. 6 To the average orthodox Christian, I have no complaint and I salute the good works that they do. They are only the innocent victims of their own misguided theologians who are themselves the victims of tradition and anachronism. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 35 - 4. Why Metaphysics? I will always be grateful to my philosophy professors at the University of Detroit Mercy for stressing the fundamental importance of metaphysics. Metaphysics is a subdivision of philosophy, just like ethics, epistemology, political science, economics, or anthropology. Simply stated, metaphysics is our theory of reality.1 In other words, what is the basis of reality? How did the universe get here? Is the universe real? Are we all asleep in some gigantic objective dream? Do atoms exist? What is our theory of origins? Unless one is a trained philosopher, theologian, or s c i e nt i s t , one doe s not r e a l i z eh ow one ’ st he or y of me t a phy s i c sde t e r mi ne sone ’ spe r s ona lt he or yofa nt hr opol og y and ethics. Yet, trained or untrained, every one of us performs this philosophical calculus everyday. Our personal theory of anthropology will determine what we say a person is; and what we say a person is, will determine our ethical value and treatment of that person. All this is determined by our theory of origins, or metaphysics, whether we know it or not. For example, if I believe that the universe is one big series of mindless, purposeless, materialistic events, then I will see humanity as an accident having little worth or purpose. I might even see humanity as a virus attacking the planet and support holding back treatment of illnesses in third-world Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 36 countries, thereby allowing diseases to remove them so I can survive. I might see abortion as a necessary survival tool to control over-population. On the other hand, if my metaphysics dictated that an all-powerful God created the universe and oversees what is happening, then my anthropology and ethics would be very different than the materialist. I might see a human being as a sacred creature made in the image of the creator. Thus, I might be against abortion and the unkind treatment of the poor in third world nations. These two extreme examples are over-simplified to make this point: we all suffer from a philosophical determinism because of our theories of metaphysics. Whether we get our metaphysics from our priest, pastor, professor, the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, the Hindu Puranas, the Buddhist Sutras, a book on science, television, the university, or a dream, we are all philosophically determined. Thus, your metaphysics is your worldview, your paradigm. Monism versus Dualism The famous Christian theologian C. S. Lewis once remarked that materialism was for boys, and that the only real choices for intellectual adults was between dualism and monism. He himself, while fully rejecting monism, fully Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 37 understood its significance. Even though there are other metaphysical paradigms such as pluralism, I believe C. S. Lewis was partly right in his philosophical assessment. I have also limited the discussion to just three views as shown in graphic 4-1 below. Graphic 4-1: Monism and Dualism Under the Monistic Idealism2 heading, I have illustrated what is most commonly known as Eastern philosophy or religion. In this scenario, God is both transcendent and immanent within the creation or universe. There are three subdivisions to this view. They are: (1) God is transcendent only, and all of creation does not Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 38 really exist; it is less than an illusion, it has never happened. Therefore, God is not present in the illusion of the universe since it does not exist. This illusion is represented with the dashed circle labeled nothing. All that is, which is God, is one. (2) God is both transcendent and immanent within the creation. The creation is a qualified illusion and appears to be independent of the observer, but it is not. It is de pe nd e ntonGod’ si mma ne ntpr e s e nc et oe xi s t .Al lt ha t is, is one. (3) Both God transcendent and immanent are equally both real, but only the transcendent Godhead has eternal duration. Universes and heavens may last for trillions of years, yet they will all end, only to be born again after an equally long period of rest. All that is, is ultimately one. In all three general views of Monistic Idealism, consciousness is the metaphysical foundation of reality. Mind and matter are the results of consciousness. Consciousness underlies all of reality and is in every atom on up to the Godhead. C. S. Lewis considered this view to be a strong c ha l l e ng et oChr i s t i a ni t y ’ sDualistic Idealism. There are many minds, but only one consciousness, which all minds share. In Dualistic Idealism,3 God is transcendent and separate from His creation. God is not in the creation but stands outside of it. Built upon a limited understanding of Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 39 Pl a t o,t hi sbe c a meChr i s t i a ni t y ’ ssystem of metaphysics along with Judaism and Islam. Thus, the creation, being separate from God, is in a fallen state due to sin and corruption and needs a Savior to reconnect and redeem it back to God. Thus, all the legends of the fall of humanity have metaphysical justification with this paradigm. God then is only immanent in His Church, which leads to strong exclusivity between believers and nonbelievers. In graphic 4-1, the ladder between the Creation and God transcendent represents the Savior who reconnects them back to God. This Savior is comparable to Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed. There are needs for Saviors or Avatars in the Monistic Idealism system of philosophy also, however, they come to rule over a humanity of who they themselves actually are. Humanity is just a minor spark of the Divine Flame itself. In Dualistic Idealism, a human being is a created being who may gain immortality. Whereas, in Monistic Idealism, huma ni t y ’ st r ueSe l fi sGod.Al lc ont a i nt heBuddhas e e d. Finally, I have presented Monistic Materialism with only one circle labeled the Creation. For the materialist, there is nothing beyond the physical world. Matter existed first. When it became sophisticated enough, life evolved; and later on, consciousness emerged as a by-product of matter and life. Even though there are materialistic pluralists who follow the ways of Aristotle, science is proving Aristotle wrong. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 40 Quantum physics had begun to demonstrate a substratum in the physical universe where subatomic particles become nonlocal in a void of non-local unity. Yes, materialistic science is moving towards a monistic view of reality. Books like The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra are representative of this view. In fact, at the Big Bang, the whole universe was compacted and entangled in a primal atom smaller than a green pea!4 In my opinion, modern science is proving monism to be true and dualism to be false. Monism is proving to be a not he rbl ow t ot heWe s t e r n Chur c h’ sdog ma t i cdua l i s t i c idealism and is even more threatening than the heliocentric s ol a r s y s t e m a nd Da r wi ni s t s ’ t he or i e s of e vol ut i on combined—both of which Sigmund Freud pointed out long ago as being significant deathblows to Western theology as well as the Western psyche. Which monism will it be? Will it be the materialistic monism that looks at consciousness as epiphenomenal? Alternatively, will it be a monistic idealism, which sees consciousness as the foundation of all reality? As we now explore the implications of quantum physics, I believe the contrast between these views will emerge with only one left standing. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 41 Some Conclusions Having now finished our orientation historically and philosophically, in the next chapter we begin to look at the key aspects of quantum physics. We will begin to look at the particle and wave theories of light and some of the inferred consequences of the physics experiments themselves. 1 Ted Honderich, Editor, The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (New York: Oxford Press, 1995), p. 556. 2 Amit Goswami, Ph.D., Physics of the Soul (Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 2001), pp. 10-11. 3 4 Ibid., pp. 95-96. Gregg Braden, The Living Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief (California: Hay House, 2008), p. 32. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 42 - 5. Waves + Particles = Wavicles If we were to take an introductory biology or chemistry course in high school or college, we would be confronted with the particle –or corpuscular theories of light and the particle theory of the elements. The table of elements is presented to us in a graphic or chart in our textbook, and on the wall of the classroom itself. Being babes in the woods, we accept these premises as being true. However, if we continue in our studies beyond the introductory level, we soon discover that on the subatomic level of reality, these premises are not true. Sohowdowedoa st hea nc i e ntmy s t i c ss a ya nd,“ Li f t t heVe i lofI s i s ? ”I ta l ls t a r t swi t hama nbyt hena meof Thomas Young1 (1773–1829) and his famous double slit experiment2. From Democritus to the time of Newton, it was believed that everything, including light, was made up of tiny atomic particles. Young did not have the coherent light3 of a laser, like modern-day scientists do. Young believed that by shining light through a double slit, you should get two light images on the wall. If light were made up of particles, it would be like dumping particles of sand from a bucket through two slots and getting two piles of sand (see graphic 5-1 on the next page). In the figure noted, notice how the sand creates two piles because of being strained through two openings. If light is made of atoms, and atoms are little particles like sand, then Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 43 they should also trace a neat outline of two slots on a receptive screen. Figure 5-1: Sand particles passing through two slots. However, when Young did finally shine his light through the two slots, he did not get two silhouettes of light on the receptor screen.4 Instead, he got a wave pattern (see figure 5-2). This result was unexpected and baffling to Young. Many years past until this experiment was redone with modern instruments. This is where the anomalies begin to unwind about the subatomic world, and where quantum physics begins to form. In figure 5-2, we have depicted a light source, shining Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 44 through two slots, emanating waves, similar to the ripples created on a lake surface from a plummeting pebble. After passing through the slots, these waves interfere with each other, creating a series of crested impacts against a receptive screen. This is similar to waves in the ocean hitting a sea wall. Figure 5-2: Intersecting waves of light interfering. In the more modern experiments, by shining a coherent laser light source through a single square slit, one should see a single square outline on the wall or photographic plate. If light is made up of particles, then this is just what we should get. This is exactly what happened; so far so good (see graphic 5-3). Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 45 All the little photons or particles of light behaved just like stones or pebbles being fired from a canon through a square slot. The result was one line of photons, within the parameter of the square slot impacting on a receptor plate. This was, of course, to be expected; therefore, we can now proceed to the next level of the experiment. Graphic 5-3: Single slit shows single impact of photons. It was believed, almost like a tautology, that two slots should produce the same results. Two slots should allow for the photons to create two lines of impact on the photographic receptor plate. It must be noted, that in the modern version of these double slot experiments, only one photon at a time was Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 46 fired from the special laser gun.5 This firing of one photon at a time has to insure that there will be no interference with the trajectory of the photon, as it travels through one of the two available slots in the second iteration of this experiment (see graphic 5-4). Graphic 5-4: The Double Slit Wave Phenomena. The result was baffling (to say the least) for our modern-day physicists. The receptor plate showed a wave interference pattern and not the two bands of photon impacts as expected. Since, in the modern version of these experiments, only one photon at a time was fired at the two slots, how could this wave pattern emerge if photons were Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 47 solid particles? How could these light particles become waves, interfere with themselves, and travel only through one of the two slots, one at a time? This is where the quantum weirdness begins and where the Veil of Isis is slowly lifting. Is light a wave, is it a particle, or is it both at the same time: a wavicle? Scientists were stunned at this and decided to set up a camera/instrument to measure/observe which slot each particle of light actually goes through (see figure 5-5). Figure 5-5: The photon acts as if it is being watched. The result was a complete shock. When the camera was on and watching, the photon particles behaved like particles and created only two patterns on the receptor plate, Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 48 just like the sand particles do when being strained between two slots. How could a photon particle be aware it was being watched?6 When the camera was switched off, the wave pattern returned (figure 5-6). Figure 5-6: Photon particle acts like a wave with camera off. This is not even the weirdest part either. It was later discovered, that if you did not turn the camera on until after the photon wave had already passed through the two slots, it would immediately behave like a particle, going back in time, and recreate its whole trajectory and path! This is sometimes called backward causality or the quantum eraser. However, we will talk about this aspect a little more later on. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 49 Lifting the Veil of Isis What is implied here, metaphysically speaking, on a subatomic level, is that observation, the act of measuring, affects the outcome of the experiment itself. Many arguments have been made over the explanation as to why this is so. What are the true mechanics involved with this phenomenon? Ass t a t e de a r l i e r ,wha t e ve rape r s on’ sors c i e nt i s t ’ sbi a sis metaphysically, will influence his/her explanation of the mechanics involved. A materialist scientist will not want to see the consciousness of the observer affecting the experiment. He wants to believe in an objective universe that exists independently, whether it is being observed/measured or not. Idealist7 scientists will consider how the consciousness of the observer might be influencing reality, if not actually creating it. Today, many scientists have come out of the closet and are not afraid to express an idealist point of view. Many scientists, including John von Neumann, John Wheeler, and Amit Goswami, to name just a few, are not afraid to express their idealistic ideas about physics. Goswami himself names his physics Monistic Idealism.8 He has authored many books and videos on the subject. Many other scientists are afraid to express their views, fearing losing tenure at the university or Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 50 being ostracized by the scientific community still so heavily dominated by naive materialism and prejudice. We shall continue this discussion throughout this work, as the data to support it is shown to the reader. For now, let us say that from my perspective, there is only one universal consciousness. It has many minds, and it is the foundation of all reality. The moon does not disappear when I am not looking at it, because the one universal consciousness is always looking at everything as it really is. This is closer to Kashmir Shaivism, an Indian philosophy, and one that I have perceived to be the most correct in shedding light on the findings of modern physics.9 It must be understood, that from the Shaivism point of view, the universe is being recreated billions of times a second, by the one consciousness, giving the illusion of continuity and the ability for constant change. Finally, the implications of quantum physics are astounding to the open-minded and dread to the closed-minded materialist. 1 David Lindley, Where Does the Weirdness Go (United States: Basic Books, 1996), p. 39. 2 The facts of what happened during the original double-slit experiment were elucidated by Thomas Young in a paper entitled, Experiments and Calculations Relative to Physical Optics, published in 1803. Since this time it has been discovered that electrons, neutrons, and atoms, as well as photons, all have a wave/particle component. Cu r r e n t l y ,t h ec a r bonmol e c u l ek n owna s“ Bu c k yBa l l s , ”wh i c ha r el a r g e carbon molecules made up of 60 to 70 parts, also have wave/particle behavior. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 51 See Gas phase sorting of fullerenes, polypeptides, and carbon nanotubes, by Hendrik Ulbricht, Martin Berninger, Sarayut Deachapunya, Andr´e Stefanov, and Markus Arndt. Website: www.univie.ac.at/qfp/publications3/pdffiles/2008-02.pdf 3 Coherent light are light waves that are "in phase" with one another. This is similar to a chorus line of dancers moving in perfect synchronism with each other. Young did not have access to such a light source since lasers had not been invented because quantum mechanics had not been discovered yet. 4 David Lindley, Where Does the Weirdness Go, p.41. 5 Ibid., pp. 44-45. 6 Travis S. Taylor, The Science Behind the Secret (New York, Simon & Shuster, 2010), pp. 88-90. 7 Idealism, in terms of metaphysics, is the philosophical view that the mind or spirit constitutes the fundamental reality. It has taken several distinct but related forms. Among them are Objective and Subjective idealism. Objective idealism accepts common sense Realism (the view that material objects exist) but rejects Naturalism (according to which the mind and spiritual values have emerged from material things), whereas subjective idealism denies that material objects exist independently of human perception and thus stands opposed to both realism and naturalism. 8 Amit Goswami, Ph.D., Physics of the Soul: the Quantum Book of Living, Dying, Reincarnation, and Immortality (Charlottesville, VA: 2001) pp. 1011. 9 Swami Lakshmanjoo, Kashmir Shaivism: the Supreme Secret (Culver City, CA: 2000), p.68. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 52 - 6. Niels Bohr, Lord of the Quantum Rings The double slit experiment, as shown in the last chapter, is fundamental to quantum mechanics and quantum theory. In the last century, it has been discovered that photons, electrons, neutrons, protons, quarks, atoms, and certain carbon molecules all display a wave particle behavior.1 Other particles have been discovered besides these, which lead to a new classification of subatomic particles into two main categories, known as fermions and bosons.2 Fermions are matter-carrying particles and bosons are considered forcecarrying particles. Electrons, neutrons, protons, and quarks are classified as fermions. Photons and other particles are classified as bosons. Actually, we should use the term virtual particles, since they appear and disappear randomly. However, we are getting ahead of ourselves here. Let us back up in time to get a better perspective. We must start with the basic structure of the atom, as it was thought of in the early twentieth century. In addition, energy was seen to be continuous, rather than being in discrete packets or quanta. Scientists since 1750 had been heating elements/substances and shining their light through prisms to display the spectral colors.3 It was soon discovered that each element gave off its own colors (Figure 6-1). Later, they discovered that when heating solids, the colors told them the Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 53 gradient temperature. This allowed them to compute the heat of the sun and other distant objects. Still, there were blank spots in the spectral analysis, which could not be explained. These blank, dark areas were called spectral lines. There were also conflicts with the old wave theory of light that could not match the test results done with black bodies.4 Figure 6-1: Shows the hydrogen gas analysis. Black bodies absorb all the light and give off a radiation as a result. Without being too technical, there was a conflict with the predicted relationship between the intensity of radiation and the frequency of radiation. A physicist named Max Planck solved this conflict with a new formula, in Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 54 December of 1900. This would be the first of several discoveries that would make Planck one of the founders of qua nt um me c ha ni c s .Pl a nc k’ sma i nc ont r i but i on,a tt hi spoi nt in history, was to show that energy came in discrete packets of energy and not as a constant flow.5 This concept was to allow Niels Bohr to conceive a new model of the atom and Einstein to explain the relationship of photons to black bodies. Einstein proposed that black bodies give off packets of energy when an electron interacts with a photon. Bohr would use this proposition later to solve the atomic structure problem and the spectral line problem since they are directly related. The Structure of the Atom Today, any high school student can tell you that an atom has a nucleus, made up of protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons. This was not so obvious in the early twentieth century. Earnest Rutherford, in 1912, presented his model of the atom, sometimes called the solar system model. Rutherford himself was a world-leading scientist at the time, having won a noble prize in 1908 in chemistry. He proposed that the hydrogen atom, which contains a simple nucleus and one electron, was similar to the solar system. The atom simply orbited the nucleus. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 55 Around this time, Niels Bohr began to understand Rut he r f or d ’ sa t omi c mode la nd r e a l i z e di tc oul d notbe correct. The electron of the atom would collide into the nucleus within a thousandth of a billionth of a second and the atom would collapse. The universe would disappear! Of course, this analysis was based upon Newtonian classical physics, since quantum physics was not yet discovered. Howe ve r ,Bohrunde r s t oodEi ns t e i n’ sphot oe l e c t r i ct he or ya nd t he phot on s ’e f f e c ton bl a c k bodies. He also understood Pl a nc k’ sf r e que nc yt he or y ,whi c hs howe de ne r g yt oc omei n packets or discrete amounts. By combining aspects of these two theories, he had an insight, which forever named him the father of quantum mechanics. In the hydrogen atom, there is only one proton and one electron. Yet, the spectral result for hydrogen gas showed four discrete spectral lines in emission and absorption, and they were spaced apart from each other in discrete mathematical packets. The answer for Bohr was this: when the electron absorbed the energy from a passing photon, it jumped to a new orbit further out from the nucleus, similar to the photoelectric effect on electrons of black bodies (Figure 6-2). When the electron gave off energy, it jumped back to an orbit closer to the nucleus of the atom. In each case, the atom could only j umpt oe xa c tdi s c r e t eor bi t s ,s i mi l a rt oPl a nk’ sunde r s t a ndi ng of why energy had to come in discrete amounts. This was the Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 56 literal quantum leap of the electron. Each time it jumped, it gave off light—the spectral light!6 Figure 6-2: Shows the electron jump between orbits. Now, at this time, Bohr only considered the electron to still be a particle. However, the electron did not travel from one orbit to another. No, the quantum world is much stranger than that. The electron disappeared and reappeared at each discrete orbit of the atom. This is the quantum leap. However, where was the atom between jumps? Could this be known? The Uncertainty of Heisenberg and the Dismay of Einstein In 1927, Warner Heisenberg published his famous Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 57 uncertainty principle.7 Simply stated, the more precisely the position of an electron is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known in this instant, and vice versa. If we measure/observe where the electron is, we cannot know its momentum with certainty. If we measure its momentum, then we do not know its position. We can never know these two factors at the same time with certainty. Heisenberg was not saying this because we lacked the tools or the knowledge to solve this measurement problem. No, he meant that this really is the nature of the subatomic quantum world! When Einstein heard this, he nearly went berserk. How could the subatomic world be a world of chance, while the larger classical world of molecules, planets, and galaxies was predictable in all sorts of measurements? Einstein could not wrap his head around this, thus, his famous s t a t e me nt ,“ God doe s not pl a y di c e . ” To whi c h Bohr r e s ponde d,“ Donott e l lGodwha tt odo. ”Thi sdi s a g r e e me nt led Einstein on a lifelong quest to find the missing variable to pr ove He i s e nbe r g wr ong .Howe ve r ,y e a r sa f t e rEi ns t e i n’ s death, Heisenberg and quantum mechanics were proven to be correct and Einstein to be wrong, at least about quantum mechanics. Brilliant as Einstein was, he was a man of his historical time, and in his antitheses to quantum physics, he contributed as much to it. The physicists who still follow Ei ns t e i n’ sl e a da r el ooki ngf ort heun i f i e df i e l dt ha tuni t e sa l l Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 58 four forces of physics, both classical and quantum, under one theory. Sometimes this is called the theory of everything. One attempt to solve this is the so-called String Theory.8 So far, this has not happened. Hi s t or i c a l l y ,a tt hi st i me dur i ng t he 1920’ s ,a philosophy known as Logical Positivism was sweeping Austria and Germany. It was a call to only speak about what could be verified by the senses and observation.9 This philosophy had a strong influence upon the scientific community in Europe at the time. Therefore, to try to even speak about where the hydrogen atom is between jumps is absurd, since it cannot be known or observed. Thus, it has no sense data to confirm it; therefore, it is nonsensical to speak of it. This type of influence upon the quantum fathers gave birth to a type of interpretation of quantum physics known as the Copenhagen interpretation.10 This Copenhagen interpretation became the standard orthodox interpretation of quantum physics for many years. However, there are many more divergent views in contemporary physics today concerning quantum physics. In the next chapter, we will discuss where the atom is between jumps, in spite of the Copenhagen interpretation and because of it. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 59 1 See Gas phase sorting of fullerenes, polypeptides, and carbon nanotubes, by Hendrik Ulbricht, Martin Berninger, Sarayut Deachapunya, Andr´e Stefanov, and Markus Arndt. Website: www.univie.ac.at/qfp/publications3/pdffiles/2008-02.pdf 2 Jim Al-Khalili, Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2003), pp. 164-165. 3 Ibid., pp. 29-31. 4 Ibid., pp. 29-39. 5 David Lindley, Where Does the Weirdness Go (United States: Basic Books, 1996), p. 34. 6 Amit Goswami, PhD. & Maggie Goswami, Quantum Creativity: Waking Up To Our Creative Potential (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1999), p.p. 73-75. 7 Jim Al-Khalili, Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed, pp. 68-71. 8 Ibid., pp. 207-209. 9 David Palmer, Looking at Philosophy: The Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made Lighter, (United State: McGraw Hill, 2001, 3rd Edition), pp. 321-327. 10 David Lindley, Where Does the Weirdness Go, pp. 70-79. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 60 - 7. WaveI fYouDon’ tSe eMe Because of the philosophical and scientific background discussed in the last chapter, we are now in a position to discuss the famous wave function formula of Erin Schrödinger. Niels Bohr predicted that the hydrogen electron could only appear in one orbit at a time around the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, and then disappear, only to reappear at the next, fixed, numerically discrete orbit. Where was it between orbits? Erin Schrödinger proposed a mathematical solution to this question, which is known today as his wave function equation.1 This is probably the most important equation in quantum mechanics. Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, and a few others had contributed much collectively to the understanding of quantum mechanics. Einstein established light as a constant in the macro world. However, Max 2 Pl a nc k’ sc ons t a nt , concerning energy at the quantum level, set up the mathematical environment needed for Erin Sc hr ödi ng e r ’ swa vef unc t i one qua t i on. Er i n Sc hr ödi ng e r ’ swa ve function equation allowed for a descriptive representation of the mechanical propagation of the wave function of an electron or any other quantum object. In other words, when the electron is in-between orbits during its wave function, can we mathematically describe its Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 61 mechanical probability of where it is? According to Erin Sc hr ödi ng e r ’ swa vef unc t i one qua t i on,t hea ns we ri sy e s .I n other words, we can calculate, most likely, where the electron is going to be. In this sense, this wave function is a mathematical tool and a representation only, and is not the actual wave itself. It is a mathematical distribution of the wave function. When an electron is in superposition, it is everywhere, it is nowhere, and it is in every place at once. Thus, the wave function equation was developed to figure out the most likely place the electron wave is propagating to. Today, some electron cloud photographs have been taken, showing the electron to be in more than one place at the same time. Ukrainian researchers at the Kharkov Institute for Physics and Technology in Kharkov, Ukraine, have taken this picture3 showing various arrangements of the clouds of electrons surrounding a carbon atom (Figure 7-1). Figure 7-1: Two photos of carbon electron clouds surrounding the atom. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 62 According to modern day physicists, the actual wave of a subatomic particle is very real. In fact, many scientists now say that the wave function represents, not only a mathematical abstraction, but also an independent true reality4. In truth, no scientist really knows what the wave function truly is, but the math still works anyway. When the atom or particle is in superposition, it is in a universal quantum energy field, where the entire universe is connected by wave functions. In fact, according to Ei ns t e i n,“ Wema yt he r e f or er e g a r dma t t e r as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense. There is no place in this new kind of physics for both the field and matter, for the field is the only r e a l i t y . ”5 Quantum Energy Fields and the Ether What is the nature of the quantum energy field? Whenever two or more waves interact, they are said to be in superposition and entangled. They are actually waves in a quantum field of energy. The quantum field is different than the larger world of macro objects, which range from molecules on up to galaxies. The quantum field has its own set of rules. However, there have been experiments done with l a r g ec a r bon mol e c ul e sknowna s“ buc kyba l l s ”byAnt on Zeilinger6 and associates. These bucky balls, when sent thru a Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 63 grated membrane, created a wave pattern similar to the photons in the double slit experiment. These carbon molecules actually demonstrated a quantum-like wave function. What is significant here is that physicists consider these carbon molecules to be macro objects, not quantum objects. These bucky ball molecules consist of 60 or 70 carbon atoms. It appears that in the quantum field, time does not necessarily progress in a forward manner. In addition, space is nonlocal. In quantum nonlocality, waves can affect each other instantly, no matter how far apart they are from each other. Therefore, when a particle goes into superposition, it is now a nonlocal wave phenomenon until it re-collapses back into a particle. Therefore, in the quantum field, everything is connected or entangled.7 In the double slit experiment, when the photon or e l e c t r on i s me a s ur e d/ obs e r ve d, we “ c ol l a ps et he wa ve f unc t i on”i nt oas pe c i f i ct i me -space particle or event. This concept of collapsing the wave is fundamental to all discussion about quantum mechanics. What is this quantum energy field? It has many names. Most scientists call it the zero-point energy field. Other nonphysicists and researchers, such as Gregg Braden8, call it the “ di vi nema t r i x. ”Re s e archer and journalist Lynne McTaggart titled her well-documented book on this subject, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe.9 Yet, others Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 64 refer to it as the lost ether of history that science rejected long ago as being non-existent.10 Oddly enough, the great genius himself, Albert Einstein, did not reject the concept of the etheric field completely. In a lecture given on May 5, 1920, at the University of Leyden, titled Ether and the Theory of Relativity, Einstein stated: According to the general theory of relativity, space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any spacetime intervals in the physical sense.11 The zero-point field is also referred to as the Casimir Force.12 The space between all atomic particles and all matter is not exactly empty space, even though it is called the quantum vacuum. In the quantum vacuum/field, atomic particles appear, disappear, and reappear creating fluctuations in the quantum vacuum. These fluctuations are balanced. A photon can degrade into both a positron and an electron. This is okay since they both cancel each other out and add up to zero. This gives the quantum vacuum a zero-point energy balance without disturbing the macro world very much. In addition, since no particle can ever be brought to an exact state Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 65 of zero movement, there are perpetual fluctuations within the field. The Dutch physicist, Hendrik Casimir, first theorized them to exist in 1948.13 In 1996, these quantum fluctuations were experimentally measured.14 Two very small, uncharged plates were put parallel to each other in a vacuum with very little spacing between them (Figure 7-2). The fluctuations in the quantum vacuum drove the plates together! Many fields such as nanotechnology have been the result of this unique discovery. It has also been discovered by the Russians that the Casimir effect can repel as well as attract many types of metals. Figure 7-2: The quantum imbalance drives the plates together. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 66 How Much Energy is in the Zero-Point Field? Based upon a whole host of experiments, physicists have calculated just how much energy might be in the zeropoint energy field. In other words, how much energy is in this quantum vacuum? Estimates do vary between physicists to some degree, but they do all estimate large numbers. If the nucleus of a hydrogen atom were as large as a soccer ball, its electron would be the size of a green pea orbiting the nucleus from twenty miles away. This gives you an idea of just how much space is in an atom (or for that matter, the entire universe itself). I nt hef i l m,‘ Whatt heBl e e pDoWeKnow?’ ,scientist William A Tiller of Stanford University made some energy estimates about the quantum vacuum. I was so shocked at what he said that I had to play the movie over several times to make sure I was hearing him correctly. In essence, this is what he said: The empty space in a hydrogen atom contains 10-23 cubic centimeters. This space contains one trillion times the energy that is equal to all the stars and galaxies in a 20 billion lightyear radius. The whole Quantum Vacuum itself contains 1094 grams of energy per cubic centimeter. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 67 This is equal to several trillion times all the energy that is in the known universe. These figures are beyond human comprehension and are overwhelming. Nevertheless, also something else is unique. Tiller goes on to say that this quantum energy is amendable to human intention. In other words, it responds to human intention! Tiller further states that if all human consciousness can do is collapse one atom, then that is still saying a lot from an energy perspective. What makes the zero-point energy in the quantum vacuum so unique is that it does not suffer from entropy. In the macro physical world as we know it, a pendulum will eventually spend its energy and slow down over time to a dead stop. If you could build a pendulum to run from the energy provided by the zero-point energy field, it would never stop. The energy in the quantum vacuum does not entropy and it is everywhere! Space travel to other galaxies may be possible if this energy source can be harnessed by humanity. Ultimately, we must ask ourselves, how does the zero-point field relate to the macro world of classical Newtonian physics? Is Unification Possible? Einstein spent his life looking for the unified field that Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 68 would unite all four forces of physics and capture the wayward quantum physics back into the fold of classical physics. The four forces are gravity, magnetism, strong and weak nuclear. In the quantum world, quantum gravity has not been found. In addition, the gravity in the macro world is too weak, according to physicists. Einstein told us what gravity does, but not what it is. However, the English mathematical physicist Roger Penrose has come up with a formula that may very well describe quantum gravity. He may very well have found the very missing variable that Einstein could not. The astrophysicist, Bernard Haisch, in his book The God Theory presents a compelling argument that light itself is the unifying factor. Haisch and his partner, physicist Alfonso Rueda, came up with the theory that the zero-point field was the cause of the inertia in matter. While under a grant given to them by NASA, they were able to perfect the mathematics. They published two papers that confirmed that inertia of matter could be traced back to the zero-point field. The scientific community has not greeted this finding with open arms. It challenges too many scientific dogmas and postulates about gravity, mass, and the zero-point field. Haisch goes on further in his book and points out that from the point of view of light, all space would shrink to a point, and all time would collapse to an instant, based on Ei ns t e i n’ sg e ne r a lr e l a t i vi t y .The r ewoul dbenos pa c e -time.15 Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 69 Inertia is the resistance you feel when you try to push your car to the gas station. The implication is that the zero-point field sustains the classical world of matter and inertia. Mass is therefore and illusion, created by the resistance felt from the zero-poi ntf i e l d’ si nf l ue nc eont hema c r owor l dofma t t e r .For Haisch, a form of light is the force within the zero-point field that sustains the world. If correct, it would explain much of the phenomena in the quantum world and perhaps unify the two sides of physics: the quantum and the classical. A similar but different concept, made popular by the new age researcher David Wilcock,16 is the theory of Dewey Larson.17 Larson called his proposal the Reciprocal System of Physical Theory. In his theory, motion was the foundation of all reality. Space and time are two aspects of motion. All three are needed for reality to exist. There is also a reciprocal relationship between space and time. Like two sides of one coin, we have 3D coordinate space with linear clock time (one dimensional time), and on the other side, we have 3D coordinate time and linear space (non locality). This very much sounds like a good description of both quantum and classical worlds. Other attempts to unify physics have taken the form of string theory, which encompasses at least ten dimensions to make the math work. So far, no one has solved the issue of uniting both levels of physics. At the time of this writing, the Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 70 search continues for the Holy Grail of physics, which may only exist in the Holy Grail of consciousness. 1 Ervin Laszlo, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything (Rochester, Vermont: 2007, 2nd Edition), p. 18 2 According to Wickipedia: The Planck constant (denoted h), also called Planck's constant, is a physical constant used to describe the sizes of quanta in quantum mechanics. It is named after Max Planck, one of the founders of quantum theory. The Planck constant was first discovered as the proportionality constant between the energy (E) of a photon and the f r e qu e n c yofi t sa s s oc i a t e de l e c t r oma g n e t i cwa v e( ν ) .Th i sr e l a t i onbe t we e n the energy and frequency is called the Planck relation or the Planck– Einstein equation: 3 Website: atomakaikeno.wordpress.com/2009/09/21/first-detailedphotos-of-atoms/ 4 Al-Khalili, Jim, Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed, (London: Weidenfield & Nicholson, 2003), p. 66. 5 F. Capra, The Tao of Physics (London: Flamingo, 1992) 6 2003 American Association of Physics Teachers, pages 319-325. Quantum interference experiments with large molecules: Olaf Nairz, Markus Arndt, and Anton Zeilinger Institut fu¨r Experimentalphysik, Universita¨t Wien, Boltzmanngasse 5, A1090 Wien, Austria. 7 Al-Khalili, Jim, Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed, pp. 91-97. 8 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief (New York: Hay House, Inc., 2007), pages 208-209. 9 Lynne McTaggart, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe (New York: Harper: 2008). 10 Ervin Laszlo, Science and the Akashic Field, pp. 76-77. Laszlo refers to the field as the Akashic Field of Eastern philosophy, which is a type of rarified pure ether. 11 Website: www.tu-harburg.de/rzt/rzt/it/Ether.html Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 71 12 Lynn McTaggart, The Field, pp. 26-27. 13 Casimir, H. G. B. "On the attraction between two perfectly conducting plates." Proc. Con. Ned. Akad. van Wetensch B51 (7): 793-796 (1948). 14 Lamoreaux, S. K. "Demonstration of the Casimir force in the 0.6 to 6 mm range." Physical review Letters 78 (1): 5-8 (1997). 15 Bernard Haisch, The God Theory (San Francisco: 2006) p. 92 16 Website: divinecosmos.com, David is a highly controversial researcher, but has had the most popular videos on the Internet to date. I believe he has some good thought experiments and they can often lead to beneficial unintended perceptions. I do think that the attacks against him on the Internet are not very productive or beneficial. 17 Website: rstheory.org/ Dewey B. Larson (1898-1990) was an American engineer and the originator of the Reciprocal System of Theory, a comprehensive theoretical framework capable of explaining all physical phenomena from subatomic particles to galactic clusters. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 72 - 8. The Quantum Eraser Phenomenon Einstein once said, "...for us physicists believe the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one." This is an interesting quote about the macro world of physics, but what about the micro quantum world of physics? Theoretical physicists, like John Archibald Wheeler (July 9, 1911 –April 13, 2008), had some definite ideas about time and the zero-point field. In 1945, Wheeler devised a thought experiment that would show that time past, future, and present is quite different in the quantum field from our everyday experience. In 1986, the ability to technically perform this experiment emerged, and it was completed successfully.1 Whe e l e r ’ spr e di c t i onswe r epr ove nc or r e c t .The details of this experiment are what we shall next consider. 2 Thi st e s ti sa l s oknowna st h e“ De l a y e dChoi c e ” or “ Re t r o-c a us a l i t y ”e xpe r i me nt( Fi g ur e8-1). It was based on a variation of the double slit experiment using lasers, halfsilvered mirrors (M1, M2), detectors (D1, D2), and fullsilvered mirrors (A, B). In the Figure 8-1, a laser burst encounters M1 and splits into one or two directions, unobserved, like the double slit experiment. Next, it reflects off mirrors A or B, still unobserved. As the particle crosses over point P, it is detected as a particle by either D1 or D2, which tells us which path the photon took as a particle Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 73 expression of light. Figure 8-1: Without the second half-silvered mirror. Figure 8-2 is the same as Figure 8-1, except that we add the second, half-silvered mirror (M2). M2 allows the split beam to now interfere with itself at point P, thereby creating a constructive interference wave pattern, always detected by D2. This shows that the split beam is always traveling both paths, or there would not be interference with M2. This displays the wave property of the photon. Remember: it can be either one. It depends upon the choice of the experimenter whether to use M2 or not. This choice decides whether the path of the photon is a wave traveling both paths or a particle traveling only one Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 74 of two possible paths. Now here is where it gets interesting. What would happen if we delayed our choice about using M2? The laser would split at M1, reflect off mirrors A or B as potential particle, and would be ready to collapse into a particle at point P and be detected by D1 or D2, telling us what path it took. However, if at the last nanosecond we insert M2, the particle instantly becomes a wave and changes its whole trajectory from the laser to the detector instantly! It would have had to travel both paths to be a wave that interferes with itself. This is called backward causality or the quantum eraser. Figure 8-2:D2 always detects a wave when M2 is inserted. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 75 The delayed choice of the experimenter causes the singular particle path to become a double path or wave, being reflected at both mirrors A and B. One solution to this is that the photon is always a wave in superposition until detected or observed. Even still, the choice of the experimenter still determines the photonic path taken and the modality of light expressed, wave or particle; and the choice can be delayed. Thus, backward causality happens at the quantum level instantly, faster than light. Space is nonlocal and time is not linear. Classical World Implications Since macro-systems in the classical world are made up of subatomic quantum systems, what are the effects of the quantum world upon the classical, in regards to causality? Or more succinctly, what if the zero-point field, which consists of what I like to call three-dimensional (3D) time and onedimensional (1D) space, coordinates coherent time space events? In 3D time, past, present, and future are all present at once. Space is nonlocal and 1D. At the deepest level of the zero-point field may exist what has been called scalar waves.3 These waves are beyond the laws of electromagnetic waves, are amendable, and respond to coherence and consciousness. They also travel faster than light. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 76 Considering all this, what is implied by the delayed choice experiment is that, perhaps, future causes are contributing to present day effects. In addition, by being in the present moment, it may be possible to change the past.4 This may actually be the explanation behind spontaneous healing. Spontaneous healing may be the erasing of the original cause of the disease to begin with.5 When a laser emits one photon toward a beam splitter, it becomes two twin entities, which are tied together in the quantum world. This is called entanglement.6 No matter how far apart they are from each other, if one is affected, the other one instantly is affected, faster than light speed. Einstein did notl i ket h i ss c e na r i oa ndr e f e r r e dt oi ta s“ s pookya c t i ona ta 7 di s t a nc e . ” For Einstein, nothing could move faster than light. Physicist Alain Aspect, in 1982, carried out his bestknown e xpe r i me nt s , whi c h c onf i r me d t ha t“ qua nt um e nt a ng l e me nt ”f ort wi nne dphot onpa i r si si r r e c onc i l a bl ewi t h Einstein's worldviews.8 Aspect showed that if one of the twin phot on’ ss pi nve c t ori sc ha ng e d,s owoul di t st wi n’ sve c t or change accordingly, faster than what light speed could account for. This is because the twin photons are entangled and coherent. At the Big Bang, everything that is, was entangled and compressed into a point smaller than a green pea.9 From the point of view of the quantum field, everything is still entangled. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 77 From the Real to the Hypothetical As a hypothesis, how would entanglement, superposition, coherence, wave functions, backward causality, and the zero-point field that contains them look as twin events in the classical world? What kind of events would qualify as reflections of this kind of quantum phenomenon generated from the field? Like splitting a laser beam and getting two entangled photons, could a singular time potential event split into two entangled space-time realities? What qualities might it have? Let us consider this possible list: The events must be synchronized in and beyond time. The events must be coherent to each other and resonate measurable comparisons: names, relationships, dates, etc. The events should be entangled in the quantum world, and that entanglement should be reflected as two collapses of related events that have correlated meaning. From a delayed choice perspective, each event could have been the cause of the other, excluding linear time frames. The zero-point field would be the best explanation of such paired events. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 78 Two events I believe that fit these criteria are the twin assignations of John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln. It may not seem obvious at first, but the list compiled below is beyond random chance mathematically. Lincoln also dreamed of his own assassination one week before it actually happened. So here are the entangled space-time items listed below. Notice the harmonic of 100 years between the events, as well as the inversion of the names of key people and relationships: 1a. Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. 1b. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. 2a. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. 2b. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. 3a .Li nc ol n’ ss e c r e t a r ywa sna me dKe nne dy . 3b. Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln. 4a. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. 4b. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. 5a. John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 79 5b. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939. 6a .Li nc ol n wa ss hota tt het he a t e rna me d' For d’i n box number 7. 6b. Kennedy was shot in car number 7 called 'Lincoln' made by 'Ford.' 7a. Lincoln was with his wife when he was assassinated. 7b. Kennedy was with his wife when he was assassinated. 8a. Lincoln was shot in a theater, and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse. 8b. Kennedy was shot from a warehouse, and his assassin ran and hid in a theater. 9a. Booth was assassinated before his trial. 9b. Oswald was assassinated before his trial. In the classical world, these two events are experienced with Lincoln being assassinated one hundred years before John F. Kennedy. From the quantum field, both assassinations happened at the same time. In fact, everything happens all at the same time in the zero-point field. Events only take on meaning and distance when we experience them in our Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 80 classical world of linear time. Therefore, John Archibald Whe e l e r ’ s de f i ni t i on a nd pur pos eo ft i me wa s“ t o ke e p e ve r y t hi ngf r om ha ppe ni nga l la tonc e . ” From a quantum point of view, these two events are entangled, synchronized, and coherently reflective of each other. What it leaves us asking as a possible hypothesis is: which event caused the other to collapse? Did the assassination of Kennedy cause the assassination of Lincoln in a backward causality scenario? Can we even ask such a question? My point here is not to prove the quantum relationship between these two assassinations, but to use it as a thought experiment that promotes thinking. How many times a day do we all encounter synchronistic events? You begin humming a song that has not been on the radio in over twenty years. You get in your car, turn on the radio, and there it is coming through your car speaker system. Are these events entangled? I believe they are. What do you think? Just because you do not know how to reproduce them in a laboratory does not mean they did not happen. Currently, we do not really know how to test for these types of phenomena using the current scientific methods and equipment. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 81 Backwards Causality and Theology What might be the ramifications of theology, both East and West, in regards to quantum backwards causality? In the East, the laws of karma would simply be transcended. The law of karma, simply stated, is that you reap what you sow. This is s ome t i me sc a l l e dt he“ s owi nga ndr e a pi ng ”doc t r i ne ,a ndi ti s in every religion. Perhaps what is indicated here is that, like the law of gravity that binds us to the earth, we may learn to fly by understanding the laws of karmic aerodynamics. By understanding the zero-point field, our consciousness may be able to change the past! In t heWe s t ,t hedoc t r i neoft he“ vi c a r i ousa t one me nt ” of Christ might also take on another dimension, affected by this quantum eraser. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, in her two great works, The Secret Doctrine10 and Isis Unveiled,11 was very critical of this Christian doctrine and for very good philosophical reasons. She argued that if someone murdered a person, and then was forgiven through the vicarious atonement, the only way it would make sense is that all of history would have to be changed. In other words, the pain that was created through such an act to the family of the murdered victim, to the parents of the murderer, and countless other ramifications from such an act would have to be erased from history, not to mention the restoration of the victim back Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 82 to life as if nothing ever happened. This is a very good argument and she had many more besides this one. However, if the past can be erased as if it never happened, this potentially sheds new light on the whole argument. Perhaps the atonement is a symbol for us as individuals to know that we can change our past if we change our habits. If we learn to focus our consciousness, become mentally and emotionally coherent, we can effect our past from the very present. Then from the point of view of the zero-point field, it has already happened, like spontaneous remission of disease and karma. Perhaps the atonement is the at-one-ment of the zero-point field. 1 Amit Goswami, The Visionary Window (Wheaton, IL: Quest Books: 2000) p. 89. 2 Amit Goswami, The Visionary Window, pp. 87-90. 3 Lynn McTaggart, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe (New York: Harper, 2008) p. 173. 4 Lynn McTaggart, The Intention Experiment (United States: Free Press, 2008), p. 173. 5 Ibid., p. 142. 6 Ervin Laszlo, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything (Rochester, Vermont: 2007, 2nd Edition), p. 10 7 Gregg Braden, The Matrix: Bridging time, Space, Miracles, and Belief (United States: Hay House, 2007), p. 31. 8 Ibid., p. 31. 9 Ibid., p. 32. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 83 - 10 H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (London: Theosophical Publishing House: 1888 edition, two volumes). 11 H. P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled (Pasadena, CA: Theosophical University Press: 1877 edition, two volumes). Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 84 - 9. The Classical-Quantum Brain Having already touched upon many aspects of quantum physics, it is now time to turn our attention to consciousness itself. No one really knows what consciousness is. Some believe it is just an emergent property, similar to how simple elements create storm clouds that create rain or a hurricane. The hurricane simply emerges from the aggregation of simpler elements but did not exist beforehand. Another view, as postulated by physicist Amit Goswami, is that consciousness is the foundation of all reality.1 Goswami further suggests that matter is the emergent property of consciousness. Of course, the consciousness that Goswami refers to is universal and non-local in nature. To overcome the duality of Descartes, Goswami further asserts that mind and body exist in a parallelism, united and directed by consciousness. Therefore, there is no violation of the conservation of energy according to the law of thermal dynamics. With this kind of concept, we can then have an etheric world, an astral world, and a spirit world all existing in parallelism, coordinated by consciousness.2 Therefore, there does not have to be a measurable exchange of energy between each world, as they are mapped into each other by consciousness. In this scenario of Gos wa mi ’ s ,wec a ndr a wt he following axioms: Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 85 We have our own thoughts and ideas, but we do not have consciousness. We are consciousness. Consciousness has many modalities: unconscious, subconscious, preconscious, sentient, or self-aware. There is only one consciousness, and we all share it. Consciousness without self-awareness is capable of processing and choosing. This is what universal consciousness does as it chooses what will be collapsed from the quantum field of potential.3 Consciousness with self-awareness or sentience is capable of observing and collapsing, but not choosing. For Goswami, universal consciousness chooses what will be, while a sentient self-aware consciousness will observe, measure, and cause the wave function to collapse. For Goswami, when absolute consciousness becomes selfentangled, or self-referential, it becomes self-aware and experiences the world of classical physics (of self and others). It becomes the lower ego.4 As philosopher Krishnamurti has s a i d,“ Theobs e r ve rbe c ome st heobs e r ve d. ” Consciousness, as a necessary factor in quantum phy s i c s , wa s or i g i na l l y de f i ne d by t he “ Cope nha g e n I nt e r pr e t a t i o n, ”be c a us ei tr e f l e c t st hea t t i t udeofNi e l sBohr and Warner Heisenberg. Since Bohr was so forceful and was a Dane by birth, his interpretation inherited the tag of Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 86 Copenhagen. Erin Schrödinger thought this interpretation to be so outlandish that he created a whole scenario to poke some hol e si ni t .Hi ss c e na r i obe c a mek n owna s“ Sc hr ödi ng e r ’ s Ca t . ”Ther e l a t i ons hi pofc ons c i ous ne s sa nd its influence over matter is sometimes called the observer effect. Figure 9-1: The cat is both dead & alive until someone looks. Sc hr ödi ng e r ’ sCat Imagine, if you will (Figure 9-1), that a cat is placed into a black box and sealed in. In this box is a radioactive isotope that randomly ejects an ion every twenty to thirty minutes. Also in the box is a Geiger counter that will beep Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 87 every time a random particle is emitted from the radioactive isotope. When the counter beeps, a receptive device will swing a hammer, crashing a vile full of poison gas, thus killing the cat. This was only a thought-experiment to try to show the absurdity of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics. The argument being that the radioactive particle could not collapse its wave function until it was measured or observed. Therefore, the charged particle was in superposition. This would also, by logic, dictate that the cat was also in superposition of being both dead and alive and every other possibility as potential. Thus, the wave function of the cat and the wave function of the charged particle were entangled, until someone opened the box and looked. Here are some considerations: If consciousness collapses the wave, is the cat dead or alive before or after you look? In the Copenhagen-interpretation, the cat is either dead or alive when you look. Until you look, it is both dead and alive. Therefore, whose consciousness decides if the cat is alive or dead, Schrödinger or his friend? Thec a t ’ swa vef unc t i onc ol l a ps e sa t10-37 seconds, so you could not see it happening anyway. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 88 As you can see, this is quite a quagmire of logical inconsistencies. Below is a list of some of the leading pos s i bi l i t i e sofhowt oa ns we rt hee ni g maofSc hr ödi ng e r ’ sc a t paradox: 1. Copenhagen view: The cat is neither dead nor alive until you look. 2. Ami tGos wami ’ sv i e w:Consciousness is transcendent and non-local. There is only one consciousness and it is hierarchally entangled, therefore, there can be no conflict over choices. Consciousness chooses and causes the collapse. 3. Quantum Decoherence view: When quantum systems interfere with classical systems, they are quickly suppressed and the wave function collapses without consciousness being involved.5 4. Idealistic View: Platonic laws and values are chosen by consciousness at the Big Bang. In this scenario, decoherence would be another law similar to the laws of thermal dynamics, chosen by transcendent non-local consciousness when creation began. 5. Roger Penrose –Stuart Hameroff: Consciousness is a system in isolation, which does not experience decoherence, but self-collapses when a certain threshold is reached, known as Orchestrated Objective Reduction.6 This view would support both decoherence Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 89 and consciousness as the cause of the collapsed wave function with Schr ödi ng e r ’ sc a t . 6. Hugh Everett and The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: One cat is dead in one universe; one cat is alive in another universe or world. For every superposition, a universe exists for it.7 All of these views are not the only ones, but they at least capture the majority of the views out there. In the Copenhagen view, the cat is in superposition until you look. The cat is both dead and alive, and entangled with the charged particle, which also is in superposition. Due to the success of the delayed choice experiment, proponents of the neoCopenhagen view would argue that even if the cat died onehalf hour before we look, backward causality would allow for this. Non-local consciousness can move backwards in time and collapse the dead or alive cat the moment we observe it. In addition, the collapse is too fast to ever see it. Gos wa mi ’ svi e wi ss i mi l a rt ot heCope nha g e nvi e w, except he would also argue that universal consciousness has decided already, before we look, whether the cat is going to be dead or alive. Therefore, when we look, we are only seeing the collapse of the choice already given by non-local, transcendent consciousness. Since absolute consciousness is singular, there can never be any conflict. Otherwise, who would decide Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 90 whether a traffic light should be green or red at a cross section of many competing types of consciousness? For Goswami, this would lead to chaos or solipsism. The quantum decoherence view is the war cry of the anti-Copenhagen schools of interpretation. Decoherence guarantees that quantum systems will not destructively interrupt the classical world of big things. If this were not so, then big objects might not be there whenever we are not looking. Being made of quantum particles, they might begin to behavel i ket he m.Re me mbe rEi ns t e i n’ smoon:hewa nt si tt o be there even when he is not looking and asleep. Therefore, a c ha i rr e ma i nsac ha i r ,a ndSc hr ödi ng e r ’ sc a tc a ndi eorl i ve without an observer being present. Further research will show that this view has many problems of its own and does not solve the hard problem of consciousness itself or the thousands of experiments showing the observer effect capable of influencing matter. Ly nn Mc Ta g g a r t ’ st wo boo k s ,The Field and The Intention Experiment, document nearly the entire mind-overma t t e re xpe r i me nt sdonewor l dwi des i nc et he1970’ s .For example, over 2.5 million combined throws of dice, with 2,500 participants, positively show that mind/consciousness influences over matter are real.8 The odds of the results occurring from chance were 1076. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 91 From CIA and Russian remote viewing studies, to i nf l ue nc i nge l e c t r oni cREG ma c hi ne s ,a ndhe a l e r ’ si nf l ue nc e s over bacteria, plants, animals, and humans, research shows conclusive evidence of the observer effect. It is only by blind prejudice that the official scientific community tends to overlook this data. That, and the fear of being ostracized and l os i ngone ’ sc a r e e ra tt hel a boruni ve r s i t yke e pt hi ss ha me f ul practice in place. The Quantum Brain Computer A quantum computer is a machine that uses quantum superposition and entanglement to do computations that could not be achieved by a classical computer. One such operation would be finding the prime of large numbers, which is what all bank encryptions are based on. Since a quantum computer could do this faster, the race is on to build it. Several prototypes exist today. Instead of using bits like a classical computer, the quantum computer uses qubits. A qubit is known as a Bloch Sphere and encompasses superposition, entanglement, spin, e t c .J us tl i keSc hr ödi ng e r ’ sc a ti sbot hde a da nda l i vewhi l ei t is in superposition, likewise, quantum computers have all the right and wrong answers all at once while being in superposition. All the particles used in quantum computing are Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 92 controlled, and they represent all possible classical positions and answers all at once. Thus, with the right query, the best answer is found faster than with conventional classical computers. The biggest problem facing quantum computers is decoherence or interference from the classical world. If that happens, then the wave functions collapse before the answers are found or computed. To offset this, scientists are trying to work at-or-near zero temperatures, to stop thermal oscillation from the classical world. Thus, isolating the quantum computer from decoherence is one of the biggest challenges being faced. One of the arguments against Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff and their model of the quantum brain is the fact that the brain is too warm for quantum computation. It is this model that we will consider next. Orchestrated Objective Reduction If an electron is in superposition and is isolated from decoherence, it will take about 10,000,000 years before it reaches its threshold and collapses. However, this is most unlikely when dealing with the human brain. For Penrose and Hameroff, the brain is both a classical and a quantum computer. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 93 The classical part of the brain is the neurons and dendrites. Inside each neuron are microtubules, tubulins, and special proteins known as microtubule associated proteins (Maps). Together, they make up the quantum side of the brain.9 Simply stated: the microtubules, with the help of the tubulins, are brought into a state of coherence as a system in isolation, protected from decoherence by the Maps, which detach from them, thus suspending them independent and protected. When the answer is found, a self-organizing principle with the Maps reconnects to the microtubules, which connect to the classical brain, creating the collapse and a moment of conscious experience.10 Penrose and Hameroff know this phenomenon as Orchestrated Objective Reduction (OOR). The classical neurons compute at 10-15 CPS, and the microtubules compute at 10-27 CPS in the quantum brain. This collapse happens forty times a second, according to Penrose and Hameroff. When the microtubules are in superposition, they are in the quantum field of protoconsciousness. Every time the microtubules collapse, we experience a packet of consciousness. Just like in a 35mm movie, it only takes 24 frames-per-second to appear continuous. Thus, we have a streaming consciousness like a streaming video off the Internet at 40 frames-per-second—too fast to see or notice the collapse itself (Figure 9-2). Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 94 According to Hameroff, this collapse may be all that is ever really happening to us. He does not know for sure. The outer world may only be our experience. Figure 9-2: Consciousness is a series of collapses 40 CPS. Penrose traces OOR back to the moment of the Big Bang itself. The zero-point field for Penrose is the field of proto-consciousness. Before the Big Bang, all possible universes existed in superposition. Through the mathematical formula E = h/T, a threshold is reached, and a type of quantum gravity forms, which collapses the potential universes into one choice. At that moment of the collapse, consciousness is experienced, the choice is made, and OOR takes place. For Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 95 Penrose, Platonic values such as good, beauty, and so forth, exist in the substratum of the quantum field. This is where the laws of physics come from and exist. Pe nr os e di s a g r e e s wi t h Eve r e t t ’ s ma ny wor l ds scenario. For Penrose, superposition occurs when an electron is smeared all over the place, and this is where the fabric of the universe is being torn apart. Since each superposition is so close to each other, based on E = h/T, there is a selforganizing collapse when the threshold is reached. Therefore, ma nywor l dsa r enotne e de d,a ndus i ngOc c a m’ sr a z or ,t he simpler answer is the best. Thoughts and More Thoughts As I said early on, it is rather interesting that science seems to be approaching the very threshold and presence of God. The OOR theory of Hameroff and Penrose echo and reflect nearly the same scenario as Kashmir Shaivism. As said before, it must be understood that from the Shaivism point of view, the universe is being recreated billions of times a second, by the one consciousness, giving the illusion of continuity and the ability for constant change.11 It might be that the absolute proto-consciousness of God is analog or constant, whereas all other forms of conditioned Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 96 consciousness are digital and come in packets, maybe at forty CPS for humans. 1 Amit Goswami, Physics of the Soul (Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 2001), p. 10. 2 Ibid., pp. 104-108. 3 Ibid., pp. 47-49. 4 Ibid., p.48. 5 Jim Al-Khalili, Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed (United Kingdom: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2004), p. 104. 6 Roger Penrose –Stuart Hameroff, Orchestrated Objective Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: The "Orch OR" Model for Consciousness Website: www.quantumconsciousness.org/penrosehameroff/orchOR.html 7 Jim Al-Khalili, Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed, pp. 146-148. 8 Lynn McTaggart, The Intention Experiment (New York: Free Press, 2007), Introduction, p. xxvii. 9 Travis S. Taylor, Ph.D., The Science Behind the Secret (New York: Simon and Shuster, 2010), p. 103. 10 11 Ibid., p. 106. Swami Lakshmanjoo, Kashmir Shaivism: the Supreme Secret (Culver City, CA: 2000), p.68. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 97 - 10. Eme r gi ngFr om Pl at o’ sCave There have been many astounding studies on Buddhist monks and their various states of consciousness while meditating. Scientist, Richard Davidson, and his associates have a special relationship with the Dalai Lama, who volunteered several of his senior monks to them for such consciousness experiments. The Dalai Lama is a known science buff himself and wanted to help. In June of 2002, Davidson's associate, Antoine Lutz, positioned 128 electrodes on the head of a French-born, Tibetan Buddhist monk with over 10,000 hours of meditation time.1 The monk was requested to meditate upon "unconditional loving-kindness and compassion." Almost i mme di a t e l y ,t he EEG ma c hi ne s howe d t he monk’ s brainwaves to be about 40 cycles per second (CPS). These particular brain wave frequencies are described by scientists as gamma waves. Rather than being the usual (meditation) alpha wave state, it was a state of calm, focused hyperawareness.2 Any psychology book can teach you about the four states of consciousness that all human beings share. A yogi or Buddhist monk with twenty to thirty years of daily meditation experience can reach any of these states within one minute.3 Notice the chart listing on the next page (Table 10-1). Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 98 Wave Length CPS Human States of Consciousness Delta ¼ to 4 Trance-like state Theta 4 to 6 Dreamless sleep state Alpha 7 to 14 Dreaming state Beta 14 to 21 Waking ego state Gamma 40 to 70 Hyperawareness state Table 10-1: Cycles per second in human states of consciousness As with all human beings, our level of consciousness transverses from beta, to alpha, to theta, to delta every night as part of our sleep cycle. The gamma wave state is found in highly criminally insane people, autistic people, epileptics, and heavy-duty meditators. It is a very controversial subject, and many argue that it is a state of heightened awareness. The beta state, which is the everyday waking state for human beings, is contrasted by the focused hyperawareness state of the gamma brain wave. Some even suggest that the gamma wave state is the state of the empirical self. Thus, we could be most acutely self aware in the gamma wave state or oblivious in the delta wave state. JZ Knight, the famous trance-medium, astounded scientists when they connected her to an EEG machine as she channeled a spiritual entity named Ramtha. This was because her brain waves were in the delta wave cycle.4 She could not be conscious in the delta state, so who was speaking through Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 99 her body?—Ramtha, of course. JZ Knight has testified many times that when Ramtha is speaking through her, she is not in her body, and she has no idea what he is saying. During such times, she is said to be traveling in the spiritual world where she can, and has, visited the future as well as the past, at will. While this is interesting, what does it have to do with quantum physics and the holy grail of consciousness? The answer is found among the experiments done worldwide to test the effect of human intention-consciousness upon matter. It is here that we turn to next as we free ourselves, like the pr i s one ri nPl a t o’ sc a ve ,f r om t hebondsofma t e r i a l i s m,a nd we make our way into the daylight of the good and true Sun. The Power of Human Intention No one is more impressive than Dr. William A. Tiller of Stanford University, when it comes to applying human intention to physical matter via the zero-point field. It is through his experiments that he concluded that the zero-point energy field responds to human intention. In a brief White Paper, A Brief Introduction to Intention-Host Device Research, Tiller discusses his experiments using special devices to hold human intention.5 Tiller also discusses these experiments in the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!? Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 100 Tiller and associates believe that there are two types of states of physical reality: the classical world and the world of the zero-point field. These two fields exist but do not interact with each other directly. However, when human intention is added, a coupling takes place between these two realities, and the classical world is altered in some way. Otherwise, they usually remain uncoupled. One particular experiment consisted of seasoned meditators, with a common intention between them. Their intention was to raise the pH level in a vessel of water by one unit. The specially designed electronic devices, which held the human intentions, were wrapped in aluminum foil and sent to various labs throughout the country. The test was double-blind and was successful. The experimenters in the blind test did not even know what the electronic devices were supposed to do. They were just instructed to place the devices near the water and take measurements. The fact that human intention can be stored and unite the classical field with the zero-point field is astounding. The pH level of the water was increased by one unit. To convey the significance of this degree of increase, if this same rise happened worldwide, life on this planet would end. What is going on here? Not only is the observer able to collapse a wave function through observation and measurement in quantum physics experiments, but also is able Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 101 to affect all the atoms and molecules in a whole batch of water. Are five meditators better than one? What could a hundred trained meditators do? How much effect could they have? If human intention can affect reality, what is the threshold that must be reached before a collapse can happen in the physical world due to intention? This is truly telekinesis or mind-over-matter. The Maharishi Effect In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted that 1% of a population practicing the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population.6 From the years of 1976 to 1993, groups of people trained in TM were placed strategically throughout the world. There were fifty demonstrations and twenty-six published studies, each showing what became to be called the Maharishi Effect. In many cases, crime dropped by 50-75%, heart disease by 87%, cancer by 55%, and the need for major surgery by 76%. It was discovered that the number of advanced meditators, who could do the TM siddhi/powers meditation, only needed to be the square root of 1% of the population to affect the greater whole. The regular TM Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 102 meditators needed 1% to affect their given threshold or whole of the population. If taken at face value, for the world at large, it would only take 7,745 advanced TM meditators to affect 6,000,000,000 people or 60 million regular TM meditators to have the same affect. It would only take 1,732 advanced TM meditators to affect the United States of America or 3 million regular TM meditators to have the same affect. Regardless of the size needed to create the Maharishi Effect, there are other things to consider. All of these practitioners were trained in the same method. Thus, they all had group coherence and individual coherence. Human intention and consciousness scientists have discovered that order (or coherence) dominates disorder. If this were not so, the Maharishi effect could not work. Nor would the experiments of Dr. William Tiller fare any better. Just as two entangled quantum particles are in coherence with each other, so must the minds and brains of the me di t a t or sbec ohe r e nt .I nf a c t ,ame di t a t or ’ si nt e nt i oni smuc h stronger than a disorganized brain intention. Whether we are dealing with telepathy or telekinesis, coherence is a major principle involved in influencing the zero-point field. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 103 The DNA Phantom Effect Another strange effect from the zero-point energy field was the one done by Russian scientist Vladimir Poponin.7 This experiment is highly controversial but has never been disproved by anyone so far. The experiment included some highly sophisticated equipment and a controlled vacuum tube containing nothing but random photons of light. Within the virtually empty vacuum tube, light was found to be randomly located. This came as no surprise to Poponin and his associates. It was to be expected. Next, Poponin inserted samples of human DNA into the vacuum tube. For no known reason, the photons began to become coherently organized around the DNA helix. There wa snoknownr e a s onf ort hi st oha ppe n.Asi ft hi swa s n’ t strange enough already, it gets even better. When Poponin removed the human DNA from the vacuum, the photons remained in coherent order. Poponin named this phenomenon the DNA Phantom Effect. Poponin concluded that there had to be an unknown field connection between the human DNA and the photons. The connection between the field and the human DNA is similart o Wi l l i a m Ti l l e r ’ se xpl a na t i on a st o how huma n consciousness connects the zero-point energy field to physical matter. In this case, human DNA carries a field of Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 104 consciousness—or vibration—within it, perhaps even still linked to its donor. DNA also has its own molecular frequency or vibration. Good Vibrations According to a leading researcher of biophotons, German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, light is constantly being absorbed and remitted by DNA molecules within each cell's nucleus. These biophotons create a dynamic, coherent web of light.8 In fact, Popp hypothesized that all cells communicate to each other via the vibration of these biophotons of light. It may be that cellular waves or vibrations trigger all chemical reactions. In fact, you may only need the vibrations or waves and not the chemical at all. A group of French scientists decided to take this hy pot he s i sf ur t he rbyc a us i ngag ui ne api g ’ she a r tt os pe e dup and slow down by only using the vibratory signal of the chemicals needed to cause the effect. They never needed the actual chemicals to cause any effect; they only needed to send their signals. In fact, they even proved that you could send these signals over the Internet and get the same results.9 Imagine the significance this has on the causes of disease. Cancer has its own vibration—a signature vibration of its own—as does every other disease. However, we will Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 105 discuss those implications later. The United States Army conducted another experiment involving human DNA: GI Joe and DNA In Gr e g gBr a de n’ sbookThe Divine Matrix, Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief10, there is an interesting e xpe r i me nti nvol vi ng huma n DNA.I nt he e a r l y 1990’ s , scientists took DNA samples from a donor and separated them from the donor by two different, remotely located, insulated rooms (Figure 10-1). Figure 10-1: The donor and the DNA both reacted to the same stimulus at the same time. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 106 The donor was in one room and the DNA in another. These rooms were equivalent to Faraday chambers, shielding all electromagnetic rays. When the person (donor) was s t i mul a t e d,l e t ’ ss a ywi t habur s tofl i g ht ,t heba c koft hebr a i n would react and cause a readout to be recorded on an electrical device like an encephalograph. Simultaneously, in the other room, the DNA did also react at virtually the same instant, at faster than light speed, and recorded a virtual identical electrical readout. This experiment was successfully repeated several years later at a distance of over 350 miles between the donor and the DNA sample. Again, we see another example of the zero-point energy field becoming the medium of communication between two coherent objects. Human emotion and human consciousness was involved at some level with the zero-point energy field, a field that responds to human intention. Some Conclusions At the beginning of the twentieth century, the sensitive equipment needed to measure and test for fields that lay beyond the electromagnetic levels just did not exist. Like Pl a t o’ sa na l og yoft hec a ve ,wec oul donl ys e es ha dows on the wall. A few pioneers broke loose of their materialistic bonds and began to see the Platonic forms that were creating the Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 107 shadows on the cave wall. They noticed that there was light behind the forms, creating the shadows. They found the mouth of the cave and sought to ascend to the light outside the cave of traditional ignorance. Those who looked directly into the Sun felt the pain created from so many years in the cave of ignorance, upon their unused, over-sensitive eyes. When they came back to the cave to free the other prisoners still trapped there, they were attacked, spat upon, and rejected. The names of these heroes of science, religion, and philosophy are countless, ranging throughout all of human history. In the twenty-first century, we now have the devices to begin to see the Sun from within our cave. Unlike Plato, who was an initiate of higher consciousness while Aristotle was not, we have for centuries followed the way of Aristotle towards materialism. Now we come full circle, back to the beginning, and see the truth for the very first time, as Plato did two thousand years earlier. 1 Website: www.wired.com/wired/archive/14.02/dalai.html 2 Lynn McTaggart, The Intention Experiment (New York: Free Press, 2007), Introduction, p. 132. 3 Brian J. Piccolo, Essential Healing: Therapy and Consciousness (Michigan: Alnilam Publishing, 2005), p. 36. 4 Website: www.shockinstitute.net/faculty/theology-spirituality/jzknight-channel-for-ramtha/ Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 108 5 William A. Tiller, Ph.D. and Walter E. Dibble, Jr., Ph.D. White Paper 1: A Brief Introduction to Intention-Host Device Research (© 2009), Website: www.tillerfoundation.com/ 6 Website: www.mum.edu/m_effect/ 7 Vl a di mi rPopon i n ,“ Th eDNAPh a n t omEf f e c t : Direct Measurement of a Ne wFi e l di nt h eVa c u u mSu bs t r u c t u r e , ”pe r f or me dt h eRu s s i a ns t u dy again in 1995 under the auspices of the Institute of HeartMath, Research Division, Boulder Creek, CA. 8 Website: www.wisegeek.com/what-are-biophotons.htm 9 Lynn McTaggart, The Field (New York: Harper, 2008), p. 59. 10 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief (California: Hay House, Inc., 2007), pp. 46-48. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 109 - 11. Entrainment, Coherence, Resonance In science, entrainment, coherence, and resonance are equivalent in meaning. In quantum physics, physical healing, telepathy, telekinesis, and all other physical systems, where meaningful communication takes place, there must be coherence. An example of entrainment would be a room full of grandfather clocks with their pendulums swinging each in its own pattern. However, after a sufficient length of time, all the pendulums would eventually become entrained and swing back and forth in synchronicity. They would then be coherent, and as a group they would resonate a composite vibration. We have mentioned thus far that living cells can communicate to each other without physically touching. All communication in the body, whether by chemical molecules, hormones, or the nervous system, guarantees a vibrational relationship is involved. Each type of cell has its own vibration. When an isolated cell gets out of phase, the surrounding cells will entrain that cell back into vibrational alignment. That is what health is. If the entrainment fails, the cell becomes diseased. Collectively, the human body taken as a whole has a composite vibration as well as its individual parts. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 110 One human physical system that has been deeply understood only in the last decade is the perineural system. This system consists of all the connective tissue in the body, which stems from the nuclear to the cytoskeleton cellular, to the periosteum on bones, to the muscular system, skin, organs, and everything in-between.1 Thanks to the tireless efforts of Dr. James L. Oschman, many of the latest discoveries about this system have been brought to light. Due to the canals of water between each of the cells, the perineural system works as a unit or living matrix, with a semi-conduction of electromagnetic waves. Oschman goes on further to point out that the human body generates both electrical and magnetic pulses. Two Measurable Forces The human body generates electrical fields, which in turn generate magnetic fields. These are often named bioelectrical and biomagnetic. The bioelectrical fields are limited to the body structures, but the biomagnetic fields are not and emanate beyond the physical body. Two movements generate electricity in the tissues of the body: mechanical and hydraulic. One example is how charged particles or ions traveling through the cardiovascular system interact with static tissues Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 111 and create bioelectricity. The other form of bioelectricity is caused by structural deformation, muscle contraction, and the crystalline structure of the bones. This bioelectric effect is known as piezoelectric. The whole perineural system is like a liquid crystal. Living crystals are soft, pliable, and composed of long flexible molecules.2 The perineural system, like a composite liquid crystal, is a semiconductor. A semiconductor is the middle ground between a conductor and an insulator. It is capable of carrying bioelectrical signals throughout the whole body at once. It is considered by Oschman to be faster than the nervous system in relaying communications throughout the body. Remember that the model of consciousness by Hameroff and Penrose was based on the microtubules in the brain cells (known as neurons) being able to vibrate, isolated, into quantum superposition. This idea first came to Hameroff while watching a one-celled paramecium reproduce, look for food, and solve problems without a nucleus, brain, or nervous system. The microtubules knew how to cause cell division without a physical brain directing its actions. Microtubules are part of the perineural system; therefore, many evolutionists believe that the perineural system is the original proto-nervous system. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 112 The Biomagnetic Fields Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID) are very sensitive magnetometers, used to measure e xt r e me l ywe a kma g ne t i cf i e l ds .Duet ot heSQUI D’ sus ei n many nations and the research involved at the Institute of He a r t Ma t h,i tha sbe e ne s t a bl i s he dt ha tt hehe a r t ’ sma g ne t i c component is about 5000 times stronger than the br a i n’ s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body.3 This shows that biomagnetic fields are not limited to the body and that they emanate outwards towards the surrounding environment. These magnetic fields both affect and are affected by the magnetic environment. In order for health to exist in the body, the body must be biologically coherent. Through clinical experiments, it has been discovered that biomagnetic frequencies contain information. This information jump-starts the healing process and stimulates faster mending of broken tissues. Specific discrete frequencies send different messages to different tissues, using various electronic instruments. See Table 11-1. Frequency 2 Hz 7 Hz 10 Hz 15, 20, & 72 Hz Effects Nerve regeneration Bone growth Ligament healing Deceased skin necrosis, capillary formation and fibroblast proliferation 25 & 50 Hz Synergist effects and nerve growth Table 11-1: Biomagnetic frequencies that affect health. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 113 Both Lynn McTaggart4 and Dr. John Oschman5 have documented many of the studies done on the hands of healers from all persuasions and traditions. It was found that the ma g ne t i cf i e l dse ma na t i ngf r om t hehe a l e r s ’ha ndss c a nne d between 0.03 to 50 cycles per second (CPS) but mostly hovered at 7.8 CPS. This becomes interesting because this is where the Schumann waves of the Earth tend to resonate. Schumann Waves and Planetary Entrainment Physicist Winfried Otto Schumann mathematically predicted the existence of the resonance between the Earth and the Ionosphere in 1952. However, it was not until measurements made by Balser and Wagner in 1960-19636 that proved its existence. The Schumann Wave resonates roughly between 1-40Hz. This is similar to the range of human brainwaves and the array of healing energies emanating from he a l e r s ’ha nds . Figure 11-1: Schumann Waves Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 114 The Schumann Wave is created by a combination of lightning activity from around the world (Figure 11-1). There are about 200 lightning strikes every second of every day. Therefore, the field is constantly being charged. These pulses tend to occur mostly in the daytime and are influenced by solar, lunar, and planetary positions, as well as sunspots. This overlapping between biological fields and the Schumann resonance is not accidental but part of our evolutionary history. Our health is so dependent on it that NASA and the USSR studied the effects of prolonged space travel, where the astronauts did not receive any normal Schumann resonance. The astronauts were more disoriented than expected to be. It is now believed by many researchers that NASA shuttles are now equipped with Schumann wave generators.7 What is known and has been studied are the entrainment effects on organisms, both internal and external. For example, many animals can sense t heEa r t h’ sg e oma g ne t i c field. Geomagnetic rhythms also cue up and affect biorhythms in multiple ways. The ancient acupuncture belief in circadian rhythms of the human body has now been verified.8 Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 115 Entrainment Internal/External its Effects on People There have been arguments, both pro and con, on the effects of external entrainment upon human beings. However, the evidence over the last two decades supports the effects of weather, the geomagnetic field, solar storms, and sunspots on human behavior. Just a spike in humidity alone will drive up all the pain indicators for chronic arthritic conditions. Many studies have concluded that the brain has its own built-in entrainment system, located in either the thalamus or the pineal gland.9 According to researchers, a thalamic oscillation takes place with the buildup of calcium ions, which oscillates between 1.5 to 28 seconds. When this threshold is reached, a silent phase begins that lasts for about 5 to 25 seconds. During this silent phase, external entrainment can dominate.10 Re s e a r c he r Gr e g g Br a de n’ s vi e w11 is even more extended. He perceives a galactic rhythm affecting the Sun. In turn, the Sun affects the Earth, and the Earth affects the biorhythms of our heart, rather than our brain. It is through our heart of compassion and clarity that we influence the world. Os c hma n’ smode lonhow e xt e r na le nt r a i nme ntwor ks i sal i t t l el e s sa mbi t i oust ha nBr a de n’ smode l ,butj us ta s exciting (Figure 11-2). Oschman perceives the Schumann resonance entraining the pineal gland12, which in turn entrains Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 116 the whole perineural system, which in turn allows the healer to transmit the vibration to an injured tissue site. Remember: coherency dominates the disorganization found in disease, and magnetic fields are not limited to body structures for containment. Figure 11-2: External to Internal to Healing Entrainment. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 117 Geomagnetic Fields and the Power of Intention Whi l e Os c hma n’ s wor k i s r e ma r ka bl e , Ly nn Mc Ta g g a r t ’ s doc ume nt a t i on on t he e f f e c t s of e xt e r na l entrainment go to the next level. She shows that the power of huma ni nt e n t i oni nc r e a s e swhe nt heEa r t h’ sg e oma g ne t i cf i e l d is activated. Healers are able to affect their clients more easily and are more successful on such days.13 To the contrary, on very calm days when the geomagnetic field is silent, and the solar storms are abated, telepathy is stronger while healing and telekinesis is weaker. This would make sense from the point of view of quantum mechanics. It takes a sufficiently strong wave to reach its threshold before it prematurely collapses from decoherence and interference from the classical world of physics. Some Conclusions The purpose of this chapter is to show that even on a materialistic level, the universe is made up of electromagnetic waves. These waves are amendable to entrainment, coherence, and human intention. Order dominates disorder. Order is health, and disorder is disease. Just the vibrational signal, minus its chemical molecule, is all that is needed to cause cellular changes. Two cells can communicate without Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 118 touching, just by oscillating the right frequency. This is starting to sound like St arTr e k ’ sDr .Mc Coy ’ stricorder, which emitted vibrations of entrainment to facilitate healing in his sick bay. Finally, for those who would like to know what space weather is like on a daily basis, I suggest the Space Weather Prediction Center, better known as NOAA.14 A G1 is a mild storm and a G5 is a severe storm. Check it out for yourself. See if you are psychic more so on some days than other days. You may find that you have more synchronistic events happen to you during strong geomagnetic storms or magnetic solar mass ejections. We live in a universe of geomagnetic waves of varying frequencies, not solid particles. While this chapter is interesting, we still have not connected it with the deeper levels of the zero-point field. We will consider that later. For now, we will continue another aspect of this conversation. We will follow the lead started by Harold Saxton Burr, taken up by David Bohm, and carried on further by Rupert Sheldrake: the theory of morphogenesis and the form fields involved. 1 James L. Oschman, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (London: Churchill Livingstone, 2000), pp. 41-55. 2 Livolant, F., Bouligand, Y., Liquid crystalline phases given by helical biological polymers (DNA, PBLG and xanthan). Columnar textures (1986). Website: http://en.scientificcommons.org/55182704 Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 119 3 The Institute of HeartMath, Website: www.heartmath.org 4 Lynn McTaggart, The Intention Experiment (New York: Free Press, 2007), Introduction, pp. 21-30. 5 James L. Oschman, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, pp. 86-88. 6 Balser M. and C. Wagner (1962), "Diurnal power variations of the earthionosphere cavity modes and their relationship to worldwide thunderstorm activity." J.G.R 67: 619–625. 7 I have not been able to deny nor verify this fact with NASA. They have no mention of it on their website. 8 Moore-Ede, Martin C.; Sulszman, Frank M.; Fuller, Charles A. (1982), The Clocks that Time Us: Physiology of the Circadian Timing System. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-13581-4. 9 Anderson P., Anderson S. A., Physiological Basis of the Alpha Rhythm (New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1968) 10 James L. Oschman, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, p. 96. 11 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief (California: Hay House, Inc., 2007), pp. 50-51. 12 James L. Oschman, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, p. 103 13 Lynn McTaggart, The Intention Experiment, pp. 107-108. 14 NOAA Website: www.swpc.noaa.gov/index.html Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 120 - 12. Form Follows Function, or Does It? Wol f f ’ sl a wi sat he or y ,de v e l ope d byt heGe r ma n Anatomist/Surgeon, Julius Wolff (1836–1902), in the 19th century. In short, it means that the way a bone functions soon will cause a remodeling in the bone itself, due to the demands placed upon it. However, we could extend this definition to cover the complete human body. If you walk bent over for a substantial length of time, you will change the shape of your organs, muscles, and connective tissues as well. This is one way to look at form remodeling in the biological divisions of matter and could be extended to nonliving matter as well. The question is thus begged, how does the initial form of a cell, a bone, a muscle, or the human body take place? If you argue that it comes from the genes or DNA, you would be wrong. The DNA is identical in every cell of a human body. So, where does the information come from to tell the DNA what type of cell to make, how many to make, and what form it should take? In molecular biological circles, the process of formative causation is known as morphogenesis. Morphogenesis is taken from the Greek morphê shape and genesis c r e a t i on,a ndl i t e r a l l yme a ns“ be g i nni ngoft hes ha pe . ” Morphogenesis is a problem for biological scientists of all camps and divisions of theory. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 121 Dr. Harold Saxton Burr (1889-1973) first presented a theoretical solution to the problem of morphogenesis publicly from 1916 to just before his death. He had worked many years upon the subject but did not become that vocal about it until he had secured tenure at Yale University School of Medicine. In his book The Electrical Patterns of Life1 hes t a t e s ,“ The Universe in which we find ourselves and from which we can not be separated is a place of Law and Order. It is not an accident, nor chaos. It is organized and maintained by an Electro-dynamic field capable of determining the position and 2 move me ntofa l lc ha r g e dpa r t i c l e s . ” Bur r ’ sr e s e a r c ha nd e xpe r i me nt a t i on l e d hi m t o conclude that all living things –from men to mice, from trees to seeds –are molded and controlled by electro-dynamic fields. These fields could be measured and mapped with standard voltmeters. Thus, it was the electro-dynamic fields that caused form to happen and not the DNA. It must be mentioned that the concept of the field was relatively new to the 19th and 20th centuries. From the 17th century to about 1840, matter was still considered the fundamental reality and comparable to little round billiard balls interacting with each other. It was not until Michael Faraday (1791 –1867) had discovered electromagnetism, that the concept of the field entered physics. However, it was not unt i lt he 1 860’ st ha tJ a me s Cl e r k Ma xwe l l( 1831-1879) Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 122 created the mathematics needed to describe the electromagnetic fields for physics. Yet, the concept of the subtle energy of ether was still believed to exist and played a part in the foundation of the field. It was not until the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 that physics convinced itself that ether did not exist. Later, even Einstein hedged back and forth on the subject several times. Today, it is believed that the equipment used by Michelson-Morley was too crude to actually measure for etheric fields. Therefore, ether may actually exist at some level of reality, as Max Planck suggested in 1944.3 Thus, we have many fields in science today and many electromagnetic waves of varying frequencies. We have gravitational fields, electrical fields, magnetic fields, and zeropoint fields to name a few. This has led science to the search for the one ground or unifying field. String theory and other pursuits by physics represent the effort to find the Holy Grail of physics: the Grand Unified Field. So far, it has not been found, but most physicists believe it will be found later if not sooner. Thus, the passion for reductionism in science is reinforced because it is believed that by understanding the tiniest pieces of matter, we will understand the whole 4 uni ve r s e .Somes c i e nt i s t sc a l lt hi st he“ GodPa r t i c l e . ” Reductionism as scientific method has spilled over into molecular biology, because molecules are the smallest units Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 123 within the life sciences. Microbiologists believe that the answers to incurable diseases and more will be found at this sub-cellular level of existence. Therefore, reductionism theories get the most funding in universities. However, some pioneers in biology, as well as in physics, have heard the sound of a different drummer and have gone in another direction. They believe the answer to how formation takes place in both living and non-living matter is not found in reductionism, or in holistic views, but rather in the fields of formation-ism. The Revolution Begins The concept of the field has entered biology through Burr and many others, such as Robert Becker and Gary Selden.5 There has also been pioneering work by Richard Gerber in his book Vibrational Medicine.6 Yet, one of the most well-known pioneers is Rupert Sheldrake7, who has taken his understanding to both the academic world and to the common citizen. Sheldrake has probably done more than anyone to make the concept of morphogenic fields more comprehensible and scientific. In his earlier work A New Science of Life, he demonstrates his basic foundational concepts concerning Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 124 morphogenic fields. He also has many videos on the Internet, free to anyone who has the inclination to view them. In one such Internet video8, Sheldrake states that no one understands embryology or the mechanism behind the formations taking place. We have limbs, yet one limb is a right limb, and the other is a left limb. The DNA is identical. How does the body get instructions to form right limbs and left limbs? Thus, the concept of a morphic field as a working hypothesis is then presented by Sheldrake. One great concept that shows how electro-magnetic fields relate to living morphogenic fields can be shown with an ordinary bar magnet. See Figure 12-1 below. Figure 12-1: Break a bar magnet into four pieces and you will then have four bar magnets. If you take a bar magnet and break it into four pieces, you have not destroyed the magnet or its magnetism. Instead, what you have created now is four new magnets, each Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 125 containing its own magnetic field. The field remains, but in smaller parameters. What you see reflected here is a regeneration of the original bar magnet into four complete smaller units. Regeneration is also a huge problem to explain with mainstream molecular biology. Imagine taking a flatworm and cutting it into three equal pieces (see Figure 12-2). Figure 12-2: Shows how one flatworm after being dissected into three pieces can regenerate as three complete flatworms. By comparison to the regeneration of the magnets mentioned above, the flatworm regenerates as three completely new flatworms. This is a good comparison to show how morphogenic fields have properties similar to magnetic fields. For Sheldrake, morphogenic fields can be affected by magnetic and electrical fields, but are themselves neither. Human beings can regenerate a liver, but not a limb. Yet, newts and salamanders can regenerate their limbs. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 126 Sheldrake takes this a step further and shows that after removing the lens from the eye of a newt, it was able to regenerate the whole lens from the edge of the iris.9 This is not wha tha ppe nsi nt hene wt ’ se mbr y oni cde ve l opme nt, which or i g i na l l yc r e a t e st hel e nsf r om as ki nc ove r i ngt hene wt ’ se y e . So where does the new ability come from? It comes from the morphogenic field that surrounds all newts as a species. Sheldrake proposes that there are many morphic fields and different types. There are social fields, mind fields, behavior fields, and fields that even form crystals. Sheldrake reports that when a new crystal is made in a laboratory for the first time, it takes time for the form field or morphic field to assimilate and form the crystal. Yet, in subsequent experiments, the new crystal is forming faster and faster because the morphic field for that species of crystal is able to learn.10 Resonance is the term Sheldrake uses to explain the causative ability of morphogenic fields to learn from the past and from other fields. To his credit, Sheldrake does not consider morphogenic fields to be made of mass or waves and to be non-energetic.11 However, without the morphogenic fields, the universe would be in chaos. Sheldrake also sees no reason why morphogenic fields should have to obey the known laws of classical physics and that future resonances or causes could possibly happen. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 127 Morphogenic fields, for Sheldrake, explain how telepathy can and does exist between people and animals. He considers this to be very natural and not supernatural. When showing picture puzzles for the first time to a group of people, it took them so long, on average, to figure out the hidden image. As one might guess, the more the experiment was done, the faster each new group could solve the picture puzzle. This demonstrates a possible collective unconscious, similar to what Carl G. Jung proposed. Finally, for Sheldrake, the laws of the universe are merely habits that have been built over time. These habits could also be described as memory. Sheldrake indicates by analogy that morphic fields are hierarchical in nature. Just as a city is in a county, a county is in a state, a state is in a country, and a country is in a world, so are morphic fields configured (Figure 12-3). Figure 12-3: Here is shown a Chinese series of hierarchical sets of threes. Each one is nested in the other. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 128 Therefore, as shown in Figure 12-3, Sheldrake sees morphic fields as being nested in each other hierarchically.12 For Sheldrake, the morphic fields are natural but cannot be measured directly, due to the limitations of current science and technology. He believes that someday they will be found. Yet, he does not deny that electromagnetic fields and chemistry can affect morphogenic fields and the resultant forms, but they cannot explain them. Electromagnetic Stimulation For those who live closer to the earth, there were two more experiments done to see if animals not having the natural ability to regenerate could be stimulated to do so through artificial means. In 1967, Stephen D. Smith, at the University of Kentucky, implanted tiny batteries into the amputated limbs of a frog. Frogs cannot regenerate their limbs like salamanders can. Smith was successful showing that electromagnetic vibration could stimulate regeneration.13 There were also some successful experiments on rats and other small mammals, but not as dynamic as a true morphic field could accomplish.14 As we have already shown in the last few chapters, vibrational medicine is becoming more accepted everyday. Electromagnetic instruments with specific frequencies can stimulate soft tissue and bone growth. However, none of these Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 129 magnetic stimulations can explain form. Just as chemistry and steroids can stimulate growth into form, they of themselves cannot explain it. Group Souls and Morphogenic Fields The problem of form goes all the way back to Aristotle and Plato. Yet, as time goes by, Plato seems more right than was at first accredited him. Could a morphogenic field be the extension of the perfect form of a species as Plato taught? Are there Universal Forms and Essences that learn and change? C. Jinarajadasa, a theosophist and faithful follower of H. P. Blavatsky, taught the esoteric doctrine of group souls.15 A group soul can account for the group intelligence of a species, whether it be animal, mineral, or vegetable. How do bees know how to build geodesic hives? How does the whole species of monkeys learn something when a threshold is reached, such as the 100th monkey syndrome?16 In 1952, on the island of Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys would spend hours picking off the sand particles before eating the sweet potatoes. Then one day, a young female of about 18 months accidentally dropped the sweet potato into the beach water. When she picked it up, it was washed clean of all sand particles. From that day forward, she Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 130 began to teach other monkeys to do the same. Except for a few old-timers, every monkey had mastered the skill of washing the sweet potatoes by 1958. This would be reward enough, except that it gets even better. When the scientists visited the neighboring islands, all of the same species of monkeys had already adopted the same skill of sweet potato washing. This knowledge and ability had jumped the oceans to other islands. A threshold had been reached, similar to the wave function in quantum physics, and the whole species adapted at once to the new skill and knowledge. Thus, it was named the 100th monkey syndrome to represent the unknown threshold. The famous Jesuit scholar, Teilhard de Chardin, proposed that an event or threshold was going to happen to all ofhuma ni t yi nt hef ut ur e .Hec a l l e dt hi st hr e s hol dt he“ Ome g a Poi nt . ”Att hi spoi nt ,a l lofhuma nity would unite as one conscious mind—t heEa r t h’ smi nd. Another indirect interpretation of morphogenic fields is found in the works of Rudolph Steiner, the famous Anthroposophist. His view of universal forms is closer to She l dr a ke ’ svi e w ofmor phog e ni cf ields. For Steiner, the eternal forms were non-static (moving and adapting). Steiner, through direct clairvoyant perception of the more subtle realms of existence, could see what theosophists name group souls (see Figure 12-4). He saw that a human being had seven vehicles, not just the physical body. He Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 131 perceived that the higher vehicles had the perfected form of the man, but the lower vehicles, due to karma, had many times become distorted, creating disease. Figure 12-4: Schematic of the Constitution of Man, Angel, Archangel, and Archai. For Man: 1. Physical Body, 2. Etheric Body, 3. Astral Body, 4. Higher Ego, 5. Spirit Self, 6. Spirit Life, 7. Spirit Body. In his writings, Steiner proposed that the physical body of an archangel is no longer connected to the archangel directly. In fact, it is now many physical bodies of a single species, perhaps an animal.17 The archangel itself is the overlord or ruling soul of the group. This spiritual being is the intelligence behind the morphogenic field. What the perfect form of a tiger should be is already known in the spiritual realms. It is the consciousness of the group soul that preserves Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 132 the plan, or architecture, and commands the etheric-electro and magnetic fields of builders to direct the DNA and chemicals, on the physical plane, to create the form as already blueprinted. At the levels of the electromagnetic, karma happens, fields are distorted and deviated from the Divine Plan, and malformation takes place. This is where acupuncture and many forms of vibrational medicine work to correct the energy body of the patient to insure healing. Steiner also mentions that the group souls of nations are archangels and that the archai rule whole ages of evolution. These beings are also evolving and changing. These group s ou l s mi g ht a l s o be She l dr a ke ’ s mor phi cf i e l ds . According to esoteric sciences, every being exists in the field ofa g r e a t e rbe i ng .Thi si ss i mi l a rt o She l dr a ke ’ sne s t e d hierarchy concept of morphogenic fields. Cells exist in our bodies, our bodies in a community, etc. Therefore, it is not inconceivable that the morphic field of a group of monkeys is the group soul of an archangel. Some Conclusions The pr obl e m of dua l i s m s t i l l ha unt s She l dr a ke ’ s theories of morphogenic fields, even though he may think it does not. He has already regulated his hypotheses to the non- Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 133 detectable by inferring that the morphic fields are neither waves, nor particles, nor subject to time and space limitations. Inferring a material monism or an implicate order such as David Boh m’ st he or yofphy s i c swi l lnotdot het r i c ke i t he r . The second law of thermal dynamics is violated if there is no exchange of measurable energy between the morphic fields and the physical form. Plainly speaking, Sheldrake is right: the morphic fields do in fact exist. They are a necessity. However, if we borrow f r om Dr . Ami t Gos wa mi ’ s hy pot he s i s t ha ta bs ol ut e consciousness is the foundation of reality, then the dualism disappears. Through a parallelism of realms, consciousness maps in the directions given in the morphic fields to the physical forms. No exchange of energy need be happening and the second law of thermal dynamics is not violated. This does not mean that self-consciousness is not an epiphenomena; it most likely is. Self-consciousness is the epiphenomena of proto or absolute consciousness reflecting back on itself. Comparable to light, which remains invisible until reflected back, self-awareness is the result of absolute consciousness reflecting back on itself through the physical brain. The brain is both a receiver and a sender of information, a tool of consciousness. The brain is a fun house of mirrors for consciousness to become its own subject. Thus, as Krishnamurti proclaimed, the observer becomes the observed. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 134 However, absolute consciousness is proto consciousness or Divine Consciousness. Remember: higher consciousness is the Holy Grail and there are gradients or degrees of consciousness between ego personality and the Divine. 1 Harold Saxton Burr, Blueprint for Immortality: the Electric Patterns of Life (N. Spearman, 1972). 2 Website: www.wrf.org/men-women-medicine/dr-harold-s-burr.php 3 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief (United States: Hay House, 2007), p. 21. 4 Website: www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/09/10/lhc.collider/index.html 5 Robert O Becker, Gary Selden, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundations of Life (New York: Quill, 1985). 6 Richard Gerber, M.D., Vibrational Medicine (Vermont: Bear and Company, 2001). 7 Sheldrake obtained his Ph.D. in biochemistry at Cambridge. Biography of Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. –Part II. Website: www.sheldrake.org/About/biography/biography2.html 8 Rupert Sheldrake, Internet Video: The Morphogenetic Universe. A presentation at the Biology of Transformation Conference in 2007. Found on Google: 1 hour and 20 minutes duration. 9 Rupert Sheldrake, A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (United States: J.P. Tarcher, Inc., 1982), p.21. 10 Ibid., pp. 104-105. 11 Ibid., pp. 96-97. 12 Ibid., p. 72. 13 Robert O Becker, Gary Selden, The Body Electric, pp. 150-152. 14 Ibid., pp. 152-155. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 135 - 15 C. Jinararajadasa, M.A., First Principles of Theosophy (Adyar, Madrid: Vasanta Press, 1938, Reprint by Health Research, 1976), pp. 164-185. 16 Ken Keyes, Jr., The Hundredth Monkey (June, 1984) Website: www.heartlandsangha.org/100thmonkey.html 17 Rudolph Steiner, Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World (New York: Anthroposophical Press, 1996), pp. 106-119. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 136 - 13. Morphogenic & Zero-Point Fields and Scalar Waves Ul t i ma t e l y ,wha ti st hepur pos eofma n’ ss e a r c hi nt o quantum physics all about? Is it just some strange curiosity that plagues only the human race, causing it to seek to be more than what it appears to be to the five senses? I think not. I believe science and its discoveries are to serve humanity, something Wilhelm Reich also believed.1 The true purpose of all our research into the mysteries of being is to heal our diseases, improve our lives, and to know the truth. As Jesus is quot e di nt heBi bl ea ss a y i ng ,“ Andy es ha l lknow t het r ut h, 2 a ndt het r u t hs ha l lma key ouf r e e . ” How will knowing about the zero-point field, scalar waves, and morphogenic fields help free humanity? Well, for one, apparently within the vacuum of space is all the energy we could ever need, want, and use. It does not entropy or cause oil spills. Dr. William A. Tiller3 has made this abundantly clear and has demonstrated, through his research, that the zero-point field responds to human intention. What we think, feel, and observe matters. Whenever we observe, we are making a measurement in the field of our perception. Our left-brain filters all the excess data from our right-brain, in accordance to our conditioning. In a sense, our complete brain is the result of the collapse of the morphic field Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 137 that programs it. Change the morphic field and you change the collapse of the wave function, no matter what it is. This is how instant healing and spontaneous remission of disease happens. Sheldrake has argued that there are morphic fields nested within other morphic fields.4 By analogy, I would argue that every system in the human body has a unique morphic field interacting with others. There is a morphic field copy of every organ in the human body. As consciousness affects the zero-point field, the zero-point field affects the scalar waves. The scalar waves affect the morphic fields, which affect the electromagnetic fields of the body through vibration, which programs the DNA, which results in either health or disease. In a sense, scalar waves are the inverse of electromagnetic fields, and vice versa. James Clerk Maxwell originally understood this in his original twenty-four quaternion equations. Together, they are the unified field Einstein was looking for.5 When Maxwell died, Oliver Heaviside took over his work and edited the equations down to a simplistic four equations. No copy of the original work by Maxwell remained and has been lost to history. Perhaps, the reason Einstein failed to unify gravity with the other forces of physics is because he was building on the truncated versions ofMa xwe l l ’ se qua t i ons . Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 138 Dr. Richard Bartlett and Matrix Energetics® One researcher who has been doing some exciting work in applying quantum physics and consciousness to healing is Dr. Richard Bartlett.6 At his seminars, many people are instantly healed of various problems, such as scoliosis. Others receive healing over a measure of time. Significant personalities, such as the Dali Lama and Dr. William A. Tiller, have been seen at his seminars. Bartlett has not produced any statistics as to what percentage of people are helped by his methods, and perhaps he feels that this is not the issue. His seminars are to train people to do what he does, for themselves and others. Building on what Bartlett calls the quantum physics mythology, he has explained and taught his concepts. For e xa mpl e , he t e a c he s wha ti sc a l l e d t he “ Two-Poi nt ” application.7 Since it takes two points to have a measurement between them, like in quantum physics, the practitioner finds t wo poi nt son t hec l i e nt ’ sbody .J us ta st wo phot onsc a n become entangled, so eventually the two points become nonlocal and one—kind of like a double phase conjugate. Thepr a c t i t i one rha st o bei n a“ dr op down”he art consciousness to begin to observe or notice what he notices. He observes from the heart space what is different both internally and externally. Observing without judging allows Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 139 for a new pathway or space to be created.8 The main key is to do nothing and allow the morphic field to collapse on its own. When successful, the related morphic field is collapsed anew, even causing the client to swoon in a wave-like motion. A kind of restructuring takes place. This phenomenon often results in spontaneous healing. Of course, there is much more to this theory by Bartlett, but this is a good thumbnail sketch of his concept for our purposes. Other Methods of Quantum Energy Healing Other methods of healing are taking place at quantum levels by the consciousness shifting of the healer him/her self. The practitioner, such as of the Yuen Method, makes corrections energetically to the patient.9 By scanning the body energetically, using muscle testing, the problem is identified and corrected by the consciousness of the practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)10, made popular by Gary Craig (now retired), is another example of quantum physics and consciousness leading to healing. By gently tapping on Chinese meridian points (the same ones acupuncturists use), healing is initiated. The current Newtonian model of physics cannot explain this; it is another form of quantum healing. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 140 Some Conclusions Morphic fields and the patterns of scalar waves often seen in sand dunes, ocean currents, and cloud formations may only be the results of long-term habits. The basic laws of the universe might only be the buildup of morphic fields that are able to learn and remember what works. Maybe they can learn because they are the vehicles of conscious beings (angels). Perhaps an undercurrent, a master morphic field, or Platonic form exists and is the self-correcting impulse in the uni ve r s e .Th i swoul de xpl a i nwhyBa r t l e t t ’ spa t i e nt sr e c ove r by allowing rather than by doing. The master morphic field, t hePl a t oni c“ Good”f or m,i st hef oundation of all the other forms. It would also contain all the other forms in their pristine perfected form, before their copies became corrupted. The intention of the master morphic field had to be put there by some cosmic consciousness or intention (God). So then, what is evil? Does it exist? What are the r a mi f i c a t i o nsofhuma ni t y ’ sl a t e ntunc ons c i ousa bi l i t i e sof telekinesis? Lynn McTaggart calls this possibility of negative manifestations the Voodoo Effect.11 The problem of negative intention is what we will deal with in the next chapter. 1 Ilse Ollendorff, Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography (New York: Ma r t i n ’ sPr e s s ,1969) 2 John 8:32, King James Version. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 141 - 3 See the William A Tiller Foundation, and his White Papers. Website: www.tillerfoundation.com/index.php 4 Rupert Sheldrake, A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (United States: J.P. Tarcher, Inc., 1982), p. 73. 5 Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, The Physics of Miracles (New York: Atria Books, 2009), p. 119. 6 See the Matrix Energetics Website: www.matrixenergetics.com/ 7 Richard Bartlett, The Physics of Miracles, pp. 82-88. 8 Ibid., pp. 90-91. 9 Kam Yuen, DC, CEM, Yuen Method of Chinese Energetics (Canoga Park, CA: CEM Publishers, 2003), p. 77. 10 11 The World Center for EFT website: www.emofree.com/ Lynn McTaggart, The Intention Experiment (New York: Free Press, 2008), pp. 145-160. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 142 - 14. The War of All Against All Spiritual scientist and Doctor of epistemology, Rudolph Steiner, spoke many times of the war of all against all. This never made sense to me until I began to understand the implications of quantum physics and the power of human intention. Steiner stated: Mighty flames of fire destroyed ancient Lemuria, and mighty floods ancient Atlantis. Our civilization will also perish, through the war of all against all. This is what we must face. Our fifth root-race will perish, because egoism will reach its highest pitch.1 If we couple extreme egoism with human focused intention, what will then be the result? If, over time, all of humanity gets in touch with the awareness of telekinesis and the power of intention, will we turn on each other like a pack of mad, rabid, infested wolves? Steiner goes on further to say: But at the same time, a small group of men will develop the power of Budhi, of the Life-Spirit, through the force of thought, in order to carry over Budhi into the new civilization. Everything that is productive in the striving human being will grow stronger and stronger, until his personality reaches the summit of freedom.2 Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 143 I twoul da ppe a r ,f r om St e i ne r ’ spoi ntofvi e w,t ha tthe war of all against all is unavoidable and will result with a remnant of survivors who will carry on the human race. This remnant will develop the higher mind/spirit inner guidance that will help them survive the global transition. The higher ego is to be honored and the lower ego to be transcended and redeemed through completion. Steiner is not alone in his concern about the misuses of egocentric-directed power struggles. The great high priestess of the occult, H. P. Blavatsky, stressed many times the power of human intention and focused imagination to create dark results. This could happen both consciously and unconsciously. Anyone who dabbled in such dark arts consciously, to kill or cause harm to another, was known as a black magician or Dugpa in India.3 However, even unconscious dark intentions still can happen with unaware, negative-intentioned people. Blavatsky herself was quite a master of telekinesis. She could precipitate letters from the Masters out of seemingly thin air. She could transmute metal, such as turning a lead set of apartment keys into a whistle for a present. She could also duplicate objects like a hand mirror. She claimed to do these things through the Indian practice of Kriya Shakti or Mind Power.4 Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 144 On a more contemporary note, Lynn McTaggart tells of her experience with her own non-intended negative intentions.5 When McTaggart discovered that her house cleaner accidentally cleaned off all of the chrome from her new expensive bathroom faucets, she went ballistic emotionally. Later she discovered that at the exact time she felt this way, her house cleaner fell down and hurt herself. This is, of course, anecdotal, but it makes the point. McTaggart calls this the Voodoo Effect. McTaggart documents studies for us that show how many times healers use negative intention to get desired results. One such time would be when healers are intending that cancer cells die.6 Healers, through negative intentions, can also inhibit bacterial growth. Other healers are afraid to use negative intentions. They are afraid that the negative intention will move beyond the bacteria or cancer onto the patient. The Canadian healer, Olga Worrell, feels this way and will not use such negative intentions.7 It was also discovered that distance is no limit for negative or positive intentions. Bacterial cultures could be affected 15 miles away during experiments for telekinesis. Qi g ong pr a c t i t i one r s ’ out wa r di nt e nt i ons ha ve t he power to destroy or enhance.8 Qigong masters can intentionally weaken their opponent from a distance by Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 145 sending negative qi or chi towards them. On the other hand, they can also strengthen others and themselves. One practitioner using chi corrections in a positive sense to allow for pain relief and healing is Kam Yuen.9 Kam Yuen, inventor of the Yuen Method TM , is able to many times r e l i e veap e r s on’ spa i ni nama t t e rofmi nut e s .Be i ngaf or me r martial artist, he discovered that he could quickly weaken his opponents through certain intentions, or he could strengthen them with the opposite intentions. Mass Minded Implications and the Media By implication, if a collective morphic field of consensus thinking exists for humanity, and human intention collapses the world into existence, think of the power the media has. People do not have to consciously know they are part of a consensus morphic field to be manipulated into manifesting what the media wants them to create. Propaganda mass media machines actually create what the elite want to manifest. This is the secret behind ad campaigns and mass media exposure. If Oprah Winfrey promotes your book on her s how,y ou’ l ls e l lmi l l i onsofc opi e sove r ni g ht .Tha nkGodf or Oprah; she is well intentioned, and she uses the media correctly to do well. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 146 Mass exposure is one thing, but programming for manifestation is another. Somewhat similar to the movie, The Matrix, starring Keanu Reeves, newscasters are doing more than reporting the news; they are literally creating it. Even if it i s done unc ons c i ous l y ,t he me di a ’ s me s s a g ei sl i t e r a l l y programming people; and the mainstream media enforces materialism as the one true reality. Instead of a field of human batteries, like in the Matrix movie, we have a field of unconscious human co-creators. Once a consensus is reached, like the hundredth monkey analogy, gravity rules, and the populace cannot levitate. Another collective wave collapses from the Zero-Point field, and materialism is reinforced. Only mystics and Gurus, who think outside the collective morphic field, still can literally walk on water.10 However, the Internet can be an alternative to mass media domination. Chat rooms, Internet blogs, and other interactive communications have the potential to challenge the mass mainstream media and force it to be more honest. Some Conclusions In my opinion, there are secret societies that have held back this knowledge of co-creation and manifestation of reality from the general society for good reasons originally. At least, this is what has been argued and taught by esoteric Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 147 philosophy. However, it is obvious that the time has come where the greater truth needs to be made clearer. The veil of Isis has now been publicly rented, like the Jewish inner temple veil at the time of the crucifixion of Christ. The separation between God and humanity is gone, even if it was never there. We all have equal access to the Zero-Point quantum field. An intermediary or organization is no longer needed in the traditional sense. As the many branches of twenty-first century science catch up with the perceptual doors opened by quantum physics in the twentieth century, the one truth that science, philosophy, and religion all have sought is at hand. Even if quantum physics turns out to be only a useful fiction, it did lead us back to the Grail castle and the truth. The truth is that consciousness collapses the universe. Blessed are those whose eyes are open, and whose ears do hear. For those who can bear it, the Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand. 1 Le c t u r ebyDr .Ru dol fSt e i n e r ,Dü s s e l dor f ,Ma r c h7,1907,“ Th e Mysteries of theSpi r i t ,t h eSona n dt h eFa t h e r ” , Website: http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/19070307p01.html 2 Ibid. 3 H. P. Blavatsky, Theosophical Glossary (Los Angeles, CA: The Theosophy Company, 1990), pp. 105-106. 4 Daniel H. Caldwell, The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky: Insights into the Life of a Modern Sphinx (Wheaton, Illinois: Quest Books, 2000). Caldwell documents through a whole plethora of witnesses all of the phenomena produced by H. P. Blavatsky over her lifetime. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 148 - 5 Lynn McTaggart, The Intention Experiment (New York: Free Press, 2008), pp. 145-160. 6 Ibid., p. 146. 7 Ibid., 147. 8 Ibid., p. 150. 9 Kam Yuen, DC, CEM, Instant Pain Relief (Canoga Park, CA: CEM Publishers, 2003), pp. 26-35. 10 Brian John Piccolo, The Gospel of Co-Creation (Sterling Heights, MI: Alnilam Publishing, 2007), pp. 33-39, ISBN-978-0-6151-6263-8 Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 149 - 15. Afterward In this work, I have tried to show the implications of quantum physics and its relationship to consciousness. I do not consider this book to be a work of mainstream science, but rather of spiritual science and philosophy. And like the ancient seafaring maps, where the navigator would fill in the unknown charted areas with a serpent, we have been swimming with the serpents during this work. The archetype of the serpent was a symbol in the ancient Eastern cultures of Wisdom. It was also the symbol used to refer to initiates of higher consciousness, who were considered twice born: once as a human, and again as a god. Therefore, Jesus could speak in code when he admonished his followers to be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves.1 We are at a crossroads in human evolution, socially and individually. Our relationship and responsibility to our own thoughts, feelings, and intentions are being made apparent. Our very lives and health depend on it. Drug induced medicine is slowly failing with prescriptive side effects more malignant than the symptoms being treated by them. Modern medicine is on the brink of a revolution, moving towards vibrational medicine and energy healing work. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 150 Organized religions that are flexible enough to embrace the change in human consciousness may survive. If they cannot, they will be replaced by those that can. Science and Spirit are coming together in spite of the inertia encountered with the former religious and scientific status quo. Political and economical systems are failing, being based upon primitive materialistic models and crippling morphic fields. The creation of all poverty is based upon the belief in poverty as a necessary fact. Yet, the facts are that poverty is politically created through the belief and intention of the collective morphic field that allows it to continue. For we wrestle, not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, and morphic fields of large investment.2 In my book, The Gospel of Co-Creation,3 I discuss in fuller detail the implications and ultimate teleology of humanity. We are not the only gods in the universe. No, we are just the youngest. We are learning to be conscious creators, how to form a square in our imaginations, you might say, when we want to. All the gods before us have been human at some stage in their development. They too had to go through their war of all against all. Nevertheless, they ultimately learned to work Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 151 together as a community of willingly submitted egos. You see this theme reflected in the Star Trek series by the relationship between humanity and the Vulcans. The Vulcans are a higher race that takes humanity under its wing, after we develop warp-drive spaceships, which allow us to fly outside of our solar system. At that point, the Vulcans take an interest in humanity and make first contact. This archetypal theme is also reflected in the New Te s t a me nt ’ sBook of Revelations with the New Jerusalem4 symbol of the city that comes down from the heavens to earth. This symbol is the archetype or morphic field of the community humanity will fully collapse into the particle of experience. It will be heaven on Earth. We will someday replace our current world morphic field with the intended and perfected morphic field of the City of Peace. Final Conclusions I do not believe we have to have a war of all against all. I believe we can choose a different path. Yet, that path will have to be one of cooperation and sharing of resources on all levels. The choice is ours; it always has been. I believe there is a Divine Plan and we are part of it, but we must choose it. We can create heaven or we can create hell. There is no one else to blame but us. Quantum Physics & The Holy Grail - 152 Therefore, I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.5 1 Gospel of Matthew 10:16. 2 Book of Ephesians 6:12 3 Brian John Piccolo, The Gospel of Co-Creation (Sterling Heights, MI: Alnilam Publishing, 2007), pp. 33-39, ISBN-978-0-6151-6263-8 Also see my Website: www.BrianJohnPiccolo.com 4 Revelation 21:1-3 5 Deuteronomy 30: 19 Bibliography - 153 Bibliography: Quantum Physics Al-Khalili, Jim, Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2003). Arntz, W., Chasse, B., Vicente, M., What the Bleep Do We Know!? (Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications Inc., 2003). 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Maharishi Mehesh Yogi, Maharishi Mehesh Yogi On The Bhagavad-Gita, (Arkana, Penguin Books, 1990). Judge, William Q., The Yoga Aphorisms of Pantanjali: An Interpretation by William Q. Judge (LA: The Theosophical Company, 1987). OTHER BOOKS BY AUTHOR THE CIRCLE by Brian John Piccolo ISBN 1-4116-2627-3 ESSENTIAL HEALING Therapy and Consciousness by Brian John Piccolo ISBN 1-4116-2423-8 THE GOSPEL OF CO-CREATION From Heaven to You By Brian John Piccolo ISBN 978-0-6151-6263-8 www.BrianJohnPiccolo.com